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Beyond Heroes Unlimited Universe Book V: Atlas 2,

United Nations 1
Design: Marco Ferraro 2021

This is meant as an amateur free fan production. Absolutely no money is generated from

Copyright © 1990, 2005 and 2018 Palladium Books Inc. & Kevin Siembieda; all rights
reserved world wide. No part of this work may be sold, distributed or reproduced in part
or whole, in any form or by any means, without written permission from the publisher.
All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any
similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

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Foreword 3
Map of pre2019 Shattered Realms Invasion of Earth 5
Map of post 2019 Shattered Realms Invasion of Earth 6
Map of post 2019 Shattered Realms Invasion of Earth with ley lines 7
Map of Ocean Kingdoms 9
The United Nations Overview 11
Organizations within the United Nations 20
The Member Nations 24
Embassies from other dimensions 27
Alliances outside of the UN 27
United Nations Arcane Research Agency 38
United Nations Database on Meta Activities 38
United Nations Extraterrestrial Anthropological Research Agency 40
United Nations Intervention Tactical Taskforce 41
- Melee Weapons 50
- Ranged Weapons 52
- Gun Ammo 59
- Grenades 61
- Personnel Missiles 65
- Damage Packs 68
- Medical Equipment 68
- Survival Equipment 72
- Technical Equipment 74
United Nations Anti Kaiju Rapid Deployment Force 76
- U.N.A.K.R.D.F. Agent Package 80
- Battle Suits 84
- Super Mobile Weapons Platforms 90
- Super Mobile Weapons Platforms Accessories 117
- Support Vehicles 122
The Strategic Hazard Alien Defence Operatives Watchguard 148
- S.H.A.D.O.W. Agent Package 151
- Battle Suits 155
- Moon Shadow and Space Vehicles 164
- Air Vehicles 202
- Land Vehicles 260
- Snow Vehicles 278
- Sea Vehicles 288

The Beyond Heroes Role Playing Game is based on a heavily revised derivative version
of the rules system from Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition. It also makes
extensive use of the optional point buying system as presented in the AD&D Player’s
Option Skills and Powers book. My primary goal was to make this system usable in any
setting, from fantasy to pulp to superhero to science fiction.

While the history and other details about the United Nations presented in this document
represent real-world information as closely as reasonably possible, this pdf ultimately
describes the UN in the Beyond Heroes Universe, a fictitious setting where people and
events aren’t necessarily the same as in the real world. Therefore the UN is going to
differ, too. After all, the real United Nations never had to cope with the likes of inter
dimensional and extraterrestrial invasions.

What came before..

In the previous timeline S.H.A.D.O.W. was a secret military organization conceived by
the security council of the United Nations founded to defend Earth against UFO attacks,
after the first confirmed encounter between the people of Earth and a vehicle of extra-
terrestrial origin. A single attack by another UFO convinced earth that the aliens were
hostile, and that they posed a threat. The international community agreed to work
together and created a secret organization to defend the earth. The organization was
named the Secret Alien Defence Operatives Watchguard.

The interdimensional invasion of 2019 however had major consequences for earth. The
influx of mana and other energies created a mana storm which altered key events in the
past, present and future. In the new timeline S.H.A.D.O.W. was still created but as a non
secretive offshoot of U.N.I.T.T., an entirely new organization. Along with other
suborganizations like I.R.I.I.S., T.S.U.N.A.M.I., M.R.U., U.N.A.K.R.D.F., the Twilight
Corps, and the E.R.D.R.F.

Key to additional locations on s17 Star City 17
Beyond Heroes earth S Sai Ancalen City
Code Location Sh1 Sha Serin City
A Atlantis Undersea City Sh2 Shala Bellanose City
AC Ashcrown City SI Shadow Island
AO Aotus Undersea City Su Submergia Undersea City
Aq Aquatica Undersea City T Tritonis Undersea City
Ar Arn Mora City Th Themiscrya Island
AS Aman Sinaya Undersea City Ti Timber Traren City
As1 Asa Thalor City Yl Ylmager City
B Bast City YS Ys Undersea City
Bo Bosque City
CY ChiYou Island
E Eno Thendor City Post Invasion Maps additional
El Elmspring City notes
F Frozen City Light green dots represent irradiated
H Haidi Undersea City zones where nuclear bombs were
K Kitezh Undersea City dropped.
Kh Khalohone City
Kn Kaitei No Undersea City Red shaded areas represent Wild zones,
L Lemuria Undersea City which are completely lawless at the
LY Lyonese Undersea City moment and contain mainly remnants of
MI Mare Insula Undersea City the demon army and other leftover
Mo Moran Tal City monsters.
N Nellerai City
O Orlo Thalore City Dark green lines represent ley lines,
P Poseidinos Undersea City some from before and now much
Pa Pacificus Floating City stronger, and some new.
Pe Peisinoe Floating City
Pk Pani Ke Nice Undersea City
R Rehschcalen City
s12 Star City 12 Undersea City

No City Species
1 Pacificus floating city Humans
2 Submergia undersea city Humans
3 Aotus undersea city Kna, Locathahs
4 Lemuria undersea city Lemurians
5 Atlantis undersea city Atlanteans
6 Mare Insula undersea city Various Humans from the European Union
7 Lyonese undersea city Sea Elves, Sea Sprites, Selkies, Sirines, Homards
8 Peisinoe floating city Humans
9 Poseidonis undersea city Mers, Dargons, Sirines, Nixies
10 Ys undersea city Sahuagins, Carapaces, Morkoths, Takos
11 Pani Ke Nice undersea city Humans
12 Kaitei No undersea city Humans
13 Kitezh undersea city Kuo Toas, Koprus, Sharkks
14 Haidi undersea city Humans
15 Aman Sinaya undersea city Mers, Dargons, Paharis, Sea Sprites, Turturs
16 Tritonis undersea city Mers, Dargons, Delfins, Sea Sprites, Shalarins
17 Aquatica undersea city Humans, Mers, Dargons, Delfins
s12 Star City 12 undersea city Humans

Section 1: The United obligations arising from treaties and
other sources of international law can be
Nations Overview maintained.” In order to develop and
The UN Charter prosper, human beings must be able to
The foundation upon which the UN was look to the State for security and
created is described in the Preamble of protection and be able to exercise their
the UN Charter: individual rights. This cannot happen
We the peoples of the United Nations without the rule of law. The rule of law
determined to save succeeding refers to a principle of governance in
generations from the scourge of war, which all persons, public and private
which twice in our lifetime has brought institutions, including the State itself, are
untold sorrow to mankind, and accountable to laws that are consistent
to reaffirm faith in fundamental human with international human rights norms
rights, in the dignity and worth of the and standards.
human person, in the equal rights of men
and women and of nations large and Justice is a vital component of the rule of
small, and to establish conditions under law. At the international level, the most
which justice and respect for the striking development over the past
obligations arising from treaties and decade has occurred in the area of
other sources of international law can be international criminal justice. The
maintained, and to promote social International Tribunals for the former
progress and better standards of life in Yugoslavia and Rwanda established by
larger freedom. the Security Council in 1993 and 1994
respectively marked the first generation
The six clusters that threaten peace and of tribunals since the International
security today are: Military Tribunal established in
• Economic and social threats, including Nuremberg. They demonstrated the
poverty, infectious diseases and collective will not to allow grave
environmental degradation violations of international law to go
• Inter-State conflict unpunished.
• Internal conflict, including civil war,
genocide and other large -scale atrocities Many of the poorest countries need
• Nuclear, radiological, chemical, investments to train and employ
biological, metahuman and supernatural qualified personnel to manage
weapons democratic institutions that are vital to
• Terrorism upholding the rule of law. In addition,
• Transnational organized crime good governance requires public
participation in the political process.
The UN Charter also begins by affirming This helps guarantee that governments
“faith in fundamental human rights, in will be held accountable for their
the dignity and worth of the human actions.
person, in the equal rights of men and
women and of nations large and small.” Another declared aim of the United
As stated in the UN Charter, the UN Nations is “to promote social progress
aims “to establish conditions under and better standards of life in larger
which justice and respect for the freedom.” The Economic and Social

Council (ECOSOC) is the organ most History
associated with achieving this goal. It is After World War II there was a strong
responsible for coordinating the feeling that a way had to be found to
development mandates of 14 UN keep peace among nations. The idea for
specialized agencies and five regional creating an international organization
commissions. In addition, ECOSOC dedicated to maintaining peace took hold
consults with academics, business during the war. However, it took many
representatives and more than 2,100 years of planning before the United
registered non-governmental Nations actually came into existence.
organizations. Most people don’t realize
that roughly 70% of the UN system The United Nations did not come into
focuses its work on promoting social existence at the signing of the Charter. In
progress and improving the well-being many countries the Charter had to be
of people around the world. The main approved by their congresses or
components of development are: parliaments. It had therefore been
Living a long and healthy life provided that the Charter would come
Being educated into force when the Governments of
Having a decent standard of living China, France, Great Britain, the Soviet
Having the freedom to participate in the Union and the United States and a
life of one’s community majority of the other signatory states had
ratified it and deposited notification to
Development cannot occur without the this effect with the State Department of
freedom from misery, hunger, illiteracy the United States. On October 24, 1945,
and disease. People who live in extreme this condition was fulfilled and the
poverty lack choices. Having a decent United Nations came into existence.
standard of living gives us the means to
pursue our desires and dreams. Human Four years of planning and the hope of
rights come into play when we many years had materialized in an
acknowledge that everyone should have international organization designed to
the same opportunities to develop their end war and promote peace, justice and
abilities to the fullest extent. better living for all mankind. The United
Development ceases to move forward Nations is neither a supra-State nor a
when violent conflict erupts, human government of governments. It does not
rights are violated, or the rule of law is have an army and it imposes no taxes. It
disregarded. Just as development can be depends on the political will of its
negatively impacted by conflict, the lack Member States to have its decisions put
of development can also lead to war. into action and relies on the
The strong link between human rights contributions of its Members to carry out
and development has figured its activities.
prominently in United Nations
deliberations for more than half a The Shattered Realms Invasion
century. January 1st, 2019 changed everything
with the interdimensional invasion of
earth by the various worlds of the
Shattered Realms.

As far back as 1999 Dopplegangers were Meanwhile, in response to the sudden
inserted into Earth from the Shattered invasions, the United Nations called an
Realms by Takhisis, replacing key emergency session in New York City.
government officials in each country. Realizing that most if not all Earth
Most often they replaced bureaucrats or governments had been compromised by
aides, rather than politicians who may the Dark Sun Society resolved not to use
only be in power for a short time. nuclear or chemical weapons. Instead
mass recruitment began of metahumans,
Eventually by 2019 the Dark Sun mystics and those of the supernatural.
Society felt they were ready to begin the
invasion. The war began with Dis The first Probability Champions begin to
invading Russia and Krynn invading appear on Earth. These are for the most
India. The opening of the gates created a part normal men and women imbued by
mana bridge linking Earth’s biosphere the Aelif in balance to the invaders. A
with that of the invading planet. This small percentage of men and women are
resulted in Earth’s mana levels rising. not only able to pass across reality
Magic casters and the supernatural borders, but are also able to make tools
everywhere around the world work in lands where they would
immediately noticed an increase in their otherwise cease to function.
power levels.
Algeria fell to Athas, India to Krynn,
Russia facing the total defeat of its and Nicaragua and the Honduras were
military nuked the Dis bridge, destroying conquered by Aebrynis.
the demon army and everything else
within 30 kilometres. The cumulative effect of all the
dimensional gates being open created a
Gates opened on Algeria from Athas, ripple effect through earth’s timeline
France from Abeir Toril, China from altering it at various points in the past
Gamma, Australia from Eberron, Canada and future. The original timeline still
from Mystara, the United States from existed but had been shunted into a
Oerth, Nicaragua from Aebrynis, Bolivia parallel universe.
from Abysmal, Lemuria from Krule, and
Earth’s Underground from Cthon. The combined Lemurian and Atlantean
forces defeated Krule. In an
Deep in the Underground an alliance extraordinary twist, the killing of Krule’s
was formed between Cthon and Earth’s Sorcerer King by the Lemurian General
Drow, Dracotaur, Dvergar, Illithid, and meant under Krule’s customs all of
Vermin. In exchange for being given Krule now belonged to him. In effect
their own countries to rule on the surface Krule joined Lemuria’s empire.
the alliance would help in bringing
through and embedding a dungeon heart. Bolivia fell to Abysmal. China reached a
stalemate with Gamma, as did the
The United States attempted to nuke United States with Oerth.
their gate but were instead tricked into
hitting Norad in Cheyne mountain. In February Australia defeated Eberron’s
forces due to the aid of metahumans

coordinated by the Southern Cross Dis opened a new gate in Russia, near
superhero group. Canada likewise Mongolia. It was immediately detected
defeated its Mystaran invaders mainly by UN sorcerers.
through the aid of E.A.G.L.E. force and
their allies. France fell to Abeir Toril but Near the end of march additional
European metas including the agencies alliances were formed with rebels in
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. and U.N.I.T.T. were Eberron, Mystara, Krynn, and Athas.
able to halt their advance into other Together with the UN council the
countries. various rebel groups made plans for
uprisings on each of their respective
The dungeon heart took hold in the worlds. Weapons and equipment would
Underground. Gaea was able to convince be supplied to them from Earth. Each
the Dwarves, Gnomes, Gemzanites and rebel group also sent a representative to
Terraneans to form their own alliance to Earth to train Earth forces in tactics for
fight the invaders. Russian society began fighting Takhisis’ armies.
to fall apart despite the withdrawal of the
invaders. Justice Anonymous led a counter attack
in the Underground Middle Depths using
The United Nations came up with a plan a combined Gaea Alliance and various
to send stealth recon forces through the Earth army forces. The dungeon heart is
various gates to infiltrate the enemy and captured and purified by Earth’s magic
gather intelligence. To this end they users. Verminspike city was destroyed in
recruited shapeshifters and people with the battle.
stealth powers from every country. A
UN envoy journeyed to Lemuria and In April coordinated uprisings began on
Atlantis for emergency meetings. Abeir Toril, Athas, Mystara, Aebrynis,
Abysmal and Cthon. Key strikes were
In March alliances were formed with performed against high level officers and
rebel groups in Abeir Toril, Gamma, and officials, and important structures,
Oerth. disrupting Takhisis’s war efforts. On
Athas Bahaus and his entire council
Athas conquered Algeria, Libya, Tunisia were assassinated. Tiamat was killed on
and Morocco. Aebrynis conquered Aebir Toril by Omega Factor and rebel
Nicaragua, the Honduras, El Salvador, forces. Atzanteotl died in battle on
Costa Rica, Guatemala and Panama. Mystara. On Aebrynis Bane’s forces
Krynn conquered India, Pakistan and were defeated and he was forced to flee
Afghanistan. Abysmal conquered by spelljammer vessel to Krynn.
Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay.
The war on Cthon reached a stalemate.
Abeir Toril continued to engage in Almost two thirds of the planet having
skirmish battles in France and England. fallen to the rebels. Moeras was killed on
Eberron sent smaller sorties into Abysmal and his army sued for peace.
Australia and New Zealand, as well as Vol was killed on Eberron by the
Mystara with Canada. combined rebel and Earth military
Michigan was captured by Oerth forces forces.
in the US.

Avalon returned to Earth after another regular soldiers, armour, mechs, aircraft,
mana spike. metahumans, magic users and various
supernatural races. All the captured
In May Takhisis fled from Krynn to Dis, nations of Earth were liberated though
as the Heroes of the Lance routed her remnants of the invading armies were
army. Oerth was liberated by the able to escape and hide.
Champions of Skullgrey. The battle for
Gamma became stuck in a stalemate. A At the end of June Dis opened a new
major battle on Aebrynis ended with the gate in Russia along the Chinese border.
death of Bane and his army defeated. Takhisis herself came through with Lord
Takhisis used her spelljammer fleet to Soth and their most powerful demon
recall all her remaining armies to Dis. soldiers. The city of Harbin was overrun
with everyone within slaughtered. A
Cthon became split between the counter attack by the People’s Collective
Dungeonlord, and the new and all of China’s metas resulted in Lord
Dungeonmother whose goal was to Soth being killed and most of the
repair the world (a Cthonian version of demons destroyed. Takhisis attempted to
Gaea). On Gamma one city remained unleash her meta spell, but was
under the control of Alpha 1. The rest of hampered by Chinese magic users long
the world fractured into regions. Some enough for Omega Factor to kill her.
led by the Gamma Knights, others by
warlords. In the aftermath of the war the UN
convened a meeting which included
Another mana spike caused Themiscrya envoys from each of the liberated
to reappear on Earth. It also caused ley Shattered Realms worlds. Each planet
lines to become much more powerful established its own embassy near the UN
and in some cases very visible. building in New York. Trade
negotiations began.
Another time ripple caused the timelost
Basilica City to reappear. Mana portals began opening to every
After Realm dimension.
In June Demonic forces once again
flooded through from Dis into Russia, Post Invasion earth changes
overwhelming the defenses set in place The United States is recovering but did
around the gate. In panic the Russian take a major hit and will require several
government dropped their most powerful years to restore its industry and finance.
nuclear bomb on the gate, destroying the There are also a great amount of local
demon army and transforming the gate refugees who have fled the Colorado
into a mana storm. state since a nuclear bomb was detonated
there. Medical resources are also being
The storm resulted in the alternate stretched, having to treat the survivours
timeline being strengthened and the gate of the nuclear blast.
network remaining permanently open.
A coordinated major offensive was Canada fared much better than the US
launched in every country captured by and is recovering quickly. Some of the
the invaders. Each force consisted of

forests however have new, more Pakistan seems to already have broken
supernatural inhabitants. down into separate warring states.

Central America is a huge mess. Already Australia is one of the few recovering
fragile economies have collapsed and quickly and well. There is much new
many refugees are fleeing north or to steamtech being traded from Eberron.
other realms. The drug cartels seem to
have fully taken over Mexico and moved Algeria has also completely collapsed.
in on the other Central American failed Aid is coming in from the UN and
nations which includes; Belize, El refugees are going out, mainly trying for
Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Europe.
Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
Lemuria and Atlantis have probably
Bolivia has also suffered greatly, and fared the best out of everyone. They now
refugees are fleeing in all directions but control an entire world (Krule) in the
mainly to Argentina and Brazil which as Realms as well as now having joined the
a result is putting a great strain on their UN.
resources. It is also now a major
mystical region. For the Underground it is business as
usual with very little having changed.
France is having major financial Aside from that new worldheart..
problems and is getting help from the
EU and UN. Parts of France are highly There are also Realms’ army deserters
mystical in nature now. still on earth, hiding in various countries.
In France there is a warband of Orcs
China is having difficulty recovering and hiding in the Landes de Gascogne forest.
is trying to restart some of its industries.
Mass conscriptions of workers for The various deserts in Northern Africa
rebuilding have begun. have become the new home of various
escaped Human, Elven, Thrikeen and
Russia has fared the worst out of any Mul slaves.
country; they have two radiation zones
from where the nukes were dropped, and The Antarctic likewise now is home to
half the country is now wildlands. escaped slaves from Cthon, including
Demons and monsters run loose in this Gunbadthane Dwarves, Tundranesti
area although their numbers are low. The Elves, and Furchin Halflings.
current government has retreated to
Moscow and transformed it into a Some Draconians were left behind and
stronghold, while what remains of the have joined various human warbands in
Russian military attempts to reclaim the India, Pakistan and now Afghanistan.
country. Lizardmen left over from Mystara have
been making their home in Canada’s
India and Pakistan have both taken Great Bear Rainforest.
tremendous blows. The Indian
government is close to collapse while

Lemuria and Atlantis are working out The General Assembly
plans for transit between their cities and The General Assembly is the main
the realm of Krule. deliberative organ of the United Nations.
It is composed of representatives from
As mentioned before, parts of Russia’s all Member States, each of which has
wildlands contain remnants of the one vote.
Demon, Vermin, Formorians, Norse,
Dvergar and Beastmen armies. And no Economic and Social Council
they’re not unified. If anything they keep A founding UN Charter body established
killing each other to see who can achieve in 1946, the Economic and Social
dominance overall. Council (ECOSOC) is the place where
the world’s economic, social and
environmental challenges are discussed
and debated, and policy
recommendations issued.

International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice is the
principal judicial organ of the United
Nations. The Court is charged with
settling legal disputes between States
and giving advisory opinions to the
United Nations and its specialized
agencies. Read more about the
International Court of Justice here.
The seat of the Court is at the Peace
Palace in The Hague (Netherlands). Of
the six principal organs of the United
Nations, it is the only one not located in
New York (United States of America).

The Court’s role is to settle, in

accordance with international law, legal
disputes submitted to it by States and to
give advisory opinions on legal
questions referred to it by authorized
United Nations organs and specialized
agencies. The Court decides disputes
between countries, based on the
voluntary participation of the States
concerned. If a State agrees to
participate in a proceeding, it is
obligated to comply with the Court’s

The International Court of Justice is To organize international conferences;
composed of 15 judges elected to nine- To translate speeches and distribute
year terms of office by the United documents into the UN’s official
Nations General Assembly and the languages;
Security Council. The Court may not To keep the public informed about the
include more than one national of the work of the United Nations.
same State. Moreover, the Court as a
whole must represent the main forms of The Security Council
civilization and the principal legal Under the Charter, the Security Council
systems of the world. These organs vote has primary responsibility for the
simultaneously but separately. In order maintenance of international peace and
to be elected, a candidate must receive security. It has 15 Members, and each
an absolute majority of the votes in both Member has one vote. Under the
bodies. Charter, all Member States are obligated
to comply with Council decisions. Read
This sometimes makes it necessary for a more about the Security Council here.
number of rounds of voting to be carried The Charter of the United Nations – an
out. In order to ensure a measure of international treaty – obligates member
continuity, one third of the Court is states to settle their disputes by peaceful
elected every three years. Judges are means, in such a manner that
eligible for re-election. Should a judge international peace and security and
die or resign during his or her term of justice are not endangered.
office, a special election is held as soon
as possible to choose a judge to fill the They are to refrain from the threat or use
unexpired part of the term. of force against any state, and may bring
the dispute before the Security Council.
Secretariat The UN Charter gives the Security
The UN Secretariat, consisting of staff Council primary responsibility for
representing all nationalities working in maintaining international peace and
duty stations all over the world, carries security. The Council may convene at
out the day to day work of the any time, whenever peace is threatened.
Organization. The Secretariat services In contrast to the decisions made by the
the other principal organs of the United General Assembly, all Member States
Nations and administers the are obligated under the UN Charter to
programmers and policies established by carry out the Security Council’s
them. At its head is the Secretary- decisions.
General, who provides overall
administrative guidance. The main There are 15 Council members. Five of
functions of the Secretariat are: these — China, France, the Russian
To gather and prepare background Federation, the United Kingdom and the
information on various issues so that United States — are permanent
government delegates can study the facts members. The other 10 are elected by
and make recommendations; the General Assembly for two-year
To help carry out the decisions made by terms. Member States continue to
the different organs of the United discuss changes in Council membership
Nations; and working methods to reflect today’s

political and economic realities. rights violations and serious breaches of
Decisions of the Council require nine international humanitarian law,
yes votes. Except in votes on procedural including genocide.
questions, a decision cannot be made if
there is a no vote, or veto, by a In addition to its responsibility to
permanent member. maintain international peace and
security, the Council also makes
When the Council considers a threat to recommendations to the General
international peace, it first explores ways Assembly to appoint a new Secretary-
to settle the dispute peacefully. It may General and to admit new Members to
suggest principles to the parties for a the UN.
peaceful settlement, appoint special
representatives, ask the Secretary- Security Council decisions are formal
General to use his good offices, or expressions of the will of the Council. In
undertake investigation and mediation. contrast to the decisions taken by the
General Assembly, those taken by the
It has developed and refined the use of Security Council are legally binding. As
non-military measures including arms Article 25 of the UN Charter states, “The
embargoes, travel banks, and restrictions Members of the United Nations agree to
to guard against the exploitation of accept and carry out the decisions of the
natural resources to fuel conflicts, as Security Council in accordance with the
well as taking a lead role in the present Charter.”
coordination of international counter-
terrorism efforts. In the event that a Much like the General Assembly, most
dispute has erupted into armed conflict, of the decisions adopted by the Security
the Council tries to secure a ceasefire. Council are made by consensus.
However, when there is no consensus
It may send a peacekeeping mission to and decisions are put to a vote, the
help the parties maintain the truce and to minimum number of votes needed to
keep opposing forces apart. The Council take action on an issue is determined by
may, in some cases, authorize the whether the item is procedural or
utilization of military force by a substantive. According to Article 27 of
coalition of member states or by a the UN Charter, each member of the
regional organization or arrangement. Security Council has one vote. Decisions
This can only be carried out as a last on procedural matters require a
resort when all possible peaceful means minimum of nine ‘yes’ votes.
of settling a dispute have been
exhausted, or after a threat to the peace, Decisions of the Security Council on all
a breach of the peace or an act of other matters require a minimum of nine
aggression have been determined to ‘yes’ votes including the concurring
exist. votes of the permanent members. Any
member that is a party to a dispute must
In order to hold combatants accountable abstain from voting. Except for votes on
for their actions, the Council has also procedural questions which are
created international tribunals to determined by a simple majority, action
prosecute those accused of grave human cannot be taken on an issue that is

brought before the Security Council if Section 2: Organizations
any one of the permanent members vote
‘no’ on a draft resolution. The ability of within the United Nations
a permanent member to stop a draft F.A.O. (Food and Agriculture
resolution from being adopted by voting Organization of the UN)
‘no’ is called the “veto power.” Works to improve agricultural
productivity and food security, and to
All five permanent members have better the living standards of rural
exercised the right of veto at one time or populations.
another. If a permanent member does not
fully agree with a proposed resolution
I.A.E.A. (International Atomic
but does not wish to cast a veto, it has
been a long standing practice that it may Energy Agency)
choose to abstain (i.e., decline to vote for An autonomous intergovernmental
or against at proposal), thus allowing the organization under the aegis of the UN,
resolution to be adopted if it obtains the it works for the safe and peaceful uses of
required number of nine favourable atomic energy.
I.C.A.O. (International Civil
Under Chapter VII, the Council can take Aviation Organization)
measures to enforce its decisions and Sets international standards for the
ensure that mandates are fulfilled. It can safety, security and efficiency of air
impose economic sanctions or order an transport, and serves as the coordinator
arms embargo. On rare occasions, the for international cooperation in all areas
Council has authorized Member States of civil aviation.
to use “all necessary means,” including
collective military action, to see that its I.F.A.D. (International Fund for
decisions are carried out. Agricultural Development)
Mobilizes financial resources to raise
The United Nations Intervention Tactical food production and nutrition levels
Taskforce (U.N.I.T.T.) and its sub among the poor in developing countries.
organizations are all part of and
controlled by the Security Council.
I.L.O. (International Labour
Trusteeship Council Organization)
Formulates policies and programmers to
The Trusteeship Council was established
improve working condition and
to provide international supervision for
employment opportunities, and sets
11 Trust Territories and to make sure
labour standards used by countries
that adequate steps were taken to prepare
around the world.
the Territories for self-government or
I.M.F. (International Monetary
Facilitates international monetary
cooperation and financial stability and
provides a permanent forum for

consultation, advice and assistance on U.N.E.A.R.A. (United Nations
financial issues. Extraterrestrial Anthropological
Research Agency)
I.M.O. (International Maritime Established in 1991, a year after the
Organization) second invasion of earth by the
Works to improve international shipping Martians. At first it mainly dealt with
procedures raise standards in marine Mars but has since grown to cater for the
safety and reduce marine pollution by various other extraterrestrial species
ships. which have since visited earth.
This agency performs three primary
I.T.U. (International functions:
Telecommunication Union) 1. It provides shelter, medical care, and
Fosters international cooperation to other humane facilities to evidently
improve telecommunications of all peaceful visitors from other worlds.
kinds, coordinates usage of radio and TV 2. It utilizes medical data gathered from
frequencies, promotes safety measures its extraterrestrial clients to further the
and conducts research. study of medicine on this world.
3. It catalogues extraterrestrial
U.N.A.R.A. (United Nations biological, cultural and technological
information and relays this knowledge to
Arcane Research Agency)
appropriate authorities, primarily of
Dealing in all things magical,
which is S.H.A.D.O.W. with which it is
specializing in cataloguing spells,
closely tied.
magical items and supernatural species
4. It also polices and monitors
and monsters as now present on earth. It
extraterrestrial activity on Earth.
also liaises with U.N.T.S.R. and
This is expanded in section 6.
U.N.I.E.S. in cataloguing related
subjects within the Shattered Realms and
other magical dimensions in the event U.N.E.S.C.O. (UN Educational,
they may at some future point crossover Scientific and Cultural
to earth. This is expanded in section 4. Organization)
Promotes education for all, cultural
U.N.D.M.A. (United Nations development, protection of the world’s
Database on Meta Activities) natural and cultural heritage,
This department deals with the international cooperation in science,
cataloguing of metahumans, evolved press freedom and communication.
animals, extraterrestrials,
interdimensionals, and supernaturals U.N.I.D.O. (UN Industrial
present on earth and their activities. It Development Organization)
has close ties to and shares information Promotes the industrial advancement of
with the M.R.U. Most law enforcement developing countries through technical
agencies have adopted the U.N.D.M.A. assistance, advisory services and
threat rating system to classify training.
metahumans or developed their own
variation of it. This is expanded in
section 5.

U.N.I.E.S. (United Nations kingdoms hidden within each country. It
Interdimensional Exploratory also runs the UN embassies in each
kingdom and liaises with the embassies
from each of the kingdoms.
A new department set up following the
events of the Shattered Realms invasion.
It specializes in cataloguing other U.N.T.O.R. (United Nations
dimensions, their lifeforms and Tribunal on the Ocean Realms)
composition. It is not involved in any A new department set up following the
actual missions to other dimensions events of the Shattered Realms invasion.
itself. Exploration and defence is instead It specializes in dealing with Trade,
left to I.R.I.I.S. with which it is closely Immigration, Emigration, Tourism,
tied to. Travel and Border Security between
earth’s surface world and the ocean
U.N.I.T.T. (United Nations kingdoms. It also runs the UN embassies
in each realm and liaises with the
Intervention Tactical Taskforce)
embassies from each of the realms.
U.N.I.T.T. is the world’s largest and
most effective force for neutralizing
threats to world security and combating U.N.T.S.I. (United Nations
terrorism and extraterrestrial and Tribunal on the Sky Islands)
interdimensional infiltration. A new department set up following the
It’s suborganizations include; events of the Shattered Realms invasion.
- A.K.R.D.F. (The Anti Kaiju Rapid It specializes in dealing with Trade,
Deployment Force) Immigration, Emigration, Tourism,
- I.R.I.I.S. (The Investigative Response Travel and Border Security between
to Interdimensional Incursions and earth’s standard nations and the Sky
Subversions) Islands high above. It also runs the UN
- M.R.U. (The Metahuman Response embassies in each island and liaises with
Unit) the embassies from each of the islands.
- S.H.A.D.O.W. (The Strategic Hazard
Alien Defence Operatives Watchguard) U.N.T.S.R. (United Nations
- T.S.U.N.A.M.I. (The Tactical Strategic Tribunal on the Shattered
United Nations Authority on Maritime Realms)
Investigations) A new department set up following the
- Twilight Corps events of the Shattered Realms invasion.
- E.R.D.R.F. (Emergency Rapid It specializes in dealing with Trade,
Deployment Rescue Force) Immigration, Emigration, Tourism,
Travel and Border Security between
U.N.T.F.R. (United Nations earth and the various planets within the
Tribunal on the Fey Realms) Shattered Realms dimension. It also runs
A new department set up following the the UN embassies in each realm and
events of the Shattered Realms invasion. liaises with the embassies from each of
It specializes in dealing with Trade, the realms.
Immigration, Emigration, Tourism,
Travel and Border Security between
earth’s standard nations and the Fey

U.N.T.U.R. (United Nations change, and facilitates the global
Tribunal on the Under Realms) exchange of meteorological data.
A new department set up following the
events of the Shattered Realms invasion. W.T.O. (World Tourism
It specializes in dealing with Trade, Organization)
Immigration, Emigration, Tourism, Serves as a global forum for tourism
Travel and Border Security between policy issues and a practical source of
earth’s surface world and the tourism know-how.
Underground kingdoms. It also runs the
UN embassies in each realm and liaises All these organizations have their own
with the embassies from each of the governing bodies, budgets and
realms. secretariats. Together with the United
Nations, they are known as the UN
U.P.U. (Universal Postal Union) family, or the UN system. Together, they
Establishes international regulations for provide technical assistance and other
postal services, provides technical forms of practical help in virtually all
assistance and promotes cooperation in economic and social areas.
postal matters.

W.B.G. (World Bank Group)

Provides loans and technical assistance
to developing countries to reduce
poverty and advance sustainable
economic growth.

W.H.O. (World Health

Coordinates programmers aimed at
solving health problems and the
attainment by all people of the highest
possible level of health. It works in such
areas as immunization, health education
and the provision of essential drugs.

W.I.P.O. (World Intellectual

Property Organization)
Promotes international protection of
intellectual property and fosters
cooperation on copyrights, trademarks,
industrial designs and patents.

W.M.O. (World Meteorological

Promotes scientific research on the
Earth’s atmosphere and on climate

Section 3: The Member Nation Year Admitted
Croatia 1992
Nations Cuba 1945
Nation Year Admitted Cyprus 1960
Afghanistan 1946 Czech Republic 1993
Albania 1955 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Algeria 1962 1991
Andorra 1993 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Angola 1976 1960
Antigua and Barbuda 1981 Denmark 1945
Argentina 1945 Djibouti 1977
Armenia 1992 Dominica 1978
Australia 1945 Dominican Republic 1945
Austria 1955 Ecuador 1945
Azerbaijan 1992 Egypt 1945
Bahamas 1973 El Salvador 1945
Bahrain 1971 Equatorial Guinea 1968
Bangladesh 1974 Eritrea 1993
Barbados 1966 Estonia 1991
Belarus 1945 Ethiopia 1945
Belgium 1945 Fiji 1970
Belize 1981 Finland 1955
Benin 1960 France 1945
Bhutan 1971 Gabon 1960
Bolivia 1945 Gambia 1965
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992 Georgia 1992
Botswana 1966 Germany 1973
Brazil 1945 Ghana 1957
Brunei Darussalam 1984 Greece 1945
Bulgaria 1955 Grenada 1974
Burkina Faso 1960 Guamanga 1955
Burundi 1962 Guatemala 1945
Cambodia 1955 Guinea 1958
Cameroon 1960 Guinea-Bissau 1974
Canada 1945 Guyana 1966
Cape Verde 1975 Haiti 1945
Central African Republic 1960 Honduras 1945
Chad 1960 Hungary 1955
Chile 1945 Iceland 1946
China 1945 India 1945
Colombia 1945 Indonesia 1950
Comoros 1975 Iran 1945
Congo 1960 Iraq 1945
Costa Azul 1945 Ireland 1955
Costa Rica 1945 Israel 1949
Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 1960 Italy 1955

Nation Year Admitted Nation Year Admitted
Jamaica 1962 North Macedonia 1993
Japan 1956 Norway 1945
Jordan 1955 Oman 1971
Kazakhstan 1992 Pakistan 1947
Kenya 1963 Palau 1994
Kiribati 1999 Panama 1945
Kuwait 1963 Papua New Guinea 1975
Kyrgyzstan 1992 Paraguay 1945
Lao People’s Democratic Republic Peru 1945
1955 Philippines 1945
Latvia 1991 Poland 1945
Lebanon 1945 Portugal 1955
Lesotho 1966 Qatar 1971
Liberia 1945 Republic of Korea 1991
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1955 Republic of Moldova 1992
Liechtenstein 1990 Romania 1955
Lithuania 1991 Russian Federation 1945
Lugendu 1966 Rwanda 1962
Lurranga 1993 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1983
Luxembourg 1945 Saint Lucia 1979
Madagascar 1960 Saint Vincent + Grenadines 1980
Malawi 1964 Samoa (Western) 1976
Malaysia 1957 San Marino 1992
Maldives 1965 São Tomé and Principe 1975
Mali 1960 Saudi Arabia 1945
Malta 1964 Senegal 1960
Marshall Islands 1991 Serbia 2000
Mauritania 1961 Seychelles 1976
Mauritius 1968 Sierra Leone 1961
Mexico 1945 Singapore 1965
Micronesia 1991 Slovakia 1993
Monaco 1993 Slovenia 1992
Mongolia 1961 Solomon Islands 1978
Montenegro 2006 Somalia 1960
Morocco 1956 South Africa 1945
Mozambique 1975 Spain 1955
Myanmar 1948 Sri Lanka 1955
Namibia 1990 Sudan 1956
Nauru 1999 Suriname 1975
Nepal 1955 Swaziland 1968
Netherlands 1945 Sweden 1946
New Zealand 1945 Switzerland 2002
Nicaragua 1945 Syria 1945
Niger 1960 Tajikistan 1992
Nigeria 1960 Taquiristan 1970

Nation Year Admitted Post 2020 admissions
Thailand 1946 Nation Year Admitted
Timor-Leste 2002 Aerie 2022
Togo 1960 Aman Sinaya 2021
Tonga 1999 Aotus 2021
Trinidad and Tobago 1962 Arn Mora 2021
Tunisia 1956 Asa Thalor 2021
Turkey 1945 Atlantis 2021
Turkmenistan 1992 Avertine 2021
Tuvalu 2000 Aviary 2022
Uganda 1962 Bast 2021
Ukraine 1945 Blue Sky 2022
United Arab Emirates 1971 Chak Ch’tka 2021
United Kingdom 1945 Crystallion 2021
United Republic of Tanzania 1964 For Bel 2021
United States of America 1945 Ironforge 2021
Uruguay 1945 Karak-Din 2021
Uzbekistan 1992 Kitezh 2021
Vanuatu 1981 Lemuria 2021
Venezuela 1945 Lith Murathar 2021
Vietnam 1977 Lyonese 2021
Yemen 1947 Menzoberranza 2022
Zambia 1964 Moltar 2021
Zimbabwe 1980 Moran Tal 2021
Nellerai 2021
1 - Czechoslovakia was an original Orlo Thalore 2021
member of the UN. It was dissolved in Poseidinos 2021
1992 and its successor states were Rehshcalen 2021
admitted to the UN in 1993. Sai Ancalen 2021
2 - The Federal Republic of Germany Shalla Bellanose 2021
and the German Democratic Shsa Serin 2021
Republic were both admitted to Starmount 2022
the UN in 1973. The two nations Stratos 2022
merged in 1990. Tellectus 2021
3 - Indonesia withdrew from Themiscrya 2021
the UN in 1965, but resumed its Thorbardin 2021
membership in 1966. Tritonis 2021
4 - Syria was united with Egypt as Understone 2021
the United Arab Republic from Ys 2021
1958 to 1961, then resumed its
separate membership.
5) Tanganyika was a member of the
UN from 1961, and Zanzibar was a
member from 1963. In 1964 the two
nations united under the currently listed

Section 4: Embassies Section 5: Alliances
from other dimensions outside of the UN
The Shattered Realms This is a list of other organizations
outside of the United Nations.
Realm Embassy Location African Union
Abeir Toril UN A continental union consisting of 55
Abysmal UN member states located on the continent
Aebrynis UN of Africa created in order to achieve
Athas UN greater unity, cohesion and solidarity
Cthon UN between the African countries and
Eberron UN, Australia African nations.
Gamma UN, China, United States Algeria
Krynn UN Angola
Mystara UN Benin
Oerth UN, China, United States Botswana
Burkina Faso
Miscellaneous Dimensions Burundi
Dimension Embassy Locations Djibouti
Animalverse UN Egypt
Arcadia UN Eritrea
Gemscape UN South Africa
Olympus UN, Greece South Sudan
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of Congo

Mozambique Algeria
Namibia Morocco
Niger Palestine
Nigeria Sudan
Ivory Coast Djibouti
Equatorial Guinea Somalia
Rwanda Comoros
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Kuwait
Zambia Qatar
São Tomé and Príncipe Mauritania
Seychelles Association of Southeast Asian
Sierra Leone Nations (ASEAN)
Somalia An economic union comprising 10
Sudan member states in Southeast Asia, which
Swaziland promotes intergovernmental cooperation
Tanzania and facilitates economic, political,
Togo security, military, educational, and
Chad sociocultural integration between its
Tunisia members and other countries in Asia.
Uganda Thailand
Zimbabwe Cambodia
Arab League Vietnam
A regional organization in the Arab Myanmar
world, which is located in Northern Philippines
Africa, Western Africa, Eastern Africa, Indonesia
and Western Asia. The League's main Malaysia
goal is to "draw closer the relations Singapore
between member states and co-ordinate Brunei
collaboration between them, to
safeguard their independence and Axis of Resistance
sovereignty, and to consider in a general A political alliance between Iran, the
way the affairs and interests of the Arab Syrian Assad government and the
countries. Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.
Saudi Arabia
Yemen Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
United Arab Emirates An intergovernmental organization of 15
Bahrain member states throughout the Caribbean
Oman having primary objectives to promote
Iraq economic integration and cooperation
Jordan among its members, to ensure that the
Lebanon benefits of integration are equitably
Egypt shared, and to coordinate foreign policy.
Libya Antigua and Barbuda
Tunisia Bahamas

Barbados Commonwealth of Nations
Belize This is a political association of 54
Dominica member states, almost all of which are
Grenada former territories of the British Empire.
Guyana Member states have no legal obligations
Haiti to one another, but are connected
Jamaica through their use of the English language
Montserrat and historical ties. Their stated shared
St. Kitts and Nevis values of democracy, human rights and
St. Lucia the rule of law are enshrined in the
St. Vincent and the Grenadines Commonwealth Charter and promoted
Suriname by the quadrennial Commonwealth
Trinidad and Tobago Games.
Antigua and Barbuda
Commonwealth of Independent States Australia
(CIS) Bahamas
A regional intergovernmental Bangladesh
organization of 9 (originally 10) Barbados
members, plus 2 founding non-member, Belize
post-Soviet republics in Eurasia. It was Botswana
formed following the dissolution of the Brunei
Soviet Union in 1991. The CIS Cameroon
encourages cooperation in economic, Canada
political and military affairs and has Cyprus
certain powers relating to the Dominica
coordination of trade, finance, Eswatini
lawmaking, and security. It has also Gambia
promoted cooperation on cross-border Ghana
crime prevention. The Baltic states Grenada
(Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), which Guyana
regard their membership in the Soviet India
Union as an illegal occupation, chose not Jamaica
to participate. Georgia withdrew its Kenya
membership in 2008. Ukraine ended its Kiribati
participation in CIS statutory bodies on Lesotho
19 May 2018. Malawi
Armenia Malaysia
Azerbaijan Malta
Belarus Mauritius
Kazakhstan Mozambique
Kyrgyzstan Namibia
Moldova Nauru
Russia New Zealand
Tajikistan Nigeria
Turkmenistan Pakistan
Uzbekistan Papua New Guinea

Rwanda Ecuador
Saint Kitts and Nevis El Salvador
Saint Lucia Grenada
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Guatemala
Samoa Guyana
Seychelles Haiti
Sierra Leone Honduras
Singapore Jamaica
Solomon Islands Mexico
South Africa Nicaragua
Sri Lanka Panama
Tanzania Paraguay
Tonga Peru
Trinidad and Tobago Saint Kitts and Nevis
Tuvalu Saint Lucia
Uganda Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
United Kingdom Suriname
Vanuatu Trinidad and Tobago
Zambia Uruguay
Community of Latin American and
Caribbean States (CELAC) European Union
An intergovernmental mechanism for A political and economic union of 27
dialogue and political agreement, which member states that are located primarily
includes permanently 33 countries in in Europe. An internal single market has
Latin America and the Caribbean. It was been established through a standardised
created to deepen Latin American system of laws that apply in all member
integration and by some to reduce the states in those matters, and only those
significant influence of the United States matters, where the states have agreed to
on the politics and economics of Latin act as one. EU policies aim to ensure the
America. It is seen as an alternative to free movement of people, goods,
the Organization of American States services and capital within the internal
(OAS). market; enact legislation in justice and
Antigua and Barbuda home affairs; and maintain common
Argentina policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries
Bahamas and regional development. Passport
Barbados controls have been abolished for travel
Belize within the Schengen Area. A monetary
Bolivia union was established in 1999, coming
Brazil into full force in 2002, and is composed
Chile of 19 member states which use the euro
Colombia currency. The EU has often been
Costa Rica described as a sui generis political entity
Cuba (without precedent or comparison) with
Dominica the characteristics of either a federation
Dominican Republic or confederation.

