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Marvel Super Heroes

Supplemental Articles
Compiled By: Propagandroid
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A MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ game supplement by William Tracy
S.H.I.E.L.D. (Supreme Headquarters created A.I.M (Advanced Idea was then that S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury
International Espionage Law-Enforce- Mechanics), which created the scientific came on the scene. Baron von Strucker
ment Division) is an international organi- weaponry for HYDRA, and THEM, and Fury were bitter enemies from the
zation independent of all governments. which supervised the efforts of HYDRA Second World War, though Fury was not
Its job is to seek out and destroy those and other subversive organizations. aware at first that von Strucker was
threats which endanger mankind and By the early 1960s, HYDRA had agents HYDRA’s leader.
the Earth itself — be they terrestrial or all over the world and an arsenal that After Fury became S.H.I.E.L.D.’s direc-
from other worlds. S.H.I.E.L.D. was was larger than that of most nations. It tor, HYDRA tried to blackmail the world
formed in the early 1960s to oppose the with its orbiting Betatron Bomb. While
growing power of the organization Tony Stark de-activated the Bomb, Fury
known as HYDRA™. Nick Fury™, a CIA and his men captured HYDRA’s New
agent and hero of World War II, was York office. After that defeat, A.I.M.,
made the agency’s public director. Since THEM, and the Secret Empire attacked
its beginning, SH.I.E.L.D. has played a S.H.I.E.L.D., while HYDRA quietly
major role in the world’s defense, fight- rebuilt. Von Strucker had stayed out of
ing villains and criminal forces, with and the picture and assumed many false
without the help of the other Marvel identities, including that of John Bron-
Super Heroes™. ston, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Once again
he took control of HYDRA and threat-
Casebook and history ened to use the Overkill Horn, which
S.H.I.E.L.D. has fought many opponents would have set off every nuclear device
over the last two decades. Some of the in the world. He was again defeated by
most challenging cases are briefly Fury and his men.
described below — though not in Von Strucker then planted a Death-
chronological order. Spore Bomb aboard the Helicarrier™,
HYDRA: HYDRA was a secret, highly- but his plans were again stopped by
organized group that planned to con- Fury. Fury invaded HYDRA’s new dome-
quer the world using advanced covered island fortress and placed the
technology. HYDRA was created by a Bomb there. While fighting with Fury,
group of Japanese subversives, but it von Strucker accidentally ran into a
was taken over by the ex-Nazi Baron nuclear reactor chamber and was incin-
Wolfgang von Strucker at the end of erated. Fury escaped as HYDRA’s island
World War II. Though von Strucker had sank into the Pacific forever.
been one of Hitler’s top men, he soon Since then, various splinter groups of
had a falling out with the Fuehrer and HYDRA and its sister organizations have
had to flee Germany before the war’s surfaced, but none have achieved any
end. real success. The villainess named
Von Strucker came to Japan and Viper™ took control of the New York
became the secret leader of HYDRA by section of HYDRA for a time, but she
assassinating the former one. He built a accomplished little.
small island in the Pacific, and soon
Scorpio: Just after S.H.I.E.L.D. was
HYDRA scientists were learning how to established, Nick Fury was attacked
make nuclear weapons. A band of Amer- several times by a man known only as
ican commandos called the “Leatherneck Scorpio. Their confrontations always
Raiders” and a group of Japanese com- ended in victory for Fury but escape for
mandos known as the Seven Samurai Scorpio. It wasn’t until many years later
joined forces and destroyed the island, that Fury discovered that Scorpio was
but von Strucker escaped. actually his brother, Jake, who had
Over the next fifteen years, von become mentally unbalanced and has
Strucker slowly rebuilt HYDRA and set since died (see Defender’s #50).
up his headquarters in America. During
this time, two branches of HYDRA were
NICK FURY™ Mockingbird™: One of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s
best agents, Barbara Morse, has since Fantastic Four™, and other Marvel Super tion at times. (Black Widow is detailed in
resigned from the agency to undertake a Heroes™, the Dire Wraiths were Module MH-4, Lone Wolves.)
full-time career an adventuress: repulsed from Earth. S.H.I.E.L.D. has its share of internal
Mockingbird™, of the West Coast S.H.I.E.L.D. has been involved directly problems, to which some of the cases
Avengers™. Her struggle against traitors and indirectly with many other adven- above allude. S.H.I.E.L.D. once
within S.H.I.E.L.D. was documented in tures, most of them unknown to the attempted to train super agents, but the
the MARVEL®-Phile of DRAGON® Maga- general public. Nick Fury™ and his men project was discontinued when two
zine issue #93. have worked closely with Captain agents turned traitor. At one point, a
Dire Wraiths™: Recently S.H.I.E.L.D. America™ and the Avengers™ in their telepath named Marvin Flumm worked
undertook to fight against the sorcerous, battles for justice. Another of with the organization’s ESP unit; he later
shape-changing aliens known as the Dire S.H.I.E.L.D.’s former agents, the Black became known as the villain Mentallo™.
Wraiths. Along with the Avengers™, the Widow™, also works with the organiza-

Executive Director (Level 1) Special Field Officer (L-4)
Special Director (L-2) Technician (L-8)
Special Field officer (L-4) Special Field Officer (L-4)
Regional Director, Born (L-3) Special Field Officer (L-4)
Special Field Officer (L-4) Regional Field Officer, London (L-5)
Field Agent (L-6) Regional Director, Los Angeles (L-3)
Special Field Officer (L-4) Field Agent (L-5)

* Better known members

68 FEBRUARY 1985
Organization The Helicarrier™ the Helicarrier; and,
* four mini-Sea King anti-submarine
The S.H.I.E.L.D. organization is based on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters are based in a
helicopters (Control: Good, Speed: Excel-
eight different command/security levels. gigantic, flying aircraft carrier known as
lent, Body: Good); Weapons: 2 air-to-sea
Only one man is on Level 1, Colonel the Helicarrier. The HeIicarrier is an
torpedoes (Body: Remarkable, Control:
Nicholas Fury™, the Executive Director important part of the World-Wide Mili-
Excellent, Speed: Good, Damage:
of S.H.I.E.L.D. The duties of the other tary Command and Control System
Amazing), 2 depth charges (Range: Good,
levels are given below. (WWMCCS), which maintains communi-
Damage: Incredible), 2 machine guns (as
Level 2: Special Directors make com- cations in times of world crises. It is also
above); used for submarine patrol, cargo
mand decisions when Fury is not availa- a major link in the Defense Communica-
hauling, and rescue missions.
ble. They also coordinate efforts to tions System (DCS). The Helicarrier’s
The deck of the Helicarrier houses a
follow Fury’s special orders. Currently, main function is the surveillance of land
vibration-isolated missile silo which
Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan, Fury’s best and space, and it houses a number of
contains an intermediate-range ballistic
friend, is the only person on this level. highly trained electronic intelligence
missile (Body: Remarkable, Speed:
Level 3: Regional Directors head up the personnel. Field Agents are also tested
Remarkable, Control: Incredible, Dam-
S.H.I.E.L.D. regional offices across the and trained aboard the Helicarrier.
age: up to Class 1000). It has a range of
world, co-ordinating all S.H.I.E.L.D. activi- The Helicarrier has three layers of
3500 miles and can achieve low earth
ties in their area unless they receive armor: two layers of 5-inch hardened
orbit. It can be used as a weapon or for
special orders from Fury or Dugan. alloy with a 12-inch layer of fragment
a variety of special missions, such as
Level 4: Special Field Officers are supressor sandwiched between them.
placing a satellite into orbit.
agents who usually work alone under- This gives the Helicarrier an Excellent
The Helicarrier is usually crewed by
cover, taking orders directly from Fury Body and Monstrous Armor.
450 men, but in emergencies it can hold
and Dugan. Their task is to gather infor- The Helicarrier is powered by a small
up to a thousand people. It carries
mation for S.H.I.E.L.D. thermonuclear plant and flies by means
enough food and water to last a regular
Level 5: Regional Officers help the of an anti-gravity generator augmented
crew for 30 days. The Helicarrier itself
Regional Directors co-ordinate activities, by six large twin-bladed helicopter
can maintain flight indefinitely.
and provide leadership in their region rotors. The Helicarrier has Good Control
when their Regional Directors are not and Excellent Speed. The Helicarrier is Weapons and special
available. rigid enough so that it may land on the
Level 6: Field Agents make up the ground or in water, but its radar “ball”
main fighting force of the organization. deck must be jettisoned beforehand. S.H.I.E.L.D. will always be equipped
Sometimes Field Agents will work The Helicarrier is armed with the with the most modern weapons and
undercover, reporting to their Regional following weapons: special equipment. This section details
Directors. They are the backbone of * ten 70mm radar-guided anti-missile the items that S.H.I.E.L.D. agents regu-
most para-military operations. electric cannons (Range: Excellent, Dam- larly employ. The agents themselves are
Level 7: Administrators make sure age: Amazing; can be used as anti-missile described in the Avengers Assembled!
that S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s activities are done defense), module.
according to law. They take care of the *six 40mm radar-guided anti-missile S.H.I.E.L.D. regulation uniforms are
red tape and paperwork that are a part electric cannons (Range: Good; Damage: made of nine-ply kelvar, providing Typi-
of any bureaucracy. Incredible; can be used as anti-missile cal protection from physical attacks. The
Level 8: Technicians keep S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s defense), uniforms are also made of beta-cloth
machinery in good repair and constantly * four armored boxed missile launchers (type C), which can withstand tempera-
update the agency’s old equipment while (eight missiles each, Body: Remarkable, tures up to 1700°F, providing Excellent
they create new equipment. Control: Incredible, Speed: Remarkable, resistance to fire.
The Helicarrier™ also houses a small Damage: Amazing), Each S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is provided
group of people who have no designated * cruise missile launch deck (30 cruise with two types of handguns. One is a
level. These are the ESPers, who are missiles, Body: Remarkable, Control: plasma beam handgun (Damage: Excel-
employed in special research projects and Incredible, Speed: Amazing, Damage: lent, Range: 5 areas), with a powerpack
assist the organization when it is facing Unearthly); and, that enables it to fire 19 times before
psychic foes. The ESPers are hooked into * an anti-missile teravolt charged parti- running out of power. The other regula-
a Psionic Amplifying Machine, which gives cle projector (Range: Amazing, Damage: tion handgun is a .30 caliber rapid fire
them a group Psyche rank of Amazing. Amazing). automatic machine pistol (Range: Good,
When hooked into the PAM, ESPers are Not only is the Helicarrier heavily Good Damage from single shots,
capable of performing any of the mental armed, but it also serves as an aircraft Remarkable Damage from bursts). The
powers listed in the MARVEL SUPER carrier by the following military aircraft: bullets are armor-piercing, with cores of
HEROES Campaign Book. * thirty-two F/A-18 planes (Body: Typi- high-density spent uranium. Each ammo
As mentioned above, S.H.I.E.L.D. main- cal, Speed: Incredible, Control: Excel- clip holds 60 rounds (600 bullets), and
tains offices all over the world, including lent); Weapons: 4 guided missiles the gun has a variable rate of fire, en-
New York, Los Angeles, London, and (regular types) and 2 machine guns abling it to shoot 1-100 bullets/round.
Bonn. Some hidden bases exist in Com- (Range: Good, Damage: Remarkable), When S.H.I.E.L.D. agents go on para-
munist countries. S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s head- * two E-2C Hawkeye early warning military operations, they each carry the
quarters are in the gigantic Helicarrier. planes (Control: Good, Speed: Excellent, following weapons and special equip-
Though their operations are secret, the Body: Typical); Weapons: 2 guided mis- ment:
organization’s existence is known to the siles and 2 machine guns (as above); they * 1 smoke bomb (see smoke grenade on
general public, and S.H.I.E.L.D. main- also have a radar range of 300 miles and p. 17 of the Campaign Book),
tains a few public offices. constantly patrol the airspace around * 1 flare (does Typical damage if used as
a weapon, burns for 5 rounds), Master Matrix. Androids will have the Army. Fury took basic training at Fort
* 1 thermite bomb (as explosive gre- same physical attributes as the originals, Dix, New Jersey.
nade, p. 17 of Campaign Book, except it but their mental attributes are only After basic training, Fury was quickly
does Incredible Damage and will do Typical since they have no real mind. promoted to the rank of sergeant and
Excellent Damage every round to any- They are either pre-programmed or put in charge of an elite group of sol-
one hit due to clinging flames until the voice/radio controlled. diers who were known as the “Howling
flames are extinguished), S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have also used jet Commandos™.” This special unit became
* 1 fragmentation bomb (as explosive cycles, an Entrope Phase Barrier Guard famous throughout the European the-
grenade on p. 17, Campaign Book, System (Remarkable-strength force atre of operations, performing many
except it does Incredible Damage), field), an image scanner (discerns real important missions for the Allies. The
* 1 throwing knife (Excellent Damage form of items and people), mold cocoon group was first organized in 1942 by
when thrown), pellets, and two-way wrist communica- Captain Samuel “Happy Sam” Sawyer,
* 1 gas bomb (knockout gas with Incred- tors. Assume that any weapon or gadget the force’s commanding officer. British
ible potency), that can be invented has already been Prime Minister Winston Churchill made
* 1 radio link pocket computer (10 mile designed by S.H.I.E.L.D. technicians and the “Howling Commandos” the first
radio range, Remarkable complexity), has probably been built and used. American Ranger squadron to gain the
* 1 flexible saw (able to saw through 1 rank of Commandos in His Majesty’s
Nick Fury™
inch of Good material in 5 rounds); and, Army. The “Howling Commandos” were
* 1 garrote reel (must surprise opponent No article on S.H.I.E.L.D. would be com- made up of Nick Fury, Timothy “Dum
from behind to be used; does Excellent plete without mentioning Nick Fury, the Dum” Dugan, Gabriel Jones, Robert
Damage each round; use Grappling director of the organization. Though “Rebel” Ralston, Percival “Pinky” Pinker-
Battle Effects Table to determine if vic- Fury is no costumed crusader, he is a ton, Isadore “Izzy” Cohen, Dino Minelli,
tim can free himself; escape requires a tough, die-hard fighter, especially with Eric Koenig, Jonathan “Junior” Juniper
roll in a Red area). the man-power and technological (killed in action in the war) and Fred
The main transportation for resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. to back him up. Jones (disabled in combat).
S.H.I.E.L.D. agents is the Flying Car, a During a special mission in France,
modified Ferrari 330/P4 Berlinetta. The Fury came under the medical care of
Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
car is armored with 1” foamed alloy, Professor Berthold Sternburg, who
and its windows are made of 1” bullet- inoculated Fury with the “Infinity For-
Fighting: EXCELLENT (20)
proof Lexan, giving it Excellent protec- mula” serum. Fury takes this serum
Agility: EXCELLENT (20)
tion with an Excellent Body. annually, and it has slowed down Fury’s
Strength: GOOD (10)
The car is electrically powered by aging process enormously.
Endurance: EXCELLENT (20)
turbines. While on land the car has The “Howlers” were disbanded after
Reason: EXCELLENT (20)
Remarkable Control (computer-aided the war, but Fury remained on active
Intuition: EXCELLENT (20)
steering) and Remarkable Speed. The duty during the Korean War. During this
Psyche: GOOD (10)
car’s four wheels are also mini-jet tur- conflict, the “Howlers” were reunited
bines enabling the car to fly with for a special mission in which they
Health: 70
Remarkable Control and Incredible secretly crossed the 38th Parallel and
Karma: 50
Speed. The car is also totally submers- destroyed an enemy MIG base. During
Resources: AMAZING
ible with a 5-hour air supply, although it the mission, Samuel Sawyer was killed
Popularity: 75
only has Typical Speed and Excellent and Fury was given a battlefield commis-
Control underwater. sion of Second Lieutenant. During the
Talents: Fury has trained as a para-
The car is armed with a 20mm electric mid-1950s, Fury was on loan to the
trooper, a ranger, a demolitions expert
cannon (Range: Excellent, Damage: French government and served as an
(including underwater demolitions), and
Excellent, ammo supply of 1000 rounds), espionage agent for France during the
a pilot. He can operate any vehicle made
a 30mm radar-guided anti-missile elec- early part of the Viet Nam War. This
on Earth, including spacecraft and lunar
tric cannon (Range: Excellent, Damage: work earned him a promotion to
landing modules.
Excellent, ammo supply of 50 rounds), Colonel.
A master of martial arts and wrestling
and a missile launcher (4 air-to-air mis- After his Viet Nam work, Fury became
Fury is also a marksman and weapons
siles, Body: Excellent, Control: Excellent, an agent for the Central Intelligence
master. He knows much about law and
Speed: Excellent, Damage: Incredible). Agency for a few years. In the early
law enforcement, engineering, history,
The 20mm cannon is in the front of the 1960s, he was offered the directorship
first aid, and military science.
car; the 30mm cannon and the missile of S.H.I.E.L.D., which he has retained
Nick Fury has access to all S.H.I.E.L.D.
launcher are in the rear. ever since.
weapons and equipment. His personal
The car also has a variety of special weapon is a .15 caliber needle gun with
equipment, including self -sealing tires, a range of 4 areas (it does Good Dam- Anytime the player characters dis-
radar, a computer and communications age). An ammo clip holds 300 rounds. cover an international conspiracy or an
console/scrambler, a S-band communica- Nicholas Joseph Fury was the elder of organization that threatens mankind
tions satellite antenna, 20 cm of radar two children born to an American pilot. itself, there is a good chance that at least
chaff to disrupt radar signals, ejection His father died in action during World one S.H.I.E.L.D. agent will be encoun-
seats, and a car parachute. War I, and Nick grew up in the toughest tered on the scene as well. If S.H.I.E.L.D.
Over the years, S.H.I.E.L.D. has used section of New York City, Hell’s Kitchen. agents are involved, heroes such as
the Life Module Decoy Matrix several In December, 1941, when America Captain America™ may soon be on the
times. This machine creates android entered World War II, Fury was unem- scene, and more heroes will be coming
doubles of the person placed in the ployed and decided to enlist in the U.S. as things get tougher.

D R A G O N 71
Return to the
Viper’s™ Pit
Expanding your MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ campaign
by Kim Eastland

Creating a module, like many other the characters will notice it when they Control: Amazing. Flying Rings are only
things in this world, is a group effort. enter Viper’s room. used in Danger Rooms for training pur-
When the writer/designer has finished poses. Some will expand and entrap the
Additional material
his manuscript, it still goes through characters inside them if they strike.
many hands, including those of editors, During the laying out of the cut-outs, Others will lay out a smoke screen as
artists, layout persons, and so on. This is extra room was created due to Dennis’s they whiz along. The Judge can have a
a great system because additional crea- superior organizational ability, and last- great time throwing these things at
tive input sharpens the product. Some- minute additions were implemented to unsuspecting heroes who come in for a
times, of course, things get left out or give the most cut-outs for the money. workout (just like Professor X™ does to
aren’t completely explained. This article Everyone involved felt it would be fun the X-Men™).
wraps up a glitch or two in my MARVEL for us to give the creative Judges out Tentacle pillar — This is a nasty little
SUPER HEROES™ Module, Pit of the there something to play with. Here are trap that can be incorporated into any
Viper™, and adds new material to the some suggested statistics for the new scenario if the party starts to take things
module as well. “toys” we added. for granted. It’s a wonderful defense
A few of the creative people who Missiles and rockets — Range: 20 mechanism designed to look just like a
helped put this module together deserve areas; Damage: 50 (one use); Body: Excel- steel girder, stone pillar, etc. In truth, it’s
credit for their work. Dennis Kauth took lent; Speed: Excellent. The only differ- a steel trap (Remarkable material) set to
my rough concepts for the fold-ups and ence between the two is that a rocket is unleash its tentacles and ensnare anyone
turned them into beautiful pieces of fired in a specific direction and will who passes within a few feet of it. It
three-dimensional machine art. Jeff continue in a straight line until it strikes grapples with Remarkable Strength and
Butler did the great artwork on the 3-D something or reaches the end of its can attack any one character with up to
characters (as usual), and John Meyers range. 4 tentacles.
put together the finished product. All A missile is guided (Control: Remark- Gauthits — A “gauthit” is any one of
three of these artists did a splendid job, able) and can home in on one target. It the numerous little jig-a-ma-whats that
and I thank them. will follow the target and explode either Dennis tossed into the cut-out sections.
upon impact with it, upon impact with Some are simply gas tanks for use in the
A few corrections an obstacle that suddenly appears module; others are obstacles to trip over
between it and the target, or upon or toss into melee. Others may be poten-
The top of the Nihilist™ Complex Map reaching the end of its flight range. The tially devastating weapons. It is com-
page is north. This will help the Judge addition of rockets or missiles to an pletely up to you and your imagination
tie it into the larger city map from the Attack Sled reclassifies it as an N-3 what can be done with them.
boxed set. The smaller Warehouse Map Attack Sled. Rockets and missiles can
on the same page should have a line of also be used in a Danger Room, but their If a Judge is looking for a theme on
crates running along its west wall. damage is reduced to 2. which to base a MARVEL SUPER
Behind these crates is the pneu-tube Laser cannon — Range: 12; Damage: HEROES™ campaign, the Pit of the Viper
entrance to the complex. The doorway 75; 5 shots before it has to be recharged, module is strongly recommended. It
on the south wall of the warehouse but it can only fire every other turn could be the first step in a potential
leads to the retail outlet in the front. because it superheats. This cannon may resurrection of Hydra™, that most
Also, add a monitor in the southeast be used in a Danger Room, where it only feared of Marvel’s secret, evil organiza-
corner of the Flight Deck, area II. does 2 points of damage and has Incredi- tions. The chilling cry of “Hail, Hydra!”
Note that the recharging stations in ble Control, or it can be mounted on an might be just what you need to keep
the complex are used for cyborgs, elec- Attack Sled. When the cannon is added your heroes looking over their
tric carts, and laser weapons. to an N-3 Attack Sled, the sled is reclassi- shoulders.
The “tented” picture of Captain fied as an N-4 Attack Sled. All Marvel characters, their likenesses, and MARVEL SUPER
America™ is actually a dartboard. Just Flying rings — Range: variable (1d10 HEROES are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group.
Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries. All Rights
prick it with a pin a few times so that areas); Damage: 2; Speed: Remarkable; Reserved.

80 JUNE 1985
Creative Conjuring
A variant magic system for the

by Eric Walker These nine categories contain all types

of magics, including raising mystical
The MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ game is force fields, dimensional travel, and
a fast-paced, action-filled adventure turning people into frogs. Most spell
game in which the players can do any- effects that a Marvel Super Hero mage
thing they want. However, like all would desire to cast are duplicated in
games, it has a few bugs, particularly in the AD&D Players Handbook and easily
the character generation system. The classified by the above system.
Campaign Book (p. 45) notes that magi- A spell caster can choose a certain
cal training is not available as a normal number of magical powers from these
talent, meaning that players cannot use categories, depending upon his Psyche.
Doctor Strange™ or create characters For every rank of a sorcerer’s Psyche cerer himself. To make a magical item,
with magical powers. As the game above Typical, he gets to choose one the sorcerer must follow the steps in
stands now, magic is too powerful; char- magical power from the table. Thus a Chapter 2 of the Campaign Book, in the
acters can do anything with it. A sor- sorcerer with a Psyche of Good would section “Building Things” (under the
cerer with a Psyche of Good (the have only one power (such as Altera- category of special devices). Instead of a
minimum required for magical training) tions), while a magician with Class 1000 Reason FEAT roll, he must make a
can do everything that a sorcerer with a Psyche would have all nine powers. Psyche FEAT roll.
Class 1000 Psyche could do, albeit Furthermore, a wizard with Good To create a magical item, though, the
within a very limited range, This article Psyche could only choose his power sorcerer must have something con-
will attempt to solve these problems by from the three powers under Personal nected with the power he wants to
categorizing the Marvel Universe™ Energy, and cannot use Universal or enchant into the item. If he wants an
magic system and limiting its powers, so Dimensional Energies. A sorcerer with item that increases Strength, he must
that even Doctor Strange is not all-pow- Excellent Psyche (able to use two have some part of a creature of a
erful. This system is based on the powers) can use Personal and Universal strength equal to the level desired, such
ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Energies, but not Dimensional ones. The as the ear of a bull (or even a lock of the
magic system, and Judges may modify it use of Dimensional Energies requires a hair of Thor™). A device to allow travel
as they please. Psyche of Remarkable or better. through the dimensions would likely
The Campaign Book states that all This simple system limits a magic- require something from another dimen-
magic comes from three sources: Per- using character but still allows him great sion. This can lead to interesting sce-
sonal Energy, Universal Energy, and variety in the types of spells that he can narios as the character and his allies
Dimensional Energy. A brief description use. All nine of the magical powers are venture into another dimension in
of types of spells is given on pp. 10-11, described below. search of the required item.
and the rest of the section describes the The only way for a sorcerer to gain Personal energies
casting of magical spells. Actually, the more magical powers is to either have
three spell sources can be divided into his Psyche raised magically or to aug- Extended senses — This is the ability of
subgroups as given on the following ment his magical powers through the a wizard to heighten or lessen his own
table. use of magical items. These are ability scores or powers, or those of a
Personal Universal Dimensional enchanted objects under a sorcerer’s willing subject. It also includes the abil-
Energies Energies Energies control that allow him to practice magic ity to see into other dimensions and to
Extended Alterations Conjurations outside of his normal range of spells. project his soul into the Astral Dimen-
senses Magic items such as crystal balls, talis- sion. There are limits as to how high or
Illusions Divinations Creations mans, and wands can either be taken low ability scores or powers can be
Mental Evocations Necromantics from enemy sorcerers (a difficult deed), adjusted. A sorcerer with a Psyche of
powers or they can be enchanted by the sor- Good to Remarkable can change ability
All Marvel characters, their likenesses, and MARVEL SUPER HEROES are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. © 1985 Marvel
Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries. All Rights Reserved. DRAGON 71
scores up to 2 ranks above or below
normal; a sorcerer with Incredible to
Monstrous Psyche can affect scores
for up to 3 ranks; a Psyche of
Unearthly and Shift X allows him to
affect scores by 4 ranks, and a Class
1000 Psyche allows him to alter the
scores by 5 ranks. Unlike all other
spells, the effects of raising or lower-
ing ability ranks puts such a drain on
the spell caster that abilities are only
affected for one day at most, and the
sorcerer automatically loses 10 Health
points when the spell wears off. This
does not happen when the sorcerer
augments his normal senses, such as
sight or touch; a normal Psyche FEAT
roll must be made as usual.
Illusions — This is not the same as
the Image Generation power (under
Mental Powers in the Campaign Book).
The illusions that can be created are
extremely varied, and include illusion-
ary creatures and things, invisibility,
and even the illusory healing of dam-
age. If the latter illusion takes effect
(meaning the affected being thinks the
illusion is real), the being will be
“healed” of a number of Health points
equal to the caster’s Psyche. Actually,
no damage has been healed, and the
Judge will have to keep a running total
of the being’s Health points; when they
reach zero, the being is affected nor-
mally. Only then does he learn that the
“healing” was an illusion.
Mental powers — This magical
power can be treated the same as the
Mental Powers super power (p. 42 in
example, a Skrull™), he cannot turn governs the casting of magical bolts of
the Campaign Book), except that the
any person or object into that thing. power, the raising of mystical shields,
Image Generation power will not the power to reflect a spell completely
Divination — This is the ability to
work. A wizard having this power can (requiring both a red Psyche FEAT roll
uncover information. With this power,
use telepathy, launch a mental blast, the sorcerer can detect sources of and the player’s prior declaration that
generate a force field, and so forth. If
magic (such as other sorcerers), locate this is being attempted), or the casting
the spell cast is permanent, the caster physical objects (such as a key or hid- of a special spell called dispel magic.
does not gain mental powers as a Dispel magic allows a sorcerer to
den weapon), or contact other beings
super power. Because it is a magical (such as the rulers of other dimen- completely erase or neutralize a magi-
power, this power can be detected and sions) and seek advice from them. If he cal effect. To accomplish this, the
dispelled normally. (Dispelling magic is caster must make a Psyche FEAT roll
attempts to do this, he must make a
detailed under Personality FEAT roll. White means as normal, but if his Psyche is less than
Evocation.) that the being is angered by the sor- the Psyche of the wizard who cast the
cerer’s interference, and he might spell that he is trying to negate, he
Universal energies
send one of his minions to attack the must make a red FEAT roll to success-
Alteration — This is a sorcerer’s ability sorcerer. A green result means that no fully dispel the magic. If his Psyche is
to physically change things. With this information is received (“Sorry, all equal to the opposing spell caster, he
power, a boulder can be changed into lines are busy now. . . .”). Yellow means needs a yellow FEAT to succeed; if his
a statue, weather can be summoned that the sorcerer receives a vague Psyche is greater, a green FEAT will
and controlled, people can be changed message or vision that must be deci- successfully dispel the magic. If the
into animals (and vice versa), and so phered. Red means that the sorcerer FEAT fails, nothing happens, and the
on. Anything affected by this spell will receives exactly the information he sorcerer will not have another chance
radiate magic for the spell’s duration; wanted to get. to dispel the magical effect. Note that
this is a tell-tale mark of a sorcerer’s Evocation — This is the sorcerer’s he may automatically dispel his own
work. Note that if the spell caster has ability to harness magical energy and magic, whether he has the power of
never seen a particular thing (for channel it in certain ways. This power Evocation or not.
72 A U G U S T 1985
be roughly shaped; for fine detail, the
Universal power of Alteration will
have to be used by the sorcerer.
“Rough shape” means the object can be
given no more than a humanoid form
or the general outline of an automo-
bile, for instance.
Necromancy — This is the most
dangerous of all magical powers, as it
involves intrusions into the domain of
the being known as Death. This is the
sorcerer’s ability to bring the dead
back to life. Only a red FEAT will bring
the dead back to life, and, whether the
caster succeeds or not, Death will
become aware of the spell caster’s
existence. Death may ask a service of
the wizard in exchange for the dead
soul, or he may just shorten the sor-
cerer’s life span by an appropriate
amount. The Judge has complete
authority when dealing with the sor-
cerer on this matter; if he thinks that
the dead being should not be brought
back to life, he can rule that Death
does not want this soul to return to
the land of the living, thus wasting the
spell (and getting the sorcerer into
terrible trouble).
Other forms of Necromancy that are
much less dangerous include the heal-
ing of damage (equal to the spell cast-
er’s Psyche), the ability to fake death
(stop heartbeat and brain patterns,
etc., but still live), and to steal the soul
of another being and place it in a con-
tainer (called magic jarring — a varia-
tion of this spell was used on Ghost
AH Marvel characters, their likenesses, and MARVEL SUPER HEROES are trademarks of the MarveI Comics Group. Rider™ once). The chance for the spell
© 1985 Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries All Rights Reserved. caster to steal a soul is the same as the
sorcerer’s chance to dispel magic
boundaries of the star, nor can it cast based on the victim’s Psyche. Note that
Dimensional energies spells across the barrier. A typical the stealing of souls is an extremely
Conjuration — This is the power to incantation to summon a demon might evil act, and it is sure to affect the
summon creatures or things from be versed as follows: Popularity of the sorcerer.
other dimensions. (Teleportation is a “(Hear me, Dormammu™ the Dark! Doctor Strange’s personal abilities
power found under Evocation.) With A boon I dare to ask of thee: are given in the Campaign Book, on
conjuration, the sorcerer can steal a I call upon the Black Hellspawn — pp. 4-7. Under this revised system,
piece of rock from the Negative Zone Awake! And harken unto me.” Doctor Strange’s magical abilities are
(though this is extremely dangerous), Note that the power of Conjuration not as ultimately powerful as they
or he could summon one of the crea- can be reversed, so as to banish a were under the original MARVEL
tures from the mystic dimensions — being from this dimension to a dimen- SUPER HEROES system. Nonetheless,
i.e., demons. Demons are very power- sion of the sorcerer’s choice. this system should give wizards in the
ful monsters that most characters Creation — This is simply the crea- game a fighting chance, and it will still
should avoid, as they have certain tion of things. With this power, the keep a sorcerer from upsetting the all-
magical abilities of their own. Unless sorcerer can create a physical object important game balance. It should also
the sorcerer has some way to control out of thin air; its dimensions are the be said that though this system limits
the demon he summons, there is noth- size of one area square per rank of the the powers of wizards, magic-users
ing to stop it from attacking as soon as spell caster’s Psyche above Excellent. should be very rare (at best) in the
it appears. However, demons are Thus, a sorcerer with Remarkable Marvel Universe. I would suggest that
repelled by the holy symbols of vari- Psyche could create an object of one- there should be only one wizard in
ous religions, and a pentagram will area size, such as a small wall, while a every group of player characters.
serve to successfully “contain” a wizard of Class 1000 can create a Otherwise, why would the game need
demon: the creature cannot cross the seven-area object. The object can only beings like the X-Men™?
trolled the Solar System for several
years until a band of super-powered
beings rallied the remaining humans
and successfully pushed the aliens off
Earth. Several more years were spent in
attacking Badoon posts still in the sys-
tem; then, the Guardians, with the aid of
the time-traveling Defenders™, were
able to drive the Badoon completely out
of solar space.
After ensuring that Earth was safe,
the Guardians set off to give aid to any
in the Milky Way Galaxy who needed it,
using their starship Freedom’s Lady.
Since then, the Guardians have made
two trips to our current time, one of
which caused the divergence of the time
streams mentioned above.
Two separate Popularity scores are

given, The first is the characters’ Popu-
larity in twentieth-century Earth, and
the second is their Popularity in their
future alternate universe. [Statistics for

the alien Badoon will be given in a
future article. —Editor]

Vance Astrovik, Major U.S.A.F.
Ex-astronaut, now adventurer
Fighting: EXCELLENT (20)
Agility: EXCELLENT (20)
Strength: TYPICAL (6)
Endurance: GOOD (10)
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy™ Reason: EXCELLENT (20)
Intuition: GOOD (10)
Psyche: GOOD (10)
Health: 56
Karma: 40
Resources: EXCELLENT
Popularity: 5/100
TELEKINESIS. Vance has a limited teleki-
netic ability that allows him to project
beams of force. His power is only able to
affect those within the area he occupies.
The force beams can do up to Incredible
damage if focused on one target, or can
do Excellent damage to everyone around
him. Vance is not able to produce other
telekinetic powers. This power has an
Incredible rating.
All Marvel characters, their likenesses, and MARVEL SUPER HEROES are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. SPECIAL BODY SUIT. Vance was given a
© 1985 Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries. AU Rights Reserved.
special body suit to keep him alive on his
first interstellar voyage. It is made of a
by William Tracy Remarkable material. If the suit is hit
with any one attack that does more than
Over the years, the Marvel Universe™ Twentieth Century, when a Guardian
30 points of damage, the suit will tear
has expanded to include various dimen- affected the life of his past counterpart.
and Vance’s body will be instantly
sions and alternate universes. The In this alternate future, the Earth is
Guardians of the Galaxy™ come from an destroyed.
successfully invaded and taken over by
alternate future of the Marvel Universe, an alien race, the Badoon™, in the thirty- Talents: Vance Astro is able to fIy any
albeit one that diverged in the mid- first century. The Badoon empire con- space vehicle and can pilot or drive

80 A U G U S T 1985
almost any other type of vehicle. Being Health: 90 engineering, physics, and electronics.
an astronaut, Vance was also trained in Karma: 22 His Reason is Remarkable in these areas.
physics, astronomy, electronics, engi- Resources: EXCELLENT
Background: Martinex was born in
neering, and chemistry; his Reason is Popularity: 0/l00
A.D. 2986, the son of two professional
Remarkable in those areas. Vance was technicians on the Earth colony on
trained in martial arts in the Air Force. Pluto. Like all colonists of Pluto,
BODY ARMOR. Charlie-27’s dense skin
Background: Vance Astrovik was the Martinex was bio-engineered to with-
gives him Typical protection against
only son of a small-town butcher, and he stand the local low temperatures and
physical attacks.
joined the Air Force at the age of 18. poisonous atmosphere. When the
Three years later, Vance became the Talents: Charlie-27 was a space soldier, Badoon invaded, the planet was evacu-
youngest person to ever join the U.S. trained with guns, blunt and sharp ated while Martinex stayed behind to
astronaut-training program. In 1988, weapons, wrestling, first aid, and destroy Pluto’s advanced industrial com-
Vance volunteered for the first U.S. related military matters. plexes. Martinex was rescued by
manned interstellar mission to the Alpha Charlie-27 and eventually became a
Background: Charlie-27 was born on
Centauri system. His ship, Odysseus I, member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Jupiter in A.D. 2981, the son of two
was not able to travel faster than light, mine workers. Like all Earth colonists
so he was provided with a special body- YONDU™
on Jupiter, Charlie-27 was bio-engi-
suit, described above, to preserve his Yondu Udonta
neered to withstand the high gravity of
body for the thousand-year trip. During Adventurer
the planet. The process made his body
the journey, he was placed in suspended
massive compared to the human norm. Fighting: GOOD (10)
animation; as a result, his latent psionic
At age 16, Charlie enlisted in the space Agility: GOOD (10)
abilities surfaced. Strength: GOOD (10)
militia of the United Lands of Earth. In
Upon reaching the Centauri system,
A.D. 3007, when the Badoon invaded, Endurance: GOOD (10)
he discovered that Earth ships had Reason: TYPICAL (6)
Charlie became the only survivor of the
reached the system 200 years earlier, Intuition: INCREDIBLE (40)
Jupiter colony. He went on to become a
thanks to the invention of a faster-than- Psyche: REMARKABLE (30)
member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
light drive. Humans had been unable to
intercept Vance’s flight path. Upon Health: 40
reaching Centauri IV, Vance was given a Karma: 76
hero’s welcome. Resources: EXCELLENT
Former space technician, now
A few days later, Centauri IV, along Popularity: 0/100
with other interstellar Earth colonies
and the Earth itself, was invaded by the Fighting: GOOD (10)
Badoon. Vance joined with several other Agility: GOOD (10) MYSTIC EMPATHY. Yondu is a mystic
heroes to drive the Badoon from Earth, Strength: REMARKABLE (30) who is able to sense and form a rapport
and he went on to become the leader of Endurance: GOOD (10) with local animals and plant life. Using
the Guardians of the Galaxy. Reason: EXCELLENT (20) this ability in the wilderness, he is able
While visiting the twentieth century Intuition: TYPICAL (6) to sense objects and life forms that are
on a time-traveling mission, Vance Psyche: TYPICAL (6) not a part of the natural ecology of the
sought out his teenage self and tried to area. He is also able to find specific ele-
Health: 60
convince him not to become an astro- ments within the area, such as a specific
Karma: 32
naut, so that he would not have to expe- plant or animal. Yondu is able to sense
Resources: EXCELLENT
rience his own future. The meeting of and pinpoint mystical, psychic, and
Popularity: 0/100
these two minds caused psychic feed- magical forces and beings, and he can
back which brought the younger Astro’s Powers: sense their presence and activities auto-
psionic abilities to the surface years matically. These powers are Unearthly
before they were supposed to arise. This in nature and range.
Martinex is able to generate beams of
caused a divergence of the timestream, UNIQUE WEAPON. Yondu uses a bow
intense heat from his right hand and
so the future of the original Vance Astro and a quiver of arrows, the arrows
beams of frigid cold from his left hand.
is not that of the current Marvel being made of yaka, a sound-sensitive
These beams can do up to Shift X dam-
Universe. metal only found on Yondu’s planet,
age, but he can only use them four times
each per day, due to the fact that the Centauri IV. By whistling, Yondu is able
CHARLIE-27™ to control the direction of the arrow‘s
energy for the beams is taken from his
Charlie-27 body. Martinex can project the beams flight after he has shot it. Unless Yondu
Ex-space soldier, now with Excellent Agility within a one-area is unable to whistle, each arrow has an
adventurer Incredible Control rank and can even be
range. This power is Unearthly.
Fighting: EXCELLENT (20) made to return to him.
BODY ARMOR. Most of Martinex’s body
Agility: GOOD (10) Talents: Yondu is a trained woodsman
is composed of silicon, providing him
Strength: REMARKABLE (30) with Unearthly protection against fire- and is an expert with bows.
Endurance: REMARKABLE (30)
based and cold-based attacks.
Reason: GOOD (10) Background: Yondu’s people were
Intuition: TYPICAL (6) TaIents: Martinex went to the Pluvian characterized by blue skin and a red
Psyche: TYPICAL (6) Technical Institute and was trained in dorsal fin on their heads. Yondu was in

the wilderness, undergoing his ritual of power is Class 1000 in nature and range. Unearthly protection against attacks
manhood ordeal, when the Badoon using ultraviolet radiation and
Talents: Starhawk is an expert in
destroyed the Earth colony on the Monstrous protection against heat-based
almost all sciences and is a scholar.
planet and then destroyed all other and infrared-energy attacks.
natives. Yondu was able to escape with Background: In the early twentieth
PROTECTED SENSES. Nikki’s eyes have
the aid of Vance Astro, and he became century, a great war began on the planet
been altered so that they have Incredi-
one of the Guardians of the Galaxy after Arcturus IV between two factions, one
ble protection from blinding light.
liberating Earth. wanting natural childbirth and the other
believing that babies should be bio- Talents: Nikki is a marksman and
STARHAWK™ engineered in the laboratory. The war weapons master. She is trained to be an
Stakar and Aleta ended in a nuclear catastrophe. expert with guns, thrown weapons, and
Adventurer More of the laboratory-bred natives blunt and sharp-edged weapons. She is
survived than the natural Arcturians. also skilled in martial arts.
Fighting: GOOD (10)
The laboratory-bred ones mutated into
Agility: GOOD (10) Weapons: Nikki usually carries two
horrible creatures, and the surviving
Strength: REMARKABLE (30) weapons: a neuronic-frequency stunner
natural Arcturians formed bands called
Endurance: REMARKABLE (30) and a pulsed, high-powered, green laser
Reavers, whose main task was to
Reason: AMAZING (50) pistol. The laser pistol does Remarkable
destroy the mutants. On the raid in
Intuition: UNEARTHLY (100) damage and has Typical range. Its
which the last of the mutants were
Psyche: MONSTROUS (75) power clip contains enough energy for
destroyed, a Reaver named Ogord™
Health: 80 10 shots. Anyone hit by the stunner
found a baby male mutant who looked
Karma: 225 must make an Endurance FEAT roll in
normal. Ogord received permission to
Resources: EXCELLENT the yellow area of the column. If they
raise the baby as his own; the child,
fail the roll, they will be paralyzed and
Popularity: 0/100 whom Ogord named Stakar, grew close
stunned for 100 rounds minus their
to his step-sister Aleta as the years
Powers: Endurance rank number. The stunner
has Typical range and has a power clip
RESISTANCE TO POISON. Starhawk has In time, Stakar and Aleta entered some
that has enough energy for 10 shots.
Monstrous immunity to most diseases, ancient ruins and discovered a learning
poisons, and illnesses caused by helmet. They both struggled for the Background: Nikki was the only
radiation. helmet and it malfunctioned, converting daughter of two administrators of the
Aleta into energy. She entered into a mining colony on the planet Mercury,
LIGHT CONTROL. Starhawk is able to
religious idol of a hawk-god, animated it, and was born in A.D. 2997. Like all
manipulate light energy from any
and began attacking the bands of Reav- colonists on Mercury, Nikki was bio-
source, changing it into energy that he/
ers looking for her and her brother. engineered to withstand high tempera-
she can use to perform superhuman
Stakar used the helmet to form a tele- tures and ultraviolet radiation. The
feats. He/she can project beams of heat
pathic link with her and then somehow process gave her very dark skin and
or force, create temporary bridges of
merged his being with hers. The result- specialized eyes. When Nikki was a
solid light, and penetrate energy fields
ing being left the world and roamed the child, the Badoon invaded the Solar
by jamming their wavelengths. This
universe. After several centuries, System and killed all other Mercury
power is Unearthly in nature, though
Starhawk met the Guardians of the colonists. Nikki managed to escape in a
the strength of particular powers used
Galaxy and helped them chase the spaceship, but she soon ran out of food.
is directly proportional to the ambient
Badoon from Earth’s solar system. Luckily, she discovered an abandoned
light energy within Starhawk’s area.
Thus, a Good-intensity light (normal cargo ship and boarded it. For the next
daylight) would allow Starhawk to shoot seven years, she lived alone on the cargo
force bolts at Good range doing Good ship, whose life-support system worked
but whose communicators and engines
damage, create light bridges lasting 10 Adventurer
minutes, or penetrate Good-intensity did not. She was rescued by the
Fighting: GOOD (10) Guardians of the Galaxy, who had driven
energy fields.
Agility: EXCELLENT (20) the Badoon out of the Solar System, and
FLIGHT. Starhawk is able to fly using Strength: TYPICAL (6) she has stayed on as a team member.
his/her light control ability, reaching Endurance: GOOD (10)
Unearthly speeds in space and Mon- Reason: GOOD (10) Freedom’s Lady
strous speeds in a planet’s atmosphere. Intuition: GOOD (10)
Freedom’s Lady is an Annihilator-class
Starhawk’s suit contains a life-support Psyche: TYPICAL (6)
Earth battleship, owned and operated
system that can work indefinitely, and it
Health: 46 by the Guardians of the Galaxy. The ship
will deploy winglike structures to catch
Karma: 26 has Unearthly speed, Amazing control,
and use the solar wind. Starhawk’s Agil-
Resources: EXCELLENT and a Remarkable body. It is protected
ity increases to levels equal to his speed
Popularity: 0/100 by an almost invulnerable defense
when he flies, with a minimum Agility
rating of Good. shield, that provides the ship with Shift
X protection. The ship has five laser
MENTAL POWER. Starhawk is able to SPECIAL RESISTANCE. Nikki’s skin cannons (Damage: Incredible, Range:
sense abnormal concentrations and contains a large amount of a specially Monstrous) and two torpedo launchers
expenditures of energy and disruptions mutated form of melanin. This and (Body: Good, Control: Incredible, Speed:
in the space-time continuum. This several other mutations give Nikki Incredible, Damage: Monstrous).
82 A U G U S T 1985
Many believe that the Marvel Universe™ to fight overseas. One of the most Note: If the Sub-Mariner is used, he
began in the 1960s with the birth of the important missions the Legion ever should be granted Excellent body armor
Fantastic Four™, the Hulk™, and Spider- tackled came in 1944, but little was ever from his dense skin.
Man™. In actuality, comic-book heroes heard about it because of the nature of Though the founding member of the
have been around for much longer than the mission. Only now can the full story Liberty Legion, Bucky, has gone to
that. During World War II, costumed be told. . . . Europe, the group is carrying on as
heroes were quite famous, fighting in usual. The Spirit of '76™, a hero from a
Europe or on the home front against the British hero group (the Crusaders™), has
Axis powers. This adventure is designed for a Judge returned home, however. He will be
According to the history of the Marvel and eight players. It is possible for fewer recruited into the adventure in the first
Universe, the most famous of these players to participate, if several players chapter as a player character.
heroes joined together to form the wish to run multiple characters. More The Judge should read through this
super-team known as the Invaders™: may play, using characters from the entire adventure carefully and should
Captain America™, Bucky™, the Human Invaders. Captain America appears in be especially familiar with the powers of
Torch™, Toro™, and the Sub-Mariner™. In the boxed MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ Baron Blood™, the mastermind behind
early 1942, the evil Nazi genius known game, the Sub-Mariner was listed in Project: Sudden Dawn. A Marvel vam-
as the Red Skull™ was able to gain hyp- DRAGON® issue #89, and Bucky appears pire is a terrible opponent, and Baron
notic control over all of the Invaders in the MARVEL®-Phile of this issue. Blood was one of the worst next to
except for Bucky. Bucky broadcast a Compared to the Liberty Legion mem- Dracula™ himself!
radio appeal for help and was answered bers, however, Captain America and the At all times, the villains should act
by a number of costumed heroes; this Sub-Mariner are exceptionally powerful. with reason and forethought, and they
new group was christened the Liberty As an alternative, time-traveling heroes should be played so that they act as
Legion™. The Liberty Legion prevented from the modern world might voyage nasty and as rude as they do in comic
the mind-controlled Invaders from per- back to help out, or super-soldiers such books. Common soldiers and spies obey
forming acts of sabotage, and during a as Nick Fury™ might be added to the their masters implicitly, but villains
climactic battle between the two groups, adventure. If more heroes are used, the (especially the ones in the Super-Axis™)
Toro flew into the Red Skull’s airship Judge should increase the power of the are often consumed with hatred for one
and destroyed both it and the hypnotic- opposition by 3-4 more soldiers per hero another as well as for their heroic foes.
control device. per scenario, or he should increase the Though the Super-Axis villains claimed
The Liberty Legion members elected Karma of the Marvel Super Villains™ by to fight for Hitler, in truth they selfishly
to stay together to stop Nazi sabotage in 100 points apiece. Players may, of fought for their own individual fame
America, while the Invaders went back course, use original characters. and power.

The referee may set up the game by maps before the game gets under way, Spirit of '76 is also highly patriotic, and
removing the player character cards or else they should generate their own often insists that his fists can solve any
stapled in the center of this magazine, maps. Counters for all the heroes and problem a villain gives him.
cutting them apart, and passing them villains in this scenario will have to be Heroes and bullets: One important
out to the players. The players may then created by the Judge and players. consideration concerns protection from
chose which heroes they wish to use. Counters for vehicles, crowds, soldiers, flying bullets, which the Nazis in this
A brief glance over the heroes for this spies, etc., should also be generated. adventure fire by the thousands. Heroes
adventure reveals that they are much If a hero is injured severely enough to with no armor protection should use
weaker than most costumed crimefigh- require hospitalization, a new player stealth and their wits to defeat armed
ters in later eras. Care will have to be character may be substituted in later foes. Villains in the same area as a hero
used to complete the adventure if the scenarios. The Judge may declare that attack only with fists, knives, clubs, and
heroes are to remain in one piece! Play- heroes who would be killed in this the like.
ers should be given time before the adventure are sent instead to the hospi- Blue Diamond has little to worry
adventure starts to discuss possible tal for several months, requiring substi- about, even from artillery fire. Red
strategies for making it through danger- tution of a new player character. New Raven and Spirit of '76 have some pro-
ous situations. heroes may be chosen as noted above; tection from bullets from their cos-
The use of a Karma pool is suggested, Bucky is strongly recommended. tumes. Jack Frost can make ice shields,
particularly if the players work well In role-playing the heroes, the main and Thin Man can either absorb or
together. Be aware that killing an oppo- characteristics they all share are patriot- dodge some bullet hits by thinning.
nent will destroy the entire Karma pool. ism, moral integrity, and a hatred for It must be noted that none of the
If each hero donates half of his or her the Axis. Patriot™ emulates Captain heroes like using guns or rifles, and
Karma to the pool, the Liberty Legion America in personality and is one of the Spirit of '76 is particularly adamant
and Spirit of '76 will have 98 Karma more even-tempered of the heroes. Blue about using only his fists to stop crimes.
points to share. Diamond™ is rather hot-headed and Each time a hero uses a gun, this should
The maps required for this adventure impulsive. Jack Frost™ is aloof, being a cause a Karma loss of -10 (-20 for Spirit
are those provided with the various nonhuman, but friendly. Whizzer™ and of '76) for that hero. The only time this
module packs and with the boxed Miss America™ are quite attracted to Karma loss can be avoided is if the
MARVEL SUPER HEROES game set, save each other. Thin Man™ and Red Raven™ heroes are confronting Baron Blood,
for the ones in Chapters 2 and 4. Each are excellent friends. Bucky (if used in when special weapons must be used.
chapter lists the maps required. Judges this scenario) is fervently patriotic and There is no Karma loss for killing Baron
should ensure that they have the proper active, but may act before he thinks. Blood, since he is already dead!

42 D ECEMBER 1985

CAMPAIGN Spirit of ‘76 may start the scenario

Read the following to the Liberty Legion Lately spy and sabotage activities anywhere around the block where
players. have been at a low. You sense that Globe Press, Minski’s Foods, and Ace
the enemy may be preparing to Handling are located. He is wearing a
strike at America’s war industry, trench coat, but is ready to throw it off
and each of you has tried to dis- at a moment’s notice and attack.
It’s May, 1944. Rumors circulate cover such plans without success. Unknown to the Liberty Legion, a
daily throughout the streets of Now it’s Friday afternoon. You force of criminals has been secretly
New York City of a possible Allied are gathered at a local radio sta- hired by Agent Axis™, a top enemy spy,
invasion of Europe, coming within tion, enjoying a break. Patriot has to rob the jeweler’s store and keep the
months, weeks, or even days. If just finished his weekly broadcast local police and heroes busy. The impor-
the Allies can gain a toehold on about the war effort, and you are tant action is about to happen over at
Fortress Europe, the days of Nazi discussing your plans for the com- the Globe Press building. There, Agent
Germany are numbered. ing week. Abruptly, one of the Axis and a force of disguised German
The end of the war would come sound engineers breaks into your soldiers are going to attack the offices of
none too soon. So far, America has discussion. Some sort of distur- Globe Press. A Nazi agent discovered
been spared the devastation vis- bance is going on down the street, that the U.S. Army was using Globe
ited across the rest of the world. and the police are calling for Press as a secret research center for
Your worst fears are that Adolf assistance — meaning you! work on the Manhattan Project, the
Hitler and his Super-Axis allies will project to build the first atomic bomb.
find a way to bring the war to Agent Axis intends to steal as many of
The referee should use the city map
your own shores. U-boats already the notebooks and diagrams in the build-
from the boxed MARVEL SUPER
patrol the Eastern seaboard and ing as he can find. This is the first step
HEROES game set. The radio station
torpedo ships which leave the in Baron Blood’s master plan.
where the Liberty Legion begins play is
harbor. cont . . . on the first floor of the Krupp Building;
they may leave the building at the start BATTLE
of the scenario. The sounds of gunfire
The initial action revolves around Rosen-
JUDGE'S INFORMATION may be heard from the western end of stein’s Fine Jewels. The Judge should set
town, around 7th Avenue.
The heart of this adventure con- up four thugs (as per the Campaign
cerns both the attempted theft of Book, p. 27), armed with handguns, in
Read the following to the Spirit of ‘76
the Manhattan Project’s atomic and around the jewelry store. A police
secrets by agents of the Super-Axis car is parked at the corner of Garfield
and the subsequent attempt at Street and 7th Avenue, and two police
atomic extortion. Under the direc- officers (as per the Campaign Book, p.
tion of the red Skull in Berlin, You’ve only been off the plane an 27) are exchanging gunfire with the
Baron Blood has assembled a force hour now, but already you feel as robbers in front of Rosenstein’s. All
of soldiers, agents, and super- if you’ve never left America. If it nearby pedestrians have fled, except for
powered characters to steal infor- weren’t for your special assign- a young boy outside of Crystal’s depart-
mation on the Manhattan Project ment, you’d be tempted just to ment store (corner of Arthur Street and
from the U.S. Army. The relative wander the streets of New York 7th Avenue). The boy is too frightened
success of the heroes in stopping and enjoy yourself. to either run or to seek cover.
this plan in early stages of the But for now, you’ve other things The gunfire continues for four
adventure has a direct bearing on on your mind. British intelligence rounds. In the third round, one of the
the power of the primitive nuclear services intercepted a special mes- officers is wounded and knocked down.
device constructed in chapter 4. If sage. Some of Nazi Germany’s most In the fifth round, the robbers head for
the heroes are alert, the bomb will dangerous super-powered agents the alley behind Rosenstein’s to jump
be relatively weak and have little have come to America, and you into a waiting getaway car. (The driver is
effect. If they slip up, however, know it can’t mean anything but a pistol-armed thug.) In this same round,
things could be quite trouble for the Allied cause. You’ve unless the heroes have moved him, a
dangerous later on. . . . got to stop them any way you can. stray bullet hits the boy in front of Crys-
You didn’t have time to warn the tal’s, seriously wounding him. The get-
proper authorities or get authori- away car starts to leave the alleyway in
zation for military backup, so the sixth round, heading south on Gar-
you’ve come alone to do what you field Street at top speed (to draw police
can. The Globe Press building is and heroes away from Globe Press). If
going to be the first target of Axis the getaway car leaves the game map,
sabotage — but why? You aim to the robbers have escaped.
find out! If at any time it is possible for the
thugs to capture a hero, they will do so

and hold him (or her) as a hostage to building. If he spends two complete The Judge may add extra NPCs to this
ensure their escape. They will later rounds in the building without perform- scenario, such as newly arrived police
demand a ransom; the Judge should ing any other actions, Agent Axis will cars, crowds of curious onlookers, and
handle this as seen fit. discover the notebooks and steal them. well-meaning citizens who try to stop
In round seven, the entire side of the Agent Axis wishes to avoid capture at the bad guys from doing whatever
Overton Storage warehouse facing Gar- all costs. His henchmen will do every- they’re doing. Appropriate Karma
field Street explodes, doing Excellent thing they can to help him escape, even bonuses and penalties should be
damage to anyone in the two Garfield at risk of their own lives. Three getaway awarded to the heroes for saving inno-
Street areas beside the building. (The cars are parked on Garfield Street in cents, assisting with rescues, and so
building was secretly taken over by Nazi front of the Midtown Utilities Building; forth. Note the section on crowd reac-
agents and has been used as a staging Agent Axis and his fellows head for tions in the Campaign Book, p. 28.
area for the assault on Globe Press.) A them as soon as the notebooks are
large tank with a flamethrower recovered. The drivers of all three cars AFTERMATH
mounted in place of a tank gun then start their engines as soon as the attack If Agent Axis is captured, he will refuse
rolls out of the building over the rubble on the Globe Press building begins; driv- to talk, and he will be held for trial on
and takes up a position facing south ers are treated as thugs (as per the Cam- espionage, sabotage, and other other
along Garfield Street. paign Book) and are armed with pistols. crimes. It is highly likely that rescue
The experimental Nazi flame-tank has The cars split up and attempt to leave attempts will be made by other Super-
Excellent control, Poor Speed, and a the game map, heading in the direction Axis agents later on.
Remarkable-strength body. The flame- of Rathbone Park at high speed. If any If the soldiers with Agent Axis are
thrower mounted on the tank’s turret car leaves the eastern edge of the game captured, they will initially confess very
has a range of 2 areas and does Remark- map, the occupants are assumed to have little. They were assigned to this mission
able damage to all that it hits. Anyone escaped. When Agent Axis and the sol- by Agent Axis, but have no idea of what
hit by the flames may attempt to make a diers head for the getaway cars, the they were to steal or who is in charge of
Red FEAT roll for Agility in order to tank crew will abandon their vehicle this project. They only know their mis-
escape most of the flames and take only and leave with the rest. sion was of critical importance to the
Good damage. Each time the tank fires, The Judge should locate a few other Axis cause. Some men will be openly
make a FEAT roll in the Remarkable parked cars around the area, to avoid contemptuous of the heroes, particu-
column. A Red result means the tank‘s casting suspicion on the getaway cars. larly the most popular heroes. Any hero
flamethrower jams for that round, However, a hero making a Yellow Intui- who manages to get a Nazi soldier or
though it may try to fire normally in the tion FEAT roll within one area of the spy to talk (Campaign Book, p. 28) will
next round. A roll of 00 indicates that parked cars notices that the drivers are learn that the men are fearful of punish-
the tank flamethrower has broken acting suspiciously (checking watches, ment from their superiors for having
down; the vehicle is able to move, but looking up the street, not fleeing when failed to accomplish the mission.
the weapon is permanently jammed. A everyone else has, etc.). Anyone reading the papers that Agent
roll of 01 indicates that the tank’s drive As above, if it is possible for Agent Axis was attempting to steal discovers
system has jammed; the tank stops, Axis or his men to capture a hero, they (after a Yellow Reason FEAT roll) that
though its flamethrower still works. The will use the hero as a hostage to ensure they are covered with complex mathe-
tank is crewed by two German soldiers their escape. The hero will not be ran- matical and physics formulas on radia-
armed with pistols. somed. Instead, the Nazis will attempt to tion. Nothing else of value can be
On the round after the tank rolls out ship the hero back to Nazi Germany, discerned from them, except by Red
into the street, ten black-hooded and where horrible experiments, torture, Raven or Thin Man. Either of these
heavily armed men (Nazi soldiers, as per and brainwashing may await him. characters are capable of discerning
the NPC capsules at the end of this mod- If Agent Axis sees that the experimen- that these papers could be describing
ule) charge out, led by Agent Axis (wear- tal flame-tank is in danger of being cap- the effects of splitting the atom. Loose
ing a black suit and a black slouch hat). tured, he will pull out a small, hand-held talk about these papers or the Manhat-
The soldiers are armed with six pistols, radio control device and push the red tan Project will anger the Army, and
two rifles, and two submachine guns. button on it. This will cause the tank to possibly cause the hero to be detained
One soldier armed with a pistol also explode. Anyone inside the tank will and interrogated himself temporarily.
carries two hand grenades, one of take Amazing damage; those outside the After the battle, the Liberty Legion
which he will use to blast his way into tank in the same area will take Incredi- and Spirit of ’76 are contacted by high-
the front door of the Globe Press build- ble damage, and anyone one area away ranking officers in the U.S. Army. They
ing. The extra grenade is for meddling from the tank will take Good damage. are sworn to secrecy, and made to
hero-types. Agent Axis carries a subma- Agent Axis won’t mind killing the tank understand that what they are about to
chine gun and two pistols. Grenades are crew if he feels it necessary. He will learn is classified material of the highest
treated as per the Campaign Book, p. 17. definitely blow up the tank once he and importance.
The Globe Press building is unoccu- his men are leaving, before he exits the The research being conducted at the
pied except for two American soldiers game map. Only grappling with Agent Globe Press offices is only one small part
(as per the Campaign Book) with one Axis, shooting the transmitter box, or of an important American project to
pistol and one rifle each. Both will be freezing his hand (using Jack Frost’s create a weapon that will hopefully end
incapacitated when the grenade-using powers) will stop him from accomplish- the war. To maintain the project’s
Nazi blows up the front door, where ing this. Assume it takes one round for secrecy, the Manhattan Project has been
they were standing. The plans and note- him to pull the radio-control device out split into several departments which
books that Agent Axis wants are locked and another round to push the button, know nothing about each other. Each
in a file drawer near the center of the allowing the heroes time to react. department is working on a different
44 DECEMBER 1985
aspect of the weapon’s design and devel- The Army now wishes the Liberty on the list. If desired, extra help can be
opment. Nothing more can be said about Legion to defend two other important received from the Army and from the
the weapon itself, except that it will be sites from possible Nazi aggression. Office of Strategic Services (the wartime
of unheard of power and destructive- Intelligence sources have learned that intelligence service that later became
ness. The Army officers treat the project these places are the ones most likely to the CIA) to replace lost manpower.
with grim seriousness. They never use be attacked, and the Legion has to move Heroes may heal up to twice their
the words “atomic bomb,” “fallout,” immediately to defend the next target Endurance before the next chapter.
“nuclear weapon,” or the like. They want
the project to stay secret, even from
heroes. After all, if the Red Skull could
brain-wash the Invaders . . .
Unfortunately, Hitler is believed to
have learned of the project, and a simi-
lar weapons program is in progress in
Nazi Germany. Though Hitler is skeptical
of the weapon’s power, he has allowed
funding for the project. So far, limited
success has been achieved, but with no
working prototype.
Thus, Hitler has decided to have infor-
mation on the American project stolen
by his agents. Possession of this material
would hopefully fill in the gaps in their
knowledge. British agents learned that
the assault on the Globe Press building
was the first phase of this plan. Though
Spirit of ’76 was flown back to the
United States in order to warn the
authorities there, he wasn’t able to
reach them in time, so he went ahead to
the site of the first attack.

The Blitz Begins KARMA

Prevent boy (or other inno-

cents) from being wounded +30
Capturing Agent Axis +20
Stopping theft of notebooks +20
Each wounded policeman
and soldier assisted +15
Capturing tank intact +15
Each thug, enemy soldier,
or spy captured +10
Each getaway car
prevented from
leaving map +10
Each thug or enemy agent
(including car drivers)
escaping the map -10
Each hero captured/
incapacitated -20
Agent Axis escapes without
notebooks -20
Loose talk about Manhattan
Project -20
Agent Axis escapes with the
notebooks -40
Killing any enemy, includ-
ing Agent Axis -All

Other Karma awards and penal-

ties may be given out as the Judge
sees fit, as per the Campaign Book.

