Numerical On Atomic Structure

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Q1) AIR service on Vividh Bharthi is transmitted on 219 m band. What is the transmission frequency in Hz ?
[ 1.7 x 10 Hz ]
Q2) A radio operator broadcasts at a frequency of 14.0 megahertz (MHz). What is the wavelength of radio
waves put out by the transmitter ? [ 21.428 m ]

Q3) A radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 1200 KHz. What is the wavelength and wave number of
these radio waves ? [l = 250 m, n= 4 x 10-

Q4) Yellow light emitted from a sodium lamp has a wavelength (l

) of 580 nm. Calculate the frequency (n)
14 - 6 -
and wave number (n ) of the yellow light. [n= 5.17 x 10 s , n = 1.72 x 10 m ]

Q5) Calculate the energy per quantum associated with light of wavelengths (answer in ergs) :
(a) 5890 Å (b) 250 x 10- 9
m (c) 4 x 10-
cm (d) 600 nm
(1Å = 10-8
cm, 1nm = 10- 9
cm, h = 6.625 x 10-
erg sec)
Also calculate the nergy per mole of photon in case (d).
12 -12 -
9 -12 11
[ (a) 3.37 x 10 erg, (b) 7.9 x 10 erg (c) 4.97 x 10 erg (d) 3.3 x 10 erg, 19.88 x 11 erg for 1
mole ]

Q6) The energy difference between two electronic states of H-atom is 245.9 KJ/mole. Calculate the
wavelength of light emitted when an electron drops from the higher to the lower state (h = 3.99 x 10 KJ
sec.mole). [l = 4.867 x 10 m ]

Q7) The energy required to melt 1.00 gm ice is 333 J. Find the number of quanta of IR radiation of frequency
4.67 x 1013 sec-
that must be absorbed in order to melt 2 gm of ice. [ 2.152 x 1022 quanta ]

Q8) Calculate the wavelength, wave number and frequency of photon having an energy equal to three
electron-volt. (Take h = 6.62 x 10-
erc-sec, 1 eV = 1.602 x 10-
[l = 4.132 x 10 cm, n = 2.42 x 104 cm, n
= 7.26 1014 Hz ]

Q9) How many photons of light having a wavelength 4000 Å are necessary to provide 1.0 J of energy.
[ 2.01 × 1018 photons ]

Q10) A quanta of energy E has wavelength equal to 800 nm. Calculate the wavelength of photon of light which
corresponds to energy 5E. [ 160 nm ]
Q11) Electromagnetic radiations of wavelength 242 nm is just sufficient to ionize the Na-atom. Calculate the
ionization energy of sodium in KJ/mole. [ 494.5 KJ/mole ]

Q12) A near ultraviolet photon of wavelength 300 nm is absorbed by a gas and then emitted as 2 photons. One
photon is red, wavelength of which is 760 nm. What would be the wavelength of 2nd photon ? [ 500 nm ]

Q13) The dissociation ejergy of H2 is 430.53 KJ/mole. If H2 is exposed to radiation energy of wavelength 253.7
nm, what % of radiant energy will be converted in to KE. [ 8.68 % ]

Q14) Calculate the wavelength of radiation which would cause the photo dissociation of Cl2 molecule if Cl - Cl
bond energy is 243 KJ/mole- . [ 4.9 x 10 m ]
Q15) A photon of wavelength 4 x 10 m strikes on metal surface, the work function of the metal being 2.13 eV.
Calculate (i) the energy of photon in eV (ii) K.E. of emission and (iii) the velocity of photo electron.
(1 eV = 1.6020 x 10-19
J) [ 5.84 x 105 m/sec ]
13 -
Q16) Find the number of quanta of radiations of frequency 4.67 x 10 s , that must be absorbed in order to melt
5 gm of ice. The energy required to melt 1 gm of ice is 333 J. [ 5.38 x 10 quanta ]

Q17) Suppose 10- 17 J of light energy is needed by the interior of the human eye to see an object. How many
photons of green light (l = 550 nm) are needed to generate this minimum amount of energy ?
[ 27.7 photons ]

Q18) Calculate the wavelength of spectral line, when the electron in H-atom undergoes a transition from
energy level 4 to energy level 2. [ 486 nm ]

Q19) Calculate the wavelength and energy of radiation emitted for the electronic transition from ¥ to
7 - -
34 8
stationary state of H-atom. (R = 1.09678 x 10 m , h = 6.6256 x 10 J- s and c = 2.9979 x 10 m/s).
8 -
[l= 9.11 x 10 m, E = 2.17 x 10 J ]

Q20) The wavelength of a certain line in Balmer series is observed to be 4541Å. To what value of 'n' does this
correspond (RH = 109678 cm- )? [n=5]

Q21) Calculate the shortest and longest wavelength in H-spectrum of Lyman series. Or
Calculate the wavelengths of the 1st line and the series limit for the Lyman series of H-atom. (R
= 109678 cm- ). [ 9.117 x 10-6
cm, 1215.7 x 10-
cm ]
6 -
Q22) Calculate the wavelength of the 3rd line in the Brackett series for H (R = 10.97 x 10 m ).
[l= 2.1 x 10-
Q23) A spectral line in the Lyman series of H-atom has wave number of 82,000 cm-
. What transition is
responsible for this radiation. (R = 109600). [ n2 = 4, n1 = 2 ]

