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University of Technology and Applied Sciences

Lebanese - French

Faculty of Business Administration

“ Department of “Management

Organization Administrative and Analysis of Small Business

“ Al Amine Roasteries Company“
For industry and trading S.A.R.L

:Done By

:Supervised By
Dr. Elias Rizk

June 2010

List of figures ( Illustrations and Tables )

Organizational and Structure ……………………………………….. 6 – 1

I am stood a Form or interviews completely and distributed to some

customers and dealers to view their opinion about Roasteries Al Amine for
: industry and trading S.A.R.L , came as follows
Form / Interviews

What is your opinion of the roasteries Al Amine for industry and trading – 1
? S.A.R.L
% Very good : 15 % Good : 80 % Bad : 5
What do you think of the treatment provided by the roasteries Al Amine – 2
? for industry and trading S.A.R.L for your clients
% A high level of Service : 60 % Good Service : 30 % Common : 10
? What do you think the service provided by the sales team – 3
% The highest level : 70 % The lowest level : 30
How can I assess the level of quality in the the roasteries Al Amine for – 4
? industry and trading S.A.R.L
% Very good : 10 % Good : 85 % Bad : 5
Why do you dealing with defecting in roasteries Al Amine for industry and – 5
? trading S.A.R.L
% Proximity : 40 % Development : 40 % Cost : 20
Is the products of roasteries Al Amine for industry and trading S.A.R.L – 6
? comply with specifications required for the clients
% Yes : 80 % No : 20
How do you evaluate the efforts of workers since you access to your – 7
? departure from the company
Full seriousness : 75 % Reduction in the work : 15 % Of
% illtreatment : 10
? Is the price of the products conform to quality and quantity required – 8

% Yes : 95 % No : 5

: Questions of Interview
? Where is the location of the business – 1
? Which is the year when you open the company - 2
? Do you have competitors – 3
? The manager has to satisfy their employee or not – 4
The satisfaction of sales team affect negatively or positively on movement of – 5
? customer
? In your opinion what is the service provided by the employee– 6
? What is the problems you faced in the daily work – 7
By your thinking what it is the effort to obtain all number of profit for your – 8
? company


Definitions and / or abbreviations

Al Amine Roasteries Company for industry and trading S.A.R.L sell any - 1
products of : Roasteries and nuts , coffee , Tea , Natural herbs and flowers , Thyme ,
Arabic Ice Cream , Chocolate , Malaben , Dried fruits , Marsaben , Dates , Turkish
. delights , Different nuts mixed with sugar , Natural honey


From his childhood , Al HAJ Abdul kader Amine was fascinated by roasteries , this interest
. has been embodied in practicing such profession using traditional ways and methods

) FOB : Free on board and CNF = Transportation by airplaine or board ( - 3

First in – first out ( FIFO ) : it is process – costing method assigns transferred in -- 4

costs in beginning work in process to units completed , and the costs transferred in
during the current period first to complete beginning work - in – process units , then to
. start and complete new units , and finally to units in ending work - in – process inventory

Last in – first out (LIFO ) : it is method determines and measures any increases -- 5
decreases in a pool in terms of total value , not the physical quantity of goods in the
. inventory pool
. T accounts : we deposit in T accounts the ledger of the company – 6
. The inventory ledger : it contains the trial balance ,balance sheet ,the profit or loss - 7

ii ________________


This is a summary of my work I’ve study on data Al Amine Roasteries for

industry and trading S.A.R.L since of beginning his idea and access the time to collect the
develop to extend the branches of products in all area in Lebanon , I’ve study this
company administrative and organizational composed through the organizational structure ,
Which consists of all departments in the company from top to bottom and study the
quantity and quality to be manufactured and has said economic factors faced by the region,
which the company aims to penetrate these problems and to endeavor to reach the desired goals
.of achieving the highest possible profit

Table of content
List of illustration and tables__________________________________________ i
Definition and abbreviation__________________________________________ ii
Acknowledgfments __________________________________________________ 2
Chapter One
Introduction ____________________________________________________ 3 – 1
Chapter Two
Constitution of the company______________________________________ 4 – 2
Chapter Three
Structure and organization _______________________________________ 5 – 3
Organizational Structure_______ 6 *
The different levels of administrative _____________________________ 7 – 4
A – General Director
B - The Secretary
Production Department___________________________________________ 8 – 5
Director of production *
Purchasing Department __________________________________________ 8 – 6

