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Balancing Affordability and article, we argue that perhaps a new

status quo in patent laws is emerging in

Availability in a Drug India that seems to balance these twin

concerns—we call it Patent Law 1.5. This

Patent Regime law in our mind is not as weak as Patent

Law 2.0 mentioned above; at the same
time it will maintain affordability from
the perspective of a social planner. This
Viswanath Pingali, Chirantan Chatterjee is one step forward from the erstwhile
regime in India, which only protected
India needs to find an optimal That reminds me to remark, in passing, that process patents in the country from the
the very first official thing I did, in my ad-
patenting regime that will 1970s till 2005. But while doing that, Pat-
ministration—and it was on the first day of
it, too—was to start a patent office; for I knew ent Law 1.5 will also provide innovators
safeguard incentives for
that a country without a patent office and good protection for their innovations.
innovation while simultaneously patent laws was just a crab, and couldn’t One likely evidence of Patent Law 1.5
ensuring that medicines are travel any way but sideways or backways. emerged with a Supreme Court of India’s
— Mark Twain1
available at reasonable prices. interim ruling in May 2015, refusing

recent empirical study indicates permission to an Indian pharmaceutical
that between 2000 and 2009, manufacturer (Glenmark) to copy Merck,
out of 184 new drugs approved Sharp and Dohme’s (MSD) molecule, sit-
by the United States Food and Drug agliptin phosphate (marketed under the
Administration (USFDA), only about 90 brand name Januvia, which belongs to the
have been marketed in India.2 The study class of DPP–4 inhibitors within the oral
further argues that one of the factors for antidiabetic drugs).3 This seems to suggest
lower availability is weaker patents. that patents would be respected in India
At the same time, another study has in future, a rare situation that has not been
claimed that India follows a “Patent Law witnessed too frequently in the the past.4
2.0”—an intellectual property (IP) regime This ruling follows past decisions,
We gratefully acknowledge several discussions that is more aligned towards improving where, in contrast, the Supreme Court
with Kensuke Kubo. access. In the pharmaceutical markets of had allowed an Indian pharmaceutical
Viswanath Pingali ( developing economies, the trade-off be- company (Natco Pharma) to sell generic
is at the Indian Institute of Management, tween the twin concerns of affordability versions of Bayer’s anti-renal cancer
Ahmedabad. Chirantan Chatterjee and availability have been dominating drug sorafenib (brand name Nexavar)
( is at the Indian the discussion on how pharmaceutical via compulsory licensing. The key differ-
Institute of Management Bangalore.
patent policy needs to evolve. In this ence between these past and recent cases
20 OCTOBER 10, 2015 vol l no 41 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

