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10/2011 User information

999802402 en-GB,DE Method statement

Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

stating design loads as per German type-test


The Formwork Experts

Introduction User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40


© by Doka Industrie GmbH, A-3300 Amstetten

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The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Introduction

4 Introduction
4 Elementary safety warnings
6 Eurocodes at Doka
8 Doka services

10 System description
12 System overview
14 Staxo 40 in detail
18 Practical examples
21 Examples of the system in action
23 Adapting to different layouts, heights and
26 Extending the range of use with brackets
32 Linking towers / placing scaffold planking
between towers

34 Assembly (overview)

36 Horizontal assembly

41 Assembling towers in the upright

41 Assembling towers in the upright: with “moun-
ted-ahead” 1.20m frames
45 Assembling in the upright: with 'move-up'
front and side railings

49 Repositioning
50 Repositioning using Staxo 40 shifting wheel
51 Lifting by crane

54 General remarks
54 Anchoring on the structure
56 Back-stays/shoring supports for the load-bea-
ring towers
62 Inclination adjustment
64 Secondary-beam stabilisers
65 Combining the system with standard compo-
nents from other Doka formwork systems
66 Combining with Dokamatic tables
68 Transporting, stacking and storing

75 Structural design

79 Component overview

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Introduction User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Elementary safety warnings


User target groups Planning

● This User Information booklet (Method Statement) is ● Provide safe workplaces for those using the form-
aimed at everyone who will be working with the Doka work (e.g. for when it is being erected/dismantled,
product or system it describes. It contains informa- modified or repositioned etc). It must be possible to
tion on the standard design for setting up this sys- get to and from these workplaces via safe access
tem, and on correct, compliant utilisation of the sys- routes!
tem. ● If you are considering any deviation from the
● All persons working with the product described details and instructions given in this booklet, or
herein must be familiar with the contents of this man- any application which goes beyond those
ual and with all the safety instructions it contains. described in the booklet, then revised static cal-
● Persons who are incapable of reading and under- culations must be produced for checking, as well
standing this booklet, or who can do so only with dif- as supplementary assembly instructions.
ficulty, must be instructed and trained by the cus-
tomer. Rules applying during all phases of
● The customer is to ensure that the information mate-
rials provided by Doka (e.g. User Information book- the assignment:
lets, Instructions for Assembly and Use, Operating ● The customer must ensure that this product is
Instruction manuals, plans etc.) are available to all erected and dismantled, reset and generally used for
users, and that they have been made aware of them its intended purpose under the direction and super-
and have easy access to them at the usage location. vision of suitably skilled persons with the authority to
● In the relevant technical documentation and form- issue instructions.
work utilisation plans, Doka shows the workplace These persons' mental and physical capacity must
safety precautions that are necessary in order to use not in any way be impaired by alcohol, medicines or
the Doka products safely in the usage situations drugs.
shown. ● Doka products are technical working appliances
In all cases, users are obliged to ensure compliance which are intended for industrial/commercial use
with national OH&S (occupational health and safety) only, always in accordance with the respective Doka
rules throughout the entire project and to take appro- User Information booklets or other technical docu-
priate additional or alternative workplace safety pre- mentation authored by Doka.
cautions where necessary.
● The stability of all components and units must be
ensured during all phases of the construction work!
Hazard assessment ● The functional/technical instructions, safety warn-
ings and loading data must all be strictly observed
● The customer is responsible for drawing up, docu- and complied with. Failure to do so can cause acci-
menting, implementing and continually updating a
dents and severe (even life-threatening) damage to
hazard assessment at every job-site. health, as well as very great material damage.
This document serves as the basis for the site-spe-
cific hazard assessment, and for the instructions ● Fire-sources are not permitted anywhere near the
given to users on how to prepare and utilise the sys- formwork. Heating appliances are only allowed if
tem. It does not substitute for these, however. properly and expertly used, and set up a safe dis-
tance away from the formwork.
● The work must take account of the weather condi-
Remarks on this document tions (e.g. risk of slippage). In extreme weather,
● This User Information booklet can also be used as a steps must be taken in good time to safeguard the
generic method statement or incorporated with a equipment, and the immediate vicinity of the equip-
site-specific method statement. ment, and to protect employees.
● Many of the illustrations in this booklet show the ● All connections must be checked regularly to ensure
situation during formwork assembly and are that they still fit properly and are functioning cor-
therefore not always complete from the safety rectly.
point of view. It is very important to check all screw-type connec-
tions and wedge-clamped joins whenever the con-
Any safety accessories not shown in these illustra- struction operations require (particularly after excep-
tions must still be used by the customer, in accord- tional events such as storms), and to tighten them if
ance with the applicable rules and regulations. necessary.
● Further safety instructions, especially warnings,
will be found in the individual sections of this

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User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Introduction

Assembly Regulations; industrial safety

● The equipment/system must be inspected by the ● Always observe all industrial safety regulations and
customer before use, to ensure that it is in suitable other safety rules applying to the application and uti-
condition. Steps must be taken to rule out the use of lisation of our products in the country and/or region
any components that are damaged, deformed, or in which you are operating.
weakened due to wear, corrosion or rot.
Instruction as required by EN 13374:
● Combining our formwork systems with those of other
● If a person or object falls against, or into, the edge
manufacturers could be dangerous, risking damage protection system and/or any of its accessories, the
to both health and property. If you intend to combine
edge protection component affected may only con-
different systems, please contact Doka for advice
tinue in use after it has been inspected and passed
by an expert.
● The assembly work must be carried out by suitably
qualified employees of the client's.
● It is not permitted to modify Doka products; any such Maintenance
modifications constitute a safety risk. ● Only original Doka components may be used as
spare parts. Repairs may only be carried out by the
Erecting the formwork manufacturer or authorised facilities.

● Doka products and systems must be set up in such

a way that all loads acting upon them are safely Symbols used
transferred! The following symbols are used in this booklet:

● Do not exceed the permitted fresh-concrete pres-
☞ Important note
Failure to observe this may lead to malfunc-
tion or damage.
sures. Excessively high pouring rates lead to form-
work overload, cause greater deflection and risk
causing breakage.
Failure to observe this may lead to material
Striking the formwork damage, and to injury to health which may
range up to the severe or even life-threaten-
● Do not strike the formwork until the concrete has
reached sufficient strength and the person in charge
has given the order for the formwork to be struck!
● When striking the formwork, never use the crane to
break concrete cohesion. Use suitable tools such as Instruction
timber wedges, special pry-bars or system features This symbol indicates that actions need to be
such as Framax stripping corners. taken by the user.
● When striking the formwork, do not endanger the
stability of any part of the structure, or of any scaf-
folding, platforms or formwork that is still in place! Sight-check
Indicates that you need to do a sight-check
Transporting, stacking and storing to make sure that necessary actions have
been carried out.
● Observe all regulations applying to the handling of
formwork and scaffolding. In addition, the Doka
slinging means must be used - this is a mandatory Tip
Points out useful practical tips.
● Remove any loose parts or fix them in place so that
they cannot be dislodged or fall free!
● All components must be stored safely, following all
the special Doka instructions given in the relevant Reference
sections of this User Information booklet!
Refers to other documents and materials.

We reserve the right to make alterations in the interests
of technical progress.

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Introduction User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Eurocodes at Doka
In Europe, a uniform series of Standards known as The widely used "Permissible stress design" (compar-
Eurocodes (EC) was developed for the construction ing the actual stresses with the permissible stresses)
field by the end of 2007. These are intended to provide has been superseded by a new safety concept in the
a uniform basis, valid throughout Europe, for product EC.
specifications, tenders and mathematical verification. The EC contrast the actions (loads) with the resistance
The EC are the world's most highly developed Stand- (capacity). The previous safety factor in the permissible
ards in the construction field. stresses is now divided into several partial factors. The
In the Doka Group, the EC are to be used as standard safety level remains the same!
from the end of 2008. They will thus supersede the DIN
norms as the "Doka standard" for product design.

Ed Rd

Ed Design value of effect of actions Rd Design value of the resistance

(E ... effect; d ... design) (R ... resistance; d ... design)
Internal forces from action Fd Design capacity of cross-section
(VEd, NEd, MEd) (VRd, NRd, MRd)
Fd Design value of an action Rk Rk
Steel: Rd = Timber: Rd = kmod ·
Fd = γ F · Fk γM γM
(F ... force)
Fk Characteristic value of an action Rk Characteristic value of the resistance
"actual load", service load e.g. moment resistance to yield stress
(k ... characteristic)
e.g. dead weight, live load, concrete pressure,
γF Partial factor for actions γM Partial factor for a material property
(in terms of load; F ... force) (in terms of material; M...material)
e.g. for dead weight, live load, concrete pres- e.g. for steel or timber
sure, wind Values from EN 12812
Values from EN 12812
kmod Modification factor (only for timber – to take
account of the moisture and the duration of load
e.g. for Doka beam H20
Values as given in EN 1995-1-1 and EN 13377

Comparison of the safety concepts (example)

Permissible stress design EC/DIN concept The "permissible values" communicated in
Doka documents (e.g.: Qpermissible = 70 kN)
Fyield Rk
115.5 [kN] 115.5 [kN] do not correspond to the design values
Rd gM = 1.1 (e.g.: VRd = 105 kN)!
90<105 [kN]
n ~ 1.65 A
➤ Avoid any confusion between the two!
90 [kN] ➤ Our documents will continue to state the per-
missible values.
Fpermissible gF = 1.5 Allowance has been made for the following par-
60<70 [kN]
Factual A tial factors:
60 [kN] γF = 1.5
γM, timber = 1.3
γM, steel = 1.1
kmod = 0.9
In this way, all the design values needed in an
EC design calculation can be ascertained from


the permissible values.

Factual≤ Fpermissible Ed≤ Rd

A Utilisation factor

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Introduction User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Doka services
Support in every phase of the
Doka offers a broad spectrum of services, all with a sin-
gle aim: to help you succeed on the site.
Every project is unique. Nevertheless, there is one
thing that all construction projects have in common –
and that is a basic structure with five phases. We at
Doka know our clients' varying requirements. With our
consulting, planning and other services, we help you
achieve effective implementation of your formwork
assignment using our formwork products – in every one
of these phases.

1 2 3
Project development phase Tendering phase Operations scheduling phase

Taking well-founded decisions Optimising the preliminary work Controlled, regular forming oper-
thanks to professional advice and with Doka as an experienced part- ations, for greater efficiency
consulting ner resulting from realistically calculated
formwork concepts

Find precisely the right formwork Draw up potentially winning bids, by Plan cost-effectively right from the
solutions, with the aid of ● basing them on realistically calcu- outset, thanks to
● help with the bid invitation lated guideline prices ● detailed offers
● in-depth analysis of the initial sit- ● making the right formwork ● determination of the commission-
uation choices ing quantities
● objective evaluation of the plan- ● having an optimum time-calcula- ● co-ordination of lead-times and
ning, execution, and time-risks tion basis handover deadlines

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The advantages for you

thanks to professional advice and
4 5 ● Cost savings and time gains
When we advise and support you
right from the word "go", we can
(Shell) construction phase (Shell) completion phase make sure that the right formwork
systems are chosen and then
used as planned. This lets you
achieve optimum utilisation of the
formwork equipment, and effec-
tive forming operations because
your workflows will be correct.

● Maximised workplace safety

The advice and support we can
give you in how to use the equip-
ment correctly, and as planned,
leads to greater safety on the job.

● Transparency
Optimum resource utilisation Seeing things through to a posi- Because our services and costs
with assistance from the Doka tive conclusion are completely transparent, there
Formwork Experts with professional support is no need for improvisation dur-
ing the project – and no unpleas-
ant surprises at the end of it.

● Reduced close-out costs

Workflow optimisation, thanks to Doka Services are a byword for
Our professional advice on the
● thorough utilisation planning transparency and efficiency here,
selection, quality and correct use
● internationally experienced offering
of the equipment helps you avoid
project technicians ● jointly handled return of rented damage, and minimise wear-and-
● appropriate transport logistics formwork tear.
● on-site support ● professional dismantling
● efficient cleaning and recondition-
ing using special equipment

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The Formwork Experts
System description User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

System description
System description

Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

The ergonomic shoring system for
the building construction field
Easy to handle
for high-speed working
Highly ergonomic design, featuring
● low unit weight
● ergonomically optimised frame geometry
● small number of system components
● logical assembly sequence

Highly cost-efficient
for all building-construction shoring needs
Unbeatably cost-efficient, thanks to
● fast workflow
● crane-time-saving erection method
● optimised equipment utilisation thanks to the flexible
inter-frame spacing Revolutionary H-frame for easy handling and fast working
● tower-to-tower walkway openings for fast working
inside the scaffold and beneath the superstructure

Maximum safety
even with large shoring heights
Safe erection and dismantling ensured by
● defined anchorage points for personal fall arrest sys-
tems (PFAS)
● liftout-proof scaffold planking units
● gapless, full-area assembly levels
● brackets for enhanced safety at slab-edges

Areas of use
● in building construction (e.g. hotel entrance lobbies)
● for low slab loads
● Staxo 40's load-bearing capacity of up to 45 kN per
leg is thus economically optimised for shoring-tower
superstructures that use double H20 beams as their
primary beams
● ideal for use on slab heights of over 4 m
● for safe shoring of slab-edges
● for low-load applications in civil-engineering projects
(e.g. cantilever slabs on bridges)
Brackets for safe working at the slab-edge

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The patented tower-to-tower walkway opening and gapless, full-area assembly levels ensure fast, safe working inside the scaffold and beneath
the superstructure

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The Formwork Experts
System description User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

System overview
Basic design concept The Staxo 40 system components
a Head units (A)
Staxo 40 4-way Staxo 40 4-way Staxo 40 screw- Staxo 40 screw-
b screw-jack screw-jack jack U-head jack U-head
head 30cm head 70cm 30cm 70cm


Top height-adjustment screwjacks for load-bearing towers. For hold-

ing the superstructure and adjusting its height.
For holding steel girders (e.g.
C May be used with either one or
steel walings or Dokamatic table
two Doka H20 beams.



