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Julio Aira IV

ME 481 Project Prospectus-ONE PARAGRAPH

Design and Analysis of a Polycentric Prosthetic Knee Joint

For my project, I would like to use Working Model and Solidworks to analyze and further
develop a prosthetic knee. Typically, prosthetic polycentric knees use a four-bar mechanism to
provide trans-femoral amputees with great stability and mobility. Shown below is a kinematic
skeletal diagram and topology for the polycentric prosthetic knee, from homework 2. A
supplementary goal of this project will include 3D-printing a functioning prototype to properly
display the dynamics of the mechanism. To model this device, I will use Solidworks. To
fabricate this device out of PLA plastic, I will use my personal 3D-printer (Ender 3-Pro). My
hope is that this device will be able to withstand the weight of a small child, due to the limits of
my material selection. I will use Working Model to analyze the position, velocity, and
acceleration during the gait cycle of an individual. Since my sophomore year at Penn State, I
have researched ways to further develop prosthetics, such as prosthetic test sockets. This project
will complement my passion for developing and evaluating prosthetic devices.
David Dzordzorme, Sam Smith
ME 481 Final Project Prospectus
February 24, 2021

The mechanism we are choosing to model for our final project is a locomotive mechanism.
Locomotive mechanisms were popularized by steam engine trains. These mechanisms can
become rather complex when there are more wheels driven by it. For our analysis, we will utilize
a simple two wheel forward driving locomotive mechanism laid out like the one seen in the
figure below. The mechanism is driven by a single piston running on steam that links to a
straight bar that spins the wheels. The piston also flips the side of the piston cylinder that allows
the flow of steam which is what drives the motion of the piston. For this project, I plan to work
with Sam Smith since the fabrication of such a mechanism seems challenging to complete alone,
and we were both interested in pursuing a locomotive type mechanism for this project. We feel
that the skills learned in this class will allow us to analyze the kinematics of our final
mechanism. Our goal is to further our understanding on how locomotives and similar
mechanisms work. We plan on using either Working Model/MATLAB or SolidWorks to
visualize the motion and display plots that describe the motion. If possible and time-permitting,
we would also like to utilize the learning factory to either 3D print or machine our mechanism.

We are excited about the potential of this project and hope that our idea gets approved.

Figure 1. Diagram of basic Locomotive Mechanism provided by YouTube user Wheels Tube
Samantha Elduff and Justin Schmoyer

ME481 Project Prospectus - Double Wishbone Suspension Geometry

24 February 2021

Our team is looking to analyze the geometry of double wishbone suspension to

determine different characteristics within the assembly. Our intention is to utilize Working

Model to model the suspension system and analyze the camber angle range of the wheels

during various characteristic situations. Some potential situations include: camber change

experienced under load (i.e. from turning or the road), suspension angles and geometry. We

look to assemble a similar suspension setup as a 1992 miata to model values for a realistic

application. Modern suspension can be made with adjustable A-arms, to adjust for a fully

tuned suspension setup as desired. We look to analyze this setup as a 2-D 4-bar linkage


Image Source:

Daniel Fescenmyer, Kyle Partridge

ME481 – Project Prospectus

February 24, 2021

We would like to analyze the biomechanics of the prehensile tail found in spider monkeys. We were
attracted to this idea since the spider monkey’s prehensile tail is a very unique evolutionary feature that
has allowed it to excel in its environment. Further, the mechanics of the prehensile tail are very
interesting, and we are both eager to learn more. The prehensile tail is able to redistribute the monkey’s
center of mass in order to allow them to balance themselves high up in canopies, thus allowing these
monkeys a wide range of access to different food sources that would otherwise not be accessible. We
plan to model this motion in Working Model and then extract the data points into MATLAB for further
analysis in order to demonstrate how this unique adaptation has allowed spider monkeys to excel in
jungles of South America. The image below illustrates the crucial function that the prehensile tail serves.
I will model the motion of a straight bar dead lift, which is compound weightlifting movement.
Specifically, I want to film myself performing the lift and model my exact motion. I will compare
my movement and model (in Working Model or SolidWorks) to Mark Rippetoe’s Starting
Strength diagrams and force analyses; In so doing, I hope to find errors in biomechanical
efficiency that I can remedy. I also intend to analyze the forces present in my leg from the floor
to the knee, from the knee to the hip, and from the hip to the upper spine.
Nicholas Gallo
ME 481
Project Prospectus
For my project I would like to analyze the elbow joint during a bicep curl. The steps
would be to convert the four muscles and two bones into a mechanical system to perform a
computer aided analysis, and then simulate a bicep curl with a designated mass. The analysis of
the elbow will be to see what stresses and strains are placed upon each link in the system, and
then compare the simulated data to experimental data. The computer designed elbow will be
analyzed by hand as well to check the results from the computer analysis. The goal is to
compare the simulated and experimental data and determine if the simple modeled system can
accurately represent an actual human elbow. Please see an image below of the human elbow I
will try to model.