is that while Nexavar was being sold at where patent protection is weaker. of drugs to several people, especially in
the prices prevailing in the developed Recent empirical literature points out the developing world, the pro-patent
countries,5 Januvia is being sold in India that patents and associated policy group argues that the patents are essen-
at 40% of the prices prevailing in the choices that enhance IP play a signifi- tial for innovation, which, in turn, leads
United Kingdom (UK) and 15% of the cant role in the diffusion of new drugs.10 to better accessibility in the long run.
prices in the United States (US). Further, Further, countries with stringent price Since the empirical evidence seems to
MSD also voluntarily licensed the sale of regulations are less attractive to innova- suggest that the launch of new drugs
sitagliptin to a local Indian pharmaceu- tors; they tend to delay the launch (or might be delayed in case of weak patent
tical company (Sun Pharmaceuticals). do not launch) in such markets.11 Stud- laws, the relevant question in this con-
These two cases provide us with a rough ies have also shown that the probability text is: How can the developing econo-
contour of the evolving position on the po- of a new drug being launched is lower mies balance the need for new and in-
tential new patent regime (Patent Law 1.5) in countries like India, China and Bra- novative drugs while making sure that
and its functioning in India: while patents zil, where patent protection is relatively the affordability is not compromised?
and other IP are potentially going to be weaker.12 Some industry players have
respected, accessibility and affordability also echoed this sentiment that “not re- Patent Law 1.5
through “reasonable pricing” might also specting the IP norms” has led to a loss Differential pricing, where the innova-
be the key. We first discuss the tradition- of significant investments in the coun- tors charge lower prices in developing
al arguments on the role of stronger pat- try.13 Further, Healthcare Global Enter- countries vis-à-vis the developed world,
ent laws in incentivising innovation. We prises (HCG), India’s largest chain of can- is one solution to this problem. In other
then discuss the key ideas behind differ- cer hospitals has claimed that access to words, innovators could set prices that
ential pricing and voluntary licensing, advanced cancer drugs is becoming dif- are country specific. Academic research
which might be the way ahead.6 ficult in India, thereby suggesting that has also advocated differential pricing
lack of access can affect both acute and as a means to improve access in the de-
Pros and Cons of Patents chronic diseases.14 veloping countries.17 As pointed out ear-
The economic arguments for the weak- Such delay/denial of launch can hurt lier, such a practice is already prevalent
ening of Patent Law are rather straight- consumer welfare. In one of our earlier in India, where some innovators charge
forward.7 Given that prices of life saving studies, we have shown that if sitagliptin lower price for their products when com-
drugs could be substantially higher than were to come under the ambit of com- pared to the developed countries.
the marginal cost of production, it could pulsory licensing, and in response, the For example, as Figure 1 (p 22) points
lead to substantial deadweight loss be- other two DPP–4 molecules (vildagliptin out, oral anti-diabetics belonging to the
cause of limited reach, especially in de- and saxagliptin) are not launched in class of DPP–4 inhibitors are priced sub-
veloping economies where a majority of India, then the welfare of diabetes stantially lower in India when compared
the population is uninsured. population in India could be hurt signifi- to Japan, the UK and the US.18 We esti-
Pro-patent arguments tend to posit cantly by more than Rs 14 crore.15 Moreo- mate that if the prices of sitagliptin, saxa-
that research and development is a costly ver, such losses can be more if the recom- gliptin and vildagliptin (the three DPP–4
and risky exercise, while mimicking the mendations of the Roy Chaudhury Com- molecules currently available in India)
drugs is not. Since the market can get com- mittee Report (2013)—mandating local- are priced at the prices prevailing in the
petitive very fast without patents, inno- ised clinical trials before launching a UK, consumer welfare reduces substan-
vating firms are given temporary mo- drug—are implemented. 16 tially.19 Even if the innovators charge lo-
nopoly power in order to recover their In sum, while the anti-patent group cal profit-maximising price in a develop-
sunk expenditure.8 Therefore, while argues that the patents deny accessibility ing country, prices tend to be lower than
static consumer welfare is lower in the
initial periods when the patent is in
Complete Annual EPW Sets Available Pr ow
force, it improves significantly once the s
At Nominal Rates
patent expires. If, on the other hand, the
patent regime is weakened, high levels of EPW has a few complete sets of the journal for 1986, 1988, 2001, and from 2003 to 2014
consumer welfare are realised from the that are available at nominal rates.
beginning; however, future consumer The entire set for each year is available for just Rs 100 plus postage and packing charges.
welfare associated with future innova- (The cost of postage for each set—weighing around 10 kg—by registered parcel will be
tions would reduce significantly, thereby around Rs 400 to Rs 500. Packing charges will be Rs 100).
harming aggregate consumer welfare in The total payable amount is Rs 700. Interested buyers can also call and visit our office in
the long run.9 Mumbai and collect the volumes by paying just Rs 100 each.
A question that is more important in
There are only a limited number of these unbound sets available. Institutions and
the Indian context is whether or not access individuals interested in buying any of the sets can call the Circulation Department for
to novel medicines is reduced in markets further details. Phone: 022-40638282
(especially the developing countries)
Economic & Political Weekly EPW OCTOBER 10, 2015 vol l no 41 21

Figure 1: International Price Comparison of DPP–4 Inhibitors in 2011 licence could hurt practices, wherein public interest is
160 consumer surplus served without hurting innovators’
Price Per Daily Dose (in 2004 Indian Rupees)