CAMPAIGN essentially depicts Stagg Field, the ing) vehicle. The plane has Excellent
bleachers around it, and other relevant control, Good speed, and a Good body. It
The Thin Man will be asked to fly his scenery. The map squares should be is armed with two machine guns
special aircraft to the place where the about 1” to 1½” wide, each one repre- mounted on its sides which do Remark-
U.S. Army believes the Nazi agents are senting an area about 20 yards across. able damage at a range of 10 areas; the
ready to strike next. The Liberty Legion The map is not meant to be an exact guns fire with Good Agility.
plane is described on the Thin Man‘s replica of the real Stagg Field; it is only Unless it encounters heavy ground fire
character card. The plane can hold the the way it looked in the 1940s of the or is made to crash, the plane lands in
entire Legion, plus the Spirit of ’76, Marvel Universe. the center of the football field. Two
though it may be a tight fit. If Thin Man The materials used in the stadium at rounds later, as the main propellor is
is incapacitated or not used, the group Stagg Field are as follows: goalposts — winding down, two costumed beings
will be flown to their destination, but Good; walls between field and benches and eight submachine-gun armed Nazi
will have no time to prepare for the — Excellent (5’ high); benches — Poor; soldiers (wearing normal American
encounter and will not have the use of railings in stands — Excellent; doors to clothing) leave the plane by a folding
any aircraft. underground complex — Incredible. stairway at the bottom. After one round
Thin Man’s plane is especially con- Note the location of the secret tele- of hasty conversation, one of the cos-
structed to take his elastic and far-reach- phone. A military operator located near tumed beings (a giant woman) leads the
ing arms into account. Anyone else the stadium will answer the phone if the soldiers across the field to the large
using the plane must make a Green receiver is picked up. He can summon doors leading to the complex beneath
Agility FEAT every two rounds when any reasonable assistance, including the field. The costumed man will fly into
flying the plane to avoid crashing, as police, fire, medical, and military aid. the air and slowly circle the field, look-
well as making a Yellow Reason FEAT at (Military aid, for obvious reasons, will ing for costumed heroes, police, or mili-
first to understand the plane’s control arrive first.) tary people to attack.
situation. Just after darkness falls (which is The military forces near Stagg Field
The Legion is instructed to fly to the when the PCs arrive if they are trans- have heard and seen the VTOL’s
University of Chicago, to the Stagg Foot- ported by the Army Air Force), the approach. They arrive shortly after it
ball Field. The Army grants the Legion group hears the sound of a propellor- appears over the field, as noted below.
permission to land in the field parking driven plane approaching the field from
lot, which is easy to do since the current the east. After a minute, a strange-look-
college dean hates football and the lot is ing aircraft appears, moving slowly over
empty. The Legion arrives before dusk. the stadium stands and heading for the
Before leaving for Chicago, Patriot is center of the football field. The aircraft The costumed man and woman are two
given a special message from an Army appears to be an airplane standing up on super-powered Nazis: Master Man™ and
general associated with the Manhattan its tail, with several fins and smaller Warrior Woman™. Warrior Woman is in
Project. He is informed that a research propellors projecting from its sides. The charge of the mission to break into the
center has been set up beneath Stagg plane is painted with a camouflage style underground complex, steal as much as
Field, and the center is to be defended at that anyone making a Yellow Reason possible, and destroy everything else.
all costs. The work going on there is FEAT roll will recognize as a typical If not interrupted, Master Man con-
critical to the success of the project. German design. tinues to fly in a circle around the field
Dangerous materials are stored there as The aircraft is an experimental model until the U.S. Army arrives in force.
well. A special telephone was secretly of a VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Land- Meanwhile, Warrior Woman reaches the
installed in the stadium of the field for
the heroes to use to summon help; mili-
tary units are standing by, but at a dis-
tance (so as not to scare the villains
away, if they come).
If the characters arrive on the Liberty
Legion plane, they will have two hours
to plan their strategy for the next
encounter. The Liberty Legion plane
may be moved aside and covered by
tarps. If they arrived on another plane,
they will get to the field in a regular
automobile only one round before the
Nazis arrive.
The map required for this chapter
should be generated by the Judge. A
small-scale version of the map, which is
easy to reproduce and uses staggered
square blocks, appears at right. It

46 D ECEMBER 1985
doors leading to the underground com- flee. They will then try to make their research going on beneath the football
plex, destroys them in one round, and ways to an emergency hideout, run by field. Some of the papers also deal with
charges inside with her henchmen. Nazi spies on the outskirts of Chicago. the process of creating an uncontrolled
After six rounds underground, Warrior Six rounds after the villains manage to atomic reaction, which would release
Woman and five of her soldiers emerge break into the underground complex (if immense amounts of energy. Anyone
(the other soldiers were killed or allowed to do so), the Army arrives. making a Yellow Reason FEAT roll recog-
wounded in the raid), bearing numerous Four large trucks, each containing eight nizes these facts after a short scan of
papers and pieces of equipment. They soldiers (armed with rifles, all as per the the papers. The equipment represents
head for the VTOL plane, board it in Campaign and Battle Books), a driver, samples of dampening rods used in
two rounds, summon Master Man, and and an officer (the latter two with pis- maintaining a stable atomic pile. None of
take off. It takes three rounds for the tols) pull up outside the field and unload. the equipment is radioactive.
VTOL to warm up to the point that it If any of the four officers fails to make a When the battle ends, the military
can fly again, once the pilot sees people Green Intuition FEAT roll, he assumes drops a security net over the entire
returning to the plane. One Luftwaffe that the heroes are also Nazi saboteurs, operation, keeping out reporters and
pilot (unarmed, with Typical stats) and and orders his men to open fire on them unauthorized civilians. Any hero who
two soldiers armed with submachine as well as on the real Nazis. talks indiscriminately about what he or
guns remain aboard the ship at all times. she has read in the stolen papers risks
If any heroes appear, Warrior Woman being arrested and temporarily confined
AFTERMATH by the military police.
direct her soldiers to spray them with
submachine-gun fire. She then has Mas- Neither Warrior Woman (out of pride) The Army won’t discuss the project
ter Man attack and joins in the battle nor Master Man (out of stupidity) are going on at Stagg Field. Once the battle
herself. She attempts to subdue and willing to surrender to Allied heroes; is over, the heroes are asked to head for
capture any heroes she can, taking them both fight until they are unconscious or the next high-security facility that may
aboard the VTOL plane, If any of her flee (as outlined above). The soldiers come under attack. Again, transporta-
men are wounded, she will direct others with these characters surrender imme- tion is provided, granted that the Lib-
to pick them up and bring them aboard diately when both of the super-Nazis are erty Legion is not able to use Thin Man’s
the VTOL if possible. If Master Man is taken out of action. plane. All heroes may recover two
put out of action, Warrior Woman will Warrior Woman and Master Man are Endurance ranks of Health on the way
abandon him and attempt to escape. If similarly hard to interrogate when cap- to their next job. Injured or captured
Warrior Woman is knocked out, Master tured, though Master Man may acciden- heroes may be replaced, as noted above.
Man will attack until he is defeated or tally let information slip out under
he defeats the heroes; the soldiers will questioning if he makes a White (only)
flee in the meantime. Neither super- Reason FEAT roll during an interroga-
character will flee otherwise. tion session. Warrior Woman cannot be
If any of the enemy forces escape in intimidated and refuses to talk at all if
The Liberty Legion Bowl
the VTOL, the Liberty Legion may caught. The soldiers may be interro-
attempt to pursue them using Thin gated as per the Campaign Book, p. 28. KARMA
Man’s special aircraft. The chase occurs The soldiers only know that they Stop Nazis from entering the
at night, of course, and the Judge may arrived in the U.S. by U-boat and that underground complex +50
add additional problems to the fight — they have been staying at a hidden Capture Master Man +40
such as civil defense forces mistaking encampment in New York state. There, Capture Warrior Woman +40
the dogfighting planes for an enemy they were assigned to work with the VTOL captured intact +20
raid, which will soon produce an attack two super-Nazis in stealing some plans Each Nazi soldier captured +10
by Army Air Force fighters. If the from Stagg Field’s laboratory. They Each Nazi soldier who
Liberty Legion has no plane, the Nazis aren’t sure what the plans were for, but escapes -10
escape and make their way back to a several guess that the Americans are VTOL destroyed -15
hidden base in upper New York state. working on a poison gas bomb. Each American soldier
If the VTOL takes a Red “Kill” roll from Master Man, if he slips, becomes angry injured by heroes -15
any missile weapon, the main propellor and tells the heroes that they’ll regret Loose talk about Manhattan
on the craft has been hit. The VTOL their deeds “vonce der Baron hears of Project -20
immediately drops from the sky and zis!” He clumsily tries to cover his slip by Each hero captured/
crashes, doing Remarkable damage to all denying that he said anything at all incapacitated by enemy -20
occupants. If the ship takes more than about a baron; he meant “der Führer” Nazis enter underground
Good damage from any attack, a “Bull’s- (i.e., Adolph Hitler). This clue is still complex -40
Eye” result means that a passenger has confusing, as it could refer to either Master Man/Warrior
been injured. Select a passenger at ran- Baron Blood, Baron Zemo, or Baron Woman escapes -40 each
dom inside the VTOL and apply the Strucker, all of whom are major Nazi Plans and equipment taken
results of the attack damage (minus the figures well-known to most American away by Nazis -40
Good body armor of the VTOL) to him. heroes. It could also mean some other Enemy or friendly person
If the pilot is hit, the plane will crash at baron, or it could be a code-name for killed by hero -All
once, as noted above. the Red Skull.
Warrior Woman and Master Man, if The information on the papers that Other Karma awards and penal-
they survive the crash of the VTOL, will the Nazis are trying to steal deals with ties may be given out as the Judge
stay and fight until overwhelmed or setting up an controlled atomic chain sees fit, as per the Campaign Book.
until they destroy all opposition and can reaction, which is the nature of the

Chapter 3: U-DAY!

CAMPAIGN the legend block) are normal ware- The entire complex is surrounded (at
houses, filled with assorted minor mate- map’s edge, with the three areas in the
Read the following to the players. rials like clothing, foods, regular tools, lower left corner being excluded) by an
etc. The Sutherland/Manchester/Highley electrified wire fence made from Typi-
block has become the rec center, gym, cal material (Good damage if touched).
Before leaving for the next and mess hall. The triangular blocks in No fence extends along the shoreline.
assignment, you are given a brief — the lower left side of the map are entry No building is higher than one story in
ing by an Army general. He tells gate buildings to the research center. All this complex. All weapons and ammuni-
you that the next point of Nazi other buildings west of Harrison Street tion have been removed from the area.
sabotage has been discovered to are barracks buildings (now empty), and All of the above information on build-
be the Barcley Research Center, all others east of Harrison Street are ing identifications should be passed on
along a river near the New York abandoned and empty. Ignore the to the players before the heroes hide
coast. Your Legion is to land at a private pier’s fence. themselves in the area. The defense of
private airfield only five miles The main and auxiliary research build- the two research buildings is of greatest
from the facility, two hours before ings are constructed of Excellent mate- importance.
dawn. Two jeeps and several Army rial (concrete). All other buildings are Special note: The Army has man-
officers will meet you there to Typical in material strength (reinforced aged, at the last minute, to drop off
take you on to the center. wood). The machinery in the two numerous books and papers in the two
The buildings at the research research buildings is made of Good- research buildings that are filled with
center have been evacuated. strength material, and the furniture false information. Anyone who reads
Unfortunately, much of the larger found anywhere in the complex is of this material believes it to be no differ-
equipment cannot be moved. Poor material strength (wood). Piers and ent in nature from any of the other
Rather than destroying it, the wharfs are of Typical material. All doors secret material seen in the previous two
Army wishes the Liberty Legion to in the complex are of Good strength, chapters. However, the information does
defend the equipment. The equip- except for the doors on the research them no good if they decide to use it for
ment is stored in one particular buildings, which are of Excellent building any nuclear devices. The Army
building. Other structures are the strength. The two research buildings will not tell the heroes at any time that
mess hall, barracks for workers have no windows. the information is false.
and scientists, warehouses, and so
forth. Your force must be sta-
(treat as soldiers in all respects) climb
tioned in the facility as best you
out. Ten, equipped with one submachine
can before the enemy assault BATTLE
gun and one special grenade each, head
The heroes encounter nothing except a for the research complex by climbing
stray dog (the camp’s mascot) as they onto the Arthur Street pier from the
Barcley Research Center is not a his- wait through the night. The dog is a bow of the submarine. Two other men
torical location, but existed in the carefree mutt that barks loudly and long remain on the sub, readying the deck
Marvel Universe of World War II. The at any costumed being he sees (FASE = gun mounted in front of the conning
map used for the Barcley Center is the all Typical, Health = 24, bites for Good tower. Two rounds later, the gun will be
riverfront city map found with the MH damage). If the dog is harmed, then the ready to fire (as light artillery in the
AC 6, New York, New York game acces- scientists who normally live at the Campaign Book, p. 17).
sory. All of the labels for the buildings research center will be angered. The One round after the U-boat surfaces, a
should be ignored for the purposes of dog won’t bite unless attacked first. costumed figure leap from the water
this scenario, and should be replaced by As the first rays of the sun cross the onto the middle pier. Any hero seeing
the following: sky, a wake appears in the river and this person recongizes him as U-Man™, a
The Dobson/Spartan/Le Grand block is approaches the shore. Three rounds renegade Atlantean working for the
now the main research building, where later, a conning tower from a U-boat Nazi cause. U-Man is carrying a small
the most important machinery is stored. surfaces across from the Keeler-and- pouch of waterproof equipment, con-
The Hayes Street Library/Museum block Thompson building. The sub covers taining a miniature camera and several
is the auxiliary research building, with three areas, with the average width of a waterproof bags (empty). His mission is
other equipment. The Keeler-and- street. The conning tower appears in to reach the two research buildings,
Thompson/DocTech block is now the the center area of the three sub areas. break inside, take pictures of any inter-
research center’s main office area, with The interior of the sub may be detailed esting equipment, snatch all valuable-
lots of communications gear kept in the by the Judge if desired, though it may looking documents, and destroy all
DocTech Labs area. The Arthur Street not be necessary for the adventure. remaining equipment. It takes one
Bridge extends no farther than the edge The body and hatches of the subma- round to break into a building, three
of the map, becoming another pier (and rine are of Remarkable material. The rounds to take pictures, two rounds to
all piers are owned by the research sub has Good control and speed. snatch papers, and three rounds to
center). The three blocks near the river On the round after the sub surfaces, a destroy equipment in each research
(Aiken’s, Brand Corp. warehouses, and hatch opens and twelve Nazi sailors building.
48 DECEMBER 1985
U-boat, where the U-boat’s gun opens The sailors with U-Man know less than
fire on the riverside offices and com- he does. They were to raid the research
munications center, destroying them base and destroy as much of it as possi-
completely in three rounds. As the U- ble. They cannot offer more than that.
boat leaves, it continues to fire shells After the battle, the characters are
into the complex for six rounds, blasting met by a grim Army general. The entire
all shoreline buildings into rubble. raid against the Barcley Research Center
The submarine contains eight more was only a feint. American intelligence
sailors, each armed with a pistol and now believes that the Nazis meant for
having soldier statistics. If the subma- the Americans to discover the leads to
rine’s armor is penetrated, the sub will the Barcley raid, as a second raid went
sink in five rounds. Each man aboard uninterrupted on the New Jersey coast.
the sub must make a Yellow Endurance An important scientist was kidnapped
FEAT in order to escape drowning and by other Nazi raiders, and an experi-
make it to shore. The sub captain is also mental prototype of the project’s
aboard; treat him as a mercenary, as per weapon was picked up.
the Campaign Book, p. 27. Early reports from the area say that a
U-Man fights any costumed hero with- dense fog rolled in and hampered secu-
out a moment’s hesitation, hoping to rity efforts. Several guards were discov-
gain status in the eyes of the Reich. He ered in a dazed condition, two of them
wants to capture a few heroes and bring with unusual neck wounds and severe
them alive to the submarine, where they anemia. Both soldiers are being hospital-
can then be taken to a German ized, but should recover. (They will not
destroyer in the Atlantic and transfered turn into vampires later.)
to Germany. He will not retreat unless The Liberty Legion and Spirit of ’76
he has less than one-quarter of his are given two days off to rest. Each hero
Health points left; then he dives into the may regain up to twice his or her
water and swims to the bottom, out of Endurance rank in Health (or double
reach of the heroes. this rate for each day spent in bed).
The sailors in the complex split up into
groups of two as they patrol the streets,
wondering where the Americans went.
They tend to avoid closing with cos- Capture U-Man +40
tumed heroes, firing their sub-machine Prevent U-Man from enter-
guns and throwing grenades instead. If ing research buildings +40
one member of a team is knocked down, Prevent sailors from bomb-
the other man will not leave him. Small ing any buildings +30
groups will quickly reform into larger Capture U-boat intact +20
groups once danger threatens, and the Each enemy sailor captured +10
men have been trained to set up U-boat destroyed No loss
ambushes and crossfires whenever Each enemy sailor that
possible. They, too, try to capture excapes -10
heroes, as they stand to gain medals and Dog in Barcley Center.
promotions for doing so. If the sailors harmed -10
see U-Man knocked out of the fight, they Each hero captured/
will flee for their U-boat without trying incapacitated -20
to rescue him. Loose talk about Manhattan
The ten sailors entering the complex Project -20
cautiously proceed into the heart of the Planted notebooks taken by
research center, searching for hated
Americans to kill. They continue to U-Man, like other previously captured U-Man’s camera (with
patrol the streets until such time as U- Nazi villains, at first refuses to talk. pictures taken by Nazis -20
Man finishes his tasks. When his tasks However, if shown that other super- U-Man destroys any
are completed, U-Man runs for the Nazis have been caught, he might be equipment -20
Arthur Street pier, dives into the water, made to talk according to the rules in U-Man escapes -40
and leaves the scenario. The U-boat fires the Campaign Book (p. 28). Any enemy killed -All
one warning shot from its gun over the U-Man claims that he was hired by
water; the sailors then hurl their gre- Baron Blood for this mission. He has no Other Karma awards and penal-
nades into as many buildings as they can idea of what he’s supposed to be looking ties may be given out as the Judge
to destroy them. The grenades are for and cares nothing about the Manhat- sees fit, as per the Campaign Book.
incendiary in nature, setting fire to all tan Project. He only wants to become Though the planted notebooks are
materials within the area they detonate the ruler of Atlantis, supported by his useless to the Nazis, Karma is still
(Remarkable damage, followed by two Nazi buddies. He pretends to be as coop- lost for their theft, as the heroes
rounds of Good damage from flames). erative as possible, but will escape at the were to prevent such an action
Once this is done, the sailors flee to the first opportunity. anyway.


City cops are just now starting to arrive

CAMPAIGN bomb from exploding. I will gladly and are trying to cordon off the building
do so if I receive news that Ameri- and evacuate everyone from a one-block
Read the following to the players. can troops are going to be with- area around the hotel. (Remember, no
drawn from Britain and Africa, one in 1944 has any idea of what sort of
and that the American govern- bomb the Army has been working on, or
Two days have passed since the ment will negotiate peace with the what kind of power atomic weapons
fight at the Barcley Research Cen- Axis powers. have.) As soon as they see any costumed
ter. You are now back in New York “Do not attempt to attack me! I heroes, the police and military men will
City, and are broadcasting a spe- am able to cause the bomb to escort them to a command post set up
cial radio show featuring a conver- explode at any time. The blast across the street from the hotel.
sation with Spirit of ’76. “Six” is alone would reduce all of the The colonel in charge of the military
retelling his experiences with the Lower East Side of Manhattan to forces there is on a radio linkup to the
Crusaders in fighting Axis aggres- smoldering rubble. If you don't governor of New York state, the mayor
sion in Europe. Suddenly, the believe me, ask your military sci- of the city, and President Roosevelt.
broadcast is jammed by a more entists. That is all. Sieg Heil!” After many “Yes, sirs” and “No, sirs,” the
powerful transmitter. As the static harassed colonel hangs up and tells the
clears, a dreadful, hissing voice heroes that they've got their work cut
comes from the speakers. out for them. The President, the gover-
“Your petty broadcast has been The Liberty Legion is aware that nor, and the mayor all agree that the
temporarily cancelled so that I Baron Blood is a vampire and that the American government cannot give in to
may issue the following ultima- only way to stop him is to destroy him. the demands of the Nazis. The heroes
tum. At this moment, I, Baron Anyone making a Green Reason FEAT must try to disarm the bomb and bring
Blood, have taken control of the may remember the sorts of devices that Baron Blood and his henchmen to jus-
top story of the Empire State slay a vampire, as listed under Baron tice. The assault on the building must
Hotel, in downtown Manhattan. Blood’s capsule description at the end of begin as soon as possible. It is now 2 P.M.
We have in our possession a new this module. Obtaining these devices in a The only map required for this adven-
type of powerful bomb, which we hurry may prove difficult, however. ture is the one appearing in the game
acquired from your own corrupt Dark storm clouds fill the sky outside accessory MH AC 6, New York, New
and incompetent military. over New York City. Upon reaching the York, on the inside cover of the module.
“The bomb has been armed, and 35-story Empire State Hotel (down the Use the Manchester Hotel’s Penthouse
it is set to go off in exactly 24 street from the Empire State Building), Suite Level for the top floor of the
hours. Only I am able to stop the the heroes find the area jammed with Empire State Hotel, only changing the
spectators. Military police and New York room numbers to 3501-3504. The Judge

50 DECEMBER 1985
may detail the floor further to show the ing before battle. Those with Good maid are being kept here under guard
location of furniture, potted plants, Endurance have to rest one round at the by two other soldiers, equipped as
lights, electrical outlets, and so forth. top of the stairs before fighting (unless above. The guards are not prone to use
The storage area is filled with cleaning an Endurance FEAT is made). Those their weapons to kill their prisoners,
supplies, linens, spare furniture, tools, with less than Good Endurance require preferring to use them on any heroes
extra carpeting, wastecans, extra light frequent rests on the way up, unless they see. If any heroes attempt to break
bulbs, and mops and brooms. The stairs walking. Those with Poor or worse into the room, the businessman (an ex-
going up lead to the roof. Endurance have to rest while walking NYC cop, using police statistics in the
The outside walls of the hotel are of upstairs. Campaign Book) will join the fight.
Remarkable-strength material (rein- A number of people may be found on Suite 3502 contains the bomb, a primi-
forced concrete). The floors and ceilings the 35th floor. Four soldiers armed with tive fission device looking like a large,
are also of Remarkable strength. The two grenades, a dagger, and a subma- wired-up crate (weighing 400 lbs.). It’s
interior walls are of Typical material, chine gun apiece (in full SS combat uni- guarded by three soldiers and Baron
and the doors are also Typical strength. form) patrol the corridor outside the Blood. In addition, the scientist captured
Furniture is of Poor strength. Windows elevators. Three similarly equipped in Chapter 3, Dr. Horatio Martin, is
are Feeble strength. The elevator doors soldiers stand at the top of the staircase present. He is the only man who can
are of Good strength; the elevator car by the storage room door; two other defuse the bomb, a process that takes
has Typical armor (partially shielding soldiers are on the building’s roof (which only two rounds unless Baron Blood has
those inside from grenade blasts), and is flat and has two air ducts, without pushed the red button on top of the
the elevator cables are Excellent elevator access), looking over the edge of bomb. If this happens, the bomb will
strength. the building with binoculars. In addi- explode in twenty rounds. (Defusing it
tion, the super-powered Iron Cross™ is then takes four rounds.) Baron Blood
also on the roof, watching for aircraft. A will then order all Nazi soldiers and
VTOL similar to the one used in Chapter super-characters to the roof, where they
BATTLE 2 is parked on the roof beside an air will board the VTOL and escape. How-
Baron Blood, his men, and the bomb duct. No military aircraft have flown ever, Baron Blood will drop Dr. Martin
were landed on the roof of the hotel the over the building yet, so the VTOL off the roof before he goes, so that no
night before by VTOL. Since then, the hasn't been spotted. The VTOL pilot is one will be able to stop the explosion. A
Baron has been using hypnosis to con- resting inside the plane, which also hero with knowledge of electrical work-
trol hotel employees and set up his base contains the radio transmitter. ings can disarm the bomb after six
of operations on the 35th floor. Suite 3501 has been turned into a rounds of work on a Yellow Reason
Any costumed figure entering the temporary cell for captured hotel FEAT roll. Certain mutations or powers
building during daylight (unless dis- employees and guests. Two bellboys, two might also be helpful.
guised or hidden) has a 95% chance of married couples, a businessman, and a The power of the bomb is determined
being spotted by the Baron’s men. Any
flying figure is automatically seen and
reported. The Baron will then turn on
his radio and announce that any inter-
ference by so-called heroes will cause
him to detonate the bomb in his posses-
sion (see below). He avoids carrying out
this threat unless the heroes actually
break into the 35th floor and enter com-
bat with the Nazis there.
The Baron’s men have jammed the
elevator circuitry. Anyone with electri-
cal or mechanical skill (or an appropri-
ate super-power) may repair the
elevators and use them to head for the
35th floor. However, the guards outside
the elevators on the top floor will imme-
diately notice the elevator’s movement
and will report it. In addition, they will
force the elevator doors open and will
drop hand grenades down upon the
elevator’s roof. Forcing the elevator
doors open requires a Red Strength
FEAT roll for one man, a Yellow FEAT
for two or three men, and a Green FEAT
roll for four or more men. One attempt
takes one round.
The heroes may climb the stairs,
though this will be exhausting. Heroes
with an Endurance of Excellent or bet-
ter may run up the stairs without rest-
by the relative success or failure of the should handle these developments as he talks as outlined in the Campaign Book
heroes in the previous chapters. The or she sees fit. (p. 28). He knows only that he was to
bomb is not well designed and would The blast does Unearthly damage to guard the bomb, about which he knows
not normally produce the enormous anyone within five areas of the center of nothing, and assist Baron Blood in any
fireball that we are accustomed to see- the explosion. The damage decreases manner that he could.
ing. The bomb is powerful enough to over area until it reaches Poor levels at Baron Blood never reveals the details
generate partial fission if the Axis super- twenty areas away. The fallout from the of his mission. He will not stand to be
agents have gathered enough informa- blast does Poor damage every round to captured, and will fight until slain or
tion from the Americans beforehand. anyone in the building, and does Feeble until he escapes. He has no interest in
The bomb has a basic destructive damage to anyone within the area of the capturing a hero — he only wishes to
power that is augmented as outlined blast across Manhattan every hour, until drain them of blood and turn them into
below. At present, the bomb cannot cleaned up. Baron Blood and all who vampires for the cause of the Axis
generate a nuclear blast, but the explo- escaped in the VTOL are not affected. powers! Because she can fly and is
sive casing around the bomb can scatter However, if the misleading documents rather attractive, he has his eyes set on
radioactive material across the 35th in Chapter 3 are stolen by U-Man or Miss America in particular for a role as
floor and out through the windows into others, the power of the bomb is his vampiric assistant.
the streets below. The blast causes dropped by one level. The base power The soldiers know nothing about the
Incredible damage to anyone in the of the bomb cannot be reduced beyond bomb. They were brought along only to
same area with the bomb, Remarkable the lowest level mentioned above. assist the Baron in any ways they could.
damage to all one area away, and Good At present, Dr. Martin is under Baron Dr. Martin remembers little about his
damage to anything two or three areas Blood’s hypnotic control. He has been captivity, except that he is ashamed that
away. The radioactive material does putting the finishing touches on the he served Baron Blood so willingly (even
Feeble damage to anyone within the bomb, using the materials that the if he didn’t mean to do so).
area where the bomb explodes and all Baron has had stolen by others. He will Once the adventure ends, Spirit of ’76
areas immediately adjacent to it; this not fight any costumed heroes, as he is will return to Britain and the Crusaders.
damage is taken every round until the too aware of his poor physical condition The Liberty Legion members will be
affected characters leave the area and (FASE scores are all Poor; Reason is given a rest for a few days — but they
clean themselves off. The blast also Remarkable in nuclear physics and have a war bond rally at Yankee Stadium
smashes the roof and floor of the room. Excellent otherwise; IP scores are each coming up. . . .
The theft of the notebooks in Chapter Good).
1, the theft of material from the Stagg Suite 3503 has been converted into a The Final Countdown
Field station in Chapter 2, and the pic- temporary barracks for Nazi soldiers. KARMA
tures taken by U-Man in Chapter 3 each Two soldiers are present, resting from Prevent bomb from
contribute to the power of the bomb. If their tour of guard duty. Their equip- exploding + 100
only one of the above incidents occurs, ment and weapons lie by their beds. A Iron Cross captured +40
the bomb will function as above, but the backpack beneath one bed contains Doctor Martin rescued +30
radioactive material spread around the $52,000 in cash, jewelry, and other valu- VTOL captured intact +20
area will do Poor damage every round ables stolen from the people on this Each captive rescued from
(as it has been better refined). If only floor. Suite 3504 is not in use, though it Nazis +10
two of the above incidents occur, the has been searched for valuables. Each Nazi soldier captured +10
blast will do Amazing damage to the Baron Blood can use the storm to Baron Blood slain No loss
area in which it rests, Incredible damage attack heroes with lightning bolts Each Nazi soldier escaping -10
to all things one or two areas away, (requiring a Green Agility FEAT roll) or VTOL destroyed -15
Excellent damage to all out to four wind storms. He makes maximum use of Each hero captured,
areas, and Typical damage out to six all of his powers in a conflict, always incapacitated, or controlled
areas. The radioactive material from the acting with cunning and malign intent. (by Baron Blood) -20
bomb’s core will do Poor damage every Loose talk about the
round as above, to anyone who enters adventure -25
the blast zone. The aftereffects of the bomb explosion Dr. Martin killed by
If all three incidents occur, the bomb are detailed above. Once the heroes Baron Blood -30
will be capable of partial fission. The have managed to prevent the explosion, Dr. Martin injured by
fireball will destroy the upper five floors the Army will be pleased, but will pres- heroes -30
of the hotel, showering a wide area of sure the heroes to say as little as possi- Iron Cross escapes -40
Manhattan with radioactive debris and ble about the incident, for reasons of Bomb explodes
broken concrete. Dozens of people will national security. Presidential citations (non-nuclear) -50
be killed, hundreds will be injured, and will come, though the citations will be Baron Blood escapes -50
military authorities will take days to carefully worded to avoid mentioning Enemy or friendly person
clean the area up. The incident will spur the incident directly. killed by heroes -All (for
America’s war effort, greatly angering A news blackout is imposed on the killer)
the people and the government, and will whole adventure, with the Army simply Bomb explodes (nuclear) -All (for
turn an already terrible war into one of refusing to discuss any details of the entire group)
great savagery. Moves will be made to episode. The heroes have to play along,
speed development of the atomic bomb, never discussing the fact that they. foiled Other Karma awards and penalties
with the intent of using the first one the first nuclear ransom. may be given out as the Judge sees
against Berlin in late 1944. The Judge Iron Cross, if defeated and captured, fit, as per the Campaign Book.

52 DECEMBER 1985

Lord John Falsworth
Agent of the Super-Axis
Fighting: EXCELLENT (20)
Agility: REMARKABLE (30)
Strength: REMARKABLE (30)
Endurance: INCREDIBLE (40)
Reason: GOOD (10)
Intuition: EXCELLENT (20)
Psyche: REMARKABLE (30)
Health: 120
Karma: 60
Resources: EXCELLENT
(backed by Nazi Germany)
Popularity: -30 (in U.S.A.)
ANIMAL CONTROL. Baron Blood is able to summon and
completely control bats, rats, mice, and wolves. This power
is Incredible in nature. A swarm of bats, rats, or mice arrives
on the round following the start of his summons, and attacks
any one area the Baron desires within four areas of himself.
The swarm has the following statistics:
Good Typi Feeb Exce

If a hero inflicts 38 points of damage on the swarm of

creatures, it disperses and is gone. A swarm only attacks
those in the area the Baron designates, and does Typical
damage to everyone in that area every round. The swarm
always gains initiative. Those leaving the area continue to be
attacked (rats have Feeble and bats Typical Speed).
If wolves are available, use the statistics for Guard Dogs in
the Campaign Book, p. 30. Wolves, as above, only attack
those within a particular area the Baron designates within a
four-area radius of himself.
FLIGHT. Baron Blood is able to fly without transforming
himself into a bat. He can move 6 areas per round in this
manner, which may be a form of psionic levitation.
HYPNOTISM. Anyone looking at Baron Blood for longer than
one round must make a Psyche FEAT roll to avoid being
hypnotized by him and falling under his complete control. A
Red FEAT is required if one’s Psyche is less than Remarkable;
a Yellow FEAT is needed if one’s Psyche is Remarkable, and a
Green FEAT if one has a Psyche of Incredible or better. Hyp-
nosis lasts six rounds, but the Baron must not fight.
POISON RESISTANCE. Any toxic substance eaten or injected
into Baron Blood’s system affects him normally, but is not
VAMPIRIC BITE: If Baron Blood is able to make a Red FEAT
capable of causing his death. Assume that he always has at
roll on the Grappling table, he can bite his held victim and
least 8 Health points left, no matter how large a dose of poi-
drain him or her of blood. The bite inflicts Typical damage
son is given him.
every round, but if the hold isn’t broken before the victim
REGENERATION. Baron Blood’s regenerative powers are dies, the victim’s body will arise in three days as a vampire.
Unearthly in nature, allowing him to recover up to 100 Anyone who suffers a loss of over half his or her Health to a
Health points at the beginning of each round. He loses this vampire’s bite will develop into a vampire in 2-20 weeks,
power in direct sunlight. This power does not operate being under the complete influence of the attacking vampire
against certain attack forms described below and cannot be until then. The lost Health cannot be recovered, and the
used to regenerate lost limbs. medical science of the 1940s cannot stop the onset of vampir-

ism. Note that aliens, robots, androids, and nonhumans Background: Baron Blood was a member of the British
(including Jack Frost) cannot become vampires and cannot aristocracy, a young nobleman who sought the tomb of
be drained of blood in this manner. Dracula in hopes of reviving and controlling him. Unfortu-
WEATHER CONTROL. Baron Blood can control weather with nately, Dracula bit and killed Lord Falsworth, turning him
Remarkable ability; he can be assumed to control all the into a vampire. Lord Falsworth was sent to Britain before
weather upon any particular campaign map that he occu- World War I to wreak havoc, and he became an assassin for
the Germans, killing many high-ranking British leaders.
pies. Fog reduces visibility to a one-area radius around a
Wounded by the first Union Jack™, Baron Blood (as he was
character. Heat waves and cold snaps would cause Feeble
damage to everyone with an Endurance of Typical or less. code-named by the Germans) fled. He made contact with the
Nazis during their rise to power, was operated on to gain
Baron Blood can summon lightning once per three turns
(Remarkable damage), cause winds of Remarkable strength special powers at the cost of his other abilities, and returned
to England. He again started a reign of terror, which was
(forcing heroes with Excellent flight or less to land or crash),
ended by the Invaders and Union Jack. He was resurrected,
or produce rain, hail, or snow for five rounds.
however, and joined the Super-Axis cause.
VULNERABILITIES. Though he is an exceptionally powerful Baron Blood has no compunctions about killing and is an
vampire, Baron Blood has certain vulnerabilities that are inhumanly evil foe. He hates British figures, especially those
common to all such creatures. He can tolerate brief periods of the aristocracy.
of sunlight (up to half an hour) without harm, due to cos-
metic surgery performed upon him by Nazi scientists. If he
remains in sunlight beyond this period, his FASE scores suf- AGENT AXIS™
fer a loss of one rank each for every two rounds he con- Real name unknown
tinues to stay in direct sunlight (to a minimum of Poor). Super-Axis spy
When all of his scores reach the minimum of Poor (Health = Fighting: REMARKABLE (30) Health: 100
8), he disintegrates in the following round and turns into Agility: REMARKABLE (30) Karma: 46
dust. Unless the dust is scattered (which will permanently Strength: EXCELLENT (20) Resources: EXCELLENT
destroy Baron Blood), the dust will mystically reform into the Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) (backed by Axis powers)
Baron in five rounds, once placed in darkness. Reason: GOOD (10) Popularity: -5 (in U.S.A.)
Baron Blood must satisfy his craving for fresh blood at Intuition: REMARKABLE (30)
least once every other day. It is assumed that the Nazis are Psyche: TYPICAL (6)
supplying him with fresh blood during the course of this
adventure, though he might not be adverse to taking some
Powers: No special powers
from a hero. Talents: Agent Axis is an expert with all forms of firearms
Though most vampires become comatose in daylight, and sharp weapons. He is also a marksman and excels in
Baron Blood is able to operate normally during the day. He martial arts and wrestling. His Reason in military matters is
must spend some time asleep, however, in a coffin filled with Excellent, and he has Incredible Reason in espionage.
soil from England. Unlike other vampires, Baron Blood can-
not shapechange due to his operation.
Background: Agent Axis was the product of the accidental
Baron Blood will not come closer than one area to anyone merging of three master spies (one German, one Italian, and
one Japanese) into one body. He is now employed by the
who wears garlic or holds aloft a religious symbol in which
intelligence services of all three Axis powers.
the bearer has faith. The touch of a holy symbol wielded by
a true believer causes damage equal to the attacker's Psyche
rank. Baron Blood avoids mirrors, though they cause him no MASTER MAN™
harm, because he casts no reflection in them. His image Wilhelm Lohmer
cannot be captured on photographic film. Agent of the Super-Axis
Weapons made of silver or wood cause Baron Blood great
pain, and he actively avoids combat with anyone using such Fighting: INCREDIBLE (40) Health: 120
devices — even fleeing if necessary. Running a wooden stake Agility: GOOD (10) Karma: 12
or silver blade into his heart (a Red FEAT on the Hack-&- Strength: REMARKABLE (30) Resources: GOOD
Slash chart) instantly slays the Baron, but removing the Endurance: INCREDIBLE (40) (backed by Nazi Germany)
weapon from his body causes him to come to life again, even Reason: POOR (4) Popularity: -5 (in U.S.A.)
if his body has fallen into dust. This process takes only five Intuition: POOR (4)
rounds. Baron Blood cannot regenerate damage from a heart Psyche: POOR (4)
strike until the weapon is removed. Beheading the Baron Powers:
(requiring a Red FEAT roll with a large bladed weapon and at
least Excellent Strength, using the Hack&-Slash chart) also FLIGHT. Master Man can fly at 6 areas per round with
kills him. Typical control and agility in the air.
Baron Blood was not permanently destroyed until long Talents: None
after the end of the Second World War, when Captain
America finished his career. For the purposes of this module, Background: Wilhelm Lohmer was injected with a Nazi-
killing the Baron in one of the above ways should be suitable, produced variant of the Super-Soldier formula that gave
so his death will not be permanent. His family will wish his Captain America his powers. The formula gave him the
remains returned for burial in England. power of flight in addition to increasing his physical abilities.
Master Man is prone to take orders from any (Nazi) authority
Talents: Baron Blood has Excellent Reason in matters of the figure and is not very intelligent. An arrogant fighter, he
occult. hates the Liberty Legion with a passion.

54 D E C E M B E R 1985
Frieda Ratsel HYPNOTISM. Frau Ratsel is highly skilled at hypnotism. If
Agent of the Super-Axis she can work with a captured or willing subject, she can
Fighting: EXCELLENT (20) force the victim to tell her any information he knows, unless
Agility: GOOD (10) the victim makes a Yellow Psyche FEAT roll. Only one roll is
Strength: INCREDIBLE (40) made per victim per day.
Endurance: INCREDIBLE (40) Talents: Frau Ratsel has Excellent knowledge of espionage,
Reason: GOOD (10) having been a spy before she gained super-powers.
Intuition: GOOD (10)
Psyche: TYPICAL (6) Background: Frau Ratsel received another variation on the
Super-Soldier formula, growing to 10' in height as a result of
Health: 110 a laboratory accident. She hates all men except for the
Karma: 26 Fuhrer, and is sadistic in nature. Warrior Woman sometimes
Resources: GOOD uses a whip (range: one area; Typical material; Incredible
(backed by Nazi Germany) damage; can entangle foes on a Bull’s-Eye).
Popularity: -5 (in U.S.A.)
U-MAN™ If his armor takes damage from heat or fire, it must make
Meranno a yellow FEAT roll (on the Good column) or else the circuits
Citizen of Atlantis will fuse, rendering the armor immobile and nonfunctional.
Fighting: REMARKABLE (30) Health: 130 Talents: None
Agility: EXCELLENT (20) Karma: 18
Background: Helmut Gruler is a German champion who
Strength: AMAZING (50) Resources: GOOD
wears a suit of armor created by Professor Franz Schneider.
Endurance: REMARKABLE (30) (backed by Nazi Germany)
He is fanatically loyal to the German cause and despises all
Reason: TYPICAL (6) Popularity: -5 (in U.S.A.)
Allied heroes.
Intuition: TYPICAL (6)
Psyche: TYPICAL (6)

Average Nazi soldier
ATLANTEAN POWERS. Meranno is an Atlantean, and as such
Fighting: GOOD (10) Health: 32
he can breathe underwater indefinitely through his gills and
Agility: TYPICAL (6) Karma: 16
swim at 5 areas per round. He can move around on land in
Strength: TYPICAL (6) Resources: TYPICAL
the open air, but takes 1 point of damage every round for
Endurance: GOOD (10) Popularity: -1 (in U.S.A.)
the first 20 rounds (10 minutes) that he is on the surface.
Reason: TYPICAL (6)
After that, he takes 10 points of damage per round from
Intuition: TYPICAL (6)
suffocation until he can get to the water again. In addition,
Psyche: POOR (4)
his FASERIP abilities shift down one rank every two rounds;
again, this occurs only after the first 10 minutes out of Talents: Military skill; also, shift to right one column when
water, and will reverse itself once he is in water again. using knives, handguns, rifles, or submachine guns. See the
Meranno’s vision is sensitive to green light, allowing him to Battle Book (p. 14) and the Campaign Book (p. 17) for more
see well underwater. information on weaponry available to soldiers. The Judge
may have selected soldiers with other talents, such as Marks-
DENSE FLESH. Meranno has Excellent body armor from his
man, Weapon Master, Martial Arts, Wrestling, Thrown
thick skin, and has Excellent resistance to cold.
Weapons, Blunt Weapons, and so forth.
Talents: None
Average Nazi secret agent
Background: Meranno managed to artificially heighten his
strength. In exchange for his work in defeating the Allies, he Fighting: GOOD (10) Health: 28
was to be made ruler of Atlantis by the Nazis, in place of his Agility: TYPICAL (6) Karma: 26
hated enemy, the Sub-Mariner. Strength: TYPICAL (6) Resources: TYPICAL
Endurance: GOOD (6) Popularity: -3 (in U.S.A.)
Reason: GOOD (10)
Intuition: GOOD (10)
Psyche: TYPICAL (6)
Helmut Gruler
Agent of the Super-Axis Talents: Each agent has one or two weapons (usually a
handgun or knife) with which he shifts one column to the
Fighting: EXCELLENT (20) Health: 44/94
right. Agents also have Excellent knowledge of espionage
Agility: POOR (4) Karma: 16
matters. See the Battle Book (p. 14) and the Campaign Book
Strength: GOOD (10)/ Resources: GOOD
(p. 17) for more information on weaponry.
INCREDIBLE (40) (backed by Nazi Germany)
Endurance: GOOD (10)/ Popularity: -5 (in U.S.A.)
A Selected Bibliography
Reason: TYPICAL (6) The full story of the creation of the Liberty Legion may be
Intuition: POOR (4) found in the following magazines: Marvel Premiere™ #29
Psyche: TYPICAL (6) (April 1976), The Invaders™ #6 (May 1976), and Marvel
Premiere #30 (June 1976). Spirit of ‘76 and his allies in the
Resources: GOOD (backed by Nazi Germany)
Crusaders made their first appearance in The Invaders #14
Popularity: -5 (in U.S.A.)
(March 1977). Various issues of The Invaders comics detailed
other Allied and Axis characters who fought on the battle-
Powers: fields of World War II.
BATTLE SUIT. All of Iron Cross’s powers come from his
armored battle suit, which enhances his Strength, Endur-
ance, and Health. The suit allows Iron Cross to fly at 6 areas Designed by Wild William Tracy
per round with Typical control, and grants him Remarkable Edited and developed by Rickety Roger Moore, with proof-
protection against physical attacks and Good protection from reading assistance by Pugnacious Pat Price.
energy attacks. Furthermore, the gauntlets of the suit fire Illustrations by the Mighty Marvel Bullpen and Jumbo Jeff
either electrical bolts or beams of intense cold. These do Butler
Remarkable damage at a 3-area range. The suit can dis- Production work by Rapid Roger Raupp and Kwik Kim
charge sleeping gas to cover the area in which he is standing Lindau
(Yellow Endurance FEAT required to withstand the effects) Special assistance from “Indiana Harold” Johnson and
and has fire extinguishers of Excellent power. Delightful Deborah Highley.
56 D ECEMBER 1985
Madeline Joyce, adventuress Jeffrey Mace, reporter and adventurer
(identity known to U.S. government) (secret identity)
Fighting: GOOD (10) Health: 56 Fighting: REMARKABLE (30) Health: 66
Agility: EXCELLENT (20) Karma: 22 Agility: GOOD (10) Karma: 26
Strength: TYPICAL (6) Resources: EXCELLENT Strength: TYPICAL (6) Resources: EXCELLENT
Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) (supported by U.S. government) Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) (supported by U.S. government)
Reason: TYPICAL (6) Popularity: 40 Reason: GOOD (10) Popularity: 40
Intuition: GOOD (10) Intuition: GOOD (10)
Psyche: TYPICAL (6) Psyche: TYPICAL (6)
Powers Powers
LEVITATION: Miss America has the power to levitate by her Patriot has no super powers.
mental powers, allowing her to rise into the air as high as
Talents: Patriot is skilled in journalism and martial arts.
normal breathing would allow (20,000 feet) and to hover in
place, staying aloft up to 2 hours. By careful jumps, she can Background: Jeffrey Mace left his career as a reporter for
fly at 4 areas per round with Excellent control, though she the New York Daily Bugle at the start of World War II to fight
has to land and kick off again to keep going. crime and Nazi espionage in America as a costumed hero. He
still makes regular patriotic radio broadcasts from New York
Talents: None.
City. When the Invaders™ were captured by the Red Skull™,
Background: Madeline Joyce was visiting a lighthouse used Patriot joined Bucky Barnes and other heroes to free them,
for electrical experiments when a lightning bolt from the becoming a founding member of the Liberty Legion.
equipment and an electrical storm struck her. When she
recovered from her coma, she found her latent mutant
powers had surfaced. She became a costumed crimefighter,
and while fighting a Nazi spy ring in New York, she met the
Whizzer™. They joined forces to crush the spies and free the
Invaders™ from the Red Skull™.

MISS AMERICA and the distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright ©1985 PATRIOT and the distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright ©1985 Marvel
Marvel Comics Group. All Rights Reserved. Comics Group. All Rights Reserved.


Robert L. Frank, adventurer William Nasland, adventurer
(identity known to U.S. government) (secret identity)
Fighting: EXCELLENT (20) Health: 86 Fighting: EXCELLENT (20) Health: 70
Agility: INCREDIBLE (40) Karma: 26 Agility: EXCELLENT (20) Karma: 22
Strength: TYPICAL (6) Resources: EXCELLENT Strength: GOOD (10) Resources: Good
Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) (supported by U.S. government) Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) Popularity: 25
Reason: GOOD (10) Popularity: 40 Reason: TYPICAL (6)
Intuition: GOOD (10) Intuition: GOOD (10)
Psyche: TYPICAL (6) Psyche: TYPICAL (6)
Powers Powers
LIGHTNING SPEED: The Whizzer can move up to 10 areas CAPE: Spirit of '76 has no superhuman powers. His cape is
per round because of his superhuman metabolism. He has made of a bullet-proof material that provides Typical protec-
also developed his fighting skills to compliment his speed, tion against physical attacks made against him from behind.
and his Fighting rises to Incredible when he is in motion. He may draw the cape around to protect his front as well.
Talents: He can use a special martial arts talent while he is Talents: None
in motion, slamming and stunning larger opponents.
Background: Spirit of '76 first appeared at the beginning
Background: While in Africa with his scientist father, of World War II as a costumed agent of the U.S. government,
young Robert was bitten by a cobra. A mongoose killed the fighting Nazi espionage at home. In 1942 he moved to Great
cobra, and Dr. Frank injected some of the mongoose’s blood Britain and joined a group of British super heroes called the
into Robert. Dr. Frank died of a heart attack, but Robert Crusaders™ . This group discovered that they had been orga-
survived and developed superhuman speed. When he grew nized as part of a Nazi plot, but they conquered their back-
up, Robert returned to the U.S. as a costumed crimefighter. ers. Spirit of '76 returned to America on occasions to work
He was fighting a Nazi spy ring in upstate New York when with the Liberty Legion during the war.
contacted by Bucky Barnes™ to help free the Invaders™ from
the Red Skull™. On this mission, he met Miss America™, and
they were engaged to be married in later years.

WHIZZER and the distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comb Group. Copyright ©1985 Marvel SPIRIT OF '76 and the distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright ©1985
Comics Group. All Rights Reserved. Marvel Comics Group. All Rights Reserved.
Real name unknown, adventurer Bruce Dickson, scientist and adventurer
Fighting: GOOD (10) (public identity)
Health: 56
Agility: EXCELLENT (20) Karma: 22 Fighting: GOOD (10) Health: 42
Strength: TYPICAL (6) Resources: EXCELLENT Agility: TYPICAL (6) Karma: 26
Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) (supported by U.S. government) Strength: TYPICAL (6) Resources: EXCELLENT
Reason: GOOD (10) Popularity: 40 Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) (supported by U.S. government)
Intuition: TYPICAL (6) Reason: GOOD (10) Popularity: 40
Psyche: TYPICAL (6) Intuition: GOOD (10)
Psyche: TYPICAL (6)
WINGS: Red Raven wears an anti-gravity suit fitted with a
BODY PLASTICITY: Thin Man is able to alter and stretch his
large pair of birdlike wings. This suit allows him to fly at
body to become paper thin or to reach long distances. This
Typical speed (up to 140 mph) with Excellent control. If he
power is Feeble and can only be used defensively. Anyone
makes a successful Agility FEAT, Red Raven can use his wings
trying to hit Thin Man with a fist or weapon must make a
as a shield to provide Excellent protection from physical
two-column shift to the left as Thin Man’s body will absorb
attacks and Incredible protection from heat-based attacks. If
most of the blow. Thin Man can attack while thinned.
he makes a successful flight-control FEAT roll, he is also able
to swing his wings with enough force to cause Excellent Talents: Thin Man has an Excellent Reason in chemistry,
damage. The wings also contain a built-in blaster which does electronics, aeronautics, piloting, and engineering.
Remarkable damage at a range of 6 areas. Background: Bruce Dickson discovered Kalahia, a lost city
(in the Himalayas), populated by beings who could flatten
Talents: Red Raven has some knowledge of electronics and
themselves as thin as paper. The people of Kalahia injected
engineering, and his Reason is Excellent in those areas.
him with a chemical that gave him his powers. The Thin
Background: Red Raven’s parents were killed when their Man has a special aircraft that can only be safely piloted by
plane crashed into a floating city which belonged to a him. (All others must make a Reason FEAT to do so, as well
winged race of Inhumans™. The child was raised by the as Agility FEATS to avoid crashing.) The plane is a modified
Inhumans (the Bird-People) and was given his winged cos- fighter with Good Control, Excellent Speed, and a Typical
tume. Red Raven later went to America to join the Liberty Body. The two wing-mounted machine guns will do Remark-
Legion™, to fight Nazi aggression in World War II. able Damage to a range of 40 areas.
RED RAVEN and the distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright ©1985 THIN MAN and the distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright ©1985 Marvel
Marvel Comics Group. All Rights Reserved. Comics Group. All Rights Reserved.


Elton T. Morrow, scientist and adventurer Real name unknown, adventurer
(secret identity)
Fighting: GOOD (10) Health: 76
Fighting: GOOD (10) Health: 70 Agility: EXCELLENT (20) Karma: 26
Agility: GOOD (10) Karma: 26 Strength: TYPICAL (6) Resources: EXCELLENT
Strength: INCREDIBLE (40) Resources: EXCELLENT Endurance: INCREDIBLE (40) (supported by U.S. government)
Endurance: GOOD (10) (supported by U.S. government) Reason: TYPICAL (6) Popularity: 20
Reason: GOOD (10) Popularity: 40 Intuition: GOOD (10)
Intuition: GOOD (10) Psyche: GOOD (10)
Psyche: TYPICAL (6)
COLD POWER: Jack Frost is able to project rays of intense
BODY ARMOR: Blue Diamond’s skin is hard enough to pro- cold; anyone struck by such a ray must make an Endurance
vide him with Amazing protection against physical attacks FEAT roll and check the stun column of the Battle Effects
and Remarkable protection from energy attacks. Table. The victim will be frozen in a sheath of ice (Good
material) if the FEAT roll fails. One such ray may be fired per
Talents: He has Excellent Reason in Anthropology. round to a maximum range of 6 areas. This power is consid-
Background: Elton Morrow was standing near a large ered Amazing.
diamond when it exploded, imbedding millions of diamond Jack Frost is also able to manipulate ice and shape it into
particles in his skin. This granted him superhuman strength crude shields, which will provide Excellent protection. Jack
and invulnerability. Frost has Unearthly resistance to cold attacks, but heat-based
attacks gain an UP TWO shift in damage against him.
Talents: None
Background: Jack Frost’s personal history is unknown at
this time to anyone.

BLUE DIAMOND and the distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Red Skull, Bucky
Barnes, the Inhumans, the Invaders, and the Crusaders are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright © JACK FROST and the distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright ©1985
1985 Marvel Comics Group. All Rights Reserved. Marvel Comics Group. All Right Reserved.
If a gigantic reptile is chomping on the docks of Seattle or an
alien saucer is dropping stink bombs on Kansas City, costumed
heroes won’t be the only ones going against the enemy. Aliens,
giant reptiles, and Marvel Super Villains™ are going to have to
take on the regular Army, Navy, and Air Force — and they are
tough!. This article gives a few suggestions on using some of
the weapons of the U.S. military in your campaigns, and
describes five military vehicles in MARVEL SUPER HEROES
terms. First, a few definitions.
Crew — Most of the larger vehicles and weapons require a
minimum crew to operate efficiently. Each soldier, sailor, or
pilot may be considered a typical soldier as described in the
Campaign Book. Each shifts his Agility one column to the right
when using the weapon or when piloting the vehicle with
which he has been trained. Untrained persons trying to fire a
heavy weapon must first make a Reason FEAT roll to be able
to get it to work. They must also shift their Agility one column
to the left to simulate the expected loss in accuracy. Characters with sound control can make themselves invisible
Sensors — Radar uses radio waves to detect objects, bounc- to sonar with a successful FEAT roll.
ing them off a vehicle or object and measuring the time it Guided missiles and torpedoes — Guided missiles and torpe-
takes them to return in order to gauge distance. Some aircraft does have either active or passive control systems. Active
are able to fly and land without visibility, using radar alone. control allows the missile to be guided by the person who
Radar waves can be controlled by certain individuals with fired it. With passive control, the missile has homing abilities
magnetic or electrical control (such as Magneto” or Electra”). using heat, sound, or some other target-finding system. The
With a successful FEAT roll, the radar waves may be redi- Control rank of a missile or torpedo represents the accuracy
rected to make any one object the controlling person chooses of the tracking system. With a passive system, the person
invisible. firing the missile rolls on the control system’s rank rather than
For example, a villain with Monstrous electromagnetic con- on the character’s Agility.
trol approaches an air base protected by radar with a 200-mile Each missile is designed for one attack mode: air-to-air, air-
range. The Judge decides that a Green FEAT will be sufficient to-ground, ship-to-ship, etc. If a missile designed for one pur-
to deflect the radar. When the villain enters the radar field, pose is used for another, its Control rank moves one column to
the judge rolls for him and gets a Yellow FEAT result. The the left (if it can be used at all). Only missiles designed to go
villain is then invisible to the radar unless his power is underwater will be able to penetrate the surface of an ocean
reduced or his attention distracted. If he is attacked, the Judge or lake; all others will explode the instant they strike the sur-
may require a second FEAT roll to make sure he has not been face of the water.
distracted and allowed the radar to detect him. For example, a hypothetical villain named Buzzard Man
Sonar uses sound waves to detect objects under water. zooms toward a military jet. The jet fires a passive heat-seek-
Almost all naval craft are equipped with some form of sonar. ing air-to-air missile at him. The missile has Remarkable con-
78 JANUARY 1986
The accuracy of bombing is deter- have Excellent protection from energy
mined by rolling on the Shooting-&- attacks.
Throwing column, using the Agility of On the M-60 series, Bull’s Eye targets
the pilot who dropped the bomb. If the include the radio antenna and headlights
pilot misses, count the number of (Typical material strength) and the
columns by which he missed; that will external machine guns (Good material
be the number of areas away from the strength). On a Kill shot, the Judge may
target where the bomb strikes the decide to jam one of the treads, freezing
ground, in a direct line from the the tank in place until it is repaired.
approach of the aircraft. (There is an Performance — The M-60 has a 12-
equal chance that the bomb will either cylinder diesel engine capable of 30 mph
fall short or long.) Anyone in the blast in flat terrain. The tank can climb a
area must roll for damage. Large bombs slope of 60°, climb over vertical obsta-
have broader areas of effect. cles 3’ high, and ford water up to 3’
The accuracy of a napalm drop is deep without modifications.
determined by the same method as a Armament — The M-60 carries a
high-explosive bomb. However, everyone 105mm cannon (Incredible damage, 20-
in the target area will be exposed to area range) and a 7.62mm machine gun
flame and heat of Incredible power. This (Remarkable damage, 10-area range) on
may only be dodged by ultra-high speed its turret. These guns can only fire in
or teleportation which allows one to the direction the turret is facing, but the
leave the area almost instantly. The turret can turn 360°. On top of the
judge must decide if the surrounding turret is a 5” anti-aircraft machine gun
buildings, forest, etc., catch fire and, if (Remarkable damage, 15-area range)
so, how long they burn. which can turn independently of the
Strafing occurs when a plane flies turret for 360°. One model of the M-60
over an area and fires at it with machine tank replaces the 105mm cannon with a
guns and cannons. The accuracy of the flame thrower (Incredible damage, 2-
attack is determined by rolling on the area range).
Shooting-&-Throwing column with the The M-60 can ram for Remarkable
pilot’s Agility. Some judges may choose damage. If it rams and rolls a Red result
to reduce the pilot’s rank one to the left on the Remarkable column, it will run
when flying jets on strafing runs, since over the target and do Incredible dam-
jets have such high minimum speeds. age, supposing the target is of the appro-
Bull's-Eye and Kill results — To simu- priate size.
late the firing of precision weapons
against armored vehicles, I suggest cer- F-16 Fighter-Bomber
tam unarmored parts be available as
The General Dynamics F-16 multi-role jet
targets for Bull’s-Eye slots. For example,
fighter-bomber is used by the U.S. Air
someone shooting-at a tank may not be
Force, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands,
able to penetrate the armor, but he may
and Norway. It has a Excellent body,
try to shoot off the radio antenna, the
Amazing speed, Remarkable control,
spotlight, or even the machine gun.
and one crewman (the pilot).
With a Kill result, the vehicle should
trol and makes a Green FEAT roll, mean- Body — The F-16’s body is considered
receive some serious damage. On a tank,
ing the missile has been able to follow Excellent, but the control and communi-
the attacker may have jammed the
the heat of Buzzard Man’s jet thrusters. cations systems have only Good protec-
treads or damaged the engine, if he or
The missile will clip his tail feathers, tion against magnetic and electrical
she can penetrate the tank’s armor.
perhaps permanently. attacks. The pilot is protected against all
Similar results may be devised for other
Some characters will use fireballs, fog, chemical and biological weapons while
or other things to distract a missile. The his cockpit is sealed. The plane weighs
judge must decide how difficult it will be 21 tons with a full load of weapons and
for the missile to find its true target fuel.
M-60 Main Battle Tank
under these circumstances. Dodging is A Bulls-Eye result may damage the
rolled in the usual way, if a character This vehicle is used by the U.S. Army control surfaces of the plane. If this
wishes to avoid being struck by a projec- and Marine Corps, Israel, Iran, Italy, happens, the jet must land as soon as
tile or missile. Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Turkey. possible. A Kill result damages the single
Bombing and strafing — We need It has a Remarkable Body, Poor Speed, engine and causes the plane to crash.
consider only two types of bombs: explo- Excellent Control, and a crew of four. The pilot may only be struck by an
sives and napalm. An explosive bomb is Body — The M-60 has .5” to 4.8” of attack that can penetrate the plane‘s
treated like a large hand grenade. Every- cast armor and weighs 54 tons. The armor.
one in the area where the bomb crew receives Excellent protection (due Performance — The F-16 has one
explodes must roll on the Hack-&Slash to the tank’s air conditioning) from all 23,845-lb. thrust afterburner turbo-fan
column of the Battle Effects Table to chemical weapons. The electrical sys- engine. Its maximum speed is 915 mph
determine if they take damage. tems, including the ignition and radio, fully loaded, but its minimum speed is
(Remarkable damage, 10-area range) and
two Sidewinder air-to-air heat-seeking
missiles (Remarkable damage, 11-mile
range, Typical body, Unearthly speed,
Typical control). The AV-8 can carry
three 1000-lb. bombs, one under the
body and the other two in the wings
(Incredible damage).
The Harrier can ram for Remarkable
damage, but if either its Body or Control
Rank drop below Feeble, it blows up.
Due to its VTOL features, it can blast the
area directly below it with flames of
Excellent power. This happens when-
ever it lands or takes off. If the plane is
damaged, the pilot may eject to safety if
he makes a Green FEAT Roll on his

Ohio-Class Submarine
The Ohio-class ballistic-missile subma-
rine is used only by the U.S. Navy. It has
a Remarkable Body, Good Speed, Good
Control, and a crew of 133.
Body — The submarine’s body con-
uncertain. It requires 25 areas to take immediate control check (Yellow FEAT) sists of a very heavy, pressure-resistant
off or land safely, requiring a perfectly in order to avoid going out of control hull. The hull is compartmentalized, so
smooth, straight surface such as an when it strikes something (or vice if one chamber is breached, it is sealed
airport runway. versa). The pilot may successfully eject if to protect the others. Each time a cham-
Armament — The U.S. Air Force he makes a FEAT roll against his Agility. ber is flooded, the submarine loses one
usually equips the F-16 with one 20mm rank in both speed and control. If either
multi-barrel cannon with 500 rounds rank reaches Feeble, the submarine
(Excellent damage, 10-area range) and sinks helplessly to the ocean bottom.
AV-8 Harrier Jet Fighter The electrical system has Remarkable
carries two Sidewinder missiles, one on
each wing tip. Under the wings and The Harrier VTOL jet fighter is used by shielding, and the crew is protected
body of the plane are four more hard U.S. Marine Corps, Spanish Navy, and from all chemical weapons when the
points which can carry cluster bombs, British Air Force. It has an Excellent hatches are sealed.
Sidewinder missiles, or Sparrow mis- body, Incredible speed, Remarkable Bull’s-Eyes may be scored against the
siles. In the center of the body of the control, and a crew of one pilot. periscope or the radar antenna disc.
plane is a rack able to carry a 2,200-lb. Body — The plane’s body is consid- Destroying the disc (Good material
bomb. ered Excellent armor, but the control strength) destroys the ship’s radar capa-
The Sidewinder is a heat-seeking anti- and communication systems have only bilities. Damaging the periscope (Typical
aircraft missile (Remarkable damage, 11- Good protection against magnetic and material strength) renders the ship blind
mile range, Typical body, Unearthly electrical attacks. The pilot is protected (except for its sonar) when submerged.
speed, Typical control). The Sparrow is from all chemical weapons when his A Kill roll allows the attacker to disable
a radar-guided missile which comes in cockpit is sealed. the sub’s single propeller (Excellent
three types: air-to-air, air-to-ship (the Sea A Bull’s-Eye result may damage the material strength).
Sparrow), and air-to-surface (the Land plane’s control surfaces, requiring it to Performance — The exact top speed
Sparrow) (Remarkable damage, 28-mile land immediately. A Kill result means of the Ohio-class submarine is secret,
range, Typical body, Unearthly speed, that the engine is knocked out and the but may be assumed to be over 100 mph
Good control). Cluster bombs (Incredible plane will crash. (Good speed). The sub’s depth limit is
damage) and the single large bomb Performance — The Harrier has one 985 ft.; to go below this level requires a
(Amazing damage) may be used free 21,500 lb. thrust turbo-fan engine and FEAT roll using the hull’s strength. A
falling or laser-directed. If free-falling, travels 740 mph maximum. It can go a white or green result means it survives,
their accuracy is dependent on the minimum of 58 mph (Typical speed) a Yellow roll means the sub drops one
pilot’s Agility rank. Laser-directed bombs using its VTOL powers. It is able to take rank in every class, and on a Red roll,
are guided toward targets (but not pro- off and land in a single area. Since it the hull is crushed and the sub
pelled) by air-control surfaces. This weighs 12.5 tons with weapons and fuel, destroyed.
control system simply adds one rank to it cannot land on rooftops or other The submarine requires 36 ft. of
the pilot’s Agility. structures not designed to hold such water to manuever on the surface. In
If the F-16 rams anything, it does weight (requiring Amazing strength or shallower waters, the sub runs aground.
Incredible damage. However, if either better). Escape will require a Green FEAT roll on
the plane’s body or control rank falls to Armament — The AV-8 normally the Typical column. The ship may only
Feeble, it blows up. It must also make an carries two 30mm machine guns try and escape once every 10 turns.

80 JANUARY 1986
either of these ranks reach Feeble, the ASROC anti-submarine missiles carried
ship sinks. on the destroyer become acoustic hom-
Possible Bull’s-Eye targets are the ing torpedoes after they strike the water
radar discs, radio antenna, and any (Incredible damage, 6-mile range, Typi-
crewmembers standing on the deck or cal body, Good speed, Remarkable
bridge. The discs and antenna each have control).
a material strength of Good. In addition, each destroyer has two 5”
A Kill result means one of the propel- MK-45 cannon, one each mounted on
ler shafts (Excellent material strength) the bow and stern (Excellent damage,
has been damaged or fouled. This 30-area range). They also have six MK-32
reduces the destroyer’s Control and torpedo tubes, firing MK-46 torpedoes
Speed by half. with acoustic homing (Incredible dam-
Performance — The best speed of age, 2-mile range, Typical body, Excel-
the Kidd-class destroyer is over 100 lent speed, Remarkable control).
mph. It uses four gas turbines with two The Kidd-class destroyer also carries
propeller shafts. two LAMPS (Light Airborne Multi-Pur-
The destroyer cannot move into water pose Systems) anti-submarine helicop-
less than 60’ deep, or it will run ters. These helicopters are equipped
Armament — The Ohio class is aground. Escape will require a Typical with radar, sonar buoys, and a magnetic
equipped with four 21-inch torpedo FEAT roll, and an escape attempt may be system for detecting submarines from
tubes firing acoustic homing torpedoes made once every 10 turns. the air (nicknamed MAD). They can
which follow the sounds made by a ship Armament — The ship carries front direct Harpoon missiles fired from the
(Incredible damage, Typical body, Excel- and rear MK-26 twin missile launchers, ship after the missiles have crossed the
lent speed, Remarkable control). each able to fire two missiles in the ship’s visual horizon. A LAMPS helicop-
It also has 24 tubes for Trident Inter- same round in 180(o) fields of fire. ter has a Good body, Good speed, Good
continental Ballistic Missiles (Class 1000 Three kinds of missiles may be used. control, and a crew of four.
damage, 4,400-mile range, Good body, The MR anti-aircraft missiles have active Kidd-class destroyers are able to ram
Unearthly speed, Excellent control). An guidance (Incredible damage, 6-mile surface targets for Amazing damage
ICBM’s target must be a fixed position on range, Typical body, Excellent speed). without harm to themselves, since their
the earth’s surface. The missile may be The Harpoon anti-ship missiles also have bows were designed for ramming. This
equipped with explosives of any power, active guidance (Good damage, 60-mile attack only affects surface craft and
and it may also contain chemical range, Typical body, Good speed). The beings.
As a final resort against intruders, the
crew may release radiation from the
sub’s power plant. This will cause Mon-
strous radiation damage to everything
alive in a 10-area radius around the sub.
Special equipment — Each ICBM-
carrying submarine has ten different
communication systems on board, link-
ing it to the world’s satellite system as
well as allowing direct transmissions. All
Ohio-class subs are equipped with sonar
and may use both air and surface radar
when surfaced. The radar has a range
of 200 miles and the sonar 25 miles.

Kidd-Class Destroyer
The Kidd-class destroyer is used only by
the U.S. Navy. It has a Remarkable body,
Good speed, Good control, and a crew of
Body — The Kidd-class destroyer is
designed for fleet ascort duty, and it
carries armor that will not reduce its
speed. The hull of a destroyer will not
protect crew members from chemical
weapons, as it is not sealable. Destroyers
are compartmentalized to protect them
from flooding. When the outer hull is
breached, only one chamber floods; the
entire ship loses one rank in both Body
and Control whenever this occurs. If
by Roger E. Moore a general ratio of one super-powered
character coming to life for every one
Much has been written about how a million citizens in a particular country
game referee can put together a detailed or region. This proves to be a very con-
and seemingly realistic campaign world venient figure; by this reckoning, the
for fantasy role-playing games, but little United States of America should have
has been said about setting up campaign 232 super-powered heroes and villains
worlds for games using costumed of every sort. This compares nicely with
heroes. Why bother? Two of the major the numbers of heroes and villains from
heroic role-playing games on the market the major comics worlds.
(the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ and DC The 1:1,000,000 ratio is fine, but it
HEROES games) come with their own implies all sorts of surprising things.
evolving universes, based on comics Canada should have 24 super charac-
from the two respective companies. ters, Australia 15, New Zealand 3, and
But what if you are using one of the the United Kingdom 56 (5 of them Scots-
other heroic game systems, such as the men). Also, by this reasoning, the Soviet
CHAMPIONS™, VILLAINS & Union should have about 270 super-
VIGILANTES™, or SUPERWORLD powered characters, and mainland
games? A number of referees simply China has 1,008! Okay, you could have a
copy the Marvel or DC worlds (or both) campaign in which China’s super-force
and install them, complete with their dominates the world, but for now, we‘ll
respective heroes and villains, into their focus on North American campaigns.
campaigns. This is rather like making Super-characters can usually be classi-
every fantasy campaign an exact copy of fied into the following individual cata-
Middle Earth — which is frequently gories: trained athlete, inventive genius,
done, but doesn’t say much for one’s altered human, natural mutant, mythic
originality. being, technology-augmented hero,
The campaign universe you create for artifical being (like robots and androids),
your own heroes and villains can be just sorcerer, alien, and assorted non-
as good as any other. The comic books humans. It stands to reason that more
point out that there are millions of alter- advanced nations have a better chance
nate and parallel universes; your cam- of having heroes and villains who use
paign is simply one of them. Below are powered armor and other high-tech An almanac gives a clearer picture of
some considerations that can enliven devices. Heroic training programs would which countries would be considered
and deepen your heroic campaign, be better funded, and better communi- underdeveloped. With references to a
giving it realism that can make it last. cations and transportation would bene- North American campaign, Haiti usually
One caveat: This article assumes that fit the development of super-groups. appears to be the worst off, and coun-
the campaign you are running is similar Money is power, and money means tries like Trinidad and Costa Rica seem
to (but not the same as) the current more super-types. to be doing rather well, though they are
comic-book universes. Unusual cam- Mythic, legendary, sorcerous, and not in the same economic league as
paigns based upon alien, magical, or alien characters could still appear from Canada and the United States. Mexico,
lost-atomic worlds will have to be dealt underdeveloped countries, joined by a with its high population, should have
with in another article, though some of few highly trained geniuses, detectives, many super types, whether one
the guidelines given here would also athletes, and a rare hightech hero or considers it underdeveloped or not.
apply to them. Campaigns not based in villain, perhaps produced as part of a In any nation, political considerations
or around North America will also be secret government project. Underdevel- could also affect the appearance of
dealt with elsewhere. oped nations often have poor medical super-characters. An anti-government
care, which would affect the survival hero might be quickly captured and
Populations rate of both heroes and villains. One killed by the armed forces; an anti-
would thus expect that few super- mutant government might kill off all
How many non-player heroes and vil- characters would come from these persons with strange powers. Develop-
lains are there in your campaign? For places, perhaps only one per five or ten ment of these aspects of the world are
the sake of argument, it helps to assume million people. left to the referee to resolve.

