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Comcilt University Library
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English and Chinese dictionaiy of the Am

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Cornell University

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the Cornell University Library.

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BY //<^

London Missionary Society,

autfiot: of "^ i»antial of tfje ^mog OTolloQuial."


LONDON: TKUBNEE & Co. 57 Ludgatb Hill.




The Amoy one of four principal dialects which, with

dialect is
their varieties, arespoken by at least seven millions of people. These
dialects, viz: the Chang-chow, the Chin-chew, the Tung-an, and the
Amoy, extend to about one hundred miles North, West, and South
of Amoy.
Of the four dialects, the numbers that speak the Amoy are the
fewest, and yet it is the most generally understood of them all. It
is characterized by great distinctness and simplicity of sounds. The
consequence is, that a man speaking it can be better understood when
travelling through the Chang»chow and Chin-chew Prefectures than
those who speak the others. The knowledge of the Amoy dialect, there-
fore, enables the student to communicate with a large population, as he
will easily learn the few rules which will assist him in mastering the
distinguishing differences that mark the various dialects.

Orthography arid pronounciafion

A. — Is pronounced as a in la."

Chh.^This spelling represents an aspirated ch, and elsewhere

is generally written ch'.

E.—As e in grey, and in combination with a consonant as e in

G. — As g in get. It is always hard.
H. — As English.
in It is never silent excepting where it is a

I.— As pique. When used with a consonant as

i in i in him.
J.— As jug. Sometimes has the sound of
in it dz. For exam-
ple, JPI jun, tough pronounced
is though written as dzfln.

K. — as keep.

Kh, — This represents an aspirated and would have been

k, bet-

ter written k'.

L. — As English.
in sometimes approaches the sound of
It d.

M. —As English.
in M a word of and
is expressed by
itself, is

compressing the lips, and giving the sound that it has in the inital
sound of man.

N. As in English.

Ng. Either as an initial or a final, this has the sound of ng in
O. — As o in when followed by a consonant as o in sock.

O'.—As aw saw. in
P. — As English.

Ph. — an aspirated
Is would have been better written P'
p. It
It never has the sound of ph in seraph.
S.—always as s in sit.

T. — as English.

Th. — This an aspirated

is T, and never pronounced as th in
them. It would have better been written T' but I wished to be in har-
mony with Dr. Douglas.
Ts. —As Dr. Douglas uses this spelling before the
ts in its.
and u, and ch before the letters e and i. I have discarded
letters a, o,
the ch and used only the ts, as the use of the two forms is likely to
puzzle the beginner.
U.— As u in rule. When united with a consonant it has a
sound very much like the o in rote. For example, in ^^° piit, an idol,
the u is sounded more like the o in rote than the u in


Ai.—As ie in fie.

Au. —As ow in cow.

la.—Both have their own individual sounds
when uttered
very slowly. When spoken as in ordinary conversation, the
accent is
thrown on the a and the i approximates to the
sound of y. For
example, ^
i^m, salt, might also be written
lau.— lo — lu, the same rule applies to these as to

Oa.-^the accent is on a o is so short that it might be written


w. Some indeed have spelt the words hoan, hoa, as hwan, hwa.


The small letter " at the close of a word, means that the whole
word is have a nasal sound. Words beginning with
to and n, being m
naturally nasal, h-Bve sometimes the letter affixed to them and some-

time not.


One of the greatest difficulties that meet, the student in his

study of Chinese is and yet without a. thorough knqwledge
the tones ;

and mastery of them, there can be no correct speaking of the language.

This is especially true of the Southern dialects of China, where the
tones are numerous and most pronounced in their character. Let no
student imagine that he can hope to evade learning them, or that he
can without study manage to make himself understood. word is A
spoken at random in English in any tone one likes to pitch itj audit
will be understood. Not so in Chinese. If a man says Jt°kau, a mon-
key, when he means to say ::Jii° kdu, a dog, the Chinese will never
dream that he ever intended any other word than monkey. These
tones are by no means insuperable. A man with a genius for hard
work will learn the simple tones thoroughly in a month, and the changes
in them that take place in combination will be gradually mastered by
According to the Chinese theory there are four classes of tones,
viz the ±° 2|i° tsiu" pi^", the ±° m° tsiu" sia^ the ±° *° tsiu^khi, and
the±° Atsiu°jip.
These are divided into an upper and a lower series, makmg m
all eight tones.
as the
In the Amoy dialect, there are really only seven tones
tsiu" sia° has no lower series. The lower series consists of the T° 31°
e pia°; T° *° e khi, and T° e jip. A
I shall not attempt to describe

as I consider it impossible to give even an

these tones,
idea of their sounds on paper. These tones must be learned from the
living voice, and no possible atnount of description of them will Com-
pensate for the loss of this.

I shall now give examples of the tones together with the tonal
marks used in this dictionary.

tsiu pii", tsiu" sia", tsiu" khi, tsiu" jip.

Upper series, to, td, to, toh.
e pia,°', e khi, e jip.
Lower series, t6, to, t6h.

A simpler method is sometimes used viz.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th.

Upper series, to, t6, tb, toh.
5th 6th 7th 8th.
Lower series' t6, to, t5, t6h.

The first and the fourth have no tonal marks. The fourth and
eighth tones are distinguished by always ending in h, k, p, or t.

Whilst the seven tones are exceedingly marked and decided

whein spoken undividually, they ea;ch undergo a change when placed
in combination. For example, M° tsAn, a boat, is in the fifth tone.
When however combined with th^u, a head, viz, ^° M° tsAn th^u,
it is

the word tsAn is pronounced as though it were in the third.

The following are the changes that take place in the various
tones by combination.
The first becomes the third.
The second becomes the first.
The third becomes the second.
The fourth becomes the eighth.
The fifth becomes the third.
The seventh becomes the third.
The eighth becomes the fourth.
In addition to the change of tone produced by combination,
there are times when a word loses its tone entirely by becoming en-
clitic. Diminutives, pronouns, certain adjectives, adverbs and verbs
frequently become enclitic. For example in the words ho-d,
khoa°-ki" -
16h-mi, podh-16h-khi, skngg6a, k, ki". Mi, I6h-khi, g6a, lose
their tones!'
The first word in each retains its own tone, even though in combina-
tion, because the succeeding words are treated as though
they had no
tones whatever.

Great has been experienced in getting the proper

Chinese characters to represent all the sounds used in this book. For
some there are no characters, and accordingly for these I have had to
go far afield, and borrow as I could. In some cases this has been to-
lerably satisfactory, and in others it has been quite the reverse. In
explanation of the small rings used with the Chinese characters, I may
say, that when a ° is attached to one it must be read with its colloquial
sound, but when there is no ° it retains its reading sound. When a
character has two means that a character of proper sound but
I it en-
tirely different meaning has been borrowed for the occasion.
In the preparation of this Dictionary I have been glad to take
advantage of every assistance that was possibly available. I am chiefly
indebted however to the following, viz. Eev. Dr. Douglas' Chinese
and English Dictionary of the Amoy Colloquial, Dr. Williams' Chinese
Dictionary, as well as his English and Chinese Vocabulary, Rev- J-
Doolittle's Vocabulary and Handbook of the Chinese language, and an
English and Chinese Dictionray by Tam Tat Hin. I desire heartily

to acknowledge my
obligations to these authors for the assistance they
have rendered to me in many ways. To Dr. WUliams special thanks
are due, as several articles in my dictionary have been copied from his.


Amoy, August 11th, 1883.



jfkMOY DlAlsEeX.

A, an, —
° tsit, it. — Abate, 1 Wt kidm, (as water) ft
Aback, |R]° ^° nig au, M 5i° t6 the, Abatement, j siau, f^ 1®° siau-sih,

taken as ship, fS° M° M° phah 5i° th^.
ph&ng th&u. Abbess, ^^11° li-ko--th^u.

Abacus, M° W sifg-po^", balls of— Abbey, (Buddhist) # si, (Tauist)

M° M° ^° si]^-poa°-tsi, rod of— ^ a° to toa".

Abbot, fii°1^'° ;t" 51° A° h^-siu° 6 th^u
Abaft, |g° Ji° tsun-be. 14ng, (Lamaist) ^^
Abandon, ^° M° pkng-sak, m #° Abbreviate, ^Wi'-M _kan-s6ng, B^ ^
Abbreviation, j kAn-li6k.
khi-sak, ^ ,fg ku-tsoat, MM khi-
Abdicate, (the throne) M° Ji° ^
Abandoned, (forsaken) •Ml°M° pang-
Abdomen, m° E° pak-t6-
sak, (profligate) M IR h6ng-t6ng.
Abduct, 1 ft° ^ thau-chhoa, %°
Abduction, ]W.^° thau-chh6a-ts4u;
^° m i,° A° thau-chhoa
Abash, i^° A°^°m M ho- mng phdi" Abductor,
sin khi, #° A° *t° ^ Mng,
h5- lang b6
^ ^M
. ki6k, f^°A°-i:#^it ho-Mngti Abed, ;ffi° BS°
sin hA te, f^= A° ^° M
m ho- l^ng Aberration, (of mind) ^iZ"* sitsim.
b6 i-sin, #°#4it%j5,it ho- ib6 Abet, m° PJ kiau-so, ^° VM° sii-so,

sim-sek. ti ^
pai-long, I5ng. ^
Abashed, ^° »iii? b6-i-sin, ^° M b6 Abetter, m° ^° m
kidu-so4, «° fife"

ki6k, |i°*6 jS b6-sim-sek. ^° sai-so-^.

[ J
Abeyance, a matter in —
M. Abominable,
^° W
^° kh6-6•^
kham, rJ 'IR kh6-hun.
W ^ ^ P^t-
•^° T 6^° tai-tsi chhia" pkng-lok-

teh, ^° m° ^ T° 65° tai-tsi kn lia Abominate, M B° ikm-o"".

Aboriginal, ^° # 6^ cbhi-'-hoan-^.
teh, m 6^° bien-teh.
^° # chhi"-hoan, i #
Abbor, mW^km-b; gsB° cbbim-6-, Aborigines,
?^,g° okn-6-. th6--hoan, ± A th6--jin.
Abhorrent, (hating) ^
11 okn-bun. Abortion, fln tui-thai, M° M M° M
Abide, ft" E° kbia-kbi, ft°tikm. ka-laiih-sin, >J^ siau-sAn. ^
f^° tsai-tiau, Abortive, ^° J(£° b& tsia°, ^° JSSt b&
Ability, :}' :t t^ tski-
leng, ;$: ^ piin-su, have , It — ^°
s^ng, *S° t^
Abound, ^
Ji!| b6 seng-kong.
chhiong-seng, i;° #°
^ u 16ng-ui. 0° ^°

Abject, T 18 ha-tsien, I?, {g pi-tsien.
Abjm-e, (allegiance) R ^ hodn-poe About, (nearly) :;^ |-| tai iok, M7
(forswear) ^ JO db
m° ;t° poe ^ chha-put-to, ^4 liong-iok,g
tsiti-ts5a e
— to, 1=° :g^° teh-beh, (on all sides)

m°M si-ui, 0° M° si-k6e,—one

Ablactation, i|° |L° tng leng.
hundred -""g"
Ablaqueate, ^ 5E kun hien. $^ 1- iok-li6k-tsit-

Ablaze, -fit° 4i° teh t6h.

pah, -'° '^° &^ tsit pah tso-iii.

%°*^ Above, H
teng, H g" t6ng-bin, H
Able, tt° oe, (clever) ii-

piin-su, :^° :t l^° ii ts^i-tiau, — to,

51° t^ug-th4u, -g" H biii-tt^ng,—

thang. that limit, J^ J: i-siong.

^°'^°Pi° oe tit

Ablebodied, ^ ^" i6ng kia". Aboveboard, (in open sight) M f^

Ablepsy, ff° m° chhi°-mi. hien-jien, 5V It kong-heng, :k. M

Abloom, ^° :j!2° khui-hoe. M fk bfeng kbong tsi6ng,
trii % BJ

Ablution, 5E° s6e. jE "^ kong beng tseng tai.

Abnegate, 1 (denial) /^° fg in-jin. Abrade, 1 (by friction) m° 16e, m° .
Abnegation, J self — ^
khek-ki. Abrasion, lii
, Bskin, ^° jgt° liii-phfe. ) —
Abnormal, M" M ^
^° b6 tsiku Abreast, If f | kui pai, walk
— , ^
khoan-sit, tfj ^
chhut-ki, ^^ -^
Bf kia," kui pM. ^
Abridge, fl kAn, t[ kdn- "I
^° M^ ^°
Abridgement, j tsiet, M° ^ khah-
Aboard, :& M° tsai-tsiin,
tsun nib.

Abode, (dwelling) ^° ^°
Abroad, ffl $b° chhut-goa, 1° #
M° m°±°m^ khia ke g
khia-ke, hoan-peng, go
*° thiet-khi,

ii{ i5il>° chhut-goa. ,

s6--tsai, Abrogate, 1 m °
^ ffi° i:° Si S s6--tikm 6 s6--tsai. Abrogation, J hoe-khi, %° h6e- ^
Abolish, ) m M° hbe-u, m *° bo, ^ ^ tu-khi.
Abolishment, Uhiet-khi, 1^, ^° it- Abrupt, (sudden) "I 'El -H chhong-
Abolition, J khi, ^ ^° h6e-khi. Abruptly,jh6ng, ^i U chhiong-

k6ng, (precipitous) kia \&k chhak, Abstract, (summary) ^ 1^ tai-li6k,
- (unconnected) a!£;fa°^ iP°b6-sa°- ;^ tai-khai. ^
lign-s6a ,— M" H ?g b6-siin-liii. Abstracted, (mentally) J*° Sf b6-
Abscess, ^° chhng, m° W 16ng- sin, ^
slnkhi, (purloin) f^°ia°

clihong, §° ^ chhng-eng, —at thau-th^h, (take away from) JS."

the side of the breast, j^° ^ leng th^h, ttti thiu.
h6', — M° ^t lin-p6",
in breast Abstraction, (of mind) ^°
»$ bo stn,
in scrotum, ^° ^ sien-eng, near — (purloin) B° M° thau-th^h, (tak-
navel, fit M° ffl t5--tsS,i-eng. ing from) J|° th^h, m thiu,
Abscind, ff Wi° koah-tng. Abstruse, ^ chhim, ^ j^ chhim-tim.
Abscond, fi° ^° thau-tsdu, ^ ji Absurd "I (opposed to truth) "^
t6-pi, M ^° thoat-tsdu, Sf 5c li&u Absurdity | M hong-tong, ^° m°
thien, ii^° to-tsau, j^E t&-thoat, bS-id", |j||^° h6--soat, (irrational)

^5§ thoat-t&. Z>^m put-h4p-li, ^ -&• fi b6-

Absence, %° ti° ^° b6-ti-teh,— (of hdp-gi, (foolish) B kbam, ^
mind) ^° b6-sin,
jjiij-^ sin khi jjif gong, how — , :!: ^ S khi-iii-

Absent, ^° :ffi°
6^° bo-ti-teh (from chhii-li.

non-arrival) put to. Abundance 1 ^ :^ chhiong-seng, ^


Absolute, (perfect) i°:^°tsiau-tsi%,

Abundant J ^ hong seng, 1^ -^
° liong-seng, ic° #S EB" E° toa-bil
(uncontrolled) &^° boe
tse-ap tit,
(self existent)
fij ffi

@ ^W si-koe, —
crops, £. ^H^ iig6-

^° er ji^n u g, (so- kok hong-teng.

f^ tsu ji^n jl

vereign) A^^ M jin kun tso^n Abuse \ (revile) M° me, 56° 16e,
° me, Sf Si tsau-
Abusive j 3t° ,1° l<^e
that, g# leng-ji6k, ^ ^ p6--ji6k.
Abut, (contiguous) ^°i^° sa"" o&,

ig°il£ sa" kun.

Absolvable, t^° ^ m° oe sia-tit.
Abutment, :& ffil° tsidh kha.
Absorb, ?jfc° suh, JM so, (engross) &.".

Absorbable, tl° 5t° #° oe suh-tit,

Abyss, ^ J^ chhim-ien.
Acfcia, g^ ©° tso-kiap-chhiu, ^'
j^^° 5es6tit.

Absorbent, t^ df oe suh W 6,
^° ^ gu kak chhi.
Academy, «° ^° tsu-i", Ji° ^° 6h-
m oe so e.
gi6k-pin. 2M
Abstain, ^
?K kim-kai, (refrain

(agree to) Xi un, >t ?i

from) S° B° ^
T»° ka-ki kirn i5.
Accede, iln-

Abstemious, Y^ B° 'M° tsiin- tsiin.

Abstemousness, 3 tsat tsi4h, W Wi^ Accelerate, MJt chhui-pek, ®°#M

tsiet-im-sit. kod."-i-kin.

Abstinent, 5^° ip fg u tsun-tsat. Accent, ^° tang khin sia"


[ 4 ]
(a sign) 1^1° ^° kau-phok, (man- M° #° ft° tsoe phoa" kia", (ac-
ner of pronouncing) B$° khiu°. company as an inferior) Wi M kun
Accept, ^° siu, siu, ^
seng- ^^ sui, m U° kun-te.
siu —the whole, ^ ^. tso&n-l^ng, Accomplice, ^° Wo SS° sa" kap-tau.
—a bill, ^° ^° che-toa". Accomplish, (complete) ^° tsii",

Acceptable, (agreeable) "^"M hib-i. M° 0J 6 pan bSng p^k, (bring to

Acceptance, — for ^° ||° kifen-toa", pass) MH 6ng-giam, jsK M s^ng-
(refused) ^° ^° bo-gidb. tsiu.

Accepted, it is^ as a bill W°^° u- Accomplished, (completed) j^seng,

giah. person ft phok-hak — ^
Access, pr° M i£ tbang-cbbin-kun, Accomplishments, -f- :J" tsap-tsfi,i.

(addition) M° m° ke-tbi". Accord 1 ^° ft sa° h6, ft .^

Accessary, ffi° ^° R° sa kap tku. Accordance J
ho-hap, (harmony of

Accessibility, tt.° W fi° M i& oe

sounds) ft ^
h6-Mi, of his own-

tit tbang tsiu-kun.

i^B"©^ ka-ki tsu-jien.
According, tsiaii.
Accession (to tbe throne) J:° 5c° © Accordion,

^ khlm.
tsiu" thi° ui, (increase) Jp° j^° ke-
Accost, f A°
Et tui-14ng k6ng.
thi", (joining to) -^ 6a.
Accidental, W :Q° chhku-khiim, ^°
Accouchment, ^^ ^ seng-sdn, ^ ^
i&° iS° chhau-tii-khdm, M^ U° Accoucheuse, V^° ^° #° khioh-tsia-
b6 phki-phe. bii.

Accidentally, J#°335° chhaii-kham, ^ Account, m° siaii, ||° @° siau-bak,

ii^ ng<5-ga-jien, -(g ^ ng6--ji6n. SS°:R siau-haSg,—book, 8i°ylsiaii
Acclaim, :7c° K° "^° ^° toa-sia°-o-16. pho-, adjust an—, -t°SS° he-siau,

balance—, ^
||° tsun siau, to
charge—, ±°|g°tsiu"-siaii, charge
Acclivity, if° phia", [1]° jr soa°-
tomy— ±°fg°i°||° tsiu" goa

6 siaii, close—, ji |g° chhat-siaii,
Accommodate, 5f!] ^ j^"-^ ll i 6 pien,
collect—, t!fSg°th6-siaii, pay an—
^^M tsi6ng-ki-pien. ?^ gS° chheng-siaii, make out an—
Accommodating, #S ^° A° g&u-
WW' khui-toa", receipt—, 1|^ ||°
tso^-lUng, ^° fS M bd-td-'-kin. siu-toa", on— of, @;^ in-ui, m°^°
Accommodation, (for a visitor) ^ ui-ti(5h, ^° ^° tok-ti6h,— over-
^ ;ffi
pien s<5"-tsai.
drawn, IR ® " ffi FI° giin th^h chhut
Accompany, ^U° |g° fr° sa" kap ki&", th^u.
^°^ fT°sa'' chhoa kifi,",— on tak-
—a \:^°m% ii-koan-he,
ing leave, 'M° sang,
^ s^ng ts6ng,
funeral, jg° Accountability [^'^
(as companion) seng, ^°|a° tse-t&u, l|^°tam-tng.
^ ^ u-chek-
) —
[ 5 ]
Accountant, siati-kui, ^'
Aohe, M° thi^^" -1" thkng.thik^
tsidng-kui. (bones) M° ^° sng-thi^".
Accoutre, (as soldier) W-° M M Ach^en, 35 a-ts^. ^
chheng tsi^u h6k, (equip) M fS Achievable, t^° ^° %° oe-tsii-tit,
u-pi, i§MM pi-pan pien. tE° ^ W^ oe-s^ng.tit.
Accoutrements, jg ^ kun-tsong, §| Achieve, Js3l° tsia,", JsK J& sSng-kong.
^, khi-hai. Achievement, (exploit) ^^ ;2;° !^
Accredit, (confidence in) sin, eng-hi6ng § su. & ^
%'& sin-tit-ke, (receive envoy) Achromatic, 1^°^ b6-sek.
^ ifft iJc M° tsiap-lap khim chhe. Acid, M° sng.
Accrue, (increase) M° M° ke-thi°. Acidify, W' ^ @t° ho-i-sng.
Accumulate, ^ M tsek-tsii, ^ ^ Acknowledge, jin. M
tsek-thiok, ^ cbhun-ti6ng,
Acme, ^
11° k^k th^u (summit) TH

merit, ^^ tsek tek. t^ng.

Accurate ^o
ti6h, ^° 11° b6-clih6.
I Aconite, M chh6-o\ W
Accuracy Acorn, tl f?° ^° tsui-d-tsi, MW
Accursed, Ji° A° 5E° S^ ho- mng tsiti- 'J'° siong-chhiurtsi.

chham. Acoustics, !p im-hak. ^

. Accusable, tg° ^
6^° oe k6-tit. Acquaint, fj* p6, Ji^B thong-ti, |rJ**

Accusation, (legal ) g" ^^ tia" tsng,— A" 18° ka-lang k6ng.

censure, ^ hifi,m, — to Emperor, ^ Acquaintance, 4B$5° siong-s6k, ^*
^° gu-tsng, enter an — , A. S° jip 11° A° s4k-sai-iang.
tia", A JK°jiptsng. Acquiesce, (comply with) M. K° M
Accuse, ^ k6, —falsely, %° M un- sun-mng-i, %° ^ ^ kap-i-hah.
khut, M M bii-loa. Acquirable, tg° ^° ^° oe-tit-ti6h.
Accused, (of a crime) IB hpan- Acquire, M %° m° tit-ti6h,—by pur-
kn, (before a magistrate) -^ k6. chase, H ffi kien-ti.

Accuser, ^ i:° A° biam-^-l^ng, (in Acquired, (not natural) W kek.

law) H # goan-k6. Acquisitive, ^'&M ai-lidp-tsek,

Accustom, 11°^" koai%sl. Acquit, M° pang, #° M° thdu-pkng,

Accustomed, m° #° koki°-si, tR 1 #
|fc° *° pkng-i-khi.
koan-sidk. Acquittance, JlJt W.° siu-tok°.
Ace, an — ,
:£,° io, throw — ,
•£,° ^° io Acre, — ° Si tsit-b6%
khangi Acrid, f3i° lodh. .

Acephalous, ^° FI° ^ b6 th|u khak. Acrimony Kof temper) gl° 8°

Acerbity, ^°^siig-bi, (of temper) Acrimonious) ii°
(pf language) ±° fS° mU ^^
Acetous, m° M° ^° oe-sng-i chhek ^ pe.
[ 6]
Acrobat, Jif''^°;i°A°tdh8oh^mng. to— one's self, # » " 5»*° 51 g^u
Across, ^° hoai° m. «° thdn-hoM". pi^n-sln-tbong, #° IS M g^u-

Act an—, Pa ^ pbin-heng, Bi ^° s6- tsodn-pi^n.

IS J^ tsit-chhut Adaptation, (fitness)

^° bdb.
kia-,— ofaplay, —
iii, —
^wickedly, M # Ai-bui, —vio- Add, jl°tbi", lir ke, Jn" ?S° ke tbi»,
lently, 11° 5S M° s4i-ki6ng-li6ng, —up a sum, J^ kiet, — more, JS"

®°iaf* tang-cbbd'-boat, to—, JI° 1B° M tbi", ka-tbiam.

^poa°bi, ji° ^ cb6e bi,— im- Addendum, flg it p6- ui, !l0^° si6k k
periously, §i° A° i
ts6e l^ng Addition, *D° i^° ke tbi°, in—to, ^

6ng, according to circumstances ^° leng goa, do in —W ,
sok, rule

M ^M % sui-ki-6ng-pien, —as of — , 1J0 fi ka boat, —of fractions

substitute, J£ 11° ti-gidb. Jn° ^ ka bun, compound — fl ^ ,

Action, ^ fT° s6 kia°, good—, ^ p^ Jp ^ tsu tdng ka boat.

^ b6-pbin-beng. Additional, M m ke-tbi», W 65°
Actionable, fg ^ ^° oe k6-tit. tbi'-g.
Active, m°
Wl° oAb-tang, M
tl'"R Addicted, (accustomed) ti #° koki"-
kin tsidp kboki, f i&° ° li^m-tsidp,
^ si, (devoted to) b6", ki. U ^
U M° ^° b6 kba cbbiii. Addle, %°J^hb bfeng.
Actor, play—, |S° g^ ^° tsng-bi-^, Address, %° ^° &° siA
a letter—,
W^ M° bi-kiob. pboe pb^, of pleasing- — t^jln- ,

Acts, (of tbe Apostles) l^

su-t& beng-toan.
^U IS jid, — a person M° K°
k6ng, (skill)
tiii l^ng W
3^5° i& kbiau-l6- (a
Actual, SE sit. speecb) ^ m° 86" k6ng, (place
Actuate, W fiff fj" bo i ki^". of abode) ^°^°kbiake.
Acumen, ffi # pd-cbbl, ^^ tbku- Adduce, (cite) 51 in-
tbiet. Adept, ^° ^° lau-cbbiii, ^° il°Mu-
Acute, (sbrewd) %, %. tbong-tbiet, tku, M° ^ lau-lien.
M 'M l§ng-tbong, il j^ tbong-tbku, Adequate, £° W kau-gidh, (equal)
(sbarp pointed) ^° ^"tsiam-lai, ¥°^°^°pl°-til-tbeng.
]^° M° SE°-pain, ui-ui tsjig, (as Adbere, |i& li^m.
disease) Ml ^ kin-kip. Adherent, A° ^° ling-b6, eg^^'A"
Adage, #f f§ si6k-gu, t^-^-l^ng, become an — , & fS° kui-
Adam, 35 ^
a-tong,—apple, Pi° ^ od.
0° ni,-afl-tseng, ]g ^ aiii-tsu. Adbesive, f fi f fi liam-liam, f fi 6f°Mm-
Adamant, # H'J S° kim kong tsi6h. 16, 11° ffi° m° 6e-Mm-tit.

Adapt, ii° # b5 i hdb,—one's Adieu, m° cbbid".


self to tbe occasion, ^ H odn Adjacent, 5£ kun, i^° od, f^ i£ hu-

tsodn, H^S" Uttfg-tsib-koan, able kun.
— , . ,

[ 7 ]
Adjective, ^^ ;2:° ^° hlng-i6ng Admit (allow enter) it A° ) K
eji. Admittance) lin-l^ng-jip, (assent)
Adjoin, [^ JE hu-kun, ^° 5^ sa"li^n. M A° sun l^ng, (confess) ^ jin. .

Adjourn, (postpone) H t-jit, ^

r ki4u.
(prorogue) ^T
:^ H kn ha leng-

kh6--khng, (a
) ^ iJ° ^
Admonition superior) If gE kan-

Adjudge ) ^J° il plioa»-tokn, § ®r° ts^ng.

Ajudicate) sim-phok°.
Ado, (trouble) Sg^ kan-kh6-, (diffi-
Adjure, (entreat) @ ^ khiin-kiii.
cult, 11° oh.
Adjust, ±S ^ ho- i hdh, (as ar- Adolescence,
H *j? ^ siaii-li^n.

gument) ^° Ji hAh su, a dispute, Adolescent, iJ? ;^ flf siaii-li^n-sl.

^ iP p4i kdi, 11 ;® tiau chhii, —in Adopt, S kbit, W#°

M chh6ng. iii°,

order, *i ^° ts^ng-ts6e, (a teles- Adopted, (son) m * #° bSng-g,

cope) f M.M'i&m°^ chhien li iu"-§, |ij #° chh6ng-^, m ^ gi-tsii.
kik" thiu kail hlin, (an account) Adoptive, (son) Sg #° b^ng-l.
;#° M.° he siau. Adoration, fj ^ k^ng-pki.
Adjusted, (settled) j^ jft" ti&u-tlt. Adore, ^ ^ kfeng-iii, W # tsun-
Adjutant, S ^^ 6k-ti6ng. . tsdng, m n kfeng.pki, IK y h6k-

Administer, ^ 31 sai,(love extremely) ^ ^ lek-ai.

M" pan,

relief to poor, ^ ^ tsiu-tse, ^ Jgl

Adorer, |^ H ;t*' A° k^ng-iii ^-Iftng.

tsiu-ts5-, |g ^ tsin-ts6. Adorable, vi° 9-^W thang-tsun-

Administrator, (inlaw) ^"^ ^"H
^° tsidng-kodn Adorn jffi° tsng, i^^siu-tsdng
Adornments (oneself) «° WnW"
Admiral, |i # thS-tok, J| J th^-t^i, soe-tsng-td^-pan, ffi° 11,° tsng-tha",
?JC° SJ {i# tsui-su-th^-tpk, vice — to— mm ts^ng-tun, ^^ ts^ng-
th^-thok kun-biin, reat — , :=. ^^ Adrift, m B phiau-liA.
&i&^Mf% sa teng tsiii-su th^- Adroit, Wt :f5° ki-khiau, J5° khidu.
thok kun-bto. Adulation, H M thidm-bi, ^° S°
Admiralty, iH' M ^^^'' f^° tsiii- ph6--thd", chhu-chhong. MM
su peng ts^ng g§ mll^. Adult, j^ K
t5a-14ng, become an —
Admire, ffl°
||° o-16,—flowers, %" $1° ^K t£g-toa-mng, jsa T
?E° siu" hoe. sSng-teng.
Admirable, f^ ^"^"ll''' oe o-16-tit. Adulterate, W thau, M laiS, WW
Admirer, ^° 5%° ^° o-16 ^. %" thku-pkt-mih.
Admissible, tr :fc m° oe lin-tit, tl° Adulterer, ig ^ kan-hu.
Adulteress, Ji % im-hu. •
[ 8]
Adultery, . ^M ka,u-im, U 'M »» Adversity, Ik M" tsai-e, .i. M hoan-
thong. lan, Dy V hiong su.
Ad valorem, ffi M" kd' kk Advert, il ji thg-khi.
Advance, M W tsin-tsdng, iP AdvertiseM ) (inform)5i thor^g ^
chin-p6-, in— ,
^'' seng,—money, Advertisement ti, JS #fi thong-p6, )

(by poster) |i{ ^° &° tsut-ji-

ft° ffi m." seng-chhut-tsl".
Advancement, (progress) ji tsin p^h, (in a newspaper)
^ M ^ M
chhut-sin-bAn, (with promise of
p6-, (promotion) P^" if° :k° seng
ts6e toa, (official) PI seng kip. reward) U
K" ^& siii" thiap.

Advantage, ^J li-ek, S
(superiority) Advice, ask It U; chhdng-kku, — ,

11° M° —of a man,

khah-ia, take to take — ,
^° M," 7^ thia" ka-si,
g° A° phi"-l&ng, take—of an op- ^ i5; siu-kah, (suggestion) ia iS

portunity, jli" tiikn.'

tsi-tidm, (information) i^ ,§," siau-

Advantageous, :#° ^i] M u-li-ek, ^ sit, (notice) JS^ thpng-ti, ^ p6,

g iii-ek, tr ^ TpiJ oe-tek-li, (in (admonition) "#" khn'g.
trade) jif B" h6-thkn, f^ MT M° Advisable, -S" ^° hdp-sit.

hd-thkn tsi°. Advise, li° khMg, =g li° kh6--khrig;

Adventitious, (casual) W |£° J5° —with ^ ft° siong-li6ng, ^p
chhku-tii-khdm, T-° *r° ^° b&- chham-si6ng, (inform) ^ p6.
phah-sifg, ^° M" M° b6-pliki-plie, Advisedly, J|f iK: # ti^u k6-i.
(additional) 1B° B" ke-thi", (not Adviser, an— ^° jg" ^° tku-siu^-g,

inherent) 7^ %" ^ ^° piin b6 (mandarin legal) 05 ^ su-iL

tsai-lai. Advocate, an, (lawyer) ^Iff gl tsiig-
Adventure, an, ^I^'±° f° 1^° hong su, (plead a cause) #" A° ^ If
hiam g tai-tsi, (dare) Sfc° kd", tho6 ling hun-s6".
(risk) H° ^° phe-mia°. Adze, if° phng,
Adventurer, (a cheat) }^ h6--16k, ^ Aeolian, (harp) VH" ^'' hidng-keng.
(one who adventures) ^"BlJ Aerial, g
t^ khong-tiong.
^° A° u tam-ldk ^ lang. Aerolite, %° -^^ ;5° thi" 16h tsi6h.
Adventurous, (daring) MM'''h6-t6j', Afar, m° hng, 'M it tiaii-oAn.
(attended with risk) ^ ^ hong Affable, t^ jin-jid, ig A° iS ^^
hidm (foolhardy) B P° b6ng-td". khi-iang khi-kheh, ^ chhi6-ta".

Adversary, fJ ic *ul-tdk. Affair, :#: su, ^ ff su-ts^ng, ^'' Jff"

Adverse, (contrary to wish) ^,° ^ tai-tsi, :»: a all—,
su-li, iJt :*:

f5b6 sun-sidk, ^^ g" tak-tin, (as hpan-su, clo^e up an—, J^ j^" siu-
wind) m
M" *i thi-th^u, g^k, (ca- tiA",—of an'army, ^'jf kun-tsang,
lamitous) ^ "g put kiet, KI hiong, principal p^rt of an—, £» i^» g|»
(opposed) ^^ ^^ ng6
. in ki. -tsdng-th4i>, m9,nage an
— ,

[ 9 ]
^ pan-su, ruin an —^,
'-^ hoai° Afford, (relief) if Kl tsiu-ts5-,—
su. give, W ho-, cannot—it M" ^° SB
Affect, (heart) MW Mm-tong, b6e boe khi, — expenses, ^ ^ ^°
(concerns) ^^ kan-siap, —as by #° iJG s6- htii tng tit-khi.

miasma, liab, (pretend) M ^° k^- Affray, ^ ^^ oan-ke, 4i''^JT° sio-

ia°. phah.
Affectation, U°W tsng-ts6e, M'ti" Affright,^^ A° M" M" ho- l^ng ti6h
h°^°W hoSg chhi°-kia°.

Affected, —deeply, S° '& sah^-sim, Affront, M" p6--ji6k, ^# Igng- ^

(assumed) |j£° ^'' tsng-ts6e, ig° ji6k, H 'H bii-ban.
%° U
ik\ Afghanistan, ^^ il ki-pin-kok.

Affecting, — circumstance, pT '^° y° Afloat, ?^° phu.

kh6 lien-tai. Afoot, ^ fr° p5- kia°.

Affection, 'if ts^ng, jJJ 'If sim-ts^ng, Aforesaid, IH M" W 0f t^ng-bln

(love) -M' thik", (disease) ^°pl°. k6ng-S.
Affectionate, ^ ^ thidng-ai, 1^ ^ Aforetime, Jp.° H tsa-jit.

,1 ^ un-ai, very— ^ S° Afraid, M° |i° 'ir lun-ne;i°,

chhin-ki, kia°,

A. # chhin-kku jip kut. much — , J3S ^ tam-haii, not —of a

Affiance, (betroth) ?|^° phfengtia", person, ^° ti tfi ^ bo khu pha" i.

— trust, -^^ ^ oa-kho. Afresh, (again) ||° koh, ||° |^ koh-

Affinity, (relationship) ^ J6^° chhin- tski, (recently) ^ 35 kdn-lai.
tsi4°. Africa, iS ff ^'J 5iS° a-hui li-ka.

Affirm, ^° M k6ng-khi, (as true) African, IS MM ^° i.° X a-hui-ll

^°^)° tsi^-u, ^° K tsi-sit, Wm° ka 6 lang.

^ ^° n° au-bin, M"
JE° ^° tsip-si-tsi°.
tsi" ti6h, Aft, (of a ship)
Affix,(pasteon) flii?°tah, — one'sname ^° tsun-be.
^ ^° chhiam-mia", || ui-ho, After,
liaii-au, (behind) M° T W
—subjoin, H'sok, |i!^ h4° liam-teh. H° au-bin, yet— all, 1; ts6ng-si, M
but—all, kun-tit, jyiS taix- t^W
Affiict, '-B %
khd--chh6-, (as God)
ti, PJ IS t6-ti.
1^ iSk k&ng-tsai, (as a mistress a
Afterbirth, JJ^ thai-ui. ^
servant i ^#
kh6" t6k.
Aftermost, B& Jl° it lo- b^. —
Affliction, i^ li° tsai-e, if^ Ja" tsai- ^° e-tku.
Afternoon, e-po", T°Ht J"
eh, ifi ?^ tsai-iong, ^ W tsai-lan, Afterthought, p|;®° S° t^-t^g-siu".
M hoan-lan.
$. Afterwards, M° ^ au-Mi, ^° # au-
Affluence, g ^ chhiong-seng, W .^ sin, ^ f^° ji6n-au, a? 2i5 tsiong-
hoiig-seng. l^ir T ^° liaii-au.

.Affluent, H M liong-seng, ffi M Again, ^° koh, ^° :^ koh-tsai, %

: cbhut-san, M ^ chhiong-seng. '^ iu-koh.
— — —
Against, (facing) It iS° tiii-bln, run Aggressor, J" #° seng-he-chhiii, %
— WW
t6ng-ti(5h,—the wind, %" j|2 ^° seng-khi-chhiu.
^° tsl'' hong,—reason,
Ji, %
M. Aggrieve, -ft" A° '1^ ho' Mng ho^n- %
g^k 11. 16, iS£° A° il "i^ h6--iangiu-chhi<i,
Agape, ^ i^° S" fl° chhtii khui ha"- f harass; |i° A°
khiau-ling, H@
ha", :^° !^ g^° S° @° toa-chhui A° mn-Ai-ling, ^%
khui ha^-ha". ('injnrfej ^ hai.
Agar-agaif, ?# H hdi chhki, ^'° ^° ^ Aghast, m' 'ir kia^-hiH", 1=° ff Pi"
tsi6h, hoe chhki. kia- kku gong khi, M" M° Jfil ^ fl
Agate, 3ii° ^ b^-16. Pft kia" kail sin put hii th^,
Age, (of person) :^° hfe, (generation) Agile,
f^ tai, the goldfjn—
^ H h6-kha-chhiii.
W U M ^°
gi^u thien stin jit, of J^ —
s^ng Agio, , T
;^°g<in-tsiii. ^
^° ^° nd lau, to
ten'g, to
Agitate (excite people^ ^ Wi i^u-
^° ^° chhkulau, slow-
quickly, —
tong, }g° f{|° io-tang, fby windj
ly, W
m° M" g&u khBg hh. VjC *° chhe-ti6h.
Aged, W° M" u-h^, M° lau, ^ ^ Agitated, (^tremorj
^T FaT iJ° sih-
sih-tstm, If ° tf ° 'i° ngiauh-ngiauh-
Agency, 5^° fr g^ hlng, fl; i? tai chhoah.
pan, through his P' tiii-i. M
Agitator, an, M° khl-e-chhi°. ^ W
Agent, m
^° i.° A° keng chhiii ^
Ago, 13° ts^ng, long—, ^° tsi- W
ling, commission ^t A° g^ — tseng, A°A°
Mng, ^l ga hang. ^ Agonize, ^° ^° thkng-thi^".
khioh ts6e
Agony, «° kh6--thkng, Ji» ^ ^
Agglutinate, M k6-, ffi liim.
Agree, ii h6, ^° ^ sa" h6, fn ^ h6-
A-ggrandise, (promote) jgj" Ig" ^ hdp, (in opinion; |£ M tiu-ki, 1^°
seng ts6e koM", fj- iJ seng kip
one's self, M^^ $( li-ek piin sin.
5 tang-sim, (hot) /p ^° in hdh,

Aggrandisement, M ^:^ kt li-ek

(^coincide; Wi W tiii-ting, ft %"
piin sin. h&-tang,— on price, M° m"
^° kfe-tsi" k6ng tia" ti6h, climate
W %'
Aggravate, (a person) |ij ^ chhong-
ti, ic K kek-ling, ^ A° ]S° « not— :t'' ^° »" i^" ± tsidh m tidh
tsiii-th6', (stipulate; ^°
kek ling siu-khi, fincreasej 1m M toka.
ka-thiam, (as a disea,sej Jp" M" S;° Agreeable, ('pleasing; tf*" t^ng-i, ^
ke khah tang, iH° H" "K ke khah S
(willing; ic°^ hoa°-hi. If kam- ^
siong-tiong, goan, (harmonious; ft h6.
Aggtegate, W^
16ng-kiong, Ji ^ Agreement, ^ iok, -& ffy hdp-iok,
thong-kiong ff 31 k^-kiong. ^(^)° kip-Mng, make an—, 3t»
— — —
ffy kap-iok, jt ^ lip-iok, make Air, (windj M hong, (atmosphere)
verbal — , i5h° phin, written — , $5 M khi (appearancej # Jg- sin-ts&,i,

^° iok-jl. put on an M M° kek phki-


Agricultural,^° f^° g^" tsoh-sit 6. tha.u, ii M" kek khui, put on the
Agriculture, ^° f-^° tsoh-sit. of a literary man, '§( W.° W K°M°
Agriculturist, {-^"ffl" A^tsoh-sit ling. kek thdk chheh ling khui, expose
Aground, get — ,
jg° khok, run — ,
^° to the —11° S, lang hong
before —
±° iU° 16e tsiu" soa°. the fire, !K° hang, (as a room) jj|°
Ague, ^ J^ iii-l^ng, m°m m" ko&°- ^ M°^ ho- i thdu khi, (& tune)
jidt pi°, :£ :t° ^° khit-tsidh-pp, Wi tiau.
(^quotidianj — H — ^° tsit-jit ° " Airless, Afi" ^ b&-khi, ^° 1, b6-hong.
tsit pai, ftertianj H" H— °?}C°nng- Airy, ^^ thiau-lang, Wi if" chhiu
jit-tsit-pai, fquartanj H" H — ''^° chhin, ^° ?!& li&ng-Mng.
sa°-jit-tsit-pdi. Air-pump, iffl Ui.°^^ thiu-khi ^
Ah, P^" haih. khi-khu.
Aha, m
ff° hM-ah. Air-tight, :^ ^^ ^^^ boe thdu
Ahead, ^^ M" ti-thau-ts^ng, ^° W khi, bdt-bdt.

M° W ti-bin-ts^ng, ^° t!° W ti- Aisle, 51 ^ thong-hang.

ts^ng-bin, ('headlong) ^"^chhi"- Ajar, mfil^-ha".
k6ng, go—;^° #" tso^-thHu. Akimbo, chhah koh. WW
Ahoy. PPI o. Akin, WL J^" chhin-tsia,".

Aid, W tsan, m S)" pang-tsan, ^ Alabaster, -^^ M '^° tai-li-tsi6h.

# hii-chhi, fe° Ji" sa"-tsan. Alack, ^ ^' kh6--ah, g ff " ai-ah.

Aide-de-camp, ^ tiong-kun. "4* Alacrity, M. W^


Aidless, ^,° A" ^^ llT bd-llng pang 'K M

tsan. Alamode, flt^ si-khodn, flf ^"sl-iu",

Ail, ii° -^^ fg b& khok--okh, mm fl# ;fT° sl-kia\

kan-l&n. Alarm, H" kia",—clock, ^ M" lau-

Ailing, $§ ^ i& kau-su-l6-. tseng.

Ailment, M" pi°, M" 'M" pi-thia", Je Alas, "fir 'It°kh6-sioh, pf fi kh6-siong,

W tsfeng-thlu, M M pi°-tsfeng. M" 5JJ§ b6-chhdi, ^^ -t^S" b6-kai.

Aim, (purpose) #S i-sii, ('schemej tski.

tl- ii k^-b6, fin life; S° fi" Ji° ^I Albatross, ^ It hki-Mm^gong.ffl

3^ siu^-sim-mlh-keng-ki, take Albeit, II ^ sui-jien.

ffa )^ siong-tseng, M tsi6. Albino, ±m^''W &" th6'-ti.kong
Aimless, WM ®b6-i-su, j|Ji°H:°hokng- bin-si".

hoang,—action, BM°^l^ b<5ng Album, M" ff ° -1° ang-d-chheh.

.; ta6e bi-si. Albumen, %°W^ koe-nng.chheng.
Alcohol, ^X" M h^-tsiii. —a disturbance, Wi Jfc ju-tsi, Pg" .l."

Alcove, II % piah-kham. hoah-soah.

Alderman, ,# # sin-ki. Allegation, gf k6ng, (in law) M"
Ale, m. ff " bi-d-tsiii. M tia".

Alert, ('brisk; fc bin-tsi^t, M

ii° Allege, gf k6ng, W
lidp-chidp, (^watcbfulj^n [SJ ti-h6ng, Allegiance, (loyalty) ffi ,g, tsiu-

SS" W tiu°-ti, i5p

f§ tsiin-pi. tiong.
Alias, BiJ ^° pAt mia", ig" ^ f^"
^'' Allegory, # q^j pM-ju.
k^-mia" oa° si". Alleviate, jrH" phi"-khin, (misery)
Alibi, =p p^ A" i£° 3']° fi kan.tseng m'M ^S° phi-'-kan-khd; (allay)
lang ti pat ui. ± tsi.
Alien, 9^°g A° goa kok l^ng, glj" fi Alley, ff ° hang-d, bowling— g f^" 1
A°pat ui Eng, fdifFerentj *E° ^a° kift-keng.
il ft" bo sa° chhin chhifi". Alliance, hoe b^ng, (family) #^
Alienate, ^: l%° wk-soe, M.°M nd-ll. kiet-chhin, (kingdom) j^l's ^M
Alienated, '|f # p6k-ts^ng. t6ng-beng.
Alienation, ^° fi*" M° if^° kap i khah Alligator, (crocodile) g .ffi'' g6k-hi,
soe. Allocate, M ph^i,— the expenses,
Alight,. (Trom horsej 1:° U" 16h-b^
(as a bird; ^^ hioh, (Trom an emin- Allot, m phki, ^ii hun-phdi, ^J^
ence; W l<ib.
Alike, i^ W clihin-chhiu", ?t siang, AUoted,
(duty) fg. tl" hun-gidh,
^i^° siang iu",— Wi" tsit-poa", ^° (portion) fj ^» hun-gidh,
silng, I^° tfi,ng, ^i^" siang khodn, Allow, ft tsiin, itm lin-tsTin,— of
m W tiii-ting, ^ ^° odn-ji^n.
§ ^ i6ng-Tin.
Iff) -#rt^ng-tsit-iu°, ta it-th^, Allowable, —
pJ" thang,
all —'M 1^
, thong-t6ng, exceed- Allowance, (to
person) |^° fi^^f^"^
ingly—, %i ft" m" i^ ::: chhin-
^'tsat-teh-ho'-i-eng, (admission)
chhiu°katib6-ji, just W)}k° hun- —
pS jIn (abatement)

kidm, M^iV M
khah tslo.
Alive, ^° oab.
i'K Si° hd-sit Alloy, m thkvL, ^ chhara,— gold,
^ ^ hun-kim.
Alkali, m° ki". Allude
Khint) J^ ;^. tsi-tidm,
All, M")^ 16ng-ts6ng, (the whole) Allusion
J (secretly) Pt ^g km-tsi.
— -m" it-chhfe,—but, |)t Dt ff ° lim- Allure
lim-d, —
of you, i^flk" tai-ke, Allurement! in-chhoa,—to ^ evil f
ts^ng. ifin-iii, ' '•
%' tsi-khoah
Allay, ±tsi, (thirst) Jt Allusive, jt m tsi tidm, 1^ Jt ^m tsi.
— ,

AUuvium,m°^°^g5^''tS'' ^°khoe Also, 55;° idh, koh, B R. i-kip— W
l^u 16h Mi e th6- soa. will, ^° WC sok-beh.
Allwise, M
^ ^ ^ bu s6 put ti. Altai mountains, ^ llj° kim-soa°.
Ally, (by treaty) Si hoe-beng, Altar, Jl" toa°.

1^ Si t6ng-beng, (as family) 3^ Alter, [ 85:° k6e, H Ui, ^% H^

kiet-chhin. Allerationj keng-^k, chhi&u, ^
Almagatholite, # S°
hun-tsi6h. one's mind, ts6an-i, hodn- ^^ ^5
Almanac, %^ thong-su, M° H lah-
hok, (one's feelings) 13 i5 ^ ft°

jit, —S^" H chbun- Alterable, ^°

a native sheet,
6e k6e
gfc" 6^° tit.
Alterative M" #° k6e-huih-t6k.
Almighty, U^^^
leng bu-s6--put
Altercate |4a W P" sa-Hsi", jl"
* *"
Almond, *^
- Altercation tak-khdu, ^"JJJ^"
:§E,—heng-jm,—plant, §
J 1,- 1 .
| tsiM4i-tsi''-khi.
^g° heng-hoe,
Alternate )|& U
lun-M, #° ^°
Almost, M '^ ^ chha-put-to, f^" Alternation ) th6e-oa", (day) F^ H°
f^" ff ° Um-lim-a, Jil 5£ ^M sii-ki-
tsiong-kun, ^°^°teh-beh, —dark Alternative, H" i|° ft # ^^ niig-
^"^"Bt" teh-beh-am. h5 kii-i-kdng, no — 7 # 2. iput-
Alms, (give) ^^ tsin-tse, M^ tek-i, is ;^ 31 ko'-put-tsiong, (no
tsiu-kip. ^X>MM k6--put-jl-tsiong,
Ahnsgiver, MW ^ A si tse ^ lang,
m^,U bu-nai" h6, M ^^^qfa b6-
li ^ i: A" tsbi-tse-^-14ng. ta-o4.
Aloe, m[W 16-he, oil of— 1 ^'Jft" Although, mm sui-b6ng, m ^ sui-
l&-he-ift. ji^n, ^ sui, ]g£ S° tsiu-na.

Aloft, (nautical) ;£" H S" ti-t^ng- Altitude, W koai".

th^u, ;ffi°lIW° ti-t^ng-bin, (in the Alto, glj d'S" hii-phin.

air) ft°^^ ti-khong-tiong, hold Altogether, (wholly) —iE it-khai,

— i^K'kidh-koai". -^ ii it-tsin (conjointly) —W ° tsit

Alone, JK H" i£° fir ko--toa°-ti-teh, ts6e, ^° — ° T ° ts6e-tsit-e, (sum

he —^ M P t5k-t6k-i. total) m ^l" 16ng-kiong,

Ji W
Along,—with, J^'kap, ^''M'' sa"-kap. thong -kiong, -^ hap-ki5ng, ft
Aloof, 5i;° hng. 3^° kfe-kiong.

Aloud, W
:^° toa-sia°. Alum, &° P p^h-hoan, green —
Alpaca, MW Tl-lin. W ^ chhi" hoin.
Alphabet, ^ #" ji-bu. Always, 11 % si6ng-si6ng, M° M"
Alps, a ^'' sidu-khun-Mn.
*J^ tauh-tauh, ^ ^ 6ng-^ng, Jfc Jfc

Already, E ^ i-keng, g| ^ ki-ji^n. tsu-tsu.

— '

Alveolate, —°^o~°^o tsit chhng Amen, *& IE Iff M sim-tsfeng s6-.

tsit chling. goan.

Am, ^ si,— going ^° ^° beh-khi. Amenable, (responsible) W° M^
Amairij M^ij" tsinchhut lit. u-koan-be, ^' :^ J^ u-tsek-sSng.
Amalgam, ^ ^° chham-^ ^ ^° Amend, R 'H hodn-h6e.
lam L Amends, make — Ha° M p^-p6-. ,

Amalgamate, S chham, (unite) ^ Amerce, (fine) 13 bodt, (punish)

h&p. M 13 h^ng-hoAt.
Amanuensis, #" A" M
M" thbe Mng America, r:^ ^ tai-bi kok. H
sid g (in law) fS #
tai sia. American, ?E° jl^ P 65° hoe-ki kok-S
Amass, ^fg tsek-tsu, tsek- ^^
^g" 65° hoe-ki-e, m
g 65° tai- ^*
thiok. bi kok g.
Amateur, 1° B" *$ W 65° ka-ki hdk- Amethyst, ^ ft ^° l^m p6-tsi6h,
sip-^, g" B" it §K 65° ka-ki kdng- ^ 3i° tsi-g^k.

1° B° li Si° 65° ka-ki hoan- Amiable, rT ^ kh6 ai, W A" ^°
tit lang thik".
Amaurosis, M 11° :)ii° lioat-chlii''-kng. Amicable, %A fo tek-jin-h6, (harm-
Amaze VBW ti6h-kia-, M fi° onious) % h6.
Amazement) goiig-ngidli, JJS^tdm- Amid,
1 4* ^° tiong-ng, 4* ^
Amidst J tsi6ng-tiong.
Ambassador, ^H khim-chhe, S" @° Amiss, T>''M'' i5-ti6h, ^° |§° u.chh6,
JJK E kong-ski tai-sin. |i*° 'g- a bo-hdp-li,
Amber, ^ JQ h6--pbek. Ammiddha Buddha, MM^M o-bi-
Ambergris, H ^ liong-i^n. t6-hut.
Ambiguity "j ^° BJ bo-b^ng, ^ Ammonia, ^M )B'S5. a-mo'-ni-a.
Ambiguous Vhkax, — slanguage, ig°
Ammunition, ^° ||° ^ 9^° chheng-
Ambiguously J ^ ^" bd'-t&'-k^ng,
& iS° ii° bam-h6- kdng. i6h-tan-tsi.

Ambition, ^ 1^ b6'''-ko.
Amnesty, Wc sik, (national) :f: ifc 5c

Ambitious, M K ^ ^ hd'"-
h6-''-ko, T tai-sia thien-ha.

s^ng. Among Iff* ^

tiong-ng, ^ 4»
Amble,#° ff ^ un-a-phdu.
° Amongst J tsi6ng-tiong.
Ambulant, fj" ^'' kia^-sda. Amorous, M" S° siu°-si.
Ambuscade, % {^ bfi,i-li6k. Amos, (book of), gg jg dt a-mo'-su.
Ambush, S (fe bai-h6k. Amount, ^^
hdp-kiong, ff 35 k^-
Ameliorate ")#" #
H" ^^ ^^ ho-- ki5ng.
Ameliorationji kbah khok"-odh, Amour, fZ 3® su-thong,
(one's condition) ^^ ^» M° ^A
Amoy, M.° P1° e-mifg,—island, M©
ho'-i khah hii-kiii. ha-t6.
, ,

Amphibious, JJiC ^ i« ^ tsiii li6k Ancestral, ( grave) WL ik ts6,'-htn,

peng seng. , (temple) p j^" ts6--bia,u, (tab-

Ample > (broad) ^ M' kh6ng lets) 7fc i b6k-tsu, •MWM ke-
Amplenessj kboah J^" :jk' kboah- sin-pfi,i (house) ffi
^'' ts6-ke.
toa (capacious) ^° Bt" gau t6e, Anchor, i^" tik", (one) —° 1 *£°
(enough) ^^ kkii-gikh (abund-
JS," tsit keng tik", to^,
ant) :^° #" 23° ^^ toa-bu si-kofe. tik",—home l^" ^

u-are — for a
Amplify, (enlarge) Wl" M" IB" »f^° short time, ^ ^ kia-tia", drag —
tsofe khah khui khoah, (dilate)
M *£" thoa-tik",— (stock) ^W
Wi° M" khui thiah.
tik°-ta", (shank) ^° $t tik°-sin,
Amplitude, (of dimension) »§' :^°
(fluke) *£" -f tik''-khi.
khoah toa ^
^' .kh6ng-khoah,
Anchorable, ^ Jl" :t" h6 pha 6
(abundance) ©^
^>^ ;ffi

Amputate j ^o ti^.^i^i.
|| Anchorage, \%° oa", safe—, i^°^o
Amputation ]**»*•
Amulet, ^ hii, $" kAg, wear an — oa°-ii.

Ancient, k6-, •& #° k6-tsd, ^^

$1° ^° koa'^kii'g. iSr "fi

Amur River, H"il o--l^ng-kdng.

tf " k6'-lauh-phauh, — relics, "if Wi

Amuse (child) H

phien, (when in
k6--tsek, —and modern times, "]&

•^ k6*-kim.
sorrow) M" M k(5e-bun, M *tJ» F^l

k6e sim bun. Ancients, -^ 1^° A" k6--tsd^Mng,

Amusement, M° gg" thit-th6. And W kap, i^" koh.
Amusing, jg sim-sek, J^
ijS* M s^ng- Anecdote, (historical) iSS; ^ k6*-su.
i,& fl k(5-kiet, ^ m u-ki6k. Anemone, (sea) % %° hai-leng, ;5

An, — " tsit. S tsioh leng.

Anesthetic, ^ ^ ^» b^-hftn-idh. Anoemia, ^ Ifil sit-hiet, f )f ha-siau.
Analogous, ^ m" M M" sa''-chhin- Aneroid, ® if- hong tsiam.
Analogy J
Aneurism, ^'' 16 la." S m^h"-kng
Analyse, i^ H kau-kham. thiaii huih 16ng.
Aoarchy, (want of goverment) %° Anew, (again) H" koh-tski, M
gl iS b6 kok tseng (coniusion) (create) if 5t sin-chhoiig-tso. M
^ loan. Angel, %" ^° thi"-ski.
Anathema Anger, ^^ M
1 ^j.
Anathematise j
tsid-chhkm. ^ siu-khi.

Angle, n M" kak-th^u, to—,

1° M
Anatomy, il^° H- F ^^ f* ptok-
th6-hl, ^9° ti6, §.^ M,° ti6-hi.
sin-si ^ hoat-t5*.
Ancestor, ji ts6-, jH S ts6'-kong, Angler, f^ M" fi^" th6-hl.g, iS" fi^"

^± ts6-»iong jp ^ ts6"-tsong. ti6hi^.

^A sien-jin, IS m" ts6--^ Anglican, :^ ^H 65° tai-eng kok g.

— ,

Angry, ^° M siu-khi, M 'B. khi-shng, Announce "I Ji^n thong-ti, ^ p6,
to be — ,
'ft jie s6ng-khi, look — Announcement J ^°^ ii" ka i k6ng,
gin, get —^ , fi" hoat-ndu."
(in public) fl" cbbiang.
Anguish, ^° 0° thkng-thik", (mind) Annoy, kang, Mfa chh6ng-ti, PJ?"^"
S m" khd-chhoeh. chhd-la, Ji Pj;° kidu-cbha, gfcjg kai-
Angular, Pf" ^ Wu kak-ttau. cbhai, fiJi: chh6ng-k^ng, H^khiiu,
Anile,^° i^ ,^ lau t6ng gong. ^m tbiau-ldn, 1^^.o
Animadvert, (criticise) ^f^phoe- Pi m° ts6-tsak, ^° pi'-Jang, P£"
pMng, (blame) hi4m. ^ tsak, —as spirit, f^ H tsok-long,
Animal, (domestic) ^° fl" tb^u-si" (as a child) ^C SC t6-tidp.
W iffi" tseng-si°, (wUd) If fj id- Annoyed, (displeased) chhiah-ikb,
eiii, — food, 11 cbho, — spirits, ^ bo boa^-bi.
5ji$ tseng-sin.
Annual, ^^ ^° nl'-ni", ^^ ;^» tdk-
Animalcule, chhu.

MM pbiau-idt, IS it"
nf, # ^^ mui°-nl°, (meeting of
conference) ^-g" li^n-hoe.
pbiau-pbiet, ^° jjif ^ u-sln-cbhAi,
Annuity, P ^ H
i6ng kh6- gun, ^
^ 1$ tseng-sin, ^ i^ boat-pboat.
^ 1^ i6ng 16 glin.
Animation, ig° fj" o4b-tang, (with-
Annul, M Hofe, it thiet, ^ Hj" h6e-
out) 1^ 1^ the-the.
Animosity, ?^, j^ oknhun, ^ 'IS

th6ng-bun. Annular, WLW^'M cbhin-chhiu"

§° kui-khodn.
Anise, A° :^ poeh-kak, A° M
poeb-kak hiu". Anodyne, Ig^Jtffi^Jt"^" oe tslthik"
Aniseed, A" ^ poeh kak, (broken) gi6h.
A° ^ ^'' poeh-kak tse, (oil) A° Anoint, ^ jft boah-iA, ^^ boah.
^ Jfti poeh-kak-iu. Anomalous 1 §&" ^^° j^° g b6-tsiaii
Ankle, 11° B" kba-bdk. Anomaly J khdm tsam, ^°M^Wi
Annals, ^ |B sii-ki. tsiati-p6'-s6-.

Annam, ^ ]§ an-l^m. Anon, m m kin-kin, (in a short

Annex, ^ i^" tsiap-sok, Ji" tbi", time) ^° ^° :5^» bo joa-kii.
a province, }&D° -' ^S ke tsit s^ng.
Anonymous, ^^ ig" bo mid°, j^' ^»
Annihilate, M C" bi4t-b6. IJ: b& 16h khodn,— placard, ^'>

Annihilation, (at death) JE" ®£ ,ft°

p^h-thiap,—^letter, ^^ ^g" ^» ;^»
si tsiu soah. ^° ^ b6 mid^-jl ^ pboe-si'n.
Anniversary, J|° ^'' tii-nl",— of Another, gij pdt, gj^-to ^^^.^^ ^^^_
death, >ll° H ki-jit, jll Silt ki-sin, ditional) ^^ -° ^j-o koh
first— of a death, if i^° ttii nl".
—°^°ketsitg. tsit ^, Jb"

Annotate 1 =*.
Annotation j^i^^*^^-^^'-
-,4- j. v Answer, B" in, E° ^ in-tap, give
an— on inquiry, li» ^ h^-hokj~
— —
an official letter, ^ '^ hok-Mn, Antiquary, U ^ ^° it" A° b6-'' kd'
a letter, Iil° |t" hS-phoe, —back t6ng g'mng, ^^ iSf 4!^ ;t'' A° tsai
k6- ti^n ^ l&ng.
Answerable, (responsible) ^'' ^° Antiquated, ^° fl# fr" b6 si ki^", f^"

tse-tfi,u, W° ^i "^ 11 koan-he. ^" III b6 kia" si.

Ant, ®° i° kdu-hia, white—, ^^ ^° Antiquity, •& '^^ k6- tsd, ;g£ ^' tsai-
p^h-hia, — eater, S^" ffl lll-li, red tsd relics of
— fe' 3|° k6-t6ng.
ifl° ll" ^ng-bia. Antiseptic, i^° S^° T>° $>" &-I" bo' mib"
Antagonist, M W^ tiii-tdk. boe cbbku ^.

Antarctic, ^ ^ l^m-k^k, — circle, Antiquities, &° H" k6-t6ng.

if BI" 11° Mm i° so&°. Antithesis, U tui.
Antecedent, (a person's) 1S° -g; t6e- Antler, ^ :^ 16k-kak.
ti, (previous) seng. ^ Antrum, disease of—, M ^° S^° ^
Antedate, ^' tdb-jit. ^^ J^:" M" t^ng g^ cbhii^ kut
Antediluvian, 1^ ^ j^:" :^ ^° bodn- khang e pi".

1am ^ tai-seng. Anus, ^^ P" ptm-kbdu, ^'' jll" kha-

chbng, imperforate—, ^"i}" iHW
Antelope, ^
^° leng-iii".
Antemeridian, _t° ^^ t^ng-taii. M° JII" e"-d chbut si b6 kha W
Antemundane, ^^ |ij 2,°^° M^f^
%° be chbong-tso s6-kan ^ tai- Anvil, h," ?6 tbih-tiam.
seng. Anxiety "I
»& kbok-sim, ^ M
Antennae, ^° cbhiu. Anxious J kbok-lu, j^ ^^ peh-pak,

Anterior, ^° %° tai-seng. Wt M khok-i, ^ ,^ kok-i, M ?l|kbok^

gai, over—, ^ ^° u-ts6, M ti
Anticipate, (tbink) Wi W" pbki-pbe,
(in doing) %°
§L° seng tsofe.
hoEln-16, very
— , j^ iiJi s6-sim,
free from b6ng-sim.
Antidote, W
k6e,—to poison M°
^ # Any, ^^

k6e t6k, 85: —to sorrow, ^
kdi t6k
— @A
sAi-pien, one, Bl sui-pien-
M" ^^ k6e bun.
mng, ^° K" A° chhin-chhdi-lS,ng,
Antimony, ^ tbe.
—way, W cbbln-cbhai— day S."
Antinomian, i^ f* ^ ^^ H put bofe lut-
hoat-§. Aorta, MW^° ts6ng m^b" k£g.
Antipatby, M M ikm-tsien, ^ A" Apace, ^ ^ kin-kin, walk— ,^ M
ik Mng, ^P' ^ A° ^° iii ai-Mng. kin-kin-kid".

Antipodes, W is" ?fa° iil i:° J5? ^£" Apart, (aside)

ff pi°-d,
kbab-kbui, by itself, —
W M°
^ ^ tsoan-

kha-t6e sa" tiii e s6-tsai.

leng,^ 51*° leng-goa, (separately)
Antique, T& ^° k6-Mu, iSf ^» tf H ^° sui-^ take— ^° thiah, too
k<5-lau-pbauh. far— :fe°l°siu"kbui.
Apartment, ^° f^° p4ng-keng. Appear, M II hoat-hien, M ?l lo--

Apathetic, ^°j,^° si-bai, M° A° fi hien, {liM chhut-hien, (in a law-

f$ tsoe l^ng Mi-Mi, j|fe° jf ff pang case) m sin, (seem to) U° M°
hai-hai. tsng-tsoe, iU° W k6-ia°.
Apathy, M° tt bo-sfeng, '|i° 'ft noa" Appearance, ^^ siong-mau", ^'^°
s^ng, ^° 'ft° a lau-siong-kong khodn-sit, %° 1^° iu",-siu°,— of
Ape, ^^° kau. person, $!i W sin chhai, (of face)
Aperient, fg |i° sia-i6h. '^° 1^ bin mau° ^^ hong-tsu,
Aperture, ^° khang. (dull) 3SE°ffi° si-sng, fiS°
%%^ b6-
Apex, y^ tsiam. sin-chhdi, (external) fl % th^-
Aphelion, m°Q:t°m- m°ili khoa". th6ng.
jit e te-it koai"-tidm. Apparent, 0^ beng.
Apiece, n— ° ^° miii" tsit-e, B° ^° Apparition 'g ^ koai-biit, ^ 'g iau-
tak-^. koki.
Apocalypse, Wi JS b^k-sl. Appease, (hunger) Jh flL tsi-ki.
Apology, -f" T>° M° te in-ti6b. Appellation, ^° ^° mii ji, ®! ho.
Apologise, |b]° A° •i'° ka lang he,
^° T>°^° }«fi W" "»-«<^>'. (by
he iTi ti6h, E^. :T> ^ jIn ij^i'lge
put SI, ^ ]^ 'If kiu go^n-tseng string) ,f4° fi^° pak-teh.
I —
for troubling you, ^°^j^^'^ Appendix, H jf p6--ui, $J si6k.
g6a hui sin 11. Appertain, ^ si6k, # =p kan-sidp.
Apoplexy, pf M ti6ng hong. Appetite, Fj^" M khui-pi, bad,—^°B|
Apostacy, ^
5I poe-t5. iphai" pi-iii, if i^ chhiii siap, ^
Apostatize, =^ |fc p5e kaii, =^ Ji poe
^ chMii-pho- ^° M ± phdi-pi-
th6^ good— ^° P ± ho pi th6-.
Apostle, ^ ^ su-to-. Appetize, W !^ chhi"-chhui.
Apothecary, i^^ m° JS 6^ khui i6h
tiam e.
Applaud, ^ ^^ hoat-chhai (praise)

Apothegm, M W tsim-gi^n. M M o-lo.

Apotheosis, M M thek-hong. Applause. ^ ^ hoat-chhdi.

Appal (frighten) ^"||° chhi'-kia", i^"
Apple, ^ :i; peng-k6.
W tah-hiah°, (dismay) M° M° ^°
Applicable, tl° J0° 65° oe eng-tit,
^ kia" kku tiau-khi, M° M ^"ij W° ffi° thang-eng.
kia° kku sit-khi, 3g 5f H ^ kia'' Application, (of mind) li >tJ» koan-
kau hun-kbi. sim, ^M ti-i, ^, tsoan-sim. ^
Apparatus ^
3: khi-khu. Apply, (ask for) ^ kiH, fif th6,—
Apparel ^
^° i-tsiii''. one's mind, ^M tsun-i, Ji° iC»
Appeal ± ^
si6ng-kh6ng, (to Em- eng-shn, |5: » t'l-i, m i& koan-
peror ^
iU ^^ k6-gu tsrig. sim.

Appoint, M :&. siet-lip,—as king, Appropriate, # ^° hiip-sit, to —to
it 2 hong-Ong,— a time, M fl# one's self ^ ll° a°]jx° th^h ffl'

han-si, — to special duty, ^ M b'd ku-kl eng, U ^ff^l kit kong

hun-phki,. bong su — public money M ^ M

Appointed, heaven —marriage M W. pliai kong g{ln.
in-i6n, Ji ^ tliicn ien— day, M° Approve fSC ^ hoa"-hi, ^' un

Q an jit, M H ban jit. Approval [ (commend) \^° o-l6,

Appointment, (office) ft jIm, M^ (embezzle money) \% ^ hiau-
tsit-hun, (receive an) jS M siu- thun, ^° iS" tsiah tsi°, ^i m° su-
tsit, (])urclia,sc an) ^'g ^j^i koan lap. kluiin.

Apportion, ^ @E hun-phod;. Approximate, H| jg tsiong-kun.

Apposite, |g^ Hf #^
tii-lio, liali- Apricot, ^^ heng-mfii.
khoan. April, ^m ^° B° M° eng-kok e si

Appraise, j^ M° k6--ke. g(;li.

Appreciate, (value) M #. tui-tiong, Apron, @ S|°lit lii-su-kun.

(understand) ^ tsai (as charact- Apropos, M°iVii tii-d-ho.

er) 'I"^ f^° chhun tdk. Apt 1 ff gau,— to teach t° 1^^

Apprehend, ^. liab, (understand) Aptitude J

iij^ gau ka-sl, (fit) ^^
(^ fi^° hidu-tit, (one's meaning) hdp-sit, (tendency to) ^ ai, (per-

t;° 1"° M iS likh tioh i-su, # :iS tinent) ^ hap.

hoe-i. Aptly, (fitly) ^ ^, hap-sit, per-
Apprehension, (seizure) liah (fear) tinently, ^ hdp.
M° kia", f(uick 'M^ thong-thaii, Aquafortis, ?# 5S siau-kiong.
^ Wl thku-thiet. Aquarius, ^M lu-seng, ;& M° lu-

Apprehensive, ||° kia", M° T kia"- chhi".

itiu. Aquatic, ?K° ]^ tsui-ts6k —birds -^
Apprentice, W ff° sai-a, to—, m° ^° hdi-tsiau.

n° fF p4k-sai-a. Aqueduct, (bamboo) 7K^ ;|1° tsiii-

Apprenticeship, m° W f?° X° 6h- k(ing, (earth)

7jC° H tsiii-tso.
sai-d kang. Aqueous, 6^° tsiii-o.

Apprize, Jl ^p thong-ti,' fK p6, 5^" Aquiline—nose, f^ W M- eng-ko-

# fi" ki'i i kong. phT".

Approach, -f^" od, S^ ?£ tsiu-kun, Arab, iE #) fS ;^° A° A-lat-pek 6

fi5f ^ od-kun, -rr 2^ oA-li'ii, j£ fi5f° lfl,ng.

kun-oii. Arabia, 35 f] -fft

A-lat-pek, :^ :^ S
Approbation, (pleased with) Wi° -ii-

hoa"-bi (commendation) IM SI o- Arable, tb° fM 1 ^° '''^^ kbai khun-


Arachis, M ^° ^° lok-kha-seng. Arduous, (difficult) 11° oh, (labo-
Arbiter, (arbitrator) S' M. kong- rious) 1^° 11° ti6h-Mt.
chhin, S Akong-jin, M ^ fi^° tifi.u- Are, ^ si, W u, we—going Pjn

chhii 6. ff
afe goan beh khi, we — eating,
Arbitrary, ]§ i tsu-tsii. Mf^° ^° go4n teh tsidh.
Arbitrate, ||° tAg, M IM ti^u-cbhu. Area :^° tiu°.
Arbitration, ||°t^g, M M. tiiu-chhTi. Areca, (palm), ;fr »° pin-niig, W°'ff°
Arbitrator, ^^ kong-chhin, &A chhi-'-a,—nut, %° ff° -f
° chhi"-d-

kong-jin. tsi.

Arbour, ^° ^
li&ng-t6ng. Arena ^° till".
Arbutus, ;^° i^° chhiu-ta, white — Areopagus 35 ;!. E "fi" A-li6k-pa-k6-.
'^"WW p^h chhiu-^. Argillaceous, i:° 6^° th6--e.
Arc, 4^ J '^ po4n goat the. Argillite, ^° M° ;5° l^u khi" tsi6h.
Arcanum, |2 ^° pi-bdt. Argue, pien, pieii-lun,— ^ ^H
Arch, ^51- kiong-tau, KSP^" oan- against, pok. ^
kong-m:&g, B 5^ H° o^n kong Argument, It pien-lun, beaten in ^
thau, —
of a bridge, kio-tdu. W^
J^ is pien-su, win in —
j|[° ,
Archangel, 5c°® °i:° ^° thi° ski e pien-ia°.
thau. Arid, |t° i^ ta-s6.
Arched, JI ^
oan-kong, — necked, Aright, ^° ti6h, do it—iS° ^° ^°
ia° 15° nkMsat. ts6e-khi ti6h.
Archer, ^° ^ keng-siii, — on foot Arise, i^ ^
^ ^° ^ p6"-keng-siii, — on horse Aristocracy, l^ g
tsiSn- t^ng, -g ^
back, M° ^° ^ h^ keng-siu. s6-ka.
Archery, It ^° sia-tsi°. Arithmetic, ^^ sokn-hoat, ifc Ji
Architect, «° M° H ±° A° ui s6"-hak.
chhii-to- e l^ng, (builder) ±° ac° Arithmetician, Mm% &° sokn-
I£.° th&--tsili chhiu". hoat sien-si".
Architecture, j|E jf° ^° fi J^ khi Ark, 11 kui, (ship) ^° tSTln.
chhii ^ boat to*. Arm, ^° chhiu, ^° # chhiii-kut,
Archives, national — , g $£ kok-ki, —chair, Ji ± ;^ hak-su-i, ^°
^ A ti^u-ti^n, khoHn-i.
Arctic, 4b° iK pak-k6k, circle, 4fc° — Armada, ~° pf ;2:° 1? |g° tslt tin ^
H =ts° pak l-'-soa"— ocean ^t°7KW° tsi&n tsAn.
pak peng iu^ Armed, m" ^ ^° ^° ke-si tsdng-
Ardent, ^ ji^t, ii° sio, (zealous) ts6e.
^ )B» jiet-sim. Armlet, (bracelet) #" iH
Ardor. ^ »C» ji^t-sim. Armpit, Wy
^0 koh-e-khang.

Armadillo, 3A kiA-sia. An-angement, make —^ ^ siet

Armament, % k kun-tsong, % boat.

kun-khi. Arrant, (notorious) HJ iS° chhut-
Armistice, f| -^ pa-peng. mi^".
Armom", ^ f^" khoe-kahj put on Array, (for battle) i^ W pS.i-tm,

W'"^^ chheng klioe-kah, ^° ¥ (dress) ^"^^ chheng-sa°.

M°M chheng kah ti bHu, Arrear, ^° ^ thoa-khiam.
Armom-er, "^ ^ t.° W 4- kun-khi Arrest, ^,» liah, Jt ^,° khim-liah,
e sai-hii. • under —^ 60° ah teh.

Armoury. SS ^°
kun-tsong-k4k. Arrival, fij" kau.
Arms, ^^ ke-si,W ^
g peng-klii, Arrive, S" kau, fj t6.
(of body) ^° chhiu, take up in Arrived, !II° kku, not (absent) — /p

the —^° ^^ chhiii-pho, cessation M put to, ^^ ^ bo —ata

lai, place,

of — ^ :3§ soah kan-ko.

,§." PJ° ^° kku te

Army, ^ J£ kun-peng, enter —

S° Arrogant, |^# kiau-ngo-, ^glkek-

^ tau-kun, levy jg —
khi-peng, ^

— department ^° IB pia^-pd-. Arrogate, (usm-p) :ffi chhiam- ^

Aroma, §" phang, #" phang-bi. ^
Aromatic, t^" ^
phang-bi. Arrow, ^° tsi",—head, ^° ^° tsi"-
Aromatics, ^^ 3^ phang-liau. bah, i" ^ tsi°-phi, ^°M° tsi°-

Arose, fe ^ khi-iai. thiu, shaft of—, ^"?f°tsi»-k6a",

Around, 0° B si-ui, all—, ii 0° ^ shoot an—,
M ^° sia-tsi", M° ^°
Arouse, (from apathy) fl" # i^ 31 Arrowroot, M" # ngau-hun.
1^° ^ ^ h5
Arsenal, M" kek, for guns, ^^ ^°—
ho- i tseng-eng,
tseng-sin,—from sleep

^» ®° ki6-

chheng-kek, for war-like stores,
^'' kun-tsong-kek.
chhi", |r° S° phah-chhi°. Arsenic, {Jt"
^'' phP-sng, ft ^5° sin-
Arraign, fij ^ t6 an (accuse) ^ k6. tsioh.
Arrange, #5!) pai-liet, (evenly) S| Arson, fi" >/li° pkng-he.

i° S° pfii khi ts6e, a matter, Art, (profession) 5^ ffi keng-ki, X°
^ ^^ hoat-loh, US
siet-hoat,— il kang-ge, (dexterity) M ^°
in qrder, ^^ an-pai, (.decide) kin- chhiu.
£° M° tia"-ti6h,—before hand, ^ Artemisia, ^* hia°, — Cleaves, ^ ^°
iJt; pSi-pl, — ^a marriage, M° M J^°
]^° 65° tuih mo'h e.
Arterial, IJH"
tsoe chhin-tsia".
Arranged, (settled) M it tiau-tit,
Artery, il" m huih-kun, W W°
ill—^ M put-ti6k, suitably — su- meh"-kiig,—forceps, ^ jfiL" ^ iSl"

Iff ° ff » ng^h huih kun d khi"-d.

thln. -

Artful, *F 1^ kan-ts4, ^ in kau- Ascendant, (commanding influence)
khiet, :^° it li-khiet, ie ^ kdu- W
;P u koan tek ko^n.
ko6, #° ^ ft g^u-siet-kfe, #" 11° Ascension, fS" peh-tsiu°.

^ gku khlfg p6-. Ascent, _L° *° tsiu"-khi.

Article, ^"^ mih", ^^ #" mih"-kia", Ascertain, ^° m chha-b^ng, g" JJ

one—, — #° tsit kia°, — M tsit-
" ° phh^-tsin.
hang. Ascetic, M M lin-tsia.
Articles, !i°#'' mih^-kia",— of food, Ascites, ^. M k6--ti6ng.
^M"^" tsidh-mih, (of war) ^ ^S" Ascribe, If ^ kui-ho'.
kun-leng. Ash, (tree) M M" hoai-chhiu,—co-
Articulation, ^fg^kut-tsat, (speech) lour, >AC° Ji° ^ h^ hu sek.
11° fg° k6ng oe (indistinct) ^° Ashamed, ^° St" kien-siku. ^° |g°
IS° M° ?9 k6ng 6e b6 b^ng ^° ^° sidu-16e, >h A siaii-jin, |!4°'iS°JL°
^ toa tsili k4u :^° S° toa tsih ^
kiet. Ashes, ijfC M" he-hu.
Artifice,, tt ^ k^-ti, 3? i^ po--s6-. Ashore, (on shore) llj° IH soa"-t6ng
Artificer, 3° JL sai-hu. go—, ±° Ul° tsiu°-soa", i|E ill"

Artifices, ff" ^ kfe-ti, ^ J5° kl- khi-soa".

khiau. Ashpit, ^° ^ ^ ptin-so-tui.
Artificial, M° 65° tso^-^,—flower, Asia, S5 W 35 ^H A-se-a-tsiu.
(paper) |g° ?E° tsod-hoe, (pith) Asiatic, 35 35 65° A-se-a-^. W
Artillery, >M phaii, |^° chheng,—
Aside, ^° -ffo pi-'-a, (apart) ^ $h»
men, jl® ^ phaii-siii. Ask mng, —
53° for a thing ti th(5,
Artisan, ^° J^ sai-hu, X° ^ A° —counsel of idols, ^° ^ tsdu-
more, for fij- Ji° th6-thi'',
Artist, (painter) ^ X hoa-kong. a favour for another, ^° 'If A
Artistic, 31'°
ft I! u-khiok-tsiet.
seh-jin-tseng^importunately, fi
Artless, (honest) it tit, It ti^u-M lo, ^
t, kiu kbit,-advice !§ 1:
tit, ."g, J? tiong-h5-, (frank) ^° M°
chheng kku.
^ b6 khn^-po". Askance)^" goJi"^" sai-Mk-b^
Artlessly, M 1 ^ sun ki tsu-
Dl^ Askew fkhok".
ji^n,,^ ig seng-sSng, |i° ^ gg bo- Aslant, |^°-chho4h.
bien-ki6ng, g ^ tsu-jien.
As ^° chhin-chhiu".
Asleep, WW 16h-bin, ic ^o teh-
<El° khun,— soundly, 1;° ^° tang-bin,
Asafoetida, MM a-gui. ;^o ^0 ^o
m.tsai.chhi-, foot— '^
Asbestos, ^m^ i6ng-khi-s^k. pi, half-half awake, ^ ^ bi-bl.
Ascend, ±° ±°
tsiu", fS" peh-tsiu". Aslope, m chhia, |1 pg bin-bin.
Asp, #
SB° t6k ts6a. Assembly, boe. ^
Aspect, (appearance of a person) Assent, (consent) ;fc lin, (agree
'^ M" sin-ts^i, MW
sin- tin", ^
witb) [^1° *& t^ng sim (in a gene-
'^ Mng-ts5ng, (countenance) '®° ral way) fij" fa bu-b5, (as a
bin-mau", H^
g^n-sek, H§
superior) ?# tsiin, ^° ?# pboe
g&n-iong, J^ ^ h^ng-i6ng. tsiin, (asEmperor) M^WM
Aspen, (tree).|^° ^ f^" p^h-i6ng- gu pit pboe tsun.
cthiu. Assert, it° it" Bt" tit-tit-k6ng.
Asperity, (of surfacej IE i® clilio"- Assess, ffi
^° ko'-se, (damage) fS
siap, US'' it m" b6-kiit-tidh, M' ^° ^° k6--tsi°.
^° bo-kng-si", (of temper) JUJl Assets, il" mib°, (of deceased) ig"
M° ko--khut phiah. ^° |)t° lau ke-be.
Asperse, M Wk° bu-loa. Asseverate, tt ll ^^ tit-tit-k6ng.
Asphyxis, /p° P^" ^° boe cbboan- Asseveration, It It 11° tit-tit-k6ng.

kbiii. Assiduity, |^ »& tsoan-sim.

Aspirate, 1M ^ chbi-im M° "b kbi-im. Assiduous, i^^keng-eng, fi|]kbiin,
Aspire, (long after) MM bim-bd*, fj H
kbun-kin, |S )& koan-sim.
i^^ tsin-i-ki. Assign, (allot) ^
pbki, (designate)

Aspiring, :^° iS toa-tsi-kbi. ^ M. %° pb4i tia°.

Asquint, §4 §° cbbil-kbok". Assignee, -f-ti M. i.° A" tai li ^ ling.

Ass, ,|p lu. Assimilate, l^" # ^° ^W bo" i sa"^

Assail, |fe#7kong-td,°, 25:$kong-kek. cbbin-cbbiu".

Assailant, ^ JT A" ^° kong-ta°- Assist, W tsan, if Sl° pang-tsan, ^
lang L ^^ pang-cbbiu, i^ # bu-cbbi.
Assassin, Bf #" ^'' 58° A° #" ^m- Assistance, ^te" if gl" sa" pang-tsan,

tsi" th^i si lang-^, (of a superior) Wi" ^0° l&° tku sa" tsan.

M° ^ cbbi-khek. Assistant,' ^ ft" lie-ki, glj ^° bu-

Assassinate, Bf W ^" 50° A" km- cbbiii,
if ^° pang cbbiii, T° #"
cbP thS,i-si l^ng, (a superior), M°
^ cbhi-kbek. crate; —wdthjc I® kau-p6e, W"
Assault, #r kong-ta".
;^ ^ u-6ng-iav^=^tntii5iately, MB
Assay, (metals) llig M tboan-lfen, cbbin-bo*.
^° kban. Association, an, "g" b5e.
f^ IC kbeng-tsien,
Assemblage, ^ 'i' tsu-boe, ^ Assort, ^MM bun-kui-lui.

tsu-tsip. suage, ih ^"/si-tbik",


Assemble, II* tsu-tsip, §C^ tso6- i&drr^m^.Jt&Jt^M^'' tsi i ^

tui, all— ^°m ts6e-tsip, it t bo^n-16, (as water) If siau.
Assumable, W, 'if lioog-pit.

;^° fi Jl pok-chW-kiet hiong
Assume, it i& lidh-tso^,— a name, I)y

Ug kd-mo-", ^^
m6-°-t6ng, ^ 6 hoat-to'.

iS mo'°-b^ng, (usurp) g ^ tsu- A^ronomer, Ji'^± thien bftn su.

tsoan, !§ ^ chhikm-kofin. Astronomy, 5c 3t thien-bun.

Assuming, g ^ tsu-tsoan. Astute, S2 pd-chhi, # p4-kiet, GM
Assurance, M -© tok-sin, BiBM°M ^ #5 p4-peng, (crafty) m° ki- ^
chliim-sin b6 gi, (firm persuation) khiau, ^ i^ im-thim.

W lEo ^n° tsin-tiu" tsai, ^ IE° Asunder, cut^(with scissors) i^°

g tsin-tiu" sin, (self reliant in If" ka-tng, part (as a cable) —
danger) WB
ij u-tam-lek. —
tng part as combatants ^° Wi°
Assure, 'M.'M.W sit-sit-k6ng. ' poah-khui.
Assuredly, '^ IE" tsin-tsik"- -it is. Asylum, old men's— JS:^"^" , ko--
— ;£ it-teng, (certainly) m n6--T.

,un-tkng, 6^ W tek-khak. At, ;ffi° ti,—home, ffi° 65° ti-teb,—

Astern, M" M° tsun-b6, M ^^ tstn- present, ^ ^ tong-kim, — first,

au. -^ %" tai-seng, ig 1%° khi-th^u.

Asthma, W %r he-ku. Atheism, /fl° ® J: "i^ in sin Siong-tfe.
Astonish, #" # ,1° 'If ho" gong- Atheist, ;FMt ±^ ;i° A° iii sin
ngidh. Siong-t^ g lang, ;iP° iU" ± # ^° i
Astonished, (amazed) M° 'If gong- bo li4h Siong-t6 tso6 tsii.
ngi4h, (surprised) .^-^ ^
M-koki Athenian, 2," A" Nga-tidn 6 ^^
(strike with terror, )\1|° '11° kia"^- Mng,
hik\ Athirst, n ^^ chhui-ta.
Astonishment, M" W gong-ngiah. Athletic, !
jf;° 65° lien lat-e, (ro-
Astounded, W^° gong ngidh, (sur- bust) i i<5ng ^ b^ng.
prised) ^ % kl-koki, (strike with Athwart, ffl S^-than-hoai".
terror) 11° 11° kia"-hir, m°m°m Atlas, m ffl flft° te-t6--chheb.
^° kia-^ kku htin khi, ||° S° ^ iff Atlantic, ±° W "i^" toa sai iu".
kia° kau sit sin. Atmosphere, ^
khi, ^c" thi°-khi. ^
Astral, M" 65 chhi°4. Atom, Mii a° i:° Ji° tsi-bi soe ^ mih.
Astray ^ |& be-l5-. Atone, ^P si6k-ts5e —crime by
Astride, ]i° ,1° |i|D khi&-b(5-long. merit, JH 3(r HH tsiong kong
Astringent, an, Jt IM M° tsi-sia-i6h, p6"-ts5e.
ikm^°m° siu-iikm & i6h, ^° m° Atonenvsnt, ^ |p si6k tsoe.
i^° ts4u pak i6h.
Astrologer, i5t 5c ^
-t^ sip-ok, H^ hi6ng-
M il i:° :$b ^° seng-h4k e sien-si°. Atrocity, a hiong-ok, +^
Astrology, M ^ seng-hdk, h .
o tfc
PI sip-ok.

Atrophy, UW. -i^ M" tit-tit siau Attenuate, M'^U'W ho- i khah
sdn, ^» ft bah-siau, g Hl f tit p6h, (as person) ^° # H° "^'' ho-
tithiu". i khah sdn.
Attach, ^i®°tsiap-sok, (by string) Attenuated, (person) W # M' 1^'

W pdk, (by glue) if Mm. siah kut 16h h^k.

Attached, joined, ifl" ^ sa°-liSn (by Attest, JSi° T BE tso6 kan-tseng, (a
affection) ft ^ siong-ai. will) ^ E" ti ki°.

Attachment, ^° ^° sa°-thik". Attestation,

(-witness) BE kan- ^
Attack, ^S kong-kek, Jfe Jj* kong- ts^ng, fto a deedj ^P %" ti-ki°.

ta°, Jg ic ti-tdk, ^T" phah, —

Attire, ^
^^ i-tsi4°, to— ^'' ^"
city, J^ M kong-sia,"'. chheng sa".

Attain, (reach a place) ^'' iij" tit-

Attitude, ^ kh6an, ^# h^ng-s6,
kati, (achieve) js|^° tsii". an angry — J^" Jfe" bdn-bdn.
Attainable, W.'U'M' oe tit kku, fg" Attorney, Jflc" 61 tsng-su, W^' 6ng-
%' jiS" oe tit tsia". ngo-.

Attainment, (literary) ^^ hak- Attract, (allurej 5| ii in-chhoa,

bun. (enticej 51 W in-iii, j^" sid".

Attaint, (stain) %° W®^ bak Attractive, (^interesting^

bi, ^'' M # u khiau-biau,
M^^ chhii-
fas bo-
ti6h la-s^m (disgrace) m°WM''
^"..bak-tidh chhku-mia°. diesj i^" Jg° khi°-khip, as dress

Attemper, (modify by mixture) ^ m^"-hid", (as personj, f^° A" M'

thaii, illaifi, (mix) tiau-h6. M^ M h5--iang-kah-i, ^"A" rT^ ho--

Attempt, U°M° chhi-khok". Mng-kh6-ai.

Attend, upon, Bg:^''h6k-sai,(wait) Attribute, fi tek.
^^ M" thfeng-hau, (listen) li" Attune, fij ft ft chh6ng-h6-h6.
thia", —to one's duties, Wt^ ^ Auburn, W Hf €. ti-koa"-sek.
tsin pun-hun. Auction, Pi^Pf Pfl) hoah-le-long.
Attendance, M M" su-hau, IS ^ Auctioneer, Pi" ^
PID ^° hoah. le-

kun-sui. long-^.

Attendant, -^ fl" i:" A° su-hau e Audacious, fif :^'' B" h6-toa-td'', M

lang, m H ;t° A" kun-slii 6 lang, h6ng-sti. #
(on the Emperor) f# ^
si-5e, Audible, fg" m" S° oe thia"-ki".
(official) 5^3® kun-pan. Audience, Emperor give B IB — ,

Attention, M >& koan-sim, ©" i^> liii- ki^n-tii,u, 51 £ in-kifen, (auditory)

sim. mt
^° A° tsu-hoe g-Mng, fg H
Attentive, 1^
*& liA-sim, )Ii *tJ» ^° 5/r ^^ A" tsu tsip beh thia» g-
Attentively,! si6-sim, $ j& tsoan- Mng, summon to^ — , 7J E tiau-

sim, i£ R^ tsii-^im, ^ >2i koanvsim. ki^n.

' !

Audit,m" ^ chiia-siau. Autograph, ^ ^ S S^° chhin-pit sid
Auditor, If ;t"' A" thia" ^-Mng,— of e, 11 4-° M &^° chhin-chhiii sid g.

accounts, H Ig" giain-siau. Autumn, it chhiu, ^ 5c° chhiu-

Auger, :/c° ii" ^° toa lak-tsAg. thi°.
Aught, :g g" sim-mih. Auxiliaries, Wc ^ kitx-peng.
Augment, -fm" M" ke-thi".
Augur, 15 $\, tsiam-koa, ^ $\- pok-
Auxiliary, if ^° pang-tsan, H" ^
R° sa^-kap-taii, H° If taii-tsan.
ko^, fportendj M" il^ 51° ts6e tiau- Avail, (^one's self ofj thkn, jig sun, ^
th4u. (benefit^ M M li-ek.
August, 3^ S A" ^^ Eng-kok poeh Avalanche, g° -^'' seh-16h.
g^h. Avarice, ;$ »tJ» tham-sim.
Aunt, (paternal; ^ ko-, fmaternalj Avaricious, ic" >& toa sim heng, ^
Ml ::A:'' i5 JJH toa sim hiong, -^ ijj,

Aurora, & ^,° pak-k^k ^ kng.

'^h' :t'' tham sim, :ft gf tham-ts4i.
Auspicious, ^ kiet,— day, if H h6- Avast ffSf theng-lah if I!|i]''h6 lah
! !

jit,§ H kiet-jlt. Avenge, |E p6-oan, fK ^ p6-siu. H

Austere, j^ gi4m. Avenger, #^
^^ sin-oan-6.
Austral, jt fi^" mm-g. Avenue, 3I ^ thong-hang.
Australia, ^ [li" Kim-soa°. Aver, It It tit tit-k6ng. W
Austria, ^iUM^Wm Tai 6-su- Average, #° J|E 1^° ^"am-lai kah-khi,
ma-ka-kok. ^° 2^ #° ^° am-Mi am-khi, ^°
Austrian, ;^ft Sif .i Jn g 6^ Tai 6- ^l khien-un.
su-ma-ka-kok 6. Avert, P/5 ^° sidm-khi,— eyes, S°BM
Authentic, :R ^ tsin-sit, ?1 ^ aH :^° bak-tsiu odt tsdu.
khak-sit. M° t^" ;^ bo teng-i, Z^°^m
Authenticated, i^° ?g Jf u-pin-kti. ai, M° ^^ W b6 hdh pi.
Author, (of bookj ^o ;^° ^o Aversion, ^°
flfj" %^ gln-sln, ?J 'f^ oan-
tsoe-chheh e lang, m^Am^" hun, (^dislikej ^° ^ i5 hi, ^° ^<'
tii-su-lip-soat g,

(of a poemj f^° M bo teng-ai.
If tsoe si e, @^ si ong. Aviary, ,%°^° tsidu-chhu.
Authorities, "g" ^ koa°-hu. Avidity, (greedinessj M A° thaftr^
Authority, fi ko4n, ^ M koin- tsidh, :g 1^ tham chh6ng, (eager-
peng, oppose—, ^ 5I 4i-k^h, ness) tfe
^jiet-kodn, ife)& ji^t-siln.
usurp—, {f ;g chhikm-koan. Avocation, (profession)
^ |a keng- ^
Authorise, f:^ kau-tai, ^ f£ ii- ki, m f& thdu-l6-
thok, (Ito act forj ^ ft; # i| kau- Avoid, Cshun; pg sidm, m M sidm-pi,,
tai pan, (to collect debtj
^f^# ^° Fa] t^du-siam— doiSQg ^ bi^n, ^
M IS kau-tai i th6 siau.
— —
Avoidable,f shunjt^l^^ji W oe siam- Axiom,
M^,:&°Mm tsu-ji^n 6 to-li.
pi-tit, fdoingj Wr Vi W oe-bi^n-tit. Axis, t^ sim, tf* jJS tiong sim.
Avouch, 1^ Mi k6ng.
Avow, M- jin.
lt° jin-tsin Axle, $°»C« chhia-sim, — pin, ifS°sng,
$°i& chhia-sim.
Avowal M jin. Axletree, :$° »& chhia-sim.
Await, WM th^ng-hau, W tan. Aye, (yes) ^ si, ^° tidh, (ever)
^° M" bo
Awake, (not asleep) kbtin,
^ :aii ^ng-^ng.
(Trom sleepj M° cbhi°,WW khiin Azalea, i^^; Hl^°t5--koan-hoe (wild)
cbM", wide— SI°®°cliM''-chlu°, i^
^ Hf °
%\^ tseng-sin. Azote, ifl ^ tam-khi.
Awaken, tf° W
phah-chM". Azure, M° ^° geh-p^h.
Award, (as judgej |lf tokn, (as arbi- Azymous, ^"W b6 kk".
tratioi;^ ;^ chhii.
Aware, ^r^ji ti-h6ng, WW^m'^-ti.
Away, (absent; ^° ^° fif bo ti-teh,
go —
^° kbi, run j§ ^° t6-tsau,
, —
^ it t6-thoat, make —with a thing, Baal, E :^ Pa-l^k.
^ ^° biet-khi, make-with a per- Babble, (as child) ®° ?L° :t° W
son, H^ 5E° hai si, make — with one tsiah leng ^ 6e, (as stream) ^o
self© M
tsii-tsln. Ml Bf" le-le-hau.
Awe, tr '11° kia°-hia". Babbler, It" H W m° k6ng gong 6e-
Awful, n° X
rT" m" ho- mng thang e, IL SL it°^-° loan-loan k6ng-e.

kia°, ( as a disaster) ^'f^ tsin chhAm Babe, m° iV e°-4.

Awhile, ® {i$ tsicim-si, ^° ff° A° tiap- Baboon, il" kau.
wait— ^° il° ffi° fF A° theng- Baby, m" ff ° e-^-A.

hau tiap-a-kii. Babyish, H" -ff " ^^ C-d kh6an.

Awkward, (clumsy) '!'$ pun, look- Babylon, G ^fc ft Pa-pi-lun.
ing, ffl 1'$ chho--pun, W
ial pun- Bachelor, t^° ^^° g° M° ^° A" iau-
chh^ng, (as affair) ^ # phdi°-s^. be chhoa b6' ^ Mng,
Awl, m° ff ° tsig-A. Back W #" ka-tsiah, (behind) =g"
Awn, ^° chhiu. #" ^^ ka-tsiah-ati, ^'' W au-bin,
Awning, ^/ li po-'pi", fin front of — door, ^'' P5° au-m:ig,—of a
housej 3ii?i°jia-iu° (on shipboard) chair, |g ^'' H kau-i-pe, —bone,
%° :^o ^0 ka-tsiah-tsit,—to— im'
5c 5il thien-jia. ,

^^ ^M °
Awry, M oai, oai-k6, ffl" sa''-ti°, go—
0°^" t6-khi,—out
oai-chhoAh, H ^i thAn-chhodh. of a matter, ^° the, there and
Axe, ^° li° pd'-th^u, back of an again, fi HI dug h6e — , as a boat
^° kheng. i
— 16 lun.

Backbite, (dander) ^° #° ^° SS ^ Baggy, fas clothes) ^° H 16ng-kh6ng
ka-tsiah au hui-p6ng, (speak evil Bagnio, ^° >^° ^k-keng; fg» M° ^k-
of) 1° M° JII° ^° f&° k6ng kha- p^ng, (brothel) 5^" ff" F4° phdi°.
chhng au 6e. kid^-keng.
Backbone, fl" j^" # l^ng-tsfin kut, Bagpipe, Ji, ip hong-khlm.
|g.° #° 'S' ka-tsiah kut.
Bail, p6-jin,stand—fSi M" p6.
i!^ a?.
Backdoor, ^° au-miig.
Backside, (rear)
^° ^°
nid°, % ft p6-kii— out M" ti]° %
au, la" au- nid^-chhut-ldi, (as water) jg° iii",
bin, (person's) ^"jll" kha-chhng.
5 khat
Backslide, (apostatize) '^
fjc poe- Bailiff, (law officer) ^^ p6-tiu'',

Backward, IrJ" M^ftg-au, lg°^° th^-

(land steward) ^ ^'' kodn-ke.

au, fall—, m^"^" t6-khi6-chhi6,

Bait, 15 ji, take the—, %" H tsidh-
ji, %" $5° tsidh-ti6.
walk—, ill n° t6-kia", 3\ M" ?t°
Baize, ffl P^ chho--ni".
(late) #° ok",
(season) mAg,
(in studies) ^"pj If"
Bake, ^I pek,
Bakehouse, %% J®'
W pA.
^o pek-m?-
thdkt6-kiu, (dull) M tun. pau ^ chhii.
-gj ;t''

Backyard, ^° 4°^h.
Baker, ^°%' Q g" boe mP-pau 6.
Bacon, llH I^° ien-bah.
Balance, (scale) 5c ^¥ thien-pgng,—
Bad, ^^ phdi", 2?° bdi, ;P'' ij in-li6,
ratber— H" S
JS" iff b6 sim-mih
of account due, fJ ^h" tui- ^ W^
h6, —

tempered, ^° '|§ phai^-sfeng-

tu goa siong-khidm, of account —
te, ^'t* ok-s6ng, descendants, ^°— on hand, |#, ^fh" 1^' ;?? tiii-tii goa ^
siong-tsAn,—in hand, ff ^, 5th° '^
^"ifphdi-'-au-thi", y^" ^°iipliai°-
au-tsin, —
looking y° ^° phdi°-
tiii-tfi. goa siong-tsai, ^ of mo- —
ney, m' M" tsi-'-b^, general—, M
Badge, IE ^
ki-ho. tS ts(5ng-kiet,—accounts, 1^ M
Badger, llj° ?f " soa°-ti. tixi-tft,— up kiet-liet, pay —
Badly, ^^^ ^
iii-b6, (unskillfuUy,) K° tsau, (evenly) ;ff 2^° ph^rig
^t" pi°, (as a stick) ig° JE" khia
;7'' f5» iii kbiaii, 3:50 g§ b6 tsik".

khidu-l6". Bald,M-m" %" b6 th&u-mAg, ;35i'' W

Baffle,m^ U" W pii-p6-, pbok- kng-thau,— head, H"^ thdu- ^^
tsam, IS" ^ pbok-pai. mM
khak thut-thut, M" liA-li-thdu.
Bag, g° te, small—, WW te-d, Bale U pau, m khiin,—out
a, as
coarse — ^ ^° p6*-te,—
, v-for keep-
— water, Jg" g khat. iii»,

ing a bow, ^° ^° keng-te, to

W Wl" he 16h te.
"f" Baleful, (calamitous) H tsai-lan,
(destructive) tg" § oe hai, H §
Baggage, fif ^ h^ng-li. tsin-hai.
— —
Balk, (abeam)it°i\to— Sl^p^i- ,
Bandit, M,° chhdt, ±H th6--hui.
p6-, ^°W phoa-tsam,
It pho^- Banditti,
ll^° liaii-16, M" chhdt. HH
pai. Bandoleer, M" ^^ pe-tok.
Ball, ^kiu, cannon —
,M''-?°clih6ng- Bandy, ^° ^° phah-kiii thM (toss ), ^
tsi, (assembly for dancing) ffe ^
*r ?^®°-*''hi"-mihi''-khi,— back
thiku-bu. and forth fS° y^ tj°^° phah-lki
Ballad, ^° koa, ft" khek, sing a phah-khi, — words, Jlt ^° chhia-
W^° chhiii'^-koa. pok°.
Ballast, at" W t6--tang, stone — Bandylegged, H ^
, ;5° pAi.poe.
:i:°tsi6hrtang, —a vessel, M° B!"M° Bane, ^ t6k.
teh t6*-tang, throw out— ^ Baneful, W°®'^° u-t6k.
tin tang. Bang, {15 J^ chhut lat tseng (as

Balloon, JL BJ !l kh6ng-b^ng-teng, door) |^°P$° p5ng-piang.

UM^ kheng-khi kiii. Bangle, m°M° kha kho^n, ^° M"
Ballot, Bt $5 km-iok. chhiii khokn.
Balm, (aromatic plant) #° ;^° Banian, ^°©° tseng-chhiti.
phang-chbdu. Banish 3S ) ^ chhiong-kun, ^
Balmy, (fragrant) Wphang. Banishment) to", M liu.

Balsam, ^ M. kim-hong, seed, — # Banished, — criminal g|t ^E liu hoan.

M, "f" kim-hong-tsi. Bank, (of earth) Jf° phi^", (of a
Balustrade, ^^
lan-kan. river) ^° boa", (in a river) ^° |i°
Bamboo, fj-° tek,—float, fj-°SI tek- soa-soa°, (a corporation) M fT°

jpki, ^ tek-li,—
fence, ft" pole, giin-h^ng, a government — ^° M
ft"1° tek-ko,—shoots, ft°^ tek- tsi"-k^k—account, m ff'^^i:t° WC
sun, — fj"^ tek-khi.
^ware, gun h^ng lai6ngesiau—bill, i^||°
Bamboozle, }$ sut. —
gun toa°, 01 ^° giin phi6, bill,
Ban, (proclamation) ^ Tji k6-si, cash, 1^°^° —book,
tsl" phi6, 11
(interdiction) ^ ^ kim-ju. fT° ^ ^i: m m gtn Ung m 6ng
Banana, M° ^° keng-tsio, S° ^° e ts6ng-ph6", — 15 days
bill at
gSng-tsio. sight, +° S° B m° tsdp-go- jit
Band, a, W tok,— of crape, m P°t\} toa", — bill 30 day's
at H° sight,

jiau^-se-kun, —of robbers, ^ M +° H M° sa"-tsap jit toa",—bill

liaTi-16, (company of)./ |S pan, to at 60 day's sight, 7^° +° H ^°Mk
•^together, jl ^ thong b6", $ |^ ts4p jit toa", — bill at 90 day's
chhoan-bo'. sight, iL° +° H S° kau-tsap jit

Banda,ge, ^M pd'-liau, — for feet, toa", — bill at 4 month's sight,

W m° kha-p,4h. M° BW.°
si g^h jit toa'',— bill on
Bandbox, 11° :i: bo-dh, |1 1|° ill hien toa° giin,
— — '

Bank, bill of exchange, Jg||°h5e-toa°, —
khau tsiii, Bank rate at 2 per
—accept a— bill ^ ||° tse-toa", mille discount -'? =f-°^° 11° 1°^^
acceptance refused /p^MiH" in kifen '7jtC° tsit chheng li^nniig kho- khaii
toa°, MM" ]§l° lal gokn toa" pok tsiii. —Bank rate at 2^ per mille
h6e, — bill is accepted, ^ ll" kien- discount ~° =f-° ^° ~° m° ^° ia°
toa"'.—Bank cheque M fr" i,° '7K° tsit chheng liSn nng kho.
^ W gun-hang ^ gun-toa°, ^ fj" pok" khaii tsiii. —Bank rate at 3
SO giin-hfi,ng tsek. —Bank note IS per miUe' discount ~° ^° ^° H°
^° fF gun-h4ng ts6a, ^ ^° gAn- M°ia°Jii° tsit chheng li^n sa"" kho-
toa°. —
Bank rate at par, Wi fi° :t° khaii tsiii. —Bank rate at 3^ per
fr" If m M giin-h4ng g h^ng-ts^ng mille discount — ° ^° ^° ^^ ^'•
tui-tui.— Bank rate at 1 per mille ^"iWyK" tsit chheng lien sa°kho-
premium ~° ^° fg° ~° 1° i^^ yJC poa" khaii tsiii. — Bank rate at 4
tsit chheng lien tsit kho- thiap per miller discount ~° ^° ^° 0°
tsui. — Bank rate at 1^ per mille 1° ^P" ?K° tsit chheng lign si kho-
premium —° 'f° ^° g° ;^° iffi 'y}c° khaii —Bank pass book M H
tsit chheng li^n kho- pok,"' thiap ^ fi WC fi gun-hing
Mi 6ng g
tsui. —Bank rate at 2 per mille —Bank paying book
siaii-pho-. in

premium ^° ^° Zl" ^° if^ 7jic°
mfr^&^mm gun hang M
tsit chheng li^n nng kho* thiap

tsiii. —
Bank rate at 2^ per mille
6ng tsun —Sendkii pho-. for pay-.
ment ^° i^ Wi° khi siu siaii.—Pay-
premium — ° =f-° ~° m° ^° ^ ,

^^ ment refused I^" ^'' ^^ m tse

i?fC° tsit chheng
lien nfig kho- pok°
giilh. — It is paid, Ijt 2|S T° siu Mi
thiap tsui.
rate at 3 per
— ° ^° ^° H° S° lah. —Private bill on demand S
7K° tsit chheng li^n sa" kho- thiAp
isH hien gtin toa°. —Private bill

10 day's sight + 5c 1& tsdp thien

tsiii. —Bank rate at 3^ per mille
premium —° ^° ^° H° R° ^°
toa". bill 15 day's sight

Vl<° tsit chheng li^n sa^'kho- pok"

+S 5c 1^ tsdp go- thien toa".

thiap —Bank Private bill 30 day's sight H+


premium "-°
rate at 4 per
^°^° |g°p°
^ H sa° tsap thien toa". —Private
bill 60 day's sight p^ + 3c S Mk

thiap tsui.

li^n si

rate at 1 per
kho- ts4p thien toa". — Private bill 4

— ° ^° ^° •—° p°
month's sight E3° J° B ^° si gdh
mille discount
ta° 7l<° tsit chheng li^n tsit kho-
jit toa". —Private bill 6 month's
sight y^° ^ ° B m° Mk g6h jit toa".
khati tsiii. —Bank rate at 1^ per
—Promissory Note ^° 3^, ^° tsioh
mille discount --° =f-° ^° p° £^°
hang toa".— Mexican Dollars ^°
^° 7K° tsit chheng li^n kho- poa"
if°M tsiau-d-g<in.— Spanish Dol-
lars #
51° hoan-thau. Clean — 15° tf" ti6-khi,— of an anchor, it"
Shanghai Dollars ±BM^° Siong- ®° tik"-khi.
hdi p^h-tiam. — Telegraphic pay- Barbarian, outside— ^ , J;lfe i-t^k,
ment H fg hoe
"i" —Tele- # hoan, outer— ^
tien p6. 5(»° goa-i.
graphic receipt # ^ f^ H" hoe- Barbacue, (sucking pig) IK:
|f° -(f ° ti-a.
tienp6 —Deposit
siu toa°. Barbarous, # hoan, (cruel) at call ^-^^
W° 3R ^ H" hang siu toa°.—
kia ts^n-jim, (ferocious) B£Mhiong-ok
Deposit at 3 months ^° M ^°M° 9 Barbed, W° •if° u-khi.
^"H" Isik hang sa" geh jit tse toa". Barbel, M i^." ka-hi.
—^Deposit at 6 months %° 3R 7^° ^
H ^^ W Barber, l!)° 11° W 4- thi-th^u sai-hu,

toa". —
kik hang lak g^h jit tse
Deposit at 12 months ^°
—shop, M" W JS thi-thfi,u-tikm.
Bard, ft ^ si ong.
m-\'''Z.°n"B ^° m° kikhangtsdp
Bare, yt" 56° kng-kng—headed 1;° li°
je g6h jit tse toa".
liti bo, ^° ^° ili|° bo ti bd,—faced
Banknote, |^ ^° gfin toa".
J[^°^°&°kau-bin-phe (naked) M°
Banker, ^° M H" ^i" khui gun
'^° thiig theh-theh, (as room)
h&ng ^.
Bankrupt W t6,—house f
S° !^ ^ khang so- so", kng kho-

h4ng — t6
shop, )g° M°
kho, -^m^ it ht s6- ill.

tikm to. Barefooted, chhiah-kha, il°

^° thftg chhiah kha, (thread
Bankstock, m ^°tS,° JiS" i^S" gun h^-ng |ill°

^° ^°
e k6'-hun. bare) !fg° b6 p6- ml".
Banner, j|^ ki. Barely ,;( scarcely) Wi" M" -ff " lim-lim-
Bannerman, ^^ ^° A° ki e lang. a,— enough 1!*° :g° ^ bo sia° kku,
Banquet, H ]$" i^n-si4h, H $|° i§n- —getting on M '&° b6ng k^.
toh, make a M W^" — ,
pan-toh. Bargain, (gainful transaction) M°
Banter, ^ M° ki-chhi. m°M^° b6e ti6h h6 ^, M° ^° A? #°
Bantling, ffi" f?" e^-d. boe ti<^h h6 e (agreement) H^ iok,
Banyan, — tree, ^° ©" ts^ng-chhiu. settle a— K°S°*''fi° k6ng tia°

Baptism, ^° jfi s6e-l^, ^ II tsim-1^, ti6h k^, 11° £° m" k6ng tia" ti6h,
%jli tm-le, receive —^ ^°li siu- (chaffer) WW ffl°
^° chhui
s6e-l^, M" Sb° Jfii ni4° s6e U. chhiku k^-tsi".

Baptize, ^° Bb° fii kiS," s6e-M, to be Barge, (freight boat) « K° M° tski

— M" Sfc° SI ni4° s6e lev h^ tsiin, (pleasure boat) M ^°

Bar, S° k6ng,— of gold, ^ {i kim- iu tsM,
tiiu, sand—, W.°M'' soa-thoa°, to Bark,— of tree, W &° chhiu-ph6, to

— H" k6ng. — , g/t° pui,— away, |^^E^° ngdu-

Barb, 91° B^tsi^-khi,— of a fish-hook, ngdu pui.

Barley, W-° b^h, :k° W toa-b^h, Basil, ^ M tsi-so-.
beard of — ,
^° |i° b^h-chhiu. Basin, ^ pblin, :^z°^° toa-oa", wash
Barm, ^^ kk". — ,
®° ti° bin-thdng.
Barn, W l|° chliek-chling, H" W Basis, (of remarks) # H i-gl (of a
chhek-sia". bouse) Jfe° g toe-ki.
Barnacle, ^% ^° chhip-A. Bask — in sun, M° H tsi6-jit.
Baron, J§ Mm, ^ '^ Mm-tsiok. Basket, m.° rik, U° kbeng, ||° lang,
Baroness, :g ©^ A L4m-tsiok bu- book ^ |t° tsu-lang, —for mor-

tar, M° ^ ptin-ki.
Barometer, JK, M
ff" bong-u-tsiam. Basket-maker, f^° ^° r1° ^ ts6e-
Barque, ~° Mi° ^° nng-ki_pok". n^^-sai-bu.
Barrack, jE '^° peng-p^ng, ^° Bass, ba. & y
peng-i4°. Bastard, M. ?i° tsdp-ts^ng.
Barrel, ff" tbang, sides of—, if Baste, (as clotb) |o° ti6, 15° |,tf° ti6-
cbbiu"'. ti^u, (as meat) 'M° 'Ml lam-tbng.
Barren, 1^° #
tbun-bii, ffS^" j^ ^ b6- Bastinade, ^7°M°)n° pbah-kba.cbbng
seng-san, (as land,) '^° ska. Bastion, |^° ||5 si4°-kok.
Barricade, 8t° tsdb. Bat, ® m bit-p6, Hi Jig pi^n-hok,
Barrier, Jfit" ti-tsab (line of sepa- fruit eating— ^° ^° ^f k^-tsi-bl,
rasion) ^ ^ M-kai. — in cricket, ^ !^ kiu-poe, ^ g°
Barrister, '^° ^ tsng-su, f$ ^ liit-su. kiu-cbbe.
Barrow, :^° ff° cbbia-a. ^°
Batavia, u^° m Ka-la-pa.
Barter, ^ Ji° tui-oa", W m° M° b^- Batcb— of bread, -° M M^ -Q tsit
oa°-bfe, :t ^ m6-6k. 16- mp-pau.
Base, (lowly) T 1 ba-tsien, 1(5: M° Bate, M kidm.
B?f° siu-kba-lan, f ?i ba-liii, (mo- Batb, 8fc° f^^ s6e-6k—room,
J^° ^ F|°
rally low) l!S° 5c K bo tbien;, li6ng, 6k-ti-keng, ^^° F^° ^.k-keng, ^° g°
W> ft ok-t6k, (as silver) y ke, ^k-pang, sbower— 'a>° M° soaJau.
(bottom) m° (of a pillar) Batbe, gE° ^'° s6e-^k,
fi° H tbiau tsu.
M ?g° ts^ng-
Baseless, ||° |S° bd.toe,— stories,
•f^ pha°-k6-, (unfounded) ^°

Batbing-dress, M m° ^° ^i° ts^ng-
^k e sa".
SP b6-ia°:tsiab. Bathing-tub, m° m° m° so^-^k tbdng
Basement, J° ^° m° e-tskn Mu. Battalion, ~° ^ ^ tsit-tui-peng.
Basenet, fi M° 6--n4. Batten, (fatten) m° J3E° cbhi-piii,
Basbful, '^ £ f| iii-ki^n-siau, H >J.° (fasten down) ^ hong.
A° iii-siau-jin, H ||° |i° tii-sii,u- Batter, m°W7K° mI"-bTin-tsui, (pull
16e, ;g| I," A° iii-ki"-ianff. down) *r° m° phab-t(S.
— — —
Battery, 'M 4 phau-t&i. Bear, t|° him, great—, ^fc" ^° M"
Battle, 4H°i&iJ sa"-th&i, ^ 1^ kau-tsi^n, .pak-t4u-chhi°, (as fruit) *"§ H"'?"
. —field, m M' tsi^n-tiu^ go to—, ffi kiet-kd-tsi, (to bringforth,) ^"si",
% chhut-kun. ffi I?! chhut-tin, win to—as trouble &c., # thun- |g.°

a—,- ^° M° thai-ia" lose a—, ^° —with, ^

liin, %M ffi i6ng-iin,
M th&,i-su. khoan-i6ng, — responsibility, ^''

Battledore, ^ ^° ki^n-chh^. S° —up iS J^ thuh,

tse-tfi,u, tsai,

Battlements, m° 11° ^° sia°-t6-tsi. cannot— (endure) ,

tng- '^° I^^ft"

Bawd, SS IM° pidu-tL^u, .^ fi ®° b6e-ti4u, —testimony, ^ IE kan-^

o'-kui-thS.!!. ts^ng, (relate to) ^ ^ kan-sidp.
Bawdy, fU siS,, ^ IE put-ts^ng, Bearable, fg" ^''%°
oe-tng-tit, tu° :®
^° ^°
house, phdi°-kia° keng. W #" oe-kham-tit, -^^ fg" -ft" tng-oe-
Bawl, n° ard, n° ^° aii-ki6, US" hoah, •tidu.
8^° hiam, m jidng. Beard, i^ M° chhiii-chhiu.
Bay, a, ^ j^ hai-oan, (colour) ^°
Beardless, ^° t^ ft" b6-chhu.i-chhiu..
chhiah, stand at — , it. J^ f^ Apisk-
Bearer, :i° i|° ^° thdh mih S, sedan
Bayonet, ^ M° Jf hau-b^-to, M° M° . —X , Ifc kong-sia, ^^ ^ kio-hu,

J} chh^ng-b^-to.
M" W ki5-kha, tale, —M" IS" M
6h oe p6.
Be, ^ SI, m° tso6, can—, tg°m°Rr°
oe-tit-thang, —the limit, ^ Jh ui-
Bearings, ll]"^" (nautical) soa°-pan.
tsi, —a soldier,^° ^ ^1° tsiAh- Beast, ^° ^° tseng-si", (wild) ff ^
tsi^-niu", —a beggar, M° '^M° tso^- id-siu.
khit-tsidh, — commotion, ^
in |ft Beat, }f sut, ^7° phah, ft k6ng,
^ soa-pho. (conquer) —as pulse,
M" id", tiuh,
Bea:ch, S?°
Beacon, M if °
teng-tha,h, j® i|t ien-
—violently ^ fj — aii-td", flat, fM

^° B" tM-pi».
tun, la i!g Ji° ki-ho 6 thah.
Bead, 1^ ff ° tsu-d, string of —° $° Beaten, (defeated) ^ su, (struck)

3^ tsIt-koa°-tsu.
^ JX" hong phah.
Beak, J^° |!i tsidu-chhtii. Beating, — in (as rain) tll° A phoah-
Beam, /^"niu'', S° i", lay a—, ^=fg.°
jip, — in, (as door) jg A ^° k6ng-
khok-l", (width) j^khoah, (of an jip khi.

anchor) ^^ tik^-sin, sun Beau, il ^°

— ,
ff" # ien-tdu^d-kut.
3e°jit-kng, to— %° tsi5-kng.
?B° Beautiful M° siii, ^ ^ chhong-tsiin,
Bean, ^° tau, —
curd, %° M° tau-hu, 3C5° i& khiaii-lo-, Bfl liS chhokng-
3.° T^° tau-hoe, g° ^° tau-koa", tiam, fii' M" h6-khok", very—, M
curd dried, M m.° =F° kien-tau- ^ tsodt-sek, M° Wi piau-ti.
koa",— cakes m.° W tau-pid". Beautify, ^ ^ siu-ts^ng.
— —
Beauty, ^° siii, M M" ehhin-clihi", a Bed-curtain, ^ ^ b4ng-tk.
—n U *S m gokt li si6ng ng6-.- Bedding, If ^ pho--kki.
Beaver, ^ JqJ° h4i-kau, ^ M
liai- Bedeck, |!£° tsng.
16ng, (skin) ^ |K^° hdi-16ng ph^. Bedfellow, W If fi5° t^ng-pho* g.
Becalmed, ^'' JK, rT" b6-hong- Bedim, ^° khah km,
•^ M" Bt ho- i
—of # ^ ^ ho- i bii.
Because, El^in-ui,
Bechance, #° 3^° chMu-kham.
Bedraggle, W ±°W' k6-th6--kha:

Beche-de-mer, ^^
hdi-som, black
Bedrid, fj W.° t6-cbhiig, ^° tsai- S
— ,M ^#o--hai-som, white ]^
— ,

?§ #
P^h hdi-som.
Bedridden, T^° tsai-chhfjg. ^
Beckon, }i° iet. Bedroom, M" P^ng, M° M" khiiu-
Becloud, 5° 8
ta Mn, jia. M
Become, fi° tsoe, j^" tsiEL"^,— a Bud- Bedstead, iS" ^^ bin-chhfig, 8g° ^^
dhist priest, [ij ^"chhut-ke, —man mrig-chhfig.
and wife, ^
§C ^° g° kiet-tso^ Bedtime, it is go to sleep, ta^am, •,

ang-b6-,—possessed, ^j." ^° lidh- tidh khi khun, #" ^° ^° W*W

tang,—pirate, S^^g^nau-hdi-iu-^ ^
^° ta'' ok° ti6h khi khtm, when
Becoming, -g- ^° hap-sit, -§• l£ hdp- is your—, fg ^^ gf ^° lin ti-st ^
gi, M # h6-sfe. khi khtm ? when it was —he went
Bed, HS^JI^'bln-chh^g,—room, WW to sleep, if fit # :§° ^ ^ kku st

khiin-pa,ng,—ridden, i^ ^° i6- M i u khi khtm.

tsai-chh^g,go to—, ^^ ^° khi- Bee,
khun, make the—, m° J^° IE" pik"-
phang, honey ® Sf " bit- W —


phang, a hive of—, ° ;fi 3$ tsit-

bin-chhdg,— clothes 1:° phe, tA-phang, swarm of—, — ° |^ 3^°

post, m m" tt° bin-chhii^-thiau, tsit tin phang.
—quilt, hoe-ph^,— curtain, Beef, ^° |^° gu-bah,—steak, ^° ^°
:f^'' ipg"

Si:" M" bdng-tk, under the—, |5°

>!jr gii-bah-pha,- tea, ^° 1^° ^°
^° W bin chht% kha, get out of
gft-bah t^, tougJa— M^"^" U°
— T° iS°.E5c°)il° 16h-bln-chhiig-kha jiin e gu-bah, tender

— %° j^" ^''
Bedabble, m°
H^ hiu tsiii, ^X" W |^° tsi" 6 gA-bah, salted—,

W ^''

Bedaub, ^^ ^° bak-ti6h, m°M'' A"

^^ ki^m gu-bah, roast ^g :t°
^° |^° pek g gA-bah, stewed—
— ,

bak-kia°-mng,^r f^° m° phah-M-

s§,m. E ;i° ^° M" Mn g gl-bah.

Bedazzle M^W chhiah-bak, M" B° Beehive, W J:" phang-siu.

chhi-bak. Beer, ^ ff " f@ ba-d-tsiii.
Bedchamber, %" p4ng, g" M° khim- Beeswax, ^^ lah.
pang. Beet, U° m. m." ing-chhai-thau.
— .

Beetle, ^ ffi" ff ° kim-ku-d, wooden Beginning, ®° tha,u, j^ M° khi-thlu,
— ,
^° ^° U
MW go^n-thau, at the—, IE" W
Beeves, ^° gu. tsik°-thau.
Befall, ^° *^ tu-ti61i.
Begone, *" %° khi-ah.
Befit, -^ hdb.
Begonia, ?# ^ hai-t6ng.
Befool, M siet.
Beguile, phi^n, ii" |i mo^"-phi6n H
Before, (formerly);^ seng, ^°ife°tai- Behalf,
fi° thofe, i\ tai.
seng, "bJ" tseng, as l-kiii,— ^^
Behave, ^° ki^",
A° ts6e-iang. f^"
M ^^ tsiku go&n, (in front of) ^ Behaved, well—, ij" ^ fj" h6 s6-
M" M° "if" thiu-ts^ng.
Beforehand, ^° ^° tai-seng.
kit", h6 %.° ^^ kk-si, i!7° ^l
h6 ku-tong, (as child ) koai, badly ^
Beforetime, ^° %" tai-seng. — ^° m" ^
b6 kk-si, ^° ;;f fT°
Befoul, Pk" M° bak-ti6h, fT i^" ffi ph4i°s6--kil,", ^"^IS phai° kii t5ng.
phah la-sam, ^° 11° A° bak kia"-
Behaviour, ^ fj phin heng, fj

Befriend, ^° ^ khan-s^ng, m° IK
M h^ng-k^ng, fr 111 ^ ih h^ng t5ng
kii tsi, \^'' K" ts6e Itog, ^^ ^°
Beg, t: ktit, M th6, ^° :^° pun-
ki^°-tah, A PH jin-phin, outward

tsidb, S :i° khit-tsidb, (pray) ^

—W' ^ goa-mau.
Behead, M M° thai-th^u, ff W ts4m-
kiu, — as Buddhist ^° B priest,
th4u, fl" M" tsui-thau, ff SI° koah-
hoe-i^n,—hard for, 1%°^°^ kt^k-
khok-kiu, —your pardon, % p
W ^° #»
tek-tsoe, MW sia tsoe, —pardon Behind M° au-bin,
^° M°
au, 1|°
au-be, ^^
(for knockingup against a person) M° ka-tsiah-au,

^° M" au-piah, ^^ Sl" au-thau.

m° in-tsai-thau.
Behind-hand, (time) 'A° Ii# k^-st,
Beget, a° si"
Beggar, ^° khit-tsi4h, ^° ^°
'^° ok" (in arrears) fl" X thoa-
pun-tsiAh. khikm, (in study) |1° H" il ^
Beggarly, (in appearance) )J> M thdk b6 tsin po'.
siau-ki6k (very poor) ^ S° tsin Behold, M° khok".
s6ng, (contemptible) »J>° ||$ ft Beholden, I am—to him, # jJ:" ,D

siau-phi-gi^n, i|$ M phi-li. IE" ^° ^o i-^ un ti g6a tau.

Begin, m° ^° khui-chhiu, M # khi- Beholder, W M" ^" A" teh-khok° ^

sin, m khi,— to write, B" * l<5h- Mng.

pit, — speak, ^° ^ khui-chhtii,
Behoof f ij ^ ll-ek.
—a feud, M°'f^ tang-kan-ko. Behoove, M ^ eng-kai.
Beginner, ^ chho-hAk, ^° ^° Being, (existence) ^° u, human
chhi^-chhiu, a scholar M° H phok A° Mng, Supreme — ^ Jt Siong-

te, Spiritual — )f$. Sin.
Belabour, ffi 1J° #T° chhut Mt phah. Below, T

e, y° W e-bin, y° B° e-t6e
Belch, #T°Pi°piiah-eh, BtPi" th6--eh, Belt a, toa.
—up sour stuff, V&^° eh-sng, tt^" Bemoan, ^ ^ pi-ai.
th6*-sng. '
Benares, ® ^ 75 Ph6-16-nai.
Beleague, H, Ai, H khiin. Bench, ^ i-li^u, broad—, U
ii'^ ^
Belfry, ® ;fi<' tseng-iau. p4n-f.
Belgian, :kJtM 6^° Tai pi kok-g. Bend, i§ aii, ® ut, — crooked, Ji I^
Belgium, :^ J:[: g Tai pi kok. au-khiau, — straight, i^ ]it aii-tit,

Belief, ^ sin. down, iF hr, ^

chhih (as tree) Ji
Believable, fg" ^
^° oe sin-tit. tiau,—forward, Jl" J^" a^-io.
Believe, fg sin, fg sin-kho. ^Beneath, T" iS" e-t6e, T° M° e-bin.
Believed, i^° ff hong sin, impossible Benedict, if g° S" ;t'' A" sin chh5a
to he—,:T>° is
Believer, ff °
boe sin-tit.
^^ sin-g.
W bd- 6 lAng.
Benediction, ffi jjig tsiok-hok.
Bell, —
M° tseng, hand ^°^° giang- Benefaction,
, .f, jt un-sut, (alms)
a, (on horse's neck) ^^ Mm- MP si-ts^, g| g& tsiu-tso-.
leng, toll the— U ^^ khau-tseng: Beiiefactor, ,1. A un.jin, H g." h6-
Belladonna, ^ Ju tien-ka. chhi°.
Bell-clapper, if ^ || k6ng tseng thiii. Beneficence, fr" ^V kifi," h6 su, ^
Bellflower, ^ ®° ^g" tiaii-tseng-hoe. # heng sien, :§° -fc B u jin-tsu.
Bellfoundry, ^ ®° ^^ tsiitseng k^k. Beneficent, (charitable) fj" ^ ^
Bellringer, ^ M" M" khau-tseng-^. kia" h6 sii, gj tsu-tso-. ^
Belle, jg" M ^ o4h koan-im, ^ ;g| Beneficial, W° M S u li-ek.
St ^ go4t li si6ng-ng6-. Benefit, fij g li-ek.
Belleslettres, 5) ffi bHa-ge, ;^ j^ Benevolence, -fc^ jin-ki, tBjin-tsli
Benevolent, M >& ho-sim, :§° t^
Belligerent, ^ ig fi^" kau-tsi^n-e. ti-jln-ai, £: *6 jin-sim t: B jin-tsfi.
Bellow, PK" a", 1^° hdu.
Bellows, M
11 hong-kui.
Benight, (by delay) M Bt chhien-
km, fT° g° I& kia-'-mi^-la-.
Belly, m." Jit° pak-t6-.
Benighted, (ignorant) *& .^» Pg
Bellyband, (horse) M J3i l^k-to-. sim-koa^-o'-km.

Belong— to, ^ si6k, I—to Amoy, Benign, ?J tsA-pi. M

S5° ^m° n ^ g6a siE-mifg ts^k, Benignant,
fciijln-tsli, MfS tsA-pi.
(native of Amoy) ^ ^° )^° ^° f^" Bengal, ;i PJ Pdng-kat-lat. ^
chhut-si ti E-mn'g, ^o ^° Benjamin,
;2^ Jg<>
@ ^
IM Pien-ngd-bin,
l:"^" a° n°g6a-g o--nahuih

jiah ti E-mli^.
(Botanical) fe S
#" an-sek-hiu^
Bent, J^ ^
au-khiau, (propensity)
Beloved, ^ thik^ M m lek-ai. *& a sim-i, ^ ki, m l«J i-hiong,
Benumb, ^ pi, g£ M. Bestow, 11° ho-, (as present) jg"

Bequeath property; M°M''ik° P^ng- skng, (as alms) MS si-tse, ^ JE
ke-U, p' M" ik". mu-ke-h6, ifc° m si4-si, (superior to inferior) %%
pkng-giap. siu°-sti.
Bequest, ^° ^° ^° pun chhiii be.
Bestride, l^° khik.
Bereaved of, ^ ^ song-sit, 5E° ife si- Bet ft° It sa°-su.
sit, (take away from) gH" -i" th^h-
Betake, (oneself away) i°khi, ^°
tsau, (oneself to prayer) ^°llf JS
Bereavement, ^ ^°

khi ki-t6.
Berry, (of fmit)
Berth, (in a ship)

15 tsit-liap.
Betel—nut, WWT Uu-hi6h-tsi,

(situation) ^° S&
" #f° tsit keh,

th&u-l5', ship's
W° (f ° T-°
chhi°-a-tsi, *£" W pin-

— , :IIS° W -t° -S" tsun pha-^ ui.

Betel-nut, ;f|£° W pin-ni%, ^° *° ^°
Beryl, 1^° 3i° lek gek. ° ^° chW-d-tsi,
lau-hi6h-tsi, W°
Beseech, ^ ki-kiu, 5^ kiu,— earn-
—husk, *r^BEo
estly, M ^ khiin-kiu.
Bethink, (oneself), ,g jg° su-siii".
Beseemly, -& S hdp-gi, ^'' hdp- >&•

sit, M ^ j^ tsiku-hoat-t5-.
Betoken, tsi,^ ^
B^ pidu-bSng.
Betray, ^° than, ^° A° thku-lang,
Beset, g ^ ui-lui.

Besetting, (as a sin) ffl° ti°.
% thong, trust, ^M sit sin.

^° (over
Betrayer, ^°A°^°thku lang e ji
Beside, (at side) ff° pi"-a
and above) ^ 5^° Sll° 65° leng goa A°^° thong mngg.
ke-d, — oneself, ^ S hokt-kong. Betroth
JH ^° ph6ng-tia°,
tsiah-tia", £ M
Besides, ^ 5h° leng-goa, ^° koh, Jit

{Jb° i-goa.
teng-chhin, jfe" 5E° sa^-thin, H Jift"

chhin tsia" sa"-thm.

Besiege,- H ui, H 65° ui-teh, ® 65° 'te° |ia°

^° %°
Betrothal, tsiah-tia° JH J^"
Besmear, ^° m° bak-ti6b, ^° ^° ph^ng-tia°, break a — ,
5||° |i# th6-
Besom, W^ sau-tsiii.
Better, (a superior) ^ :;^° si-toa,
(one that bets) H° li ^°tku-su fe
Besot, (with drink) # ^ hun-be. — a man's condition, A° M° ^° W
Bespeak, S° 5fe° ^° Pft tai-seng
ig ho- lS,ngkhah khok°-oah, (more
excellent) ||° Hi M° khah chhut-
Besprinkle, M hiu. tioh, M° W khah-ia°, M° U khah-
Best, M^-Hf te-it h6, ± siong-
ho, i kai-h6 — j(f

^way is to, ;p° h6, get the— of, |£° ]R° khah ia",

M°^° in-tat-ti6h. (more) M° khah (rather) ^ pJ"

Bestir, ||° ®° 1)° khah oah-tang, ^ 16ng-kh6-, rather—, l.°l.°ff "M" iff

|S4°il^° 11° b6 tkm-se. 11-li-d khah h6.

31 tseng-eng,
Between, tf» ;^° tiong-ng, »}' 1^3 tiong- chhia-,—farewell, H"-^ It" lfl°kap
kan. i k6ng chbia". .

Beverage, WC ^° %° Hm ^ mih. Bide, #° U° thfeng-hau.

Bewail, 5S° khau, W ^° thi-kh^u. Biennial, pS° ^° — ° 5^° nng-ni°tsit-kfe

Beware, WW tiu-tl, % ti-h6ng.

pjf Bier, WL ^° pdn-k6.
Bewildered, 1t° hkng, # ji hun-b&, Big, :^° toa.
iti» ^L sim-loan. Bigamy, i|° ||° in" M° chhoa khah-
Bewitch, S° sidp,
by witchcraft) ^ %
WW ti61i-tsi", ke b6-.
(affect liam Bight, (haj) ^ hai-oan.j%*

tsiii (allure, in bad sense) 5^ Bignonia, ^ W^° liSng-siau-hoe.

^° bg-khi, iS A° sii-'-mng, 51 If Bigot, \ (in opinion) ^^ tsip-i,
in-iii. Bigoted, \^t 'tt tsip-s^ng, (in creedj
Bewitched, 7^° fc ti6h-iau. i.^Mm tsip ^^ i-g to-li.

Bewitching, fg" g° A° oe-si4°-mng, Bile, US' ta".

(as scenery) %" @° hid,''-bak, ^° Bilge, (of a cask) M M. pb6ug-t6-,
f'J Sf ^° khoa°-kku-sin-kbi, (as fwater; |S° i!H:^"7K tsuo-t6--lai-tsi3i. ,„,„,,,

music) g|° ill" jjiili ^^ thia°-kku- Bilious, US' firta"-^.

sin-kbi. Bill, ( bird's ),§i^tsiau-clibtii, (paper)
Beyond, (other side) J!5°^4iit-peng, |^°toa", bank— j^"!!" gUn.toa", oa
IpJ° W hiii°-peng, (further than demand, MWM hien toa" gun, cash
another place) S° *° fi^° kbab- —M 'M phi6, — of exchange,
:khi-g, (surpassing) ||;° IF kbah- mW hoe toa-^,—at 10 days^ight,
i&",M° ii° BI° kbah-ke-thau. + H H" tsdp jit toa", accept—jE»
Bezel, ^° ^t M chbiii-tsi-tso. 1^° tse toa°, — is accepted, M,||°
Bezoar, ^ ^° giu-ifg. ki^n toa",—is refused, ip ^".i^Iil
Bias on the—, ^l cbboab, (projJen- goin toa" pok-hoe, private-^on
(sity) )& # sim-i, # ^i. demand, MM"^
hien toa" gain.
Biased, fi fZ phien-su, Drawer of a— M°
:/c° >J^° /C" toa- m° ^° h6e toa"-
s6e-sim. g.—Remitter of a—^" ^° ^° kik
Bib, ^: m° am-sg, :®° It am-koa". toa"-S.— Holder of- a— ^° ^°
Bibber, wine -, n° M ai-tsiab-
'^° fi^° siu tpa"-g. Seller of a— ^^ M""
tsiii-^, m %. tsiii-kui. —
#° bo 8 toa"-e. on Hong-kong,
Bible, m # seng-chheh, H ^ sfeng- ^ fi° ^° Hiong-kang toa". on —
keng. Shanghai, ± ^ ||° Siong-hdi toa".
Bicker, m° ^° sa^-tsi", M° fS° ke-6e, (hand) i?° 6° jl-p^h, ^ i^" k6-p4h,
#°!!i p6-chhiii, ^"H'chhia-poa". —of lading, ti m ^° lam-tsairjl,
Bid, ©" PfJ hoan-hti, -^^ kah,— (at
1 K"m° tsai-h^-toa",— of divorce,
auction) g° teng, (invite) W ment, i| 1:? li-tsu. . [see Bank]
— a
Billet, (letter) #t° plaoe, (of resi- Birdcatcher, ^°^°^'' Mh tsid,u-d-^.
dence) Ij^" ^° fki phi6. Birdlime, |fi 9i° li^m-ka.
Billiards, J^c" ^ chhAg-kiii, — table, Birmab, fi % Bien-tjen.
^ m" kiii-chlifig,— room, ^ f^° Birtb, ffi iS° cbbut-si, after—, U^"^"
kiu-keng, play — , Jj"" ^° M ptah tbai-ui.
chL^g-kiii. Birtbday, ^° H si"-jit. Emperor's
Billion, ^ ek. — H # s^ng-siu, IS ^ ban-siu.

Billow, M° ^ng. Birtbplace, ig If goan-ts^k, fS° l^"

Bin, corn , M° ^° chhek-cbhng, jfiL° W
o---ak buih-jiah.

M° M" chhek-sia". Birtbrigbt, (of eldest son) gi°^°±''

Bind, W —round,
pak, — J^" hk, %° III t6a-kia° ^ ke-giap.
book, M° kap-cbheb,
5^5° iS W Biscuit, %° ^° pia-'-koa", ^'' %° ml-
teng-cbbeh, —one-self by oatb, pia°.

5l #" .tsiu-tsoa,--witb a cord,^ M Bisect, it" fi^" n° ^° tsodb tsoe nng

khun,—tbe feet, IS° M" pik-kba, p^ng, S 5^° tsam-p&ng.

— an apprentice, i^" pak, (as Bisbop,

^as ^ # kam-tok.
witb a tire) HI kbo4n (as wound) Bismutb, ^ pi-i6ng.

^ tsat, (as bowels) M" & ^^ Bison, W '^° sai-gA.

ho* i pi-kiet. Bissextile, (or leap year) ^ B

Binder, book—, $tW W^ teng- lun-jit.

chbeb sai^u. Bit, (piece) " H" tsit-t6, (ofborse)
Binding, m M° kun-lifi,u, (operative) W ^"W be-ka-kiu°.#° kdu-bu.
M tsiin, tl" M %" oe tsiin S° tit, Bitcb, #1°

ffi !§" oe eng-tit. Bite (asunder) P^" if" ka-

P|c° ka,

Binnacle, HA ft s^ng-jlnkbam. tng, (as an ancbor) %. ge, (as

Binocular, M" HI ^^'' siang,gdnkia". mustard) ba. S
Biography, fj f$ bSng-toan. B'tter f=g kh6-,— against, |!i 'IS

Bitterness ti-bun.
Biped, ZL° Jj^" M° ^T nng-ki kha e. j

-^ IS" kb6--iam.
Bipennate, r." -t" R" fi^" nng ^ sit 6. Bitterish,
Bircb, mW
boa-chbiu. Bitterly, (sorrowfully) ^<& kb,6--sim.

Bird, ,%° tsidu,— nest. Mi" M," tsi^u-

Bittern, ^E tsu-lo'.

siu, edible bird-nest, ^^ i^n-o, Bitumen, M ff l^k-cbbeng.

— nest of fine quality, "g"^ koa°- Blab, # E lau-bong.
ifen, — ;nest first quality Jl MM Black, ,i-, 0-, bright—, .^^ o--kim,

sidng ien-o, nest second quality, very—, % ^iW. o--kauh-kauh,

4* .^ S
ti6ng-ien-o,^nest tbird % ,lo M,l o-mk-mk, ,% m lo 0--

quality, fMU ha-ien-o,— cage, tiu-tiii, .i %% o-'kui-kiii, % Wt"

M" ff" m° tsiaii-d l|ng. |^° o--kbam-kb^m.

Blackball (a person in society,) #:" Blank, BJ" ^^ khkng-p6h, S° khang,
A" R A Mh lang ts6e khi-jiu.
iSi" —verse, ^° ii ±° fip bo un e si,—
Blacken, <^° ^ ,% h5- ^° i o-, ,ft
deed, F4° '^° ±° ^° l^ng khang e
bdah-Q-, —a person's character, ff°
jT, (as in a lottery) %° ^° ^° ^»
W ^° M° phah phai- mia-sia°. b6 ti6h-e' toa°, (a point aimed at

Blackguard, gl ® hiii-lui, ^ {^ ff " in a target) 4» <& tiong-sim, jgC

lifi-bin-a. jS" ^ng-sim.

Blacking, 1° 7jC° bak-tsui.

Blanket, ^^ ff " thdn-d.

Blackish, ,^ ff" o--hoa", ^^ #" phii-

Blaspheme, S ^ siet-t6kj g J|
phii, ,^ 'B, ,^ '^ o--sek o--sek.
Blasphemer, ^ i," A° siet-t6k S
Blacklead, .^ |& o--ign,
— pencil, |&

^ ien-pit. Blast, (of wind) —' ?$" j® tsit-tsun

Blackleg, 'Jt ^% kong-kiin.
hong, (with powder) ifC l^" |]| gg"
Blackmail, i& ^^ lo'-tsi", collect—®"
8^ ^° khioh l6-tsl".
hd-i6h chh^ng-khui, (with wind) —
Blackness, ,^ ^ o--sek. M° m ffi° 5^° ho- hong sku phdi»
(wither) iJ i" sia-khi.
Blacksmith, iT phah-thih Blaze, B. t6h,
it" rI° -f-
9C E h6-6ng HC tS
Bladder, ij," E" si6-to-, )§ If p6ng- Blazon, (ostentatious display) ^°
kong, WW jio-ph^. #° hia-pai, 1^ chhia-chhi, ^
Blade, (of knife) 7] ^° to-bah, (of Bleach, ^° phii, ^^ ^° phi6-p6h.
grass) ''''i&''M°^° tsit-ki-chhau- Bleacher, ^°6°5|°^phi6-peh sai-hu.
a, sboulder— , Wl°^% png-si-kut.
Blain, (blister) ^S° pha.
Blamable, WMW oe bifi,m-tit.
Blear,— eyed, U°
^°W ang-bak-ki°,
Blame, Wi lii^m, ^ fi tsek-pi. Bleat «
Blameful, ^ rT" il tsin-thang-hi4m. Bleating
1 n«4
^^ P? "^ ma-ma-hdu.
Blameless, M° rT" i^ b6 thang hiam, Bleed, m° M.° Mu-huih, {fj U." chhut-
*ft° ^ b&-ts5e. huih.
Blameworthy, ]||''«#'';^ 6e kham- Bleeding,
m.° tL" lAu-huih.
Blemish, ^^
pe-peng, ^^ i^ mau-
Blanch, ^ j^" pien-p^h, (the coun- peng.
tenance) %° ^o W
bin pi" chhi°. Blend, ;te°a sa"-chham,
>te°^ sa"-
Blanc-mange, ^° ?L°?i"gA-lengtkng. kidu, /fa" sa"-lam, ^fe" Jisa"-th^u, ^
Bland, Jg %
un-jiu, ja un-siin. H
(confusedly) «g il hun-tsdp.
Blandish, ^'' ^^ ph6--th4", pg || Bless,
ia$s tsiok-hok, j^ ii K°^
thidm-bi, H
gf chhu-chhong. siii"-su hok-khl.
— —
Blessed, W° H ^ hok-khi.
ii Bloodless, M°&L° b& huih, (anemic)
Blessing, fi ^ hok-khi, five— S , ^ ifil sit-hiet, (lifeless) 5E° si.

j^ ng6'-hok. Bloodrelations, M ^ chhin-t6ng, #

Blight, if ,i chh^ng 0-, ^°^ p^h I^ ;5l ^ kut-ji6k chhin. tsi

phk", (mildew) &°M si-^ko-, ±° Bloodshed, m" X 2," M" ^^vl ling ^
^° chhiu°-phu, (Trustratej ff ?3^° huih.
td°-chha. Bloodshot, B° B^ U° bdk-tsiu ing.
Blind, W^" chhi"-mt, window—15 Bloodstained, ^° M" ifil" bak-ti6h-
WM°hau-peh-chheh, (undiscernr huih.
ing) li BJ ^ b6 bgng-p^k. Bloodthirsty, ^ ^ h6-"-sat.
Blindfold, Jfc°7K^.° Bg siii-hi. Bloodvessels, jfiL° lf° huih-k]£g.
Blind man's bufi*, ^° 7K .®,° ng siii-hi. Bloody, ^° ^° 181° bak-ti6h-huih,
Blinds, P^° W mfig-li, Venetian—, (person) ^ ^ h6-''-sat, — ^battle,

f^0M hau-peh-chheh. jfil W hiet-tsi^n.

Blink, Bi°nih,
^WW chhiduh- Bloom
Blooming 3 phah - :m,
"^(of fruit tree)
( flowers )
\&° W

Bliss, M M hok-khi. hoe, (on fruit) J:° ® chhiu"-hun,

Blister, «jr pha, to—, W W puh- (ofyouth) ?E° t° hoe tngkhui, W

pha, raise a M°^ phong-pha. to W^°
Blithe, ift »5 ehheng-sim, M M" Blossom, (of fruit tree) Pj;"^" phah-
chhiau-chh^k. jft (flower) ;j!g° |g hoe-lui, to—, H
Bloated, W ts^ng, Jii° hkm, ^W » puh-i-, ga° ?E° khui-hoe.
phk^-phiih. Blot, (a) ^° .i bdk-o-, to—, W m H"
Block, a—, pil|i°ka-lak.—up, M" bak-ti6h bAk, ^° jag"®" bak-li-slm,
that,—of wood, ^ M" chh^-thau, iT .i phah-o-,- out, ^, ^^ chhat-
— up the place ^
}& tin-te, divin- khi, ?g ^
chhat-siau (blemish in
. ing—, ^^poe-sm. reputation) Pk" M° «° B" bak-ti6h
Blockade (a river) Jl kim-kdng,^ mii-sia°.

(a city) mW iii-teh, M 65° khim- Blotch, (pustule) m. (f°Mp-d, ^M

teh. ji6t-t6k.

Blockhead, i| tun, P
,^ gong-gong. Blotting-paper, ie IS t6--ts6a, ji B°
Blonde, ^° il?.&° si"-ts6e-p^h. tsii-tsda. '

Blood, jfiL°huih, dried— jklE huih- Blow,

(with mouth) 9£° P^n, (as
pa, bring up —
SS° J0l° khak-huih,
, wind) BJi chhe, (the nosej ^^
I^°jgtkhak-h6ng, m^W phM-ang, chhAg-phP, (pantj ^^ P^ phi°-

m" C phiii-huih. phP chhodn,

, Bloodguiltiness, p] A" ^'' ^ thai Blowhorn, ^
S[° ho-thiu.
ling ^-tsoe. Blow-pipe (K 1^ pftn-kiig.

Blubber, (sea) ,1'^ the. Boar, m &° ti-ko.
Bludgeon, ^° -|=I td-kiin, M° II t6- Board, )^'^ pang, |t p^n, (of war)
thui. &° ^ pia"-po-, (of rites) Jl ^ 1^-
Blue,^ Mm, purplish—, W ®°^° p5', local government— ^ -, j^J;"

phu-t6 chhi°, light—, ^° chhi", ^^ n° h6--tsfeng gg-mAg, (eat

dark— Bt ^ km-lkm, very light,
-, with) f^°^°od-tsiah, (one's self)
•81° S' ff ° ah-nng-chhi% light dull g°e.°:fr°ka-kl-tsiah.
— , M W° hau-huih-ehhi°.
Jfil° Boarder, f^° f)S:° :^° fs^° oi hd-sit §.

BlufF 1 (rude) !ffl # Boarish, IK *& siu-sim,

chho--16-, jg. tsin-jfm. ^
Bluffness J
^° -^ ^ b6-chheng-siu, Boaster, f|° ^"^ phin-ph6ng, P° ^
(a high bank of earth) lllf ilif i:, khoa-khdu, g p| tsu-khoa, ^^
J?° kia-kia e phia", (of rock) ^" ti^n-p6.
S° ;t° ^° giang-giang-^ tsi6h, Boaster, ff P° 60° khoa-khau-1
(out spoken) ji sut-tit, it
^Boastful, |§ P° khoa-khau.
tit-gi^n. Boat,M° ff° tsAn-a, passage—, ^
Bluish, ^°m° V°m" chhi°-lang chhi-- ^° t6--tsun, river—, 5S.° go'- ll/L°

lang, dark dull

— green, :B° ^° ^ ph^ng—pole, iS° i; tsun-ko, tek,
tsi6h-chhi°-sek. ko,— scull, m 16-, hire a— iriB°
Blunder, m° U chh6-g6-, to— fj" |g° chhia" ts6n, li jg" k6--tsun.,
Blunderer, #° 1;° ^ ^° g^u
t^ng- Boatman,

fj° A° tsun-d-iang, i^
WL %t° sam-pdn tai.
Blunt, iiE°tun, f!|^ t6-rai, (unin- Boatswain, y%° 1%° tsiii-siii-thau. #
telligent) 11° tun, —point, ^° ^° Bob, (in water) til chh^ng,
i^° g^"
ts6e-ts6e, m II thui-thfti, m° M,° thim-teh, 1km.
tak-b^,—manner, % ngi-khi,
5j6° Bobbin, ¥° ff
° chhia-a.
—as person, ]®° It ngl-tit,— in his Bodily, ^ Ig 6^ seng-khu §,—-ap-
dealings, 7[>°
H II M boe hidu pearance, A° #° lang-tsai, ^S
tsoan-oan. heng-i6ng.
Blur, (a) ^^ bu-bu, to — ,
|ij -jg" Bodkin, «° ff° tsftg-d.
# M chh6ng ho- i bu, (stain) ^ Body, 1^ ^
jidk-sin, # fg sin-khu,
^ bak-ti6h. #^ sin-th^, whole-, ^° ^° |g
Blurred, ^Ej-fJ^hoe-lo-lo. kui-seng-khu.

tiS 535

boat hong.
chhut-Mi. Bodyguard, Imperial
— j '^f^'^ga.-

^° ®° ®° ^ Bog, '3^ *° ^° tarn tsiii-toe.

Blustering } hdng-th^u.
Boggle, iiiS tiii-tu, ^m° tah-biali".
Boa,—constrictor, ^ SS° bdng ts6a. Boggyland, Jg ;!lc° M° ttm-tsui-toe.

Bohea,—hills^ KS lll° bii-t-soa",— Bombax, j§ ;S* pien-tsi, — tree, % 'tE

iC S ^° tea, bii-i-tg. ^!t;° pien-tsi-hoe.

Boil, a, m ff ° li4p-a, ^° ff° thfe-4, Bombay,^ti B6ng-pai,tiS Tan-kok

it m° jia-kat, to— E
kAn, :^r Bombazettes, fj li li-tiu, M^ ^' ^-

sah, ?g kun, — over, Wt^'^ ptu- m6'-p6\

clihut-iai, —up, M" plau. Bond, (a security) ^ ^ p6-ts5g, $5
Boiler, j^° ^^4° he ti4°.
^° iok-toa°, $5 ^° iok-ji, (ser-

Boiling, ^° jg teh-kun. vant) U 116--p6k, money— ft° %°

Boisterous, (man) ^| ^ hidng-ok,
tsiob-toa°, (which fastens) ^ ,f$°

|5^° s6- pak-6.

i!i^ s6-p5, (noisy) ff If °lS° hoa-
Bondage, (enslaved) iJ°^^ts6e-
h6a-ji6ng, (stormy) M'lEB^le-le-
hau, IS IS #
hu-hu-bdu. 16--p6k, (imprisoned) ^"koai"- W
Boisterousness, —
as wind, jiS tbau,
Bondmaid, ^ lii-pi.
m bi6ng. |fe

Bonds, (state of being bound) MW

Bold, 18: ka", ^ JII° h6-ta", ±° m° toa-
td",li JJ!° giara-ngi, (forward) «°
Bondservant, JK ^ 16"-p6k.
^°7|s::^° b6-siob pun -bun, MB Bondwoman, ^ ^ lu-pi.
b6ng-su, (as woman) 7fi° ^ A° Bone, # kut, small fish — S5 chhi,
m iii lS,ng.
back— ffl° |S° # leng-tsiin-kut,
Boldfaced, m°'^° l^° kau-bin-pbg. '
made of— "t e^°kutA
Boldly, M m h6-t&\ Boned, large—7jv^b6k-seng, ^a"
^° ^°

m° tfe °
m° tfig
^ tsim-tbau.

chbi-kang, fowl, W. II jiong-koe.
Bonfire, HC UK" i^ ^ pkng-he-tsok
Bolt, 11° sng, ?4 cbbok", secret—, Bg 16k.
^ am-kiii, to— down, ;t^° ^° *° Bonnet, fi" bo, (lady's)Jf A Z" fi
siig-16h-kbi,—across, . ffl ti° ik° hu-jin-l&ng-bo.
tbAnboai°-sng, (sift) || thai, (run) Bonny,
H" sui.
^ tsau, (as food) Ei° ^° pa- # Bonus, 0f tsiet.
lun-thun. Bony, ^° # kau-kut, J?" JjiJ kau
Bolus, :k° W 'M° X toa lidp iob-oan. chhi.
Bomb, W '^° 'M kbui-hoe-phku,— Bonze, 1^° h^-siu". W
shell, 5c its tbien-phku. Booby, (dunce) Jjli ^ ii-tsoat, M
Bombard,—a city, fflM ^ M°eng- gong.
chhfeng kong silt". Book, # chheh,—keeper, ifc" ®
Bombasin, M IkI u-tiii. siku-kui, —keeper (on board ship
Bombast, If P° khoa-khdu, W m° Bt
aij tsai-hii,— of rites, fit IE M-kl,

pbin-ph6ng. iS jit-chheng.

Bookbinder, ii^" flff° W 4 kap chheh Bordering, ^ ^ kau-kai.
sai-hu. Bore, (a person) #°|i°A°#°g4u
Bookcase, M" ^° cliheh-k^, (with ti" Idng ^, gdu chhah Idng g, (per-
doors) W iU cliheli-tii. forate) ui, lak, H tsAg, ^ li^n,
Bookkeeper, |g° li siku-kui, 1= m° the ear, "^ 3° kAg hi, (trouble)
kodn-siku, ^°^° lioa^-siku, — in a Pf PE° ts6-tsak.
foreign tong, :fz M toa sid Boreal, ^fc° :;§'° pak-hng:
Bookkeeping, '^° fg tsidng-pho*,
^ Boreas, ^b° M
Si° kodn-siku. Born, to be—, ffl ift" chhut-si.
Bookseller, f ° M" #° boe chheh-g. Borneo, % It Ma-sin, Ji ^/g Piit-ni.
Bookstand, #" ^° cbbeh-kfe. Borough, M° sid°.
Bookstore, ^^ jg cbheh-tikm. Borrow, ft° tsioh, ^° ^ tsioh-ldi,
Bookworm, a, ^ &" tsi^n-th^ng, H U° A° ft° ka-ldng tsioh,—for use,
fti" tsi4n-tsoah. ^° M° tsioh-eng, money on se- —
Boom, (ship's) phang-kdg,
iL° IS" curity of a house, fl§^° thai-tsioh.
to^-, KP@
hu-hu-hdu. Borrower, ft° fi^'' tsioh-^.
Boon, 1. jft un-ti^n, K° siil''-sxi, Bosh, ^
.i :?f: o--16--b6k-tsg. #^
(merry) JH i5 chheng-sim, ji >|IC° Bosom, m° Hi° heng-khdm, 1° i|^°
<;hheng-h^. heng-ts^ng.
Boor, Ji ^ i6ng-hu, ^ ^ si6k-tsii, Boss, Bi° lui,— of a wheel,
*& Mn- H
iK Dj tai-tai. sim,— of a gong, gi" tseng-lui. ^°
Boorish, II ^.chho--si6k, li" s6ng, Botanical, :§
;f: 6^° chh6-b6k-S. -

1t°Dc s6ng-tai, 1| soai°, (no man- Botanist, i^ i^ S° ;5:° A° hdk-sip W

ners) ^
li bii-ld. tsai ts^ng k Idng.
Boose, t^°i@°ii''Sl° lim'tsiii k^-thdu. Botany, It /fc It chh6-b6k-lun.
Boot, KK hia, leg of a
— M, fi" hia- Botch, ^° ^° X° * ts6e b6 kang-h«.

Both, 11° fi" nng-^, BI° ^ tiii-thdu.
M" ff ° pl°-d. Bother, fij ^
chh6ng-ti, \%'' kang,
Bootless, (worthless) H*" ^ ^'' b6 m. m l^ng-ti, ^ H thiau-ldn.
l6--eng, (useless) ^° g^ X" b6 Bothersome, J]"^
chhdi kang.
khdu-khi, g IE
Booty,— of thieves, M° !£" chhdt- Bottle, 5f kan, glass— i|£ 3^° Jf po-
tsng,— of soldiers, ^ Jl" ^° %° 1^-kan.
peng chhiii" 6 mih. Bottom, E° t6e, f" ®° e-t6e, (per-
Borax, {19 #° p^ng-se. son's) M" ;il° kha-chhng, (found-
Border, ;1 ^ k^ng-kdi,
ki",— on a dress %1^
(edge), W ation), M" S toe-ki, (a dale)
li^n-kan, ^ soa-'-kok (stamina) % ^ godn-
M 8K hong-gan, % ^F kiii-tsii. khi.
—— — — ,

Bottomless, l^" E° b6-t6e.
Bow, to~, WW chhiu°-jia, f$P

Bottomry, make a 'M M° ^ k^-io, J^ 15 kiok-kiong,
9pi tsiong-tsun M-thai, close a scrape, ?ul {jl W kh6ng-kh6ng-pki,
bond, Kf J|g° ffi ^^ fit tsiong ts<in (as wool) 1^° toa",— cotton W.°W
]5;6-lio" i. :ffi° toa" ml-hoe.
Boudoir, ^ M" siu p^ng. Bowel, ^° Si: tfig-to-, — complaint,
Bough, #" oai°. m" li Iku-sik.
Bougie, 5i M° ^"^M thong-ji5 ^ Bower, ® ^ li^ng-t^ng.
kbi-kbu. Bowery, ^
l|: liftng-t^ng.

Boulder, jk°:S°^'' toa-tfe tsi6b. Bowl, M° oa",— of a pipe, M° ^° 51°

Bounce, 11° ^35 ti6-kbi-lM, mU^ hun-cbhe-th^u, to 'M" ko, }! lin.

tbiaii kbi-Mi. — in cricket, J^°^°hiet-kiii, finger

Bound, IS° SB ^
ti6-kbi-l&i, (sur- —
8fc° #° '^^ so^-chhiii poe.,

round) H i^i- Bowlegged,|LJf°oat-t6e, WWm°

Bounden, MM
eng-kai, f^ kai- ^

ji^n. Bowlinggreen, Jf kiii po". ^

Boundary, ^ §?. kau-kki. Bowling-alley, ^ r^° kiii-keng.
BoundlesSj HI" ^ 151 bo kki-ban, ^ Bowman, JfJ" ^° ;t° A" ts6h-tsi"-g

KS ft bu ban-liong, ^ *i bu-k^k. Mng, (soldier) ^° ^ keng siii.

Bounteous, :^° M t5a-li6ng, ^ ft Bowmaker, f^" ^^ g^" U'^f. ts6e
b6-li6ng. keng-tsi° sai-hu.
Bountiful, :^''ft toa-liong, H ft h6- Bowsprit, M" ® th^u-chhip.
liong. Bowstring, ^° ^ keng-hifen.
Bounty, (munificence) Wft u-liong, Bowwindow, 03° i.° ^° ff° thap-g
:h°M. toa-liong, (kindness) Mi un.
Bouquet, —
" gg" ffi° tsit-pba hoe.
Box, |a° siu", small ^°ff° khoeh- — ,

Bourn, ^^ —
kau-kki. d, :^° ih,— with the fist, #7° P°

Bout, (a turn) " Ml tsit khau, (a phah-kiin,—the ear, ^^"•^"koat-

trial) U M° chbi-khoa",—at wrest- face, it" £I°'^° sifen-

ling M° '^'' T° i^n tsit-e. chhtii-ph6e, put in a—, tsng.

Bovine, 3i° fi^° gli"^- Boxer, *r° ^" BI° #° phah k^n-th^u-^
Bow, 4° keng,—:String ^» M keng Boxful,
^° 51° kun-thau, art of—,
E.° W kku siu".

hi^n, string a—, ^^ ^° tiu"-keng Boxing,

^° m kiin th6, #° |M° ^ kiin thdu
to draw a —
,11° ^° khui keng,
p6-, a teacher of— #° 51° fl° #.
knot, Ji (? su1>d,—as necktie,
ia" odh-kbau, rain^, M° kheng,
M° kun-th^u sai-hu, good at
^° ktm-thdu koM°, unskilful at—,
^o ^0-^° k1jLn-th4uke, practise
^of ribbon, ^^^"1^" si t6a kat —
hoe,— of ship, M'M" tsM-thiu. g[^°5l°lienkiin-thlu.

Boy, ^° M° ^° ff° ta-po--gln-iid, Bran, (of rice) li° khng, (of wheat)
table—, # W° ^° pli-toh-g, ts6e $§, pho-.
b6e-g. Branch, ^ —^ —ki, large oai", ^as

Boybood, M.° ?" :t° flt gin-nd e si. roads, — two,

^° ^ pun-lo', into
Boyish, fi°^°|fe gin-na-khodn. ^° ^ khui-chhe, — of streams, i^f

Boyishness, ^° ^° ^
gin-nd-khoAn. m h6-kang, m^°WXh6^ khui-
Brace, (a pair) "-° fj tsit-ttii, to chhe.
up, ^° kM
puih-khi-14i. Branchless, %° ^° bo-ki, ^st" ^» b6
Bracelet, ^°M° chhiii-khoan, #°fil oai°.

chhiu-s6h,wear—, m° ^° M° kok- Branchlet, ^° ff " ki-d.

chhiu-kho4n, m° ^° Mt kok chhiii- Branchy, ^° ^° kau-ki, ^'' fjs" k^u-
s6h. oai°.

Braces, |S ^°kh6--tak. Brand, kti (kind) ^ h5, —new, SE

Bracket, ornamental — ,
^° ^| ^hoe if iff sin-sin-sin.
chh4 k^, (joining words of same Brandish, i| bii, #° lang, ^
H" bii-
meaning) M" 5l sa^li^n. lang, a sword, bii-kikm. — MM
Brandy, J^MMM put-ldn-ti-tsiii.
Brasier,:ftr°^° phaht^ng sai-hu.
Bract, ^ hdh. r1''-$-

Brad, ife" ir thih-teng.

Brass, M° tktig, ff" ^H" chhi°-tang,
Brag, )
f|° ^° phin-ph6ng, if —buttons, M° tang-liii—foil, M
Bragging, f P°khoa-kh4u, g|f tsu- M' M" tang-p6h,—ware, M'M'^
khoa, miM chheng-pang, Ji ^ £g-tdng-khi,— wire,!^"^
ti^n-p6, iS hi^n. Brassy, (made of brass) M" ^° 6^
Braggadocio, If n°khoa-khdu. tang-ts6e-6, (like)
Braggart, || P°#° khoa-khdu-g. nd chhin-chhiu" t&ng.
Braid, ^^lign kan, to—, pP,— Bravado, ^ ^» chhiau-chh^k, b§° ^
the hair, m°m° €° pr-th^u-m^g.
M° phin-ph6ng.
Brains, m° chh^, jr^°ii° naii-^-chh^.
Brave, B" hd-td",—man, M ^^^
Brainless, (stupid) ^°
|i b6 ti- ^
tai-tiong-hu,- danger, ' Z^' 9E° W
sek, m
gong. in kia" si, g° ^E" phe-si.
Brainpan, )3i° ^
naii^-khak, m° ^
Bravely, ij JJH" h6-td".
%° thau-khdk-oa°.
Brake, ^° :!i° mng-chhau,
Bravery, ^ h6-td". JIB"
(thicket) Braves,
^ ^ gl-i6ng.
ft SI fi^° tsdp-chha-a, —on a car- Bravo, M ff° h6-ah! ^ ff" biait-ah!
^°ii thih t6ng, ^^ chha Brawl, '^'' W tak-khau, H ji6ng,

Bramble, il° 111° chhi-ph6.

im" m" ke-oe, 11° m" m kiii-kiii-
— — — —
47 ]
Brawler, ^^ ^° ^° A" hi sa^-tsi" ^ ^ *§ ^i-kim— fthe lawj, 3E f*
l&ng, g4u-ji6ng 6. hoan-hoat, — (a betrothal), 111^
Brawny, ^ ^ kek-liam. ho^-chhin, — (an agreement), ^
Bray, lio"-ho--hdu, — in a mortar, @ $5 poe-iok, R {^ hoAn-hiau, K M
Mi, Uo g^ng- hoAn-kok, — (one's wordj ^M sit-

Braze, ^° ^'' lioa''-i6h. sin, (hj chisel), M f)f ° chhak-tsih,

Brazen, M" 6^° t^ng-|. —(as breadj, t®" iJ:° peh-phok,—
Brazenfaced, J!p°'g° i^° kau-bln-phe, —(out), ^f^" hoat-tsoh,— Coff,
lt° phl-li^n.
Jj£ as apiece of string j, ^°§(''chhoah-
Brazier, iT j®° '3° -^ teng-t^ng sai-hu. tng —a horse fS; hoAt.
Brazil, it m fl# Pi-ll-si. Breaking, house f 5S it ki6ng-
Brazilian, it M S# S^" Pi-li si-^. kong, f# ^° tseng-pikng.
Breach, W khiah,— of faith, ^m Breakfast, Jp°^i|l" ts4-khi-tig, ^°
sit-sin, ^^ sit-iok. J|L° ^ tsidh ts4-khi.
Bread, M' U mr-pau, %° Q bin-pau. Breakwater, ^ ^'' hki-hoa"'.
Breadth, khoah.
Jfl" Bream, W M" pi^-M.
Break, M" phok, tT° i^" phah-phok. Breast, M W heng hdh,M°'t°, teng-

fopenj, gt"^" phoa-khui,— (by ts^ng, M° —
ik heng-kham, ^bone,

a blow), ft ^° kong-phok,— fby M° ^ # heng-khdm-kut.

cracking j |tg.° ?S° piak-phok, Breasts, %" leng, |L° l^ lin-p6-.

(by dashing on^ ground) ti° Wi° Breastplate, E

If ii° ho--sin-kik",—
siak-pbok, — (by twisting j W tH" of.high priest, If p6--kok. ^
tsoan-tsih, — fby bending back- Breastwork, ^' 31° ke-chhiu".

ward and forward, as nail), i^ flf° Breath, ^° khiii, khi, bad ^ — 0° ,

hidp-tsih,(hj running againstj, m. khdu-khl, good— ^^ W M b6

S^^khap-tsih, (hj accidentally
1^^° M° chhokn-khui, P?
S kh6-tsih, Breathe
. , pressing against^,
—("by sitting onj,

^° 0f° tse-tsih,
Breathing ho--khip, out gent-
| M —
ly, aha, —in, Pg A chhodnjip,—
— fby falling on oneself), M" Jlf°
chhokn chhut. out, PS 111

teh-tsih,— (bflP), WWi" at-tsih, ^T"

Breathless, ^°^°b6-khui, m°M^°
M' phah-tng,— fin twoj, tfi" M" khui tsodt-khi, runtiU— , ^"W
H" U° at-ts6e nng tAg, —(off, as M° 1^° ^" It" tsau kku khui chhdan
a splinter), ^° liah, 11,— (^into ^ boe tit.
piecesj, JT"^^ pbah chhiii-chhiii, Breccia, ^g"
^ ^° hoe-lui-tsi6h.
—(off a piece), ||f°
— " M" at-tsit-
Bred, ill—, ^.°mW\ b6-ka{i-hiin, low
te,—r(bff intercoftrsej, tsoat- M^
,#S"± hoan-kong-th6\ —

kau, (a vow}, ^M
poe-goan,— Breach (fundament). Mi J"I° kta-
(^^a prohibition^, 3B i^ hoan-kira, chhng.
— ^—
Bridegroom, if iF° li° sin-kid^-ski.
Breeches, ® kho-.
Breed, a, ^° ts^ng, to — m. seng- Bridewell, f| ff°
kodn-d, ^ ka°.
sdn, ^° si", (bring up) 3
Bridge, M° kio, piers of a—^° ;^
chhi. klo-so, makea— JiMtso-klo, f|^°
pho--kio,— of nose, ^^1°^° phP-
Breeding, goQd &" M° M td ke
kau, (manners) ^° If tJi; u le s6-,

^° chh^-chhiu, ^'' b^-

^ 31 fi biin-li.
Bridle, ^fc .1^°


Ji. hong, slight— UU^°& soh, — rein, ffj ^° l^k soh.

brbi-d hong. Brief, (short) fl kdn, @° t6.

Brethren, 51° M° hiaMi. Briefly, f| ^kdn-tsiet, ^ |g kdn-kdn.

Breviary, ^ i M ^t" W JM "X thien Brier, ff
-" ^''

tsii kku ^ ki-t6-biin. Brig, m. nng-ki-M.

Brevity, f| ^ kan-tsi^t, ^ ijff kd,n-
Brigadier, glj 3f hii-tsi6ng.

s^ng. Brigand, M" H chhdt-hiii.

Brew, Wi ii kek-tsiii. Brigantine, (brig) 11° 1^° ^ fi^ nng-
Brewery, ii ?@ F^" kek tsiu keng. ki M-^.

Bribe,. -gl" K§ sai-lo-, ^ m p6--l5-, g Bright, %° kng, (burnished) ^ ^

51 mdi-tsiok, give a —f R^ he-° kim-kim, (as a lamp) ?8^°b^ng-
liang, (as sky) jf|^ chheng-chhdi,
lo-, ^'' ^^ 4" siap-au-chhiii re-
ceive a —g St siu-iu. (transparent) jfi" ^^ kng-liang,
Bribery, ^"^ sdi-l6-.
(clever) ^ 3^° koai-khd, (evident)
Brick, ^° phidh, soft— ^''^'' chhi"- BJ BJ b^ng-bdng.

phidh, hard— is° ^» s4k-phidh, Brighten, iiJ1i°# 36° chh6ng ho- i

fine — gan-tsi, unburned ±° '^° kng.

th&- kat,bath— i" # th&--hTin. Brilliant M M chhan-lan, 36° W^
Brickbat, ^^ ^ phidh-iti, ^° II° kng id°-ik°.
phidh-thau, a° ?* pbidh chhul. Brim, ig" ki".
Brickkiln, %° H" hia-i6. Brimful, Ji" M° i^° m6a" kku ki».
Bricklayer, i^fl^thd-sai^ ±°%''^° Brimstone, |S°:|^°jiTi-l%.
th6--tsui chhiu". Brindled, M°^°f^. u hoe-tidm.
Brickmaker, !i°^° W It" sio phidh Brine, (sea water) g^°jK° kiam-tsiii,
sai-hu. (salt water) ^
7j:° iam-tsiii.

Bridal, if SI" 65° sin-ni1i» ^,— chair, Bring, in thdh, t6a, (a knife) ^ S
J^^° chhdi-kio, Jfr^" ang-kio, kidh, (a chair) gia, (a child) ^
—dress WW ff ° ^ng 6-a, }g ph5, (a handfuU) m° Mk, (a
Bride, if SI" sin-niTi°, —
chamber if plate) ^° phUng, (on back) ft
Sl° M° sin-niA" pang, —maid, a iang, ^ pe, (under the arm) W
slave, H i^" i[° sui-k6-kdn. ngo6h°, (on the head) it° ti,

(between two) fn° kng, (two loads Brokenhearted, f^ *& siong-sim.
on a pole) ||° ta",—back, ^° R" Broker, %° #" hai-koe-bil, %t U %
11° toa th-tAg, —up, rear, fsl" W A" keng-ki-Mng, % ^° ^° A°
^° chhl, iii^-chhi,—up pblegm, Bg° keng-chhiii &l&,ng',.coelie — , ^°M°
^° khak-thim, (in aboat) ^ tski. kheh-thau, pawn— WTlS^°
Brinisli, 1^° ^l ki^m-ta". khui-tS.g-tikm 6.

Brinjal, M° ki6. Brokerage, Jfl ^ thiu-hun, Jffl 1M°

Brink, it° kl°. thiu-th^u.
Brisk, ) f i!|ji° liam-tsiap, ?g°li&° o4h- Bronchitis, M^M M khi-kdg siong
Briskly, ) tang. hong.
Brisket, M" K" heng-hdh. Bronze, "fi" M" —
k6--t&ng, colour, •jS'

Bristle, ^°fn6.g, (up one's feathers) M° ^ k6--t4ng-sek.

^ ^^ ciibkng-mAg, (ears) ^^ 'l?-° Brooch, ^—
M" i:" if-° pin nia" § tsiam.
d" hl-a-kia. Brood, a, "^l" tsit-pu, to ^f pu. — ,

Britain, :k^ M Tai-eng-kok. Brook, -^^ khoe.

Brittle, W chh6.
Broom, S" M° b^ng-sku,
WW sati-

Broach, (tell) M° ffi tsiii.

(pierce) g-'M"*" chhdk k^-khi, Broomplant, ^^^^"kim-chhiok-hoe.

(open) W khui. Broth, ?i° thng.
Broad, ?i"khoah, i^° ^° khui-kho^^ Brothel, m
F^" pi^u-keng, |g W
Broadcast, sow — , '^ ia. hoe-keng, —keeper, ^ W piau-
Broadcloth,ft$° nl°, :k° W toa-ni". th^u, .ft ft o-kui.
Broaden, fij M° ifl" chhong khah Brother in law, (wife's elder bro-
khoah. ther) ^° Jl" toa-ku, (wife's
Broadside, ffl ^^ thdn-holi", fire a—younger brother) Ji° ^° ku'd,
^0 ^o _o ^0 ^o 1^0 p^jjg ^g^jj tsit (elder sister's husband) ^° ^
peng ^ chhfeng. tsid-hu, (younger sister's hus-
Broadwise, ffl il" than-hoM^ band) j^" if be^ski. -

Broadsword, J^" ^ ;;j khoah-chhui to Brothers, Ji" 11° hia°-ti, elder—,^°

Brocade, IS" ig hoe-toan. hia", younger »]>° %° si6-ti,
— ,

Brogue, ± B" th6--khiu", W 1% sworn—, mn %° %" kiet-pki

hiang-t^m. hia°-ti.

Broil, a, % %° oan-ke, to—, % pek, Brow, WW th^u-hi4h, knit the

J§pe. M i f^" '^° ffi" iu iu ts^e tsit p^.

.Broken, (abrupt) B :tW'' khiit-chh^ng, Browbeat, ^° Pi" hdng-hoah, PJ° IS°

" —to shi-verSj I? 3^ 3^ chhui-iam- hang-hip.
iam,— down, (in spirit) gfi" tl Brown, (colour) gj^" E chhiah-sek,

suh-gien. ^° fe tsang-sek.
' — ° — —a
Brownish — red, ^j^" 5!^° chEah- Buckler, P ^° pln-p^i.
chhiah, B ^° '& phii-tsang-sek. Buckskin, ^ 16k-phg. jfe"

Browse, l^"^" tsidh-chhdu. Buckwheat, W ^° ki6-b^h.

Bruin, M" tlm. Bud, a, ^° iS, ^° i", to— t" ^»
Bruise, fj siong, #7" ^ phah-siong, puh-i", bursting :^''
^^ hoe
—by blow, fT°^ phah-siong, h&m-hilm.
the skin, m" &" liti phg, m" &° Buddha, ^ jfiB sek-kia.
phoa-ph^,-^by collision, $i° ^ Buddhism, ^M sek-kku, ft 1; hiit-
khdp-siong, f-bray ) W g^ng, Jilui.
Bruised, (VoundedJ M°^ ti6h-siong. Buddhist, ^WcW sek kau ^,—
Bruit, Crumourj M, M° hong-sia°, to
tracts, Hi iS khoan-sfe-bAn,
— i? Sr long-i6ng.
classics, %°

^ put-keng, —kulpa,
Brush, as clothes—, glj bin, glj fJ-°
bin-a, (a broomj ^° ^ sku-tsiii,
Budge, m'W tin-tang, ^"fi sodiii.
feather—, il" ^° % koe-mfig- Buff, 41° K° chhi6-ag.
chheng, paint—, ^ W chhat-seh, Buffalo, ^^
JifC siii-gu.
tooth—, -if" khi-bin, bamboo

ft" 0g tek-chhdng,
Buffet, to — , }i sien, ^ tseng.
fthe floorj W sku,— up dirt, iA°
Buffoon, mW:±.''A° hi-hiauh g Mng,
(a clown) 3: thiii.
put, —
the wall, chh^ng,, % (m Bug, 7l;° a;," bdk-sat.
passing byj jg ^° un-ti6h.
Brushwood, ff ^ ff " tsdp-chh4-d.
Bugle, m° W ho-thau, Pf % sati-kak.
Brusque, Hit khiit-chh^ng, MM°^ Build, W khi, it tso,—as wall, f|»

ko--t4k-si6ng, ± p@ th6--lo-. tsoh, —a boat, it ^° tso-tsAn, —

Brutal, ^,^, ts^n-jim, iR>& siu-sim. dam, jt M
tsoh-pi, a fireplace, —
f^ iti tsoh-tsku,—a house, i& ^'•
Brute, (birds and beasts)
ff ^ khi chhii.
khim-siii, you—, ^^ f^" thek-si°.
Brutish, :^ ig. siii-sim. Builder, (mason) i"^" thd'-sai, ±
Bubble, ^° ^^ puh-k6ng-d,
-ff " ^° H^°Wm th6--tsiii sai-hu, ±''%''
$1 ff ° puh-teng-d, soap %, — , -ff
IM° th6--tsiii chhiu", ship—, Jg |S°
5i° kili-d-phiii. ^"li tso tsAn sai-hu.
Bubo, Wl° ff " soai"-d. Building, M° chhii,
Buccaneer, ^
^° hai-iu". Bulb, ?£ BI hoe-thau.
Buck, ^igt:° 16k-kdng. Bulge, Wk ph6ng.
Bucket, *S°#° thdng-d, aco^i" tsiii- Bulk, (size) toa,
:Jt (majority) rfe"
thang, ^"l^o poah-thang, handle ^° toa-poa", stow in—,
of a—, ifi" $f thdng-koa°.
^ jH" sok°
chhng, sell in^, s^Q" ts6ng-balab,
Buckle, 11° JB» toa-khku. break—, g" chhut
{i{ he.
Bulkhead, 11° hi^", the front—it 4 Bureau, (writing-desk) ^s^^ffisii-
hiS,", m°W thiu hia", the second ji kui.

— W il
, it" lai kik" hill", the Burglar, [^^o^.
middle — M ^ 11° a-pan-hii,". Burglary) ^ -^ & r j^ &

Bulky, ^ # ph5ng-song. Burial, S ^ b^i-tsong.

^o !K° gA-kang,. Burial-place, M thi6ng soa°. ill"

Bullet, 4^° chheng-tsi ,f& -yign-tsi Burlesque, E' ^" thi-chhio.

Bullion, (gold) ^^
kim-ti^u, (sil- Burly, IS fl#° h6 hkn tsikng. M
ver) ^^ ofi,n-p6.
Burmah, "^ M Bien-tien.
Bullock, ^° -(?" gtl-kang-d. Burn, to,-^" sio, iHC" ^' he-sio,—
BuUrush, M^ 16--ui.
m" nhr,
j^" %°
m.° M°
Bully, -K" ^ ^K" s4i-sek-tsiii, *? M anger, i& 9C M" sim-hd t6h, — a,
h6-" i<Sng to— -g^" sdi-tia", it"

tf siak-sau.
, ;fS''
j^° 7^° sio-ti6h, (by a spark) ^
^° ifC phtin-ti6h h6, (by taking
Bulwarks, (ship's) ft po, (of a city)
mM sia" kok.
hold of a hot thing) W" ii-ti6h. ^
Bum, (buttocks) M" J'l" kha chhng,
Burner, gas— ,'JEB BI" ienkong th^u W
to —
P^' ^^ #
hnghnghdu. Burning, 65° ^° teh-sio, with rage, —

'M boat h6ng.

Bumboat, ft" M.° B tsap-he-th^ng. B" ^'' hba-kng, B°^ h&a-
Bump, If M° tseng-tioh, W." W Burnish,
Burrow, to—, ^° ^'' 6--khang, M"
Bumpkin, if if l^° so^i" soai" §.
± M" n^g-th6--kha.
Bunch, (plantains) St°pi, (grass) f^° Burst, m." ga° lih-khui,
—as of grapes, ^ ^
W M° piak-
pho, kiA, to.
khui, }r W toa"-khui, -gBf ffi ^
Bundle, (asof incense) ;^sok, a large tsoat-chhut M, —as embankment,
—M khiin, to — (as parcel) ftM
M° pang,—away, ii° it° kiin-tsAu,
kho^n, (as sticks) f&°'fr-°fl5° —open, i^" Sg" thuh-ph6a, M" W
khioh tsoe tsit p^. 16ng-khui, gt" ^° ph6a-khui.
Bung, W M" thang-that, ti ^k" thang- Bury, g M bai-ts6ng, 1^ 1 siu-b^i,

sng. tB III" chhut-soa", W tiii,—bones

Bungle, ^'' ^^ B& phai^-chhiii-lo-, in jars, g° ^ ^ tki h6ng-kim.
WT^"^^ tso6 iii-h6-se. Bush, m" ff" chhiu-d.
Bunting, ^ ki-p6'.j!i^ Bushy, ^'' ^° ff" u-chhiu-d (whis-
Buoy, ^^ thang,—up, ho* i phii.- kers) #" h6.
Buoyant, 1^" 1^° oe-phA. Business, i^" il" tai-tsi, if: su, (em-
Burden, ^W
ta^-th^u. ployment) El" i& thau-lo-, yH
Burdensome, M" oh-tit tng.WT su-giap, g Jffi keng-ki, m ^ H-lo;
H ,

public — ^ '^ kong-su,
, mercan- Buyer, g° §° b6e-kheh.
tile— ^ S seng-li, a share in —
Buzz, DPH" M° P^" hhg-hng ki6,— |^ ^
P^ ho-^-ho-" ki6, (^ |^ (f h5ng-
Bust, ^^ ^ M po^^-sin-siong.
Bustle, 3h 11 chhiong-h6ng.
Bustling, 'I3K ^'> h^-^-hia^h.
By, ^ tui,—this time, W -^'' kku-ta"
By and by, W khah-theng, ij."^
Busily, 1 ^T«1 b6-6ng, very—,
Busy, J m° tsinbo-gng, ^° fe^" ?i£°5t;° ff ° si6-t*h6ng-4, ^'' ff ° ^ ban-d-si.

b6 ^ng chhih-chhih.
Bye,—gone, ii° ^ k^-sin, Ji" 7 ke-
Busybody, M° i$ ^ ai-chhap-su, (as
woman) ji" M° i§° ^° k^-cbhu-
By-law, M ^ tiau-kui.
kfe-tb^h. By-path, >J>.° si6-lo-.

But, 1^- 5." iau-kii, ^^ na-si,—at By-stander, 51 ^ 6^° p&ng-pien-^, ^

last, il m tb-ti, S IS° ho4n-tdg. A° ^ng-Mng.
Butcher, ^ ^ jf A" sat seng e ling, Bystreet, >]>" ^ si6-l6-.
to — , ^ ^ sat seng, (slay) H Byway, ij*" |[# si6-lo.

i£° loan-thM.
Byword, ^ |§ si6k-gu.
Butler, ^ ^ kodn-su.
Butt,a—, :k''W toa-thdng, (target)
MIE" chh^ng-p^, (with head) «°
Butt-end, M" th^u,— (of a gun)
M° Cabal, ^ t6ng.
m." chh^ng-thau. Cabbage, KS'^io-lg-chhai, Shan-
Butter, #:" %" m gH-leng-iii. tung—, i^" p^h-chhai. H
Butterfly, m" bd-iah. W Cabin, (saloon) |g bd-U, (room ^
Buttocks U° /ir kha-chhng, M ^° in saloon) J® g" bd-li-pdng.^
thiii-th^u. Cabin boy, °ggo
|S^ 11° j|p |f tsun-nih
Button, ^ ff o
liii-d, mandarin,— pdi-toh-e.
W. t^ng-tki, brass—, ^^ ifi ^° Cabinet, (a) ^® tu, :©:° dh,— council,
tang-liii-khku,—hook, i|° ff » kau-
n loe-koh, W ;fg° ^ j^" chhu-
a, liii.

Buttonhole, Mjff° ?L° liu-d khang.

bit-P,— minister, ^» s^ng-siii'. ^
Cabinet-maker, ^ jUl" ff kap-ban
Buttress, j^° png. sai-hu.
Buy, M° b6e,—rice, g^^,— Cable, m" ^° tik-^-soh.
oil, ^"ffttah-iii,— on credit, ^ sia, Cackle, |i° H" kho--toa°, ^° Bg IT
—land or houses, l:" #| hak-gidp, phah k6k ke, IS" 1^° keh-keh-
fi" tiah-tau,—and hdu.

H» b6e-b6e,—for ready Cactus, filj E ^".sien-pa-tsiii", ^° ^g

money, ^ ^^ hien b6e. he-hang, ^ fi ;i'' kl-ldm koah.

Caddy, (tea) ^^ ig. [f te-sim-ah. Calm, (as day) M tseng, if°^tsP,—
Cadence, ^ || im-iin. as person, ^ ffi tsai-ng6-, IS" ^°
Cage, .%" 11° tsidu-iang. tiam-tsat.
Caitiff, ^ :i' 16--tsai. Calomel, 7l<
^° sui-g6n.
Cajole, ^ (^ po-so. Calumniate, ^y H hiii-pong.
Cake, W ke, #" pi4^ ^° kMc. Calumny, $jl^ ^ hui-p6ng. '

Calabash, ^^ JK.° li6--16--koe. Calve, ^° ^^ ff

i^^" si" gli-d-kid".
Calamity, ,t.^ hoan-lan, ^H khd-- Calyx, W ti.

lan, MM tien-t6, if^ jjji" tsai-e, Cambric, U i'° ^' ka-se-p6-.

ViW tsai-ho, il^H avoid Camel, |g E" 16k-t6.

— MM pi-lan, free from — ^
Cameleon, 4| ®E ien-teng.

li t6-lan. Cammellia, ^' t^-chhiu, ^° ?E°

Calcareous spar, ^ '7jiC

^ g^ng-siii-

s6k, ^ >JiC :5' Mn-sui-sek. Camlet, j?^ ^ u-m6-, fj i?" li-se, 31

Calculate, M" W
siig-siku, ^T° M° Wi li-toan, Pf ° 3^ nf-ii.

td"-sfig, M" s^,— mentally, -^P" Camomile, ^ ^'' kim-kek, white—

^° hfi,m-kh4u-sjg, try and — , M-°
|&° if" p^h-kek.

M° sAg-khok". Camp, '^''

H i4°-tse, —of an army,
Calculus, ^° ^ tsi6h-lim. !m i" kuQ-ia-', fortified—, ^ i"
Calendar, M" H Mh-jit, 51 « thong ia"-po4°.

su, native sheet — , # #:° ffl chhun Camphor, tf li tsiuMo,—tree, ^°

gia-t6-. ©" tsiu°-chhiu, barcos clean —
siong peng-phi^n, refuse
Calf, ^"if" gt-a ^° =?" gti-ki&%— Jt xk Jr

of a leg, fill" B.° kha-t6-.

— ; T 7^ ^ ha peng-phi^n.
Calico, 1^° WW peh-sai-iu°. Can, tg° oe, — not, Tfi" boe, watering
California, ^°# [11° Ku-kim-soa°. — , ^E" W hoe phtm.
Calk, ^°M that-lau, ^°^°^° chhak Canal, ^ ^° ho-kau, grand — ji ^
he-tsoa. un-h6.
Call, l^-" kio— out loud, 5i 1^° hiam- Canary, p^ gi6k-i^n. ^

ki6, for redress, 5^° %
hau-oan, Cancel, (a debt) ^° f|f khau-siau,
—the roll, Pi° ^^ chhi^ng-mia°,— W. ?t chhat-siau, B." It° chhat siau,
on a person, M thkm, # M" p^i- (erase) W, ^^ chhat khi.
hau, return a— # Isl h^-pai. Cancer, 0-^ iong-tsu, — of breast,
Calling, (occupation) ^M sii-gid.p, %° ^M'M leng iong-tsu,— of si°

^° ^ kan-ki, i^ $£ keng-ki. penis, m%^°M'& i6ng-but si"

, Callous, ^° >& ngi-sim, ^° Ut^^ b6 iong-tsu, — of scrotum, M° K ^°
nAg-sim, /fl fc put-jin. '0 ^ pha-16ng si" iong-tsu.

Candareen, — ^ tsit-hun, demoni-
" Cantata, ^° koa.
nation of— ^ ^° hun-sia". ,
Canopy, ^ ^° teng-d,

Candelabrum, M M M. bodn-t6ng- Cantbarides, 3^ |||° pan-b&„

h.6ng. Canton, ^° ;^° Kfig-tang.
Candid, IE l£° ts^ng-tit, jE ^ tseng- Cantonese, m° m° Ka£g-e, a° m° A''
tb6, ,§, W." tiong-tit, fi Ii° ti&u-tit, KAg-tang-l^ng.
(frank) ^° b6 kb^g-po-.
ffi° jj^
Canvas, |fL° ^ pb4ng-p6-, — and cot-
Candidate, (for office) U° ^° bau- ton duck, M° ^° f^° y(S mor-mi-.
kbeb, (for a situation) ff 5M° B§
#° tb6-tbau-l6- ^, (learner) ip ^
^° bak-sip4.
Canvass, (examine) S°^ cbbd-kh6,
Candle, j^° tsek, wax—, ^° >^° Mb- ^S ^ s^ng-cbbat, ( investigate

tsek,— stenas, 5^° 2° tsek-b^ng, carefully) ^ Ji" kbkm-kbSng.

droppings, 315° ^° tsek-lui, — snuf- Cap, ipi" bo, ^"iJi" o4°-b5, official—,

rfi-ngs, ja° M° tsek-sdi,—wick, ^° H^ teng-tki, ceremonial — ,


»ti»° tsek-sim. 11° toa-bo, —with tied tassel, U°

Candlestick, i^° g° tsek-t4i. m° iPi° ang-ia"-bo.

Candour, ;E lit°ts^g-tit, ^'g.Jl" tiong-

Capable, tb° oe, (person) H K" tsin-

tit, 1^ K sSng-sit.
g&u, ^
lb" tsin-6e.

Candy, tK 11° peng-tbfig. Capacious, (spacious,) ^° kbui-

kboa", (able to contain) #° l^°
Cane, 11° tin, to—. ^°|i° cbbng-tin,
gfi,u-t6e, (liberal) ^° 4 u-liong.
(beat) W
sut, JT° pbab.
Capacity, (ability) :^ M tsdi-tiau,
Cangue, if ke, wear a — ^, iii°
TK y piin-su, (power of contain-
ing) fg°Krm°oe-t6e-tit, ||° T'
Canine, f^° 65° kAu-^.
%° oe-be-tit.
Canister, tea — ^°*C» , jfflt^-sim-kokn.
Caparison, ^ °^ °^^ ° U-e sa". •

Canker, ftfe # ji^t-t6k, ^° # cbbng-

Cape, |g moa", (land) ^^ bai-kak.

Cannibal, A° :^° A° iang-tsiab-14ng.

Caper, S° m ti6-tbiku.
Cannon, |S° ebbing, :fi°'M toa-pbau.
Capers, W ?° cbbi" tsi.

Cannot, T^° W^° ^° boe-tit,- ^° boe,—

Capital, :^ piin, :^ m.° pun-tsi°,—
city, M°M°kia"-sia'', invest—, M
manage it, # b6-boat-i.
Canoe, |g° if° si6-tsto-d, m ff
Tf;tsdng-piin, provincial—, tM W
s^ng si&",—letters, '^° :t° ^ ^°
M° so-d-tsHn. toa-piin ^ ji, m m° ^° J?° tb^-
Canon, J^ ti^n. tbglu ^ ji. '
Capitals, ancient — of China,
Dynasty. Capital. Present nanae.
Ha H B. C. 2180. Ha i6ng M. ^ Thai khong koai° ic ^I
Sionglg-B. C. 1766. P6k% Kui tek hii P fi jt
Tsiu n B. C. 1122. B. C. 781 L6k ip JS- a
Tsin ^
B. C. 249. Ham-i6ng U ^ Se-an-hii W^M
Hkn^ B. C. 200. Ti6ng an ^ ^ Se-an-hii W^W
Tonglikn;g^^A.D.25. L6k i6ng m H H6 l^m hii ;af ® :^
Ho-hkn;^iA.D.221. S^ng to- jsS ip
Tsin ^ A. I). 280. L6k i6ng ^^
.Tongtsinm^A.I).317. Ki^n giap MH
SM pf A. D. 582. Ti6ng an ^ ff
T6ng }8- A. D. 904. L6k iong
S6Bg ^
A. D. 960. Pien liong y\^
"^ Khai hong-hd "^n M
„ A. D. 1129. Lim-an ^^ Hang-tsiu-hu i^ %M
Goan TC A. D. 1280. len keng i^ ^ Sun thien hii jl^
5c ^
B^ng m A. D. 1368. Lain kia" ^ m Kang l^ng hii ^^ ;5^
A. D. 1403. Pak-kia" 4b M
Capitation, (by head) #° A P silg Captivating, (person) :§° A° iM^ u
jin-khau, "f ^ teng-sfe. Mng i^n.

Capitulate, ^° W tau-h^ng, J^° 11° Captive, (imprisoijment) WC° A°


t&u-seng. • Captivity,) ^11°;^°^° ho- Ikng lidh

Capon, ^
i|° iam-koe. khi koai°, (slavery) ^^ A°M° *°
Capoor cutchery, H^ ist :§! HH ^°K^ ho- Mng Mh khi ts6e 16--
sam lai tsiu si sam nai°. p6k
Caprice, ^ M° koai phiah. Captor, #,° A° ^° liAh Mng L
Capricious, ^ M° koai-phiah. Capture, tft liah, (city) Jfc $J^° kong-
Capsize, Ife ^° ^° khi-16h-khi, S phok, —a vessel, ^° |S° khan-tsun.
R° S° m° p^ng-lln-tfig.
Caraway,— seed, ||° ^o TF°ien-sui-tsi
Capstan, 0° M" oe bo chhia,—
Carbine, m° :t° i?° t^ 6 chheng.
% chhia-khoan.
bar, j^°
Capsule, m° p6-, © ^° fir pau-i6h e.
Carbon, ^ ^ than-khi.
Captaiu, (ship) m° X tai-kong, i'K°
Carbonate of lime, "JC ^^ gokn-
^° hd-tiii'', Post— (Senior) ||. ^ —of soda, M tf
tseng-si^k, so--ta°.

ts6ng peng. Post. — (Junior) glj ^ Carbuncle, M eng, ^° ^° phang- !!l|°

hti^tsi6ng, (rnilitary) fR H to- -si
"^° ^°
siu-p6, M phang-siti-eng,
Captious, ^°li°f!f kau chhoa°-chhi. hoat-p6e.
Captivate, M° U chhi" bak. Carcass, # }^ sin-si.

Card, M toa", red—, i^° ipfi 4ng-thiap, h^, ±° '7K tsiu"-tsui, take in'- Hj ,

— of
distribute invitation, J5;° ifrfi sue" chhut-tsiii,T° K° he-he, owner
pang-thiap, — of invitation, lt° ifA of—, fit° i hfe-tsii.

chhia^-thiap, visiting —W , ipfi pai- Caricature, ||t° ^° hkm-k6ng,''s|^° flf

thiap, vfe H" phi^n-toa°, gambling hkm-ui, (exaggerate) tW /® hkm-

—M , ff ° p^i-4, — case, l^iSf ^ thiap- t6ng.
16ng. Caries, (of bone) noa-kut.
Cardaraon, '^m.M p^h-t6--kli6-, in-
ferior — , or grains of paradise, # Carking }
(solicitude) # M khok-lu.
H sa-jin. Carminative, ?t JH ^° siau-hong i6h.
Cardialgia, *& sim thia°. Carmine, @°Pi°gia-lan.
Cardinal, — points, 0° -fi" si-hng. Carnage, iL IL IS° loan-loan-thM.
Care— for, MM tsiau-ko-, take— of, Carnal, jQl ^ 6§° hiet-khi-g.
fi?. M tsiku-eng, (anxiety) ^ ^ Carnation, #E ^°^ th6-4ng-sek.
kbok-lu, (watchfulness) ij-. >& si6- Carnelian, m°^ 5° bd-16 tsi6h.
sim, li iC» koan-sim, — of, so and Carnivorous, '^t" l^° 6^ tsiah bah-g.
so, ^ ^ A tsodn-kau b6--lang. Carol, ^° koa, to— Pi° ^° chhiti-'-
Careen, ^ khi. koa.
Career, ^^ p^ng-seng, ~^;t°y' Carousal"! 1^°:^° lim-tsiu, (a ban-
i|° it-seng e tai-tsi, to—, ^ phdu. Carouse J
quet) pan-toh.MW
Careful, l f^° i|ia» so^-ji, ff tsii-
Carp, a, ^ M° H-hi, to— ^1° M 1
Carefully, Vsoe, -^k kun-tsat,^
Carefulness, J iCi s6e-sim, >J>° <& si6-
>],<• chhoa°-chhi, iHt lam-sam- BB
sim, 'M M
sm-tiong, :^° >& V
u-sim- Carpenter, 7^° bdk-kang, 7^° X° l£°
. su,—in business, M^ Si tiam- bak-chhiii°, ;fc° ^^ bdk-sai.
tidm-kim. Carper, ^"M^M-M" giu chhoa"-
Careless, 1 |^^ b6ng-t6ng, ^° _!.< chhi L
Carelessly, J chhin-chbdi, ^ i^ sU- Carpet, J| ^ te-tsien, ^M md"-
pien, 'It ji^ bong-tsong, ^ ^ k6-- tsien.
cbbid", IS ia° n6a°-chh6a°, ^ fj|i° Carriage, :$° chhia, M"^" bd-chhia,
Ii6-t6-, >t)i;°.r ll6-lliall^
,t, lit hut- fine— of person, ij ff ^ h6 tU-
li6k, ^ m chh6-sut, sr HJ5° h6a°- thki,— goods, tg tski.
li6a°, if 1^ tt 'It hong-bong bong- Carrier,
water—, ^Jc" M" tsiii-kha,
bong, (not exact) ij :g 16-chh6. #E° 7jr 65 ta-'-tSTii g.
Caress, fl if|° Idna-pho. Carrot, ^^ n4°-p6k. ®
Caret, fl° J^" J?° :t° H
ts6elak jl ^ h5 Carry, (take) BJUh^h,—
on back, M°
Cargo, M° hh,
tsai,—boat, :k° ll&
ffi iang ft pe^,—food, #°^° koa"-p.5^
toa-ko-, discharge—,
g M" chhut- —about, %" t6a,
—pressed again^
— ° —
the side, g° M", W hia°h,— in Cashier, IF ffi giin-kui.
pocket, ^° te, —by the handle, Casing, ^° te, m° kok.
if;|° koa", — on' shoulder, -ft" pe, Cask, fi° thang.
child in the arms, ^° pho, —two Casket, M.° 4h, flowered— ,
'^ 'M:°

loads on a pole, iK° ta° —under hoe-ah.

the arm, &° ngoeh, —on the head, Caspian Sea, W° ^ Sai-hai.
^° ti, — as dish or plate, ^'' ph§,ng, Casque, WM th&u-khoe.
—something heavy, ^ gift, Cassia, l^ # ji6k-ktii, lignea —^ ,

between two, fn° kng, &° kiii-phg,—buds, ^^ kiii-tsi, ^

Cart, $° chhia. —twigs, ^i ^° ktii-ki,— oil, &° m
Cartilage, WC 'i^ niig-kut. ^ kui-ph^-iii.
Cartoon, IB t6\ Cast, to hiet,— iron, §1° si", —^ ,

Cartridge, >K°M''W h^-i6h-thang, off, ku-tsoAt,— anchor, }!" M M

^0 ^o i^o he-i6h-k6ng. ;t£° pha-tik°,— a net, il° pha- W
Carve, H
^Ij tiau-khek, ^° :i^'' chhdk- bang, as metal, tsii,. down, — ^ —
hoe, — H M°
idol, tiau-put, —and m 3" hiet k4k, §| *" hiet-khi.—
polish, P M tiau-tok. dow^n in mind, jg sit-tsi, |^ ^ ^
Carver, H M "3° ft tiau-khek sai-hu. 16e-tsi,~stones, ^' 5° BI" tim-
Cascade, ]li° Wl soa^-khkm. tsi6h-th&u.
Case, ^° ah, card—, ifSl:° thiap-4h, Castanet^ tS" JS phah-phek.
law —M — ,
^n, (a matter)
^° 'If Castaway, W if li° *° pang-hiet-
•tai-tsi, bring up a law — ,
^-^ pho- —
kdk-khi, (^abandoned J)erson) j^
k5, the facts of a—, M '1 sit-tsSng, ® hong-tong.
bring up a law — again MM hoan-
, Caste, — Chinese, (Singapore,)

kn,— of life and death iV^"^"^ ^^ ba-ba, (native) ± ^°#°th6--

phah-pik° ^ su. si°-e-.

