27 Word Persuasion - Copywriting

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People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, calm their fears, confirm their suspicions,

justify their failures, help them throw rocks at enemies.

DREAMS ers. Example: “We believe profitable

ideas come from Finding The Pain in
ence or found the product helpful.
This is done through:
either way and I only want you to get
this if you know it’s a perfect fit for
Crazy High Demand (HD)
Everybody wants it: there is so much ATTENTION -- Belonging (Be)
Makes the reader feel that they’re
markets. We believe in not being ‘the you.” demand for this product I barely part of a group. Example: “You’re
Introduce the Product (IP) expert’, but being an expert at find- -- Testimonials and reviews (T) The Hook (Hook)
can handle it. An example could be: part of the family.”
The product is introduced and ing the pain, defining the pain clearly, Endorsements The hook is a compelling benefit,
“Word is getting around, and now I
-- Competition (Co)
named, usually not right away when
using a story method. Example:
and then putting experts in place to
solve that pain.”
-- Scientific Proof (Sc) SUSPICIONS have more clients than I can handle.
I’ve had to expand my training facil-
feature, or story that makes the
reader want to read the whole sales Many consumers are affected by
Professors or universities have
“In fact, virtually any athlete who ities and hire new trainers, and I still letter. It can be a feature no one has a competitive desire to feel equal
studied the product and its What’s the Catch Addressed
switches over to this new Bulgarian Painting a Picture (PAP) can’t meet the demand! ever seen before or a crazy story the to or better than their peers. Ex-
Training System - which I’ve titled Visual description of an intended
(WTC) reader just has to know more about. ample: “Make them drool.”
Serious Growth can expect dramatic -- Professional Proof (Pr) When something feels like a great
outcome through metaphor, simile, Counterintuive Rationale (CR) -- Doubt (Do)
improvements in their own results in Showing that professionals in the deal there is often a catch. Just like Curiosity Gap (CG)
and analogies. Writing that shows Instead of answering a question right Directly appeal to people’s inner-
a matter of weeks.” Notice how the field have examined and tested addressing objections, the copywrit- Often used in headlines. Tantalizing
the reader what the future would be away, you tell the reader what the most fears by questioning them.
product name has the Key Desire the product. er must also address the questions, enough to get the reader’s attention,
like for them if they take the desired answer is not. This subtly address- Example: “Are you sure your fam-
(KD) embedded. “What’s the catch?” but does not give away the whole
action. -- Celebrity Association (Ce) ines objections, creates a huge curi- ily is adequately insured against
osity gap and the writer is perceived story. Also, it cannot be too vague
-- Feature (F) Association to celebrities, well- Intrigue (I)
... ?” or “How sure are you that
as an authority. or the reader will not pay attention. It your car is completely safe?”
Physically describe what your known products or associations.
product or service entails. Facts FEARS People love a mystery, secret, or
contradiction to well-known meth-
must be just right.
-- Fear (Fe)
or information about your prod-
ods. Example: “The Bulgarians Open Loop (OL) With fear as trigger, people are
ucts or services. Build Rapport (BR) Accountability Figures (AF) have developed a much higher-level An open loop is created when the ready to take action. Suggests
Show that you are like the reader Figures that prove this product training approach that produces re-
-- Benefit (B) reader is told the first part of a story which action to take. Example:
(even if you are now a few steps works. Example: “Micheal now sults I had a hard time believing were If > Then Opener (ITO) “Don’t get caught with too little
Show how a product or service or piece of information and then left
ahead). Example: “Dear Fellow Train- bench presses 205 pounds (up from possible.” A common opener used to qual- insurance.”
is helping by meeting an explicit in anticipation for the conclusion
ing Enthusiast.” 85 – that’s more than double) and ify the reader and build rapport.
need expressed by the customer. which is revealed much later. This
front-squats 215 pounds (up from Educate (EDU) Example: If you’ve ever tried to learn -- Greed (Gr)
Benefits are the crucial “what’s­ holds the reader’s attention and
Why I’m Qualified (WIQ) 125). He weighs in at 130 pounds Educate the reader about what the copywriting, then you know how Appeals to a desire for more.
in ­it ­for ­them” that must form the keeps them reading until the loop is
The author’s story of why the reader (up from 99) and his body fat has latest techniques/paradigms are, so daunting it can be. Example: “Here’s how you can
core of your marketing message. closed. To keep them reading to the
should listen to them. Often com- increased by only 1.5%.” they are up-to-date, and can also make millions with no invest-
end often multiple open loops are
-- Differentiation (D) bined with Jargon (J). see why your product/service works Problem or Pain (PP) created.
This product is not like all the Scarcity (S) better. Identifies the problem or pain the -- Guilt (Gu)
other products and not what you Jargon (J) Creating higher value for a product reader is experiencing that the prod-
think it is. -- Reference Practical Wisdom Call to Action (CTA) Consumers are easily affected by
Using terminology to shows that or service by making the product or uct solves. Giving the reader a clear set of in- messages that trigger emotions
you know the industry and you are service scarce or seemingly scarce. (RPW)
-- Hyperbole or Superlative (H) Examples are limited time offers, Reference what the reader
structions on how to take a particular of guilt. Example: “Don’t let them
Overstated emphasis or exagger- an insider ‘in the know’. Example: New or Recent (NR) action. This could be to buy, request suffer anymore”.
“This works even if you feel you have limited supply, or a feature that com- ‘thinks’ your product is. Often Justifies why the reader hasn’t found
ation to give enhanced definition more information, or to fill out a form.
already ‘maxed out’.” ‘Maxed out’ is peting products do not have. used to set up to be countered a good solution until now. Examples: -- Hope (Ho)
or importance. Example: “The in next step Contradict Popular
jargon. “only recently we discovered...”, Drives the human spirit to look
Bulgarian system can improve Wisdom (CPW). Triad (Triad)
your results and success faster Exclusivity (Ex) “This just released book” or “This hot for solutions and push forward
Triples used for reinforcement and even when things look bleak.
Addressing Objections (AO) Only been sold here and nowhere new product”.
than any other alternative avail- -- Contradict Popular Wisdom a sense of completeness. Example:
Throughout the sales letter the read- else! Example: “This is not being sold Effective when offering solu-
able. It’s results endure longer (CPW) “The astonishing sex secrets of the tions that will help improve lives,
too.” er may start to have objections to anywhere for any price.”, “The pro-
This often goes along with Ref- Most Satisfied... Most Knowledgea-
buying the product or taking action,
so the objections must be addressed
gram contains confidential company
information that was never intended
erence Practical Wisdom (RPW) ENEMIES ble... and Most Respected lovers in
health, relationships or careers.