Sales Department _______________________________________________ 9 – 7

Mission of service *
Director of sales *
Role director in general *
Role director from sales *
Stock Department _______________________________________________ 10 – 8
Method of real cost *
Value net of realization *
Human Resource Department _____________________________________ 11 – 9

Accounting Department _________________________________________ 12 – 10

Cashier *
Accountants *
Service marketing _____________________________________________ 13 – 11

Objectives of strategic_________________________________________ 14 - 12

Chapter Four
Methodology ___________________________________________________ 15 – 1
Al Amine Roasteries Company for industry and trading S.A.R.L Analysis ________ 18 – 2

Recommendation _______________________________________________ 19 – 3
Conclusion ____________________________________________________ 21 – 4
Bibliography ___________________________________________________ 22 – 5


Extend my thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this

work and the dream of the information enlightening and useful and valuable
to get the best results and best as well as my thanks and gratitude deep of
the teaching staff at the university of technology and applied sciences ,
Lebanese - French . Led by branch manager of the English language "
. " and Supervisor " DOCTOR ELIAS RIZK

After than I’m dedicate my Research with My Mother , Father . My

. Uncle And My aunts . Dear Brother And Sisters . My Faithful Friends

Finally , my thanks to the management of " AL AMINE ROASTERIES

for industry and trading S.A.R.L " which was the main objective to help me
. get good information


Historically , humans adopt agriculture as a key resource but it wasn't
progressive so it takes the plants in different seasons so far that he is obliged adds a
. method to keep the seeds from Roasting the crop by its exposure to the sun
Roasting has gone through several stages . And as time progresses and cured it
took its position in the markets or they attract a larger number of customers . This
business – related becomes names of several Lebanese families as El Kadamie , El Chamie ,
El Amine Al Afyounie and acquired a characteristic that rivalry has helped grow the
. developer and the time to achieve a high level of quality and choice
A company that has a good economy is a cointry that has realize nearly a
balance between its resources and its stable investment and long - term average it
: encludes for economy
The financial and budgetary situation revealed by the public and private
organizations and all sources of generating cash flow and is the birth of a resource or a
. new investment approach

The subject of our studies is the industrial society " Al Amine Roasteries
. Company for industry and trading S.A.R.L "1

This area is one of the most important today and the lowest in the country .
. This is represented Analysis me in two parts
To reveal the situation of a company , we must consider two very important
variables in our study are that " the quality and quantity of information required " .
Based on the assumptions , our study is an analysis of information found and mentioned
. in these pages and conclusions are drawn from my analysis that research already made
Al Amine Roasteries Company for industry and trading S.A.R.L sell any products of : Roasteries 1
and nuts , coffee , Tea , Natural herbs and flowers , Thyme , Arabic Ice Cream , Chocolate , Malaben ,
. Dried fruits , Marsaben , Dates , Turkish delights , Different nuts mixed with sugar , Natural honey

Constitution of the company - 2

Lebanon is a poor country industrially and people who take the risk of
. investing are very rarely , cons of other sections

AL HAJ ABDEL KADER AL AMIN "2 the idea of investing their capital in a "
personal company and the company has had its name " Al Amine Roasteries Company for
. " industry and trading S.A.R.L

In 1967 with limited resources , began to clear up the idea in HAJ ABED had
been when he worked with his uncle where he acquired the principles of this professions

This intelligent person much loved his job that gave him his effort when he
. has pushed to move gradually to achieve the trust of customers

The company was registered in 1975 in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in
pistachio production after transfer of the business of the street at Al Mina and Al Abdeh the region

. ( Tripoli )

Over the years , the company completed a profit that allows him to evolve and
increase its production which in turn helped the director to expand the plant and increase the
. number of employees for more production
We can say that this family has managed to invest in a country like Lebanon , he
. took the risk in this sector and has completed a good job

