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15 marks
Term Project
Social Issues - Description, Causes, Solutions

This is an individual assignment.
Three social issues relevant to our society are given below. Choose any one social issue for your term
project. You are required to give a comprehensive description of the chosen social issue, its relevant
causes and solutions. To have a realistic and comprehensive perspective of the chosen social issue, it is
important that you increase and update your knowledge relevant to it with respect to our society. You
can use any resource, e.g., books, online magazines or websites to get information like data (facts and
statistics), examples, description or explanation. To support and validate your arguments and
assertions, use citations - just copy the links of your sources and paste them in your assignment
document at the relevant places. But, do not copy-paste any material from any source, that is, write
this term assignment in your own words.

Social issues

1. Domestic violence
2. Traffic problems of Karachi
3. Increase in cheating tendency among university and college students

Assignment details

Do this term assignment in four parts as appended below.

Part A: Describe the social issue chosen. In its description include (i) what it is, (ii) why it is a social
issue, and (iii) why it is an important social issue. (word limit: 40-60 words)

Part B: List 10 or more causes of it. Ensure that in this part you write only the causes and not the
solutions. Justify through data and/or logic how each listed cause results in, propagates or be
responsible for the chosen social issue. Each cause should be numbered and be in a separate line.

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Part C: Take up each cause as a subheading and relate it with appropriate social institutions
(government, education, religion, family, economy) whose failures have brought about that cause of
the social issue. Justify your claims/statements through data and/or logic. Remember, one cause of the
social issue might have been because of dysfunction/failure of more than one social institution. (word
limit: 150-200 words)

Part D: Take up each cause and write its solution, social institution wise, as identified in part C above.
(word limit: 150-200 words)

 Write your assignment in MS word only.
 Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 and Line Spacing: 1.5
 After completing the term project, first save the file in your computer/device and then submit it
 The name of your file must contain your own name and your ID no.
 Within your assignment file, add a first separate title page at the beginning which contains your
full name, ID no., subject and section (Class Day and Time)
Complete your term project well before the deadline so that you have ample time for to revise
and edit it before submission.

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