Using an almanac listing various coun- vania, Illinois, and Ohio their home Mayan, American Indian, and Eskimo
tries and their populations, the following states. Special heroes and villains could deities, villains, and heroes can make
table was developed for determining the come from areas with low populations, their appearances. Voodoo sorcerers
numbers of super-beings in the vicinity such as the Northwest Territories, appear from the Caribbean, as well as
of North America. Each country is listed Alaska, and Wyoming, but these should pirate and conquistador figures from
with the number of millions of people be relatively rare. the Caribbean and Mexico. Communist
who live there, equal to the number of Particular ethnic groups should be characters from Cuba (as well as anti-
super-powered characters who would accounted for in any grouping of heroes communist ones) come into play. The
also live there (based on the 1:1,000,000 and villains. An almanac reveals that you diversity of new characters may enrich
ratio). As noted above, underdeveloped could expect to find about 26.5 black any heroic campaign.
countries might have fewer heroes and and 14.6 Hispanic super-characters in Heroes and villains from other uni-
villains than these numbers indicate. the United States (excluding Puerto verses could, of course, be added to the
Rico). Discrimination could alter these above. If you think a particular villain
proportions, of course. Male and female who was slain in a recent comic book
Canada 24.4
characters would be equally repre- deserves a second chance to be bad, you
Costa Rica 2.3
sented in all categories, unless you feel can simply declare that he popped into
Cuba 9.8
that selective discrimination would alter your universe at the time of his death.
Dominican Republic 5.7
this balance as well. Religious and politi- Perhaps a major hero or villain was
El Salvador 5.0
cal factors in sorting super-types would cloned or duplicated by alien forces, and
Guatemala 7.7
also be interesting to add. the clone now resides in Pittsburg or
Haiti 6.1
Every group of super-powered heroes Houston. Any “doubled” super-charac-
Honduras 4.0
needs a major metropolis to defend and ters should be in addition to the ones
Jamaica 2.2
to use as their main base. For a North produced by these statistics.
Mexico 71.3
American campaign, all cities with more Note that these characters, as stated
Nicaragua 2.6
than 1,000,000 citizens qualify for hero- before, are also in addition to the ones
Panama 1.9
group status, though they might not the players are using. Player character.
Trinidad and Tobago 1.1
have one in any particular campaign. heroes can come from anywhere they
United States 232.0*
Below are the major cities of North wish and shouldn’t be bound by the
* — Includes Puerto Rico, which would America and the number of millions of above statistics, which only serve to
have 3.1 super-characters originating people there (as well as the number of form a campaign background.
from it. super-characters who might come from
there). Scenarios
There are some eye-openers in the
above chart. Most people will automati- Canada Though rather dry, these important
cally think of America and Canada as Toronto 3.0 statistics can lay the groundwork for
super-character homelands, but Mexico Montreal 2.8 your super-powered hero campaign and
virtually begs for heroic representation. Vancouver 1.2 help individualize it. Consider the fol-
A few heroes and villains would be Cuba lowing scenarios, derived from the
scattered across Central America and Havanna 1.0 above material.
the Caribbean, and Cuba is the largest of Dominican Republic Cuban super-characters attempt to
these minor hero-producers. Do some Santo Domingo 1.3 infiltrate U.S. Naval installations in the
particular scenarios suggest themselves Guatemala Caribbean, to sabotage or spy upon
here? Guatemala City 1.3 them. They may or may not be helped
It was assumed that the following Mexico by allied super-characters from the
countries and foreign territories had no Mexico City 17.0* Soviet Union or from other Central
super-powered beings associated with Guadalajara 2.4* American and Caribbean states.
them, because of their low population Monterrey 2.0* French-speaking heroes are contacted
figures: Antigua and Barbuda, the Baha- United States** by a secret Canadian government pro-
mas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British New York City 7.0 ject for work in foiling crime in Quebec.
West Indes, Greenland, Dominica, Chicago 3.0 A Spanish-speaking PC hero is asked to
Grenada, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Marti- Los Angeles 3.0 set up a secret super-type identification
nique, Saint Lucia, St. Pierre and Philadelphia 1.7 program in a Central American country.
Miquelon, and Saint Vincent and the Houston 1.6 Super-types are taken to a government-
Grenadines. Of course, if you want a Detroit 1.2 funded center, where they are trained
hero from one of these places in your * — Includes metropolitan areas. and educated to work for the govern
campaign, you can have one. It’s your ** — Excludes metropolitan areas, of ment for the betterment of the country’s
campaign, and Grenada would probably which there are 29 in the United States people. The project, though well-inten-
appreciate the thought. with populations greater than 1 million, tioned, is almost certain to cause trouble
It is worthwhile to divide further the including San Juan, Puerto Rico. with heroes and villains in nearby coun-
largest countries into their various tries, with government officials who
major territorial possessions and states. wish to pervert the project to serve
Suggested characters themselves or the causes of other coun-
Most Canadian super-powered charac-
ters should hail from Ontario and Que- What can be done with these statistics? tries, and with the U.S. State Depart-
bec; most American characters ought to Think of the new heroes and villains ment and CIA.
call California, New York, Texas, Pennsyl that your campaign can acquire! Aztec, Villains from South America, the Car-
78 MARCH 1986
ibbean, and Florida have set up a drugs- ers this, the student may be captured or contacts with various PC heroes, trying
and arms-smuggling operation that the killed by government troops. Perhaps to spy out all they can on the characters’
player characters must shut down as the CIA might even be involved. . techniques and organization. Once
quickly as possible. A teenager arrives from Bermuda, they’ve learned what they wanted to
A Mexican super-powered hero is wanting to train with the player charac- know, they depart — but they may put
touring the city where the player char- ters in crimefighting techniques. She is a their knowledge to uses that the PCs
acters reside; their task is to ensure his scientific genius who has built a high- hadn’t expected.
security during the tour. Unfortunately, tech suit for herself. After her training, A major, world-threatening villain
extremists have vowed to end his career, she wishes to return to her home. If appears and can only be fought by the
and they’ve picked that city as the place anything bad happens to her during her most powerful heroes of all, to be
to do it. stay, the British and American govern- selected from a number of nations. The
After a major victory over the forces ments won’t be pleased. heroes, in this case, all come from North
of evil, an offer of membership is An Aztec demigod who is wreaking America. . .
received from a Chicago super-team for havoc in Mexico and the southwestern
You get the idea. Create your own
one or more player characters. Perhaps United States kidnaps one of the PC
bizarre universe of heroes and villains,
a similar offer is made from a Houston heroes, holding him or her for millions
and don’t feel obligated to play the
group and another in Los Angeles, and of dollars in ransom.
“Middle-Earth” game with your
the competition between hero-groups The player characters uncover evi-
heats up. dence that may lead to the discovery of

a famed black American hero, kid-

napped in the mid-Sixties by racists. The
problem is that the racists still have the
hero (in suspended animation), and they
have no intention of giving him up.
A letter is received by a major hero The heroes of several small Central
from a school teacher in a repressive American countries are preparing for a
Central American country. She is asking major confrontation among themselves,
for help in enabling one of her students and the PC heroes (on vacation in the
to find asylum in the United States. Her area) get dragged into the storm.
student is a mutant with extraordinary A group of heroes or villains from
powers; if the local government discov- Canada, all in disguise, make covert

one repair his house, business, or car
can provide the group with useful con-
tacts and public relations. Saving people
from a burning plane, guiding a disabled

ship to safety, or finding a missing bus
can be challenging exploits, as is pre-
venting or giving aid after major car
collisions. Finding missing persons or
retrieving stolen property can also pro-

vide a challenge to the heroes and are
not particularly dangerous (most of the
time). These actions will not only gain
friends for the group, but can also bring
in reward money, government (national
or local) recognition and aid, or lead to
contacts which are connected to an
by Bruce Humphrey so. Such situations are also useful for upcoming major adventure.
those sessions when only two or three
In many super-powered hero
gamers get together, since the average
campaigns, the action centers around Nasty surprises
world-saving adventure is geared
individual adventures with world-endan-
toward four or more characters. Being a superhero requires some expo-
gering villains. Events between adven-
Table A covers those crimes which sure to danger, and any of the events
tures are often of no importance and
average, nonpowered criminals are discussed above can lead to lots of it.
are sometimes non-existent. Players are
likely to commit (though super-powered But, what about seemingly minor events
faced with no continuity in the cam-
ones can and do commit them, too). which lead to particularly dangerous
paign, and characters become two-
While most of these crimes may take exploits and major adventures? These
dimensional, coming to life only from
place “in a vacuum” — having no bear- nasty surprises include traps, complex
crisis to crisis.
ing on the campaign as a whole — they situations, misunderstandings, unex-
But what do heroes do when they
may also be connected to major adven- pected hazards, or events resulting from
aren’t saving the world? What about the
tures by providing some clue or contact pure stupidity on the characters’ parts.
little people, petty criminals, normal
which will be needed later on. Minor Traps are usually set up by a villain in
world events, secret identities, and Life
crimes are easy to set up, particularly a major adventure who hopes to get a
In General? A campaign without these
since the criminals can be generic (bad particular hero out of the way before
factors becomes mechanical; players
guys with guns), unless there is some the hero realizes that he’s really in trou-
start the game knowing that some global
particular reason for giving them more ble. This seldom works in the comics,
plot is afoot. By throwing in some vari-
depth. We are all familiar enough with and it usually just angers the hero and
ety and surprises, the game master can
such crimes from watching the news to makes him more determined to win, but
return spontaneity to the campaign.
put together quite a variety of these the situation shows up with some fre-
Players will be more challenged and will
encounters. Note that as the list of quency. Complex situations are those
get more out of the experience.
crimes on Table A progresses, the crimes which can easily lead to further, origi-
become relatively more dangerous and nally unplanned adventures. Such
Day-to-day encounters
are likely to involve gunplay or large events include things like getting the
A variety of encounters and adventures criminal rackets. Mafia mad at you for saving someone
gives the players the opportunity to Minor crimes give the heroes the from an assassination, trying to break
flesh out their characters in day-to-day chance to better their powers and test up a mob situation and having the
routines. This can help the players visu- out new ones, experiment with equip- rioters turn on you, or discovering that
alize better their characters, give the ment, do good deeds, and establish their a purse-snatching leads to a crime ring.
characters extra experience, give play- personalities and methods of dealing These situations involve numerous ordi-
ers more control over their characters’ with crime. Exposure to less momentous nary criminals and may even be con-
lives, and simply serve as a break from offenses can not only round out the nected to the plots of super-powered
saving humanity day in and day out. characters, but can also lend an air of villains.
Heroes can be just as challenged by continuity, authenticity, and complete- Major misunderstandings often end up
normal, non-powered criminals as they ness to the hero campaign. They can with the hero being thrown in jail or
are by the big-name super-powered boost the morale of the players by show- running for his life, as he is either pur-
villains. What about hostage situations, ing that the characters are satisfyingly posefully framed or appears to commit a
attempts to capture a gunman at night, effective against normal criminals; this crime without actually doing it. Unex-
protecting a person from a hit man, or can be particulary useful after an unsuc- pected hazards include hidden terrorist
solving the mystery of a clever crime? cessful adventure against super- bombs, driving into a high-speed chase
Many of these situations are a hero’s criminals. situation, or following a criminal into an
bread and butter, perhaps taking up a Other events can also challenge the abandoned building that’s about to be
majority of his adventures and occasion- heroes. Helping the community raise demolished. Pure stupidity covers all
ally bringing in rewards which keep funds or saving innocent lives in various those simple situations in which the
meat on the table. Played well, such accidents or disasters are good ways to hero does something so absurd that it
adventures can be as fulfilling and excit- put breathing space between major quickly devolves into a deadly event.
ing as world-saving — and perhaps more adventures (see Table B). Helping some- Firing a weapon in the center of a gaso-
line storage building, jumping into the actual funding of the group, is always the pursued heroes may exist on many
middle of a Mafia chieftains’ meeting, or welcome. At least as useful is the levels of the government, despite what
swooping in front of a jet are just a few research and development (R&D) end, official notices say. There should always
examples. which the government can perform for be an out by which the heroes may
the heroes in areas such as new powers regain their freedom and pursue their
Complications and equipment, enhancing existing adventures.
powers, and counteracting villains’
If you want complications to appear in
powers. The government can provide
straightforward adventures, you might Personalities
the best-equipped headquarters to its
also consider the non-powered
allied groups, and government aid in Characters in super-powered hero cam-
bystanders who frequent heroes’ lives.
locating information, finding people, or paigns are often so powerful that it is
Short adventures may center around the
defending the group in court can be hard to identify with them, and a player
tribulations of various relatives and
incalcuable. who cannot identify with his character
friends of the heroes. These people
There is a price for government aid. will find it nearly impossible to enjoy
seem to get into more trouble than the
Never one to leave well enough alone, role-playing in the campaign. Encourage
heroes themselves.
the bureaucracy in any superworld is the players to make their characters
The large number of nuts and kooks
going to try to get a popular hero group unique, giving them special personalities
running around, particularly in major
to do certain things — often things that and foibles. Every hero is different, but
cities, should also be considered. These
the heroes would rather not do. From characters are often not as unique as
people are ordinary citizens who are a
the government’s standpoint, this is only they could be.
little crazy and are caught up in the
fair, since it usually provides well for its Creating the super-persona begins
mystique of super characters. Some
favored groups. But, some of the activi- when the character itself is created. Part
hang around heroes and get into trou-
ties which it demands from the group of the creation process includes design-
ble, like those people who follow fire-
may be distasteful to the heroes. If the ing the hero’s costume and noting why it
trucks or police cars. Others come to
heroes complain often enough, the gov- looks the way it does. Does the hero
feel that they, too, are great heroes;
ernment may stop backing the group. If have a secret identity? If so, a face mask
these are especially dangerous, as they
the group is particularly undiplomatic, is a must (very few can get away with-
may actually believe that they are help-
the bureaucrats may try to teach the out it). Does putting on the costume
ful and even identify themselves as
heroes a lesson by becoming extremely prepare him mentally for “heroing,” or
belonging to the heroes’ group. These
difficult and obnoxious. does the character have multiple person-
people can cause major embarrassments
Government regulations are cumber- alities, one or more of whom enjoy the
when they do something stupid, and
some and confusing, but super-powered heroic life? Is the character an egotist
they can be downright dangerous if they
heroes circumvent them nearly every who wears his costume for effect (with
jump into the middle of a super-
day. When the government backs the neon, spangles, epaulettes, and all)? Is
powered fight or pretend to have
heroes, such indiscretions are usually his costume intended as camouflage or
certain powers when they do not.
overlooked (although not forgotten). If to protect him from certain super-
These same people can become violent
the government has it in for them, the powers? Does the suit add to or magnify
enemies of any heroes who treat them
heroes could be in serious trouble. Regu- the hero’s powers? All of these questions
badly or try to reason with them. Be
lations appear as if by magic, bringing help to make the hero his own person.
forewarned: Disappointed hero-
fines and legal problems. What happens When the hero is first created, the
worshipers can make deadly foes if they
when bystanders are hurt or property player should also note how the hero
happen to discover information about a
destroyed during the course of an gained his powers and why he is acting
hero and then communicate it to a vil-
adventure? What if the villain flees and as a hero. Perhaps he accidentally
lain. Role-playing these obnoxious per-
leaves the heroes holding the bag? All is allowed a criminal to hurt his family, or
sonalities can be a real pleasure for the
not sweetness and light when the gov- he grew up in a slum and saw so much
game master.
ernment comes calling under these crime that he wants to do his part to
conditions. stop it. Some superheroes are preachy,
The government
Heroes are used to handling all sorts others cynical, some border on being as
Now we come to that fount of aid, the of problems, but the government is unscrupulous as the villains. All have
government. At its most agreeable, the something else again. A government that their reasons for fighting crime.
local or national government can supply turns hostile for a time can make a cam- Newly started heroes may have their
money, facilities, and other support to paign extremely interesting. The time share of mental problems, although
the heroes. At its worst, it can be intol- between adventures may be spent in these can also crop up later in their
erant, antagonistic, aggravating, and evading federal agents or seeking to careers. Alcoholism is one possible prob-
ignorant. In either case, the presence of regain government favor. This “bad lem; another is a habit of going berserk
the government adds to the game. A government” situation has to be used in combat and becoming not only dan-
pleasant government may grease the sparingly and logically, since overdoing gerous to everyone around but also a
tracks for a fledgling super-group, while it can kill the campaign quickly. potential killer. Events during the cam-
the difficulties involved in dealing with Even a completely hostile government paign may also lead to a character
the government can lead to more real- knows that heroes have their uses. No becoming so opposed to hurting people
ism, interest, and variety in the cam- one is going to treat the heroes and that he will use his combat abilities only
paign. The government is the one foe villains equally in any situation; if there as a last resort. Some heroes might be
that the heroes cannot overcome — ever is a chance, villains will be captured by prejudiced against particular groups or
Government support can be invalu- government forces even if it means that have strange habits. All of these will
able. Money, in the form of rewards or the heroes escape. Secret admirers of help the players to visualize their char-
88 MARCH 1986
acters and role-play more effectively. rescuing cats from trees and helping players mean fewer hassles and more
How the character gets along with with mundane projects, should be fun; bored players nitpick, argue with
other people is a critical aspect of his viewed by the players as useful exer- the game master and each other, and
personality. Perhaps he constantly cises in good business. A good image will wander off. Good rules do not necessar-
makes wisecracks even in the worst help to prevent such things as trials and ily make a good adventure. Good
predicaments, or he never speaks unless witch hunts when something untoward characters can.
the situation absolutely demands it. A happens. A hero with good public rela-
character could be a playboy dating tions is more likely to be given the bene-
normal people or other supercharacters. fit of the doubt in such situations, Table A: Everyday crimes
The character could also be a loner, although the public is fickle and has a d20 roll crime
unwilling to follow some of the group short collective memory. 1 Pickpocketing
leader’s decisions. Another character One important decision which a new 2 Purse snatching
might value the well-being of a loved hero or group must make lies in locating 3 Animal cruelty
one so much that he leaves the group to and setting up a headquarters facility. 4 Destruction of property
visit the character periodically. These Such a site is going to be both haven and 5 Burglary
characters might be difficult to deal target, and as such requires special 6 Theft
with, but they would never be boring. treatment. The base must be accessible 7 Auto theft
One thing to avoid in a hero campaign to people seeking help, yet protected 8 Truck highjacking
is the bloodthirsty hero. Most heroes do against the enemies the hero or group 9 Blackmail
not take lives; to do otherwise would creates through adventuring. A hidden 10 Extortion
make them villains. Even when such an headquarters is good for safety but bad 11 Arson
act is absolutely necessary, few heroes for public accessibility, while a public 12 Drug dealing
would be unmoved by such a decision. office has the opposite problem. The 13 Kidnapping
Virtually no hero would stand by and group must decide for itself, balancing 14 Assault
watch even the worst villain die without availability and security, and considering 15 Armed robbery
making some move to aid him. Yet, some the group’s resources, expectations, 16 Murder
players actually initiate super-combats equipment, and powers. 17 Espionage
on busy streets, jeopardizing innocent If the game master enjoys lots of 18 Sabotage
bystanders, or let a villain die of his detail, he may invoke a need for single 19 Air or ship piracy
wounds without lifting a finger. This or group insurance and liability. In a 20 Mass murder
should not be allowed to occur without world with super-powered people run-
a variety of consequences — such as ning around, insurance for heroes Table B: Special events
court charges, arrest, hate mail, and would be commonplace. Just what the
attacks on the street by ordinary world needs: an entirely new field of d20 roll event
1 Find missing person
citizens. law! Nevertheless, a good lawsuit against
Do super-powered heroes have fears? a particularly negligent hero group can 2 Prevent car or bus wreck
You wouldn’t know it by watching most go a long way toward curbing its 3 Save victims of car wreck
campaigns. Perhaps the most common destructive tendencies. It is particularly 4 Prevent air disaster
5 Save victims of air disaster
hero’s fear is having one’s secret identity galling if the successful suit is brought
revealed. Another would be a fear of by a captured villain, who is not only 6 Save people from storm,
failure -that the hero could one day freed as a result but ends up with the tornado, etc.
7 Help repair damaged
lose to a villain who causes widespread group’s money! Insurance premiums
destruction or harm. A third is the fear would be extremely high for destructive building
of death, although this realization of groups, further penalizing players who 8 Save person from vicious
one’s own mortality may fade after think super-powers give them the right animal
many adventures. A hero who gains his to do whatever they wish. 9 Save suicidal person
powers sometime late in life may be Hero organizations can be essential to 10 Save people from building
afraid of losing them, and a hero relying a long-term campaign, and they may be fire
on devices afraid of having to do with- of any size. Groups can serve many 11 Break up a mob or riot
out them. Phobias can also be found in valuable functions. They provide cohe- 12 Save people from gas leak
heroes, usually related to their past sion and a cornerstone for many adven- 13 Save people from train
histories or powers. A fire-oriented hero tures. They fulfill the heroes’ needs for wreck
might be nervous near large amounts of money, since most supergroups have 14 Repair structure (bridge,
water, or one with ice powers paranoid some financing or pooling of individual subway, etc.)
about high heat. Armored heroes could funds. They allow newer and weaker 15 Save community from gas or
be afraid of drowning, or flying ones characters to have support and training, radiation leak
afraid of heights. Some childhood helping out when few other sources 16 Save people from building
trauma could also lead to phobias which would. New players can learn the game collapse
would be severely debilitating (fear of while in the company of more experi- 17 Save people from flood (dam
fire, large animals, open spaces, etc.). enced players, with everyone acting as a collapses, etc.)
As a hero progresses, he should learn team. 18 Prevent ship from sinking
the value of public relations. A happy Paying attention to details means a big 19 Save stranded people (island,
public is a helpful one, and the informa- payoff once play begins. Players with arctic, etc.)
tion, rewards, and accolades make the interesting characters and situations are 20 Save people from sinking
job worthwhile. Helpful actions, such as more attentive and enthusiastic. Happy ship or ditched plane

All Marvel characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of
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phoenix-force would appear around her in

the shape of a huge, flaming bird of prey.
This flaming bird was composed of cosmic
flame, which could cover a variable area
from 1-100 areas, depending upon her
desires and the amount of power she was
so, how can they be managed? using. Though the “bird” was not known
by Roger E. Moore Without question, one of the most pow- to touch anyone, it could do Unearthly
erful heroes in the Marvel Universe™ was flame damage if used as a weapon.
Who is the most powerful hero that one the being known as Phoenix™. In her short The various aspects of her phoenix-force
can play in the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ career, she both saved and nearly powers are described below; these scores
game? One thinks of characters like destroyed the known universe with her are for her maximum possible safe output,
Thor™, the Hulk™, and Doctor Strange™, powers. This article focuses on Phoenix the limits beyond which she cannot go
yet there are a few who transcend even (and Dark Phoenix™) in the MARVEL without risk of loss of self-control (and
these beings in sheer power and ability. SUPER HEROES game and on ways in playability).
Are these beings playable in the game? If which she and others like her may appear. Note: Any action requiring a Green
Psyche FEAT roll to keep from changing
into Dark Phoenix (see limitations) also
PHOENIX™ Known powers:
results in the loss of 100 Karma points.
“Jean Grey™” (no real name)
PHOENIX FORCE: Phoenix had access to Yellow FEAT rolls involve the loss of half of
Unknown energy being
incredible power on a cosmic scale. In all existing Karma or 100 Karma points,
effect, the normal mutant abilities of Jean whichever is greater, and Red FEAT rolls
Fighting: GOOD (10)
Agility: GOOD Grey as Marvel Girl™ — telekinesis and are accompanied by the loss of all Karma.
Strength: telepathy — were magnified a thousand- No Karma may be added to any Dark
fold in the phoenix-being. However, Phoenix check.
Endurance: UNEARTHLY (100)
depending on her emotional state, Telekinesis: Phoenix could telekinetically
Reason: GOOD (10)
Intuition: imagination, experience, and mental lift weights as if she had Unearthly
restraints, Phoenix often functioned at Strength, affecting objects at Unearthly
Psyche: CLASS 1000 (1000)
levels far below her maximum capability. range in her line of sight. A group of
Health: 126 Phoenix could use three of her powers at objects in one area was carried as one
Karma: 1030 once without effort, and more powers if object.
Resources: Class 1000 she made a Yellow FEAT roll for each extra Using telekinetic control over molecular
Popularity: 50 (Phoenix) power used. structures, Phoenix could fire concussive
-100 (Dark Phoenix) When Phoenix used her powers, the force bolts from her hands with Unearthly
78 J ULY 1986
power and Class 1000 range, and could Phoenix, with a Red FEAT roll following if Note: Phoenix could increase any of the
produce a personal force field capable of her opponent died (with automatic failure above-mentioned Unearthly limits on her
absorbing Class 1000 amounts of any if murder was intended). powers, but doing so risked bringing on
damage (save from mental, psionic, or If Phoenix uses this atomic transforma- her Dark Phoenix form. A shift X power
magical attacks). Because of her control tion power on a living being, she must usage means a Green Psyche FEAT roll to
over molecules (similar in many ways to make a Psyche FEAT roll to prevent rever- prevent the reversion, while Class 1000
that now used by the Molecule Man™), sion to Dark Phoenix. Using it on unintelli- use means a Red FEAT roll.
Phoenix could fire blasts of Unearthly heat gent life like plants produces a Green
or cold as well as telekinetic force bolts. FEAT roll; if used on living creatures (rep- Talents: Fashion modeling (Good ability)
She could also cause objects to freeze or tiles, mammals, etc.) that are not consid-
burn spontaneously by mental command if ered to have human-level intelligence or Personality: Phoenix duplicated the
they were within Unearthly range, inflict- be capable of developing a civilization, she majority of Jean Grey’s behavior and atti-
ing up to Unearthly damage each turn. must make a Yellow FEAT roll. Using this tudes. She tended to be absorbed in her
Phoenix was also capable of telekinetic power on an intelligent, thinking being of own problems, but she possessed a strong
flight, propelling herself at up to Class any sort (which Phoenix would be able to moral character and desired to do good.
1000 speeds in space. If flying in an atmos- identify at once by telepathy) causes a Red She was proud of her “mutant” heritage
phere or carrying passengers with her FEAT roll. At the worst, using this power (still believing herself to be the original
telekinetic powers, however, she kept her to purposefully kill an intelligent, living Jean Grey) and would go to great lengths
maximum speed at Unearthly levels and being causes automatic reversion to Dark to help her fellow X-Men™.
protected the passengers with Unearthly- Phoenix form. Phoenix had extremely close ties with
class force fields. Phoenix was able to Power absorption: Phoenix was able to numerous mutant heroes. Cyclops™ was
combine her speed and use of a force field increase her Health by absorbing raw her lover and was closest to her. Storm
to turn herself into an unstoppable ram, energy in the area around her. She could and Colossus were like sister and brother
punching through starship hulls with ease. draw in Class 1000 amounts of power in a to her, and Moira MacTaggert™ thought
By altering her own internal molecular single turn, but could take no other action of Phoenix as her daughter. Wolverine™
structure, Phoenix was able to completely in that turn. However, drawing in power bore a secret love for Phoenix, and
regenerate all of her wounds in one turn. induced a craving for more power and Professor X was her mentor (and a distant
She could ignore the extremes of heat and threatened to bring out the Dark Phoenix fatherly figure as well). Of course, the
cold with Class 1000 ability so long as she within her. If absorbing energy of up to events of the Dark Phoenix period and
was conscious, and could withstand arctic Excellent levels, Phoenix must make a Marvel Girl’s reappearance may have
cold or the furnace at the heart of a star. Green Psyche FEAT roll or revert to her altered these conditions.
She could make herself immune to all Dark Phoenix form. If taking in energy up Because of her past dealings with
corrosive atmospheres and substances, to Amazing levels, a Yellow Psyche FEAT Sentinels™, Magneto™, the Hellfire Club™,
and could exist in any environment. roll is required. Energy absorption of up the Shi’ar™, and Mastermind, a reborn
Her molecular control allowed her to to Shift X power requires a Red FEAT roll, Phoenix may harbor considerable dislike
control weather as well, and she could and absorption of Class 1000 power auto- for these beings. She would try to handle
summon or create any form of atmos- matically causes a reversion to Dark it appropriately, but may find herself
pheric phenomenon (windstorms, torna- Phoenix. seriously considering a more lasting
does, lightning, rain, etc.) within Telepathy: Phoenix was capable of read- revenge against them. If she fails a Green
Unearthly range, and having up to ing thoughts at Unearthly distances with Karma FEAT roll upon encountering these
Unearthly effects. Unearthly power. She could fire bolts of beings, she may take steps to ensure that
Use of her telekinetic powers to slay Unearthly mental power at the same they never have the chance to harm her
another being brings about an immediate range, doing Unearthly damage or stun- or her friends again (player’s choice as to
Red Psyche FEAT roll to avoid turning into ning victims for 10-100 turns. Because her the handling of this matter, but the Judge
Dark Phoenix, if the killing was combat- telepathic ability was uncontrolled to a should keep Karma losses and chances for
related but entirely accidental. This roll certain extent, she commonly read the Dark Phoenix appearance in mind).
may be reduced to a Yellow FEAT if the thoughts of everyone within three areas of
slaying was not combat related and was by her and suffered no Karma loss for mind- Limitations: Phoenix was essentially an
accident, but the resulting emotional reading. energy being who adopted Marvel Girl’s
upheaval Phoenix experiences will be Phoenix was easily capable of altering human form and personality, but was not
strong in any event. Premeditated murder the thoughts and personality of an oppo- able to eliminate or control its original
brings an automatic change to Dark nent in the manner of Professor X™, nature. The phoenix-force represents the
Phoenix. though she did so in desperation. She drove emotional principle of rebirth through
Atomic transformation: At first believed Mastermind™ insane, but did so in order destruction, and this conflicted with Jean
to be an advanced form of her telekinesis to save her personality. An attempt to alter Grey’s personality, which sought to use
power, this Unearthly ability allowed someone’s thoughts, personality, or sanity reason, create, and do good. So long as
Phoenix to transform any one substance produces a loss of all Karma and a Green “Jean Grey” was in control of Phoenix, she
into another. She could even transform Psyche FEAT roll to avoid turning into behaved in a responsible and self-sacrific-
living substances into nonliving materials Dark Phoenix. Phoenix need only make a ing manner.
(such as turning a tree into gold, or a Psyche FEAT roll to accomplish the above, However, the Jean Grey persona was
houseplant into solid crystal), and was able shifting to the left one column for every continually tempted by the lure of her
to turn the solid-steel body of Colossus™ rank of Psyche over Typical possessed by own powers and rattled by mental assaults
back into flesh against his will — and keep her opponent. from criminal forces, particularly
it that way. On a mundane level, Phoenix Space-warp creation: As an outgrowth of Mastermind, which eroded her self-con-
used this power to alter her clothing and her abilities to rearrange matter and trol. It is possible that Phoenix was driven
costume (and those of everyone within energy, Phoenix could create space warps insane by her own dual nature and con-
line-of -sight range). Assumedly, Phoenix through which she would travel across the flicting desires to do good and to destroy.
could create corrosives and poisons — but universe at hyper-light speeds. This power Any action that led to the death of another
doing so against a living opponent would functions as a sort of teleportation ability being, the altering of its essential nature
cause her to make a Yellow Psyche FEAT at the Class 1000 level, reaching intergalac- or personality, the absorption of high
roll to keep from changing into Dark tic distances with ease. levels of power (feeding her passion and
bringing out her darker side), or the loss of between the X-Men and renegade forces of extent of Dark Phoenix’s rampage. To
her self-control (if she is mind-controlled Project Wideawake™. During the re-entry, prevent Phoenix’s immediate execution,
by another being, for instance) would radiation bombarded the shuttle, and Jean the X-Men fought the Imperial Guard™ in a
push Phoenix toward reversion into Dark Grey was believed to have died from expo- trial by combat, believing that she should
Phoenix, her destructive counterpart. sure to it — only to be reborn as Phoenix not have to pay for her deeds when she
If mentally attacked by another being, after the shuttle crashed in Jamaica Bay. was insane. The X-Men lost, but Phoenix
Phoenix is considered to have a Psyche of Phoenix claimed that she was in reality (realizing she couldn’t control her destruc-
merely Excellent, reflecting her internal Jean Grey and had been restored to life by tive urges any longer) activated an ancient
conflicts that make her susceptible to the power of the phoenix-force, a primal war machine by telekinesis and killed
mental control. She may make a Red energy being associated with the living herself.
Psyche FEAT roll every 1-10 turns in order force in the universe. In later years it was In later years, another heroine named
to throw off someone else’s domination of learned that Jean Grey had actually been Phoenix appeared from an alternate uni-
her free will. If she loses control of herself approached by the phoenix-force and verse. This Phoenix was the daughter of
by another being’s actions, she must make offered the chance to save her friends Jean Grey and Cyclops, but Jean Grey had
a Yellow Psyche FEAT roll upon her recov- aboard the shuttle, in exchange for giving lost all of her Phoenix powers. This new
ery or else revert to Dark Phoenix form in up her identity to the force and letting her Phoenix is described in MHSP 2, Secret
1-10 turns. She can give warning of her own body lie undiscovered at the bottom Wars™ II, and she has little of her mother’s
loss of mental control to her allies. Any of the sea while it healed from its radia- phoenix-force powers (save for what the
form of immediate comfort offered her tion-induced injuries. The being known as Beyonder™ gave her for a time).
will alter the roll to a Green one. Phoenix fully believed, to the very end,
Dark Phoenix is essentially an insane that it was truly Jean Grey.
and destructive goddess who will do all in Shortly after her “rebirth,” Phoenix The Phoenix arises again
her power to gain even more power, with- literally saved the universe from the mad
out regard to the effects on anyone else. Emperor D’ken in the Shi’ar Galaxy. Using Though she is believed to be dead at
Dark Phoenix may briefly retain certain her powers to their fullest, she entered present, it is entirely possible that Phoenix
moral inhibitions (such as those prevent- the M’krann Crystal, a device holding a could reappear in the Marvel Universe.
ing her from killing heroes who were neutron galaxy in check with stasis fields, The Phoenix of legend was able to arise
closest to Phoenix), but otherwise she and single-handedly knit the stasis fields from its own ashes, and Marvel Girl (or
cares nothing for anyone but herself. The around the galaxy together again, a feat another telepathic/psionic hero) might
murder of billions of innocents would not that no living being could imagine happen- accidentally summon Phoenix in extremis.
even make her blink, and she takes great ing. Afterwards, she appeared to have A Phoenix from an alternate or divergent
pleasure in toying with her prospective burnt out her powers, and possessed universe (such as the one who survived
victims. The green areas of Phoenix’s Marvel Girl’s powers in all respects. the annihilation of her own universe at the
costume turn red when this reversion However, Phoenix had merely imposed hands of Korvac™ and went off looking for
occurs. unconscious limits on her own powers. As a new universe to call home in the WHAT
As noted above, certain actions may time went on, it became apparent that IF?™ series) might find her way to the
cause Phoenix to revert to Dark Phoenix Phoenix’s powers were gradually increas- campaign world.
form. Once this happens, the Dark ing again, with no upper limits in sight. Should Phoenix reappear, her first task
Phoenix persona remains in control for 10- Tests run by Moira MacTaggert indicated will be to stay alive. All super-hero forces
100 turns (and is controlled by the Judge). that Phoenix would soon operate on god- on the planet (and many elsewhere in the
After this, a new Red Psyche FEAT roll like levels. Her teammates in the X-Men universe) regards Phoenix as an evil,
may be made; success indicates that the became concerned over Phoenix’s rise, and insanely destructive entity, and will attack
good Jean Grey personality (the player) Jean Grey‘s lover, Cyclops, was especially her on sight with all the ferocity that the
comes into control. Reversion to Dark disturbed. heroes showed the first Phoenix and later
Phoenix means an automatic loss of all The crisis came to a head when the Beyonder. The Avengers™, the
Karma. Pleas from Jean Grey’s closest Mastermind manipulated Phoenix’s mind Fantastic Four™, the Shi’ar Imperial Guard,
friends may also bring about a change in order to make her a pawn of the and even criminal groups such as the
from Dark Phoenix to Phoenix. Cyclops Hellfire Club™. He succeeded in turning Hellfire Club (which felt her power once
can induce a Red Psyche FEAT roll to stop Phoenix to evil as the Black Queen, but before) would spare no expense and take
Dark Phoenix, because of Jean Grey’s love Phoenix broke free of his control long no quarter in trying to destroy her, In
for him and because of their telepathic enough to drive Mastermind insane. Her addition, she is regarded as a threat by the
communion. Storm™, Moira MacTaggert™, mental control shot, she suddenly reverted Shi’ar, Skrull™, and Kree™ empires, and all
Wolverine™, and Colossus each have one to Dark Phoenix form and attacked her three would lay aside their in-fighting in
chance in 100 (roll 00) of stopping Dark fellow X-Men. order to hunt Phoenix down and annihi-
Phoenix with their appeals. Professor X Dark Phoenix defeated the X-Men with late her. If Phoenix is still having internal
may attempt to draw out the Jean Grey ridiculous ease, then gated herself across conflicts over her good and evil sides, this
persona by using his telepathic powers, the universe to the Shi’ar Galaxy, where certainly isn’t going to help her.
though it will take a Psyche FEAT roll on she caused a sun to go nova to feed her Of all those who knew Phoenix, only a
the Feeble column for him to do so. Few craving for power. The nova incinerated few might have a chance of overcoming
other beings even have a chance to cause five billion aliens on a neighboring world, their urge to destroy her. Cyclops and the
a Dark Phoenix-to-Phoenix reversion. and a Shi’ar warship that fired on her was others mentioned above who were closest
As a final limitation, Phoenix’s Karma promptly destroyed, too — but not before to her would be most likely to try to come
cannot be pooled with any other being or its captain warned Empress Lilandra™ of to terms with her, but this cannot be guar-
group. She is a breed apart and cannot Phoenix’s appearance. The armed might of anteed. (After all, the real Jean Grey is
share herself fully with others. the Shi’ar Empire then gave chase. alive and well now!) Hiding her presence
Dark Phoenix returned to Earth with would be hard for Phoenix, who liked
murder on her mind, but was successfully showy displays of power. Her power usage
Background: The story of Phoenix exorcised of her madness by Cyclops and could be detected by Spider-Man™'s spider
begins with Marvel Girl, who piloted a Professor X. However, the avenging Shi’ar sense, the Silver Surfer™, Doctor Strange,
space shuttle through re-entry in Earth’s teleported Phoenix and the X-Men aboard Professor X, complex monitoring equip-
atmosphere after a space-station battle one of their starships and revealed the ment maintained by the Fantastic Four

80 J ULY 1986
and other organizations, and by Cyclops’s When designing ultra-tough adventures 5. Use mystery and problem-solving in
telepathic awareness that he gained from for Unearthly-class characters (and above), addition to straightforward punch-‘em-out
close contact with Jean Grey. the following points should be kept in fights. If Phoenix cannot hit a foe with a
mind: force-bolt, maybe she could talk him out of
1. Avoid always threatening the exist- his crime — or even apply a gentle,
Class 1000 adventures ence of the Earth or the universe. Secret friendly threat that harms no one. Prob-
If her existence could be hidden from the Wars II did a nice job of threatening every- lem-solving adventures, involving careful
interstellar empires and Earth’s heroes at thing there was, and saving the Earth planning, strategy, and creative thought,
large, Phoenix might find adventure inter- becomes an old theme after a time. But are always good ways to keep even
acting with other equally powerful beings outer space is full of places that could Phoenix and Molecule Man busy.
— among them Molecule Man, Odin™, challenge the abilities of any hero or 6. Finally, apply limitations to Class 1000
Zeus™, the Celestials™, Death™, Eternity™, villain. Aliens could come to Earth and abilities that could threaten game balance.
the In-Betweener™, Korvac, Mephisto™, request aid to save their people from Phoenix, as given above, can reach Class
the Elders of the Universe™, Ego™, extinction or conquest. A mammoth star- 1000 power in almost any area — but
Thanos™, and Galactus™. Note that several ship could enter the solar system on an doing so is very risky for her, and she
of these beings are supposed to be dead — unknown mission. An alien life-force could should set her limits lower than that.
but this, of course, could be altered. have invaded Galactus’s world-ship and Applying fixed limits beyond which cer-
The MARVEL SUPER HEROES game placed him in suspended animation, and tain penalties come into play is a good
begins to lose its balance as a character’s his Herald Nova™ might need help in method of controlling the character’s
abilities enter the Class 1000 level, but removing it. Then, there is always the actions, and on-the-spot judgements on
with the proper restrictions even the Secret Wars I model (kidnapped heroes Karma losses and so forth are also helpful.
mightiest characters can be played. In the fight kidnapped villains in cosmic arena). Any Karma loss should be considerable for
case of Phoenix, most of her powers are This can be overdone, of course, though powerful characters, particularly since the
balanced by the danger of turning into the Grandmaster™, the Collector™, and PCs have a greater responsibility to check
Dark Phoenix (and being turned into an Kang™ seem to enjoy this. their powers. Acting out of character may
NPC run by the Judge). The player who 2. Use a wide assortment of foes. If high- also cause a substantial Karma loss (100
uses Phoenix should be finely aware of the strength heroes fight only other high- points minimum). Another limitation for
responsibility that comes with endless strength heroes, the Judge will see yawns any Class 1000 character is to prohibit the
power; indeed, Phoenix herself was in the from the players before long. Use variety use of Karma pools; otherwise, game
habit of applying an upper limit to her when choosing villains: magic-using foes, balance takes a walk.
power use (assumed here to be on the mentalist foes, multipowered enemies, etc.
Unearthly level). If a hero has a weak spot, hit it now and
It is conceivable that a group of players then (though this could prove fatal to The NPC Phoenix
may wish to use several Class 1000 heroes everyone in Phoenix’s case; use good
on an adventure. Imagine trying to come judgement here). Much of the above information should be
up with a scenario to challenge Phoenix, 3. Vary the damage done by attacks. The useful in figuring out adventures for an
Molecule Man, Galactus, and Zeus! It can reason for this becomes obvious when an NPC Phoenix controlled by the Judge —
be done, however (though it will take a Unearthly-class attack is pitted against which in the long run might be the best
little time). Note, for example, that several Unearthly armor, or any other such situa- way to handle her in most campaigns.
of the Class 1000 beings above are (or tion. It stands to reason that some damage Phoenix (even at the somewhat scaled-
were) villains. Some, like the Celestials, must get through sometime. One solution down levels above) may prove too over-
seem to surpass all but the Beyonder in to this is to vary damage done by attacks, whelming to use, though it could prove to
power. A Class 1000 being can be chal- while keeping armor values constant. One be interesting in the sorts of player-to-
lenged by a fleet of starships, an invasion table that varies attack damage within a player interaction it produces.
of Unearthly-class demons from Mephisto, range of 20% higher or lower appears Should Phoenix ever turn to Dark
a reanimated suit of Destroyer™ armor, below. Damage values below Good are too Phoenix, the Judge should play her to be
and so forth. Masses of low-level sorts can low to bother with; those at Class 1000 as savage, vicious, vindictive, ruthless, and
be as effective as tougher ones (just as a level are too high. destructive as possible. If you don’t want
swarm of wasps can be as bad as a single to kill heroes, be sure to scare them!
wolf). Undoubtedly, this might be a good time to
Then, too, one must consider the per- Attack Base Variable trot out Molecule Man to clean up after
sonality of the characters involved. power rating rating her, and a contest of wills between the two
Phoenix is an adventurer at heart, true Good 10 2d4 + 5 would be an interesting problem. Perhaps
enough — but Molecule Man wants to be Excellent 20 2d4 + 15 the players could take the roles of several
left alone to live with his girlfriend Remarkable 30 2d6 + 23 Class 1000 beings who are trying to hunt
Volcana™, Zeus usually has governmental Incredible 40 2d8 + 31 down Phoenix and destroy her, if the
matters on his mind, and Galactus is basi- Amazing 50 2d10 + 39 Judge feels up to it. Otherwise, the players
cally interested in raiding the stellar ice- Monstrous 75 3d10 + 59 will be concerned with staying out of the
box all day to feed his hunger. It might be Unearthly 100 2d20 + 79 way as Phoenix mixes it up with the other
better to arrange for adventures in which Shift X 150 3d20 + 119 Class 1000 types.
Phoenix is played with an assortment of Finally, a series of scenarios could be
Unearthly-class heroes, such as Hercules™, played out in which an NPC Phoenix
Thor, and the rest — but then you run into 4. Spell out a powerful character’s returns and the heroes have to decide
the old problem of convincing the good powers as completely as possible, and how to handle her. Since she might not
guys that Phoenix is a good guy, too. The allow only one character per player. If the initially be in Dark Phoenix form, it would
chances of that happening might be very, characters powers are specific (as well as be wise to handle her carefully (as with
very slim. Perhaps the easy-going Molecule its limitations), then the player will have a the Beyonder). In time, she might be con-
Man (who tutored the Beyonder, after all) clearer idea of what sorts of things he or vinced to leave for parts unknown, rejoin
would help out, and the Silver Surfer she can try, and the player will have his the phoenix-force, or turn fully human
would be a good bet to befriend her. hands full anyway figuring out what to do (and become completely normal). The
Beyond that . . . ? next. possibilities are endless.

by William Tracy swore to battle the Dire Wraiths anywhere in the galaxy until the
last of them had been hurled into Limbo with the neutralizer guns
In another area of the Milky Way galaxy, far from Earth, flour- of the Galadorians.
ished the civilization of Galador. The inhabitants of Galador were a A special Galadorian space probe eventually detected Wraith
highly advanced and peaceful race, and spread their philosophy activity on Earth and relayed the information back to Galador.
across the stars. About 200 Terran years ago, the Galadorian Rom volunteered to go to Earth, and upon his arrival he learned
exploration fleet entered an area known as the Dark Nebula and that Earth’s society had already been infiltrated by the shape-
encountered the nebula’s inhabitants, an alien race known as the changing aliens. The Wraiths usually took over a world by killing
Dire Wraiths™. These hostile shape-changers were experts in and assuming the identities of their victims, who were often
technology and sorcery. Summoning a birdlike monster known as important members of society.
Deathwing, the Dire Wraiths ambushed and destroyed the At first, Rom was hunted by the legal authorities for murder.
Galadorian space fleet. When Rom used his neutralizer on the disguised Dire Wraiths to
The Prime Director of Galador, after receiving the last message cast them into Limbo, it looked like he was killing human beings.
from the doomed fleet, asked for volunteers from the populace to Eventually, the population of Clairton, West Virginia, discovered
participate in a special program. The volunteers’ bodies would be that Rom’s story was true after being shown the powers of the
placed in suspended animation while their brains and nervous Dire Wraiths. Clairton then aided Rom whenever possible, even
systems would be grafted into a special suit of cybernetic armor. protecting him from federal authorities after he used his neutral-
The mission of these volunteers, who were known as izer on some high officials of the Pentagon who were actually Dire
Spaceknights, was to defeat the Dire Wraiths before their evil Wraiths.
could reach other civilizations. Rom™ was the first volunteer for While in Clairton, Rom met and fell in love with a human
this program. woman named Brandy Clark™, who in turn fell in love with the
The Spaceknights were provided with special weapons, space dedicated alien. Rom was soon joined by a fellow Spaceknight, his
flight capability, and superhuman strength. Though the Galadorian fiance Starshine™. When Starshine was killed by the
Spaceknights destroyed most of the Dire Wraith space fleet and Dire Wraiths and removed from her armor, Brandy Clark was
the demon Deathwing, many Dire Wraiths escaped, and their forts placed in Starshine’s armor by magical means as part of a scheme
were believed to exist in other sections of the galaxy. The location to destroy Rom. The plot failed and Brandy fought alongside Rom
of the Wraith homeworld was unknown as well. The Spaceknights in Starshine armor. Much later, Brandy was removed from the
armor by the evil sorcery of Hybrid”, the offspring of a human and a great portion of the Wraiths’ power, since it was the source
and a Dire Wraith. of their sorcerous energy. With the power of the Wraiths broken,
When Rom was away from Clairton, it was protected by Brock mopping-up operations finished off the remainder of the alien
Jones, the Torpedo™. Brock had come upon the original builder invaders.
and wearer of the Torpedo armor suit, who had been critically In time, Rom left Earth to return to Galador, accompanied by
injured in an unplanned battle with Daredevil™. The man told several of his fellow Spaceknights. They discovered that Galador,
Brock that his name was Michael Stivak. Before Michael died, he which had been transferred to a new galaxy by Galactus™, had
told Brock about his suit and background. Michael was a Yugosla- been ravaged by second-generation Spaceknights who were to
vian scientist who had been brought to America by his uncle, have defended the world. All the Galadorians were soon slain by
Senator Eugene Stivak. The Senator hired Michael to build and the rouge Spaceknights, who were in turn defeated by Rom and
design a battle-suit for the American government, but Michael his allies. Brandy Clark, who had been sent to Galador by the
later found out that his uncle was working for some unknown and Beyonder™, helped the remaining Spaceknights find the means to
unfriendly organization. turn Rom back into his original human form. His mission com-
Michael was trying to destroy the plans for the battle-suit when pleted, Rom retired with Brandy to spend their days on Galador
he had his accidental fight with Daredevil. Before Michael died, he and rebuild its civilization, protected by the surviving
made Brock promise to destroy the plans; Brock donned the suit Spaceknights.
and quickly did so. For the next few months, he acted as a part- Several characters described in the Rom saga have already
time super hero, fighting a group called the Rocketeers™ several appeared in modules and supplements published by TSR, Inc. The
times. These men, hired by Senator Stivak, wore weaker proto- Torpedo armor was described in MHAC-8, Weapons Locker, and
types of Torpedo’s battle-suit. Peter Gyrich and Forge were described in MHAC-5, Project:
The Rocketeers soon discovered Brock’s secret identity, forcing Wideawake™. S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared in MHAC-2, Avengers™ Assem-
him to move his family to another city, which happened to be bled!, as did Rick Jones™. The other important heroes and villains
Clairton. There he met Rom and became his ally. Later they found of this saga are given below.
that Torpedo’s battle-suit had actually been financed by the Dire
Wraiths, who had been looking for a new weapon to use against
Rom. Rom made Torpedo a special pair of goggles that enabled
him to see Dire Wraiths, no matter what form they were in. ROM™
Meanwhile, a shake-up in the Dire Wraith chain of command Spaceknight of Galador (Inactive)
had occurred. So far, the Dire Wraiths on Earth had consisted of
Fighting: INCREDIBLE (40)
the males, who were experts in technology. The female Wraiths
Agility: EXCELLENT (20)
were experts in sorcery and were the leaders of the race. The
Strength: INCREDIBLE (40)
females decided that the males weren’t doing a very good job of
Endurance: MONSTROUS (75)
world-conquering, so they took over all Earth operations and
Reason: EXCELLENT (20)
killed all the males present.
Intuition: EXCELLENT (20)
Then, while Rom was away from Clairton, the female Wraiths
Psyche: GOOD (10)
took over the town while magically clouding Torpedo’s mind so
that he wouldn’t notice anything. Eventually, everybody in Clair- Health: 175
ton was dead and had been replaced by Wraiths. Torpedo died Karma: 50
fighting Wraiths in his burning house. The Torpedo battle-suit was Resources: Amazing (government backed)
apparently destroyed in the fire. Rom and Starshine II swore to Popularity: 20
avenge the people of Clairton and the courageous Torpedo.
By this time, the government had discovered that Rom was not a Talents: Rom had no special talents.
homicidal alien, but a benevolent being trying to save Earth from Known Powers:
the Dire Wraiths. The government placed S.H.I.E.L.D.™ and its
psionic division in control of Wraith-destroying missions and FLIGHT. Rom’s armor was provided with twin rocket pods (electri-
enlisted the help of various super heroes, including the cally powered, low-density plasma engines) which enabled him to
X-Men™ and Alpha Flight™. Eventually, a special branch of fly at Unearthly speed in the vacuum of space or at Monstrous
S.H.I.E.L.D. known as the Wraith-Hunter Rangers was formed to speeds in an atmosphere. Rom also possessed special sensors that
deal with the problem. enable him to locate space warps with Monstrous ability and
Rom soon gained two new allies: Rick Jones™ and a little girl range, allowing “shortcuts” through space with Class 1000 range.
named Cindy Adams™. Rick Jones, who has been involved with BODY ARMOR. Rom’s suit of armor provided him with Incredible
many super heroes, became one of Rom’s closest friends and allies protection against all physical, radiation, heat-based, and cold-
even though he was in love with Brandy Clark. Rick discovered based attacks. He could survive in deep space indefinitely.
that he was dying of an incurable form of cancer, the same cancer
that killed Captain Marvel™ some time before. Cindy Adams was a REGENERATION. Rom’s armor had built-in microfactories able to
normal child until she was attacked by a Dire Wraith. The Wraith repair damaged circuitry, providing him with Good regeneration.
was killed just as it had begun to absorb her memories. Because of
Equipment Weapons: The following equipment was kept in a
this, a part of the Wraith’s consciousness was lodged in her mind,
fold in hyperspace and could be mentally summoned and used in
and at times Cindy could guess what the Wraiths were planning.
one turn.
Unfortunately, a government agent named Peter Gyrich™ was
assigned to the Dire Wraith branch. Gyrich, who had worked with ENERGY ANALYZER. This item’s main function was to emit ultra-
super heroes before, was apparently paranoid when it came to high frequency waves that scanned a being’s molecular structure.
super beings. He caused many problems for Rom and his newest The waves caused certain rare earth elements in the Dire Wraiths’
ally, the mutant known as Forge”. bodies to emit special radio waves which were visible to Rom’s
After fighting a losing battle on Earth, the Wraiths decided on visor sensors, enabling him to see the Dire Wraiths as they truly
one final plan. They prepared to use their magic to teleport their were, no matter what form they took. The analyzer could also
homeworld to Earth’s solar system, destroying the Earth and scan other items and beings, and inform Rom of the object’s or
putting the homeworld in the Earth’s orbit. Luckily, Forge was being’s power potential. The analyzer could trace the energy trails
able to build a larger prototype of Rom’s neutralizer and have it of powerful beings or objects. The analyzer had no attack abilities,
placed in orbit around the Earth. Powered by Rom’s neutralizer, it though it bathed the subject in a red energy field that could
was aimed and fired at the Wraithworld, destroying the planet frighten the victim.

82 AUGUST 1986
Landra (I) and Brandy Clark (II)
Spaceknights of Galador
(Deceased) (Inactive)
Fighting: REMARKABLE (30) EXCELLENT (20)
Endurance: MONSTROUS (75) MONSTROUS (75)
Reason: EXCELLENT (20) TYPICAL (6)
Intuition: GOOD (10) TYPICAL (6)
Psyche: GOOD (10) TYPICAL (6)
Health: 185 175
Karma: 40 18
Popularity: 10 10
Talents: Starshine (II or II) had no special talents.

TRANSLATOR. This special micro-computer was able

to translate any language it heard for at least six
consecutive turns. It then fed the information into
Rom’s memory banks, enabling him to speak that lan-
guage at will.
NEUTRALIZER. This was Rom’s only actual weapon. Its
main function was to neutralize any energy fields it
encountered. When fired at a Dire Wraith, it neutralized the
energy field surrounding the alien, causing a rift between the
dimension of Limbo and this dimension. The rift hurled the
Dire Wraith into Limbo without killing it. The neutralizer could
kill a person when fired at full power, but Rom would have lost
all Karma points for killing anyone, even Dire Wraiths. Rom could
automatically determine the power level of the weapon. Dire
Wraiths taken to Limbo were unable to escape from it.
At its lowest setting, the neutralizer could neutralize radiation
poisoning in organic beings. At its highest setting, it neutralized
the life-force of a being, killing it instantly. A human could not be
transported into Limbo because a human could not survive the
trip or a direct hit from the neutralizer set at that power level.
Anyone trying to use the neutralizer, except Rom, took Mon-
strous damage; no damage was taken by just touching the
weapon. Brandy Clark, in human form, once used the neutralizer
without dying, though she was badly injured. At the time, she was
psionically protected by Charles Xavier™.
Known Powers: The Beyonder removed all traces of Dire Wraith influence on
Cindy’s mind at the end of the Rom saga and resurrected her
FLIGHT. Starshine, like Rom, had Unearthly flight ability. parents as well. Cindy’s statistics may be used for a child in a
similar predicament if desired.
BODY ARMOR. Starshine had Rom’s Incredible body armor and
could survive in deep space indefinitely.
REGENERATION. Starshine had Good regeneration abilities. ROCKETEERS™
Real names unknown
LIGHT POWERS. Starshine used a form of energy known as the
“living light” of Galador. She could project beams of this light from Fighting: EXCELLENT (20)
her eyes, doing concussive damage of up to Unearthly levels, and Agility: GOOD (10)
she can control the power level to do less damage as well She was Strength: GOOD (10)
also able to use this power to emit normal light. Endurance: GOOD (10)
Reason: TYPICAL (6)
Orphan Psyche: TYPICAL (6)

Fighting: POOR (4) Health: 50

Agility: TYPICAL (6) Karma: 18
Strength: FEEBLE (2) Known Powers:
Endurance: POOR (4)
Reason: TYPICAL (6) BATTLE-SUIT. The Rocketeers wore special battle-suits which had
Intuition: GOOD (10) rocket backpacks, enabling them to fly at Good speed and provid-
Psyche: REMARKABLE (30) ing them with Good protection against physical attacks.
Health: 16 RANGED WEAPON. The Rocketeers carried special portable
Karma: 46 rocket launchers which had a four-area range and did Incredible
damage, They each carried a maximum of five rockets at a time.
Known Powers:
Special note: The original Rocketeers were human (from which
SPECIAL INTUITION. A Dire Wraith was killed while it was drain- the statistics above are derived). Later on, the Rocketeers were
ing Cindy’s memories, leaving a residue of the Wraith’s conscious- replaced by Dire Wraiths in human form.
ness in her mind. If she could make a successful Yellow Psyche
FEAT roll, she could guess what the Dire Wraiths are up to if she
had enough clues. The referee should decide how much she is
able to guess.

Fighting: GOOD (10)
Agility: POOR (4)
Strength: REMARKABLE (30)
Endurance: REMARKABLE (30)
Reason: REMARKABLE (30)
Intuition: TYPICAL (6)
Psyche: GOOD (10)
Health: 74
Karma: 46
Resources : AMAZING
Known Powers:
SHAPE-SHIFTING. The Dire Wraiths most important power was
their uncanny shape-shifting abilities, When faced with physical
combat, the Dire Wraiths could change into the form of some
alien beast more suitable for combat. The Dire Wraiths often took
the form of the Deathwing:
Go Ex Ty Re Re Ty Go
Health: 66 Karma: 46
In Deathwing form, a Dire Wraith could fly at Typical speed and The tongue had range of one area. To successfully use the
breathe fire one per turn for Incredible damage with Typical tongue, a Dire Wraith had to completely surprise a victim from
range. behind or grapple an opponent and roll a hold result, indicating
SPECIAL ATTACK. The Dire Wraith’s most insidious form of attack that the Wraith held the victim in front of itself.
was its barbed tongue, which also secreted a powerful acid. The The referee should allow a victim a dodge roll or escape roll
tongue instantly penetrated an unprotected human skull. If the before the Wraith’s attack, because a successful hit indicates
skull was armored, the acid secretion and barbs of the tongue did instant death to the victim. Right after the tongue hits, the victim’s
Excellent damage to the armor each turn. Any item made of Mon- body turns into dust. The Wraith gains all the knowledge and
strous material or better could not be pierced by the tongue. memories of the victim, and the Wraith is now able to become a

84 AUGUST 1986
perfect duplicate of the victim, down to the victim’s voice. After MAGIC. Hybrid had powerful magical abilities, using Personal and
taking a new form, the Wraith’s physical abilities become those of Universal energies with Remarkable skill.
the form taken. The Wraith loses all normal abilities and vulnera-
bilities except for its shape-changing power. If more damage is Background: Hybrid was the first offspring of a human and a
taken than its new form can withstand, it is forced to return to its Dire Wraith, and was a sworn enemy of Rom.
true shape, and the previously taken damage is retained.
HEAT RESISTANCE. The Wraiths originated from a planet with a
great deal of volcanic activity. They took half damage from fire- Spaceknight character generation
and heat-based attacks. At the same time, they took double
damage from cold-based attacks. Though most players may want to play Rom or Starshine in a
MARVEL SUPER HEROES campaign, some players might want to
MAGIC. The Dire Wraith species consisted of two branches: the create their own Spaceknight characters. This section helps play-
males, who were experts in advanced technology, and the females, ers do this. First of all, the procedure for rolling a hero’s abilities is
who were spell-casters. Female Wraiths had Monstrous Psyches changed as follows:
and Good Reason scores (see pages 10 and 32 of the Campaign
Fighting. Roll on the following table:
Book for rules concerning magic).
Die roll Fighting score
HELL HOUNDS™ 01-60 Excellent
61-80 Remarkable
Fighting: EXCELLENT (20) 81-96 Incredible
Agility: EXCELLENT (20) 97-99 Amazing
Strength: GOOD (10) 00 Monstrous
Endurance: REMARKABLE (30)
Reason: FEEBLE (2) Agility and Strength. Roll on the following table:
Intuition: GOOD (10)
Psyche: POOR (4) Die roll Ability score
01-10 Excellent
Health: 80 11-30 Remarkable
Karma: 16 31-70 Incredible
Known Powers: 71-90 Amazing
91-00 Monstrous
PHASING. The Hellhounds had a phasing power similar to that of
Shadowcat™. Any machinery a Hellhound phases through must
make an Endurance FEAT roll or be scrambled and inoperative. Endurance. Roll on the following table:
Machinery without an Endurance score is scrambled automati- Die roll Endurance score
tally. Mechanical beings take Incredible damage, while battle suits 01-30 Amazing
and other machinery is made inoperative for 10 turns. 31-90 Monstrous
The Hellhounds attack with their phasing ability, using a Fight- 91-00 Unearthly
ing FEAT roll to determine success. A success roll indicates that
the Hellhound has phased through the person, causing Remark- Note that Endurance scores refer only to the need for rest, as
able damage. Also, the victim must make a yellow Endurance Spaceknights could withstand exposure to deep space indefinitely.
FEAT roll or fall unconscious for 1-10 turns. Reason and Intuition. Roll as per the rules in the Campaign
Background: When the Dire Wraiths first arrived on Earth, they Book, but shift the results two ranks to the right, to represent the
used their advanced technology to mutate ordinary dogs into fact that the characters come from an advanced race. The charac-
these powerful creatures. ters have been fighting the Wraiths for a long time, too, which
would increase their scores in general.
Psyche, Roll as per the normal Campaign Book rules.
HYBRID™ All Spaceknight characters have the same flight, body armor,
Fighting: GOOD (10) and regeneration abilities possessed by Rom and Starshine. In
Agility: EXCELLENT (20) addition, each Spaceknight character may roll randomly for 1-2
Strength: GOOD (10) extra powers using the hero-creation section in the Campaign
Endurance: MONSTROUS (75) Book, Some variations should be made to the powers, as noted
Reason: EXCELLENT (20) below.
Intuition: EXCELLENT (20) Resistances and Senses: Protected Senses, Extraordinary
Psyche: UNEARTHLY (100) Senses, and Infravision are possible.
Movement: Lightning Speed and Teleportation are possible.
Health: 115 Nature Control: Not possible.
Karma: 140 Energy Control: All powers are possible.
Known Powers: Body Control: All powers are possible except Plasticity, Shape-
shifting, and Body Transformation.
FLIGHT. Hybrid was able to fly at Typical speeds using his mental Distance Attacks: All are possible.
abilities. Mental Powers: All are possible.
MENTAL ATTACK. Hybrid was able to project mental blasts which Body Alteration (offensive): All are possible.
could do up to Unearthly damage. Body Alteration (Defensive): All are possible.
Weapons: Only Unique Weapon are possible.
MENTAL POWERS. Hybrid had the powers of telepathy, image Keep in mind that these super powers are produced and made
generation, telekinesis, and mind control at Unearthly levels. possible by the Spaceknights’ advanced battle suits. The power
BODY ARMOR. Hybrid’s skin provided him with Excellent protec- ranks of their powers, after being randomly rolled, should be
shifted to the right one column to indicate they have been created
tion against all physical attacks.
by an advanced technology. A power’s rank should have a maxi-
SHAPE-SHIFTING. Hybrid had a Monstrous shape-shifting ability. mum of Monstrous.
86 AUGUST 1986
The Warlock™ Redux
Adam Warlock™ and friends
from the Marvel Universe™

by Jon D. Martin
In addition to his popular work on the
Captain Marvel™ comic, Marvel’s own Jim
Starlin developed the Adam Warlock™
series, which found an extremely loyal
following of its own. Warlock became an
important part of the Marvel Universe™,
and his comic remains one of the best of
the past decade (in this writer’s opinion, of
course). If you liked the comic, you have
some serious reading to do!

Artificial being created by the

F In (40) Health: 160

A In (40)
S Rm (30) Karma: 60
E Am (50)
R Gd (10) Resources: Fb (2)
I Ex (20)
P Rm (30) Popularity: 10


Body Armor: Adam Warlock possessed

Good body armor against all physical and
energy-based attacks because of his dense
body and bone structure.

Force Bolt: Warlock could generate a

beam of concussive force with Incredible
range and damage by manipulating cosmic
energy through the cells of his body.

Flight: Warlock’s cosmic energy-enhanced

speed could reach Class 1000 in space
(using natural space warps) or Shift X in
atmospheres. If Warlock made a Red
power stunt with this power, he could
increase his speed to Class 3000 for brief

Life Support: Warlock could survive in the

vacuum of space with Class 1000 ability by
manipulating cosmic energy.