AL HAJ ABDUL KADER AMINE : He is founder of " AL AMINE ROASTERIES " From his childhood , 2
Al HAJ Abdul kader Amine was fascinated by roasteries , this interest has been embodied in practicing such
. profession using traditional ways and methods

Structure and chart of organization – 3

The lines of authority must be clear from top to bottom according to a

particular sequence so as to increase at higher managerial levels and less down to the
bottom of Chart  organizational structure , which is defined as follows 3 : " The
organizational structure , which is defined as follows : " The organizational structure
determines cooperation of individuals and sets out the responsibilities and powers of
manipulation and control them as showing ways communication that they use to exchange
information and knowledge between each other at speed of all certain achievements " . It
should be noted that the division of work leads and helps to apply the idea of

transferring skills from worker to the machine . That idea , Which is the fulcrum on
. which depends the industrial progress and technological development

Al Amine Roasteries Company for industry and trading S.A.R.L " has followed "
a hierarchical structure in its administrative levels . The nature of the decisions taken is
different from one structure to another , it depends on the degree of responsibility given
to each consequences , for example large strategic and tactical decisions relating to the
. activities and progresses of companies governed by the board of directors

While this structure allows rapid communication and responsibility with clear
. and precise division of tasks
: The following chart is a graphical representation of this structure

r :
page : 171 Organizational Structure of Al Amin Roasteries Company - 1
for industry and trading S.A.R.L

2002 page : 173

The different
Accounting Department levels of administrative – 4 Marketing Services

: A – General director
A director is a person who , by definition 4 , has its role of the director
general is to determine what actions can be modified to coincide with the point targets .
The choice of means to achieve the goals requires that the director is able to assess a
. given management situation and make the screening time
To organize and compile the data , the director must ensure strong consistency
, flexible and fast between the different employees and sector , in addition to defining the
. company's situation and take the right decision
The director
Accounting Managerof the company " Al Amine RoasteriesCoordinate
Company for industry
Marketing Service and

trading S.A.R.L " he is " HAJ AHMAD AL AMINE " has the plenitude of administrative

power , it does manage the company . It puts every thing in his power ensured
. profitability growth . It ensures the satisfaction of staff and customers

: B - Secretary

The work of the Secretary is to organize the work of the Director General and
. to arrange interviews with customers , suppliers and all who work with him
. The Secretary assists the DirectorCashiers
to updated labor and employees


____________________________ / wiki / DIRECTOR – GENERAL 4

: Production Department - 5

Our company aims to transform raw materials or finished planting materials

. has finished as Candies , coffee and meats

In this factory , there is a production manager and there are several areas for
each type of product at a specific area where the product is sought in addition there is
. the maintenance sector

: Production Manager

It monitors the gait of good work to ensure production quality and quantity
. favors . He is the communication between the factories and the Director General

: Purchasing Department - 6

There isn't a general manager for the purchasing department because that "
HAJ AHMAD AL AMINE " interested in the mission to buy raw materials and machinery
from his travels to other countries and to assume learn the different markets and foreign
. goods

In addition , signed contracts and commercial matters with members

responsible . And yet , he is interested to determining the mode of transportation ,
. materials come in two types ( FOB = Free on board and CNF )

: Sales Department - 7

This is the most important service to society . This service provides the financial
. performance of the company
The quality of relationships with clients tends to increase in importance of the
. sale proceeds , which is accompanied by an advice : services to meet client needs

: Mission Service

. Leading the sales force and oversee the administration ❖

. To run out products manufactured by the company ❖
. Increase the number of sales and margins ❖

: The direction of sales

It provides business development in conjuction with the branch . He is

. responsible operational support the application of trade policy
: His role as Director General

. Set targets global sales ▪

. Ensure the smooth running of work ▪
. Check the result of the trade action ▪
. Communicate observations of sales from its direct contacts with customers ▪
Use media for necessaries bag business objectives and directs the sales ▪
. force
. Administer sales ▪

: His role as director of sales

It main mission is ensure customer satisfaction by ensuring the smooth running

: of contracts of sales in production , it comes at different stages

: Order processing .A

Responsible for shipping . It is closely related narrow carriers goods . Order

. management is to record the commands to the production availability and delivery times

