Performance Analysis of Uplink Resource Allocation in Wimax

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Performance Analysis of uplink resource allocation in


Oana Iosif, Elena-Roxana Cirstea, Ion Banica, Silviu Ciochina

Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication
‘Politehnica’University of Bucharest
Bucharest, Romania

Abstract — This paper presents the key design factors that Service), nrtPS (Non-real Time Polling Services), BE (Best
must be taken into account when developing resource Effort).
allocation algorithms. IEEE 802.16e standard does not include
a scheduling algorithm for the uplink direction and it remains UGS receives the needed bandwidth at connection setup
open for research and continuous improvement. Using and there is no need to send another bandwidth request. Its
OPNET, we investigate different factors that impact the UL QoS requirements are: maximum sustained rate, maximum
resource allocation in WIMAX. Based on one of our previous latency and jitter. ErtPS is used for voice with silence
papers developed in QualNet concerning the UL scheduling in suppression and no bandwidth is allocated during the silent
WIMAX, a comparison between QualNet and OPNET will be periods. This service class reduces MAC overhead and
done. access delay of the rtPS algorithm and decreases the wasted
resources of the UGS service class. For rtPS , the bandwidth
Keywords components - resource allocation; scheduling requirements vary and the BS (Base Station) must be able to
algorithms,; bandwidth; throughput; delay; jitter regularly poll the SSs (Subscriber Station). To provide
efficient service for non-real time traffic WIMAX defines
I. INTRODUCTION nrtPS. The only guarantee it offers is the minimum reserved
Even if we speak about advantages or costs, IEEE 802.16 rate. Last but not least is BE service class. Most of data
WIMAX is a leading wireless technology and a good traffic in WIMAX is included in this category. There is no
alternative to other wide band technologies, wired networks guarantee for throughput or delay and the remaining
or even cellular networks. One of its design purposes was to bandwidth is available for BE services only after all other
accommodate various QoS requirements. Due to the fact that service classes have been scheduled.
certain applications can not work well without QoS (e.g. a Based on the bandwidth request issued by a MS, the BS
given delay can be accepted by an application but it can decides the number of slots it can allocate to each MS in
become critical for another) WIMAX model must be flexible each UL frame. The newest standard recommendations allow
and efficient in offering quality data and voice transfers. the BS to allocate grants only per subscriber station (GPSS)
Like other wireless standards, in WIMAX, all the and the MS scheduler must be able to distribute resources
available bandwidth is shared between users located in the between its connections. Bandwidth request can be
same radio sector. Considering this, performance could incremental or aggregate and implicit or explicit based on its
deteriorate in case of an increased number of users. To need of polling. IEEE 802.16e standard specifies seven
overcome this issue and deliver the QoS required by an different bandwidth request mechanisms:
application, the best suited scheduling algorithm must be  Unsolicited request – periodical allocation at setup
chosen and then it must be optimized. stage for UGS or ertPS flows
 Poll-me bit – non-UGS connections asks the BS to
poll them
What makes IEEE 802.16 so attractive is the possibility
to handle the QoS over the radio interface. The Physical  Bandwidth stealing – nrtPS or BE service classes
Layer and the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer have a can send a short bandwidth request (6 bytes)
special design to be able to manage different kinds of traffic.  Piggybacking – every non-UGS flow can send a
The connection-oriented nature of the MAC layer (traffic is bandwidth request over any other MAC packets
mapped to a Connection Identifier - CID) affords the use of being sent to the BS (Grant management Subheader
scheduling and connection admission control algorithms. – 2bytes)
For a better dimensioning of the QoS needs of an  Contention region – ertPS, nrtPS or BE flows can
application, IEEE 802.16e standard defines five QoS service use the adjustable contention period to send
classes: UGS (Unsolicited Grant Service), ertPS (Enhanced bandwidth requests
Real Time Polling Service), rtPS (Real Time Polling

