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Food production

Flashcard: Common words

1. The president emphasizes his power in the middle of the pandemic.

2. The city’s issue is that is so overcrowded.
3. The different issues to be studied can help us to understand what nature is.
4. A good method to learn different words is to use them daily.
5. You have to register your name on the exam.
6. The thermometer registered a high temperature in the last summer.
7. If you don’t have the ingredients you need, you can substitute them by others.
8. The substitute professor approach is the best to resolve this problem.
9. Where women look for handsome white men, average men look for love.
10. Igor won the lottery; hence, he is a rich man.
11. Elizabeth needs to modify her behavior to prevent bad situations.
12. If you adjust the screw you’ll fix the engine’s problem.
13. The students illustrated what is photosynthesis through pictures and videos.
14. Chio assumed that Igor was in love with her for his erratic behavior
15. Trump demonstrated that he was right when he presented all proves against
16. The tall man contrasts clearly with the small Asian woman.
17. The mother contrasted the differences between a good education and a bad one.
18. To understand the history you have to study the context in where the country was
19. The musician is capable of playing beautiful melodies.
20. The overall meaning of her actions can explain her personality.
21. Dogs overall prefer to live in houses with their owners.
22. The journalist predicted the possible problems caused by the virus.
23. Facebook collects information from its multiple users.
24. Races are fundamentally different from each other.
25. An efficient work and strong moral is fundamental to success in life.
26. The police officer identifies the robber among all the suspects.
27. The bar was established in 2000.
28. One of the most recognizable lion’s features is its great hair.
29. The essay features all the names of our last on hundred presidents.
30. The access to this laboratory is restricted only to scientists and military officials.
31. Anthropologies analyze the rocks to understand how mountains form.
32. The presence of blacks indicates a possible peril.
33. The Godzilla’s size is significant compare to King Kong.
34. The construction of a new bridge was a big national project.
35. It’s projected that the world will end in a couple of years.
36. The satellite projects radio waves into the space to look for aliens.
37. A theory tries to explain an issue without possible explanation.
38. You have a brief moment to relax.
39. A woman needs to select the best candidate to be her new husband.
40. Rich and famous are a select group of people.
41. He was a sick man; nevertheless, he fought every day for his family.
42. People consume kilos and kilos of meat every day.
43. Human beings consumed all the resources of the planet.
44. A new car is adequate to move from one city to another.
45. The concept of what democracy is, it’s hard to understand.
46. Six potatoes and five pieces of bread are sufficient to feed three students.
47. A good education involves patience, hard work and curiosity.
48. Despite being an ugly man he found a beautiful girl to marry.
49. Furthermore, Peru is the largest producer of avocados in the world.
50. Detective Harry investigates a crime without explanation.
51. Students require studying four hours per week.
52. The new trending is turning man into fagots.
53. A math lecture can teach about the importance of arithmetic and geometry,
54. My mother lectured me on the importance of work.
55. You need to assess you live daily.
56. A constant worry for men is money.
57. The doctor’s approach is to investigate lions is to approach quietly to them.
58. An architecture functions is to design beautiful houses.
59. A computer functions thanks to electricity.
60. The diagnosis was accurate. Mike had cancer.
61. A possible hypothesis about women is that they choose men based on their fragrant.
62. The stress made lose my hair.
63. Stress each note to emphasize their importance in the piece.
64. For instance, women prefer white men.


1. Cusco is small region of Peru.

2. The athlete achieved the medal after training really hard for almost two years.
3. Islamic culture is characterized by its lack of respect to women.
4. The university has a lot of resources: money, lands, oil and a great number of young
5. The international company is conducted by a new CEO.
6. The construction of the new national stadium is an important priority for the region.
7. The love of Chio to Igor is so obvious that she becomes red every time that she sees
8. The economics of a country affects family relations.
9. Most of the time women don’t specify what they want.
10. The police discovered one hundred thousand dollars in the house of the major; it was
evident that he stole that money from the municipality.
11. The doctor implied that Edward was sick but he didn’t say a word because he didn’t
hurt Edward’s family.
12. Bill Gates, the eccentric millionaire, is acquiring thousands of farms across America.
13. The Peruvian government is considering the idea of removing all he corrupt politicians
from their power positions.
14. Getting 115 point in the TOEFL test is a major achievement for a student.
15. A genetic scientist investigates how genes work.
16. The magazine published an investigation about the effects of nicotine over human
17. The clerk gives rude answers to the customers.
18. People who suffered child abuse respond with sadness when the witness stressful
19. Usually paragraph’s comments are place at the bottom of a page.
20. Susan understood that her comments hurt Jimi’s feelings.
21. Students need to focus on the information of their books.
22. The focus of this book is the articles about vamps.
23. Rugby is considered a physical sport.
24. Amanda demanded physical reward for her efforts.
25. You need the password to access to the data.
26. Mark accessed to the main room due to his contacts in the mansion.
27. A consequence of her actions was the loss of her scholarship.
28. When you read you need to focus on the relevant information.
29. The army maximized its efforts by drafting more soldiers for the war.
30. Positive circumstances can help you to get a better life.
31. Babies rely on their mother for food.
32. A fat guy occupied two sits in an airplane.
33. Sadness and happiness are mental states related to the amount of hormones in our
34. Money is a primary necessity for many families.
35. A professor can assist students with their academic problems.
36. A good counselor can resolve couple problems easily.
37. A monitor can evaluate the salt amount on the soil.
38. Government help is available for everybody.
39. Math can be a complex subject to study in the physics program.
40. The journalists had to reveal the source of the new.
41. Germany’s strategy was to make believe their enemies that Germany was a weak
42. A previous accident warned authorities about the risks of building a bridge over that
43. The bacteria expanded into the human body.
44. She was label as racist by the black community.
45. Roxana transferred all her money from Peru to America the last week.
46. The color of your shoes is a minor worry.
47. Physical contact can be considered a type of aggression in some countries.
48. She is in contact with her old boyfriend.
49. If you have any problem you can contact the police to denounce it.
50. A fly can react really fast to minor movements.
51. The soccer team participated in the national event.
52. The accident occurred the last night.
53. The roman period was characterized by violence and the development of arts.
54. Mary rejected thousands of boys in her life.
55. As an individual, the only liberty that you have is to choose by yourself.
56. A section of this book talks about the importance of working in pairs.
57. I maintained my promise despite the negative circumstances.
58. A father needs to work to maintain his family.
59. The university still maintains its moral values.
60. Tesla challenged the scientific believes of his time.
61. The biggest challenge in your life is how to be a good husband.
62. The soldiers challenged their enemies with a crass letter.

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