: Monitoring of Customer .B

. It has often support customer service ⮚

. There is frequent contat with customers and answers their queries ⮚
. IT manages the billing system ⮚
. The sale is done in several ways but at the same price

: The sale by a sales man - 1

He who comes and goes , he who does know the other products in going
from one store to another or from one company to another by seating to sell many
. products

: Direct sales -2

This sale is intended directly to customers of the company . This sale thus
. directly with the customer that comes through him – even to take the products

: Stock Department – 8

The storekeeper takes the necessaries Measures to protect the items in the
. inventory
It shall ensure the vigour needed for each movement of stock is registered . It
will immediately inform the responsible purchase for any problems encountered during the

delivery ( quantity , quality ) . The stock shows all the raw material and finished products
. but the quantity is sufficient if the company decrease
To analyze the stock , a special group undertakes to examine the stock and ✔
. make a report to management and the service
Inventories should be valued at lower of cost and net realization of the principle
. of prudence
The cost of stock includes all costs of acquisition costs and other costs
conformation accrued in bringing the inventories to the location and condition where they
: are
The cost of acquisition as the purchase price and expenses related to the ✔
. importance
: The costs of conversion are ✔
. Direct labor .A
The indirect costs of production : variation in charges related to a normal .B
. Other costs of borrowing .C
The stock cost of a service which includes all costs directly related to the service
: as
. Raw materials supplies ●
. The manpower and other personal expenses ●
. Overhead costs attributable ●
. For more stock assessment methods can be used
: Method of real cost .A
. Weighted average cost--
First in – first out ( FIFO )5 :it is process – costing method assigns transferred in --
costs in beginning work in process to units completed , and the costs transferred in
during the current period first to complete beginning work - in – process units , then to
. start and complete new units , and finally to units in ending work - in – process inventory
Last in – first out (LIFO )6 : it is method determines and measures any increases --
decreases in a pool in terms of total value , not the physical quantity of goods in the
. inventory pool

: Net value of realization .B
This is the estimated selling price less the estimated costs of completion and
sale . The impairment of inventories to net realizable usually occurs after an individual
basis following a similar combination of elements and each service is treated as a
. separate element

: Personnel Department ( Human Resource ) – 9

Under the administrative responsibility of the director , the chief of staff who in
turn the Director General responsible for the administrative staff , in particular the
establishment of employee and social statements . It ensures compliance with internal
. procedures and reports to the Executive Director
It collects the basic elements for employees and establishes the pay slips and
the list of transfer. It also adjusts the statements socials and accounts for employees and
. payroll
It keeps track of holidays with pay , overtime , sickness and absence and
. bonuses
It maintains and hardly the personnel database and writes the contracts of work
. on installing the administrative and general management
. He arranged with his superior recruiting clerical staff and monitors training sold

Accounting Department : 7 - 10

: It is headed by Chief Accountant . This services is responsible for

. In maintaining the general ledger accounts �
. Ensure accounts receivable and the amount of inventories followed �
Provide information encrypted on the situation of the company and the �
.results of its operations (balance sheet , income statement )
. From data entry and exit documents timely and statements regarding accounting �
: Required on documents for writing .the books held by the company are
.The diary he recorded the movements affecting the patrimony of the company ❖
. The ledger : utilize it for the opening and followed the T accounts ❖

The inventory ledger : it contains the trial balance ,balance sheet ,the profit or ❖
. loss
. The receipt of cash or more are made daily operations of the general fund ❖
The accounting plan : proper to the company’s accounting and inspires Lebanese
: general . we can distinguish two functions in this service

: Cashier - 1

It supports the operations of collection and disbursement of the company . He is

: responsible for the general fund where all the cash flows . Its responsibilities are
Paying staff from the payroll report prepared by the chief of staff and ❖
. checking by the chief accountant
Collect the amount of invoices , invoices and disburse after verification of ❖
. supporting documentation
. Caring for all payment transactions daily ❖

: Accountants - 2

It supports the operations of general accounting , he is responsible for the

accounting records and keeps records . He is responsible for internal audit of the
. company . In this society the Director General makes the accounts of the company
. He is responsible for internal audit of the company
It can also organize the accounts and analysis by the methods of accounting
. technique , the location and operation of the company

