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Error Spotting

1.Correct option is : C
“Owns” will replaced by “Owned”.
2.Correct option is : D
“Remained” will be replaced by “remaining”.
3.Correct option is : C
“Bailed” should be replaced with “Bail”.
5.Correct option is : B
“On-demands” should be replaced with “on-demand”.
5.Correct option is : A
“been” should be removed.

6.Correct option is : B
The right answer choice is option (B). Sentence (ii) „The IMF on Tuesday followed the World Bank in reducing its
forecast for India‟s economic growth in the current financial year.‟ , does not have any error in it.
In statement (i), „take on‟ will be used instead of „take after‟.
In statement (iii), „flagging‟ will be replaced by „flagged‟ as we use third form of verb with has/have.
In statement (iv), „expanded‟ will be replaced by „expanding‟ as we use „first form of verb+ ing‟ with has/have been.
7.Correct option is : A
The right answer choice is option (A). Sentence (i) „The word lynching in fact originated in the United States in the
mid-18th century‟ does not have any error in it.
In statement (ii), „units‟ will be replaced by „unit‟.
In statement (iii), „an‟ will be used instead of „a‟.
In statement (iv), „ensured‟ will be replaced by „ensure‟.

8.Correct option is : D
The right answer choice is option (D). Sentence (iv) „Infrastructure projects have an inverse relationship between
size and unit cost, indicating economies of scale‟ does not have any error in it.
In statement (i), „dragging‟ will be replaced by „drag‟.
In statement (ii) „capacities‟ will be replaced by „capacity‟
In statement (iii), „install‟ will be replaced by „installed‟.
9.Correct option is : E
10.Correct option is : C
The right answer choice is option (C). Sentence (iii) „In the case of a Chinese GDP shock, the onset of the impact on
India would likely be delayed but substantially more pronounced‟ does not have any error in it.
In statement (i), „intensifying‟ will be replaced by „intensified‟
In statement (ii), „brought‟ will be replaced by „bring‟
In statement (iv), „appearing‟ will be replaced by „appear‟

11.Correct option is : D
Here, Error lies in part (A). “Intelligent” will be replaced by “Intelligence”. Also, the correct sequence of the
statement (I) is CABD. The sentence after rearrangement is,

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Biden announced he is putting the foreign (C)/governments “on notice,” promising to direct the intelligent (A)/
community to probe foreign election interference (B)/and put ample resources into quashing such efforts (D)

12.Correct option is : C
Here, Error lies in part (B). “For” will be replaced by “With”. Also, the correct sequence of the statement (II) is
DBCA. The sentence after rearrangement is,
Stock investors are feeling comfortable with the idea that the current economic weakness is supported by stimulus
13.Correct option is : A
Here, Error lies in part (C). “Smaller” will be replaced by “Small” as with smaller, there should be some comparison
in the later part of the sentence. Also, the correct sequence of the statement (III) is ACBD. The sentence after
rearrangement is,
A global network will be costly to build out, but small co working firms can serve local companies by providing
more flexibility.

14.Correct option is : B
Here, Error lies in part (B). “entity” will be replaced by “Entities” as “15” is mentioned before that. Also, the correct
sequence of the statement (IV) is CDAB. The sentence after rearrangement is,
The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to consider a staggered schedule for the payment of telecom dues by 15

15.Correct option is : E
The statement (V) is grammatically and contextually correct. The correct sequence of the statement (V) is BDCA.
The sentence after rearrangement is,
Father Aymanathil had been arranging ration and meal for the children and their families from the first day of the
16.Correct option is : C
The error lies in part II of the sentence.
In part II, the third-person singular simple present indicative form of lend i.e.„lends‟ should be replaced with „lend‟.
The former is grammatically incorrect.
17.Correct option is : C
The error lies in part I and II of the sentence.
In part I, „upon‟ should be replaced by „from‟. The word „upon‟ is used to refer to something that someone will
experience or have to deal with soon, or to be „on‟ something, or „upon‟ can also be used to show that something
happens soon after, and often because of, something else. E.g. – Upon hearing the good news, we all congratulated
Murphy. Therefore, „upon‟ when used in this sentence doesn‟t give it the correct meaning. Whereas, „from‟ is used
to show the time when something starts or the time when it was made or first existed.
In part II, „in‟ the verge should be replaced by „on‟ the verge, i.e. at the point when (something) is about to happen
or is very likely to happen, e.g. -The company was on the verge of going bankrupt.
18.Correct option is : A
In part II, „onto‟ should be replaced by „towards‟. As a preposition „towards‟ indicates a movement, i.e. in the
direction of, or closer to someone or something: e.g. -She stood up and walked towards him. Whereas, in general,
we use „onto‟ as one word to mean “on top of,” “to a position on,” “upon.” Examples: He climbed onto the roof.
Let‟s step onto the dance floor. Rule 2: Use onto when you mean “fully aware of,” “informed about.
19.Correct option is : B

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The error lies in part III of the sentence.
In part III, „what‟ should be replaced by „which‟. Which is which?‟ – often expressed as a question, asking for help
in distinguishing two similar things or people.

20.Correct option is : C
The error lies in part II of the sentence.
In part II, „enquiring‟ should simply be replaced by „asking‟. As verbs the difference between „ask‟ and „enquire‟ is
that „ask‟ is to request (information, or an answer to a question) while „enquire‟ is to make an enquiry.

21.Correct option is : E
Statement a is incorrect as „has became‟ should be replaced with „has become‟ as after „has‟ we should use past
participle form of verb.
Statement b is incorrect as „need to be rescue‟ should be replaced with „need to be rescued‟ as the sentence is in
passive voice.
22.Correct option is : C
23.Correct option is : A
Statement b is incorrect as „27 countries has reported‟ should be replaced with „27 countries have reported‟.
Statement c is incorrect as „how much people‟ should be replaced with „how many people‟ as people are countable.
24.Correct option is : B
Statement a is incorrect as „students who claims‟ should be replaced with „students who claim‟ as „students‟ are
Statement c is incorrect as „which empower‟ should be replaced with „which empowers‟.

25.Correct option is : D
Statement b is incorrect as „a new case of violent‟ should be replaced with „a new case of violence‟ as we need noun
Statement d is incorrect as „the affect‟ should be replaced with „the effect‟.

26.Correct option is : C
Statement I: – is error free.
Statement II: – Part a is incorrect as „out of‟ is incorrect here. It should be replaced with „more than‟.
Statement III: – Part b is incorrect as „meetings by‟ is incorrect here. It should be replaced with „meeting over‟.
27.Correct option is : C
Statement I: – statement (I) is error free.
Statement II: – Part b is incorrect as „sharing by picture‟ is incorrect here. It should be replaced with „shared
Statement III: – statement (III) is error free.

28.Correct option is : B
Statement I: – Part b is incorrect as „exonerate with‟ is incorrect here. It should be replaced with „exonerated by‟.
Statement II: – Part a is incorrect as „professor of visiting‟ is incorrect here. It should be replaced with „visiting
Statement III: – Part c is incorrect as „overturns with the‟ is incorrect here. It should be replaced with „overturn the‟.
29.Correct option is : E

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Statement I: – statement (I) is error free.
Statement II: – statement (II) is error free.
Statement III: – statement (III) is error free.
30.Correct option is : D
Statement I: – Part a is incorrect as „have taken also‟ is incorrect here. It should be replaced with „had also taken‟.
Statement II: – statement (II) is error free.
Statement III: – Part b is incorrect as „contrite for‟ is incorrect here. It should be replaced with „contrition from‟.

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