Caseharden, -Q M" pau-kig, £° ?i ^° tau.iil-k^.

(as Caster,
person) 115 »& I® thiet-s^k sim- Casters, $&" M° lin-tsi".
hiong. Castigate, ji; k6ng-kki, ^^ phah, M
Casement, (window frame) W^ ff Castigation, M" ifi kk-si.

M° thang-A-kheng. ^ Casting, tsix.

Cash, m" tsi-E" ^° * phku-tai.

tsf^-g^Q) good Castle, >B
— m ^ b^ng-kim,g^i-tsi",
bad—, ^°^° Castor,—
M-M^ pi-mo4-iu, ^ oil,
phdi-^-tsr, ^mr rn'm"
thih-tsr, m ^""sin-tsn l& m" i^n-
^ fgl to--pi-i1i.

'1 ™
^° p6h-tsi'',— on hand, m Castrate,
^ ^° M° so--ts1in ^ tsl''. J

Cashbook, }S jit-chheng, Casual, \^°E+ b6-l-tiong, ^°

siku-pho". Casually, J fS° :^° chhau-tu-khdm,-
, .

^°^'K b6-gl-g6-, i^ m ng6-ji^n. Catechumen, 59° ^° Wl '^° A° mng
Casualty, f| ^s ±° V ng6--jien e sii, s6e le 6 Mng.
m°^°tQ°Skm° chMu kMm ^ Categorical ')
(answer) W.° W.° B°
tsai-e. Categorically >tit-tit in, (affirm) ]i[°

Casuistry, ^ §^ si-hui, a case of — Category J M° W tit-tit k6ng,

:l#;^°i:si-hui6 sti. (predicament) ^

M. kham-tsam,
Cat, m° niau°, wild— \ii°m° soa°-
(state) -^ ^° khodn-sit.

niau". Cater, i| #: pan he-sit. ^

Catalepsy, $f ^'^ hun-khi, ^ ^° sit-
Caterer, if '{/t M'° pan he-sit i g.

klii. Caterpillar, ||° th^ng. .

Catalogue, /f°H°_^° ts^p-h^-toa^ Caterwaul, §1 niau", J®°^° niau°-sia".

ff°if||°m° tsAp mih-toa°. Cates, (food) j'X. !^ h^-sit, (dainties)
Catamenia, J ° fS geh-keng. fU ^^^ san-tin h4i-bi, H ^
Catamite, f^°5g° ts6e-mau°, ^M;^ Catgut, ^° hien-s6a'',|^'' U> th^ng si
^° si^i6h.
Cataract, M° loa, ||& kham, — in eye
Cathartic, t^

BS ^ ^ K tseng-tsu pi^n-tsit. Cathay, 4* S Tiong-kok,

Catarrh, m° & 7K° l^u phP-tsiii, Catholic,
Cattle, W° 14° tseng-si°.
Catastrophe, !Ji M° tsai-e, ^ ^ Catty, Jy kun.
Caudal, M° it° b^-e, ?fa° Ji°
Catch, (seize hold of,) ^° khl», {fl*
chhin- chhiu°-b6
(seize) if° liah,— as ball, ^° sin,
— in a trap, ^° tauh, —between Caul, Q fl& pau-thai, -Q fln pau-the,
if° •^° ^° gin-na-ui.
claws, §t ngoeh,— fire, 5| iX° in- Cauliflower, 3I chhai-hoe.
h6,—a cold, Ji ^° kam-tioh, ^
H, —
kdm-hong, with birdlime, W°
Caulk, ^ |i° that-lau, ^° Jt° chhdk'he
Causal, (causative) tu" ^°
thi, —the eye, as gaudy goods,
oe ho*

M° U° hia-^-bdk—firmly, J§° g^^

khip-teh,— a disease ^° ^° J^° Causative, |b° fl|i° oe ho-
to- tidh pp. Cause, 'If S ts^ng-iii, gg in-ift, i^
Catching, m°m°A° oe-U Ihng, Sg°
^ ien-k6-, B ^° in-toa°,— of an
m° A° i>e t6- Mng. event, jg @ khi-in, ^Jr iU ^ s6-i-
Catechise, f^°
Catechism, |^
i^ bun-tap.
jien, to — W , ho-, —disturbance,
PJJ° m" chhd-la,—much trouble, ^
(a preacher) f$ Jt 1^° M leng-ti.
Causeless, ) ^° if^° b6-in-toa",
Catechu, ^' ^ ^° hM-jt-te. Causelessly, ]WM-^ b6-ien-k6-

Causeway, 5° S& tsi6h-l6-. Ceaseless, %° bo-theng.
Caustic, # ii, fl^ kok-sek-tek, (lang- Cedar, ^& #° j^° pek-hiu^cbhiu.
uage) m° W ^° m° chlil''-chhdk Cede, |g° niu.
6 oe. Ceil, ^ 3i ^ M teng tbien-16-pAn.
Cauterize, ^ kii. CeUing, JiM '^ tbien-16-pAn.
Caution, (on one's guard) '^ |5)5f° tiu°- Celandine, If-
#° ti-bii.
ti, (warning) Ifi
^° ti4m-tuli, to Celature, H ^Ij tiau-kbek.
— , Mfl ^° tiam-chhi"'. Celebrate, (extol) ^° 11° o-16.

Cautionary, ifi it" tiam-tuh, ^t ii5 Celebrated, ^° «° S" u-mia-sia", W

tsi-tiam. Fifl « u-bun-bgng, ^° «° ffl ii-

Cautious, ii5 i5E° tiAm-tin, S '1^ kin- cbbut-mia".

sin, Wk W kun-tsat, W 15° tiam- Celebration, |fi ^ ki-liam.

tsat, W° iS :$: u-sim-su, )J'.° )& si6- Celebrity, ^° ^° mi^-sia", ffl

sim, 3|B° M sofe-ji, tW »& soe-sim, cbbut-mia".

ff too —
^.H° tim, over
tsu-s6e, , i%l Celerity, M fi° kln-tsidp.
— ^ h^n-soan.
, Bt Celery, >^° H kbun-cbbki.
Cautiously, ^° ^ ii° -ff
° liau-li^u-d- Celestial, %°^°^ii° tbi'^-nib g,—Em-

si, M^
in trade, ko'-piin. pire, 4* PI tiong-kok.
Cavalcade, — Mng-b^
°F^ A°.!|°tsit tin Celibacy, *^ 11 # siii ko" sin, *3P ^
Cavalry, W ^ b6-peng, troop of— M. sill tong tseng.
WM b6- tui. Celibate, «^ JR
«° ^° 11
# siu ko' sin, (manj
Cave, M tong, Jg" Ji tsi61i-t6ng, lU° b&-b6--bkn, (^femal&j M"
J^ soa"-tong. ^ j(g° ts6e k6- niu°.
Cavern, M tong, ^^ hiet. —and fis- CelVii ff° 16ng-a, M" ff " p^ng-^.
sures, v|3 tong, i^ hiet, Cellar, ± Fg tb6--bam.
Cavernous, W° J^ m"^)."^ Cement, (mortarj ^° be, fgluej W°

chhin - cliliiu°-hi^t. ka, to—, ffl°^°5^^°enghemik&-,

Cavil, ^°;i° iikau-chhoa^-clilii, Jj£° ^° W° f^ eng ka lai li4m. ^
M" tii-tak, ^ Ii ^ lam-sdm-hiam. Cemetery, M tbidng-soa".

Caviller,^ 11° 1° ^° kau-chhoa"- Censer, W° M biu"-16-.

chhi-e. Censor, iB ^ gu-sii.

Cavity, JL° khang, khut, M — of the Censurable, tt M ^° oe-biara-tit.

ear, If.° W
ff" Hi-ang-a, in a rock,
Censure, ^ biam, ^ fi tsek-pi.
^ ^ tsi61i-khut. Census, ^° ^°ke-kah, |S A°S" tidm-
Caw, ,% M ^ o--o--Mu. Mng-gidh.
Cayenne, # W hoan-kiu". Cent, fi tsiam,—per— , ^ 11° hap-
Cease, (stopj i^ th^ng, |^° hioh, ,§. thkn.
Centennial, -"lo^p"-"???" tsit pah
— , ,

ni" tsit ,p4i. native—, jE° ^^ tsik" sh o4n, HJ

Centipede, ^' ^° gi^-kang. & ;5:° Ji IS" beng pek ^ pln-toa".

Central, ( place ), ^ i^ M" ts6ng- Certify, ^ SE kan-ts^ng.
kun-thau. Certitude, W 'M khak-sit, ^^ ;t°
Ceritre, 4':^°tiong-ng,4'FBl tiong-kan ^ sit-sit--^-su, * -iJ ;5:° V sit-

Centurion, ffi°41 p6-ts6ng. tsai-^-su.

Century, W if" pah-ni. Cess, ii!° W
thiu-s6, ft ^^ k6--s6.
Cephalaljia, M" ^ W tlillu-khak- Cessation, i^ theng;
thik°. Cesspool, ^° ^° kau-l4u-khut. H
Cereal, IL°^°er g6--kak-e-. Ceylon, ^^ llj ^ Sek-lan-san-kok.
Cerebellum, >]," J®" sio-ndu". ,
Chafe, (rub) ^° so, lii, (irritate)
Cerebrum, :^''
IeJ' toa-nau". §^ ^ kek-khi, ^ '['1° hoat-naii",
Ceremonial, ^^ SI u-le, —worship, ( rub against) ^° kiii, ( by friction )
SI W M-pki. m 16e.
Ceremonious, ^° l§ tJ: u M-s6-, ]p° Chaff, ffl°^ chho--khng, 1^ W pha"-
11 ^
kau le-s6'. chhek, (make fun of) ^° ^° seh-
Ceremony, fi M, fif U; le-so", M^ chhid.
le-gi. Chaffer, ^°iil(a°il°lu-lekke-tsi'', m
Certain, fsurej If ''^° lin-tang, 6^ Jg ^° M" M" chhui-chhi4u kfe-tsl".
tek-khak, ffixedj tia°-ti61i, (true) Chagrin, ^ ^^ ut-tsut, ^ M ut-khb
M sit,—person, ^ A° b6- 14ng, Chain, §$. lien, to — ^ ,
(in mind) BJ ^ ^n^ b^ng-ki-tsai, Chair, ii^i,M^ kau-i, bridal— ^^°
65 ^ *n° tek-khak tsai. ^° hoe-kio —cushion, ^ :^ i-tiam,
Certainly, 6^ Jf tek-khak,
^ tokn-jiSn, —not, ^ ^ arm— ^
— ^#^^ kau-i-the, square
^ |li koat easy ,

tokn, |li ptin-tau-i, arm— ,

5|- ;{§
%° sit-sit b6, if i^" koat-tokn
^ ± ^ h4k-su-i, m Hkhoan-i.
bo, most M'M —^ ban btiit Chairman, ^ ^ tsii-su. sit.
Certainty, ^ ^ ko-jien, Jt tek- Chalcedony, M kto, &° S" M P^h

khak, 11 t", lin-tkng, g^ pit- tsi6h eng, ^ ^"chhong-g^k.


jien, (a fact) If ^ sit-su, (a truth Chalk, ^"±0 p^h-tho-, &°«i°±°

unquestionably established) ^^ p^h-sien-th6-, — stone, ^ i" hdn-
i.° ^ sit-tsai ^ su. tho- ,—line, # iH" hun-tsin,—marl,
Certificate, 'MM pin-tsiiu, ife itB" tsip- &" # ;t° ±° # p6h hiin' ^ th&
tsio, M H" pin-toa^ draw-back— hun.
^ ^° ts1in-phi6, exemption foreignChalky, ^° ±0 1 fir p^h th6- hiin §.
produce—,^ 1; ^"f^ %•> bi^n ti6ng Challenge, (to contest
of any kind)
e tengtoa^ export native
produce H" A" 535 Si M" chhid-" mng lai su-
— I^i^^m-siu sh toa°, re-export i^% M° £ Iff tS k6ng ki^n ko te,—
— ,

to battle, lij- ig th6 tsi^n, send a — flt m-tsi&''-thi°-8l.

f ^ # ha tsi^n tsu. Changer, money—, ^^ M° ffi


Chamber, fH" keng, woman's —^ ,

khui tsr ti^m ^.
W siii-pang,—pot, Wi° 'M ji6-6-. Channel, ^° kau, tZ" B" khi'-kau,
Chameleon, # M° W kim-tsi°-ku. (bed of ^ stream) i^ j5> kdng sim,
Chamoerops, ^° tsang. (a strait) ^ flg° hdi-io.
Chamois, ^ ^ 16ng-i6ng. Chant, -^ liam.
Chamomile, ^if^e"idJiek-hoe. Chanticleer, H" ||° koe-kak.
Chance, by — j^ J5° chbau-khdm, Chaos, tl
, hun-tun. ?'ffe

M^ hiau-heng, -f^ ^
ng6-jien, Chapel, if ^^'' 16-pai-tAg, m^ ^°
take one's,— R° jf VC tau-ts5-hok. hok'-im-t£g, — island, M" &' tang-
Chancellor, (literary), J^ h4k-t4i, ^ tik°.

—of exchequer, ^ ^ ^° '^ to'- Chapped, l| pit, hands — ,

^° H
Lord,— f^ m
tsi-p-sii, m ± iz chhiii-pit.
hdk-su, — of univer-
liit-hoat tai Chapter, M" tsiu",—and yerse, S°
sity, «" ^° ^ ± tsidng-i°-hdk-su. IS" tsiu" tsat.
Chancre, ^ j§° kam-ehhng. Char, ^° $^° chhku-ta, (work by
Chandelier, Ji° ^ ^° bo4n-t6ng- day) fi° ^° X° tso6 t4-kang.
h6ng, Jl 5c 5£ bodn-thien-kong. Character, ^\ Ji sim-te, *{$» ffl sim-
Chandler, t° #
M.° ±" A" boe-tsap- ti^n, natural—, ;$; 'J^ piin-sfeng,

good ^° .^ ii tek-heng, bad — ,•
Chang, a, " ^' tsit — i% ^ b6 tek-heng, bad-
tng. , ll^"

Change, fi° oa"', ^° k6e-oa°, M

Wl" person, ^°A°phdi''ldng, excellent
M" pien-oa",^^ M ^ keng- — M
1-^k, written— ^° , "(^ k6'-i, ji, seal
6k, jK hodn, — about, with a per- —^ write— ^ ^° skr i?°thokn-ji,
son, # ^° thie-oa",—the rate of M ^° — M ji, (certificate) pin-ji ,

tune; M° fE k^-liau, $| fB t£g-liau, ^° pln-phoe, (official certificate)

—one's manner, ^ ^ pi^n-h^ng, ^ M biin-pin.

— countenance, S W hodn-bln, ^ ^° khoan-sit. Characteristic,

colour, K ^ hodn-sek, — one's Characterize, Bi°k6ng, (distinguish)
mind, gM pien-i, # # tdg-i, ^ glj hun-piet.
— one's desposition, ffi '[^fe pi^n- Charcoal, i/t"
^'' h^-thoa".

s6ng, —the day, B I'-jit,^ ^

H Charge, (accusation) k6, of ^ —
6k-jit, Book of—, ir° iah-keng, ^powder, " f^° M° tsit mAg i6h,

—money, §t° ^° iK oa''-tsi"-g1in. what do you—, M" &" M°khui- S
Changeable, (person), M" ^ tt bo- sim-mih-k6, (attack) ii 'iJ'' 3c ^
teng-seng, K SM "^ hodn-hok- tsin-ts^ng kau-tsi^n, (command^
b4-si6ng, (as weather), X^" ^° 5c° © PfiT hoan-hu,—falsely) U° loa,
M M ka-bA, — to one's account, Chase, (^ jip, ^ tsip, ,j| tui, fi" kod",

i" it" tsiu" siau, (entrust) JC H % fi° tui-kda'',— a vessel, ^ j^°

kau-tal, 3e # kau-hu, # •]•"£ pki-thok jip tsun.
Chargeable, faccusablej tb° # #° Chasm, gijS° lap khang, ^°I^° khang-
oe k6 tit, (as duty) ti° ^ fi| oe khiah.
teng biong. Chaste, ^ li! tseng-tsiet, jE^tseng-
Charg^ d' affairs, #^ :/s: E cbham- keng. -

tsan tai sin, ^§XMiz^Bu kbim- Chasten, ^ 3^ keng-kki.

cbbe tai sin. Chastise, ^ k^ng-kai # #
Jig tsek-
Charlatan, 6ng-16k. tok.
Chariot, ,^° :^.° b6-chhia. Chastisement, ^ |? tsek-hodt.
Charioteer, $^ chbia-hu. Chastity, J^ fij tseng-tsiet, H fj
Charitable, (kind) :^° fc ^ u-jin-ai, liam-tsiet.
^° ^ »& u h6 sim, (benevolent) Chat, s|g
= t4m.gign, #° r^ i^- phah-
^ Ig » ki tsin-ts6, m^°i^ mhi chhui-k6'.
kia° h6 su, (not judging) |lS°tl°^ Chattels, gj°e°ff °if^° ts4p-mih.
^ If b6 lam-sam phoe-pheng. Chatter, J|° ^° ^° tsiap-tsiAp.k6ng,
Charity, (benevolence) tl 'M. jin-ai, 11° %° :i<t° tsidp-lut-lut, fas teethj
(alms)m 'M tsin-ts^ MP si-tsfe. ® |§ 31 kh6k-kh6k-h6-.
Charm, a—, ^ (by magic)
hii, 5E, Chatterer, ^
M" Hi" ^° tsiap.tsiap- W
liam-tsiu, (as scenery) %°B°hisi''- k6ng-6, ^° ^o M° ^° tsiap-tsiap-
bdk, (as by music) 1%" m°mW3
thia" kkutsin hoa^-hi, '^°M°iP Chatterbox,
i° ^''M°B°^° tsiap-tsiap
thia" kau sin-khi. lut 6, m° ^° lg° ^° tsiap-tsiap-
Charmer, snake —W , SS" ^° A" sia" k6ng-6.
ts6a e Mng. Chatty, ^MWi ai-t^m-lun.
Charming, (amiable) vj M kh6 chhii, Cheap, i& siok, M JC pan-gi, tsoa",
(graceful) mW kiau-kidh, (live- m^ p^ng-r, too— i:° ^'' fl» siu-
ly) M kien, (to the eyes) ^^ B° 16h-ke.
hia°-bdk. Cheapen, ^ ^° M iJ?" chhui-chhi^u
Chart, Ji M
te-to-. khah tsio, fil if to-th6a°.
Charter, to—, M" pak,— a vessel, Cheaper, H" •^ khah-si6k, 11°^^°
W M" V^k tstn. khah s^ng tsl°, M° iM khah s^ng.
Charterer, (person) M" M° ^° A° Cheapest, :^ —^ te it si6k, ^-
pdk tsun Mng, (a firm) M" M°
il° S te it pan-gi.
i." fr piik tstin e h^ng. Cheaply, ^ si6k.
Charter party, M" M" ±° i?° pdk Cheat, li phi^n, M sut, (of moneyj
tsun ^ jT.
mauh. .

Check, (moneyj M W." gun-toa", to Cherubim, ^ K # ki-lo--peng.
—jH^'M iok-sok, ii ifc at-tsi, PI Chess, m ki, play—, |t° I^ ki^^-kl,
± ts6--tsi, fchide; ^ ff tsek-pi, H ffi ui-ki.
il hi^m, fcomiDare) if tiii. Chessboard, IS M" ki-poa",— ready
Checkbook, m ||° ±° M gun toa" e set, m M° ki-kek.
Chessman, jft J-° kl-tsi, set. out —
T^t •g, kki° sek, ^"1^° ^#ti^°an-ki-tsi.
kki° hoe. Chest, W siu", ffi kui, (breast) Ji^^
Checkmate, W." ffi ia"-ki, (defeat) &° heng-hah, M° ^ heng-khkm,
m ia^ m" M" heng-keh.
Cheek, P° M° chhiii-ph6e —bones, Chestnut, ^° J-" Mt-tsi.
li # kokn-kut. Chevaux-de-frise, M '^ M 16k-kak-
Cheer, to—, M° fM k6e-bun, '^° p tse.

'^M h5- i tek-kai, #° •fi^ |fe° ^ Chew, Pf po-, ?M° mau"h.

ho- i hoa°-hi. Chicanery, ^H pai, 'M siit.
Cheerful, jf >& chheng-sim, ^M Chick, ir ff ° ^° koe-k-kid°.
tek-kdi, (placej ^ |^ thi6ng-16k, Chicken, 11° ff ° koe-A.
jtl i^ chheng-hiu. Chickenhearted, >J>° |B° si6-t4°.

Cheerfully, S^° § hoa-'-hi. Chickenpox, 7jC° ?a° tsiii-tsu.

Cheerless, fplacej ^° If- chhi^-chhin. Chide, ^ hi^m, ^ f§ tsek-pi.
Cheery, (cheerful) chheng-sim, (live- Chief, fg^° 11° tsoe-thau, M" tH thau-
ly) M° W
odh-tang, fg j^ hodt- tsiang, —man, fW B° th&u-bkk,
phoat, (as place) -J^ ffl chheng- (of a tribe) M° A° thiu ling.
hiu. Chiefly, (principally) — ^M it-

Cheese, ^° S" ff" gu-leng-pia". iku-kin, J:°ll ^

siang iku kin,
Chefoo, 'M. m len-tai— silk, M Zl |fi (mostly^ ic flE tai-khai.
chhun-ji tiii, '^° ^ chhiah-ki^n. Chilblain, i$.° St tang-tsi.
Chekiang, -^ -^ Tsiet-kang. Chih-li, II Tit-le. C
Chemise, P^° ^^° lai-sa°. Child, fi° ^° gin-n4, T^" kik",
Chemist, VG9^±°^^° hoa-hdk e Childbeai'ing, seng-san. ^^
sien-si", (druggist) WM'^if" Childbed, ^ ^ hun-bi(5n, ^° T^"
A° khui ioh tikm e Mng, g^" M° *t si^-kia".

^^ #° khui i6h-tsai h4ng-^. Childbirth, ^° ?" si°-ki4°.

Chemistry, -ffc ^ hoa-hdk. Childhood, M" WT
i: HI tsoe
Cheque, M W giin-toa°. gin-k 6 si.

Cherish, m° in"-chhi, ^ W ^6- Childish, W^°-?°

T^ gin-nd khoan.
- sioh, —enmity, #° 1'^ khioh-hun. Childless, bo-kid".

Cherub, 5c° Jl° thi"-ski. Childlike, mT 11" gin-na iu".

Children, ^ kid", •?" ^ kid"-ji. P^° P^° R^° kih-kih kiiih-kiiih.
Chili, ^ m m Ti-li-kok. Chisel, ( carpenter's ), ^'' M° kig-
Chilian, ^M S 6^° Ti-li-kok-g. chhak, ^
g" hun-chhdk, % 1°
Chilled, ?^ PaI" m° l^ng-sih-sih, M" poe-chbdk, ^° ff chhdk-d, (ma-
7X°7K° chhin pi-pi, m° W koa°- son's), ^ff" ^
tsi6h-tsam, to— 1°
tang. chhak.
Chillies, # ^ hoan-kiu°. Chit, i;" ff ° phoe-a.
Chilliness 1S°?^ han-leng, yK" 7K° Chitchat, Ij^^ "s t4m-gi^n.
Chilly J^° piang piang ko4°, Chloroform, b^-hfin-idh. '^MM"
(air) ^° ^° chhiu-chhin. Chlorosis, .%° M" chhi^-pp.
Chime, "If hI im-un, fi If h6-hM. Chock, Ji^" sng.
Chinaney, i^ ^° ien-t^ng, lamp—, Chocolate, jt ^ -jj" tsi-ku-lat.
m? m° chhang-kig. Choice, Ji° k^ng, (precious), ^^
Chimneypiece, *X° M.M he-16'-teng. p6-p6e, |g kiii-khi. *
Chin, m T° ^° chhiu-e-t4u, T° ^° Choke, M°k^, #° kh6, tE^ k^-'-tidh,
e-t4u, y° V^" e-koh.
, die of—, ^-^ JE" k^-si, feeling of—,
China, g Tiong-kok, ^°
tf» ili° t5;g. '& flf
J^° M sim-koa" tsia" oAn,
—man, S° A° t%-Mng,
soa", — full, ?r WW tr moi"-mo,d^
Empire, 5c° T° thi"-e, —root, ± Choked up, ||° §0° that-teh.
5^ ^ th6--h6k-leng, fine —ware, Choler, U° m, siu-khV.
^ir^iii-hlii-khL Cholera, f^" ]& ^
lku-th6--tseng, ?^ Pi
Chinaman, JS° A tAg-Mng. 14u-th6-.
China astor, M° ?£° kek-hoe. Choleric, g '^kin-s6ng, Jl ftso-seng
China-root ^ th6--h6k-l^ng.
± fM Choo-hi, :^ S tsu-bun-kong.
China-ware, $t° ^ hui-khi.
Chin-chew, M
Choose, it° keng, ^ ^ thiau-soan,
#1] —out, fi°^°kan-t6h, Ji°gk4ng
Chinese, ^° A° tfig-Mng, —charac- sodn.
ters, 11° A° ^° t^g-iang-ji,—pad- Chooser, W :t° A° keng g ling.
lock, fi so.
Chink, t^° phang, ( as
Chop, M tsam,— down, ^° tsdh,—
money ), (a mark) i^° H ji-bo,- MM" off,
khiang-khiang-hau. tsam- tng,— of tea, --° ^o fg ^''
Chintz, PIJ ^S ^ in-hoe-p6-. tsit ji bo t6, mutton—, ^° # f;
Chip a, ^ ^° chha-ph^, to-r-, i^° iii° p&i kut, (lower jaw) T° gt" e
(upper jaw)
. hoai, t^ng MW hoAi,
Chiromancy, M" ?° M khok-^-chhiu- Chopper, a—, ^°
JJ bah-to.
hun. Chopping block, bah tiam.
Chirp, )^ Un, M" WW tsiiih-tsiiih- mutton—
Chops, ^^^ i^plli-kut
hdu, P^° m." @ kiiih-kiiih hdu, Pj^° Chopsticks, ^° ti.
— — ,

Chord , ^ hi6n, (in music) 40° fu Chusan, JD Uj Tsiu-san.
It i:° ^ sa° h6-ba,i ^ im. Chyle, '4 m tin-a.
Christ, S 't Ki-tok Chyme, M° bS.
Christen, fr Sfc° jjl ki^" s6e-M, (by Cicada, ^° fi° lisP" am-p6--tsg.
^ tsim-M.
Baptists) t§. Cicatrix, fj ^S siong-hun.
Christian, ^ M B it" A° sin la-so--^ Cicatrize, i@i° >fe° k^-ph6.
Mng, S =* ^ Ki-tok-t6-. Cigar, g
?^ its" Lu-s6ng-hun.
Christianity, (chvirch) W M$ M I^- Cigarettes, ^ J§I° 'Jta° Ma-kdu-hun.
sa- kku, (doctrine) W Bi.''MM Cincture, ^° t6a.
R-so- ^ to-li. Cinder, ±° ^° M" th6-thoa"-sai.
Christianize, '®'' A° It BB 1?^ h5- Cinnabar, M is^ gun-tsu, ^ #° tsu-
14ng sin I^-so-, f^" A" 1^° HP ,is ;i° se, :J3- 13/° tan-se.

M M ho- Mng thkn I&-so- ^ t5-li. Cinnamon, ^^ji6k-kiii, best-—, '^°

Christian name, S ^° jii-mil,". >|i koa"-kui.

Christmas, HR li« :^° H K-so- si° jit. Cipher, ® kh6ng, to—, ^^ pit-sodn
ChTonic, ^°thoa, A° 5° kii-tng, Circle, ^ kho', HI khodn, a— H M ,

disease, ^° XW
ku-tAg-pi". ui-kho-, BI>||} i^-khodn, (a circuit)
Chronicle, ^ E sii-ki, ii Skong-kam -° 0° tsit s^h, Arctic—, 4b° WW
Chronometer, :J^° if" tsln-tseng. Pak i°-soa°, Antarctic— It B "ii" ,

Chrysalis, ^ ki^n. Ldm i^-sok", to^, 1° long-long.

Chrysanthemum, M°'^° kek-hoe. m° M" W iM" tfig, M" M M
Chrysolite, K° S° ng-g^k. l"-i>i
g6^ make a — , ft'" E| ui-kho^n,
Cihrysoprase, i| ^ ^^ hui-chhtii- Circling, fi^° ^ teh go.
g^k. Circuit, a, —"j^" tsit-s^h, Intendant
Chrysm, ^° boah. of — 5E 4 to-tdi.

Chub, m
.f>.° li^n-hi.
Circuitous, ^° |1|Z° oan-oat.
Chubby, S
phaiih. Circular, U" i°.

Chuckle, m" Pi" @ tsidk-tsiak-hau. Circulate, (propagate) ^J|?p6-i6ng,

Chunam, H'fi'i sam-hap-th6', to — It thodn, (as blood) 0° g jS 15

^° H -&± boah sam-hdp-th6-. si lii un-tong, (as orders) fj° ^g

Church, M ^ sfeng-hoe, |^ ^' k^u- fj kid" thong hgng,—lies, So." a

hoe,— (building), t§. # ^'' 1^-pki- 5i 15 si" gi^n tso gii. Sfe° m6^
chhi" tso p^h siet, —from mouth
M ®° — ° !^ If —o S° tsit chhiii
Churlish, 5^° M phdi"-phiah, to mouth,

lu-ku, ^ fi bu-le, (rude), &^ thodn tsit tsih.

chho--16', (unyielding)9!£» ^ ff Circulation, ^ Jl liii-thoilg, (of


b6-go4n-tsgng, ^ |^ tsip-du. blood) 5^ ® un-tong.

Churn, M chh^k. Circumcision, flf j§ khdah-1^,
— '

cm CIV
Circumference, 0° H si-ui, MM Civilian peh si°.

tsiu-td. Civilize, M 'f-b kku-b6a.

Circumflex, A^° v^ jin-ji ^^ Clack, cbbe-cbbfe 6 sia°, cbbfe-sia".

Circumfluent, °W" S° si-bin Mu. Clad, ^° cbbeng.

Circumlocution ^^ ^° k6ng Claim, fif tb6.
,11° J§>°

t6g k6ng t^, 11°^ |g° ^o k6ng- Clam, iif pang.

14i-k6ng-khi. Clamber, Jg" peb, JQ" ±'' peh-tsiu".
Circumnavigate, ° Clammy, '^^ liim, siu°.
W" ^'' si bin sai.
Circumscribe, (limit) ^
Ijg kki-ban. Clamor Pf 1^ soan-boa, gf "I
Circumspect, i| '^ kin-sin, JlB° ^° Clamorous jsoan-ji6ng, 1^1^ ig boa-
tiam-tsdt. boa-ji6ng.
Circumstance, ^ 'iijt k4ng-h6ng, :^ Qamp, ^'' i^o Pie g6--kbi-ka.
i§ k^ng-gu, ^ If su-ts^ng, in Clan, ^ 5^ tsong-ts6k, ^ M tsong-
easy— -Jg fii° chbeng-^ng, act ac- pbki, (a clique) ^ t6ng, bead of
cording to—, ^mMM sM ki a _, M. W ts6k-tiu", division of a
^ng pien. — , tt" tbiau, brancb of a — ^^

Circumstantial, (minute) ||$.B siong- tsi-pbki.

s6, (as evidence) :k Wt tai-kbki, Clandestine 1 ^'' km-tsi", ^ iap-

:k #
Clandestinely j siap.

Circumstantially, p $0. si6ng-s6. 7
Clangor T^^^^-
1 •

Circumvent, S pbi^n, pf" S^g^ Mu- Clannisb, #° ^° giu k6- t6e.

pbi^n-siit, ^ H kbi-pbien, |i || Clap, 3g koat,
^^ tab,—tbe bands, -
Circus, 0," j^" b^-tiu". W #" tab-cbbiii,—of tbunder, -°
Cistern, 7\<° ffi tsiii-ti.
^° W HI" tsit sia" lui tin.
Citadel, iliJI si4°. Clapper,—for a gong, ^
|| 16-tbui,
Cite, (quote) §| in, (aperson) ^ tiaii. bell— Jt M° M
k6ng tseng tbui.
Citizen, W M" peb-si°. Claptrap, (counterfeit) jg-'k^, (trick
Citron, ^"M^hiu"-!", fingered—,
is H
to gain applause) ff- ft" A" 1%°
^ It but-siu kam. ^ k^ b6- bo- Mng boat cbbdi.
City, ^° sia'',— wall, m° M" sia-^-
Claret, jfl ?i ^ng.tsiii, ^ ^M'M
cbbiii",—gate, M' F^° sia" mfig, kub-la-leb-tsiii.
Imperial—, ^^
ifer tsi kirn si^",
Clarify, %" ^° jf bo i-tse-cbbeng. ^
Prefectural— lii° M° bii si^% Dis- Clarionet, ^J
, tong-siau. H
trict— m° m° koai'^ 8i^\ Clasb, (collide) ifB"®" sa"-tong, ite°
Civil } :t° ^
it u l^-s6-,
Civility j u l^-l6-,— and military,
Wm^ -^ Clasp,
^ sa-'-oe, (as cymbals) ^ cbblm.
a—, fn° kbati, to— a person, ,

SC bAn-bu. Mm, (as a buckle) W^" kau.

— ,,

Class,f® lui, m t^ng, first—, ±^ away things, \^ siu, (clarify) ^°
si6ng-t4ng, — ^^ it-t4ng, to — jfl tse-chheng, (from,guilt) tt° -Jjl

^ If l^hun kui Itii. s6e chheng.

Classical, —book, ^ i$ keng-toan", Clearance, (port) U° W ^ng-toa".
Sg M keng chheh, M ^"keng-tsu. Clearly, (plainly). BJ BJ? b6ng-b6ng.
Classics, g keng, M^ keng-su, Clearness, (as water) -J^ chheng,

five , 5S.fM ng6"-keng, historical (of sky) T^ ^ chheng-chhai, (of
—^ , fS su-keng. vision) j^ U° % h6-bak-sek.
Classification \^ %%M. Imn kui lui, Clearsighted, ^J @°& h6-bak-sek.
Classify | ^° •1° If @ pun-ts6e Cleave,' (asunder) ^° f^" phok-
kui t^ng. khui, Cstick toj fi5i f^° Mm-teh.
Clatter, (as thing) ^5§ khok-kli6k, Cleaver, ::^° 7J toa-to, (^for, cleaving
(prate) 16-11-thi,. 1&-Mm oe, (with wood) ^ Xf chh4-to.
teeth) m M M" WC m° chhiii khi Cleft, a,— ^."khiahj'^" phang.
khaiih khaiih tsiin, 5§ $§ ® kh6k Clematis, ^"M"^" khan-tln-hoe.
kh6k h6-. Clemency) X^
khoan i&ng, '^m
Clause, ^ ku, ^ ^° kii-tau, sub — Clement J lln-bin.
W." tau. Clench,—fist, -H" ^° SI" if ti" kiin
. Claw,*;it jiau", S|;]V kha-jidu°, tiger's th4u bii,—teeth, ^M"^"-^"^"
—^ W h6--ku, to— jiku°. chhui-khi ka fi,n-4n.
Clay, ±° th6-, reddish— t'° -fc
±° Clergyman, M. Sfi b6k-su.
chhiah-jin-th6*. Clerk, (assistant) W
IB h^-ki, ( a
Clean ) "}r ^
cheng-khi, ^^ scribe) M
^° f?° sia-ji-d,— of a
Cleanliness [ chheng-kiet, out as a — department, fl° -g" si-koa", m if
well, m t6, i^° liJ pia^-chhut. ts6ng-pan.
Cleanse, 86° -Jft ^
chheng-khi, Clerodendrum,||''|S'';S°lgng-tSTinhoe
jfl M° ho-
i R" g^u, H" BJ° chhang-
chheng-khi. )

Clear, (as voicej 'M sia" chheng, M

Cleverness, mii,", /^°^'^ u-piin-su, j

(as matter^ bSng, (as waterj ^jj thong, ^!l li-hai. §

JS chheng, headed, —
51 leng- Clew, ?^ M
h^ng-tsek, (thread) M" H
thong,^ —^waste land, ^ ^° khai- ^ sok^-kiii, —up sail, \& M° siu-

khiin, —as account fH ^'' chheng- phfi,ng.

chh6, 'i^ M chheng-hoS.n, —and Click, (tick; fi '^ tih-taah, (with

loud, ^^ B" b^ng-ldng,
Hang, BJ tongue) t6k-t^k.
—the throat, kh4m-sku,— off the Client, i ^° tsu-kheh.
stock, ^ M hoat-thoat, see^ M° — ,
CHff, lllo^-'soa-'-khang, rocky--r-, ;fi''

^ ^ kh6a''-thku-th4u, —up as j1 tsidh-kham.

weather, jft ^ chheng-chhai, Climate, 7K"± tsui-th6- 5c^thien-
khi,— not suit, ;? flg H:," ± put-h6k Close-hauled, (as ship) ^£ )r° tsai-

tsui-th6'. phi".

Climax, rising to a—, — ° Wt° ii°

--° Closely, (near)
jUn kiin, —packed, Jf
/§" tsit-ts&n k^ tsit tsln. sit, —jointed, % ba, (densely^
Climb, ffl° peh,— over, Ji" po^", Ji° !R° tsdt.
M° poa-k^,—up, f-0°
±'' peh-tsiu", Closer, M" a£ khah-kiin.

— down, JA '#° peh 16h. Closet, water — ^ , ff^" hdk-keng,

Clime, >K° ±
tsui-th6-. (a small roomj ^° ff" P^"S ^•
Clinch, (nail) $t\yW^° teng-d du Clot, Jji ggng-kiet, jSl" ^f " huih- ^
khiau,— the fist, nih" i^°^°WW
tdng, Jfil" IW huih-t&, jfiL" huih- W
kun thUu bii. tdi, to—, W ki^n.
Cling, Iff" khi°. Cloth, cotton^ —^
p6', broad ,
— ,

Clink, m°m°f^ khiang-khiang-hdu. 11^^° grass—, ^-''^jodh-p6-.

Clip, :^ tsien, i^ka.. Clothe, ^° %^° chhengsa".
Clique, a, ^t6ng, koah, oang-koah, Clothes, ^^^ ff " W sa"-d-kh6-, ^ ^°
Cloak, |g moa". i-tsiu°, ^ jJR i-h6k, —horse, ":^''

Cloasma, peh-ti6. ff ° ^° sa"-d-k6, fine—, fr 11° h6ng-

Clock, flt ii° si-tseng, alarm — M ®°
, thau.
lau-tseng, —maker, if^° fl# M W° ^ Clothier, R" ;|ii'' ^t" A° boe-sa"-^-
ts6e si-tseng sai-hu, works of a— 14ng, one who sells old^, ^° ^
Bt m°±''^M: sl-tseng g khi-khu, ^ boe-k^'-i.
what o'clock is it? WB M" kiii Clothing, $i ^° sin-chheng, cotton
tiam tseng?
—"^ ±° tsit — , ^ff ^ M p6-i-h6k, silk—, M
Clod, (of earth) th6--2Jl,
^ tiM-h6k.
t6 th6- Cloud, ft hUn, thick- -, ^^ ft bdt-
Clog, ^"M" tsang-kidh, mW chhi- hdn, flying —M
ii hong-kun. ,

kidh, (incumber) % %° thoa-thui,% [i o-im, 5c° 1°

Cloudiness, )
(choke up) M° W- that-teh. Cloudy, [thi-'-dp-dp, ft ^f ^^ t°
Close, S£ kun, —
the door, H° koai", hiin-tk-bdt-bdt, Pf ±° km-chhiu",
—book, ^ hdp, —the eyes, gS° Pt ft am-hftn, M 'M hi-htn, —
khoeh, —a matter, 115: :^° siu-tiA", mist m° kauh, |r ^ kauh-b6-.
^ o^n-ki6k, — up a law
)^ case, Cloudless, ^^ ft b6-h1in, -fg ^
M M kiet-kn, very—, m" B. U chheng-chhdi, lku-thi°-keh.
bdt-liii-liu, —tight, ^'' ^° hdh- Clout, Wi° ^ ph6a p6-.
hdh, — fisted, M khiu, ^ khiam, Clove, T #" teng-hiu", mother—,
— to, iffi f^" kun-od, (muggy), % #0 T #° bii-teng-hiu°.
W Vi° ut-tsut-thi°. Cloven,— footed, ^° Kf ° pun tog.
Closeby, (near) 5£ kun. Clown, (in a play) fi JSP° thiii-kiob,

(rustic) llj" ^ soa°-hau llj°^ A" thoa",—mine, i° ^o ^^ th&'-thoa"-
8oa''-tiu"-ia,ng, you — W A°
51° tsi°, ±° ^^ li thd-.thok" kh6ng,

chhng-l^ng-th&u. —dust, ±° ^° ^
th6--thok° iti,
Clownish, ± it° th6-s6ng, ± X ±° ^" ^ thd-thok-" bodh.
th6--kong, i: ±
th6--th6-, ^^ Coalesce, W ffi /&> li4m-hdp, ma" •&• sa"-
song-tang, g& ±
th6--l6-, it° soai° hdp.
-t ± A° ± chhit-tli6- poeh-thi, Coarse, |i chho", ffl ^ chho'-sidk,
^ II ia — ffl ig chho--kun, very
Clo\ tsiah kau ui chho" giak-giak.
tub, a, ^ thui, :?jc tl b6k-kun, Coarser, H"^ khah-chho".
^ chha-kiin, —of men, -^ hoe oarsest, ^ — ffi te it-chho\
house, ^ FH^°kiu-keng,—footed, jfe Coast, sea —f# ji hai-pi", ^ :^° hdi-
9° oat-kha, Slfffil" phiet-khaj^x ki°, —trade
duty receipt, ^"W
:t'' ^ ^ pia" sfe e ho siu,

Cluck, {§5§W^^5k^5E^u. trade deposit duty memo, ^^

Clue, a, W ^ thau-su, #" g bu-h6k, ^° WB ||°tsiam tslin p6a'' sh

follow up a—M° fV IK" B" bdn giam-toa", —trade deposit duty

koe chhiu-tin. receipt, ^^^° ^W tsiam tstln

Clump, ° ^° t^° ^^ ^° tsit chhiu- e tsun phio.

n^ ^ chhiu. Coat, #° sa°, great —^ hiu, (as of

Clumsaylii ir piin-chhgng, ^° paintj ~°jS tsit pien, to —with

Clumsy [pun, (clownish) \^° silver, ^ an. ^
s6ng-ting, —
fellow, S ji^ 11 b6ng Coated, fas tonguej "S" § tsih-thai,
tsong hkn. ~ ,
^° W M tsih boat ko-.
Cluster, —of grapes, M ^° kui-koa°, Coax, iJ" jsS° ko--tsia°.

M S kui klu. If Ig" kui pha. Cobalt, ^° toa chhi°.


^o khi". Cobble, ^° JL" W chhin-chhai p6-.

C/°—Mr. So and so, ® ^ ^ A° tsodn Cobbler, ?fi H" fi^ tiam og-g.
kau b6"-l&ng. Cobweb, B^U ti-tu-si.

Coach, ^° ^° b^-chhia. Coccyx, Ji° il # b^ tsui kut.

Coachmaker, §i''M°W-$' tso^ chhia Cochin, ^ Iff Ku-tseng.
sai-hii. Cochinchina, ^ i§ An-l^m.
Coachman, ¥" ^ chhia-hu. Cochineal, ^
Pi ?K gia Ian hi.
Coadjutor, i? ^ pang-chhiu, ifi i? Cochleary, ^"il''^''^ chhin-chhiu"
siong-pang. k£g-l^.

Coagulate ^°?t° ki^n tkng, M" ki^n, Cock, koe kak, (of a gun) koe tsih
5^ ^° S' ^"kietka-nfigtfe, ^gSng. tauh, —spur, ||°Sgkoe-ku, (of the
Coal, ±'' m" th6-thok" ^° mtii- m headj M W kiau-th&u, (a spout)
. — ,

coc COE
ffor water) i/K" iS. tsiii tsoan, (for t&ng-si, 1^° #:" tang-nf
wine) 'M ® tsiu-tsoan, to — a gun, Coeternal, qi° <^° ^M pf-pi^-^ng-
i^" i/lC i^" khui he koe. oan.
Cockatoo, |^° II p^h eng bu. H Coeval, (same epoch), ^° ^ t^ng-
Cockatrice, ^ 4^° t6k_ts6a. se,. (same year) 1^° ^° tang-ni°.
Cockboat, |S° ff " tsiin-A. Coexist, .<P° ^° ^° &i° pi°-pi"-t!-teh,
Cockchafer, ^° M &° gu sai ku. fol" fit |E° (Vf tang-si-ti-teh.
Cockerowing, i|° Pt° koe-thi. CoiFee, ^ # ko-pi, ]g J^ ko-phi,
Cockle, tS bam, — shell, it ^ ham- cup, "M ^ M ko-pi-auj^-inill, ig
khak. ^ B" ko-pi-bo.

^° ^^ ka-tsodh, H" $t; Coffer, money — MW , gAn.siu",

11° ^°
Coffin, rg° m koa°-chha, M pdn,—
koe-k^. shop, 1^ J^ pan tiam,-^and shroud,
Cockswain, M.MM° thong-pdn-thau. ^M'^M koan-kok i-khim, to —
Cocoa, -^ ^ i]° tsi-ko-Mt, — nut, Jti siu.
ffl) i4, -—oil, m fi ia-iH. CoflSnmaker, igj" Wi #° ts6e-pdn k
Cocoon, H ki^n, W' k^ng, g" ff Cog,—wheel, W B" ^ u khi lun.'
^ niii^-a-kidn.
,^1° tseng- "I
U" ^p
Cod, (husk) % khak,
—fish, 9h° g
;^°«° 1° goa-kok-g-k^-hi, (scro- Cognate, (kindred by birth)
tum), E ffipha-16ng, M Elan-pha. tsi-chhin, (kindred in origin) H %i
Coddle, #° ^^ ^o gau-iti"-sir.
M chhin-kut-jiok.
Code, f^ fJ liit-le, M^
kui ti^u, Cognizance, (hear a case judicially)
the Chinese—, ±, -^ f$ ^ij tai-
'M sim-an, (knowledge) tsai. M ^
Codger, >J, ^ ±" A"
siAu-chhu-6- Cohabit, sa°-oA-png.
WH khi-Mn.

m^ m' W
Mng, (odd)
Codicil, Jl li thiam-tstt.
ft sti-put-siong. Coheir, Sjl"
M Wl pi'-pi" tsoe
Codify, ^° Ef ^ khioh-kui-lCii. Cohere, %K %° li4m-teh, /fB° '^ ^^
Coefficient, '^ :)F;
hidp-l^k, fa *& sa°-tsiah-chheng.
Cohesion,! jj^ ,.^
Coequal, Sj?"
^ pi^-t^ng. Cohesive j
*" '
^°* — '
Coerce, % ?5 bien-ki6ng, #" fj" Coif,'

Coercion, a,h-ldh, ^p 1| ek-l^k Ke.

) Coiffure, ]

Coercive, fij M ts6-ap. Coil, to— ^ kho^n, g" ^ thiap-

Coessential, (of same essence), |^° kho&n,—up, M^^M fj un-lun-khun,
tl t^ng-th^.
fjift 6r khtn kh^n-teh,— arowad,
Cpetaneous, J^" iS t^ng-se, Ji 1ft° ii" ti".
— ,

Coin, money) §^ gtn, ^ tsl", cop- (as things) iB°fi°iff: khioh tso6
per — ,
%%° tsi",base copper—, ^° tui, (to lay by), ^f " tsek-he,
li° phdi^-tsi", base silver — , f ^ " — rents, Jift IJ^ siu-s6, —revenue,
ke gun, to—, ft $^° tsii-tsl". Jit f|p] siu-hi6ng, — subscription'
Coinage, copper, ^ tsi", silver — ^^ siu-ien.
^ gAn. Collection, make a—, ;'g;° i^ t6e-i^n.
Coincide, (correspond) fiirpl''ttii-t&ng Collectively, 16ng-ki6ng, it ts6ng-
Coincidence, (of events) W^%i.°'^ kiong.
si§,ng si e su. Collector, chief-of customs- m
Coiner, (minter) ^M" rI"-?- tsii-tsi" hdi-koan.
sai-hu, (counterfeiter) lift M°^° College, *: ^ tsu-i".
su tsu tsi° 6. Collet, #° \^ Z" ^m chhiii-tsi4
Coir, ^"tsang, —rope,^;^''^°tsang soh tsu-tso.
Coition, ^° ;^°
kla^-p^ng, (animals) Collide, ^"loe,
®°^noiig-ti6h, /fr
^^ sa°-kau. sa"-tong, ^0° ffi° ft° m° sa-'-khap-
Coke, ^'' jH" j^" i" ^^ p6a°-sio4- ti6h, ffi" ^" tng-ti-6h. -

Colander, f$ thai.
Collier, ^ i" fe ±° A" kut-th6--
Cold, (weather)
S koa,", ^ /^ Colliery, ±° ^° ^: th6--thok''-kh6ng,
Coldness, ko^"-Mng, ;^,° g^n, as
) ( ±° ^° ^° th6--thok°-tsi°.
things) lis chhm, very—, 5>^ PaT
Collision, come in— , 2^° ^° 16e-tidh,
Ij^" l^ng-sih-sih, ;i^C feiC ># pikng-
m" %° sa°-]de,, ^H° S" sa°-tiig.
piang-leng, 1|@ Jji." tR" chhin-pi-pi,
( spiritless ) si^n-suh, have a
Collocate, ^W an-ti, ^ §^ an-p4i.
fi JH siong-hong.
Colloquial, M° S^ hiang-tam, —dia-
Coldly, treat a person^ — ^ f# A° ,
lect, i -g th6--im, 1^° p^h-6e. %
Colloquy, 1^ g tto-gi^n.
i^^ ?^ khodn-tai-lang-l^ng-l^ng, ^
# p6k-thai. Collude. U° %% t6ng-b6-.

Colic, ^^ g?" ti6h.soa, pak-t6- thik°. Collusion, Iql ^ t6ng-b6-.

Collapse, (of person), ^ i" hun- Colonnade, — fp 'S" tsit-p^i-thiau."

khi, (of things), g^" mo-h^-khi. Colonel, ^ Hii-tsiong, Lieutenant


Collar, M" ni4", —bone, ® # soh- — , f^ 31 Chham-tsi6ng.

kut. Colony, mW-^°i'iL°^ sin khui S
Collate,m M° ^B° ^ sa°-pi.
tiii-k^,, toe kki, r?9 H± il!i° khai-khiin
Collation,H J^° (feast) i^n-siah. th6"-toe.
Colleague, 15 ^ pang-chhiu, ^S ^ Colossians, Epistle to--,^ M W i.°
siong-pang. #'° Ko-lo-se 6 pho^.

Collect, fassemble), ^^ tsii-tsip Colour, ^ sek, -^ i| sek-ti.

Colours:— Greenish, l^k hod" 16k hoa".
Black, ,% ^ o--sek. Light bottle—, M^^ chh^i t^
Jet-black, tim-o-, tt ,i^ kan-o". sek.
Blackish, o'-lioa° o-hod". Light— ,?E°^°i^° hoe hi6h l^k.
Pale— ^°^°chhi6 1^k.
Blue, ^ 'B, 14m-sek.

Pea—, S.°iim° tau-jin l^k.

Blueish, 14m-lio4'' Mm-hoa".
Azure— ^°^°g^h-p^h. Gf-ei/, ^ ^ phil sek.
Dingy sky —,^°3i fe khin gi6k Clouded — ,
phii lii sek.
sek. Light— ir w° hg-chhi".
Light —
,H ^-sam-lam. Light state, M° %° E bdk-tsiii sek.
Lightest—,^°^ chhi6 Mm. Mouse colour, ^°Mff°fi nidu
Lightest sky—,^° 3E -g, khi'n gi6k chhii-d sek.
sek. Slate colour, ©AW soat lii

Navy—,tim 14m. chheng.

Sky—,^ 3E ^ chhim gi6k sek.
Very deep — tim Mm,,t5a
Purple, W ig chheng li^n.
Violet, ^° W jl chhi6 chhenglien. Violet—,^°ff}i chhi6 chheng
Brown, ^°^
Bronze, ^° E
chhiah sek. Deep — , H 3£ W° sam kong chhi°.
tSt k6- t^ng sek.
Dark—, ^°^ tsang sek.
Red, ^ U° tsu ang.
Deep maroon —
i^^° po- chhi^
Crimson — ^^
chhim th6.

Drab—, MM.^hm chhii sek. Light rose colour, 7K°6°3&: tsiii

p6h dng.
,m°^°^ khin 'tsang Peach colour, U.° th& dng. ^
sek. Reddish —
dng hod" &ng hoa°.

Light drab—,
tsang sek.
m° m° ^ chhi6 Rose colour, 7K° tsiii^ng, rich
bright—:^ ifl° tsu dng.
Maroon, M
ifl° hok 4ng. Solferino, ® pi gid-lan, whitish
Reddish—,, m
B°% ti-koa" sek. —# ^ng, dark
lt° hiin brownish
Straw colour, ^°?g° tsi hoe ^ —^ng kham sek.
Tea colour, ^° % White, ^° ^ih.
te sek.

Green, m° Uk.
Dingy— 6° a 6° a p^h-phu
Dark — , ^
Bf km Uk. Snow—, m° ti°%, phi6 p^h sek.
Deep—, mWm° hai hiin Uk. Unbleached—, i*? &°'g, piin p6h
Deepest—, |Ij°^°E soa" t^ sek. sek.
Yellow, W Ag. sa" kiau, ?fH°# sa" chham.
Corn colour, ^° ^ chhi6-:fig. Combine, fn ^ ho-hap, — for bad
Deep orange—, ^°W bitug. ^° purposes, ^^ kiet-t6ng, #^
1° kiu^-iSg. hoe-t6ng.
Light—, ^ %, bi-sek, ^° K Combustible, |g° 5| i/lc° oe in|h6.
khin ng. Combustibles, ?| il^° ^° ^ji}° in h6 e
Orange — , t& W kam fig. mih.
Combustion, ^° he
Yellowish, iig ho4° ng hoa°. ifC sio, sponta-
Yellow colour, gi4 iig. neous—, g°e.°^>;it°ka-kihoath<^.
Rich golden ^° kim —# iig. —
Come, JJJ lai, upon tng-ti6h, WM°
— A^

Very — , ng gam-g^m, in, jip-lii, —by the roof,

Coloured, (not plain) Xii° %, kki° sek. KP ^ liau-lai, —out as secret, ^°
Colourless, ^° g, iJ bo sek-ti. ®°
lauh pauh, ii{}^° chhut pauh,
Colours, —for painting, £, fJl- sek- ii° M
liau, five — , 5. 'Si ng6'-sek. Comedy, to play —
JK" >JV^ poa" ,

Colt, ,^° ff ° ^° be4-kia". sidu-soat.

Column, (pillar) ft° thiau, (line) Comeliness, ||° sui, M M° chhin-

. mr tsoa, (of letters) -°iai° tsit- chhi°.

— ^ tsit h&ng.
° Comely, W siii, H ®° chhin-chhi^.
Coitoa, jrSI''' hun-hun, §f ^° hun- Comer, ^ ^"IM-e, new— if §°sin-
khi, m° *° sit-khi. kheh.
Coinatose, Jf^ ^° hun-khi, revive Comet, WW M° sku-tsiu chhi°, :g°
from — state, ^^S^ ho§,n hun Ji°M° tiig be chhi^ ^° M° phdi"-
hoan-hun. chhi", f|° M° M° thoa-be chhi°.
Comb,, (a) ^ ^° chha-soe, tooth— Com'fit, HU th%-k6.
a @° sap-pin, honey—, ^W Comfort, ^ #^ an-tii.
phang-ih, cocks—, ||° M° koe-ke, Comfortable, (as person) 'K° ^°
to — , fj^° soe, ^° pin. khok°-oAh, 'K° fg° khiii°-oah,
^° #°
Copibat, ?fB° i&lj sa'^-thai. 'K s6ng-khoai, khin-sang,
C(]'mbatant, (soldier) ^Ig fi§° kau- jg^ tsu-ju, (as place) jf|?^ chheng-
tsien-g, (person) M' tr° fif sa"" s6ng, jH ^ chheng-hiu.
/phah ^. Comfortably, 'K°fg-°khok°-oah.
Combative, i^ ai khi su, ^f^ Comforter,^ an-iii ^, (Holy^ ^^m°
/ .H ai chhidng su, (warlike) ^? 12 Spirit) i§i ti P6 hui su. M
/ h6'-tsi6n. Comfortless, J>° iS-an, ^° g5 ^ ^
/ Combination, (alliance) '§[ hoe- b6-an tii, (as house) ^°M M b6- M
; b^ng, (cabal) ^ t6ng, (coalition) s6ng-lL

-t m toe iok, (of articles) ?f9° 1° Comic, ^ m° h6 chhi6, t" H^u

, ,

chhii bi, (person) #° ^ "§, g^u siong, g ^mb--€k.
soat chhiong. Commercial, f^° ^M
Comical, ^ ^° h6-chhi6. Commination, (threat) ;5J:° P|)j° pang-
Comma, ^° M^ to--tidm. tiau.
Command, © Vii hoan-bii, -g" kah, Commingle, M' ^ sa°-cbbam, ^° ^
'^ '^ beHg-leng, Imperial — Mm sa" -lam.
W ^M

shng-tsi. Comminute, g^ng-kbi-iu.

Commandant, ^ # tbe-tok. Comminution, |ij M° l^- ^ cbb6ng-
Commander in cbief, iK M Wi M tsui- kku-kek-iu.
su- thong. l^ng, % gig go&n-soe, Commiserate, v^ '^ kh6-lln.
( ^Mi% t^ Peng-be-go4n- Commiseration, pf '^ A° kb6-lin-
so^, (naval) ^% Jif cbham-tsi6ng. lS,ng.

Commandment, i%,Mt tiau-kai, the Commissariat, '0^ niii-t^i. J

ten — ,
+° if^ Ift' tsdp-tia,u-kki. Commissary, ^= H^ 'g° koan-ni6-
Commelina, i^ ft" ^° tam-tek-hiob. koa°, )fl J niu''-t4i.

Commemorate, fjl ^ kUiam.

Commission, ( charge ) pki- ^ %
Commence, jig kbi, gg" ^<' khui- thok, (brokerage; %° 51° tbiu-
cbhiu, 13 khai-ki, ^ work, g|° —
thau. Si thiu-hun, 36 P^ng- ^ ^
X° tang-kang, ^
X" kbi-kang, glin, twenty per cent— Zl — , AW
a military review, IH''^'' khui- ji-pat-thiu, small |il° hun- — , ^
cbhau. thau, —agent, %" A° kau-poeh- fr
Commencement, ^ ^ khi-tb^u. b^ng.
Commend, fentrustj 5C fi: kau-tai, Commissioner, — ofcustoms,CS°Sf|°
^ # kau-bii, (praise) ^° i| 0-I6, s^-bu-si.Imperial, — ^ khim- iJC

® ^° p(5-tsiang, — (recommend^ cbhe.

Commissure, (seam) f^° kbiah..
^ M kii-tsi^n.
Commendable, rT" ^° ^^ tbang-o-16. Commit, ( perpetrate ) ^E ^° boan-
Commendation, %%° ^'' 0-I6. ti6b, (entrust) je iH° kau-bo-, ^
Commensurate, fi it" tiii-tii, fJ ^° f^ kau-tai, —to memory, W %
tiii-cbbeb. W oe-liam-tit, — g ^

Commensuration, fi° ;5:° ^^ ^ niii-

tsu-tsin, —a crime, 3E boan- IT^

tsoe, —to prison, ][t g° siu-ka",
M° 11° koai"-ka^
Comment, ,?£ M tsii-kai, a£ UK tsii-so-.
Committee, J^ 1; i:° A° tbok-tiong-
Commentary, a£ tsii, U fj? tsu-kai,
g£ iBS tstuso".
Commix, ^° i% sa°-chham, m° ^
Commentator, f^° |t #| # ts6e48{i- sa°-lam.
Commerce, ^H
Commixture, % f| ^° %"= bun-tsdp-
seng-li, 3^ ^ kau- ^-mib.
— ,

Commode, ^° ^^ \^ jio klia° tfi. Commimity, @'°i^°peh-si'', (of goods)
Commodious, ^f°^j£ Jl h6-phi-phi6n, '^ 'fS 51 M ™ bu siong thong.
l°^^'gau-t6e, (suitable) li- Commutable, mM tm fi°#° oe ttii-

pien, ^° hah. oa" tit.

Commodity, M° he. Commutation, M ^° tiii-oa", fin

Commodore, 7K° 01 il Jitsiii su ts6ng law; Ji kiam t^ng. ^
thong. Commute, Jlf tsiet.

Common, ^ "^ peng-si6ng, ^° i^° Compact, (a.) i^ iok, (close) M^

si6h-si6h, fifff chho--si6k,— dress, kiet-sok, M°&° siap-tiap, K#°
®^ pien-i,—place, ^Jl "^ pi'^si6ng, sit-tio^.

a — ^ a khang-po-.
Compankjn, ia"ff-° tfi,ng-phoa°, to
be a—, f^°'^° tso6 phoa".
Commonalty, W" il^" peh-si°.
Commoner, "g" ii° peh-si". Companionship, pg kau-poe. ^
Commonly, ^^
pgng-siong, 2p HI Company, trading rI° kong- — ^ ,

— 1^—
pSng-si. si, a ,
(of persons; tsit-koah,

Commonwealth, M M kok-ka. ° tsit-tin, —of actors, i% JM

Commotion, (tumult) JI iL ji^u loan, hi-pan, a whole— , kui-koah,

(agitation) 8° f j° tin-tang. (crowd; If 5 kui kun, keep —

Commune, ^ pg kau-p6e, ftake the Jte°® sa° sM, ^ pg kau-p6e, keep
Lord's Supper; :^° |5i^ tsidhboan —with #° phoa^— of thieves, ^^
chhan. chhdt t6ng, go in—, f^ #°
Communicant, (church memberj M
tso^-phoa", ff;° P? ts5e-tin.

# ;2:° A° kail hoe 6 Mng, (partake

Comparative, sign of ^° khah. — ,

of Lord's Supper; W,° ^^^^^

Compare, Jt pi, Jt 36 pi-pheng. #
oe siu bodn-chhan ^. It phi-lun, 36 ^° pheng-khoa",
Commu ni cate, ) (secretlyj ^ ft ,1,"
accounts, §i
Comparison, ^°
HS° ttii siau.

Communication, thati siau-sit, (in- Jt sa° pi.


Compartment, ° ^° tsit keh.

formj 5i ^°thong-ti, with rob.
bers, ii M° thong chhdt, (disclose^ Compass, (a) =F S°
kan-ki", jf ^* $
1;° ^° k6ng hong tsai, fby tsi lira ku, ^h ^ tF tsi lUm tsiam,
letter) #t° it fi 3S^ phoe sin 6ng geomancer's — M , S° lo-ki",

Mi, (official) M° # tsio hoe. about M 64° iii-teh, carpenter's—

Commvmicative, ^ |PiJ° A°^°aika ^^ $° ki chhia.

mng k6ng, W m" IP b6 khAg-p6-, (Compassion, 'M'M lin-bin, ft 'ft thd-

^M°M° tsin pak pik.°. sut.

'^ kho-lln, 'p
Communion, H^boan-chhan (inter- Compassionate, rT 'fl

course) S ^ kau-poe, ^ )i siong- lin-bin, f^ "jii th^-sut, ,1. ii un-sut,

thong. ^ i& ^° h6 sim tf g, U;° »& ndg sim.

Compatible, •^° hkh, ^ ^° hdp-sit. t^u-Mng.
Compatriot, |fj° g ^° siang kok 6. Complainant, ^° ^° t^u-e, (in law)
Compeer, fan equalj pi°-t^ng, /SK -^ go4n
^ k6.
(companion) J^° •^° tang-phoa". Complaint, (written) ^°Jn) tau-su,
Compel, M
JS bidn-ki6ng, ^p°l[° fftsng.
ah-lah, W.M ek-Mk, — enemy to Complaisant, (courteous) ^° H ^
raise a siege, ^° § k6e iii. ti M s6-. WlJii 1^ u 16 mau, W° it
Compendious, (abridged^ fii^ k&n- ^ u M-tb6, fl|f ^ su-biin, (affable)
li6k, fH ^J kd,n-sdng, (comprehen- t ^, jin-jid, (obliging) i|B m"
sive) ^^ kai-koat. kbi-cbhi4°.
Compendiously, f^ ^ kdn-li6k, Complement, A°.M l&ng-giah.
Compendium, ^M tai-i, f^ ^ kan- Complementary, ^° fi Jji: kau U s6-,
li6k. — pbrases, JS° II M. ii" kau M W
Compensate, ^S°p^. s6' e 6e.

Compensation, ^° p6. Complete, W^° tsiau-ts:£lg, @° tsi^u,

Compete, )te°^°sa°-sfe, Retail, ^7^ lf° ^°ka-nng, ^°ts6g, (finisbed)
^ ti^n piln-su, 0° ph^k, — at 59 ^ bgng-p^k, — set (as book) If
arcbery, ^ 9|°|ll°kh6 tsi° p6. g-)5 kui-pb5, (as bowls) Ef ^•kuibii,
Competence, (abilityj ^° ^]^^ ii (finisb) §C ig ts6e o^n,
§C ^^ 6
piin-su, (property) %& cbbiong- tsoe b^ng-p^k, ^^ ts6e h6; iJ
tsiok. J5^° ts6e tsi&°.
Competency,* :^° '^° ^ W tsidh Completely, W ^° tsi£lu-tsfig, ^^
ebbeng kaii-gidb. j tso^n-ji^n.
Competent, (adequate) ^ ^° kati- Complex, ) ^
g^ ft ^ lii-iii kbiok-
gid.b, (man) fg # Mng kkn. Complexity, f kbiok.
Competition, WW sa°-s^. Complexion, ^^
bong-tsu, '® >£,
Competitor, Cfjt 51° ^° ts6e tiii- bin-sek, ^ ^ g^n-iong, M ^ g^n-
tb^u 6. sek.
Compilation, #' ^ ±° W cbbau tsip Compliance, ("submission; M sun,
^ cbbeb.
Ji M° sun-than, (granting) Mj lin,
Compile, f bookj ^ ^ cbbau-tsip. fi tsiin.
Compiler, W %W cbbau-tsip ^. Compliant, ))M AM sun jin i.
Complacence, (pleasure) ^ ^
Complicate, finvolvej ^^° S° kau-ti".
hoa°-bi, fcivilityj If M-s6-. ^
Complicated, lg° tl^ ii ^° lo-so,
Complacent, 'KH kboai-16k, (civi- Complication, j j^|° kau-ti", |i|° g" g
lity; ^t" jjif it ti ld-s6-. i"-ti°.

Complain, ^"t^u, Vi% s6--oan,— Compliment, (lo congratulate; ^

of, ^ hiam,— of a person, fBC A° § kiong-bi, |f ^ cbb^ng-an.
Comply, (with) M.° tUn,Ji^°sun- g6a siu" boe chhut.
ttkn, (listen to) S|° ^° thia^-than. Comprehensive "l^^ ^^t^^^
Complying, Jl^ ^° stin-thkn. Comprehensively
Comprehensiveness J "^ '
Component, -^ ^° ;2l° ^° bap tsiS,"

^ mill.
Compress,^" ^^ jih-tsat, W teh.

Comport, (suit) '^^ hdp.

Comprise, 'S ^ pau h^m, 'g ® pau-

Comportable, fconsistentj -&• ^° koat, ^ jS kai-koat.

Compromise, j^ chhii, ||° tlig,
Compose, (poetry) ts6e-si, MW — (involve) ^^ lien-lui.

Compunction, JiJ fF° fij" M° sim-koa"

book, ^ron{i-chbeb,!^^flrpien-
cbheb, correctly—, W° i^ ^ u-
Computation ^° s£ig, —mentally, ^
Compute j^° chhixi-sAg.
Composed, "1
S |£ tsu-tsai, IS" ®°
Comrade, 1^° f^° t^ng-phoa".
Composedly, j tium-tsdt, ^t" M" R°
Con, (study over) ^^ hAk-sip,

Composer, (of poetryj |# ^ si-ong, Bi % k4ng-kiii, IS" thdk.

(of book) mW Am tii-su-lip-
ife" |^ sa^-li^n,

Coacatenation tsi4h-chheng.

Composition, (mixture) iV^° tsdp-
Concave \W nah, 113° tbap,
Concavity] lap, JJt^tham-t6-,

mib, (writing)
Compositor,^^° M p^i-ji-^.
jSC bun-ji.
ly — , ^ 19 chhim-6-.
Conceal \ M° khftg,
#'|^° thau-
Composure, ^ @ tsu tsai. Concealment J khAg khkm, ^° W
Compound, (mix) ^ kidu, —a debt, M iap, —part, i§° khfig-p6-,^ ang- —
JIf chhii tsiet, —medicine, |^ ts6, er, -^'1'^° h4m-hun, —
one's self, P°
—interest, #° J|° ^f bii chhia lai, bih, — one's feeling, ffi" M" tsng-
^° m° W #° kauh lai cbhia bii. ts6e.
Comprador, S° P ^° b6e pan

^, a Concede, (yield to) niS°, (allow) W
shroff—, ^^ M gun-kui, fi M
tsTin, m. }L 6ng-un.

tsidng-kui. Conceited 7?elf— U :k° , ^ ^

Comprehend, t&° li ^° 6e hi4u-tit, Conceitedness 3b6ng tsu tsun tba,
^% thku-thiet, (include) ^^ g Wi tsu-ko, i :k tsu-tai, g" E
pau-hS,m, ^ fg kai-koat. H." j^ ka-ki, pa-kiet, g JE tsu-

Comprehensible, (can be under- tsiok, g" B" 4 }i ka-kl chhiau-

stood) mW ffl m° siu" oe chhut chhdk, ^'' ^'' phin-ph6ng.

Conceive, — womb, S
tit, (can be included) Ig^Q^m" in J5§ siu thai,

oe pau-hfi.m tit. (think) ^,°siu".

Comprehension, M'W ffl 8iu°-5e- Concentrate, ^ tsek, (as soldiers)

chhut, beyond my—, ^° ^° ^° lii MB M tsek-kui-tui.

— ) —
Concern, a, ^° |^° tai-tsi, (care) ^ Condescend, M ^ll^° Wi ^ cbhek
^ khok-lu, fafFect) =f- ^ kan-sidp. ke 14i tsiH i,H «t hii-tsiu, Jg° f °

Concert, a, f^ |i tsok-gdk (harnaony cbbib-ke.

fn lt° h6-h4i, to— It ||°k^-b6-. Condescending, M ^ kbiam-stin.
Concession, (grant) ?# tsiin, it lin, Condign, M^ eng-kai, ^^° bdp-sit.
(yieldj ii° niti". Condiment, (relisb) '1^° @£°mib-phe.
Conch, *^° Ig, blow a—, PJt" ^" pun-M Condition, (state) ^ ^° khodn-sit,
Conciliate, 1 (a person) §[° ^°M P life ^ kbdm-tsam, ruinous ^^
Conciliation, J
ts6e khi tsiu-i, (two bo6-tui, (terms) ^I^ ^° ti^u-tda".
parties) Ef fo kang-h6. Conditions, ^ i^° ;^° u-kbui-chbii.
Concise, fi Mn, fM ti kdn-tsiet. Condole, ^ Man-iii, (in sorrow) fH"
Conclude, (end) J," scab, (decide)
S°^°tia''-ti6h,—an affair, ^° B°
•§1° sa° bai, (in case of deatb) ^
SI bai song, ^ M" tiku-bai, ^ |fi°

%M tai-tsi o^n ki6k. tiku ts6a.

Concoct, (digest) ft ^
siau-hok, Condoler, |,* ^° an-tii g. ^
(devisej JH; gi to--tsoan. Conduce, f#°bo-, g)[)°tsan.
Concomitant, ^° jg saMien. Conducive, tr |g M° oe ti-kku.
Concord, fn b6. Conduct, ^a ^
pbin-heng, {§ fj tek-
Concordance, (agreement) ft h6, beng, m
n" s6--kia", ^i it° s6- tsoe,
of New Testament, if «: ^ $ 1: fj kii-tong, fr ^ bSng-ui, fj"
sin-iok cbhokn tsu. Sr kia-'-tah, (lead)
khan, li ^°
Concourse, H ^ tsu.tsip, f # boe- cbhoa, (direct) 5^-33 liau-li, (ma-
bap. nage) f;| pan.
>J>°i| soU, {§ M° pbien- Conductor, fa guidej |& ^° cbhoa ^
15-^ e,^(in music) f^° 11° f-° tsoe

Concupiscent, M" ^ b6°-sek, U f^ thi,u e.

bd^-lm, (female) bi^u, |iJL° ^
7K tsui-k^ng, 7^° 1° Conduit, m
bi4u kbdng.
Cone, \':^^ tsiam khoan, ^;t°^
Concur, (agree in opinion)
(^I" ^ Conical, ^ ik°
t4ng-i, ^^ M bab-i, I^° i& t4ng-
jjt'i" siin ^ khoan-sit,

sim, ( coincide )^H° fj- sa'' tiii.

siin-iu'', pine—, i^°^&°^f chh^ng
peb lui.
Concussion, ^te" ffl" sa"-tng, (agita-
Condylomata, I|''5i°^''k6e-ke-cbhng
tion) '^° cbboab.
Confabulate, m° M° t^ Ik sa" kap
Condemn )
^ fp gi-ts6e, S |p Confabulation,

t&,m lun.
Condemnation ) teng-tsoe, — to deatb
Confection, m' ^°

ki^m sng
M JE" gi-si. Stf ti".

Condense, ffi ;§. kdn-li6k, M° ^ kbab

Confectioner, #.„"« Z"
ko phin 6 sai bu, (shop)
% W ts6e
kdn, il ® (as steam) kek ien. ko pbin tikm.
Confectionary, ^ ^ ko-phln. prisonj H" 6^° koai" teh.

Confederacy, kui koali, kui oang Confinement, ^° ^ si°-san.

kui koah, ^,|| t6ng lui. Confines, (of a country) Si^ !?•

Confederate, (an ally) •^ ;S toe iii, kok-th6' piin kki, (guard the — of
to— , #
§i hoe b6ng. a country) ^ *^ Tp; ^ tin-siu piin
Confederation, "^ 5S lioe-beng. kki.
Confer, rbestowjf^^ho-, jg" skng, W Confirm, (settlej # ^M H ho- i

% siu°-sii, —
with '^ ^
siong-liong, kien-ko-, #°'D*^£ jE ho'i tsai-ng6-.
^ If chham-siong, f^ f& gi-lun. Confiscate, 5c '&° chhiong-koa", ^M
Conference, #
|g h5e-gi, (consul- so--ka, to be ed, A. 'g'" jip koa°. —
tation with) 1^ ^ siong-gi, ^' :g Confiscation, "g" ^ chhiong-koa",
siong-liong. Sf t° kui-koa".
Confess, M- jin,— a fault, M
fa" jin Conflagration, >H:°^° jf h^-sio-chhu.

chh6, —
being in the wrong, '^° Conflict, #" sa°-tong, fe° W.° sa°- i
:7° i" he in ti6h, |^ ;f ° 1-° jin iii tng, (strife) ?fa° ^° sa^-tsi", (bat-
ti6h, — guilt, Wi P jin tsoe. tle) ifa^^ij sa-'-thai.
Confessedly, B^ BI3 bdng beng. Confluence, (of stream) M" X^
Confession, J^. jln, —of a prisoner, siang-chhe-h6.
P^-^^khdukeng. Confluent, M W." ts6ng-lau.
Confidante, ^ S ^° ti ki e. Conform, M tsiku, M ^° tsiku-iu°,
Confide,—in {%" B oa-kh6, ^ 1° M 1^ tsiau-khodn, |g Ife than-
oa-l6a, (entrust) fg ^ thok-tiong, khoan, (obey) JIlM sun, ^ tsiong.
Conformation, ^^ heng-tsong, ^
Confidence, (belief) i$ sin, (trust) ^ khodn-sit.

ftkh6, (reliance) ^#°i^° sin tit Conformity, fn IpI" ho-tang.

k6, 'IB fS siong-sin. Confound, (blend confusedly,) ^
Confident, (bold) M° M" pang td", M
chhap-tsap, jl {-tl hun-hok, iJ°
self— g° G° ft #° i^" ka-ki sin jl ho'-hun, chham-tsAp, i^ ##
tit k^. iL hun-loan, fdismayj #° A" m°
Confidential, —
communication, ^
£ jl" ho- 14ng kia°-hi^°,— (throw in
e5°ti-ki^. confusionj, ^X^ phah-loan (ruin)

Confidently, (positively) IJt if koat- Wi M pai-hoai.

to^n. Confounded, (confusedj |L IL loan-
Configuration, J^ ^
h^ng-tsong. loan, ju-jii.

Confine, Jjt ^
siu-kim, (imprison) Confraternity, (profession) 1^1° Q
^° ^° koai°-ka°. tang-td-.

Confined, (bring forth) ^^ T-° si"-Confront, 'M is tui-tsi, fJ * tiii-t^ek.

kia", (in cage) M i^" tii-teh, fin Confucianism, M i^ j<i-kaii.

Confucius, ^ ? 5^ Khdng-tsii-kong, Congruous, (suitable) -^ hdh, (har-
?L :^ •? Khong-hu-tsii, f^ ^ monious) ft '^ h6-bdp.
Ti5ng-ni. Conjecture, M°phoe, $5°ioh,}a chhai,
Confuse, tS°Mi phah-loan, Urii h&-- fS° M" phah-siig, — beforehatid, gg
bun, #
IL hun-loan, #i jt- ^^ M° ph&.i-phe, unable to — ,
^,° 7f^°,

dihiang-clihidng, ^L SL loan-loan. tti siu^-boe-chhut.

Confused, ^M hun-ts4p, iLtL loan- Conjoin, ^te"}! saMi^n, ^° ^° sa^-oL
loan, b4ng-b§,ng. Conjointly, '^ ij hiap-16k.
Confusedly, ^° M" i* bd-thau-sln, Conjugal, ^° S^" ang-b6--g, M° —
to think— ^ It ^,° lam-sd,m siu°. fidelity, ^^ Ji li^m-tsiet.
ConfutationlgJ^"^ ^J pok li5 i Conjunction, (joining^ fa ^ ho-hap,
fj pien-t6, ^} ^
act in—, ^° M° M" sa° kap-ts6e.
J Conjunctively, ^° Ji saMi^n.
Cong^, Jtf!i° ip.jia, f^o^r chhiii" jia.
Congeal, ^° kien, ^ geng.
Conjunctivitis, ^f M &° W^ tk°-
Congee, |g 4m.
Conjuration, ( juggle ) ffl° m" m°
Congener, (as animals,) (^°fl°tang- Conjure,
J pi^-k^u-lang, f^° M°
tsdng, (as trees,) ^° ^ t^ng-lui. i^ ts6e-pA-hi, (implorej g^khiin-
Congenial, |^°»& siang-sim. kiu, (up a spirit) ^'' khan- C^
Congenital, ^^Wm"^ the-nih t6a b6ng-hlin.-
Conjurer, ®°^°tS''#° pi^-k^u-lang-
Conger-eel, ^ If 16-m6a. •

e, —
up as a story, E
^H t6--tsoan.
Congest, m m tsu-tsip, ^ ^ tsek-
Connate, (Botanical) |^° ;g^° ^ t^ng
ki boat.
Congestion, iC ^ 64°
huih tsek teh, Connect "I 5g lien, ;K° ai saMi^n,
—of pus, ii gi° kek Mng. Connection } iMW tsiap-sok, (have
Conglomerate, i^" ^°i% tsoe tsit bo. relation to) =f ^ kan-sidp..
Conglutinate, |,tf j^" liam-tiiu.
Congou, (tea) X"^:^" kang-hu tg.
Connected m° m saMien. ^^W
sa"-tsiap sok, m" ^"M" ®° sa" khan
best,— X" ± ^
siong kang-bu. sa° thoa.
Congratulate, ~| ^^
kiong-hi, ^ Connective, (particle) ^ ^° hu-ji.
Congratulation, >^ ho-hi
Congratulatory, J kb^ng-ho.'
M % Connivance, ife" ^"^ ti" in tsai, M°
ffl° ^Sb" pkng kti tsai.
Congregate, MM tsu-tsip, M "t Connive, fg° J^° ^r ti° iS-tsai, t^°
T>' «" £° ti'^ b6 khok»-ki-, J.' W"
Congregation, ^ f- kong-hoe. m" A" i: ^» b6 beh chhiok mng
Congress, m # kok-hoe, interna- 6 todn.
tional—, #° ^ ®°if' ^ t tak kok
su-tsia siong-hoe.
16k 1 14ng.
nm^Z" KU ~ gdn
Coanubial, ^° if ° Z'MM ang b6- ^ Consequently, pjj ^ s&-i, BP" tsiah,
to-li. —I went, ^° HJ" i° g6a-tsiah-khi.
Conquer, IJc^" khali-iS°, — in battle, Conserve, -ff: ^p6-ho-, i^ p6-tsoin. ^
l&lj U° thai-i4°. Consider, tT° S^" phah-siig, fi>°siu°,
. Conquerable, it M" %° pe ik" tit. M- ^° su-siii°, U ^° chhi-siu°, —
Conquest, ^M tek-seng, (subju- to be, M°§1'' siig-t86e.
gate) ^ifi pk-tsikm. Considerable, —
Consanguinity, tsi-chhin. M^ oh.
Conscience, H *& li6ng-sim, 5c K Considerably ^°^ toa-llm, j^c" T°
thien liong. toa-e.
Conscientious I WK »5 u liong- Considerate, ^° »5 ,§l u-sim-su, '^Bfi
Conscientiously sim, ) ^° 5c K u A° ^^ 'If the-thiap lang-e-tsSng,
thien li6ng. ^° r. '!f u-goan-tseng.
Conscionable, (reasonable) ^° '^ g Consideration, in — ^of, ;g: tki-liam,
ii ts^ng 11, out of—, ^°^°tok-ti6h, ^°^°
Conscious, ^° tsai, S" E." ^^ ka-ki ui-ti6h, ^ ^ tki-liam.
tsai. Consign (entrust) ^ fii kau-tai, —
Consciousness, g" E° ^'' ka-ki tsai. goods, ^'' K° kia-he, —a vessel,
Conscription,ifl thiu peng. ^ M" i^" ^ tsun-o4-hkng.
Consecrate, iJc hi^n, —a new door, Consignee, fiWt M° tai-pan-g, .j^ %
^ P^° an-mng, keel of a ship, —
^^ seng-pan-^, fj ^° harig-ke.
an chhiAm, a new —
house, ^^ Consignment, (oi goods J ^° 6^°^ ^
an-ehhii. S|5-kik-e.

Consecutive, 1 ^S lien-lien, M' Consist, ^ tsai.

Consecutively, ]'^W^ sa°-lign-ti- Consistence, ^ ^^, ( as of

tok. pastej 1^ 3^ geng-kiet, (of charac-
Consent, it un, M tsiin, M° M k6ng- ter) IS°^°-t° fn fn tseng-au-16ng-
h6, with one—, |p1° >& t^ng sim. h6-h6.
Consentaneous, '^° hdh, -^ ^° hdp- Consistent, -1?°^°^° fb fD ts^ng-au-
sit. 16ng-h6-h6, W m" ^° n° gi^n-
Consequence, ( result M M kiet-
) heng-16ng-tkng.
ki6k, of no—, ^° ^ ^ b6-siong Consistently, :§'' if u-tiii, ;t'' -^ u-
kan, in—, M M° *J° llfc° in-^ii ^n- hkp, act — , s" fr" ^B # gi^n-heng-
ni. siong-hA.
Consequences, gi % kgan-Jie, ^ ^ Consistory, ( Presbyterian j W^^
tsek-s^ng. tiuMdhoe.
(Consequential, ( conceited ) W :^° Consolation,
5E M an-iii.
, ,

Consoler, ^M M° an-iii-^. Constrain, $'p° ll° ah-14h, % 5S bidn-
Consolidate, (harden) #"# S bo'- ki6ng, ^ m° ki6ng-kah.
i-teng, (combine) ^ W tsek-tsu. Constraint, M 5S bi6n-ki6ng, (con-

Consonance, (suitableness) '&" Mh, finement) koai".

(of sounds) In li6. Constrict, [shrink] ^ kiu, [bind]

Consonant, a, ^ ^'' p6k-ji. ts6e, |l] chh6ng,

Consort, (companion) f^° f^° t4ng- Construct, } M"

Construction,/ [a bridge] it ^if"

pboa^ (wifej M" ^° cbbii- b6-, 11°

lai, (royal) ^^ hong-ho', to— ts5 ki6,—of a sentence, ^ f£ kii

^ I© kau-p6e. hoan-6k.
Conspicuous, ^ |1 cbhi^n - hien, Construe, i^ ig
(famous) Hi ^ chbut-ld, ^° Consul,
W —"^^ M^
leng su koa", vice
't" ^u l^ng sii koa",—
phu-tbau, ffi
^° chbut-tioh.
gij ,

Conspiracy, 5I, US tbong-b6*.

general, || ^^ *§" ts6ng l^ng

Conspirator, nf US ^° k,m bo* ^. su koa°.

Conspire, Bt i« am- bo', chboan- Consular,

$M m^t° ^°Urig siikoa-g,
thong, ^ ft siet-k6, 5I % tbong- —assistant, g hii-hoan-
glj ,fi

b6-, W Bh 11 s4i-am-b6-.
Consult, —together, '^3: siong-li6ng,
Constable, U M° goan-cbhe, ^° #f °
chha-koe, M° ^° chlie-i4h, (of a S M- W su-niii", p¥ chham-si6ng,

ward) ^ ^° p6-tiu'', ife te-p6. # 'ft1°fi^^ sa'^-gl-lun, [take counsel]

Constant, 1 M" M° taiih-taTih, ||° ^ li chh6ng-kku.

Constantly, ] ^l toA"-tod", ^ ^ Consume, '^MHM" ^° sio-lio-khi,
si6ng-si6ng, HI ^Ij sl-kbek, ^ ?}c° [squander] M f§ fM lam-sam-khai,
s6--p4i, fx ^ tsu-tsu, M'M^ i\i° [expend] M^ khai-hixi.

iJfc° tbong-tbong-si-kn-ni", — cough- Consummate, [perfect] ^°^°tsi^u-

hing, m° W B$° kbu-kliu-sku. ts^g, to—, J^° tsia^, ^S o^n-
Constellation, ^ sin. tsoan.

Consternation, ^ f#° gong-ngiah". Consumption, ^ 'M° siin-pi", ^ 'K

Constipate, 1 IJ5M pi-kiet, :f:1g Ji^
16-siong, 1° ^ ^" kang-hu-pP.
Constipation, j 51 tai-pien put-thong. Consumptive, ^ ^° ai-sun-pi°.

Constitute, 1^ S: siet-lip, ftobej :gsl. Contact, *a° 5* sa°-khAp, ^B" '^'' sa"-

Constitution,, E° t6e, ^ i!! go^n- oa.

seng, person s — '

-nif" sin-mia" Contagion, "^ '^ un-^k.

(of a kingdom) g ^ kok-tseng, Contagious, ^t° 'M" A° oe-t6--iang>
M W kok-th^, (establishing) M m°. A" oe-k^-l&ng.
jfc ki^n-llp, p^ ji siet-lip, broken Contain, Ht° tod, [comprehend] €1
in—, ^ H ^ sit-goan-khi. ^ pau-h&m.
Contaminate, ^° M" bak-tioh, ^° Continent, a, •j^° ^ toa-tsiu.
W t6--ti6h. Contingent, [dependent on] ^° tsai,
Contemn, M" M° khoa°-khin, S^Ji [casual] %f^^°'^ ng6--jien 6 su.
11° bak-teli-b&, H Sg bidu-sl. Continual "j

Contemplate, [meditate] S," siu", Continually V A" :g:° kii-tiag.

Centiniiance j
H M^ skm-su.
Contemporary, ^° II# 6^° t^ng si L Continuation, ff f^° tsiap-soa.
Contempt, ^° |g' klioh,°-khin. Continue, [permanent] A° kii- W
Contemptible, pT" ^
SS thang bi^u-
trlg, JS: J5: tsu-tsu. [abide] -fi'tok,

si, [appearance] A :j' S15 ^ jin- ]^° tiam, [to last] ^% 'M. bien-oan,

tsai pbi-iu. [endm-e] A" W kii-tiig, [perse-

Contemptuous, M" A" it ^ kboa" vere] ^ i& tsoan-sim, |^ # ti-i,

Mng bdibai, #°S°M' A° g^u khok" W M° mi-noa" i^° ift° mi-tsi".

khiniang, @°?L° toabakkhdng.

Continuous, ^ "iP" sa^-sok,^ liu-

Contend, [as rivals] R" tau, >te° H° siii, in — succession, 55 jg lien-li^n.

Contort, f^ tsun, |^° ka.

sa"-tau, [dispivte] ft° ^° saUsi", fg
!^ p6-chhui, ^^ P-'tak-khau,— for Contortion, (of face) "S° ^g bin-

mastery, H° @ taiibdng. iu-iu.

Contour, ^° i^ goa-mau, ^ Jl^ heng-


Contention, ^° ^° sa'-tsi". Contraband, 3E hoan-kim. ^

Contentious, ^ ^° ^ ai-chhi6ng-su. Contract, ^^ kiu, make a 3! $5 — ,

Contents, [of a box] mW ^'' W llp-iok, (as for building a house)

— ^^
so'-tsng e mih, —of cakes, a", [of ^1° bailh, for in a lump,

a letter] M'M i.° s6- sia S.

tso^n-baiih, —^nilt, 3E IP hoan-

W iE (a document) %^ i?°
Conterminous, pi-lien, ^^ tsoe, iok-ji,

kau-kki. (abridge) ^ kan, —ed mind, ^

Contest, m° W sa-^-tsi", m" W sa°- ^ chhien-ki^n.
pik°, doubtful—, ^ ^^ kau pia". Contractable, tl° -4* ^'' oe-kiu-tit.

Context, ± T ^ siong-ha-biin. Contraction, Jf kiu.

Contexture, [of cloth] ^ $f p6*-sin. Contractor, Q^ ^~° baiihe.
Contiguity, M° g sa°-tsiap, ^H" ii Contradance, # W IJE H tui-bln-

sa-'-lign, ija° -f^" sa° oA. thit\u-bu.

Contiguous, it m. pi-li^n, ^te" -ft"Contradict, ^° tsi", fff A° tsiet-


sa"-od, (te° JE sa°-kun, ^'' ^ sa°- Contradiction, j lang, one's self, —

tsiap. ^M m&ii-tun, contracted, [in

Continence, [chastity] "J^^Wi. kki mind] o^h-to^h, (as writing) Jf

sek i6k. Jf kiu-kiu.
Contradictory, (statements) /fB S, Conundrum, ^f chhai.
siong-hoAn, ^M miu-tiin. Convalescence, ^° ;^° pr-b^-
Contraries, fij- K tui-hoan. Convalescent, 38° M° pi'-b^.
Contrariwise, ^ If hodn-tfig. Convene, ^'' tsio, iH tsu-tsip. ^
Contrary, fj ^ t6-hoan, S fj- tiii- Convenience, M®
sun-pien, ^ij fg

hoan, on the — #J S 11°

, t6, hoAn- Convenient, li-pien, '^ khoki-
) ^
t£g. pieri, Jfl ^ sun-se, suit his — , @|
Contrast, #" ifc 36 sa"-pi-pheng, ^° # ;^° M li i ^ pien.
J:t sa°-pi, ^b 36 pi-pheng. Convent, (Buddhist nunnery) ^^
Contravene, ^ 5^° ui-k(^h, ^ ^ poe- M li ko* am.
gek, m W lioan-ti6h. Conventicle, # hoe.
Contribute, M^ toe-ign, ^ ^ koan- Convention, # h5e, ^ ^ tsu-tsip.
toe. Conventional, M tsiku-le, -^fIJ flf

Contribution, (of money) ^ i^ to^- i-si,

— phrase, ^ ^^° pien-th6-pe,
i^n. ^ IF f^° th6-th4u oe.
Contributor, ^Wi^" to^-ien-^. Conventual, (Buddhist) # %° W
Contrite, R % hodn-ho^. si nih g, MWW am nih g.

Contrivance, ^ po-, ^ p5--s6-, tic ff Converge, If 11.° i:^ W kui tsidng

^ k^-ti. kun th^u.
Contrive, ^,'' ffi s_iu°-cliliut, (plan) Conversation, g" ^ gi^n^gii, ^° %°
^ ^ siet-hoat, gf H ke-b6-. WW sa"-kap k6ng 6e, fB" ||° US
Control, ^ kodn. 1^ sa° kap tam-lun.
Controller, J& a ;i° A° 6 Mng, tl-li Conversable, ^ fi fi W h6 gl-liin e.

the three — H ^ sam kong. Converse, 11° W k6ng 6e, |g fi t&m-

Controversy, ^ ft pien-lun, if .|$i lun, (keep company with) ^ pg
pien-pok. kau-poe, (reversed in order) Jj
Controvert, ^ pok, ^ t^ pien-lun. R° t6-peng.
Controvertible, tr #f K tr oe pien- Conversant, —with, W° K ^ u kdng-
kiu, i5°i3?>°tsaii4°.
pok tit.

U ^ Z° A° ho^.pien
Conversion, SM -ffi siu kdm-^iok,
^ Mng. 1:° 51° ^° teng th^u si".

Contumacious l^g kh6ng-ku, ^ Convert, H 'ffc kdm-hok, (change)

Contumacy J
5^° ui-keh. 8&°^° k6e pi", (from one denomi-
Contumely H'^ bii-ban, g>§ Igng nation of money to another) IB
ji6k#°,Sp6--ji6k. hok, pien. ^
Contuse Hi siong,—by beating, Convex tsui, |£ii ph6ng. ^
Contusion / *r° gf .i W° phah kaii Convey, (transport)
tski, un, ^ ^
o--chhi",—by falling,
poah-kau o'-chhi".
WC W ^ »° m m poa"-un, ®
!^° -fe tski-mfh-
khi, (transmit) 5^° kia.
Convict, 3E A° hoan-Mng, to — ^ — ,
jelly, ^° '^° tsi6h-hoe.

P teng-tsoe, 'M IP gi-tsoe. Coolness, fX if ° chhiu-chhin, JS° iJ'C

Convince, W if '0^° ^° M. k<^ag kau ±° M" the h6 ^ i6h, [between per-
ho- i h6k, fM^WP^ khui-phok sons] ® 'If p6k-ts^ng.
h5* i sin. Coop, hen—, 11° g° koe-tk, 11° ||°
Convivial, y^ >K° chheng-W, (fes- koe-Mng, i% 1| koe-am, to—, g°
tive) 'K M klioai-16k. ta,

Convoke, W ^ tsu-tsip. Cooper, fi" ^i° #° tsofe-thdng-^, ^°

Convolvulus, S° m°m° khi°-piah-tin. fi° ^-° kho--thang-^.
Convoy, $? ah, —a ship, ^ |§° ah- Cooperate, ^ liS" '1^ ^ h&-sim-hidp-
. tsiin. lek, Fj° f^° taii-tso6, ffi°S|° I^° sa"-
Convulse, ^° chhoah. kap-tati.
Convulsion, B. 1'^° hong-tsun, MH Coordinate, ^1^°
m° pi"-t4ng, M" ^
kin keng hong, [tumult] ^° tang-t^ng.
M° i6-tsoah. Copartner, H° ^° ff tau-h^-ki.
Cony, [rabbit] ^ th6-, [mentioned Cope, [equal to] M. IS iK ki^n-ko-te,
in the Bible] PIJ; t^ sa-hoan. Bl°.tK^°oe-pi-tit.
Coo, [as a dove] l|^° Il§^° I5L° ku-ku- Copious, 1 m. hong-seng, ^° 0° |?.°

h4u. toa-si-koe.

Cook, a ^ ^° m" tsu-tsiah ii° Copier,

e, 1 Jj7^°chhau-^, [imitator]
^° sio h^ e, mandarin's—, ^M Copyist, m° ^° 6h-e.

cook, Copper, U° M° ^ng t^ng,—plate,

M° tH-ping, ship's |i° if"
ts6ng-ph6-, — rice dry, ^^^"^"bun- ll5l°;Ktang-pdn,— ore, ^"4° chhi"-
t4ng, old— sheating, ^°:il°>^°ku
png, to —^
tsii. ,

—and ^
Cooked, m" s^k, half—rice, ^ ^° t&ng phi°, pewter ware,
11° ^ tsTi pok" Mng bi, ^° ^° m° M° M" ^ tsi 'fig ting khi.

pok'' chhi" sek, poa" chhi" h^u.

Copperas, g g tso ho^n, WM chhi°-
Cookery, ^
:^° tsu-tsi4h.
Coppersmith, fj* ||S|° bJ ft teng ting
Cookhouse, a° la" tsku-kha.
Cool, [weather] ^;}^ liilng-l^ng,
Copse, ®° #° si6 chhiu-na.
m °
!f chhiu-chhin, jf
^° chheng- >J'.°

Mng, to—fr fi»'^ to- i Mng, n° Copulate, [animals] ^U°M° sa°-khi4,

p !f
° ho- i chhin. M" S sa° kau, fS° ®° phah-tseng,
Coolie, A° X° lang kang, >h° X° si6- [persons] ft° U° kia°-pang.
kang, ffi M ku-li, II m° ^° chho-- Copy, to iP chhau, [accounts] — ,

kha-chhiu, m° X° ta" kang,—brok- M" po4^ m" l^k, }i° pia,",—secret-

er, m" M" kheh-th^u. ly, fil° J^°thau- chhau, —each other,

Cooling,—medicine, ^ M" leng-i<5h, M" M''W sa" khoa° iu", [for print-
er] ff k6, [a transcript] ip g^ kak-tk boat iam, opacity of — , ^
clihau-6. fli kbi-6. ulcer of— mn wm"
Copybook, i^" f§. ji-ph5-. bSng-kak-tk noa. ,

Copying, ink, pp if:" g" 7jC° in ji Cornelian, SI Jf bd-16, —beads, Si ^

bdk tsiii. ^ hi,-l6 tsu.
Coral, mM" sien h6, JJ| HU" sien 16,
Corner, kak, ^
BI° kak-tb4u,— H
—tree, if Si" ®° sien-16 chhiu,
of a dress, |g ku, three , H°
— ^
— ornaments, M M ^ sien li6 ki,
Cornet, [military] ^° Ff t" tok-tui-
false—, M" m M" k6 sien li6.
koa°, [musical] Pf ^ sau-kak.
Coralline Islands, MM W M sien-h6- Cornice, ?^° Ha" i|e ^^^ pbu-nab-kbi-
Coraltree, M M° ©" sien-h6-chhiu. Corn-mercbant, ^'' S ^ f? ^° kbui-
Corban, ^ H kok-p4n. ng6'-kok-b&ng-^. '

Cord, ^° ff sob-d, to—, W ^° pdk Corns, HI" ^ kba-lan.

sob. Cornstalk, ff k6.
Cordage, ^° sob, Manilla, B ^ s^" Corol, ^''
Lu-s6ng-sob. Corolla, M boe-iap.
Cordial, 1J* »& kam-sim, [warm] |^ Corollary, [inference] MM^'M^
jC" ji^t-sim, '^ '^ b^ng-bdng, [sin- cbbui-cbbek-6-to-li.
cere] M S seng-sit. Coronation, ^ dk ^ ^ U hA-thki-
Cordon, il H ui-kbun. tsii-teng-kdk.
Core, iC» sim. Coroner, i^°i'^° go"-tsob, — inquest,
Corea, ^*M Ko-M, [official name] '1^^°
ii° g5--tsob-giam.
M m Ti4u-sidn. Coronet, ^M bi^n-liil.
Coriander, ^^ i^n-sui, ^g o^n- Corporal, ^ gda-iii,
^\>° [bodily] M
HI f^" seng,-kbu-e.
Corintbians^ Epistle to
^° Ko-lim
— WW^:t°
Corporate, [for business] -^ Wt bdp-
to § pboe.
Cork, :g cbb6, [of bottle] ff^" kan-
Corporeal, :§^J^ u-b&ng, W° #H
fil" ii-sin-kbu-e.
Corkscrew, Wl M
tsid-tsoan. Corps, ° P$ |5 .H'tsit-tin-peng-b^.

Cormorant, i|^| lo-tsi. Corpse, M° M° sin-si,
Corn, [grain] S° ^° go--kak, In- Corpulent,
si-sid. P# .

B£° Hi" pM-tbiin, W.°-k°

dian—, ^ W M boan-b^b-sui, pui-toa, B£° B^" piii-pbiang, very
[on tbe toe] M" ft kba-lan, ex-
tracta— &° m° I^f siu-kba-lan.
— , m° WW piii-pbkng-pbkng,

Cornea, BJ H ^ b6ng-kak-t^, inflam-

Corpuscles, ^Wi^"i^° tsi-bi-^-mih,
mation of—, mn S.W^ Ung- m R bl-tsit, Jfll m buib-ian.

Correct, ^"kde, Q5:"' ^^ k6e-oa", Corsair, ^ #" hdi-ili".

(right) m" ti6h, IE" tsik'', M" M bo- Corse, ^ sin-si.


chha, not —# , M. tseng-chha, — Corset, M X° io-chha.

in conduct, B" jE" si-tsik°, S IE° Coruscant, H^° nk".
toan-tsia", quite — ^^ ,
tek-koat, Cosmetic, Bl # tsi-hun
W ^° u-ia'', —for a fault, M* Cosmographer, ^° M ^ #" ui-te-
kbi^n-tsek. t6'-^.

Correction, (^punisbment) Uc # kau- Cosmography, ^M^ te-li-hdk.

tok, ^
7^ k^ng-kki. Cosmopolite, fr° if i^" fij" kik°-kku-
Correctly, ^° ti6b, ^'' M b6-cbba. tsidh-kau.
Correlate, 1 ( relationship S f^ ) Cosset, [a pet] ^ >& ^° tek-sim-^.
Correlative, j ng6'-lun, f^ ^ lun- Cost, [worth] 'fit" tat, [price] ^''W,"
si6ng. k^-tsr.
Correspond, ^ bap, —well, ^ hu- 'S' Costal, E # fir hidp-kut-g.
h4p, —by letter, S J^ phoe-
sin-6ng-l^i. ^^f
^ pi-kiet.
F^l ^

Correspondence, ifc" -© S^ phoe- Costliness, I

if^" tdt-tsi", g ^ p6-
sin-6ng-14i, (suiting) -&'' bah. Costly, )
poe, M" il° « b6-ke-p6,
Correspondent, ^° #t° i:" A" kia * ^ kui-khl.
phoe 6 l^ng. Costume, if H td^-pan.
Corresponding, (agreeing) '^''hah. Cosy, 1^ s6ng.
Corridor, ^ long. Cot, tV^M"^"^" sie-tiu-'-bin-chhftg.

Corrigible, (as fault) rT E5:°^"tbang- Cote, sheep — ,

^^ t^" iu^-ti^u.

k6e-oa°, (as person) tg" S" oe Cotemporary,

65:° f|# fi5° tang-si-6. 1^°

k6e pi", (punishable) W," * ^ #° Cottage, jf -ff" chhii-a.


5e tsek-pi tit. Cotton, m° 1h° mi-hoe, —drill, m WL

Corroborate, =^MP fi^° K kan-ts^ng chhia-biin, —tree, ^"^"©"ka-
i-g sit, SE m IrI" tseng-tiii-tang. pok-chhiu, — M hoe-
fustians, '^°

Corrode, [rust] ^°il° si-'-sien. ji6ng, velveteens — ^"MM hoe-


Corrupt, [putrid] ;j^ Ji° hiu-noa, A° tsi^n-jiong, —threads, 1!;° H" se-
chhku, [depraved] IJP si^, [defiled] soa'^, — yarn, f^°|J;°mi-se, printed
^o ii° bak-14-sam, [bribe] ^ chintzes — , PH ?g° ^ m-hoe-p6-,

p6--lo-,—customs, ^°Jil,#?phAi°- cambrics—, ^° 1$'' ^ ka-se-p6-,
hong-si6k. damask, W^
toan-p6-, —dimi-

Corruptible, [thing] fg" :*" m oe- ties, ^ ii ^ liii tiau p6-, — gin-

chhau-noa. ghams %" % mfig-p6-, grey shirt-

Corruption, J, M" biii-noa", [moral] ings, TfC'Si^ pun-sek p6-, —white

7Pi IE put-ts6ng.
— cloth, ^"^t^i p^h sek p6-, twil-
— ,

cou COU
led— ^4^^' chhia-bun p6-, — figur- tong, [frustrate] iglJ°^''phoa-tsfi,m,
ed,— 4^ ^ sek-p6-, fancy—, :f^° ;^ fj |g ta°-chhk.
lioe-p6-, — vv'liite brocades — ,
|^° Counter-evidence, ff S ^°=F IE tui-

fi" ?fS peh'tlig-p6-, — white spotted h oan-^ -kan-ts^ng.

shirtings, |^° ffi ^ p^h tidm p6-. Counterfeit, fi° ^'' tsoe-chhiii, ^°
Couch, © i^" khong-chh^g, |P J^° M" tsng-ts6e, f^" it ts6e-tsoh.
siSn-chhfig, [the eye] §f koah. Counter-feited, [cash] 5'° j^" phaif-
Cough, pj^ sau, —up phlegm, Bg° ^ tsi°, [dollar] ^° ^ phdi^-gun.
khak-th4m. Counter-irritation, 51 M° 5fb° JfJ in-

Could, t^° oe. pp goa-chhut.

Council, M §• tsu-hoe, ^ § Countermand, '^°Wi %
[privy] i4'iS°tiongkoh,judical com-
W WW PfJ- hoan-hii-in-eng.

mittee of the privy, — ifi 1^° ^g ^^ ;^

Countermarch Jg" |£ thfe-peng.

tiong-koktsonghoatchhu, [execu-
Countermine, S i" Pg ^ Ji" ^ pjf Sic

tive —
foraprovince]#ff.^°Jitok- li ±° Pg kut-th6--ham lai ti-hong

bu-si-t5, [executive —Indian] fg

tiii-tek kiit
Counterpane, '^°
Wit hoe-ph^.
®: ^° gl-ts6ng-kek, [legislative .

Counterpart, [duplicate] i^ hii."

Indian] >^ M k° teng-le-k(^k.
Counterplea, f^ so-.
Councillor, privy — ,
!^^:k^ l^un- Counterplot, ^ ff
ki tal-sln, ^ M" ^M tiong-koh-
;sl£ ff i-ke-tsiu-k^.

^M" tui-tii, WW
Counsel, #° khifg.
Countersign, [military watchword]
Counsellor, Ig ^^ gi-su e.

Count, W
^° siau, [an Earl]
Ph il am-ho.
Counterwork, Ji -^ pai-po-, J]" P$
Countenance, ®° |^ bin-mau, '®° g"
Countess, ^ A Hu-jin.
bin-bdk, '^° •£ bin-sek, sullen
— Counting,
W U" "
Wi° teh-sJig,—house,
Ifg chhin-bin.
W fi m° siau-kui-pang.
Counter, shop—,
toh, —

shop ,out side, 5i J5:fg thong-

fl ^^ siku-kui-

it" T^" T° sAg boe

Countless, ;r>° %" W boe sig tit,

ho-kui, run to one, — A" ^° ^

Country, [kingdom] M

g kok, i
g hut-Mng-6-i-su. pang kok, mm." kok-to-,

Counteract, 31 jp pai-p6-, Jj* P^;" td"-
place] lll^il-^soa-'-tiii",— man, 111"
chhk, ^J° W^" phoa-tsam.
ii° A° soa" tiuMang.
Counterbalance, M Jj£° tui-tii, m° ^° County, ^° koai".
Couple, (two) ^
f@° siang-^, — %

Counterchange, tui-oa".
Countercheck, [stop] 1 It
tsit-tiii, —
of a gable-roof, A^°^°
ts6-- jin-ji-k^, [to link] i^" kau.
— ,

cou COV
Couplet, — " §i tsit-tiix. Cove, [inlet] Vh.
Courage, M-" ta°, M" M" tdMh^u, Covenant, ^^ iok, to — , S£ i^ lip-iok,
lose—, ^E" sit-t4", 'l^M" lek- f^"A° i^ kap-Mng-iok.
ta°, H flS" s6ng-ta^ Cover, ^^ ko^, to—, M" khkm, ^
Courageous, ^ jfi" li6-ta"', 0° :ft
fl= tk,-;!!! jia, —with the hands, ^° ng,
li6-tam-16k, :§" J3H° BI" u-t4MMu, [conceal] M kbSig, ?§ ^ jia-khkm,
^'' M" toa-ta°. [with bedclothes] W kah.
Courier, ^° iX fl^ tsAu-bun-su, =F- M Covering, [bed] i^" H" phe-toa°.

M chhien-li-md, ^^ ^° 6^° tsau- Coverlet, i^" ^° phe-toa°.

phoe-^. Cover-over, ^° khkm.
Course, [method], f^ ^
hoat-to', Covert, Pt B?° km-tsP, (a shelter)
[race], Ig M" phau-be E
khoiln. Covertly,
j M M jia-kham.
[of a ship], fM° 5& tsun-lo-, [di- Covet, tham. M
rection], 55r° IrI° hng-hiii", [order] Covetous, >& tham-sim, M ^ |i° ^°
SS^ pan-li6t, [of a meal], — !ij

tsit cbhut, [behaviour], fr"^^ ^ P^ kui-tin.
kifi,"-tah, of—, g ^ll tsu-ji^n, 5^^ Cow, 4°gii,—house, ^^ J||° gii-tiiu,
thien-ji&n. —bezoar, ^' train a— -JK giii-S^g,

Courses, monthly —M , " M g^h keng. ife°

kk^gu, ring the nose of
— '^"K'g^i-kdg, toherd— ^°

Court, a—B" tia°,—yard, JlbB" goa ,


tia''. Mandarin,—^" f^° g^-m^g,

Imperial, — DJlgtiau-t^ng,—
dress, Coward, ^° JJH" ^^ A° b6-t4°-g-iang.

^ flg ti&u-h6k,
British Supreme |,j^„^.
Cowardly, j » '*-
Shanghai, ^^mS^" f^' an chhat
su g6-mftg, Mixed—, @^° n° Cower, [squat]
# khA, [through ^
hoe sim g^-m^g, go to i" —
fear] i|i° kiu.
, M
Cowherd, U° 3°
tsiu" ti^u, retire from—, M°W ^o
65° chhi gii g, i^"

th^ ti^u.
6^j° lig gt g.

Courteous) ^'' jji u M-s6-, ^^ Cowpen, «^'' ^° gu-tiau.

* ^
Courtesy ig u bun-li.
Coxcomb, 11° #" koe-k^, [person]
Courtesan, JH ^
chhiong-ki. Si piAu. ^o ien-tau. m
Courtesy, 5g° fi W: u-16-s6-, 2»; Coxinga, iR" P ^^ Ti" kok s^ng.^
bun-li. Coy, ;^ H" iii siau A jin.

Courtier, IB ^ ti4u-sin. Cozen, sidp. ^

Courtyard, 3c" ^'' thiMsi", fih" ii° Cozy, bJ| fij s6ng-li.
g5a-ti&". Crab, Ji" tsim,— 's pincers, ^ ^^
Cousin, [ male ] ^ 5t° H" piau-hia'^- tsim-k6ng, king , hau, — M —ap-
tl, [female] MWM piaii-tsi-be. ple fill M sieu-tsa.

Crabbed, MKM° ko'-kh^t phiah. Crass, (coarse) |i cbho'.
Crack, ]^ pit, ^° i'M" ham-sau, fill Crate, || Mng.
up a — ^^ ,
p6*-that. Crauncb, m p6".
Cfackbrained, ife>& U: sit sim khodn, Cravat, M" W nid^-tok.

M 'B gong s^ng. Crave H" gi^n, opium

) J| ^ — ,

Cracked, igi, pit, Jg M hLMn, [as Craving [ 5^° a-phifen-gien, (implore)

person] :!^ khdm, poa" th^u chhi". B an," kbiin-kiA.

Crackers, >M # phau-d, [biscuits] Craven, >h° JJg° si6-td".

1^° pia" koa". Craw,— fisb, ^ S° ni6"'.boe.

Cracking, —sound, H ^ 1° tiak- Crawl, so, Ei° p^, cbb6e.

tiak hau, a° ii" 11° i pib-pih Crayon, %° ui pit. ^
pidk-pidk. Craze, S, bong-tien. ^
Crackle, M" ii' Bf " piak-pidk hdu. Crazod,
ri L
>f • )

f ^iu» sit- Sim.

^ •

Cradle, ^ M" 6--n4, ^" B" i6-na,

cat's — ,
peng moa" pbang. Crazy, ^
fL th&m loan, S" siaii, M
Craft, [trade] ^® cbhiu-ge, X" M H tien-gong, ^ )tJ» sit-sim.
kang-ge, (deceit) ^ jsj" koai-kbd. Creak,si°-si"-sodib''-sodib'',t^n,kodib''-
Craftly ) H ijg im-thim, BM^ im-
Cream, ^° %"
Crafty j thim t6k, JSj° i<|f. kdu-kiit, ^ fgi gi\-leng-i(5i.

f^ kan-tsa, iJtf 3:5° kan-kbidu, B Crease, M M lek-sAn, ^g btln, ^ 51

^° kdu-koai. tsib-bun,— body, ^ in liam, H
Craftsman, X° ^ A" kaug-bu Idng. k^ng, to — ^ , ;!g tsib biin. '

Crag milt°^'';5nsm-kiaetsi6b. Create, |ij |i cbb6ng-tso, ji flj tso-

Craggy/^" ^° Z' ^S" gikng-gikng b6a.
6 tsidb. Creation, ^ fij jg s6--cbb6ng-tso.
Cram, m° tsi", ^° tsi", to—, ^° tsi». Creature, [any tbing created]
Cramp, g't ^
siau-kun, (confine) ±° ^
siu-cbb6ng-tso-g-mfh, ^ if"
^ kbu-sok, (for want of space) [a man] A" lS,ng, [an animal] ^°
m." o^b, 51 pek.
Cramped, 5& pek.
W tseng-si°, [ any being created
witb life] Jg° i|° odb-mib.
Crane, H
b6b, (macbine) T^ Jf fi° Creator,
m. VC^ Z° ± ts6-b6a-6-Tsd,
cbbien kun cbbin.
I'J it Jt" i cbb6ug-ts54-Tsu.
Cranial, M" M" %" g^" tb^u kbak Credence, ft sin.
od-e. Credentials, ^ U beng-b6k, PP ft In-
Cranium, 1%° M %" tblu kbak od". sin, M M pin-k{i, i^ ^^ pin-ji, 1
Crank, Ji cbb^, ?! ^ au-piin. ^^ pin-pboe, [oflficial] %1 bftn-
Crape, M W jiati-se. pin.
Crasb, |^ p$ pin-piang.
Credible, igg" ft <^» oe-sin-tit, lH" !f|

M oe-siong-sm, ft #" i§° sin-tit- M i." A° thong- tho4n-6-lang..
te, Wr'M #° oe-pin-tit. Crime, p^ ts5e-si6k, Pi§ ts5e-k6,
on —
Credit, fa sm, sell sia. , ^ W ii° tse-k6a.
Creditable, (worthy of belief) is %° Criminal, 311 A° hoan-l&,ng, p3E tsoe-
ii° sin-tit-k6, ( estimable ) ^M hoan, great — S 3E tiong-hoan,

kb6-cbhu. — case, p tsoe-an, execute a —

Creditor, ffi° ± tsfe-tsii. ?fe3E koat-hoan, escaped — ,
^° 3E
Credulous, i^" 5L° IS° bi-khang-khin. tsdu-hoau.
Creed, ^^ sin-keng. Criminate, (accuse one of crime) ^°
Creek, i^ kdng. K'if^ k6ng-lang-e-ts5e, (con-
Creep, J^° pe, s&, ^
in, Inj" nng, —
vict of crime) gi-ts5e. ^p
niig, —
through, ^"'M^" nSg-ke- Crimp, (brittle) chhe, ( form into
Idbi. plaits) ^ ^ jiau-jiau.
Creeper, ^° |i jt" ?E° soan tln-e-hoe. Crimple, ^^ho--i-kiu. ^"^
Creeping, — sensation, I^° bah- W
Crimson,®" Pi gia-lan, ^° IC" toa-
chhoah. ang.
Crenulated, r-" ^^ — " ^'' tsit-khi- Cringe, ff ^° kiu-ko^h.
tsit-khi. Cringing, -manner, J? ?^° kiu-ko^.
Crepuscule, (morning) M" 36° phii- Crinkle, ji4u-phe-ph^.
kng, (evening) ^ -g: hong-hun. Crinkled, JI 5£ ji^u-hun.
Crescent, (increase) 5!^° M° ke-thi", Cripple, WW 6^° pai-kha-g, to—,
-^shaped, M M" ^ sin-geh-khodn, W^ WW ho-i-pai-kha.
—moon, M° M" geh bai. Crisis, ^ Pg ^ kiii.bin-koan, ^ ff
Cress, 3^° % tsui-chhai. k^k-mfig, at this — W. i&° T° tsin-

Crest, S°kfe, —of cock, koe tsit-e.

ke, —of stork, H^ H h6h teng. Crisp, M

so-, gt" chh^.

Crestfallen, ^ig sit-tsi, ®Sl6e-tsi. Criterion, il° ;1° b6-iu°.

Crevice, ^° khiah, 1$,° phang. Critical, (dangerous) ^ j^gui-hiam,
Crewel, —°]^ ^° tsit-kiu-sok". (captious) %° ^ m gau-phbe-
Grew, iii"^ tsiii-siu. pheng.
Crib, ,%" ^ b^-ts6, ( child's ) iJ" ^° Criticize. ^° |f phoe-pheng, ^ 1^
f^ bin-chhng-^. phgng-lun, p^S If phin-ph^ng, ^
Crick, ( creak ) 1^" m° #' ^° i"-!"- la A° gl-lun-14ng, (animadvert)
odih°-odih°, (cramp) 51- |S kiu-kun, ^ hiiim.
ff f5 siau-kun. Croak, %%% oak-oak-hdu, ^W W
Cricket, M# sek-sut, game of—, @ 6k-6k-hau.
*r°^pliah-kiii. Crochet, %-^ 1t° M ^ kau-lioe:e-
Crier, thl-khaw-e-llamg, public — % ,
, , .

Crockery, M.° hui. Crowbar, m° {f°thuh-d.

Crocodile, MK g6k-M, |^ff ° hokh-k Crowd, a —

6f %
kui-kun, —close,

Crocus, Ifi ^ |g° tiu-chhun-hoe. M. ^"^ i^° tsek-oeh-khoeh, ^° Jf


Crone, ^° ^lau-p&. oeh-khoeh, ^°tsdt, ^°^°ill°bat-

Crony, '^B £ ;^° Ji ^
ti-ki ^ peng-iii liii-liu, ^° ®° ®° that-bat-bdt.

Crook, If ft° oan-khiau. Crowded, t| ^•° ^° tin-bat-bat, °

Crooked, M
oai, %* S° oan-khiau,

# oan-oan, # ®
# WW
bdt:tsiuh-tsiuh, t^-phong-
ui-khiok, jg © ph6ng, very — ?# $ ,
2$t khd-tsiit-
khut-khiok, very—, -t ^ A° K tsiit, —together, ^° '^ sa°-tsek.
chhit-oan-poeli-oat. Crowfoot, WMM'M bdk-tsiu-jiau-
Crop, I[5: j^ siu s^ng, ^ §° siu-tang, hlin.
fowl's — , kui.
Crowding; fr ^° W «° oe-oe-khoeh-
Cross, a, + ^° ^° sip-ji-ke,— bar, khoeh.
^° m° Sl
kfe-bai,—legged, sr Crown, ^M bien-li<i, (of the head)
kha-tbiap-khoan, to — ,
j§° k^,
— 55° ^ W thau-khak-tsng.
over, i§°3fe°k^kM,—the legs,'s° Crownlands, "g :^° koa"-toe.
M' thidp-kha, (angryj siii- Crucible,^^
Crossbow, ^° keng.
Crucifix, + i?" i^" sip-ji-ke.
Crucifixion, iT" + ?° IS teng-sip-ji-
Crossexamine, ^° P5° p6a°-mng.
ke, |$° phiah.
Crossgrained, (as woodj tS° ^ 31 Crucify, iT +^ ^^ teng-sip-ji-k^,
hoai^-chha bun, fpersonj %\
A° kek-kut g Mng, f^
^ ^° W
ft ku-seng. Crude, (rawj ^°chhi°,
Crosspurpose, EE^ rfB Ji i-kifen
put siong thong.
Crossroad, + ^° g& sip-ji-lo-.
) Cruel, ^
,^, ts^n-jim, @g fj khok-
Cruelty,[heng, qp t: put-jln, very

Jl ^° thdn-hoai°, lying SS —
, #
^[^^"tcj-than-hoai". Cruetstand, 5r |$° ^° kki-lodh-kfe, 2L
Crotchet, (whim) %, koai-phiah, ^ %. ng6--bl-kokn. M
( a forked piece of wood ) ^° fj.° Cruise,
s^-k6e-sftn, B°a°M 1U
Crotchety, ^ ^ kien-koai, -^ % Cruiser, % Pt<';t° IS" stn-ska-Us^.
kek-kut. Crumb, M° sut, #° ^<' pid"-sut, g°
Croton, E S°pa-tau,
—oil, GS°?9 W pid°-iu.
Crumble, ii fi^ }r Hn-d-lak, ^8°
Crouch, Bf khA, sit—, ^ ^° ut
g^ ^B° phah-iii-iii, ^ ^ jiuh-jiuh, (as
Crow, a, .i
a brick) ^ hu.
?| o'-a, to—, Pt° thl. Crump, (crooked) % ffl" oan-khiau.
Crumple, ^"M" phah-jiau, lS^°un- Cuddy, W 1^ ff ° th^u kap-d.
ji^u, }i il ji6k-jiok, fH M aii-ldu, Cudgel, (a) m" pang, ^|i chh^-
—up, fiii°—°ii ji6k-ts6e-tsit-tui, thui, to — , }S k6ng.
—marks, 3K jiau-hun.
Wi° Cue, (a tail) M° W
Crupper, i° ^.^ M" bd-au-kiu°. Cuff, W P°£g-khdu, m°fl9°hiA-dg,
Cruse, (cupj H au, (bottlej 5f kan. to — 4i

Cruset, khd-d. Cuirass, ^ *& ^ hd- sini kah.

Crush, ^ochliih, #° jih, M°teli, Ifi^" Cul-de-sac, ^° ;tS' ^ b6 t6e hang.
un-phai-, —flat, #° ^^ jih-pi", — Culinary, >& W W tsku kha L
outfire, #°?E° >A:° jih-hoa-he, (sub- Cullender, W thai.

due) ^Ij M° thai-ia». Culm, ^ k6.

Crust, &° phg. Culminate, (as sunj H ^ »|» jit tiii

Crustacea, 1
^ ;^
'^ k^i.ts6k.
tiong, (as in rank) S "-*
pb kku
'• phin.
Crustaceous, j it

Crusty, :t° ^ u-pbi, (brusque) M

^°khut-chhgng, SS ® °
'ti ko'-tak-
s^ng, ± i& th6-lo-. Culprit, (criminal) 3E A° hoan Mng,
Crutch, IB koai". Cwrongdoerj n° W m° W ki^,

Cry, #
hdu, —aloud,

±° W m° l^° in-ti6h

toa-sia''-a<i-ki6, ^up, praise,^° H" Cultivate I Ca fieldj

0-16, —down, |§:^°^ hi&m-m-h6.

Cultivated Vtsoh, ff° f-^° keng-tsoh.
Cultivation j f^°ffl° tsoh-chhan,fthe
Crystal, Hf.° ^a tsui-tsi", —of salt,
%° ^^ ^
mind) :^ ig tsai-poe, virtue, <^ —
W in°
jC* siu-sim.
6^ tsiii-tsi-'-g,
a queue, ^" B^° ^°

Idu thau-tsang, (person) ^° % ffl

ia°7|C°^° chhin-chhiu^-tsui-tsi". u hdk-bun, ^ i^ chhim hdk.

Crystallize, W kien, 3^11°^°^°
Cultivator, ffarmer) ^°^°^°tsoh
kiet ka nrg-t^. sit ^.
Cub, WW±°=^° i^-siu ^ kid", Culture, (of mind) 3^ f^ hdk-bun,
(^young bear; 1 W T'° Mm-a-kid". fcivilizationj ^Mit siu kku hoS,.
Cube, 5^° ^ Idk kak. Cumber, fbe way of) ^M° tin-t6,
Cubebs, ^ M teng-ka. (as weight; ^' f^" thoa-thiii.
Cubit, ^° ft° chhiu-khiau. Cumbersome, (burdensome) ^°^°
Cuckoo, S gl to'-koan. thoa-thui, (cumbrous) W. M°
Cucumber, M S" chhi-kpe, bitter—, chho'-tang, (vexatious) ^ '^° ut-
^ jK° kh6- koe,—tendrils, ^ JR° tsut.
^° chhai-koe chhiu. Cumbrance, fg" ^° thoa-thui.
Cud, eat the— i^.Iig°hoan-chhau. Cumbrous, !§. a°chho-tang, KB" HS
Cuddle, (hug) 1dm. P hia-tsia.

Cummin, ,|| j^ md-kli<in. Curl, to—, ^°^°kjjg.lien, —up as
Cumshaw, if 1^, to 3lg° sang. — ,

leaves, i^°lieh, ^°h6.g, —as snake,

Cumulate, ^ M tsek-tsu, ^ ^ tsek- 11° # 11° un-mn-kbun, —as hair,
thiok, khiu.
Cuneiform, #° il at-bii-chhiii.
H Curlew, W° ^f ^° h'lng.kau-tsidu.
Cunning, 7 ^f 3:5° kan-khidu, ^° pi Curly, m" €° kbi{i.kliiii.
Cunningly, 51i-khiet, ^ fl|° kiii-nau, Curmudgeon, ( churlish tH lu- ^ )
m i^ sa-liii, ^je Jt kilu-k6e, if W ku, II# chho-.16-.
kan-tsa, M i| hiau-lii6ng, too— Currant, ^° ^ pbu.t&-koa".$z:°
:^°i& ^ toa-sim-su, g^^ tsk-gui. Currency, jl K tbong-p6.
Cup, 5)1 au, ^° tsoa°, tea — , :^° Ji t6- Current,
5! fr thong-b^ng, %, M°
au, ^° If, tS-poe, wine — , j@ '$f, thong-eng, — price, B^ fS° sl-k^,
tsiu-poe. — ^hand, M ?° —money,
Cupbearer, M iE tsiii-tsfeng.
ji X thong.p6, —of water, ^°M
Cupboard, m° iU piah-tii, 1'^° ^ iU lau-tsiii, —of air, -° il Jl tsit-
h^-sit-tu. kdng-hong.
Cupidity, ^ »C» tham-sim. Curriculum, ^° M 6h-kui.
Cur, :^^ kdu, (misei^J fl g kien-lin, Currier, Jf Jg° ^° ^boan-pbg-sai.hii.
^° M-l M pbdi-'-phr-khi. Curry, iJO S ka-li, to—, m°m°mm
Curable, fdiseasej W ^&f oe-i-tit, eng thih-bin-bin, —favour, 01 '®°
«t&°SJ°i-6e-b6. ]^^ pho--bin-than.
Curb (as horses) H° Ic^k, (as per- Currycomb, ^° RlJ tbih.bin.
sons) $5 5^ iok-sck, ffi -flj ap-ts6. Currystuff,
*D fA ka-li-liau. S
Curd, ^° S"^° gu-kng-tsiu", bean Curse, 5E,#°tsiii.ts6a,
5EE tsifi-tsd',
— S°fi°tfai-koa°.
to—in speaking, ^° pbdi"- ^ U°
Curdle, m.° m° ^° it° ki6n-ka,nllg-te, chhiii-tAu.
'M ^ gfeiig-kiet. Cursed, n°A°3t^ho-\ing tsiii.ts6-,
Cure, (bealj ®fl 0- i-h6, (a. ha-
'^ 51M siu-tsiu-chhkm.
k6e, —fish, ^^ ^.° sP-hi, Cursive,
bit) eS:^ ^° chh6-jL ^
—corns, Jji E^ E/f siu-kha-lan. Cursorily,! mU h6ag.hut, ^^ 5g°
Curiosities, "^^ k6--t6ng. Cursory J
p;5° b6-tiu"-ti.

— shop,
(a. rj^rity) 1& }1 k6--t6ng, Curtail,
f cut
the end;oflf W 1°
-^ M IS k6--t6ng-tiam, tsam-b6, (diminish) "^ kiam.
('disposition to enquire
hfeng-mng, (that which is curious)
) ||° [^° Curtain, mosquito
— , t%° ^°,
Sir 11° bdng-tiii", —of a sedan, %
^ '1? :t° ^|J° ki-koki-^-mih. M° ki5-ni, window—, ^ Wt p5-ll,
^ig kl-koai, (prying)
^ —lecture, tfc W% iS° tsim-thlu-
tS ii kiii-oe.

Curvature, ffi°kbiau, ^^ oan. Custard, |ft kl-lin, —apple,
Curve, 5^ oan, ft°khiau. sek.kliia.

Curved, ^
oan, ^
ft°oan-khiau. Custody, (in prison) I[t ^° siu-ka",

Curvet, M° pio. (under arrest) jf 65° ah-teh, deli-

Curvilinear, ^ ® M° oan-kliiau-tsoa
° ver to his—, ^R^^ kau-tai-
Cushion, |l|ji6k, ^ tiam, — for kneel i-siu.

ing, ^° M chhdu-tiin, silk— ricli Custom, M ^ hong-si6k, M^J hong-

f^ @ gim-tun. le, fashionable — , B# ^ sl-khodn,
Cuspidor, ^ ^ tli&m-kokn. usual — , i^ 'if si6k-ts6ng.

Application.—Import, A
P° :t° fS M" ^f Jip khdu ^ p6 toa". U
Export, {ii P° ;i° #R K° M" Chhut khau ^ p6 h^ toa".
Ke-export, U° ffi P° ^° fS K° m° Koh chhut khdu ^ p6
he toa°.
Tea, fS ^° P6 t^.
Repacking, Zt" m" ^° #5 m° K6e tsng ^ p6 toa°.
Drawback, t^ m" M° ±° fS m° Th6 ts^n phi6 ^ p6 toa».
Transit, ^ P° fS :^° m° tsd khdu ^ p6 toa".
For clearance, ^ 11° iii P° IS° m° Pin chhid" chhut khdu
tsun toa°.

Bank receipt, ^% J14 Ho siu.

Boat note, %ii IS ^ ^° Sam-pAn siu toa».

Bonded storage pass, ^ ^ m m" M" P6-kiet tsan-p^ng toa".

Bond, forms, ^ ^ P6-kiet,

Captain's report, m M t° fR Kodn ka koa" p6.
Certificates.— Cargo, P° K° ;fc° il W." Chhut khdu h6 ^ ts6ng toa».

„ Drawback, B |iE Eng tseng.

„ Exemption, fS ft° $E ||° Bien tSng tseng toa".
Calling for tonnage dues, mW
M' ^^ %" Chhui skng
tsun chhau toa°.
Tonnage dues, W $f it M° Tsftn-chhau tsip-tsi6.

Of cargo shipping under bond, (^ ^ # K° ^° ^^

P6 kiet kok h6 e ts6ng toa".
Chief collector of customs, ?# gg Hdi-koan.
Clerk in customs, %
i? Hidp-pan.
Coast trade duties, ^° ii° Pok" s6.
Collect customs, it M Ptah hi6ng.
Commissioner of customs, ^° iSf rI" S6-bu-si.
Confiscation report, 'M ^'' M^ M
C}ihiong-h6at khoan ^ p6.
Consuls report, MV 'g° il" iB L6ng su koa"^ p6.
Customs, Banker, f" iR ^
Koa" giin h5.
„ Boat, '^ it Khoai-s&u.
Duties, fj| Hi6ng.
„ Godown, H ji° i:" m. W Griam hfe ^ tsi6n-pang.
„ House, fi^ M Hi6ng-koan,
„ House-officer, 7W W
„ Shed-jetty, S° :t°B m
M" Giam h6 6 l6--thauv
Defraud customs, ^°ll^ TsAu-lii6ng.
Drawbacks, :j?° ^
Duty memo, H 1^° Giam-toa".
Duty proof, .1 ||° Pin-toa", f^ U° M" siu s6 toa°.
Duty sheet, ^ ^° |^° Teng s6 toa".
Duplicate duty memo, # ,|^ |^° P6- giam toa".
Examiner, in customs, H [K" A" Giam he l^ng, M" pong kha.
Export duties, ffi Q" ^° chhut khdu se.
Export duty memo, Jii 0" :K° ±° SI ^'' Chhut khau hb S giam toa".
Export manifest, ^g ii{ 0°K°;2:°|| 0°^° p6 chhut khdu h^ g chhng
khdu toa".
Fine, 15 3g hodt hang.
Godown rent, ^
i^" ^^ Tsi^n-p^ng -s^.
Holiday fee, H ij Koan hiii.
Import duties, A
.0° ^° Jip khau sk
Import duty memo, A
0° :K° Jt° SI ^^ Jip khau h^ g giam toa".
Import manifest, m7^U''M''±°lk" SS°W P6 jip khdu h^^ chhng khau
Import duty unpaid memo, ^^ f^'iffSH" Sok Idp s^ g chhui tea".
Interpreter in customs, Hlf -g" Hoan-6k koa°.
Labels, ^bI Phiau-th^u.
Linguist in customs, *M ^ Thong-su.
Memorandum, ^ |S" Chhui ts6a.
Medical reports, g ^ fg I-seng p6.
Monthly reports, ^ ^ Godt p6.
„ returns, M ^ Godt kiet.
Opium duties, M"^ W
Pay customs, m M Ldp
I<i° hfe s^.

Permit to Land, A P° i' ?! W Jip khdu ^ tsiln toa».
„ to Ship, ffl m° Chhut khdu ^ tsiin toa".
P" it" Ml
„ Transhipping, J^ li" JSS" Jt" ?i H" Poa" kfe tsAn g tsiin tea".
„ Night, S° HI JIB K° ;t° m m° Ml si khi hfe g tsiin tea-.
„ Special, m' ^° ^° m m° Oi^h goa-^ tsiln toa°.
„ Repacking, Bt° ?i ±° ?# |g° K6e tsiin g tsiin toa°.
„ Duty free, ^ m° i° ?i m° Bi^n sfe ^ tsiin toa».
Port Clearance, ffi P° i° ifl° ^° Chhut khdu 6 ang-toa".
„ Special, S= $h° {IJ jg° 3^:° 11° m, m° Giah goa chhut khdu tug toa"
Provisional Clearance Book, g§° i|C° ^° ^ Chhid" tng toa° pho'.
Quarterly Reports, ^ fS Kui-p6.
„ Returns, ^ Kiii kiet.
Shipping Boards, M° M°^B Tsun-thau teng ki.
„ Covers, # ig° A 0° K° fl g kok-tsiin chhut-jip-khdu hh

tsoat iku.
Shut out Cargo, W M K° The h6e h^.

„ „ „ Certificate, WB ^°M W.° Thfe h6e § ts6ng toa".

Special clearance book, ®'5ih° ffi JB° ^° U°m° M Cidh goa chhut
khdu e ^ng toa" ph5*.
Summary, H ® i:° ^? Tsoat iku 6 jit li6k.
Tariff of customs, gij
M Tsek-le.
Tide-waiter in customs, ^ M ff" Niau-chhii-d^5^°# chhi^n-tsiii-siiir
Tonnage Dues, IS° W>° Tsiin-chhau,
Transit Dues, ^ P° M° Tsii khdu se.
„ memo, M° ±Wt.°n. W
B6e th6- hfe h p6 toa".
„ Duty Memo, ^ 0°^"^°^^ S W.° Tsii khdu pok° sfe ^ giam toa"
„ Pass inwards, ^ ^° g° A P^° Ml° i:° ^° M° Un i^-'-h^ jip lai
toe ^ s6 toa°.
„ Pass outward, m1 ©° ffi ft" m" ^Sl" ^ IS un-th6-h6 chhut
lai toe S un tsiku.

Yearly Trade Reports, ^"mi-'M M" Nl p6 6 ts6ng chheh.

„ „ Return or Returns of Trade, i^'U^'M Ni kiet 4 W
ts6ng chheh
Customary, (according to custom) Customer, tsii-ko-, ±M
^''bde- W
iig ^J tsiku-le, ^m
fff than-hong- kheh, safe—, lin-tsii, regu- ^i
si6k, (conventional) M ^ H tsidu- lar— , ^ §° tsii-kheh.
Cut, (a) fil" ^°koah-ti6h, to—,^11 beat—, #T° Pfe" phah-ehhim, small
th^i, ^ chhiet, §f koah,. (witli the — , ^I'" M" si<5-kham.
point of knife) M" tak, —off,, fij'' Cynical, (surly) ^'^lu-ku.
if" koaL-tng, ff If" ts^m-tng, —
Cypher, ^M kh6ng.
a person, ^° §\ i^ in-diMu-chhai, Cypress, M° ^S" pf-peh,
— the rice, fO" ^^ koah-tiu, — Cyprus, (Island ^ ^EJ&Ku.pUo-. of)
asunder, ff ^f tsAm-tng, — in CyKt tum9ur, Jw BW" tsi-li6.
• slices, ^' lid,—throat,, W Czar, mm Mm M ^ G6-16-su-kok
koah-au, (Tengrare ) jglj. tiau- ^
t^ng-t^, •
W # 4^ Se-16- h6ng-t6.
khek, ('a groovej f^g h4m, (an en- Czarina, m ^ i." & S' Se-16--^-h6ng-
graving),, M" f$° ang-d, —in- two, ho'.
M §i° U° tsam-tsoe-tAg, ( an em- Czarowitz, H-l ^°±^ Se-16--S thki-
bossed figure) a" koah-ti^m, fO" tsu.
$i ^°khek-tiam,(castrate) US iam,
(one's, wages) ia° khku, (down,
expenses) fg ^ tsiet-khiam, (off a
piece) Di° tsd".

Cutaneous, ^° Jg ph^-bu. Dabj-iffsek

Cutch, m^W hai ji t^, Si° ^ jt-t§..
Dabble,,—in water, ^ tJC-'' tsidn-tsiii,
Cuticle, ^° ^° ph^-mo-li°. (work in superficial manner;). ^°
Cutlas, fij ki4m. m ^' * nah^irunah-khi.
Cutler, ^r :>3 eili°1t°phah to sai-hu. Dagger, M kikm.
Cutlery, i|» :g fij» §g thih to lai khL Daggle, m." ri° thoa-t£lm. .

Cutlet, m#
pai-kut, (fowl) i%" mS
Dahlia, -^ M- tsiok-i(5k.
kat li koe. Daily,. 3l^0,tik-j it, Q, jit-jit,.—
Cutpurse, MM tsidn-liii, ftMe^ M° food, n :^'

chhdt. riainties,
llj^ f§'^. san-tin-hdi-bi.
Cutthroat, (murderer,) KI
hiongr Dainty,, f delicious ) h6-bi- M %^
S0-, -&° P" kah-chhui, chhii- H^
Cuttings, (of plantsj ?£: fe hoeJd. bi, (hard to please) 'B°*¥.''Moh-

Cuttle,—fish, S"fFbAt-ts4t, $ii§' tfeng-i, (delicate) #^' iii-siii.


s6-k6g. Dairy,, ^° ?L° B" gii-leng-16ng, .,

Cutwater, ff.^K? chFi"-tsiii. Daisy,. Ili,°^f :fg- soa''-kek-hoe.- '

Cycle, fp :p kah-tsi. Dalai Lama, ^ MMI '& .Tat-nai-lat-ma

Cyclopedia, ti #J Sg phdk-biit-tsi. Dale, ili'';gt soa^-kok.
Cyliiider, ^° k6ng.; My, 5|\ chhiin. .

Cymbal, Ji" chhiin, khtm-cKhe", li° Dam, ^rr^^ tsiii-tsih', small—„g»

kham, i$° podh, fj* 11;° -n^-podh. iin, —^motier; #' biS, —up water,
' ,

M'i^ keh-tsTii, to-^, f^" tsoh, m° Danish, :^ 39* ^ S^° Tai-tan-kok-^.
tbat. Dank, ^ chhi, »jf t^m, M sip'.

Damagej fi ® sun-hpai, JX°5^° ptah- Dappier, (spruce) tiau-tat.

pMi". Dapple, (variegated- with spots^
Damaged^ ^X° ^° pbah-phai",
fM M Ifi pan-tiam.

siin-hoai, — ti- Dare, M° ka°,

witli water, \^ Wx" a man, bailh-soah-. —
t4m, it"^'t6'-ti6h, itfji" tb:tkm, Daring, skn, (bold) 11° h6-ta,°, m M
—goods by water,, jft" Wi° &° M° (in bad sense) :^°i&^ toa-sitti-
i^-tkm-e-kh. heng.
Damask, ^pgMS hoe-toan. Dark, Df km, ,|| Ilf o"-km, almbst—
Dame, ^° ^ lau-p6. W lit beh-km, —
and cloudy, Pf
iSamn, ^. ^ t«ng-ts5e, (c6nsure^ ^ ^ km-hlin, —as a house, km-
chhili", — colour, ^ km-sek,— .^
Damnatitm, ^-^ teng-tsoe. blue, Pt ^ —as' colour,

Damp, B t^in, '^ sip, Jifl chhi, 7K° I^ tim, as Bt —

tiWa^i flf kiii-si,

^ tsiii-khl, v6ry— , M' Si^°i3^'' ta&- night, tif ^° kili^mi, Very—, Pf ^

kauh-kauh. 3^ km-boug-bOtig', 1% ^M.1 "^ km-
Dampen, '^^M fP| ho'-i-lun-lun. so-so, Pt ^°M° arn^tsiit-tsut.
Dampish, P IH lun-lunl Darken, f#°i^|i° iff h6--i-khah-kiii.

Dampness,' MM sip-kM, M M sip- Darkish, ^ -^ h6ng-huii^ (colour)

lun. M'7K''^t^k4sui-selc
Datnfielj MMW ^" tga'-b6--gin-na, Darkness, Pt km.
Darksome^ M Pf o'-km, (glbbrnyj
^M'A tsai-sek-lii.
Dance, ife M- thiaii-biij. f-g" B tio- ^° if

thiatt;- —-about', ^° ti6. Darling, my — , iBi'lF gi5a-sinii

Dandelion, M ^^ p6--kong-eng, koa°.
Dane, rfc » ® -i° A° Tai-tan-kok-g- Darn, M" bang',—by ci-oss-' stitlch^iS,'

Mngi !^^ fia° IS° gia-kang-bang.

Dandle, 1i]j° sien.- Darnel; f^^ phoe.-
Dandraff, BJ°^th^ttipbo=. Dart, (short javelin) |t° "R^" chhiu"-
Dandy, ^ J^° ien-t^u, d, (as alTdw) eut-khi; #,° ^ pib-
Daagerv H^ Wi Hbng-biam, |^ gAir ^ khi, (as snake;^ Rfe- nkj — forth,

hiaim,m:hi^m, ver^ mucb-— , ® ts6ng-khi.

g; gui-kip. Dash, Wr siak, '0^ phoah,— down, M"

Da«g«-ous, ^^ gui^hi^m, 7P° ^ siak,— water, M° ts4ng,—in pife'dtes,
j^° in si sitj fpersoii) mS li-hai, M° i£° siak-phok, m it W kftng

^ ^° i!l° m6- thing chhi. 16ng phok,^ —against. W W° tdirg'

Dto^e^ M ^' m'tTxmhm. tidh, (as waffes;) #T° ^- phah-ti<5b.


Dashing, (appearance) hia-pai", i«°
|jj' g| jit-t^" si, Buddhist last,— ^^
W° 5b° M° khah u goa khui. bodt-kiap, every other , — ^ Q
Dastard, (poltroon) th"
) M' 63° Ikng-jit, several — , ||°S° S kiii
Dastardly, )si6ta°^. na-jit, —before yesterday,- B^° H
Data, M° W: t6e-ti. tsoh-jit, — ^after tomorrow, ^° H
Date, (fruit) ^ ff °
ts6-d, black — , ,!^ au-jit, another — ,
glj'B pdtjit,
M o--ts6, —red , $L° ^ fi,ng ts6, all—, ;S° a tsia-'-jIt, mH kui-jit,
(time) ^minl-ko, B| si, H fig
—by— H , jit-jit, first —of the
jit-ki, write the— , in a letter, ^° month, %° — chhoe-it, twentieth
BS H 16h-si-jit. —of month, + ij- ji-tsdp, what
Datura, ban-t&-16. —of month is it ? 4° ff " H W^%
Daub, :^°^°bak-ti6h. kin-nd-jit tl-si ? what — of week
Daughter, g° ^» ^°
^ ^ chhien-kim,
tsa-b6- -kid", is it, ^^ q-" H m" W kin-nd-jit
(polite phrase)
—of mandarin,
pai-kiii, lucky — , if H h6-jit, un-

— 5^ i
*J» fiasi6-tsia,

my —
king's lucky — ,
^° phdi"-jit, a fine —

phrase th

polite U "%" h6-thi", auspicious — ,
:^» H
25c sidu-lil, ojQfi- toa-jit, :/c° H M'toa-jit-sln, from—
cialj»J?Mii3 siku-i^-nai". to—, B ii° jit-k6-jit, any—,
Daughter-in-law, k§.° Jf ° sim-pu. % put-jit, ;j;» !§' chhin-
#X° M°
H B"
phah-kia". chhdi-jit, appoint a — , ^ kn-jit.
h6--td", Z^° m" m- Daybook, ^ jit-chheng.
Dauphin, m° m°Wi:±^. H6-Ian-
Daybreak, %"
W &" thi"-thiah-hdh,
3fc° thi"-kng.
se-^ thki-tsu. Daylabour, 0° X° t^-kang.
David, ^ gi Tai-pft. Daylight, %" jit-kng, 3^" %" thi»
Davits, m IS° 6ftiku-tsAn-g. kng.
Dawdle, ^° X° thoa-kang, ^° ^° Daysman, »f» tiong-p6. ^
gau-bong, ^° ii° thoa-thih, hai"- Dayspring, dawn ^°
( ) 3c° ig' 36"
l6-s6, gau-si6, about, A" ft° — thi" phah phii kng.
khia-chhi. Dayswork, ° X" tsit-kang.

Dawdler, (a) hai°-lo-s6-6, m° 5E° ^° Daze, 01° gg.
W m." H oe-si-odh-Mu-ke-jIt.
Dazzle—the eyes, 3|Ji° B° tht" bdk,
Dawn M" X 3gi]° 6° thi- p^h,
36° thi"-phii
J^ M" kng,
chhiah-bdk, W
3B° thi"-kng, m' m" %" thi". Xpr @°tha»-bdk.
phah phii kng,—upon one, ® ^^ Dazzled, (eyes) m ir°ien-ng,
chhi6k-ti6h, ths thg, ^2 ^o chha-chha, iz t;
I^ay, (a) B jit, (sun) H jit, B ^o jin-jin.
jit-thau,—time, g g| jit-si, B g Dazzling, WW thi'-bdJc, (bright)

^ }ia chlikn-lan. Deathlike, 5E° A° ®° si-14ng-bln,
Deacon, ^ ^ tsip-su. (stillness) ^ wcm tseng tsaub
Deaconess, ^ ^ ^ lii-tsip-su. tsaub.
Dead, JE" si, S° ^ U-6ng, •M° # Death-warrant, ft"° JS° ui-tsio.
kfe-sin, ^° ^ m-h6. — drunk, S? Debar, ^ kirn, PI f-" ts6--t6ng.

'lt° 'If tsui-bang-b^ng. Debark, ±° ili° tsiu°-soa°.

Deaden, (sound) #° -^ M° ^° ^° Debase, (person) lr° ^° A° ±° fi ^
ho" -i-kbah-bo-sia" pbah-pb4i° Mng ^ tek-beng, (coin)
Deadly, ||° m ^° oe-ti-mia, tr fi ^ fl*°^fi°pbah sit tang, (manners^
oe-siong-beng, tg° ^° oe-si, ( as ^° 5^° M fg: pbah phdi-^ bong-si6k.
disease) JT° -^f ° pbab-pia". Debate, ^ |^ pien-lun.
Debauch, Jg ^ kiong-kan.
S::fness}^°®°^°<=^^"^-i^-g- Debauchee, M U" Si
f$° bd-"" tsiii

S° bi-kbang- 1® €. il ^
Deafish, H" 5L° =1° ff ho-" pi4u, tsiii sek tsi-

. Ii6b-d-tang. t6-, '^° dp° pb4i"-kid", 11®^° long-

Deal, (many) ^° —kindly, tsoe, tong kia".

^ # ho-khoan-tbai, —witb in Debauchery, ^1 phil,u.

business, &k° ^^ "^ kap-i-kau- Debenture, ft° g" tsioh-toa".
^° Debilitate, 1^° ||° ||° ho-
koan, (wood) # sam, (cards) © i khah
pun. I4m.
Dealer,, f^° ^M M° tsbe seng-li g, Debilitated, |f " tsau.
— in slaves and children, M Jt Debility, 5C ^ ^
sit-go^n-khi, fj ||
bokn-sau. lo4n.jiok, '^ 1^° hu-ldm, M" ^
Dealing, plain — , M° jE tt° eng lam-sin.
ts^ng-tit, ^° 11° ig b6 kbAg-po-. Debit, ^ ^^ khiam-ts^.
Dealings, (intercourse) ^^ 6ng-lM, Debris, (of a house) W B" chhu-t6e,
(in tradej ^ ^ kau siong, ^ |3 (rubbisbj ± M th6'-tui, ( floating
kau koan. on a river) pJC" ^^ ^ tsiii-iau-chba.
Dear (as things) "M kiii, (term Debt, ii° tse, collect—, f^ m° th6-

Dearnessj of endearment) ^° sioh, siku,- get into — ^ chhim, ^ ^°


(loved) J5^^°s6-tbik",— me, ai-ia. khiam-tsfe.

Dearer, ||° :R: khah kiii. Debtor, ^ ^^ ^f khikm-ts6-&.
Dearest, ^° ^ siang kui. Decade, +" tsdp, —of days, lij siin,

Dearth, (faminej i|° 3!° ki-hng. first —

of days, Jfc |j siong-siin,
Death, 5E° si, 5E * si-sit,— bed, }i° second —
«f» fj tiong-sAn, third

m poa"-pho-, happy—, M^ ^° — ) T ll ha-sun.

sien tsiong si. Decagon, '+" M i.° ^ tsdp-kak-g-
Deathless, /F° 9E boe-si. h^ng.
Decalogue^ +° il? tsap tiau kki.^ ± ^"M oe-tsii-tit-i,—justly, ^
Decamp, fH ^° thiet-i^", (run away) Wi° kong-tokn,—judicially, ff
^° tsau, f^l M sisim-pi. phok°-toan.
Decangular, -f-" '^ ^ tsdp kah h^ng. Decidedly, ^ M koat-to^, ff ^
Decant, ^° iij tliln-chhut. tokn-jiSn.
Decanter, M 'M° tsiii-p^n. Decimal, (fractions ) »h Wi sid,u-s6-,

Decapitate I M M" thM-th^u, ^ ^° (by tens) H ^^° tii tsdp.

Decapitation j tsAm-thau. Decimate, +" '^° M° '-° 't'" tsap ^
Decay, JJ pai-hoai, |§ |I||°hiu-noa°,
Jt^ thiu tsit S.
— as teeth, 4£° ^° tsiii-khi, —
as Decipher, (as letter) J-ft"?^ kh6a"'
wood, liu, po-, ( decline ) ^ Wi 6e b^ng, ^° @" Hj kh5a" tit chhut.
soe-bi. Decision, (determination^ i ia ^°
Decease, 5E° si. ^" tsii-i-tia»-ti6h, (having — of
Deceased, i§'' Jg- ke-sin, j^ ^ ke-6ng, character) ^° |lf Sj|° u tsam-ts6eh,
§E° 7 si-li4u, —Emperor, ^ ^ *r° tE ^° f!) phah-kh{-ph6-t6.
sien-te, — father, 5fc ^ sien-hu. Decisive (person) ^';9i°chhang

Deceit, ^ phi^n. Decisively ichhfe.

Deceitful, ^ ^ kan-kiii, m Jt° l^au- Deck, (of ship) Fi pun, IK %° pun-
kut. Pit #j hdng-phi^n-sut, H
,|i bin, second —
^ tiong-pun, , m H
fi khiii-khiet, ^ |^ kan-tsa, ^

iffi M ji-pun, third —
H" 1^ HI sa°-,

lii-khiok, |i g4u-phi^n, M" '5 ien-pun, ( cover J Ji ^° jia-khkm,

il° W° W" chhat-sim hA-siu^-bin (array) ffi ffi" tsng-tha".
Deceive, JS phien, Bi° .H m6a°-phi^n, Declare )
^„ i ,

fift M^ h4ng-phien-sut, Ml siet, Declaration f

Declaim p''^" A°P°k6n.gh6-

^r ii phah-phi^n, ;1f £ tr £ Declama,tion
14ng thia"!
tsiong sam koe ng6'. j

Deceiver, |i i:° A" phi^n 6 lang, ^| Declension, ( deterioration ) ^ Ji"

Mng. t6-th^.
Jt" A" Slit 6
December, 3^g+°r:°^ Eng-kok Declination, (bending down ward^)
tsAp ji gdh. 1^°^", (as of sun) ^ chhia, (de-
Decency \^ M h4p-Ie,
IE tsfeng- ^ M'chhdah. viation)
Decerit f keng,
( modesty ) 'M Decline, (reject)M#° si, ;?;° |fe° 5i-
li^m-thi, (becoming^ '^^hdp-sit. tih,— a thing, m° n° SI h^ng i, ^
Decennial, +°^''— °^° tsdp nl tsit in fortune, soe-bi, — an g^ —
pai. invitation, ^° si, (refuse) ':^°m.
Deceptive, (to the eye) '^°
b^-bdk, Big-'moa^-bdk.
^ g° 6e- Declining, (as nation) W^ #teh*
soe-the, (as sun) ^ jit-chMa.
^"m" tia"-ti6h, can—, fg" Declivity, if° phla°.

(actionj ^Jf
^° s6'-ki^°, in — ^K ,

Decoction j sit-sit, ^ ^5 sit-tsai, ^^ jE° tsin-

Decollate 1 M. W° tsam-tli&u, M M°' tsia^>t° f^° u id".
Decollation j th^i-thau Deern, tT M° phah-sfig.
Decompose, it tok Deep, ^ chhim, (as person) MM
Decorate \MM ts^ng-tun, richly chhim-tim, very—, ^M chhim
Decoration j — , 3E i$ kong
long-long,— grief, =g ^°

Decorous, Jft M. h5--ti6ng, ^° fS M chhoeh,— ^ in debt, ^ chhim-
b6 kheng thiau. khikm, — mouthed, ^ BiE sia^-ong,
Decorum Jg S lio- tiong, ^° |1 #K
b6 kheng thiau, (acting according
(as sound) E ong, (as colour) Bt
to station M^ ^° tsi^^ l^^J^g
Deepen, 11° ^
khui chhim, |!j B
hun, MM '& tsiau te-ui.
chh6ng chhim, ( as sound )

Decoy, K" sla°, a — , EBl b6e, — bird,
11° E khah ong.
ho" i

J^° PI tsiau-b6e. Deeper, ||° i^ khah chhim.

Decrease, (in number) W. *l^° kiam- Deepest, siong-chhim, $$ ±^ —^
tsio, ji:° M
*J?° na kiam-tsio,
te-it chhim.
ty ni tsio, ( in power ) m° M° Deer, H 16k, young horns, H ^ —
khah soe, ( shorten ) |jc° M° that 16k-ji6ng.
t^jt°^°nat^. Deface, Jr° ^° phah-phdi°, ph^h-
Decree, (decide) |£ tsu, heaven's khiap.
5c M thien-i. 5c ^
thien-beng, im- Defalcate fi hiau, hiau-thun. ) ^^
perial — ±M,
siong-ju, to—, as Defalcation) ft hoan-hiau. ^
king, M IS pan tsiku. Defamation, hui-p6ng. WW
Decreed, ^° ^° tla°-ti6h. Defame, WC hii-loa, (decry) M M
Decrepit \^M 16-m6-, M II l<i- %° f$ hi^m iii-hd.

Decrepitude j
jiok. Defamer, fp W M° hui-p6ng L
Decry, mZ^°M hi4m iS-h6. Default, (offence) 3E«" IP hoan-ti6h
Dedicate, K hien. ts5e, (in law) ^S" ^'J M ^^ t^"^"-
Deduce, ffi ffl chhui-chhut. Defeat, ^Ij M." thai il", (one's plans)
Deducible, f^° ^ ffi 6e chhui-chhut. ^7 PjJ? td^-chhk.

Deduct, ^n° khau, m tu, H" tii, Jn° I^ Defeated, to be—, 15:
pai, ^thM- M
khau-tii. su, Ifc pf pai-tin, (as person) su. %
D?4ujGtLon, ( inference ) 0? M M s6- Defect, ^^ ^ m^u-peng, SK° *r°

chhui-chhek e, 0? P ffi
65° s6- phok-phah.
chhui-chhut ^. Defection, fomission of dutyj ^ ;S
Deed, ^° kho^,— of sale, t° ^° bpe- ^° sit piin-hun, ( apostasy ) ^ sS

ji,~of mortgage, ^ ^° tien-kho^, p5e-to.

Defective, ^° m° ^° b6-tsiau;tsfig. ^° 11° khiap-si.
Defence, ^ |^ hun-s6', make — in Defraud, Pt° II ^ Idu phien-silt, H
court, ||p s6-. phien, —money, ^° ^° oai^-tsl".
Defenceless, (as a city; |S° ll° S pJ Defray, ^ khai, ffl 0f * chhut s6--

J£ ic b6 sim-mfh thang ti-tek. hiii.

Defencible, tg° t^ %° 6e siii-tit. Defunct, 5E° si, jg ;S k^-6ng.

Defend, m p6-h6-, ^^ m
-fl^ p6-pi, Defy, bduh-soah, [challenge] ^^
— ^ M- hun-pien.
oneself, tsien-tsu.
Defendent, i? ^ pi kb^ Degeneracy, [of person] ^ -^ put-
Defer, my kn ha, R T° fif dihid"- siku, [of nation] M"^ # khah
he teh, 5g 5g° ien chhien,
( yield )
ffl°niu" Degenerate, T S^ ba-liU, % -^ put-
Deference, fl° niu°^ frespect
) m- siku, [as nation] g ^ soe-th6.
k^ng-i. Degrade, —from ofiice, W lut,— in
Defiance, baiih-soah, (challenge) Ig rank, % ^ kang kip, |S pi^n [de-
i#° tsi^n-tsu.

^° khikm-kheh, make Degraded,

base] W^ ft° ^° ho- i pi" phdi".
Deficiency, 5C [in rank] ^ % kkng-kip,
up a — i^^thiam-p6-|ig[|p6--tso-.
, [reputation] ^° %,°^° phdi"-mia-
Deficient, ^° tj?" t6-tsi6, ^ gi° sia°, [ character ] H 5^° A° t^ng
khikm-kheh, M"^ ^^ b6kaii-gidh. phdi° Mng.
Defile ) ^°<^° m" bak M-s^m, Degree, ^ t^ng, ^° tskn, [station]
Defilement ) m°m° bak-ti6h, (nar-
« ^g^" b^ng-hun, ^ f^ t^ng-te, Jil
row way) 1^ P° ai-khdu. ^ te-ui, a — [Geog] — " g tslt-to',
Define, M" ^M k6e-beng, (limit) ^M —of latitude, i^ %° hiii-sok",
kki-han, (a word) M W thio beng. [rank] ^
W. phin-kip,^of B. A.,
^° ^° tia^-tidh,
Definite, (.fixed J
m :t siii-tski,— of M. A., A kii- m
( having limitsj W° ^ P^ u kki-han. —of L. L.
^ ^ tsiin-tsun,
jln. D,, ^
f^ han-lim.
Definitely, (precise)
Deification ^ bong, Ws thek- ^
(with limits) ^ P^ kki-han. Deify
j hong.
Definition, (explainj ^'' 1^° k6e-seh- Deign, [condescend]
Deflect, ( turn aside ) ®
Jg y khut ke,
odt, |4° M" T" chhih ke, ^g" T° 3S E^
chhodh. chhekke Mitsiui, [allow] ^tsiin,
Deflection, f^° chhodh. :fc°un, :ft?i iln-tsiin.
Deflower, Jg ^ ki6ng-kan. Deist, (free-thinker) :ji:M ±fm
Deform, fS" ^° phah-phdi°. sin Siong-te.
Deformed, W
^° phok-siii°. Deities, jpf BQ sin-b^ng.
Deformity, (shape of personj /? ^ Deity, ±^ siong-tfe.
i:° A put-tso^n g lang, (ugliness) Deject, m° ^^m ho- i sit-tsi.
^ —
Dejected, ^ m° sit-h^tig, ^ ^ sit- him-sien, — in virtue, M" M li^*°

U ^ loe-tsi, ^ M
tsi, sit-i. sien.

Delate, (spread) ^ fi p6-i6ng, (ac- Delighted, iliilthi6ng-16k, —at some*

cuse to one's facej lg° ta A° ^° thing, »& ^° g|I° sim hoe khui.
;^°^° tit tsi mng e m-ti6h, tiii
Delightful 1
1^° A° fj S h5- mng
Delightsome hoa^-hi. )
bin chhiah.
Delineate [paint] #" ui, {des=
Df.lay, m ii° i6n-cliliien, i^ thSng,

cribe] ^° ^
5i il ti-oan, ?§ W. i^n-oan, 1^ Delinquency,
"^ ^° sit piin hun,

Loan, S. B^ 6^° chhid" leng-teh,
[offence] P" j^" tse-ko^.
without—, M' 3i ^° bfi i^n chiiifen.
Delinquent, ^ :$: ^^ ^° sit piin hun
Delectable, rI" ft" # ^f thang h'oa"- g, [transgressor] f^" X^" ^' g°
M S.
ts6e iii ti6h g, ^» ^° ^° ^'' kia" in
# fg ;t° A" lii-thok e Mng,
Delegate, ti6h g.
to — ^ % kau-tbok,
, — official,
Delirious, ^3ihoatk6ng, ^I^Eji^t
p Tii-go4n. k6ug, [insane] ^ 0, thim-loan,
Dfelf, ii° 0° ;2:° SI" §g k^ thng ^ biii
— talk, 1^ ;|: tsdp Ham.
^ boat kSiig,
Delirium, [in fevet] 33E
Deliberate, ^ IS gi-lun, ^ fi siong-
li6ng, @, ^ su-niu, [not hasty] ^
— tsiii-sidu. liam,—tre-
talk in M "^ ts4p ,

mens, M JiS

15 tsira-tsiok, very — H ^ S S , Deliver, ^ kiu, — of a child, ^ i^

sam hoan ngdi'- hok, [slow] Jf" "^^ hun-bien, message. % ^ thoS,n a.

it°^siu% |i£'^fi!f°M''M b61amb6 le. Slit, —to a person, ^ #° kau ho*

Deliberately, [slowly] %% khoan — to a superior, ^ kidu,— ^back,
khoan, ii° ^"un-ftn, [on purpose] ^ 0° boat he.

S^^MM ti&u k6- i. Deliverance, Ml kiu.

Delicacies, \il^W% san tin hdi bi. Deliverer, Ji i^ ;t° A° tsin-kiu dling.
Delicacy, ^il tin-siu, ^ fj" h6-mih, Delivery, [hand over] kau, f^° ^ ^
:^ #J sit-but, —of land and sea, llj kau-tai, [preservation] ^ kiti.

^^ ^ san tin hdi bi. Dell, tii:°khi°.

Dielieate, M 5l iii-siu, if 5t chheng- Delta, il'H
#° tsiu-4, ?? K phu-su.
Siii—flavour, 15" ^khd-bi,—health Delude, W, it b6-h^k.
W # ^° l^in sin-mia, ^^ ^ Deluge, j^'7K J2 11 h6ng siiiho&fnlam.
15° b6 khi m^h, [not robust ] Wi° Delusion, (deception) W II HtioH-
§1" n]lg-tsid°. phi^n, [error] M ^ chha-chhc^.
Delicately, [as person] m^ ih-siii. Delusive, (beguiling) ^o siet.

Delicious, ^ P^ hd bi, |g 1^ chhii^bi, Delve, M kiit.

.^ ^ ka bl. Demand, M th6, J^° ^ H- ka i i\i6,

- Delight, m" S" hoa°-hi,— in, M ^° ^back, W il W th6 to-tiag.

Demandable, Ig" f^ ^^ 6e th6 tit. ber, M" m° cbbdt-siu.
Demean, ) [oneself] ^"^"ig M!' Denial, /p" E^. in jTn.
Demeaning, J |g ka-ki tso6 chhau Denizen, [naturalized citizen] A II
tsien. Country] ;S Jfe A°
jip tsek, [of tbe
Demeanor, A° ^Mng-khoan, [mien] piin toe lang.
JB g heno-iong, ^ ^J heng-tsong. Denmark, :fi f^ M Tai-tan kok.
Demerit, IP° i§° tse-kok. Denominate, f| bo tsoe, ^° 0*
Demise, [of Emperor] ^% seng- kio-tso^, ^ P-iF chbeng-bo*.
Demit, [as office] f,i' Bi niu tsit,
Denomination, [a sect] |Jc kaii, — in
arithmetic, ^°sia", [act of nam-
[bequeath] ^r M' ^V Iku ke-be.
Democracy, 15° ij>^
ing] m ^° ho ki6.
Denominator, ^ #° bun bii, com-
Demolisb, [pull to pieces] ^°
tbiab-kbi, [ruin] %l
mon—, 51. ^ # tbong bun bii.
i° biii-khi.
Denote, jpt tsi.
Demon, %. il kiii-koki, ^.
—of tbunder, f^ -^
ipip soab- Denoument,
— of a play, KI^lH°to^°i°
Denounce, }S •& khong-ko, [de-
W — of drougbt,
ic" lili-jibia",
^. Denunciation,

clare] ^ji p6, [inform
^ ban-poat. against] tbau. @
Demoniac, 311 ^-^ 5]$ jiii|i boan-tiob sia- Dense, [as foliage] ^"am, [compact]

Demoniacal, 5]5 # sia-sin.

W tsi^t, S teng.
Dent, ^^ -^ tiam-bun.
Demonology, Jg si^-sut.

Demonstrable, ^f BjJ B^ ^o ^^ Jf u
Dental, m
m" ^f cbbul-khi g,—fis-
bgng-beng ^ pin-ku.
tula, '® M kbi-lau.

Demonstrate, *& Bfl ,tsi-beng,

Dentist, :Jf ?4 ® ^ gi-kbo i-seng.
|E Jl Dentition, ^' lioat-kbi.
tseno:-kti. -if"

Dentrifice, "if" ;© chhiii-kbi

v^ hiin.
Demonstrative, gAu ebbing.
Demoralize, H
tboa pbAi°.
§i] pak.

Demulcent, [softening] t^° Dc° jpj° oe Deny, p^ in-jin, one's self, ^ ^B

nj)g lun. khek-ki.
Depart, ^i gg" ll-kbui, gH
Demur, [besitate] M m tiu-tu, [de-
gij ll-pi^t.

lay] 3g ii° ien-cbbi^n, [doubt] [territorial division] flj

^ giau-gi. fg- hii-bun, [in a business] #r° keh,
Demure, '^"Ptiam-tseng, [not real]
in a public office], P^ng" WW
Demurrage, |fi ii |5g° ;2:° il tbiap ke Departure, ^fl' Wi' li-kbui, ^» gij li-
an e gun. pidt.
Demy, ^°pok°.
Den, ^ j^ ts4u-biet, m° siu,—of rob-
Depauperate, [a person] ^^ A"
M° M" bo- IUng khah s6ng-iiiong,
[ ground ] #" ji" W
'M" to' toe course of life, Hb i& ^m-skm-lo". M
khah s4n. Depravity, 51$ si&.

Depend, [contingent] ^ tsai, [hang Deprecate, jj^ 15: kift-bi^n.

down] ^ ^' sui-16h, [trust in] if, Depreciate, I^ Sf Sk K" h6ng teh S
sin, wisdom does not on age, — ^
hi&,m hoa°-hi.

^ Ifi^ /p ^£ ^iu ti-sek put-tsai 16. Depredate {i&o^^^^^n

Dependants, T° ^° e-cbhiii. (

Dependence, i^° oa-kho. ^ Depress, [as gun] ^ if' *° tam 16h

kill, [press down] |f/J!h,Ji('^cl)hih,
Dependent, [on] S kli6, ^ tsai, [a
[not elevated] ILH nah, [abase] ^
servant] ^ 51 A" chlie kali 6
T° kang-ke, [sadden] M° iJi M P^l
ling, M B° i° A° chhe eng g Mng.
ho' i iu-bun.
Depict, [paint] flfiii, [describe] ifil'
Depressed, [in spirit] ff^ >t> chhau-
BJJ k6ng-beng.
sim, ^" fg' peh-pak.
Deplorable, n]" ^ kli6 siong. Deprive, [take away] M'^'th^h-
Deplore, [mourn] ^ :g pi-ai, [weep] khi, J|^*<'chhiu°-khi.
B" g^-^'Mubik-sAi, [lament] P-r
thi-khku [feel grief] tS *&
Depth, ^ chhim.
Depute, M chhe, [ofKcially] ^ lii,

[appoint] fji jL siet-lip.

Depone, [testify] ^
jJE kan-tsfeng.
Deputy, [official] H" lii-goHn, # $
Deponent, M" =p ?jE &^°tsoe kan-tseng #° A" ^°
§t' khau
1 lii-oan, (substitute)
g, testimony of a—, P" thoe lang e.
keng. Derange, [in confusion] #7° WL phah-
Depopulate, [by death] M
M" "S" ^^° loan, [disturb] If
kiau-jiau. S
bi^t-b& peh-si", [by expulsion,] g" Deranged, (in mindj tien-k6ng, MS
ig hong-tlen, ^ >& sit-sim.
lii "S"
Deport, [exile] ^
chhiong-kun. Derangement, of plans ^J^^'phok
( )
Deportment, §! ^ the-th6ng. tsam, fT^p" ta^-chhk, [of mind]
Depose, I^H kek-tsit, [as mandarin] ^ lij sit-vsim.

Tl&^liaukoa''. Derelict, m" A" M" ^" khit-14ng

Deposit, kik lok teh. pang-sak.
Depositary, !^ i^ ^ M i." J^° siu i Dereliction, M" 411' pang-sak.
thok-tiong ^ 14ng. Deride, ki-chhi. MM
Deposition, (before magistrate) P° Derision, gi6h-si6h, IS M ki-chhi.
§1°khdu-keng. Derivation, (origin) Jl^JI'goan-thau,
Depository, (warehouse) ^W tsifen- (descent) JH. :$: go^n-piin.

'pang. Derive, [obtain] 'S' tit-ti6h, (in- W

Deprave, W^% ho- i sil fer) a" jS 35 khok-'-khi l^i,
ttS m
Depraved, SB si4, ;?; IE put-te^ng,—

Derived-from, J^. ;^ gokn-pxin. jg i% bofe bun.
Derogate, (annul in jiart) >Js vi'M. Deserter, (a soldier)
:E t6-petig, ^
^° si6-klio4 thiet-fchi, [disparage] (a person) %" i.° A" tsdu 6 l^ng.
K e^° is M" M
b6ng teh Hiam Deserve, eng-kai ti6h. B^W
hoa°-lii. Desbabille, ^^fM ^ cbbeag pieil i.

Derogation, (disparagement) .^ Desiccate, |ij ^ 1^° # S° cbbdng b5- i

kheng-kM, (detract from) j]^kia.n. ta, [by sun] |§^ ^^ pbdk ta, [by
Descant, ^ M Mng-lun. fire] m M° fi»
^^ hang bo' i ta.

Descend, M" ^° i6h-khi, |^ES kang- Desideratum, M" s6- khikni ^^ W

lim, •^'' JJS 16h-Mi, (as a balloon) kbeb L
^^ ^° tui-16h, (by transmission) Design, ft°^uik6, [plan] ft^ kfe-
^ -i" >^ thoan 16h-mi. ti, to—, ft°M ui-k6, [intend] ^°

Descendants, ^W
li5--e, ^"^1 au :g° siu^-beb.
sti,^° f:^ au-tai, Q'' 3| kia°-sun, Designate, ta W tsl^bfeg, [assign]
bave^, # ^° tho&n-ts^ng. M ptki.
Descent, (go down) ^'' ^° i6b-kbi, Designation, [title] ^ "? cbheng-bo'
(generation) -fg: ^ se-be. [mark] ^?°|| ji-bo, [signification]
Describe, M" BJ k6ng-b^ng, B||°p$D .S i-sii. M
k6ng si6ng-sfe, ^'' -^ Jg° k6ng Designedly, #" gj; * tiltu k6--i, !j#°

cbbeng-cbb6. ift ^ ti^u 1 k6-.

Description, (describing) ^^j^k^ng- Designiitg, liJ^°im-tbim, ^J^ll-bai.
kbi, (of a countryj M ±° If ^ kok Desirable, [thing or person] #° A°
fets^ng h^ng, (of a person) A" •:Z° It' ^' ho- Mng it-ti6h, W® kfe«5-

If ^
l^ng e ts^ng b^ng, give a cbhii, [matter] ^ |^ g" tsiku Mn
of a journey, ^^ j|B BC M ^''
If M ti6h.
k6ng-kbi iet-lek ^ tsSng-b^ng, Desire, i|° #" it-ti6h, ^ ^ him-bo-,
(kind) ^ bo, J^ bang, every— ^ , ^ ai, W beh,— of the heart, »& H
gg kok bo, ^ ;^ kok bang, give sim-goan,—very much, Jjc ;^''him-
a minute-—, ij;" j!^ ff ^' siku tiHir- sien, satisfied, — Jjl" Jg, mdd-taok.
d k6ng, give a vivid Jp — g
b§ng- Desirous,
, al. ^
i6ng. Desist, tbtng, 1," hioh-khiin, ^ ®
Desecrate, [divert from saxjred put- ,§," soab.

poses] iU° mi^'miS li^b s^ng Desk, ^

ifi toh-kui, -vvriting-^, {^
ts6e cbbo'-sidk, [dishonour] |g "^ ^^ f^ sia ji toh.
siet-t6k. Desolate, ^° Jf
cbhi"-chhin, ?f fP
Desert, |i l^ kb6ng-id, [merit] l^ng-tseng, ^ [laid waste] ^ M
m kong-16, to—, %° tsdu. hong-h6e.
Deserted, ^'''St pba-hiig,—grave, Desolatieh,
^ ^ bong-lii6e.
Despair, MH ts6at bang. Destroy, M M° bi^t-bo, fi iM siin-
Despatch, (official) 3!C # b<in-su, M hoai, Ji ii° hoe-b6, Jii ^ biet-khi,
# tsiauhoe, —^business, f;|^ pan- M ^° hoe-khi, II iM hiii-horxi,—
su, if ^° i|° pan tai-tsi, to—, M village, ]@ It hoe sia.

chhe, ^° poab. Destroyer, |^ Jl :t° A° hui-hoai ^.

Desperate^ (furious) H ^ hi6ng-p6, l^ng, m^ ;5:° A° bi6t-b6 ^ ling.

(irretrievable) ^ ,i,° si-soah, ^
Destructible, tE° ^T° ^° #° oe phah-
fl M ^° boe h6k-t6 tit, (hopeless) phdi° tit.
Is i|° tsoat-bang, (desponding) ^ Destruction, f^ ^° bi^t-b6.

ig sit-tsi (rash) ^° ^ chhi'^-kSng. Desuetude, ^° ^4° }g° ta" bo eng,

Desperately, fy^ ^^ phah-pia", (seri- *° ho6-khi. m

ously) f^ M. siong-tiong. Desultory, (unconnected) ^° iS° "jS.

Despicable, >h ilS l§ siaii-phl-gi^n. m° b6 sa-^-liSn soa, |i° ^° ^° b6

Despise, ^° @ khoa^'-khin, S°M^°
bdk te bo, bauh-soah, g° ^° ||°
sa"-soa (unmethodical) W^^
b6 chhii-su, *t° 7° -^° b6 he 16h.
bak-lai b6, M M bidu-si, J° ^° Detach, ^° ^>un-khui,m°?rtoa°-
±° @° khok" in tsiu" bdk. tiah, 11° g^" keh-khui. (a company
Pespite, (vex) fij ^ chhing-ti. of soldiers) ^°—
° jM° thiah tsit ^
Despiteful, ^^ ok-t6k. chhiu peng.
-° ^°
Despoil, It cbhiii". Detached,— house, ^° 5rb°

Despond, ® 5g lo^-tsi, ^ ig sit-tsi, leng goa tsit keng.

^ m° sit-bang. Detachment, (of ti'oops) '—° Mi° ^
Despot, g ±;2: A°;gtsu-tsu6jin-kun & tsit-chhiu ^ peng.
Despotic, (tyrannical) ^^ p6-gi6k, Detail, ^H If 11° si6ng-sfe k<5ng.
BM bti^to. Detain, •^° lau, U^

Despotism, ^^@iH6ng-tetsii-tsii Detect, 15° ffi h6ng-chhut, ^° ffl

Dessert, W^
^° sok chhui b^. chha-chhut, in the, act, — M ^°
Destination, ^ |n] khi hi6ng. chhiok-tioh.
^° chh^-chhut.
Destine, ;£° ^° tia"-ti6h. Detection, ffl

Destined, ;£° ^° tia'^-tioh. Detention, ^^ tau4i<i.

^° Deter, (hinder) ^° ts6--t6ng, PI

Destiny, ^ It kiap-s6-, [fate] iS.

(prevent by fear) i%°

mia, ^ SO', ^° ^ mia-s6-. Jfc ts6--tsi,
A°M°W^^WL° ho- lang kia° m-kd",
Destitute, 51 M li&n-h6e, ^° ^ ^ f^°A°'li''/S^Sfc°ho- langlun iii-kd".
hd 16- lai, 4ft° ^ IS b6 sid hdt-o, si,
Deteriorate, 1:° ^° nd-phai", ^"1%°
if° ^° IS tng tang sien, # ig°
thiet ti, m° Mng, m°ii^° tng
chhtin thih. Deterioration, (as person) MMM°
U° M liong-poe, W ']# ^ tsiam-tsiam pi"-phdi°,
thing) M. ^° nd phdi".
( of a

Determination, (decision) i ^tsii-i, Devilish, 1 ^ fi^ m6--kui ^, (bad)
(resolve) ?fe M koat-i. ?1 ^ beng-ok.
Determine, ±M tsii-i, &° ^° tia"- f^ |I«j fc oan-oan-oat oat.
Devious, i%*
tidh, :fL ;& lip-i,— firmly, ^ *5 lip- Devise, (plan) ft iSs ke-b6*, (think
sim, —a matter, soah-hodh. out) M° siu" chhut.

Determined, koat-toan,
Jfe §f i£ 5g° Devoid, ^° ^° khang-khang., M bo.
JE #5 pa-peng, —
•tsu-tiu", have to Devolve,* (roll down) ko-16h-khi,
it, -° ii ^° tsit thaii beh,— to be upon, ^ fS kau-tai, (by suc-
at feud, ^°^Mlfe ^S°«° beh kap i cession) j|: thoftn.
tii-tsiii, very—, ;* Ifp-tsi. A Devote, —to God, mM°±^ hi^n-
m ii ) -
V 1 h5' Siong-t^, — to duty, ^ ,S^ tsin-

Detestable, pf ^° kli6-6-°.
tiong (consecrated) ^ hien.
Devoted, (ardour) ^i&jiet-sim, (de-
Dethrone, ^ ^ hofe-ai. vout) ^
Jg k^ng-khifen, (addicted
Detonation, @° phiak.
Detour, ^ oan.
to) ^ h6-°, M ^i.

Devotee, (of idol) |^ te-tsd. ^

Detract, (disparage) ^ ^ fc° S Devotion, (earnestness) I? »6 IJ; ^
b6ng hi^m hoa^-hi, —slander, H
1° bu-loa.
tsoan sim ti-i, (attachment) |rI 3
hi6ng-b5-, M^ i-ai.
Detraction, (defamation) ^ gf hiii- Devour, 'lt°fi":ft° chhi" tsin tsidh,
Detriment, (damage) fii^sun-hoai.
^ M° thun-tsidh.
Detrimental, Jf g^° sun-hai-e.
^ \^ m keng-khi^n, Jt ^
Devoutly khign-kfeng.
Deuce, Z:^°jikau. Dew, m
Deuterogamy, (of a man) M°^°'k.oh Dewclaw,
lo--tsui, m thi°-lo-. 31c

Eg ku.
chhoa, (of a woman) ||°^J°koh kk Dewdrop.
l6--tsu. M^
Deuteronomy, book of
Sin beng ki.

^ ^ ^ Dewlap, (of cow) '^°Jg°^° gA am-s^.

Devastate, «» -*
Dexter, ^ ^° iu-p&ng, IE 31° tsia"-
) ^ ,

^^^*so-iong. p6ng.
Develop, (as tree)

M° §°nd-hiin, (as
\ m^ ki-khiaii, t^°
^° ^°
plant from seed) ff tU hoat-chhut j khiaiz-l6-, jff h6
(as intelligence) ^»li;t°l°tl-sek chhiii-toa".
n4" khui, Mm mmkhai-khiau.
Dextral, jE°5I° tsia''-p^ng, ;&^° iu
Deviate ^°) ki^^-chha,^ p&ng.
fir° ^4:°
Deviation j
|g-° ^° Diabetes, m°M'^° jio piki ti°.
^" kia° chho, (wander) j^ E& b6-lo-. Diadem, ^. ^ bi^n-li<i-
Device, ft ^° k&-ti,
ffl ^ khoan tho. Diabolical, (devilish) ^ kiii-koai, >]f
Devil, ^ 51 m6--kiii.
^ 7j<C° kiii-tsiii, (atrocious) +^
sip ok. Diet, B ^ jit-sit, ^ ^ h^-sit.
Diagnosis, ^W khoa°-ts^ng. DiflFer, T> k put-t6ng, ^° m° b6-
Diagonal, ^4° chhodh, i3. ^*° tUn- tang, #°^°koh-iu°, (in opinion)
clthoah, ^)t°:^ chhoab-kak, SM° ^° m° M bo tkng-i.
oai-chhoah. Difference, ^° M tseng chha, — of
Diagram, the eight — A&
, pat-kok. dialect, ^° M° tsdu-khiu°, split
Dial, sun —H ,jit kui.M the — S^ 4* ?D liah tiong ho,

Dialect, ±^ th6--ini, M° M. hiang- (quarrel) ^ ^° oan-ke, discor-

tam, i: 8^° th6--khiu°. dance) ^ ^° oan-ke, (mark of
Dialogue, P3 ^
bun-tap. distinction) :^° ^ glj u hun-piet.
Diameter, M+ tiii-tiong. Different, ^° -1° koh-iu'', Zl° W
Diamond, J^^° soan-tsi6h, —shaped, nng-iu", ^° ig°' tseng-tsodh, ^4=°

mo4°-phang-hoan, inferior — , iijc° M° tseng-chha, ^° M° b6-t&ng,

JiS tsui-soan. ^° m° b6 siang, ^° f|° tsdu-tsodh,
Diaper, (a napkin) (fl
^° kun-d. ®° ^° khah-tsoah.
Diaphoritic, ^ ff° hoat-koa". Difficult, 11° oh, m ti kan-kfe,—to
Diaphragm, Bg^ ^° keh bah. do, il° n° M° oh tit tsoe.
Diarrhoea, m° 'M lau-sia, V^° |g° lau- Difficulty, m° oh, (trouble) M^
pak, it m siet-sik, ^° m° St'' pbai" kan-kho'.
pak t6*.
Diffident, i9° M° soe-ji, ii SI- ko--
Diary, |B jit-ki.
Dibble, ®° tseng. ^° W° tsoe 6e,
Diffuse, (verbose)
Dice, m° ff° tau-a, —box, ^° ff°« m ho&n, m^"" 16-so, (publish) S
tau a k6ng.
Dictate, m° i^° A° k6ng h5- Mng
M ^ p6-i6ng, (as odour) ^° chheng.
sia, (prescribe) i
51° tsii-tiu", i
^ tsii-chh&i, —
to a writer, P 1^
kh6--thoan, (orders) ^
-^ beng- Dig, kiit,— up, m
pe, thuh,—

leng. grave, §9° khui-khong. ^

Dictation, f^ #
tai-su. Digest, ft siau, -K hoa, (of laws)
Diction, ^° iS° k<Sng 6e. ?i lut-hoat #
chhoat-iau. ^S
Dictionary, ^
^^ ji-ti(^n. Digestible, tg° rt -fti oe siau-hoa, ^
Dictum, il° ^°
fS° ngi e 6e. ft fli khoki siau-hoa.
Die, yt° si, i§°S ke-6ng, i§°1ft° ke- Digestion, (good)
h6-pi-ui, & MW
si. If it kui-im. If 1il] kui-sien, J^
(bad) ^°^m M phai°-pi-ui.

IllJ sgng sien, n°Wi° kia" tang, Dignified, —

iS. tsai-ngo-, ^l
^ ^
as child, iJ°y° phah-phdi", #7°
^" tsai, Wb toan-tsong, :k ^ toa- ^
^° phah tsdu khi, (for gaming) pan,— manner, 'H it khong khai,

yc if tai-toau, |S° -4- ^° b6 kiu-
fj° if° tau-4, (in a mint
ko(^h. M^ m°
s> ^ ^° o- lio4" o- hod", (as
Dignify, (to confer rank) {I| @ sii vision) B| ii° bang-bang, M 'E
tsiok, (raise in rank) Pit |5 seng- bu-bil.
kip, (honour) # fi tsun keng. Dimensions, trig khoab,\ ^^f

Dignitary, # ft ;t° A° tsun-kiii e sii hong.

ang. Diminish, JU kiam, gradually, — U°

Dignity, jgj jH ui-gi, J^ M
ft,^° siau-sih.
ui-hong. sih,
Digress, nah-lai nah-khi, (from the Diminutive, fi|->J» liau-sidu, $B^ se-bi.
subject) m° n° i^° k6ng b5 Dimity, m ehhi^ biin p6-, M^^ ^
od-i, (wander) =^° be-l6-, (de- {^ ^ liii tidu p6'. ^
viate) H° M. kia"-chha. Dimple, M ^ tsiii-khut.
Digression, (in c<3nversation ) |i° Din, 11 If T
hoa-hoa-hdu, Pf 1$ soan- ^
i|° -^^ k6ng lidu b6 od, (in a hoa, PJ; ifl chhdu-lau, ?^°f^° \^ hu
sermon) ^.° {^° ^° b6 od-tod, hti hau.
^° la ff bo koan^sidp. Dine, :fr°:/c°i|S° tsidh toa ti^g.
Dike, 7j*:° M° tsui-kau. Ding-dong, ^° ^° lin-long.
Dilapidated, ^ Ji hong-h6e, M° Ji.° Dinner, :^ g tai-chhan.
phok-sAg, r^ M hoe-tui. Dint, — DJ] tsit-na-'h, -- Ofl teit-lap.
Dilate, SI phong, (expatiate) Dip, Jg tm, —up ^E iu",
tiii", |fi|
khat, ^ (in
m° 1!^ ff ir siau tiau d k6ng.
° the road) lap u.
Dilatory, JE Jl° ieu-chhien, ^M Diploma, p6-tiau, ffil tslo. ^^
M W. ien-oan.
i^n-tl, Dipper, 7J1C ^ftsiii-tsin.
Dilemma, H T> Jl 5l° T> si tsin-put- Diptheria ]& ^ p6h-th6a".
tsln the-put-the, 11 Ji fg H tsin
th6e li6ng Mn. Dirf""^} ^ fi chhi"-chhdm.

Diligence, ffj H
kh<in-kin. Direct, (straight) [g i£ tit-tit, (up-
Diligent, ) Wi khtin, ^ ft kip-ke.
right) jE WL tsfeng-tlt, to—, ^m
Diligently, ^ m keng-gidp tsi-tidm, (order) ^ Pf hoan-hii,

— in one's dnty, E^ i& jln-

(oversee) ^ tok.
Direction, (way) ij |rJ hong-hiong,
lo', p^ B, jin-tsin.
Dilly-dally, ^ m° oe-the. :^" JpI" hong-hiu", (directing) ^t^
Dilute, m M° m° tbaii khah p6h.
tsi-tidm, in every
Directly, 'ihm Hftm-pi", Ji
— , ^ M fA k6e.
Diluvium, jg ^^ ;5° :fiS|' chhien-soa

IP fl# tsek-si.
Director, ^:°p, .i°A°tsidng-li ^Mng,
Dim moon— J ° a° ^^^ Hg- —of the salt department, jS

Dnnly \ng, eves dim, @°|f ^° bak

S ^
tsiu ng, (as colour) ^g phii- Dirge, ii If bodn-si
phu, ^° /g, si-sek, (as evening) Dirt, }%° ^^ la-sam.
Dirty, M" A" kia"-lang, ^' #" 11- Disagreeable, %° 4<° ^ m t^ng-l, %"
slm, j;^ § un-tbun, ok-chhok,- J5 ^° Mm Uh-\, (person) ;?; i£ A
i^ ti-o6, qg^ t^' am-tsam, #° i- S If i° A
put kfin jin tseng e ling.
ts'i, lap-sap. Disagreement, ^ fu put-ho, ("of facts^
Disability, [want of physical power] ^ i} put-tui.
W 1J° ^° ^^ kbiii-lat b6 kau, Disallow, /f^" i^ in-tsiin.

[inconvenient] /f M put-pien, [no Disallowable, 7fy.° ?§ W boe tsun-tit.

opportunity] *P. ^ # b6 ki-hoe, Disannul, B -h" hoe-khi, fi, :^ thiet-
[want ofintellectual power] 5(J^Ib| khi.
kbikm ti-sek, :tm^,°M° tsai-tiuu Disapparel, ^^ ^i thftg-sa".
b6 kau, [legal incapacity] ^^ & ^ Disap]iear, ^° -i" b6-khi, (run wayj
be hap sek. . ^° •i° tsau-khi.
Disable, M" A" ^T^" ho- Mng Disappoint, 'K go*, (balk) g^~
boe. phoa- ^
Disabled, [as ship] ^ •^ phai°-khi, tsam.
[by wounds] ^ i^ T^° ff° slu- Disappointed, (of one's wishes^ ^^
siong boe kia°. sit-bang.
Disbuse, fiindeceivej tW ^M f$' P Disapprove, M" '&-°#' b6hap-i, X> +°
^° k6ng beng ho' i tsai. S in t^ng i, :7° ^ iii-ai.

Disaccustom, i^° P ^''

'ti" #" ho- i Disarm, (as soldiers) Wi'^'M^ thiet
bo koai''-si. khi kun-tsong.
Disadvantage [loss in business] fS° Disarrange 7 ^^^
^' ^^ t^h loan.
S sih-piin, [loss in fame] iT Ji.° Disarranged, ^
"^^ '

phah-loan, M'^'mJ
^"M." phah-phai" mia-sia°, [hurt] Disarray, tf° fl
^° ju-chhiang-chhiang.
^ hai, ^ fi, iii-sun. :^ ho- i

Disadvantageous, H S bu-ek, ^M Disaster, if^°Iii"tsai-e,

Disavow, ^° in-jin.
l2il :$: hiong-sii.

DisafFect, #" A" i" )& ho- Disvowal, ^W ^ lli^ rii-jm.

ling 6 sim put-h6k, [towards a Disbind, fX (soldiers^

-"^ ' s6a"-tau,

friend] M 'if P<^k tsSng, [as bow- ^' Su s6a"-peng, % HI thiet-h6e.

els] W m E" ^°ti IL ho- pak- Disbelieve,

% fa in-siu.
^' pang-sak, %" ^
t6- lai tso-loan.
Disaffected, ^P" T® 1^ ))S in-goanh4ng- xTi-tih, W 6r hiet-teh,7iJ:''^"p^ng-
h6k, »C» ^ DH sim put h6k.
Disaffirm, ^contradict j ^° W tsi" b&, Disburse, P| lii khai-chhut, gS ft
^° ^° ^ tsi° b6-id".
•({ll %, sii-lmi.

Disagree, (^inharmonious^ ^ fu put Discard, :5S:' ' P^mg-sak, i^"Jt" m-

li6, (not correspond) ^i°th b6tiii tih, '^^W iii-eng, ^"•gS" in-sai,
— with stomach, Jp. 5$ siin-pi. % bien.

Discern, f see throu^hj ^^ Wi" khok°- f§ tsai ki^n sikti.

ph6a, (distinguish) ^ ^ij hun-piet, Disconformity, ^° ^ b6hdl), I'^B"

(apprehend ; fg" ^ ^^ 6e hiau tit, {Bl° ho chhin-chhiu".
fperceivej M" kh6a''. Discongruity, llSil if "b&kah-ehhah,
Discerning, ft ji leng-thong, (of b6 tau-chhaii.
character) #'|i A^gaukoanlAng. Disconnect, E°tliiig, gH" *"khm-khi.
Discernment, ©
ji leng-thong, ji jf Disconnected, ^° 40° bo sio-ii^n, ^
thong-thau, HjJ ^ beng-pek. iff 1: tsih-tsam,— talk,

i3° fj-" IK"

Discharge, fservantj si,— cargo,
J^'^flt' kong 5e bo tau-sau.

j|E K° khi-h6, 5|H:°

tsiu°-tsTli, tb Disconsolate, 'S ^| iu-ut, <& flf° ^°
:^°chhut-h^. sim koa" koai", >& Jlf"" T>° ^° ^
Disciplfe, ^^ hdk-seng, P^gg bftn-to-. sim koa° bo oa° loh.
DiscipIine,fcorrectionj#3i^keng-kai. Discontent^ ;iP° |3° M° in chh^ng-i,
good family— ,il ^° |JC ho ke-kku, of mind — ^f ^ ih^ut,
, fdisjjleai^-
(military; & f^ peng-hoat, (^chas- ed) T-° ft" * in hoa"-W, :^''
t° li
tisementj ^°phah, (church) ^ fi iii kam.goan.
kau-hoat. Discontented, /f ^ S. put-ti-tsiok.
Disclaim, g^
::|^° in-jin. Discontinue,
tng, ,§," soah. ^'
Disclose )ffipl5--chhut, ffi 5|° Discontinued, ^''' ,%" u soah, :§" ^
Disclosure [ chhut-phok. u theng, Iff tsih-tsam. ^
Discolour ) (change;
fe pi^n- ®
Discord, /^ %i put-h6.
Discolcuration Jsek, fstainj ^° Discordant,
li jjut h&. ^
bak-tioh, (tinge) ^
fi. hoan-sek. Discount, tJf M" tsiet-thiu, take off
Discomfit, ^
^' pai-tsau, &lj^
— 1(° iff' li^h-tsiet, 5 fi^er cfcfi*—
Discomfort, ai£° '^° fg^
. ^ 3l fB kill ng6* khau, to jU"
b& khda^-oab,
^° ?^^ bo s6ng-kho&i.
ii M" khaii t6-toe, in" m *' khaii-
Discompose, (disconcert) f^° A° 11°
Discountenance, ^^ f|)t Bit iii chhib.-
M Wi ho- lang b6 i-sin, (disar-
chhai, ^°if iii-chhap.
range) if f. phah loan.
Dfscomposed, (troublej^ tt ti tsi^u-
Discourage, (depressj <Sif° A" ig ^
ho- ]fi,ng loe-tsi, ^discountenance^
ts6, ^° ^° ^ b6 chhun^an.
;p°mg^i5 chhiii-chhAi.
Disconcert, (discompose)
'^°h6- i gong-ngiah, (disarrange;
ffl Discouraged, |g ;g loe-tsi-, sit- ^^
tsi, ^' I& si sim.
#T° ^
phab-loan, (frustrate) Jj l!!^° Discourse,
f^ lun, ft ft gl-\m,
t^-'cbbk, ^J° m
phok-tsfim. (talk) ^° gg" k6ng-oe, fpreaebj
Disconcerted, ff,° ffi° gang-gang,
M m. b6 i-sin, ^ ^ b6 klok,
i£° wm,m kdng to-ii.
i^ £ DiscourteoiisV US" li f^ b6 y-S6-.

Discover, (by search) %° ffi cthe-
Tw- > '72 '{2. ho4n-hoS,n.
chhut, M" £" chhe-ki°, (by en- Discursoiy J

quiry) ^° ffi chha-chhut. Discviss, m t^ gi-lun, tk ti t^m-lun,

Discoverable, fby enquiryj tl° ^° ^ t& pien-liin, — matter, Iffl # 11-

^=° oe chha-chhut tit, (by hoe, — openly, S- ff^ng.
search) ^^ tt° ^° chhe 5e ti6h. Disdain, g° |S' kboa"-khin, M M
Discredit, 7f^° ^ iii-sin, ff ?i;°ig°sin biAu-sT.
in k^, (destroy confidence in) ^. Disdainful, WnW^°^° bdk tsiu
m" n° A° m
jia tah ho mng gi. kho- toa g, .
S^ A° |ili° Ja khok" mng
Discreet, ij»° jj si6-sim, ^° ^° tiam- bohien, [haughty] ^^^"kek-khiii.
tsat,^ 15'= kun-tsat. Disease, ?g 11" tseng-th^u, #?" ^°
Discrepancy \
1;° il° t^ng-t4", M° fJ pr-thia", organic—, )i W* tl ^1°
Discrepant / bo tiii, ^° ^° b6 hdh, ^^^ tsqng-hii pixn-th^ ^ pi", func-
^° ^ ^ u tseng-chha. tional— Jlli S ffi i° ?M° tsong-
Discretion, ij»° j^ sid-siriij come to hii kong long e pi", Idiopathic —
the years of —^ , A ^ ti j"i su, )1« :^^ g°Ei m" tsong-hii piin-
(shrewdness) }G # pd-chhl, [free- the ka-ki pl°. Symptomatic "5°
— ,

dom of action] + i # ti6ng

fi* i
% it ii 1 i° k" pah J)6--ui li^n-

tsu-i, ka-ki soah-hoah. lui 6 pi°. Hereditary—, -JC" # 51

Discretionary, ho' i soah-hodh, tp° M i° ^"^ pe-bii liSn-ltii g pr. Con-
& iM ti6ng i tsii-i. genital— H" ff ' ffi i° ^°
1S^ e"-

Discriminate, 5> gi] hun-piet. a chhut-si 6 pi", Endendic— ,

Discrimination, (distinguishing) ^ ± 0f ^° ±° #i" t6e-th6- s6- si" 6
glj hun-piet, Cdiscernment;) S ji pi". Epidemic —
JS ^ ,
un.ek, in-

Ifeng-thong, Bj beng. curable—, T-° » m° boe J.° i-tit,

Discrimihating, (disiingiiishing) ^ ^ ^ boe i-tl, ^ A# W peng jip

gi] hun-piet, (discernment) B^ k6 b6ng, cure—, « ^° i-pP, ^

blng, |g If Igng-kkn. ^° tl-pi".

Diseased, ij°^° ph6^-pi".

Discumber, JK° i" thoat-khi.
Abortion, ih ^ sidu-sdn.
Abscess, 91 ^ 16ng-chhong.
Acne, *
IH lfl° Mi!r phi" t^ng ing tiam.
Ague, Quotidian—, S'li ° " tJc"
— — ko_^" ji^t tsit jit tsit pM, Ter-
tian — , M' #. — ° B — ' ^JC" koa," jiet niig jit tsit p4i, Quartan^
S° fi H" — " SJC" ko^" jiet sii" jit tsit pdi, Quitqiiatft— H" il 13° ,

— " 2^" koi," jiet si jit tsit pdi.

Albumenuria, SJ" Pi° WW
'M jio lai u nng chheng.
Amaurosis M° JE"^boat chhi" kng.
Araenorrhoea, ^ JS ^° fj geli-keng bo tiii.
Anoemia, ^ J6i sit hiet, and debility —
fj^ ba siau. f
Anasarca,. Jfe" M" i:° # AM ph^ m6-h 6 k6--ti6ng.
Ancbylosis %W
Wi%fX'^.'%^ i^'f kut tsat boat iam ti kku Mm teh.
Aneurism, %" ^^ 1% jSl" ^
m^b kfig tbiku buib 16ng.
Antbrax, ^° |^ si" poe.
Aorta, ^f. 1< ^'' ts6ng meb kAg.
Apbonia, ^^ sit im.
Apoplexy. 4* Ji. /P In ti6ng bong put gii.

Ascites, ^ cfJ k6"-ti6ng.

Atropby of flesb, |^° ?j^ ball siau.
Baldness, ^.° W° €° bo tba,u mfig.
Bleeding, ffl" jgL" lau buib,— at nose, M° ^° jfiL° l^u phi" huih.
Blenorrbcea, ^ fn tui tseng.
Blindness, ^° BK° cbhi°-ml.
Boil, %. (?' liap-a.
Broncbitis, ^ ^° fS M kbi.kiig siong-bong.
Broncbocele, ^ ^^° ^ kbi k£g §
;J:° lift.

