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Yasmin Gardheer 


Part 1

Which has more impact on making the world a better place individuals or society? 

We often hear the words of healing the world wanting to make the world a better
place we always wanting to make a change of the things that is around us but is the
changes needed to be made within us  or the society we live in, is what  we
contribute to forwards makes society  a better or worse  which mirror images the
impact is has on the world. Is the grass greener on the other side does society alone
has impact of making a world a better place is the life chances we encounter have
negative impact on the individuals to become a productive citizens in society which 
co-host for making the  world a better place.This assignment aims to explore which 
has more impact on making the world a better place individuals or society?It will
further focus on one discipline area that is covered in the module, In order to
demonstrate a clear comparison and contrast on the essay question the area which
we will briefly look 
at and  present its findings is health

How individual choices have more of an impact on good health (physical or

otherwise) compared with social norms, availability of food or services, or other
aspects that could be attributed to society, such as organisations that promote health
at a social level.(The Open University,2018)

This assignment has concluded that Individuals makes the world a better, despite all
the factors that may have major impact on their determination of health, are they lot
of support and ways to develop a good understanding to the changes that is needed 
in order lay strong platform for the next younger generation as this will determinate
them be more  productive and have  self awareness surrounding their health and
wellbeing as this would enable then to view world  in a better  Perspective  and teach
them to make small changes that would major positive outcome 

The extent to which individuals can choose to be healthy is complex. Underlying any
condition or so-called ‘choice’ of health behaviour are biological, psychological and
social factors. (The Open University,2018, p.109)
Word count 369

Part 2

Which has more impact on making the world a better place individuals or society? 
We often say health is our wealth how do we maintain this profound wealth. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as ‘a state of complete

physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity’ (WHO, 2018).(The Open University,2018,p. 107)

We have the key to our health and well-being there are lots of factors that contribute
in a positive or negative ways surrounding individuals health we are the key element
to healthy way of life a good  health is something all individuals  strive to achieve,
some of the  factors that influence health are income ,education occupations
resources where  you  are born and live, diet physical exercise  environment and
most of all what we contribute to our health the lifestyles we lead  could lead to long
term health  complications.

We have seen that health is a personal and subjective concept, particularly with
regard to the extent that we can influence our own health. While there are definitions
of ‘good health’, and healthy living is promoted as a good thing, not everyone has the
same potential for a range of reasons.(The Open University, 2018,p.107)

There are lot barriers many individuals may face in society that has a major impact
on their health especially for those who strive to improve their health but unable due
to low income  not able to provide for themselves or their families healthy balance
nutrition or have access to adequate health care service, housing conditions or live
in deprived area which limit most resources this could has major impact on
individuals life chances which all contribute to multiple distress which can lead poor
health as the individuals could  restore to unhealthy habits due to the lack of
resources, support and location can have a heavy impact on individuals choices  as
this could limit what they able to achieve. Due to lack of support or framework work
within society can form a barrier for individuals to adapt a healthier way of living this
could compromise  on their health and  well-being which could lead to for them to
develop chronic conditions since depression,anxiety diabetes cardiovascular
diseases, mental health illnesses. 

Another important issue is that the health we experience and the limitations of bad
health affect us in different ways. Diagnoses of health conditions are often based on
the presence (or absence) of symptoms, placing the individual into a category of that
diagnosis. However, even with the same diagnosis, individuals may experience the
same condition in very different ways. Equally, life stage, social status/background
and access to healthcare will also have an impact, as will each additional disorder or
disease (called comorbidity). The choices we make and the way we view the world
have a huge impact on our state of health.(The Open University,2018,p.107)

However, the emphasis on the mental and social aspects of health has become
more prominent. We have already mentioned that health interventions are not
always medical, but promoting good health (and preventing illness) is much more of
a social and psychological concern than it has been in the past. Despite this shift, not
everyone is able to make positive changes for a variety of reasons. It can be argued
that more affluent and better educated people are likely to be healthier than those
with less money or less education. This is likely to be because they can afford better
quality food, are better educated about different foods and are actually in a position
to choose the food they eat.(The Open University,2018, p.107)

An individual’s feelings are also important to health not only because they directly
affect behaviour, but also because people learn to cope with their feelings in
particular ways. Some people, for example, resort to food as a comfort when they
are unhappy, bored or stressed. People learn ways of coping with their feelings
which can become habitual, like having a glass of wine or pint of beer when the
day’s work is done to ‘relax’. Psychological research shows that people who are
outgoing, upfront and ‘sensation-seeking’ have a tendency for more risk-taking
behaviour such as taking drugs (Llewellyn, 2003). These are common examples of
how beliefs and personality can affect a person’s behaviour and therefore their
health.(The Open University, 2018,p.108)

There is plenty of evidence to show that health itself, and behaviours affecting a
person’s health, are influenced by many factors outside the control of an individual.
‘Factors’ in this context are aspects of a situation that can contribute to a certain
outcome. For example, a person’s individual genetic make-up might be a factor in
whether or not they develop an allergy (allergies can often run in families). Another
factor could be that they were exposed to a substance that is known to cause
allergies.(The Open University, 2018, p. 109)

Through every hardship comes ease there is some comfort individuals can attain
from society which all depends on what we put forward and the changes that is
implemented surrounding their behaviour and adapting positive healthy way of
thinking can subsequently
Improve their health and well-being.

Health promotion professionals, who aim to encourage people to adopt healthier

lifestyles, emphasise the benefits of taking small steps towards an overall goal. The
reason that those health professionals need to do this is because people do not
always make the best choices, even if they know they are the right ones. Part of this
is because it can be very difficult to take an objective look at yourself.(The Open
University,2018, p. 122)

The NHS is trying to encourage people to challenge beliefs and behaviours in the
‘couch to 5K’ (NHS, 2017) initiative, which includes training plans, information advice
and guidance, and inspiring podcasts from celebrities.(The Open University,2018,p.
Word count 963 

The Open University,(2018) Y032 Block 1: Can people change? Unite (3)Can we
choose to be healthy?
Milton Keynes: The Open University. 

Part 3 

1:What are the three most important things you have achieved through
studying this module?

1:Studying this module has giving me a amazing opportunity for personal

development around high education as I always  self doubt my ability to  succeed, I
am now more confident within myself and proud of my  achievements and reassured
that I can   do anything with the right intentions.

2: Studying this module has given that me a long  lasting skills as I have developed a
great time  management able to  establish  flexible system that works around my 
daily commitments. i am  able to study at distance learning and continued strive hard
and enjoy the module has big a achievement me.

3: my passion for learning has grown i am thriving on  journey and I have come to
appreciate the steps I took forward and nothing  having any regrets  for not pursuing
this path before but rather appreciate that  everything life has it time and this is my
time shine. 

2: Look back questions 4 and 5 of TMA 01,Part 2. Has anything changed and how
has it changed? 

A lot has changed since I started this module i am more confident within i am
enjoying studying more and not limiting myself to what I can do, believing in myself
that I can succeed and can achieve anything in life with the right attitude and good

3: What are your next steps to be? To continue on this path of learning I am hoping
to enrol to level which hopefully lead me to complete the open degree, and to apply
for some volunteer work experience in early years setting.
and health care sector

Word count 281

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