Germany Shalla Bellanose
Latvia Shsa Serin
France Fluvelnistra
Estonia G20 - Group of Twenty
Portugal An intergovernmental forum comprising
Belgium 19 countries and the European Union
Austria (EU). It works to address major issues
Bulgaria related to the global economy, such as
Croatia international financial stability, climate
Sweden change mitigation, and sustainable
Cyprus development. The G20 is composed of
Czechia most of the world's largest economies,
Denmark including both industrialized and
Finland developing nations.
Ireland Argentina
Hungary Australia
Greece Brazil
Italy Canada
Luxembourg China
Malta France
Netherlands Germany
Poland India
Romania Indonesia
Slovakia Italy
Slovenia Japan
Spain Mexico
Fey Kingdoms Saudi Arabia
A military, political and trading alliance South Africa
between mainly Elven, woodland and South Korea
other magical regions who also worship Turkey
Gaea. United Kingdom
Italy United States
Elmspring G20 - Developing Nations
Eno Thendor A bloc of developing nations established
Timberbrook on 20 August 2003, distinct and separate
Arn Mora from the G20 major economies.
Asa Thalor Argentina
For Bel Bolivia
Moran Tal Brazil
Nellerai Chile
Orlo Thalore China
Rehshraken Cuba
Sai Ancalen Ecuador

Egypt Benin
Guatemala Botswana
India China
Indonesia Congo (Dem. Republic)
Mexico Cuba
Nigeria Dominican Republic
Pakistan Grenada
Paraguay Guatemala
Peru Guyana
Philippines Haiti
South Africa Honduras
Tanzania India
Thailand Indonesia
Turkey Ivory Coast
Uruguay Jamaica
Venezuela Kenya
G33 - Forum for developing countries Madagascar
A coalition of developing countries, that Mauritius
have coordinated specifically in regard Mongolia
to agriculture. Dominated by India, the Mozambique
group has "defensive" concerns Nicaragua
regarding agriculture in relation to Nigeria
World Trade Organization negotiations, Pakistan
and seeks to limit the degree of market Panama
opening required of developing Peru
countries. When rich governments can Philippines
afford to heavily subsidize their Saint Kitts and Nevis
agriculture, predatory dumping can Saint Lucia
undermine a poorer country's Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
agricultural economy. Developing Senegal
countries aim to balance power through South Korea
tariffs, in order to manage their own Sri Lanka
food security, stabilize of the livelihoods Suriname
of their farming populations, and Tanzania
strengthen rural development. The group Trinidad and Tobago
has advocated the creation of a "special Turkey
products" exemption, which would allow Uganda
developing countries to exempt certain Venezuela
products from tariff reductions, and also Zambia
a "special safeguard mechanism" which Zimbabwe
would permit tariff increases in response
to import surges. G7plus - Group of Fragile States
Antigua and Barbuda An intergovernmental voluntary
Barbados organization bringing together countries
Belize that are either facing active conflict or

have recent experience of conflict and Kitezh
fragility. It has 20 member countries Ys
from Asia, the Pacific, Africa and the
Caribbean. Gulf Cooperation Council
Afghanistan The Cooperation Council for the Arab
Burundi States of the Gulf, originally known as
Central Africa the Gulf Cooperation Council, is a
Chad regional, intergovernmental political and
Comoros economic union. All current member
Congo (Dem. Republic) states are monarchies, including three
Guinea constitutional monarchies (Qatar,
Guinea-Bissau Kuwait, and Bahrain), 2 absolute
Haiti monarchies (Saudi Arabia and Oman),
Ivory Coast and one federal monarchy (the United
Liberia Arab Emirates, which is composed of 7
Papua New Guinea member states, each of which is an
Sao Tome and Principe absolute monarchy with its own emir).
Sierra Leone Fostering scientific and technical
Solomon Islands progress in industry, mining, agriculture,
Somalia water and animal resources. Establishing
South Sudan scientific research centres. Setting up
Timor-Leste joint ventures. A Unified military
Togo (Peninsula Shield Force). Encouraging
Yemen cooperation of the private sector.
Strengthening ties between their people.
Gaea Alliance And so far a failed attempt to establish a
A military, political and trading alliance common currency.
between certain empires from the Saudi Arabia
Underground Middle Depths who also UAE
worship Gaea. Qatar
Avertine Oman
Chak Ch’tka Kuwait
Crystallion Bahrain
Karak-din Islamic Military Alliance (IMCTC)
Moltar An intergovernmental counter-terrorist
Thorbardin alliance of countries in the Muslim
Understone world, united around military
The Worldheart intervention against ISIL and other
counter-terrorist activities.
Greater Undersea Council Saudi Arabia
A military, political and trading alliance Egypt
created mainly as a counter group to the Libya
7 Kingdoms. Tunisia
China Morocco
Russia Mali

Mauritania constitutes a system of collective
Sudan security, whereby its independent
Somalia member states agree to mutual defense
Chad in response to an attack by any external
Nigeria party. NATO currently recognizes
Niger Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and
UAE Ukraine as aspiring members.
Yemen United States
Qatar United Kingdom
Bahrain France
Turkey Canada
Pakistan Belgium
Bangladesh Denmark
Malaysia Iceland
Djibouti Italy
Benin Luxembourg
Jordan Netherlands
Kuwait Norway
Lebanon Portugal
Maldives Greece
Oman Turkey
Palestine Germany
Senegal Spain
Sierra Leone Czech Republic
Togo Hungary
Gabon Poland
Eritrea Bulgaria
Comoros Estonia
Ivory Coast Latvia
Midnight Council Romania
According to intelligence from the Slovakia
Shattered Realms Assembly this group Slovenia
was created as a counter to them and Albania
have already made an alliance with the Croatia
SCO. Montenegro
Cthon (Dungeon Lord section) North Macedonia
Gamma (Alpha 1 section) Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)
A forum of 120 developing world states
North Atlantic Treaty Organization that are not formally aligned with or
(NATO ) against any major power bloc. The
Also called the North Atlantic Alliance, purpose of the organization is to ensure
is an intergovernmental military alliance "the national independence, sovereignty,
between 28 European countries and 2 territorial integrity and security of non-
North American countries. NATO aligned countries" in their "struggle

against imperialism, colonialism, neo- Gabon
colonialism, racism, and all forms of Gambia
foreign aggression, occupation, Ghana
domination, interference or hegemony as Grenada
well as against great power and bloc Guatemala
politics." Guinea
Afghanistan Guinea-Bissau
Algeria Guyana
Angola Haiti
Antigua and Barbuda Honduras
Azerbaijan India
Bahamas Indonesia
Bahrain Iran
Bangladesh Iraq
Barbados Ivory Coast
Belarus Jamaica
Belize Jordan
Benin Kenya
Bhutan Kuwait
Bolivia Laos
Botswana Lebanon
Brunei Lesotho
Burkina Faso Liberia
Burma Libya
Burundi Madagascar
Cambodia Malawi
Cameroon Malaysia
Cape Verde Maldives
Central Africa Mali
Chad Mauritania
Chile Mauritius
Colombia Mongolia
Comoros Morocco
Congo Mozambique
Congo (Dem. Republic) Namibia
Cuba Nepal
Djibouti Nicaragua
Dominica Niger
Dominican Republic Nigeria
Ecuador North Korea
Egypt Oman
Equatorial Guinea Pakistan
Eritrea Panama
Eswatini Papua New Guinea
Ethiopia Peru
Fiji Philippines

Qatar Argentina
Rwanda Bolivia
Saint Kitts and Brazil
Saint Lucia Chile
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Costa Rica
Sao Tome and Principe Dominican Republic
Saudi Arabia Ecuador
Senegal El Salvador
Seychelles Guatemala
Sierra Leone Haiti
Singapore Honduras
Somalia Colombia
South Africa Mexico
Sri Lanka Nicaragua
Sudan Panama
Suriname Paraguay
Syria Peru
Tanzania Uruguay
Thailand United States
Timor-Leste Barbados
Togo Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago Jamaica
Tunisia Grenada
Turkmenistan Suriname
Uganda Dominica
United Arab Emirates Saint Lucia
Uzbekistan Antigua and Barbuda
Vanuatu Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Venezuela Bahamas
Vietnam Saint Kitts and Nevis
West Bank Canada
Yemen Belize
Zambia Guyana
Parliament of the Sky
Organization of American States A military, political and trading alliance
(OAS) between the sky kingdoms.
The Organización de los Estados Throne of Clouds
Americanos is an international Aerie
organization that was founded for the Aviary
purposes of solidarity and co-operation Blue Sky
among its member states within the Starmount
Americas. During the Cold War, the Stratos
United States hoped the OAS would be a
bulwark against the spread of

The Seven kingdoms of the Seven seas Gamma (Gamma Knights section)
A military, political and trading alliance Krynn
between like minded ocean kingdoms. Mystara
Aman Sinaya Oerth
Atlantis Turkic Council
Lemuria Officially the Cooperation Council of
Lyonese Turkic-Speaking States, an international
Poseidonis organization comprising some of the
Tritonis Turkic countries consisting of
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Turkey, and Uzbekistan.
The SCO or Shanghai Pact, is a Eurasian Underkingdoms
political, economic, and security A military, political and trading alliance
alliance. Military exercises are also created mainly as a counter group to the
regularly conducted among members to Gaea Alliance. The members of this
promote cooperation and coordination group are considered an ongoing threat
against terrorism and other external to the Underground and surface world.
threats, and to maintain regional peace Dhon Guruhm
and stability. Doomspire
China Garel Enkal
Russia Khazargur
Kazakhstan Lith Murathar
Kyrgyzstan Maerimydra
Tajikistan Mantol Derith
Uzbekistan Necropolis
Pakistan Neter-Khertet
Iran Sloopdilmonpolop
India was a member but left after its war Tellectus
with Pakistan Verminspike
Shattered Realms Assembly Zlaxtlan
An alliance created post invasion Dunspeirrin
following the death of Takhisis. It unites Menzoberranza
the member worlds militarily in terms of Ootul
defending each other, politically in Oryndoll
presenting a united voice when Sekolah
negotiating with earth governments, and Verminblight
financially for trading with earth.
Abeir Toril
Cthon (Dungeon Mother section)

Section 6: U.N.A.R.A. Section 7: U.N.D.M.A.
(United Nations Arcane (United Nations Database
Research Agency) on Meta Activities)
Dealing in all things magical, This department deals with the
specializing in cataloguing spells, cataloguing of metahumans, evolved
magical items, supernatural animals, animals, extraterrestrials,
magical plants, supernatural species and interdimensionals, and supernaturals
supernatural monsters as now present on present on earth and their activities. It
earth, and still within the Shattered has close ties to and shares information
Realms and other magical dimensions in with the M.R.U. Most law enforcement
the event they may at some future point agencies have adopted the U.N.D.M.A.
crossover to earth. threat rating system to classify
metahumans or developed their own
To aid in facilitating this it liaises with variation of it.
the U.N.T.S.R., U.N.I.E.S., U.N.D.M.A.,
and the Parliament of Nature. All metanomalies are given a two-
U.N.A.R.A. also has connections with character alphanumeric signifier,
each of the magical colleges which have followed by a short descriptor which was
begun to spring up on earth, as well as designed to give agents and officials a
existing colleges which have added general idea of a superhuman’s power
magical based studies to their and origins.
The first character is a letter which
It even maintains a relationship with the denotes the source of the metanomaly's
College of the Arcane in the United power, used to determine on short notice
States which also serves as the home which equipment and techniques are
base for the group D’arque Justice. most suited to neutralize the threat. The
However due to the US government following list is considered in-progress:
passing legislation preventing Arcane A - Arcane. Power is drawn from mystic
studies from being taught in America, or otherworldly energies.
the location of the College of the Arcane D - Dimensional. Power is native to
remains a secret. another dimension.
E - Extraterrestrial. Power is native to
U.N.A.R.A. headquarters is located another planet in this dimension.
under the Villa Doria Pamphili in Rome, M - Mutant. Power stems from a twist
Italy. in evolution.
T - Technology. Power is based in
science significantly more advanced than
what is commonly available.
U: Unknown. Temporary label for new
threats that have yet to be categorized.
X: Unique. Power stems from a source
that does not fit into an existing
category, which is not shared by any
other metanomaly.

The second character is a number which 4: Severe Threat. Each known level 4
indicates their threat level: threat has a multijurisdictional task force
0: Minimal Threat. Possesses no headed by M.R.U. devoted to monitoring
noteworthy advantage over unpowered and defending against it. Veteran
humans. superhero teams with special insight are
1: Moderate Threat. Can be considered on-call. They are extremely dangerous
as dangerous as an armed human. and only to be approached with
Ordinary law enforcement are overwhelming force and great care.
considered able and authorized to deal These threats have the potential of
with the threat. They are relatively low- causing considerable damage and
powered and/or modestly trained. represent a significant, immediate threat
Metahumans in this category provide to life and public resources/ services.
little more threat than a common non- These threats are best handled by other
metahuman street-thug. Typical law- metahumans of comparable (individual
enforcement response should be or combined) power, or by specially
sufficient to deal with these threats in trained response units and/or the
most cases. They can be contained in military. They cannot be held with
standard containment facilities. standard containment facilities and
2: Significant Threat. Ordinary law methods and require specially prepared
enforcement should not approach. Single conditions for long-term confinement.
superheroes and M.R.U. teams are 5: Extreme Threat. No specific
considered able to deal with threat. countermeasures exist; in the event of a
These threats possess sufficient level 5 threat, every resource M.R.U. has
metahuman abilities and/or training to access to is brought to bear including
pose a risk to typical law enforcement every other agency of U.N.I.T.T.
response. Tactical response units are
likely the best way of dealing with such Lastly, a descriptor is appended,
a threat. They can be held in standard specifying the expression of the
containment facilities, or by minimal metanomaly's power in order to advise
modification to those facilities. which safety precautions should be
3: Major threat. Only specialized taken.
M.R.U tactical teams and superhero
teams should approach. They are an In addition the U.N.D.M.A. publishes a
exceptional danger to society and are not weekly, monthly and annual Supervillain
easily dealt with by standard law- Threat Report, each of which focuses on
enforcement personnel (including a particular major criminal or
normal tactical response units). This is organization and summarizes all
the most common metahuman threat information gathered on that subject
level and represents the apex of threats over the previous year. The report
whose abilities are entirely based on largely works from field reports
knowledge and training rather than provided by agents after encounters,
metahuman powers. They can rarely be though in extreme situations it sends
held for long within standard specialists into the field to gather
containment facilities, usually requiring information about specific superhumans.
specially prepared conditions for long-
term containment.

Section 8: U.N.E.A.R.A. agents to perform full continental
searches for specific personages human
(United Nations or alien or interstellar vehicle.
Research Agency)
Established in 1991, a year after the
second invasion of earth by the
Martians. At first it mainly dealt with
Mars but has since grown to cater for the
various other extraterrestrial species
which have since visited earth.

This agency performs three primary

1. It provides shelter, medical care, and
other humane facilities to evidently
peaceful visitors from other worlds.
2. It utilizes medical data gathered from
its extraterrestrial clients to further the
study of medicine on this world.
3. It catalogues extraterrestrial
biological, cultural and technological
information and relays this knowledge to
appropriate authorities, primarily of
which is S.H.A.D.O.W. with which it is
closely tied.
4. It also polices and monitors
extraterrestrial activity on Earth.

The agency contains a variety of human

and alien tech used in the surveillance,
tracking and apprehension of visiting
extraterrestrials. One particular visual
display equipment continually updates
itself as aliens arrive to and depart from
earth. It is linked to orbiting satellites to
keep an eye on each visitor, monitoring
their locations and activities at all times.
The display which covers an entire wall
at HQ allows personnel to quickly get an
idea of the current alien situation at any
given moment. Other systems allow

Section 9: U.N.I.T.T. History
Some time after the Second World War
(United Nations ended the public’s opinions about
Intervention Tactical superhumans had begun to subtly sour.
With fewer costumed criminals to battle,
Taskforce) many of the first generation heroes chose
to retire. Several of those who remained
active came under fire for their failure to
cooperate with government officials. In
1954 at the height of the Communist
witchhunts in the U.S. all superheroes
were forced to abandon their activities in
the wake of police strikes and public
antimeta sentiment. Most supervillains
fled to other countries.

But the fact that there were fewer

superhumans openly fighting crime
didn’t slow the rate at which they
appeared around the world. If anything,
the pace at which new superhumans
appeared only accelerated in the early
1960s, and many of them arose in Third
World countries. Concerns about the use
U.N.I.T.T. is the world’s largest and of superhumans, some of whom could
most effective force for neutralizing cause massive destruction and loss of
threats to world security and combating life, in national armies became a
terrorism and extraterrestrial and fiercely-debated issue in the General
interdimensional infiltration. Assembly. Similar worries about the role
It’s suborganizations include; of superhumans in crime and attacks on
- A.K.R.D.F. (The Anti Kaiju Rapid society received attention as well. Two
Deployment Force) shadows always loomed: the possible
- I.R.I.I.S. (The Investigative Response use of nuclear weapons; and the use of
to Interdimensional Incursions and superhumans in combat.
- M.R.U. (The Metahuman Response A “Silver” Age of Superheroes began in
Unit) the United States with the debut of the
- S.H.A.D.O.W. (The Strategic Hazard second Freedom Squadron. The UN, still
Alien Defence Operatives Watchguard) deeply concerned about the role of
- T.S.U.N.A.M.I. (The Tactical Strategic superhumans in fostering (or at least
United Nations Authority on Maritime taking advantage of) world instability,
Investigations) created a subcommittee to study the
- The Twilight Corps nature of superpowers — where
- The E.R.D.R.F. (Emergency Rapid they came from and how they worked.
Deployment Rescue Force) At about the same time, a proposal was

presented to the Secretary-General for an Nations Intervention Tactical Taskforce,
official UN institute to study the or U.N.I.T.T. — to study how
social effects of superhuman powers on superhumans affect society and world
society, specifically focusing on security, and how the world should
superhuman crime. Although the respond to the problems they presented.
secretary was interested in the idea, for
various reasons the proposal never made U.N.I.T.T. suggested that the UN should
it to the General Assembly for a vote. establish, maintain, and command a
global police force for dealing with
But some of the suggestions eventually superhuman crime and related matters of
became part of U.N.I.T.T., and its global, regional, or even national
suborganizations. In the meantime security. That in and of itself might not
superhuman crime increased have seemed so radical, but the Tribunal
dramatically, well beyond even the rates further recommended that this police
seen before World War II. More force would have the jurisdiction to enter
costumed crimefighters seemed to the territory of any UN member who
emerge every day, but the wave of signed the treaty establishing it (from
costumed criminals threatened to others it would, of course, have to obtain
overwhelm them. Despite the best efforts permission on a case-by-case basis).
of the Freedom Brigade and others, the U.N.I.T.T.’s report further suggested
public was of the opinion that something that the agency employ not only highly-
needed to be done — something other trained and equipped human agents but
than relying on a group of costumed also superhumans recruited from all UN
crimefighters whose motivations and member nations.
identities were unknown, and whose
ability to respond to superhuman Given their own large armies and police
menaces was not necessarily reliable. forces, not to mention vast political and
economic influence, none of the
Eventually the UN security council members of the Security Council were
realized that crimes committed by likely to favour the creation of an
superhumans would pose a threat to the independent, multinational police force.
world as great, or perhaps greater, than But two days before U.N.I.T.T. were to
the threat Nazi Germany had posed — make their proposal to the Security
but supercrime was too versatile and Council in May 1965, something
fast-moving a phenomenon for national happened to change the minds of the
armies to cope with. While there were great powers. A vehicle of extra-
independent superhuman heroes who terrestrial origin crashed in Siberia.
fought such criminals, depending upon
such an unknown factor was sheer folly. This UFO incident triggered a series of
The world needed a multinational police secret UN meetings, as the world's
force, commanded only by the United governments were informed of the
Nations, beholden to the world definite existence of unidentified flying
community rather than any one country. objects. On the way to one of these
meetings, a military convoy containing
After some debate, they authorized the Russian Colonel Kurtinov and American
creation of a commission — the United General Prospero was attacked by a

UFO. Only the Colonel survived the 1975 saw the UN establish the
ambush and his subsequent U.N.D.M.A. (United Nations Database
investigations proved that the UFOs on Meta Activities) for use by Interpol
were of alien origin, hostile, and that and all police forces around the world.
they posed a threat. The UN security
council agreed to work together and In 1989 what would eventually be called
create an organization to defend the Terror Island arrived off the coast of
earth. Thus U.N.I.T.T, was formed and South Australia through an
very quickly its first suborganization interdimensional gateway. It was full of
was created; the Strategic Hazard Alien Kaiju who then left the island en masse
Defence Operatives Watchguard or to go rampage in Japan. The source of
S.H.A.D.O.W. which would deal what attracted them was found and sent
specifically with extraterrestrial threats. to another dimension by D’arque Justice
With the metahuman police force while the Japanese superhero team
becoming another suborganization; the H.E.R.O. were able to drive the Kaiju
Metahuman Response Unit or M.R.U. out of Japan. U.N.I.T.T. was only able to
assist in recuing and providing medical
But not every member nation, including aid to civilians. Thus another
many who’d voted in favor of the suborganization would be required; the
establishment of the organization, signed Anti Kaiju Rapid Deployment Force or
the Treaty. The primary exceptions were A.K.R.D.F. which would deal
the United States, the Soviet Union, and specifically with giant monsters.
China. All three saw U.N.I.T.T,’s value
to the world community as a whole, but 1990 saw the second war of the worlds
refused to allow the organization onto with Mars. The Martians were repelled
their soil without express permission. but S.H.A.D.O.W. bases in Siberia and
In the United States, the UN as an Rushmore were destroyed. A complete
organization had become politically reassessment was made of U.N.I.T.T.’s
unpopular. Meanwhile national structure and resources. It was found
superhuman “teams” began forming there was a gaping hole in its ability to
around the world. While the major fight in the ocean. Yet another
American superteams all resisted direct suborganization was formed; the
militarization, individual were willing to Tactical Strategic United Nations
serve their country in overseas conflicts. Authority on Maritime Investigations or
T.S.U.N.A.M.I. The Stingray prototype
In 1968 the UN brokered the Treaty on swift attack sub became the first vessel
Non-Proliferation, requiring signers to to enter their fleet.
agree not to further develop any nuclear
weapons programs or superhuman In 1991 Terror Island was handed over
programs or to use nuclear weapons or to U.N.I.T.T. for them to monitor and
superhumans in war. The US and USSR study the remaining Kaiju still inhabiting
refused to sign. Both countries, along the island.
with China, covertly sent superhumans
into battle during the decade-long Following the interdimensional invasion
Vietnam War. of earth by the Shattered Realms, in
2021 the Investigative Response to

Interdimensional Incursions and Charter
Subversions or I.R.I.I.S., and the U.N.I.T.T. was established to preserve
Twilight Corps were established as yet the security of the planet earth and any
further suborganization within colonies against superhuman threats of
U.N.I.T.T. earthly, extraterrestrial and
interdimensional origin.
At the same time the UN also created These operations extend worldwide and
U.N.A.R.A. (United Nations Arcane interplanetary when necessary.
Research Agency), U.N.I.E.S. (United Membership is not based on colour, sex,
Nations Interdimensional Exploratory creed, race or birth.
Service). U.N.E.A.R.A. (United Nations There is a probationary period of 30
Extraterrestrial Anthropological days.
Research Agency), U.N.T.S.R. (United The public record of a new member will
Nations Tribunal on the Shattered be investigated confidentially by the
Realms), U.N.T.F.R. (United Nations U.N.I.T.T. computer. Once satisfied the
Tribunal on the Fey Realms), computer will wipe all information
U.N.T.O.R. (United Nations Tribunal on gained in order to protect members' true
the Ocean Realms), U.N.T.S.I. (United identity.
Nations Tribunal on the Sky Islands) and A wage will be paid $2000 per week +
U.N.T.U. (United Nations Tribunal on bounty (indexed to inflation).
the Underground). Members receive free medical treatment
(including major surgery, specialty
U.N.I.T.T. has had great successes, such treatment, counseling, bionics, etc) and
as its vital work during the various life insurance benefits.
invasions of Earth by the Shattered Members need not divulge their true
Realms, the Demon realms and the identity to other members.
extraterrestrial attack from Mars. But Each member will be issued a
many of these victories have come at communications card.
great cost in lives and equipment, the Members must agree to undergo
former not so easily replaced. rigorous U.N.I.T.T. training.
Nevertheless, U.N.I.T.T. continues to Members must remain on standby 24
stand as Earth’s first line of defense hours per day, 7 days per week.
against the forces of evil and chaos and Members may reside in U.N.I.T.T.
its position within the United Nations headquarters if necessary.
remains secure. Members must cooperate with law
enforcement agencies.
If avoidable members must not break the
Members may only kill in self defence,
after which a board of inquiry will
investigate their actions.
If members miss than more 3 meetings
in a row, they may be subject to
disciplinary action. Meetings are weekly.
Any member may call an emergency

Members may be subject to disciplinary U.N.I.T.T. Agents Hierarchy
action if they fail to answer more than P1 - Recruit
two emergency summons. Includes only those recently introduced
A court martial will take place if a to U.N.I.T.T. who have not yet passed
member does any one of the following; basic training.
Is convicted for a crime above a P2 – Private
misdemeanour. On completion of basic training
Deliberately betrays classified (normally 12 to 18 months), all new
information. recruits start as Privates. These are the
Is criminally negligent, excessively support troops who aid the regular
violent, commits murder, etc. U.N.I.T.T. agents.
If convicted a member maybe suspended P3 – Corporal
or expelled and handed over to the Promotion to Corporal may follow after
relevant authorities. about 3 years as a Private. Corporals are
required to supervise a small team of up
Personnel Equipment to four agents.
Available for free for all players and P4 - Lieutenant
employees are the following; After normally 6-8 years, and depending
- Standard relevant uniform and on ability to lead, promotion to
replacement. Lieutenant typically follows. Lieutenants
- A wide range of civilian clothes, have unique areas of responsibility such
disguises and foreign uniforms. as Internal Affairs, Public Relations,
- A wide range of standard armour, Communications, Military Coordination,
protective clothes, pilot suits, scuba gear, Technology, and Recruitment and
etc. Training.
- A wide range of James Bond type P5 - Captain
gadgets available for their use. Promotion to Captain generally occurs
- A wide range of exotic weapons and after 8-10 years service but only if the
ammo available for their use free. agent has distinguished themselves.
Captains are in charge of their local
Vehicles branch and has the same powers as the
Players and employees have access to a Colonels within their own jurisdiction.
wide range of vehicles depending on D2 - Colonel
which suborganization they are with, but Colonels are in charge of all the
only for mission specific purposes. branches within their suborganization
and have the same powers as the General
Support Personnel within their own jurisdiction. The
U.N.I.T.T. and its suborganizations have Colonels who each run the A.K.R.D.F.,
a variety of permanent personnel who I.R.I.I.S., M.R.U., S.H.A.D.O.W.,
oversee the proper functioning of the T.S.U.N.A.M.I., E.R.D.R.F. and the
organization including IT specialists, Twilight Corps suborganizations report
groundskeepers, clerical staff, mechanics directly to Ardeen.
for the various vehicles, kitchen staff, D1 - General Ardeen
lab technicians, nurses, doctors, cleaners In charge of U.N.I.T.T. overall and
and security guards. answerable only to the UN secretary. His
job is to carry out official directives,

oversee the international operations, and massive 'firewall' to protect U.N.I.T.T.’s
to represent the U.N.I.T.T. security secrets. Computer traffic is
administration to world governments, continually monitored for hints of alien
national allies, and potential friendly infiltration. Anything suspicious or
extraterrestrials. dangerous and the entire organization
U.N. Secretary involved is likely to vanish behind the
Is kept constantly up to date by Ardeem firewall. It is mainly staffed by
on U.N.I.T.T.'s activities and any scientists, inventors and computer
problems. He also decides on the programmers.
funding for U.N.I.T.T. and can arrange
additional assistance as required. The Medical section of course is where
the organization’s doctors, nurses and
Structure psychologists work. Operatives are
U.N.I.T.T.’s Administration section stationed in all major hospitals
handle the “paperwork” of the throughout the world. Also a hospital is
organization’s operations. They include situated at U.N.I.T.T. for any captured
lawyers, accountants, secretaries, alien, hybrid human or other interesting
receptionists, and clerks. These are the life forms. U.N.I.T.T. personnel are
bureaucrats who help U.N.I.T.T. treated here and certain other practices
function on a day-to-day basis. They of a highly sensitive nature take place
keep up with U.N.I.T.T.’s budget and here. The implantation process is
paperwork, represent the organization at conducted here. Captured individuals are
diplomatic functions, and perform also retained here for a short period.
similar tasks. Most members are What happens to them is only known to
civilians with no U.N.I.T.T. training a handful of individuals. These teams
whatsoever. They are based at also deal with viral outbreaks, major
U.N.I.T.T. central headquarters in traumas from alien attacks, the finding
Berlin, but of course it has employees at of hybrid humans and alien beings.
every U.N.I.T.T. office or outpost. Wherever these events may occur, or
any medical trauma U.N.I.T.T. deems a
The Technical section includes the threat to humanity will see the combat
technicians who maintain the computers, teams mobilized. These teams are
communications, weaponry and other trained in all aspects of modern earth
specialty equipment. medicine and also have a degree of
extra-terrestrial knowledge.
The Research and Development section
fights a continual battle to develop and The Engineering Corps section are
compete with alien technology and stay responsible for building U.N.I.T.T.’s
ahead of possible developments on arsenal, maintaining U.N.I.T.T.’s bases,
Earth. Needless to say these are the most and distributing equipment to the agents.
advanced laboratories on the planet. The extensive warehouses full of
They are able to intercept any computer weapons, gear and vehicles maintained
breaches or virus's known. It is also here there covers several city blocks and are
that information is spread onto the heavily defended. It includes mechanics
internet. The information is usually and repairmen who keep U.N.I.T.T.’s
false, but credible. They maintain a equipment operating.