147.16 147.94
140 significantly. interests. Negotiated price within the
120 Another option in country, with restrictions on exports
Vildagliptin 106.03
the price and accessi- that discourage parallel trade seems to
79.69 bility debate is the be a solution that the Patent Law 1.5
direct local manufac- regime needs to move towards.
60 55.05 54.77
turing of pharma-
40 ceuticals by the in- Conclusions
20 19.97 novators themselves. To summarise, research so far seems to
Lower cost of manu- suggest that availability of novel medicine
India United Kingdom Japan United States facturing allows the and affordability of the same move in
(1) The daily dosages are 5mg for saxagliptin, 100mg for sitagliptin, and 100mg for
vildagliptin. (2) In 2011, saxagliptin was not yet approved in Japan and vildagliptin was
innovators to keep opposite direction. A policy intervention
not yet approved in the US. the operating expens- herein needs to achieve a fine balance
Source: IMS India, UK National Health Service Website,, and
Corporate Press Releases.
es reasonably low;21 where neither of the objectives is unduly
this might enable compromised. In this, the innovator
the ones prevailing in the developed them to further potentially subsidise pharmaceutical industry has shown the
countries. This is because the demand the drugs within India. Local manufac- way through differential pricing and vol-
in developing countries tends to be turing could also get support from the untary licensing. Moreover, the Supreme
more elastic mainly due to affordability current government through its “Make Court ruling regarding sitagliptin sug-
reasons, primarily because of lack of in India” initiative. Without necessarily gests that from a social planner’s lens,
health/prescription insurance. coercing innovators to manufacture, respecting the innovator’s patents might
The main problem with the imple- appropriate incentives, which encour- be the appropriate quid pro quo in
mentation of differential pricing is the age innovators to produce locally, can return going forward.
issue of parallel pricing, or spillover be thought of. For example, appropriate Patent Law 1.5, a middle ground, might
effects that exist due to the presence of tax breaks for manufacturing and sell- also help in ushering inward foreign
arbitrage opportunities. If cross-border ing their products cheaper in India direct investment in the pharmaceutical
trade is not properly regulated, the arbi- could be considered. sector. A major concern expressed by
trage opportunities that exist due to the In sum, there needs to be an open dis- some innovator companies has been a
price difference can lead to a loss in cussion between the innovators and the lack of clear understanding of tax laws
more lucrative markets. Sign boards in- policy makers with regard to pricing and patent protection.22 Therefore, these
dicating the sale of anti-cancer medi-
cines in Chinese, Arabic and Korean are
ubiquitous at major international air-
ports in India, suggesting parallel trade.
Improved accessibility of medicine EPW 5-Year CD-ROM 2004-08 on a Single Disk
could also be achieved through volun- The digital versions of Economic and Political Weekly for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008
tary (instead of compulsory) licensing of are now available on a single disk. The CD-ROM contains the complete text of 261 issues
marketing of the drug to Indian pharma- published from 2004 to 2008 and comes equipped with a powerful search, tools to help
ceutical companies. Presumably, Indian organise research and utilities to make your browsing experience productive. The contents of
companies are more established in the CD-ROM are organised as in the print edition, with articles laid out in individual sections
in each issue.
terms of market reach vis-à-vis the inno-
vator. Therefore, voluntary licensing im- With its easy-to-use features, the CD-ROM will be a convenient resource for social scientists,
proves accessibility without the innova- researchers and executives in government and non-government organisations, social and
tor having to incur setup costs. Again, political activists, students, corporate and public sector executives and journalists.
this practice is prevalent in India. Two of Price for 5 year CD-ROM (in INDIA)
the three DPP–4 inhibitors (sitagliptin Individuals - Rs 1500
and vildagliptin) are licensed by their Institutions - Rs 2500
innovators (MSD and Novartis, respec- To order the CD-ROM send a bank draft payable at Mumbai in favour of Economic and Political
tively) to Indian pharmaceutical compa- Weekly.
nies.20 For instance, MSD’s version of si- Any queries please email:
tagliptin is sold under the brand name of
Januvia, whereas that of Sun Pharma- Circulation Manager,
Economic and Political Weekly
ceuticals is sold under the name of Istavel. 320-321, A to Z Industrial Estate, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel,
Chatterjee, Kubo and Pingali (2013) Mumbai 400 013, India
point out that withdrawal of a voluntary
22 OCTOBER 10, 2015 vol l no 41 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