Protective Cocoon: Warlock could spin a

cocoon about himself in seconds at will,
though he did so infrequently. The cocoon

78 FEBRUARY 1987
was of Incredible material strength and noted that Adam resisted being cast in the pose that he sought, and the Soul-Gem.
granted him Monstrous recovery powers. role of a leader in the past and would Adam Warlock became the defender of
Often, Adam underwent considerable likely do so again if brought back to life. Counter-Earth with that world’s Doctor
growth in terms of physical and mental Doom™, who was a hero, and opposed the
maturity within the cocoon. CONTACTS: Warlock’s last friendly con- evil designs of the Man-Beast™. Warlock
tacts were with Pip™ and Gamora™. In the was slain in the course of the battle with
Ability Enhancement: Warlock could gain past, he was on friendly terms with the the Man-Beast, but death did not hold him
a +2 CS to either Strength or Endurance Avengers™, but the line-up of that team for long. He returned from the grave and
for five rounds by manipulating cosmic today is drastically different from the used the power of the Soul-Gem to defeat
energy. At his maximum Strength level, he team with which he had dealings. Still, the Man-Beast and his New Men™ once
could press 40 tons (his normal strength Moondragon™, Thor™, Captain America™, and for all.
allowed him to lift 4 tons). This ability the Vision™, the original Iron Man™, and For a time, Adam wandered the galaxy
enhancement could be done once per Spider-Man™ could be considered contacts. aimlessly. His wandering ended when he
day, and it granted him no increase in He was also on good terms with the origi- encountered the forces of the Church of
Health. nal Fantastic Four™ and the High Universal Truth™, an oppressive religious
Evolutionary, but he is no longer on good order founded by his own future self, the
Soul-Gem: Originally a gift from the High terms with the Enclave (to put it mildly). Magus™. The Magus was worshipped as a
Evolutionary™, this jade gem was one of god by the Universal Church, and his
six such gems scattered throughout the LIMITATIONS: In the past, Warlock had frequent displays of power helped to
universe. Each of the gems was an item of an adversary relationship with his Soul- insure both belief and loyalty on the part
vast power, and together their power Gem, which stemmed from his misunder- of his worshipers. Warlock fought his way
could shatter stars. Thanos™ destroyed the standing of the gem’s true nature. A across the galaxy through armies of these
other five gems in the process of draining revived Warlock would know the truth followers to confront his future self. With-
their power, in his quest to destroy the about the gem and would most likely have out the invention of Thanos of Titan,
stars as a love offering to Death”. fewer reservations about using the gem’s Warlock’s cause would have been lost.
Warlock’s gem had the following powers: powers in combat. To discourage this Using the same Time Probe that he had
De-evolution — With this Amazing- behavior, Warlock should be required to used to recruit Gamora, Thanos allowed
strength power, Warlock could return make a Psyche check at some point during Adam to confront his life’s destiny directly
beings which had been augmented in size a battle to avoid using the gem’s powers to and choose the path that his life would
and abilities to their original stock. defeat foes. If he fails, the gem does its take. To complicate matters further, the
Communication — When necessary, the duty and Warlock loses 30 Karma. If Adam Magus had summoned the In-Betweener™,
gem acted as a translator of Unearthly deliberately uses the gem to drain an the being who had caused/would cause
power and range, allowing Adam to opponent’s soul, the Karma loss is raised to Adam’s transformation into the Magus.
communicate with other beings. 50 points. Conversely, he should receive a Warlock managed to purify and destroy
Soul Absorption — Power Stunts were 30-point Karma award for using the gem the path that led to the creation of the
required for the use of this Unearthly in a constructive or merciful way, includ- Magus, but he had little time to choose a
power, with the intensity equalling the ing the absorption of the souls of dying new path. He leapt onto the nearest path,
Psyche of the intended victim(s). A + 1 CS people ( + 1 CS Power FEAT). the shortest path, and journeyed to its end
was applied to the intensity for each per- to absorb his own dying soul so that he
son beyond five people to be affected. PERSONALITY: Adam Warlock was a could be certain that he did not become
Furthermore, this power could not affect champion of life in all of its forms. He the Magus in his new life as well.
more than two people with Amazing or possessed a strong sense of justice which After a series of relatively minor adven-
better Psyche or one person with an Un- did not allow him to stand idle in the face tures, Adam once more found himself
earthly Psyche at a given time. In no case of oppression. Warlock was also extremely involved with Thanos. This time, Adam
could the Soul-Gem affect any being with a honest to himself and others, finding it realized Thanos’s true nature as the cham-
Class 1000 or better Psyche. difficult to lie even if given good cause. pion of Death when he encountered the
When the gem drained a person’s soul, Wanderlust was another of his traits, and dying Gamora on a remote asteroid. She
Warlock gained access to the memories of he literally crossed the galaxy in search of told him of Thanos’s mad plan of stellar
the victim, granting him the benefits of evil to fight or something interesting to do. genocide, destroying the stars as a love
any talents that the poor soul might have More often than not, evil found him. In offering to Death. Warlock used his Soul-
had. This may no longer be the case, for any event, Warlock should have no trouble Gem to absorb Gamora’s essence and
Warlock himself is currently imprisoned in keeping himself occupied if returned to wasted no time in alerting the Avengers,
the gem. life. If nothing else, Pip can get into trou- Captain Marvel, the Kree™, and
Sentience — The Soul-Gem has a mind of ble while Gamora and Adam are otherwise Moondragon to the cosmic threat. To-
its own, and it is a world within itself. For occupied. gether, they attacked Thanos but were
the purposes of mental combat, the gem defeated by him. Warlock was killed by
has the following statistics: BACKGROUND: Originally, Adam Thanos during the battle.
R I P Warlock was called Him. Him was created However, Thanos imprisoned the
In MO Un as a weapon by a group of criminal scien- Avengers instead of just killing them.
In dire emergencies, the gem may substi- tists called the Enclave. Unfortunately for The imprisoned Moondragon managed to
tute one of these attributes for Warlock’s the Enclave, Him realized their scheme send a telepathic distress call to Spider-
attribute of the same name for a duration and destroyed their operations rather Man, who sought out the aid of the
of one round, allowing him to detect an than become a part of it. For a period of Thing™. The two of them fared no better
otherwise lethal danger, puzzle out a years, Him wandered space, learning and than the Avengers had against Thanos, but
complex problem, or resist a devastating maturing. After an encounter with Thor, Spider-Man was able to free the Avengers
mental attack. This, too, may have he decided to return to his cocoon and from their prison. Their combined might
changed as a result of Warlock’s stay in contemplate his hitherto useless existence. was still not enough to insure victory over
the Soul-Gem. The dormant Warlock was discovered by the mad demi-god. Spider-Man came
the High Evolutionary, creator of Counter- through once more, knocking over a crys-
TALENTS: Aerial Combat; Martial Arts A, Earth™. tal globe in which Thanos had placed
B, C, D, E; Thrown Objects; and, Space- Upon his emergence from his cocoon, Warlock’s Soul-Gem. Adam Warlock was
craft Pilot and Navigation. It should be Him acquired his present name, the pur- freed from the gem and fulfilled the pur-

pose he had sought in life by defeating the course of its travels, the Great Divide She was calm, professional, and deadly to
Thanos and turning him into stone with added Adam Warlock to its list of pris- a fault. At the time of her death, she had
the power of the gem. oners. Pip and Warlock became fast begun to develop an attraction to Adam
Warlock’s spirit returned to the gem, friends, and Pip aided Adam in the libera- Warlock, a feeling that was mutual. If
where it resides with the souls of Gamora, tion of the ship. Pip continued to travel revived, she may continue to have these
Pip, and others who were affected by the with Warlock, joining him in his struggle feelings — particularly since they’ve been
gem’s power. The gem itself is currently against the Magus. He later met his end at together in the Soul-Gem for so long.
held by an Elder of the Universe™ known the hands of his “pal” Thanos while
as the Gardener™. Adam’s body was in- searching for Warlock. At present, his soul CONTACTS: Warlock and Pip are
terred on Counter-Earth, which was later is contained in Warlock’s Soul-Gem, along Gamora’s only present friendly contacts.
pulled from its orbit on the far side of the with those of Gamora, Warlock himself, For several years she served the deceased
sun and dropped into a museum (!) by a and many others. Thanos of Titan, and beings who have
race of beings known as the Beyonders™ knowledge of Thanos may know of
—no relation to the Beyonde™ of Secret Gamora by association.
Wars™ fame, but unbelievably powerful

Prince Gofern
Alien (Laxidazian Troll)

F Ty (6) Health: 42
A Gd (10)
S Ty (6) Karma: 24
E Ex (20)
R Gd (10) Resources: Typical
I Cd (10)
P Pr (4) Popularity: -10

KNOWN POWERS: Pip possessed no

known super powers.

TALENTS: Larceny ( +2 CS to Resource

checks, failure indicating that he’s run
afoul of the local law); Guns; Painting; and,
Intoxication Liquors ( + 1 CS to Reason and

PERSONALITY: Pip was degenerate,

cowardly, obnoxious, and depraved. He
was a likable chap! Pip was also loyal and
could muster up what little courage that
he had when he saw his friends in danger.
Though a Troll by nature, Pip was a hero
at heart. His optimism and humor served GAMORATM
Alien (Xen Whoberis)
to counterbalance Warlock’s brooding
F In (40) Health: 140
A Am (50)
CONTACTS: Pip’s only friendly contacts
S Cd (10) Karma: 70
were Warlock, Gamora, and numerous
E In (40)
bartenders scattered across the galaxy. He
has many unfriendly contacts in the form R Gd (10) Resources: Ty
I In (40)
of law enforcement officials on most of
P Ex (20) Popularity: -20
those same planets.

BACKGROUND: Pip was originally KNOWN POWERS: Gamora’s natural

Prince Gofern of the Laxidazian race (two- abilities were raised to superhuman levels
hundred and sixtieth in the line of succes- by Thanos so that she would be able to
sion). His encounter with a group of kill the Magus. She possessed no other LIMITATIONS: Gamora was created to
Laxidazian Trolls changed that, and led super powers. kill the Magus. Thanos altered her moral
him to discover firsthand that the liquor perceptions so that she would have no
which the Trolls drank had properties that TALENTS: Martial Arts A, B, C, E; qualms about slaying anyone who inter-
transformed the imbiber into a Troll. Pip Weapon Specialist (dagger); Acrobatics; fered with her mission. Her stay in the
was ostracized from mainstream Laxida- Tumbling; Stealth ( - 2 CS to opponent’s Soul-Gem has probably changed this. If so,
zian society and wandered the galaxy, Intuition checks); and, Spacecraft Pilot and she incurs normal Karma loss from killing.
setting new standards for the Troll reputa- Navigation. If not, she suffers no loss from directly
tion for decadence as he did so. killing a victim, but loses double the listed
Eventually, Pip was arrested and placed PERSONALITY: Gamora feared nothing, Karma penalty for noble deaths, mysteri-
aboard the prison ship Great Divide by the but she did have the common sense to ous deaths, and self-destructions that she
forces of the Church of Universal Truth. In realize when a fight was out of her league. allows to occur.

80 FEBRUARY 1987
BACKGROUND: In what has become an Of course, reviving Adam Warlock
alternate future timeline, Gamora was one would entail retrieving both his body (on
of a peace-loving race that opposed the the missing Counter-Earth) and his soul (in
Magus and his Church of Universal Truth. the gem on Gardener’s forehead) — and
The penalty for such opposition was anni- the Gardener’s current whereabouts are
hilation, and the Xen Whoberis did not unknown. . . .
resist. Thanos saved Gamora from the
[Editor’s note: Those readers interested in
holocaust and focused her newfound
adding Her (once known as Paragon”) to
hatred of the Magus in intense physical
your campaign may use the statistics given
and mental training. The purpose of the
below, adapted from the newly released
training was to make her able as well as
accessory MA2, Avengers™ Coast-To-Coast,
willing to kill the Magus, Warlock’s future
by Edward G. Sollers.]
self. To make her more able to carry out
her task, the deranged Titan enhanced her
natural abilities to superhuman levels.
Gamora fought alongside Thanos, HER™
Warlock, and Pip against the Magus. After Paragon™
the Magus was defeated, Gamora was Artificial being created by the
ordered by Thanos to seek out and protect Enclave™
Adam Warlock because of his importance
to Thanos’s future plans. Before she could F Rm (30) Health: 210
locate Adam, she herself was located by A Rm (30)
Drax the Destroyer™, a being who had S Mn (75) Karma: 50
been created to destroy Thanos. Drax E Mn (75)
attacked her on the basis of her associa- R Gd (10) Resources: Fb (2)
tion with Thanos. Gamora survived and I Gd (10)
returned to the starship Sanctuary II P Rm (30) Popularity: 0
(Sanctuary I was destroyed in the battle
with the Magus) to confront her master KNOWN POWERS:
with new doubts that she felt about his
purpose in seeking Warlock. She over- Warlock’s Powers: Paragon possesses the
heard him planning to build his star- body armor, force bolt, flight, life support,
destroying weapon using the power of the and protective cocoon powers of Adam
six Soul-Gems. Gamora attacked Thanos, Warlock. In addition, she can utilize cos-
hoping to end his madness with his life. mic energy to rearrange the molecules
She failed. within a small area (three cubic feet),
Warlock found the dying Gamora on a though with sufficient power to do
remote asteroid. With her last few breaths Amazing damage to anything within that
she told of her master’s mad plan. Before vicinity. She can also project her cosmic
she died, her spirit was absorbed by the life force in such a way as to reanimate
Soul-Gem. dead beings, but this cannot restore a
being’s soul — the being is merely a zom-
The Warlock Revived bielike construct. This latter talent suc-
A few suggestions about the use of ceeds with a Psyche FEAT on Her’s part,
Adam Warlock in MARVEL SUPER and restores the Agility, Strength, and
HEROES™ game campaigns follow. Endurance scores of the reanimated being
1. One of the major elements of the to their former level. However, Fighting,
Warlock series was Adam’s search for a Reason, Intuition, and Psyche are at Feeble
purpose in life. If the campaign is to re- levels.
flect the tone of the series, this element
must be preserved. No matter how the TALENTS: Her has no known talents.
Judge explains Warlock’s return to life, he
should have a good reason for it. CONTACTS: Her has had few contacts
2. Do not carry the above statement to with other super-beings and agencies, save
an extreme. A campaign in which some for the Enclave (which she attacked). She
prophecy of cosmic gloom and doom dom- is on good terms with the Thing, the High
inates the player characters’ every action Evolutionary, and Starhawk™, however.
is little or no fun to all involved. Pip is
presented in this article for a reason — BACKGROUND: Her was the second (and
comic relief. last) artificial being created by the Enclave.
3. Be creative; there are a number of Like her predecessor, she rebelled against
possible adventures for Warlock in the the Enclave’s control of her life and de-
Marvel Universe. The Cult of Thanos still stroyed much of the Enclave’s power.
exists and could pose a threat to the gal- Retreating into a cocoon to consider her
axy. Warlock’s “mate,” Paragon™ (also existence, she emerged on a search for
known as Her™ — bet you’d never have Him — only to discover that Him had died
guessed), is wandering the cosmos and as Adam Warlock. She attempted to resur-
would likely track Adam down if she rect his body but without success, as she
Copyright ©1987 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All
learned of his return to life. Might she Rights Reserved. Marvel, Marvel Universe, and all
lacked the Soul-Gem with his spirit. After-
become a female version of the Magus? Marvel characters and character likenesses are wards, she went into space and was not
The possibilities are limitless! Use a few of
trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. heard from until recently, when she was
them. seen to be heading back to Earth again.

When I was finishing MA3, The Ultimate
Powers Book (herein called the UPB), I had
the vain idea that no addenda would ever

The Ultimate
be needed. The book would simply be the
ultimate word on the subject of
super-powers; any addenda would be
pointless because everything would
already be in the original book. That was

the theory, anyway.
One week after the UPB hit the stores,
that bubble burst. Karen, my wife and
editor, told me she had gotten a call from a
UPB reader (Matt from Washington, D.C.,
actually) who asked where the power of
Elongation was. When she asked me, I said
I thought we'd decided to incorporate it
into Topological Change. Then she pointed
out that Topological Change wasn’t in the
book, either. That night, as we sat
watching “Alf,” I compared my original
draft with the published version — and
discovered that I had forgotten not one or
two powers, but NINE powers!

Character types
Some of the Character Type listings do
not include what columns of the Random
Ranks Table (page 11) the players roll on to
determine their heroes’ abilities and
powers. The types and their columns are
shown in Table 1.

Definitions of terms
I had forgotten to define some terms
used extensively throughout the UPB.
Definitions are given below.
Bonus power: This is a power that is
automatically included as part of the
package with certain other powers. The
hero must take a stated bonus power and
place it in one of his remaining power
slots. If none are available, he must
discard an already chosen power or the
power to which the bonus power is
Optional power: This is a power that is
commonly associated with the already
determined power. Players have the option
of selecting one or more of these powers
to fill their remaining power slots; this
enables the player to tailor his hero’s
powers. Previously determined powers
can be discarded in favor of the optional
Nemesis: This is a power that directly
Fixing super-powers opposes or even defeats the power in
question; think of it in terms of fire and

in the Advanced water. The player cannot choose a

nemesis! The nemeses are listed primarily


for the Judge’s benefit when choosing or
creating suitable opponents for the heroes.

New super-powers
Table 2 incorporates the accidentally
omitted self-alteration powers. Use it
by David Edward Martin instead of the one on page 16 of the UPB.
Powers marked on the table with a
number symbol (#) are new powers. Those
marked with an asterisk (*) count as two
S23/Bouncing Ball: This is a
Copyright ©1987 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Marvel and all Marvel character names and likenesses are trademarks of the
Marvel Entertainment Group, lnc. and are used under license.
specialized form of Shapeshifting. The

82 JUNE 1987
hero can transform his body into a increasingly fragile; his body’s material hero weighs, he can still move as if he
resilient sphere, apparently transforming strength decreases - 1CS with each were his normal weight. Lifting strength
his body into a balloon-like caricature of doubling in size. At Shift X rank, the body remains the same. Of course, as the hero
himself. Heroes with this power are rarely becomes less dense than air. At CL1000 weighs more, he has a greater effect on
taken seriously, but — despite the image rank, the hero becomes intangible and can the environment. At 2,940 pounds, our
problem — this power offers substantial Phase through normal matter. hero can fall through previously sound
benefits to the hero. While he is inflated, Atomic Gain enables the hero to flooring or collapse the shocks on his 1973
the bouncer can travel at power rank somehow create or gain new atoms and VW Beetle. Physical force has a decreased
speed. His Fighting rank is increased by incorporate them into his atomic effect on the hero because of his greater
this power’s rank number. He has +3CS structure. As the hero gains new matter, mass. In game terms, the power gives the
resistance to blunt physical attacks. On the his size and mass increase as well. As the hero power rank resistance to physical
down side, he also has a -2CS resistance hero grows, his strength increases + 1CS attacks. The hero can also use the power
to slashing attacks. In a given situation, the for each +2CS of growth. The hero’s rank instead of his strength to inflict
bouncer can maintain this power for the Primary and Secondary abilities are charging damage. Formerly weak
number of turns up to his power rank unaffected. However, Health seems to characters can embarrass their
number before he has to deflate and rest. increase because physical attacks do less adversaries with this new-found might.
After 10 turns, he can then reinflate relative damage. Bullets, for example, For example, the macho super-criminal
himself. would be nothing more than grains of Manbrute may flee into obscurity when
S24/Elongation: This is a specialized high-velocity sand to a giant hero. Note Wimp-man simply sits on him with all
form of Shapeshifting. The hero can that when the hero returns to his original 2,940 pounds, then delivers a stinging
temporarily increase the length of any size, wounds decrease in size — but lecture on the benefits of niceness while
part of his body without losing leverage or imbedded bullets and other objects do not! the camera crews have a field day.
strength. The hero can elongate any single Atomic Growth enables the hero to S28/Phasing: The hero can render his
part a maximum number of yards equal to increase the size of his own atoms, thus body intangible to normal matter. This
his power rank number. If two or more increasing his overall size and mass. The enables him to pass harmlessly through
parts are elongated, this limit is the total hero’s strength increases only enough to any object. The hero’s power rank must
combined length for all parts concerned. enable him to move his own body; lifting exceed the barrier’s material strength in
The hand counts as part of the arm unless strength does not increase. This form of order for Phasing to occur. The hero can
the hero is specifically elongating his Growth has a dangerous side effect. As the Phase through Force Fields, Body Armors,
fingers; in this case, the maximum is hero’s atoms grow, they are unable to Resistances, and Invulnerabilities of lower
divided by the number of fingers interact with normal atoms. The hero is ranks by making a green FEAT
elongated. For example, Mr. Fantastic is unable to breathe, drink, or eat normal Because the hero is out of phase with
usually shown elongating an arm with a matter. Fortunately, there is a 95% chance normal matter, he cannot breathe. Thus,
normal hand at the end of it; this gives (determined at the time the hero is the practical duration limit on this power
him a greater reach than if he elongated created) that the power envelops the is the length of time the hero can hold his
his hand instead. The hero can maintain hero’s body in a field that temporarily breath. If the hero has some way around
any single act of Elongation for a number increases the size of consumed matter. this problem, the duration is unlimited.
of turns up to his power rank number. Note that this is the only form of growth Note that if the power is somehow “turned
This power is primarily used by heroes that will enable the hero to travel into on” permanently, as happened to Kitty
like Mr. Fantastic to extend their reach or macroverses or, if the hero is originally Pryde, the power gains the ability to
stride. Other heroes might also use the from a microverse, enable the hero to transform air into phased particles that
power to elongate body parts like the reach our own universe. the hero can breathe.
nose, ears, or eyes. This useful, albeit The nemesis is MC4/Diminution; the In the Marvel Universe, Phasing has a
grotesque, tactic enables the hero to use specific nemeses for each form are, in damaging effect on delicate electronic
his nose as a snorkel, his eyes as order: Atomic Collapse, Atomic Reduction, devices. By Phasing through such devices,
periscopes, and to eavesdrop on a room and Atomic Shrinkage (see Shrinking). the hero can disrupt normal activity and
several floors away by sending his ear S26/Mass Decrease: The hero can scramble any on-line programming. If,
through the ceiling vent. diminish his body’s mass. His weight during the character creation process, the
The optional power is Plasticity. decreases to a percentage equal to his player decides to forego this side effect, he
S25/Growth: This is a self-directed power rank number. For example, the can raise his hero’s power rank + 1CS.
form of MC6/Enlargement. The hero can Vision’s Unearthly rank in this power For modesty’s sake, it is assumed that
temporarily increase his physical size at decreases his weight by 100%, making him the power also transforms the hero’s
will. As he grows, the hero becomes an completely weightless. At Shift X and clothing and carried possessions into
easier target. The bonuses to be hit, given higher, the hero attains buoyancy and can phased matter. The power’s side effect
in Table 3, are not cumulative. lift additional weight. The added weight is automatically scrambles any electronics
There are three ways the power can be a percentage of his normal body weight; the hero is carrying (Kitty Pryde wears a
attained: Atomic Dispersal, Atomic Gain, for example, a 160-lb. man with Shift Z wind-up watch, never a digital one). If the
and Atomic Growth. The player randomly rank in this power can carry an additional player wants to risk his hero’s modesty for
determines the method when he creates 800 pounds (500% of 160 lbs.). When the the sake of a more realistic game, the
the character or when the character first hero is created, the player can increase player can assume either that the power
gains this power, using the subtable below. the power’s rank + 1CS by making its only transforms whatever the hero was
effect permanent. wearing when he first got this power
Die roll Form The optional power is Gravity (severely limiting the hero’s wardrobe) or
01-25 Atomic Dispersal Manipulation. that there is a base 70% chance that the
26-75 Atomic Gain S27/Mass Increase: The hero can power automatically transforms whatever
76-00 Atomic Growth increase his body’s mass. His weight is the hero is wearing at the time. In either
multiplied by the power rank number. For case, this must be determined when the
With Atomic Dispersal, the hero example, a 98-pound weakling with hero is first created.
increases the distance between his own Remarkable rank can increase his mass to S29/Plasticity: The hero can change
atoms, thus increasing his overall size. His 2,940 pounds (30 x 98). Fortunately, a side his body’s topology; that is, he can twist,
mass remains the same no matter how effect of this power increases the hero’s bend, pull, stretch or otherwise distort his
large he becomes. The hero also becomes basic strength. No matter how much the body’s shape into any form. The only

limitation is that the hero cannot normally without harm a fall from the number of damage if struck. This is handled by the
create new holes in his body. For example, floors equal to his power rank number by column shift as shown in Table 4. The
Mr. Fantastic can form himself into a turning into a bouncing shape before he column shift decreases the attacker’s
parachute but not a sieve. If the hero hits the ground. chance to hit and increases the damage by
wants to assume a shape that requires The hero gains the bonus power of an equal shift. For example, a hero with
holes, he must make a red FEAT For Elongation. Bouncing Ball is an optional Remarkable rank is –2CS to hit but
example, a higher-ranked hero could power or may be simulated by a power suffers +2CS damage if the attack is
regularly transform himself into nets and Stunt. successful.
ladders. S30/Shrinking: This is a personal form In practical terms, a Shrinking rank of
The hero’s malleable flesh gives him of MC4/Diminution. The hero can Shift X, Y, or Z is sufficient to reduce a
power rank resistance to blunt Physical temporarily decrease his body’s size. The normal human to the size of a single cell
attacks. The hero is able to survive hero’s primary and secondary abilities or virus. Either CL1000 or CL3000 will
remain unaffected. Even Strength is reduce him to atomic scale. CL5000
undiminished, although it is much harder reduces him to the point a which he can
Table 1 for a shrunken hero to gain enough enter microverse worlds. On such worlds,
Character Types and Columns leverage to perform tasks that would the hero is proportional to his new
otherwise be simple to perform. For environment.
Modified Human 1 example, consider the act of sharpening a There are three forms of this power.
Modified Human: Extra Parts 2 pencil if you are only ladybug-size. When the power or the hero is first
Centaurs 5 As the hero shrinks, he becomes harder created, the player must determine which
Equimen 3 to hit but conversely suffers greater form is involved, using the following
Fauns 2 subtable.
Felinoids 1
Lupinoids 4 Table 3 Die roll Form
Avians (Angelics) 3 To-Hit Bonuses Against 01-20 Atomic Collapse
Avians (Harpies) 2 Growth-Using Characters 21-40 Atomic Reduction
Chiropterans 2 41-00 Atomic Shrinkage
Lamians 3 Resultant Bonus
Merhumans 2 Rank size to be hit Atomic Collapse decreases the distance
Angels/Demons 5 FE 1.5x + 1CS between the body’s atoms and subatomic
Deities 5 PR 2x + 1CS particles, thus decreasing overall size.
TY 3x + 1CS Mass and strength are unaffected. As
GD 4x + 1CS density increases, the hero’s body could
EX 6x + 1CS collapse into neutronium (CL3000) or into
RM 8x +2CS a black hole (CL5000).
Table 2 IN 10x +2CS Atomic Reduction decreases the number
Self-Alteration Powers Table AM 12x +2CS of atoms in the hero’s body. The lost atoms
MN 15X +3CS are either disintegrated (if the shrinkage is
Die Self-alteration UN 200x +3CS permanent) or temporarily removed from
roll power Code X 50x +3CS the hero’s plane of existence and stored
01-02 Age-Shift S1 Y 100x +3CS “elsewhere” until the hero reverts to his
03-09 Alter Ego S2 Z 200x +3CS original size. Both mass and strength
10 Anatomical Separation S3 CL1000 500x +4CS decrease as the hero shrinks; these ranks
11-13 Animal Transformation S4 CL3000 1000x +5CS remain proportional to the hero’s new
14-19 Animal Mimicry S5 CL5000 10,000x +6CS size. If the hero loses too many atoms (by
20-21 Blending S6 exceeding Shift X rank), his remaining
21-27 Body Adaptation* S7 structure becomes too simple to sustain
28-30 Body Transformation* S8 his life force. For this reason, a hero with
31-33 Body Coating S9 Table 4 this form cannot voluntarily exceed
34-37 Chemical Mimicry S1O Attack Modifiers Against Unearthly rank. If the limit is passed, the
38 Energy Body* S11 Shrinking Characters hero’s lifeforce is automatically stored
39-42 Energy Sheath S12 away on the same plane with all the
43-44 Evolution S13 Resultant Column displaced matter that normally forms his
45-49 Imitation S14 size shift body. At Shift Z rank, the hero’s body
50-55 Invisibility S15 FE 50% 0 consists of a single DNA molecule, which
56-57 Physical Gestalt S16 PR 25% 0 then vanishes when the next rank is
58-60 Plant Mimicry S17 TY 12.5% 0 reached.
61 Prehensile Hair S18 GD 6.25% 1 Atomic Shrinkage reduces the size of the
62 Self-Duplication * S19 EX 3% 1 hero’s atoms, thus reducing overall size
63 Self-Vegetation S20 RE 1% 2 and mass. Strength remains proportional
64-67 S h a p e s h i f t i n g S21 IN .5% 2 to the hero’s current size. This is the only
68-70 Spirit Gestalt S22 AM .25% 2 form that enables the hero to reach a
71 Bouncing Ball# S23 MN .1% 3 microverse. While this is the most popular
72-74 Elongation# S24 UN .0l% 3 form of Shrinking, it has a potentially
75-78 Growth# S25 X .00l% deadly disadvantage. As the hero’s atoms
79-81 Mass Decrease# S26 Y .00001% 5 shrink, they can no longer interact with
82-84 Mass Increase# S27 Z .0000001% 6 other, normal-size atoms. As a result, the
85-90 Phasing# S28 CL1000 10–12 8 hero cannot breathe, drink, or eat
91-94 Plasticity# S29 CL3000 10–18 10 normal-size matter. Fortunately, there is a
95-99 Shrinking# S30 CL5000 1O–33 12 flat 95% chance (determined at the time
0 0 Two-dimensionality# S31 this power is first gained) that the power
envelops the hero with an aura that
84 J UNE 1987
temporarily reduces all atoms to be normally ignore. For example, Flatman two-dimensional image. Note that while
consumed. If the hero lacks this aura, he could be forcibly folded like a map and one dimension is drastically altered, the
must have a proportionally sized supply of locked in a glove compartment! remaining measurements remain the
material for consumption or somehow not How thin the hero can get is determined same.
need to breathe. If not, the duration for by an Intensity FEAT A green FEAT When this power is applied to a weapon,
this power is equal to the time the hero reduces the hero to the width of a piece of the result is a micron-sword such as the
can hold his breath. There is an advantage paper (about 1/256”). At this point, the one used by the late Nemesis. Such a blade
to not possessing this aura in that hero can pass through the cracks around a completely severs any matter with a
electrons cannot flow from normal to door or adhere to a wall and pretend to be Material Strength up to +5CS greater
shrunken matter; hence, the power acts as a poster. A yellow FEAT reduces the hero than this power’s rank.
rank-level Resistance to Electricity. to one atom’s width. At this width, the The name “Two-Dimensionality” is a
The optional power is MC4/Diminution. hero can pass through solid barriers by misnomer. While in the Marvel Universe it
The nemesis is MC6/Enlargement; the slicing through them as if he were an most commonly describes the ability of
specific forms are, in order, Atomic incredibly fine knife. The power enables normal beings to pass into a Flatland -like
Dispersal, Atomic Gain, and Atomic the hero to pass any barrier with a state, it can also be used to shed more
Growth (see Enlargement). Material Strength up to +5CS greater than one dimension. Three-dimensional
S31/Two-Dimensionality: The hero than this power’s rank. Note that if the beings can reduce themselves all the way
can harmlessly reduce his body (and any barrier is larger than the hero’s body down to a single line one atom or even one
nonliving matter he carries) to a flat, (such as a wall), then the slice made by the “point” in diameter. The power can also be
two-dimensional version. To an onlooker, hero’s passage immediately reseals itself. used by multidimensional beings to enter
the hero appears to have transformed But, if the barrier was smaller than the into this one.
himself into a life-size photograph. The hero (such as a chain), then the pieces fall
hero’s body functions and abilities are apart as soon as the hero severs the entire Those are the missing powers. Make of
unaffected. Because the hero is now width. A red FEAT removes the third them what you will. As I mentioned in the
extremely thin, gaining leverage on dimension entirely; at this point, the hero UPB, if anyone can come up with a power
three-dimensional objects is extremely can pass through barriers without I missed, then tell me! Give me a basic
difficult. He is also extremely hard to hit if damaging them, or he can be transported description of the power and, if possible, a
he can turn his flat side toward his into a Flatland –type dimension where super-character who uses that power;
opponents. While in a flattened state, the everyone has only two dimensions. In the don’t worry about the mechanics, since I’ll
hero suffers less damage from blunt physi- latter case, the hero vanishes from sight. take care of that part. Use any source,
cal attacks; the power rank number The hero can choose to flatten himself in whether comics, literary, or media, in your
decreases the damage by that much for any direction. He can appear to be a search for the undiscovered powers. If I
each attack. On the other hand, a flat hero front-back, left profile-right profile, top get enough of these, I’ll include them in
can suffer all sorts of abuse that he would view-bottom view, or similar-shaped later “Ultimate Addenda” columns.
A Marvel®
A Halloween treat or three from the
Marvel Universe®

by Douglas Lent
As a bonus for all Marvel-fans, we however: Just because something
present three well-known faces from looks like a monster doesn't mean that
both legend and comics appropriate to it's evil. . . .
a Halloween encounter. One warning,

Yellow. He is therefore immune to “Kill” century. Victor experimented with the

results from knives or bullets, and to reanimation of dead tissue as a key to
No name
results in a slugfest. immortality and succeeded in assembling a
Fugitive artificial being
large humanoid using parts from several
Rapid Healing: The monster can heal from fresh corpses. Frankenstein also found a
F RM (30) Health: 120
wounds at a much faster rate than way to overcome deterioration and tissue
A GD (10)
ordinary humans. He can regain his rejection of organs from different bodies,
S RM (30) Karma: 30
Endurance rank in Health points once making this work possible. Then, using a
E AM (50)
every hour insteadof only once a day. special process of his own invention,
R GD (10) Resources: None
I Frankenstein brought his creation to life.
GD (10)
Suspended Animation: Whenever the However, the sight of the monster terrified
P GD (10) Popularity: 0
monster is subjected to cold of at least him so much that he abandoned the
KNOWN POWERS: Remarkable intensity, he enters a state of creature, hoping his creation would perish
suspended animation until he is revived, when left unprotected.
Body Armor: The monster has a thick skin taking no damage from the chill. An However, although the monster was as
that serves as Good body armor against Endurance FEAT is required to avoid this ignorant as an infant, he was also highly
physical attacks. Also, due to his unusual event. intelligent and quickly learned how to
physical resilience, all physical combat survive by secretly observing humans.
effects against him are reduced by one THE MONSTER’S STORY: Baron Victor Within a few months, the monster could
color. Thus, Green results become White, Frankenstein was a brilliant Swiss biology speak and function as well as any normal
Yellow becomes Green, and Red becomes and chemistry student in the late 18th human. He then began plotting his
74 OCTOBER 1987
revenge on his creator for deserting him. chords were injured, rendering him mute. with the Thing and Iron Man, and
The monster killed Victor’s brother Wil- He was then again entombed in ice and current whereabouts or activities are
liam, then struck a deal with Victor by was revived again only recently. Veronica unknown. It should be noted that the
promising to leave the baron’s life forever Frankenstein, a descendent of the baron, creature is often wrongly referred to as
if Victor would create a mate for the mon- operated on the monster’s larynx, and he “Frankenstein,” though this is really the
ster. Victor went back on the deal, destroy can again speak, though with some diffi- name of its creator.
ing the female monster, and the monster culty. The creature most recently clashed
killed his creator’s best friend and wife,
then fled into the Arctic. Frankenstein
gave chase but died of exposure shortly LIVING MUMMY™
after relating his tale to sea captain Robert N’Kantu KNOWN POWERS:
Walton. Meanwhile, the creature lay in Altered and immortal human
hibernation after being trapped in the ice, Body Armor: The process that made
filled with regret for his deeds. Writer N’Kantu a mummy also gave him super-
Mary Shelley published Walton’s account F EX (20) Health: 129 tough skin that acts as Remarkable body
of Frankenstein’s story but the public A PR (4) armor.
considers it a work of fiction. S RM (30) Karma: 22
In 1898, Walton’s great-grandson found E MN (75) Environmental Independence: Sustained
the monster, who had since thawed out of R TY (6) Resources: None completely by the life-preserving fluid in
his icy prison. The creature soon had a I TY (6) his veins, the Living Mummy no longer
clash with Dracula, during which his vocal P GD (10) Popularity: 0 needs to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. He

could easily survive in many places where North Africa over three thousand years beneath the sand, still conscious but com-
an ordinary human would be killed ago, when they were enslaved by the pletely immobile.
instantly, He no longer ages. Egyptians: Bound in chains, N’Kantu and There N’Kantu remained until recent
his people were forced to build a temple years when the paralysis effect wore off
LIMITATIONS: Because of N’Kantu’s for the reigning pharaoh, Aram-Set. N’Kan- and he could at last move. Unfortunately,
dependence on the special fluid that sub- tu obeyed his captors, all the while plot- the three millenia he spent confined
stitutes for his blood, any damage he takes ting rebellion against them. When word of beneath the desert rendered him totally
from heat or fire gains a + 1CS due to the his plans reached Aram-Set and the high insane. Digging free of his tomb, N’Kantu
effects of dehydration on the fluid. It is priest, Nephrus, they decided to have the went on a rampage which finally ended in
not yet known if N’Kantu could be killed slaves killed upon the temple’s completion. the streets of Cairo. N’Kantu grabbed a
by such attacks or would simply remain But N’Kantu and his followers struck telephone pole to use as a weapon and
unconscious until the fluid had regener- before then and were able to slay the was electrocuted by a dangling power line.
ated itself. N’Kantu can speak only with pharaoh himself before being subdued. To This left him in a comalike state for sev-
great difficulty since his throat is com- punish N’Kantu for his crime, Nephrus eral weeks; upon awakening, his sanity
pletely dry. drained the Swarili chieftain’s blood and had returned. Immortal, N’Kantu now
replaced it with a special preservative wanders across Egypt and North Africa,
THE LIVING MUMMY’S STORY: N’Kan- fluid. He was then bound head to toe in seeking some purpose to his life.
tu was a chieftain of the Swarili tribe of bandages and entombed in a sarcophagus

Jack Russell Additionally, although Russell has gained years, Russell rampaged throughout the
Altered human the ability to change into Werewolf at will Los Angeles area on the nights of the full
while still retaining his full intellect, the moon whenever his efforts to confine
F RM(30) Health: 120 original curse over him is still in effect. On himself failed. Then the mystical extradi-
A EX(20) the three nights of the full moon, Russell mensional beings known only as “The
S RM(30) Karma: 91 automatically changes but has his Reason Three Who Are All” gave him the power
E IN(40) reduced to Feeble; his nature also becomes to control his changes while keeping his
R TY(6) Resources: EX that of a savage beast. human intelligence. However, he still
I MN(75) Except for the curse, all the powers regressed when the full moon shone.
P GD(10) Popularity: 20 listed above are only for Russell’s Were- Russell has since built a virtually escape-
wolf form. When human, his stats are as proof cell to isolate himself during such
KNOWN POWERS: given below: times.
Russell recently sought scientific help
Claws: Werewolf has razor-sharp claws F A S E for his problem. Unfortunately, he turned
and teeth and can inflict up to Remarkable TY TY TY GD to an unscrupulous scientist (Doctor Karl
edged-attack damage with them. R I P Malus) who tried to make him a mindless
TY GD GD slave instead. Although Russell was able to
Infravision: Werewolf’s sight extends into Health: 28 Karma: 26 thwart these plans, the treatments he
the infrared, allowing him to see in the Resources: EX Popularity: 6 received caused him to lose control of his
dark by detecting heat emissions. changes once more, and his wereform
WEREWOLF’S STORY: Jack Russell was became even more lupine in appearance.
Extraordinary Senses: Werewolf’s senses born Jacob Russoff, son of Transylvanian He has since recovered and is now an
of sight, hearing, and smell are all nobleman Gregory Russoff and his Ameri- occasional crimefighter, sometimes even
Amazing. He can detect sensations far can wife, Laura. A scholar interested in meeting and working with heroes like Iron
beyond the normal human range by mak- the occult, Gregory was unaware of a Man and the original Spider-Woman. At
ing an Intuition FEAT roll. He can track by dormant family curse from an ancestor present, Werewolf is a member of Night
smell and remember scents previously who had been bitten by a werewolf. This Shift, a team of super-powered villains and
encountered. He can hear a heartbeat at a would have mattered little had he not outcasts led by Shroud (see DRAGON®
one-area range and smell an approaching acquired a copy of the Darkhold, an issue #93 for his statistics).
being within a three-area range. arcane tome of evil magics created by the
demon Chthon. Among the various frag-
Running: Werewolf can move at a rate of ments of occult lore contained within the
two areas per round for up to half an books covers was a detailed account of
hour a day. the origin of lycanthropy. Reading this
section triggered Russoff’s latent curse,
Invulnerability: As a supernatural crea-
ture, Werewolf has Amazing resistance to
and with the next full moon he was trans-
formed into a werewolf. For several
all forms of physical damage except that months afterward he terrorized the local If you’re interested in contributing
caused by silver weapons. Werewolf, if countryside during the three nights of the an article to DRAGON® Magazine,
injured, cannot have his Endurance full moon until he was killed by an angry the first thing you need is a copy of
reduced below Feeble except by silver mob of townsfolk. our guidelines for writers. Send a
weapons. Shortly before his death, Russoff sent his self-addressed, stamped envelope to
wife and their two young children to her “Writer’s guidelines,” c/o DRAGON
LIMITATIONS: As mentioned above, silver native America for their own safety. When Magazine, P.O. Box 110, Lake Geneva
weapons are the only ones unaffected by she learned of Gregory’s death, Laura WI 53147; and we’ll send you back a
Werewolf’s invulnerability and are one of Russoff moved to Los Angeles and later sheet with all the basic information
the few things that can kill him. Each hit by married Philip Russell to give her children you need to make sure your manu-
a silver weapon causes all of Werewolf’s a father. Jacob (now Jack) Russell and his script-has the best possible chance of
physical abilities to make a -1CS. A Red or sister, Lissa, did well until Jack reached his being accepted.
Yellow result from a silver edged or missile eighteenth birthday and inherited his
weapon is treated as a “kill” family’s now-active curse. For the next two

76 O CTOBER 1987
absorbing more of these component crea-
by David Edward Martin tures into itself. A Red Psyche FEAT allows
this to occur. In such a case, the addition

The Ultimate
may have the effect of increasing the
Collective Mass’s primary abilities.
In an Earth-based Marvel Universe cam-
paign, the Collective Mass has the ability to
transform itself into a human likeness by

making a Psyche FEAT. However, the visual
appearance of the individual bodies does
not change; a disguise is needed if the
Collective Mass is to impersonate a normal

Addenda New superpowers

Each of these superpowers has a 2%
chance of appearing during the random
power-selection process.
P18/Hyper-Intake/Expulsion: This
power was in my original TUPB proposal,
yet not only did I forget to put this in the
Yet more superpowers for the TUPB, I also forgot to put in in the original
addenda article! This power is usually
MARVEL SUPER HEROES® game referred to as “Super Breath” and, while it
is technically a Matter Control power,
As promised in the last “Ultimate Adden- fested by the Collective Mass. Individual should be listed under the class of Physical
da” (from DRAGON® issue #122), here are entities can at best exhibit Feeble-rank Enhancement powers in the TUPB. The
more superpowers that were created by versions of the available powers; other- hero has the ability to ingest awesome
you, the role-playing public, for the wise, why bother to be a Collective Mass amounts of matter, retain them indefi-
MARVEL SUPER HEROES® Advanced Set in the first place?. The Collective Mass’s nitely, then expel them with power rank
game. These powers are designed to fit abilities may be affected by the loss or force. When creating a hero with this
with the format of MA3 The Ultimate addition of more individual entities to its power, the player must decide what the
Powers Book (herein known as the TUPB). form. hero can handle. A random die roll deter-
Each new power is credited to the people A Collective Mass gains + 2CS Resistance mines his chance of having the power to
who suggested it. This column also deals to physical or directed energy attacks handle gas, liquid, solids, or some combi-
with a new class of “rule powers,” which (lasers, for example). Its unique physical nation of these.
are powers that alter the game mechanics. structure allows it to simply create holes
Die roll Category
Players and Judges should rewrite the in its body to avoid making contact with
01-16 Gases only
Power Generation tables on pages 14-16 of the attacking force. However, such beings
17-32 Liquids only
the TUPB in order to accomodate these have a peculiar weakness: A successful
33-48 Solids only
additions, if they are used. Grappling attack breaks the body into two
49-64 Gases and liquids
masses! The body can automatically rejoin
65-80 Liquids and solids
New Physical Form in 1-4 turns unless something prevents
81-00 Gases, solids, and liquids
S32/Collective Mass: Tom Lamphier this, like teleporting half the body into a
looked at the Marvel Super Villain Swarm parallel dimension. This power enables the hero to absorb
and came up with this variation of the S16/ The Collective Mass can be any size, quantities far exceeding the normal vol-
Physical Gestalt body type. The body of depending on the size and number of the ume of the human body. He can absorb a
the character is a collection of individual individuals entities that compose it. Most volume of gas equal to the power rank
bodies held tightly together and function- Collective Masses in Marvel Universe number times 100 cubic feet. Liquids and
ing as a single unit. Unlike Physical Gestalt, campaigns are human-size and composed solids are limited to the number of cubic
the individuals retain their distinct physi- of smaller creatures generally less than 3” feet equal to the power rank number. A
cal forms (though admittedly it may be long (between the size of a mouse and a side effect of this power is that the ingest-
hard to actually spot any given individual dragonfly). If the Judge allows, a Collective ed matter is somehow compressed, dimin-
if they are tiny). One helpful side effect of Mass may be a giant composed of human- ished in size, or displaced into a pocket
this power is that the individual bodies do size entities. In special cases, the Collective dimension; this enables the hero to retain
not physically suffer while they are joined Mass may even be a titan composed of his ordinary shape, although his weight
together; breathing is assumed to occur relatively large beings. does increase a token amount, It is up to
without difficulty. However, the Collective Ordinarily, the number of individuals the Judge’s discretion as to how much
Mass will probably have to break apart in composing the Collective Mass is less than weight is gained, with a 1% weight
order to allow the individual units to eat. the rank number of the Collective Mass’s increase being a rule of thumb. Note that a
Primary and secondary abilities are Reason, multiplied by 100. The individual sudden failure of this power can be disas-
rolled on Column 1 of the Rank Table on entities can be of any nature, whether trous! Such catastrophes range from (at
page 11 of the TUPB. Because of its peculi- animal, plant, or machine; the individual best) the sudden expulsion of all ingested
ar dual nature, a Collective Mass has two components may be sentient or not. If the matter, retention of the ingested matter
sets of primary abilities. The first set rep- Collective Mass is composed of relatively with the hero suddenly bearing all of its
resents the average abilities possessed by ordinary creatures (as opposed to some- weight, or the rapid expansion of the
the individual component entities; the thing strange, like a colony of snakes ingested matter to its original size (this
second set is that of the Collective Mass. mutated by a nuclear test at Los Alamos), latter possibility being quite fatal).
The majority of powers can only be mani- the Collective Mass has the option of Normally, a hero can retain the ingested
Marvel, Marvel Universe, Marvel Super Heroes, and all Marvel character names and likenesses are trademarks matter indefinitely. A side effect of the
of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. ©1988 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. power gives the hero internal invulnerabil-
Illustration by Richard Bennett DRAGON 89
tions at a more limited range; the power ble, the player’s imagination, the hero’s
Table for Random Rule Powers takes effect the same turn it is used. The background and physical type, and the
original Marvel heroine with this power, campaign setting. The randomly rolled
Die Power Scarlet Witch, could only create entropic power rank becomes the material strength
01-12 Attribute Change Rl effects. Other superhumans such as Rou- of the item.
13-29 Attribute Pool R2 lette developed the ability to produce A Unique Weapon is just that; lose it and
30-41 Attribute Rearrangement R3 beneficial effects as well. you’re out of luck. The hero can acquire
42-47 Award Change R4 There are three ways the hero can use his item in a number of ways. The most
48-59 Award Pool R5 the power to affect his immediate future. common are “I Found It,” “I Received It,”
60-65 Award Rearrangement R6 The first way pits his power against the and “I Created It.” The player should roll
66-71 Initiative Change R7 Psyche of the target. In this effect, the once on the Origin of Power Table (page
72-00 Power Combination R8 hero makes the target act in the way the 10, TUPB) to see what the background on
hero intends. The second method pits this his item is. If the device was attained by
power’s power rank against the material accident or as a gift, the hero might not be
ity equal to his power rank, preventing strength of the target. In this case, the able to replace or repair it. Such condi-
major internal damage due to ingested hero can temporarily control the physical tions must be resolved by the Judge.
poisons or physically damaging materials. properties of the target. In the third case, M34/Omni-Knowledge: A reader
Solids and liquids can be retained for as the hero pits his power against the intensi- named “Comalite J” created this interest-
long as the hero can go without food; ty rank of a target phenomenon (energy ing variant on the learning process. A
digestion normally stops while this power fields, magic, powers, etc.). In all three character with this power has an innate,
is in effect. If the gases ingested are toxic, cases, the range is limited to the hero’s subconscious link to a sort of cosmic refer-
the hero can only retain them for the immediate area. ence library. When he is presented with a
amount of time he can hold his breath. If T24/Spinner: George O’Ravis looked to question concerning information of which
the mixture is not toxic and contains a the Whirlwind to come up with this pecu- he was previously ignorant, the PC must
sufficient quantity of oxygen, then the liar Travel power. The hero can attain make a FEAT Green FEATS give him access
hero can hold his breath indefinitely. power rank ground speed by rapidly to contemporary human knowledge. Yel-
The hero can expel the matter harm- pivoting. The visual effect is that he blurs low FEATS give him access to alien knowl-
lessly or direct it into a blast that has into a human top. The hero gains several edge. Red FEATS give him access to
power rank range and damage. He can useful side effects. This power’s rank is Entity-level knowledge. Success means he
also do damage by ingesting. For example, added to the Fighting rank when a grap- is able to give a short, concise answer that
by inhaling all the air in a room, he can pling attack is used against the Spinner. He only answers the initial question. As a limit
cause certain events to occur. One, every- gains power rank resistance to physical to this power, the question must be asked
one in the room must make an Endurance attacks. His Endurance rank increases by of the hero by another person. Also,
FEAT or pass out from the sudden absence this power’s rank number; this enables despite his ability to “know” any given
of air. Two, the room can implode if the him to maintain his power for extended topic, the PC might not be able to under-
pressure difference exceeds the walls’ periods as well as avoid the obvious dizzi- stand it. His comprehension is still limited
material strength. ness and nausea. The hero’s visual acuity by his Reason. This power enables the
P19/Hyper-Endurance: A number of increases to give him the equivalent of Judge to create idiot savants who can
readers pointed out that I referred to this Circular Vision; despite his rapid rotation, decipher the workings of Galactus’s World-
in the TUPB as a power rather than as a the hero perceives the world as a static, ship but are unable to tie their shoelaces,
primary ability. Sorry! Hyper-Endurance is 360-degree field of vision. However, unless For example: Ref-Book and his buddy
designed to increase your hero’s (hope- the player states otherwise, it is assumed Jaunt find themselves in the Watcher’s
fully) already formidable Endurance. The that he is only looking directly outward. recreation room, facing a piece of alien
randomly determined rank is added to Thus, he can be surprised by attacks from technology. Ref-Book has no idea of what
your PC’s previously determined Endur- below or above. If the hero has such the thing is, but when Jaunt asks the mag-
ance rank whenever he uses a power that powers as increased Strength (Incredible ic question “What is that?” Ref-Book’s
drains his Endurance. In this way, heroes rank or better), Invulnerability, or Hyper- power goes to work. He makes a Red
can exceed their physical limitations. Digging, he can bore his way through any FEAT, gains the necessary knowledge, and
Hyper-Endurance is an optional power for target with a Material Strength less than says “It’s a television set.” “Well, how do we
such things as Hyper-Running, Hyper- this power’s rank. As a power stunt, the turn it on?” asks Jaunt. Ref-Book fails his
Swimming, and other powers requiring hero can develop his power to attain next FEAT and says, “Beats me.”
muscular effort. flight. This is treated as T23/Whirlwind
P20/Hyper-Strength: I kept referring flight of one rank lower than the Spinner’s Rule powers
to this as a power, too, so here it is. Hyper- power rank. Several powers in current RPGs exist
Strength is an addition to your hero’s F6/Unique Weapon: Edward and only for the sake of altering the mechanics
previously determined Strength rank. The Adam Nevraumont brought up this variant of that specific game. Such examples
player has two choices here: He can per- from the Fighting Powers class. The hero include Mystic Link (from Mayfaur’s DC™
manently combine the two ranks, or else possesses a specific tool or device that HEROES game) and Spending Karma (in
make the addition a temporary one. In the contains many of the powers assigned to the MARVEL SUPER HEROES game). I
latter case, the hero can “Hulk out” and the hero. When creating the hero, the hadn’t touched on these because most of
manifest great strength during a limited player should assign only the Mental and these powers only function within the
time. The daily limit on this form of Physical Powers to the hero himself; all confines of their home games. They can-
Hyper-Strength is a number of game turns other powers should be assigned to the not be easily transformed into other set-
equal to the power rank number, Also, the Unique Weapon. Such assigned powers tings, such as actions in a comic book.
temporary form carries with it a bonus of then can only be manifested by the weap- However, that doesn’t justify my further
+ 1CS rank. on itself or by the hero’s direct contact ignoring their existence; hence, the crea-
MG14/Probability Control: I had with the device. The player should work tion of a new class of powers. The rule
intended this to be a variation of MG10/ with the Judge to determine the shape and powers class is the rarest form of power.
Reality Alteration (Alter Future). However, nature of the item, as well as who gets During the Character Creation process,
enough people have this power to justify what power. this class of powers has only a base 3%
its status as an independent power. Unlike The nature and function of each Unique chance of occurring. All rule powers have
the Alter Future power, this power func- Weapon should reflect the powers availa- extremely short ranges; their initial effects

90 JUNE 1988
are limited to the hero and those beings hero can reassign the basic value of his means of a Green FEAT. He can transfer a
and objects within the immediate vicinity various abilities to enhance other abilities. number of Karma Points equal to his
(i.e., the same area). Rule powers include In effect, the player has the ability to power rank between either allies or oppo-
the following: rewrite his hero’s abilities and powers at nents. Unscrupulous PCs can use this
R1/Attribute Change: The hero has will. The rule power’s rank is used to power to siphon Karma from civilian NPCs
the ability to temporarily increase the make this FEAT. The effect initially lasts 1- (onlookers, passers-by, etc.); this is consid-
rank of a specific ability or power by the 10 game turns; beyond that, he must make ered a villainous act since it is akin to
rule power’s rank. He can automatically a successful Psyche FEAT each turn to Vampirism.
retain the enhanced rank for 1-10 game maintain the rearrangement. R7/Initiative Change: The player can
turns, but he must make a Psyche FEAT R4/Award Change: The player can temporarily alter the order of play, decid-
each turn beyond that to retain the temporarily increase the size of the Karma ing who plays in what order if he makes a
enhancement. For example, Cosmic Dash- game award previously given his or successful Green FEAT. A Red FEAT can be
er possesses Incredible Attribute Change. another’s character. The player can used to either take away another charac-
He uses it to increases his normally increase his hero’s Karma by this power’s ter’s turn or to instate a turn at a time
Amazing Hyperspeed with an additional rank by means of a Green FEAT. The play- when the affected player would otherwise
burst of energy, thus attaining Unearthly er can increase the size of an ally’s Karma be unable to roll.
speed. with a Yellow FEAT. A Red FEAT can either R8/Power Combination: This power
R2/Attribute Pool: The hero is able to increase or decrease an opponent’s Karma. normally occurs only during the Character
directly combine his powers’ or abilities’ Such changes occur in the same turn the Creation process. Rolling this rule power
ranks with those of other heroes. The power is used and last for 1-10 turns; after requires the player to combine two of his
combined energy can then be channeled that, the hero must make a Psyche FEAT hero’s already existing powers into a new
into a specific power or attribute shared to maintain the effects. hybrid form. The new hybrid power per-
by the affected characters and then used R5/Award Pool: In the MARVEL manently replaces the affected powers.
to perform a specific action. A Green FEAT SUPER HEROES game, this is called Karma Power Combination enables the player to
is needed to perform this. In game terms, Pooling. The player can temporarily pool create some really peculiar, unique charac-
the players add their characters’ ranks of his award value with that of other player ters. High-ranked NPCs may possess a
the chosen ability; the sum is then tempo- characters, then use that increased special form of this power with which
rarily reassigned as a new rank for each reward to perform a group function. The they can alter another character’s powers
member of the group. For example, pooling lasts for 10 turns plus a number of at any time. However, the power’s use is
Cyber1, Cyber2, and Cyber3 pool their turns equal to the number of PCs partici- limited to once per day and only in non-
Excellent, Remarkable, and Amazing pating in the pool. combative situations. In this way, the
Strengths together; they each then achieve R6/Award Rearrangement: The Judge can create character-transforming
an effective rank of Unearthly Strength. player can temporarily reassign the Karma incidents to enliven, confuse, or rearrange
R3/Attribute Rearrangement: The values of other players’ characters by the existing campaign.

©1988 by Jerold M. Stratton

Heroes are
Made —
Like This!
There’s much more to a superhero
than superpowers
article discusses creating and playing a The point here is that power is relative
character in a superhero role-playing — not to other characters, but to the situa-
game. The game master and player might tion. If players have the chance to choose
want to violate one or two of these guide- powers, abilities, equipment, or skills, they
lines because they run contrary to a should do so in a way which makes each
superhero’s style. But if you violate too character interesting, not just trying to
many, then the character is unlikely to maximize the power level of the character.
survive long, or else the campaign will If a character has a power that’s not
suffer from lack of role-playing input from being used, chances are he simply hasn’t
the players and GM. found a use for it. If the power was writ-
ten up in the rules, it undoubtedly has a
Power planning use. However, players may want to down-
Players in superhero role-playing games play one or more of a hero’s powers.
usually start creating characters by deter- Because Guano Jim rarely used his psychic
mining their abilities and powers. How- link, the villains did not plan against it —
ever, a player should not worry solely they didn’t know about it. None of Jim’s
about the amount of physical power his other powers were psychic, so the villains
character has, even if the character wor- didn’t attempt to dampen his psychic
ries about it. If properly used, any power, ability. Keeping the villains in the dark is
skill, or ability will become important. The always useful, if it is done consciously.
GM will undoubtedly give his players the
opportunity to use all the options at their
disposal. Body and mind
Never forget what a character can do. In Once a supercharacter’s powers are
“Truly it can be said that it is the man, decided, take some time to flesh out the
a campaign I ran, five heroes were about
not the powers, that make the hero.” character. By now, you probably have
to go to that big Danger Room in the sky.
The Watcher, What If #36 some idea of the character’s physical char-
They had been captured by a villainess
named Darkling, and were about to be acteristics and personality. It is nearly
Superhero role-playing games have impossible to go through the process of
used as power sources in a ritual of magic.
become very popular, though they can creating a character without picking up
All of the heroes were tied up and their
prove to be exceptionally complicated. The some idea of how the character will look,
known powers neutralized. As the ritual
players must deal with a world that is as both physically and mentally.
neared completion, I was just about ready
complex and changing as the real world, Expand upon vague ideas. Be specific. If
to have the players start rolling new char-
because it is the real world in many ways. you can draw, draw a picture of your
acters when Guano Jim (now known as
Only the presence of superheroes (and character. If not, just write everything
Deva) remembered his psychic link with
supervillains) makes it different. down: height, weight, hair, eyes, skin, sex,
Lynch, a small hawk. Because he rarely
Because of this complexity, players often and handedness. To describe anything out
used the bird, the villains did not know
ignore certain important aspects of role- of the ordinary, use lots adjectives. Is the
about it. Once Jim got in touch with the
playing when playing superheroes. This character gangly? Does the character have
bird, it was child’s play to sneak it into the
villains’ headquarters. There, it freed one deep blue eyes, a soft voice, a plump phy-
of the heroes, who freed the others, and sique? Don’t forget distinguishing charac-
Marvel, Marvel Universe, Marvel Super Heroes, and all
Marvel character names and likenesses are trademarks of they made short work of the villains. teristics. Does your character have a
Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. Because Jim’s player forgot about that one moustache or beard, beehive hairdo, scar,
©1988 Marvel Entertainment Group. Inc.
All Rights Reserved power, the characters very nearly did not or missing left pinky? Write it all down.
survive that adventure. Picture the character clearly in your mind

36 JULY 1988
and treat that picture like a sculpture. If account. If the character is quiet, shy, identity. If you answered “no” to both, he
something looks wrong, fix it. Make sure works well with animals, and knows quite probably will not. If you answered “yes” to
you’re able to picture your character’s a bit about farming, chances are he didn’t only one, your character probably needs a
appearance without difficulty. I once had a come from New York City. secret identity, but may or may not actu-
player decide, after his character had been If the character has a Ph.D., Masters, or ally keep one. Most comic-book superhe-
established, that he wanted to change his Bachelors degree, from what college was roes fall into the first category.
character’s skin color because the original this received? What was college like for Superheroes falling into the second cate-
color didn’t fit the player’s picture of the the character? Does the character still gory are virtually nonexistent, though
character. Because he was insistent, the keep in touch with friends and professors? many supervillains (especially the mon-
player was allowed to make the change, What was the character’s childhood like? strous types) appear here. Examples of
which didn’t affect anything that had What is the character’s occupation? Does Marvel Universe® heroes in the third
already happened. Still, the player should the character like her occupation? What category include the Fantastic Four® and
have figured out this characteristic in kind of people does the character have for the Hulk™. The Fantastic Four, while intel-
advance. In another instance (and in a relatives? What kind of people does she ligent, have few friends or relatives who
game in which handedness was deter- have for friends, and who does she hang are not superheroes. Bruce Banner has
mined randomly) a player decided that his out with when she’s not adventuring? This many friends who get into trouble because
character had to be right-handed. The is all included in a complete origin. All of of the Hulk, but the Hulk is not (or has not
player was right-handed and didn’t think these facts need not be determined imme- been, at least) intelligent enough to worry
he could picture his character doing things diately; they can be added as the game is about a secret identity. Note that Mr. and
left-handed. This may sound trifling, but if played and the knowledge is needed. Mrs. Fantastic have realized that secret
you can’t picture your character correctly, Finally, how were the character’s powers identities are useful and have tried to
you’ll find it that much harder to get into received? Were they inherent powers create them — but have discovered that
the game. gained at birth? If so, how did this affect this is not an easy task, and that it would
Eventually, you should have a pretty the character’s childhood? If the powers have been far easier to have done so right
good idea of your character’s personality. were only recently gained, how did the from the start.
Write down this information. Is your character react to this? Have the powers Why have a secret identity? Even if your
character slightly pessimistic, noble, occa- changed the character’s life in any way? character is the most powerful being on
sionally erratic, or prone to follow orders? When you know the answers to these Earth, chances are her grandmother and
Don’t forget bravery, cowardice, short questions, it will become much easier to her lover are not. Some villains have no
tempers, kindness, cleanliness, brashness, role-play and have even more fun. You will qualms about taking revenge on people
and eccentricity. be much more involved in your character close to your character. A secret identity
Don’t think it necessary to create and may even be able to give your GM also gives your character the ability to rest
extreme personalities. Some players try to ideas for subplots to liven up the main without worrying about having villains
create personalities that nearly qualify for adventure. Take an interest in your char- attack him or the public mob him.
inclusion in diagnostic manuals for psy- acter’s family, friends, and aspects of his The first precaution in getting a secret
chologists. These aberrations often take history, and the good GM will occasionally identity is to change your character’s
the form of berserker or killer instinct, or incorporate them into the game. appearance. The easiest way to do this is
pride that would put a Bostonian to A basic origin outline can streamline with a costume, which serves two pur-
shame. These characters are easy to role- your work. Each of the following areas poses: It hides your character’s identity,
play because the player can rely on stereo- should be covered for a superhero: and it makes his superhero identity easily
types or focus on only one aspect of 1. Distinguishing physical characteristics recognizable to friends and foes alike. If
personality, such as pride. However, it is (including eye color, hair color, skin, your hero (in his secret identity) and a
much more satisfying in the long run to height, build, etc.). costumed villain slug it out on the streets
play normal personalities. Psychotics tend 2. Distinguishing mental traits. of New York City, the cops are likely to try
to be very one-dimensional by nature. 3. Favorite activities. to arrest both combatants but if your
They also tend to make the game less fun 4. Occupation(s). hero is wearing his easily recognizable
for the other players, as their heroes must 5. Co-workers and superiors of impor- red-white-and-blue costume, officers will
be wary of the psychotic hero. tance to the character. recognize him as a hero and give him
If you want to play a very strange char- 6. Relatives important to the character. some help. Costumes also identify heroes
acter, at least keep it three-dimensional. 7. Best friends. to other heroes, making it much more
Limit extreme strangeness to one or two 8. Affiliations, including: likely that they will receive cooperation,
odd personality traits. A happy-go-lucky a. Hometown and they identify heroes to the public.
berserker is fine, but a happy-go-lucky, b. High school (sports, band, etc.) Crowds are less likely to panic if a cos-
erratic, noble berserker is not. Expand the c. College (sports, fraternity or sorori- tumed hero “flames on” than if some anon-
character’s normal personality ‘traits in a ty, etc.) ymeus stranger bursts into flame.
way that will make the character more d. Professional (societies, union, etc.) The best way to mask your character’s
fun to play. Maybe the character tends to e. Recreational (health clubs, etc.) identity is by covering her face, which is
go berserk when fighting, but she also 9. Manner in which powers were the part of the body that most people use
values her friends highly and will usually gained, and the effects thereof. to remember acquaintances. If you do not
listen when these friends try to calm her. wish your character to wear a full face
Secrets within secrets mask, a Lone Ranger mask is efficient.
Previous lives It is very easy to determine whether or Hair disguise is also important. If your
Your character has powers, a body, and not your character will keep a secret character has a distinctive hair style or
a mind; now he needs an origin. Origins identity. Ask yourself these questions: color, this must be hidden. Don’t forget
cover the history of a character up to the 1. Does my character have relatives or beards and moustaches. These can make
present. Think about your character’s friends who are not as well-equipped as Lone Ranger masks nearly useless. Hair
personality; think about how it could have my hero to deal with megalomaniacal can also be useful in changing appearance.
formed. What kind of upbringing brought villains? Wigs, fake beards, and fake moustaches
this character about? You might even want 2. Does my character’s intelligence rate can aid in hiding your character’s identity.
to think about some specific events that above moronic? It is not recommended that these aids be
happened in the character’s past. Don’t If you answered “yes” to both questions, worn in the superhero role; in an all-out
forget to take skills and knowledge into your character will probably keep a secret battle, they are far too easy to lose.
Instead, they should be worn in the nor- doesn’t have to change into costume to how can access such information, thus,
mal (secret) identity. If your character combat crime. Many powers can be used even the agency cannot be trusted. Just
already has a beard and moustache, and quietly and quickly, without arousing because the agency is friendly now doesn’t
they aren’t too important to him, shave suspicion. If a villain happens to trip over mean it will always be friendly. Leadership
them off and replace them with exact a vine while escaping a heist in Hawaii, changes hands, legislative bodies take new
replicas. Then, when changing to the nobody's going to connect it with that action, and public opinion varies. Any
superhero identity, take off the beard and tourist from Michigan (who has many number of things can occur which would
moustache. Also, a wig that matches your secret plant-control powers). put your character and her friends in
character’s hair can give a different hair When friends and relatives get into jeopardy. The recent events in the Captain
style for each identity. trouble and your character must save America® comic are proof of this.
Glasses are great. If your character wore them, try to do so surreptitiously. Not only Superheroes are another story. If your
glasses before receiving his powers, keep will extended contact with people he character works with a certain hero or
them, even if they are no longer needed. If knows tend to make them suspicious, group for a long period, he will find it
they are still needed, use contacts or gog- others will recognize that he is paying too very useful to be able to relax with these
gles in the superhero identity. Combined much attention to certain people and will heroes as friends in their secret identities.
with other factors, glasses can be a great be able to get at his friends and relatives If protected and used properly, a secret
and subtle disguising factor. without even knowing his secret identity. identity is far more useful than it is a
The basic idea is to make your character You may also want to do things to actu- nuisance.
look different as a superhero. Anything ally mislead those searching for your
you can do to change her physical appear- hero’s identity. You could pick a certain
ance will help. If she has a power that will part of the city and always have the hero Playing the game
do this, it can also be used. The effect arrive to fight crime as if he were coming The first thing you must do as you start
should be permanent, however, and not from that part of town. If he usually playing the game is find out about the
dependent on concentration. It would not swoops down from the northeast when campaign world. What other heroes and
do to return to normal every time your confronting villains, people will eventually villains exist? Take special notice of the
character is surprised or knocked out. come to assume that he lives in the north- NPC heroes and villains taken from the
Voice changes are also important. If your east part of the city. Tricks such as these comic books; they are likely to play a
character has a distinctive voice, find a are not hard to develop. prominent role in the game world. Also,
way to disguise it. A face mask that covers keep up-to-date on current events in the
the mouth can muffle the voice. Your Who to tell real world. Some of these may also occur
character might even want to make that One final point about secret identities. in the game world, if the GM is on the ball.
part of the mask thicker to muffle his Your character will occasionally want to Find out about the differences between
voice even more. Don’t go overboard, trust someone with the “big secret.” Cer- the real world and the game world. Are
however; people need to understand what tain people even have a right to know. For there lots of super-powered beings or only
your hero’s saying. If your character is a instance, spouses should be told; so should a few? Is public opinion for superheroes
good actor or impressionist, he could even parents, if the hero is still living at home. favorable or unfavorable? Does the public
change his voice when switching identi- In both of these cases, the affected person know that these beings exist? One player
ties, becoming more dramatic in his heroic should be told immediately before making in my campaign missed out on a decent
role. If your character does follow this the decision to be a superhero. These amount of fun because he didn’t listen to
example, make sure that each voice used people will be strongly affected by the my introduction and didn’t know that the
sounds convincing, and that your charac- decision and should be involved in the PCs were the first and only superbeings
ter does not goof up. If your character. decision-making process (if the player and on Earth. You will have a lot more fun and
uses uncommon expressions (“Wild!” or GM like the idea of playing this out). your character will have a much better
“Ducky!” for example), make it a point that Friends can be sources of support when chance of surviving if you know what is
he does not use these in his hero role. He times get tough. going on around you.
may even want to make up some unique If your character doesn’t tell them, she’d Most importantly, learn from your
ones for his heroic identity, even if they better be good at making excuses; she’ll adventures. Don’t make the same mistake
sound a little corny. need to explain quite a bit, such as why twice, and don’t act without thinking. If
Gloves are a useful part of any costume, she is consistently late for school or work, something unexpected happens, ask your-
as fingerprints can identify almost anyone. why she must cancel engagements and self if there is a reasonable explanation.
Remember that chance and human nature disappear at a moment’s notice, and why This could save your hero’s life. One
are on your character’s side. Villains who she must disappear for hours at a time. adventure I ran involved the heroes in a
know her in her hero identity will find it Your character may also feel the need to fight with a giant, seemingly invincible
hard to connect her with her normal tell someone else: a girlfriend or boy- robot. One of the PCs, Lightwave, was a
personality (unless she unwittingly helps friend, perhaps. Chances are that they hero who could convert his body to blue-
them). Likewise, the thought that this should not be told. They must not only be green light. He could also emit a laser
woman could be a superhero will never implicitly trustworthy now — they must beam of the same light. When he attempt-
occur to friends and relatives who know be trustworthy years from now. And even ed to hit the robot with the laser, the beam
her in her secret identity (unless she if they can be trusted, they can still get dissipated a few feet from its target. Mean-
makes them suspicious). It is up to the themselves or your character into trouble. while, the rest of the team were trying to
player to make sure that others simply do Anyone who knows your character’s see if they could get inside the robot.
not make the connection between the secret identity will try to contact him Lightwave thought this was a good idea, so
character’s two identities. when he is needed. If this contact comes he decided to try to dart into the robot’s
Also be careful about where your char- to the notice of one of the superhero’s ear. A moment’s reflection would have told
acter appears. She very likely has one enemies; not only will your character be him that the laser light was probably
built-in disadvantage: She can never in danger, the friend will be in grave dan- dissipated by a field of some kind sur-
appear in both her secret identity and her ger as well. rounding the robot. Since Lightwave was
hero identity at the same time. Do not Your character may even feel it neces- made of the same energy as his laser, the
compound this problem by having your sary to tell the secret to government agen- field was able to dissipate him. He sur-
character’s hero identity appear in every cies or other superheroes. Government vived but sustained massive injuries. It
out-of-the-way place her secret identity agencies are a no-no; everything they was an important lesson learned at a very
happens to be. In these situations, she know is on file. Anyone with the know- high cost: Think before you leap.
38 JULY 1988
The limits of power requirement and would thus make it usea- making the wrappings and box invisible. If
Your character must also get to know his ble three times as often, and so on. the Grue hadn’t been observant and hadn’t
powers. Determine your character’s limits. Your character should also practice thought about what had happened, that
If she is strong, what is the maximum tricks — special uses for his powers or use would never have been realized.
weight she can lift? If he has an energy abilities that may not be very obvious. A
blast, what is the maximum damage he trick may involve another skill or more Group effort counts
can do? It is far better to learn your limits than one power. Using telekinesis to fiddle At some point in your character’s career,
under controlled conditions (i.e., by exper- around with the inside of a lock is a trick; he will probably become involved with a
imenting) than in the heat of battle; this is not only does your character need to learn group of heroes. There are a couple of
particularly true if the GM likes to hide fine telekinetic manipulation, he must also things groups should keep in their collec-
exact information on a character’s powers. learn lockpicking skills. tive minds. First, make it a point to prac-
Practice using your hero’s powers at Sometimes you may come across a trick tice together. Practice combining your
maximum potential, and practice using by accident, so keep your eyes open. One various specialties into tricks that are
them at less than maximum. In the field, it player in my campaign had a hero, the more complex than tricks a single hero
is best to use attacks at half-strength or Lurking Grue, who knew the magical spell can perform. The “Fastball Special” of
less, depending on who is being fought, for invisibility. He was not very good at Marvel’s Wolverine™ and Colossus™ is a
unless the added power is needed. Your casting it and failed almost as often as he prime example of this. Using Colossus’s
character is not going to make brownie succeeded. Then one failure resulted in a strength to throw Wolverine at extremely
points with anyone — press, public, or very strange occurrence. Although the large, flying, or highly perched opponents
police — if everybody she fights ends up Lurking Grue didn’t become invisible, allowed the two earthbound heroes to
either dead or maimed for life. Real heroes various items which he was carrying did. attack villains they couldn’t normally
rarely need to kill. When he realized what had happened, he reach.
Using powers at less-than-maximum cancelled the spell but took note of that Special maneuvers must also be devel-
potential should also save energy (if the effect. He reasoned that it meant this oped. These are general, nonspecific plans
previous argument isn’t suitable). If the specific spell could be used selectively. for the group to follow that can work in
game system used does not account for Thus, it could be used to make things only many situations. By calling the plan
this, you may want to talk to your GM. A partially invisible. No doubt visions of “maneuver A” or “maneuver B,” the leader
satisfactory system would be easy to headless horsemen and bodiless smiles ran can give instructions without informing
implement. Using a power at half the through his head, but he also found other the opposition. For example, if the group
normal output would use half the power uses for that spell. He found it simple to has entered combat with some villains in a
requirement, and would thus make the make a wall invisible in order to see fairly crowded area, the leader can tell the
power useable twice as often. One-third through it, and with practice was able to group to execute maneuver A. The group
normal would use one-third the power safely inspect suspicious packages by will then perform a series of feints and

retreats designed to move the fight to an should the group continue or switch to events can be much more subtle. At one
isolated area. This works much better plan B? If the group is attacked unexpect- point in the campaign previously men-
than yelling “We gotta move the fight away edly, are they going to be able to deal with tioned, in which the PCs and one NPC
from all these people!” thus reminding the the threat? If not, the group must get out were the only superheroes, the NPC hero
villains (played by the GM) that there are immediately, and the leader must find the died. The players know I prefer to have an
dozens of possible diversions and hostages best means of retreat. This is a lot to ask NPC in the group, so they expected me to
there for the taking. of a player, but if he’s sharp, having his create another one. At the same time in
Maneuvers should be limited to easily hero lead pays off well. the game world, ROC (the major criminal
remembered, generally applicable instruc- Of course, all the intelligence and quick organization) was devising a plan to infil-
tions. Useful maneuvers can often be thinking in the world will do no good if no trate the Lugnuts (the players’ group)
found by recalling what happened in a one follows the leader’s orders. Thus, the using a very elaborate scheme. ROC took a
fight after the action is over. If someone second requirement is that the leader man, created an identity and a history that
must often repeat a certain set of instruc- should be able to command, either explained his knowledge of ROC, and fed
tions, that set of instructions is a candidate through respect or friendship. In any case, it all to the man through hypnosis. One
for classification as a maneuver. Likewise, the group must be willing to follow the night while the Lugnuts were sitting
if a simple plan failed because the villains leader’s orders. A charismatic and enthusi- around eating reheated pizza, there was a
heard the leader yelling it out, that plan is astic player helps enormously here! knock on their door, and in walked
also a candidate for classification as a Finally, the group will be interacting “Sandy.”
maneuver. with the public, through innocents, offi- “I understand you’re after ROC,” Sandy
Choosing a leader is another very impor- cials, and media. The leader will usually be said. “I am, too. I’d like to join forces with
tant part of being in a group. Every group the group member who communicates you.”
of more than three heroes should have a with the public because he is the person “How do you know about ROC?” was the
leader to make quick decisions when the public wants to talk to. A leader with inevitable question.
speed is necessary. The basic candidate for good public presence (i.e., high charisma) “I’ve been chasing them for many years.”
a leader must be able to think fast under will greatly enhance these interactions. It “Why?”
stress, be able to command, and have a is the leader who will keep the group on “They . . . they killed my daughter. I’d
good public presence. the good side of the local public, media, rather not talk about it.”
The ability to think fast is most impor- and government. And the Lugnuts believed it. These
tant. It wouldn’t hurt if the leader were heroes had been in touch with the CIA;
also highly intelligent, but quick thinking The “real” world according to their contact, the CIA knew
comes first. The leader must be ready to Most important of all: When you are little about ROC except its name. Sandy
make important decisions at a moment’s playing the game, play as if it were real. If claimed to know names, office locations —
notice. If plan A begins to go wrong, something seems strange to you, assume it the works. There wasn’t complete accept-
truly is strange. Do not assume it is ance, however. One player stated that he
strange just because the GM made a mis- was suspicious and was going to keep an
take or the game rules make that strange eye on Sandy. But there was no attempt to
event normal. Also, do not take events in check out the man’s story or his back-
the real world as reasons for events in the ground.
game world. More than once I have seen The result: The heroes were led straight
players ignore valuable information only into a trap. On the way to that trap, they
to find out later it was because they sim- picked up and passed on so much disinfor-
ply attributed it to a mistake on my part, mation that the CIA now knows less than
rather than to actual events in my game nothing about ROC. Both the players and
world. (“Yeah, I noticed that, but I thought the CIA believe ROC has been all but
you just misspoke!‘) If you truly think the destroyed. C’est la vie des fous.
GM misspoke or the game system broke In short, use your head in superhero
down, point this out immediately. The GM games. They’re tough, but they’re the best
will tell you whether or not the event there are.
actually occurred.
The tendency to take real-world needs
and actions as causes for game-world

40 July 1988
in the

by William Wilson Goodson, Jr.

