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CHU DE > ~ _ TUVUNG TIENG ANH Oo Loi néi dau Muc luc Bang tir viét tat ... Topic 1 Culture identity. Topic2 Education Topic3 Urbanization... Topic4 Global warming Topic 5 Nature in danger. Topic6 Energy..... 178 Topic7 Endangered species. 207 Topic8 Preservation. 240 Topic9 Volunteer work . 272 Topic 10 Healthy lifestyle and longevit 305 Topic 11. Life storie 335 Topic 12 Family life 372 Topic 13. Relationship. 406 Topic 14 Film and musi 437 Topic 15. Entertainment 468 LOI NOI DAU Cac ban than mén! Ngit php va tir vung la hai mang khéng thé thiéu trong qué trinh hoc ngoai ngit néi chung va hoc tiéng Anh néi riéng. Hai pham tra nay sé g6p phn gitip chiing ta dat dugc sy thanh thao vé ng6n ngtt, Néu nhw ngit php cé cdc quy tac, c6 cu trite dé tuan theo thi tir vung lai Kh6ng c6 bat ctr quy tc nao. Do 46, da sé ngudi hoc déu thay rét khé aé hoc va nhé dugc tir vung, D6 1a cdn chua ké t6i cé rat nhiéu tir cé nghia gidng nhau nhung lai duoc str dung trong céc ngir canh khéc nhau va mét tir thi lai cé rét nhi8u nghia V6i mong muén gitip ngudi hoc cé phtong phap hoc tir vung hiéu qua, tac gid da bién soan bé s4ch 30 CHU DE TW’ VUNG TIENG ANH. Bé sdch cé 2 tap, mai tap gm 15 chit d8 tir vung bao quat tat cd nhiing chu d@ tir vung trong tam thudc moi linh vite cita doi sng. 0 mai bai, bén canh phan hé théng tir vung - cau tric theo chii dé bai hoc, con 6 m@t sé long bai tap thyc hanh lén v6i cdc dang bai nhu phat am, trong am, chon dap 4n ding, déng nghia-trdi nghia, doc hiéu, doc dién. BQ sach véi muc tiéu cung c&p cho ngudi hoc phuong phap hoc tir vung theo chit diém dé nhé tir theo hé théng, 4p dung vao bai tap thy hanh, lam bai tap gitip nhé tir va c6 vén tir dé doc hiéu duoc doan van tiéng Anh. Ngoai ra hoc tir vung dé khong nhitng gidip phat 4m ding ma con chudn ngir digu. Voi khoang hon 4000 tir vung ~ cdu trite va trén 2000 cau trac nghiém kém dp an 6 gidi thich chi tiét, chdc chdn b@ sach sé 1A cng cu tu hoc hitu hiéu, gitp nguoi hoc trau doi vin tir vung mét cdch higu qua nhit. Ngoai ra, cudn sdch cé thé durgc ding lam tw ligu tham Khao cho cdc anh chi, ban b ddng mén. Mic dit tac gid da rat cé ging song trong qué trinh bién soan b@ sch khOng thé trénh khdi nhiing thiéu sét, rétt mong nhan duoc sy déng g6p ¥ kién tir cdc ddc gid dé bd sdch dugc hoan thién hon. Tac gid BANG TU VIET TAT STT | Tén viét tat Tén viét day di Ynghia 1 s Subject Chi ngér 2 v Verb Dong tir 3 0 Object Tan ngir \4 A Adjective Tinh tir 5 Adv Adverb ‘Trang tir 6 N Noun Danh te 7 Vp2 Past participle Qué khir phan tir 8 Sb Somebody Mot ai dé 9 st Something Mot cdi gi dé 10 V-ing Gerund/ Present participle Danh déng tir/ Phan tir hién tai M1 Np Noun phrase Cum danh tir TOPIC 1 CULTURE IDENTIT (vo RY) VOCABULARY)| srt[Tveng [Tiloail _ Phiénam Nghia 1_ | Aboriginal a | /abalridgonal/_ | nguyén so, nguyén thily 2. | Ancestor 2 ensestor/ | t6tién ‘Anniversary n /eniva:sari/ [18 ki niém, ngay Ceremony n /'sermani/ | nghi thitc, nghi lé 3. | Celebration n /sela'brerfan/ | sw té chite Bicentenary n /batsen'ti:nari/ | 1é ki niém ct 200 nam té chit 1 lan 4 | Assimilation n /asimtleifen/ | sw ddng héa “| 5 | Bravery n ['breweri/ | sur diing cém 6 | Bridegroom n [braidgruzm/ | chi ré 7_ | Conflict n ['kontikt/ | su xung de g | Contract n [kontrekt/ | hop déng Contractual a__| _/kon'traektfual/ | ehude hop dong 9. | Conversely adv [konvaisli/ | ngwoc lai 10 | Coordinator n | /kou's:dinertar/ | ngwéi phoi hop 11 | Currency a ['karonsi/ | tidn té 12 | Custom n Tikastam/ | phong tuc 13 | Deliberately adv /avibaratli/ | mbt ctich c6 chit, 06 toan tinh 14 | Denounce v /atnauns/ | t6'cdo, vach mat 15 | Depravity n /arprevati/ | sw truy lac Dismiss v /ai'smis/ | sa thai 16 | Dismissal n /di'smisal/ su sa thai Dismissive a /ai'smisiv/ | gat bd, xem thurong TOPIC 1+ CULTURE IDENTITY | 7 sTT| Tirveng |Tiloai| _ Phién4m Nghia Diversity n /datvasati/ | sy da dang a7 | Diverse a /da’ da dang | Diversify v /dar'vaisifar/ | da dang héa Diversification n /daiva:sifi'keifn/ | sw da dang héa Extremely adv cue ki ag | completely adv : hoan toan Tremendously | adv | /tri'mendasli/ | khiing khiép, ghé gm Dramatically adv | /dro'maetikoli/ | détngot | 19 | Fate n /fert/ van ménh, dinh ménh 20 | Federation n /feda'reyfn/ | lién doan | 21 | Folktale n /foukteil/ | truyén dan gian 22 | Heritage 2 [heritids/ | disdin 23 | Hilarious a Thi'learies/ | vui nhdn 24 |Homophone 1 7homafoun/ | tte ding am Identify v Javdentifat/ | nhdn dién, nhan dang ag, | Hentification n | /aydentefikesfon/ | sw déng nha hod Identical a Jatdentikel/ | gidng nhau Identity n /atdentati/ tinh déng nhdt; ddc tinh 26 | Incense n /msens/ nhang, huwong 27 | Indigenous a Jin'didginas/ | ban xtt, ban dia 28 | Integration a Janti'grerfon/ | su hdi nhép 29 | Isolation n Jaaisollerfan/ | su co Idp, sur cach li 30 | Majority n /ma'dgprati/ | da sé Minority n /marnorati/ _ | thiéu sé | Marriage n /merids/ | sy két hon, hon nhan | 44 | Marital a /marital/ | thuéc hn nhan Marriageable a /'meridgabal/ | 6 thé, dit tur cdich két hn Married a [merid/ | da két hon 32 | Misinterpret v /msm'ta:prat/ | hiéu sai 33 | Mystery n [mistari/ | sy bfdn, sw huyén bi 34 | No-go n /nau'gau/ tinh trang bé tac 35 | Pamper v /pemper/ _| nuéng chiéu, cung chibu 36 | Patriotism n ['petriatizam/ | chit nghia yéu meée str| Tirvyng | Tirloai Phién 4m Nghia 37 | Perception n 7p2'sepfan/ | sw nhdn thite Perceive v Jpe'siv/ _ | nhdn thdy, nhan thite 38 | Prestige n /pres'tiz3/ | thanh thé uy thé 39 | Prevalence n ['prevalons/ _ | sw phd bién, sw thinh hanh 40 | Privilege n /'privalids/ | déic quyén, dac an | a1 | Racism n /reistzam/ _| chti nghia phan biée ching toc Racial a /rerfal/ thude chiing téc ‘2 | Religion n Jetlidgan/ | t6n gido Religious a Jethidgas/ | thude v8 tén gido 43 | Restrain v /etstrem/ | kidm ché 44 | Revival 1 Jrivaval/ | su hai phuc, sw phuc sinh 45 | Solidarity n /soltderati/ | sw dodn két 446, | Superstition n /su:pa'stifan/ | sw mé tin dj doan Superstitious a /,suipa'stifes/_| mé tin di doan Symbol n 7simbal/ | biéu twong a7 | Svmbolize v /'simbalaiz/ | biéu twong héa symbolism n /'simbalizam/ | chii nghia twong treng symbolic a /sim'bolik/ | ewong trung, biéu trung 48 | Synthesis n /'smnbasis/ | sur tong hop | 49 | Unhygienic a | /anhardgimik/ | khéng hop vé sinh Well-established| a | /,welt'staeblijt/ | diéng virng, ton tai lau ben 50 | Well-advised a /welad'varzd/ | khon ngoan Well-built a Jwel'bilt/ | luc dng, cwéng tréing Well-balanced a Jwel'beelanst/ | ding muc, didu d6 E srmucTunes) STT Lay down the law Cu trac Nghia ‘Against the law pham luat Within the law dting luat 1 | Above the law dieng trén/ngodi luat By law theo ludt diéu v6 giwong oai TOPIC 1+ CULTURE IDENTITY | 9 STT Cau tric Nghia 2 |Approve/disapprove of __ | déng tinh/phan déi 3 | Atthe right time = as regular as clockwork= on the dot = on time: diing gid’ 4 | Beard the lion in one’s den: cham chan ai dé 5 |Closetothebone __—| xc pham 6 | Come into play = bring st into play: cd tdc dung, c6 higu qua, link nghiém 7 [Down to the wire védo phiit cudi 8 | For fear of st/doing st visg edi gi/lam gi Get rid of = remove loai bé 5 Face up to d6i mat voi Get over vwot qua Wipe out x6a sé 10 | Let go of = give up tir bd 11 |Loss and grief=sadness | budn rdw 12 | Make a decision on st quyét dinh cdi gi 13 | Object to/have objection to | phdn adi 14 | On the flip side = on the other hand: mat khéc Prior to st before a particular time or event: trukéc mét thoi gian/sie kién dic 15 | siétndo dé 16 | Scold sb for doing st méng ai vi da lam gi sai 17 | Sense of self cm xtc, ty thite vé ban than [ 18 [Soso tam tam 19 | The tip of iceberg: chi la mét phdn nhé cua mét van dé phitc tap 20 | Tie the knot = get married | két hén ‘WE PRACTICE EXERCISES |) Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. festival B. highlight _D. bravery Question 2: A. spirit B. unity C. image D. protect Question 3: A. worship B. province C. sacrifice D. unique 10 | Question 4: A. official B. similar C.conclusion _D. traditional Question 5: A. definition B. nationality _—C. globalization _D. generation Question 6:A. ancestor —_B. identifier C.achievement —_D. adjusting Question 7: A. numerous B. currency C. obviously D. perceived Question 8: A. significance _B. majority C.unhygienic —_D. depravity Question 9: A. specific B. debate C.denounced —_D.assignee Question 10: A. pampered _ B. crucially C.counterpart —_D. conversely Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 11: A. expressed _B. preserved C.maintained —_D, wondered Question 12: A. costumes _B. celebrates C. believes D. examples Question 13: A. various B. value C. aspect D. impact Question 14: A. identity _B. ethnicity C inherit D. individual Question 15: A. language —_B. luggage C heritage D. teenage Question 16: A. passionate _B. integrate c D. demonstrate Question 17: A. nation B. national C.nationality _D. nationalize Question 18: A. regional _B. religion C. ceremony D. regard Question 19: A.conclude —_B, conceal C.concentrate —_D. conduct Question 20:A. clothing —_-B. cloth C. clothes D. clothed Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 21: Students are restrained from eating bananas prior to an exam for nn Of failing ‘like sliding on a banana skin’. A. cheer B. fear C. scare D. anger Question 22: Regarding what food to avoid before taking an important examination, homophones and the shape of your food comes into ows A.action B. fact C reality D. play Question 23: People often avoid eating squash, pumpkin, melon and peanuts before their exams because they suppose that it is a A. no-go B.soso C. way out D. bright side TOPIC 1+ CULTURE IDENTITY | 11 Question 24: When you first arrive in a foreign culture, often your first reaction is - positive. Everything seems exciting, different and fascinating. A. extremely B. completely C.tremendously _D. dramatically Question 25: ____ nowadays is a choice people make on their own, but this has not always been the case in society. A. Marriage B. Marital C.Marriageable —_—D. Marrying Question 26: It was the... that the fathers made the decision on whom their children were going to marry. A. religion B. superstition C. custom D. fate Question 27: We are all too _ of traditions in our modern world, but they can have a very strong impact on us. A. dismissing B. dismissal C. dismissed D. dismissive Question 28: Most young people nowadays believe in nna -nsnee Marviage ~ first comes love, then comes marriage. ‘A. romantic B. unique C. contractual D. arranged Question 29: Most Americans don't object... being called by their first names. A.about B. for Cin Question 30: liked ao dai, kimono, hanbok help preserve a country's heritage and educate people about their history. A. National costumes B. Tradition food C. Traditions and customs D, Folktales Question 31: People from Brazilian and North American cultures have different feelings about lateness. Brazilians