978-1-4244-6363-3/10/$26.00 2010
c IEEE 351
 Codeword over CQICH – ertPS connections can algorithm uses a credit value attributed to each queue. It is
specify a codeword over CQICH to request the based on a very simple mechanism: as long as the queue
change of the grant size credit value is greater than zero, packets are being extracted
from that queue.
 CDMA code based – nrtPS and BE can use a
reserved code to send its bandwidth request A. Best effort service flows
One of the most common traffic type is BE. This service
III. SIMULATED SCENARIOS flow does not have any specific delay or bandwidth
For our developed scenarios we used IEEE 802.16e FDD requirements as it has the lowest priority. The bandwidth
mode at 2.3 GHz with channel bandwidth of 10Mhz and a request-grant mechanism in BE services is contention-based,
frame duration of 5ms. The physical layer is OFDMA based. meaning there are several shared slots for bandwidth request
In the uplink direction the subchannelization scheme is and each BE connection contends for sending its request to
PUSC (Partial Usage of Subcarriers). Subchannels formed the BS via the shared slots.
using this distributed scheme is better suited for mobile
applications because a mobile user can take advantage of This scenario consists of one BS, five SSs and one
frequency diversity. The UL/DL boundary position is fixed server. Each SS generates a BE effort flow towards the
in the WIMAX model developed in OPNET and it can not server node. The BE service chosen in this simulation is
be modified. The total number of available symbols is Email over UDP, in order to eliminate the overhead
equally shared between the UL and DL subframe. introduced by the TCP retransmissions and also to evaluate
the resource allocation in optimum conditions. The default
One of the minuses regarding the OPNET WIMAX scheduler for BE service flows in Opnet is Weighted Round
model is the lack of support for multiple UL and DL zones. Robin (WRR).
A zone extends vertically across the entire width of the frame
in frequency, and extends horizontally for a duration equal to The purpose of this simulation is to compare the
the number of symbols implied by the percentage setting in bandwidth allocation for BE flows (Fig. 1) with that obtained
an attribute that must be defined during the simulation. The for ertPS flows, which is described in the next simulation.
defined attribute determines the length of the zone in time.
For instance, 100% for a zone of type UL means the zone
extends over the entire uplink. In Opnet this percentage can
not be changed.
The UL scheduling algorithm, as stated in [1], [2] defines
four traffic priorities. First, UGS and ertPS traffic flows are
scheduled then, the critical signaling messages. Periodic data
grants are provided to UGS and ertPS service classes. Data
grants assigned to UGS flows is fixed but, for ertPS it can
change. The third priority traffic is rtPS, nrtPS flows and the
MDRR scheduler distributes the resources between these two
service classes. BE traffic flow has the fourth priority and it
is scheduled using Weighted Round Robin. Figure 2. BE simulation statistics

BS does not have any unicast uplink request polling

obligation for BE SSs. Therefore, a long period can run
without transmitting any BE packets, typically when the
network is in the congestion state. It also must be taken into
account that there are no QoS specifications for BE service
flows so, the BE throughput is below the ertPS throughput
in the same network load and simulation parameters.

B. ErtPS service flows

This service flow was introduced in the standard for a
better management of VoIP traffic. This type of traffic has
active and silent periods and the scheduler needs to correctly
identify the silent period. This requirement prevents the
Figure 1. UL scheduling in OPNET waste of resources being allocated during silent. Once traffic
is detected, the BS should immediately allocate a grant for
For the Weighted Round Robin Algorithm, each queue the MS to send a bandwidth request. To indicate their on/off
has an assigned weight. The queue with the highest weight states, the MS can use a reserved bit in the MAC header to
is allowed to send first a number of packets proportional to piggyback a zero bandwidth request or it can send a message
its weight. Modified Deficit Round Robin (MDRR) to the BS. When voice is detected, the MS can issue a

piggyback or it can use the contention region or the C. The five QoS classes combination
codeword over CQICH. Piggybacking and contention region The network topology for the third simulation remains
help in reducing the overhead but the second needs the the same as in the other two scenarios presented above. The
introduction of a back-off mechanism. difference consists in defining a different service flow for
The simulated scenario consists of one BS, five SSs and each SS. The five services used in this simulation and the
one server. Each SS generates an ertPS flow towards the corresponding scheduling types are presented below: voice
server. The ertPS flow was modeled by Interactive voice without silence suppression with UGS, voice with silence
traffic sent over UDP. The statistics obtained are presented suppression with ertPS, video conference with rtPS, FTP
bellow. with nrtPS and email with BE.

