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English Annual/ Semester Plan Smart kids 3

Month Unit Periods Topics Aims Aids Activities Techniques Evaluation

Aug 1 2 Conversation _ recognizing the Mp3 Acting . . Role play Peer assessment
With WB conversation . . Flash cards Work in pairs . Asking and Oral question
Sep _ making it . . answering

2 words _ Identify and words Flash cards Asking and answering Repeating in Oral question
_ say the words correctly What is this ? chorus and Using flash cards
With WB It is a …….. . . individually
Works in pair .

2 I have got Using the structure Real objects Making sentences in Learning based on Asking SS saying
with my correctly Flash cards groups task sentences
With WB Identifying possessive

2 Plurals of Recognizing the plural of Real objects Asking and answering Communicative Asking SS what
With WB words some words Flash cards Work in pairs . are they ?
Making sentences with SS answer

2 Language Playing a game Learning based on T makes actions

With WB Actions verbs Identifying the words . body games SS say
Saying the words Flash cards
correctly .
With WB Vowels Recognizing vowels Flash cards Grouping work Showing vowels
Using a / an Vowels in exercises to fill with Asking Answering SS say the word
cards vowels using a / an
2 Identifying the words
With WB Words with Saying the word The book Group work . Instructions Reordering the
1 Bb Pp correctly . Balloons Game of toss of ball . . Using group work letters
English Annual/ Semester Plan Smart kids 3
. Using the game
Oct 2 2 With _ recognizing the Mp3 Acting . Peer assessment
WB Conversation conversation . . Flash cards Work in pairs . . Role play Oral question
_ making it . Asking and
. answering
_ Identifying the words Oral question
2 With _ saying the words Real objects Asking and answering . Communicative Using flash cards
WB words correctly Flash cards Is it …….. ?
Yes / No
2 Identifying the structure Works in pair .
Using the structure well Asking to say
2 With Have got with Real objects Using an object Learning based on sentences by
Nov WB his Flash cards saying a sentence a task using objects
Recognizing the rule of
2 With Plural words plural . using in Asking answering Communicative Asking SS What
WB sentences Real objects / Work in pairs are they ?
flash cards SS answer

2 With Action verbs Identifying the l words . Language Acting and saying Silent way T acts SS say
WB Saying the words body
correctly . Flash cards

2 with WB Listen and Recognizing the MP3 Reordering the words . Using the game T shows the
repeat sentences . Flash cards in a sentence and Competition in sentences . SS
Reading it well reading it . groups read

2 With Phonics Identifying the words

WB (a,e ,i) Recognizing the sound of MP3 T says the words SS Competition the Showing the
a , e , i . Flash cards reorder the letters in . faster the winner words by FCs SS
groups say .
3 2 With Conversation Identifying the words .
WB Reciting the words . MP3 Acting in pairs Communicative Silent way . T acts
English Annual/ Semester Plan Smart kids 3
Nov The book SS say

Identifying the words

3 2 With Words Using the words in yes – Mp3 Group work . . Role play Oral questions .
WB no Qs . . Flash cards One asks the other Asking and
Dec answers . answering
Recognizing the rule .
2 with WB I have got Using in sentence . Rea l objects Using the objects to Learning based on Exercise ( work
with its Flash cards say the sentence . . the task sheet )
Identifying the words
2 with WB Plural Using them in question Real objects Asking and finding Learning based on Asking Qs
words . and answer Flash cards the answer activity . . the task

Recognizing the words

2 with WB Action verbs Recalling the words MP3 Acting . Silent way with T acts SS say
Flash cards Work in pairs . actions
Recognizing the
2 with WB Listen and sentences . The book Completion to read Group working T shows a
repeat Reading them well Flash cards faster sentence SS read

Recognizing the words

2 with WB Phonics Realizing the sounds of MP 3 Pointing to the Competition the Dictation .
(u,o) (u, o) Flash cards correct sound of a . faster the winner

English Annual/ Semester Plan Smart kids 3

English Annual/ Semester Plan Smart kids 3

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