Total Elbow Joint Replacement. (2019). [Illustration].

Raymond Girroir

Project Prospectus:

I would like to design a mechanism that would provide a timed release/trigger to a larger system. A lot
of systems use electronics or sensors to initiate the next step in a larger system and I would like to
convert that to a mechanical only system to eliminate a power source. The larger system in this case is a
set of spring-loaded blocks that need to be released after some time t (1-5 seconds) The system holding
the blocks is set to release on demand and I would like a mechanism to interface with the system so I
can delay the release for various time steps.
For the ME 481, I want to work with Sung Jun Won as a team. We decide to choose the
ancient Asian crossbow as the mechanism for analysis. The ancient Chinese crossbow has
an essential component which is the vertical trigger. The vertical trigger is a complex
mechanism typically composed of three bronze pieces inside a hollow bronze enclosure.
This trigger acts as the trigger for the crossbow and functions as the iron sight for the
crossbow. The project will be focused on the mechanism of the vertical trigger and
building the SolidWorks model for the entire crossbow.

Figure 1. Han dynasty Crossbow model

Figure 2. Vertical trigger

ME 481 – Prospectus

Rebecca Miller

The bull gear in an antenna is one of the most critical gears allowing for elevation and rotation of the
dish. My project will dive into this mechanism’s purpose, kinematic structure, and discuss the dynamics
at play. It is my hope to demonstrate my analysis through a series of drawings, pictures, and videos; with
the permission of my contract, I plan to use actual data to help depict the kinematics and dynamics of
this mechanism.
Aaron Morrissette

PSU World Campus

ME 481 – Spring 2021

Final Project Prospectus

Proposed Project Topic: Reciprocating Saw

For my final project, I am proposing doing a mechanical analysis of a hand-held power tool, the
reciprocating saw – commonly referred to as a Sawzall. This is inspired from my enjoyment of owning
and using power tools, and for a sincere passion of mine for tool teardowns to see how pieces are
manufactured, and to see exactly how the assemblies work. Focus areas in the project can include the
following: completing my own tool teardown to analyze and understand the reciprocating saw
components, creating a functional model in Working Model to understand the mechanical performance
characteristics, and modeling several of the components in SolidWorks (which could lead to 3D printing
pieces of a simplified mechanical mechanism to represent the tool).

If approved, further details on what will be included in the project and how it will be executed will be
provided in the one-paragraph project concept submission. Thank you!
Project prospectus
I have been interested regarding the wave energy that exists around the shores of America and
the models and systems used to tap into it. I want to base my project on either analyzing a four-
bar mechanism that is used in this process or have an idea of my own as a hybrid of multiple
other ideas. I have done some research on tools that use the slider crank mechanism and would
most likely make a project based on that.
Daniel Fescenmyer, Kyle Partridge

ME481 – Project Prospectus

February 24, 2021

We would like to analyze the biomechanics of the prehensile tail found in spider monkeys. We were
attracted to this idea since the spider monkey’s prehensile tail is a very unique evolutionary feature that
has allowed it to excel in its environment. Further, the mechanics of the prehensile tail are very
interesting, and we are both eager to learn more. The prehensile tail is able to redistribute the monkey’s
center of mass in order to allow them to balance themselves high up in canopies, thus allowing these
monkeys a wide range of access to different food sources that would otherwise not be accessible. We
plan to model this motion in Working Model and then extract the data points into MATLAB for further
analysis in order to demonstrate how this unique adaptation has allowed spider monkeys to excel in
jungles of South America. The image below illustrates the crucial function that the prehensile tail serves.
Eric Staab

Thomas Patota

Project Prospectus

Industry today relies more and more on automation. Whether it be small assembly lines

or humongous robotic arms, these robots offer an interesting view of dynamics that compounds

over multiple moving parts. For our project, we wish to work on a Programmable Universal

Machine for Assembly (PUMA) robotic arm because it is a practical model of a widely used

machine and offers insights into forward kinematics.