The Quartermaster section maintains the governments alike — like any other
various bases and fleets around the large organization it has its own internal
world and in space. They supply food, politics. Most agents are extremely loyal
fuel and munitions to the various to the organization, and to the ideals for
outposts. which it stands, but that doesn’t mean
they checked their other ideals and
U.N.I.T.T.’s military sections include; loyalties at the door of the recruiting
- The Anti Kaiju Rapid Deployment office. For example, most agents retain
Force; which deals specifically with some degree of loyalty to their home
combating any Kaiju which leave nation and/or people, even if they also
Shadow Island and attack any espouse broader, multinational views.
communities (detailed in section 8).
- The Investigative Response to U.N.I.T.T. and the world
Interdimensional Incursions and While the U.N.I.T.T. gives them the
Subversions; which is tasked with ability to operate without other
keeping track of any interdimensional restrictions in any signatory state or
crossings into our earth, and responding international territory, U.N.I.T.T.’s
to them, by force if necessary (detailed commanders and agents are aware that
in section 12). they’re in a diplomatically delicate
- The Metahuman Response Unit; position. If they seem to snub, ignore, or
especially equipped to fight any insult the officials or citizens of a
superhumans (detailed in section 11). signatory state, they could quickly find
- The Strategic Hazard Alien Defence their authority to enter that state
Operatives Watchguard; which not only curtailed through various “unofficial”
monitors any extraterrestrials on earth means — or even give the General
but deals with any threats from space Assembly cause to recommend
(detailed in section 9). restrictions on U.N.I.T.T.’s jurisdiction.
- The Tactical Strategic United Nations
Authority on Maritime Investigations; The last thing U.N.I.T.T. wants to do is
which is really just the naval side of make its own job harder, so it goes out
S.H.A.D.O.W. but now large enough to of its way to maintain good relationships
warrant its own section (detailed in with the world’s governments and police
section 10). forces. It sends liaisons to major law
- The Twilight Corps; dealing with enforcement agencies and frequently
supernatural occurrences and menaces offers its assistance in matters over
(detailed in section 13). which is has no jurisdiction. Unless time
- The Emergency Rapid Deployment pressures, concerns about corruption, or
Rescue Force; responsible for rescue in other circumstances make it inadvisable
extreme situations where normal to do so, U.N.I.T.T.’s commanders
services cannot reach, anywhere in the inform a signatory nation and its police
world (detailed in section 14). forces before commencing a major
operation on that nation’s soil.
While U.N.I.T.T. usually presents a Whenever possible, it contacts the
unified front to the world an image that signatory nation long before a mission
enhances the agency’s reputation in the begins to seek the advice and assistance
eyes of the underworld and world of local officials, who often know the

situation “on the ground” far better than precisely that: a job. Unlike superheroes,
U.N.I.T.T. does. who usually fight crime out of the
goodness of their hearts, U.N.I.T.T.
U.N.I.T.T. recruitment and employees (no matter how dedicated)
training expect to be paid and to receive other
U.N.I.T.T.’s recruitment procedures are job-related benefits.
exacting and strenuous. Few applicants
— 23%, to be precise — satisfy Positions within U.N.I.T.T., like the
U.N.I.T.T.’s standards. U.N.I.T.T. United Nations itself, are rated in two
recruits mostly from colleges, other law categories: the Professional Scale for
enforcement organizations, and the general employees, which runs from P-1
military. Approximately half of its (the most junior level, for beginning
agents have some law enforcement or employees) to P-5; and the Director
military experience prior to joining the Scale, which has only two levels (D-1
organization. and D-2). Positions within any UN
subagency, such as U.N.I.T.T., belong to
Recruitment begins when an interested one of the seven levels, and salary
person talks to an U.N.I.T.T. “Recruiting ranges and raise rates are set within
Officer” (usually a retired agent) at one those levels. Raises for general
of the recruiting offices U.N.I.T.T. competence and to match cost-of-living
maintains at its major urban bases (and increases are limited within a range,
in some other cities). Prospective while promotions to a higher level
recruits must have at least a college guarantee at least a matching salary and
education or the equivalent. Given the a higher rate of raises.
sometimes-sensitive nature of its duties,
the high technology it employees, and As of late 2021, annual base salaries for
the canniness of its enemies, U.N.I.T.T. U.N.I.T.T. civilian support staff (in
wants smart, educated agents. It’s US$);
particularly interested in persons with 37,000 - 66,000 for entry level
relevant graduate or professional degrees professionals (P1 - P3)
(including criminology, law, and various 67,000 - 94,000 for mid-career
sciences) and/or the ability to speak professionals (P4 - P5)
multiple languages. 95,000 - 123,000 for senior level
professionals (D1 - D2)
Prospective field agents must enter the
training program before they turn 30. Annual net base salaries for U.N.I.T.T.
Personnel hired for non-field positions agents (in US$);
may be of any age (and generally don’t 50,000 - 79,000 for entry level
have to satisfy the qualifications for field professionals (P1 - P3)
agents). 80,000 - 109,000 for mid-career
professionals (P4 - P5)
110,000 - 150,000 for senior level
Wages and benefits
professionals (D1 - D2)
For the agents, administrators, and
Salaries, grants and allowances paid by
support staff of U.N.I.T.T., the job of
the United Nations are normally exempt
protecting the world from supervillains,
from income tax.
alien invaders, and unnatural disasters is

The base salary is supplemented by a Promotion
post adjustment which varies according U.N.I.T.T. promotes primarily on the
to the cost of living in the duty station basis of merit. Obviously any large
and the exchange rate of the United organization suffers from some degree
States dollar. The post adjustment, set by of favouritism (and perhaps nepotism),
the United Nations as a percentage of the and important UN officials sometimes
base salary, ensures that all staff subtly bring influence to bear on behalf
members at the same salary level have a of relatives or friends in U.N.I.T.T., but
similar purchasing power in every duty by and large a U.N.I.T.T. agent can only
station by compensating for the work his way up the ranks by doing
differences in cost of living while taking his job and doing it well. (In part this
currency fluctuations into account. means having few or no disciplinary
For example if your annual base salary is infractions in his record). While bravery
US$ 64,000 and the post adjustment and unusual accomplishment (such as
multiplier for your duty station is 65.7%, capturing a supervillain singlehandedly)
your salary will be calculated based on certainly don’t hurt an agent when it
the following: comes time to hand out promotions, the
High Command first and foremost looks
Post adjustment per year: at a sustained record of efficient,
US$ 64,000 x 0.657 = US$ 42,048 competent performance of an agent’s
duties and an overall pattern of
Total annual salary: $64,000 accomplishment and valour.
= US$106,048 Discipline
Agents who break U.N.I.T.T.’s rules
Agents posted in dangerous positions face discipline within the organization,
(like Shadow Island) receive a larger as well as appropriate civilian criminal
bonus. penalties. The most common infractions
U.N.I.T.T. has a mandatory retirement 1. Misuse of U.N.I.T.T. property (most
age of 65 for field agents. In practice, frequently, weapons or vehicles)
most agents retire well before then, as 2. Tardiness or unexplained absences
full pensions become available after the 3. Assaulting another agent or a private
age of 55 as long as an agent has twenty citizen (including the use of excessive
years of service. force against a suspect or detainee)
4. Revealing classified information
U.N.I.T.T. offers a generous benefits 5. Discrimination or harassment,
package, including maternity and especially racial or sexual in nature
paternity leave of up to six months, rent 6. Failure to pass a physical or otherwise
subsidies if local rent exceeds a set maintain fitness standards
amount, comprehensive medical U.N.I.T.T. has five standard levels of
insurance (including dental and visual), punishment, depending on the
and inexpensive life and disability seriousness of the infraction and the
insurance packages. Physicals are history of the agent in question: verbal
mandatory biannually for agents up to reprimand; letter of censure; probation;
the age of 40, and annual thereafter. suspension (usually for 2-4 weeks, with

or without pay in the suspending U.N.I.T.T. Melee Weapons
officer’s judgment); and dismissal. Combat Axe
Application of disciplinary measures is
generally at the discretion of the superior
in question, but U.N.I.T.T. has a formal
review process that agents who feel
they’ve received unfair treatment can
initiate. An agent with too many
reprimands or letters of censure, and so
much as a single punishment beyond
that, can expect his chances for This is a type of ax that uses a compact
advancement to vanish. Given its generator to create vibrations along the
often politically precarious position, cutting edge's surface, which
U.N.I.T.T. values self-restraint and significantly increases the weapon's
personal discipline highly, particularly lethality.
among its officers. Type: Vibro Axe
Damage: D6 normal, +2D6 when
Weight: 500 grams

Combat Knife

When activated, the Vibro Knife's

cutting edge oscillates at a very high
speed, cutting through anything in its
path. It is 20 cms in size and will work
continuously for 1 hour.
Type: Vibro Knife
Damage: D6 normal, +2D6 when
Weight: 75 grams

Combat Halberd Taser Stick

This weapon is an enhanced that is fitted

with a vibro-edged head. It is also
balanced in such a way that it can also
Also called shock clubs or stun sticks,
be thrown like a spear.
these are batons which use very low-
Type: Vibro Halberd
powered electric currents to disorganize
Damage: D10 normal, +2D10
nerve function. They are often carried by
when vibrating
police officers. In addition to any
Weight: 5 kgs
damage from being struck by the baton,
the victim must make a stun roll to avoid
being stunned; if stunned, the victim is
Combat Machete
unable to move for D6 +2 rounds.

Same as the Vibro Knife but in the form

of a machete. It is 40 cms in size and
will work continuously for 1 hour.
Type: Vibro Machete
Damage: D6 +2 normal, +2D6
when vibrating
Weight: 500 grams

Combat Sword

The Vibro Sword is a larger version of

the personal Vibro Knife, a special type
of melee weapon whose blade vibrates at
an extremely high frequency, allowing it
to penetrate both flesh and armour. The
blade's vibration also creates a
distinctive hum which can alert an
attentive opponent. It is 1 mtr in size and
will work continuously for 1 hour.
Type: Vibro Sword
Damage: 2D6 normal, +2D6 when
Weight: 500 grams

U.N.I.T.T. Ranged Weapons nozzle burner switched off and a stream
Arson Mk III of liquid fuel is sprayed at the target.
This fuel has a tendency to partially
vaporize, and a subsequent shot with the
nozzle burner switched back on can
ignite this vapor cloud to create an
intense fireball. Another option is a blind
angle burst, often used in close quarters
The Arson is a carbine-style
fighting in an urban environment — the
flamethrower. The weapon could be
flame burst can be 'bounced' off of walls
supplied with fuel either through
or other solid surfaces to attack enemies
canisters attached to the weapon or a
out of the line of sight.
direct main supply. It is designed for use
in close combat at the squad and
It is also ideal for use against
fireteam level. It uses ultra-thickened
fortifications — flame can be directed
napthal fuel as a base, stored under
through defensive apertures, causing
pressure and ignited by a nozzle burner
both direct incendiary damage and also
as it leaves the weapon's barrel, and is
burning up the enemy's oxygen supply,
capable of shooting a stream of flame up
causing incapacitation or death by
to 30 meters, although this range can be
asphyxiation. It has also been known for
extended by firing the flame upwards at
the unit to detonate catastrophically
an angle, causing the stream to arc down
when the fuel reservoir is struck with
onto a target.
certain types of incendiary ammunition.
Fuel is stored in an underslung reservoir
The thickened fuel fired by the Arson
tank that can be unscrewed and replaced
has a tendency to stick to targets as it
to reload the weapon relatively quickly.
burns, continuing to heat even non-
The weapon can also be fuelled from a
flammable targets after the incinerator
large-capacity backpack tank worn by
itself has ceased firing. The fuel is
the operator, which is connected to the
difficult to extinguish, and as a result a
weapon by a hose leading to the
commander must carefully consider the
reservoir attachment point (the reservoir
tactical situation before authorizing the
is removed in this configuration). The
use of flame.
weapon itself is 88 cm long and a valve
Type: Flamethrower
at the rear of the incinerator controls the
Damage: 6D10
fuel/air mix being sent through the
Rate of fire: 1
barrel, allowing the weapon to be
Range: 30 mtrs
adjusted for use in oxygen-poor
Ammo: Up to 10 seconds of
environments. A thumb switch on the
continuous fire or
pistol grip ignites the nozzle burner,
backpack which allows
while the weapon is fired by squeezing
up to 100 seconds
the hand grip trigger, and will continue
Weight: 2.5 kgs for the Arson
to fire until the trigger is released.
5 kgs if a backpack is
One alternate mode of fire available to
the operator is a so-called "wetshot",
where the Incinerator is fired with the

Boomstick Mk II Longshot

Constructed of heat resistant alloys,

allowing the weapon to maintain
structural integrity after firing multiple The Longshot is designed as single shot
shots in quick succession. weapon for long range. When used right
Type: Shotgun they can eliminate all but the toughest of
Damage: +D6 to normal damage if enemies with a single hit.
within 10 mtrs Type: Sniper Rifle
Rate of fire: 1, 2, 4 or full Rate of fire: 1
Range: 100 mtrs Range: 3 kms
Ammo: 10 Ammo: 10
Weight: 2 kgs Weight: 5 kgs

Close Defence Equalizer Mk III Needler Pistol

A needler pistol is a handgun that uses

an upright disc clip. It makes only a very
The CDE is an 25-round, blowback- soft, coughing noise when it is fired.
operated, striker-fired, double action Needler pistols magnetically propel a
only, semi-automatic pistol made cluster of needles at high speed. Two
completely of nano-bound hard impact types of needles can be used: barbed
plastic and other synthetic materials. The needles that cause 2D6 points of damage
CDE is a very advanced weapon which per shot, and anesthetic needles that put
includes its own small computer brain, the victim to sleep for D10 x10 turns.
which can lock onto a target, identify it Type: Needle Pistol
and its range, and flash all the relevant Damage: 2D6 or sleep
information up on a data readout on the Rate of fire: 1
gun's sights. It is able to fire different Range: 25 mtrs
types of shell as detailed later on. Ammo: 10
Type: Pistol Weight: 1 kg
Rate of fire: 1, 2, 4 or full
Range: 70 mtrs
Ammo: 25
Weight: 1 kg

Needler Rifle PML Mk II

A needler rifle is a rifle-sized version of

a needler pistol. It has a longer range
than a needler pistol and its barbed
ammunition does more damage (the
longer barrel gives the needles more
This Portable Missile Launcher fires
personnel short range missiles, giving
Type: Needle Rifle
the infantry a potent weapon to use
Damage: 2D6 or sleep
against armoured targets. However, due
Rate of fire: 1
to the size and weight of the launcher, as
Range: 125 mtrs
well as the 10-kilogram missiles
Ammo: 10
themselves, soldiers are virtually
Weight: 3 kgs
required set up in an emplacement and
have a vehicle close at hand to haul
Type: Portable Missile
Rate of fire: 1, 2, or all 3
Range: 1 km
Ammo: 3
Weight: 15 kgs
This is a portable, reloadable, semi-
automatic unguided rocket propelled
Rapid Pulse Rifle Mk II
grenade launcher. The launcher itself is
composed of a steel alloy tube, 140 cm
in length and 2.3 kg in weight, which
incorporates backblast diffusers, a
trigger mechanism, a 4x power
telescopic sight mounted on the left side
of the tube and backup iron sights on the The RPR is fully sealed against
top. It can be loaded with different types corrosion, dirt and moisture and its
of grenades. electronics are hardened making it
Type: Grenade Launcher perfectly usable even in a vacuum.
Rate of fire: 1
Range: 400 mtrs A thumb selector allows the firer to
Ammo: 10 switch between selective single, twin,
Weight: 3 kgs four-round bursts or fully automatic
firing modes. Underneath is mounted the
underbarrel Grenade Launcher.
Grenades must be hand-loaded into the
launcher's four-round magazine, which

are then loaded into the breech and breech and barrel assembly, sensor unit
primed to fire from a pump action. and 500-round ammunition drum. A
An LCD ammunition counter display microwave datalink connects the sentry
just below the receiver informs the user to a remote command console. Once
of the remaining ammunition supply at a emplaced, the system may be set to
glance. sweep wide arcs up to 360° (subject to
Type: Rifle with grenade terrain and emplacement restrictions),
launcher underneath though doctrine is to set several sentries
Rifle to cover smaller, interlocking fields of
Rate of fire: 1, 2, 4 or full fire on a narrow frontage. The weapon
Range: 600 mtrs has a cyclic rate of 1,100 rpm and is air
Ammo: 50 cooled, with an automatic cutout
Grenade Launcher preventing the loading of any more
Rate of fire: 1 rounds into the breech should
Range: 400 mtrs overheating cause a chance of
Ammo: 4 ammunition "cook-off".
Weight: 3 kgs
The sentry unit's sensor array is mounted
above the barrel, aligned to cover a 60°
Robotic Sentry Gun Mk IV cone in front of the weapon. This
sensing suite consists of a cooled
infrared detector, ambient light optics,
an ultrasonic motion tracker and a lidar.
If a target's visual or thermal profile is
known, the system may be pre-set to
scan for only these specific targets using
infrared or optical. However, the system
is usually set to multi-spectral mode,
where the sentry's software cross-
correlates received data from the
different sensors to obtain a full target

The Automated Sentry Gun, known The sentry has three operating modes —
colloquially as the "Robot Sentry", is a Auto-Remote, Manual Override and
tripod-mounted automated perimeter Semi-Automatic. When set to Auto-
defense system used to deliver pre-set Remote, the sentry will interrogate all
automatic fire to any hostile within range targets in its sensor cone using an
or area targets. They are equipped with Identification Friend Foe (IFF)
autocannons and automatic thermal and transponder. All U.N.I.T.T. personnel
movement actuated AI targeting and vehicles carry an IFF transponder in
capabilities. Each remote sentry unit their communications gear which sends
weighs in at 19.5 kg and can be back a coded radio signal when
assembled in under 150 seconds. The interrogated. If the IFF return is positive,
major components consist of a snap- the weapon will let the soldier or vehicle
open tripod mounting, battery pack, pass; otherwise it will open fire. Enemy

IFF transponders can also be detected Stunner Pistol
and used to direct fire even if the target
is otherwise avoiding the sentry's
detection mechanisms. If the system is
set to Manual Override or Semi-
Automatic, this information is flashed
back to the command console, where the
system operator can decide whether or
not to fire.
A stunner is a type of non lethal pistol. It
Before the weapon opens fire, automated will stun a victim for D10 x10 turns.
servos in the tripod orient it to point at Type: Stun gun
the target. The number and grouping of Rate of fire: 1, 2, 4 or full
rounds fired in a burst is automatically Range: 50 mtrs
selected dependent on the target profile, Ammo: 20 charges
so that the most economical use of Weight: 1 kg
ammunition is made.
Type: Robotic Projectile Gun
Rate of fire: 1 up to the full 500 Stunner Rifle
Range: 1 km
Ammo: 500
Weight: 19.5 kgs

Except for its greater range and damage,
the rifle operates just like the pistol.
Type: Stun gun
Rate of fire: 1, 2, 4 or full
Range: 250 mtrs
Ammo: 20 charges
Weight: 3 kgs
The Shoulder Missile Launcher is a
single shot shoulder launched Tangler Mk III
active-homing missile launcher. It
can lock on to most targets and seek
them unerringly, making it a devastating
weapon when repeatedly fired from a
protected position. It can be quickly
reloaded and fired repeatedly.
Type: Shoulder Missile
Rate of fire: 1
Range: 1 km The Tangler is non-lethal weapon
Ammo: 1 designed to ensnare and subdue a target
Weight: 5 kgs without causing permanent harm.

Tanglers fire small spheres with cores of
sticky grey plastic which shatter on
impact releasing a sticky glob which
expands rapidly into a sheet-like
streamers, wrapping itself around its
target on contact. A person hit by a glob
will find themselves inextricably caught
in a sticky mess that contracts around
them and holds them tight. Movement
The Thunderbolt is a man-portable
quickly becomes impossible. The plastic
heavy machine gun with automatic
must be dissolved to free someone who
targeting capabilities. It consists of four
has been "tangled" in such a manner.
major components — the gyro mount
Solvaway is the only solvent that will
system, the head mounted sight, the
immediately dissolve tangler threads.
stabilized articulation arm and the gun
One vial of solvaway contains enough
liquid to dissolve the threads from one
tangler grenade.
The Thunderbolt is carried into combat
Type: Tangle Gun
on a self-aiming stabilized mount that is
Rate of fire: 1
linked to an infrared target tracking
Range: 50 mtrs
system for accurate, autonomous aiming.
Ammo: 6
The mount also negates the traditional
Weight: 1 kg
need to position or set up the machine
gun prior to opening fire. The gun itself
is constructed largely from molded
carbon fibre and light alloy stampings,
though some interior parts are made of
high-strength plastics. The weapon's
barrel is easily replaceable and air-
cooled, although an additional heat sink
attachment can be jacketed onto it to
further improve sustained fire

The Thunderbolt is 122 cm long,

incorporating a 54.5 cm barrel, while the
entire gun assembly, including the
harness and a full load of ammunition,
masses 17.82 kg. Firing is controlled
either by depressing a red "fire" button
mounted on the forward hand grip, or by
lifting a firing handle mounted beneath
the rear grip. A selector on the forward
grip switches the weapon between its
Safe, Burst and Autofire settings. The
Burst setting will fire four-round bursts,
while the Autofire setting will continue

to fire the weapon at its full cyclic rate informed by a target lock circle that
so long as either of the triggers remains illuminates on the display screen.
depressed. Clicking off the safety will
also automatically charge the weapon In the event that the operator wishes to
(provided there is not already a round engage an opponent other than the one
chambered), although Marines have currently locked on to, they can simply
expressed disdain for this system, citing steer the gun manually towards their
it as a major cause of stoppages, and preferred target and the system will
prefer instead to manually charge the acquire a fresh lock. This tactic is also
weapon after reloading using the vital when faced with the use of infrared
cocking handle on the right side. false-target decoys.
Type: Minigun
The gun's rotating breech and feed Rate of fire: 1, 5, 10 or full
mechanism are powered by an internal Range: 250 mtrs
motor. In the event of a stoppage, the Ammo: 500 or belt feed
charging handle can be used to clear the Weight: 17 kgs
mechanism. Ammunition is stored on a
roll of continuous plastic non-
disintegrating link belt; the drum UM1 Mortar
magazine typically holds 500 rounds and
can be quickly reloaded in the field.
While the operator is standing, the gun is
held and steered by its fore and back
grips. Owing to the attachment point for
the weapon's mount, it cannot be fired
while lying prone; instead, the operator
must employ a supine position (i.e. lying
on their back). When supine, the gun is
controlled with the foregrip and the
charging handle, the latter of which must
be locked forwards for this purpose.

When powered up, the gun begins

tracking targets via the infrared detector This is a man-portable anti-armour
mounted directly above the barrel. The weapon. The core element is an 11.3kg
tracking system also transmits thermal carbon fiber composite tube, a single-
images to a miniature video display in round self-contained disposable launcher
the operator's eyepiece. If a target is supported by a bipod stand and
detected, the tracker will overlay a baseplate. The tube incorporates usb
lighted box or rectangle over the target's ports to connect it to the fire control
center mass on this display, highlighting system. The bipod can be set to launch
it for the operator's attention. At the the warhead horizontally or at increasing
same time, the articulator arm will steer angles up until the vertical, depending
the gun towards the target, and once it on deployment.
has acquired a lock the operator will be

Fire control for the UM1 varies U.N.I.T.T. Gun Ammo
according to mission. For defensive All the ammunition listed here can be
deployment, the weapon is attached to a used with the CDE, Boomstick,
Fire Controller, an 800 Gb intelligent Longshot, RPR, RSG and Thunderbolt.
system capable of importing data from
any local sensor matrix, including any General Purpose
motion trackers, infrared scanners, lidar, General Purpose ammunition is the
radar and robot sentries in operation. It standard most commonly used type of
can be set to either autonomous or shell. It does 3D6 +3 damage.
command configurations. When active,
the unit analyses incoming sensor data, Armour Piercing
and if it positively identifies a target it AP shots are designed to give an extra
will lock on with one or more missiles punch, and penetrate body armour and
under its command. cover. When using an AP shot, there is a
+1 to penetrate armour. Treat all armour
If set to Command mode, upon as being reduced in AC effectiveness by
identifying a target the UM1 will pass a 1. It does 4D6 +3 damage.
target lock indication to the connected
operator's terminal, allowing the High Explosive
operator to either authorize launch or, if The HE shell is designed to deliver an
the target's identity is unclear, request a area-burst explosion. This burst has a
further Identification Friend Foe (IFF) diametre of 5 metres. It does 5D6 +3
interrogation. damage.

If enabled for autonomous mode, the Hypo

UM1 will work through its target A Hypo works in exactly the same way
identification protocols to ensure that the as a standard shell but they instead
locked-on target is an enemy before deliver a measured dose of a knockout
automatically launching an appropriate drug. Victims must save vs non lethal
strike. It is also possible to datalink it drug or be instantly knocked out. A save
into higher level assets, such as means they stay awake but all rolls are
surveillance drones, mechs or artillery -3.
forward observers.
Type: Mortar Incendiary
Damage: 4D6 x10 Incendiary shots explode, to shower their
Rate of fire: 1 targets with an unstable and inflammable
Range: 8 kms chemical. The shot hits as normal, but
Blast Radius: 75 mtrs there is then a 90% chance that the target
Ammo: 1 will catch fire. These flames will spread
Weight: 10 kgs over anything flammable on the target
doing an extra +D6 damage per round
until extinguished. It does 3D6 +3
standard damage, plus any burning

Power Backpack trajectory visible to the naked eye during
A power backpack is worn on a harness daylight, and very bright during
that slips over the shoulders. A backpack nighttime firing. This allows the shooter
has two weapon ports, one screen port to visually trace the flight path of the
and three auxiliary ports. Only two projectile and thus make necessary
weapons can be connected to the same ballistic corrections, without having to
backpack. They generally hold 100 confirm projectile impacts and without
charges. They can be recharged and can even using the sights of the weapon.
be used with the Stunner Pistol and Tracer fire can also be used as a marking
Rifle. tool to signal other shooters to
concentrate their fire on a particular
Power Beltpack target during battle.
A power beltpack is a 20 cm x 8 cm x 5
cm plastic box that attaches to a
character's belt. It comes with three
different powercords that can be plugged
into three distinct outlets in the side of
the unit. It can be used for weapons, and
auxiliary equipment such as scanners or
radios. They generally hold 50 charges.
They can be recharged and can be used
with the Stunner Pistol and Rifle.

Power Clip
The standard powerclip is a sturdy
plastic box about the size of a cigarette
pack. A powerclip will fit any weapon
that can use a powerclip and generally
holds 20 charges. They can be recharged
and can be used with the Stunner Pistol
and Rifle.

These special soft rubber bullets only do
D6 damage but their main purpose is to
bounce off walls and ceilings, and flush
enemies out of enclosed spaces, such as
rooms, tunnels, and so on.

Tracer Flare -
Tracers are bullets that do only 1 point
of damage but are built with a small
pyrotechnic charge in their base. When
fired, the pyrotechnic composition is
ignited by the burning powder and burns
very brightly, making the projectile

U.N.I.T.T. Grenades any colour the player desires. This is
Grenades are consumable (single-use) often used to mark escaping fugitives or
thrown explosives. Grenades can be vehicles.
thrown or fired from a grenade rifle or
mortar. Grenades can be set to explode Explosive
in two ways: on impact or with a timer Explosive grenades are very much the
that is adjustable for 1 to 10 turns. Any same as a frag grenade but does more
character or creature within the radius of explosive damage minus the fragment
a grenade when it goes off can be pieces. Anyone caught within the blast
affected. radius takes 2D6 x10 explosive damage.

Standard size grenades Flash

This grenade produces a blinding flash
of light upon detonation to blind
opponents. The flash temporarily
activates all photoreceptor cells in the
eye, blinding it for approximately five
seconds. Afterward, victims perceive an
afterimage which impairs their vision for
an additional 4 +D10 minutes. Reduce
all effects by second or minute for every
5 metres from the point of the grenade’s
Type: Grenade ignition.
Blast Radius: 5 mtrs unless otherwise
stated Flashbang
Weight: 200 grams A flashbang grenade combines three
half-million candlepower strobe flashes
Chemical Defoliant with a very loud bang to stun, blind and
A chemical defoliant foam breaks down deafen opponents. All people within 5
any vegetable matter in the foamed area mtrs of the blast (15 mtrs if indoors) are
within one minute, leaving a slimy, stunned and deafened for 2D6 x10
green residue. It has no effect on non- seconds and blinded for D6 turns. Save
floral organisms. vs Stun for half that duration.

Doze Foam
A doze grenade releases a cloud of fast- Foam grenades release chemicals that
acting knockout gas within a 10 mtr instantly swell in normal oxygen
radius. All creatures within the radius atmosphere and standard gravity. The
will fall asleep for D100 turns unless swelling creates a thick, opaque,
they save vs stun for half the duration. foamlike substance that expands in one
The doze gas is effective only on the turn to completely fill an area within a 5
turn that the grenade goes off. mtr radius of the blast point. The dense
foam smothers any flames. It will
Dye dissipate after one minute.
This foam dyes anything it contacts. The
dye dissipates after 20 hours. It can be

Frag must save vs Stun or be disorientated for
Standard "Room Clearing" explosive D6 rounds.
charge wrapped in a fragile steel case
designed to shatter into hundreds of Tangler
sharp steel fragments. Anyone caught An exploding tangler grenade throws out
within the 5 mtrs of the explosive charge hundreds of strong, sticky polymer
takes D6 x10 explosive damage. threads. These threads stick to
However the grenade also has a +10 mtr everything within the blast radius. An
"danger zone" where anyone within will entangled individual can not move until
be hit by D10+2 ‘frags’ each doing D10 the threads decay (in 30 minutes) or until
damage. solvaway is spread over the threads. Any
creature with more than 30 STR can
Incendiary break out of tangler threads in one turn.
Incendiary grenades spread a mass of
moderate-intensity incendiaries over a 5 Tear Gas
mtr area, saturating it in flame. Anyone The effects of tear gas are unpleasant at
caught within the area will take 2D6 x10 best. This extremely potent irritant
burning damage. The burning liquid temporarily impairs vision and
sticks to the victim, causing an respiration, causing eyes to bum and
additional 2D6 x5 the next round, 2D6 water profusely, skin to bum (a
x2 the round after, and 2D6 thereafter. sensation, not in actuality), and making
Body armour has no effect against this breathing very difficult. Inhalation of
damage unless it is a full suit of fire- tear gas will reduce INT, CON, DEX
retardant armour. Anything flammable and MR by half unless a save vs Non
within the radius of the point of impact Lethal Gas roll is made each round of
have a 90% chance to catch fire. exposure for one quarter effects. Anyone
without optics will also receive a -6 to
Smoke Thac0 and any rolls requiring sight from
Produces a cloud of vision obscuring tearing that will last for D6 minutes after
smoke in a variety of colours (buyers' exposure. The cloud dissipates after 4
choice) over a 10 +D10 mtr radius. turns (less in windy areas, longer in
Anyone firing through a gas cloud is at - confined areas at the gamemaster’s
4 per 2 mtrs of gas between him and his discretion).
target. The cloud obscures vision,
applying visibility modifiers for smoke Whit Phosphorus
to relevant tests. It lasts for Designed with an explosive core
approximately 4 turns (less in windy wrapped in white phosphorous
areas, longer in confined areas at the surrounded in oil in a sealed steel
gamemaster’s discretion). It can also be canister, this explosive charge scatters
used as a signal. burning white phosphorous over a large
15 mtr radius area. White phosphorous
Sonic burns on contact with oxygen in any
This class of grenades does its damage form and will continue to burn until
through blasts of high frequency oxidized completely. Anyone caught
sonics. Anyone within the blast radius within 10 mtrs of detonation must try to
who can hear takes 2D10 damage and dodge at -5 to avoid D6+2 phosphorous

and steel fragments doing 4D6 initial Flash
damage each and then burning for 2D6 As per standard but blinding for
damage each round for D4 rounds. approximately three seconds. Afterward,
Whit Phosphorus is difficult to victims perceive an afterimage which
extinguish because it reignites whenever impairs their vision for an additional 2
exposed to air. If an affected area or +D4 minutes. Reduce all effects by
target can be completely cut off from air, second or minute for every 2 metres
the chemical's effects end after two from the point of the grenade’s ignition.
combat Turns.
As per standard but with a 2 mtr radius
Mini size grenades (7 mtrs if indoors) and stunned and
deafened for D6 x10 seconds and
blinded for D4 turns. Save vs Stun for
half that duration.

As per standard but 2 mtr radius.

As per standard but D6 x5 explosive
U.N.I.T.T. Mini Grenades are the size of damage within 2 mtrs, and D6 ‘frags’
a squash ball. They are smaller versions each doing D6 damage within +5 mtrs.
of the standard grenades and thus easier
to conceal. Incendiary
Type: Grenade As per standard but any within 2 mtrs
Blast Radius: 2 mtrs unless otherwise take D6 x10 burning damage. The
stated burning liquid sticks to the victim,
Weight: 30 grams causing an additional D6 x5 the next
round, D6 x2 the round after, and D6
Chemical Defoliant thereafter.
As per standard.
Doze As per standard but over a D10 mtr
As per standard but the gas only affects a radius.
5 mtr radius.
Dye As per standard but anyone within the
As per standard but the gas only affects a blast radius who can hear takes D10
5 mtr radius. damage and must save vs Stun or be
disorientated for D4 rounds.
As per standard but instead does D6 x10 Tangler
explosive damage. As per standard but the threads decay in
15 minutes.

Tear Gas impairs their vision for an additional 2
As per standard but the cloud dissipates +D4 minutes. Reduce all effects by
after 2 turns (less in windy areas). second or minute for every metre from
the point of the grenade’s ignition.
Whit Phosphorus
As per standard but scatters over a 7 mtr Flashbang
radius area. It releases D6 phosphorous As per standard but with a 1 mtr radius
and steel fragments doing 2D6 initial (4 mtrs if indoors) and stunned and
damage each and then burning for D6 deafened for D6 x5 seconds and blinded
damage each round for D4 rounds. for D4 turns. Save vs Stun for half that

Micro size grenades Foam

As per standard but 1 mtr radius.

As per standard but D6 x2 explosive
damage within 1 mtr, and D4 ‘frags’
each doing D4 damage within +2 mtrs.
U.N.I.T.T. Micro Grenades are the size
of a coin battery, even smaller than the
As per standard but any within 1 mtr
Mini Grenades.
take D6 x5 burning damage. The
Type: Grenade
burning liquid sticks to the victim,
Blast Radius: 1 mtr unless otherwise
causing an additional D6 x2 the next
round, D6 the round after, and D4
Weight: 2 grams
Chemical Defoliant
As per standard.
As per standard but over a D6 mtr
As per standard but the gas only affects a
2 mtr radius.
As per standard but anyone within the
blast radius who can hear takes D6
damage and must save vs Stun or be
As per standard but the gas only affects a
disorientated for D4 rounds.
2 mtr radius.
As per standard but the threads decay in
As per standard but instead does D6 x5
7 minutes.
explosive damage.
Tear Gas
As per standard but the cloud dissipates
As per standard but blinding for
after 1 turn (less in windy areas).
approximately three seconds. Afterward,
victims perceive an afterimage which

Whit Phosphorus U.N.I.T.T. Personnel Missiles
As per standard but scatters over a 3 mtr All the missiles listed here are meant for
radius area. It releases D4 phosphorous use by agents without any assistance,
and steel fragments doing D6 initial and are not vehicle weapons. Note: If
damage each and then burning for D4 any missile fails to hit what it was aimed
damage each round for D4 rounds. at, it will still explode (if it functions at
all) somewhere nearby. The GM is to
determine where a miss will explode.

Mini Missiles

These are for the Portable Missile

Launcher and Shoulder Missile
Launcher. Upon launch the back fins
extend out to assist in flight.
Type: Mini Missile
Blast Radius: 20 mtrs unless otherwise
Weight: 2 kgs
Size: 35 cms long x 5 cms

Chemical Defoliant
As per the grenade.

As per the grenade but affects a 20 mtr
radius instead.

As per the grenade but affects a 20 mtr
radius instead.

Anyone caught within the 20 mtr blast
radius takes 7D6 x20 explosive damage.

Foam decay (in 1 hour) or until solvaway is
As per the grenade but fills a 20 mtr spread over the threads. Any creature
radius instead and dissipates after 10 with more than 30 STR can break out of
minutes. tangler threads in one turn.

Frag Tear Gas

Anyone caught within 20 mtrs of the As per the grenade but the gas affects a
explosive charge takes 4D6 x20 20 mtr radius instead and lasts for 15
explosive damage. However it also has a turns (less in windy areas, longer in
+40 mtr "danger zone" where anyone confined areas at the gamemaster’s
within will be hit by D10+2 ‘frags’ each discretion).
doing 4D10 damage.
Whit Phosphorus
Incendiary As per the grenade but affects a 50 mtr
Upon detonation this spreads a mass of radius area. The D6+2 phosphorous and
moderate-intensity incendiaries over a steel fragments doing 6D6 x2 initial
20 mtr area, saturating it in flame. damage each and then burning for 4D6
Anyone caught within the area will take x2 damage each round for D4 rounds.
4D6 x20 burning damage. The burning
liquid sticks to the victim, causing an
additional 4D6 x10 the next round, 4D6 Micro Missiles
x5 the round after, and 4D6 x2
thereafter. Anything flammable within
the radius of the point of impact have a
90% chance to catch fire.

Produces a cloud of vision obscuring
smoke in a variety of colours (buyers' These are the smallest types of self
choice) over a 40 +4D10 mtr radius. propelled missiles and are principally
Anyone firing through a gas cloud is at used in U.N.I.T.T. exoframes or power
-4 per 2 mtrs of gas between him and his suits. Upon launch the back fins extend
target. The cloud obscures vision, out to assist in flight.
applying visibility modifiers for smoke Type: Micro Missile
to relevant tests. It lasts for Blast Radius: 10 mtrs unless otherwise
approximately 15 turns (less in windy stated
areas, longer in confined areas at the Weight: 500 grams
gamemaster’s discretion). It can also be Size: 10 cms long x 1 cm
used as a signal. diametre

Tangler Chemical Defoliant

Like the tangler grenade this missile As per the grenade.
throws out hundreds of strong, sticky
polymer threads to everything within the Doze
20 mtr blast radius. An entangled As per the grenade but affects a 10 mtr
individual can not move until the threads radius instead.

Dye gamemaster’s discretion). It can also be
As per the grenade but affects a 10 mtr used as a signal.
radius instead.
Explosive Like the tangler grenade this missile
Anyone caught within the 10 mtr blast throws out hundreds of strong, sticky
radius takes 7D6 x10 explosive damage. polymer threads to everything within the
10 mtr blast radius. An entangled
Foam individual can not move until the threads
As per the grenade but fills a 10 mtr decay (in 30 minutes) or until solvaway
radius instead and dissipates after 5 is spread over the threads. Any creature
minutes. with more than 30 STR can break out of
tangler threads in one turn.
Anyone caught within 10 mtrs of the Tear Gas
explosive charge takes 4D6 x10 As per the grenade but the gas affects a
explosive damage. However it also has a 10 mtr radius instead and lasts for 8
+20 mtr "danger zone" where anyone turns (less in windy areas, longer in
within will be hit by D10+2 ‘frags’ each confined areas at the gamemaster’s
doing 2D10 damage. discretion).

Incendiary Whit Phosphorus

Upon detonation this spreads a mass of As per the grenade but affects a 30 mtr
moderate-intensity incendiaries over a radius area. The D6+2 phosphorous and
10 mtr area, saturating it in flame. steel fragments doing 6D6 initial
Anyone caught within the area will take damage each and then burning for 4D6
4D6 x10 burning damage. The burning damage each round for D4 rounds.
liquid sticks to the victim, causing an
additional 4D6 x5 the next round, 4D6
x2 the round after, and 4D6 thereafter.
Anything flammable within the radius of
the point of impact have a 90% chance
to catch fire.