Bruise, fft siong.

Bubo, M" ff " s6ai°-a.
Burn, #0 ^° sio-ti6b.
Calculus, IS" W tsi6b-lim.
Cancer, g: iong-tsu,— of breast; ?[" ^^ S leng
si" iong-tsu,— of
penis, Wi'^h^^^mia. iong-biit si" iong-tsu,— of scrotum, WM^^
fH 5a pha-16ng si" iong-tsu.
Carbuncle, If boat p6e. ^
Cardialgia, .*&° ^° sim-tbik°.
Caries, of bone, Ji'# noa kut.
Cataract, Ht S^ ^- || tseng-tsu pien tsit.
Catarrb, f^ S, siong-bong.
Cepbalaljia, Wm, %" tbau-kbak tbik".
Cbancre, ?tf ^^ kam-cbbng.
Cbaps, pit phe.
Cbemosis, W fS lit" Jt" M" tk tseng ph^ huih tiii".

Cbilblains, JJ" ii: tang-tsi.

Cbickea-breasted, %° ^1" koe-heng.
Chlorosis, ^'' ^^ chhi"-pi".
Cholera, li ftt Iku ^ tli^- tsfeag.

Chyle, ?^ 1^ tin-6k.
Chyme, ^ bg.
Cicatrix, ^ Jla siong htln.

Cleft palate, ±'' M' W tsiu-'-kiu" lih.

Cloasma, pdh tio.

Colds, ]g m kdm-hong, ^ B ^io^g-hong, ||? ^^ H^^r-kb^-

Coiic, W ^° 2ft°
pak t6--thik°.

Condylomata. f||°5S°^° koe-ke chhng.

Congenital diseases |B ff tho&n e pp> <5:° ^° tso-

Conjunctivitis, W.°Wi &°W.'-k tk tseng phg boat iam, f^eute, ^°ffi

&°%^ t.°W.^ tk-tseng phe kin kip ^ hoat-iani,— chronic,^ B|
)£ ^° ^ 2^ tk tseng ph^ kii tiig e hoat iam,—purulent, ^°
:g° i:°

i^Sj£° 11° ^° ^ i^ *^ taeng ph^ chhut lang d hoat iana.


Constipation ^ pi kiet.

Consumption, §} fft ?£ 16 siong tseng.

Convulsion, iSl ^ thiu-thiok.
Cornea, ^J\ Sk W- beng kak tk, inflammation of—, BJ M^^M^ ^^^g
kak tk hoat iam— opacity of—, j^flf kl^i-e, % M^m"
ulcers of—,
b^ng kak tk noa.
Corns, ^°it° siMan.
Corpuscles, lfil° |g huih-l^n-
Couching, ff koah.
Coughs, #° sku.
Cramp, Jg ^ siau kun.
Cyst-tumour, W M tse liu.

Deafness, M>° H" A° chhku hi ling.

Debility, HM TB 14m sin, ha sLau.

P^irium. tremens, M S tsiu siau,.

Dental fistula, M M khi-lau.

Diabetes, m° M jio pi^n Stt° ti°.

Diaphragna. M° ^° keh bah.

Diarrhoea, JS ?i Iku-sia,
Diptheria, p6h thoa".
Dislocation of joints, E° 13 thiit-Kin,

Dropsy, BS @ k6--ti6ng.
Dumb, iia°fl° 6-kdu.
Dyssomania, ^° t&° ^° chhtii ta sidu.
Dysentery, §i 'M ts6e-li, acute Mi — M M
tin kip ll, chronic — ,

Dyspnoea, ^° 1^ ^
oh chhodn khiii.
Dismenorrhoea, ^ ^° keng thia". .

Dyspepsia, »& M M° sim khi thia".

Ear deafness, ^ ^° chhku hi,— otalgia, g:° ^° hi thia"',— Tinnitus
aurium, m°lil°PP° hi khang ki, :g;° JfL° fJ^ 8t° >?L°- hi khang hong-
hong hau,"Tunour of—, Qi°j^ hi M, ulcer of—, a°^° hi chhng.
EcT;hyma, jfj." ffi g-ng tiam.
Ectropium, S°jgt°S° [U hdk phe p^ng chhut.
Eczema, ^° ^
noa sidn.
Elephantiasis of leg, -k" m° ^° toa kha ting,— scrotum A°»°E°
toa Ian pha.
Emphysema, 1^ ^°;t°ll ^f hi-lai ^ hong pha.
Enteritis, m°i}°m^ ti^g-^ hoat iam.
Entropium, B° j£° R° A
bdk ph6 p^ng jip.
Epidemic, fl# ^
si-khi, Jt un-^k. ^
Epilepsy, |^°TO°iti"hin.
Epiphora, m°m°m mu bdk-ili.
Epistaxis, Mu-phi" Idk.
Eruptions, U° Ifi ing tiam.
Erysipelas, &°m^°m^ ph^-hu g t6k iam.
Erythema, jfa:°ii!f ang tidm.
^Extracting-teeth, m° ^M ® bdn chhiii-khi.
Extropium, n° &° K° ffl Mk phg p^ng chhut.
Facial paralysis, "g" ^ jg bin poan sui.
Falls, m° m podh siong.
Fever, m 5i° ji^t-pi°, intermittent— m° B m° k6a"-jiet-pi-, puerperal
~,&M^3. seng sdn ti ji6t, remittent—, ih°W:t°M sio the §
ji^t, scarlet—, U° m ^ng ji^t, typhoid--, # ^ t6k jiS, ffi S i?
chhut pan jiet, typhus—, ,% ffi o- jiet.
Fistula in ano, ^ S°^ |i° tl chhng thku chhiing, M M eng lau.
Flatulence, 15,° M phong-hong.
Formication, m" m" ^ ^'' m" kau hia s6 ^ pi^
Fracture of bone, f* |ff° kut tslh.
Frost bite,
^"m" W h6' sin sdi.
m" 11° tang sng.
Gall stone, M Wn tarn lim.
Ganglion, '^"^ khan hdt.
Gangrene, 3€° ^° si bah.
Gastralgia, g ^^ ui thiii".
Gastric catarrh, ^ 4l° ft &° S i't ° u.i e lai phe boat iam, —juice, g il°
j^ J^ iii 6 tin ek.
Gastritis, ^ .;5:° § ?ii^ ui 6 boat iam.
Glaucoma, ^
iifC >g ?9 iif li6k siii kokn t6ng sin.

Glands enlarged, ^0" biit tseng °^° biit toa, scrofulous — ,

ir H Mt.
Gleet, m'^fm^^T^e tui tseng.
Gonorrhoea, ^ j^ tui tseng.
Gout, fS 3^ tsiu hong.
Granular lids, Bf S° ^ § |S| tk tseng phe boat iam.
Gravel, 3?° ?ft soa lim.

Harelip, m" m kbib cbhtii.

Haematemesis, IH: Jfil" tho* huih.
Haematocele, jfil° ^ huih sien.
Haematuria, '^° M.' ISc pang huih jio.

Headache, li ^ ^ tbiu thak tbia°.

Heartburn, ijj Sf" W sim koa° sio.

Heart-diseases, {fii ^° sim-pi".

Hemorrhage, j|° lfil° l&u huih.
Hemorrhoids, ft° lai ti. ^
Hemostysis, |ll° ]fiL° phui buib.
Herpes zoster, ^° *E°
si" ts6a.

Hiccough, ^° l^° phah eh.

Hooping cOugh, khu khu sku.
Humpbacked, S°#° lin-ku.
Hydrocele, ?fl°pi tsui sien.
Hydrocephalus, Bi° m° 5*C° M nau chhe tsiii tiii°.

Hysteria, S W ^ ^ong gifen cbhiiiu.

Icterus, m M° ^, S € h6ng-tban, t° m fig Is^g-

Impotence, ^° !^ t6-i6ng.
Imperforated anus, ^M° JU" bo kha-chhng.
Impetigo, :^° ^° chhku thUu.
Incontinence of urine, ft M° siam-jio.
Indigestion, ^° ^° ?ft tsia h boe siau.
Inflammation, ^ '^ boat iam.
Influenza, fl| M ^° M Bt si-khi ^ siong ho^g.
IngroM^n nail, J^° ^ tkng kah.
Insanity, ig sidu, ^ kong.
Insensibility, (of flesh) M°Z^°^°m° feat m-,^sai t^ik".
Insomania, M° boe khtin.

Intermittent fever, ^° fj #^° ko4" ji4t pi°, *

Iritis, MM^°^'0. gdn-Mm e iam tseng.

Itch, :^°j^°si''k6e.
Jaundice, ^ ^a hong-thdn, ^° ^ rg-tseng, |J: f^° ti-£g.
Joints diseased, "g* iK° ^° kut-tsat phdi"?.

„ enlarged, -t 1!!° ffl° :/c° kut-tsat pi" toa.

„ indurated, # ir^°;£ kut-tsat pi° teng.
Keloid, ^ khi.
Lachrymal glands, B^ ^° t^° gdn-le hdt.
Lacteals, Si 5^ ^° khip ^k kfg.
Laryngitis, ffi ^B° :t° fJi &M^
chhut si^° e s<5-.^sai ho^t i^«^.
Lepra, # II 1:° ^ sin-khu liu khak.
Leprosy, ft ji, ba-hong, ulcerating
^° beng-kak-tk
— W^
, thii-kq.
Leuc<5ma, ^ f^ W- p%
Leucorrhoea, i^° }^ pek-tki.
Lithiasis, ^° j^ soa llm.
Liver, abscess of, B° ^° ,31 koa" si" long-chhong.
„ enlarged, W ^° koa":/«; pi" tok.
Lumbago, M°'W M° io-kut thik".
Lumbrici, j/ts tt kam-tsek.
Lupus, ^ :^ If chham song. sit
Lymph scrotum, ^^ M ^° M W m° sin-16ng § ^k-kfig tiii".
Malaria, # ^ t6k-khi, i| ^ o6 khi.
Miliaria, ^ chhut pan.

Mania, W siau, j£ k6ng.

Measles, IB j§° chhut phidh.
Menorrhagia, jji ^ hiet pheng.
Menses, M
M g^h-keng.
„ abscence of g ^ j^ keng bp ISJ.
-„ flow of ^ ^° keng tsoe.
„ irregular MMM keug b6, ti^jl.

„ painful WL M°- keng thik".

Menses, suppression of ^ ^ keng th^ng.
Miscarriage, ^ -^ tui-thai, ^i" M° >fil ka-lauh-sin.
Moles, jf. ki.

Mumps, 3g ^. un-ki.
Myopia, i£ |g kun-sl.
Naevus, ifl" |i ^ng-jiah, % W o--jiah.

Nausea, K K hodn-pak, ^ Pi ki-th6-.

Necrosis, 5E°# si-kut.
Nephritis, K°^ io boat iam. |Jl

Nerve, ^ ®i naii-khi-kun.

Nervous exhaustion, K^,

wi ^ nau-khi-kun
^"^ -^^
sit Idt.

Nettlei'ash, Jf" ai° |i chhin-mo-h-lau.

Neuralgia, gg° ^^
0° n4u-khl kun thia°.
Nymphomania, mA A° U m ^° ^° hu-jin-Mng ho" im g pi°.

Obstruction of nasal duct, KM^ M° W jip le ki5g that teh.

Onychia, §£," ^ ^° si" kah-pi^
Opacity of cornea, ^i khi-e. ^
Opium smoking, ^° Jl Yir tsiah a-phien.
„ horror, ^
>r ?1° a-phien gifen.
Opthalmia, BJl ^t gan-iam.
„ purulent, M° 'A lang-iam.

„ scrofulous, it ^ 1^ 3K° hu iam ui kng.

„ tarsi, Ji° 12 noa hi^n.

Orchitis, MWM^
%° 5L° W ^ hi-khang hoat-iam.
Ian-hut hoat-iam
Ortorrhoea, S" 5L° B"^" hi-khang lau Mng.
Ozana, A° 5g° ;S° « ^° P^i"' nih ^ t6k chhng.
Palpitation of heart, sim-koa° ph6k.
Palsy, ^ ^ pokn-sui, jl M pi^n-sui.
Pannus, flj :^ W° &° b^ng-kak-tk p^h.
Paralysis, general, M M pi6n-sui.
„ hemiplegic, ^ Ji poan-sui.
paraplegic, f" M^B e-sin pokn-sui.

facial, -g" ^ ^ ^^^ pokn-sui, ^ M JJll° ti6h hong sok°

Paraplegia,M S tsiet-than.
Paronychia, M M tsat-tsu.
Pemphigus, 5*:° ^f tsiii-pha.
Pericarditis, *& M° i.° '^^
sim-m6-h e iam-tseng.
Pericardium, ijj ^°9M° sim 6 m6"h.
Periostitis, # SK ^ j}c° kut-i hoat-iam.
Pharyngitis,^ ^^° 11° ;fc°^ SS khi kiig thiu § iara-tseng.
Phthisis, P ^ hi-16, ^ fg 16-siong, Ji 5^° sun-pp.
Phymosis, "ll M paa-sui.
Piles internal, ^" -^ lai-ti.

,, external, ^h 1^ goa-ti.
Plethora, E° B^" pHi-phiang.
Pleuritis, M ^ W <^ hi-pau hoat iam.
Pneumonia, M ^ hi hoat-iam.

Polypus, M-° ir phr-l^ng.

Pox, small, J±} 3i° chhut-tsu.
„ chicken, yj/i
'0" tsiii-tsu.

Presbyopia, ^° A° S° lau Mng bak.

Prolapsus ani,M 3£ thoat kong.
Prostate, B. W p6ng-kong
)J§ ti.

enlarged, B U '^ M" :k° p6ng-kong-ti pi° toa.

Prurigo, M" M tsiu° si^n.
Psoriasis,^ ^° kan-lau.
Pterygium, ^ |^ 16--ji6k.
Pustule, m ff° li4p-d.
Pyemia, ^ A. t6k jip huih.

Pyrosis, Pf HC thb- tsili.

Ranula, ^-° ;t° ^° ffi° tsih 6 hdt ts^ng.

Rectum, stricture of—, It )J|° ^° 5^°tit-tiig pi"-o4h.
Retention of urine, M° M." ;iP°#° ffi pkng jio b5e tit chhut.
Retina, |g° g] ^ nilu-ifi-i.

Retinitis, jg^ ?{{r 5K II i^ ndu-iH-i hoat iam.

Rheumatism, M M° hong-thik°.
„ acute, MM:MW kin-kip hong-thia°.
„ chronic, X° ^° M, 'M° kii-tiig hong thik°.
„ scrofulous, ^ :fj-MM 16-l^k hong-thik".
Rickets, ^ # n6g-kut.
Rigor, ^ S hoat han.
Ringworm, H sien.
Scabies, ^'' j^" si°-k6e.
Scald head, M' M" chhku th^u.
Scalds, m 7K° 1:° M° kun-tsiii thjig ti6h.
Scalp- cyst, BI° ^ ^° ^ ^ thau-khak si° tse-Iili.

Scarlatina, ifl"^° tng jiet.

Sciatica, i;° P" 51° 'M" toa thui tli^u thik".
Scrofula, ^J" m li-lat.

Scurvy, ^ j^ S # tseng-ek pien t6k.

Seminal emissions, p [g bong 1ji.

Serum, ^' ^^ ?]< flg-se-tsiii.

.Sloughing, ^° M° chbau-noa.
Small-pox, {i{ ^g" chhut-tsu.
Sores, ^° ^i" si" thik".
Spasm, i^" chhoah.
Spine, disease of, f|° M" ^ ii" M" leng-tsun kut g pi".
Spleen, enlarged, M" M teng-pi, M M" :k° pi pi^-toa.
Split-ear,5^ f-f" ^° hi-d lib.
Sprain, ^
^° tsoab-ti6b.

Staphyloma, B^ f^ ^° ft" beng-kak-tk pb6ng.

Stomach-ache, ^" at ^° pak-t6- tbik^
Stone in the bladder, ;ff° 'M tsi6h-llm.
Strabismus, ^%° g chhoah bkk.
Stricture of (Esophagus, :$;° ^° ffl"
^^ tsikh kfig pi"" o^h.
Stye, ^° W^ si" btik-tsiam.
Syncope, JH, ^ hun-khi.
Synovitis, # 0° # kut-tsat hoat-iam. iS^

Sunstroke, ^ ^ siong-sii.
Syphilis, ^^ ^ chhng-t6k.
Tarsitis, H' Hi noa hien.
Teeth decayed, ^ -if" 5£ chhiii-khi tsiii.

Tetanus, "^ M° '^ M" M" chhiii-khi ka an-^n.

Tinea capitis, H^H thku-khak sien.
„ corporis, ^WiM —
seng-khu sien, imbricataj fflifiS sio-liam si^n.
Tonsilitis, Pi° P^" ^W 'A na-au hdt boat iam.
^'' chhui-khi thik".
Toothache, i^ "if

Ti-achea MM.W ts6ng khi-k£g.

Trachitis, M M,^° ^^ tsong khi-klig boat iam.
Trichiasis, @° BM €° fil Jt" bak-tsiu mAg t6 chhah.
Tumour, M
li6, ovarian—, S^ njg ±° li thai-nih 6 lili.

Ulcer of leg, $, W
chhau-kha,— of cornea, BJ n S° ')i° beng-kak tk noa.
Urethra, stricture of— ^° W W
$^° jio-k% pi° o^h.

Urine, retention of —
W. 'B kek-lim.,

„ incontinence of, ?# siam-jio. M

Urticaria, ?!^° ®W
chhin-mo-li lau.
Vaccination, M" 'S' ts^ng-tsu.
Valve, H° mfig,— of the heart, >& FT sim-ni6g.
Varicose veins, :^° WL toa pan kun. M
Vesicle, HC ^8 tsiii-pha.

Vomiting, pf ° tho".
Warts, M
ff tseh-a.
"Whooping cough, Bf 1^1 ^ si-khi-saii.

Worms, Fc^ 11° bun-th4ng.

Wounds, ^
siong, incised—, JJ fi to-siong, flf fg koah-siong, lace-
rated— ,5S° fi phok siong, punctured—, M° ^ chhdk siong, gun-
shot — ,
|^° fj chheng siong.
Disembark, ^ ^° khHsun. Disenthrone, | © hoe- ui.
Disembarrass, J^ || thoat-li. Disesteemj |^ I kheng-khi, /p g^
Disembodied, -fb # toa sin, A put-kfeng.
thoat-ho&n. Disfigure, ff" ^° phah-phdi". •

Disembogue, Ji°A #° l^u jip iu°. Disgorge, Pf ffi 5^ tho- chhut-lai.

Disembowel, ^l^° B loe tng-to". Disgrace, 1^° A° IS bo- Mng kifen-
Disembroil, f#° A° tl° E ^° to- siau, — one's parent, ^° Jg M° ^°
Mng oe thoat tit. •® p6--ji6k ti6h pe-bu, ffiH S' :$C°
Disenchant, (free from delusion) #° sik-tioh pe-bii, in—, sit-li^n, ^^
1^,°WP3& bo hd- i b^, (free lak lien. mM
from enchantment) ^ij ^
tse-i4m. Disgraceful, ^ |§ ki^n-siaii.
Disencumber, 1^° ^^ pang-sak, M" Disguise, .(one's self) WC M" m° W
M" p^ng-16h, ^
g^" hiet-teh. koe thdu oa'' bin, (one's feeling)
Disengage, 4*° i^" ^^ b6 tai-tsi, ^° W M" tsng-tsofe.

m h& su, W
r^T u 6ng. Disgust, gin-sin, '1'^°
p ^ % ih-ut,
Disengaged, (no employment) ||° Ji iam-6-"'. ^
Bi'' g§ b6 th4u-l6-. Disgusted, 1^° gin-sin. p
Disentangle, (unravel) M" thdu, Disgustful, vi ^ kh6-6-''.
(extricate) Tf," ^° W A° ^ @° Disgusting, (as sight) f^" A" M^
in sdi ho- Mng kau-ti°, ^'' A" 11° ho-. Mng idm-6-°, %.°M. gin-sin. .

M il ho- ling oe thoat-li. Dish, ^° pod", earthen — , 1^° pqah,

Disenthral, f^' jK" thdu-pang, W° (food served) ^ chhki, (serve
A" i;i ho- lang tsti-tsii. up) W IK phd,ng chhki, how ma-

did the dinner consist of ? Disjunction, ^° ii pun-li, ^'' ^
*Ii4o *Ko pan
i" j^" kiii 6a" kiii pun-khui.
po&,". Disjunctive, M° 1^° 6^° ho- i khui g.

Dishabille, IM ^ pien i. Disk, M kho^n, (of sun) H It jit-

Dishclout, %^ oa°-p6-. liin, H M jit-khoin, (of flower)

Dishearten, U|i'' A° ^^ h5- lfi,ng ^ *& hoe sim,
sit-tsi. Dislike, %°$^ gin-sin, |jc ^khah-ul.
Disheathened, sit-tsi. Disliking, 7f° M° M m. kah-i, 7f.° M
Dishevel, phah sok", hair
tt° iii ki. —
M° ^° M" th^u-mrg sam,— the Dislocate 1 W ^° thxit khi, M" B°
hair, ^56' M" M° ^^ p6a° sam th4u- Dislocation lut-khu, )
M°^ thiit-lun.
mfig. Dislodge, m" M koa°-ti6k, m" fit

Dishonest ] ^H" ^S-J? b6 tiong-h5-, ko4°-ui.

Dishonestly VM° MM
b6 seng-sit Disloyal ;p Jg, put-tiong, ^, ^;,S )

Dishonesty j if kan-hiam, ^
ia. Disloyalty ^
bo tsin tiong. \

Dishonour, 'jf bu-ban,^ ^

;§ l^ng- Dismal, dfe° ft ° chhi°-chhin, ^° :^°
ji6k. chhi^-hng.
Dishonourable, (man) IS° M tl W Dismantle, [a ship] M IS §§ pak tsun
jt" A" bo k6- the-bien ^ lang, khi, [a fort] ^S::^ ^ siu kun-tsong
("shameful) M, IS ki^n-siau. Dismast, fy° tJf° ^ phah tsih ui.

Disinclination, :^°^ in-ki. Dismay, m." M° chhi»-kia", m' '11°

Disincline, ^°i& bo sim ^p"^ rii-ai. kia"-hia, M B tdm-h^n, ^ "(f chhi"-

Disinclined, ffS" J5 bo-sim, ^^ ^ chhin, m° m° ±° €° ^° kia°-kku
in-ai. chhiu" mfig-kiig.
Disinfect, W:" # ko^-t6k. Dismember, MM^ tsam kha-chhiii
Disinfectants, S ^ koe-t6k khi.
B^:" Dismiss, )
t^" si, [a soldier] 3p: Ig"
Disingenuous, Wi ltt° khi-khiau, #° Dismissal, j kek-niu°,-^a school, M"

M.° ^
gS'U kh£ig p5-. m" soa"-6h, Jfc° T pkng-he, [an
Disinherit, J>°7^ M'm ^° H m tsiin official] if: Ii kek-tsit.

sok-tsiap ke-gidp. Dismount, m° M° l^h b^.

Disinter, M W. chhien-ts6ng. Disobedience, ^ 5g° ui-k^h, 7f.° W

Disinterested, ^° ii fZ b6-phien-su. in thkn, ^% ^g kh6ng-ku.

Disinterestedness, ^^ (g ^i b6- Disobedient, jtji'ui-k^h, '1=^ Jtng6--

phien-su. gdk, <I g
thiau-b^n, [to parents]

Disjoin, W *° khui-khi. ^ put-hku, /P -^ put-siau.


Disobey, ^ M° ^i-k6h, Ji gdk, ;?' ^"

Disjoined, l^° fi° toa°-tiah.
Disjoint, 1:° m thiit-lun. in-than.

Disjointed, M" IS thiit-llin. Disoblige, ^#^ iii hong pien.

Disobliging, W ^°ko--tak, M° ^° Dispensary, M W°
ST g-heng, ^ iig |§ b6 khi-chhia". Dispensation, (distribution) ^pun.
Disorder, f, lo&n,iL°tS°^jAchhidng- Dispensatory, (medicine book) ;$
chhidng, ia m: M' jA k^-kJi, pnn-cbb6, ^° i-cbbeb.
mm ^ ^
If cbhap chbui ebbing, ^°#°#n° Dispense, with — ^
, S^°bien-tit, ^*°
#11° ki-ki U-M, family—,^ ^" ^ li°iH-sdi, 7>°JS° m eng, M M 'bd
pbdi-" ke k&,u, ^» jf;^" [^^ b6 ah soah. eng.
Disorderly, JJ ^ b6ng-t5ng, M lt° Dispeople, f^°-g°ia°^°* bo- ,peh
lam-sdm, ^ fi Jg bo boat-to', iJ
si" b6 kbi.
^ b6--t6-, M°#:^° bo-kbdm-tsam, Disperse, m° m° si-sod", ^ ^°hm-
[unsystematic] ^° y° ^^ b6 hg- sok", ^°^-° soa"-tdu.
16h. Dispirit, fi° •^ ^ ig bo i sit tsi, #°
Disorganize, :f]*° % pbab loan. ^ ^ ^ b5 16e-tsi. i

Disown, :<|;°
lig m-jin. Dispirited,^ ^. lo^-tsi, ^ 4fe sit-tsi,
•^° Jg lok-tsi, ^ Sf sit-sin,
® ^ kbeng-kbi, jc^m'M
Disparage, lok-

S b6ng teb bi^m boa"-bi. song, ^ fl sit-b^ng.

Disparaging,—remarks, f^°§fi°m i° Displace, ^° ^ sod-ui.
IS b6ng teb biam ^ 6e. Displant, ^° s6a.
Disparty, 7f^ M put tiii, (of age) fS Display, ^^ cbhiabJioa, ^ ifc°

/J^ M pb6e iii k6. pai-tsi, ;?; jh ^° a*" ^ put.tsi u

Dispart, [sever] m.° W pbok-kbui, goa kbi, fond of — , di cbkiak,
[rent] ^° |^° lib-khui, ^ g^ tbiab- (exhibit) ^ pM, m BJ bien-beag.
kbui. Displease, m°A°M°WC^ ho- Mng
DispassioA, [apatby] .]i°'tt noa"-s^n.g, b6 boa°-bi, bo- Idng koe, i^" A° ^°
^ M & lau si6ng-kong. ^ #° bo" Idng in cbb^ng«.6ng.
Displeased, 'ft° 'Ii° ,au-naii,—with a
Dispassionate, g ^^ tsu-tsai, [im-
person, ko^ Iding.
partial] ^ M kong-to.
Dispatcb, M ^ [official] tsiAu-boe,
Displeasing, (to one) ^°^B bo
ebbing i,M*f»« b6teng
3t ft bun-su, to—, #7 ^ t4°-boat,
i, Ig"

{as a deputy] ^ ti ii pbai, [as

b6 bdb i.
business] MWm kin pam bSng-
Displeasure, §&° ^° b6 boa"-M. ^
Disport, ^°j^°,tbit^b6.
p^k, [send] M cbke, [basten] g"
Disposal, fput in orderj ||||°tseng-^
M k6a°-kin, ^ ^ pek-kin..
Dispel, m°^ kod-'-khi, [dissipate]
ts6e, (management) WM liau-
li, at my—, ^ ^° ^ M si g6a
Dispensable, Pf" ^° ^ tbang m adi, Dispose, (arrange) ^ 0f an-p&i,
fg"^ oe bi,4n, :?;" jg^'^ msdi (settle) ^°^° tia»-ti^h.

Disposition, »& W sim-si°, s^ng, Disrobe, |f° ipc° thAg-sa".

m° B° phiah-pbi'^, forderj Disruption, ^° 13" lih-khui.

chhii-te, (a placing) P JiiJ pai-li6t, Digsatiisfaction, WM ib-ut, fdis-
— of property, ^°^°^ pun ke-h6. plea^nrej chbiab-idh, /fJ° ?i ft m
Dispossess, fj*f°
^° tsikm-khi. cbbeng-i.
Dispraise, ^ hiam. Dissatisfied, ^°1 ib.ut, %° m° M
Disproof, ^° ji if |t° ^° u pin-ku m kab-i, 4!£°5i°® bo kab-i, T> ^
bo i4^ JE put-ti-tsiok.
Disproportion, ^° E9 |£ b6 sti-phpe, Dissatisfy, W •^ T>° fi # bo- i m
^° fift @E b0 tsiaii pho6. cbheng-i.
Disproportionate, bo kab cbbab, Dissect,' XI] gg' koab-kbui, SSMi'
^ la bo sii-pbpe. pb6a-khui.
Disprove, (prove to be falsej ^° M Dissemble, |£ il° tsfig-tsoe, ^^
^ ^° W ^ pin-kii bo iA^ idm-sek.
Disputable, |^° U ^ ^° oe pien- Dissembler, tl #° iapa-sek-e. ^
pok tit. Disseizin, -^ kda".

Disputant, W St° il" A° pien-pok ^ Disseminate, # Ji p6-i6ng.

lang. Dissension, ^° ^ sa°-i;si".

Disputation, ^ p^ pien-lun, (angry) Dissent, ^differ in opiniqnj /?? ftO"

:^ iii siang i.
W. 1^ kjaii-nau".
Dispute, WC pok, ^ |Ji° pien-pok,, Dissertation, -% ^bun-tsiu°, I^ lun.

violei^tly, gj* ^ ke-iiaii. Dissever, ^ gi pun kbui, i^ i§

Disquiet, Wf M. khoa-lu, ^° ^ in-an. pboa kbui.

Disquietude, Hil^ tani-b.G4n. Dissident, 'K>°M°M m ;tang i, ;?;°flE

Disquigjition, Wi lun, iS b6k, 5P° I^° ^ in si^ag kbo^n,

Disregard, -^"W S S p^ng ^6 iau- |i:r«b6tangi-

kin. Dissimilar, ^1° li b6-,tang, f 15°

Disrelish, (as food) %^°% b6 kab tseng-tso^b, ^ p tseng-cbba.

ckbiii, li '&° Bl n b6 hah pi-ui, Dissimulation, JS°k6, WW ke-ts6e.
iam-6°, Dissipate, (squander)
^'^i 13
(feel disgust at) JH ^
(an affair) H •^°# bo kab i. sdm kbai, property, — K P lii^i-

Disreputable '}^° IE M t>6 ts^ng-

gidp, (waste) Jf.° sng, (disperse)

Disreputably ykeng, i^° ^^ k6

Dissipated, BM tong-hoa, W. ^
Disrespect 1 |S|° SJ S: b6 k^ng-
Disrespeotful J tiong, %^
b6ng-sti, Difi^ipatipn, MM hu-bo^, igt ^
%. it bii-ban, ^H tai-ban, |g| jjl .b6pg-tong.
Dissociated, M^ tsoat kau.

Dissoluble, ttl II %° oe iH" tit, fg" Distinction, ^ gij hun^piet.

ft -ffi ^° 6e siau-hoa tit. Distinctly, ^ B|3 hun-beng, speak —

Dissolute, m^ long-tong, m° ti° m° M" khui-sia".

?I ?^ poAh kid,u long-tong, |5; ^ Distinguish, ^ ^ij hun-piet.

Ii6ng45ng, "^ M Ii6ng-clilii6ng, || Distinguishable, ta° ^ M 6^° oe hun
H hiii-lui. piet tit.

Dissolution, [melting] |§° iu", (of Distinguished, ffi Z" chhut-mia, W

friendship) M ^ tsodt kau, (of :S M° u mia-sia°,— men, A i^ jin-
partnership) f|f ' fix thiah-k6\ biit, :k'^'^ A toa pun su l^ng.
Dissolvable, t£° If %° oe i<i° tit. Distort, M tsoan, ^fk-°P M tsoan
Dissolve, (melt) ^' iii"', (loosen) ||f
ho- i oai, —the
with pain, face
thiah, —partnership, Df Ix thiah- thik" kau bin iu kauh kauh, the —
k6', (as a meeting) ^ soa". face with passion, ^° M'M' M M
Dissonant, ^° ^ ff b6 h6 h4i. M. W. siu-khi kku bin hi6ng kki kki.
Dissuade ]W A" T>° rT" khSg-Mng (wrest) if M
tui hoan, S° p^ng,
Dissuasion, iA thang, ^ J^ khoan-
BL hodn, till kh^.
kki. Distract, (perplex) j^i tM tsi^u-tso.

Distant, Joan, ^°

Distance, iahng, very jg "iatiaii- Distracted, 'Jl
Iff tsiau-ts6, f, JjJ
^° hng-lo-lo. ^loan-sim, i|^)C» hun-sim.
Distantly, %
ji; tiku-odn, related, Distrain, —
%" j^" ^» §" ^» tsiong ^
M soe. ke-h^ tng koa° boe.
Distate, [dislike] % )}$ gin-sin, ;7;°
Distress ) (in mind) ^g" J^" peh-
-g-"# iS hkh i,T^°m'Mm kah-i, Distressedjpak, "B 'M' kh6--thkng,
:7° ^ (disrelish)
iii-ai, i®° |^ 7f>° #lJ' 1- ih-ut, 1^' »iJ tsau-sim.
in hah-chhiii.
— ^ M
Distribute l^" pun, hun-
Distemper, (malady) Jpl^pP, '^°M° Distribution) phki, cards, ]^'' .liiS

phoa-pp, (indisposition) ^° g jn pkng-thiap,— money, |^ ^ khai-

iia tsu-jH, ;^° H^ in tsu-ji^n. hoat.
Distend, ["1° ph6ng. District, [a tract] ^°BI°po--thau,

Distended, tiii" ^n-fi,n. ^"koai^-hiin Mkoai", , —magistrate
Distill, ) —spirit, MBgb tsiii, Sf °i koai"'-tsii, :$«:''#'"& "pe biikoa".
Distillations, \ §i M kek-tsiu. Distrust, Wl ^ ti-gl, U" m gi^u-gi,
Distiller, U IS ^° kek tsiii g.

Distillery, M ^° kek
iji tsiii k^k. Distrustful, ft ^° j^" sin in ke, ii;°
^B^kun-b^ng, i^i^chheng-
chh6, (as speech^
M gi^u-gt.
j^" p^h, (not Disturb,
Ji Ji kidu-jidu, Vjf ^°
conjunct; M" jg b6-lien, f^°^°B\ chha-la.
b6 sa°chham, ^ ^h" leng-goa. Disturbance, (tumult) Ji f^ jidu°-
loan, ^ liAn, create — ^ ^ seng-
na kbodn.
su, i|E :y khi-su, ^ >J^ serig-toan, Divert, (deflect) 1^"'gf l^-l- bo- icbbodb,
^^ chhi6ng su.
(a person in sorrow) \^ fM MM
Disunion, (contention) ^H" fp bo-lio, siau cbbiu kdi bun, one's atten- —
(in action) M" 10^ ;;^ b6 hiap-16k, tion, kap lang teng ta".
(disjunction) fjf" thiah. Divide, ^h" pun, bun, bun- ^ ^^
Disunite, ff tbiah, ^° §3° pun-kbui,
poab, 3)"° P° pun-kbui, equally, —
(as people) #° # ^nt" fn ,j;> bo- i
f^ #:" tiii pok°.
bo b6 sim, (by a plot) Jx, F^ tt Dividend, (in aritbmetic) ^ ^ sit
boan kan ke. siku.
Disunited, (as people) ^.° ^ fu b6 Divination,
^ f» tsiam-pok.
bap-b6, %" fP bo bo sim, (as Divine, (belonging to God)
Jl ^
tbings) ^° ^0 3I bo sio lien.
fir Siong-t6 e. Godlike, m^iSi°±

Disuse, *^° b6 Ong, ^° Ji fj b6

cbbin cbbiu" Siong-t^, ^° iQ.°

Ditcb, ?f kau.
%" chbin-cbbiii" tbi*", (sacred) H

gr ^° kbui kau L
seng, to —
I> ib pok koa.

Divinity, (God) Jt ^ Siong-te,

Ditto, Sji" pi°.

Ditty, ^ koa.
(false Godj %\^ B^ sin-b^ng, •gjj put,

Diuretic, ^!j 7K li-siii, —medicine, ^!l

j^ ifl ug6--si5ng.
Diviner, h fb ^^ pok-koa e, S° ^°
'7K ii° li sui i6b.
(daily) ^° kbok" mia° g.
Diurnal, H }fl" lit jit tk"-si,
Divining sticks, siu" poe.
HH jit jit, (Bot.) HBll°^°fllf
>§• jit-si kbui mi-si bap. Divinity, (God) ± ® Siong-t^,

Dive, m bi, U° U tiam-bl, M '*° (false god) M ^ sin-beng, ft°

bl tsiii. piit, i^° fH ng6--siong.

Diverge Divisible, t^" ^°M° oe pun tit.

U^ ebbi^, cbbodb.
Divergent) Division, (a dividing) ^ pun, (in
Divers, M° ^° -1^° kui na ^. aritbmetic) Bf ^ kui — of

Diverse \#°^° kob iu", M° IrI° fractions, |^ ^ tu bun, —of a

Diversely j b6 tang, (in different clan, m" pang, J!i pbki, —of an
directions) %° (pJ"^ b6 siang 16-. army, ^'' ia°,

Diversify, |S° IH' ^ cbb6ng b6 Divisor, ^ boat.

siang kboan. Divorce, il 11, give a bill of—, M
Diversion, (act of turning) f#° ^ # gi W to- i li tsu.

cbbodh, (sport) gC° M° Divulge, m" ?!" tbub-pbok, (secret)

m' h5- i

tbit-tb6. ^ {fj lau-cbbut, HH lau-bong,

Diversity, W S" H kui na bo,


(communicate) gg° ^^ A'^D" k6ng
Mng tsai.
^"m" kiii naiu°, 31° b5-.
— ,

Dizziness 01° bin, .i B^ Pi" o--km-
1 kiorig to beb, (stupid) gti-tu,
Dizzy hin gt" f bln-gong, B^° 55 Mu-khli. ^
PP hin-bong-bong. Doggerel, ^E -1° fi j^° t# b6 hiap-
Do, M° tsoe, ^^ kia",—not, ^° |i° iin ^ si, ^° ^° KjSIf b6 pi&"-tseh
b6b-tit, ^° pf" in tbtog. ^ si.
Doat, :ft M tbam-lo4n. Dogma, £° ^° ;^° Ji S tiaHi6h
Docile, ( teachable) fg" f5:° ^ oe kk 6t5-li.'
tit, (tractable) fg i|5 ;^ ^f" oe iok- Dogmatic, SS S M" ki6ng to beb.
sok tit, ipt M sun-li6ng, ^° koai". Dogmatize, M" M ft ^° IS" k6ng
Dock, M° a° tstln-ii, (the tail) ^ k6--tsip e oe.
;!'' koat-be, fr yi° tSam-b^, (de- Dogtick, J$J° M," kdu-sat.
Doings, 0f It" s6--kia^
duct) iW khau, (a vessel) IS" A
if" tsDn jip ii.
Doleful, FJ ^ pi-ai, ^ m iu-chhiu,
Dockage, Dolesome, [place] !g° if ° cbhi°-chbin,
i[° |ft° ti s6.

Docket, (summary) :^ jg tai-i,

[sound] fMM ^° W pi-ai e sia",

M 11° phiau-thau.
[sorrowful] ^% iu-cbhiii, ^ f^
Dockyard, M M tsun-ii.
Doctor, ^ ^ i-seng, be a
Doll, E° °
ang-a, kind of—, Sg
— , 1Si° fl
M a-put

^ tso^-i-seng, to fr -H h^ng
Doctrine, mUrMM

to-li, false—
Dollar, ^giin, one
~°^° IS il°tsit-^ gUn-tsi", Spanish
—,— "fl-tsit-kbo:,

^ jJg P-toan.
— # M° boan-th&,u, Mexican

Document, i^° ji,— as proof, M M. ,1° -ff
IS tsidu-d-gun, Bolivian—,
U5 ff ° IS ko4i'!-d-gun, Japanese — ,,
Dodecagon, +° Z^^ 6^° tsdp-j^ %" W° M Tang iH" gun,—filled
kak beng e.
with brass, ^°^ t^ngpau, broken
Dodge, m° boe, ii°
Doe, ^
#° 16k-bii.
— , ^ M chhui-gun, bad—, ^°^
Doer, M° m° ts6e g, fj" ^° ki^" 6.
phdi°-gun, percentage on — , |R
tIC" gun-tsui, difference between
Doeskin, ^ SL° 16k-pbS.
light and heavy IS giin-hun, — , ^
Doff, m" thftg.
Dog, kau, (follow-close) ^ kun,
examine —
^° |^ khok^-gun. ,

Dolorous, fS M pi-ai.
urge, m pek,
ta, <^° l^ sio phdu.
ir W
A° gong lang.Dolt, H
Dogged, ^ — tsip-it,
Doltish,^ A° gong 14ng khodn. M
it ii tsip-bg, Domain, (Empire) ^ ^ kodn-hat,
^°fe° tsidh phiab, ^° ^ koai- (territory) M kok, (landed pro-
pbiah, -^° jSl» f4» sdi ngl-phi°. perty) MH sdn-gidp.
Doggedly,— determined, ^^ ^° Dome, H JIM otn-ti^ng.
— — ,

Domestic, —animals, '^° $4° tseng- —bolt, P^° P-^° miig-cbboLi", —
si°, 51° 14° thlu-si", (belonging to frame, f^° i^° mfig kheng, folding
home) ^° ^° g^° ke-lai ^, fdevot- — M° 11° P^" siang si" mftg,

ed to homej 5g ^° ^° M.° ^m screen, f^'W mng-ll, leaf of a —

khang lai ku, (tame) ^° koai, M" si^—bar, Pf S° miig-k6ng,—
(made in one's own nation) ;$; M keeper of a prison, ^ iF° klm-
^° piln kok tsoe e.
fltf" tsi,—lintel, P^° W m^g-bai,
Domesticated, |p)° ^° chhl-koai. posts, P^° ti" mfig-thiau,— handle,
Domestics, :^^W
W° ^ pun sek P^° ^°
mfig leng,— steps, m° f?°
sai-iu" p6-, Cservantsj M M" ^° kia-a, sill, —
^ ;fS ho-teng, —
6, Pf I^ ^° ho"-lioan 6.
cblie-eng keeper, ll P^° ^° ko- mflg ^.
Domicile,^" M" kbia-ke. Dose, 15 HS tub-bin, bak sa-si,
Dominant, W° ^Bl # u ko^n sh, ^° fof medicinej — ° ifA tsit-tbiap.
Dot,^ lis; tiam, to—, B -" ifi tiam
ffc u
BM° tek ko&n. %M tsit tidm.
Dominate, W #' kodn-bat, ^® ti-

S° ^ tsidng-kodn. Dotage, ^ ^ 16-m6".


Domineer, Sfe M kbi-bu, P?° Pi° bim-

Dote, — M ^ l^k-ai.
Double, S:' fR° tSng-pe,— tongued
Domineering, i| ,^° g6k-tsidu, 5^°
man, M° 'E'' 7J M siang-bin-to-

A° pbd,i° kduMng, (as woman) ki\i, m ff °

S" am.4 s^,—bag, ^

#° ^ tab-li^n, —bladed dagger, ^°

siang-k6--kikm, —
Dominion, ^WH s6- kodn-bat. J3JJ:


SfJj- siang-liau,—barrelled gun,

Dominoes, :3^° fp g&-pfi.i.
Donation, 3q|° sang, (from a supe-
11° M" M siang pak cbheng,—as

rior) l:" ^ siu°-sii.

flowers, "5° ^ pah lap.
Double-entendre, ||° 11 iS° siang
Done, (finished) m& b^ng-p^k, jij
koan oe;
h6, (cooked enough) ^° s^k,
for, ^° §° kau tang.
Double leaved door, f^ siang WM"
si" m£g.
Donkey, .H lu. Doubleminded, i& ji-sim, 11° i H
Donor, J| ^ si-tsii, ,f. i un-tsii, ,f, »& nng iu.°-sim.
A un-jin. Doubletongued, %. 7K kiii-sui. m=
Don't, ^°^°h6eng, ;P°pT inthang. JJ siang-bin-to.
Doom, (judgment) fi)" if pht)a°-toan, Doubt, ii;° ^ gi^u-gi, m M" gi-

S H teng-tsoe, ^fatej ^°Wi kbiap- ngai", m Wi gi-bek, be in—. Si i

s6-. tiu-tii.

Doomsday, ®f!li:°H sim-phok°^jit. Doubtful, fhesitating; B EJ tiii-tii

Door, Pg° mflg,— way, fT I& mfig- fquestionablej ^ kh6 ^ ^ rT gi,

lo-, Che—, -^° M° fT tsit-si" m^g. ^ b6k-su-iu.

— ,, a

Doubtless, ?^ ^ koat-toan, % Dozen, +° n tsdp-ji, — H^
" tsit-
tek-khah. l5-sin.
Dough, tsoe, soft nfig-tsoe, wet Drab, ^^ ^'' fe iig chhiah sek.
— , mp-tsoe. Drachm, ~ ^' tsit-tsi°.
Doughnut, tsi"-bd-hoe. Draft, IS H" gun-toa°, fj ^° tui-

_ Doughty, i^ ^ hiong-iong. toa°, to give a^

— ^^
, 1^ siA tui-
Doughy, leh, liam-leh. toa", (of a ship) :fr° ^' 7]^ tsiah
Douse, kak-loh-tsiii, jg° ts^ng. ti6h tsiii.

Dove, ^1 i}^° ka-tsui. Drag ft" thoa, ti6h, J^^ban, —along,

Dovelike, fgentlej sien-li6ng. ^% ffi" fg° thoa-loa.
Dovetail, g i^ tsiap-siin, pj"** taii- Draggle, ^Ij" J^' %" thoa-M-s4m, H
sun. ±° if sui-tho--kha.
Dowager, ^ ik Ja h6ng-thai-h5-, Dragon, f|° leng, —boat, ||° j|S°
Empress, g # kok-bii. 16ng-tsun, —blood, jil ^§ hiet-kiet.
Dowdy, M" M" Mm-n6a°. Dragon fly, H"^" chhfi,n-i°.
Down, go—, fp 16h, (feathers) ^
Dragon's eyes, (a fruit) ffB^'g^ng-
^° iu mng, fon face) ^ ^° kh6- geng, large—, ^I n,g° hok-g^ng.
m£g, (land) if on a Dragoon, .tl"^ b^.peng.
po", fas
peachj ±° % chhiu" hiin, go —
Drain, ^' ff kau.a, ^"^^^ kau-4m,
as ar swelling, ?j§ siau, stairs, ^° —
as watei-, te tsiii, (drink empty)
f ° Mu-e, —
stroke, J phiet, go
i:"^£°lim ta. —
m" A-" i6h khi, fall—, podh- Drake, mm
|| ah-kak, % ^i^ ah-h6ng. M
Dram, ^° tsi°.
Downcast, ^
ig sit-tsi. ® i^ 16e- Drama, J^ hi.
tsi, -^ 4t lok-tsi.
Draper, g^ If IS )£ ^" khui tin
Downhill, ,$^ chhi4.
toan_ tikm e, i|° ^| ;g° ^° khui
Downright, (plain) i| ^ phoh-sit, p6- tiam e.
(artless) fi^ Iit°tidu-tit, — in earn- Drastic, (inedicinej ^ \% i," W
est, ® 51, -^ tsinpek-chhiet H -tjj tang sik e ioh.
':# tsin chhiet i. Draught, (of wind) —"US tsit
Downward, fy° ?p ?,g 16h, (pj" f" kang hong, — of fishes, — -^^ "^
Ag ke. tsit pai pha, ("drinkj — f fs°
" °

Downy, ;^ ^^ ill mf:g.

Dowry, (Udy's) m" U-tmg, W
tsit e Km, rough — , -^
fi chh6-
money—, |S H" g<in toa°, sit
(man's) f* ^ ph^ng kim. in a—, :^° Jg, 5^° tse hon^-thau.
Doxology, m9f±'^ Z" 5# chheng- Draw, (paint) %° ui, (as a bow)
ho- Siong-t^ e
Doze, bdk-sa-si.
W khui,—along, ff thoa,—
map, %U ui t6-,—lots, ^^ K°
— ,

khioh khau, ffi K° liam khau, U tarn tsong, J'f" %. phoh-sit.
water, i^" ^JC chhiu" —up, Dressing
tsili, H" ^° kik" case, siu".

.loJiB 335 lui khi-mi,—a S° Dressing-gown,

line, ^° tfig-hoe- ^^^ :?£"

uih, —near, Wt JE tsiu kun, — out ^

:g° ^S" tiig
a nail, M° bdn. Dressing room, ^° |f|° ]^° tsng-tha"
Drawback, 3E M boan hifi,m, —-cer- S ping.
tificate, ^ ^° tsu.n-phi6, (hinder- Dressing table, ^S" IS" tf" soe-tsng-
ance) M 51 ts6*-gai. toh.
Drawbridge, ^ j^° tiku-ki&. Dressy, ^ ^ |^ ai chhia h6a.
Drawers, (trousers^ M kh6', cliest Dribble, -it" M" Mu-noa.
of— , iU tu, — in a chest of — Driblets, ^° |2f£ Mn-chhiii, #°Smn-
tboah. san.
Drawing, a, ^'' ^'' ji ui, coloured Dried, ;fe fS" ko'-ti", If" p6-, l}i° =P°
— ^ ff ®° tan chheng ui, ("not
, phdk-koa°,—fish, @.° =P° hi-koa",
colouredj S° HC h&k tsiii ui. W —leaves, 11° M° p6--hi6h, clot —
Drawing, —
rooiii, A §° S" Mng PBpa.
kheh thia". Drift, W. 'M phiau-liii,— wood, %°
Drawl, '^° W kban sia". W ^° tsiii \ka. chha, (meaning)
Dread, M" kia°. ^ ,@ l-sii.

Dreadful, WW thang-kia", #" A Drill, (make a hole) ^° ts?ig, fas

'^ 11° ho- lang tsin kia". soldiersj ^ ;)^ chhau-lien, ^ ;E
Dream, W bang, W £° bang-ki", chhau-peng, a — ,
"jfl ^° lak-ts£ig,

is" ^° bin-bang, ft" ^^ tso^-bang, — sergeant, "H" ^ pah-ii, (cloth^

interpret — ^^ ,
o&,n bang. ^^%^ chhia bun p6-.

Dreary, ^ S" tseng-tsauh, 4- ^ Drink, ^° lim, —as fish, gap.

l^ng-tam. Drinkable, tg° t^° ||° oe lim-tit.
Dredge, M M" lu-bang. Drinking, 6^° t)i:° teh-lim.
Dregs, W f^" tse-tdi. Drip, m° tih.

Drench, '^ ak, }5c M° ak-tim,— with Dripstone, 'Hir M soa-lau.

rain, W\Ji ak-ho-, —to the skin, Drive, M° ^^ thkn,— cows,

J5c M° W ^° '^'' ak-kku sa"' thku- ^^ 4:° thkn-gA,— chariot, ®° :^°

thau. kda-'chhia,- away, fB" ^° k6a°-
Dress, ^ ^° i-tsi<i% ^ M i-h6k, ;^i° khi, #T° ^° & ±° *° Pliah h5- i

sa°, outer — , ^fh"^ g6a-th6, bridal,

tsku khi.
—U. li ang-6, style of—, *r
ta"-pan, to—, ^° #" chheng sa",

—guadily, ?E° 5!i° hoa-phiin, — Driver, (coachman) W-°^ chhia-hu,

neatly, 183 ^ tiau-tah, plainly, ^ (used by coopers) tP.

, — °

Drizzle, m° }^° mng-mng, WW — ) J/t ^
kbong-han, continued
:^° ^°

sap-sap. from year to year, j^ ^
Drizzling, ^° ^*° sap-sap, — mist, 'M lifi,n-li4n toa oa".

M W ien bu sap. Drove, a -,
—° ^ tsit-kiin, ° P$
Drizzly, M°ff°^° ho-a mng, 1° tsit-tin, a, — of cattle,
— ^ § f4° °

f}° m.° to-d sap. tsit kun tseng-si", — of sbeep,

Droll, (comical) ^° li° ^° g^u 5 ^° tsit kun iu°.
k6ng chhi5, #° 11° ^ iH g^u Drover, ^°^ gu-boan, #° |S i^"-
k6iig chhiati tam, (ludicrous) ^ boan.
m° h6-chhi6. Drown, j^i 5E im-si, ^ JE kek-si^
Drollery, H ^ i° fS° chhii-bi ^ 6e, tu-si.
W P fil u kh6- tarn, MM :t°^ Drowsiness bdk sa-si, ^ ^° ki-

hi-hiok g su. Drowsy kbim. j

Dromedary, rS° $ij fg ;t° ^ J|6 A- Drub, n° ptfit, 11° #T° pi^-pbab.
lat-pek ^ 16k-t6. Drudge im''m° thoa-hdsi, m°iK°
Drone, a° ;t° ^'° !!$° kang g bit
Drudgery J b6a-tboab.
pbang, riazy manj 'If ;t° A°
Drug,m *=}° i6b-liau, i^h- m WU
Mn-to ^ Mng. ts&i.

Dronish, ll'jf lan-to, ii°'^° pln-t5a°. Drugget, fl ^° 0° cbbo-tbdn-A.

Droop, m" W
lah-ndg, fleavesj Dc° Druggist, IS m" kbui i6b- Wm
m ntfg-ad, ic° |^° ir nig hai"- tiam S, sbop, 1^° ;g i6b-tikm. —
hai°. Drum, i^ k6-, war — ^,1^ tsien-k6*,
Drooping, g^" ^° tam-se. —stick, M IjI k(5--tbui.
Drop, (as water) ii° tib (a tbing) ka- Drummer, ^° ^ 6^° pbab k6- L
laiih,— down dead,
let— 1°-^°*" pkng
m" W poab Drunk, I?
— M \t
tsiii, ?S I? tsiu-tstii,

si, 16b khi, 'It tsiii

—of water, —

° '<^° 7jc° tsit tib tsdi, Drunkard, M 11 tsiii-ban, ?@ f|l| tsiii-

—by drop, — ° jl° ~ m° tsit tib sien, S ifl tsiu-kiii.

tsit tib. Dry, M ta, ^ # ta-sin, M. ^ ta-so,
Dropped, quite — , as an affair, J — in tbe sun, Hi° g pbdk-jit, —at
^ liaii-tiaix. tbe fire, 'M bang, —gradually, Jit

Dropsical, ^ # |g ki k6-ti6ng. 'HC siu-tsiii, too — as

, eatables, M.
Dropsy, ^ BS k6--ti6ng, sligbt— J;^" ta-pe.
@°7K° kiii-tsili. Drynurse, #° ff ° bu-d.
Dross, f^ a" kbeng-t6e, 'M ;!g° Id-- Dual, n
ji, in" niig, principle, — ^
t6e,— of sQver,
e tse-tdi.
Z° W. m W glin ^^±°MM im-i6ng e to-li.
Dub, (entitlej fU P? cbbeng-bo".
Drougbt, a—, '^ ^°kb6-6a'', severe Dubious,
'rJ' ^ kb6-gi.

Duchess, ^ if beng-hu. ^ 5l put- thong, (as knife) f(6
Duck, ll ah, female — , fl •^° ah- tun, (appearance) ^ $K tai-sin,
bu, (cloth) i^|° ll!fL° ^ ml-phS,ng- Uc W tai-si, (as fire) )j|° %' m°
p6-,—bill, II W^ ah-bii chhui, ^|.° beh sit beh sit, >lt° '):*° bdi-
Muscovy —^ ,
f|!| hoan-ah, dried, bdi, (as mirrorj ^^ bu-bu, (as
— , II IE ah- pa, ah-siu°, fdipj a discourse^ sS° T ^° ipip k6ng
tu 16h tsiii, thiam, Cbowj flU° M° lidu b& sin, ('wearisome^ 'liP° 'Isi°

k" thau. ia-Ui, (as business) \^ ?<^ tam-

Duckweed, 7jC° •^° W° tsiii phu phio. tam, (lonely) ^°M b&-liau, (as
Duct, 7K° ir tsui-khi6. sound) \% pun, (of hearing^ ^°
Ductile, ir ^° ^° m" oe khan t:&g
?L° $Jc° fi° hi khang khah tang.
^, fcomplj'ingj MAM sun jin i. Duly, ^% hdp gl, f^ kai-ji^n, ^
Dudgeon, ^° siu-khi. ^ —proportioned, El |2 su-pho6,
Due, (owe) ^ khikm, custom's — (regularly) M ?JC J^ tsiaii-chhu-su
1^ ^ hi6ng-gun, H ^° koan-s^,
wharfage — , J& Bl° ^° lo- th^u s^,

tonnage — P° , ^|J khdu le, — north, Dumbfounded, ^° ^° gang-gang, ^^

jE° 'if tsia--pak. 'W g6ng-ngid.h.
Duet,(song) ZL" A° m° W^ nlig Dummy, (dumb) 0^° P° ^-kaii, (a
Mng sa° kap gim, ^instrumental^ sham package) ^° i^" khok^-iu".

r" A° ffi° ^° m° nng lang sa"- Dumpish, %. ^ ut-tsut, ^ fig iu-bun,

kap toa°. ^^ iu-ut.

Duke, ^ kong, SM kong-ii, S@

Dun, 51, pek, Jfl,!^ pek-th6,f§fif chhui-
kong-tsiok. th6, for payment, |g 5E pek- —
Dulcet, m° ti", iJ ^ h6-bi,—sounds, siaii, for help, f —
A'^ pak siap ij ^
^ It ;t° ^° h6-hai ^ sia". Mng,(colour)^^°fi, tsang-sek, ^°
Dulcimer, ^ seng. iK ^ thih pdn sek.

Dull, (sad) m f^ bun-bun, W ff Dunce, ii| tun, J5 431 ii-tsoat.

ut-tsut, ^ fig ut-blin, (place) ?<&• Dung, %" piin, ^° sai, pig's, — J|- M°
^ l^ng-tam, |K° ^ b6-ki6k, (stu- ti-sdi.

pid) III tun, Uc fit tai-tai, (not Dungeon, % i^ te 16, ^^ ka°-16,

lively) ^°jpf si-sln, ^°M b6-sln, jp gi 16-gek.

^° i^ )P«b6 tseng-sin, ?(E° ffi° si-
Dunghill, ^° ^ if pun-s6 tui.
sng, (heavy) thiih-thiih, M° M s^i khut. jpip p Dungpit,
sin-sin, —
weather, ^ 1^ Duodenum, )J>° ^° sio tfig. o'-im,

(as colourj ^° 'B, si-sek, Bt ^ ^m- Dupe, a—, i?° A"!!^"

^'' ho- Mngliii

sek, —
of apprehension, i^ 1'^ the- ^, to—, H phi^n, ^° A° liii-iang,

the, ^ jlli ii-tsoat, W M" tsat-pak, tS° siet.

, , ,

Duplicate, [a] # hii. jm-tsin, —conduct,^ ff hau-heng.
Duplicity, $f |^ kan-tsk, ^ ft° oan- Duty, :$ ^ piin-htin, custom's —
khiau, ^ 1^ kui-koki. m B hi6ng-gun, pay—, m ^
Durable, [as cloth] 7> Jfc ^ ^°#^ put- Mp-hi6ng.
ts! u chheng, [lasting] ^° a° Dwarf, ^° A° o^ l^ng, to — , trees,
u khia-khi, [tiling] p^° fl"" ^° u- m m° /t:° tiau chhiu-bak, % m°
phah noa. 7lc° ut chhiii-bdk.
Duration, (long time) A° kii. Dwell, ^° m° khia-khi,^il tikm, ^°
Durien, M jS liu-lien. tok, — in seclusion, |S ^ lin-ku.
During, fi^° ^° ii# teh- -g st,—that Dwelling, —house, A W." jin-ke, fi°
time, 'g'"
iS° fl$ tng-hit-sl, — sleep,
m° khia-ke,—place, ^° %° Z° fH
ef M" ±° #° teh khtin g si.
^£ khia ke 6 s6'-tsai.
Dusk, ^ -^ h6ng-hun. Dwindle, i?^° nd-soe, (diminish)
Dust, jg:^ tin-ai, M''^° eng-ia, ±° :i:° M. nA-kiam, ^ na-tsi6,
—pan, ^
i^ thd-hiln, ^J- piin-tau.
(shrink) ^, if nA-kiu.

—brush t|°^°|| koe mng chhdng,

S IS ^

Dyak li-b^-jift.
shake — poa", to — ^°
off , gB° ,
Dye, W ni, ^° ^° ni-sek, green—,
m" m° lek ka, will not take—
Duster, ^ chhdng-a, feather, —
^°;p°f,!r° ni boe ti4u,— cloth, m°
§E|° ^3 koe mug chheng, cloth
^ ni-po".
— ,
poa° kun.
Dyed, (goods) m" i: #°m g p6-.
Dusty, M" ^° eng-ia, very— ,
^^° Dyeing, (rodsj m°^ i° «° phdk
^° tsin eng-ia.
Dutchman, ^'fS^ A° H6-lan Mng. p6- g pi", (jars) W°^° chhi"-ang,
Duteous, ^ M hail-sun, J)^ /^° sun- —house, y(H W p6--pang.
thkn, M H sun-liong. Dyer, m° ^ ^° ^ ni p6- sai-hu,—
Duties, fi^ hiong, collect — , ^ fj^ shop, %° ^° ni-pang.
thiu-hi6ng, import — A , P° IirJ
Dyestuffs, m° m nl-liau.
jip khdu hiong, export— , ffi P° Dyiog, 'M°'^°^° teh beh si, ^m
III chhut khau hiong. lim-tsiong.
Dutiful, ^ ^ tsin piiuThun,
7l£ §g ^ Dyke, ^° hoa», sea— ,^5° ^° te-hoa",
Dynasties of China:—
Age of the three sovereigns, H ^ Sam-hong.
Age of the five Rulers, £ ^ Ng&-tk, (B.C. 2852—2205)
The Hia Dynasty, M 19 Ha-tiau. (B.C. 2205—1766)
The Shang Dynasty or the Yin Dynasty,
^ |g Siong-tiau.
* (B.C
The Chow Dynasty, jS] DJ Tsiu-tiau. (B.C. 1122—249)
The Ts'in Dynasty, ^ HJ Tsln-tiau. B.C. 249
The Posterior Ts'in Dynasty, ^ ^ H Ho- tsin-ti^u. B.C. 246
The Han Dynasty, p M Hkn-tiHu. B.C. 206—220
The Eastern Han Dynasty, "^ 'M M Tong Hkn ti^u. A.D. 25—220
The Posterior Han Dynasty, ^MM
Ho- Han ti^u. A.D. 221—227
The Wei Dynasty, gt M Giii-tiau. A.D. 227—229
The Wu Dynasty, ^ DJ Ngo- ti4u. A.D. 229—265
The Tsin Dynasty, ^ DJ Tsin ti^u. A.D. 265—420
The Northern and Southern Sung Dynasty, W L^m Pak 'i\j ^M
Song tiau. A.D. 420—479
The Ts'i Dynasty, ^ |g Ts^ ti^u. A.D. 479—502
The Liang Dynasty, j^ ^ Liong tiau. A.D. 502—557
The Ch'en Dynasty, B M Tin tiliu. A.D. 557—589
The Sui Dynasty, If M Sui ti^u. A.D. 589—618
The T'ang Dynasty J*: M Tong tiHu. A.D. 618—907
The Posterior Liang Dynasty, ^^1! Ho- ]i6ngtiau. A.D. 907—923
The Posterior T'ang Dynasty, ^ JS ^ H5- T&ng ti^u. A.D. 923—936
The Posterior Tsin Dynasty, ^ W |g Hd- tsin ti^u. A.D. 936—947
The Posterior Han Dynasty, ^ g||^ Ho- Hkn ti4u. A.D. 947—951
The Posterior Chow Dynasty, ^ U ^ Ho- tsiu ti^u. A.D. 951—960
The Sung Dynasty, ^ f/l Sohg ti^u. A.D. 960—1127
The Southern Sung Dynasty, ^ ^f3 Lam s6ng ti^u. A.D. 1127—1280
The Yuan Dynasty, % m Grokn ti^u. A.D. 1280—1368
The Ming Dynasty, m m B^ng-tiau. A.D. 1368—1644
The Ts'ing Dynasty, m ^ Chheng tiiu. A.D. 1644
Dynasty, ^ f-^° ti^u-te, ^ tiau.
Dysentery, f^" M ts6e-li, M M li-

tsdk, M ^° li-tsit, M
>]»'' si6-li,

have—, m" M tsbe-li, M° ^° P^^g- Each,

#0 -^^ tak-g, ^ l^" miii-^, ^
huih, chronic—, X ^ M ku tng li
kok,—man, # A" kokMng, —kind,
Dysmeuorrhoea, g M° keng thik°. # W kok iu",- # :g kok

hang, — other M°
ifa° sa°, >^ tai-ke,
Dysomania, ^ m°U° chhiii-ta sidu.

Dyspepsia, <6 M M° si^^i khi-thiJi", — end, 5F

ft°siang thdu.

^ ^° tsek-sit. Eager, ^ J^' »S> tsin sah° sim.

Dyspnoea, PI" PI" ^ hr-hr-chhodn. Eagle, ^ eng, ^ fu" eng-tsiau.

Dysury, ih M ^> 'M sidu-pien put- Ear, M" ff ° hi-d, orifice of—, S^ ?L°
thong. hi-khang, cavity of— S°l°ff°

hi kng i — ^lend an- flnS
; (soil) ^E" tho-, (the globe) Jfe" ^
k" hi~khang thia",- -ache, 11° JL° toe-kitf.

hi khang thia",-" tweezer, ^"^^^ Earthen, i

§^° th6--e,— pot,«L'°khia°.

hl-ngeh, lobe of- -, B- H

hi-tsu. Earthenware, ?I° §g° hui-khi, bake
— of corn H sui, — of wheat, ^° — l°a°siohM.
^i b6h-sui, tympanum of — ,
^^ Earthly, Ji it° 6'5° si6k toe ^,—
M" hi-kik", large flap of the—, # ^ tl fal s6- minded» kho&-lu
S" M" hi hi6h, small lobe of—, kan, k6- sWcan. m^M
B' ^?'' hl-ti, ringing in the —
5° Earthquake, Ji° Wi° toe tang.

?L° "JL" hi khang Liu, g" ?L° ^ Earthworm, ± lil^r th6--iin, ±° M^

l^' g^° PJL° hi khang kiii ki-ki-hdu, t6'-un,
otalgia—, :||:''ff°^°hi-athik''. Tin- Earwax, 1^° M° hl-sid.
nitus aui-ium, hi-khang ki, tumour Ease, an, ^ an-16k, in ^ ^ — , 3f
of—, 55Sbi-liii, ulcer of—, g ^£ B^ ^
an-ji^n tsti-tsai.

hi-chhng. Easel, m° m° ui-k6.

Earl, fg pek. East, :^°tang, north— |g° ^1:° tang-

Earlap, ^^ ' ^ hi-tun. pak, south — "M W° tang l&m.


Earless, M° I^.' ^° b6 hi-a. Easterly, ||° ^° khah tang.

Earlier, |£° i^" khah tsd. Eastern, %° 55f° tang-sl, Jt m°
Earliest, || — Jp° te-it tsd, ±° ^° tang-pi".
siang-tsd. Eastward, |rJ°:^=' Ag-tang,
Earlmarshal, fg g pek-tsiok. Easily | ^° koe, '^ khoai, ^ ^ i6ng-
Early, J?." tsd, very —up, S:" ^^ Easy J
i°, ^m khofe-pien, —mind-
g^u-tsd. ed, i$ ^ hdi-hii, M M chhiau-
Earn, I|.° thkn, ||° tsodn,—money, thoat, mjim% li^u-thien li^u
It° ^° than tsi",-more. It" m° thien, M thoat hok, %° m° li"

than thi", —a living, I|° ^^ thkn i^° bo si6h b6 si6h, in manner, —

tsiah. M^ S ^
sun ki tsu ji^n,—in
Earnest 7 f,?,° %" mi-tsi", fi >& ji^t- mind, ^ i& an sim, — as turning
Earnestly j sim, # # hdng-h6ng, inKWi i"-jii hodn the hand, ^
money, ^g" IR tia''-giin, give- tsi6ng.
money, 5g° ;£" skng-tia", accept. Eat,_ :fe° tsidh,—food, ^°it°tsidh-
— money, JtS: S" siu-tia", M°& png, balls of rice, :^°fl°tsiah- —
th^h tia". i",-as ducks or geese, chhioh.
Earnings, X° W
kang-tsl". Eatable, m°'^°^° oe tsidh-tit.
Earpick, |^° 5" kau-hi. Eatables, W' ^ h4-sit. ;

Earrings, I^" i^)" hi-kau. Eaten, have you— p^°ft°|R°^°

Earth, f land; )|° toe, Ji" i toe-thd", li tsidh png be.
Eating-house, $^° }^ png-tikm, ?S (council) |^° 19 5^ •§ ts^ng kok
m° tsiii-Mu. kong hoe.
Eau-de-cologne, #°7K° pliang-tsiii. Eczema, m" M
noa-si^n, ^; J3£° g<i M
Eaves, WW ni.tsi".
^° ^° tliEiu-thia"
ph^ si^Ui
Eaves-dropper, i^° Eddy,^° tsng,— of water, ^""^'kng-
^, ^° 5° ^° 1° thia° hi thia" piah. tsng.
Ebb, ^ kh6. ^t jl° kh6-mu ^°t^h, Eden, ^m Ai-tign.

iK" }${° tsiii-t^h, tide— 7K° -Jt Edge, (of a knife) JI to chhiii, ^
tsui-kh6. JJ !^°to mi, (side) ^°pi°, (rim)
Ebony, ^ ?f;° o--bd,k. M° ki",—blunted, ^° b6 ml-, W
Ebullition, (boiling) fi° Ji° ^ teeth set on—, ^ m° ^° chhM-
chhi4ng-chhi^ng kun, (of angerj khi sng, [furnish with fringe] M
^ '14 boat s^ng, i|E 'ft khi sfeng. l£ M° p6* tfeng chhiu, [approach
Eccentric, i& "g k6-koki, Jp H slowly] iin-d chhek 6a.
sii put siong. Edgeless, (as knife) 4!f;°^-°b6 ml».
Ecclesiastical, JR 15: # 6^° si6k kau Edgetool, m" i° §§
^'' lai ^ khi-khu.

hoe k Edgewise, jS ii thdn phi" # sin.

Ecclesiastics, ('book of) M^ ^ W Edging, -^ lien-kan. ^

tholin to e chheh. Edible, "ir :^° @° oe tsidh tit.

Echo, m un, 11^ in, #° hidng. Edict, Imperial — , fg tsiau, sacred

Eclat, #° ^° pM-chhiang, fj IS — ,
htog-ng6*. Edification, M" ^ ka-si, fc HI k^u-
Eclectic, i$° ^k'^ng-s6an. htin.

Eclipse, ^ — of moon, ^ M"

sit, sit- Edifice, (house) Ji° chhti.

g^h, —of sun, ^ sit-jit. Edify, ^fll kau-hiin, fc © kku-tok,

Ecliptic, # JE chhek-to. iet 3^ tsi-si.

Economical, ^ M" khiam-eng, if- ^° Edit, MM tii-chheh, (newspaper)

khift-khiam, 15 M' tsat-eng, #^ f^° Wi ^
tsoe sin-bUn ts6a.

gHu khiam, iM 1^ ^ sdng sd'-hiii,

Edition, il pi^n, 1st—, thiu- M°M
an old
habitually — W ^ khioh-sip.
— WM
2nd—, Z. M.

Economise, ^ khiam, —strength, ^° ,

Editor, (of newspaper) ^^'S^^

^° ^°. sioh khiii-ldt.
ilS" tsiang-li sin biin ts6a.
Economy, ^ ^fi khiam-s^ng.
Educate fc° 5^ kk-si, ft II kku- "I

Ecstasy, (of delight) fc° § M 1^° &'

Education J hun.
h6a°-hi kau siau-khi. Educated, well—, 5?'S°^ji b^k
Ectropium, SC U° ^M ^"pengbdk- chhim, f^ hak-bun chhim. ^ m
tsiu-ph^. Education, Wc fH kku-htin, 53 hdk- m
Ecumenical, (general) M thong. bun, Wi ^ kku-hok.
— g

Educe, 51 in, . Efflux, m° ffi lau-chhut.
Eel, Sl° .C m6a-hi. Effort, IfJ ij" chhut-lat.
Efface,jS*°clihat-khi. Effrontery, M" W )k° kau bin phk
Effect, fresult produce^ JS M s^ng- Effulgence, p£° a!)i° ft)i° kng-iaMa^ JS
tsiu, Wl B hau-giam, #° p in" ilb" 0. tsiau-iau.
ho- i An-ni,—nothing, ^° 4^° :R JSS
Effulgent, yt° R*° R*° kng-ik°-ik".
Jif —b6 pok° hang s^ng kong, Effusion, [of blood] S° Jfil" lilu-huih,
settlement, WPM ^° ho- i tiaii- Egg, an^ m° nng, hen's—, 11° ^fl^'

tit, f^ #^ ^ ho- i o4n-ki6k, koe-nng. turkey's—, >X° 50" W

('consequence ofj H j^° in-toa" H h6 koe-niig, preserved phi-tan, — ,

^ in-iu, ^ ]|^ ien-k6-, speak with —on, ^ long, M "^ kidu-so) Ji ||

— ,
11° lu° Jiit kdng oe sgng, If fg" pdi-long, lay — ,^ ^0° si° nng.
:?J° k6ng oe kii", (result) ]%" ^^U Eggcup, J/lJ°5|i° nng-au.
ki6k. Eggplant, M° ki6.
Effective, fg" J|g oe s^ng, tt ^^ oe Egoism, IH g°E°k6-ka-kI.
s^ng kong. Egotism, E^ i° S° k6- ka-kl.
Effects, (property) fl^"^" ke-hd. Egotist, MB «° k6- ki 6, d ^Z ;t''
Effectual, i^'MW}^ eng-hau, ^'° A° phien su 6 14ng.
Effectually, j ^ 1^, u eng-giam. Egregious, #^ hui-si6ng, [excel-
Effeminacy ) m°

M tl° tsa-b6- thoe, lence] ^ 5j> k^k biau.
Effeminate |

Effervesce, phu, chheng khi-Mi.

J^ bu-h^.ng. Egrgiously, jfc S thki-sim.

Effete,(done for) S°^°kkutang,

Egress, ffi *° i P^ E« chhut khi g

(barren) W^
h6 seng sdn, M
mfig 15-, i±i fT ^m& chhut-mf
e s6--tsai.
(barren land) 'M sdn.
Efficacious, M ^ ^ kong-
Egret, &° HI peh-l^ng si.

hau, ®° sia",

M B 16ng-^ng, B |^
Egyptian, ^ J^ ^° A Ai kip I Idng.

^ng-giam, :^° ^ H u hau-giam,

Eight, A° poeh — , cornered, A° ^
Eighteen, +° A"
Efficacy, ar 5:S: kong-hau, ^ jg kong- Eighteenth, ff -^o ^o ^^ tsap-poeh.
Efficiency,! (person) ^jn"
Eighth, HA" te-poeh, one— A^
I (effectual)
fj tsai-id",
s^ng- ^^ ~ poeh bun it.

tsiu. Eightieth, ^ A" +» te poeh.tsap.

Effigy, ^ siong.. Eighty, A" +° poeh-tsAp.
Efflorescent, ^' ^g" khui-hoe, H: :?£'' Either, $:|j° d, $:p° ^g d-si, iS ^—
tho hoe. ^ :! hdk si, —h^k — si, this or
Effluvium, ^0 ^ chhaii.khi, M° m that, ji° m° ^r ^ m^ m" tsit ^ d-
. h^k SI tsit 6 h6k si hit ^, — will do, Eleemosynary, ^^ 6^° t^ju-ts,^ ,^,

7^ t^° M° ^° put kodn oe ts6e ^ ffi fl^r sid-si g, rT 'K A° er kh6-

tit,—you or I, ^^ %" W ^'' ^° ^° lln Ic^ng L
kiam chhdi likiim chhAi g(^a. Elegance \ S ngd, ^ S b<in-ngd,
Ejaculate "I [as words] ^° Ji° ;2:° Elegant [ ^ ^ siix-khi, :^ ^ lii-

J U"
chhi"-ts6h. e oe. $^ p p ^ pin-pin ts^-tsd, %

Eject,^k6a°. gi bun-li— attaintments, ^ $$, siii-

Eke, m" E thi^-thiap. —language, 38 khi, tf ijgphok-ngd,

Elaborate, .{.laboured] JU° iC» iHt ^eng fS°nga-oe,— scholar, ti ;5:° A°

sim X°
tsoe, .^"'^° eng kang — ts6e, ^ phok-ng4 ^ Idng, manners,
[to perfect] Mi ngd-khi.
]^° chliift".

Elaborately, — executed, ^ I Elegantly, ^ bun-ngd, —dressed,

f^° ii°

ts6e kbi tsjeng-kong. chheng-khi ^"^"MM tsin so'.

Elapse, i!^" k4, U i^° keng-ke. Elegy, li IP liii-su, ^% ts^-bftn,

Elastic I ^ :^ >!» m6"-taiTsiAu, ^ 1^ JC tiau-bAn, B W^° pi-kpa.

Elasticity)^ ij» liong-tai-siau, oe Element, K tsit, ;$; ^ piin-tsit, the
lek-leng tit, n'jg-sim-sim, ta° #° five — , 2. fj ng6' h^ng.
oe-cbbun. Elementary, f^ sf^ chho^hdk.
Elated, chh6ng-4ng, ^ M tek-kdi. Elephant, ^^ chhiu",-teeth, ^^ 3^°
Elbow, ^° ^°
^° S°
W cbhiii-at-ti°,—
^° 50°
Elephantiasis, chhiahrhong, —
joint, cbbiuroa", #"* 'Ofleg,

cbhiii-au-nng. :/c° |i° B° toa kha t^ng,— of scro-

Elder, [of Gburcb] ^g" ^ tiu^lM, tum, :k°M''W toa lan-pha, :^°
village—, it
^° ,:ft°
W sia-tiu°,

^° :k° M°M toapha long.
Eleuths, p m 1-16.
^° hia", — sister's husband, ^^ Elevate, (in rank) Jt'iS" seng-kQ4i°,
itsi-hu. M m. ka-kip, (cheer) >& Pii W
Elderly, ^M 16-po6. k6e sim bun.
Eldest, H — ^"!^" te it l^u e,— Elevated, (raised) ^° ^&h, —place,
son, ^°^° tba kid". S" i,° k ^ koli" :6 s6--ts,ai,—

Elect^m" keng, m° m ^ toa tsi-khi.

keng-sodn, ;
mind, :^i;° ig
Electric,—telegraph, ^^irSt" tkng .Elevation, self — M M :k° tsu-tsun- ,

sok" phoe, — machine, ^ M tien- toa, (of place) ^° ^ ko^i° s6-- FJr

khi. tsai.

Electricity, ^^ tien-khi, [of the Eleven, +" — tsdp-it.

earth] M" :t°%U toe 6 tien-khi, Eleventh, ^ +" — te tsap-it, one—
[of the clouds] 8 ^° ®^
li^ -p ^ ^ — tsdp hun it it.

6 tien-khi. Elf, ^ ^ iau-koki.


Elicit, M HI hi^n-chhut, M ^M hi^n- >ih •^ |^° siah-kut-16h-bah, [as
b^ng, (pump a person) if" chhim. chUd] ^° hiu".
Eligible, (suitable) -g-
J^" hdp.eng, Emaciated, fS° gi^n, khih-khih,
(desirable) rJ" M kb6 chhii, ij % ?& M*" siau-sAn.
ho s6, [ground] % Jfe tek-te. Emanate, [issue] ^ ffi hoat-chhut,
Eliminate, ^ tA, [infer] S° JE JJJ [flow] 'M° Bi lau-chhut, [as fra-
khok" khi Mi. grance] ff offi chh^ng-chhut, [from
Elixir, 'J^ JJ lien-tan, — of immorta- mind] ^^ ffi si°-chhut.
lity, ^° m" i.''M° boe si g i6h, III)
Emancipate, Jfe° pkng, ^' ]Ei[° thdu-
:J3" pang,— from slavery, M" :t M
Elk, m 16k. pang 16--tsai, M''Mm pkng 16--
Ell, (English) B" fi°^° si-chhioh- p6k.
Ellipse, :!'' 1» ^ t^-l-'-hgng,
Emancipated, W m° M" M" tit-ti6h
i|° thdu-pkng.
^r^koenngkhodn. Emasculate, Wi iam.
Elliptic, :l°|*°tAg-tu. Embalm, m^Wm^MM eng hiu"-
Elm, ^® jii chhiu. liau jip sin-si.
Elocution, k6ng soah-pha hg hoat-to-Embankment, M° hoa°, i| ^'' te hoa".
^° :g° khan-tj^g.
Elope, m° m ^° sa-'-chhoa-tsdu,—
Embarge, to ^ fl Mm kdng, ^ —
^° :lg° kim kia-'-tsun.
with a maiden, ^ !g A° i:° ^°
^H Embargo, m % kim-kdng, mM" \^
^° koai-phien Mng ^ tsa-b6--kid°.
A kim tsun chhut-jip, on a —
P ° :*• khaii-tsai. f^ kim-kdng, ship's sailing, ^ ^
Else, [otherwise] ^° |i° na-b6, ^° M° kim kia"-tsun.
[beside] ^
J[h° leng-goa, [other] Embark, -^° M° 16h-tsiin, ±°
m° ^° pAt g, m° m° pdt-mih,— tsiu" tsAn.
where, glj° 14° pdt-ui. Embarrass, [entangle] M° &' ti°-
Elsewhere, gf pat ui. & poa", |i°g° i°.ti^ [confuse], m°
Elucidate, M^ ^M k6e-beng. A°|Jtl fl ho- Mng jii-loan, [incum-
Elude, TA M sidm-pi, — detection, ber vrith debt,] tbam-thul.
^° T^° chha boe chhut.
Embarrassed, (perplexed) i5 ff" |L
Elusive, [good at artifice] #° ^°
H sim-koa^-loan, (abashed) g^-soah-
ft g^n eng khui-ke. soah.
Elves, % kui. Embarrassing (as affair) y ^
Elvish, % kui-koai.
Elysium, JiU
t^ sien-k4ng,
UM^^ Embellish, ^ ^ siu-tsdng.
k6k 16k s^-kai, fa M hok-te. Embers, ^X" m." h^-ts6ng, iX° ?g°
Emaciate, ^ ?& M° na siau-sdn, m° h6-hoe.

Embezzle, ^ hiau, # ^° thun-khi, egg, m° W° cng-toa".
khkm-khi.. Emendation, [of a book] i!) f]' san-
Embezzlement, [of public money] t^ng, IE kdi-tseng, [correction] M
{% ^M tiau kong-hang. ei:° k6e.

Emblaze, ^
^ chhai-sek. Emerald, i| ^ rE° bui-cbbiii-g^k,
Emblazon, ^^M
^° ^ cbbdi iam S 5° Lu.s6ng-g^k, 2° ^ ^
le ^ sek. cbbeng-g^k.
Emblem, ffi ^ ki-ho. Emerge, [bastily] fS i^ ^ kiin-kbi-
Embodjr, [make corporeal] W^ l&,i, [issue from] [fj 2|S chhut Mi.
^° ^° !E bo- i u seng-kbu, [as Emergency, ^ kin-kip.M
troops] -&" :& hap-peng. Emerods, '^ §° ti-cbbng, external
Embogue, 'M° ^ 'J^ lau lob bdi. — ^° i® goa-ti, internal
p^°^ — ,

Embolden, #° -e* }ii Sr h5- i tsong- lai-ti.

td", [encourage] ^ ^ k6--bu. Emersion, ffi tS cbliut-Mi.

Emborder, M° S° siu^-pi". Emery, H If ^° lii tsiam-te.
Emboss, ^1] 5^° kbek-pbu. Emetic, HI ^° tli6--i6b.

Embosom, ^° t^° tbik"-siob, W »i3 Emeute, @ ^l jiau-loan.

'^° tang-sim tbia°. Emigrant, Bl 5h° :^° A" chbut-goa 6

Embowel, tffl Ii° tbiu tAg, m." Sh tfl Mng.

If pb6a
° Emigrate, ffi ^b" cbbut-g5a, i^°
to- tbiu-tfig, loe tflg. #
Embrace, {^ a", ^fe" pbo, l^m, !1° B

moa", an opportunity, ^° 'SoH° Eminence, [of person] ffi |^ cbbut-

tbkn ia,u-pdi, (include) -^ pau H

tsiong, [place] ]ti° koM".

Mm. Eminent, [lofty] 'i^°koM"[illustrious]

Embrasure, M
S° cbbfeng-kbang. :lr :^; tsun-kui, [famous] ffi ig
Embroider, m
1B° siii-boe, ^K
^° cbbut-mia, ffi
1-° cbbut-ti6b.

tbio-boe, «f siii, SO 1^° cbhiab-siii. Emissary, |^ ^ stt-tsid, [spy] M°

Embroidered, — dress, |§ ^ siii-i f^" soe-tsoh, tl! ,^° thkm-be.
silk, M M gim-siii, — goods, |§ $j|- Emmission, || ffi boat-chbut.
siii liau. Emit, {U cbbut,—matter, ffi fll"

Embroiderer, If 11° JL siii boe cbbut-lkng, (as smell) W. ffi boat-


sai-bu. cbhut, [as ligbt] |i ffj sia-cbhut.

Embroidery, M ^ gim-siix, [gimp] Emmanuel, £t >l| ^ f I-ma loe


lien kan. Emmenagogues, S3 M tiau-keng.

Embroil, ?! tL jiau-loan, [trifling Emollient, [softening] Ji^lun-t^k.
affair] ft 51 kidu-jidu. Emolument, [of office] bong- WM
Embryo, fl&° tbe, U° pbe,—in tbe 16k. [salary] sin-16, #^ ^^
womb, H
So pau-tbai,— in the sok-kim.
Emoti&n, 'If ts^ng. i nd. s6ng.
Empale, [fence] H li ^ M l^n kan, Empower, ^ ^ ui-kodn.
il ii ^ lii li-pa. Empress, ^ ^ h6ng-ho', jE M. tsik"

Emperor, M ^ h[6ng-tfe, M'^M ban keng, — dowager, M #° kok bii,

soe i4, ^ J- thien-tsii, ^J: s^ng- ± JS thki-ho-, —of India, PU Jft ^

siong, become —^ , ^M teng-k^k, ^ Id-to- ho- t^.

m"S tse-ui, m" %" tse-thi", title Emptiness, ^° khang, ^ ^ khang- )

— "M M ban so^, birthday of Emp ty,

of- ,
hu, |g° ^ khang-sin, ^ f

— ^ % sfeng-siu, — of hades, ^ ^°khang-khak, ^ Hi" m° khang


^ I giam-16 6ng, K # 5c ^ long-long, S ® khang so--so-, fll

gi^m-16 thien-tsii, f^ S" gi^m- —out, M" ffl pik°-chhut,—handed,

kun, relatives, ^ M hong-chhin, ^° ^° khang-chhiii,—talk, ^° !?"
three ancient — , H ^ sam-h6ng, bo ji oe, S^" ff° if° J5
fS° b6 oe ^
the pearly — , 3E M: gi6k-h6ng. k6ng ka 16h.
Emphasis, |S° ^° M
kbin tang sia". Empyreal, (the high) kiong- ^^
Empire, H kok, Chinese :^ iS — ,
— chhong.
^ tai chheng it th6ng, 5^° y° Emulate, '0' sg-ia", Yf
1 ^ tati- W
thi°-e, «f M tiong-kok, tp ^ tiong- Emulation, ) id".

hoa. Emulous, ^?° B

h6-'' seng,
Empiric, (quack) J^ h6--16k. ^ tsi° beh ik\

Employ, [as a teacher] i^° chhid", Emulsion, (of almond) ^H^° beng
[a servant] If chhik", [things] jin t^.

M" eng. Enable, #° ^ f&° ho- i oe.

Employed, (officially) #° H f£ teh Enact, (decree) tU IS chhut-tsiau,
hien jim. m. m siet-le, (act) ^° ^ poa»-hi.
Employes, X° M° kang-kioh, g" A° Enamel, thng, to—, ig° 51° k^- m
W ;^° A" h6;Mng chhia" e Mng. thiig.
Employer, M° M° th^u-ke, M" A"^" Enamour, (with a person) ^° thik",
chhik" l^ng ^. [thing] Ji^S-kah-i.
Employment, M° ^ thau-lo*, M $E Enamoured, to be — M^, l^k-ki.
keng-ki, m E§ li-l5-, in one's—, Encage, M M° tii-teh, (emprisoa)
:^ A° ±° li 1^ tsidh mng § th^u- ^° m ka"-kim.
16-, look for—, ^° m° m chhe thiu- Encamp, ^ g-^ an-i^", Mj ^^ tsat-i^',
lo', ^ EI° ^ ba thau l5-.
m° ^° tah-ia», m tsat-tse, ^ g"
Emporium, (market place) H'^hu- Mj M an ii" tsat tse.
chhi, #f koe, (marketj ^g :^° Encampment, m" M" ia^-poa", ^^ H
seng-li tiu".
Empoverish, m" M° # it" »° oe ho- Enchain, ^ lien, ^° pdk. ,^^- j

Enchant, (bewitch) M° f* II #° A ^° ni-b4, ^° ^ ni-tau^ (stop) 1,°

W> i eng hoat-siit ho: Mng gong soah.

khi, (eurapture) f^° A°m°#S° Endamage, ® hai.

Si|i ^° ho- Mng-hoa°-hi kku sin khi Endanger, WLM° -^W ti-kku gAi-
Enchanter, [magician] 11° fl5 ^ f^° hiam.
sai sia-siit e, (delighter) t^ i)^" Endear, m° iic° ^
ho- i khah ^^
A° fC $ S° ^ jpili ^° oe ho- mng tekthi6ng, #° ^ %x° M° ho- i khah
hoa°-hi kail sit sin S. thik°.

Enchantment, % i^ ^° kiii b^ khi, Endeavour ffl :ft° chhut-ldt, (try)

^. -M liam-kong, ^ 5l, liam-tsiu. U M chhi-khok°.
Enchantress, (witch) ]B° il ang-i. Endemic, ^°-'° ?Jf i£ ti tsit s6--tsai.
Encircle, H ui, (go arovind) seh. Ending, M" 1° soah-b6.
Enclose, g ui, [letter] #
ilt" hu- Endless, ;p°^ boe tsin,
M" ^» ^°
phoe, —something in another's bo soah b6, ;i;°|l,° boe soah, |!t°T
letter, #^° hii-kia, on all sides, —
^° b6 liau bo tsin, (as a mat- ^
ffl ffl SI #
thoa,n-tho^n ui-tsu. ter) ^,°V^ lll° b6 siu soa°.

Enclosure, gjuij^no^, —
of palisade, Endorse, ^^ chhiam-mi^, a bill ^ —
|i] m° kiam-chhiu°. ^° ^ ui ho,— for one, ^ |^ p6-
Encoffin, JfS:!^ siu-Mm, K ;^ jip-b6k jin.

Encomium, ® W po-tsiang. Endow, K° M siu"-sii, —with a dow-

Encompass, H ui, (invest) M khiin, ry, #" -^ ^J° W ho- i k^-tsng.

[go around] s^h. Endowments, (talents) ^K phin-

Encore, M° koh. tsit, ^ ^ piin-su, :^ iia ts4i-tiau,
55° -^1° khidu-sit.
Encounter, m° M° tsih-ti6h, ig m°
gu-ti6h, ^° m' tu-ti6h, m° m" tng- Endue, f#° h5-.
ti(5h,— in battle, ^W kau-tsien, Endurable, fg" j& W oe jim tit,

^° m" oe
—an enemy, m° fJ ic S 1^ kap- |S° #° oe lun tit, tg° J£

tiii-t^k tsiap tin,— accidently, i^ ti-tng-tit.

mm'M°» ng6--ga-jign tu-ti6h. Endure, # IS." thun-lun, ^ -^ pau-

Encourage, M ^ bi<^n-le. i6ng, cannot — it, ^ S- put-jim,
Encroach, ^ f^ chhim-tsiam,
-g 3E Csufferj ^"tng.
chhim-hoan, JS Bt° hun-tsikng. Enduring, :^°Ji° boe ik, (lasting)
Encumber, ®° ^" ti"-poa", (as load) tg° #° J^° #" oe khia khi tit, A°

^°,^°thoa-thui. ^^ kii-tfig.

Encyclopedia, MW lui-su. Endwise, push — , nng, to place —

M" -fi" b^-bin, H 1° sok-
End, M.° b^, ^ 1: an-ti.

b4, M° ^° b^ chhiii, both—, mi Enema, 53^° Ji° tsiii-tsuh.

®° siang-thau,— of the ye*, ^' Enemy, fJ Wc tiii-t^k, (ft. # kift-siii,


mA sifi-jln, m. A t^k-jin, M BI° English, U° €° Afig-mfig, r^ ^ 6^
tui-th^u. TaT-eng e, — Concession, :k. ^i,°
Eaergetic \WC i& bin-tsiet, ^° ?a ^ Tal-eng e tso' kki.
Energetically J ^i° Mt-siii", fi& ^^
ti° Engraft, #";fe tsiap-ki, teh-ki.
li&m-tsidp, kin-kiu°. Engrave, kbek, —blocks, ^Ij ^ij |^
Energy, kin-kiu°, speak with — khek-pdn, —a stamp, ^ij fJJ khek-
m° * ^^ n° k6ng khi soah phali. in,— on the mind, MM ^ «& @°
Enervate, M' PMB" ^o- i soe Mm. khek-b^ng ti sim-nih.
Enfeeble, #" A° BIJ^ bo- Mng Mm. Engraving, fa print^ ]g° fJ-° ang-A.
Enforce, CcompelJ 5S H ki6ng-pek, Engross, fl! ft fl^ chbau khai-su,
^W f/; ek-lek, (invigorate) JS ij° [monopolize] M' W ff ° p4k-b^-d,
thi°-Mt, (law) M
j^ fj| tsiku boat [absorb] k\
pan, — obedience, fjij ffi ts^-ap, #° Enhance, [increase] M" -M" ke-thi",
^ J^M bo- i b4ng-b6k. [the price] M iW kbi-ke.
Enfrancbise, (liberate) M° pang. Enhanilonic, fn If h6-h4i.
Engage, (as teacberj ff" cbhia", (as Enjoyment, ^S hoa°-hi, ^ii khoai-
servant) ff " cbhik", -ff k6-,—to a 16k, fi ^ hok-khi.
master, # ^ ^^ pai sien-si°, Enkindle, M iK° khi-be,— desires,
fpromisej! ^
phin. ^MUE boat-khi-su-ick,— pas-
Engaged, ^
m" W
u tai-tsi, IK" r^^° sions, »5 'X° ^° sim he t6h.
bo eng, (betrothed) f| j£° pbeng- Enlarge, #° m' ifl' ho- i khui #
tia°. khoah, #" Ix" ;^c'' bo- i khah #
Engagement, (agreement) iJ^ iok, toa, ^
3g khok cbhiong, [as a
— in battle, ^ lg( kau-tsien, [em- boil] htin h6.
ployment] BM° fi& thau-lo-, ^ la Enlarged, |Jc° ^^° —
khah t5a, spleen,
keng-ki. m m° :k° pi pi° toa,—liver, Jff" M°
Engender, ^^ si°,— strife, ^^ seng- :^° koa" tin" toa.
su, ^ S seng-toan. Enlight, 3E° M°kng-tsi6, (illumine)
Engine, ^ M ki-khi, fire—,
tsiii-l^ng, i;K° $°
pjtc" ||° W •D» 36° B*°
steam Enlighten, (light) 3E° M° kng tsi6,
m° ho- i kng-ik°-ik°.

—, 9C'M^Mih6 bun khi-khu. [mind] m" A°'^° iij. khui Mng ^

Engineer, ^^ §| ^ Ji ki-kbl sai-bu, sim, the ignorant, f,3° Ekhuikheh,
—engine driver, ^M"^" koan cbhia mW tiam chhi°.
^,— officer, H H -g" su-Mn koa°. Enlist, — soldiers, JH ^° tsio kun.
Engird, "M" ba. Enliven, {person] ^° ^ ^° '^5 ijj bo*
England, ^ M Eng-kok, :^ ^ g i khah khoai sim, [place] #° ^
Tai-eng-kok, |l.° ^° g Afig-mftg- M° |«| ']^ ho- i khah s6ng khoai.
kok. Enmity, M fi kiet-siu, [as nation]

f^° M Wc tso^ tui-t^k, harbour — Ensbrine, [idol] ^ ^ •& put an-ui.
^ 1'^ h^m hun. ^ Jii$| an-sin, 1:° ^£° ^ S" he tl

Ennoble, [raise to nobility] #°A° kbam nib.

'^° W bo- l&ng koa°-tsiok. Ensign, (signal) ]^ Id, (markj IS
Ennui, W." ^ bo-kiok. 731 Id-bo,— of an officer, t° ^° W
Enormity. ^ || ^° ^ ts~n biong e su. la ^ koa^-bam e ki-bd, [subal-
Enormous, [large] S". bai, (atroci- tern] JC" iff. p6-ts6,ng.
ous] -f- M sip ok. MM^
Enslave, tso^ 16--tsM.
Enigma, (ritldle) 3h cbbai, 'M ^f Enslaved, (by babit) M' p fr 60°

teng-cbbai, (as action) f#" A° ^ pak

b5- —i ^^teb, to opium, fi!^'' ?,|

J0;J M
fiu° bo- lang bee cbbek-t6k- )^ tiau a-pbl^n, f 5' M" tiau bun,
tit, M° A" M° 7" ffi bo- lang siu°- —by lust, M 'M'iC ^ tham-bS
boe cbhut. lii-sek.

Enjoin, Pjpg teng-leug, g-Pf tsiok-bii. Ensnare, —by a scbeme, i^* H" ti6ng-

Enjoy, ^^ biong-siu, —one's self, k6, by a trap, M° tng.

'&°M ke-i, %m tek-kAi, fc" ^ Ensure, '^c M" p6-nla, U M" pau nia.
boa-'-hi. Entablature, m° W sok" poi".
Enougb, m W kau-giAb, JE M' Entail, -g" fr 7T< ^ i.° m° M laii

tsiok-giah, — for use §^ ^^kaii- ts6e eng-oan e ke-gidp.

eng, more tban, —i^ F^ ke-th^u, Entangle [embarras]g°^"ti--
ii" M' ke-giab. Entanglement poa°, [obstruct]

Enquire, Fp1° mng. M, W
kb& [involve] m° M" i°ti°.
Enrage, [person] ii A" S" ^ kek Entangled, M° M° tl-pok", [in con-
Mng sili-kbi. fusion] 1^ ^° ^° ju cbbiang-
Enrapture, #" A" W ft" S ho- Mng cbbiang, 1^ fL ju-loan.
kek boa''-bi, ®{' ^S S"® hoa°-bi Enter, jip, A
a complaint, — A M°
kku kek, jip tia",— the army, fS° ^ tau kun,
Enregister, |B ki. the society, A 'i' jip hoe, —the
Enricb, #° -^ ij H" bo* i b6-giah,
church, A M jip-kaii, — an exami-
16 'g ts5--bu. nation, A° Ji" jip-tiu°,— the eye,
Enrobe, ^''

cbheng pbaii, [dress] A ^ jip-g^n, —the room, A M°
jip ping, — in one's book, A M
^i" cbbeng sa°.

Enrol, IE ^° ki mia.
Enroute, ^/^ B§ ien-lo*
Enteritis, 11°^°^ 5^ t£g-a boat iam.
Ensample, ^1 #" b6--iu°.
Enterprise, ^° ^° tai-tsi, ^ su, man
Ensconce, [protect] B" v& ti-lm,
[bide] g° ^^ bib-bat.
of — , ^ toa sim-su, perilous,
'^° »5

Ensemble, :^ tE tai-kbai, :k M- tai- ^ lit i° W gui-hiam e su.

Enterprising, fjc° St° ±° A" khah ka"
— ,

g Ikng, /^° if ij° u tsdm tsoeh, JC If b6-kbodn-tbai. ^
J ^X i, A
toa phiet-li^t e Itog, Entreaty, kbiin-kiu. ^^
b6 koe-sun. Entropium, g° B^° &" R" A bdk-
Entertain, ^# kbo4n-thai, [as a tsiu-phe jip.

stranger] l|t -^ siu-liu. Entrust, ^ J^ kau-tbok, ^ f^ kau-

Entertaining, [as book] W°^ u-ki6k tai, ^

J£ pai-tbok, (something —
W° ift f? u-kbiok-tsiet, (amusing] to be given to another,) J£ ^°

*& M sim-sek. thok-kik.

Entertainment, [feast] ^ i^n-toh. Entry, Pg° E§ mug-lo",

\^. Kn°±''B^
Enthrone, ^ ^° 5c° hu-tse-thi°, ^
jip miig 6 s6'-tsaL
^^ ifl bu-teng-k^k. Entwine, S" tl°.
Entbusiasm )
J^ )^ jiet-sim, become Enumerate, 5i°
#° si' tdk kia" k6ng,
Entbusiastic) more — ,S J^ hiin-tsi.

ii 1i S" sui-ti^u-sag.
Enthusiast, [visionary] t^° iau- Enumeration, ^° ^'' sSg-siaii.

siu°, [zealot] ic^^tS i. A° siu" Enunciate, gi' {f{ k6ng-cbhut.

tsoan-sim § Mng. Enu,nciation, P""^ kbdu-im, bad —
Entice, ^\ M in-iu. ^ P°^ pbdi^-kbau-im, good —
Entire, B" ^° ka-nfig, ^° 1:° tsi^u- $f P" g^ h6--kbdu-im;
tsfig. Envelope, ilt" pboe-long, S for
Entirely, ^ ^ tsfig-jien, — -^ it-cbbe card, ijifi 8 tbiap-16ng, to — tJ pau.
Entitle, [give a title] ^ ^° ho EnvenOin, T° ^ be-t(Sk.
tsofe, [a person] fS P? cbbeng bo- Enviable, (as position) #" A° ^^
Entity, [a real being] 'M. -^ !f^°tsin ho" Mng i-ai, disposition, ^, ^ ;i°
^ mib", m iE° i£° W t: W tsin- i& okn-t6' & sim.
tsia° ti teh 6 mib". Envious, fig ^^ okn-to-, jjTJ it t6'-khi,
Entomb, W
tM |^ ts6ng. go pj^o ^o |jj^]j Ijjj^Qg o^Ij^ ^^
Entomology, ||° 41 " j^:" 1^ tb^ng- tsdk-t6-.
tboa 6 lun. Environ, ® 1ii, the — ,
0° H si-M.
Entrails, ^° tng, large—, r^" Jf
Envoy, ^^ kbim-cbhe.
t5a tng. Envy, fig ^]^ oan-t6-, ^ IS oan-hun.
Entrance, H" 5^ mfig-l6-, Alf^^S Enwrap, H pau, H S pau-lau.
jip ^ s6"-tsai, (of riverj P° khau. Eolian harp, ^° ^° hidng-keng.
Entranced, ^ ^° hun-kbi, (enrap- Epaulet, M'M" i:° t° ^/ keng- E^
tured) ft" § ^^ W *° boa"-hi thau-^ koa"-ham ki-h5.
kail sidu-kbi. Ephemeral,—" ^"tsitjitku, [not
Entrap, ^° tng,—in a plot, 4» t\ lasting] ^° X b6-ku.
Entreat, ^^ khiin-kii!),—well, if
Ephesians, (epistle)
I-hut-so" ^ phoe.
^ ^m ^° W

Epic, mm^m:t''U chheng-tskn Equanimity, Ig ^ tsu-tsai, ^ ^^
eng-lii6ng § si. hai-tsai.
Epicure, ^ ^^ J?" ^ al tsidh klid bi Equator, ^ Jl chhek-to, •!» ,=^°

Epidemic, 2i 'M xin-ek, BI ^ Jg si- tiong-sok".

khi-ts^ng, [among animals] ti6h Equestrian, (riding on horseback)
tse. m" ^° m" khi£b-be-g.
Epidemical, HI si-kM. M Equi-angular, M" M ^H" 2g° ^^ tdk
Epidermis, JS ph^. kak pi°-pi" toa.
Epiglottis, Pi m°W ff ° na-a1a ti-4. Equidistant, Jp." 2^° ^'' pi"-pi"' hng.
Epileps.y, ^" B^" iiiMiln. Equilateral, #° jS" ^g" :1° tdk pi"-
Episcopal, [church] ^ '^ # kkm- pt"tf5g,
tok-hoe. Equilibrium, f} *§ tui.t6, ^'' teng- g
Episcopate, M W ^i kam-tok-tsit. pi", (of body)ag° sE° khia tsik".

Epistle, ^'' phoe. Equine, ^° gg" be-g.

Epistolary,— correspondence, Jft" fl; Equinoctial, ^'' H" ^° ^^ ml"-jit
^ 535 phoe sin 6ng lai. pi"-pun,—line, # M chhek-to.
Epitaph, S ){$: ^* bong-pHi-jX, mE Equinox, (autum) ^ ^ chhiu-hun,
pi-4i, ^ se, S I*- bong-tsi, M IS vernal
— "— d^§ji-hun.
, ^ chhun-hun, the
i^ bong-tsi-beng. two
Epithalamium, $f j^"' |f hdp
-&• hun Equip, (army) if ^ ^° :t° %" pan-
^ ^S
si, i:° IJ huH-in ^ si. kun ia"^ mih" (ship) WMH°±°
Epithet, ^ fi" ho-tsoe. i}i^° pan tsun lai 6 mih", (a soldier)
Epitome, ^ tai4i6k.
:/c ||J W.^W m chh6ng kun-khi
Epitomise, M^M.^° chhii iku-kin tsi4u-pi.

^M^ chhoat-iku, |ij f| J. chh6ng Equipage, (Imperial) ^ H lotn-kk,.

kdn li6k. gg° I?" leng-chhia. hong-Ii^n.
Epoch, JO kt, Bf si. Equipment, pjf W X M" 65' s6- ti6h
Epsom salt, ^ ^- sia-iam. khiam eng-5.
Equable [smooth] ^° ^° pf-pi''. Equipped, (as soldier),

Equability [of temper] J^fu un-h6.

S^° ¥° W
j ti khoe chh^ng kah.
Equal, ^^ ^^° pi" pi"i.pi°-tu-theng, in Equiponderant, ^° i^y g" pi"-pi"-
rank, 3^"^ pl-'-t^ng, f^" p^ si^ng- tang.
tdtogj 1^-' ^ si^ng^hin, all are — Equitable, S- j1 kong-to, ^ iIi°kong-
^.» £^0 2^" Idng-pi^-pi",
— ^propor- pl", &^ kong-p^ng.
tions, sp" 2^° pi-^-pl^-tsoe. Equity, ^^ kong-gl, 5^3^ kong'to;
Equalize, i^° P ^g" ho- i pi". Equavalent, 2|S ^ Jf pt"-tu-theng,;
Equally, ^a? 3!? pf-pi", i^ ?fi kun- /H Si ±T put-su siong-ha, Jg. i^
pi", divide—, ^° |g° pun pi". ti-th6ng, IE |g ti-sek.

Equivocal, (ambiguous) -^ fH Mm- chh6-g6-.
ht; (language) IS |S siang. Error, M -^ chha-chhok, M ^ ^^ sit-
koan-oe, S" 4° 1^
ff Ii6ag kau chh6.
khd" ^ oe. Eruct, fl-" Pl° phah eh.
Equivocate, •g-fsgH" ham-hS* k6ng.
i," m^M"
Hong W iructtL|*l-°PS>^-^-^-
kha--^-oe, -^ ^Jj" ^' h^m h6- Erudite, fS i^ phok hdk.
Eruption, [on 'skin] W^^ hoat
Jif si. hong-.chhui,jfsi;°iiSang-tidm,(1thing^
Eradiate, |t° ts61i, |J sik. chheng chhut lai, [soldiers] tsong
Eradicate, WL° Wk piiih-kun, m°-^ chhut 14i.
khau-kun, (of disease) ff" ^j^ Erysipelas, than tsu, &° ;§;'' ^g ^
tng-kun. jJt phe-hu e tok iam. #
Erasable, fg" ^ i|E ^ 6e chhat khi- Erythema, U. M
m. Escalade, fQ" M° peh si^".
Erase, W. W chhat-khi, li *" khau- Escape, ^'m. tsau-thoat, E |r thoat-
^o ^o
li, 3l 5^° t6-tsau. ^ ii to-pi, ji
Ere, tai-seng, (sooner than) to-thoat, ^ $t thoat-sin, %° [aI
^'' m° idu-be. tsau-sidm, cannot— % lan-t6,

Erect, (build) m° khi, (stand) :i° — alive, 5^ ^° to-mia.

m" khia-khi,— a hut, ^ '|l tah- Eschew, 1^ M sidm-pl.
(perpendicular) ij g" thdn Escort, (as prisoners)
^f jg" ah-sang,
khia,—a house, m° -If" khi-chhu,
—for protection, jg" ho' sang, ^
flag, m° m
khia-ki,— a stage, of soldiers, Ws Z" ho- oe § M ^
m m' tah-pi°. peng,—guest, •^° A° §° sang lang
Erelong, 4|£o go ^o ^^
j^^ ^^_ kheh.
Eremite, B^ i° A° lin-ku ^ Mng, Esophagus, ^ ^o tsidh-kilg, stricture
f^ it liii-su. of—, :t keh sit,^ ^° ^° ^» £
Ergot, :5' ii- ^ ji°-go- tat. tsidh kfig pif oeh.
Ermine, [fur] M M. &." g6n chhii phg Especial, (peculiar) # gp hi-han,
Err, ^ ^°sit-chh6, ^ ^ chha-biu. (particular) # 1^ hui si6ng.
Errand, [order] [Q- Pff hoan-hii, Especially, ^^ ^ ,^ iah-kin.
[send messager] ^ 1;° chhe-kah. Esplanade, ^: f^.° ;%° chhdu-d-tiii".
Errant, E3
° ^° jl si ko^ ift. Espousal, fli ^° pheng-tia".
Errata )
^° 1^ i." ^° chho- go- g il Espousals, ^ ^° lil hdp hun 6 1^,
Erratum pp |g° in chh6. '"
hun -in.
En-oneous, lt° '^ chh6-g5-,
§g Espose, ?* ;£° ^ ^° ph^ng tia^-tidh, j£
chha-chhok, ^ig-sit-chh6,^°
.1^1 i|teng-chhin,(acause)ui,^o't
— a —
Espy, (unexpectedly) ?S 5° ^° price, ffi il k6--k6,— a rate, ffi ^°
h6ng-hut kliok"-ki", (in the dis- ijl" k6--tsi"-niu°.

tance) ^° ^° ^° ^° hng-ling Estrange, ^^^ ®g° nA°-soe, j^ 'If pok-

khoa''-ki°. ts^ng.
Esquire, ^ A^tai-jin, JE f tsiok-ha, Estuary, H^ kdng, il 0° kdng-kh4u,
li T kok-ha. B P^hai-khau.
Essay, '$M-' biin-tsiu°, moral, % iS Etcetera, iu llfc ff
^n Jffc

35c kkokn se bun. ju chhii, in" Jib" ^° f?°-d.

Essayist, i «• ^° tsii pit 6, if° % ^° Eternal ] ik it

^ng-odn, tl ^S
tso^ bun e. ,
Eternally \-M bu-ki6ng bu tsin,
Essence, ^ tseng, 7^ t| piin the, ;f|
Eternity j life, ^ '^W
^ tseng-khi, (perfume) 0^ bi, for
puddings, '® ^ }^ bin sek iu.
fiff Jf i-td".

Essential, Z^" f^ W boe-bi^n-tit, ^ Ethereal, ^ ^ kiong-chhong, ^ "I*

^ iku-kin. khong-tiong, 5c ^ thien-khong.

Establish,^ :£ ki^n-lip, (confirm)
Ethical,—books, U # i°-l° khokn
#°^M @ h5- i kien-ko-, —govern- sien e chheh, U i£ ^khoan se bUn.
ment, jt W(, V- lip^tseng-su, — Etiquette, M le.

new law, Wt if M siet sin le.

Etymological, f^ ^ ± ^ ^ lun ji ^
Estate,— (patrimon}') M M san- Eucharist, ^ SS boan-chhan.
giap,(property) of kinds, M all

^ ke-hd,— (land and houses) M Eulogise)^!"

Eulogy |tsidng.
m° 0-16, m W po-

m san-giAp, (of the realmj i^

5^" T° Eulogist, ® #° p6-tsidng-^.
M M thi°-e-kok-ka, to mortgage Eunuch, ic ^ thki-kam.
— M MM
,M tien boe san-giAp,
Euphemism, tit° WC Z" W° n6g Sng
to come to man's estate, J^ T g 6e.
Esteem, fj^ S kfeng-tiong, fi M tui-
Euphonic, li "if sun-liu, WW fC

tiong, @° ?3" W bdk lai-u, self—,

bo k(^h kdu.

m W°GB
Euroclydon, '^ tang-pak hong.
@ ^ tsu-tai, :k. @ Bf'1 M toa bak-
Europe II

6^ Au-16-pa-S,
tsiu kho".
European J W"" Sai-iu^
Esther, (book of) i^±f^^;tm I-

su-thiap 6 chheh.
Eurus, ^ JS. tang hong.
Evacuant, (purgative) ?l^°siai6h.
Estimable, WM khd-chhii, rT ^ Evacuate, SX ^
poa° khaug, (quit)
Estimate l^" sAg, —roughly, |^
^% U li-khui.

Estimation f
^° kn-siig,— the quan- Evacuation,
— of bowels, :>i: M tai-

tity, ^ ^'' iJ?" iok tsoe-tsi6,—the pien.

, ,

Evade, (a pursuer) ^° ^ tsdu sidm, ih" iji b6 toa so^ sim.
(a blow) p^ siam, (prevaricate) Evening, Hi" FbI" 6-hng.
m° the. Event, i*:" 15° tai-tsi.^
Evanescent, ii:° HI" *° nd bo khi, #.° Eventually, IE§ 1° l5- b6, M" ;i°
?& li na siau-bi^t, (Heeting) ^^ kail be.
^° pliii-phii. Eventuate, (issue) fg" 18:" M° o& ti

Evangelical, -& WW ±'' M M. tdp kail.

s^ng cbheh ^ to-li. Ever, (at any time) '^° bat, forr —
Eyangelist, JlJi ^° th.o4n to L M jS eng-odn, did you^ —hear, W°
Evangelize, ^MM tho4n to 11, Up "t" W
M." S' li hat thia"-ki"^ mah,
lii "b thoan hok im. (always) JSc Ji tsu-tsu, JJ'';g''tauh-
Evaporable, |^° |S° ^° oe sih. tit. taiih, (eternally) ^< 'M. ^ng-odn,
Evaporate hg |go (without cessation) ^"j^bothSng,
Evaporation '" ^^
Evasion, 3f the, °

^° good
^° ^° b6 hioh,—and anon, W#
t^° the-sij ff ° u sl-d.
at— 1° W 3-° m g^u tig tsih Evergreen, aS" ^o ^^ b6. lak hi6h.
koan. Everlasting, ^< 'M ^ng-o^.
Evasive, f£ ^^iS: thok su k6-. Evermore, ?]< jg eng-oan.
Eve, S ^ Ha-oa, feveningj fg,° f^"' Evert, (turn inside out) K° M° i^
^-hng. p^ng ke 14i.

1 (level) ^'' pl^^ 2|S

^"pi", (smooth) ^°
Jl "pl^-thd" Every, W i"° tak-^,— man, %°

(flat) takMng,— sort, M" M- t4k hangw
g:° kng-tsfig, (equable)
J^ fi un- Everybody, jl" A° tak Mng, # A°
h6, (yet) ^' J, siong-chhid"', [as kok 14ng.
number] [M° W siang siliu, [as Everyday, M H° tdk-jit.
sewing] ^° [as line of sol-
^° ts6e,
Everywhere, 1^ M
t&k s6--tsai, ^
[as sowing
[as a line] ig
seed] ^'^tsi^u, M°

W M° ^' mo4° mod°-si; m° m° si-
koe, 'Mm" ^; thong si hob, E3
W S° b6 nah tsla nah h'ia,—
7\ M si-ui pat tdt.
arranged, W *" W p^i-khl ts6e,
—so, 11 m° fa" Jfb° chhin-chhiu" an
ni,—then, JM St° B$° li^n hit-tiap, Evidence,
—the ?1 ^ pin-kii, witness, T?
authorities, ^ 'g' ^° lien koa° FJE kan-tseng, verbal — , P° ^°
M, [evening] nj° Fsf ^-hng, to
— khdu-keng, rchearse^r-before hand-
m^° kai pi»^ make—, 2|i° phi- did
m m° th6-keng.
not—know, 51 m° i/r- 7*°*B° lien
tsai idh m tsai. Evidently j^ '^^^g' ^^ Wb^ngbgng,
Evenhanded, Si- M kong-to, ||° ^° Evilj^ph^i, [calamity] Ulwatsai-5,
— ,

[depravity] 5|5 siS,,^ — spirits, ^ JP sek k
iau-siS. Exaggerate, p? ^° ho--ham, 3| $f
Eviliilincled, ^ »& phi,i°-gira, *6 hong-tong, B. f^ horig--p6ng.
t6k-sim. Exaggerated, ii° hkto;—talk, igj° |S°
Etil sp'eaking, [slaiidfet] MW inii- hkm-oe, —language, M ^^ hong-
pong. hkm, ll^° ^° ho"-ham, — repdrt, fl
Evince, M ?9 Wen-bSng, ^^ pidu- ^° p6n^-id°.
bSfig. Exalt, [in ratik] ^ p^ kd-seiig, P^ ^
JEviScerate, loe tfig a. sehg kip, p^ j^° seng-ko&i", [elatbd]
Evitable, fg ^ S^° oe bidn tit. Ji Ji i6ng-i6ng, #^
tek-i,— ones
Evoke, [call fdrtli energy] #° # i^ self, Q ^ tsu-ko, [as a nation] #°
^ ho- i tseng-eng, i^° ## Si? ha- # ^ ho- i heng.
i tseiig- sin, —ability, ^ A° ;i° *& Exaltdtion, ^ ^ ko-seng.
^ kbui lang ^ sim-khiku. Examination, ^ kh6, official — H ,

Evolve, [unfold] M' W tbdu-khui, giam, — hall, M ^° k6hg-i'', — for

i° i,T thi-khui, fexpandj ^,° m° degrees, W M° khe-tiu° first— , g#
piak-khiii, (as flower) ^° |^° iS° iU° thdu-tiu°,—for Sewtbi, *J>° gS
:^° nd khui nd tba, (as icbild) ^^i" si6-si.

4z na toa,—as odour, cbbfeng kbi Examine, S° chhi, i^ ^ s^ng-chhat,

mi. — case in court, ^M sim-kn,:—
Ewe, ^° #° iA-'-bii. woiihds, si f^ giam-siong,—-fresh
Ewer, '7iC M° tsiii-pdn, 7JC° ?itsui kokn wounds, .H ^°^
giam chhi" siong,
Fx,— Tao-tai, m° ^ S ku To-tdi, fr —goods, H :K° giam h6, — vessels,

'M M tseng T5-tdi. S IS° giam tsun, —a seal, ^M

Exact ) (accurate) M° ti6h, Ig"
giam hong, — judicially, # ^im,
Exactly [ b6 cbho, (punctual) ^ —minutely^ fij" Wi kau-khkm,
tsiin, ^, H# tsiku si, — one hundred, patients, ^° M M° khok" tseiig-
fe|°^°-°-g°tu-dtsitpah, [precise] thdu, —students, ^ kh6.
M. ^ 11° tsiku tsiin tsin, [compel Examiner, ^^ tsii kh6, literary —
payment] ^ f^ kiori'g th6, [be ex- jp X Customs)
hkk-tai, (in ^W
tortionate] M ^ Mfc-sek, — obe- A° giam h^ Idng, @f5 pong kha.
dience, # ah, — correspond, ^° Example, iu", W
fl ii° b6--iu'',
W §i tii-tu tiii. (illustration) # iff phi-ju, # |i
Exacting, MM khek-p6k, I be^ you phi-ltin.

not to be—, W, If Hong ts^ng. Exasperate, (to anger) 'i^ A° ^° ^

Exaction, ^ij ^ khek-p6k, M ^ l^k- kek Ikng siu-khi, (to hatred) M
sek. A" pi m kek mng oah-hun, A° W
Exactor, [extortioner] Si^#°l^k- g i^ ho Mng ti hun.

Exasperation, ii A° ^^ kek Mng phah hi6ng.
sill khi. Excision, fi] i^° koab kbui, [extir-

Excavate, |g kiit. pation] ill Wi ts^u-bi^t, [excom-

Excavator, ^ Z° A° kiit ^ l^ng. munication] kek. ^
Exceed, M°i§°i^"-k6. Excitability )#E Si thiau-that, ^^ M"
Exceedingly, ts4m-ji6n, ^^ Excitable [ W W ^° k^u kha hi-d

tsin-tsai,:fc' Wo toa-tim, ^ ^ chbiii.

k^k-ki, +" ^° tsap hun. Excite, [incite] j^ |p pdi-long,

Excel, m° ia^ ^° mr ia°-ke, |jc° M° S° io-tsoah, m# iau-l5ng, 1 |^

khah i4°, others, #° thdh. kiau-so, — desire, JJj )5 tong sim,
Exellence, ^ ^ tsin
li6, tsodt ^# [as good news] 'Ifj *& tong-sim,
biau, M5i° ij tsin tiu" h6. sa^h-sim.
Excelled, to be—, i^° p
#° BI° kbit Excitement, [agitation] i6-tong,
i thdh-th^u. [with anger] khi kku kha-chhiii
Excellency, (a title) :k A tai-jin. bah chhoah, [with pleasure] hoa°-
Excellent, |g ^ tsodt biau, +° ^^ bi kku kheh kheh tsiin, [from
tsdp bun b6. ennui] >& 3f ° W M° W sim •
Except, J^$h°i-goa, l^tft, 4S°»°b6 khah oah-tang.
Exclaim 1 ±° s°^°toa sia" k6ng,
.srig, (unless) m^M'nahd.
Exception, —of ^
tu, (to a rule)
Exclamation! of wonder, ^° {f° —
^m ban-h6ng, ^ ^°
tit tu-ti6b.
bdn- WW
ai-ai— of regret, 11° aihM 4°
M-ik, of grief, 1^ ai
Exclude, [not comprehend] f^ it,
Exceptionable, ^1° ^ thang hi^m.
Excerpt, ?| in.
M" %° ^ H° ^^ s£ig tsai lai,
^= [debar from admission) ^° p]"" #°
Excess, i§° FI° kHhau, i§° k^.
giAb, 'm° W ti6ng-poa". ^ A b6 thang ho- i jip, PS jfc #A
Excessive [ ±
i§ tbki k6, i§° BI°
ts6--tsi i jip, (eject from Womb)

Excessively k^-th^u, love, if
^ ffi si'' chhut.
lek-ai. Exclusive, fofj ^ ^° tii-khi, |!i|°

Excbancellor, ft" mM'ku bAk-t^i. ;ffi
^° b6 sng tsai lai, &, 5(h°i-goa,
*° iU khi i-goa.
Exchange, (public hall) #^ h5e 1^, 5ih° tii

koin, to—, m° oa", if ^° tui.oa^

Exclusively, (entirely^ ^ ^ tsoan-
— places, if :g tui-tiau, bill of—,
Excogitate, ^1°
m m° h6e toa". ft iE kfe b6-.
ffi siu"'- chhut, (plan;

Exchange-book, $^ 7K° -1° g1in tsiii

Excommuni'cable, ]|g 3^ ffi oe kek
Exchequer, ^ ^ h6--po-. Excommunicant, ^ K kek
'W- i."
Excise, fi^ hi6ng. impose—, fj° ^ chhut 6 14ng.
— ,

Excommunicate, 3^ ffi kek-cliliut. Executioner, M° •? ^ kui tsii siii,

Excoriate, f }^° pak ph^, (abradej

ij 7IJ
^° to p6- sill. ^
m &° Ini ph^. Execution-ground, IJc" Jl" kah tiu°,

Excrement, M" sai, W piin- fe Jft" hoat-tiu".

Excrementitious, 5g° ^° fi5° ii sai ^. Executive, (smart) ^ ^ chhiukhoki,

Excrescence, M ^ kiet liii. Ifi j^° liam-tsiap, — council, |g lii

Excruciate, (torture) M M t^ng- ^° gi tsfeng k(^k, — council for a

hodt, ftorment) ^ ^ kh6--chh6-. province, © W. rI° 3^ tok-bii si to.

Excruciating, M "B thbng kli6- Executor, ?e « » S ^°'f;)t°;t° A°

Exculpate, fanotherj #° A * SI Bfc°
kau-tai tsi^ug-li ke-he & Mng.

thoe lang s6e sin ^° A mW li,

ka lang sik tk^ roneself) ||° A"^

Exemplar, ^i: -;^ khoAn-sit, i| Bl°
BJ ka-ki pi4u-b^ng, g° Q° U°
pan-th4u, ^ -^^ th(^ sek.
ka-ki sik ta°. Exemplary, (commendable) ?r° W
Excusable, |g° l § ©" oe kboan-
M° thang 0-16, (serving as a
i6ng tit.
Excuse, (^overlook; If, 'If liongts^ng,
model) C
i^° A° ;t° a° thang ^
ts6e lUng ^ bo'-iu".
make— ,^°^°tbe-si, ^^cbbui-ui, Exemplify, BJ piau-beng. ^
(acquit of guilt) 44° ^: |p A° b6 Exempt, bien. #
tsek-tsoe lang, —me for leaving, Exemption-certificate, (foreign pro-

^ I© sit p6e, —me for knocking duce) %

1: ft 11° bien tiong teng
against you, Z>° ^° M° m tsai- toa°.
tbau, (release by favour) #" A° % Exercise, (a lessonj X° ^° kang-ti^°,
ho- l^ngbien, — me for some breach ('usej M° eng, (carrying out into
of etiquette, ^if sit-le, — one's self, action; fr" kia° take—, ff ° B. ki^"-
(in exculpation; ^ S" ^ Dp ka ki sod, fT°^° kia°:kia", (practise)
hun so-, plausible — ^ ^ il" IS"
, i^ lien, (as soldiers) 3^° chhau,
ien bun e oe. ^° ^ chhau-lien.
Execrable, vi M" kh6-6-°, W "1:^ kh6 Exert, # ;i: boat hiin, ^ if chhut
hun. 14t, — one's self, % ^ sia sin, ffi ^
Execrate, fabhorj M ^° ikm-^-"' (cur- ::ft''
chhut khiii-lat, — his strength,

sej 5E, M MP ffy° :fy^ theng i-e Idt.

Excursion, [for pleasure] f5 t&° ki&" Exfoliate, (as bone)

—° ^° — ° M°
iu, (digression) b6 o& t6e, 4S° fS M •^° tsit te tsit te lak.

bo oa i. khi, from, the

Exhalation, M —
Execute \ —
a matter, J5&_° tsi&°, ground, ± th6- khi. M
Execution J a person, -^i] SM" th4i- Exhale, Pft ffi piln- chhut, flower —
th^u. chh^ng- chhut.
Exhaust, (as W£tter from well) t^° Exit, {ii *° ckiiut-khi.

M° M
chhiu" kail tsin, i^- m° t£° Exodus, HJ chhut, book of — , ffi ^
chhiii" kau ta, fas strength^ ^° ffi ]K IE chhut-ai-kip ki.
M lat chhut tsin, B ^ ^° :fj'' sii Exonerate, [from responsibility] ^°
tsi bo lat, (as patience ) '[f tseng- ^ ^° ^' ^°o i^" h5- i b6 tai-tsi,—
tSiii, (one's resources^ ^E /^ b6 p5'. from blame. |S°^^ b6 tsek tsoe.
Exhausted, ft siau, ^ tsin, "X liau, Exorabie, ^ |g° 7# kiu oe tsiirt.

ftiredj sien-siih, Ji.° jjiif s£g-sin, Ji° Exorbitant, — price, ^ ^\> ^ hun-
11" i^-lai.
gda-kiii, H hi6ng, [excessiv-e] ^
M" ij" ti6h Ut, Ji.° S* tsin, i^" l^" ke-th^u.
siig sin.
Exorcise, ^° ^ kod°-kui, ;§: 5£ liain
Exhaustion, (of strength) ^° j[;°^ tsiii, (a housej 5l 515 S Jt° tiok sia
khiii Idt tsin, (of spirits^ ^^ ig koa° kiii.
tsin sit tsi, tsin chhin sim.
Exorcism, ^° 5U jt° fi koa°si4g boat.
Exhaustless, ^ ^ boe tsin.
Exorcist, Sj|i° A°kdd°-kiii^milg,
Exheredation, M" iJC B" ^'' M# 6^
tE ±sai-kong.
^° ke-he b6 l^u ho- i e kid°.
Exordial, [introductory] M° 1$ tMvL-
Exhibit, M H^ hi(^n-b^ng,
—goods, su.
m p^i. Exordium, g|° ^ thaii-sii.
Exhibition, (universal) ^^ # s6 hoe,
(display) ngia°.
Exotic, m M" mm sr td pit kok
Exhilarate,, f#°

A" |^° ^ h5- Mng

l^i-e, ^° ^ 2p: S&° ef i5 si f)un
toe e.
hoa"-hi, #° A" 'K° fg° ho- l^ng
khoa^-oah. Expand, |£!i° phong, [by blowing] U
^° '6* ti!i pun ho* i phong, [open]
lo thi6ng-16k.
Exhort, kbig. ^ US" kh6--kh{ig,
fM" khui, [enlarge] ^° v^' khui-
— to virtue, ^ # khokn-sien. khoah, [as wood] fg :f: 6e toa, [as
Exhumation, ^ ^ chhien ts6ng. elastic] #°chhun.
Exigence, g
§; kin-kip.
Expanse, [wide] %° khok°-khag, ^
Exigency, (thing) M^. :t°^ kln- [firmament] kiong-chhong. %^
^ su (time) ig J^ Jl# chhiet ^
Expansive, tg° ,5,° oe ph6ng.
iau e si. Expatiate, ^ M kdng-lun; [extend]
Exigible, tg° M H:" oe th6 tit. ^ jE khok-chhiong.
Exile, (anj S 3E liu-hoan, if: M Expatriate,
/f{ 3£ ^ chhiong-kun.
ig"kek-chhut kok g, to — 3£ ^ Expect
, f ^° li^u-bang, ^ 1 p " M"
chlyong-kun. Expectation jig-bang, beforehand,
Exinanition, ^ ^^ sit khi. il M" pan-phe, M° phai-phe. ^
Exist )^ si, ;M° u, (live)
Existence) o4h.
fg- Expectorate, P^ khak-thim. ^
Expectoration, ^° khi-th^m. ^
— —
Expedient, [device] ft^ k^-tij [fit] Expiatory, — sacrififce, M ^ ^'' ^
-^ ^° hdp-sit. si6k tsoe § ts^.

Expedieacy, [fit] ^ ^ hdp-sit. Expiration, (hrseathing out) fS Hi

Expedite, ^° kod",
j& pek. chhodn chhut, a long—. Hi" ^°
Expedition, [Haste] kin,— of dis- ^ tit khiii, (death) JE" si, ii° ^ kh-
covery, ^ ^ M° khi tham kliok". 6ng, ("end; M° b^, %oki, m&
Expeditious, M kin, M kin-khoai.
Jfl. b6ng-p6k.
Expel, m'^ f>ek-ti6k, ^° m k(Sa°- Expire, (breathe out) P^ [f{ chhodn-
ti6k, ^ kek,— damp, Ife 7^° sia- chhut, ("die; fi" ^f" tng-khtii.
tsili, — evil. 111 gi$ kliinsi^. Expired, (died) M° ^° si lah, fas
Expend, ^ khai, JS" eng,—money, leasej ^ p^" moa kn.
§^ fiif khai siau, (wa;ste') $i° s^g, Expiscate, chhim.
(spend time) W Bt eiig-si. Explain, 15?° BJ k6fe-b^ng, M" W"
Expenditure, ^ ft s6' hiii, Wi K k6e-seh m' W khui-thiah; gg M
khai htii. khai-kdi.
Expense, 0f R s6--htii, — of journey, Explanation, |g B^ kang bfeng; come
!^ 1 15- hhi, WWvoa^tsW to an ,:k''M°^"^° tai-ke hua he.
Expensive, (lavish) :^°^ S toa Expletive, M %° hu-ji.
khai hiii, 0f * :k° s6- hui toa Explicate^ ?§ W k6e b^ng.
^ ft fi a: s6- hiii siongrtiong, Explicit, BJ BJ i& & beng-b^ng-p^k-
fft tK siong-pun, 0f < 1:° s6--hiii p^k.
tang, (dear) :^ kiii. Explode; ^"^toa", piak-khui, piak-
Experience, man of—, W. ^ lien-tat, phok.
^° m lau-piln, (trial; U M" chhi- Exploit, j^ '^•&''9- s^ng kong 6 sii.

kh^a",— sorrow, li'it^ 'Ifibathoin- Exploration!^

" thkm khok°.
16j ("make practical acquaintance Explore j

withj H" hat, ^° tsai, i^ ii" keng- Explosion, piak-phoa, piak-khui.

kh. Exponent, [in algebra] If ^kui-s6-.
Experienced, ^° H Idu-lien, ^° :$: Export, K° liJ P°h^ chhut khdu,—
Mu-piin, iE° ^ sek h^ng, 4n° ^° duty, tij P° flp] chhut-khdu hi6ng,
tsai-id", ^ i}° lien-s6k.
—duty receipt, JiJ P" i^ J|t chhut
Experiment, aS S° chhi-khok". khauho siu, % R";S)lt°P° m°
Expert, ffi°||°liam-tsidp. M ^- kin- chhut khau e chhng khdu toa",

chhiii,— in business, fg ^ l^ng- certificate, JlS:^°l|° siu-sfe-toa",—


duty memo, ffl P" %' K" ;2:°

kan, ( skiUftil )Wi°^° koai"-chhiu,
^° tsai-ia", ^ E ko-kien. JH ^° chhut khdu lai toe h^ 6
Expiate,—guilt, i56 H" s6e-tse, Jt P giam-toa".
Exportation, ttJ fl" cbhut-khdu.

Exports, fflP°:K° chhut-kMu h6, tA, ^ ?S cbbat-siau.
K° ffl P" b6 chbut kbdu. Expurgate, [as book] iJ ^ san-tii.

Expose, (exhibit^ #p p&i, (divulge) Exquisite, fl kek-biau, (extreme) # ,

tbub-pboa, (as wrong^ B^ hien- li k^k.^

beng. Exsanguious, ^° jfil" b6 buib.
Exposition, EA" P^ k6e-b^ng, [com- Exscind, (cut off) ff if" koab-tng,
mentary] |£ ^? tsu-kdi. (from fellowsbip) i^ kek;
Expostulate, ^ fj^
kh6--kbfig. Exsertile, W." $fC ffl oe thong chbut,

Exposure, M ?S lo'-bien, ^ ffi l6' tb" tt ffi oe tb6- cbbut.

cbbut, nortbern,- IbJ :lb° bi6ng-
Exsiccant, tf f#° P
^° oe ho- i ta.

pak, — to tbe sun, #° H W bo--

Extant, pj; ^ s6'-tsun.

jit pbak.
Extempore, M
^ ffll' sun cbbiii k6ng.
Expound, ^° k6e-seb, f?' BJ kde-
Extend, vfl" A" kboab-toa, ;;^ kbok- ^
chbiong, —as time, J; |Jc :J^° liong-
kbah kii, [as arm] {^ chbun, [as
Express, fplain) 0IJ Bfl b^ng-b^ng,
a line] ^° khan.
[speak] =§' k6ng, fdenotej ^| tsi,
Extensive ®° kbok", kboan-
Eo ki, (purpose) #° ilJ: :^ ti^u- Extensively khoab, y^'%f^'

:^>;" kboab-
k6--i, —
messenger, £[$' tbiau- ^ toa, M 'IS

k6ng-khoab, [as busi-

cbbe, [squeeze out] nib.
ness] Jz toa, (as correspondance)
Expression, (utterance^ If UJ k6ng-
^i^^tS ^° 6ng M phoe sin tsoe.
cbbut, common — W^
f^" pien-thb
Extension, (act of extending) f$
oe,[pbrase]'Fi]ku,f of countenance)
cbbun, (in length) ^' ^° khah
W^ bln-kboan, U" J^ bin-heng,
tSg, (of timej ^ ^° khah kii.
IS" ^ bin-sek, $^ ^ sin-cbbAi. Extent, (sizej toa, (length) ^°
Expessive, — face, ^" ^ u sin


cbbai,— word, '^''

^ ;t° IS"° bdb Extenuate Kpalliate) ^^ M° II''
kodn ^ 6e. Extenuation [the kbab khin, (dimi-
Expressionless, (no term) ^° nish) ^ Jl^'kbab kiAm.
b6-jT, [countenance] ^° $^ ^ b6 Exterior, ^h° goa, ^y ^° goa-bin.
sin-cbbai. Exterminate, fij M tsau-biet, M ^°
Expressly, !{#° f^' ti^u-ti, #" iK :t biet-bo, M IS bi^t-tsoat.
tii,u-k6"-i. Exterminated, (persons) ^° M° si-
Expugn, (take by assault) 1$: Jj ts^h, (things) M -^ bi6t-khi. .

kong-ta", (conquer) i&lj ^^ tbai- External ^° &°

1 cere- —
Externally monies, ^\>° }^° ;^° if
j ^
Expulsion, ^ ffl kek-cbbut, M° ffl goa phe e le-s6.
k6a° cbbut. Extinct, [as a light] %%" ^° sit-khi,
Expunge, il e^ san-kai, iJ ^ san- (as a family) ^^ ts^h.

Extinguish, M" toa, Jj"
^° phah- ^> It ok-chhok, —wicked, ti "^
hoa, JT 1^° pliah-sit, Jc° pun-lioa, H h6ng-gek.
— a conflagration, i!c ''K kiii-h^. Extremes, ji" Sl° ke-thau.
Extinguisher an, Jf "X: %° teng-h^- Extremities, 13^ su tsi.

tk, ^° M fig niaii°-chhu-oan. Extremity, fof bodyj ^" 1° kha W

Extirpate, (destroy) flj M ts^u- chhiu b(^, (of a covintryj 13 65° -fl
biet, [root up] ^ ijg; piiih kun, pij"
kok e kek mfig (of peril) ^
li" }^ khau-kun, r^ tsin hong-hidm, [on verge] lllli

Extol, m
Pf chheng-ho-, H" 0-I6. W
1^ biam-hiam. ^
Extort '\W.° lien, money, — ^
#, Extricate, [free from bonds] Iku-
Extortion lek-sek,
^Ij iij khek-pak, khi, ^° I'it khi, [as difficul- W
oai-^ tsi", ti A° M° lien-lang-tsi", ties] Wu m thoat-ii. A." -g^" m" #
[gain by force] ^^?S 11' sAi ki6ng ^ S^ m sAi ho- i kau-ti% fJ^° A°
liong, — confession by torture, ffl°
JK id ho- 14ng oe thoat-ll, 7(->°

JiiJS"f^.'''gfp;2 engheng khu h5- i jin. ^ boe ti" sin.

Extra, ^3 5h° leng-goa. Extrinsic, (not in a body) |S°^£ P^°

Extract, ifl ffi thiu-chhnt, ^ iij piiih-
bo tsai-lai, (external) ^V goa, $b°
chhut, — thorn, giah-chhi. ll° goa-bTn.
Extraction, (lineage) IS: .^ se he, Extrude, g" koii"-chhut.

teeth, W^ "if ban

Exuberance \ M ?^. hong-seng, g
a corn, ift M '
S'f siu kha-lan. Exuberant | ^ chhiong-seng, fof
Extradition, III- M" S W Ji 311 tiii foliage) ]g| ^. bo--seng.
pAtkok th6 to-hoan. Exudation, ffi lau-chhut, [of W
Extramundane, m Pal ^ ^V s^-kan perspiration] ?F' lau-koa". W
i-goa. Exude, ^° ffi
lau-chhut, fi ffl siam
Extraneous, tl" ffi P^° bo tsai-lai,
^a" =p f$ bo kan-siap. Exulcerate, ^° '^° si°-chhng, ^° ^°
Extraordinarily ? ^ 'li ki-koai, # si" thik°.
Extraordinary" S% hui-siong, (fa-

^^VM M- kek goe

vour) si un, Exult 1% ik '^ M iong-iong
Exultation tek i, 'A" M ke-i, fu |^'
most—bad, ^ W- iau-giet.

Extravagance 1 ^ f^ chhia-clihi, ?1 Exiistion, i)^" sio.
Extravagant \W Wi lam-tsii khai. Exuviae, Bt th,^g-khak. ^
Extravasate, 1^° pkng, [as blood]
Eyas, boah-hioh-d, boah hi6h kid".
li° jSi" pkng huih
bak-tsiu, pupil of—, 0°
Extreme, ;g kek, U% kek-ki, fa Eye, 0"
0J1I M^ ff°

bak tsiu ^ng-d jin,— t

31° tsTn th^u.
SI' kek-thau, ffi

ke-thiu, kfe-kong, ball, @°0,^t: bak-tsiu jin, white

Extremely, ii° SM '

—alike, HS M siong-su,— dirty. of the—, Wm ^° t. bak-tsiu


jin, socket of — ,
g° W b^k-u Eyesore, '1'^° gin, an —to me, 'IK W
m g" Mk-tsiu khang, @° gin g6a.
BMif^" bdk-tsiu (5a%—lashes. 0°^^ Eyetooth, ^mW ge-ts6 khi.
^° b4k-tsiu mfig,— lid, g" m &° Eyewitness, M U° W chhin bdk
bdk-tsiti phe, —
brows, @° ^° bdk khoa°.
bM, outer corner of the — ,
g" ^^ Eyry, Ji° Wo tsidu siu.
— MU"W
bAk-b^, deep set ,
chhim Ezekiel, [book of ] J^ i^ W I-se-kiet
bdk inflamed — M, B° hong-
u, ,
6 chheh.
bak,— red with drink, B°MiL° Ezra, (book of) J^ ± PJ I-su-lat g
bak-tsiu 4ng, — dim, @° Bi ^=' chheh.
b^k-tsiu ng, ^^ ien-ng,— !t@ ins-
truments, m° @°P ;^° §§ il° koah
bak-tsiu § khi-khu,— shade, @^P # # phi-ju.
5l bdk-tsiu jia, —of needle, $[ ^° Fable,
Fabric, (as cloth) ^ |p p6'-sin, ^
tsiam-phi",—for^a hook on a dress,
i^° ii° @ kau-d phan,— for a but-
^°p6--bah, (building) ^^ e^°s6
ton on a dress, iH -ff" |9 lii^-a
Fabricate, (invent) St ^H t6"-tsoan,
phkn, —
on a peacock's tail, JL 'M
(as cloth) tsit. ^
M" i.°M kh6ng chhiok b^ 6 g^h, Fabulist, M° th i:° A° tsofe siaii ^
— of a potatoe, #" H" han- soat e lllng. S
ts4 bdk, have an^-on, care for M Fabulous, ^ ^ hbrlg-t6ng, M ip|

k6-, see with half an — , lio tsiu j# hong-sin-toan, BJ Pf ^ ^b6ng-

tsai, to — , i± ipili
J° tsii sin khoa". b6ng-biau bi4u.
Eyebolt, Wi° M thih kho-, fi" ^'thih Face, g°bln, shape of — , 'g '^°bin
khoan. b^, ruddy—, ^° ^1° ^° bin ^ng gg,
Eyebrow, @° )m° bak-bM, arched — long— -g"
^; :1° bin b^ tfig,
g° Jm" W
bdk-bM-oan. round and full—, li° fl" ^3° ':^'>
Eyelash, 0' M
^° bak tsiu miig. bin b^ si pang,: to —
l!° tng-

Eyeless, M" g° b6 b4k tsiu. ^ bin, lie—up, BC M° ^-

^° khang.
Eyelet, khioh chhi6, to — as a
Eyelid, U°^&° Uk tsiu ph^,— red, ig th6-li, (on side of a dress) ^°
@ Sif ^ fiitf bak-tsiu ham ham. ifl khan thiu, (oppose with firm-

Eyesalve, @°ig°baki6h. ness) kap i tu, (stand opposite

Eyeservice, III' M°W pho'-bln-than, to) m" m 11° khia tM-bini—With
^° "S° X° :^ tng bin kang hu, H" stone, il /^° pho-tsi6h.
ilt W ff ;S° X ^ tsoe bin tsSng 6 Faceless, f^° M" b6 bin.
kang-hu. Facet, [as of a diamond] — ° |S° tsit
Eyesight, @° |^ b£k-sek. bin.
Facetious, ^ ||° ^° ai k6ng chhio, Faeces, [ordure] W° s4i, [settlings]
#° M ""i gau soat clilii6ng, W° P m° -B" tse-tai.
M u,-kh6" tarn. Fag, ^° ^^ tlioa-b6a.
Facile, § ^ iong-i". Fagend, [as of a rope] ^° B" >i°
Facilitate, #° -fi* ic° K to* i khah
pbai" soh bd, [as cloth] ^i" ^° ^
khoki. p6' be phdi".
Facing, iSj ng, |bJ hiong, — upwards, Fagged, M° fil° ia-sien, ^° ti" ia-ldi.
IrJ H iig-teng, of a dress, ^ i^ Fagot, —" fiS" ^° tsit p6 chha.
tli6-li, (on side of a dress) i^°ifi Fail, [as in business] ^ soe. -gij to,

khan-thiu. li'' j^ bo s^ng,—in duty, ^ M sit

Facsimile, # f^° tiii tang. tsit,—halfway, ^^ i» W M° *°
Fact, fan actj ^ ^' i,"'^ so ki^" e pok° tiong tfig soah khi.
su, ^ 'If su_tseug, ft i^ tseng-iu, Failing, [fault] M. ^ toan-chhti, ^
(of a case) -^ if sit-tsdng, (reality) ^ pe^peng.
X^ sit su. Failure, ^ JiJ4 b6 s^ng, (in business)
Faction, ^ tong. M to, (of the crops)^ sit-siu, 115:

Factious, ^ ^a ^ ai kiet tong, [tur- (in duty) ^ ;$ :^ sit piin-htin.

bulent] ^ ^ % ai chlii6ng sQ. Fain, (glad;) M S hoa°-hi, (apt)

Factitious, ® ^ tsoe-e.
Factor, agent— iX H tai-pan, f^ S,
Faint, (as sound) Wl Wl bi-bi, (as
^'' U g^ h^ng.
tai-li, colour) ^^ phii-phu, (weak)
Factorage, ifl FI° thiu tliau. H" Mm, ic II loan-jiok, to—, W
Factory, fj hang. ^° hun-khi, ^ ^° sit-khi, 5f° *
Factotum, ^S# ts6ng 11 L ^ ^ ^^ hun-lun sit-lit khi.
Faculty, [ability] fg # Igng-kkn, Fainthearted, |Sl°J|B° bo ta", [deject-

^ fg tsai-tiaii, [knack] ^ 315 ed] m !& loe-tsi.

tseng-kong. Faintly, [feel^le] |^° H loan-ji6k,

Facundity, P" :^ kbau tsM. (languid) ^''^'' sien-sien.

. Faddle, fiddle— m fA Mn-tam, m° Fair, [a market] ^ hi, [just] ^2g"
ff fg° eng-a oe. kong-pi" 2|5''jE''pr-tsik",^^kong-
Fade, ^
sia, (as cut flowers) Bt°p6-, to, :^ ^° kong-pl°, ip Ji ho- to,—
— as colour, M° ^ th^-sek, —as price, ^MM" kong to ke, — deal-

picture, ^ M sit-tsin. ings, in business, M° M." ^ ?^° l><5e-

Faded, [as flower] M sia, [as a cut boe kong-pi°, wind, —sun M M
flower] p6*, — in appearance, B° hong, [as weather] Hf ^° h6 thi°

m" kii-siu°, ^° if 'Jta b& sin ien. [pretty] M° siii, [as skin] ^^ peh,
Fadeless, [as colour] /(i°W^ ^oe [as promises] M ^° h6 thia°, [up-
the-sek, [as flower] ;F°|Uboe sia. right] jE Wl° ts^ng-tit, (plain) m
beng, (candid) jl^ It ti4u-tlt, ^° kiong tso iu kjig.
M° ^ b6 khiig-pa-, (reasonable) Fallow, fi" ;^° pha-hng, [colour]
^° 'If W. u tsSng-li,—view, M" ^° ^°K° chhi6-rig.
Ji II khok^-M" hien-hien, comple- Falls, S khkm.
xion, 1^° peh. False ^^"ke, M° ^° b6-i4", ^°
Fairly, (justly) ^ ^ji" kdng-pl", Falsely 5^°®° 'bo id° tsiah,—doc-
(pretty well) |^ bdng. trine, 2g ^ ^ ts6-to r.toan,-

Fairy, 1ilJ sien. story, :^ ^ hong-t6ng,—charge,

Faith, ^ sin. % W hiii-pong.
Faithful, (keeping treaty) ^ $5 Falsehood, ^° M° peh-chhat.
tsiku-iok, (loyal) ^ ^ tsin-tiong, Falsify, |iJ#°^at°^chh6ngho-ib6
[to duty] 1^ Si jin-tsin, (as wife) sit, [accounts] m° M.° phong-siau.
IE M. ts^ng-keng.
Faithless, [unbelieving] ^° ^
Falter 1 (speak) m° T»° H ffi

k6ng boe chhut chhui,

iii Faltering J
sin, [not faithful] M° ,g, b6 ^
tih-tilh, (totter) Si'^kha chhoah,
tsin tiong. 111° ^ Jh° ij° kha b5e tsih Idt.
Fake, —
° ffl tsit khiin.

Fakir, PU ^
Fame, ^° m° mia-sia", ^
M ±° ft" 1^'° Ki-to- kok sek.
Ung.' ^
6 h6-siu".
Falcon, 1; '^° eng-tsidu.
Famed, far—, ^ i^ B B b^ng i6ng
su hd.i.
Falchion, tS ^ 7J i<^n godt to.
Fameless, »,° ^° M° b6 mia sia".
Fall, [thing] ka-laiih, [person] Wi°
Familiar [intimate] ^° f£l° s^k-
m poah-t6,— into, Fg W ham-16h, Familiarity

/fa ^°
—away as a bank, ?[^° odh, — off,
) sai,

^ «t
iE khoki tsiu
as hair, *° lut-khi, let—,
too—4^° 1^ ^ b6 jln hun.
phah ka-laiih, — in price, -^° M° Family, ^° ke,
A ^° jln-ke, P ft"
lak k^, — headlong, ^° S: ^° chhi"
tsin pik", — over, as a stone, ||°
khau-tsku, —property, ^°i| ke-

W that-poah,— into, Wi ^ podh-


16h, —to pieces, fi° -ff"

^° Hn-d Famine,, i| 3|g° ki-hng.

lak,— into ruins, ilt" JI" phoa sAg,

Famish, ^ ^° go-si, ^° 5E° iau-si.
—as rain, -^ 16h, — out, quarrel, Famous, ^° ^° ^° u mi^-sia", ^° ffi

% M° oan-ke. chhut-mi4, ^3 bAn-b^ng. ^

Fallacious If m%°'9. ts^ng-li b6 Fan, p° si», feathered—,
j 'm° li- M
Fallacy J

Fallibility, ir -^^^ ^^ oe in ti6h.'

si^ paper—, m° tsoa si°, fine
palm-leaf—, ^J -^ M° iii khe si",
Fallible, tg" ^° oe-chh6.
coarse palm-leaf—, fl •^° ^°
Fallopian tubes, •? ^^
;& 1=° tsu chho- khe-si".
Fanatic \^ *° i: }§ sin-khi thai gjfi -If teng b^ t6e sai-hti, (veteri-
Fanatical, jk6, ^ m" M" M° sin kku nary surgeon) ^ J||o :t°^^°i be
k^ th^u. e sien-si".
Fanciful, m" M tr B° liab bong Farriery, g ,^° ^^ i b4 boat.
lidb id", M © B M- cbbi su bdng Farrow, (a litter) — fj |^ tsit siu
si6ng, Wi. %° iau-siu". ti, —i ?t tsit kiin ti, to—, ^°
Fancy, (imagination) -t ^ A ^ Jt ff si" ti-A.

cbbit cbboan pat tat, (whim) % Farther, |Jc it" kha bng.
'^° koai-pbiab, (goods) ^ ^ Farthest, ^ it° k^k hng, ± m.°
- sek p6". siang bng.
Fane, M° bio, *° keng. Farthing; B^M sii kii lui, ^^ dSi

Fang, ^° gS. poa° tsiam.

Fangless, ^° W° bo g^. Fasces, li° i^ tin-tiku.
Fanner, MM
bong-kui,Ei^ bong-k6-. Fascinate, failure) ii ^° be kbi,

Fanning mill, ti bong-kui.M (as by music) ^° I* *° M tbia"

Fantastic, (person) T^ g jS°.A'' k6- kak sin kbi, (as a snake) ^ ?^

koki e lang,—action, -^ # ±° E gfo^^ui-b^ng bah ti6b.
fr" k6-koki ^ s6- ki&,°. Fascinating, (person) S!° A°^ u
Fantasy. ^ ®°"iau-siu°. Mng ien.

Far, ^° bng. Fashion, ^° iu°, modern fl# ^ si — ,

Farce, >h ISl'' ff ° siaii cbbut.a. tse, old— j-S" ^° ti° k6- laub pbauh.
^° -S-" M" bo bab
Far-fetcbed, toe. Fashionable, I|t f5° sl-kia", B| U: si-

Farcical, ^^ b6 cbbio. khoan, fl#^°si-iu°, —form of dress,

Fare, (bire) M" se, (food) 4;)^° '^ be- flt M si-phki, —doctor, g# W sl-i.

sit, common — UM ,
pien-cbbki, Fast, (stickj |i& tilu, (quick) M°kin,
—dainty, ^H tin-siu, S P^ngo'bi fsteadfast/^ ^ kien-k6-, (faith-

Farewell, Wi" chbid^ ful, as a friend) ^° 'If ^ u tseng-

Farinaceous. ^" ft" ^° ml tsofe 6. gi, to—, iS ^0 kim-tsidh.
Farm, H" cbbkn-tsng, 0°
j£° Fast-day, ^ M 'M''l:t° H kim tsiah e

cbUn-gi4b, to— ,^° #° tseng-tsoh jit-

Farmer, f^°|a° tsob cbbaa l^ng, Fasten, (by bolt) fS" cbbok", (by

m° M° M^ tsob sit 6, 16ng-bu B*
chain) ^lien, (by lock) ^tsoan,
Farm-house, m° A° ^° )i° tsob^ (by tying) ^° pdk, (as door from
sit l&,ng ^ cbhii. moVing) |ij M~& ;£ocbh6ng ho- i

Farmost, f| - it° te it bng, ±° it° fcia", (make firm) M°^ 1^° bo- i

siang bng. tiau.

Farrago, ff ° il° tsdp mib. Faster, i^°^ khah-kin.

Farrier, (shoer of horses) if ,^° U Fastidious, H" %" M°M oh-tit kah i.
11° ©° # fC° S oh tit i hoa"-hi. Fatten, |sl° BE" chhi-pui.
Fasting, 15^°^;^° teh kim-tsiah. Fatty, ii iu.

Fat, IE" pM, M- II h6-hkn. M ^S hok- Fatuity, [foolishness] ^ gong.

si6ng, pliauh, very— , BE" Jg' Jli° Fault, M^ ke-sit, ;$^ f|° sit chhb,
pui lut-lut, [oil] rS iu, ^° |^° pt^h W^ pe-peng, ^° ^ m^u-peng,
bah, leaf—, U
'M-'"Si pan M iii. pardon a — , g^ >§, khai-un.
Fatal, |g° fi ^ oe siong beng, tt° Fauk-fihding, ^° tl" U kau chhoa°
fi ^ oe tibeng, th" ^° oe si. chhi, ^° S"^" chhe khang-phang.
Fate, ^° mia, iX 45: khiap-s6-, one's Faultless, ^° ^° #^ b6 mau-peng.
— ^° 5l ji-un,—is bad, ^ m^° Faulty, u pe-peng, >t° €"
beng t6- pbdi", [bard] ^^ iSr° ^^ u mau peng, ^° u chho- ^^
plidi" mia. go- /|"° T>° M" u is tidh, ^° ^ H
Fated, W ±° fli ^° ^° 16h th6- si u chha-chhok.
tiri"-ti6h, -^ E° tsu-tia°, j£ it Favour, ,i. un, ,i, M un-tien, B If
teng-s6'. un-tseng, A 'If jin-ts^ng. Imperial
Father, <C pe, ^ ^° lau-pe, j(g° :^° — , S (1. hong-un, 5c *1< thien un,
niu-pe, lau-se, step — ,
^° <|i° requite — , fg ^ ,§, p6-tap un, ask
au ^° ^° aii pe, Heavenly
tsek, a—, M If kiu ts6ng, M A 'If tho
— 5c° ^° Thi" pe, [adopt] |i]
, jln-tseng, do a f^° '[f tso6 tseng. — .

chhong, ^° ill". Favourable, [propitious] |M sun,

Father-in-law, [wife's father] ^° Ji M sun-sun, Ji ^ sun-si6k, ;?
A" till" Mng, [husband's father] 55 heng-thong —prognostic, M
m" f ^° t° ta-koa°.
ke-koa", ^ siong-sui, || || tseng-si6ng.
Fatherland, fi ^^ tsd- ke, g Favoured, — ^ A #°
:2js; ill ,
piin kok. well — ^J A #° h6-jin-tsM.
ts^i, -,

Fatherless, ^° ^^ :5C'' 6^° bo lau-pe Favourite, % ^ tek-thiong.

e, E ^ ko--pln. FaWn, a— M f^l^k-d, to— ^° |6°
Fatherly, m° ffl" ^° chhin-chhiii" pe. pho'-thA", •[$ 1ft siap-se, fl ||
Fathom, ^° siam, to iT y]^° 'g —
,thid,m-bl ^° ^° ph6--siing,
, —upon,
phah tsui to, ;tf ft' tham ^
M° phoan.
chhim khin. Fay, [fairy] sien. Jilj

Fathomable, tt,° fS° HC" M" ^° oe Fealty, |g ti4u-kun. g

phah tsiii t6 tit. Fear, m° kia", :^ ui.
Fathomless, ^° B" bo to(^, Z" tf° Fearful, ||° kia", [not enterprising]
yK° 11° =^° boe phah tsiii t6 tit. 11° ^> koe-sun, nih kia" si pkng
Fatigue, M" iK f^" sien. kia° pe.
FatKng, BE° ±° ^° f-f
° piii ^ gu-d. Fearless, M° m° b6 kia", ^° ||° in-
Fatness, BE" pui, SE° 3f ° pui-phi^ng. kia". — of death. %° lg° ap° i^.
,, —
kia°-si. tsi^t, ^° gf!5 3i° b6 &\k pbiah.
Fearnaught, ^ jtf 53° tsin-hd-td". Feed, 13° chhi.
Feasible, m° lu° 35 ts6e oe M. Feel, ^° bong, (know) 5ai° tsai,-—
Feast, il W pan toh, H M —
i^n-sidh, hungry, ^° ^^ tsai iau, pulse,^°
tl ^f — day,
i6n-toh, W bong m^h, 15° hoa°-m6h,
tsoeh, ?^o
Sf »
prepare a— i|°|f pan-toh, make
^° —miser- pain, ffi° tsai thiL",

a— t^ , —of tombs,
ti siet-i^n, ^°^ kh6-,— t^° able,'^ tsai for things,
BJ chhi"-mi4°,— of JU "^ ^° jtm — ashamed,
lanterns, poeh 'I^° 12°
go^n-siau, X siong-go&n, wed-
J: — ^^ ^ khin-sang, — si fresh, for
ding—, mM^°^ W hun-in the dark, |g ^° km bong ^ in J3?° sa,

ien-si^h, — kdm un, —vexed, obliged, Ji >i,

Feat, Hlf ^° s6-ki&", J^ ^ ;i° » % ^P'^ ut-tsut, chhiah-iah, — un-

s^ng-kong ^ su. comfortable, •p" @ ;5d iii tsii-ju,

Feather, ^° mng,
king fisber's :<P° iii ai.
— ^
% ^° cbhiii-mng, peacocks —
JL Feeler, (palp) R^ chhiu. ,

tI| —
%° kbong ebbiok mng, dust- Feeling, If ts^ng, without ^°if — ,

er, 11° ^°S

koe mfig cbbeng. b6 ts^ng, heayt without ^ — , t
Featherless, *|° ^° bo-mng. ;2t°iC» pnt jin § sim.

Feathery, a^°*t°^° chbin-cbhiu" Feet, iHl'^kha, (a measure) /?°chhioh.

tsiau-miig. Feign, (g<'^°k6-ia°, t'f, fS^IM" tsng-
Features, S *& ng6--koan (appear- tsoe.

ance) # sin-tsM.
J|* Feint, fpretend^ tl", (va. boxingj ^"
Febrile, ffe jiet. ^
Hi^u p6*, (in fencing)
Febrifuge, W ii th^-ji^t. ^^
thfii boat, (in battle) BJ ^
February, ^ H H ^ " Eng-kok ji geh. t.°m b^ng siu

Feces, W" sai, ^° }¥° tse-tai. tskn t5 km to* tin-chhong e k^.

Feculence, (lees) ^° J5° tse-tdi, Felicitate, kiong-hi. ^§

Felicity, Is M. hok-khi.
(turbid) 16.
Feline, |It° 6^° niau-g.

»•*"«'-'• Fell, ^° #J poah-t6, —down, ^ •^''

Federal, Sg $5 b^ng-iok. j^ t6 16h IM,—trees, ^ i^" chh6-

Federade, SI ^
beng-iok, (as states) chhiu.

^ hdp. Fellow, I^° ff ° t&ng-phoaf,— student,

Fee, li 16, ^
1, tsi-kien, regular — TrI iS'. t6ng-chhong, worker, — M
=g fi kui-16, jailer's—, if ka° 16. ^ ^ tiii chhiu, worthless — ,
*J^ A
Feeble, |fe || loan-ji6k, $)c #» ntfg- siail jln, fine—, ^^ #T M b6 td"

tsia", M W bu-ldm, g i:° soe- kin,—feeling, ff 1,^ thd-thiap, ffi"

1dm, (in action) ^"7^ b6 liaii- M 'Iff sa° goan t^^ng.


Fellow labourer, SI" J^" f^° X° sa° ^'^""S^ thAi-4p6-.
kap ts6e kang. Fend— off, Pi" keh.
Fellowship, ^ pg kau-p6e. Fender, m 9C &W Ai he 16--g.

Fellow heir, M tk M ting

/^I° tsoe Fennel, tl l^° #° ph^" chhek hiu".
ho"-su. Fenny, .^f^K" Jfe° t^m-tsiii toe.
Fellow student, fpl° % t^ng chhong. Ferment, ^
boat, [as a populace]
Felly, M° li M° chhia lun kheng. W° ^^ er ^° S° peh-si" teh i6
Felo-de-se, g ^ tsu-tsin. tsoah.
Felon, 3E hoan. Fern, E Mi" ^°tong bd chhdu, llj°
Felonious, (tratorous) ^E
%° ^
kan sin.
W mng, roots, IE yl°
soa° — 51^
Felt, ^° tsi",— cuttings, tsi"- h6ng-b6 ni", Formosa "^^ —H pit
chhiii — hats, W iH° tsi°-b6. td,ng.
Female, (of female sex) ;& lu, (per- Ferocious, hiong-ok,—looking, M
son) ^°^°tsa-b6', (of animals) ok-heng. # M^
bii,— slave, iK.°W lii-pi> ^"^"^ Ferocity, hiong-ok. ^
— character, ^ f^
tsa-b6'-k4n, lii-
Ferret, •^°

M^ p^b bdngkiii, to—

— of craps, i%^° —attend-
tek, jfi-e,
ants, fif — apartments,
|^° chhiau-chhe, chhiig-chhiah.
Ferry, ji 51° t6--thau, to—, ^ tsai.
K ke-bun, —
P^ |^ im. principle,
Ferriferous, H
^f" hoat-thih,
Feminine, ^° "^° tsa-b6-, #" ^ bii-
tfJ is"
tho6, ^l ^l ti tsa-b6-tho6, #° J^
Ferryboat, jg
M' t5--ts<in.
Femoral, Ferryman, 'M M' i° A° to'-tsftn fe
B|l° 11 6^° kha-thui-§.
Femur, ^° )J| # toa-thui-kut.
Fen, J^' 7K° it" t^m-tsiii toe. Fertile

HE" pM, [prolific] W &°
Fence, if g
ll-pa, to—, UM bii-

Fertilize, M° BE" eng-piii.

kikm, i'S° M phah-tiii, ien-ke-koe,
^ tek poe.
—with sticks, fHi,"^ sa°-la, sur-
Ferula, ft"
Ferule, %" R° keh chhioh.
round with a — , H 11 'g[ ui li-pa.
Fervent >& jiet sim,
ife -51 khun ^
Fenceless, ^° g fi^" b6 ui-teh. )

Fencible, fg" ^^^ #° oe sii tit.

Fervently chhiet, |§
( un-khun. U
Fencing, art of— ,^° kiinth^u W^ Fervour, |^ jC» ji^t sim.

po-, :jj|
ff i^ thui-a p6-, —master, Fervid, i^ »& ji^t sim.

!ii rI° ^ thiii sai hu, ^° m° n" ^ Festal, [joyous] ^

§? tek kdi, per-
kun th^u sai hu. taining to a holiday fi tsoeh-kl. ^
Fencing master, ^° W bI ^ ktin Fester, ^° m" M° Mm si^-thia" pi"
thau sai-hu. ok t(5k.

Fencing, ^° || ff ° ;fe 6h th4i-a po", Festival, lif" tsoeh.

! —
Festive, [joyous] % ^ tek-kdi, Fib, ^°M°p<5h-chhdt.
[pertaining to a feast] i? ^ 6^° Fibre, [of a leaf] ^" i" if| hioh e
pan-toh ^. si, [rootlets] ^ i^ iii-kun.
Festivity, ^# hoan hoa, Wi'M ^° Fibrinous, ^J ||i fi^° iu kun 6.

f§ M im-ien e thi6ng-16k. Fibrous, ifi koa, tl°^°^° koa-bih-

Festoon, ^^' t^° ji] kat hoe ui. bih.
Fetal, g^ 6^° thai e. Fibula, 1^1' kau.
Fetch, M" theh, kim. Fickle 1 i^° !£ 'ft bo-teng-s^ng,
Fete, 15° tsoeh. Fickleness J KS hoan-hok, S jp|

Fetid, $k° chhau.

^" hong-sin toSn, mW
51° Wl

Fetlock, ,1^° M" i." €° he tde 6 mfig. ngia° sin khi ku, KW^. if boan
Fetter, to—, Wf M kok-lien, tT II
bin bu siong, H°*& — °^; sa°-sim

teng-lien. nHg-i, ^° ± 51° bo tsii-tiu".

Fetters, [for'feet] WW kha-16, W Fiction, ih Wt siaii soat, ^, W i: fM.

tW kha-khau, [chains] ^ lien, bu khe tsi t^m.

[for hand] ^° fp chhiii-khau. Fictitious, U° ^° ke-ia".

Fetterless, ^° iT ^ ho teng-lien. Fiddle, [with* 2 strings] ~ ife ji-

Fetus, a^" the. hien, [with 3 strings] H '# sam-

Feud, % ^° oan-ke, cause a —^ ,
hiSn, (with a round head) ^° §°
Ij: chhi6ng-su. gi-pe, — stick, fi ^° hien-keng,
Feudal, — sovereigns, & "S. 6ng- strings, if^ i|° hien-s6a°, to — , j^
kong, —prince, ^ — ho", lords, ^ /^^ oe-hign.
^ —
tsu-ho-, states, ?!l liet-kok. Fiddler, W. H |fe ;2:° A° oe-ji-hi^n-

Fever, ffe jiet, it ^ jiet-pi", #. JS 6-iang.

ji^t-tseng, ^ mhoat-jiet,— abated, Fidelity, ^ sin, conjugal — , M. B

li ji" jiet the, and ague, — ^^ #1 tseng-tsiet.

k6a° jiet, intermittent — ,

^° #. Fidget, m° ^ SB° *° tsoa Mi ts6a

#1° koa^-ji^t pp, puerperal —^ ,


S IS; #1 seng-sdn
ti-jiet, scarlet Fie !
M IS PpI° kien-siaii ah
— ^I jS ^ng-jiet, typhoid, # SI Field, M" hng, rice—, 0° chh^n,

t6k-jiet, typhus—, .4 % o- jiet. cultivated—, M° sit-tiii°, dry

Feverish, >)1C° U he-khi. — M° hftg, wet—,
chhan,— of
Few, S° tsi6, M PI" iii-liien, W 15: battle, m iM° tsifen tiu".

M li-hoat, #." W b^-oa.

iii-so-, >is
Fieldmarshal, jt &!• goan-soe.

Fewer, M Hi khah-kidm, H ^° khah- Fieldpiece, 'M phku, 5^ ^J:^ m li(^k-

tsio, use—, i^ M° ^^^ li^m khah lo'-phku.

Fieldsports, if 3i° phah-Mh.
Fiat, ^ '^ l^eng-leng. Fiend, ^° ^ phai"-km.
Fierce, M ok, ^g beng, 5S 3 kiong- Figurehead, °
M" i.° il tsun-th^u
ok,MMM. ok-khi^k-khidk, — ang- 6 siong.
er, :;^° M° M ton siu khi, ^ ft hoat- Filament, ^ si.

seng, — wind, ^ M kong-hong. Filbert,' ^ •?" tsin-tsi.

TierJ, ^° >A:°na°-h^, (passionate) Filch, i}° BZ" thau-theh, thau likm.

'M tt s6-s^ng, (vehement) siak- File, m" ff° lo6-a, square—, m'^^°
pliah. si-kak loe, round—, M M° i^-lo^,
Fife, ffa° ff pWn-a. three-cornered — .
£° :^ ^^ sa"
Fifer, m ^a° ff° 6r pun phin-d-g. kak loe, rat-tail—, M. M.''M° chhii
Fifteen, +° £.° tsap-go'. b6 lo^, rank and Us — , ffi tui-ng6-,
Fifteenth, ^ +° JEL° te tsap-go-. — of soldiers, •-" <^° & tsit chhiu
Fifth, ^ £° te go-. peng, to — , !^° loe.
Fithly, m 35.° te go-. Filial, ^° ^ u hku.
Fiftieth,^ 5.°+° te g6--tsAp: Filigree, #P U X° Hii si kang.
Fifty, S° +° g6--tsap. Filings, (iron) B" i^ thih-iii, m," #
Fig," il ?E m bu hoa k6. thih hun.
Fight, 'la" ^T° sa°-phah, /fa° ^iJsa-^-thai, Fill, m° M° m" to k^u tr, m" if Ji°

ig tsien,— for one's life tt° W

thin kau tP, up, as gtound, iM° —
• ^° pia"si''-mia, iTW
phah pi^", thun, —
a crack, soe,—as crevice,
—with weapons, ^ PJ h4i-t6-. siap bdt, — in, Ht° toe, — the pkce
Fighter, m° fj" Z" A° sa-^phah e of another,^ #" teng-tho6, closely
Mng, (in battle) M lif tsi^n kioh. —up, W tsat, (a tooth) M" that.

Fighting, fond of — , ^ ^°
with fists. Fniet, m ^^ si-toa,
(fleshy part of
JX° ai sio phah, good at—, M M° thigh) :^° M toa thui'^bah.
tsien kioh. Fillip, —with finger, pp° tSa".
Figment, W. J$ hong-t6ng, fg° m° Filly, .l^o ff" be-d.
ke-tsoe, ^W^'M. b6-khe tsi t4m. Film, white^in the eye, 0" h.
Figurable, 1^° JSK° ^^
oe tsia" heng- Filter, ar ii tsiii-lau, it lu, }1^ te,
siong. —dry, if 1^° t^-ta.
Figurature, ^^ pbi-jn, —expres- Filth, ok-chhok.
sion, # 1? i:° fS° phi-ju e oe. Filthy, un-thun, ^ ^
ti-o6, Hf Bf
Figure, ^ ii heng-siong ^ heng- jf/j
am-tsam, ok-chhok, {f^oM-sam,
tsong, graceful — if ft # h6 ki, it° A° kiaMang, ?i;^° au-tsau,—
kut, — of speech, # ff phl-ju, [a abuse, me lap-sap oe, nae ok-chhok
numeral] ^''JT, ^" bd-tsi.
6i 6 oe.
Figured, :|E° fi^ hoe §, £" ^ ng6-- Filtrate, k^-tiii.
chhdi. Fin, g.^S-'hl-sit.
Figurative, S f? 65" pbi-ju g. Finable, tg° M %" oe boat tit.
— ,

Final 1
g§ jl° lo--be, kiii kfeng, ^^ chhiu-tsi, count with the — , |lf°

^B° BI° -ff ^° at tseng-thau-4 sAg.

Finally I
(syllable) M° "© be-im. °

Finance, (revenue of state) M JU Finger bowl, 8fc° ^° ^. s6e chhiii poe.

kok-kh6-, (income) %M tek-li. Fingering, (on piano) J3° ^° at
Financier, (one wbo administers the (on harp) gf ° ^|° toa" tsdi°,
public revenue) ^ ^ W p6- graceful—, J@° ^g-" ^ij fg at-tsai^li-
tsfeng si. pien.
Find, (by search) ^° ^° chhe-ti6h, Finical, ::;^° ^^ g. siu° tiam.tin.

— (perceive) ^° khok", (by sound- Finis, ;1° b6, |?& 1° lo--b^.

ing a person) chhim-ti6h, — him Finish, ^ BJ & ts6e b^ng-p^k, ^^
in food, # ^° ^° i tsidh god, (mo- kiet-ki6k, ^ o^n, ^^ o4n-ki6k.
ney) W W M^°khioh ti6h gun,— Finished, BJ ^ b^ng-p^k, m° M-°
out a thief, tij chh& chhut, tsoe-soah, ^ J oa,n-liau, % il
fault, m.°^°W chhe-khang-phang, o4n-boan.
m" ^° B° chhe khang-khiah,^ Finite, :^ l^g iii-han.

out a person, ^° ffi khok'' chhut, Finless, M° .f.° ^° b6-hi-sit.

—one's self, as in food, &° E° ^ Finlike, U m° ^° K° chhin-chhiu-
^ ka-ki he-sit. hi-sit.

Fine, ^ —weather,
iii, ^6- Finny, #° R°
jj 5c° u .^.° g^ hi sit g.

thi", work, :^ — S& chheng-peh,

iii-lo-, ^° ts^ng-
chaff, Fir, ;fe° ;ffi ;^°
khng-6h, — ^y M" in ,
peh, — cone, i%
taii-ti, ^
§S :a chh^- lui, ffi

kiu-keng, M — powdered,
ill to-ti,evergreen — ^ ^ lui, , t6--seng,

;Sl 5|t° iu.-boah-bo4h, —

tK" —wood, ^° ^ chheng-peh
^looking, ^g
as house, M ti — chha.hi^n-iong, to
13 ^ hoat-gun. on—, pang-Fire, *X° he, set ]g^° tfC
Finely, i^ — iii,M" ^° X°^ he,—a gun,
finished, pang chheng, ]^° |^°

tsoe khi kang-hu. M° khui chheng,—wood, ^ gg°

Finer, ^° :^ khah the—the chh&, —by

iu, ^bet- accident, i/lC° sit-h^,

ter, M°V}^°if^ n4itinah6. put out — —arrows, , iS: iK° kiiuhe,

Finery, ^ # hu'hoa. *X° ^° hi tsi^
Finesse, ft ^ k^-ti, j^ po- ifc sb-. Firearms, §g ^ khi-h^i, :^ §§ peng-
Finest, — J® ±° ;^ siang
it-ih, iii. khi, m°W° ke-si.

Finger, ^° M"ff ° ts6g-thau-4,

^° Fireball, ^A:" ^ he-kifi, i/lC° ® h^-
m° chhiii-tsdi",— nail, *|° ¥ tsiig- koan.
kah, fore—, i^° Jt° ki-tsai", third Firebrand, ^ fi° chh^-tsau, (per-
— ^° ff ° Jh° lau-a-tsai°, ring—, son)^" ^HC" ^ khi-h^-chhi".
lis ig ^° bu-b^ng-tsdi", little—, 1° Firebrick, >X° W he-phiah.

Jt° ff" be-tsdi°-d,— ring, ^ ^ Firecrackers, M ff ° phku-d.

, ,

Fire-engine, ':^° ||° tsrii-l^ng. tsiii, W %° tbau.tsun,
Firefly, ik° ^ M" hd-kim-ehiii°. Firstfruits, fof fruit; i? ffl -S" ^° T°
Fire-kiln, M" %" lie-i6. sin-chbut ^ k^-tsi, (of grain) if
Fireman, iT ^° phah h^ g
i/lC" K !±i ±° 5,° M° sin cbbut 6 go-.kak.
Mng, ik9C ^^ K" kiti_ hd ^ lang, Firsthing, m W ^° 69° kbi-th4u si°-

IB iAC" ;S° A" k6- h^ ^ ling, (on a e, BI-'X" §L° fi^" tba,u tsiu° si'' L
steamer) >A:° jEH° |S° JA° ±° ^° ^° Firstly, ^ iJ it-tsek, BI"
— " :R thiiu
A° be hun tsun nih put tho" thok" tsit hang.
g Mng. Firstrate, ±^^ siong t^ng h6.

Fireplace, >JC ifet" hd-]6--tsau. Fischer's Island, j|^ i9 Phi-'-o-.
Fireproof, ^vault, %° hi^-kh^-. % Fish, .f." hi,—bait, @,° Uf hi-j!,—
Fireship, %"• tJC ^g" pkng-he-tsiin. skin, i®."
^^ hi-pb^,—roes, ^.° ^°
Firewood, ^ clih^. hi-tsi, .e."
W hl-nng, dried —
Fireworks, )^ >/>: ien-h^. Iii-P<^-, f." ^P" bi-koa°, .f." ^ hl-
Firing, (wood) ^ chha, (to fire guns) pa, fresh — , P" ^,'' cbhi°-hi, salt
]K°M° pang-chh^ng, sound of — — , M° .f . ki4m-hl, — grains, JS," 5J
® ^^ phau-sia°. ^^ bi-chhe pio, —glue, .^,° ff ° hi-
Firkin, '^° tsi6h. ka, gold —^ ,
'^° kim-bi,
Firm, S teng, ^^ % kiet-teng, g 3° M bl-ti.
kien-k5-, (person) ^° ^ hai-tsai, Fisherman, M ^^M" tb6--bl4, ii°^
%° W tia°-ti6h, 1
ll° hi-ong, W, m gA-ong.
a — , 2* ^ kong-si,—ground, ^
Fishery, "it .^. th6-hi.
}i° sit-toe, foreign — #
fj iu° Fishhook,
ff tio-d, W WW tio-kau
h^ng. Fishing, W M W teb th6 hi,— boat,
Firmanent, ^ ^" kiong-chhong. W m" ti6-ts6,—rod, fff T° ti6-koa'',
Firmly, —made, M ilt kien-tsong, —line, ^°m°tib-sok\
tied—, ^° %^° pak-tiau. Fishmaws, .t5° gt bi-to'.
First, 51° — ^° th4u-tsit-e,
" ^— Fishmonger, m° 1° i:° A° boe hi g
te-it, at —1^° %" tai-seng,
% 1%° Mng.
khi-thau, ^S" 1%° tai-thau,—time, Fish -pole, W^ tio-koa".
B5° M —
th4u pi^n,—^ class, it- Fisbskins, .@.° ^° bi-pb^.
teng, — month, ^ tsia°-geh,— JE" °
Fishy, .f; 6r hi-g,—tribe, 1° ^ bi-
rank, — —day ofmonth,
,a it-phin, ts6k, [flavour] :a°ii.°chhaii-cbbo.
m° — —middle and
chhoe-it, last, Fissile, fg" M° gg°^°oe phok-kbui tit
± if* "f siong tiong ha. Fissure, |g° f^" kbang.kbiab.
Firstborn, M" ±'' ^° fi^ thau-tsiu" Fist, ^°mW kAn-tbau-bii.
si" 6, (son) :/c°
^'' toa kia°, toa Fisticuffs, iS° W W phah kiin-tbau.
bau-si°, (of animals) M° 7% tb4u Fistula, ii W thku-cbbiang, M

^° eng-lau, — in ano, ^ g ti- Flabby, H" ^° se-se, nfig-laiiQ, hkm-
chhng, ^H^ chho^n tiong tl. tam.
Fit, ^° Mh, ^ b4p, ^ ^° hdp-sit, Flaccid, [flabby] ^^ H" noa-Mh.
—for, ^°M^° oe kham tit,— for Flag, j^ ki, mail—, ^' iE phoe-ki,
use, -fi"" g§ M° liAh lo- eng, —
well, wave a "^ iet-kt, — ^
pole, ,
— — ^
[as clothes] <&•
H hab-su, — tenon, ]K M seng ki ko, — stone, ° :f]i

# # tsiap-siin, — mortice-joint, :B° tsit pan tsidb,. — ° Jr" S" tsit

W # 16h-sun, [adjust] ^ W phi° tsidh, (droop) Ifc" Ji niig du,

ts6ng-ts6e, — up a bouse, ^° ^° (as man^ tkm, (become deject-
W° bak ke-si, [of epilepsy] ^° ?1° ed) ^ i§ sit-tsi, flose vigorj ^
iu°-bin, [of apoplexy] r5S M ti6ng- :J!l'' sit Mt, (lose enthusiasm) f#°
bong, [of sickness] ^° ^° pbok- sien, ?& leng.
pr, [of passion] m." ^° "^ ^:;lc°
Flagellate, fS" phah.

tng-ti6btoa siii-kbi, [of laughter]

Flageolet, ?|pj tong-siau. H
*' ^° tng-ti6b b6 cbhi6, Flaggy,
njig-lam, ^° ^' nfig-s^.
iS° fi^

[energy] iS" ^^ M M" tng-ti6b

Flagitious, 1)51 M hiong-ok.

kbi h^ng, t& JS ^ sim-sek h^ng.

Flagon, M •ff" kokn-d.

Fitch, )!>" 3." si6 tau.

Flagrancy, Dy hiong.ok. ^
Fitful, SL a bodn-bok. Flagrant, IX| hiong-ok, ^ + M slp-ok.
Flagship, jE" 11° tsia"-kk°.
Fitly, -&" bah.
Fitness, ^° hdh.
Flagstaff, M W ki-koa°.
Fitting, -^ S hap-gi, — into each
Flail, ir ki",
:jS° ifJt

^ m° lien-ki".
others, 49° i^ sa°-thap.
Flake, (a) -" >I^° tsit-phi°, — )^ "
Five, 35." go:
Fivefold, 3i° fS° g6--pe.
Flambeau, iX° ^° h^-pe.
Fix, [make firm] M°P^M ho- i
Flame, (a) pha, to—, M° t6b, ffife"
kien-ko-, [make fast] #" ffi''
nk, *X° n° 1^°
P m° *° h^ tsih nk m
h5" i ti4u, [establish] jl kien- ^
lai nk kbi, up, as fire, >At° ^° — ^
lip, —
a time, Jg fig kn-ki, in a —
J|S he cbbeng kbi 14i.
MMMB tsin tho6 liong Ian, [the
Flange, ^ kbkm.
mind] M j6 koan sim, |2 M tl-i,
Flank, m" pi", (of an animal) m°
[arrange] ^ ?i| pai-liet. E° i§° pak-t6- pi".

Fixed, ;£° M° tia''-ti6b, —purpose, Flap,

Flannel, 7rB^°
large — on breast of

:3: iiJ lip-sim, — in the miiid, ^£" »]J , coat, :^°

ti4u sim, —day, 11° an —by

jit, toa-ku, |g }f sut,—eared, (strikej

fate, a £° tsu-tia". €° S S° 64° u sAi hi 6, —the

Fixture, M" 6^° tiknr^. wings, WW phi^t-sit, 1t\: W
Fizgig, ja° tl" hi-pio. phah sit.

Flare, m" nk. Flavourless, M° ^ b6-bl.
Flash, m" sih, R^° na, Fa^ chhoah, Flavoured, highly — H ^ tang-bl.

one, ® ^° cliliiok-ti61i, Flaw, (fissure) m° khiah, §° lt°

with anger, @ m° # H° n bak- khang-phang, (as in a knife)
tsiu tA° sa°-kak. pit-hlin, 5if° ig n-U. (sudden
Flashing, ^° m° teh-nk.
gust) JH lg| hong-tsun. •

Flashy, H^° nk, (showy person) 5|° Flax, (coarse) j^" mo4, (fine) ^°
;^° tiu^-iu", (gaudy) hoe-hiet. if toe-d.
Flask, (for spirits) ?g ?^ tsiii-kokn, Flaxdresser, tf°W i," A°phah mo^
(powder) iK°M°M he-i6h kokn. Mang, fl-°^°.S° A° phah toe g
Flat ) W
pi", (level) ^° iS" pi"- lang.
M" ^° moi
Flatly Vthd", (as trade^ tarn- Flaxen, mM g, ^° ff° 6$°
Flatness j tam,(as beerj^^° tin-khi, toe-d-e,—hair, :fe ,fi|
^° kim si
4i£° 1* b6 s^ng, ("dull place; m° !f rang.
chhi-'-chhin, (prostratej g^° Flay, iil jfe" pak phg.

phak teh, (insipid) ^° M' ^ hd Flea,^ 3^°^° ka-tsdu,—bite, ^° ^°

kah chhiii, —bottomed, S^° j[g^
^° ka-tsdu ka.
pi" t6e. Fleam, Jfc° jSi° yj pkng huih to.
Flatiron, i|^° ut-tku. Fledge,^ ^° hoat-mfig.
Flatten, f#° ^ ^ ho- i pi", [to level] Fledgling, ^° (f°H° tsidu-d-thun.
phi". Flee, ;^° tsau.
Flattened, ^ pi°. Fleece, ^° ^° iu"-mfig, (exact) M
Flatter 1 ^
o^ po-so, ik" m° ph6-- m l^ksek, Crobj J|° chhiii", (steal
Flatteringjtha", fg ff thidm-bi. fromj i|°|^° thau-th6eh, (shear
Flatterer, 1° p§ If ;^° g^u thidm- A sheep) M
^° €° tsi^n iii".-mfig.
bi 6 mng, #° ^^ ^° ;t° A° gau Fleecy,m° JST ^° %° chhin-chhiu"
ph6--thA° e Mng. iu-m%,
Flattery, ^
(as clouds), M'W^"
f@ thiam-bi, ^° ^^1° 6m khin p6h d p^h hun.
ph6--th4°. Fleet, (of ships) -° if° M" tsit-
Flattish, M-" *° ff ° U" li6h-li6h-4 pi",
[level] 05° ff ° 2}i° li6h-4 pi".
pang tsun, (quick) H si° ^ kin
Flatulence „
Flatulent }
^ ® P''°°g ^^ng.
i ^ i Fleeting, RJi khoai th^, ^ ^°
khoki bo.
Flatulency, ffj B phong-hong. Flesh, 1^° bah, (mankind; A° l^ng,
Flaunt, (display ostentatiouslyj
^ (carnality) UB su-i6k,—asleep,

W 'M bah-pi.
Flavour, bi, ^ Ifc bi-s6-, jgj P^ Fleshless, %" |^° b6 bah, sin. W
tsu-bl, ^° khiii, delicate—, M^ Fleshy, BE° P" pM-phikng,
khi-bi, high—, g° ^ tang-bi.
JJ ^^ ^
ho-bah-chhki, phaii-piau.
, —

Fleur-de-lis, ;!" W ^° l^^li i^b hoe. mfig,—tide, 7K°II° tsiii-tfig, 7K°^t
Flexibility, fb° ^ ft° oe oan-khiau. tsui-tP.

Flexible, |it° nfig, nfig-lam. Floodmark,

tiam-ti"' ^ jiah.
jjic" ^° J^° :t° W tsiii-

Flicker, ^M ^° cbbi"-tsin kng.


Flight, ±'> tsdu, [of stairs] — ° 51°

Floor, ± W th6--kha, wooden —
^° ^l&° tsit tiu" l&u-thui, put to — m 1^ te-pdn, to— ir° ji° m. tfeng
t5e p4n.
as army, ^^ pai-tin, (of birds)
Flop, (wings) W M°
— W J^° tsit tin tsidu.
Flora, (Chinese) Tf: M pun-chh6.
Flighty, KmiSh^ hodn-hok bA- Florid, U.° W° ^ng-bln.
si6ng, ^° ^° m' bo tia"-ti6h.
Florist, MW It" A tsai hoe ^ Mng.
Flimsy, ('as clothj ^'' san, (without Floss, — silk, 3^5 ji6ng.
reason) W 'tt S bo tseng-li. Flounce, (of garment) ^S" ^° hoe-
Flinch, i^" liin. ts^n, (flounder) ^° ^° m° *°
Fling, ^ hiet, ^ ±° hiet-khi, ^° nok°-iai-nok°-khl, ko IM ko khi.
W *" hiet-kdk khi. Flounder, a, M° ^° to—, nftg
Flint, 9C S° h^-tsi6h. khi l&i, (struggle as horse in mire)
Flip, PP° toa". M hoan.
Flippancy, (talkative) ^ "a to-gi^n, Flour, ^° i^ mP-hdn, rice—, 2^° #
^° 1^ tsoe chhiii, m''mMm m° chh6e-hun.
khi chhui heng ho* chhiu, (pertj Flourish, •
^ K heng-ong.
Jl^ ^ h6ng six, lam sdm lut. Flout, m %r ki-chhi, ^° M p6--ji6k.
Flit, (as a bird) phin, (as a cloud) Flow, l^u, ('become liquidj |§° ^

3il"pe. iu^-khi, (hang loose as hairj ^°

Flitch, iX" W he-thui. 11° poa^-tit, (rise as tidej fi im,
Flitting, (removing) }i° poa°, W sod. 11° gg° t£g-mu.
Float, a—, ft W' tek-pai, to—, -^^ Flower, ?£° hoe, ?£°^ hoe Mi,

phu, 155° tiu". jug, :jfg°

5^° hoe.pUn, rice-paper

Floating, t?° phtl,—in the air, ti°
"^ ^!g° chh6-hoe,— bud, m, hoe-
Ji° HI" ia°-ia"-pe,—bridge, J?° tt" ifi,— garden, '^ H° hoe-hng,
phii-kio, (as a swimmer) ]K:° :d*i° bamboo — , ft° :j!g° tek-hoe, cassia

S£° p^ng tsui Ifi-u. —# , ?E° kiii-hoe, stick in hair, —

'^° chhah-hoe, artificial—, '^
Flock, a—, ~° ^ tsit-kiin, (congre- J^
gation) "i" hoe, — together, MM ?g° chh6-hoe, to—, ^^ ?e° khui-
tsu-tsip. hoe.

Flog, #1° phah. Flowered, ^° ?g° u hoe, lantern, —

Flood,?:^° 7K° toa-tsiii ft" ?K° im-tsiii, :?e° d hoe-teng,—velvet, ?g° i?
to—, m
im,— gates, P!° tau- W hoe-toan.
tsi" kek.
Flowers: Aphelandra, efistata, JD ^ Ajil
Abtus precatotiufe, ^ m :° w bi jin.
ngiau chli4u, tK K M° siau- Aquilaria, Sinensis, ^'' '^° ge hoe.
jin-chhiiu. Arachis hypogaea, -^ ?E ^ l<^k

Acanthus ilicifolius, ^ ^ iE° lS»g kha seng.

lek hoe. Ardisia crenulataj ,|| il5 o* na.

Acorus gramineus, M M chhiong- Ardisia lentiginosa, iK II 5^ h<5-"

liong tsu.
iEgiceras fragrans, 7^:° 8 tsui-16-. Ardisia littor^lis, M Z> ^ chhiin
Agapanthus, "S J-'M pek tsti lien. put 16.

Aglaia odorota^ H^ M
sam idp Areca catechti, ;jJ|° ^° piti-n%.
Ian. Artabotrys odoratissimtts, M jR
Aleiirites, ^° ^ tsioh lek. eng jidu°.
Allium triquetrum, ^M ki&.u Artemisia vulgaris, ^°hia".
chhki. Arum esculentutn, ^ M° o" than.
Aloe, Chinensis, M° W^o'-he. Asclepias curassavica, H E md

Alpinia calcarata, ^ ^ '^° elah.6- li kun.

k6 hoe. Averrhoa caratntjola, ii ^E i6ng
Alpinia galanga, % ^°li6ng kiu°. th6.
Alpinia nutans, 7C l'^" gut-hoe. Azalea Indica, Alba, ]&° # il IS
Althea rosea, ^
^° kti hoe. pdh to"-koan hoe.
Althea rosea, red, ^^
tsu kui. Azalea Indica, var. pltrpute^a plena,
Amarantus polygamus, 6° M II M JE U
tt il siang thok Ing
peh ki^n chhai. to'-koan.
Amarantus spinosus, 1^° M M^^ Azalea var. double purple, ^|t §1
kien chhki. Mha t6"-koan.
Amaryllis Sinensis, M ife i^^ keng Azalea var. variegata ^ IJ tii i^
i chhaii. kiong hin to* koan.
Amygdalus ^ th6.
Persica, Azalea var. Nanking, & j# tt IS
Ananassa sativa, ^ ^ pho-16. Kang lam to* koan.
Andromeda Japonica, M ff° ^ bi- Azalea var. asterlike, ]^ \^ ll] iE
a-t^. II T^rig soa° to- koan.

Angroeculli falcatum, it^ 51 llj ^ Azolla, J?#°h6-phi6.

bii i soa° tiaii, M Mu. Baeckia frutescens, ^ ^ ?£° i6ng
Anona squamosa, # ^° ^° hoan su hoe.
nM tsi. Bambusa arundnacea, f^° ^^ tek
Anthemis apiifolia, ^ j^° ^° kim hoe.
B&tthinia Candida, |§' W £° be- \\h hoe.
to^-t&n. Cerbera Chinensis, PJj § ^° long
Bauhinia scandenS, MW '^^ ^iii chhun hut.
kah hoe. Cercis siliquastrum, ^ jfll tsi keng.
Begonia discolor, MW '^ cbhun Chimonanthus fragrans, Jl ^|| Idh
hai t&ng. mui.
Bells jaculifolia, ^i sam. Chloranthus inconspieuus, f^° M°
Bletia hyancinthyna, '^ tsi Ian. ^ kI koe kha Ian.
Bleiia Tankervillse, g| IR ij h6h- Chloranthus monander^ 1^° '^ ^
t^ng 14n. p^h tsu Mn.
Boiiibai ceiba, TjC j/^ 7S° b6k bi^n Chrysanthemum Sinense, j^" ^
hoe. :?£' toa kek hoe.
Brassica Chiflensis^ ^° ^ koah Chinese names for varieties of
chhai. the Chkysanthemum.
Bryoniay ^ /K.° kirn koe.
Budha's seat, gfi ^K hut tso
Buttneria, :^° ^ij ^°kim kongtin.
Cactus triangularis, ® 3E ffi p^
Carnation phoenix globe, ^ M,
6ng pi"".
fj^ tsi hong kill.
Cdllicarpa purpurea, ^ ;1° 111°
Salmon colored lily, M %i M
tsiam be png.
ngau sek li^n.
Callicarpa rubella, \li°i&''m° soa°
Ying hill yellow, ^ lU m° i^ng
pin nug.
soa° Hg.
Calotrcfpis gigahtea, 4r ;^ gu
kak jiAu°.
Toothed orchis, g^ Ifi-n. ^^
Wholly dressed yellow, fS; ^ m°
Canna Indica, ^° ^JC^ ^° ng tsiii
ham i iig.
Golden edge, ^ j^° kim pi°.
Canarium alba, ^ 1^ neh Mm. New tiger's claws, if J^ ^ sin
Canarium pimela, .^ f^ o" lam. h6' jiau.
Cai^rifolium Japonicum, ^ IR ^° White clipped floss, ^° M M
kim gun hoe. p6h tsi^n jiong.
Capsicum Sinense, M tl? l"ab tsio. Red embroidered shoe, #i ^
Caragana' camlagu, iL ^^ B.
ang siu
. \


14m kim hdng.

kaiig Ying hill red, R^ llj ifl long san
Cardiospermum corindum, j^ JS hong.
11° h6'teng Iting. Horse ear yellow, ,^ D|I ^X md ji°
Carica papaya, M
ft f^^-ban siCi pu. h6na:.
Cassia sophora, M ?•£ hoai hoe. Silver needle white, 8S :r^h &° g^n
Celosia cristata, m° M" ^° koe tsiam p^h.
Golden phoenix hair, i^ JUL ^° Cucumis maderaspatanus, M. 'M'^
kim hong mflg. S° chhii tang-koe.
Carnation plume, ^ ^tsi ISng. Cucurbita citruUus, H° JK.° si koe.
Tiger's claw yellow, ^ MM Cucurbita lagenaria, M. h6* 16". ^
h6-'' jidu fig. Cucurbita melopepo, ^JS>° tsu koe.
Cissus umbellata, 11]°^=^% soa° Cupressus, Tii" fe tsiii siong.
iu kam. Cupressus sempervirens, ifS°©°
Citrus limonium, ^ -^ l^ng b6ng. peh chhiu.
Citrus margarita, ;fS ^f lien kam. Cuscuta Chinensis, |^ ^ ^° bu
Citrus aurantium, g° chh^m. idp tin.
Citrus medica, #° # hiu"-i°. Cyanella capensis, M 71 ?£° tsien
Citrus madurensis, ^ ^ kim kiet. to hoe.
Citrus nobilis, ^ # i^ tsu se kiet. Cycas revoluta,M.^W hong hi
Clematis Chinensis, ^" Jjf 4£° k^ chhaii.
khi° tsoa. Cydonia Japonica, f$ ^ hai tong.
Clematis minor, MM fill ui l^ng Cymbidium, g H bek 14n.
sien. Cymbidium ensifolium, ^ ^ H
Clerodendrum squamatum, M 11° p6 chhun Ian.
^° teng lang hoe. Cymbidium lancifolium, ^j ^
Clerodendrum fragrans, ^° kiam Mn.

15° soa° b^k ni. Cymbidium xiphiifolium, ff ]^

Cocos nucifera, i^ 16ng. chheng l&,n.

Cynanchum sibiricum, ^ soa"-

Convolvulus bryoniaefolius, S /[t

tr ng6- jiAu l^ng.

Convolvulus reptans, Jg ^ thong Daphne odera, 3© H sui Ian.
chhai. Datura metal, ^ Pi :ij!£° lau i6ng
Cookia punctata, ^
jj hong-phi.
Corchorus Japonica, Jg: ^^ ^° carota, U.°M°W ^rig^nk-
t6ng te hoe.
Cornutia quinata, £^ |g- no-6-
Dendrobium monoliforme, M J?
tsi kam, lIj°S°mi6h6-soa»tsi6hmn.
Dianthus caryophyllus, TS°?E°
Cotyledon-spinosa, TJ i^ ^ to teng hiu" hoe.
siong i6h".

Crinum asiaticum, i© ^ bun

Dianthus Chinensis, # ;& ft"
3!C hoan-tsi6h-tek.
sii Mn. Diospyrus kaki, f| khi.
Crotolaria juncea, rg f^ ^ tsu Dolichos, M. ^M. chhu-be-tau.
siau iong.
Dolichos purpureus, H ja. len
Croton tiglium, ^ g° pa-tau. tsi-tau.

Dolicbos soja, fgj S.° i(i tau. Glycirrhiza echinata, 'H* ^ kam
Dracaena ferrea, fi° :^° tbib chhiu. chh6.
Dryandra cordata,
^^ng W Gmelina Asiatica,
kill ho^.
^^ :jfj;°

Echites caudata, '^° M W. iii''kakle. Gompbrena globosa, 15 0^1 pek

Elseagnus lalifolius, #°?i|«^^°soa jit h&ng.
lek tsi. Gordonia, [ij t$. san hi6ng.
Eleocbaris tuberosa, JH 5$ ^^ Gossypium arboreum, ^' ^° ||°
mA t^ piit tse. ka poa mi.
Enkiantbus quinqueflora, ^ ii° Habenaria susannae, # hiin SM
^^^ tiku tseng hoe. tiap Ian.

Eriobotrya Japonica, !^j^ 16" kiet. Hamamelis Cbinensis, llj" ^ <.t;°

Eriocaiilon quadrangulare, ^^ soa° kui hoe.

^' kok tseng cbbdu. Hedychium coronarium, :4 M
Erycibe peniculata, soa° lip khip.
bak-ni. Hedysarum, ^jj jf :^° h6--16--tg.
Erythrina Indica, -^ i^ k6- pbau. Helianthus Cochin Cbinensis, IrI

Equisetum byemale, "i^" M^ bak H ^

biong jit kui.
Helicteris angustifolia, Ul" ;^ ^
Euonymus, soa" tsi ma.
iU°tS soa" iu.
Eupborialongan, 11° BS'genggeng. Heliotropium Indicum, "^ ^° M
thien koah cbbai.
Euphoria litchi, M' ^' nai tsi.
Evolvuhis alsiaoides, "T f^ su ± Hemerocallis cerulea, jfl° BE" ^
teng kill. &ng giok tsim.
Fagara, lU ^
san kai. Hemerocallis fulva, ^ H ^° l^k
Ficus, m M iong chhiu, chhong t^.

Follopia nervosa,W S ^° og p6 Hibiscus acerifolius, I? M 5c ^

hi6h, ^ ^ ho- san cbha.
tsui tsiii hii i6ng.

Fraxiuus Cbinensis, ifr TJt ^g'^ng Hibiscus liliaceus, llj° il § san

hi hoe. bi iong.

Gardenia florida, 6° !» ?E" p^h Hibiscus mutabrlis, '^M'^° hH

siam hoe. iong hoe.
Gardenia spinosa, fJ ® ^ tui Hibiscus manihot, ^"^^ M ^g
bien lek. si6k kui.

Gardenia radicans, % "S ^ffi'chhiok Hibiscus, rosa-sinensis, carnation,

siet hoe. ^ i% ^h' tsu gim hoe.

Geranium, ^ ^ ?2' hiongiaphoe. Hibiscus red, JbJ" 11° U." kau th§,u-

Gerardia, Oj" :^ soa° lam. ang.

Hibiscus, syriaca rubra, SlC ^, ^ Justicia ecbolium, ft° ^' j^" tek-
^ng hiit song. hi6h chbau.
Hibiscus, alba, '^" M^ peh hut Jiisticiumpaniculata, ^"5^° 6g-nl.
song. Lagerstroemia Indica, It" ^ ^
Hoteilia dulcis, M^^M ba-W j i k<5. ftflg tsi-bi.

Hoya carnosa, 2 il S gi6k siu Lagerstroemia alba, iS" ^ ^ pdh

ki6. tsi-l)i.