Ryan Piccone Project Prospectus

For my end of semester project, I will be working alone to model and simulate a spinning wheel found in
my grandparents house. I do not currently have a picture of it but attached below I have found a similar
one online found below. I chose a spinning wheel since it always amazed me as a child, but now that I
look at it, it looks simpler than I remember.

I would create a Working Model representation of the spinning wheel with three varying radii, one true
to size, one smaller, and one larger. I would create a MATLAB script to record and compare the
difference in velocity and acceleration, and record the force required to maintain a spinning wheel.
Depending on my findings, if a force is unexpected I could do stress analysis on a SolidWorks
representation of the wheel.
Samantha Elduff and Justin Schmoyer

ME481 Project Prospectus - Double Wishbone Suspension Geometry

24 February 2021

Our team is looking to analyze the geometry of double wishbone suspension to

determine different characteristics within the assembly. Our intention is to utilize Working

Model to model the suspension system and analyze the camber angle range of the wheels

during various characteristic situations. Some potential situations include: camber change

experienced under load (i.e. from turning or the road), suspension angles and geometry. We

look to assemble a similar suspension setup as a 1992 miata to model values for a realistic

application. Modern suspension can be made with adjustable A-arms, to adjust for a fully

tuned suspension setup as desired. We look to analyze this setup as a 2-D 4-bar linkage


Image Source:

Alena Schwartz

ME 481

Project Prospectus


For my final project, I would like to use working model the motion of a knee while somebody is
swimming, doing breaststroke. This motion is similar to the motion that occurs while doing a squat. The
motion of a human knee is similar to that of the four bar mechanisms that we have gone over in class.

As a former competitive swimmer, I think that it would be interesting to look at the mechanics involved
in swimming to see what changes could be made to improve overall performance in competitions.
Logan Sharp
ME 481
Project Prospectus

For my final project, I plan to design and manufacture a novel compliant mechanism. As of now, I hope
to design either a door handle or a door hinge. From my initial research, it appears that neither of these
mechanisms have been designed in a compliant way before. For the design of the compliant mechanism,
I plan to use SolidWorks. I have a SolidWorks license on my personal computer through Penn State. For
the manufacturing, I plan to use my personal 3D printer and PLA plastic. If necessary, TPU could also be
used due to the potential for flexibility. However, PLA would be ideal for its rigidness in areas that are
not meant to be compliant. Because I already have access to all software, material, and machines
necessary for this project, I will not need any additional support.
David Dzordzorme, Sam Smith
ME 481 Final Project Prospectus
February 24, 2021

The mechanism we are choosing to model for our final project is a locomotive mechanism.
Locomotive mechanisms were popularized by steam engine trains. These mechanisms can
become rather complex when there are more wheels driven by it. For our analysis, we will utilize
a simple two wheel forward driving locomotive mechanism laid out like the one seen in the
figure below. The mechanism is driven by a single piston running on steam that links to a
straight bar that spins the wheels. The piston also flips the side of the piston cylinder that allows
the flow of steam which is what drives the motion of the piston. For this project, I plan to work
with David Dzordzorme since the fabrication of such a mechanism seems challenging to
complete alone, and we were both interested in pursuing a locomotive type mechanism for this
project. We feel that the skills learned in this class will allow us to analyze the kinematics of our
final mechanism. Our goal is to further our understanding on how locomotives and similar
mechanisms work. We plan on using either Working Model/MATLAB or SolidWorks to
visualize the motion and display plots that describe the motion. If possible and time-permitting,
we would also like to utilize the learning factory to either 3D print or machine our mechanism.

We are excited about the potential of this project and hope that our idea gets approved.