D 98024-300-01

The primary beams are fixed so

that they cannot tip over.

Staxo 40 frames (B)

Staxo 40 frame Staxo 40 frame Staxo 40 frame
1.80m 1.20m 0.90m

a ... inter-frame spacing = 100 / 150 / 175 / 200 / 250 / 300 cm

b ... frame width = 150 cm (not compatible with Load-bearing towers
d2, Staxo, or Staxo 100)
A Screwjack head unit
B Staxo 40 frame
C Diagonal cross
D Screwjack base unit
E Scaffold planking
F Scaffold planking with manhole

Hot-dip galvanised steel frames.

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User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 System description

Diagonal crosses (C) Base units (D)

Slot-in bracing crosses made of Staxo 40 screw-jack foot 30cm Staxo 40 screw-jack foot 70cm
tubular steel, for mounting between
the frames.
Identified by:
● Embossed marking (G) e.g.
H - 18 = frame height 1.80 m
- 250 = inter-frame spacing
250 cm
G ● Notched, colour-coded clips (H)
(see table)

Designation Notches
Diagonal cross 9.100 Green —
Diagonal cross 9.150 Red —
Scaffold planking units (E)
Diagonal cross 9.175 Light green — Scaffold planking 60/
Diagonal cross 9.200 Blue — Scaffold planking 60/
with manhole
Diagonal cross 9.250 Yellow —
Diagonal cross 9.300 Orange —
Diagonal cross 12.100 Green 1
Diagonal cross 12.150 Red 1
Diagonal cross 12.175 Light green 1
Diagonal cross 12.200 Blue 1 Aluminium/timber scaffold planking units with or without self-closing
Diagonal cross 12.250 Yellow 1 cover, for making safe assembly decks.
Diagonal cross 12.300 Orange 1 Integral anti-liftout guard
Diagonal cross 18.100 Green 3 Width: 60 cm
Diagonal cross 18.150 Red 3 Lengths: 60 / 100 / 150 / 175 / 200 / 250 / 300 cm
Diagonal cross 18.175 Light green 3
Diagonal cross 18.200 Blue 3 Scaffold planking 30/... cm
Diagonal cross 18.250 Yellow 3
Diagonal cross 18.300 Orange 3

Basic rule:
To maintain correct geometry, horizontally placed Steel scaffold planking units for
Diagonal crosses or shear-rigid planking units making safe assembly decks.
must be fitted in the following cases: Integral anti-liftout guard
● in the bottom and top "storeys" Width: 30 cm
Lengths: 100 / 150 / 175 / 200 /
● every 10 m 250 / 300 cm
● in between as required, e.g. where
- the tower is anchored to one side (even tempo- Permitted service load: 1.5 kN/m2 (150 kg/m2)
rarily) Load Class 2 to EN 12811-1:2003
- local loads need to be transferred (e.g. from a
bracket or from attaching the tower to the crane
when it is assembled in the horizontal)


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The Formwork Experts
System description User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Staxo 40 in detail
Features of the Staxo 40 frames Framework scaffolding with passageway
opening created by inverting the frames
Turning the frames upside-down creates ample head-
room for safe working inside the scaffold and beneath
the towerframe superstructure.

Staxo 40 frame 1.80m

Only 24.5 kg, 18.0 kg or 15.0 kg, depending on the type

of frame.

Ergonomic design Staxo 40 frames 1.20m and 0.90m

Ergonomically shaped – easy to carry, as it can be held
at or near the frame's centre of gravity


1.80m frames with 1.20m frames with

1.80m frames
inverted top frame inverted top frame



98024-219-01 98024-219-02

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User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 System description

Safety catch Anchorage points for personal fall arrest sys-

● tried-and-tested interconnection system (captive) tems (PFAS)
● secures the diagonal crosses
● two defined positions (closed – open)

Closed Open

On the integrated universal Anywhere on the diagonal tube of

U-bracket the frame




● works in both directions, i.e. on inverted frames as

● also secures the diagonal crosses when towers are
assembled in the horizontal, and when the frame is
positioned so that the safety-catch bolts are at the
bottom (rather than the top) of the frame crossbar

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The Formwork Experts
System description User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Many possible ways of connecting couplers On the screwjack head and base units
On the 70cm long screwjack head and base units,
On vertical tubes – Staxo 40 frame 1.80m Swivel couplers 48mm or Normal couplers 48mm can
be fastened to the threadless section of the tube.

Staxo 40 4-way
Staxo 40 screw-jack Staxo 40 screw-jack
screw-jack head
U-head 70cm foot 70cm






A Swivel coupler 48mm or Normal coupler 48mm

B Scaffold tube 48.3mm

Also, a Screw-on coupler 48mm 95 can be mounted to

the holes in the threadless section of tube on all 70cm
long screw-jack U-heads and feet.
a ... max. 25 cm (this stays within the max. distance of 16cm which
EN 12812 stipulates from the node point of the centre-lines of the
load paths)
A Swivel coupler 48mm or Normal coupler 48mm

Staxo 40 frames 1.20m and 0.90m



☞ For information on dimensioning braced screw-

jack heads and feet, see the type specification


a ... max. 25 cm (this stays within the max. distance of 16cm which
EN 12812 stipulates from the node point of the centre-lines of the
load paths)
A Swivel coupler 48mm or Normal coupler 48mm

On the horizontal profile – on all types of frame


a ... 34 cm
b ... 11 cm
B Screw-on coupler 48mm 95

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User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 System description

Linking the frames Securing the screw-jack heads and feet

against pull-out
Staxo 40 coupler
The vertically stacked frames are attached to one Staxo 40 anti-dropout lock (E)
another by the Staxo 40 coupler with its integrated
A crane-handling-safe link, using a Staxo 40 anti-drop-
out lock, is required in the following cases:
Because this coupler extends such a long way (15 cm)
● when the towerframes are assembled in the horizon-
into each frame, no extra pin-type safety locks are
needed when towerframes are erected and dismantled
in the upright. ● when the towerframes are lifted by crane
● if there are forces acting upon the tower which cause
tensile stress



A crane-handling-safe link, using a Staxo 40 tube con- Permitted tensile force 5 kN

nector d48.3mm, is required in the following cases
● when the towerframes are assembled in the horizon-
tal Erecting quadratic towers
● when the towerframes are lifted by crane
● if there are forces acting upon the tower which cause
tensile stress
☞ On quadratic (150x150 cm towers), do not mix
the frame plane and bracing-strut plane within
the same tower!

Permitted tensile force 11.7 kN

98024-305-01 98024-304-01

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The Formwork Experts
System description User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Practical examples
In building construction, e.g. Tableform units
entrance lobbies ● For repetitive use, the load-bearing tower can be
assembled into complete table-forms.


Edge floor-beam
For downstand beams, the load-bearing towers and
beam-forming supports can be combined very effec-
tively with Dokaflex.



A Load-bearing tower
B Dokaflex
C Beam forming support 20
D Handrail post T 1.80m (optionally with Toeboard holder T
1.80m), Handrail clamp S or Handrail post 1.50m
E Lashing strap 5.00m
F Doka Express anchor 16x125mm and Doka coil 16mm

➤ Where the primary beams cantilever out a
long way, protect them against being lifted
out or tipped over (e.g. with a tie-back, by
nailing board-plates over the beam joins, or
by fastening the beams to the screwjack

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User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 System description

Downstand beams Sustaining the concreting loads, e.g.

from projecting floor-slabs
With the Staxo 40 bracket, shored with a plumbing
strut, for transferring the concreting loads.
Tower tip-up is prevented by e.g. a 'Plumbing strut for
pre-cast members'.


Safe access routes around slab-

With the Staxo 40 bracket 90cm and using e.g. a
'Plumbing strut for pre-cast members' to prevent tower



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The Formwork Experts
System description User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Flexible adaptation to the structure. Combining with floor props

Extra frame-plane
Independently of the system-grid, an extra frame-plane
can be added with the aid of scaffold tubes.


x ... continuously adjustable from 20 cm to 150 cm

A Bracing with scaffold tubes 48.3mm 98024-331-01

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Examples of the system in action

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Adapting to different layouts, heights and loads

The different sizes of diagonal brace for each height of In this way, only as much material is used as is really
frame enable the frames to be spaced close together or needed.
further apart, depending on the load.

e.g. heavy loads – frames spaced close together e.g. light loads – frames spaced further apart

98024-222-01 98024-225-01

Plan view Plan view

98024-222-02 9716-263-01

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The Formwork Experts
System description User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Height adjustment ☞ Important note:

The structural design of the load-bearing tower
● The 3 different heights of frame (0.90 m, 1.20 m and may make it necessary to plan for shorter
1.80 m) enable coarse adjustment to within 30 cm. extension lengths. For details, see the section
● Fine adjustment, down to the last millimetre, is done headed "Structural design".
using the various head and base units.

System dimensions
on multi-storey towers

Table B: Head zone

Staxo 40 Staxo 40 Staxo 40 Staxo 40
4-way screw-jack head 30cm 4-way screw-jack head 70cm screw-jack U-head 30cm screw-jack U-head 70cm






Frames in the top "storey" Frames in the top "storey"

1.80 / 1.20 / 0.90m 1.80m 1.20m 0.90m 1.80 / 1.20 / 0.90m 1.80m 1.20m 0.90m
LK max. 35.8 75.8 75.8 75.8 35.8 75.8 75.8 75.8
LK min. 5.5 15.5 15.5 26.4 5.5 15.5 15.5 26.4
Values in cm
Min. values with no formwork stripping relief

Table C: Base zone

Staxo 40 Staxo 40
screw-jack foot 30cm screw-jack foot 70cm


Frames in the bottom "storey"

1.80m 1.20m 0.90m 1.80m 1.20m 0.90m
LF max. 35.6 35.6 35.6 75.6 75.6 75.6
LF min. 6.0 6.0 6.0 15.4 15.4 26.3
Values in cm
Min. values with no formwork stripping relief

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User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 System description

on single-storey towers

For towers consisting of one "storey" only, the min. val-
ues LK and LF stated for the screwjack head and base
units in the previous Tables will often not be reached.
Reason: The lengths of the screwjack head and base
units in the frame add up to a larger dimension than the
height of the frame.


a b
Staxo 40 screw-jack foot 30cm 50.7 --
Staxo 40 screw-jack foot 70cm 100.5 --
Staxo 40 screw-jack U-head 30cm -- 50.8
Staxo 40 screw-jack U-head 70cm -- 100.7
Staxo 40 4-way screw-jack head 30cm -- 50.8
Staxo 40 4-way screw-jack head 70cm -- 100.7

999802402 - 10/2011 25
The Formwork Experts
System description User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Extending the range of use with brackets

Staxo 40 bracket 90cm Assembly
1) Secure tower (e.g. with a plumbing strut) so that it
cannot tip over.
2) Install a Staxo 40 frame strut 1.40m if the pull-point
or pressure point of the bracket is not supported.
3) Bolt the Staxo 40 bracket 90cm to the top of the
diagonal tube of the frame and secure the bolt.
Insert and secure the bottom bolt, to prevent acci-
dental lift-out.
Extension with Staxo 40 screw-
Extension with Handrail post XP
jack U-heads / 4-way screw-jack
1.20m R


A Staxo 40 bracket 90cm

D Staxo 40 frame
E Staxo 40 frame strut 1.40m (if needed)
H Bolt D16/122
I Linch pin 6x42

98024-263-02 ➤ Fit Diagonal crosses between the brackets and

secure them with safety catches

Conditions applying to use

Risk of tipping over!
➤ Before setting up and using the bracket,
secure the tower with plumbing struts or tie-
backs so that it cannot tip over.

☞ Important note:
Bracing with a Staxo 40-frame strut 1.40m is

always required if the pull-point or pressure

point of the bracket is not supported.
The integrated swivel unit on the Staxo 40-
frame strut 1.40m also makes it possible to
retro-fit it to a previously erected tower unit.