Q24) What transition in H-spectrum would have the same wavelength as the Balmer transition n = 4 to n = 2 in
He+ spectrum. [ n1 = 1, n2 = 2 ]

Q25) Calculate the wavenumber and energy associated with 2nd line in the Pashen series for H.
(RH = 10.97 x 106 m-
). [n = 7.8 x 105 m-, E = 1.55 x 10-
Q26) The wavenumber of the first line in Balmer series of H is 15200 cm . What is the wavenumber of the first
+3 5 -
line in Balmer series of Be ? [ 2.43 x 10 cm ]

Q27) Which hydrogen like ion has the wavelength difference between the first lines of Balmer and Lyman
series equal to 59.3 nm. R = 109678 cm ). [Z=3]
Q28) Calculate the wavelength emitted during the transition of electron in between two levels of Li ion
whose sum is 4 and difference is 2. [ ë = 1.14 ×10 cm ]
-34 2
Q29) The angular momentum of an electron in a Bohbr's orbit of H-atom is 4.2178 x 10 Kg-m /sec. Calculate
the spectral lines emitted when electrons falls from this level to next lower level.

Q30) Calculate the velocity (cm/sec) of an electron placed in the 3rd orbit of H-atom. Also calculate the
number of revolutions/sec that this electron makes around the nucleus. [ 2.42 x 10 ]
Hint : No. of revolution/sec = 2p r n

Q31) Calculate the radius of 5th orbit of H-atom. [ 13.225 Å ]

Q32) The velocity of electron in a certain Bohr's orbit of H atom bers the ratio 1 : 275 to the velocity of light :
(a) What is the quantum number (n) of orbit ? (b) Calculate the wave number of radiations when
electron jumps from (n+1) state to ground state. [ n = 2, n= 9.75 x 104 cm- ]

Q33) The I.E. of H-atom is 13.6 eV. What will be the IE of He+ and Li+2 ions ? [ 54.4 eV, 122.4 eV ]
+ -
18 +2
Q34) The IE of He is 19.6 x 10 J/atom. Calculate the energy of first stationary state of Li .
[ 44.1 x 10 J/atom ]
+ -
Q35) Calculate the energy of electron in the 3rd orbit of He . [ 9.68 x 10 erg-atom ]

Q36) A photon of wavelength 4 x 10 m strikes on metal surface, the work function of the metal being
2.13 eV. Calculate (i) the energy of photon (eV) (ii) the KE of emission and (iii) the velocity of photo
electron. (1 eV = 1.602 x 10-19
Q37) Calculate the wavelength of a body of mass 1 mg moving with a velocity of 10 m/sec. [ 6.626 x 10 m ]

Q38) Calculate the momentum of a moving particle which has a deBroglie wavelength of 200 pm.
(1 pm = 10-10
m). [ 3.313 x 10-
Kg m/s ]

Q39) What should be the ratio of velocities of CH4 molecule and O2 molecule so that they are associated with
deBroglie waves of equal wavelengths. ( VCH4 : VO2 = ?)

Q40) Dual behaviour of matter proposed by de Broglie led to the discovery of electron microscope often used
for the highly magnified images of biological molecules and other type of material. If the velocity of the
electron in this microscope is 1.6 x 106 ms-, calculate the deBroglie wavelength associated with this
electron. [ 4.55 x 10-

Q41) Similar to electron diffraction, neutron diffraction microscope is also used for the determination of
structure of molecules. If the wavelength used here is 800 pm, calculate the characteristic velocity
2 -
associated with the neutron. [ 4.95 x 10 m sec ]

Q42) The mass of an electron is 9.1 x 10-

Kg. If its KE is 3 x 10-
J, calculate its wavelength.
[ 8.99 x 10-

Q43) The golf ball has a mass of 40 gm and a speed of 45 m/s. If the speed can be measured within accuracy of
2 %, calculate the uncertainty in position. [D x = 1.46 x 10 m ]

Q44) Calculate the uncertainty in the velocity of a cricket ball of mass 150 gm, if the uncertainty in its position
is of the order of 1 Å. (h = 6.6 x 10-
Kg m2 sec-
) [ 3.52 x 10- 24
m/sec ]

Q45) A proton is accelerated to 1/10 th the velocity of light. Suppose its velocity can be measured with a
precision of ±
1 %, what must be its uncertainty in position ? [ 1.05 x 10-

Q46) Calculate the uncertainty in velocity of a wagon of mass 3000 kg whose position while in motion is
known to an accuracy of ± 10 pm. (h = 6.63 x 10-
Kg m2 sec-
). [ 1.76 x 10-
Q47) Calculate the KE of CO2 molecule which has a wavelength of 18 pm. [ 9.2 x 10 J ]

Q48) Calculate the wavelength of a -particles which are associated with an energy of 10 MeV.
(1 MeV = 1.602 x 10-6
erg, h = 6.626 x 10- 27
erg). [ 4.54 x 10-


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