This simulation is based on two scenarios where the

maximum sustained traffic rate and the minimum reserved
traffic rate were differently defined.
1) Simulation I
The figure below illustrates the MAC service class
definition for the first scenario.

Figure 4. MAC service class definition – Simulation I

In order to analyze the bandwidth allocation for each

service flow defined in this simulation, a statistic of
requested and admitted bandwidth is presented below.

Figure 3. ErtPS statistics

The negative jitter in the graph above indicates that the

time difference between the packets at the destination node
was less than at the source node. The delay constraint
specified in the simulation was 20ms. As it can be seen, the
latency is in acceptable limits.
Figure 5. Bandwidth allocation – Simulation I
When using the contention region, the number of
contention slots should be close to the number of As it may be seen in Fig. 5, there are no rejected
connections that are trying to send the bandwidth request. connections and the requested bandwidth is equal to the
This way, the delay introduced by the contention resolution admitted bandwidth measured in sps. For our simulations
is eliminated. During successive modifications of the number one symbol is 4.5 bits. The purpose of this table is to show
of request slots, the collision rate was reduced and the bandwidth assignment only for the priority traffic.
throughput increased while latency decreased. Having no QoS requirements, BE service flows get what it
remains after the priority bandwidth allocation and that value
is calculated afterwards.

Figure 6. Delay Statistics – Simulation I Figure 9. Delay

The delay statistics for real time service flows show that
the maximum delay requirements specified in Fig.4 are IV. CONCLUSIONS
achieved. Compared to one of our previous study developed in
QualNet, OPNET has availability for time graphs. This is
2) Simulation II very important when studying resource allocation. Although
In this scenario the maximum sustained and minimum more complex than QualNet, OPNET does not have the
reserved traffic have been reduced (Fig. 7). possibility of modifying the default way of allocating
resources for the UL flows. In QualNet, the user can change
the UL scheduler but the lack of time graphs makes the
results difficult to compare.
The UL resource allocation in WIMAX has 2 parts. First
of all, the number of slots being allocated to a connection
must be calculated while maintaining the QoS specifications.
Then, the scheduler must select the subcarriers and time
intervals best suited for a given user. The target of this all
Figure 7. MAC service class definition – Simulation II process is to minimize power consumption, bit error rate,
latency and increasing throughput. Other important factors
Bandwidth allocation results (Fig. 8) show that, as that must be optimized for UL schedulers are fairness of
expected, the admitted bandwidth decreased, but the resource allocation, the complexity of the algorithm and its
proportion between the requested and admitted bandwidth is scalability for an increased number of users.
the same as in the first simulation. This scenario has no
Having a combination of five defined traffic classes and
rejected connections.
many bandwidth request mechanisms, the UL scheduling in
WIMAX is indeed a complex design problem. Although
IEEE 802.16e was finalized, the UL resource allocation
algorithm remains open to new ideas and debates.

Oana Iosif and Elena-Roxana Cirstea are POSDRU grant
beneficiaries offered through POSDRU/6/1.5/S/16 and
POSDRU/6/1.5/S19 contracts.
[2] OPNET Documentation – WIMAX 802.16e Model User Guide.
[3] K. Chen, J.Roberto B. De Marca, Mobile WIMAX, Wiley, 2008,
[4] C. So-In, R. Jain, A. Tamimi, “Scheduling in IEEE 802.16e Mobile
WIMAX Networks: Key Issues and a Survey”, IEEE Journal on
selected areas in communications, vol. 27, 2009.
Figure 8. Bandwidth statistics – Simulation II [5] S. Kim, I. Yeom, “Performance Analysis of Best Effort Traffic in
IEEE 802.16 Networks”, in press.
The delays for the real time services in the second [6] IEEE 802.16e-2005 Standard, Amendment for physical and medium
simulation (Fig. 7) are greater than in the first one, but still access control layers for combined fixed and mobile operation in
accomplish the maximum latency requirements for each of licensed band, 2005.
service flow. [7] R. Cirstea, S. Ciochina, O. Fratu, S. Halunga, Several Aspects of the
Uplink Scheduling in Wimax, Telsiks 2009


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