Waverider Technical Manual by Ray9012 Dec3u42

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Technical Specifications for the WaveRider Mk II Auxiliary Vehicle 

The ​WaveRider Mark II​ was designed to enhance the scientific and defensive capabilities of the 
Nova Class​ starship. This auxiliary craft has been upgraded to overcome the technological and 
operational deficiencies of the original ​WaveRider​ design by incorporating improvements 
brought about by rapid starship design advancements made during the Dominion War as well 
as a study of ​USS Voyager’​s ​Delta Flyer​. It’s purpose is to augment and enhance the scientific 
capabilities of the ​Nova Class​ starship as well as provide for escort, scout, and prolonged 
mission outpost duties. 

USS NOVA ​NCC-73515 
WaveRider Mk II 

Classification: Auxiliary Spacecraft 

Length: 28.8 meters 

Width: 23.8 meters 

Crew: 2-8, 2 minimum, 50 maximum evacuation limit 


Cruising: Warp Factor 6 

Maximum (Emergency): Warp Factor 8.4 

Impulse: 0.25​c 

1. Provide auxiliary science, escort, and logistical support services for the ​Nova Class 
2. Provide autonomous capability for medium duration survey and scientific missions. 
3. Serve as an enhanced sensor platform and scout craft for the ​Nova Class​ starship.  
4. Serve as a ground-based mission control center for scientific expeditions. 

The ​USS Nova (​ NCC-73515) was launched in 2367 and intended to replace the aging ​Oberth 
and ​Miranda Class​ starships for scouting and planetary survey missions. The original 
WaveRider auxiliary craft was developed to facilitate close range survey and examination of 
planetary bodies, however, operationally it proved mildly disappointing due to its limited 
functionality. Limited to impulse power, the craft had to be launched relatively close to the 
planet being surveyed. Given the atmospheric capabilities and advanced planetary surveying 
sensors of the ​Nova Class​ starship, it was often faster and more efficient to use the ​Nova i​ tself 
to conduct the survey. For scouting or survey missions in adjacent star systems, a ​Type 6​ or 
Type 9​ shuttlecraft would be used instead of the Waverider because of their warp capabilities. 
Given these limitations, captains typically used the Waverider as a makeshift storage closet 
due to the scarcity of cargo space onboard the ​Nova Class ​starship. 

With the conclusion of the Dominion War, Starfleet was faced with having to quickly rebuild 
and replace the staggering number of starships lost during the war in order to fulfill the 
exploration and diplomatic missions suspended during wartime. Additionally, rapid aid and 
security was desperately needed for the numerous Federation and Cardassian worlds 

USS NOVA ​NCC-73515 
WaveRider Mk II 
devastated by the war. Given the relatively low construction cost and crew requirements, the 
Nova ​and new ​Rhode Island Class ​variant were ordered for immediate and rapid production in 
late 2375. 

With the loss of so many starships and the majority of cruisers and escorts relegated to 
providing defensive support to the fragile new Cardassian government, cases of piracy and 
hostile incursions within Federation space spiked. Although well armed for her size, it was felt 
that the ​Nova Class​ should be given extra protection now that it would be more likely to find 
itself further from the protection of larger Starfleet starships. Starfleet also feared that given the 
size and advanced technology contained within the ​Nova Class ,​ pirates and aggressive alien 
governments might see these tiny ships as tempting prizes and easy prey. Starfleet felt that 
upgrading standard ​Nova’​ s to carry quantum torpedoes or additional phaser arrays would 
reduce the already limited scientific capabilities and usefulness of the starship in addition to 
being extremely costly. Also given the small size of the shuttlebay, no escort craft larger than a 
Type 6​ shuttlecraft could be carried onboard. Starfleet engineers debated removing the 
Waverider craft and using the freed space to store additional shield generators or phaser bank 
capacitors. While designers struggled to develop this plan, the original ​Waverider ​auxiliary craft 
production ceased and hull plating was put in its place to allow the space to now be used as 
additional cargo stowage. This idea was inspired by the ​USS Intrepid a
​ nd ​USS Voyager h
​ aving 
only a cover plate installed in place of where the ​Aeroshuttle​ was intended.  

When regular communication was established with ​Voyager b

​ eginning in 2378, Starfleet 
engineers immediately marveled at the locally developed ​Delta Flyer. ​This large auxiliary​ ​craft 
had been designed with technology adapted from Borg and other Delta Quadrant species and 
purposely built to support a Starfleet ship far from Federation Space. Starfleet Engineers at 
Utopia Planetia shipyards realized that they could incorporate these advancements into a new 
design for the ​WaveRider. ​Also with the Dominion War over, production orders for ​Defiant 
Class​ escorts were drastically reduced which resulted in a stockpile of the powerful Type-II 
Phase Cannons. Technological advancements from the ​DeltaFlyer’​ s shield, Matter / Anti-Matter 
reactor, and power distribution systems enabled the incorporation of these surplus phase 
cannons into the ​WaveRider Mk II​ design. The proposal for the ​WaveRider Mk II​ was almost 
immediately accepted by Starfleet Command. To ensure greater utility, Starfleet provided 
additional resources to outfit the ​WaveRider Mk II​ with advanced sensor and computing 
systems, to include bio-neural circuitry, upgraded shield systems intended for the successor of 
the ​Danube Class​ runabout, and a full scientific laboratory with an emergency biobed and a 
high-resolution Type-7 cargo and personnel transporter. 