Produces a cloud of vision obscuring
smoke in a variety of colours (buyers'
choice) over a 20 +2D10 mtr radius.
Anyone firing through a gas cloud is at -
4 per 2 mtrs of gas between him and his
target. The cloud obscures vision,
applying visibility modifiers for smoke
to relevant tests. It lasts for
approximately 8 turns (less in windy
areas, longer in confined areas at the

U.N.I.T.T. Damage Packs U.N.I.T.T. Medical Equipment
These are canvas backpacks full of Medic Field Kit
plastic explosives designed to be placed
by the bearer against a structure to be
destroyed. It comes with an adhesive on
the back allowing it to be attached to any
surface. A timer can be set for 1 to 60
seconds, 1 to 60 minutes or 1 to 60

This kit has specialized equipment the

medic needs to perform his or her job. It
weighs 10 kg and can be carried as a
backpack. The medkit contains:
-Electrosurgeon--a small machine that
keeps wounds open, controls bleeding
during surgery, and injects chemicals as
Large Damage Pack needed from a selection of 50 different
Type: Explosive measured shots of drugs including
Damage: D6 x30 anesthetics and antibiotics.
Blast Radius: 30 mtrs -Autosurgeon--a special device that
Weight: 20 kgs allows a medic to operate on himself. It
Size: 50 cms diametre injects a hundred nanobot units, into the
backpack bloodstream to repair internal injury.
Types of internal injury which they can
Small Damage Pack repair include the removal of blood
Type: Explosive clots, repairing torn/ruptured veins,
Damage: 6D6 x10 internal bleeding, and minor damage to
Blast Radius: 15 mtrs internal organs. When the units are done,
Weight: 10 kgs they simply turn off and are naturally
Size: 30 cms diametre flushed from the body (average life is
backpack one hour). They are not reusable. It will
also remove puss and dead flesh, while
cleaning the wound before suture any cut
-Nanobot Camera--These nanobots can
either travel through veins and arteries or
through muscle layers while transmitting
video images and data about any damage
or obstruction to a nearby medscanner.
A tiny molecular analyzer is used to
identify toxins, drugs and foreign agents.
Respiration is also monitored. The video
pictures enable the doctors to accurately

assess problems and determine the most the beam is rarely on for more than a
appropriate treatment without surgery. few seconds at a time.
-Medscanner--an electrical instrument -Laser scalpel--used to make deep
used to diagnose ailments such as incisions. Laser scalpels are preferred
detecting foreign matter in the target over sonic scalpels for some applications
bloodstream, dangerous bacteria, blood due to the fact that the laser scalpel
pressure, temperature, heartbeat, instantly cauterizes the wound,
respiration, level of hydration (or preventing bleeding. The scalpel's beam
dehydration), and a number of specific is adjustable and is often used to
chemical responses detectable through cauterize without actually cutting. They
the skin. The vital signs are displayed have a rechargeable internal battery that
on a small hand-held computer the size can power the beam for up to two
of a paperback novel and can be stored continuous hours at a time, though it
in memory, on disk, or transmitted to usually lasts far longer, since the beam is
another computer system. It will rarely on for more than a few seconds at
highlight and warn of dangerous or a time.
irregular vital signs and has a one metre -Antibody plus--10 hypo doses that
range increase the body's ability to recover
-Local Anesthetic--10 hypo doses to from diseases
relieve pain -Antitox--10 hypo doses to neutralize
-Plastiflesh--5 cans of spray which poisons
closes up wounds and heals burns - Stimdose-- 10 hypo doses to revive
-Omnifect--10 hypo doses to control unconscious individuals
infections - Staydose-- 10 hypo doses to put a
-Acid neutralizer--1 bottle of liquid to character to sleep for 24 hours, slowing
neutralize acids down his heartbeat and breathing, and
-Antiseptic--5 cans of spray to clean and helping stop bleeding.
disinfect a skin area -Elastic bandage-- 5 pieces for
-Microforceps--adjustable, used to bandaging strained ankle, etc
remove shrapnel and bullet fragments -1 sling-- 5 pieces for immobilizing
from wounds broken arm/sprained shoulder
-Spray hypo--syringe used to give shots -Antiseptic spray-- 2 cans for cleaning
without a needle and sterilizing wounds
-Stimdose--10 hypo doses to revive -Tweezers-- 5 pairs for removing small
unconscious individuals foreign objects
-Staydose--10 hypo doses to sustain a -Small scissors-- 5 pairs for cutting away
dying character for 20 hours material as needed
-Sonic scalpel-- A powered precision -1 booklet of first aid instructions-- -
cutting tool that uses focused sound to basic instructions (how to bandage a
cut metal, plastic, or flesh. Makes a wound, how to bandage a sprain, how to
smooth, bloodless incision up to 5 mm splint a limb, eye injuries, etc)
deep. Sonic scalpels have a rechargeable -Eyewash-- 2 bottles to clean and treat
internal battery that can power the beam eye injuries
for up to two continuous hours at a time, -Mild analgesic-- 2 bottles (50 pills
though it usually lasts far longer, since each) to reduce pain
-Sunscreen-- 1 bottle prevents sunburn

-Anti-diarrheal medicine-- 1 bottle -1 x Forceps Sharp Stainless Steel
treats symptoms of diarrhea (which 12.5cm
causes water loss) -2 x Blanket Emergency Accident
-Instasplint--2 inflatable sleeves forty- -1 x Probes Splinter 5s
five centimetres long which fit snugly -1 x Pins Safety Assorted 12s
over any limb, the instasplint -1 x Note pad & pencil
immobilizes the limb and reduces the -1 x Face Shield CPR Without Valve
chances of additional injury. -2 x Bag Specimen Biohazard
-Instacast--More durable than an -1 x Swabs Antiseptic 10s
instasplint, the instacast is an -10 x Saline Eye and Wound Irrigation
adjustable, plastic sleeve which hardens 15ml
when a catalytic solution is applied,
creating a rigid but relatively
comfortable 'cast'. Use of an instacast Medi-Pack
effectively halves the maneuver penalty
for a broken limb. It is easily removed
by the application of a softening
solution. A tube of each solution is
included with each instacast.
-2 x Bandage Crepe 10cm
-1 x Bandage Crepe 5cm
-2 x Bandage Crepe 7.5cm
-1 x Tape Zinc Oxide 2.5cm x 5m
-1 x Tape Hypoallergenic 2.5cm x 9m
-2 x Bandage Triangular 110cm
-1 x Cold Pack Instant
-1 x Dressing Universal 43cm x 20cm A standard first aid kit, the Medi-Pack
-2 x Dressing Combine 10cm x 10cm contains different types of dressings and
-2 x Dressing Combine 10cm x -20cm drugs, to provide limited medical help in
-2 x Dressing Non-Adherent 7.5cm x the event of injury.
10cm -Local Anesthetic-- 2 hypo doses to
-2 x Dressing Non-Adherent 5cm x 5cm relieve pain
-2 x Pad Eye -Plastiflesh--1 can of spray which closes
-1 x Dressing Length Adhesive 6cm x up wounds and heals burns
1m -Omnifect--5 hypo doses to control
-3 x Swabs Gauze 7.5cm x 7.5cm 3s infections
-1 x Strips Adhesive Plastic 50s -Acid neutralizer--1 bottle of liquid to
-5 x Dressing Island Adhesive -8.3cm x neutralize acids
6cm -Antiseptic-- 1 can of spray to clean and
-1 x Strips Adhesive Fabric 50s disinfect a skin area
-1 x Swabs Alcohol 10s -1 Microforceps
-1 x Scissors Sharp-Blunt Stainless Steel -1 Medscanner--an electrical instrument
12.5cm used to diagnose ailments such as
-1 x Shears Universal detecting foreign matter in the target
-5 x Gloves Large 2s bloodstream, dangerous bacteria, etc. It
has a one metre range

-Spray hypo--syringe used to give shots Portable AImed Stretcher
without a needle
-Stimdose--1 hypo dose
-Staydose--1 hypo dose
-Antibody plus--1 hypo dose
-Antitox--1 hypo dose
-Stimdose-- 1 hypo dose
-Staydose-- 1 hypo dose
-Elastic bandage-- 1 piece This lightweight artificial intelligence is
-1 sling used by U.N.I.T.T. emergency teams and
-Antiseptic spray-- 1 can is often used in large numbers for
-Tweezers-- 1 pair disaster relief. It is intended only for
-Small scissors-- 1 pair temporary care. The canopy closes over
-1 booklet of first aid instructions one occupant, sealing him from the
-Eyewash-- 1 bottle outside. The sealed environment allows
-Mild analgesic-- 1 bottles (50 pills) the stretcher to put the patient into a
-Sunscreen-- 1 bottle cryogenic stasis until better medical
-Anti-diarrheal medicine-- 1 bottle facilities may be reached. It also has a
-Instaplint--1 built in Medscanner so anyone carrying
1 x Bandage Crepe 5cm it can monitor the condition of the
1 x Bandage Crepe 7.5cm patient, as well as be able to immediately
1 x Surgical tape 1.25cm x 9m present the data to any medical staff by
2 x Bandage Triangular 110cm x 110cm wifi transmission or once they have
1 x Accident Emergency Blanket reached a doctor. It has antigravity lifts
1 x Swabs Gauze 7.5cm x 7.5cm 3 pack (1 mtr max) and handles at the ends and
2 x Dressing Combine 10cm x 10cm along the sides. The batteries run for
2 x Dressing Non-Adherent 7.5cm x approximately 24 hours of continuous
10cm operation before recharging. The
1 x Pad Eye batteries can be recharged wherever
1 x Strips Adhesive Plastic 50 pack normal electrical power is available.
5 x Swabs Alcohol Weight: 30 kg unloaded
1 x Scissors Sharp-Blunt Stainless Steel
1 x Gloves Large Pair (Disposable)
1 x Forceps Sharp Stainless Steel
1 x Safety Pins 12 Pack (Assorted)
1 x Notepad and Pencil
1 x Resuscitation Face Shield (without
10 x Cleansing Wipes
2 x Saline Steritube 15ml
1 x Sachet Burnaid 3.5g

U.N.I.T.T. Survival Equipment 1 10 mtr coil of rope which can support
Survivalkit up to 300 kgs
1 Medi Pack
2 packages of Survival Rations (Each
package provides enough food for one
person for four days; eight days total.)
8 litres of water
1 Sleeping bag
1 tube tent - shelter for 1 person against
the elements
1 signal mirror - for daytime signaling
1 laser pointer - for night time signaling
1 whistle - for audio signaling
1 emergency beacon – size of a
flashlight with a 100 km range.
1 bottle of water purification tablets (50)
- kills bacterial contaminants in water
(each tablet purifies one litre of water,
Every U.N.I.T.T. vehicle has at least one does not remove chemical contaminants)
Emergency Survival Kit for each crew 1 canteen with filter cartridges - extends
and passenger. The bag itself is water supply by filtering found water
completely waterproof and weights (filter may not eliminate all biological
15kgs. contaminants)
The contents are as follows; 1 knife and sheath
1 Machete + sheath 1 collapsible shovel
1 Everflame - A permanent, waterproof, 1 pocket tool *
windproof lighter guaranteed to last 5 1 package of glowsticks (10) - additional
years. light source
1 All Weather Blanket - a 3mtr x 3mtr 1 pair of stretch coveralls includes belt
blanket with a layer of soft pseudowool and head cover
on one side, and a layer of smooth 1 booklet of survival instructions - basic
waterproof plastic on the other. The techniques (how to find water, how to
blanket will keep a character warm in traverse rough terrain, camp hygiene,
temperatures down to 0° (freezing etc)
temperature). The blanket can be used 1 pair of high-quality sunglasses.
to carry water. If the blanket is used to 1 Kitchen Sink (see below)
line a pit in the desert, it will collect 1
litre of dew overnight. Kitchen Sink
1 Compass This device is similar to a pocket knife,
1 Flashlight - about the size of a pencil. but it includes many small tools besides
It contains enough power to operate for a pen-knife blade; a universal
200 hours. Its beam will shine up to 100 screwdriver, a small adjustable wrench,
metres. vice pliers, a hole puncher, an
1 Life Jacket - an inflatable vest that will electromagnet, and a small flashlight that
keep a character afloat for any length of will shine up to 25 metres.
time. It comes folded into a package Main tools:
about the size of a person's fist.

Large blade Collapsible Shelter
Small blade Capable of housing 10 comfortably, this
Nail file/ nail cleaner/ metal file/ metal structure is more rigid than a tent and is
saw capable of withstanding a rougher
Wood saw climate. It can be sealed from
Fish scaler/ hook disgorger/ ruler in cms atmosphere but requires a separate air
and inches supply. Folds to a 20 x 20 x 50 cm
Scissors package weighing 16kg.
Electrician's blade / wire scraper
Pruning blade
Pharmaceutical spatula (cuticle pusher) Portable Bed
Cyber Tool (bit driver) An air mattress and frame, with air
Pliers / wire cutter / wire crimper pillow and veriwool blanket. A tiny
LED light pump inflates the bed and powers a
USB stick warmth unit in the blanket, if desired.
Magnifying lens Weighs 2 kg and collapses into a 10 x 10
Phillips screwdriver x 5 cm. package.
Hoof cleaner
Shackle opener / marlinspike
Can opener / 3 mm slotted screwdriver Pressure Tent
Cap opener / 6 mm slotted screwdriver / Similar to the tent above, this unit has a
wire stripper double skin and can be sealed from a
Combination tool containing cap hostile atmosphere. It includes a pump
opener / can opener / 5 mm slotted and an air supply enough for four people
screwdriver / wire stripper to breathe comfortably for 20 hours (four
Smaller tools: Air Packs). Folds to a 20
Keyring cm cube and weighs 8 kg.
Multipurpose hook
2mm slotted screwdriver Tent
Chisel Holds four people comfortably, made of
Corkscrew or Phillips driver a virtually indestructible plastic
Mini screwdriver (designed to fit within material which also has superior
the corkscrew) insulating qualities. It weighs but 3 kg
Scale tools: and collapses to a 12 cm cube when not
Tweezers in use.
Pressurized ballpoint pen (retractable
and can be used to set DIP switches)
Stainless pin
Digital clock/ alarm / timer/ altimetre/
thermometre/ barometre

U.N.I.T.T. Technician · 1 Spray lubricant--10 applications of
Equipment pressurized synthoil
Techkit · 1 Spray waterproofing--will insulate
circuits, cloth, etc., from moisture; five
- 2 Plastiseals-- Package of compressed
plastic which, when activated, expands
to a 2-metre x 2-metre sheet of airtight
plastic, used for sealing holes in ships.
Several sheets of plastiseal can be used
together to patch a very large hole.
· 1 Electrodriver, ion bonding tape,
insulated wire, spray lubricant,
The technician's toolkit contains all of electrosnips, spray waterproofing--all the
the tools needed to make field repairs on same as those in the techkit.
vehicles, mechs and other equipment. · 1 Solder--1-metre roll of conductive
Because plasteel is used to make so soft metal
many items that formerly were made of · 1 Magnetic by-pass clips--10 small
steel or iron, the kit weighs only 20 kg connectors used to short-circuit wiring
and can be carried in a backpack. A · 1 Demagnetizer--electrical tool to
techkit contains: demagnetize fouled circuits Spray
· 1 Socket wrench--adjustable from 5 cleaner--spray solvent to remove dirt
mms to 5 cms from the robot's works; 10 applications
· 1 Open end wrench--adjustable as · 1 Miniature flashlight--20 hours of
socket wrench light; magnetized handle
· 1 Insulated wire--10 metres · 1 Calipers--capable of taking
· 1 Uninsulated wire--25 metres, can measurements as small as .001 mm
support 2,000 kgs · 1 Needlenose pliers
· 1 Prybar--1 metre plasteel rod, · 1 Sonic Scalpel--tool for cutting
collapses to 10 cms plastic, metal or flesh; makes a smooth,
· 1 Jack--5,000 kg capacity, .5 metre lift, bloodless incision up to 5 mms deep
collapses to 200 cms cube · 1 Oscilloscope--miniaturized viewer
· 1 Hammer--large ballpeen high-impact which displays information on electrical
head flow and other aspects of circuitry
· 1 lon Bonding Tape--10 cms wide x 5 - 1 Laser Cutter -- A device consisting of
mtrs long, bonds directly to any metal a handle with a 13 cm long, slender ( 1
· 1 Plastibond--tube of plastic filler, cm in diameter at the widest point) cone.
bonds to any plastic surface in one A dial on the base of the handle controls
minute; five applications width and intensity of the pinpoint laser
· 500 nuts, bolts, clamps, screws and beam, which can be used to either cut
nails through thin material or fuse circuits.
· 10 hoses of assorted sizes Though fairly powerful, it is not very
· 1 Electrosnips--powered metal-cutting practical as a weapon since the beam
shears (sheet metal only) focuses about 1-5 cms from the tip of the
· 1 Magnegrips--electromagnetic cone.

- 1 Heavy Cutter-- The heavy-duty - 1 Dosimetre with a 1 km range
version of the laser above, this device is - 1 Touch screen computer with
more powerful: it will burn through an unfoldable 4 piece display screen and
inch of alloyed steel in moments, able to 200 terrabyte hard drive with 1 terrabyte
cut a 1 meter diameter hole in a standard of RAM
ships interior door in 15 seconds. The - 1 Digital camera for still photograph
beam can be set for up to 30 cm of focus and video
length, but is most effective at about 5 - 1 Toxin analyzer
cm. It is also able to weld. - 1 Power Scanner; This scan reveals
any form of radiation, running the full
Portable Lab spectrum from gamma to infrared,
automatically screening out the usual
background radiations (unless
programmed to do otherwise). This is
useful in detecting transmission sources,
as well as any sort of energy generator.
Range varies tremendously depending
on the power/transmission, but an
activated scanner could pick up an
unshielded communicator beam at a
range of about 1 km, while it could
detect a large, operating fusion reactor
from as far as 100 kms.
- 1 Repair Scanner; Successful use of the
This portable unit can perform several repair Scanner allows a Technician to
types of scanlanalysis, as well as record determine the exact causes and effects of
scan information for future, more malfunctions or damage to mechanical,
detailed analysis later. It includes the lower, and electrical systems. It can
following; detect even minute electrical currents at
- 1 Microscope in a specially padded a range of 100 mtrs. The Repair scanner
housing is able to trace power lines and circuitry,
- 12 specimen slides + 12specimen trays and - with a skilled operator - analyze
for storage and transportation of item(s) flawed circuits as a prelude to repair. It
for further analysis. A variety of vials, can also analyze electronic locks as a
jars and test tubes. prelude to defeating them. The Repair
- 1 incubation chamber scanner also has fine tuning controls,
- 4 burners allowing it to determine detailed interior
-1 refrigeration chamber which is about structures of any object within 20
half the size of the incubation metres. The Scanner is able to penetrate
chamber most normal physical objects (walls,
- 1 insolation chamber; a special, bulkheads) and force fields.
airtight, sealable compartment about the - 1 Bioscanner--This device consists of a
size of the incubation chamber network of straps and electrodes
- 1 chemical cabinet which holds several connected to a readout gauge. When
dozen chemicals commonly needed in attached to a plant or animal, living or
the analysis of chemical structures dead, it can determine what type
- 1 Centrifuge Device

organism is being examined and whether Section 10:
it is edible or poisonous.
- 1 Vapourscanner--This small device U.N.A.K.R.D.F. (United
contains sensitive gas analyzers. It will Nations Anti Kaiju Rapid
report on a digital screen what gaseous
elements are present, their quantities and Deployment Force)
whether breathing them is dangerous.
- 1 Geoscanner--This can break down up
to a first-sized sample of rock or soil and
analyze it. It will report what minerals
the sample contains and whether there
are likely to be valuable ore, gas or oil
deposits nearby.

U.N.I.T.T. Flight Equipment

Jet-Pack, Standard

The U.N.A.K.R.D.F. is an international

joint military organization formed by the
United Nations, bound together by the
shared goal of containing, combating
The U.N.I.T.T. jet pack is attached to a and eliminating the Kaiju. It began as a
harness, and worn across the back, subsection of S.H.A.D.O.W. but
enabling agents limited flight capability consequently has grown large enough to
within atmospheric environments. exist as its own organization.
Internal gyroscopic stabilizers and a
highly sophisticated ground-following Using retrieved extraterrestrial
terrain screen allow even a beginner to technology the U.N.A.K.R.D.F. have
maneuver safely his first time out. It uses constructed various mecha to combat the
a solar engine allowing continuous flight giant monsters which live on Shadow
for about 5 hours. Island as well as occasional incursions
Weight: 20 kg from other dimensions.
Max Speed: 720 kph
Ceiling: 1 km
Acceleration/Deceleration: 25 mtrs
per round
SDC: 100

History systems and calculating the required
In 1989 what would eventually be called manpower to pilot a mech, they would
Terror Island arrived off the coast of eventually succeed, urging the U.N. to
South Australia through an offer their continued support of the
interdimensional gateway created as a program. After another Kaiju attack, this
side effect of the dimensional battle in time on Lima construction of the mechs
2020. were authorized, with the bulk of the
work to be done in Japan. There they
Soon after there were three Kaiju attacks would be dubbed ‘Mobile Weapons
in Tokyo, Los Angeles, and Sydney. In Platforms’. Their explicit purpose was
each instance the various Kaiju are the defense of various countries and
repelled by various superhero groups cities bordering coastlines from Kaiju
and return to Terror Island. attack.
S.H.A.D.O.W. was tasked with securing
the island and a naval blockade By 1992 Mecha facilities had begun
maintained by various countries was set construction in various cities around the
up there. world which were built on coastlines.
First among them were Adelaide in
1990 saw the second war of the worlds Australia (due to its proximity to
with the Martians. S.H.A.D.O.W. and Shadow Island); Santa Maria in the US;
various superhero (and some Penzance in the UK; Porto Alegre in
supervillain) groups took heavy losses in Brazil; Chennai in India; Hong Kong in
fighting the Martians. Just when Martian China; Nikolayevsk-na-Amure in
victory seemed assured they made the Russia, and Yokohama in Japan.
critical error was of attacking Shadow
Island for the energy sources they In recent times funding has waned
detected there. Instead the monster somewhat as there have been less Kaiju
inhabitants massacred the bulk of the attacks and the money has been needed
invaders allowing earth forces to mop up elsewhere.
the rest.

This changed everything.

S.H.A.D.O.W.’s brief with Terror Island

was changed. First it would be renamed
Shadow Island with full control of it
being given to S.H.A.D.O.W. Second a
research facility would be built there
which would include not only scientists
but also mystical experts, geologists and

However some form of defense was

required against rogue kaiju.
Though they would encounter problems
properly implementing the power

Kaiju Prediction Network mobile weapon platforms in response to
The Kaiju Prediction Network the Kaiju threat.
abbreviated KPN, is part of the
organization dedicated to tracking and A Mecha Academy was created to train
studying Kaiju. It also acts as a Kaiju personnel who volunteered or enlisted
emergency warning system for any into the program for various positions
islands or countries which suddenly find that included becoming a pilot.
themselves in the path of a giant
monster. The KPN uses Specific Area M-Academy
Message Encoding (SAME) which is The Mecha Academy is an institution
utilized on AM, FM and Land Mobile created by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F. to train
Radio Service, as well as VHF, UHF, new pilots for their respective Mechas in
Cable television and low-power stations. the war against the Kaiju. The training
Following the SAME, a representative of program at the Mecha Academy takes a
the U.N.A.K.R.D.F. will issue necessary total of twenty four weeks, divided into
instructions to civilians on where to go three eight-week trimesters. The
in the event of a Kaiju attack. Civilians Academy serves as both a recruitment
living on the coastlines are drilled and training center. The academy works
sporadically with the KPN. In to prepare future pilots and candidates
conjunction with the alert system, Civil for service in the U.N.A.K.R.D.F., and
defense sirens are used to warn city the physical and mental demands it
populations of oncoming danger as requires.
mechs are deployed. U.N.A.K.R.D.F.
personnel assist in the evacuation of Students learn about the technical
civilians from cities and into Anti-Kaiju aspects of piloting a Mecha and are
Shelters if there isn't time to leave the constantly tested and pushed to their
immediate area. If required physical and mental limits; how much a
T.S.U.N.A.M.I. and S.H.A.D.O.W. can student can remember, learn and
also render aid with evacuations. maintain within a short period of time
determines whether or not they’ll be able
M-Tech to make the cut and become a pilot.
M-Tech or Mecha Technology is an Their ability to trust the person next to
occupation given to officers in charge of them, relative or otherwise noted, is also
the maintenance of the Mecha systems incumbent on determining their status as
and robotics. M-Tech officers are pilots. Training exercises which
responsible for programming logistics normally provide education in a service
involved in Mecha weaponry and environment are presented in battle
combat, as well as the creation and simulations or one-one-one combat
maintenance of the special sessions.
communications equipment and the
Mecha bases. Very few who join the academy ever
make it past the first cut. Those who
M-Program train pilot hopefuls, train them with the
The Mecha Program is a project that intention of breaking their spirit;
focuses on the development of massive maintaining relentless tactics to
exemplify the mercilessness of the Kaiju

the trainees will hope to face in battle as food for all personnel, including a place
pilots. Anyone who scrubs out at any to hone their fighting skills.
point after the first cut still qualifies for a
support position. Located near major bodies of water, M-
Bases have three major points of
Recruits study tactics, engineering, basic deployment for Mechs; by land, by sea
and Kaiju science. Should they make the or by air. The very top of a base is
cut, they move on to pilot training. mechanized dome-shaped roof that
Trainees are required to master an array opens, allowing twelve transport
of combat disciplines to properly vehicles, to lift certain Mechs out of the
condition their bodies for battle in facility and toward an incursion point.
Mecha. These include a total The other means of exporting Mechas
unconscious mastery of the 52 positions from the base is using massive
of Mecha Bushido. Recruits train in the submersible transports, and mechanized
mock-pod simulator and learn how to land platforms that can carry mechs by
synch with their mech. Trainees are road.
required to master their minds while a
commanding officer observes in Operations within the bases are overseen
preparation for the Mecha’s pilot system. in the Mission Control, a massive room,
overcrowded with tracking systems that
The quicker they are inside the oversee Kaiju attacks as they happen,
simulation, the better the and the status of the pilots. Mechs are
synchronization is likely to be. A vast often sequestered in their own respective
majority will be cut here. bays. Maintenance of Mechs are
How quickly they react to a loss of a maintained by each country’s respective
balance of systems control within the M-Tech teams. Large mobile catwalks
Mecha sets them apart from the rest of were designed to move around any given
their colleagues. The few recruits who area of a Mech above the ground,
make the second cut are allowed to start allowing teams to repair the mechs
logging time on the test range in an wherever necessary.
actual Mecha.
The considerations for the placement of
M-Bases M-Bases are regional and tactical, not
Mecha bases are the primary political. They are built where they can
headquarters of the U.N.A.K.R.D.F. and best and most quickly serve the region
factories for the construction, repair, they are protecting.
maintenance and launch of the Mechs.
All operations, training and experiments All personnel are issued standard ID
regarding the Kaiju are carried out cards in order to allow entry into each
within their respective Mecha bases. M-Base. All security within are
instructed to shoot to kill intruders on
The bases are massive buildings sight in restricted areas.
designed or built to house over a dozen
or more facilities and personnel directly
dedicated to the repair and operations of
the mechs. M-Bases provide housing and

U.N.A.K.R.D.F. Agent Step 2: Skills
Agents gain the following free skills
from their basic training;
Pilot Combat Power Armour
Land Navigation
HTH Martial Arts
WP Pistol
WP Rifle

Agents must then choose one of the

sections below to specialize in. All the
skills listed in each category are gained

Aviation Mechanic
These mechanics maintain the
U.N.A.K.R.D.F.’s small air force.
Aerospace Engineering, Weapons
Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Aircraft
Mechanics, Electrical Engineer, and
Radio Advanced.

Aviation Pilot
These pilots fly both the aircraft
responsible for the highly dangerous
deployment and extraction of Mechs in
the event of a Kaiju attack, using
specialized aircraft designed to
efficiently transport the Mech structures.
Pilots require both courage and
protective instincts in order to adapt to
Here is the package available for anyone the physical rigors of specialty vehicle
wanting to play a United Nations Anti operations and the necessity of entering
Kaiju Rapid Deployment Force agent. drop zones to deploy Mechs.
Step 1: Attributes Navigation, Pilot Combat Jet, Pilot
Roll up attributes as normal. Through Combat Helicopter, Pilot Airplane, Pilot
intense physical and mental training the Commercial Helicopter, Pilot
character has wound up with the Commercial Jet, and Weapon Systems.
following bonuses;
+2 to PS, PP, and PE. +6 to SPD. SDC Field Agent
+10. These are the standard field support
agents. They may find themselves
deployed to any M-Base on the planet.

During a Kaiju attack, Agents are Ground Armoured Vehicle Crew
dispatched to the streets of an exclusion These agents drive formidable armoured
zone, aiding in evacuation towards Anti- vehicles such as tanks, armoured
Kaiju Shelters. They also assist in the personnel carriers, combat
clean up following a Kaiju attack, reconnaissance vehicles, mecha
especially containing and neutralizing transporters and other U.N.A.K.R.D.F.
toxic threats. Agents may also guard the land vehicles; operating their weapons
M-Bases and managing basic maintenance.
Skills: Skills:
Detect Ambushes, Intelligence, Pilot Navigation, Pilot Tank, Pilot Truck,
Jetpack, Prowl, WP Submachine Gun, Pilot Auto, Weapon Systems, and WP
and Investigate. Submachine Gun.

Field Engineer Ground Mechanic

Engineers are responsible for project The ground mechanics maintain and
managing the construction, repair and service various military vehicles
maintenance of roads, airfields, sea including tanks, armoured personnel
terminals, railways, buildings and carriers, trucks, bulldozers, 4WDs and
bridges following a Kaiju attack. In motor bikes. Mechanics work not only in
addition, they are involved in the a workshop, but also out in the field on
construction of field defenses and exercises and deployments.
obstacles and aiding the community in Skills:
humanitarian efforts. They may also Weapons Engineer, Mechanical
provide terrain assessment advice and Engineer, Electrical Engineer,
the provision of construction materials Metallurgy, Advanced Radio, and
and essential services such as water, Auto/Truck Mechanics.
electricity, and sewerage disposal.
Skills: M-Academy Trainer
Construction Engineering, Fortification, These are mainly ex mech pilots who
Carpentry, Metallurgy, Engineer Mining, can no longer continue due to injury or
and Engineer Industrial. post traumatic stress disorder. They are
responsible for training Mech pilots in
Field Medic an array of combat techniques, including
The medical teams are comprised of hand-to-hand combat, martial arts, as
doctors, surgeons and nurses, among well as the Mech weaponry. With the
other medically trained staff. They Mechs they teach battle techniques,
handle day-to-day injuries in the M- including close-quarter combat, melee
Bases and assist civilians following a strikes, and special weapons tactics,
Kaiju attack. these individuals are responsible for
Skills: training pilots for the specific combat
First Aid, Medical Doctor, Toxicology, requirements and situations that arise
Investigate, Field Surgery, and Drugs. when facing Kaiju.
Lore Demons and Monsters, Pilot
Commercial Power Armour, Pilot

Combat Power Armour, Weapons behaviour that will work in the favour of
Systems, Mecha Combat, and Instructor. earth’s forces in combat.
Mecha Mechanic Xeno Ecology, Biology, Chemistry,
These mechanics are responsible for the Genetics Engineer, Xenology and Lore
maintenance, repair and support of all Demons and Monsters.
the Mechs.
Skills: Step 3: Abilities
Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Agents start with the following free;
Engineer, Robot Electronics, Radio Patron - Agents have full access to
Systems, Weapons Engineer, and Robot U.N.A.K.R.D.F. 's and U.N.I.T.T.’s
Mechanics. inventory (subject to the GM's
discretion) of weapons, equipment and
Mecha Pilot clothing
These are the members of the .
U.N.A.K.R.D.F. assigned to pilot the The character gains 20 Points to spend
Mechs and Super Mechs. All Pilots are on any of the following abilities. As they
required to undergo rigorous training earn more experience they may buy or
within the M-Academy. The top 1% of rebuy more abilities.
these pilots go on to pilot the Super
Mechs. Blurred Attack
Skills: Cost: 5
Navigation, Pilot Power Armour The character can pull out a weapon
Civilian, Pilot Power Armour Military, without it counting as an action. This
Read Sensory Instruments, Mecha means you can draw and initiate combat
Combat, and Weapon Systems. as a single attack. He may then shoot a
number of times equal to his number of
Mecha Scientist attacks in a single shot (eg. if you have 6
These specialists are responsible for the attacks you can fire 6 shots per attack
design, testing and construction of new round). Or this may be used with thrown
offensive weapons and defenses for the weapons which likewise have a skill in.
Mechs. They are responsible for
programming the Mechs and improving Contacts
their interfaces making them smarter and Cost: 5
easier. The player may have 1 contact per 5 MA
Skills: within the UN and various world
Robot Electronics, Computer Engineer, governments. The player should
Weapons Engineer, Robot Mechanics, determine this with the GM. Add an
Weapon Systems, and Lore Demons and equal amount of contacts each time
Monsters. rebought.

Xenoscientist Focused Shot

Xenoscientists are required to regularly Cost: 5
analyze and examine each new Kaiju When using a ranged weapon you may
that crosses over to our world in order to sacrifice all your attacks for an
assess a weakness or particular additional +1 to hit per attack you lost

(eg. 4 attacks = +4 strike). When using Only one; the U.N.A.K.R.D.F. though it
this no other actions are possible during is possible to transfer to other sections of
that melee. U.N.I.T.T.

Inured to pain Step 5: Disadvantages

Cost: 5 The character is watched by his
The character has an incredibly high organization at Extreme level. No
pain threshold. +1 to stun and trauma. privacy whatsoever. If he betrays the
Unfortunately he doesn't notice most U.N.A.K.R.D.F. he will be hunted at
minor injuries, including bleeding. Extreme level. +20 points.

KO Step 6: Equipment
Cost: 5 The uniform’s colour is a mix of green
The character has an unusually hard, and orange. It is made of 9-ply Kevlar, a
powerful punch. His blows do an material able to withstand the ballistic
additional +1 damage (+1 each time impact of up to .45 caliber slugs, and is
rebought) and a Knock out on a 20 also fire-resistant and water proof. It
(drops by 1 each time rebought). includes;
- 1 shoulder holster which holds 1 Close
Presence Defence Equalizer
Cost: 5 - 1 boot holster which holds 1 Combat
The character has an iron will and Knife
radiates an aura of confidence and - 1 belt holster which holds 3 Mini
authority, +1 to reaction. He is immune Grenades of choice
to intimidation. - 1 watch communicator with detachable
ear piece to insert into one ear (100km
Sanity Bonus radio link range or unlimited when
Cost: 10 connected to the satellite), and
+1 to mental trauma rolls retractable monofilament garrote (D10
slicing damage)
Skill Bonus - 1 utility belt (see below)
Cost: 10 - 1 jetpack (depending on mission)
The character gains +10% to all skill - 1 Battlesuit (depending on mission)
rolls of one category.
Utility Belt
Strike Bonus This contains;
Cost: 10 - 1 micro respirator (30 mins air and
+1 to strike filters out any noxious gases),
- 1 silencer for the CDE,
Will Bonus - 1 infrared sight for the CDE
Cost: 10 - 5 tracers; a tiny transmitter that can be
+1 to horror factor rolls attached to clothing, dropped into a
pocket or bag, or stuck under a car.
Step 4: Career Linking it to his watch he may then
safely follow the source of the signal.

- 1 jammer; a small hand-held device U.N.A.K.R.D.F. Battle Suits
which jams all radio signals within 150
Battle Suit, Standard
metres. These include radios, wifi, and
street cameras.
- 1 medipack (see medical equipment
- 4 other pouches with various small
pieces of equipment of choice like spare
ammo clips
SDC: 200
AR: 12

This is the standard U.N.A.K.R.D.F.

body armour used by Field Agents,
Ground Armoured Vehicle Crew, and
Academy Trainers.

Type: Hostile Environment Body

Armour AKRDF-1

Weight: 7 kgs

AR: 14

Head/Helmet: 100
Arms: 80 each
Legs: 90 each
Main Body: 200

Combat Computer: Calculates, stores
and transmits data onto a heads up
display. Tied into the units targeting

computer. Can hold hundreds of entries and circulation systems (gas filtration,
about various enemies and robots/power humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
armour/aircraft/vehicles. Assists in when needed and can recirculate
selecting and locking on to enemy breathable air for up to 2 days if
targets. +1 to Thac0 using ranged necessary, computer controlled
weapons. It also has ammunition independent oxygen supply and purge
counters, GPS, gyro compass, friend or system that has up to 4 hours of
foe identification, and damage breathable air that automatically engages
assessment indicators. in low oxygen or contaminated air
environments, insulated high
Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency temperature resistant shielding for up to
SOS repeater lasting 1 month. 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do
no damage though nuclear, and plasma
External Audio Pick-up system: Sound fires do full damage), radiation shielded
amplification listening systems that can up to several hundred rads, and polarized
pick up a whisper at a range of 30 mtrs and light sensitive/adjusting tinted
away and louder sounds at longer viewport.
Utility Belt: Includes portable GPS,
Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that gyro compass, and emergency beacon.
amplifies and projects the wearer's voice
up to 60 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a

Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to
500 mtrs. Flare protection. Digital video
and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range

direction communication systems with
video telecast capabilities out to a range
of 500kms that can be boosted if proper
signal towers or relay systems are in
place or via use of satellite. Also a
directional short-range radio with a
range of 30kms. Both radios have full
encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The armour is airtight and

comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in space,
underwater and against gas attacks. It
has a computer controlled life support
system that includes: internal cooling
and temperature control, air purification

Battle Suit, Medic specific chemical responses detectable
through the skin. The vital signs are
displayed on the left wrist computer. It
will highlight and warn of dangerous or
irregular vital signs and has a one metre

Medi-Pack: A portable first aid kit

carried in the right shoulder.

Optics Package: This includes a

Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to
500 mtrs. Flare protection. Digital video
and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range

direction communication systems with
video telecast capabilities out to a range
of 500kms that can be boosted if proper
signal towers or relay systems are in
place or via use of satellite. Also a
directional short-range radio with a
This is the U.N.A.K.R.D.F. body armour range of 30kms. Both radios have full
used by Field Medics. encryption capabilities.

Type: Hostile Environment Body Sealed: The armour is airtight and

Armour AKRDF-2 comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in space,
Weight: 7 kgs underwater and against gas attacks. It
has a computer controlled life support
AR: 14 system that includes: internal cooling
and temperature control, air purification
HPs and circulation systems (gas filtration,
Head/Helmet: 100 humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
Arms: 80 each when needed and can recirculate
Legs: 90 each breathable air for up to 2 days if
Main Body: 200 necessary, computer controlled
independent oxygen supply and purge
Equipment system that has up to 4 hours of
Medscanner: An electrical instrument breathable air that automatically engages
on the left shoulder used to diagnose in low oxygen or contaminated air
ailments such as detecting foreign matter environments, insulated high
in the target bloodstream, dangerous temperature resistant shielding for up to
bacteria, blood pressure, temperature, 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do
heartbeat, respiration, level of hydration no damage though nuclear, and plasma
(or dehydration), and a number of

fires do full damage), radiation shielded Battlesuit, Technician
up to several hundred rads, and polarized
and light sensitive/adjusting tinted

Utility Belt: same as standard armour

and toxin analyzer.

This is the U.N.A.K.R.D.F. body armour

used by Aviation Mechanics, Ground
Mechanics, Mecha Mechanics, Field
Engineers, Mecha Scientists and Xenon

Type: Hostile Environment Body

Armour AKRDF-3

Weight: 7 kgs

AR: 14

Head/Helmet: 100
Arms: 80 each
Legs: 90 each
Main Body: 200

Tech Computer: This device in the
right shoulder reveals any form of
radiation, running the full spectrum from
gamma to infrared, automatically

screening out the usual background away and louder sounds at longer
radiations (unless programmed to do distances.
otherwise). This is useful in detecting
transmission sources, as well as any sort Optics Package: This includes a
of energy generator. Range varies Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to
tremendously depending on the 500 mtrs. Flare protection, digital video
power/transmission, but an activated and audio recording, and Telescopic
scanner could pick up an unshielded Vision up to 1km.
communicator beam at a range of about
1 km, while it could detect a large, Radio Communications: Long-range
operating fusion reactor from as far as direction communication systems with
100 kms. video telecast capabilities out to a range
of 500kms that can be boosted if proper
Repair Computer: Worn on the left signal towers or relay systems are in
wrist this allows a Technician to place or via use of satellite. Also a
determine the exact causes and effects of directional short-range radio with a
malfunctions or damage to mechanical, range of 30kms. Both radios have full
lower, and electrical systems. It can encryption capabilities.
detect even minute electrical currents at
a range of 100 mtrs. The Repair scanner Sealed: The armour is airtight and
is able to trace power lines and circuitry, comes with an onboard air circulation
and with a skilled operator analyze supply, and air system. Suitable against
flawed circuits as a prelude to repair. It gas attacks. It has a computer controlled
can also analyze electronic locks as a life support system that includes:
prelude to defeating them. The Repair internal cooling and temperature control,
scanner also has fine tuning controls, air purification and circulation systems
allowing it to determine detailed interior (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier)
structures of any object within 20 that engages when needed and can
metres. The Scanner is able to penetrate recirculate breathable air for up to 2 days
most normal physical objects (walls, if necessary, computer controlled
bulkheads) and force fields, though independent oxygen supply and purge
the GM may wish to include a difficulty system that has up to 4 hours of
subtraction when trying to read through breathable air that automatically engages
a number of obstacles. in low oxygen or contaminated air
environments, insulated high
Vapourscanner: This small device on temperature resistant shielding for up to
the right wrist contains sensitive gas 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do
analyzers. It will report on a digital no damage though nuclear, and plasma
screen what gaseous elements are fires do full damage), radiation shielded
present, their quantities and whether up to several hundred rads, and polarized
breathing them is dangerous. and light sensitive/adjusting tinted
External Audio Pick-up system: Sound
amplification listening systems that can Utility Belt: same as standard armour
pick up a whisper at a range of 30 mtrs and toxin analyzer.