HydiMUgea hortensis, #° S' ^ ifa" Laurus camphora, |t° ^'' chhiu"

sill kill. chha.
Hydrbi3iiaiis morsus-ranee, ^°^° Laurus Caryophyllus, |ll° 41 ^°
M poa" jji" li^ti. soa" kui'phe.
HypeHcum monogynum, ^ ^ f^ Lfiwsdttia Aflaerioana, i^" ^ ^^°
^ kim si liai tfinc;. tsiig kah hoe.
H^poestes purpurea, iM" M |^° Lawsoaia purpurea, ^JC* ^^^^ ling
chbiu" to ioh. tsiig kah.
IHici'utti ahis.itum, A '^ poeh kak. Leontodon Chinensis, lit S ^ p6'
Impatiens Clvinerlsi^, j1° i)^" ^'g=' kong-eng.
ke tng ts-oa. Ligustmm lucidum, lll^^S § soa"
Tfflpatiens cocbbata, iS! S Ml 4ng sui hiong.
hong sien. Lilium coBGolor, ^^ 1{^° tsu fc6iig
Iivipnliens cristata, :il° W ^^° teng hoe.
ts6a'' hoe. Lilium Japoiaicum, "g" -^ :^'° pek-
IpCrrtma gra^idifl-om, •:/v;<'
^^ ^P hap hoe.
® toa hi'6h kim pin bono-. Lilium tigriuum, If k6an ^ tan.
Ip'6to^a maratirtia, ^ rjl; ban-tin. Lonicera periclymenum, jli" ^H
Ipomoca quamoclit, ^ p g, kim- ir^' soa° kim gun hrje.
pin-hong. Lychnis cwonata, (^ HA gfi hi
Iris orientafe, ;E 81 =1/ hong gan jin.
lafe. Lycopodiam, ^ i^ f^ ten li^n
Ixora coccinea, ^±3^ jg-7|Ib6->ng chheng.
tan hoe. -Maba raccjaoidfes, ^t ^ f^i" bi tsi-
Jasminum officinalis., "^ §" s6-- hoe.
M^nolia fuscata, ^ ^^ :|b'' b^m
paniculatmi!, fH |5= 5g° siau hoe.
•ohlieng-bio'B-g (In. Magnolia pumila, ^ ?& "^g" ia hdp
Jasmrniim anmbac, ^"15° bdk-nl. hoe.
Jattopha, Hid ^J toug-iu, Magnolia |Juf^rea, ^° H SS ^g
Juiiiperas, P^ ^41° 16 h^ ©hh^ng. gi6k Ika, m# sin-i.
Magnolia con spicua, 31 H gi6k Mn. Nicotiana fiiiticosa, '/@' ^c" bun
Maiaehra, arena, M° f^ ^ thib hoe.
sek kirn. Nyctanthes arbor-tristi, ^X' M"^°
Melanthiiim Cochin-chinense, '% S,ng kba hoe.
% thien tong. Xymphcea pygmeea, ^' ^ 31 go'
Melastoma dodecandrum, i|° ^p" si lien.

jif koe tsi Ham. Ocimum gratissiimim, ^ ^ tsi-so-.

Melastoma malabathricum, ,^ \U Olea fragrans, # ^° kul hoe.
©• liam. Olea var. rubra, ^^^° tan kui
Melia azedarach, ^ ^° sim chhS,. hoe.
Melodinus monogynus, llj° |S" Onobrychis crinita, iy" W M.° kau
sea" cliliiam. be tau.
Michelia champaea, #" ^° 5^° Pseonia moutan, ft ^ bo'-tan.
i^" kail ge. Paeonia albiflora, ^M Ulci° tsiok

jNIirabilis jal^pa, M la ^'' ien tsi i6k koe.

hoe. Panax quinquefolium, A# jin

Morus alba, ^"W sng chbiu. som.

Muricia, Cociiin-cbinensis, ^Jc" g Pandanus odoratissimus, %^ \b-

5*'' cbha pih tsi. tau.

Miuraya exotica, ju" M.^ kau 11 Papaver somniferum, MW iS'
hiong. eng chhek hoe.
Musa sapientium, #° 3^° ^° biu= Pardantbus Sinensis, f^ ^ ^fg'' ka
g^ng-tsio. tsien hoe.

Musa coccinea, f|° ^ M° leng Paris polyphyiio,

— :^° 16
^ J?"
pbA gan
li] -C
eenn-tsio. It''

Mussoenda Chinensis, 6° ^^ ^^ hi6h tsit ki hoe.

peb haeb te. Parkinsonia orientalis, m° tt° M.°
Myrtus toraentosa, WA^ kong-liam. £g hoe tau.

Nandina domestica. %fi^^ tbieu Passiflora cerulea, E ¥ ^e" hong

tiok hoe. chhia hoe.
Narcissus tazetta. 5^" |I] tsiii sien. Pentapetes phsenicea, ^ fl| ^° go-
Naudea eorfifolia, P^' M bidng ko* si. hoe.

Nei^imbium speciosum, 'M ffi° Perguiaria odorotissima, SH§

lien-boe. ia, Ian hiong.

Nepenthes pbyllampbora, Jt |i° Phoberos Chineusis, :^ iglekkhek.

^^ ti-lang chbau. Pinuslongifolia. ilj i^" soa^chbeiig.

JSTeidum ©leaader, ^ fj"" #E kiap Piper nigrum, ia"^" bo" tsio.

tek-th6. Pittosporum tobim, ^^haitong.
Plantago major, $ -gti
^^ ku tsi^n chhun hoe.
chiiau. Raphiolepis salicifolia, j^" ^ |K°
Plumbago zeylanica, ^ M" ^ pdh heng hoe.
chili than p6. Raphis flabelliforniis, ^' tsang.
Plumbago rosea, M 2j5 IE gan 14i Rhus succedanea, ^' ©" chhat
bong. chhiu.
Plumeria alba, i|° ^'' Ic" koe nng Ricinus communis, pi
hoe. mo^ chhdu.
Poederia fetida, tl" W B' koe sdi Rosa Banksice, :^° ^° bdk hiu",
tin. Rosa Indica, Jfc |^ kong-ho&i.
Poiciana pulcherrima, :^ JE ?E kim Rosa multiflora, red, -t il$ 3^^
hong hoe. chhit tsi-be.
Polvanthes tuberosa Rosa spinosissima, ^ ^^ kim eng.
sde hioh gi6k tsiam, B$, Rosasemperflorens, M i^godtkui.
^ boan ii hiong. Rosa Sinica. 'Jl ^ tong eng.
Polygonum barbatum, || "S ^° Rubus reflexus, ^ # ^ eng-ko
ah tsih chhau. p6k.
Polygonum tartaricum, ij^° j"§° || Rubus parvifolius, kf ^S" ^ ts6a
ti^g pi° ngau. pho lek.
Polygonum tinctorium, ^ ^ se- Ruta angustifolia ^° ^^ chhaii
1am. chhdu.
Prunus Armeniaca, ^ ^° sng Saccharun* Sinense, ^' tsik.
mui. Sagittaria integrifolia, S3 H |^
Psidium pyriferum, # ^^ ^ hoan tiau keng chhai.
Sagittaria obtusifolia, $i ^ chhi
Punica granatum, ^° ^ siah liu.
Pyrus communis, 5V lai. Sagittaria Sinensis, fjf"3^at-chhai.
Pyrus malus, ^ ^ P^'"g k6. Sagus Rumphii, W MW se bi
Quisqualis glabra, 1^ :g -^ su kun chhiu.
tsu. Salisburia adiantifolia, ^"^ ||° p^h
Quisqualis Indica, S 5^ •® S? ke, iJ ^ giin heng.
Iu-s6ng six kvin tsii. Salix babylonica, Uip ^"liii chhiu.
Eanunculus sceleratus, f^ f^ ^^ Sambucus Chinensis, ^° ^° !^^
tl kh6* chhdu. iu" pi" iah.
Eaphanus sativus, || ^ n§, p6k. Santalum album, 9"^°^° tea"
Eaphiolepis Indica, llj°/^ ?£° soa" biu" chhiu.
kui hoe. Sapindus abruptus, ^ ,g, ^^ bii
Raphiolepis phseostemou, § ^!£ hoan tsi.

Saxifraga sarmentosa, ^° J^ 1^° Unona discolor, ill" ^°soa° tsio,
lau ho' hi. Vanda, rtt M
tiaii Ian.

Sedum, %° M^ Ma clihang. Vinca rosea, ^^ ^

tiong chhun.
Serissa faetida, i^ JC M° Df"ia thi" Vismia dealbata. llj° ^^
chhi^ bai toug.
Sesamum Indicum, '^ ^ tsi mo&. Titex spicata, JB § ^ hong hiong
Sida tilioefolia, j^ mo&. hiu°.
Sideroxylon CantonieHSej lli° ^ Webera corymbosa, M% ko hiong.
soa° lam. Zea mays, HI" ^ cbhek bi.
lanceolata, Ip" soa"
Zinziber oflBcinale, ^ kiu".

Sinapisbrassicata, ^°|^peh chh^i. Zizyphus jujuba, S" &° ^ M mi

ts6 peh tso.
Spinifex squarrosus, ^'' fi ^
niau-clihu lek.
Zizyphus ramosissimum, ^ # 16
Spiroea crenarta, ?{S H^ clihui

gek boe.
Zornia pulchellum, 35 ^ ^° a p6
Spondias amara, A "® jin bien. tsi°.

Stacbys artemisia, S #° ^ ek Flowery, ^t"

Flowing, 65°
IE" 65° u hoed.
81° teh-l&u, —fountain
bu hia°.
Sterculia balangbas, ^ ^ pin p6. ^° J^° oah-tsoa".

Stercvdia platanifolia, ^ ngo" :f^ Fluctuate, (irresolute) SM hodn-

tong. hok.
Stillinga sebifera, &° gg li° peb Flue, jg ^° ien-t^ng.
tiau tseng. Fluency] ^^° chhiii-lai, not—, ^
Tabemaemontana coronaria, ^° Fluent i M chhtd-tun.
if°?e°kaugehoe. Fluff, m ji6ng.
Tagetes patula, H # il°ban siu Fluid, « M Mu tsit, S J^ liii h§ng.
kek. Fluke, *r-S°tik°-khi.
Tamarix Cbinensis, M^W sui
Flummery, (flattery) 11 SP fS° pto"-
si liii.
pai oe, M #5:° iS° pho- tha° e oe.
Tecoma grandiflora, ^ 8 iS° leng Flunkeyjism, S^° ^ pbd-tha", Mli°
soat boe.
Thunbergia angustifolia, lll°
^° |§° pho--bin-than.

^° soa" khan gft. Fluor, spar, ^ 5 i^ tsi s^k eng.

Thuja orientalis, B" ffi° i° peh. Flurry \W 8° h6-"-hiah", #" «°
FluiTied[hia°h-tiu°, tl -g chhiong-
Trapa bicornis, M% l^ng kak.
Tricosantbes anguina, ^ JJ^^sikoe. hong.
Tropaeolum minus, ^^S O iap Flush, %. JS hoat-hong, (as a sewer)
ma. tsang-tsiii.

Flute, m°'ff°tat-a, p^ ^°phin a, p^ k^ng, —up, —a hem, pih, aii-po*,

if phin-siau, siau. ^ —the hands behind, iap-chhiii,

Flutter, fas bird) tit-tit-pti^t,— thehands, iSC ^° chha-chhiu.
as heart, m° M° M° ph6k-pli6k- Folding, — table, P-oai^-toh.
chheng, in a—, ®° Jg° hia^h-tiu". Foliage, ^°hi6h.
Flux, W,° Mu, Foliate, m M° hoat-hioh.
Fly, a, h6--sin, Spanish — ,
pan-b^, Folk, @°^^°peh-si^
fire—, ifC'k M° h'^-kim-chhi", Follow, M° t6, th4n, as attendants, —
dragon—, f J" m° chhan.i", to—, IS H kun-sui,— example, U° A°
m° pe. ;t°il°th4niangeiu°.
Flyblow, (eggs of fly) ^°ffi°t° Follower, m Bi° i° Akun-tfe e Mng,
i5°lio--sln pkng-su. (official) S6 |BE kun-pan.
Flycatcher, j^ ^ kia°-ien. Folly, B
gong, ^.° ^^ f^ b6 ti sek.
Flyleaf, ^°-B°|rkhkm-bm ts6a. Foment (with warm water^

Foal, .i° ff " ^° b^-a-kia°, to—, ^° Fomentation) M" )^' ^° ^° eng sio
.1° ff° iP° si^ b^ a kia". tsiii s6e, (with poultice) hah° beh-
Foam, a
pheh, to—, m khi-ph^h, M
pho-, ("excite^ g? long, Jf" ^
Pi 6°ag^nh6--p^h-ph6h noa°,— kiau-so.
at mouth, |&° ft ^° p4h ph^h noa". Fond (doting) )
^^ Mk-ai,—
Fob, ii°fi^°S°pio-d-te. Fondness j of ^ ai, *^ h^-",— of talk-
Fodder, ^° IfiJ chhdu-liau. ing, ^ 11° IS° ai k6ng 6e,— of
Foe, m Wc tui-t^k. wine, i^ :g° M h6-° tsiah tsiii,

Foetus, J}5°the. (love) ^ thia".

Fog, ^ bo-. ^M
b6ng-bu, dense Fondle, so-lodh.
, 3, ^°kau bo-, overcast with Font, (spring) Hi" Jg tsiii go^n,
'tab6 (basin) ^"^ tsioh phun. #
Foggy, ;r.m°ii-b6-, H°e°tk-b6-. Foochow, H )\\ Hok-tsiu.
Fogong, Mi iti hong-16-. Food, H :fe° jit-sit, ^ :fe" h^-sit, |^°
Foible, ti g k6--koai. M" niu" chhau, ^ 3^1° bi ni^", (of
Foil,^°p6h, tin— ^°^°siah p6h, army) ^ 1^° kun-niu°.
silver —
^ ^° gun-p6h, (ones
, Fool, ^. A° gong-iang, hardy, — M
schemes) g[ A° i" ft ph5 l&ng § m° h6ng ta^ -MC B" b6ng ta", 1
k6, m° A° J^:° ft phok lang^ k^. gong-ta° 5E
JJI" M M° si-sin-phe.
Foist, ff}° ji° A thau thi°-jip, M W^ Foolery, fg, 1^° f§° ^ gong ^ tai-tsi,

M" lam-sam thi°. M^"^ gong e sii.

Fokien, jjtg M Hok-ki^n. Foolish, M gong, ^ ^ gu-gong, ji

Fold, sheep's—, ^° W iu° ti4u, to B gu-chhun, ^ g^-tsoat, i^ M
— , fS° tsih, Ji aii, a — , in a dress, ii-tsoat,^ gam, ^ ^^ gam-si",
) — ,

tliub-tbiih, kbaui, ^ gai. Forbidden, IS ^ boan k'lm.
Foot, M" kha, on—, ^^Ft" p5--kia°. Force, (compel) ^ ^ bien ki6ng,
—pail, B" ti" khu-thang. (a mea- ^"M' ab-lab. {g ji^ kiong-kab,
sure) ^ chbiob, — soldiers, ^^ one's self. ^^ ^o ife" kiu° peb ni,
po'-peug, to go on — , i^ ^° po'- (troops) s. peng, (vigor) ij^ Lit,
ki&°. (as advice) W° ^ ^^ ii tbiaMbau, '

Football. S kill, play at—, MS (as a defencej ^ "

if S fi tseng-li.
tbat-kiii. Forceless, f^'^'fj bo lat, (as speecb)
Footboard, (of bed) gg S jia-hong. bo s lah 1 bab, (as an argument)
Footfall, M" € kba-po-. *£« m bo H.
Foot-bold, ffil Jh *6 kba tab toe. Forceps, Itf^ ^'^ ngeb-a, bullet —
Footing, ft' M"^" 0i& kbia-kba e S5P M*" ^^ j2:° itf° ^^ ngeb cbb^ng-
s6"-tsai. tsi e kbi°-a.

Footman, [official] SS kun-pan, Forcible

3it "I (speak) =9> ^f^Sf^' k6ng
[in family] ^ ^' ^'' pai tob e. Forcibly [u tau-sau. If" ^° -fij #
Footpace. ^° ^° ff ° un-un-ki4". koog u cbbiet-iau, kong u soab
Footpad, M" ebbdt. pbab. ^^ W° M ^ koug u kin-i^u.
Footpatb, ij^" K sio-lo-. Ford, «R° |§° teb-l5-, rf' i:° jg^ :a^
Footprints, ^ IS tsong-tsek. kboe e kbin t5e, to — M , S°
Footstep. M° i*" kha-jiab. liau-ke.

Footstool, IS" W kba-tab. Fordable,

i§o^° oe ke
^° ^ @°
oe Mu tit, ^°

>, P 1
. [chbeng,
°' ien-tau.
Foppicb Fore ('in frontj Hil?" tbiu-tseug.
For, (in stead of) #°tb6e, (because) Forearm, T"ffi° e-tsat, to— fl ff .

13 Min-ui, ;§ ^° ui-tiob, exam- —

J^^ u-pi kong-ta", :S°3fc°?ifi
ple, # Wi pbi-lQn, — ever. ^^ ^ 15: tai-seng tsiin-pi tiii-tek.
eng-oan,^me, #° fg' tboe-gua. Farbode. fforetell^ Mm cbbam-gd,
Forage, M°^^^'' cbbe-niii''-cbbau. lS° 9if S'^ tai-seugkoug, (presage)
Foramen, (perforation^ S" ff° ^ g cbbi" gi.

khang-a. Forebodings. ^^ M" tiau-tbau.

Forasmucb. @ ^ in-iii. Forecast. ^"^WiW. tai-seng ke-bo".

tbau-kap a
Foray. S» ^ *" !!" ke kki khi cbbiu". Forecastle, Mi-t^ ff*' ft°

Forbear,% g kboan-iong. lai.

Forbearance) j,j^^^^ ^°* u-liong. Fore-cited, ± :X ff §1 siong bun

r orbearmg j
SO" in.

Forbid,^^"W't6ngiSthang,^kmi. Foreclose, (stop) S Jt tso-tsi.

*iJl: kim-tsi,—procedui-e, S l"! Fore-doom, ^^ 3fe ^ tai-seng

ts6--t6ng,— export,^Jikim-Hng.| teng tsoe.

— ° a

Foreend, M" th4u. Forerunner, ^ ^ sienvhong.
Forefather, M& ts6- kong, |i ^ Foresail, Bl°ijiA°th4u-ph&ng.
ts6'-sien. Foresee, ^£ sien-ki^n.
Forefinger, j^" ^'' ki-tsai°. Foreshadow, [prefigure] ^t tsi, ^
Forefoot, ff U° tseng-t6e, ff" JS1° ^,° koan-tsi6.
tseng kha. Foreshow, ^° ^° ^t ?^ tai-seng tsi
Forefront, II" •^° tb^u-ts^ng. b^ng.
Forego, (leave) H M" ll-khui, (give Foresight, $fc £ sien-kien, ^ ^sien-ti
up) M" U° pang-sak. Foreskin, ^ki &° iong-biit-phg.
Foregoing. ^ ±. s^ng-siong, J: ^ Forest, ;|i°
^° chhiu-ni°.
siong-bun. Forestall,
$fc° ff seng [in asking]
Forehead, M° M" th^u-hiah. th6, [in doing] 5fc° fr'seng ki^".
Foreign, #" fi^" iii"-g, ^J," g g^" goa- Foretaste, ^° %° aS ^° tai-seng chhi
—yarn, #
kok-e, |j!' hoan-se, ti6h.
goods, '^"M" iu°-he,— sovereign, Foretell, fl| chham.
#I —
hoan-6ng, country, ^h" Forethought, ftg ^ ii-pJ, 1° W M°
goa-kok, §^ hoan-pang, —ves- giu chhiin pan, ^° %° fg" g^" tai-
sel, W M° iu-'tsun. seng siu" teh.
Foreigner, Jib" g A" goa-kok Mng. Foretooth, 5l" 15° W th^u ts^ng khi.
Foreign-office, H 31 ^'' J^f ts6ng-li Forever, ^° J ^ b6 liaii si, ^^
ge-mfig. ^ng-odn, A° -W kii-tfig.
Fore-judge ^'' %" J®" ^ fif tai seng Forewarn, ^ Mfi tsi-tiam, gjJr ^|°
siu"h6 h6. tidm-tuh.
Foreknow, ^^ ^^ ^D" tai-seng tsai. Foreyard, tj" Sg'" ^i| ts^ng ka-ko.
Foreknowledge, -^ £ ;t ?^ sien kifen Forfeit, [for breach of contract] f§'
tsi b^ng. siau, [an estate to the crown] ^
Forelock, H" 0° ^o ^° th^u-hidh ^ ^ so- ka.
mng. Forge, [falsify] U Bf ka-mo-,—
Fereman, hii-tsin, H" go th4u-bak. name, U° %" ke-mi^'', — one's
Foremast, M° W
th4u-ui. writing, fg ^ K kd-pit-tsek,—
Foremost, §i° BI° tsoe th^u, M" — ahead, song tsin, [blacksmith's]
^° th^u tsit g. ^'' Ji thih 16-; to— iron, iV W
Forenoon, M
Hi t^ng-po-, ±° ^^t^ng phah thih.
tail, jit- tail.

^° ^° ^°
Forged, writing) W^ W. k^-pit
Foreordination, 5feo tai tsek, ii ^H hong-pit tsek.
seng tia° ti6h. Forgery, —of another's name, jg" ^°
Forerun, [run before] ^° M° 15° tsdu ^ kd-ji-ho.
th&u tseng. Forget, X^" IB ^° boe kl-tit.

Forgetful; W M° W b6-thau sin,— Formication, ^'' ^'' 41 kdu-hia s6,
memory, IS" |E :*"' b6-ki-ti, M° tl *|° I! M ;5:° ^° kdu-hia s6 ^ pp.
tt" b6 ki-si". Formidable, jfij § li-hai, li" A" rT"
Forgive, W. If sik-bien, |r '|f gotn- ^° ho- Mng thang kia°.
ts^ng, M If liong-tseng, |i ?i& Formless, ^ JS^" ^ in tsi^" khodn,
ji4u-su, — sia, ^^ sik tsoe. ^^ ?^ Ji be h^ng Isong.
Fork,>| ff° chhiam-d, iron.—, ^°X Formosa, ^
if Tai-oan, i^-^S Tang-
thih chbe. to-,— channel, ti° '^ ho£ii°-iu?.
Forked, 1"° ^° u-chhe. Formula, j£ ^ teng-kui.
Forlorn, M. M ko--khut, (wretched) Fornication, ^ ^ ko-hdp, ^° ^^
^^ ^ chhi^-Gbbdm, (desperate) kia° kan-im.

M ^^ hiong-bkm, Fornicator, ^ ^ kan-hu.

Forlornhope, Jt" §1° ^ #" ebhiu" Fornicatress, \^ if im-hu.
th^u kong e. Forsake, %° ^° pkng-sak, ff %
Form, U° iu°, ^ j^^ heng-ts5ng, ^ koah-sid, '^^° ^° m. tih.

i^ khodn-tse, i" jfH? iu"-siu°, a Forsooth, iE" R tsia-'-sit, H ^ k6-

miere— , f| ^° the-th6ng,— of bo- ji^n.
dy, J^M hing-hai, p^ ^° pbin- Forswear, 5E W ¥"
#° tsiii-tSoa b6
keh, # ^'' kut-keh,
external ia", 31 — % M° M° tsiii-tsoa bo sik".

^ II bSng-tb^ of —
prayer, If IS Fort, >M a W
phaix-tai, sia", M tse.

^ ki-t6-biin,—fruits, m° ^° Forte, ^ m tS^ fi^ s6- ti6ng ki I.

kiet k^-tsi, — seeds, W ^° kiet-tsi, Forth, bring—, ^° si°, go—, ffi &
—a clique, S
3^ kiet-tdng, — chhut-khi.
friendship, ^ ^ —
Forthcoming, (ready to appear)jHI°
triangle, H° ^^ ti' sa° kha tu,— ^° ttj teh beh chhut.
into knots-, ^ ^^ kiet-liet, (as Forthwith, H H$ siii-sl, liam-pi'.

grain iji the ear) A ^ jip bi. Fortieth, W B^ -f-" te si-tsdp.

Formal; (methodical) M ?^ ^ tsiau Fortification, M^ phau-tM, M° M

cfohii-su, M tp 41° tsiau tsun-tsin, sia°-ti.

(external) ^^ S" goa.pbe, (con- Fortified,—place, ?ii fi i° ^ ^

ventional) M^J tsiku le. phau-tai §: s6--tsai, Ig ^ jS° 0f ^£
Former, (prior) 4° tsa, ^S" ^ tai- kun-ik° § sd'-tsai.
seng^ W BS k^ii-sij (earlier) W flt Fortitude, (bravery) M B° b^-ta",

tsiStig, sk ("of character; :^° B-^- u tam-ti.

Formerly, ^°
^° H
W tsa-ts^hg, ^£° BI Fortnightj ZL°
^'' tsu- Fortress,
M # niig 16-pki.
M M phku-tki.
taanthifcu, tsA-jit, @
. tsd, M. as go^n-lai, ^ M p^ng-so', Fortuitous, i^ gS ng6--ji^n., W^fS"
— , '

1?0R FOU
Fortunate, ^it^tso hok si, if ^° ki, (as of a report) j®" S t6e-ti,

m h6 jl-un, M ^° h6-mia, Jf ig ;|ft tj^ k'un-ili, &° t6e.

ts6-gu. Founder, |3S ^°khaiki 6, to—, SC
t'ortunately, |5 ^ kai-tski, 1g ^ tlm, iji" tikm.
ban-heng. Foundling, i^° Z° W ff° khioh ^ e».

Fortune, (lot,; ^° mia, ji M

un-kh\, d, —hospital, ( I5 ^° idk eng-t%,
^° il JT-un, M Ji khi-un, good ^^ ^° i6ng seng tfig.
— , 1^ ;^ h6-k^ng, bad— ^° ^, Foundry, ^ ^° tsu k^k.
phdi-'-k^ng, good—lucky, ^it^ Fount, i[<.° 'M tsiii go^n, —of type,
tso-hok si, bad — , unlucky, ^ Jg ~° #Jf:tsithuji.
flj phai" tso hoa, (great wealth) Fountain, ^° ^, tsiii go^n.
:k° "&" toa pii, (fate) i£ S" tsu- Four, E9° si, —seasons, ^ si kiii,

tia". fold,— 13° liS" sipe.

g° ^°% khoa° inia sien.
1° ^° ^° khok" mia Fourfooted, 0° 6^° si kha S. W
^, Fourscoure, A° + poeh tsdp.
Forty, H°+°6Usap. Fourteen, -f-° 0° tsap si.
Forward, ("in frontj ^° ^° 11° ti Fourteenth, if +° 0° te tsdp si.
M Fourth, H 0° te si, one 0°fjj — —
thiu-tsgng, (ready) fg li-pien, ,

(earnest) ife >2> ji^t sim, (bold) si hun it.

^° ^°
* 3>

b6 sioh piin-bun, Fowl,
kik, (hasten) ^°
m° koe, rear—, m° W chhi
^ ko4°-kin, fas season) ^° tsd, Fowler, ^° Ji° 6^° phah-tsidu-S.
(help) llfflft" taii-tsan, (advance) Fowling piece, J^° M° tsidu chh^ng.
Ji 1^° tsin-tsSng, (bbtrusivej ai Fox, mM h6--ll, iIj°J&)°soa''kdu,—
tsi-tsap. fur, !ISS:t°h6--lichhdu.
Fosse, M f& si^" tl. Fracas, \^ chhdu-lau.^
Fossil, ;S°?b° tsi6h-hoe. Fraction, [a fragment] ^° ^ Mn
Foster, Jg° ^ p6e-i6ng, chhiii, [in arthmetic] ^ ^ beng-
Fosterfather, ^nPU° fif kau-tai hun, vulgar, ^ ^ hun s6', deci-
i chhi L mal — ,
<J, ^ siau SO", proper —
Fostermother, W° ^° W io kid" bii. jE ^S' ts^ng hun, improper, S {J
Foul, ?i ^f° au-tsau, j§ ^ ii-o^, oai hun, addition of ilB i^ ka-
(odious) ?J kh6-6-°, ^ hun, subtraction of — ^ kidm
, J]^
Foulmouth, ^"nf p-phdi-chhuitdu. hun, multiplication of— ^ {J ,

Found, (establish) siet-lip, ^ A s§ng hun, division of — {^ £J t<i-

(mould) ^
tsii, (a dynasty; gg g hun, reduce a to — , its lowest
khai kok. terms, ify © iok-hun.
Foundation, (of a house) ^1° ® toe- Fractions, fas a child] e-^ 1^ 16.

Fracture, ^° phok, —apparatus, g Fraught, [laden] ^° ® mod-tsai,

% t.°^M tsiap kut ^ kbi-khu. [filled] Wi" mod.
Fragile, [brittle] M. chb^. [weak] Fray, [affray] >lf!^
'^ chhdu-lau, to
— , lig %m sii.

Fragment, [small] ??> ?jS cbhiai- Freak, -^ 'If k6--koai, %° ']f ku-koai
cbbtii, [larger pieces] ^ M° lan- Freakish, tS" If k6--koai, [man] -^
san, ^° sut. % i.° A" k6--koki 6 Idng.
Fragmentary, ^ ?? cbbiii cbbiii, ^ Freckle, W *I W -M ho--sin sdi
^° l&n-san. ki, ^, ki.

Fragrance, §° phang. Free, [to let go] fp° Jfc" thdu-pkng,

Fragrant, § pbang, — oil, #''f|[ipbang — and easy, ^^ fff kh6-si6k, # Jfi

it, ^ if biu° iii. th6-thiap, [one's own master] §

Frail, [weak] i|° lam, [liable to i tsu-tsii, — from guilt, '^ p tboat-
perish] -^ ®
khoai t6, U° &.° M° tsoe,—from restraint, %° ^ % b&
b6 kbia khi, [weak in resolution] iok-sok, [not stingy] :X "^ tai-

l!S° £
E bo teng ki^n. honff.
Frame, [for picture] M° kbeng, [for Freebooter, chhiit, kiap M W
embroidery] ^ kui, [a stand] chhdt.
||g° k^, (for cooking by steam) Freeagency, &" @ ^ i ka-ki tsti-

Mng sag, — work, j^ #

ki-kut. tsu.

France, :^ & ^ Tai boat kok, ?hj Freeborn, M

ffl it °«t g ± chhut-sitsiu

W h6 Ian se. tsu tsii.

Franchise,— of taxes, IS m." W bi^n Freedman, ^W^''Z°-U:^ siu thau-

tsi"'-ni{l''. pang e lo'-tsai.

Frangible, tg" W '^° oe phoa tit. Freedom, g i tsu-tsii.

Frangipani, # ?g'' hoan-hoe. Freegrace, 6 l&° if. ^^ p^h-p^h un-
Frank, **" ffi i^ bo khAg p5-, not—, tien.

31?^ tim. Freely, [willingly] If »5 kam-sim,

Frankincense, ?L '§" ju hiu°. jf M kam-gofin, [gratuitously]
Frankly, ^. K' tsiaii sit. 1^° ^'' p^h-p^h.
Frantic, ^\ liet, HM P^-" le-le ki6,— Freemason, ±° 7K° f 6^° th6--tsui

with rage, iHC" ^° W h^ tng boat. hoe e.

Fraternal, JL° Ig" fi^J° hia^-ti g. P'reeschool, ^ ^'' gi-6h.

Fraternity, hoe. # Freestone, ^1° ;ff° ang-tsi6h, [fruit]

Fratricide, -^ij %" 51°^" th&i^si hia"-tl it° ffi ^^ ii" J^" b6 liam bah ^
Fraternize, ^ tP kau-p6e. hiit.

Fraud, lut, iJ siit. Freethinker, ;p<' f 5g" ± ® #° m

Fraudulent, *F ti di^ kan hiau hidm. sin u Si(5ng-t^ §.

Freewill, tS" S i
oe tsu tsii. kia" tsit-e, you gave me a—, c4^
Freeze, M° '4<- kign-peng. f#° f§° m" —° T" li ho- god kia°
Freight, fg tsai, accept a — ,
1^" ® tsit-e.
un-tsai. Frighten, M" W^ ho- i kia" #^
Freights, fg M tsai-gun, ® m ^^ M" h5- i chhi" kia°.
tsai-tsi°. Frightful, M W W hiong feki-kki.

French, :k fi M fi^ Tai boat kok L Frigid, [cold] ^^ ko^" [unfeeling]

Frenchman, f^ g^ W A° Hoat Ian se ;?; t. piit-jin, ^° ^ »5 b6 h6 sim.

14ng. Frill, (a ruffle) f&^ fl^o ;i° :?g° khioh

Frenzied, ^ k6ng, S siau. keng S hoe.
Frequent, ^ '^ siong-sidng, M° M° Fringe, %,° chhiu.
tauh-taiih. Frippery, ^'' ^^^ ku-sa", (prenten-
Frequently, M" B° taiih-taiih, :g H°
tious trumpery) %° Sj W W iL°

tsM-sa", ^^ ^ liii-chhii.
bo tsin tiu° k mih, ^ i§ S S.put-
Fresh, (as water) fl ko si phien bdk.
tsiA°, (as fish)
M" chhi", fnewj m sin,— water, Frilf ^
*^° *'^' ^° ^^ ti6,thiku.
II 7K tsid"-tsui.
Freshen, #°#m°il ho- i khah tsia".
Frith, fsr P" h6-khau, m W kang-
Freshet, 7K° m tsiii-tiong. Flitter, ffraginentj ^ t^ chhiii-
Fret, khi^n leh-leh, '^ M" A )& kh6- chhiii, !g:? M" Mn-san, (money) 1:°
kail jip sim.
^r A-° na ili°-khi, ;§<' ^° nd sib,
Fretful, fas childj #° ^ g^u-oan,
(time) Ji fli ho^-si;
Fretwork, RJ ^^ ^° ban-jl kha.
Frivolity 1 |? i| kheng-p6k, ®^
Frivolous [ hi-hoa, ?^° ^° phft-phi6,
Friable, fg # oe hu. ^° it S b6 ho--ti5ng.
Friction, ^ loe.
Frizzle, j^" ^ Jf chh6ng
fij ° ho- i
Friday, W S." pai-go'. ^
Friend, 43,^ p^ng-iu, old—, 1^^^ Fro, to and—, ^^ 6ng-mi, ^^°
k6' siong-chhii. lai-khi, fhither and thitherj 2^ JjU
Friendless, ^S" ^ 1® b6 kau-p6e, ^° *° 5fe° Mi-Mi khl-kHi
45 ^ bo peng-iu. Frock, ^° sa".
)^M siong h6, || JJ Frockcoat. hiii, :i?# tfig koa. W
/ chhin-ho-; (person) %
Frog, H° !l!& ff » chhan-kap-a, edible
A fu tek jin ho,— intercourse,
7K M° siii-koe. — ,

^^ 5K kau-tsiap 6ng-14i. Frolic, #" fS g^u^kiin,

i^ hoa.
Friendship, /f " fj ^
tsofe pgng-iii. Frolicsome, 1° gAu-k^n, boa. ®
Frigate, ^
Jg" tsi^n-tsftn. From, Wsthi, fS'tsng,— ofold,
Fright, M° -° U
IS" kia^-hia", SI" f° -^^m tsu,k<4- i lai.

Front, BI-B^miau-tsgng, to — ,
^"^g. lH" 1^ 1° bo cbbdi kang.
Frontal, Bl° W 65° thau-hidh L Frustrate, ft* ife!^" td°-chba, g[° !^° 1:°
Frontier, ^ f?. kau-kki, ^^ pien- pboa cbbiii tsam, ij° Jlk pbab-pai.
kki. Fry, 1 tsien,—till crisp, 1 *° |i
Fronting, InJ" i g. tsien khi so".
Frontispiece, flff"
M" ff " chheh e Frying, —pan, M M° tsien-poa°, ^°
ang-d. tid", sound of, cbbi-cbbi kiin.
Frontlet, ,|^ ftl o'-kun. Fuddle, I? tsiii.
Frost, 11° sng, — bite, }f St tkng-tsi, Fudge, m
sS" gong oe, ^° ^° b6-id"

/t" H" tkng-sng. Fuel, ^ chba, gather— ^°^° khioh- ,

Frostbitten, Jg" ^^ tkng-si. chha.

Frosty, ^° H° u-sng. Fugitive, ji ^° fi5° to-tsdu g,— sol-
Froth, a ph^h. diers, 5^ £^ t&-peng.

Froward, J^ft aii-ban, (disobedient) Fub-kien, fg M. Hok-kifen.

'I4^^ng6'-gek, (^peevish) kau-khoe. Fub-ning-foo, $S Hok-l^ng. ^
Frown, M" W pi^-bin. Fulcrum, (prop) t£° thiau, (mecha-
Frowsy, j^ ^ sam-skm, ju. nical) {fi tiam.
Frozen, ^° 7K kiSn-peng. Fulfil, BSt' 6ng-giam, B ^X eng-hau,
Fructiferous, ^ H" ^^ 6^" kiet ke- (a contract)M 15 tsiaii-iok.

tsi e. Fulfillment,^ B bau-giam, B ^

Fructify, fmake fruitful; n''^^W eng-giam, M ^ feng-hau,.
ha- i kiet-sit, (fertilize; i^" fif ic° Fulgent, JB" m kng-bSng, 3E° K°
JIE" b5- i^kbah pui.

Frugal \JkiM khiam-seng, m° Full, tr, }i° mod, (eaten enough)

Frugality j kbiam-pbak, ^°f^°kbioh- fg° pd, load, Ji i? bodn-tsai, —
sip, M
15" lidm-tsat. quite cbhiong-mod, feel- — %^ ,

Fruit, 11°?" k^-tsi, bear,—, |g H ^° ing, M° tiii",— particulars, 5^ 15

kiet-ke-tsi, ^° B° ?° si" k^-tsi. li6k-tsiet, very, —ti°-mod-moa,

Fruiterer, ^° ||° ^'' ^° boe k^-tsi S. growth, :^° j3£ t5a tsai.

Fruitful, #° ^° g^u-si",— season, ^ Fuller, (of cloth) 1° ^ :t.° A° phi6

J[S: b6 siu. p6' & lang.

Fullness, ti", feeling of—, M°titi".
Fruitgroves, M°^°W° ke-tsi-na.

Fruition, ^m^jn kiet-ki6k, M" ^ Fully, (completely) ^ f^ tsoan-jiSn,

k6ng u kbiok-tsiet, :S J^ iii- (copiously) 3B 3. chhiong-seng,
ft fif
s^ng. (clearly) BJ BJ b^ng-b&ng, (suffi-
Fruitless, (not bearing fruit) ^'' ^ ciently) JE° kau-gidh, — done,
11° 5^° b6 kiet-k^-tsi, (useless) H" as meat, ||5 —examine, S°
s^k, i^°

^° b6 15- eng, ^ M M b6 li-ek. ^ 16ng chha-kh6, — know, W S

^° Mng ki tsai,— twenty, " +° Furious, ^ bi6ng, (anger) ^ ^^
JE ji tsap tsiok. tsin-liet, ;ii Jlll^° le-le ki6, —wind,
Fulsome, l@ |i i§° m° thidm bi ke- ^ B k6ng-bong.
thiu, 'M°MMm ke giah thikm-bi. Furiously, M bi6ng.
Fumble, (grope about in Fur], ^° kng,—as a sail, T° M° be-
^° bong,
the dark) Pt ^°
fP° hm bong sa. pb^ng.
Fume, (smoke) llSH°hun, (rage) ^°^ Furlougb, fM° k5-ke, report after ^
siu-khi, ^^ boat-sfeng, ft >A:° — , >)^'
fg° siau k^. .

If °
seng h6 t6h, (vapour) ien, Furnace, !K° M-W. M
(thr6w of vapour) 'JtH ^
chbeng Furnisb, (give) #° b5-, ^ ^ kiong-
ien, (be in a rage) i^ 'ft kbi s^ng, kip, (a bouse) ft" M° m° tak ke-
at tt sAi seng. si, ^ ^° ^ hak ke-kbi.
Fumigate, Wo 'M° cbheng-hun. Furnisbed, (as bouse) m° W° W° M
Fun, (sport) M° M° tbit-th6, (mer- ke-si 16ng pien.
riment) Km
kbo4i-16k, fc° ^^
Fui'niture, (of bouse) ^° W° ke-si,

M boa'^-hi tek-kdi. m^ ke-kbi, sbop— jg ^°m°m°

Function, (office) ^ ft tsit-jim, tiam lai ke-si.

(use) B lo--eng.
ffl° Furrier, jfe° ^° ^ pbe-chhdu siong.
Fund, /^ M tsun-glin. Furrow, ^ kau.
Fundament, M )\\° kha-chbng. Further,|jc° ^° khab hng, what—,
Fundamental, (original) ^ ?(; 6^° n° ^° iRl" i^° iAh ii Sim mib.
kun-piin &, (important) ^^ 6^° Furtherance, (help) I? |&° pang-
iaii-kin-S. tsan, —
of the gospel, |I E3° ^ —^
Funds, ;$:'^ piin tsi°. i^° fl Ji hok-im it boat si ko6 p6
Funeral, ^^ song-su, attend a — i6ng.
^ PJ skng-ts6ng, — ajffairs H :$: Furthermore, fg° koh.
song-su. Furthermost, fig Jt° kek hng, ±° ^°
Funerial, H :^ song-su. siang big, —
from my thoughts,
Fungus, y^JM° b6k-m, |K ko-. g<5a tsam-jifen 16ng b6 siu".
Funnel, if ff° lau-d, (cbimney)
^° ien-tang.
M Furtive
m tsi".
6^ thau-e, ^ m° ^m-

Funny, ^ ^° b6-cbbi6. Fury, :k° ^° M tot siu khi.

Fur, ^° pb^, sable—, ^ E i&° tiau- Fuse,
?| »5 in-sim, to—, |§° iii°.
cbhuphe, (on tongue) ^°^ tsib- Fusiieer, |^° H chhfeng peng.
tbai, (as on a peacb) ±° 'J^ Fusion, (melt) ^° iu", (blending)
cbbiu°-bun, (crust on a. vessel) ^° sa"-cbham. ^
tS pbi. Fusiyama, f^ llj Hu-sfi-san, ±
Furbisb, ®° 36° b6a kng. Fuss, (tumult) m° @° Ii boa-boa-
! ° °

ji6iig, (in a bustle) h6"-hiah. Galbbladder, Jja° M ta^'-long.

Fustian, ^°M hoe-ji6no-. Gale, ?fK 51 H p6-th4u-hong.

Fusty, (mouldy) Mi° 9
chhau-phu. Gall, m° ta°.
Futile, %° ^
X° bo cbbAi kang. Gallant, 31 ^1 eng-bi6ng.
Future, ^° ^ au-lai, ^° ^ au-sin, Gallantry,( bravery ) ^ ^ eng-bi6ng,
5|f 35 tsiong-Lai, event, ^^i,^° it? ;JH° bo-td", (civility to ladies)
^° be lai ^ tai-tsi. ^° mm ]ES° if A A° u M-s6- ti

Futurity, ^° H aujit, gij H pat jit. hii-jln Iflng.

Fuzz, eng. Gallery, ;ffi° Kin.

Fuzzle, M° A°?i I? b5- lang tsiu-tsui Galley, cook's—, 'Ml m° tsaii-pl".

Fy, gda-ali ! ^
i§ ^° kien-siau lab ! Gallipot, m° W?
liu-liu cbbiu-chbiu
! Gallnut, 3i iS tsi.

Gallon, ° —
5^° tsit-tdu.

Gallop, ^° pbdu.
Gallows, m ^° tiaii-kfe.

Gab, m° m° m° kong feng oe. Galvanic battery, ^ M tien-ti.

Gabble, il SI ^° loan loan k6ng. Gambler, ;f£ W W pin-nug-ko.
Gabel, |pJ biong, (salt) HrK iam khb, Gamble, ^ IS poab-kiAu,— for a
— roof, A ^° H-° jin-ji-tsiam. large stake, m° :k° ti° podb toa
Gad ^—about, 16k-16k-kb6k- kiAu, — for a small stake, M° *h°
Gadding Jkb6k. %° poah si6 kidu.
Gadfly, '^° M gA-bong. Gambler, m° M
kiau-kba, a con-

Gag, S° ^ that-chhui. firmed—, m° % kiau-kiii.

Gage, ?i #° tsiin-tAg, IS !gj an-biit. Gambling, m° W
poab kiaii, IS M
Gaiety, ^ i^ kboai-16k. t6--pbok, win in—, m° 1f° ia°-

Gain, (earn) tban, (obtain) #° kiaii, lose in—, it 11° su kiaii,—

^° tit-ti6h, —
one victory, m"" — bouse, ti° f^° kiaii-keng,—place,
^° iaMsIt tin, (win) M° i^'"- tf ift° kiau-tiu°, keeper of
° a—
Gainful, m S li-ek. bouse, tS°.'g°kiau-koa", live by
Gainsay, M ^ pien-pok. — , :t' t®° M" tsiab kiaii tang,—
Gait, M theb-tbai.
i:^ debt. t|° ^° kiaii-tsi", craving for
Gala, ^ 1^ lau ji^t. — , M^ ti" gien liiau-

Galangal, f% M"" 16ng kiu'', seeds of Gamboge, fi" M° tin-ng.

tbe— M.° M. m
ang to-- kb6-. Gambol, ^° J^ tio-tbiaii.
Galatians, Epistle to— *D° ik
±° Game, (sport) ii°i^°tbit-tb6, (jest)
^° Ka-liap thki pboe. fe
^°kun-cbbi6, (as of cbess) m —
^° tsit moti, win a—, ^° i^°, lose
Galaxy, 5c M° tbien-b6.
Galbaniim, ^^^
siong-tsi liiong. su, drawn W^ an bo — ,
su-ia-, (gamble) ,^°fl|°podh-kiaii, Garland, ?E° [i hoe-<ii.
(brave) WWl,M° tarn su-ifi,", make Garlic, ^ sokn, m° ff ° sAg-d.
—of, U ^° thi-chhi6, ?^^°l^ng- Garment, iR M i-h6k, ti ^^ i-tsili".

chhi6. Garner, M t° chhek chhng, m° \W

Gamester, ff ° tl kiaii-ktin, tl° PS chhek sia".

kiaii-kha. Garnish, j^ ^ siu-tsdng.

Gaminghouse, ti° Fh^° kiaii-keng. Garret, M" ff ° lau-d.
Gammon, (ham) ifC U
h^-thui, to Gandson, tow^i, M° si^°, (in a —
—^ , siet-sien.
fllJ town) 1^ M° :^° siu 8ia° peng,
Gamut, ^
f^ gak-lut. (on the frontiers) W ^ hong ^
Gander, |^° g| gi^-kak, ftl j|| g6- t6" ^ peng.
kak. Garrowwood, ^ ^° tlm-hiu°.
Gang, ^ t6ng, form a—, ft° ^ ts6e Garrulity, ^° =5° tsoe-oe, ^ "i" to-
t6ng. gi§n, chha chha hdu.
Ganges, ^f ^ Heng-h6. GaiTulous, ^ gg° fj5° ai-k6ng oe.
Ganglion, m° Mt, have a—, ^° M' Garter, |*° ^^ b6h-toa.
khan hat. Gas, ^^thkn-khi.
Gangrene, 5E° ^° si-bah, ffi|°
|^^ Gasconade, |§ P° khoa-khdu, ff° ^"^
noa bah. phin-ph6ng.
Gangway, '7%°
1llJ Pg° tsui-sien miig. Gash a,
— ° ^° tsit-l^h, to—, W l&h
Gaol, ^° ka", ^°m ka-^-koan, |g Gasp, PS" chhodn, i; 1^ g^ pr(S°toa
#° ^° kodn-d-lai. chhui khui ha°-ha°, (forbreath) l^°
Gaoler, *g ^° kim-tsi, M'' 51° ka"- ^° ^° chhodn boe chhut
ffl khiii.
thiu. Gastralgia, ^ ^° ui-thia°.
Gap, m° pbang, !^° khiah. Gastric, g° 6^° ui-&, juice i i: ^
Gape, S° 5i bah hi. f^ ui & tin-^k.
Garb, #T if td^-pan. Gastritis, f ;t° ^ 1^ ui & boat iam.
Garbage, M° puu-s6. ^ Gate, pg m£g, street,— |5g f^° ai-
Garble, m° M" M l%° thi" th^u mng, — in a pass, K lit koan-di,
thiap b^. city—, U°fr sia mfig,— way, Pf
Garden, ?g° H° hoe-h£g, flower—, P° m£g-khdu.
?E° B hoe-h%,—stuff, ^ ^^ Gather, ^° khioh, ^° ^° khioh-lioh,
chhai soe. —up, t^ siu-sip, ^ il tsek-tsu,
Gardener, ®° T hilg teng, m'^°M W 8 iidp-tsek, —as in harvest, ftfc

e^° k5- hoe hiig 6.

^ siu-sSng,— together, ^ gf tsu-
Gardenia, ^° ^^ fig ki". tsip, (as a boil) m° m° si^k'ng.
Gargle, &t° P°so6-khdu, 11° p°
sek- Gaudy, It ffi hang-ng6-, Ji° p4i- ^
chhi^ng, hoe-hiet, hia-pai, B° W

^ $ cbhia-lio^. — as colour,
iam-iA, Gelding, m 03° si^n-b^, r# ^° ,^°

M ^ kiau-sek. iam ^ be.

Gnuge, (standard measure for foot Gem, H° gek, K ^° p6 tsi6h, K 5°
rule) R° if chhioh-pan, (for steel- p6-gek.
yard) S°fj| niii-prin, (small steel-. Gender, (male person) ^° ^p° ta-
yard) W° M
chhin-pan, to-—, M" pe, (female) ic° A° tsa-b6-,
nid, (estimate) J $§ liong-iok. (male of animals) ^"^ kang, (fe-
Gaurantee, •^ ^^ p6-nia, f^ M Y>^-
male) #
bu, (bring forth) ^ si".

jin, H
Pig tam-jin, Jg H tali-^ng. Genealogical, ]|| If 6^° ts6k-ph6- ^,

Gaunt, kut gikng-giang. •Ift #, 6{I° s^-he ^.

Gautama Buddha, # jJS #^ sek- Genealogy, ift % s^-he, i^ If tsok-

kia m6'-ni°. ph6\
Gauze, m 16, silk—, g!° se, ^° ^° General, Jlf ^ tsiong-kun. Major
,1!;° thai-tdu se, M 5j- ^^ 16 tdu se, — , il # li: PI thg tok kun-bun,
glazed — ,
#° i; hidng-se. Brigade , iff. ^ ts6ng-peng,
Gavel, (in law) ji M tsin-kong, (public) ^ kong, in — , :^ 0^ tai-
(wheat) ^°m b^h-tui. li6k, :k M tai-khai.

Gawk, (bird) tt hI t5--koan, (man) Generalissimo, ]^ 'M tsiong-kun, x

M A° gong Mng. goan-soe, i^
gijl thong-sut. ^
Gay 1 vi )6 chheng-sim, ^ M i^t- Generality, ;Ji: §E tai-khai.
Gayley j 16k, ^^
tek-kdi, (showy) Generalize, 5h Bf hun ^ kiii liii,

il ®° p^i-chbiang, ^# cbbia- (take general view) ^:hM khoa"

h6a, (person)M W cbhin-chbi". tai-khtii.

Gaze, BU^W bak khoa", B tsii Generally, ^^ peng-si6ng, '^ ^

S° tsii sin khoa", B^ ^° tu- si6ng-si6ng, —speaking, ;/ic i)E tai-

tu-si5ng. khai.
Gazelle, # i^ Mng-i6ng. Generate, &° si°.

Gazette, fg p6, Peking — , 'ff° #fi Generation, f^ tS.i, ^ f^ s^'-tai, the

kia''-p6. last — —^ , 5;^ t^ng-un.
Gazetteer, ffi if Er^ ^° chhut sin- Generic, -name, ||. ^ ts6ng-mia''.
blin 6. Generosity, fit :ft t6--liong, if S
Grear, ^ S. khi-khu. h6-li5ng.
Gelatine, 81° ka, (fish jeUy) .®. P Generous :^'° u-liong, :k° M.
I g
hi-ka. Generously jtoa-liong, :h° i& toa-
Gelatinous, g°Ii°fir n4 ka 6, (vis- lo-, W M° E fi m6a'^-pak to- liong,


cous) m°m° k6--k6-, fAMUam- m°BM. u-to--li6ng, TK 51 li

Mm. pun tiu°, very — % ^ , :k M

Geld, 1^ iam. khoan iong tai to*.

Genesis, book of—, fij tS ^-clih6ng Geographical, — map, i^ M M te-

s^ ki. ll t6-.

Genial, ,1. fu un-ho, |lE |^ siin-sfin, Geography, ii JJ| te-li.

^ BiJ; jin-jid, ,1 lit un-slin. Geology, ifi S * te-li hak, Ji 1°

Genii, IJj sien. :t° H t5e tsit 6 lun.

Genital, (male) PJ '-i i6ng-but, (fe- Geomancer, M yK ^ &.° hong siii

male) 1^ P^ im-blin, —shower, ^ sien-si, il& JJ gilJ te-li su, ii ^ 5fc

m Wf Mp si bo-. kham ii sien, — compass?, M 11°

Genitor, (a father) ^° :JC° lau-pe 16-ki^
Genius, :/c° W° A° toa giu 14ng, :fc
o Geomancy, iljl 3 te-li, M 7^ f^ hong-
^M A° toa tsai-tiau lang. siii hoat.

Genteel, M "^ su-bdn, ;^ ^% btin-nga, Geometry, ^^ ^ f^ h6' kak hoat.

lit 31 bun -11,—looking, ^ ^ iu- Geranium, f# #
hoan h4i-t6ng. ^
siu. Germ, (vegetable) jin, (animal) H
Gentian, 3^° ni°. J5^° the.

Gentile, WB :t° A° phi put ^ Mng, German, W ff ° 6^° Se-4 6, H 3: 1

(in Bible) (P^A°) T-pang-Mng e^° Jit-jl° ban L
Gentility, i® b<in-li, ^B blin- Germansilver, |^° §^° pdh-t&ng.
ngd. Germany, H H S Jit-ji° ban, (f
Gentle, JJ^ f^ un-sAn. fE |iE sun-sAn, m Tek-kok.
JS ^ un-jili, |iE 5 stin-li6ng, (as Germinate, ^° M° pub-i°, ^ 1°
an animal) ^0 koai. hoat-i".
Gentleman, (in character) ^ ^ kun- Gesticulate, it ^° J° M° pi chhiii
tsii. e kioh, iYi ^ pi-po", (as in a quar-
Gentlemanly, ^ 3SC su-btn, ^ ^ rel) ii Jim" ii ^° khi kha tang
btin-b^k. chhiu.
Gentleness, ^ |g un-siin. Gesture, (in acting) fg°J#°poa"lang,
Gentlewoman, ift ^ ^f ° A° A° s6 immodest — ^ ,
i^ iau-tsia", hor-
ka hu-jin 14ng. rid —loan kiii pi.

Gently, tril'''ff °khin-khin-4, (meek- Get, %° ^°

tit-ti6h,—up SB ^ khi-
ly,) S^ un-jiu. Mi, — ^ ^ hoat-ts^i*—ready,
Gentry, "gj ^ tsi^n-t^ng, ,# i sin- as dinner,, |ij ^ chh6ng-pien,
eu, i|i^ ^ sin-khim. teeth, W^M boat chhui khi,—
Genuflection, ii° •^° *° kui-l<5h-khi heavy in debt, @ •^" ^° chhim
Genuine, ^ sit, [ft ^ tsin-sit. 16h khi,— on well together -^^ T
Genuineness, ^ ^ tsin-sit. Jft°A° m° kap Mng 16h,— up, jl5
Genus, lui. ^ 535khi-Mi, —away, ^ ^ tsdu khi,
Geographer, Ji S Big te-li su. hold mM kbi"-ti6h,— on with

a person, ^ A W ^ kap lang u Gift, ii° sang, K° gg sill" sii.

16h,—ahead, advance, Gifted :t° * ^ji gj W° tsin ii piin su, :t S3

tsSng, — ^ HS 16h —
asleep, u bin, to, tsai-tiau.
reach a kku, — reach Gig, (boat) 5i
place. Ig thong- pan-d.
^t, iK ff°
up ^
to, — drunk, JS ^
ti6h, Gigantic, ^ ^ tsiu- hai-hai.

tsiii, as a
loose, Iku Giggle, Pi n ^°
string, khi, ki-ki-chhio, Pf i^
—a kidh, —
stick, '{^a horse, ^° off hi-hi-chhio.
^ ^° 16h khi,— escape, ^° *° ^ # an-kim, ^ # t5--kim.
off, Gild, :^
tsdu-khi,—together, ^ ^ ^ lek-kim. tsu-tsip,
—a thief, #° M° liah chhat,— Gilded, ^ 6^ lek-kim-e.

round a person, g4u boah, #MA Gilding, ^ ^ an-kim.

g&u koan l§,ng. Gill, ^. $11 hi-chhi.
Gewgaw, (pretentious) AM ^°
if Gilly flower, )J» ^ ^ si6 iong mui.
!i fg° jip sit i5 si h6 mih, JS°IS° Gilt, :^ an-kim. §
@° ;2:° !i° ke hid" bak g mih. Gimlet, ^ ff" tsng-a.
Geyers, iM M° kiin tsod, jg ^° kiin- Gimp, ^,^° siu-soa", -^^lien-kan.
tsi°. Gin, t jg jin-tsiii, (a snare) tauh.
Ghastly, (death like) M^ thoat- Ginger, X' kiu", dry—, K° #° kiu"-
h^ng, g°^° A"®" nd si Mng bin bii.

Ghengbis Khan, ^"^ ^ ff Seng Ginger bread, X^ ft° kiu"-pia".

kiet su han. Gingerly, <J>° »IJ si6 sim, ^ '^ kin-
Ghoorka, II5 ^ ^ kok ji° khek. sin.

Ghost, ^ g kui-koai. Gingham, ^ ;j^ mo--p6'.

Giant, ® ^ :^ tiong-hu. lii Gingle, irr° WS° ^° p^" tin-tin tiang-
Gibber, 0' %^ Bfl k6ng-b5e beng, tiang, ^M% khiang-khiang hau.
m. fS ^° lam sdm k6ng, E E li^ Ginseng, A #jin-som, American—
l5an loan k6ng. M M bi-kok som, Corean, M
Gibberish, gi-bii gt-ngiauh. M # ko-lS-som, Japanese, B # :$^

Gibbet, ^ ^° tiaii-k^. jit-piin som, buy — M # tsien- ,

Gib'bous, (convex) tsui, ifi" phong. som.

Gibe, ^ $|J ki-chhi. Giraffes, M 1^ It^k pk.

Giddiness) .iPt ^° o- am bin, |£° Gird, ^°h4,—the

loins, m°Ji°hkio.

Giddy ^
hin-gong, ^^
it hin Girdle, m° toa m° ^° io-toa.
b6ng b6ng, (volatile) IS° hi- Girl, ^° ^^ Mo ^o tsa-b6- gin-nd,
hidu, j^ # hi-hoa, ^ 1/6 kheng- g° 3£^ tsa-b6-, (maiden) ^^&
thiau, 0' ^° phu-phio, %°m-M. tsai sek lii.

b6 ho" tiong. Girlish, m^UK ?o ^ tsa-b6- gin-

Giereaglc, ^^ oan-ku. nd khodn.
— — ,

Girth, (of a saddle) Bj° ME be lek Glair, ||° ^° jf koe-nug-cbheng.
to-, (of a person) #° ^° ^° ^^ Glance, © @ ,1 sai bak be, ||°'@°
sin io e toa. ^° sdi-bak-tsi", displeased, bak-
Gist, -^ ^ chhiet iau. tsiu gin-gin,^off, su ke khi,
Give, #°ho- (present) 5i°sang, %°m chhoa k^ khi.
siii^-sii, —
back, 7l:-°h^ng, beedtoas Gland \M° hAt, scrofulous — —
advice, ^ESi&Hs^esim tliia", —
out, Glandular, I'M i!fi li Ut, to have —
as money, iiS cbhut, — a name,^ ^° M° khan-hdt, lactrymaj— , 01
^° pidu-mia°,— B M° ^ Wt i^ W gan-le
in to, hat.

chhek kha —suck, ® ^ Glare, (of light) kng chhak chhak,

io-leng, — way, ^° way, as
niCi", — Ji B: ^ tu-tu si6ng. at,

a bank, ^° pang, ^^ oeh, — sen- Glaring, (clear) ^ b^ng, (notorious^

tence, Hi phok°-tokn, — an audi-
fij ^ ^° chhut mia°,— crime, M° |g
ence, ^° ^ tse-tien,— trouble, 'Ml £ lit ;t° ^° bo kia° ki^n-siau 6
Ml t6-tiap,— credit, Ji p^ng- M phdi", (barefaced) ^° |S° ^° kau
siaii, —a largess, %' M° p6--si, bin phe.
secret bint, i^ ^^ tsi-tidm, wont Glass, M ^° po-l^,-panes, ^° ]^°

in, M M b6-° s^ng, ^° H jin gig ffi K=° po-le-phi", wine, M ^°^° po-
— vray, through pressure of
su,- le ts6a",—maker, M° M M ^° ^

weight, ^ IS tsAu-tang, — sub- in, ts6e po-1^ sai hu, beads, '^4 1^5

mit, If" flg hang-hdk,— out, tell, liau-tsu, looking — , '^ ^° bin kia",
II k6ng, ^ U p6-i6ng, —up, as a wine — M tf
, tsiu-poe, — vjare, gj
sick person, ^4° ^f 0' b6 ng bang, i^ §1 pd-lg khi, furnace, ^M°^
up, as business, ^° f^° b6 tsoe, P0-16-1&-, bottle, 5J ^ ff po-1^ kan.
—ear to, pjf° thia'',— up hope, ^ Glassy, ^ 3i|° fi° fi^ po-1^ ts6e g,

M° tsodt bang, chase, iE tui, jip, (like glass) m° M" ^° ^° chhin-
—one's self airs, g^° §i teh kek. chhiu po-le.
Giver, # A° i° A° ho- mng & mng. Glauber's salt, jt^M'M go4n-b^ng
Gizzard, W° kien. biin.
Glacier, ili° ^° ||° a° soa°-seh sng Glaucoma, WmtimW bdk^tsiu
chh^n. jtn pi" lek.
Glaucous, mU°±°^ hai-ldk ^ sek.
Gladness|®^°«^«^"'-HS°»k^-i. Glaze, ^'^ thng, ^° ?S° Wm-thng,
Gladden, #° # ft° S ho- i hoa°-hi. m° 3B° thng-kng.
Glade, m°W°^°;t°^ chhiu na" Glazed^ :t°^°?^° u k^-thn;g, ^°^"
lai ^ lo*.
ii thng, gi ^° thng-kng.

Gladly, |jc°§ hoa^-hi, (willingly)

t Glazier, Mu po-16 sai-hu.
M kam-goan, ^ >& kam-sim. Gleam, H^° nk.

'Glean, |^° 1'° kbioh-seh. Glossary, ^ ^ jl lui.
Glebe, (turf) M" M° cbhau pia°, Glossy, ^ kim, ^ SM° kim-thiu.
(soil) ±° tho-. Glottis, Ptr m'' #° na"-avi kng.
Glee, fc hoaMii, %.$ tek-kdi,, Glove, m ^"M chhiii sok, $^ |
Gleet, #° ;^° M
i^ ku 6 tai-tseng. 16ng.
Glen, Ul° ^ soa°-kok. Glover, ij° ^° :^ ^° JL ts6e chhiii-
Glib, t° Bl°m° k6ng 5e,
gfiu 1°!^° sok sai hu, (dealer in) S° ^ ^^°
i^° J5[° g&,u boe chhiii sok fe.
tng-khan pang.
Glide, m° *° Glow, (ineandescent)IS iam, M. png.
•Glimmer, UUi}°^' m" US" bi bl & (feel hot, as skin) hoathong.
kng teh tsi6. Glowworm, iX° h^ kimchhi". #M
Glimmering, (a faint beaming of Gloze, (wheedle) IS fi thi^m^bl, ^
light) UWl ir 36° bi-bi-a kng, ^ hong-seng, ft° ^° ph6-.-th.r.

(a glimpse) fj° m° ia" ki°. Glue, Si ka, to —

f fi liam, solid
, —
Glimpse,^ E° ia'' ki°. 7ji:° ^°tsui-ka,.fish— il° P°.hl ka

Glisten, afe° na. Glued, Ifi^ i£° likm-tiiiu.

Glister, (be brigbt) 56° kng, :^ kim, Glum, ^ M @ tairiu-iong.
(glisten) -8*'' nk°. Glut, (swallow greedely)toa' chhiii
Glitter )-^ R^° H^^ kim na-sk". mauh, (satiate) :fe° ^ IS° tsi^h
Glittering (36° g*^ 8^' kng ia^-ia'', tsTn pa, (repletion) 4^°^f ;ffi°'^
'^fAr-fA^° kim siak-siak, ^^M tsiah kau tii chhiii.
kim siam si&m. Glutionous, W° Ifi katliam, ^^ lt!i

Gloaming, ;ft #
Bt hong-bun am. li4m-HAm.
f Gloat, 'fB si6ng. Glutted, :g°iiMJ£°^Pi°« tsid-h kku tii

Globe, i& JJ te-kiii. na-au, fas market) tiM°m°'M°

Globular,^ 1°. chhi-chhau n5a»-chhoa",;#° m''W°
Gloom, (obscurity) Pf -flf km-km, ^]° mih that-t6 koe.
(sadness) ^ Pi iu-bun, M ^ iu- Glutton, ^.:^°^° tham t&iah %,Mm
chhiA, =g^ :^^ kh6--bun. ^° tham-chh6ng 6.
Gloomy, Bf 1^ am-km, am-tam Gluttonous, ^ :^° thamrtsidh, >M°

^Glorify, if ^56 kui eng-kng. i|g tham chh6ng.

Glorious, HM ^ng hien, ^ ||ihi(^n- Glycerine, ^/M ?g| kamrChhd-iA.

hek, -^ 3lfi° &ng-kng. Gnanled, — ° ffi°
— ° W2 tsit Mi tsit 14i.
Glory,, mi ?6°^&ng-kng, ^ M &ngvbi(5n. Gnash, '^°^°-^'M ka-g^ehibiet-
Gloss, :^.'Bl° kim-thiu, fl^ sin-ien, chhi.

give a— to,:|iJ #°##5M° chh6ng Gnat,r':!^°-ff°fodog4.

ho- i kim ihau,^ —over, as faults, Gnaw, -fH-khoe.

'^^-fi-i^m-sek. Gnomon, (of a dial) H M°' jiit-kiii.

Go, 4° khi, let— ^° pang,— a Godless, ^° SS ± ^ in jTn Siong-t^,

round, jg s^h, abroad, ffi 9\>° (irreligious) ^° it ^ b6 k^ng-
chhut-goa, — out as fire, M° ^° khi^.n.
hoa-khi,—and return, fi 6ng Godlike, iBi'' chhin-chhiu- U ±^
h6e,—back, m
^° t6-khl,— to Siong-te.
school, m° m° 16h-6h,— first to Godliness, ft )g keng-khi^n.
school, m° ^
ph6a-pit,— to war, Godly, it 'S keng-khien.
^m tseng-tsien,—to stool,

Godown, ;|g ;^° tsifen-p4ng, ;f^ Pel

16h hak, through, ii° keng- ^

ke,—after, ^° te,—away, g| ^^ Godsend, ±^%^ Siong-tfe siu°-su.
li khui,— between, ^ A° hm-14ng, Goggle, B° m Bf °
Bf " 11° bdk-tsiu
— «ip, J:° tsiu'', —down as fever, lin-lin go.
m° th^,- down,
^° 16h-khi.
^° m° gu-chhak, ^°m° gA-
^ Goggle-eyed, Pf @° th6- bak.
Going, (about to) 31° Wi° teh-beh,
chho, (urge) 5^ pek, (instigate) —and coming, ^ 3S 4 ^ 14i lai
^ P^ kiau-so. khi khi.
Goal, (inrace] m°m°Z°m^ chhah- Goiter, ^ liii.

pio e s6--tsai, (destination) ^°g° Gold, ^ kiiri, pure—, JE JSR°^ tsiok

m° Z°_m ^ 4i beh kku g s6--tsai. si^" kim, —thread, ^° ^° kim-
Goaler, la M ^ k6- ka" ^ kirn 6, :3P° sok'^,— dust, i^ i?° kim soa,—leaf,
tsi. ^@° kina-p6h, imitation ^thread, —
Goat, ili° ^° soa°-iti°. i^° :^ Wi° k6-kim sok°, real
Goatherd, H ^°^° k6- id" 6. thread, SJ ^ ,^° tsin kim sok"..
Goatish, la ji° m° chhin-chhiu'^ i^-. Goldbeater, #x° 3° 4- phah kim
Goatsucker, /H: n% to--koan. sai-hu.
Gobetween, |i° A° hi^-mng. Golddust, ^
g;° kim-soa.
Gobble, Pg tho. Golden, :^ g^° kim-&.
Gobi, desert of— ^ M :! S? ban li- Goldfinch, S fl £g chhiok.
ti6ng-sa, MKWm, ban sa-b6k. li Goldfish, # kim-hi.
Goblet, ^6-. Goldleaf, ^ fS° kim-p6h.
Goblin, % '^ ko^i-biit. Goldsmith, fr° m° n° -f. phah g<iu
God, J: ^ Siong -t^, false—, sai-hu.
gf 0J
sln-b^ng,— of fire, ifC Sf
h6- Golosh, m° IL° chhiu-ni" oL W
8in-i4.— of ground, hok-sin,mM Gone, ^° khi lah, *° 4
khi lidu. T
of graves, mBM
hok-tek ik. Grong, H
16, large—, g° gg^ jiati-a.
Goddess, ^
$1 lii-sin, BJ ^ Gonorrhea,
i^ tui-tseng. g
sin-bing,— of child,
jin ma.
Ji hu- Good, j^ h6,— luck, m. W, kki-tski,
it fli h6 tso hok, » si6ng- m ^
; -

sui, ^ :^° :fr h6 tsiah sit, :ft° if 1° tsi4h kau ti".
—looking, i^ A # h6 jin-ts^i, jtf Gorgeous, Wf- li° pai-chhiang,—
W h6-khoa°, — sale, jfij Iff li-chhi, things. |g ^° iam-id".

ii° Iff thau chid, T^f^W u siau- Gormand, :^ IS 6^° tham-chh6ng ^.

ihkvL,- — character, /g° f* ff u tek Gormandize, .ft ||S° tham-chh6ng.

heng, — plan, j^ ft ^ h6 k^-ti, ^ Gory, ?i jSl° geng huih.
T° Wi° h6 h siau, — for nothing, Goshawk, ^ h6k.
^° ^ m° b6 l6--eng, Tf. ^ m V^t Gosling, l|°ff gia-a.
ti6ng iong, — figure, j^ A^ tsi^" Gospel, fH^ hok-im.
jin ts§,i, — health, M i^J^gj —^J^j Gossamer, ^ |t lo'-tsu.
lt° chhid",—Matured, if 'ft If h6 Gossip, fl"° !^ -j^ phah chhiii k6-,

seng-ts^ng. r^^° fr
6ng-oe, m° w ^° m°
Goodbreeding, ^° ^ ^ h6 1^ mau", k6ng-6ng-d-5e.
j^° m° We, h6 ke kau. Gouge, m° 1° kfig-chhak, to— H
chhak—the eye, ^° B°B^ 6- bak-
Gflodbye, ^ chhi4°.
Good Friday, mm^° i.°Q I^-so"
Gourd, W ^^ ff
° Pli-a, ^ « 11° bo"-
si g jit.
16--pu, ?E hoe-taii-pu.
Goodly, » er h6 4, (person) ^A Gourmand, :Ri?^i:° A°tham chh6ng
h6 jln ts^i.
e lang.
Goodnatured, ftf ^M h6-s6ng-te,
mM°% tsiu-kha-hong, JS 33
fifm% h6-bi-si, as- 'te 'it
h6 seng •^°
hong tsiii thia''.

ts^ng, (as animal) koai. Govern, f& ?| ^ S koan-li, ^ ti-li,

Goodness, ^ h6, :§ fi iii tek, # ^ ^ th6ng-hat, ^ kodn.

sien-tek. Governable, tg" f& 31 ^° oe tl-li tit.
Goods, n° hk, n° %° he-mih°. Governess, -k it &° lii-sien-si, ^
Goodwill, t ^ jin-ai, (of a busi- % lu su.
ness) ^ ^ S kui koah seng-ll.
Government, (head of the state) ,f§

Goose, II g6, m° gia, sea—, m B ^ tiau-tSng, il fj kok-ka, revenue

hdi-gan, wild,#i|i4g6. ^ 1^ kok-kh6,— stations H P°
Goosequill, ||€° g6-mfig, ||^° W° kodn idh, (ministers of state col-

g6 mfig k6ng, (pen) H ^° #° g6 lectively) ,18 ii ic S tiaH-gi tai-

mng €° * g^ ™M pit-
k6ng, t^ sln,&M.:k^ tai-sln, p6ng-koan

<^opher, wood, ^° 7t:° chh^ng

chh^. S E teng-sln, provincial— # tt ,

11° Ji tok-bii si-to.

Gore, m° tak, (of a dress) tf :^
Governor, bii-tai, ig ^ mS bii-i",
chhah kak.
Gorge, (the gullet) Pr m° #° n^ general, IS ts6ng-tok, # $!| $
au kAg, (a defile) soa" phang, to tse-tal, lieutenant — ^W%° p^

— ,:fe° WS !^ tsiAh \k\\ iii chhui, tseng-si.


Governmental, 2 iL° m 6ng e I^ ^ kek bun, (as different de-
tse-to-, m i.° MM kok e tse-to". grees of quality) ^ Sf IH pun kui
Gown, (dress) if A° ^h° m° \^° A lui, ^ -t + T pun siong ti )ng
hii-jin-Mng goa-bin-sa°, dressing ba, (as colours) ^°ff°ii'E un-
—^ %. lioe pLaii. a tboa° sek.
Grab, M° khiu. Graft, m +i tsiap ki, jg ^ ke-ki,
Grace, ,i. un, ,g. ^ un-tien, ^^ M teb.
un-tseng,' ,g. ^ un-hui, bestow — Grain, 5.° ^° g5"-kak, —as of sand,
]^ ,1. si-un, receive ^ la SlU- —° n tsit liap, (a -weight) M li,

un, (a prayer) :fr ^ if 5i tsiali- bu}' — ,

^° tiab.
png kl-t6, (elegance of manner) Grains, (a weapon) ^° pio.
il M. nga^khi, ^ 5|| bun nga, Graminivorous, ^° ]^° 65° tsiah
(comeliness) ^^ cLhin-cbhi'', ||° cbbaii I.

siii. Grammar, X S bun boat, (a book)

Graceful 1 ^' ^° kiau-kiah, 3: i° #° btin-hoat 6 cbbeh. ^ S
Gracefulness j ill hodt-phoat, (fi- Grammatical, tsiau bun boat M^S
gure) jj #, S
L6-ki-kut, ft 1^ Grampus, .@. keng-bl. U
siu-bo", Granary, 11° ^° cbbek-cbbng, ll*"
Graceless, (depraved) ^ sia. M° chbek sia°, pubHc— M t°
€rracious, ,f. ^ 6^° un-tien-e,
— gift. gi-ebhng.
un-su. Grand, (large) ^ hai, (as ^a house)
Gradation, (in rank) ~°W&°—°U M ti hien-i6ag, (as person) J^ ^
tsit kip ke tsit kip, (in quality) ui heng, (in ^aracter) Bfl JEt^ ^
~° ^ m° fS' — m ° teng kbab
tsit kong beng ts^ng tai.
h6 tsit teng, (in progress) ~° Grandam,^ pPJ° dn-md". ^
jH — °jg tsit p6" tsin tsit p6-. Grand canal, M
M°'^^n nil!" h6.
Orade, (oflBcial) ^ M phfn khip. Grand child, ^ sun.
(in society) ^ Jfe t^ng-te, ^^ Grand daughter, ^"^^^ tsa-bd-sun
te ui. Grandee,
S^^ ;^ ^ g
kong^h6- tai-sin
Gradual ) ^ j^ tsiam-tsiam, ^° f^° Grandeur, (as person) i^ JS, ui^hong,
Gradually ) fi^° un-un-a. (as house) |g iam le, (as g
Graduate, a, t5^ tsi^n-teng, ^° p^° mountains) bai. ^
6h lai, ^ ^ sin khim, to—in 1st Grand father (father's father) ^
degree, M^ :t tsin siu-ts&i, — in kong, (mother's father) $h° (&
2nd degree, PP ^ A tiong kii jin, goa kong, great—, JH tseng- #
— ^in 3rd degree, ^ M± tiong great great—, ji ts6-.
tsin su, —in 4tb degree, A. ^ # Grandiloquence, ^° J5° ^"^ k6ng kha
jip ban lim, (mark with degre-es) oe, (^)dteb8st) 0° ihoa^khiu.

Grand ^,| Grass hopper, ^° ^° chhau-meh.
motlier, (father's motlier)
mA, (mother's mother) ^| goa Grass plat, 'M°^ chhdu-po'.

ma", great great,-^Sl' ^f ts6' ma, Grassier, khah u chhdu, m°M°W

W H' #
ko ts6- bii, great iC° ^°M° khah — ^
kau chhdu.

M #° tseng ts6--bu. Grassiest, i^° ^° ]^° siafig u chhiu,

Grandsire, ^
kong, Pql° 2V an-kong, M° ^° siilng kau chhAu. W ®° 1^° kau
5h ^ g5a kong. Grassy, ;t°^° u-chhAu,
iia-randson, #. sun, great — # , jf, chhdu.
tseng sun, great great — ^ ^, ,
Grate, iK°
^° lofe,
M li^-16", to—, Ji= chhoah,
hi^n sun,—wife, ^.° Ji|° if ° sun M. lu, (the teeth) m° m K"
sim-pu. ka-chhiii-khi, (make harsh sound)
Granite, ^ S M'J hoe-kong-tsi6h, soa-s5a h&a.
green— W ^ , ^ff chhi° taii tsioh. Gratefid 1 Ji M- kam-un, li° A
G-l-anivorous, 3fc°3i°#°6^° tsidh go-
Gratefulness J 'If
bat jin-tstog, ^°

kak e. I u-gi, ^° 'If ti ts&ng.

Gi-ant, %
Tin, it ?i lin-tsun,— of
Grater, ji= ff chho4h-a.

money, W
M° #° A° in-gto ho- Gratification, ic° hoa"-hi, '^ ^ M
Grantor, ifG ?i;2:° A° in-tslin e Mng
Gratify, A°iC° ho- l&ng hoa" hi
^° M° IS°
i^rantilar, (lids) ta Grating, lattice work j^°
tsef&g phe hoat iam.
mo^" phang chhodh J)ang, —^noise,
si-si soa-soa.
Gratis, 6° &° p6h-p^h.

Grape,S° ^ phu-t6. Gratitude,^" m u-gi, ^° ^ 'ft U"

Graphic, M° W° ft *f kdng u khiok- liam-tsfeng, ^ k4m-un.


tsiet, 3p g h6ng-i6ng. Gratuitous, 6° &° p6h-p6h, =P ^

Grapple, m° klii", ^ khiii. kan-ta, (without good reason)

Grapnel, :f£ tia", ^ 1^ tah kau. g° b6 in-toa°.

Grasp, liam, (the hand) nih, ti°, Gratuity, (of money) M° ^ stog-

tightly ji° khi",—violently, khiii- gUn.

Gratulate, M % khfeng-hd, ^ §
Grasping, f, iS" tham-sim.
plot, :^° flf chbdu^po-
Grass,^^° chhdu, to—, M° ^ #°an Grass

1^°^ an chhau phi Grave, bong, JH 7K tong-siii, i^
chhdu-pia", §
^Grass cloth, ^ ^ toe-p6-, #.° ^
hun-bong, (sober) JfE Sh5-- S
^°^ joah- tiong, :^ 6i tai-toan, (not gay)
joAh-p6-, fine—, ^^l

p6-, course—^ © 11° # chho- jodh- siih-suh, deserted — , B. ^ boe-

hun, pit of— -^i^ bong-khong,—
open a — fM°iM kbui-khong, lay in
, kip, — talker, ^l] 31I '% kodi-thong-
the— -^°il° 16h kbing,— clothes, cbbiii, — entrails, :/c %° toa-lAg,
% ^ — digger, i X th6"-kong.
siu i grandson, 5C^. goan-sun, — crime,
Grave digger, i X th6'-kong. M" P
tang tsoe.
Gravel, ip° soa, ^° :^° soa-tsi6h, (a Greater, K° :/c° kbab-toa.
disease) ^
Jft soa-llm. Greatest ^ -^ tsi-toa, |^ ^ :^° te*
Graven, on the memory M fi&° & — ,

>6 ^° khek tii.u ti sim nih. Greatly, -j^ 6^° toa ^,— desire, ^
Graver, J^M ^°4- tiau khek sai-hu. ^ tsin ai.

Gravesite, M 7J1C hong-siii. Great wall, ^M :i° M ban li tng

Grave stone, g Sf bong p4i. sia°.

Graving, ^ ^ij tiau-kbek. Greediness, :K :^ tham-tsiah, %^

Gravitate, ^° M m. Z° h5-
tham-chbdng. khi khip
i,— towards sun, bo- Greedy, W^^Wi^
(person) i& tbam-sim, %
jit khi khip i, (as mind towards ^ *n J£ put-ti-tsiok, ^ ifa phdi"
anything) |rJ hi6ng, |pj i-biong. si6ng, ^
(ravenous) f^° ;^° iau-hng
Gravitation, —of the earth, ^° ^ (2^
Greece, ^ Jt, ^ Hi-ll-ni.
# toe-kbi kbip-i. Greek, ^^/£ Hi-li-m,— church, #
Gravity, fweigbt) 3;° tang, (sobrie- ?i 14 Hi-liAp kku.
ty) 3'^ik tai-toan, (matter) -^ t5a Green, W° cbhi", i^° Mk, W° ^
Gravy, ^° tbng. cbbi^-cbbtii, — pease, ^ ii°-S° h6-
Gray, ^^ pbii-sek, (light) ff %, lin-tau,
—granite, W° i^l- ^° chhi"-
ki6-sek, M tC %i kh6--hoe-sek. tdu-tsi6b.
Gray bound, 3i° \%° Uh kdu Greengrocer, ^°MJSM° khui cbhai
Grayish, © ^ pbii-sek. tiam ^, m M ^° m° pfti cbhki-
Graze, :^° ]f° tsiiib-cbhdu, skin—, kfe^.
E° ^° liu ph&. Green band, ^° ^° cbbi^-chbiii.
Grazier, f^ ^° (5^ chhi-gA-^, ®^ Green born, ^° ^° cbbi" cbhiii.
65° k6--gu-e. Greenish, yjC ^
Grease, jfft iu, to—, W il boah-iii, Greens, 3K cbbki.
fl jft so-iu. Greensward, ^° ^ chhdu-po-.
Greasiness, f^i iu. Greet, ^° ft° ^^° sa^-tsiob-iSng, W
Greasy, 65° ili-6.

-^ toa,— peace,
cbheng-an, (compliment) W
Great, ±, Jp thki- § kiong hi.
p6ng,— robbers, PjF^ chbat-kb6-, Gregarious, ^ ^ M ts6e tin, ^
—perplexity, gg,_drought, m^° If 5 ki kui-kian.
kh6-oa°,— noise, ke°h k^^b,- Grey, ^
g. pbii sek.
beam, |g° niA, baste, m% ti6b- Greyhoimd, Ji°
J6j° Idh kdu.
, —
Gridiron, li° m° thih-si". b^h-th^u, #°^b^h-chhui, (sand)
Grief, M ^ pi-ai, 'M tl ho&n-16, ^ S?° soa, (spirit) >t° ig ^ u tsi khi.
f^ iu-bun, 'M M iu-chhiii, f^ f^ pi Grizzly, iK° M° %, h6 hu sek.
siong, f^ iC» siong-sim, of die — Groan, Pi° chhan, 11° i®° 11° hi"-
B° ^° ^ 5E oah oAli kli6--si. hi°-chhan.
Grievance, %
ti oan-6ng. Grocer, r° ff K° ^° b6e-ts4p-he-e,
Grieve, 'M. fl ho4n-16, f^ iu-bun, ^
W° fh .i)° ^° boe-tsdp mih L
Griever, mfi i.° A
hoan-16-e Mng, Grocei'y, $| K° /§ tsdp-he tiam.
^ pill i:° A iu-bun-e l&ng.
Grog, 'J® tsiii.
Grievous, (afflictive) #° A° M^
Groggery, f@ Jg tsiii-tiam.
ho' lang kan-kh6", (hard to be Groggy, If tsiii-tsiii. M
. borne) ||°^° ^
ob tit-tng, hein- Groin, k^i-pi", M° mm ^ W po'
ous — +M ,
sip-ok. po&^-pi".
Griffin, m m ki-lin. Groom, J^° ^ b^-hu, (bridegroon)
Grig, 11° moa-^, 11° ^° moa" hi. if° ^° Ji° sin-kia^-ski.
Grill, ^1 pek. Groove, fiEj- h^m.
Grim, (fierce) ^| hi6ng. Grope, Bt ^ f^'° am-bong-sa, ^L il
Grimace, m° %° M° 'M° pi" kili pi" 5^ loan-loan bong.
koai. Gross, (coarse) IB chho-, (vulgar)
Grime, j?^ ii-oe, to— m°m°\^m la. ^° chho--si6k,— weight, S° ^
bak ti6h ii-6e. m6--tang,' ^°^£°be tseng tang,
Grimness, H hiSng. (twelve dozzen) +° Zl jl # ts4p
Grimy, ^° ^° la-s^m. ji 16-sin,
—° 1° 0° +° 0° tsit pah
Grin, il° 11° §1° gi-gi-chhi6. si tsap si.

Grind, (in a mill) W

oe, #f khoeb, Grossflattery, i@ ii- M SI thidm-bi
(in mortar) ff geng, Jf liii, (as
knife) B
boa, (harass) f# p6k-
insult, — ^ W M tsin
thai, =g ^
Grotesque, 'P k6--koki, E9 :?; ft
M° 1°
Grinder, (tooth) tf" au-tsan
sii-put siong.
Grindstone, B° ^° bo-tsi6h. Grotto, ^ tong.
Ground, Ji° t5e, ±° th6--kha,
Grip, m° khi°. fill"

Gripe, kiu-kah, m m° thiu-thia°. — in painting %^ toe-tsioh,

Griping, m°m°-M° tsofe-tsun-tbia°. nut, -^ M° ^ lok-kha-seng,—

;frT° lau-e, «°IB° Mu-kha
Grisly, m t?° 'If
° hi6ng-kai-kai,

Grist, -° B° tsit-khu,— mill, m° m° Groundnut, if Sf ^ lok kha seng,

bo pang. -<i ?2 ^, loh hoa seng, ±°S° th&-

Gristle, i:° # nig-kut. tau.

Grit, (coarse part of meal) #° Bl° Groundless,-afFair,

%° ^° W bb'-
— °

iii°-tsiah. jin, W„M° p6-nia.
Groundrent, ^ fl te-tso'. Guarantor, W B M° tab-eng g, ^
Grounds, ft '0° tse-tdi, tea — ^ »5 M
A° p6-jln lang
i^g te sim phoh. Guard, M M tsiku-kd', JG° pe- *3r

Groundswell, ^
^^ ^ng-s6. siu, M k6--siu, palace — ® ^:
'r? ,

—° m tsit-tui. H! gu-lim-kun, send under, — ,
Grove, ^ ^° chhiu-na, bamboo, m° k^s&g, -^against, ^° |55 ti-

ft° #° tek-na. —a prison, ^ ^° kbok^-ka",

Grovel, (lie prone) Dl° ife" pbak toe, — arm, — tb«
with 4^, frontiers, |5§

(creep prostrate) (i°fi^j°|g° pbak ^ b6ng-t6-.

teb pe, (mean) )]•> )% si^u-ki6k. Guaranty, ^° B tab-eng.
Grovelliiig, >J^ M Siau \Wk., f B, Guardhouse, ^ ^° p'eng p^ng.
ha-tsien. Guardian, ^J^Effi ^° siu-tbok-ko- &,
Grow, ^° :^° nS,-t6a (as a tree) M — of beir, appai-eit, jk ^^^
# n4 hun, — rusty, ^°^i° si'' sien, thai-tsu-thar-p6.
— musty, ^° B si'' phti, —moist, Guava, m° ff° m° na-ii^p6at, 'm° ff
^° Jii° si" tsui,—to full %e, ^^ ft° na-a-piit.
tiong stng, — ricb, ^^ boalt-'ts&i, Gudgeon, (6T a wbe^l) ^° »& cbMk
—a beard, ^ m M° l&u cbbiti sim.
cbliiU, — 'fast, ^° :^° g&u toa. Guerdon, %° ^ srft-'-stt.

Growl, PI PI m ha''-ba''-bau. Guess, fi: $5 liong-iok, f$5° ioh— a

—up, ^ m

GroWh, toa-lian. riddle, ^f cbbki.

Growth, -li hoa;t, ^ M boat-kbi, full Guest, A° §° Miig-kbeb.
— ,
:^° ^ toa-tsai. Guffaw, i!&° B& ° ^° hab-hah-cbbi6.
Grub, #
tbang, 'to ig — , ^
5^ kut- Guidance, §| g° in-cbboa.
kbi lai. Guide, (a conductor)^ '^° cbhoa ^
Grudge, a ^° '1'^ khiob-hun, (envy) lo- 6, to— ,,^ i& cbhoa-l6-ii chhoa,

^. §n oan-to-, to— ;j;° -f ,^, i5 51 ^ in-cbhoa, (manage) fi|- S

kam sim, keep up a ^° '|'^ — ,
liau-li, (train) ^ ^ kau-tok.
kbiob bun. Guild, (an as^ociutiow) % td", to—,
Griiel, (rice) ^ B° im-U. ®° siu", ^ an, if to-.
-Gi'uff, ffit- (ibbb--16-. Guile, ( craft )$F |^ kan-tsa, (artifice)
Grumble, WW £ soai^b-soaih"- ft ^
ke-ti, (deceive) |i phien.
iiSm, bau-bi", sau''b-saub''-lia;m. Guileless, # K sien-liong.
Grunt, ' boi''-boli''-bau. Giiilt, IP tsoe, m°M° tse-koa, punish
Grunter, bo&,''-hoa'' bau L — , contract--, M
fa §^ ti-tsoe,
Guano, J^° ^° tsidu-sdi.
W cbbii-tsSe, incur—, M P boau-
Guarantee, fg M tab-eng, gS ^ p6- tsoe, atoii'e for— , ®[ ^ sH5k-ts6e.
Gunsbot, -° n° IK" ^° tsit mAg
ebbing brig, witbin #J*° t&° — ,

Guiltless, U° P b6-ts6e. —
^° pbab 6e ti6h, wound, M° f^
Guinea pig, ft° M tek-chhii cbhfeng siong.
Guise, (garb) ff if t4''-pan Gunsmitb, M ^° rI° $. tsii cbbeng
Guitar, m° m° gi-pe e^
^ pi-pi, sai-bu.
small—, m° ff
ilfe k6ng-4 hi^n. Gunstock, |jE° ^° ebbing cbh:^g.
Gulf, (an abyss) ^M chhim ien, Gunwale, |S° ^ ^° tsun po pi''.
(bay) ?i 35 hai-k6-. Gurgle, b6k-b6k-ki6, k6k-k6k bdu.
Gull, (sea) ^||# hdi koe-bii, (de- Gurnard, S> ^ soa-kah,
ceive) li phifen gx siet. Gusb, |i° aj tsoa^-cbbut.
Gullet, pr m° W° na°-au-kng, m° Gusset, H° n ^°U° sa" kak g cbbab,
0° ^° (for a sleeve) W° W
m° m^° kbi°-kau. Gust, m i^° bong-tsun, — P$° Ji. tsit

Gulp, B&gap,— down, ^°UWi° ebhi" tsun hong.

k&ng lim, sa" sim lim. Gusto, H bfeng, eat with---, M ^°
Gum, (of a tree) W ka, (of moutb) heng tsidh.
^° ^° kbi-hoa'',—benjamin, ^° Gusty, Ji. ^° bong tsun.
1, #° kn-sek-biu",— of myrrb, B. Gut, E-° tiig, (eviscerate) toe tAg d,
H biit-Mb,—olibanum, W jii-
(plunder) m° cbbiii".

jiju"^ —
boil, ®
tS kbi-pau,--dra- Gutta seretia, W° 3E° boat ehbi'' ^
gon's blood, il M
hiet-kiet. kng, sounds, P^° —
fi,u im. ^
Gummy, Wfi^° ka 6, (adhesive) fi!i Gutter, '7K° *i tsui ts6,
^° Bi° kau-4m, (as a candle)
(a drain)

Gumption, m° B°^° W
tbiu bdk- m° lui.
tsai tang. Guttural, m° m° ^u ^•

Gun, Mebbing, muzzle of—, P° Gutzlaff island, M Md-tsek. MM

cbMng-khau, barrel of j^° Guy,—(nautical)
, 1ft, ^
(person of queer
cbbfeng-sin, stock of |S° ^ —
looks) T&
, i.° A° k6--koM @ m
ebbing- cbhng, beavy— , M pb^u, Mng.
signal,—, If xa bo pbau. Guzzle, 1° we g^u lim.

Gunboat, ^ IS tsi^n-tstn, Pf iS° Gybe, MM ki-chbi.

saii-tsun. Gymnastics, ^ ^ lien Mt.

Gunner, M° ^ cbbfeng-siii. Gypsum, ;S° |i tsi6h-ko.
Gunpowder, 9^ ^° b4-i6h, m m°
cbbfeng-i6b, mM° siau-i6b,—tea,

te,—factory, 9i Gyve, 11° kba-khku, kba
hh° ^ ^° si6 tsu
^? ;i° hi i6b: kek.

Hail, to—, m^ m 16h-phauh, (call

after) fS° tsio.

Ha, br. Hailstone, phaiih.M

Habakkuk, (book of J B& fi ^ ±°»° Hainan, ^ iS hdi-littl.

Khap-pa-kok ^ chheh. Hair, ^° mfig,— brush, 11° ^° &>)

th^u-mSg-bin, back— JE° 1° i°-
Haberdasher, m°1f°M° b5e-ts4p-hfe ,

Habiliment, ^ ^° i-tsiu°. b6, catoel's— , m H^ ^° \6k-t6-

(custom) M mfig, goat's—, Ilj° ^°^° soa"-ili"

Habit, ffi° m° koai°-si,

IS liong-si6k. mi5g, red—, U° ^° ^ng-mfig,

Habitable, 1^° 'fi" !^° 6e-kbia-tit. without— ,3B° }t° kng k6eh,—of
Habitation, Jf° cbhii, S° m° ^° fJf head, M° ^° t^aii mug, grow—,
^ khia khi t s6--tsai, -gfe"
^° ^° ^° mfig. If si" ^° hoat-milg,
kbia-ke. —standing on end, ^° ^° f5 Jt"
Habitual )

mfig kng chhi-kia, pin, SM° ^° —


Habitually } ^ thau mng tsiam, cloth; ^° %°
Habituate, '^° #° koai^-si, jjg M %° h6 m&g tsi''.
sferig-le. Hairbreadth, ^^
hidm-hidm, '-°
— M^
Hack, phut, M tsain, — at ^° tdi". 11° ^° ^ tsit th^u m^g si, °

Hackle, M° M° sbe-m6a. tsit 11 si, — escape from drowing,

Hades, I^ flj im-hii, [^ ^ im-kan, ^^ ^S ?S 5E° tseng-chha

M fl?' te hi, flf JS ^m-te. hun-li tsiu im si, escape from —

Hsematemesis, Pi jfiL° th6' huih. death, ^^ 5E° hidm-hidm si.

Haemoptysis, 1®° ji.° phiii huih. Haircloth, ^° M° mfig tsi^

Hsematuria, ;j^° M° # jfil° p^ng jio Hairdresser, if, 51° fl°^ thih th^u
chham huih. sai-hu.
Haft, m° pi". Hairgum, M lf° 16 --he.

Hag, a — ,
^° iS ^° ^ khiap si lau-
#° ^° # chhiah-
Hairless, ^° ^° b& mAg.
p6, (a fury) Hairpin, ff- ff ° tsiam-d, iJC thoe, gilt
tsa-b6'. &1 kim thoe. —^ ,

Haggai, (book of J i!&Sg3°*°Khap- Hairsplitting, discussion, — f;| W iK

ki 6 chheh. M pien-lun siu°-li.

Haggard, 5®° fi sdn-gifen. ^° u m%.

Hairy, :t°
Haggle, (chaffer) lu-lek kfe-tsi", Hakka, §° A°KhehMng.
^ ^° chhui-chhiau, —about, kap Halberd, kek. ^
l&ng 6"°. Hale, (healthy) M i<^ng, (haul), ^°
Haha, !!i° 11° ^° ha-ha-chhi6. thoa.
Hai-fung, ?i 155 hdi-h6ng, WW W Half, — ° ^° tsit-poa", — opened,, as
hdi h6ng thia". flower, ^H hfi-m-liii, —grown pig,

?t M° ff ti thi\n-A,— and half, m chhng. tjt hiu°-sia.
^° pok°,—way, ^° 5^ poa° lo-, Hammer, H thfii, tT ff °
tui teng-d-"
—done, ^° ^° ^° poa" chhi" s^k thiii, iron—, ii°i| thih-thlii, to

Half blood ^^o z? o r

, -ha iron, fl"° ^ II phah thih lien,
Halfcaste}±^ ^
] . (
th6- si" e.
wood, Jn° k6ng.
Halfdone, ^° ^°W pok° clihi" sek. Hammock, M §1 bang-hiet.
Halfmoon, M Jm° geh-bM. Hamper, ||° Mng, to ^^ ,^ thoa- — ,

Halfpay, :t° ^° f|^ tsiah pok° bi6ng thiii, pin-poa".

Halfpenny, —
° i5 tsit tsiani. Hamstring, kha-thiii kuh, ^M^
Halfseasover, ^° ^
poa"-tstii. to—, fif M° koah kha-kun. ^
Halfway, ^^ poa°-]5-, fail—, ^M Hand, ^ chhiu, right—, iE ^° tsia"-
M M poan t&- ji li6e. chhiii, pj ^° t6-chhiii,
Halfwitted, M kham. palm of—, ^° S° chhiu-tsiu°, back
Hall, m° t^g,, —of justice, ^ ^° of the—, ^° ^° chhiu-po4°, raw
kong-tfig, assembly — ^ || kong —
, ^ ^° chhi'^-chhiu, experienced

kodn, — of audience, M ^ ti&u- _, f5° ^° s^k-chhiii,- of watch,

t^ng, —for examination of exa- ^° ff° §^° pio-4 tsiam, on the
minees for B. A., m° kb6-pl°, m other— , §\] J& t5-ti.— stove, h6-

— for examination of examinees thang, — over, ^ ^ kau-tai,

for M. A., K
m,° k6ng-r, judg- down. M tho^n, ^ 1? lid-tho^n,

ment,—, ^°m.° toatfig. ^ fi thoan-siu, — over, ^ M° it

Halleluiah, m° M° ± 1^ o-16 Siong- ^ kau ho- to beckon with the


te. — , iet-chhiu, running — , I^ ^°

Halloo, (of surprise) g5a ! (a call) o. chh6-ji, free—, n « h&ng-su,

Hallow, M tso^-s^ng.
M° plain—, # m le-su, skillful—,

Hallucination, M M gong-khi, (as fj° :f.° s^k-chhiu, go the—, let

in delirium tremens) ^ ^ hoat ;t° #° paAg-chhiii, to—, 1i jS

k6ng, (delusion) j^ iL be-loan. thoan-toe,— bell, IS° ff" giang-4,

Halo, to have a g —
lii-kho-, ^ —barrow, *° ff" chhia-a,—bill
Halt, W M° th^ng-kha, ^° hioh. promising a reward, K° i^fi siu°-
Halter, ^° soh. thiap,— gun, m° ff chhfeng-4,—
Halting,—-station, g§ M. lo'-tsam. mirror, ^° 11'" cKhiu-kia°,— into a

Halve, 3*° f^° ^° pun tsofe p^ng, sedan, '^±°^° hti-tsiu"^ kio, to

clap the—, fS ^° tah-chhiii, both

(cut in two) m°,^° phok-peng,
M: ^° tsam-p^ng. — H ^° siang-chhiii, at—, fi fi

go the—, hun lit. pien-pien, clean — ^ M chheng- ,

Halyyard, lit, let

Ham, mB ien-thiii, iK° M h^-thiii. Mm, done by— ^°M° fir chhiii

Hamlet, m° M biu-^-H, m° #° biu"- tso^ e, from— to— , m°^ ^° sa".

, —
tsiap chhiii, )fB° ^° sa"-tsih,— (skillful) -^5° ^ khiaii-lo-, (near)
over—, 5i 4-° M° liAh,— to
slii e H! pien.
mouth, H M° 1^ :t° Slii thkn sM Hang, #° kiii, ^ tiau, — down, H
tsidh, in — ,
(paid down) ^° j^° sui, M tui, —down heavily, JM thui,
seng-ho-, (in possession) ^ 6^° —out loosely to dry, 1^° nl",
tstin-teh, off—, H fl$ sui-si, liam- down one's head, JJH ^ tam-s6,
pi", change —,^ M° kau-po^", to as a person, ^ ^° tiaii-si, 15 ^
be—and glove, ^ chhin-bit, |g ji-tiaii. —over, phodh, lu-chhut,
come to — 31° M° , to kaii-t^, (droop; U:° ^° n6g s^,-fire, as
have a — §° ^ u kan-sidp,
in, T^ a gun, M
S'5 khiet-teh.

to have one's—full, ;^«°r^^° tsin Hangchow, Ht Jfl h^ng-tsiu.

b6 gng, cross—, ?fa° 1: ^°
Hanger, (one who hangs) f^ i,° Ji°

khi chhiii, short—, f[ i| kdn ^

tiku filing,- on, Sl° A° Jill m° suh
pit sid, in— — Ha '^ sa"
, khan lang ^
huih ^.
chhiii,—breadth, ^°^J^°pa-tsiil° Hanging, (curtains) ;i^ m° p6--li,—
khoah,— cuff, ^° in° chhiii khaii, down, drooping, ^° s^, ^° ^° se-
—cuffed, m
?° ia° kok chhiii se, t4m-tam,—femp, 35 mm ^
khau, raw—, ^° ^° chhi°-chhiii. 315 bodn-thien-kong, — ladder, ^
Handbill, i^° ^° ji p^h. iW tiau-thui'.
Handbreadth, — E ^:°
° tsit pa tsiii'^ Hangman, (cxeetttioner) 11]°^^
Handcuff, ^° ft chhiii-khku. kui-tsii-sfii, ^3IJi:°A°tiaii-hoan
Handful, -° JE° tsit p^,—tsit liam, 6 l^ng.
Handicraft, X"" ^ kang-ge, :^° ® Hank, ^ liii, ^ chh^, a—of yarn,
chhiii-ge. M kh^u.
Handkerchief, ^
rfl' chhiii kun. Hanker,—after, S°gi%n, j ^ tham-
Handle, ^° pi", (of a box) khien, loan, Ji ^
lo&n-bd-. ^
(ef ajar) [5° hi. Hankow, P Hdn-khau. ^
Handmaid, (servant) ^° p6-a. ^ Hanky-panky, (an affair about
HandmiU, ^° m° chhiii bd. which there is something suspi-
Handrail, ^ ;fF Mn-kan. cious) :^° mWu hiong hL
Handsome, ^° siii, jtf ^° hd-khoa,-^, Hanyang, ^° ^ Hkn-i6ng.
Hi ^ chhong-tsitn, — as colour, Haphazard, Jg° ^° ffj° tii-tso-hoa.
^ kiau sek.
fe Hapless, f^° m ^ b6-kai-tsai.
Handwriting, H
®j: pit-tsek, good—, Happen, |£° ^° tii4i6h m° a° tii-
^^S h6 pit-b^k, forge one's— tng.
WlS^M h6ng pit tsek, U° M Happily, (fortunately)
k^ pit tsek.
m ^ kai-

Handy, ^° ^° ^° pi,ah tsdp kidh, Happiness,

|| ^ hok-khi.
— .

Happy, "k, M^ u-hok-khi,-— mean, Hardfeatured, fj.
"jg" chho* bin.
t^ M tiong i6ng. Hardhearted, W t& n'gi-sim.
HaVaiigue, g§ t^ kdng-lun. Hardihood, ij JJS° h6-td".
Harass^ 11° khi^u, |ij ^
clih6ng'ti, Hardly, (difficult) ||° oh, (severely)
5a khiin-pek, !i kli6-clih6-. ^ ^ gi&m-hat, (scarcely) |^ |^" ff
Harassed, (in mind) tiff tsi^u-ts6. lim-lim-d,— enough, ^W°W^°
Harbinger, :$b M sien hong. H^ lim-lini A kku gidh.
Harbour, -^^ n°hAi-khdu,— suspicion, Hardness, ^ teng.
^ ii tai-gi,— enmit}-, ^ ?Si tsek- Hardship,||S"^kan-kh6', (grievance)
okn, —resentment, ^ '|'S khioh- ^ ;K oan 6ng.
hun, ^° ?Si khioh-oan, inner Hardware, ^i° ^ thih-khi.
harbour (anchorage) m° M° ±° Hardy, il° i5t° ngi-tsia°, (man) kim
fH ^ tsun pha ^ s6--tsai, outer m&' nai, (thing) u p6a°-n6a, ^°
13° $b° khdu-goa, —thieves ^° M #T° 1S° ii phah-n6a, —as a plant,

khfig chhat. 5t° ii° u kia" sin. #

Harbourmaster, M. H-tsun- WW
Hare, lU° soa"-th6-. %
thia", H. %
ts6ng-sun. Harebraind, %\ ||° hi hiaii, |i° 'K°
Hard, E
teng, %W
teng-tauh, §1° :^ b6 tiaiii ts&,i.

ngi, very — teng-khd-uh-khauh, Harelip, khih-chhiii.

difficult 11° oh,—to tell, m°n° m° Harem, (Imperial) ft 3* loe t^ng,

oh titk6ng, labour— ^°#° thoa- ft "U loe kiong, ^§ kim kiong.

b6a, ft° ^° thoa-mia,— upon
a Hark, g|° thia".
person, khek-p6k, (as cakes) Harlot, W. piaii, ii j& chhiong-ki.
ngi-hauh°, rain— •^° M^ toa-ho', Harm, hai, #, siin hai, where ^ ^
blow— IL M
hong-thaii, by sE —
is the—, :t°/t° ff ki4m u hai.

jfe° kun-tsia, WW ^°
b6 j oa- Harrnful, '^°
m li oe-hai. %
hHg,—up, for money, tsl" tsin ^n. Harmless, l^^ boe-hai, ;j;° fi. ||

bo- i teng, #° boe-siin-hai, (innocent) ^°^°^°

Harden, n° P^ b6 iii ti6h.
il° h5- i ngi.
teng,— dirt on skin, Harmonious, fn
ho, fo It h6-hai, fn
Hardened, i
I^ h6-tang, fn Ji h6-sun.
§1 sien,—blood, jSl°lfE huih pa,—
heart, »6 sim koa" ngi.
fff° W°
Harmoniously, blended, fn It h6. —
% kliah 'tgng, «£° M hM, ^ '& h6-hdp, H fn i6ng-h6.
Harder, m°
khah-ngi, (more difficult) W,° W Harmonize,
Harmonium, M ^ hong-khim.
f# ^ fn ho- h6. i
khah oh.
±° ^ siaKg-teilg, % •- S Harmony, fn h6, (musical) lift hS-
- te-it-teng, (rnost difficult)
±° 11° hai.

siang oh. ,
Harness, W .^p5-M.

Harp, 11° ^° pi-p6, ^ khim, plfiy seng.

the—, 5f °
m toa"-ldiim. Hat, ilii° bo, sun—, Jl° T chhau-
Harping, ^ ^ khim-sia", — upon loeh, ^° ^° ^° beh-chhau-loeh,
0" T fl° H si° k6ng lidu koh-tsai rain— m° hi6h-lo^h. T
kdng. Hatch, {fe° 5iJ° pu-nng.
Harpoon, ^° pio. Hatches, ^° chhng.
Harpooneer, If M°6^° siapio S, -^° Hatchet, W" M° p6--thau.

H 6^ tsoh pio fe.

Hatchway, ^° P° chhng-khdu;
Harpsichord, jg sek. Hate, fig 'K o4n-hun, ?S ^ o^h-o-".
Harpy, #" fj ^, ^° g^u lek-sek e. Hateful, rT ^ khcS 6-", pT 'IS kb6
Harridan, ^° ^ lau-piAu. hun.
Harrow, iE.° pe,— a field, iB° M° pe Hatred, '\^ M. hun-khi, fa ^ oan-
hfig. khi, cherish — ,
^° 'fS khioh hun,
Harsb, (cruel) ^
S, tsan-jim, (as disguise ones §• 'IS. h^m hun. — ,

sound) i^°g° ;^^ phoa chhe sia", Hatter, fi° ipi" fl"^ ts6e b5 sai-hu,
(as a style) ^° i^ b6 sun-liii,M —shop, i^^ilii°;g#° khuibotikml.
(in manner) fl^^ ngi. Haughty, ^° li° khiii-th^u, 1 SS
Harsh )^ g, ts^n-iim, tl° 5S° ll° kek-phai-thau, @° gg sdi-phki,
Harshly jhoai^^hek, ##.kh6-t6k. §5; ^° kek-khiii, having a —bear-
Hart, k. 'iZ Idk-kdng. ing, Jh Wi kh6ng-gong.
Hartall, :Q ^ tsi6h-ng. Haul, ^° thoa, tioh, — in, as an an-
Hartshorn, ^ 3 16k-ji6ng. - chor, ^ — liii, in, hand over hand,
Harunascarum, JM ^^E chhiong-kong. chhiu.
Harvest ^° §° ni^-tang, J^: ^° siu- Haulm, ?1 k6.
tang, JK: ^
siu-s6ng. Haunch, H° M sa^ kak, of beef, —
Hash, ha-sih, to—, §|J chh6-iu, ^ ^° l^° ±° H° n gA bah I sa" kak.
^ tsam ill. Haunches, :J^° m° toa-thiii, 1° M
Hasp, tauh-A. t^ng-tbiii.
Hassock, :^° ^
chhau-tiam, :i;° ;i Haunt, a, ts&.u-hidt, a person, ^^ —
chhau-tiin. ^^m° kiii kau-ti^
Haste,S° Mikda-'-kin. Haunted, ^° % u kui, % ^° kiii-

Hasten, S° H kda'^-kin, J| chhui, siu, ^° gc ti6h-iau.

® #° # M° m k6a" i khah-kin. Hautboy, ^ ^ tong-siau.
(one self) a° E M° .« ka-kl Have, ^° u.
khah-kin. Haven, i^° oa°-ii. ^
Hasty, UM k6ng-po, ^^ chh6 Havoc, (lay waste) jl ^ tso iong.
sut, — temper, M
'14 kiu-s^ng, ifi° Hawk, boah-hi6h, to—, MM ^°
tt b^-s^ng, §° ff° .f^ chhau-d- tsoe hokn boe.

Hawker, M ff ° hoan-A. Head ache, M° ^ ilS" th^u khak
Hawshole, ^^° ?L° tia°-khang. thik".

Hawser, J^° i? ^° toa tiau soh. Head-dress, "g"

fi^ siii sek.
Hawthorn, #^ 1^^ tsi-chhiu. Headland, ± ^ tho'-kak, llj Mi°
Hay, ^°^t° ta-chh4u. soa°-be.
Hay cock, ^° cliliAu tui.
iffi Head-long, ^° M chhi°-tsin, ^° U
Hay loft, t^° ^"^ IE ta-chhau ke. chhi"-k6ng.
Hay rick, i^° ^-° ift ta chhAu tui. Head-man, m° A° thau-l^ng, 51° @°
Hay stack, t^° 3^° i{i ta-chliAu-tui. thfiu-bak. Si U thku n&u!".
Hazard, ^ ^ gui-hidm, M ^ hong- Head-most, f^° |il° tsoe thau.
liiam. Head-quarters, 7^ ^° i.° !^f{ ^ piin-
Hazardous, M, ^ hong'hiam, ^^ iA" e s6"-tsai.
gui-hiam, /J^° ^° j^° iii si sit. Head's man, |lj° j- ^ kui-tsii-siii.
Haze, E°b6-, thick—, Ji:°^°kau-b6- Head-stall, M° 11° BI° b6 mng thau.
Hazel, (colour) •£< ^ #
chhio- Head-stone, ^^ b5ng-p4i. M
ehbiah sek. Head-strong, mm s6-po, il°gl°^°
Hazel nut, sui. ^ ngi-ngi beh, {§ ff° phien-a ®°
Hazy, m°m b6ng-bu, 9°m° bu-bu. bell.
He, ^° i. Head-work-man, M° ^° th^u-chhiii.
Head, gf tb^u, m° ^
thau-kbak,— Head- way, tsin. M
wind, M, tu^ hong, B. tiii Heady, MMs6-p6, 31^ chhiong- MM
th^u hong, of the table, — A° i
k6ng, (hasty) J^^ t6ng-tut, (in-
:t° fi° tsu Mng 6 iii, (fountain) toxicating) tg° #' A° I? oe ho-
3}C° jjp, —workman,
tsiii gofi,n, ling gg° tsui.
^° th4u cbhiii,—man of Heal, m m U
police, i^,
—of i, ta"-tic4p, i-h6,

51°ts6ng-th&n, — of a firm or sbop, 1° E° m° U ka-ki oe itself, h6.

!i°^°thau-ke,—band, thau- Healer, (doctor)

5I°;ilj ^ fl i-seng.

po', 1M° tb^u-kun, nod

— Health M M° the, ^° 1 i6ng-kia°, 9. $t

M° m° tbim-th4u, bare—, *° Healthy jiong-sin-mia, M.U khong-

kng-thau, —man of a # kien,— looking, M° if ^° bin
^°hoe-tiu", — mechanic, pI°^M° 4ng-ge.
sai-hu-th-au, an ^° BI° Heap, M
("of whole—, ka-nAg-pu,
affair) tui,

tsdng-th^u, — man, M°W thiu- (pile up) i° B° thih, (ac- thiiip,

n&u", no responsible— ^° M° ^° cumulate) ^ ii tsek-tsu, make a

bo thau-bo nAu°,—up, as a ship^ —of, §i° m tsofe-tui.

M" ilB than khi, off, as a ship^ —

Hear, g|° ^° thia°-ki",— a rumour,

^° @° M° s&i khab khui, — to- ^° £° m

m"" thia°-ki" hong-sia%

ward, Ir] Ag. (judicially) H

sim, (listen and
answer) % V^
^° £° 53 thia"-ki"-b&ng,—wrong,
un-tsAn, — plainly, Hearty, "H* *& kam-sim, (food) j^°

m° M siu" tiii-i-khi.
^° |§° thia"-ta". Heat, m
jiet, :g sio, to— '^ '1°

Hearing, hard of— S° ?L° fi'' tl- hia°-sio,— water, ']^° vK hia" m
khangtang. kiin tsiii, (by fermentation) ;^° ^
Hearken, ^° thia°. ^ boat sio khi, — red hot, jat j^"
Hear say, Ji, Pj^ liong-blin, ^° J|,°
p1a 4ng, in heat as a dog, ^° siAu.
A° W thia"-kr Mng k6ng. Heathen, (idolater) ^ \^° #° k^ng
Hearse, I"! S ^°
koan-tk-chliia. piite, ^ #° # pki piit S.

Hearse-cloth, tt koan-t4. ^ Heathendom, ^ ^° Z° M sin put

Heart, »& sim, >& flf° sim-koa°, buy ^ kok.

up people's — H° 15 boe-bin-
, *C>
Heating, #,^s6, —effect, 3, s6- m
sim, lose — about a matter, !fl°
jiet,—medicine, ^° ji^t-i6b. H
j5 chhin-sim, — beats, ph6k.
Heave, (raise) ^ m^ h6-khi-lai,

Hearted, hard — , \% iC» ngi sim,

iB° M^ tha"-khi-lai, (throw) '^
hiet, (an anchor) 4g i®° khi-tik",
stout—, ij J1H° h6 td^
(as^ breast) Pg chhoan, (retehj
Heart ache, "^ »& kh6--sim.
Pl du.
Heart-broken, =g ;^° kh6--chhoeh,
i& fF" ©° m° )ll° m° sim-koa° peh
Heaven, 5c° thi°, 3^° ^ thie\i-t6ng,
all under—, X°
kail beh phok, >& JJf°^g° %° sim-
T° thi° e, in-

koa°-nlu thi^".
5c° thi-'-t^ng,— decree, 5c° 1
thiVi, 5e°x££° thi"-tsu-tir, Oh!
Heartburn, j5 If i^" sim koa° sic.

— ah, —justice, Ji M
^W W , 5c° PrI° thi"^
Hearten, ts6ng-t4°, K° W thien-li,—born, 5c°^° t^° thi" si" g
^ hd- Mng him tsi, ^° A° M M° Heavenly, — ^bodies, ° ^ M >1 jit-
ho- Mng khi htog.
Heartfelt, m «5 sit sim.
Heavenward, ng thi^
|^° 5c°
Hearth, iK M h^ 16-.
Heaveoffering, lt]^°i{^ kii ts6fr
Heartless, (cruel) ngl-sim, 5^ i^ hi^n-tse.
W ts4n-jim, (unsympathetic)
Heaves, »1° 1^ 9^° b^ chhodn pi°.
^. M'If b6 go^n tsgng, as i,^^[*
Heavier, |^° -^ khah tang,
b6 liSng ts^ng.
heaviest, S:° te -it tang, (se- ^~
Heartily, 4^
tsoan bu, iiJ» tsoan *
yerest) || fi 1; te-it siong- ~
sim, (in an affair) J^ jjj eng tiong.
sim, (willingly) "H- >& kam sim, Heavily, (bear great weight) W
t® kam go^n, (sinicereiy};^jE°
tsm +.;in
tsia" ^ ® sit sit
teh-tang, (sorrowfully) ':^° ^
^ »& ji^t sim.
(zealously) Fi9 toa iu-bun, move—, "sj" -J^ H
fj chhiin p6- Mn heng.

Heaviness fi° tang,) — laden, £' H Heir, m°^°#C°t° tit ke-hd ^, ^ 13

Heavy jtang-tsaT, (not easy to h6"-su.
'^^ oli-tit tag, (in- Heir-apparent,
bear) m° m° isz ^ thki-tsil.
animate) ^°^^° si-bdi, (as bread) Heirless, M"^M\ ts6at ho'-sA, M°
b6 ph6 —
as food, tr m° ^° %° ts^h.
oe till'' ^ mllj,"-as sleep, 3:° iK° Heirloom, jffi ^V 1|;^°
|j° ^6-- ^
tang bin. koijg thoto 16h lai mih. fe

Hebdomadal, ^ H — ° ^° cbhit jit Helianthiis, |p] ^ hi6ng-jit kvii.

tsit pdi., Hell, m ?i° te-g4k.

Hebrew, # fg 215 6^° Hi-pek-lat e. Hellebore, ^® 16-16-,

Hebrews, epistle to ^ i^ — , M i.° Hellenic, |& ^± Hi-li4p.

1:° Hi-pek-lal 6 phoe. Hellish, mm°fi^° te-g(4k-g, (i»alig-

Hecatomb, fs ^ -° -g" ft° «° tt° imnt) ^ hdoHg-ok, (detestiWe)


hien-ts^ tsit pab tsi^li tseng-^i''. W ^ kh6-6'.

fiectic, ^ jiet. :B[elfn^ M° toa, blade of th«v^, IS°^
Hector, 'g°'^7K°, saisektgjii,sdi-tia'^ toa sidm, l|£°^° toa-hi(Sh, pwt the
Hedge, ^^li-pa. —up, IS SS tag toa
Hedgehog, ^Jt h6-ti. Helmet, f^H thAi*-khoe.
Seed, take— §0*" s^e-ji-
, M M°^^^- llelr^simao, /lt°X tai-kong,
sim. H&l^ 1? |&° pang-tsan, H ^ p6vtso-,
Heedful, »Jv*' i6 si<5-sim, H^ kin-sin. ^ =^° pang^hhi6,--^nie, to-10ng,
Heedless, (careless) W i>h° *& b6 cannot—it, ^° ^° ^^ bd te-o4, ^i
si^-eim, (thoughtless) JH Jiihoiig- f^ # b6 ho*t i, ii ^ gi p«it-!feek-i

hong, (unobserving) lt° S° tit- —tip, ^^^ hu khi 1^.

feak. Holper, % il'^^A^pang.tsan iliag,
Heel, |ll°^°Bf° kha au-ti", wooden ^ <5l A paijg ^ chhiii e lang.

— , i^° W JK° bak kidfe t«eh, tfe Helpful, (person) m°Bm°Z°A°

to—, tfe khi, down at— ^° ^thoa fllo'-englllijg, (as medicine)
6e. M^^ feng-hau.
Heelpiece, ^^6e-ehhan. Helping-hauid, # .^^ paag-ehbiAs,
Heft, (liandle) fj p;°. R lb taurtsan.
Heifer, gu-a thun. .Helpless, (feeble) |fe || loan-ji6k,
Height, S°k.oli". (irremediable) ^° ?* 1*" b6 hoat
Heighten, %° %° P M bo' i kh^h tit.

koai^ (the effect i» colowr) W& Helplessness,

(feebleness) t^ ||
chhd,i° sek.

HfeXHOus,,^" g!;©hhim-taHg, (odi^ws) Helpmate, (assistant) ^ i^'' pang-

IrT ^ kh6-6". cbhiu, (companion ) i^P ^ tang-

phoa", (wife) ^° h&. li6'-i.

Helter-skelter, ^° M clihi°-tsin. Herald, 1$ ^ -^ 'g' thodn beng-leng

Helve,m° pi°, to—, #S° clih6ng koa°.

pi", m° chhidm,-pi°.
f^ Herb, ^° chhdu, —seller, W°li°:t°
Hem, (a) §f ping, to .^° ping. —
^° boe ioh chhau g.

Hematic, fg'^ Jt jfii° &^° oe tsi huih e. Herbage,^ 1^° chhdu.

Hematite, fSM ?i tai tsid tsi6h. Herbaceous, 1^° 6^° chhdu ^.
Hemi, ^°|poa". Herbal, (chinese) :$: i^ 10 @ pdn
Hemisphere, ^°MM poa° toe-kiii. chh6 kong b6k.
Hemlock, ^j| ^ M M 16-p6k.
id-6-, Herbalist, m^'^°m Z° A° k<4ng
Hemorrliage, ffi° ^° 14u-huih. kilx hoe chhai 6 ling.
Hemorrhoids, p^°^ lai ti. Herd, H kun.
Hemp, ^
moa, mM° iu-moa, MM° Herdsman, M ^° #° kb--gA-^, ^°
Ag-moa— , seeds, ^^ moa-jin— ^° m" chhi-gH-g.
fibre, mofi, ph6, —aloes, JS ^^ Here, jl[:° tsia, ^£°jjfc° tl-tsia, tsit-tah,
pho-16 mo4°. ^S°tsit-nih^
Hempen, ^° 6^° mo^ g. Hereabout, sE jlt° ^^ kun tsit s6-
Hen, fHkoe, i|#°koe-bii. tsai.

Hence, (from this place) |^° ^° ^° Hereafter, 7 ^° liau au, M 3^ au

tui tsia khi, a week —
X° --° if
l^i, Sf

p^t jit.
koh tsit U pkl (as an inference) i°iB^° tui kn-ni".

6° ia° Hfc^tui 4n-ni-, (begone ^°

Hereditable, t|° il° ^° ^ H oe soa
khi-ah, (from this time) ^°
tsiap ke-gidp property — , %H
jH:°fl# tiii tsit tidp.
Henceforth, 1 ^ ^^ ^ tsi6ngkim Hereditary, -jS ^ sfe-sip, 11 1i ts6--

Henceforward J h5-, §i 4-° ^ ^° tui

ta° i-au. Herein, iii°jH:°^n-ni^ ^^ jlfc 1 titsit
Hendecagon, +°'-:^^ tsat.
tsdp-it kak
h^ng. Heresy, P SS i"-toan.
Hen-house, i| iE° koe ti^u. Heretic, ^ ^S#° sin i-^-toan t ^,

Henna, ^° fp ?g° tsng-kah hoe. 315 ^° sin-sia 6.

Heretofore, 2J5^pgng-s6-,-if°ts^ng,
Henpecked, m° *° kia° h6; m° M iii°j?l°hiahkii.
h6- 16-.
Herewith, J^a°f@ kap tsit-S.
Hen-roost, m° M° koe siu, || )i° koe Heritage,
^°i| ke-gidpi
Hermaphrodite, ^° il° Ii° poa°-iam
Hepatitis, Sf°^^ koa" boat iam.
Heptagon, -tMM chhit kak hfeng.
Her, ^° i, -^^ g^° i.^, give— l^" ^
Hermeneutics, |£ M 4:° S tsii-kdi
^ hoat.
Hermetic, ^°^°Mt-Ut, ^°m°W ia,ng.

bat-tsiuh-tsuih. Hibiscus, 35 ^ ^° phu-iong-boe.

Hermit, MM lin-tsia. Hiccougb}^T° Pi° pbab-eh, I?° l^°
Hermitage, |S i.'^ ^° un-tsia e Hiccup
M [kbo--eb.
chhu, ffi rt ^° ^° lin-su 6 chbii. Hide, (oneself) gbih, (a tbing) 1{5:
Hernia, >Jv]^ ^ siau ti6ng tui. m° siu-kbfig, m° un-kbng, m° m
Hero, :^ ^ ^ tai tiong hu, ^f
!g° khAg-bAt, ^
ii M° jia-khkm,
eng lii6ng. (skin) & pb&.raw— ,l3°jfe cbbi"-

Heroic, ^i#°, eng-hiong-e, ^^ pb&, rbinoceros, p° ^° jfe° sai gu

^° h6-ki^t-6, (bravej ^ US :ft u pb&.

tdm Mk. Hidden, 11° ^° kbAg-bdt, H
Heroine, :& ^ ^ M tiong hu. un-bAt.

Heroism, M° B u tam l^k, ^ ^

"jj Hideous, M M. M. bi6ng-kai-kki,

51° tsin b6 ta". 511° 5E° A° kia°-si Mng, fM mM

Heron, &° n| i^ p6h l^ng si. bi6ng-bi6ng-bi6ng, (bateful) ^T^
Herpes, ^° PI° cbhku-thiu. kb6-6-°.

Herpetology, % ^° ±° M W m% Hie,
M° M koa"-kin.
(county) |^,° koSf, (magis-
kdng-kiu tb^ng tboa e li h&k.
Herring, jl. '^, un-bi. trate) JII koai^ K° #° t° pe-bii

Hers, # 64° i-6. koa°, assistant to — M, It siii-

Herself, @° a° ka-ki, a;# piin-sin. kidm.

Hesitate ) « ^ tiH-tft, li sl ig°
Hierarcb, |fe I kku-6ng.
Hesitation j ig° tsin tsin-tbe-tbe, (in Hieroglyph, # S ±°!?° boe-i e ji.

answering) ti-ti tub-tub, IS° /f«° M° Hieropbant, ife 6i5 kau-su tbau.
iK ^
k6ng boe cbbut cbbixi. Higgle, (chaffer) lu-lek ke-tsi", ^
Heterodox, s\k, ^
7[i jE put ts^ng. iM°M°B° cbbui-chbiau ke-tsi°.

Heterodoxy, P ^ F-toan. Higgle-dy-piggledy, # M. cbbam-

Heterogeneous, #° S° kob iii", ^' cbhu, ##^^ cbbam-cbham
ig°b6 si^ng. chhu-chbu.
Hew, UC kbdm, ^J cbb6. High ) 1^° ko^i^ —price, m° «°
Hexagon, M•:;f^ ^ Mk^kak beng. Highly ) ko^i" k^, —
spirits, cbhiau-

Hexagonal, yf M lak kak. MM cbb^k, —rank, :# :i: ts un-

Hexabedron, ^°MM Mk kak b^ng. kixi, —water, '7K° ?t° tsui-ti", —
Hiatus, Fb^° pbang, (a cbasm in a antiquity, ±° IS f-^ teng se-tai, J:

manuscript) ®° Ikng. 1^ si6ng-k6-, —wind, Ji.^° bong

Hibernal, ^° %° m° tang-tbi" ^. tbku,on — ,
^° M M° tit^ng bin.

Hibernate, m° ^° ke tang. Highborn, iS M s6-ka, HkMB s^-ka

Hibernian, H M A° O'-ni-mn-

Higher, igS°^°khahkoai°. Hinder 1 (prevent) PJ ^ tso'-
Hinderance t6ng,
Highest, m-Wt° te-it koa,i°, ± ii° J PJ.J1: ts6--ts], '^

siting koui", —rank, t6ng, (obstruct) ff|°ig°n6a"-tsah,

^fipf^ kek-
phin. m° ^ n6a", ig tsdh,— effectively,
Highland, Uj*^ itfe° soa"-toe. ^# t6ng-tsa, (embarrass) il°i^°
Highly f^*X* tsoe khi
pin-p6a% (rear) l°-^au-bin, ^
kang hu, prize—, ^ g tsin lif tiii-
M° au-piah.

Hindmost, $r iE^„°/i° kbah te be.
Hindoo, ^tg A' Kiet-leng-UBg.
Highminded (proud) ^ kiau, (mag- Hindostance, (language of the Hin-
nanimous) ^° ^>7toa-prin, •/c°^iE
doos) ^
fg ff 1^' Kiet-leng a-6e.
Hindostan, ^U In-to-, S ^ f) fl
Highness, (wife of prince) 2 i!i^°
ong-niu, aE Is 6ng-h6-, (wife of a
Hinge, ^ ^ h5--tidp, furnish vrith
d^uke) ^A
— , ^\P# t^ng-ho--ti4p,
Highpriest, ^^h: tse-si-tiii".
Hint, (at) i^° jJe °f^ °^ ph^.pM a
Highwater, i^° ^° tsiii-tr.
k(Sng, give a—, ^tlS tsi tiam, ij
Highwatermark, 7^° ^|° ^° ^ tsili
il[° ti^m-phoa, |j!i® tiara -<jhfai''.
ti° e liun.
Hip, SSB° g4° kha-ph(Se, |jgp° ^° it"
Highway, :^° ^ toa-lo-,-rofejjer, kha-chhng-ph(5e, ill° ffl° 5f kha-
m° W,° hiang-b^.
Highwayman, 5S^ kioag-to-.
c-ktog tim, H li° thii-thau, M /if
Bl° l^ha-ehhng-thaij..
Hilarious, cbkemg sim,
-Jft »i3 •?! >X° Hippocampus, ^ J^° Mi-y
he. ffippepotamus, ?g ,^° h6 \>L
Hilarity, -Jf >C> chheng sim, ^^ Hire, ^° s^, \r chhii", ffi k6-, (a
khoai-16k. teacher) fl|° chhid'^, (a house) ^°

iLi soa", lIj°lI°soa''-thau,

if ff° tun-d, fact of

M°.se-chhu, let out for—,

W sh,


ffi chhuit tso-,
specially, ^
it° thiau chhik", lt°fi°tit chWa",
Hillock, {i\°^ soa^-a.
—a boat, m°m°i^'' chMa^t8ftB4,

Hilly, -^i^ [lj° 16ng si soa°, .J|C° llj° (wages) X°^° kang-.tst".
kau soa°. Hireling, ^°X° m" ohhia"-kaHg-l.
Hilt, of a sword—, m°
to-khG^n. Hirer, m° i,° A° chhia"^ § ling.
Him, i. ^ Hirsute, (shaggy) ^° skm-mSg. ^
Himalayas, SiIi Soat-san. His, .^ gtl° i-6.
Himself, #i°a°ika-ki.
Hiss, tt m 1^ su-suAdu, (sound of
Jr tsap-kun.
-\r° frying) chhi-chki-hiu.
Hind, (a) ^
16k, —feet, WM au-t6e. Hist, P P tseag-tseag.

Historian,' (official) ^ '^° sii-koa". Hoax, gX III] siet-sien.
Historical, ^ |a m° su ki e, M M65° Hobble, f}°M ^ 6f ^ Sf kir-lo-
kong kam g, ^° ^ §5° kkm sii e. oaih-teh oaih-teh, chhiang-teh.
History, % SJ ki li6k, — of a person, Hobby, —horse, ^ J^° chh^-b^, (a
^ M Mi-lek, — of a kingdom. ^ IE whim) ijf p° koai-phiah, "^ -^
sii-k\, church — # £ BB kkn , 15: kcS'-koki.

hoe sii ki. Hobgoblin, j^c 'M iau-koki, E W kxii-

Histrionic, JI° ig &f poa"-hi ^. koai.
Hit, #X° phah, — against, 51 ^ khap- Hobnail, ^°ff°tr loeh-d teng.
ti6h, ^ ^° tseng-tioh, — the cen- Hobnob, M S^ tiong h&n- 4* fe^ tsiii

tre, S°jfj:°i{J» ti6h ang sim, ^1° tim. r|»

»5 tiong ang sim, — upon as a Hod, Jc° ti° he-thdng, (a coal

plan, -m ^ g,° ^° hut-jiSn siu"- scuttle) ±° ^° ti° th6--thoa"
ti6h, iS ^ M * hut-ji^n chhiok thdng.
ti6h. Hodgepodge, <f°if^° ts4p-mih.
Hitch, m° M° kau-ti6h, (fidget) Hoe, a —MIM ti-thau, to—, iS

ngiau-ngiau tang. M kiit, —up, ^Ml thii-tho4".

Hither, ill ]ft° kkii-tsia, come — , ^ Hog, It ^ ti-kang, — lard, |^ f^ bah-

Jlt° Mi tsia, —and thither, ^ fi iu, wild—, llj°!t soa'^-ti.

53S ^ 6ng-6ng lai-Mi. Hoggish, m'^X' W chhin-chhiu'^ ti,

Hitherto, M° 4"° kau-ta", m M P^ng- (filthy) f5 S

u-oe, (mean) >J> ^
s6-, IciJ 3R hi6ng-iai. siau-ki6k, )J» AS| sidu jin p6e.

Hive, 3i° li phang tii, (swarm of Hogsty,it°E°ti-tiau.

bees) kui ai, mMz° kui siu, to Hoi-how, P° HaikhAu. — ^
tau kui ai, tku kui siu. Hoist, 5^ seng, j^ lui, a flag,?l-:K —
Hlassa, t& M
Liap-sat. seng-kl, sail, ji chhia-phUng, — ^
Ho, \&° 6. % 0" khi pha,ng.
Hoar, (white with age) &° p^h, to Hoitytoity, (thoughtless) '^K hong-
have—, chhiu'' p^b, (antiquity) hong, »6 'I^sim-hong (note of sur-
1^ ^° k6--tsA. prise) chhi.

Hoard, (a) m^^°^° tsek-tsu ^ Hold, —of a vessel, |g° m° tslin-

gun, to — i^ , il tsek-tsu, U ^liap- chhng, ME tsun-t6-, —up, W

tsek. kiah, —
tight, as pincers, t^° ng6eh,

Hoarfrost, ^° sng. take —of, i^° khl", —in the mouth

Hoarse, Pt ^° sau-sia". ^ kkm, (contain) i^ t6e, —
Hoary, 6° ^° p6h-p6h, —head, m° one's peace, WW tseng tseng,
^°^° th^u-mfig p^h, to be—, tiam-tiam, — one's self erect, HH

chhiu" p6h. _ ,
^ th^ng-sin, —an audience, ^°

^ tse-ti^u, — in durance, ^^ Homeliness, ^° f^° 215° iE° si" ts6e
khu-kim, — in the "bosom, 'g ktii, pi^-tsia"", (rudeness) $J. #? chhc-
— in the hand, kim, gim, — fast, t^ si6k.
siu, —on (delay) h^u". Homely, iS ^° ^° am khang ku,
HfiSlder, ^jS° A°kiah g Mng, m ¥M (coarse) ffl'fS chho'-si6k;
pen—, pit-siau, S^ i§° pit koAi". Home made, m° ^° M° 65° ke-lai
Hole, ^° khang, ^° chhng. ts6e g.
Holiday, fe1° H eng-jit, ift°^r B thit- Homesick, /& Fi^ sim-bun, ,@1 ^ su-
th6 jit. hiong.
Holily, iJ J8 keng-khiSn. Homespun, ^° ^°iS 6^° ke-lai tsit i
Holiness^ ^
s^ng. Homeward, @°-i°t6-khi.
Holland, :kmmm H6-lankok. Homicide, ^° %° A°
Tsii thai si Mng.
Holloa, e. Homily, Ji to-li, g # it 2!C khoan-
Hollow, gg° m khang-khak ^° se-biin.
khang, —out, m° ^° iah-khang, Homogeneous, |^° ^° si^ng iu°,
(as sound) M ong, (not sincere) Honan, fBf H6-lim. ^
H fs W b6 sin sit, b6 sit tioh, bo Hone, IF ;5° to-tsi6h.
sitb6 tioh,— eye, m°U° thap-bdk. Honest 1 ,S- tiong-ho-, ^1^ jt° tiiu- W
Hollow-hearted, (faithless) ||°'^5( Honesty tit, |sg sfeng-sit, (up-. | ^
b6 sm-sit, ^°^
»6 b6 sit sim, (in- right) .g, tiong-gi, M° tt° ngl- H
sincere) ^°&S jt bo s^ng-sit. (dis- tit.

honest) ^° ,© J^b6 tiong-ho-, Honey, ^°^° phang-bit, ^° bit,—

(treacherous) ^#
poan kut. bee, m°^° bit-phang, g°!!$°sag-
Hollyhock, — ^jgt it-ti6ng-h6ng. phang, wild ii bit, make — ^W ,

Holm, M tsiu. n°m° p^ng bit. — ,

Holy, M
shng. Honeycomb, ^•°M° bit-p6-, WM°
Holyday, B m seng-jit, ^ M>° B an- bit-p^ng.
hioh-jit. Honeysuckle, :^ ^° :^° kim-g^n-
Holyghost, M iii$ seng-sin. hoe.
Homage, (obeisance) ^# kiong- Hong, fj hl,ng, —^merchant, W° M
pM, (fealty) ^ ^ ti^u-kun. iu° siong,
Home, M° chhii, at—, ;ffi° §9° ti-teh, Hongkong, # ji Hiapg-k^og, §^
my—, Elc^ godn-tau, go—, ij ^ Hiong kdng.
t6 khi, ancesliral — ^^, ts6--ke, Honour, (revere) S^kfeng-i;i, M^
^ tsip,—made, ^° ft°^° ke lai tsun-k^ng, ij^k^ng, having a sense
ts6e. of—, ^5c H
ts^n thiea li6ng,
Homeless, M° ^° '^f ^^° b6 chhii (glory) ^ ^ &ng-hi^n, ^ ^ng j

thang khia. kng, (one's parents) ^ ^ 14 h&, j

, .

— of a family,
—P^° M men, fg° Hoop, a—
mrg hong, Hoo-nan, jifit 6--iam.
I don't desire
^°^^ A°^m^ g6a b6 ka Mng —for a
^^from ,11 kho-, put on — ,|g hho*,
barrel, ti°^ thdng kho-,
kiu eng liien.
iron— irfi thih-kho-.
Honourable, d^ ^ tsun-kui, ^ '^ Hooper, mm°^^°
tsun-tiong, Bg ^ b&ng-khi, (in kho--tMng-^, ij°
spirit) S ? kun-tsu. phah-thang 6.
ltfj° (i^°

Honorarium, (of a^doctor's) ^^ Hooping-cough, fl| ^

1^° si-khi-s4u,
tsi-ki^n. khu-khu-sku,
Honorary, ^°^§5 b6-sin-16, —title, Hoopoo, |^°li°?| peh-thau-khok.
Honoured, — sir, ^ i|| tsun-kfe, :h A S°^!- "• P^ hdu-hoah.
Hootmgj1 "a
tai-jln, ^ I* kok ha, JE f tsiok-ha. Hop, ^° ti6, I^ 11° i|° chhidng-kha-
Hood, Milii° hong-bo. koe, J^° m° m° ti6-kha-koe.
Hood- wink, M
B°jia-bdk, (impose Hope, U° M° Ag-bang, lose—, ^ S°
on) M" lut, M phi^n, ^ kodi. ts6at bang.
Hoof, Jfi^°
to6, m°U° kha-tog
Hopeful, ^^°{lW°m° toa-ng-bang.
Hook, i^°kau, iron— ^° 1^° thih-tio, Hopeless, *t°|Rj°^° b6 ng-bang, m
reaping —
SiJ ff koeh-A, button

^° ff°kau-4,lish— ,1?!° ff°tio-4—

^° tsodt-bang. —
Hopple, f0° li° khku kha, ^° ffil° pAk
and eye, m^^i^^ kau kap
kau-d phan, to |^ kau, — ,
—back- kha.
wards, ^° M
to kau. Hoppo, :^ Tj^ HAi-koan.

Horary, twelve—characters.— 5c =P thien kan,

— —
Horde,M ;/c°F^ A° tsin toa tin lang, Horsecloth, ,11 iliS°b<^-phe.
— °S A° tsit kdn lang. Horsedealer, M°ASbe hoan.
Horizon, 5cS?i:^ thi"-pi°-liai-kak. Horse-hair, .^°^° b^ milg.
— J^
W than-hoai", Horseman, (soldier) M°^ be-peng.
sti'oke, ° ° tsit-pLoat. Horse-hoof, M°5t b^ t6e.
Horizontally, M ^° than-lio^i", cut Horse-manship, ^° M° t° m &
— , m° llo. khia-be e hoat-to'.
Horn, ^ kak, young-stag's — MM ,
Horselaugh, P1I° PPl° ^° hah-hah-

16k-ji6ng, cow's gu-kak, ,
^° :^j chhio.
deer's— |g^ 16k-kak, rhinoceros
Horserace, SSi^ phau-b^.
— ^° ^ sai-gu-kak, young-
, Jp° Horseshoe, $M°^°i%° thih-b^-tog,
deer's — iSfJ^M tslMok-jiong.
, put on a—, fr.^°fil°teng-be-t6e.
Hornet, 1; ^° eng-phang, ^° Horsetail, M°>1° b^-be. ^
chha-phang,,^;^J|°o"-kak-phang. Horsetrough, ,^°fi be tso.
Horology, flif
e boat-to".
sl-sin-pio Horsewhip, ,^° b^-pi°, to—, ^° W
,^° ||S° ^T° eng be pi" phah.
Horoscope, A°^°poeli-jl, Eg°|i°si- Hortation, ^ iJ° kh6--khng.
thiau,— good, A° ^° poeh-ji- Hortatory, E =g= |g° kh6--khng.
ong, ij° A° ^° li6-poeh-ji, bad— Horticulture, U°M° tseng>ng.
^o ^-^o j^o
take Horticulturist,
#°®°?t;°^° A° g^u
one's— #ffl°tt° pai-si-thiau. tseng hoe 6 Mng.
Horrible, mmW hi6ng-k^i-kki, 11° Hosanna, f?|ij± ^ chheng-ho'Siong-
5E° A° kia°-si-lang. te, m°M°±^ 0-16 Siong:te.
Horrid, MMW. bi6ng kai kai. Hose ^° beh, (of engine) '7^° f|°
Horror, :k° M" toa-kia^ m^m° tsiii-lSng,
tsin-tsai kia°. Hosea, (book of) ^ W ±° li" H6-se
Horse, M°h6, trained=is° M° sek-b^, e chheh.
—hoof ,I|°K° b^'toe, mount a—, Hosier, m°W^r tsoe-beh 6,
±° M,° tsiu°-be, unbroken— ^° .^° 6^ boe-beh e.

chhi''-b^, war —
W> ^° tsien-be,
Hospitable, M°^° 'If h6-kheh-tsfeng,
cart before^tlie .^ij —
M $° t6 boan ilg Aiig §khl l&ng khi kheh.

chhia, clotbes— |^°-ff°^° sa°-A

Hospital, $$ i-koan, ® -g^fl i-seng-

ke, provide with


a—, |ij
kodn, a general ;
m° fil ^ iS S ft tsfe

se i-kodn.
chhong b^ ho* i.
Horseback, ,^°±° be-tsiu°, ride on
Host, i
A° tsu-mng, (army) |£ ?
— ll°>!|°khiab^. Hostage, ffl°A°ft°K°©° engiang
Horsebox, ,1°M bd-td. ts6e tsun tng.
Horseboy, m°MU-lb; ,1°^ b^-hu. Hostess, ± A°ik° tsil lang niu".

Hostile, M tfc tui-tdk, (unfriendly) Hotchpotch, +° III % tsap-o-chhki.
koai, ^° % b6 h6, ^° m° m° b6 Hotel, %°%% kheh-kodn, a g| kong-
sa" thia°.
kodn, ^
]^ kheh tiam.
Hough, fll° JE° IX koah-kha-kun.
Hostility, M ic tui-tek.
Hound, Ji° JS|° lah-kAu.
Hostler, ,E|° ^ be-hu.
Hour, i^, M° tiAm-tseng, j^, W^° tidm-
Hot, —as weather, ^° joah, —as sia", half an—, ^° /S ||° pok"
food, ^° sio, —as sun, ||fe ji^t, tiam tseng, quarter of an — — ^°
, °^!l

springs, ^ ^^° sio-tso&°, (as tsit khek, —

and an a half, ^
temper) JAt° 'ft he seng, (pungent) tidm poa", Chinese —— , equal, to

W lodh. two English hours, ° Bt tsit si.

Chinese hours.

From one to three A.M S B$ tbiii si.

From three to five A.M H Jli in si.

From five to seven A.M ^ B# bdu si.

From seven to nine A.M M si& fl# si.

From nine to eleven AM B Rt tsi-si.

From eleven to one P.M ^ fl# ngo- si.

Twelve at noon iE^ tsi4"g6-

From one to three P.M ^fl# bi-si.

From three to five P.M ^ Bt siQ SI-

From five to seven P.M S St iii-si.

From seven to nine P.M i3J 31 sut si.

From nine to eleven P.M ^ BS tai si.

From eleven to one A.M iP HI tsii-si.

Twelve at midnigbt jE ^ tsia" tsii.

Hour^ass, 9?° ?i° soa-laii. siong-t6ng, (of Commons) T^

Hourhand, j^» ^+° tidm-tsiam. ha-t6ng, keep—, M^ Si° hoa'^-ke,

Hourly, # ^> fi° mui°-tiam tseng, — servant, M T ka-teng, M A

(frequent) flt Bl si-si. ka-jin, —maid, ^ ff° p6-d.

House, M° chhii, m° ^ chhii theh, Housebreaker, # #° ^° tseng-

our—, 0ll°
^° go&n-
^° Mn-tau, piang-^.
tau, (of iUfame) ?g° F^° hoe-keng, Housebreaking, ^° tseng-pikng. ^
^°?°F^° phdi»-ki4° keng, owner Household, B°*t° khad-tsati, P^ ^
of_, jf °
^ chhii tsii,—rent, M° h5--khau, (family) ^ ke, ^° a°
m.° 'chhh-s^, (of Lords^ ± m ke t^ng, whole—, ^ ^° tso4n-ke,
—stuff, m°. i'k" ^e-U. khau.
Housekeeper, M° 6^° kodn ke L Hub, ^° ftl chhia-lfln.
Housekeeping, M M° kien ke. Hubbub, la 1^ soan-hoa.
Houseless, ^° m ^° M° n lo- h6 Huckster, M° M ff ° ts6e-hokn-d.
chhu. Huddle, ^°il°oe-khoeh
Housemaid, (slave) ^jl^ tsa-b6'-kdn, Hue, (colour) ^ M sek-ti.
(one liired) ^ ff p6-4. Huff, m^n" pl^-bin, M°m siCi-kiii,

Housewife, 51° m° ^° thau-ke-niu°, (bluster) Pifc 01° hang th^u.

good—, #° m° M° gau 11 ke. Hug, m°m° sAg-oA, a° lam, a"—
Housings, 0j IQ be-ph&. the shore, '^° llj°^hah soa".
Hovel, (open shed) ^ '# clilidu- Huge, ^ ^ tsin-hai.
liau, (mean house) SS° jt° •1° ff" Hui-an, ^^ hui-oa".
phoa chhii thang-d. Hulk IM° # tsUn-sin, |S°^ tsfin-

Hover, U° M° phiet- sit.

Hull J
khak, —rice, M° M tseng-bi.
How, 'M°^° -fpl° beh-tsdi'^-iu", beh- Hum EMo9l° hong-hong-hau. Pit

thdi, i£ ;f ° thdi-th6,— can, beh- Iffi ^ hiig hiig hdu— , and ha, tih-

thdi oe,-^much more, VJJ h6- tih tuh-tuh.


liong, |1S°
li m° b6 kdng ki6,— Human A° Mng, A H jin-M— , re-

— many, ^° =p° j6a-tsoe, —very lationship, A {# jin-lun.

quick, M S° Sn° ib° kin k&u kn- Humane, j^ *& tsli sim, '^° izM ^-

he knows—,
ni"', # ^B
B° tsai i jin-tsu.

14",- do you do ?
li tsiah
m° ^°
pHg be, ii,° ^° ^° 5°
*° Humanity iz jin, (kindness), ilM
jin-tsll, t ^M jin-tek.

lihiah kii h6 mah? if passing Humankind, A 'M jin-lui.

each other quickly on the road, Humble, khiam-siin, Wi ^^ #
they simply say, ^° chhid", is khiam-pi, i& hu-sim.— M
your father? m° :Z° g° n° Humble-bee, '^° ^° bit phang.
li 6 leng-tsun — your
tsAi''-iu'',^ is Humbug, m° m° b6-ia", 6M p^b-
mother, m° :t ^^ ^° M" ^ li chhAt, ^H hong-t6ng.
leng-t6ng tsai-iu°, —many spans, Humdrum, (dull) ilS° tiin, ham-ban,
kiii-lidh, —many persons, f^ A°kui (affair) ^°^° si6h-si6h, ^°^°
mng,— often, M° ^° kui-pai,—is chhku si6h,
it, ^ M,° m° si tsAi'' iu^ Humems, ^° f^° M B° 'W chhiii S

Howbeit SI ^ sui-ji^n. t^ng tsat kut.

However, 31 M tku-ti, M. f^ sui-jien, Humid, M sip, — atmosphere, M M
1j§ S. siong-chhia". sip-khi.
Howl, (as dog) ^ hail, (as wind) Iff Humidity, Wi M sip-kW.
If ni hii-huhdu (wail) m°m.° thi- Humiliate, (to humble) #°A°alS

lio' Mng kien-siau. Hungry, Wt iau.
Humiliation, (degrading to a lower Hunks, (miser) ^° M° :§X tsiii

position) m" i^° ^ y° lut h5- tsi"' 16-.

i ke, (a humbling) # A E If i° Hunt 1#T H phah-Mh,— tigers,

"^ hd" l&ng ki^n-siku e su, self — Hunting I fl*" )^ phah-ho-j

Q W. tsu khiam. for,) ^° chhe.

Humility, If M khiam-siin, M# Hunter, it Ji° ^f P^ah lah e,

kWam pi. (dog) 3i° W lah kau, (horse)

Hvimmings, P^° P^'' l^L tng-hng bau. #1° it° ^° .^° ptah Idh e b6.

Humorsome, ^° ffi ^ u-chhii-bi, Hupeh, 'M ^t o--pak.

^° Mi u-ki(Sk. Hurdle, M° ff" 11- A, (of bamboo)
Humour, (disposition) 'B. If seng- S pin.
ts^ng, (wit) ^M^ u chhii-bi, Hurl, II hiet, tim.
;§^ ^ u-kiok, to —a person, ^ Hurly burly, W m° @ boa hoa
stng, |g ^ tMng-seng, M sun, ji6ng, 1® 1^ hdn-hoa.

in the— as for writing, <& |§° :?g° Hurrah, % M hut-le.

sim hoe khui, in the — as for gran- Hurricane, M ^ hong-thai.
any thing, jC" J^° sira-tsia''.
ting Hurried 'Et 'IS.
h6-"-hiah", clihong- )

Humourous, ^° 11° #1° ai k6ng Hurriedlyjpong, tah-hiah", 'I^ 'ti ft

chhio,— song, n° m° ^° h6 chhi5 'It hong-hong-b6ng-b6ng.

koa. Hurry, M kod"-kin, M'lt°'r

to—, U° ko4°,
^ S
Hump, nia^ cow's—
m° '^° M° g^- kin-bang-bang,
nia^ A° M ko4" lang kin.
Humpback, ft -i.° khiau-ku, ffi
^° Hurry skurry, ^"^"^"bang-b^ng-
lin-ku. bang, ^lU chhiong-k6ng, U^°
Hunan, fp| rt o'-iam. %° k6ng phia"-phia''.

Hunch, (on the back) ffi ku, (push Hurt,

(a wound) m°\% ti6h siong,

with elbow) khai'', (crook the (a bruise) Wt &° phoa phe, (cause
back) 11° khiau-ku. pain) fr A°^° to- mng thia^

Hunchback, H. a° lin-ku, ffi ^ (damage) § hfii, ?§. S siin-hai,

(wound) fg siong, (feelings) fi hS

siong-sim, don't squeeze me, you
Hundred, —°-S° tsit-pah,—thousand
^ tsap-ban.

Hundredth, M—" "5° te tsit pah- iii thang nih g6a g6a 6e thia''.

^°«fir fi«fir
part, -°-n°^ i.° -° ^ tsit pah
Hurtful, u-hai-e,

siong-hai e.
hun I tsit hun.
Hunger, %° iau, (long for) ^M lo^n Husband, ^^ tiong-hu, |?°?°A
., bo-.
ta-po--mng, ^ ang. When a wife
speaks to hei' luisband she never Hut, # ft° liiu-d.
callsbim by bis own name. Wben Hyacinth, chhiah be 16 Wl%W
sbe speaks of him to another, she Hybrid, ^ @° tsdp tseng.
calls him her, ^^
tiong-bu, or Hybridous, &^° tsdp ts^ng L M®
her, ^°^°A° ta-po'-Mng, or if Hydrangia, ,^ ih md li kok. M
she has a son, say of the name of, Hydraulics, 7]<.° ij Wi tsiii lek lun.
^ ff° H6--a, she will speak of Hydrocele, 7jc° '^ tsui sien.
him as, Ja ff ° #° M°
Ho--a in tia. Hydrogen, f^-^ kheng khi.
When a stranger speaks to a wife Hydrographer, fl;° fql
W ^° ui h6 ^
of her husband, if he is a literary hdi to- L
man, he calls him 3fe ^° Sien-si", Hydrology, ?JC° |^ tsiii lun.
if a captain, say of the name of
Hydrometry, 7K° i.° ^^ M° i^ g
^ Ts^n, he will call him t£ Ts^n- M
teng tsui 6 khin tang boat.
If an apprentice speaks to Hydropathic,
7K° V 6^° tsiii i L
his mistress of his master, he calls Hydropathy,
7K V^ tsiii i boat.
him, 11° J. sai ha —and wife, ^° Hydrophobia, M ^° Pl£° JS siau kdu
M° ang-b6-, elder sisters ka ts^ng. — , ij$

^ tsi-hu, j^° ^
younger Hydrophobic,
tsia-hu, ^° m° M° sidu ^ M
sister's—, ^°i§ be ski, father of kau ka ts^ng g.
— ^°t° ta-koa", mother of—, Hydropical,
6^ k6--ti6ng ^. ^M
M°^° ta-ke, elder brother of—, Hydrostatics, ^iM^i:°M toe li<i-
:k°i^° toa peh, younger brother h^ng ^ li.
of—, >h°U.° si6 tsek, (economize) Hydrous,
7K° 6^° tsiii fe.
Wi°ik kbah khiam, —
one' strength, Hyemal, S°
Ji° fi^ tang thi° L
ir m° ii° sioh khiii i4t, m° :jj° mu Hymen, (god of marriage) M M^
Mt. godt 16kong.
Husbandman, 0° A° tsoh-chhan- Hymn,
i^° ff si, sacred — , SJ If sin si.
Husbandry, ^°^°
si 6.
W M W i° ts^e sin

Hush^^ M° b6 ^^
§f,°_ ts6e-sia°, Hymnology, 5p$ |f ^ sin si tsip.
tseng-tseng— up, ,
^ ||° in khng. Hyper, MSI k^-thau, icji thai k6.
Hushmoney, !^ft° B§° he-soeh. Hyperborean, Ht fig g^ pak k^k ^.
Husk, ^ khak— , of pease, S°^ Hypercritical, $1 ^ j^ 11 g^ phoe-
tau-khak. ph&ng k^-thau L
Husky-voice, B|i°^° sau sia°.
Hypercriticism, Jt ^? ji 51 phoe-
Hussy, #° m.1 M
chhiah tsa-b6-. pheng k^-thau.
Hustle, m^° oe-ti6h, m°'M° tng- Hyphen, 51 ^;t^ lien ji fe h5.
ti6h, S° khoeh. Hypocrisy, UM k6 ts6e, ii?^° k^

ia", ISf^tSBg tshe, ^ K b6 sit.' Idiocy, i6 sit-sim, ^

ife ^l th^m-
Hypocritical, 1^^° ^J U ia" e, |£ft loan, M M hong-tien.
69 tsng ts6e ^. Idiom, f^ ta oe-gii, f§° ^ oe-kho4n,

Hypocrite, (dissembler) ^fljj 6^ i4m (dialect) ±^ th6--im, khiu"- flS

set 6, (one who pretends to be khdu.

better than he is) fg ^ 69 ke h6 6. Idiomatic, fS°S?. ^
Hypotenuse, ^ hi§n. M IS to tsiau oe-gii.
Hypothesis, ^M^t5 siet-sii e 6e, Idiot, ^ igi 69 sit sim ^.

E^iliSplii-jii^oe. Idiotic, 1^ ^, tien-gong, 'M il th^m-

Hypothetical, M^^° siet-sii 6. loan, ^ )5 sit-sim, ^ kham.
Hysor, tea, ®. # ^ chhun tS.
hi Idiotism, ^ >& sit-sim.
Hyssop ^W^ gi^i chhek chhau. Idle, 11° '1° pln-toa°, M 'I lan-t5,

Hysteria, ^ ^
W b6ng gien chhiku. 11 IS Mn-thAn, ti° ^° siu^-heng,
— talk, M§ i^u-gien, (unemploy-
ed) m° m° 6ng-^ng.
g Bgo4 ka-ki. Idleness, '1° pin-toa°, fond of—,
I, ^ god,— myself, $J '11°

Ice, M sng, JX peng, make —W , ffi° 5t 1$ thien-thd.

kek sng. Idler, 11° -1° A° pin-toa"^ Mng.
Ice cream M° ?L° kien leng. Idol, ^ % ng6--si5ng, # ^ piit-

Iceberg, ||[° lll° sng-soa". kong, ^1 51° chha-th^u, —throne,

Icehouse, Wf^° sng-keng. -1^ ;l pTit-tso.

Ichor, ^° m.° 7K° fig s& tsiii. Idolater, ?? -^ ;t° A° pai piit^^ Mng,
Ichthyology, ^.fi hi-lun. #% \% i.° A° pai ng6- -siong e Mng

Icicle, ||°tt° sng-thiau. Idolatrous, t.° 6^° ^ S* 69°

W^ W
Iciness, JX 69 peng fe. sin-b^ng &, —
procession, 311°

Icy, sng, ^'J¥ peng-iu",

(ocean) ngia°-hiu".

(sea) i^C^ peng-hdi,— manner, Idolatry, ft pai-piit. #

?& ^ Mng-tam. Idolize, (reverence) ^ ^ kfeng-ai,
Idea, MS i-sii, original—, ?K jS (love) ffi^ thi6ng-ai, M ^ l^k-ai.
piin-i. Idyl, H^ koa.

Ideal (existing in thought) f& M° I. e.,M^ tsiu SI.

69 sim siu° 6, (visionary) ^ jg ^ If, m ffi siet-sii.

iau siu'' 6, (unreal) ^°K b6 sit. Igneous, iK° 69° h6 ^, (like fire) M
chhin-chhiu" h^.
Idem, 2Ii° pi", l^° siang. ff<° i)<°

Identical, m° m° sa"-tang, M— 69° Ignisfatuus, E >/lC° kiii-hd.

tang tslt 6,
— ° «° tsit-iu". Ignite 1 iK° khi-h^, m t° iK° p^ng
oe jin tit,— one's Ignition h6. )
Identify, E°HS°^°
Ignitable, «g° JS 69° 'A° oe khi tit h^.
self with, ^ if chham-chhap.

lan ILL
Ignoble, T M ha-tsien, ^ ^ pi-tsien lUfated, W- II p6k-hok, ^° <^° phdi"
(not elevated) >J> A^ sidu jin poe mia".
Ignominious, M It ki^n-siau. lUfavoured, Wt W khiep-si, ^ g°
Ignominy M°1$M b6 th^ bien, ^|g phAi-'-khoa", ^° A # phdi" jin
:^°^ chhau mi4",
sit li^n, tsai.
Iguominous ^fflg b6-thd-bien, M° Illiberal, m M kien-lln, %° 4° b6-
«°^°chlikamir-gia°. liong, §1] fig kat-k^k.
Ignoramus, ,^ A° gSng'Iang, ^^ Illicit, jfi su, ^° JL" chhin-chhai,
:t° A° gti chbdn l^ng, fe have — , sexual intercourse, ^ijlg
Ignorance 1 (unlearned) M^^ p.1b6- su-thong, ^ k6--hap.

Ignorant J bdk-bun, (stupid) ft Illimitable, — H ^ ^ it-bong bd

tun, ham-ban, ff°^° u-th<i, fc Sic tse, ^ R5 fi: boe ban liong.
tai-tai,---people, ^ ^ gii-ehhiin. Illiterate, *1|° ^ F=9 bo-hak-bun,—
Ignore, (not know) T*° iii tsai, ^clown, %° m° ¥" chhi°-mi-gli.
—a person, :^[;° fs ^
iii cbbiii i, lUmanaged,
if ^^^# pan-khi
T>° it 1^ 5i chhiii-chhdi. in-h6 set.
m.° m° pboa-pr,_made,
fig H° lUnature, 5^ ^^ phdi°-s^ng-te.
ho'-sam,— shaped, ^°j^° ^ ^° m- phdi° s^ng te.
Ill-natured, ^^
tsia" tsong,—written, ^° i^ fi Illness, W.° m° pho^-pi°, ^° ^° pi".
b6-ji-hoat, —
written, in style, ^° thia°, JE M° tsteg-thiu.
2!t # b6 blin se, — mannered, ^"^
Illogical, ^° M ^ b6 koan-chhokn,
11 ^ ^ b6 le b6 th^,—treat ^° b6 sa"* kap tsiah.
^ f# phai" khodn-thai, Jf Hi tsau- lUstarred, (man) ^° #"° A° pbdi"
mia° lang, M B^ ki6ng kh6-.
Ill-behaved, ^°mn° phAi'' s6- ki^", Illtimed, ^^ m° B# m° b6 khoa" sl-
M' m ill b6-ka{i-him. tsun, ^°:1B# in-sl-si, (event) ^"
Ill-bred, ^° ^° ic phai"-ke-ka{i, :1 '*% :^ ^ p^hdi"* keng h6ng ^ su.
(uncivil) ^ fii it b6 le-s6-. Ill-treat, ^° |fe ff ph4i" khoa&4hai.
Ill-disposed, ^° t^ phAi'^-sim, A° iC» Illume, IS ^° 36° tidm kng-kng, M
S tsiau-iau.
Illegal, 3E ^ h5an-hoat, *|° -^ ^ I|lui»inate, M° tsio, (a place) chhio.
b6 hdp sek, ^° Jg ^J b6 tsiku le, Illumination, H tsiku-iau, ^ %°
—association, t,6ug-lui.
3fe° tidm kng-kng.
Illegible, »° ^ ^° khok° ^°

b6 j5, Illumine, M tsi6, 56" M° kng-tsi6.
khoa° boe chhut.
Illegitimacy,. fi° ^° thau-si^
Ill-usage, ^ A° 3?'*
^ f# sit lang
phdi° khoan thai.
Illegitimate, ^1° ^° thau-si^— child,
Ill-use, (person) ^^-f# phai"" khoan
Si @° ^° tsdp,tseHg-idd°. thai, (a thing) ^ s|g.
Illusion, optical—, 5^° @° bfe-bdk. Imbitter, (make bitter) #° # ^
Illusive, (false) U° k^, ^K b6 sit, ho- i kb6', (make unhappy) ^ •g*

(words) M H hush. ^ j5 ho* ikb6"-sira, (exasperate)

Illusory, 16 M A° oe phien Mng, ii A ?>S 1R kek mng-okn-hun, f]|"

(words) M. ^ hu-sii, (fallacious) A 15; 'I'l ho- l&ng ti hun.

^ fi° It>° ^6 i^°-tsiah, m° ke, 4t° Imbody, 'S "^ ffi
^° pau-h&,m tsai-

« b6-sit. lai.

Illustrate, (make clear) ^ BB piau- Imbolden, St M ts6ng-ta°.

beng, aS:° BJ k6e-bgng, |£ BJ tsii- Imborder, —with trees, g ;^° ti

— chhiu, —with ^
by pictures, M tSt t6--soat,
bfeng, lace, 'M j§ siu"

--by parable, #
1^° M^ W plii-ji lien-kan.

k6e b^ng. Imbosom, (caress) M%° lam-pho

Ilkstration, § i"!!; pbi-ju, (elucida- — amidst trtes, M dL°W P^° lin-
tion) M BJJ k6e-bgng, ,it M tsii- tl chhiu lai.

kdi. Imbrue, (soak) ^ tsim..

Illustrious, ^IH 6ng-bi^n, MM bien- Imbue, (dye) W ni, (the mind) M
hek, aj ^° chhut-mia, ^ chhut-
ffi fS° ^° «6 khek ti4u tl sim.

ki. Imitable, t^° ^^ 6-5° oe 6h tit.

Ill will, ?J 'II oan-hun. Imitate )^° 6h, 3l°#° thim-iu^

Image, '[% sidng, (idol) ^ j^ ngo--
Imitation j fflj; il° h6ng-iu^ (a like-

siong, -ii pnit.

ness) ^ ii &i° hau boat ^.

#° #.° 65° 6h-iu" #°

Imagery, (an image) fl siong, paint- Imitator,
e, ffit

ed—, e siong, (illus-

;^° A° h6ng-iu° e lang.
ft° ;^ -ft tii

tration) # Bii pbi-jii.

Immaculate, ^ ]® E!* b6- h^-chhu.
Immanent, ;^ ^°
Image worsbip, # •H p^i put. piin-u, ^P Bt ffi°

^° ^^ oe siu° g^° put si ti^u teh.

Imaginable, ^, tit, t&°
Immanuel, SX Mi ^ fJ 1-ma-loe-li.
Jr°»°#° oe phab-sAg tit.

Imaginary, M° M° iS° hoang-hoang

Immaterial, (unimportant) ^ ija T
b6-siong-kan, (incorporal) ^° ?^
siu°, (unreal) H* b6-sit, it°^°
b&-id% ^"^^7^° h^ sit 16h tioh. fl b6 h§ng-si5ng.

Imagination, *& ^^ ^im siu°.

M° sOT,
Immateriality, ^° ii b6 h§ng ^
Imagine, jg, sixi".
Immature, (unripe) ^° ^° be-sdk,
luibank, SS ^
tsob boa°.
(premature) *° i!l° be-kati-si. ^
Imbecile [(weak bodily) II lam.
Immeasureable, :?;°1:°^° boe-niu°-
Imbecility [ it II loan-ji6k, (men-
tally) )& fF 5c:^ sim-koa" sit tsin,
tit, fi b6 ban Hong. %m
Immediate, ^° B#° li&m-pi", H) HI
. (decrepit) ^ ^W
Imbibe, ^
Mm. tsek si, Jil sui-si. m
Immediately, ^° fl|° li4m-pi", gp fllf
Immortal, /p° ^^ boe si.

tsek-si, M # hoan-sin, :ii glj lip- Immortalize, ^ ft ^ IS b^ng tho^n

khek, ,^ ±° md-siang. ban sh.

Immedicable, i^p" -g 6^° boe i tit, ^ Immortality, :g /P ^

ti6ng seng ^
;f^° iJ i boe h6. put su, ^° ^° b5e si.
Immemorial, ^ flf H bo ^Immovable, ;^° g| @° boe s6a tit,
si bo jit
Immense, (unlimited) ^° b6 ^° j^'#° boe i tit.
ban-lidng, (huge) hai, ^
(in Immunity, |!S° J^ b6 tsek sSng, ^
breadth) Ji= f§° ^° khoah b6ng M° la b6 koan he. ^
b6ng. Immure, M° koai".
Immerse, n°^°fJLm°^° ho- i ti^m Immutable, T>° ;^ ^ ^° boe i-4k tit,
16h khi, ^° thiam, 8j: ttm. ^° ^ fi° #° boe pifen-oa" tit.

Immersion, ^ tim, thiam, (as in bu- Immutability, 7J^° ^° ^° boe pik

siness) $1 m tlm-lek. oa".
Immethodical, U° ^ ]^ bo-chhu-su, Imp, %. ^° kui-d.
^° 1° m° b6 he-16h. Impact, (collision) S° ^° tng tidh, .

Immigrant, ffi ^h° A° chhut goa ii M khdp ti6h.

Mng. Impair, (injure) fj^ ^° phah khiep,
Immigration, {ii° $I>° A° fj chhut JI° ;^° sng tng, ti, iM siin hoai,—
goa Mng kau. one's health, fy i^ 'ro phah #
Imminent, (impending) ^^ hiam- phai° sin-mia°, M^ ^ sng sin
hiAm, (perilous) ^ ^ gui-hi4m, mia°,—in value, f#°#K^, ffil
ill$ ^
hong-hiam. ho- i khah in tat tsi", (lessen in
Immiscible, ;p jfe^ # ^° boe sa'' power) U^
M is ffi h5- i khah
chham tit. b6 ko4n.
Immobility, T>° m° S^° boe sod-tit, Impale, m° m° m° i^°^° eng chh&
^ !^ ®° boe tin-tang. chhig k6 khi.
Immoderate, i:°i^° BI°siu°-k^-thau, Impalpable, ^° ji ©° boe bong tit,

5i° Sl° ke-th^u, i: ig thai-k6. ^° iv° m° boe lidh tit.

Immodest, (impudent) ^° ^ :K' b6 Impart, (share) ^° pun, (make
Mm-thi, (lewd) fif m U-^ im, known) fg f^ p6-i6ng, thosln. M
^M ^i hi4u. Impartial, *£ (i fZ b& phien su, t*°
Immolate, ^ ^ hi^n-tse. Ji If b6 sun ts^ng, M° ^° J,° jjj^
Immoral :^° IE ^ in ts^ng keng.
Immorality (dishonest) M° ,g, jg b6
b6 toa s6e sim, St M kong to.
j Impartially, speak—, ffil gg° tsiku
tiong h5-, (dissolute) -^ h6ng k6ng. ^
tong, (lewd) JtF ?^ ho-" im,
Impassable, ^^ (as river) ;if;°
'^° %°
ai hi^u.
boe k6 tit, (as road) ^° fx° fi^° boe
— —
kia° tit. imperceptible, (to vision) ^° %° %
Impassible, ^° IK ^ boe kaa-kh6-, khoa° boe chhut, (to hearing) ^°
:^° ^^
boe siu kli6-. ;i;° £° thia" boe ki°.
Impassioned, u phah siak.
i^°^°^° b6 tsi^u tsng
Impatient m° § ^ E° b6 g^u Imperfection, ^° ^° :^° b6 tsi^u
Impatiently thim liin, ^° |2> W b&
tsilg, :5C° ^° khikm kheh.

jim nai", (restless) ngiau ngiau [mperforable, ui boe ke, ^° %°

tang, —temper, ^° '^ kin seng,
tsfig-b5e ke.

to be gone, ^ T,° #° g° ±° tong Imperforate, b6 ui khang, %° H" ^°

b5e ti&u beh khi, —of restraint,
b6 tsng khang.
^°ffi©°^^ boekham tit khulj j.jjji"
& ^ ^ h6ng te ^,
Impawn, tig,
favour, ^ ,1, thien un, — decree,
|g ^ s^ng tsi, fg tsiau, —palace,
chbam. § Wi kiong tien, — concubine, ^
Impearl, m° ^ siu" tsu, M' ^^ iB h6ng hui,—envoy, ^ ^ khim
chhe, — carriage, S| hong M, lien,
siu" tsin tsu.
Impeccable, 7^^° 3E ^° P boe hoan —audience 49 5£ ti&u tSng, hall,

council, ^ M° loe koh, — Chinese

ti6h tsoe.
dictionary, J^ Ea ?^ Khong-hi
Impede, m° n6a°, S ^° ts6--t6ng, JIJ

U Jh ts6--tsi.
ji tien, — prince ^I chhin 6ng,

Impediment, ?| gai, ^° =F iPI u kan —equipage, g iH loin-kk, f|°

gai, ^° m° ^° u pin pohr, PI © l^ng chhia, M, S^ hong lien, as- —

ts6--t6ng, m Mn lui, i^° ^° tronomer, ijc 5c khim thien H
kam, —body guard, f^ ffi si 6e,

Impel, (driven) H chhui pek, — proclamation, |9 tsiau tsu, #

(incite) ® l^° s4i so,
(move) M —physician, ic fl^ thki i, — reply,

M° ^° kek ho- i tang. M^ phoe,— commands, ± M

Impending, (imminent) ^ ^ hiam
siong ju, ig B seng tsi, kindred, —
hidm, (hanging over) lu-chhut. ^ H hong chhin, %, % hong ka,
Impenetrable 1 (as matter) ii ^ — will, H ir seng tsi,— decree,

Impenetrability) A^
boe thau jip J: H siong ju, —
instructions, fl|

tit, (as forest) ^ A #° boe TSi him si, — appointed, ijc Jffi khim
jip tit.
phai,— commissioner, ^ ^ khim
Impenitent, ^° SL 'H b6 hoan hoe. chhe, —palace, ^ khoat, — capital,

Imperative, ;p°^ %° boe bidn tit, % Ii keng the —an-

su, earliest

not — K W b6k ^°
?1 su iii. cestors, —ancestors,
JiJiili^t ts6'.
tsong, my — father, ^

Imperceivable, khoa" boe M ^^° jfj^ li^t

ki", Z>° %° %° boe khoa° ki". # h6ng khd, the — sarcophagus,


^* tsii kiong, — mausolea, M ^ Impiety, ^ M -t ^ siet t6k Sidng t^.

hui 16ng, —mausoleum, ^ ^ l^ng Impinge, —upon, 0^ M° tng ti6h,

chhim. m° m" kh4p ti6h.

Imperialist, (soldier) ^ |£ li6ng Impious, ^° f^ ^ ± "# bo keng iii
peng, (citizen) W° M° peh si°. Siong te, H 15 -fc ^ bii ban
Imperil, fl? ^ ^ ^ ho* gui hidm. i Siong te.

Imperious, f^° A° 5 ts5e Mng 6ng,

tsidu, (temper) g 'H Implacably [^^'^^^«* «^«'^°-
II <%° g<^li

pa sfeng. Implant, (in mind) M ^° khek tiau,

Imperishable, /I^°%^iM boe hiii hoai,
(as tree) ^^ tsai.

^° Implead, ^7 "& ^ phah koa" si.

:^° #r° boe phah phdi^ M
*° boe b6 khi, 7>° Ji*° boe biet Implement, M""

ke si, ^° Z° ke W
khi. koe, khi khu. ^
Impermeable Implex, j^° ti".
/i>° 51° boe thau, ;p°

Impermeability j^ boe thong, :^^° Implicate, a£ 'M li^n liii, ^° M° thoa


m° m° boe thau k^. thui, ^° ^ thoa lui, ^° ^° khan

Impersonal, (as a mountain) ^° jpip thoa, (by confession) ^°A°keng
b6 sin. Mng.
Impersonate, ig° A° k^ Ikng. Implicit, (implied) '^ flfh^mM;
Impertinence M^
liong sii, M.
faith, 4a in siong sin, —
M° ^^
Impertinent f^ lam sdm j liit, ^° sin tit ke.

J. ^ chhin-chhdi liit, MB '^ lam Implore, M ^ kbiin ki6.

s4m lai, 1^° ]l° ^ chhin chhdi lai. Imply, ^m m° Mm h6- k6ng, J6°
Imperturbable, T^° ^° li° ;^° boe iL° ^ b6 tit tsi.
i6-tang tit, ^° m° 31° ^° boe i6 m hb U
Impolite, m° ^t sb; Ji° %
pai tit, ^ ij b5e bo hai tsai.
;j;°M° M b6 btin 11.

Imperturbation, ^ ^£ hai tsai, g ^ Impolitic, /f M put pien.

tsu tsai. Imporous, ^,^^^° b6 mfig kig L
Impervious, ^°
ii boe thau. Import, A P° K° jip khdu he,—
Impetuous, (hasty) 1:° 'ft kin seng, manifest, A P° :1° fi^° jip khdu
Mtt s6 po, (as wind) hi6ng. H he e, ^° P° ^° chhng khdu toa^
Impetuousity ^° 3S chhi° k6ng, ^°
) —duty, reqeipt, ^° |g° ;t,°^°^°
Impetuously o| chhi" tsin, 3^ ji
i<i" ^ng toa°,
tslin ^ se toa°, Hi" 11°
A n° ^ khdu ho siu,—
IK: jip
Impetus, (the force with which any duty, A
P°il jip khdu hi6ng,—
body is driven) #° p° gf° ^° ^° duty memo, H |^° giam tea", to —
ho- i tang e lat. It moves by its
mA U° M° tsai jip khdu h^,
own—, pm9^n°i sfin se kir. (meaning) M iS 1-su.
Importance 1^ iaii kin, ^ fcj ^ Impoverish, 1^° A° M° m° h5- ling
Important j chhiet iaii, of no — , M° s6ng hiong.
=tH =p bo siong kan, *fj°
^M bo Impracticable, ^7° ^° ;f§° boe eng
iku-kin. tit, 7r>° ^ f^° boe sdi tit, T>° m°
Importation, A P° K° jip kMu h^.' ?i° boe tsoe tit.

Importunate 1 fS° ml, 5k -133 pek Imprecate, 5EIS tsiiiliam, 5Effl tsiii


Importnnity j chhiet, in begging, ts6", 5£ pH tsiii chhkm.

^^ m° M" £ sai phoa noa kbit, Imprecations,
JE, |g. tsiii ts6', 5E ^
^ 51, tsin pek. tsiti chhkm.
Importune, |§ ^^ mi" noa'' kiii, Imprecatory, 5E, ffl tsiii ts6-, 5Ei S®
(as beggar) ^° m° M° sai ph6a chham. tsiii
noa".. Impregnable, (as a fortress) Jfc

Imposable, tg° m.° J° #° oe kh6a A
kong boe jip.
he tit. Impregnate, (make pregnant) #^
Impose, (cheat) M phien, —upon, ^1^ ho- i siu thai, (render fruit-
(levy as tribute) ^° Wi pbah (ful) n° P .1° ^° ho- glu i si°,

hidng. with — poison, M ^ W° # thau

Imposer, (deceiver) tSli-t°A° kodi thau u t6k.
phien 6 Mng. Impress, (stamp) EU in, (imprint in
Imposing, ;^ ^
ilE toa khi khai, mind) ^
%^ ^° i&° khek-ti4u ti M
"jf tai hong, (as spectacle) ^ %° sim, (the mind) #° ^° <& tong
pai chhifi,ng. ti6h sim, Jr° *° >& lf° '?^° phah
Imposition, ^° A° phi° lang, (cheat- sim koa° ti.
ing) H phien. Impression, (stamping) PP in, (on
Impossible -}X-° boe, ;r.° J£° %° mind) Wi° (6 tong ti6h sim. S
Impossibility yboe sai tit , to de- Impressive, — »& tong jin sim, %A
^scribe, %° fj" vi °M bo oe thang i. kdm tong Mng 6 ^% K ^

'k6ng, (as scenery) M°%^^ oh sim, (capable of being impressed)

tit heng-i6ng. |g° ii #° »I& oe tong tit sim.
Impost, M ^ li-kim. Imprint, gj in, #T ^ phah ho, ^° PD

Impostor, aj° ff ° lut a.

tfig in.

Imposture, A° -t" lut lang ^ su, Imprison, |i° ^° koai" ka", 1° II

31° A° i:° :<: ^
phi^n lang ^ su. /ff
ptj° koai" ko^n-d-lai, kim ^^
Impotent, (feeble) U: II lo4n ji6k, ka°.

(no power) b6 ^°«

ko^n, (help- Imprisonment, ||° ^° koai" ka", ^
^° kim
less) ^° m U° b6 boat tit. ka°.

Impound, m° koai", #,° *° tt Hah Improbable, % ^ ^° kd" b6 i4", it"

khi siu.
7.° ^ kd" iS si, St ^° kd° b&, *
,3 ^ be pit sit, fl-° M-° ^° pliah- chh4i hit, Bg° ^° ^ gS° k6ng m
sng b6. si 08.

Improbity, ^° ^ M b6 tiong ho-. Impugn, (contradict) tsi°, Hf tsiet.

Impromptu, -^ ^ ^° M M tsit si t Impulse, (impulsion) siak tsin, ^°

i-hhng, —answer, M l^ ffl sun jI chhia tsin, (hasty inclination)
chhiii cbbut. ~° 3t ^°m ® tsit si g khi h^ng.
Improper,^ ;p° -fi"
^° in hap sit, ^ Impulsive, ^° o^ chhi° tsin, ^ >&
^a lb6 hap gi,. ^° kin sim si^ ^° £E chhi" k6ng,
Improperly, ^° -S"
done Impunity,
6^° m hdp
ffj 13 b6 h^ng hoat, ||°
&, ^
— , M ^° M° bo hai.
ts6e in ti6h. %
Impropriety, ^° -^ 5'^° in hAp sit, Impure ii oe, M sam, ) ^^ M^
^° ^
Si bo hdp sek, ^° b6 Impurity in ^W
thought, <£ ho*" ) — %
hdp th6. im, ^° ho-'' sek, (as gold) iS° E
Improvable, tg E&° i^° 5f oe k6e ke kim. ^
khah h6, m° i'J° iC° ^° oe Impute, If #° kui ho-,
° as righte- —
chh6ng tit khah h6. ousness, ^ P? ^ chheng ho- gi.

Improve )|lj |jc° ^° chhong In, ^°

tl, W nih,—fine, fij /i to ti,

Improvement khah ) h6, (as land) to, t^ fij^ liin kau,—ad-

f^° iC° W° Rr° SB 35 tsoh khah u dition, ^ ^\,° leng goa, — good
thang khi-lai, (as mind) gg° ^ repute, ff° I|# kia° si,— order
khui khiku,—the opportunity, ^ M ?JC ^ tsiau chhti su, :g°T°^°
^ -^ than ki-hoe, flf than si, ^ ti he-16h.
(as a house) ill |jc° ff chhong ^ Inability, (want of resources) ||°
khah h6 se, (in conduct) jg ^;^ tsin ^ f^° bo boat tit, (no strength)
tek, (in health) khah i6ng, WM IS° jFr° b6 Idt, ^ H lodn ji6k,
(in study) ji ^ tsin-p5-, — one' (incompetence) Tjc ;^ b6 piin H
destiny, ^ jS p(5" un, —the time, su, 1^° ;}' H
b6 ts^i tiau ;F° ^^
K '^° 3£ It p6-sioh kong-im. ^° in tsai id".
Improvidence ] ^°^¥°^° bo chhiin Inaccessible, :T^° %° ^° if boe tit
Improvident Vau, ^° j^° M° bo thang kail, T.° %° ^° -|^° b5e tit
Improvidently J chhtin pan.
Improvise (as a speech) JIH ^ ^°
thang od, (unobtainable) :^° W
^° m° boe tit thang ti6h, T-° n°
Improvision jsun chhiii k6ng, (do
vi° ^° M° boe tit thang tit ti6h.
off hand) MU
sun pien ts6e. W ^° ||°_u chh6, W° ^°
Imprudence 1 ^° >J>° >& b6 si6 sim, Inaccurate )

Imprudent Inaccurately
# ^° u m ti6h, t&ng ta"
M° SB° b6 tsii s6e.

Impudence IM M° lam sam in,

Impudent ^ |t f#° lam sAm hit,
^ Inaction, f^° fi° U kii", W S° 1°
) b6 tin tang, (rest) ^° M° tioh
lam sdm lak, ^° B.° chhin » khiin.
Inactive, ^S ^° bo li^m tsidp,
fj[f Inattention, M© )& b6 liu sim, ^°
m tl l^n to, ^° U.°^° b6 liu Hah. ^° )& b& eng-sim.
Inadequate )^° Sf I®" b6 kaii Inattentive, f&° || j& b6 koan sim,
Inadequately j
gidh. l!!^° is Jjiil' b6 tsii sin, — to business,
Inadhesive, ^° f if° 6^° boe liam teh %" M" h6a"-h6a".
Inadmissible, 7° ?|| ^° b5e tsun'tit m° IS° thia° b6, f^° T.°
Inadvertence )
$fe ^sit'chho, $^ J^ £° thia" ^
boe ki".
Inadvertent j sit kak chhat, (heed- Inaugurate, WL jfc siet-lip.

lessness)^4S° @ »& b6 lift sim M. Inauspicious, ^ « put-kiet, 1)§J

M, hong hong. ;f ^ put-si6ng, — day, Z^° ^M
Inadvertently, b6 Mn sin.
^° fll '1^
H in si h6 jit.
Inalienable, (cannot be given to Inboard,
iL°M°M° ti tsun nih, S£
another) ;? ||Ff& ^
boe ho* pdt A
M° tsai tsun.
ling, (cannot be sold) ^ 6^ boe Inborn, ^
thien jiln, JSS seng % f^ ^
boe (cannot be taken from, as
tit, sfeng.
privileges) ^ MW^
boe hoe tit. Inbred, ^ J5& seng s^ng.
Inane (empty) ^°khang (void of Incage,
m° &° 11° S^ koai" ti mng-
Inanity sense) ^, ffi gong-gong, fg
ti tai tai. M° %° boe sng tit,
Incalculable, T>°
Inanimate, (dead) 5E si, (spiritless)
M° /P° T siig boe liau.
^° si bai, ;p ?@ a b6 oAh tang. Incantation,
5E° fi'' iE liam kong |i° 5E
Inanimated, |S° it* ^ b6 sin chhdi, liam tsiii.
|t° iS° ll° b6 odh tang, W" '^
Incapable, 7fi° boe, ::p° tb° boe oe,
M° bo tseng sin, 5E ?E si-si,
b6 liu lidh.
(person) ^° /K ^ b6 pun su, ^°
TSiM si-bdi si-bdi,
:J' 11° bo tsai leng.
Inapplicable, Z-° "^ ^° ^ bap e.

#° ^1° if b5e
Incapacitate, |g A W bo* ling boe,
Inapproachable, T>°
(render unfit) 1g A 7 -&• ho- l^ng
tit thang kku, T>° %°WLi& boe
b6 hah.
tit tsiu kun.
Incapacitated, by circumstances, ^
Inappropriate, *t° b& hdp.
Inapprosite, ^. -^ b6 hdp.

#^ iS ui sfeso- khim, by di- —

^ b& h4p.
sease, a Sg ^^ tb tiii phoa-pi°
Inarticulate, fS° ^ ^° iE° oe im m boe, —by wounds, M^ M^ ft
ti6h siong tsiah boe.
tsia", m° u° ^° je° 1^<^"S °^ ^°^
Incapacity, (want of ability) ^° tK

Inartificial, 5c ^ thien ji^n, ^^ ^ b6 piin su,

tiau, ham-ban,
:t M b6 ts^i
(through want of
seng s^ng, S f^ fi^° tsu jifen S.
knowledge) ^°^° ^° in tsai id".
Inasmuch, ©E^ ki ji^n, @ ^ia-ui.

Incarcerate, fi° M° koai^-ka". M° 65^ thau-thSu g.

Incarnate, ^° S& t&u-thai, 1?$ ^ kkiig- Incision, fi] koah, ^' leh.
seng. Incisors, f%° t'' #° thau-tslng-klii;
Incarnatidn, t^° |§ tau-thai, ^^ Incite, % # pdi-long, -g |f sdi-long,
kkng-seng. Sii ® kiau-so, ®° ® sdi-so, — ^to

Incase (in box) ^° tsrig. anger, ^ ^° il kek siu-khi.

Incatenation, 4i ^ sa° kau, ^ jS Inciter, -^1° IS°^° s£-s6 S, ^^f
sa" Mn. sAi long e.

Incautious, ^° ^ ^° "bo tsii-soe, M° Incivility, ^° ji b6 le, M' t.^^^

>Jv° i& b6 si6-sim, ^° M b6
?Ba° bftn-li.
s6e-ji, b6 tiam-tsat. Inclemency ( harsh ) giSm, 1
M —
Incendiarism, :K° i/lC°'pang h^. Iricl(ement j'weathesr, 5c iff ^ ^
"Incendiary, ^° i^° ^° A° pkrig h^ thi" khi b6 h6, (very cold) m%

^ Mug, (agitator) ^m°'^° khi e tsin koa", |i •^° irii sng ko^", ^
clihi". (Mny) ^^T phdi thi".
Incense, ^° liiu", offer—, ^fj
#'^ Inclinable, '^ ai.

heng-hiu°, — censer, #° j^ hiu°- Inclination, M^ »& ^ sim-i,


16-,— altar, @° ^° hiu"-oa",— (a leaning) ^ f^ khi chhia, (la

sticks, ^ ^ #°si'sln biu", (ir- slope) chhu-chhu, (deviate from

ritate) ii ^° ^ kek siu-khl. a line) tfe i^l khi-chhia, —inward,
laceiised, B° ^ siu-kbi, ;p° "t ii 5S°tau, (the head) iF° 01° ^-thlu,
m kam-goan. M° W° chhih-thau.
Incentive, m ^ A° 6^° s6- pek Inclitied, chhu, (have a tendency)
Mng ^. ^ ai.

Inception, ^E BI khi-thau. Inclose, (as with a wall) g ui—

Incertitude, ^^ ^ bo tia° ti6h. (in a letter) n ^° ^° hong tl

Incessant \^° ^° b6 hioh, Ifffi

^ phoe.
Incessantly [b6 tb%, |s£° ,|,° bo Inclosiire, WiL°fTt^ ui fe s6-4sai.
soah, M° M° taub-tduh,—think Include, ^ -g- pau-h&m, ^® pa?u-
upon, ;g ig: :7 '.S liam-liam put- koat.
Incest, iL f^ loan-M'n.
Inclusive, gj ^ pau-ham, H ffi ^
pau tsai lai.
Inch, nj- chhiin.
Incdg, H*'i^ , ,

^ ^° ^ ng6--ji&n ^

Incident, -(^
su. Incognito,
Incidental, f,?j ^ ng6--jifen, .i; ^ Incognizable, ;iP |S ^boe jln tit.
In'coherfe'nHe ('||° «°: g° b6-sio-s6a,
Incinerate, 1° J5°
Incipient, i|fi°8i°j|5°iihi-thau
sio hu. Incohrent i5°^^ j ^
fe, m° J!S° ?»''% b6-sa"4ien, |g°'ft°li!i bd
sio li4m, — talk, ,^ ^ ^° loan © boe bap tit, ^ li b5e b&.
loan kong, ^ ;g: Incompetence 1 (want of intelli-
tsap liam.
Incombustible, 7fi°
Incompetency genee) ^° :t M b6-
j^° 6^° boe sio tit. j

Income, i^: ^ A
s6' siii jip e, fj
ts^i-tiau, (want of strength) ^°

^^M s6- tit tsl", (from bu- fe

^° i] bo khiii Mt, (Want of know-
siness) ^
f tek-li, (from rent)
ledge) ^ .3 fj" iii tsai ia°.

}§ la cbhu sh, (from wages) Incompetent, ^^ %° ^^

tng b5e lai, ^
sin-16, official ^ —
hong-16k, ;,
M° ^' ^ tsoe boe lai, fg b6 m ^ ^
(revenue of a country) g i^ kok- ISng ui, (as a doctor) Jf § i6ng i.

kh6. Incomplete, M ^°^°b6 tsi&u-tsflg.

Incommensui'ate, /pjS^ boe tliong Incompliance, ^ )l^ iii sun, 1^ ^m
tit, (inadequate) /p JE ^ b6 kau- thkn, ^ HK m h6k.

giah. Incomprehensible, ^ JM JS ^^ boe

Incommensurable, /P jE^ boetbong chhek t6k tit, ^^ ^ iai iii thong
tit. tbiet, ^° ^"^ ^ sia^'boe l^i.

Incommode, ^ Jg kiau-jian, ^ij fi&

Incompressible, ^ ^ ij^'boe kiu s6e,
cbhoAg-tT. ^° ^ 'J» boe sok-soe.
Incommodious, (unsuitable) y{>° ^^ Inconcealable, /^M^ boe khngbat.
^° boe
b& hdh, vp in put pien, ^ # plidi°- Inconceivable, ig,° JiJ sid"

chhut, ^.^^ siu° boe Mi
Incommunicable, 7 :^ ^ b5e pun Inconclusive (because unreasona-
; titj(incapable of being told) M° ble) ^ ^ab6 hapli. ^"Alf
X-° ^
k6ng boe lai, T>° M" '#° boe ig ')0 jip tseng-li, (because illogi-
k6ng tit, ;?^ Pj"
§ ^ ^ S put kh6 hoan hoan, ( I, e cause of
cal) ?2 f2

giln gii bSng i6»g. weakness of argument) 3E 1^^ ^

Incommunicative, ^^ chbiii "bat, u hoan khiah, ^° 3E ii hoan ^
!^ ^° tim tim. hi^m, ^° ^ ?t bo tek khak.
Incommutable, (as money) Incongrueous [ ^° ^° hb-Mh, ^°@E
boe thoug tit, fr %° ^
boe h&ng Incongruity b6-ph6e. )

tit. Incongruous, %° -& iii hap, /p'^^"

Incompact, ft phong song,# #M
iii h4p sit, ^ ^ Jf iii kah chhah.

sang Sang, ^ M^
b6 kiet sok. Inconsequence [|te°'te^:fr°^° b6 sa°
Incomparable W,'M hA-Uk, %^ ^M° Inconsequent tsiah chheng, ^^Bi j

boe pi tit. b6 s6--i jiSn. nm

Incomparably, ^. it bu pi, /P J:K
^° Inconsiderable, JvPf si6-khoi,, ^°^°
boe pi-tit. ^° bo j5a tsoe, tjt M b6 joa, the
Incompassionate, 7f ^ 'IfQ 'b6 lin-bin. distance is — , i^ li^ ^'M. lo'ibb joa

Incompatible, ^° ^° boe Idh, ^ >& hng.

Inconsiderate (unf ym p a ) t b z Incorrigibly, <)
i tliiau-b^n. §
Inconsiderateness f ing) ^" I?; '[fbo Incorupt, (not spoiled) ^° ^ be
gokn ts^ng, ^° M {$ A° b6 tbd phiii", (pure) ^ chheng, (from
thiap ling, ^ J jf b6 liong ts^ng, bribery) t^ chheng-lifi,m. M
(careless) ^E ^ bong-hong, ^° Incorruptible, ^^ IjfS j^° boe hiii noa",
:|^ S bo tsim-tsiok, '^ If '1 b6 (cannot be bribed) ^° jSi ^°^°
kin-sin, (rasb) 'E|- |i chbi^-kdng. ^° boe siap au chhiii tit.
Inconsistence I
^° b6-t{ii, ^^^ Incovertible, ^^ ^° @° boe oa" tit.
Inconsistency f b6-bdp. Increase, ilJ}° ke, Jd° M" ke-thi°.
Inconsolable )
^' S fS ^° boe an- Incredible, ^"^ ^ 6^° boe sin tit, —
Inconsolably j iii-tit.
stories £j' "jSr ham-k6-.
Inconspicuous, ^^ ^° B^ kbok" boe
Incredibility, ^^ t #° i§° boe sin
tit ke, ^^ i|B It #° boe siong sin
Inconstant, R^ bodn-hok, |^'' ;£°
^° b6-tia°-tii)h, — in friendship,

Incredulity j^o ^o -a —
R li° ^ '^ boi^n bin bu ts^ng. Incredulous

< i »

Inconsumable, 7(^° l^ f5° b6e siau- Incremation,

M'' iK° B"" ^ P eng h^
sih,m" Z° ^° sio-b6e-t6h. sio sin-si.
Incontestible, Z° M ^°%° boe pien Increment,
M° M° ke-.thi".
pole tit.

^° J^ g, b6 kai sek.
Incriminate, -g- A° :g° p k6-iang u
Incontinence, tsoe.
Incontinent, ^^ JE ?S iii tseng keng, Incrustation, :3c E^ ko-pa-phi, ^
^B sit tsiet. phi.
Incontrovertible, ^° ^ Si #° b5e Incubate; fij| pu.
pien-pok tit.
Inculcate, ^"PTl^ chheng teng Ifeng,
Inconvenience, ^ j|g put pien, ^ f!j
^ li Pft ban tsiok-h{i.
^ b6 li pien.
Inculpate, I? ^ hong hi^m, if hi^m.
Inconvenient, ^ 1|| put-pien, ^'^ ^ Incumbent, (a duty) ^ ^ piin-hiin,
M lb6 khoai pien, ^° m M b6 li

(indispensable) ;ip° % {|° boe bi^n
Incorporate, (imbody) f^° f|° ^° tit, %mM° tek-khak ti6h, M U
^° eng-kai tioh.
tsi^"" ts6e th6, (immaterial) ^^ Incumber, (embarrass) il° 3^° ti"
"^ b6 h&ng siong.
pok°, (as a load) ft''.l° thoa-thui.
Incorporeal, ^°^ ff b6 heng siong.
Incorrect ]%°m° m-t[6h, :^° ^° Incur, ^. jid, —blame, mM hoan
Incorrectly u-cbho. )
hi^m, —one's wrath, BM°^M
Incorrigibly, ^° ;i° b^n-phfi. ^^ jid, ti6h siu-khi.

^ in put-siu kau-htin, ^ ^° ig°j Incurable, ^° « ^° boe i-tit, ^ 7»°

m-tsai tfig. I
tf i boe h6.
Incurious, b6 chhih-chhih chhAh- Indemnify, Hd° pe.
chhdh. Indemnity, ig p&.
Incursion, ft fi^ chhim h6at. Indent )
Wi° tak, ili° "^ tak-
Incurvate, M° PM ^° Ha- i oan- Indentation [ cbhui, Hfl nab, (notcb)
kliiau. ig ^° kti kbat.
Incurvation, j^ ^° oan-kbiau. Indenture, ni° ff iffi sai-d^tbiap, wben
Indart, (as an arrow) ^} A sia jip, an apprentice is bound tbere
lt°Ats6hjip. sbouid be—, m° n° ff
m° m° ^°
Indebted, ^ kbikm, — for a kind- •ff °Jfi pak sai-a ti6b u sai-A tbiap.

ness, # i° ,i. ^£° fg° 5^ iu un tl Independence, g i tsu-tsii, ^° ^°

g6a tau, e» :t° If ffi° f^ ^ i u tsdng- ^ ^ b6 siu kodn-hat.

tl g6a tau. Independent, g i tsu-tsii, (as a

cburcb) 1° a° ^ :a ka-ld siet-
ind:Sncyl^^^^b^*«^-Sk-g- lip.

Indeciduous, ^° m° M° b6 lak bidb. Indescribable, (by language )Bi° ^°

Indecision, f^° Igk # b6 koat-i, ^ ^ ^ k6ng boe tsin, (by pen) j^ ^°
tili-tu, ^° ^
IS b6 teng sfeng. ^ b5e
sid, tsIn.

Indecorous, /p -fi" ^
put-bdp sek. Indestructible, :$: K ^° M *° piin

IndecoruDQ, (no civility) $|| fi ^ b6 tsit b6e Met kbi, ^° M° boe b6.
1^ s6', ^° SI ^ b6 16 tb6. Indeterminable, /^ ^^ boe tia" ti6b

Indeed, M JE° tsin-tsia", ^ g tsin- Indeterminate, ^° !£ i^g b6 teng ba-ji

Indetermined, (mind) ^° Jfe ^ be
Indefatigable, ^° W b6-ia, m° IS° koat-tokn,
(affair) ^° ^° ^° be
Indefeasible, Z° ^° #° boe tsi° tit. Index, @ il b6k-li6k, ii @ ti^u-bdk
Indefensible, il W W ^ b1i-gi&n kb6 Indexterity, M°'K ^ 1^6 kboai cbbiu,

tap. M" M^ b6 kin cbbiu.

Indefinable, M" Z^ ^ ^ong boe- India, PP E In-t5-, 5c^ S Tbien-
b^ng. tiok kok,— corn, # ^° ^ boan
Indefinate (unlimited )
) P^ bu ^ 1
b6h sui.
Indefinately ban-liong, (not pre- Indian, ED :^ 6^ I^-to" ^, 5c^ P fi^°

cise) IS BJ b6-b6ng, Wi if bam- Tbien-tiok kok e, ink bdk. — ^

bam. j2 ^
hokn-bokn, (vague) -^ Indian Ocean, pp lA-to- iti". M#
i8 bam-h6-.
India-rubber, ^° ?L° cbbiti-ni, ®
Indelible, ji J!?^ *° cbbat boe kbl. %° cbbiu-leng.
Indicate, i^ ki, Jg tsl.
Indelicacy 1 (unbeconaing) 'S' 5^° 7
Indelicate put bdp sit, (coarse) |1 Indication, ja tsi.

fff chbo'-si6k. Indicator, ^| ^ i° A° tsf-si ^ l^ng,

(of the compass) ^| ^^ tsf 14in Indiscoverable, ^° %° {±i clihe boe
tsiam. chbut, ^° ^° ^° cbhe boe tidh,
^ tsi, ^° ki. W %'' ^ khoa'*
boe ehliut.
^"^ b&
•g' }(^° k^-tsSg. Indiscreet tsii see,
^ -ff

Indictable, |g° fj ^
6e k6 tit, tg° Indiscreethy j
i\° <& bo si6-sim,
iJ° 't' ^' lt° oe phah koa° si tit ^^ @^ b6 tsina-tsiok.
Indictnaent, ^^^ tsSg, M° tia°, JIg° pl" Indiscriminate ) M° ^ gl] bo hun-
tsng-sli. Indiscriminately, )
piet, ^i^ ehbam-
Indifference, (apathetic) MA°WW cbhap, ^^ chbam-chhu.
tsqh lang bdi-hai, El ^ ^ ^ ti-tsi
Indispensable, ^ JH^ iau eng, ^" ^
to- goe, ^ 3. chhin-chhai, #° boe bi^n m 51 1^° tek-
^^ %" ^° %°

sui-pien. khak ti6b, il^ boe-sdi-

Indifferent, (passable) K -^ b<5ng- tit

khi, (unbiassed) |E^ ;lc° 'J«° »& b6 Indispose, W A° %° ^ bo' Mag

toa soe sim, 5V¥° kong-pi°, (care- in ai.

less) m° ^''H ^^ pang b6 i4u-kin. Indisposed, %" ^ m ai, (^ek) ^%

Indigence, M° M'' s^ng-biong. %° .# seng-khu at, /^° m g in
Indigent, g° ^^ song-biong; in tsu-jA, —
to do.^§omething, H »5
Indigested^ ^^ ?j^ ^ be siau bok. b6 sim.
Indigestible, ||° ?|§' ob-siau, %,° yf Indisposition,
(sick) ij,''
^ S° ^%^ t^°
b6 sia°-ai,

b5e-siau. -rT^ si6-kh(5a

Indigestion, %° f^- ^ boe siau boa, phok-pr.