expect a person with status or to arrive late, while in the United States, lateness is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable. A. prevalence B. prestige C. privilege D. position Question 32: Americans believe in ‘romantic’ marriage - a boy and a girl are sus to each other, fall in love, and decide to marry each other. A. loved B. handed C.attracted D. married Question 33: The custom of payingabride price beforemarriageisstilla__ part of many African cultures. A. well-established _ B. well-advised C. well-built D. well-balanced Question 34: In modern times, although people still remain the custom of paying a bride price, it is occasionally quite small and its value is mainly — A. symbol B. symbolize C. symbolism D. symbolic 12 | Question 35: Most weddings in Japan start with a religious _ in which usually only family members attend. A. anniversary B. ceremony C.celebration D. bicentenary Question 36: In most weddings in Japan, guests give the bride and groom goshuugi - uss Money in special envelopes. A. gift B. present C. reward D. giving Question 37: Changes in attitudes, family values, generational status can occur in both the majority and minority cultures as the two interact; however, one culture dominates. Avrarely B. typically C. specially D. uncommonly Question 38: On the flip side, the world wide __ ofa couple of languages that have a large number of speakers has led to the death of several less popular languages. A, abortion B. rejection C. adoption D. adaption Question 39: It is important to understand the culture religion of the country that you are travelling to and a little research before you leave will help A, tremendously _B. dramatically C.comparatively _D. violently Question 40: The custom of. ancestors is a beautiful, rich, and colorful and joyful tradition in Vietnamese culture. A. praying B. honoring C. respecting D. worshiping Question 41: are aware that a language becoming extinct does not necessarily mean that the people who spoke it have all died. A, Linguistic B. Linguists C. Language D. Lingual Question 42: Why is culture important and how does it answer the question “what is cultural — 2? A. identity B. identify G.identification _D. identical Question 43: Culture is the underlying... of traditions and beliefs that help a person relate to the world around them. A. institution B. foundation C. organization D. principle Question 44: Culture gives us a definite starting point when beginning to for our roots. A.find B. look C. search D. seek Question 45: Asa person has given up their cultural identity, they no longer can identify themselves with the things that were the most important things in their lives. once B. once time D. for once TOPIC 1+ CULTURE IDENTITY | 13 Question 46: Since ___...___. texts and ceremonies can seem confusing with no one there to guide, young people are supposed to find an expert willing to explain their significance. A. sacred B. scared C religious D. spiritual Question 47: It cannot be denied that global communications will become even more powerful in... influencing our cultural identity. A. potentially B. probably G.likely D. possibly Question 48: Accepting that changes are _ does not mean that we will allow everything to be wiped out, destroyed or forgotten. A. avoidable B. unavoidable C. stoppable D. unstoppable Question 49: Once people have given up their heritage, traditional beliefs and other aspects of their native culture, they are about to lose their sense of A. humor B. responsibility _C. self D. honesty Question 50: Although there are over fifty

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