26 999802402 - 10/2011
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User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 System description

Fitting brackets to the Staxo 40 frame 1.20m Close-up showing how to attach the 'Plumbing
All frames arranged with horizontal profile at top = pull- strut for pre-cast members'
point and pressure point of bracket are supported = To prevent tower tip-up, a 'Plumbing strut for pre-cast
Staxo 40 frame strut 1.40m is not needed. members' must be mounted to every frame that has a
bracket attached to it, and this plumbing strut must be
I fixed to the ground with a Doka Express anchor


Fitting brackets to the Staxo 40 frame 1.20m
All frames arranged with horizontal profile at bottom =
pull-point of bracket is not supported = Staxo 40 frame
strut 1.40m is needed.
I a ... max. 16 cm as stipulated in EN 12812
F Plumbing strut for pre-cast members
H F I Screw-on coupler 48mm 95


Fitting brackets to the Staxo 40 frame 1.80m

Upper frame has horizontal profile at top, lower frame
has horizontal profile at bottom = pressure point of
bracket is not supported = Staxo 40 frame strut 1.40m
is needed.




A Staxo 40 bracket 90cm

B Handrail post XP 1.20m or Staxo 40 4-way screw-jack head /
screw-jack U-head
E Staxo 40 frame strut 1.40m
F Plumbing strut for pre-cast members
G Diagonal cross
H Screw-on coupler 48mm 95

999802402 - 10/2011 27
The Formwork Experts
System description User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Using scaffolding tubes

Close-up with Handrail post XP 1.20m



A A Scaffold tube holder D48mm

c B Scaffold tube 48.3mm
C Toeboard holder XP 1.20m
D Handrail post XP 1.20m

Follow the directions in the "Edge protection

system XP" User Information booklet!

a ... 115 cm
c ... 90 cm
A Toeboard holder XP 1.20m

Staxo 40 bracket 90cm:

Permitted service load: 1.5 kN/m2 (150 kg/m2) with
influence width of max. 3.0 m.
Load Class 2 to EN 12811-1:2003

Deck and guardrail boards

Board thicknesses for support centres of up to 2.50 m:
● Deck-boards min. 20x5 cm
● Guard-rail boards min. 20x3 cm, otherwise detailed
dimensioning to EN 12811.

The plank and board thicknesses given here comply
with the C24 category of EN 338.
In Germany, wooden deck-boards must bear the "Ü-
symbol" mark of conformity.

Deck and guardrail boards: Per 1 metre length of

platform, 0.6 m2 of floor decking and 0.6 m2 of guard-
rail boards are needed (in-situ).
Fastening the deck planking: with 4 square bolts M
10x120 per bracket (not included in scope of supply).
Fastening the guard-rail boards: Use nails

28 999802402 - 10/2011
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User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 System description

Close-up with Staxo 40 screw-jack U-heads /

4-way screw-jack heads

☞ Important note:
Nail down the formwork sheets in the edge

Staxo 40 frame 1.20m or 0.90m

(with horizontal profile at top)




a ... 98.0 cm
c ... max. extension length
A Staxo 40 bracket 90cm
B Staxo 40 screw-jack U-head or 4-way screw-jack head
D Staxo 40 frame 1.20m or 0.90m (with horizontal profile at top)

Staxo 40 frame 1.80m

Staxo 40 frame 1.20m or 0.90m
(with horizontal profile at bottom)




a ... 98.0 cm
b ... 5.5 cm
c ... max. extension length minus Dimension 'b'
A Staxo 40 bracket 90cm
B Staxo 40 screw-jack U-head or 4-way screw-jack head
D Staxo 40 frame 1.80m or 1.20 and 0.90m with horizontal profile
at bottom
E Staxo 40 frame strut 1.40m

999802402 - 10/2011 29
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System description User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Using bracket under service load Supporting force of the outermost screwjack on the
Permissible F during erection and once erected (i.e.
Tip-up protection with plumbing strut prior to pouring) < 3.0 kN

☞ ● Every frame with a bracket must be braced

by a 'Plumbing strut for pre-cast members'.
● The whole tower unit must be linked together
Permissible F during pouring: 0 kN

in a crane-handling-safe way using Staxo 40 Anchoring the plumbing strut

anti-dropout locks and Staxo 40 tube con- The Doka Express anchor can be re-used many times
nectors. over - the only tool needed for screwing it in is a ham-
See the section headed "Lifting by crane" mer.

Characteristic cube compressive strength of the con-

crete (fck,cube): min. 25 N/mm2 or 250 kg/cm2 (C20/25
grade concrete)

Follow the Fitting Instructions!

Required safe working load of alternative anchors
A for foot-plates:
A Rd≥ 20.3 kN (Fpermissible≥ 13.5 kN)
F Follow the manufacturer's applicable fitting instruc-



a ... extension length of 'Plumbing struts for pre-cast members'

340: from 190 - 340cm
540: from 310 - 550cm
b ... approx. 60°
H ... Horizontal force
V ... Resulting vertical force from H
A ... Back-stay/shoring force

Close-up showing how the plumbing strut is fixed

to the ground




A Staxo 40 bracket 90cm

B Staxo 40 screw-jack U-head or 4-way screw-jack head
F Plumbing strut 340 or 540 for pre-cast members
I Screw-on coupler 48mm 95
J Doka Express anchor 16x125mm + Doka coil 16mm

30 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 System description

Using bracket under concreting load Close-up showing how the plumbing strut is fixed
to the bracket
Extra shoring of bracket P A

The Staxo 40 bracket 90cm can also be used for trans-

ferring concreting loads. The extra plumbing strut O
attached to every bracket ensures that no compressive
forces are transferred into the load-bearing tower. L

☞ ● Every frame with a bracket must be braced

by a 'Plumbing strut for pre-cast members'.
● The whole tower unit must be linked together

in a crane-handling-safe way using Staxo 40
anti-dropout locks and Staxo 40 tube con- Close-up showing how the plumbing strut is fixed
nectors. to the ground
See the section headed "Lifting by crane"



B A Staxo 40 bracket 90cm

A B Staxo 40 screw-jack U-head or 4-way screw-jack head
F E Staxo 40 frame strut 1.40m
F Plumbing strut 340 or 540 for pre-cast members
J Doka Express anchor 16x125mm + Doka coil 16mm
K Plumbing strut 340 or 540
K L Staxo 40 plumbing strut adapter
M Prop shoe
N Bolt B25/90.5
O Bolt D16/122
P Linch pin 6x42
Q Bolt d25/58
J R Spring pin

Supporting force of the outermost screwjack on the

Permissible Fmax: 10.5 kN
Reduction of 7.7 kN in the permitted vertical load Fv
per leg

Anchoring the plumbing strut

The Doka Express anchor can be re-used many times
over - the only tool needed for screwing it in is a ham-

Characteristic cube compressive strength of the con-

crete (fck,cube): min. 25 N/mm2 or 250 kg/cm2 (C20/25
grade concrete)

Follow the Fitting Instructions!

Required safe working load of alternative anchors

for foot-plates:
Rd≥ 20.3 kN (Fpermissible≥ 13.5 kN)
Follow the manufacturer's applicable fitting instruc-

999802402 - 10/2011 31
The Formwork Experts
System description User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Linking towers / placing scaffold planking between towers

Staxo 40 planking struts are sturdy, stable elements for
linking Staxo 40 tower units, that can also carry plank- Scaffold planking units between the
ing units.

The struts are available in 3 different lengths for inter-

frame spacings of 1.00m, 1.50m and 2.00m.

Linking free-standing towers – for

horizontal load equalisation
By distributing the horizontal loads more evenly, across
several towers, the vertical load-bearing capacity can
be increased.



32 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 System description

Planking struts as part of bracing

The planking struts and extra scaffold tubes can be
used to make a complete horizontal framework, e.g. for
bracing towers that are over 11 m tall.


Close-up A


999802402 - 10/2011 33
The Formwork Experts
Assembly (overview) User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Assembly (overview)

Set-up configurations
Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Assembling in the
Horizontal assembly Standard set-up



With "mounted-
ahead" 1.20m frames
With personal fall- With 'move-up' front
and diagonals
arrest equipment and side railings
(frames' horizontal
profile is at top)

98024-311-01 98024-258-01 98024-318-01

Fall-arrest protection when erecting, modify-

ing or dismantling the load-bearing tower
☞ Use only the anchorage points as shown in the
section headed "Staxo 40 in detail"!

If required by local regulations or as the result of a haz-

ard assessment performed by the scaffold erector,
when erecting, modifying or dismantling the load-bear-
ing tower it may be necessary to use a personal fall
arrest system, "mounted-ahead" frames and/or railings,
or a combination of both.

34 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Assembly (overview)

Other set-up configurations Large-area set-up with planking struts

With Staxo 40, tower-to-tower passageways are possi- Set-up configuration with full-area assembly level
ble at any height and in any direction. Alongside the beneath the superstructure.
usual tower-erection methods, this makes possible a
number of other methods for tower assembly.

Passageway levels beneath the towerframe

Towers connected with planking struts and scaffold
planking units, providing unobstructed tower-to-tower
walkway openings beneath the towerframe superstruc-
ture and at intermediate levels.



Multi-tower units
Passageway openings inside the tower and beneath
the towerframe superstructure.


999802402 - 10/2011 35
The Formwork Experts
Horizontal assembly User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Horizontal assembly
Horizontal assembly

Preliminary remark:
● The terms "vertical" and "horizontal" (e.g. referring to Plan-bracing the frames (in the horizontal)
the diagonal crosses) are always used here with ref-
erence to their installation situation in the finished, Basic rule:
upright tower. To maintain correct geometry, horizontally placed
● The job of erecting the load-bearing tower begins Diagonal crosses or shear-rigid planking units
with the bottom (i.e. first) "storey". must be fitted in the following cases:

☞ General remarks: ● in the bottom and top "storeys"

● Slide the diagonal cross onto the safety- ● every 10 m
catch bolt and immediately secure it with the ● in between as required, e.g. where
safety catch. - the tower is anchored to one side (even tempo-
- local loads need to be transferred (e.g. from a
bracket or from attaching the tower to the crane
when it is assembled in the horizontal)

➤ Slot diagonal crosses (K) onto the gravity latches of


the horizontal frame tubes and secure them.

Erecting the first storey

➤ Having regard to the instructions given above, place
the tower frames on their sides on timber supports
(min. 4cm high).

Bracing the frames in the vertical E K

➤ Link the frames with diagonal crosses (F) .


➤ Insert screwjack base units and secure them with

Staxo 40 anti-dropout locks (E) . See also the section
headed "Lifting by crane".




36 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Horizontal assembly

➤ Install scaffold planking units where needed

Erecting further storeys ➤ Close the anti-liftout guard.

Do not pre-assemble units any higher than 11 m.

➤ Fit a Staxo 40 coupler and push the next frame onto




➤ Use Staxo 40 tube connectors d48.3mm to make

crane-handling-safe links between the frames at
every joint.


➤ Fit and secure diagonal crosses (F) in the same way

as in the first "storey".



h ... max. 11 m
b ... Extension length of screwjack base units when tower is lifted into
the upright: max. 30 cm

999802402 - 10/2011 37
The Formwork Experts
Horizontal assembly User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Optionally: Railings on the top "storey"

To meet very stringent safety requirements, “mounted-
ahead” railings can be fitted in the top "storey".
This is done in line with the instructions given in
"Assembling towers in the upright with “mounted-
ahead” railings".



L Staxo side railing

M Staxo front railing

➤ Mount the Staxo side railing and secure it with a

spring-locked connecting pin 16mm (N) to prevent
accidental lift-out.

Close-up 1

➤ Mount the Staxo front railing and secure it with a

Spring cotter 4mm (O) to prevent accidental lift-out.

Close-ups 2 and 3


38 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Horizontal assembly

➤ Observe the crane-slinging details given in the sec-

Lifting into the upright by crane tion headed "Lifting by crane"!
➤ Check before attaching the crane suspension tackle:
● All Staxo 40 tube connectors d48.3mm
must be in place (to link the frames).
● All screw-jack head and base units must be
secured against drop-out.
● All safety catches must be closed.

☞ ● Max. height of the tower unit to be lifted into

the upright: 11 m
● Max. weight of the tower: 700 kg
● Max. extension length of the screw-jack base
units when the tower is being lifted into the
upright: 30 cm!
Lifting into the upright
When the tower is standing in the upright,
☞ Important note:
● Erect the load-bearing tower in the vertical
check once again to make sure that all the
safety catches are closed.
on ground that is statically capable of sup-
porting the load. The Fix-De-Fix 3150kg remote uncoupling
● If the load-bearing tower is over 6 m high, system makes it possible to detach slinging
back-stay it or combine it with other towers. chains by remote-control from ground level.
➤ Attach the crane suspension tackle to the frames of Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-
the top "storey" and lift the entire tower into the tions!


999802402 - 10/2011 39
The Formwork Experts
Horizontal assembly User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Detaching the crane suspension tackle near

ground level: Dismantling
This method must not be used for placing the After the tower has been placed back on its side, it can
tower back on its side! be dismantled in reverse order.
Items needed:
● 3 x Scaffolding tube 48.3mm (G)
- Minimum length:
Inter-frame space + 1.00 m
● 6 x Screw-on couplers 48mm 95 (H)
● 4 x Staxo 40 frame struts 1.40m (I)
➤ Mount Staxo 40 frame struts in the bottom
and top "storeys"
➤ Attach scaffold tubes:
- one to the bottom frame strut
- two to the top frame struts
➤ Attach two cables, chains or lifting straps to
the bottom scaffold tube.
➤ Lead the cables, chains or lifting straps along
the outside of the tower and between the top
scaffold tubes.