»5. ^ 0° sim-khi thia°. Indisputable, %° ^ !|[
@^° boe pien-
Indignant, %" M in-goan, ^= jj- H pok tit.

iii kam-goan. Indissoluble, %° ^° #° boe i^Mit,

Indignation, (anger) ^^ siu-kbi. (inviolable); % ^M° put ek-tit,

Indignity, ^§ lSng-ji6k, ^^ ;g.po- ^° R $i» b5e hoan-kok.

ji6k. W^° boe
Indisfeolvablej 7^° iii" tit.

Indigo, ^^ cbhi°, ( liquid) OC^ tsiii- Indistinct, ]MM h6--bun, |{S ^

teng, — colour, ^^ cbbi" sek. Indistinctdy, f
km-tam, Df Jig bu-bu,
Indirect 1
it" l>6-tit, (dis- 44^ m b6-bAng:, ^^m @ b6 chheng-
Indirectlj [ honest) fjg ^ h6--t6-, |E chb6,—colour, |ife it tbAn-tbfftn,
1i IS" b6 tiau-tit, ^^ ,S Jf b6 (as sound) ^° Pfl |8° b6 b^ng
tipng-bo , —attack on reputation, ling, M." ^^ iS sia° in cbbengi
m m° m ir ^° «° m" b6, tit-
phah-phai° mi&° (as an object)
Indistinguishahlej ^.

^ hun-tsi&'j

:;S° BJ khok"^
Indiscernible, m %" chbai boe
ffi boe bgng, bu-bu. ^^
chbut, S° ^,° ffi khok'' boe ehbut. Indite, (compose) @.° ts6e, (dictStte)
W ^^ A°—°^°
M k6ng bo- mng sia. ebbut, ^^m^ kboa" kbi lai, M
Individual, tsit-6, M m° ko-- Wi^'^ kau-kbkm kbi Mi.
toa"*, —person, ~°
H # toa"

sin. Indue, (put on as clotbes ) ^°cbbeng
Individually, M ko- tsit 6, (endow) M^ h&, %° m siu°-su.
(one by one) M ^° sui L Indulge, § ^° i6ng-cbbi6ng, ^ ^
Indivisible, ^° 5h° #° boe pun-tit. pau-i6ng, 15 tbeng, —as a cliild, :^°
Indocile, ^ S ^ M put siu kau hiin, seng, — tbe passions, '& M bong.
Z° W #° boe ka tit. cbbi6ng.
Indoctrinate, ^ fli kaii hiin. Indulgent, %^ kboan-i6ng, #^
Indolence 11° ° pin-toa". g^u-seng.

Indol-ent, 11 '|f Mn-to, si6-si6.

^° ^
M" 'If
Indurate f#° i? W
"& t©" i pi° teng.
Indus, 1^ VUj Kong-bat.
pin-toa", 1^ 1^ the-the, siu"

lieng. Industrious, M. ^
keng-eng, fl" ^
Indomitable, f^° ^^ ^ b6 jin su. kip-ke, Wl M
kbun-kin, I^H keng-
** '^
cbhia^.^ia^ '
# fl kut-]4t.
MW tsiii-tsiii.

indorser, ^ ;g ^° A cbhiarn naia" IneflPable, m° %° ^ t6ng boe M.

^ Mng. Ibefective, T'° fir' boe kir, ^^ B
Indubitable, ^° ^° m b6 tbang gi, ^ boeeng-bau, (fruitless) f^° ^
(evident) BJ flj beng-beng, (in- X° b6 cbhai-kang, (useless) ^°
conla-overtiblej ^° rT b6 ^ ^ E§ M" b6 lo--eng.
thang pien-pok. Ineffectual, ^° HI: b6 bau-giam,

Induce, —
to good, 51 ^° in-cbboa, ( useless) ^^ i5 X° b6 cbbdi kang.
—to evil, 51 ^
(by persua- Inefficacious, Ig" ^ .^ b6 bau-giam,

sibn) M° kbAg. ^^ j^ boe s6ng.

Inducement, Jti S( ebhut cbbii, ^° Incfficacy, ^^ ^X W:^ ^^ bau-giam,
rT" 155° u tbang tb^b. Is tbere any ^° ht,' eng-bau, J^ b6 m M ^
—for me to go to Formosa ? fS° seng.
*° 1 it W° S^ Ji° * ffi K<^a kbi Inefficiency, bam-ban.
Tai-oan u sim-mih cbbut cbbu, is Inefficient )bam-ban, ^ E^ °
JU put
ttiere any — for me to do so ? M° Inefficiently )
ti6ng-iong, — done, 'M°
iD° Iffc
^° «' it' Pr° »° ts6e kn- T ^' #° ts5e li4u m b6, m° ±°
ni" u sim mib tbang tb^b. ^ ?g° tsoe kbi Uu-tsau.
^ m nga-kbi, ^°
Inducible, (by persuasion) •^° W)^ Inelegant T>° fS
%° oe libng tit.. ^ i£ b6sin-kbi, tl ft? cbbo--si6k.

Induct (introduce) 51 ji in-tsin, ^ Inelegance, 4E^ iSC ;a b6 biin-li.

Ineligible, T>' ii ?i boe k^ng-tit,

# kii tsien.
Induction (inference) M Si cbbui- (inexpedient) Z^ M put-pien.
INE iNii:

Ineloquent, |i° P° rj- b6 ldiau-ts4i, ^° K b6 chhiii khoai, 4°^ chhi"

l!S° s" P b&-gi&n-sli. chhiii.
Inequality, ^° 2p° b6 Inexpiable, '^° !W
pi"^, ^ ^5° ^ ^° boe si6k tit.

b6 pi° t^ng, b6 si^ng, (uneven- Inexplicable, ^^ put kai,

ness) kh4m-khi4t. Inexplorable, Z° U WW boe tham
Inequitable, ^ & jt b6 kong-to, ^° khoa° tit.

S ¥° b6 kong-pi°. Inexpressible, gf '^ ^^ ^ k6ng boe

Inert, M°
JS° noa-noa, f@ 'If Mn-to, %^ ii° % boe k6ng tit, |t°

i^ t^ the-the. m° W° 11° bo oe thang k6ng, Ig"

Inertia, MW '^ ^ M tong tseng b5e ^' Pr° Uj k6ng boe thang chhut.
ka-ki oa°. Inexpressive, (inexpressible) ^°^°
Inestimable, i£° M° W b6 ke-p6. ^° b5e k6ng tit, (as a phrase) ^
Inevitable, % ^. ^ ha nai'' h6, 5^° § ^°^ h6ug-i6ng be tsin, ^° ^°
a° %° boe bidn tit. JEH k6ng be kku gidh,
Inexact, f^° m
b6 tsiin, j2° v2° bam- Inextenso, ^^ :^ tsiad-tsSg.
hkm. Inextinguishable, (as rage) /^° Jg"
Inexcusable, ^° b6
'If M tsfing-li, b5e siau, (fire) '^° boe-hoa, 1:^° M
^° f& RT ii° b6 oe thang in, ^E t fi° boe sit.

rT ^ bti gien kh6 tap, ;?;° ^° %° Inextricable, (as a knot) ^° ®f°^°

boe the tit, (unendurable) %°% boe thdu tit, M° ^° M° thdu boe
S #° b5e khoan i6ng tit. khui, (as difficulty) ^°JK?i°b6e
Inexhaustible, ^°Tb6eliau, ^°^ thoat tit.

boe tsin ^ ^ ^ bu ki6ng tsln. Infallible | Z° #1° 'I^ boe chho-go-,

Inexorable, ^° \^ X° M b6 chhai Infallibility ]
%° ^°^° boe m ti6h.
kang ^ ^° kiu boe tsiin.
kill, l§. Infallibly, (certainly) f| Jitek-khak,
Inexpediency) (unsuitable) ^'^°b6 ^^ koat-toan. %
Inexpedient hdh, ^^^^° b6 hdp Infamous,
ig° ^^ phdi° mia° ^ sia°,
sit, ^M put pien, ^° S° ^° b6- ^° ^° m° chhku mi4" sia".
th6-t6ng. Infancy, ih° \% ^° fl$ 86e hkn S si.

Inexperience, IS" IS ^ b6 lien tdt, Infant, S° °

ff e"-A.
^ chhi°, |J^° ^° * b6 lau pun. (of Infanticide, ^ ^' M'ff ° hai si e-'-d.
anything) ^° f" E° ii iii bat Infantile, m° ^° fi^ e°-d-&.
keng-k^. Infantry, ^^ po'-peAg, J^ $ po'-
Inexperienced, ^° ^° |5° iii tsai id°, tsut.
^°ia[ chhi"-so-, ^°^°chhi"-chhiu, Infatuated, »5 j^ ^° sim bg khi.
W m
^° b6 Uu-lien, f&°m'Mh6 Infatuation, )& j^ ^fe sim b^-khL
lien tAt. Infect, ii° kfe,
il ^ jidm.
Inexpert, m° M ^° b6 kin chhiii, Hi Infected, ^ ^ t6--ti(5h.
) ,


Infection, (of disease) M°^°^° ke Ififirm, W Miri, IJc II lodn-ji6k, g

phok-pi^ M° ^° kfe-pr, m m° tb-- 3^° soe-Miii.
ti6h, ^ ^° jidttl ti6h. Infirmat-y, ^ ^ i-kodn.
Infectious, ^ jg A° ki-t6--lliig^ ^ Infirmity, (weakness) |j 1^ Iddn-
i§° A° ai kerlin^, f|° ii° A° oe ji6k, (sickness) M° M° phoa-pi".
ke latlg. Infix; (as a spear) |i° If A *
Infelicitous, ^ j§ flS plidi°-ts5-llbk., chhitl" t^an jlj) khi, (set in) jf A
^ ff put-siong. chhah jip.

ittf^f )^ ]i *° khok'^-ktii m, Inflame, i^° A° »& >X^ ']#° ho^ Mng

Inference j H BJ chhui-cllhut. sim-h6 t6h, — as eye, M^ hong-
Inferential, 1^°^ ffi oe chhui chliut. ji6k, (cause inflammation) 1^° •^
Inferior an, '^° ^ e-chliiii, to be- — ^ ^ ho* i hoat iam.
m° i! khah-su,— dfficials, Y° r1° Inflammabl&j 'K M° >X.° kh6ai t6h h^
e-si.— quality j T^ lia-t4ng,-^-in Inflammation \W hoat-iam, re- ^
age, ^ *Ji° sl-sofe.
Inflammatory duce the— ^ 5S° 'M j

Infernal, (pertaiiiitig to hell) M ?^ the h6ng, (tending to inflame j as

fi^° te-g^k 4, (pe*taining to hades) medicine) ». W" ji^t i6h, mW

m^ ^° im-kaa ^. s6-i6h,— words, f^WiU^ ^ khi
Infertile )
e kun 6 oe.
Infertility Inflate, n° P %t° ho- i ph6flg, Ift

Infest,—with atits, m° 6° m° ti<5h M^ pun-ph6ng.

p^h (with thtevfes) j¥° iJ{° Inflexible, ;p° ffl° boe khiau, ^° il=
kau-chhdt, (annoy) fg chh6ng- ^
ngi-tsia'', boe nngMm, W° ir ngi-

tl, 1 ®
kiiU^jidu. phi°, (in purpose) J£ '^ teng-s^ng

Infidel, (one #ho does nOt believe Inflict, h" ho-,—disgrace, ^° P^

in the Scriptures) ^°^ m°n «° t§ ho- i ki^n-siku.

in sin sfeng kehg 6, (one who Inflect, (bend from direct course)
dofes not believci in Jesus) ^° 1^ #° # §4° ho- i chhoah.

HI5 13c #° in sin R-So- I. Inflectioti, M° chhoah, —of voice,

Infiltrate ) (enter by pi&fe3) ^ ^° 1^ ^ tiau im, M M° tiatt si^*, (a

Infiltration j
«° A tixi m&g klig jip, ben-d) jif [lft° dan-kbian.

(enter by interstices) ft° M A.° Influence, (power) # # ^h-

s^, ffi"

tiii phang jip. thau, # jj s^-l^k, # # sin s^,

Infinite, mm ^ ki^fitog, li RB bH (reputation) ^"^"mii-sia",

beng bong, (ascendancy) M ^
hail, US iM M b1i hSft-lioBg,
Infinitesittilal, m M° k4k s6e. ko-ki^n, —
of an idol, f^ j^T hoat-

, Infinitude, U P^ bti han, ^ RS 1 h6 ldk,-^the heart, M W) kdna-tong,

: Ipn-liong. M M kam-kek, (persujad'e) 1^*^

khng, (direct to good) 5|° ^° in- Infuriate, (a person) iM M '14 kek-
chhoa, (to evil) §| in-iii. ^ khi s^ng, ^ WiM sai kek tiiu.
Influenced, —
by others for evil, # Infuse, 5^ phau, ?l}i chhiong, — tea,
A ^\ W to- Mng in-iu. ra ^° phau-t^.
Influential, (having power)®:§° ^
Infusion, jQ phku.
u s^, 1M°W #° u s^-thau, (laving Ingathering, (the harvest) ^ §°
reputation) ^ ^ ^° u b^ng bong, siu tan^.
(having ascendancy) M M^ ^° A°
Ingenious, (thing) W° ffi !!f u khiok
ko-kien ^ Mng, (in effecting any- tsiet, (person) 3^° >i' khidu-kut,
thing) ;t° :ft°uldt. T"5° i& khidu-lo-, ^ *5 ^ h6 sim
Influenza, fi M^siong hong,
g^ hoat.
sap phi". Ingenuity, 3^° g& khidu-lo', ^ i^°
Influx, (of water) MA lau-jip, (of ki-khd, :^ f- khidu-kut.
persons) ^ A ek-jip. Ingenuous, il S[° tidu-tit, |S ^° $
Infold, U pau, (embrace) ^ ^° b6 khng-p6'
lam-pho. Inglorious, ^° ^ %° b6-gng-kng.
Inform, ffi p6, ji ^ thong-ti, chhtin, Ingot, % K_odn-p6, ii tia",— of
—a person, IS A°^°
p6 l^ng tsai silver, %° ®
glin odn-p6, m. ^
Informal, (not in the usual form) m
gftn-tia",— of gold, ^° ^ «
^MS ^E b6 tsiau kui-kii, p. ra" kim o&n-p6.
^ bo tsiku khodn, (without cere- Ingraft, i^ tsiap-ki. ^
mony) m° fT° ^i b6 kia°-i^, (1 Ingrain, @ WWW
ni" kdu thau.
sui-pien. Ingratiate, El ^ pa-kiet.
Informant, ^ i°A° p6 e Mng. Ingratitude, ,§ ,1 =^^ b6ng un poe
Information, give— ^ ffi tsi-tiam,
ii ^ thong-ti, send—, Ji ff thong-
&,^m put-gl, MM-n.m. ko-
un hu gl, ^ Ji ,i. b6 kdm un, ^
siong, give secret—,
Ji M thong A If b6 jin ts^ng.
hong, (news) W M° siau
Informer (in law) °
sit. Ingress, A jip, K^° i.° n° B& jip-
m° ff thkui jI |g khi ^ mfig l5-.
;S°A°thong-p6 gMng.
Infract, 3E hoan, =p 3E
Inguinal. M ^° fi^° kdi pi° L
kan-hoan,— Ingulf, # thun, # ^° ^° thun 16h
3E ^ hoan-hoat. khi.
Infraction, 3E° ^ hoan-ti6h, =p m
Inhabit, #° tok,
ft° khia.
Inhabitable, tg° ft° ©° oe khia tit.
Infrangible, ^° ?5^ ^° b5e chhiii khi Inhabitants, W°^° peh-si°,
J&° A° ^
Infrequent, ^ ^° hdn-tit. tsai-toe Idng, ^ J&° A° piin-toe
Infringe, ^ gg kan-hoan,—law, 3IJ l&ng.
^ hoan-hoat. Inhale, hah", Pg A chbodn-jip, p? SJ

ho" khip. Inject m° A. tsah-jip, |J A sia
Inharmonious, IS° ft |g b6 h6 hM, Injection) jip.
kong-keh°. Injudicious (unwise) i|° )
£ li b6
Inliere |^° ^£ P^° tikm tsai-lai, Injudiciously jkien sek, ^° ^ fi b6
Inherent j
(innate) TpC ^° 6^° piin- ti-sek, ^°iC» ,g° b6 sim-sii, (rash)
— A
u e. 31° 3i chhi°-k6ng, (incautious) *i°

Inherit, ^M M M sfeng-tsiap s<i ff ^° b6 tsii s6e, ^° th° *& b6 si6

gidp. sim.
Inheritance, H ke-gidp, ances-
^° Injunction, ^ '^ beng-leiig, (an or-
tral — , ^fl ^ H ts6*-kong gidp. der) 0f S i" ^ ^ s6- siu & beiig-
Inhibit, ^ jfc kini-tsi, *S jg kim-kai leng.

Inhibition, ^ Jfc kim-tsi, ^ J^ kim- Injure, (damage) H bai, JX i^° phah

kki. khiep, (wound) ^° f^ ti6h siong,

Inhospitable, ^° §° 'ft phdi" kheh f^ # siong hai, (as health) ^X° ^°

ts^ng, fg'mA°m^hb khi mng $1 ^° phah phdi" sin mia", one's —
khi kheh. reputation, ft*" BS; ^° ^° phah

Inhuman, ^ siu sim, S *& 16ng-

phdi" mia° sia°, (grieve) #° A°
sim, /^ t put-jin. 5 E^ ho" lang iu-bun, (annoy) ^Ij

Inhumanity, ^ £; put-jin. ^ chh6ng-ti (lay waste) ?1° ®°

Inhume, S^ bai-tsoAg. sAg-tng, —one's self, B' |^ tsu g5-.
Inimical, (unfriendly) 1^ {H ^^° kiet- Injurious,
(wrongful) j|^ h^ng- ^
siii ^, 11 65° oan bun e, ^° koai,
^ g^k, (hurtful) tg° g^° 6e hai g. #
(adverse) ^° in-ki. ^
Injury, hai, f^ siong-hai. ^ ^
Inimitable, :f° ^° #° boe oh tit, (not Injustice, (unjust) i^° ^ JE b6 kong
to be compared) 7f>° it %° boe pi to, (a wrong) fe oan-ong. %
Ink, fi bak, black,— fi° o'-bdk, %
Iniquitous, (unjust) ^° &^ b6 red — , ® %. giin-tsu, stick of,

kong-t5 (wicked) M^ ^° ok- W % bdk-tiau,— stone, 'Wi° hi°,—

t6k&.^ fi° 7j<° M. bdk-tsiii-kokn, — line,

Iniquity, (a sin) IP ^ tsoe-ok, m°B g° ^ il° bdk-tdu tsin, daub with

ts5e-si6l5;, P° i§° tse-koa. —W , M° M° bdk ti6h bkk.

Initial, M M° kbi-th^u, (syllable) Inkhorn, fi ^ bdk-6-.

H ^teng-im. Inkling, (a desire) ^ ki, M^ i-ki,

tikm tub.
Initiate, (begin) m ^° kbi-cbhiTi, (a hint) ;5r

(teach) m° ^ kk-si, (admit) #° Inky, ^° 7K° ^ bkk-tsiii sek.

#A h5- i jip. Inlaid, M siu".

Inland, p^° lai-soa", ^° m° lai
Initiated, ^ siu kaii-hiin. |5: fl|

Initiation, ^ M HI siu kau-hixn. toe.

Inlay, M° siu". Ji A° m ai kidu-jidu l^ng, :^° ^
Inlet, m° ti. Pf P£° A°'m ai tiso-tsak lang.

Iriiy, (mtMn) ft°®°lai-bin, (in tbe Inoculate ) (as a tree) ^ /^ tsiap

heart) <5 ^° sim lai. Inoculation M° fe t^h ki, (for
ki, '

Irltaate, m° W" n° fif Siarig kliia small pox S° ;!S° tsferig tsu.

lai e Inoculator, m° fl° #° ts^ng tsu g.

Inmost, U h° k^k lai, ^° ft° siang Inodorous, ^° it° * U khi^k, i°
lai 6, ^ ^° tsin lai. ^ b6 bl.

Inn, ^H kheh-koan, ^° )J kheh InoiQFeusive, §H sieh-li6ng.

ti^m, — ± A° ^°
ke'eper, tsii mng Inofficial, (letter) ^ phoe, (visit)
ke, ^° .t° j£ ^° khui kheh tiam L #
su-hoe, (private) fi hii.
Innate, ife J^ seng Seng, ^ f^ thien- Inoperative^ (as remedies) |fi° ^^
ji&n. b6 hau-giam, M° b6 ^ng B ^
InnaTigable, ;i;° ®S° iS° ?t° boe sdi ban, (as laws) ^° b6 kM". n
tsiin tit. Inopportune, ;^° fl# ||° m si sl- ^
Ihner, (interior) p^°^lai-bia, (fur- tsun, ^° :s B# b6 kip si, n° nm
ther in) «C° ft° kbah lai. b6 tek si.
Innermost, ^
^° -g" k^k-lai-bln. Inordinate, i§° ®° kie-th^u.
Inn-keeper, W\^lSit° khui khfeh- Inosculates j» n
1 o ^ •
tiam S*° tmap i,
&. Inosculation
Innocent, Ji° pb6 tsoe, M° ^° ^° Inquest, i| ^
giam si.
b6 in ti6h. Inquiet, '^° :^ in aiij ^° '^ p b6
Innocuous, §^° ^ 6^° boe hai 4. an-tseng.
IhhoVatioa, If ig ^°:i: sin-siet t su. Inquietude, <& :|; sito iii an. ^
Innovatdl-, if f^ 3|: ^° A° sin siet su
Inquire IFp^ rting,—about, i^ ^°
h l^ng.
Innokious, (harmless) ,1^°^ boe hai.
Inquiry tbamthia", I ^ f^° Mm
mSg,— for a bousfej ^ /f° ba-
Innuendo, 11° ^ gi° sai-hii k6ng, chbii, (investigate) ^ M' khkin-
m. Wt khau-siet, ^M 'M M p6iig kheng.
khau g6k kek. Inquirer, ^5° :f ° miig-^, (a cate-
Innumerable, /^ ft fi Ifc put ke ki
sb; m.° :T^°m SHg b5e tsin,
cbeumen) M° i^ ^° tang s6e- m
S° T>°
^ sng boe si, %°^%
boe sAg tit Inquisition, (enquiry) ^° mng, (ju-
Innutritions, :?;° boe p6- H dicial enquiry) sim, (inquest) §
Inobservant, W S° tit b^k, @°{B^ ^ M giam si.
^° ^ fg bdk-tsiu b6 koa;i lai, ^ Inquisitive, giu cbhiu-cbhi61s, ^u
B° Chh4 bdk. chhit" lUng, g^u chbib-cbblb
Inobtrusive, i^ ^ siii-hoat, ;p°^ J| chh4h-chhAh, 1° ^•° ^ A° ^°m^
g&u kodn p4t l^ng ^ tai-tsi, #° g5 Insensibility ) (fainted) ^° ^M b&
^° A° ^°
gau thkm-thia" Insensible )tseng-s!n, '^>° %i° K^
lelng & tai-tsi. iii-tsai Mng, /p /? J^ put ti put ^
Inroad, (encroachment) ffi tsikm, kak, ^° sit-khi, ° ^° bun-^ #
(invasion) ^
-fi^ chbim hoat. khi (stupid) §1° tun, (imperceiva-
Insalubrious, (place) i^° ± %° U ble) ;p° g° m° boekhoknit, (cal-
tsui-th6* b6 h6, (house) ^ sip, lous) /p t put-jln.

^ ft phdi" khia. Insensibly, (imperceptibly) /P 591

Insane 1 »& ^
sit sim, M, !@ hong- in tsai, put kak chhat, %%^
Insanity J tien, ]^ 3S tien-k6ng. (gradually) ^° \^° ^° Hn iin d.
Insatiable, % ^ ^ put ti tsiok, /p Inseparable ;p° il boe li tit, °%

^° ,1.'^ in tsai soah. ^° m° =^° boe pun-khui tit.
Inscribe, % sid, |E ki, ^^ chhiam- Insert,
ff A chhah jip, (in a book)
m\k, ft SE ui ha. IB±°likitsiu"pho-.
Inscription, ^ ji, (over a criminal) Inseverable, ^° if° boe trig, (indi-
if li tsdm-tiau, (scroll) M li^n, visible) ?P° 35"° ^° boe pun tit.
chhak, (over a building) M M Inshore, ^1^° lll° od soa°.
pai-pien, (on the doorposts) f^° Inside, ^° M° lai-bln, ^° BI° lai-
^"jI* lai-sin,— there, ^°
jpf mAg-sin. thiu,
Inscrutable, %°M^^° boe chhek-
tS° ^° ti hi lai.
t6k tit, %° ^° m^ ^^ thang Insidious, (crafty) |^ im-thim, ^
Insect, ^thing, ^ Ji thing-thoa, (treacherous) ^# poan-kut.
Insight, (thorough knovrledge) fei°
(as in clothes books) H ff tsien- °
S° ^ # -6° tsai kku kun-kut t6e,

Insecure S m-un, °M S h6
) Tf. lin, (penetration) ^ ^ thau-thiet.
Insecurity ^° S So b6 lin-tkng, ^
Insignia, (official badge of office)

S g b6 th6 t6ng. aM t^ng-tki.

Insignia of Civil and Military Officers.

Of Civilians.
1. Manchurian Crane llD 11° sien-h6h.
2. Golden Pheasant |^ ^°gim-koe.
3. Pheasant 5L^ khoAg chhiok
4. Wild Goose g M htin gan.
5. Silver Pheasant I^° F^l p^h h4n.
6. Lesser Egret 1 lo- SI.

7. Mandarin Duck. khe sok.

8. Quail • ^ ^° chhun. ieii

9. Long-Tailed Jay or Magpie M M lien chhiok.

10. Oriole ^ i^ li6ng 1^.


Of Military Officials.

1. The Unicorn of Chinese Fable M ^ ti Hn.

2. The Lion of India P""
^° sai kia°.
3. The Leopard f5 pa.
4. The Tiger ; ^h6:
5. The black Bear 1° him.
6. The Tiffer Cat (the 6th also wear the
*« •

7. ImottledBear/llpi,)

....[ ^ P^'*'

8. The Seal ^ J^° hdi be.

9. The Ehinoceros #° 4° sai gA.

Insignificance) (no meanirig) Insolenpe ^,M ] % bu-ban, (abusive)

Insignificant [^ bo i-gi/ (trivial) Insolent M. khi-hii, ^B p6--

M M ,S° b6 i-sti, ih° W° si6-kh6a, ji6k.

^° ^ M bo iku-kin, appearance, — Insoluble, ;r.° li° n° boe il" tit,

ih m sidu-ki6k, ^° A° m b6 Mng (ipexplicable) /fl g| put kdi.

liAp. Insolvable, (insoluble) 7fi M put-kai
Insincere,fSh°MM b6 s^ng-sit, U Insolvent, #j t6, (as hong) fj M
^°keik°,^°Wb6sit. h4ng-t6.
Insinuate, (hint by suggestion) -^ Insomuch, Sp°Jtt;° ^ii-ni, Wt S ti-kau

m m° ham-h6--k6ng, ^° ii° ^ b6 Inspect )(as conduct) ^° chh^,

tit tsi. Inspection}^" :^ chh^ kh6, (as
Insinuating, ^°M°MM g^uengki- gpod) II giam, (as works) M M
koan, good at oneself, —sun-kh6a'', (oversee) #tok,
# p^S-
Ei —
^ H kham giam, —troops,

gau pa-kiet, ^° M ^° g4u pho-
sdng. iM° IS chhau lien.

Insinuation, -^ |J|
||° ham-h6- kdng. Inspector, ^° g m° tsiang-li-^, ^
Insipid m°
p^ ft hi-sb; U |a ^ kam tok.
Insipidity jtsid", very— 11° g[° ^° Inspirable, m° ^ M %° oe ho--
tsia°puh-puh, (vapid) |ffi ^° 'fj°- khip tit.
b6 soah phah.
Inspiration, 1^ ^° chhodn khui, P?
Insist, ^° koat-toan beh,— P
Jfe if ho- khip, (of boly spirit) S
falsely, © i^ au:ut. H Si. :^ W siii Sfeug sin kdm tong
Insnare, ^° m ^ kho4n-th6.
Inspire, (draw in breath) P? WL hc-
Insobriety, (drunkenness) MW tsiii- khip, (breathe into) ni° A° pAn
tsui, (intemperance) ||° M IS b6 jip, (>y the Holy Spirit) f#°g
kai tsiii.
M Mi^ Ho- Spng gin kim-boa,
(disclose preternaturally) f^° A° Instigate, ^ |? sdi long, ^° \^° kiau
%° m° He ifi ha- mng tit-ti6h b^k so, Jl VM kiau so, }|| 9I p^i long.
si, —a person with courage, f^° Instigator, ®° PJ° A° ^° sAi s5
A° Si Jia° ho- Rng ts6iig t4", m° Mng L
'^° Bf^ tit ti6h b^k si. Instill, (todrop in) fif fi tih tsit —
Inspired, ^p ;^ "ilj Sfeng sin kdm tih, (as doctrine) ii° ff ic° Hn-
tong, (sacred) IE s^ng. d ka.
Inspirit, #° AW ]g ho- Iflng hiin Instinctive 1 (by instinct) 5c J^ M°
tsi, M IS hien le, MM
kam kek. Instinctively J
thien seng 6, ^° J5^°fl^°
Inspissated, #° •fi* «i h5- i geng, i^° si"' tsia" ^, (unvoluntarily) 3[ffi°5f°

^^ ho- i kiet. Ifi b6 tiu-'-ti,- dread, I2,° *° ^°

Inst. llfc°^°.^° tsi tsitgeh. *D° g° fnr° lun khi, iB tsai tsdi°-

Instability, U° S° M° bo tia" ti6h, iu°, I have an-r^dref^d of going to

^S '^ b6 teng-seng. Formosa, i° ^° B W i^ E° 6^°

Instable, K, >& ffi hong sim-toan, ^° ^a° W i^ beh khi Tai.pan
®^ ^° khin phi6, IS" i£ b6 tsai. khioh lun teh, in tsai tsai°-iu°.

Install, Wt A siet lip. Instinct, :$:

^ piin s^ng, ^ J5^ seng
Installation, ^ ^ siet-lip. sSng, 5c ^ thiep jien.
Instalments, pay by—, M° M.° plii°
Institute, ax A siet lip.
h^ng. Instruct, iJc" JS ka si, 1^ fl| kku hun
Instance, (urging) jS, pek, ^ jfl ^H n^ tsl si.

chhui-pek, (solicitation) ^ kiu, Instruction, |^° S^ ka si, Mf ll

(a case) ^° W tai-tsi, to — # ,

Instructive, tb° i '

at ^° oe ka-si ^.
lit phi-ju.
Instant, A ^Ij lip-khek, !^° 1>° X° Instructor, 15;°;^ A° kk fe lang, (in

tidp d kii, IP fit tsek si, the— |P° a school) ^ ^° sien-si", (in the
T° tsit e, the—he heard, m° f° Church) M S5 kau su, (of work-
^° men) %° JfL sai-hu.
f,° tsit e thia" ki°.
Instantaneous, H Mm pi°, IB flt
Instrument, ^ :B.° khi khu, m° W°
tsek si.
ke si, ^° ^° ke ko^, — of torture,

Instanter, |1° liam-pi'^, IR fl# M ^° heng khu, stringed and

tsek SI. wind — li ^ hien koAn,
(of mu-
Instantly, 11° B#° li^m pi°, W. fl# sui sic) m ^ gAk khi.
si, IB fli tsek si, ^ ^ hoan sin. Instrumental, (helpful) tg°l5il° oe
Inst;ate, (install) Wt siet lip.A pang-tsan, (serviceable) ^° ^ M°
Instead, —of, ^° thoe, (equal to) u 15- enff,—music, ft il ±° W
tsok gdk & sia°.

Instep, W S° kha paa". Instrumentality, (agency) ff tiii, I

ke,— office, ^
got well through his — , ft # ^° Insurance, U° M° P<^

©° M 4T° tiii i g<^a tit-ti6h h(5, ^ fg p6 ke koAn,—policy, % ^°

Insubjection, 7[>° MM m sun thkn, ^ p6 ke phi6, ^ m° ^° p6 ke ji.

;;i;° ^ UK m hang h6k. Insure, # ^° p6 ke, (guarantee)

Insubordinate, ji ng6- g6k, ;p M ^ m° p6 nid", ^° m tab feng,.


put h6k. (make secure) #° # 11° 1° ho-

Insubordination, W 'M ng<^' g^k, i — against
lin tang, U all risk, fS

tsiah koai, 7^° )M m sun, :T^° flg m°M^°MWC p^u p6 16ng tsdng

iii h6k.
ghong hidm, — against Q fire, i^

Insufferable, Z E-U^oe jim tit, pau-p6 hd hi sio.

:7° ^° iAC° 0"
E° %° hoe liin tit, T>° "t #° 1^06 Insurer,
^° ^° p6 ke 6. #
tng tit, t° T'° ft" tong boe ti4u. Insurgent,
^° hodn poan g. R^
Insufficiency ^° JE° ) ^
b& kaii giih, Insurmounable, fi ?§ b6 boat tit ^
Insufficient ^° jif* m tsift"
^ liau, Insurrection, fL todn loan, if gl ^
^ ^° khiam kheh. tsok loan.
Insular, ^ i| fi^° h4i su 6. Insusceptible, /p id <& put tong sim
Insulate, m° i{° M° ffl 1 keh tng b6 Intact, (uninjured) M° ^ h6 hai,

siong thong, <I 5^ thiau leng, ^ undefiled) *S ^ ^ b6 bak ti6h.

— ^
5lh° ° ^i leng goa tsit s6--tsai, Intaglio, (on a seal) ^ij iJE .^ PP

U # 5S Bo sa" lifen. khek tim 6 in, (on a precious

Insulators, (non conductors) %^ stone) M U^°^^° kbek tim
i:° ^° tsoat tien fe mih. & p6 ti6h.
Insult, m B p6- ji6k, ^ ^ 16ng jiok, Intangible, ^° ^ #° boe bong tit,
H 11 bii ban, Sf Si tsau that, gfe (idea) J.° ^° boe ti6h.
ft khi hu, mm A°Hh M mng. Integer, tn 0^ i.M. ka-nAg 6 siku.
Insulting, M M p6--ji6k,—words, ^
oe,— gestures, i^° #°
Integral, W ^° tsifi,u tsfig, % &
IE f§ sii bii o&n-tso^n.

chhiii ki
:^ m m
kioh u p6--ji6k ^ khodn.

(honesty) ,^
^ ki Integrity, (purity) jf ^ tiong
Insuperable, (unconquerable) /f° k6- i. ^M
3° #° boe ill" tit, (insurmoun- Integument, ^° ph^.
able) M° f^ ^° b6 boat tit. Intellect, »& sim, M^ IShg khiau,
Insupportable, ^ /f^° &° tong boe no, —^ ft ^ b6 16ng khi^u.
tiaA, 7F. E- W boe jim tit.
Intellectual 1 <& 6^° sim 6, (having
Insuppressible, jl Jh ^° S" at tsi Intellectually j the power of under-

boe ti&u, (inconcealable) 11° ^° standing) |g° B^ 1^ oe b^ng-p^k,

^° khiig boe bdt. ft 1# oe thong-thiet, ]|g° S m
Insurable, t|° -H*" ^° ^ oe p6 ke tit. oe b6ng-tiet.
Intelligence, M° ^Ji° c^hang mia,", ^ Intention, ^ i,^ ,^, i-sii, i& J^, sim
3i leng thong, g ^1]° leng lai, (in- tsi.

formation).^ ^P thojjg-ti, fR°p6, Intentional 1 ft° "^ * ti4u k6- i.

(news) rt ,i,° siau sit. Intentionally

j#°i° ti^u tJ, ^°^C>
M thong than, m° ^°
Intelligent, ji ii sim.

chhang mia° ^ g ki-khiau, a5°# Intentioned, ^° M B n l-sii, !j#°^°

khidu kut, ^IM koai lai,
tiau ti, #° WC M ti^u k6- i,
f^ #!l°
Mng lai, mi J5° koai-kha, 3E M Intentness, 15: ^S ti 1, ^ i| tsoan bii.

kong g4n, Jg° ^ Si^ 4i tseng sin, g Inter, ^ ts6ng, g ^ b4i tsong.
M l^ng thong, 5i ^ thong khiau, Intercalary, P Itn, —month, M B°
5i M thong thiet.
lun g^h.
Intercalate, {inse.ft between)
Intelligible, ^ Bl^ |& khoai b^ng p6k,
chhah, (as month) j^° thi".

t^° Ji oe thong hidu, (plain)
^° A
M b6ng. Intercede, 'tf seh jln ts^ng, ^
Intemperance, (excess) W M W° A ff kiu jin ts^ng.
Latercession, 1"^° A'' ^° W ka Mng
b6 tsiin tsat, h^ng M sti, (in
kill tseng, Hf A ;1:° A Iff ka Ikng
liquors) ^°Mfi°M g^n tsidh tsiii.
seh jin ts^ng, \^° A° ^ ka lang
Intemperate, (wine bibber) M% kitl.
tsiu kui, (indijlgiiig to excess) |K°
Intercessor, ^° A# ^°seh jlntsd;ng
mW h6 ,tsiin-tsat.
# A°^
Intend, W beh, %°W sui" beh.

•^ -f^ tiong p6.

'If th6eiapgki1i.,tsieng,

IjQ^tendant, —of .circ,uit, jE S to tai, Intercejpt, 1°

ts4h Ji°,is°n6a" tsah.
grain— ||t° ^ niu^-to. Interchain, ia° ^
sa" kau, ?i° IS sa"
Intended, ,(betrothed) M %° W lien.
phfeng tia" ^. Interchange, ^j^°pdi.th6e (barter)
Intense, ^ tsin -gg k^k, (as heat) ^ ^°^^-m° saT th6e 6.a^ (a,l.ter-

ii° k^k jodh, (as cold) ;g B° k^k nate) Hi S lun lili, ,( of kindness)
k6a°. ^° Sf MiW sa" h6 fchoan thai,
Intensify,^° # ||° ho- i khah, his — (altejnate succession) JB° J|il SE
pain, #° # ]^° ^° M° bo- pe khah i sa" liin lili.

thia". Interchangeable '^° ^° Ji° #° 6e

Intensity, — of passion, tl ^°^,k^k th6e oa" tit.

siti khi. Interclude, (ii^tercept) S° M° nod"

Intensiye, (increase qf degree) t^° tsdh.

1^°9 11° oe -khah, (intent)

l^o- i Intercommune, ^ R| kau p6e.
WL M M >5
ti-i, koan-pim. Intercommunication, (as in trade)
Intent, M »2» koan sini, ft i$ ti i. M° ii fi sa° thong 6ng, (of per-

sons) 'f0° S I© sa° kau-p6e, fe° Interknit, M A° chhiah jip.

^ -^ sa" 6ng lai. Interlace, m° ^ ^° *° chhfig Mi

Intercommunion, 4H ^ Po sa" kau-p6e chhAg khi,—the legs, J|, Ml" thap
Intercostal, JR # P^° hiap kut lai. kha.
Intercourse, fi Jjj 6ng-lai, ^
]^ kau- Interlard, (as fat with lean) ^° :^°
p6e, break off ^i —
kat-toan, , ^
6° poa'' tsid" p^h.
|g ^
tsodt kau, (friendly) po4"- Interleave, IE ph6e-ts6a, W H° ^°
noa", pai hoe,
(official) # -g" keh ts6a.
(sexual) fT° m° ki^" pang. Interline, ^° M,° ft° sid S ti ts6a lai,

Interdict, il kim, jh kim-tsi, (an ^ (Chinese and English) — ° ^ Jg°

official prohibition) ^ >^ kim A°^~°fT°#J:^^ ?° tsit ts5a tig
leng, ^ 1^1? kim ju, ^ (i^ kim tiau Mng ji, tsit tsoa fi,ng-mjag jl.

Interdictory, fg *| 6e kim, |g° «. it Interlocution, |ft° phoe.

6e kim tsi. Interlock, ^° ^sa° kau, (as in wrest-
Interest, M ^ lai-tsi°, m° M lai-gAn, ling) *B° lir sa° nam, ?,if >^° lidm
lend on—, -^ M p^ng-lai, heavy 6a.
— )
3;° f!l° tang-lai, compound — Interlope, •M° m° M° k^h kha b^.
^0° m #° lai chhia bii, #° m° m°
;t° A° k4h Interloper, »J^ ill° 1°
bii chhia out at lai, J, kha h6 ^ 14ng.
lie — ^ ,

seng-sek, (concern) =p '^ kan- Intermarry, f^ ^° sa" kfe chhoa. ^

siap, (advantage) ^J li-ek, Intermeddle, M' ^
'^ h6-"-chhap su,, U
(share) ^° :g« u-hun. Jf ai chhap su. ^ V
Interested, (have a share in) :|f° ^ Intermeddler, M' ft * ^° ho""
u hun, (concerned in) :g° gf chhap su fe. ^
ii kan-sidp. Intermediate, tp f^ tiong-kan, (in-
Interesting, »& jg sim-sek, :f °
^ ^°
u- terposed) ^° kho^h, ^
ngo^h. W
ki6k, ;t seng-i, ffi ^° u Interment, :g bii-ts6ng. ^
khiok tsiet, ^° ^ if u khiku-sin, Interminable, ^° ,%° ^ boe soah
^° ii ^ u chhti-bi, —as a dis- ki6k, 7r>° T Fj boe lid,u ki6k, (un-
course, m° *° i^° JT° k6ng khi bounded) ^ It bll-han.
soah phah. Intermingle, ^° ^ sa° chham, tares
Interfere, chhap,m ff chham- ^ —with the wheat, #° ^° ^° ph6e
chhap, (in a quarrel) fft tsikm. kiau b^h.
Interim, flf H ;t° 4* F4 si-han ^ Intermission, if th^ng, |jj;° hioh.
tiong-kan. Intermit, ^
8# If tsiam si th^ng.
Interior, pj ®° lai-bin, (of the Intermittent, ^° B# ff u si th^ng.
country) ^ Jfc lai-toe. Intermix, m° ^ sa" chham.
Interjacent, ^ ^ kau kki. Internal, ft° lai, ft° |g° lai bin,—
disease, ^° ^° lai khe. (as during a speech) J:° ^° teng
Internatianal, —law, MM ^^i ban- ta°.

kok-hoat, — #° ^ 35
affairs, fi t.° Interscribe, ^° JK°4» 4l?'° sia ti tiong-
^ tdk kok l&,i 6ng ^ su. ng.
Interpolate (foist in)
) ^A
tseng- Intersect, 5C sa" chha. ^
Interpolation) jip, MA
thi"-jip, 'M° Intersection, ffi°
5C° sa" chha, at the
|S° thi° oe, mi^Z°^
thiam tsu —of the roads, ifi" 5C E& i° ^Jr ffi
sa° chha lo' k s6*-tsai.
Interpose, (place between) ^° Intersperse, WW soa" soa", W
kho^h, W ngodh, (mediate) |S° chhah.
tfig, M ^ ti^u chhii. I nterstic e, (a hole) I^^ khiah, (in-
Interposition, (a placing or coming terval) $1° phang.
between) ^° kho^h, (mediation) Interstitial, %'° 11° fi khiah, :f ° ^^
M M tiau chhu ^^ tfig. u phang, W° W1^1° u lang phang.
Interpret, ^ M hoan-^k, 0° fS° he-
oe, —a dream, i5° ^° o^n bang.
Intertwine, W ^ S° *° tr-lai-ti"-

Interpretation, (translation)
M 11 Interval, (time) W— ° B# keh.tsit si,

hoan-^k, (explanation) (space) Pi°— °P°keh tsitphaug,

seh, (sense) M M- i-sii, —of a ^1° — ° ^° lang tsit phang, leave
dream, ^^ o&n-bang. an —between the two houses, 11°
Interpreter, jl ^ thong su, 0° |^°
F4° )t »° ®i TbI" nSg keng chhii
|[-° hg oe &, (official foreign) ^ ti6h ll phang.
li 'g° hoan-^k-koa°, (official) -(i Intervene, W kai", 11° keh.
^ tit tAg. Intervention, Wi° kki°, |1° keh, —of
Interregnum, 5c°e*°W° A°iK°P.1° a year, i^° ^ keh-nl, — in a dis-
Thi° ui be u lang tse pute, 11° tug, iO Mi tia,u chhii.
Interrogate, f^° mng. Interview, #M
hoe-bien, -f" pai- M
Interrogation, f^° mng, 0r F^l"^" s6- hoe.
mng-^. Interweave, # fi^° 1^ chham teh tsit.

Interrogator, 55° #° mng L Intestate, ^° jl W b6 Ai-tsiok.

Interrupt, (as studies) f|f° M tsih- Intestine, (internal) ^°'W lai bin

tsam (a person) JT° ^° i£'° ^5 (domestic) Tp; W piiukok, (war)

phah-tsih oe pi", (obstruct) M° Tf: P 'te ^° piin kok sa" thai.

m° no&Ms4h, (hinder) P1 1? ts6-- Intestines, t^g, the large—, W i^

t6ng. m° toa tijg.

Interruption, |if M tsih-tsam, (in Inthrone, <^° '^ 5c° -fi ho- i tse

conversation) n° tfi° W ^° pliab thi" ui, M^^U to" i teng kdk.

tsih 6e-pi", (cessation) ^ th^ng. Intimacy, ^°IEl° s6k-sai break off

— 5 ^^ tsodt kau, secret—, 5I Intreat, ^ kiu, % ^ khiin-kiu.
fi tbong-o6g. Intrench, ^ ^ tun-peng, (encroach)
Intimate, ^° |i° sdk-sai, %% ^ -f^ chhim hodt.
chliin- ^
ji^t, /fa ft}° siong I16, is ^° siong Intrenchmeut, (camp) ^° |g° ia"-

s^k, — friend, t# »& tek sim, ^° pgr. <ii>

sim-pak, I —
very with liim, Intrepid, 88° h6-td", ,g° ?!£= phe si, M
m°^°&'Si M" g6a kap i tsin h6, iff >& h6-sim heng. ^
(hint) ^^ JJ°tidm-tuh, (announce) Intrepidity, M° 0° h6-ta°, ±° m°
I'M" chhikng. toa-tA".
Intimation, (a hint) ;S J£° tiam-tuh. Intricacy (involved %° ti°, Si° ^'^ / )

Intimidation 1 Ji ^° pkng-tiau, PJt° Intricate ftak-ti", jg° I6.S0. ^

Intimidate J
hdng, PJt° S ^ Mng
Intrigue 31 pai-po*. S4C t6--b6'. ^
phien siit. %m. thong-b6-, #X°5i* phah-
Into, ^° lai, m nih, W 16h, go— thong-th6.
the room, •^° ]g° ^° khi p4ng lai, Intriguing, ^ |^ kan tsk, M. W kdu-
fall at—the sea, M° W M ^Ji poah koki, H ^ khui-khiet, ^ Jf kdu-
loh hdi nih, jump —the well, ife kut.

m° *° thiku 16h tsl". Intrinsic^ (real) ^ sit.

Intolerable, ^^yf'°^l tong bae tiau, Introduce, 5| in-tsin, kii- ^ ^#

7f>° ^° %° ^
b5e-khat-tit-kh6- tsien, a subject, j^ th^-fchi. — M
Intolerance j Z° U ^°P M°W
boe Introduction, 5) ji in-tsin, kii- ^M
Intolerant ^ lun tit i b6 than, /(^° iS> tsien, of a book, p° thau-su, — ^
n°A°%°m°Pm° boe jlm tit >J^ 51 sidu-in.
lang b6 kap i tang. Intrude Jf f^° tso-tsak, S° 11°

Intomb, •^° :^ 16h-kh6ng. Intrusion tSng-ta'',

) kiau-jiju.^^
Intonation, M "a tiau im, f3 tiau Intrusive, #° -f {Ei° ^° gilu tso-tsak
sia sia° tiau. e, m° M° m° # g4u t^ng ta" g,

Intoxicate, t^° I? lim-tsiii. (encroach) fft tsikm, 31 ffi pa-

Intoxicated, ^° M
S? tsidh-tsiu-tsiii, tsiam.
^ tC" 'lt° tsui-b^ng bang. Intrust, #E 1: thok-tiong, W f£ pai-'
Intoxicating, tl° #° A° ffis oe ho- thok, ^
ffi kau-tai.
lang tsui. Intuition, 5c ^ thien-jien, ^ jg
Intractable, %^W(.M put siu kku seng-seng, ^ j^ seng-tsia".
ai£° ^°
tu-Q, ^ ;^ b& thia° iok-sok. Intuitive )—
knowledge, l°a°^°
Intransmissible, (as letter) %° %° Intuitively )ka-ki tsai, M° M.° ^°^°
?i° boe kia tit, (will not transuit pak-t6- lai tsai, ^ J^ ^ seng-sSng
light) X-° m ^° boe thku kng. tsai,—wisdom, & ^ i,° i^ M
Intransmutable, %°^^° bde hoa tit seng-s^ng e ti-sek.

latwine, @° tr. Inventive, (ingenious) ^ J5 ki-
Inumbrate, M jia. khidu, J5° g& khidu-lo-.
Inundate, -{^ im. Inventor, if |i] ^° sin-chh6ng 6, j^
Inundation, f^ im, i5M tI6ng, v2 ?1 BF WL m° khi thau siet g.
hoan-lam. Inventory, fh ^1° tsAp h^ toa", ^°
Inure, tR°

b6 eng, b6
—of goods in a ship, m° W^
g& ffi° lo-
tsun hh tea", fi @° ti^u bak.
su-s4i. Inverse, ^ij ^° t6-p^ng.
Invade, S 311 chliim-hoan, g M Inversion, g |S° hodri-tfig, fO R t6-
chhinl-chhu, (to punish a people)
^ i^ chhim-hoAt. Invert, (turn up side down) K° fiO
Invalid, ||° I|° 14m-lam, sduh-sduh,
p| p^ng ka Ian phak, R° p^ng,
(not sound) 4^ ^ b6 sit, (null) M K *b p^ng-phak, K° ^° peng
*° boe-khi, |te° i^ ia° b6 16- eng.
chhi6, S°i!l Il°p6ngt6 tng, (give
Invalidate, m°PUm° ho- b6 ffi° i
a contrary direction to) ill S° t6-
l5--eng, # 7^° M°
#° m to- =11-^
i boe eng M ^° hoe-khi.
Invest ) — ^ ts^ng-
capital, ;$!
. Invaluable, (as a thing) ^ M° fi Investment pun,
f ^ he-pun, ^°
bu-ke-p6, Z±WB.° put-tsi tdt- ;$: 16h pun, -^a city,

g ii° iii siS,",

tsl°. ,

S M° khiin si4°.
Invariable, %i ^ ^ng-^ng, (immut- Investigate, ^ ^ khe-kh6, S° chha,
able) Z Wi put-6k, % S put-i, %° fi° khfeng, S ^ chhui-m6-, if ^
^Bb6ei-6k. s^ng-chhat, iS ^ sun-tsa, — se-
Invasion, ft 3E chhim-hoan, ft ® cretly, Bt tJ am-h6ng.
chhim-chhu, ft -(^c chhim-hoat.
Investigation, ^° chh&, judical
Invective,^ ^ tsin hidm. ^ sim-mng, — into the cause
Inveigh, ^ hiam. Pp^°

Inveigle, (by words) Iku.

of things, g° ^ ;K ^ chha kh6

Invent, if |ij.sin-chh6ng, jg K° 1%
kun ill, |g ;JS S thkm kun '\A.

khi-thfi,u siet, —
false reports, ^° Investigator, 1 M° «°khkm kh&ng e

B sin si" gi^n tso-gii, (fabricate) Inveteracy ) (long standing) A° ku.

at ^ to- tsoan, (devise) JB° fiJ" Inveterate :g j ^ kiii ti6ng, (deep

siu° chhut. rooted) A^fi^jipkun, (malignant)

Invention, (good at) #° ^ ® ^ m t6k, (habitual) fl W koki"-si,

g4u kek If khi, m WL sin siet, if an — disease, JSK -ik s^ng tseng, ^^

iij sin chh6ng, (fabrication) St M 51° W tseng th^u an gam-

tsin, — —
to- tsoan, good at— §° JSl° 1^ g^u bler, ^\t% podh kiau-sien,
: siu" lo".
opium smoker, i£° %% ^ ti4u a-
phi^n, —habit, fi iJ AM koai" ^°^© bo gi-go-, (not having
kau jip kun. power of choice) M ?Sbien-ki6ng.
Invidious, f#° A° Wt IS bo- 14ng ti- Involution, (folding) Q pau, (com-
bun, #° A° f^ k6--lang okn. plication) ^ %° kau ti", (Math.)
Invigorate, H p6-, W M 6L p6- kbi /fe ^ sa° seng.
hiet, M^ kbi 16k.
::^ P<^' Involve, 5i m li&n-lui, ®°^° loa-
Invigorated, ^° ^^ kbab i6ng. ti6b, Wi ^° lrii-ti6h, ^° f, thoa-
Invincible, ^ Uc b<i-t6k. lui, m° i^° tr-poa".
Inviolable, ^^ M^ b5e pi^n k6a, Involved, (as an ajBfair) 0° ^° i-.ti*^,
Z° M°^°^° boe pi^n oa° tit, T.° if Ji lui-tui, to be (as in a law- —
K# b5e bod,n koa. suit) ui-su, ^° U-8&. M^ ^
Inviolate, (unbroken as agreement) Invulnerable, T'° »^ ^t" boe ti6h ^
^"^^^ b& sit iok, m^'^um'^hc^ siong tit.
boan tiob, (unpolluted) M°^°^° Inwall, (inclose with a wall) ^ li|°

bo bak-ti(Sb, (unburt) ^°# b6 Hi cbbiA", (fortify with a wall)

%° m° E°
m° 31° W
tseng chhifi- ti.
Invisible, 1506 kho^" ki", Inward, p^° 'g" lai bin, ^ ^ lai-

—world, M f^ im kan. tbau.

Invisibility, ^° S° 1.° l^oe kboa" ki", Inweave, tTil kki" teit.

m° %° E° kbok° boe ki". Inwrap, Q pau, H -ffi

^° pati tsai
Invitation, |g° cbbid", — card, t%° ^ifi lai.

cbbid"-tbiap. Inwrought, ^ ^^ tsit hoe.

Invite, 11° cbbia", —guest, Ig° A° Iodine, M M M ai-o-tien, M W^
^° cbbid" Mng kbeh, —to a feast, ai-o-tin.
—° ^
il°^ cbbia°tob. Iota, tsit-tidai.

Inviter, 11° A° §° ^° chhid" Mng Ipecacuanha, — || ifllf it pit kek.

kbeh 6. Iponicea, M M M, gim pin hong.
Inviting, (asfood) ll A°@c°:g°tong Irascible, ^S fj-^ ^ cbhau-d-sfeng,
lang iii tsidh, #° A° ^° :^° bo- m^ s6-s6ng, it" "^ M" katt sfeng-
lang heng tsidb, (alluring) #° A° te, ^^ .^ 14 cbbi" b^ seng.
@E° il°^°li° ho- Mng ki kau lau Ire, ^° ^ siii khi.
noa°, 6e sia" lang. Ireland, U l^ W Jit-ji^-ian.
Invocate, ^ ki<i, SS ^ khiin kiii. Iris, (of eye) H° M keh-Ii4fia, (a
Invoice, W° toa", K° ^° he-toa". flower) ,S ^ :^° b&ng iu hoe,
Invoke, (summon) Q tiau, (call on (a rain bow) M.° kheng.
in prayer) ^ kifl. Irisb, B SH 6^° Jit-ji"-ma L
Involuntary, ^ ^ g ° E° Sn° j|fc° i to- Irk, m A° tr ho- lUng ia.
ka-ki kn-ni, ^° W Kf° b6 tiu°-ti. Irksome, ^ W ut-tsut, ^#° ai-eh

mo IRE
Iron, ^° thih, —hoop, ^ ^ tliih- Irrefutable, ^°^ ®f tl° boe pok-t6
klio-,— wire, m° B° tliih sohT,— tit.

hammer, ^° ^ thih Irregular

thfii, M°Wi° tT— b6 tsiku I
nail, thih teiig, smoothing if° —
Trregularily [ chh^ su, |L il loan

5|-° ut-tdu, made of fi5 thih

loan, (as rain) ^°
— ^ ,
|| b6 tsiap- ^
6, cast, 4fe ife° si" thih, uiiwrought, si6k, (not straight) JS° jg bo tit,
— ^° m° chhi° thih, —ore, ii° (not in conformity with law) ^°

t° Mg,— filings, ife° M thih

si" M S E bo tsiku boat, (not uni-
sAi, monger, a°^°^ ^° boe thih form) ^ I^° ^ b6 siang khoAn.
khi fe.
Irrelevancy ^° ^ ^ b6 kan siap.

Irrelevant i^° '^° b.5-hah.

Ironfoundry, ^ ^° ^° tsu-thih kek j

Ironical, ^M ki-chhi, j|j| # kek-

Irreligion, (no religion) ^° W S°
j^° b6 pai sim-mih, (ungodly) i^
kut, WL Wt khau-siet.
;& ° A° h6ng chhiong e lang.
Ironically, ?^° il° leng-ge, speak — iit

Irreligious, ^ ^ J^ b^-keng-khi^n.
sau-phi, M M ki-chl. 25:° %° b5e-k6e.tit,
Ironmonger, ^° ^° §g ^° b5e thih Irremediable, Z-°
khi L
Ironstone, ifc° ^° thih tsiuh.
Irremissable, "^y" boe sia- Wl^W
Irony, ^ ^i) ki-chhi.

Irremissible, '^° ijc #° boe sik tit.

S?.° tsi6.

B° 'If 3 bo ts&ng^i. Irremovable, %° WW boe sod tit.

Irreparable, (cannot be repaired)

Irreclaimable, :T>° e4°ffl°#° boe k6e
pi" tit, (as lar.d) ^° fl ^J #° boe '^°^MW b5e siu-li tit (cannot

hbk-to (as debt) ^° ^ #° boe

be recovered) %° W. iJ #° boe
h6k-t6 tit.
th6 tit.

Irreconcilable, ^° ftl %° boe h6 tit.

Irrepealable, % ft %° boe thiet tit,

Irrecoverable, (as a debt) <^° 1^° M Irreprehensible ^° 1^° M

bo thang
kh^ng boe khI, T»° ^ 11° boe-siii hiam, ^° ^°* fS b6 thang tsek

tit, (incurable) %°^^ boe i tit, pi.

boe h6, (irretrievable) Irrepressible,

%° *& %" %° boe iok-
•B ;T; i^° i
sok tit.
Z^° a gij boe h<Sk-t6.
Irrecoverably, — lost, M M bM biet, Irreproachable,
^° vi° M b6 thang
—gone, as a bad son, ^° fi° iJ ^6 hi^m, ^° Rr° * fS b6 thang tsek-
khoa" lah.
Irredeemable ] «o n* ;j|o
"^ ^^^ si6k
Irreprovable, M° W ft fS bo thaing
Irredeemably j
^ "* tsek-pT.

Irreducible, ;?;° flS ^° boe hoa tit. Irresistance, ^° Ji° b6-k(ih.

Irrefragable, ;F° g^m° boe pok tit. Irresistible, M° # ^° #° tu i boe
ti4u, '1° p T^° ^° tng-i-boe tiku. Isolated, JK JC ko--ko-, JK ||° kc-
Irresolute, ^° S t4 bo teng seng, i toa", mS thiau leng, ^° jg b6
S ^° £° tsii-i b6 tia^ M a ^. "^ len.

hoan hok hA 1^^ tiu-tu, Israelite, SX^M A°i sek-lidt I Mng.

H° i& II #°
sim nng i. sa"" Issue, ifi chhut, proclamation, [fj —
Irrespective, /p |^ put lun. ^
gi chhut ko-si, (as water) gg°
Irresponsible, 5ffi° |^ {^. b6 koan he, ffi Mu chhut, i4°ffi tsuh chhut,
^° J^ b6 tsek seng. (children) ^° kid" (termination)
Irretrievable, T.° 3° boe li6k mM ^
^ oan ki6k, (descendants) ^
t6-tit, ^° %° boe siu-tit.
^ Wh6--e, ^^°^. kid" sun.
Irreverence) St° b6 k^ng, ^f^ Isthmus, ^° th6- io.
^ ±
Ijreverent b6 k^ng-iii.
j H It, i. #
Irreversible, :T^° £4° #° boe k6e tit, Italian r^ 1 g{| tai gi kok g, &, ^
^^°M^° =^° boe pifen-oa-'-tit. •k m° i-tai-ii &. M
Irrevocable, ^° ^^
#° boe 1-ek tit, Italicize, (method of emphasizing
Zy° ^°%° boe pifen oa" tit.
M words) %° khodn khoan. M
Irrigate, tSz ak. Italy, :/s; ^S tai gl kok, SX^Ml-
Irrigation, ^ ak. tai-li.

Irritable, m 'B s6-sfeng, 'K ^° ^ Itch, the—, 5^ koe, (itchy) ^^^ tsiu",
khoai-siu-khi, 51° ^° mw^°m to have—, ^° ^° si°-k6e.
khap-ti6h tsiu beb siu-khi. Itching, f^° ^ teh tsiu".
Irritate, ^kek, (tease) fij f^ chh6ng- Itchy, ^° tsiu".
ti. Item, (an article) — ° #° tsit kia",
Irritated, (angry) ^°i^ siu-khi. —° ;^, hang, (also) ^^ koh,
Irritation, (anger) ^° ^ siu-khi. (made a note of) ki. ^
Irruption ^° og A
chhi"-tsin j{p, Iterate ) ^°
J X° tt° k6ng lidu
(invasion) •j^^E chhira hoan, -g Iteration [koh k6ng, il°tsidp S°M°
ffi chhim-tsikm, -fij chhim-hoAt. ^tsidp k6ng, 1; ti6ng-hok, ^ £S
Is, :!: si, — not, %° g in-si. teng-tsai, (in a quarrel) }i°^°
Isaiah, (book of) £tS3g-i°a^° I
ski-a ^ chheh.
Itinerant, 0° a°
WW poa"-tidh.
fJ° si k6e ki^", f?
Isinglass, ^° if° hi-ka. •^ kid" iu.

Itinerary, ^ ^° ^° ^^° tsam ^ la-

Islamisml'^'^^^^^-^^^J^^'^- chheh, ^ ^ 11° thfeng toa".
Island, ^ lit hdi-Sli, ^ ft h4i-t6. Itinerate,
m° m" n° si koe kid!.
Islander, ^° m° B m &° A° khia i° B° ka-ki, it cannot stand
hai su fe l&ng. by—, %° @° G° ffi° boe ka-kl
Isle, ^ H hdi-su. khia.

Ivory, ^° ^° chhiu^-gg,— chop- James, (Epistle of) •"
^° ^°
S^ -2:°
sticks, g^ ti,— ware, i' Ngk-kok ^ pboe.
^° §1° chhiu" gg khi. Jangle, Vp Wi cbhdu-lau, *n° W,° ke-
oe, iff m° poa-^-cbbia,
m°, W
Jabber, SI SI li° loan-loan k6ng,
Jangler, m° m° i.° A° poa"-chbia
e Mng, *n° m° ^° A° ke 6e ^ Mng
^^ tsdp liam.
Janitor, il pg° k6- miig.
Jacana, |^° M i|° p^b sfeng koe.
Jacintb, ^° 3E° cbhiah gek.
January, ^M &° m° n° Eng-kok
.Jack, — fruit, ^ M ^ pbp-16-bit,
^ tsia"-g^b.
Japan, :kB'S^ Tai-jit-piin, H ^ Jit-
Englisb Union—, U° ^° M M° piin, -M #° Tang-iii".
Ang mjig kt tbau.
Jackal, W ii° ia kdu.
Japanese, m
#° A° Tang-il'^-mng,
:k Q :^m° Tai jit pun ^.
Jackass, ^ M.
Jappanned, ^° ^ cbbat-kbi.
Jackdaw, ^ tS o* cbbiok.
Jacket, mf^^° U° tui-kbim-d sa".
Japanner, W
^° 5|° J|. sdi cbbat
duter- ^ U kok.
) li^
Japanwood, j^ ;f:° so' bdk.
Jade, (stone) ^ gek, (a strumpet)
^° ^ ^ pbdi" tsa-b6% (a slut) M°
Jar, S° kng, rice — , M W bi-kng,
M° :t°^ M Um-noa" tsa-b6-,
small, JH" kba°, large — K kng, ,

to— m° P M° ^° b5- ia-sien,


(to quarrel) ^ ^° oan-ke, ^° P°
tak-khdu, 3611° f& ke 5e, (as a
(harass) jH jif! ho^n sin, M if
sound) iS° li It b6 b6 bM,—
hM sin.
upon the ear, 3^ S° cbb6
Jaded, m° W ^° ia-sien, m° m° ik-Ui.
Jargon, li bu li ngiaiih".

Jag, (a notch) m khib-chhiii, (to

Jarring, iia°^° ke-6e, lte°^°sa"tsi"
notch) S i^° Bi tsam khib-cbhiii
Jasmine, |^° $1)° :?g° bdk-ni-boe.
Jagged, ^° ^ khih-chhui.
Jasper, ^ 31° phek-g^k.
Jail, ^= ka", H
ff° ft° kodn-d-lai, Jaundice,
^ 5| h6ng-thdn, ^°5^ £g-

put in , koai" ka°. ts^ng.
Jailer, 11 ^° m° k6- ka" ^, i§ Jt
Jaunt, m° W 531° kia''-nia''-nir, ^
^° li k^-tsi ko, to—, ^
mm tbit-tb6-i6, m i^,Mm m-
Jam, 11°
khoeh kku tsdt tsdt,
M, ^ 1 Pi S6-I6-I6.
M°'M° M°
^° pjo ^o j^ thoeh kku b6 16-, Java, [^ ng Pfi ka-la-pa, — sparrow,
to make—, ^ ^ tsA ko. ^& )m° koan kong b^i.

Jamb, (side of fire place) iK°M^° Javelin, M° pio.

U 16- thiau, iK° M m° b^ 16- pi", Jaw, lower — , y°M e-hfi,i, upper
(door post) fT ^° mSg kbia. M^ t^ng bai, lower—bone, ^°
. ,


^ gg ts6, ^°W^ g^ ts6 kut. Jessamine, ^° ^j° :^° h&k-nV hoe.

Jay, tM i^° chhiok tsidu, Formosa — Jesse, W la-se.

:g°Ji°^tfigb6-tin. Jest,m° m 11° kong hi-hiauh, 1° m

Jealous Ml ) khun-hun,^ ^^ ^° k6ng kiin chhi6, ^ m chhiau
Jealously ) oan-to- tam, m° m° ^° k6ng m-liUng, M°
Jealousy, Ml ^
khun hun, ?i, ^ ^° pio-chhi6, —ironically, ^ fj
okn-t6'. ki-chhi.
Jean, M ^ chWa biin, satin—, ^° Jester, 18° 0° ^°
|S° ^° A° kdtig-
M° m u u si. h6-chhi6 oe ^ ling. ,

Jeer, Ml Ul kliau-siet, m M° ki- Jesting, =g° i|° k6ng-chhi6, ^ 11°

chhi, hi-hiauh.
Jeerer, M M #° ki-chM g, (devoid Jesuitical, jif- f^ kan tsa, I^ Ig im-
of interest) ^° M ^ b6 clihii-bi, thim, ^ Jt kau-k6e.
^°ft ^ b6 khiok-tsiet, B° m° n° JESUS, m m R-so-,- Christ, MM
b6 soah phah.
M W M-so- Ki-tok.
Jehol, 1^ fpf Ji^t-h6. Jet, ,i 3E° o--ga, ^5° hek-g^k,-
Jehovah, HI) ft ^ Ia-h6-hoa. black, ,^ ^° S° o- bdk-bdk, ^ ,i
Jejune, (craving for) jii" gi^n, (star- kan-o', (a spouting stream) ^°
^° M ^°
iau-go, (empty) JT yK° tsit kdng tsui, ~° M W
tsit ts6a° tsiii.
JeHy, <f tang, (of fruit) U ko. Jetty, ^ m° lp--thau.
Jellyfish, 4^ the.
Jew, m±A° lu-thai Mng, ^ * i
i^°'pMW^ ho- i hong- i:° A° IH-thki kok t Ikng.
hiam,— one'slife, W° W^° phe
Jewel, K
S° p6 tsi6h.
Jewelled, (as a ring) ^° ^° A^
Jeopardy, |§ ^
hong hidm, ^ ^ 5
chhiii-tsi jip p6-tsioh, (as a
giii- hidm.
finger) ^° m'^°±°^°^° mA
Jeremiah, (book of)
K-li-bi e chheh.
i.° MMM W
chhiu kok jip p6-tsioh'g chhii-tsi.

Jerk, ^khiii, Ji° chhoah, throw with

Jeweller, ^° n° ft" phah gun m
a— m° *° m^ tim khi kiu lai, — Jewelry, (jewels) ^5 p6tsi6h, a
with the elbow, khdi" (motion by
momentary impulse as in swim-
— women's # , fife siu sek, fond

ming) MM^°kinkinpoah, (make Jewess,

^ tsng of—, ^
ffi° -t ki siu sek.
3i *^ i°# A A° lu-thki
a sudden motion) tah —the kok g hu-jin
hiah°, lang.
head, m° ^ m° khak thkvL
Jewish,® «° M-thai kok L
—shoulders, keng-th4u tho4h. Jewry, M ±m M-thai kok.

Jerkin, # b^ koa.
.1° Jewsharp, ^0 chhiti-khim.
a —
Jib, j|g° M° 'M fcsiin th^u phang. party, f^" od, (link) ffi |c sa'' kau,
Jibboom, M° tl tbau-chlup. —in partnership, PJ° fj^°^ M
Jibe, m° A° p6--lang, M M° kliau tku tsoe seng-li, (a seam) f^ tsiap.
siet, gi^t. Joiner, TJC b1° bak-sai, 7f;° X° bdk
Jingall, M° ebbing. kang, /t:° (g° bak-chbiu°.
Jingle PTPt° Pt° kheng-kbeng Joinery, 7lc° X° bdk kang.
) irr
Jingliiag kbiang-kbiang.
Joint, (in a limb) 15° tsat, a bam-
Job, X° kang, miscellaneous ^° boo —
i^° 15° tek tsat, of a fan,
— , —
M° X° lan-san kang, —work, @^ M B^si° gdn, (between two pieces
X° t^ kang, fa man) ^ IS lok- of timber) f^° phang, (combined)
pek, (book of) $5 "S" $£ lok-pek- ^ hdp,-strength, ij hidp l^k, ^
ki, — tears, S ?ft 1^° i bi chbau. (uniting with others) ^° M° sa''

Jobber, M° M° X° ^° tsoe te kang 6 kap,—heirs, m° M° m° ^ SI sa"

Jockey, who rides a horse in
(one kap ts6e ho- su, (common) ^
a race) m° M° ±° A° khia be e kong, — property, 5V H kong gidp,
lang, m M,° ±° A° pbau e U (unite by a joint) m° M B° sa"
l^ng, (a dealer in horses) Mj° M lien tsat, (fit together) M H^n,
be boan, (a cheat) iB° ff ° hit-L g tsiap, (fit perfectly) ^ ba,
Jocose, ^ =i° ^° ki k6Tig chbi6, #° opening out, M° W Iku sun.
^ gau-ktin. Jointed, (as planks — ^°fi
) tsiap, well

Jocular,M° M° ^^ ai kiin chhio, — ,

^° ba, (having) ^° u tsat.

M° M° ^° ai k6ng chbi6,—talk, Jointly, M° 15° sa^-kap.

kdng ^H
1^-liang, chhiau t^m. Joint-stock, ^ ;$; hdp-piin.
Jocundity, K M khoai-16k, Ji i& Joist, © i°, to—, ^° chh6ng 1°.
, chheng sim, % M tek kdi. Joke, ^^° kun-chbi6, #°rS g^u-
Joel, (book of) 3 ^° «^ lok-ji"
if.^ kun, k6ng-ld-likng, pio,
^° k6ng boa k6ng chhio.
^^ ii"
6 cbheh.
Jog, khai", (one's memory) ifi if|° Jolly, ift »5 chheng-sim, Id-eng.
tidm-tuh,—along, #° ff" It n° Jolt, chh^k, (k sudden jerk) ii ^?
tin d tit kii". pdi ti6h.
•Joggle, }|° i6, ^° m° i6-tang. Jonah, (book of) $5 ±° .»° lok-
John, Gospel of—, ^ It JiS ^ ft° nd 6 chheh.
lok-han hok-im toan. Jordan, river, —^
fa ?fll Iok-tan-h6.

Johore, ^ # JiA-hut. Joshua, (book of) ,$5 IE lok- #S
Join, •^ hap, M iS kiet lien, ifB !^ su-a ki.
sa°-lien, ^ W sok,—hands, Joss-paper, %. IB IS° kim-gAn ts6a.

Ua° ^° ^ sa" kh&n cbhiii, in Joss-stick, "§ hiu".
marriage, E ^ phoe-hap,.— Jostle, m°7^° oe-ti6h, ic° kho6h.

Jot, a —— , ° i)5 tsit tidm, to —down, Judgment, P]° ^° pboa°-toan, give

IB ±° ki-tsiu°. —, ^m
tgng-an, hall,^ ^° —
Journal, U 'M jit chheng. kong-tAg, censorious —^ ff phoe-
Journey, i& l6-, S§ M l6--tsam, ^ ^ ph^ng, # ^° phi-siii°, —or dis-

l5"-th6ng, begin a — M S kbi-

cretion in doing anything, 15°^
thfeng, —work, ii° X° clihia" tsat sh.
Irang, I am going on a long —
^° Judgment" day, , H ff Z° H sira-

W^°fi° it" S^ g6a beh khi kir phok'' ^ jit

ling 15", may you have a prosper- Judgment seat, iP ?!l° i.° ^ sim-
ous —
by sea, M. M sun bong.
, pboa° ^ ui.
Journeyman, "SI flp sai-hu, X° ^ A° Judicature, high court of — ^^

kang hu l^ng. b1° th6ng boat si.

Jovial, S m bi-16k, 'K 1^ iet-16k, % Judicious, :§° B^ u sim hiong,
jC» ^°
M tek-kdi. ^ li li ki^n-sek.
Jowl, m° U° cbbiii-ph6e. Jug, I9f kan, 5®° p^n.
Joy, WS boa°-hi 'Si M kboai-16k, Juggle, ^° m° m° pi" kau lang, (de-
Joyful, WS boa"-hi, ^ m kboai- ception) M phien, iS° lut.
16k. Juggler, m° M° H^ fi^J° pi" k^u lang
Joyless, m b6 hoa^-bl, ^° 'K
^° WC &, H #° phifen g.
(a deceiver)
m b6 khoai-16k, g iu-bun. ful Jugglery, ^° M° ^° p^-kau-lang,.
Joyous, % M tek-k4i. f^° m° m° ts6e-pd-hi.
Joyously, Wi° it° S « boa"-hoa"-bi- Juggling, m° m° m° pi" kau lang.
bi. Jugular, H m fir na"-aA ^.
M^ bi-li6n.
t6a-hoa°-bi. Juice,
chhiu leng.
H- tsiap, —of tree, W %°
Judaism, |S :J: 15; lu thai kau. Juiceless, ^° b6 tsiap, (no mois- ^
Jude, epistle of— ^g :k m° Ili-tai e ture) li° b6 sip khi ^^
phoe. Juicy, :|f° H* u-tsiap.
Judea, m±
M U-thki kok. July, m:t.°-\lM° Se-kok ^ chhit m
Judge, a—, M W
gi^t-si. Puisne—, g^h.
IlJ :^ ^ hti gi^t-si. Deputy chief Jumble, ^^ chham-tsdp, ^ ^
— ,
English, sij M W hii-gi^t-si. chham-chhu, (confuse) 1^ SI hun
Chief—of Supreme Court (Eng- loan.
lish) ^ ^ @° ^n-chhat sti. Pro- Jump, fB thiku, (skip) J^° ti6,—
vincial—, m^n° an-chhat-si, over, tsi^-kfe-khi.
to^, m ff sim-phoa", ^J if phoa" Junction, (of places) ^^ll°ts6ng
toan, S if kong-toan. kun th^u, (in an article) Jg ng tsiap
Judges, (book of ± ia Su-suki. ) grB cbhtii, (coalition) S° sa" hap. ^

Juncture, (a seam) F^° pbang, ^^ si ^ tsit.
tsiap chhiii, (a crisis) %, P^ || kiii Justifiable, tt°M^^W oe piAu bSng
blin koan, "^ ^ 3^ pia"" si" si, at tit, (right) ^° ti6h, he was in —
this—the king arrived, iij^ ^° &° dismissing him, ^° m° ^ #° M°
^i,°^ &1^ m pia° si° si e si i si i u ti6h.

h6ng-tfe kku, Justification, (Theol.) m M° ^° M

June,15m:t.°:^MSe koU Idk g^h. chheng ts6e u gi, (vindication of
Jungle -M°i.°W #° am ^ chhiu n^^ another) f-^° A°M ^J ka Itlng pidu-
Junior (in years) H° *if° t1° khah b^ng, -fi;° A° m° M m ka lang s6e
tsi6-h^, (in standing) ^ sin ll, —of one's self, g° E.° ^°
s6e. . # Hi ka-ki s6e sin li.

Juniper, M°^° pi"-peh. Justifier, ^ BJ ^° pidu b^ng e, fi°

Junk, (mercantile) ^ |g° siong-tsun, A° if M° :f ° « ® ° kk Mng chheng
(war) Pt 18° sku-tsun. ts6e u gi ^.

Jupiter, /^ M° b6k-chhi''. Justify, ^ it ^° ^ chheng ts6e u

Jurisdiction, ^® kodn-hat. gi, — one's # IS s6e sin
self, J5b°

Jurisprudence, f# ^ ;2l° ?^ ^ liit li, (vindicate) #° A° ^ m th6e

hoat 6 hoat-t5*. ling pidu b^ng, 11° A° Sb° # iH ka
Jurist, #: gi liit su, ^ ^ ii lut hoat 14ng s6e sin li.

su. Justly, 2^ M, kong to, ^ 2|5° kong-

Jury, |g m
:t° A° p6e sim ^ mng.


M° tii-tii, (fair
31° kong-

ffl ^e chhut-thio,

chhut, —over,
-^ ffi th6ng-
ffi° lu-chhut, W
pl", &H
kong-gi, (upright) IE phodh chhut. H
tseng-tit,—now, t&° ^° tu-tsiah, Juvenile, *i? siau-li^n. ^
—like, jE° ita° M° tsia° chhin- Juxtaposition, /fB° 5E sa°-kun, itl°

chhiu", — by, JE IE kun-kun, JE sa°-od.

l{fc° kun tsia, (scarcely) fi|° fi|° ff

lim-llm-d., —as you please, ^ ^°

^ sHi II ai. Hi ^£ ^° chhut tsai 11,
ft° ®° M kii li M, (orderly) B^ Kaiping, g^^jS Khai-p^ng, the—
^ tsiau chhii su. mines are famous, 13 ^g :^ :g° {fj
Justice, ^^
kong-gi, heaven's —
^° khai p^ng kh6ng u chhut mi&".
5c 31 thien-li, —of the Peace, J& Kaleidoscope, "S M. M°
pek k^ng
:&° t" te hng koa", fl° kn kik°,^^
-g ?E m° pek hoa kia'', ^W
chhat si. ban hoe kik°. ^
Justiceship, fi° t° M te hng Kalendar, Si° H Mb jit, ii
±°M thong W
koa" g tsit, mm 11°^° li an-chhat su.
KAL £.££/

Kalgan, 51° ^ P° tiu-'-ka-kMu. bit, —off, M" nod°, —guard, S°

Kali, 5^ al hdi chhai. IB khoaf-k*^;, —coimpany with, ^
Kalpa, ^ kiap. I® ka,u-p&e, — ^ ^°
Jiouse, kiea-
Kambalu, t;° •^° Pak kia\ kci, silen<5e, — ^ p tseng-tseng,
Kansuh, -^ M Kam-siok, is a off Ae — jia jit,— as sun, 1^ H —
Nortk Westhern province, "^ #
fruit, m° m° =^° oe he tit.

g 11° 4fc° ^ Kam-siok si Sai pak Keeper «gp° #° siu

%, —o¥ t5he dty,
s^ng. M° ^S* sir-siii, temple—, ^° ^
Kashgaf ^
ff :g ?j?
KhjKk-sip- M
sia". Keeping, in — ,
4^° W ^kalh-rchhah, ff?,

Kaw, ko" hiu, the crow

I^L" Jso" M tsikuph6e, B @2siiph6e, (suit-
— , M m fi^°mu m,°<B--a teh ko- able) 'fi>°h4h.
ko" h&n. Keepsalce, j^ ^ tii-ki, ^ ?3 fiA«-
Keck, pg aii. bfeng.
Kedgfe, (smiall anchor) |£°#° tia"-d, Keg, m° ir thang-d, la°15°^°ka'i-
to warj) by a— M°iS°#°i^°«° nd th^ng.
eng tik,°-a 4a tsun. Ken, ltg° .:^^° .oe hidu tit.
Keen, (eager) g ffe tsin ji^t, ^, # Kennel, ffi t<i, dog—, ^° iff kda-tli,
ji^t kodn, ^^ tsm ki, (sharp) 5f!l° ^° ^° kdu-siu, (a water course
lai, (piercing, as wind) ^3° lai, of a street) ff ° f^ kau ^m.
(acute) f^° #J° Mng lai,^# Kept, IK: T
thong thiet, —sighted, i^° @°e, Kerdhidf,
W'V^, ii ltt° o- bin ^
h6 hAk sek, —eyed, @° B^ bak
P^*, ^ ijlJ
Ftl o' se kuu, she put on
tsiu kim, (in business) ^
MM° her-and went out, ^° ipfi°-73° ^
seng'li kha.
ffl *° itk ph^ tsidh chhufihi.
Keel, M chhidm, the—fis too short.
Kerchiefed, S.°% ta pHfe.
M i^° ±° m° tsiin chhidmsiu-^
Kernel, fcjtn. td.
Keelson, jg f| li-16ng.
Kerosine, ±° W^fft t}it--ihdk''-i^,$>°
Keep, (put away) IK; siu, |i° khAg,
7^ chhau-iii.
—in prison, gi° ^" koai-^-ka", *e Kersey, ^ M chhM ji6ng, ffi )i
^° kim-ka", —as city, ^M°sii chho" jidng.
si^°, —in order as relative®, tM ^ Ketchup, E°?fttaTi^ifi.
tiau-tok, ^ fj
—down, — at-tse, in
'Kettle, :^° t^-k6-, eatthieii—^ f: ii
safety, p6-tsoan, —a school,

\S^°(^°khia 6h, — a command, ^as


^ '^ tsip-siu, -swatch, M°M° Kettle-drum, M° M tkngM:

kho&°-th4u, —the new year, §J° Kewkiaiag, ^-.gC Eiii-ikang.
JE° ts6e tsia", ^close, M ®° pi- Key^ (Cliiiiiese)U||2g;SlSrSi,;(-For«eign)

M S6 tsoan-si, — of a piano, ^ ^° go --sat, (^ ^° chh6-chhiu,-^-a
khlm ji, (an explanation) 3£ f| fowl, i&i] i|° th^i-koe.
tsii Mi. Killer, ^° ^° A° th^i si lllng fe, ^
Keyhole, (Chinese lock) fB ?L° ^
^° A° hai si ling L
s6 si khasng, (Foreign lock) ^° Kiln, m° i6.
j|fe ?L° tsoan si khapg. Kin, 13, chhinr.chhek. ^
Keynote, M° "B thllu-ii^, t^ng- Kind, #° 11° A° giu ts6e Mng, ^°
im, MM° ±° ^
tdng tiau ^ im. t:^u jin-ai, If >& «h6^im, ^° 'If
Key-stone, ^ ijj .i^" ^° ki6ng sim thik'^-sioh, (sort) DE ho, 3^ hang,
4 tsidh, ehe^of the bridge fell out, M lui, to-be—, #° M g^u ts6e, (a

m° ±° m <6 s° ^° ^° ki6 § race) ^° tseng, the father is— to

ki6ng sim tsi6h lak khi. his children, ^° ^° ^° # ;t° ^°
Khanghi, ^0, Khpng-hi. lau pe thik i ^ kid''.

Kiang-si, ^ Ki&ng-s^i. "gg Kindly, speak—, SJ If !^° h6 chhiii-

Ki«ijg-su, ^ M Kang-so". k<Sag, treat people, — ®°^f#°A°
Kiangnan, fL ^" Kiang-l^m. h6 kho4n-thii Idng.
Kihe, (a chilblain) ^° tj^l tang
Kindhearted, <& tsii-Sim, |Jt° »&
pit, p
(a chap in the heel) ffil°#°^°>iJ° nng-sim.
khaTau-ti° pit. Kindliness, (favour) ,1. un, (good
Kick, ^ that, ^° * leng-khi,— will) t^ jin-ki, si. 'If un-ts6ng,
open, ^ ^° that khui. M' W. un-hui.
Kicking, —about, as somethiug use-Kindle, ifcS i^° t6h, (catch fire) nk-
less IS ko, these things arer— about ti6h,— fire, ijE 4A:° khi he, (inflame)
and are useless, jH;° f@°.i)° fi^ ^ i& >KM sim h^ t6h.
^° J& M° tsit & mih ;teh t5 b6 15'- Kindlings, J/t" #° h^ ibii, iAC° M"
eng. he th^ng.
"Kickshaw, ii^°;?:^3g° sin iu" & Kindness, ,1. ff un-ts^ng,. receive —
chhai. ^ Ji. siu-un, show-^, # ^"» hoat-

Kid, ^° i:f
° ^° iA"-d yi°. sim, ^A 'W tsoe jin tsfeng.
kidling, ^° i?" ?° ift-^-a krd". Kindred, |g J^ chhin-chhek.
Kidnap, fi° |p.° ,A° thau liah Mng, Kine, ^° gti.

%° M° A"" thau chhoa lang, iS ^ King, g ® :h6ng-tfe, 2 6ng, A :g

kodi-tki. jin kun.

Kidnapper, ii° »° A° #° thau Kingcrab, M hau.

€hhoa Mng fe, 1^ *I ^° kodi kiin L King-craft, f& Wl t^° i^ M ti kok ^

Kidaey, «° io, 'M° ?° io tsi. boat- to'.

Kill, -^Ij 3ffi° thai-si, m ?E° hai-si, fT Kingdom, S kok, ^ pangTJkok,

^° phah-sf,—aceidentally, fg ^ M ]^ kok-td",^ pang, (a principal


division) H lui, the mineral — , 5. — of offending people, # #° ^
ffiiS Ta.g6' p6 lui. ^A i g^u tek sit lang.
Kingfisher, i^° .«.° ^° tio^hl-ang. Knag, (a knot) 7fc° bdk, (a peg) ^
King-like, m° iW M: chhin-chhlu" ^ §S chh&. teng, (shoot of a deer's
h&ng-tfe. horns) W^ ^° 16k kak le.
Kingly, (belonging to a king) 4 ^
Knapsack, Ipt pau h6k. Q
i§° h6ng-tfe (suitable to a king) Knave,
^, %
+1 kong-kim, (dishonest)
-S-" a ^ ^° ^ t^t h6ng-tfe g ^° i£ M- b6 tiong h5-.
khoan, — gift, ^B h6ng un. Knavish, ^ +g kong-kun-6, if ^ H
Kings, (book of) ?!l S IE 1- Li^t 65° khiii-khiet-^, 3etI;^°^kong.
6ng ki liok.
kiin ^ khodn, (fraudulent) {% y^
Kinsfolk, IS M chhin-chhek. hiau thun.
Kinsman, H^ A° chhin-l^ng.
Knead, f^° noa, fi° ^°^f nod mi tse,
Kinswoman, i^ A° chhin l&ng.
^° m.° hi Kneading ^°
—rice-dough, ^° ^ nod. chh6e.
Kipper, (salt and dry)
koa", (smoked) M° )1 ^° ^, m.°
nod, —trough, M'\^
kfe hun g hi koa°.
Kirtle, (mantle) H moa°, (petti-
Knell, M H §1° khau song tseng.
coat^ ^ kun.
Knee, W°W kha-th^u u, —pan,

Kiss, ^° tsim, 5^° ^f tsim-chhiii.
W m°mm° kha-th^u u 6a°, (in
ship) 9 kidh, M # hoan sin.
Kit, (wooden pail) kau thdng, (a
Kneel, ^ kui.
decanter) "iS 5^° tsiu pan, (tools)
^"§1° ke-kofe, (of a soldier) %° Knew, ^ tsai.
^° ^° ';i° thit th6 mih.
W ke-si.
pen— U.ff° to-d, —
Kitchen, %\.° M° tsaii-kha, —range, Knife, 71 to,

%±° tsau, —garden, % W chhaihng blade, J] |^ to-bah, edge of a —

Kite, m 5ft°
^° pang-hong
hong-chhe, fly a—,
chhe, (a bird)
W 7J !^ to chhiii, back ©f of a—,
^ to-poe, 77 i^° to-kheng.

m ff° eng-d. Knit, M° chhiah, —the.brows, @°
Kith, m M peng-iii. m°mw bdk-bai iu-iu, M Bi° t
Kitten, Jffi° ^° niau-d, the cat has S° iu thaukh6- bin.

had—, 11° ;t° ^° IS° ^° niau'^ u Knitter, fij° jt° A° chhiah d l^ng.

si° niau^-d. Knitting, -needle, $ij° W ^° chhiah

Kittysols, B° M° ^° tsod, h5- soa^ b^h tsiam.
Kiiab, (seize) ^° liah. Knob, (hard protruberance) M ^
Knack, M°^° % I16 chhiii se, mm hong liu, (on a tree) J^ 'M kiet liA,
^ 'K gah tseng chhiii kho^i, (dex- of a lock, n° ?L° mAg-leng.
terity) J5 5^° khidu-sit, he has a Knobbed, :t°^uM. :;

KBobby, ^° ^ kau liu. tai-seng tsai.

Knock, Jr° phah, ia° khS,, — at door, Knowable, (capableof being known)
Jr° Pg^ phah-mf g, ^° P^°khamflg, tl° ^° oe tsai.
—against, tn° M° kh^p titSh, Knowing, W
(in a good sense) MM
'M° tng-ti6h, —up, awake, ^° M" lien- td,t, (rather in bad sense) Wi
ki5 chhi", ^° #° A° m S* ki6 ho- 11° kok-pih, —that, 591° m° tsai kio,
l&,ng tseng-sln, -^up, fatigue, 1^° very — in good sense, IS |i° ti4m-

A° li ho- lUng ik, —head on the tin, (as a child) HJ sek, that —
ground, 51° m° khdp-th&u. ta°m° you were coming, I waited for

—down, ir M° oe-t6, m° »" you, fS8° *n° i^° m° 11° m n° ffi°

chhia-t6, —and no one open, fa'^

^° fS° g6a tsai ki6 11 beh mi, g6a
- ^° fT phah b6 mAg. teh tan li.

Knocker, f^° ^ mfig-khien. Knowingly, #° ti^u k6- mM i

Knoll, lll° -^ soa" lun.

Knowledge, M. li kien-sek, ^m ti-

Knot, m° kat, 3^° li° kat-th^u, —of
Knuckle, a° m° 4° @° ts&g thtlu-d
wood, m° S° chha-bdk, bow—, ± —bone, @° # bak-kut.
^° M° ^ tho- hi t6 lih, running—,
Kobi-desert, 1^ Ko-pek,
m° M° odh-kat, tie a—fl°M° phah Kokand, ^^ Hok-hdn,
kat, bowline— tT° 3t ff 5° phah
ti-d hi, (rolling hitch) ^°^°W° Kokonor, ^ Jfl Chbeng-hdi.

tengti6h tsioh, (blackwall hitch,) Koran, Pfe H k6--l^k.

^°fBM chhiii-tsi khau, (loop Koulkun, M. M khun-lAn.

m liu, (infallible loop) Jif m tan Kowloong. -Jl H kiu-liOng.
liii, overhand—, pf il° t6 phoah, Koxinga, Wf M M Tf kok sfeng.
%ure of eight—, WiWi±°f^ un Kublai Khan, ^ £y ^ Hut pit lidt.

khlin fe kat.
Kujin, ftA Kd-jln.
Knotted, n° ^° ^ ptah kat kifi.
Kulangseu, M i^ K6--long-su.
Knottiness, (in wood) ^* @° kau-
Kuldja, S it M Hui oAn si^".
bdk, (in thread) ^°*S° kau-kat,
(difficulty of solution) li°#°JS?"
Kung, Prince — WMBS, Kiong chhin
3^° 6h tit thau kat, (intricacy) ®°
Kwangsi, ^° W K%-sai.
^° 7(C° kau bdk, Kwan-lim mountains, lif •^ lll° khun
Knotty, (as wood)
(as thread) ^° W kau kat. Mn

H ^ t^-kun, M ® koan-t^.
Know, (as a fact) ^° tsai, (a per-
son) li° bat, —how to do, ^° W Kwanyin, m -a koan-im.
tsai-id», -^hehiehand, ^ 5fe^ ftl° Kweichau, J| M Kiii tsiu,.
— — ,

Lad, (stripling) ^° ^° ^° hau-si''

ke, 'J? ^ ^° sid,u-li6n ke.

Ladder, g° ^^° l&u-thui, scaling—,
Label, ^ M° pliiau-tliS,u, fj M hong- m W bfin thui.

phiau. Lade, (water) 5 khat, Jb° iu", — 0;ut

Labial, P° M 6^° cbhiii-ttiii 6. water, ja° 7K° iu":tsui, 5 ?K° khat

Laborious (as work )M°'tJ° tsi&la lat, tsiii, (a ship) ^ tski.

m° "if ti61i-Mt, (as study) ^ »& Laden, W° T° IS u he tsai, heavily —

16 sim, (diligent) SJ »|J jpif! h6 sim S° ffi tang-tsai.
sin, U ^ kbiin-kin, g g keng- Lading, (freight) ® ts5i.

Sng, 1: ft kip k^. Ladle, (a dipper) jjC° 5t° tsui-tsin,

Labour, ^" ^° ti6h-b6a, ^^° E° —out Jb° iu°.
bo&-thoah, ^ 16 Mk.
jf/ Ladleful, -° tJc" ?{-° 6^ tsit tsui-
Labourer, )J<° X si6 kang. tsin fe, a—of water, — ° i^" ff Z°

g^ ^°
man, fj X° A°
W teh ti61i b6a, 7jC° tsit tsui-tsin ^
kang Mng. Lady, (mistress of a household) 11°

Labyrinth, 'M'M^W oan-oan oat- m° ^° th^u ke niii", (wife o^ a
oat. Lord) ^ A hu-jln, (a woman)
Lac, + "Wi tsdp ban. M A A° hu-jln Mng, young ^ ',

Lace, %. ^ lien-kan, shoe — , W^ ^° ^° ko- niu^ >J,° il° si6 tsid.

6e-toa, to—, $° chhAg. ; Ladybird, ffl ff° ku-d,. S.° ff° ffi

Laceman, M° 3^ ^ 6^° boe lien tau-d-ku.

kan 6. Ladylike, (genteel) % M bun-li,
Lacerate Wi thiah-phok, (flesh)
||f (delicate)
^° &° thiah lih ph6, Ladyship, :^
iu-siii. ^^
Laceration fjf ° j hu-j in. A
(heart) fj »& siong-sim. Lag, flioa-au, ^° ^M fc ^° thoa
Lack, :5(j khi^m, ^ ^° khi^m-kheh. ts6e-au.
Lack a day, ai-ia. Lagoon, i9 6".
Lackey, ^A ka-jin, %^ ka-t6ng. Laichi, ^°^ nai°-tsi, dried—, M ^S
Lacklustre, ^°:^ b6 kirn, 5E S si sek m.° n&i-^ tsi koa"^.
Laconic, f| kan, f| ^ kAn-tsi4t, Lair, ^ hiet, :^° siu.
style of writing, ^i^% fg kdn Laity, W° ^° peh-si".
siku bAn sii,
Lake, M 6\

Lacquer, ||^ chhat, —ware, ^ H Lake Baikal, ^b" ^ Pak-hai.

chhat-khi, to—, -g ^ sAi-chhat. Lakka-wood, ^°
^ kkng-hiu°.
Lacquerer, •^° ^° chhat
Lacteal, |L 69 leng
sai. Lama-dalai, 'S M M M Tat lai-lat-
&. m6-;
Lactometer, -^"IL ;^°g1i-leng chhioh Lamb, ^° i^ iii» ko, ^° ff°
gi° id"
to— si" iu°-d
i-kia°, ; kid,^ ^ ijt kai-tsi, government — ,
Lambent, ^° na. ii° koa° toe, (country) ii° :i5f°

Lambkin, ^° ^° iii"-d. t5e hng, (soil) W th6-.

Lame m° m°
pdi-kba, ?f Jgf Landbreeze, llj° B, soa" hong, in the
Lameness )kb&-kha, (tbrougb an early morning there is a—, 5c°
accident) chbi4ng-kha. °
5B° -f llJ° thi"^ kng u soa° hong S
Lament, (wail) ^° kbku, m° ^° Landcrab, ill i!§ soa° tsim.
tbih-kbau, (feel sorrow for) ^ Landed, (property) MH
kb6-, m° m° hoan-16. Laudxlood, ^ tiong, v|r. im.
Lamentable, pJ" fS kb6-siong, "^ [^ Landforce, ^ ^^ liok-peng.
kb6-ai. Landholder, H i gidp-tsii.-

Lamentation, (weeping) kbau, Landing,
place, ^ 11° l6- than.
W° ^° thih kbau. Landless, H H b6 s4n giap.
Lamentations, (book of) ^ ^ Ai- Landlord, jf° i chhu-tsii, M i
ko. giap-tsii.
Lamina, ^° pbi°. Landlock, ilj° g ^f soa" ui teh.
Laminar, }r 6'5f pbi" &. Landlady \ (of a house ) Jf i chhii-
Lamp, M teng,— wick, |!;° >& se-sim, Landlord ^tsii, (of land) M i giap
—chimney, ^° it° chbang-kng, tsu, (of a shop) ffi i tiam tsii.

— ligbt, m ^° %° teng § kng. Landloper, '{M. IS ff" liu-bin-a.
Lampblack, M
i^ o--ien. Landmark, (boundary of land) ^
Lampoon, H
$ij i:° ^° ki-cbbi ^ ji. JjL kai-tsi, (for seaman) llj° i?
Lampooner, 5S f ;i° ?° H
sia ki-i] soa° pan.
.cbhi 6 ji &. Land-measuring, g ji fi niu"-te-
Lamprey, %^°M° m6a'^-16. hoat.

Lampwick, 1!;° i& se sim,—rush, M Landscape, lU 7K san-siii, 3ii M. kong-

i& ^° teng sim-chhAu, the — is k^ng.

burnt out, get another, fp »& ^° Land-slip, ll|° m° soa" pang.
Landsman, A°: khia soa"
7 ^°
11° f^° se sim sio liau ft°

koh oa''.

Lance, 11° chhiu", to— with a lancet, Landtax, ^ fl te-tso".

Land waiter, (examiner in customs)
f!J° koah.
Lancet, a, |^° ^° H pang-huih-to, m K° A° giam he l^ng, ^ M"
5ih° 1$° IT goa k:he-to.
^° ^g soa", U
Land, (earth) ii° t5e, (opposed to Landward, U° llj°

sea) 01° soa^ to—, ±° lll° tsiu'^-

hiong soa".
soa°, ±° tsiu^-tsiii, boggy—, Lane,
7K° ff hang-d,. M
W 7jC° Ji° tam-tsiii. toe,—mark, Language, ± |§ th6- gii, |S° 6e, "g p§
gi^n-gu, abusive^, ^ p^° phai"- TK ^ sit-piin hun,
(become void)
oe. %° JS° %° boe eng tit, this con-
Languid, 1'®° ia, f^° sien, (drooping '
tract —
at the end of the year, jljj°
from exhaustion) ^° sien, (weak) ^°^^°m m ^° ;i° w° m t m'
|^° Mm, ^ H lodn-ji6k,- (sickly) % tsit 6 iok-ji iok kku ni b^, idu
^°^^ kau su 15-. tsiu boe eng tit.

Languish, (become weak) 3^° ^° LapstoneJ iT &° :^° phah ph& tsi6h.
na° 1dm, (pine, as person) M.°
11° nd soe lam, (as tree) 3^° tfi Larboard, t# |S° 16'-bTn
M° Lapwing, M° W
k"^ ti-k^-tsidu-

^°ndko'-t8l, (fade) ^
sia, (grow Larceny, (theft) ft° U° thau th^h.

dull) ^°
sit khi.
Sf b6 ^
tseng sin, ^ Larch, *° pi°-peh. M
Lard, |^° fft bah it., (stuff with pork)
Languor, tH ^° id-sien. }H° jip bah. A
Lankness, (lank) M m6h°, §^° jiiu, Larder, fg ^
tsiii p^ng.

(leanness) fg ^° siau sdn. Large, :^°toa, (wide) J^°:fc°khoah

Lanky, M° 131° sdn s6h, ^° Jfl sdn toa, (bulky) if?, ph6ng song,^
thiu, ^° 3PB° sdn s6e. Kt 6^ hia tsia, (abundant) g^
Latttern, M. teng, road — ^ , jl lo*- chhiong-seng, (as wages) '^^

teng, watchman's— 7,
||° @ ki°- tang, (as grain) :/c° W toa lidp,

teng, magic — , f£ :;i ff ° J^ thok (liberal) :^° ^ toa li5ng, (plenti-

kdng-a hi. :k°m°m° toa 81 k6e, (growf
Lantern jaws, ||° '®° b4 bin. —as a tree), #° :;R;° na-toa, ^:k°
Lanyards,^ ff soh A. him toa, (grow —as a child) ^
Lap, ^° 'B^" *a° sa" d phfe, (as a dog) jlf :^° tsiam tsiam toa, — disposi-

!SR° tsi.
Lapful, -° ^° tsit sa"-d-ph^,
tion, :k°
khi khai, a
W— toa pan, :^ ^ iE

ff °,i|i$° subscription,
a— of oranges, -° ^° m° iL° =ft t6e tsoe.
tsit sa" d phfe 6 kam. Largely, ||° ^° khah
tsoe, it is—
Lapidary, 2 Sg |£° gi6k-khi chhiu", composed of flour, M°^'^'^U°
HE° X° g^k kang. ^M ^° khah tsoe si mi°-hun
Lapis Lazuli, ff ° ife chhi" kim. ts5e, m°m B^° ^° ini°4ua
Lappet, #° ff° |^° sa-^ d heng. chham khah tsoe.
Lapse, (gliding as of a steam) •^° Larger, g(° :^° khah toa, this is—
\ku, —of time, WX
kbah kii, in than that, jfe" M° i«° i^° ®° i°
the —
of time she will take it ea-

tsit e khah toa hit §.
X° '&WW% khah kil
sier, W.° i Largess, give a— a^ ]6fi p6--8i.
oepkngkhoan, (error) ^ p chha- Largest, ^— te it toa.
biu, W^ k^-sit, (fail in duty) ^ Lark, fi M

ff° p6--tiu-d, the—Sjl

— —
high in the air, m U iV ^ ^° ^° b6 gl li, li u ki^"" t^it ho fe te-po',.

H'' p6--tiu-4 gitn ti p6a° thi^ m° n° m° S^°

sng li oe an-iii".
W U° ^° b6 phah-
Larkspur, ,% -ff ?g tsidu-d hoe.
Larva, ffl chhu, ^of bee, ^41 Lasting, X° kli-t^g, (as cloth) W
phaog-h^. ^° put-tsi ti chheng, ^ K ^
Larynx, Pi" l!^° t° na-a<i-k6g. (durable) W° #° m° u kW^ khi,
Lascar, .1^^ ff o* '^
i. Iciii ^forever, %^%'^ ban liln kiu
Lascivious ^ ?^ h6-"-lm, M IL im- o4p.
loan, ?^ ^ imri6k, — conduct Lastly, M° B& 1° k^ti l6--b^.
^° ^° ^ phdi"-ki^''-l5-, —inter Latch, to—, W F1°ta^h-mAg, n°
course, 'M ^ thong-kan, — as wo —of a door, P^ ®^ mfjg tauh.
man, Wl hiiu, —stage pl^y, ?2° M I^atchet, mW &e t6a.
hpe-hi. Late, #° oft?,—in the night, l|| am,
Lash,( a cord) ^°
soh, (thong of a W k pf— n° ^"^
ki'^-chhim, ,

whip) fi° pi", (a stroke with a tsiah-kii, too—, ± #° thai-ok°,

whip) ^^°r-f°T° sut tsit e, to—, :J;° S^° siu°-pk", (^s a harvest)

#° sut, how many^-did he get, mng, (in the year) ^^ ni'' chhim,
^° # M° T° sut i kiii e. (not long past) i£ SS kiin l|i, he

Lass, ^MW^° tsa-b6- gin-a, )J>° sat up very—, ||° ^ 75° W° ki"
ffi° sio tsia. ehhim tsiah khiin, he was very
Lassitude, Wl° Mi° sng-:fing, 51° in coming, ^M &° 7i° M '^

ik-sien. 6a" tsjfh \k\.

Lasso, '^ liu. Lately, sE J^ kun-Mi,— come, P^

Last, shoe, —
M° B° 6e-t6e, the sinrlai.

g& 1° l5--b^, —leaf, m° m° b^-i^b, Latent, 1^° M BJ ^f b0 hi^n beng 6,

very— ;1° soah- b^, ;i° ;i° b6-b^, T>° P Jii be l6--,chhut, U° M'^
to— A° J^° oe-ku-t%, —week, khfig-bdt.

Ull^ t6ng y-pki (utmost) fe Later, ||° &° khah-ok^

k^k, ^ tsin, —year ^° ^^ ka-nl°, Lateral, ^° ff fit°
pi"4 ^
oe khia- Latest, (tardiest) ±° #° siangr^k",
(as clothes) 1^ -§°
khi, —day of year, -ft-
%° ^^ jih- (as news) - B& 1° it-lo- b^, tlip

^du-mi, —night, W° ^° tsd-mi, —»ews is fhq,t the Emperor is

at— p|° S& Ji° kau 16' b4, ai^^you better, - 1^ 1° ±° m M^ I f W

liavp cppie, M° if W' Il#° :35°35 li 11° ^ it lo- ]b^ 6 Bipi sit h6ng-t^

kau t^it tiap tgiah l&i, (hindmost) u khah h6.

UMM° kek th-U, yo» are the— Lath, ^ kak, ^ ^° k*k-ki, —^nd
person I should—^pcyse of doing plaster wall, |g°l ke chhir.
L^the, turning—, %^M chhi^-lj^ui.
— ,

Lather, ft % fi saij-btin ph^h, 16h tsiii.

Latin, ^ T —
Lat teng, language, Laundress, Sfc ^ ii ff
° s6e sa" A-a.
WT ±° m° Lat teng ^ 6e. Lautsze, :g ^ 16 -kun.
Latish, W Si°m.M. khah-o4° tam- Lava, JS ^° un-tsi6h.
p6h. Lavatory, i56 #° ;^° ^jf ^ s6e chhiii
Latitude, (width) Jg° khoah, (free- e s6- tsai,
dom from confinement) ^° ^ ^ Lave, (bathe) m° m° s6e ^k, m° ^°
b6 khu sok, g° B° m° n ± ka- tsang ^k.
ki oe tsu tsiz, (Geog.) i^ 4?« hui Lavender, #° 7}C° phang-tsiii, (col-
soa", how many degress of — i^ our) ^° W 5l -E chhi6 chheng
11° ^° m° M hui soa° ^ kiii to-, li^n sek.
England is in the 52° degree of Laver, :^° ^° ^ toa ^k phlin.
North,— :A: ^m&° *fc° i^ m° :t° Lavish )M^§^ lam-sam khai,
S° +° ~ ]g Tai eng kok ti pak Lavishly j^ If ^° lam-sdm eng,
hui soa° e go- tsdp ji to-. (wasteful)#° Jg° gau sfig, (im-
Latitudinal, # ,i| fi^ hui soa" &, |^° moderate) ^° ho tsiin MB tsat.

^ 41 Ag hui sok°. Law, # }^ liit-hoat, fi Jg hoat-to",

Latter,M i& ^ 6^° khah kun Mi fe,
f^ M liit-le, according to—, M ?£
(opposed to former) Bg- /i lo- b^.
tsiau-hoat, ilS f^ kn-hoat, be at —
Latterly, ^ ^ kun Mi, |p° j^^" tsiah 'M 1^° ^^ tso koa°-hla, — secretary
kii. (English) m m U ^t° sii-li

hidp sim koa".

Lattice,— work, M ^° U° moa°-
phang chhoah.
}^^*^^P ^«^*-
Laud, m° U° 0-16, li Pf chheng ho-, Lawfully
Lawgiver, (a legislator) ^. \^ ^°
^% tskn chheng.
Laudable, pT° ^° ^° thang o 16, 111°
siet boat ^, ^m
M° lip boat t
m° m° %° 6e 0-16 tit.
Lawless b6 boat-to-, «°
Laudanum, S >r 'M a-phi^n-tsiii.
Lawlessly )
j^ b6 tsiJiu hoat-to-,

Laudatory, M°M° o-16, fg P? chheng-

li f* ^ 5c bo boat b& thien.

Lawn, ]^° if chhdu-po-, (victoria)

Laugh, ^° chhi6,—at, ^ ^° thi- "^MU kam-Mi-si.

chhi6,—loud, Piil° [1(11° ^° ha-ha- Lawsuit, ^ #° kn-kia°, "g" ^ koa"-
hti, have— ,}g "g ^ tso koa"-h<i,
Laughable, Sf ^° h6-chhi6, ^°
circumstance of a ^ \ 'If
rT tsfeng,—-pending, /^ ^ tsai-^n,
decide a— ^ phok"-kn, give
Laughing, fi^° ^° teh-chhi5.
, fjj
up a— fg ^ siau kn, wind up a—,
Laughter,^° chhi6.
^S M kiet-^n.
Launch, Ml 1° T° W tslin pkng Lawyer, ^° % tsng-su.
— —
Lax, "I (not tense) ^ leng, b6 an,
,___, Lazy, '11° m° pin-toa", ft| 'If Mn-to,
Laxity j
(flabby) ^° ^° nng nng, noa-clihod"', 'If # toa" kut.
M° M° se se, (not rigid) ^ khoan, Lead, IS i^n, — ^ cbboa, (by
M° % pang khoan, ^° ^ b6 gi^m, hand) i^° khan, — than, — to, j§
the teacher is very—-with his pu- into bad course, ^, S ^° cbboa
pils, ^° ^° M° M sien si° b6 gi^m. khu phAi°, red — iC h6ng j^ tan,
Laxative, \M M° sia-i6h. white — |^° jg- p^b-tan, yellow,
Lay, — down, ^° he, lok, as tiles, — W^ fig-tan, heave the— JT" ?K°
M° nl, m pbo-, —a trap, '^° tng, 'g phab-tsui-t6, —a single life, *nF

?£° W. tiir-tau, —waste, fl° ^° m Mr si^'i t6ng sin.

pha-hng, —out M IS pho"-siet, Leaden, IS 6^° i^n 6 IS M fi^° ien
eggs, ^° ^11° si°-nng, -hold of, ts6e e, a— sky, ^ m ^° %° Mm
m° khi°, m° liah, —hold of the bun e tbi''.

queue, ^ tsang, - -up, li& fi siu- Leader, m° A° th^u mng, §i° 51° fir
be, S& m" siu khig, —past, Ife ^° ts6e th^u e.

siu khAg, —up for use, ^- tsun, Leading, —msn, 31° A° tb^u l^ng,
— ^^on top of, ^ thah, —the table, (foreman) 11° @° thau-bdk, U ^°
# If ° pai toh, —a tax, Jj" f|?I phah bii-tsin.
hi6ng, the —
wind the grain, M f$ Lead-pencil, iS ^ i6n-pit.
#J 55.° ^° hong sku t6 go- kak, —a Leaf, ^° hi6b, —of a book, K° idh,
plan, 12 t|- siet ke, a wager, Jfe° gold —
:# W° kim-p6b, bamboo —
A° M° ^ kap Ikng sa° su, com- —
ft° m° tek-bi6b, fan— S° ^° si°-
mands on, '^ beng-leng,
•fi^ i^ Pff hi6h, —of door, F1° m° mfig-si",
hoan-bu, by, J[5: siu, down arms, — shed the—, 1:° ^° lak hi6h, put
^M h4ng-h6k, — as a corpse,
out, out, — ^ ^° boat hi6h. '

% 1^ siu-liam, —bold It of, kbi, Leafless, ^i°'^° b6-bi6b.

khiu,—in, to store, kbfig he teh, Leaflet, S° -ff ° bi6h-4.

— on, as blows, thiam tbiam phah, Leafy, m° m° kau hi6h.
— out, expend, |3 khai, —siege to, League, # Si boe-b6ng, (nine Chi-

H khiin, H ui,—to his account, nese miles) jl° kdu 11, ;^° mI^ M
M° P 6^° iJ: sfig i & siau, —wait kau li 15-, in with —
thieves, ji M°
for g° bib, — aside, discon tinue, thong cbb4t.
^ M° pang sak, Z° M° m eng, Leak M lau, —out, ii UI ^ lau-

—bare^ as-roots, U M kun bien. cbbut lai.

Lay-day, ^m
U ^° tsai kang jit- Leakage, M lau, W ii si^m lau.

tsi, m° ^° H ^° P^k tsun

jit tsi. Leaky, ^WM ^^ siam-lau.

Layer, M° tsan. Lean, M° s4n, grow, i^ M" siau-s4n,

Lazar,— house, if » ^° thai-ko i^". — upon the, i^° ixn, —upon a staff,
[5^7 2 J
i&° #t ^° tub kodi°-d, —against,
i^l the, very— 'M° It Siln-gi^n, Leathery, M ilk° &° chhin-chhiu"
s4n-gih-gilj, (of meat) #° ^ tsia°- phd.
bah, 0° i^° chhiah bah. Leave, (permission) ?|| tsiin, (adi-
Leaness, M° sdn, Sl° J|B° sAn soe. eux) fe° m° saT si, (depart) ii ^°
Leap, is thi^n, S° ti6, (as a ball) li-khui, il ^° ^°li khui khi, -a
5?° toa", —over, ffe |g° thiau-ke, space, 81° Ikng, (forsake) ®° i|J°'
—up, # SB ^ ts6ng-khi-mi, — pkng sak, —off going if° J^ tng-
about, phut-phut thiku, —down, lo-, — out, as a word, -^° lak,,
M W*°*° thiku-16h khi,— over, (bequeath) it°
^° ^° Mu ke h^,
ife ii thiku ke khi. m" soah.
Leapyear, M H ;t° ^° lun jit ^ ni" Leaven, B|° ka",—bread, u ka"-pid°.
Learn, ^° 6h, Ji° ^ hdk.sip, —the Leavings, W° iJ u chhun ^, # jt°
rules of medicine, ^° # ?i <5h i- fir #° Mu teh ^.
hoat, —by heart, 11° M° tg° ;f: 11° Lecher, M° €, ;&° A° b6-" sek ^ Rng
thdk kau 6e liam-tit. Lecherous, ji.f S h6'«-sek, ^ idl h6°-
Learned, :^° m
n U hdk bun, S. phi&u. %
bun-b^k, ti B. phok-hdk, :t Lechery, g. ^ ^ sek i6k, M f, Im
ts4i-tsu. loan.
Learnedly, ff ^
phok-hdk, ^S
blin Lecture, ft lun, (reproof) hi&m, M
b^k, he spoke very Bi° SI —^ tsek.pi.
, X M%
^ i k6ng tsin bun b^k. Lecturer, kang lun L MWi^°
Learner, ^^
hak seng, SS° i:° A° Ledge,:i^° ki".
6h ^ Ikng. Ledger, ^ g° ts(Sng-phQ'.
Learning, ^ f^ hak-bun. Lee, ;ffi K, ;g.^ ti bong be,^shore,
Leasable, tl° ffi i^°m° oe chhut s^ T° m° m &° Ill° e-si hong h soa%
tit. M>i° ;S:° ill h6ngb^ a soa"..
Lease, fH ^° tien phoe, to— ffi 11 Leech, m !K° g6--khi.
chhut-tso*, {ii
^"^ chhut sk. Leek, % M lo--gio.
Leasehold, lSj° fl i° H kang"'tso- e Leer, W B° M° sii bdk-bd, ||° B*^
gidp. «^° sai bdk tsl".

Leash, &° m^ pt& toa. Lees, m.° m° tse-tai.

Leasing, |^° M° peh chhdt, bau Leeward, ^£° Jl ,%° tl hong b^, J°
Least, fl -- ^18° te it s6e, not in the #° JH e si bong, there is a ship
-il°]lMff° b6 li-li-d, m m° to— JB >i° :t° --^^
ft° J|§° hong
peng b6. b6 ti tsit tsiah t&^n.
Leather, &° phg. Leeway, khdh, the ship makes a
Leathern, ^"M" phe ts6e, &°^°. great deal of — , tsit tsiah tsjin sii
tsiii kbah. Legislation, f^ ^J siet le, ^M teng
Left, ^''^°ts6-pgng, ^ij 3|° t5-pgng, le, a: fi lip lioat.
—wing of an army, 2£ ^° ts6-i^", Legislative, (council) % ^J ^° teng
(not taken away) %° 6^° pang teh, lek^k.
^° 6^° lau teh,—handed, ^" &° Legitimate, (according to law) 15
^° 's4i th chhiu. \^ tsiau-hoat, (lawfully born) |1
Leg, lower—, W T° -1° kha e th^ii, ^ eti° tsfeng keng si" 6,— son,
upper—, thigh, 11° H m" kha jE fS ^° i° :^° i"" tseng keng
t6ng thiii,— bone, iKl % kha-kut, si" ^ hau si".

—of a table, W° W toh kha. Legitimately, ^ 'iii hdp hoat, MM

Legacy, ^° W. ^ Mu ke-h^. tsiau le, he used his power — , 10*

Legal, ^ ?i hap hoat, M fi tsiku fi^° #:^M# i SI tsiau i 6 ko^n.

hoat, /^ ^ hdp sek, — expenses, Legume, (pulse) ^° tau.

^.PTHI? 1 gg-mng s6--hiii. Leisure, ^ng, W no—, %° n°

Legality, flS fi tsiki hoat, >& ^ hdp feng, when at— X^° Z° St si

hoit, ^% bap le, ^ j^ hdp sek. Leisurely, fll s^ liau leng, 1;%
Legalize, •ie.°# -& fi?ll ho- i hap le, khoan-khoan, ^^ oan-oan, ^^
W ^ M n to i tsiau le, #° ^ M lin un.
^° ^ ke e
^ h5" i tsiku hoat. Lemon, ffi ;S° f?° ts6-

Legate, ^ khim-chhe.

Legatee,^ H ±° A° s6ng gidp 6 Lemonade, M M St° 7K° td-lan ti"

Mng, W is i° A° soa giap ^ tsiii.

Lend, ft° A° tsioh Mng,-for a short

Legation, g^ ^° \f khim-chhe ^ time, fi^ pd,i-poah,—a hand, H°
gS-mug, secretary of "^ "h — , ^ 15 tku pang, Pj l&° tau tsan, an —
SI chham-tsan tai sin.
ear, ®° B°?L° n° ^" hi-khang ^
Mi willyou lend me a hun-
Legbone, M° k^^a kat. # thia",

Legend ) 1^ ^ k6--ti<^n, -gc * k6-- dred dollars? m° M° ~ 'n° W

Legendary j su, (fabulous j ham hkm M° ft° ^° M" pah kho- li u tsit

thoa,n thang tsioh g6ab6, he— at a heavy


^ rate of interest, §f ti° A°

Legerdemain, ^ 3E pi '^^^
pang lang tsi" tsin tang
lang. S:° M° i

Leggings, IS ^ kh6- th6. lai.

Legible, iW g° #° oe thak tit, tg° Lender, (of money) li tse-tsii. ^

11° % th4k oe chhut, «° M° ^° Length, ^° tfig,— of life, 'B° te- %
khoa" u. ji.

Legion, ^° i^"-
Lengthen, ^ m° if chh6ng khah
Legislate, %m teng-le. WM siet-le tSg, (as sound) M° fi° khan sia^

Lengthwise, iB iIl tMn tit. a — J& f§° li^M^ chheh, a — of mu-
Lenient, |^^khoan-i6ngj (merciful) sic, 15;° -° ^° m §§ ka tsit pii gak
Leniently, %^ khoan-i6ng, flf ^ khi (a reproof) ^ fg tsek-pi,
kb6-lin, #° m 'lig^u lin bin. Lessor, U A° 6^° tso- lang ^ fe, A°
Lenitive, fg ^ |i; oe an iii. ^f se lapg S.

Lenity, % ^ khoan-i6ng. Lest, 11° T° kia°-lidu, f|° £° kia"

Lens, ^M° thau-kia", achromatic ki°, I have tied him up —he should
— , il°^ft°b6 sek ki^", double bite people, mM f'J # 11° £° #
convex^, MM" &°M° siang bin tg° P^° A° g6a u pdk i, kia-'-ki" i

ph(Sng ki4°, planq convex—, 11° oe ka 14ng.

®° r5t° M° toa" bin phong kik", Let, (sign of imperative) ho", — go,,

concavo convex— -,
^° Dfl 49° -S* :^° pang, —out secret^ l| ffi ^S
phong thap sa" hdp, double con- lau chhut kun ki, |^° ®, Xku. hong,
c^Ye— , M ff° ia° ®° siang bin mm lau siet, -down; T° m^°
thap k|t\", piano concave, .^° ^° — hel6hkhi, m ^°*° tail6hkM,
m° toa" bin t]iap kik".
|1!1° (rent) jfl tso- 1£ se, —out as chain,
Lentile, U° S° Ing-tau, sia, —me see, 1^° %° ^° ho- goa
Leomine, U if<°M° chhin-chhiu" sai. kh6a",—him doit, af:j£#ii chhut

Leopard, ^
^° I5 kira-tsi"-pa.
tsai i tsoe, W^^ Wi l^ii tsai i tsoe,

Leper, m° M° fir thki-ko g.

^° ^ #b6 koan i, in, intp —
wood, u, -^me go home, ^° f^°
Leporine, H -fi" ll|° j| chhin-chhiu"
0° ^ ho- g(Sa t6-khi, let hina do
soa° th6'.
Leprous, as he pleases ^° # {iUSt # fco' i
7^°m°m° n th4i-ko.
chhut put out a bill to let
tsai i,
Leprosy, (in early stage) M° hk M people know that the house is to
hong, (in advanced stage) ||° M°
thai ko.
. ,- .
-. be— |g° ffl %° ^° tab chhut ts,6- ji.
Lethal, (fatal) tW 5E° oe-si

Less, |jc° fp° khah tsi6, m° M khah- Lethargic 1^ W M° ^i khiin pi",

Lethargy [(dullness) nng-ndh.
Lessee, m°
i. s^-tsii, IS fi^ W kang Letter, ^ phoe, fft ^ phoe-sin, (of
tso- ^, 3fc° ^°
65° kang sfe L
Lessen, M kiam, khah kidm.
words) ^°ji, (book) ^ ||°phoe-
Lesser, (smaller) ®° M° khah s6e,
|jc° J)^
pho-, Roman ^ #' khdi-su, ca-

(less) i2 ip khah tsi6,—Asia,' >K

pital — , large, ft
;|c° *oa • )shii-

35 ® 35 Sfo A-Se-a.
su,, capital — ^mall, t\y %^ si6

Lesson, X°\M kang-kh6, 3-°il kang- Letter of credit, M° ?° Wl ?i ^ tg°
ti^°, give out a —
^° siii^-chheh, ]E°^°iK eng ji ts6e pin-kii o,e

recite ^^ fB;°liam chh^eh, hear th^li t^t g6n.

Letter-founder, |£ ^° 6^° tsii-jj-g. Lewd 1
5^ il im-loan, :J fe tham-
Letter-press, PD Z" ^° in & ji. Lewdness ) sek, U° %i h6-" sek, M
Letters, (learning) ^ f^ hdkbun, a hiau.
man of—, fS ^ i.° A° ph6k hdk Lexicographer, i%° ^'^ #1° ;^° A°
fe lelng. tso6 ji ti^n e ling.

Lettuce, ^°^ chhi"-clihai. Lexicography, (act of composing a

Leucoma, P ^ ^ 6° bfeng-kak ta lexicon) f^° ^^ ±.° X° ts6e ji

ti^n e kang.

Leucorrhcea, ]& p6k-tki. ^ Lexicon, ^° :^ ji ti^n.

Levee, HI B° tiau-kl", DJ S kifen- Ley, 11° 7K° ki-^-tsui.

tiau. Liable, (subject to) ai, to blame, ^ —

Level, 2p° pi°, ^° iH° pi^-thd", to—, 3EMchoan-hiim, (answerable) tse-
phi°, ^ 2^° siu pi". tiu, H 1^ tam-tng, # J^ tsek-
Leveller, ?S; # pM-^ S.

Lever, =p Jf ®° chhien-kun-chhin,
Liar, m° ^°W fif feting P^^ cb^dt
hau-Mk ^.
move by — , kiau.

Libation, ^ koan-tien.
# se,
— —
Leverage, open by kiau- ,

Libel, M m A° i° ^° ka-bii Mng
khui, there is no ^by to
I ji.
move it, bo sfe thang kiau.
Leveret, 3g tho*
Libeller, %MU ^ M° si^ ka-bu

U Wi W oe teng hi6ng
Leviable, tg°
Libellous, m W A° ^° ^° hiii-p6ng
tit, tt°fX°f^%° oe phah li^6ngtit
mng ^ ji, *n tiE A° ±° ^° kd-bA
Leviathan, M. R° keng-hi.
lang ^ ji.
Levigate, (comminute) ^° ^° ^°
Liberal -It !l£ khong-khki, :^° fi

gdng-khl iii, (polish) a° 2|° b6a-

Liberality jti-liong, ^ M
kng. Ji lg° at fi m6a" pak to- liong, ®°
Levite, m* A° Li bi Mng. ^° t^ khah-b6-lun, •h° % toa-lo',
Leviticus, book of — , ^J ^ IE Li- ^° ^0 toa-pan, :f;° ^°

cthiTi-bin, gj hi^n-chhiu,
^° n° ^" fiKe4} ^ ^ A° iii-siu ling, a—
Levity,* 'm° phA-phi6, •k°

U toan US" j^ ffi b6 toan tsong,

tai education, ff i$ tsap hak.

<J kheng-thiau. Liberate, :K° pkng.

teng,—the land tax, ii Liberator, #° ]K°

65° thdu-pang-^,
Levy, ^
teng-tsr-ni<i°,— dues, iiflp]
(deliverer) m. kiti-§. W
teng hiong, fl-° M pbah hi5ng,— Libertine, ^° ^° phdi"-kid", M^
peng ^° long tong kid".
soldiers, m° ^ tsio
Lewchew Islands, M M LiA-ki^- Liberty, ig ± tsu-tsii, & i& tsu-ii\.


Libidinous, H ^ h6-"-sek, if ?^' M° m° m ^ i" jft" fi= hit

ho'" im. boat-to* si tsit^.

Librarian, ^# M° 6'J° ko4n chheli Lieutenant, flag — 4» W- tiong-kun,

pang e. (senior) ^ Rl°"t'o--si, (junior) t?

Library, ^° ^° clilieli-pang. ^ siii-pi, sub — ,
^' M chbien
Libya, m * SS Ll-bl-a, g J;b ffi Lu- ts6ng. '

pi-a. Lieutenant-colonel, ^^ iti-kek.

Lice, ^ -l5--° sat-bii. Lieutenant-commanting, jH ^ iu-

License, a — , )t|° pai, (a passport) kek.

ft M'' tsip-tsi6, (excess) Mii^° Lieutenant-general, bF'IR J| ^ ^ f^
lam sdm Ida", (pernait) ?#, tsun, thau-teng the-tok kun bun.
give a — to, ffi )}^° chbut pai, take Life, '13;° ^° si"-mia, human—, A ^
outa— tt° fM° koa°pai. jin-beng, for — , ^ A M ^ sat jin

Licensed, :§°|S°){?° u koa" pai, — siong beng, —time, — ^ it-seng,

pawnshop, fi^l M biong-ti^u. —long, ^ ^ tsiong-sin, lead a
Licenser, {i| fg" ^° {i^° cbbut pai — Tp^ ^
single , sill tong sin, (con-
tsi6 e. duct) p^ iff phin-heng, ^ ^° s6'-

Licentious [ 5f "Jl bo-'' im, ft} fe kia" (animation) fS°Wi° oah-tang,

Licentiousness ) bo-'' sek, — pictures, (a history) ^5 M
lai-lek, a darling,
61 ff ° kidu-a, M ?^ long tong, ®: my—, f^° ;t°>t> W^ g6at sim-koa",
f^ hong tong, tfe |JS bong chbi6ng, this—, j)t°ift tsit sk, the next—,
—man, 5^° ^° phai" Ida"-, —as m° IS au se—blood, f%° ^° :t° Jfil

woman, ^ bi4u. M si" mia" e biet-bek, (position)

Lichen, if ^° chhi''-thi. .Ml fiL te ui, his— is very correct,
Lick, tS tsi, the dogs bis sores, — Juj" ^±°f}i^^mm°lE°ie s6--kia°
m° P ^° ^^°M° kdu tsi ^ si" tbia". tsin si-tsia".
Licorice, 1t ^ kam-chb6. IJjife-asurance, ff? ^° <iiS-°,p6-ke mia.
Lictor, ||j° f5:° gfe-iah. Life-boat, ^=5: ^° M° kiii mia tstin.
Lid, ^° koa, raise the— ii° M.° hien Life-guard, in He Ig gu-lim-kun. .

koa. Life-less, %° fg° b6-oab, 3*6° si, (spi-

Lie, ^°m° peb-chhAt, gg'^-^^M" ritless) ^° jr si bdi, ^° m° 1°
k6ng p(^h-chhat, what a — ! hau- bo Oc4h tang, ^|° ^ M° b^ kiau-
lak, — down, ^° t6, un — in am- kiah.
bush, M. {k bdi-b6k, —to as a ship, Lifelessness, ^°U° si bdi, *f° ^ ipili

oa-tia", ok khi Mi. . bo tseng sin, sier.-suh.

Lief, tfe° S boa'*-hi, t M kam-goan. Lifelong, — °-tft° A°tsit si Mng, !^
Lieu, #° tboe, in— of him #°# thoe :^ tsiong-sin — ^ it-seng.
i, this plan was used in — of that, Lifetime, —^ it-seng, — ° W A°

tsit si Mng. board m° m° w m w * m°mm
Lift,— up, ^ jg 53S hu kki l^i, ^° jg tslin tit-beh titm 16h khi, ti6h sia
JJS ph6- khi l^i, — up by lever, tsai.

kiau, — up the eye, M U° kidh Lighter, ||° W khah khin, (in co-
bdk, —up
with pride, 1° 5.° |t° lour) M°^° khah chhio, (as day)
Mi^ ka-ki phin-ph6ng, (elevate) 11° 36° khah kng.
1^ jg kii khi, (remove) m° s6a, Lightest, —@° it khin, ±° g° siang
M° * th.^h khi (as a child) ^° M khin,' (as colour) Jl° ^° siang
pho khi Mi. chhi6.
Ligament, M
@° kun-bat, (bandage) Lightfingered; ^° #° JK phai° chliiu
'^L'^ tsat-p6'. ji4u°.

Liga,tion, (ligature) ^ B° kun-bdk. Lightheaded,, (dizzy) 01° bin, Jf|° ^

Ligature, (bandage) ^L tsat-p6'. ii^ Hi khak b6ng b6ng, th&u
Light, 11^ khin, !g^ ^r khin-kh6, (of (thoughtless) JH M hong hong,
fire) iK° h4. (of sun) 56° kng, bring (unsteady) *[£° ;S b6 hai tsai; g
a—, m°iK°M kidh h^ Mi, —a Lighthouse, ^°
M !l tiam teng Mu,
lamp,. i)5r ® tidm-teug, —as co- !l W teng thah.
four, m° chhi6, (slight) >h°Vi° Lightly, m° IS° khin-khin.
si6-khoA, (trifling) 'j^° m° pbii- Lightminded, ^ -f^lJi kheng-thiau, |^°
phi6, (as wind) ^° b6 thku,
(nimble) 11 ^° lidp-tsidp, (loose)
W '^° phu-phi6.
Lightness, $1^ khin, (inconstancy)
M° sang, (wanton) ^° JE S bo K M ^ bodn hok M ISI si^ng,
tseng keng, as pastry, ^ pho, — (lewdness) M ?^h6-"-im, (d,gility)

green,m° (dawn) »° M^ 5E°

lek, li!^
^° li&m-tsidpi (fa'cility) ^M
phah phTl kng, very—, m° ^°^° khoiii-pien.
khin-bang-b^ng, call for a — tPX° Lightning, ^1° m° sih-nk.
Lights, B hi.

Lighten, ^^0M°m'' khah Lightsome, thiau-lang, 56° Si° kng-

to- i

khin, ^ If kidm taflg, (as a ship) chhiu, (airy) if| ® chheng iu.

#° 11° M° M
bo- i hhah khin Ligneous, 6^ sam-^, ^ fi^° chha ^ #
tsai. (cheer) =g #^ kh6--kh£lg,
#° Lignum, aloes, -^^ffi #° kl 14m hiu''
g» -jf »& ho- i chheng sim, (fill Like, (wish) ^ ki, (similar) ;i° nd,

with light) #° # 56° ho- i kng, ;te° ja° chhin-chhiu'', ?S ^ oda-

(shine) ffll° tsa6, (clear up as the jifen, H^

gidm-jiSn, as you—,
weather) m° B^ ^^liab chheng ffi -ffi H° chhut tsai li, whichever
chhdi, (with lightning) ^1° M° sih you— , jlE°B°^kii li ki— minded,
nk, the ship is sinking we must 13^ i& si&ng sim.

her by throwlnsr the cargo over- Likelihood; ;t° :! ka'^ si, ^ #° :i

kidm clihai si, there is no —that to—, M &° han-tia°.
he will come, Wi° J>° P ^ i kd" Limitable, tb°^M. fi^° oe kki han tit
boe 14i. Limitation, ^
p^ kai han, (restric-
Likely, (credible) m° iS ?i° '&° 6e ^ kim.
sin tit kh, (probably) M° ^ kA° Limited, ^° M n han, :^° ^ -^f u
si, ^° #° ^ kiam chhal si, (pleas- hun-chhtin, (few) ^ M:° iii-hien.
ing) ^° A -M tit lang thia°. Limitless, M |5g M ban, it° !^%
Liken, m° i!b° sa--pi, ^° ^ tk sa°- b6 kki han, |tt° |5g ;! b6 han-liong
pi-pheng. Limn, ui. #
Likenness, (effigy) *J^ ^ siaii-eng, Limner, ft hoa-kong. X
# siong, draw a— , t^° >J> fj khioh Limp, chhidng, ^
pdi, luh-kha, ^
siau eng, ^° ^^ khioh siong, —as dress, Dc° g| nfig-aii, tkm-s^.
(similarity) fe° || fi° sa° chhin- Limpid, }§ chheng, 3E ^° kng liang,
chhiu", ^H ffl siong su. iH ^° chheng liang.
Likewise, ^, ^°Sd°jH:° chhin-chhiu" Limpidness, fS chheng liang. ^
kn-ni, (also) 51^° idh. Limpingly, ^° g^° chhidng teh, S^°
Liking, ai, ^ him-bo',^^[bJ E
64° 6ai teh, he walked— Pff°B ,

i-hiong, they have a —for each 0^ fir ^^ 6r i kiii" to- 6ai° teh
other, >fH° M IrJ sa" i-hi6ng. 6ai° teh.
Lilac,— colour, ^° ^ fe phli-t6 sek. Linchpin, 1$.° ik° chhia sng.
Lily, § ^S° pek-hdp hoe, water Line, ts5a, (slender cord) ^° {}°

—M )
^° li^n-hoe, water seeds, —
soh-d, (builders') U° tsin-soa", W
M ?° li^n tsi. — of soldiers, — fj° ^° tsit ts5a.
Limb, (as an arm) ^° chhiii, (a leg) peng, equinoctial — #
Jl ,^° ,

J£° kha,— of a tree, i^° #° chhiu chhek-t5 soa", (regular infantry)

oai''. & peng, (10th of Chinese inch)
Limber, nng-lam, sim. -° ^ M tsit hun-li, (on face) m
Limberness, WW »%
lam, sim. hun, draw a — fi Jla ui hun, —
Limbs, m )K sti-tsi. with gold, ^ ^ an kim, (a dress)
Lime, (mortar) M° he, (fruit) ifg -fi'°Skaplf.
^° kiet-d, slack—, ^ J$° hoat-he, Lineage, MW ts6k-ph6-, IS #, se-he.
ok-he, powdered—, M° W he-hun. Lineal, 3fe kK tsi-phai.
Limeburner, '1° M° n° ft sio he Lineally, he is a — descendant from
sai-hu. Confucius, # :t°^ m^m^^i^
Lamekiln, M° M° he-i6. i e sfe-he si ttii Kh6ng-tsu 14i.
Limestone, M° 5° he-tsidh. Lineameat, g^ i6ng-mau, ^^
Limit, ^ |J| kai-han, M. han, E ifc h&ng i6ng.
teng-s6-, without—, f^° m b6 han. Linear, fr" 6^ tsoa g.
Linen, ^° j^° chhiu-ph&, fine—, :I^J Lipped, :§° !^ § u chhtii tun, thick
M° ^ i^ ^ok p6-. — ,
¥° !1^ ^ kau chhili tun, thin
Linen draper, ^^
ti^m e.
^ ;£ ^f khui p6- — , W
Liquable, tl° i§°
Hi ^ P<^ii chhili tun.
oe iu° tit.

Linger, (delay) JE '^ i^n-cliliien, Liquefaction, it° ili".

(hesitate) i^ ^ tiu-t<i. Liquefiable, tg° if ° ^° 5e ill"' tit.

Lingering, — disease, f^° ^° tboa Liquefier, #° # ||° « 6^° ho- i ir

pr, (tedious) M° ffl° tak ti". tsii L
Lingual, ^° 6^ tsih e, — artery, ^° Liquefy, ||° i^, ^W tsii iti".

m° ^'° tsih meh kng. Liquescent, :^ ^° ki iu".

Linguist, jl ^
thong-su, 181° |§° ^-^ Liquid, aS
lit! tsit,-{i ?^ liu-h^ng.

h^ oe 6, (official) tit ti^g. Liquidate, (debt) if |g° chheng-

Linguistic, Ms%^^^^g^ gi^n siau.
b<in tsu h4k 6, his —attainments Liquidation, -JH ij;° chheng si4u, %
a.revery great, ,1 fn a" ^ 3!C ? i5;° o^n siau.
thong hidu gii gi§n bun tsii. Liquidator, ^ ^° 65° chheng siau ^,

Linguistics, ^ "s iSC ^ $ gii gien ^ M° 0^° o^n siau 6.

bun tsu hak, he has spent many Liquidity, ^° gg K u liu tsit, ^°

years in the study of — ^ ^° ^°
ffi ^ u liu hSng.
^°m^m-m^^ i ts5e ni'^ u Liquify, it° ir.
hdk sip gii gi^n bun tsu. Liquor, (liquid) 7K° ;t ®° tsiii 6 lui,

Liniment Jg ?g| hong iu, (ointment) (spirit) 'M tsiu.

^° ^ i6h ko. Liquorice, 1^ "M^ kam-chh6.
Lining, J li, — of a dress, ^^° ff
Lisp, m° ^° M tiu tsih kun.

M° sa°- A-li, —too full, M° M° thiit- List, (of goods) il @° tiki bak,
li. subscription—, i^ M i^n pbo-,
Link, m kho^n, to—, ^° m° sa"- (selvage of cloth) ;^ 1!^ p6- liau,
kau. (a roll) -° ^° tsit kng,— of con-
Linseed, M? moi^-tsi— oil, ^° ?ft
tents, @ i^ b6k li6k, (as soldiers)
fS° ^
tsio peng, (persons for pri-
Lint, ^^ tsat-p6-
vate service) S° tsio, (attend to)
Lintel, fT m° (5ing-bai.
li jC- koan sim, (hearken to) ^°
Lintin Island, f& fT Li^ng teng
— thia", (to lean) ^ khi, the ship
mane, p m°
±, iip°
9pi|i 's
has a very great — ,
^° ^ tfc tstin

tsin khi.
Liouess, i$° #° sai-bu.
Listen, ^° thia".
Lionlike, *0° -(£1° P" chhin-chhiii'^
Listless \^° ^ M b6-tseng-sin,
Listlessly sien-siih, ?E°^°. si Mi,
Lip, ^M chhui-tlin. )
^ 65 tarn s&. ^° ^ ai sa° k6, (quarrelsome) ^
Listener, |i° ^° A° thia" ^ Mng. 111°J5 ai chhoa^-chhi.
Literal, M ^° tsiau-ji. Litter, (bed of straw for animals)
Literally, M° ?° tsiaii-ji. 11 1^° chhu chhau, (scattered rub-
Literary, #° i^ ^ u-hdk-bun, -^ ^ bish) m°Mt°^° SI k6ek6 ^ raih,
bun-ngA, —essay, ^ :^° bun-tsiu"", (disorder) jvL chhidng chhidng,
—examination, |?° ^° khe-tiu", (with papers) M° M sfe-le ft iS
—talents, g g tsu tsit, —exami- e se, — of pigs, — W If ° tsit tin ti,

ner, m m hdk-tai, i^ ^° bdk-i,— (bear) ^° si".

man, ^° fl5° A° th4h chheh-Mng, Little, (small quantity) ^° tsi6,
# A° su bun lang.
3: (insignificant) t]',° "51° si6-kh6a,
Literate, W° i^ Fp^ u hak bun. (small) ^H s6e, very — in amount,

Literati, (not yet graduated)

M M f?°li4i A, — better, as disease,
A° thak cbheh 14ng, (having gra- khah —while,'^° A°U°
tit, if° tidp-
duated) i^^ ± sin su, ,# f$ sin 4 kii, MB^W
a—better, li-
khim, 'M M tsien tSng. 11-4 khah a— over one hun-
Literature, 1:° flt° tsu-chheh. "° "5° 11° JE tsit
dred, pah khah
Litharge, '^ {^ ^
bit to-tseng. tsiok, a—under ten, +° f®° <g° ^°
Lithe, Uc° 11° ni3g-li6h.
ts4p ^ Khah leng.
Litheness, |^° nng-li6h, nliglo^h, Liturgical,

he has the— of a serpent, i e nfig

:if° vl ki t6 W W^ W
blin 6, The church of England
lo4h chhin-chhiu" ts6a.
has service, a— :h'^ Mi'^M\^
Lithograph, m° ^° M fH eng tsi6h fli #^ ffllr Jl 38c Tai Eng h^ng-t^
p4n in.
k4u tsoe le-pai u ki t6 bun.
Lithographic, M^ M° PD 6^° khek Liturgy, If Si :^ ki-t6 bun, (Bud-
tsi6h pdn in
hist) ft g hiit-keng.
^ij :?? I? PP khek tsi6h Livadia,
#% I-lg.
pdn in. Live, ^° oiih, (active) M ^,° liu
Lithology, :S ±°mm tsidh g tsong lidh, (dwell) ft° ^° khia-khi,
lun. tiam, —on ^° tsidh, —morally, ^
Lithotomy, fi] :S° jUt koah tsi6h-lim # h^ng-sien, —together, §t° Jf°
Litigant, JT° t:° f|° ^° phah koa°- ^° tsoe pti khia.
si ^,^ ^° #° k6 tsng g. Livelihood, means of — , ^Sl ff" seng
Litigate 1 5t '&° ^ tso koa°-h1i, fj° ho4t-ke, M E# lilo-.
Litigation j
'^° W phah koa"-si, ^° Livelong, (day) iS° tsi4°, ^H
^ sa°-k6. tsiong-jit. If H kui-jit.
Litigious, M ^ h6-° su-siong,
W^ f^f
Lively, ?g° ||||° odh-tang, 1[ phiau- ^
fr° t° m° h6-" phah koa!^ si, '^^t,mW kiau-kiab, o4h-thi&u, )fi|
3^ tseng-eng. Loathe, M^ i^m-6-^ ^ M o^n-6-°;
Live stock, ^° I
y; ^ tseng si" M 1'^ th6ng-hun, JK ^ ikm-tsien.
li6k thiok. Loathsome, IJ ^ kh6-6'", (thing)
Liver, Jjf
° koa", (one who lives) Jg° ^° A° g i^ fir ho- lang ui chhiii L
A° oah Mng, (a resident) ^° ^° Loathsomeness, J|[ i^m ^ 6"".

^° khia khe e. Lobby, 5§ ^

Livery, ^ sa'^-ho. Lobe, (of an orange) ^° ban, —of
Livery-stable, ^° M° bd-tiau. the ear, W^° ^ hi tsu.
Livid I nf M° o*-chhi", his face Lobster, t|° m° l§ng-h§.
Lividness was j — with passion, ^ M Local, ffi J&° tsai-toe, a; Ji° piin-^
m° n° k W m° i khl kau bin o- t5e,— dialect, M° M° hiang-tam,,
lek lek. —usage, MiS hong-si6k.
Living, vS°
^° A h6
fi5 oahteh, good, — (food) Locality, fM ^ s6--tsai.
if tsidh sit, (livelihood) Locate,
^ he, %° lok.
^ fg ti" seng hodt ke, ?fij ^ li-l5-,
Location, (act of placing) '^° Tp°
while— ^ tsai what does, J^ si",
pang he, W B° ^° P^tig lok teh,
he do for a—, # M° S° 11° B ^° (place) ?Jf ^ s6'-tsai.
i ts6e sim-mih than tsidh?
Lock, (foreign) M'^ tsoan, (Chinese)
Lizard, ^ A° sien Mng. m s6, (of hair) —° ^ tsit tsi, ca-
Llama, fS ^ ^° ^° ^° Se-tsong & nal — il f^ kdng tsah,
gates, —
f^ P^ tsdh miig, (of a gun) iC° M
Lo, g° khok°. chh^ng tauh, to so, — ^M
Load, (a burden) fe° ta°, (freight) to impede motion) i^° sa kau, M
® of powder, -° fT M"
a— M
tsai, m° m° sa tr, m° sa" llam, (in
tsit miigi6h,— a ship, 1? he tsai, prison) ^° ®
koai", !& siu.

a gun, A. M° jip i<^h, a heavy Locker, (a drawer) M° thoah.
— for a person, ^° ii° tang ta",
Locket, f?° tui-d. m
(encumber) ^° M° thoa-thui.
Loading, (cargo) tsai.
f^ M. chhiii-khi mM M
ka kn kn.
Loadstar, Ht g S° pak-kek-chhi",
Locksmith, f^ M. W M- tsoe s6.
^° M° pak tdu chhi°.
sai hu.
Loadstone, iJ: ^° hip-tsi6h.
Loaf, %° €J mi''-pau.
Lock up, a—, H° m° ki"-pang, —a
Loafer, M° 'IS° :$& pin toa° sien.
room, M tsoan, (imprison) %° ^
Loan, (of money) 5^ ;& ii ka A^ koai" ka".

Mng tsioh e glin, (of things) §S Locomotive, iK°'M° M° h^ hun chhia,,

A ft ka Mng tsioh 6 mih,
the—is drawn by a steam engine,,

(lend) ft A' tsioh mng, iK°m°^^ *x° m -ii ^ fr *, u

hoc LOt
luin chhia si he hun khi-khu thoa Loiterer, -1° ||° ^°±° A° g&u thoa
kli). au S Mng.
Locust, 1$. ^ clihAa-m^h, ^ ^ h6ng- Loll, un, i^° m° m° (5a-piah-^s6,

thi6ng. (tongue) i^° B^ tho- chhut Mi.

Lodestone, Jq hip tsi6h. ^ Lrine, % ^° ko--toa°.
Lodge, ^
hioh, J2 t4ii-hioh, ^ — foi' Lonely 1 M
^° b&-kidk, 4 m
the night, ^° ^° kik hioh. Lonesome') Mng-tam, f^ ^ leng-
Lodger ^ ^ hioh kheh. tseng, W&
tseng-tsauh, tt ^
Lodging, —house, 'r^ PJi gu s6-, §° phiah-siah, W° li 6hhi"-chhih.
fl kheh-koAn. Long, ^° tag,—life, ft° m° m tflg-

Loft, «° lau. —
he siu, ago, iJ ^° A° kii-kii,
Loftier, M° ^° khah koii". ^^shaped, -^ tAg-tu, ^
^suffering, —
Loftiest, — 1^° it koai°. ^^ khoah-i6ng,— for, j^H him
Lofty, ^ koai"". sieh, ^^ him-bo-, (of time) X°
Log, (of wood) chha th^u, ^m — kil, how— (of time) M° A° joa-
line, (an apparatus for measuring kii, how— (length) M° ^° joa
the rate of a ship's motion) SI kap, tag, (dilatory) #°lS°g|u-clihi^n,
take the M° — pang kap.
, M — opium, If gien.
for, as

Logarithtos, ?JiC P£ tiii s6-. Longells,

pgf ^t pek-ki.

Loggerheads, be at '^ — , ^ oan-ke, Longer, (of time) m° X° thah


M° % bo li6, the two are at—, and (of space) 1^° :g° khah t&g.
both are wrong, 1° (0° :?f;° fn Longest, :^ te it tdg, ±°
# ^ —
51°^°^° nng e b6 h6, tui th4u iTi siang-t£g, (of time) ±° ^° W
ti6h. kii.

Logic, mm^m i:° ^ chhui lun Longevity, :g° ^° ^ tag hfe-siu, H

b^ng-li g hdk. X siQ-goan.
Logical ia° )
sa" koan-chhoan. Longing, li gi^n, Dj ^ him bo', ^il
Logically this cannot be deduced
) loan bo*. — ^
from that, Ift f® ^ # # g^ f@ ^ ffl Longitude, M. ^° keng gok", Pekin
tsit e boe thang tui hit ^ chhui is in the 116th s3egree of East
chhut, -°m%°^°t m nng hang longitude, i\f «° ^ m° UWZ°
b6 sio koan chhokn. -° "&° +° 5?^° m Pak kia" si tang
Logos, M
To. keng sok"" e tsit pah tsii,p Mk to-.
Logwood, i^ 7f: so-bdk. Longitudinal g
.^^ keng =sOa" ^,

Lohyang, ^ ^ I-kkn. Longitudinally) (lengthwise) fi iE

Loin, ^°m°m° t5a-thTii-pi". thdii tit.

Loiter, ^° thoa, (behind) WM^ Longlived, ':^° ^°% t^g-hfe-sia.

M thoa tsoe aii bin. LongsufFering, % ^ khoan i6ilg.

Longwlule, A° A° ku-kd. m° (vague)
.^° sin" long, 52 U
Longwinded, ^ ^ tng khui, (tedi- hoan-hoan, (as earth) #° sang,
ous in narration) ^ 8° tsin tt". (unbind, M^thdu, (as joints, with
Loochoo, i^ ^°
Liu-khifi. fright) m° ^° wc m° m° kha
Look, g°khok'', at, —
siong, stea- ^ chhiii nng
kaiih kauh, (unlock)
dily, H M° koan-khoa'', — stealtln- ga° m° khui tsoan, (set free) 1^"
Ijj S M thau-khoa", (mien) # pang, (as a garment) 5^° khoah ^
i!| sin-tsS,i, for, ^°—clihe, (have sin, (not crowded) ^° ^° b6
particular apperance) ^^khoilii- kho^b,—language, ^° jE |I gS°
# 'U° s^-bin, —intently,"!^^:^
sit, iii tseng keng oe.

^ Mm-kim si6ng, S M J^ sin tsii Loosen, j^^ g^^ thau-khui, (as earth)
khoa°, —sleek, m° m° iu-iAli, — kiit-sang.
up, WM gi<^ng bong, Jg° @°kiali Looser, M°fi° kbah leng, (as earth)
bak, —down upon, ifi J^ |[S b^k te m laii-sik, ^° ^° E phsli" pak t6-.

b&, m J^°±°W khoa" m tsiu"^bak, Loosest, — :S° it leng, ± S° siang

— after, M k6-, (appear) ^ -jp^ ^ leng.
f^° khoan sit chhin clahiii", — in- Loot, f|° chhiii".
to,examine, ^^ clihfi,-kh6, — Loseness, #° sang, (of bowels) jg
through, ^° ^° khoa" thau. 11° ^° khah sang.
Looker,— on, m° m° ^^ 9° ±° A° Lop, tsdra, ff ^° koah khi.
pi° a teh-kh6a° g Mng. Lopsided, S:°II°^° tang khin p6ng,
[Rooking, fi^° ^° teh-khoa", good — t^khi.
^ f^ chhong-tsun, ^° siii, ^^ Loquacious, ^°"i"° ts5e 6e, ^J f^ fS
tsiin-siu, nice — ij| ^, kifen-tiu, ai k6ng 6e, ^ "b to gi^n.

good—man, ^°A't tsia°-jla-ts£li, Loquacity, ^° ^1h kau ch^i hoe,

mean — A ^ ^ , i|S jin tsai phi- ^ i^ to chhui ^° IS tsoe 6e.
lii. Loquat, ^° W
gi-p^, ^ ^ Pi-P^-

Looking-glass, ^° kia°. Lorcha, M th^ng-a.

Loom, m°W bl"-kui, ^ 11° p6--kvii Lord, i tsii, i ^ tsil tsdi", (a

Loop, MM i°-kho-, ^ff liu-kho- L -if ° prince) SE 6ng, ± ^

Loophole, |£° ^° c|ih^ng-khang, Siong-t6, house of—, ± ^ siong
find a —for some wrong, ^° S° t6ng, (to domineer) M SI ^° tsoe
chhfig khajig, find a —for escape, g6k tsidu, Wn°m° M beh khah
th&u khi.
S° W°i° er° P^l khoa° u khang
. Ihang sidm. Lordly, (poundly) ;i°^ kiau- ^^
Loose S° leng, ^° M° b6 an,— ngo' ^ khodn, (imperiously) Rft J^

Loosely fexture,
M° soe lung, ^° g(5k tsiau 6 khodn. ^
too— 't°fi° *° khok" long long. Lord's day, ii Tsii ^ jit, ^ ,&
an hioh jit. tsit kbu, (of land) -°
J|° 1° tsit
Lordship, H fiS Ico^n phng. t6 t5e, (many) ^ tsoe, (allot) ^°
Lord's supper, i ;t° S^ ^ Tsii 6 pb^i, tbe whole—, Jl° ~° 7° ts6e
bodn chban. tsit e.

Lore, ^
Pg hdk bfln. Loth, m° ^° m h6 kh& ki.

Lorn, (forsaken) S°A° fi:°^° kbit Lotion, |i°7j'C°i6btsiii, (for the eye)
14ng pang sak, (lonely) ^ ^ b6 BK° li° bdk i6h.
ki6k, m W° ko--toa°. Lottery, JS ^ te-li, — ticket, ^1
Lose, ^T° 7>° £° pbab iH ki", ^° .^° 11° te-li toa".
sit-16b, —
bope, M
M. ts6at-bang, Lotus, iH ^° li6n boe.
— in trade, |S° m sib-piin, M' sib, Loud, :^° W
toa sia".
—one's pains, ^ ^ X b6 cbbdi Louder, |jc° :^° ^° khab toa sia".

kang, — ^ Jg
beart, sit-tsi, — bair, Loudest,M — :^° ^° te it toa sia".
ffi"^° mfig,—
lut office, ir m Loudly,^° M° toa sia", (as thunder)
—one's way,
lut-tsit, ^ '^ sit-b^, :^° m toa t&n, :^° ^° t5a hdu,
^° Z° m° E& ki&" in ti6h l5-,— toa chh^.
weigbt, ^ :1;° sit-tang, —
gam- Lough, m 6-.
Wing, 1|S° f^ M° podb su kidu, —
Lounge, un, M fJ 15° M° t6-t6 khia-
courage, m.° B° pbok-td", ^B sit- kha.
ttd". Lounger, (an idler) jl° "fl" ^ pin
Loss, t^° ^ sib-piin, wbat a — (of toa" sien.
person) pJ '^ V° kb6- lin-tai, (of Louse, a° #° sat small—, M,
bii, ^
tbings) M° a« #J° b6-cbb4i-mib, m° ff ° sat bil U-&, (on cows)
—by deatb 5E° ^ si-sit. ^ gft- pi, (on pigs) ?t M, ti-sat.

Lost, tr° ^° E° pbab m Id", ^ •^° Lousy, ^° Ml #° kau sat-bii.

sit 16b, (as a stake) ^ su, —as a Lout, T> ^°M^° A° put-ti6ng long
day, §T° fi.° —
° H pbab sfig tsit 6 14ng. ;? 5H:° ji put tsi6ng tsin.
jit, —
as an opportunity, ^° Loutish, ^ ^ i 'I^J chhiin-pun, 'ft #
^ sit 16b ki boe, (as a sbip by khong-kbdm.
sinking) U^°W ti^m 16b bdi,— Love, M° tbik°, 'tt° eiob, ^W thik»-

tbe road, jj| S& bfe 16", —as a cbild, thkng, -f* t^° p6-sioh, m° 1S° thi^"_-

ii 1^ U 16-. sioh, —of kindness, fc ^ jin-^'.

Lot, 111° kbau, to draw—, fA i|° liam- —with warmth, M^Z^I^ lo^n-
kbau, to take turns by ft —— W,
lo^n put si4, —
sick, ^,° JB.° M° .

lAn kbau, tbe wbole— M° , ° T° siu" si pr, —letter, If §Jfc° tsSng-

ts6e tsit e, (cbance) li° 5t -Hi tii phoe.
tso b6a, (a person's part or fate) Loveable, rT ^ kb6'-ki, #°A°a°
fif° m
mia" iin, (a field) "-° ffi° tit l^ng tbik".
— —
Loveliness, (amiableness) %° A° Lowest, M - T" te it ke, ±° T"
g tit Mng thia*. siang-ke.
Lovely, (as person) ^ ^° tsin siii, Lowliness, M^ khiam-son, 3 Ip
(as character) "^ S kho chhn. khiam-pi.
Lover, gf §t° t.°A° so- thia* Mng,
go ^o ^o ^jjj^n g jAjjg^ (^ friend)
fe Lo^lj) WM khiam-snn, ^ $ khiam-


'SLp&ng iu, a —of books, S° 1B° Lowwater. *°!$r° tsiii t^h, *° ^
heng chheh 6. tsui-ta.

Love song, ^ ^° ts^ng koa, ^^ Loyal i tsm-tiong ^S S tt tiong>

ts&ng en, ^ p tseng su. Loyally Igi.
Loving, #° ^° «° gau-thia- thang, Loyalty, ^ig tran-tiong, SU tiong-
(affectionate) ^° tl M ^ jin ai,
||° ff ° th^-a.
—words, S° g° S° ±° ^° sa^ Lozenge
thiaf tiiang & oe.
Lubber J ( clumsy feUow) S ^ i.°
Lubberly j A° bong-tsong e Mng.
Lovin^y, ^° ® thia" sioh, he treated #° #
him most — , ^AtlgJ^ft^put Lubricate, ff PT ho-i kut^
tsi jin ai

thai i.

(not high) fi° ke, (of sta-

Lucid, (bright) 5E;° ^ kng-liang,

Lowness j tore) ^
oe, (near the ho- (as discourse)
water, ^ chheng.
^ 6 beng-pek, as
rizon, as snn) S° ill chhia soa", (as
price) T S° ha ke, —water ilZ'^° Lucifer, (star) S: W M° khe beng
tsni teh, il^m° tsuita, (as voice) chhi*, ^matches, — Q ^ ^° tsu-lai
iH° ebe, (as spirits) 3z ^ sit-tsa, he, (Satan)S j| mo-kuL
(mean) M f ha-tsien, (as lan- Luck, ^ M g teo-go,
IB tso-ho&,
gnage) fflSchho-si6k, (as diet, by bad %^ put-heng.

Luckily, m So kai-tsai, ^ ^ hiau-

siniple) ^K
phoh sit, to , as a
— —
cow, a", 151 hdu, ^bred, T M S° heng.
ha-tsien t6e. Luckless, ^ ^ put heng, 3?° ^ fB
phai" tso hoa.
Lowborn T S S° ha-tsien kia'.
Lower, ||° y° khah ke, in price, — Lucky,
»° "fe
Mib^ ts5-hoa-a, (person)
^ m° lak-ke, —jaw T° ^ e hai,
65° ho mia e, (day) H
to—sail T° 3^ he-phSng, place— h6-jit.
go ||0 -po jjg ^j^jj ^g^ (as sky) Lucraban seed, :fc ® 5^ tai hong-tsi.
3t' :g :!: thi" dp dp, (frown) S°
Lucrative, fi^ M ho-than, »^:h6-
tsoan, this a lucrative business,
li° pi» bin.
«f ®° ^g» ®° teit g seng-U
Lowering, (sky) ^^WW thi" ip-
ho tsoe, he has now obtained a
Lowermost ^— ffi° te it ke. employment, f| 4" m° »" '^ S
i.° SM° 5« i ta" u tit-tioh h6 fe M I§ M i: '^ hS lo-eng & mih,
thau-l6' (beams) ^° i", (heap together ia
Lucre, (gain in money) FJf li 6^° li° disorder) |fe° *° fr-° if hiet-
s6- thau fe tsi°, (money) ^° M liet ts6e tsit tui.
tsi gAn, Lumber room, %,° %° % %° t" ¥
Lucubra:te, M° Bt'^° that km chheh. ±° m° t6e b6 15- eng ^ mih ^

Lucubration, |1° |I|f fl)} thdk am ping.

cblieli, ^ Bf ^° sid am jL Lvmainary, (any body that gives
Ludicrous, ^° h6-clihi6, (man)
jif light) 1^° a° W°_^° fia° ka-l^i u
^° ^ "1 g^u soat- clihiong. kng ^, the three, j:^ 3E saw kong,
J|c° P fii u kh6- tam,—affair, ;^ (plain) ^ bSng.
#1° :t° ^ li6 chlii6 6 su. Luminous, ^ Jlg chhan-lan, 3|°^
Luff, ltm°m khah thau khi, M kng-liang.
khah hg. Lump, —• ^ tsit te, (mass of things)
Lug, ^° thoa. ~- ii tsit tui, (tak^ in the gross)
Luggage, ^^ h^ng-li. M— ?fc ts6e tsit-e.

Lugubrious, M ^ iu-chhiu, ^ f^ Lumpish, (bulky) #° #° phong

ut-bun, — "E" M ^ bin
face, iu iu. song, (stupid) Dc H tai si.

Luke, Gospel according — to , f& M Lumpishly, IK # ;S° j^ tai si ^

M ^ M Lo"-ka Hok im toan. khodn.

Lukewarm | 3f° M° ^° ^^ lun Lumpy, J!^° li tsi&° lidp, the paste
Lukewarmness J sio, (not ardent) is—, m° m° ^^°m ^6- ickg si

l^ m Img-tm, WM^ h6 ji^t tsifi," liap.

koAn. Lunacy, IS tien k6ng. M

Lull, (as wind) ^° tsi", one to Lunar, —
M° 6^ g^h (orbed) 11° i°. fe,

sleep, by singing, iS° M° ^

M° Lunated, M° )m° g^h b^i.
o*° li5" i kbun, —
one to sleep as Lunatic, fi^j° boat kSng &, ^^
by a long dry discourse, ^° pj° i^° Lunation, M HS, ° M° g^l» H —
A° ^ W k6ng kau h5- li,ng ai seh te-kiH tsit s^h.
kbiin. Lunch, j^, <5 tidm sim.
Lullaby, M ^ ;t 1^ e"-d fe koa, ^° Lung, ^ hi.
^° i° m°, gin d g koa. Lunge, M° hi6ng hi&ng m M ^
Lumbaginous, ®° #E ^° fi^° io kut chhdk khi.
hong thik° ^. Lungngan, 11° 86° g^ng-g^ng.
Lumbago, M° #^ ^° io-kut hong Lunt, iK° m°M h^ l§ng ko,
thia". Lunular, ^° m° g^h bii.
Lumbar, M° 6^° io-$. Lurch, ^ hidn, leave in the — ^

Lumber, m
it :t° W tin ui e mih,| :! jK l: A li f po^" t% p^pg ho-
'l&ng kati ldi6-, f, H 75°^° hoan soa
Ian tsiah liu. Luxate ) (as a joint) JK°II thut
Lure, ')K° si^", 5| H in-id. Luxation ) liin.

Lttrid, (ghastly pale) W° &° cblii"- Luxuriate, (grow exuberantly) 101

peli, (gloomy) H Pf ^ Pjl o'-am S^ bo- seng, (live luxuriously) ^

o-'-km. $ chhia-h6a.

Lurk, H'' luh, i|° chhang. Luxurious) ^M chhia-h6a, ^ ^

Luxury chhia-chhi. |g il° iam-id"^
Lurking pl'ace, M^ fH t£. bih ^ s6-- )

^ b5--seng,
tsai, Ji g ;t ^ ^9E t6 pbiali S s6-
Luxuriant, ]S^ ^ ^ siu-
jS^° am, (as hair)
tsai, m6t ±W ^ bAi-b6k & s6.-
(as trees)

Luzon, g 5^ Lu-s6ng,—'belongs to
Luscious, ti'' but but.
Lust, %i ^ sek-i6k, —after in a bad
Bpaih, g ^ ^ :f;° g ^ Jt° a 1
Lii-song si Toa lu-s6ng 6 si6k kok
sense, gien tsa bo*.
Lustful, iui i6k, ^ ^ tbam-sek, £,
Lye, B" ki^ ii° 7K° ki'^ tsiii.

Lying, (down) fij 6^ t6-teh, (fib) ^°

^ J^°*&^ek-i6k e sim, (of animal)
peh chhdt.
chbio, excite—, j|E khi _ ^°M° k6ng E B
Lymph, ^ tsiu°, (vaccine) 5t° li°
tsu tsiu".
Lustily, {ij i)° cbhut Mt, he laid on
Lyre, ^° ^ chhiu-khlm.
the blows — ^ , Vi "fj fr ^ chhut
^° koa.
Mt phah. he cried — for help, ^ Lyrics,
Lyrist, 5S° ^° m n° t6a''
:k° M.°
W& A°
i toa sia'' hoah
khlm t.

Lustrate (purify) ^°
) 'in ho- p M
Lustration i chheng khi.

Lustre, -5£° 5*° R!fc° kng-na°-na",

(reiiown) ^° {fj ^ toa chhut mi^.
Lustres, ^ ^ u tiu. Macadamise, || ^° M° pho- tsi6h-
Lustring, i^ kin, thau.
Liistrous, 36° ^° kng liang,
%° kng, Macao, M, W Ma-kdu, ^ H ^-mSg
she had great— eyes, '^ ±° @ P Macaroni, ii i& # thong-sim-hun.
)k° fi X° 36° i 6 b^k tsiu toa lidp Macassar, -e*" ©B H B^ng ka sat.
koh kng. Macaw, ^ ^ eng-ko.
Lu^ty, ig: M° M ^° h6 kha h6 chhiii, Mace, (a club) || thUi, (an ensign
&° S M° chhi"-k6ng-kia", MM of authority) M WL ts^u pan, a
giam-ngi". denomination of money
— M^
—M , tsl",

gAn, (a fruit)
Liite, J°^ g^hkhlm. ° tsit tsl"

Lute strin'g, M°mB° geh khlm S ^ ?E° to--kh-6- hoe. This


article is worth ten dollars six — k6ng, (rash) ^° ®° chhong pong^,
^° z° m° ® %° +° w if m° m° Madcap, jt° 3S chhi" k6ng.
tsit g mih tdt tit tsdp ktio- Idk tsl'' (hot headed) 9(.° ^ i.°
gAn. A° h^ seng g Mng, (rash) ij° ®°
Macerate .,« «. s„
) .
chhong-pong, ^° 3S chhi" kdng.
Maceration Mad-headed, *X° 'K 64° h^ s^ng g,
Machiavelian, ^ la 1^ 6^° tt siet :t° 0^° it chhdu d sfeng, (rash)
khiii klaiet ^ ke. 5^°^° chhong-pong, ^° U chhi"
Machinate, ^ ff siet ke, H ft M k6ng.
siet khui ke. Madden, (exasperate) ^° ij H sai
Machination, ft Wt kan-k^, H ft kek tiiu, (drive to madness) fig ^
^ ^ k^-ti.
khiii-ke, m ho- i tien ^° ^ ^ fl ho- i th^m
Machinator, ^ |® ft ±° A° siet loan.
khiii kfe ^ Mng. Maddish, >h° v$°m sio khod tien.
Machine, §§ khi-khu. ^ Made, §t tsoe, —to order, S° 1°
Machinery, §| ^^ khi-khu. tia° ts6e, strongly— 1^° kien- g
Machinest, ii t| §| ;5:° A° ts6e ki teng, ready §i° ^° ts6e pien- — U
khi & 14ng. ^, ofiron, gl°i^thihts6e.. —
Mackerel, ,^° m° bd-ka. Madamoiselle, jjjj jj|j° ko--ni1i''.
Mackintosh, M° ^° h5--sa", you Madman, '^ |S ;^° A° tien k6ng 6
must take your — it will rain —

m° m° M° ^r ^° Wi° m° m° ti6h Madness, M IS tien k6ng.

hiah° ho- sa'' tit beh 16h ho-. Madonna, (a picture of the virgin
Macrocosm, 35° M thi"-toe, i^ W ft° Mary) ^#
^ seng bii siong.
li tiu lai. Madrigal, ft A i° ^° b6k t6ng &
Mactation, ^^ ^° |4° ft ^ thai tseng koa.
si° hien tse. Magazine, ^ p6,monthly— J°^
Maculate, 1^° ^^ B '-° ^ -° iS bak g^h-p6, powder— i)lC° ^° ^° he
ho- i tsit tidm tsit tiAm. i6h kek.
Mad, Si iZ>M sit sim ts^ng, ^ tien, Maggot, S, th^ng, bread— ^° A°
M 3S tien k6ng, ^° gL th^m loan, si°-thang.
^° sim loan.
siau, »& ^ Maggoty, ^° ^^° kau th^ng, this
Madam, (wife of a literary man) ^ cheese is very —
jg;° flg° ^j4° ^°,

&° /(g° sien-si"-ni^^ (wife of a f:! >° A°tsitlg1ilengpid''

tradesman) K°gJi!l[g th^u ke niti". si tsin kau th^ng.
Madam, (a lady) ^^ 5^ sien si" Magic 1 gp ^ sia-sut, use— ^° ^
niu'^. Magical/^ sdi-sia-sut, ^° ^ sdi
Madbrain, *& il sim loan, M 3^ tien- boat, —lantern *6 ;!: ff
^ thok-

k^ng-d-hi. own abilities) g If ^° tsii ko-^.
Magician, ft ± swt~su,i Jg'^^^IS ft i° Magnify, (oneself)^ g M :k° bong
A° sdi sia smt %lkng. tsii tsun- toa, .1° ^%^ Ji°
:,Magisterial, (imperious);:^. '^ kek tsun-toa, (with a niagnifying
phai, M A°^ ts6e. lang 6ng, ?ft glass )m°T M° M° i< khoa° lidu
.% g_6k.tsi4u. oe khah toa.
Magistracy, 'g fl^ koa° tsit. Magnifying glass,: M Wi M° hi^n hi
Magistrate, ^° ;i5= koa"-hu, — office, kia", i}i°m° hkm kik\ '

^o p^o
gg {fing, —of a department Magniloquence, f§ ;^
P jt°, ;IS°: khoa
^ j'H ti-tsiu, first class, assistant kbdu § oe.
department — , #1 |r| tsiu t6ng, Magnitude, MM tsiri hai.
district^^ ^° ti-koai" — hall, ^ Magnolia, ^^ ^
ia hdpj fiiscata •^

^ kong tng, present a petition to ^ ham siau hoe,—'pumila,, ?S -^

a — ,^'^ pin, avaricious ,''M. 1§^ ia-hap, conspicua, 31 M gi6k-Mn.
^|gtham^koa"iili. Magpie, ^° Ji° kh^b-tsidu.
.-Magnanimity VW^U^I&M. khoa°- Mahogany, ^E iffi? )5^ thd-boe-sim
Magraanimous pat to'-li6ng,-:^° fi )
toa-lidngfUj tIE kb6ng-kbai. Mabomm^d^^ WMM M6- hanba-
'Magnate, :^ A
tai-jln :^ |g tai-sin. tek.
^Magnesia, stdphate of sia — ^^M Mahommedan, MMWi H6e h6e kdu.
iS.m. Mahomrfliedanism, IhI 11 M H6e b6e
Magnet, M ^° liip'«tsij5h, kau.
^^ 6^ .hip: kbi
has—power ji° i^° ^^ M° Maiden f m°
^, this Maid \ :ffi m^ tsai sek-lii,
ff ° tsa-b6;-gin-d.
= ®° * ±°'-:fj'^ tsit^ ng6- kirn u hip Maidenliness, (being a maiden) M°'
khi ^ lat. ^M^ tsoe tsai-sek'ld, (behavi-

rMagnetism, ;^°^ ±°^^ sa° hip ^ our becoming a maid) H /Ml'^l

; khi, ^.^, hip khi. ,
^ b6 tsa-b6r, gin-4 khodn,
j^^ ^°
^Magnifiablel|g°:jl° :^° 6e khah toa. (modesty) M St k^' li^™ 'j. t^ii^

-Magflificydl: :^°tsunt6a, (spkndid) Maidenly, ^ ^ m ^ :t° m hip

hia pali"» (illustrious) chhut &^ tsai sek lii I kboan, (modesty)
ki. m ^ It k6- lidm-thi, (reserved)
.' Magnificent, (munificent) :h M. toa IM M s6e-ji.
lliong, (grand) i
6ng*hi^n, Mail, -^yM W f tsi^nrkah, (letters) $fc

(pompous) :^J5rtai-hong, (splen- phoe,— carrier, ®° Sfc° ;5:° A° th4h
did) # #° pai-chhi^ng. phoe ^ mng,^bag, Jlt° S° phoe-
—steamer, ^° ^°
Magnifier, (as a glass) i5i° ^ hkm te, pboe-tsiin,

.kia^MMM hi^n bikik", (of ones the home—, IB ^ St ts6- ke phoe..

— aa

Maim, Jt ^
siong-hai. ^ sfeng-kam, His— command, ^
Maimed, ffl£° ^° ph6a-siu". —information,
Beng, His ^ biln
Main, ;/c ^ t6a-po^°, —mast, iK° ^ His Sacred— ig S^ng. ,

toa-lii, — road, A° ^ — Major, ^ M iii-kek,—

toa-.]6% general, i^^
sheet, liau-bii, in the — ^°,
M° Jl ^ tsdng peng
:^r° •^ hidp nia"
toa poa'', (entire,) ^f^ tso&,n jiSn.
th^-tok— domo, , ^ M° koan ke.
Mainland, M li6k. Majority, ii° ^° kfe-pok", (of age)
Mainly, (chiefly) -k tE tai khai, A°
42° toa poa°, T sing-teng.
K°^° khah-tsoe, it

is mainly composed of gold, ^ Make, @ tsoe, 3I tso, IJ chh6ng,—

1^0 -go ^O ]^-^ ^g^g ^g-g^ thing for amusement, ts6e
J^Jjj^Ij Ij g! niu",

was—his fault, ||° ^° S° —peace, U % khokn-h6, (a

fit i feast)

khah in titSh. WL H siet-i^n, —a complaint,

Mainmast, :^° ^ toa K° tiu,—a sacrifice, ^ ^ hik-

Mainsail, >K:° |ll° toa ph&,ng. tsfe, — a present, 5^° sang, —a call,

Mainspring, (of a watch) j^ fi^ boat m° as sa°-tham,—a trial, H f

ti^u, (of action) |^ HJ koan chhiet. chhi-kh6a",—idols, a" \g' tsng-'

Mainstay, 4* ^ ^ ^° tiong tah fli

piit, —a knot, ^^ J^° phah-kat,—
soh, (chief dependence) ^ M ^° a vow,^ ;SS—a report,
boat goan,
s6- kh6 1. ^ h^-hok,—restoration, ^°p^,
Maintain, (support) ^° 1^1° iu"--chhi, —void, ^ ^ b6e-khi, —a ven-
§t 3^ kiong-kip, |fe if h6-chhi, ture, 3^°5lfti pb6ng-ts5-h6a, —a
^ :^ hong sgng, (vindicate) #° loop, ^J ^
phab-kho", a — raft-

A° S BJ th6e lang pidu b^ng, a° Wm ka-pai, bow, —a 1 3§

A° Sb° # Si ka mng s6e sin-ll, kiok-kiong, —fun[Jg ^° kiin-chhii),

(keep possession) ^". —ready, ^ — §1,° ts6e-pien,

Maintainable, (as a fortress) W^ — pasteboard, ^° f^ M:° p6-t86a-phe,
%.° 6e siu tit, ^m°^° siii oe an inventory, i^ Ig kidm-tidm,
Maintenance, WW iii"-chhi, ^ ^ —steam, Wi 9i° m° kek-h^-hun,
hong-s^ng. —crooked, g| aii-khiau,— fi|°
Maize, # ^° ^ hoan-b^h sui. census, ^ ^° ^ tso ke kah, —a
Majestic J^ M. ui-hong, J^
® ui bargain, M° m° ii° S° *° kfe-tsf
Majestically jgiam, JH M ^^ ui- k6ng tia°-ti6h, —imprecations, %
hong lim lim. H tsiu-ts6-, —a solemn oath, % ^
Majesty, His—, ± siong. His hoat-s^, —
a subscription, to§ ^^
grace, ^ ,f, thien-un. His as- — i^n, —present of cakes, ||°^°heng-
sent, ^ it jii-un, your—, ^ f pe- kd, —padlocks, ^° ft phah-s6,—
ha. His -perusal, M % gu-lAm, ^ to order, ^° 11° tia^-tsoe,—balls

of rice, m. M° so-i",—pills, !i m° Malefactor, ^S A° hoan-ling, IP A
Jl° so-i6h i", mm° % so-i6h o^n, ts5e-jin, |p 3E tsoe hoan.
—a somerset, M°M°^^° chhia- Malevolent, y° <£> ph4i°-sim, # »&
pha-lin-tAu, —the bed, m° i5° t6k-sim, ^ jJJ chhau sim.
m° pik"-bin-chhf g, —honey, ^° Malformation, ^° ^° ?I° phAi" si"
^° tsoh-bit, — men's shoes, ^ We. tin", ^? ^° ii° phdi" si° ts6e.

ts6e-6e, —women's shoes, 3^° ^° Malice, g ffi, bai oan, M° ?3i khigokn.
chhiah-&e,(a noise) ® ji^ng. Malicious 1 M *& ok-sim, # iC» t6k-
Makebate, m° :t° A° g^u^ ^ Maliciously ) sim.
chhiong su 6 l^ng. Malign, ^ *^ siet-t6k, |g ^ hui-p6ng.
Maker, M° i° A° tsoe ^ l^ng, M Malignant, ^ >& phdi"-sim, M° »5

i° A° chhong e mng. chhau-sim, (as disease) ^ t6k.

Malabar, "& M
g K6- 11 kok. Malignity, # »& t6k sim.
Malacca, # 11^ Pf Ba-lfi,-kah. Malison, #° .^° 16e me, 31 W. tsiii-

Malachi, (book of) .^ tfe S i° flft

^° g§
Md-li4p-ki e chheh. Mall, (a public walk) tda lo',

Malachite, ^5° m° tsioh-lek. (a hammer) g" ^° M tang e

Maladministration, iSl ^ ^ fL tseng- thui.

su hun loan. Mallard, H^ ah heng.

Malady, m° ^ p^-tseng, m° pi°, M Malleability, tg° fl° fi° #° oe phah
tflg tit.
M° tseng th^u, a deep-seated
Malleable, ^° tg° :g° phah oe tAg.
S° M M° tang-ts^ng-thau.
Malapert, :k° B° 65 toa td°;S, # '1 Mallet,^ ^ chhEl-thtii.
Mallows, ^
b6ng t6ng ^ 69 1am-
klii-hoe. ^!g
sam hit g, ^f
6, il It
I 5jS 6tl° lam sdm Mal-practice, J>° ^° m° Z° m° W
Mi §, il|° ;i;° ^ a& 69° k6ng iS si put hap boat e s6- kia", M If U^
lam sam (immoral conduct)
5e g.
^° jE m. i.° ^Jr 'i7° b6 tseng-keng
Malaria ) ^^ ofe-khi, # il t6k-
e s6- kia°.
Malarious [ khi.
Malay, a, ^° ^° A° GA-la-i<i- Malt, (of barley) ;X;°^° ^° toa b(^h

Mng. gg, (of wheat) >J>° ^° ^° si6 b^h

Malcontent, 'T>° ^ ^^ m hing-hok, gfe.

kh6ng ku. Maltreat, ^° Ife it phdi" khodn-thai,

JJ£ jg
Male, (mankind) H ^° ta-po', (ani- tsau-that, ^^ kh6--chh6-, l^ng-

mal) Sj^ kang, ^ kdng, (bird) lek, (as a servant) ^# kh6--t6k.

j||°kak. Mamma, PSJ M an-n6, M #° a-bii.

Malediction, 5E, fl i° |S° tsiu-ts6- e
Mammal, ^° |L° 69^^ tsiAh leng e.

° 69° tsiah leng

5£-l tsiu-me. Mammalia, tf |L°
oe, 3tM tsi^ chhkm,

Mammiferous, ?L° 6^° leng L kha-khau.
Mammillary, %° U^° leng g, (re- Manage, l^f pan,. J?
Hau-li, H -^^ m
sembling a pap) m° m%° hoat-16h,—an affair, f/| pan su, ^
chhin chhiu" leng 6. —
household affairs, lioa°-ke,
Mammon, (wealth) W' Mt tsl^-ts^i. well, g -^^ ll-16h.
Man, A° l^ng, (male) ta-po* Mng, Manageable, ^ W^ M^ khoki liau-Ii,
(grown «p) 5^;° A° toa litng,— of
' 11° m M ^° oe liau-lI tit.
wealth, ^ i tsai-tsii, vigorous Managemait, ^ S liau-li.
old— ,^° m'mW lau M. tien Manager, a—, g!l ^i° hu tsin, 1° ^
tsang, a stout brave — , J||° tang su.
h6 be. —
Manchu, i^ A°feodn-iang, dynasty,
Manacles, (for the hands) ^° ^° }f| ^ —
chheng ti^u, soldiers, ^
ehhiii-khau, (for the feet) 11° ia° qj phi-kah.
Emperors of tlie Manchu
— —
"Mandate, (Imperial) Jt It siong-jti, Maniacal, M IS tien-k6ng.
H It s^ng-ju, H^ sfeng-tsi. Manifest, B. m bi^n-b&ng,^ ffi hi^n-
Mandatory, ©• P§ hoan-hii. ,chhut, ^ M tii-hien, ship's — , j^
Mandrake,, M, ^
hong-ka. PH chhng-khdu toa'', Wi W- ^
Manducation, p5'. ^ p6-hi6ng toa°, import P -5: — A ,

Mane, ^° tsang, g° ia", of horse, — M U W

jip-khAu & chhng-khAu
Ji° ft° b^-tsang,— of lion, #p^ ^° toa", export— ffi Pit P H
sai-ia". chhut-khau I chhng-khau-toa°.
Manes, (of the departed) ^i^ hAn- Manifestation, ^ BB hi^n-bSng.
phek. Manifestly, M B hien ji^n, BJ BJ
Manful {M°''^ si-kak, j| toan bfeng-blng.
Manfully ftong, (bold) jQ^ m° h6- Manifesto, 5» ^ k6-si, (popular) ^
ta", (noble> IE- k. tsfeng-khi. & k6-pek; !?i
^ ji-p4h.
Mange, #°#^ti6h-lo-. Manifold,.^ /^ ts6e-ts5e iu°. ^
Manger, J^° b^-ts&.^ Manikin, -^"A" 6e \kng, oi-k. W^°
Mangle, ©f g^ng, (hy cutting) f] Manilla, g
° Lu-s6ng, very many ^
PJ° 11° l§° thii kail itl"-ir, (by Chinese goto— Ji° A° *° S *
tearing) lak kaii iu°-i1i". ^
^° t^g Miig khl Lu-s6ng tsin
Man-hater, JS IS A° ^° oan hun tsoe.
Mng 1. Maniple, (a handful) -° W tsit

Maniacal, lit ^ tien kdng. ph6ng, — of soldiers, —' W ^ tsit

Mango, il ff soai'^-a. The Chhi"- tiapeng.
ph6-—are the best, ff ji ^
±° Matiipular, ^° n° chhiu fe.
ilF° chhi°-ph6- soai" siang h6,'M Manipulate, (work with hands) ^
.M°^° # 5i ^° tsi" ^<^ si chhi"- il chhiu ts6e, (as in conjuring)
'ph6" soai". ^ If chhiu-lang.
Maagosteen, b^ng-git. Manipulation, ^° Wi 6^ eng

||ang;rove, ka-tia". ^hhiu ts6e his — very bad, ^

^, is

.ilangy, ^° #^ ti<5h-lo- i^o y° :^^ # i-u phAi°-chhiu-sfe.

kanhood, (man's estate) jS T seng- Manis, ^° II ^ lU ¥° chhoan

oteng, a Chinaman arrives at sien kah.

when he is sixteen, M A° +° a\ Mankind,' A Mng, jl 5c T° A° thong
M J^T tfiglang tsdp l^k he sfeng thi"" e 6 lang.

teng. Manlmess, (of character) ;§ ^ kun

':Mama,:« siau, SI U tien-k6ng, m tsii, •k°M toa-pan, Jc°^ tlE toa

'hoat-k6ng. khl khM.


.-^laniac, Um° UngAM U * tien- Manlike, (manly) ^g kh6ng-khki, M

'k6ng^. 1M° W" toa pan, he acts in a
fashion, pjiiiff°^mm, s6- Manual, (made by hand) f
kil" si kh6ng kh^i. chhiii ts6e, (a small hand book)
Manly, ^ ^^ l^m tsii hkn, ^ A >J>° * 1»° soe piin chheh.
i. M, m ta-po- 6 khi-khki, (brave) Manufactory, ^ hang, powder-
» m h6-ta", Ji^m toa kh6nff- ^°li^ h^-i6h-kdk.
khki. Manufacture, §i° ts6e, (by weaving)
Manna, P,i ^ md-nd,
fS^ kam- li tsit, —salt, ij° phah i4m, U
lo--bit. sails, flSi°
^° tsoe-pMng, 5|° 3»
Manner, Ife 5;; khodn-sit, i^° iu",
(style of writing)
M- pit-tsek,' Manufacturer, ^° tsk tso i M^
(style of composition) -^
bun Manumit, M° pdng, |j|^ t° thk-
boat, (behaviour) pkng.
ff° m° kik^-tah
(sort) SI ho, (mien)
*t sin-
# p° :Si° 3X ^ thdu pang
ts4i, external—, 16' p6k.
ff |g thd-th6ng
(custom) H ^ hong-si6k. Manure, J3E° pHi, g pirn, to— g
Mannerism, ^ ^ kek khoan fl£ BE" he-piii, ^ :$; 16h piin _
Mannerly, ^ ^ hdp-sit, ^ f^ hdp- cakes, a° #° tau pid".
1^, W° ^ IS u Id-mau. Manurial, ^° ^^ u piin, t° tf
Manners, ^ jh- th^^^.^j^^ ^^^^
u pui.
toms) M ^ hong-si6k. Manuscript, ff k6.
Mannikin, ^ A de-lkng. Many, ^° tsoe, not— it°^; bo-oa,
Maiioeuver, (stratagem) too—, i:° ^° siu°-ts5e, —times,
ff ^ ke-ti,
FfH kfe-b6-. ^° 3fc° tsoe pdi.
Manservant, ^ ^
^ A chhe-eng Map, :! M te-t6-.

^ ^ ^^-J^"' ^ T ka-teng, Maple, 25: 35 5° btiri-Mi-tsidh, ,| )&

Lo^"^' ^
ffll° ^ kha-chhiii. ^° o--sim-tsi6h.
:f^ /g toa-chhii J|^ ^ hii- Mar, —one's plans, ^° Bf ° ^° phok
chbiii tsdm, ^° ^ phok tsam
Manslanghter, ^ |» go-.^^t,
^^ (spoil) #x° ^° phah-phdi", t° i°
chh6-chhiu. s6g-tng.
Mantel, -piece, Maraud, m° M cbhiu" kiap, ^°
*Xmm U-W-t^no- ES°

ifCmM h^-16--toh.
^° & si-k6e chhiu"-kiap.
Mantelet, ||°
f^° moa" d.
Marauder, ^ ili° kiap chhdt.

Mantle, f^= moa", Marble, g °;5° sidh-tsi6h, a—, Sl°

(to cover)
^ ^-° toa"-ji, —slabs, m 7i° Ma
(to cloak)
if kh%, (to tsi^h.
suffuse as with a
blush) Pit boat ^ March ^ E H°>g° Eng-kok sa"-g^h,
(as soldiers) fT° B U ki^" tui
— —
ng6', (procession of persons) ^ koe nih b6e chhai.
^ fT° tsoe tui kia". Market-town, M° lU sia"-chhi.
Marches, (borders) j^ k^ng, j5 ^ Marking-ink, f^° Sg i: M°its6e ho §
pien kki. bdk.
Marchioness, ^ •M ^° ^ A tsu-h6- Marking-line, ^ 11° tsiin-tsin.
6 hu-jin. Marksman, (with an arrow) #° J|}
Marco Polo, H 'IS Phok-16. 1^0 ^O ^O g^^ gj- ^gj„_^ J^^g^ ^^j^^
Mare, M° #° bd bil. a gun) #°S(:° m° ±° A° gau p4ng
Margin, W ki°, ^° pi", —of a stream, chhfeng & Mng.
S° khoe-pi". Marmalade, 'H' i£° # kam-phi ko,

Marginal, ji° fi^° pi" §, —note, |£ ^

11° ^° li k^ tsi ko.
tsu so-. Marmorean, p ^5° 69° hlin tsi6h 6.
Marigold, H
# ^^ ban siu kek. Marquee, ;i^ ffl p6- pi".
Marine, (sea) ^ 65° t^i-^, (soldier) Marquetry, 0° 5:° H -I- siu° ^ sai-

tJc" G5 tsiii-su, —animals, ^ ii^ hu.

hdi ts6k. Marquis, g| h6", M ^ tsu-h6'.
Mariner, jJC" ^ tsiii-siu, ^° IS° A° Marriage, M M hun-in, if M sin
ki^°-tsftn lang. hun, unhappy— 4S^° M b6 i&n, —
Marital, ^ ^ 65° tiong-hu-e. contract, f$ ^° hun-tsu, consum-
Maritime, f$ 65° hai-&, —
alOFairs, ?# mate h4p-hun, second — ^M ,

S^ tt hdi nih & su. iS ji-hun-chhin. —^

Mark, a, ig h5, gospel of-—, .^ T^ IS Marrigeable, (as a man) M° ^° W
-^ ff Ma-kh6 hok-im toan, hit oe chhoa tit, fir° 15° thang chhoa,
the— m° ti6h, man of—, «° ffl (as awoman) fg° m° =J^° oe kfe tit,
A° chhut-mifi, 14ng, make one's ^° ^° thang k^, he is now a man,
(in writing) M° ^ tsoe ho, (sign he is marrigeable, ^° ^° :k.° A°
of rank) ll ^ t^ng-tai, (observe) ^o ^o .^o ^^n ^^g ^5a^ i^ng 5e
^° kh6a", (point out) ^ tsi, chhoa tit, she is now a woman,
(stamp) ^° tAg, (brand) $ij° Jji° she is marriageable, ^ ||° J^° l$!l

chhiah ji. tS° J^ ^° ta° tng tsifi," k^

lah. oe

Market, ®° Hi koe-chhi, ®° i& koe- he has many

tit, daughters but
lo-,—price, fr '^ h^ng-ts^ng, no none of them is —-°# ^° ^° '^° ^

— for goods, U° ft li° bo siau M -7° ff *°

5i° -t° tg° !i°©
th^u, market place, seng &MM° i u tsoe ^ tsa-b6 gin-4, be u tsit
li tiii°. § oe kh tit.
Marketable, W° f& li° u siau-th^u. Married, (as man) ^° g° il° u
Marketing, * ® ®° 1° fj"PUOkhl koe chh5a lah, (as woman) ^°M°m°
nih b6e mih, ^ ® % khi
ilO ^*£'
u k^ lah, this is
. a— woman, jli:°
— °& ,

^° if A A°':f°^° ea tsit t hu- Marvel, ^ <§ ki-koai, ia° ;i°|f |
jin lfi,ng u k^ lah, tbis is not a liah ts6e ki-koai.
man, !^° ^° A° m° ^'^ tsit ^"W Marvellous,^^ ^ &5° ki-koai 4.

e ling idu-be u chboa. Marvellously, ffl ^ chhut ki, ^f

Marrow, 11° clih«5, #° fg° kut chh^. ki k6ai.
Marrow-bone, W° li° i:° #° u # Masculine, (as a woman):|§° y°1|
kut chhd ^ kut. ta-po?,han (male of animals), S°
Marrow-fat, ^ iZ° S° h6 lin tau. 65°kang-g, (naaleofbirds)|||'^g5i°
Marrowy ^° #
fi° tsoe kat chh^, kak-^, (male of persons) S° -f

m° ii°#kau-kut chh^. 69° ta-po-.

Marry, a wife, i Mash, IP ji(3k.
—a husband, i r^°ke-ang, ffi Mask, (a cover for face) ^° 1°
m° chhut-k^, J :°!-fir ts&e kheh, ts6a bin, 1g°^°ke fchhio bin,: (to

—again, as a widow, B5:° disguise) ffi W lin kbig, be-^his

k6e-k6. plans— #- i°:aS WIS" 1° 1 i

Mars, iJt° M° b^-cbhi". k^-b6- b6 lau hong,. ^ ;t° H" i

Marsh, St 7K° M° t4m tsiii toe,- ^°^#° i ^-U b6ukhng teb.
mallows, ^° M^
p^h si(5k kAi. Mason, ±° n° thd^sai, ±° ;?fC° §° ,

Marshal, (commander in chief) 1^ th6'.tsdi-chhiu°, ±°7X°^°ftth6-

Ift goin soe, (to arrange in order) tsui sai-hu, a master %° — , ^M
m m ts4ng li, ,§ # an p^i, (pre- sai-hti thiu.
pare rthe way of) ^ J& ife # khai Masonic,^^^°?J:° 6^° th6- tsiii L
lo- sien hong, (one who rjegulates Masonry, ^° .JK° ±°-Vi $.tU- tsui

rank and or4er- at a feast) >^ ^ S kang ge.

m° kodn ke 6, ±
^°fi^? tsii ifen fe. Masquei-ade,-ball,. W M Bf A° Z°
>! Marshy, -g!i ?JC i^° tim tsili toe. WU tsng.ts6e. pdt 14ng ^ thiau-

nMart, ^^ Ji° sengdi tiA", vJffl ffl° bii, /there were a great many
j.po"-thAu. different characters in thisr^baU,
Marten, IS JL-tiau-chhii.
T Marten's fur, M
M.&° tiau-chhu-phg
.iit;° >^°. m n m° m m ^^ i tsit

fe thiau-bu tsng ts6e tsin tsoe ho.

Martial, K 6^° bu-g, (warlike) ® Mass, things) If
(of. kui-tui; {of M
M h6-'!-tsien.
people) If 5
A° kui kAal4ng.
/Martin^ ji°:^^i".d. Massacre,';^ thM si, W, sat-li6k, ^
Martingale, ^°M E be-14k-t6-. S JE°.hai si,— of a city^ m ii s6e
Martyr, ^° B sl-tsiet, (to torture) sia".
\0m kh6--chh6-. Massive, M^'' hang-tang.
•'Martyrdom,-^ _if 65 si tsiet ^. Mast,'^^ ^i, miain-^, -^'^ toa-6i,
Martyrology, ^ 15 ^ si tsiet toan. fore —,>BB^ tMu-fti, maz^n—
— ,
Master, M M tb^u-ke, ±A tsii- Match, — for, se° #° thi-m
l^ng, (teacher) 56 ^ sien-si", sail- oe tiiu, (a contest) It M° tui
ing— , ^M b^-tiu°,—piece, ^ 3M. tb^u, (an equal marriage) EE IE
thftu-paa, harbour,— 3 M M M phit ph6e, (to suit) -& hdp, (to
tslin ts^ng thia", — of cerenwnies, marry) ^° chbpa, (for firing a
:;Jc^ ^ tai tipn pin, (to conquer) gun) iA:° 11° ^ b6 l^ng ko, a slow
fik\ — , 51 »& in sim, the slow^s burns
Masterkey, (cbinese) IS ^ |t ts6ng iog; 5l*i$» ^° ft° ^> in sim teh iin-ii,
s6-si, (foreign) Jl ^ ft ts6ng they don't — each other, because-
tsoan si.

%° -$. u sai
of difi"erence of age, % %° W
Masterly, :g° hu, T^ ph6e in k6, —as colours &c., fj
& khidu lo-; ^° ^° tsai la", the m° %° ph^e oe \h.
general led his troops in a— man- Matches, ^X \§. h^-chhat, g 3S ^I^C"'

ner, yt I* m°p^''^z&m°n° tsu-lai-h^.

^ go&,n-s6e chhoa i ^ peng put-tsi Matchless, % Jh bu-pi, M ®c b4 t^k.

u sm-hu. Matchlock, 1^° chheng,
Masterpiece, ^° ^° U
chhut Matchnpiaker, A hil^-Mng.
$fi° ^
pan h6 e, M° ^ -^
te it pan % Mate,W (companion) |^ f^ tang-phoa°J.
± 11° si^ng phin, g^ siong ^, first ± (ofaship)

ft°j|;-he, (mar- —
Si° iS i5° th4u khong g, of all his ry, as man) chhoa, (marry
paintings, this is his — ^ ^° ^,
as woman) ^° k^, (as bird) iJ°

Jtt:° il° ^ -fc 6S° i ^ ui tsit 6 si J§ ts6e tui, (an assistant) Zl ^°

siong ^. ji chhiu, (to match) |e |g ©° il.°'

Mastery, {dominion) ^ W tsidng ph6e pe tit \h, the spring has

igdn, (superiority) ^° M° khah come and the birds—, •^° M ^
ift" (victory) M° be has got
i^°) 3i° &° w ^° m° m° m ta'^ si

lihe-T— over his temper, '^ i^ Efi: chhun thi", kang bii Isidii ti

'HJlii i u k6e s^ng-te, ft *& # ts6e tui.

pi^n sfeng te, '^ :^ fit" ic° ^ seng- Material, iM' ^il- chh&i-liau, (impor-
te koe khah h6. tant) :/s:° ^ M toa iau-kin,

I^tas-tioate, flf p6' (as^sld man without (consisting of matter) W° H u

teeth) maub". th^, il K but tsit, 5i H sit-tsit,,

Mastication, 1^ pp', imauh". (corporeal) W°^ u-hSng, (essen-

Mat, '^ cbbi6h, cover, ft Wt pbing- tial) -k"S M toa iku kin.
kdm, bamboo— ^/i°::i° bih-chhi6h Materialism, M ^ ^ sit but hdk.
cover with— as a , floor, IS*^ .^° Materially, ^ ^ iau kin.
clihu chhiph, cover over with a Maternal, ^°#° ir lau-bii ^.
Maternity, ^° #° lau-bii. Md-thki hok-im toan.
Matfes, (as colours) 'fB |fi Matting, f^° chhi6h, cover with—,

(companious) I^° fH tS,ng phoa°. 1:° ;i° t^ng chhi6h, chk §rr
Mathematically, M- ^^° s6an hdk ^ chhi6h.
Mathematician, (Imperial) ^%^ Mattock, j®° M° ti-th^u.

khim thien kkm. Mattress, If ff° ji6k-d.

Mathematics, M^ sokn-hoat, ii: 3S Mature (ripe) ^° s^k, (experieu'

S6--hdk. Maturely ced) ^° ^ laii-lien.


Matins, ^° J^° ±° ff IS thku-tsd ^ Maturate, JsK ^ sSng si6k.

ki-t6, ^° ji a# i° ii ^ tsd khl- Maturation, J^ ^ sfeng siok.
si t keng pki. Maturity (ripeness) ^° sek, not
Matrice, ^° #° ji-bii. arrived at the age of-^ ^° jS T°
Matricide, ^° 5E°^° #° ;2:° *: th^i bfe s^ng-teng.
si lau bil fe su. Maudlin, H tsui.
Matriculate, 0^ flj° thien chheh. Maul, m. tMii (to beat) # phah, f
Matriculation, Bf^ 1» i° :» thi^n tseng. *
chheh & su. Mausoleum, (imperial) MM l^^g'

Matrimony, ^^ hun-in, i^° g° chhim.

kfe-clihoa. Mauve, ^°m^ V^^'^^ s®'^'

Matrix, (for type) ^° :^ ji b6-, (for Maw, St t5-, fish— f ° E hi-to-.

casting) M WL 4i tIng-pAn b6-. Mawkish, m^
ikm-6-", ^° A&°^
Matron, (elderly lady) ^ Jf A lau ho'-Mng chhi" gi.
hu-jln-l&ng, (female head of a Maxillary ^^'W g^ chhfig kut.
family) MM ^ th^u-ke-nili". Maxim, ^ g§ si6k-gii.
Matronly, M i& t° M A A° ^° ^ Maximum, J: ^° siang-ts5o.
tsu sim ^ hti-jin l^ng § khodn. May, pj thang, month of— 31 i5
Matshed, 1^ i^ pan-pi°. M° Eng-kok go- g^h, —be, W
Matted, (as hair) #n ^° W i^ m° kidm-chhdi, —not, U° W° b&
chhidng-chhidng, HH skm-sam, thang.
Matter, ^ S,th^-tsit, properties of— Mazarine, ^M^ chhim lam sek, Bg

mm biit-li, (affair) m°m° tai- ^^ km Mm sek.

tsl, no —which, ^gib6-lun, %m Maze, # IK khiok-tsiet, in a — , # ii
put- lun, (of fact person) it° W hun loan.
i,° A° tit-tfig e lang, —of fact, ^ Mazy, ^^ ffl ffi lii-ui khiok-khiok.
M su- (pus) aa lang,
sit, ^° ^° Me, n° god.
'yK° £g se tsiii, gather
hun Mng.
— # ,
31° Mead, ^- 1| !|i bit thgg tsiii.