84 APRIL 1989
Different Body ratings are given against ble, the helpless sub sinks. The electrical
conventional, electric, and magnetic systems essential to both control and the
In DRAGON® issue #105 ("The Big
attacks. life-support systems have Good Protection
Guns"), some basic rules were outlined for Bulls-eye targets: These are the least- from electrical or magnetic attacks.
the use of heavy military equipment in the Bull's eyes may be scored against the
armored parts of a vehicle which a preci-
MARVEL SUPER HEROES® game. The sion weapon may be able to hit. For periscope and radar disc. Damaging the
MARVEL SUPER HEROES Advanced Set example, an archer may not be able to disc (Good Material Strength) destroys the
includes detailed rules for tanks, planes damage the hull of a tank, but he could ship's radar system, making it possible for
and such, but the descriptions of the dif- break the tank's infrared spotlight. planes and ships to approach undetected.
ferent vehicles remain very vague. When Damaging the periscope (Typical Material
Control: This is how well a vehicle can
playing against a submarine or helicopter, execute changes in direction and speed. Strength) renders the ship blind while it is
it helps to have a clear picture or exactly Crew: This is the number of people a submerged.
what the vehicle can and cannot do. A Kill result can damage one of the
vehicle requires in order to operate. A
In a world-spanning submarine's two propellers, cutting Speed
crew member may carry almost any kind
campaign, your of hand weapon the referee chooses. and Control in half. If both shafts are
characters are likely damaged, the ship has no means of propul-
Kill results: If an attacker scores a Kill
to run into Soviet as sion and sits dead in the water (though if
result on a vehicle, the hit should cause
well as American serious damage to the craft. For example, submerged, it can surface by blowing its
weapons. The a Kill result against a ship might (at the ballast tanks). A Kill result with enough
Soviets are noted for power to penetrate the hull is able to
Judge's option) stop the engine or jam one
their production damage one of the submarine's four
of the propellers.
of simple engines. Two diesel engines are used when
Protection: This is the amount of armor
but a vehicle provides for passengers inside it. surfaced, and two electric engines are
Different protection ranks are given used when submerged (diesel engines
against conventional attacks and both require a great deal of air in order to
chemical and biological weapons. Soviet work).
crew members may be individually pro- This submarine's top speed is 18 knots
tected by special suits which give Excellent on the surface and 14 knots submerged.
dependable Protection against chemical and biological Its best depth is a secret but is assumed to
equipment, and weapons. Such a suit cuts Agility and be less than 500'. To go below this level
weapons manufact- Fighting abilities by two ranks and offers requires a FEAT roll against the hull's
uring is one of their no protection against blows or gunfire. strength. A White or Green result means
few profitable Speed: This is the rank representing the the sub survives; a Yellow roll means the
industries. Having maximum safe speed of a vehicle. One sub drops a rank in every class; and on a
licensed the pro- knot (used in seagoing-vessel descriptions) Red roll, the submarine is crushed and
duction of their older is about 1.15 MPH. destroyed.
weapon systems to Armament descriptions have been kept This submarine requires 25' of water to
other countries, the Soviets now have as simple as possible so that each cannon, maneuver on the surface. In shallow
instructors and advisors stationed all over machine gun, or other projectile weapon water, the sub will run aground. Escape
the world. The vehicles mentioned in this will have a simple classification. This then requires a Green FEAT roll on the
article can be found in many places. For allows readers to use the game character- Typical column, but may be tried only
example, the Hind helicopter can be found istics of the weapons, bombs, and missiles once every 10 turns.
in Afghanistan and Nicaragua, and in the Advanced Set Players' Book on The primary weapons carried on this
Whiskey-class submarines are used to spy pages 41-46. submarine are four bow torpedo tubes,
on Western countries. each able to fire 21"-diameter torpedoes.
Each description has a few uncertainties, Whiskey V class submarine This sub also has two stern tubes able to
as the Soviets do not publish details on their The Whisksey-class submarine was fire 16"-diameter torpedoes. The torpe-
military vehicles if they can avoid it. Statis- designed in the early 1950s and is a small does can be treated as missiles (Excellent
tics agreed upon by most sources were used, vessel that forms a compromise between Body, Remarkable Control, Excellent
as were the most common NATO designa- having a long cruising range and having Speed, 25-area Range), but they can only
tions. When ammunition or missile supplies the ability to maneuver close to a coast- be fired at objects in the water. These
for a weapon are not given, make up a line. Approximately 260 of these subs torpedoes usually carry carry concentrated-
reasonable result (up to 10 missiles and were built, and they have been sold to explosive warheads (Remarkable damage),
1,000 rounds of ammunition). Poland, North Korea, Cuba, Egypt, and but NATO believes they can carry nuclear
The Russians constantly upgrade their Indonesia, among other places. The Peo- bombs of unknown size (Unearthly to
equipment. Reports have reached the ple's Republic of China has produced its Class 1000 damage).
Western press that the newest Soviet tanks own version of this model. A Whiskey- Whiskey-class submarines have been
have armor that is highly effective against class submarine ran aground near a major observed with several types of deck guns,
antitank weapons. The Soviets are also Swedish naval base in 1981. Others have so the Judge may put almost any size
designing shells which they hope will been detected in the same area since then, machine gun or artillery piece there.
crack America's new ceramic tank armor. suggesting this submarine is being used Crewmen may be equipped with almost
In view of this, just about any of the for coastal reconnaissance. any type of hand weapon listed in the
superscientific weapons described in the The Whiskey-class submarine has Excel- Player's Book.
MARVEL SUPER HEROES game may be lent Control, Poor Speed, and a Remark-
placed on Soviet vehicles. You can bet the able Body, with Excellent Protection for its Nanuchka class III missile corvette
Soviets of the Marvel Universe® create crew of 54. Though small, this submarine The Nanuchka-class corvette is produced
weapons to deal with Western heroes as has a heavy, pressure-resistant, compart- by the Russians for their own navy, but
well as with super villains. mentalized hull; if one chamber is these ships have also been sold to several
The following terms are used in the breached, it can be sealed to protect oth- countries in the Middle East and to India.
vehicle descriptions in this article: ers from flooding. Each separate hull Each corvette has Typical Control,
Body: Body is the amount of damage a breach reduces the sub's Control and Body Remarkable Speed, and a Remarkable
vehicle can take before it stops operating. by one rank; if either ability reaches Fee- Body providing Excellent Protection for a

crew of 100-120. This corvette cannot move into water 3 Sagger is a wire-guided missile with a
These missile corvettes were designed less than 40’ deep or it will run aground. concentrated-explosive warhead (Excellent
for firing antiship missiles. Each corvette Escape then requires a Green FEAT roll on Body, Excellent Speed, 840’ Range). The
has a wide hull which makes it a steady the Typical column; escape attempts may Sagger’s Control is equal to the operator’s
missile-firing platform in rough seas. They only be made once every 10 turns. Agility since he guides the missile by sight.
operate both as fleet escort vessels and as The Nanuchka-class corvette carries two The Sagger, also known as the Milutka,
shore patrol boats. Though lightly close-range weapons systems: a 76-mm can be fired by two-man teams on the
armored, these ships have advanced elec- gun (treated as light artillery in the game ground. The Hind E carries four AT-6
tronic countermeasures of Remarkable rules) and a Gatling turret (treated as a Spiral missiles, which are guided by a laser
efficiency to prevent them from being military machine gun). Its principle long- beam focused on the target; the laser can
seen on radar. range antiaircraft defense is a twin SA-N-4 be operated by the helicopter or by men
These corvettes are compartmentalized surface-to-air missile launcher. The on the ground. The Spirals concentrated-
to protect them from flooding. When the launcher is housed in the deck and explosive warhead is designed to penetrate
outer hull is breached, only one chamber requires about five minutes or 50 combat armor, while its Control rank is equal to
will flood before that chamber is sealed turns to pop up when needed. An SA-N-4 the operators Agility (Excellent Body,
off. Each breach of the hull causes the missile is fired vertically, then guided by Amazing Speed, 16,500’ Range).
ship to lose one rank in both Body and radar (Good Body, Incredible Control,
Control. Whenever the ship reaches Fee- Excellent Speed, 60-area Range, Sukhoi Sui-17 Fitter-C
ble in either of these ranks, it sinks. concentrated-explosive warhead). The The Sui-17 is a tactical ground-support
Possible Bull's-eye targets are the radar ship’s main weapon is a set of two triple jet fighter. The Fitter-C model was built in
disc, radio antenna, and any crew mem- SS-N-9 surface-to-surface missile part for export and is used not only by
bers operating on the deck. The disc and launchers. The SS-N-9 missile is a radio- Russia but by Peru, Egypt, and several
antenna each have Good Material linked missile, so its course can be cor- Warsaw Pact countries. Sui-17s saw com-
Strength. Damaging the radar disc kills the rected if fired at a target over the horizon bat in both sides of the recent Libyan-
early-warning system, while breaking a (Excellent Body, Incredible Control, Excel- Egyptian conflict.
corvette’s antenna prevents the ship from lent Speed, 68-mile Range, high-explosive This aircraft has Excellent Control, Shift
communicating by radio and cuts off its warhead). X Speed, and a Typical Body providing
electronic countermeasures. Typical Protection. It is a single-seat air-
A Kill result means one of the three Mi-24 Hind helicopter craft with a crew of one (the pilot). The
propellers (Excellent Material Strength) The Hind is a multipurpose attack antiar- fuselage has Typical Protection, but the
has been damaged or fouled. This reduces mor helicopter. It is in service all over the electronics system has only Poor Protec-
the ship’s control and speed by one-third. Soviet Union and has been used extensive- tion from electronic and magnetic attack.
The Nanuchka-class corvette has six diesel ly in Afghanistan, where it has become The plane has electronic countermeasures
engines and normally travels at 32 knots. known as a symbol of Soviet brutality which provide Good Protection against
against a poorly armed enemy. radar detection. The pressurized cockpit
This helicopter has Excellent Control, gives Unearthly Protection to the pilot
Remarkable Speed, a Typical Body, and from all chemical and biological weapons
provides Good Protection. The Mi-24 has a as long as it remains sealed.
crew of two, a pilot and co-pilot, and can A Bulls-eye result may damage the
carry eight passengers. The helicopter plane’s controls, requiring it to land imme-
normally offers Typical Protection, with diately. A Kill result means the engine is
Poor Protection from magnetic and electri- knocked out and the plane will crash.
cal attacks. The crew and passengers The Fitter-C has a single turbojet engine.
receive no protection from the helicopter At sea level its maximum speed is 798
from chemical or biological weapons. MPH, while it can go 1,432 MPH at its stand-
A Bulls-eye result against the Hind may ard altitude of 59,050’. It can climb 45,275’
damage the tail rotor, requiring the craft per minute. However, the Sui-17 is
to land immediately. A Kill result destroys designed for close support of ground
the motor or main rotor, causing the heli- troops and often operates well at near-
copter to crash immediately. ground level. This fighter requires 25
The Hind gunship has a cruising speed areas of smooth, hard surface in a straight
of 140 MPH and a 300-mile Range. It can line in order to take off or land.
land and take off in a single area and The Fitter-C carries two 30mm NR-30
hover in one place until it runs out of fuel. cannons (treat as light artillery). One can-
While hovering, it can turn to face any non is mounted on each wing with 70
horizontal direction. rounds of ammo. The jet also carries drop
The Hind comes in several versions, tanks and has six wing pylons able to
each with different types of armament. All carry up to 11,023 lbs. of bombs, napalm,
versions can carry four missiles each. The and missiles. This jet normally carries AS-7
Hind A has a heavy machine gun (treat as Kerry air-to-surface missiles (Excellent
a military machine gun) mounted in its Body, Remarkable Control, Excellent
nose, The Hind C has no nose gun, while Speed, 6.8-mile Range, high-explosive
the Hind D and E each carry a four-barrel warhead). The AS-7 is believed by Western
machine gun (treat as four military sources to follow a beam sent by the air-
machine guns). The Hind A, C, and D craft to its target. It is not known if the
carry either the AT-2 Swatter or AT-3 Sag- beam is a laser or radar beam.
ger antitank missiles. The AT-2 Swatter is a The Su-17 is equipped with radar and
heat-seeking missile with a concentrated- two separate radios – one for contacting
explosive warhead (Excellent Body, its base and other aircraft, and one for
Remarkable Control, Excellent Speed, talking to ground troops.
7,000’ Range). Its guidance system is The Su-17 can ram for Remarkable
designed to find hot tank engines. The AT damage to itself and its target if in flight.
86 APRIL 1989
However, if either its Body or Control rank The T-62 has a water-cooled diesel
falls to Feeble, it blows up. It must make engine and is capable of moving about 30
an immediate Control check (Yellow FEAT) MPH on flat terrain. The tank can climb a
in order to avoid going out of control slope of 60°, roll over a vertical obstacle
when it strikes anything or is struck itself. 30” high, and ford water up to 4½’ deep
If the plane is damaged, the pilot may eject without modifications. Enough fuel is
if he makes a FEAT roll against his, Agility. carried for traveling 310 miles, but extra
gas tanks can be carried on the tanks rear.
T-62 main battle tank The infrared spotlight removes any Con-
This vehicle is manufactured by the trol loss during night travel.
Soviet Union and is used by its own army, The T-62 has a forward-mounted 115mm
as well as by Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, cannon (treat as heavy artillery) which
East Germany, Egypt, Hungary, Iraq, Isra- uses shells with rear fins to stabilize them
el, Libya, Poland, Romania, and Syria. It in flight. The cannon can only fire in the
has an Incredible Body, Poor Speed, Excel- direction the turret is facing, but the tur-
lent Control, and Remarkable Protection. ret can turn 360°. Also mounted on the
The tank has a crew of four (commander, turret is a 7.62mm machine gun (treat as a
gunner, loader, and driver). military machine gun). The infrared spot-
The T-62 has up to 3” of welded armor light is mounted next to the guns and
and weighs 16,600 lbs. The crew receives removes any loss of accuracy at night.
Excellent Protection not only from chemi- Like most Soviet tanks, the T-62 can
cal and biological weapons but from radia- produce a smoke screen of Excellent den-
tion when the tank is sealed. Its electrical sity. This screen is produced by pumping
systems, including the ignition and radio, diesel fuel into the exhaust system, and it
have Excellent Protection from energy spreads over 1 area every 2 turns behind
attacks. the tank.
On the T-62 series, Bull's-eye targets The T-62 can ram for Remarkable dam-
include the radio antenna, headlights, and age. If it rams and rolls a Red result on the
infrared spotlight. The tank also has two Remarkable column, it will run over the
periscopes used by the commander when target (if the target is not too large) and do
the hatches are shut. All these items have Incredible damage.
Typical Material Strength. On a Kill result,
the Judge may decide to jam one of the MARVEL, MARVEL UNIVERSE, MARVEL SUPER HEROES,
treads or damage the engine, stopping the and all Marvel character names and likenesses are trademarks
of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.
tank in place until it is repaired. ©1989 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Nobody Lasts You aren’t likely to know what’s going to
happen to your character if he dies. Even
if you do, you’ll only have to deal with the
aftereffects once. NPCs are a different
case; they can drop like flies in tough

campaigns. Judges should determine post-
mortem effects beforehand, especially if
the current adventure has a high risk of
PC or NPC fatalities. The information
should be kept secret unless later events
enable someone to puzzle it out.
Since most PCs are unique individuals,
post-mortem effects can be specifically
But Death rarely has selected or randomly determined for each
superpowered hero as appropriate. Simply
roll 1d100 on Table 1 for random results.
the last word on superheroes If the character’s powers are species abili-
ties or are the results of processes used on
a number of beings, one post-mortem
effect should be sufficient for everyone in
that group. The Judge should be prepared
by David Edward Martin to decide how technologically produced
superpowers are affected if the deceased
equipment still operates after the death of
its user or if such equipment is damaged
Let’s think about the unthinkable—namely, death and its effects at the time of the user’s death.
on your hero’s career in the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ game.
Post-mortem effects
Death doesn’t usually change people physically. Oh, they don’t Table 1 lists the various post-mortem
breathe, are no fun at parties, and have hygiene problems, but on effects that might occur when a superbe-
the whole, not much else occurs to the ing dies. Of course, these effects may not
recently departed. Superbeings are a apply if the superbeing was merely a
normal (if athletic) human.
different case. Because of the powers PM1/Total Loss: The body retains
that some superbeings (or their su- none of the powers possessed by the de-
perequipment) possess, death may ceased and remains physically unchanged.
For example, when Changeling died while
cause unforeseen events with the loss impersonating Professor X, his body was
of the deceased’s conscious control. locked into that form.
PM2/Reversion: The body retains
none of its superpowers. It also reverts in
death back to the deceased’s original form.
Werewolves are an example of this.
PM3/Partial Loss: The body loses
some superpowers and retains others.
Generally, those powers that required a
conscious mind in order to operate are
lost, while those powers that are a func-
tion of body structure remain. For exam-
ple, a dead Armadillo would still have an
armored hide and claws.
PM4/Retention: The body retains its
superpowers, though it is, of course, un-
able to use them unless converted into a
zombie or animated by a possessing life
force. Some powers are localized in partic-
ular parts of the body. If those body parts
are transplanted to another being, the
recipient gains the superpowers inherent
in those parts. For example, if the de-
ceased had optical powers such as tele-
scopic and microscopic vision, the
transplanting of those eyes to another
might give the recipient those powers.
Such powers that remain decrease in rank
as the body decays, but such decay halts if
the parts are properly transplanted or
PM5/Self-Direction: The body’s
powers turn upon itself. Each power re-
leases a final, full-strength attack at the

All Marvel characters: ™ & © 1989 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. DRAGON 47
body. This flurry of activity may destroy, it had during its superpowered phase, l Combine old powers into new hybrid
transform, or otherwise alter the dead such powers most likely reappear. forms; or
superbeing. If such self-directed attacks If the body is restored to a pre-super l Add powers resulting from the means
are of higher rank than the deceased’s state (for example, a dead Thing being used to resurrect the deceased (for
former Health, the body may be burned, revived as a mid-20s Ben Grimm), such example, bionic implants to maintain
disrupted, or even disintegrated outright. powers might not reappear. Of course, the the restored life force may possess
Afterward, the remains are inert and potential for later development of powers additional abilities).
possess no remaining powers. For exam- remains (the revived Ben would still have
ple, if the deceased possessed a petrifying his potential for mutation). Mental powers Immortality and longevity
power, the body may suddenly transform may reappear if they were a function of Now that you’re depressed, let’s deal
into a rock statue. the physical structure of the brain or if with powers that help your PC avoid that
PM6/Self-Destruction: The body’s the original life force returns. unknown country from which few explor-
powers turn upon itself. The deceased’s If the deceased is cloned, you must ers return.
power ranks are totaled and converted consider whether the deceased’s powers P21/Immortality: The Players’ Book of
into a self-destructive blast of equal rank. were genetic in nature. If the powers the MARVEL SUPER HEROES Advanced
If the blast is of higher rank than the were not genetic, the clone is assumed to Set deals with this power. However, you
deceased’s former Health, the body is be the same as the deceased’s pre-super might want to know a few details, such as
burned, disrupted, or disintegrated. For form. If they were a function of the de- how old your pet immortal appears (Table
example, when the android Hyperion died, ceased’s genetic code, the clone may be
his body dissolved into protoplasm. How- physically the same as the superbeing’s Table 1
ever, no matter how destructive the blast, original superbody. Powers that were
Post-Mortem Effects for
its effects do not extend beyond the body. based on later mutation or modification
The nature of the self-destruction should are not necessarily present in the clone,
be characteristic of the deceased’s body or but the potential is there for recreation of
1d100 Post-mortem effect
powers if possible. those missing powers. For example, a 01-25 PM1/Total Loss
PM7/Explosion: The body’s powers clone of Ben Grimm would be human, but
26-54 PM2/Reversion
erupt in a single explosion as the body exposure to gamma radiation might make
55-69 PM3/Partial Loss
spontaneously detonates. The deceased’s the clone orange, rocky, and superstrong. 70-84 PM4/Retention
power ranks are added together and con- If the clone is possessed by the original’s 85-91 PM5/Self-Direction
verted into a single explosion of equal life force, mental or magical powers will
92-95 PM6/Self-Destruction
rank. For propriety’s sake, let’s assume probably reappear, although the clone 96-98 PM7/Explosion
that organic beings completely disintegrate may have initial difficulty in using familiar 99-00 PM8/New Power
with little mess. Robots, cyborgs, and powers in an unfamiliar body.
inorganic parts become shrapnel. If the Sometimes conditions transplant the
deceased was sufficiently powerful, his deceased’s life force into a new body.
Table 2
death could mean the demolition of large These “body transplants” give the hybrid a
Apparent Ages of Long-Lived or
parts of the countryside or even the combination of the life force’s mental or
Immortal Superbeings
planet. Again, the nature of the destruc- magical powers and the body’s physical
tion should be characteristic of the de- powers. For example, Walter Langkowski
1d100 Apparent age (years)
ceased’s body or powers. (formerly the orange-furred, male Sas-
01-07 Baby (under 2)
PM8/New Power: For reasons un- quatch) was restored to life in the white- 08-14 Child (2-11)
known, the death trauma causes the de- furred Sasquatch form that was once 15-29 Teen (12-19)
ceased’s existing powers to transform into Snowbird’s body. Langkowski thus re-
30-58 Young adult (20-40)
a new power. The power is selected at tained the ability to transform between 59-80 Middle age (41-60)
random and may have nothing to do with the white Sasquatch form and a human 81-94 old (61-80)
the previously existing powers. The body body, but that body was Narya’s female 95-00 Very old (81+)
emits this new power uncontrollably, form. (Fortunately, that little oversight has
much like a isotope emitting radiation. The since been corrected.)
body is not immune to this power; if the
2) and how old that being actually is (Table
new power is destructive, the body soon Resurrection as remodeling 3). Later, we’ll also consider what happens
disintegrates and the power ceases to Resurrection is a handy way to alter or
if an immortal becomes mortal.
function. However, if the power is useful redefine a superbeing’s powers. Super-
P22/Longevity: Adam Sonfield, a
or even valuable, the deceased may be- powers result from a complex interaction
come a valued commodity. In the rare between a life force, a physical body, and
reminded me that a greatly increased
event that this new power somehow ne- (perhaps) external forces. Death, even as a
lifespan is not necessarily the same as
gates death, the character rises like Laza- temporary state, alters the equation. Play-
Immortality. Longevity does not automati-
rus from the tomb. ers and Judges should agree on the overall
cally include immunity to disease, aging,
effect the resurrection will have on a
or bodily destruction, and someone with
A question of resurrection superbeing’s powers. Examples include:
Longevity merely has a greatly increased—
In comic books and their role-playing l Retain the same powers but generate
but finite—lifespan.
systems, death is reversible. Beside its new ranks for them;
When creating a character with this
obvious effect on the character, what l Trade randomly selected powers for
power, you need to determine both the
effects does revival have on his powers? new powers;
actual age of the PC (Table 2) and his ap-
The answer is: any effect. It depends on l Throw out all powers and generate new
parent age (Table 3). In the case of the
what killed the being the first time, what ones;
recently born (those under 100 years old),
happened to the body, and how revival l Alter the ranks of a randomly selected
the apparent age should be middle age or
occurred. The Judge should decide which number of Physical Abilities;
younger; otherwise, how would you know
of the following states applies. l Keep only mental and magical powers (if
the hero was long-lived?
Physical resurrection occurs when the this is a new body);
The total lifespan of someone with Lon-
body is returned to at least minimal Health l Keep only physical powers (if this is a
gevity is determined by his power rank.
and a life force is restored or developed. If new life force);
The power rank number is cubed, then
the body is restored to the same condition

48 OCTOBER 1989
multiplied by 70 years (current average Normal life: Character is now a normal normal life expectancy withers to a mum-
human life expectancy) to generate the individual of his apparent age with a nor- mylike state. If his age exceeds four times
probable lifespan of the being in question mal life expectancy. If the power can be his normal life expectancy, the mummy is
(see Table 4). For beings with other lifes- later restored before a natural death oc- apparently lifeless. Consciousness remains,
pans, multiply the modifier in Table 4 by curs, he continues living on as if little had though, and the “mummy” is free to use its
the lifespan common to that race. For happened. If death occurs meanwhile, an other powers as best it can. If the Longev-
example, a field mouse with Typical Lon- immortal might still resurrect himself if ity or Immortality power is later restored,
gevity could reach an age of 216 years. the power is restored to his remains. the character might regain his previous
In such cases where the actual age of a Sudden aging: The character rapidly appearance, depending on the circum-
hero is greater than his expected lifespan, ages to his true age but doesn’t necessarily stances and the Judge’s discretion.
assume the character was either affected die. A character whose age exceeds his Aging and death: The character rapidly
by a process or event that further in- mining the effects of disease on a long- ages to his true age. The shock tends to be
creased his lifespan (for example, being a lived PC. If the Longevity rank is higher fatal, especially if the character’s actual
time traveler) or that he is aware that his than the Endurance number, it can also be age is more than twice that of his normal
remaining days are few in number. In used to determine the character’s rate of life expectancy. Rapid decomposition oc-
either case, this extension can lead to all healing. curs in 1-100 turns; the remains attain a
sorts of plot complications. Is the charac- The player should also determine the state similar to that of a normal body the
ter trying to complete a final task before character’s aging rate. Does he age in a same age as the recently deceased’s actual
dying? Is he trying to do something to steady but incredibly slow rate? Does he
prevent death and renew his as-yet- suddenly gain a year’s worth of aging once Table 5
unexplained extension? each century? Although this information Aftereffects For Loss of
Remember that a long life expectancy might have little game use, the informa- Longevity/Immortality
includes no guarantee of actually living tion will help flesh out your PC’s long life
that long. PCs are still prey to accidents. story or give motivation to long-lived NPCs’ 1d100 Effect
For example, consider the case of a mad machinations. 01-40 Normal life
scientist who, having just completed a 41-60 Sudden aging
process that gives him a potential lifespan Quick exits 61-00 Aging and death
of thousands of years, promptly trips on a But what happens to an immortal or
power cord and dies of a fractured skull. long-lived character if that power is re- age. Bodies under 4,000 years old are
A character’s Longevity rank can be moved or negated? Roll 1d100 on Table 5 mummified; those up to 10,000 years old
added to his Endurance rank when deter- for the answer. become skeletons, and those older than
that collapse into dust. If the power is
restored to an immortal’s remains, the
immortal can eventually return to life
Table 3 (traditional vampires are an example of
Actual Ages of Immortal or Long-Lived Superbeings this). Longevity-powered characters re-
quire aid from such powers as Resurrec-
1d100 Actual age (in years) Birth era
tion or Self-Revival before they can regain
01-06 Under 100 Modern industrial era
their previous physical conditions.
07-39 100-500 Post-Renaissance
40-67 501-1,500 Dark Ages Marvel, Marvel Universe, Marvel Super Heroes, and
all Marvel characters, names, and likenesses are
68-79 1501-4000 Classical period trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.
80-88 4001-10,000 Ancient, post-Ice Age Copyright 1989 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All
89-94 10,001-100,000 Cro-Magnon, Ice Age Rights Reserved.
95-97 100,001-10,000,000 Primitive man
98-99 10 million-5 billion Various prehistoric eras
00 5 billion + Before Earth was created

Table 4
Life Expectancies of Long-Lived Superbeings

Rank Modifier expectancy (years)
FE (2) 8 560
PR (4) 64 4,480
Ty (6) 216 15,120
GD (10) 1,000 70,000
EX (20) 8,000 560,000
RM (30) 27,000 1,890,000
IN (40) 64,000 4,480,000
AM (50) 125,000 8,750,000
MN (75) 421,875 29,531,250
UN (100) 1,000,000 70,000,000
Shift X (150) 3,375,000 236,250,000
Shift Y (200) 8 million 560 million
Shift Z (500) 125 million 8.75 billion
C1000 1 billion 70 billion
C3000 27 billion 1.890 trillion
C5000 125 billion 8.750 trillion

of the
Just how much
Limbo can a superhero
swallow, anyway?

by David Edward Martin

Like the two previous “Ultimate Ad-

denda” articles in this magazine (in issues
#122 and #134), this article deals with
readers’ questions about MA3 The Ulti-
mate Powers Book, a compendium of
superpowers for the MARVEL SUPER
HEROES™ Advanced Set. First, however, I
must apologize to those readers who have
personally written me and even included
SASEs for the replies. I am horrible at
answering letters—or rather, I am great at
answering letters, but I tend to lose either
the address or SASE of the person I am
replying to, or I just forget to mail my

What happens when a being with

MG3/Internal Limbo uses that power
to capture another character who
also has Internal Limbo?
I love topology: It’s so twisted. The an-
swer to this depends on who used the
power first. If only the attacker (call him
“A-Man”) used this power, the victim (let’s
call him “V-Man”) is sucked in just like any

other target. V-Man’s own Internal Limbo increases in size until he cannot leap far- leaper is getting smaller, too. The end
(“Limbo-V”) remains unaffected, save that ther than he can step, the character can- result is that, despite the degree of minia-
its entry point is now located within the not leap at all and must walk. turization, the hero’s leaps are still the
first person’s Limbo (“Limbo-A”). When travel powers like Hyper-leaping same length when measured in the unmin-
If V-Man’s power was sufficiently strong, are included, these proportionate de- iaturized “real world.” For example, the
he could capture everything within Limbo- creases in leap length are altered, at least half-inch Ant-Man and the normal-size
A. A-Man would then have a Limbo-A as far as the hero’s perception of them is Scott Lang can both make leaps of 6’ in
empty of everything except for V-Man. concerned. The rank of the Hyper-leaping length, although such leaps would appear
Once V-Man has captured everything increases in the same manner as the to Ant-Man to be 864’ in length. Of course,
within Limbo-A, a Red FEAT would allow Strength rank—that is, the rank gains a in the light-weight miniaturized state, air
him to completely swallow even the empty + 1CS bonus for every 2CS of Growth currents will alter such leaps (the Judge
space of Limbo-A. It would appear to A- rank above Feeble. For example, a person must rule on these effects in a game).
Man that Limbo-A had completely van- with Typical Hyper-leaping and Incredible When the effects of Hyper-leaping are
ished, though the still-captive V-Man would Growth can leap 10’ at normal size, 20’ at considered, the perceived distances in-
be present. The difficulty of the FEAT is Excellent-increased size, and 30’ at crease even more, but the actual distance
determined by the rank of A-Man’s Inter- Incredible-increased size. covered remains the same. For example,
nal Limbo power. A final Red FEAT would With Atomic Dispersal, the character’s consider the hypothetical villain Grasshop-
enable V-Man to topologically reverse his leaps initially increase in inverse propor- per, who has Ant-Man’s shrinking power
situation: Limbo-V would reach out and tion to the character’s size. However, since as well as his own Excellent Hyper-leaping.
swallow A-Man, while simultaneously the character’s density is decreasing, the At normal size, he can leap 30’, but when
spitting V-Man back into the real world. leaps become harder to control. Wind he is miniaturized to half an inch, those
If V-Man has TS/Dimension Travel or devel- currents can significantly alter the length leaps appear to him to be 4,320’ long but
oped a Power Stunt whereby he can travel of such leaps and can even carry away a are still only 30’ long.
through his own Limbo and exit elsewhere, low-density hero. Once the threshold to the Marvel Mi-
he can skip the above steps and use this croverse is crossed, all leaping movement
power to escape from Limbo-A. However, assumes the same proportionate lengths in
his power rank must be equal or higher How far can a being with Hyper- relation to the moving character as such
than the rank of the imprisoning power. leaping go if he also has S30/ leaps possessed in the normal-size uni-
If both Internal Limbo powers were Shrinking (Atomic Shrinking), taken verse. Further miniaturization then starts
used, simultaneously, an extraordinarily from issue #122? the whole cycle over again.
twisted convolution occurs. The best ex- The following Hypothetical Physics The distance leaped by a character with
ample I can think of would be the Doctor lecture also applies to characters with the the Atomic Collapse form of Shrinking
Who episode in which the Master’s TAR- Atomic Loss form of Shrinking. Logically, seems to shrink in proportion to the char-
DIS materialized inside the Doctor’s TAR- the length of the leaps should decrease in acter’s overall height, because his weight
DIS. Somehow the two extradimensional proportion to the size of the miniaturized remains the same regardless of height.
fields warped around each other, with the being. However, since the character’s
result that each TARDIS had the other weight decreases with miniaturization, What happens when a being has
within itself. The Doctor’s TARDIS was in such leaps lengthen at the same time! P5/Hyper-speed but not a travel
the Master’s control room, while the Mas- Rather than burden players and Judges power?
ter’s TARDIS was in the Doctor’s control with a complex series of equations (which
room. The trap was escaped only when I wouldn’t understand either), let’s just say
both TARDISes simultaneously warped that from the character’s point of view,
away from each other. In our example, the leaps increase in inverse proportion to
both A-Man and V-Man would have to the degree of miniaturization (e.g., shrink-
simultaneously use their powers to eject ing to 50% of a character’s original size
each other and free themselves. gives leaps of 200% their original length),
but this increase is negated because the
How far can a being with T9/
Hyper-leaping go if he also has S25/
Growth (Atomic Gain), mentioned in
“The Ultimate Addenda” in DRAGON
issue # 122?
The initial impression one has is that the
distance that being jumps will increase in
length. However, both the Atomic Gain
and Atomic Growth powers increase the
character’s weight geometrically. This
decreases the distance an enlarged charac-
ter can leap. In the case of a character
who has only his normal strength to rely
on, such leaps appear to decrease in
length in inverse proportion to the degree
that the character grows. For example, a
being enlarged fourfold could make leaps
that (to him) are only a quarter of the
distance he could leap at normal size. In
short, if the character could leap 6’ at
normal size, and then enlarges himself to
four times his normal height, he can still
only leap 6’. When the character

92 NOVEMBER 1989
Hyperspeed increases the character’s speed pushes the travel power’s speed and control, the RIP statistics are normally
reaction time and movement rate. In the distance covered from the land-speed those of the hero. If control is broken, the
case in question, the hyper-speedster has a column to the air-speed column on the doppelganger usually dissipates instantly.
proportionate increase in his walking and Movement Table (The Ultimate Powers Independently minded doppelgangers
running speeds, but not in the distances he Book, inside back cover). Thus, the pres- require the player to generate new RIP
can cover. Limits on normal fatigue still ence of Hyper-speed of any rank increases ranks for them.
apply. For example, a relatively Typical a Remarkable Hyper-runner’s speed from In either case, the player must decide
person who happens to have Good Hyper- 90 MPH (the land-speed column) to 225 whether the RIP statistics are merely
speed could walk at 40 MPH or sprint short MPH (the air-speed column). If a second averages for each doppelganger generated
distances at a speed up to 150 MPH, but he Hyper-speed power is generated during or represent point pools that are evenly
would tire out after covering the same the character’s creation, this can be used divided among all doppelgangers simulta-
distances that he could cover at normal to push the speed over to the space/ neously operating. This should be decided
speed. Of course, you might develop a extradimensional-speed column on the when the character is created.
Power Stunt that enables a character to movement table. In the example above, Once that is settled, you can answer the
rest at Hyper-speed. (I know that sounds our Hyper-runner’s speed would further Berserker question yourself given the
oxymoronic, but the concept works.) increase to 4,000 MPH. specifics of your situation. In the case of a
directly controlled doppelganger, the
What happens when you have What would be the FASERIP statis- Berserker effect modifies only the dopple-
both Hyper-speed and T10/Hyper- tics of a character with EE3/Energy ganger’s FASERIP scores (if the Berserker
running at the same rank? Doppelganger, both with and with- power is assigned to the doppelganger) or
I’ll amend what I wrote in the Hyper- out his own mind? What happens if the FASERIP scores of both the hero and
speed entry in The Ultimate Powers Book, you give him the F1/Berserker doppelganger (if the Berserker power is
page 78. There I wrote that the Hyper- power? assigned to the hero).
speed rank can be substituted for a lower- The answer to this depends on the na-
ranked travel power’s speed. Let’s add two Do you have any more questions about
ture of the doppelganger and what powers
options designed to make the runner more The Ultimate Addenda and its superpow-
are assigned to it. The doppelganger’s
equal to his aerial counterparts. ers? Send your comments, questions, and
Fighting and Agility ranks are the same as
In option #1, the ranks of the two afor- suggestions to me, care of DRAGON®
those of the character, while its Strength
mentioned powers combine to produce a Magazine. I can’t guarantee I’ll answer
and Endurance are equal to the Energy
higher speed. For example, Incredible them right away, but I will read them.
Doppleganger power’s rank. However, if
Hyper-speed and Remarkable Hyper- the doppelganger lacks the means to solid-
running combine to enable the hero to run ify itself, its Strength rank is irrelevant. Marvel Super Heroes and Marvel Microverse are
trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.
at Monstrous speed (135 MPH). If the doppleganger lacks a mind of its Copyright ©1989 Marvel Entertainment Group Inc.
In option #2, the presence of Hyper- own and operates under the hero’s direct All Rights Reserved.
To Wed
Vanna White!
The Marvel Universe™ meets . . . the real world
by Fraser Sherman

If that sounds like an improbable head- Not everyone likes super heroes, either. ago, during the trial of the Wraith (Marvel
line, how about: These heroes are very powerful, and Team-Up #51). Being mind-controlled is
“Marilyn Monroe Was a Skrull!” power corrupts. Look at Iron Man’s recent now a valid defense against criminal
“New York Housewife Bears Captain rampage against armored criminals; at charges. (Professor X and Moondragon
America’s Love Child!” Magneto, a former mutant terrorist; or at were called as expert witnesses; the
“Elvis: Was He Reincarnated As the Daimon Hellstrom—would you trust some- Wraith, his father’s mental puppet, was
Hulk?” one once called the Son of Satan? Some found not guilty.) No doubt other attor-
You won’t see those titles at the local super heroes aren’t even human; there are neys have used that defense since, even
newsstand, but in the Marvel Universe, it’s mutants, synthozoids, androids, and aliens when it’s not true. When it is true, it must
another story. Newspapers like the Na- running around under those masks. be very difficult to prove.
tional Enquirer probably run as many But the majority of people would admit The law appears to give nonhumans at
stories about the Fantastic Four as they do that superheroes do a lot of good. Society least basic human rights. For all the hatred
about Joan Collins. needs them. That’s why the law turns a leveled at mutants, no one has ever argued
What would the world be like if super blind eye (in the MU) to so many of their that as non - Homo sapiens they aren’t
heroes were real? How would America activities. It’s understood that you don’t legally human (which would mean they
change if some Americans had the power make a fuss when super heroes commit had no rights whatsoever). Although he’s a
to level entire cities? This article covers breaking and entering, trespassing, assault synthozoid, the Vision’s marriage to Scar-
how the Marvel Universe (hereafter called and battery, and other illegal activities in let Witch has been accepted by everyone,
the MU) has adapted to its many super the cause of justice. That’s why so many a good precedent if people ever ask “Is
beings, what things could happen in a GM- people in comics say they don’t like vigilan- artificial life really human?”
created super hero universe, and what tes. If they were in this world, taking the On the other hand, the new Mutant
might happen if super heroes turned up in law in their own hands and answering to Registration Act requires mutants to regis-
your home town. Though this article is no one, I doubt I’d like them, either. ter their names and whereabouts with the
oriented toward the MARVEL SUPER The “blind eye” helps some heroes more government. Although it hasn’t been
HEROES™ game, its ideas are applicable to than others. Spider-Man has been har- tested in court yet, the act strikes me as
other super hero RPGs. assed a lot by police over the years, largely being unconstitutional. Nevertheless, the
due to The Daily Bugle’s campaigns against MU government is going ahead with it.
The Marvel Universe him. The Avengers, on the other hand, For more on the subject of super heroes
In the MU, there have been super he- have enjoyed government backing for and the law, I highly recommend Robert
roes as far back as World War I. The cur- most of their existence. New PCs may find G. Ingersoll’s “Law is an Ass” column in
rent heroic age, starting with the Fantastic their situation closer to Spidey’s; the The Comics Buyers Guide. It is very in-
Four, has lasted a little over 10 years (even police—perhaps even other heroes—are formative on such questions as suing
though comic books about it have been unlikely to trust masked strangers until super heroes, what constitutes a legal
appearing for nearly 30). Costumed heroes the strangers prove themselves. arrest, and whether Matt Murdock knows
and villains are a fact of life. Then there are other problems. In real- anything about the law.
That doesn’t mean the public believes world America, it’s unconstitutional to Of course, the government may step in
everything it hears. Outside New York imprison a man in a cardboard box. But in as well. The American government has
City, few people have seen super heroes in the MU, super heroes did it to the Absorb- wanted its own super heroes since the
action, and some suspect their powers and ing Man once, as it was the only way to 1940s, when FDR commissioned a project
adventures are exaggerated, at least keep him from using his powers to escape. to create an army of super-soldiers (the
slightly, by the press. The weirder the The law has had to change to deal with project was sabotaged after it created
news is, the more skeptical the public is. super villains; punishments like this are Captain America). Today, Marvel America
Iron Man is a lot easier to accept than Dr. not considered unconstitutional if they’re employs the mutant group Freedom Force.
Strange, let alone some blonde guy claim- necessary to keep a villain in jail. Super agents are certainly useful, but they
ing to be the Norse god of thunder. Another precedent was set a few years aren’t necessarily reliable. Many militant

76 DECEMBER 1989
Resisters, who oppose the Mutant Regis- people to believe in them. If they’re the yourself what would really happen if
tration Act, used to work for the govern- very first super beings, people are going to super heroes turned up in your home
ment as the Mutant Force. S.H.I.E.L.D. be skeptical (“Special effects can do any- town—or, say, my home town.
tried to develop a super team, but half its thing! Didn’t David Copperfield make the Fort Walton Beach sits next to a major
recruits turned out to be traitors. And the Statue of Liberty disappear?“). There may military installation, a center for nonnu-
U.S.S.R. has developed many super heroes even have been fake super humans trying clear weapons research. That makes the
(Crimson Dynamo, Black Widow, the Uni- to cash in with trickery (“Give me all your town a natural source for PC or NPC ori-
corn, etc.), but many of them have re- money! You can see by my costume that gins (“The laser cannon imploded, and Sgt.
belled or defected. I’m a powerful super villain!“). Farren’s glowing with energy!“) and pro-
Would the situation be the same in the Also, people won’t be as nice about vides plenty of classified secrets for crimi-
real world? Would you accept Captain heroes bending the law as they are in the nals to steal. And if the military ever
America as your President? Or would you MU. It’d be one thing to stop a crime in decides to create its own super heroes, the
fear that a super police force become as progress, but assaulting suspected felons research and development will probably
bad as the Sentinels in the MX Future in and breaking into alleged hideouts won’t be done here.
Flames module series? Look at the way go over well with the American Civil Lib- The military would take a keen interest
people in the real world resist or succumb erties Union. The heroes might even find in any super heroes who appear in town,
to the temptations of power, and decide themselves on the wrong end of a lawsuit. monitoring or spying on them to learn
for yourself. Loyalty might be a hero’s Before long, the “heroes” may run when- whose side they’re really on. Perhaps the
most valuable trait. ever the police appear, the way Spider- military would even try to learn the he-
Business will be affected by super he- Man has done so many times. roes identities—in the interest of national
roes, too. In the MU, property can be The government may finally decide to security, of course.
insured against damages caused by super accept this sort of unique law-enforcing Ft. Walton Beach is also a tourist town.
humans (I imagine there are personal activity. Then again, it might require super Tourism-related business might be divided
injury policies, too). “Super hero insur- heroes to register with the police, as well on the PCs’ presence, both pro (“Think
ance” is probably pretty cheap in most as slap umpteen regulations on them. The how safe they’ll feel with the Protectors
parts of the country; how many people in government might even forbid super watching over them.“) and con (“Every-
Milwaukee are likely to claim damages? heroes to operate unless they work for the one’s afraid Wolverine’ll be in the condo
But in New York, where buildings are police, the FBI, the CIA, or some other next door!“). And there’s a conservative
leveled almost daily, premiums must be official organization (or have them do it religious faction here, the kind that finds
tremendous. for at least a couple of years to prove D&D® games to be “satanic.” I doubt it’d be
There will be clauses and exemptions, themselves, then let them free-lance). On a pleased if real magic-using super heroes
too. Insurance companies don’t pay for local level, towns might want resident appeared (or worse, a “false god” like
damages caused by acts of war, so anyone heroes to carry a bond against property Hercules or Thor).
who lost his house during the Wraithwar damage or perform 20 (or 30, or 50) hours Not everyone in the area with super
in the Rom comics is out of luck. And, of community service a month as a good- powers will become a super hero. A cop
contrary to a recent issue of Avengers, the will gesture. who gets powers might decide to use them
companies probably didn’t pay when On the bright side, a nation that idolizes but as a cop (“This badge means more
Namor lead an Atlantean invasion of Vanna White ought to be really impressed than any stupid costume!“). What about an
America, either. There may be other, spe- with people who can fly. Super heroes IRS agent who reads minds? Or a salesman
cial exemptions that may be fairly obvious could become the hottest celebrities who mentally compels people to meet his
(“Read the fine print. We don’t pay for around—invited to be on the “Tonight prices? Or a farmer who grows super
damages caused by Galactus.“). Show,” begged to endorse politicians and plants? (“Just got a green thumb, I guess.“)
Super heroes haven’t affected the rest of products, become the stars of movies, TV, Do your players have any political
the business world much, but at least two comic books, or even role-playing games, views? Perhaps they’d like to have their
new businesses have developed involving A starstruck America might forget any PCs act on them (comic-book heroes seem
super humans. One supports the super- fears they had of these heroes, so long as to have no politics beyond upholding the
powered mercenary—people like Luke the heroes don’t get beaten or fail too cause of Good, but we’re talking reality
Cage, Paladin, or Silver Sable, who operate often. PCs may meet or become heroes here). A new, hazardous landfill has be-
as heroes for hire. On the other side of the more concerned with saving their careers come big news in this area; perhaps the
law, we have Justin Hammer and the than saving lives. Or heroes could become heroes would like to crusade against it.
Tinkerer, who create and repair the so- so popular the public will let them get But what if the landfill’s backers are
phisticated equipment today’s high-tech away with almost anything. threatened by an eco-terrorist and the PCs
villains need. Then there are the super villains. How have to protect the backers? What if the
Surprisingly, there has been little effort would a world like ours keep them impris- local KKK head is targeted by an assassin,
to merchandise super heroes except in oned? If a PC captures a super-powered and a black PC is asked to help save him?
comic books. When the Fantastic Four cyborg, would it be cruel and unusual Suppose the PCs meet a hero who is ideal
appeared, they were contacted by the MU punishment to remove or deactivate the in every way except for being an out-
versions of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, who foe’s bionic limbs? If it were possible to spoken bigot?
suggested adapting the FF’s adventures take away criminals’ super powers, would If one of the PCs is a mutant (and lives in
into a comic book. The heroes agreed, and it be legal? And what about insurance? In the MU), would he protest the Mutant
the book was such a success that Marvel a new world, insurance companies Registration Act or sign up? Perhaps he’d
has been signing up heroes ever since wouldn’t be prepared to pay for the kind want to be a test case that a civil-rights
(Nova #5 shows how Marvel goes about it). of damage super humans can do. Wher- groups could use to challenge the law in
Steve Rogers once drew for his own Cap- ever your PCs start operating, insurance the courts. Or what if a mutant equivalent
tain America comic. rates will skyrocket—if the companies of Martin Luther King appears, urging
don’t just cancel everyone’s policies. The nonviolent protest in the name of mutant
New worlds current malpractice insurance crisis rights? What would happen if he came to
So far we’ve covered how super beings would be small potatoes by comparison. Ft. Walton? Would the PCs want to get
have affected the MU, A new world, in involved? This sort of politics might not be
which your PCs are the world’s first he- Getting started to everyone’s taste, but players with
roes, would be another story. To show some of the real-world situa-
To start off, the PCs have got to get tions that can affect any universe, ask Continued on page 91

78 DECEMBER 1989
CONJUNCTION, July 27-29 Set up a voluntary tithing system for
This convention will take place at New Hall your campaign. Does your paladin have to
College, Cambridge, England. The guest of make his monthly donation to his church?
honor will be Gregory Stafford. Events include Toss a quarter into a piggy bank each time
numerous RPGs, panels, a masquerade, and a he does so. Does your thief have to give
dealers’ area. Membership is £12 for those over the guild a cut of his weekly profits? Drop
18. Write to: CONJUNCTION, 25 Wycliffe Road,
a dime into a jar after you cross off his
gold pieces. Is it time for your warrior to
1990 GEN CON® Game Fair, August 9-12
build a castle? Toss a dollar into the kitty.
Make your plans now to attend the biggest After three months, add it all up and send
and best game convention of them all, at the it off—with everyone’s contribution going
MECCA Convention Center, Milwaukee, Wis.! An to his or her favorite real-world cause—
“Early Bird” registration form is located within and start over again. Even dumping pocket
this issue. Be one of the first to reserve your change into your “savings” can add up
spot for this incredible game fair. We’ve pulled over the weeks.
in over 10,000 people for two years running! And what if you live alone and play solo
Write to: 1990 GEN CON® Game Fair, PO. Box
games? Toss a quarter into the pot every
756, Lake Geneva WI 53147.
time you play out an adventure on paper
or on your computer, and see it add up.
September 28-30 Picking a cause is easy, and every player
This celebration of fantasy and horror is going can have a different cause. What worries
to be held at the OMNI International Hotel and you most: disaster relief? educational
Convention Center, Atlanta, Ga. The guest of quality? pollution control? medical ad-
honor is Michael Moorcock, with many more vancement? Does your local library,
guests to be announced. Events include four school, or hospital need a new wing? Do
tracks of panels and workshops, a masquerade, you have brothers, sisters, cousins, or
an art show and print shop, video rooms, art,
friends who live in areas hard-hit by disas-
and consignment auctions! Write to: GEORGIA
FANTASY CON, Box 148, Clarkston GA 30021.
ter or poverty? Have you had enough of
sitting around and listening to the news
rather than making the news yourself?
Then do something about it!
The Bottom Line: It is a fact that 99%
of all player characters do not care about
anyone else but themselves. That’s the
way things are in most role-playing games.
But that does NOT have to be the way
Editorial things are in real life. You are greater than
Continued from page 5 that, and you can make a difference in the
lives of thousands, if not millions, of peo-
Other conventions have done similar ple in any part of the world you choose.
things (and I would love to hear from their And all you have to do is play games.
organizers to find out how they did it). Hell of a system, isn’t it?
The RPGA Network offered one piece of For the good of our world, give it your
advice to me on this topic. If you want to best.
donate some of your convention’s pro-
ceeds to a helpful organization, contact
several such organizations long before-
hand and let them know what you are
planning. Get them to respond and explain
how they will use your donation, then
choose the one that you feel will do the Spider-man
best job. If you are going to help others,
Continued from page 78
help them wisely.
A convention may even support several strong views might enjoy putting them to
different organizations and causes, if the test.
donations are made from different events.
These events could be made regular con- A final thought
vention features, offering the most chal- You don’t have to make your game “real-
lenging tournaments or entertaining istic” if you don’t want to. Realism is not
auctions. an end in itself. If you think the real world
If you do nothing else, you can always would hate, fear, and outlaw super heroes,
set up a secure box for voluntary contri- but you and your players don’t like that
butions, advertising its presence to all idea, don’t use it. The purpose of realism
gamers and staff. At the end of the con, let in gaming is simply to make the game
everyone know how much was collected— more enjoyable. RPGs are meant to be fun,
and keep a year-by-year track of your after all.
donations (that seems to encourage better
UNIVERSE, and all Marvel characters, names, and
At Home: Okay, so you aren’t a conven- likenesses are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment
tion organizer or even a convention goer. Group, Inc.
But you have meetings with your fellow Copyright ©1989 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.
gamers at your home. You can still help. All Rights Reserved.

“Who Was That
Masked Android?”
How to keep a super hero’s identity a real secret!
by Marcus L. Rowland
Super heroes with secret identities are All aspects of the rating system are physical form. (Colossus)
often extraordinarily careless. Flimsy heavily biased toward heroes; only the Incredible: The hero’s costume or
covers that wouldn’t last five minutes in most careless will suddenly learn that The powers substantially alter his size and
the real world are expected to stand up to Daily Bugle has published their secret form. (Hulk, Thing)
the scrutiny of hostile and friendly intelli- identities, or find hit men waiting in their Amazing: The hero’s costume or powers
gence agencies, the media, police, friends, apartments after a hard day of crimefight- cause radical physical transformations.
relatives, co-workers, employers, and ing. This system has been tailored for (Human Torch when “flamed on”)
other heroes—no matter what. compatibility with the Advanced MARVEL Monstrous: The hero has an unusual or
We all know that the world isn’t like SUPER HEROES game, but it can easily be extremely thorough disguise, involving a
that. The technology of identification is adapted to any other game. total physical change, different body, etc.
highly developed and uses dozens of fo- To calculate the Secrecy rating, the hero (Thor/Donald Blake)
rensic and investigative techniques. It’s must be assessed for each of the following Acting talents: If the character is
virtually impossible to do anything with- factors: Disguise, Precautions, Confidants, skilled as an actor or similar performer,
out leaving evidence: fingerprints, photo- Profile (Secret), Profile (Super), Conceal- and he uses the skill to enhance his dis-
graphs, saliva, skin particles, hair, blood, ment, and Karma. When all factors are guise, this may cause a shift of 1-3
etc. And these aren’t the only ways we assessed, add the points for each factor columns on his rating, as follows:
affect our surroundings. Modern society and divide by seven to get the final Se- Occasional amateur actor/performer:
runs on records, and anyone who seems crecy rating. +1CS
to behave abnormally risks attracting the Some of the heroes and villains men- Professional performer (but not an ac-
attention of tax agencies, the police, and a tioned below do not currently maintain tor): +2 CS
variety of other authorities. It’s difficult secret identities; Secrecy ratings instead Professional actor: + 3 CS
enough for anyone to drop out of sight in reflect an earlier period of the character’s This assumes that the character auto-
our own world, but in a super-powered career or a potential rating. A few exam- matically uses his skill to change his voice
world, most agencies could call on the ples have been left blank, where no char- and posture as a super hero.
help of their own super-agents with a acter seemed to fit the circumstances
range of unusual talents that could easily described. For the purposes of this article, Precautions
track down almost any hero or villain. Add anything said about the secret identities of Does the character try to avoid any
the scrutiny of the press to these factors, heroes also applies to villains. connection between his secret and super
and it seems unlikely that a real-world identity, or are the two closely associated
super hero could stay hidden for long. Disguise by common friends and interests? For
Having said this, it should be remem- Does the hero wear gloves, a mask, or example, Peter Parker has an uncanny
bered that comic-book heroes are usually any other disguise? Does the character knack of finding Spider-Man in action;
able to survive such scrutiny even if their change shape or size? These factors can how long will it be before someone puts
disguises are nothing more than changes make identification easy or almost impos- two and two together? Under most cir-
in hair styles or the wearing (or removal) sible. The ratings suggested below are cumstances, this rating should not exceed
of glasses or tiny masks. only guidelines and should be modified for Incredible.
It’s sometimes difficult to understand unusual cases. Under most circumstance, Feeble: An obvious public relationship
why super heroes bother with secret a disguise should never be better than between a hero’s secret and super identi-
identities, which often seem more trouble Monstrous in effect. ties exists; people know of the dual iden-
than they’re worth. But the main reason Feeble: A total lack of care about secrecy tity but lack evidence to prove it. (Kingpin)
for their use is to give heroes (and villains) is shown, apart from a clothing change. Poor: Many obvious links exist between
a private life that isn’t continually inter- (Northstar) a hero’s secret and super identities.
rupted by the press and assassination Poor: Flimsy precautions are taken, such (Spider-Man)
attempts. For the Advanced MARVEL as wearing a domino mask. (Shadowcat) Typical: Evidence of a link between the
SUPER HEROES™ game, activities in one’s Typical: A cowl mask and gloves, possi- two identities exists, such as a similarity of
secret identity are important in restoring bly with a costume that covers the arms, resources and skills. (Iron Man)
and maintaining Karma; this becomes are worn. (Daredevil) Good: No obvious links exist between the
almost impossible if the character can’t Good: The costume covers the hero’s two identities, but some unusual associa-
maintain a normal private life. entire body. (Spider-Man) tions could be found by investigation.
This article presents a rating system for Excellent: The hero’s costume incorpo- (Daredevil)
a new ability score, Secrecy, intended for rates padding or armor that alters his Excellent: No links exist between the two
use as a rough guide to the security of body shape, or the hero has powers that identities, apart from living in same city or
heroes and villains. Check if there is any cause minor changes in his physical form. area. (Thor/Donald Blake)
major change at the end of each adven- (Iron Man, She-Hulk) Remarkable: The hero’s super identity is
ture; if the final rating falls below Typical, Remarkable: The hero’s costume or mainly active in another city or country.
the hero may be due for some problems. powers cause substantial changes in his (Nightcrawler)
100 FEBRUARY 1990
Incredible: The hero’s super identity is they make revealing slips, and they are Profile (Super)
mainly active on other planets or in other often under the surveillance of police, Is the super-character well known or a
dimensions. (Doctor Strange) intelligence agencies, criminals, news total nonentity? Prominent heroes are
reporters, etc. more likely to be monitored by intelligence
Confidants Feeble: The hero’s secret identity is a agencies, the police, and supervillains.
Does anyone know the hero’s secret global figure (the head of a major state, a This rating is often related to the hero’s
identity? Even the most reliable friend member of royalty, a religious leader, a Popularity, but there should not be a di-
might be unable to resist dropping a few pop star, etc.). Everyone in the world rect relationship. A hero dropping from 50
hints, or might be tortured or brain- knows of this person. (Victor Von Doom) to 0 in Popularity because of a particularly
washed to reveal the information. This Poor: The secret identity is a national stupid mistake would become more fa-
category also includes any enemies who figure (American senator, head of a minor mous, not less!
might know an identity but have not yet state, business tycoon, TV star, nobleman) Feeble: Everyone in the world knows of
broadcast it. known to many people in one country, but this character. If a hero, the character is
Feeble: The hero’s secret identity is he is not globally famous. (Mariko Yashida, followed by a fan club and besieged by
known to at least one major enemy or T’Challa) groupies. Both heroes and villains are
many civilians. (Daredevil) Typical: The secret identity is regionally always under observation by the police
Poor: The secret identity is known to famous (a well-known journalist on a city and intelligence agencies. In the case of
friends, relatives, or government agencies. paper, a prominent local industrialist, villains, any appearance is always the
(Shadowcat, Black Widow) mayor, etc.) or is known to a few hundred signal for major countermeasures by
Typical: The secret identity is known to thousand people by name (e.g., an author), military and intelligence forces. (Captain
several civilians. (Iron Man) but is not a major national or international America, Galactus, Doctor Doom).
Good: The secret identity is known to figure. (Anthony Stark, Peter Parker) Poor: Famous on an international or
one trustworthy civilian or 2-5 heroes. Good: About 500-5000 people know of national level, this character is usually
(Scarlet Witch) the secret identity by face, name, or repu- monitored by intelligence agencies and
Excellent: The secret identity is known tation. He may be a lawyer, doctor, foreign spies; (Red Skull, Thor)
to one other hero. (Spider-Man) teacher, director, etc. (Dr. Donald Blake) Typical: The character is famous, proba-
Remarkable: The hero is a loner, and his Excellent: About 50-500 people know of bly one of the top half-dozen heroes or
secret identity is never revealed to any- the secret identity, who may be a clerk, villains in the country, and he is frequently
one. (Punisher) security guard, retired person, etc. pursued by the press, spies, etc. (Mr.
Incredible: Because of amnesia or multi- Remarkable: About 5-50 people know Fantastic)
ple personality, the hero’s secret identity the name of the secret identity, who may Good: The character is moderately well-
does not know of his super identity. be a technician who only meets a few known, with a reputation that probably
Amazing: The hero’s powers are mani- clients, an unpublished author, a night extends to several cities. He receives rou-
fested in a way that leaves no evidence of watchman, etc. (Clint Barton) tine attention from police and intelligence
heroic involvement, or the hero is not Incredible: The secret identity is known agencies. (Black Knight)
aware of his use of his powers. (“Licorice” to 1-5 others, such as a spouse or relatives. Excellent: Though not the premier hero
Calhoun) (Rachel Summers) or villain of a city, the character tries hard.
Amazing: No one knows the character’s He is occasionally pursued by the press,
Profile (Secret) secret identity. The character could be but his activities are rarely the main con-
Is the secret identity a newsworthy unmasked on nationwide TV and wouldn’t cern of any national or international
figure or a total nonentity? Newsworthy be recognized by anyone. (Red Skull, agency. (Mockingbird, Spider-Man)
figures are more likely to be noticed if Scourge)

Remarkable: One of the crowd, the have evidence to back up their ideas. S.H.I.E.L.D., the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, and
character is probably only remembered as Poor: There has been one recent major other major intelligence forces.
“one of those super guys.” The average slip, or a series of minor slips that could Poor: The connection between the iden-
man in the street is unlikely to be able to lead a reasonably competent investigator tities could be learned if a major intelli-
list his powers. (Shaman) to suspect the truth. gence agency made a real effort, or if
Incredible: A second-string hero or Typical: There have been a few minor super-powers and detective techniques
villain, this character is someone well slips, but nothing would immediately lead were used. The connection is definitely
divorced from routine public attention. an investigator to the truth. known to S.H.I.E.L.D. and is probably
Typically, he seen in action only against Good: One or two very minor slips have known to other major agencies.
other super-characters without much been made. Typical: The identity connection is well-
effect on the public. (Kraven) Excellent: No slips have been made (ap- concealed unless a real slip is made. The
Amazing: One or two people probably plies to most brand-new characters). truth is probably known to S.H.I.E.L.D.
know of this character; most don’t and but not to other agencies.
wouldn’t care if they did. The character is Karma Good: The identity connection is unlikely
ignored by the press and other agencies. If a hero has Karma, he tends to be to be known to anyone, apart from any
(Morlocks) lucky. The fates are on his side, the Force confidants that may exist.
Monstrous: Who? No one has ever heard is with him, and coincidences and acci- Excellent or better: The separation of
of this character, who may be brand new dents are resolved in his favor. If he lacks secret and super identities is totally se-
or have little effect on the general public. Karma, he won’t be saved by lucky acci- cure, barring disaster.
(“Licorice” Calhoun) dents, and someone with the CIA or KGB Judges are advised to avoid publicizing
might decide to start looking at those old secret identities unnecessarily, even if the
files on him and analyzing them for clues. PCs are extremely careless. Any factor
If enemies know his secret identity, Karma that might reduce the effect of mistakes
may bring about a situation that prevents should be taken into account. Remember
Concealment them revealing the information. that it is rare for a hero’s alias to be re-
How many of this hero’s last few mis- vealed in the comics. Unless it is essential
sions have involved no slips or mistakes Effects of Secrecy to the plot, most super hero RPGs should
threatening his identity (e.g., ripped Feeble: The police, intelligence agencies, reflect this philosophy.
masks, fingerprints embedded in girders, and other organizations probably know of
etc.)? Since the status of characters both of the hero’s identities. This informa-
changes constantly in the comics, there tion can be learned by any competent Marvel, Marvel Super Heroes, and all Marvel
are no examples in this section. researcher. Gossip columnists may be characters, names, and likenesses are trade-
Feeble: There have been major mistakes waiting for a slack day to reveal the infor- marks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.
in several recent missions, and friends (or mation if it hasn’t already been released, Copyright 1990 Marvel Entertainment Group,
enemies) suspect the hero’s secret—and and the truth is definitely known to Inc. All Rights Reserved.