: Service marketing - 11

Marketing is so basic would be the unmistakable look a separate "

function.Marketing is the whole business seen from the perspective of its end result is – to
. – tell the customer perspective "8

This service is responsible for the collection and analysis of its economic and
. commercial information relating to products of societies and those of competitors

He oversees all survey , market research , judges needed for the development of
the company using any qualitative or quantitative studies and market statistics . This fact
. makes it accountable to the sales manager
This service defines and adopts a marketing information system consisting of
. an internal database operational
It records the business of the company , the information collected on the
. qualitative and quantitative sales and the competitive situation of the company
The marketing tool most basic is the product the company manufactures it .
Another important tool for decision marketing is the best price without forgetting the
. value of competition

:Objectives of Strategic Management – 12

In general terms the strategic objectives9 for any industrial company are those
relating to the center of the company to him, or you want the special circumstances for the
activity of industrial, commercial and economic and social environment of the company to
.achieve its share of which is production, sale and distribution so as to achieve a profit
:The company seeks to
The expansion in branch network in all regions of Lebanon and Arab and foreign countries to -
.increase their products in all local and foreign markets
Secure all efforts in customer satisfaction through its products demanding and desired by all of -
Work on the introduction of technology in the manufacture of products through quality work -
and quantity of development and modernity in their products through increased access to
success and excellence after the sale of production which is to achieve the highest possible profit
.of the year

Charles T . Horngren , Stanford University . George Foster , Stanford University . Srikant M . Datar , Harvard 5
University Cost Accounting A MANAGERIAL EMPHASIS - PRENTICE HALL INTERNATIONAL , INC . Year 2006 . p : 634

INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING - Twelfth . Edition . Year 2006 p : 367

INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING - Twelfth . Edition . Year 2006 p : 61 / Wiki / marketing 8 / Wiki / Strategic Objectives 9



In this chapter I discussed all the methods we can used in any methodology ,
and latter than where I done I choose of this methods to used in my research . 10
: The range of methods
Scholarship – 1
Just thinking – 2
The use of existing literature – 3
Secondary data – 4
Observation – 5
Qualitative methods – 6
Questionnaire – based surveys – 7
: Scholarship – 1
Scholarship involves being well informed about a subject and also thinking
critically and creatively about the subject and the accumulated knowledge on it .

Scholarship is traditionally practiced in the role of teacher , but when the results of
. scholarship are published they effectively become a contribution to research
: Just thinking – 2
There is no substitude for thinking ! Creative , informed thinking about a
topic can be the only process involved in the development and presentation of a piece of
research , although it will usually also involve consideration of the literature , as discussed
. below
The researcher needs to be creative in identifying and posing the initial questions
or issues for investigation , in conceptualizing the research and developing a research
strategy , in analyzing data and in interpreting and presenting findings . Texts on research
. methods , such as this , can provide a guide to mechanical processes
: The literature – 3
There is virtually no research that can be done which would not benefit
from some reference to the existing literature . It is possibl for a research project to
. consist only of a review of the literature
The review of the literature often plays a key role in the formulation of research
projects ; it indicates the state of knowledge on a topic and is a source of , or
stimulator of , ideas , both substantive and methodological . A review of the literature can
. be important even when it uncovers no literature on the topic of interest
: Existing information : secondary data – 4
If information is already available which will answer the research questions
posed , then it would be wasteful of resources to collect new information for the purpose
Secondary data need not be quantitative . In some cases data have been
collected for research as opposed to administrative purposes but may not have been fully
analysed , may have been analysed only in one particular way for a particular purpose ,
. or may even not have been analysed at all
: Observation – 5
Observation has the advantage of being unobtrusive - indeed , the techniques
. involved are some times referred to as unobtrusive techniques
Observation may be the only possible technique to use in certain

