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Spacing poroe, aid? hha 20tcome, Se may aet_as a maal_guide or adler. ]Ii'hererd we — Marketers ted) myphiea| store Joit_prometienc Se Purpeses_ 0.4 Commander _Saleguatch Scanned with CamSca ae —— + tetaphycical Coating ie aa 7 Sead combineh to. nose ene, raion Sp ) —2 Socio: gical i a i a [a cng —octam ——Secialctrvotore, »\ ! —4—Lsyahotogical - _ 7s —Pleuidles—Quidanee, Por ideal _p ——Candwet —2—This thes becd Ledauy thea! wsnay = ee 0 mi thang had Ll —Pepaenigical tonpaet > na ae 2 Latunls Pi teale e402 mvitiple, eyn bolic behaiiots Hol on in _@ Picco Sequuend 2. _ 2a Medlin Bical, cha Prva le > Applizing aN ae te. heoDtanke. + Lytveming Lituale —— apis te de eee = These _vitvele help "Ds Menstbion em private. bel De din pea = ella» ule, , eas xX — & « Scanned with CamSca “purchase an_.obf ccd — A __taes object » placing — vee spiens ~ Es iC eS LT CReteumiration 0} Event) - peviedieevent_may ke, in the Jorno Bich, Bictnchay — ae _ he 7‘ EE —_Pecipens respond 40 git exchange. 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Worker Rights ede+ 2 Wo rice Conse/out -& Global Dieamets > “Upper Claus: [righ docial clase Tey tepresent. 4%, 0? consumers. an tey_ putehabe. ~giaeal ; band due _4o_ayuatity —@ —abaila bilit + Ty are price <0NScrous and not concemed! abou “CS, Enuitanmeritat pletection ete. Tee main Cancun sprite arf all —n__mddie elate clue 40 their income - Doki = Dy lobals — = They sepiesent 1244 09 Population » They are scaptyeal about _| -MUIh- na honal corpoialion ank Heic higher quality: Key Fitkike _brarels whioh are rot recording to cultural » Vabves anol don’t tit global compdiier te behawe ee + Tey auoik punnasing Global brarake, hed Ae hohly ethnocentria - & lobal “agnos+y at replace Vo : 02 Papula tian, 0? conumers. THe basek he purthade lecigian cur thee! any bbal / bea! deserimination a purely on the basic 32 ptocktiche ati tbutes + So, ne special connikecatvon + 46 citer (oat of lacal biparels ) 4 qven Scanned with CamSca

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