A super-hero campaign is built on more than combat
by Carleton Tsui
offers role-players the chance to experi-
ence the exciting and dramatic adventures
featured in Marvel Comics. However,
constructing and maintaining a campaign
containing super heroes can be difficult
despite having recognized characters and
a detailed universe. Adventures designed
by the Judge must be challenging, with
ample opportunities for combat, yet con-
tain continuing plot lines that captivate the
participants. The last point is of greatest
significance in a game where characters
do not gain levels and, even after many
adventures, may not be any more power-
ful than when they started. The scenarios
that the Judge devises are the key factor
in maintaining a high interest level. This
article gives insights and some plot ideas
that might help Judges establish cam-
paigns in the mighty Marvel manner. Keep
in mind that while references are made to
the MARVEL SUPER HEROES game, these
points apply to any super-hero game.

Groups and goals

When assembling a super-hero group,
the Judge should have in mind the type of
campaign he wishes to develop. Consider
the following questions:
1. Who are the heroes involved?
2. What do you know about the heroes’
3. What is the goal of the heroes’ team?
These three questions establish the
foundation on which you can logically
build your scenarios.
The single most important aspect in any
campaign is determining who its partici-
pants are. Players should role-play charac-
ters with whom they are familiar and
comfortable. However, players should also
be encouraged to use some less-recognized
characters at times rather than always Marvel, Marvel Super Heroes, and all Marvel charac-
using the same old favorites. The best way ters, names, and likenesses are trademarks of
Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.
to handle the selection of heroes is to Copyright 1990 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All
compose a list of those heroes that you Rights Reserved.


know and would like to see in your cam- and mutants are examples of such quests. ing or likes to sing in public. Peculiar
paign. Judges are most content in building The most difficult aspect of using this goal habits are great attention getters, whether
a campaign with characters they like, just in gaming is in devising a quest worthy of it’s a new hair style every week or roller
as players are more enthusiastic when long-term play. skates worn to work. Personalities are
playing characters they like. Establish a 4. Revenge—Vigilante campaigns revolve harder to pick up on than habits, unless
medium in which both the players and around heroes attempting to avenge some they are obvious or the PCs have known
Judge are content. form of harm done to them. The opposing the NPC for some time. Short tempers,
A crucial factor in the success of the force should be powerful and widespread radical mood changes, or the ability to
campaign is your knowledge of the player to allow for maximum potential when laugh at every situation are easily ob-
characters’ histories. Few know every- designing adventures. The Punisher relies served. Even a person totally devoid of
thing about the vast Marvel Universe, but on the revenge theme. personality could be interesting! Strange
it is a good idea to have at least a general 5. Adventuring—Surprise: Adventurers situations really keep the NPC involved
knowledge about the main characters have no purpose! The heroes live from with the heroes. An NPC can become a
because this background allows you to adventure to adventure without specific hero’s love interest. Maybe the NPC always
develop creative subplots and spark new plans. They may, at times, adopt one of the needs money and finds the heroes gener-
ideas. The Official Handbook of the Marvel aforementioned goals, but nothing is per- ous. Even the landlord who constantly
Universe, recently published by Marvel, manent. Both Excalibur and She-Hulk spies on the heroes’ private activities can
and the Gamer’s Handbook of the Marvel seem to exist for the sake of seeking ad- be memorable (if annoying). NPCs with
Universe series from TSR, Inc. are invalu- venture itself. exceptional talents and disabilities will also
able for gaming purposes. Both publica- stick out in the player’s mind. Players will
tions give extensive histories of heroes and The Judge’s people remember the skilled doctor who saved
villains alike for those not fortunate NPCs are essential for an interesting their lives or the mathematics professor
enough to own every single issue of our adventure and are among the most impor- confined to a wheelchair.
favorite comics. The backgrounds of your tant elements in any campaign. Role- It does not take much to build a memo-
PCs and nonplayer characters (NPCs) are a played well, NPCs provide the human rable NPC. Just one or two memorable
rich source of ideas and plots. contact that spells the difference between traits assigned to an NPC can make him
From defending the world to just being a ordinary and exceptional games. Interac- interesting. Consider the Marvel charac-
nice guy, everyone has a reason for being tion with NPCs adds realism to the game ters Alicia Masters, J. Jonah Jameson,
a hero. Likewise, there should be a reason and makes the players aware that the Willy Lumpkin, and Aunt May. Each of
why super heroes do what they do or why world and its events do not revolve these normal characters is memorable
they work together if they are not usually around their PCs. because each has a special trait connected
allies. Your campaign need not duplicate Through NPCs, Judges can not only have to them. Alicia is a blind sculptress, J.
the existing Marvel Universe; anything you some fun in their own adventures, but can Jonah Jameson has a horrible temper,
want to happen can happen. However, if gain a degree of control in any party Willy Lumpkin is a kindly old mailman,
your Marvel characters do not normally action. Fans of fantasy role-playing games and Aunt May is a lovable burden to her
associate with each other and your players in which killing is an accepted routine nephew. Well-developed and well-played
are Marvel fanatics, some type of explana- should be reminded of the different situa- NPCs are in the core of any ongoing cam-
tion should be offered as to why these tion in the MARVEL SUPER HEROES game, paign. In fact, adventures centered on
heroes have teamed up. Here are some in which NPC heroes can curb the PCs’ people rather than outside events offer a
heroic team goals commonly found in the murderous intentions against criminals by break from slugfests with villains and the
Marvel Universe: opposing them directly and reminding unravelling of global conspiracies.
1. National or World Defense—The most them of the rule of law. NPCs can also
common unifying force behind super-hero boost the strength of a heroes’ team, assist Perplexing plots
groups involves defense. Protecting the novice players, or provide insight into It is common for adventures and con-
country, the Earth, the galaxy, or the uni- critical clues with which the players are flicts to center on the PCs. After all, they
verse is a never-ending struggle. This is having difficulty. are the PCs, and if events did not center
the most open-ended goal, and virtually When creating regularly used NPCs, on them, why bother playing? However,
any type of adventure fits it. The Fantastic have some of them be normal people. NPCs have lives, too, and sometimes it
Four and the Avengers are big followers of Since the world is mainly composed of helps to construct a problem that centers
this philosophy. everyday folks, it stands to reason that the on an NPC instead. Mystery, suspense, and
2. Responsibility of Power—Here, the bulk of NPCs will be normal men and suspicion build when all the information
heroes act in the belief that they have a women. Get the heroes involved with needed to solve a case involving an NPC is
responsibility to use their gifts for the normal people and show them that the not given all at once. Consider the follow-
benefit of the public. This approach is world is not just inhabited by super- ing example:
often part of the national/world defense powered beings. After all, super heroes In a battle with a vampire, an NPC hero
ideal, but the heroes may not wish to be are supposed to be a special minority. (or just a regular NPC) is bitten and, un-
involved on such a large scale, working However, because normal NPCs are known to anyone else, begins a deadly
only locally. Daredevil and Spider-Man are “regular folks,” they tend to be overlooked transformation into a vampire. In succes-
the best examples here. and forgotten in the masses of other super sive games, clues are given to indicate the
3. Quest—Adventures of this type of heroes and super villains that the PCs onset of vampirism. Since she is an NPC,
group involve reaching specific goals. meet. Therefore, normal NPCs must be as the Judge can decide when and how to
While the welfare of the public is normally memorable as possible. Give them differ- reveal this information to the players. By
considered, the heroes are not in the ent idiosyncrasies, personalities, situations, dropping small clues between other ad-
business of protecting people. The plans of abilities, and disabilities. Perhaps one ventures, this subplot can maintain a
the X-Men and X-Factor to unite humanity hero’s best friend wears outrageous cloth- degree of mystery for several sessions to

72 MAY 1990
come. Suppose the NPC realizes what is great extents to harm or attract the PC, heroes are even immortal and cannot die!
happening, but she decides to conceal the depending on how deep the feelings run. Due to enhancements in the Advanced
fact from the PCs. Perhaps she stubbornly As long as the lover maintains a relation- game set, PCs are even allowed a FEAT roll
insists that nothing is wrong if confronted ship with a hero, watch the hero‘s actions against Kill shots. A little Karma on this
with evidence against her. After several toward that person carefully. PCs are roll virtually guarantees safety.
games and numerous Psyche FEATS, she expected to spend time with their loved The Marvel game is a wonderful game of
finally succumbs to the urge to draw ones and remember things like birthdays action and astounding feats against seem-
blood-and what better targets than the and Christmas. Heroes who are married ingly unbeatable odds. However, without
bothersome PC heroes! and have children have even more to the threat of death, players receive the
This is much more exciting than just handle. Neglected commitments and lost impression that the Judge will always save
telling a PC hero that he has become a affection may result in arguments, a their PCs, and the challenge of combat
vampire. Not only would the other players break-up, or even a divorce. Karma can be fades. Death provides a sharp sense of
hear you say this (passing notes always gained or lost easily when dealing with excitement that may otherwise be
draws suspicion anyway), but the effect personal relationships. This plot can be- forgotten after many adventures.
would be less than startling. While it is come very complex, but it can be highly To remedy this situation, incorporate the
stressed that the PCs are still number one, rewarding and provide great enjoyment. rule that a Kill shot means an instant loss
keep this NPC option open and tease play- Death: Having just touched on what of all Health points (such as in the original
ers with bits and pieces of upcoming may be the happiest times for the hero, MARVEL SUPER HEROES set) and the
events. Plots like these are another reason we now focus on a very dismal fact of life: hero begins losing Endurance ranks. All
why a good set of NPCs is valuable. death. In every role-playing game there methods of stopping or slowing Endurance
What follows is a number of events that exists the possibility of a PC dying. Sooner losses are applicable. Do not allow an
can be used as plots or subplots. Some are or later it catches up to all heroes [see Endurance FEAT vs. the kill shot! Since
easily incorporated into most campaigns, “Nobody Lasts Forever,” in DRAGON® issue few heroes can afford 50 Karma points
while others require some brainstorming #150]. In the MARVEL SUPER HEROES per round to stabilize their Endurances or
on the Judge’s part. All have been success- game, though, it seems that death is gener- 200 Karma points for new Endurance
fully used by this author, and the ideas ally not a problem. With vast supplies of FEATS, caution in combat and having a
expressed about each topic may serve as Karma and high Endurances, heroes can friends aid are still the best solutions.
inspiration. stave off death almost indefinitely. Some On occasion, you may wish to include
Romance: For those who enjoy role-
playing, this field provides splendid oppor-
tunities for interaction. It is an
entertaining and challenging topic to han-
dle, but it requires maturity from the
Judge and players for full effect.
If romance is an angle that you wish to
include in your campaign, examine the
backgrounds of the heroes who might be
its objects. If a hero is a known Marvel
character, he might already be romanti-
cally involved with another person or even
married. But what if the character is not
noted as having any romantic compan-
ions? The Judge can perform the match-
making with an NPC or (with another
player’s consent) another PC hero, al-
though in the latter case this will usually
happen on its own. In the case of estab-
lishing an NPC partner, the Judge should
consider the hero’s popularity, personality,
physical appearance, and actions. Most
normal people would jump at the chance
to be involved with a super hero, but some
heroes might have a different view (“I
don’t need you! I’m the Phoenix!”).
NPCs would be attracted to PC heroes
for numerous reasons: short-term infatua-
tion, the lure of fame (even to be shown in
the tabloids), a set-up by the hero’s arch-
enemy (with the NPC as the bait), or even
true love. In any event, keep the NPC
active and involved in the PC’s life just as if
it were a real relationship. If the player
refuses the NPC’s advances, the NPC could
leave, get angry, or keep trying to win the
PC’s affections. The lover may even go to

the death of an NPC in the campaign. It right thing for a certain mutant girl that able to come up with the money. It may be
should be someone whom the heroes have each team is trying to rescue. X-Factor difficult to get a player to have his hero
known and perhaps liked or loved; the believes the girl should be trained to use become addicted to drugs or abuse alco-
NPC might even have been a fellow hero. her powers but then returned to society, hol, for very obvious reasons. However,
It might even happen that a PC hero is while the X-Men want to train her as a perhaps an NPC friend of a PC hero has
slain, though this should not be purpose- potential adventurer. Suppose X-Factor such a problem, and steals from the hero
fully planned for by the Judge. The death decides that the girl is too young to face or calls on the hero when in trouble.
of a comrade in a tightly bound group the dangers of heroism, while the X-Men If you feel that chemical addictions are
such as those in the comics is usually met believes that she would be perfectly safe. distasteful to you or to your players, you
with considerable grief, offering extensive Neither side will budge, and when the can utilize less graphic but still expensive
opportunities for role-playing. It is a joint rescue operation is completed, the habits. A hero might be a rabid computer-
shame that most Judges view death as real action begins. game freak, aggressive art collector, or
nothing more than a chance to roll up new In this example, conflict results from compulsive shopper. Tony Stark used to
characters. Handled tastefully with players opposing goals. Fights resulting from buy sports cars at the rate of about one
who enjoy role-playing with sentimental clashing morals or plans at cross purposes per week.
details, this can be a powerful addition to are some of the most fascinating and sen- The bottom line is that everyone needs
the campaign. sational of all battles. The scenario is also money, even super heroes. A financial
Battling other heroes: The confron- thought provoking. Are the heroes doing disaster should never occur more than
tation between two known groups of the right thing? Perhaps their rivals are once per campaign, as it take considerable
heroes is a theme that has been frequently correct! time for heroes to recuperate from it.
used in comics. The only thing that ex- Financial disasters: This plot works After plunging into the depths of poverty,
ceeds a phenomenal hero-versus-villain best with heroes who have Excellent or give the PCs a break. Any plot can be
battle is a hero-versus-hero confrontation. better Resources or are involved in a overused.
Its very nature is fascinating. What would business. A plot such as this does not have Lifesavers: In this scenario, the team is
prompt acknowledged super heroes (and the same effect when resources are Poor involved in a quest to find some type of
good friends, in most cases) to resort to to begin with. As the heading suggests, antidote or some much-needed informa-
using violence against each other? this plot involves a major loss of money. tion. The success of this plot depends on
This plot is difficult to construct. Again, This could come about for several reasons, the originality of the problem and solu-
background material on the heroes in- including lawsuits, blackmail, trickery, bad tion.
volved provides hints for constructing investments, debt, gambling, addiction to Generally, the plot runs something like
such battles. A logical explanation for the alcohol or drugs, competition by rival this: A member of the team becomes se-
cause of such a fight is essential, as your companies, or plain old theft. verely ill, irradiated, transformed, coma-
players might demand to know why the Loss of money on a grand scale can be tose, etc. The PCs must detect, analyze,
heroes are fighting their allies! Perhaps quite devastating. Tony Stark was an excel- and formulate a solution to the problem.
the most frequently employed rationale lent example here, having suffered a con- Most of the time the solution requires the
here is mind control. Villains with mind- tinuing chain of problems arising from a building of a special apparatus or the
control powers are fairly common. They financial disaster. He was cheated out of obtaining of a rare herb, medicine, radio-
take great pleasure in having super heroes his multimillion-dollar company and con- active material, chemical, or magical talis-
slug it out with one another, perhaps tracts. As a result, he lost almost all his man. It may be that the device to be
eliminating some of them. The advantage armor, which led to his drinking problem. constructed is simply extremely expensive.
of mind control is that the controlled It forced him out of the hero business and A classic example of the life-saving plot is
heroes are the real thing, not robots made cost him the respect of many people. the Fantastic Four’s journey into the Nega-
up like the heroes, and the free-willed Lawsuits and rival companies can be tive Zone to steal the cosmic control rod
heroes are at a disadvantage in stopping anything from annoying to downright from Annihilus. The rod’s power was then
their attackers without severely injuring dangerous. The former can potentially used to save the life of the Invisible Girl,
them. Mind control is a viable, if some- drain millions of dollars and are particu- just before she gave birth to her son.
what unimaginative, solution. larly useful against property-negligent Certainly not all life-saving plots are on
Another rationale for hero-versus-hero heroes. And one should be especially such a cosmic level, and a few twists to
battles is the use of robot duplicates or careful when rivalling big businesses; the standard plot can give it a new per-
shape-changing imitators. These scoun- unscrupulous businessmen have a habit of spective. Suppose that in order to save the
drels usually imitate other beings only for sending but hired muscle to see that the hero‘s life, another hero must give up his.
combat purposes and for the confusion competition is crippled or eliminated com- But who would do it? Another team mem-
generated when they, as “good guys,” pletely. Super villains may become in- ber? A fanatical fan of the hero? Someone
attack the heroes. Some of the more devi- volved after normal methods of pushing who loves him? Maybe the hero will opt
ous imitators might infiltrate the team out the heroes have failed. Friends and not to be saved, knowing that he has led a
itself to steal secrets, defeat the headquar- family could be kidnapped, held for ran- full life and wishing others to do the same.
ters’ security, break up the team by caus- som, or killed to ensure the bankruptcy of If a PC is the one who is dying, make sure
ing personal problems, or spy on their the PCs’ company. PCs may also resort to that the player understands that such a
actions. But only the finest imitators will violence or threats, but if they’re caught in voluntary death is final; otherwise the
not be caught off guard when confronted the act, they may be blackmailed into significance and impact of the problem is
by bits of information only known to submission in return for not handing over weakened.
personal friends of the imitated-being. incriminating evidence to the law or press- Another problem that might appear
The ideal hero-versus-hero battle is a ing charges. The corporations of the concerns the side effects of the cure.
genuine one, an unavoidable situation in comic-book world are filled with corrup Suppose that a cure robs the hero of his
which one team resorts to violence to tion. Make use of them. powers in part or in whole? Or maybe the
solve a problem with another team. Laying Addiction to chemical substances or to cure requires the powers of another
out the plot and motivations involved takes gambling can also put the hero in serious hero-but after the cure is applied, the
a lot of work. For example, the PCs in the debt. Any supplier to an addicted hero is donating hero loses his powers! What if
role of X-Factor might end up fighting the, bound to have some tough muscle in his the donating hero was not told of this
X-Men (NPCs controlled by, the Judge) own organization which would be readily
because each believes they are doing the used against the hero, should he not be
Continued on page 79

74 MAY 1990
Continued from page 74 The most important aspect about dealing innocents or massive destruction. The
with the loss of power is to treat it as a team may then be wanted by the law and
consequence beforehand? What if the
serious event. The effects can be tempo- forced to disband, abandoning any public
cure requires the aid of a super villain? No
rary, but the players do not have to know headquarters until the heroes can be
doubt in the former case there would be that! Players tend to scoff and not be cleared. Instead of breaking up, the group
some type of confrontation between concerned if they can be sure that their might go underground.
friends of the donating hero and the recip- heroes’ precious powers will return to A situation in which only one or two
ient (a darn good reason for a hero-versus- them. Used sparingly and effectively, the members leave would provide a smooth
hero battle). In the latter case, some loss of powers can be one of the most entry for any new heroes that the Judge
interesting propositions would have to be challenging adventures for the players. wishes to join the team. Just make sure
made to get a super villain to aid a foe, Group break-ups: Another good role- that an explanation for disbanding a team
especially if a sworn arch-enemy must be playing plot is the dissolution of the he- or losing team members is reasonable. A
called upon. roes’ team. Incidents that could split up a super hero would not just give up after
However, the healing process might have heroes’ team are many. Background mate- one or two failures, but only if some major
beneficial side effects, too. Some of the rial may indicate some sort of conflict disaster in his life caused him to believe
people involved in the process might ac- between members that could be an under- that the group or world would be better
quire new powers or have their original lying cause. Usually, a group breakdown is off without him.
powers enhanced. The healer and the the result of personal conflicts (although
patient might, in some processes, be
merged into one being, with both con-
the players themselves might split up for Aftermath
unrelated reasons, forcing changes in This article has highlighted some of the
sciousnesses intact. Future work may have hero-group rosters). more popular plots found in comic books,
to be done if such a merging proves dan- A change of goals and outlook on life by but it has by no means even scratched the
gerous or aggravating. As you can see, the one of the members could cause him to surface of the infinite variety of scenarios
aftermath can be just as interesting (if not now oppose the goals or general alignment available. These plots have generally
more so) as the initial problem. of the team. A serious traumatic experi- avoided combat, as it takes more than just
Loss of powers: What is it that sepa- ence, such as the slaying of a fellow mem- a good fight to make a campaign; it is
rates a super hero from everyone else? His ber or friend, could psychologically injure assumed that all Judges can design a de-
powers, of course. The previous scenario a heroic character to the point of resigna- cent combat situation.
has already illustrated that powers can be tion. This hero may find her performance Few players might consider having their
lost. This plot often fits well with the life- dropping because of grief or the fear of heroes quit or get romantically involved,
saving line, as nothing inspires a hero to death, and other team members may soon except for the most skilled role-players.
find a cure faster than when his own request that she at least take a vacation. Because your average player, especially a
powers are on the line. It could be that a lover persuades the novice, will not involve himself in such
What happens to the hero once he loses hero to quit because the lover cannot situations, it is advisable to keep a cast of
his powers? The answer can only be sup tolerate knowing that the hero lives in NPCs to help out. NPCs are extremely
plied by the PC and depends on whether constant danger. If the hero refuses, the useful in promoting player initiative. En-
the powers can ever be regained. In most lover may leave, keep pleading, or even courage players to take their own course
cases, the PC is retired and a new hero is hire villains to beat up the hero to prove of action, too, instead of merely waiting
generated if the power loss is permanent. the point! Two members of the team may for the latest world domination plan to
Playing a character with no powers on a decide to get married, and one or both of crop up.
team that must constantly defend the them may not wish to pursue the adven- Remember, with great power comes
safety of the planet is tough, to say the turing life any further. great responsibility, and no one has more
least. Should the hero remain true to his Villains desire nothing more than to see power or responsibility than the game
cause despite his handicap, there may be the good guys out of business. Enemies master.
no need to quit. Permanently depowered may seek to destroy the trust and compan-
characters can concentrate on gaining ionship bonding the team. This can be
additional talents and raising their ability attempted by mental or emotional control.
scores. Storm, of the X-Men, is such an Characters who are controlled may be
example. When she realized that she consumed with fear, hate, doubt, or jeal-
would never command the elements again, ousy, and teamates may become
she trained hard and in the long run even approved by the controlled character's
became the X-Men’s leader. Judges who actions.Villainsmayframeheroesfor
encounter a player so dedicated to his staged crimes, especially the killing of
hero that he will play him even without
powers should encourage his actions.
Everyone loves a good comeback story.
Perhaps the new and improved hero will
be even better, having dealt with his “dis-
ability,” and will triumph in the end.
The complete opposite of this scenario
would be the massive gaining of power.
Here, the hero finds his powers increasing
to unimaginable levels. Soon, however, it
could become an uncontrollable curse as
the slightest release of energy might dev-
astate vast areas of land or threaten to
consume the hero. Or the power could
taint the PC’s righteousness, creating a
“Dark Phoenix” effect. Strict limitations
should be placed on the hero in order to
preserve game balance should the Judge
opt for a permanent increase of power to
godlike levels.

D R A G O N 79
Earth isn’t the only world that needs heroes Warpdrive: Warpdrive ships are capable
of entering hyperspace and thus attaining
FTL speed. Warpdrive ships might be
by David Edward Martin limited to STL flight in normal space.
Advanced warpdrive: Better warp gener-
Role-playing in the MARVEL SUPER Slower Than Light (STL) drives: STL ators enable a starship to travel at speeds
HEROES™ game is not restricted to having ships can reach speeds up to that of light. 100 times faster than can be achieved by
your heroes battle evil on Earth. Many of If such a ship is intended for interstellar normal warpdrives.
the greatest triumphs of the Avengers, the flight, it may be equipped with suspended Teleportation: Instantaneous travel
Fantastic Four, and the X-Men have oc- animation chambers or a life-support across the universe for individuals or
curred in outer space. Why not take your system capable of sustaining passengers small loads is possible with this power.
campaign to the stars, too? for years or centuries. Stargate: A stargate uses a form of tele-
But before you can go adventuring into Faster Than Light (FTL) drives: FTL portation. A fixed-location device (the gate)
the far-flung reaches of the universe, you ships are capable of exceeding lightspeed, instantaneously teleports an entire space-
first need a way to get there. A variety of but they still travel in “realspace.” craft to another stargate. Stargates are
means to reach the stars exists, from Advanced FTL drives: Better engines assumed to be rare, being so powerful.
personal flight using superpowers to the enable advanced FTL starships to attain The type of stardrive determines its
use of external or mechanical means. speeds 10 times faster that normal FTL speed range. The power rank number
Some examples of spacefaring methods drives. determines its basic speed value, which is
include: then multiplied by the standard modifier
for that class of travel. Table 1 shows the
basic starship types and their speed for
Table 1
Starship Types and Speeds
In the wink of an eye
Stargates and teleportation systems and
Speed (in multiples of lightspeed) powers enable travelers to instantaneously
Rank FTL A-FTL Warp A-Warp cross long distances. Travel time is limited
FE 2 20 200 20K by the amount of time it takes to make
PR 4 4 0 400 40K each jump and the number of jumps nec-
TY 6 60 600 60K essary to cover the desired distance. Most
GD 10 100 1K 100K
EX 20 200 2K 200K
RM 30 300 3K 300K Table 2
IN 40 400 4K 400K Starship Flight Category
AM 50 500 5K 500K
MN 75 750 7.5K 750K 1d100 Category
UN 100 1K 10K 1M 01-10 STL
X 150 1.5K 15K 1.5M 11-25 TRL
Y 200 2K 20K 2M 26-45 A-FTL
Z 500 5K 50K 5M 46-55 STL/Warp
1000 1K 10K 100K 10M 56-75 FTL/Warp
3000 3K 30K 300K 30M 76-85 A-FTL/Warp
5000 5K 50K 500K 50M 86-90 STL/A-Warp
91-95 FTL/A-Warp
K = 1,000; M = 1,000,000. 96-00 A-FTL/A-Warp
teleportation systems are designed to Firelord’s cosmic power). ‘This stargate’s Your own starship
handle individuals or small loads. They existence is known to the X-Men, X-Factor, The MARVEL SUPER HEROES Advanced
may be placed on planetary surfaces or Firelord, Lilandra, Misty Knight, and Jean Set contains the basic procedure for build-
built into spacecraft of any sort. Grey’s parents. Although it was last seen ing your own starship. If takes an
Stargates are immense portals capable of on the roof of Misty Knight’s apartment, Amazing Reason FEAT to design a star-
handling entire starships; these devices the current location of the stargate is drive capable of FTL flight. The Resource
often appear to be titanic doors or hoops unknown. Unless the stargate is repro- FEAT is X rank for a basic FTL ship, higher
miles across. Objects must be able to phys- grammed, it will send any user to the for a more advanced model.
ically pass through a stargate in order to unnamed world within the Shi’ar Empire Sometimes a powerful energy source can
“se it. Starships can be moving at sublight that holds the M’Krann Crystal. This bar- be used to modify an STL ship to FTL
speed when they “se a stargate, although ren world is normally uninhabited. This speeds. One such example was the “se of
the ship must be piloted very accurately. stargate can be reprogrammed by an Thor’s Mjolnir to propel a Quinjet between
The Shi’ar are the primary users of star- Incredible Reason FEAT the stars. Such an energy source must be of
gates; they maintain a network of them at least Unearthly rank, and the ship to be so
through the universe, including one within Natural spacewarps modified must have at least an STL drive.
10 lightdays of Earth. At this time, the The structure of the Marvel Comics’ Starships can also be directly gained by
gates are heavily guarded at the Shi’ar universe is riddled with spacewarps. a variety of means, proper and improper.
ends. These function as interdimensional tun- Ships may be recovered if abandoned,
A portable stargate was left in Manhat- nels that enable any ship capable of FTL stolen from their owners, or rebuilt from
tan by Shi’ar agent Davan Shakari. This flight to swiftly cross enormous distances parts scavenged from damaged vessels.
stargate is currently powerless and thus in even less time than usual. Earth is near Terrans kidnapped by aliens might over-
can only receive travelers. However, it can one of the largest junctions of spacewarps throw their captors and seize the aliens’
be made operational by a power source of in the universe, a crossroads for half the ship for themselves. A starfaring race may
at least Shift-X intensity (for example, known starfaring races. This is one of the present a Terran with a starship as a gift
reasons why Earth keeps attracting so or reward, such as when Prince Dezan
many space travelers. Known warps in- gave a Skrull starship to the Fantastic
Table 3 clude several linking Earth with various Four. If all else fails, travelers can always
Starship Speed Ranks points in the Andromeda galaxy and one try buying a starship, assuming your PCs
to the Kree Empire in the Greater Magel- can find one for sale.
1d100 Speed rank lanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of our Milky Tables 2-4 can also be used to quickly
01-08 FE way galaxy. generate a starship with a few rolls of the
09-16 PR dice. Table 4 determines the number of
17-24 TY typical humanoids that can be kept alive
25-32 GD Table 4 by the life-support system, allowing at
33-40 EX Starship Passenger Loads least one chair or berth for each potential
41-48 RM passenger. If a cargo ship is desired, sub-
49-56 IN Maximum tract 1-10 crew-beings and multiply the
57-64 AM 1d100 passenger load remaining number of passengers by 200
65-72 M N 01-20 1 lbs. to get the starship’s cargo limit.
73-79 UN 21-60 1-10
80-85 X 61-90 1-100
86-90 Y 91-99 1-1,000 MARVEL SUPER HEROES is a trademark of the
Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Marvel charac-
91-94 Z 00 1-10,000 ters, names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof
95-97 C1000 are trademarks of the Marvel Entertainment group,
98-99 C3000 Inc. ©1990 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All
0 0 C5000 Rights Reserved.
Super Jobs For
Super Talents
©1990 by Marcus L. Rowland

Super-hero RPGs often assume that article describes such an organization, superpowered individuals to participate in
superpowered individuals have been ac- with three generic scenario outlines: the UNSTA projects. This is usually easy, as most
tive for some time, and that governments United Nations Special Talents Agency super heroes will gladly spend a few days on
have developed responses to the most (UNSTA). This organization (which can be flood relief or help to transport a heart
common extraordinary situations. These altered to become national, worldwide, or patient from Australia to Belgium. However,
games also seem to assume that superpow- universe spanning, depending on the many of the most unusual powers belong to
ers are fairly common; there certainly scope of your campaign) was founded villains, who often demand an exorbitant
seems to be no shortage of super villains shortly after the first super heroes ap- fee, amnesty, or some other reward for
and NPC heroes. peared. It is a nonprofit group funded by participation. Sometimes it’s also necessary
Most such games have backgrounds in national governments, charities, and large to negotiate with governments to obtain
which super heroes are publicly accepted corporations, and it draws on their re- permission for super heroes to leave their
or tolerated, and they include security and sources for information and ideas. UNSTA territories, or with penal authorities to ob-
intelligence agencies equipped to handle exists to find talents to fit unusual prob- tain parole for super villains.
normal criminal organizations and weak lems, recruiting personnel for jobs that These aspects of the agency’s operation
super villains, to obtain super-hero help will benefit mankind. With few exceptions, can easily lead to interesting and unusual
when needed, and to run special prisons these jobs are unpaid, requiring minor adventures. For example, suppose the
for super villains. Some games add special diversions of heroes’ time or energy. World Wildlife Fund wants to study Mon-
legal responses to superpowers. For exam- There are four main arms of UNSTA; golian gerbils in their natural habitat, so
ple, Hero Games’ CHAMPIONS* and Investigation (the talent spotters), Adminis- UNSTA recruits several super heroes to
Chaosium’s SUPERWORLD* games include tration, the Ethical Committee, and help the project: using X-ray vision and
probation schemes for super villains in Recruitment. sonar to guide fiberoptic probes down the
which the criminals secret identity is Talent spotters gather data on super gerbils’ burrows, reading the gerbils’
published and a year or more must be heroes and villains, from the press and minds to determine their goals and motiva-
devoted to community service. However, other sources, and maintain a computer tions, etc. The main problems are political
in most games, an interest in law enforce- database cross-referenced by powers, and involve persuading the Mongolians,
ment often seems to be the only common names, nations, etc. This arm also records Soviets, and Chinese to allow Western
ground between society and super heroes. potential uses for superpowers and does super heroes to visit their territory. It’s
The comics usually ignore military and most of the work of matching powers to likely that lots of intrigue will surround
intelligence roles for super heroes. In role- problems. The database could possibly be this project. Western intelligence organiza-
playing terms, it’s logical to assume that used to trace the secret identities of he- tions may see a chance to put an agent
international treaties prevent the use of roes by correlating times and locations of onto the super-hero team, while Eastern-
such heroes outside a full-scale war; most their appearances or other details. But a bloc agencies may try to recruit the West-
governments would probably see someone great deal of effort is devoted to eliminat- ern agents as spies, learn their secret
like DC Comics’ Superman as a greater ing such information from the reports—at identities, etc. It’s an unusual chance for
threat than nuclear weapons, and hero least, that’s what the agency claims is Eastern and Western super heroes to meet
control would be part of any SALT treaty done. Whether this is true may be a prob- without violence, and it could pave the
(See The Watchmen from DC Comics for lem for your heroes to investigate. way for some interesting adventures.
more on the effects of having super he- Administration handles funding, legal Another example: Mr Frosty, a convicted
roes in a nuclear age). problems, visas, transport arrangements, super villain with cryogenic powers, is
Leaving careers in crime, espionage, and advertising, and other mundane details. asked to participate in experiments on
war aside, there are many unusual jobs An organization as large as UNSTA medical freezing and suspended anima-
for those with superpowers. In the past, couldn’t possibly function without an tion. He demands $100,000 and a review
comics have shown many super heroes efficient office staff, and this arm is essen- of his sentence. UNSTA raises the money
putting their talents to spectacular use; tial, though its members rarely come into (held in trust for his release) and tries to
Superman, in particular, seems to spend contact with. heroes. persuade the parole board to review his
much of his time blowing out forest fires, The Ethical Committee ensures that all case. The board refuses, so UNSTA calls in
diverting floods, and saving towns from the jobs found for super heroes are worth- well-known super heroes to lobby for a
rock slides and other disasters. Other while. Sometimes this arm will turn down sentence review and, ultimately, to super-
heroes are scientists, engineers, or philan- applications for help on the grounds that a vise the experiments and make sure that
thropists. Who can forget Doc Savage’s project will be ecologically damaging, there are no embarrassing incidents.
charity medical work, or the achievements profitable for a particular company or The scenarios that follow assume that
of the Wayne Foundation in DC Comics’ government at the expense of others, or UNSTA has been active for some time and
Batman stories? have other detrimental effects. Rejected is known to all heroes. Player-character
It seems logical that many public and applicants often resort to dubious means heroes shouldn’t be very powerful; begin-
private organizations would want to take of enlisting superpowered support. ning characters with limited experience
advantage of such new opportunities. This The Recruitment arm tries to persuade are preferred.
Scenario 1: Operation Krait (for 2-4 and continue his life of crime. wreckage without disturbing the equilib-
heroes) rium of the pile. Have your players make
Players’ information: The Republic of Scenario 2: Heavy Rescue (for 4-8 frequent rolls against dexterity (or what-
Quitana is a modern African state allied to heroes) ever characteristic is appropriate) as they
the West. Recently this government cap- Players’ information: UNSTA often tries move the wreckage, giving bonuses if the
tured Krait, a super villain with remark- to persuade super heroes to participate in players work as a team. If these rolls fail,
able powers of poison generation and training schemes that will help them deal bits of rubble move slightly, there are
nullification. UNSTA needs such powers with the emergencies they encounter. ominous groaning noises, and dust cas-
for medical research and development, Such courses include first aid, firefighting, cades into everyone’s hair.
and it wishes to interview Krait and estab- basic criminal law, and heavy rescue—the The rubble can also be removed from
lish his attitudes to such work. The latter being techniques for dealing with above, but removing more than a ton from
Quitanese government has flatly refused large-scale civilian disasters. This is a any one area without balancing the weight
access, saying that Krait’s crimes are too popular subject, since many heroes are at or shoring the pile will also make the
serious to make parole possible. This home with crimefighting but aren’t sure wreckage shift.
seems odd because Krait always special- how to tackle a train crash, a nuclear- If anyone tries a short cut, like pulling
ized in crimes against property, using his waste spillage, or a landslide. The course the debris off the crane without shoring
venom for short-term paralysis or knock- takes a week and is given in a big city with the lower sections, the wreckage will pass
out effects. UNSTA wants the PCs to join a wide variety of industrial sites (e.g., a critical balance point and one of the
its team in Quitana and use their talents Detroit for American campaigns, Birming- girders will shift to pin the “driver” to his
and influence to resolve the situation. ham for British campaigns). seat with a crushed chest. Concealed
Referee’s information: Strict human- The heroes have managed to arrange a remote-controlled explosive charges can
rights treaties govern the imprisonment of week away from other obligations, such as make the crane catch fire (harmlessly) or
super villains. It is accepted that some activities in secret and public identities, cause parts of the building to collapse. The
villains must be restrained by temporary and find the course interesting but a little dummy is fitted with a chemically pow-
nullification of their powers, or by the daunting. After four days of theory and ered synthetic heart and other internal
reduction of intelligence and strength, but demonstrations, the instructor feels that organs, and it realistically bleeds or “dies”
these changes must be reversible when the group is ready to tackle a practical if injured by the rescue attempts. The
the prisoner is released. Also, villains exercise. He is briefing the heroes about a “victim” appears to be unconscious
cannot have their characteristics reduced simulated rail crash when the telephone throughout the rescue.
below human norms by their restraints. rings. Fire engines and ambulances will arrive
The Quitanese government has been Referees information: Don’t run this at the same time as the heroes but won’t
violating this rule, using a combination of episode with telepaths or other super have heavy rescue equipment. Heavy units
drugs, surgery, and radiation treatment to heroes who can easily detect a lie. The (equipped with winches, chainsaws, jacks,
permanently reduce the IQ of superpow- telephone call comes from the schools and drills) appear five minutes after the
ered prisoners and to prevent them from office and is designed to trick characters heroes and conduct a flawless rescue if
using their powers effectively. Krait has with superhearing or other special senses. the team hasn’t already saved the driver.
been treated twice, and his mental facul- No train crash has been arranged. Instead, The heavy units helped set up the “disas-
ties are now slightly below the human the team will be told that a real emergency ter” and know exactly how the wreckage
norm. Another treatment will cause irre- has developed: An old warehouse has is balanced and booby-trapped.
versible brain damage. The Quitanese collapsed on top of a demolition crane. Players should be made to feel that this
police have been bugging the local UNSTA The driver is trapped inside the crane cab, is a real emergency, and it should be fol-
offices for some time, and the police know and there is reason to believe that gas lowed through until the “driver” is res-
that the heroes are in Quitana to investi- mains have been fractured. The normal cued or dead. Obviously, the referee
gate the situation. On arrival, the heroes heavy rescue teams are on the other side should ensure that none of the super
are invited to a reception at the Presiden- of the city, setting up the simulated train heroes’ special powers permit an easy
tial palace. During the reception, govern- crash, and the heroes may be the only rescue; for example, a character with
ment agents attempt to fake Krait’s escape hope of rescuing the driver before the gas desolidification powers might want to
and murder him, in circumstances sug- explodes. The referee must prepare a walk through the wreckage, materialize,
gesting that he attempted to kill his war- floor plan of a demolished building, using pick up the driver, and desolidify to walk
ders. Exact details of this scenario are left the guidelines herein, scaling the size of out again. The referee should make this
to the referee, who should remember the the problem to the number of super he- impossible by allowing no room for the
following points: roes and the strength of their powers. character to materialize, but should en-
1. The prison was built for normal hu- Of course, the “real” disaster is another courage the use of such powers in recon-
mans, and only a small section has been simulation. The crane driver is a realistic naissance and planning.
upgraded to hold super villains. dummy, built by a medical plastics com- After this incident, the referee (as the
2. Krait is one of three superpowered pany, and is apparently trapped in the cab course’s instructor) should hold a careful
prisoners; the others are already irrevers- with severe injuries. Several building inquest on the rescue attempt, pointing
ibly brain damaged. All retain their workers pretending to remove debris are out the heroes’ mistakes and any particu-
powers but are too stupid to use them actually instructors who have not met the larly good moves. He will also ask the team
effectively. team before, aided by disguised super to keep silent about this aspect of the
3. The Quitanese government wishes to heroes (veterans of the course) who make course. There are no further incidents in
remain friendly to the West and attempts sure that no one is really injured. There is the remaining days of the course, just lots
to avoid any embarrassing incidents. The a strong smell of gas, but this is really of hard work. Skills or experience points
plot to kill Krait is a desperate measure inert nitrogen mixed with a smelly chemi- should be awarded for success in the
intended to stop a full investigation into cal, a harmless compound added to real rescue only, although in reality it is only a
the Quitanese penal system. gas supplies to ensure that leaks are easily small part of the course. Referees might
4. UNSTA wishes to stay-on good terms detected. The collapsed building is care- also use experience of this course as a
with the Quitanese government. fully balanced to look dangerous, but the modifier to the success of future rescue
5. The heroes cannot determine Krait’s wreckage is supported by several strong missions.
attitudes before beginning their investiga- girders that have “luckily” remained As an optional epilogue to this scenario,
tion. If rescued, he pretends to be cooper- welded together. With care, it’s possible to the referee could ask the players to design
ative but seizes the first chance to escape tunnel through the lower part of the a fake incident for the next class and run
76 AUGUST 1990
it with another group of players. The this expenditure will be required again if leaps clear and sprints for safety as burn-
school can supply vehicles, dummies, and the dinosaurs do not survive the transfer. ing petrol floods the road along the length
up to $25,000 for expenses and equip- Despite their size, the dinosaurs do have of the convoy. The remaining terrorists
ment, and it will arrange for the coopera- their problems. Their lungs will fill with are in another van behind the convoy and
tion of emergency services. If no more fluid if they are tranquilized, they are will attack immediately after the tanker
players are available, the referee can still horribly stupid, and they will almost cer- explodes. The referee should ensure that
use the new plan, with the players super- tainly suffer gross internal damage if their at least two of the dinosaurs escape; they
vising the site while a group of NPC heroes weight is concentrated on any one part of are at risk from passing cars and trucks,
run through the test. The referee can their bodies (e.g., if a super hero picks up overhead power cables, and nearby rail-
ensure that the new heroes are less com- a dinosaur and tries to carry it). They are way lines.
petent than the player characters and run very nervous and will panic if they hear Provided the heroes can handle these
into dangerous problems. loud noises, see or smell fire, or smell any attacks, then calm and recage the dino-
large carnivore. Excessive vibration during saurs, the rest of the run to Whipsnade is
Scenario 3: Breakout (for 4-8 heroes) the move will also panic them, so the low- uneventful. On arrival at Whipsnade, the
Players’ information: For several years, loaders must crawl along at 10-15 MPH. dinosaurs panic again as the crates pass
scientists at the London Zoo, aided by Unfortunately, extremist members of a the crocodile pool. Luckily, their enclosure
interested super heroes, have been devel- fundamentalist religious organization have is at the other end of the zoo, and they
oping techniques to recreate extinct ani- decided that these experiments threaten won’t normally be able to smell the rep-
mals by implanting fossil DNA extracted the central tenet of their faith—the belief tiles. The adventure ends as the diplodoci
from bones and other remnants into the that the universe was created on the 18th shyly emerge into their new enclosure,
reproductive cells of related species. The of July 1924, at 3:15 P.M. (GMT). Their tentatively nibbling bushes and conifers as
dodos, sabre-tooth tigers, and mammoths religion teaches that all evidence of prior they settle down in the comparative calm
that now grace many zoos were early existence was created to test the strength of the country. It’s possible that the dino-
successes. The most ambitious effort has of their faith. Obviously, the recreation of saurs might escape when they are bigger;
been an attempt to breed dinosaurs using dinosaurs that roamed the earth millions a fully grown diplodocus is approximately
ostrich and alligator eggs seeded with of years ago is the ultimate challenge to 30 meters long and weighs 11 tons, but
reconstructed DNA. their devotion. To prove the strength of will still be prone to panic.
Eighteen months ago, the scientists their faith, they must destroy the blasphe- A number of sequels to this adventure
achieved their first success, hatching four mous reptiles! are possible. A super villain could use the
diplodocus dinosaurs (three females and These fanatics have stolen two rocket same technology to breed carnivorous
one male) from ostrich eggs. They are now launchers, many grenades, and several dinosaurs and use them in crimes. Time-
slightly smaller than adult elephants. This machine pistols. They intend to make two traveling heroes might help the project by
spectacular success has almost doubled attacks on the convoy. One group will bringing back specimens from the past,
admissions at the zoo, and the sauropods make its attack in London, and the other only to stumble into situations that could
are a great favorite with the crowds. The group will strike in the country. To pre- alter history. As the zoos and parks of the
scientists expect the dinosaurs to continue serve security, the two groups have made world fill with dinosaurs, more incidents
to grow for many years, but their current their plans separately, and members of will probably occur involving more chal-
accommodation (the elephant house) is one group don’t know exactly when or lenging species and more determined
already becoming cramped. It’s obvious where the others will attack. There should efforts by extremists to slay them.
that the dinosaurs must soon be moved to be at least two terrorists per hero in each
a larger site, a specially prepared paddock group. Notes and sources
and lake at Whipsnade Zoo, a few miles The move hasn’t been kept secret, and The UNSTA is fictional, but the World
outside London. UNSTA arranged most of the route used by the convoy is predicta- Wildlife Fund is real and deserving of
the super-hero cooperation on this project, ble. Despite the early hour, the press and support. Games consulted for this article
and it has asked the team to accompany hundreds of dinosaur lovers are waiting included TSR’s MARVEL SUPER HEROES™,
the convoy and ensure that no harm on the roads near the zoo, hoping to get a Mayfair’s DC HEROES*, GW’s GOLDEN
comes to the dinosaurs. glimpse of the monsters. HEROES*, Hero Games’ CHAMPIONS*,
Referee’s information: The convoy con- The first attack will be a relatively crude Chaosium’s SUPERWORLD*, FGU’s VIL-
sists of four low-loader trucks, each carry- effort, staged very near the zoo. The ter- LAINS & VIGILANTES*, and SUPER
ing a 10-meter-long crate containing a rorists simply block the road with a car, SQUADRON* games. There are no obvious
dinosaur. All are accompanied by a police then fire a rocket at the leading truck, compatibility problems with any of these
escort (two cars and four motorcycles), a blowing up its engine. The remaining games. Further sources include: A Talent
repair truck, a crane, and two vets in one terrorists close in and spray the crates for the Invisible and Odd Job Inc., by Ron
pick-up truck. the convoy will leave Lon- with bullets. The explosion and shots Goulart; Rescue Mission and A Fall of
don Zoo at 5 A.M. to avoid London’s heavy panic the dinosaurs, which stamp and Moondust, by Arthur C. Clarke; the Sector
morning traffic, taking main roads to thrash about in their crates.’ Each diplodo- General series by James H. White; and The
Whipsnade Zoo. The diplodoci are herbiv- cus has a cumulative 10% chance of break- Thunderbirds TV series, by Gerry & Syl-
orous dinosaurs with long necks and tails, ing out in each combat round that the via Anderson.
living on a diet of hay, conifer branches, fight continues. If the dinosaurs escape, MARVEL SUPER HEROES is a trademark of the
and vitamins. Each is eight meters long they run through the crowds, trampling Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Marvel charac-
and weighs three tons. These dinosaurs innocent bystanders and smashing cars ters, names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof
are trademarks of the Marvel Entertainment Group,
are extremely strong, moderately fast, and and shop windows as they move and Inc. ©1990 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All
can attack by biting, by trampling with thrash their tails. They are too big to be Rights Reserved,
their forefeet, or by striking with their seriously injured by small-caliber machine-
All DC characters and names are trademarks of DC
whiplike tails (the referee should generate pistol bullets, but they will naturally be Comics Inc., used under license by Mayfair Games
appropriate statistics). They attack only if very frightened. Inc. All Rights Reserved.
they are frightened, and they usually run The second attack is more sophisticated.
* indicates a product produced by a company other
from anything that scares them. The ex- The terrorists have stolen a tanker truck than TSR, Inc. Most product names are trademarks
periments that produced these dinosaurs that overtakes the convoy halfway be- owned by the companies publishing those products.
have cost hundreds of man-years, the tween the zoos. As it passes, the driver The use of the name of any product without mention
work of dozens of super heroes, and mil- pulls a cord and a grenade attached to the of its trademark status should not be construed as a
challenge to such status.
lions of pounds sterling. At least a third of truck’s rear valves explodes. The driver

by Jerold M. Stratton
Artwork by Terry Dykstra

82 JANUARY 1991
Many game masters are of the opinion way? Are any characters, PCs or NPCs, in will appear out of place. You should edit
that using prepackaged, commercial ad- your world similar to any of the module’s the snippets of history the author occa-
ventures in their carefully constructed given characters? If so, replace some of sionally mentions, modifying them with
campaigns is similar to forcing a square the stock characters with your own. Take your knowledge of your worlds history.
peg into a round hole. I believe that well- Mung, the wilderness guide whom the Tales of great battles with giants thus
constructed campaigns are the most suit- module recommends your party hire, and become tales of great battles with hobgob-
able for commercial adventures and that replace him with Trasker, the barbarian lins. Also, a background history is often
commercial adventures can enhance a hireling of a PC in your group, making implied in various parts of the adventure.
campaign and aid the game master. If a sure that Trasker knows all that Mung was If, in your world, ghouls congregate only
world is created with care, the designer supposed to know. This is a great step around areas of ancient battles, and part
can more easily make decisions about toward making the adventure look like it of the adventure involves meeting a large
integrating adventures into the world. was written just for your world. number of ghouls, there is an implied
Also, there is nothing to restrict game You can also modify the adventure to history: A battle occurred in the adventur-
masters to using only adventures written make it more suited to your style or to ing area sometime in the past. You must
for one game system; adventures from simply be different. You may make some ensure that such a history could exist
other game systems are also useful. There creatures more powerful, weaken some, before putting the situation in the adven-
are two major reasons for using commer- and completely rework others. NPCs that ture. You may even want to make such a
cial adventures. The most obvious is that a the author largely ignored can be given history important to the adventure to
large amount of adventure material can be larger roles, while some the author put in anchor that adventure firmly to your
gained with only a small amount of work. the spotlight can be downplayed. world.
The second is that it allows the game You may have to modify the history of Now look at the events in the module.
master to run adventures in styles he does certain items, magical or otherwise, to Would the reasons for the adventure’s
not feel comfortable creating himself. make them fit your world. You may also existence make sense in your world? Politi-
want to simply get rid of some items, cal tensions, religious battles, abandoned
How to get started either because you do not want the PCs to strongholds-all can generate, adventures
First, find an adventure that you would have them (no spheres of annihilation, for and (if the backgrounds are generic
like to run. Chances are you have already example) or because they simply do not enough) can be modified to fit the events
come across adventures in the local game have a place in your world (no dragon- of your campaign. Think of adventures in
store and thought “This would be good if lances in a non-DRAGONLANCE® saga terms of their plots, and you can use them
it weren’t for . . .” If the basic premise of campaign). You can also replace stock regardless of genre. Here are some adven-
the adventure is something you like, the items with similar items that already have tures whose basic structures are well
adventure can probably be integrated into histories in your world, or with items that suited to most genres:
your campaign. There are three steps to you want to introduce to the campaign. 1. An immensely powerful being or
fitting an adventure to a world: Whatever you do, make sure it doesn’t group becomes interested in the powerful
1. Read the adventure: Make sure you adversely affect the adventure. If you beings of this world, and sends them to
understand what is happening and why it replace or modify an essential item, make fight for survival on a patchwork planet,
is happening. Why do the antagonists act sure that you somehow make that item continent, or city complex far from home
the way they do? Why are the items unnecessary or move its responsibility (MHSP1 The Secret Wars, for TSR’s
where they are? Why are the events tak- somewhere else. A ring of comprehend MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ game).
ing place when they do? The author did languages, for example, could be replaced 2. Lost on a previously unexplored
not write this adventure with your worlds with a multilingual NPC critical to the planet or continent, the players must
player characters in mind; your players adventure’s success. interact with numerous alien races in their
may do things the author did not expect, When changing locales, make sure the bid to find a way home. On the way they
and you must be prepared to wing it module’s locale could exist in your world. discover that, to help the races survive,
within the module’s context. You could use dimension travel, planar they must fight a mysterious villain and
2. Find what you like: Determine what travel, or time travel to get the characters bring the races together to fend off an
appeals to you about the adventure. Is it to the exact location of the adventure, but attack from outside (the Volturnus series,
the genre? the plot? the locale? If it is a this turns the adventure into a dimension- for TSR’s STAR FRONTIERS® game).
mystery based in Las Vegas, is the idea of travel, planar-travel, or time-travel adven- 3. An expedition is lost in an uncharted
running an adventure in Las Vegas what ture. This is not always bad, but it’s jungle. In their quest to save the group,
appeals to you, or is it running an adven- usually best to place the adventure some- the characters come face-to-face with
ture in a backdrop of glamour and gam- where within the confines of the ‘normal’ unimaginable horror and confront a villain
bling? If the latter is the case, then the world of your campaign. A GANGBUS- from the worlds forgotten past (The Pits
adventure could be moved to Atlantic City, TERS™ adventure based in Chicago could of Bendal-Dolum, from Cthulhu Classics,
Lake Tahoe, or a city in a fantasy world. become an AD&D® adventure based in a for Chaosium’s CALL OF CTHULHU®
You should look past the trappings to the fantasy city of your campaign, preferably game).
real draw of the adventure. When you a city with a reputation for organized
know what you like about the adventure, crime. You must also ensure that the geog- Crossing genres
you know what not to change. raphy of the adventure fits the geography One of the advantages gained from using
3. Find what you need to change: Exam- of the area where you place it. Geography commercial adventures is the ability to
ine the adventure again, with an eye for can usually be modified after you find a switch genres within a campaign. If you
ways to mesh the adventure with your place for the adventure, but important want to give your fantasy game a taste of
campaign. Examine the characters, crea- geographical features may limit the possi- horror, go out and buy a good horror
tures, items, locales, geographical features, ble locations (if the module requires a adventure. If you want to give it a taste of
events, and histories (both stated and volcano or a seaport, you need a volcano mystery, buy a good mystery adventure.
implied), and modify them to suit your or a seaport). Simply convert the game mechanics to
world. Look at the history involved, too. Would your own game system, but keep the
With regards to the characters and cities, towns, and villages have developed theme. Crossing genres increases the
creatures involved, will using certain NPC the same in your world as they did in the number of commercial adventures availa-
and monsters from your world rather author’s? Would they have the same ble for your campaign, but you must keep
than using the author’s NPCs and monsters names? If your world is based on Celtic an eye out for special circumstances.
change their motivations or actions in any mythology, a town full of Spanish names Situations tailored for one genre can have

difficulties in another. A major villain in without magic. Also, NPCs in fantasy ad- thus be replaced with its medieval
one of TSR’s TOP SECRET/S.I.™ adventures ventures may have too many magical counterpart.
may have gone to great lengths to con- items, even for other games using magic, if Trickery can replace special powers. If a
struct a cell to hold her enemies. This magic is less common and more mysteri- villain in a superhero adventure is sup-
same cell may be worthless against a 3rd- ous in your campaign (as it often is in the posed to be able to teleport, and you don’t
level wizard with a knock spell. If the horror genre, for example). You will then want this in your detective campaign,
villain is altered to be someone who origi- need to reduce the amount of magical make the villain a master of disappear-
nated from the fantasy campaign world, items carried by the module’s NPCs, possi- ance. His house will have many secret
she will have taken different precautions bly replacing them with technological doors and passageways to effectively
against escape: a permanent silence spell items or skills if essential. “teleport” him to different areas. Away
cast over the area by an allied mage, per- Modern Era: This category includes from home, he could use manhole covers,
haps, or part of the locking mechanism espionage, detective, police, and military crowds, and carefully planned getaways
kept out of range of a knock spell. systems. One thing to watch when using involving vehicles that can be hidden in
You should also be careful not to lose the adventures from different modern-era other vehicles—driving a Porsche into a
feel of things when converting. Remember game systems is the varying level of tech- semi-trailer, or a motorcycle into a van.
that the simple conversion of statistics will nology across these games. If the module’s Even the most amazing powers can be
not always be the correct thing to do. You author expects the PCs to view the villains mimicked with careful planning and the
should also keep in mind what the statis- with their mini X-ray cameras, and the correct circumstances.
tics mean in relation to other characters. best your PCs can come up with is a 1932 Horror: When using adventures from
For example, if you use this article’s flash camera, you will have to modify one horror game system to another, be
guidelines to convert Thor’s strength of 25 some situations and events. careful that you do not violate what that
from the AD&D 1st Edition Legends & When using these adventures in cam- game considers the “rules” of the un-
Lore (page 106) to Hero Games’ CHAMPI- paigns of another genre, remember that known. Many horror games have very
ONS® system, you wouldfind out how the adventures probably assume a com- strict views on the unknown forces that
much he can lift (about 1,500 lbs.) and plete lack of magic on the part of the PCs. the PCs combat. When converting a CALL
then check what strength is necessary to A single AD&D game locate object or OF CTHULHU adventure to a “standard”
lift that amount in the latter system (this is passwall spell might drop the playing time ghost-story adventure, you may have to
also 25). However, remember that a score to a couple of minutes if care is not taken. use demons in place of the major
of 25 in the AD&D game is the limit for It shouldn’t be too hard to add precautions Cthulhoid monsters.
any personal characteristic. When con- against magic, but keep in mind that it will When using horror adventures in cam-
verting Thor to the CHAMPIONS game, probably have to be done. Also, most of paigns of other genres, your major prob-
you will probably want to increase his these adventures are tailored to above- lem will probably be the lack of detail on
strength even more so that he is one of the average (but still normal) characters who certain areas of the adventure. PCs in
strongest beings on your world. Keep the rely mostly on cunning, intelligence, and horror adventures are rarely as powerful
proper balance and feel of things in mind skill against similar NPCs. Care must be as their counterparts in other games
when converting. taken to keep an adventure interesting in (weakness feeds the horror atmosphere of
other genres with tougher characters. the game). Thus, where the author expects
Genre by genre Modern-era adventures most suitable for the PCs to be forced to go one way, the
Each genre has its own idiosyncrasies conversion are those requiring deduction fantasy PCs in your campaign may decide
and special problems. Only a few prob- and reasoning, which is generally ex- to go another way (“So there’s a vampire.
lems are noted here, but these are among pected of players in any game system. Let’s kill him and see where he came
the most important points. Each section Science Fiction/Superhero: Science- from!”). You should find these situations
first looks at going between game systems fiction and superhero adventures are and take care of them before running the
within the same genre, then using adven- probably the easiest to convert from game adventure. The most common ways of
tures from that genre in other genres. to game within a single genre. SF adven- dealing with this are:
Fantasy: Fantasy is the most popular tures tend to have few restrictions as to 1. Expand the adventure as necessary.
RPG genre, so you will have lots of extra what can happen and how it can happen, 2. Modify the adventure so the players
material if you use commercial fantasy since science fiction encompasses a wide will be forced into the correct direction
adventures. Remember, though, that if you range of possible scenarios. Superhero after all.
cross game ‘systems, mechanics like spell adventures are easy to convert between 3. Replace the locale with one you are
levels, psionics, and spell-casting will game systems because the genre has been already familiar with, making it easier to
change greatly. High-level spells in one so well defined by comic books, and most wing it when the players go in unplanned
game might can be low-level spells in superhero games fall within the comic- directions.
another. Ensure that the adventure can book framework. There are other things to be watch.
handle the spells used in your campaign, When using science-fiction and super- Most horror games do not include a power
and that the spells necessary to complete hero adventures in other genres, look out like a 1st-level cleric’s undead-turning
the adventure are available. If the adven- for the level of technology involved. If you capability in the AD&D game. Most adven-
ture assumes unlimited spell-casting (gen- are converting such a module to a fantasy tures will not be written with this possibil-
erally with a spell-point system) or the use world and plan to keep the technology ity in mind, so you should pay close
of different spell components, various level of the NPCs (they’re part of an alien attention to it when converting a horror
things within the adventure may change invasion, perhaps), you must be sure that adventure to fantasy.
also. For example, if a spell requires a the PCs have enough resources, magical or Funny/Comic: It can be fun to occa-
frog’s leg in one game and a dragon’s leg in otherwise, to balance the NPCs. If you sionally take an adventure from a tongue-
another, the frequency of that spell’s cast- replace the technology, be creative; it need in-cheek game system such as West End
ing will probably change. not all be replaced with magic. For exam- Games’ PARANOIA™ or GHOSTBUSTERS™
When going from fantasy to other gen- ple, a science-fiction pirate with an inter- adventure, modify it to suit your needs,
res, you need to remember that most stellar corsair equipped with a massive and surprise your players with an off-the-
fantasy adventures virtually require a computer and a crew armed with lasers wall adventure in another genre. The
spell-caster in the party. Psionics, super- and vibroblades might become a fantasy main thing to worry about is whether or
powers, and technology sometimes make RPG pirate with an ocean-going corsair, a not your players are up to such an adven-
up for a lack of magic; take this into ac- crew armed with crossbows and rapiers, ture. Some players resent sustained comic
count if transferring to genres or games and a reliable sage. Much technology can relief in an otherwise serious campaign,
84 JANUARY 1991
especially if they don’t get to play that one game to another is simply to use your Player’s Handbook that lists strength val-
often. If your players do not want an own judgment. You must be familiar with ues and carrying capacities. Take the
adventure of this type, don’t force it on both games to do this, and must be at ease SPACE OPERA character’s carrying capac-
them. If in doubt, simply ask or have an- with the system you use regularly. This ity (determined from strength, physique,
other adventure ready in case the first system works best for things that you are and constitution) and determine, from the
adventure doesn’t seem to be going over modifying drastically. For example, if you table in the Player’s Handbook, what value
well. Converting a serious module to a are using CALL OF CTHULHU game mon- is needed to lift that amount. You now
comic game system has some advantages sters to create a Lovecraft mythology in have the character’s strength. From there,
(e.g., a CALL OF CTHULHU module for the your world, but are drastically changing go on to work out the rest of the abilities.
GHOSTBUSTERS game), but too much the monsters’ looks and abilities, this Numbers to percentages: If you are
seriousness could damage the humorous method will probably be the way to go. using an adventure from another game
atmosphere. A good dose of realism and Specific rules: The simplest things to system in your campaign, and you have
fear, however, can often heighten a ses- convert are situations and items that have access to the rules this adventure was
sion’s comic and heroic effect. specific rules in your game system. Falling written for, you can be much more spe-
War games: War-game scenarios make damage is a good example of this. If the cific when converting the adventure. If
very good backgrounds for role-playing AD&D adventure states “The pit is 30 feet you know the dice used for determining
games, especially for wars set in modern deep; characters falling in take 3d6 dam- characteristics, events, and actions, you
times. A war-game scenario based on the age” but you are using CHAMPIONS game can determine the exact chances of certain
Battle of Normandy, for example, would PCs, you would look up falling damage in characteristics being generated, certain
make a great background for a superhero the CHAMPIONS rules and note damage to events occurring, or of certain actions
time-travel adventure. You will have to be 15d6. A D&D® game’s saving throw vs. being successful.
make your own decisions about what poison would become a GAMMA WORLD® On the linear die roll tables provided in
happens as far as the battles are con- game’s resistance roll. Standard animals, this article (1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, and
cerned, possibly modifying the expected weapons, armor, and supplies can easily 1d20), the chance of getting any single
outcome depending on the actions of the be replaced, as most games list all stand- number is given in parentheses after the
PCs. See the STAR FRONTIERS adventure, ard items and their statistics. Within the column title (e.g., the chance of getting a 5
SF2 Starspawn of Volturnus, for a good fantasy genre, many of the monsters (skel- on 1d8 is 12.5%). On the V and bell-curve
example of dealing with war in a PC- etons, goblins, dragons, etc.) are also dupli- die-roll tables, the chance of getting each
oriented adventure. cated. You do have to be careful that the number is given in the “Single %” column
names don’t cover completely different (e.g., the chance of getting a 13 on 3d6 is
Crossing game systems monsters. While goblins in one world 9.7%). For both sets of tables, the “Cumu-
When crossing game systems, some might be short humanoids appearing in lative %” column gives the chance of get-
game mechanics in a given module must great numbers, in another world they ting that number or less (e.g., the chance
be converted to your own system. After might be huge monsters appearing in of getting 7 or less on 1d12 is 58.3%). To
replacing some of the original NPCs and small groups. In that case, you could re- discover the chance of rolling a certain
items with those from your campaign, this place the goblin with another monster number or greater, look in the “Reverse
problem will be lessened, but some char- similar to the original game’s interpreta- %” column (e.g., the chance of rolling 19
acters, items, and situations will remain to tion of goblins, or rename the monster or greater on 2d10 is 3%). To find the
be dealt with. Not everything must be and create or convert it as normal. chance of rolling a certain collection of
converted to your game system, however. Games and reality: Some conversions numbers, add up their individual percent-
Characters in encounters that involve only will not be quite as easy as the previous ages. The chance of rolling a 4, 5, 7, or 9
conversation do not need conversion, and ones. Character abilities are a good exam- on 1d10 is 10% + 10% + 10% + 10% = 40%.
neither will combat encounters that will ple of this. Many have similar names with- The chance of rolling a 4, 5, 7, or 9 on 3d6
give the PCs no serious trouble. You can out quite the same meaning. The is 1.4%+2.8%+6.9%+11.6%.=22.7%.
easily fake this from your own experience. CHAMPIONS game, for example, has three Suppose that the adventure states that a 6
Anyone who will return later in your character abilities describing intellect and or greater is required to save vs. an event.
campaign should be converted. Likewise, mental faculties: intelligence, ego, and You know that the game system uses 2d6
the people or things involved in pivotal presence. FGU’s SPACE OPERA™ game has for saving throws. You want to convert
encounters that can give the PCs a hard nine: empathy, intelligence, psionics, intui- this to a game system that uses 1d20 for
time should be converted. If the possibility tion, bravery, leadership, general technical saving throws, to be able to keep the char-
exists in combat that the PCs could lose or aptitude, mechanical aptitude, and electri- acter’s ability modifications correct (from
that the PCs could be weakened enough to cal aptitude. How can abilities with vary- magical rings, dexterity, etc). Also, you
lose later, don’t fake it; the situation will ing meanings be correlated? want the saving throw to be vs. a number
get too confusing if you don’t have things The best way is to look at what the or less. Look at the 2d6 table. The chance
written down. Once you decide who and characters can do. Games often tell how to of rolling 6 or greater is found on the
what to convert, the question becomes determine a character’s IQ from certain “Reverse %” column: 72.2%. Now, go to
how best to convert them. These four mental capabilities, usually involving intel- the 1d20 table. The nearest percentage to
methods that give the best results: ligence tests. You can use this to determine 72.2% is 70%, which is 14 or less. If you
1. Use your own judgment, possibly in intelligence in other games. Determine the wanted to have the players roll high, it
combination with the next three methods. IQ of the character in the first game, then would be 7 or more.
2. Drop specific rules in the original determine what statistics are required for If you want to convert statistics using
game system to use rules for the same that IQ in the second. this method, you can do it using the “Cu-
effects in your own game system. Easy stuff should be done first to lay the mulative %” column. For example, consti-
3. Translate effects and statistics from groundwork for some of the harder tution in AD&D games is rolled on 3d6. If
the original game system to their real- things. As an example, suppose you have you wish to convert an AD&D game con-
world counterparts, then to your own to convert the SPACE OPERA game’s stitution of 13 to a STAR FRONTIERS game
system’s statistics. scores for strength, physique, and consti- stamina, find the chance of getting 13 or
4. Translate statistics in the original tution to the AD&D game’s strength and less on 3d6: 83.8%. Since the STAR
system to percentage values, then back to constitution scores. Strength is the first FRONTIERS game uses percentile dice to
statistics in your game system. one. In AD&D games, strength measures determine abilities, just look up this per-
Using your judgment: The simplest almost nothing but carrying capacity— centage on that game’s ability table. This
way to convert items and characters from brute force. There is a table in the AD&D gives a stamina of 60.