H a

a ... min. 0.5 m

b ... max. 0.2 m
After the tower has been lifted into the upright,
the cables, chains or lifting straps are detached
by a crewman working from ground level.

40 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Assembling towers in the upright

Assembling towers in the upright: with “mounted-ahead” 1.20m

Assembling towers in the upright

☞ Important note:
● Erect the load-bearing tower in the vertical
Installation example with Staxo 40 screw-jack foot
30cm and Staxo 40 4-way screw-jack head 30cm.
on ground that is statically capable of sup-
porting the load. Erecting the first storey
● If the load-bearing tower is over 6 m high, ➤ Insert screwjack base units.
back-stay it or combine it with other towers.
General remarks:
● In this erection method, the horizontal profile of the
Staxo 40 frame 1.20m must always be on top, to
ensure fall protection.


➤ Link the frames with diagonal crosses (F) .


● Slide the diagonal cross onto the safety-catch bolt

and immediately secure it with the safety catch.


➤ Insert Staxo 40 couplers.

98024-270-01 98024-213-02

If it is intended to crane-lift the tower, the frames must
all be linked in a crane-handling-safe manner by Staxo
40 tube connectors d48.3mm. See also the section
headed "Lifting by crane".

999802402 - 10/2011 41
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Assembling towers in the upright User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Erecting the second storey Erecting the third "storey"

Stacking the frames Stacking the frames
➤ Add the next frames. ➤ Add 1.20 m frames in the same way as for the 2nd
➤ Push the diagonal crosses (F) onto the bottom storey.
safety-catch bolts and secure them with the safety ➤ Push the diagonal crosses (F) onto the bottom
catches. safety-catch bolts and secure them with the safety


➤ Insert Staxo 40 couplers in the same way as in the

first "storey".

Bracing the frames in the vertical 98024-259-01

➤ Mount a 'Scaffold planking' unit (G) and a 'Scaffold
planking with manhole' unit (H) . Mounting scaffold planking units and bracing
➤ Close the anti-liftout guard. the frames in the vertical
➤ Place a 'Scaffold planking' unit (G) and a 'Scaffold
planking with manhole' unit (H) on the finished "sto-
➤ Push the diagonal crosses (F) onto the top safety-
catch bolts and secure them with the safety catches.
➤ Insert Staxo 40 couplers.


➤ Push the diagonal crosses (F) onto the top safety-

catch bolts and secure them with the safety catches.
➤ Insert Staxo 40 couplers.




42 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Assembling towers in the upright

Horizontal bracing Erecting further storeys

☞ Important note:
If no scaffold planking units are used, or if these
➤ Add further frames in the same way as for the 3rd
storey, and brace them in the vertical with diagonal
are removed before the tower is finally put into
use, the following rule applies.

Basic rule:
☞ Important note:
Arrange the scaffold planking units (G) either
on alternate sides from one "storey" to the next,
To maintain correct geometry, horizontally placed or across the entire area.
Diagonal crosses or shear-rigid planking units When the scaffold planking units are located on
must be fitted in the following cases: alternate sides, 2 scaffold planking units must
● in the bottom and top "storeys" be used on the final (i.e. top) "storey", one of
● every 10 m them with a manhole. Make sure that the man-
hole is in the correct position here.
● in between as required, e.g. where
- the tower is anchored to one side (even tempo-
- local loads need to be transferred (e.g. from a
bracket or from attaching the tower to the crane
when it is assembled in the horizontal)
➤ Slot diagonal crosses (K) onto the gravity latches of
the horizontal frame tubes and secure them.



999802402 - 10/2011 43
The Formwork Experts
Assembling towers in the upright User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Head zone Dismantling

To dismantle, perform the above steps in reverse order.
Fitting the head unit
➤ Insert the head unit (J) .


Always place the primary beams (single or double

formwork beams) centrally.

☞ Important note:
➤ When lifting and repositioning the entire
tower unit (or pre-assembled sub-units) by
crane: Follow the instructions in the section
headed "Lifting by crane"!

44 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Assembling towers in the upright

Assembling in the upright: with 'move-up' front and side railings

Assembling towers in the upright

☞ Important note:
● Erect the load-bearing tower in the vertical
Mounting the scaffold planking units
➤ Insert scaffold planking units (G) .
on ground that is statically capable of sup-
porting the load.
● If the load-bearing tower is over 6 m high,
back-stay it or combine it with other towers.
General remarks:
● Slide the diagonal cross onto the safety-catch bolt G
and immediately secure it with the safety catch.


➤ Close the anti-liftout guard.


Installation example with Staxo 40 screw-jack foot

30cm and Staxo 40 4-way screw-jack head 30cm.

Erecting the first storey

➤ Insert screwjack base units. Mounting the 'move-up' railings
➤ Mount the Staxo side railings (L) .



➤ Link the frames with diagonal crosses (F) .

Close-up of how to hang into place



999802402 - 10/2011 45
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Assembling towers in the upright User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

➤ Mount the Staxo front railings (M) .

Erecting the second storey
Stacking the frames
➤ Add the next frames.
➤ Push diagonal crosses (F) onto the safety-catch
bolts and secure them with the safety catches.
➤ Hang a Staxo 40 ladder 2.30m into place and secure
it with d6 spring cotters.


Close-up of how to hang into place



➤ Insert Staxo 40 couplers.


Close-up of ladder (as seen from the inside of the

load-bearing tower)

If it is intended to crane-lift the tower, the frames must
all be linked in a crane-handling-safe manner by Staxo
40 tube connectors d48.3mm. See also the section
headed "Lifting by crane". 98024-327-01

Raising the 'move-up' railings 3

1) Push the Staxo front railings down into the stand-by

position. 2
2) Move the Staxo side railings up one "storey". 2
3) Move the Staxo front railings up again.


46 999802402 - 10/2011
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User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Assembling towers in the upright

Mounting the scaffold planking units Erecting further storeys

➤ Insert a 'Scaffold planking' unit (G) and a 'Scaffold ➤ Add further frames in the same way as for the 2nd
planking with manhole' unit (H) . 'storey', and brace them in the vertical with diagonal

☞ Make sure that the manholes are in the right




➤ Close the anti-liftout guard.


➤ Insert Staxo 40 couplers in the same way as in the

first "storey".

999802402 - 10/2011 47
The Formwork Experts
Assembling towers in the upright User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Horizontal bracing Head zone

☞ Important note:
If no scaffold planking units are used, or if these Fitting the head unit
➤ Insert the head unit (J) .
are removed before the tower is finally put into
use, the following rule applies.

Basic rule:
To maintain correct geometry, horizontally placed
Diagonal crosses or shear-rigid planking units
must be fitted in the following cases:
● in the bottom and top "storeys" J
● every 10 m
● in between as required, e.g. where
- the tower is anchored to one side (even tempo-
- local loads need to be transferred (e.g. from a
bracket or from attaching the tower to the crane
when it is assembled in the horizontal)

➤ Slot diagonal crosses (K) onto the gravity latches of
the horizontal frame tubes and secure them.

Always place the primary beams (single or double

formwork beams) centrally.

Important note:
➤ When lifting and repositioning the entire
tower unit (or pre-assembled sub-units) by
crane: Follow the instructions in the section
98024-254-01 headed "Lifting by crane"!

To dismantle, perform the above steps in reverse order.

48 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Repositioning


Different ways of repositioning

Using Staxo 40
By crane
shifting wheel

98024-324-01 98024-283-01

999802402 - 10/2011 49
The Formwork Experts
Repositioning User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Repositioning using Staxo 40 shifting wheel

Finished tableforms or tower units can be moved on to
their next usage location quickly and easily using the Permissible total weight of each unit for repositioning:
Staxo 40 shifting wheel. 1000 kg
(max. 4 Staxo 40 shifting wheels per unit)
With it, the following functions can be carried out:
● Lifting
● Wheeling
● Lining-and-levelling
☞ ● The floor must be stable, firm and sufficiently
smooth (e.g. concrete).

● Lowering Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-


Adjust the shifting-wheels to the Staxo 40 frames

of the bottom "storey" of the tower:
➤ Fix the adjusting bracket in the required position
using a D16/125 bolt, and secure this with a linch pin.




D Adjusting bracket
E D16/125 bolt
F Linch pin

b ➤ Bolt the Staxo 40 shifting wheel onto the Staxo 40

b frame in the direction of the frames and secure the
98024-322-03 bolt with a linch pin.
➤ Secure the foot-pieces to prevent them dropping out.
☞ Important note:
When repositioning load-bearing towers that
See the section headed "Lifting by crane".

include standard superstructures, remember:

Ratio b:h = max. 1:3, with 'b' being the narrow-
est side.
Custom constructions must be statically veri-


The Staxo 40 shifting wheel must not be used on Staxo

40 frames where the screw-jack feet have been
extended a long way. The extension length a of the
screw-jack feet must first be reduced to max. 40 cm.

50 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Repositioning

Lifting by crane
Preparations Link the frames in a crane-handling-safe man-
☞ Important note:
● The max. height of towerframe unit that can
➤ Use Staxo 40 tube connectors d48.3mm (H) to make
crane-handling-safe links between the frames at
be lifted in one piece is 11 m every joint.
● Max. weight of tower for repositioning is
1000 kg. The critical factor here is the load
carrying capacity of the anti-dropout lock and
of the safety-catch bolt (5 kN is permissible H
here in each case)
● Max. weight of tower for lifting the tower into
the upright and placing it on its side is 700 kg
(see the section headed "Horizontal assem-
bly") H

Danger from loose and unsecured parts.
➤ Observe the following points before lifting! Repositioning operation

Repositioning towers with no super-
➤ Only attach the lifting chain to a frame node,
structure not to the diagonal cross or the U-bracket!
Spread-angle β max. 30°.
Secure the head units so that they cannot be
lifted out
➤ Push a Staxo 40 anti-dropout lock (E) over the nut
and fix it by closing the safety catch on the frame.


Secure the base units to prevent them drop- b

ping out
➤ Push a Staxo 40 anti-dropout lock (E) over the nut
and fix it by closing the safety catch on the frame.


While the tower is being lifted, there must NOT

be any loose parts, tools or other items on it!

999802402 - 10/2011 51
The Formwork Experts
Repositioning User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Repositioning towers with super- Connect the superstructure to the head units
structure ➤ e.g. with Locking rod 15.0 (D) , Clamping plate (E)
and Wing nut 15.0 (F) .
In addition to the action steps set out in "Repositioning
towers with no superstructure", the following steps Double primary beams
must also be taken:
On Screw jack U-head On 4-way screw-jack head
Connect superstructure components together a
➤ e.g. connect the primary and secondary beams with F
Beam connection plates H20, and nail on the form- E
ply. E

Only possible with Clamping
plate a = 28 cm (2002 models

Single primary beams

On Screw jack U-head On 4-way screw-jack head




The Beam connection plates H20 are easier to

dismount if double-headed nails 3.1x75mm are

Plan view




Arrange the Beam connection plates H20 on opposing sides where


Permitted F: 0.8 kN

52 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Repositioning

Mount the Lifting rod 15.0 Repositioning operation

➤ Mount the Lifting rod 15.0 (A) and Retaining plate ➤ Attach the crane sling to the Lifting rods 15.0 and lift
15.0 (B) . the tableform to its next location. Spread-angle β
max. 30°.
5.1 5.1


Use a 20 mm diam. bit to drill the hole through

the form-ply. It can later be filled with a Univer-
sal plug R20/25.
Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-
While the tableform is being lifted, there must
NOT be any loose parts, tools or
other items on the tableform!

999802402 - 10/2011 53
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Anchoring on the structure

General remarks

With "Anchoring shoe for stair Design of the anchoring levels

tower" The load-bearing tower is connected to the "Anchoring
shoe for stair tower" by scaffolding tubes and couplers.

☞ When designing units assembled from tubes

and couplers, all applicable standards and reg-
ulations must be observed, in particular
EN 12812 "Falsework", EN 39 "Loose steel
tubes for tube and coupler scaffolds" and EN 74
"Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in
falsework and scaffolds".

Permissible force transmission for each "Anchoring
shoe for stair tower": 12 kN in all directions
Applies when fastened with Cone screw B 7cm and
Universal climbing cone 15.0 or two dowels. B
Methods for fixing in concrete:
● By using a Cone screw B 7cm to fix the anchoring
shoe to an existing suspension point prepared with
Universal climbing cones 15.0 (diameter of hole in
anchoring shoe = 32 mm). Hardwood shim (essen- E F
tial for ensuring a firm fit) prevents damage to the
concrete (scratch marks). A Scaffold tube 48.3mm (L min = distance from structure)
This fixing method is only possible with anchoring B Scaffolding tube 48.3mm (L = variable)
shoes manufactured from 05/2009 onwards. C Scaffolding tube 48.3mm (L = variable)
● With one or two dowels (diameter of hole in anchor- D Anchoring shoe for stair tower
ing shoe = 18 mm). E Swivel coupler 48mm
F Screw-on coupler 48mm 95
Required load-bearing capacity of the dowels H Horizontal diagonal cross
● Tensile force: Rd≥ 23.1 kN (Fperm.≥ 14.0 kN)
● Shear force: Rd≥ 6.6 kN (Fperm.≥ 4.0 kN)
e.g. Hilti HST M16 - in uncracked B30 concrete, or
equivalent products from other manufacturers. Follow
the manufacturer's applicable fitting instructions!

