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Luis and his ‘’luck’’ of having bad luck.

This is the story of a boy named Luis, he is one of my best friends but in recent
years things have not gone as expected as he has been trapped in a world of
trouble and he says that what happens is having bad luck and always says, ''If I
had not so bad luck, I would have had more happiness'', also remember
when I once told us about everything that was happening and could not believe
it, really seemed had suddenly become the bad luck to your life. Some of the
things I remember he told us, was something that happened 1 week, Luis told
us that this had been the worst of his life and that only those 7 days that passed
had many problems that ruined his future plans for complete.

 His story is this: It started on Monday to get up to go to work, what

happened was that he was sure that on Sunday night had set the alarm clock
because, as his boss had said that if he to be late fire him immediately, and
that's why I wanted to make sure they do not happen, but his plan did not go as
expected since the night you ran the battery the clock and therefore because of
this Luis got up late and I can’t get to work, and as was obvious his boss fired
him and he felt very bad because I could not believe how it was such a thing
happened. Luis was sad but thought that tomorrow would improve, which was
not true, since he had invited his girlfriend out to dinner, they agreed to be in the
restaurant at 8:00 pm point, but because of his bad luck was another
misfortune, and being ready, but they lacked time for the appointment and
decided to go ahead to ensure that arrive on time, but while on his way just 3
streets before took home a crash and was trapped in traffic for 2 hours and
after a police man stopped him, and that's why I decided to talk to your
girlfriend to understand the situation because it would be late, but just when I
look through her things she realized that her cell had left his connected TV and
therefore, she had arrived in time became angry and told him not to look back
ever, which caused him to stay without girlfriend, also he lost him card credict
and when he want to buy something for him exgirlfriend this card not was in him
pucket ....
 This was the most hurt to Luis, because it first had lost their jobs and
now had lost his girlfriend, and so the bad luck continued ruining his life, the
rest of the week was the same as what happened in other days was that on
Wednesday during a football game with his friends was injured and ended up in
hospital because he had broken his leg , on Thursday morning he went to pick
up the newspaper at the entrance as usual and was there when realized that
somebody had stolen her dog, who was his mom and I was just watching while
she was on vacation and he have to pick up of the train; other time he told us
that he went to the party and he was not comfortable; when he end, said that ''
i would have had my job, my girlfriend and all the things I lost if I had a
good clock''.
Him bad luck not gone, but he now think that if had a little hope in the future,
he have to been more happy, he think too that in the future had more luckily
and he may achieve all him dreams.

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