When converting statistics, you must
sometimes combine many statistics in one
game to get a statistic for another, or go
Table 1:
from one statistic to many. Going from
Linear Die Roll Probabilities
SPACE OPERA game’s nine mental statis-
tics to the AD&D game’s three (charisma,
1d4 (25%) 1d8 (12.5%) Cumulative % Reverse %
intelligence, and wisdom) requires deter-
— 1 12.5% 100%
mining which statistics in the former
correspond to those statistics in the latter. 1 2 25% 87.5%
— 3 37.5% 75%
Make a list of the statistics in the game
system to which you are converting; after 2 4 50% 62.5%
— 5 62.5% 50%
each of those statistics, list the relevant
statistics in the first game system, in order 3 6 75% 37.5%
from most relevant to least relevant. For — 7 87.5% 25%
4 8 100% 12.5%
example, to convert an AD&D game statis-
tic (in boldface) to a SPACE OPERA game
1d6(16.7%) 1d12(8.3%) Cumulative % Reverse %
statistic (in regular type), you might list the
following: — 1 8.3% 100%
1 2 16.7% 91.7%
— 3 25% 83.3%
Intelligence: Intelligence, General Tech-
2 4 33.3% 75%
nical Aptitude, Mechanical Aptitude,
Electrical Aptitude, Psionics — 5 41.7% 66.7%
3 6 50% 58.3%
Wisdom: Intuition, Empathy, Bravery,
— 7 58.3% 50%
4 8 66.7% 41.7%
Charisma: Leadership, Empathy, Bravery,
— 9 75% 33.3%
Intuition, Psionics
5 10 83.3% 25%
— 11 91.7% 16.7%
When determining AD&D game intelli-
6 12 100% 8.3%
gence, SPACE OPERA game intelligence
would be the main factor. A high aptitude
1d10 (10%) 1d20 (5%) Cumulative % Reverse %
score might make up for a low intelli-
— 1 5% 100%
gence, however, or vice versa. Likewise, in
1 2 10% 95%
order to have psionic ability in AD&D
— 3 15% 90%
games, a high intelligence, wisdom, or
2 4 20% 85%
charisma is required, so SPACE OPERA
— 5 25% 80%
game psionics might influence intelligence
3 6 30% 75%
as well.
— 7 35% 70%
4 8 40% 65%
Final words — 9 45% 60%
One of the main problems you may have
crossing game systems will not be crossing 5 10 50% 55%
genres, but crossing between mythic game — 11 55% 50%
6 12 60% 45%
systems and realistic game systems. A
— 13 65% 40%
mythic game system assumes that the PCs
7 14 70% 35%
are the major characters in the adventure.
— 15 75% 30%
If the majority of the PCs don’t survive to
8 16 80% 25%
the end of the story, the story probably
— 17 85% 20%
wouldn’t have been written about them.
9 18 90% 15%
PCs often get breaks that are not realistic.
— 19 95% 10%
Even if the-PCs do die, their battles and
10 20 100% 5%
deeds make stories, myths, and legends to
be handed down for generations.
In realistic game systems, it is not as-
sumed that the PCs are going to survive to
the end of the story. In these games, the
chances of death and injury are considera- Table 2
ble. A single sword stroke might kill a V and Bell-Curve Die Roll Probabilities
healthy character. Realistic game systems
shift part of the focus of the adventure 2d6 Single % Cumulative % Reverse %
from the story to PC survival. When using 2 2.8% 2.8% 100%
an adventure from a mythic game system 3 5.6% 8.3% 97.2%
in a realistic game system, combat sce- 4 8.3% 16.7% 91.7%
narios should probably be toned down, as 5 11.1% 27.8% 83.3%
should most damage-causing events. PCs 6 13.9% 41.7% 72.2%
may have to be given strong inducement 7 16.7% 58.3% 58.3%
to finish the adventure. When survival 8 13.9% 72.2% 41.7%
becomes more important, PCs in a realistic 9 11.1% 83.3% 27.8%
game system might not take the initiative 10 8.3% 91.7% 16.7%
as often as PCs in a mythic system. 11 5.6% 97.2% 8.3%
On the other hand, when using adven- 12 2.8% 100% 2.8%
tures from a realistic game system in a
mythic system, you may find that many of
86 JANUARY 1991
the “nudges” that the author gives the PCs
Table 2 (cont.) become less necessary. In a mythic game
system, the heat of battle and the chance
3d6 Single % Cumulative % Reverse % for glory are often enough to move PCs
3 .5% .5% 100% toward the climax of the adventure.
4 1.4% 1.9% 99.5% Another problem comes up when con-
5 2.8% 4.6% 98.1% verting adventures to a game very differ-
6 4.6% 9.3% 95.4% ent from its original game system. This
7 6.9% 16.2% 90.7% involves overestimating the effects of one
8 9.7% 25.9% 83.8% aspect of the adventure—most often in
9 11.6% 37.5% 74.1% overestimating the effects of technology in
10 12.5% 50% 62.5% a primitive setting. For example, many
11 12.5% 62.5% 50% modern weaponry systems have been
12 11.6% 74.1% 37.5% added to the AD&D game, and quite a few
13 9.7% 83.8% 25.9% give large damage values for handgun fire,
14 6.9% 90.7% 16.2% ranging from 1d8 to 2d6 or more. A real-
15 4.6% 95.4% 9.3% world deer-hunting bow (equivalent to a
16 2.8% 98.1% 4.6% long bow in AD&D game terms), when
17 1.4% 99.5% 1.9% used correctly, propels its arrow with the
18 .5% 100% .5% same velocity as a .22 rifle bullet. The
bullet won’t do more damage than the
4d6 Single % Cumulative % Reverse % arrow. The gun has a higher fire rate and
4 .1% .1% 100% is easier to shoot (that’s why it overtook
5 .3% .4% 99.9% the bow and arrow in our own history),
6 .8% 1.2% 99.6% but the bow is a deadly weapon in itself.
7 1.5% 2.7% 98.8% Similar problems occur when converting
8 2.7% 5.4% 97.3% martial-arts systems into games with only
9 4.3% 9.7% 94.6% normal hand-to-hand fighting.
10 6.2% 15.9% 90.3% Be sure to replace rather than redo. This
11 8% 23.9% 84.1% drastically cuts the amount of conversion
12 9.6% 33.6% 76.1% work and makes you that much more
13 10.8% 44.4% 66.4% familiar with the characters, things, and
14 11.3% 55.6% 55.6% places. Don’t replace what originally drew
15 10.8% 66.4% 44.4% you to the adventure, however. Put lots of
16 9.6% 76.1% 33.6% little notes in the margins of the module,
17 8% 84.1% 23.9% so you’ll remember what you’ve changed
18 6.2% 90.3% 15.9% when you start running the adventure.
19 4.3% 94.6% 9.7% Keep notes about what rules cover the
20 2.7% 97.3% 5.4% events being talked about, what saving
21 1.5% 98.8% 2.7% throws are required, and what pages you
22 .8% 99.6% 1.2% might want to refer to in your rule books
23 .3% 99.9% .4% or other references.
24 .1% 100% .1% Use works of fiction as adventure
sources. The methods given here for
2d10 Single % Cumulative % Reverse % crossing genres and game systems will also
2 1% 1% 100% work for taking ideas from source other
3 2% 3% 99% than role-playing, such as films, books,
4 3% 6% 97% and the real world. Life is interesting—and
5 4% 10% 94% never let the PCs forget it!
6 5% 15% 90%
7 6% 21% 85%
8 7% 28% 73%
9 8% 36% 72%
10 9% 45% 64%
11 10% 55% 55%
12 3% 64% 45%
13 8% 72% 36%
14 7% 79% 28%
15 6% 85% 21%
16 5% 90% 15%
17 4% 94% 10%
18 3% 97% 6%
19 2% 99% 3%
20 1% 100% 1%

In Harm’s Way
—At Home! Danger rooms for MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ campaigns
by Michael Hollinger

The Uncanny X-Men had the first one. fourth normal combat damage in a danger change of air pressure above it. Once
Just about every super-hero group with a room (robotic opponents pull their activated, a tile presents a hero with a
base now has one, yet very few groups punches, etc.). I have my gamers’ groups crisis (an attack robot or a trap) that must
use one to its full potential. I am speaking immediately sent to the clinic at their base be confronted and overcome.
of the danger room, a training arena that after a danger-room workout, then decree A danger room should not be so difficult
is one of the most useful, if seldom used, that all damage taken has been healed (it that the heroes have no chance to “pass”
tools that a MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ saves on paperwork). Second, I have my it, but neither should the heroes be able to
game Judge has. With the system present- danger rooms divided into small areas pick off crises with ease, one at a time.
ed in this article, Judges will be able to called tiles; one floor tile is equal to one The best solution I’ve found is to start with
make their own danger rooms for their MARVEL SUPER HEROES game area for easily triggered tiles until the heroes are
crime-fighting groups, ready for super determining a hero’s movement, range, up against impossible odds, then have
heroes to use within half an hour. etc. Third, a floor tile is activated when whoever is controlling the danger room
Before the procedure for creating a any weight is placed on it. If a Judge wish- decrease the sensitivity until running
danger room is laid out, a few things es, the pressure necessary to trigger a tile across the tiles alone will activate them. As
should be said about running a danger can be so sensitive that a character flying a last resort, if the heroes are over-
room. First, heroes should take only one- overhead can set it off due to the slight whelmed, turn off the sensitivity of the
tiles completely. The tiles cannot usually
differentiate as to what causes the pres-
sure on them, so the results of activating
one tile could conceivably activate one or
more other tiles.
It helps to assume that a nonplayer-
character hero, one who doesn’t go out
adventuring very often, is in charge of the
danger room and can design its horrors
without the knowledge of the other he-
roes. An enthusiastic scientist/technician
(something like Q from the James Bond
movies) works best for the danger room’s

Danger-room construction
The first step in creating a basic danger
room is to draw the grid of tiles on which
the characters will play out the scenario.
(The design here is quite basic; more unu-
sual designs may be developed, too.) I
suggest the use of a manila folder on
which to draw out the danger room. By
folding the map up, you also have a handy
folder for keeping all danger-room-related
forms. In addition, the folder is the right
size for play and is much sturdier than
normal paper.
With a pencil, first draw out a large
rectangle or square, about 10" across,
centered on the unfolded folder. This is
the outer wall of the danger room. The
room's walls are ¼" thick on paper. On
the left side, draw in the control room,
where the danger room's activities are
monitored, and mark it as such (com-
puters and control consoles may be added
as well). On the right side, draw in lockers
and showers for the heroes to use after takes to fill out the danger room. activation. Results from this table need not
their workout. The ceiling height in the Danger rooms present crises in two be assigned to each tile prior to its activa-
danger room itself is assumed to be about basic ways: robots and traps. A danger tion, but assignment will let the Judge
two stories. The material strength of the room can arbitrarily hold a maximum of better control the scenario. Once a tile has
danger room’s walls, ceiling, and floor is only five different types of robots and five been activated and its crisis dealt with, it
assumed to be Monstrous, though the types of traps. One specific robot type and becomes “safe” for the rest of the scenario
Judge may alter this. one specific trap type have special pro- if no other crisis has been assigned to it.
Next, mark along the top wall of the gramming, as detailed later, and usually If an event is selected for a tile that has
danger room itself, between the control only one of each of these will appear in already been activated and is now present-
room and the showers, in 1” segments, the danger room at any one time. All other ing a crisis, the Judge has three options.
using a pencil and ruler. Starting in the top robots and traps have “generic” programs He can either reroll the location, use the
left corner, make the first tile (called A1) and are assumed to be unlimited in num- second crisis for the second time the tile is
1” long by 1” deep. Tile A2, moving right, ber. Each “generic” robot and trap should activated, or place the crisis on an adja-
should be the same size, and so on to tile be designed before the game begins, using cent tile. Again, allow no more than three
A7. Row B, just underneath, is composed the section “Traps & robots” herein. active crises per tile per scenario.
of six tiles; B1 is 1½” x 1”, B2-B5 are 1” The special robot is an emulation robot,
square, and B6 is like B1. Row C is like which is designed to look and act as Your mission is...
Row A, Row D is like B, and so on down to though it is a real costumed hero or vil- Now the Judge should determine the
Row J, which is like Row B. (Optionally, lain. All of its statistics come directly from mission that must be completed in order
the room may be lengthened by having criminal files (in game terms, the for Karma to be awarded for the scenario
the center tiles be 2” long by 1” wide.) Advanced Set Judge’s Book or any game and in order to have the danger room
This produces a bricklike layout of tiles. module), and it is programmed to respond turned off, unless the team wishes to
It is much easier on the eyes if you put in a reasonably complex, “intelligent” admit defeat. (Of course, the danger room
the outlines of the tiles and the outlines of manner, though the robot is not itself can be shut down by the controller if the
the walls in different color pens, or have intelligent. Note that the real hero or heroes look like they’re about to be killed!)
the walls in pen and the tiles in pencil. I villain copied by this robot might have For random mission determination, roll
can almost guarantee that if you don’t do powers not known to the super heroes, on the following table using 1d6. If the
this, at some point a character will try to and these powers won’t appear in the Judge wishes to make the mission slightly
walk through a wall. robot (surprise!). The special trap simu- harder or easier, merely add an appropri-
The danger room is specifically made lates a natural disaster. Once set off, this ate modifier. Note that the Clear mission is
with 10 rows and six active columns so trap presents the effects of a volcano, usually so hard that it cannot be randomly
that any location may be rolled with 1d10 tornado, blizzard, or the like over an rolled without a modifier. Also, the object
to determine row and 1d6 to determine expanding area of the danger room. of any mission will always be a nonliving
column (tiles A7, C7, E7, G7, and I7 are left The method for determining what type thing; to use living victims would be cruel.
inactive as “safe zones”). of crisis is activated by a tile is rolled on The table to generate the object of a mis-
the following table: sion is given later on.
A sea of crises
Now that the danger-room map is com- 1d10 Result 1d6 Result
plete, it is time to fill the danger room 1-4 Robot (type 1-4) 1 Transport
with things to make the heroes jump, fall, 5 Emulation robot 2 Recover
get knocked unconscious, or what have 6-9 Trap (type 1-4) 3 Destroy
you. The first step in filling a danger room 0 Natural disaster 4 Protect
is to determine the number of tiles that 5 Assemble
contain crises during a particular scenario. Robots and traps are created using the 6 Survive
You can either select a number (start with section “Traps & robots” herein. Second- 7+ Clear
10-15 crises for introductory scenarios), or ary die-roll encounter tables should be
else you can generate a number. In the created for the four robot and four trap
latter case, roll 1d6 for the tens’ digit and types, with one of each appearing per tile
1d10 for the ones’ digit, with a roll of 0 =
zero, not 10. This die roll will generate a
number between 10 and 69. Do not be
alarmed at the fact that it is possible to
have more active tiles than exist in the
room; a tile can have more than one crisis
on it. It is recommended, however, that no
more than three crises be placed on any
one tile. Remember: The more tiles that
produce an effect, the longer the process

82 MAY
Transport: Roll for or select two tile from the danger room. automatically activated. In addition, one
locations, the first being where the object Assemble: After creating an object using emulation robot per turn activates. Again,
starts and the second being its destination. rules given later in this article, have it be this is a very difficult mission. Use it spar-
The heroes’ objective is to move the object disassembled, then roll a random location ingly but threaten characters with it often.
from the starting point to its destination. for each piece. The objective of the mis- Next, use Table 1 to generate the charac-
Because this mission is usually easy, the sion is to put all the pieces together again. teristics of the object of the mission. Roll
Judge is encouraged to assign extra com- It takes one turn to put two pieces in the once each for the object’s size, weight, and
plications or crises. same area together, or two turns if the material strength. If the mission is “Assem-
Recover: Roll one tile location; this is object is deemed awkward by the die rolls ble,” roll for the number of pieces. The
where the object is originally situated. The in the following section. term “object” is deliberately generic so as
objective of this mission is to bring the Survive: Do not select an object for this to let the Judge throw in an interesting
object in question outside the danger mission; the mission is hard enough as is. twist. For instance, the heroes will treat a
room. On this mission, a robot always Roll 1d20 + 10 to generate a number be- glass figurine much differently than a
guards the door. (Roll up the robot’s statis- tween 11 and 30. This is the number of lump of tin.
tics as per a normal robot player character turns for which all the heroes must remain If the term “awkward’ is rolled, make a
in the game; do not count this one against conscious. Generate two robots, using note of it and reroll for its weight. In
type allotments for the danger room.) player-character rules, for every character addition to the Strength FEAT, the charac-
Destroy: Roll for the tile location of the entering the danger room. Make all powers ter attempting to move an awkward object
object. Next, give the object either body for the robots combat related (e.g., don’t must also make an Agility FEAT vs. Re-
armor or a force field. Roll 1d100; the take Plant Control), and have one of the markable intensity. Should the term “awk-
rank in which the number falls is the rank robots for each hero possess a power geared ward” be rolled again, increase the
of the armor or field. For instance, if a 53 to take advantage of that hero’s greatest intensity of the Agility FEAT by + 1CS each
is rolled, the rank is Amazing (53). The weakness or to confront his strongest time.
object of the mission is to bypass the de- power. The rank on this power should be After determining the mission and its
fenses and destroy the object. Certain rolls equal to the hero’s power that it is working object, roll for complications. The exact
may be disregarded and rerolled if the against, with a bonus of + 1CS. For example, number is left up to the Judge, but the
armor or force field is too strong or too Iceman, with Ice Generation—Remarkable suggested number is six minus the num-
weak to challenge your heroes, but always (30), is going into the danger room; a robot ber of the mission rolled. This allows the
allow the heroes a chance at victory. specifically designed for him might have Fire Judge to balance out the danger room.
Protect: After placing the object in ques- Generation. (If the Judge is unsure of what a Thus, if you’ve consistently rolled up
tion on a randomly rolled tile, roll up two good opposing power would be, find out easily beaten opponents, you can still
robots (using player-character rules for what its nemesis is in MA3 The Ultimate challenge the players with complications.
the game) for every three characters in Powers Book, a volume most certainly worth Conversely, the “Survive vs. Godzilla’s Five
the group. The players must prevent the its price). The Judge should start off with all Cousins” mission can be made playable by
robots from destroying the object. The PC tiles active but, in all probability, will soon having one or two of the creatures ex-
robots will not move until they are at- have to turn them off. plode on the eighth turn.
tacked or until a hero activates the tile on Clear: In this mission, no object is cre- Roll 2d6 on the following table to see
which the object is located. Once this ated, as the players will not have time to which complications come into play. With
happens, no more tiles that activate robots deal with one. The players must deactivate the exception of “May self-destruct” and
will function; however, traps and current- every single robot in the complex. Each “Will self-destruct,” any repeat rolls are
ly active robots will remain active. The turn, a number of robots equal to three cumulative. The complications are ex-
players must clear all remaining robots times the number of the characters is plained in the following section.

2d6 Complication
2 Timed (1d6 turns)
3 Stay 1d6 extra turns
4 Combine two missions
5 Object is hostile
6 Object moves
7 Object is hidden
8 Timed (3d6 turns)
9 Object is protected
10 Object moves quickly
11 May self-destruct
12 Will self-destruct

Timed: The mission must be completed

within the allotted amount of turns or else
one random tile per turn will be activated
at double-normal potency. If the random
tile activates a robot, double all its ranks
(by number) to a maximum of Monstrous.
Traps will automatically move beneath the
hero and have doubled effects. If the tile
rolled was unoccupied, no effects are felt.
Stay 1d6 extra turns: After the mission is
completed, the group must set off half the
tiles and overcome them all. Should they
succeed before all extra turns are up, keep
sending things at them one at a time.
Combine two missions: Roll for another
mission but keep the same object, then

combine the two missions. For instance, catch it while it is in motion. Any tiles the 2d6 Landform
Transport and Survive are rolled. The object runs across, flies over, or lands 2 Stream or river
characters might have to bring a robot to upon are automatically activated. 3 Pit
a tile where it will activate, then must May self-destruct: Each turn that the 4-6 Hill
destroy it and stand guard. Even better, characters occupy the same tile as the 7-8 Pond or lake
the characters must catch an emulation object, there’s a 50% chance that a timer 9-10 Bluff or cliff
robot and transport it to a giant garbage will be set off, allowing 1d6 turns to pass 11-12 Chasm
disposal or “prison” on a certain tile, stand- before the object explodes, doing Incredi-
ing by to ensure its destruction or capture. ble (40) force and Excellent (20) edged Any variation in height is usually one
The possibilities are limitless. attack damage. The heroes should be story high or deep. If a character falls off
Object is hostile: The object has a weap- informed of this complication but should a ledge, treat it as a charging attack
on for use against anything that comes not know the number of turns before it against the ground. Short-circuiting robots
into its area. explodes. The longer the heroes hold on to in water is a very common ploy in my
Object moves: The object moves 1-4 tiles the object, the more exciting this complica- scenarios, so add a pond at least.
every turn in any direction the Judge tion gets. In no case should a topographic feature
chooses. Will self-destruct: The timer is set for interfere with an active tile. For instance,
Object is hidden: The object in question 1d20 +5 turns and starts when the first a robot that emerges from a tile beneath a
is hidden beneath a tile (the Judge might tile is activated. Any character on the lake would be resistant to water. A trap at
not tell where), and the tile covering it same tile as the object (or on an adjacent the same place might indicate that the lake
must be activated in order to gain access tile) in the turn in which the object ex- is really made of poisonous water or acid.
to the object. Any traps or robots lying in plodes takes Incredible force and Excellent
wait are also sprung when the tile is acti- edged attack damage as before. The he- Traps & robots
vated. If the Judge decides not to tell roes should be informed of this complica- The last step in creating a danger room
where the object is, the heroes must tion but should not know the number of is to give identities to the various traps
search for it. While Penetration Vision or turns they have before the object ex- and robots that infest the room. Emulation
other powers will work, the easiest and plodes. Again, the longer the scenario, the robots should each be assigned a personal-
most fool-proof searching method is still more suspenseful this complication gets. ity as noted previously (Doctor Doom is
the Accidental Mine Detector routine (i.e.: the best!), and all disasters should be
pray, step, pray, step, etc.). Enjoying the scenery worked out.
Object is protected: Four robots are After the mission and all its complica- A trap is easy to describe but often hard
already protecting the object from any tions are finalized, the Judge should add to design. Some ideas to get you started
type of outside interference. 1-3 landforms to vary the room’s topo- would include:
Object moves quickly: On each turn, roll graphy. Roll for the location of one tile as a —power-nullification traps
ld6. On a 5 or 6, the object moves to a starting point for each landform, then —web-casting traps
totally random location (roll location on expand the landform’s size to a minimum —logic traps (the character must solve a
1d6 for the row, 1d10 for the column) of three tiles. The following table is intend- riddle to escape)
either by flight, teleportation, running, or ed for use only if the Judge is unsure of —pit traps
some other form of locomotion. If the what to put in. —spike traps
object moves by any means other than —moving-wall traps (walls move in at the
teleportation, the characters must make rate of one area per round)
an Agility FEAT vs. Amazing intensity to —character-specific traps
—acid traps
—power-lowering traps (-2CS power
Table 1 drop)
Mission Object Table —traps that use a character’s power
against him
Strength Material —illusion traps
1d6 Size to lift Pieces strength —traps that cause a character to fight
1 Very small PR 2 FB his group
2 Small TY 3 PR
3 Medium GD 4 GD
4 Large RM 5 EX Table 4
5 Very large IN 7 IN Robot’s Number of Powers
6 Awkward 9 AM
1d10 # powers*
1 (O,1,O)
Table 2 Table 3 2 (0,1,1)
Robot FASE Statistics Robot RIP Statistics 3 (1,1,1)
4 (1,2,0)
1d10 Rank 1d10 Rank 5 (0,2,1)
1 PR 1-3 FE 6 (1,2,1)
2-3 TY 4-5 PR 7 (1,2,2)
4-5 GD 6-7 TY 8 (1,3,1)
6-7 EX 8 GD 9 (2,3,1)
8-9 RM 9 EX 0 (2,3,2)
10 IN 10 RM
* The first number is the number of
detection/movement powers; the second
dumber is offensive powers; the third is
defensive powers.

84 MAY 1991
—gas-spray traps
—entangling traps Editorial
—machine-gun traps Continued from page 7
—traps that set off 1-3 other tiles
18. We look for unique and interesting
—paralysis traps
plots (a) in module proposals for
DUNGEON Adventures before all else,
Disasters: A natural disaster is very
though a proposal had better have a good
similar to a trap, except that its area of
length, game accuracy, and an interesting
effect keeps expanding by one tile per setting, too. There are lots of other things
turn in all directions. Starting on the we look for, too, like distinctive characters,
fourth turn, the Judge should roll ldl0 on but plot comes first. Does the module tell a
the following table to see the progress of story? If not, out it goes.
the disaster. If “No change” is rolled as the
first result, the expansion of the disaster’s 19. An article that takes up 25 pages in
area of effect continues. DRAGON Magazine is far too long for our
tastes these days, so answer (b) is impor-
1d10 Result tant. But (e) is important, too, because
1-5 No change from previous roll there’s absolutely no point in replacing a
6-8 Expansion/retreat halts brand-new official game system until that
9-0 Area of effect retreats one tile system has been tried and tested. The
in all directions AD&D 2nd Edition Complete Psionics
Handbook deserves a fair shake. None of
Some ideas for potential natural disas- the other reasons given make any differ-
ters include: ence. Note in particular that DRAGON
—Volcano: blinding ash, lava (TY (6) Magazine has published unofficial addi-
force, IN (40) heat), poisonous gas of RM tions and changes to official rules hun-
(30) intensity dreds of times; it’s our stock in trade.
—Forest fire: blinding smoke, heat (TY
(6) + 1CS per turn, max. AM (50)), poison- 20. You’re best off starting with (b) to
ous gas of EX (20) intensity make sure you aren’t publishing some-
—Nuclear explosion: instantaneous RM thing lifted word-for-word from a copy-
(30) force, AM (50) heat, AM (50) radiation righted source. A game inconsistency (a
optional half-elven magic-user in the D&D game)
—Monsoon: winds, flying debris and was mentioned, but this might have been
water doing EX (20) edged attack damage easy to fix on the editor’s part. Sillier ideas
—Sea wave: water with AM (50) force have been published and have proven to
and triple speed (no halt/retreat) be quite popular, and sometimes it’s okay
—Blizzard RM (30) intensity cold, blinding to railroad the characters into an adven-
snow doing EX (20) edged attack damage. ture, so long as you’re careful about how
Robots: A normal robot is generated by you do it and so long as you don’t do it
a series of 1dl0 rolls on Tables 2-4. Roll very often.
four times on the first table for each of the
FASE scores, then three times on the sec- So now you have an idea of what goes
ond table for each of the RIP scores. If any through your editors’ heads as they look
three of the mental statistics is FE (2), this over your article, module, or game sub-
type of robot has no on-board intelligence. mission. * * And you thought anyone could
As such, the robot takes a - 3 modifier on do this.
the number of powers it possesses, but it Next month, another topic—but no test.
is invulnerable to all mind-affecting Enjoy!
powers. No danger-room robot is truly self
aware; they are simply well programmed.
After determining the robot’s statistics,
roll for its number of detection/movement
powers, offensive powers, and defensive
powers, then select them at your discre-
tion from the Advanced Set booklets or
The Ultimate Powers Book. Ranks can be
determined by using the MARVEL SUPER
HEROES game tables or by rolling
2d20 + 10 and using the rank number so
indicated (i.e., for 42, the rank is Incredi-

Roll up a danger room and show your

heroes how much trouble they can have * And don’t send us a module with a dungeon in a
dead brontosaur, either. The Avalon Hill Game
without ever leaving home! Company has already published one of those in a
RUNEQUEST® module. I am completely serious.
Marvel characters and the distinctive names and likenesses
thereof are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. * * If you were about to send us a module in which a
and are used with permission, Copyright ©1991 Marvel tinker gnome in battle armor must fight a goliath-
Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
monster with a Bohemian ear-spoon +5 that has
taken over a planetoid shaped like a klein bottle
inhabited by a shirokinukatsukami, think again.

86 MAY 1991
Basic battle tactics for your super heroes

by Dale A. Donovan

When my gaming group started playing

the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ game back
in high school, we were all still gaming
rookies. As my game mastering and the
players’ skills improved over the next
several months, I wanted to introduce a
sense of strategy and tactics into the
group’s battles. I tried to have my villains
use intelligent tactics whenever appropri-
ate in an effort to show the heroes the
benefits that having a sound battle plan
can produce. And, after their heroes got
their heads handed to them once or twice,
the players caught on.
This article will help you develop an
understanding of some basic tactics that
you can use to help your heroes win more
of their battles against the forces of evil
and villainy everywhere. Heroes are
sorted into various categories with titles
borrowed mostly from the military, with
each having certain offensive and defen-
sive strengths. Although I’ll be using
MARVEL SUPER HEROES characters and
game terms as examples, the categories
describe heroes in general, and the tactics
should apply equally well to any super-
hero RPG.

Combat categories
Infantry: This category of heroes is
made up of ground-based (no flying, gli-
ding, etc.) heroes who have few or no true
super powers and whose main tactic is to
close with the enemy and engage in melee.
In the MARVEL UNIVERSETM, this category
is represented by the likes of Captain
America, Black Knight, Mockingbird, Black
Panther, Wolverine, and Daredevil. Their
styles and weapons are irrelevant, as all of
these heroes do the majority of their fight-
ing in close quarters with the enemy.
Other powers or abilities that heroic infan-
try might possess are: martial arts, weap-
ons, or acrobatic skills; injury-resistant or many times. The Dodging and Evading means a lot of momentum and a lot of
enhanced senses; or the ability to make tactics from the MARVEL SUPER HEROES damage to anyone who absorbs that mo-
multiple attacks per combat round. Advanced Set Player’s Book can also be mentum with his body. You can also use
Offensive tactics: Like its military name- effective defensive tactics. these characters to foil enemies’ plans by
sake, heroic infantry is the best force Speedsters: In super-hero games, this getting behind their lines, committing
around at taking and holding ground. term refers to characters with super sabotage, etc. How can the evil scientist
When attacking foes, infantry’s success or speed or other heightened ground- fire his atomic mutagen splurge-gun at
failure often determines the ultimate movement powers. In the MARVEL your heroes if your speedster hero can
success or failure of the combat. To insure UNIVERSE, some notable speedsters are race to the wall and unplug it before the
success, infantry needs support from Quicksilver, Makkari, Super Sabre, and the scientist can start the firing sequence? Or
other types of heroes and should develop Whizzer. Any hero qualifies who possesses imagine Maximus trying to escape from
some alternatives to the all-too-common a power that allows him to cover larger- Quicksilver by running through an open
frontal assault. Attacking your foes from than-normal ground distances in a round doorway, only to have Quicksilver run to
their flanks or rear is a great way to con- (such as lightning speed or leaping) or the door, close it, and lock it just as Maxi-
fuse and distract them. Forcing your foes allows him to make multiple attacks per mus barrels headlong into it.
to react to two or more groups of heroes, round. Note that not all GMs allow speed- Defensive tactics: Many of the previous
coming from different directions, often ster characters to make multiple attacks tactics work well in a defensive situation,
causes those foes to split up their own merely because they possess super speed; too. The ability to attack multiple foes can
forces in order to deal with the threats. they must also possess an “extra attacks” be very important, slowing or even stop-
Just be aware that dividing your forces for power. Characters like this may also have ping an enemy advance. This tactic can
a flanking attempt will also weaken your a high agility, endurance, or an injury- also be used to help cover any retreat the
group as a whole, especially if you are resistance power (body armor, etc.). The heroes need to make. These heroes’ high
discovered before you are ready to attack. most common tactic used by these heroes movement rates also allow them to harass
If you doubt that heroic infantry can do is to simply close with the enemy and foes, making them the ultimate hit-and-run
much damage in a flanking maneuver, enter melee. artists. The ability to move so quickly also
consider what would happen if the Dare- Offensive tactics: A hero of this type makes these heroes excellent choices for
devil, Captain America, and Wolverine often does have multiple attacks, and this running diversions or feints. Foes have to
attacked your heroes from behind. can be used to even the odds if the heroes pay attention to heroes who can literally
Defensive tactics: Since infantry seldom are outnumbered. This is achieved by run circles around them.
has true powers, it often cannot withstand distributing the hero’s multiple attacks Airborne: This type of hero possesses
an all-out attack by super-powered foes. It among several targets within the hero’s some means of flight that also represents
is often best, when under this kind of movement range. This gets more enemies his primary super-power, outside of possi-
attack, for the infantry to find cover and involved in melee, preventing the other ble super-strength. The Sub-Mariner
wait for the other heroes to give it an heroes from being overwhelmed by sheer (when he could fly), Wonder Man, Namori-
opening to turn the tide. If no such help is numbers. A tactic for these heroes who do ta and Nova of the New Warriors, and
available, the infantry should stay together not possess multiple attacks, but who do both the original Angel and Ms. Marvel fall
and make the enemy come to it. Prepare possess a high endurance or some form of into this category. The most common
an ambush or some confining trap. Play body armor, is the charge. High speed combat tactic of these heroes is to fly to
“cat and mouse” with the the enemy and engage
foe, and use teamwork them in melee.
to pick off enemies Airborne
one at a time. These heroes might have
all are tactics other powers or
that Wolverine abilities that
has used quite supplement
successfully their flight

Offensive tactics: If their flight abilities shockwaves that knock foes off their feet attack.
are properly used, these heroes can ac- (Advanced Set Player’s Book, page 30), or Stealth: These heroes have powers or
complish a variety of functions. They can by throwing or otherwise placing large abilities that allow them to approach or
perform aerial reconnaissance before or objects in the advancing foes’ path. Shock contact enemies without their knowledge.
during the battle, giving the heroes a troops can also become strong points Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, the Invisible
better idea of their opposition. (The more around which other heroes can rally and Woman, and the Wasp all qualify for this
you know about your enemy, the better turn the tide. In this case, they should category. Any powers that allow a hero to
prepared you’ll be.) These heroes can also serve as “defensive linemen” for the hero get into a location unnoticed (e.g., shrink-
intercept any flying foes who could other- team. Heroic shock troops should try to ing, invisibility, teleportation, wall-
wise attack heroic infantry. Their flight force the enemy to get past them in order crawling, intangibility, etc.) qualify the
abilities also could allow them to get be- to reach the other heroes. Similarly, they hero for this category. These heroes most
hind their foes and attack any leaders, can cover any necessary retreats the he- often use their abilities to surprise foes
important machinery, or weapons caches. roes must make. Imagine trying to get past and fight them as best they can.
This type of attack could have the same the Thing when he is determined to stand Offensive tactics: These heroes, like the
effect as a successful infantry flanking in your path! airborne and other flyers, are excellent
maneuver. And any hero who can fly Artillery: This type of hero has physi- choices for performing reconnaissance
while invisible is a wonderful person to cal powers or abilities that affect targets at before combat begins and acting as scouts.
have around. Imagine all the security a distance. Some of these heroes can also Infiltrating the foes’ base and returning
systems (including guards, dogs, and super fly. Examples of this type of hero are the with important information can make the
villains) that an invisible flying hero could Human Torch (I and II), Hawkeye, and coming battle much easier to win. Getting
bypass. This particular hero would qualify Cyclops. These heroes generally do not behind the enemy and sabotaging or dis-
for the stealth category mentioned later. enter melee if they help it, preferring to rupting him is another option for stealth
Defensive tactics: The main objective of remain away from their foes and use their heroes. In this way, you can think of them
airborne heroes in a defensive battle missile capabilities. Heroes having primari- as commandos—moving in, striking, and (if
should be to prevent any aerial attacks on ly “Distance Attack” powers from the they’re lucky) getting back out before their
heroic forces who might already be over- Advanced Set Player’s Book qualify for this foes can react. Since these characters can
burdened. Many of the offensive tactics category. often infiltrate their foes’ base, they are
mentioned before could help to turn the Offensive tactics: Beyond their combat- also a good choice to set up ambushes and
tide in a defensive battle. Consider bomb- support role, these heroes can assist shock guerilla hit-and-run attacks.
ing foes with large objects, diving down troops in the heroes’ initial assault and can Defensive tactics: As before, getting
onto foes (gaining bonuses on the attack), also support heroic infantry when it behind the enemy, setting up ambushes,
or merely scouting the battle area, looking moves in. These heroes can use the and especially performing sabotage are
for the foes’ movements or finding a de- “Groundstrike” tactic from the Advanced tactics these heroes should take when put
fensible position or escape route for the Set Player’s Book, page 30, blasting the on the defensive. These heroes can often
heroes. ground in front of the foes and causing demoralize foes if they can damage the
Shock troops: These heroes, also injuries from the flying debris. These enemy and deny the foes a chance to
known as “bricks,” are the assorted heroes can also clear the sky of aerial foes strike back. Stealth heroes can also often
strongmen of comics. They generally by literally shooting them down. They hide themselves from foes, thereby forc-
possess great strength, some degree of should try to stay out of physical combat ing those foes to use their resources to
resistance to injury, and few or no other and find cover from which to launch their find the heroes or risk letting the heroes
powers. The Thing, She-Hulk, and Colos- attacks (unless they’re fliers). Flying heroes run around loose in their midst.
sus all qualify for this category. These of this type can get behind enemy lines Mentalists: These heroes usually pos-
heroes usually seek out foes similar to and wreak much havoc. sess exclusively mental or mind-affecting
themselves in powers and abilities. One little-used option for this type of powers that allow them to perform a wide
Offensive tactics: Shock troops are train- hero is playing the role of a sniper. This variety of feats. Some MARVEL UNIVERSE
ed to lead an attack, and that is exactly can be a very effective use of this kind of heroes in this class are Marvel Girl, Psy-
what these heroes should do. Since most hero. Imagine Hawkeye in a dense forest, locke, and Phoenix II (Rachel Summers).
of them can dish out and absorb huge shooting arrows (from an almost com- Any hero possessing powers primarily
amounts of damage, they are the logical pletely silent weapon—his bow) at foes from the “Mental Powers” category of the
choice (in conjunction with speedsters) to who are moving through or near the Advanced Set Player’s Book also qualifies
lead any charges made by the heroes. It is woods. Even if the sniper doesn’t severely for this category. These heroes tend to
often after a successful charging attack injure his foes, the victims most likely will avoid melee, using their mental powers on
that the heroic infantry can move in. send some of their forces to find him, their foes from a distance.
These heroes should seek out any shock again weakening their total strength and Offensive tactics: Like stealth heroes,
troops of the enemy and engage them so setting up the searchers for a possible many mentalist heroes make wonderful
that the foes’ shock troops cannot harm ambush. infiltration agents, especially if they can
the other heroes. Heroic shock troops can Defensive tactics: For the most part, directly affect others’ minds. Psychic re-
also seek out the foes’ leaders or artillery these offensive tactics work equally well connaissance and astrally scouting ahead
heroes (described later) and eliminate on the defensive, especially the sniper for danger is also an option, usually one
them from the fight, again making things option. Artillery heroes can cover the with very little risk. If the mentalist can
easier for the rest of the heroes. retreat of the rest of the heroes from their cause others to see illusions, a mentalist
Defensive tactics: Defensively, these positions of cover. These heroes can also can seriously affect the morale of oppo-
heroes should try to do pretty much the keep any flying foes from harassing the nents (imagine an illusory elephant herd
same things that they do offensively, with retreating heroes by shooting the fliers charging toward the enemy as the foes
a few modifications. Often, these heroes down. Defenses can consist of some form prepare to attack the heroes). Ambushes
can use their strength to slow or stop any of body armor, a force field, or even an- are also an option, again especially if the
attackers by using the “Shockwave” other hero acting as a “shield bearer,” mentalist can psychically prevent detec-
tactic—striking the ground and setting up protecting the artillery hero from direct tion of himself and other heroes. Mental-

76 JULY 1991
ists also make great communicators, choice of action, use any of the tactics of opponents’ shock troops. What you proba-
passing information, instructions, or battle the categories listed in this example. Simi- bly do want is to have a running battle,
plans to other heroes who couldn’t other- lar breakdowns can be performed for hitting the enemy with your artillery
wise be reached due to ambient noise, most other special-forces heroes. heroes until the enemies close the gap.
darkness, etc. Power stunts: Something must also be Then, with your infantry providing cover
Defensive tactics: Many of these tactics, said about Power Stunts in the MARVEL as best they can, have the artillery heroes
especially illusions and ambushes, would SUPER HEROES game, and the ability to retreat and start the process over. This
also work equally well in defensive situa- “push a power” that is present in several should eventually wear down the opposi-
tions. A tactic that Psylocke has used in other super-hero game systems. Both of tion to the point where it is safe for the
the past is to put into a foe’s mind an these concepts can give a tremendous infantry to move in and finish off the foes.
illusion that causes one of her foe’s allies tactical edge to the hero or heroes who
to appear as a hero, often Psylocke her- devote the thought, time, and Karma to Conclusion
self. The victim of the illusion then attacks developing these abilities. The list of possi- For more on tactics in the MARVEL
his ally. Mentally communicating plans or ble Power Stunts is far too long to de- SUPER HEROES game, see the tactics
coordinating a possible heroic counterat- scribe here, but you can carefully read the section in the Advanced Set Player’s Book,
tack are further possibilities. At least in “Powers” section of the Advanced Set pages 29-31. Also, the comics themselves
the MARVEL UNIVERSE, it is quite diffi- Player’s Book for Power Stunt ideas. Feel are great sources for tactical inspiration.
cult for an enemy to sneak up on an alert free to borrow ideas from the comics Marvel Comics’ The Avengers, Avengers
hero with telepathic powers, as these themselves, too. In my campaign, two West Coast, The Uncanny X-Men, The
telepaths often sense the thoughts of ap- heroes used a version of the X-Men’s “Fast- Fantastic Four, New Warriors, and other
proaching foes. ball Special” long before the Advanced Set hero-team books give good examples of
Special forces: These are the heroes came out with the official rules for that some sound (and less-than-sound) tactics
who possess such powerful, variable, or maneuver. on the parts of both the heroes and the
numerous super-powers, magical spells, or villains.
other abilities that they do not neatly fit Group tactics These tactics can also apply to other
into any of the previous categories. Some Now that individual tactics have been genres of RPGs, especially fantasy. Using
MARVEL UNIVERSE heroes who qualify noted, fitting these tactics into a coherent the AD&D® game as an example, warriors
are Thor, Quasar, Doctor Strange, the whole comes next. The objective of this are the infantry and, at higher levels,
Vision, and the Silver Surfer. These heroes section is to make the sum of the heroes’ evolve into shock troops. Spell-casters,
are so varied that any discussion of spe- abilities greater than the individuals’ sepa- especially mages, are great examples of
cific offensive or defensive tactics for this rate powers. artillery. Rogues fit the stealth category.
category of heroes as a whole is difficult. Since several of the tactics mentioned Psionicists easily qualify as mentalists.
What can be done is to break down each here suggest splitting up the heroes to Most priests probably fall into the infantry
special hero’s powers into the categories perform reconnaissance and the like, it is a category, as their spells are not generally
above and adopt those tactics when using good idea to divide your group into “fire offensive in nature and their ability to
those powers. As an example, I’ll catego- teams.” A fire team is a small group of turn undead, while very important, is too
rize the powers of one of my favorite heroes who work in concert whenever specific to qualify them for shock troops,
MARVEL UNIVERSE heroes, Thor, as he possible, and whose powers and abilities This wide variety of abilities (spells, good
appears in the Advanced Set Judge’s Book. complement each other. One infantry hero melee skills, and turning undead) could
First, Thor has a degree of body armor, (Wolverine), one stealth hero (Night- qualify priests as special forces, though.
is immensely strong, and can inflict Shift X crawler), one artillery hero (Cyclops), and Remember, GMs, that these categories
damage with his mystic Uru hammer, one airborne hero (original Angel) is an and tactics apply equally well to villains as
Mjolnir. This qualifies Thor for the shock- example of a fire team. Working together well as heroes. And remember, heroes—
troops category. Second, by throwing also allows the heroes (and the players) to watch your backs, and think before you
Mjolnir and holding onto its thong, he can get used to one another’s tactics, power leap into the fray!
fly—qualifying Thor as airborne. Third, stunts, and personalities. Note: For a similarly structured article
Thor can throw Mjolnir, and the mystic Once you have fire teams set up, de- discussing the basic personality types of
hammer also gives Thor weather-control velop a few standard routines of action heroes, see “The Mentally-Balanced Super-
powers (lightning bolts, winds, etc.), both that the heroes will take whenever faced team,” by David Rogers, in ICE’s Adventur-
of which qualify him for the artillery with certain situations. I remember a er’s Club, issue #15, Winter 1990. The
category. Thor can, depending upon his certain futuristic, teenage super-team article categorizes heroic personalities.
from Marvels competitor that had a coded Although that article and this one were
series of such actions. The leader of the produced independently, they complement
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL team would shout out a code phrase to each other quite well. Adventurer’s Club is
alert the rest of the team as to what was published by Iron Crown Enterprises Inc.,
GAME CONVENTION! going on and what to do next. It is best to PO. Box 1605, Charlottesville VA 22901.
A game convention is the perfect keep these routines simple; the more
place to make new friends who en- complicated they become, the fewer appli- This article is dedicated to the players of
joy the same hobbies you do— cations each routine will actually have. my (admittedly on-again-off-again)
whether you like Aboard games, A classic military axiom is “Make the MARVEL SUPER HEROES game campaign:
role-playing games, miniature war enemy fight your fight.” If you can force Leon, Tim, Kevin, and the casualties there-
games, or just shopping around. If the opposition to react to your actions, as of: Donny, and Jeff. Thank you, one and
you’ve never attended a game con- opposed to you reacting to theirs, then all, for all the fun and for the patience to
your battle is half won. This same idea endure what I put you through.
vention before, please check out
applies in sports (the best defense is a
the Convention Calendar feature in good offense). If your team sticks to your
this issue for the game convention game plan (tactics), and the other team has MARVEL SUPER HEROES, MARVEL UNIVERSE, and
Marvel characters and the distinctive names and likeness-
nearest you. Take some of your own to improvise to stop you, you stand a es thereof are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group,
gaming friends along, too — and much greater chance of winning. For Inc., and are used with permission.

make it an experience to remember. example, if your team is made up primari-

ly of infantry and artillery heroes, you
don’t want to end up toe-to-toe with your

78 JULY 1991
Artwork by Thomas Baxa He’s one of the stock figures of modern-
day role-playing games, from espionage to
super-hero settings: the would-be world
conqueror. This villain has a plan (usually
explained at great length to captured
heroes), a weapon (often slightly silly), and
the ruthlessness (that somehow never
extends to killing captured heroes before
they escape) needed to seize control. The
fact that no one has ever actually managed
it is totally irrelevant; our mega-villain is
determined to succeed.
It could be argued that the world would
be improved by a single centralized gov-
ernment, but a satisfactory form of gov-
ernment needs to be developed first.
Maybe the world would have been better
off if Napoleon had formed a global em-
pire, but since time machines aren’t availa-
ble, we can’t change history to test this
idea. With the memory of Hitler still too
close for comfort, a diversity of interests
and ideas seems a better bet for the future
than the whims of a series of dictators.
Most dictators want millions of subjects;
it’s one of the main attractions of megalo-
mania. Profit and endless luxury are also
attractive results of world domination, but
there are easier ways of getting rich, and
most are a lot safer. A minority want to
rule the world for altruistic reasons. Hu-
manity, they argue, can’t be trusted with
dangerous toys like nuclear weapons and
pollutants like toxic wastes, so these must
be destroyed or controlled. Other motives
for global domination are possible, ranging
from political or religious zeal to total
insanity and whim, but the first three
The major global powers have their own
plans and goals that may occasionally
overlap the topics discussed in this article,
but role-playing characters aren’t likely to
become involved in the high-level activities
of these organizations. The governments
of the superpowers use long-term political,
military, and economic plans, incorporat-
ing thousands or millions of elements,
rather than the sharply focused activities
that constitute the average role-playing
game. Dictators prefer smaller and more
comprehensible plans that are easier to
use in a campaign.

Resistance is useless
The megalomaniacal approach to world
domination concentrates on displays of
force, or “Ming The Merciless” methods. A
Mad scientists, bloodless secret conquest isn’t much fun,
but a true sense of power comes from
megalomaniacs, flying your invulnerable citadel over New
York City, crushing or vaporizing some
and their landmarks, and dropping off a few ultima-
tums. If you can’t be harmed and can
destroy anyone or anything that gets in
motives your way, you can do whatever you want.
There are many variations on this theme,
in gaming ranging from orbital lasers and particle
beams (cutting the dictator’s initials across
a convenient desert or jungle, and taking
out a few submarines and missile bases in
©1991 by Marcus L. Rowland passing) to direct control of the weather.

28 JANUARY 1992
Megalomaniacs almost always use high- So far, I’ve only mentioned legitimate 1: Control of the physical planet Earth.
profile schemes for world conquest, im- business, but any sufficiently large crimi- 2: Control of the biosphere (plants, ani-
pressive efforts involving a maximum of nal organization is essentially a corpora- mals, etc.)
publicity, gigantic high-tech machines, and tion. Criminal business tactics and 3: Control of the human population and
hordes of uniformed flunkies, Even if their corporate politics tend to be a little more human resources.
scheme revolves around a weapon the size lethal than legal ones, but the eventual The most obvious way of achieving
of a bread box, they’ll probably put it results are much the same. A criminal Objective #1 is by starting a nuclear war.
inside a gigantic fortress that just screams dictatorship would probably need to put The villain and a few trusty henchmen
that it’s a secret base. This is the villains’ up a respectable front, so the casual ob- and henchwomen simply hide out in
main weakness. Hundreds of would-be server would notice little real difference space, underwater, or a really deep bomb
dictators in film, television, and comic between a corporate dictatorship and a shelter, then wait for the ruins to stop
books have been unable to resist explain- crime-syndicate takeover. glowing in the dark. There are a few obvi-
ing their plans in gloating detail, and the It’s easy to imagine a world ruled by big ous drawbacks, such as the fact that any
dictator’s control panel (with a conven- business, and this background is used in base on or near Earth is statistically likely
iently large Destruct switch) is always many science-fiction stories. The period in to be near a nuclear explosion. Then
within easy reach of one hero’s fingers. which national governments lose control there’s the possibility of triggering a nucle-
to these corporations could be an interest- ar winter or global flooding, destroying
Why conquer the world? ing setting for many game systems. Don’t the ozone layer, and so on. Of course, the
Global conquest for profit looks a little expect to have a meaningful discussion smoldering charnel heap our dictator
pointless, since the resources needed for with the elite under corporate rule; middle inherits isn’t good for much, but someone
any realistic plan of conquest imply im- management will handle all tedious details, like Hitler might regard that as an accept-
mense wealth to begin with. Unfortu- such as overthrowing governments, hiring able price for global supremacy. If any
nately, wealthy people aren’t immune to hit men, and the like. game master is contemplating this idea for
greed, so someone who was already rich his next adventure, please note that sev-
might still be tempted to try for complete You’re in good hands eral dozen healthy men and women are
control of world finances. A more plausi- Genuinely altruistic dictators are rare, needed for a stable gene pool; a smaller
ble possibility is the idea that corporations but anyone arrogant enough to want to population develops inbreeding problems.
might gradually usurp the role of national conquer the world might believe that the Biological warfare seems the best way to
governments in the major states, as they world will benefit from his rule. In some achieve Objective #2 (and presumably #1,
once controlled the “banana republics.” cases, this goal is the main motive for by default). In practice, though, the logis-
After all, at least one Western government conquest. tics of simultaneously killing everyone on
seems happy to hand over many responsi- One simple way to impose your utopian Earth are daunting. Immediately lethal
bilities to commercial organizations. Cor- view is to ensure that no one else is viruses sound good in theory, but a fast-
porate states seem a logical extension of around to stop you. This is the “cruel to be developing disease tends to kill off victims
this idea. kind” approach used by villains in some before they can spread it very far. The
Conquest could benefit the megacor- James Bond films: kill off most of the ideal germ warfare virus has the following
porations in many ways. Effective control human race, making sure that a few hand- properties:
of governments would allow them to picked sympathizers are around to pick up A: The victim is apparently healthy but
change laws to protect their immense the pieces afterward. A truly benevolent highly infectious for a few days before the
wealth and divert global resources into dictator won’t find this solution acceptable terminal stages.
profitable channels. This doesn’t necessar- and may try less direct methods. Tricking B: The people who “launch” the virus
ily mean channels that help the public, humanity into doing what you want is can be protected against it, perhaps by
since lots of profitable activities are use- possibly easier to justify than the use of vaccination.
less or dangerous. For example, the arms force. One idea that has appeared several C: Mortality (or any other desired ef-
race would probably continue, though the times is world unification against the fects) should approach 100%.
dictators would hopefully ensure that threat of invasion from space; faking this All this sounds plausible, but the safe
nuclear weapons were never actually convincingly can’t be easy, but might just use of biological weapons poses immense
used. Pollution might continue, since there be possible with the right technology problems. Viruses have a habit of mutat-
doesn’t seem to be much profit in stopping behind you. The snag is that this method ing, and the immunity of their users isn’t
it unless it gets in the way of productivity. doesn’t leave the potential dictator in an always assured. On the other hand, some
A profit-based system would probably obvious position to assume power, unless of the intended victims may happen to be
have a very low profile, and the public the dictator happens to be the Secretary- naturally immune, and others may not
might be wholly unaware of its secret General of the United Nations. A suffi- suffer the full effects of the disease.
rulers; manipulation behind the scenes is a ciently cunning scheme might make the There’s also a risk of triggering a nuclear
good deal safer than an open operation victims cooperate with their conqueror, war, since the nuclear powers would
and is more in keeping with the shadowy but any failure would probably ensure probably assume that their enemies had
world of international finance. Does any- that the planned effect was never spread the disease. Launch crews tend to
one really know who controls the worlds achieved. be isolated in aircraft, submarines, or deep
wealth? It’s interesting to note that the Altruistic dictators are usually obsessive shelters, and they would learn about a
most plausible plan for global conquest personalities; they are convinced of the plague long before it affected them.
I’ve ever seen could only be mounted by rightness of their cause, but feel guilty Objective #3 is undoubtedly the most
one multinational company; of course, about and will try to explain and justify appealing but is also the hardest to
there are those who would claim that IBM their actions. They will reveal their plans, achieve. This is the realm of diplomacy,
already rules the world, but that may be a but they’ll usually wait until it is too late propaganda, and blackmail. The main
little far-fetched. Other industrial giants for anyone to intervene. requirement is a threat so terrible that no
also have interesting potential; orbital government or individual is likely to at-
mind-control lasers are probably still We have the technology tempt to stand in your way. A demonstra-
science fiction, but the Muzak Corporation So far, we’ve talked about motives for ble ability to destroy the world is a good
should have its own satellite transmitters conquering the world. What about meth- start, but has the drawback of being some-
before the end of the century, and it can ods? Let’s define “the world.” For the sake what final; what’s really needed is a con-
openly claim that its product is effective in of argument, a dictator wants some or all trollable threat, a weapon that’s
manipulating human behavior. of the following: unstoppable but has a finite effect. De-
stroying Mars, New York, or the mayor of Money is wonderful base, equipped with everything from
Bugtussle, Arkansas, by a method that Conquering the world is phenomenally interrogation rooms and laboratories to
potentially allows you to destroy the world expensive, unless you can come up with a waterbeds filled with piranha. However,
is a better idea than producing an ultimate plan that finances itself. Equipment may there are hundreds of examples on televi-
doomsday weapon and waiting for some- be stolen, but items like bases and person- sion, in books and in films, so it would
one to call your bluff. Beam weapons fit nel cost money. This gives commercial really be a waste of space. Designing a
the bill nicely, but the orbital stations organizations a real advantage; they al- base is fun, and you can find examples of
needed to use them may be a bit vulnera- ready possess many of the resources need- almost anything you want, if you look at
ble. If nuclear weapons are used, a prean- ed for any major operation, from enough sources. Need an inaccessible
nounced detonation at a fairly unim- production facilities and warehouses to castle? Try Where Eagles Dare, Dance of
portant site may be the best bet, with a transport and laboratories. THRUSH, the the Vampires, or Madame Sin. Do you
promise that there are plenty more bombs villainous organization in The Man From need a polar fortress? Take your pick from
available if necessary. The drawback is U.N.C.L.E. TV series, was a particularly Doc Savage, Superman, or The Watchmen.
that the major governments have lived good example of a dictatorial organization Feel like owning a space station? The
with the threat of nuclear war for several that hid behind commercial fronts and got James Bond film, Moonraker, has a splen-
decades, and they may not easily be im- a lot of its income from legitimate activi- didly silly example, and there’s always the
pressed by a loud bang (they might also ties. One episode even showed how re- Death Star if you’re thinking really big.
retaliate). tired middle-management personnel were There are also many role-playing scenarios
Biological weapons are more difficult to murdered to avoid paying their pensions. and adventures built around these struc-
demonstrate; there’s no real way to show SPECTRE, in the James Bond novels, and tures, described in much more detail than
that they are unstoppable without releas- WEB, in TSR’s TOP SECRET/S.I.™ game, could ever be put into a magazine article.
ing them. A compromise solution might be also use legitimate commercial organiza- In designing a base for a role-playing
the use of a less dangerous disease, with tions as cover. scenario, remember to think big, flashy,
some distinctive effect that is easy to pre- Governments are even more useful as and high tech. Computers should be vast
dict. For example, if you sent an ultima- sources of seed capital and as cover for metal cabinets with hundreds of flashing
tum warning that the weak version of covert activities. They have good reasons lights and whirring tapes, not anonymous
your mutant anthrax would make every- to maintain prisons, army bases, and other gray boxes. There should be lots of im-
one’s hair fall out, then released it and useful facilities. Control of at least one pressive signs; "DANGER: 20,000 VOLTS" and
caused an unstoppable plague of baldness, government is a useful step in any plot to "ACHTUNG! MINEN!" are reliable standbys,
major governments might take your achieve global supremacy. but don’t neglect radiation and biohazard
threats more seriously. All of this sounds difficult to achieve, but symbols, or eloquent messages like "TRES-
If blackmail doesn’t appeal, how about anyone who stands any chance of con- PASSERS WILL BE SHOT!" Naturally any base
brainwashing and other psychological quering the world shouldn’t find it hard to should have a good supply of sadistic
tricks? Subliminal TV and radio messages organize a take-over bid or a small military prison guards, mercenaries, mad scien-
have often been suggested in this role, but coup. Today Consolidated Coconuts Inc.; tists, beautiful “foils” (a term borrowed
there doesn’t seem to be much evidence tomorrow the Republic of Jibrovia; next from the Victory Games’ JAMES BOND
that they work particularly well, and week, the world! 007* game), and other interesting NPCs.
months of saturation coverage would be It’s important to realize that bases
needed to ensure that everyone was af- Home sweet home should look impregnable, but they must
fected. There’s another problem in that Every conqueror needs a base, and have a few loopholes for game play. Player
most research suggests that these tech- really elaborate schemes probably require characters need to be able to enter them
niques will only work on target groups several. It may be possible to start a plan and save the world, so remember to leave
that share a common language and cul- for global conquest in your garden shed, a few weak points. For example, a mine
tural background. Global brainwashing but there could be a few problems if you field might be laid so badly that any explo-
doesn’t look very likely. Perhaps brain- wanted to install a cyclotron or a shuttle sion sets off a chain reaction that leaves a
washing would work if these methods launch facility. These things are also ex- clear path through the field. Guards might
were accompanied by other techniques. tremely difficult to hide; current satellite be lazy, inattentive, or easily bribed, and
Several drugs are known to heighten technology is able to track objects as small might carry large bunches of interesting
suggestibility or reduce intelligence. One as a cigarette pack or garden hose under keys. Passes and uniforms might be forged
nasty possibility is use of a disease that ideal conditions, and they can probably or stolen. If you bear these points in mind
makes the victim’s body synthesize such spot major installations despite camouflage and design your base for excitement rath-
drugs, without any other major harmful and bad weather. Earth resource satellites er than lethality, your players should enjoy
effects, accompanied by an intense media may even be able to detect large under- having their heroes deal with it.
blitz. Some authors have even suggested ground or underwater structures. Fortu-
that sophisticated biological research may nately for potential dictators, it takes a lot A cunning plan
be able to come up with a disease that of time to analyze satellite data, and events Finally, here are some sample dictators
programs the victim’s personality directly in an apparently unimportant area may and details of their motives, methods,
by interfering with memory RNA. The simply be overlooked. This can’t always be resources, and chances of success, plus
snag here is that there is no real evidence counted on, though. One futuristic spy adventuring ideas involving them.
that any two individuals store memory novel written in the 1960s and set in the
information in exactly the same way. 1980s picked a then-ideal isolated area Outback Overlord
Deception techniques may be another where no one would be likely to notice a Dictator: The Reverend Matilda
route to control of the human race, possi- large base and several hundred merce- Braithwaite
bly accompanied by some or all of the naries; a quarter-century later, Afghani- Motive: Altruistic lunatic
brainwashing methods mentioned. All of stan doesn’t seem a particularly good Method: Mind control
these schemes would probably be prefer- choice. The rapid expansion of global Resources: 2,300 followers, $5 million, TV
red by commercial or altruistic dictators; tourism could also cause a few problems. station
megalomaniacs would probably find that It’s hard to imagine any isolated location Mrs. Braithwaite is an Australian TV
they worked too slowly to satisfy their that isn’t threatened by hordes of adven- evangelist, the leader of an obscure funda-
desires. These methods are also extremely turous sightseers. mentalist sect, who believes that the world
expensive—and, speaking of financing . . . When I began this article, I intended to would be much nicer if she ran it. She
included detailed plans for an elaborate hasn’t yet decided exactly how she will
run the world if she does take control, but Chinese government knows that Motubo vaccines or his notes. He is quite capable
she’s sure that a right-thinking person like has the warheads but isn’t sure of their of letting a few million people die to prove
herself will do a better job than hundreds current location. Chinese agents would be that he means what he says. If he can take
of professional politicians and diplomats. a little conspicuous in an African country, control, he’ll start to act out grotesque
One of her followers has developed a so the Chinese government is recruiting a power fantasies, starting with a ceremoni-
new psychotropic drug that drains will- reliable mercenary force to recover the al execution of his “enemies,” such as the
power and makes the victim abnormally bombs. financial controllers of his university.
susceptible to suggestion. It is effective in Characters can be involved in this ad-
microgram doses. Mrs. Braithwaite per- venture as Chinese agents, as mercenaries, Acknowledgements
suaded him to manufacture enough of the as Western agents trying to find out what The title of this article was suggested by
drug to blanket the local water reservoir, the Chinese are doing, as criminals trying a song from the musical, Pickwick. I would
and she is now in complete control of to steal the bombs from Motubo, or as like to thank Roger Robinson, John
Wombat’s Crossing (population 2,300), the counterintelligence agents looking for the Dallman, Terry Pratchett, and other
New South Wales town where she is bombs after Motubo’s agents have planted friends for their ideas on this theme. Brief
based. As yet, the Australian government them. They might also be called in to find suggestions (in no particular order) for
hasn’t noticed any abnormality; a sleepy a nuclear physicist who has been kid- further reading and viewing on this topic
town has merely gotten sleepier. As more napped to arm the bombs. This should be include: War In 2080 and The Space Eater,
of the drug is synthesized, Mrs. Braith- an extremely dangerous mission in which by Dave Langford; The Assassination
Waite plans to extend her rule to neighbor- player characters stand a real chance of Bureau Ltd., by Jack London; W. G. Grace’s
ing areas, then further afield as she takes being wounded or killed. Last Case, by William Rushton; The Great
control of more chemical factories. Wash, by Gerald Kersh; The Watchmen, by
Mrs. Braithwaite’s plan is effective in an A Pox Upon You Alan Moore; The Iron Dream, by Norman
isolated area because her domain has little Dictator: Doctor John Dressler Spinrad; The White Plague, by Frank
contact with the outside world. There is Motive: Megalomania Herbert; To Howard Hughes: A Modest
only one local TV station (hers), and the Method: Biological warfare Proposal, by Joe Haldeman; Down The
town isn’t linked to the satellite network Resources: University laboratory Programmed Rabbit Hole, by Anthony
yet, so her broadcasts are the main influ- Doctor Dressler was a brilliant virologist Haden-Guest; Underkill, by James White;
ence on victims of the drug. In any larger who devoted much of his life’s work to the Love Sickness, by Geoff Ryman; Mind-
town, the victims would be bombarded by fight against smallpox. When the World killer, by Spider Robinson; and The Satan
TV and other media influences from Health Organization decided that the Rug, by Alistair MacLean. The movies
dozens of sources, so her chances of re- disease was finally eradicated, his univer- Superman III, Madame Sin, and Rollerball
taining control would be slim. Since she sity decided to economize by cutting funds are also recommended, and almost all the
isn’t a particularly good administrator, for some of Dressler’s projects. Dressler James Bond films feature plans to conquer
conditions in the territory she controls believed that he was on the verge of dis- the world or elaborate secret bases. Role-
will worsen before too long, eventually coveries that would (at least) earn him the playing material of interest includes: Oper-
attracting government attention. Nobel prize and might lead to cures for ation: Starfire, for TSR’s TOP SECRET/S.I.
Adventurers should encounter her, dozens of diseases. The sudden loss of game; Villains, for Victory Games’ JAMES
perhaps accidentally, soon after she takes funds forced him to stop his work and BOND 007 game; and Zombietown U.S.A.,
control of Wombat’s Crossing. The towns- triggered his latent insanity. If the world for Steve Jackson Games’ GURPS*
people will behave like passive zombies doesn’t want to be cured, Dressler has system.
under Mrs. Braithwaite’s direction, but decided to make everyone suffer instead.
they may overcome the adventurers by Unknown to the university authorities, l indicates a product produced by a company other
sheer weight of numbers if the adventur- Dressler retained a supply of live smallpox than TSR, Inc. Most product names
owned by the companies publishing
are trademarks
those products.
ers threaten her. Try to ensure that at virus and has spent years developing new The use of the name of any product without mention
least one adventurer falls victim to the and more virulent bioengineered forms of its trademark status should not be construed as a
drug and the TV station. This should not that will not respond to traditional vac- challenge to such status.
be a particularly lethal adventure. cines. Dressler intends to release the dis-
ease at London Airport, wait until a global
Lost—and Found pandemic has started, then announce that
Dictator: President Kamshalla Motubo he has a vaccine that will be available if
Motive: Profit the governments of the world agree to his
Method: Nuclear blackmail terms. His terms amount to immediate and
Resources: Small African nation, four absolute control of all United Nations
nuclear warheads activity, as well as progressive control of
Three months ago a Chinese submarine the world’s national governments. The
accidentally launched a live missile with vaccine and all documents describing its
four MIRV warheads. Fortunately, they manufacture are locked in his laboratory,
weren’t armed; unfortunately, the self- in a booby-trapped safe packed with explo-
destruct system didn’t work, and the mis- sives. Any attempt to overpower him or
sile landed in a swamp near Motubo’s force the safe open will result in destruc-
capital. The army dug it out and took the tion of the material. Once Dressler has
warheads to an isolated jungle base. Now, started to take the reins of power, he will
Motubo is trying to find a weapons expert reveal that their are several strains of the
who will be able to arm the bombs. virus, with different incubation periods.
Motubo intends to hold a few Western Each requires a separate vaccine, and he
capitals for ransom, use the money to buy will only release them as his demands are
a better presidential palace and some met.
more warheads, then start the cycle again. Dressler is an extremely dangerous
He doesn’t want to control the world; he opponent. He isn’t initially backed by a
just wants to milk it for enough cash to large organization, but he can really carry
ensure a permanently luxurious lifestyle. out his threats. Adventurers must some-
There’s one major flaw in this plan: The how overcome him without losing the

32 JANUARY 1992
Wear Your
Best Suit! by Justin Mohareb
Color by Steve Sullivan

Advanced armored battlesuit rules for the

Scenario one (from the Iron Man comic
book): Tony Stark, as Iron Man, fights
Firepower and receives several damaging
blows. Tony is beaten senseless and has his
armor nearly destroyed, so he has to fly
warily to his nearby helicopter.
Scenario two (from the MARVEL SUPER
HEROES™ game): Tony Stark, as Iron Man,
fights Firepower and receives several
damaging blows. Tony is beaten senseless
and flies his undamaged armor at top
speed to his nearby helicopter.