54 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 General remarks

Vertical distance between the anchoring

● will depend on the assembly method, the wind loads
and the design assumptions

☞ The load-bearing tower must be stiffened in the

anchoring plane, either by a horizontal diagonal
cross or by a scaffold-tube bracing.


☞ ● The actual design of the anchoring levels,

and the maximum permitted distances from
the structure, must be reviewed separately
for each project.
● Adjacent load-bearing towers must be
braced to one another as statically required,
in a similar way to when towers are anchored
to the structure.

999802402 - 10/2011 55
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Back-stays/shoring supports for the load-bearing towers

Back-stay on the superstructure Mounting in multi-purpose waling
For transferring planned horizontal loads e.g. wind H
loads, concrete loads or in custom applications (e.g. on D E F

inclined load-bearing towers or for high load-bearing

capacities). A

☞ Important note:
Lashing straps are not suitable for transferring

planned horizontal loads.



X 98024-243-01

H ... Horizontal force

V ... Resulting vertical force from H
A ... Back-stay/shoring force

C B Load-bearing tower

C Back-stay for load-bearing towers

D Multi-purpose waling
E Connecting pin 10cm
F Spring cotter 5mm
Bores in screw-jack unit and 'Shoe (complete)'
Mounting on screwjack head unit
b H
b B
Tr845-203-02 A
a V

a ... diam. 21 mm
b ... diam. 27 mm
c ... diam. 35 mm

A Screw-jack unit
B Shoe (complete)
X Tie-rod 15.0 (not included in scope of supply)
Length = 'a' minus 119 cm
This leaves a 17 cm adjustment range available

☞ Important note:
● Screw the tie-rods all the way in to the rod C
connectors of the back-stay (i.e. until they
are fully engaged)! 98024-338-01

● When calculating the leg loads, allow for the

additional forces imposed by the back-stay! a ... min. 25 cm
H ... Horizontal force
● With high loads and long back-stays, watch V ... Resulting vertical force from H
out for any elongation of the back-stay! A ... Back-stay/shoring force
B Load-bearing tower
C Back-stay for load-bearing towers
G Spindle connecting plate T

Permitted horizontal force H: 4 kN

56 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 General remarks

Anchoring with standard products Anchored with Doka Express anchor

The "Shoe (complete)" (A) must be turned by 180° in
the horizontal.



A ... Back-stay force

Q ... Shear force (corresponds to horizontal force H)
R ... Resulting anchor force
Z ... Anchor tensile force

Back-stay force Ak = 30 kN (Ad = 45 kN)

Anchor force [kN] Zk Qk = Hk Rk Zd Qd = Hd Rd
α = 30° a) 18.2 26.0 31.7 27.3 39.0 47.6
α = 45° a) 27.6 21.2 34.8 41.4 31.8 52.2 Permissible bracing force [kN]
α = 60° a) 44.8 15.0 47.2 67.2 22.5 70.8 In "green" (new) concrete In C20/25 concrete
Ak Ad Ak Ad
Back-stay force Ak = 40 kN (Ad = 60 kN) α = 30° 9.0 13.5 16.1 24.2
Anchor force [kN] Zk Qk = Hk Rk Zd Qd = Hd Rd α = 45° 8.1 12.2 14.6 21.9
α = 30° a) 24.3 34.6 42.3 36.5 51.9 63.5 α = 60° 6.0 9.0 10.8 16.2
α = 45° a) 36.8 28.3 46.4 55.2 42.5 69.6
α = 60° c) 59.7 20.0 62.9 89.6 30.0 94.4 Follow the directions in the "Doka Express
anchor 16x125mm" Installation Instructions!
Back-stay force Ak = 50 kN (Ad = 75 kN)
Anchor force [kN] Zk Qk = Hk Rk Zd Qd = Hd Rd
α = 30° b) 30.4 43.3 52.9 45.6 65.0 79.4
α = 45° b) 46.0 35.4 58.0 69.0 53.1 87.0
α = 60° c) 74.6 25.0 78.7 111.9 37.5 118.1
Examples of anchor points in uncracked C 25/30 concrete:
a) HILTI heavy duty anchor HSL M20
b) HILTI self-undercutting anchor HDA-T-M16
c) HILTI self-undercutting anchor HDA-P-M20, with an extra 50x10

washer with a diam. 22 mm hole

or equivalent products from other manufacturers.
Follow the manufacturer's applicable fitting instructions.

➤ The "Back-stay for load-bearing towers"
must not be dismounted until it is certain that
there is sufficient stability for the load-bear-
ing tower.

999802402 - 10/2011 57
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Shoring to the superstructure with Mounting in multi-purpose waling

Eurex 60 H
For transferring planned horizontal loads e.g. wind D
loads, concrete loads or in custom applications (e.g. on
inclined load-bearing towers or for high load-bearing V

➤ The plumbing strut must not be dismounted
until it is certain that there is sufficient stabil-
ity for the load-bearing tower.
Loading capacity data for Eurex 60 550 (com-
pressive force)*

- when used as a shoring & plumbing accessory

Permitted load [kN]

20 98024-244-01

H ... Horizontal force
V ... Resulting vertical force from H
5 A ... Back-stay/shoring force
0 A Staxo or d2 load-bearing tower
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
B Plumbing strut Eurex 60 550
Length extended [m] C Plumbing strut shoe Eurex 60
D Prop head Eurex 60 Top50
* 15 kN tensile force at any extension length
30 kN tensile force at any extension length and when anchored with
2 dowels

For more detailed information, see the User

Information booklet "Eurex 60 550"

Required load-bearing capacity of the dowels

Rd≥ 25.5 kN (Rperm.≥ 17 kN) in any direction when 2
dowels are used.

Follow the manufacturer's applicable fitting instruc-


58 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 General remarks

Mounting on screwjack head unit




H ... Horizontal force

V ... Resulting vertical force from H
A ... Back-stay/shoring force
A Load-bearing tower
B Plumbing strut Eurex 60 550
C Plumbing strut shoe Eurex 60
E Connector Eurex 60
F Strut shoe Art.n°. 508437030
G Screw-on coupler 48mm 50
H Bolt Art.n°. 508244050
J Spring cotter 5mm



EN 74 compliant couplers
● Class A, permissible V ≤ 6 kN

999802402 - 10/2011 59
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Shoring to the superstructure with a

plumbing strut
Mounting on screwjack head unit
For transferring planned horizontal loads e.g. wind
loads, concrete loads or in custom applications (e.g. on
inclined load-bearing towers or for high load-bearing
The plumbing strut is attached to the top screw-jack
with a screw-on coupler.

It is only possible to fix couplers onto the 70cm screw-
jack heads!




H ... Horizontal force

V ... Resulting vertical force from H
A ... Back-stay/shoring force
A Load-bearing tower
B Plumbing strut for pre-cast members
C Screw-on coupler 48mm 95
E Doka Express anchor 16x125mm and Doka coil 16mm

Permissible A ≤ 13.5 kN
EN 74 compliant couplers
● Class A, permissible V ≤ 6 kN

➤ The plumbing strut must not be dismounted
until it is certain that there is sufficient stabil-
ity for the load-bearing tower.

60 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 General remarks

Tip-up protection for towers during Back-stays directly on the load-bearing tower
erection A
To ensure safety during erection of the towers, suitable
precautions must be taken to prevent them tipping over B
after they have reached a height of max. 6 m (or less, if C

necessitated by the result of a hazard assessment).

using Doka Express anchor 16x125mm

☞ The whole tower unit must be linked together in

a crane-handling-safe way using Staxo 40 anti-
dropout locks and Staxo 40 tube connectors.
See the section headed "Lifting by crane"
➤ Screw in 1 Express anchor 16x125mm (A) for each E
screw-jack foot.


A Scaffolding tube 48.3mm (with drilled hole ∅17mm)

B Normal coupler 48mm
C Spindle connecting plate T
D Back-stay for load-bearing towers
E Tie-rod 15.0mm

Horizontal fixing to the structure

Max. tensile force per leg: 5 kN
See the section headed "Anchoring on the

999802402 - 10/2011 61
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Inclination adjustment
If the superstructure or the ground are inclined at an
angle of 1% or more, slope compensation must be using Staxo wedge support WS10
Used with timber wedges, this component provides
angle adjustment to floor-slab constructions with a
using Wedges for screw-jack ..... % max. inclination of 45°.
These prefabricated birch plywood wedges make it Bolted into the multipurpose waling or steel waling, this
possible to stand load-bearing towers in the perpendic- wedge support prevents the timber wedges slipping
ular on surfaces with various inclinations, even when and ensures that the loads are safely transferred.
utilising the full leg load.

☞ This type of connection is no substitute for extra
structural design measures such as back-
Excessively steep wedges may slip away!
➤ Maximum inclination: 20%! View without superstructure

For this reason, wedges must NOT be placed

on top of one another in an attempt to compen-
sate for inclinations that are greater than 20%.

Inclined superstructures
Securing the superstructure at angles of over 12%:
➤ Connect the head-plate to the longitudinal beam a ... min. 15 cm
(e.g. with Locking rod 15.0/33cm and Super-plate
15.0 or Angle anchor plate 12/18) A Staxo wedge support WS10
B Timber wedge, project-specific
C Multi-purpose waling or Steel waling WS10 Top50
B D Nailed connection

☞ The grain of the timber wedges must always be
in the vertical!

A Note:
If the legs of the load-bearing tower have to be located
outside the pattern of drilled holes in the multi-purpose
98024-285-01 waling or steel waling, then a suitable 20 mm diam.
hole must be drilled in the web of the waling.
A Wedge for screw-jack ..... %
B Locking rod 15.0/33cm
C Super-plate 15.0
See the type specification sheet "Load-bearing
tower Staxo 40" for alternative solutions.

Inclined ground surface


D Wedge for screw-jack ..... %

62 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 General remarks

with "Swivel bearing plates for Assembly

Screw jack U-head" Multi-purpose waling centrally clamped on the
Swivel bearing plate for Screw jack U-head:
➤ Insert a "Locking rod 15.0 330mm" through one of
the side holes (diam. 18 mm) on the Swivel bearing
plate for Screw jack U-head.
➤ Using the nuts & bolts etc. supplied with the product,
fix the "Swivel bearing plate for Screw jack U-head"
to the Screw-jack U-head (spanner size 17 mm).
➤ Place the multi-purpose waling on the "Swivel bear-
ing plate for Screw jack U-head".
Rotatable in all directions, the Swivel bearing plate for
Screw jack U-head has been designed for use with slab ➤ Screw a Super-plate 15.0 onto the Locking rod 15.0
supports where the superstructure slopes on both and tighten it.
On projects where the superstructure slopes on one
side only, the solutions shown above are preferable.

When assessing the oblique bending, always consult D
the Statical Calculation Dept.!

☞ The following structural-design limitations

must be taken into account:
● Swivel bearing plate for Screw jack U-head"

on head unit only:

See type specification sheet for structural G B
design details.
● Maximum inclination of superstructure: 18%
● Permitted overall inclination (in both the lon-
gitudinal and transverse directions): 18%
● From an overall inclination of 12%: Super- 98024-288-01
structure must be secured!
A Swivel bearing plate for Screw jack U-head
● Allow for the oblique bending on the primary
beam! B Staxo 40 screw-jack U-head
C Staxo 40 frame
● When calculating the extension lengths of
the head and base units, always allow for the D Multi-purpose waling
extra height of the Swivel bearing plate for E Super-plate 15.0
Screw jack U-head (92 mm). F Locking rod 15.0 330mm
G Screws, bolts etc.

☞ The following geometrical limitations must

be taken into account:
● Additional height of the Swivel bearing plate
To prevent the primary beams tipping over
while an unattached superstructure is being
for Screw jack U-head (92 mm). mounted, it is advisable – even where the over-
● Different foot/U-head extension lengths all inclination is less than 12 % (in both the lon-
caused by inclined superstructures. gitudinal and transverse directions) – to attach
2 Doka H20 beams (K) to each multi-purpose
waling using Flange-clamps H20 (L) .


999802402 - 10/2011 63
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Secondary-beam stabilisers
Secondary-beam stabilisers are used to prevent form- How to mount:
work beams tipping over while panels are being laid on ➤ Hang the Secondary-beam stabilisers into place with
them. an Alu beam fork H20.
Secondary-beam stabiliser 1 Secondary-beam stabiliser 2

98039-217-01 98039-217-02

● Special claws to prevent slippage on the beam-
● Needs only small commissioning quantities, as the
Secondary-beam stabilisers can be re-set in tandem
with the formwork erection cycle:
- approx. 20 Secondary-beam stabilisers 1
- approx. 10 Secondary-beam stabilisers 2

Note: 98024-329-01
In certain special situations, (e.g. when forming inclined
floor-slabs), Secondary-beam stabilisers can also be
used for transferring horizontal loads.
For more information, please contact your Doka techni- The secondary beam is now held in place.
cian. ➤ Lay the formwork sheets.
➤ After the formwork sheets have been laid, unhook
and remove the Secondary-beam stabilisers with an
Alu beam fork H20.