Battlesuit, Pilot has a computer controlled life support
system that includes: internal cooling
and temperature control, air purification
and circulation systems (gas filtration,
humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate
breathable air for up to 3 days if
necessary, computer controlled
independent oxygen supply and purge
system that has up to 8 hours of
breathable air that automatically engages
in low oxygen or contaminated air
environments, insulated high
temperature resistant shielding for up to
200 degrees centigrade (normal fires do
no damage though nuclear, and plasma
fires do full damage), radiation shielded
up to several hundred rads, and polarized
and light sensitive/adjusting tinted

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency

SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

This is the U.N.A.K.R.D.F. body armour Optics Package: This includes a

used by Aviation Pilots and Mecha Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to
Pilots. 500 mtrs. Flare protection. Digital video
and audio recording, and Telescopic
Type: Hostile Environment Body Vision up to 1km.
Armour AKRDF-4
Radio Communications: Long-range
Weight: 7 kgs direction communication systems with
video telecast capabilities out to a range
AR: 14 of 500kms that can be boosted if proper
signal towers or relay systems are in
HPs place or via use of satellite. Also a
Head/Helmet: 100 directional short-range radio with a
Arms: 80 each range of 30kms. Both radios have full
Legs: 90 each encryption capabilities.
Main Body: 200
Utility Belt: same as standard armour.
Sealed: The armour is airtight and
comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in space,
underwater and against gas attacks. It

Super Mobile Weapons Platforms (aka Super Robots)
The Super Robots giant versions of the standard military mecha, with an arsenal of
fantastic super-powered weapons, and extremely resistant to damage. Each SMWP
are one-of-a-kind as opposed to the mass produced standard mechs. As an alternative to
nuclear weaponry, SMWPs were designed to generate as much kinetic energy as tactical
ordnance. They are built to match the estimated scale of Kaiju, and have a mix of hand-
to-hand, close-quarters weapons such as swords and ranged weapons. In order to prevent
damage to major cities, SMWPs are often deployed from their respective M-Bases into
the neighbouring harbours or oceans of cities that hug the coastlines. Though they fight at
a disadvantage in the water, a SMWP 's priority is to prevent Kaiju from crossing the
Miracle Mile, the last-ditch perimeter within a few miles offshore. Should a Kaiju bypass
a SMWP and cross the ten-mile line, it becomes difficult to stop a Kaiju from reaching
the land. As such, unavoidable combat that occurs within populated cities creates equal, if
not more damage to the surrounding environment.

Manufacturer Products
A.R.E.S. International Robotic Melee and Ranged Weapons
Corum Industries Robotic Body Shell
Cyber Horizons Robotic Software
Daitachi Internal Robotic Mechanics
Eon Internal Robotic Mechanics
Eurotech Internal Robotic Electronics
Exotech Internal Robotic Electronics
Gateway Innovations Robotic Software
Gigasonic Robotic Software
H-Tech Internal Robotic Electronics
M.S.I. Internal Robotic Mechanics
Metatech Internal Robotic Mechanics
Milicorps Robotic Melee and Ranged Weapons
Mitsashi Automations Robotic Body Shell
Sinotech Robotic Body Shell
Tomorrow Technologies Internal Robotic Electronics

Code Location Super Robot stationed there
1 Yokohama in Japan Combattra
2 Hong Kong in China Red Ronin
3 Nikolayevsk-na-Amure in Russia Crimson Doom
4 Chennai in India Grandizer
5 Adelaide in Australia Raydeen
6 Corpus Christi in the US Mazinga
7 La Serena in Chile Dragun
8 Sao Luis in Brazil Daimos
9 Toamasina in Madagascar Voltes V
10 Mahia in New Zealand Danguard Ace

Equipment present in all SMWPs
Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 10 mtr radius of the

Combat Computer: Calculates, stores and transmits data onto a heads up display.
Typically tied into the units targeting computer. Can hold hundreds of entries about
various enemies and robots/power armour/aircraft/vehicles. Assists in selecting and
locking on to enemy targets. +1 to Thac0 using ranged weapons.

Damage Control Repair: When the robot is damaged the pilot can take a turn to attempt
to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing D20 SDC
or 1 system. This is tied to the Robot’s DCR or Damage Control Repair. To do this he
decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the amount of points used
equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the roll is equal to or less
than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the damage is erased. If the roll
is higher than the number of points allotted then it is unsuccessful and cannot be repaired
in the field. Other systems also can be repaired using the robot's DCR, as many as the
pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to
each repair. One roll is allowed every 30 minutes.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the robot in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Mecha Myomere: This is a specially designed artificial analog of biological muscles

with a greater strength to weight ratio. They are engaged with electrical current and its
strength depends on the amount of fibres activated, not the current provided. They have
high electrical resistance, channeling and discharging any excess into the ground. These
artificial muscles are what allows a mech to move its arms and legs in a humanoid way.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the mech so the pilot can see in all

directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Rotating Parts: Head, shoulders, hands at wrist, and upper torso at waist, can rotate in a
360 degree circle.

Sealed Cockpit: A crew cabin that is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a
computer controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature
control, air purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier)
that engages when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 4 days if necessary,
computer controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system that has up to 6 hours
of breathable air that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air
environments, insulated high temperature resistant shielding for up to 300 degrees
centigrade (normal fires do no damage though nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage),
radiation shielded up to several hundred rads, and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting
tinted viewport. The control seat doubles as a short range emergency escape device for 1

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are usually two.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.


Combattra, also known as Super Electromagnetic Robot Com-Battler

Year entered service:


Mitsashi Automations (body shell), Daitachi (internal robotic mechanics), Tomorrow
Technologies (internal robotic electronics), Cyber Horizons (software), and

A.R.E.S. International (weapons)

1 + up to 2 passengers

Vehicle Type
Mk I Mechanized Mobile Weapons Platform Super Class

Height: 57 metres
Width: 25 metres
Weight: 550 tons

Cockpit: 1500
Main body: 5000
Arms (2): 2000
Legs (2): 3000
Pods (2): 1500
Yo-yo (2): 500
Buzz Saw (2): 500
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 MetaTech nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Walking Speed: 50 kilometers per hour
Running Speed: 360 kilometers per hour
Undersea Walking Speed: 35 kilometers per hour

Endurance Limits
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.
DCR: 1000

Weapon Systems
Fists: 2 of these which can punch for 7D10 each, lift 20 tons, and carry 12 tons.
Feet: 2 of these which can kick for 8D10 each.
Flamer: 1 per hand on palms. 5D6 x10 per blast over a 30 mtr range.
Finger Missile Launchers: 1 per finger. Each holds 1 missile. 3D6 x10 each with a
10km range.
Chest Missile Launcher: Holds a single super missile which does 7D6 x 10 with a 10km
Pod Missile Launchers: Added in a 1999 upgrade. 1 attached to each ankle, each holds 5
missiles. 3D6 x10 each with a 30km range.

Super Electromagnetic (ChoDenji) Yo-Yo: 1 per arm. Each arm can release from the
arms a pair of yo-yos that are each equipped with a powerful buzzsaw. The line for the
yoyos can extend up to 20 mtrs. 2D6 x10 cutting damage each.
Cutter Kick: 1 buzz saw on each ankle can be released to make its normal kicks more
effective. +4D6 damage.

Optional Mech Gun: Any

Optional Mech Melee Weapon: Any

Defence Systems
Forceshield: Combattra can emit an electrical barrier from its antennae which surrounds
its entire body for 1 minute or until depleted. It has 2000 SDC.

Crimson Doom

Crimson Doom, also known as Malinovyy Pok

Year entered service:


Sinotech (body shell), Eon (internal robotic mechanics), H-Tech (internal robotic
electronics), Gigasonic (software), and Milicorps (weapons)

1 + 1 passenger

Vehicle Type
Mk I Mechanized Mobile Weapons Platform Super Class

Height: 60 metres
Width: 30 metres
Weight: 700 tons

Cockpit: 1500
Main body: 6000
Arms (2): 2500
Legs (2): 3000
Mace: 2500
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 MetaTech nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Walking Speed: 25 kilometers per hour
Running Speed: 180 kilometers per hour
Undersea Walking Speed: 15 kilometers per hour

Endurance Limits
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.
DCR: 1200

Weapon Systems
Fists: 2 of these which can punch for 8D10 each, lift 30 tons, and carry 18 tons.
Feet: 2 of these which can kick for 8D10 each.
Rocket Punch: Doom can launch its fists using small rockets and then reel them back in
by the attached chain. It does +D20 damage with a chain length of 10 mtrs.
Wrist Missile Pods: 1 per wrist which hold 3 missiles each. 3D6 x10 each with a 10km
Flamer: 1 per wrist. 5D6 x10 per blast over a 30 mtr range. It cant be fired if the fist has
been launched until it reattached.
Shoulder Missile Launchers: Each holds 5 missiles. 3D6 x10 each with a 30km range.
Malinovyy Bulava: A hand held mace which adds +D20 x5 blunt damage.

Optional Mech Gun: Any

Optional Mech Melee Weapon: Any


Daimos, also known as Tōshō Daimosu or Fighting General Daimos

Year entered service:



Mitsashi Automations (body shell), Daitachi (internal robotic mechanics), Tomorrow
Technologies (internal robotic electronics), Cyber Horizons (software), and
A.R.E.S. International (weapons)

1 + 1 passenger

Vehicle Type
Mk I Mechanized Mobile Weapons Platform Super Class

Height: 45 metres
Width: 22.5 metres
Weight: 150 tons

Cockpit: 1500
Main body: 5000
Arms (2): 2000
Legs (2): 3000
Pods (8): 1500
Buzzsaw (2): 500
Throwing Stars (4): 500
Whip (2): 1500
Boomerang: 1000
Chain + Spike: 1500
Fans (2): 2000
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 MetaTech nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Walking Speed: 50 kilometers per hour
Running Speed: 360 kilometers per hour
Undersea speed: 35 kilometers per hour

Endurance Limits
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.
DCR: 1000

Weapon Systems
Fists: 2 of these which can punch for 7D10 each, lift 20 tons, and carry 12 tons.
Feet: 2 of these which can kick for 8D10 each.
Machine Guns: 1 retractable turret on each hip with a full 360 rotation. 6D6 damage
each with a 600 mtr range.

Pod Leg Missile Launchers: 2 attached to each side of each leg for 8 total. Each holds 2
missiles. 3D6 x10 each with a 10km range.
Cutter Kick: 1 buzz saw on each foot can be released to make its normal kicks more
effective. +4D6 damage.
Throwing Stars: 2 ninja style golden stars can be launched from each wrist over a range
of 50 mtrs. Each star does D6 x10 cutting damage.
Extending Whip: A monofilament whip which can extend out of the top of each wrist to
a length of 15 mtrs and does D8 x10 slicing damage.
Boomerang: Carried on the back. It can be thrown up to 1 km and returns to Daimos
after either hitting the target or reaching the limit of its range. It does 2D4 x10 slicing

Optional Mech Gun: Any

Optional Mech Melee Weapon: Any

Danguard Ace

Danguard Ace, also know as Wakusei Robo Dangādo Ēsu

Year entered service:


Mitsashi Automations (body shell), Daitachi (internal robotic mechanics), Tomorrow
Technologies (internal robotic electronics), Cyber Horizons (software), and
A.R.E.S. International (weapons)

1 + 4 passengers

Vehicle Type
Mk II Mechanized Mobile Weapons Platform Super Class

Height: 50 metres
Width: 24 metres
Weight: 150 tons

Cockpit: 2000
Main body: 5500
Arms (2): 2500
Legs (2): 3500
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 MetaTech nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Walking Speed: 50 kilometers per hour
Running Speed: 360 kilometers per hour
Undersea Walking Speed: 30 kilometers per hour
DCR: 1000

Endurance Limits
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.
DCR: 1000

Weapon Systems
Fists: 2 of these which can punch for 7D10 each, lift 20 tons, and carry 12 tons.
Feet: 2 of these which can kick for 8D10 each.
Pulsar Cannon: Fires an energy bolt from the chest armour after the doors open. It is
Danguard's strongest weapon doing 6D10 x10 damage over a 50 km range. However it
requires 6 hours to recharge.
Cosmo Arrow: 1 can be fired from each forearm. Each holds 3 arrows. 3D6 x10 each
with a 10km range.
Rocket Punch: Danguard can launch its fists using small rockets which hit a target and
then fly back to reattach themselves to the forearms. It does punch damage +D20 with a
range of 100 mtrs.
Head Laser: Fires an energy bolt from the forehead doing 4D10 x10 damage over a
30km range.
Shoulder Missile Launchers: Each holds 5 missiles. 3D6 x10 each with a 30km range.
Wrist Missile Pods: 1 per wrist which hold 3 missiles each. 3D6 x10 each with a 10km

Optional Mech Gun: Any

Optional Mech Melee Weapon: Any


Dragun, also known as Getter Dragon

Year entered service:


Sinotech (body shell), Eon (internal robotic mechanics), H-Tech (internal robotic
electronics), Gigasonic (software), and Milicorps (weapons)

1 + 1 passenger

Vehicle Type
Mk II Mechanized Mobile Weapons Platform Super Class

Height: 50 metres
Width: 24 metres
Weight: 330 tons

Cockpit: 2000
Main body: 5500
Arms (2): 2500
Legs (2): 3500
Shoulder Pads (2): 2800
Cape: 3000
Buzz Saw (4): 750
Boomerang (2): 1500
Tomahawk (2): 2000
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 MetaTech nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Walking Speed: 50 kilometers per hour
Running Speed: 360 kilometers per hour
Undersea Walking Speed: 30 kilometers per hour

Endurance Limits
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.
DCR: 1200

Weapon Systems
Fists: 2 of these which can punch for 7D10 each, lift 20 tons, and carry 12 tons.
Feet: 2 of these which can kick for 8D10 each.
Buzz Saw: 1 buzz saw on each arm and leg can be released to make its normal kicks and
punches more effective. +4D6 damage.
Head Laser: Fires an energy bolt from the forehead doing 4D10 x10 damage over a
30km range.
Tomahawk: A pair of gigantic hand axes, and Dragun's main melee weapons. They each
add +D20 x5 slicing damage.
Boomerang: Two are carried on the back, under the cape. They can be thrown up to 1
km and return to Dragun after either hitting the target or reaching the limit of their range.
They do 2D4 x10 slicing damage.
Wrist Missile Pods: 1 per wrist which hold 3 missiles each. 3D6 x10 each with a 10km
Spark Punch: Dragun can encase his fists in a form of energy which both protect the
fists and produce a concussive force upon contact. +D20 to normal punch damage with
Dragun’s fists taking no damage.

Optional Mech Gun: Any

Optional Mech Melee Weapon: Any


Grandizer, also known as Grendizer and Yūfō Robo Gurendaizā

Year entered service:


Mitsashi Automations (body shell), Daitachi (internal robotic mechanics), Tomorrow
Technologies (internal robotic electronics), Cyber Horizons (software), and
A.R.E.S. International (weapons)

1 + 2 passengers

Vehicle Type
Mk I Mechanized Mobile Weapons Platform Super Class

Height: 30 metres
Width: 14 metres
Weight: 280 tons

Cockpit: 1500
Main body: 5000
Arms (2): 2000
Legs (2): 3000
Horns (2) 1600
Crescent Darts (2): 1500
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 MetaTech nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Walking Speed: 50 kilometers per hour
Running Speed: 700 kilometers per hour
Undersea Walking Speed: 30 kilometers per hour

Endurance Limits
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.
DCR: 1200

Weapon Systems
Fists: 2 of these which can punch for 7D10 each, lift 20 tons, and carry 12 tons.
Feet: 2 of these which can kick for 8D10 each.
Wrist Missile Pods: 1 per wrist which hold 3 missiles each. 3D6 x10 each with a 10km
Palm Laser: Fires an energy bolt from each hand doing 4D10 x10 damage over a 30km
Drill Crusher Punch: Grendizer fires its forearms as the blades mounted on the wrists
flip forward, essentially making the attack a flying drill which can achieve 4000 RPM.
The forearms hit a target and then fly back to reattach themselves to main arms. They
each do punch damage +D20 slicing damage with a range of 100 mtrs.
Crescent Dart: One blade in the shape of a crescent moon blade is carried in each
shoulder. They can be thrown up to 1 km and return to Dragun after either hitting the
target or reaching the limit of their range. They do 2D4 x10 slicing damage.
Anti-Gravity Ray: A ray of rainbow energy which is emitted from the red crest on
Grendizers chest. It can lift up to 1000 tons into the air up to 50 mtrs off the ground.

Electrical Horns: Grendizer can generate electrical energy from both his horns and then
fire them together as a single ray. It does 6D10 x10 electrical damage over a 50 km
range. However it requires 6 hours to recharge.

Optional Mech Gun: Any

Optional Mech Melee Weapon: Any


Mazinga, also known as Mazinger and Majinga

Year entered service:


Mitsashi Automations (body shell), Daitachi (internal robotic mechanics), Tomorrow
Technologies (internal robotic electronics), Cyber Horizons (software), and
A.R.E.S. International (weapons)

1 + 2 passengers

Vehicle Type
Mk I Mechanized Mobile Weapons Platform Super Class

Height: 30 metres
Width: 14 metres
Weight: 250 tons

Cockpit: 1500
Main body: 5000
Arms (2): 2000 each
Legs (2): 3000 each
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 MetaTech nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Walking Speed: 50 kilometers per hour
Running Speed: 360 kilometers per hour
Undersea Walking Speed: 30 kilometers per hour

Endurance Limits
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.
DCR: 1000

Weapon Systems
Fists: 2 of these which can punch for 7D10 each, lift 20 tons, and carry 12 tons.
Feet: 2 of these which can kick for 8D10 each.
Eye Lasers: Mazinger Z can channel pure Photonic Energy through its eyes, unleashing a
pair of powerful lasers, which do 4D10 x10 damage each over a 30km range.
Chest Missile: Mazinger Z mounts a missile launch bay in its belly, which can store 3
missiles. Each does 7D6 x 10 with a 10km range.
Finger Missiles: A rarely-used attack where Mazinger fires the last joint of its fingers as
miniature missiles. 3D6 x10 each with a 10km range.
Rocket Punch: Mazinger's eponymous attack; it fires off its forearm like a missile,
punching straight through an enemy before returning and docking with the elbow again.
They each do punch damage +D20 slicing damage with a range of 100 mtrs.
Head Cannon: Fires an energy bolt from the forehead doing 4D10 x10 damage over a
30km range.
Drill Missile: A barrage of small, needle-like missiles fired from ports in Mazinger's
upper arms. 1 per wrist which hold 3 missiles each. 3D6 x10 each with a 10km range.

Optional Mech Gun: Any

Optional Mech Melee Weapon: Any


Raydeen, also known as Raideen and Yūsha Raidīn

Year entered service:


Mitsashi Automations (body shell), Daitachi (internal robotic mechanics), Tomorrow
Technologies (internal robotic electronics), Cyber Horizons (software), and
A.R.E.S. International (weapons)

1 + 1 passenger

Vehicle Type
Mk II Mechanized Mobile Weapons Platform Super Class

Height: 50 metres
Width: 25 metres
Weight: 250 tons

Cockpit: 2000
Main body: 5500
Arms (2): 2500
Legs (2): 3500
Shield: 2000
Shield Blade: 1000
Shield Saw Teeth: 500
Bow: 1500
Boomerang: 1000
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 MetaTech nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Walking Speed: 50 kilometers per hour
Running Speed: 360 kilometers per hour
Undersea Walking Speed: 30 kilometers per hour

Endurance Limits
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.
DCR: 1200

Weapon Systems
Fists: 2 of these which can punch for 7D10 each, lift 20 tons, and carry 12 tons.
Feet: 2 of these which can kick for 8D10 each.
Pulse Bow: Raydeen has a retractable bow on its left wrist. When fully open it generates
energy arrows it can fire up to 50kms, and do 4D10 x10 damage each.
Bird Missiles: 3 bird-like bladed homing missiles can be fired from its abdomen that do
7D6 x 10 with a 10km range.
Shield: Located on its right arm. It has a retractable vibroblade which does 4D6 x10
slashing damage. Upgraded in 1999 with a retractable buzzsaw which does +D20 cutting
Boomerang: Two red bladed bird-like boomerangs are hidden in its right arm. They can
be thrown up to 1 km and return after either hitting the target or reaching the limit of their
range. They do 2D4 x10 slicing damage.
Electrical Grasp: Raydeen’s hands can be charged with electricity to do +D20 electrical
damage which have a 60% chance of shorting any electrical equipment it touches.
Head Cannon: Fires a green lightning bolt from the forehead doing 4D10 x10 electrical
damage over a 30km range.

Optional Mech Gun: Any

Optional Mech Melee Weapon: Any

Red Ronin

Red Ronin, also known as Hong Luo Ning

Year entered service:


Sinotech (body shell), Eon (internal robotic mechanics), H-Tech (internal robotic
electronics), Gigasonic (software), and Milicorps (weapons)

1 + 1 passenger

Vehicle Type
Mk II Mechanized Mobile Weapons Platform Super Class

Height: 50 metres
Width: 25 metres

Weight: 250 tons

Cockpit: 2000
Main body: 5500
Arms (2): 2500
Legs (2): 3500
Shield: 3000
Sword: 1000
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 MetaTech nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Walking Speed: 50 kilometers per hour
Running Speed: 360 kilometers per hour
Undersea Walking Speed: 30 kilometers per hour

Endurance Limits
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.
DCR: 1200

Weapon Systems
Fists: 2 of these which can punch for 7D10 each, lift 20 tons, and carry 12 tons.
Feet: 2 of these which can kick for 8D10 each.
Solar Blade: A magnetic, field-guided, hydrogen fusion blade which is emitted from the
shield to a length of 10 metres. It does 4D6 x10 slicing and burning damage.
Power Blaster: The left hand gauntlet can fire a short-pulse electron beam doing 4D10
x10 damage over a 30km range.
Shoulder Missiles: 1 launcher in each shoulder, each holds 5 missiles. 3D6 x10 each
with a 30km range.
Sword: A hand held vibrating long sword which adds +D20 x5 cutting.

Optional Mech Gun: Any

Optional Mech Melee Weapon: Any

Defence Systems
Shield: A pulsating "rotary discus" shield on its right arm. It has 3000 HPs.
Forceshield: Ronin can emit a magnetic field barrier from its antennae which surrounds
its entire body for 1 minute or until depleted. It has 2000 HPs.

Voltes V

Voltes V, also known as Chōdenji Machine Voltes V and Chōdenji Mashīn Borutesu

Year entered service:


Mitsashi Automations (body shell), Daitachi (internal robotic mechanics), Tomorrow
Technologies (internal robotic electronics), Cyber Horizons (software), and
A.R.E.S. International (weapons)

1 + 2 passengers

Vehicle Type
Mk II Mechanized Mobile Weapons Platform Super Class

Height: 58 metres
Width: 28 metres
Weight: 550 tons

Cockpit: 1500
Main body: 5000
Arms (2): 2000
Legs (2): 3000
Sword: 1000
Whip (2): 1500
Throwing Stars (2): 500
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 MetaTech nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Walking Speed: 50 kilometers per hour
Running Speed: 360 kilometers per hour
Undersea Walking Speed: 30 kilometers per hour

Endurance Limits
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.
DCR: 1200

Weapon Systems
Fists: 2 of these which can punch for 7D10 each, lift 20 tons, and carry 12 tons.
Feet: 2 of these which can kick for 8D10 each.
Finger Missile Launchers: 1 per finger. Each holds 1 missile. 3D6 x10 each with a
10km range.
Flamer: A flamethrower from the belt buckle which does 3D6 x10 up to 30 mtrs.
Extending Whip: A monofilament whip which can extend out of the top of each wrist to
a length of 15 mtrs and does D8 x10 slicing damage.
Pulsar Cannon: Fires an energy bolt from the chest after the doors open. It does 6D10
x10 damage over a 50 km range. However it requires 6 hours to recharge.
Throwing Stars: 2 ninja style golden stars can be launched from each shoulder over a
range of 50 mtrs. Each star does D6 x10 cutting damage.
Sword: A hand held long sword which is sheathed in electrical energy. It adds +D20 x5
cutting and electrical damage to a punch.

Optional Mech Gun: Any

Optional Mech Melee Weapon: Any

Super Mobile Weapons Platforms Accessories

A 5 mtr size boomerang which does 2D4 x10 slicing damage and has 1000 SDC.


A 15 mtr size sword with powered teeth that run along a single-edged blade like that of a
chainsaw. It adds +D20 x7 cutting damage, and has 1000 SDC.

Crescent Dart

2 mtr sized blades in the shape of a crescent moon which can be for 2D4 x10 slicing
damage, and have 1000 SDC.


A 15 mtr long flail which adds +D20 x5 piercing damage and has 1000 SDC.


A 15 mtr long mace which adds +D20 x5 blunt damage and has 1000 SDC.

Missile Pod, Portable

A 25 mtr long portable, single shot missile launcher. The missile does 5D6 x 10 with a
10km range.

Pistol, Rail

A 5 mtr long rail pistol which can do 4D10 x5 damage over a 20km range. It holds 6

Pistol, Laser

A 5 mtr long laser pistol which does 4D10 x5 damage over a 25km range. It has enough
charges for 12 shots.

Rifle, Laser

A 15 mtr long laser rifle which does 4D10 x5 damage over a 50km range. It has enough
charges for 12 shots.

Rifle, Rail

A 15 mtr long rail rifle which does 4D10 x5 damage over a 50km range. It has 20 ammo.


A 10 mtr diametre shield which has 2000 SDC.


A 8 mtr long shotgun which does 4D10 x10 damage over a 20km range. It holds 2 ammo.


A 50 mtr long staff which adds +D20 x5 blunt damage and has 1500 SDC.


A 30 mtr long staff which can be thrown for D20 x5 piercing damage and has 1500 SDC.

Sword, Long

A long sword which adds +D20 x5 cutting damage, and has 1000 SDC.

Sword, Short

A short sword which adds +D10 x5 cutting damage, and has 500 SDC.

Sword, Segmented

Segmented swords in their normal form are a loose chain which can then be locked to
form a solid blade. It adds +D20 x5 slicing damage and has 1000 SDC.


A giant double edged hand axe. It adds +D20 x5 slicing damage and has 2000 SDC.


A 15 mtr long serrated whip which does +D8 x10 slicing damage, and has 1500 SDC.

Support Vehicles
Bandit Class All Terrain Runabout Repair Vehicle

Vehicle Type
The ATRRV is a mobile mechanic service which carries enough tools and parts to get
vehicles and mechs working well enough to make it back to a base on their own. It
mainly deals with quick, short term repairs.

Year entered service:




Height: 3 metres
Length: 6 metres
Width: 4 metres
Weight: 2 tons

Main Body: 400
Wheels (4): 100
AR: 10

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 180 kph

DCR: 100

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away. Two

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature, GPS, gyro
compass, friend or foe identification, damage assessment indicators.

Cargo Cart Class Cargo Mover

A cargo cart is a freight container, with a hover suspension. Cargo carts are used in
freight yards to move large cargoes easily. With hover fans turned on, a single human can
push the cargo cart, although very slowly. Usually, however, several cargo carts are
hooked in a line and towed by a small vehicle. It can hover up to 1 mtr off the ground
with a max cargo of
10 tons.

Year entered service:



Height: 1 metre
Length: 5 metres
Width: 5 metres
Weight: 650 kgs

Main Body: 100

Diablo Class Cargo Powerloader

Vehicle Type
This is the standard loader used by U.N.I.T.T. for lifting heavy materials and objects and
moving them over short distances. They are equipped with hydraulic "claws" that can be
used to hold and manipulate a variety of objects and is an all terrain vehicle.

Year entered service:




Height: 20 metres
Width: 1 metre
Weight: 1 ton unloaded

Main Body: 400
Wheels (4): 100
Pincers (4): 150
AR: 10

It is capable of manipulating loads up to 3 tons.

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 50 kph (empty), 30 kph (loaded)

El Toro Class All Terrain Cargo Transporter

Vehicle Type
A heavy, all terrain, long haul cargo transporter. This is a non mech transporter but can
be adapted to carry one in a pinch though it has no crane of its own so it would require a
separate one to lift the mech onto the trailer.

Year entered service:



1 + 2 passengers

Height: 6 metres
Width: 6 metres
Length: 18 metres
Weight: 10 tons unloaded

Front Tractor: 500
Trailer: 500
Tyre (10): 200
AR: 10

The ATCT can carry 300 tons of cargo on its trailer.

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 60 kph (empty), 40 kph (loaded)

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away. Two
on top facing forward.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Exoframe Powerloader Class Cargo Mover

Vehicle Type
This is a mechanized exoskeleton used for lifting heavy materials and objects. They are
equipped with hydraulic "claws" that can be used to hold and manipulate a variety of
objects. Configured as an anthropomorphic exoskeleton power frame, it offers
unprecedented flexibility when handling ordnance and cargo during rough field
operations. It also serves as a platform for conducting heavy maintenance away from
fixed workshops. It is able to multiply a human operator's strength and lifting capacity
several thousand times and is capable of manipulating loads up to 4 tons. It is a rugged
and reliable alternative to conventional forklifts, rigs and cranes.

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Technologies


Height: 2.5 metres
Width: 1 metre

Weight: 1 ton unloaded

Main Body: 400
Arms (2): 300
Pincers (2): 150
AR: 10

The chassis consists of a reinforced steel framework with two upper load-bearing points
for the arms. A hydrogen fuel cell is mounted on the back of the frame, providing up to
65 kW of power for the loader. The articulated legs are attached by two semi-universal
bearings on either side of the base of the chassis, allowing up to 60 degrees of 'x' axis (hip
swivel) movement; just below these are a set of knee bearings. Leg motions at the hip are
controlled by a pair of 20 kW linear motors actuated via a fast-feedback loop slaved to
the operator's movements. Below the hip, hydraulic actuators extend from the main load-
bearing points to the aft sections of the legs, providing 'z' axis (fore/aft) movement at the
knee joints while pitch control is handled by a second series of actuators at the ankles. To
prevent toppling while stationary and under load, the chassis is gyrostabilized. These
gyros can be rotated rapidly out of phase in order to 'decouple' the chassis stabilization
system along the determined axes of motion and provide the necessary instability
required for bipedal movement. For very heavy lifting work, additional stability can be
provided by bolting up to 250 kg of concrete ballast to the underside of the chassis.

The loader's arms are attached to the very top of the chassis by a pair of complex
universal bearings stressed to operate under loadings of up to 4 tons. Arm motions in the
'y' and 'z' axes are controlled by linear motors while movement in the 'x' axis and at the
elbows is powered by a series of hydraulic actuators. The limbs mount a set of vise
manipulators that are capable of full 360° rotation. Most common industrial storage
mediums are fitted with uniform, purpose-made grips that can easily interface with it's
claws. Typically, one jaw of each vise is placed under the object to be lifted while the
other jaw clamps down on top of the object, holding it firmly and securely. Manipulator
function is controlled from an operator handgrip/joystick combination situated on the
inside of each limb. Attachment points for additional tools (such as cutters and welders)
are located on the manipulators.

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 30 kph (empty), 20 kph (loaded)

To work a loader, an operator first backs into the machine, buckling themselves in with
the webbing harness. A roll cage is pulled down to provide protection for the head and
torso, while feet are secured with straps. Powerup and system diagnostics are handled by
a punch keypad built into the operator's handgrips. This keypad also controls any
additional external tools fitted to the machine.

When powered up, the loader is slaved to the operator's limb movements, duplicating
their walking and lifting motions almost exactly. Response time to operator input is
almost instantaneous, while sophisticated computer controls dampen any system induced
'twitches' or oscillations that arise out of involuntary operator movement. Problems are
only likely to arise if the loader is walking or reaching at full extension, as the system is
likely to enhance movement beyond the fine-tuning capabilities of the operator; standard
operating procedures typically forbid operators from performing such maneuvers.

If operating over rough ground, the loader will provide feedback cues to the operator to
help them keep his or her footing. However, owing to it's high lifting capacity and
relatively small foot area, operations with very heavy loads on soft ground are not
recommended, as the extreme downward pressure generated underfoot can cause the unit
to literally bury itself in the ground. Automatic lockout systems will generally prevent
any movement that will topple the loader, and the system has generally proved safe to use
over all but the most treacherous terrain. As with any lifting device, there are strict
guidelines regarding weight limits that the loader can handle.

None but a swiping glance from the loader’s pincers will do 2D6 +10 blunt damage, and
a direct hit will 4D6 +10 blunt damage (or crushing damage if closing the pincers on an

Floater Class Cargo Mover

The floater is a very small hover vehicle capable of lifting 500 kilograms up to seven
metres above the ground. The platform is circular, with a one metre high safety railing
encircling the platform's upper surface. Height, direction, and speed of the floater are
controlled by an operator seated toward the vehicle's rear. The floater is most commonly
used for inspecting the exteriors of large objects, such as buildings or mechs. It can
maintain a max speed of 50 kph for 10 hours of continuous use.

Year entered service:



1 +4

Height: 1.5 metres
Length: 2.5 metres
Width: 2.5 metres
Weight: 350 kgs

Main Body: 100

Fuego Class All Terrain Troop Transporter

Vehicle Type
The ATTT is a fully armoured personnel carrier (APC). It is U.N.I.T.T.’s most widely
used armoured vehicle.

Year entered service:



1 + 21 passengers

Height: 5 metres
Length: 10 metres
Width: 3 metres
Weight: 12 tons unloaded

Main Body: 800
Wheels (4): 200
AR: 15

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 80 kph

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The vehicle can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away. Two

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe

Hellcat Class All Terrain Cargo Tractor

Vehicle Type
This is a one-man truck used to tow pallets and cargo carts from one location to another
within a warehouse or port facility. It is even strong enough to tow aircraft of up to 100
tons into and out of hangars and around airfields.

Year entered service:




Height: 1.3 metres
Length: 1.6 metres
Width: 1 metre
Weight: 450 kgs

Main Body: 200
Wheels (4): 50

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 60 kph

Heracles Class Air Mecha Transporter

Vehicle Type
This large aircraft with Vertical Take-Off and Landing capabilities is specifically
designed as a transport and recovery vessel of mechanized ground robots and other
armoured vehicles (tanks, APCs, etc.). The aircraft's cavernous belly can hold six tanks
and four jeeps with foot soldiers. A large crane is built into the undercarriage for carrying
one super robot. The crane can also be used to raise and lower supplies, vehicles, or to
extract injured soldiers.

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Aerospace

1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 1 communications officer/engineer and one mecha engineer. In
addition to the crew, there are seats for 8 passengers, whether they be an additional
repair/maintenance crew or troops. 48 passengers can be squeezed in the cargo bay with
the vehicles in an emergency situation.

Height: 22 metres
Width: 61 metres
Length: 43 metres
Weight: 100 tons unloaded

Cockpit: 3500
Main body: 3000
Wings (2): 2000
Crane: 800
Crane Line: 400
VTOL Thrusters (4): 500
Rear Thruster Section: 2000
Rear rail Wings (2): 800
Wing Thrusters (2): 1500
AR: 15

Heracles can carry 100 tons of internal cargo in its fuselage, plus another 500 tons with
its crane, or 600 tons if just using the crane and nothing inside its fuselage. Bulkheads
dividing the bay are removable, allowing the aircraft to adjust its bay for heavier or
bulkier loads that cannot be stored in a single bay. Its loading procedures are unique
among military transports of its size. Vehicles and infantry can load in the normal manner
through the cargo ramps in the tail or nose. Experienced crews can land, load, and take-
off once more in under fifteen minutes.

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 MetaTech nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Driving Speed: 50 kilometres per hour
Flying Speed: 800 kilometres per hour
Ceiling: 15 kms

Endurance Limits
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.
DCR: 200

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the
amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired
using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front and one per side near the rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Hermes Class Air Mecha Transporter

Vehicle Type
The Hermes is an all-weather, twin-engine, twin-rotor heavy lift/assault mech carrier
helicopter. It can hold 6 normal mechs per side for a total of 12. Each mech compartment
has a small crane to aid in lifting mechs into their cradle.

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Aerospace

1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 1 communications officer/engineer and one mecha engineer. Up to 12
mech pilots if they stay inside their mechs while being transported.

Height: 14 metres
Width: 6 metres
Length: 30 metres
Weight: 11 tons unloaded

Cockpit: 2500
Main body: 2000
Heli Blades (2): 1000
Crane (12): 400

Wheels (6): 400
AR: 12

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric with the turboshaft engine is fitted with heat/noise reduction and layered
with bulletproof covering
Speed: 400 kph unloaded, 175 kph when fully loaded
Ceiling: 10 kms
DCR: 200

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the
amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired
using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of
100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front, two per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Hyperion Class Land Mecha Transporter

Vehicle Type
The second mech land carrier and retrieval vehicle built. The pictures above shows the
hydraulic mech lifter in both upright and normal positions. This carrier doubles as a
workshop which can be used to service and make moderate repairs on a mech while on a
mission. The carrier is quite large and takes up nearly two lanes on the highway.

Year entered service:


Terrera Auto

1 to drive but 2 for securing a mech to the lifter.

Height: 10 metres
Width: 10 metres
Length: 30 metres
Weight: 15 tons unloaded

Front Tractor: 700
Trailer: 700
Lifter: 800
Crane: 600
Tyre (10): 300
AR: 10

Hyperion can carry 700 tons of mech or cargo on its trailer. The crane is capable of lifting
up to 700 tons with a maximum winch length of 35 metres.

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 50 kph (empty), 30 kph (loaded)

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away. 2
forward, 2 per side.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature, GPS, gyro
compass, damage assessment indicators.

Lionheart Class Land Mecha Transporter

Vehicle Type
The first mech land carrier and retrieval vehicle built. The picture above shows the
hydraulic mech lifter in both upright and normal positions.

Year entered service:


Terrera Auto

1 to drive but 2 for securing a mech to the lifter.

Height: 7 metres
Width: 7 metres
Length: 20 metres
Weight: 15 tons unloaded

Front Tractor: 500
Trailer: 500
Lifter: 600
Tyre (14): 200
Winch Line: 100
AR: 10

Lionheart can carry 500 tons of mech or cargo on its trailer. There is a winch on the
trailer which can be used to drag a mech on to it. The winch has a 500 ton limit and a
maximum length of 12 mtrs.

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 60 kph (empty), 40 kph (loaded)

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away. 2
forward, 2 per side.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature, GPS, gyro
compass, damage assessment indicators.

Maverick Class All Terrain Portable Mecha Retrieval Crane

Vehicle Type
This vehicle was created to reach areas the Lionheart and Hyperion are unable to reach
due to their huge size or as an emergency backup. It may also be used for rescue and
lifting other cargo.

