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Basic Data
Record Start Time tTS [hh:mm:ss]

Record End Time tTE [hh:mm:ss]

Nominal Performance pn [p/min]

Set Performance ps [p/min]

Agreed Output qOA [p]

Counter at Production Start qPS [p]

Counter at Production End qPE [p]

Reject Counter at Start qLQS [p]

Reject Counter at End qLQE [p]

Output Losses not Caused by

qLE [p]
Machine System

Guaranteed Technical Efficiency ES [%]

Guaranteed Quality Factor QS [%]

Guaranteed Technical Availability RS [%]

Downtime Records

Duration System Duration

Stop Machine Start Machine Related Unplanned
System System Unplanned Downtime not
Downtime Related to System

Total System Total Unplanned

Related Downtime not Total Scheduled
Unplanned Related to System Downtime [tD]
Downtime [tFS] [tFE]
Result of the SAT
Symbol Calculation Unit Result

Record Time tTD = tTE - tTS [min]

Operating Time tO = tTD - tD [min]

Running Time tR = tO - tFS - tFE [min]

Scheduled Output qO = pn * tO [p]

Manufactured Output qM = qPE - qPS [p]

Scrap qLQ = qLQE - qLQS [p]

Quality Output qQ = qM - qLQ [p]

Technical Efficiency ES = qQ / (qO - qLE) [%]

Quality Factor QS = qQ / (qQ + qLQ – qLE) [%]

Technical Delivery Efficiency DS = qQ / ( qOA - qLE) [%]

Technical Availability RS = tR / ( tO- tFE ) [%]

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