64 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 General remarks

Combining the system with standard components from other

Doka formwork systems
Using head units from the Dokaflex Using braces from the Load-bearing
1-2-4 and Doka Xtra floor-slab sys- tower d2 system
tems As an alternative to the diagonal crosses, it is also pos-
sible to use Diagonal braces d2 and Horizontal braces
Lowering head H20 Four-way head H20 Doka Xtra head d2 from the Doka load-bearing tower d2.

☞ Important note:
Deployment limitation:
● Cannot be used in conjunction with Staxo 40
anti-dropout lock.
For this reason:
- horizontal tower assembly is not allowed
Permitted capacity
when used with - tower is not allowed to be crane-lifted
Staxo 40: 22 kN - tower must not be used with e.g. brackets

☞ Important note: or in any other applications where tensile

forces act upon the tower
These head units may be used instead of Staxo ● Do not mix the d2 braces with diagonal
40 4-way screw-jack heads or Staxo 40 screw- crosses!
jack U-heads, provided that the following Table
is observed. ● Remember that these alternative parts have
different capacity ratings!
Using alternative screw-jack U-heads
Notional The permitted vertical loads must be diminished
Extra infor-
Screwjack U-head
screw-jack by 10%!
Component mation on U-head
extension The permitted horizontal loads must be diminished
length by 15%!
As per the exam-
Four-way head ples shown in
- 180 mm
H20 "Structural
design" J
Lowering head K
- No 350 mm
H20 L
Under load
from primary Yes 180 mm
Doka Xtra head* beams* J
Yes 540 mm
reshores* 98024-206-02
* effective resistance of leg must always be ≤ 22 kN, however
J Horizontal brace d2 (length = 100 cm to 250 cm)
K Diagonal brace 9, 12, or 18
L Diagonal brace used as a horizontal diagonal

999802402 - 10/2011 65
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Combining with Dokamatic tables

Superstructure attached by Doka- Assembly
matic table Staxo spindle connec- ➤ Mount a Screwjack foot (C) on the top frame.
➤ Bolt the Dokamatic table Staxo spindle connector (B)
tors onto the Screwjack foot.
● Ready-assembled Dokamatic tables can be Spanner size (width-across): 24 mm
mounted directly onto Staxo 40
● Height adjustment is possible in both the head and
base zone of the load-bearing tower
● Superstructure can be inclined by up to 12% (in both
the longitudinal and transverse directions)

☞ This configuration requires screwjack feet at

the top of the tower instead of the usual screw-
jack head units!


Attaching the Dokamatic table:

➤ Place the Dokamatic table onto the Staxo unit with
the aid of two Dokamatic lifting straps 13.00m and
the crane.
➤ Fit Connecting pins 10cm (E) to connect the table
(G) , and secure these with spring cotters (F) . The
second connecting pin on each longitudinal connec-
tion prevents any displacement of the superstruc-





66 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 General remarks

using "Wedges for screw-jack ..... %" (hardwood
➤ Bolt the Wedge for screw-jack ..... % (H) onto the
Screwjack foot. If any more holes are needed in the
"Wedge for screw-jack", these can be drilled on-site.



Details of extra holes in the Wedge for screw-jack


a a


a ... 55 mm
J Holes to be drilled (diam. 20 mm)
K Ready-drilled hole (diam. 20 mm)

☞ Max. table inclination 12% (in both the longitu-

dinal and transverse directions).

999802402 - 10/2011 67
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Transporting, stacking and storing

Utilise the benefits of Doka multi-trip packaging
on your site.
Doka skeleton transport box
Multi-trip packaging such as containers, stacking pal- 1.70x0.80m
lets and skeleton transport boxes keep everything in
place on the site, minimise time wasted searching for
parts, and streamline the storage and transport of sys-
tem components, small items and accessories.

Wooden pallets
for stacking the Staxo 40 frames:
● Wooden pallet 1.22x1.60m for 1.80m high frames
● Wooden pallet 0.80x1.60m for 1.20m and 0.90m
high frames
● Max. 40 Staxo 40 frames per stack!

Risk of tipping over!
➤ Doka wooden pallets with Staxo 40 frames
(even if only part-loaded) must not be
stacked on top of one another! Storage and transport devices for small items:
➤ Wrap two strapping belts around the Staxo frames ● durable
and the Doka wooden pallet to strap them firmly ● stackable
together. Suitable transport appliances:
● crane
● pallet stacking truck
● forklift truck
To make the "Doka skeleton transport box" easier to
load and unload, one of its sidewalls can be opened.

Max. load: 700 kg

Permitted imposed load: 3150 kg

☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items that each contain
very different loads must be stacked with the
heaviest ones at the bottom and the lightest
ones at the top!
h ... 194 cm ● Rating plate must be in place and clearly leg-


The U-brackets on the frames act as a lock to stop

the frames slipping.

68 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 General remarks

Using Doka skeleton transport boxes

1.70x0.80m as storage units

Max. n° of boxes on top of one another

Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
2 5
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!

Using Doka skeleton transport boxes

1.70x0.80m as transport devices
Lifting by crane

➤ Only lift the boxes when their sidewalls are


☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted

one at a time.
● Use a suitable lifting chain. (Do not exceed
the permitted load capacity). e.g: Doka 4-
part chain 3.20m.
● Spread-angle β max. 30°!


Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking

The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or
the narrowside of the containers.

999802402 - 10/2011 69
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Doka multi-trip transport box Using Doka multi-trip transport boxes as stor-
age units
1.20x0.80m galv.
Max. n° of boxes on top of one another
Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
3 6
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!

Using Doka multi-trip transport boxes as

transport devices
Lifting by crane

Storage and transport devices for small items:

☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
● Use a suitable lifting chain. (Do not exceed
● durable the permitted load capacity). e.g: Doka 4-
● stackable part chain 3.20m.
Suitable transport appliances: ● Spread-angle β max. 30°!
● crane
● pallet stacking truck
● forklift truck

Max. load: 1500 kg

Permitted imposed load: 7900 kg

☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items that each contain

very different loads must be stacked with the
heaviest ones at the bottom and the lightest
ones at the top!
● Rating plate must be in place and clearly leg-

Multi-trip transport box partition

Different items in the Multi-trip transport box can be Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking
kept separate with the Multi-trip transport box partitions truck
1.20m or 0.80m. The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or
the narrowside of the containers.


A Slide-bolt for fixing the partition

Possible ways of dividing the box

Multi-trip transport
Lengthways Crossways
box partition
1.20m max. 3 partitions —
0.80m — max. 3 partitions

Tr755-200-04 Tr755-200-05

70 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 General remarks

Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m and Using Doka stacking pallets as transport
Storage and transport devices for long items: Lifting by crane
● durable
● stackable ☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
● Use a suitable lifting chain. (Do not exceed
Suitable transport appliances:
the permitted load capacity). e.g: Doka 4-
● crane part chain 3.20m.
● pallet stacking truck ● Load the items centrically.
● forklift truck ● Fasten the load to the stacking pallet so that
The Bolt-on caster set B turns the stacking pallet into a it cannot slide or tip out.
fast and manoeuvrable transport trolley. ● When lifting stacking pallets to which Bolt-on
castor sets B have been attached, you must
Follow the directions in the "Bolt-on castor set
also follow the directions in these Operating
B" Operating Instructions!
● Spread-angle β max. 30°!

= =

Max. load: 1100 kg a

Permitted imposed load: 5900 kg Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m max. 4.0 m
Doka stacking pallet 1.20x0.80m max. 3.0 m

☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items that each contain

very different loads must be stacked with the
heaviest ones at the bottom and the lightest
Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking
ones at the top!
● Rating plate must be in place and clearly leg-
☞ ● Load the items centrically.
● Fasten the load to the stacking pallet so that
it cannot slide or tip out.

Using Doka stacking pallets as storage units

Max. n° of units on top of one another

Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
2 6
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!

☞ ● How to use with bolt-on castor set:

Always apply the fixing brake when the con-
tainer is "parked".
When Doka stacking pallets are stacked, the
bottom pallet must NOT be one with a bolt-on
caster set mounted to it.

999802402 - 10/2011 71
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Doka accessory box Doka accessory box as transport devices

Storage and transport devices for small items: Lifting by crane
● durable
● stackable
Suitable transport appliances:
☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items may only be lifted
one at a time.
● Use a suitable lifting chain. (Do not exceed
● crane the permitted load capacity). e.g: Doka 4-
part chain 3.20m.
● pallet stacking truck
● When lifting stacking pallets to which Bolt-on
● forklift truck
castor sets B have been attached, you must
The Doka accessory box is the tidy, easy-to-find way of also follow the directions in these Operating
storing and stacking all interconnection and form-tie Instructions!
components. ● Spread-angle β max. 30°!
The Bolt-on caster set B turns the stacking pallet into a
fast and manoeuvrable transport trolley.
Follow the directions in the "Bolt-on castor set
B" Operating Instructions!


Repositioning by forklift truck or pallet stacking

The forks can be inserted under either the broadside or
the narrowside of the containers.

Max. load: 1000 kg

Permitted imposed load: 5530 kg

☞ ● Multi-trip packaging items that each contain

very different loads must be stacked with the
heaviest ones at the bottom and the lightest
ones at the top!
● Rating plate must be in place and clearly leg-

Doka accessory box as storage units

Max. n° of boxes on top of one another

Outdoors (on the site) Indoors
Floor gradient up to 3% Floor gradient up to 1%
3 6
It is not allowed to stack empty
pallets on top of one another!

☞ ● How to use with bolt-on castor set:

Always apply the fixing brake when the con-
tainer is "parked".
When Doka accessory boxes are stacked,
the bottom box must NOT be one with a bolt-
on castor set mounted to it.

72 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 General remarks

Bolt-on castor set B

The Bolt-on caster set B turns the stacking pallet into a
fast and manoeuvrable transport trolley.
Suitable for drive-through access openings > 90 cm.

The Bolt-on caster set B can be mounted to the follow-

ing multi-trip packaging items:
● Doka accessory box
● Doka stacking pallets

Follow the directions in the Operating Instruc-


999802402 - 10/2011 73
The Formwork Experts
General remarks User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

74 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Structural design

Structural design
Structural design

Held at top Free-standing

e.g. enclosed space, or with
without back-stay

98024-223-01 98024-223-02

Single primary beam (I

Head units restrained

tec 20) or Double pri-


mary beams (H20)

See Diagrams 1 - 3 See Diagram 4

Multi-purpose waling

Swivel bearing plate


for Screw jack U-head

Head units not restrained

Single primary beam,



See type specification sheet See type specification sheet

Superstructure with

spindle struts

Max. influence width of the secondary beams for the superstructure: 50 cm

Braced screw-jack heads and feet

In cases where the screw-jack heads and feet are
braced, a notional screw-jack extension length of

15 cm may be used for actual extension lengths LF and


LK of up to 70 cm.
This only applies if the screw-jack heads and feet are
braced with diam. 48.3 mm scaffold tubes (to DIN EN
Bracing in the head zone Bracing in the base zone
39) and swivel couplers (to DIN EN 74-1, min. Class A).

999802402 - 10/2011 75
The Formwork Experts
Structural design User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Diagram 2
Load-bearing tower held at top Permitted vertical load Fv per leg
Head units restrained in both planes Between 2 and 6 1.80m frames2)

23.3 kN 20 kN 15 kN
Inter-frame space a = 1.0 - 3.0 m 0.70

Max. Screw-jack U-head/foot extn. length [m]

with diagonal crosses 25 kN
Number of frame planes ≥ 2
0.50 30 kN
Bracing-strut plane Frame plane
35 kN

A 38 kN


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 E

64 80 100 120 140 F 160

The values given here do not apply to frames that are being used as
single frames.
2)It is permitted to adjust the height by adding a small number of 'filler
B storeys' of 0.90m or 1.20m frames, provided that the overall tower

98024-210-01 height specified here is not exceeded.

a E Dynamic pressure (wind-load)[kN/m2]

F Peak velocity [km/h]
h ... Height of load-bearing tower
LK ... Screw-jack U-head extension length
LF ... Screw-jack foot extension length
Load-bearing tower assembled from single frames
A Staxo 40 frames 1.80/1.20/0.90m (i.e. not vertically stacked)
B Staxo 40 screw-jack foot
C Staxo 40 screw-jack U-head or Staxo 40 4-way screw-jack head FV FV FV FV

D Diagonal cross

Diagram 1
Permitted vertical load Fv per leg
Between 2 and 9 1.20m frames1)

28 kN 25 kN 20 kN a
30 kN
Diagram 3
Max. Screw-jack U-head/foot extn. length [m]

0.60 Load capacity for 1.20m, 0.90m and 1.80m frames

35 kN
when used as single frames
40 kN
Permitted dynamic pressure 0.2 - 1.3 kN/m2
45 42.8 kN C
Permitted vertical load Fv per leg

45 kN 40
35 D

33.5 kN
0.00 25 24.3 kN
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 E
19.0 kN
64 80 100 120 140 F 160 15
The values given here do not apply to frames that are being used as
0.15 m

single frames. 5
1) It is permitted to adjust the height by adding a small number of 'filler 0
storeys' of 0.90m frames, provided that the overall tower height spec- 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70
ified here is not exceeded.
Maximum Screw-jack U-head or Screw-jack foot extension
E Dynamic pressure (wind-load)[kN/m2] length [m]
F Peak velocity [km/h] C Load capacity for 1.20m and 0.90m frames when used as single
D Load capacity for 1.80m frames when used as single frames

76 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Structural design

Free-standing load-bearing tower

Head units restrained in both planes
Inter-frame space a = 1.5 - 3.0 m
with diagonal crosses
Number of frame planes ≥ 2

Bracing-strut plane Frame plane






h ... Height of load-bearing tower

LK ... Screw-jack U-head extension length
LF ... Screw-jack foot extension length
A Staxo 40 frames 1.80/1.20/0.90m
B Staxo 40 screw-jack foot
C Staxo 40 screw-jack U-head or Staxo 40 4-way screw-jack head
D Diagonal cross

Diagram 4
Permitted vertical load Fv per leg
Between 2 and 4 Staxo 40 frames 1.80m,
screwjack extension lengths ≤ 30 cm



Height of load-bearing tower [m]

28 kN

26 kN

24 kN
31.5 kN

30 kN

2 B
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Actual horizontal load FH per leg [kN]
B Permitted dynamic pressure (wind-load) = 0.2 kN/m2

Separate proofs are needed in respect of slippage and

tipping over.