Year entered service:


Empyrean Motors

1 + 2 passengers

Height: 4 metres, with crane fully extended up height is 12 mtrs
Width: 4 metres
Length: 12 metres
Weight: 10 tons unloaded

Front Tractor: 400
Main Body: 500
Crane: 300

Tyre (8): 200
Winch Line: 100
AR: 10

The AT crane can lift 500 tons of mech or cargo with a maximum winch length of 40

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 100 kph (empty), 50 kph (loaded)

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Section 11: S.H.A.D.O.W. By 1975 S.H.A.D.O.W. was fully
operational with its main headquarters
(The Strategic Hazard situated in both Mt Rushmore and
Alien Defence Operatives Siberia. It was decided that
S.H.A.D.O.W. would always receive
Watchguard) the newest and most cutting edge in
technology. This would apply to both
equipment and vehicles. Some
equipment came from captured alien
technology and the rest from M.S.I. and

In 1989 a small island appeared through

an interdimensional gateway off the
coast of South Australia. The Australian
army proved unable to secure it due to
the supernatural terrors within. Finally a
joint MetaTech/Justice Anonymous
S.H.A.D.O.W. is a secret military taskforce succeeded in reaching the
organization conceived by the security centre of the island where they located
council of the United Nations. It was the wreck of a spacecraft. Within it they
founded in 1965 to defend Earth against discovered 30 foot monsters which
UFO attacks, after the first confirmed disorientated and afraid went on a
encounter between the people of Earth rampage obliterating most of the ship
and a vehicle of extra-terrestrial origin. and the strike force. The creatures then
moved on to the Kanto region of Japan
This UFO incident triggered a series of where they destroyed everything in
secret international meetings, as the sight, then simply left and returned to the
world's governments were informed of island. As the monsters seemed to
the definite existence of unidentified become docile, no further action was
flying objects. On the way to one of taken against them. Instead a group of
these meetings, a military convoy scientists were sent to study the island
containing Russian Colonel Kurtinov and its inhabitants, to be protected by a
and American General Prospero was small S.H.A.D.O.W. garrison. It was
attacked by a UFO. Only the Colonel dubbed Terror Island.
survived the ambush and his subsequent
investigations proved that the UFOs In 1990 the second War of the Worlds
were of alien origin, hostile, and that took place. The Martians were repelled
they posed a threat. The UN security but all S.H.A.D.O.W. bases were
council agreed to work together and destroyed. Civilian deaths during the two
create an organization to defend the week war were surprisingly minimal but
earth. Thus U.N.I.T.T, was formed and S.H.A.D.O.W. suffered 80% losses.
very quickly its first suborganization Various hero groups were also
was created; the Strategic Hazard Alien decimated. The Martian's critical error
Defence Operatives Watchguard or was in attacking Terror Island for the
S.H.A.D.O.W. which would deal energy sources they detected there.
specifically with extraterrestrial threats.

Instead the monster inhabitants Operatives Watchguard with their island
massacred the bulk of the Martians being renamed Shadow Island.
allowing earth forces to mop up the rest.
In the aftermath of the invasion This section comprises the
S.H.A.D.O.W.’s horrendous losses in S.H.A.D.O.W. community section,
both manpower and resources led to Administration and Personnel, Education
morale reaching an all time low. and the Security Response Squad.
S.H.A.D.O.W. had to be reorganized and
reinvented. Plans were drawn up for a Combat Services
mobile flying airbase and orbital This section is purely reactionary and
stations. An ultra tech flying aircraft not pro-active, primarily because of
carrier was built to serve as the new financial restraints. It has four divisions -
S.H.A.D.O.W. headquarters (dubbed Land, Sea, Air and Space.
Sky Shadow).
S.H.A.D.O.W. ground forces are based
Further it was deemed necessary to on all major land masses in the world
create an outer defence system. This and possess the latest in high tech
eventually consisted of building a base weaponry. This division is one of the
located on the moon (Moon Shadow), more hazardous as the ground forces use
where 6 aerospace fighters (Destiny the guise of the local military to avoid
Fighters) can counter the UFOs as they detection. As far as the locals are
come to Earth. The alien craft are concerned, it's just another exercise. In
detected by one of three orbital stations certain world zones failure to comply
(Sword of Damocles) also built which with normal troop movements has led to
would likewise warn Sky Shadow. Any problems.
UFOs that aren't destroyed by the
fighters can be taken care of by the earth Water defence consists of a fleet of
defenses. The main one consisting of a undersea aircraft carriers. Fighters can
fleet of submersible aircraft carriers (Sea be launched once the carriers surface.
Shadow's) which roam the oceans. If and The four quadrants of the globe must be
when a UFO enters earth's atmosphere, covered at any one time. There are some
S.H.A.D.O.W. fighter planes water restriction zones.
(Archangels) launch from a Sea Shadow
or Sky Shadow to attempt to destroy the S.H.A.D.O.W. has developed stealth
UFO. If it still manages to elude them technology to a new level, well beyond
and land, it will be tracked down and the capabilities of the ordinary military.
destroyed by S.H.A.D.O.W. tanks Their attack aircraft are based in
(Shadow Hunters). concealed hangers on S.H.A.D.O.W.
properties in participating countries,
It was then decided Terror island would with fighter crews on twenty-four hour
be handed over to S.H.A.D.O.W. to alert. Aerospace pilots are stationed on
become their new land based lunar base and the Orbital Platforms
headquarters. Accordingly strategically placed around the Earth.
S.H.A.D.O.W. was then renamed the
Strategic Hazard Alien Defence

Intelligence aspects of modern earth medicine and
This section is commanded by Col. also have a degree of extra-terrestrial
Michael Reese. This area of knowledge.
S.H.A.D.O.W. consists of the
Undercover Operatives and Data R&D
Processors. Undercover operatives are This section fights a continual battle to
located through every fabric of society develop and compete with alien
on all continents in the known world. technology and stay ahead of possible
The only means of identifying these developments on Earth. Needless to say
operatives is with an implant scanner. It these are the most advanced laboratories
is feasible that operatives mix with each on the planet. They are able to intercept
other every day and do not know of the any computer breaches or virus's known.
other's existence. The main interest It is also here that information is spread
groups targeted are governments and onto the internet. The information is
their agencies, business corporations, usually false, but credible. They
alien infiltration and certain individuals. maintain a massive 'firewall' to protect
All their findings and submissions go S.H.A.D.O.W.'s security secrets.
through the data processors. Data Computer traffic is continually
processors collate and assess all monitored for hints of alien infiltration.
information gathered by the undercover Anything suspicious or dangerous and
agents. This information is then the entire organization involved is likely
channeled to the appropriate to vanish behind the firewall.
organization or individual in
S.H.A.D.O.W. Operations
S.H.A.D.O.W. remains the planet's
Medical largest and most effective force for
Operatives are stationed in all major neutralizing threats to world security and
hospitals throughout the world. Also a combating alien infiltration. The bulk of
hospital is situated at S.H.A.D.O.W. for S.H.A.D.O.W.'s operations are covert,
any captured alien, hybrid human or but a number involve public activities.
other interesting life forms. Domestic matters falling under the
S.H.A.D.O.W. personnel are treated here jurisdiction of the militia are coordinated
and certain other practices of a highly jointly, with S.H.A.D.O.W. taking full
sensitive nature take place here. The control. All covert operations are
implantation process is conducted here. automatically S.H.A.D.O.W.'s province,
Captured individuals are also retained making unnecessary coordination with
here for a short period. What happens to the armed forces. Unlike the various
them is only known to a handful of national intelligence agencies such as the
individuals. These teams also deal with CIA, Mossad and M-16, S.H.A.D.O.W.
viral outbreaks, major traumas from is international in membership, scope
alien attacks, the finding of hybrid and jurisdiction.
humans and alien beings. Wherever
these events may occur, or any medical Most of the world's countries participate
trauma S.H.A.D.O.W. deems a threat to in S.H.A.D.O.W. and sanction its
humanity will see the combat teams activities on their soil. S.H.A.D.O.W. is
mobilized. These teams are trained in all fighting the clock to gather intelligence,

identify, assess and respond to the alien S.HA.D.O.W. Agent
presence on earth. S.H.A.D.O.W. both
collates data and deals with alien
invaders. S.H.A.D.O.W. has already
identified numerous types of alien life
forms. Some are hostile, others aren't.
S.H.A.D.O.W.'s standard operating
procedure encompasses state of the art
surveillance technology (including spy
satellites) as well as long term
undercover agents stationed in strategic
places such as certain industrial,
governmental, and military
establishments. This surveillance data is
fed to the headquarters of the nearest
Major, who dispatches top priority
material to S.H.A.D.O.W.'s central

Local low priority matters are generally

handled by the Majors without
Kurtinov's participation. Matters of top
priority (those threatening world
security, involving extraterrestrials, or
endangering in excess of 10,000 lives)
were under the jurisdiction of
S.H.A.D.O.W.'s central command and
Kurtinov himself.

S.H.A.D.O.W. now has secret

installations all over the world. The
nature of the work makes it a security Here is the package available for anyone
and logistical nightmare for Kurtinov. wanting to play a United Nations
The increase in size has meant that the Strategic Hazard Alien Defence
organization is now incorporated into Operatives Watchguard agent.
secure sections buried deep with the
armed forces of the countries under their
protection. Like all military bases, these
Step 1: Attributes
Roll up attributes as normal. Through
sections are closed communities with
intense physical and mental training the
their own housing, schooling and social
character has wound up with the
following bonuses;
+2 to PD, PP, and PE. +6 to SPD. SDC

Step 2: Skills Skills:
Agents gain the following free skills Computer Engineer, Cryptography,
from their basic training; Forensics, Research, Artificial
Pilot Combat Power Armour Intelligence, and Computer
Land Navigation Programming.
HTH Martial Arts Field Agent
WP Pistol These are the standard field support
WP Rifle agents. They may find themselves
deployed to any base on earth.
Agents must then choose one of the Skills:
sections below to specialize in. All the Detect Ambushes, Intelligence, Pilot
skills listed in each category are gained Jetpack, Prowl, Pilot Auto, and Pilot
free. Truck.

Aerospace Pilot Field Engineer

These pilots are trained to fly in both the Engineers are responsible for project
atmosphere aircraft and near orbit space managing the construction, repair and
fighters responsible for protecting the maintenance of roads, airfields, sea
earth from extraterrestrial attack craft. terminals, railways, buildings and
Part of their training is done by NASA. bridges following an extraterrestrial
Skills: attack. In addition, they are involved in
Navigation, Pilot Combat Jet, Pilot the construction of field defenses and
Combat Helicopter, Pilot Airplane, Pilot obstacles and aiding the community in
Commercial Helicopter, Pilot humanitarian efforts. They may also
Commercial Jet, and Weapon Systems. provide terrain assessment advice and
the provision of construction materials
Aviation Division Mechanic and essential services such as water,
These mechanics maintain electricity, and sewerage disposal.
S.H.A.D.O.W.’s aerospace force. Skills:
Skills: Construction Engineering, Fortification,
Aerospace Engineering, Weapons Carpentry, Metallurgy, Engineer Mining,
Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Aircraft and Engineer Industrial.
Mechanics, Electrical Engineer, and
Radio Advanced. Field Medic
The medical teams are comprised of
Cyberwarfare doctors, surgeons and nurses, among
These agents conduct cyber and other medically trained staff. They
electromagnetic activities using handle day-to-day injuries in the bases
advanced information and and assist civilians following an attack.
communication technologies. Their Skills:
ultimate goal is to defend earth’s First Aid, Medical Doctor, Toxicology,
systems and networks while defeating Investigate, Field Surgery, and Drugs.
any extraterrestrial network and agents.

Ground Armoured Vehicle Crew Skills:
These agents drive formidable armoured Aerospace Engineering, Weapons
vehicles such as tanks, armoured Engineer, Engineer Electrical, Engineer
personnel carriers, combat Mechanical, Radio Advanced and
reconnaissance vehicles, mecha Spacecraft Mechanics.
transporters and other S.H.A.D.O.W.
land vehicles; operating their weapons Special Operations
and managing basic maintenance. These agents conduct small-unit special
Skills: operation missions in maritime, jungle,
Navigation, Pilot Tank, Pilot Truck, urban, arctic, mountainous, and desert
Pilot Auto, Weapon Systems, and WP environments. They are typically
Submachine Gun. ordered to capture or to eliminate high
level targets, or to gather intelligence
Ground Mechanic behind enemy lines. They are capable of
The ground mechanics maintain and operating in environments characterized
service various military vehicles by high complexity, isolation from
including tanks, armoured personnel friendly forces, high levels of stress,
carriers, trucks, bulldozers, 4WDs and danger and environmental hardship.
motor bikes. Mechanics work not only in Skills:
a workshop, but also out in the field on HALO Parachuting, Swim, WP
exercises and deployments. Submachine Guns, WP Heavy Guns,
Skills: WP Blades and Demolitions.
Weapons Engineer, Mechanical
Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Xenoscientist
Metallurgy, Advanced Radio, and Xenoscientists are required to regularly
Auto/Truck Mechanics. analyze and examine each new
extraterrestrial that comes over to our
Infiltration world in order to assess a weakness or
These are agents who spy on a target particular behaviour that will work in the
group by going "undercover for the favour of earth’s forces in combat.
purposes of gaining the trust of an Skills:
individual or organization to learn or Xeno Ecology, Biology, Chemistry,
confirm confidential information or to Genetics Engineer, Xenology and Lore
gain the trust of targeted individuals in Demons and Monsters.
order to gather information or evidence.
The organizations targeted are those that Step 3: Abilities
are suspected of aiding hostile Agents start with the following free;
extraterrestrials or using their technology Patron - Agents have full access to
for nefarious purposes. S.H.A.D.O.W.’s and U.N.I.T.T.’s
Skills: inventory (subject to the GM's
Cryptography, Intelligence, Disguise, discretion) of weapons, equipment and
Impersonation, Investigate, and Prowl. clothing
Space Division Mechanic The character gains 20 Points to spend
These mechanics maintain on any of the following abilities. As they
S.H.A.D.O.W.’s near orbit force.

earn more experience they may buy or rebought) and a Knock out on a 20
rebuy more abilities. (drops by 1 each time rebought).

Blurred Attack Presence

Cost: 5 Cost: 5
The character can pull out a weapon The character has an iron will and
without it counting as an action. This radiates an aura of confidence and
means you can draw and initiate combat authority, +1 to reaction. He is immune
as a single attack. He may then shoot a to intimidation.
number of times equal to his number of
attacks in a single shot (eg. if you have 6 Sanity Bonus
attacks you can fire 6 shots per attack Cost: 10
round). Or this may be used with thrown +1 to mental trauma rolls
weapons which likewise have a skill in.
Skill Bonus
Contacts Cost: 10
Cost: 5 The character gains +10% to all skill
The player may have 1 contact per 5 MA rolls of one category.
within the UN and various world
governments. The player should Thac0 Bonus
determine this with the GM. Add an Cost: 10
equal amount of contacts each time +1 to Thac0
Will Bonus
Focused Shot Cost: 10
Cost: 5 +1 to horror factor rolls
When using a ranged weapon you may
sacrifice all your attacks for an Step 4: Career
additional +1 to hit per attack you lost Only one; S.H.A.D.O.W. though it is
(eg. 4 attacks = +4 strike). When using possible to transfer to other sections of
this no other actions are possible during U.N.I.T.T.
that melee.
Step 5: Disadvantages
Inured to pain The character is watched by his
Cost: 5 organization at Extreme level. No
The character has an incredibly high privacy whatsoever. If he betrays
pain threshold. +1 to stun and trauma. S.H.A.D.O.W. he will be hunted at
Unfortunately he doesn't notice most Extreme level. +20 points.
minor injuries, including bleeding.
Step 6: Equipment
The uniform’s colour is a mix of black
Cost: 5
and white. It is made of 9-ply Kevlar, a
The character has an unusually hard,
material able to withstand the ballistic
powerful punch. His blows do an
impact of up to .45 caliber slugs, and is
additional +1 damage (+1 each time
also fire-resistant and water proof. It

- 1 shoulder holster which holds 1 Close S.H.A.D.O.W. Battle Suits
Defence Equalizer
Battle Suit, Standard
- 1 boot holster which holds 1 Combat
- 1 belt holster which holds 3 Mini
Grenades of choice
- 1 watch communicator with detachable
ear piece to insert into one ear (100km
radio link range or unlimited when
connected to the satellite), and
retractable monofilament garrote (D10
slicing damage)
- 1 utility belt (see below)

Utility Belt
This contains;
- 1 micro respirator (30 mins air and
filters out any noxious gases),
- 1 silencer for the CDE,
- 1 infrared sight for the CDE
- 5 tracers; a tiny transmitter that can be
attached to clothing, dropped into a
pocket or bag, or stuck under a car.
Linking it to his watch he may then
safely follow the source of the signal. This is the standard S.H.A.D.O.W. body
- 1 jammer; a small hand-held device armour used by Ground Armoured
which jams all radio signals within 150 Vehicle Crew.
metres. These include radios, wifi, and
street cameras. Type: Hostile Environment Body
- 1 medipack (see medical equipment Armour SHADOW-1
- 4 other pouches with various small Weight: 7 kgs
pieces of equipment of choice like spare
ammo clips AR: 14
HPs: 200
Head/Helmet: 100
Arms: 80 each
Legs: 90 each
Main Body: 200

Combat Computer: Calculates, stores
and transmits data onto a heads up
display. Tied into the units targeting
computer. Can hold hundreds of entries

about various enemies and robots/power and circulation systems (gas filtration,
armour/aircraft/vehicles. Assists in humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
selecting and locking on to enemy when needed and can recirculate
targets. +1 to Thac0 using ranged breathable air for up to 2 days if
weapons. It also has ammunition necessary, computer controlled
counters, GPS, gyro compass, friend or independent oxygen supply and purge
foe identification, and damage system that has up to 4 hours of
assessment indicators. breathable air that automatically engages
in low oxygen or contaminated air
Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency environments, insulated high
SOS repeater lasting 1 month with a 500 temperature resistant shielding for up to
km range. 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do
no damage though nuclear, and plasma
External Audio Pick-up system: Sound fires do full damage), radiation shielded
amplification listening systems that can up to several hundred rads, and polarized
pick up a whisper at a range of 30 mtrs and light sensitive/adjusting tinted
away and louder sounds at longer viewport.

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that

amplifies and projects the wearer's voice
up to 60 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a

Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to
500 mtrs. Flare protection. Digital video
and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range

direction communication systems with
video telecast capabilities out to a range
of 500kms that can be boosted if proper
signal towers or relay systems are in
place or via use of satellite. Also a
directional short-range radio with a
range of 30kms. Both radios have full
encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The armour is airtight and

comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in space,
underwater and against gas attacks. It
has a computer controlled life support
system that includes: internal cooling
and temperature control, air purification

Battle Suit, Stealth display. Tied into the units targeting
computer. Can hold hundreds of entries
about various enemies and robots/power
armour/aircraft/vehicles. Assists in
selecting and locking on to enemy
targets. +1 to Thac0 using ranged
weapons. It also has ammunition
counters, GPS, gyro compass, friend or
foe identification, and damage
assessment indicators.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency

SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound

amplification listening systems that can
pick up a whisper at a range of 30 mtrs
away and louder sounds at longer

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that

amplifies and projects the wearer's voice
up to 60 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a

Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to
500 mtrs. Flare protection. Digital video
This is the S.H.A.D.O.W. body armour and audio recording, and Telescopic
used by Special Operations. Vision up to 1km.

Type: Hostile Environment Body Radio Communications: Long-range

Armour SHADOW-5 direction communication systems with
video telecast capabilities out to a range
Weight: 8 kgs of 500kms that can be boosted if proper
signal towers or relay systems are in
AR: 16 place or via use of satellite. Also a
directional short-range radio with a
SDC range of 30kms. Both radios have full
Head/Helmet: 150 encryption capabilities.
Arms: 130 each
Legs: 140 each Sealed: The armour is airtight and
Main Body: 250 comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in space,
Equipment underwater and against gas attacks. It
Combat Computer: Calculates, stores has a computer controlled life support
and transmits data onto a heads up system that includes: internal cooling

and temperature control, air purification Battle Suit, Medic
and circulation systems (gas filtration,
humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate
breathable air for up to 2 days if
necessary, computer controlled
independent oxygen supply and purge
system that has up to 4 hours of
breathable air that automatically engages
in low oxygen or contaminated air
environments, insulated high
temperature resistant shielding for up to
100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do
no damage though nuclear, and plasma
fires do full damage), radiation shielded
up to several hundred rads, and polarized
and light sensitive/adjusting tinted

Stealth Tech: This sleek, jet black suit

(composed of impact resistant carbon-
composites) reflects radar and sonar,
backed by optical fiber networks; all of
which render the suit invisible to
This is the S.H.A.D.O.W. body armour
electronic detection. It is also -5 to detect
used by Field Medics.
with the naked eye in a low light area
and invisible in darkness even to
Type: Hostile Environment Body
thermoimagers and nightsight as it gives
Armour SHADOW-2
off no heat.
Weight: 7 kgs

AR: 14

Head/Helmet: 100
Arms: 80 each
Legs: 90 each
Main Body: 200

Medscanner: An electrical instrument
on the left shoulder used to diagnose
ailments such as detecting foreign matter
in the target bloodstream, dangerous
bacteria, blood pressure, temperature,
heartbeat, respiration, level of hydration

(or dehydration), and a number of no damage though nuclear, and plasma
specific chemical responses detectable fires do full damage), radiation shielded
through the skin. The vital signs are up to several hundred rads, and polarized
displayed on the left wrist computer. It and light sensitive/adjusting tinted
will highlight and warn of dangerous or viewport.
irregular vital signs and has a one metre
range. Utility Belt: Includes portable GPS,
gyro compass, emergency beacon (same
Medi-Pack: A portable first aid kit as standard armour) and toxin analyzer.
carried in the right shoulder.

Optics Package: This includes a

Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to
500 mtrs. Flare protection. Digital video
and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range

direction communication systems with
video telecast capabilities out to a range
of 500kms that can be boosted if proper
signal towers or relay systems are in
place or via use of satellite. Also a
directional short-range radio with a
range of 30kms. Both radios have full
encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The armour is airtight and

comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in space,
underwater and against gas attacks. It
has a computer controlled life support
system that includes: internal cooling
and temperature control, air purification
and circulation systems (gas filtration,
humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate
breathable air for up to 2 days if
necessary, computer controlled
independent oxygen supply and purge
system that has up to 4 hours of
breathable air that automatically engages
in low oxygen or contaminated air
environments, insulated high
temperature resistant shielding for up to
100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do

Battle Suit, Technician radiations (unless programmed to do
otherwise). This is useful in detecting
transmission sources, as well as any sort
of energy generator. Range varies
tremendously depending on the
power/transmission, but an activated
scanner could pick up an unshielded
communicator beam at a range of about
1 km, while it could detect a large,
operating fusion reactor from as far as
100 kms.

Repair Computer: Worn on the left

wrist this allows a Technician to
determine the exact causes and effects of
malfunctions or damage to mechanical,
lower, and electrical systems. It can
detect even minute electrical currents at
a range of 100 mtrs. The Repair scanner
is able to trace power lines and circuitry,
and - with a skilled operator - analyze
flawed circuits as a prelude to repair.

This is the S.H.A.D.O.W. body armour It can also analyze electronic locks as a
used by Aviation Mechanics, Field prelude to defeating them. The Repair
Engineers, Ground Mechanics, Space scanner also has fine tuning controls,
Division Mechanics, and Xenoscientists. allowing it to determine detailed interior
structures of any object within 20
Type: Hostile Environment Body metres. The Scanner is able to penetrate
Armour SHADOW-3 most normal physical objects (walls,
bulkheads) and force fields, though
Weight: 7 kgs the GM may wish to include a difficulty
subtraction when trying to read through
AR: 14 a number of obstacles.

SDC Vapourscanner: This small device on

Head/Helmet: 100 the right wrist contains sensitive gas
Arms: 80 each analyzers. It will report on a digital
Legs: 90 each screen what gaseous elements are
Main Body: 200 present, their quantities and whether
breathing them is dangerous.
Tech Computer: This device in the External Audio Pick-up system: Sound
right shoulder reveals any form of amplification listening systems that can
radiation, running the full spectrum from pick up a whisper at a range of 30 mtrs
gamma to infrared, automatically
screening out the usual background

away and louder sounds at longer as standard armour) and temperature
distances. measurer.

Optics Package: This includes a

Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to
500 mtrs. Flare protection. Digital video
and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range

direction communication systems with
video telecast capabilities out to a range
of 500kms that can be boosted if proper
signal towers or relay systems are in
place or via use of satellite. Also a
directional short-range radio with a
range of 30kms. Both radios have full
encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The armour is airtight and

comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in space,
underwater and against gas attacks. It
has a computer controlled life support
system that includes: internal cooling
and temperature control, air purification
and circulation systems (gas filtration,
humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate
breathable air for up to 2 days if
necessary, computer controlled
independent oxygen supply and purge
system that has up to 4 hours of
breathable air that automatically engages
in low oxygen or contaminated air
environments, insulated high
temperature resistant shielding for up to
100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do
no damage though nuclear, and plasma
fires do full damage), radiation shielded
up to several hundred rads, and polarized
and light sensitive/adjusting tinted

Utility Belt: Includes portable GPS,

gyro compass, emergency beacon (same

Battle Suit, Pilot and circulation systems (gas filtration,
humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate
breathable air for up to 3 days if
necessary, computer controlled
independent oxygen supply and purge
system that has up to 8 hours of
breathable air that automatically engages
in low oxygen or contaminated air
environments, insulated high
temperature resistant shielding for up to
200 degrees centigrade (normal fires do
no damage though nuclear, and plasma
fires do full damage), radiation shielded
up to several hundred rads, and polarized
and light sensitive/adjusting tinted

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency

SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a

Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to
This is the S.H.A.D.O.W. body armour 500 mtrs. Flare protection. Digital video
used by Aerospace Pilots. and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.
Type: Hostile Environment Body
Armour SHADOW-4 Radio Communications: Long-range
direction communication systems with
Weight: 7 kgs video telecast capabilities out to a range
of 500kms that can be boosted if proper
AR: 14 signal towers or relay systems are in
place or via use of satellite. Also a
SDC directional short-range radio with a
Head/Helmet: 100 range of 30kms. Both radios have full
Arms: 80 each encryption capabilities.
Legs: 90 each
Main Body: 200

Sealed: The armour is airtight and
comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in space,
underwater and against gas attacks. It
has a computer controlled life support
system that includes: internal cooling
and temperature control, air purification

Vacc Suit and temperature control, air purification
and circulation systems (gas filtration,
humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate
breathable air for up to 3 days if
necessary, computer controlled
independent oxygen supply and purge
system that has up to 8 hours of
breathable air that automatically engages
in low oxygen or contaminated air
environments, insulated high
temperature resistant shielding for up to
200 degrees centigrade (normal fires do
no damage though nuclear, and plasma
fires do full damage), radiation shielded
up to several hundred rads, and polarized
and light sensitive/adjusting tinted

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency

This is the S.H.A.D.O.W. space suit SOS repeater lasting 1 month.
used by anyone who works in space
whether it be on Moon Shadow, the Radio Communications: Long-range
Orbital Defence Platforms or any other direction communication systems with
spacecraft. video telecast capabilities out to a range
of 500kms that can be boosted if proper
Type: Hostile Environment Space Suit signal towers or relay systems are in
place or via use of satellite. Also a
Weight: 4 kgs directional short-range radio with a
range of 30kms.
AR: 8

Head/Helmet: 50
Arms: 30 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 50

Sealed: The suit is airtight and comes
with an onboard air circulation supply,
and air system. Suitable in space,
underwater and against gas attacks. It
has a computer controlled life support
system that includes: internal cooling

Moon Shadow and Space Vehicles

Located in the Moon crater Plato and constructed out of quarried rock and ores, Moon
Shadow is four kilometres in diametre and extends up to one kilometre in areas below the
lunar surface. The complex extends outward from the central Main Mission tower in a
series of concentrically-arranged curved structures connected by travel-tube transit
tunnels. Apart from the central tower, the surface buildings are two to three stories in
height. It is encircled by a 1 kilometre high transparent dome made of Glasteel.

All of S.H.A.D.O.W.'s advanced satellite tracking equipment is housed here, and is under
constant threat from aliens, as the destruction of this installation would make the Earth
vulnerable to attack. There are emergency plans to deal with such a catastrophe, but the
base's destruction would allow the aliens time to enter the atmosphere, before the plans
took effect. The main Hawk and Eagle fleets and maintenance area are also located here,
as well as ground based missile launchers and tanks. S.H.A.D.O.W. personnel travel to
the Moonbase in modified Eagle shuttles.

Moon Shadow is totally self-sustaining. Power is generated by four fusion reactors and
the accumulation of solar energy. Earth-normal artificial gravity is generated by eight
subterranean generators surrounding the complex. Water is obtained from ice deposits
under the lunar surface, recycled and purified.

The expansive Main Mission, as viewed from the Command Office, is the primary
control centre of Moon Shadow. The operations and living areas are both functional and
spacious (unlike early space capsules and Earth-orbiting stations). Main Mission, the
control centre of the installation, is a massive, multi-leveled room. Opening into Main
Mission from behind large sliding doors is the Command Office, which includes a large
conference and conversation area. Corridors run eight feet wide throughout the base and

the pipes and wiring trunks that festooned the walls of previous ocean-going military
vessels and spacecraft are concealed behind four-foot-by-eight-foot modular panels.
All personnel have their own suite of rooms in the Residence Section with sitting room,
sleeping alcove and private bathroom. Suites with a separate, larger bedroom are
available to married staff members. Personnel also have the option to live with a
roommate if desired. The Recreation Section boasts a gymnasium, private work-out
rooms, a solarium with adjacent sauna and swimming pool, bowling alley, performing-
arts theatre and separate cinema, and a reference library with both real books and
electronic equivalents. Recreation lounges and restaurants are scattered throughout the

Several buildings are given over to research in a number of scientific fields including
astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology and astrophysics. Others are devoted to the
Technical and Maintenance Sections and are responsible for the repair and upkeep of
Moonbase and its many complex systems. The Eagle transporters and other ancillary
craft are maintained and stored in an underground hangar complex. The Medical Section
occupies an entire building underground included several large wards, trauma, casualty
and diagnostic units, intensive care wards and operating theatres.

The base is protected by both a force shield and a complement of offensive laser batteries
which have been installed around the complex. These large weapons are stored
underground and raised to the surface when deployed. They are controlled from the
Weapons Section, a small, bunker-like room.

Moon Shadow has one commanding officer, assigned by the UN security council, whose
function is as administrator and co-coordinator of all operations in the facility. This
commander has unlimited access to all areas of Moon Shadow. The central computer
Alpha One is programmed to accept and obey all Command orders from this individual
short of those instructions which would threaten the safety of the base.

No unauthorized bases, vehicles or personnel are allowed within 50 kilometres of the


Main Mission/Command Centre

Main Mission personnel include the operations and administrative staff on Alpha. The
second-in-command is designated 'Main Mission Controller' and functions as senior
supervisor of the operatives assigned to the control centre. There is also an
administrative/office staff to perform the bureaucratic tasks that any organization requires
to function—human resources, paymaster, record keeping, etc. "Main Mission" itself is
the command and control area. It is situated at the hub of the base in a prominent tower
structure some levels above the lunar surface.

Technical Section
The largest department, Technical encompasses the computing staff, technicians
overseeing the functioning of the nuclear reactors and environmental systems, aerospace

and rocket propulsion engineers, general maintenance crews, mining personnel and, as a
sub-department, the Research Section's scientific staff.

Service Section
Service encompasses data analysts, clerical staff, the botanists and technicians tending
the hydroponic farms and botanical research units, as well as the kitchen, laundry and
janitorial personnel.

Reconnaissance Section
Reconnaissance Section astronauts fly the Eagles and other ancillary Moonbase craft.
They also frequently operate in Main Mission/Command Centre as flight controllers
during survey and reconnaissance missions. Reconnaissance works in conjunction with
Technical Section to assure the Eagles transporters are constantly checked, maintained
and on stand-by for immediate action.

Medical Section
Medical encompasses the physician and nursing staff, plus medical orderlies and
laboratory technicians—twenty-five persons in all. Scientific and support personnel can
be drawn from the Research Section as needed. The main tasks of Medical Section are: to
maintain the physical and psychological health of all personnel and to carry out
experimentation upon all factors affecting humans residing in space, i.e. human life-
science and psychology experiments. Medical maintains stretcher teams for internal first
aid emergencies, while Medical Rescue Units perform the same function on space
missions. There is also a surgical team of doctors to deal with life threatening injuries.
Alpha One monitors the physiological health of the entire population via wrist monitors
worn by every individual staff member. In the event of high physiological stress or death
of a staff member, Alpha One will offer a verbal and hardcopy warning to the medical
staff on duty.

Security Section
Security guards are on stand-by to control internal disciplinary problems, sentry duty at
strategic or restricted areas, defense functions during survey and reconnaissance missions
and search-and-rescue missions. All guards carry stun-guns and sometimes rifles or small
missile launchers when the situation allows. They are trained as space arms specialists.
Defense teams are deployed during red alerts to strategic areas throughout the complex
and usually consist of two to four guards.

Travel Tubes

Travel tubes provide rapid transit between the various sections of the base and to and
from the Launch pads via a cylindrical travel capsule which contains seating for up to 8
seated passengers plus up to another 10 standing. Easy access to and from main corridors
and reception areas is via double-sliding doors on either side of the capsule. Access to the
launch pad is through the end door, which opens directly into the boarding tube. There is
the capacity for the occupants to suspend motion in mid-travel with an emergency stop
button. The travel-tube tunnels are pressurized with normal Moon Shadow atmosphere.


There is 1 hangar for each Eagle and Hawk launch pad. Each hangar can house up to 20
Eagles or Hawks respectively. Every hangar is also connected to each other via long
cargo transport tunnels.

Eagles and Hawks are moved by cargo transporters from the hangar to the transport pad.

The transport pad then moves the Eagle to the launch pad elevator.

In emergencies Moon Shadow can activate a massive forcefield that completely
encompasses the base when activated. It protects Moon Shadow from anything ranging
from orbital bombardment, to meteor strikes, to solar flares. The shield can take up to
2000 damage per round, with anything over passing through. It can be maintained for up
to 5 hours of continuous use before depleting its generators. It would then need at least
one hour to fully recharge.

Cannon Towers
These large tower based laser battery weapons are capable of being hidden and spring
forth as needed. While potent static weapon defenses, these gun posts are capable of
being destroyed by fighter weapons. They are designed as anti-fighter weapons, able to
fire rapidly and track fast moving targets.
Damage: D20 x 100
Range: 5 kms
Rate of Fire: 1 round per second
Ammunition: 1 hour of continuous fire before the generators are depleted, requiring
another hour to recharge.

Launch Pads, Eagles

There are 12 launch pads around the base which have extending/retracting boarding tubes
via the reception building for access to the Eagles and visiting spaceships. These launch
pads are circular but have descending cross-platforms that lower the Eagles into the
underground area where they are then moved to the transport pad for shifting to the
hangars for storage and maintenance.

Launch Pads, Hawks

There are 4 launch pads exclusively for the Hawks around the base. This is in order to
facilitate a rapid launch response to alien incursions.

Orbital Satellite

Vehicle Type
A vital component in Moon Shadow's tracking and communications systems is its orbital
satellite. Situated in a high lunar orbit, the satellite acts as a radar and sensor-tracking
station as well as a transmitter relay and observation platform. As well as providing the
first warning of a an extraterrestrial vehicle approaching from deep space, it can also
track any craft flying in the Earth's atmosphere. It provides targeting coordinates for the
Hawks and Archangels, and communicates with Moon Shadow, the orbital platforms and

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Aerospace

Height: 6 metres
Width: 3 metres
Length: 10 metres
Weight: 112 tons

Main Body: 1000

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 1 solar vane per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Space Speed: 35,500kph
DCR: 200

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 10 mtr radius of the

Combat Computer: Calculates, stores and transmits data onto a heads up display.
Typically tied into the units targeting computer. Can hold hundreds of entries about
various enemies and robots/power armour/aircraft/vehicles. Assists in selecting and
locking on to enemy targets. +1 to Thac0 using ranged weapons.

Damage Control Repair: When the robot is damaged it can take a turn to attempt to use
the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing D20 Hit Points
damage or 1 system. This is tied to the Robot’s DCR or Damage Control Repair. To do
this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the amount of
points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the roll is equal
to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the damage is erased.
If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is unsuccessful and cannot
be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired using the robot's DCR, as
many as it wants, so long as still has DCR points to allocate. The entire DCR can be
applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30 minutes.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the satellite so it can see in all directions
including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic Vision up
to 100 kms.

Radar: Can identify up to 1000 and track up to 500 targets simultaneously to a range of
1000kms for airborne targets and 400kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities able to reach the moon or anywhere on earth.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 300 mtrs away. 1
forward, 1 rear, 1 per side, 1 on top, and 1 underneath.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system,

power system temperature, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Buggy Class Lunar Transport

Vehicle Type
This is a 2 man all terrain lunar vehicle. It can carry a small amount of cargo in the rear.

Year entered service:




Height: 1 metre
Length: 1.6 metres
Width: 1.2 metres
Weight: 400 kgs

Main Body: 150
Wheels (6): 50

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 60 kph

Damocles Class Orbital Defence Platform

Vehicle Type
Orbital early detection and interception space station. 3 of these stations orbit the earth
and are used as early warning devices, tracking stations and earth's second line of
defence. They are linked to each other and the Moon Shadow Orbital Satellite and work
together in detection and coordination. A complement of Hawk Fighters are also
stationed here and serve as both station defence and reinforcements for their moon base
counterparts. The stations detect any craft entering or exiting the earth's atmosphere. If
there is no authorization for that craft's movement, the stations scramble their Hawk
Fighters to intercept and destroy it. If the craft has entered the earth's atmosphere the
Land, Air and Sea forces are scrambled.

Year entered service:


Corum Industries

Ships' Crew: 50
Support: 250
Hawk Pilots: 25

Shuttle Pilots: 15

Height: 5 kms
Diametre: 4 kms
Weight: 8,568,000 tons
Hull Size: 50

Main Body: 500,000
Spheres: 350,000
Towers: 400,000
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 8 nuclear fission reactors (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 16 solar vanes per side, each linked to 8 solar turbines
Speed: 100kph maneuvering thrusters
Ceiling: 36,000 kms above the earth
DCR: 5000

Endurance Limits
Food and water stores endurance of one year. Oxygen is manufactured and recycled.
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.

Weapon Systems
Anti Spaceship Missile Launchers: 25 total, spread out evenly over all parts of the station.
2D6 x100 each. 10km range. 100 missiles in each
ICMs: 100 antimissile interceptors total, spread out evenly over all parts of the station.
D10 x10 per round. 100mtr range. 100 payload in each
Point Defence: 100 antimissile mini rail guns clusters total, spread out evenly over all
parts of the station. D10 x20 per burst. 50mtr range. 60,000 rounds in each
Rotating Rail Barrels: 100 total, spread out evenly over all parts of the station. D10
x1000 per burst. 100km range. 60,000 rail gun rounds

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the

amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired
using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Escape Pods: There are 350 escape pods situated around the sides. The interior is spartan
—passengers are expected to use the pod only for a few hours. Each pod seats two
people. Padded g-couches protect occupants from injury. They are fully automated so the
escape pod can land without a pilot at the controls. Also included is a radio with 100 km
range, and an emergency homing beacon repeater lasting 1 month with a 500 km range.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 2000kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 100kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Platform is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply, and air
system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 4 weeks if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 1 km away. There
are 30 scattered around each side.

