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Fall Spring

• MATH 120 • MATH 215

• ICS 140 • ICS 141
• MATH 210 • MATH 211
• ICS 240 • ICS 340
• ICS 362 • ICS 462 or Elective
• ICS 370 • ICS 365 or Elective
• ICS 441 • ICS 499
• Elective • ICS 462 or Elective

Required Core Courses (28 credits)

These courses are designed to deepen student understanding of the discipline of computer science. The study of computer hardware,
operating systems and software design processes provides the understanding of the operation of the computer necessary for the
development of robust, efficient systems. The capstone and software design classes provide students with the project management,
teamwork, presentation and business writing experiences that employers have identified as keys to professional success. In addition,
students address ethical issues and professional responsibilities in the capstone course. Courses in mathematics and computing theory
provide preparation for graduate or theoretical study. The upper-division courses (300--400-level) should be completed in the middle of
the degree, except for ICS 499 ICS Capstone Project, which is taken in one of the last two semesters.
Required courses include the following:

Math Requirement
Choose one of the following math courses
• MATH 211 Calculus II
• MATH 251 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
• MATH 315 Linear Algebra and Applications
• MATH 340 Mathematical Modeling
Note:��This chosen course cannot also be counted as an elective.

Computer Science Requirements

• ICS 340 Data Structures

• ICS 362 Computer Organization and Architecture
• Programming competency in C or C++.
This may be satisfied by doing appropriate course work, by taking a competency test administered by the department, or by
successfully completing ICS 365 Comparative Programming Languages. ICS 365 meets the Group 1 Elective requirement as well.
• ICS 370 Software Design Models
• ICS 441 Foundations of Computing Theory
• ICS 462 Operating Systems
• ICS 499 ICS Capstone Project

Electives (12 credits)

Elective courses allow concentrated work in an area of choice. Choices include theoretical computing topics, networking, project
management, internships and advanced mathematics. Students are encouraged to choose a set of elective courses which form a cohesive
package. A maximum of four lower-division elective credits may be accepted with advisor's permission. Courses taken to meet required
core courses, except ICS 365 may not also count as electives.
Electives for the computer science major must be distributed as follows:

Group 1. At least one of the following:

• ICS 365 Comparative Programming Languages

• ICS 425 Client/Server Architectures
• ICS 460 Computer Networks
• ICS 470 Software Engineering

Group 2. At least one of��the following:

• Any upper division (300 level or higher) MATH course

• ICS 311 Database Management Systems
• ICS 325 Internet Application Development
• ICS 382 Computer Security
• Additional Group 1 electives
• MATH 251 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
• DSCI 420 Project Management

Group 3. Any combination of the following: (at most 4 credits)

• ICS 225 Web Design and Implementation

• CFS 280 Introduction to Computer Forensics
• CFS 380 Digital Evidence Analysis
• CFS 480 Introduction to Electronic Discovery
• CFS 484 Computer Laws
• ICS Internship
• Any lower division electives transferred from other institutions
• ICS 492 Emerging Technologies
• Student Designed Independent Study��

Other Electives
The contents of ICS 490 Special Topics in Information and Computer Sciences andICS 492 Emerging Technology vary from semester to
semester. ICS 492 is always applied to Group 3, but any specific offering of ICS 490 will state the group to which it belongs.
Major Prerequisites (24 credits)

• MATH 120 Precalculus or

• MATH 115 College Algebra and MATH 116 Trigonometry
• MATH 210 Calculus I
• MATH 215 Discrete Mathematics
• ICS 140 Programming Fundamentals
• ICS 141 Programming with Objects
• ICS 240 Programming with Elementary Data Structures
Students learn to program in ICS 140 Programming Fundamentals, ICS 141 Programming with
Objects and ICS 240 Programming with Elementary Data Structures, using the Java
programming language. Mathematics courses should be taken concurrently. Students should note
individual course prerequisites and enroll in the proper sequence of courses. The prerequisite
courses should be completed before upper-division (300-level) classes are taken in the major.
Transfer credit for the major prerequisite courses is common.

MATH 115 College Algebra 4

This course develops the fundamental concepts of algebra with an emphasis on the
classification and analysis of linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential and
logarithmic functions. Applications to the natural and social sciences are given
throughout. It aims to provide insights into the nature and utility of mathematics,
and helps students develop mathematical reasoning skills.

MN Transfer
Curriculum Goal Mathematical/Logical Reasoning (Goal 04)

Other Information: Pre-requisite: A grade of C- or higher in MATH 98 or

MATH 102, or placement at MATH 115 College Algebra
on the mathematics assessment test offered by Diagnostic
Services. Note: This course requires any of the TI-83 or
TI-84 series graphing calculators.
MATH 210 Calculus I 4
Since its beginnings, calculus has demonstrated itself to be one of humankind's
greatest intellectual achievements. This versatile subject has proven useful in
solving problems ranging from physics and astronomy to biology and social
science. Through a conceptual and theoretical framework this course covers topics
in differential calculus including limits, derivatives, derivatives of transcendental
functions, applications of differentiation, L'Hopital's rule, implicit differentiation,
and related rates.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 120 Precalculus or placement on the mathematics

assessment test offered by Diagnostic Services.

MN Transfer Mathematical/Logical Reasoning (Goal 04)

Curriculum Goal
MATH 215 Discrete Mathematics 4
Using applications to motivate the material, stressing problem-solving techniques,
and with meaningful connections to computer science, this course covers systems
of linear equations, matrices, combinatorics, probability, logic and mathematical

Prerequisite(s): MATH 115 College Algebra

MN Transfer Mathematical/Logical Reasoning (Goal 04)

Curriculum Goal
CS 140 Programming Fundamentals 4
This course is designed for students who have not had significant course work or
experience in computer programming. Fundamental programming constructs are
covered including input, output, variables, primitive data types, looping,
selection, methods, parameter passing, Strings, and arrays. Classes and objects
are introduced. In addition, students create simple graphical user interfaces
(GUI's) and use library classes. Problem-solving techniques, algorithm design
and debugging techniques are explored using pseudocode, the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) class diagrams and other tools. Students are expected to have
some experience with using a computer before they take this course and should
be able to manipulate files and directories.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 115 College Algebra (may be taken


Other Information: Note: This class uses the Java language.

ICS 141 Programming with Objects 4
In this course, students continue to learn how to structure and design object-
oriented computer programs. Topics include objects, classes, containment,
inheritance, polymorphism, and GUI layout managers. Students write programs
involving multiple classes. Language features such as methods, abstract class,
interfaces, parameter passing, arrays of objects, exceptions are emphasized.
Problem-solving and algorithm-design techniques are explored using
pseudocode, Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams, and simple
patterns. Design of good test cases and debugging techniques are highlighted.
Credit is not given for more than one of ICS 141 Programming with Objects, or
ICS 180 Java for Transfer Students.

Prerequisite(s): ICS 140 Programming Fundamentals or equivalent

knowledge of Java AND
MATH 215 Discrete Mathematics (may be taken
Other Information: Note: This class uses the Java Language.
Programming with Elementary Data
ICS 240 4
Students learn intermediate object-oriented design, programming, debugging,
testing skills, and algorithms in this course via the study of list, stack, queue and
tree abstract data types. Other topics include recursion, hashing, sorting,
complexity analysis, and documentation. Design, testing, and complexity
analysis are emphasized.

Prerequisite(s): ICS 141 Programming with Objects or equivalent

knowledge of Java AND
MATH 215 Discrete Mathematics

Other Information: Note: This course uses the Java language.

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