Mead m° it chhdu-po-, M° *
Matthew, Gospel of— ,^ i: M^ m° Meadow )chhau-ti<^^

Meagre, (lean) ^° san, — fare, )].
m° ik° ke-h6, —of livelihood, m
tl J^"^ si6 i^n-siah. ^ (method) fi )^
li-l6-, hoat-to',
Meal, ^° tng, one °
m° tsit tAg, M ?i hong-hoat, by no — , ijk if
(cornflour) ^° # b^h-huu. /p° qr° koat-toan in thang.

Mealy, #
sang, (overspread witli Meant, (meaning) E i-kien, t® i®, M
something tliat resembles meal, i-sii, (intended) Jg,° ^° siu" beh,

as on the wings of an insect) he to go to Shanghai, M M- ^° — M

ien, the wings of the butterfly are Jt ?# i siu" beh khi Siong-hdi. ^
covered with a substance, K° — Meantime tS° 91 hit-si, ;t° Rt ^ si, 1

went to bathe, mem-

m° Z° E° M° ^° :® b4-i4h ^ sit Meanwhile he j

u chhiu" ien. time I wrote a letter, ^° ^° ^

Mean, T^ ha-tsien, % M phl-ll, m° S!° Jit fs° m° % ir i thi s6e
^k, hit-sl g6a u si4 phoe, you go
f f&° ha-tsoh, jj» ^ siAu ki6k, §15
home to dinner, meanwhile I shall
® phi-l5-, T it ha-M, M° %°
go for a walk, m° If ° *° ^°
phiii-bin, t|° ^° koe-liu, >J. §1$ If tR°

sidu-phi-gi^n, ij> §| sidn-khi, — ^° B# fS ^° ^° '& li t5 khi tsidh

piig si g6a beh-ki4°-iu, do for
appearance, ® # ft tsien-kut-

si6ng, (medium) ^ 4* tek-tiong,

the—, ^ tH tsiam ko4n.

(signify) ^ tsi, (purpose) ^? W Measled W.^ MW,

tseng, (spotted with measles)
t5--ti6h phidh
siu^-beh, % S ^° i-sii beh, (aver-
|g u phi Ah tidm.
age) ^ 5 khien un, ;i ^ ^° *° S|!f

am lai kah khi, (common) ^°i^°

Measles, j^° phiAh, black — ,
^^ o--

si6h si6h, (niggardly) 1^ |f kien

phiah, have the — , ffi
^^ chhut-
lin, Ji-° khili, I—to reform, ^° ^°
B4 M g<^a beh kd,i k6.
Measurable, #g 6^ oe nill° tit, pf
;g;° thang niu".
Meander, (as river) -g" ^ iIjZ Mu oan
Measure, (foot) /i°chhioh, (a pattern)
P pan, (limit) ^ I® kai-han,
Meaner, T H khah ha.tsien.
|J(° (means) Ja ^
hong-hoat, (appraise)
Meanest, (in position) ^ — T M te ^^° k6--k^, (be in proportion)
itha-tsien, T ^ k^k-ha-tsien.
fig tsat hodh, take—, WL i^ siet-hoat,
Meaning, S ,g % M i-gi, * ^
i-sii, — — M." ^
to niti , rice, nili-bi,

i-kifen. — one foot ° m° niu" kha.

Meanly, (in appearance) M° M ^ Measured, u hoAh, M ^ tsiau tsat ii:

chhau tsien si5ng. —with the eye, chhek

p6--s6-, Ji:§'

Meanness ^ sidu-khi, M>° M

ij» khoa".
chhau-tsien, T J^ ha-tsien. Measureless, |S° h6 han-liong. MA
property) Measurement, (dimensions) f|° pJc°
Means, (money) ji° tsi°,
khoah toa. f^° +^ ts6e tiong-p6.
Measurer, M.° M° niu" ^. Mediately, ft° i^^ tsioh i^n-ki-,

Meat, (flesh) |^° bah, (food in (by means) ffl S^ eng hoat-to'.

general) i^" ^ hd-sit, H :^ jit-sit, Mediation, ik^Mt.'^ tso^ kong

mm hi mA\ chhin § sii.

Mecca, ^:^ H bdk khek kok. Mediator, ^ iS kong chhin, + A''

Mechanic, W ®° sai-hu. tiong lUng, 4* i^ tiong p6.

Mechanical, — arts, X ffi kang-ge, Mediatorial, ^f # # tiong p6 i
^H ki-ge. Mediatrix, :& S H bii kong eWiin,
Mechanically, ^ jt it il° chhiii tit ^ tf A 111 tiong l^ng.
tit ts6e, §^M^ U h& Mna b6 le, Medical, -1^6^° i-seng-6,—pro-
MM ^& b6ng ts6e bi |k ^ si, fession, H ^ i-ka, S ^ i

^ ig b6 b6 tang, he plays the

ti — ^° ^° i6h toa",
piano — '^ ^ IS tt ^ i chhiii
, i —college, Imperial, *ll%° thM
tit tit to^° khi, she 'was in great i i",— herbs, M° # ^^^ ts^i,—

sorrow and she did her work—, ^° i6h tsiii,—man, f

^ iz ^mm ^toa
iu-bun tsoe li4u b6 lam b6 le,
mn n m fusion,

^ i-seng.

^ :k^m mm m ^ ito3i iu-

Medicament, M IS '^^^
^^^ ^ ^'^^•

bun b6ng ts6e bi si.

Medicate, ^ fi td" tidp, 4 1 h^ngi.
Medicinal,—herbs, M M i6h-ts^i.
Mechanician, M ^^ ii° M ^ ts6e
khi ku ^ sai-hu. Medicinally, M M eng ioh.
Mechanism, ^ M. khi-khu. Medicine, M° i<^^, science of—, 1§
Mechanist, M ^ i. ^ ^ ts6e khi i hdk, cooling—, ^ |§° l^ng i<51i.

ku 6 sai-hu. heating—, Jl ^° so i6h, opening

Medal, M p^i, (silver) M )i? gun —,'{MM sik i6h, astringent—, lit

pai, (gold) ^ B kim-p&i. ^ ±° ^°

siu lidm ^ i6h, one dose
Medallist, 1° M° m M #° g^u ik^ of—, " ^° tsit thiap i<ihr

gh.n p^i e. good ^ ^°— sien i6h, names of


Meddle, Jf chhap, f^ ^ chhap-su,

— M° «° i6h mia, to take—, t°

^° tsidh i6h, this--has no effect

^^ ^° ai bak chhiii.
—,it°m° m° m° ^ ® tsit ^ i6h
Meddler, M* h6-"-sii, ^^ to-su.
b6 hau-giam, j«l° f® li° ^° B_^
Meddlesome, §| jf ^ 4i chhap su,
tsit 6 i6h"b6 eng hau, properties
^^ to-su. or uses of—, M° i,° ^^ ^'^^ ^ ^
Medial, (average) khien-un. kong Mk, study of^, m° ^ ^
Mediate ) |g M tiau-chhii,
U° tAg, 6h i boat, a student of— it° S ^
Mediation j M° ^Jn ^ts6e kong chhin, #° 6h i boat ^.
Alteratives, M'MM k6e _pi" i6h.

Iodine, {ft K ti^n tsit. ^ PijJ M ai-o-tien.

Potassa Iodide, i^ 5^ hoe-ti^n.
Potassii ^ hoe-hiu.
Bromide, §^
Arsenic, ^ 5° sin-tsi6h, f|° phi-sng^. 5Jt

Fowler's solution, ^ ^° 7^° sin-tsi6h tsui,

Potassae Chlorate, S^ ^ ^ hoe li6k i6ng.
Ammonia Chloride, fg ^ f^° kheng tarn li6k.
Cod liver oil, @.° Jff^' rft hi-koa" iu.

Sarsaparilla, ^i'i^.tGM sa-sa-pa liet.

Mercury, 7jC M
Blue Mass, h6ng Mm oan.
Hydrarg. C. Creta, »X°^°^^ hd-tsi6h h6ng hiin.
Unguent Hydrarg. Mitis, ^^W
h6ng l^m ko.
Emplast Hydrarg, §k i& Hong i^n ko. W
Black wash, ®^
i5 *° hek h6ng s^k tsui.
Yellow wash, m.°MiSiiC fig h6ng s^k tsui.
Red Precipitate, ^1° ^*
tli:° aAg h6ng
i6ng s6a°.

Ointment of Red Precip., 3&:° afig ^ # "* h6ng i6ng i6h-ko.

Hydrarg. Bi-chloride, WiBmM°
h6ng-li6k t6k i6h.

Red Iodide of Mercury, U° Hi ang h6ng ti^n. ^

Calomel, H 3^ h6ng-li6k.
White Precipitate, ^ @ ^^
kheng tam h6ng li6k.
Ointment of Nitrate Mercury, K° » h6ng Ag ko. ^
Sulphide of Mercury, ^
$|[ h6ng h6ng.

Antacids, m° m.° ±° M° k6e sng ^ i6h.

Lime, :Q° M° tsi6h-he.

Chalk, i^ife^°m tseng h4-tsi6h hiin.
Liquor Potassa, 1^ **
hoe i6ng tsiii.
Potassae Bi-carb, i^ i! ^«
hoe siang than i6ng.
Magnesia, ^ ^ bi-i6ng.
Soda Carb. MMfT siap so--ta°.
Soda Bi-carh, M
tT so--ta".
Argillaceous earth, jf-
^° kiit-tsioh.

Anodynes, Jfc m° ^° ®° ^° M° tsi thik" kap khhn ^ i6h.

Opium, ^^
Morphia, if # 35 m6--hui-a.
Hyoscyamus Niger, ^ :^° fc° lau iii° hoe.
Belladonna, M M tien-ka.
Atropin, 7 ^ ^ Mu-to-pien.
Datura Stramo, ^ S H, hiit ka ji.

Chloral Hydrate, ^ ^ li6k i6ng '//K peng.

Anaesthetics, Ji ^ ^ b^ b6ng i6h.

Ether, p ff M i-td° tsiii. .

Chloroform, pf Jl J5f ko-16 hong.

Nitrous Oxide Gas, M^M
tarn i6ng khi.

Anthelmintics, ^ S sat thi6ng.

Chenopodium, S^^ tsi 16- po.
Santonine, llj Jl Jl san-to-lien.
Spigelia, ± # ;^ 5fJ su p^i tsi lat.
Pomegranate rind, ^° ^W &. siah-li<i chhiu ph^.
Aspidium Male Fern, 55 iiS ^ a-pit-an.
Pride of China, =g i^ ^ kh6- lat-tsi.
Brayeria,^ j^ ko-so-.
Melon seeds, ^ Jl ^ Mm-koe hut.
Kameila, IS iJ ?$!l ki bi lat.

Antispasmodics, f^ iffl tS ti thiu-thiok.

Camphor, »° Bi tsiu"-16.
Valerian, iJ ;^ kam-si6ng..
Valerianate of Zinc, ft ^^il 3^ kam siong seng tsu.
Musk, ®° sia-hiu".

Astringents, Wi M° li^m i^h.

Gallnut, S ^ ^ biit-s^k tsi.

Tannin, ^ :S ?° ||°, bdt-s^k tsi sng.

Gallic Acid, §g vSf ^ kk lek sng.
Kino, -g^ka-lo-.
Catechu, ^ ^° ji-t^
Ext. of Logwood, #° ii 7t:° iu" so--bak.
Krameria Ehatany, ^^ P|J ka bi lat.
Oak Bark, i% ^° & hak chhiu ph^.
Rubus Fruticosus, M^^
hi^n ko- tsii.

Pomegranate rind, ^° f® ^° Si° sidh-liu chhiu-ph^.

Acetate of Lead, §& H
i^n song.
Liquor Plumbi Diacet., I& ^M
:)}C° i^n i6ng chli6- tsiii.

Alum, S hoa,n.
Sub. Nit. of Bismuth, ^^'M^ pi-i6ag tam i6ng.
Carbonate of Bismutb, ^ pi thkn i6iig.
|iJ 0^
Oxalate of Cereum, If ^ H H li-ok-se il,m.
Acetate of Zinc, SI Bl S seng clih6- iam.
Oxide of Zinc, ii ^ seng i6ng.
Cathartics, W M i6h^ sih.

Magnesia Sulphate, W ^V W iu° pbok siau.

Soda Sulphate, X I? goan b^ng hiin.

Potassa Bi-tartrate, m *° M° ^° hoe p^' sng s6a.\

Sal Rochelle, 1^ |^ ^'J H lo- sia ll iam.

Sulphur, a° il° jiA-Ag-
Calomel, M^^ Ka-l5- bi.

Blue Pill, ^
J^ :^ h6ng Mm o^n.
Hydrarg, C. Creta, iK°^°^^ h6-tsi6h h6ng hiin.

Castor Oil, ^ f^° fft pi m6a ii% tfc 4 ffi to- pi it.

Rhubarb, S:fz tai-hong.

Aloes, SI^ a-16.
Senna, j^ # sin-nd.
Elaterium, ^ jg #° i-16 tia.

Podophyllin, ^ JI # ^ p5- t5 hui lifen.

Scammony, ± ^ M ^ su kim M ni.

Jalap, m° ^ tse-lip.
Gamboge, ^"^ M tin-hong.
Croton Oil, B S pa-tau
rft it.

Colocynth,WBM ko-lC. sin.

Soda Phosphate, m^^ lo" lln i6ng.

Magnesia, M S bi-i6ng.
Magnesia Carb, M ^ * than-i6ng. l^i

Magnesia Citrate, ^ # H bi Ifeng i4m.

Potassa Tartrate, i^ ^ H hoe p6- i^m.
Enema, ^ ^° ?K° «t A ^' P^°
ffl° ^ ^2:° lii^ eng i6h tsm sia jip pun mflg
fe boat.

Counter-irritant and Caustic, 51 ^ ffi i^ peng ctbut.

Mustard, ^ *° kai-loah.
Capsicum, ^ #{ lidh tsio.
Eosin, fS §si6ng hiong.
Cantharides, M^pan-M.
Croton Oil, S
E° fift pa-tau i6,
Tartar Emetic, 0i^ 6^ lit « ^ hoe the p6- tb6- idb.
Aqua Ammonia, @ j^lg 3JiC° kheng tam tsui.
Liquor Potassa, |^ ^ hoe i6ng 7jiC tsiii.

Caustic Potassa, $^ ^ hoe i6ng.

Chromic Acid, S^ ^ ^° iong sng. lo-

Silver Nitrate, M M. M guQ tam i6ng.

Acid Nitric, $t §1 ^'^ siau ki6ng sng.
Acid Nitrate of Mercury, ^ ?t gg ij h6ng siau ki6ng tan.
Zinc Chloride, 11 M ^ seng lidktan.
Alum, ® ho&,n.
Zinc Sulphate, M^ M seng h6ng i6ng.
Copper Sulphate, ®° j^ ^ ting h6ng i6ng.
Heat, fij it° chhong sio.
Diaphoretics, M ff° M hoat ban i6h.
Potassa Citrate, i^ tf S hoe leng ifi,m.

Ammonia Acetate, ffi ^^ ?J:° kheng tam chh6- tsiii.

Potassa Nitrate, »X° {t h^ siau.
Dover's Powder, mWM^ )r =^ i-pit-kek a-phien sod".
Ipecac, P^ ^8^ I-pit-kek.
Tartar Emetic, $$ ^ fj pf ^° boe the p6- 1;b6- iob.
Guiacum, ^ ^ ^ ke ek kim.
Sassafras, W ^ ^ sa-sa-hoat.
Perpermint, W W M° p6h-h6 biob.
Sweet Spirit of Nitre, m ?t # ^ ii siau I-t4" f-i° (fcgiu.

Diuretics, ^J th M siau-pien. li

Potassa Bi-tartrate, « ^ boe p6- sng sia".

iiS tS:°
Potassa Acetate, ^ ^ hoe chb6- iam.

Potassa Nitrate, itl- 5t phok siau.

Potassa Carbonate, |55 ^^ hoe than i^ng.
Potassa Bi-carbonate, mmm^ boe song thdn i6ng.
Colcbicum, # |J ig ko-tsi-gim.
turpentine, ^ |5 if si6ng tsat ifi.

Copaiba, IF # *G ko-pai-pah.
Sweet Spirit of Nitre, m^ ij M ti° siau i-td" tsiu.
Cubebs, ft ff =8S Pit-teng-ka.
Squills, tt ^ tt su-ke-li.
Emetics, gt M° tho- i6h.

Ipecac, m^m I-pit-kek.

Lobelia, g& ^ M lo- pi-li.

Mustard, ^ ^° kai-loah.
Tartar Emetic, |R ii %* PI 11° boe the p6- tbo- i6h.
Zinc Sulphate, il ^^
seng b6ng i6ng.
Copper Sulphate, Bi M tdm-ho^n.
Alum, ^

Emmenagogues, MM tiiiu keng.

Ergot, :^mm ji"-g& tdt.

Savin, "B ^ se bun.
Cantharides, M %° pan-b^.
Borax, $1 # pSng-se.
Iron, ^° thib.
Aloes, H II a-16.
Guiacum, ^ ^ ke ek kim.
Expectorants, M boa tham. f{J

Seneka, ^ ^ iU sin-i-ka.
Squill, •± ^M su-ke-li.
Assafoetida, P3 IS a-gui
Garlic, ,^ BI soan-tb&u.
Cimicifuga, )E tIS Jg sam bi su.
Ammoniac, ^ S a-m(5"b°-lek.

Benzoin, ^ ^° an-sek-biu".

Myrrh, U M° but-i6h.
Balsam of Peru, IU # ||° pi-16- tsiu".
Balsam of Tolu, m # Sl° tsiu".

Tar, Jr Hi fa td-md iu.

Ipecac, gS P# ^1 i-pit-kek.
Liquorice, ^ kam-chb6.

Sedatives, ^ m° ^ P^ng m^^h peng ndu». li^

Hydrocyanic Acid, M ^ ^° ^heng than tam^

Potassii Cvanide. M^ Ji^hoe than tarn.

[306 j
Digitalis, ^ Jfe S m6- te h6ng.
Veratrum, H Sf H hiii ha liam.
Ice, ^K 7jC° peng tsui.

Citric Acid, ^ ^° l&ng sng.

Aconite, ^ ,^ Bl° chh6-o--thau.
Calabar Bean, M E S° ka-lat-pa tau.

Hemlock, M M khiam 16k.

Cocculus Indicus, #J^ iJ i kek kiau lek su.
Tobacco, jg ^° bun bi6h.
Veratrum Album, j^ H S? ^ pek biii hk liam.

Spinants, M 1^° ^ j^° boat bab kun Mt.

Nux Vomica, # ^jc ^° hoan b6k pi.
Strjcbnine, •± 6^ i^° su tek ni.
St. Ignatius Bean, Ja ek ni ^^ sa.

Stimulants, H M iL i.° W beng kbi biet 6 i6b.

Ammonia Carb. $M 'M ^ ^ kbeng tam tban i6ng.
Spirit Ammo. Aromatic, fl ^ #° i;K° kbeng tam hiang tsiii.
Turpentine. UW°i^ si6ng tsat iu.
Alcobol, ^11:° m b^-tsiii.
Wine, ^mm pbti-t& tsiu.
Carbolic Acid, *D S^
|^° ka bo- Uk sng.
Creasote, i^ If ki-o so-. ^
Heat, |ij '^° cbbong sio.
Electricity, H ^ tien kbi.
Tonics, ^ ^ p6- i6h.
Iron, li° ^° thih i6b.
Ferri-Carb prec, ^° m ^° tbib i6ng so^.
Ferri Sulpbate, ff p cbbeng bo&n.
Ferri per-chloride, m° m° 'i\<° tbib sien tsiii.
Ferri tinct. Muriatic, ^
||° ?@ tbib sien tsiii.
Iron and Quinine citrate, li°
|| Dp ^^ ^° thik ke-na Igng so^".
Ferri Pbospbate, ff 'g| tbib lin i6ng. ^
Ferri Per-oxide bumid, «° m
^° tbib i6ng sip soa". M
Ferri Carb. Sach. Ii°
^^ || ^° tbib-tb^n i6ng tbfig sod''.

Miscellaneous, Fit' ^ B M° bu li6k tsap i6b.

Borax, M # peng-se.
Potassa per-marigiinte, ^55 iJi ^ lioe beng i6ng.
Chloride of Calcium, i^ 0^ =^ s^k li6k san.
Collodion, >X i^ t@ li6-° bidn tsiii.

Glyceri«e, "H" ?|{f. kam-iu.

Soda Sulphate, ig ?^ ^ 16' hong i6ng.
Litharge, '^f
PS ff bit t6 tseng.
Emplastrum Adhesive, ^ P°- ^ hdp chhiii ko.
Basilicon Ointment, P° ^
Il'i siu chhiii ko.
Plaster of Paris, 5° ^ tsi6h-ko.
Ferri Iodide, gi° $i tliih ti^n.

Cinchona Bark, ^ i| |^ kim ke l&p.

Quinine, l|W ke-nd, |&° ^° p^h i6h.
Cinchona, ^ M W sien ko nA.
Sulphate of Quinine, ^ 11 1^ H kim ke lap song.
Quassia, JOSL '^ koa-sa.
€fentian, ^° iS° ng ni.

Calumbo, J3 ^ :^ ka lim pi.

Chiretta, ^ TpiJ ic ki\i li tai-

Wild Cherry, W^
;l?° hiok li pU.

Willow Bark, ^°^° &° liii chhiu plie.

Cinnamon, H° ;^ jiok-kiii.
Gloves, T # teng-hiu^
Calamus, ?K° g fi tsiii chhiong p6-.
Orange Peel, ^ & tin-phi.
Ginger, M^ kiu".
Zinc Sulphate, SI II W seng hong long.
Silver Nitrate, M 'M # gun tam i6ng.
Acid Sulphuric. H ^ it° h&ng i6ng sng, & ^ ^° Ung ki6pg tSiii.

„ Nitric, m 7K° siau kiong

Sis tsui.

„ Nitro-muriatic, |S ^ ^° kheng li6k sng.

„ Muriatic, H 3S 7|v'' iam ki6ng tsui.

Medina, ft (i f) Bek-tek-na. tia^-tia" siu",

Mediocre, ^° :i° pi"-siu", ^I^ '^ p^ng-

si&ng, (low degree) 4* Ji° tiong ^
teng chhii.
Medioeritj, (of talent) ^ # i° ^'

:J" tiong teng e.

Meditate, H M- sam-su, S° :£° .^^°

— ,

Medium, (mean) r^ tiong, ^ tf» chhiu" Mu bit, (smooth) J^ {S sun
tek-tiong. (sound as of a sweetly flow-

Medley, ^
^^ chham-chhu, ^^ ing stream) ^
M- khim sia°.
cbham-lam, H
^^j° tsap mih. Mellow, (ripe) |g kau-hun, (as ^
Medullary, f|° chh6 e." ^ sound) Pl liang, i| WL un-ti, t°
Medusa, l^'tlie. hiang, (fuddled) B? tsui.
Meed, ^ K p6 siii", K il siii" mih. Mellowness, j^ ^^ sSng si6k, (of
Meek S ic ) uii-jift, ^ |E un- fruit) Jft jSS kail hun, (as pine-
Meekness j sun, ^ ^ khiam-siin. apples) B^ h^ng, (as of old age)
Meekly, jjg.^^ un siin, ?^ il un jiii. ^° tsin lau. ^
Meekness, J« ill jj; 'ft un siin ^ Melodious, ft It ho-hai.
seng, Jia i^ un jili- Melodize, -0^° # ft |t ho- i h6 hai.
Meet, (a person) # ^° Ii6e-ti6h, Melody, ft If h6-hai.
together, ^M tsu-tsip, i^ # ts6e- Melon, W° j[li° si-koe,—seeds, S"
hoe, —another by accident, ?|fl° ^° koe-tsi.
iS°5I°sa"-tng-thau,}i°^nu-ti6h, Melt, ^° iu'^, m siau,—iron, ^°^°
j§°S°tng-ti<Sh, — face to face, # iil"-thih,— silver, ig° Sg khSng
[S hoe-bien, —with disaster, ^.^ gun, M° kheng tsien, gold,

sit-su, —with, m° W sa'^-tng, Ji M^ kh^ng kirn,— away, 1^ *°
^°gu-ti6h, ^g°i^° tu-ti6h, m° m° iii°-khi.

tng-ti(5h, (proper) -^ '1^° Meltable, tg° || ;fi° 6e ifi" tit.

(a guest) '^° m° ngir-tsih, go Member, —
of body, nWi'S.%s,u-
out to — , ifB° ^ ngi^"-tsih, — ones tsi-ng6--koan, "5° ^ pah-th^, —of
wishes, ^ A°M hah Mng i, (fit) a society, # ;S hoe-iii, church —
^° hah, (suitable) ^^
li t" i:° A° kau-lai
hap-gl, Mng. fe

^ ^^ hAp sit. Membership, ;S tsoe hoe iii. ffij #

Meeting, "i" hoe, !fB # siong-hoe. Membranaceous, "SSi ^ pau mo'h" t
Meetly, -S* g
hap gi, -& hAp. Membrane, Bi° pau-m6h°. ^
Megrim, BI '^ th^u ^
khak thia", Membranous, 'S ^" pau m6-h° &. M
(a whim) ^M
koai phiah. Memento, J^ gB 6i-ki, IE piau-ki. ^
Melancholy, fM ^
ut-bun, ^° ^° Memoir, tsi-b6ng. g^
peh-pak, 'IS >& tsiau-sira, (afflic- Memorability, W ffi ^ u chhut mi^".
tive) #° A° 'Ii° i& ho- lang tsau- Memorable (illustrious) UJ ^°chhut-
sim. mifi,", (as an affair) {fj chhut M ^
Meliorate, m° W^ phi"-khin. Memorandum, —book, ^ IE Jl tstin
Melioration, |J( tS khah khin. ki pho-, IE i5 'm ki-li6k ph5-, (of
Melliferous, ^ ^M chhut bit e. goods) n" W° h^-toa°.
Mellifluous, #: ^ fi ?)fc ^
nd chhin Memorial, ig |E Hi-W, —archway,
^ * Ii6-pi4u, ?i° i^° tsi6h hng, (a kin, — one's manners, course of
© pin
petition) ijifi tliiap. life, 85:° ^ ^° k6e kh6an sit, —
Memorialist, ^ ^ tsau M M ^, one's manners, become more po-
pin &. lite, M°'M°^m pi" khah bUn-li.
Memorialize, (the sovereign) ^° Mendacity, Bf '^M" k<5ng peh chhdt,.
tsku, (the authorities) ^ pin, I M tSi soat-hong.
shall —the Governor General, ^° Mendicant, ^ ^° khit-tsidh, :j!g ^
^° m tfi
*° «m# g6a beh pin hoa-tsu.
thiap khi pin ts6ng-tok. Mendicity, f^ ^ th6 tsiah, g -^ khit
Memoriter, ^° IS° oat Ham. tsidh.
Memorize, (learn by heart) 5^!l° Menial, a, ^
A ka-jia (mean) Jg ^ f
tg° S^"" ;|!° |§ thdk kau 6e liam tit, ha-tsien.

he will the whole of the classics. Menses, M M. g^h-keng.
mm^^^ m° m\° W
m y^ m° Menstrual (monthly) ^ tak g^h,
3\ t&° M
keng six i long beh thAk kau oe ^ M g^h geh, ^ miii" geh, @
liam tit, he does not speak extem- (pei'taining to the menses) ^ g
poraneously, he has his speech, —g^h keng.
Menstruous, W° =?I 7^° u keng-tsiii,
W i m si sun chhui k6ng, i si liam .W°fT°iguki4''-keng.
s^k tsiah k6ng. Menstruum, MiK keng tsiii, ^ g
Memory, IE ^° ki-ti, |E 'tt° ki-si", g^h keng, fj M
M kia" keng ^.
(write from) B M° ^^k chheh. Mensurable, "i" fi 6^ oe niu" tit.

Men, A° Mng, all—, A° A° l^ng Mensuration, 5° f^ niu°-hoat.

Mng. Mental, ,2» 65° sim-g.
Menace, M°
pkng-tiau, 111° 1®° Mentally, i6 P^° sim
lai, *& 'S sim

Menagerie, |a° mM :t° Br & chhi Mention, ^° & kdng khi, IS° 3\°

id-siu e s6' tsai. kong-kau, oh ! don't — it, M. M

Mencius ^ ^p Beng-tsii. khi- kam.
Mend (as clothes)# p6-, # B° p6-- Mentionable, rT" bS )IS thang k6ng
thap, (as house) fy M td°-ti4p, ^ khi, § ^ 1# oe k6ng tit.

a siu-li, ^ siu-ts^ng, (as

Mephitic, ® ^ t6k i ^ ^ oe khi,
shoes) 5fi° tiam, —slightly, thak- U-&^ un-ek &.

thak, —thoroughly, ijc° J^° k6e- Mephitis, t6k khi. #^

chhia°, (reform) ijc. j§ kAi k6, Merchantable, oe b6e boe # MW#
(rectify) 65:° *° *° k^e khi tioh, tit, ?ji' fi li oe siau
th^u tit.#


(in health) M° »° khah h6, Mercantile M ^M ^° ts5e seng-li

one's pace, H° M" M kia"^ khah g, H° 1° bde-boe, —house, ?t ^

hang-kau, fir Hf h^ng siong. tiong-t4u.
Mercenary, m° ^° Pi ^° oe mai"- Meridional, iE° ^ 6^° tsia" ng6'" g,

tsiok tit, t^" f° IS ^° 6e he-l6- Q ^° erjittkug.

tit,£° m° 5E° ki" tst" si. Merino, 3ft M ^ a-li-pin.
Mercer, ^° H |gf ^° boe tiil-toan g, Merit, Jji m kong-16, JX Wi kong-
I* ii i° tili-toan kheh. hun, (deserve) Wi M ^° liin tsin
Merchandise, M° %° he-mih. ti6h, K IE ^° sit-tsai ti6h, he-
Merchant, ^ ig A° seng-li Mng, A° death, m M M° ^° lun tsin
§ it kheh siong, ^ n° Z° A° ti6h si.
khui h^ng g ling. Merited, MUW ^^° eng kai tit ^.

Merchantman, j^ |g° siong-tsAn, >JIC° Meritorious, ^ ^ ^^^

iu kong,
IS h6-tslin. u kong-16, ^ % fi h6 tsek-tek.
Merciful, #°
giu kh6-lin, W°
pf '^ Mermaid, ^.° ^^ hi-tsi".

H ^ u tsA-pi, t.Mn jin-tsft,

^° Merrily, 1;° ^ hoa"-hi, % m tek
|)t° i5 nfig-sim, God is very— J: kdi.

?& :^° ii ?J Siong-t^ toa tsti-pi. Merry, j^ >& chheng-sim, ig? j^t

Mercifully, :t t ii u jin tsli, M° *& chhfeng-dng, %M thi6ng-16k, %

n6g sim. m"" tek-kdi.
Merciless, ^ ,^, tsin-jim, ^° f^ jf4 Mesenteric,—glands, :^° M Z° W
b6 lln-bin, ffl ^° cbho--chhin. tng-m6-h" 6 hAt.
Mercurial, jjc Mesentery, ^° m° tng-m6-h°.
6^° sui-gtin ^,
(sprightly) ^° ®° odh-tang. Mesh, (of net) m° @° baug-bdk,
Mercury, tJC ^
siii-gtin, (the star) fall into his—, jip ^ KP BM°
j-r M" tsiii-chhi". 16 bang.
Mercy, MB
tsli-pi, #'|fg lin-bin, Mess, (together) ta° 11° ^° sa'-kap

?r '1 kh6-]ln. tsidh, ^i^"^ hdp he-sit, (medley)

Mercy-seat, J| ^. pJi si-un s6-. # ^ chham-lara, (confusion) H
Mere ) =p ^° kan-ta, ^ 'M put-k6, U. loan-loan, ^ fl hun loan.
Merely jf f^ chheng-chheng,
^® Message, © Pfl hoin-hii.
t6k-t6k, I—ask you, ^° ;r> i^ f^y Messenger, gg ^- sii-tsid, ^ ^°
W° g6a put-k(\ mng li. chhe-ski, assistant — ,
glj ^ hii-
Meretricious, ^° ^£° Si 6^° siok ti chhe.
pidu ^, ^g ^ ft^° chhiong-ki-6, Messiah, ^ ^ US Bi-ski-a.
(alluring by false show) ji @° Messiahship, M i? 35 ;i° U Bi-ski-a
b& bdk, iS° U° hid" bdk, (showy) 6 tsit.
hoe hiet. Messmate, I^° -Ijlfe :ft ;5:^ A° t^ng h^-
Merge, (immerse) •M° ^° im-bdt. sit ^ 14ng.
Meridian, ^ %° ng6--soa", 4* '^° Messuage, A W jlu ke.

Met, (with) m°M° tu-ti6h, ^°m° Metamorjjhose, ^ ffc pien-hoa.
tng he has met with a mis- Metamorphosis,
tioh^ ^ -ft pien hok, %
fortame, #W° S° ^^ 1^ Si^ i u tu- ^° pien-iu°.
ti6h tsai-e. Metaphor, 1^ ^ piii-jii-

MeteearpaL, ^° ^ # chhm tsiii" kut. Metaphorical, # 1^ 6^ phi-ju S, ^

Metallic, S.# 6§ ng6r kim ^, a 6r phi-lQu-e.
801™*, S ^ ;t° ^ ngo- kim ^ Metaphrastic,^ ^° i^ g sui ji hoan-
sia", his voice has a —sound, # ek, m^'^mm t^t jl hoan-^k.
:t°^° sia" ngi Uau. Metaphysical, 3 ^ 6^° H hdk e.

Metalliferous, (veins) ^ ^ ^ ^ te Metaphysician, If a i^ #° phok 11

p6 hek 16k, IB 5. ;^ 6^° chhut hakg.

ng6- kim &. Metaphysics, S ^ hdk. li

Metalline, (consisting of metal) S. Metatarsal, B «° # kha-tsiu"-kut.

^® ng6" kim ts6e, (impregnat- Mete, M° niu".
ed with metal) ^ S ^ 6^° chham Metempsychosis, ^
:ffi° lun-h6e, The

ng6' kim ^. Buddhist Church believes in the

MetalH^, W 3i ^ &^° phok ng6- doctrine of— ^ m ^m^ M ±°
kim S. ji a
hiit kau u sin Mn h&e e to-li.

Metals, 3E ^
ngo'-kim, (spelter) Meteor, m° M° pe-chhi", Sg M M
^ m peh-ign, (steel) m° kng, seng, %. khi siong. ^
(tin) ^ siah, (tin plate) Ji° P° Meter, W ^° ^ ^ niA" fe khi-khu.
ii° he khau thih, (iron) m° thih, Meterological, Ji, M^ 65° hong li

(manufactured iron) ^ ^ sek- h^k g, ^* 65° khi hak S.

thih, m° )t° thih Meterology, ii

(iron sheets) ^ khi siong, fi ^
phi", (iron hoops; thih -kho', (raw hong Ti hdk. %
iron) ^° ^° chhi"-thih, (iron Metheglin, ||° ^ jj:° hitth£g tsiii.
rods) m°^ thih-ti^u, (lead) ^ Methinks, fS° #r° ^° goa phah-sng.
i^n, (lead in sheets) ® }r° ien- Method, S ^ hoat- t5-, :K ^ hong
phi", (copper) M
(copper hoat.,

manufactured sheets) ^° ^° sek Methodical, ^° ^ ^ u kui-kd, W°

t^ng, M° J^° l^ng-phi", (Japan ^^ u chhii-su.

copper) ^ ^° Jit-pun t4ng, Methodically, M ^ )? tsiau chhu su,

(iron wire) ^ ^ thih-si, (iron Jg° T° ^° ii he-16h.
kentledge) ^ ^° ® ^° siong ffi° Methodist Episcopal Church, ^ Jil

tsun teh tsai thih, (pot iron) ^° *^ fc -t Bi-i-bi ^ kku-hoe.

m° tid°-8i, (quicksilver) i^ ^ siii- Methodize, #° :g° ??!# ho- ^ i u
giin. chhii su.

Metalliii^, S^H ngo- kim luu. Metonomy, BJJ" ^° tsioh k<5»g.

Metre, f| un, ^ ^| hun-un, accor- Mid-day, ^° jit-tku.
ding to—, M° hI 161i un. Middle, tp ^° tiong-ng, + FH tiong-

Metrical, ^ 'n] 6^ si kii-S. kan, 1^ *C« tiong-sim, —of the

Metropolis, ^P W" kia"-sia° ^^ tfe- palm, ^° 4* »& chhiii tiong sim,
to-, h^ng-th kha-tau. —man, tp A tiong Mng, — wo-
Metropolitan, — city, :^ M kia° si^°. man, Ji° A°bi& Mng.
Mettle, (spirit) ^ 55$ tseng sin. Middle-age*d, ^° ^ ^° poa" 16-lau,

Mettlesome, (as horse) clihio, (full 4» ^ tiong-lien.

of spirit) ^
iSf tseng sin, ^ 3^ Middling, ^
^f* tek-tiong, i^°M tioug-

tseng eng. pan, (pretty good) tiong, ;^ # ^

Mew, (molt) ^° ^° lut miig, (con- ^ cbha put-to.
fine in a cage) m° 1° ff ° koai"^ Mid-night, ^° ?g° pok'^-ml
Idng d, (cry as a cat) iau'', iau°- Mid-ship, J|S° + tsAn-tiong.
iau" h4u. Mid-shipman, hdk-seng. ^^
Mexican, (dollar) J^ ff IS tsidu-d- Mid-summer, he-tsi. JM
glin. Midwifery, iJ3^°# ts6e khioh tsia.
Miasma, (infection floating in the Midst, ^ «f» lai tiong, f^ tiong- ^
air) 'S.'MM un-ek khi, (noxious ng, tf I^ tiong-kan, in the— of
exhalation) M# t6k-khi. people, A :t, 4* ^ l^ug ^ tiong
Miasmatic, #M t6k kM, H iC 6e kan.
khi. Midsummer, g° ^ be-tsi.
Mica, =f- M° W
chhien t^ng ts6a. Midway, ^° |& poa°-l6-, Shanghai is

Micah, (book of) M M t° E° Bi- ^between Amoy and Tientsin,
ka ^ chheh. ±m^m° frn° xw^°^°^
Mice, ,% iL 0° niau-chhii-d. Siong hdi si E-mng kap Thien-
Microcosm, th° 5c° Ji° si6 thi"-t6e. tsin t poa" l6".

Microscope, MU W hi^n-M kia°j Midwife, th° ^^ #° khioh-tsid-bu.

1?,°^° h^m-kia", simple—, W.° 1° Midwinter, ^ ^ tang-tsi, ^ B°
W>UM° toa° tsfin hi^n bl kik°, tang-tsoeh.
compound— M° 1° M ii ^° Mien, g
|^ i&ng-mau°.
siang tsan hi^n bi kia°. Might, (authority) fi| ^ koan-lfeng,
Microscopic, MU M° 6^° hi^n bl (strength) ^° :)f;° khM Ut, with—
kik" S, resembling a—, MWM and main, ^ }^ M° :ti° tsin chhut
U M° fi^° chhin chhiu" hi^n bi kia° ,
khiii Idt, ffi #^ chhut si^-mia".
e, (very minute) M ii ia° tsi bi Mightily, (with great earnestness)
s6e. ^
Hi »2» '^° tsin chhut sin mia°,
Mid, 4* ^° tiong-ng. M ^ "Jj tsin chhut Idt, he cried
Mid-autumn, t|» $)t tiong-chhiu. out—, #^ lii # ^ }^ i tsin

chhut sin mia" ki6. kek hifing, (not acrid) IS ^ b6
Mightiness, ^° ffi u ko^n, ^BM lodh, (aswind) f^ jiil, (as weather)
u ko&n Ifeng. jS fa un-h6, (as light) ^ jifi, the
Mighty, (strong) :k° M° ij° toa khiii light of this lamp is very — it does
Mt, ^ ^ i6ng-b^ng,(very great) not hurt the eyes, ^° 'h t. IK^
'B hai, (wonderful) #° H'" koh- §k ^° M° a tsit teng ^ hd tsin jiti,
iu" (powerful) ^° i|'^° u ko^n ^ boe chhiah bdk.
Mignonette, 5ih° P A° i° *i ?E goa Mildness, ?& li un-h6, 91 un-jiu. H
kok Mng e kui hoe. Mildew, -±" a° chhiu" ba.
Migrate, ffl $b° chhut-goa, M M Mildewed, ±° JJE chhiu°-pan.
chhien-ku, 'M W
chhien-s6a. Mile, Chinese — , _g li, The Chinese
Migration, ffi ^\>° chhut-goa, M W — mile varies in length, in some
chhien-sod, ^
^° chhien-ku. places it is short and in some, it

Migratory, (as birds) fl# J55 fi M is long, )i:° A";2:°M 3^ ^ t^g-

tsiau si lai 6ng, |4° ^ ^° ^° sod lang e 11 put teng, u s6'-tsai tng u
M s6a khi. s6--tsai t6, M° m ffi ®° ^° m i£
Milch cow, ^° |L° ±° ^° u leng ° the official — is short, '^° M
egli. S koa° li si t6, the common
Mild, (gentle) -Ml ^ un-jiA JS f| mile is long, I5 M :^ :^° bin 11 si

un-sun, |iE° ^° sun-slin, (as

weather) ^°,^°sio-l6, (not stern) Military, |S bii, i& li6k-lo- ^
^°m h6 gi4m, (not acrid) M° |$° stores, kun-tsong, manoeu- %^ —
bo loah. vers, fi tin-hoat, orders, W — %^
Mild 1 ?a ^
un-jiti, P/l un-s6n, S
kun-leng,— laws, fi peng boat, &
Mildly j l/l ilj s(in sun, ,fil sun- art, ^ M- bii-ge, —expenses, ^ — ^
li6ng, (not^ severe) ^WM ^^ ^ peng hiii.

Military Kanks, ^i.° ^a^ peng 6 phin kip.

Commander in Chief, ^Wi%W peng bd goan s6e.

General, t^^ Tsiong kun.

Lieutenant General, H H ^ # || H th^u t^ng th^-tok kun bdn.
Major General, fi # I^ P^ th^-tok kun-bun.
Brigade General, ^. ;£ ts6ng peng.
Colonel, glj M h{i-tsi6ng.
Lieutenant Colonel, # ^ chham-tsi6ng.
Major, mW iA-kek.
Captain, |P ^ to'-si.

Lieutenant, *3^ ^ siu-pi.

Sub-lieutenant, ^ If. chliien-ts6ng
Sergeant, ffi° |§ p^-ts6ng.
Corporal, $h ^ goa lii.

Private, ^ T peng-teng.
Cavalry ^ be peng.
soldier, ,||

Artillery soldier, 'M ^ phku peng.

Infantry soldier, ^ £^ p6" peng.
Engineer, !^J1^ kun kong peng.
Secretariat, ^ JJ ^ i4" bu chbii.
Secretary ^ i? :S ia" bu cliliu.
Adjutant, tf ^ tiong kun.
Surgeon, ^ "g i koa".
Commissariat, ^^ niu"-tai.
Commissary, ^1 -^niu-tai.

Militate, m° fS° sa° phah, #° ^M oe-bo, —turned by oxen, ^° $"

tsoe-lui-thau. gd cbbia, — stone, 11° ff" ;f bo-
Militia, i|i ^^ hi6ng-i6ng, ^ i6ng, A-tiin, li bo.

H 15 gi-bin. Mill cog, ^° ® %° cbbia Mn kbi.

Milk, $L leng, |L° lin, cow's—, '^° Millenary, —°f>°:^° cbbeng
g-S" tsit

|L° gu-leng, to— S° Mt-leng, #

—man, S° ^° ?L° #° boe gii Miller, He" 1° t.° A° oe-bo & l&ng,
leng ^. ;g ± A° kbui gH-bo
Milker, Sf)" IL # tr leng g (one tiam ^ lang.
tliat gives milk, as a cow) ffi ^1° Millet, °
-ff" s6e-ii, ^° ^° sek-d,
^ cbhut leng e. # ^ hoan-s6e, M f?° l5--s6e, >,
Milkiness, U \% ^ IL cbhin-chliiu" m° #° ab-kha s6e.
gu leng. Million, 1° ^ pab ban.
Milkmaid, 15 ;^ ^a ^^m^ ti-^ Millionare, M^ oan-goe, :^° ^i
gti leng § tsa b6" gin-d.. toa tsdi-tsu.
Milkman, M -^ -fL ^A boe gu leng Millstone, m° ^° b6-tsi6h.
6 lang. Milt, ^° f-" bl-ia.
Milk pail, ?L° ^ m ga leng tbiing. Mimetic, #° ^° A° g^u 6b l^ng.
Milky way, Wi fBT g^n bo, 5c i^ Mimic, a, m° A° M° 6b Mng ^, to—
thien b6, 5c M. tbien-ban. m° 6b Mng. A
Milky, IL 6^ leng Mimical, |^° A° 6h Rug.
^,— way, ^
gfin-b6, 5c M
tbien-b&, '% Mimicker, m° A° m° 6h l^ng L ^
tbien-ban. Mimicry. m° A° 6b Mng.
Mill, ir M° bo-i.ang, band—, }^ ®
Min, (province) fs^ i§ Ban-s6ng.

Mina, $1° ^| ka-leng. ^ ^i, M-" W siu" beh, I am— to
Minatory, ^° P|j pang
tiau, PJt 11^° go Shanghai, ^° ^°
g6a siu" beh khi Siong-hAi.
W ±m

Mince, M clib(\, p i^ chhiet-ii\,— Mindful, (attentive) M i& koan-sim,
very small, M
ji^ng, (diminish in (heedful) ^° *J» *& u si6 sim.
speaking) jgSil^'jm^ek iu sia", (for Mindless, (stupid) §(6 tun, /p 'Jl put-
pies) bin-si, —
pie. bin-si pai. thong, (unmindful) U° M »& bo
Mincing,— gait, ^° 0.° fr° tsng toi\" koan sim.
kia", fT° '^° Jt kia° kbe-bai. Mine, a, kh6ng, gold—, ^ ^ ^
Mincingly, j|i° ia° fj° tsng tc)a" ki^". kim-kh6ng, (belongs to me) f§
Mind, *& sim, <& BI° sim-thflu, fif goa-g, a coal— m° m° th&- #
confused, ge, —grieved, )^
»& hotln th6a" kh6ng, j®° ^° j^° tho" th5a''
tsi°, open a coal— m" ^° m° m°
sim, IE :f ° ki-ti, (nt-
tend to) BU i& koan-sim, ?i jpiji khui th6--thoa" khong.
tsii-siii, (care lor) M k6*, (liking) Miner, li° ±° ^° m M° khui th6--
jft ^ i-ki, (obev) ^° tlikn, (de- thoa-' khong g, w ±° m° ^° m°
termine) '^° ^' M .S tia"-ti6h khui th6--thok" tsi"-fe.

i-sii, ife M koat-i, Mineral,

never — ^^
kim S(5k lui. ^^M
^ —
bo siong-kan, your own busi- Mineralogical, ^^
fi{|° kim sek e,

ness, mmwM:^i.°m'' k6- ii S. ng6--kim e. ^ ^ .

hong sin ki e tai-tsi. Mineralogist, ^^

rt kim s^k sii.
Minded, easy — ^
•?§ hiU-hai,
Mineralogy, W^ kim-s^k lun.^^%
liau-thien, hoa"-hoa", (inclined) Ming, (dynasty) Bfl -ig Beng-ti^u.

Emperors of the

MIN urn
Mingle, iH° #
sa^-chham, The waters Minstrel, I'M" ic° #° chhiii" koa g,

of the river with the waters of (bard) |f si-ong. ^
the Ocean, ^° ^° $3.° i^° ^° ^ #
Minstrelsy, (the arts of themustrels)
Ichoe tsiii kap hai tsiii sa" chhana. "M lfe° -i° ^ chhiii" koa 6 boat,
Miniature, ih° fi° she &, (portrait) (collective body of songs) ^ koa.
*J, ^ sidu-6ng,—globe, >J>° U° Jfe Mint, ^ 7t P^^li bo, (a factory of
S soe e toe kili. coin) m^ Wi° tsi"-k^k.
Minimum, ± ^° siang tsi6, M 'Jf° Mintage, ft ^° tsii tsl".

kki tsid. Minuend, ^ ^° tii siau.

Minion, (a favorite) M ^ 16k-ai, Minus, M kidra.
^M tek-thi6ng, (small type) >J>° Minute, (small) ^)^°tsin soe, (fine)
^ ^° M si6 i^n ji pAn. ^ ;^ tsin-iu, (of time) ^ hun,
Minister, (Christian) S^ gp b6k-su, (particular) |^ ^ si6ng-se,
WC $S5 kau-su, prime ^° tsai"- —^ , hand, ?<J; ff- bidu tsiam, (exact)
si6ng,M M si6ng-ia, ^B @ siong m tsiin, (detailed) ifc° (i° fJ-°
kok,— of state, |a g tiau-sin, A siku ti^u-d kong, (of proceedings)
E jin-sin,— of music, m t" g&k •X M tai-i, make a—, IE :^ # ki
hoa", (envoy) f: ^ 5^ E khim- tai-i, (of importance) i\°
tai sin, (for foreign affairs)
% si6-kh6a,— book, |E ^
su pho'.
ki W
tak su-bu tai sin, (resident) Minutely, f^ ^ siong-sfe.
^B S5: ^ :^ E b6--kok khim- Minuteness, (smallness) =^H° s6e.
chhe tai sin, B°^m'^^ IS sa" Minuter, M
f¥ ^B khah si6ng s^.
t^ng khim-chhe
tai sin.
(performing service)
Minutest, ^~ W te-it soe, %—
±° || ^
:i^ te-it iii, (in -detail)
M° 9 pan su, public—, M" ^^ siang siong-se.
pan kong su. Minx, m m. z° -k" ^° m° m° tsih
Ministry, office of the—, ^M i.° tsuh e tsa-bo" gin-A.
^f b6k su 6 tsit. Miracle, ^° sin-jiah,
^ M^°:^°
Minor, (under age) ^ j|g "J* be seng ki-i" ^ tai-tsi.
teng, Asia,— >J»° S5 W S5 Si6 A- Miraculous, #°^°^°jp|l° koh-iu°
se-a, (in importance) M ^° ^ ^ 6 sin-jiah.
khah b6 iaii-kin. Mirage, ^^ h6an-k^ng, Slffg «|
Minority, (under age) ^ Js^ T be hdi chhi sin 16-.

s&ng teng, (smaller number) M Mire, m° m° thb--U.

ij>"khah tsi6, ^° -° ^° b6 Mirror, i|° length—,
tsit ki^"^, full M°
p6a", ^° if -° ^°- b6 k^u ®°
tsit Jfr tsi6 sin kia", plane — ^ , 2p
pi" ki4", convex—, ,5, ^ ph6ng

kia°, concave^, IMl M lap kia°, hoat-to-, *t° KB, ^ ;?T b6 tsi^u s6-
burning — , >)< ^ he kia'', focus of kia".

concave — , 5B *& kng sim, IH ^ ;S Misbehavior, ^° p^S tf phAi" phin

^ tsu tsip kng ^ s6' tsai. heng, ^° pjf ff° phdi"' s6- kia°, S
Mirth, ?i jC* chheng-sim, t^ 1^ khoai- fi fr lam sdm kia°, *& ^ ;? ffi

16k. sim Slit put toan.

Mirthful ,^# m tek-kai. Misbelieve, fa % ^° sin in ti6h,

Miry, W° iM° a° ko th6--b^. If ° ir '&W ^ lam-sim sin.

siii"'-si<i". Miscalculate, ^° ^° ^° sAg in ti6h,

Misadventure, ||° b6 kai-tsai, ^° #g° sng chho.

5s fij ^° ^
ts5-hoa in si. Miscalculation, ^° H sng chho.
Misadvised, f^° A° 15:° T>° *° ho- Miscall, |Pl-° T^° kio in ti6h. ^°
lang ka in ti6h, fc° ka chh6. Miscarriage, (failure) ^° JsR b6-s^ng
have a—, m°
Misanthrope, ^t :2:°, A° put jin &
|ft° J5£° bo-tsia", to

Mn-. M° M ka-laiih-sin.
Misapplication, (of money) iM ^S Miscarry, M° ^° # ka-laiih sin,

khai put ti6k, (of talents) ^° ^f. (affair) ^,° ^h6 s^ng.

^ eng put ti6k, (to a wrong per- Miscellaneous,

^° M.'^ l^n-san, ^ 12{£

son) m- T>° m° A° t° till S ti6h l^n-chhiii, lui-chhiii, — articles, M

l&ng k6ng.
%° ts4p mih.

Misapply, (as money) ^/f^M khai Miscellany, % W ts4p li6k.

put-ti6k, U& ^tU kd kong heng Mischance, l^° ^ W, b6-kai-tsai, ^
mit-^ m tso-hok ^° 5i ^ si,
phdi" tso hok.
Misapprehend m° ^° »° thia'' in

Misapprehensive-^-ti6h, m° ^° ^J Mischief, Jf. ^ siin-hai,— maker, H

thia" U Ung, m° B" thia" ta", M
M° Ji i siang-bin-to kiii, M m.°
m liong go-, fg ir A° i:° M B ^° poan li i# poan
thio 6, ^
chh6 jin l^ng e i-su, purposely — tong 6, up to—, tsok gidt.^ M W
i^° P° &,°n°^ M h6 i lidh ts6e Mischievous, (harmful) %° oe ^
— my meaning,

khiap i, you quite hai, (as child) tsih-tsuh, gau-tsien,

as I said the contrary, m° ^° ^° IE HB thiau-han.

Mischievously, acting — , if M- tsok

11 thia° chh6 g6a § i-sii, g6a s6- gi^t, §L % ts6e giet.

k6ng si t6-p(5ng Mischoose, W %° *° k^ng i» ti<^b»

Misappropriate, (money) ^ ^ fr ^^ j*°^ k^ng chh6.

kd kong heng-su, Miscitation) 51 ^ in chh6, ?|
Misarrange, ^ :T;°^° pai in ti6h. Miscite j in m ti6h.
Misbehave, ^° M fi U b6 tsiau Miscomputation, % la siig chh6.
Misconceive, M 'I!!* Ii6ng go-, (have Miserly, E| ^^ ki4m-siap, g ff kien-
a wrong understanding of) la IS Iin, khift, —man, ^ B. U tsiii tsi"

A±S ,g chh6 jm Mng ^ i-sii. 16-.

Misconception, ^° ^° ^^ sia" in Misery, ^ m° kh6--thkng, "^ 'g

ti6h, m 'I^ liong-go- chhi°-chham.
Misconduct, ^° ;i° ^ fT° phii" ^ Misfortune, luck) Kf hiong, -^^

s6' kia°, (offence) M !5^ k^-sit. # put hong, (calamity) SJi f^°
Misconjecture, ^f-j- ^ litm chh6. tsai-e.
Misconstruction [ (take in a wrong Mifgive, IK" M giau-gl.
[sense) K^°i.°M Misgiving, iS
H giau-gt.
,§l hodn lang e i su. Misgotten, B°IEM^M°h6 ts6ng-
Miscount, S° WC J-° M"" sfig si&u keng tit-tioh,—gains, ^" JE ^ IS°
m t\6h, M° %° 7^° sAg m ti61i, h6 ts^ng-keng th4n.
^° sng-chh6.
af° Misgovern, &' ff j^ g lam-sdm ti-li.
Miscreant, H ^ hui-lui, H ^ liui-t6-. Iviisgovernment, fjL igt loan tseng,
Misdate, H -1'°
% f§° jit-tsi sid tU\
^Wf^m lam-sam ti-li.
Misdeed, ^° t.° m ff° phdi-^ e s6- Misguide, (morally) ^°P°ff°^°
ho- i kia° i^hdi",
51 fj° ^= in-i,i
Misdemean, ig ff fj" lam sdm kift". ki4" phAi", (in a road)
m° ^°^°
Misdemeanor, 3E ^ hoan tsoe, i^ ^ i# chhoa iii ti6h lo-.
Mishap, (ill luck) ^° mm
Misdirect, — tell wrong road, gj,
(calamity) i^ »i^ tsai-e.
^ tsai,

m%^ siet i-6 16-, ]ii &^° i& phien Misimprove, (abuse)
M° 1am- MU
i-^ lo-, (through ignorance) Ei° ^
sdm eng, (time) #T°?F.°5E liphah-
^°|^ k(Sna: intioh l6-, (a letter) |lt°
i£° S ^"»°
phoe phS sid iii ti6h. siig kong-im, (talents) %°\t:^
Misdo, (do wrong) fj° ^° ^° kid" M b6 chhdi ts^i-tiau.
^° m° Misinform, ;p°^o ^^ -
in tioh, f|i° ts5e iii ti6h. ^j^j^^ ^
Misdoing, ii° ^ ke-sit, fr" ^° ^° *-n :^° ^° thong-ti iii ti6h.
kia" iii tioh. tho^n chh6, Misinformation, ^^
Misemploy, M° %° eng iii-ti6h. fB W p6 chh6.
Misemployment, 'M. If ffl° lam sam Misinterpret, (from one language to
eng, M° ^ ^
eng put ti6k. another) 13°^°^° iii-ti6h, U
Misentry, IB fa ki chh6. (interpret in a wrong sense)
Miser, <^° mM
tsiii tsl''-16-. _A° i.° .g° hoan Idng i-sii. M fe

Miserable, ii ^
chhi^-chhdm, ^^
Misinterpretation, (of a passage)
li&n-hoe. It chhdm,IK kan-kh6-, ^
nr if k6e chh6, (of one' mening)
very—, ig° ff ^^
chhi"-chhiim mm°A°:t''ms. chh6 jm i&ng
Misjixdg©, M It MM lam-sAm gi-gi. tsia", m° ^^ ^ k6ng bQ tui, '^°

Mislay, 1:° 7>°^° &. he m-t\6h ui, ^°%lM° k^ng bo h6 phoa", (one's
^ |# M° lam-sdm he, hiet tsia meaning wilfully) tiau k6' i boan
hiet hia. l^ng e i-sti.
Misle, M° ff° ^° ho--A mng. Misrepresentation, (of one's mean-
Mislead, (guide into wrong) #° ing) KA^MM boan Mng S
pfT°^° ho- i ki^" phdi", (de- i-su.

ceive) ii phien, (cause to mis- Misreport, fS ^ p6 cbb^.

take) n° A° f§° -IS li6- Mng clih6- Misrule, ^ ff ^ ^ lam-sam ti-li.

g5-. Miss, (young lady) ^ ^° ko--nili,

Misletoe, ^ ^° ^° png ki^ si°, 1^° —stays, @° |^° bak-peb, (lose)
^° ki^ si°. ^ (mourn loss of) -^^ sit-16h,

Mismanage, il ^°if pan in Vio se. #i& Pi^ iu-bun, (as a meal) ^ sit,
Mismanagement, M° ^° iSf pan ^
(a mark) E°^° b& ti6h, (fail)
m h6 se, M° ^° ^ boat 16h ^° 1S° bo tsia^ ^° ;jg b6 s^ng.
m %
1)6 b6 se. Misshape, f#° -B* T*° ^° m° M
Misname, Pc° %° »° «° ki6 iii ti6h chhong bo- i iii tsi^" iu", M° fi* M
mia°. ^° ^° 3i cbh6ng ho- i rii tsia''
Misnomer, i^ f# fS !? liim sam tsong.

cliheng ho*. Misshapen, ^° J^° §{ irr tsia° tsong.

Misplace, 1:° %° m° fi in ti6h Missing, fl-° T>^

be £° phah rii ki", ^
7>°^° in in tioh. •^° sit-16h.
Misprint, fp
Mispronounce, gi° %^ kong chlio Mission, M K° *° cbbe Mng khi.

im. Missionary, %, M b6k-su, W^ li kaii-

Mispronunciation, W
^° *^
%° M k6nq: su.

tsodh im, m° k6ng ^ ffi Missive, (missile) s6- hiet e.

ti6h im. Misspell, |T^°^''?°tauiiiti(5bji.

Misproportion, ^" 2p° ic° ^. b6 pi° Misspend, (waste money) fl ff ^
toa hun, i^p" E in sii phoe, ^° loan-tsii kbai, (time) ij^ Ji° jfi

b6 kah cbhab.
^'^ if ° 1^ phah sAg kong im.
Misquote, ^\ T>° m° iu in-ti6b. Misstate, IS° ^° ^^ k6ng iii-ti6h.
Misquotation, m° is in cbh-6, M° :il^° Misstatement, |g° ^ k6ng chh6, Bi°
^° ti6b. ;?;° ^° k6ng iii tioh.
in rii

Misrecite, ^.^ liamcbbo. Mist, ^ bii, B ^ hun-bu, M M ien-

Misreckon, % H sAg cbh6. bu, thick — ,
'^° bo-.

Misrelate, ir ^ f^bb6, If^^<^^'S iK: Mistake, ^ lg° sit-chh6, f§° 'K chh6-
^° M Bi° tru-tsi b6 tsiau k6ng. go-, M 'K Ii6ng-g6-.
Misrepresent, |g^ ^° IE k6ng bo Mistaken, f§° 'I^ chh6-g6-, ^^ sit-

chhb. (slight quarrel) ^ WC M sa° pi-
Mister, (when addressing a literary hiS,m.
man) $fc° ^ sien-si°, (a shop- Misuse, (maltreat) 3^° U; ^ phdi"-
^° M°
SM, M thau-ke, (a soldier) khodn-thai,— (a thing) ^X° W
lau-tsiang, (an elderly phah-sfig, (misapply money) f||

person) M° :S° ke-tiii". 5^ ^ fi kd-kong-h6ng-su, (mis-

Mistime, U° B# fl° b6 si tsun, you apply one's talents) #X^ tP,° 2K ^

must not your visit, W° ^° rT" phah sfig pun su, |ff|°a5:**: b6
^° flt m° *° m^Um
thang b6 chhdi piin su.
si tsun khi tham i. Mite, mm ts\ hi, (in cheese) &°
Mistiness, MM bu-bu, ^^ M° kuu ff ° th^ng-d.
b6-. Mitigable, m° m° m" l§° oe khah
Mistook, 0t 'K ehh6-go-, I —him for khin tit.

another person, ^°\^°^^^ M° Mitigate, ^° m^ phi°-khin.

A g6a kio si i sT pat lang. Mitigation, ^'^ ^^ khah khin, it is
Mistranslate ) ft If :7° M° hoan- a — of his offence, that he was led
Mistranslation ^k in-ti6h.

(when addressing wife of

by others to commit it, ^ fr" jlfc°

teacher) % ^° ^° sien-si^-nift",
mm°m°i ki^" tslt hang phdi" si
(wife of a shopkeeper) M°M°W pAt Mng in-iii, s6--i i 6 tsoe khah
thau-ke-ni1i°, (wife of a mandarin) khin.
^A hu-jin,— of a school, :^ Mitre, % ^ fl^ i° iH° tsfe-si & bo.
i^U A° lii-su (a paramour) M° Mitt, ^ ^ chhiii-siu.
:t^l^ pAk & tsa-b6-, m W A° Mitten, ^° ^ chhiii sok.
siong h6 l^ng. Mittimus, 11° ^^ ^° koai" ka" phi6.
Mistrust, iS° m. giau-g!, ft" T»° ii° Mix, # chham, Jf kiau, f§|° chhiau,
sin m ke. —as liquid, ^ thku, —as sugar,
Mistrustful, W M gi^u gi, (of a
^ kidu, —together as powder,
person) ^° tt M b6 siong-sin,
M° p6a".
^ :7° ii° sin in kfe.
Mixable, m W n° oe kidu tit, n°
Misty, M M b6ng-bii, Bf ^ b6ng ia° # ^^ oe sa" chham tit.
bong, ^ ^ ta-bu, S° ^°kau-b6-. Mixed, ## chham-lam, thoroughly
Misusage, (of a person) ^ khek ^l] —as dough, chhiau kku khiu, ii
p6k, =g # kh6- t6k, ^°:^# phdi" M lien-hodt,— number, JEWi^i
khoan thai. tsfeng 86- tai l^ng, JEM-^^M
Misunderstand ) ^° ^° thia" t86ngs6-tai Ian hun, thoroughly
Misunderstanding j m ti6h, ^° ||^° as mortar, ^° W° ti° chhiau u sok".
BB thia" bA b&ng, 1° ^ Ii6ng-g6- Mixture, (medicine) |g° 1^° i6h-t8iii,
(medley) ff-° !f^° tsdp-mih. SI khodn.
Mizzen, —mast, Mi° M° b^ s^ngj ^° Moderns, jfc° S|f° ;S° A° tsit si 6 l^ng,
m be-tii. a m ^° A° hien si S Mng.
Mnemonic, fife koat, fifj IB '!i° :t° ^ Modest ) M IIS ko- li^m-thi, :^°
tso" ki si'' 6 hoat. Modestly)^ M fi Mm-thi, (reti-

Moan, Pt° cbhan, P^ p^ Pl° lii"-lii"- ring), iS A° iii lang, >h° "E° iji* sio

chhan. bin sin, (as a child) bib chbib.

Moat, ?pI m li6-kau, M° fife sia"-tl. Modesty, M^ kbiam-pi, |!| sun,

Mob, ^m :t°-^° A° cbbAu lau (chastity) M tseng-tsiet.

M W W tam-p6b-a.

tseng Mng. i\Iodicum,

Mobility, 61° %°
Wi° sod tin-tang.
Modification, B5:, k(^e.

Mock, (ridicule) SI ki-chhi, gi6b- Modify, EJc° k6e.

si6b, (imitate in derision) §% #°
Modish, S# fi° tsiku si-tse, M M «t
^' tsiau si-kboAn.
hi lang.
Mockery, iH M ki cbbi, iJJ # hi Modulate ) Fl fa ®° tiau-b6 W
Modulation j
sia°-im, |^ im-tiau,^
Mockmoney, ^ Wt W kim-gTin-ts6a. M si sia°-tiau, ^- ^ |i b6 im-tiau,
:§ 13 u tiau, in singing you must
Mode, ^^° khoAn-sit, fijg boat-to-,
(fashion) m W si-iu", B# ^ sl-
si tioh ii
voice, P^
lt*° W°fS gtm
khodn, Mflt^ a-M-mode, tsiau si
Module, (a model) M° *1 phe-b6-.
^° Mohammedan, III ^ ;t° A° b&e-
Model, m° m phe-b6, m°
h6e kau & Mng.
iu", fl
b6-iu^ ft 5\: tb^-sek.
Mohammedanism, Ife h6e-b6e
Moderate 1*P 15° tsun-tsat, (as
Moderately price) »f» tiong ke, M
—^ %'° tsit-poa".
(mild as weather) ^°

sio-ld, Moiety,
W ^° »° ^°
(repress) ^% iok-sok, to — , as Moil, ^r
tboa-b6a, ti6h-

wind, WL° P° kbah-tsi% |jc° 0°

khah-be, (as passion) 111° he (as
Moist ?t tarn, ) M sip, W \W liin-

Moistness liin.
demands) 0° be, (medium) % )

tek tiong, (as showers) W. M°


tin Moisten, chbiob, W# ?t bo- i tim.

Moisture, 51 ^ sip-khi, ?i U liin-

Moderation, ii 15° tsiin tsat.
Molar, ^° 1° a" au-tsan khi.
Moderator, (of an assembly) ± SI
6^° tsTi li ^, i^ tsii six.
Molasses, W ?K° thAg-tsiii, || -1
Modern, 't ^ tong-kim, J| 4" bien-
^° shape)
Mold, (earth) tb6-, (a El);
Modernize, f!^° ^ >&° Jl# ^ bo- i hdb in, 11 b6-, to— metal, f| ?^ 5(^: tsd
hSng tsong. X° tiAp-A kii, (in a moment) 5|°
Holder, tE° ^? oe hu, IP"" li4m-pi".
Mole, (on face) ki, (animal) M 0° Momentous, ^ -kWl 'M. tsin toa tUi-
M, cbh^n-ohhu. tiong, ^ i:° ^ l§ tsin toa iJiu-kin
Mole-cricket, ±° ^° th6-- kail. Momentum, |jj :^ tang lat, M# ff
Mole-hill, B° M M° chhan clihii siu. sun se_kia", Ji^ # ^° sun s^ tsdu.
Molecular attraction, f|i K ^fa ^ bi Monarch, .g f^ bong-t^, M ± seng
tsit sa° bdp. siang, A m jin kun, g ^ kok-
Molecule, fj /i: t§ bi biau tb^ K tsit. kun.
Molerat, \li° M. soa"-cbbu. Monarchy, :t° A ^° ^ u jin kun g
Moleskin, EI M b6e-ji6ng. e kok, hereditary— ,;g SB i°
Molest, |ij ^ cbh6ng-ti, kang, kdi, k^ kbi e kok, M % ^° M ts6-
Hn lan-tii. tbo^n e kok.
Molestation, kang. Monarchical, ^
^ fi^° h6ng t^ L
MoUifiable, (as tbe ground) tb° M° Monastery, (Budbist) am, ^° M M
#° #° 5e' kbab sang tit, (can be am-i", mountain—, [Ij° ^ soa°-si,
pacified, as a person in passion) (Tauist) m, a° t6-to&".
tg° m° M i?° 0° m° oe bo- i kbab Monday, # — pai-it.
b^ tit. Monetary, ^°
J^g fi^° tsl" gun S.

MoUifier, (that which softens) t^° Money, (cash) ii° tsi°, (silver) fg
W#W 6^° oe ho i- nfig e. gUn (currency) fi gj tsi°-g1in,
Mollify, m° #
P bo- i JQn, m°^'m° 5i fif thong-p6, use—, j^ S«° eng-
b5- i lun, (appease passion) JU° tsi", spend—,
^ ^° kbai-tsi",—
l^°l5-°i!l°engnng'6ekbAg. order, gR ||° g1in-toa°, ready—
MoUusca, 'ii 65 ku pib ^.M ?H ® bieu-gHn, — subscribed, %
Molt, #° :€° tbM-nif.p-
Molten, it° 6{( iil^-e.
W ien^tsi",- changer, M° /£ ;2:°

K° tsi" tiam 6 Mng,—lender, %

Moluccas, il -^ ^' Bl-lok-ku. t° i° A° pang ts^ & mng,—
Moment, W f?° A° tidp-a-kii, U^ make —
^ M° than tsi°.

boan g°feT ^° bak nib kii,

sin, Moneybroker, It l^° ;g khui tsi"-
PJa° B$° liara-pi", I will come in a tihm.
moment, fi° U ^ Tf'% goa boan Moneychanger, \^->
^ j5° ;t° A°
sin tsiab lAi. khui tsi"" tiam e Idng.
Momentary 1 1^° Il$° liam-pi", gp gf Moneyed, M° M l';^^ u t° pL
tsi° 6,
Momentarily J
tyek-si, gg ]]$ sui-st, I Moneyleader, ±° A° p^ng
j|jt° 1K°
expect him— ^° ^= ^ it°Hr ^ tse & l&ng.
g6a kboa" i l::\in-pi" lai Moneyless, |!^''
f^° b6 tsi°.
Momently, (for a moment) a°ff° Monger, %°
(a trader) B kheh
siong, ^ =g A° seng-li Mng, fish leng pia" e l&ng.
— W^ k° 65° b5e hi g, a cheese Mongol, M * 65° B6ng-k6- d,—
— ,
«° -1^° ?L° «r° i° A° b5e ga %
dynasty, |5 goan tiau.
Emperors of the Mongol Dynasty.

Style of reign.
— —,

ment) Q° M° Vf pau b6e boe,— Monument, ancient '^ — , ^ k6"'
through having exclusive posses- tsek, (a memorial) SB ^ ui-ki, [!
sion, of any particular goods in (stone structure) ?t^ $^' tsi6h-
the market SK P?° ^ ift ko- mfig hng.
t6k chhi, have a—, m°m BF pAk Monumental, arch, ^° ^~' — tsi6h
po--thau, us: H ^ Tfi ko- m£g hng,—inscription, '^° ^^ ^ Jij
t6k chhi. i° J?° tsi6h hng s6- khek g jl.
Monosyllabic, P^ #^ '-° ^ g5° tsi u Mood, *& J5^° sim-tsi4°, not in the
tslt im e. to receive visitors, f^° *& j^° tj°
Monosyllable, —° ^° ^° ^ tsit ji M° mA §° b6 sim-tsia° thang
e im, W.° ^ 6r toa° im 6. tsih tsiap Mng kheh.
Monothesim, K
W° (t ° M° ± ^ — Moodiness) (capricious frame of
tsi u sin tsit ^ Siong-te. Moody [ mind)
^° b6 teng ^ >ft

Monotone, W.° m° tit-ali, ^° if ° -p° seng, (peevish) kau-khde.

^° b6 koai°-ke sia". Moon, M° g^h, -j^ 1^ thai-im.
Monotonous) (as voice) lt° f^° tit- Moonless, J° b6 g^h,—night, 4^° <*'
Monotony ali, (as experience) B
j M° Pt-^°geh km mi.
H :i: iD°Jlil° jit-jit si an-ni, #° H Moonlight, M° %° geh kng,— night, •

:i:^ll° jH: tdk jit si kn-ni. n° ±° ^"^ g^h kng mi°.

Monsoon, (S. W.) W° it S sai Mm Moonshine, n° ^° geh-kng,all—
hong,^ (N. E.) iV JH chhiu hong. ^° ^° W h6 id tsiah.
Monster ) '^ ^°
koai-mih°, '1? J^ Moor, (a heath) %# kau id, —a
Monstrosity ) koai h^ng. ship, |i° :j^° pha-tid", —stem and
Monstrous, jt! ^° chhut-ki, (huge) ^° m° thdu b^ tiah.
stern, 21°
^ hai, (shocking to sight) M M Moorage, ^° |g° ;t° fH ^ pha tsAn
M hi6ng kai-kai. e s6' tsai.
Monstrously, (hideously) ^ ^S Mooring, JQ° pha, (the things that
hi6ng kai kai, he spake —# , Bi° confine a ship to a certain place)
m m° m° m° i k6ng tsin boe ^° ^° ^ ft= tia° soh t^ng kia".
thia" tit.
Moors, ffi°
Month, M g^h, (with thirty days) Moot,
p6h thdu jln. mA
(discuss) |t pien Itin. ^
:k° M° toa g6h, (with twenty nine Moot-case,
days) ih°M° si6 g6h, intercalary tai-tsl.
M :^° li6ng kh6 ^ W I

— K^°lung^h.
Mop,^i 3 jiti-chheng.
Monthly, n° M° geh-g^h, ^° M° B
Mope, suh-gien, «° |$ b6 sin
tdk g^h jit, —magazine, M°^ geh- chhdi.

p6, —meeting, M #
godt hoe,
Moral 1 —teaching, US ^ khoan
courses, M M g^h-keng. Morally / sien, —life, n° #° kir-h6,
— °

Sx nn plun-heng h6, ^° p"n n° ke k6ng, the^the better, %° ^
li6 phin-heng, ^° ^ ^° h6 tek ^ #° ju tsoe ju h6, ought to love
heng, (pure) IE $S ts^ng keng, him all the—, fl° |jc° ^° ^° ^°
(just) W° '[f a 1i tsSng-li. koh khah ti6h thia" i, what — shall
Moralist, fj 1ft :5C ^° khoan s6 bun fe I say, 3g° W W W° ®° W g(5a

Morality, % M 5^ thien li, H

koh k6ng sim-mih.
thien bell

li6ng, this man has no —

llil° A° Moreover, , siong chhia". |ljj S
^° ^° %M tsit ^ M
lang 16ng Morning, ^° Jt Rf tsd-khi si, new
b6 tsiau thien li, the people of this year's 5C S. goan tan, tide — —
neighbourhood have no j|fc° ^ —
4° 7ji:° tsd-tsui, —star, %i PJ M"

±° "&° *^° •^° m° 5c tsit m K
kh^- beng chhi", you did not come
s6'-tsai 6 peh-si" 16ng b6 tsiku this— ^° #° j|S° ^v° ^ li tsd-khf
thien-li6ng, (ethics) 'S. i^ ng6-- b6 lai.
lun, the present system of—is Morose, aii-aii, au-tu-tii, aii pu-pu,.

identical with that of the ancients, tu-ban.

T& 4- i° S ft f ^ ^^ ° k6- kim Morphia, # © M6- hui
3i a.

^ ng6'-l<in long hu hu. Morra, play at— W hoah-kun, P|i°

Morass, \^ 7K° M° tam-tsui toe. the Cantonese at their feasts play

Morbid, (not sound in health) t§^ at- m°A° M°m°
M Mm-lam, ^° M° ^^ i<^ng (sick- kfig tang Mng pan toh u hoali'

ly) M°9^
kau-su-lo-, hunger, — kfin. r

^° i|° chhi" iau. Morrow, B^° W

H° bin-d-tsai, ?a°

Mordacious, P|^ ka, (sarcastic) >^ M ff° H bin-d-jit, day after—,
l^ng-ge. H au jit.
More, (sign of comparative) ||° Morsel, a ° ^ tsit chhiii.
khah, — in number, ||° ^° khah Mortal, |g° ^° oe si, —wound t&°
ts5e, (other besides) jSi° W i^ u ^° i:° fi oe si ^ siong, —disease,
(again) ^M.° koh, the more —^the E° 5E° ^° ^
6e si e pi", 15: ^ ti

more, M — 5^ jii j^, ^ow much mia.

the—, ^° m° \^° b6 k6ng ki6, Mortality, (mortal) t£° ^° oe si
— than one hundred, ^° M° —
(death) ^° ^ si-sit, a great— ^°
g" khah ke tsit pah, the 1 walk, °

gf if si kui-phidh.
the— tired I am, ^° M ^° jii Mortally, %% S° ^° ti-kku si, tr
M ^
kia° jti sien, he loves him — PW
oe si, 15: <ni-° ti mia.

s6 kan mng.
m,° #i khah thik" i, one—, m° Mortals, ift F4 A°

— ° ^° koh tsit 6, no—, ^& ^° id Mortar, ^° he, mix— ^"W chhiau-

b6, —or W ke kidm,

don't ?^ th6-, a— ^° E3° tseng-khu.
say any— ^°'^°ill m thang
,0 :f»0
Mortgage, H tidn, take on— |&° A""

M ka l&ng tien. le, — in law, wife's mother, -1^° -^°
Mortgagee, M i ti^n-tsii. tiu"i5 (husband's mother) ^° ^°
Mortgager, H i giap tsri. It ^ ta-ke, relatives of one's — , # El°
tien-e. H bii thau chhin, your— ,
Mortification, ^° ^° chh^u bah, (of phrase, ^ ^ leng tong.
spirit) 1^ |fp° ut tsut, aii-^h. Mortherless, ^° ^° #° b6 lau bil.

Mortify, m noa° (vex) ^° # 1= ^° Motherly, M US} tsu sim, ^° fi° ^°

ho- i ut tsut, |l]
fj& chla6ng-t], 1^° #° chhin-chhiu" lau bu.
A°m^hd Mng kan-kb6-, <J H Mother of pearl, ^° % pang-khak.
thiau-lan. Motherwit, m° B° ^° Wf th^u bak
Mortifying, (humiliating) >J, ^ tsai tang.
sidu loe. Motherwort, ^ H ^I chhien-jit-h6ng
Mortise, ^ siin, to —A ^ jip-siin. Motion, %° 16° tln-tang, restless

Mortuary, ^ llj° thi6ng-soa". ngih°- ngih"-ngiauh''-ngiaiih°, (a
Mosaic, (pertaining to Moses) J^ M proposition) ^ ^ kii gi, absolute,
W siok M6-° -se, (inlaid work) Jg Mi M tsin tang, relative, 'ffl JJj [io

if * ^° khut kha siu ji. /P 85 chhin-chhiu" tang ki sit si

Moses, jf W M6-°-se. b6 tang, |jc f^ i^ t«5 pi pAt ho #
Mosque, if # # 1^-pai-si. mih khoai ban, variable, j^ ^^
Mosquito, fi^° bang, — curtain, WW- ^ k6a°-kin pi^n-oa°, retarded, ^
bdng ta, l!:k° lift" bdng-tiu",—flap- ^ if M koa'' kin tsiam kiAm, ^
per, ^° }$° bang-sut. ^ if IS koa° kin tsiam ban, circu-
Moss, =g W° ^°
thi, chhi-^-thl. lar,5i fj un-ki&°, ^
fr si k6e Mk%
Mossrose, ©° fi ?g° chhiu bi-hoe. :^° II t6 tng, centrifugal, li li p
Mossy, :t° W° ^°
u chhi^ thi, tiong, centripetal, ^
tp hii tiong, -

(abounding in moss) ^ ^ ^° rotary, jg fj un-kia°, rectilinear,

kau chhi" thi. it ^ tit kia°, accelerated, MMM
Most, (in number) M° ^°khah tsoe, 3^ tong tsiam ka sok, uniform, fj
(in degree) ±° siang, |g — te it, k K It tong b6 kh6ai ban, com-
1^ kek, —wicked, ±° /^° siang pound, Ig ^ :^ ?;? IS h5- kill na e
phai°. Mt s6- tang, simple, iS ~ ^Jft
Mostly, :/c° ^° t5a pok", :^ tai- m ho" tsit & Mt s6- tang.
khai, 1- tai-li6k, (of time) $f'
:/c Motionless, S° S° tia,°-tia°.
^ khah siong. Motive, (cause) j^ g] khi-in, mm
Mote, (speck) 1,5 tidm. i&n-k6-, 15; ti.
Moth, (winged) iBri^h, (in clothes) Motley,
i^ ^ tsap-sek.
M° !t^° tsi(5n-tsoah, "M" ff° tsi&n-L Mottled, ^^° g. ^ hoe li l6, ?g°
Mother, ^° #° lau-bu, SB° $;> niiV hoe-I6k-16k.
— ,, .

Moukden, ^ 'b. Seng keng. (in case of deatb) ^ A° i: ^^
Mould, (earth) iM° tlio-, ku-song ^ mng, ^° ^° ;t°
(musty) A°
m ko-, (a mati-ix) ^° m
tok bk e Mng.

(pattern) ^t bo-, J^t M

plie-bo', Mournful :^ pi-ai, 1=^° »5 cbbau- I ^
cake — ^° PO ki-m, blanc-mange Mournfully sim-

— , W^ PD thng in, to as clay, Mourning, — :^ pi-ai, staff, 5| llj ^
PP in. tSt khok san tiong, wear ^° ^°. — ,

Moulding, J?° ^° pbii soa", M° M

tea hk, national W teng — T , W
kill -sol". kok iu, dress, ^° sng b^, ^°
#° bk sa", be in—, W° ^° flS u
— W
Moulder away, "It" ^? oe bu.
Mouldering, 6^ j^ teb bu. ba b6k, deep— ^° S!i° ^° ^°
Mouldy, ^° M
si°-ko-, ^° si°-pbu chbeng mo^ toa bk, half-, ^° *^''
Moult, ^° 3E;° tlmi-mfig. ^° ^° chbeng toe tok bk, put off
Mound, (of earth) ° if

tsit-tui ^ ^° tb£ig bk, very light —
tb6-, — of grave, M ffi bong-ku.
BbO ^"^

^° B,
tok so- ha.

Mount, (bill) llj° soa", (hillock) lli°

Mouse, °
ff nidu-cbbu-a, when
ff° soa"-a, — (as map) pe, (as- the cat's away the —wUl play, M°
cend) ±°^ tsiu°khi, (aborse) n° W" m ^° m m°m° ke m ht
±° J^° tsiu" b6, (as a diamond) ba niau-cbbii kbiau kha.
m siu". Mouser, #,° ^° E° 6r li^b nidu"-
Mountain, lU spa", —temple, # |^° cbliii e.

si-i°, llj° ^° soa"-r. :S M° nng pboat
Mountaineer, ^° ill" A° kbia soa" i5P° / K-° li phiet chbiu.

Mng. Mouth, i^ cbhui, P° kbau, of gun, —

Mountainous, kau soa°, H"" ^ llj°
l^-ogo (.]^}j^jjg kbang, rinse the —
16ng si soa", —path, ilj° ^° soa°- ^ P s6e-kbau.

mA. Mouthful, tsit cbhui, a— of —°m

Mountebank, m° B" ^° Z° A° pi" water, 7l<° —° i^° tsit cbbiii tsiii.

k^u lang & lang. Movable, t^ e^° #° oe soA tit.

Mounted, M
siu", the rin^ was Movables, (goods) h^, (furniture) M
with pearls, ^° ^t W° II" ^° ^ ^
iS° ft '¥A° ke-si tsdp mib.

cbbiii tsi u siu" tsin tsu. Move, M°Wi° tin-tang,^ backwards, —

Mourn, %
-% pi-ai, 1*1 iu-bun, S
^ij ^° t6-the, (remove) soA, W
%% ai-siong, the country —the (as goods) tir poa^, (propose)

deatb of the Emperor, %. ^° ^ ^11 kii-gi, (instigate) #E ^ ki^u-

5i P ^
1i hong-t^ si thong kok
so, (incline) M P ^ bo- i ai,

ai-siong. (rouse) M iJi i* fip bo- i tseng-

Mourner, W fM Z° A° iu-bun e Mng, sin.

Movement, ft° Wl° tin-tang. Mulct, P
hoAt, (official salary) |g
Mover, M° M° &^° tin-tang 6, (pro- f$ boat hong.
poser) $ 18 kii gi e. Mulish, ii fi° E° chbin-chhiu" 16,
Moving, M" »° W}° teh tin-tang, (obstinate) ^ ^ thiau-bfi,n,
(removing as furniture) ^° Muller, m° ^^4 M S° geng sek-Iiau
teh poa", (pathetic) W) i& 6^° tong tsi6h.
sim &. Multangular, ^° ^ tsoe-kak.
Movingly, |g° Sfj >iJi 6e tong sim. Multifarious, ^ Wu tsoe-ho, "5° ;i°
Mow, m° koah. pah-iu".
Mower, §9° g^° koah 6. Multiform, ^°#° tsoe-iu", ^° ^
Much, ^° tsoe, too—, ;:^° ^° siii" tsoe khoan.
tsoe, M° Bl° ke-thau, not—, ^° Multiformity, ^° M° tsoe iu°, ^°^
^° b6 tsoe, ^° M° bo oa. tsoe khoan.
Mucid, (mouldy) ^° ^° si° ko", Multipartite, ^ if ^° i» pun tsoe
(slimy) ^° )^_° siii'' siu". tsoe hiin.
Mucilage, 7jC° W° tsiii-ka. Multiped, ^° M° fi^° tsoe
6^° kha e.
Mucilaginous, 7^° B° ^° tsiii ka ^. Multiple, 1§ iJ; poe s6-.
Muck, ^ piin. Multipliable, tg° j^ ^° 5e s^ng tit.
Mucus, ^^ i^n mui", (from the Multiplicand, ^ 15:° sit-siau.
nose)A° ?Jc'' phi" tsiii. Multiplication, (a rule of arithme-
Mud, m° m° thb--u, sea—, m m° tic) M fi seng-hoat, — table, +"
hai-th6-,—fish, ^ i, th6-sat,— I^ •^ 15: tsdp ji hap s6-.
bank, JJg° m° th6--phi4", M° ^° Multiplicity, ^° tsoe.
th6" lun. Multiplier, (in arithmetic) ^ boat.
Muddle, iL° |g° ^° loan-chha-chhk, Multiply, ^ s^ng, —by four, ^ ffl°
(turbid) m 16, (having mud) :^° 2k° Seng si-pai, —as family, si°

m° uth6-.. tbok", (increase) *p° m° ke-thi".

Muddy, (besmeared with mud) ^° Multitude, ^° A° tseng-Mng.
^° m° bak-ti6h th6-, m m°m Multitudinous, ^ ^° tsin tsoe.
phun ti6h th6'.

Multivalve, ^ f^° tsoe iam mng.
MuiF, ^°M chhiii 16ng, (stupid fel-
Mum, p P tseng-tseng.
low) M A gong Mng.
Muffle, —up, ^ ^° pau-lau. Mumble, ngauh-ngauh hdu, mauh
mauh hau.
Mug, % poe, IE ff° au-d.
Muggy, 1 ^f 3c° ut-tsut thi".
Mummery, (farcical show) M° W,°
Mulateer, II ^ 16 hu. iJ ts6e pa hi.
Mulberry, ^# sng-ts^i, —leaves, Mummy, MM" i.° ^ P kokn i6h I
M ff ^ niti"-a hioh. sin-si.
— ,

Miimpishj (sullen) ^° M° khioh poisonous — , ^M chh4-ko-. If
pliiah. M piti s4i-ko-.
Mumps, M°o ^0 un-ki, haA'e the Music, ^ gdk, 4^ ^ giik-im,play —
^° ,i.° ^° si" un-ai. f# IM tsok-gdk.
Munch, rnauh". Musical,— instrument, tl gdk- §g
Mundane, IS FbI 6^° se-kan L khi,—boxes, A ^ ^ khira pat-im^
Municipal, U° fi^° si4"-6. (accompany with a —instrument)
Munificence, %^ J^M khoan-iong ft° h6.
tai to* Musician, R IE #° pun k6- chhe

Munificent, ^ f^ ^° tsin hi^n chhiii, e, (in official employment) PJc It

M 'g hong-bien, ^ ft tsin toa :fc chhe-pan.
lidng. Musk, ^ ^° sia-hiu".
Munitions, ^^ kun-khi Musket, M
lt° nidu-chhiang.
Mural, j||° ^° chhiii'' 6. Musketeer, |^ :E chh^ng-peng,
Murder, ^Ij 5E° A° thM-si lang, fr KI Muskmelon, #° JB.° hiu°-koe.
h^ng-hiong, ^ 5E° Ahai si King. Musk rat, M° H tsl° chhil.

Murderer, D^I # hiong-sin, pg ^ Musky, —odour, 5g° H} ^° ^u sia

hiong-siu, D^ 3E hiong-hoan. hiu" bi.

Murderous, (intention) ^ ^° sat- MusHn, '4B° 1i MU toe kam lai si.

chhiii. Mussel, m° than, dried—, m°M

Murex, #° !li° hidng-1^, :i° ^ m° tsi4°-chhai

tng tsi 1^. Mussulman, ^ Wi i.° A° h&e-

Muriatic, — acid, ^ 5S 7K° l^m kidng h6e kau I Mng.
tsiii. Must, S ^ eng-kai, M ^ kai-ji^n,
Muricate,^W° ^
u tsiam bd. 1° 7fi° rT in-thang. — not,
Murmur, sau°h-sau°h Ham, (as a Mustache, K° 7 M° li-phiet chhiu,
— o ^o nng.piioat chhiu.
stream) chhin-chhin chhiang- J.

chhiang. Mustard, 5F ^° kki-lodh,—plant,

Murmurer, Pt° |ft°
^° 6^° sau"h- ^° ^ koah-chhai.
sdu"h Ham 6. Muster, il pan,— of goods, M° W
Murrain, ^° 3S° ti6h-tse. he-pan, M M pan-th^u, to—as
M pass —
Muscle, ^° ^ bah-kun. soldiers, Pf° kho'-tiii,

Muscular, |^ M 6{|° bah-kun ^, tti,°&° @°oe kebdk.

(strong) 5|f°
^° :)S;° u khiii-Mt. Muster roll, «° g" mi^" pho-.
Muse, M- ®>° su-siu", W ®>° tseng- Mustiness, ^° ^° si" phii.

siu°. Mustn't, Z° rT^ i5-thang, i|° m°

Museum, W
fJ ^° pliok biit i^ b6-eng, T>° -^1° m-sai, |
Mushroom, edible—, #° S hiu"-ko-, b6h-tit.

MUS urn
jMusty, (mouldy) ^° M si° ko", Myrmidon, (a rough soldier) ^^
M W clihau phli.
smell, ^° ^ chho--l6- 6 peng.
Mutable, ^ jg pien-chhien, M° J£° Myrrh, it ^° but-i6h.
M° M^ bS-tia-^ b6-ti6h. Myrtle, i^ }i!^ kong-liam.
Mtitability, tb° 6e pi^n chhien. Mysterious, ft 6-biau. #
Mutation, ^ ^ pien chhien. Mysteriously, ^# bl-biau, ^ |t'

Mute, (silent) W W tseng-tseng. 6-biau.

Mutely, P ^ tseng tseng. Mystery, ft 6-biau.
Mutilate, (hack) M
tsam, |)f |/f ^°
tsam- tsdm phai°.
Mutineer, K'M ^° hodn-poan L Mysticism, (obscurity of doctrine)
Mutinous, ^S
IJc ai hodn poan. ft #± Jt a 6-biau e to-li.

Mutiny, K
hoan. Mystify, (perplex purposely) H
Mutter, JJ° ^
^. sduh^-saiih" liam, phi6n, ^X^ M phah phien.
iB°^°f+°-ff "^-i: soe sia" tsap-tsAp- Myth, ^ J^ hong-tong, |f -^ ham k6:
liam. Mythical, M. iSf haiii ko-.

Mutterer, m° m° ^ ±° A° sduh" Mythologist, mWi-^ i.° A° phok

sAuh"^Ham 6 ling. ham k6' 6
Muttering, m° m° £ s^uh° sauh^- Mythology, ft 1& ;2:° |i ham k6-
liam. 6 lun.
Mutton, ^° |^°iu°-bah,— chops, ^"
m % iA" pii kut:
Mutual 1 ;ta siong, ^S° sio m° sa",
^° ^
I ^ M° trd-ke, —wish, :^ Nab, W li^h.
tai-ke ai, —hatred, ?te° ?& Nacre, p# ;fr° hun bii tsi6h.
'1'^ sa" oan-hun, — confidence, /fa Nacreous, (like nacre) MW9^
^ siong-sin, — love, /fB° ^° sa"- :B° chhin-chhiu'' hlin bii tsi6b,
—scolding, pj° n° taii-khdu
thia°, (made of nacre) 9 1^ ^° M hlin
Muzzle, !^ chhiii, to—, 16ng, tu. bii tsi6h ts6e.
My, fg &^° goa-e, —own eyes,^ g° Nadir, 5c m° ifi thien t6e tidm.
chhin-bdk, —own lips, ^ n^ chhin Nag, M,° U, to—, 1° ,# m° g^u liam-
chhiii, I with— own eyes,
saw it 16h.
^° m @° S° M° g6a chhin-bak Nagasaki,-:^ lit Tfig-ki^.
khoa" ki''.
Nahum, (book of) ^ Mi.°'t° Nd-
Myopy, 5i£ H kiin si: ong e chheh.
Myself, 'a° @° e.° gbdrka-ki,
J^* gok pun sin.
fg° ;$; Naiad, m 7^° ^° Am b6 ts6a" fe lu
Myriad, H ban. Nail, fr teng, (of the hand) ^° ?
tsfig-kah, (of the toes) M° <? kha- Narration, 11° m k6ng khi, 11° ff
kab, to—, iX tfeng,—firmly, 0T ^° k6ng kku.
t^ng-ti^u. Narrative, FJf 11° jS #° s6- kong-
Naked, #,° ® chliiab-tlieb, m° #° ^ kbig.
thilg kng-kng, — to tbe waist, M° Narrator, ^ M. W siit tin 6, gg ig
B° pak theb, (open) 3^
11 tiiAg ^° k6ng khi ^.
Si bien bien,— eye, P>.° /i° @- D^ Narrow, $!$^ oeh, to—, 1^° ir 5^ #
kan ta bak tsiu, I don't require hd- i kbab oeb, (not wide) 3^°
to use a telescope, I can see it G^h, (illiberal) ^° '11 b6 kb6ag %
with tbe— eye, ^° T»° M° "f ffi kbM, ^'UW, tsip k6- pan, as —
m^ mnmmm°m° e° g(Sa an escape, |^ ^ hidm bidm,
in s4i eng cbbien 11 kia°, na s4i (careful) S§ tsim-tsiok, be bad ^
bdk-tsiu tsiu oe khoa" ki". a very escape from drowning, —
Nakedness, E° :)iS° 3e°tbng kng-kng ^ W 1^ li° 5E° i bidm bidm im si.
Name, iS° mia", pet —%
^ju-mia, Narrower, |5c°
kbab oeb. W
— ^° te ±°^'
'J'° ^ si6-mia'', what is your—, # Narrowest, if it o^b,

^ kui sfeng, — what is your Chris- siang oeb.

tian,-, * ^° kui-beng, ^ i| Narrowly,
^° o^b, (scarcely) i^°
tsun-bo, my— is, ^° i: M^^ ^ff" lim-lim-d.

g6a-6 tsien b^ng si-, to — , |t^° ki6, Narrowminded, *Jv H si4u-khi,

^° m° ki6-tso^. a b6-liong, ^° -^ i? b6 toa-pan.

Nameless, M° ^° b6-mia°. Narrowness, ^° o6b, (meanness)
Namely, WL %
tsiu-si. >!. ^ si4u-ki6k, >J> IK J^ si4u phi
Namesake, /^J° ^° si&ng-mia". gien.

Namoa, ^ Lam- 6.® Nasal, * 6^° phr-S,- sound, hW

Nankeen, ^° ?g° tsi-boe-p6- ^ phi°-im.

Nanking, ^ :g Lam-kia''. Nascent, (as passions) ^°^°^tu

— m° khiin tsit cbbi", tu boat, (as power) ^° WW
Nap, 1S° °

(sleep) 15° 1^° M>° bin tidp-d- X ^ tu tu beb u, (as intelligence in

kii, WW 1'° A° cbhib tidp-a-kii, an infant)

#° 11 nd sek.
^M'^ bam li^n-boe.
(fluff) i!c'ji6ng.
Nape, ;g° |g° ^ am-kiin-au. Nasty, (filthy) 11° W la-s^m, (ob-

Napkin, ^ Jfl tob-kun. scene) ^

?1 h6-°-im, (indelicate)
^° m lui-tui, M° IE ^
b6 ts^ng-keng.
Narcissus, %°
"^ tsiii-sien hoe. Natal, —month, ^° ^°.si"-geh, —
Narcotic, ^S ^° l^ng sui i6b, ^ day, ^° H si"-jit.

^ li° ^° ai h<S kbun i6h. Natant, W ^f v"^^ &•

Narrate, W^ k6ng-kbi. Nation, P kok, all—, %W> ban kok.

National, B fi^° kok'^, —money, | Tai Eng ts^k.

SB kh6* gun, — currency, jj ^

Naturally, ^ ^ thien-ji^n, :$^ piin-
thong p6. ji^n, &° ^ si^-sfeng.

Nationality, (nation)g kok, what Naturalness, ^ JSK si°-s^ng.

is his— PMW m° B i° A° si i Nature, (essence) f| K th^ tsit,

sim-mih kok 6 14ng. .

world of 5c thl^'toe, man's—, — M
Native (a) tK Ji A° pun-toe Mng, /$» 'I^ peng-seng, good , b6 t^" —
;ffi ft,° A° tsai toe Mng, place, |ii —
kin, easy good h6 bi-sl. — ^^^ ,

1S° i:° ^Jf ^ffi chhut si & s(J--tsai, Naught, —

b6, (a cipher) it kh6ng, ^
land, ;$; M pun kok, (born with for—, .4ft° H i[i° b6 in-toa", set at
one) ^ J^ seng s6ng. S° @° khoa" khin. — ,

Nativity, (birth) chhut si, Naughtiness, ^° phdi°,

ffi ift° ^° ^ b6
(horoscope) A°!?°poehji, 0°^° koai.
si thiau, tell one's—, A°i?° p&i Naughty, ^° phdi", ^°
# ^ b6 koai.
poeh ji, if 0° S^ pM si thiau. Nauseari° chhi°- gl, ^ ^ PI ai tho-.
Natural, (not artificial) g ^ tsu- Nauseate, ^ Pi hoat-aii, ^° ^ chhi*-
ji^n, ^ jS seng-s^ng, — disposi- gi-

tion, tS 'I^ piin-s^ng, — constitu- Nauseated, ^° ^ chhi"-gi.

tion, %%^ go4n-sin, — philosophy, Nauseous, ^° J ^° tsidh lidu ik.

tg % kek-biit,—child, +° ^° ^° Nautical, ^° m° W kii" tsiin I, li;°

tsdp ts^ng kia"^ (an idiot) ^ >iJ»
m° e^° sai tsto fe, m°m°:t°m
fi^° sit sim ^. sAi tsun 6 boat, (naval) |S° 6^°
Naturalist, ff ii 31 ^° phok biit tslin e, (marine) ?# fi^° hai 6.
li^. Nautilus, U 7K° !lll° phli tsiii M.
Naturalization,A ^ jip ts^k. Naval, J5g° e^° tsUn 6, 1 il6° g^ si6k-
Naturalize, A ^ jip ts^k, (become tsun (battle) 7K° 1?
6, tsiii-tsifen,
an English subject) A :^ 3^ ^ jip (officer) 7K^ gi -g" tsiii-su koa".

Naval Ranks:—
Commander in Chief, U Wt fi
th6ng leng.
i/JiC tsui su
Admiral, BITI 3!^ liS li #?
f ! th^u ting tsiii su thi-tok kun bAn.
Vice Admiral, rH
7jC Bi ii 't S: P^ jl teng tsiii su thfe-tok kun
Eear Admiral, - II iKM^ #^
F^ sa° teng tsiii su th^-tok kua b6n.
Commodore, i^ 0g| %. ^
tsiii su ts6ng th6ng

Post Captain (Senior) & ts6ng-peng. H

Post Captain, (junior) gi| }|f hu-tsi6ng.
Commander, i% ^ chbam-tsi6ng.
Surgeon, ^ %° i koa".
Lieutenant Commanding, ^ ^ iA-kek.
Lieutenant, (senior) ^% to'-si.

Lieutenant, (junior) *3r f§ siii-pi.

Sub-Lieutenant, ^° ^ chhien-ts6ng.
Engineer officer, rI |^ 'g si lUn koa".
Midshipman, i^ ^ hak-seng.
Warrant officer, ^ tsien hong. "h^

Petty ^ fg l^rig
oiiicei', chhui.
Seaman, ^ phku jt^ ^ tsui siii, 7jiC siii.

Marine, ip ^ p5- peng.

Secretary to an Admiral, ^ ^ M i^" bu chhii.
Flag Lieutenant, 4* 'M tiong kun.
Surveying officer, fl chhek niu" Jflil ^ koa''.

Nave, :^° |^° j& chhia-lun sim. from the eighth to'the fourteenth
Navel, B. W
to--tsai, — string, fit
and from the twenty first to the
JK° m° tO'-tsM toa. eighth are—, Ij A
^ + IS ^ >J>
Navigable, i!° tg° t#° ii° s4i-oe tit m 7K ii'- -ti- 5$ M A >hm *
k^. chhoe poeh kau tsap si si si6 lau
Navigate, fjt° |S° sdi-tsfm. tsiii, jih it kau jih poeh i<4h si si6

Navigation, ^° M° ^° ?i sd,i tsiin-e Mu-tsui.

boat. Near, jg kun, -^^ oa,— sighted, ;£
Navigator, fj" M A° kia"-tstin g Mng. igkun-si, — death, E^l-f-^lim tsiong,
Navy, (a fleet] — |? ^° tsit pang° approach— ^9° ^° sa" 6a, m° JE
tslin, (national) ^^ IS° hong tfe- sa" kun, (about) zjf
i£ tsiong-
tstin. kun, (imminent) ^ ^ hidm-hiam,
Nay, M° b6 Z^°^m si, ^° S, he (as a way) jJE kun, (closely re-
asked him of he had seen him, and lated) S is tsi-chhin, (as a friend)
he said nay, m m° ^° #° p ^ ^ mM i.° M :^ siong h6 ^ p&ng
* fi» fi» b"° ^° i mng i khoa" i u (parsimonious) |S
iu, kien-lin. ^
bat khoa° i , i k6ng b6, 1 tell thee Nearer, $^= j£ khah kun, f^° W
nay, ^
I^°^° g°;r>°^ iD°^° g6a khah oa.
ka li kdng m si an ni", I wanted Nearest, ^ — i£ te it kun, ±° ig
him to come with me, but he said siang kun, —road, ^# Jt° ^ lo"

siang-kin, i& ± ^ l6- siang khoai,

/i>° g6a ai tit i kap g6a 14i khi, i — related, ^ %% tsl-chhin.

kii m. Nearly, (about) ^^^ chha put
Nazarite, W^MM ^° N4-sAt-l^k g. to, m JE tsiong kun, M° §i° (F
Jfeantid' lim-lim L
— ,

Nearness, }£ kun. Necessitous, (poor) g° ^^ s6ug-

Nearsightedness, s£ ffi @° kun-si hiong.

Necessity, T>° % t#° boe bi^n tit,

Neat 7 f^ mleng-ll, if^ ^ MW 6^ ?I ^° tek-khak ti6h.

Neatlj i pin-pin ts6-tse, (spruce) ii^ Neck, M ?|J fim-kun, very short —
^° tiau-tat, (as a pattern) M so-, am-ktm chhai clihai, (of ajar) ^
(as a foot) i^ iu, (as a figure) # am, (of a bottle) ^ chhiii.
0° fa sin io sii pboe, (as hand- Neckcloth, J^ <f ° ^^ am kun kun.
writing) ^
5^ tseng-ts6e, (free Neckerchief, i% '{M fll am-kiin kun,
from admixture) chheng, ^- ^ ^S am-moa. m
tsoan, ^° m° ho thku, (net) m
Necklace, (of mandarin) J|U J$ tiau-
#° 6^° khai chhun g, (cattle of tsu, (of priest) ^ ^ s6--tsu.
the bovine genus) '^° 6^° gu 6, Necktie, :^° ff gi° am-a nifl.

(adroit) t5° I§ khidu- lo-, (as Necrology, ^° :^°^g-° si mi4 chheh.

habits) f^ M l^ng-li, this lady Necromancer, (man) 52J£ i siit-sQ,

dresses very—, )Ifc° f@° M ^° A° (woman) JS° |^ ang-i.

#° ^° ^ f^ ^'J tsit e hu-jin-Mng Necromancy, i?|5 ^ sia-siit.

chheng chhah tsin leng-li. Necrosis, M # chhaii-kiit, ^° #

Neatherd, M ^° 6^° ko- gA L si-kut.

Neatness, f^ f!l leng-li. Need, ^°;U° tioh eng, (in want of)

Neb, (beak. of a bird) "^ ^ tsidu ^ M'' khiam eng,— not, ^'' ^°
chhiii. m sAi, % l)ien, scarcely — ,
^° ^
Nebula, (astron.) M° ^ chhi° khi, fl b6 kh6- sAi.
(film in the eye) M W° khi fe. Needful, ^ M i^u-kin, (needy) ^
Nebulosity, (astron.) M° M chhi° J13^ khiam
eng. -

khi, (haziness) ^ bu. Needle, fi tsiam,-—work, ^^ ^-f

Nebulous, (astron.) M°^ chhi°khi, tsiam-tsi, exploring — ^ , Iji° ff-

(cloudy) 1^ 1'^ ham bun, (hazy) tham lang tsiam, magnetic — , ia

ffibu. ^' fl" tsi lam tsiam, variation of

Necessaries, J15" ;^
° a^ lau ens the — , ^H 1# ^IS tsi lam chha to-,
^ mih. astatic -, |.^ \^ tl" bu kek tsiam,

Necessary ) (inevitable) ^° % ff.°

dipping of the—, ji # i^ it l^u
Necessarily b5e j
bi(^n tit, (requisite) gi6ng tsi lam.
^M itiu-kin, (a privy) M "^chh^- Needless, ^° ffi° in eng, ^,° |li° in-

t!, ft hak. sdi, ^ bien, — death, ^° |^° ^°

Necessitate, M° W ^° _;^ %° ho- i p^h-p6h si, (useless) b6 chhai
boe bien tit, (compel) ^y° 1^;° ah- kang.
lah, % 5S bien-ki6ng. Needlessly, m°m X°b6-cbhai-kang.
Needlewoman, f^° ff f tsoe tsiam W° S° t^° fif tliang kau bo- 6,
tsl, a good—, §^° fi :° ka tsien (in business) j^ 5^° 1S° Ji° cbbui-
tsoe, ft pretty good— cbbiau ke-tsi", (a treaty) # fi fu
^i° tsoe tsiam tsi b6ng-kln. ^'j chbam-gi h6-iok, (a peace) ^
Needlework, if ^° tsiam-tsi, com- fa gi ho.
mon—, tl 2^° it cblio- pi° tit, IS Negotiation, (in business) ^° ^°
^f F in pien tlio tsiam-tsi, she gets
cbbui-cbbi^u b6e b5e, (for ^° S°
ber living by doing — #M°lt
peace) Hi |u gi h6.
, Ja
^ ;^° i tsoe tsiam-tsi thkn tsiah. Negociator, ]*j
i| ^° siong gi ^,

Needs, X>° ^
?#° boe bi^n tit, T^^ fi° su-niu", (in business, &c.) |5j°
#° %° ^° boe sai tit bo. A° ge lang, t^ A° tiong lang, (in
Needy, A ^° tsin song, ^ "jr;; a treaty) #fi| #° cbbam gi fe, (as
cbheng-tam. in borrowing money, &c.) tp A°
Nefarious, (atrocious) + ^ sip-ok, tiong l^ng.
(abominable) pJ" ^ kb6-6-°. Negress, ,^ J^ f^° ^ o- kui 4 p&.
Negation, ^^ ^- Negro, ,% M°. A° o- bin lang.
iii jin.
Negative, (implying denial) ^° E5 Neigh, bngb-bngh hau.
in jin, (a veto) Jf^ ;fe iii un, ^^ Neighbour, M° ^° cbbii-pi", M^
?i iii tsun, H ff ts6--t6ng, (in lin-iO.

pbotograpby) m ffi° ^ ^ ;^° fi Neighbourhood, jj£°kun, jSfju° kun

Lip ti po-lS 6 siong, he replied in tau, in the — of Amoy there is

the— p m° ^° i in b6, W f!S° cholera, JE M° fT W° m° tt kun

k(5ng bo. E-m£g u lau-tbo", (near) ifi; kun,
Neglect, (negligence) 4* fs? <?j> bo ^ii° oa, in my—, ?r jg° ^c 5S g<ia
liu sim, fS^ ^ hut-liok, '^ M bo'- ^ kun tau,. that — was a very un-
t6', "^ ^'f cbbo-sut, — one's duty, healthy one, n° i-° J£ %° 7J^° ±
^ ;$; ^° sit pun-hun, (slight) ^° Mi ^° i!j° goa e kun tau tsui tb6'

WM i^ bo siA° cbbiii chbai, T'° tsin iii ho, having reformed it be-

\% ]^i m cbhiii chbai. came a benevolent — %

l§° tl. SI ,

Neglectful, IS] iM bfV-to-, ,^, § but- boa tsoe jin li, five families make
li(^k, 1° pg *t;> b6 liii-sira. a,— S %% lb iigo' ka di pi, He
Negligence, ^— ° M° sit tsit bang, lives in the — of the Tao-tai's

liab t5a ko" Yamen, \f ±° i±° m"" ill l^f MM

Neg] igent i 6 khia ke kun To ik ge, He has
>h° «6 b6 si6-sim,
Negligently )' te^ ^ »5^ bo liu sim, just opened a shop in our — ,

fij 'M b6--t6-, ^i ^ chhin-cbbdi, Jg^l'.iS ffiME i£ 51M u khui

acting — , ho' na° sab°. tiamt! godn kun tau.

Negotiable, ^r° ^° ^f tbang boe 6, Neighbouring, M ^° cbbu-pi", j£ ft°

kun-od. tsiu tsin hid''-ti<i°, The child is—
Neighbourly, 1° i^° A° g&u tsoe when left in the dark, >J>° ?^° ^°
Mng. ^° v§° z° m & m 'it° m° gin-d
Neither, ^° 7^:,°
M i^h in si, (not na ti km e s6'-tsai tsiu chhi^-kia".
either) tf /P :^ k6 in-si. Nest, M=° siu, bird's—, 1° ^° tsiau-
Neophyte, (a new convert) if A Uc siu, ^edible bird's — ^ ^° , ifen-o.

{l^° sin jip kail S, (a novice) #° Nestle, (lie close as a bind in nest)
^° chhi"-chhiu. ,^. !lS° ii sio, (as a child on mo-

Nepaul, JB mB
Ni-p6-16. ther's breast) ^° tsAg
Nepenthes, ^- 1|° :^° ti Mng chhdu. Nestling, Ji° -ff ° fj" tsiau A kid".
Nephew, S ^. tit-sun. Net, i|g° bang, set a—, T° ji° he-
Nephritic, P^° ^
L e^J° lai sin
bang, cast a ^° pha-bang, — ^ ,

Nepotism, ^°^;^ thia" chhin chhek —weight, 1:° sit tang, 1;° M ^
Neptune, W
11° I
^^^ leng ong. tseng-tang.
Neptunian, ^ M
ffi 6^° hdi leng Nether, T° J6i° S^ e-t6e^.
ong e. Nethermost, y° &j it ke ^, T° — —
Nereid, :^ ^ if lii hdi sin. e^ it e e.

Nerve, m° M S5 ndu'' khi kun, (firm- Nett, K sit.

ness of mind) Q° ^ hai tsai, (to Nettlerash, ?S° ^° ii chhin mo-h lau
give vigour to) ^ ^° "jj° p6' khiii- Net work,
W° bang.
Idt, fear gave him —to fly, ^° ^ Neuralgia, If M nau" khi kun thik°.
^° chhi°-k6ng tsau. Neuralgic, m° M ^ '0° n&u khi
Nerveless, (weak) ^ || lodn-ji6k, kun thia".
(no self command) ^° ^ ^^ b6 Neuter, M° ®° fi° '73^''
^ l%° f®° b&
hai-tsai, ^ Ift" tah-hia°h. hit e iah b& tsit e.
Nervine, ^^# g^ p6- kun Mt ^. Neutral, :4° S° khia-khoa°, %^
Nervous, (wanting in vigor) g,° '11° ^m sok siu p6ng-koan, M° ^°
liinneh m° m° noa°-noa", If M ©,° -(ft siang-peng b6 oa, H° ^ #
t4m-t4m, ®
j^ hia''h-titi°, Jf g 5K° ^° ^ ^ b6 ili i ia M
b6 ui i,

tdm-h^n. U° A° ts6e h6 mng, :^° ^Sf

Nervous ((strong) ^ ^° i6ng .^° ^° H tse koai Mu kho^° b^
Nervously kia°, (psrtaining to the
sa° that, tt ^ fl M siu siu pong
nerves) M ^0° kun e, (easily koan, —powers, fi°$h°;t°^ki6k
ig° ^^
agitated) 'll°ii° hiah"^ tin",
goa 6 pang.
liinn^h, H
31 tdm-tdm, 31 tdm ^ Neutrality, observe—,
h^n, he is very — in the presence ^° siu ki6k goa 6 hun.
ft^P i.°

of strangers, # £° ^° ^^° jj^° ^° Neutralize, (the effects of poison)

St H ^° 11° i ki°-ti6h si-'-hun Iftng
mm k6e-t6k, Mm

trate) I6 f^° phoa-pai, (a place sin pi", 11° # 11° J
kap i keh
in war time) n° P M° Jm ^h° &.° piah, — ill rank, higher,

^^ h5" i ts6e kidk goa ^ s6'-tsai, koai° tsit kip, — in rank, lower,
(evil influences) ^ HI kdi 1;.i. T'^
— ° 15 ha tsit kip, —morning,
Never, ^t: W eng b6, *° :t° be-ii,. .
m° ff
° ^° U bin-4 tsA-khi, —of-
5^° -1° be-bat, 2^ |i° hdn-tit.— fence, ^° ?5c° n° %°W au pdi kia"
mind, ^° 49 T b6 siong-kan, iii tioh,

yet, i^° *° idu-be. Ngan-hwui, ^ ^ an-hui.

Ne'er-do-well, khioh-kdk, g[° fjf
-° Nib, (bill of a bird) 1° m tsiau

ft-° phoa mih tsit kia"^. chhiii, (point of a pen) ^ M, pit

Nevertheless, Si f^ sui-ji^n, M. ^ be.

sui-b6ng,— it is, $B ts6ng-si. ^ Nible, fi° fi° ff° P?£° lin-iin-d ka,
New, Msin, bran Wi —
Wi sin sin
, ^ it ff )^^ ^n-d khoe.
Nibler, 11° ff ° ^° An d kh6e, 11° -ff
sin,—fashioned, Ws ff° HI 65 sin
kia° si 6, —
Testament, if ^ sin-iok P|g° An a ka.

(to the taste) :#° "J^ ^ u kbA-

Newchang, ^^
Gili-tsong. Nice,
Newfangled, if #° sin iu", if sin- ^ bi, (agreeable) fu # h6-poa°, ^
khodn. l!S h6-tsi6ng, (fastidious) 11° ^°
Newly, 1M sin, made, if — sin ts6e. ^ ig° i'g oh-tit kah-i,—looking, ^
—made clothes, 1 ^^ sm ^ hong-chhai, ^ J° h6-khok°.

ts6e sa Nicely,— made, ff ^ I tsoe khi


Newness, if sin. tseng kong, Wl ^^^

ts6e khi

New Year, i! ^° sin-ni, jE° sin- M ill 15-, she is dressed, — ^^^M.
tsia", —
morning, H. goan-t^n, % tsng khi bun-li, he spoke very
— eve, "ft" ^^
jih-kau mi. i k6ng 6e

News, if m sin-biin, ^ M° siau-sit. put tsi h6 thia°, he wrote the let-

Newspaper, if g3 IE sin-btln tsda. ter very—, # %W.°W'it^m.

Newsroom, ff ^ ^° phok-but i". ^° i si4 hit tiu° phoe tsin tseng-

Newt, ISI m" si^n-l^ng, il° ^° ^° tsoe, they got on— together, WC
" ^^ ^^•
piah sien si". M° il SJ "^

Next, (in time) ^ ^°jien-au, ^°2ji Nicety, (delicacy) ^ ^ • ih-siu,

au-Mi, (nearest) J:° f& siang kun, (exactne'ss) ^° .^° Sf tu-tu h6,

—door, it fP° keh-piah, volume, (delicacy of perception) S° T^

^° mg khoa" liau tsin tsai, (a
T° Tfs; g-puri, —year, BJ= ^n°
ni^ —inonth, ^° J° au g^h, T'' delicacy) ff- % sip but.

M° e g^h, —time, M° ^° au pai, Niche,— in a wall, W ^ P^^h-

(another) ||° -° ffl° koh tsit &, kham.

^°^£° ^m° e Nick, (a notch) -° m°. tsit khat,
—to him, ti i

-° m° tsit kiiih, to— so m° kAu fe kau.
ehbong khat. kdu pe, Nine-fold, :^° jg°
Nickname, M
»* chhiok-ho. Nineteen +° jl,° ts4p kau,

Nictate ES°
1 0° nib bak, violent— Ninetieth, tL° +° te kdu ^ tsap.
Nictation job biaub cbbitiub nib, Jt° Ninety, ftf +° kaii-tsap.
m° m° tsdp-tsAp nib, m° @° nih- Ningpo, ^ Leng-pho. JiJ

b^k. Ninny, ^ i^ khong-kbd.m.

Nidification, f^° ^° tsoh siu. Ninth, W iL° te kdu one —
Niece, (brotber.s') daughter) tL M
~' kdu hun it, :k ^
tit-lii, (sister's daughter) $h $J Ninthly, fi te-kdu. ^ ^
goe seng-lii. Nip, (pinch) i| liam, ig° chhun,
Niggard J+° kbiu, ^° JiS kiam-
(as frost) <^ tang, (with pincers)
Niggardly siap. *° eng

M° i^^ i*° 2l^° tbih ngoeh

Nigli, j£ kun, (almost) ^: ^ ^ cbha- lai ngoeh,—in the bud, i|-° ^° -^°
put-to, draw—, ^ -^ tsiu-kun. ^° P 9^^ i^^° tiii khi-tl ka i tau teh.
Nighness, j£ kun.
Nippers, ii^° ngoeh.
Kight, m^ mr, to
—time ^°

^ <£° kim-mi°. Nipple, S° W
Nit, JL #^ ^11° sat-bu-nng.
Nightdress, gll° ^^° khun-sa^ %° %° kng-chhiu°.
Nigit fall, U° m beh c-an, B W f^° Nitrate, -{^ 'JS S siau ki6ng iam, fjif

Bh jit
tii tii

^° g°
tdk mi°.
-?S 7K° siau kidng tsiii, — of potash,
%\' 51" phak siau.
Nightmare, [)y° W° pMi^-hang.
Nitre, 511' siau.
Nightwatch, t^^ ^° tsiii-ki". Nitric, -{^ fi^° siau 6.
Nigrescent, ^° ^° <^ teh pi" o". Niti'ogen, the atmosphere is com-
Nimble, n° if ^'° bo kha cbbiii. posed of Oxygen and — , ^ M. 'ik
Nimbleness, ir°)^r ^°h6 kha cbbiu U^ m° %° k i6ng khi tarn khi
Nimbly, j(f° ,?;f ^° h6 kha cbhiTi, hap ts6e thi" khi.
he went up the tree very- — ^ , Nitrous, ft &^° siau &.

m^ ±°m° 1[^ itM Bf ^' i peh No, ^ b6. Have you any? no, W
tsiu chhiu put-tsi b6 kha cbhiii. ^ 4 ^ ^° a-b& ? bo, will you
li ii
Nimbus, M 3E h6 kong, he had a— go no, ®^ 5^ * S^ ^ M Li beh khi
around his head, p i,° M° % W d iii? in. Have you seen him? no,
M %\& than khnk boat ho kong,
m° ^° m' p ^° 1^" m° p u u
P:t°m'%m>K^Ai^ tbau khak khoa" i bo? b6 khoa'' i, There is
boat he iam.
%° kau,— tenths, +°
no one in, ^A
-iS fi^ b6 lang ti-
Nine, f®" %° teh, —matter, ;^ M ^b6 siong-
tsdp § kau, —times, fl° f@° i^° kan, ^ S M b6 i^u-kin, —help
for it, ^ ?i # b6 boat tit. Nodose, ^° iiJ° kau tsat.
Nobility, ^ ^ -S u tsiok ui, — of Nodular, f}^ nfj° tsat fe,
character, ^^ ^ kun tsii. Nodule, iS° {J-° tsat-a.
Noble I (a nobleman) :h E tai sin. Noggin, ^%
clihfi, ])oe.

Nobly I (honourable) :^ J' kun-tsii, Noise, M"" sia", loud—, ci? If ban-
(as a building) |^ f§ hifen i6ng, hda, incessant — jS PJSlfi a-a-ji6ng,
(as mind) 't^ 'IfE kh6ng-khai, (ex- fl SL fS loan-loan kun.
alted) # :ft (highborn) Noiseless, ^° ^^ bo sia°.

IS ^ iS^ se ka t6e, (eminent) ffl Nosily, (as in talking) 1K° M^ toa

^° chhut mia'', (liberal) i;° M. sia", (as in walking) toa cbhiaiih,

toa Hong, (splendid) t^ ^° iam- (as in moving things) kin lin k5ng
ia", (as an action) :^° g§ toa 16-, 16ug.
W° ^#thang chhui tsun. Noisome, t6k. %
Nobleman, ^° A° ff ti toa tsiok ^Noisy, #° Hi° gau-hoa, V'p PJ; I®
ui. chhhAu-chhdu jiong, If t^ii;! hoa
Nobleness, (of character) ^ T kun-
hoa jiong, (as a child) '%'' f|° gau
tsii, (in appearance) k.° m^ toa
boa, (as in talking) M. :^^ M. tsin
pan, :^° M tUE toa khi khai.
toa sia".
Noblesse, the nobility, the five ranks, Nomad A° b6k
1 5i i^ :^° ifi &_

^Mi^ ^ ^ kong, h6-, pek, tsii, Nomadic j

Nobody, ^^ A° bo
Nominal, :g° ^° *ic°
lang, wbo has
fi miaM)6 sit. W
Nominally, ^ iii b&ng bu sit. W ;?.'; ®
come? nobody, if A° 3\° m
^° tsien-mia°. M
sim-mih lang kau? b6, was in, —
Nomination, :S° tsien mi^". #
^° A° ^° JH:° b6 lang ti-teh, he 6'j° tsi^n mi^" g. #2°
is a— ^° ±°^° m" ^° A° boe
Nominxe, Tj/f 51 IS ^° so" in-tc-in ^,
tsiu" sng tit 6.1l,ng, can acccm- — fJi ^JM ^^ s6- ku-tsien e.
plish this, but Confucius, P, ^°
Non, *?,° b6.
?L ?
tb° n° JH: tsi u khong-tsii
Non-ability, ^ ]|g bu-16ng, ^° ^ 1)3
6e kia° tse. b6-tsai-tiau, ^
b6 piin su. 2^ Ij?
Nocent, %\° S
oe hai.
Nonage, ^° he seng ^T
Nocturnal, %° fl#° 6^° mi-sl 6.
Non-appearance, M^ Hi SI b6 chhut-
Nod, thim, —tbe head, 11^ #" thim-
—in tub ka-
sleep, :t vi li
Noneessential, /[>° ^^ M 65° m-si

Nodated, ^°1° 6^°utsatS. iau-kin &.

Node, (Bot.) 7{C bak. Nonchalance ?i ?@ hAi hai, ^^H

Noddle, 11° ^
thau khak. Bi chhiong long h4n ha.

% M 65° boe

Non- conductor,
Noddy, A° m
gong l^ng. 7[> ^\
in tien khi ^. Noose, fg° )^° odh-kat.
Non-conforming, J^° M m-h6k, ^° Nor, :ry°^ in si, X /J?"^ iu-m-si,
i^° m-th^n.
Non-commissioned, — officer, (a .
:^ ^ f@ it is neither this — that,
corporal) 5fh° ^ goa lii (a ser- in si tsit d i& m si hit g.
geant) § ,|S p^ ts6ng. Normal^ (analogical) M^tsiau-^n.
Nondescript, ^° -f" g BJ M° be bat North, 4t°pak, —west, W^b sai pak,
gi^n b^ng e. —east, %
4E: tang pak, —wind,
None, (no one) M° A° b6-lang, ^° M
pak hong, —star, 4B 5f

i^' (nothing) M b6 mih.
^^ pak tAu chhi", the ship is going—
Non-elect, :^° ^^ ^ be k^ng-soan. ^° iF° ±° 4[:° tsfin beh tsiu-pak'
^° W° b6 u. the —wind is very strong, ^Jlt° M
W° b6 ii.
M" M° pak hong tsin th&u, have
Non-observance, (as of the sub- you ever lived in the—, ^° y^°
bath) ^^ i^s^ b6 siii, (as of a con-
tract) iE° ^^ 15 b6 tsiau iok, (as of
m° ?b° m° #° 4° i£° li-u bat, *
khi pak th4u khia d-b6 ?
a promise) ^° ;fj° b6 kia°, (as of Northeast,
m° ^fc° tang pak.
rules) M° jei ^j ^g b6 tsiku kui- Northeastern,
m° :fb° 1}° tang pak
M. hng.
Non-payment, time specified) Northerly, Jt° pak,—
wind, :|b fi
i§° iig° k^-an. pak hong.
Non-plus, (perplex) i^° A° B-° ^° Northern,
:fb° :i5r° pak-hng.
^° E# ho- Mng sifi'' 16ng b6 lo". Northerner, ^° ^C A°goa-kang Mng
Non-plussed, 2i° ^° ^
siu"' b& lo; Nortbernly, °
|f ;fb° khah pak.
^°ffA°pr^° bo tsiam
phi" thang Northernmost,
g :ffc° k^k pak.
Northstar, :fb° =^° pak-tau, 1°
Nonsense, U° ¥ h6-i&% m %° gong- pak-chbi°.

Northward, |^° Ag pak.
Nonsensical, —words, %°i%°Wi.° Northwest,
B° 4b° sai pak.

% b6.o4-tok e 5e a° ^ h6--soat. Northwestern, "g^

;fb° sai pak.
Nonsuch, |ffi ic b4-t^k, X^° i\i%°
boe pi-tit.
Norway, M N4-ui kok. M^
Nonsuit, H#
Norwegian, 15 H ^° Nd-ui kok ^ M
Noodle, ffi A° gong-mng, i^°M°^°
Nose, phi", Roman—,
!S ^ ^A
eng ko phi", up turned— ^° ^
t.° A° poa° thau chhi'' ^ Mng.
phi khiau khi.
Nook, M kak.
Nosegay, ^° ^° chhi" hoe kiti. ^
Noon, 4. ^° tiong-tku.
Noseless, JfeE ^° b6-phi°.
Noon-day, 4« <^° tiong-t^u.
Nostril, ft ?L° phi" khang;.
— ,

JSTot, ^° b6, T.° :^ m-si,— s©,- # jia a — ma-n, eight feet in height, jJb°

jJb iii si an-ni",— Quly, 7fi° -(0.° m- A° A° K° ^° :t° ir ii E A°

n§, ^ fS. iii ttin-na, 3^ fg put-tan, tse lingpoeh chbioh ko&i° u khah
—accustomed, ^° i'ft° iii-koai°, chbiau thoat lang, his slight of
soEcl, 'H pba", — concern you, b& we was quite—, 5t jJM ?S° 5S° ^
— yet, Ip]° ^° iau-be, fjjj M tb° %^ Itj i chbin-tim g6a, goa oe
M ka-li-16, — fit for the purpose, khok" chhut.

T>° W %° boe eng tit. Notification, i§, ii,^ p6-ti4u.

(remarkable) $^ "^ bui- Notify, 5i ^n tbong-ti, ^|i #•
Notable, ti-hoe,
si6ng, jij ^
chhut ki, (a person 5i thong-p6. ^
of distinction) ^ 'M tsun-kiii. Notion, (opinion) 'M- M i-kien.
Notation, ^ ^ sokn boat, IB ^ Id Notional, (visionary) W M° iau-
boat. siu".

Notch, ii° khat, m° l^° tak-chhiii, Notoriety, |i{ ig°chhut-mia, to seek

;^ kham, ^^ khiah, of an arrow, —
for—, Hi ^°fM° kit^i mia-sia".
^= ft° tsi"'-khau. Notorious, ii{ ^° cbhut-mii.
Note, (letter) ^° phoe, (in music) Notwithstanding, 1^ ^ siong-ku,
t ^ im-tsi, open— ^° 51° ff° It B. siong-cbhia", H ^ sui-ji&n,
ji tbiu-a, — down, §g |S teng-ki, — , all my kindness to him, he
IB Id, (observe) ^° khok°,~of never displays gratitude, H ^
band, lal ^ b6e toa^ fS° B° M° M° BmW^ #° ^°
Notebook, |£ ff S ki Ii6k-pli6". ^° i^ <1' sui-jien goa taiib taiih

Noted, %° iS° ^S° ii mia" sia°. eng un khodn-thai i, i 16ng bo

Nothing, ^° ^° b6-mih, but, — E\

kd,m un.
^° b6,

^^ tsi-ii, else, ^ ^ 4 i^ b6. Nought, (a cypher) g| kh6ng,

Notbingness, (non-existence) ^" — H H bo

for , lis in toa", set at —
#° b6 u, ^°
^ M khoa"-khin, (worthless) ^
(a thing of no value)
g& IS b6 lo' eng, ^ fit M iii tdt
M m° t.° A° b6 16- eng g mih. tsl".

Notice, — ^by bearing, ^° ^ thia"- Noun, R ^° sit-ji.

ki",—by seeing, S° £° kboa"-ki", Nourish, ^° la° iu^-chhi,—up, J*

give — , %, ^ thong-ti, give — to ^° p6e-iu^ ^ 13 iu"-chbi, * i^^

quit, ^°ft°m^ W m° tai seng 65° hong seng §.

thong-ti poa" cbhu. Noiu'isher, ^° |ij° gf iu"-chbi e.

Noticeable, (likely to attract atten- Nourishing, food, ^' if^ p6- but, you
tion) WC MM khah chbiau thoat, ought to eat— food, m° ^' :t° ffl

11° g° if{ 6e khoa° chhut, be was 11 ti6h tsiah p6'.


Nourishment, ^° m° i,°
chbi e mill, (food) %, "^
W iii"- M^A
(as noxious thing)
6^ oe chb5ng-ti Mng g,
^° ^° chbau
\x(i sit,

H :t jit sit. mih, (as a person) # ^° A°|i°

Novel, (a) >J^ % siai'i-soat, (new) gau
A j_ATi

tS\ ^ sin-Id. Null, ji A-° hoe-khi, ^° {E# jg° b6

Novelty, MW sin-ia", MV sin-su, lo"-eng. — and void, as document,
a— m ffl Z° %f sin chbut

^° Eng-
%i ^ toe-ji, this
^^ m° ^
agreement is

November, 3| H +° . null and void, ^ M i;

kok tsdp-it geli. tsit e iok si hoe khi.
Novice, ^q ^ cbbo--ub, ^° ^P chhi^r Nullify, Ji ^° ho^-bo.
cbhiii. Nullity, (void) m* h6e khi, T»°
Now, 4-° ta°. ilt° J||f° tsit-tidp, Jl nt n° boe kia°, |te° g^ j]3° b6 16- eng,
Lien-si, jffc° ^° tsit tsun, '^ 4" %° m° W boe eng


tong-kim, JfJ <£ LiCn-lsai, jIt ^ Numbed, |i° hk, pi, fingers
tsit-p6". are— with the cold, ^° i:° J|° 1°
Now-a-days, JS j;J^ ff ° ^° ff Sc° g6a e, tsng-thau-d
Noway, (not at all) ffl ^P 16ng b6. koa° kau ba.
Nowhere, {H° M° 16ng b6, — to Number, one — — , ° ^° tsit ji,

be found, 0° #° ||.° M" si-koe (many) ^°tsoe, (count) ^°sng,

cbhe bo. (amount to) 3^ kiong, without —
Nowise, 3fe ^•° peng-bo. ^ it bu so-, (count) W>° siau,
Noxious, Wm oe bai, t|° ^,° § 6e (calculate) ^°ifc°s£igsiku, (assign
sun liai, (as air) ^ tok. the place of in a numbered series)
Nozzle, ^° pbr. ^° T^ ts6e h5, he was numbered
Nucleus, (kernel) it hut, tl jin, amongst the transgressors, A°%°
^° tsi. # ifA° IP ^E »*» :t° A° Mng khok" i

Nude, ®t° 3^° 55° thug-kng-kng. tsoe tsoe hoan tionff e lanff.

Nudge, khai". Numberless, J^° %° %° b5e sng tit.

Nudity, M° 3li° ^° tbfig-kng-kng, Numbers, (book of) |^ It Bin

m° M cbbi,:h-sin, #° H ^° SO' ki, (as in poetry) a" gi&n.
cbbiab the. Numbness, %° hk, •^° pi.
Nugatory, (of no force) B ^ hoe- Numbskull, ti° ^° tarn gam.
kbi, M° !?& JH" b6 l5--eng. Numerable, tl° k° ^° 6e sAg tit,

Nugget. '-° tsit te.

W° M° m° thang sAg L
NuiKnnc", wbicb annoys) tb° Numerals,
U° B° ^° siaii-bdk ji.

I sipkai,
^ '
^i^ +°M ^1^

slpji6ng,ts4pji6ng. f^^ -h"* '

sip ko-, tsdp ko-, f^ ^ +° ^ ^$i

sipk^n, tsapkkn, ^^ +° M ^
One decillion, sip tseng, tsap tseng, ^^ jE +° JE -^-iE

The above is according to the French system of notation, and

is that Tvhichused in the foreign arithmetics that have been trans-


lated into Chinese. It does not correspond with the Dictionaries,

or the small treatises on arithmetic in use amongst the Chinese.
According to them, one hundred thousand is tsit ek, one million,
tsit tiau, one hundred millions, tsit kai, one billion, tsit tsi, &c.

Numerals, or Classifiers.
For. things generally, M,^ ^^

For houses, temples, rooms, &c., fS keng.

For doors, windows, screens, &c., M si°.
For knives, arms, legs, pencils, &c., ki. ^
For clothes, trowers, mosquito nets, &c., hid". ^
For baskets, boxes, &c., M khia.
For things that go in pairs, M, siang, tui. ^
For hats, caps, sedan chairs, &c., ]^ teng.
For roads, rivers, ropes, laws, &c., tiaU.^
For whole pieces of cloth, silk, &c., /£ phit.
For sheets of papers, beds, couches, &c., 5I tiu".
For walls, boards, slices of anything, &c., )r pbi".
For afiairs, spaces between the joints on the finger, or on bamboo,
&c., Ib tsat.
For joints of the finger, or of bamboo, knots in wood, &c., @ bdk.
For things in bundles and bales, as cotton, paper, clothes, &c.,
For bundles of wood, grass, vegetables, &c., }E p^.

For fish, snakes, centipedes, &c ^ be. ,

For drops of rain, specks of dirt, &c., Ifi tidm.

For sliips, quadrupeds, &c., ft tsiali.
For cargoes, boat loads, &c , ®

For fields, gardens, &c., 5(5 khu.

For trees, shrubs, corn, vegetables, &c tskng.

For files of soldiers, processions, &c., P^ tin.

For gongs mirrors, verandahs, &c., bin. ^
Flocks of birds, crowds of men, shoals of fish, herds of cattle, &c,
^ k(in.
For oysters, ^ mi".
For dollars, bundles of firewood, kho-.M
For any business or affiiir, &c., f+, kia", hang. ^
For maps, pictures, &c., ipS pak.
For scrolls, rolls of paper, &c., fi kfig.
For a literary examination, jfJf khe.
For pills, balls of meat, &c., IS li4p.
For essay, poetry, &c., m pki°-
For hymus, # -chhiii, siii.

For stories of houses, pagodas, &c., M tsan.

For flowers, IS liii-
For layers of any thing, M tsan.

For letters, despatches, &c., M

For things in rows, ^ ts5a, hang.
For strings of beads, pearls, &c., ^ koa°, chhAg.
For things in sets, suits, &c., -f^ hu.
For leaves of a book, ^ iah.

For showers of rain, ^ thku.

For gentlemen, -fit tii.
For heavens, and clothes of the dead, &c., M teng.
For ingots- of gold and silver, tia°, i£ kh6.
For a horse, EE V^^^-
For a game of chance, M moa".
For game of chess, ^° siu".

For cannon, guns, &c., M° m%-

For tobacco, snufi", &c., ^ poah.
For grades, khip, M kip.

For prescribed lessons, If siu".

For coffins, E3 kliii.
For plays, examination balls, &c.
For shops, ^ kham.
For moutbfuls, i^ chLiii.
For stars, grains, &c., W liap.
For drauglits of wind, ^ kang.
Numeration, ^ fi soan-hoat, ^^ Nutriment, ^° f^° Z° %° iu°-chlil
s6- hak. 6 mib ^ 'J|)° p6- mih.
Numerator, {^ ^° hun-kid". Nutrition, #° f^ iil^-cbhi.
Numerical, ^° &5° siku e, — charac- Nutritious, tg° ^ 6^ oe p6- g,—
ters, W:°B°^° siku bak ji, (same food, ^ ^° p6- mih, be has no
in number) M.° ^° pi" tsoe. money to buy — food, ^ ^° ^°
Numerically, ^B, ^° tsiau-siku. '^° :fc° M i 1^6 tsi° thang tsiah p6-,
Nmnerous, ^° ts5e. bis disease is not very serious, he
Numismatics, ^ ^^°Mi.°^ kh6 only requires — food, ^ ;^° ?^°
kill tsr gun ^ hak.
Numskull, 1^° W° fi^J° tam-gam L pi" bo sid° siong-tiong, i put-ko
Nun, (Budhist) JB t^ Sai-ko-, Jg ^ kbiam p6".
(Tauist) JI i^ to-ko-.
li-ko-, Nutritive, f^ ^ ^f 6e p6- e.

Nunnery, (Budhist) ^^
jili-ko-- Nut shell, ^° :? ° ^ k^-tsi-khak.
am, JB M ^ ll-ko--si, (Roman Nux vomica, % M •?° md-tsien tsi.

Catholic)' ^i§m.^ Lu siu t5 i". Nuzzle, (work with the nose, as a

Nuptial, M® fi^° hun-in-^. pig in the mud) ^° 16e.
Nuptials, j$ f^ bun-in, ^M li^p- Nymph, :k sien-lu.

hun. Nympha, ||° ^^ tb^ng kdng.

Nurse, #° ff° bii-d, wet—, S'' #° Nymphean, ^ g^° sien lii &.

leng-bii. Nymph-like, U #«° iH A chbin-

Nursery, ?^° ^° jg:° gin-nfi-pang. chbiu" sien lii.

Nursling, _^° fj° e" a.

Nurture, ^° fi-f iu"-cbliT.
Nut, m° but, ground—, -^ ^!g° ^
lok-kba seng, ±° M° tho" tau,— 0!6-b6!
galls, 5. f$ ^° ng6--poe-tsi. Oaf, (a blockhead) m° i,° A° tun
Nutcracker, ;^° ?il°'but-khl°. e mng, f^= m° Sr tam gam e.
Nutgall, 3i f§ ^° ng6--poe-tsi. Oak, #® siong chbiu", %° M°
Nutmeg, W^ lau-hau, i*] M ji(5k- chbiu" cbhiu.
kbo-, S ^ t5--kb6-. Oaken, ^ ^° g^° siong cbhiu e.
. ,

Oakum, M M mofi,"-ji6ng. I M li u hifim bo.
Oar, m° tsiii", —pin, m° l^ tsiii"- Objectless, «° ^T ^.° b6 ta"-sng, m
tiam, —blade, ^° M° tsiu."-b^, — it^ bong-tsoe.
handle, tsiu°-chbeng. Objector,' ffl Jh 6^° ts6' tsi 6, & lt°
Oasis, fp mm°i°M\ 1° sa-b6k fi§° ts6" tong c.

nih ^ liin-tek toe. Oblation, )f( ^ bien-tse.

Oath, 31 #° tsiu-ts5a. Obligation, (act of binding) '^ $f^
Oatmeal, ^° :^ beb-kak, pau-p^k, ^
^$° pe-pak, (by pro-

Obadiah, (book of) PSJ fi J!S mise) j5{j A° WC M

un lang pe pdk,
0-pa-ti 6 cblieb. ft° A° % un lang boe soah, (as

Obduracy, HI #t ko'-tsip, #I m° tsip by a kindness) -1^° ^° 52 i u un ti

phiab g6a tau, M°^^^°
.1 ^° ±° ^
Obdurate, M ^k ko'-tsip, ^ tsip- ,1, u siu-ti6h i ^ un.
phiah. Obligatory, B M^ eng-kai ti6h,
Obedience, #° tbkn, Jig #° sun than, T^° % m° boe bi^n-tit, 65 JI -m°
Ji m sun-h6k. tek-khak ti6h.
Obedient, M sun, very — MM ,
sun Oblige, (compel) iet-lek, f[J° ^M
sun. Wf ah-Uh, ?5 bien-ki6ng, (do ^
Obediently, Ji M sun-b6k, M
favour) fT° W
'If ki^" jin-tsi3ng, A
sun-tban. I pray you,— me, i^ '[f kiu tseng.
Obelisk, M ff ?i H ° bong tsiam tsiob Obliged, (compelled) M° ^° IpI" b6
pi- i;a-o4, will be to you, fg pki- — #
Obeisance, % # kui-pki, fn° am much — to you, ^ M
M° thok, I
khau-tb4u. m li, ^° :^° if° 16--Mt li,
16 hoan
Obeisity BE° pui, 5E° B#° pui-pbiang. ^ g° hui-sin li. ipip

Obey, h° than, Ji sun, —rule, M° Obliging, m m° kbi-chhi^", 1 ^ A

S Jg than hoat-to- — doctrine, W gau ts5e Mng.
^ JJ thtin to-li, ship— the helm, Obliquely cbham-cbhodb, moral ) —
Obliquity \W '6 thdn-boai'^ sim.
fS° tsCin te toa.
jjg° ijg° i

Obit, ^°j^° fi ke-6ng,— (fune- Obliterate, (efface) chbat-khi.


ral solemnities) ^g song-su. ^

Obliteration, ji" chbat-kbi. ^
Obituary, jfc f$ lip toan. Oblivion, %° boe-ld-tit. m W ^°
Object, an—, %° mib, (aim) # ,© Oblivious, ^r IB :|'° bo ki-ti, IE
phai"-ki-ti, Ji° la 14° b6 Id si".
i-sii, ^i M U 6r s6- i-hi5ng e, to :j'°

— ,
;r;° :{^ in-tsi6ng, (oppose) M Obloquy, (censorious speech) %°
^ ts6'-t6ng. ;tB° phi"-siu", (calumny) m%ii\>\\-

Objection, make ^ pok, — ,

PI. ^ loa, 1B HE ka-bti.
ts6--t6ng, Have you any — , W^ W Obnoxious, (reprehensible) rT"
thang hiam. #° ;^ S° £° i bak-tsiu koai lai,

Obscene, ^ sia, M m h6-"-ira, — tdk hang khoa" ki°.

words, ?^ spi im su, an — play, ^ Observation, (act of seeing) ^° |[,°

m im hi. khoa°-ki", (that which is observed)

Obscenity, ^ m ^° ^° ^° sia-im ^ FJr «° a° fir s6- khoa'-ki-^ &, (a
tai-tsl. remark), BS° k<5ng, power of — , ^
Obscure ) (dark) Uf i^ am-tam, 3^ berig li.

Obscurity (remote from observa- Observatory, ^-'

J:° fi khca" chhi"
tion) |S g^ iap siap, (§ ff° phien- tai, 'k^Jt.° koan thien- U S
phiah (not plain) ^ 0)3 b6 beng, siong t tai.
this sentence is very ^° ^ —
Observe, it , M
tsip-siii— as c;:m- ^
^° 0)3 tsit kii tsin bo bSng, (as a mand, ^^ siii, (see) ^^ khoa",
view) m°W bang-bang,^'fj° ^° carefully — , \^ 'i% ^ tarn tarn
i4-i4", (dim) ®^ bu-bu, (mys- khoa", (to say) kong. %°
terious) ^ ^' bi-biciu, (abstruse) Observer, ^^ £° 65° khoi"-ki" 6.
^ 02 chliim-tim, (^^intricate) ^^ Obsolete, %i ±° hoe-khi.
kau-ti°, be lives in a very — neigh- Obstacle,
IS ?| ts6--gai.
bourhood, ^# fi° ii (i #^ ?Jf i£ i
Obstetric, IKc° ^° ^° kiiioh tsia 6.
khia ti pbicn-phiah e so'-tsai.
Obstinacy, El # ko'-tsip, # |g^
Obsecration,^ ^^ khun kiu. tsip phiah.
Obsequies, ^ ^ song-su. Obstinate, @ ^i ko--tsip, ^ ^° tsip-
Obsequious )^s° :^° ph6--thd°. phiah, f;ft
— tsip-it, ^ ^ khu-
Obsequiousness #° 'M° fra° g^.u;
tsip, 4t ^° ^ tsip si koat, ffi b&n.
ngia"-hiA", #° S (^ g^u rpo-so.
Obstinately, ^ ko'-tsip.
Observable, (capable of being ob-
served) tl°
Obstreperous \M it soan-hoa, ii
m° a° oe ]thok°-ki°, Obstreperously \ M° toa sia", \^°
t£° m° ffi khoa" oe chhut, the ^ chhau lau.
difference is — , WM "W" M° ^ Obsti'uct, H ih ts6--tsi, PI ^•ts6--
tseng chha Idng khoa'' chhut, his t6ng,—the way, ^° 1°
ij^ tin-te,
want of politeness, is quite — ^ , ^
tsah 15-.
^°%m m° 1° ffl i b6 bftn li oe Obstruction,
ig° tsdh, :^'° =p 5| u
khok° chhut. kan-gai.
Observance, ^ ^ tsip-siu. Obstructive, #° |i ifc g4u ts6--tsi,
Observant, (mindful) -^ *& lili sim, t° ffl ^ gau ts6--t6ng, t° -^ If
(taking notice) S° E^ {ft m° bAk- g^u oai chhoah, he is very and —
tsiu koai lai, (obedient) sun, M very difficult, to get on with. •^
JIM ^° sun than, he is very and — #° ^ m° 11° m° m° ^ ^° i gau
sees everything, p g° BM ^ jfij" oai-chhodh oh-tit kap i 16h.
OBT occ
Qbtain, #
iS.° ° tit-ti61i — merit, kl^
Jd Mfen-kong. Occultation, (astronomical) M.
Obtainable, tg° 11° ®° oe tbang tit, jia-ti6b.
t^° H^ W° oe tit ti6h. Occupation, ^ H su-giap, iS
Obtrude, M ^ t6ng-tut. keng-ki, fij i;§ li-lo-

Obtruder, M ^ 6^° tong tiit e. Occupied, %° f«f b6 ^ng, W' f°fi<:°

Obtrusive 1 ;$ 5^ t6ng-t;it, #° 1° fi tai-tsi.

Obtrusion J
jg° gau kidu-jiau. Occupy, (as a bouse) ^^ to^, M"^
Obtuse, |i6 tun. tiani, (as lands) ^° # tsidng-
Obtuseness, M tun, (of sound) ^° koan, — one's self in business, fit
:^° ^° sia'' tai tai. ^ iS tsoe seng-li.
Obverse, W #° kha-cbbng, Wl° M° Occur, — to one, |£ ^^ ^

au-bin. ti6b ki, (happen) jj|° tii-tioh.

Obviate, % bien, (clear tbe way of) Occurrence, (an event) "^ sii, ^°
I^. shall— all difficul-
•^ tu kbi, I 45;° tai-tsi, (unexpected) i^ ^ ^;
ties' by taking money with me, ng6"-jien su.

m° ^' ^ * ii° te° I? m

.^ Ocean, #° iti" :^c° f# toa-hai, Atlan-
tioh toa gun kbi, tsiah oe bien tic—, :/c° W° i¥^° toa sai iu". Paci-
kan-kh6'. fic :fe 2p 1^:° thai-peng iu", Indi- —
Obvious, Bfl bfeng. an—, fP ;S #° In-to- ir, Arctic
Obviously, BJ 0J beng-b^ng. — ^fc 5!l<.
pak peng-iu"^, Antarc-

Occasion, ?Ji:° pdi, ii° ?Jc° l^u-pAi, tic, it 7j< W° lam peng iu°.
fnrmer — H , if t^ng-pang, M" T° Oceanic, ±° #° 65° tda iil'^ L
ts^ng-e, no — , m sai, to — , cause, Ochre, yellow, Jig ^ le-h6ng.
b5', ^of, ien-ko'. O'clock, mW tiam-sia", |fi M° tidm-
Occasional, M° Bt ^° ^ si-A, WW tseng.
U° Rt ban tit ti si. Octagon, A° :^ 3^ poeh kak hSng.
Occasionally, H /^ E° fl# sam put Octangular, A° % J^ 65° poeh kak
go- si, H% flt sam put si, ^ ©" h^ng e.

fRl° Bl ban-tit ti-si. Octavo, A° li!^° 65° poeh iah & A° ^°

Occident, W° #° sai-si, W° :&° sai- 6^° poeh peng 6

hng. Octennial, A° ^P° — ° ?5C poeh ni" tsit

Occidental, lf° W fi^° Sai si L pdi.

Occiput, Ifc BI° # tsim-th4u-kut. October, ^ g +° ^° Eng-kok tsap

Occiputal, *fc Bl° # &r tsim tb^u g^h.
kut e. Octogenarian, A° +° M° A° poeh
Occult, (unknown) ^° ^-D° be tsai, tsdp he lang.
(invisible) %° m° E° boe khok"- Octopus, ;5° -^ tsioli-ku.
— "

ocu OFF
Ocular, @° m m° E° bak tsiu khoa"- T° ts6e tsit-e, move of itself, g°
ki°. a° ffi° iS° ka-ki tin-tang, he boasts

Oculist, m f-l B'^ gan-kho i-seng. of his abilities, #^ P"'^^";*^

Odd, (strange) US Z^ fi sii put siong, i khoa-khdu i ^ piin-su, it is with-
—and even, S° ^° phak-chliio, in an hour of the apjjointed time,
(in number) M° kbia, —and ends, m° *° -° ijii m° m
koh be tsit m
^° ^° Ian chhiii. tidmtsiii kau si, the ship was with-

Oddity, ^ M ki-koai, :^ ft sii put in a mile (Chinese) of the shore,

siong. M" m° w m m° ^° -° m tsiin h-

Oddlj ) ^m kl-koai, J5° ^ kha- khui hai ki° b6 tsit li, full of the

Oddness ) koki. Holy Ghost, ^ |g S* ii •ft: siu Seng

Odds, (superiority) M° m° kbah i^", Sin kdm-h6a, in the days of Herod,
(inequality) ^° Zp° b6 pi". — m^i,° m Hi-li\t &ng g si, of
Ode, If si, book of—, If U si-keng. whom do you speak, W° % W
Odious Pf kh6-6-°,
) M 1'^ kho W :§;°||° li si k6ng tsi-tsui, I have a
Odiously biin. )
feeling of hunger, ^° ^° fL° g6a,
Odium, (hatred) ^. 'f^ oan-hun, (in- tsai iau, of all men you are the
cur) m A° ?J jia King okn, S A° best, fk°A°±°^nm°^^°-u
?a ko- lang okn, |2 A i§ lio' lang tseng lang e tiong-kan, li si te it
k6e. h6, he had a look of great poverty,
Odoriferous, ^° fi^° phang fe,
— ^m°'r%}t%°m°i khoa^ mu,
wood, ^° S^ hiu"-chli4. put-tsi s6ng-hiong.
Odorous, ^° phang. Off, be—, ^° khi, (distant) ^° hng,
Odour, 1^ bi, (as from the body) ^° — one's guard, ^°^° |5$°b6 tiu"-
khui, sweet —
^° ^ phang bl, be
tl, =i J||^ IJ^ siin chhiii
in bad—, WA
11° ho- lang gin. run — ^ ^
k(Sng, ,
is&a. khi, stand
O'er, (cross) m° kfe, (above) MW further off, {i° 1^° U° khia khah
teng bin, (another side) tS°^° khui, tell him to get off the chair,
hit peng.
Oesophagus, ;^° ^° tsidh kfig, stric-
W ^ m WW ^ ksh i tui 1 16h mi.
set off, as a gun, %° p'l'Hg, set
ture of—, g° W° a° m° tsidh kfig off,on a journey, i|B khi sin, ^
pi" 6eh, gr ^ keh-sit. cut—, ff *
koah khi, fly—, m°
Of (denoting ownership) ^° ^, made ^ pe khi, take— the hat, M,° iPi°
-gold, ^ f^ kim tsoe, course, — thng bo, (abatement) 5g° thh, the
"^"i) S ^ tsu-jien, — fevergoes—, i^ /^° JS ji^t u thh,
late, Jlc a« am-lai, the power look—, ^° gf {t khoa" pdt iii,
the kinc;, ^^i.°^ *Ii
tu hong-te

off hand, |^ ^ sM pien, he read
e koiju-leug. the whole of, f^ —hand, ^ i§| fg |t° i sui-picn

, thdk, be fj ^° kiS." khi, take
ofF, n pboan tseng ge m^g, (war) ^
ofF a person ^° A° 6h lang, badly
, IS PI peng tseng ge mng, (Indi-

off, poor, ^° ^° song-hiong, sail an) m iS fP E ^B ^ PI ts6ng li

furtber off, |^° m.° W s^i kbab Ii\ t5- ts^ngge mfig, (of works)

kbui. X IE51 IS '0^ kong tseng gS mug.

Offal, (rubbisb) ^^ ^ pun-s6. Oflicer, t
koa", military—, ^t
Offenceless, (inoffensive) J^|iS un- bii koa", civil—, -^ 1* "bf^n koa°.
sun, |iE % siin li6ng. Official,— duty, H tsit,—rank, ffa K
Offend, (a person) 32 ^° boan-ti6b, pbin-tsit, -g^ ffx koa^-ham, — sa-

^ ffi tek-tsoe, ^^ tek-sit, — lary, 1$ It bong-16k, — letter, :X ft

against, fl" p p6e-b!u, ^ ^ poe- bun-su, — dress, •g.V M kong-b6k,
— seal, H l£ t6--ki,— document,
Offended, -p" A° koe l^ng, ^"it^S ^ ft buu-su, — proof, ^ Ji. bun-
b6 hoa"-bi. pin,—reply, HI 3)C ft bg biin su,
Offendei', p A tsoe-jln, (criminal) —matters, t° iL° ^\-° tk° koa" 6

3E° A boan-ling. tai-tsi,— diitit-s, Jji ^ tsit bun,—

Offense, (displeasure) ^°®:°S b6 position, If- fit tsiok-ui, — business,
P° ii° tse-kok, give
boa°-bi, (sin) S- ^ kong sa, transact—^liusiness,
— #° A° #° bo- mng koe.
, m & ^ pan kong su.
Offensive (causing displeasure) M° Officially, be wrote to me—, ^ W

A° B° WC S- lio- Mng b6 boa"-bi, 35C ^ "^ i kia bdn bo- g6a, be did

0° A° #.° bo- l&ng k6e, (as a not visit me—, ^ II MmU^

smell) ^° cbbau, (as a sigbt) ^>° i sui pien lai tham goa.

S° ^° boe kbok° tit, (as sounds) Officiate, Mn su-li.

si {^ tso bi, (insulting) # # p6-- Officinal, jS -6^ tiam S.

ji6k, (disgusting) WM kb6-6-°, Officious, ^ ijf :$; ai cbbap su.

(rude) M M l>u le, take tbe— %° Officiously

^° seng khi cbbiu.

^ i^ ai cbbap su.
Offer, i^° M beh bo", (sacrifice) ff Offing, mW kang kbAu.
bien, —a price, tU M° cbbut ke. Offscouring, ^^ ptm-so.
(a sboot) ^° (set one
Offering, (in sacrifice) ^ !{|il°
tse-niili Offset, g^,

Office, business — , # ^^ sia ji accoimt against anotber) §i° W:

tui siaii, my account will bean
Mu, (duty) :$: ^J^ pun bun, (a
special duty) M tsit, tbe — of a against yours, n° ^° ^tlM W
±° iL° it g'J^ ^ siau oe ttii li 6 siau.
clergyman, i|!i; Ui li b6k-su e
(borne) ft E IS P? loe-tseng Offspring, M Wlio--^, T-°3f. kid'' sun

g& m£g, (foreign) ^h igS: #f f! goe

Oft, W B° taub taiib.

"tseng ge mfig, (colonial) i^ IS [Often, m m° il° tsiAp-tsi'ip, iK St eng-

si,M° W
tauh-taiih. Ointment, ^^ # i6h-ko.
men) ^° lau ^°
Ogle, %° n° M,° sai bak M. Old, (as (as things)
Ogler, 11° @° ^° ;t° A° sai bak be ku, —fashion, "S" M k6--ts6, —
c lang. debt, B° X ku-khiam, of—, Wi t
Oil, Pja° Pr ai-iob. ^° tiii k6*-ts4, how —
of persons, ,

Oil, ^1 iu, Kerosine — ^ , f^f cbbku M° ^° liiii he, how —

of animals ,

i<i,^^ fft tbo- thok" iu, ground or things, ^° joa ku.


nut — ^ , sL i^ tbo' tau id, -^ f2 Olden, 1^ #° ^° k6--tsd ^.

^ f|{| 16k kba seng ill. —of Ca- Older, (person) m° M° M" khah ke
mellia, "^ {J fiti te A ili, bail- — :^ , he, fJc° ^" M' khah ts5e h6, one
{?• }jil — te A id, ^ of peppermint, year—, M° :^° -° m° ke tsidh
Tsj ?tfl — of benzoin, ^
po bo iu, (thing) ff° khah-ku. ,§, tsit hfe, |Jc°

fthan sek — of turpentine, ^X Oldest, (person) J:° ^° ;^° siang


M ta ma° — of aniseed, /\ tsoe he, (thing) ±° ^° siang ku.

?fh iu,
'^ poeb kak
f(ft — of campbor, Oleafragrans, :^°
iu, ;|^ kiii-boe.
W f^ Sfl cod liver—, .% Oleaginous, JS
tsiu" 16 iu,
id 0^° e.
jglbi cocoa nut —
iu, ^15 ih id,
— of almonds, ^ il ^ beng Olfactory,
, ?fli
Oleander, i^ ft" th6 ^li. tsiap tek.

iu,painted witb — f^ anoint ,

—nerves, # iu,
jft phi''-^, ^L
with — f^ fS boab , — the ^phPkhikun. id, bair,
SI ^
tk tb4u ?ll Olibamim, ^° mng boab iu, ?L ju-hili".
painting ffl ftfi ^ gj eng id ui g, Olio, (a medly) 4° if^° tsap mih.
— cloth, ^ id p6-, — paper,fgl fj^ Olive, m° m° ka"-nd", —seed, m°
^ idts6a, —bottle, 5f id kan, fft
m° W ka"-na"^ hdt.
press, $ id cbhia, —presser,
Olympiad, 0° ^° si ni".
^° ^ kboeb id sai-bu, pur-

ler in — "R
chaser of— f^ §° id kheh, dea-
— ,
Omelet, Df W
i: X boe iu
, ?gr 6, Omen, ^^ SI tiau-th^u, good — , ^
painter, ft J(| boa kong. :Q siong-sui, ^ i: ilg BI h6 6 tiau
Oil-cloth, filf ;i]j id p6- thau.
Oiled, :^ ?i[i tsiah id, —paper, ffy -{f Ominous, (inauspicious) %^ put
id ts6a. kiet.
Oiliness, ^° ^ u id, fgf id-id. ffli Omission, ^ sit.
Oilman, K° ^ ^° hoe id g. Omit, ^ sit, -^^ lak, —a word, ^°
Oil-painting, M'S\M 6^° eng id ui e. —°^° lak tsit ji, -^-to record, ^
Oil press, Ms $ id cbhia.
IE sit-ki.
Oily, ^° Jffi u id, (like oil) U WM Omnific, mm, H M '\^° chbong-ts6
chhin chbiu" id, (smoothly) yf- f-f ban hang mih.
kut kut, (compliant) Dj^
jin i.
A^ sun Omnipotent, ^^%m bd s6- put
—a ,

Omnipresent, %^^^ M s& put out, as secret, M° ® lau bong.
tsai. Opacity, Z^° yt° W boe kng-liang,
Omniscient, ^ ^ /^ ^ bu s6' put k° M° boe kbok" tbku.
ti. 7-°
Omniverous, M" :® ^° tdk hang Opal, m % B.S ba jl gdn.
tsiAh, ii°ig°:fr° chMn chhdi tsidh. Opaque, %° ^° 315° boe tbau kng,
On, ^ nib, Jg 'g° teng-bin, arri- —
.S° ;p° ^° kboa" boe tbau.
ving, ^ %\f tii-d kau, —tbe con- •

Open, (as a road) fj3° i§ khui lo',

trary, S 11° boAn-tng, — purpose, (as a box) |3 kbui, (as a book)
i^.'^M tiau ko- i, on all sides, — Dt° W bien-kbui, (frank) m li°
m° M si-ui, —land, lU'" soa"^- H tiau-tit, %° m° ^ b6 kbAg po-,
t^ng, must —
no account, =f''M^° (as a place) ^ fp tbiau-lang,
vi° chbien ban in-thang, go^, ^ banded, W> bien cbbiii, :/c° ^°
^° tsin-tseng, fj^ *° ki^^-khl. '^° toa cbbiu bin, (obvious) B^

Once, —" ^%° tsit-p4i, — ^° tsit-ke, beng, to~, ig kbui,— out, ^°thdu
One, ~° tsit, —it, —by—, -° ^° M li tieu-kbui,— as wings, S° ^
—° ^° tsit-e tsit-g. tbi sit, —as eyes, it ^"^ peb kbui,
Oneness, (of purpose) —°t5— °# —a letter, ||f° ilt° tbiab pboe, —
tsit sim tsit i, fpj° ^ siang-i. lock, g^^ #: kbui s6, —a banging
Onerous, ||° %° ^° ob tit tng, W doorscreen, ii P^° M boan mng H,
%° m 1S° ob tit tam-tng. unable to—, 1° T>° ^ kbui boe
Oneself, 7^ # pun-sin, g E° ka-ki, lai,—by force, 5S Wi kiong kbui,
:@ B tsu-ki. — the bowels, 51 :fc fi thong tai-
Oneside, — ° ^° tsit-peng. pien, M :fe M li tai-pien.

Onion, M cbbang, —^roots, ^ FI Open-banded, M° ^° bien cbbiii.

ebbang-tbau. Open-hearted, i?, Ii° tiau-tit, ^° |1°

Only, m® JH cbbeng-
t6k-t6k, b6 kbiig p5'. ^
cbbeng, na-tia, kan-ta,


put- Opening, (aperture) ^ kbang,
k6, tbere is— one, g° >g° il° (mouth) P khau, leave
na u tsit e, P> ^° ~° f@° tsi ii tsit ^"^ ^ lang kbang, first — of new
g, —son, 3^ ^° fj^ Wi kbai
:t° •?" t6k tiong.
si° 6 shops,
kid". Openly, bi^n-ji&n, fr kong- M^ ^
Onset, 2fe JT kong ta°, (assault on bSng.
a city) M° kcng^ si^", (assault Openness, (candour) i^ Ht tiau-tit.
on troops) ^^
tsiap tin. Opera, §L ffl° bi khek.
Onward, ^ "st" tsin ts^ng, |n]° 'i'" Opera-glass, mm^°f M 11° siang-
Ag ts^ng. gdn 6 chhien-li kia'\

Oolong, ,ft 11 0--li6ng. Operate, (act) fr ki^", (medically)

Ooze, ^ slap, i® ffl siam-cbbut,— &IJ ff thai-koah.
Operation, fx° kia", (surgical) M° ^° M'M ^ tso-gu, quite lost—,

m" tli4i-koah. ®° ||o ^^ tsoa, embrace an — ^° ,

Operartive, an — ^ X° A°ts6e kang

, H -f- than ki-ioe.
lang, (binding) m°M"^^° oe eng Oppose, IS ^ ts6--t6ng, (obstruct)
tit,m^'m^m e^° oe tsiin siaii tit. m° noa, (a person) m A° i:° ,t
Operator, fT°^°kia''6, (in surgery) hut lang 6 i, i^° ^° phoa ts4in.
tf W &r thai koah §. Opposer, la ^ rj° ts6--t6ng.^, fi jfc
OpLidian, ^° t^° ts6a §. 65° ts6--tsi e.
Oplitlaalmia, ft @°jiet-bak. Opposite, mK tui hodn,—to, MW
Ophthalmic, g° m n° bdk tsiu ^. tui-bin, ^° M six) tiii, ^° |Sj° sa"-
Opiate, ^ M° ^° ^° hi khiin 6 i6h. hg, (contrary) ^ ^ tui-hodn.
Opinion, M I, i-kien, in my—, M ^ Opposition, HI ts6--t6ng. ^
*& M tsiku g6a i-ki^n, every has Oppress, Sfe ft khi-hu, po-gi6k, ^M
his Qwn— #° A° w° •e*
05° sm ^ ii leng-ti, "B m kh6--t6k, ffi fj
tdk Mng u 1 e i-ki^n. ap-ts^.
Opinionated, #— tsip-it, i| 'Q° a° Oppression, ^ ^ p6-gi6k, =g'#kh6--
^° ^M tsip ka-ki ^ i-kien. t6k, ^m kh6--chh6-, Wi ft khi,
Opinionative, ^ 1° a° ;t° ^ B hu, fij ffi ts^-ap, m M° Ung-g&k,
tsip ka-ki g i-ki^n. (injustice) ^ ^ oan-6ng.
Opium, SI^J: a-phi^n, ^ JES° o--hun, Oppressive ) (tyrannical) M M
crude— ^ a-phi^n-tho-,
al )r
Oppressively jkhok-h6ng, iUt pk-
prepared—, H >r W a-phi^n ko, to, S5 ^ ki6ng-p6, (heat) W ^°
—refuse, ^ M a-,plii^ M>t= sdi, i|° ut-tsut joAh, (as in a confined
m° hun-t6e, Malwa— |&° M° p^h- rQ©m) ig hip.

ph^, smoke—, Oppressor, JpJ ^° g5° h^ng-gdk 6, t

|fe° J$ J^ tsi4h a-
phien, confirmed smoker, ?,| —
Ji 65° po- gi6k ^. ^
Jr tiau a phien,- horrors, Jr — M
Opprobrious, (scurrilous) W;° ,1 16e-
5i° a-phiengien,— pipe, M ir '®°
me, (as mme) ^° ;g ^ chhau
5^° a-phien him-chhe, — sliop, !Jti°

f^° hun keng,— box, ^° ^'^ th6-- Opprobrium, ^ M ki-chhi.

siu'', an — song, S ^ ife a-phien- Oppugn, (oppose) H ^f ts6--tong,
koa. (attack) 2fc » kong-kek.
Opponent, ^ bM^ tui-thau, ff |!c
Optic, B°m^°Uk-t»me.
tiii-t^k. Optician, 0^° m° pI -$. bak-kia° sai-

Opportune )|S° jl° tu-tng, (sea- hu.

Opportunelyjsonable) S Blf kip-si, Optics, science of—, % ^ konghdk,
# flt tek-si. M ^ SI h&k.
Opportunity, ^ f' ki-hoe, his — p Option, a@ ffi cbhut tsai S
i, fU

# M° chLut-tsai i keAg, ffi ^E # M^M &n-ts.oAu.

^ ck'h-nt tsaa i ai.

Orchard, H dP H k<^-tsi hfig.

Optional fi° A°^ kii lang ai, ffi & Orchis, ^M^ kim sek khak.
^ chhut-tsai i.
Ordain, |S :ft siet-lip.

Opulence (.TO
toa pii.
Ordeal, ^ ^ chhi-lien.
Opulent 1^

Order, (method) ^ jf: chhu-su,
Or, W^ ^-si, ^^ liek-si, either (money) ^ ||° gun-toa'', (rank)
this—that, m^mmm^Mm ^°
ti, -S te-ui, Imperial H^ jh ju- — ,

h^k si tsit e, h^k si hit t, fj§ tsi, (command) \^" Pf hoan-hii,

^ :i 5515 1S jI jia kidm chhdi tsit 6, # ^ beng-leng, |5;° kah, put in

d-si hit ^, will you not, 5S "# ^ — —
^ anrtim, -as constables,
— 5 ®
•f li kh6ng in kh^ng, fR^m°S° Wj M thek-chhe.
li beh 4 in, I don't know whether Orderly, ^° T° ^° u he-16h. M f4
he will go— not, ^° T>° ^° fi» ^° ]g tsiau hoat-to-, /g° 2J{ JS; u chhu-

^ 4° ^° g<5a in tsai i beh khi a su.

rri. Ordinance, ^ fi liit-hoat.

Oracle, (answer of a God) ta ii!r tsi- Ordinarily, £^ '^ p^ng-si6ng, ^ f^
tidm, (divine revelation) |S ^ h^k p^ng-si.
si, (scriptures) H j^ Sfeng keng. Ordinary, Sp ^ peng.si6ng, 2J5° iE°

Oracles, Holy — ^ ^ S^ng keng,

pi°-tsia^ ^11° 1i° pl"-siii^
g M° Seng chheh. Ordination, |g S: ;S:° f* ^ siet-lip e

Oral, mmm chhui kdng &, ^ # fi^ hoat-to*.

chhiii-thoan S. Ordnance, chheng, M ® phau.
Orally, m M° 65° chhui k6ng d, i^ Ordure, pim, M
sai, M M chho-.
ji g§° chhiii tho&n g. Ore, S M ^ ng6- p6 tsi6h, :g° kng,
Orange, (tight skin) ^° chhi&m, iron—, Wi %° thih kiig, silver—,

(loose skin) t& kam, candied — m m° gun-kAg.

i^ bit kam. Organ, an, M^
hong khim, —of
Oration, M Wi kdng-lun. sight, Rg *§ g/m-koan, five *& —S
Orator, (one was is eloquent) ^° ngo" koan, internal 7^ — £K M,

tsM 6 lang. ngo tsong li6k hii, of the body,

D° :t -5:° A° u khiiu
Oratory, a° ^ khdu he is fam- 3J^ £ "b' sii tsi ng6' koan.

ous for his— p±°n°:^m tU^° Organise, W.^Wi^'^ siet tiau kui
i -^ khdu tsai tsin chhut mi^°.
hoat to".
(of a man or an animal)
Orb, (globe) m ki6, (wheel) Wn, Organism, «
(circle) khoan.
ig ^ & Bf kun kut hiet b^k, (of #
Orbicular, 1° 6^° 1"-^. a tree) tt° ^° M
i^ ki hi6h khi

Orbit, ^M ti^n-to-, revolve in an — tsiap, in the —

of man there is due
proportion of parts, A° :it.° %% —of all these false reports, ^ i^
IDI Bf ^° le 'fr l^ng 6 kun kut hiet IS W^^^ ^° {i{ tsiab k idu-
b^k u ph6e hdp. gifen SI till i si" cbbut.
Organist, W M M° toa" khlm t. Oriole, ^ it ng eng.
Organization, M^-^^^W. u kui ku Orion, ^ M° sim cbhi° ^° 18° 1°
boat to*. gu-nng cbbi°.
Orgies, (frantic revels) ^^MM Orison, if li kl-t6.
fZ ^ tsiah tSTii b6ng-clibi6ng su- Ornament, women's — , # % siii-

i6k. sek, as for house, i^ §| goan khi,

Orient, :^° f^° tang-&, (shining) ^Jt° to— as a house, j^
, siu-tseng, ^
W H*° kng ik"-ia^ (as a woman) |£° fg tsng-tha" ffi=
Oriental, -M-lj ^ tang-si ^, ^M. H" W Hi tsng sek.
tang-hng e. Ornamental, — scrolls, 5|^ lien, —
Orifice, 5L° khang, (of a wound) R^ woodwork, ^ 7K jidu^-srii, — tiles,

chhiii, —of the ear 11° 7L° hi- ^S° )ii° tH hoe thang tsi, —candles,
khang. ?E° j^° hoe tsek.
Origin, Ji W° goan-thau, 1^, ^, pi^n- Ornamented, hoe-hiet.
goan, %% go^n-pun, ^ g khi Ornitholite, ^° W tsi6h ien.
ki, —of an affair, H ^° JB 3 in- Ornithologist, ^ ^ Ji° i° tl ± kb6
toa" khi li, ^ 1; t6e-ti, —of an khim tsiau e pbok su.
action, in-toa°. Ornithology, .^ ft° ;2:° kb6 # ^
Original, i^ ^°
%%, k^--ku, khim tsi4U;^ hak,
^^ |& khim Itin.

piin, ;2K M. piin-go^n, ;$; ^- piin- Orphan, ^° :JC° #° ^° b6 pe-bd ^,

jiSn, —state, Mi E° kun-t6e, ,^° ko- kia°. —
text, ;$; ;^ pun bun, —
Orphanage, ^° ^° ^° #° ^° i:° P|°
K S goan i. b6 pe b6 bii kid" ^ keng.
Originality, —of idea, gij ffi ,& Orpiment, '%, hi6ng-h6ng.^ ^
pi^t chhut sim chhai, be is a per- Orthodox, (doctrine) IE
jl ts6ng to,
son of great—, •gf ^TJ W° if i M
church, IE ^
tseng kau. — ^
put- tsi u sin ki. Orthoepist, ^ P° i" h6 kbau ^ A
Originally, ^ ^ piin-ji^n, ^ % kbi- im-^ lang.
t6e, i^ ^ goan-Mi. Orthoepy, ^ .P° ^ j2:° j^ h6 kbdii-
Originate, (make) j|E Sl°|iJ khi-th4u im ^ boat.
chhong 13 S khai-ki, (an idea) Orthographer, t| jE° ??° ^ ;t° A
^° ^ si" khi, the idea —with you, pbok tsik" jl im 6 lang.
^-SimS^i-siitMlilai. Orthographic, jE° ^° ^ t%° tsia'^jl
Originator, ^° gj° gg g^° kbi th4u im6.
siet 6, II S ^r kbai ki 6, be is the Orthograpbically, ^ jE° ^° ^ 6f
(5h tsia° ji im fe. Otter, 7K° «° tsui-thoah. mm hdi
Orthography, sE° M i.° H M tsi^" thoah, lIj°li°soa" thoah.
sid,, e^hoat-to- Ottoman, ± ^^
g^° Th6--ji"-kl 6.
Oscillate, nf Hi M° Ip" ni hit, (vi- Ouch, ^° oa''', ts5. ^
jbrate) i§,° tsoah. Ought, m° ti6h, ]i ^' eng-kai^ ii#«-

Oscillation, B| !i,^°,l5- ni hit, (vi- ^° eng-kai tioh.

bration) ^° tsoah. Ounce, — ° M° tsit niu.
Osier, M W HtI chhiu. Our, IE 6^° goan
e, (includes those

Osprey, fi ^ft ,1^ hdi g61c tsidu, ^^ addressed) Pg i\f Ian e, does not
h4i tsiu, M%,%° t\kvL tsiau. include those spoken to coun- —
Ospubis, ^ >g' kau-kut. try, 7j£ @ piin kok.
Osseous, # fi^° kut-g. Ours, Pi; ea° go4n 6, d§ 6^ Mn e.

Ossifrage, ^ ,% g6k tsiau. Ourself ) pHg° a° l^n ka-ki, Px

Ossify, m° # pi°-tsia-^-kut.
J^° Ourselves j
g° 2,° goAn k^-kl.
Ostensible ) (avowed) gg° k6ng fi^''
Oust, M Ul koa"-chhut. .

Ostensibly ) e,(manifest) M ^ hien- Out, (outside) $b° goa, 5({»° "gj" goa-
ji^n, his —reason for not going bin,— of season, ^° ^ flf in. si si,
was that he was ill, P M° \!^° ^ (not at home) %° i^° fi^° bo ti-
m°m° 75° ^° * k6ng kio si pho&- i ;
teh, go—, Bi ^ ehhut khi,— of
pl" tsiah bo khi. sorts, ^ @ ^ in tsu jien, and —
Ostentation, (unnecessary display) out bad, tsoan jien phdi°.. ^^^
li°5JE° hia pai°, (vaunting) ft P° Outbalance, i^° S^ ke tang..
khoa khdu, ^° hia-pai,
pai-chhi4ng, M° M° khiii-thau.
Ji° Outbid, M° thdh, 1:° teng. #
Outbreak, (eruption) jfi,° ffij° piak-
Ostentatious ) (fond of excessive phok, (disturbance) }g it jiau-
Ostentatiously j display) ai hia-pai°, loan,
(boastful) ^H P° ki khoa-khau, Outcast, ^ 3E liu-lioan, (exile) 3^
(gaudy) hoe-hiet. mMM° kek chhut kok e.

Osteologist, tf #± phok kut


Outcry, ^° W au-kio, (of distress)
Osteology, # ^ kut hdk, @ kio-kh6-.

kut \xk\ lun. Outdo, M J *!(!

\° iil"-kfe.

Ostler, U° * be-hu. Outdoor, ^h° lJ° goa-bin.

Ostracise, (banish from society) #° Outer, $h° ®° goa-bin court, ^'^
A° ^. ^
ho- lang kii tsodt. il° goa tia".
Ostrich, IS '^° to-tsidu. Outermost, 11° jth° kek goa
Other, gf fi^ pAt g. Outfit, marriage—, iSi°8t ° ke-tsng.
Otherwrise, gf ^° pAt-iu", gf MC Outgeneral, ffi° ft 4" it° I
eng k6-
. pdt-khoan, (if not) g° ^° na b6. ti kliah ia". ffl° tf^ 1
ke-ti tell to i. Outright, :SL M lip khek, lilm-pi"^'

Outgi'ow, (n,s a person) $j{° ^° ^° gf gt sM-si, (completely) ^ ^

1M- gau toa ban, (as a tree)
kliah tsoan-ji^n, (surpass) ^° i^".
# m° ^° A°
kliah g^u toa Outrun, ^° $j(° tsdu khah kin.
Outsail, m° 1° lii° khah g&u sdi.
Outhouse, ~i^ |g- ho'-clihu. Outsell, ;:j;° i£° ^° boe khah tsoe.
Outlandisb, (rude) ffl#? chho'-siok, Outset, khi-ki, 51° khi-thau Mm m
(person) 1|° 'it° soai"-soai". Outside, fiy M° goa-bin $h° S|°
Outlast, i£° X° khah kii, the hea- goa-thau, ^° P°' goa-khdu, 0°
vens will —the earth, 5c° JK Ji° ll° khau-bin.
|JC° A° thi° pi toe khah ku. Outskirt, ^
$h° kai-^oa, $b°^°goa-
Outlaw, iiS 311 to-hoan. pi°,— of a city, ^° ${,° sia"-goa.
Outlay, i^ R khai-hiii. Outspoken, It m tit-giSn, It M"
Outlet, m° m° ffi° oe lau-chhut, tit-k6ng.
(as feelings) ^f [ii hoat-chhut. Outspread, m° m° keng khui, 51°
Outline, :;fc ItJE tai-khki, ji tai-i M ia° tiu^-khui.
(as of a place) ^ fl hSng-sfe. Outstanding, (debt) ^° "1° it° be
Outlive, %x° ^° 1B,° % khah trig h^- hSng siau.
siu, he will— his father, # tg° j;K Outstrip, (outrun) ic° #° ^° khah
^° :5C° l^° :g° m° « i oe pi lau-pe g^u tsau.
khah tiig he- siu. khah ia^ Outvie, M° 11°
Outmost, # kek g5a 6,
$b° 6^° Outwalk, fir° ic° kia- khah kin, M
Outnumber, ^° ^° khah tsoe, the I can— him, fg fg ^5° i^" S ^
enemy's soldiers ur it Wi ^°— g6a oe kiS,° khah kin i.
< 3,

^ J:b P| I3c° ^° tiii-tek e peng pi Outward, ^h° W" goa-bin,^form,

Ian khali ts5e. M ^ heng-tsong, —bound, as a
Out-of-the-way, %° fi\° iap-siap, ship, |Jfe° ^° jf sai goa hdi.
get — , psl si 4m. Outweigh, ±° M.° siu"-tang, ||° if"
Outport, i% M° po--thau. khah tang.
Outpost, ^° 1%° ia° sin. Outwit, (surpass in stratagem) fl"

Outpour, it° |ij° thin-chhut. ^ M° m° A° k^-tl khah ia° Lang,

Outrage, % ^ p6'-ji6k, jl° '^ tsau- (overreach) !|| phien, Wt siet.
that. Outwork, (surpass in work) |Jc° M
Outrageous, I^ ^
tsin hiong-p6. ^m° ^° khah h6 kha chhiii, an—
Outreach, (reach beyond) i^° ^i° ^° 'M ». goa phku tai.
m° m.° chhun kku ke th^u. Oval, 11 5B° koe-nng khodn. ^
Outrider, m° B° i° B m khi^ b^, S Ovarious, :§= ^B° fi^° u-nng g.
kun-pan. Ovary, -^^ m° si°-tf g.

Oven, iK m lie-16-, M° M pia"-16-. Overcome If il", to be — f| su, un-
S° ke,
Over, (-cross) pass — , 'M° te,

able to—, m T-° ii° tui m \h.
(more than) M° "/JP° kbali-ke, Over-confident, (in a person) j§° li"
again, f^° :f| koli-tsai, £° ^ teng- ^
-^ ke thau siong-sin, (in one-
tsai, (above) ]H W° teug-bin, (an- self) ih° 11° g° G° M ke thau ka-
other side) ^° ^° hit-pgng, — one ki sin.
hundred, — °'g°'tnl tsit-pah thong, Over count, W ±° ^° sAg siii" tsoe.
— ° W° M° /JP° tsit-pah kbah ke, Overcredulous, ^^ ?L° 11° hi-khang
—and above, §^9^ leng-goa, khin.
night, >^ ke ^
ml, cross i§ Overdo, — , ^
J§° BM° ts6e k6 th-lu, if m
ke khi, jump — B'^^ thiau ke
you overdo you vi^ill get sick, ^°
khi, —one- thousand, — 'f-°|Jc M° g° f/i ii° 11° M° 1^° i^° ?i^° li na
tslt chheng khah ke, — ff ^ JE ts6e k^-tlu'iu li oe phoa pi'\

tsit chheng khah tsiok. Overdose, ±° ±° iffi ^° siu" toa thiap

Over-alls, m W tho-kho', m W kh6-- i6h, he took an — of medicine a,nd

th5. died, ^
^° -k° ±° ifS ^°'Sf m° %°
Over-anxious, ii° M° M° M ke-th^u i tsiah siu" toa thiap e i6h tsiah si.

khoa-lu, ii S: ko lu. Overdraw il il II th(^h ke-th^u.

Over-awe, M ap, the soldiers —the Overdone, (as meat) ic° S° siu"

citizens, &:U°M'S° M" peng u s^k, :ic° ti° siu" noa-

ap peh-si". Over-eager, ±° -M.° M siu" k6a" kin,
Overbalance, ||° S° khah tang, — siu" sah" sim.

one's self, m° * bia'^ 16h khi.

|^° Overestimate, £ f^ i§° Bl° tidng i

Overbear, (subdue) ^° ia", (as a ke-thau.

tree) t^ :fc° ^ kiet siu° tsoe.. Overflow, W im, Si° ffi poi^"-chhut,

Overbearing, f^ M° bdng-thau, M ii° ffi ae moa chhut lai, B°m° tU

M A g^u ap lang; ^ ti" lau chhut lai.


Overboard, fall— m° W 7K° poah Overflowing, W ffi M moa chhut-

loh tsiii. lai, m° !il ^ lau chhut lai.

Overburden 1 (as ship) W, iC° S° Overgrown, (as grass) jl^-'jia bdt,

Overburdened )
tsai siu" tang, (as (as boy) ±° i^° i:° siu" g^u toa.
person) #^° ±° 1:° ta" siu^-tfaig. Overhang, lu-chhut, phodh chhut.
..Overcast, (to cloud) .1,° R ta hUn. Overhasty, ±° M 1: siu" kin-kip.

Overcharge, (in account) ft" ^° Overhaul, (examine) ^° ^ chh4-

phong siku, (in purchase) <lh° M°


phong ke. Overhead, IM m° teng-thau, TI M°

Overclouded, W. R ta-h-fln. teng-bin.
;: Overcoat, hiu. ^ Overiiear, t° 11° thau-thia",
chance) m° ^° ^° chhciu-khdm Overrate, ^ ii° 51° ti5ng i ke-
thia". thau, I [ S° 51° tui-tiong ke
Overheat, (as an oven) #° P
±,°^, th^u.
h5- i siu" jiet, — one'self by run- Overreach, siit, |^° ^ 1ill° siet sien,
ning, ±° m° ±° W tsau kau siu° Mu-khi, phi"-kham.
joAh. Overrigid, :fe° il siu" ngi, -^ M°
Overjoy, :k°Wi^ toa hoa"-hi. siu"-giSm.
Overladen, ft 7f,° ^° tski boe tiiu. Overripe, :fc° ^° siu" s^k.
Overland, f} Et tiii lo". Oven-ule, —his plots for good, ^ %
Overlai?, % chha, S. g| ^° hi-Mn ^±HiSM^^;t^ hoat46h
chheh. i 6 t6--b6 beh chhia" 6 hd, —evil i

Overlarge :fc° ::^° siu" t5a. for good, ^-^^^^^:t^

Overlay, (smother) # ^° hip-si, hoat-16h phdi" beh ckhia" i e h6.
(with silver) ^ an, i®° siu", — Overrun, ^° ^ i^° 51° tsdu siu" \k-
vpith marble, J§ pho'. thauj (as grass) 0° ,S° ^ si ko^
Overleap, fB ii° 51° thau ke-khi. hoat, (to oppress) ffi ^J ap ts^,

Overliberal, ic° Sf fi siu° h6 liong. (overcome by an invasion) 3E S

Overload, M
±° 2:° tsai siu" tang. chhim hoan.
Overloaded, (as stomach) ^°jk°^° Oversee, § X° tok kang, # tok.
tsi4h siu° p4. Overseer,^ X° ^° tok kang e.

Overlook, S° m° T khoa" 16h ke, Overset, ffi ®l i^n-t6, ^ ^ chhia t6.

(inspect) tS IS slin si, (neglect) Overshadow, M jia, ^ ^° im ng,

hi hut-li6k. (to protect) i^ ^ p6 ho-.
Overmatch, |jc° M° khah i&°. Oversharp, — in dealing, ^° -<f li-lii
Overmuch, j^° %° siu" tsoe. Overshoot, M i§° 51° sia k^ th^u.
Overnight, %, ^° ke-mi, g° fl| ml- Oversight, M M tsiau-eng, 1 1
si, WS° thku mi. khkn (omission) i^
k6-, hut- ^
Overpass, (overlook) ,^ ^^ hut li6k, li6k, (superintendence) tok. ^
(to cross) i§° ^ ke khi. ^
Oversleep, ^° ^° khim siu" kii,
Overpay, 1^° A° ^ a° 51° ho- ling W ±° ^° khtm siu" oa", ji° %"
tsi" ke-thau, —by mistake, ^ A° ^° W khiin iii tsai chhi".
^° *°
kbit lang chhoah khi.
@° chhun.
Overspread, (as water)
siu" ia.
B° M° fl"
Overpoise, t&° 51° gc° S° 6^° hit si kofe im, (scatter over as seed)
th&u khah tang 6. E3°;^°}it° sikoeia, (as clouds)
Overpower, g
fll ap ts6, (defeat) ^ g ta hftn.
M° ia" (rout) m° #° lit ^° ho- i Overstep, H'" i^° poa"-kfe, %'A° ^
pai tsdu. 11° poa" ke tsun-tsin.

OVE ovj-:

Overstock, (as goods) rm°±°^° Overwork, fSJ" ic° i§°- 11° tsoe siti"

pan h^ siu° ts5e. ke-thau.

Overstrict, :lc° M siu'' giam. Ovicular, m° 6^° nng 6.

Overt, (apparent) JK Bjl hien-beng, Oviform, 5U° J^ nng heng.

M. ^ bien ji6n. Oviparous, ^ m° :^° ffl 2j5 tui niig
Overtake, jg M^ tui-ti6h, g ^° si" chhut-Mi e.

jip-ti6h. Owe, X khiam,— a debt, ^ ft°

Overtask, ^° M T^° ^° tsih-tsai khiam tse.
boe ti^u, ^° J>° i±° til boe tiau. Owing, (as money) ^ khiam, (a-
Overthrow, (upset) ^° 011 chhia-t6, scribable) tg° li f^° oe kui ho-,
(destroy) M C° bi6t-b6, M * (imputable) ^ ^° ui-tioh, it is

biet-kh\. owing to you that am now alive, I

Overtop, |j(° ^° khah-koai°, (as a m° «° m° m° itt° m° i^° ^ ° er it
child) H° ^°
II khah toa ban, tidh li g6a tsit tiip id,u tl-teh, it is

(as a grown up person) %]i° 0° owing to you that I forgive him,

khah 16, m° M° W° thah t^ng bin, ^°^°^°M' m° ^° ic # g6a t6a-
(surpass) M^ ia", ic° m° kbah i^, ti6h li tsiah u sik i, ownership, —
the waters —
,the highest moun- of property, Hi gidp — of

tains, 7%° n° m" Wi° Wi° ±° ^° houses, )§ i chhu tsu, —of goods,
^I° tsiii im khah koai° siang kofi,i° M ± b^ tsii.

I soa". Owl, Pt ^ .^° aiii-kong-tsidu, MW

Overture, (an offer) M° ffi ^° k<^ng J^° ko--nfig tsidu.
chhut I. Own, m° a° ^° ka-ki4, one's— U°
Overturn, #J t6, 31° f!l chhia-t6, fl*° m° sai-khia, M M° su-khia, Tfs #
•gi) phah-to. f^° pun-sin-e, (confess) IS- jin,

(possess) :§ u.
Overvalue, 1: ii° 51° tiong ke-thau.
Owner ^ tsu, —of property M i£
iS fF° toa sim-
Overweening, :/c°
gidp tsii, — of a slave, iA tsii
koa", ^ mU,M iii tu bA sit,
(arrogant) g ^ tsu ko. Ox, ^& g^ kdng, wild—, m ^° id-

Overweight, i^° S° ke tang, SU 1:° gu.

chhut tang. Oxalis, Wi t° kiam-sng-chhdu.

Overwhelm, (with water) W ^° Oxen, ^° gu.

im-bdt, (with sorrow) ii°i&S ^ Oxide, :jg- #*^tan-sa.

mod sim iu-bun, <& If^ if sim- Oxygen, ^^ iong-khi.

koa° koai". Oyster, fl 6.

Pvcrwise, ±° ^ li siu" ti-sek. Oystershell, S^ 6-khak.

— —
tsat tsat, —very tight in a box,

m° d^ W tsng-khi tsat,

—up, m°

tsng, ^ khoan, J^: siu-sip,

closely ^° ^%°- tsng khi tsat,

r:;br,luni, (food) il° t° mih-tsiiib, with people as a house W # \^

P:^h(§sit, H :t jit sit. R' ^° h5- i ti" tsat tsat.

Pace, (a step) j^ (manner of walk- Package, a —° Q tsit-pau.

ing) fl ll tlie-thai, (to pace)

^° Packed, —very full, ®° it ^ tsAt

kia", (measure by steps) M°M°1P tluSng thong, (as a house) |£°1°

^° eng kha-p6- niu", (walk slow- ^° ti" tsat-tsat.

ly) W."" ff" fT° un-a kia", keep— Packer, ^ ±° K° pau ^ Mng, ^°i°
with, W" A°m° te lang ti6h, he A° tsng 6 lang.
is a great walker I cannot keep Packet, — H tsit-pau-A, (ves-
° f-f

with him, # s ^° fg° ^° # ^^°m° sel) t° IS° koa"-tstin.

i gau kia" g6a te i boe ti6h. Packing, ^° A ^^° s6- jip e, paper
Pacific, m &° peng-tia". — AW ,
jip ts6a.
Pacific Ocean, ± ^ #° Thki-pfeng- Packman, (peddler)- M ff" hoan-d.
iH". Pact, m iok, '^ |^° hap t^ng, ^ M
Pacification, ig li kang h6, # ft hap iok.
khoan h6. Pad, (cushion) H {f ji6k-a.(a rob-

Pacifier, =i fa t° kang h6 ^, U ft m° ber) PJ° chhat.

khoan ho &. Paddle, ^°S gi6-poe, to—, ;f@° pe,

Pacify (tranquilize) § j£° an-tia" —with an oar, ^^ pien.

(one's anger) |^ ^ khai-kai. Paddlewheel, :^° |i chhia-lun.
Pack, (a bundle) — Q tsit pau, — Paddock, (an enclosure for races)
of cards, — If m° °
ff tsit p4k pM- 36° >^° W pb^u be tiH".

a, •
— of thieves, — ^ SS tsit t6ng Paddy, ^° chhek,—bird, |&° ^1
chhat, (make up into a bundle) ])eh-long-si.

-a jiau, (in a box) ^° ?| ®

tsng Padlock, ft so, foreign , ^°tsoan.
loh siu°, (gather things together Padre, EL Jfi pa-M.
in —
order to iu a box &c.) ^ Pagan, # fi?j ft ^° pai ng6--siong e.

khoHU, 1{^ i^ sin-sip, —cards, Paganism,

j^ ff< pai ngo'-siong.

in #
dealing, iP m"" U° ^^ khioh ti6h Page, ( in a Chinese book ) i^'^i W

h6 chhiii, he the cards and so (in an English book) ^° pfeng.
be won, ill m° U°^° 75° ^°^° If Pageant, f^° iam-i4". ^
i khioh-ti6h h6 chhiii tsiah tai- Pageantry, '^ ^^ iam ^iS"ia'

seng kau, (send off) ^

kod" (as Pagoda, if ° thah, build a-
a house) n° ^
rr M^ 'M" ho i tF tso-thah, island, m° ^° Tang- —

tia", —ancliorage, M ^'^ MA-be. phoe, (as animals) |ft ^ kiu tin.

Pail, m° tluing, foot—, ir m° kba- Palace, ^ 6ng-kiong, ^ ^ Jff ung-


— guard, |Jp ^ !^ gu lim kun,
Pailful," ° m° tsit tluing,
—° ti° ?K° tsit tliang tsui.
a— of summer — , H B^ i| oin bfeng oan.
water, Palampore, |g° ^ |^° mi-phe thai.

Pain, 0° thia", m° M'' tbang-thik°, Palatable, M" kah-chhiii, ^° % ^

—in the bowels, Jt° W^ 'M° kisi^i- hdh-chhiii.

thik",— of joints, B° M° kut- Palatal, #
(pertaining to the palate)
tsatthia", throbbing—, iii°M°'M° ±° W e-r tsiu^-kiu" &, —sound,
tsoe tSLin thia", take —
jl3° »& eng ,
±° 91° ^ tsiu" kiu" im.

eim, (distress) #° A° Mm ho- Palate, ±° m° tsiu"-kiu".

ling iu-bmi. Palatial, ^ ® &^° kiong tien e,

Painful, m° ^° oe thia", (laborious) (magnificent) hia-pai".

^^ :):/° tioh lat, (grievous) SS S Palaver, f^ M hin-tdm, m° m° #°
kan-kho". f3f° k6ng eng-a oe.

Painfully, ||° ^^ 6e thia", ^° M" Pale, ^° ^

^^° ^g-sng,
W°*" chhi°-

thia-thkng. iig, W° ^° ^ chhi"-sun siin, li°-

Painless, T^" m° boe thik". 1^ E bin lek sek, tm-n — ^- ^•°

Pains, take — , M' >& eng sim, take pien chhi".

Paleness, (of face) ]S° ff ° bin chhi".
—to do that very nicely, M° »& Wc
M° ^ Jfc ^ X eng sim tsoe kau Paleography, (ancient manner of
put tsi tseng-kong. writing) i^f !? Sij^ k6'ji tsek, (study
Painstaking, M° *& eng sina. of ancient documents) ^^ "^ "^

Paint, (draw) ^° ui, (as a house) kh6-kiu. k6* biin.

iF m° iu-chhat, —likeness, ft° ft

Palette, & f^ 7 sek-liau phiet.

ui-siong, —
a miniature, 4° >h Palfray, % W° ff ° b^-d.

khioh sidu-6ng,—in colours, ^^ Paliasse, :g° fi chhdu chheng,
jidm-sek. *^-» chhiiu sim.
^° Palisades, •Ai°9\ bak-sa, ^ij|t° kiam-
Painter, (oil) m f#° iu-chhat e,
—of picture, ft X hoa-kong, (as chhiu".

. a class) S^ ui l^a. Paling, MT laii-kan, (wooden rail-

Painting, (as a house) M° H ^^ teh ing) Mi ft kiam chhiu", HE li-pa.

iil chhat, (as a picture) #" H teh Palish, 6° %^ &° ^^ peh si p^h si.

ui,(a picture) JS ff ing-d, he has Pall, (for a coffin) It koan-ta, (to ^

learnt—, :g° *° «° #i u 6hui. cloy) !!i iii chhiii. ^
Paints, %i fil- sek-liau. Palliate [(one's own wrong) ^fift
Pair, It tui, one— ,' —° fj tsit-tiii, Palliation jitim-sek, W° B^ the-six,
— ° m° tsit-siang, to—, E SS P^it- Q fi? H ®i tsli chheng sam tse
6ng, (another's wrong) f^° A° ^ Paltriness, ij> ^ sidu ki6k.
$$ thbe lang idm-sek, fi A M iS Paltry, |g° !M. h^n-soan, ij» ^ siau
th6e lang k6ng 6e, (as a disease) khi.
i^° P M° M° khah h6, ii° Pamper, (to feed to the full) !^° ^°
to- i

m° M° m° t5- i khah khin. M tsidh kau ia (feed luxuriously)

Palliative, fg a P ^
oe tit thang Vt°M° U tsidh h6 jit sit, i^° ie ^
the-su, ;§ IS pf Bi u oe thang k6ng. M tsidh ho hok sit. ^
Pallid, m°m° fig-sng, —face, M°^° Pamphlet, >J»° :4c flij soe ]nin cliheli.

m° Bg-sng-bin, -g" fl^° bin chhi''. Pamphleteer, if^ th° tK ff° ^° tsoe
Palm, (of hand) #° ^° chhiii-tsiii", soe piin chiieh e.

areca j&° ^° pin-nng, tree, Pan, (shallow dish) ^°
W o]>eii tail,

tsang-chhiu, sago— m°
thih-chhiu, (impose upon) ^ siet
rice—, ^ tia", brain—, M^M
^ pbi^n, P§° lau, you may — upon
tliau khah oa", (of a" gun) ^ PI

one old for new, ll°|g°^° A° W hong miig, salt^, ^ ;^° iam-tiu"j
65 Bi S iff fi5° li oe siet Mng ku e ^ ffi° iam khu.
k6ng si sin &. Panacea, M #S^ ^° ban-pi" ioh. *
Palmated, n°m°^ *° chhin-chhiu" Pancake, JM 5f jpan-kek.
chhiii-tsiii". Pancreas, t% }^M. ti"-bah keng.
Palmer, fft §° iu kheh. Pandanus, or screw pine, ^° ^° na-
Palmetto, ^° ^° tsang chhiu. tau.
Palmiferous, ^ ^° ^° boat tsang L Pander, tS A ;t°^^ tsiong Mng e
Palmistry, 'te ^° & si6ng-tsiu° boat. phai".
Palmy, (abounding in palms) kau Pane, (of glass) — "^
}^° t:^° ^° tsit-
tsang chhiu, ^° ^° m° (flourish- phi"-po-le.
ing) M. K heng-ong. Panegyric,
eulogy, S^°po-tsidn<r, —
Palpable, (capable of being felt) tg° Panegyrist, m° M°
t.° A° o-16 S
B° oe bong-tit (plain) ?9 BQ bfeng lang, ^° A° po 6 lang. ^
Palpably, (plainly) BJ ^ b^ng-b&ng.
Panel, J|i° to-, depressed — , HH E°
thap-to-, to—, fij JH:° chhong t6-.
Palpitate, '^ 'If phdk-phdktoa", ph6k- Panelling,
y^ W.
phok-chh^ng, ph6k-ph6k-thiku. Pang, ^ %° kh6--thang.
If ^^
Palpitation, If 'tf pp° ph6k-ph6k- chham-chboeh.
toa°, —of the heart i& fff° ffe sim- Pangolin,
W. .11 ia,-li.
koa" thiau. Panic, tah-hiah". %%
Palsy, (partial) ^^
pokn sui, (en- Pannier, fg || to lang,
IS ^i° to
tire) ^ 3i pien-sui. tlidng.
Palter, (speak in an insincere man- Panoph', ^ qi khoe-kah.
ner) B° ^° K St° b6 Mu sit kong. Panorama, llj ?]< ^ san-si'd-keng
, ,

Pant, P^ chhQdn, Pg M° chhodn-kbiii, Papistical,
5c i 65° Thien-tsii
—hard, M-° A° PS hr-hi° chhodn. k\au e.