Standard Equipment: Airlocks (35), Atmospheric Shielding, Automatic Pilot,

Automated Hull Sealing, Auxiliary Controls (1), Computer Core, Crew Cabins (300),
Cryogenic Chamber (1), Docking Clamp (5), Docking Hatches (10), ECM, ECM Decoy
Probes (50), Elevators (20), Escape Pods (300), Factory Module (1), Galley (5), Grappler

mags (10 pairs, spread between the 2 hangars), Hangars (2), Hardened Circuits, Holding
Cells (50), Hydroponics (4), Internal Security Systems, Laboratory (1), Medlab (1),
Radar, Repair Drones (20), Running Lights, Slave Circuits, Solar Shields, Winch/Crane
(5 per hangar), Workpods (50), Workshop (1), Escape Pods (350)

Vehicle Complement
25 Hawk Fighters
12 Eagle Shuttles
5 Mobile Transport Cranes (identical to the ones on Moon Shadow)
25 Cargo Powerloaders (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
10 Cargo Exoframe Powerloaders (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
50 Floaters (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
100 Cargo Carts (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
20 All Terrain Cargo Tractors (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
50 Lunar Buggys (identical to the ones on Moon Shadow)
50 EVA Pods

Eagle Class Orbital Shuttle

Vehicle Type
This is an aerospace shuttle used by S.H.A.D.O.W. to transport personnel and supplies
between the earth and the moon. Although not capable of reaching outer planets on their
own the shuttles could certainly be transported by larger, interstellar craft and be used to
descend to planets and return to a Mothership.

Completely modular, the craft are divided into three basic sections: the command
module, the passenger module/service pod, and the superstructure (containing the landing
gear, access corridor/galley, aft compartment, fuel tanks and main propulsion system).
The command module of the Shuttle can detach from the main body enabling it to dock
with another compatible craft or for use as an emergency escape capsule. Several types of
pods could be used, depending on the mission. They are stationed at Moon Shadow and
all the orbital stations.

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Aerospace

2 + 8 passengers (12 if everyone stands) on a standard shuttle

Length: 23.2 metres
Height: 1.6 metres
Width: 9.3 metres

Weight: 238 tons

Pilot's Cockpit: 1500 HPs (in an emergency the cockpit can be used as an escape
Main Body: 1400 HPs
Legs (4): 1000 each
Pod: 1400
AR: 12

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Atmosphere Speed: 25,000 kph
Space Speed: 35,500kph
DCR: 100

Weapon Systems:
Beam Cannon: 1 forward
Lasersonic: 1 retractable on top of Shuttle

Shuttles are piloted by an astronaut and employs both the onboard and Moonshadow
computer systems for guidance, astronavigation, and interpretation of sensor data. The
right seat in the cockpit is usually occupied by a copilot, although the shuttle can
normally be handled by a single operator. In an emergency, when both pilots are
incapacitated, a shuttle may be operated from a slave-station in Moonshadow or from

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the
amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired

using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Eagle is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply, and air
system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Standard Transporter Pod

The standard passenger module, provides maximum seating space for eight passengers in
addition to the pilot and co-pilot. Under emergency conditions (such as total evacuation),
they can carry up to twelve passengers. Transporters are used for missions on the lunar
surface, in lunar orbit, and in interstellar space in the general vicinity of Moonbase; or on
routine planetary landings when no hostile elements are anticipated and the contact team
deems special laboratory or environmental equipment unnecessary.

Freighter Pod

These are used to transport supplies and equipment rather than passengers. The cargo pod
can hold up to 500 tons.

Rescue Pod

Rescue Eagles are Transporters that have been fitted with a special passenger pod,
identified by the extended docking ports which have additional airlocks for
decontamination purposes. Manned by medical personnel, Rescue Eagles are equipped
with mobile beds, patient-monitor units, and other medical equipment such as facilities
for field surgery.
Crane Pod

This pod has a winch and crane attached which can lift up to 300 tons.

Hawk Class Orbital Fighter

Vehicle Type
This is an aerospace interceptor fighter used by S.H.A.D.O.W. against alien incursions
prior to their entering earth's atmosphere. They are stationed at Moon Shadow and all the
orbital platforms. Hawks are capable of leaving and reentering earth’s atmosphere.

Year entered service:



1 + 2 passengers

Height: 2.2 metres
Width: 6 metres
Length: 18.75 metres
Weight: 128 tons

Wings (2): 1400 each
Pilot's Cockpit: 1500 (in an emergency the cockpit can be used as an escape pod)
Main Body: 1400

AR: 12

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Secondary power system: 2 solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines
Atmosphere Speed: 28,000 kph
Space Speed: 40,500kph
DCR: 100

Weapon Systems
Rail Gun: 2 forward. 9D6 per burst, 10 km range, 6000 rail gun rounds
Super Missiles: 2 top. D10 x100 each, 200 km range
Homing Missiles: 10 per wing. 3D6 x10 each, 100 km range

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the
amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired
using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of
100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Hawk is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply, and air
system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Hopper Class Lunar Transport

Vehicle Type
This antigravity unit is used as an overland personnel transporter.

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Aerospace

1 pilot, and there are seats for 1 copilot and 8 passengers.

Height: 3.5 metres
Width: 5 metres
Length: 8 metres
Weight: 8 tons

Cockpit: 1500
Main body: 1000
Legs (4): 400
AR: 10

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Flying Speed: 800 kilometres per hour
Ceiling: 10 mtrs

DCR: 200

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Hopper is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply, and air
system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front, two per side, and two rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Inferno Class All Terrain Lunar Tank

Vehicle Type
This is the first built ground based lunar defense tank and is based on the Moon Shadow
base. It is specially designed to travel over difficult and hazardous terrain.

Year entered service:




Length: 7 metres
Height: 1 metre
Width: 3 metres
Weight: 48 tons

Cabin: 2000
Main Body: 1900
Laser Cannon: 1000

Missile Launchers (2): 1500
Tracked Wheels: 1000
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Speed: 170 kph
DCR: 100

Weapon Systems
Rotating Rail Barrel: 1 forward on top, able to turn 360 degrees around. 8D6 damage per
burst. 1km range. 8000 rail gun rounds.
Missile Launchers: 2 on top, each holds 4 missiles. 3D6 x10 damage each. 10km range.
Can be elevated up to 90 degrees.

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the
amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired
using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of
100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Inferno is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply, and air
system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front and one per side.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Lunar Base Engineering and Construction Class All Terrain Vehicle

Vehicle Type
These are the vehicles that were used in the construction of the Moon Shadow base, and
have been retained for repair and expansion work. It has a huge blade fitted at the front
powerful enough to drive a massive magnitude of sand, soil, debris, etc. It can be used to
remove obstacles and debris of up to 50 tons, and to dig trenches. It also has a crane
which can lift up to 100 tons.

Year entered service:




Length: 8 metres
Height: 2 metres
Width: 3 metres
Weight: 55 tons

Cabin: 2000
Main Body: 1900
Dozer Blade: 2000
Crane: 1000
Tracked Wheels: 1000

AR: 11

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 60 kph
DCR: 20

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the
amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired
using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Construction vehicles is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a
computer controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature
control, air purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier)
that engages when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary,
computer controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high

temperature resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no
damage though nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several
hundred rads, and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front and one per side and two rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Lunar Base Mobile Transport Class Crane

Vehicle Type
This is the standard loader used in Moon Shadow for lifting Eagles, Hawks and other
vehicles and heavy materials and objects and moving them over short distances.

Year entered service:




Length: 10 metres
Height: 20 metres
Width: 5 metres
Weight: 1 ton unloaded

Main Body: 400

Wheels (8): 100
Crane: 150

It is capable of manipulating loads up to 250 tons.

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 50 kph (empty), 30 kph (loaded)

Serenity Class EVA Pod

Vehicle Type
Extravehicular Activity Pods serve as transporters and mobile workshops allows
maintenance work to be performed outside of the platform or a spacecraft. They have
their own maneuvering, life-support, automatic pilot, radar, 4 spotlights, and 4 utility

Year entered service:



1 +2

Diametre: 3 metres
Weight: 1 ton

Main Body: 150
Arms (4): 20
AR: 10

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Space Speed: 500kph
DCR: 10

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The EVA is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply, and air
system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are four in front.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Sptifire Class All Terrain Lunar Tank

Vehicle Type
This is the second ground based lunar defense tank and is based on the Moon Shadow
base. It is specially designed to travel over difficult and hazardous terrain.

Year entered service:




Length: 7 metres
Height: 1 metre
Width: 3 metres
Weight: 48 tons

Cabin: 2000
Main Body: 1900
Laser Cannon: 1000

Tracked Wheels: 1000
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Speed: 190 kph
DCR: 100

Weapon Systems:
Laser Cannon: 1 forward on top, able to turn and be elevated 360 degrees. 9D6 per burst.
1km range. 8000 shots
Machine Cannon: 1 forward, able to turn 90 degrees. 6D6 per burst. 100mtr range. 5000

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the
amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired
using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of
100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Spitfire is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply, and air
system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front and one per side.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Air Vehicles
Sky Shadow 1

Vehicle Type
S.H.A.D.O.W.'s airborne aircraft carrier is now the major mobile headquarters of the
entire organization. Sky Shadow is a huge flying aircraft carrier which cruises the
stratosphere at an approximate altitude of 15 kilometres. It hovers by means of four large
fusion powered hover lift engines which are mounted on pylons outboard of the flight
deck. Sky Shadow has a number of jet engines which are employed for horizontal flight.
The carrier can maintain secure communications in times of world crisis with strategic
military bases throughout the globe. Sky Shadow is also a major link in the Defence
Communications System which incorporates everything from ground lines to satellites.
The carrier is armoured with a triple hull of 5-inch hardened alloy, then a 12-inch layer of
high-speed fragment suppressor, and finally another layer of hardened armour. The
internal bracing and construction is rigid enough to permit Sky Shadow to alight on land
or water. The carrier's primary role is land and space surveillance and is manned by
highly trained electronic intelligence personnel.

Sky Shadow has a fully-sealed, pressurized environment as the air at such height is
unbreathable, and the external temperature is between sixty to eighty degrees below zero.
Because of the risks of decompression, which would be fatal to crew members and have a
disastrous effect on the vessel, Sky Shadow personnel cannot open any external access
hatches without permission from Central Control. Personnel assigned to work on Sky
Shadow must have undergone basic training for altitude proficiency, as it can take time to
adjust to life onboard. It is common for newly-assigned personnel to experience fatigue
and nausea, for a short time.

The Bridge/Combat Information Centre, Combat Operations Centre, and Air Traffic
Control Tower are located on the flight deck. Along with the hanger deck, they are the
aircraft carrier aspect of the carrier. The forward half of the carrier contains the Battle
Command Centre, the Command/Observation World Monitor Centre, and the vast
computer equipment which supports the ELINT and the carrier in general. The aft below
segment of Sky Shadow contains the World Watch Situation Display Room,
S.H.A.D.O.W.'s non-military, intelligence gathering and field agent clearing centre. Sky
Shadow is also equipped with an Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (range of 5600kms,
or the ability to achieve low earth orbit) which is variably programmable and payloaded
to perform a number of special duty, clandestine, and crisis oriented functions. It was
installed in the event of another extraterrestrial confrontation, would be able to provide
the communications support of placing a satellite package in orbit after the primary
satellites had been incapacitated.

Sky Shadow is also hardened against nuclear electromagnetic pulses (EMP: the nuclear
weapon detonation-induced drifting of unwanted ions that leads to high voltage current
leakage paths and electronic circuit failure) to full Military Satellite Hardening
Specifications. It could resist 1.2 joules per centimetre squared of radiation per second.
Housing hundreds of agents and technicians, the carrier also serves as home to several
squadrons of Archangel Interceptor fighter aircraft, helicopters, and support craft. As a
final fail safe, the carrier initiates an automatic 24 hour self destruct sequence should any
hijack attempt be made.

Year entered service:


Corum Industries

Ships' Crew: 320
Support: 960
Troops: 1400
Archangel Pilots: 50
Arclight Pilots: 25
Shadowcopter Pilots: 50
Spartan Pilots: 10
Swiftwind Pilots: 2
Ranger Aircrew: 4
Tangaroa Air Crew: 48

Length: 1100 metres
Height: 190 metres
Width: 150 metres
Weight: 750,000 tons

Main Body: 200,000
Antigravity Engines: 50,000
Command Tower: 90,000
Main Rail Barrel Turrets: 10,000
Missile Launchers: 5000
ICBM Launchers: 15,000
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 4 fission reactors (heavily shielded) with a rated power of 400 MW
Secondary power system: 8 solar vanes per side, each linked to 4 solar turbines. 750,000
Four vertical-thrust air-ducting hover combines and anti-gravity compensators keep Sky
Shadow aloft. Additional power is provided by air-intake nuclear powered cloud
conversion engines, located in the nacelles, which feed the twenty-plus energy powered
Cahelium electric generators powering the horizontal thrusters. These jets enable the
carrier to move to any point around the world in a matter of hours.
Speed: 1500kph
Ceiling: 15 kms
DCR: 2000

Endurance Limits
Food and water stores endurance of one year submerged. Portable oxygen can be filtered
from the atmosphere.
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.

Weapon Systems
Rotating Rail Barrels: 4 forward, 12 per side, 4 rear. D10 x100 per burst. 20km range.
60,000 rail gun rounds
Missile Launchers: Surface to air long range response or quick reaction missile tubes. 3
forward, 12 per side, 3 rear. 3000 missiles total which do 4D6 x10 each with a 50km
Bomb Dispensers: 12 underneath with 50 bombs in each which do D10 x100 damage
each over a 500 mtr radius
ICBM Launchers: 12 nuclear missile silos

Vehicle Complement
50 Archangels
25 Arclight Bombers
50 Shadowcopters
10 Spartans with Tactical Response Battletank Mk II stored within
1 Swiftwind
2 Rangers

12 Tangaroas
5 Mobile Transport Cranes (identical to the ones on Moon Shadow)
25 Cargo Powerloaders (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
10 Cargo Exoframe Powerloaders (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
50 Floaters (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
100 Cargo Carts (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
20 All Terrain Cargo Tractors (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the
amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired
using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Escape Pods: There are 2850 escape pods situated around the sides. The interior is
spartan—passengers are expected to use the pod only for a few hours. Each pod seats two
people. Padded g-couches protect occupants from injury. They are fully automated so the
escape pod can land without a pilot at the controls. Also included is a radio with 100 km
range, and an emergency homing beacon repeater lasting 1 month with a 500 km range.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video
telecast capabilities out to a range of 2000kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 100kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Sky Shadow is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply,
and air system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 2 weeks if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are twenty in front, twenty behind and thirty per side.

Standard Equipment: Airlocks (7), Automated Hull Sealing, Computer Core, Crew
Cabins (2500), Cryogenic Chamber (1), Docking Clamp (5), Docking Hatches (2),
Elevators (5), Factory Module, Galley (2), Hangars (7), Hardened Circuits, Holding Cells
(20), Hydroponics, Internal Security Systems, Laboratory, Running Lights, Winch/Crane
(5 per hangar), Workshop

Sky Shadow’s main body is comprised of multiple decks, and includes two flight decks.
Principal sectors within the main body are, amongst others, the Engine Room, the life
support centre, the multiple hangars, the Medical Centre and the Pilot Ready Room.
The crew can move around the various sectors through a network of passageways,
moving walkways, stairs, lifts and escalators. Because the carrier might seem like a huge
maze in some areas, directional signs and diagrams are posted in strategic places. Most
passageways will eventually end up to the deck main access corridor, which encircle the
perimeter of each deck of the main body. A system of airlock accesses separates the
various sectors of Sky Shadow at strategic points. This way, any sector can be locked
down, in time of emergency, for example to contain a nuclear leak from the generators,
isolate a sector in case of a hull breach or an outbreak, or even to trap an enemy who
could have had access to the base. Some areas are restricted to certain personnel, and
security keys or coded are needed to access them.

Arch Angel pilots and administration staff will normally work on a four hours on
call/four hours off basis, with four hours on/two off in emergencies. In those times of
emergency, the crew can make use of the Hyper Sleep room, several of which are
scattered around the base. The Rooms are fitted with hypnotic devices, diffused lighting
and 'weightless' gimbal-mounted bed. It can cram height hours worth of sleep into a mere
hour or two, permitting the user to be fresh and ready to return to duty. Although a fully
operational military base, it is still equipped with the best facilities to make life as
agreeable as possible for all its residents. Personnel are provided with the best and

healthiest food, which are checked and prepared daily at the restaurant or cantina. Sports
halls, gymnasium and pools are provided to all, to indulge in their favourite sports and
physical activities, and special spaces were built for social interactions, pastimes
(reading, watching movies, playing games, etc.) or simply relaxation, such as the officers'
lounge, the crew's recreation rooms, cinema, auditorium, etc. The Promenade Deck and
the secondary Promenade Deck are also such spaces. These specially designed areas are
in fact, 'indoor gardens', decorated with a large variety of plants, flowers and bushes,
fountains and furnitures. Both located in the Control Tower, they are adorned with large
windows (some of the rare rooms built this way), thus providing a large amount of
sunlight for the plants to thrive and grow. The windows also gives a superb view to the
sky (especially at night) and to both landing strips below.

Needless to say, security is of the outmost importance on Sky Shadow. Extreme safety
measures were put into place to counter any events, either due to accidents or attacks.
Massive tanks of fire-extinguishing foam, carbon dioxide and halon are stored onboard,
mostly on the Control Tower, where they can be pumped anywhere around the base via
its extensive piping system in a matter of seconds. All sectors of Sky Shadow, from top to
bottom, are patrolled and maintained by various maintenance robots, whose function is to
either keep all areas clean or to monitor and repair all systems, insuring that everything
runs smoothy; the various ducts coursing through the carrier are also checked by such
maintenance robots. They are aided in their work by teams of technicians, working 24/7.
Repairs and replacement of faulty or worn out parts are done efficiently and in record
time, no matter if it should be serious or not.

Teams of guards are also available on Sky Shadow 24/7, to insure security onboard. They
perform various duties, such as patrolling the passageways, monitoring and restricting
access points, escorting visitors, etc. They assist officers on various occasions, and given
orders by any of themare allowed to make arrests and escort prisoners to the brig, where
they will keep guard.

Sky Shadow's surrounding airspace is monitored by radars, which in turn provides the
information to the Tower. Should an unauthorized craft approaches the carrier past the
security distance, and not obey radio requests to leave, the Arch Angel interceptors are
dispatched to intercept and repel the intruder, or even destroy it, should it become

The Control Tower

The Control Tower houses the Command Centre, which is one of S.H.A.D.O.W.’s
operational nerve centre, as well as the craft's Control Room, computer databanks, main
communication centre and systems, information and observation centres, conference
room, etc. The Information Room uses advanced seventh generation super computers and
liquid plasma information storage systems to analyze and identify all transferred data,
sorted it, gauged it on importance values, and filed it for eventual uses, thus creating vast
amounts of information necessary for S.H.A.D.O.W.’s work. Any threat, coming from
extraterrestrials or any World-based terrorist organization, is reported, analyzed and
dealt with appropriately. Any part of Earth and its surrounding space can be scanned

through observation satellites. The radar can detect any object coming within a 1000 km
radius of Sky Shadow. Atop the Control Tower, an helipad was built, so to accommodate
landing of an helijet, which is usually used for VIP visitors or in case of emergency.
Access directly to the Tower is gained through a pressurized hatch, which leads near the
Control Room. The helijet doesn't normally park on top the Tower after disambarkment;
it will usually land on the main body runway, to either park there or access the hangar
below the flight deck. Within the Control Tower exists an auxiliary sickbay, which is
located below the Conference Room. It can be used as a back up unit during emergency
situations, should the Tower be isolated from the rest of Sky Shadow, or the Medical
Centre be working at full capacity or disabled.

Main Body
The Engine Room, generators, and most of Sky Shadow's power and life support
equipments are mostly located within the carrier's main body, which is divided in decks,
where are also located staff sleeping quarters, an auditorium, gymnasiums, conference,
seminar and lecture rooms, a cantina, and various other facilities for the staff. Hangars
are also located in the main body, for housing and repairing aircraft, helicopters and the
occasional visiting craft. Lifts are used to bring these craft up to or down from the main
runway just above. Sky Shadow's Medical Centre is, in effect, a small hospital, with all
the needed staff and the most advanced medical and scientific technology. The main body
is also composed of a second flight deck, specifically dedicated to the Arch Angel
interceptor jets launch and landing. Hangars and repair shops for the Angels are situated
beneath the runway, and again, lifts can be used to bring the craft down to the hangars,
repair shops and back onto the runway.

Flight Deck
Sky Shadow’s flight deck covers most of the surface of the main body. It is wide and
long enough to permit landing of all kind of craft, short of large international commercial
transporters, unless equipped with VTOL technology. Landing and take off can be
achieved vertically or the traditional way, depending of the craft. Like for a naval carrier,
the use of a cable arresting system is available for some type of aircraft, which landing
should be done the traditional way. Though the surface of the main flight deck is
accommodated with parking spaces for craft, the runway itself must always remain free,
so it can be used at a moment's notice. Upon landing, the craft is automatically taxied to
an hydraulic lift that will bring it down to one of the hangars below deck, which will
permit pilot and passengers to disembark and access into Sky Shadow without being
exposed to the harsh cold of high altitude. Once the craft is empty, it will be immediately
checked thoroughly, to make sure it will be in flight condition for its next use. Then,
depending of needs and situation, it can either stay in the hangar, or be brought back up
on deck with the lift, the same way it came, to be parked on one of the allotted spaces on
the starboard side of the carrier. Hangars and maintenance bay specifically dedicated for
the Angels aircraft are situated below the runway. A lift system, similar to what is found
on the main deck, can be used to take the interceptor down for maintenance, refueling, re-
arming and repairs. Spare parts are also kept in the maintenance bay, as well as three
standby Angel interceptors. The craft are constantly checked and re-checked by the
maintenance team and computer-controlled robots, ensuring that everything is at

maximum safety. Although it is a rare occurrence, it can be possible to put five
interceptors in the air, should the need arise for it. The Angel pilots ready room, is the
lowest part of Sky Shadow. It is situated on deck E, underneath the main body of the
carrier, at the very far end of the port side, below the Angels craft launching pad.

Medical Centre
The Medical Centre (or Sickbay) is one of the most important sectors of Sky Shadow. It
is run by a small team of doctors and nurses. The Sickbay is located on Deck C of Sky
Shadow's main body, on the starboard side, between the pylons supporting the Control
Tower. It is near the stern hover combine, giving it a close access to the Tower and to the
auxiliary sickbay therein. The Sickbay also has its own helicopter launching and landing
pad; generally, it is dedicated specifically to medicopters, but will also accept landing of
helijets. An hydraulic lift lowers the craft down to a hangar below, where there's a direct
access to a corridor leading to the medical facilities. This permits an injured patient to be
taken straight to the emergency operating theatre within minutes upon landing.
Additionally, the lift gives straight access to the flight decks, where security and medic
teams can quickly intervene, in case of a crash landing. Sky Shadow's Sickbay is a fully
operational hospital, with operating theatres, intensive care modules, isolation wards,
laboratories, decontamination units (located at several entrances), sleeping wards, etc. It
is equipped with the most sophisticated and state of the art in medical, science, research
and technology. Every member of the staff is required to have many medical specialties
so that Sky Shadow's sickbay could be as self-sufficient as possible in every field
imaginable. However, if a field is not covered by sickbay's doctors or if the need of
experts is required, contact can swiftly be made to ground-based hospitals for help.

Surgery can also be performed by such specialists, remotely, through the 'robot doctors'.
One of the most advanced tools used in sickbay, the ‘robot doctors’ (or 'auto docs') are
computerized medical beds are programmed with very advanced ‘near free minds’
capable of medical analysis and assessment. They can check on a patient’s needs,
producing required data in a matter of seconds, and are even able to make their own
prognostics and present solutions. The auto docs system incorporates scanner, laser
scalpels, mini video 3D cameras, and numerous other devices. As stated above, they can
be used to assist during surgery, either with the presence of a surgeon, or remotely, via
computer link. Operating table lighting is supplied via the centra hub of the auto doc.
Sickbay is also equipped with chemical analyzers (also called 'auto-analyzers'). These
devices can perform complex blood and toxin tests within seconds. The auto-analyzer is
often used in conjunction with the auto-pharmacist, which can synthesize anything from
headache pills to a cure for snake-bites in minutes. Another marvel of medical technology
is the life recovery unit, which is in fact a computer-aided operating table

Within Sky Shadow, Sickbay is a self-sufficient unit. Doctors and nurses reside within
the Medical Centre. It has its own laundry, food preparation bay, bathroom facilities, spa
and physiotherapy aids for the patient, and stores of various equipments and medications.
The whole unit is soundproof, specifically the various wards and operating theaters.
Although linked to Sky Shadow's main systems, it has its own computer centre and life

support systems, which are continually checked and monitored by its own computer
room, performing regular emergency memory back up in the event of a power failure.
Sickbay has a direct access to the sport centre, which is situated on the deck just above.
This helps provides better care to the patients, who can then perform needed exercises
during recovery, either on their own or under the supervision of a nurse, a doctor or a
physiotherapist. Like for all sections of Sky Shadow, security camera are installed in
sickbay, and from the command centre in the Tower, it is possible to even follow a
procedure in one of the operating theatres. Chemical analyzers (also called 'auto-
analyzers') can perform complex blood and toxin tests within seconds, while the Auto-
Pharmacist can synthesize anything from headache pills to a cure for snake-bites in

As for any military base, Sky Shadow also comes with a brig, where prisoners can be
held temporarily, pending investigation and interrogation. The cells are accessible
through a 'Brig office', where a guard is posted at a desk, watching over the cell area
through various screens and other equipment. Personnel must check in before stepping
into the cell area through the security door. Should a problem occur, and in the event that
a prisoner should attempt to escape, the on-duty guard can hit a 'panic button' embedded
into his desk to set off the alarms and alert Central Control. Holding cells are small, about
a 100 square feet each, and are designed for temporary detainment only. Therefore, each
of them is equipped with only the most basic of comforts, affording nothing more than a
berth for the prisoner. Access to the cell is gained through the largest wall, which is
sealed by vertical laser bars when detaining a prisoner. Command of the bars is by
security code, through a control panel set against the wall, near the cell, (out of reach of
the prisoner), as well as with the help of a remote control.

Fitness suite
Open 24 hours a day for anyone who wishes to use it, the Sky Shadow Fitness Suite
occupies the midship section of both Accommodation Decks. It offers the most advanced
gym and sporting facilities for all sorts of sport activities, ranging from handball to
fencing. The A.I. Arena is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for individuals
wishing to hone their hand-to-hand combat skills. Cybernetic opponents can be
programmed with the specifications required to meet the competence level of fighting
style of any member of the crew, with styles varying from Kung-Fu to kick-boxing.

Living areas
Personnel live twenty-four hours a day on Sky Shadow, so the carrier needs to provide
facilities that see to everyone's needs and comfort. Staff can take their meals at the
canteen, where they are provided with healthy and nutritious food, prepared by Sky
Shadow's own catering team, working in the kitchen. While it is only to be supposed that,
just like any other military carrier, general staff, such as technicians, guards, mechanics,
nurses, etc., would share quarters, because of the restricted room, officers are individually
allocated a personal space. This allows the officer to take some time to relax on his or her
own, or to work quietly. Outside each of the quarters, near the door, an electronic panel
gives information of the occupant, whether or not it is presently occupied, and if the

occupant is on duty or not. The entrance to each officer's quarters is set in a small alcove,
which gives privacy to the living and sleeping area. The quarters are relatively small, but

Some officers are lucky enough to even have a window. A bed is provided, of course,
with a small kitchenette, where the officer can cook a meal, as well as a bathroom
equipped with a shower. Various storage areas are available to the officer, where clothes,
books and other personal objects could be stored. A large screen is set at the foot of the
bed, providing the opportunity to view films, television and pictures, and also to serve as
a communication and working device. Officers are allowed to decorate their living area
with personal items, as long as these items do not clutter their quarters.

Sky Shadow 2

Vehicle Type
This is S.H.A.D.O.W.'s second airborne aircraft carrier. It is larger than Sky Shadow 1
and carries more aircraft but is not used in a command role unless Sky Shadow 1 is
disabled or destroyed.

Year entered service:


Corum Industries

Ships' Crew: 420
Support: 1020
Troops: 2000
Archangel Pilots: 100
Arclight Pilots: 50
Shadowcopter Pilots: 100
Spartan Pilots: 20
Swiftwind Pilots: 2
Ranger Pilots: 8
Tangaroa Air Crew: 96

Length: 2100 metres
Height: 290 metres

Width: 250 metres
Weight: 1,250,000 tons

Main Body: 275,000
Antigravity Engines: 75,000
Command Tower: 125,000
Main Rail Barrel Turrets: 10,000
Missile Launchers: 5000
ICBM Launchers: 15,000
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 4 fission reactors (heavily shielded) with a rated power of 400 MW
Secondary power system: 8 solar vanes per side, each linked to 4 solar turbines. 750,000
Four vertical-thrust air-ducting hover combines and anti-gravity compensators keep Sky
Shadow aloft. Additional power is provided by air-intake nuclear powered cloud
conversion engines, located in the nacelles, which feed the twenty-plus energy powered
Cahelium electric generators powering the horizontal thrusters. These jets enable the
carrier to move to any point around the world in a matter of hours.
Speed: 1500kph
Ceiling: 15 kms
DCR: 3000

Endurance Limits
Food and water stores endurance of one year submerged. Portable oxygen can be filtered
from the atmosphere.
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.

Weapon Systems
Rotating Rail Barrels: 6 forward, 15 per side, 6 rear. D10 x100 per burst. 20km range.
60,000 rail gun rounds
Missile Launchers: Surface to air long range response or quick reaction missile tubes. 5
forward, 15 per side, 5 rear. 5000 missiles total which do 4D6 x10 each with a 50km
Bomb Dispensers: 15 underneath with 50 bombs in each which do D10 x100 damage
each over a 500 mtr radius
ICBM Launchers: 15 nuclear missile silos

Vehicle Complement
100 Archangels
50 Arclight Bombers
100 Shadowcopters

20 Spartans with Tactical Response Battletank Mk II stored within
1 Swiftwind
4 Rangers
20 Tangaroas
10 Mobile Transport Cranes (identical to the ones on Moon Shadow)
40 Cargo Powerloaders (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
15 Cargo Exoframe Powerloaders (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
50 Floaters (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
100 Cargo Carts (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
20 All Terrain Cargo Tractors (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the
amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired
using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Escape Pods: There are 2850 escape pods situated around the sides. The interior is
spartan—passengers are expected to use the pod only for a few hours. Each pod seats two
people. Padded g-couches protect occupants from injury. They are fully automated so the
escape pod can land without a pilot at the controls. Also included is a radio with 100 km
range, and an emergency homing beacon repeater lasting 1 month with a 500 km range.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of
100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 2000kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 100kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Sky Shadow is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply,
and air system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 2 weeks if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are thirty in front, thirty behind and forty per side.

Standard Equipment: Airlocks (7), Automated Hull Sealing, Computer Core, Crew
Cabins (2500), Cryogenic Chamber (1), Docking Clamp (5), Docking Hatches (2),
Elevators (5), Factory Module, Galley (2), Hangars (7), Hardened Circuits, Holding Cells
(20), Hydroponics, Internal Security Systems, Laboratory, Running Lights, Winch/Crane
(5 per hangar), Workshop

Sky Shadow 2’s interior layout is almost identical to Sky Shadow 1 with it being divided
into decks, each of which has a specific function (such as Engineering, Kitchen,
Accommodation, Health Fitness, Medical Centre, Hangar, etc.). Access to security-
sensitive sections requires authorization either by keypad code, or thumbprint and iris
scans. There are also various security check points all around the base, where guards are
stationed, ready to offer assistance or intervene where necessary.

As with Sky Shadow 1 Central Control is located in the highest section, a tower, which is
situated above the external Flight Deck and is the most important part of the base. It is the
most secure area, accessible only to personnel with Level 9 Security Clearance or above,
and it can serve as backup to Sky Shadow 1.

Flight Deck
The Flight Deck occupies most of Sky Shadow’s upper surface. It is used as an
operations platform for S.H.A.D.O.W. aircraft. There are a total of four runways on the
Flight Deck: Runway 01 and Runway 02 run the entire length of the base, whilst
Runways 03 and 04 cross them diagonally. The Archangel Interceptors, which are the
spearhead of Sky Shadow’s defence, are launched from these runways, which are also

used for other air traffic. Because of the extreme external conditions, it is extremely risky
- if not impossible - for anyone to work on the Flight Deck without the proper equipment.
For this reason, ‘launch robots’ are used as on-deck air-traffic controllers. They relay
flight signals from their human counterparts within the Flight Control section. The
Launch Director, a human air-traffic controller, is surrounded by all of the instruments
needed to know exactly what is happening on the Flight Deck. He stands in an ‘energy
cabin’, and this relays all of his movements and instructions to the robot on-deck.

Set in the deck directly beneath the Flight Deck is the Hangar, which runs the full length
and breadth of Sky Shadow. The Hangar is the storage and maintenance area for all
onboard vehicles and aircraft. The Falcon Squadron, a Swift Passenger Jet, two Albatross
drop-ships, and several Rhinos and Stallion Raid Bikes are stored in the Hangar.
The lifts from the runways quickly take aircrafts to or from the Hangar. These lifts are in
correlation with the Magna-strip runways, and also form an integral part of the unique,
and fully-automated, system which re-arms, re-fuels and re-launches any Spectrum
aircraft. When an aircraft lands, and its shoes are caught by the magnetic rails of the
runway, the craft is brought to a halt on the circular lift, which then descends into the
Hangar, while rotating the aircraft 180 degrees to its correct Hangar position. Once an
Angel is in the Hangar, robotic arms automatically clamp onto its fuselage. The aircraft is
then swiftly moved along a new set of magnetic rails to the other end of the Hangar. At
the same time, the robotic servicing arms prepare the craft for its next flight, by cleaning
its engines and canopy, re-arming its guns and missiles, and refueling it. When it reaches
the other end of the Hangar, the Angel is settled onto a new circular lift and released from
the robotic arms. It is then rotated through 180 degrees once more, so that it is facing the
correct direction for its next take off.

Sky Shadow 3

Vehicle Type
The smallest but newest of the Sky Shadows, Sky Shadow 3 is more of a stealth, attack

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Aerospace

Ships' Crew: 280
Support: 700
Troops: 1200
Archangel Pilots: 40
Arclight Pilots: 20
Shadowcopter Pilots: 40
Spartan Pilots: 5
Swiftwind Pilots: 2
Ranger Aircrew: 4
Tangaroa Aircrew: 32

Length: 1000 metres
Height: 150 metres
Width: 120 metres
Weight: 500,000 tons

Main Body: 150,000

Antigravity Engines: 40,000
Command Tower: 80,000
Main Rail Barrel Turrets: 10,000
Missile Launchers: 5000
ICBM Launchers: 15,000
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 4 MetaTech nuclear fission reactors (heavily shielded) with a rated
power of 400 MW each.
Secondary power system: 8 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 4 solar turbines.
750,000 horsepower
Four vertical-thrust air-ducting hover combines and anti-gravity compensators keep Sky
Shadow aloft. Additional power is provided by air-intake nuclear powered cloud
conversion engines, located in the nacelles, which feed the twenty-plus energy powered
Cahelium electric generators powering the horizontal thrusters. These jets enable the
carrier to move to any point around the world in a matter of hours.
Speed: 1700kph
Ceiling: 15 kms
DCR: 2000

Endurance Limits
Food and water stores endurance of one year submerged. Portable oxygen can be filtered
from the atmosphere.
The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The
solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.

Weapon Systems
Rotating Rail Barrels: 4 forward, 10 per side, 4 rear. D10 x100 per burst. 20km range.
60,000 rail gun rounds
Missile Launchers: Surface to air long range response or quick reaction missile tubes. 2
forward, 10 per side, 2 rear. 4000 missiles total which do 4D6 x10 each with a 50km
Bomb Dispensers: 20 underneath with 50 bombs in each which do D10 x100 damage
each over a 500 mtr radius.

Vehicle Complement
40 Archangels
20 Arclight Bombers
40 Shadowcopters
5 Spartans with Tactical Response Battletank Mk II stored within
1 Swiftwind
2 Rangers
8 Tangaroas
5 Mobile Transport Cranes (identical to the ones on Moon Shadow)
25 Cargo Powerloaders (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)

10 Cargo Exoframe Powerloaders (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
50 Floaters (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
100 Cargo Carts (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
20 All Terrain Cargo Tractors (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the
amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired
using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Escape Pods: There are 2700 escape pods situated around the sides. The interior is
spartan—passengers are expected to use the pod only for a few hours. Each pod seats two
people. Padded g-couches protect occupants from injury. They are fully automated so the
escape pod can land without a pilot at the controls. Also included is a radio with 100 km
range, and an emergency homing beacon repeater lasting 1 month with a 500 km range.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 2000kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers

or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 100kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Sky Shadow is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply,
and air system. Suitable in space, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 2 weeks if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are thirty in front, thirty behind and forty per side.

Standard Equipment: Airlocks (6), Automated Hull Sealing, Computer Core, Crew
Cabins (2400), Cryogenic Chamber, Docking Clamp (5), Docking Hatches (2), Elevators
(5), Factory Module, Galley (2), Hangars (6), Hardened Circuits, Holding Cells (20),
Hydroponics, Internal Security Systems, Laboratory, Running Lights, Winch/Crane (5
per hangar), Workshop

Sky Shadow 3 interior layout is similar to Sky Shadow 1 with it being divided into decks,
each of which has a specific function (such as Engineering, Kitchen, Accommodation,
Health Fitness, Medical Centre, Hangar, etc.) though configured differently. It has a
stealth cloak which renders it radar invisible and difficult to see in the sky.

Arch Angel Class Interceptor Fighter

Vehicle Type
This is an interceptor fighter used by S.H.A.D.O.W. against alien incursions once they
have entered earth's atmosphere. They are stationed on the Sky Shadows, on all the Sea
Shadows and various bases around the world.

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Aerospace


Length: 18 mtrs
Height: 4 mtrs
Width: 11 mtrs
Weight: 20 tons

Wings (2): 1300 each
Pilot's Cockpit: 1400
Main Body: 1300
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Air Speed: 3300kph
Ceiling: 17.5 kms

Weapon Systems
Rotating Rail Barrel: 2 forward. 9D6 per burst. 1km range. 6000 rail gun rounds
Missiles: 6 per wing. 2D6 x10 each. 5kms

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers

or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front and one per side near the rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Arclight Class Bomber

Vehicle Type
This is a strike bomber used by S.H.A.D.O.W. against enemy compounds. They are
stationed on the Sky Shadows, and various bases around the world.