999802402 - 10/2011 77
The Formwork Experts
Structural design User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

Height ranges and materials sched-

Choose the right diagonal crosses for the distance
between the frames.

☞ ● The minimum values "hmin." given in

Table A are only applicable if the biggest

possible frame is always used in the base
● The lowering distance of 6 cm is already
allowed for in Table A!
● LK and LF are in accordance with the dimen-


sioning diagrams. In some cases, the struc- 98024-330-01
tural design will permit greater extension
lengths – see Page 24 " System dimen- 1.80m, 1.20m and 0.90m frames are possible here.
sions", Tables B and C.

Table A
Variant 1 Variant 2
LK = max. 30cm LK = max. 70cm Basic items
LF = max. 30cm LF = max. 70cm
Staxo 40 screw-jack U-head 30cm at top

Staxo 40 screw-jack U-head 70cm at top

Staxo 40 4-way screw-jack head 30cm,

Staxo 40 4-way screw-jack head 70cm,

Staxo 40 tube connector D48.31)

Staxo 40 screw-jack foot 30cm

Staxo 40 screw-jack foot 70cm

Staxo 40 anti-dropout lock 1)

Fixed height of frame Fh [m]

Staxo 40 frame 0.90m

Staxo 40 frame 1.20m

Staxo 40 frame 1.80m

Diagonal cross

Diagonal cross

Diagonal cross

Staxo 40 coupler


h [m] h [m]
min. - max. min. - max.
1.20 1.37 - 1.79 4 4 2.07 - 2.59 4 4 — 2 — — 3 — — 8 —
1.80 1.97 - 2.39 4 4 2.16 - 3.19 4 4 — — 2 — 1 2 — 8 —
1.80 1.97 - 2.39 4 4 2.39 - 3.19 4 4 4 — — 4 2 — 4 8 8
2.10 2.27 - 2.69 4 4 2.46 - 3.49 4 4 2 2 — 2 4 — 4 8 8
2.40 2.57 - 2.99 4 4 2.76 - 3.79 4 4 — 4 — — 6 — 4 8 8
2.70 2.87 - 3.29 4 4 3.06 - 4.09 4 4 2 — 2 2 2 2 4 8 8
3.00 3.17 - 3.59 4 4 3.36 - 4.39 4 4 — 2 2 — 4 2 4 8 8
3.30 3.47 - 3.89 4 4 3.66 - 4.69 4 4 2 4 — 2 6 — 8 8 16
3.60 3.77 - 4.19 4 4 3.96 - 4.99 4 4 — — 4 — 2 4 4 8 8
3.90 4.07 - 4.49 4 4 4.26 - 5.29 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 8 8 16
4.20 4.37 - 4.79 4 4 4.56 - 5.59 4 4 — 4 2 — 6 2 8 8 16
4.50 4.67 - 5.09 4 4 4.86 - 5.89 4 4 2 — 4 2 2 4 8 8 16
4.80 4.97 - 5.39 4 4 5.16 - 6.19 4 4 — 2 4 — 4 4 8 8 16
5.10 5.27 - 5.69 4 4 5.46 - 6.49 4 4 2 4 2 2 6 2 12 8 24
5.40 5.57 - 5.99 4 4 5.76 - 6.79 4 4 — — 6 — 2 6 8 8 16
5.70 5.87 - 6.29 4 4 6.06 - 7.09 4 4 2 2 4 2 4 4 12 8 24
6.00 6.17 - 6.59 4 4 6.36 - 7.39 4 4 — 4 4 — 6 4 12 8 24
6.30 6.47 - 6.89 4 4 6.66 - 7.69 4 4 2 — 6 2 2 6 12 8 24
6.60 6.77 - 7.19 4 4 6.96 - 7.99 4 4 — 2 6 — 4 6 12 8 24
6.90 7.07 - 7.49 4 4 7.26 - 8.29 4 4 2 4 4 2 6 4 16 8 32
7.20 7.37 - 7.79 4 4 7.56 - 8.59 4 4 — — 8 — 2 8 12 8 24
7.50 7.67 - 8.09 4 4 7.86 - 8.89 4 4 2 2 6 2 4 6 16 8 32
7.80 7.97 - 8.39 4 4 8.16 - 9.19 4 4 — 4 6 — 6 6 16 8 32
8.10 8.27 - 8.69 4 4 8.46 - 9.49 4 4 2 — 8 2 2 8 16 8 32
8.40 8.57 - 8.99 4 4 8.76 - 9.79 4 4 — 2 8 — 4 8 16 8 32
8.70 8.87 - 9.29 4 4 9.06 - 10.09 4 4 2 4 6 2 6 6 20 8 40
9.00 9.17 - 9.59 4 4 9.36 - 10.39 4 4 — — 10 — 2 10 16 8 32
9.30 9.47 - 9.89 4 4 9.66 - 10.69 4 4 2 2 8 2 4 8 20 8 40
The schedule of materials does not include scaffold planking units.
1) Needed when the towerframe unit is lifted into place or repositioned by crane.

78 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

tower Systems
Staxo 40

Staxo 40 frame 1.80m 24.5 582200000 Diagonal brace d2 9.100 2.0 582740000
Staxo 40 frame 1.20m 17.5 582201000 Diagonal brace d2 9.125 2.2 582741000
Staxo 40 frame 0.90m 14.6 582202000 Diagonal brace d2 9.152 2.6 582742000
Staxo 40-Rahmen Diagonal brace d2 9.175 3.0 582743000
Galvanised Diagonal brace d2 9.200 3.3 582744000
Diagonal brace d2 9.225 5.9 582745000
Diagonal brace d2 9.250 6.8 582746000
Diagonal brace d2 12.100 2.2 582712000
Diagonal brace d2 12.125 2.5 582713000
Diagonal brace d2 12.152 2.9 582714000
Diagonal brace d2 12.175 3.1 582715000
Diagonal brace d2 12.200 3.5 582716000
Diagonal brace d2 12.225 6.0 582717000
Diagonal brace d2 12.250 6.7 582718000
Diagonal brace d2 18.100 3.0 582720000
Diagonal brace d2 18.125 3.3 582721000
Diagonal brace d2 18.152 5.8 582722000
Diagonal brace d2 18.175 6.1 582723000
Diagonal brace d2 18.200 6.4 582724000
Diagonal brace d2 18.225 6.9 582725000
Diagonal brace d2 18.250 7.4 582726000
Staxo 40 coupler 0.60 582203000 Diagonalstrebe d2
Staxo 40-Kupplungsstück Galvanised
Height: 30.8 cm

Staxo 40 tube connector D48.3mm 0.07 582204000

Staxo 40-Rohrstecker D48,3mm
Horizontal brace d2 100 1.6 582730000
Horizontal brace d2 125 1.9 582731000
Horizontal brace d2 152 2.3 582732000
Diagonal cross 9.100 4.1 582772000 Horizontal brace d2 175 2.7 582733000
Diagonal cross 9.150 5.2 582773000 Horizontal brace d2 200 3.0 582734000
Diagonal cross 9.165 5.7 582627000 Horizontal brace d2 225 3.4 582735000
Diagonal cross 9.175 6.1 582334000 Horizontal brace d2 250 3.8 582736000
Horizontalstrebe d2
Diagonal cross 9.200 6.6 582774000
Diagonal cross 9.250 7.7 582775000 Galvanised
Diagonal cross 9.300 9.0 582323000
Diagonal cross 12.100 4.6 582610000
Diagonal cross 12.150 5.7 582612000
Diagonal cross 12.165 6.1 582628000
Diagonal cross 12.175 6.3 582335000
Diagonal cross 12.200 6.9 582614000
Diagonal cross 12.250 8.3 582616000
Diagonal cross 12.300 9.3 582325000 Staxo 40 4-way screw-jack head 30cm 6.5 582209000
Diagonal cross 18.100 6.1 582620000 Staxo 40-Vierwegkopfspindel 30cm
Diagonal cross 18.150 6.9 582622000 Galvanised
Diagonal cross 18.165 7.3 582629000 Height: 67.8 cm
Diagonal cross 18.175 7.8 582336000
Diagonal cross 18.200 7.8 582624000
Diagonal cross 18.250 9.1 582626000
Diagonal cross 18.300 10.3 582326000
Delivery condition: folded closed
Staxo 40 4-way screw-jack head 70cm 8.9 582210000
Staxo 40-Vierwegkopfspindel 70cm
Height: 117.6 cm

Staxo 40 screw jack U-head 30cm 4.7 582207000

Staxo 40-Kopfspindel 30cm
Height: 55.7 cm

999802402 - 10/2011 79
The Formwork Experts
Component overview User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Staxo 40 screw jack U-head 70cm 7.0 582208000 Scaffold planking 60/60cm 6.1 582330500
Staxo 40-Kopfspindel 70cm Scaffold planking 60/100cm 9.5 582306500
Galvanised Scaffold planking 60/150cm 13.6 582307500
Height: 105.5 cm Scaffold planking 60/175cm 15.5 582332500
Scaffold planking 60/200cm 17.8 582308500
Scaffold planking 60/250cm 22.2 582309500
Scaffold planking 60/300cm 26.2 582310500

Staxo 40 screw jack foot 30cm 3.9 582205000

Staxo 40-Fußspindel 30cm
Height: 50.7 cm Scaffold planking 60/100cm with manhole 9.5 582311500
Scaffold planking 60/150cm with manhole 13.8 582312500
Scaffold planking 60/175cm with manhole 15.5 582333500
Scaffold planking 60/200cm with manhole 17.7 582313500
Scaffold planking 60/250cm with manhole 20.8 582314500
Scaffold planking 60/300cm with manhole 26.3 582315500
Gerüstbelag mit Durchstieg
Staxo 40 screw jack foot 70cm 6.1 582206000 Aluminium
Staxo 40-Fußspindel 70cm
Height: 100.5 cm

Scaffold planking 30/100cm 7.4 582231000

Scaffold planking 30/150cm 10.6 582232000
Scaffold planking 30/200cm 13.5 582234000
Scaffold planking 30/250cm 16.4 582235000
Staxo 40 anti-dropout lock 0.54 582211000 Scaffold planking 30/300cm 19.5 582236000
Staxo 40-Spindelsicherung Gerüstbelag
Galvanised Galvanised
Powder-coated, blue
Length: 9.0 cm
Width: 8.8 cm
Height: 8.6 cm

Staxo 40 bracket 90cm 8.6 582212000

Staxo 40-Konsole 90cm
Galvanised Staxo 40 ladder 2.30m 14.8 582219000
Width: 108.9 cm Staxo 40-Leiter 2,30m
Height: 65.5 cm Galvanised

Staxo 40 frame strut 1.40m 6.5 582213000

Staxo 40-Rahmenstrebe 1,40m
Staxo front railing 10.5 582316000
Length: 140 cm
Height: 152 cm

Staxo 40 planking strut 1.00m 5.7 582215000

Staxo 40 planking strut 1.50m 7.3 582216000
Staxo 40 planking strut 2.00m 9.3 582217000
Staxo 40-Belagstrebe

80 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Staxo side railing 100 17.5 582317500 Handrail post XP 1.20m 4.1 586460000
Staxo side railing 150 20.0 582318500 Geländersteher XP 1,20m
Staxo side railing 175 23.2 582331500 Galvanised
Staxo side railing 200 24.1 582319500 Height: 118 cm
Staxo side railing 250 27.5 582320500
Staxo side railing 300 31.1 582321500
Height: 152 cm

Spring locked connecting pin 16mm 0.25 582528000

Federbolzen 16mm
Galvanised Scaffold tube holder D48mm 0.95 586464000
Gerüstrohrhalter D48mm
Length: 15 cm
Height: 18 cm
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.00m 3.6 682014000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.50m 5.4 682015000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.00m 7.2 682016000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.50m 9.0 682017000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.00m 10.8 682018000 Toeboard holder XP 1.20m 0.64 586461000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.50m 12.6 682019000 Fußwehrhalter XP 1,20m
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.00m 14.4 682021000 Galvanised
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.50m 16.2 682022000 Height: 21 cm
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.00m 18.0 682023000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.50m 19.8 682024000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm 6.00m 21.6 682025000
Scaffold tube 48.3mm .....m 3.6 682001000
Gerüstrohr 48,3mm Beam connection plate H20 0.08 586263000
Gurtverbinder H20
Height: 8 cm

Staxo 40 shifting wheel 22.8 582218000

Staxo 40-Umsetzrad
Swivel coupler 48mm 1.5 582560000 Galvanised
Drehkupplung 48mm
Height: 120 cm
Follow the directions in the "Operat-
Width-across: 22 mm ing Instructions"!