Pantaloon, ^kh6'. Par, bank rate at— iJ fj" i.° fT° 'If

Panther, |^ pa. ft M glin hang S hang-ts^ng tiii

Panting, Pg chhoAn. tiii, (equal value) ^f M pi" k^-

Pantomine, @° P° j^ 6-Mn hi, Parable, ^ % pi^i-ju-
(dumb show) j:l; ^ pi chhiii. ^ chhit-tsiu.
Paracel reefs, il'H

Pantry, f® ^° tsiu-p&,ng. Parachute, g it JJ kheng-khi kili.

Pap, |L° li° leng-th4u, (food) fc° i: Paraclete, ii $? Seng stn.

#f :fr° nng e mih tsidh. Parade, ^° chhau-peng, ^ (a
Papa, Kv^,MW a-tia, PrI° t° dn- pompous exhibition) # J|f° pM-
koa°. chhi^ng, he makes a — of his

Papacy, 5^ i 15; thien-tsii- kau. wealth, ^'^° m^ Z° Wi i hi

Papaya, M% tSi° ban-siu-pii. chheng i ^ gun.

Paper, |S° ts6a, —
1st quality, |fi° ±
Ji° ka-titx". Paradeground, |5:°
^ tsoa siong teng, —
2nd quality, Paradise, U° lok-hAg, Western— ^ ,.

&° f^ ^
ts6a tiong teng, lowest ij se-hong. W
quality, T^
ts6a ha teng, Paradox,
i^° "^ hodn-siong.. S
gilt —
^|fi° kim-ts6a, coarse

Paradoxical, —
"^ hoan-siong. K
ffi i^° chho- ts6a, a sheet of—, Parafiine, if thd-thok'-'lu.. ±^
^°^° tsit tiu" ts6a, flowered note Paragraph, tsam, 5t° toa", first ^ —
— , i^o {f ^° keh-a ts6a, glazed — M°Wt° thftu-toa", (sentence) 'pI ku
i§. IS lab ts6a, marbled—, :^ t& Parallel, ^° # pf-pM, ^ fr p^ng-
hoe-ts6a, —maker, f^° -^ U° ^ h^ng, —of declination, 5c #^ H
ts6e ts6a sai-hii, made of — M° M
, thien chhek hui khoan.
ts6a tsoe, ^)^° 6^ ts6a 6, touch — Parallelogram, ^ ff jS Jj? peng h^ng-
h^ ts6a, pith—,
*X° 15° chh6. pien heng. M
Paper maker, M ^° -$• ts6e ts6a W
Parallelopiped, jfc ;;^ ff lip hong the
eai hu. Paralyse, (with fear) ho- 14ng tiau,
Papermoney, ^ ^ ^° kim-g1in-ts6a, (with disease) ^ A^M ho- Mng-
^° m° ts6a-tsi°. pi^n sHi.

Papers, ^° ji. Paralysis, (partial) ^M pokn-sui,

Papiermache, chhat ts6a phe, tray, — (entire) (§ ^ pien-sui.

\$.°%°M^Z°W chhat ts6a phe Paralytic, ii 'M. 6^° pi6n-sui-&.

t p6a°. Parameter, ji thong keng. g
Papilionaceous, M
11° S° H" chhin- Paramount, (superior) %° k^k- ^
chbiu" b6-i4h. koai", U H kek-t^ng, ± JI siong;
Papist, 5t i 1^ ^^° thien-tsii kaii 1. t6ng, — importance,. J:° ^ M siang:

iau Idn. tiouate) #° ^° A° g^u thik°-th4ng :

Paramour, M 5£° khe-hia", ?li ifiF A° Parenthesis, ^ 'pfj chhah kii.

siong-lio-Mng. Parentless, ^° :$C° l!i^°

#° b6 pe b6
Parapet, — wall, ^ gan. bil.

Paraphernalia, ^° |!£° ke-tsng, (or- Parents, :J«:° #° pe-bii.

naments) # $f$ siii-sek. Parietal, (anat.) FI° ^ # th^u khak
Paraphrase, Zjc° ^° k6e-seh. kut, (pertaining to a wall) ^° ^5°
Paraphrastic, &:„ ^^° k6e seh ^. ^ chhiu" L
Paraselene, M° M%M geh lii-kho'. Paring, (peel) ^ ph6.
Parasite, (a flatterer) fg ii :t° A° Parity (equality) ^° 2|3° pf -pi",
thiam-bi e Mng, — plant, ^° ^° Park, (Imperial) ^^ gu-o^h.
kia-si°. Parlance, common—, i§ ^ si6k gu.
Parasol, 1° ^° ff" ho--sok°-a. Parley, ^° ^ |f sa" chham-si6ng.
Parboil, M ^° &° W tsii poa° chhi° Parliament, (English) H Ifc P # ^-
, sdk, tsii chhi°-h&u. ts^ng kok-hoe, member of— S ,

Parcel, (a bundle) ^ pau, (as of # # IM kok-hoe chham gi, upper

books) —°ir tsit-khiin, —°m° house of ± -^— ^ Siong h5et6ng,
tsit pak, --° ffi° tsit pe, (a part) lower house of — 1^ "^ ^ ha hoe
--°^° tsit-t^, —out, ^° pun, — t6ng.
out evenly ^a ^° tsiku-pun. Parlour, A° ^° m° lang-kheh thia",
Parch, ^°;^ ta-s6, (scorch withfire) ^° m° kheh-thia".
:^° m° chhku-ta. Parody, (burlesque) ijc°M^tM k6e
Parchment, ^° &° ^° ili° ph^-ts6a. ts6e chhiku-t^m.
Pard, 19 pk. Parole, (oral utterance) ^ $^° chhiii
Pardon, ^ ^ sia-bi^n, I beg pour k6ng, (word of promise) ^^ it
/S IP sii-tsoe, ^° 331° 11° m-tsai chhiii iX iln.
th^u. Paroquet, ^ W eng-ko.
Pardonable rT ife ^ thang sik-bi^n, Paroxysm, (of pain) —° ^° ^° tsit
t^° ic % if° oe sia-bien tit. tsun thia°.
Pardoner, iJ; |p ^° sia tsoe 6. Parricide, ^° ^° ^° fi^ thM si pe ^,
Pare, M khau, ^"ij siah.
« 5E° ^° :$C hai-si lau-pe S.
Parent, (father) ^° :$C° lau-pe, (mo- Parrot, 'M eng-ko. #
ther) ^° #° lau-bii. Parry, (ward off) ll° keh.
Parentage, (parents) :5C° #° pe bii, Parsee, M^^
(ancestors) fi S ts6--kong,
of Parsimonious kien-lin, ) M§ ^M
mean — , "F M /S° ha-tsien tde, of Parsimony jkhiam-phak.
noble—, IS ^ ®° se ka toe. Parsley, ^° ^^ tang-o-chhki. H
Parental 5«:° -S" m° pc-bu 6, (affec Parson, # gij b6k-su.

Parsonage, ^ B :t° Jf b6k-su 6 a, (Gram.) ^ ^ hu-ji, he has not
chhh. a particle of strength, # ^° —
Part, P^e^ue, (a piece) — ° ^° M, ff ° :t° m.° If i b6 tsit tidm-a
tsit te, (a fraction) H M lan- e khiii-ldt.
chhiii, (participation) ^° -{^ u Particular, (minute) ^{ @^ tsim-
hun, ^°T^pu
kan sidp, (divide) tsiok, (entering into details) p^p
^^ pun, take—, with a person, lia si6ng-sfe, (defficult to please)

© ui, (separate) m° mW sa"^ li- »r Ji « oh teng-1, il° m° 'g'"

. khui, (as combatants) ^° i3°p^- oh-tit kah-i.

good and is
kliui, is — bad, '^° Particularize, (enumerate in detail)
1° i° ^° ^°u 6 ho u g phai"^ # ic lli ff ^ siau tidu-a k6ng, m
Partake, ^° ^
n hiin,— of food, ^° ;g W sui hang k6ng.
tsidh. Particularly, (especially) ^ M. iau-

Partaker, %° f^ ;^ A° u hun & lang. kin.

Parthia, ^W An-se. Particulars, —of an affair, :^ '[f sil

Parthians, ^W:t°A° An-se e Mng. tseng, (items) U. # s6i Ida", M

Partial J (in part) #.° m° u ^
f^° 3^ sui hang.
. Partially j^, B° b6 ts6ng, Parting, iJa^ gjl |i° sa"' li-khiii,— in
(biased) :^° >J.° f5 toa soe lidp, the hair, WL° ^° pboa peng.
::^°th° <b toa s6e sim, {§ ^Z phien Partisan, M t6ng, he is a — of his,

su, (having a predilection for) i& fl!l° :! #°±°»iM i si i e t6ng-lai.

S^ sim i-ki. Partition, M° keh, —walls, M° piah,

Partiality, ^° >J>° 'IJt t5a soe lidp, wooden—, i^^ iM pang-t6-, M° it
:/C*J>°»& toa s6e sim, (for a
thing) pin-t6-, —of room, f^° M" keng-
^ ki. keh.
Participant, m° #° ;t° A° u hun Partly, /g° f®° u-e, it is— my fault

^ 14ng. partly his, 38° W° Z>° m° P '/J^° W_°

Participate | ;f
° u hun, in
^ he— /^° ^° g6a u m ti6h, i idh u m
Participation fall his joys and sor- tioh, the table cover was — spoil-

rows, ^:t°WC^M m & M° n ed, m° \\i°

-° m° ir n° ^° toh
i ^ hoa"-hi iu-bun i u hun, ^^ kun tsit te-d phah phdi", partly

^' 111° MC^WM

i kap i t^ng wrong partly right, /^"jfK" M° M°
ti6h, fi ^ m ti6h, I
hoa"-hi tang iu bun, (share) 7lf.° /^°M° u e

they— equally in the profits,

pun, —
went for pleasure for busi- —
fl&° m° m° ^ ^ in than 6
lai pun. ness, n^p ®° isr m° ^- m° m
Particle, (an atom)
— ° ^° tsit hiit, ^ BE goa khi id beh tlut-:}h6 id beh
(a jot)

° IS tsit tidm, (a very tsoe seng li, he partly believed,

irnall portion)

°/^,ff°tsit tidm- {P il-:° ft #^° i poa"
SUI poa" gi.
, —
Partner, a — ^ , pt° h^-ki, be a — ^ W m° T>° *B° r/5 lo- odh tsiah

n° ^
t+° tau h^- ki. boe sio sidm, (surpass) ^° f^°
Partnership, -^ ^
hdp h.6, the China- khah 14", —an examination,. Vi° j|
man and the Englishman have kh6 tsin.
gone into— ^° A°m°:k^ A°^° Passable, tg° ii° %
oe k^-tit, (pretty
-fi- ^ thg Mng kap Tai Eng Iftng well) i^° m
iAu-h6, b6ng. ^
u hdp h.6. Passage, (a hall) 51 ^ thong-hang,
Partridge, ill Wj tsia-ko*. — boat, ^ J|S° to--tsun, —money,
Parts, a man of—, :f ° ^ m :t° A° ^° ^° tslin se, take — a in ship,
u ts^i tiau e Mng. ^° 11° thiah toa", you have
Parturient, ^ M. si°-san. a good—, m° 7K° ^° m m n ts^i
Parturition, ^ M. hun-bi^n, ^° ^° l5" sun mah? (journey by water)
si° kia". ilf^ tsiiilo-.

Party, (a faction) ^ t6ng, (a parti- Passenger, A° ^°mng-kheh, m°^°

cipator) •^°'f^^°u htin fe, ^° =F tah-kheh.
^ M'^ VL kan-siap e, have a — , a
feast, M° M° pan toh, — coloured,
m° ^ kki° sek, m 'B, tsdp sek. Passim, 5^° ® tdk ui.
Paschal, BMB fi^° j<i odt tsoeh 6. Passing, fi|° S i§° teh keng-k^,
Pass, a mountain — , •^° nid", ( exceeding ) -j^ M thai tsin,

(a passport) it ^° tsip tsio, ugly, M M° W tsin khiep-si.

(conjuncture) #° ^° 5E° pia" si° Passion, (feeling) "^ ts^ng, (anger)
si, to— m° ke,^M° keng-k^, — ^^ siu-khi, (ardent affection)
as money, JU fr thong heng, (to tsinthia", (fondness for) ®°^°
be deemed) £J° ^° lidh tsoe. tsin ai, (bad passions of— tS° ^
through, as a sword, vi° j§° the heart) ^l su-i6k. ^ ^
thkng kfe khi,— the day M° H Passionate, ifC •& he-seng, ^° ff° ^
ke jit,—the proper time, i^° p^ chhdu-d s^ng, "^ kin-seng. ^

k^ han, custom house inspec- Passionately, (ardently) ji^t ^^
tion, i^'^ ®
ke giam, from hand —
kodn, (angrily) ]g° siu-khi. ^
to hand, ^° tsih, ——
from mouth Passionless, ^° 'If g^ bo ts&ng-idk.
to mouth, ~° m° ft ° ^° tsit Passive, (sign of) #° ho-, siu, ^
chhiii tho&n tsit tsih, — each other (inert) g^ i^° the-the m° Ji" noa-
on the road, i&° =^ sa° poe l6-, ^ noa, (unresisting) ^° ff $jc b&
— each other on the road and kfe-kau, 3tt° |R° ^0 b& chhd^-chhiii,
miss each other, iia HI sa° (patient) ^
|g.° thun-liin. # .

chhut lo-, the road was narrow, Passively, (unresistingly) ^°

t\ ^
so they could not each other, —
b6 k^ kau.

Passover, M° 'M° IS° poa" kh tsoeh, Pat, tf tab, (fit) ^° hdh, (exactly
HM lis jii odt tsoeh. suitable) U° JS° ^ tii tii h6.
Passport, £# M^ l6--tsi6, it M° tsip- Patan, & JL Pa-tan.
tsi6, ^ M lo- phi6. Patch, ^ p6-.
Password, Bg SI ^m ho. Patchwork, (dress) A ib P" pat
Past, M° T kfe lidu, ii° # kfe sin,— kok-sa", 5E S #° ng6--sek-sa°.
times, =H ° — three o'clock,
Bt tsa si, Pate, Bl° ^ thau-khak, (a grant of
H° IS ffi sa tiam chhut, — lay- exclusive right from king) ip ^,
^ M° sin khng, he went — the tsiin tsiku.

house, |» ^ /f S° * i tiii chhu Patent, (evident) B3 beng.

ke khi, it is — my conception, f5° Patentee, S ^M -^° A° siu tsiin

T>° ^ g6a 16ng b5e hiau-
6^° tsiau & l^ng.
tit, it was —
nine o'clock when he Paternal, (fatherly) fi° ^° :3e° ^
came, iL° ^, ^ if W° 3j5 kdu ^
chhin-chhiu°lau-pe, (derived from
tidm chhut i tsiah u l^i, it is all a father) —
l|f 6^ lau-pe tho§,n ^^
endurance, ^H -g?" Z>° #° si 16ng g, (hereditary) jilgfi^tsd- tho^n
tong-boe tiau. fe.

Paste, M° k6-, to—, fa° k6-,— tinfoil, Paternity, f^ ^° 'SC" ts6e lau pe.
ir fM-° p^-p6h, stir—, fr m° khut Path, E& lo', (footway) >J>° |& si<5-lo-.
k6-, —
up, Bfi° tab, make —
khien Pathetic, 4^° g& b6-lo-. ,

k6-. Pathless t^° *& oe tong sim, ) M

Pasteboard, m° U° ts6a-phe, ^&° °^ Pathetically \ 11° 1^° A° fi t& 6e ho-
ts6a pang. Mng siong sim.
Pastebrush, i3° k6--chh^ng. W Pathology,

^° Wi pr-lun.
Wi *& oe tong sim.
Pastime, ^° if thit-th6. Pathos,
Pastinaca, $E° ang-n4 pok. ^^ Pathway, >J>° ^ si6-l6-.
Pasting, (table) fi°M° E°i°*$° P^ Patience, # M° thun-lun.

ts6a-phe fe pang. Patience) l;g khoan-iong, lg,° #

Pastor, 45: M b6k-su. Patient jthun-liin, iS- jim-nai", %
(sick person) ^° A piMang,
Pastoral, (poem) l&M±°Wi°h6k-
(persevering) mi" tsi".
Pastorate, ^W
t.°M h6k su6 tsit. Patiently, # E-"^ thun-lun, he waited

Pastry, ^° •g. mi sek, ^ iS° pM-phd,

—,P^°mM i gau theng hau,

—shop, li M° JS ko-pia° tiam. # /i° ff° H 1M i lin-a th^ng-baii,

Pastry-cook, ^^ 5fi ff° i£ #° khui pm mi^° n° ir m° i theng

tiam hau 16ng bo tsoh mo-fa".

ko pia° ^.

Pasturage, if ° Ji° chhAu-tiu". Patois, m° M hiang-tam.

Pasture, 1^;° chhdu. Patrimonial, ^M '^If^

ke-giAp ^.
Patrimony, ^° H ke-giAp. clothes, t° # tAg sa".
Patriot, ^ ,© ;t° A° tsm-tiong e 14ug Pawnbroker, ';S«°khuitiW-
Patriotism, ^H tiong-gl. tikm 6.
Patristic, ,^ ^ tiong-gi, ^ ,S^ tsin- Pawner, #° ^° FI° #^ tig khan-
tiong,—^soldiers, ^ :^ gi peng. th4u S.
Patrol, sS ^ sun ^ M° sun-ki".
ia, Pawnshopj ^g" jg tAg-tiam, low—,
Patron, ± ^°J^ ^°khan-seng^
tsii, kdu fig.
e, ^° 40° ^° khan-khioii4, (cus- Pawn-ticket, ^° M° tiig phio.
tomer) ^ IH tsii-ko-. Pay, (spend) ^ m khai-tsi", —ready
Patronage, ^ A° ^° JeS siii l^ng money, ^M^^ hien-gun kau-
khan sfeng, #° A° ^° ^° ho- lang koan, — custom's due, ^^ Mp
khan khioh, #° A°^°^ h5- lang hi6ng, —back, 'M° h^ng, —the
ti im. balance, ^ M° —
>i° tsau tsi°-be,
Patronize, ^ JS khan s^ng, ^° IU° a percentage, M chhu-tsiet, —
khan- khioh. tribute, ^ % tsin-kong, —the
Patronizing, ^ ^ kek sek. earnest-money, ii° S° kh tia"- M
Patronymic, (family name) M si°. gun, —soldiers, ffi g^ chhut hi6ng,
Patten, ^ ^° chha-kiah. —by instalments, il° 5i° phi"-
Patter, (as rain) tidk-tiak. h&ng,—debt m° 1° hfeng tse, —
Pattern, ft ^ the-sek, M° pan, ^° an account, ^° ^° heng-siku, —
iu", m b6-, —of goods, U° BM° in full, ^ oan —land-tax, ^W
tsng-thau, i|° M pan thau. oan-ni<i, ^ m.° U° okn tsi-'-niu, —
Paucity, ^° tsid. a visit, W M pai-hau, —interest,
Paunch, Si: to*. A^ jip lai, —by a bill, ii° ifc°
Pauper, ^
=g A° kan-kh6--lang. ke-siau, — attention, ^ *& koan
Pauperism, ^° ^° s6ng-hiong. sim, —one out, # A° p6 Mng,
Pause, fl th^ng, (hesitate) ffi |g phah tsit e ho- Mng kau..
tiu-^-tu Payable, bill— to so and so, mW°^
Pave, M pho'. A°%ri&n° gfin-toa° b6- Mng 6e
Pavement, ^° IE-& tsioh 16'. siu tit.

Paver, fi ;5° pho- tsi6h

t;-° e. Pay-day, ffi 0i° H ffl chhut giin ^
Pavilion, ^, teng, i§° ^ li^ng-tfeng. jit-ki.
— of the

Paw, a — H ,
jiau", ® h^° chhut gfm
bear, Payer, ffi e.
1° m° hfin-tsiii", M ® 6^° siu g6n L
(as a horse) Payee, IK:
ta, (handle) #° Mk. Pay -master, # ^ ^° boat gun 6,
Pawn, (a pledge) 5^° li° khan-th^u, (an official) § t° koiin nid ffl°
—ticket, ^° ^° tfig phi6, (in koa°.
chess) ^ tsut, to— ^° tAg, — Payment, (of a purchase)
M° M° fi?
— ,

tsi" ho- i, (of a debt) ^° tt° h^ng- Peanut, ±£ th6- tau, ^ :?e° ^ 16k-
siku, j^° ^° lieng siku, demand kha-seng.
si M° th6-tse, (recompense) fg Pear, ^° 0° Mi-d.

^ p6-tap. ^
Pearl, i^ tsin-tsu, artificial — ,

Pea, tr M T ho-lin-tau. ^ phk° tsu, false—, iS" :R JJ ke-

Peace, (state of tranquility) ^^ tsin-tsu.
an-tseng, (freedom from Avar) -j^ Pearlash, fl| Id".

2p thai-pfeng, ^° ;£° peng tifi", Pearl barley, ^S i-jin.

(quietness of mind) ^^ p^ng- Pearl-sago, Mi'^M^ tsin-tsu bi.

an, (harmony) fu h6, fe° fa sa" Pearly, ^° 3^° ^ kau tsin-tsu, (re-
h6, (silence !) p I? tseng-tseng. sembling pearls) il ffj ^° 3^°

Peaceable, (free from war) jk ^ chhin-chhiu" tsin-tsu.

thai-peng, (disposed to peace) ^ Pearly Emperor, ^^ Gi6k h6ng.
A ft tek jin h6, ft #° h6 po^," Peasant, ili° ^° A° soa^-tiu^-iang,

he is a —man and friendly with his ft° A° soa"-lai Mng.


neighbours, J«;° A°||°/f ^?i°l" Pease, ^° jl° H° ho-lin-tau.

^°ft#° tse lang kap chhii-pi° Pebble, ;ff'' 9n° tsi6h-nng.
th&u he 16ng ho-po^", (tranquil) Pebbly, ^° ?t° 5U° kau tsioh nng.
^^ an-tseng. Peccability tg° 3E IP 6e hoan tsoe, )

Peaceful, ft Sg h6-pfeng, mind, Peccable — JE ai hoan ti6h

^ ) ^ ^P
an-sim. ts5e.

Peacemaker, j^ ft i:° A° chhii h6 e Peccadillo, ii° ke-sit. ^

mng, ia° A° ft #
khng mng h6 6, Peccant, ^° 3E hoan-tioh-tsoe. ^
li A ft ^° khoan jin h6 e.
Pechele, :ft° U° pak tit-le, li° M M
Peach, m
th6, —nut, ^° *r th6- m
Tit le.

4 hiit. Peck, with the beak, ic° teh, a

— —
° =1-° tsit tdu.
Peachick, JL^^? kh6ng-chhiok
& kid^
Pectinal, H ii° m° W? chhln-chhiu"
Peach-coloured, ife?E°^ th6 hoe
Pectoral,M° ik 6^° heng-kham e.

Pecul, —°a°tslt-ta°.
Peacock, |L ^ kh6ng chhiok.
Peahen, ?L ^ # kh6ng-chiok bri. Peculation (embezzle) Wi
] # l^iau-
Peak, (of a hill) ^ soa"-tsiam,
Peculate j

(look thinj ^ Bg° tsiam-m6-h''. Peculiar, (odd) "& W k6--koai, %

Peal, (a loud sound) R° tan, — of i% sii-put-si5ng, (private) M 2.°

thunder) ®° ® chhe-lui, the thun-

^° ka-ki-e, (strange) ^ '1?. kl-

der—, m «° Wii tan, «° - ^ tan koki.

tsit sia".
Peculiarly, ^ ']?. ki-koai.
Pecuniary, m° ^° tsi"-6. Peevish Ikau-khoe, #' gau-
Pedal, ir fir kha-g. Peevishness oan. j

Pedagogue, WC m°^^^ ka-6h sien Peg, kbit.n

si". Pegu, 4t° Pak-g6.H
Pekin, 4b° M° Pak-kia°,— gazette, :^
ffi kia° p6.
Peddle, MMi^ tsoe hokn-d. Pekinese, 41:° ^° ^° Pak-kia° ^, 4fc°
Pedder, ^ fJ-° hokn a, (woman) H ^° A° pak kia"-Iling.

ifi /Mi sam ko- li6k p6, — rattle, Pekoe tea, 6° ^ ^° P^h-b6-tg.
£T°^^mlinlongko-. Pelf ^° IK tsl gdn.
Pederasty, H ^ ke-kan. Pelican, 11 4i thg-&-, ^^ ti-g6.
Pedestal, JM tso, stone— , tt° T° ^° Pelisse, H moa.
thiau-e tsi6h, |i° J| tlaiau-tsu. Pellet, fg° pha,— of opium, 35 ^r Jt°
Pedestrian, n° ^
M° kia"-l6--S. a-phi^n-pha.
Pedicle, ^ koai°. Pellicle, S° m6-b,— of pea, %° m°
Pedigree iS jR s^-he, m lg ts6k- tau-m6'h.
ph6-. Pell-mell, gL il loan loan, # ^
Pedicular, ^° 1, #° kau sat-bii. chham-chhu, they ran

— , fl fl,

Pedobaptist, nm^nmm^^ s6e loan loan tsau.

Pellucid, }1 '^ t&ng-chheng.
kia" kid" s6e le g.

Peduncle, ^ ti.
tlm,—with stones, %° 7R° M° Pelt,
tim tsi6h tha,u.
Peel, (skin) &° ph&, to—, as bark,
Pelt-monger, W° j^° ^° chhi" ph&
M pak, to —
as an orange, ^°

peh,— off, of itself, R° hiau
Peltry, Jfe° ph&,
:^ phe chhdu. ^
khak, pumelo — , 1st quality, ^fi
Pelvis, ^ # pai-kut, (a skin) SL°
SL° ±, ^° iu-phS siong-t^ng,
pumelo — , 2nd quality', |ft jj°
Pen, ^ pit,— nib, §^ >& pit-sim,—
T ^ iu-phe ha-t^ng, prepared
orange—, W. & tin-ph^.
holder,^ ^ pit-siau,—ink and
%° J° * g° ?i° pit bdk
inkstone, hi",

—maker, ^ §^ W ^° ts6e pit

Peep, thau-kli6a^ fi° thau
sai-hu, (coop) ffi| noa, (write)
Peer, (an equal) 2p° pi^-teng, siA. ^ S
(peep) fi° §° thau-kboa", (a
Penal, (pertaining to punishment)
nobleman) %% — ^°
tsiok e tsit-fe.
Z° ° ng6-.
M MM si6k h^ng hodt, (incur-
ring punishment) 311 ^^
Peerless, M gjc bu-tek, ^l^" ^ ^° hoan-ti6h heng-hoat.
Jfil f?

Penal code, -k mWM Tai-chheng
Mt-le. i6 H u sim su, :^° S^ u l^ng-
iPenal settlements,— of Cliina, ,ft khiku, W° BJ a u beng-li.
11° a M° 0--leng kang sia°, EB Penetrative, (can pierce) tb° MA
§ M° Hi-chhua si^", ,^ # /f: ?^ oe ui jip, (as a sword) |[g° :$lj° A
0--l()- b6k ts^. oe ts&,n jip, (sagacious) ^° »& ,@L

Penalty, JflJ 13 li^ng-lioat. iisim su, W° *6 Hi u sim-hiong.

Penance, 1^ ®
tf siu-kh6' heng. Penguin, ^
tl khi-g6.
Penang, ^^ it^ E
Pin-nfjg-su. Peninsula, ±^ th&--k6'.
Penates, ± ^"^ ^ Tho-ti-kong. Penis, pj '#] iong-biit, S^lan-tsiAu.
Penchant, (inclination)M M. i-^i- Penitent, ^ 'IS 11 hoan-h6e-ts6e, BL
Pencil, ^ pit, lead — 0& ^ ien-pit, , 'IS hodn-h6e.
slate — i"^ tli6--pit.
Penknife, JJ ff ° to-a.
Pendant, (an ornament) M ff" tiii- Penman, good — , if ^^ h6 chbiii
a,—of a crown, ^ H tsu-li, (ear- pit, it} S^M h6-pit-tsek.
ring) 5° ^° hi-kau. Penmanship, M ^ siAji, good — ,
Pendent, (hanging) g •^° siii-16h, ^ gft,u-sid, if ^ 5^ h6 chhiii-pit,.

(jutting over) lu-chhut, (as a law- M S^M li*^ pit bek.

suit) ^ ^a M be kiet an. Pennant, M ki-
Pending, (during) J^ B|f e si, — his Pennate, W° M° ^f u sit g.
absence, ^ /p -^ ;t fl# i bo ti-teh Penniless, M" M° b6-tsi", m° ^"
& si. s6ng-hiong.
Pendulous, ^ -^^ sui-16h. Pennon, (a wing) % sit (a flag) M^
Pendulum, ^ ;?° pai-chhioh. ki.

Penetrable, m° m &° oe-thaii-kfe. Penny, 11° i5 nng-tsiara, royal, —

Peneti-alia, innermost parts, as of #° ^^° 3^ phang hoe chhai.

a temple, p^°®lrii tien, (hidden Penny, wise, pound foolish, — ^^

things) ^^i.°^ ki bit ^ su. — ^1 M ^ it W ^ra i6ng ki it tsi,.

Penetrate, (enter) A jip, (as a ji sit kl kien poe, 13 th ^! ^ -^ ic

sword) M^ K^ tsan-jip khi, (as a ;^ ko' soe hang sit-loh toa hang.
nail into the flesb) M° *°
chhiah Pensile, (pendent) M^ sui-16h. g
ti6h, ^
'^° ui ti6h. (comprehend) Pension, i6ng 16 gun. ^^H
lb° m& oe b6ng-pek, t&° ^P oe Pensioner, m° IR ^^ nid" i6ng «^
tsai, t^° ij- #
oe hiau tit. 16 gun e.

Penetrating, (can pierce) tt,° M^ Pensive, ^i pLi ff "ut-bun-A, —strains,

5e tsAg-khi, (acute) ffl
^ij° l&ng- fft B ^° W siong-pi e koa.
lai, m^ beng-tiet, #° WM u Pensiveness, % ^^ ut-bun.

beng li. Pent, W kek, (as feelings) i| »& kek

Penetration, m° ^° thang-kng, ^° sim.
, ,

1 A A
S° B ^ ^° go* ti^u chhut.

e, Perceive, (by vision) ^° ^° khoa"-
Pentagon, 5.°^°^ go'-kak-khodn, ki", (apprehend) ig° ^ ^f 6e
S° M ft§ ga--kak Mng. hidu-tit.
Pentagonal, ^° % J^ &5° go'-kak Per cent, one — , -Jl -k^ W kiii-kiu
hAeng e.

thiu,two —
-JlAW^ kiu pat thiu, ,

Pentangular, S° '^ go- kak 6. three—, :fL -t ^° kiii chhit thiu,

Pentateuch, jf W i:° S fl M6--se fe four— il :f^m° kid li6k thiu,
ng6"-keng. — S kid
five , :?L
^"^ ng6- thiu,
Pentecost, 5.° ^ i^'^ go--STin tsoeh. — y^
six kid , 11° sii thiu, seven
Penthouse, Jfe° W moa" phia". — /L H kid sam
— A% ^"^ kid
, fl° thiu, eight
Penumbra, Jib i^ goe hu. , ji thiu, nine —
Penurious )
H :^ klen-lin, i-f ° khili, ^ — Si kid it

thiu, ten , •— Ji
Penuriously ) ^JS° jdn. ^^ it kid thiu, twenty — % , /\
Penury, g^ pm-ki6ng, M°S°s6ng ir jl pat thiu, thirty, H -t 1°
hiong. sam chhit thiu, forty— B -y\W,

Peony, Sit^T^° b6--tan hoe. sii li6k thiu.

People, "5° M^ peh-si", common — Percentage, Jffl ^ thiu-hun, Jfl BI°
1&° :t A° p(5h-S!n mng. thiu-thdu.
Pepper, \W fll° h6--tsio, white — Perceptible, (by the eyes) t^ g°
6° *Si° i«° p^b h6--tsio, black—, a° oe khoa"-ki°, (by the mind)
.ft a° ^^° o- h6--tsio,—box, m° tg° ^° 6e tsai.
'§° h6--tsio kong. Perceptibly, (evidently) B^ B^ b^ng

Peppermint, ^° ^° p6h-h6, — oil,

W ^° frt! p6h-h6 iu,—leaf, m°

p6h-h6 hi6h.
W Perception, of quick—,
u bak-kun.
^° B° ^
m° Perch, a—, ,1° if|° tsidu-tdh, to—,
Peradventure, ^° ^° khidm-chhdi. ^° ^° hioh-ki.
Perambulate, (walk about) fj° ^ Perchance, ^° m° khidm-chhdi.
kia'^-iii, (for the purpose of ex-
Percolate, j®° ^° sikm-lau.
amining) 5g( SS sun si.
Percussion, (collision) 49° ^° sa°-
Perambulator,M° ^° ^° gin-d chhia
Per annum, —-° ^° tsit ni°.
tiig,— caps, ^° tdng-phi. ^
Percussive, 48° iP° sa" trig.
Perceivable, (by the eyes) tg° §°
^° oe khoa" ki", (by the mind)
Perdition, (ruin) M: pai-hoai, go @
to—, m° m° i6h te g^k, f^ m m
'^° K
m° oe hidu-tit, |g° g° ffi tim-lun.
oe khoa" chhut, it is— that he has
Perdu, (in concealment) g° bih.
no education, P
^° U ^U ni° tS Peregrinate
^o , .. .. ] ^
^ HJ i bo bdk-tsui Ian oe khoa° Peregrination kidMti.
h" ^
Peremptorily SS ) S ki6ng hoat, (de- hiu".
Peremptory ) cisive) ^° gi j^ s^ng- Perfumer, (one who perfumes) ft°
tsi chhiii. "^"°
fi'j° sam hiu" (a dealer in
Perennial, ^° ^° ku-t£ig, (perpe- perfumery) «^ @° ^ Sf b5e
tual) ^ ja ^ng-o4n. phang-liau 6.
Perfect, ^^ ^° tsiau-ts^g, fjg ^ Perfumery, @° ^•J- phang-liau.
sun-tsoan, to —
^° chhi^", (not
, Perfunctory, nod°-chhoa", ^ ij> j5
deformed) M° M° M° ^° b6 kha b6 si6-sim, ^ J1| *tS b6 eng sim.
b6 chhiii, — man of the classics, Perhaps, ;^°^ kiam-chhai, tii-chhdi,
:© ip kun-tsii. ^^ hek-si.
Perfectible, tg° m" ^° oe tsiautsSg Pericardium, Q)&!^° pau-sim-m6'h".
Perfection, @° :^° tsiau-tsAg, ^^ Pericranium, ^° % &° thau khak
oin-tso&n, ifjfi :^ sun-tsoan. phg.
Perfectly,+ ^° tsdp-tsAg. Perigee, |1° ^° Mfi k^4t ke tidm.
Perfidious ^ S kan-sin, Jf H kan-
) Perihelion, ^° ^° B kek ke tiam.
Perfidy hi6ng, )
% kan-kui, f% Peril, il^ ^ hong-hidm, ^^ g{li-

% poan-kut. hiam.
Perforate, ^ iS tsug ke, ui-thaii, Perilous, jg 1^ gM-hidm, )ll| ^ hong-
lak thati. hiam.
Perforce, SS ki6ng, §S ^ ki6ng-t6, Perimeter, $b° ^ i^° goa kai s6a^
M 5S bi^n-ki6ng, Z-° % W boe Period, f|t si, flt M si tsiin, (a cycle)
bien tit.
^ ^ kah-tsi, (end) ^^ b^, (sen-
Perform, (accomplish) Jg^° tsi^", tence) '&] kn, (in asti-onomy) ^
(do) fT° kia°, iii tsoe, —baptism, S# si, (an spoch) B i'Jt lek ni°,

It° ^ It ki4" so^-le, — ceremony, (full stop) iiS ^ iL° Sfi tidm kii S

^1 h6e-le, —
a vow, ^jC M koe tidm.
goan. Periodic, m°
Bt 1i° tsiku si tsfm, ^°
Performable, tl° Jit 3° oe tsi^" tit, ^ tsiau ki,- time, — ^ Rt tsiu-si,
(practicable) ]^° fr" #° oe kii° — variation, ^ ^ toan chha, —
tit, tr fl" %° oe tsoe tit. stars W
Pi^n chhi".
Performance, J^° tsia°, (a p];-y)-i>il Periodical, IS tsiau ki, \^ H'
chhut, select for — , M° l«J tiah- tsiku-sl-tsuii.

chhut, (exploit) ^ m ^° ^ eng- Periodically, M .^ f^^° tsiku-ki e.

hi6ng & su. Perish M k° hiet b6, iJC it tim-ldn

Performer, M ^° A° tso6 6 Ikng, Perishable, ^° i;a'' koe-phdi", fft \%
(a play actor) ill JS ±° A° poa°- khoai-ph4i", tS :^ 51 oe liiii iioa
hi 6Mng. {i noa".
Perfume, #° hiu", to—, If t° skm Periwig, fg° W €° k.'-llia-.i-mfi^^
Periwinkle, m° le. Perpetration. fj° kiS,°, ^ tsoe, (be
Perjure, ^ ff 31 pl° lam sAm tsiii- guilty of) 3E ^^ hoan-ti6h.'
tsoa. Perpetual jg eng-odn, ;X° :5l°
) ^
Perjurer, JlftlF*° 6^° lam- sain Perpetually )#°:g° kii-kii tug-tjig,
tsiii-tsda &. ^< 7l< 6ug-6ng.
Perjury, MW % 11° lam sdm tsiii- Perpetuate, # M° ^ ft thoau kaii
tsoa. au-tai.

'^l S chhi^ng-tsai.
^ eng-odn.
Perpetuity, ji;
Permanently ® ^ fL il ho loan loan,
Perplex, i

Permeable, fg° 1° ^° oe-thong-6, "^ # # ^ h5- lang hun loan,

oe thau e. (make intricate) #° P M° I'O'

Permeate, i^ thau. i (confuse) f#° A° ;t° »&

ti", ^
Permiscible, t£° Ji #° oe Iddu tit, i'L°ho- Mngesim hun-loan, (vex)
^° *a^ 11° oe sa-^ chham tit. l!l f^ chhong-ti, kang.
Permission, %^ ?|| lin tsiin. Perplexed, ju-chhiang-chhic^ng, tC"
Permissive, Ki nn, ?^ tsiin. If ^^ lin
1t° bang-'bang, ii° gg, jft-loan, #
iL hun-loan, II ff tsap-.ts6.
Permit, >^ lin, ?# tsiin, ^ ffi i6ng- Perplexing, il° If |$° 16-so.

un, — to land, %^ ||° p6 toa°, JB Perplexity, m° m° peh-pak, '1 ff

W Z° m. ^ kill life e p6-toa°, tsiau-ts6, i^ ^ fL sim hun loan.
— to ship, (duty being paid) Perquisites^ M ^ kui-le-gun.-
ffi°S°fSm° cbhut he p6 toa'', — Perry, m°

ff° 7K° Mi-d tsiii.

to tranship, W IS° i°^ W° poa° Persecute, ^ j|, khun-pek, g ii
tsun e p6 toa", — to open hatches, khun-ti6k.
11° 11° ^° khui-chhng-jT, —me, Persecution, ^ ^ khun-ti6k, g }|,

^m^ i6ng Till g6a, J. ^ $J khun-pek.

chhia" i6ng g6a, — to re-export, Persecutor,
^M A° ^° khiin-tiok
S° !iJ P° ;i° ^ m° koh chhut ling ^.
khau ^ p6 toa". Perseverance ) ^° M° mi-tsi", kiu"-
Permutation, ff \%P tiii 5a°. Persevere ) khf-, BI° ;i° H thau-
Pernicious, lib § oe hai, (deadly) be koan-sim.
W BIJ Persia, =M M 1 Pho-su kok.
Peroration, t^Mi° :t°Wi° kiet be 6 oe. Persians, m M i.° A° Pho-su e
Perpendicular |iB M° than-khia. lang.
Perpendicularly j

bar, S° If khia Persimmon, ^X° 1$ ^ng-khi, yellow
long. —m , ffi tsim-khi, dried—, H 1°
Perpetrate, fr° kia°, f^ tsoe, (be khi-k6.
guilty oi) 3E ii^ hoan-ti6h. Persist, (persevere) W ^° mf-tsi"-
M° (continue fixed Perspiration, ff° koa".
f&° kiu'' khi°,
in a course of conduct against Perspire, m° ff liu-koa", ^^ ff°
opposing motives) ^® ^° koat hoat-koa°, ?f fF hoat-han.
tokn bel), ^ ^ ^° tsip beh, he i Persuade )
%'' khAg, easily — , »&
—in going abroad, # i* Hf ^° Pei'suasion ) ^f ° |1^ sim-koa" khin,
•i tij 5h i koat toan beh khi chhut he can — him to do what he likes,

goa, he— that he is right # ^°# ^tl°W^mm'^°^'' i'oe ho-

^ m° i tsi° i si ti6h. i tsiau 6e kia°.

Persistent, ^ 1^%° mi-tsi", kiu^-khi", Persuasible, tg° ffj'" %° 6e khAg tit.

(as a beggar) W W '^ sai phoa- Persuasive, (tending to persuade)

— &
fg^ W
A° oe khng lang, (having

Person, A° lang, ° A° tsi't ui the power of persuasion) ° ^
Mng, go in — , tJC :^ •i pun-sin i^° 7K°^' W tsit ki chhui siii tsin

khi. h6, 1^ W A° giu khAg lang, #°

Personable, U- ^# h6 sin tsM, Ji°
^o ^o
gau A°
pai 6ng,
|. jjg
W li° ^.^
(graceful) kiau-kidh. gj^ j^^^^

— ^°
Personage, an illustrious ,,
ffl oah lang.
A° chhut mia° l^ng. Pert ) (saucy) m.%% J!i° A° 1am-
Personal, %, W —appear- sdm H ft
sai-khia, Pertly j
in lang, ffi 1am-

ance) A # — interview,
jin-tsai, sam liit, #: # |±i lut-liit chhut.

#% hoe bien, iB ^ siong-hoe. Pertain, fl si6k.

Personally, %# piin-sin. Pertinacious ) H

fL k6--tsip, ft JS°
Pertinaciously tsip-phiah. ('

Personate, JS° A° k6 lang.

Personate |S° 1 gf A° tsng tsoe
Pertinacity, Wi % k6--tsip.
Personation p4t

Iftng, I shall— my Pertinent, (apt) ^ hap.


^° M° IF 1 fi° ^° ^° Perturb, Pi);° W chhA-la, Jf fi kidu-

jidu, (agitate) ii° io-tang.
g6a beh tsng tsoe goa e hia°.

Personify )
#° m° ^1 iJ A°
Perturbate proportion, ^M i.° ^
Personification ) ho- mih phi-ju ts6e %M peng 11 tsi chhok pi le.

ling. Perturbation, (disquieting) ||° W

Perspective, It 1 ^ ^ ^° 5t 3 im- kiau-jidu, (confusion of mind) .»&

i6ng chhien chhim & to-li. Vf%'^'' ^^'' sira-koa" ju chliii'mg

Perspicacious, (quicksighted) U @ chhiiing, >& # Wt IL sim sin hun-

11 h6 bak sek"^ iij 0^ :/J h6 gan- loan, astronomical—, M SJj° liap

lek, (keen)^^& ©u sim-su, 5g° tang.

^ ^ u 16ng-khiau, ^° )& tl" u Peru, :/<: 12 a Tai-pi-kok.

Peruke, ^° H mi^g-ku.
sim ki.

Perspicuous, HJI Ifl^ b^ng-lang. Perusal, (of a bo:.k) %'' W khoa«

chheh. — , seng, (fit of peevishness) kau-
Peruse, (a book) M'^W khoa" chheli, khde.
(a letter) ^^ ^ khoh" plioe. Petal, 1S° m° hoe-idp.
Peruvian, ^MM &^f Tai-pi kok 6, Petechiae, ffi I chhut-pan.
—bark, ^
S° B° kim-koe-Mk. Peter, tS Pi-tek, (Epistle of) ® ^
Pervade, ?^ fj liii h^ng, (permeate) t°. ^r Pi-tek e phoe, blue—, n
M M thong-thau, (pass tlirongh) mmM chhut-kdng-ki.
^ '&° keng-ke. Petiole, f|° kod,i°, M keng.
Pervasive, JjS fj liti hSng. Petition, * ipfi pin-thiap, (vrritten)
Perverse, ^ ^ b^ng-gek, g 'M° R ^ pin-kiu, ^ ^ chhiii-piin,
koai-phiah, kien-koai, heart, — , »& M pin, iffi thiap, enter a — A K°

fF° S ^° sim-koa° thdn-hoai". jip-pin.

Perversity, ^^ kien koai, Wl # Petitioner, :R ^ A° ku pin Mng.
kek-kut. Petit maitre, Bfl /1° chhoang hia",
Pervert, (corrupt) 51 fT° ^° in- W
chh^ng. S
iu ki^^-phdi", (one's meaning) Petrifaction, U°M° # ^^ pi° tsoe tsi6h.
hoan, K bodn, # A° i° 5t ® Petrified, — look, ^° ^° gang-gang.
hoan lang 6 i-sii. Petrify, #° ^ ^° 11° ;5° ho- pi" i

Pervious, '^° ^ oe tliang, tu j§ oe tsoe tsi6h.

thku, (as a country to an enemy) Petroleum, ^° ^ tsi6h-iu.
lb° j^ A
oe chhim ji'p. Petted, seng-khi.
Perviousness, ^° oe thku. W Petticoat, ^ ktin.
Pescadore islands, J^° iU Phl^-e-. Pettifogger, ^^ 6ng-ngo-.
Pest, g ^ un-6k. Pettish 1 1 - 1 1, A
Pester, Pf n£° ts6-tsak, |lj ^ chh6ng- Pettishnessr^"-^^"^-
ti, ^ H thiau-ian. Petty, >J,° soe, *J,° qr° si<5-kh6a,
Pestiferous, (noxious) ^ t6k, (con- (person) |g ^ khi liong i]^° so^,
tagious) t&° A° oe t6- m mng, — officer, ^ ^ Mng-chhui.
(destructive) T^ oe hai. ^ Petulant ) (peevish) kau-kh6e.
Pestilence, ^^
un-6k. Petulantly j
(captious)^" 11° kau M
Pestilent, g[ ^ g:j° un-ek g, (noxi- chhoa°-chhi.
ous) ^ tok, (mischievous) ® ban, Pew, ~" ^ ;ft ji° tsit pai i-liau.
M gi6t, f^ 5{Ji tsok tsong. Pewter, ^° siah, —ware, S° ^ siah-
Pestilential, ^ ^ un-ek 65° e. khi.
Pestle, m m (for hulling
Ifii-thfti, Pewterer, Jr° ^ b1° ^ phah siah
rice) m° B B tseng khu thAi. sai-hu.
Pet, |jc°ft g^° khah sioh fe, ray—, Phalanx, ° p^ J£ tsit tin peng.

^° ;t° <6° J3f" g6a fe sim-koa", to Phantasm, |i Jjg 'g gi s^ng koki.

Phantom, ^ kui. Philanthropist, /|f^ t ^ i° A° u-jin-
Pbarisaical, (In-poeritical) ^°^°k^- ai 6 l^ng.

iJi",fi°^ ke-hd. Philemon, (Epistle to) J^ M PI ^°

Pharisee, f± m* A° Hoat-li sai #'° Hui-li bfln ^ phoe.

, 14ng. Philippians, (Epistle to) WjL^\^^°

Pharmaceutics, M M"" ^° fi tse i6h ^° Hui-lip-pi ^ phoe.
I boat. Philippines, g ^ Lu-s6ng.
Pharmacopseia, 7^^ MM piin-chho Philologist, m^1C^t,°A° king-
kong li6k. kill blln-ji & l^ng.

Pharmacopolist, W M° IS 6§° thui Philology, £?^ t^ ji-lun.

i6h tiam ^. Philosopher, |§ i phok-su.
Pharmacy, M^°i:°?i ts^ i6h ^ Philosophy, ft ^ shng hak, 31 !^ li-

hoat, operations in — , 'MM ^° H

hdk, natural — , t^ ^fl kek biit.

phau tse e hoat, distilling ^ kek, Phiz, Ig 1^ bin-iuau, H^ gdn-i6ng.

filtering, J^ lu tse, clarifying, Phlebotomy,
})t, •Mi° jfil° ;S° fi pang huih
i^ j^ tfeng chheng, expressing e hoat.

^ khoeh, decocting, tsoa°, JC fu- Phlegm, (mucus) th4m. ^

sing, j^ lien, infusing ^
phau, pul- Phlegmatic, Ji^ '^ noa°-s^ng.
verizing, ^^
g^ng boah, sifting, Phleme, :S^° jSl° 71 pang huih to.

lift thai, mixing, -^ hdp, macera- Phonetic, M'^ a sia" im.

ting in water, 7K §
tsiii tsim, ma- Phonies, M° # ^1 sia°-im h&k.
cerating in spirit, f@ ^ tsiu tsim. Phonography, '^ ^ ^° ^° kdn-sid
Pharos, (a light house) M «° teng &ji.

liu. Phonolite, (clinkstone) W 'S kh^ng

Pharynx, m° t'° m° khi-kAg th^u. tsi6h.

Phase, (of mind) H Phonology, ^^

idp, ^ J^ sia" im hdk.
bin, cu- ^
pidity is one —
of his character, Phosphorescence, >^ 3£° l*^ng kng,
# i." »& IF -° '^ «
»5 i ^ sim- (on water) 7^° 11° tsiii-l^ng.
koa° tsit idp tham sira, this man Phosphorus, ^i jj lin tsit.
has many,—, P ;t° A° m %° ^° Photograph, l^° ffi hip-siong.

M° i e l^ng klioAn tsoe ts5e bin. Photometer, 3K° M° kng pio.

Pheasant, %° 11° khi-koe. Phrase 'pJ kii, book—, ^ ^ ji-gdn,

Phenix M. E h6ng-h6ng, E bong. common — , iS In si6k-gii.

Phenomomon, J5 fl hSng th^, ^ Phraseology, "g If gien-su, good
^ keng-siong, celestial — ,
"% Mk » S P b6 gi6n-si1.

thien-siong. Phrenetis, 3i M hong-tien, H 35E

Phial, ff ^° kan-4. tien-k6ng.

Philanthrophy, t ^ jin-ki. Phrenitic MU^^M ndu khi kun

PHR ric
iam ts^ng. feathers, 'W° chhoah, ^° liam, —
Phrenology, ^ ^° ;^° ^ 31 si6ng- the teeth, fE up"j^ thok-khi, —
mia 6 to-li. without study, \U t6, a quarrel, —
Phrenzy, M fe tien-k6ng. mWM khi chhoa°-chh], —palm,
Phthisical, ^°^fft ul6-siong, M^ fibre, i/f°:^° thiah-tsang, — up,
6^° hi 16 L f&° khioh, (choose) W^° k^ng.
ti. M"
hi 16.
siin-pr, ^ fj 16- Pick-a-pa*ck, carry , — pe, ^
flili §1- iang.
Phylactery, p JM p5e keng. Picket, g $Mi ^ ^ :E ia° goa koan
Physic, ^° i6h, (a purge) IMW sia h6ng fe peng.
ioh, (to heal) fi i, 11° f&° t4'^ tidp, Pickle, ^° al sng-chhki, to—, IJ ^°
(to pvirge) IM sia. si°k6e, Hi°^°si"-ki£Lm, —olives,

Physical, —body, W° ^ u-heng, lii Wi ^ If si" ka°-nii sl"^, —with

(corporeal) W° #° 11 6^° u seng- much salt, 55 ^ tiam-iAm.
khu e, (pertaining to physics) ^ Pickled, ^ 65 si°-6, —fish, ,^° k6e.
#j !p fj:]^ kek but h^k e. Picklock, ^° fT it giah mfig tsoan.
Physician, ^ -^ i-seng, P^° f4 H^ Picklocket, H B tsen-liii.
lai-khe i-seng, learned —H ,
-g^ jl- Picnic, ^° aj° H :^° M khi soa"-
i. Imperial — , -j^ -g thai-i. t^ng tsiah tsiii.

Physics, ^m% biit hdk. Pictorial, ft° 6^° ui e, (illustrated by

Physiognomist, ifi ^"^g"" siong-mia- pictures), ff" u ang-d. ^°E°
^, iB i siong-su. Picture, |i° tiau-kia°, E° ff ° ang- ^
Physiognomy, 'g° |^ bin mau^ d licentious —^ ,
j^° kidu-d.

Physiological, ^% ^&i seng but Picturesque, ^ fl IB ii khiok tsiet.

hAk ^. Picul, U° ta''.

Physiologist, ff ^ fj 4g g^° phok Piddle, Jfe°^°pangjio.

seng but hdk 6. Pie, pai.
Physiology, ^ #J i^ seng-but hdk. Piebald, J^ jS» pan-tidm, —horse, ?g°
Piacular, tt° || P oe si6k tsoe. .B|° hoe-b^.
Pianist, 5f =^° ^'° t6a° khim L Piece, (a part) ^° te,
— ° ^° tsit
Piano, #° W ili"-khim. tDg, —of cloth,
/E ~° ^ti tsit phit
Pianoforte,^ khlm. po-., a whole — gf° ^ ka-n% , -^
Piazza, JlJ 16 ng. te, a— of poetry, — ff ° -f- tsit
Pick, tooth—, 1[ % khi-thok, (as chhiii si, a fowling — %^° chheng,
flower) tiah, W^° W bdn, —out, a dollar—, ^°U°M.

tsitkho- gun,
iS° giah, —out as thorn,
uih, (an essay) ^ S° bun-tsiu",—
ife° ffi ^$ —
thio chhut-lai, ofF goods, ^ 7E p6- phit, (in chess)
scales, W khang — as
15 phi, ofF 7-° ji°, (patch) ^j p6-, (join) m.
— ,

tsiap, move foward a — in chess, ;^ thiap-kui-tui, S ® 3? thdh khi-
fe° -° •?° thuh tsit ji", how IM

many are there in chess, i^° ?° Piles, ^"^ '^° ti-chhng, external— ,-

;g° ^° ?° ki tsi u kiii ji\ Jih -^ goa-ti, internal — ^° ^

Piecemeal, ~° ^° —° ^° tsit te tsit


t6, ^° ^* l&n san, they do their Pilfer, 5^ ^° ;R phAi"-chhiu-jiiiu".

work by—, m° m° »° M° X° in Pilferer, >J,° M° ff° si6-chhdt-A. .

ts6e Ian san kang. Pilgrim, m id-kheh, R jg hftn-

Pied, 5^ Si5 pan-tiAm. iu, (to a shrine) §° §° hiu'^-kheh
Pier glass, ^8.° j|. ||° tsi6 sin kia°. Pilgrimage, ® jj^ hiin-iii, go on a —
Pier, (wharf) ^ li° lo--th£lu,— of ^ 9M khi bun iu.

bridge, ^° ^ ki6-so. PHI, m' % i6h-oan, make— m° M°

Pierce,^°tsAg, m° chhdk, M° chhi, :f{^ so i6b o^n, medicinal — ^ %^ ,

—through, m° ^° i§° chhdk i6h odn, strengthening — ^ ;^

, jfil

thkng-k^. p6' hiet odn, tonic — , Wt^° p6-

Piercer, ^^ 63° chhdk ^, »° 6^ i6h, purging —MW sia i6b, ca-

tsAg L lomel —
'7\C , ^ iL sui gun oan,.
Piercing, (as wind) M° lai. rhubarb — :h'^ ^ tai h6ng o^n^

Piety, ^ J^ keng-khien. Pillage, ft° chhid".

Pig, m ti,—liver, ff?E°kan-hoe, Jf Pillar, |±° thiau.

JfF° ti-koa",—lights, % ti-hi. (j0 Pmory,'^° m° gia-kg.

Pigeon, m° ^° tsi^-a,—house, «|° Pillow, ^ Sl° tsim-thdu, — cushion,.
^° ® tsi°-d-t(i. # ji6k.

Pigeon hole, «|^ ^° ® f^ tsi-^-d- Pillow-case,^ Sl° ^ tslm-thl,u-th6,

tli m^g. ^ 51° ^° tsim-thau te.

Pigiron, ^° ^° sek-thih. Pilot, m° il pang-kdng, —fees, W

Pigment, (paint) ^ '^i sek-liau. ii ±° X" fj° pkng-kang t kang-
Pigmy, m° ff° o^-d.
Pigsty, 3# ^° ti-ti4u. Pilotage, WW SI pang-kdng le.

Pigtail, m ^° ti-b^, (queue) M" M" Piloting, ;Sj;° ^ pang-kang.

thau-tsang. Pimp, ,i 1. BI° o -kui thftu.

Pike, (a weapon) ;ft° chhiu". Pimple, M°

i^° thiau- a.
Pike-staff, ;tt m chhiu" pi". Pin, M
f+ pin-tsiam, hair W° '^° — ,

Pilaster, J5f ft" sti hong thiau. ff- th4u mflg tsiam, $X thoe, 11°

Pile, (a stake) g° kbit, (a heap) — iX tbdu thoe.

it tsit tui, S° tliah, ffi° thidp, Pinafore, P
fH ^f ui-su-kun.

on one another, M M m M Pincase, M^^

pin-tsiam pan.

teng-teng tiap-tid]), — up, ®° If Pincers ^ ff tiah-a, ^^^ ft° iigneh-


&, JS°^3fe° tiah-ngoeh, — of crabs i;° A° ptin phin-a 6 Mng.
M ^° tsim-k6ng. Piping, —cord, #^ pM-pln, ^° i r
Pinch, liam, chhun, — of tobacco, ^-° se s6a°, (shrill) M^ni° ki-ki hau,
W''M° tsit-]po&h bun. (feeble) |fe |^ lodn-ji6k, —hot, ^°
Pinch, (compress between two hard ^m sio kiin kiin.
bodies.) ^° ^° khoeh Piquant ^(stimulating to the
Pine, ^
sam, (grow lean) fg 5^ Piquancy ) tongue) i$° "S" tang tsih,
siau-sdn, screw ^° Wf n^-t^u.— (as words) fS° M° A° 6e chhdk

Pine-apple, E W ong-Mi. lang.

Pinion,M° sit, (bind the wings) M° Pique, i^^U du-ndu, (displeasure)
n° &° m° n° pAk ho- i 6a teh, ^° m m° b6 chhiu-cbMn, to— #f
(the arms) ^° W M" P i^° fir kek, (offend)
^ ^ tek-sit, ^1° A"
l&ng k6e, (pride one's
chhiii pdk ho" i 6a teh. >I^°

Pink, a — MM,
tsidn-jiong, (colour) self) M^ chh6ng pang, he —him-
m U. tb64ng, very light—, m ^ self on his learning, fg ^# ;5:° (S

ff ^ hai-ji-d sek. chbeng pang ^ hak bun.

° Pp^ i i

Pin maker, fM fi" rI^ -$• ts6e tsiam Piracy, mW°m°M bdi-iii° chhiii"-

sai-hu. kiap.
Pinmoney, mA A° ^1° W M" bu- Pirate, m W° t W W hdi-chhdt.

jln-l&ng sai-khia tsi". Piratical, m W° &l° hdi iA^ L

Pinnace, 45Msam-pan, |g ^°tslln-d. Piscatorial, f^° .@, fi^ th6 hi 6.

Pinnacle, t^ng, Mtsiam, ^

of a Pish, pjfc° obhi. —
temple, ^M
tien-teng. Pismire, m° M° kdu-hia.
Pinned ^° 6§° pin teh, her dress was Piss, M° M° pang-jio, *J> M sidu-

—up. so that it could not drag on pien.

the ground, # i° U°:^° W°^^° Piste, .1^° i.° m° m° b^ t kha jiah.

m° ar z° m" ±" 1 e sa u sa- Pistil ^° iC» boe-sim.

Mi pin teh, tsiah boe sili th6"-kha. Pistol, .11° ^° bc^,-Gbbfeng, )J>° ir
Pint, ^° tsin. si6-chh6ng, @°M° t6-chhfeng.
Pioneer, ^ i& 5fc ^ kbai l6- sien- Piston, If If ko-pi.
Pit, m m° bam-khi", ±° W th6;-
Pious, i^ kfeng-kbi^n. khang, ±® th6--bam, small—
Pipe, (tobacco) 'M° ^° bun-chhe, kbut.
opium—, m >r 'M° ^° a-pbi^n Pith, »& sim, (marrow) |f° chh^,
bun chbe, wind—, Pi°|iei°^° n^- (importance) M ^ i^u kin, (es-
aA-kfig. sential part) ^ chbiet iau, (pa-
Pipeclay, &° e^E" p6h-th6-. per) ^ cbh6.
Piper, (player on flu.te) e^°^ ff° Pitapat, pb6k-pb6k toa", pbidk-toa".

Pitch, (turpentime) S° ^ ?gl° tia°- mng-sfin,— of oar, ^f {i^f 16'-tiam,
rak 16, — H hiet —as
to , vessel, ^ SiS tsid^-tiam.
thim, —a camp, ^° ;fL tsat-ia", Pizzle, buU's- gu-pien.
(fall-head-long) ^^ tsai 16h khi. Placability, ^ ^ 0° khoai-khoai h^
chhi°-tsin pia°. Placable, khoki h^, ^° f^ j5 b6 hun-
Pitcher, 3rJ<° M tsiii-koan. sim, ^° i: m b6 ti-hun, ^ W IK
Pitchfork, X° ff chM-d b6 khioh liun.
Piteous ) fJ ^ kh6-lin, it is a ^^, Placard, ^° &° jl-p6h, ^^° ko-
Piteously ) affair W ^ ^ kh6- lin tai. p^h, ^ BI° ipfi lo'-th^u thiap, (of-
Pitfall, m W ham-khi°. fering reward) %° ifiS siu" thiap.
Pithless, ^° an* h6 sim, (wanting in Place, Wt ^ s6--tsai, ^° tfe, -S ui,
force) ^° # if° b6 kut keh, ^° suitable — ^ }^,
landing tek-te,
"i"^ b6 kut 15-. — , !£# BM° l5'-thau, give—, ifa° ffi°
Pith-paper, ^ chli6. sa" niu, to — chhai, , native lok, he,
Pithy, (forcible) >i° # i& u-kut-lo- . — , country, JR g piin kok, in the
^°#if°ukutkeh. — M — thau
first , fii tsit e, go
Pitiable, rT '1 kh6-lin. from— to,— ^ ^ ^ s6a jfS lai soa
Pitiful, fS "M. pi-ai (paltry) ih A , khi,— on top, T jH "© he teng bin,
sidu-jin. (occupation) i^ |& li-l6-, (rank)
Pitifully, rT « kho-lin. ^ il phin kip, (office) tsit. M
Pitifulness, rT ^ kh6-lin, ^ 'li lln- Placenta, 8§ ^ ui, ^° thai-ui.
bin. Placid, (as face)-}^!^ chheng-chhdi,
Pitiless, m W chho--chhan, ^ S, (as sea) ^° ^i^W. pr-pho-pho.
ts&n-jim, S ^ *& M thiet s6k sim Placidity, (quietness) ^ W P^ng
hiong. tseng.
Pitman, (a miner) mm°^°^°&'' Placidly, (quietly) ^ P pfeng tseng,
A° kut tlio- thoa° khong ^ lang ^° Pf S
bo soan ji6ng, (calmly)
Pitsaw, ':fic° M toa-ku. IS IS thiam-thi^m, 'K' '1$
Pittance, (charitable gift) ^ ^ tsin- tiam, he answered him very —
tsfe. ^ IS 'IS f?° li° •£? i tiam-tiam
Pitted, (by smallpox) ^°M° niau°- d in i.

niau", ^ "g" ba-bin. Plagiarism, tp° K° i.° W M"" chhau

Pity, Pj -^ kh6-lln, m 'ii lin-bin, lang ^ ka-t6e.
what a pity—of persons, ^ ^ S^° Plagiary, fj^° ^ 6^° thau chhau e.

i^°A° b6 chhdi Mng, what hit-& Plague, ?i ^ un-6k, to—, chh6ng-

a— of things, ^° i$ ^° U chhdi ti, (trouble), kiau-jidu.

mih. Plaice, & n K ts6 khdu hi.

Pivot, *r sng, (of a door) P^° # Plaid, (a tartan) m WM ki P^a"


p^-, (a garment) ^^° moa. phah tat, —of a house, chhii tat.
Plain, B^ b^ng, ^
PIQ hun-b^ng, (as Planch, i]r° ^"^ thug pang.
speech) ^° p^h,- —in dress, Df s6', Plane, carpenter's — M 7i khau-to,

il M pboh-sit, (level) ^ pi", a—, (level) s^° pi", to— tij khau.
^° m° pi°-po-, ^° m° pi°-iu". Planet, fif M° h&ng-chhi".
Plain-dealing, B°B°iP ho khng p5-. Planetary, ^ M°
hgng chhi" g,65°
i^ lit tiau-tit, a —man, j^ jg A —nebula, fr S°^ h^ng chhi"khi
tiau tit Mng. Planish, #1° n°^^° phah ho- i pi-,
Plainly, (clearly) _
H^ ^ b&ng-bing, il°i^°#2g°tfiih5-ipi".
(unornamented) ^ f'^ s6--s6*, Plank, U= pang, to—, ir*J!»° t^ng-
he speaks very ||° — , f-§° ^ 2g° pang.
k6ng 5e tsin pi", g|° T ^ ^° k6ng
Planner, ft M° ke b6 &. %
liau tsin pi", it is—to be seen that Plano-concave, ~° %° ^° —°^° Hg"
you do not like to go, M" ^° Wi° tsit bin pi" tsit bin nah.
*° ^ B^ H m ki khi si Un^. She Piano-conical, — ° %° 2|s° ~° ]g° ^
was dressed very ^ ^° Jt° —
tsit bin pi" tsit bin
i^° K i chheng chhah tsin phbh- Plauo-convex,
, ^ —

° ®° 2^° ° ]i° ,5,°
sit. tsit bin pi" tsit bin ph6ng.
Plainness, BJ bSng, ^ BJ hun-b^ng. Plant, m° ff chhiu-d, (rice) »° p6-,
Plainsailing, (easy) ^ ^ pien-th6. (potatoe) a° ts^ng, ffi° teh, tiam,
Plain-spoken, g" tit gien. (wheat)
a° ts^ng, (a tree) iS
Plaint, (to a magistrate) M° ^ tiH"- tsai.
su, ^y,° tsng, (a petition) ^ ||° Plantain, ^° 3^° g^ng-tsio, ^° 1°
pin-toa", (to any one) |£\t^u. k^ng tsio, ^° ji° gg-tsio.
Plaintiff, jg -g^ go^n-k^. Plantation, tea —
^° llj° tfe-soa".

Plaintive, ^ ^ pi-ai, ® Pi^ ut-biin. Planter, n Z° A° tsai 6 Mng —frit-

Plain- work, (needlework) ffi ^° it ter, ^° ^° |^° ggng tsio tsi".
chho- pi"
— # ^ ii 11^ II ¥
tit, she only understands
It er i put-
Plash, (splash) m°
(lop off) |t° chh6.
hb bat chho- pi" tit e. Plashy, (a bounding with puddles)
Plait, a—, m° keng, to—, m° pi",— n° m°m.MM SI k6e tarn kk k^,
the queue, M° M° m° pi" th^u- E3° ^° -i-" ;! *° S si k6e 16ng si
tsang,— folds, f^°|i° khioh-keng. tsui khut.
Plan, i£
m° m°

"^ j^ hong-
W ^_ 1^° "f^ '^ ho- i u

hoat, ^it p5--s6-, to—, ft S

k^- Plaster, (cement) Jc° he (medical)
good at—,
'&° »6 H
Jt, ga,u p^i-

u sim-ki, draw a
m° k6-i6h, to—,

boah, 1°» W —
k6- (a wall) 1° hiin piah, ^

with mortar, ^° ^° boah he, iffi sic, if Ml tsok gdk, —at morra,
M° li&m-he. PS°^° hoah kftn, — at blind man's
Plasterer, m° 7K° ^° th6- tsui sai. buff, ^° ?K ^° ng siii-g^, —into
Plastic, 111° u hfeng,
:i|'° ^ ho- i one's hands, m M^ A° i.° m^
(capable of being moulded) tu JEK hoan-ti6h Mng e chheng lo', 4* '6*

5p }(Jj
oe tsia," heng-ts5ng. i° ft ti6ng i-6 kfe, to—, W 5C°
Plat, (of ground) -° M° ife tsit tfe —truant M° %° ihe 6h,
toe, (weave) W pi°- —with cards, M° W"!?" phah p^i-
d— the flute, Pt° pp ff P^n P^iQ-
Plate, :£° phiet, small— ^° tih, (of ,

metal) — ° >{=° tsit phi", —of gold, ^, ?fe° ?|51 ^ piin tong siau, foul —
^ >{:° kim phi". ^°^° phdi" tai, —house, H ^ hi
Plateau, lg° 2R° ^,° koM" pi" iH". kodn, —the fool, iJ tf< ^ ts6e
Platform, ^ t&,i. g5ng su, (trifle with one) #° P¥°
Plating, ij Mk, ^ an, the gold — is gau hap, —
the fiddle, t^° Zl ^±
considerably must be worn, it oe ji hi^n, —
-at cricket, ^7° ^ phah

redone, ^7r>±m°m"W^ kim kill, — at shuttle cock, jft ^ that

put-tsi lut ti6h koh an. ki^n, —on a fire, W@°^ ^° tsoa"
Platinum, &° M peh t^ng. sit h6, hold in—, ti", —by
Platitude, M°W chhku si6h, ^^M^ pun ph6-.
note, as the flute, \^° ff °
si6h si6h. Player, (actor) fj p°hi-kioh, (com-
Platter, @° po^". pany of) §1 JM hi-pan, (a games-
m ^°
Plaudit, m° ^° 0-16, Pi" hoah- ter) poAh kidu sien, (one
ti° III]

chhdi. who performs on an instrument

Plausible, (person) ^ IS iam-sek, of music) M° &5° tsok gak 6. m
i;° |£° il° g^u tsng tsoe, —talk, Play fellow, ffl° ISI° 55° M° 6^ sa"

a^ A° ]^° h6 thia" 5e, fj f* ?« ^ kap thit-th6 ^.

5e, 3^ 5: Playful (as a child) #° If ° g^u
^' i° fJ° ti"-ti° bit-bit fe I

Playfulness hoa,.(as a kitten) ^°

i: ^° ien biin e oe. )

Plausibility, J| fijj idm-sek, jfcF

^° h6 lSp° g^u hoa.
Playing-card, ^° i}° pai-d.
i^m-sek, Hf ll° h6 Play-mate, Sc° U° f^
thit-th6 phoa".
Plausibly, fiji W J^J° thit-th6 mih.
thia", he spoke very —P
M"!^ Play-things, 5c°M° ,

Plea, (inlaw) VpM sb-su, (apology)

:T> 5^ 1^° i k<5ng Mu put-tsi h6
^ |Jji hun-s6".

hi- Plead, for, *° A ka lang

Play, a—, M ^h —actor, ^,W° ffc


kioh, — for the dead, M^ lii-

seh jln-tsSng,
th6e Idng

phUn, —at chess, il° tt tioh ki,

—piano, Si^ ^ to&" khim, —mu- Pleader, (a lawyer) jK° B tsng-su.
Pleasant, (as place) ^^ i£ ti6 s6'- Pleasure, ^ 4i khoai-16k, ^ M
tsai, ?f| M s6ng-li, —looking as thi6ng-16k, g M ien-16k, m M
person, t5 # kbidu sin, (as cLild) hok-khi.
^ §1 k6--tsiji, (agreeable to one) Plebeian, {^ A si6k-jin, "5°^° peh-
JS # kah i, -& # hdh ^ hAh
i, ji& si".

l5-, (cheerful) ^ A khi jln, (as Plectrum, ^ poah.

weather) f$JiW^6 thi"-khi, — Pledge, (in pawn) ^° 51° khan-
day, ^ 5ch6 thi", (humoursome) thau,— between friends, ^ '^°

WM^ gau kdng chhi6, #^ ""i tsiin-tng, be a—, M° &° tsoe tia",

g&u soat chhiong, —journey to (pawn) ^° tng.

you, MM^ 'M sun hong siong Pleiades, M M° ko--chhi", ^ M° bdu-
s6ng, —prospect, -^^-^hd kong -t M° chhit chhi°, chhi".
k<^ng, do-day a — dayisus go Plenary, ^° JE m6a-tsiok,
let (com-
on the hills for a picnic, '^° J.° plete) ^° ^° tsi^u-tsfig.
Plenipotentiary, ^ M :k '& tso^n
d jit h6 thi°, ti6h M khi soa" t^ng koan tai sin.
tsidh tsiii. Plenitude, (complete) W ^° tsiau-
Pleasantry (merriment) Jf|i5 chheng tsfig, (abundance) 3E ^ chhiong-
sim, ^ m tek-kdi, K ii khoai-16k, seng.
(effusion of humour) W^° kong Plenteous, ^ ^ hong-seng, g^
chhio, ^ % soat-chhi6ng, M ^ chhiong-seng.
i.° m° chhii-bi & 5e. Plentiftd, g^ chhiong-seng, M IS
Please, (make glad) #°A°iC°^ ho- hong-seng.
Mng hoa° hi, (satisfy) i^° A° ^ Plenty, JE° U" k^u-gidh, (abun-
JE ho- Mng ti-tsiok, as you— ffi
dance) :^° #° m° ^° toa bii si
^ ^° chhut-tsai he does so to li, kofe, jti° ^ noa" tsoa".
-me ^ m ^° i:° » S pin goA-
6 i-sii, —give me, m° ^°

U chhid"
pd moa.
Si U m° W hiet-khi

hd- god, —sit down, |g ^ clihid" Plethoric, iSl ^ E hiet-khi ong.

tse. Pleura, M iL° ^W h\ ^ pau-m6-h".
Pleased, m.° M ke-i, ^ Ig khoai-i, Pleurisy, )]f ^° m m° ^ ^ hi &
*& ?£ ^° sim hoe khui. pau-m6-h° boat iam.
Pleasing, (as a thing) :^° ^ u-ki6k, Pliable, nfig-lam, tl° Wi 65° oe
—the palate, Pi P s6ng-khdu, — aii-khiau tit, (yielding) Ji

to a person, -&•" hah
Pleasurable, (giving pleasure)
g§ lo-.

#° A°
sun jin-i, he is very he does — ,

not like to offend any one, ^%

ft°S ho- 14ng hoa-'-hi, (sportive)
% m tek-kai, ^ ftt ko-heng.
fil 7f.°

ai k^h
si sun

Pliers, ir i}° klu°-d. to, (perpendicular) M^Wi than tit,

Plight, (condition) -^ ^ k^ng-h6ng, ii m thdn-khia.

^ "pj° se-bin, ^
^ khodn sit. Plumbago, .^ 'M o--ien.
Plighted, M &° ph^ng-tia". Plumbline, fjg iti° tsun-tsin, adjust
Plod, (toil) ffi° ^° tkoa-b6a, (tra- by a— iW° U° toa" tsin.
vel) lt° a" ^°*° tit-tit kic^" khi Plume .%° ^° tsiau-mng, to—, P;g°
Plodder, -^1° m° ^° A° mi-tsi" 6 ^° chhng-mng, one's self on —
Mng. any thing, chh^ng. 3
Plodding, :J^° %° ml-tsi°. Plummet, 7K° M° tsui-t6, carpen-
Plot, i^ # p5--s5-, tt ^ ke-ti, se- ter's—, «p m° tsiin-tsln.
cret — 0t ft am ke, to — , M He t6"- Plump, mh hok-siong, BE° |ft° pui-

b6-, ft m ke-b6-, M t\ ^ siet kfe- nng, phauh.

ti, fall into — ,
fp ft ti6ng-k6, — of Plum pudding, m° m° ^° Z> ^^ pHli

ground, — ^ j& tsit tfe toe. t6 koa° put-l^ng.

Plotter, tf S er ke-b&- ^, Wt ff ^ Plunder, it° chhiii", Jt iJ chhiu"-

^f siet ke-ti e. kiap, (spoil) mW 6<l° scV chhiii" L

Plotting, M tt siet ke.
Plunderer, 5S^ kiong-to chhiii" 6,

Plough, m° 16e, to—, -K ^ sdi-16e, SS is ®° ki6ng-k6ng chhdt.

—a rice fipld, ^°
ffi° 16e chhan,
Plunge, m° M° 7K tsAg 16h tsiii.
—a potatoe field, ^° m° 16e hng. Plural, ^° iS.° —° iii-na tsit.

Ploughman, (husbandman) f^° B° Plus, MM°^°ii ka siku e ho.

A° tsoh chhan Mng, f^° W A° Plush, ^ M m6--ji6ng.

M H 5; gillm-l&-6ng.
tsoh sit Mng, M 16ng-hu. ^ Pluto,

Ploughshare, si° SI° Me-th^u. Pluvial, 1° er ho- 6.

Plough-tail, ^° tS° loe pi". Ply, (urge) US, pek, (work diligent-

Pluck, V:° B m° tarn su i^", (indo- ly) "i* :)^° i^° kut-14t ts6e.

.mitableness) ^° 'M li bo-jin su, Pneumatics, (science) ^!^khi-hak.

to— m° ban, ^° chhdi, m° tiah, Pneumonia, M^ hi-iam.

Wpiiih, —out, chhoah, m° M° ^

Poach, (an egg) •J?^ 7K° ^H^ ph(i tsiii
ban khi-lai, (in an examination)
Pock,^5!t° tsu, —marked, |S° niau",
^^ put te.
Plucky, ^
W,m° tarn sa-i4". tW E niau pi pa. #
Plug,B°BI°that-thau, to—, ^°that Pocket, m° f?° te-A, book, :ffl J^

Plum, m
ff li-a small—, m° ff
° ° m- tin, -money, M° Ian san ^ ''


Plumage, m
u, Ji°^° Pod, |*° ngoeh,
tsidu-m£g. —of beans, 3.° W
Plumb, to—, n°7K°M° phah-tsiii- tau ngoeh.

to, (a leaden weight) 7^° }%

tsiii Podagric, >|f° M B ;S u tsiii hong

tseng. Polar, M° ^° m M° &^° toe 6 k^
Poem, It si. tb^u d.

Poesy, Eg si. Pole, a, — /g^ ^ tsit ki chha. North

Poet, If ^ si ong. — , ^b° ^ pak-k^k, South, ^ ;^
Poetess, If ^ si-lil.
14m k^k,—a boat, m° M° thi-tsftn,

Poetry, |f si. bamboQ — , ft" ^ tek-ko, carrying

Poignant, (pungent) ?f ° "g-" tang — M° m° pin-ta".
tsih, (acute pain) J ^° tiuh thia", Polemic, M Wi fi5° pien lun §.

4 B! ^° tiuh tiuh t6a°, (as grief) Polestar, ^

'f^ M° tsu-ng6- chhi",
^ ^ *& tsin kh6" sim. ^b tl M° pak k^k chhi°, :}t 5^° 1°
Poinard, ^ 7J t6 to. pak-tdu-chhi".
Point, (end) ^° U, (of land) n° Police, SI ^ p6--iah, ^° ®° chhl
kak, to the—, ii° ff tii-A hdh, ° ^° koe, — station, M M° tui th^Uj —
reef — |^ oAn, (with finger) f|°
runners, M M go4n chhe, —magis-
ki, ^gtsi, (a gun) JK pi, (punctu- trate, ff i^ Jh j!$ p6* bu tsi-hui.
ate) i^i} tidm-kii, (a wall) ^°^° Policeman, S° #° chh^-koe.
^° k&- phiah phang, (sharpen Policy, (of a nation) gl fi kok hoat^
with a knife) M° siah. M^ kok-ts^ng, (insurance) pd
Pointblank, ^ ^° tiii-tit, speak — ke toa°, (wisdom) ^ If ti-seL
W° It° m° li^h tit kdng. Polish, iS ^° m° b6a-kng, «° 3£°
Pointed, '^"^ u tsiam, (as remarks) lii-kng, (elegance of manners) 3!C

m° in oe tsi. #b4n ngd, X abunli.

Pointedly, jiE la tit tit, he — declared Polisbed, ^ |j^ P3 kim-sih-sih.
that he would not go, ^ ]E tt 19° Polisher, m° fl^° bo^ 6.

JS° * i tit tit k6ng m khi. Polite, ^ m bun-li, M biin-bdk,

Pointless, &° Jl ph^-hu, ha°-ha°, W° il° it u 1^- so-, m ^ ngd 16',

(blunt) m° M° b6-b6, m. tun. 3ft: il blin-ngd, S M ngd khi

Poise, M ^° tdng-pr, fS° 2^° Z^° Politely, (elegantly) 3C 31 bun ngd,
chhin pl° pi", —on the hand, #£° X m him li, 3i iC ngd khi, (gen-
tliuh. teelly) ^ ift) su biin, btin^M
Poison, ^ t6k, to —than, remove— b4k, ;t° 11 it u 1^ s6-.
IK: % siu t6k, take—, {J^ ^ h6k Politic, ^ g&u tsodn-pifen, ^
# PI
t6k, —one's self, {^ # 9E° h6k If ^ glu ts6an oan, W ^ li u, ti

t6k si. sek.

Poisonous, ^ tok. Politically, 165:^^1° tsfeng su k
Poke, t# l5ng, thk, —about,
Poker, a, iK° I? h(^ thuh,
la. Politician, li i|5: ^
^^ s6k tseng su 6
>llC° m° Politics, M '^ kok tsfeng, iK V
M chhe. ts^ng su.
Politness, ^ -^ su-bAn, ^ |^ Id- Polyhedron, ^° 'h^ tsoe kak hSng:
mau, Ji^ ^ le-s6-, without — ,
^° Polysyllabic ^° ^ ^° gf tsoe inr
ji fi: b6 le s6-, fail in—, ^ If sit- jig.
le. Polysyllable, ^"/t^Jt" ^° tsoe im
A •-
Polity, M iK kok tseng. eji.
Poll, (the head) ®\^
than khak, Pomade, :^ fj|f phang te § iu.

(election) ^^
k^ng, (to clip) Pomatum, ^° 1%° :t° #°
% fft boab.
tsi^n, (to register) ^° flff thi^n th^u e hiu° iu.
chheh, (to lop the tops of trees) Poraegramate, :?i° |g° sidh-lifi.

BW ^° tsi^n chhiu b^. Pommel, ^° tseng, —of a saddle,-

Pollen, ^l^" i.°m boe g bun. Wi°MM° oa^'-e can th&u.
Polltax, "T ^° teng se. Pomp, MM ui-hong, Kt" ^ hia-pai.
Pollute, m ii° ffi° bak 14 sam, ^* Pomposity, i^ $h° ^° kek goa khiii,.

i§ ^° bak tioh ii-6e. ii M IL kek ui hong.

Polluting, ^° ^^ bak ti6h, ^° 1|° Pompous #r $1» it kek goa khiii, ^
A° bak kia° lang, ?fe° ^° ffi° bak j!^ kek ui-hong, ^#^ ai p^i

Ik sam. cbbi^ng.
Pollution, r5 ^ i:° *:° &°
Pompously, $b°
ii kek goa khiii,
oe fe ^ ^
tai tsi. ^Ji kek ui hong, ^°*°BF m
Poltroon, th° m° ^° A° sio td" g u khiii thau.
Poltroonery, 1*° Jia° i° *° b6 ta" Pond, ff b&-d, fS tham ti, make M ^
6 su. a ^ J& khui ti.
— ,

Polygamist, W %° #° -° ^° *° Ponder, jg° siu", HS sam su, WW

chhoa in na tsit S b<S'. Jg,° tseng tseng siu".

Polygamy, ^° 7>° m° -° ^° g° Ponderable, t&°if^m°,oe chhin tit^

chhoa, m-na tsit e b6'. ]^°4°^°oeniiitit.

Polyglot, ^° ^° E° |S° i:° W tsoe Ponderous, ]g
Pondweed, M°

tsoe sek oe S chheh.
Polygon, % %^ tsoe kak h^ng. Pongee, m till.

Polygonal, ^° ^ 65° tsoekak g. Pontage ^ 1^° M ^ siu kio li-kfra;.

Polygram, %° W^ tsoe soa° hgng Pontiff, Roman—, W H kau ong^

^ H M tse thau..
Polypetalous, W^°m°W kau hoe (high priest) si

hi6h g.
Pontoon, :k^M toa san-pan.
Polyphonisni ^° # tsoe im. Pony, .11° be.

Polyphonous, ^° M" % tsoe sia° Poodle, ^° ff

° kau a.

ini ^.
Pool, m «, fsr ho.

Polypus, *° ir pti" leag, A ^ Poop, ^ ti be kui teng,M ^mW

phi" ts6a. be lau teng.
Pooped, (by a sea) pbah b^ chheng. Porridge, (oatmeal) ^ M beb-k6-.
Poor, ^° 11° s6ng-ljiong, #° chbiah, Port, if BI po--tbau, — side, ||i %°
very—, W
f;° ^° s6ng giub giuh, 16--biQ, wine— ^^ , Jg pbu-ta-
—as land, $$° kbiet ®° sAn, ex- tsiii.

tremely — ,
11° k^ng, —bouse, ^ Portable, fg" ^^ ^° 6e t6a tit.

^^ pb6--tse r. Portclearance, ifj P H cbbut khdu

Poorer, M° ^^ kbah s6ng. toa°, Mil? tstin-p4i, M M" tsiiu-

Poorest, II — ^° te it-s6ng. tsi6, U. W ang-toa°.

Poor bealtb, ||° lam, 4ffi°
it M b6 Portculliss, fi tsdb, M P^ M sia"-

kbong-kien. mng tsab.

Poorness, S° ^° s5ng biong. Portend, to — ,
^° tsi, M #, koan
Pop, m° p6k, —gun, m° ff ° pb6k-a. be.
Pope, ^ -ft: 3E Tbien-tsu kau ^ kku- Portent, ^ jig IM pbdi°-tiau-tbau.
boa 6ng. Porter, AX ling-kang, (a liquor)
Popedom, Wi'S.i.,^^ kau 6ng e W. W pbo-tab.
kodn bat. Port folio, %M # bo- su.
Popery, 5^ ?
Tbien tsu kau. 15: Port bole, M ^ cbb^ng-kbang, (of
Popisb, '%^mfi^° Tbien tsii kku e, ship) ?S° S° ^° po pi'' kbang.
Poplin, m° &° cbbiu ph^. Portico, 9
Poppy, S Irr ?£° a-pbi^n-boe. Portion, ^ bun.
Populace, "&° M° peb-si". Portly, BE" Br pM-pbikng, 1131°
Popular, fl$ fT° sl-kia^. bkn-tsikng.
Popularity, fl# ^° si ki^". Portmanteau, ^ ^ pb^-siu°.
Population, "5° i§c° peb-si", dense—, Portrait, ij< :^ siau-dng, %, siong,
A'^M^ jin ien tiii bit. draw a-rnkbipb sidu-dng ft ^ iii-

Populous, A° ^° lang tsoe. siong, — painter, kbiob siAu-eng

Porcelain, i^° $1° iti-hlii. ^ f$ ui siong ^.
Porcb, /-^ Jg l^ng 16ng. Portugal, -^It^'pf Phu-t6 ge.
Porcupine, ftj |# bo ti. Portuguese, 5| i^ Pf Phu t6 g^ ^A
Pore, ^^ mflg-kAg. 6 Mng.
Pork, 1^ bab. If i^ ti-bab, coagu- Portulaca, Jf #° l^ :?g° ti-bii cbhiii
lated— ^° Jt° bab-tang, —balls, boe.
^ B bab-oAn. Pose, b^ng-sfe, to— ^° ^# ^t
Porous, (as skin) 1= u-mug- W^
tiu'' beng s^.
kng, (as wood) pba", (as bread) Poser, M"
4E H° kbi cbbang.
A° m° fS° tii bo- W Mng
b6 oe.
Porpoise, m ji .@ ma ts6- bi, m ?t° Position, (office) K tsit, (rank) Jfe
it te-ui, (place) ^ ^J s6'-tsa.i, (of-
, ,

fieial), t° K koa^-tsit. Posterior, (subsequent) ^° ^ au-
Positive ) (indispvitable) -M lAi, m° U pat-jit, (behind) W.°M°
Positively khak-sit, (certain)
) fi^ Jf au-bin.
tek-khak, ^^ koat-toan, — so, Posteriors, B'' h\° kha-chling.

^ ;|^ tkng-tsin. Posterity, W. W ho--e, f^ SsJ ho--si'i,

Possess, (have) ^° u. T'° M kid"-sun, ^ fC hd'-trii, no

Possessed, self^ — , ^J 15. teai-ng6" [^ — , ^ wj tsodt-sft, descend to —
^£ hai-tsai, — by the devil, ±° M° f$ M^ fJc thoin kau au tai.
tsiu ting, —by a demon, % iS° kiii Postern, ^° P^° au mflg.
ti'', 3E#° IS. hoan-ti6h kiii. Postillion, ;^° :^ chhia-hu.
Possessions, M° #: ke-h6, ^° M ke- Post-haste, |f M ^° * koA" kin tsdu
giap. khl, M M kin kin, M ^ kin kip.
Possessor, J(^° ^ mih-tsu, — of pro- Posthorse, 11° .1^° iah b^.
perty, Hi gidp-tsii. Posthouse, !§|° i^° iah tsam.
Possibility, tU° 6e.
Possible, tb° oe.
Posthumous, -^son, 'A° ^° %° W
T° ffl i£° in l^iu pe si tsiah chhut
Possibly, ^ :^ kidm-chhai. si.

Post, tt° thiau, —letter, ^° ^1;°

Postman, ti° tit iif theh phoe e.
kia phoe koan, office, — ^
S^ §1 Postmark, fJi;° fl) phoe-m.
bun-su koan, Jt ft phoe kodn, mil- Postmaster, 1= |t i.° K° koan-phoe
itary — ,
^° t% ia° sin, 'g H ia Postmeridian, T° ^° epo", 4^°
pofi,", (office) Jn° tsit, (place) ^ ^° jit tau au.
^ so* tsai, j^ ij° te hng, (a tim- Postmortem, — examination, ^ f|
ber) tt° thiau, (to station) giam-si. ^^
an ti, ^
jar an tab, (to carry to Post office. ^It ^' phoe-kodn, 35; ^
ledger) M H mm°m°mW tiii jit p[ bun-su koan.
chheng poa" ke tsong pho". Postpone, ^ H i-jit, (prorogue) #
Postage, is m° tsiii-tsi", ^ $M, phoe- T 6f an ha teh.

tsi". Postponement, %. hien teh, H W ^

Postal, ifc ^1 fi^" phoe kodn L i jit, j^ 6^° an ha teh. T
Post-captain, ^. :^ ts6ng-peng, (ju- Postscript, m° \%° 'pJ thi° phoe ku.
nior) glj 'M hii-tsiong. Postulate, g ^ ± ji tsu jien e li.

Postdate, ^i.°B^°Mm''^° P^ioe Posture, 5^ ^ heng-s6.

& jit tsi sia khah tsd. pha hoe. Posy, — ° ?iE° ^!g° tsit

Postdated, /jin° 1@° H° ke tab jit. Pot, kha", —luck, pien-

'^° "^ t6-koan,'
W ^^

Postdiluvian, P7K >2 ll &° b6ng chhai, ^
sui ho^n lam i-au. house, 'J® )S tsiu-tiam, flower —
Poster, ^^ ^"^ &° toa ji-peh. ti° l^° hoc-kha".

, ,

Potable, ^1° WC thang lim, m° fc° (fine powder) ^° boah, ^° hiin,
#° 5e lim tit. (to sprinkle with — |# ,
^° sdm
Potash, B° ki". bodh, |§ ^ sdm hun, (to fall on

Potation, f)f lim. and seize) sd" ti6h, (the claw of

Potatoe, g° §
ban tst, foreign — a bird) Ji° M" Jf. tsidu kha jidu".
lt"M°S li6-14ii tsu, jim°#°»° Pound, —° ^
tslt pong.

ts6' ke han-tsu. Poundage, fill Fl° thiu thau.

Potbelly, ^° |E° :f/ nd ptii-Uk. Pound, English, ~° tsit pong, ^
Potency, U. M
h^ng i6ng, :^ :^'°
^ Chinese Jt —kun, (a sovereign)

u koan-s6, (as wine) J|[° kau. ^ m ^° kim tiin-d, to—, ^°

Potent, :g° :^ ti u tsai ISng, (as tseng.
wine) JS° kau. Pour, if" thin, #] ffi t6 chhut,—
Potentate, (Emperor) ^^ h6ng-t^, upon, W(-° l^m, in, thin,—.-out, — ®
(prince) 3E 6ng. M° pid", (as rain) M ^° 'm° ^°
Potential, ^° ^ fi^° u koftn g, (as ho" chhidng chhidng 16h.
words) t^° M° m"' oe clihi" chhak Pout, bih chhui, khiu chhui.
Potently, :k° m.° ij° toa kliiii lat, Pouting, bih chhtii, m' %° khiii
•k° % toa koan Ifeng.
fli chhiii.

Potherb, ^ 5t° ±° ^ tsii thng 6 Poverty, %° ^° s6ng-hiong.

chhai. Powder, '^ hun, gun — H h^
, >/lC i6h,

Potion, f;° lim, (medicine) ^° %° (medicine) ^° # ioh-hun, face —

i6h-tsui. a° f^ ph6ng-hiin,—horn, >X° m°
Potluck, fg H pien chhki. -^ he-i6h kak.
Potsherd, it° ^ kha"-ph6. Powderbox, # I^' hiin dh.
Pottage, S° ?i° tau thng. Powdermill, IKM M°'^i i<^h k6k.
Potter, 'M° ?I° tl° -$• sio-hui sai-hu Powdery, B^ 6^ tin ai 6, *° fif
Pottery, # §g hui khi, make — , i^ hoah ^.
?:E° sio-hui. Power, /g ^ ko^n-l^ng, # ko^n, ;®
Pouch, g° te, (for tobacco) m° U # ko&,n-se, ^ i^ ko&,n-peng.
hun pau. Powerful (strong) :g3£i6ngb^ng

Pouchiong, M II o" li6ng. Powerfully ki6ng, W°

j ^u-s^, If" #
Poult, m° f?° koe d. :® IB° kodn Igng,— clan, SS 1

Poulterer, 1° l|°^° boe koe ^. ki6ng-ts6k, —

branch of a family,
Poultice, to — ;^°ha, (with bran) ^° 5S M° ki6ng-p§,ng.
^° M h4 beh-pho-, (with bread) Powerless, (helpless) ^ ^ hb

;^°aQhami°pau. boat i, (no power) ^ ^ b& koan,
Poultry, 11° II koe-ah. (weak) Uc H lodn-ji6k, Bi lam,
Pounce, —upon, ^, sd", bodh, ^ ta, lis° ij° U Idt.

Powers, mental :t —
ts^i tiau. , M
k6ng b6 ti6k 16k. m
Pox, S° tsu, have small fii

Pratique, j|g° ;2:° A° tg° S|° A°
ebliut-tsu, chicken ilC° fM.° tsui- —-S ,tsiiu & l^ng oe leap Mng ^ ^
tsu. kau siong 6ng \ki.
Poyang lake, U M M P6-i6ng-6-. Prattle, (as child) P^P^Pjif PrI i-i-o-o
Practicable, tg° ^° '^° oe s4i tit, Prattler, i-i o-o 5.

tg° m° m° oe eng tit, tl fj oe Pravity, 515 sia.

kia" tit. Prawn, B U, dried—, 4g" tIS h^-bi.
Practicability, ^° # ^° oe ts6e tit, Pray, ^ kiu, fffr )^ ki-t6, if ^ kl-ki<i
«g° ffl° m° oe eng tit, ^° ®° m° Prayer, ^ kifl, llf If ki-t6.
oe sai tit. Prayerbook, if If iX ki t6 btin.
Practicably, '^° ^ ^° oe ts6e tit, Prayerful, #° if Si gS.u ki-t6.
m° m° %° oe eng tit, t^° fi° '#° Prayerless, ^° jpf iH b6-ld-t6.
oe sdi tit. Prayerlessness, ^° if ^ bo ki kiii,

Practice, ^ fr s6- kl^", fj gg ki&" ^° if )^ b6 kl t6.

tab, sharp — , d po'.
liii Preach, ig° k6ng to ^g li, 1» ^S
Practise, (do) fj ki&°, (learn by tho^n to-li.
practice) lien, Jp ^
hak-sip, Preacher, k6ng td\i ^, WMM^
medicine, tr W heng i. tho^n-to-li e.

Practised, (skilled) m° ^° sek- Preamble, M^ thau-su.

chhiu, ^° Tf; Idu-piin, U ^ Precarious, (uncertain) ^° ^° ^^
lien-tdt. b6 tia"-ti6h.
Practitioner, (a doctor) ^ ^, i-seng, Precaution, ^° |5§° tiu"-ti, ^W ti-

(a lawyer) JK iJ5° tsiig su, 3E Wl b6ng.

6ng ngo'. Precautionary, 5^° g§° fl^J° tiu" tl t,
Pragmatical, (meddlesome) ^W^ m"" Kf 65° ti h6ng L
ki chhap su. Precautious, ^° WW seng ti h6ng,
Prairie, '^° if chhdu-po*. ^° m° |!$° seng tiu'- ti.

Praise, ^° W o-16,— one's g Precede

self, (go before) M°
th^u ki^", ^°
) M Ho
H tsu chheng. Precedency tsoe ) fj'

Praiseworthy, vi° I®° W thang o-16 seng kia", (priority in time)

seng, ^° ^° tai-seng, (priority

Prance, ts&ng, M° W° ti6 thiau.

Prank, (to adorn) |t° ir tsng tha°, in rank) m° M° M khah ko^i" kip

( a trick) ngiu kiSn, (a frolic)

Precedence, fi M° ts6e thglu, (higher
in rank) S, U %^^ ±° P^Jin kip
^ #° ^ g^u kiin, i-° S" i5° ^° g^iu
khah tea, (in time) ^° %° tai
, pi° kS,u lang.
M^-if: tsidp-tsiap liam, seng.
Prate, M°
'MBW lien-gong oe, ° Precedent,W WM ^ seng, W tseng, (ex-

ample) ^° iu", you must not do IE $M tseng-keng, (scrupulous) ja

this or men will take it as a — m M tsiau tsiin-tsin, M {^


iit° m° 7>°_pr° m, ii° m° a ig m° tsiau tbiu-lo- (in time) ^ tsun.

il° tsit ^ m thang ts6e, kia" ki" Precisely, (accurately) ^° ^° b6
lang khoa" iu". cbb6, (orderly) ^° T° -^^ u he
Precentor, MM ^'° klii tiau e. 16h, —alike, Ji=jg°iEfi tii tii

Precedent, M° ^° khoa''-iu". cbhin-cbbiu^ 211° 2)5° m° m pi" pi-

Precept, (rule) fi^ M tiiu-kui. chhin-cbbiu".
Precept, (order) ^ >^ beng leng. Preciseness, ^ || tsim tsiok.
Preceptive, ^
W(.° fi^° ka si e. Precision, -^ ffil
tsim tsiok.
Preceptor, ^ ^° sien-si". Preclude, (hinder) M Jt ts6--tsi.
Preceptress, ^ Eai lu su, ^^ ^° Precocious, H -^ sek-kut, 5E B.S kong-
111 sien si". gan.
Precession, (going before) M "1^° fT° Precocity, ||5 '^ sek kut.
thau tseng ki4". Precogitate, :ffi°
-5^° jgl° tai-seng siu".
Precinct, ^ ^ keng-kki. ^° %° tj° n° tai-seng Preconceive,
Precious, ^ ^ p6 p6e, -^ M kui-kbi phah-sAg, ^° u liau. !fi|-

Precipice, ^ ^° chhim-klii", J^ ^° Preconception, ^° ^> seng siu°.

soa'' khi°, if° soa'^ phi&°.
ill Preconcert, ^° ^° ft H^ tai-seng k6
Precipitance, 'K° ifg° clihiong pong. bo*.
Precipitate, (in conduct) fS° fl° Preconcerted, ^° ^° ft H tai seng
clihiong-pong, ^ tt liong-b6ng, k^ U, :ffi° :5b° S° m° tai seng tia"
(hasten) S°|£'= M ko4°-khah kin, ti6h.
(cast down) ^° -^° ^ chhia 16b Precursony, ^° seng, symptoms —
kbi. of a fever, *° iS° pi" khodn.
Precipitately, 'l'^°'l't° cbbiong-p5ng, Precursor,
5E @ sien-bong.
'M° ^° cbbi°-tsin, be acted very Predaceous, jtj gf,° chhiii" kiap ^.
— , p ^°m m' tr i kia" tsm Predal, t|° ^ fi^ cbbiii" kiap §.
cbbiong pong, they ran — down Predatory, ^° M cbbiii°-kiap
fi^° e.
the bill, f&° ff A ^° -^° III" in Predecessor, M ^° tt^ng-cbbiii.
cbbi^-tsin tsauloh soa'\ f(&°^°-^° Predesign,
(predetermine) ^£° %°
in tsau 16b soa"
iu°ir S° ^^ tai seng tiri"-ti6h.
kku to th4u tsai, (particular) ti^ Predestinarian, ft" ;£ ^ 0^ sin teng
g§ tsim-tsiok, (in manner) %° ^ so- e.
iH bo sui-pieu. Predestinate ) ^° ^° :£° ^^ tai-
Precipitous, (as road) ^4 cbbi^, Predestination ) seng tia"-ti6b.
(rash) tt cbbong-pong.
'I'l° Predetermination, ^° %°. :4 ^ tai-
Precise, (in conduct) B IE sii-tseng, seng lip i.

Predetermine, t^°^°^°M° tai seng Pre^engagement, ^£° ^° ^ tai seng
tia°-ti6h. iok, ^° %° %% tai seng ^ng lin.
Predial, — estate ^ H san giap. Pre-establish ^% W. :M. tai-seng
Predicable, fg M" 6^° oe k6ng e. siet-lip.

Predicament, ^ ifikhdm-tsam. Pre-exist,%° ^° g^° seng ti teh, %°

Predication, |S°i^"^k6ngkhi, (preach- M° seng u, ^° -%° M° tai seng u,
ing) ii Ji a kdng to li. S° %° ;ffi° 6^° tai seng ti-teh.
Predicate, If fij k6ng-kau. Pre-existence, ^
^° seng u.
Predict ) TJt h ^^ bi pok sien Pre-existent, ;JE° ^ fi^° seng tl teh,
Prediction fti, ^£°:$b°^° tai seng
^M° seng u.
k6ng, M^ chham-gu. Preface, 13° |S[ th^u-su.
Predilection, :$ # ^ pun i-ki. Prefatory, it su, M. it than su >J>
Predisposed 1 ^° %"" % ^ tai seng 51 siau-in.
Predisposition ^°:5fc°# tai
j i-ki, ifij
Prefatorily, ^ 65° su ^ ^° ^ 65°
seng i lii6ng.
thS,u su ^.
P^-edominance, ^° ia°, |ji° W khah Prefect, Jff hii, jM Ji?F ti-hii, sub— ^n
|f?° ti-koai°,
~^ ji-hii, assistant
Predominate, 11° ^° khah ia°.
sub—, # sam-hu, i: thai
Pre-elect, 1^° %° W tai seng keng. siu.
;ij ^g^

Pre-eminent, ffi ^ chhut-tsi6ng, ffi Prefecture, j^ hii, magistrate of a

iS° clihut-mia.. ^ fl¥ ti hii ^ il'H ti tsiu.
Pre-emption, ^%% seng Prefer, ^° ^1° Mng kho-, (raise in
seng tit

I have the right of—, ^° W° :5fe° rank) Jf- ii seng kip, (choose) 3^°
S° Sf A° ^° t&° g6a thang seng keng (like better) |jc° khah ai, ^
b6e pdt Mng b5e 6e. I— to be poor, ^° iic°^
il m°^°
Preen, ^, %° lu mng, chhAg m£g. g6a khah ki ts6e song hiong.
Pre-engage, ^° %° t'^i seng W Preferable ^ rT leng-kho-, M° ^
chhia^'Ca teacher) :ffi°3fc°lS° tai khah-h6.
seng chhia", (to a party) %. ^f Preference, pT leng-kh6-, S° if ^
A° lin pdt Idng, I am already to khah-ho, ig^°.# —
khah ai.
an,other, I cannot come to your Preferment, (in rank) ^iJko-seng.
party,^° B ^ If ° Sf A° ^° %"" Prefigure, H 3?.° koan-tsio, Jg" tsi.

%" W° #° M°WW,mM% g6a i- Prefix, ;^° Ji° seng-thi", ;%° jf ° seng-

keng lin pat l&ng, g6a b5e titt hang chhah.

h5- li chhid", leng-ts^ng tsiii si, Pregnancy, 1^° ^$ u sin-in, ^^
(prior engagement) E ^ ^ A° hoai-m.
i-keng in l&ng, (a person) %° W Pregnant, W° Si u sin, »^ g§ siu-

seng chhik". thai,— woman, W°i^i°$f A A°

u sin e hu-jln-lfi,ng. tai-seng ke b6'.
Prehensible, tg° f^^"" oe khi" tit. Premier, M. th^u, te-it, (prime ^—
Prebnite, M° ^°^kim-chhi''-tsi6h. minister) tsAi^-siong. ^#
Preintimation, ^° gt° seng-k6ng. Premise, (in logic) ^f ±,° ^^ 11°"

Prejudge ) (condemn before 06 S goin-th^u.

Prejudgenaent )
hand) £ M ^° W Premises, ^ chhu, school — ^ , J|
ikA° #j i-keng chhiin beh b5- kodn-toe, (context) J: f 35C siong
Mng t6. ha bun.
Prejudice )-{§ %l pbien-su, {§ Premiss, fg° :t° ® JglF oe 6 goiir
Prejudiced I phien-th^n, {§ phien- th^u. £
ki^n, (in favour of one's relatives)
Premium, Ifi 7^° thiap-tsiii,— oa
m.° il a" cbhin. ^°
sycee, %% ^ 4:° 15 btin g<in ^
Prejudicial, (hurtful) § g^° hai-^,
thiap tsiii, —on dollars, IK 7K° gftn-
fft ^ W siong-hai e.
(a reward) %° siii".
Prelection, ^ Hj k4ng-lun. Premonish, ;%° =g° 8J° seng kh6--
Prelection, |^ lun.
Preliminary, (previous) /n° seng,
khAg, (forewarn) U^" tidm-tuh,
^° tt ifi seng tsi tiAm.
^° ^° tai seng, (introductory) Premonition, ^"^
ji ffi° Jig i,° ff
51° Jt tbau su, i|E S khi-ki. tai-seng kdng-kki § be.
Prelude, (Preface) 11° ^ thau su,
Premonitory, ^°-^''W fj^tai seng
(forerunner) Wi^ ^^ khai-l5-
kh6" khng.
sien hong.
Preoccupy, (as a house) ;^°#°^°'
Premature *° gij° be k4u si,
seng tit khi, ^° ^° seng jip A
Prematurely)— ripe, ^^° S ^ be
khi,' Island, jlb° ^
kip si,— birth, ^°m° n°he kku
a m ^" m° *° tsit e h^i su kbit
g^h,— ripe, * iS fl# B be kip si
in seng tit khi.
s^k, speak—, ±° ^ ^° siu" kin
Preordain, ^° ^^ ^° ^^ tai-seng
Premeditate, ^° ^° %° tai seng
^° £° ^°
siti", ^° piin beh, —murder, Preordination,
seng tia"*

^ iS ^ ^ piin siu" beh th^i.

Premeditated, /S @,°^° pi'm siu° beh.
Prepaid, ^^
seng kau gun.
Preparation f§ g? pi-pan, §^ jf, p&i-
#° iS: ^ tiau k6- i, Jf# S ifc ti^u Prepare

pi,—before hand, &°

i k6-.
:^° fi 151° tai-seng pi-pan, 'i$ fg
Premeditate, ^£° :$t° H iS tai seng
sam su.
Preparative, ^° ff f/f° fi^° seng pi
Premeditation, ;$t° fg" tai seng
;ffi° pan ^.
(previous plan) i£°j5£° ft
^ Prepared, (made ready) fg i|° ig
pi-pan pien, every tiling is^
— , M° tiu°-16hoe iii.
M W" i^ tak hang tsi&,il-pi. Presbytery, jz W tai-hoe.

Prepay, ^° ^M seng kaii g^n, ^° Prescience, ^5° fa° ^H tai seng tsai.

ffi M° seng chbut tsl". Prescient, ^° ^° -^D tai seng tsai.

Preponderance 1:° m° *S° tang tMn Prescribe, JJJ phki, medicine, fS —

Preponderate jkhin, his influence pl!ai-i6h.

—# ,il° *T° 51^ i l5:hah h6 se #
Presciiption, medical, |^ idh-toa", H
flhau, in this world evil— over :^ 01 hng-thau— M° ij° i6h-hng. ,

the good, ^° it" ife R3 ^° iC° Presence, in the— of W° 1^° bin-

^° Sf'' tl tsi se-kan phAi" khah tsSrig, — of mind, Ih jfii| i£ ® tseng-
tsoe h6. sin tsai keng, —chamber, ^' M
Prepossessed, i§ S phien-kiifen, lai- teng, person of fine — •, f$° A°
(biassed) M# phien-tham # h6 jin tsai.
Prepossessing, #° A° i:° tit lang Present, ^ S^ ti-teh, at— , ?1^ hien-
thia". tsai, Jtb°fl#° tsit-tidp, to—, 'S°
Prepossession, ^i M pliien-kien, sJtilg, (by a superior) ^° Si° siii"-

(biassed) if ^1' phien-thdn. sii, — a memorial, ±° :$, tsiu'' piln,

Preposterous, ^# a put-hap li, — a petition, j^° M kui tiS,°, con-

|a°ab&li. stantly — ,
^° ^ chhiang-tsai, —
Preposterously, ^^3 put hap li, tribute, ji ::i: tsin kong.
M gi b6 li. Presentation, jg sang.
Prepuce, Pi !i i:° m° }k° W i6iig- Presentiment, (foreboding) ^ ^
biit e th^u tseng piie. chhi°-gi.
Prerequire, ^"^ seng ai. ^ Presentment, (of a case) #p ?!) pai
Prerequisite, ^° ^° ±° m° seng liet.

beh ^ mih, ^° ^ m° 0' seng iau Presently, (instantly) M Bt sui-si,

eng ^, #° ^° ^ M *" tai-seng ia° J^° liam-pi", i"p fl$ tsek-si, (by
iau-kin ti(5h. and by) IJc"" If khah tlieng,

Prerogative, H ko^n. Preservable, (as meat) m°'V°Woe

Presage ]

Presagement th^u, (have a presen-

(an omen) jl^ §1° tiau- he

tit, %r m° W oe khng tit, T^^
j b5e phdi".
timent) i& p^
^t° ^ sim lai chhi°- Preservation, ^ :§^ p6-tso£in, ifE ffe-

gi, (foretell) MM chkm-gii, it fi| pi-iu, (of fruit) n°P^°M:° bd-

tso-chham. i b6 chhau.
Presbyster, (an' elder) :g°^ tiu"-16, Preserve, (defend) flS M tsiau-k6'

(a minister) U; 6ilJ- b6k su. m i$ pi-iu, —as fruit, ^m°^°ft

Presbyterian,— church, tg" ^ § tsii ke-tsi ko, (lay by) # 6'5 tsda
tiii^-lo hoe, (pereon) :g ^ # 2g teh.

Preserved, -ginger, ^M W^ beng- Presume, (suppose) fS° ^° phah'
kiu", M°U Idu^-ko, —limes, m sng, (over confident) W, DS gong-
M° kiet-d piA", — sweet meats td", (take liberty) ^°^°7^^b6
and comfits, ^ MW M Ijit tsien sioh piin-hun, @° E.° S ^ ka ki
tbfig k6. tsii tsoan, cannot — , 7i^° @t° m kd",
Preserver, M ^° kiu e, m iL° A° ^ Wl khi kam,
kiu 6 lang. Presuming, (forward) 1^° 'ff° ^^
Preserves, || 'H thiig-ko. b& sioh piin-htin, M° M° h6 td",
Preside, ±m
tsii-li. (arrogant) '§ i^ tsu-ko.
President, (of one of the six boards) Presumption, (taking liberty) ^°
M" ft si-si, (of a meeting) ia ^° * ^ bo sioh pun huu, 1° 2,°
tsii-li, (of United states) :kMM° @ 1^ ka-ki tsu-tsoan, (probabi-
:t°i^mm^m Tai bi kok ^ pek lity)m° ^° ^° kidm-chhdi u,
li sii thien tek, ±M m° Z°^^ M° W° kd° u, m° M. kd" si, (ven-
Tai bi kok e kun tsii.
turesome) lfe° tsin ka°. ^
Presiding #m koan 11, ^.
g| tsidng Presumptuous, g i$ tsu-tsoan.
li. Presumptuously, g |^ tsii tsoan.
Presignify, ^° ^° ^t m tai seng tsi Presumptuousness, g |^ tsii tsoan.
Press,— down, :^°jih, (asby crowd) Presupposal, /|f ° u liau, :ffi° 3b° ifil-

^° kboeb, (urge) it pek, —near, ^i|- tai seng liau.

j^ j£ pek-kun, —against, ^3t°^° Presuppose, $fe° ify° ^° seng phah-

keng-ti6b, printing—, E|] ii *i sng. m
cbheb kui, (by weight) M° teh Presurmise, ^° #T° M° seng phah-
(with the hand) #° jih, ^° soah^ sng.
(embrace) |^ lam. Pretence, m° ti", 1g° f^ k6-ts6e, n°
Pressing, £ 1; giii-kip, ^
g; kin- m° ke-ia".
kip, (urgent) 5S. -fij pek-chhiet, in- Pretend, fS° ti^ fg^ 8*° k<5-ia^ —to
dent by — , tiam. know, U°^°^° ke-ia" tsai.
Pressingly, 5i, pek. Pretender, U° m:° Sf k^ ik° 6.
Pressman, PP 1° ±° A° in chheh 6 Pretending, ig° fi ke-ts6e, iS° H!fc°

Mng. ke-ia".
Pressure, ^ E 6^° s6- pek 6, (by Pretension, (as to learning) g ^
weight) M" teh, (by hand) #° tsii ko, (to power)
g mo- koan, H
jih, ^° soah. (to merit) g J[f mo- kong.
Prestige, ff H the-bien, # BJ° se- Pretentious, # g i^ g^u tsii-ko.
thau, get — @ §^,
tek se, lose — Preternatural, ^^ :^ ^ j^ ri^° iH si
^ ^ JH sit ka hong. seng seng 6.

Presumable, |,% itJ liong pit. Pretext, ^ |^ the-si.


Prettily, ^° M° li6 khoA", M si\i., koai"-ke, fair — -^^^
Prettiness, m° siii, ijg^^ 1° h6 kliod". ,'-J5-
1° kong-to kfe, Ml in — ,

Pretty, ^° sui, fi }1= chbin-chln", M°

16h k^, W M° lak ke, rise in
m 1^ pidu-ti, very—, 11° m° 11° m fl° khi-k^,— list, ^ If M"
siii giang-giang, — well, I^ b6ng |^ hang-tseng ts6a.
i° b6ng kill. Priceless. M ^=^ g bu ke p6.
Prevail, %. fr thong heng, (conquer) Prick, ^° ^° chhak-ti6h, tf ^°
W m° khah i4°, 11° M° khah-ia". chhiah-tioh.
(as prickly heat) clihiah-
Prevailing, ^1 fr thong heng. Prickinir.

Prevalence, ill. fj thong h^ng. idh, ^ tsiu", kau-(^h.

Prevalence! (as fashion) flf fr" sl- Prickle, fij chhi, (prick slightly) %\
Prevalent )kia°, (as report) 13°;^° ^ chhi-ti61i.

^ si-koe p^ng, (as disease) ^ 5S Prickliness, :t° ^J 6^° u chhi &.


Prickly, <|-° fi] u-chhi, —pear, till B

Prevaricate, 1: W khi moa°, BS ^° sien-pa-tsiii", - -heat, n° i-F
mo4°, 5"° M+^ k6ng sit tiong pui-4
hu. Pride, Wn # kiau-ng5- -of India, "B
Prevaricator, «fe li° ^° khi mo4° ^,

81^ ^° mo4° e, W° K + ^ >t° k6ng Priest, ^ pI tse-si, Budhist fu°

sit tiong hu e. it° he-siu", Tauist- ^°5V° sai-

Prevent, PI Jt ts6--tsi, PI i^ ts6-- kong.

tong. Priestess, (Tauist), JE ili li ko-
Preventing, HE ts6' tong. ^ Priesthood, ^^,'3 ^° Hi tse-si ^ tsit,

Prevention, M
Jh ts6--tsi, HE ^i ts6-- (Budhist) fn° 1^'° 11 be-siu" tsit.
tong. Prig, (a pert fellow) ft W^ ^° M
Preventive, (as medicine) ^ i?§ M^ lam sam k6ng e, |§| iM BS° ^° sui

i:° W ti h6ng pi" e ioh. pien k6ng e.

g tsu ko,
Previous ts^ng,)
^° ^° %° tai- Priggish, (conceited) jti

Previously seng. j
^ Wi pliin phong.
Prevision^ WU kl'^a" cliliut. Prim, il ^ J^ kek 16-seng.
Prey, (booty) Sft° m" tsng, M ^° Primarily, :$, B pun jien, ^ Bl khi
|E°chhiu°-kiapetsng, an animal's thau.
— ^ ,PIC° ±° \^° so- ka 6 raih, Primary, 5M°°thau, —matter, yt M
to—, Jl a
clihiu"-kiap. goan-khi.
Preyer, ||° % ^° chhiu°-kiap 6. Prime, (original) M. ^ go&n-pun,
Price, M° ^° kfe-tsr, M° «C k^-s6-, /f: ]^ pun-goi,n, FI° th^u, (first)

current—, fj 'If
hang-ts&ng, B$ ^' —
J: te-it siong, (youth) ^^ ^
low— M° ke-ke, siau-lien, (lay first colour) ft"° j)&°
M° sl-k^, 1S°
phah t6e, — cost, ^ M° goan k^, iok, i: §. tai-liok.
— minister, ^ 4B tsai°-si6ng, :fc Principia, (first principles), i^ i|
M tbai-su, (highest quality) J:° go^n li.

^ siang h6. Principle, M. li, 3 ^ li-khl, —of

Primer, a—, ^ ^° W chho- hak
l/J Heaven's justice, 5c 8 thien'li.
^ chheh.
Primeval, ^° k6- .^°
Princk, ffi° ^° W tsng sui, ffi°

"fe tsd, ^£ tsng tha".
tsai tsA. Print, PP in.
Primingj (in painting) ^J ^Ig phah Printer, PR flff"
g^° in chheh koan.
t6e,powder, >X° M° he-ioh, (per- Printing, P|J in, —office, PD^°||
cussion cap) Sp1° ^ tang-phi. in ji ko^n.
Primitive, (original) M ^ goan-p^iin, Printing office, % in chheh
FP ji°
^^ jien,
P^'iii ]g piin go^n,;$: koAn.
a —vrord, tK ^ piin ji. Printing-press, PIJ flfl-
in chheh kui.
Primness, iSt ^ J^ kek 16 seng. Prints, cotton—, PP ?g° fi° in hoe
Primogenial, m ^ M^ khi thau si" e p6'.
Primogenitor, ^ |2 si-ts6'. Prior, 5^" seng, ;jj° 3fe° tai-seng, "if"
Primogeniture, BI° ±° ^° th^u tsiu° tseng, — of a monastery, fn° t^"
6, right of -, :1° ^° Z %"" \k° toa. B^° he siiz th^u.
kid" & ke he. Priority, (of time) 5fe seng, i9E°

Primordial, :$: ^ pun jien, i|E ^° tai-seng.
khi thtlu, 7^ ]g pun-goan. Prism, 2Ji fj ^^ ff pgng hSng l^ng
Primrose, JJ ^ :^° lien heng-hoe, the.
:^° |E° ^° toa ang hoe. Prismatic ^p frJ^ '^ p^ng- heng« )

Prince, (a sovereign) h6ng-t^, ^^

Prismatically leng the. j

(eldest, son of a king) ic thai Prismoid, ^- ? \U ±.° P^ng ^ ^ ^

tsii, (second son) H
:J; •? jl thai-
h^ng l^ng th^ fe khodn.
tsii, — feather, % ^ ^!£° ke koan Prison, ^° ka", It ff ° ptj° kodn-d lai,

hoe. S° ^ Imperial — , 5c M thien-16.

Princely, 5 65 6ng ^, (great magni- Prisoner, ^° H ka-^siu, ffi A° hoan-
ficence), :^°# Jif° toa pai chhi^ng. lang, IP 3E tsoe-hoan, recent^,
Princess, (daughter of a king) ^^ il 311 sin-hoan, if {fc sin-siu, take
kong-tsii, (wife a prince) i^ j^ a—, W. A° lidh lang. '

&ng h5".
Pristine, Ms W. goan-thiUie, Jg'^
Principal, B^° th^u,
bu-tsr, —man, 51°

# ^°
W go^n-pun
th4u lang. Privacy, (seclusion)

ij \^ u-khu.
Principality, ffi fi kun kok. Private (not public) %k° =^° sai-

Principally, :^ #!£ tai-khki, :/; 15 tai- Privately khia, fZ ^° su-khia,

J Ifl

y sii-ha, (secret) Bt ^° km-tsl", if p6-sioh.
m W Id-bit,—soldier, ^ T peng- Pro and con, ^g" @° tXig-t(^.
teng, — conversation ^ BI t^ B Probability! lX° ^° kiam-chhdi, SC°
kau than tsiap jl°. Probable J
^° ka"-sL
Privation, (depriving of rank) ffi ^ Probably, ^° ;#° kiam-chhai.

kit-tsit, (misery) ^ "B kan-kh6-. Probation, tiS;

1° chhi-khok°, 1° P^"
Privilege, (granted by the King,) ,1, fi^° klioa" bai teh.

K| un-sii, §J; B^ kbim-sii, (obtained Probationer, U M° ^° A° chhi-

khoa" 6 lang, (novice) ^° #°
by merit) ^ 5& 0f R ft^' in kong
s6' im e, (a right) g ^ tsu-tsii,

§ t^ tsu iu, I have the — of not Probe, a — St #f tham tsiam, to- -,

paying taxes, ^^ ,1 B^ ^^r ^° ffi° ^^ tham, (a ma-tter) g chha-

^ iift fit hdng-te un su g6a in sai kh6 ^ M^ kham-kheng.

lap tsr uiu°, I have the of com- Probity, — ^ jj tiong-ho", M ® sing-
ing to China, Q m%
1^ ]h
in arithmetic) %^ % H
g6a thang tsu tsu 11.1 Tug soa°. Problem, (

(literary men have the of not — ±^m ^m^iLii siet ki ho 6

bun, siong e boat.
-t «° ^ 12 6^ m M
ji lip kift
being beaten)
75° Z° n° W
chhit phi" s6- ti ^,
tsien teng tsiah b5e phah tit.
Problematical, (doubtful) "ST kho
gi, (unsettled) ^° S° 1^° b6 tia"-
Privily, Pf W° &m tsi";

Privities, (male) iong-biit,

Proboscis,^° M° cMiu°-phi°.
P^ #j,

(flemale) |^.^ im-biit.

Procedure, ^ ^° s6- ki^".

Privity, H ^ -i° *: ki
(a secret)
Proceed, H "15° tsin-ts&ng, (issue
from) ffi chhut, %, boat, (go
to) -^
bit ^ su, \^W° i.° ^ am tsi" e

su, ^° m %° boe lau hong

:{>° tit
khi. — on from one place to an-
Privy, (personal) fZ° ^° sai-khia,
other, Ji t° &° *° sun bin khi.

(secret) Jf #° am-tsi", a—, H tS Proceedings, (actions) ^ fr" fi^° s6-

chhe-ti, ^° hak, go to — M , ffi

Proceeds, (from sale of goods) %°

chhut-kiong, -^° ft loh hAk, — seal,

H gi<5k M° m° b5e he tsl", (of a robbery)


^ M loe-kok. ^° ii W than 6 tsi", (gains) ?Jf

Prize, M° pio,
a (as in a race) (in ^ fi^° so- than e.

an examination) f§° M° %° tit- Process, (method) fi-, 1S. hor,t-to-.

ti6h siii'^, (in a lottery) M° i.°W-°

Procession, an idlolatrous — , WW
ti6h e toa'', (a vessel) ^ 35° !
koah hiu".

, |&°klian.lai,e tsun, (estimate) fs^ Proclaim, #Mpo-i<'ng! 1i#thoan-

k6-, (esteem) Wi M. tui-ti5ng, ^ p6.
Proclamation, ^ jjt ko-si, Imperial Productions, (of a country) J: ^
— , H° B° Ag p6g, IH tsiku. tb6'-sAnw
Proclivity, (proneness) ^ ai. Productive, (as land) §° ffi ^ giu
Procrastinate, M° thoah, M 11° i^n- cbbut san, (as animal) §° ^°
clihign, |Ef^ i^n-oan, 51 ji i^n-ti, g4u si°.

^° X° thoa-kang. Productiveness, (as land) -^° [i! ^

Procrastination, ^ 5g° tboa-thib, JS g&u cbbut sdn.
;g° ien-clihien. Proem, ^ su, BM° ^ tbiu su.
Procreant, ^° g^ si° S. Proemial, ^ ^° su ^, BJ° ^ M° tb^u
Procreate, ^ si°. su e.

Procreation, ^° si°. Profanation, IS i^ ;S° p siet-t6k ^

Procreative, ^° # si° e. tsoe.

Procreative, |g° ^^ oe si"-g. Profane, (blaspbeme), ft ^g siet-t6k

Procreator, °^ g° si°4. Profanely, g^
siet t6k.

Procumbent, ^° 6^J° pbak teb. Profess, (own) %^° jin, (pretend)

Procurable, 1^° ^° i° 6e tit-ti6b, ti°, (state) IS° k6ng, It If tit

Fr° =^° »° tbang tit-ti6b. k6ng, ig M tit jin.

Procurator, f^ if g° tai pan e, f^ Professed ) (openly declared) ^
Professedly BQ if
bSng-beng .k6ng,
S^ ^-° tai
su e. li [

Procure, (cause) f^° b5" (obtain) (openly avowed) 9^ BJ b^ng W

%° m° tit-ti6b. b^ng jin, f^ M
bien jien jin.

Procurement, %^ tit ti6h. Profession, (a vocation) ^^ su

Procurer, (a pimp) ,% "^ o'-kui, ,% gidp, ;^ ® ki ge, tbe —of medi-
%i S° o'-kui-tbau. S F5 i-bun, m M i-ka.

Procuress, .1^ %, ^° o" kui p6. Professor, (of religion) ^ # jg° A°

Prodigal, ^° ^^ pbdi" kid", ?g ^ kku boe 6 lang, A fc ;i° A jip

l5ng-t6ng, ^ JE san-ien.
kau 6 lang, — of music, % % gAk
Prodigality, j^ f# 19 lam-sam kbai. su, —of belles-lettres, %'^% bun
Prodigally, M
ft %% lam sam kbai.
ji su,— of matbematics, ^ f^ %
Prodigious, (very great) :^C tsin S sokn boat su!
foa, W bai, (astonisbing) ^ 'g ki Proffer, in,
ki k6ng beb.
lin, ± 1°
He— to go
2,° WW with me,
Prodigiously, tK ^ 6^ cbbut ki ^.
# s° a° ir ^° 11° ?r * i ka-
ki kdng beb kap g6a kbi, be—to
Prodigy, ^# i: fj Id koki & mib,
lend me money, ^
g° 2,° |f5° g°
i]f ^ 6§ ki-koai ^.
fi:° ^° f|° |^° i ka-ki in beb ka
Produce, (bring out) ili° ffi ^ tb^b g6a tsiob gtin.
cbbut l^i, (bear) ^M seng-sdn, Proficient, (an adept) ^p°
fi° tsai-
—eggs, ^° ^° si"-nng. ia".
Profile, ^Mi^ poa°-bjn siong. tiau s^, m. f^° chhkm e.
Profit, (of money) ©° thkn, (ad- Prognosticate, ^ chbam.
vantage) fg ^ li-tek. Prognostication, H fg chbam gii.
Profitable / |i ^J tek-li, Sg°^ m.° %° Prognosticator, |> §[. ^ ^° pok-koa
Profitably f 5e thkn-tsi° tit, |&° fj sien-si'',S % M i.° K° ts6 chhkm g
oe li ek, |g° m° m° oe ts6an tit, Mng.
M° li°b6 thkn, 5t° IS° ® u than Programme,
(for performance)
tsl". money, as food) @ °
(for the 11° hi toa", (of any meeting) ^°
Sbak-sit, S° ^° hoa°-s%, (as toa".
coals) m° ^° ff° khah u hi^. Progress, jg "t" tsin ts^ng, ji tsin ^
Profitless, ^° f bo li ek, (as bu-
g p5-.
siness) |ft° ^
^° b6 than tsi". Progression, ^tsin po*. H
Profligacy, jK S tong tong, -^ ^ Progressional, jg fj? 6^° tsin p6- e.
bong sii, Jg ^ l5ng tong. Progressively, MM'M tsiam-tsiam
Profligate, M 9 hofig-tong, ^ M tsin, Ji ^ tsin po", Ji |3° tsin
l5ng-tong. tseng.
Profound, §? chhim, ^
gfc chhimtim, Prohibit, ^ Mm, ^ Jh kim-tsi, "t"
ft# 6-biau, (the sea or ocean) i^^ t6ng.
iu°.^ hai, (abyss) M chhim ien, ^ >^ kim leng, *S kim,
(deep) ^ chhim, (learned) "B ^ break a—,^ ^ ui-kim, 3E ^ hoan-
phok hdk. kim, remove a — §i° ^ khui kim.,

Profoundly, ^ §? chhim chhim. Prohibitive j* >i,o i

) ^
,-, > - a

g| chhim ft # o-biau.
Profundity, Prohibitory
Profuse (exuberant) ^ .^ chhiong- Project, a, tfH ke-b6-, ff ^ ke-
seng, (lavish) ^ lam
Jl ft sam chhek, (just) ^t ffi thong-chhut,
khai, — in thanks, ^^M tsin ffi iE° chhut-thio, M, m° thong-
kam sia. thau, —into, ^° chbng, over, —
Profusely 1 he bled—, ^ m M ^° lurchhut.
Profuseness j
^° i lau tsin tsde huih, Projectile, m t° ^° t° s6- pang ^
he perspired — PMM ,
^° ff^ i mih, (as shot) |£ -jF° chbeng tsi,
lau tsin tsoe koa". (as arrow) ^° he tsi°.

Profusion, 'j^ ^ chhiong-seng, M:^ Projection, ^ |ij tbdng chhut, ^°

hong-seng. ffi phong chhut, (plan) w\- ^ ke
Progenitor, ^& ts6--kong. bo', (delineation) ui phong e.

Progeny, ?° ^ kid-'-sun. Projector, ff % ^° ke bo" L

Prognosis, m° % pi°-se, m° ^ khoa" Projects, ti^ke-chhek, t^ m. ke-b6-
tseng. Projecture, i5i° {fj ph6ng chhut.
Prognostic, sl^®° tiau-tliftii, M% Prolapse, M tui.

Prolajisus, (ani) ^ gi tlioat-kong, Promissory, —note, fa" |g° tsioh-
— of womb, ^° 1^ tsau-thai. toa°.
Prolegomena, Bf ° j^ tli^u-su, jj» 5| Promontory, i f^ th6-kak.
siau-in. Promote, (a disturbance) M M M.
Prolific, 1° :et° gau-si". khi kito-jiau, — virtue, ^
Hj" fi
Prolix, M®M tioftn hodn hoftn, %° tsan tek-heng,—in rank, ^ seng.
s" ts6e-oe, #° ^^ g&u-soa, ^° ^ Prdmotibn,* (in rank) j^ |^ ko-seng
:^° tsin tfig. Prompt is 5E sin-sok, ^ kin,
1 (im-
Prolixity, i^ Loan. Promptly mediate) liam-pi",
j (in-
Prologue, li° f: thau-su, >h 5| si4u-
cite) sdi so, (a speaker) Jffi 4» ,^°
in. thiu tiong soa°.
Prolong, 5i° clihi^n, ^ ^° thoa- Prompter,
Mng, (of a speaker)
i.°' K° hiin le g
tng, (extend in length) |g° :g° iffl tf« ii°#°

piiili tng, — oMes visit, ^° ft° ||°

thiu tiong soa° S.

^ clihiia° tiam khah kii. Promtifude, j^i Jl liap tsi^p, |5: jfj

Promenade, to—, ^° fr° g^° kia°- bi^n tsi^t.

kia° teh, fT°^°ff°*° ki4" mi kir Promulgate, ^^

p6-i6ng, Hf tho^n,
klii. (by proclamation) tB :^ chhut ^
Prominence, ilE [f«i° khi-ph6ng, (emi- k^-si.
nent) ffi ^ chhut-ki. P]»amulgation, ffi: Ji p5 i^ng, % %.
Prominent, (jut) ^ pli6ng, — eyes, soan tho^n.
Pi S° tho'-bdk," (person) {ij ^
Promulgator, # f^ g^^ p6 i6ng e,

chhut mi^°. l: i® #° soati tho^n g.

Prominently (conspicuously) MW Promulge, # fr th6an p6, fS ^

hien beng, ^'^ hi^n jiSn. p6-i6ng.
Promise, M ff° eng-iin, Wi° lin, ff^
Prone^ (incliiied) iF° a°, (inclined
in, break a—, ^^ sit sin, ^ |5 to) ^ ai, (headlong) ^° og chhi"-
sit iok, —formally, ^ phin, tsin.

verbally, f^° H tah-eng. Prong, ~° ®° tsit khi.

Promiscuous, Jf H
cbhap-tsdp, t^ Pronounce, =g k6ng, sentence, |i
^ hun-tsap, (things) ff ° ';i° tsdp- ^°gitia", a word wrongly, ^° —
mih, (crowd) M%
A° tsdp sek tsau khiu°. W
Mng. Pronounceable, ^° =5° (i° ffi kdng
Promiser, M W° ^° eng lin ^, ;fc A° oe tit chhut.
fi'5° lin lang e. Pronouncer, =f |ij 6§° k6ng chhut ^
Promisee, ^M^ ^ siu feng lin e. Pronounciation, -^ im, P khdu- §
Promising, (as a youth) gjj° 1^° im, K° P° khiu"-khAu, difference
lii 31° pdt jit oe chhut th^u. of—, ^° Sr tsiiu-kliiu", good—,-
, —
^J P ^ h6 klidii im, P° ^° i
Prophecy, ^ |g chham-gii.
khdu im tsin lai, ^ P^ #§ ;t "t Prophet, :$t ^ Mng.

^ BB tun &u cl)hlh siet fe im tsin Prophetess, ^ sien

:$b ^fl lii ti.

beng, bad—, tW T ¥ Jc° ^° ^° Prophetic, ^ chham.

k6ng lidu pia"^ tseh b6 hiap, IS° Prophetical, ei p^ ttf chham gii g^
T ^° iE° k6ng lifiu b& tsik". li° *° ^° iL° «;° SC° #° k6ng be
Proof, (trial) §£ M° cbhi khok'', lai e tai tsi e.

(evidence) M M pin-kii, ^5 ^ Prophylactic, m° W^ M° Z° W tt

tsng tseng, water 7K° /J^" jS i§ — , h6ng pi" fe i<5h.

^° b5e than kfe khi, printer's Propinquity, — HiE i:° W !$ hu kun

PD ^1 111 ^o, there was no —that 6 S(5' tsai, (of time) j£ R# kun si,

be stole the horse, fi° ^° ^ (kindred) M 13. tsi chhin, ^- A

M° ^° SE *f^ i thau khan be b6 chhin lang.
pin ku. Propitate, W ^ WL A° tsoe khi. tsifi

Proofless, ^ MM b6 pin Mi, M° a|, ^ li kiu h6, — God's anger,.

^ b6 tseng kii. ^± ?g 1^ * kiu Siong-tfe kang

Prop, thi", tbub. khi.
Propagandist, f$ thoan §. ^° Propitiation, (Theol.) W IP ±° ^
Propagate, ^M
si^-thoa", (spread) si6k-ts6e ^ tse, (act of appeasing)

ff thofi,n, ff fg thoS,n-p6. ^ ftkiii ho.

Propagation, (by generation) ^° Propitatory, —M sacrifice, ]^° IP
si", (as of the truth) #S ^ p6- ;2:°^ oe si6k tsoe e tsh.
i&ng, ®
tho^n. Propitious, ia M (person) jli-i, fij

Propagator, ^ ^° thoan kau g,

15:° A° in li lang- pieu, (as God) Xj
(of children) ^° ?° 6^° si" ki4° &, ?i Tin tsim, (season) H r^° ^° h6-
(of the gospel) # 11 ^ 65'" thoan nl"-tang.

hok-im g.
Proportion, lp° jf ° kah chhah, ^. gE
tsiau phoe, rule of—, Jt i^ij pi le,
Propel, B° 7& 15° k6a'' tsin-ts^ng.

Prepense, Us* IrJ sim hiong, ^ ai. compound -, '^ t| it M hap siit

Propensity, ^ ai.
pi le.

Proper ) -^ 5T:° hdp sit, M ^ H-lo', Proportionable, M su ph6e, m°

Properly [ M # h6-se, tsiku khdm- °
Jf kah chhah.
tsam, ^ fit bap gi, — suitable, ftf Proportional, M S6 tsiau phoe.
^ h6-se. Proportionally, fa Ifl sa" phoe, gt
Property, m° iK° ke-h6, mM ke- sii ph6e.
giap, ancestral — If 31
, 5V ts6- Proportionate, ^ SU sa" ph6e. @£,

kong-gi4p, landed — H°il chhan-

sii ph6e.
giap, buy—, M H hak^giap. Proportioned, ^, gC tsiJiu ph^e, well
— , m a su ph5e, pg i^j" sii thin, Prosecute, ^ k6.
fP 1*}° in-thin, m° m kah chhah. Prosecution, (in law) |5° ko.
Proposal, (proposition) f^m°^f
Prosecutor, |g -^ goan-ko.
k6ng 6, H •;K kii i, —of marriage,
Proselyte, (Christian) fu A 1^ #°
^ IS kiii chhin, (for discussion) chho"-jip-kau ^.
^^ kii gi, he made a —to enter Proselytism, ^° A° It Pg ;2:° JE 3i
into partnership, ^ ^ S° -^ ^
b" h5- Mng sin \kn fe to li.

i k6ng ai beh hdp he. Prosodian, #S(£l#j§|3a¥Jie-tS#

Propose, (for discussion) §t |g kh6kiusi tin kap pi^" tseh ^ boat ^.

g!, (intend) ;g,° siu" :^° beh, (of- Prosody, I#i|m°2|i°Jt°^°j* si-un
fer) 1 E 1° ka-ki kong, g° a° kap pia'' tseh 6 boat.
ka-kl beh, 1° a°^° ka-ki kii, Prosopopoeia, M° il° « 1? fS° A°
to give it me # g° e,°S°E° eng mih phi-ju ts6e Mng.
^i ka-kl beh ho- g6a, he that Prospect, (landscape) — %^ kong-
be should go to Newchwang, k^hg. #
a ° e.° s ° ^° *° ^ ^ i ka-ki k6ng Prospective, (relating to the future)
ti6h khi Giu-tsong. Sf H 65 pat jit §.
Proposition, (for discussion) |§ ^
Prospectus, (plan of a literary work)
kd gi, (a proposal) ku i, the m° ^#
th^u su. U
enemy made — of peace, MWnWM Prosper, ^E heng-ong, ^ ji boat
a° 35 ^ ft tiii t^k kii gi ki Mi kiH tdt,
h6. Prosperity, HI heng-ong, lose—, ®
Propound, (announce) ff chhikng. soe-bi. g^
Proprietary, U±
go^n tsii, i^ 65 Prosperous, ±
heng-ong, ji ^E ^
goftn tsii &. heng-thong, J^ ui sit, (as a ^
Proprietor, ^
tsii, (owner of pro- journey) M. sun siin. M
priety) H i gi4p-tsu. Prosperously, H H£ heng ong.
Propriety, if If tsiku
1^, fla 1^. Prostitute, Si pidu, ^ j^ chhiong-ki,
Prorogue, (postpone)
ha leng
iST:S H an- S ^° ^^ tsa-b6-sun, —one's au-
^ ii long -ko4n.

jit. thority,
Propulsion, fS ii chhia tsin, jil° ji Prostitution, g im, ^1 phiiu.
sak tsln. Prostrate, fJc° ff phak t6.
Prosaic, %
f{f bAn &, (prosy, as a Prostrated
^° S* k6ng liau b6 65° phak teh, (de-
Prostration,) jection) |g jg 16e-tsi,

Proscenium, J^ J "^ hi tM ts^ng.

ceremony of—, ^ # khap th^u',

Proscribe, (banish), Jt % chhiong- PP "t kbku thau.

kun. Prosy, iS° T ^° Jpii" k6ng-liau b6 sin
Prose, ^ biin. Protean, ^ ^° glu pifen iu".

Protect;, ^ ItE p6-pi, ^ M p6-lio-, Protrusive, ^ tti thdng chhut, ^ tU

IfE ffi pi iu, M M tsiau-k6-, —by- ph6ng chhut.

power, |E° '^ ti-im. Protuberant, j[}i° ffi ph6ng-chhut.
Protection, i^ ItE p<i-pi, '^ ® P<^-lio", Proud, SI fji kiau-ng5-, g "^ tsu-ko.

M )K tsiau-k6-, i^E fg pi-iu Hi ^^ kiau-keng.

Protective, ®° M 6^J° p6 ho- fe. Proudly, ^
Wi kiau-ngo-.
Protector, f^ ^ Jt° A° p6-ho- e lang, Proudflesh, :^° |^° chhau-bah.
(a patron) ^ J^ ^ khan seng 6' Provable,— that it is, W° ?i ^ W° u
^ M M° tso tsiu e, —of Chinese pin kii u, —that it is not, :§° jl ^
in the Straits Settlements, M Wj f^° u pln-ku b6, it is— that he ne-

pi ho* oe si, ver stole the horse, ^°MiMPW°

Protege, S ^ i:° A° siu im 6 mng, ^" ^° m° }^° ^ pin kti i Wng b6
^ ^° JSR #° siu khan sfeng ^. thau khan b^.

Protest, PI m ts6- t6ng, ^ T-° p[° Prove, —there is, ^ IE W° kan-

tong in thang, a — bill, ®H °]g^ —
tseng u, there is not, gf M° ^
go4n tea'' pok-h6e. kan-tseng-bA, —
one's innocence,

Protestant, W M M i.° A lil-so- ^° £.° ^

0^ ka-ki pidu bfeng.

kau e mng,— church, MB Wi l^- Proved, :^° ?i ^ u ptn-kii.

so" kau. Provender, m° ^° niA°-chbau, W
Protestantism, HR 1^ 1^ IS, so- kau. ^ll- chhdu-liau.
Protestation, (a public avowal) ^ Proverb, i^ gg si6k-gu.
frM" kong hfeng k6ng. Proverbial, #? If siok-gii.
Protocol, (a) Jig-^° goin-ji, (rough Proverbially, fg si6k gu. M
draft) it m chh6-k6. Proverbs, (book of) "i" tsim- M
Prototype, ^#°piau-iu", (pattern) gi^n, (common saying) m m
^ ^k° pan-thfi,u.
si6k gii.

Protract, fe° thoa, 5i Provide, f§ i| p!-pan.

1° i^n-chhifen.

Protraction, Jg ii° i.° ^° ien chhien Providence, ±° ®° '^

' Siong-t^ p6 ^
i6ng, —protects, ^°5c°ItEf&h6ng
& su.
Protactive, 5i len oan.
thien pi-iu, no proof of a 3'C jE — ,

fl thien to bCi pin, ways of^ ^ —

Protruberance, (a swelling) jE thien to, punishes lewd- % —
tseng Bi li<i. ness, %" M'^M 'M thi'' toe ho im.
Protrude, M
^ th6ng-chh.ut,— the Provident, tai seng tsun ^''^''m.i^
flower, :^° lang-hoe, — ra- pT.

pidly, m° na°,— ing teeth, m ^° Providential, (ordained by God) %°

|£ S" thi" tsu tia".
Protrusion, ffi thong chhut, ih Provider, it ifg^^ pi pan ^i
{ij ph5ng chhut.
Province, 'S s,6ng, 'S s^ng-hun. ^
Provinces of China.

Pop. Depart-
in 1812.

Cbhli, ltf|Tit-le, 58,949 27,990,871

Shantung, llj° %° Soa"-
tang, 65,104 28,958,764
Shansi, [Il° W° Soa" sai,... 55,268 ] 4,004,210'
Honan, JBJ Wi H6-14m, ... 65,104 23,037,171
Kiangsu, fiC j^ Kang-so', 44,500 37,843,501
Nganhwui, ^ ^
An-hui, 48,461 34,168 059
liiangsi, ^ H"^ Kang-sai, 72,176 23,046,999
Chehkiang, JlJr U. Tsiel-
kang, 39,150 26,256,784
Fuhkien, fg il^Hok-kifen, 53,480 14,777,410
Hupeh, 'M ^t O'-pak, 70,450 27,370,098
Hunan, \^ ]§ 6"-14m, 74,320 18,652,507
Kwangtung, ^ 'M.° Kfig-
tang, 79,456 19,174,030
Kwangsi, ^W ^ Kng-sai, 78,250 7,313,895
Yunnan, p^, 107,969 5,561,320
Kweicheu, :g: ;Hi Kiii-tsiu, 64,554 5,288,219
Szecheuen, jlf su-
chboan, 166,800 21,435,678
Shensi, P^ W Si4m-sai, ... 67,409 10,207,256
Kansuh, ^ 'M Kam-si6k, 86,608 15,193,125
kun, PS }£ hu-kun. Psalmody, !I^°lt ;t°ri givn si e boat
Proximo, f° M e geh. Psalter, If :^ si-phien.
Proxy, #° tbo^. Psaltery, ^ sek.
Pruce, ?fsnmm^° l' &° P6' 16 Pseudo, (false) ke (pretended) M^
su kok ^ s6k ph^.
Prude (affected modesty) i^° § Psbaw, bi.

Prudery ( M. k6 li&m thi, (over sen- Psoriasis, ^ ^° kan lau.

sitive modesty) ^° S A° siu° iii Psycbical, Ssl sin bun e. ^

Mng. Pterygium, 1^ ^ 16-jiok pban- @ ^

Prudence, >h »& si6 sim, '^° *& f® tseng.
u sim Hong, {i!^ ^° tiam-tsdt. Puberty, tng-kut, H° S H# ti'ig-

Prudent, t]>° )& si6 sim, )5 J3^ ^

pi", not come to ^° ^^ — ^=be
u sim hiong, {^ ^° tiam-tsat. tng-kut.
Prudential, ^ 'K 65 kin sin &. Pubescence, :^° ^° ti'ig tsia" ^T
Prudently, >J^° »5 si6 sim, g tl s6ngteng, :^° :k.° A° tng tea Mng.
kin sin. Public, ^
JE kong-tseng ^ ^° kong-
Prune, MlJ san, ^ pkut, iJ f!l° san ke,— society, ^# kong-b5e, —
koah, tdi". building, ^° i".

Prunes, ,1^ tS° c-mi. Publican, (person in tbe customs)

Prurient —
) ^ 4° ^ 6 m° m i,° A° tbiu-biong S lang,
Prurience jai chM kun iu, g^u (inn keeper) m^ ^ IS M° khui
chhid" l&ng, g^u chhih chhhih kbeb tiam e.

clilidh chhdh. Publication, —of books, Pp ^"^ in

Prurigo, W sien. cbbeb, (dissemination) ^ J|f p6-

Prussia, :k ^ Wi Tal p6' kok, ;jp M i6ng.
P6--kok, jlz^ m m m Tax p6- Publicity, & IE kong-ts^ng.
l6" su kok. Publicly, ^ fj kong-b^ng, m
Prussian, :k ^^ Wf Wi ^^ Tai p6- bi^n-ji^n.
l6" su kok I. Publisb,—books, P[I #° in cbbeb,
Prussian blue, #° M° iii" chhi". —abroad, fi p6-i6ng, "M M
Pry, (into) m ^° thkm-tbia", fi° soan-tbo^n, 5V H kong-p6.
1^^ tbau-khoi". Publisber, M Ji
^^ p6- i6ng e, (of
Prying, ^ j^ ;^ ffi ki tbkm kun-iii. books) fU #^ 6^ in cbbeb &,— of
Psalm, II si, book of — , If ^ si- false reports, f^ ^ h tboan W
pbien. i4u gi&n &.

Psalmist, MWm^° A° sid si pbien Puce, Bg° #

'^ km tsang sek, Bg #
t \kng. •^ am cbbiab sek.
Psalmodist, f^'' |f ^° ts6e si ^. Pucker, (as dress) J4° cbboAh,—
mouth, ?$" ka chhui.nj piau ti, ^ siii. ,

Puckered, eyi^lir! -up, mm Pule, BE Bffi^ oa°-oa°-hdu.

•bAk tsiu titui teng. Pull,— out as a drawer, ffl tioh-
Pudding, ^ J*^ put leng, stone, — ^ chhut,—up, ^° puih, —along, ^°
^° ban tsi6h. thoa, — aside, W pi", —tight, tioh-
Puddle, {1° M^ 5!^° M-sam tsdi, ^° an,— hard, tiin, —the triggef, A
7K kau Mu tsiii.
v5l >K t% tauh h^ koe,— teeth, ^^
Pudency, M. B tseng tsiet, |g 5£ ® ban chhui-khi, apart, — ^
li&,m thi. thiah khui, —the ears, ^^ khiu
Pudenda, |^ ^ im-ho-, |^ H ™ bun hi-d, — and haul at each other, 41°
Puerile, ft ^° |fe gin-d, khodn. ^° sa° chhiii.
Puerility, ^° •?° ^ gin ni khodn. Pullet, fi J.° koe-noa°.
Puerperal, ^° J-° 6^ si-^-kid" fe. Pulley, ^ !^ ka-lak.
PuiF, (a baby's) BM hiin-kiii, — Pulmonary, g$° 65° hi-^,— disease
box, ^ SI1° hunkiu ah, (blow) W^ 16 siong.

phuh, out, SS lis 5^ tiorg kbi lai, Pulo Condor, -^ khun-liin. ^
— and blow, PS iK M° chhodn toa Pulp, m° ptoh, (of fruit) 11° ^° ^°
khiii, Pj^ ^M^,M
chhodn toa khui k^-tsi bah, (for paper) ^^° m°
kip (drive away in scorn)
khiii, ts6a-tsiu".
W biam, (of wind) F* tsit — M
Pulpit, t4i.
tsun hong, (with the mouth) pjt° Pulsate, W° toa", ph<5k.
— ° T° plin tsit e, (on a dress) Pulsation, m° ffe° m^h-ph6k.
ph6ng kdng, (to pant) f^° chhodn, Pulsative, m°
^ po, @ 1^ po
m^.h ph6k. W
(praise vainly) so. Pulse, m m^"h, m. m khi-md°h, feel
Pug, |dJ kdu. the — i^° M bong m^h°.

Pugh, chhih.

Pulseless, ^MM bong b6 m^h°, B
Pugil, ffi° ff° tsit ni'-.d. W m^h" th^ng.
Pugilism, tl° ^° phah-kun. Pulverable, m ¥1^ m° i^ 6e g^ng
Pugilist, ^° B^° n° ^ kdn thiiu tit ill.

sai-hu. Pulverize, m° *° lui bodh, m° M

Pugilistic, *r m 65° phah kiin L B° g^ng-tsofe hiin.
Pugnacious, ^ ^° ^j° ai sio phah, Pumelo, ^ft ff ili-d.
^fiiA°^°^°^ikdpmng oan-he. Pumice, ^° :^ phfi-tsidh.
Pugnacity, ^ 40° fr° ai sio phah, Pumicious, #° 5° ^° phu tsi6h 1
^^ chhi6ng su. Pummel, }t° kong, §° tseng.
Puissant, W° fil # u koan-sfe. Pump to,— water,
a, jfClfl tsiii thiu,
Puke, }g au, Pf th6-. ifi7K thiu tsui,— a ship, :^° ?Jic°
Pulchritude, M %° h6 kh6a", ^ iij chhia tsiii, —
a person, chhim, end-

less chain — , 7jC° M° tsiii chhia. Pupa, K° k^ng, ^^ K^ tbing k^ng.
Pumpkin, # J^ kim-koe. Pupil, i^ ^ bdk-seng, (of the eye)
Pun, m A° m° khi jin oe, M. fS Bt t. tong-jln, Bt nP t6ng-tsu.
giet oe. Pupilage, i^^fj£. ts6e hdk seng.
Punch, iron —for stamping, ^ ^° ka M, (a doll) Jg ff
Puppet, 11° 1b«„°

thih tsam, (strike) ffl tseng, ang a f6° ff put A.

(poke) tiih. Puppetsbows, t$|° ia^° ka-l<^ hi. M
Punctilio, ^ jfii tsip 1^. Puppy, °
ff kdu-A.
Punctilious, ift it tsip-M. Pur, khu-khu-liAu.
Punctual, M 3$ tsiJiu si, —in pay- Purblind, S° B3 Pf S bdk tsiu b6ng-
ment, 1!^° ffi° 'X b6-tlioa-khiam. bu.
Punctuallity, M Ht tsiau si, ig M Purchase, M° b6e, — ^for one's self,

tsun tsiin, S Ht hu si. ?1 1: kien-ti.

Punctually, it
^' m^ &
flf bii si, M Bl tsiau Purchaser, %° W b6e ^, ?1 1: fi^
si, B# tu tii hh si. kifen ti-^.

Punctuate, ;^ -g] tid,m-ku, —books, Pure, (as water) '^ cbheng, (inno-
^ # tiam-chbeh. cent) 1151° m b6-ts5e, (clean) it ^
Puncture, giab, ^ 5^ ui chbng. ;ta° chheng-kbi-siu", (chaste) A
Pungency, JS° S° tang tsih. liJ tseng-tsiet, (holy) s^ng, H
Pungent, tj[° loab. (unsullied) ^.° JM ftE b6 b4 cbhfi,

Punisb, JflJ 13 b^ng-hodt, it ^ kbien- (unadulterated) ^° ^ b6-thku,

tsek, — crime fa P ti ts5e. (as silver) W(. Wi bun-gun.
Puniness, >J» soe. Purely, (unadulterated) M- tsoan,
Punishable, ^° ^ ?PJ 13 ti6h siu h^ng iH cbheng, (cleanly) m M. cbheng
hoAt. khi.
Punisb er, M Wi heng bodt ^, tl^° Purgative, a, li 11° sia-i6h, W.° 1 oe
(official) M ^ beng tiong, (one sia.

who beats) JT phab 6. fi'5 Purgatory, ')$. M lien-g^k.

Punishment, fl^ 13 beng boat, »! :ft Purge, m° M lau-sik.

khien tsek, ^ ^ keng kai. Purging, W.° lau.

Punkab, B, Wi° bong-si°, pull the Purification, mU^°^° '^° cbheng

m° m ii° khan hong-si". kbi e tai-tsi.

Punt, a, M° tsun, to—, the, thi. Purifier, ^° ffi ^ cbheng khi

6^° soe

Puny, @= ^!a° san-soe, f5° ^° oeh- &, I'J itt ^ chbong cbbeng kbi ^.
soe, (cbild) ||° J^ tan-tan, (as Purify, W^'^M^ bo- i cbheng

pig) i^ 'M iii-siau. kbi siii", —in fixe, jEg ^ tbokn-lien.

Pup, m°\r kdu-a, to—, ^° J^° -ff" Purity, Jg iC cbheng-kbi, ift 15

kau d. cbheng- tsiet.

—a .

Pur], 7K°m°:t°m° tsui lau&sia", Purveyance, i^ M ^° '^ pi P^n
V$ ^ hoa-hoa hsiu, (an eddy) M
h^ sit.
m"" -A" t6 kAg tsiii. Purveyor, i| -ft :fe fl'j" pan \i6 sit-^.

Purlieu, 0° [i si ui. Pus, d^ mng, form—, ^ 51° si^-Mng,

Purloin, il° M"" thau th^lh emit—, ffi Bi° chhut l&ng.
Purloiner, M, chhAt. Push, sak, ^"^ chhia,— away, i^° |3
Purple ^ fe tsl-sek, dull—, 5c ff° thk khui, (with the foot) leng,
tliien-clibi", deep — , H 5E W° sam- in, ^° ii° ^
long ke-khi, —over,
kong chhi^ m° M chhia-t6,— downwards, ji°
Purplish ^ 1^ ^° tsi sek'khtii, ^^ ^^ chhia 16h-khi, — aside, ^
Purport, :/c :^ trd-i. :i° tu-khi,— against, ®° ^° tng-
Purpose, M iS i-sii, ^ l^ ien-ko". tidh.
On- 'J*°
1^ M tiau-k6- i, # f& Pusillanimous, ij>° J}H° si6 td", & |M°
ti^u-ti,— of will, ig i£ tsi-khi, fit b6 td", B° ^ tim bin, M° m ban-
for— ^° E# j:g° bah 15- eng,— of m^"h, »& 5' sim-khiap. .

mind, j& Jg sim tsi, change one's Puss, l^'^ niau°.

— , El *& hg-sim, ^ HI »& ^ ban- Pustule, Is f|° thi^u-d.
h6e sim i, to no—, ^, $^ X bo Pustulous, ^° M
{}° kau thiiu-d.
chhai kang. Put, (lay down) T° lie, %^ lok, 1°
Purposely, #° ^M tia<i-k6--i, # jg khoa, — in order, ^ 1^ tseng-tiin,
tilu-ti. on clothes, ^° ^° chheng sa",—
Purr, 1^ liil If kbu khu hdu. in mind, PT P^ teng-leng, in, — A
Purse, ^° tl io-pau, M° :t¥ io-phgng, fi jip, —on a hat, ^° —
ti, in
—up one's month, Tt° tl !^ hau pledge, ^°t£Lg, —up a tent, ^ W
pau chhtii. ffl° tah p6- pi", —up neatly, ^ y^
Pursepride, (W MM si ts^i kiau. kiet-sok, — on a manner, ?^° ^^
Purseproud, # flt ^^ si tsai kiau. tiu" sin — a
sfe, in J^
coffin, siu, —
Purser, # |g° t° koi^n-niii''-koa". out the tongue, li±^° thb tsih, —
Pursuable, t|^' ji %° oe tui tit. out, annoyed, #° !^° chhiah-idh,
Pursue,^ jip, ji tui. —out a fire, ^ *X kiu h6, out—
Pursuer, jl ^-° tui L lamp by blowing, ^° plin, — to
Pursuit, tui-kod", (occupation) g my account IB ^ jS: |g ki g6a 6
^ keng-ki, # © chhiu-ge, ^ #| siau, —a tenon, A ^ jip siin, —
su-giap, what your
is ^, §( f-f- — , on tiles, iM° K° nV-hi^, —on a co-
®' $S Itl li tsoe sim-mih keng ki. lour, J^ E k&i-sek, — up a curtain,
Pursy, iEt; m° bii-thiin. m ^° ^ hoan bAng tk, —to-
Purulent, ;f ° |i° u Mng. gether, m° tkvL.
Purvey, fA M pan he ^ sit. Putative, m° M ki^ ts6e.
Putcliuk, ;;t;#° Mk lliu^ Quadratic, Wi° if 6^° sii hong 6.
Putrefaction, ^ ^^ chhau noa". Quadrennial, 0° ^° ~° 5??° si-nl tsit
Putrefy, M
m" chhku noa°. pdi.
Putrescence, A° M° chhau noa", +f Quadrilateral, 0° ii° ||° fj si pi"
jii° hiil-noa". sok° hfeng.
Putrescent, ^ '^° hiii noa". Quadrillion, +° ;S tsap keng.
Putresciable, ^° I5 }i° koe hiii noa". Quadripartite, ^° n° 0"#° ^^pun
Putrid, $,° W-° chhku chhi", ^° ji^ ts5e si hun 6.

chhau-noa". Quadrisyllable, m° ^ 6^° si im e,

Putridity, ^° ji° chhku-noa". Quadrumanous, 0°^'^ 6^° si-chhiu
Putty, il° if J'c th^ng-iu he. ^.

Puzzle, Chinese — , 'tl ^ H chhit Quadruped, BJ ft^° si-kha^, wild,^

khiau t6-, (perplex) i2» gl ^ sim — , H* SK la-siu.

loan loan. Quadruple, 0° fg° si-pe.
Pwan-ku, # i& phofi,n-k6-. Quadruplicate, (four fold) ^
Pybald,^ JS ^ hoe pan sek. si pe.

Pygmean, ^ A # oe iang e. Quadruplication, S'J '^ chhong-

Pygmy, m :t° A° oe e Iang. si pe.
Pyramid, ^ p ^^ tsiam-pan th^. Quaff, ^^ lim, !1° chheh, koAt kodt
Pyre, m°^P ^°^M. sio sin si § lim.
chh^ tiu. Quaggy, W ±° nng th6-, m. -^ W
Pyrites, ff ° :5° chhi" b^ng tsi6h. tllm tsiii toe.

Pyrotechnic, ^ iK ^ ien h^ e. Quagmire, i^ 7jC° ii&° t^m tsiii t5e.

Pyrotechnist, M ^ X° ien he kang. Qua,il, W 11° ien-chhun, (shrink).

Quaint, (odd) ^H sii put-si5ng,,
(whimsical) & %, k6--koai, (in-
genious) ^ J5 ki-khiau.
Quack, a —
"S. M. , 6ng-16k sien, ^ Quaintly, (odd) ^ ± sii put
to— k6a-k5a hdu.
, siong, (whimsical) "(^ % k6' koai^
Quackery, aE° ^° 6ng 16k po*^ (old fashioned) "^ fij ki5' ts^.

Quadrangle, :^ su-hong. Quake, ngiauh-ngiauh tang.

Quadrangular, :;?f sii-hong.
Qualification, :^ &b tsai-leng, ::f K
Quadrant, 5c° >R° thi''-chhioh. tsai-tsit.

Quadrantal, 5c°K°64° thi" chhioh ^ Qualified, well— H° |S^ ^° sa° poa"

Quadrate, (squire) E3 :^ su hong, ts^.g.

(divisible by four) ^ ^° %° n° Qualify, (by learning) !^ ()}i, (bjr

oe pun tit si. instruction) |^ ka.

Quality, (kind) ^ bo, first—, ± if ^ — ffi ° ^° W miii kill chhut tsit
siong-pan, —
medium ,
»f* M tiong- pai nift.

pan, inferior — f^
ha-pan, com- Quarterdeck, ^° M° h6 Ikn.

mon—, 2p° ^° pr-sili°. Quarterly, M° tdk-kixi. .

Qualm, Jt 3f tdm-tam,' (of con- Quarters, ^ ^ gu s6\
science) S f§ li6ng-
H i& 1° E° Quartette, m° ^ :t° 'M si im ^ gkk.
sim ka-ki tsek-pi, H •& M IS li6ng Quartz, ^ ^' ^ peh tsi6h eng, opa-
sim hoat hien, ^ sim iZ^ JJf° $Jl° que — , M H% o--tsi°.
koa° hoat hien. Quash, M°W^ teh chhiii chhiii, (a
Qualmish, ^° ^- cbhi° gi, W HI beh rebellion) ff° M
phah-bi^t, (a de-
th6-, m beh
fili° aii. cision) MM
hoan kn.
Quandary, Si ^ tiu t6. Quassation, ^° S5° 16 tang.
Quantity, large — ,

small Quassia,
tsoe, |& ;tC kho' pdk b6k. ^
— ; ^M. M° tam-p6h, k6a, estimate Quaternary, E3 si.
the—, $5 fi M° |rI° iok-liong joa Quaternion, S3 si, (a quadrisyllable)
tsoe. E9°^i:°^°siim ^jL
Quarantine, ^ tl kim kdng. Quaver, ^^ |# ^° ||g khan si piiih
Quarrel, ^ ^° oan-ke,
ft M kfe-kku, tiau.
*tl° fS° ke-oe, keep up a—, M°W° Quavering, ^MM°M khan-si piiih-
^° seng khi chhiii,
commence a — ,
-^fe" ^ tiau.
:5fe° Ji{ a° seng Quay, B& M° lo--tha,u.
chhut tu. Quean, T IS ^° if A° ha tsien 6 hu
Quarrelsome, ^^^ ai chhi6ng jtn
su, ^^ ki to-su, ^ ^ 9: ^i Queen, g ^ h6ng-h6-, ^ I lu-6ng,
seng su, g JB :$: ai khi-sfi, ^ jg — bee, 3^ 2 phang 6ng.
fl° M° ^i khi e chhi°. Queer, fi' >]? k6--koai, ^ If ki-kohi.
Quarry, a, ^ :^ tsi6h kh6ng, to — Queerly, -^ t? k(i' koki.
fl° ^° phah tsi6h,— rocks, ^° Quell, It Jh jii tsi, (subdue) iS,".
^° khui-tsi6h. Quemoy island, ^ f^° Kim-ra^g.
Quarryman, tf° ;5° ^1° 4° phah Quench, (a fire) *r°:iA:° phah h^, —
tsi6h sai-hu. thirst, ±)'g°tsi khoah, (as zeal)
Quart, —° Jr tsit kun. lr°^ »& phah It^ng sim, (destroy)
Quartan, —ague, \!S° B —• ^° i,° ^° n° M phah bidt.
^°M SI jit tsit pai e koa" ji^t Quenchless, (fire) :T> M° %° boe hoa
tseng. tit, (thirst) ;^ Jh 'M bde tsi-koab.
Quarter, one—, 0°^~° si hun tsit. Querist, ^ f^° #° tsa mng ^,
to— m° V5° i^ ts^e s\-hun.
Querulous, ^WM ai-chhoa°-chhi,
Quarterage Eg sff^ si kiii ni<i,
^ ^ » to-toan. 11° m° m^ ^° A°
— ,

g&u sduh" saiih" liam ^ l&ng. Quicksilver, 7K S^ siii-gun.
Query, Fb^'^ rnfig. Quickwitted, ^ ::}' tsiet-tsai.
Quest, ^° clihe. Quiddle, pa loe.
Question, ^° mng, (doubt) ^ gi^u Quidnunc, tS & fi^° pbok k6- ^,

gi, call in —^ ,
pok. ^ ±° A"" bo-" Id 6 lang.
Questionable, pT M kh6-gl. Quiescent, P P tseng-tseng, ;£°
Questioner, Fp1° ^° mng fe. ;£° tia"-tia".
Queue, 5^°®° th&,u-tsang, threads Quiet Ifp tseng, ^„' Ml tseng-
used in a— m° ^° W —W
th4u- Quietly tsaub, sim-sim, 'IS°^ tiam- j

tsang be s6a", grow a ^° Bl W

ti6k, 1[° fif sok-tseng, S° ^° tia"-

Mu th^u-tsang, plait a M° tia", —W tseng-tseng, keep not ^ — ,

R pi" tb&u-tsang, ^° woman's speak, %° Pr° f^° ^° iii tbang tso^

^° ^ ku-tsang. sia".

Quibble, (evasion) |i° ^° gij !i° Quieter, (person) ®°

* khali tseng p
k6ng tiii pdt mih kbi, lig h&m M ^
(place) $jc B' khab sok-tseng. W
b6--k6ng, |fi ffi tf* ;2: 6 M sing sit Quietest, |^ — ^f te it tseng.

tiong 6 p^h chbdt. Quietness, 'f? S? tseng-tseng, p Jg^

Quibbler, mm*¥^°mi.° A° sing tseng-tsauh.

sit tiong peh- chbdt ^ ling, M 4* Quietude, 2)5 ^ peng an, 2p P ping
^ sit tiong bu. tseng.
^° ^° hiob kbun,
Quick, M tin, Vi kboai, sS 5S sin- Quietus, 5E si.

sok, be— M°M° si soa, —of a Quill, II €° g6-mfig, —pens, || ^°

nail, ^l

Ip lie tsng kab-jiong, — ^ g6-mfig pit.

tempered, M "K kin-s6ng, JM "ft

Quilt, i^° pbe.

s6-seng, very — , kin sub-sub. Quilted, IS |^°pbo--mi", — coverlet,

Quicken, B° kod" 56 M pek-kin, ^ WL° pbe, — robe, % pbaii.
Quinary, 3i° go"
M. kod° kin.
Quince, /fc JK. b6k-koa.
Quicker, 11° M kbab-kin, m°M°m°
kbab sl-soa.
Quinine, H i5 ke-nd", &° H p^h-i6h
Quickest, ±° K siang kin, H - M Quinquangular, 35.° ^° go* kak I.
Quinquefoliated, ^° £° ^° 6^° u
te-it kin.
g5" hiob I.
Quicklime, Jc° be.
Quickly, kin, ^°
M a° kin-mi". Quinquennial, S° ^° -° ^° fi^ go-

3i ^ — ?^ go* ni
Quickness, ^ kboki, M kin, ft it

nl tsit pdi-l,

bin-tsiet. tsit pai.

Quicksand, W W phA-soa. Quinsy, P^ J^ au-ng6-.

Quicksigbted, m° S° lai-bdk, *J @° Quintillion, +° i^ tsdp kai.

g, b6-bdk-sek. Quintescence, (an essence) )ft |j^

tseng-^k. Quota, (proportional part) f^ hun ^
Quintuple, £ |§ go* pe. gidh, his —
of soldiers was ten
Quip, ^ ^J Id chhi, gi6h-si6h, $ thousand, # m" i» m° M-'^M
giet. ^i^ hun gidh si tsit ban peng.
Quire, (of paper) ~° ^^ ^ ,^° tsit Quotable, tg° 51° ^° oe in tit.

16-sin ts6a. Quotation, fjf 51° 6{| s6- in L

Quirk, (quibble) -g-
UJ =g h4m-li6-. Quote, PP #° in-chheb.
kdng, an evasion—, W.%^
Z" Quoth, li° k6ng.
j&'^iK seng sit tiong fe pgh chhdt. Quotidian, ^° H 6^ tdk jit ^,—ague,
Quiequalis Indica, -^ :g sii-kun H i: ^is 2iE tdk jit d koa" ^ a^
tsii. ji^t tseng.
Quit, m W li-khui,— the world. i§° Quotient, fi^ ^° tek-siau.
ii° ;a ke-6ng, %l
1ft° ke-si, W it
^^ li-kbui se-kan.
Quitclaim, ^^^% tsin kun ts6at
. Quite, (entirely) Sr ^ tso4n jien. Rabbet,^ ^ tsiap-siin.
— enough, S ^ kau-giah, .E tsin Rabbit, 3| th6'.
— ^ koat-toan, —
certain, J|t right, Rabble, ±^
th6--bln, MM hiii-lui.
^^ — determined,
tsin ti6b, jfc Rabid, 3S° siau.
Jg — dead, khiku-khiku,
lip tsi, si Race, il ±° phau-tsdu, ^° ^° tku-
—spoiled, ^° 11° Mu-tsau, — tsdu.
round, W%
Quittance, %, ||° siu-toa°.
'^ l"-lin-lin. Race course, gg .1^° 3i° phdu-bd-
Quiver, a, ^11° ^
tsi'' te, to-, ffil ^ Race-horse, ^ ||° phau-be.
1^] kha chhiu cbhoah, —with rage, Raciness, :|f ® ^ u chhii bi.
^*S 13 ^^ siu-khi kau kha Rack, (with pain) ^° 'M° thkng-
chhiii bah chhoah. thia", ^ ^° kh6--thang, (torture)
Quixotic, ^%.^° k6- koai I. — ^ 51 kh6*-chh6', instrument of

Quixotism, -^ 'g k6- koai. torture, Jfjj :^ hing-khu, (a frame)

Quiz, H %f ki-chhi, (a riddle) ^ ^° kfe.
chhai, p bi, (ridicule) gi6h si6h. Racket, If ° If °
li° h6a-boa-ji6ng.
Quizzical, (comical) U° ^ h6 chhi6 Racking, — pain, ^° ^° thang-thia",
Quoin, |(a wedge) chha tsi", (in ^° '^° kd-thia°.
masonry) siap, soeh. ^°
Racy, ffi ^ ti chhii bi.
Quoit,' ir iS° thih kho^n, play at Radial force, ^° fS :fj° pok" k^ng
— , iJ a hiet khoin. Idt.
Quondam, ^ gf tsd-si. Radiance, 3£° ;^° ;ii° kng ik" ia".
Radiant, %° WW kng na" na^ Ragout, i$i!l loah tsiu", (a hash)
(as the face, with pleasure) %, ^ M^ ha-su.
^° "Ifi kong chhai chhi6 chhi. Rail, —at, ,1 m?. 3^ ,1° 16e-me, —
Radiate 1 (shine) ^.tsio, of heat — road, iK° •}M° ¥° 5& he hun chhia
Radiation J ^
'^° hoat sio,— of light, lo-, — of iron ^ f|{° thih-ki, wooden
W.M % hoat 16h kong. — , chh^-koai".
hoat 16h kong & Railing, (a series of rails) ^ Mn
Radiator, W. 36 fl^J i^l

Radical 65° kun-6, ifi * fi^° kan, (insulting language) ;§ M

Radically kun-piin e, -1^
) U 6^° kun ji6k me°.
go^n fe. Railway, >AC° fM° ¥° he hun chhia

Radicals, the—, i?^° #° ji-bii. 15-, —train, >)IC° J^° ft h^-hun

Ra,dication, ^ ;i^ hoat kun. chhia.
Radicle,m W kun gg. RaUler}'^, ^ $i] gi6h si6h.
Radish, ^ 51° ff° chhai th^u-A. Raiment, gCc ^° i-tsiti" ^° ff ° , ® sa"-
Radius, ^° # poa» k^ng,—of a a kh6'.
wheel, m ^° n lun g pok"
:k.° Rain W° ho- —water, |i° 7K° ho--

keng. Rainyjtsui —
coat, t^° #° ho' sa",

Radix, (of a word) J?° Jt° ;$; E — coat used by Chinese boatmen,
ji 6 piin i, ^° :t° mm ji 6 kun- fS W tsang-sui, spitting — ,
go&n. ho', to—, ^°
— ,:kW toa ho- weather,
W 16h ho-, heavy
Raff, riff— ± ^^m^^ th6- bin I^ Pi°

ti ti^u 6. 16h ho- thi"-, it looks like— ,^° 1°

Raffle, m° ^° io-he. 'M u h5- i, 'Si^M±m beh 16h
Raft,(bamboo) ft° tek ^ pai, (of lio- § khodn, seasonable — ,^^ M
wood) /{-^ ft sam p^i. kip si h5-, there is much need of
Rafter, BI° T. — S^ ,
ff? tsin khiam ho-, drizz-

Rag, W^1? phok p6-. ling — ,

11° fi° sap-sap.

Ragamuffin, >J, AM si^u jin p5e, Rainbow, M.° kheng.

^° siau ki6k ^. Rainy, (weather) -^°i^° %° 16h ho-
>h M
Rage, :/c° ^° * toa siu-khi,
^,° ^ thi°.

^ siu-khi (as wind) Raise, ^ j^ 35 hft khi Mi, —up, thd"


ga tsin-liet, ^'

H tsin giAp. ko^i", —by lever, kiau khi-l&,i, —

Ragged, m°m ph6a-noa", !ilt° lam- soldiers, ^ ^ khi peng, — anchor,
Mi. te i^ khi tik", (by a windlass)

Raging, (with anger) ffi° U° ^ ^J. ^° fS° chhia-tia°, —up steam, ^

siu-khi tsin liet, (as a fire) iK # kek ien,
J^ —
water, J|7K° ho- tsiii,
—one's self, 11 ^ ^ kiah khi lai,
^ h^ tsin t6h, iK -k fl he t5a toh
—the M° thun-tho-.
Ragman. * ^t ^ # boe phoajw" S. ground, t|°
feAt RAM
— the voice '^ :kM ktah toa Rampart, M° Ji° sia°, sia"-chhiu".
—the head, ^ # kidh th^u, — Ramrod, M° ^ chh^ng-H.
as money anywhere and every- Rancid, ^ ^ tsiet-bi.
where m°M°fP° SI k6e sa, —as Rancidity, % % tsiet bi.
cattle,^ S ^ chhi tseng si°, — Rancorous ] :^°i& chhau-sira, ^jjj
as wheat, ^ ^ tseng b^h. Rancourous | tok-sim, ?J fif A #^°
Raised, (figure) ^"^ phu. okn k4u jip kut chhd.
Raisin, ^° ^ ^° phti-t6 koa". Rancoiu', ^ >& ?S 11 chhiet sim oan
Rake, a—, iB° p6, (profligate) ^° hun.
^° phdi»-kid", —up, |S° pe, one's Random, ^° ja° chhin-chhdi, ^ f|
faults m ^° sa"-iah, #° ^f" sa° lam-sdm, at — , iL -? loan-tsii, —
pia°. talk, ^^ 18° chhok tsong k6ng,
Rakish, -^ ^ h6ng-t6ng. ^M IS sfii pien-k6ng.
Rally, (troops) fl° Ji £ koh tsin Rang, #T° M° phah tseng, |g° M° i6-
peng, (banter) U°MAfB° k6ng tseng.
khi jin 6e, m° '& ^ koh ek IM.
Range, (of buildings) — ° #tsit-pM,
Ram, ^° iK iu"-kdng.
Ramble, E3° E°^ si k6e i6, fj" iS
— M ° tsit li^t, —of a gun, }J°^°
kia" iti". S°jS° phah-tit joa-hng, kitchen
Rambler, ^^
#° ki^ i4 S. — , it±°tsau, (a rank) — #
° tsit
Rambling, (discursive) fA° ^° TA°
*° nah Mi nah khi, ^° )fB°5g -^^
pai, to — , ^^ p^i, (roam) ^° M
Mk^-it (direction) ij° fy° hng
b6 saMi^n sok, ^S"-!^ b6 6a t6e. ^ hiu", not in—, ^° ^ b6 tseng.
Ramification, ^ i| hun phai.
Ramify, ^ ?]£ hun-phai, (as a sub-
Rangoon, i(\]° ^ Li6ng-kong.
ject) gg° # ,g khui i-sii. Rank, (oflicial) p^ M phin-kip, t"
Rammer, (of a gun) m° ^° chhfeng fiL koa°-ui, 1* fix koa"-ham, (civil)
^m teng-te, ^ ^ b^ng-hun, :ff;

Ramous, ^° ^° kau ki, ^° #° kau fife p6--ui, Ji ip te-po-,—and file,

r^ peng, (line of soldiers) — M
Ramp, (to bound) m ti6, ife° thi^u.
:^ tsit tui peng.
Rampant, (exuberant) ^° ^° -gg"

boat khi am, (leaping) fB thiau, Rankle, (as anger) fj(. ?^. 3^° S ti

SB- ti6, (standing on hind legs) okn nd chhim, (as wound) U°

^°Si.ll^°)^^°a.u kha khia khi m pi" t6k.
Rankness, (rancidity) g^ tsiet bi.

Ranks Naval, Commander- chief, 7%° M M^ tsui su ts6ng Ung.
Admiral, 5M° ^ 7j<° fiiB ^#¥ P^ tb^u teng tsiii su
tn^ tok kun-biin.
Vice- Admiral, n^ 5!K° &il> Ji't ^ PI ji-teng tsiii su the
tok kun blin.
Rear- Admiral, H° ^ 7jC° gifi ^ ^ !? P^ sa" t^n tsiii- su
the-tok kun-blin.
Commodore, 7jC° 6iB ^ if^ tsui-su ts6ng thong.
Post-captain, (senior) |§, -^ ts6ng-peng.

„ (junior) gij 'M hu-tsi6ng.

Commander, ^ 51? chham-tsi6ng.
Surgeon, ^
t° i-koa".
Lieutenant-commanding, jS^ iu-kek. ^
Lieutenant (senior) ^° tc-si. M
„ (junior) ^ ff siii-pi.

Sub-lieutenant, ^ ^1 chhien-ts6ng.
Engineer Officer, pI° H 'g° si-ldn koa°.
Midshipman, ^ ^ hdk-seng.
Warrant Officer, ^ tsien-hong.

Petty-Officer, M M leng-chhui.
Seaman, M •? phau-siii.
Marine, ^ po'-peng.

Secretary to an Admiral, '^° ^ ^ ik" bu chhu.

Flag Lieutenant, + ^ tiong-kun.
Surveying Officer, 'M U° t° chhek-niH-koa".
Military Commander in chief, ^ ^ jt° $^ peng-b^ go^n-sie.
General, jj^ ^
Lieutenant General, BM «? Ip PI th^u tdng thg- S#
tok kun bfin.
Major General, Ji #
HI PI th^-tok kun bfin.
Brigade General, M^
Colonel, III ]^ hii-tsiong.
Lieutenant Colonel, ^ 5^ chham tsi6ng.
Major, M M iu-kek.
Captain, M r1 to'-si.

Lieutenant, '^ ft siu-pi.

Sub-lieutenant, =f II chhien-ts6ng.
Sergeant, ^° H p^-ts6ng.
rinri-ifvpaj ftl* ^ 0"Oa lU.
Eanks Military, Private, &f peng-teng.
„ „ Cavalry Soldier, ,^° be-peng. ^
„ „ Artillery „ 'M ^ phaii-peng.
„ „ Infantry „ i^ ^ po'-peng.
„ „ Engineer, X ^ kun kong peng,

„ „ Secretariat, ^° ^ ^ ia°-bu chhii.

„ „ Secretary, ^° ^ ^ ia° bu chhu. -

,, ,, Adjutant, % ^ ek-ti6ng.
,, ,, Aide-de-camp 4" S tiong-kun.
„ „ Surgeon, -g" -g i koa°.
,, ,, Commissariat, ift° -^ niii''-t&i.
,, ,, Commissary, fl° -^ niu-t^i.
,, Official, (tbe nine), :^ pn kiii-phin.

„ „ (1st button) 11° ifi: ing-t^ng.

„ ,,
(2nd opaque red coral button) ^°^M boe-ftng teng.
„ ,,
(3rd transparent ligbt-blue button) ^° U %° ^ X^
cbbi°-tdng, cbhi^-liang-t^ng.
„ ,,
(4tb dark opaque blue button), ^ U I^m-t^ng.
„ ,, (5tb clear colourless crystal button) |^° ^°.M P^b
liang teng.
J, „ (6tb opaque wbite button) |&° ^° '^ p^h tsi6b t4ng.
)7 ,, (7th to ninth, gilt button) ^ IH kim-t^ng.
„ of Nobility, (five) S ® ng6--tsiok.
,, „ . Duke, a kong.
,} „ Marquis, f| ho-
„ „ Earl, fg pek.
,, ,, Viscount, ^ tsii.

„ „ Baron, Jg Mm,

Ransack, ^1° S° chhiau-chhe, (plun- f|° ai ki&ng chhiu", (greedy) M

der) Jt° ^ chhiTi"-kiap. *& tham-sim.
Eansom, ^ siok, K M si6k-h6e. Rapaciously, (greedily) '^ >& tham
Ransomer, ffi ^° si6k h6e 6, sim, (by rapine) i|° M
Rant, :k° M° ft toa sia° ji6ng. kiap.
Ranter, •^^° ^'' ^
toa sia° ji6ng, ic°
Rapacity, f|° cbhiu" kiap. ^ •

m° P?° toa sia° ad.

Rape, SS kidng-kan. ^
Rapid, a—, i|° thoa°, ii|!fi°l6a, (quick)
Rap, ia° khJi, m° tab, JT° pbah.
M. kin,— glance, $g' ff ° §° khin-
Rapacious (given to plunder, 5S a ^
Rapidly, |^ khoki, jlS jS, sin-sok, (proportion) |6 ph6e, (price) M
M. kin. $3i kfe tsi", at any kun-tu, (to — ,

Rapidity, M kin, jS jS sin-sok, M estimate) -^ k6-, (reckon) ^ s£ig,

^ kin-kip. (a tax on property) ifl ^ thiu

Rapids, m° tlioa". se, first—, ± Hf siong h6, TI IB
Rapine, !|° ^ claliiii°-kiap. t^ng si5ng, M& t6ng tsng, ^ ]£
Rapture ) ^ t^ 1^ tsin khoai-16k, koai" tsng.
Rapturous j ;|i ®; ^
kek hoa"-bi, Rather, (slightly) ih° ri° si6-kh6a,
hoa°-hi kau sidu klii.
MM ff li li ^, m khah, m° m°
Rare, #^ hi-hAn, ^ ^° han-tit. — khah p6h, (prefer) H
thin, ^
Rarefy, #° # 11° t5- i p6b, #° P khah-ai, I would die than go, ^° —
Ifi ho* i pha"^. ^pr5E°?SfS°7-°* g6a Mng kh6-
Rarely, ^ ^° hiin-tit,— met with, si g6a iii khi.
^° i° ji han-tit tu-ti6h. Ratification, It ?i phoe tsiin, —of a
Rarities, ^ il° ki-mih, #^ ±° !i° treaty, ill it gu lin, ?# tsiin.
hui si6ng 6 mih. Ratifier, i; Jf #° phoe tsiin 6.

Rascal, (rogue) ^ *I kong-kiin, Ratify, (a treaty) :fti ^ ^ lin tsiin-

(scoundrel) M. M hui-lui, you— !, iok,

h. :t 16--tsai !. Ratio, lephoe, proper—, Mie tsiku-

Rascality, m^^°M chhiong-heng phoe.
fe sii. Ratiocination, ^M pien-li.

Rascally, gl ^ 13 hiii lui lui. Rational, (endowed with reason) u

Rase, M ^ hi^t-khi. Igng s^ng, W^
li u ti sek, (rea-
Rash, a— M !i hong-chhiii, 5S° B sonable) t*° u m
li, '^I'lt l»Ap a
hong-Mu, (hasty) 11° chhi"- S ts^ng-li.
k6ng, # t b6ng-chh6ng, t *° Rationale, S li.

chhong-pong, (foolhardy) ffl, B~° Rationalism (Tauist) 51 M to-kku.

g5ng-tA". Rationalist, (Tauist) jt ± to-su.
Rasher, -° fr° tsit phi^ Rationality, W i® u li.

Rashly, W ?ldE chhi»-k6ng. Rationally, ^ M b4p li.

Rashness, ^ |5E° chhi" k6ng. Rations, P° m° khdu-niu°.

Rasp, M.° l^e, to—, M° l^e. Ratline, ii M° phien tiah.

Raspberry, wild—, :^ 0" h6--in. Rattan, fl —stick, Ji i^ tin

tin, ti^u,

Rat, Ji M ni4u-chh;i, musk — ,

^° — chair, |i || tin-i, ware, — M §1
M tsl'^-chhii.


Ratable, fg fi oe k6- tit, (as pro- Rattle, >JKMm lin-long-ko-, to—,


perty) tMlB ^W
oe thiu se tit. ^° m° iriin-lin long long, trr°irr°
Rate, (degree of speed) joa kin. p^° Pt° khin khin khiang khiang,
lin-lin long long, khin lin kh6ng Reach, — forth, as hand, fi{i° chhun,
Ibng, (jabber) ** ffi Mt liit (extend to) il thau, (up to) ^
chhut. tidh, (arrive) fij kau, (vomit) lit

Ravage, J|° -§1° chhiu°-kiap. th6-.

Rave, gl ^L Bt loan loan k6ng. Reaction, (in business) ^ 335 ^i
Ravel, ^° ju. ek khi, (from prosperity
ek lai

Raven, ,^ Jg o--a. to adverdty) :k ^>3 ^:k!ik tai

Ravenous, iau-sa°h-sa''h, (appetite) sSng pit ill tai pai, (from joy to
:^'M° t5a-tsidh. sorrow) M%&M
l<^k k^k seng

Ravine, Jt khi". pi, ^^ W^

phi k^k thai Hi,
Raving, tL iL IS loan loan k6ng. (as action) hi" kh Mi hi" ke khi.
Ravish, SS ^
ki6ng-kan. Read, (aloud) thdk, (to one's ^
Ravisber, 55 ^
:|f° ki6ng kan e. self, as a book) m° W° kli6a°
Ravishment, gg ^
;3:° *° ^'° ki6ng chheh.
kan e tai tsi, (rapture) ft M° ^° Readable, (legible) |g° #° oe W
m° er hoa"-hi kku boe ko- tit.
Raw, (bare of skin) m° &° Hii phd,
thdk tit, ^° ^° W
khoa" u ji,
(worth reading) |g°M° 01° oe chhi"
—iron, ^
fi chhi° thih, —cotton, bdk, 1^ BI oe s6ng gdn.^
g! se,(uncooked) ^° chhi°, (as Reader, a° i° A° thdk I Mng, S°
a person) ^° ^
chhi°-go-, —re- 1° ^° A° khoa" chheh 6 lang.
cruits, if ^° 65° sin^tng-^, — Readily, -K 'K khoai-khoai, MM
materials of medicine, M# ioh- kin-kin, (cheerfully) |^° § hoa°-
ts4i. hi, ^ in khoai-pien.
Rawboned, ^ ^ chhi-kang. Readiness, (of mind) ^ rj" tsiet-tsii,
Rawness, ^ chhi", —of air, ^° }f ° T ^ liau tsi^t.
^° chhi°-chhin koa", i° ^° ^ Reading, ^° thdk, (to one's self )^°
chhku-chhin ko^", —of food, ^^ W° khoa° chheh.
be sek. Reading-room, ^ ^° tsu-i°.
I^ay, A ^ jit-chhiu, (name of a fish) Readjust, fl° ^ g koh tsoe tseng.
33 Srir 16e thau hang. Readmit, #° •p fl° A ho- koh i jip.
Raze, (destroy) M M° bi^t-b6, (sub- Readmission, ||° A ho-
-6*° i

vert from the foundation) ^° ^ koh jip.

^ kiaukhi Mi, ^° m^ iah khi Ready, ^ pien, make — i| chh6ng ffi

—made M (^ pien-tspe, —

lai. pien,
Razor, M M° 7J thi-thau-to. money fg ^ pien-gun.
Razor fish, ^° M>° ak hi (Zool.) 41° Real, ^ tsin, K sit /g° ^° u — ii",

principle, 3 ^ khi, — estate,

Razor strop, ^° 71° &° boah to phi. M. M sdn giap.

Reality, ^ |f ki-sit. :<P° 2^ i sid"-su m \k\.
Realization, ^° tsai. Reasonable )M° u-li, /|f° If M
Realize, ^° tsai. Reasonably [ u ts&ng-li, W° 31 u ^
Really, ^ ^£ sit-tsai, Mi jE tsin-tsia", li-khi, —
price, f^ ^° kong- &
IS >if k6-pit, if IS tau-ti. p^ng-k^.
Realm, M M kok-to". Reasoner, ^ Bi i:° A° lun e lang li

Reanimate, #° ^ M° W ho- i koh- Reasoning, 3 |i li-liin.

odh. Reassert, fl° H ^° koh tski-k6ng.

Reannex, (reunite) ||.° ^
koh hdp, Reassure, (give courage) 3i JiB°

(subjoin) M° W U° koh s6a 16h. ts6ng-td,°.

Reap, ff koali, — rice, f!l° ^° koah- Rebaptize, M° 11° A° n° 8fe° Jii

tiii. koh ka lang Ida" s6e le.

Reaping hook, M° ff° koeh-4.

Rebate, (discount) ^ tsiet.
Reaper, ff A° koah ^ l^ng.
j^° Rebatemettt, J)^ kidm, (discount) ^
Reappear, M^M
koh chhut hien. tsiet.

Reappoint, ||° IS koh siet lip, ^ Rebel, ^ ^° ho4n poan d, M° B K K

M koh hong, (to an office) ^° A° hodn ehhat, king, "S. hoan — K
H H^ ho- lang koh tng tsit, (to 6ng, M° chhd,t-&ng, local i ^ — ,

an employment) m.° A° M° i^° H th6--hui, to ^ H

U poe-poan, — ,

^ ho- Mng koh hok thau-lo*. il hodn-poan. K

Rear, ^° W° au-bin, (nourish) f^ Rebellion, K fl hodn-loan, H ^ b6-
chhi, (raise up) Wi%M kiah khi hoan.
lai, (of an army) ^ ^ au ia°, Rebellious ^ ^Jc poe-poan, (contu-
^° ;i^ au kun, (on the hind legs) macious) JJl ® kh5ng-ku.
)|E 5^ ts6ng khi IM, ^ ilB 35 ta Rebound, fj E to-thiku, f!| ip° t6-

khi mi. toa", M it t6-ti6.

Rearguard, %° Wt au kun. Rebuif, (defeat) m° m°° thli-su,

Reascend, ^° ±° koh tsiu° khi. ^ (refusal) ^ li" kiA-b6, (snub) ,t

Reason, (cause) ^ in-iu, Jflg°in- "f§

toaf, Ml ft gi-
IK ien-ko-,
Rebuild, g° :S
to—, ting-tsai-khi, ® m°
lun, fi siong-li6ng, listen to
— #^
^^ tse-li, (a faculty in man)
Rebuke, hi^m, M
{|f tsek-pi. M S
Ifeng s^ng, (propriety)
li> Rebus, bi, chhai.S S ^
^ m. to-li. (purpose) *© i-su, Rebut, }g ic ti-t^k, (plea) ^ g^ bun
by— of, 1^ in-ui, in—, gi s6-.
tsiku li, ^M hap li, he has lost Recant, tg° S# oe hodn-koa, (con-
his —
15* , ^ ^ i&
u sit sim, what fesion)
i U. fi^° hodn-keng.
is the —
he won't come ? ^1ql°^ Rebutter, i>p sb\

Recall, (as soldiers) ^ 19 tiiu-h6e, Recent, j£ ^ kun-l^i, (new) M sin.

(as words, recant) tg° ^

i^ oe Recently, j£ ?^ kun-lM.
hodn k6a, (to mind) ^° ,g,° ^
koh Recentness, if sin, if ^3° sin siii°,

siu'' ti6h, j®° ^° siu"-ki°, cannot— kun mi. ^^

words, ,g° ^°^° ^ siu" boe thang Receptacle, I|4 '-i" ;2:° ^ i5t siu mih
M. ^ s6' tsai.
Recantation, K
ih hoan koa, (of a Reception, siu, room, :;^° ^° ^ —
criminal) M. ^° hodn keng. hoe-thia°, (of a guest) tsiap ^^
Recapitulate, ^° ^
g-" koh tsai Mp, (of a thing) J[S: siu tsiap. ^
k6ng. Recess, (a withdrawing) jg° thfe,
Recapitulation, ^° Bt° koh k6ng. from public business, 3. i^ chhid"
#° ^° ^° koh
Recaption, tit ti6h, th^ng, M. &° chhid" pkng, (holi-
#°^r^°kohMhti6h. days) -t" m° i° fl# pang kfe § si,
Recapture, (a city) U.° koh ^A (in a wall) M° fl piah kham.
pia° jip, (man) fl°|| i|° koh tsai Recession, jM the, (withdraw a de-
liAh. mand) M° 1^ b6 koh th6. #
Recast, (as metal) fM° ^
koh tsai Recharge, #° Jfe koh kong kek, ^
tsu, (as an essay) ^° m° chhiau (as a gun) fl IS koh jip i6h. A
poah, M"" M° k6e tah. Rechoose, J^° M° koh k^ng.
Recaulk, —a leak, m° M° koh-chhdk, Recipe, M° toa°, (for cake) kek-toa",
B°W^ koh p6- lau. (prescription) M° W idh-toa".
Recede, 5i° thfe. Recipiency, Jtfc siu, ^ siu.
Receipt, (acquittance) 1^ ||° siu- Recipient, I& ^° siu ^
g, #°
1 siu
toa°, mM° pln-toa°, ,^?i pin-tsiin. Reciprocal, :^ % tai-ke, — ^° aid,
export duty—, ffl ,0° fi^ chhut M Ji sa" tsiau-eng, —love, *B° ^°
khdu hi6ng, import duty D sa" thik°. — A ,

fi jip-khdu hi6ng, —
and expenses, Reciprocate, (as favours) W'W^
m Ai,m° chhut jip-^-gdn, —for sa° p6-tap.
land tax M # tsi°-niu"^ hu, (that
iJl Reciprocity, (reciprocal advantages)
which is received) ^ &^° s6-
gif ± m° m ^ tai ke li ek, MmB
siu L sa" tsiau eng.
Receivable, trJiS:^° 6e-siu-tit. Recision, %f koah.
Receive liS: siu, ^ siu,^ ^ seng siu, Recital, m° Ham, ^ |i° p6e liam,
(a person) m° tsih, 'pl°nid", Ji if|J (telling) =i° ^ kong khi.
tsiap-lap, —Baptism, gg° gfe If nid" Recitation, .-g: liam.
s6e 16.
;b: liam,—lesson, ;f: j]J° liam-
Receiver, ^ :t° A° siu g Mng, —of chheh,— prayers, 11° g siong-
stolen goods, U M o--ka, keng.
Reckless, m ft lam-sdm, ^•° 1.° Recollect, IB #° ki-tit.

chhia-chhdi, iJ ^
h6--t6-, i^° ^° Recollection, |E #° ki-tit, M° 1.°
b6ng-t6hg, —
of one's life, ^° *& siu"-ki".

M:° si-sin-phe. Recommence, fM° i^ fe koh-tsai-khi,

Recklessly, fl ^ loaft-tsii. M° if Sa koh sin khi.
Recklessness, ^° 2.° chtin-cliLdi, Recommend, # tsien, ^ # kii-tsien,
k° ff i& b6 fsii soe, M° $H° « b6 (advise) iS° khng.
§1 il in-tsin,
so'fe ji, 3b P$° chhiong-pong. Recommendation, a letter of — # ,

Reckon )it° |{;° sng-siku, (con- lt° tsien phoe.

Reckoning jsider) <&.o m° "

Hah ts^e Recommendatory,

(letter) # Jft

Reckoner, M° f sAg e tsien-phoe.

siig siau ^. Recommit, (as a les'son) koh tsai 61a
Reclaim, (reform) -^ A° K IH 85:° Recompence, f^ ^ p6-tap, ||J sia,

\xo- Mhg hoAn hoe k6e- —good for evil, m° »° m.° ^°

pi°, (as land) ^ J^° tiok-t5e, (de- . eng h6 p6 phai".
mand) m tt° koh-th6. Recompose, (form anew) S°Si°iiJ
Reclaimable, pf" fj- 11° thang th6
t^ng th^u chh6ng.
tAg, (as a bad man) i^° oe Reconcilable, (persons) tl" fa #°
^° #°
k6e tit, (as l^and) tg° if° ^° #
oe h6 tit, ^° 11° la oe koh h 6, (as
oe koh tfeoii tit, (as a beast) oe accounts) oe ttii tit, (consistent)
chhi koai. ^tiii.
Reclamation, (demand) b>I' th6, j^ Recoricile, # A ia ho- Mng h6, (as

ti tiii th6, M ti chhil th6. statements) ho" i tui.

Recline, m° the. Reconciled |j b6 h6, (in mind) ^
Reclose, (as door) M-° il°feoh koai", M° ke Sim. ^
(as a crevice) ^
M° ^° koh that Reconcilation, fn ii6.
b'dt. Recondite, chhim, chhim ^ ^^
Recluse, H^ lito-tsid, ffi ^ ill # ti'm, ft ^' 6 biau.
lin-ku san-lim. Reconduct, ^° 51° koh chhoa.
-Rec?6gnise, BI° li° jiti tit. ^^ M Reconnoitre, kui thkm, fl"
Recognition, H jin. M t4° thkm, M° thkm kh5a".
Recognizable, tg° ?^ 1^° oe jin Reconsider, W" H S° koh tski
tit. siii".

Recoil, (as a gun) #] Sf^ to-toa", Reconsideration, ^ f|° koh siu°.

(a:s mischief on one's self) § Reconstruct, f^° H |e koh tski khi,

t6 hai. Eeconvey, (as gdods) jS il W UQ

Recoilment, BW thiau t6 t% t6 tng,
Recoin, ^ koh-tsii.
^° Reconveyance, (as goods)
Recoinage, ^° ^ koh tsii. un tb tfig, ("as an estate SS i!?«
i koh h^ng go^n tsii. Recriminative, 1^° ^^ chhia poi",
Eecord, |B ki, ffi |g ki-tsai, ±° M d^^i^° poilMidb.
tsiu"-chheh, Eecruit, (a soldier) if ^ sin peng,
Eecorder, i
-^^tsii-pho-. (strength) p6"-i6ng, (an ^ ^
Eecount, (tell again) =g koh army)H JS ^° tsio peng,
k6ng, (count again) ||°^° koh Eectangle, jE° M tsia°-kak,
shg, (rehearse) g| jg k6ng khi, Eectangular, jj 65° sii hong S.
W: B i}° W siau ti^u k kong. Eectification, (of an error) ^^ ^°
Eecourse, (application, as for aid) m° k6e khi ti6h.

^ tsan,
Ji&° kiii — to power, M° Eectify 85:° k6e, —mistake, Bfc° *°
^ eng koin. m k6e-khi-ti6h, Br#°#°^° k6e
Eecover, (retake) M fM.^ h6k-t6, h5* i ti6h.

^ khek h6k, (from sickness) ^° Eectilinear, It° U° ^° tit s6a° §,

M pi" h6, fl Jg hdkgo^n, (a debt) Eectitude, IE it tsfeng- tit, Jg Il°

ti° M° th6 ti6h, one's spirits, ^ tiong-tit.
Sf |l° fl tseng sin koh h6k. Eectum, ii° li° tit tiig.
Eecoverable, (disease) °:^° $f 6e-h6, Eecumbent, Ji the.
tS° Sa Hoe tsiku go^n, (debt) Eecuperative, f^ S^ ai 5e h6. ^
|g° ti #° 6e th6 tit. Eecur, #° koh lai, ||° 5!° 38? koh ^
Eecovered, (from sickness) ^° i^ tfig Mi, (to mind) n° ,g° koh-
pi"-h6. siu° ti6h (go to for help) ^ ^ g|°
Eecovery, M #° ^° koh tit ti6h, khi kill tsan.

U° m m koh hdk t6, (from sick- Eecusant, Jy Wi ^

h^ng h6k, ;?;° ^
ness) ^ -jc h6k goan. 111° 2i in tang i.

Recreant, (cowardly) >h° JI|° si6 td", Eecurrence, #° koh, of a disease, —

(apostate) ic #
poan kut. « m° W ^ goan pi" koh —of lai,

Recreate, (revive) IS" A° J^ m ho- rebellion, M ^ K koh tski hodn.

ling tseng sin, (cheer) ^° X" fg Eecurrent, n° M° koh kaii, B° ^
itJ» ho- ling chheng sim. koh lai.