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Aerospace


Length: 24 mtrs
Height: 6 mtrs
Width: 18 mtrs
Weight: 40 tons

Wings (2): 1400 each
Pilot's Cockpit: 1500
Main Body: 1400
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Air Speed: 2300kph
Ceiling: 18 kms

DCR: 100

Weapon Systems
Rotating Rail Barrel: 1 forward. 9D6 per burst. 1km range. 6000 rail gun rounds
Missiles: 6 per wing, 1 launcher per side of fuselage with 4 missiles each. 2D6 x10 each.
Bomb Dispensers: 2 underneath with 5 bombs in each which do D10 x50 damage each
over a 500 mtr radius

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers

or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front and one per side near the rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Arminius Class Cargo Jet

Vehicle Type
This is the largest S.H.A.D.O.W. cargo jet, capable of carrying 700 tons. Though not
stationed on the Sky Shadows they are capable of landing on and taking off from them.
They are mainly kept on U.N.I.T.T. bases.

Year entered service:


Corum Industries


Length: 90 mtrs
Height: 20 mtrs
Width: 92 mtrs
Weight: 200 tons

Wings (2): 2100 each
Pilot's Cockpit: 2200
Main Body: 2100
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Air Speed: 900kph

Ceiling: 18 kms
DCR: 150

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages

when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two forward, two per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Gilgamesh Class Cargo Jet

Vehicle Type
This is the third largest S.H.A.D.O.W. cargo jet, capable of carrying 300 tons. Though
not stationed on the Sky Shadows they are capable of landing on and taking off from
them. They are mainly kept on U.N.I.T.T. bases.

Year entered service:


Corum Industries


Length: 50 mtrs
Height: 15 mtrs
Width: 51 mtrs
Weight: 100 tons

Wings (2): 1800 each
Pilot's Cockpit: 1900
Main Body: 1800
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Air Speed: 900kph
Ceiling: 18 kms

DCR: 70

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer

controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two forward, two per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Pericles Class Cargo Jet

Vehicle Type
This is the second largest S.H.A.D.O.W. cargo jet, capable of carrying 500 tons. Though
not stationed on the Sky Shadows they are capable of landing on and taking off from
them. They are mainly kept on U.N.I.T.T. bases.

Year entered service:


Corum Industries


Length: 70 mtrs
Height: 17 mtrs
Width: 71 mtrs
Weight: 150 tons

Wings (2): 1900 each
Pilot's Cockpit: 2000
Main Body: 1900
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Air Speed: 900kph
Ceiling: 18 kms
DCR: 50

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two forward, two per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Ranger Class Passenger VTOL Jet

Vehicle Type
This is the main S.H.A.D.O.W. personnel transport used. It holds only 20 seats, however
it does have vertical take off and landing capability. They can be found on the Sky
Shadows and most U.N.I.T.T. bases.

Year entered service:


Corum Industries

2 +20

Length: 25 mtrs
Height: 4 mtrs
Width: 11 mtrs
Weight: 20 tons

Wings (2): 900 each
Pilot's Cockpit: 900
Main Body: 1000
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Air Speed: 1500kph
Ceiling: 15 kms

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers

or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There is one forward, one per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature, radar lock
warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe identification, damage assessment indicators.

Sky King Class Cargo Transporter

Vehicle Type
The Sky King is an all-weather, heavy cargo carrier helicopter. It can carry up to 100
tons. They are stationed on Sky Shadows, on all the Sea Shadows and various bases
around the world.

Year entered service:



1 pilot and 1 co-pilot

Height: 5 metres
Width: 4 metres
Length: 11 metres
Weight: 9 tons unloaded

Cockpit: 2000
Main body: 1500

Large Heli Blades: 800
Small Heli Blades: 600
Wheels (6): 400
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Speed: 200 kph unloaded, 75 kph when fully loaded
Ceiling: 12 kms
DCR: 200

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off a plane to distract radar-guided or heat
guided missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is
successful in removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: When the vehicle is damaged the pilot can take a turn to
attempt to use the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing
D20 Hit Points damage or 1 system. This is tied to the vehicle’s DCR or Damage Control
Repair. To do this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the
amount of points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the
roll is equal to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the
damage is erased. If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is
unsuccessful and cannot be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired
using the robot's DCR, as many as the pilot wants, so long as still has DCR points to
allocate. The entire DCR can be applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of
100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front, two per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Shadowcopter Class Rapid Response Helicopter

Vehicle Type
This is an attack helicopter used by S.H.A.D.O.W. They are stationed on Sky Shadows,
on all the Sea Shadows and various bases around the world. It offers rapid transportation
over short distances and remains substantially unaffected by air turbulence. The
helicopter can be used on escorts, for transportation and for surveying or scouting. They
are very robust and rugged in construction, granting them the ability to land on virtually
any type of terrain with its standard, wheeled, retractable undercarriage, it can also land
on water if need be, thanks to retractable floats within the nose and side engine pods.
It can also be used to carry loads with the help of grappling hooks on the undercarriage.
While standard helicopters are limited by altitude and air thinness, the Shadowcopter can
count on jets in addition to its blades to reach Skybase. They offer superior air agility and
ascents and descents that are faster than any other known helicopter.

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Aerospace


Length: 3 mtrs
Height: 2 mtrs
Width: 3 mtrs
Weight: 3.5 tons

Wing engines (2): 300

Tail engines (2): 150
Pilot's Cockpit: 500
Main Body: 400
AR: 14

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Air Speed: 900kph or hover
Ceiling: 7.5 kms
DCR: 20

Weapon Systems
Rotating Rail Barrel: 1 forward. 9D6 per burst. 1km range. 4000 rail gun rounds

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the copter in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of
100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There is one underneath.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Skycycle Class Air Cycle

Vehicle Type
The Skycycle is a versatile, short-range sky bike that can be used to carry one person,
whether they are on Earth or in other locations, such as Mars. Its small size makes it
extremely maneuverable and the rider can easily zip around obstacles such as the tight
setting full of skyscrapers in New York City. It is controlled much like a standard
motorcycle, using the rider’s weight to help it negotiate tight turns. The chassis is sturdy
enough to withstand heavy impacts and will protect the rider should an accident occur.

Year entered service:




Length: 1.6 mtrs
Height: 1 mtr
Width: 1.5 mtrs
Weight: 400 kgs

Main Body: 700
Front Foils (2): 200
Wings (2): 400
AR: 6

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Land Speed: 200kph
Flight Speed: 500 kph
Ceiling: 1 kms

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Hardened Circuits: The vehicle's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Spotlights: 1 forward high intensity spotlight, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Skyflash Class Passenger Jet

Vehicle Type
This is the largest S.H.A.D.O.W. personnel carrier with 100 seats. Though not stationed
on the Sky Shadows they are capable of landing on and taking off from them. They are
mainly kept on U.N.I.T.T. bases.

Year entered service:


Corum Industries

2 +100

Length: 35 mtrs
Height: 12.5 mtrs
Width: 36 mtrs
Weight: 40 tons

Wings (2): 1000 each
Pilot's Cockpit: 1100
Main Body: 1000
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Air Speed: 900kph
Ceiling: 18 kms

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two forward, two per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature, radar lock
warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe identification, damage assessment indicators.

Spartan Class Transporter

Vehicle Type
The Spartan is designed for rapid troop deployment, dropping from a helicarrier and
delivering troops and equipment quickly to a hot zone. They typically carry the Tactical
Response Battletank Mk II, although they can also be used to transport other equipment
and even troops directly in the field. The Spartan has the ability to take off and land
vertically from unprepared sites, and can also operate as a carrier-to-carrier transport.
Additionally, the Spartan has many variable weapons hardpoints and a fixed internal
cannon, allowing it to be used in a gunship role in support of ground troops.

It serves as a multi-role aerospace shuttle with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL)
capabilities, able to lift loads of up to 20 tons. Although initially designed as a pure
transport, the Spartan’s abilities have since been expanded to include operation as a
close-support gunship. Since its inception, it has proven to be a stable and reliable
platform, extremely popular with pilots.

The Spartan works on a unique deployment system. The cargo doors under the belly of
the craft open, and unfold to form the landing feet. Then, the vehicle it carries is lowered
by a lift from the Spartan's cargo, just at its finishes its landing procedure and approach.
The Battletank can be deployed at the same second the Spartan makes its landing, and
once it is out, the craft can take off immediately. This 'drop-and-go' deployment makes
the aircraft perfect for covert operations.

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Aerospace

2 +70

Length: 25 mtrs
Height: 9 mtrs
Width: 25 mtrs
Weight: 50 tons

Main Wings (2): 2500
Engines (2): 2000
Rear Wings (2): 1500
Pilot's Cockpit: 2800
Main Body: 2600
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Air Speed: 2300kph
Ceiling: 19 kms
DCR: 200

Weapon Systems
Rotating Rail Barrel: 2 forward. 9D6 per burst. 1km range. 8000 rail gun rounds
Missiles: 1 pod per wing with 10 missiles in each. 2D6 x10 each. 5kms

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though

nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There is one forward, two per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

In line with its primary role as a transport vehicle, the Spartan is constructed around its
payload bay. The bay includes a 5 metre wide, hydraulically-activated deck ramp, able to
carry a fully-loaded Pursuit Battletank or stores pallet and raise the cargo completely into
the payload space from ground level. Automatic latches within the bay extend to hold the
cargo securely in place once the deck is raised. An additional small gantry for crew
access is found at the rear of the payload space.

The Spartan has a crew of two, comprising a pilot and a weapons officer. The spacious
pressurized cockpit is accessed by way of a ladder at the front of the payload bay — this
ladder is telescopic to allow access even when the cargo ramp is lowered. Within the
cockpit, the flight crew sit in tandem, with the pilot ahead and to the right of the Weapons

Swiftwind Class Passenger Jet

Vehicle Type
This is the smallest of the S.H.A.D.O.W. personnel jets with only 10 seats. Though not
stationed on the Sky Shadows they are capable of landing on and taking off from them.
They are mainly kept on U.N.I.T.T. bases.

Year entered service:


Corum Industries

2 +10

Length: 18 mtrs
Height: 4 mtrs
Width: 11 mtrs
Weight: 6 tons

Wings (2): 700 each
Pilot's Cockpit: 800
Main Body: 850
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Air Speed: 2500kph
Ceiling: 17 kms

A/DF: 5 MR: 3 DCR: 0

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though

nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two forward, two per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Tangaroa Class Cargo Jet

Vehicle Type
This is the smallest S.H.A.D.O.W. cargo jet capable of carrying 100 tons. They are
stationed on Sky Shadow, and various bases around the world.

Year entered service:




Length: 35 mtrs
Height: 12.5 mtrs
Width: 36 mtrs
Weight: 50 tons

Wings (2): 1500 each
Pilot's Cockpit: 1600
Main Body: 1500
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Air Speed: 900kph
Ceiling: 18 kms
DCR: 200

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in high altitude and against gas attacks. It has a computer
controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air
purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages
when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two forward, two per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system,

power system temperature, ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro
compass, friend or foe identification, damage assessment indicators.

Land Vehicles
Crusader Class Light Battletank

Vehicle Type
The Crusader is a type of light armored tactical response tank. It is designed to operate as
a multi-role vehicle small enough that it can be transported easily around the world via
air transports. The Crusader is the tank of choice for the armour units who have come to
rely not only on its speed and power, but its sheer ability to destroy any opposing
vehicles in a single shot.

Year entered service:



2 (1 to drive and 1 to operate the turret)

Length: 7 mtrs
Height: 5 mtrs
Width: 2.5 mtrs
Weight: 30 tons

Cabin: 2000
Main Body: 1500
Wheels (2): 600
Tracked Wheels (6): 700
Turret: 1000
Cannons: 500
AR: 17

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Land Speed: 160kph
DCR: 50

Weapon Systems
Twin Laser Cannons: 2 forward on turret which can rotate 360 degrees. D10 x100 per
blast. 2km range. Can fire continuously for 1 hour before depleting its battery.
Missile Launchers: 5 on rear retractable, each holds 4 missiles. 4D6 x10 each. 10km

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the Crusader in emergency
circumstances. System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The vehicle's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The tank can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply,
and air system. Suitable against gas attacks. It has a computer controlled life support
system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air purification and
circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages when needed
and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer controlled
independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature resistant
shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though nuclear,
and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads, and
polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport. It is waterproof; should it fall into
water, the crew has a limited amount of air, and its electronics will still be working, at
least long enough to find a way out or to wait for help.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two forward, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

The Crusader's chassis incorporates a 5 cm foam-packed floor cavity to protect occupants

against explosives such as mines or shaped charges. The hull is constructed of light alloys
and is latched and bonded (rather than welded) to the chassis in order to prevent fatigue
and failure from effects associated with an alloy-titanium interface. The inside of the hull
is lined with additional protection in the form of boron carbide ceramic tiles, each of
which is coated with a polymer resin to prevent cracks or shattering during normal travel;
this resin also provides limited protection against pulsed laser weapons. The tiles are also
backed with a thick layer of woven, fire-resistant polymer Venlar armor that limits
spalling in the event of hull penetration. The driver's forward windshield is constructed of
exceptionally tough quartz armored crystal. Hull paints are laser absorbent to protect
against lidar, while the tank incorporates an infrared camouflage feature in which cooling
elements are arranged in patches and stripes beneath the skin to break up the vehicle's IR

The vehicle's primary armament is in the form of a roof-mounted turret to the rear that
offers a 360-degree field and is entirely self-contained (including power supply).
Weapons are stabilized within the turret to allow for firing whilst the vehicle is on the
move. The turret can be elevated up to an additional 1 metre, providing additional
elevation or maintaining a level firing platform for the weapons. The turret can be
controlled manually, either by the crew inside it or from the gunner's position inside the
front of the tank, or it can be set to automatic. In the latter mode, millimetre-wave
targeting radars mounted in the turret are able to communicate with the tank's sensor
array, allowing the weapons to track and engage targets detected by the vehicle's primary
sensor suite; alternatively, the turret can use its own ground-mapping and search
functions to acquire targets independently.

Land Raider Class Battletank

Vehicle Type
The Land Raider is a unique form of Battletank being composed of two parts which may
separate and fight together or separately. The two different vehicles are the Raider and
the Killdozer. They are located on various bases around the world.

Year entered service:



Raider: 2 +6
Killdozer: 2 +6

Raider Dimensions
Length: 7 mtrs
Height: 2 mtrs
Width: 2.5 mtrs
Weight: 10 tons

Killdozer Dimensions
Length: 5 mtrs
Height: 3 mtrs
Width: 5.5 mtrs
Weight: 30 tons

Raider SDC
Cabin: 1500
Main Body: 1200
Wheels (4): 600
AR: 17

Killdozer SDC
Cabin: 2500
Main Body: 2000
Tracked Wheels (6): 800
Missile Launcher: 500
AR: 17

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Raider Speed: 300kph
DCR: 50
Killdozer Speed: 120 kph
DCR: 100

Raider Weapon Systems

Machine Cannons: 2 forward extendable. 3D6 x10 per burst. 100mtr range. 5000
machine cannon rounds.
Flamethrower: 1 forward underneath. 4D6 x10 burning damage. 100 mtrs. 100 shots.

Killdozer Weapon Systems

Missile Launcher: 1 on top with 2 missiles. 4D6 x10 each. 10km range
Rotating Rail Barrel: 2 forward and 2 rear retractable. 9D6 x10 per burst. 1km range.
8000 rail gun rounds.

Equipment (both vehicles)

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew seats out from the car in emergency circumstances. System
typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The vehicle's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The vehicles can be sealed airtight and come with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable against gas attacks. It has a computer controlled life
support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air purification
and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages when
needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport. It is waterproof; should it fall
into water, the crew has a limited amount of air, and its electronics will still be working,
at least long enough to find a way out or to wait for help.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away. 1
forward, 1 rear, and 1 per side on each vehicle.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Each component vehicle is operated by a crew of two (driver and copilot) and
incorporates seating for 6 passengers. Other than the primary access via a sliding door on
the starboard side, the vehicle has a small driver's hatch on the port side. The interior is
relatively spacious, allowing for ample weapons and supply stowage. The vehicles are
required to carry sufficient ammunition and supplies for up to three days of fighting;
while this is possible, in practice the interior of the vehicle becomes cramped. Typically,
no more than two days of supplies and ammunition are carried, except on long-range
operations where resupply is limited.

Outrider Class Scout

Vehicle Type
The Outrider is S.H.A.D.O.W.’s rapid response vehicle. Sleek and easily recognizable by
the guns mounted on the hood, this car is highly maneuverable and capable of great
acceleration and speed, which is ideal for both long distance and city chases. The
aerodynamic silhouette of the Outrider helps it not only on the road, but also in the air.
When trying to avoid obstacles or if flight is required, the driver can pull on a lever on
the middle console to deploy the flight mode, which allows it to fly using retractable
wings, a tail fin and a combination of jump jets on the wings and aircraft engines in the
back. Since this requires a lot of fuel, the car can only fly for one hour continuously.
Should things go wrong, the roof can be ejected to facilitate a quick escape.

Since it is often involved in pursuits and dangerous situations, the Outrider is built with
bulletproof body work and windows. The front bumper is also reinforced so that it can be
used to ram into objects if need be. There are two machine guns mounted on the hood.

They are located on various bases around the world.

Year entered service:




Length: 5 mtrs

Height: 1.5 mtrs
Width: 2 mtrs
Weight: 1 ton

Cabin: 1000
Main Body: 900
Wheels (6): 400
Wings (2): 500
Cannons: 200
AR: 17

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Land Speed: 320kph
Flight Speed: 700 kph
DCR: 50

Weapon Systems
Twin Machine Cannons: 2 forward on hood. 3D6 x10 per burst. 100mtr range. 5000
machine cannon rounds.
Battering Ram: On the front and rear, extendable. +3D6 ramming damage.

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew seats out from the car in emergency circumstances. System
typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The vehicle's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable against gas attacks. It has a computer controlled life
support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air purification
and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages when
needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport. It is waterproof; should it fall
into water, the crew has a limited amount of air, and its electronics will still be working,
at least long enough to find a way out or to wait for help.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away. 1

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Pursuit Class Cycle

Vehicle Type
With its front winglets and twin wheels at the back for extra stability at high speeds, the
Pursuit Bike is S.H.A.D.O.W.’s undisputed champion on land. While nearly as massive
as a car, the Bike is nonetheless easy to drive. For added maneuverability, the rear wheel
pivots independently of the body and the seat ensures that the driver is in the most
aerodynamic position. It has another unique feature: it is the only terrestrial vehicle in the
fleet that can launch directly from a Sky Shadow. After driving off the end of the runway,
it will freefall like a bullet, then deploy its wings in stages, enabling the bike to fly.

Once airborne, the winglets can be used to help direct the Stallion toward the desired
landing location. As the bike touches the ground, the canopy and wings automatically
retract when the wheels touch the ground. The momentum of the descent and the stability
of the vehicle aids the driver not to lose an instant while in pursuit. The twin rear wheels
put down a huge amount of traction and it blasts off down the road.

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Motors


Length: 7.8 mtrs
Height: 2.6 mtrs
Width: 2.5 mtrs
Weight: 10 tons

Canopy: 1100
Main Body: 1000
Wheels (3): 400
Wings (2): 600
AR: 10

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Land Speed: 320kph
Flight Speed: 700 kph
Ceiling: 17 kms

Weapon Systems
Twin Machine Cannons: 2 forward. 5D6 x10 per burst. 100mtr range. 500 rounds.
Missile Launchers: 1 forward retractable, holding 4 micro missiles. Anyone caught
within 10 mtrs of the explosive charge takes 4D6 x10 explosive damage. However it also
has a +20 mtr "danger zone" where anyone within will be hit by D10+2 ‘frags’ each
doing 2D10 damage.

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The vehicle's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable against gas attacks. It has a computer controlled life
support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air purification
and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages when
needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport. It is waterproof; should it fall
into water, the crew has a limited amount of air, and its electronics will still be working,
at least long enough to find a way out or to wait for help.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away. One

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Tactical Response Class Battletank Mk II

Vehicle Type
The TRB is a heavy-duty ground based all terrain attack vehicle, with an ultra-tough full
armour. They are used for locating and dealing with extraterrestrial vehicles which have
managed to land on earth.
It is specially designed to travel over difficult and hazardous terrain. They are stationed
on Sky Shadows and various bases around the world. Whenever a TRB is needed on a
given mission, S.H.A.D.O.W. will use the Spartan to transport the vehicle. The Spartan
will landed - using VTOL capacity and the hatch beneath will open, a lift lowering to the
ground to deposit the TRB - with crew inside - ready to perform its mission.

Year entered service:

Tomorrow Motors

1 +5

Length: 7.8 mtrs
Height: 2.6 mtrs
Width: 2.5 mtrs
Weight: 10 tons

Cabin: 3000
Main Body: 2500
Missile Launchers: 1500
Large Wheels (4): 1000
Medium Wheels (6): 800
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Speed: 290kph
DCR: 100

Weapon Systems
Rotating Rail Barrel: 2 forward retractable. 9D6 x10 per burst. 1km range. 8000 rail gun
Twin Machine Cannons: 2 forward on side top retractable, able to turn 90 degrees. 5D6
x10 per burst. 100mtr range. 5000 machine cannon rounds.
Missile Launchers: 2 on top rear retractable, each holds 4 missiles. 4D6 x10 each. 10km
Battering Ram: On the front and rear, extendable. +4D6 ramming damage.

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the TRB in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The vehicle's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The plane can be sealed airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable against gas attacks. It has a computer controlled life
support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature control, air purification
and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages when
needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary, computer
controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high temperature
resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no damage though
nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several hundred rads,
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport. It is waterproof; should it fall
into water, the crew has a limited amount of air, and its electronics will still be working,
at least long enough to find a way out or to wait for help.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two forward, two per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,

ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

The TRB is capable of high speed with the help of twin ram air booster jets at the rear;
supplied with ten wheels (two front sets, three rear set), as well as with variable ride-
height suspension, it is equipped with a multi-wheel steering system, which makes this
cumbersome-looking vehicle surprisingly easy to maneuver, on any kind of normal roads
as well as giving it good off-road performance.

The TRB is a sealed armoured vehicle, which access to the cabin is gained from the
hatches on the vehicles sides. Retractable seats will face the opening to receive either the
driver and/or passenger and then get into position in front of the controls panel. The
vehicle can be driven from either side, the steering sliding into position to whoever
wishes to drive it. Other hatches are situated on top of the vehicle and underneath it.
The driver’s cabin has a number of control screens, which act as the driver's eyes.
Equipped with all manner of computerized equipment needed the TRB also comes with a
security device allowing the driver to lock the vehicle capacity by password and voice-
command, thus avoiding the tank to be stolen by an enemy if it should be left by itself.

Snow Vehicles
Arctic Terrain Construction Class Vehicle

Vehicle Type
These is the vehicles that is used in the construction and repair of any bases in arctic type
terrain. It has a huge blade fitted at the front powerful enough to drive a massive
magnitude of snow, soil, debris, etc. It can be used to remove obstacles and debris of up
to 50 tons, and to dig trenches. It also has a retractable crane which can lift up to 100
tons. They are stationed in any U.N.I.T.T. tundra bases.

Year entered service:




Length: 8 metres
Height: 2 metres
Width: 3 metres
Weight: 55 tons

Cabin: 2000
Main Body: 1900
Dozer Blade: 2000
Crane: 1000
Tracked Wheels(2): 1000
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 60 kph
DCR: 20

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the plane in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Construction vehicles is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in subarctic weather, underwater and against gas attacks.
It has a computer controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and
temperature control, air purification and circulation systems (gas filtration,
humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages when needed and can recirculate breathable air for
up to 5 days if necessary, computer controlled independent oxygen supply and purge
system, insulated high temperature resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade
(normal fires do no damage though nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation
shielded up to several hundred rads, cold shielding down to minus 90 degrees centigrade
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front and two rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, radar, distance travelled, inertial mapping

system (zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Arctic Terrain Cargo Class Transporter

Vehicle Type
A heavy, all terrain, long haul cargo transporter specially built for arctic weather and
terrain. It has its own crane which lift up to 400 tons. They are stationed in any
U.N.I.T.T. tundra bases.

Year entered service:



1 + 2 passengers

Height: 10 metres
Width: 6 metres
Length: 18 metres
Weight: 30 tons unloaded

Main Body: 1000
Crane: 800
Tyre (10): 500
AR: 14

The ATCT can carry 3000 tons of cargo on its rear platform.

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine

Driving Speed: 60 kph (empty), 40 kph (loaded)
DCR: 30

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Construction vehicles is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in subarctic weather, underwater and against gas attacks.
It has a computer controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and
temperature control, air purification and circulation systems (gas filtration,
humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages when needed and can recirculate breathable air for
up to 5 days if necessary, computer controlled independent oxygen supply and purge
system, insulated high temperature resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade
(normal fires do no damage though nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation
shielded up to several hundred rads, cold shielding down to minus 90 degrees centigrade
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away. Four
forward, four per side and two rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, radar, inertial mapping

system (zeroed on your deployment location/home base), GPS, gyro compass, friend or
foe identification.

Arctic Terrain Personnel Carrier Class Transporter

Vehicle Type
The ATPC is a fully armoured personnel carrier which has been specially designed to
deal with arctic weather and terrain. They are stationed in any U.N.I.T.T. tundra bases.

Year entered service:



1 + 21 passengers

Height: 2 metres
Length: 6 metres
Width: 4 metres
Weight: 8 tons unloaded

Main Body: 800
Tracked Wheel Sets (8): 400
AR: 15

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Driving Speed: 80 kph
DCR: 20

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The Construction vehicles is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in subarctic weather, underwater and against gas attacks.
It has a computer controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and
temperature control, air purification and circulation systems (gas filtration,
humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages when needed and can recirculate breathable air for
up to 5 days if necessary, computer controlled independent oxygen supply and purge
system, insulated high temperature resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade
(normal fires do no damage though nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation
shielded up to several hundred rads, cold shielding down to minus 90 degrees centigrade
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away. Four
forward, two per side and two rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, radar, inertial mapping

system (zeroed on your deployment location/home base), GPS, gyro compass, friend or
foe identification.

Snow-blind Class Arctic Tank

Vehicle Type
The Snow-blind is specially designed to travel over difficult and hazardous arctic terrain.
The transaxle assembly has a rear mid-engine transversely mounted (RMR-T) layout and
connects to the continuous tracks and transmission. The 4 high-grip, off-road tyres have
superior traction for steering in mud and snow, and the fenders are lined with deflectors.
Should the vehicle break down, the spotlights can be powered independently by an
auxiliary generator and used as rescue beacons. They are stationed on any U.N.I.T.T.
tundra bases and can be transported by the Spartan.

Year entered service:


Tomorrow Motors

1 +5

Length: 7.8 mtrs
Height: 2.6 mtrs
Width: 2.5 mtrs
Weight: 10 tons

Cabin: 3000
Main Body: 2500
Rail Cannons: 1500
Machine Cannon: 800
Large Wheels (4): 1000
Retractable Cockpit Cover: 2000
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Speed: 270kph
DCR: 100

Weapon Systems
Rotating Twin Rail Barrel: 1 forward on top towards the rear, able to turn a full 360
degrees around and up to 180 degrees up. 9D6 x10 per burst. 1km range. 8000 rail gun
Rotating Single Rail Barrel: 1 forward on top next to cockpit, able to turn 360 degrees
around and up to 90 degrees up. 7D6 x10 per burst. 100mtr range. 5000 rail gun rounds.
Machine Cannon: 1 forward on top next to top entry hatch after the cockpit, able to turn
360 degrees around and up to 90 degrees up. 5D6 x10 per burst. 100mtr range. 5000
machine cannon rounds.
Missile Launchers: 4 on top middle retractable, each holds 4 missiles. 4D6 x10 each.
10km range
Battering Ram: On the front and rear, extendable. +4D6 ramming damage.

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: Chaff and flares are fired off to distract radar-guided or heat guided
missiles from their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in
removing a tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the TRB in emergency circumstances.
System typically ejects the occupants about 300 mtrs to parachute safely away.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The vehicle's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for airborne targets and 40kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Retractable Cockpit Cover: An armoured shield which can be deployed at will during a
battle or severe weather.

Sealed: The Construction vehicles is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation
supply, and air system. Suitable in subarctic weather, underwater and against gas attacks.
It has a computer controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and
temperature control, air purification and circulation systems (gas filtration,
humidifier/dehumidifier) that engages when needed and can recirculate breathable air for
up to 5 days if necessary, computer controlled independent oxygen supply and purge
system, insulated high temperature resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade
(normal fires do no damage though nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation
shielded up to several hundred rads, cold shielding down to minus 90 degrees centigrade
and polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two forward, two per side, and one rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Sea Vehicles
Sea Shadow Class Submersible

Vehicle Type
The only sea vessel belonging to S.H.A.D.O.W. (the rest are controlled by
T.S.U.N.A.M.I.) these are based on a converted Crimson Doom Sovetskaja Submersible
Carrier with additional MetaTech and M.S.I technology. As a result, they have superior
underwater performance in comparison with any conventional submersibles. The interior
is unlike anything ever seen before due to the aircraft hangars. Due to extensive AI
automation these giant vessels need less crew than their smaller predecessors. With a
crew of 160 these vessels have a fraction of the complement of conventional

Year entered service:


Originally Sinotech. Later modified by Tomorrow Yards, SeaTech (MetaTech) and

Ships' Crew: 160
Support: 480
Troops: 700
Archangel Pilots: 15
Sky King Pilots: 24

Length: 520 metres
Height: 95 metres
Width: 73 metres
Weight: 500,000 tons

Main Body: 69,000
Command Tower: 32,000
Rear Fins (4): 3000
Torpedo Launchers: 4000
ICBM Launchers (18): 12,000
AR: 18

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 2 MetaTech nuclear fission reactors (heavily shielded) with a rated
power of 400 MW each.
Secondary power system: 4 M.S.I solar vanes per side, each linked to 2 solar turbines.
750,000 horsepower
Surface Speed: 60 knots
Undersea Speed: 80 knots
Depth: 5 kms
DCR: 700

Endurance Limits
Food stores endurance of one year submerged. Portable water and oxygen can be
converted from the surrounding ocean. The fusion reactors have an as yet unknown
lifespan but are estimated to be 30 years. The solar turbines have a 20 year lifespan.

Weapon Systems
Retractable Rotating Rail Barrels: For use above the surface. 2 forward, 6 per side, 1 rear.
D10 x100 per burst. 20km range. 30,000 rail gun rounds
Underwater Rail Barrels: This weapon is designed to destroy enemy targets underwater at
a range of up to 400 mtrs, as well as protect against predators in water. The Rail Barrel is
gas-operated. It uses striker-type trigger mechanism that ensures single-shot and full-
automatic fire. 4 forward. 9D6 per burst. 10,000 rail gun rounds
Missile Launchers: Surface to air long range response or quick reaction missile tubes. 1
forward, 4 per side, 1 rear. 1000 missiles in each. 4D6 x10 each. 10km range
Torpedo Tubes: 4 forward per side, and 2 rear per side. 100 torpedoes in each. 6D6 x10
each. 20 km range

Vehicle Complement
15 Archangels
12 Sky King Helicopters
5 Mobile Transport Cranes (identical to the ones on Moon Shadow)
15 Cargo Powerloaders (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)

5 Cargo Exoframe Powerloaders (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
30 Floaters (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
50 Cargo Carts (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
20 All Terrain Cargo Tractors (identical to the ones used by the U.N.A.K.R.D.F.)
12 Piranha Mini Subs

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: The Sea Shadow can launch acoustic masking devices that interfere
with a sonar's ability to differentiate background noise from a contact, preventing
torpedoes from delineating targets from the noise. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each
countermeasure is successful in removing a tailing torpedo.

It can also fire off chaff and flares to distract radar-guided or heat guided missiles from
their targets. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each chaff or flare is successful in removing a
tailing missile.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Escape Pods: There are 650 escape pods situated around the sides of the submarine. The
interior is spartan—passengers are expected to use the pod only for a few hours. Each
pod seats two people. Padded g-couches protect occupants from injury. They are fully
automated so the escape pod can surface without a pilot at the controls. Also included is a
radio with 100 km range, and an emergency homing beacon repeater lasting 1 month with
a 500 km range.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The vehicle's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all
directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video
telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The vehicle is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply, and air
system. Suitable in subarctic weather, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a
computer controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature
control, air purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier)
that engages when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary,
computer controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high
temperature resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no
damage though nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several
hundred rads, cold shielding down to minus 90 degrees centigrade and polarized and light
sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Sonar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of

100kms for underwater targets and 50kms for surface targets.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are ten forward, fifty per side, and ten rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Scout Probes:
The ship is also equipped with 12 small underwater sensor probes that are remotely
controlled by the ship's sensor chief. The probes serve as long distance eyes and ears and
can relay telemetry data back to the ship up to 700 kms away. They can also conduct
delicate repair operations or investigate various anomalies.

After the second war of the worlds S.H.A.D.O.W. realized that any naval vessels would
be slow and powerless against an opponent who would sit in orbit and bomb them at their
leisure. Thus the need to first find a suitable submersible design, and then a campaign to
incorporate MetaTech and M.S.I technology into it. The rationale behind their designs for
submersible carriers of unprecedented size was as follows: if ever the orbital and
aerospace forces were defeated, the earth would need both a line of defence on the
surface of the planet and a mechanism to keep open the lines of communication between
the world's continents. Since the threat of orbital bombardment was even more severe in
that case, the new vessels needed to be able to escape such a bombardment, while still
counterattacking the enemy and keeping the communication lines open. S.H.A.D.O.W.
realized that ground bases were only a little less vulnerable to orbital bombardment than
surface vessels, but that a submersible vessel would be hidden from view and safe from
attack. Further the original small hangar design was expanded on a much greater scale to

allow them to carry Archangels, which could be launched from undersea (max depth of
100 metres).

Scout Probe Class Underwater Robot

Vehicle Type
These underwater probes can act as a radar and sensor-tracking station as well as a
transmitter relay and observation platform for any ship they are linked to. It can provide
targeting coordinates. It has four different forms of tool arms which allow it to perform
even the most delicate of repairs and welding.

Year entered service:



Height: 20 cms
Width: 20 cms
Length: 30 cms
Weight: 100 kgs

Main Body: 500
Arms (4): 200

Propulsion Systems
Main power system: 1 nuclear fission reactor (heavily shielded)
Speed: 90 knots
Depth: 8 kms
DCR: 10

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 10 mtr radius of the

Combat Computer: Calculates, stores and transmits data onto a heads up display.
Typically tied into the units targeting computer. Can hold hundreds of entries about
various enemies and robots/power armour/aircraft/vehicles. Assists in selecting and
locking on to enemy targets. +1 to Thac0 using ranged weapons.

Damage Control Repair: When the robot is damaged it can take a turn to attempt to use
the automatic repair system to fix it, with each successful roll repairing D20 Hit Points
damage or 1 system. This is tied to the Robot’s DCR or Damage Control Repair. To do
this he decides how many DCR points he assigns to each repair, with the amount of
points used equaling the percentage chance that the repair will succeed. If the roll is equal
to or less than the number of DCR points allotted to that repair then the damage is erased.
If the roll is higher than the number of points allotted then it is unsuccessful and cannot
be repaired in the field. Other systems also can be repaired using the robot's DCR, as
many as it wants, so long as still has DCR points to allocate. The entire DCR can be
applied to each repair. One roll is allowed every 30 minutes.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the satellite so it can see in all directions
including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic Vision up
to 100 kms.

Radar: Can identify up to 1000 and track up to 500 targets simultaneously to a range of
1000kms for airborne targets and 400kms for ground targets depending on terrain.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities able to reach the moon or anywhere on earth.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 300 mtrs away. 1
forward, 1 rear, 1 per side, 1 on top, and 1 underneath.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system,

power system temperature, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

Piranha Class Mini Attack Submersible

Vehicle Type
This is an interceptor fast attack underwater fighter used to protect the Sea Shadows.
They are stationed on the Sky Shadows, on all the Sea Shadows and various bases around
the world.

Year entered service:




Length: 8 mtrs
Height: 1.5 mtrs
Width: 6 mtrs
Weight: 10 tons

Wing Foils (2): 1000 each
Pilot's Cockpit: 1400

Main Body: 1300
AR: 13

Propulsion Systems
Solar/electric engine
Surface Speed: 50 knots
Undersea Speed: 85 knots
Depth: 5 kms
DCR: 10

Weapon Systems
Underwater Rail Barrel: This weapon is designed to destroy enemy targets under water at
a range of up to 100 mtrs, as well as protect against predators in water. The Rail Barrel is
gas-operated. It uses striker-type trigger mechanism that ensures single-shot and full-
automatic fire. 2 forward. 9D6 per burst. 4000 rail gun rounds
Torpedoes: 3 per side. 3D6 x10 each. 5kms

Automatic Pilot: The automatic navigation system has the capability to plot and control
travel to any preprogrammed destination.

Collision Warning System: Detects anything moving within a 100 mtr radius.

Countermeasures: The Piranha can launch acoustic masking devices that interfere with
a sonar's ability to differentiate background noise from a contact, preventing torpedoes
from delineating targets from the noise. On a roll of 1-15 on a D20 each countermeasure
is successful in removing a tailing torpedo.

Damage Control Repair: As per other vehicles.

Ejection System: Ejects crew module out from the sub in emergency circumstances.

Emergency Beacon: GPS emergency SOS repeater lasting 1 month.

External Audio Pick-up system: Sound amplification listening systems that can pick up
a whisper at a range of 90 mtrs away and louder sounds at longer distances.

Hardened Circuits: The robot's electrical and computer circuits have been hardened to
withstand the effects of EMPs

Loudspeaker: Loudspeaker system that amplifies and projects the pilot's voice up
to 90 decibels.

Optics Package: This includes a Thermo Imager and Night Vision up to 500 mtrs. Flare
protection. Cameras located all around the top of the vehicle so the pilot can see in all

directions including above and below. Digital video and audio recording, and Telescopic
Vision up to 1km.
Sonar: Can identify up to 100 and track up to 50 targets simultaneously to a range of
100kms for underwater targets and 50kms for surface targets.

Radio Communications: Long-range direction communication systems with video

telecast capabilities out to a range of 700kms that can be boosted if proper signal towers
or relay systems are in place or via use of satellite. Also a directional short-range radio
with a range of 30kms. Both radios have full encryption capabilities.

Sealed: The vehicle is airtight and comes with an onboard air circulation supply, and air
system. Suitable in subarctic weather, underwater and against gas attacks. It has a
computer controlled life support system that includes: internal cooling and temperature
control, air purification and circulation systems (gas filtration, humidifier/dehumidifier)
that engages when needed and can recirculate breathable air for up to 5 days if necessary,
computer controlled independent oxygen supply and purge system, insulated high
temperature resistant shielding for up to 100 degrees centigrade (normal fires do no
damage though nuclear, and plasma fires do full damage), radiation shielded up to several
hundred rads, cold shielding down to minus 90 degrees centigrade and polarized and light
sensitive/adjusting tinted viewport.

Spotlights: High intensity spotlights, that can shine on objects up to 180 mtrs away.
There are two in front and one per side near the rear.

Standard Instrumentation: Speedometer, distance travelled, inertial mapping system

(zeroed on your deployment location/home base), power system temperature,
ammunition counters, radar lock warning, GPS, gyro compass, friend or foe
identification, damage assessment indicators.

To be continued…

in the UN Atlas Volume 2, which will feature T.S.U.N.A.M.I., I.R.I.I.S., M.R.U., the
Twilight Corps, and the E.R.D.R.F.


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