situations . Obseration is capable of presenting a perspective on a situation which
is not apparent to the individuals involved . Observation is therefore an appropriate
technique to use when knowledge of of the presence of the researcher is likely to lead to
unacceptable modification of subjects behaviour , and when mass patterns of behaviour
. not apparent to individual subjects of interest
: Qualitative Methods – 6
. We are three particular techniques or groups of techniques are examined
Informal and in - depth interviews usually involve relatively small numbers of – 1
individuals being interviewed at length , possibly on more than one occasion is generally
collected relatively large amounts of information about relatively small numbers of
people . This is in contrast to the question - based surveys naira , which usually involve
the collection of relatively small amounts of structured information from relatively large
. numbers of people
Group interviews or focus group applying an informal / in depth interview – 2
. approach to groups of people rather than individuals separately
Participant observation involving the researcher to become involved in this – 3
. phenomenon being studied
They tend to be used to study groups , where interaction between members
is of interest ; when it is called exploratory building theory rather than test the theory ,
when the research focuses on the meaning of words and attitudes ( although these can
also be studied in quantitative terms ) , and when accept the research that the concepts ,
and must specify the conditions and issues by the subjects and not by the researcher in
advance . Qalitative techniques are not appropriate when the goal of this research is to
make general statements about the large number of people , especially if such statements
. involve a quantitative
Analysis of texts : In some fields of inquiry the focus of research is textual , for *
example politicians speeches or press coverage of an event . Reference is made to
analyse and interpret the content of the texts published or unpublished analysis for the
. content or interpretation
: Questionnaire - based surveys – 7

They are probably the most commonlyused technique in leisure and tourism
research . This is partly because the basic mechanics are relatively easily understood and
mastered , but also because so much leisure and tourism research calls for the sorts of
general quantified statement referred to above . Questionnaire - based surveys are used
when quantified information is required concerning a specific population and when
individuals own accounts of their behavior and / or attitude are acceptable as a source of
. information
In my research I choose method of : just thinking , literature , qualitative methods
. and Observation / Interviews in chapter 2 – 3 – 5 – 6
I have study my research about Al Amine Roasteries for industry and trading S.A.R.L
because it is relative between my country and I am know with them very good about the
advertisement in the route and in the journal and magazines and for a good products to
. be producing in this company

Research Method for leisure and tourism prahicol guide second edition A . Jeal Pitman publisher 1997 10


Al Amine Roasteries Company for industry and traiding S.A.R.L Analysis - 1

Al Amine Roasteries for industry and trading S.A.R.L " was founded in 1967 , the "
Secretary for the production of nuts and other food products . It is an institution of a
. long march in its field founded by Haj Abdul Kader Al Amine
One company , like toasters Al Amine of companies in Lebanon , which has
become with the passage of time and despite the emergence of new firms the best in
. terms of quality that has earned through consumer confidence

Company of Roasteries compete with a group of companies that produce such as
production or productivity of other consumer items as well as nuts , chocolate , almalben
, coffee , tea Ceylon original . Which has a place in the market Al Amine Roasteries
Company can not ignore the Secretary to toasters , as well as competitive prices faced by
them . However , I think maintained a presence despite the high prices of their products
. to the rest of the prices of other companies
Economic conditions that prevailed in the city of the north and despite stiff
competition faced by Al Amine Roasteries Company . However , we note its evolution
over high - speed day after day , due to good management of the company taken
positive approach in the management of production and ways of working and how to buy
. raw materials and payment to suppliers
With the advent of technology the company has the introduction of such technology to
their plants so that the study of quality to get the best results and best work and the success of
. the company developed scheme means how industrialization and the quantity to be produced
This company has received since the beginning of its improvement and development
and success on an industrial scale and commercial at the same time through the presence of a
. distinguished management team examine all the problems and requirements of society
The presence of qualified personnel in the manufacturing process and sell their
performers so to reach the desired results through the shape, quality and performance required,
as there are accountants distinct experiences high through the submission of invoices to
customers and dealers as well as recording all data and accounts in and out of the company, and
a team store is to packing and control goods entering and leaving the stores, and a marketing
staff who study the market in all its aspects in terms of supply and demand to know the quantity
to be manufactured and distributed . After this analysis, see that the company deliberately
. always looking to increase production and expand its work to reach the Middle whole
The company started small in one section and then expanded to become 12 branches in
the province of the north and extends to have its branches in all of Lebanon, do not forget that
the company has branches in several countries abroad and are seeking the presence of products
in all global markets and the company to lasting prosperity, developed and successfully
. permanent at all levels of geography

