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Gargāchārya’s indulgence vanished in a jiffy. The answer struck him like a thunderbolt.

‘Krishṇa, do
you know the ātma and parmātma?’ ‘The day I know the ātma, I will know the parmātma, Āchārya. I
have seen fleeting glimpses of mine while meditating, fighting, playing my flute and dancing in Rāsa.
Transcending identity of Self is not easy, Āchārya? Prakriti and Purusha of Sāṅkhya, and Vedāṅta
sound different to the tark shāstra of Nyāya, but can you measure the speed of a kaṇa in a shaft of
light travelling from Sun to earth, or measure the droplet’s contribution to a mighty wave of an
ocean? I cannot disaggregate them yet in the waves that rise within my mind. I long to be in Turīya
state. If I can get the right guidance from the Gurus.’ Krishṇa took a deep breath and looked at the
Gurus, who nodded their heads in approval. Krishṇa continued, ‘Sentience and insentience, kriyā and
karma, matter and consciousness, free will and necessity, are taught to a common person as
opposite properties. To me, they must exist in harmony if we have to discover the divine within us.
We cannot let the seeking and enquiry be suppressed by the dogma of belief. The divine within must
correspond to the manifestations of the Supreme that our senses can decipher without. I do not yet
know whether anything in this universe exists without an observer. Kaṃsa is dead for us, but he
could live on for many years for someone in another universe, or even in some other griha, isn’t it?’
Gargāchārya’s ego had fallen on the ground with a thud. This boy was quite something. They had all
seen his tactical brilliance, and his ability in combat, but this… Chanḍakaushika had become even
more overwhelmed with devotion. He had started crying with tears falling copiously from his eyes.
Uddhava was unable to understand a thing of what Krishṇa had said. He just clung to his knowledge
of Vedas and felt secure. Rishi Pāṇini was very happy. He had not seen such precocity for a long
time. Even as they were talking to little Krishṇa, Vasudeva entered into their presence. After
suitable obeisance and salutations, Vasudeva sat down. Gargāchārya had realised that he had fallen
to dvesha254 state at the reflection of comparison with the young genius. He repeatedly castigated
himself, and tried to get into an observational state. ‘Vasudeva, I must congratulate you on your
good fortune. If I were promised a fruit like Krishṇa at the end of an imprisonment, I would not mind
even 50 years for a trade off. You got it in barely 20, out of which you spent cell time for only 2 years
or so,’ said Gargāchārya. Vasudeva was taken aback, but his chest filled up with pride. ‘It’s all your
blessings, Āchārya.’ ‘I am the Kulaguru of Mathurā, Vasudeva. I have educated all of you, but this boy
is vilakshaṇ255. He has the capacity of learning wide variety of Āgamas, Kalās, and vidyās. I know all
of them, but I would recommend that he go to Sāndipani Āshrama. At the beginning of Ashvin,
Sāndipani Āshrama is going to have a congregation of experts of all kinds. I will be there. Lord
Parashurāma will be there. There is no equal of him in shastra-vidyā256.
Hiranygaarbha257 Prathamāchārya would be there. He is the last word in Yoga. Kapil Muni,

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