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Activity to practice vocabulary in my document “Vocabulary list C2 level”.

Choose one word/phrase/sentence and complete the gaps below:

A far cry from - A golden opportunity - A real insight into - At a loose end - Constraints on –
Credit - Detract from - Endeavor – Exacerbated - Fallible - Falling into place - Flabbergasted
-Get my teeth into - Give it a go - Hard-pressed - In a downward spiral – Jaded - Knock-on
effect - Minor teething problems - Nothing ventured, nothing gained - On a regular basis -
Relish – Resilience - Self-sufficiency - Step down from - Take up – Tatty - Think outside the box -
Thrive on - Throw light on - Unfolding - Untenable

a) Make the most of it. This is …………………………………………… to prove your skills.

b) Let’s try to be creative and …………………………………………… to find a better solution.
c) Although surveys can be a …………………………………………… guide to public opinion, they
have proved to be a reliable source of information too.
d) …………………………………………… leaving our towns for the new restrictive measures
against the virus spreading have encouraged people to ……………………………………………
new hobbies at home.
e) This research may …………………………………………… the origins of the illness.
f) Ghandi was an extraordinary example of human …………………………………………… .
g) There is serious concern about …………………………………………… events in China.
h) The article provides …………………………………………… the causes of racism.
i) The conflict …………………………………………… the already damaged economy. However,
although employment rate is frightening, it is …………………………………………… that of last
j) No one …………………………………………… the thought of being unemployed.
k) Some strategies to fight global warming have proved to be useless. In my opinion that
puts some political leaders in a …………………………………………… situation. They should
…………………………………………… their positions.
l) My moto when it comes to making decisions: …………………………………………….
m) When I found out about the results of the survey, I was ……………………………………… .
They were really hard to …………………………………………….
n) People fighting racism are increasing …………………………………………….
o) Apart from some ……………………………………………., the new strategies are working
p) The poem portrayed wars as …………………………………………….
q) periods where people needed to show remarkable …………………………………………….
r) and …………………………………………….
s) Electric cars will have ……………………………………………. on the levels of pollution in our
planet. If we don’t stop using petrol we will be caught ……………………………………………
which will be difficult to deal with.
t) I can’t wait to ……………………………………………the book.
u) Unlike most of us, she seems to …………………………………………… pressure.
v) Some hilarious moments will delight the most …………………………………………… critics .
w) The …………………………………………… furniture did not …………………………………………… the
excellent cast.
x) After months of trying to figure out what had happened, suddenly all the details
started …………………………………………….
y) The new ride in the amusement park is just amazing. If you are
……………………………………………this weekend, ……………………………………………!

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