Recommendation – 2

After the search we made " Al Amine Roasteries Company for industry and
trading S.A.R.L " for the production of nuts and other food stuffs may show us that a good
company and achieve the desired goals of achieving a profit and secure a customers and
. gain confidence of consumer
Through our study of the company through the administrative and economic
status in the company and found that it has some gaps that must be remedied may lead
to improved financial situation and better regulation to put the administrative , as we
note the absence of significant elements should be present in the organization
administrative to help the company expand its business in the domestic market and
abroad , the company is well known in the industry in the north and the Arab world and
. foreign investment
Having studied the situation of the company organizational structure , we found
that we have some suggestions that contribute to the betterment of the company , is the
:creation of some sections that can achieve results , including
: Department of the research and development – 1

This section helps to production problems in a practical way before examining

the specifications of raw materials , storage conditions , in addition to that he believes
. contribute to the developments and progress towards a better future

: Department of studies - 2

This section is the backbone of any business or project can be done by the
: company : Divide the study prepared by the office of the studies into two phases
: The initial phase of the study include �

. Receiving the order from the department -
. Preparation of accounts of the order -
. Calculate the cost of the order submitted by the treacherous -
The final phase of the study : This stage does not only take place after the -
: approval of the customer on the preliminary study , divided by
Prepare work orders and the factory where sending received by officials on -
: the implementation process
Identification of the material that must be used to implement the order from -
here , we find that the completion of any order must be a basic stages , each stage
. pending the results serve as data for the following
Following this study and present the problems and solutions , we find that the
company does not need a lot of upgrading , it is capable of improving their commitments
and increase their profits due to higher cash rate and compatibility with the production
process , as they do experience a problem in the process of buying stocks making the
. products continue well
: Information Technology department - 3
This section of the most important sections that must be created as a result access to
the automation of incorrect work consists of the IT division of a network of computers Computer
attached to each other and exist in different organizational structure, in addition to the
accounting done daily accounts and how to work the stock of the entry and exit of raw materials
. and productive

Conclusion - 3

The choice of " Al Amine Roasteries for industry and training S.A.R.L " , was an
expression of my interest in the industrial sector and trade as it is of paramount importance in
human life and the fact that indicates the extent to which the concern of human industry and
.trade since being found even today
Proceeding from this principle, came to my management company since its inception until
today, and to show the work of administrative management in the progress of the work of the
Access to the study, you have to meet with the director of the company and the information
.that enlisted by the references, you have to complete this research
I have studied the company's administrative and organizational support to give a clear picture of
the subdivisions and their organizations, spoke of the internal departments and how the work,
and also examined the structure, which plays an important role in the sequence of decisions that
seek to apply and complete your human is important in the company's business, which includes
.administrative and users
A study of this section that there is a structure capable of dealing with administrative problems
.emerge, however, a problem of a lack of sections we have mentioned in the recommendation
The Company's goal is to ensure the requirements of customers through the presence of a sales
dealing with customers with transparency and integrity by dealing with them decent second
.objective is to achieve a clear goal of achieving a profit
And so the results are encouraging and satisfactory must be given to officials with opportunities
to participate in the formation of the goals there is no doubt that such participation be useful in
developing the plans derived or subsidiary, does not mean leaving each director to develop its
objectives in isolation, but put these goals derived from the key objectives for all the problems
. and solutions


" Interview by General Director " Haj AHMAD AL AMINE �

C . Certo MC Graw Supervision Concepts And Skill Building - Hill �

International Edition Year 2002 ( the reference course of university )

Donald E . Kieso P . D , C . P . A . Jerry J . Weygandt PH.D , �

C . P . A . Terry D . Warfield PH.D D , Twelfth . Edition . Year 2006 ( the

reference course of university )
Charles T . Horngren , Stanford University . George Foster , Stanford �

University . Srikant M . Datar , Harvard University Cost Accounting A

( the reference course of university ) / wiki / Director – General ( reference � ) / wiki / marketing ( reference �

) / wiki / Strategic objectives ( reference � ) ( website of " Al Amine Roasteries Company �

for industry and trading S.A.R.L )


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