Construction on the prototype began in late 2378 and was completed by July 2379. Space 
trials were completed with only minor discrepancies noted. These were corrected and the 
WaveRider​ was installed onboard the recently refit ​USS Nova ​in early January 2380 

USS NOVA ​NCC-73515 
WaveRider Mk II 

The ​WaveRider Mk II ​is divided into multiple re-configurable compartments designed to 
support scientific, defensive, and logistical operations for up to several weeks away without 
support from the parent ​Nova Class​.  

Internal Compartments: 

❏ Forward Cockpit 
❏ Crew Lounge  
❏ Port / Starboard Berthing Compartment 
❏ Aft Cargo Hold / Science Lab 

USS NOVA ​NCC-73515 
WaveRider Mk II 

The Waverider is controlled from the 
forward cockpit. Helm and 
Navigation stations are at the front 
with four configurable stations to the 
rear. An enormous forward window 
provides a stunning view of the 
Waverider’s​ surroundings.  

In an emergency, control of the 

Waverider​ can be taken by 
configurable engineering consoles in 
the Aft Mission Operations Bay. 

The ​Waverider​ is designed for prolonged scouting or survey missions without direct support 
from another starship. As such, she is designed to accommodate a standard crew size of 8 in 
relative comfort for up to thirty days. A large compartment aft of the cockpit serves as a 
lounge, conference area, and dining facility. A replicator provides any food which has been 
programmed into the ​Nova​’s database. Three windows flank both sides of the compartment to 
provide natural lighting while the 
WaveRider​ is landed or near stellar 
phenomena. Holographic displays 
integrated into the large circular table 
allow for briefing displays and provide 
entertainment during prolonged 
missions. There are two sleeping aft 
compartments aft of the lounge which 
contain two dual bunk beds and a 
connected lavatory and sonic shower. 
These compartments can be 
reconfigured to support single or 
double bunk VIP accommodations.  

The life support system can sustain up to 45 personnel in an emergency situation.  

USS NOVA ​NCC-73515 
WaveRider Mk II 

FTL Drive System: 

The ​WaveRider​ is equipped with a matter / anti-matter reactor drive system capable of 
propelling the ship to speeds in excess of Warp Factor 8.4. A normal cruising speed of Warp 
Factor 6 can be maintained for up to 14 days. The reactor is housed horizontally on the dorsal 
hull, similar to the ​Danube Class​ runabout. This configuration maximizes available internal 
volume as allows for easy refueling when docked to her parent starship.  

Sublight Propulsion: 

Four micro-fusion reactors power each impulse engine to provide sublight speeds up to 0.25 
times the speed of light. The impulse engine fusion reactors and assembly design is derived 
from those installed onboard the reliable ​Danube Class​ runabouts. The Impulse fusion reactors 
power the navigational deflector while the Waverider is at Warp. 

The ​WaveRider Mk II ​utilizes twelve sensor arrays embedded throughout the starship and 
connected via bio-neural circuitry. Various sensors are designed to scan and record the 

❏ Astronomical phenomena 
❏ Planetary analysis 
❏ Remote life-form analysis 
❏ EM scanning 
❏ Passive neutrino scanning 

Specialized probes can be carried in place of mico-torpedoes. These probes are customizable 
based on the expected mission profile of the ​WaveRider.​ Larger probes can be carried in the 
Aft Compartment and deployed via transporter or via the aft airlock.  

USS NOVA ​NCC-73515 
WaveRider Mk II 

Aft Compartment (Cargo Hold and Science / Medical Lab): 

The Aft Compartment serves as a large cargo 

hold, science lab, and medical facility. A 
high-resolution cargo transporter is capable of 
transporting delicate scientific specimens as 
well as bulk cargo supplies. This cargo hold is 
large enough to store a disassembled 
Argo-Type​ ground transport vehicle. 

Specialized laboratory equipment is contained 

on the starboard side of the compartment, 
along with a retractable biobed and enhanced 
overhead medical scanner. Holo-emitters are 
installed to allow for the use of an EMH and 
holographic analysis tools to support scientific studies.  

The ​WaveRider Mk II ​is equipped with both phaser and micro-torpedo launching systems.  

Phaser Systems​: 

Single Type-II Pulse Phaser Cannons are housed inside each armored warp nacelle casing, 
similar to the ​Defiant Class.​ Although the phaser power output remains classified, the 
Waverider is nearly able to match that of the ​Defiant Class​ due to power shunting directly from 
the Warp Reactor. However, due to a much less powerful reactor when compared to the 
Defiant Class​, each pulse phaser is only capable of firing ten bursts at full power without a 
thirty minute cool down and recharge period.  

A single Type-6 Phaser Array is located aft of the warp reactor and is intended solely for 

Micro-Torpedo Launcher: 

A single micro-torpedo and probe launcher is housed 

inside a retractable launcher beneath the cockpit. This 
launcher can rotate 360 degrees and can only shoot a 
single salvo, however a magazine can reload the launcher 
in 3.2 seconds and contains up to 6 micro-torpedoes or 

USS NOVA ​NCC-73515 
WaveRider Mk II 

Armor and Shields: 

The nacelles casing and warp reactor are protected by a scaled-down and more economical 
version of ablative armor.  

This technical description was created in conjunction with falke2009 for our ​Nova Class 
WaveRider MkII.​ The design for this craft was given careful consideration to the time period 
(late TNG / Voyager Era) and to the capabilities and needs of Starfleet following the Dominion 

This technical description was inspired by Star Trek: A Call to Duty technical guides: 


Additionally, I am sincerely grateful for the countless Star Trek fan artists and writers who have 
also inspired this creation and helps to bring this optimistic and inspiring future to life. 

We would love your feedback on this project, please feel free to send us a note on dA! 


Link to WaveRider: 


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