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1 Introduction
The charts:


Title Author Price Published Hardback Number Number of

($)US (H) of pages colour
Paperback illustrations
Mediterranean E. David 24.99 1995 H 270 100
Chinese P. 16.00 1997 H 200 150
Cookbook Chapma
Step by Step C.Bowen 24.99 2000 H 354 0
Thai Cookery
Indian P. Lal 11.99 1997 P 259 200
Good Food P.Wolfen 9.95 2000 P 167 75
from Morocco
French Bistro P. Laval 14.99 1994 H 225 130
Cookery Hot K.Hom 17.99 1999 H 300 200
Wok Recipes
Cooking in D.Sung 6.99 1993 P 137 65
Italian M.Hagan 18.99 1989 H 342 225

 Every chart has a title

Cookery Titles In Stock

 Charts consist of a series of columns separated by vertical lines. Each

column has a heading: Title, Author, Price, Year published. etc
 Horizontal lines create cells. Each cell contains one piece of information.
Mediterranean Food: a title
E. David: a name

24.99: a price

1995: a year

H: a letter

270: a number

Read the question carefullly and underline the column you should look in.

1. How many books are available in paperback?

 You will need to look in the colunm Hardback (H)/Paperback (P).

To answer some questions you will need to look in two or three colunms.

Answer: three books

16. Which book with less than 100 colour illustrations costs the most?

 The two columns are Number of Colour Illustrations, Price.

Answer: Step by Step Thai Cookery, Good Food from Morocco, Cooking in

Steps to follow to answer a question:

 Read the colunm headings carefully
 Read the question carefully
 Underline the information you need
 Decide which column contains the information
 Identity the cell with the information you need
 Copy the information exactly.
More complicated questions will require that you select more than one

10. Was 'Mediterranean Food' published before M. Hagan's book?

Mediterranean Food: title column
Published: published column
M. Hagan: author colunm
 You will need to compare the year Mediterranean Food was published -
1995, with the year M. Hagan's book was published - 1989, to decide which
was published first.
 If you mark each piece of information you are going to need with a
highlighter pen as you find it, it will be easier for you to make the
calculations needed to answer the question.
Answer: No


Markers are used to indicate that theree are exceptons to the information.
The meaning of the marker is given in a footnote. Markers can be:
 Asterisks: *
 Double asterisks: * *
 Hache marks: #

Look at Exercise 6.3 pages 71-2.

The service operates daily from 08.00 till 18.00 **

Footnote reads:

** Sundays till 13.00 ony from 1 January to 1 April

You will need this information t answer questions such as:

Question 5: What time does the last bus leave Keswick on Sunday
January 19?

Answer: 13.00

 Markers are also used in individual cells. See Exercise 6.7, page 76

Detail of markers used in exercise 6.7:

*excess charged at $5 per 1,000 km

**must be booked 3 days in advance

# driver must be 21 or over

Each question has four parts:

1. Situation
2. Task
3. Chart or table
4. Questions

Always use the following steps:

• read the situation carefully

• the task is always worded in the same way, as follows:


Study the chart carefully, then answer the questions that follow.Write
your answer as a single word or a name, or as a number. Do not write
more than this.You will lose marks for unnecessary information .

• Read the headings of each column

• Read the question carefully

• Underline the words that correspond to the column headings

• Find the cell in each column that provides the information you need

• Copy the information exactly as it appears in the cell

• Note: for some questions you will need to use more than one column

• Check the answers

• If your answer is wrong, work backwards from the correct answer to

find out where you made your mistake.

About chart:

 Every chart has a title

 Charts consist of a series of columns separated by vertical lines. Each
column has a heading

 Horizontal lines create cells. Each cell contains one piece of


Steps to follow to answer a question regarding a chart:

 Read the colunm headings carefully

 Read the question carefully

 Underline the information you need

 Decide which column contains the information

 Identity the cell with the information you need

 Copy the information exactly.

Markers are used to indicate that theree are exceptons to the

information. The meaning of the marker is given in a footnote. Markers
can be:

 Asterisks: *

 Double asterisks: * *

 Hache marks: #

Markers are also used in individual cells.

Each question has four parts:

1. Situation

2. Task

3. Chart or table

4. Questions

Always use the following steps:

• read the situation carefully

• the task is always worded in the same way, as follows:


Study the chart carefully, then answer the questions that follow.Write
your answer as a single word or a name, or as a number. Do not write
more than this.You will lose marks for unnecessary information .

 Read the headings of each column

 Read the question carefully
 Underline the words that correspond to the column headings
 Find the cell in each column that provides the information you need
 Copy the information exactly as it appears in the cell
 Note: for some questions you will need to use more than one column
 Check the answers
 If your answer is wrong, work backwards from the correct answer to
find out where you made your mistake.

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