are the two major areas that the Govern- 15 See Chatterjee, Kubo and Pingali (2013). of the Pharmaceutical Industry,” Rand Journal
16 See Shankar (2013) and Roy Chaudhury of Economics, Vol 43, No 1, pp 110–38.
ment of India’s “Make in India” and “Atal Committee Report (2013). Glass, A J and K Saggi (2002): “Intellectual Prop-
Innovation Mission” initiatives need to 17 See Danzon and Towse (2003). erty Rights and Foreign Direct Investment,”
18 When we approached innovator pharmaceutical Journal of International Economics, Vol 56,
focus on while re-engineering Indian
firms regarding differential pricing, we heard No 2, pp 387–410.
patent laws in future.23 similar arguments. Shivkumar, the managing di- Grabowski, Henry, J Vernon and L G Thomas
Interestingly, the problem of finding rector of Eisai Pharmaceuticals India, noted, (1978): “Estimating the Effect of Regulation on
“Pricing in India is determined based on two key Innovation: An International Comparative
an optimal patenting regime is not just concerns: reasonable volumes and sustainable Analysis of Pharmaceutical Industry,” Journal
restricted to India alone. Any develop- margins.” of Law and Economics, Vol 21, No 1, pp 133–63.
ing country that is balancing availability 19 See Chatterjee, Kubo and Pingali (2013) for de- Grabowski, Henry (2007): “Competition between
tailed analysis. Generic and Branded Drugs,” Pharmaceutical
with affordability needs to contemplate 20 Improving Health, Improving Lives, Merck, Sharp Innovation: Incentives, Competition, and Cost-
on this issue. In that context, the policy and Dohme Website, Benefit Analysis in International Perspective,
about/Pages/home.aspx, accessed 21 May 2015. Sloan and Hsieh (eds), Cambridge University
that India adopts will be observed keenly For Novartis–USV deal relating to vildagliptin, Press, pp 153–288.
in the international arena, and India can see Mehta (2008). Grossman, G M and E L-C Lai (2004): “Internation-
provide thought leadership on obtaining 21 Invest India website, http://www.investindia. al Protection of Intellectual Property,” American, accessed on 26 Economic Review, Vol 94, No 5, pp 1635–53.
such an optimality in affordability and May 2015. Hughes, James, M J Moore and E A Snyder (2002):
availability of medicines to other coun- 22 Dey and Beniwal (2014). “Napsterizing Pharmaceuticals: Access, Inno-
tries like South Africa, China, Brazil and 23 See, “Department of Industrial Policy and Pro- vation, and Consumer Welfare,” National Bureau
motion,” website of Economic Research, Working Paper 9229.
Argentina. vestor/makeinindia.aspx, accessed on 23 May Kapczynski, Amy (2013): “Engineered in India–
2015: and “Atal Innovation Mission to be set up,” Patent Law 2.0,” New England Journal of Medi- cine, 369, pp 497–99.
Notes aspx?relid=116186, accessed on 23 May 2015. Krishna, Jai and J, Whalen (2013): “Novartis Loses
1 Twain (1889). Also refer to academic research on FDI & prop- Glivec Patent Battle in India,” The Wall Street
2 See, Berndt and Cockburn (2014). erty rights [Glass and Saggi (2002), Grossman Journal, 1 April,
3 Reuters (2015). and Lai (2004), Branstetter et al (2006) and SB1000142412788732329650457839567258223
4 See Krishna and Whalen (2013). Bilir (2014) among others]. 0106, accessed on 22 May 2015.
5 As of July 2012, Bayer’s sorafenib was available at Kyle, Margaret (2007): “Pharmaceutical Price
over Rs 2 lakh, whereas Cipla’s and Natco’s ver- References Controls and Entry Strategies,” The Review
sions were available for Rs 5,000 and Rs 7,000, of Economics and Statistics, Vol 89, No 1,
respectively, for a month’s supply. Berndt, Ernst, N Blalock and I Cockburn (2011): pp 88–99.
6 Please notice that we have not discussed the “Diffusion of New Drugs in the Post-TRIPS
Lichtenberg, F R (2005): “The Impact of New Drug
merits or demerits of Section 3d of the Indian era,” International Journal of the Economics of
Launches on Longevity: Evidence from Longi-
Patent Act—a key section that discusses incre- Business, Vol 18, No 2, pp 203–224.
tudinal, Disease-level Data from 52 Countries,
mental innovation. Section 3d differentiates Berndt, Ernst and I Cockburn (2014): “The Hidden 1982–2001,” International Journal of Health Care
the Indian patent system substantially from Cost of Low Prices: Limited Access to New Finance and Economics, Vol 5, No 1, pp 47–73.