Figure 1. Diagram of basic Locomotive Mechanism provided by YouTube user Wheels Tube
ME 481 Project Prospectus
Carolyn Spotts

For my project I would like to model the twin cylinders of a 1973 BMW R75/5 engine. I would
model the pistons, connecting rods and the crankshaft in working model. This would allow me
to look at the kinematics of the design. I would also model them in SolidWorks. This would
allow me to 3D print them (at a smaller scale) and physically see how they work. BMW used this
twin cylinder design for decades, with small adjustments along the way, and therefore, I can
only assume it is a good design. I am interested in these specific engines, because my father
gave me his R75/5 for my birthday, and I want to learn how it works. I believe this project will
give me a deeper understanding of the design and kinematics, and why the engineers designed
the engine the way that they did.
Eric Staab

Thomas Patota

Project Prospectus

Industry today relies more and more on automation. Whether it be small assembly lines

or humongous robotic arms, these robots offer an interesting view of dynamics that compounds

over multiple moving parts. For our project, we wish to work on a Programmable Universal

Machine for Assembly (PUMA) robotic arm because it is a practical model of a widely used

machine and offers insights into forward kinematics.

For my semester long project, I plan to design a trebuchet using working model. As shown
below, a trebuchet is a type of catapult that uses a long arm to throw a projectile.

After designing the trebuchet, I plan to do the following:

1. Perform simulations changing the weight of the payload, length of the beam, etc. and
analyze how these changes influences the distance that the payload travels. Plot all simulations
of a single graph for better comparison.
2. Measure reaction loads and constrains on the pin joints of the frame, to make sure that the
trebuchet does not fail.
Michael Whelihan


ME 481

For my project, I was planning on doing some sort of study or analysis on transformable design.
More specifically, my idea was to look into the design of the Hoberman Sphere and the Hoberman
linkage behind it. I think the field of transformable design is quite fascinating, seeing that it has found a
great deal of use both structurally and aesthetically in architecture as Mr. Hoberman has demonstrated,
but it is also quite useful in other fields like space structures.
For the ME 481 project, I want to work with Yuchen Liu as a team. We decide to choose
the ancient Asian crossbow as the mechanism for analysis. The ancient Chinese
crossbow has an essential component which is the vertical trigger. The vertical trigger
is a complex mechanism typically composed of three bronze pieces inside a hollow
bronze enclosure. This trigger acts as the trigger for the crossbow and functions as the
iron sight for the crossbow. The project will be focused on the mechanism of the vertical
trigger and building the SolidWorks model for the entire crossbow.

Figure 1. Han dynasty Crossbow model

Figure 2. Vertical trigger

ME 481 – Project Prospectus
Dongxuan Xu

For my final project, I will be modeling, 3D printing, and analyzing a mechanism called the
Trammel of Archimedes, also known as the Do-Nothing Machine. Generally, it consists of two
shuttles confined to two perpendicular channels/rails, and a rod that is attached to these shuttles
by pivots at fixed positions. Although all the shuttles do is moving back and forth in their
respective channels, seemingly achieving nothing, the rod travels in an elliptical pattern; thus,
this mechanism has been traditionally used for drawing ellipses (Ellipsographs).
Project Prospectus: Piano Key Mechanical System
Alexander Yaskolko
I hope to model a piano key and then build a functional mechanical system based on the model.
I do not expect to create a functioning key, but to at least represent the motion of the system
with the model. I plan to assemble the model from 3D printed parts.
ME 481
Do Hyun Kim
Zikun Zheng
Project Proposal

The purpose of this project is to design, model, and analyze the motion of a Stirling
engine. We are interested in this project because this type of mechanism is one of the earliest
mechanisms in the Steampunk era and we both think it is a fantastic model to build. We will use
SOLIDWORKS (or Catia V5) to design the engine. The prototype will mainly use the 3D
printing method. However, there are two glass cylinders which cannot be 3D printed because
they require heating. A list of bills of materials will be created to present all purchased parts and
3D printing parts. The cost of this project will be less than $50. To minimize the cost, we will
use the 3D printing service provided by the University. The analysis will be produced with
Working Model 2D and MATLAB. A simulation will be modeled in Working Model 2D. The
data will be analyzed in MATLAB. Graphs of the motion will be presented in MATLAB.

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