Notice the difference? In the MARVEL

SUPER HEROES game, armored battlesuit
combat should be handled differently to
reflect damage incurred to the armor
during combat, and to better represent
the unusual abilities of an armored hero.
The system in this article showcases an
alternate method of generating and play-
ing high-tech armored characters.

Creating armored heroes

This article assumes that you have MA3
The Ultimate Powers Book. If you don’t,
simply use the Players’ Book from the
Advanced Set rules, selecting the powers
you think are reproducible by machinery
or electronics. Using this system, armored
heroes are rolled up using column 2 (“Nor-
mal Folks”) of the character-generation
table, not column 3 (“High Technology”) as
in both the Ultimate Powers Book or the
Advanced Set rules). These abilities are the
character’s normal levels. This is to reflect
that the character is a normal human
wearing an armored suit that supplies him
with his super powers.
Judges may wish to allow a character to
increase his physical stats when wearing

the armor by rolling once on Table 1 here, countermeasures) and is used against Matter Control powers: Bonding,
then dividing the results among the hero’s attempts to control the armor from out- Machine Animation.
four physical abilities (FASE). Note that the side sources. Matter Conversion powers: Disintegra-
ability scores indicated when the charac- Because of their nature, armored heroes tion.
ter adds the modifiers to his personal can use only certain powers that could be Matter Creation powers: Missile Crea-
attributes reflect the benefits of the armor technology based. A suggested list of these tion, Spray, Webcasting.
only when it is being worn. For example, a powers, from the Ultimate Powers Book, is Mental Enhancement powers: Clairaudi-
character whose Strength is Typical (6), given here: ence, Clairvoyance, Communicate With
with a + 3CS modifier for the armor, Cybernetics, Danger Sense, Speech-
might add +1CS, +2CS, or +3CS to his Defensive powers: Body Armor (already throwing, Total Memory. (These powers
Strength, or he might not increase his taken but can be taken again; + 1CS each are not mental powers per se, but are
Strength at all, preferring to divide + 3CS time this is chosen as a power), Force technological versions of mental powers.)
among his other three physical statistics. Field, Reflection, Resistance to Energy Physical Enhancement powers: Hyper-
If the character created his own armor, Attacks, Resistance to Physical Attacks. Speed, Lung Adaptability, Stealth,
he also receives a + 1CS to his Reason, a Detection powers: Circular Vision, En- Waterbreathing, Water Freedom.
+ 1CS to his Electronics talent, and an- ergy Detection, Hypersensitive Hearing, Power Control powers: None.
other + 1CS to repair and modify his Hypersensitive Touch, Life Detection Self Alteration powers: Blending,
personal armor. If the character receives Microscopic Vision, Penetration Vision, Invisibility.
the armor from someone else, it is as- Radarsense, Sonar, Telescopic Vision, Ther- Travel powers: Gliding, Hyper-Digging,
sumed that the original owner or people mal Vision, Ultraviolet Vision. Hyper-Leaping, Hyper-Running, Hyper-
he knows (all NPCs) can repair it. In the Energy Control powers: Electrical Con- Swimming, and Rocket.
latter case, the hero would not receive any trol, Energy Sponge, Hard Radiation Con-
of the Reason bonuses above, though he trol, Magnetic Manipulation. Players can choose their armor’s powers
could receive training later on, at the Energy Emission powers: All except for from this list. If you find this list to be too
Judge’s discretion. Energy Doppelganger. limiting, just use your imagination, The
The character then rolls up the number Fighting powers: Weapons Creation. cornerstone of super-hero gaming is the
of his armored suit’s powers, using the Illusory powers: Illusion-Casting, Illusory use of powers in new ways,
usual tables in the Ultimate Powers Book Duplication. Once the powers for the battlesuit have
or the Advanced Set rules. This character Life Control powers: Sleep—Induced. been selected, rolls are made on Table 2
automatically has Body Armor at Excellent Magical powers: None. for the power rank of each power. These
(20) rank, though this can be increased rolls are not modified, with the exception
(see the note under “Defensive powers,” of Body Armor (as previously noted). Also
which follows). When the character’s generate a power rank for Armor Endur-
powers are determined, a special power ance at this point.
rank called Armor Endurance is also cre-
ated. This is usually called ECM (electronic Damaging armor
To add depth to armored combat, each
power—including Body Armor—and each
of the FASE ability modifiers is then as-
signed a number as part of a random-roll
table. These numbers will determine
which of the armor’s systems are damaged
when an attack exceeds the suit’s Body
Armor (or applicable Force Fields, etc.) by
more than + 1CS, as noted later. The num-
bers should be arranged so as they can be
rolled on a simple die: 1d8, 1d10, 1d12,
etc. Optionally, assign two or more num-
bers on such a table to a power that would
have a greater chance of being damaged,
like Body Armor or Flight, depending on
your vision of the character’s armored suit
and the placement of his weaponry and
We now get to the raison d’etre for this
expanded system: armored suit combat.
Every time the character is in combat and
receives a blow that inflicts more damage
than his Body Armor rank, the character
takes damage equal to the amount of
damage minus the amount absorbed by his
body armor. For example, if a hero has
Remarkable (30) Body Armor and is hit by
an Incredible (40) rank Force bolt, the
hero takes 10 points of damage (40 -
30 = 10). This is per the normal rules.
If the damage is 2CS or more than the
Body Armor rank, the character takes the
appropriate damage, and percentile dice
are then rolled on the rank of the attack
- 4CS to determine if the character’s ar-
mor was damaged by the attack. For ex-

96 APRIL 1992
ample, if the hero as above with powers can be added, up to the maximum upping appropriate powers and FASE
Remarkable (30) Body Armor was punched number that was determined at creation, abilities one rank, or adding new things.
by a villain possessing Amazing (50) by spending 3,000 Karma for each, plus 10 This should cost a great deal: about 10,000
Strength, the hero would take 20 points of times the starting rank number for that Karma points, a high Resource FEAT roll
damage and would roll 1d100 on the Good power (this is also the formula by which (Amazing or better), and access to high-
(10) column (50 -4CS = 10). If the result is robots can add powers). Power advance- tech equipment or a high (Incredible or
red, then roll on Table 3. ment is done normally, by spending 10 better) Reason FEAT roll. (This is, of
Energy attacks are a special case, as points times the current rank plus 500 course, up to the individual Judge.) All
Body Armor is 20 points less effective points for cresting from one rank to other forms of advancement are per-
against energy attacks than against physi- another. formed normally.
cal ones. When a hero is hit by an Energy A Reason FEAT roll should be called for,
attack capable of breaching the armor’s with the difficulty equal to the new rank, Creativity is the key to any successful
reduced rank vs. Energy attacks, the char- if an old power is being advanced to a and enjoyable role-playing game. This
acter must follow the procedure for deter- new, higher rank or if a new power is set system can only get you started on the
mining armor damage from physical at its starting level. A Resource FEAT roll way. Where you go now is up to you.
attacks as before. Armored heroes can might also be needed to see if the hero has
take Resistance to Energy Attacks to cover the cash to perform the modifications. Marvel’s characters and the distinctive names and likenesses
thereof are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group. Inc.
this weakness. The Judge should make his own rulings and are used with permission. Copyright ©1992 Marvel
on how to do the “total makeover” that’s so Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Repairing damage popular with armored heroes, including

Fixing damaged armor is relatively sim- such things as resetting Popularity to zero,
ple. The hero must make a Reason FEAT
roll to make the proper repairs correctly.
Table 3
A Resources FEAT roll might be called for
Armor Damage Table
as well, to see if the hero can afford to
make the repairs. Other strictures can be
1d100 Damage result
applied to the roll at the Judge’s whim.
01-20 One power is at - 2CS
It is often a good idea for the Judge to
21-40 One FASE ability modifier is at - 2CS
make the Reason FEAT roll for the hero in
41-65 One power is inoperative
secret. That way, if the roll is a failure by a
66-90 All powers are at - 1CS
narrow margin—say, within five points of
91-94 All FASE ability modifiers are - 1CS
the number needed for success—the hero
95-98 All FASE ability modifiers and powers are at -2CS
may mistakenly believe that his armor is
99-00 Massive systems overload. All FASE ability modifiers are at - 2CS,
repaired when it actually might fail at an
and all powers, with the exception of one (of the player’s choice) are
important moment. This is a nasty thing to
do, but I leave the decision whether or not
to use this up to each Judge.

Armored advancement
The player may, at some point in his
hero’s career, attempt to modify the hero’s
armor by adding new powers. Armor

Table 1
Armor Modifiers for FASE

1d100 Result
01-10 Unchanged
11-20 +1CS
21-45 +2CS
46-75 +3CS
76-95 +4CS
96-00 +5CS

Table 2
Power Rank Generation Table

1d100 Power rank

01-05 Feeble (2)
06-10 Poor (4)
11-20 Typical (6)
21-40 Good (10)
41-55 Excellent (20)
56-80 Remarkable (30)
81-95 Incredible (40)
96-00 Amazing (50)

by Scott Sheffield
Artwork by L. A. Williams

Enemies who never go away— and how to create them

Grub the gnome nervously eyed the later, he straightened with a sigh, a palm- successful rogue some gold and a few
glass case, focusing his thoughts on the sized gem in hand. The job done, Grub experience points, and nothing more. In a
tutelage he’d received at the local thieves’ turned and hurried to the open window, different campaign, however, the theft
guild. He recalled stern Wesley drilling pausing momentarily to survey the dark would have earned Grub much, much
him on the intricacies of finding and re- street below. Deciding it was safe to de- more. It would have earned the player-
moving traps. Grub bent low over the case scend, he swung out onto the ledge and character thief a nonplayer-character
to examine it, then smiled. “There it is,” he deftly climbed down to the narrow alley. nemesis.
said in hushed tones, spotting the tripwire Seconds later, he had disappeared into the
leading to the magical canister beneath the misty streets of Sombralil. The recurrent NPC
case. Dungeon Masters who wish to add
The short thief’s fingers worked quickly What happens next? In many AD&D® depth to their fantasy campaigns should
to defuse the poison-gas trap. A minute campaigns, this encounter would earn the consider making use of recurring NPCs. In
a campaign that utilizes recurrent figures,
the DM and his cast of colorful NPCs
would not be content to let Grub off the
hook. While the victim of a burglary might
let the culprit go, it is more likely that the
victim will use whatever magical and
mundane resources he has at his disposal
to track down his light-fingered visitor,
like so:

The bald-headed high priest smoothed

his crimson robes and waited for word
from the sorcerer bent low over the crys-
tal ball. “I have found him, master,” whis-
pered the mage at last. “He walks the
streets of this very city. I even recognize
the stall keeper with whom he now
“Excellent,” replied the bald cleric, a
broad smile crossing his weathered face.
“Keep an eye on him. I want to know
everything our little friend does.” As he
left, the priest thought, I shall personally
teach him that stealing from the Cult of
the Thirteenth Circle is at best unwise, if
not fatal.

When a PC interacts with a DM’s world,

that interaction should reflect the reality
that deeds don’t go unnoticed. By using
this notion of action/reaction, the DM can
build a more believable and exciting ad-
venturing environment. A well-run inter-
active campaign makes use of recurring
figures to add both a dash of reality and a
sense of continuity.

26 AUGUST 1992
Recurring NPCs can be used to start new oids. There are many intelligent creatures makeup and background. For instance, the
adventures or to link unconnected adven- that can be used as nemeses. There is only individual who dresses in foreign garb
tures together. A foe met first at the Pit of one caveat to remember: If you intend to may be a trader who deals in rare herbs
Despair shows up by surprise at the next use a monster on an ongoing basis, choose and spends long periods in foreign lands.
city in the PCs’ journeys. Coincidence? one that is not restricted to a particular Being thus engaged, she’s adopted the style
That’s for the DM to decide, but the simple locale. A monster that cannot leave a of dress from another part of the cam-
presence of that foe will serve to bind swampy environment will not be as versa- paign world.
together the two settings and will lend the tile a foe as one able to function anywhere Careful design of the NPC can give the
game world an air of connectedness. the PCs can. PCs clues about the true nature of their
Not only will the players begin to view foe. It will start the players thinking and
their world as one that evolves and changes Creating the NPC prompt them to see their nemesis as more
in response to their PCs’ behavior, but they Not all recurring NPCs need to be fully than just a cardboard character. Habits
will also be motivated to role-play. If hack- developed prior to their introduction into peculiar to an NPC can help the players
and-slash play has enduring consequences, play. In some cases, the DM may reuse an gauge their foes. Maybe she coughs ner-
players learn that it is wise to review the NPC initially intended to be used only once vously or is forever scanning the vicinity,
alternatives before rushing headlong into the in the campaign. Perhaps the NPC turned eyes darting to and fro. Perhaps she ner-
fray. Success then depends on the ability of out to be memorable in some unexpected vously strokes a feathered amulet when-
players to be creative, rather than how way, and the DM fancies using her again. ever threatened with harm or grins
many hit points their PCs have. Play be- There is nothing that prevents the DM broadly at the mention of hostilities.
comes more interesting for all participants, from doing so, but before the NPC is rein- What the DM should aim for in selecting
DM and players alike. troduced, time should be taken to flesh quirks and physical characteristics is an
her out. NPC that is memorable. When the NPC
Acquiring a nemesis When designing an NPC for use on a next appears, the DM need only describe
How is it that the PCs come to be the foe recurring basis, the DM should try to give the identifying trait to elicit immediate
of a recurrent NPC figure? In the example her some element of distinctiveness. A recognition. If the DM uses miniatures in
here, the PC gnomish thief named Grub unique speech pattern, a style of dress, a the course of play, it’s suggested that the
precipitated the relationship— it was his particular gait or some mannerism peculi- same miniature be used to represent that
actions that began the bald cult leader’s ar to the individual is essential. Perhaps NPC whenever she makes an appearance.
involvement in the thief’s affairs. the NPC speaks with a lisp, has bushy In time, just the placement of the minia-
A different scenario is quite possible. In eyebrows, and a broken nose. Or maybe ture on the gaming surface will elicit
the course of play, the PCs might stumble she dresses in foreign garb or has an groans and a flurry of action as the play-
onto an NPC plot. A party that inadver- accent. ers scramble to meet the challenge.
tently meddles with an organization’s The selection of readily recognizable DMs should also spend time developing a
plans to depose the current ruler will earn NPC traits shouldn’t be haphazard. The background for the nemesis. Whether the
that group’s enmity as well as the ruler’s DM should pick characteristics for the NPC was raised on the filthy streets of
praise. In this way, PCs can incite the NPC that fit with the NPC’s psychological Gligpthor and spent her childhood barely
wrath of a vast number of NPCs.
Recurrent NPCs need not all be arch-
villains out to kill the PCs. The rivalry
doesn’t even have to be deadly to be inter-
esting. Jealousy, pride, competition, and
the desire for revenge can fuel the rela-
tionship. Some among your cast of recur-
ring foes can merely trip up, annoy, or
embarrass the PCs.
Perhaps the NPC who turns out to be a
recurrent foe is a competitor. Every time
the PCs attempt to retrieve a lost artifact
or endeavor to defend the honor of a lady,
the NPC shows up first and denies the PCs
the glory. Think of the scene early in the
movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, in which
Indiana Jones loses the idol he’s retrieved
from the death-trap tomb to another col-
lector of antiquities. Do you recall the line,
“Once again, Dr. Jones, what was briefly
yours is now mine”?
If the PCs are adventuring in a city, the
potential cast of recurring “foes” is vast.
The captain of the city guard might take a
special interest in them, imagining them
likely candidates for stirring up trouble,
and he will always have them followed by
guardsmen. An unscrupulous tax collector
might decide to relieve them of their ex-
cess gold whenever they return from
adventuring. The local thieves’ guild could
even tell its apprentice thieves to practice
their skills by lifting items from the unsus-
pecting PCs.
As the DM, you needn’t limit your cast
of recurrent NPCs to humans or human-
surviving or instead was the daughter of a conversations lip-read. This particular type of revenge serves to
stuffy, depraved baron from the Duchy of Any constraints on the NPC should also knock the PCs down a peg or two and
Ultinsad will influence her perspectives, be considered when the DM portrays the assaults their pride. It also fosters animosi-
motivations, disposition, and general be- nemesis. An NPC who is wanted in half-a- ty and competition between the NPC and
havioral patterns. dozen realms for sundry misdeeds will the PCs, and prompts the PCs to seek
For example, whereas the NPC with the prefer not to make his presence known vengeance of their own. If that happens,
cut-purse background would likely favor and will opt to deal with the PCs in a way great! You’ll know you’ve really got your
utilizing poison or an alley encounter to that preserves his secrecy. How a nemesis players involved and played the nemesis
even the score with a PC rival, the baron’s deals with PCs will be greatly influenced well.
daughter might use her political connec- by that NPC’s circumstances. Generally, indirect forms of revenge are
tions to have the PCs arrested and de- better suited to the more intellectual and
tained in the cells of a castle in her uncle’s Sweet revenge calculating members of the DM’s cast of
duchy. Once the background and connections NPCs. For these connivers, embarrassment
Having a background for the nemesis of the recurrent NPC have been devel- of the PCs is an effective and popular
can make the DM’s task of character por- oped, the next step is to decide how the revenge. The NPC might dig into a PC’s
trayal easier. When the DM must decide nemesis will seek vengeance. The NPC past and reveal illegitimate heirs or inap-
how the nemesis reacts in a given situa- may choose to confront the PCs or take a propriate lovers. The NPC might also
tion, he can base the decision on what his more subtle or devious route. fabricate tales about the PCs that have no
own choice would be if he had the same Direct retribution would include at- factual basis and spin them with an eye to
background as the NPC. A consistent por- tempts to physically attack the PCs. If the discrediting them. The character assassi-
trayal contributes to the believability of DM has decided that the NPC is craven, nation might, for instance, involve allega-
the nemesis and permits the players to the nemesis may have someone else com- tions of cheating at cards or tax fraud. A
identify with their foe more readily. bat the PCs, but he will watch and hurl resourceful nemesis might frame PCs for
Before unleashing the recurring NPC it’s insults as the hired thugs engage them. On the commission of a crime, contriving to
also good to work out some of the NPC’s the other hand, if the nemesis is a noble, a have it look as if the PCs murdered some-
connections. What organizations or reli- member of the PC party may be called out one, stole something, or plotted an over-
gious group does she belong to? Who owes to match blades with him. throw of the king.
her favors? To whom does she owe debts? The marking or maiming of a PC by an The type of revenge sought should de-
Are the authorities interested in her activi- NPC enemy is another possible form of pend both on the nature of the relation-
ties? NPCs, not unlike well-played PCs, revenge. The fictional figure Zorro was ship between the nemesis and the PCs,
should make use of whatever special con- famous for slashing a Z-shape onto his and the personality of the NPC. For
nections they have. For instance, an NPC opponents. Instead of using a Zorro-style example:
nemesis who belongs to a local thieves’ rapier, the foe might use a branding iron
guild may have the PCs tailed and their or mark the PCs with a magical symbol. Erimus the Black had watched the
gnome known as Grub for two weeks.
Tonight, Erimus would do as the cult-
master had bid him do. With infinite
stealth, the black-clad master thief slipped
into Grub’s bedchamber and retrieved the
stolen gem from the satchel at the foot of
the bed. Without a sound, Erimus took
from his own pouch a royal seal that he’d
stolen that same night and put it inside
Grub’s satchel. By morning, the royal
guard would receive information implicat-
ing Grub as the thief, and a “witness”
would emerge to testify to having seen
Grub running from the royal treasury. By
midday, Grub would be before the courts,
his hours numbered.

In this example, the bald-headed priestly

superior directed Erimus to achieve re-
venge in a way that would preserve the
Cult of the Thirteenth Circle’s secrecy and
keep the authorities from inquiring into
the doings of their clandestine organiza-
tion. Because the magical gem was neces-
sary for the ritual that would summon
their extraplanar lord to the Prime Materi-
al plane, the cult needed it back. The bald
priest got immense pleasure from the
thought that Grub might be convicted for
a crime that he didn’t commit, instead of
for a crime that couldn’t be revealed.
The NPC’s form of revenge should also
be guided by the disposition, background,
and character classes of the PCs. Nemeses
will seek to find out where the PCs’ vul-
nerable spots are, then strike where the
PCs are most tender. If the player who
runs Aethelward the paladin portrays him
28 AUGUST 1992
as morally upright to a fault, the NPC During the course of play, PCs invariably off-balance. To, do that, the DM should
might elect to besmirch the paladin’s repu- suffer various misfortunes. Given time, have some advantage over the PCs, be it
tation. The NPC could spread rumors that players might attribute their unfortunate financial, magical, or informational. This
Lady Emiline, wife of the local duke, is circumstances to the fiendish machina- difference in capacities, whatever its form,
pregnant with Aethelward’s child! Or he tions of their slippery NPC foes. Some- should remain throughout play. Essential-
could leave “evidence” indicating that times their suppositions may indeed be ly, this means that parallel development of
Aethelward used magical enchantments to correct, while at other times they may be the NPC must take place.
cheat at last spring’s joust. Whatever type wildly inaccurate. If a player incorrectly As PCs advance in levels and gain magic
of vengeance is chosen, remember to concludes that the party’s nemesis is be- and money, so, too, should the nemesis. If
tailor it to suit both the PC it is aimed at hind the PCs’ misfortunes, you as the DM the PCs began adventuring as 1st-level
and the NPC from whom it originates. shouldn’t disabuse the player of the no- characters and have risen to 4th level,
tion. Instead, permit the players to draw then the foe who was 3rd level to start
Keeping tension high their own conclusions, and have fun. should now be 5th or 6th level. The neme-
A recurrent NPC should serve as a con- If the players’ inferences are erroneous sis’ advancement should be roughly equal
stant and unpredictable element in play. but nevertheless intriguing, a nimble DM to that of the PCs in terms of experience
The key is to maintain an aura of anticipa- can modify the story line in that direction. points, but the NPC-PC level difference
tion. Individual DMs will come up with Done well, this enriches play as players may shrink over time. If the nemesis is to
their own techniques to keep up the sus- start to see the adventuring environment remain a challenge and a threat, his con-
pense, but here are a couple of options to as a living world where happenings are stant and continuous growth is necessary.
get you started. You may want to drop not a collection of random encounters
misleading hints to indicate the “presence” without meaning or connection. Keeping the NPC alive
of a nemesis. Mistaken identity encounters Whatever technique is used to keep the It is the nature of nemeses that they
should be kept to a minimum but keep PCs players guessing, the DM should aim for a must return. The initial encounter be-
on their toes, like so: state of mild paranoia. Players will become tween PCs and their soon-to-be nemesis
more embroiled if they perceive their will in some sense be indistinguishable
Grub and his adventuring companions nemeses as a real and continuing threat to from any other encounter. On the second
are strolling in the royal gardens when their characters’ well-being. To achieve collision, both parties may begin to de-
they notice a bald-headed man slip around this anticipatory atmosphere, the DM must velop feelings toward each other, perhaps
a corner ahead. Grub and his friends periodically remind the party that their animosity or curiosity. When the NPC and
quickly draw weapons and ready spells, unseen nemesis remains behind the cur- the PCs come together in the third and
intent on doing away with their bald tain of the campaign stage, waiting for the subsequent encounters, it is likely that the
priestly foe. Rounding the corner, they DM’s cue to reappear. PCs will begin to either dread or eagerly
skid to a stop in front of a frail, open- If the tension is to be kept up, it’s also anticipate the arrival of their elusive
mouthed gardener who is definitely not essential that the nemesis keep the PCs opponent.
their elusive bald foe.

The liberal use of red herrings tossed

into the mix keeps the PCs guessing and
maintains the sense of an impending en-
counter. Curious goings-on can be used to
give the appearance that there is method
behind the madness the PCs experience.
For example:

The four puzzled companions sat at a

table mulling over the events of the pre-
vious three days. Caine, a cleric of the
Morning God, pointed out that the barrel
that fell from the supplier’s shop the day
before had missed Grub by only inches.
“And then this morning,” Cain said, grow-
ing excited, “after that cat walked by us,
we were attacked by those cultists! In the
name of the Sun, I’d almost swear that cat
was a wizards familiar.”
“Then there was that merchant in the
market who started yelling about me
owing him money. No doubt he was paid
to do that so no one would give us lodg-
ings in this forsaken city,” added Porthos, a
fellow adventurer.
“Perhaps our bald-headed nemesis is up
to his old ways,” interjected Aethelward. “I
wish Grub had never stolen that gem and
gotten us mixed up with this Thirteen
Circles gang.”
Will Derkellian, the party mage, leaned
back in his chair and turned the ring on
his finger. “Then again, perhaps it’s all just
coincidence, and you’re just jumping at
shadows,” he commented, a barely hidden
smile playing at his thin lips.
How, though, does the DM manage to ultimate foe is for the DM to decide. as all good DMs know, the next adventure
keep a nemesis in the campaign when the Then there is the classic vendetta. Fami- will bring new foes— and among those foes
PCs are doing their best to remove him ly or friends of the recently departed there just might be another embryonic
from play? There are a number of solu- could take it upon themselves to avenge nemesis waiting to spring on the PCs.
tions to the dilemma. The most basic is the death of the recurring NPC. This even-
flight. The foe could simply disappear tuality is guaranteed to confuse and befud- Final thoughts
from the scene whenever things look dle the PCs. A total stranger may appear Although this article has been written
threatening. The easiest way for him to one day and unleash a lightning bolt at the with a particular bent toward fantasy
leave is by fleetness of foot, but in a magi- party for no apparent reason. If the PCs adventuring, it can be readily adapted for
cal world he has many other options for survive, they will be faced with the task of use in other genres. The basic notions can
extracting himself from seemingly hope- discovering why the mysterious robed be applied to horror, science-fiction, or
less situations. Potions, oils, scrolls, and figure hurled the spell their way. A DM super-hero gaming. No matter what type
sundry magical devices can be used to might even wish to make the bolt-hurling of game system you run, the creative use
beat a hasty and enchanted retreat. stranger into a recurrent NPC foe in his of recurrent NPCs will add to the enjoy-
While whisking NPCs out of harm’s way own right. ment of role playing. After all, there is
may frustrate the PCs to no end, it serves If the DM has ruled out resurrection and nothing like meeting an old foe . . . except
two valuable purposes: It will keep the concluded that no associate would ever perhaps beating him once and for all!
NPC alive to do battle again, and it will seek vengeance on behalf of the nemesis,
also build the relationship between the then there exists one last alternative. Such With thanks to the University gamers
elusive foe and your campaign’s adventur- a friendless nemesis can rise of his own and Spike Y. Jones.
ing group. accord as a member of the undead legions,
At times, given overwhelming opposition possibly as a revenant or an evil undead
or unfortunate circumstances, it may be creature like a wraith. The shock value of
appropriate to have the NPC foe “die.” facing the NPC again will be heightened if
Even if this happens, the DM is not pre- the PCs believe that they have faced their
cluded from using him in future game foe for the last time. . . .
sessions; his death could have been avoid-
ed by any number of means. (This is the Skalderskien the half-ogre leaned down Letters
Continued from page 5
“obscure death” option presented in the and clapped his short companion on the
DRAGONLANCE® saga modules for the back. “Did ya see de rocks fall on dat bald
AD&D game.) For instance, the nemesis guy?” he grunted happily. “We got i‘m good The next time that the doctors let you have a
might have used a timely illusion to dupe dis time, eh?” copy of DRAGON issue #181, with Robin Wood’s
the PCs into believing that the game was “Yes, indeed,” sighed Grub in relief. “Old wonderful cover depiction of a wizard’s labora-
up. Even if the death isn’t illusory, it need Baldie won’t shadow us any longer now tory, look carefully at the toothless skull to the
not be final. A truly dead nemesis might that our rock slide did him in. He should far left center of the cover (this only works with
be resurrected by a loyal companion. This be flatter than a buckwheat cake.” The the American cover, as the British cover was
possibility should be used sparingly, companions left the area in high spirits, heavily cropped). Look at the spot where the
though. Keep in mind that resurrection returning north to the city. lower jaw connects with the skull. Now, move
to the left about one-eighth of an inch, to the
and raise dead spells are very costly and That night, however, a pallid, bloody half-hidden thing in the darkness under the
ought to be restricted to NPCs of wealthy form stirred beneath the rocks and debris. scroll. Hah! Isn’t that incredible? They were
background or those who have connec- Slowly, the being that was once an arro- right there the whole time! I love being a sadis—
tions in religious organizations. gant and powerful high priest shook off its um, an editor. Actually, the only reason I know
There is another entirely different solu- rocky tomb and arose, its shattered body where they are is because two fellow TSR
tion available to DMs who are using mon- mending in horrific fashion as its sunken employees became frustrated with the search
strous nemeses. Keep in mind that for eyes turned in the direction of those who themselves and called the upstairs art director
some creatures, destruction of their had slain it. It slowly nodded. Undead who called the artist and got the answer I’m
“body” is inconsequential. The destruction power coursing through its limbs, the glad you enjoyed our little game.
of a powerful extraplanar being’s Prime being started north.
Material form does not entail its final
demise. While being barred from return-
ing to the Prime Material plane for a time,
As the DM’s cast of recurrent NPC foes
swells, care should be taken to select from
Wild dice
the entity is not without means of evening the different modes of keeping the NPC in revisited
the score. Such a “dead” foe could prove to play. Using the same bag of tricks becomes
be a continuing source of annoyance to tedious. When the alternatives presented Dear Mr. Moore,
the PCs. Minions on the Prime Material here have all been used, be creative and I really enjoyed Michael J. D’Alfonsi’s article,
plane could be instructed to seek out the design some of your own. “The Wild, Wild World of Dice” [in issue #182].
Many of my gaming buddies have some of those
PCs and deliver retribution. Even worse,
weird habits, too. My favorite dice story is one
the minions might be instructed to bring Ending the relationship that a good friend told me. He was DMing an
the PCs to the being’s home plane for a There will, no doubt, come a time when AD&D® adventure for a single player. When the
personal reckoning. a favorite recurrent NPC has become player’s characters were badly injured in a
If you like running adventures with (banish the thought) boring. When the surprise attack, the player became excited and
numerous plot twists, you might consider reaction of your players upon seeing their yelled “Fire seeds!” [for one of his characters’
the following scenario for keeping a neme- nemesis reappear is no longer “What? You attacks]. He then grabbed up all the dice and
sis in the picture: PCs who slay a “neme- again? We’ll get you this time!” but instead threw them across the room to illustrate.
sis” may be chagrined to realize that the is more like an “Oh, him again! What else Joel Patton
is new?” response, then perhaps it’s time Travelers Rest SC
persistent NPC was merely the stooge of a
more powerful and equally persistent to retire that particular recurrent NPC.
master. The clever puppeteer may have set The retirement need not be permanent, The only weird dice story I recall comes from
the stage to lead the PCs to believe it was but sometimes it’s best that it is. Recurrent the habit of one gamer I knew who put dice in
the vanquished underling who ran the foes should engage the interest of the PCs, his mouth and spit them out on the table when
show. Just how many hierarchical layers challenging and intriguing them. Letting he had to roll them. Needless to say, no one ever
are interposed between the PCs and their go might be like losing an old friend but, stole his dice.

30 AUGUST 1992
Artwork by
by Kevin Troy Lissanne Lake

Are you, as a game DM™, faced with a Know your sources

group of rules lawyers for players? Do you The simplest way to toughen up your
feel your campaign is slowly succumbing adventures without being unfair or unre-
to the “Monty Haul Syndrome”? Are play- alistic is to know all the rules you are
ers breezing through your most difficult playing with. Optional rules, new spells,
adventures, and do they play shallow magical items, and monsters should all be
characters created simply to hoard magic known to you. This may seem obvious, but
and gold? Do they exploit the sheer size of I for one know the benefits of buying all
the revised D&D® 2nd Edition the optional rulebooks (such as the Com-
games by buying rulebooks you don't plete Handbooks or sets specialized to
have? Fear no more! With this article, one setting) and convincing the DM to play
you'll learn how to give your compaign's with those rules. Many a DM has fallen to
monsters and NPCs a fighting chance— heart-rendering ideas for a wood-elf ranger
without being unrealistic or unfair. with the berserker kit. Don't let the play-
ers use their knowledge against you! Curse of the Azure Bonds on page 56: boost we gave them. Besides, these guards
If buying optional rules is too expensive 6th-level fighters (18): AC 4; MV 6”; HD will presumably serve in an offensive
for you, look in used-book stores or the 6; hp 45; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 (long sword); AL capacity (and a +2 bonus to armor class
used-materials section of a mail-order LE; THAC0 15. on a short-lived guard is not as beneficial
catalog. If this doesn’t work, borrow the Get real! Many 3rd-level adventuring as an extra attack per round) and they
book from the player using it against you. fighters are outfitted better than that. already have good life spans in combat
Take a week or so to familiarize yourself Let’s assume that any warrior that gets up because of their above-average hit points.
with it, then borrow it again whenever to 1st-level is going to specialize (here, Here are the same fighters, now greatly
you think you may need it (for instance, with the long sword). Then, too, a 6th- improved:
when you’re creating an adventure). level fighter (not to mention the temple of 6th-level fighters (18): AC 3; MV 6”; HD
If worst comes to worst, tell your play- Bane itself) is probably wealthy. Give the 6; hp 45 each; #AT 5/2; Dmg 1d8+2 (long
ers that those optional rules are not being guards plate mail armor (which by itself is sword) or 1d8 (bows); SA paired swords
used in your campaign. Nothing hurts a AC 3, better protection than chain mail (weapon spec.), missile weapons (sheaf
pampered player more than creating a lst- and a shield) and exceptional quality weap- arrows); SD none; AL LE; THAC0 13.
level character using Method I (3d6 ons from the Complete Fighter’s Hand- One note about exceptional quality
straight) and only the core rules in the book, page 10 (these add one point each to weapons: While they improve your NPCs
hardbound manuals. THAC0 and damage). Missile weapons by far, they are hardly worth the PCs’ time
If you do get the optional rulebooks, use would be appropriate as well: either a and effort to carry them around. Chances
them just as much as the players do. Don’t light crossbow with 20 bolts or a long bow are that a 5th-level character already has a
make that Red Wizard of Thay a wimp— and 20 sheaf arrows per fighter. better (i.e., magical) weapon, and toting an
give him class! Barbarian chieftains should Also, one should allow for the benefits extra long sword around all day is hardly
not be mere 5th-level fighters, they should described in the “Combat Rules” chapter worth the encumbrance.
be 5th-level berserkers with weapon spe- of the Complete Fighter’s Handbook. Most
cialization. The same goes for campaigns useful of these are the weapon-style spe- Managing magic
using the AD&D 1st Edition game. If you cializations. In the above case, I would give Magic deserves beefing up as well. If you
are using the classic older modules, update the guards either the single-weapon style get a rules manual that has an awesome
them using Unearthed Arcana rules (new with two proficiency slots devoted to it new megadeath spell in it, change your
spells and weapon specialization rules (thus gaining a +2 bonus to their armor NPC’s spell book to make room for it. The
being the most important). classes as opposed to the one from a same goes for a devious new use for an
Go through your modules and check for shield—see page 62) or two-weapon style old spell (see Joel E. Roosa’s article “Crea-
weaknesses in those NPCs with character with ambidexterity (thus giving an extra tive Casting” in DRAGON® issue #169 and
classes. For example, here are the elite attack per round—see page 64). I favor the the Complete Wizard’s Handbook, pages
guards at the temple of Bane in Zhentil latter, as the guards’ armor classes are 82-86, for examples.)
Keep, as described in the AD&D module already each one better from the armor For example, if you are running a

64 OCTOBER 1992 Artwork by James Holloway

FORGOTTEN REALMS® campaign, you bolt unless necessary. Take the motives of fantasy novel, The Sword of Shannara, by
may wish to replace Melf’s acid arrow in NPCs into mind. Terry Brooks. Early on, the heroes find the
most NPC spell lists with the superior spell fabled Sword of Shannara but don’t even
Agannazar’s scorcher, from the Expand your horizons realize what it is until it is stolen by the
FORGOTTEN REALMS Adventures hard- Another simple idea for beefing up NPCs enemy!
bound. Whereas the first spell affects one and monsters is to use “weird” or rare Make your monsters smart enough to
target, requires a to-hit roll, and splits its magical items and monsters. DRAGON® fight on their own ground. Real kobolds
damage over several rounds (doing 2d4 hp Magazine is a great source of both. The don’t fight in large, open fields at high
damage each round), the second spell does various Monstrous Compendium appendi- noon. Real kobolds fight in passages about
3d6 hp damage per round for two rounds ces are useful, too, if your players don’t 3’ high with no light and plenty of booby
with no save and an automatic hit. Agan- have them. (Many of those monsters are so traps. This means the players don’t spot
nazar’s scorcher can also catch others in rare no one would ever memorize them all the kobolds until the latter are about 30’
the jet (for less damage, however). The anyway.) Other good monster sources are away (the typical range of torches and
only real benefit in the short run (which the AD&D 1st Edition monster books. The light spells), but the PCs are fully aware of
matters most in combat) to Melf's acid FIEND FOLIO® and Monster Manual II the kobolds, thanks to the arrows and
arrow is the range benefit (180 yards to a books have some great monsters that were traps all around. A fine example of this
puny 20 yards). never carried over into the AD&D 2nd point can be found in the AD&D module,
When it comes to NPC spell memoriza- Edition game. (The “fiend” nobles aren’t “Tallow’s Deep,” by Steve Gilbert and Bill
tion, use common sense. If the characters the only monsters worth retrieving, either, Slavicsek in DUNGEON® Adventures issue
stormed the first level of a wizards Try using a drelb from Monster Manual II #18. Here, goblins have built up a truly
dungeon yesterday, the wizard will most on a party of characters who are afraid of deadly dungeon of their own. Note that
likely be prepared with a few more offen- wraiths, or a froghemoth on a boating DUNGEON Adventures’ modules are often
sive spells than usual. However, if the expedition.) rife with wonderful new magical items
wizard knows that the characters have Don’t tell your players what an item or and monsters to spring to your unsuspect-
some type of fire-resistance spell or magi- monster really is when they find it. Read ing players.
cal item, he will not memorize fireball. the tips on running RAVENLOFT® cam-
Any wizard or priest worth his spell com- paigns in “The Techniques of Terror” chap- Conclusion
ponents will set alarm spells, glyphs of ter in the RAVENLOFT boxed set’s The key to deadly (but by all means fair)
warding, and, in the case of the very pow- rulebook. See also Gary Coppa’s article, DMing in AD&D® games can be summed
erful individuals, a few nasty magical traps “It’s Sort of Like a Wand . . .” in DRAGON up like this: Have the NPCs and monsters
using contingency or a guards and wards issue #161, and “The Game Wizards” use the same rules and nifty tricks, tactics,
spell. Finally, if a mage doesn’t want to column by Bruce Nesmith in DRAGON and ploys that the player characters use.
destroy his precious tower with mass issue #162. One famous example of this You want to make the PCs—and players—
destruction spells, he won’t use lightning “no information” style can be found in the sweat.

66 OCTOBER 1992
Handicapped heroes in super-hero RPGs
by Justin Mohareb

Color by Steve Sullivan

Many gamers think the only super- handicapped. Thor, in his former guise of years as the X-Men's mentor. Psylocke was
heroes worth playing in a role-playing the mortal Dr. Donald Blake, had a lame blinded, and later given cybernetic eyes.
game (RPG) are the huge invulnerable, leg. Professor Charles Xavier has been Daredevil is blind. Hawkeye is, as a result
muscle-bound types. They find the idea of confined to a wheelchair for most of his of an earlier adventure, almost deaf with-
playing a handicapped hero somewhat out his hearing aids. Silhouette of the New
offensive. Warriors uses crutches. Bushmaster, like
Fortunately, the comics do not share Donald Pierce of the Reavers, was a quad-
this attitude. There have been many riplegic who used
heroes who were in one way or another

cybernetic limbs to replace his own—in handicap. Daredevil may have, in Whatever you do, don’t make it too easy.
Bushmaster’s case, cybernetic arms and a response to his blindness, been given a As always, the characters should have to
snake’s lower body. Artie from the Exter- +1CS or +2CS bonus to his Intuition abil- fight every step of the way to achieve their
minators cannot speak, so he uses his ity, or perhaps was given sonar as a bonus goals. Say Doctor Doom wanted a plastic
telepathic projection power to communi- power. Penalties for blind characters surgeon to repair his face. Suppose one of
cate. The creator of the Box armor, Roger engaged in combat without some sort of the characters wanted this same surgeon
Bochs, had no legs, so he designed his compensation could be the same as the to do a similar service, or that one of the
armor to grant him mobility penalties for fighting in darkness, as given heroes is the surgeon and Victor Von
in the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ Doom appears in his waiting room one
Overcoming handicaps Advanced Set Judge’s Book. day. Ideas are starting to simmer, aren’t
It is possible to run a hero who is not There may be unforeseen benefits to a they?
functioning at 100% capacity. There are physical handicap if the Judge is imagina- Running a handicapped hero can lead to
many powers or gimmicks that can be tive. How often has some villain tried to some intense role-playing and a good deal
used to help get around physical handi- use a hologram, illusion, or some blinding of imaginative power use. Don’t hesitate to
caps. A simple hearing aid, a robotic servi- tactic on Daredevil? Hawkeye was try such a character in your campaign as
tor, a suit of cybernetically controlled immune to Angar the Screamer’s and a PC (or an NPC if you’re a GM). You may
armor, a telekinetic power, or magical Screaming Mimi’s sound-induced halluci- be more surprised at what you can do
spells could be used to negate or counter- nations because he couldn’t hear the than what you can’t.
act handicaps. Cybernetic limbs could be sounds. Cyborg of the Teen Titans never
used also. Some heroes, like inventors and has to worry about losing an arm because Marvel characters and the distinctive name and
likenesses thereof are trademarks of Marvel Enter-
psychics, do nor engage in physical com- he can simply have it soldered back on. tainment Group, Inc. and used with permission.
bat often, so physical handicaps would be Donald Pierce would be missing an arm Copyright ©1993 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.
less of a hindrance to them. A psychic right now (if he wasn’t already) due to the All Rights Reserved.

could be deaf, and “hear” by reading attack Wolverine made on his extremity in
thoughts directed at him Or he could be the battle with the Hellfire Club several
able to communicate by true telepathy. years ago. A cyborg might also be immune
A magic-using or mentalist character to the stunning or extra damage effects of
could be unable to walk, or could be para- certain martial arts due to the lack of
lyzed, unable to move at all. This hero still nerve centers in their cybernetic limbs
could adventure in her astral form, how-
ever. It would be downright interesting to Role-playing handicapped
have a character whom the others would heroes
never see in a solid form, but only in an The Judge could use handicaps as a
amorphous mist resembling a human role-playing tool. A character could find it
body. Imagine the character assuming she imperative to see the mayor, but she can-
is immune to physical attacks, but then not enter City Hall because she cannot get
having to tight a gaseous vampire, or the up the steps in her wheelchair and there
astral form of an opposing mage or psy- is no handicapped-access ramp. Using
chic. A wheelchair-bound villain can still public transportation, going shopping, or
be an excellent mastermind, and from the even making a phone call can be difficult
chair he may control various death traps. for many handicapped persons due to
Imagine an evil genius, trapped in an iron problems of accessibility Perhaps the
lung, who controls robotic replicas of the hero is in the vicinity of a criminal trying
heroes to ruin their reputations by rob- to escape from the police. A deaf hero
bing banks, etc. Perhaps he hires other couldn’t hear the police sirens. A hero in a
villains to do his dirty work for him. wheelchair probably couldn’t chase the
Remember Silvermane, the Maggia leader criminal down a busy city street and catch
who fought Spider-Man and Cloak and him. Scenarios even can teach the players
Dagger? He ruled his criminal empire about what it is like to be handicapped in
from a bed, and even when the heroes today’s society Don’t get too preachy
found him, he was still able to protect about this, though, and don’t do this too
himself. Later, his brain was placed in a often so as not to completely frustrate the
cybernetic body that let him mix it up with character. Maybe the handicapped hero
them directly. can later work to improve accessibility for
all handicapped people.
Benefits for handicapped PCs An excellent adventure could be built
Why would a player want to play a char- around a character who hears that there
acter with a physical handicap? One rea- is an NPC capable of removing or curing
son is that the Judge might allow bonus his handicap. This can lead to the charac-
Karma points for good role-playing. ter being healed by magic, regeneration,
Another reason is that they could simply or some type of cloning. Or, the hero
be forced to do it. A better reason is that could arrive to find his potential benefac-
the Judge allows a +1CS to a certain abil- tor dead in the snow, and have to avenge
ity or superpower. (Bonus points could be his death and retrieve the magical scroll
awarded during the character-creation or medical notes containing the potential
process, if the game system you use has cure. Perhaps an old enemy hears of the
that feature). For example, if Charles hero’s potential cure and kidnaps the NPC
Xavier was a starting character, then he before the hero can be cured. The hero
would have been given a +1CS to his will then have a very keen interest in
mental abilities to compensate for his working to rescue the NPC

82 JULY 1993
Making the Most
of a Module
by Lisa Stevens
Running a role-playing game requires and have learned what works and what player handouts, and even three-dimensional
the expenditure of a great deal of time. doesn’t. They also have a firm grasp on the buildings to use with miniature figures.
One way to decrease the amount of prepa- game system and thus can highlight interest- So you’re sold on published scenarios
ration time is to use published adventures. ing aspects that might be unique to a partic- now, are you? Well, let me offer a word of
Don’t think this alleviates the need for any ular game. Also, the work of these pros can warning—there’s more to using a pub-
preparation on your part though, for you demonstrate how to make your own adven- lished adventure than just sitting down,
must learn to use modules properly before tures better. In addition, published adven- reading it through once, and getting your
they can become a truly useful tool in tures offer you the use of an adventure that gaming group together. Just like writing
your role-playing campaign. was created with significant time and effort, your own scenario, the use of a published
Published scenarios have many positive and which probably will be more intricate scenario requires a fair amount of work.
aspects that can help a novice GM. First, and detailed than anything you could invent The end result will be many game sessions
most modules are written by professionals, in the limited time you have between gam- of fine play.
people who make their living crafting mate- ing sessions. The companies that make role- Before you play a published adventure,
rials for role-playing games. These veterans playing games have the time and money to you need to do the following things: Orga-
have created a lot of scenarios in their time include useful extras such as detailed maps, nize the contents, tailor the scenario to
suit your world, adjust the scenario to fit
your characters, and be prepared for
alternative story lines that the scenario
doesn’t address. To illustrate these points, I
am going to use the TSR module, T1-4 The
Temple of Elemental Evil, which I ran for
my AD&D® group when it was released.

Organizing the contents

Organization: This word is a cornerstone
of being a game master, but becomes even
more important when using a published
scenario. Many published adventures do
some of this work for you, giving you lists
of the monsters used and player handouts
to help certain sections run more smooth-
ly. However, you still need to have a firm
grasp on where to find information, and
how the different NPCs and the different
sections of the story relate to each other. If
you have to flip constantly through the
adventure looking for the relevant facts,
you aren’t properly organized and your
game will suffer.
When you write your own adventure,
you become intimately familiar with your
creation. When you use a published sce-
nario, you need to learn a lot about it. To
do this, organization is the key. Make
notes and photocopies of important sec-
tions or reference sheets, so you can have
all the useful information at your finger-
tips. Also, make lists of the encounters in
the scenario and include any relevant
statistics such as armor classes and hit
points. Refresh your memory by rereading
any sections of the game’s rules that a
particular encounter will emphasize (such
as underwater combat) and make notes

for your use in game-play. In short, if instead of using stealth. This roster also thriving area, whether that setting is a
there is something you think you might proved beneficial when the players dungeon or a city. Events are going to take
have to look up during the game, do the stepped outside the bounds of the pub- place on their own, regardless of the PCs’
research beforehand and save game-time lished adventure, as you shall see below. actions. Exactly what happens might
for the game. By doing this, you familiar- Another useful step I took with Temple change based on the characters’ actions,
ize yourself with the scenario and this was the detailing of the various treasure but something will happen.
helps it to run more smoothly. hoards. Many times modules will list trea-
When preparing to run The Temple of sure like: “400 gp, three 100-gp gems, four Tailoring the adventure
Elemental Evil, I listed every creature and 500-gp gems and two pieces of jewelry You now need to tailor the scenario to
humanoid that appears in the module. One worth 2,000 gp and 5,000 gp respectively.” your game world. Many times, if you are
of the important pieces of information in In my notes for the module, I named the using the same game world as the pub-
the module is the affiliation each being has gems (an aquamarine, a large carnelian, lishers of the scenario, the changes should
with the elemental sects. By listing all the and a pearl), thus giving more depth to the be minor, but even in the campaigns that
beings belonging to a given elemental sect treasure hoards. The jewelry was also try to stay as close as possible to the origi-
and where the relevant information can detailed, making each piece unique. nal campaign, changes will need to be
be found in the module, I worked out Another important step I took that the made. If Lord Beauregard died in an unex-
their defense strategies ahead of time. module didn’t cover was a timetable for pected accident in your campaign, he
This way, I was prepared in case my ad- the plans of the leaders of the temple. cannot appear to warn the characters of
venturers decided to barge into the temple Remember that a module is set in a living, some impending doom—even if the pub-
lished module says he does. In your world,
Lord Beauregard doesn’t exist anymore.
Whoever replaced him in his position as
Lord will have to take over the responsibil-
ities the module ascribes to Beauregard. If
his successor is vastly different than the
deceased Lord, then the whole tone and
outcome of the adventure could be radi-
cally altered.
These are things that you need to think
about before running the scenario. As you
read through the module, make notes on
places where things need to be changed
and think about the effects those changes
will have on the adventure, By doing this,
you’ll be better prepared for whatever
happens when your players go traipsing
through the scenario.
Thankfully for me, Temple takes place in
the WORLD OF GREYHAWK® setting,
which was the campaign I was running at
the time. However, I still needed to make
some minor additions and changes.
I tied the plots of the temple to those of
the greater forces in the GREYHAWK
setting, connecting the temple with the
Slave Lords and Lolth’s plots, as well as
those of Iuz and Scarlet Brotherhood.
Having all these factions active within the
temple made the plot seem much more
encompassing, and provided the added
advantage of giving the characters leads
into other GREYHAWK modules.

Adjusting to fit the characters

You also have to remember to adjust the
adventure to fit your characters. If your
party has a paladin who refuses to adven-
ture with evil characters, having an assas-
sin approach the party within a job offer
would be a poor choice. The person who
wrote the adventure has no idea what
kind of characters you want to run
through the scenario. If something in the
story causes a problem with your charac-
ters, change it.
Also, make sure that the opposition isn’t
too tough or too weak to challenge your
players. In your world, blue dragons may
be able to toast your PCs, whereas in most
worlds, they would be an even match for
characters of their skill level, Again, these
are things that only you can judge since

70 DECEMBER 1993
you are the only one who knows your more realistic if the PCs do take the adven- I had made earlier, I was able to augment
campaign’s characters. ture off its main track. In our own lives, the troops as needed, and my timeline
It’s also fun to tie parts of a character’s we are confronted by events daily that helped me determine which alliances had
past into the scenario. This makes the cause us to deviate from our plans, but, we been made. Thus, I knew the composition
adventure come to life, as an old nemesis deal with them and return to our initial of some of the new troops. The Temple of
confronts the party again. You often can intentions. Preparing for these departures Elemental Evil ended up being one grand
find spots in the published scenario where will add more flavor and greater realism BATTLESYSTEM® game rather than the
the addition of someone or something out to the published adventure’s plot. covert infiltration scenario it was meant to
of the character’s past will make the sce- I decided that the village of Nulb, which be. This only occurred because the PCs
nario that much more believable. Use this, is near the temple, would become more of deviated from the plot. If I hadn’t been
trick. Your players will never forget it. a factor in my campaign. As it turned out, organized, this might have thrown me for
In my game, one of the PCs was a pala- it was, though in ways I could never have a loop.
din of Heironious named Repticestor. In expected. I had detailed who lived where
the module, there is an imprisoned Fu- in the village and if they were connected Conclusion
ryondian noble, who I decided was related to the temple or not. When the monk PC’s By following these simple rules, you can
to Repticestor. If the valiant paladin were ring of shooting stars got out of hand and make the most of published adventures,
to free the imprisoned noble, both he and destroyed most of the town, I was able to and your world will seem much more
his family would gain much prestige and deal with it because I had prepared in detailed and real. [Editor’s Note: Apply
honor in the court of the king of Furyon- advance. The monk not only took upon these guidelines when reading the
dy. This addition added some spice to the himself the task of putting back together DUNGEON® Adventures module, “The
module, making it personal for the charac- the lives of those people whose homes he Whistling Skeleton,” in this magazine.]
ters. destroyed, but he also decided to rebuild Published scenarios can be a boon to the
the town. time-crunched GM, but they shouldn’t be
Preparing alternative story Another plot deviation that had larger used as an excuse for not putting time into
lines ramifications occurred when the paladin next weeks game session. If used in that
As you read through the adventure, decided he wanted to find his war horse way, even the best modules can fail, and
make notes to yourself on areas where the before the party finished destroying the the players will feel cheated. Remember to
PCs might deviate from the story as out- temple. So, as the group went in search of organize the scenario, tailor it to your
lined in the scenario and spend some time Repticestor’s war horse, the temple itself world and your characters, and prepare
fleshing out those areas, just in case. Then, was rebuilding from the losses inflicted. for alternative story lines, and you will be
if your PCs do deviate from the path the upon it by the PCs. When the group finally well on your way to a successful, exciting
adventure’s author delineated, you’ll be made it back, the temple had come out of adventure.
prepared. Preparing these potential devia- hiding, had fortified itself, and its armies
tions makes the adventure that much had swelled. Using the roster of creatures
Superheroes taking an active role

by Alexander Teitz
Artwork by Paul Daly

The role of the superhero always has elderly include driving them to and from Crime
been to protect the community from men- the doctor, grocery store, relatives, etc., or Crime includes not only pursuing and
aces, both super-powered and normal. In delivering medicines or groceries to them apprehending villains, but also areas such
most cases, this is accomplished by having as needed. Many local organizations of this as domestic violence, corrections, and
an individual hero or a team run patrols type exist across the country. An adven- victims’ assistance. Fighting crime today is
around a city. This way they can respond ture could occur when a hero PC is deliv- more than beating up the bad guy, and
to emergencies quickly and directly. Al- ering Mrs. Bagley to the hospital for an requires a caring hero to deal with the
though this method allows heroes to be examination, and discovers that the phar- complex issues that arise.
the first ones on the scene, there is an- macy has been robbed, all medicines tak- The crime of child neglect has many
other way for heroes to take action—have en, and all the pharmacy’s employees are organizations determined to put an end to
the hero PCs take an active role in the unconscious. this outrage. Organizations include Big
community. The next section in Health is assisting National Committee for Prevention of
Many superhero RPGs give experience those physical and mental disabilities. Child Abuse and Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
points for heroic PCs who participate in Ways to assist include reading for the Heroes can help by becoming a Big Broth-
events besides stopping crimes such as blind, volunteering to help those with er or Big Sister or by helping kids heal
doing acts of charity. These acts include depression (a psychology talent or skill is a from child abuse both mentally and physi-
everything from donating money to mak- must), and helping build walkways and cally. The campaign’s PCs could be in-
ing personal appearances. Unfortunately, ramps for businesses to comply with the volved when one hero becomes a foster
most heroes don’t go out of their way to Americans With Disabilities Act. Heroes parent and the biological parent decides to
earn this type of experience. Instead a with medical training or healing powers hire a super-powered thug to gain illegal
hero will go through her job, life, and could find careers in curing some individ- custody of the child.
superheroic patrols and hope that some- uals. Organizations include the United A hero may have to deal with criminals
thing will occur. In real life, some profes- Cerebral Palsy Association, Recording for she brought to justice in the corrections
sions and some lifestyles have access to The Blind, and the American Psychological system. A hero might volunteer to work at
the dangers of society; most do not. In real Association. An adventure could begin the local Halfway House, or teach classes
life, a person can volunteer her time and when the PCs are working with a building in prison. Organizations include the local
become involved with society. Why should group (to weld metal railings for ramps) jails and prisons. An adventure might
this be different with a hero? If anything, when a villain mentally controls the build- begin when a PC is teaching math at a
a hero can offer more than an average ing group to fire the PCs and cancel the super-powered prison and a riot breaks
citizen. What normal citizen can support a project’s funding for no apparent reason. out in another part of the prison.
brick wall, or give first aid at super-speed? There are many possibilities for heroes The last section is victims’ assistance.
This article presents six different catego- to help fight addiction. How do you help a Victims’ assistance makes it possible for
ries of activities that heroes can volunteer teenager stay off drugs, or a businessman the hero to see the results of a supervil-
for, and the real-life organizations that are not drink? Again, heroes with healing lain’s evil up close. Many people feel pow-
involved in them. This article concludes powers could provide assistance. Organi- erless in the face of crime, and it could be
with Pandora’s Box, a National Superhero zations include Al-Anon, Alcoholics Anony- the hero‘s job to make a person feel like he
Organization that survives by community mous, and DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance has control again. PCs with mental powers
participation. Please note that the inclu- Education). An adventure could begin could read the villain’s mind to help recov-
sion of real-world problems and issues in when a villain starts selling an illegal drug er victims’ stolen goods, etc. Telepaths may
this article by no means is meant to trivial- that makes people more susceptible to his serve as “juries” to determine accused
ize these important concerns. This article mind control, and the heroes hear about it parties’ innocence or guilt.
merely attempts to add to the role-playing through a child at a DARE program.
possibilities of a four-color superhero The final Health section is participating Law
campaign by incorporating modern-day in disease-research organizations. If a hero A category related to Crime is Law. Law
issues. is a scientist or engineer, he could be vital includes civil rights, consumer groups,
There are six categories a hero can in researching new theories and building housing, and labor unions. Law is where
volunteer for: Health, Crime, Law, Envi- new equipment to combat illness. Re- heroes with Legal or Law Enforcement
ronment, Disasters, and Miscellaneous. search organizations include the Muscular talents are most useful.
Dystrophy Association, the American The biggest section of Law is civil rights.
Health Cancer Society, and National Institutes of Ways to help include having a lawyer hero
Within this category, there are a number Health AIDS research. Campaigns could volunteer his time to try a case or do
of subsections including helping the el- start with a hero character making public research on one. Organizations include the
derly, assisting those with physical and appearances for the American Cancer NAACP, Indian Rights Association, National
mental disabilities, helping those recover- Society when his grandfather contracts Gay Task Force, and the American Civil
ing from addiction, and participating in lung cancer. Liberties Union (ACLU). An adventure
research groups. Some ways to help the could begin when a lawyer hero is called
88 JULY 1994
into court by the ACLU to help (as a law- Miscellaneous administrating it. Heroes assigned to these
yer) in the defense of a recently defeated The last category is a mixture of all missions would be at more risk than those
supervillain because the villain’s civil those other organizations that went un- working with programs at home. Heroes
rights were violated by the same hero at named above. These include the Veterans’ could be attacked by super-powered peo-
some point during the villain’s capture. Administration, Amnesty International, ple in the country’s government who
The next section is consumer groups. the United Way, etc. In addition, heroes resent foreign “interference.” They also
Some ways a hero could participate in- can volunteer for local libraries, historical could be attacked by various political or
clude getting people to register to vote, or foundations, and museums. Ways to help military factions. Being an international
investigating a sleazy telemarketing busi- can be a mixture from ways mentioned hero gets the character (and the player)
ness. Organizations include political par- above to helping diagnose a new disease involved directly with the situation, and all
ties, The League of Women Voters of the genetically engineered by a supervillain. the participants in it. An adventure could
United States, and the Better Business Besides dealing with problems nationally, be created when the U.N. sends the PCs to
Bureau. An adventure might arise when heroes also can have an effect on the a war-ravaged area to help distribute food
the heroic PCs’ are portrayed in the media international scene. The area where he- and they are attacked by supervillains
as violent people with no regard for civil roes can best be used is international hired by one of the military factions or by
rights, and any cause (charity, etc.) the relief. On a local level, heroes can collect the military itself.
heroes support suffers backlash. food and supplies to be sent to a country
Law also includes housing. Housing that is suffering from shortages due to Pandora’s Box
might mean making sure a housing unit is war, drought, famine, etc. If a hero is Now that you know some of the ways
safe to live in or investigating alleged involved in the International Red Cross, heroes can help in the community and the
discrimination against minorities seeking the Red Crescent, CARE, UNICEF, or a world, meet Pandora’s Box, a National
housing. Organizations include the Depart- multitude of branches of the United Na- hero Organization whose sole purpose is
ment of Housing and Urban Development tions she could be sent to a country to to help the community before a disastrous
and the National Committee Against Dis- help distribute aid, as well as protect those event can occur.
crimination in Housing. A campaign could
begin when the landlord of one of the PC’s
relatives refuses to take care of pest con-
trol, dangerous wiring, unsafe or dark
stairwells, etc., and the PC’s relative is
injured due to the landlords negligence.
The last section of Law is labor unions.
Labor unions include the United Auto
Workers (UAW), the AFL-CIO, and teach-
ers’ unions. The biggest way for heroes to
help is to arbitrate between a union and
the company its members work for, but a
hero also could be called in to stop vio-
lence during a strike. A campaign could
begin when the hero team is asked to help
arbitrate a labor strike and one of the
factions hires supervillains to interfere
with the negotiations.

The fourth category is the Environment.
The Environment includes stopping illegal
waste dumping, promoting recycling pro-
grams, or protesting illegal deforestation.
Organizations include Greenpeace, The
World Wildlife Fund, The National Geo-
graphic Society, and state Public Informa-
tion Research Groups (PIRGS). A campaign
could be built when a super villain team is
created from an accident at the local
power plant because the plant managers
refused to repair environmental hazards.

Disasters range from a simple power
outage, to an earthquake or a hurricane.
Ways to help include restoring power,
rebuilding homes, and providing tempo-
rary law enforcement for an area. One
organization that heroes could work with
is the American Red Cross. Numerous
adventures (stopping looting, flooding, car
accidents, etc.) could result from an earth-
quake in the campaign’s home city, and
could take months to return the city to
Pandora’s Box is the name of a nation- 3. Any profits generated by Pandora’s Conclusion
wide hero franchise specializing in train- Box immediately go to a fund in the com- The role of a hero, whether super-
ing hero teams to help the community. munity’s name. powered or not, is to help those around
Pandora’s Box is designed to be a safe 4. All Pandora’s Box members are re- him. This can’t be done by taking a passive
haven for heroes (especially persecuted sponsible to their respective communities. role. A heroic person must make an effort
mutants) who work directly with commu- If they use their status in Pandora’s Box to act with the community. Not only does
nity and police leaders. “Afterthought,” the for personal gain, or against the best wish- this bring the heroic person closer to the
Director of Pandora’s Box and a mutant es of the community, they will be thrown community and vice-versa, it also gives the
(with precognition and mutant-detection out of the franchise. heroic person a chance to gain experi-
powers), convinced a number of small ences and meet people that a passive role
businesses that funding a hero group To date, Pandora’s Box has six teams would never allow.
would be in their interest. Fifteen busi- nationwide: one in Albany, N.Y., one in I recommend the article, “Super Jobs for
nesses agreed and funded the current Newark, N.J., two in New York City, one in Super Talents: The United Nations Special
headquarters (including a danger room) Los Angeles, and one in Dallas. Cities that Talents Agency” by Marcus L. Rowland in
and vehicles (vans) of the first Pandora’s have expressed interest in teams are Mi- DRAGON® issue #160. The setting of Steve
Box team. In return for their funding, the ami, Boston, Milwaukee, and Denver. Jackson Games’ GURPS SUPERS* and
heroes agreed to take a direct role in the Pandora’s Box is funded entirely by com- SUPERS I.S.T* books also includes strongly
communities where the businesses oper- munity businesses and large business proactive superheroes.
ate. They would work with police, social grants. In its seven years of existence,
services, public works, etc., to see that the Pandora‘s Box has trained well over 120
communities were improved. Within a heroes. The original team now acts as * indicates a product produced by a company other
year, the six-member Pandora’s Box team, recruiters, promoters, and trainers for all than TSR, Inc.
had reduced crime by over 40% and been the teams. In return for having access to
instrumental in building and maintaining a the best equipment and technology for
public recreation house and the park transportation and training, Pandora’s Box
around it. spends 98% of its time helping the commu-
This dramatic success made Pandora’s nity. All trainee members are required to
Box a national phenomenon. Multi-national work in homeless shelters, detox centers,
businesses nationwide asked how they and hospitals for their first nine months as
could become involved, and heroes in members of Pandora’s Box. In return they
other states asked how they could begin. are provided training free of charge and a
“Afterthought” responded by setting up place to stay.
criteria for how a franchise group could During times of natural disasters, all the
be created. Her criteria are as follows: teams works together to ensure that nor-
mality can be returned as soon as possible.
1. All members of a Pandora’s Box team
After two years, the trainees are made full
must be from the area of the businesses
members and encouraged to go to other
supporting them.
cities and start a franchise.
2. No more than one large business can
invest in a Pandora‘s Box team, but an
unlimited number of community busi-
nesses can invest.

90 JULY 1994

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