the other countries, and has attracted signifi- Drugs in India,” Health Affairs, Vol 33, No 9,
Mehta, Nina (2008): “Novartis Ties Up with USV to
cant media attention. Our arguments, there- pp 1567–75.
Market Galvus,” Economic Times, 27 November,
fore, are about fostering intellectual property Bilir, L K (2014): “Patent Laws, Product Life-Cycle
of those drugs that have obtained patents with Lengths, and Multinational Activity,” American /2008-11-27/news/28393751_1_novartis-plans-
Section 3d in place. Economic Review, Vol 104, No 7. usv-anti-diabetic, accessed on 28 May 2015.
7 See Rockett (2010) for a comprehensive aca- Branstetter, Lee G, R Fisman and C F Foley (2006): Rajgopal, Divya (2015): “Compulsory Licensing Hit
demic review of theoretical economic intuitions “Do Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Increase India’s Image: Hetero Pharma,” Economic
between the relationship between property International Technology Transfer? Empirical Times, 31 March, http://articles.economictimes.
rights and invention. Evidence From US Firm-level Panel Data,” The
8 For details on risks associated with drug discov- Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp 321–49. _1_sofosbuvir-swine-flu-drug-kidney-cancer-
ery process, and the associated costs, see Chatterjee, Chirantan, K Kubo and V Pingali (2013): drug-sorafenib, accessed on 22 May 2015.
Grabowski (2007). Also, see some recent evi- “The Welfare Implications of Patent Protection,
dence from the Tufts Institute here, http://csdd. Reuters (2015): “Supreme Court Bars Glenmark
Pricing, and Licensing in the Indian Oral Anti- from Selling Merck Drug Copies,” Reuters News, Diabetic Drug Market,” Journal of Health Eco-
on_RD_cost_study_-_Nov_18,_2014..pdf, ac- 15 May,
nomics, forthcoming article. /15/glenmark-phrm-merck-co-lawsuit-idINKBN
cessed on 1 June 2015.
Cockburn, Ian, J Lanjouw and M Schankerman 0O011I20150515, accessed on 22 May 2015.
9 This argument is based on the idea of (2014): “Patents and Global Diffusion of New
“Napsterization of Pharmaceuticals” posited Rockett, K (2010): “Property Rights and Invention,”
Drugs,” National Bureau of Economic Research, Handbook of the Economics of Innovation, Vol 1,
by Hughes, Moore and Snyder (2002). Also,
Working Paper 20492. pp 315–80.
Filson (2012) shows that in the US, innovation
would reduce by more than 40%, if the US Danzon, Patricia and A, Towse (2003): “Differen- Roy Chaudhury Committee Report (2013): “Report
adopts a price control mechanism that is simi- tial Pricing for Pharmaceuticals: Reconciling to Formulate Policy and Guidelines for Approv-
lar to the one prevailing elsewhere. Also see Access, R&D and Patents,” International Jour- al of New Drugs, Clinical Trials, and Banning
Lichtenberg (2003). nal of Health Care Finance and Economics, Vol 3, of Drugs,” Central Drug Standard Control Or-
10 See Cockburn, Lanjouw and Schankerman No 3, pp 183–205. ganisation,
(2014). Dey, Sushmi and V Beniwal (2014): “Japanese Drug- addata/Report_of_Dr_Ranjit_Roy.pdf, accessed
11 See Kyle (2007). maker Eisai Wants MAT Exemption in SEZ,” Busi- on 21 May 2015.
12 See Berndt, Blalock and Cockburn (2011). Also ness Standard, 4 March, Shankar (2013): “D&C to be Amended to Restrict
see Berndt and Cockburn (2014) cited earlier for Waiver of Trials for New Drugs to National Emer-
the Indian example. maker-eisai-wants-mat-exemption-in-sez-11403- gency, Epidemics,”, 11 Novem-
13 Rajgopal (2015). 0400044_1.html, viewed on 28 May 2015. ber, ?
14 “Global Cos Reluctant to Introduce Latest DiMasi, Joseph, R W Hansen, H Grabowskiand aid=78657&sid=1, accessed on 22 May 2015.
Cancer Drugs due to the Fear of Patent L Lasagna (1991): “Cost of Innovation in Phar- Twain, Mark (1889): A Connecticut Yankee in King
Infringement Allegations,”, 9 maceutical Industry,” Journal of Health Eco- Arthur’s Court, Charles L Webster & Company,
July 2014, nomics, Vol 10, No 2, pp 107–42. Chapter IX: pp 107, http://www.gutenberg.
Details.aspx?aid=82842&sid=2, accessed on Filson, Darren (2012): “A Markov-Perfect Equilibri- org/files/86/86-h/86-h.htm, accessed from
26 May 2015. um Model of Price Controls on the Performance Project Gutenberg on 28 May 2015.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW OCTOBER 10, 2015 vol l no 41 23

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