Key Desire/Hot Button (KD) because the reader thinks they the world.” -- Instant Gratification (IG)
throughout the sales letter. Common for civilian use.” or “Right now the
A piece of copy that pushes the already know what your product The Common Enemy (CE) People want quick solutions or
objections are overcome by calling only way you can get this program is
readers emotional hot buttons, is or how it works, so then you Creating an enemy for you and the results. Example: “in 2 hours or
to either be a Navy SEAL, or on the
something they cannot ignore
because it hits on what they truly
them out directly and addressing
them. Social proof and guarantees ‘OTS Privileged List’.”
contradict that thinking to set
up a differentiator in their mind.
reader to fight together. Now you EMOTIONAL less”, “within 24 hours”.
are a hero fighting on the side of the
desire. are also ways to address objections.
Raising The Stakes (RTS)
Example: “Periodization is old
reader. Example: “I’ve never used a TRIGGERS -- Love (Lo)
People constantly seek admira-
Bring a situation to its furthest con- steroid in my life, and I don’t allow tion/love from others. Example:
Promise (P) Risk Reversal (RR) my clients to, either.”
Remove all risk of purchasing the clusion. Examples would be bringing Reciprocity (R) “Why better-dressed people are
A promise made to the reader by The Alternatives (ALT) People aim to return favors, pay
product or service often in the form to light your customers greatest more successful in getting dates
the writer. One of the most famous Details the other options available back debts, and treat others as
of a guarantee. fears: “you run the risk every day of than others”.
promises: “Your Pizza in 30 Minutes and usually mentions how they are they are treated. For example, you
being in the same situation… cor-
or It’s Free.” -- Money Back Guarantee nered by punks who want to do you
not as ideal as the one being offered. can ask for a referral: “If my Serious -- Leadership (Le)
(MBG) serious harm!” Or adding up the cost Growth Training method produces A lot of consumers want to lead
-- Price if Done Alone (PIDA)
Instant Gratification (IG) Offering the customer 100% or of the alternative: “But get ready for Reveal how the reader can do incredible results for you, I want you the way in trying new products.
Promising the reader what they more of their money back remove months and months and months of to not only write and tell me about it Make them feel like they’re first
this alone, although the price and
want in the shortest amount of time. almost all risk from the buying frustrating mind numbing crazy­ness – but tell two friends too!” or in control. Example: “Be the
resources required will usual-
Examples: “5 minutes or less,” “get decision and addresses their of trying to “join the dots”. first on your block.”
ly be far beyond their limits or
instant access,” and “immediate objection of “What if I’m unsat- Emotional Trigger (ET)
motivation. Example: “Of course, -- Trendiness (Tr)
isfied?” you can take the ‘DIY’ route and When you use emotional triggers Many consumers want to feel
Playing Hard To Get (HTG) bootstrap your education… But in your web copy, you succeed in cool or trendy. Commonly uses
Credo Technique (CT) Social Proof (SP) Let the reader know that you are not get ready for months and months evoking feelings which helps you to celebrity references. Example:
Latin for ‘I believe’. Expresses the Showing that other people who have desperate for them to buy. Example: and months of frustrating mind move your audience to the desired “All the cool kids are doing it” or
core values the author believes in to purchased the product or worked “Look, if this is a good fit for you, try numbing crazy­ness of trying to action. You can use them to trigger “Be like Mike.”
gather like-minded faithful follow- with the seller enjoyed their experi- it. If not, don’t - I’ll eat steak tonight ‘join the dots’.” both dreams and fears:

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