Normal coupler 48mm 1.2 682004000

Normalkupplung 48mm
Width-across: 22 mm Lifting rod 15.0 1.9 586074000
Umsetzstab 15,0
Painted blue
Height: 57 cm
Follow the directions in the "Operat-
Screw-on coupler 48mm 50 0.84 682002000 ing Instructions"!
Anschraubkupplung 48mm 50
Width-across: 22 mm

Retaining plate 15.0 1.8 586073000

Jochplatte 15,0
Screw-on coupler 48mm 95 0.88 586013000
Anschraubkupplung 48mm 95 Length: 17 cm
Galvanised Width: 12 cm
Height: 11 cm

Lowering head H20 6.1 586174000

Absenkkopf H20
Length: 25 cm
Width: 20 cm
Height: 38 cm

999802402 - 10/2011 81
The Formwork Experts
Component overview User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

4-way head H20 4.0 586170000 Bracing for load-bearing towers 11.6 582795000
Vierwegkopf H20 Abspannung für Traggerüste
Galvanised Galvanised
Length: 25 cm Painted blue
Width: 20 cm
Height: 33 cm

Doka Xtra head 9.7 586108000

Doka Xtra-Kopf
Height: 69 cm
Connecting pin 10cm 0.34 580201000
Verbindungsbolzen 10cm
Length: 14 cm

Fix-De-Fix remote uncoupling system 3150kg 27.0 586014000

Abhängeautomat Fix-De-Fix 3150kg
Spring cotter 5mm 0.05 580204000
Follow the directions in the "Operat- Federvorstecker 5mm
ing Instructions"! Galvanised
Length: 13 cm

Plumbing strut Eurex 60 550 42.5 582658000

Justierstütze Eurex 60 550
Powder-coated, blue
Length: 343 - 553 cm

Universal plug R20/25 0.003 588180000

Kombi Ankerstopfen R20/25
Diameter: 3 cm

Locking rod 15.0 330mm 0.48 582641000

Quetschteil 15,0
Width-across: 24 mm

Clamping plate for U-head 2.0 502709030

Klemmplatte für Gabelkopf
Length: 24 cm
Width: 9 cm

Wing nut 15.0 0.31 581961000

Flügelmutter 15,0
Extension Eurex 60 2.00m 21.3 582651000
Length: 10 cm Verlängerung Eurex 60 2,00m
Height: 5 cm Powder-coated, blue
Width-across: 27 mm Aluminium
Length: 250 cm
Anchoring shoe for stair tower 3.4 582680000
Ankerschuh für Treppenturm
Length: 22 cm
Width: 12 cm
Height: 22 cm

Cone screw B 7cm 0.86 581444000

Konusschraube B 7cm
Length: 10 cm
Diameter: 7 cm Coupler Eurex 60 8.6 582652000
Kupplungsstück Eurex 60
Width-across: 50 mm
Length: 100 cm
Diameter: 12.8 cm

82 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Component overview

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Prop head Eurex 60 Top50 7.1 582665000 Plumbing strut 540 29.6 588250000
Stützenkopf Eurex 60 Top50 Justierstütze 540
Galvanised Galvanised
Height: 50 cm Length: 309 - 550 cm

Connector Eurex 60 3.9 582657000

Verbindungsstück Eurex 60
Length: 15 cm
Width: 15 cm
Height: 30 cm

Plumbing strut shoe Eurex 60 8.5 582660000

Justierstützenfuß Eurex 60
Length: 31 cm
Width: 12 cm
Prop shoe 2.1 588245000
Height: 33 cm Galvanised
Length: 20 cm
Width: 11 cm
Plumbing strut 340 for precast members 18.2 588296000 Height: 10 cm
Justierstütze 340 für Fertigteile
Staxo 40 plumbing strut adapter 1.6 582214000
Length: 190 - 341 cm Staxo 40-Justierstützenadapter
Height: 16 cm

Universal dismantling tool 3.7 582768000

Length: 75.5 cm

Plumbing strut 540 for precast members 33.3 588297000

Justierstütze 540 für Fertigteile
Length: 309 - 550 cm

Doka express anchor 16x125mm 0.31 588631000

Doka-Expressanker 16x125mm
Length: 18 cm
Follow fitting instructions!

Doka coil 16mm 0.009 588633000

Doka-Coil 16mm
Diameter: 1.6 cm

Plumbing strut 340 14.2 588247000

Justierstütze 340
Galvanised Spindle connecting plate T 3.1 584371000
Spindellasche T
Length: 190 - 341 cm
Width: 20 cm
Height: 25 cm

Secondary-beam stabiliser 1 1.6 586196000

Secondary-beam stabiliser 2 2.1 586197000
Height: 38.7 cm

999802402 - 10/2011 83
The Formwork Experts
Component overview User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

[kg] Article n° [kg] Article n°

Dokamatic table Staxo spindle connector 3.9 582347000 Doka multi-trip transport box 1.20x0.80m 75.0 583011000
Staxo-Spindelanschluss Dokamatic-Tisch Doka-Mehrwegcontainer 1,20x0,80m
Galvanised Galvanised
Length: 20.7 cm Height: 78 cm
Follow the directions in the "Operat-
ing Instructions"!

Wedge for screw jack ..... % 0.46 176071000

Spindelkeil ..... %
Length: 20 cm
Width: 16 cm

Super plate 15.0 1.1 581966000 Multi-trip transport box partition 0.80m 3.7 583018000
Superplatte 15,0 Multi-trip transport box partition 1.20m 5.5 583017000
Galvanised Mehrwegcontainer Unterteilung
Height: 6 cm Timber parts varnished yellow
Diameter: 12 cm Steel parts galvanised
Width-across: 27 mm

Staxo wedge support WS10 8.7 582796000

Staxo-Keilauflager WS10
Length: 31 cm
Width: 15 cm Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m 42.0 586151000
Height: 23 cm Doka-Stapelpalette 1,55x0,85m
Height: 77 cm
Staxo wedge support WU12/14 12.2 582350000 Follow the directions in the "Operat-
Staxo-Keilauflager WU12/14 ing Instructions"!
Length: 35.6 cm
Width: 15 cm
Height: 33.6 cm

Swivel bearing plate for screw jack U-head 5.2 582799000

Gelenkaufsatz Kopfspindel
Doka stacking pallet 1.20x0.80m 39.5 583016000
Galvanised Doka-Stapelpalette 1,20x0,80m
Length: 20.8 cm Galvanised
Width: 15.0 cm Height: 77 cm
Height: 14.4 cm Follow the directions in the "Operat-
ing Instructions"!

Locking rod 15.0 330mm 0.48 582641000

Quetschteil 15,0 330mm
Width-across: 24 mm

Doka accessory box 106.4 583010000

Timber parts varnished yellow
Multi-trip packaging
Steel parts galvanised
Length: 154 cm
Wooden pallet 1.22x1.60m (DB, HT) 24.0 176139000
Wooden pallet 0.80x1.60m (DB, HT) 20.0 176140000 Width: 83 cm
Holzpalette (DB, HT) Height: 77 cm
Follow the directions in the "Operat-
ing Instructions"!

Bolt-on castor set B 33.6 586168000

Anklemm-Radsatz B
Painted blue
Doka skeleton transport box 1.70x0.80m 87.0 583012000
Doka-Gitterbox 1,70x0,80m
Height: 113 cm
Follow the directions in the "Operat-
ing Instructions"!

84 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Component overview

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The Formwork Experts
Component overview User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40

86 999802402 - 10/2011
The Formwork Experts
User information Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 Component overview

999802402 - 10/2011 87
The Formwork Experts
Load-bearing tower Staxo 40
The ergonomic shoring system for the building construction field
The Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 is perfectly tailored to the needs of the building construction sector. Its revolutionary
walk-through H-frame makes it possible to have continuous, uninterrupted workdecks. When combined with the
Staxo 40 bracket, the load-bearing tower can be horizontally extended to allow many widely differing applications.
The Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 is available for rental, leasing or purchase.
At any of the Doka branches in your region.
Why not give us a call?

The Doka Group's central plant at Amstetten, Austria

Doka international
Certified to Doka GmbH
ISO 9001 Josef Umdasch Platz 1, A 3300 Amstetten, Austria
Tel.: +43 (0)7472 605-0, Fax: +43 (0)7472 64430

Algeria Japan Qatar Tunisia Other subsidiaries and

SARL Doka Algérie Doka Japan K.K. Doka Qatar WLL Doka Tunisia Ltd.
24 A Route de la Rassauta Miwanoyama 744-6 Nagareyama-shi 2nd Gate, Light Industrial Area, Rue de l‘usine, representatives:
Bordj-El-Kifane, BP 170, 16120 Alger 270-175 Chiba-Ken Mesaieed-Qatar Le Kram, Zone Industrielle
Telephone: +213 21 21 27 42 Telephone: +81 471 78 8808 P.O. Box 23439, Doha-Qatar 2015 Tunis Angola Kazakhstan
Telephone: +216 71 977 350
Telefax: +213 21 21 28 98 Telefax: +81 471 78 8812 Telephone: +974 4 4500 628 Latvia
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Korea Saudi Arabia Doka Kalip-Iskele Belarus Marocco
5404 - 36th Street S.E.
Doka Korea Ltd. Doka Formwork Technology Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
Calgary AB T2C 1P1 444-1, Yongdoo-ri, Gongdo-eup Mahmoud Othman & Sons LLC Bosnia and Mexico
Güzeller Org. San. Bölgesi
Telephone: +1 403 243-6629 456-821 Anseong-Si, Gyeonggi-Do Thalia Street, Al-Jol Building,
Telefax: +1 403 243-6787
Inönü Mah. Nazarbayev Sok. No:19 Herzegovina Netherlands
Telephone: +82 31 8053 0700 4th Floor, Flat 303/403/404 41400 Gebze, Kocaeli
E-Mail: Telefax: +82 31 8053 0701 P.O. Box 7620 Brazil New Zealand
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Telefax: +90 262 751 50 05
China Telephone: +966 0)2 669 10 08
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Doka Formwork (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Kuwait
No. 3883 Yuanjiang Road E-Mail: United Arab Emirates Croatia Poland
Minhang District, Building 2 Doka Kuwait
Div. of Riham Gen. Trad. & Cont. Co. Doka Gulf FZE Czech Republic Portugal
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Telephone: +86 21 6090 0899 Doka Formwork Pte. Ltd. Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai Denmark Romania
Shuwaikh Port Authority Area
Telefax: +86 21 6090 1099 P.O. Box 2217 9 Gul Circle Telephone: +971 4 870 8700 Egypt Russia
E-Mail: 22023 Salmiyah Singapore 629565 Telefax: +971 4 870 8702
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Telephone: + 965 2 4822 462 E-Mail:
India Telefax: +965 2 4822 472 Telefax: +65 6897 8606 Finland Serbia
Doka India Pvt. Ltd. E-Mail: E-Mail: United Kingdom France Slovakia
Plot No. 26 A, Sector-7, Khargar Mahavir Doka UK Formwork Technologies Ltd
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Doka GmbH - Branch Lebanon Doka South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Boughton Monchelsea Greece Spain
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Damascus Street, Sodeco Square, Block C / Hungary Switzerland
Telephone: +91 22 2774 6452 9th floor - Ashrafieh 2 Sebasa Road, Chloorkop Ext.10 Telephone: +44 1622 74 90 50
Telefax: +91 22 2774 6451 Beirut Kempton Park 1619, P.O.Box 8337, Telefax: +44 1622 74 90 33 Iceland Taiwan
E-Mail: Telephone: +961 1 612 569 Halfway House, 1685 Johannesburg E-Mail Iran Thailand
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Ireland E-Mail: Telefax: +27 11 310 9711 USA Italy Ukraine
Doka Ireland Formwork Techn. Ltd. E-Mail: Doka USA, Ltd. Jordan Vietnam
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Tinure Industrial Complex County Sweden
Louth Doka Norge AS Telephone: +1 201 329-7839
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Telefax: +353 41 686 1525 45155 Uddevalla Internet:
Telephone: +47 72 89 38 10
E-Mail: Telephone: +46 10 45 16 300
Telefax: +47 72 89 38 11
E-Mail: Telefax: +46 10 45 16 309

The Formwork Experts 999802402 - 10/2011

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