Recreation, WW thit tho. Recusancy, Jn;^ kh6ng ku, /P° U

Recreative, (tending to refresh) in h6k, Ty° fla^ iH tsiku khodn.
W ^
A° Si? 6e ho- ling tseng-sin. Recusant, 7^ M in sun, ^° M in h6k,
Recrement, m.° W° tse tdi. T>l^°a°iSthkniu".
Recremental, m° •m° m° tse
Recriminal, 1^° ^° chhia po4°, !|a°
tai"^. Red, j|C° ang, very ing-ki-ki, — ,

whitish—, ^° hiln4ng, light—

ef° sa" pik", m° ^° sa" iah. m° U° chhi64ng, 3^° U° tsiii-
Recrimination, ^° ^° chhia po^",
m° fif° sa- pik", m° fg sa° iah.
tog, dull— ang h6a",—ink,
gtn tsu, —lead, jgC ^ h6ng-tan,
hot, ?*°iiJ°3gt°siokauang. ia° khku, iJ it, (rule in aritheme-
Redden, mM°^U° chhbng ho- i- tic) m ^ hoa hoat, (to poverty)
ing, (to blush) hoat hong. WK°%°M° h5- l^ng s6ng hiong,
Reddition, H* M P^ P<^'- (to povrder) m°Wi^ g^ng tit iii,

Redeemable, tSU^ oe si6k tit, (as (degrade) I^ M kkng kip, (a fe-

a pledge) oe chhid tit. ver) W ^W W, ho- i th6 ji^t,
Redeemer, iS: j£ Kiu tsu, the —^ , (subdue) W° i^") (as a swelling,

ift i
Kiu se tsTi. ^ IS sih 16h, #° # rt ho- i siau,
Redeem, ^si6k-h6e, a pledge, — (as money from one denomination
ff 't°BI°th6t£igthau, m° chhiu, to another) -ffc hoa, (lessen) M
—from^ sin, ^ H si6k tsoe. kidm, (a fraction to its lowest
Redeliver, ^ ^ koh kiii. terms) $5 iok, —
to a common de-
Redemption, ^ 13 si6k-h6e, (deli- nominator, il thong, sS #° ^
ver) ^ kill, (release) jjft pkng. thong hun-bu, ^an improper frac-
Kedhot, ^° m'' a° sio kau ftng. tion to a mixed number, ^° ^ -ftJ

Reddish, ^P Ing-khau, #ft:°hun- ii: :;'c° *° # hok tsoe tseng s6- t5a
ang. lfi,n hun.
Redness, ^° ^ &ng-sek. Redundant (superabundance) /g° 1

Redolent, #° ^ &5i° u bi ^,— of gar- Redundantly #° u chhun, (exces-


lic, W° ^° ff° * u sokn-a bi.

sive) m° k^-thau, i§ ^ ke

Redouble, m.° i^° teng-pe, M ^° gidh, (expressions) )J° IS° ^°

ka-pe, —
his eflPorts, ^° ^° ii5° 'jj kauoesai, (copious) 3£^ chhiong-
ka pe chhuf; Idt.
Reduplicate, ^° siang.
Redoubt, >M S
Redoubtable, (to be dreaded) W" Re-echo, M° hM .i^ sia" un Mi.
11° thang kia°, (valiant) ^ M Reed, m
ft° 16-rtek, 16--di,— MS
of a loom, hi" soe.
eng-hi6iig, |£ H beng i6ng.
Redound, Bf kui, (roll-back) #° # Reef,— of rocks,

:B W
^° tsit-tsih, take in

11° h5* i to t6g, (be in excess) —of sail, °

-.° ^° M tsit-tsih, (take

/t° #° u chhun, :t°
m° u sin,— —° $1°
to his honour, i? W M° ^ M ho- in a —in a foreign ship)
hk tsit pak.
i u eng hien.
Redraft, fl° ^ if ^ koh sid chh6 k6. Reek, M. khi, 'JE@ ien, ^ bu, to—,
Redress, # % sin oan. M chheng.
Reeky, (smoky) 'JEi 6^° ien g, (soil-
Redshort, ^° ^ «£ E sio 4ng tsiu ed with smoke) ^° m° *S hdk
chhe, E° chhe. ti<5h ien.

Reduce (as swelling) ?t siau, 14° Reel, m

Ak, ft-° ff" dk-d,— of a silk,
Reduction)^ sih-16h, (deduction) m° ii^, n si-s6a"-dk, (stagger) %
tien, phin, fe & fe k6ng-k6ng- my book, ^^ZW kbok" g6a
tien, (wind) H in. 6 cbbeb, bave you any one to
Re-elect, ^ ^ koh-k^ng. wbom you can — to, as security,
Re-eiection, m-° M° koh k^ng. iK^rt ^ A flT^/I^^E li u sim-
Re-eligible, W ^° m° ^° oe kob mib Mng tbang ka li tab hng,
k^ng tit, 1^° 3° g° tkang koh Referee, ^ M kong-chhin.
k'^ng. Reifine, (reduce to a pure state) i^
Re-embark, n° M° M° kob 16b tsun. ^4a^ ho- b6 tb^u, (as ore) ^

Re-enact, :^° ^ '^ kob lip le, ^° ')$ tbokn-lien, (a person) ^° A°

M M kolb siet le. m°M° bo- lang ih. siii, (clarify) f^°
Re-enactment, W^ ^!) kob siet le, # ^° 'M ho- i tse cbbeng, (as su-
n ±m kob lip le. gar) i§° ft k6 tiu.
Re-enter, tM° A kob jip. Refined, ^^ iii-siu.

Re-entrance, ^ A kob jijp. Refinement, H M nga-kbi, % a

Re-est4blisb, il°^:4 kob siet lip. bUn-li, # M sih-khi.
Reeve, ^^ff cbbng sob-a. Refiner, 5^ ^ ^° tboan lien %.
Re-examine, :^° g° Fp3° kob-cbb^- Refinery, m mi.°m^ tboan lien
mng, fl°^ kob-kb6. ^ s6- tsai.
Re-export, (if still in sbip)
j^ ^
gij Refit, i^^ siu-tseng, ^1^ tsebg-

it IP oat kbi pat kdng kba, (if ttm.

landed in tbe godownj^^-^grj Reflect (consicier) ®° siu°, H° I

iS kob lioat 16b ^p^'t te. Reflection s4m-su, (as a mirror) ) g

Refasbion, if ^ij sin cbbong, K° M° t^ ^^
tsio, (reproacb) ^
oat kboAn. bii,m.
Refasten, (tie) W
If kob pak, (bolt) Reflecting, iJ M° to tsio, (tbibking)
E- f4 kob cbboa", (make fast) :^° ir B"" teb siu^
W^ ffi° kob bo- i tiau. Reflex, (introspective) 1° a° ^ »&
Refection, Ii5 )& tiam sim, ^° ^° ka-ki bun sim.
mih tsidh. Reflexibility, tg° f ij ^,° 6e t6 tsio.
Refectory, ir° :^° M°mib tsiabpMg, Reflorescence,
^° m" ?E° kob kbui
J!)S:°:tM°b6 sit pang. boe.
Refer —to,
1 ^
tsi, ^° ki, (bave
Refluence, ij -S° t6 Mu, ^° i) 5|°
Reference) a relation to) Jg" u ^^ lau tbe au.
kan-sidp, (to arbitration) ^ A 1M Reflux, (flood) m° m m° Mu t6 1%
^ bo- Mng tiau-cbbii, (to an au-
(ebb) ?^ kb6.
tbor) §1 flj in cbbeb, —to tbe
Reform (make a new) if |ij )

proceeding and tbe following,

Reformation [ sin cbb6ng, odt ^^
±^T s^ng siong tsiap ba,'— to kbodn (amend) £8:° ^° k6e-pi",
*° 515 If IE khi si^-kui ts^ng, — tiu°-toah, —to-pay iX kh6ng, ^^
from opium smoking, 65: ll^ k6e- ts ni heng.
hun, (in one's life) 64° M° k6e pi°, Refuse, (worthless) M° 5§ ffl° b6 lo'

ik i§ kdi ko. eng, IS JU ;2:° i/° bu iong 6 mih

Reformed, B W.^^ i-keng siu- (dregs) ?t° v^" tse-tAi, (sweep-
sfeng, 64° B*" k6e-phdi°. ings) ^ i§
pun-so, (dross) Jf IS
Reformer, a national —^ , M, $i iS 16- t6e (deny, as a request) ^' m
^° i hong ek si6k fe. (decline to accept) 7f,° M° m tih.

Refract )
R M° to ho'dn-tsio,
?ij° 'B.efute,.&M°^M pok ho- i t6, m
Refraction ^ ^8° hoan-tsi6.

Refractoriness, ft b^n, # &° Mn

W i.° M pien h5- i t6.

Regain, (recover) fl° ^ °^ koh-

phe, ^° # kill" kut. tit-ti6h, — one's health, ^ X b6k
Refractory, (as child) g b^n, ft &, goan, (retrieve) ^ pj h6k-t6.
ban phg, (as person) M iS kiu"- Regal, ^ ^ 6^ h6ng-tfe §. He was
ngi, m° ^° B° l(5ng m thia", i!° # dressed in— style, ffi ^° ff ^ fi°
kiu° kut. ^ % tsng kau chhin-chhiu" h6ng
Refrain, ^ kim, 5^ kai. te.
Refrangible, W.° M
'V oe to tsio. Regale, (entertain in a princely
Refresh, (the spirits) 'K°fi»*ral* h5- manner) if iP H ^# A° pan
i tseng-sin. gu i^n khoAn-thai.
Refreshed, ^'M^M tseng-sln h6k- Regaha, #D flg gu-h6k.
to. Regality, j^° I tsoe 6ng, f^° 1 ®°
Refreshment, (food) jS, i6 ti^m-sim. tsoe hong te.
Refrigerants if J§. i.° W' chheng- Regard, ^° kh6a°, out of—to, ^^»°
li^ng-e mih. toa-ti6h, ^,^ tai-liam, (relation)
I^efi-igerate, (to cool) -ffi ^ ?^ ho- i
kan-siap, (esteem) ^ ^ J:°S: tiii-

leng. tiopg, f^ UK k^ng-hok, (consider

Refrigeration, B leng ?$° tang, Jj. seriously) 15: ti-i, withMto, — m
Mng. i!l lun kau.
Refuge, PaI 'Mi.°^^ siam-pi fe
Regardful, || *& koan sim, -^ *& lifi

tsai, cities of—, Ta] ii i°M° siam- sim, Jj» >5 si6 sim.
pi & sia". Regardless, (negligent) *& b6 ^M
Refugee, ^ H 65° t6 Ian L . koan-sira, ^° >J>° i& bo si6 sim,

Refulgence, ^° ^ kng-liang. 7f>° ^ Sf b6 liti sin, >C» b& J^ ^

Msim, hoang
Refulgent, M £° ^K° boat kng Hang.
(indifferent) 15:° -|t°

Refund, 5i° h^ng. hoang, ^° .g° ^.° ii° b6 siu''

Refusal, %° m, m° si, —to receive, b6 niu°.

7f-° M° ra-tih, -^sulkily, '^°M° Regardlessly, *S° ^ M b6 iau-kin.


heg REGr

Regards, send one's kind — , IS ^ beng, tsin kh6-sioh, I very much

chh^ng-an. — to say that he will not listen to
Eegatta, P3° |fi° tau-tsun. any advice, ^m°%°m°'Bm°^°
Regency, i| i^ liap-tseng, §£ M Jl jtM 'li i l<5ng m thia" kh6--khfig,
thok-ko". g6a tsin ho4n-16.
Regenerate, a:°|!l°^° t^ng-tMu-si" Regular, j^ s<in-si6k, ^ — order, 2J{

Regeneration, M° M° ^° tfeng-th^u- chhii-su. ^

si". Regularity, M m s<in si6k, ^ gf
Regent, ^ Wl, liap-tseng, ^ UM tsiep si6k.
siu thok-ko-, ftj S il ifc tai li-kok- Regularly, ^ tsiku chhii
S?, \fi. su,

tseng, Lamaist — ^I
, hoat-6ng, ^ 1^ tsiep si6k.
m^ ^ 16k-blin-hdn. Regulate, M # tsek-tok, WL SS siet-

Regicide, ^ M 65° chhi kun e. hoat, ^^ 3S liau-li.

Regime, i$ V tsfeng su. Regulation, ^^
kui-ku, j^ jK tiau-
Regimen, (hygiene) if 115° WC ^° kui, j^ ^
tsun tsat lim-tsidh, observe a — Regulator,—of a watch, MH fh°
15 t^ :^ tsiet im sit. kin-ban-tsiam.
Regiment, ^° ifi,". Rehearing, ^° koh thia", of a ^ —
Regimental, —° g° 65° tsit ii" 6. case by Magistrate, '^° koh sim H
Regimentals, SE ^
ho i. Rehearse, tg° ^° koh tsai-k6ng, S
Region, ^° ij° toe-hng, *fe° Jfl toe- 11° k6ng-khi,— a play, m m ^
kki, (neighbourhood) 3^° si. th6-hi.
Register, ship's—, M° W
tsAn-p^i, Reign, f& tl-li, M° iS. tse-ul, m
J^r )1S?° ang-p^i, to— M. E
begin a S& tJS teng-k^k, during — ,

Registrar, i -^ tsu-phd*, ^ ^tsidng- the— of Tau-Kwang, M^^ F4

an, — general of Hongkong, ^ Jg . To-kong ni° kan, —a year, MR

IK ^ ^° hoa bin-tsfeng bu si. ~^ tse ui tsit ni".
Registration, |£ ^° ki ph5- nih.
^ Reimburse, (pay back) si hfeng,
Regrant, ^°
M| koh tsiin. (indemnify) pe. ^
Regression, 5g° ^° thfe au. Reimbursement, jS° hfeng.
Regret, (repent) 1il S
hoAn-h6e, Reimprint, ^° Pp koh in,
fl° fP H
(be sorry for) /P j^ »& in'ke sim,
koh tski in.
© T> i§ ti siu° iii kfe chhoe, g ° 2.°
Rein, be soh, (restrain) $5 ^ ^^
T>° ^° =f#° ka-ki boe ti6h tit, (sor-
ioksok, (to guide by a bridle), iA
row) j^ fiboan-16, 1— that I can-
^° ^^
not accept your invitation, ^° chhe-chhid, (up) m .^°^" lek
a°^°7v°#°f!r°^fiMt fT^ li be soh.
chhia" gon, goa b5e tit thang seng Reindeer, :^'' ^ toa 16k.
T ,

Reinforce 1 (as soldiers) M »i tsfp, (.Tii.swer) ^ in.
Reinforcements ^
ke thi° peng, (as Rejoinder,
) in (in law) |$ su'. ^
in navy) Jo° MM
^e thi" tsiin, Rejuvenate, ||° >i; ^ tng siau lien.
(during a battle) #^
kiu peng. Rejuvenescence, *i? ^ kob tng #^
(of colleagues) *n° m° m m M siau lien.
ke-thi" siong pang ^.
^ be soh, (kidneys) ^°
Rekindle, W^ ^K" kob-khl be.
Reins, ,B|
Reland, (goods) ^ ±° 7|C° koh tsiu''
. ^ lai-sTn. tsiii.

Reinsert, ^° ^ A kob ebbah jip, Relapse, K hoAn, (as disease) ^"^

(as a word) J§ ^ tseng p6-. M° S. pI°-kob boan.
Reinspection, ^° g kob sun tsa, fig Relate, W° i& k6ng-kbi.
19° ^ S^ kob tsa giam. Related, || cbbin, distantly, — iSc°

Reinstall, (in office) S ^ A kob 60° soe S, — to, as a matter, ^°^

siet lip, M^MM kob b6k goin j5^ u kan siap.

tsit. Relation, ^ j^ cbbin-cbb«k, (of a

Reinstate, m° 11° i:° ^° kob bo- i matter) li jg kong-kbi.
tng, (an official) ^° i°^ M ho- Relationship, cbhin-chhek, ^ ^
i kob b6k tsit. (affinity) kan siap. ^^
Reinstatement, M M M tok goan tsit Relations, M M cbhin-chhek, the
Reinsurance, I5° iS ^° kob p6 ke. five — , S i^ ng6- lun, human —
Reinsure, ?| ^
^° kob p6 ke. A fit jin lun, blood—, ^M^U
Reinvest (money) ^° 1 ^ ;2|£ biet b^k e cbbin.
Reinvestment kob lob pun.
) Relative, H M cbbin-cbhek, wife's
Reinvigorate, m M M° if bok-to —^ , J^° cbbin-tsisi,", father's —
kbui lat. U ^ chbin-t6ng, (relations) U M
Reissue, # kob tsai cbbut.
^° ffi cbbin-cbhek, (pertaining to) ^" ^
Reiterate ]^M tiong-bok, g'" ^ u kan siap.
Reiteration W.° # W" k6ng liau kob
Relax, ^° M° pang-sang.
tsai k6ng. Relaxation, (from business &c.) jj^

Reject, ^ |g kh-tsoat, ^ j@ khi- cbheng, m° 6ng, ^m an-han, ]K^

tsoat, ]K° >i.° pang-sak, y[>° W g*^ pang sang,

;^° % pang khoan.
iii-tih. Relaxative, ]5i° pJing sang.
Rejection, 1^° M° m tih. Relay, (as of horses) ^° MM" oa"
Rejoice, ffe ;S boa"-hi. sin -be.
Rejoicing, Wi° S 1^'oa" hi. Release, M° V^^^K-
Rejoicings, ^ ^fe lau jiet. Relent, HI <& W^ he sim tng-i.
Rejoin, (join again) fg'^ '^ koli bap. Relentless, -^i" ^ '\k tng ti bun, ^^
(meet again) fl"^ ^^ kob tsu 1° tr ti5g khioh bun, ^m ?& t%
tsek oim. tseng kku, Buddhist — ^, fie sek
Eelevancy, ^° ^ }$° u kan sidp. kau, Taoist — ,jg ifc to kau, Coo-
Eelevant, =p ^ kan-siiip, -^ hdh. — fucian , ffi Ife ju kau, embrace a
Eeliable, ^'° ji u pin sin, g !£'='
m new— A , 15: jip kku, hong ^^
IS ?#° oe siong-sin tit, kau, apostatize from one's — |^ ^,

Eeliability, |g° ft ^° oe kho tit, m° poe kau, Roman Catholic, — 5^ j^

is %° oe sin tit. ^ Thien tsii kku, the Protestant
Eeliable, |g° g m° oe kb6 tit, tg° —,MUW(. la.-so- kau, the three
Jl ft ^° oe pin sin tit. — , H ii sam kku, (worship of
Eeliance kb6, i^°
) ^
6a kb6, (any ^ God) ^°^°± ^ h6k-sai Siong-
Eeliant (thing (on wbicb to rely)
te, he has no — , he worships no-
Bim6^° s6- e, self— W°fla^ thing, O^ ^ # a JS i bo pki sioi-
u tam ti, ^°)ia :;j u tdm lek, /f °i
51° u tsii tiu", ^°'± m ii tsii chhai,
mih, he has no — , that is, he is

insincere, ^° M° « *& flK" ^°± ®

uot self— S
;^ iii iii, ;ia as tam- i b6 sit sim hdk sai Siong-te.
tdm. Religious, ft ^ keng-khi^n.
Eelic, (of former ages) :^ D|° if -^ Religiously,
^ ^ keng khien.
^°§}° sien tiau fii liii e mih, ^m Relinquish, Ii niu, :|i ^ pang-sak.
^^°W sien tiau tsek ^ mih, this Relinquishment,
Si° ^° pang sak.
is a — of the Sung dynasty, Jlt° ^ Relish, a, #1° B6° mih-ph^, —food,
* la it ^ ^^ m^ tse si S6ng tiau ig° i^ kah chhiii, ji° fl^ kah pi, ^
t\ lid e mih, (memento) M^ \n ki.
k], ^ sin-si.
(a corpse) /=>
Relishable, '^° ^° hkh. chhiii.
Eelict, (widow) ^ ^ tsiii-kda". Reloan, S° ©° koh tsioh.
Eelief, (succour) M

(belp) ^
pang tsan, (redress), IB ^ p6
kiix, Reluctance, ;j; ^ in ai, ^°
sid° ai.
W^ h6

oan, stand out in — ^ phA. Reluctant, % ^ fi-ai, M" S° ^ h6

Eelievable, pT M° $1° thang kidm
fi^° sid" -ai.
khin §, gt if W oe pang tsan, (as Reluctantly,
gg bien-ki6ng, ^ % -g-

disease) tg° 11?° # ge° l^'^ 6e ho- i *Cs in-kam sim.

kbah khin. Rely, —upon,Jg^° i 6a, mM ^^-
Eelieve, i? |& pang-tsan, — tbe poor, loa, ^ ft 6a kho.
li^ tsin-tse, —a cough, M° M° Remade, ||,° ^° koh tsoe.
teb sau, —guard, JB # *^ sa° tb6e Remain, {^ chhun, (stay) -1^° toa.

Relievo, khek ph6ng,

Remains, WW
chhun fe (corpse)-
glj i", ^ij «}^°
jfr M sin-si.
kbek phii, U° pM. Remainder, ^g^ ^ u chhun, (the rest)
Religion, ffc kau, orthodox—, ff |5; K iSi ki-il

Remaining, ^ f^ ki A. Remission) ^°^ ski-khi, (send) ^
Remake, ||° M° koh tsoe, H |ij kob Remit jkia, — money, ^ iS ki^
clihong. gun, — as sin, ^^ sia-bi^n,. —
Remand, n M 11° * kio to-tng klii, taxes, g^ M° 11° khai tsl" niu"..
law case) iSy kn ha.
(as a Remittance, ^ M kia gun.
Remark, (observe) ^° khoa", (say) Remittent, —fever, >]^°ii°-i°#, si6

If kong. the e jiet.

Remarkable," ffi ^ chlmt ki, # 1^ Remnant, <^° j^lj u-sin, (of goods)
bui-sioiig. n1 h^-b^.
Remarkably, |^ ^ hui-si6ng, :^ ^ Remodel, U^ oAt khoAn, W^ §1
put-si<Sk. M Ml koh-tsai chh6ng sin kh6an.

Reman-y, (as man) ||° ^° koh Remonstrate, the prime Minister

chh5a, (as woman) ^^ koh ke. with the King, Jfe gf If A ^ ^
Remediable, t^° ^ ^° 6e i tit. tsdi° si6ng kan-tseng jin kun,
Remedial, t§° 6e ^ i. (against some action) ^° tong,
Remedy, (for disease)) ^° i6h, (advise against) "B W kh6--khAg,
(plan) SM hoat-to", —for poi- his bill is very heavy, I must
son, mm k^i <^k, (to heal) B i, with him, ^m°m°± fi,° n° m°
(reparation) ig° pS, (aid) 1? g[|° i£° khui toa" siu" ph6ng g6a
15* i

pang-tsan, (for a mistake) f^ .;i°

ti6h tu i, the father with his —
:^ fi h6k fe hong boat, profligate son, W ^° ^°^° ^ K
Remember, IB # ki-tit, (carefully) ^M^ hau si" phdi° kid", lau pe

BE »& ki sim, —kindness, S ,-§; siau- kh6- khfig i.

iiam. Remonstrance, ^
1^° kh6--khAg.

Remembrance, IE ;©! ki liam. Remonstrant, ^%


Remembrancer, IB ,-# ^° ki liam L Remorse, .g° ;r;° i§° |g° siu" S ke

Remind, Jt Ifi tsi-ti4.m, ^» J£° tidm chh6e, ^° T T»° i§° '& siu" liau in
tiih, ^° A° M° ka 14ng kdng. ke sim, 7(>.° ^°%° boe ti6h tit.
Reminiscence, (remembrance) IB ^ Remorseful, ,©° ^JJ^ 'A°W° siu" m k6
ki-liam. chhoe.
Remiss, liah toa-ko'. Remorseless, W >5 ngi s™) '^^ W°
^° ^°
Remissible, it° M%W oe sia bien
1^° sim koa" hoai",
b6 siu" to-tng, (cruel) ^

S- ts^n

Remission, — of sin, Wi sia.
Remortgage, tsoan-tien. H^
Remissly, B. ^ka chhia", m° J.° Remote, j®" hiig, jS tiau-oan. ^
, chhin-chbii, 11°:*+° noa"-chh6a". Remotely, ji;° hng, jii; tiau oan, ^
Remissness, lidh toa ko* — related, W.° soe.

Remoteness, 5£° hng, ?fi Ji: tiau oan mies, mmm>f^Am°m° m^ tiii

Remould, W
^ij koh clihong. tek hut-jifen sa" tii ti6h.
Remount, W° W. It° Ivoli tsai khi^. Rendering, (as translation) U %
Removable, tg° m° '^° 6e sod tit, hoan ^k (act of laying the first
|g M #° oe
t{|° cbhien s6a tit. coat of plastering) Wl° M° th4u S
Removal, m° ti° poa" soa, m ^° pifen he.

chhien sod. Rendezvous, |g # i° W i5£ tsu hoe

Remove, (from a house) JiDi poa°, g s6- tsai, to—, M. -i" tsu h5e, W
(shift) m° sod,^ i-sod,—
eil° $^ tsu tsip.
away things, ^ ^ saii-td, — sor- Rendition, (of crimiuals) 3E A° ji°

row, M M k6e-bun, —utterly, §{° ^ IS *@ toan lang hgng i kui

^ —a corpse, 1^ P
tng kun, i- pun kok.
si,— ^ ^ khi-th^m,
phlegm, Renegade, *F £ kan-sln, ic # poan-
mountains, ^ i-soa", (a suit)
llj° kut.
Jl ^ th6 an. Renew, S ^ t^ng sin, |ij ffi° # iS
Remunerate, (reward) %° siii", chh6ng-h6^ i sin, U if hoan-sia,
(compensate for loss) ip°pfe, (for (regenerate) m «fe° fflt
labour)- ^° P i,° X° m° tse i fe si°.

kang tsi", (requite) ^^ p6-tap, Renewable, fg fi if oe tfeng sin tit,

Wi sia. (as a lease) m° *1° ^° Si° odh

Remuneration, (for loss) 1*° pe, khau e kh6e.
(to teacher) sok-kim, "M ^ (for a Renewal, B ST koh sin, m° M tfeng

labourer) X° M° kang tsi°, (for sin.

a soldier) 0° U° khdu niu°. Renewer, ft° if 6^° koh sin e, M^
Remunerative, (as business) j^° If, 65 teng sin L
h6thkn, (aswork)iff°^°h6tsodn, Renounce, iSi° M-° pkng-sak, J6 iS

(as an-employment) Hf ±° 5M° S& kii-tsodt, ;;p° ^° in-tih.

h6 thau-lo*.
fe Renouncement, iK pang-sak.' M
Renal, p^ ^ 6^ lai sin g. Renovate, (make over again) M
Rend, ^ lih. ^ ^ij teng tsai chh6ng, ^# |lj

Render, (^ ho-, (return) ||_° hfeng, koh-tsai chhong, (reqew) fi if

judgment, f'J ||f phoa" toan, (tran- teng sin.
slate) M W
hoan-ek, — me an Renovation, M° if teng sin, 0^ ff
account of the business, ^M i.° koh sin.
«i:°»° E° ^° it seng-li ^ sidu ti6h Renown, ffl iS° chhut-miS.".
kap goa chheng, evil for evil, ffi
^° chhut-mia. Renowned,
m''^°m^° eng phai° p6 phdi". Rent, house Jg ^° chhii sc, — ,

Rencountei tu-ti6h, of eni- —

ground Jfe IB. te tso', (a tear)^' — ,
WL° thiah pboa,—a house, |ft° jf koh-tski k6ng, S H It t^ng-tha li-

se chhu, —land, IS Jfe^ sfe toe, what king.

rent do you pay fov this house, Repeatedly, M° M° tsic4p-tsidp, #H
m° j«:° r^" If ^° m° u° mr n tski-sa°
keng chhu
tsit se joa tsoe tst" 6, Repel, (as enemy) g f^ ti-tdk, ^^

what do you charge for this ^° # ^°k6a"h5- i tsdu, (repulse)
house, m° it° rs° m m° ^ ^°n° W i& iii: ho- i su.
11 tsit keng chhu sfe i joa ts5e. Repeutence) K ISl hoan-h6e, "SI »&
Rentable, ||° m° %° oe se tit. Repent jh6e-sim.
Rental, IE m° tso- tsi". Repent, R || hoan-h6e, '{I •[§• h6e-
RentroU, |i M tso- pho- ngo-.

Renounciation, m tih, j^° ^° pang Repetition,

g|o .n..n,^in.^.a^
ti6nghok, ^|$il°
sak. thien-th6h, ^^«
Reordain, Wt° WL A koh siet-lip. ^ hoan lai hoan-khi, S § t^ng-
Reorganization ]B°m.ApMiiM tidp.

Reorganize koh ) siet-lip tiftu-kui Repine^ j^ »& chhoeh-sim, ^ JS ai-

hoat to". okn.
Repack, # ^ koh khoan. Replace, (thing) fi IS he go§,n- ©
Repair, ^M siu-li, ^ m. siu-tseng, ui, (a person in his office) i^° A°

ir # ta°-tidp. koh h6k tsit, m^^ m.M ha- lang

Reparable, (as a house) 6e ta" tiap (by purchase) 3° M° koh b<5e.
tit, m° ©° ^S
oe siu li tit, (as Replant, ff i% koh tsai.
an in injury) ^° fli ©" 6e pfe Replenish, (as a glass) ^° S° koh
p6' tit. thin, (as goods) 15-° i? koh pan,

Reparation, ^° p^. (cause to abound) M° M :fc ^

Repartee, good at—, B^MB in ho- i chhiong-seng.
tap jA liA. Replete, ti m6a°.
Repass, #° ia° koh ke. Repletive, ^° W m6a &.

Repast, (meal) § tAg. Replevin, PT* *S JK" p6 kiet tsng.

^h&ng, —with grati- Replevy, :& iSiS }K° ku p6 kiet tsng
Repay, Kg pfe,

tude, ^M tap-sia. Replication, Up so".

Repayment, 8S° p^, M beng. Replier, H 69° in e.

Repeal, M thiet, B* h^e-kbi. Reply, a, M he-thfi-u, to— ,S° in,

Repealable, tg ^ # 6e hoe tit. (by letter) Jjfc he phoe.

Repealer, fia° i:° ^ *° ka .g'° i hoe Report, a rumour, hong-sia", — M^

khi ^.. —,W^
false p6ng-ia", (detail) WC
;g liam, — odes, j^ ^"/^W siku tiau-A kong, (tell)
Repeat, (recite)
t# liam-si, (reiterate) r »° Pfl f kong, -after furlough as an

official, I't iS° siau-ke, —after Representatives, house of ,'^M'^
special duty, If M° siau chhe, to ki 16 hde, ,# i # sin su hoe.
—, ME. ht-hok, —to the Em- Repress, $5 ;^ iok-sok, JH ± at-tsi,
peror, §° tsku, — to tbe throne in SB — desires, ah-16h, •$!! M tse-ap,
reply to a command, M et hok tsi, m fiJ ap-tse.
a — to a superior, *^ ®° pintoa", Repression, g ap fiJ tse, fiJ M
to — to a superior, ^ pin-hok, tse ap.
to — to a Mandarin, W< ^ M pin Repressive, M, M 60° ap tse S, fiJ 1
16-tia, —from a mandarin to a ap ts^ e.

superior, j§ If thong si6ng, — of Reprieve, % M khoan han.

a gnn, §^M-° chheng sia", if you Reprimand, ^ f§ tsek-pi.
do not do your duty I shall — you Reprint, .®° S 11° koh tsai in.
to the master, pf ' ^°^ IS ft $6° Reprisal, — ffi° m° - #5 it p6 hoaa
g° l^° m° m° m° ll na bo jln tsin, it p6.
g6a beh ka thau ke k6ng. Reproach, fg tsek-pi. ^
Repose, (rest) #° hioh, ^ P
an- Reproachable, f§ oe tsek S pi, pj
tseng, (confidence in) fg j5 siong- f§ thang tsek pi. ^
sin, is#° M° sin tit k6. Reproachful, ^ f§ tsek pi, M nie.
Repository, m° M° 11° tiin hfe k^k. Reproachfully, ^ fg tsek pi, ^
Repossess, ft° ^.° ^° koh tit ti6h. hiam.
Repossession, #° :^° koh u, S° ^° Reprobate, (abandoned person) ]K
w koh u tit ti6h. ;^ h6ng-t5ng.
Reprehend, St fi tsek-pi, ^
hi^m. Reprobation, (blaming) hi^m, ^
Reprehensible, ^° ^
fS thang tsek (abandoning) ^° ^° pang sak,
pi. ;p° ^° ifi tih.
Reprehension, ^ fg tsek pi, M Reproduce, (generate) ^° si"; (bring
hiam. to the memory) ,g,° ^° {f ^ siu"
Reprehensive, "^1°
» f§ 60° thang koh oA Mi.
tsek-pi e. Reproduction, (generation) ^° si",
Represent if kong-khi,—
) ^ —of plants, ^° ^° si" thoa".
Representation to the very life,
Reproductive, #° ^° gau si°.
^ Mng idng, (paint) ft" fi ui- Reproof, ^- fg tsek-pT.
siong, (dramatic) mM poa°.hi, Reprovable, WB'^° 6e hi^m tit..
(to the throne)
g ^ tsau-tsiu", Reprove, ^ fg tsek-pi, ^ hiam
M°^ pi6 tsiang, (to asuperior) Reprover, i 60° hiam g, ft f§ If
Mil tia"-k6, (act for) ri]°
A° t.h6e tsek-pi e.
Representative, f^°
Reptilia, I? ^ H Ian k^i lui.
A° th6e lAng. Reptile, A° ^° thang-thoa.

Republic, K i^ 115 bin tsii tsi pang, Request, |f° chhia", (earnestly) ^
S 5c T kong tliien ha. ^
khun-kili, (a favour) 'If kiCl ^
Republican, ^ M ^ A bin tsii
:^ ts^ng.
kok e Ikng, |^ i P bin tsii kok e. Requiem, ^ S^ liii sli.

Republication, S° M° koh in. Require, (need) ^ JH° khi^m-eng,

Republish, (a book) X ?l PD koh (order) I^° P/jf ho4n-hu, ^° kah,
tsai-in. — soldiers of the king, |p]^ ^^
Repudiate, /S" pS in-jiQ) (reject) /f^° M 1^ ka hong-tfe nia° peng, I
M° m-tih. you instantly to go out, W°!^°M°
Repudiate ) (reject) /F° ^° in tih. JSiE ^ [U -i" li tsit tiap tsiu tioh
Repudiation (
(a wife) Si^'^li-b6" (a clihut khi.
debt) /{^°MM.° in heng siku, 7^ Requisite, ^ ti6h ^ M iau-kin.
;^° in tse, —
of responsibilitv, ^° Requital, fK @ p6-tap.
^ ©° ft Ji^ iii tana-tng tsek-s&ng. Requite, # ^ po-tap.
Repugnance 1 (aversion) ^°^ in ai, Rearward, ^^^° au-bin.
Repugnant j (hatred) ?^, oan- Rescind, Ji i° hoe-khi, l^°thiet-

hun, (hostility) fjijctni-t^k, (con- khi.

trariety of mind) §i ^° tiii-keh. Rescript, (counterpart) fJ tui, (edict)
Repulse, (defeat) Wl su, (denial) /P° tsiau. M
in, (as in trying to made friends) Rescue, i& kiu, ^^ tsin-kiii, — a,
Z-°^m tih, ^° OZ ii° b6 khiam prisoner, J| 3E chhiu^-hoan.
kheh. Research, Bi ^
kang-kiii, (search
Repulsion, m° @° sa° koa°. again,, as a person) ^^ chhiau,
Repulsive, (manner) M ffl ko' khut, (look for) M^ chhe.
(face) m.° l^° li° hoai"-bah bin. Reseat, ^° ^° koh tse.
Repurchase, ^ M° koh b6e. Reseize, ^° iJ.° koh lidh.
Reputable IE ) ^
tseng-keng, if «° Resemblance, sa°-chhin ^ M ^
Reputably )/^^ h6 miS," sia", (re-
spectable) ^°ti u the bien,
M —
Resemble, ^° #°fa° u-chhin chhiii".
conduct, itF fr h6 s6' ^
Resembling, ^° ii\° chhin chhiu^
Reputation, ^° m"" mia°-sia", U® Resent, (take ill) m° ^° Z-° ^ '<n°

lidm-blen, ^ -^ b^ng-sek, — of pak-t6" lai iii chhiu chhin, gin sin,

family, f^° m^g hong. M (be indignant at) !^° ^ M in kam

Repute, (account) i^° ^'^ liah ts6e, goan.
in great — ^
:® tng heng, ff° J|# Resentful,
, ?,§ kiet-oan, M ^% ti-

kia-'-si, fl$ St tek-si, flf fi^° si-kia^ hun.

Eeputed #° ft° sAg ts6e, ^°M° li^l» Resentment, harbour
— , -^ 1K hfim*
Reservation, |2 i^ khig-p6-, '\i° tim, Resinous, fii #° 65° sidng hiu" 6,
tiam, (something withheld) @{ ^° Resist, Jgtl, }g ^°ti-tng, 1S° tii,
65° s6- lau teh. IS iii: ti-t^k, —authority, i% ^
Reserve, ^ Iku, —fund, /^ M tslin khoug ku.
gun. Resistance, IS ts6-, —of the air, j^
Reserved, ^°Woi^ gau khAg p6-, MEthien khi ts6'.
—in manner, ^° tim, -1^° tg° tiam- Resistibility ) t^° M oe tso-, (as an
tiam. Resistible ) enemy) ]^° ^ ff ° oe
Reservedly, ^° tim, ^° j^° tiam tu tit.

tiam. Resoluble, ||^ ^° :^° oe iii tit, |§

Reservoir, f^ tl. ° oe hok
ft^° tit.

Reset, (as in printing) ||-° ^ koh Resolute, ^

koat-toan, 3: glf ^ lip-
pfii, (as a diamond) |f° ^° koh tsi, ^°
Df ig° ii ts^m-tso^h.
siu''. Resolutely, fit koat i, :a ft M lip i,

Resettle, (fix again) n° S° ^° koh

ik it koat toau.
tia^-tidh, (install again) Pf
jj j^ Resolution, (purpose) '^M tsu-i,
koh siet-lip. (being resolved) jK jft lip i, (de-
Reship lB°m°n°kohl6hhh, cision of an assembly) M, Wi E°
Reshipment j
(to another ship) ^-^ ^° gi-lun tia"-ti6h, without—, ^°
po^" tsai.
Reside, i^° tikm, ^° ^°
S '14 b6 teng s^ng.

tok, ft° Resolve, AM lip-i, j£ i£ lip-tsi, ^°
m° tia°-ti6h.
Residence, ^ Jg tsu ku, ;f° chhu, Resort,
^A°m°^°m^ tsoe Mng
imperial—, ^# h6ng kiong, ^ kau ^ s6*-tsai, Amoy is a — for
Resident, ^ ^ ku-ka, ^° ^° :^°
sick people, MP^^m ^° :2:° Si
^£ E-mng si sidm pi" g s6--tsai,
A° khia ke & l^ng.

Hongkong is —
a for thieves, #
Residuary, (remaining)
chhun .g" rd° lau §.
m ^mm i.°B( ^ Hiong-kdng
chhat fe s6--tsai. si t6
Residue, :§° #° u-chhun. Resound, M° hidno-.
Resign, ^° si,— oflice, as Mandarin,
B° It" si-koa",— a situation, p°
Resource, ip p6-, having no ^° — ,

^°inl° b6 ta-oa, i£° jyfc fiff b6-hoat

m° £§ si thau-l6-.

Resignation) (of office) P si, (in

i, ^° m
^° M° b6-hoat tit ta-o^,
Resigned jmind) J H lidu-tsi^t,
m° m° khok-'-ph6a. i° /i° 1: u t6e-ti, ii t6e-
Resilience, (as of a ball) fij J^ t6 tsioh, no—, poor, ^ ^° tiau-tid°.
Respect, Wl k^ng-tiong, S
k^ng,; ^
Resin, ^ si6ng-hiu". MU kiong-k^ng, having self—.
— )

m ig i£ u tsi-khi. tse-giah, tab -ens;.
Respectable ) W° '^ "® u th^-bien, Responsive, i m.
Respectability j H& 'g liam-bien. Responsory, //i" in, il er in 6, 1;
Respected, ^° A° ^ ho- lang k^ng, ^ in tap.
this man is —
very A° much , Jit" Rest, (that which is left) #'' 6^°
:k'MWLP tai-ke kfeng
tsit lling i.
chhun &, (to be quiet) p^ tseng
Respecter, ^ ^° k^ng no — of per- 6, tseng, (to lean) ® the, (to place)
sons, p ^;° :k° »h° ^ f# A° iC? i b6 ft° lok, ^ he, (peace) ^ an, pen
t5a s6e sim khoan-tliai lang. — ,
^^°pitkfe, (repose) 1: hioh,
Respectful, ^ fi kiong-kfeng, (to m° fB° hioh-sien, m° M>° hioh-
elders) /^° # # u tsun-pi. khim, on, kho4, the leg, — ^ — M
Respecting, s8° pj" k6ng-kau, It M° M° khoa-kha, broken of one's
lun-kau. Jit°i5°b6bin.
Respective, (own) 1° B° 65° ka-kl Restaurateur, SS°]£i png tikmtsii.
^, each went to his —
abode, I® Restaurant, /§ png-tiam. ^
fi° *° Q° e.° :^° ^
sui & khi ka- Resting pi ice, m° M° i.° Bi'' &° hioh
ki 6 chhii. khtm, & s6* tsai.
Respectively, #° f@° tdk g. Restive, (impatient under coercion)
Respects, pay one's — W M°,
pai- 5&° M @ * bidn ki6ng khi, ^^ ii

hau. "^ '^^ M kam siu iok-sok, rii

Respirable, tg° 1^ iC° 6e chhoan ttf Ji ^ b6 tsu jien khoAn, (as


khiii. a horse) koai tsun, (stubborn) <J

Respiration, !•£ M chhoAn-khtii. ffi thiau ban, (inclined to back) ^
Respiratory, — functions, Pf K ^ ^ 5i° ^° ai the au, ^ fj 5& i& to th^.
jg ho- khip ^ kong iong. M° ^ J£ b6 tek tia", ngiaiih-
Respite, (puttingoffthat which was ngiaiih tang, —as child, 3i° ffi ffi

appointed) 5^ (a criminal) %
i, ^° chhut kha chhut chhiii.
p^ khoan ban, (interval of rest) Restlessly ) ^° S° ?!^° »° b^ tia"

Wi° M° hioh khiin. Restlessness j b6 ti6h MMM ngiauh

Resplendent, 36° 5*° 5*° kng-i^"-ia". ngiaiih tang.
RiBspond, (answer) M° in- Restitution, it° P^-
Respondent, FP 6^° in g. Restoration, fl Tff h6k-t6.
Response, E° ^ in tap. Restore ) f repair) ^
51 siu-li.
Responsibility,, Bi #. koan-he, *^ Restoration ;
(bring back to health

tsek-sSng, bear—, ^^ tam-tng, m° A° m K ho- lang h6k go^n,

A° lang, (return) ^° hSng,
m ^ tam-tai, f tng. fl i

Responsible, ^ E^° tam-jin, H

^° (give as satisfaction for) Hg p&,

tam-nia", —for ^° J«° tsfe-t^u, ^° (revive) m° A° W* ho- Itog ^

tseng-sin. the lungs, ^°^m''^ m WL W
Restorative tf" M i5° 1]° 6e p6- khiii tsit 6 pi° si hi ti S.
Idt. Resultless, il° T ^ bo liau-ki6k, 1°
Restrain, ^ kira, f^ ih kim-tsi, }? JK: lU bo siu soa°.
M° ah-soah, ^ y^ iok-sok, — bv Resultant course, -^ "JJ'M, b^p lek
force, ^ *S khu-kim, — one's to.
anger, g,° ^ lun-khi, —one's self, Resumable, flT" 5(° iJ ^° thang thdh
$5 ^ iok-sok. t6 tng.
Restored, — to health, ^^ h6k Resume, (as office) ^^ hdk-tsit,
goan. (as work) ||-° JSi koh tsoe, (as
Restraint, ^ ;^ khu-sok. discourse), |Jj° 6^° koh kong.
Restrict (restrain) g* it kim-tsi. Resumption, (taking back)
Restriction! (limit) M
han, S?.Plkai- theh t6 tng.
tan, m. ^
han-tiu", m
1^ lum-tse, Resurrection, \^° koh-odh. W
(to a certain diet)
P° kim Resuscitate, ^° ho- i tseng- W ^#
Restrictive, $5 :^ iok-sok, PJJ fij han Resuscitation,
^°?S° koh oah.

Result, ^* ^j kiet ki6k ^ m° ti kau,

Resuscitatively, W
fg° fi^° koh odh L

what will be the — of your evil

Retail, sell by—, ^ M R° Ian san

m' ^ If
boe, #jS{E W 14n chhui boe.
doing, m $§ ^j 'M° ia° i,° Retailer, ^^ M° W° W l^n san boe %.
^^ lam sam tsoe, kiet kiokbeh
Retain M" tau, ^° J^ tau lai, B lau.
tsai"-4 iu", If you smoke opium it
will —
in your misery in the future,
Retainers, ^^ hong-iSeng.
Retake, (receive again) f^ koh S
lina tsiah a-phien pdt jit oe ti-kau
siu, (as city) ^
fg koh h6k, fas

chhAm, it will in his good, 6£°
prisoners) ft fiJ H chhiii" to t6g.
Retaliate, fg !g p6-oan, # JS p6-
Wt. m° P if°
oe chhia-^
oe ti k^u

g h6, tu°
h6, what
M^^^ m W eng phdi" p6

is the — of your deliberations, /^° Retard, JE chhien.

Retch, Pi aii, :gfe Pi gjc Pi beh Au beb

ke chham-sidng A chhia"
si tsai" ^u, ^' Pi St' P± beh th6- beh th6-.
b^, happiness is the— of good liv-
Retention, -g l^u, f^ tau, (of urine)
ing, mM^ ^° fT° M° m 6-0° hok-
^' >Jv bo siau-pien. ^
khi si tizi kia" h6 lai d, weariness
is the —
of this muggy weather,
Retentive, (memory) bS :f ° b6 ^
ki-ti, ij IB 'l!|° h6 ki-si",.
nX" 7f m° ut tsut thi" tsiah sien, Retentiveness, (as of
memory) jtj°
this sickness is the— of disease
of Kl h6 ki-ti, IB #° h6 ^ » ki si"
— ,

Reticence, ?^ Jfe tiam tseng. tsidb (le.
Reticular, M
ft° ^° cbhin cliBiu" Retreat, (a recess) M "^^ ^° ^ '^
bang. rin-bdt S s6" tsai, (as an army)
Reticulate, ^'fi^''6^J° chhin cbhiu" 11^ % siu -kun.
bang I. Retrencb, ^ liAm.
Reticulated, H f^ cbhin-chhiu" Retrencbment, lidm, ^ ig liAm-seng
bang. Retribute, fj[ §f po eng.
Eeticulation, ^°;^°|^ bang & khodn Retribution, fU H p6-eng.
Reticule, >J,° 6^° g° ff s6e § te d, Retributive, fg |i po-eng.
S ff te-a. Retrieve, W\ 5'] bok-to, one's for- —
Retina, Bl ?gj ^ nau"-iu-i. tune, jps M. S- fl #
bok kbi kob-
Retinue, MM M kun sui 6, (offi- bok tit, ft° %
m"" kob tit ti6b,-
cial) KB IS kun-pan, Imperial — iij fl hok-to.
M ^J ho- oe. Retrievable, tgfia'^ 6eb6kt5 tit.

Retire, 5i° th6, kiu-khi, Jffl jg tliiu- Retrocede, (cede back) M.^ fl M
thfe. b4ng to tng, (go back) fij jg° t6
Retired, (place) iap-siap, ^ ^ phien tb^.
phiah. Retrocedent, (as a disease) ^° ;£°
Retiring, (unobtiiisive) p^ ^ jTn lo*, ^° •Sbd tia°tioh ui.

IS 15 Si ^ bo h6ng cbbut
ffl fi Retrocession, M° M fl^ beng to tng.

leboat goe, '^ ^ ^ siob piin

tsi Retrograde, M Ji° to-tbe, —motion,
bun, (reserved ^ tiam tiam. j j|f 51° m' gek bgng.
Retirement, ME i.° PJi ^ lin-ku t Retrogression, JS° ^° tbe au.
s6--tsai, (rest) ^ fel an-b^n, Restrospect, (of one's life) jt ;i:

(witbdrawal) iffl ji° tbiu-tbfe. tui liam.

Retort, ill ^ t6-bip, (a severe reply) Retiring, (reserved) tiam-tiam, MM

MiWiB giam giam bS, good at (unobtrusive) kiu-kiu, ^'^ M^
E^ Sn -SS in -tap ju liu. tsin s6e ji, Z^ ^^Bm ai tsi-

Retoucb, (in painting) ^°M Wi kob tsap.

tsdng theb. Retrospect, il ^. tui liam, IE""!!" ki

Retrace, PJ $L f5° to oat Ida", i^ it.

be-p6-.. Retrospective, gS It 15'' i° ^'< 5S

Retract )
^° fS'° tsi^b-oe, — con- ki tit ts^ng e tai tsi.

Retractation )
fession, ^ ^° bodn- Retrospectively, M^ ff" i° :^C S
keng. ki tit tsSng e tai tsi.

Retractable, fg IK iJ W 6^ oe siu to Return, pj f| t6-tng, JiJ ^5 t6-mi,

tiig tit. m ^° to-kbi,—a tbing, m° beng,

Retraction, (of a statiement) :^° 'm° — a favour, #g ,1> p6-un, —to life,

HI Plf lioe-iong, —home, HI 2fJ t6 Reverential, Wi S keng-khi^n, ^
lai, — answer, h6. f4 khifen-k^ng.
Returnable, W fr ^ oe heng tit. Reverentially, fj ^ keng-hong.
Reverie, m°m°Tf>^ *° siu° kku sin khr
Reunite ^
j ReA'ersal, (as of a judgment) ^
Reveal, MW hi^n-beng, M ffl hien- ^ hoan ^n.
chhut, —a secret, ^ JH lau-hong. Reverse, (position) ^° ^"' ||° peng
Revealable, #° BS ffi oe hien chhut. lin t%, (a legal decision) MM
Revealer, ^ [ij 6^° hi^n-chhut fe,
— hoan an, (adversity) if^ i^° tsai
of secrets, M° M 65 lau hong 6. e, (annul) # ^fe thiet khi, B*
Reveille, ^M ^^ i.° ^M ts4 khi h5e khi, (opposite) JiiS°t6-p^ng,
si ^ peng k6". (defeat) ij su, ^ pai, to—, K°
Revel, ^° vS ma-tsiii, M Wi^, M iJ° lt° p^ng lin tng, —side, p]
tong im bH to- ®° t6-bin.
Eevelry, ^° M ma-tsiii, ^ ^ f& M Reserved fij K'' t6-peng.
tong im bu to". Reversion (return to proprietor)

Revelation, iS JS b(^k-si, (book of) Revert [ gf #° kui oA.

^ 5t fl bek-si li6k. Reverses, MM

soe-bi, (in provi-
Revenge, take—, f^ ^ p6-oan, $K dence) 5cS thien-pien.
M p^-siii. Reversible, # S ^° 11° oe p^ng lin
Revengeful, ^° '1^ khioh hun, fi % tfig, (as a decision) '^ M oe hoan.
ti-hun. Reversion, (of property) If H ^
Revenue, M
iJ kok-kh6, f^ B. hi6ng kui gidp tsu, (succession) ^° |i°
gun, — ^
department, ^° ho-- oe s6a tsiap ke hd. i^M^
gun, —
government— JH ^ kh6--
^ hi6ng
cutter, f|57

gidp tsii.
"i"" If H^ oe kui

Reverberant, 85^ in. Reversioner, fg 13° ^° ^H ^° oe

Reveberate )
sok tsiap ke h^ S.
Reverberative, tt° hM° oe
Revertible, '^° gf ^ thang kui i,

Reverberatory, f|° in.

tg° If # oe kui i.

Revievr, (to consider again) #" ,g°

Revere, ^H k^ng-iii, ^ g kfeng- koh siu"", (careful examination)
3 M S.M. sam koan ngo* hok,
Reverence, # iJ tsun-keng, ^ J; (a lesson) ^
J« koh-un, fl° hok,
keng-tiong, <|^ ^ keng-hong. (of troops) 5^° ^
Reverend, f^ :! m° ^ oe kham-tit ground, |jc° Jft° ka-tiii°, naval—,
kfeng, (as a title) ^^° sien-si. tsui-chhau, military — , y}c° ^°
Reverent, f^ )t keng-khi^n.
UJ° ^° soa'^-chhau.
EevieM'er, ^M M chli&, kh6 e. Revolutionary, :h M ^'i t*^^' pi^'i ^)

Revile, J^° me, #° .^'^ 16e-me. :^ R69 toa hoAn e, — words, BC

Reviler, © ,1 ^ lo6 me e. ^
JS2 "b hodn poan ^ oe.

Revise, —thoroughly, ^ ^ un-sip, Revolve, (turn round) lin-lin s^h,

H P jS. M sam koan ng6- hok ^° tng, "^ g6, seh, — in an orbit,

(review as a lesson) fM im° koh ^ ^ un-tsodn, (on its axis) M°

un, koh hok, (re-examine) 11° 3l° i°-i" g6, — in one's mind,

^ ^ koh chha, (alter) Bfc k6e. H ,S sam-su, ,g, 235 S -^ siu° lai
Reviser, 85:° m° t6e g. siu" khi.
Revision, H iJ phfeng iet, ^ ST Revolver, (a fire arm) ]^° (? It
san teng. chhia-d chheng.
Revisit, (a person) m.° 49° U koh Revolving, -^ ftun-tsoAn, Wo s^h,
sa"-tham, (a place) ?I° *° koh- $E„^^||nn-rm-g6.
khi. Revulsion, (marked repugnance)
Revival, (of religion) ho- Mng chhi°, gin sin.

j^ A ^ K h5- lang odh tang. Reward, %° siii", TA M p6-siu°.

Revive, —from fainting, ^ h&e- Rewardable lb ^^^
oe p6 tap tit,

hun, (as a country) ^ ffl ® koh pT #^

thang p6 tap.

heng-khi, (as trade) ^° ^ koh Rewarder, #K K°#° po siii" 6.

heng. Rewrite, ^ koh sia.
Revivification, H ^ koh hoe htn Reynard, MS h6- li.

Revivify, (from fainting) ^ A

Rhetoric, (art of composition) M%
^ ho- Mng h6e hun, (as herbage) ^
j^ ts6e bun tsiu° boat, (science

^° t6 oah. of oratory) IS° 1^° ^° ^1° ^° T ^
Reviviscent, fg ^A
i^ oe ho g
k6ng liau 5e spa phah e boat.
lS,ng h6e hun. Rhetorician, W° P :^ A° u kbau ^
Revocable, fg B PJ tt° oe tiku t6 tsai 6 lang.

tfig, v^^MW thang tiau to tng, Rheum, (phlegm) m° tb^m.

5e th(S to tng, (as an edict) ft M Rheumatic, H 69 hong e.
^ oe h6e khi. Rheumatism, & ^° bong-thia".

Revocation, f^ M It tho to tfig, M Rheumy, MM kau tbam.

^ hoe khi. Rhinoceros, Jp° '^° sai-gu.

Revoke, (repeal) B *° hoe-khi, jic Rbio, jfil-

^° Liau-lai.
^° thiet-khi. Rhomb, |5 E^ tsiam bong beng.

Revolt 1 =^ poe, ^M poe-poan, Rhombic, fi M^ fi-J tsiam bong beng

Revolutionist hoan-poan, (a e.

turn) -° 11° tsit lin, -° M' tsit- Rhomboid im-fi :tJB tsiam bong 6

seh, (revolve) 11° tng.

Rhombus ) beng, ^ ife tAg tsiam.
— a

Rhubarb, ::^ ^ tai-h6ng. Rickety, ^ P |g lo--lo--hi^n. WW
Rhyme, f| un, ^ g| ah-un, -f t| im- il !i i6-i6-pAi-pai, (in joints.) m°
Ull. |^° sng-nng.
Rhymer, ^ g| g^ ah un g. Ricochet, (as stone on water) \%
Rhythm, f| un, § ^| im-un. phi, (as a cannon ball) JPB thiau.
Rib, ja# ifm^ phia"-
hiajs-kut, Rid, (deliver) ^k kiii, (disencum-
liau-kut, —of fan M # si"-kut, ber) E* thfig-khi, m * thoat-
— of a ship, K # lioan sin. khi, get — of a servant, by dismis-
Ribald, (obscene) m°mm m° kc^ng sal, t^ get— of a bad
si, tt habit,
lap sap oe. k6e.
Ribaldry, tf ^
chho'-chhui, $3. Riddance, (escape) ^
jg sidm-pi. ^
If chho- chhiii ia-tau, MMo'M Riddle, ?f chhai, Wt bi.

% kdng lap-sap oe. Ride, ^° khia,— fast, 'i^° phdu,—

Riband, i^. ^^ si-toa. horse, ^°,^°khia-be, ina sedan, —
Ribbed, ^
f^ u hidp #
kut. ^° m° tse-kio.
Ribbon, ^! ^^ si-toa. Rider, m° ^° A° khia ^ Mng.
Rice, TJt bi, boiled—, g^° pSg, soft—, Ridge, (in field) ° S^ tsit k6-, (hill)

?^ bg, —water, jg Am, —bran, ^
|ll°#°soa"-tsit,— of house, M#''
ir bi-khng. —husk, ffl m. chho-. chhii tsit,— nose, Ji° ^° phi"-niii"',
kling, —dough, chh6e, —straw, (as on a shell) — ° Wi° ~° F^°tsit
a^^:^° tiu-chhau, —stalk 5|5:° keng tsit keng. ^
tiu-ko, —in the husk, JS|° chhek, Ridicule, PU^gr gi6h-si6h,
W- ^W
—boiler, if'tia". lang, $1] ki-chhi. ^
Eich, ^° pii, -^i j£^ h6 gidh,
Ridiculous, 5J^°h6-chhi6, (absurd)
u giah, very—, :^'^ g" toa-pii, :^ Wi gong.
^ ^ toa hu ong, pu-liak-liak, — as Rife, (abounding) ^ tsoe, J^° kau,.
land, r° pui, (as food) W.° Dc° rumours were — , Mi M M-° liong
±° ir m° pfii nng t U mih, (as sia° kau.
gravy) ^fgi tsin iA. RiflFraff, ± J£ Jf H th6- bin ti tidu.
Riches, ^ Jit tsi^-tsai. Rifle, (seize and bear away by force)
Richly, — dressed, ^° pj^ $j;° U° |§° 5S iSl kiong chhiu% (strip) I^Jpak,
chheng kau nng pliang phdng.
paid, $k° K^ m° '&° C^ ho- mng-
(gun) 1^ chheng,— man, M° H
chhfengpeng,— a coffin, ^"^ ^° 7{C°
iah koa"-chha.
Richness, WMu tsi", % pii, (as of Rift, m kJiiah.
gravy) M'^ tsin id. Rig, (a ship) M ^ ehh6ng
SiJ tste
Rick, (of grain) Eii#°g6- kak bii. sob, Hi IS ^ tku tsdn soh.
Rickets, ^ # ?E nAg kut ts^ng. Rigging, (of a ship) m°^° tstin-soh
— !

Right, (straight) It tit, (erect) 3: Rim, m° ki".
IE khia tsia", (not wrong) ^
ti6h, Rime, (hoarfrost) ||°sng, (a chink)
(not made a mistake) /p f§ b6 pit phang. BW
chh6, (suitable) -^ ,§, hap sit, '^ Rimple, ||° ji^u, fiJa tsih hftn.
^ hap gi, (as hand) iu, jE tsia", Rind, ^° phe.
—side, iE ^ tsia" p^ng, —side of Ring, (a sound) M-° sia", (on hand)-
a piece of cloth, P^ M° ni" kha
chhng, (very) :g° tsin, (duty) 7l£
W ^° ^ chhiu-tsi, a circle, khoan,
ear—, 5°i^° hi-kau, ^finger, IU.
f^ piin hun, (make straight) ^ M ^ ^1° bu bSng tsSi", for nose —
S IE h5- isi tsi k", (relieve from of ox, •^° 1;° gu-kng, to —^ , idi

wrong) 5^ A# ^ ka l&,ng sin oan, to —a small iU°bell, Wl° i6-tseng,

he has the—to seize a man, f^ fg to — a large M M° khau-tseng,.

^ ^ A 5e liah 14ng, put mat-

i tit put a — the nose, "M M-° sok
ters to — WL fi hoat,
, — siet all phi", nose—, M-° M° phi° kho^n,
^ ho !
# i^ fi^ 5e ts6e tit. (repeat often), =fj i||# tsi^p tsidp
Right, angle, It ll tit kak, —angled k6ng. (in wood) '^° hdh.

triangle, 'rI JS: ^ kan k6- h^ng, Ringing, S S ?L ki-ki hau, (in the
-^ascension, M° M. M. chhiah ears) MHIM& # hi khang ki-ki
keng to-, — line, ft M. tit s6a°, hdu.
lined angle. It S° :ft tit s^a" kak, Ringleader, 11° A° thau l^ng, M M°
—angle figure, It i^° ^ tit so4" m° tsoe thau 6, m°M°m°^° hoah
hfeng. th4u sia" &, m° 64° thau tskng, it
Righteous, ^H u-gi. :fe° ^ ts6e-toa ko.
Righteously, (justly) ^ Ji kong-to. Ringlet, a, — tf ^ tsit chhok khiu.
Righteousness, ^ gi. m£g.
Rightful, S hdp gi.
<&• Ringworm, H^ si^n..

Rightly, (honestly) ^ M tiong ho-, Rinse, ^° thoa.

(fitly) ^ S hdp gl. Riot, JS iL ji4u-loan.
Rights, put to — M H ts4ng-titn, , Rioter, ^j; il ;t° A° chhAu lau g
fij^ # chh6ng h(S sfe. lang.

Rigid, ;l#°gi&m-hat, (stiff) m° ngi Riotous, #^ 64° chhdu lau e, (as

Rigidity, il° ngi. boys) 1° m° gau hoa, /jj # h6ng-

Rigidly, M. ^ giam-gi^m, j1 ^ gi^m- sti, (seditious) if ^ kan hi6ng
hdt, (stifly) ®° ngi. (noisy) Pa 1^ soan-hoa.
Rigour, ^ giam. Rip, ^° thiah,— (a tear) M° lih, —
Rigorous, M gi^m, the belly, # E l^h-to-.
Rigorously, j^ ^ gi^m giim. Ripe, W s^k, too—, i§° i^- k^-hun,
Rill, U ff khoe-a; —as pine-apple, P!3 beng, just

exactly — S° ^ kku-hun, over
, Risk g° ^° iSir° phe si" mid", (as

— , :fc ^ siu" s(ik. Risky [in business) phah poh, ^ ^

Ripely, JsR M s6ng 8i6k, s^k. ife° BE pheng soe ong, ^ ^flS phong
Ripen, ^° f} teh s^k, MW nd s^k. tso hoa, run a — , ^ ^ Mng hidiri,

Ripeness, )^ ^ sdng si6k, ^° s^k. (dangerous) M ^ hong hidm, 7^ £

Riper, m° W

khah-s^k. ^° si sit,

fii ^ hidm, I dare not
Ripest, B ^ te it sek. my money in this business, ][[;"

soh-^ ^ng.
W ff° ^ng-d, *h° Z° m° m° ^mn° /r>° m°mm n°
tsit 6 seng-li
g(5a iii kd" tsiong
Rise, ® 5^ khi-Mi,—up, *e° peh,— tsl" phah poh, to lend money at a

^ M seng-kip, —
in rank, in price, heavy rate of interest is ,^° g°
— ^° m° khi-k^,—from seat, m m° m° ^ m°Vk tsioh tang lai

&. kbl-ui, (getup) 3JS khi Mi, ^ tsi" si lang hidm, I dare not risk
(ascend by walking) g tsiu" ^ my goods on this ship, fg" ^° K°
kh], ^
Jt peh tsiu", (ascend by ^ni.n°^°!ib° ^° m" m° #
flying) MU^ \)e kliilni, (as a ft"iS;°g<3a m kd" tsiong gda £ be ki^
fish to the bait) MMm^ thiku tsit tsiah tsdn kap i phah-poh,
khi Mi, (as a river) •{§. tiong, (as this a—business, Jlfc°f0° ^iS° %
the tide) m ira, j^^ M" teh ti", :t° & M tse si phah-poh S seng-
(as wind) © khi,— from poverty
to wealth, M ^ \& ^ chhiah d
li, I fear lest you will — ^your good
name, M 1 °l|° n° ^° m° 65° «°
chhut sin, # ff {ij #,— in rank, m kia"-kl" 6e phah-phdi" H t
PS M seng kip, unable to — ^% , mia°-sia", the soldier — his life in
U 5^ boe tit khi Mi, ^#@ ?J«, battle, ^W^°$i°A^m peng
(as dough) ^ boat, where does phe si kap Mng kau-tsi^n, gam-
this river rise,

'k^.-WW.MUU bling is a risky business, f^° W
tsit ti4u khoe go4n th^u tiii M^° if^" t.°W. mi podh-kidu
toh-16h khi. SI b6 un-tkng & tai-tsl.
Risen, ^mU^ I-keng khi Mi, (as Rite, mm i<^-gi, m m usb-, m n
bread) BM ^
i-keng boat. l6-]fr, funeral
— ^ "^ song su.
m W ^° ts6e tiii-th^u-^

Risibility, (ludicrousness) ^° h6 Rival, f^° ^

chhio. ffi" rr sa"-tku, m° m" sa"-sc, t
Risible, ^.^° jid chhio, (capable of R" tui-tau.
exciting laughter) # m° A° ^° Rivalry, 1^;)° tiiu, ffi^ m^ 8a"-8e, «'
^° oe ho- Mng ho chhi6, (amu- Pj sa"-tau.
sing) »& If sim sek. Rive, —open, If^ gg^ lih-khui.
TJ'sing, jgj!^ khi lai (rebellion) Riven, V& ph6a Kh. ^ T
hodn-sun, H ^f?±
ji't tii d tsiu". River, ho, small—, -^^ khoe. M
— ,

Rivet, BI gin, fixed—, %° si-gAn. Rocket, M° li |^° cbheng ki tsi'\
° khoe4.
Rivulet, m° ff '
(Congreve) ^Ci® thien-phau.
Roacb, !|5^ ^ ko' tai. Rockiness, ^° ^° kau tsi6h.
Road, B& l6-, great :)z
— way,
— , I toa-l6* Rocking chair, i$° ^ io-i.

—side, ^
3^ lo--pi", lo- Rocks, granitic series of — K "© S^

tHg, branching—, M°X^ siang- ^ ug metamorphic

sa-tsioh lui,
chhe l5'. series of—, itf^^f^ hoa hcng

Roadstead, m°m°^°l^ ffi pl^a ts^n t8i6h liii, primary Mi-'W.^M — ,

^ s6" tsai. te it p6a'' tsi6h lui, secondary —

Roam, n° ii kia"-iu. l^~ rM51 te ji pda" tsi6h lui,

Roamer, fT°5i.«°kiaMlie. tertiary—, f| H fi ^ .¥, te sa"

Roan, .1| SE 'Bi o- pan sek. p6a" lui, plutonic — , iK "W 'S be
Roar, lt° l^° au-ki6, ±° m° VfL toa him tsi6h, sedimentary — Mi^"^ ,

sia° hdu. tse t4i tsi6h, aqueous — ^# , 7jC

Roaring, :^ ^ 191 toa sia" hdu. 5 tsiii tim soa tsi6b, conglome-
Roast, j;l pek, ^° sio, ^° pu. rate — M^'^
s&ng tsi6h,

Rob, m° cbbiii", =si kiap, !i^ n volcanic, i/^C ill Pi S" be soa" thcV
chbiii^-kiap. tsi6b, porphyritic ^ZWL^ ang — ,

Robbers, M° chbdt, m M° kiap- pdn tsi6h, green stone — M^ ,

cbbdt. Mk tsi6h, columnar basaltic , IS

Robbery, ^ kiap, tseng-pikng, case ^ tt tsi6h heng thiau, trap —^ ,

of— ^ ^ kiap-kn,
j)5 tsi6h heng thui.

Robbing, H 4a cbbiii^-kiap. Rocky, ^° :S° kau-tsi6h.

Robe, :1 phau, to—, ^^ cbheng Rod, (as of iron) ki, (staff) m° ^
pbku. kodi", iron—, Wl°W thih-ki, bam-

Robin, magpie—, # il *: hoan to* boo — ft tek-poe.

su. Rode, (off) m" it° khia-tsau.
Robust, M i6ng, M M° i6ng-"kia". Rodomontade, |§° P khoa-kbdu.
Robustness, ^W i6ng-kia^ Roe, m° 9fl bi-nng, ^° T° hi-tsi,

Roc, (Cliinese) il B° pb^ng tsidu. — of crab, M tl tsira-jin.

Rochealum, ^° P tsi6h hoan. Roebuck, E !K lok-kang.

Rock, ;iff°
tsi6h, ;5°0I° tsi6h than, a Rogue, ^ U kong-kiin.

large flat—, ?i° |g° tsi6h po^", Roguery ^ m ±° ^° kong kirn e su,
to-,^°i6. m ft khiii ke, m^^^ kau kuai
Rocker, ^ fl^ i6 6, —of a chair, ^° 6 su.

!^;2:°#ffll°i6 i e oan kha. Roguish, Sf 1^ kan-hiam, if Mi kan-

Rockery, ?E° lll° hoe-soa", crystal, ?]< hidng, MM hiau-hiong, (slightly

ffl tsiii tsi". mischievous) ^°M.AU u khi jin


khi. Roof, /g° W.° chhu-koa, projecting
Roil, «f fr la 16. — Ji^°jia-iii°.
Roll, (as of silk) — fi°tsitkng, (of Roofless, M° M°^° b6 chhii koa.
i-i drum) khiaiih khiauh khiauh, Room, m° p^ng, WW p^ng-kenl;,
(a list) Jlg: tiau toa", (as a ball) (a place) ^^ s6'-tsai, make—,
ko, (as a sheet of paper) ^"° kfig, get out of the way, ^ siam, p^
(as paste) M kai, (as a ship) khodi E& khui lo-, no —to ply the oars,
lai kho^i khi, the eyes, Sg° tsoah, M" M m b6 tsiii" Id; spare—, for
(as pills) fl so, (as a wheel) ^° guests, ^° f^° eng keng.
p 1^ ho- i go, —about, kaiih kailh Roominess, g^^ ^° khui khoa", ^°
lin, ^ lin lin g6, —up the sleeves, m" khok°-khrig.
Mo ^ Wo pih chhiii lig, —in as Roomy, m° 11° khui-khoa°, %° lt°
waves ^ song. khok°-khng.
Roller, stone — ^H , tsi6h liin. Roost, (as of fowls) M° S koe siii,
Rollicking, WM\^ hoa-hoa kiiu, ^° (as birds) Ji° JEg° tsidu tah, (to
W° han-hoa. rest) ?|° hioh.
Rolling pin, ^° # ^j| mi-hun thui. Root, ^ kun, China— ± ^tho- hok, ,

Roman, HM ^"^ L6-m4 6, (Catho- (the cause of anything) !^ ^ ign

licism) ^im Thien tsii kku. k^-, @ ^° in toa", 5| W in iA, |«
Romance, (fiction) th ^ sidu-soat, ti,(to dig up) Jg ® kiit khi Hi, jgs
(extravagant story) £j° -j^ ham- — of equation, M Wn kiam cube s6-,
ko-. — A 1^ M lip hong kun, square
Romanish, 5c i 34 ft^° Thien tsii — ?^ M p^ng hong kun,—of

, "fi
kku ^. the teeth, ® ^1° khi-kha, take—
Romanism, 5c ± Ifc Thien-tsu kau. fr is teng-kun, to —up, ^° piiih,
Romanist, ^±m ^° Thien tsii —up, with nose, gs" loe.
kku e. Rootlet, ^ 5C kun-le.
Romans, il .^ ;J; A L6-ma ^ l^ng. Rope, ^° soh, make — , Jf ^ pliah
Epistle to— m^ i.° #° L6-ma sob.
e phoe.
Romantic, (fanciful)
Ropemaker, ft" ^ fl ^ phah soh sai
}2 jgl° hoan- hu.
siu", 2g° M° 6r siu- b66, (as Ropewalk,
^J° ^ ^° phah soh ki^".
scenery) ^ -gp >]f ^ ki-ki koai- Ropiness)f,!r Mm, ^^ m i^° khan
koki. Ropy )
si liam.
Rome, M Mj L6-md, do at— as— Rosary, ^ ^ s6--tsu, ;g |^ liam-tsu
does, Amgi^A?tll#jiphong Rose, ^°^ ?g° chhiu-bi hoe, month-
sui si6k, jip kang sAi oan. ly— M° £° g^h-ki^— of Sharon^ >

Romp, % h5a, MWi& hoa-hoa kiin ^*°.*^o sng

kang chhiu,—water,

# ':^ phang tsiii. cbbui tiin tidm ien-tsi, the cheeks
Roseal, U M^MI^ chhin cbhiu" — , n° lt° ^° m HI' chbiii pb6e
chbiu bi hoe. boah ien-tsi.

Roseapple, ^ f^ lien-bun. Rough ~) (not smooth) IE chbo-,

Roseate, JfC ® S| ?E kau chbiu bl Roughness m^ 5K° ^° b6 kng si°.

Roughly J (uneven) ||^°

81° kham-
hoe, (rose colour) Wi ^^ ^ kbi^t, (uncut, as a gem) ^° ]p° be
chbiu bl hoe sek, (blooming) ifl

^ ang gg. chbia, (as sea) :h° M° t5a ^ng,

bap (stormy) M. bet, ^° gidp, (rude)

Rosemaloes, ]^ -fi" fBl so- iu.

Rosemary, ^^ ^ bfe tiet biong. *^ ji bu 14, la ^ chbo- si6k, m

Rosette, i^ ^° ^° si-toa boe.
^ id-si6k, —draft, cbb6 ko, ]^^
(violent) ffi 1:° k-° cbbut tang
Rosewood, ?E ^ TfC hoe lai bdk.
Rosin, f5 S° si6ng hiu°.
chbiu, (carelessly) ;^ cbb6 ^
Rosiness, jfl^ ang ge.
Rostrum, (platform) M t^i. Rough-cast, ^° Jc° boah he, (a rude

Rosy, «E° ^^ ang-ge,— cheek, m model) ffi. )H cbbo" b6-, (plaster

JB° ^ 3F° cbhiii-pb6e ^ng-ge.
mixed with gravel) ^ J3? ^ft M he
Rot, m noa°, *§ ^ hiii-noa, (decay soa sa'' thaii.

as wood) ^ po-, ^° hu.

Rougbdraught, M ^ cbb6 k6.
Rotary, ]^ g6, —movement of the Rougher, M II khah cbbo". '

arm, M" m° ^ M° m eng chhiii Roughest, ^ — S te cbho-, ± it

phdng chbia lun. IE siang chbo-

Rotate #
tt lun-tsoan, ji
) W
un- Roughly, II 11 chbo- chbo-, seize —
Rotation ftsodn, in—, |g Jfc lun Hu. @| #: kiong lidh, be did it very —
Rote, (without knowing the mean- IB. tsoe khi tsin chbo-. ®^^
ing) =f-%° ^ kan ta liam. Roughness, ffl chbo-.
Rotten, *§Ji° biu n5a, :^°JK° chhau
Rounce, ^ ? IS i ffi ^ in ji ke §
Rottenness, #5 ^° biii noa, ^° *i°

cfahku noa.
Round, m i", II P^ i li^ ^^n, (a

Rotund, li° i°, (complete) ^° ^° circle) ^ kho-, make—, MM^

H cbhong ho- i i",—about, 'MMM
Rotundness, 11° ^ i" khodn, m° il
tsiu ui, look—, M° o4t than, M
(on all sides) m°'U° si bin, all—,
0°.^° si koe,—to, as a ship, fij°
Roue, m W^°
long tong kid°.
|t° ^° tt to tng 6a koa", go—, ®
Rouge, 8® Bl ien tsi, to—, & ^° M ku-ku,
s^h, —shouldered, ffi ffi
. ka ien tsi.
Rouged, the lips—, P M ^, B@ Ih —of a chair, |t {# i koai",- of a
ladder, m i^ ^ Mu thui tsi. tbiu-th^u.
Roundelay, afe° ft° koa khek. Rub, (scour) Jtlii, M° b6a, —upon,
Rounder, M° 1!° kbah 1°. M —
un,against in passing, ^ ^
Roundest, H—
11° te it t", ± M° oe-ti6h,—with hand, hard, M j&,
siang i°. thut, —smooth, ^ so-kng, — 3B°
Roundish, E ^ 1° tU, B #: 1" khoAn, gently, ffi° —on ointment,
Roundly, B B (openly) B. BJ
i" 1°, ^ boat, —the hands, Jg ^° so-
hi^n-Mng, ^ ^ hi^n ji^n, (bold- chhiii.
ly) ^
It h6 td"'. Rubbish, (ruins of buildings) W
Roundness, IH i". phoa chhii, ±° m° th6--thau, M
Rouse, (from inactivity) #°#° (refuse) ptm-so. ^ MW
lio- i tseng-sin,
jjii^ (from sleep) Rubble, (water worn stones) ^°|li1°
mm kib cblii^ (startle) *r° 11° tsi6h nng, (broken bricks) ^° M°
tab biab". phidh th^u.
Kout, ^
^° pai tsAu, ^° ±° Iku Ruby, ifl M° ;& &ng p6 tsioh.
tsdu, (defeat) M° i^"- Ruck, (draw into wrinkles, ^° ^°
Route; g& 16-, land—, ^
i& li6k 15-, khioh k^ng, to a carpet, if — %
—by sea, ?K° ^ tsui l6- mT ^° ^° m° tun k cbhu liiu
Routine, daily—, # B ^° ^ t^k u khioh keng,
jit si^ng khoan, (of a scbool) S Ructation, iS° Ptt° phah eh.
^ teng kui, ^° Q :t°X°m° t4k Rudd, U° i€° ^ng tai.
jit e kang ti4". Rudder, 15° toa,— blade, S6° ^^toa
Rove, m° m° m si-ko^-ift, m ^ hi6h, —ropes, %t ^ toa-tiau, un-
siau-i4u. ship the^, # W pki toa.
Rover, (sea) ^ M bdi cbbat. Ruddiness, j^ ^ ^ng g^.
Row, a — , fT° tsoa, M li^t, to— ^, |i Ruddy, J^° 3^° 4ng-gg, ##J.°hun-
k6, ^° pien, —backwards, 6-,

(quarrel) ?te° ^° sa^-tsi",a—of Rude, (coarse) chho-, (coarsely

men, — ° P#° A° tsit tin Mng, a— finished) U

T M°.X * ts6e lidu

of bouses, —° 7f tsit liet
JlJ cbhu. b6 kang-hu, (uncivil) if bli U,^
Rowdies, gl ^ hui-lui, 7^ IJj li6k- (clownish) 1t° If" so&i^-soai", fl
tsek. # chho--16-, ffl fff chho--si6k, ^
Rowel, 31 ^ tr ff ° li^n tsi" teng A. i^ iA-si6k, ± l^ th6--lo-, (imper-
Kower, ^° ^° # k6 tsiii" ^, (in a tinent) :JS # h6ng-su, li 35^
foreign boat) P° # pien &. lam-sdm l4i, fL i?^ loan-tsu Mi,
Royal, m gu, ^° fir 6ug-^. (fierce) ^M hi6ng-ok, (uncivi-
Royalty, ^^ fi^ b6ng te 6, M gu, lized) *° § Ife fl: be siu kau-h6a,
(Kingdom,) S Kok, (tax) }ffl 1|° (not refined) JS° %l^U biin li,
^ b6
|S|° :gl iu-'siu. go to — , as things, ^ hofe-tui,

Riidely, # chho--16'.
ffl go to — as persons
ta g^ oe pai.
Rudeness, M ^ bii-16, M 3K 3 b6 bdn Ruined, % M hong-hoe, ^ hiii.

li,(impertinieiit) "^ ^ hbiig-su, iS Ruins, m M hong-hoe, fj° 3jg° phah

ft lam s4m
2iS fL i ^ loanl^i, tsii hng, m° m° ph6a sfig.

mi, ?I fff cliho- si6k, |i wt bft le. Ruinous, (baneful) |b°^ oe hai, ten-
Rudest, (ill mannered) ± ^E^ siang ding to—, M° W° ti k4u oem ^
b6 le, B—^ Jit te-it b6 M, (un- chhdm, —expenses, fa° jlt° ^K
polished) 1^ — il 5a te it b6 ti W kn-ni° khai-hiii oe chh4m.
b{ln li. Rule, mM boat to- M ^ kui-kii, §:
Rudiment, —of learning, i^ ^ ih- M. khdm-tsam, US iE tsun-tsin, of
hkk, ih^ siau hak. medicine, ffl H irhoat, fixed^, ;£
Rudimental, ^ ^ cliho- hdk, (im- ^ teng-kui, ^ 1= tsiAng
perfectly developed) ^° j^° !i° koAn, ^ ^ ko^n-hat, ^ ^ th6ng-
be tsia" mib. hat, f& S —^the empire,
ti-li, :§"

Rue (regret) Wi^M^ beh tsai b6h ^ T kun thien ha, —^paper, ^°
tit, (grieve for) )fi ti toin 16. ^° uih tsoa, —of three, y& M pi
Rueful, (expressing sorrow) ?E ^ si- le, double— of three, ^ M -g- ilj

bdi, S$ ^ ^
b6 sin chhdi. hdp sut pi le.

Ruffian, (boisterous brutal fellow) Ruler, (ferule) ll° R° keh-chhioh,

H^ hiii lui (a cutthroat) 3S (king) #
jln-kun, (mandarin) A^
hiongsin, (savage) ^^ hiong ok. t koa°-hu.
Ruffianism, H M hiii lui. Rumble, (as thunder) P"" M" M" fi^
Ruffle, (a) ^° m° :t 7t
ktioh k^ng pi pi pidk piAk.

^ hoe, to^as feathers, chhang, Ruminant, ^° hoan chhdu.

^ M
(vex) n°A°^m
ho mng ut-tsut, Ruminate, M'^ hoan-chhdu, (me- M
n° A° ;i:° »° ®° ho- Mng boe ti6b ditate) H° J© skm-su.

tit. Rumination, hoan chhdu. MM

Rug, mii-° thdn-d, —of hair, ^° Rummage, W-° chhiau chhe.^ W0^
nang-than. Rumour, M, hong-sia°.

Rugged, (as a road ) i% kham- Rump, m° M° ^ kha-thiii, BM kha-

khi^t, (uneven) ^ bo ts6e, ph6e. ^
(shaggy) ^^
sam skm, (austere) Rumple,

Ws t^° aii-lau.

M giam. Run, ts4u, (hurry) n° M. ko4°-

kin, (as soldiers defeated) ^° ^
Rag^edness, (shaggy) chhang
chhang (austere) ^° gi^m, (of pai tsdu, (melt) i$° it", (as time)

road i^ Sn kham-khiet. m° kfe, —to leaves, ^° ^° m°W

Ruin, ^ # pai-hoai, Ji. i| siin-hoai, kodi" ti hidh nih, —into debt, ^
A° chhim 14ng, (as a stream) ?5S° soa^-tia" g, ^|l It 6§° hiu° sia I,

lau, — pursue, jE tui,

after, ^° Ilj pti #° soa" lai g, ilj° it° soa"
JiP) -—against a person, f* ^° till".

kbap ti61i, — against, as one ship Rush m^^

chhdu, ^ :t m^u
against another-^, ^° g° sa° tng, Rushes [ chhdu, ;^ 16- lii, for ^ —
—over, as liquid, M° lH ^ mod" wicking, T>C> ^ teng sim chhdu,

chhut mi, m"" ffl m
Mu chhut Mi, salt water — ^ ^ kiam
, 7j(C tsiii
over as liquid, through being chhdu, —for making mats, M M
shaken, M l^^ ek chhut Mi,
&c., chhdu, (run precipitately) chhi(Sh
—before the wind, ?g — ^ M M chhi"
Iku, —about,
free, tsin tsdu,
as a H° m° it
ship, kha 16ng sa"
16ng nng tsAg, ts6ng
liau, lii khi,
—away, as a ^ —a
thief, tsong — out of a
lilu, oe Idi khi, place,
ground, ±° g9° loe chhut
ilj° —into the
16e tsiu" soa°, khi, water,.
(as a ship) kir, —down a per-
fj" ^ 7K tdu — as water, ^ tsiii, out,
son, IS ^ kheng-khi, —out as a {ti chhoan chhut.
lease, m M° ban mod", —over, as Rushing, ^g 3S chhiong-k6ng, (as
accounts, ^° ^° thoa siku, —up, water) tsiii chhi^ng chhiang l&u.
add a line in addition, in ka. Rush-light, M
iK teng h^.
Runaway, ^± fif t6 tsau-6. Rusk, ff M. pid" koa".
Bundle, m° m° tS Idu thui tsi. Russet, M^° ^
tsi tsang sek.
Rundlet, ^° ff th dug d. Russia, i^mmM m tai G6-16-SU-
Runner, Mandarin's ;^ — , ^ go4n- kok, m m m g6-i6-su, w m
chhe, n S°
chhe-idh. Se-16-.
Runninghand, :^° i^° chh6-ji, i^
^ Russian, m mMm° G6-16-su-g, W
chh6-su, fr heng-su.# # m° se-16-.^, :kmmmm^
Runningknot, ?g° ^° odh-kat, tie a tai-G6-l6-su-kok-g.
— *r° fg° «S° phah odh kat.
Rust, m° sien, to— ,.^° ^° si"-sien.
Running-water, ?S° 7K° odh-tsili,
^g Rustic, ili° fS soa" kan, (awkward)
M 7^ ti6ng liu siii. A° tb6--ldng, soM"-soM", (art-±
Rung, (of a ladder) ;^ « ^
Mu less) ji it tiau-tit,— dress, ll|° W
thui tsi.
U° soa" till" sa".
Rupee, H^ 16-phi. Rusticity, (rudeness) ^ chho-
Rupture, }:l° |g° piak khui, m° «° si6k, (simplicity) m M pboh sit,
piak-phoa, (between friends) j^°
(rustic manner) soai" soli".
soe, 4!| ^, ife bo chhin ji^t,
f!f ^ Rustle, soa-soa hdu, ip_ ^ f^ sa-
ig thiah pun li, (hernia) >J>
sidu ti6ng tui.
^ sa-kio.

Rural, ilj° f^ ^° soa" kan e, 0]°^°

Rustling, soa-soa hdu, ^^ Bp sa-
Rusty, ^° m° si"-sien. l&ng, principal — , ^^ tsii-ts^.

Rut, lap kui tsoa, run in a —^ , "fe' i^ Sacrificial, — off'erings $!fe M seng-
tsip k6- pdn, MMM boe tso4n U, S ii° tsfe-mih.
pi^n, |li 5E Jit tsip si koat. Sacrilege, ^M M %° siet-t6k seng
Ruthful, (pitiful) ^ >C* nng sim, '^ mih.
ra »5 lin-bin sim, pJ" '^ »& kli6 Sacrilegious, ^ ^ |^ :S' siet t(Sk seng
liri sim. mih.
Ruthless, ^ S, iC» tsin-jim sim, H Sacrum, ^H# be-tsui kot.
*& ngi sim, ^ jQ" b6 nng sim, Sad, M Pii iu-biin, Wi f^ ut-bun

1^ peh-pak, very — , 'lli <& tsi^u-

sim, looking 1S° — , ^ ^ bin iu-iir,-

a — afi"air, 'IH ^ kh6 lin tai.


Saddle, be-oa", ft," .1° pe be,

Sabaoth [ ^
1,^ H an-hioh jit, H fF to—, n° W"
Wt koa b^ oa".
Sabbath J H.le-pai jit. Sadden, ^^'S.^^ ho- i iu-bun.
Sable, a, fg tiau, (skin) M &° tiau- Saddler, m° ^° M° ts6e bd-oa" W ^-
Sadducean, igi tt il^ ^^ Sat th6-
Sabre, fj kiam. kai kau e.
Saccharine, |i° 6^° thig-^. Sadducee, # ± ^ ;i° A° Sat-tlx6-
Sacerdotal, ^ ^°f5° tse si g, (office)
kai 6 l^ng.
gtl°;t°]fits^si I tsit. Sadlyj M ^^ iu bun.
Sack, m° te, (to piUage) ft ® chhiu" Sadness, M iu-bun. f^l
kiap, put in a — , ^ Jfc P.€ lok te
Safe ) ^ S tek-tho, If S t° lin,
nih, (ravage) Jl"" chhiii". Safely Un-tkng, S t' th6-t6ng, ^
Sackbut, ^ khim. Safety] ^; an-iin, ^° ^ -^ u-ti6k-
Sackcloth, M ^ mo^^-po-. 16k, —to deal with, M° «: W° #..
Sacking, S j^ ^* chho'-moa" p6'. —house, ban-
^° tsoe su u he loh,
Sacrament, ^ ^ le-s6', — of Bap- kh6ng — business.
S h^ng, If W
tism, 'it %M. s6e le, —of Lord's i.° ® un-tkng
§£. — ^ seng-li, in-

Supper, B^ ^ bodn-chhan. vestment, W^^ If 1" l*^h pun

Sacred, H seng, —books, M ^ s^ng- si un-tkng, (for money) ^ |g gfiu
keng. kiii, (for meat) M f? hong tfi.
Sacredly ft s^ng. M tsip tsio.
Safe conduct, #t
Sacredness, ft seng. ^ si oe p6 h5-, (a
Safe guard, tu°
passport) ^ M lo--tsi6.
Sacrific, ^ iR tse hien.
Sacrifice, ^ H ts6-su, to—, M ^ Safety valve, n° 7^ M ±° W° pang,
tsiii-ien S ting.
Sacrificer, H ^ ±° A° hien tse e Saffron U° ^ ?E° ^ng l^m hoe.

Sag, khtih. th4u ui ji tsan phang, fore top
Sagacious, ^° >& | u sim hiong, gallant — , SI tfe HM ft thSu ui

Sagaciously, W°i& I u sim hiong, sa° tsan ph^ng.

4" li ti sek. Sailing, U° B° M° teh sai tsun.
Sagacity, ffi ^ pa-chhi, j^ §J thau- Sail-loft, n° fL" m° phah ph4ng
thiet, M ^!l° leng-lai, Ji ^ thong chhiii".
thku. Sail-maker, fj° U° n° 4-° pbah
Sage, S A seng-jin, ^A hien-jln, ph^ng sai hu, (vessel) ^° ^°
(wise) ^ ii ti sek, (discreet) >J< ph^ng tsun.
i& si6 sim, (an herb) se-jih. Sailor, 7K° ^ tsui-siii, S IE a-pan.
Sagely, W ^ 11 u ti S(^k. Saint, M 1i s^ng-to-.
Sago, MM ^ sia-ko-bi. Sake, m Wi i6n-k6-, for the— of M
Said, the — , |? kai, M b6-, — pri-
soner, t^ 311 kai-hoan, the — article, Sakya, # M sek-khia.
!i° 3£ b6- mih. Salacious, m ^ Im i6k, M ft kan-
Saigon, ^
Sii The kun. Im.
Sail, m° piling, to— WM" sai- Salad, ^° M chhi°-chhai.
phfing, by compass, ife° =F ^° sai Sal-ammniac, «^ ^ jiau-sa.
kan ki°, set the-^, (Chinese boat) Salaried, :^° y^° ^ sok kim,
ti (offi-
]^° j1° chhia-ph4ng, set the' — cially) W° '^ It u hong 16k.
(foreign boat) JJt 'M pang-phUng, Salary, (for teacher) '^ sok-kim, ^
take in — ,
(Chinese) f° jg" he- (for assistant) sin-16, ^^ ^^
ph^ng, take in — (foreign) ,
5||° sin-kim, (official) ^ i^ h6ng-16k.
p4k phang, — near the wind,
ji° Sale, (act of selling) g boe, no—
life TM tg BI SB sai lidu khah 6e for goods, Z ri W. bo siau th^u,
than khi, ±° H, —by
m° tsiu" hong for — ^ J boat
, boe: auc-
sai, mizzen top — , ;! tt ^ ^ Ip^ tion, m ^ II hoah 16 long.
be ui jl tsan ph&tig, mizzen top Saleable, ^° If m° u siau-tb4u, ft}

gallant—, ^ H M fl be
/i tii
M° h6-boe, if Tfr h6-chhi.
sa° tsan phang, main—, X ,^ |g Salesman, «° M° i.° 'A° boe' he 6
H toa ma io ph4ng, main top lang.
— :k , ^M
:^K fL toa md io ji Salient, (moving by leaps) 0S thiaa
tsan phang, main top gallant—,
:k Bj J^ H^
iW toa ma
{t| ^ chhiit ki,
io sa" (projecting outward) ^° ffi chhio
tsan ph4ng, main royal — , tf» ^ chhut.
B M n tiong tii si tsan pha,ng, Salify, ^. ^ p'l" i^rn. '

fore—, Bl tt T ft thftu Ai € Saline, ^° ciam.

phang, fore top—, MU~M ^K Saliiva, noa.
— — —— °

Salivary, m°. e5°noa-S. Salutary, #° -gf" A° oe ho' W^ laii^-
Salivate, #° A° ho- lang lau chlmi iong, #^ it° A° M° # 6e hfr lang
tsiii n5a. kia"" sin, (beneficial) /g° fi] ^ u
Salivation, W.° ^ yK° M° lau chhiii ll-ek.

tsiii noa. Salutation, !g ^ chheng an, fr" i|i|

Sallow, ^° ^° #: Ag-sng-than, face kia"-le.

— ,
®° 6° ^° IL bin peh si sat, ®° Salutatory, ff g° cliheng an c. g
"S°lt° bin ng-sng. Salute, ft ^
chheng an, (fire a) |i°
Sallowness, Wl" M^ Ag sng thAn, ^
;!& pang ho phau.

^ la li6ng thdn. Salvable, -f" iS: ^ oe kiix tit, pJ tk

Sally, ^ chhiong-cbhut, ^
ttl ffi tiU- ^ thang kill tit.

chhut. Salvage, Mi ^K ±° y%° f|° sF kiu

Salmon, ^^ ^ ;®.° sam-bAn bi. he e thiu th4u.
Saloon, (of a steamer)
±° m° toa tliia".
Iffi M ba-li, Salvation, Mi kii.i, beg for — , ^^ H
(a large ball) kill kiu.

Salt,^ iam, — taste, ^° kiam, — Salve, W^°W ioh ko. •

store,^ If iam-kodn, —contrac- Salver, :g|= te poa".

tor,^ iam-siong, smuggled- Salvo, (naval salute) fig ^ bo ])Iian,

^l ^ su-iam, — pans, ^ &° iam- Sj; 7K ^°*I bu ia" ^° W Srii a«

khu, —water, M° i^° kiam-tsui, kap tsui su kheng ho e Ic, to give
— fisb, ^° m° kiam-bi, to— li a , 9^ lis pang ho phau. — ®
si°,Sj li° sr-kiam, tu-kiam, mix Samarcand, W.^j^A^ Sat-ma-ji-han.
with food, -^ ^
16b iam, superin- Samarang, El Sam-pa-lang. H H
tendant of—, jl ^ iAm un ^
si, Samaritan, % 55 i° A° Sat # m
too — M 'M siu" ki4ni, not enough
, ma ll a 6 lang,
~° #°
—,^X^& i^m b6 kau. Same, M° tAng, tsit iu, ^H°
Salt-cellar, ^ # iam-tseng. fffl° sa" tang,— as pattern, AB if

Salted, M" kiaiii Bi ^^° si°-e, —beans, tsiau pan, M 111° tsiau iu", — as
S° Hi tau-si". before, flS ^° tsiau ku, (original)
Saltish Wi°. kiam-ta". M go&n.
Saltless, ^° W b6 ki^m, having no Sameness, ^^"IpI" sio tang, [^° siang,

— la tsia", (destitute of salt) ,"©,
^°^° bo tsoah, 2p° ^5° pi" pi",

^ b6 i&in, (insipid) j^ peh tsia". &

tsit iu°, (^° fl siang ho. r
Saltness, W. kiam. Saniple, ;K HI he pan, buy by
Saltpetre, 5t siau, # ?t phok siau. fj| H tsiaupan boe, sell by
Salts, Epsom ^ sia iam. M 8S tsiau pan boe..
Salty, ^ kiam. Sampler, X°fr^° I ° kang-khe
Salubrious, JJ 7]'s° i ho tsui tlu e pan than.

Samsbu, M tsiii. Sanguify, ^° JiiL° pi"-huih.
Samuel, book of—, ^#5 ;t°
#'° Sanguinary, (murderous) M ^ b6"'
Sat bo- ji° e chheh; sat, ;g|° ^ ^° ai sat chhiii.
Sanable. ^° -g f#" 5e i tit. Sanguine, (red) ifl4ng, (abundance
Sanctification, ^° ^ tsia" seng. of blood) jfil E
buih ong, (hope-
Sanctified, ^^ B tsiil" seng. ful) m^m°^ Mmhh seug iu
Sanctifier, ^°^^° tsia^'seng e, sien bong ^ ft ;g° ^ ij
tsia, fif ,

(the Holy M fP S^ng sin.

Spirit) jJ^'^ 11° piin seng li tsin h6 ^ iig-,
Sanctify, #° ^ ^^° fi° ^ ho- tsia" i bang, (ardent) ^ ji6t, ^ »& ji^t
ts6e seng. sim.
Sanctimonious, (sacred) M H^° seng Sanguineous, ^° jfil° tsoe-huih.
e (affecting saintliness) ifx° ^T k^ Sanitary, IH ^^^± fi k6- boa
ho. pi" tbia" ^ boat.
Sanction, it lin. Sanity, g ^ tsu-jien, »C» S° sim tia".
Sanctity, H seng, ^ M. ^"^ chheng Santonine, llj 3^ 58 san t5 li&n, ^ ;^
khi-siii". sat thi6ng soa".
Sanctuary, H^ seng s6-. Sap, ^ tsiap, ;^ f^ tseng-ek.
Sand, land -^ s6a sea — ,
^° soa, Sapan, —wood, i^° :;^° so'-bak.
—beach, ^°
i^ soa pho, ballast, Sapience, ^ ,^ ti bai.
#° S:° soa tang, —bank, i^° ^° Sapient, JE ^ pa-cbhi, :§° £ 11 u
soa soa", —
bag, fp° g° soa te. kien-sek.
Sandal, M° M° chhAu o&. Sapless, ^ f+ b6-tsiap, pb6-ph6.
Sandalwood, ^° m° hiu" chhd,, ffl° Sapling, m° -ff
° chhiu-d.
#° toa" hiu", ffi^ -f ° ^° tSa" hiu"
cbha, —ware, ff #° ^ toa" hiu°
Saponaeious, ffi° fa° § ^ 65° cbhip
chhifi" soat btin e.
Sandiness, jg° ^° kau
Saponify, M°M^ pi° soat btin. "

soa. Sapphire, ^° m° chhi"-g6k, If ^°

Sandpaper, fp j^Jg soa ts6a. phek-g(5k.
Sandstone, ifl ^^ tog le tsidh^ U Sappy, W° H* ii-tsiap.
#5 ^ng hiin tsioh. Sarcasm, # ffi° phi"-si{i", |£ ^° thi-
Sandy, ip° 6^ soa fe, —beach, Si;°i^ chhi6, fil ki-chhi. ^
soa pho, —
ground, ^M
soa toe. Sarcastic,
it kek-kut, smile,. #° # —
Sandwich, mi" pau kauh bah. ^° cbhin-c,hhi6, language, — ^
Sane, >C» '^° sim sin tia",
g tsu- ^
;t° sf ° kek kut e oe. #
jien, (healthy) gii6ng kia". ^ Sarcastically, MM ki chhi, i^ ffi°
Sang froid, [^ ^£ bai tsai, .^° Jg°
IJE l^ng ge.
b6 hid" tiu".
Sarcenet, || kin.
Sanguiferous, ^° jSi° pi'-.huih. Sarcophagus, 5° ;tK tsi6h-pan, ^°
, ,

^ tsi61i-kok. Satisfied, ^n i£ ti-tsiok, desires —
Sardonic, if^ ^° chhin chliio, (a E.M tsiok-i, i^°,f: ke-i, (eaten
bitter laugh) $F ^ ^° kan hi&ng enough) fS° pa.
chhio. Satisfy, M JE goan tsiok, M° P *B

Sardonyx, ii ^° ;5° tssip ling tsi6h. JE ho- i ti-tsiok, #° A° j^ M lio'

Sarsaparilla, ^ ;^ h6k-leng. Mng k^ i, (as a debt) ^'^ R beng
Sash, ^° toa, jfi^
^° si-tok. tse, (free from doubt) *& Jlf Bfl &

Satan, M. fB. sat-tkn. sim koa° b^ng p^k, (recompense)

Satchel, ^ h5- su. fl: ^ ^ p6-tap, ^° M s«h sia, IS pe,
Satanic, M ^^° Mo-kiii, (de- fe, — one's conscience, §i <& tg° ^°
vilish) % % kiii koai, (wicked) i^° till sim 5e tit ke, (make atone-
^ # ok t6k. ment for) ^ H si6k
you will tsoe,.

Sate, ^°A°^°i.°^°m° M- lang not — him though you give bim all
tsiah kau pa- he asks, SI ^ M #^Jf ^ ^° ^ ^
Satellite, M M.° sui-chhi°. ^ JE sui-jien tsiau i s6' ai S, iAh

Satiate, '^ MM tsidh kku pd. put ti tsiok.

Satiated, 1^° |g° pd-titi". ^m iii- Saturable, ft ^^ 5e tsim than, M

chhiii. ^ ^j° oe tsim kau tbau.

Satiety, JE tsiok, (of food) |&° pd. Saturate, g it tsim-tsu, ^ ff ^

Satin, K
IS kong-toan, flowered — 3^° tsim kau thau thau, —with
?£° !K hoe-k6ng. poison, # # ^ ^ h5- t6k chhoan
Satinette, ^° >! |§ be-be si. khi, M°^ M to- tdk kek,, the grass
Satire ) «e ±., i i,i,<

was—with dew, m° fr S 7K° tK
Satirical}^ iij° ^° ^° chhdu h6- lo--tsui ak
Satirically, gi6h si6h ^^J ki chhi. kku tsifi,u tsilu.

Satirist, m°mMm°W^'° ts6e Id Saturated, ^M tsim-thau.

. chhi 6 chheb S. Saturation, ^ ^J° tsim thau.
Satirize, ^ fi] ki-chhi. #° •; pai.lak.
Satisfaction, M S. goan tsiok, make Saturn, ± M° th6- chhi".
—for ^ si6k. Saturnine, (grave) ^° ^° g b6
Satisfactorily, ^ M kah i, JtJc 4 hoa° chhi6 i6ng, tg° ?ff° !f
° bin chhin
ti, ISl rT ^ b6 thang hittm, iS ff, chhin.
kfei. Sauce, 'M° thng, (impertinence) M.
liira sdm liit, (bean) S° &" ^
Satisfactory, (a person) rT IK kh6- ff
chhd, if 0f '^° ho s6- kia°, (as a tau-tsiu".

matter) M#
h6-s^, his conduct Saucepan, (Chinese) fig e, (foreign)
isnot-, ^^^•"^^"^"SF'isd- m 'M '^ t36--ke e.

kia" b6 sill" h6. Saucer, 5K° te pofi"


bench, ^° H be-i.
Saucily, ^ f# >'^ lam sAm lak.
Saucy, ?1 If ^ lam-sam lak, fl Say, It kong.
JJS loan-tsii Ifli, M B ^$° la™- Saying, a, tu ^ siok-gii.

Scab, m° phi, form—, l\k #^ siu-phi,

sdra liit.

Sausage. 1^ ien-chbiang.^ |g ^ kien-phi.

Saunter, T^l jg han-itl, 0° ;t° fl° si- Scabbard, JJ |t° to-sih, fJ ^ kiam-

koe-seh, m° WM s'l-koe-lid. sok, to —A , l't° jip sio.

Savable, #° M m° oe kiu tit, pI" iic Scabbious, ^ fi^° phi &.

thang kiii. Scabby, J^ jlE kau phi.

Savage a, ^#
chlii"-lioan, (un- Scaffold, (for a play)
pi", 1 M MM
Savagely civilized) 7^
) it be ^M
hi tai, (for building) B° ^° tah- J
siu kau hoa (rude) ti b& ^ S
thiau, (for execution) ?^ tiau- ^
. bun li, (ferocious) M-^ bi&ngok k^.
Savageness, (uncivilized) ^ 'S Sfc Scaffolding, m fe tab thiau, Jf° ^°
iii be siu kau hoti, (cruelty) ^M tab ke.
tsan jim, 3(1 M biong ok. Scalable, -t° 6^° ±° * oe peh tsiu°

Save, tk kiu, —money, WMM li^P khi.

tsek tsi", — ^° mia, —
life, 5|^ kiii Scald, thng-tioh, (head) M:° M
these, R.° W* iu° jHl° tsi u tsiab 6, chhaii thau.
—for to-morrow, ^° ^° BJ° ff° Scale, (for weighing) ^^ thien-
B "^ Mu tell bin d tsai. peng, (dish of a balance) %^M
Saved, U° M. tit kiii. thien-peng oa", (of a fish) ^ Ian,
Saving, #°g^ g^u khiam, ^° MB. (as of iron) — )r tslt phi"", (in
gau kbiu kbiam. music) ^
a. koan ui, (clamber
Savingly, g° ^ i? gau kbiii khiam. up) ^
± peh tsiii",- (take off" the
Saviour, ^i Kititsii, — of the world, scales of a fish) '^ij khau Ian, ^
tic ift i Kiii-sfe tsii. — beam, 5c W
thien p&og W
Savour, ^ ife bi-s6-. koai".
Savoufinees, U P^ ho hi, 5f ^f? ^ Scaliness, ^ t^° u Ian.
bo bi SO". Scalp, M^&° thau-khak phe, to —
Savourless, ^° P^ bo-bT. tr 51^'^° koali thau khak phe.
Savoury, ^ t5 3^ u kba bi, ^°phang, Scalpel, $b ft -S ^ 71 goa khe &
, W° ?1 * u tsu bi. i seng to.

Saw, a—, i5 ff kii-a,— dust, M M°

Scaly, J9° H
e^° kau l^n d, (resem-
kii-sut, to — , iS kii, (as planks) bling scales) fi||° chbin-chhiu" ^
'M. liau.
— ant
Ian, eater, || m-ii.

Sawdust, II M° kii-sut. Scainper, -^ tsdu.

Sawver, ^-V /i-5 f/j" liau-sam e,
— Scan, ^^^ kim-kim siong, W
's jiS
^° tsu-bak khok", (to examine kheh, (rarity) ^- hi hdn. M
ng6" hok.
H II S M sam-koan Scare, ||° '^° kia'^-hifi",

Hf W tali-

Scandal, talk—, ® /fpj° phi"-siu°, Scared, -JjI" }^° chhi°-chhin.

(disgrace) ||° sia, 'W U° ^ ki^n Scarecrow, ^° A° cbhAu-lang. H^
siau su, (defamatory report) M.° -i i.° #J° kia" tsiau e iTiih.

^° hui pong. Scarf, Jf, fg ^° ^ am-kiin e kun,

Scandalize, (libel) SE ^° bu-loa, (into) siu", —for neck [!j|'° moa".
(disgrace) sia tiob. Scarfing, ~° ^° ^° !§ f/i°
-° ^^
Scandalous, (disgraceful) ^^# niig ki 1" kap tsoe tsit ti4u.

kien-siau e, ^ "g bo bin, (libell- Scarification, 1^° ^^ pang huih.

ous) M II ^ bu loa ^, WtW tiui Scarify, thio.
pong. Scarlet, :k° Hi" toa-ftng, ^ m° tsu-
Scant, (not enough) ^° 'pj ^ bo- ang.
kau, (as dress) >J> ^ siau-ki6k, Scarlatina, ifJ! #1 #i &.ng ji^t pi".
(of money) M 'i& s6-siap, tsl°-an. Scathless, 4tt ^ b6-hai.
Scandent, M B° M° khan tin L Scatter, 0°'^° si-soa", fr° W phah-
Scant, (in food) W° & ^° T>° ^° soa^ —seeds, Wi°U°^° ia tseng-
h5' i tsiah b6 kau. tsi,— manure, ifS 63° phoah-chh^n,
Scantling, ih° ^° ^° soe te chha. —brained, M JH hong-hong.
Scantness, liam Ham, /fi° JS£° li Scavenger, n° #f i&° «° sau koe-
b6 kail giah. lo- L
Scanty, /f^ JE b6 kku, (as dress) >J< Scene, (view) 3E f: kong-k6ng, (de-
^ siau-ki6k, (as harvest) ^ 11^ corations of a stags) ^° f.^ hoe
sit siu, (parsimonious) M^ khiti- chh4i, (in a play) — ffl ff tsit
khiam. chhut &.

Scape-goat, (of the bible) 35 W^ Scenery, ^i; iJ keng-ti, % :t kong-

Z° ^° a-sat-sek g ili°. keng.

Scape-grace, S '{% "? long t5ng tsii. Scent,' (odour) %.° bi,

Scapula, '1%°
^ ^ png-si-kut. ^° !^ phang-bi, (send forth per-

Scar, '^ M'^ siong-hun, jiau°. fume) i^° %° chheng-phang, to

b6 tsoe, '>° tsi6 — , A
£ phi"-ki", find the—, %°
(rare) #^ hi hdn, ^ :§ hdn-iii, y^° Si° W tit ti6h tsong-tsek, get

hat. a— of, M ^n ph6 ti.

ff° Hm-lim-a, hdt,

m° WC Scented, If W" t° chh6ng ho- #
SE 5£ kin-kin,— need, "§ b6 i phang, (as tea) @° phang,
H ® —
kh6" s4i. beads, =f 1$ hiu° tsu.
khiam, fi° Scentless, M" bo khi-bi, -*£ §° M*
Scarcity, ^
JE bo kau, X

bo piiang, ^°^°'b6e phang. Schooling, m° W ^° thak cbheh.
Sceptic, MMM giau gi e, (Theo- Schoolmaster, m° ^ ^° ka 6h
logically ^•|aB^^°±^ in sin sien si", :$fc
^° sien-si".
kj6 n Siong te. Schoolmistress, ^ iSS lii su, ^ 5fc :^
Sceptic 7(infideI)T>°ff ±'!^^°A° 111 sien si°.

Sceptical S bo sin Siong-te 6 lang. Schooner, ^^°m Z° M" ki-poi\

Sceptical, j§ H gi&ii-gi. lii-g tsun.
Sceptre, %, koai°, jg ^ gu-pien. Sciatica, :k° M° M° 'M M° toa th4i
Schedule, 1!^ g° tiau-bak. thau hong thik".
Scheme, ft ^. ke-ti, ft M
ke-chhek, Science, hak, of medicine, -g ^ ^ —
to—, ft S
ke bo-, IS It siet k^- ^
i-hdk, of the earth, J^ te-li. — g
ti, —secretly, ^^W°M.t1i^ ai^-
Scion, (descendant) ^ ho- 6'. ^
tsr siet ke-ti. Scintilate, (emit sparks) ^ >X M-
Scheming, ^ tt # siet ke &, gg If, ^ boat h^ cbhi".
^° siet ke ti e. r-g°^gausiu^ Scintillation, m° iK° M.° hoat U chhi"
po; Scirrhus, ;£ ^° teng hat.
Schism, §3^ thiah khui.
—^church, ^ ^ lidt-kau. Scissors, M° yj ka-to, ^ f-f tsidn-A.
Sclerotic, B°m^° iZ bak tsiu pek
Schismatical, ^ |5: fl^ liet kau g. jin.
Schistose rocks, Mi'Si^" oAt ti tsi6h. Scoff,
55 tbi-cbhi6. ^
Scholar, ^
^- hdk-seng, F^ g| b{in- Scoifer,
Jl^m m° thi-chhi6 L
to-, (a learned) man) If !^^° Scold, a,
il ;Jf pboat hu, to—, ,1°
phok hdk ^.
me", 31° m° lo^-me°, —vilely, ifl
Scholarlike, jg fr W #° A° chhin !1 # 5F chho'-cbhiii id-tdu.
chhiu" thak cbheh lang.
Scholarship, ip
Scolding, M me.
Po^ hdk-bun. Scolopendra, ^° ia° gia-kang. ^

Scholiast, frii ±° A° tsoe tsu fe

Sconce, li° @° ^b li° tbdu bdk tsai
Scholium, -1^ ill p6ng hiin, |£ p tsu Scoop, a—, m° ^° thih siAh, to—,
}S° iu", —up, tsa", —out eyes, ^°
School, 1^ 6h, ^°^°6ht^g, m°m° @°B^ iah bdk tsiu, Bi S°B)1I uih
6h-pang, go to—, T° g
16h 6h, bdk tsiu.
(free) ^ $ gl-6h, open a—, J^^ Scope, i, ^ A ;t tai-i, (space for
^° khui 6b, (educate) M JS ka-si, action) as for one's abilities, ^°
(reprove) M hiani, have a—, as .W i£ pr° S u s6--tsai.thang tien.
a teacher, i^" ^° khia 6h.
Scorbutic,. #°Ifll°a£ t6k huih'ts^ng.
School-fellow, |fl M
ttng chhong. Scorch, l!i°phii.k, ?5^°ii-ti6h, na".
School-house, m° 6h, ^° m° dh tng. Scorched, fbr fire"* ^^ A°_ii4^° iS.
— °

chhau-ta. Scrabble, fl ^ so so khi, (scrib-

Score, (twenty) H+ ji tsdp, (a ble) ^ ^ a 16 chh6 sid,

notch) ^° khiah, (mark with a Scragginess,^° sdn, M IS san m6-h.

line) #^ uih hAn, (put down Scraggy, — as rock, khi M. H nia"',

to one's account) _t° M° tsiu° khiit-khut, —palm, ;fg:° tsang,

siau. (lean) 51° il sdn m6-h.
Scorify, ft° W f^° pi" tse tdi.
^° }^'^ tse-tai.
Scramble, (struggle for) ^L !t° loan-
chhiii", (clamber) i^fi° J:° peh-tsiii"
Scorious, j!£^ t6e,
Scorn, ^° m° khok-'-khin, M ^ Scranch, P|e ^° ka-ge, (crauncli>
bidu-si. S° A° is a khok" mng ka kau siauh" siauh".

b6 hien. Scrap, (a) -° ^° ff

° tsit te-d, —
Scorner, MM W° bidu si g, SS #1° )^^ tsit-phi°.

;t° thi chhi6 e. Scrape, ^i) khau, WF siah, khoe,

Scornful, jg, H
tai ban, t^ ^ bidu- up, };\ put, — oflF as scales, M .S|°
sl, e° M
|i° bak te b6. sku Ian, — a hole, g° ^° iah-

Scornfiilly, g° A°)i*)* khoa° 1^- khang, in a — ^^ ,

phili" khang^
bdi bdi, m° M° khoa° khin. Scraping, khau, (to tear the sur-
Scorpion, J§ ff° ||° giet-d th&ng. face) jiaii".
Scot, ii 5i^ Pi A° So- kek Mn l^ng, Scratch, a — , ;it° jiau", to—, J^° pg,
Scotch, mm\^M^° So--kek-ldn g, khkng, — -hard, kh6ng-kh6ng p^,
(to stop a wheel) W IS theng lun, —out, W. *° chhat-khi.
to cut slightly — , l^h. Scrawl, WiMM \6-chh6 sid, — about,
Scotfree, (unhurt) ^° ^ b6 hai. »° ,i m. 6° ui o- chhat peh.

Scotland, M^M So'-kek-lin. Screak, ki-ki kiiih-kiuh.

Scotticism, #. tJ^ Pi i° ± W So- Scream, P^° l^° au-ki6.
kek I^n t th6- im. Screamer, #° 1® ^° gau-ji6ng e.

Scottish, m^MM So- kek Mn g. Screech, 11^° }^° au-ki6, i?L° B^ hdu
Scoundrel, 3E ^lii kong-ktm, S ^ 'S" ki6, SS 1?L° ki ki ki6.
ng6--sek-bin. Screen, door— , P^°1i°mj*.g-tsdh, fT
Scoundrelism, %m,Z° ^H H° kong m miig-ll, folding—, 1° M chheh
kiin 6 s6- kik". pin, to — M ^ jia-idm, P^
, tsdh,
Scour, 111, chhoe. ^° a°-tsdb, —one's faults, M &
Scourge, a—, H° pi", to—, JX° P^^ali- idm-sek, M M ng phdi°.
Scourger, *r° ±° A° phah g l^ng. Screw, m° u to—, m m° B io--si,

Scout, a—, U ^ M° thkm tsii be, tsoan 16' si.

(disdain) m° m° khoa°-khin. Screwdriver, ^° U M. lo--si tsoan,


Scowl, ^°U° chhku-bin, tI°M° hoai lo- si ka, (stingy) Wi U

bin, M:° 51° chh'iu tlulu. kun jun.
Screwnail, M M ^ lo--si teng. cbbat fe.

Screwpine, #° f<?° nk-tkvi. Scrutiny, ^° chha.

Screwsteamer, 'X"" 'M IS° t^ hun Scud, II a s<ii-bong, (as sbip) ff ^'^
tsfin. .
laii-tsun, m° f&°M° plia pha h^u,
Scribble, ft ^ lojin-tso. ^^^^["loDglonghau, (as clouds)
Scribbler, iL •? ^ 6^J° loan tsii tso ^, SI pe, M°9° pe hlln, —to be dri-

?i^ j|t S ^° 16 cbh6 sia g. ven witb baste, as a sbip, $X° &
Scribe, (public -writer) ^ -P su- M^ ^° bo* bong sau kbi.
pan, (amanuensis) fC 3^ tai-pit, Scuffle, kiin-leng, sa"-kbiiir ^°^
(one skilled in tbe law) li f$ fi Scuffler, m°m°^° sa" khiii 6.
:ti° sek lut boat S. Sculk, bib, pbiab-b4t.
Scrimp, (a pincbing miser) §M° Scull, BI^ m°<^° tbau-kbak-kut, (an
M tsiii (make too small)
tsi" 16-, oar) It 16-, to— m° # i6-16-,—

Sf $Jc°^°cbb6ngldiah soe, (make cap, % ili od^-bo, —pin, ^^ ^° l&-

too sbort) M ±° ^S.° chhbiig siu° kbit.
tL Scullery, ^5t%°-^ M° s6e od" pbiet
Scrip, (wallet) m° fT- te-d. p^ng.
Scriptural, '^° m M 6^° lic-lb sfeng Sculptor, M fl 6^° kbek siong L
ketig 6. Sculpture, M \% >t°X° % kbek siong
Scripture, ^ g seng-keng, H jj^ § kang-ge, — in stone, ^1° :^ ^
sfeng clibeh. pbab iti-tsi6b, (in wood) i^ %, tiau-
Scrivener, f^ fl: tai-su siong.
Scrofula, MM li-lat. Scum,' H pbdb, — of rice-water, ^
Scrofulous, -1° 6ni-lat-g. 115 dm-pbi.
Scroll, m' cbhak, a- kodn-su. ^
Scupper, —boles, ^° ji° ?L° po-pi"
Scrotum, il ^^ pba-16ng, ^l ^° kbang.
lan-pha. Scurf, —of tbe head, 11° IS tTiau-
Scrub, cbboe, lii. pbo-, on body, sien. —
Scruple, (besitate) ^^ tift-tu, ^ Scurfiness,
:g'^ aje.-i
u sien.
@ giau gi, (weigbt) Zl +M ji- Scurfy, Jg° ^f ° kau sien.
tsap li. Scurrility „no ™o i ) ^

Scrupulous (full of scruples)

) Scurriw[5£ •^^°«-«^«- M
Scrupulously iJ gi-b^k,'® I ho&i- Scurry, ^° kod"-kin. ^ M
gi, (cautious) >J,° <i<»° soe sim. Scuttle, (coal) ± ^ |i° tb6--tbo^''
M^ b6ng-cbbat, fj ^ tbang, to— , m" W Z° ^ c\i\\ik
ho- i tiftm, (a hatchway) |t° 13°
Scrutinizer, Wm M" h6ng cbbat 6, chbng khdu, — opening in the roof
S ^-° kham l^heng g, if ^ #° s6r,g of a house, 3c° 'M.° tbi" thang
Scythe, $r m° ni kau,Ji m° nl lek Seamless, ^° ^° '^gP bo kap tsoa.
Sea, m #° iir, :k W toa iii°, 2p
lidi, Seamanship, J|g° ^ tsun bu.
# pgng i6ng,— sick, Pl° IS° hln- Seamark, (a beacon) i§° thah, light
tsAn. house 51 li° teng l^u.
Seaboard, •;# i^° Ui-kV. Seamstress, ific' "k 1? %° tsoe lu
Seabreach, m° 7%° 11° m° 6^ bdi tsui kang e.

; tng pang 6. Seaport, il P° kang khdu.

Seabreeze, ?§ Ji, bdi hong. Sear, fl§ ii.

Seachart, ^ W hai to'. Search, (as goods) %H ke-giam,

Seacoast, iS m° hdi ki°. to — (for a thing)
^° chhe, at —
Seafaring man, ife^ ^° ^° sai tsun night, ^° ^ chha ia, —a person.
e, fr° IS° ^° kia" tsun I. tS° chhiau, (investigate) U S
Seafight, 7K P tsiii tsien. kham kh^ng.
Seagage, ftS° ^° ;!f:°
^° m ^° tsun Searchable, #° ^° 6^ 5e chhe tit,

16h tsiii 6 chhim khin. t"° S° ^ oe chha tit.

Seagirt, ^° ?S g 6^° u hai <ii teh, ?# Searcher, tj S #° h6ng tsa ^° S° §,

g g^° hdi Hi teh. #° chhiau chhe g, g° M ^° chha

Seagre_en,^ ^ hai tsui Mk.7jiC° kh6 e.

Seagull, ^ fH # hai koe Searoom, |g° u tsun


Seahorse, ^ M° hai-be, — teeth, f$ Seashell, !^f, ^ le khak.

Seashore, % W hdi ki".
Seal, (animal) ^(a Seasick,
Ju)° hdi-kau, l!t° M° hin-tsHn.

stamp) M#
t6--su, to— FP in, Seaside, g \%. ^° hai pi".

# —
to'-tsiong, ^
character, ^° Season, # kiii, 5c°Jlt thi° si, just

thoan —aji, ^ hong- letter, $1;° in- i^":i tng-si-si, out of-

phoe, —up, ^ ^ pau-hong, the 5g° I!# the-si, in— ,

(opportune) %
great — H S gi6k-su, keeper of
flt tek si, ^ St kip SI, (a while) %
the— M B M. tsiau bd thia". HI tsiam-si, to-, -S:' SC BI° 16h

Sealer, 11° PU ^'"^ kham in ^. phoe-thfm, (a fit time) if "^^ hah

Sealing wax, >X° W he-chhat. si, the four — , IS ^ sii kiii.

out of— in- kip

Seal skin, .g MB
tsi mo^" tiau. Seasonable,
tek-si, ^°
25. li^ si,

Seam, (in a coat) /g-^kap tsoa, opportune, :ip° at in ^

line of union in two planks, P^^ Ht 11° in si si tsun. ^
phang, (a stratum) —M
tsit tsdn, Seasonably, (in due
time) IE" ^^
siong hiin, as in a tsia"-tong-si.
(a scar) f| ?!a
stocking, ^° # leap tsit, to—, ^ Seasoning, E SK° phoe-thau.
kap, pang tsoa. Seat, {i ui, chief— -K \^ t5a-ui, of

Seaman, %$ tsui-siii.
dignity, M^ tso ui, —of chair.

i^° ^ i-bin, please take a — , |f
a door, Jg° il cab kiii.
^° chhid" tse, (a chair) ^^ kau Secretary, |B^ ki su, (amanuensis)
i, (bench) i^'^M i li^u, (mansion) f^ # tai su, (as of a benevolent
•)<^ )^ toa cbhu, to place on a — institution) M V tdng-sii, —of
as an idol, ^
M' an ui. Mandarin, ^° &° siu" kang, con-
Seaweed, ^^ lidi chliau, edible — fidential—, f^°m°J^ ^ mflgthau
•J$ ^ bai cbhai, M chhai ihn.
?fi^ toa in, under— of state, '^M^JS
Seaworthy, m° m %° M° A" # oe hidp li tai sin, (for foreign affairs)
kham tit ke toa iu°, % '^M<WL° f^ M:k^ goe ts^ng tai sin, — of
put pba" hong ^ng. Legation, (English) ^ M chbam
Secede, H ^°^ khni khi (as from li tskn, first — of legation (English)
a union) ^ ^° hun tbiah. Wm:t°m'm tb^u t^ng ^ chbam
Secession, 11 ^ -^ kbiu khi, (from ll tsan, Chinese —to England, ?i|S
fellowship) tsoat kau, ^°'f^'@" m ^ W. Han bii cbbam tsan, —to an
kau p6e. Admiral, m° BM -M° bu chhu.
Seclude "I from the world) Siifttt Colonial—, 7fS Wi %° p6- ts^ng si,
Seclusion j ll sk ko-, j^ ^ tboat si6k Military—, ^"If^ K° bu chhii,
Secluded, — place, iap-siap, {§ 3^° grand—, |i f|5 ^
kok po- tfig, Co-
phien-phiab. lonial —of Strait Settlement, ~I
Second, W~ie jT, (of time) ^ biAu, ji 6ng.
(a backer) life |!j 6^ hH-tso- ^, Secrete, ii°kbAg, (as saliva) i^°si".
(support) Ife ii hu-ts5-. Secretion, (as of cbyle) i^ j^ tseng
Secondary, (succeeding next in or- ^k, tin ^k. mm
der to the first) if fi§ te ji 6, H
Secretly, Bf ^° km tsi".
(in importance) ^F :^ iii Sect,^ ±^^
kku, Confucian^ fl Ifc jA
si siang iku kin, JJ: cbbii t4ng, ^
kku, Tauist— Ji ffc t5 kau, Budd- ,

— if 65 ji pan ^, (unimportant) bist— ffc sek kku, the three:—,, , ^

®°il° jr. ife sam kku.
Seconder, (a supporter) ^ Kj # hii Section, (subdivision of a chapter)
tso- ^, —of a motion, |i°j(f ^° in we toa", m° tsan (of orange) i?°
Secondhand, |f bidu tsiam, (as Secular, —affairs,
goods) m°
ffi ^ sfe su.
m° fir ku i6b l Secularity, -ffi s^ su. ^
Secondly, - M'J ji tsek, :^ n JI te Secularize, S tsiong
Tif !i f^ iS
jibang, n
J^ ji lAi. seng mih tsoe se si6k.

Seconds, (of time) i'phi&n.

Secure, If ^° lin tkng, to—, as the
Secrecy, fj ^° pi bat, ^ ^ ki bit. door, n^ ^
m°m.M° m^g ho-
Secret, Bt iJ° km tsi", m ^ ki bit, koai" khi h6, (sure). If @° lin-
tkng, ^ ^ U ^° h5-
(make safe) Sedition, ^^
hodn poan.
i i\n-tang, (protect) M IH tsiki- Seditious, jR fie bo4n poan.
k6', (as a prisoner) ^ koai" ka" B9 Seducer, (to immorality) 51 W A'^
(stand security for) ^ g| p6-nid°, ff ° ^ B§ in-iii l&hg ki^" cblift lo".

^IS p<5-jin, ^M tah ^ng. Seduce, (into evil) §1 W in-iu, (to

Securely, mK tidk sit, W. ^° lin lewdness) ^\ Afr ^'i^ W in-iu
tang. , ling ki&,° kan-lm, (men's minds),
Security, (surety) ^°M tab ^ng, {^ ^ M A^°i6 i6-tang Itlng 6 sim.
M° p6 nia", fS ^° p6 ke, khi"-khip, Seducible, #^ §1 M ^° oe in iii tit.

—for, m'^ tam tai, :*e° J«° tse t^u, Seduction, j^ i^ b§ b^k.
—a person, i!j« pS A° p6 jin l^ng, Sedulous, ^ »& 15: S koan sim ti i.

—(a pledge) M° K° tsiin tAg Sedulously, ^ i| un khAn, U II

written — , i^ ^° p6 ji, dentiand kbiin khAn.
— ) f^ "fie th6 p6, paper of — , fl° See, M° kb6a'' —dimly) m° 11° li°
^° nid° tsng, ^ —a tbing plain-
(protection) fijs kb6a'' b^ng bing,
p(i:-h5',(safety) it ^° un-tang, 1° W° m kb6a" »6 & ly, ii bien, BJ

(a of stock)
certificate ^° k6- sim b^ng pdk, —tbrougb a per-

ji- son, m^B^mm^ tfig-d to-

Sedan, ^°kio, — of emperor or kui to —tbrougb, as idol, ti&,u tsai,

f^ — cushion, ^ # kio
lidn, M° ^ kb6a" tbku, — the ji6k, glass,
bridal — i&:°^°4ng ^bearer, Emperor, ^ ^ kio, —with kifen tiiu,


X It kong ^ ^° kio hu, one's

sia, own eyes M S M^ chhin
poles, ^° kio carry—, bdk kbok°-ki°, care
:ft° kfig, M — for, k6-,

tt= m° kng ki6. but not perceive, M° ^° ^° kbo^°

Sedate, Jft M bo* ti5ng, ^ tax toan, :fi b& ki", cannot—far, g° T»° 5t°
Sedately M M bo- tiong ^ tai :fc khok° b6 bng. ^ .

toan. Seed, M ? tsdng-tsi, — of water-

Sedateness, ^ fi; b5- tiong, ^ £ tin lily, ^t i-'jin.

tiong, iiS IE toan tsong. Seedbud, ^° gk

Sedative, |g° 5f fil oe an sin, 31 »6 Seedling, 6 8°?^ fiftiii tsdng-tsi

i/l£ p^ng sim b^. boat g.

Sedentary, —occupation,

S° S° ^° Seedsman, S° ^° ^° «° boe tsdng

i.° m° S& tia" tia° tse ^ tbiu 16-. tsi e.

Sedge, Ji ^ p6- cbhdu. Seedtime m° W i. fl# tseng tsoh

Sediment, m° B° tse tdi, —of oil, ii ^ si.

?^° i<i tdk. Seek, M chhe,— till found, 1; ^

Sedimentary, (Hl° t^i e jt j^ m 65 tse cbhe-ti6h, -happiness, Hi, M kiCi

tai &, 4^° rj^ t6e 6. hok.

Seem, ^° fia° chhin-cbhiu", 'If '1^1 Self-confident, '^° M ij n tam-lek,
h6ng-hut, — a long time, ^ J| ^ ^°JiI^nutdm-ti, (over-confident)
:A khoa° chhin-chhiu" kii. n° %° WP ka-kl khoa-khdu.
Seeming, m° 'It!" chhin cLhiu", '1^ Ifl Self-contraditory, g° E.° ^ jt ka-
bong hut. ki bS-u-tun.
Seemingly, '^ '\M h6ng-hut, ^^ i\^}° Self-denial, % S khek-ki.
chhin-chhiu°. Self-esteem, g° e,° ^ fi ka ki tW
Seemliness, ^ ^° hdp sit. tiong.
Seemly, ^ ,§, hap sit, <^ %% hap kai, Self-evident, BJ beng, U^ZM tsu-
•^ S hip gi, M W. eng kai. ji^n fe li..

Seen, g° B° khoa" ki", W M° T Self-examination, g° e,° ig ^ ka-

khoa" ki° lidu. kl sdng chhat.
Seer, % ^ A° sien-ti lang. Selfexistent, g ^ ;f° tsii-jiSn u,
Seesaw M M ^ hi^n-lai-hidn-khi
5JS S ^ M ^ tsu-ji^n-jt-ji^n.
Seethe, s4h, ^ tsii. Self-interest, @ Q° 2,° k6- ka-ki.
Segment, |^ ^ tsiet toku,— of a cir- Selfish )IH a k6--ki, Ig 'g B°
cle, H ^ kho^n hun. Selfishness) k6- ka-ki.
Segregate, ^ |g pun-khui, ^ gfl
Selfishly, m. @° E° ko- ka ki.
pun-ll. Self-love, g a° ^^ ka ki thi4°.
Segregation, ^ §|° pun khui, Ri Self-opinionated, @^ k6--tsip, ii
keh-khui. ^^ tsip i-ki^n.
Seizure, #.° »^ Mh ti6h, js/f
jr »° Self-possessed ) jt @ chhiong-i6na:,
i.° % s6- liah tioh e mih. Self-possession [ fi ^ tsii-tsai, "^ jE
Seine, jS. i|l° hi bang. tsai-ng6'
Seizable, tg° ^.° %° 6e lidh tit, pT"
Self-reliant, ^° flS rJ!; u tdm lek, ;|°

i%° thang liah, tg°^ fi° 6e khiii JJM ^ u tarn ti.

tit. Self-respect, IH fl lu k6- th^-bien.

Seize, $° lidh ji° khl",— violently, Self-same, (thing) ^° — ° fi|° t^ng

|^°khiu,— one's property, fj^ tsikm tsit 6, —day, {^^ — ° H si^ng fsit

Seizin, %° ^^ ;t° M tit ti6h e giap. jit.

Seldom, ^ ^ han-tit. Self-satisfied, g° S.° fl3 # ka-ki

Select, chhoan, ii° keng,— specially, pa-chhi. *

^° ^ ti^u- chhoan,— carefully, Self-sufficient, g S ^E f^ ka-ki pa

#^ tek-sodn. chht, (haughty) ^ W W kek
Selection, it° keng. phki th^u.
Self, S° e.° ka-ki. Self-willed, % ^ th^ng s^ng, # %
Self-conceited, ^ U M :/c° bong tsip seng, f£ |@ tsip phiah.
tsu tsun toa.
Sell, l°boe.
. '

Seller,S°#°b6ee. tance, ^ M kia-glln, —back, ^ 13
Selvage, ^° pi". hoat-hS, —as a servant, H chhe,
Selves, g° 5.° ka-kl. — for a person, jt AIli^#J^ chhe
Semblance, ^° fla° obhia-chliiu" lang ki6 i \ki, — for a superior, il
Semen, # ;ff| kut-tseng, i tseng, A 1^ 15^ 2R chhe chhia" i l^i,

sil.u. as soldiers, -1^ ^ poah peng, —

Semi, — ° ^° tsit-poa". under custody, f^ jg ah-skng-
Semi-annual, ^ ^° ^° nnii p^a" nl. Senile, ^° fff Ifiu e.
Semicircle, ^"^ m poa"-khoan. Senility, ^^ 16-lign.

Semidiameter, ^° H pok"-khoan. Seniority, ^:h° si toa, (in rank)

Semilunar, ^°^° g^h-pfeng. IJc" i^° i^ khah ko&i" kip.

Seminal, 3^° fi^j° tseng e. Senior (in years) ) khah M^M

Seminary, m°^° 6h t£g, »° 1^ tsu Seniority tsoe he, J|
) ti6ng p6e, ^
i", $ 6h. ^^
lien ti6ng, (in rank) H^M
Semitransparent, i? i^ 3B° bu bu khah koai" kip, —-and juniors ^
kng. -t ^ T si toa si s6e, (as in a house

Semitone, ^ p6a° im.

^° of business) :5fc ^ ^' seng 14i 6.

Sempstress, ^ X° lu kang. Senna, ^^M

hoki lioe bi.

Sempiternity, ^ Js eng oan. Sennight, ° M # tsit le pai.

Senary, 5^° r&° 6^° Mk-I fe.
Sensate, f} 351 'g bI° ^H tui ng6-koan
Senate, -gg g| po" gi, house — H^ 6e tsai.

!ffi° gi-su thia", ^—and House of Sensation, tsai, j5 sii thong, ^

Representatives, —of heat, $D #1 tsai jodh,
S^^ #
ki 16 hoe, of —
.# ±# sin su hoe.
cold, 4d ^ tsai leng, — of pains,

Senator, ,# i sin su, S ^ ki 16. ^n M tsai thia".

Senatorial, -gB
^° 6^° po" i° 6, Si ^ Sensational, (fitted to excite) 0j A
6§° po" gi e. tong jiu sim, (as a novel)
»tlf HA
Senators, (high Chinese officials) >& @ chhi lang sim bak.

P^ p15 ^M li<^k po- koa° o^n, ^# Sense, (sensation) 4-D tsai, 55 sii

sill" su, ^) ia Hi po- gi tsit. thong, (of mind) *(i« '|f sim tseng,
Senatorship, ^ B° M° po' i" tsit, ^ (faculty of sense) "b' koan, the
^'^po- tag tsit. five — , 5l 'It ngo' koan, — of hear-
Send, ^° kik, —goods, m' n° kia ing, 5 1^ hi koan, — of seeing, B^
he, — salutation, ^^ a^^ kik-bai, g bak koan, — of P 'g tasting,

^M^ kiachheng-an, — under khau koan, — of smelling, ^. "gf

guard, M° Sl° ke-sang, —notice phi° koan, — ^ "g

of feeling, sin

by circular -H ||° thoin-toa", — koan, functions of the five — , JL

letter, ^°ilt° kia phoe, —remit- •& 3^ xfc "go- koan ^ kong hau
(meaning) M »S (wisdom) ^ i-sii, Sensuality, ^^ sek-iok, B 'If i6k-

fi sek, M ^^ chhang mi^", a;^-of

ti tsSng.
shame, £ ^ ± »& kien-siau 6 sim, Sent, ji T chhe liau, (a thing) ^
common, — FI @ ^ ® tliau bdk
, T kik-lidu.
tsai tang, #7° M° ^° m° ^° ptat Sentence, (decision) i£ tsii-i, (in ^
th4u tsai tng b^. a court of law) §i if phok° tokn
Senseless, (stupid) ^° ^ li b6 tl- (a combination of words) -fej kii,
sek, ^, gong, (as a limb) S b^. an incomplete—, ^ j^° ^p] in tsia"
Senselessly, ^M
g^^^g go^^g- ku,to — , ^ phok", —to death, g|
Senses, the five—, 5. 'g ng<^' koan. ^' gi SI, — to be strangled, H f.^

Sensible ) (intelligent) :g° >& Hu gik6.

Sensibilitysim hiong, ifF @°^1||° Sentential,
®^ kui kii.
th&u b4k tsai tang, (to the touch) Sententious 1
^'° ^ ,g° fi^ u i-sii

iff tb° ^° bong oe tsai, (persu- Sententiously j g, (as a discourse) ^

aded) tsai, —to pain, tl^D'^ oe ^ ^° M ^ kdn kiet koah kai koat.
tsai thik". Sentient, ^° tsai.
Sensual, ^B fi^° sek-i6k 6. Sentiment M M, i-kifen, (opinion) ^
Sensibly, (wisely) :||° ^ If u ti sek, M i-kifen, what are your — on this
'i'° >& ^ u sim khiau. subject. m^mmm°i:°MM.^
Sensitive [ (havitig feeling) W°»B» ^° #° ts6 tai-tsi tsai 11 6 \-ki6n s!
Sensitively j If u sim-ts^ng, —to tsdi°-iu".
pain, it & sioh phg, ^ ui thia", Sentimental (sententious) kdn
— to cold, Mug, (having Sentimentality kiet koah kai koat,
Jl ?^ iii


sense or feeling) tsai, as to ^ (abounding in sensibility) #° W}

the wind, ;^ ® tii hong, to dis- —
'If #° g&u t6ng ts^ng L

grace, 11° 1, |g kia" ki^n-siku, —

Sentinel, |5$ ^ h6ng peng, |i :£ |5)5f

plant, iii ngiau chhdu, thisis a very koan h&ng peng, (during the
—thermometer, U.°M°MMSi'^° night) *^ ^ :E siu ia peng, —to
£ :5fc il W tsit ^ h&n sii tsiam u guard the city, M°-^ slin sil" M
sien ki^n tsi b^ng, this barometer peng.
is very—, jlfc f@ iH+ *n rT M M
,1 Sentry, box, ||° M° ki"-p&ng.
^° T° tsit § hong li tsiam tsai Separable,
m° ^° ^°^°oe pun-khui
thang kin kin ko^i" ke.
Sensorial, 9^° 65° nAu g.
Separate ((disconnected) ^° Jl
Sensualism, f^ ^hb-" sek, Sf -^ h6-" Separation bfilifen, fih° leng goa ^
±° A°
(one by one) H
6^° sM ^, disu-
Sensualist, M- E h^-" sek.g nite) ^^ ia° pun-khui, m° i°
poah khui, ^ ^° hun thiah, (as

as by a wall) M" ^° keh tng, H' Seraphim, W i& ^]t Se-lo- peog.
^° no4° khui, —men in a quarrel Serene .|(as sky) {^ chheng, (as
m° U° noa" tsdh, 11° \° noa° Serenely sea) ^° tiam,j tseng, P
khui. (as face) JS ft un-h6, :^ 3c ii§i f
Separately, (apart) ^ $h° leng-goa, hongchhai un h6.
(singly) H e^° sui ^,^ ^ tsoan Serenity, (clearness) t^ chheng,
leng. (calmness) W tseng, P tiam, %t

Sepia, m° ^° 'M bdk hi ien. *° h6 khi.

Septangle, -t ^ ^
chhit kak h^ng. Serf, ^ m 16--p6k.
Septangular, -t ft ft^° chhit kak fe. Serge, ffl M° chho--tsi°.

September, 31 ^
-^ Eng kdu g6h.. Sergeant, ^° ^ goa ui.

Septenary, -t ^° 6^° chhit ni 6. Serial, ^ i^° tsiap so^, (a magazine)

Septennial -t:^°—°^° chhit ni" IBp6.
tsit pdi. Seriatim, M
tsiku chhu-sii.
5^ ^
"^° ^^
Sept^agenary, -t +° a° i° A° chhit Series, (a sequence) ^° ii
tsAp he ^ Mng. sa" lifen ti tok, ii ii litn-li&n.

Sepulchral, (relating to burial) Serious ^°::^°

] fftSisiongtiong,
^ song su, a —stone, ^ R^ bong
Seriously >ti6h-]4t, as disease —
pS,i, — inscription, ^^^ Seriousness J or affair, f^ ^, siong-
tiong, —as affair. k^k
P^i ji-

tang, tsin-toa, (grave)

Sepulchre,^ bong, H :;fC hong-siii
::/c ^5i

toan-tsong, ^ tai toan, #°

Imperial, g ^ h6ng Idng. J(£ :f'i

^° tiam-tiam, thi&,m-tseng, (not

Sepulture, ^ ts6ng, S II b4i ts6ng.
Sequel, i^° }^ ^° s6a-tsiap 6, (con-
jesting) M sit, (important) ^ M,
iiku-kln, (severe) iU M. siong-
sequence) J^ .^ kiet ki6k.
Sequence, (a) *a°Ji^°^° sa°-Mm-
tiong, ^ Tf; siong piin, (not gay);

tl-toa, (consequence) J^ ^ kiet

siih-siih, — manner, t^ IE toan-
Sequent, ^ ^° fi^ siii au &.
Seriousness, ^^ toan-tsong, j^ M
Sequester, ^ ^° chhiau-ke, ®^ Sermon, Bi Bi° Z° m, M s6- k6ng
SO" ka.
g to-li.
Sequestrate, ^ hong. Sermonize, IS° M M k6ng to li.
Sequestration, ^ hong. ^° kong
Seraglio, ^ © loe kiong.
Sermonizer, WM, M to

Seraph, 5^° W" thi" sai, W 7K

li 6, #^a^^ ^° th6an ta^

Se 15' peng e. li 6 sien si°.

Seraphic, (angelic) 5c° ^° ^^ thi" Serosity, lfil° 7K° huih tsui.

sai g. Serpent, At ts6a.
Sei'pentine, ^ ^ K )IrZ oan-oan Session, M # tsii-ho.e, kirk — ^° ,

oat-oat. ^# tiu-^-ld-hoe.
Senate, #1° {1^° M W chhin-chhiu" Sesspool, $i ^° am khang.
kii khi. Set, a, ~° -f^ tsit-hii -° ^g^tslt-pho,
Serum, Jil° 7l<° huili tsiii, M°M°7K° —day, %° m° H tia"^ tidh jit,—
ng se tsiii, (of milk) ?L 7K° leng up a mast, M° ^ kh.ia-Ai, a net, —
tsui. # ^° k6a-bang,— free, %° p^ng,
Servant, m° M ±° A° cl.lie eng g — in order, ^ # an ti, (in a
mng,—boy, ff. ^° m° p^i toh g, socket) ka (a limb) ^° chhiau, —
fi ^
tsoe b6e,— girl, ff p6-d. ^ up Wt. A siet-lip, ji:ft kienlip,—
Serve, ^g ij:'' hck-sai, f# hong-si, ^ bones, Ji# tsiap-kut, sun — jit-
— filially, ^ g^ hau-k^ng, as a 16h, —on edge, ^'^W chhiii khi

soldier, & tng peng, — up, as

^° n%,— on a dog, Pi i^° f^° hoah
food, J$° m ^ pbftng khi (to lai, kdu —on one
ka, T° side, j§° ff°
obey) MM sun thhn, M° M thia° he —
pi° a, on a journey, ®
than, (to worship) ^ I? keng pai, # khi — leave the
sin, sail, port,
(to perform duties) ^ ^ tsin
;$: W' 15° khui — put up tsAn, sail,
piin hun, (to suit) ^ hap, '^°
'M° sail a Chinese
in ^° boat, tt,°
hdh ti6h. chhia phang, — a fire to, house,
Service, (duty of a servant) -^ ^ M° T° pang h^,— the ^ fire, tX°
tsit hun, (employment) BM° B& Jt he
pfi,i —with precious16",

thau lo-, X kang, (worship) # stones, il siu",- the table, # i^°

pai, —of the church. If ^ M pai, p&i toh.
—of the idol, W i^ pai put, flg :i:° Setaceous, (bristly) ^° ^° 1° miig
h6k-sai, flK *: ^ hok sai put, ^ m ngi chhak.
keng sin. Set-oflf, (an offset) fj- tfc° tiii siau,
Serviceable, tg° M° n° 6e eng tit. (in law) ±m°^M.°M tai-ke k6
Servile, (befitting a slave) ^° MM siau an.
h/ih Id- p<5k, (mean) T® ha-tsieu, Seton, $r fft i:° ,i$° pak siong ^
(cringing) Jj-i%° kiu koeh. sok".
Servihty, (mean submissiveness)
# Settee, i^- ^° khong chbug.
^ pi khut. Setter, Jx B
^vi phah tsiAu kAu.
Servitor, (a servant) M M'' M° chhe Settle, (to establish) Wt :4 siet-lip,
eng (an attendant) SI ^ # kun
6, (determine) ^^ koat-i, ^f
siii ^, W ISE kun pan, i|g ^° ^° koat-toan, :3: ;# lip i, ^^ teiig i,

kun te ^. (to subside) }g j^ t^ng chheng,

Servitude, §L UM tsoe 16- p6k. ^° JS tse tsin, (a long bench with
Sessamum, —seed M tsi-m6a".
Jt a back) i^ the i. H
Settled, J£° m° tia" ti61i, m6 bing Sew, thi".

p^k, in ^ cbbeng clili6. Sewage, M M° kau be.

Settlement, (act of determining) ^° Sewer, ^° {g kau am.
^° tia" ti6h, (as of a difficulty) Sewing, ff- ^g tsiam-tsi. she gets
MW. tiau tit, (of a debt) ^ $5:° her "living by— p |§° $\ m fr
chheng siku, if ^ cliheng cbbo, i kiah tsiam than tsiah.
English— ^^^°m.^ Tili Eng Sex, (in persons) ^ "k. ^^ ^ %
e tso- kki, —in life, W° 5& ffi u lo- lam lu e hnn-piet, (in animals)
keng, (a colony) if if M° sin po- ^ # i° :^ Bl] kang bii e bun-piet.
tbau, Strait—, i% tj5 Sit-Idt, M^ Sexagenarian, if +' a° i:° A° Idk
jSi Seng ka pho. tsi^p be e Ling.
Settlings (sediment) M tse, i^ tdi, Sexennial, y^° '4-
— ° ^° Mk n^ ts't
Ig toe. pdi.

Seven, -t chhit, —times—, ^^°m Sextant, 4° ^ ^^ niu" thi" clihiob

chhit fe cbbit. Sextillion," -\'° ^ ts'ip jiong.

Sevenfold, 1^^^° chbit pe. Sexton, i S' tb6" kong.

Seventh, m W^ te chhit. Sextuple, /?^° ®° Idk pe.
Seventhly. Hlg te cbbit. Sexual, (distinguishing sex) ^ ;&
Seventieth, ^^ +° 6^ te cbbit i° ^ S'l lam lu e huu piet, — in-

tsap ^. tercourse, fT°M° kia" pang, (of

Seventy, |^ chhit tsdp. + animal) tt^ ^ sa° kau, ^B^ B° sa"

Sever Wi° M
tsam trig. ki".

Several, M°S° 1®° kui na e. Shabby, (as dress) sam-s"m, (mean)

Severally, S° *° leng goa ^ :^° *J^
'^ sidu ki6k, if) M pbi li, IK
tsoan-leng. PS ;

Severance, ^ Bg° pun-kbui, M° W Shackle, (to chain) M lien, (cum-

keb khui. ber) m° ^° ti-poa", (for the foot)

Severe, (strict) giam, (cruel)^ ^ W ia° kha khau, l!i|^ tl° kha-ke,

JS tsdn jim, (painful) ?S° tsin ^ (for the hand) ^ JO cbbiii khau.

tbia", (extreme) #g kek. T> put- Shackled, ta ± i^- ^ kbku kbi lai, It
tsi, (as sickness) ^° 1j^ tsi^" lat, ^ ^ lien kbi lai.

siong-tiong. Shad, .ft Si o--trii.

Severely, ^° :^ tsia" bit. fS siong Shaddock, #° M° hiu°-i".

' tiSng. Shade, ^^ iig, is im-ug,— of a M

Severity, (harshness) MM khek tree, ®° ^° chhiu ug, to— ii
(mark with gradations of
pok, (rigour) 1 gi§.m, giam bat, jia,

siok, (strictness) ^li colour) thoa" sek.

]lif giam
giam kin. Shades, It If im-kan.

Shadiness, S° im, fj° fig, ^ im- a dish) m° ffl° khin thd", (as
fig. learning) i^ chhi^n, (the rudd)
Shadow, (as of a person) fj id", fi,ng tai.

(shade) fj° I'lg, (type) E ffil° Shallower, ^m khah khin, |j{° ^

koan-tsi6, M W° piAu iu°, (to khah chhi^n.
cloud) S jH hiin jia, (darken) # Shallowest, ± ^° siang khin, ±°^
if Ht ho- i km. siang cjihi^n.
Shadowless, ^^ §5° b6 ia", ^° %° Shallowness, /^° khin, ^ chhi^n,
bo fig. (silliness) jp gong, (of mind) ^
Shadowy, ^° ^° kau ng, (indistinct) chhi^n kifen. ^
^° mi^°-id", (gloomy) I© i^ Shallows, ^° soa fin, 3?° 4|° soa S
am-tam. thoa".
Shady, W° fj°« u im-fig, ^ ?^ Sham, k^-id", ti". M^
im-l^ng. Shamble, ft ]i° ^° chhim kha kia".
Shaft, (handle) M° pi°, —
of a co- Shambles, S° ^ "iff boe bah chhl.
lumn, ^^ thiau sin, (passage Shambling, J^° 18° ;fj° chhim kha
to a mine) ;^ ^° kh6ng pak, kid".
(of an arrow) ^^
tsi" ko4i". Shame, £ |g kifen-siku, put to ,^°
Shag, (rough hair cloth) ffl €° ^ A° £ ri ho- mng ki^n siku.
chho- mSg po'. Shamefaced, (diffident) ^ >J> A iii

Shaggy )|a ^° %° chho- tAg sidu jin, >J> @ sidu 16e.

Shagginess mn g. )
Shameful, (disgraceful £|gfl^°ki^n
Shake, (a thing) ^ i6, (as with cold) siau e, — fellow, "f f^° ha tsoh,
tio, kh^h kh^h tio, — off, as dust (infamous) :E^ chhau mia"M
W poa",— hands, f| ^ tiin chhiii' sia° (indecent) lap sap Eng.
—the j®° %° poa'' hi.
Shameless, 1,° jf b5e ki^n siku,
Shaky, (as a hand) ig° ^ chhiii
tsim, (as an affair) ^ S ^ b6 Shamo, desert of—, Pf sa ^ bfin.
th6-t6ng, (as a chair) MM lo -lo", Shampoo, #.° 8|° lidh Mng.
P !^ S 16- 16-
Shammy, |l& :=^ ^° l^ng i6ng phS.
Shakya, # si sek kia.
Shanghai, ±^ Siong hdi.
Shakyamuni, mM*^^ Sek kia m6- Shank, (a leg)
-f°^°e ting, —of
anchor, :ft° Jj- tia"-sin, —of a pipe,
Shall, ®° beh, I—go, ^°,M*7g6a
beh khi, —I go, ^°W^°m°'^-°
!g^ PJt° ^ hun-chhe sin, !g° efe° IS°
hun chhe
W g6a ti6h khi d in sdi, I— be
Shansi, llj°
1:° soa°-sai.
cold, a°trS°g6a:6e ko4°.
Shallow, (not deep) ^° khin, (as
Shanty, Ji ff ° chhii d, ^M ffi° ff°
phoa chhii thang k (shed) # ff
liau-d. khah chbang-mia", (a swindler)
Shantunj^, llj°:^° Soa°-tang. ^r ff ° lut-a, Pi ff ° Idu-a.
Sliape, ^ khoan, ^^ h^ng-tsong, Sharpness, ^ij lai.

#° — of man, ^ ^ hfeng-siong, Sharpest, ^ — te ^ij it-lai, (as

to— |!j# #:t°^ cbhong h5- i person) ^ — Ji te it-tbong.
u h^ng. Sharpset, ^ i|° k^k iau.
Shapeless, ^E J^ bu hgng, ^ J^ J^ Shatter, ^° M° ^ ^ phoa kau
m tsia" hfeng. chbui chbiii, (to disorder) Jr° SI
Shapely, ^ ff h6 the, ^° m° tsia" phab loan.
mih. Shattered,—^health. If tsau.
Shard, (shell) khak. ^ Shatters, 6^° chbui e, S^B 6^ iu &. ^
Share, (a part) ^
bun, as a bank Shave, |!J° tbi, with the grain, jE —
— Jlx -(^ k6- bun, to—,
, pun, a ^
^Ij tsik° tbi, -^against the grain,

plough— m.° m° 16e tbau. M I6'J to tbi, (cut in slices) ^ li6.

Shareholder, ^g^ 3^ l^- #° il k6- bun Shavings, t,lj J} ?g khau to hoe.

e, W 35^ ^ # u ko- sia" e. Shawl, W moa".
Sharer, ^ 6^° u bun
^° g. She, # i.

Shark, a?° E° soa-bi,— skin, 8?° g,° Sheaf, m tbixn, a— of wheat, ^° m

^° soa-hl phi, black — % ^° fins, beh kbiin.

M o- hi chbi, % tsieu.
white—fins, &° g.° Shear,

^J peb bl-cbbi. Shearer, M #° tsien —of sheep, g,

Sharp, m° lai,^° mr, —pointed, ^ M ^° ^° #° tsi^n iu" mSg d.

tsiam, — child, J5° # kbidu-kut, Shears, :^ ^ U toa ka to, (an ap-
(acute) jj tbong ^ thiet,. fi ^J° paratus for raising heavy weights)
Igng-lai, (as sound) m° Vf° VP° ;fit
•§'° pan tsan.
sia" ki-ki, (as cold) M° lai, instru- Sheathe, A t&° jip si6.
ment, M ^ li-khi, (sarcastic) |lli° Sheathing, M° i'^'' tstin pang.
^° cbbin-chbi6, (acid) ^° sng, Sheave, ^° J^ ^^ H^ sob l6- ka lak.
(pungent) ^° loib, (to sharpen) Shed, (a small bouse) Wm6a
M° cbhau
m° bol chhu, (to spill) ii ffl iiS

Sharpen, (as a knife) W M^^°^ M"^ Mi, (to cast off) M° ^ liiau khak
boa-ho- i lai, a file, — M tsam Sheen, yt° m° 1^° kng ia" ik\

lo^, m° *
(as a lead pencil) slab Sheep, Jl^ ^ bien iii°, ^ ^ mi" iii".

pit, —a razor, fij m°M7i° siab tbi Sheepcot, ^° *° iu" tia<i.

than to, -the point, tf *°ife siab ,

Sheepfold, ^ i^ iu° tiaft.

khi tsiam. Sheepish, H "M" S^ hi siu tii bi,

Sharper, ® M° khah lai, (more 11° 11° kia" kia".

acute) m'M khah thong, H ^° m Sheer, (pure) iff chheng, (as horse)
— —,

jH ^ odt tsdu, (as ship) ti'ig, Sherry, chhe
11 tsiii.

^ hien chhut,
(mere) /P i§ put h6. ^B Jf: tsi si, |ij

Sheet, (of paper) 5Ftiu", (for bed) ii 0^ hien b^-ng, (to direct) ifyf^
li°m° phe toa°, —of iron, |i° A° tsi si, §1 ^° in clihoa, (let one

thih phi", the main—, ^# liau see) #° A° S° ho- lang khoa".

bu, ease the main — , :S'^-f3: bun Shield, U° M° pln-pAi, rattan— 11°
li^vi bii. )j$° tio-pai, to—, % M p6-ho-.
Sheet-almanac, (Chinese) ^ ^@ Shift, (a chemise) ft ^ll^ lai sa"', (a
chbun gii t6'. contrivance) ft ^ ke-ti, /j? ^
8heeting,"|£^^^° phe toa", po--s6-, (alter) Bt k6e, (remove)
phe toa"--p6-, iron , $|| i° tbih Ul s6a, (contrive) WL fi siet-.

phi", boat.
Shelf, ^°k6, (ledge of rock) ;j5°Sr Shifting, 61^ ^ SI * s6a lai s6a khi
tsi6h loa. Shiftless, 114° m ¥"" b6 boan chhia,
Shell, % khak, bivalve—, W^ bo tsoan-pien, ^° II a H il ii
siang khak, univalve — H% , IE llS b6 ki koan kien sek.
khak — , work, ^ |s khak kbi, Shifty, B° 11 kau ki koan. m
(military) m° Wm,Z°%'M koe Shimmer, (shine faintly) Wl WLi^°
bii chhoa ^ thien phku, to — , take yt° bi-bi-d kng.
off shell, fg ^ peh khak, to — , a Shin, ir m kha liam, M MU kha
town, t° ^1 #-° ^ ;5:° 5c m A M° phi" liam.
pkng koe bii chhoa S thien phau Shine, m tsio, (as fiire) Rife" ih.\

j(p sia°. Shing-king, ^ -^ Bodn-tsiu, ^^

Shellfish, M° % S{)° u khak ^ Seng keng.
Shelly, ^° ^ kau khak. Shingle, (a thin board) —°ir°^°
Shelter, j^jia, take — from rain, ^° tsit pbi° pang, (Geol.) ^^0 tsi6h
11° tsau ho-, (shield) f?f« ^ p6-ho-. nng.
Sheltered, (from wind) ^ i;im, !|^° Shining, ^ ^ kim-kim, kim-nk-Sa",
$1 khah iam. :5t°ftii°H^°kng-ia"-ia°.
Shelterless, |i° Ji g° bo jia tsdh, Ship, m^ tsiin, full rigged— H° ^°^
it° M
iS bo jia iam, f^° 'nj p g° sa" ki-1ii, —
manifest, #K ^° p6
khui chhiii lo' hi. toa", — carpenter, ^f |l ah-kng,
Shelve, M
M. chhong k^, (put aside) paper, J|§° ){§^ tsuu pfii, wear —
^M ^^ hiet lok teh, (slope) bin
JIS fii a $1 tsun tsien lin t6g, —
cargo, T°ffi lie tsai.
Shelvy, ^° m°^° kau soa tsi6h.
Shensi, ^W Siam-sai. Shipboard, M '^Ji tsun nib.
Shepherd, 11 ^. ^° ko- iH" 6, i|!t ^- Shipbroker, m ^° # hai koe-bii.
b6k tsid, (a pastor) S^ M b6k su. Shipbuilding, jt jl^° ts5 tstin. '
, a

WM PSli a° khui gin -sin.
tsiii 6. Shook, m° 'A liStintang, 3$°il)°
Shipmaster, >X Si° h^-tiu" i6 tang.
Shipment, T.ffi he-tsiii, (c-irgo) ® Shocking, ^ ifS su keng.
tsai. Shod, ^° m'' chheng o6.
Shipping, |g° tsun, —order, if ffi Shoe, m° o&, —brush, jg° &!) o& bin,
^° Mm tsai ji. —horn, m°M° o^ piiih, — ties, |l°
Shipwreck, |i6° ^T° i£- tsfta phah ^° oS embroider
ti^)a |g jj?!" siii — ,

phoa. oe, mend —

?fi $1^ tiam oe,
, —
Shipwright, 5i ^° r!^ 4 tso tsiin sai horse, $S 0j° M° t^ng be t6e, make
hQ. men's—, f^° 11° tsoe 6e, make
Shire, M hu make women's M° chhiah — , W
Shirk, m siAm, la ^° ^° :^° ^° sek o&, to—, ^° W
chheng ofe.
gu Si'ii chhia au, —work D3 sidm. Shoehorn, ®° ^° og piiih, :fi ?|5°kak
Shirt, ^^#°t^sa". ti".

Shirting, W" #° ^ sai ili" p6-, white Shoemaker, gt ^^ rI^ $• tsoe o6 sai
— 6° W°J¥° p6h sai ir, grey— hu.


2f; @ U° ';^° pdn sek sai iu°. Shoot, (a young branch) i", -with

Shive, (a slice) — )r tsit phi°, (a gun, phah nm°

chheng, fM" m°
fragment) -° M° tsit t^, 1$ khuiWchheng, an arrow, ^° sia #
chhiii chhui. tsi°, ts6h tsi°, birds, fl-° .i° phah
Shiver, (to break into small pieces) tsidu, (germinate) puh i", (as

Jj"° ^
phah chhiii chhiii, (trem-
.^ star) 11° tsoh.

ble) geh geh tsim, ngiau ngiau Shooter, (with a gun) m''M° khui
tsun, kh^h kheh tio, ijn JS^JP. ka chheng 6. .

liin siin, 0° ka iam.M Shooting, pains, Jfll ^° thiu thia°.

Shivering, ngiauh ngiduh tsun, Shoots, '^° ge, (bamboo) ft" ^. tek
ngiAuh ngiauh chhoah. siin.

Shivery, ^^T°^t° koe phah ph6a, Shop, r£ tiam, J^ 11° tiam tha,u,.

^° JI 5S° koe kong ph6a. counter il ^ 11 thong bov kui,
Shoal, -^ m° soa soa", ij?" W soa 5^ t^^ li^n kui, —
keeper, [£ ]p tiam

thoa°, W° ^ soa un, of fish, — kui ho"

1° /J #°
Shopkeeper, khui tiam g,
koah, gf F^ kui tin.

Shoaly,' ^° 'S?° W kau soa s6a". ^° /£° ± A khui tiam e lang,

Shock ] (collision) m° W
with hor-
sa" (who
sells old clothes)
boe ko- tiam e.
Shocking) tong,. (striking i

ror) 11° A° kia" Eng, ?L Wi kh6ng Shoplifter, 1° M° JS° ft ^°i,°M°

hiong, (disgust) m° A° %° Hf^ h5- than th^h tikm lai mih 6 chhdt.

Shopman, ^ tt° h^ ki. or you, ^^,m^W°^n si li

Shopping, if ig M° M° kkn tikm tioh khi d-si g6a.

h6e hh. W° 11° keng-th^u,—blade,
Shore, (sea) m° M hdi kl", to—, M°m'^ png si kut, to—, ^° ^°
thi°. SM° lok keng-th^u, to take on the
Shoreless, M° ^°b6 hoa"", (as a sea) — m
M° ^° ±° M° BM° khi keng
^°llj°il b6 soa'' su. gia tsiu" keng th^u, to push ru-
Short, @° t^, —as
man, ^° o^, dely, Si khdi" ti6h, ft— toiig ^ ^
and stout, ^
^1° bu thiin, —of ^ ti6h.
m khiam-kheh, 7 b6 kau, (ab- Shout, :^° m° m° toa sia" kio, l®°
rupt) khiit chh^ng (brittle) IT hoah, :k° m° '^M° toa sia"-aft.
chh^, time, ^ :5t°b6 kd, (as Shove, t^°sak, ^° chhia,— endwise,
breath) :k° tZ>M° toa sim khiii.
li" nng 11 long.
Shortcoming ji ke.sit. ^ Shovel, iX° M. h<^-iam.
Shorter, |J( @° khah td, make—,
j^ Show, (cause to see) 1^-°#^° ho- i
M° chhek t^, i^°'^fc°^° ha- i khoa°, as goods, exhibit, % pg,i, —
khah t6. consideration for, — M. 'If pgoan
Shortest, ^ — ^° te it te, —day, ts^ng, 11 ^fi th^-thidp, (as one's
^° S tang tsi (abridge) |jc° f| heart) M. BJ hidn-bfing, (a specta-
khah kan. cle, as during a feast)
^, Ji ^\%
Shouting, i^° ^° lt° toa sia" ali, :^" tiam teng kat chhdi, (a pretext)
^ ni° toa sia" hoah, m° ^° aft ke fe, (to direct) Jt
la &'j tsi si. ^
kio, ® ji6ng. Show-bread, ig %° s^ng-pia''.
Shorthand, f^ ^ kdn sia, —figures, Shower, (of rain) b5- tsun,— of
?E .^ hoe^ be-tsi. snow, g^
seh tsun,

Shortlived, (as person)

(not long lasting) T^ ^hb
% % idu Showery, ^M
kau hd- tsiin.W
siu, Shomly, ?e° %° hoe hiet.
Shortly, It ff ° ^
bin & si, ^ g^ Showy, ^!£° ii° hoe-hiet, 15. fj h^ng-
Shortness, @° t^,— of the day, B
W^° ^
hai-pai°, —person,
M. 5h° g5a khtii.
^° jit
phdi° ki ti.
t^, —of memory, ^°
|a ffi Shred, (a strip) li^u, (to tear)
n, liau.
Shortsighted, 5£ kun-sl.^ Shrew, t° m Wo chhiah tsa-b6-,
Shot, |^° ^
chhfeng-tsi, a good—, —mouse, K % so chhii.
^ it tsm tseng,— off the head'
iT - *° BI ^ ^f ii ii^i° phah tsit
Shrewd, ^ ff p^ chhi,—in business,
e thiu-khak soa tng khi. 5^,^ 5t° thang-kng.

—g", ^ ^ * m m ^
Should, ti6h, eng-kai, you Shrewdly, }G pa chhi.
li tidh khi, —I go Shriek, p^ [9fMl?l-° ki ki kic\
pr pr
' ,

l^L° ki ki hdu. te.

Shrike, g| koan, i| t| pit-16. Shuffler, W° jH;° t° ffii°

^° k6ng tsia
Shrill, ki-ki. k6ng hia-e.
Shrillness, m Pi P^ ".1° sia" ki ki t^n Shun, ^ sidm.
Shrilly, B PJC ki ki. Shunt, off, n°Pm°^'' ho- i chhodh
Shrimp, m° hL khi.
Shrine, ^ kham, (altar) to^", — Slp^ Shut, (as door) |S° koai", —eyes,
for lares, ^ ^ ^ kong-p& kham. khoeh, (as book) -^ hap, — the
Sh*ink7^iu, "(as thing aftar boiling) eyes,'p° @°P1 khoeh bdk-tsiu—
bO niu" siii", (as wood) sau. the hand, ik° ^° nih chhiii, out, —
Shrivel, H p6-, ^ W" ko--ta ?t siau a person, /p° pJ" #° A A bo thang
Shrivelled, (man) ^° A° W tsi^" ho- lS,ng jip, — out, as the light,
l&ng pd", (as a thing) ^ p6*. ^°1^ 56° A in ho- kng jip, —fast,
ShroflF, mm glan-kui, ^° ^ tsidng- as door, M°^ ^ koai" khi tsai.
kui. Shutter, ^° f^ l^i thang-a-iam, ^°
Sliroffing, ^° ^ khoa°-g1in. ff M thang-d-ta.
Shroud, a dead man's — ^ ^ siu ,
i, Shuttle, ^ so.
—of mist, pJr i°^M SO" ta e bu, Shuttlecock, &: kien, play — ^M ,

(inclose) ^ pau,
(hide) f|° ^° ng gi(5t kifen.

bat, (a cover) M° k6a, (a winding Shy, ';g >J> at ui-sidu 16e, si"-liun, ^
sheet) %^ siu i, (a range of A° iii-lang.

ropes in a ship) fi J§° phien tiah Shyly, m°p:i^l si" hun hun, )J, ®
(to shelter) MW^ jia tsdh (to si4u 16e, ^ >J^ A ui sidu jin, ||>J»
dress for the grave) i^M siu lidm. ^ iii siAu loe.
Shrouds, {§° M° phien-tiah. Shyness, ^° W. si° him, >J, ® si.4u

Shrub, M°^° chhiu-d, flowering — 16e, •§• >J» A ui siau jin, ^ £ gf iii

?&° hoe bAk.'

?fc° kifen siau.
Shrubbery, M° ff ° chhiu d. Siam, MH Sirun-16.

Shrubby-, ff ^° fi"-" tsdp chha-d, Siberia, Mm H6-kok.

(having a woody stem) /jC Tji b6k Sibilant, a, ^ 4* b tsih tiong im.

pun. Sick ] m" m° phoa-pi", v&^ m' a

Shrug, th^h keng, ban-teh. -the Sickness iii hani-chharn, X'
pi", |ig

shoulders m m° kek tho^h- ^ khiam an, MP kan Ian.

keng. Sicken, WL m° ti-pi", jlE ^' khi-pi",

Shudder, khauh-khauh-tstin. (nauseating) M A ^ B± h5- King

Shuffle, (as cards) Jf chhap, (evade) ki th6-, (exciting disgust) f# A IK"
^O ^O .^O ^O ]j.^jjg ^gjj^ J^^l^g J,,|;j^ Sii^ ho- lang gin sin.

11° %° U° & ^ kdng thi" seh hong sickish, (slightly sick) M-"irm'm"

lioh & phoa pi", —of, m°^° khok°-ki", (eyesight)
Sickle, 11^ f-f koeh-d. @ fi bdk-sek, (a view) 5E S: kong-
Sickliness, ^° #|° kau pi"^
fi «»0' k^ng, watch till out of g glf — ,

kau su 15-, ^° i^° ^° kau ph6a jg^ bdk-tsiu sangi, know a thing
pi", tiu tiu beh phoa pi", M° M° by — , 1^ bat.
ph^a pi". Sightless, W W°^° chhi" mi.
Sickly, 11° ^ ^° Mm-sin-mia"i year Sightlessness, S° M° boe khoa"
— ,
^° ^° m° m.° m° kln-ni" kau ki", #° m° chhi" mi.
phoa pi", as a —plant, |^ M Jl* b6 Sightly, ^ I°h6kh6a".
kia" sin, ^°^^ kau-su-lo-. Sign, 1^ h5, lEig ki-ho, (prognostic)
Side, persons — ^ hidp, (of. any-
, ilK BI tiau-th^u, —one's name, ^
thing) 2pff°p^ngpi", at one's — ^ chhiam-mia", -^ ^ 16h mi4",
# ff ° sin-pi", both—, m° m° siang- (a proof) M W. pin kii,— death
bin, M°^siang-pgng, at the—, (i warrant, |lf fg tsdrh ti4u.
ff ° phien pi", to— with, ft ui, (a Signal, §g ho,—gun, iE ilQ ho phau,
party) ^ tong —man, ^° :^° :^ tng toa ki,
Sideboard, M t6, :t° m° M tsidh (eminent) ffi ^ chhut ki.
pngtu, %°g6a" tu. Signalize, (as ships) liiM^?^m°
Q" M°
U° chhoah, —glance, ^° chhut ki ho 14i k6ng.
sai bak b^. Signally, (eminently) ffi ^ chhut ki
Sidereal, M° 6^° chhi" e. Signature, 7^° jf hoe-ah.
Side-saddle, M A A°^° .^° J^°hu Signboard, jff pai, j{$ pli-pien, M
jin Mng ^ be oa". fa )if
° tsio-p4i.

Sideways, ffl° ^° ^ than phi" sin. Signer, ^ ig^ ^° chhiam mii 6, g

Sidewise, M ji° tlian pi". :^° n #° siA hoe ah L
Sidle, m° m° n° chhoah chhodt Signet, PD in, fA ^ su in, royal—, ^
M gi6k su.
Siege, 1^ khiin, H ui, raise a—, M° Significance,*W° ^ ,@L u i su.
SI ko6-ui. Significant, W° ^ ,S
Siesta, W ff ° A° an tseng tidp A ku Significantly, >^° M^ u
ii i sii.

i sii.
Sieve, B" 5|-° thai-tdu, rim of—, ^f° Signification,
M ,S i sii, ^^ i gi.
51-° Kt° thai tdu ki". ^°
Significative, ^ ,g a i su.
Sift, thai, (as evidence) ^^ Signify, ^ tsi.
Sifter, m° #° thai ^
Sign, —
manual, ?g hoe-ah, (in a ^
Sigh,^ pr m.° th6- khiii,— bitterly, writing of divorce) #7 i^ phah ^
tho' kbiii hi hai". chhiii bo-.
Sight, @° fe h/ik sck, know by —as a Signs, the twelve — + ,
~ g tsap
IHTson, tr "is l^° ^-,r jin tit, get a JT kcng, Aries, J^ g sut keng,
m ,


Taurus, W ^ iil keng, Gemini, Silkweaver, HM Wx ^° tsit tiCi-

^ # sin keng, Cancer, ^ 1^ bi- toan S.

keng, Leo, ',!; ngo- keng, Virgo,^ Silkworm, 1;° f|^° ni(i"-a.

E tsi keng. Libra, *§ sin Silky, ilf! fir si e. M
keng, Scorpio, 5|1 ^ bau keng, -Sill, window—, ^° f-f" % thang-a
Sagittarius, H^ in keng, Capii- teng.
cornus, ^§ thiu keng, Pisces, Silliness, -U^ chhi gai, #°ff,° tam
^ '* hai keng, Aquarius, ^^
tsii keng. Silly, %^ chhi gai, 1i°ff,° tam gam,
Silence, If W tseng-tseng, %° m° •It S g<i gong-
^° b6 sia"-seh, tseng tsau.h. Silt, (mud) iM° a° th6--b6, to—, ^i°
Silence ) W^ tseng, to bo- — ^^ p
thun th6--b&. ^
Silent j.i tseng, (indisposed to talk Silvan, ;f ° ©° #° fi^ u chhiu-na fe.

^° ^° ^° ba tsoe sia", (no Silver, ^ gdn, pure—, |;^ IS bun-

. sound) M° it° M" b6 sia" seh. gun, — ingot, ^ ^
oan-p6,— wire,
Silently, WM tseng-tseng. IR ii" gLin-soa", —articles, % Ws

^ si, :
—goods, M thrown
tifi, gun khi, sycee — RW oAn-po,

MWiWL tiau si
keng, —thread, imitation— thread, fi! ^° kc-
$^ ^° si-soa", plain — ^U ,
so- si, gun so;i°, — ware, fi §?. gun-klii,
woven — M , tiu, — camblet, M plate with — lam gun, made of—
^ s6a°-jiau"', yellow—from Sze- SK %k° fir gfiii tsoe e.
chuen, jl| SU Su-chhoan tg- Silver Island, If. |il Tsiau san.
si, — from Dupions, J&
reeled 1^ §f. Silversmith, ^1° ^ ^° 4 phah gun
t!6ng-kong-si, refuse — fL ^, BI° , sai-hii, 1^ Or.° gun-chhiu°.
loan thau, — cocoons, ^° ^°
si Silvery, ^3° {131° W^ cbhin chhiu" gfin.
miu" ki^n, — If M° floss. siii-soa", Similar )^° [PJ° saM^ng, U'
—ribbons, and embroidery, W i|fi Similarily \ oAn-jien, ^ i| h6ng-hut,
si-tpa, W # lan-kan, -tassels, ^° ;ta° chhin chhiu".

M° s6a" chhiu, (pongees) -^fi tiu, Similarity, fta° ffl" chhin chhiu".
(satin) fS toan, (crape) Iff $!!;° Simile, #n|5 phi-ju, J:b ^ pi-pheng.
jiau" se, (velvet) M ji<'>ng': (em- Similitude, ^° {01° chhin chhiu"-.

broidery) li°^i fir si 6 sill", a— Simmer, ng^u.

dress, |tf|
^° tiu sa". Simper, |ii°lli° ^° gi-gi chhi(\.

Silken, (made of) i^! m° fi^ si tsoe Simple,^ ( uncombined ) M° ^ gf ifr

6, (like silk) M \% m chbin chhiu" b6 chham ])!it mi'h, (only) '^ -jn

si, (soft) ft nng. chheng-clitieng, ihllt M 2. tsi clihu

Silk mercer, fS #° hoc tift- ji 1, (in dress) ^ % phoh-sit,
toan e. '— mindfd, W9. (<'k-3it, (plai-i) Bji
beng, -
— diet, tain tarn tsiah, (un- Sinfully, W° P u tsoe.
mixed) m chlieng, i^°5i° b6 thku, Sinfulness, :§°IP u tsoe, W^IPM" u
(elementary, as studies) |jj ip tse k6a.
cbho- hak, (credulous) :^°Jl°U° Sing, m° chhiii", R^ glm, —a song,
hi khang kliin, (unadorned) ^° m° lffi° chhiii° khek, Pi° i:° chhiii"-
ffi°tifj° b6 tsng tha", (artless) M-° koa, — well, ^° IW u tiau, (a sa
W^° b6 can khiau, (silly) gp;^ bird) B^ glm, ^ hd,u, —a hymn,
chili gai. n^ tf gim si, — in tune. It' ^ fd
Simpleton, kham-khi gim khi h6, —out of tune, ^ %^
Simplicity, (plainness) #° 'g plioh- gim b6 tiau.
sit, ^^ phok-s6-, (artlessncs,^) Singapore, Pi Pj^ i^ Sit-ldt pho.
.S ii tiong-ho-, ,S' iC° tiong-tit. Singe, ii, nk", chhku-ta.
Simplification) (as of a discourse) Singer, B^ fi^j° gim 6, I'M" fi^ chhiii"
Simplify ]n°p^o ^ jj- .

^ J
street—, :^° KM" tsAu chhikng.
khah chbicn, (as a matter) |!j
Bj?Sfl° chhong khah beng i:ing.
gt° Singing, (in the ears) 91 ki gS
ki hku.
Simply, (only)
Tf- Ji put ko, T' Mf Single, M 11° ko-
toa",— as flower,
R, :^° tsi u.
11° M
toaMdp, (alone) fi ^#—
Simulate, M° m° k^ ia", tl". t6k t6k i tsit 6, man, unmarried, —
Simulation, m° B° k^ ik", f|°
tsoe M° ti".
kh- ffJt" —
f^°;^°^°iau-be chhoa, woman,
n° m° m° i^u-be k^, ^° *° ir
Simultaneous n&]° ^° f(^° t^ng-si ^° iau be ts6e kheh, — strand,
Simultaneously |^° flj (j^° siHug- —°
j 6,
W tsit k6-,(select from a
number) M jTn,~handed, SC ||°
Sin, |g° i^° tse-koa, m ts5e. — ° 11° ko--toa" tsit g.
Since, pf £ kh6-ki6n, |£ ^ ki-ji6n.
Singleness, K ||° ko- toa", ^of
Sincere ] MM s^ng-sit, m W tok- heart, M. ^ seng sit.
Sincerely Vsit, M >& sit-sim, M ^
Singly, it 11° ko- toa,
Sincerity J tsin-sit.
m° m^ toa"

Sine, iE° m tsik°-hien, it° ^° sit-

toa°, it it.

sok". Singular ) (unusual) |^ ^ hui

Sinecure, -Jg-
^° ^° g|° g^ chheng
Singularity ) si6ng, (eminent) |i} ^
6ng § th^u lo-.
chhut ki, (rare) # ^ hi-hdn,
(odd) :^ Jt su put siongj (ec-
Sinew, ^ kun.
centric) t^fi k6--koki, (only one)
Sinewy, (as body) tg° m° m° oe bo^
thoab, (as arm) chhiii mfig ^n.
m° toa", (strange) ^ ^ ki koki.
Sinful, ;t° IP
Singularly, ^ >]f ki koki.
u tsoe, —man, |g A Sink,m m" s6-am,—a well, W ^°
khui to— a tim, ^E
tsi", tiaiii,
cause to — , thiam. pleasantly—, n^Wi^^W^ tsit
Sinless, M° m bo tsoe. keng cbhii si ho keng, (residing)
Sinner, ^° |P ^° A° u tsoe e lang. MM khia-khi.
Sinister, (left) &^ ts6 pfeng, (bad) Situation, 8^° ^ thau-lo", (place)
y° pbdi°, (unlucky) ;p ^ put M -fi te ui, ^ jj s6-tsai, (official
heng. — , Mt ft tsit jTm, (employment)
Sinpffering, MB :t° ^ siok tsoe
51 1^ th&u-l6-, m% li-lo-, fill a—,
^ tsfe.
#° 11 tng tsit.
Sinuosity,^ ^ oan oat. Six, -^ Mk.
Sinuous, m 6r oan ft° 6, 6^j° khiau g Sixfold, y^° ^^ Mk pe.
Sip, # chheh, tsip-teh.
Sixteen, + i^ tsdp Mk.
Siplion, Jffl j^ If ° thiu tsui tang. Sixteenth, ^ %° te tsdp kau.
Sir, (polite phrases used when ad- Sixtieth, % :ff +° te Idk tsdp.
dressing the following persons) a Sixty, ^° +° Idk tsdp.
rich man #H
tsun-kk, (a gentle- Sizable,
^f" ^° :k° u hiah toa.
man) ite°S° siu°-kang, (a shop Size, :^°
>J»° toa s6e, of body, — fy^
keeper) SM° ^° thau-ke, (a tea- sin hun. ^
cher) ;^°sien si", (a mandarin) Sizing, ka
W° :^° tsiii.
A tai-jin, (an elderly person)
Skate, (a fish) §J= .f ° hang hi.
^ M ti6ng-tsiA, (a stranger) jg Skein, m° khau, —
° i^°,^° tsit khau
a° chhii-pi". soa°.
Sire, (a male) ^° kang. A° ^ lajdg-khak,
— Skeleton, (of man)
Sister, ^. 2^ tsi-be, 's son, $b 1^ a mere — , as of an essay, :^ M tai
goe-seng. khki, ^S ff chh6-ki liok.
Sister-in-law, (wife's elder sister) Sketch, (drawing) M Wi ui-ko,
::^° IK toa i, (wife's younger sis- (rough draft) chh6 k6, (to M^
ter, M {^° i-d, (elder brother's draw) ui, S —
of a building, |g ^
wife) ^ s6, (younger brother's chhiit6-.
wife) >h°^ si6-tsim. Sketchy ) Jjfc ^ ^ ^ ph^ b6- ^
Sisterly, m° i0° M M° chhin chhiu" Sketchiness ] khpdn, (incomplete)
tsi be. /p ^ ^ b6 tsidu tsfig.
Sit, M^ tse, — on .eggs^ %i pu, —at Skewer, (for fowl) m" IS^ koe-
table, ^M tse toh. chhidm.
Site, % toe. Skid, (nautical) t^^M" gia kang
Sitting, t^ ^ teh tse, ^ ^ tsai tso kha, put down a—, #r^ ^' fe:° )ffil°

Situated,— north, ^° 4[i° tse-pak^ phah gid kang kha.

Amoy is on the sea, — f^ i^ M ^ SkiflT, ih M sio tsun.
^ E-mftg si 6a hdi, this house is Skill, (knowledge) ^ li ti sck, :|'
m tsai-16ng, £ m ki^n-sek, ^ 3:5° fish) W^t^ chhui tsiam.
ki-khiau. Skippingly, M i, ^ t\6 ^ khodn.;"
Skilled, M° ^° s6k chhiii, ^ j^ tsai Skirmish, ij> Pc sid-tsifen.
id". Skirt, a, ^^ kdn, (edge) |ft ki°, (of

Skillet, Ji° {f tid" d, W ff

° e d. a coat) ?^ ku, (go round the edge

u piin-su,
1 g^u, :§°
#° ^° ^
;$;:$: of)
gdu- Skit, (jeer) >^
W s(^h.

^° chhin-chhi6.
siu-lo-, ^ ° >& ^ u Vj g# Skittish*
khiaii-lo, iS° -^° kodi"-chhiu, Skittishly — di tah hiah", ki-hiah".

(expert) 1°^° sek-chhiii, iJ?fT° Skulk, bih, bih bih chhih chhih.
S(^-k hang, ^D°^°tsai id". Skull, m°^M° thdu-khak-oa".
Skillfulness, 'Z?" g& khiaii l5-, 3:5° # Skullcap, m° m° od"-bo.
khiau sin. Sky, 5c° thi", ^^ kiong-chhong,
Skim, (as cream) J^ lio, —tbe wa- ^ 5c° chhong thi", ^+ khong-
ter as a bird, chhi" tsui bin, —the tiong, clear — , f^ 5c chheng thi".
water with a stone, ^ ?fC phah tsiji Sky blue, M & g/^h-p^h-
phi (as a subject) SL° M° pbt; phe, Sky high, M^ ^° S° 5c^ kodi" kau
M° m° phe-hu, ?? J^ phl^-phft. tii thi", "M" ^° \^ koai" kau
Skin, ^°ph&, tiger—, J^ j£° h6--ph6, jip bfi.

leopard — , f5 j^° pk-phS, beaver Sky lark, -M W ])&--tiu.

—,mU&° hdi-16 pM, squirrel—, Sky larking, If ° hoa. If If ^° hoa-

m JS° chhii-ph^, ^M. &° gtn- hda kiin.
chhu-phe, racoon—, M°M&°\6k- Sky light,— window, 3lc° W thi"-

koan-ph^, land otter — ^ ,

j^° tsi".

thoah-phe, doe—, E ff Jjj° 16k-d- Sky rocket, |J° ^° ^° chh&ng ki

plife, rabbit—, VI &° th6--phg, tsi".

large fox's— K°mmjk° toa h6-- Slab, ^° m, tsi6h pdn, ^S^ 51 tsi/jh-

li-phe, small fox's—, ij»° mm&° pi.

si/) bo- 11 phfe, —and bones, A° E Slabber, M° gi° Idu-noa".

li'lng-pa, to — , fij |if° pak-phe, li- Slack S Irng, (not eager) W. %
phe, —as a wound, ii ^fe ke ph^.. Slackly

Ian tlidn, (remiss) lidh ko-,
Skindeep, JS" )§ pbe hu. out, as rope, ffiU sia, — water, flood,
Skinflint,8° iC tsin khidm. ^§ 7K° IS -it tiam ti", —water,

kien-lin. ebb, X^" m" M,° kh/j lau U.

Skinny, & 11 #'' phc pi"-kut. Slacken, %^
Ick Irng, pkn^^ ^ %
Skip, m thinn, im'' fl: tin-t!iiku, (m, sang, out, as a lopf, ^0 siJi, :^ hun
liru' in vcarliiio) tliiau tK<"i;i. Slackness, ^3, (not eager) ij
kipper. f<-nptMin) i'h J^" lie tin", (a Ian Ihan,
'IS (rfinirssnfss) liah

toa ko". Slaughter-house, (for cows) ^° >X\.

Slag, m° m° thih sdi. g<i-tsdu, (for pigs) If i^ ti tiam.

Slake, —lime, ^ M° boat he, — Slaughterous, ^^ h6-° sat.
thirst, Jt W tsi-khoah. Slave, K^ 16--p6k, female—, :^
^ Slam, (as door) toa lak kham, (with jlllu-pi, ia^ tsa b6- kan, — to
the wind) n° m vk° m 1 a m° money, <^ ^° ^ siiit si" 16-.

ho* hong chhe kau khong-khong Slavetrader, (female) hoan-sau.

kio. Slaver, to—, 'i^° m° l^u-nda".
Slamming, sound of—, ^° B^ Slay, ^l]^°thdi-si. W
khong khong ki6. Slayer, ^Ij #° thdi g.
Slander, p f^ hiii-pong. Sledge-hammer, •k°^°^- toa thih
Slanderer, W W A° fi^" hiii p6ng thiii.

lang g, M ^° A° ^° b^ loa lang 6. Sleek

a£° kng si", (as fur) %
Slanderous, ^f p If ai bui-p6ng, ^ Sleekly ?# kng kut, looking —and

*JI M ai ka-bfi,— words, JJU B ±° healthy, ^ ;® ifi-idh.

W ka-bt 4 6e. Sleep, M khiin,

deep—, 1;° ^° tang
Slang, A fS IS si6k jin oe, — of bin, well, U Bg h6-khiin, not

W &°
thieves, chhdt p(^h. well, ;P° -^ 8S° bo 16h
m^K° Z° IR°
bin, dis-

Slant, ^ chhia, chhodh. turbed in one's,

Slanting chhu, chha
1 chham- kidurjidu Idng ^ bin, —with a
SlanlinglyS chhodh, thdn-khi, ^\ person, MMW tdng chhfig khiin,
chhi^, chhodh kak. could not — , ^ /P -^ iS khiin boe
Slantwise, S^
than chhi&, thdn 16h bin, —in one's clothes, ^° 3K°
chhodh. 60 W chheng sa° teh khun, — in

Slap, Jl sien, JJi koat, — the face, }i the open air, ti 3'c P khtin thi"

^ 5®° sifen chhui ph6e. 16', could not awake from—, /p

Slapdash, £ ^^ b6ng tsong. ^n S in tsai chhi".
Slash, a, tsit l^h, to—, l^h, ^ khdm, Sleeper, Bg «° khtm e, light—, ^°
Slate, .i 5a ;fi° o- siah tsidh, (for m° khin-bin, heavy—, S° 9R''

writing on) ^° 11= tho- pod". tang-bin.

Slate pencil, WP th6- pit.

— %°
tsit Sleepless, ^
[^° ai khiin.
^° boe khun
Slat, (of a Venetian) ° tit,, if

idp, (a rung)

° #j° tsit koai". ^ ii?, 3S trig poa" tidm bin, ^night,
Slattern, a, SH' Ji° ^S l^m noa 51 Ik T*° M° kui mi" bo khim.

tsab6'. Sleeplessness, ^'^Rl'^fl" bde khiin

Slatternly, W M 1dm noa.

'g* HE'' ham-bin.

Slaughter, fl tsau, i? iS sat-liok, Sleep walker, •

(animals) Ix sat seng. S Sleepy, ai khiin, HK° khim- ^m ^

, , ,

bin, @°a^fiEE Mk-tsiu siap, —foot, the tongue) ^ "b sit-gien, to —
kha pj. chhu 16h-khi, —out, U°. ^° tbiit
Sleet, m° '4^° seh hoe. khi, |a°^° thiit tsAu, —down, f#
Sleeve, ^°W cbhiu-Ag, outer — m kut-t6, —off, ^°E;tsdu-thoat,
U\° m° -hg thb. —away, as time M S# hoe-si.
Sleigh, 7K m°B{ m° Z°m peng nih Slipnot, f5° ^° oAh kat.
s6- sdi ^ chhia. Slipper, j^ ^° :g chhien-thoa 06.
Sleight, J5 ft khaii k^, H ft khui Slipper/, ft fi- kiit kiit, very—, kiit
U, —of hand, m°mm° pi" kau lut-siit.
Slender, ^ |J
Slipshod, W^°
Mm ha^^g
thoa-oe, (slovenly)
(as a stalk) s6e-ki, poa" ^ Um n5a".
(person) ^°}fl sdn-thiu, (mode- Slips, (of paper) ,^°
{i^ ts6a li^u.'
rate) >J.° p]-° si6-khoa, —waist, Slit, (cut into
strips with knife) Ic^h
m° m° B&n io, io s6h s6h. tsia" li4u,— l(5h,— open, leb- up,
Slenderness, ^°Jft sdn tbiu. khui.
Slice, a—, —° }^° tsit-phi",
to—, H) Slop, (spill) fj ^g phah tsoah,—
chhiet, ig ts6eh, (as bread)
fj li6. pail, #f° f5° 7jc° ^° |§° piJi" a°
Slide, chhu, —down, chhu 16h khi.
kia" Mng tsiii ^ thang,— shop, 1°
Sliding chhu-chhu,
—door, m^g- ^^
iS pien i ti^m.
Slope, chhu, —of a kill, ^01°^° soa"-

Slight, (neglect) H 1| bu-ban, 'ff

leng, —gently, ig|g bin-bin.
•1 tai ban @ °M ^^ °^ bdk te b6 i, Sloping, than chhu, ^ chhi^,—roof,
m° Z° ±° S° kho^-' m tsiu" bak, IF 'M moa"-jia.
-degree, M" ^
ff° ph6- li6k-a, Slops, (dirty water; ^^ ^° ^Jc^ kia"
ffi°fi°ff°ph6--ph6--A, (as a cold) lang tsiii.
>h° '^° si6-kh6a, (slender) ^
Jfl Sloppy, lok-lok.
Sloth, '^ Idn-to. m
Slightly, gM
ff°li-l}-d,^iL °^ °-^° Slothfjil,
11 ^ Ian t5, m° 'If
° pin
li6h-li6h-4, m° m ff° ph6- Ii6k-A, toa".
Slim, m°m sAn-thiu, ^° m° sdn-s6e. Slouch, ^
siii, (have a clownish
Slime m° ^° th6--b§, »^°ji6k- •'
look) s6ng s6ng.
Slough, (cast skin of a serpent) ^°
Sling, Hii-tseng tsi, —a sling hi" liii- Bi mi.°m tsoa s6- thng'g khak,
tseng tsi, arm in a—, chhiii ph6 (hole full of mire) ^"^ ^° noa" g
th6- kut, to—as flesh, ijE ^° |^°
Slink, —away, m^ sidm tsau. khi chhau bah.
Slip, (of the foot) m m tdh tien, Sloughy, lok th6-,
lok lok.
(of theh and) ^^ sit chhiii, (of Sloven, ^° %' A° 14u siong

Slovenly, m° ^ l&u si6ng, ?,i m° of) ^ bi, (a kiss) H^ I
1dm noa", ^ |^ lam-lui. chhiii, fishing — , fiJ-° ^ r th6
Slow, l^i ban, (not active) S° ^ g&.u hAi tsun.
so, ^° If ° iH" sift", —of speech, Small, m° soh, th° ^° si6 khoa,
k6ng oe se se, IS gS° M llfi k6ng (mean) jJ» ^j" sidu ki6k, (not large
oe ti tun,—fire, ^° fi° {f ° »X An- inbulk) Mgsiap-tiap, —quantity,
ftn a W. ijf tsi6.

Slower, ic° H
kbah ban, khah hau" Small arras, M° ff
° chheng 4, M°
Slowly, it It ban-ban, ^° ff ° Mu- chhfeng. ^
^-si, 1^° ff ^ ftn-d-si, — of speech, Smaller, %%° m° khah soe.
^ it chhiii tun, — at work, hana- Smallest, ±° 3^° siang-soe, H — ii°
ban. te-it soe.

Slowness, ^ ban, of execution, ^° Small pox, ^° tsu, % '{!^ thien hoe,

1^° M° chhiii ban tun. have the — , HJ ^° chhut tsu,

Slug, m i^ lo- IS. — doctor, 'MW& tsu i-seng,

Sluggard, 1i° -If
A° pin toa° lang, pustules, 5^ ^ tsu chhng.
11 'jf
^° A° Smalts, :k° W° toa chhi".
\in to I l&ng.
Sluggish, tl"'^" pin toa°, —stream, Smart, '^^ tiam, si", (pain) ^° ^
1 ^° ban khoe. thia", (active) fiSf ?I° liam-tsiAp,
Sluggishly, m
ffi Mn thdn, 11 'ff lAn (showy) ^° p&i-chhiang, cle- #
to, H m° pin toa". ver) M ^J° 16ng-lai, (spruce);
Sluice, a—, 7K° W° tsiii tsdh. ti^u-tat.

Slumber, tub ka tse, bdk sa si. Smarting, ^^ m ^^ it tliia" kau

Slump, ,^. ^
ts6ng kiong, ^ |iS ui-ui tsfig.
chhok tsong. Smartly, (clever) M M° l^ng lai,

Slur, (sully) bak ^^^° i8^ ^ 1^ h6 kien sek.

ti6h, (con-

ceal) US khAg, M° kham, (dis- Smartness, (clever) iff H, li h6

grace) ^ It kien siau, ^l sia. kien sek.
Slush, |)c° e/E° 6ng th6-, ^° m° th6- Smash, (to pieces) #T° ^^ pbah
be, ji ffi lok th&-. chhiii-chhui, (crush) chhih.

Slushy, clihi6k, lok lok. Smatter, U° &° M bat phe bu.

Stut, m° m° Ml ^: lam nda" tsa h&. Smatterer, m° &° M M° bat phfe

Sluttish, W° m° Mm noa". hu 6.

Sly (wily) m^ kdu ko^, Smattering, ^^ % chhien-hak.


j 3lg *g kau
li liii,

koai. Smear, W boah, ^° so, (soil) b;ik

Smack, (the lips) pa lun tsng tsih, ti6h.

(as in kissing) tsip, (to crack as Smell, % bi, bad—, :i;° % cbhau-
a whip) sut ho" i hiiu, (to taste bi, ^° i; phai"-bi, strong—, X
^ tai-bl, to — ^,
phi", (of bad !^° kng si", —as matters, M ?if sun-
water) ^ 7jC #1 chhku tsui kdu, liu, —with an iron, ^ ut, —with
(of decayed vegetables) M'7K Si the hand, j^ lodh, (as the sea)
chb^u tsiii k6ng, (from feet) ^° 2p pi", (make even) ^ 2|s° kai
m° chhku khasi6h, (as of
>t° pi", (even) 2)5° pi", (as a sentence)
meat) M° K
chhau hi^n, unplea- j!i "i^ sun liu, over matters, ^ —
sant —of fish, 11 chhku chho,M so-lokh. ^
sense of—, 'g J(r ^ ^
phi" koan Smoothing iron, §| 5|"° ut-tdu.
kong iong. Smoothness, 2^" pi", •/#• kiit.
Smelling-bottle, M- M° M
phi" i6h Smoothtongued, ^°.?f- ^° chhui
koan. kiit lidh.
Smelt, to—, m° iA". Smote, — him, his heart K i& ^ Jg
Smelter, §$° ^° it" e. li6ng sim boat hien.
Smelts, a? It sa-tsun. Smother, M 5E° tip-si, 'M J^ kek-si
Smile, m m ff ° ^^ biin-biin-d chhi6, Smoulder, ^ 6^° lin teh.
bah-biin chhi6. Smudge, ts5-lo.
Smiling, ^P^ ff &5 bah bi'm & ^ Smuggle, ^° fia tsdu-hi6ng.
teh chhi6, —
countenance, f^ ^ Smuggled, it f^ ^° tsAu hi6ng g,
chhi6 bin. —goods, ±mZ°W.° tsau hioAg
Smirk, m° W t\"

chhii. ghk
Smite, (strike) phah, (kill) ^Ij Smuggler, ±° fl^ i° A° tsdu hi6ng
5E° th&i si, (in war) 1X % kong 6 Ikng.
Smith, #r° ^W phah thih
Smut, ta ien, to—, W
»° bak ti6h
4- sai- Smutch, m°m° h
bak ti6h o-.
hu, fi |£° thih-chhiu". Smutty, kau ien-thAn, (obscene)
Smithy, ^T° ^° )£ phah thih tikm. lap-sap, (tainted with mildew)
Smoke, 'JS ien, J@ hun, to —tobacco, chhiu" ba.
:^° 'W tsidh hun, — as chimney. Snack, itg If ff° tarn sdm d.
Pi ®° th6- hun, —as meat, ffi 65° Snaflae, m° ¥F toa" kiu".
H tiku teh hun, out, — ^^%
Snail, mi^° 15- IS, field— ,ffl°JS°
W. ka i kek hun. chhkn-le.
Smoker, %° M° M° tsiAh hun ^. Snake, 1^° tsda, water—, •i|iC°4S°tliii
Smoky, %
!® kau hun, (as chim- ts6a.
ney) 111 1® th6- hun, (as a house) Snap, (break) tsih, %° ^° fff° tiig,
in M. hun hun, — taste, $i,° >/lc°
i{° chhoah tng, —the fingers, W
chhku-h^, %° iK° 'M° chhku h^ ^° m° ff ° toa" tsfig th^u (bite
hun. or seize suddenly) nauh, sah".
Smooth, ff- kiit, 3t° ri- kng-kiit, 56 Snappish, (as a dog)
pjj ai ka. ^
(sharp in reply) ^° m° >r° ph^i" Snow-drift g^ j^° seb boa".
cbhui phi". Snow-flake, @ ft: seb- hoe.
Snare, M^ khoan th6, (bird) Ji° Snowy. ^°'S° kau seh, H fr S°
^° tsidu tauh, to — , tng-ti6b, fall cbbin chhiu" seb.
into a — ,
-^° M^ 16b khoan tho, Snub, ,©.
'I^ tai-ban, (reprimand) ^
fall into a persons' s—, + fi* :5: tf fS tsek-pi, (check) ^ A tsam
tiong i ^ k^, set a— ,
^° H ^ pkng lang.
kbo§,n-th6, set a — , for a person, Snuff, M- pbi" bun, —of candle
fflIts i'S A eng kh beh ham lang. iK° M:° li^ sai, to use—, ^ fi. 'Jffi

Snared, ®° »° tng tioh, m° Mm tsiab phi" bun, sngh phi" bun, to

16h kboan tho. — , sngh, —a candle, M & >& tsien

Snarl, a, (as thread) W ju, (as a tsek sim.

dog) ha" ha" bau. Snuff-box, # m it phi" hun kokn.
Snatch, 1^ khiii, ^° cbbbah, — a- Snuffers, j^ % tsek-tsien.
way, M°PW.^° ka i cbhoah khi Snuffle, :R1° * ^ ^° W m° eng phi"
—away one's hand, i^ ^° tiin khi. khang kng kong oe.

Snath, m° m° m° nl kau pi". Snuffles, W A° tsat pbi".

Sneak, bi. Snug 1 (concealed) bib bat, (coni-

Sneer, ?t° ^° cbbin chhi6, /^ ^° Snuglyjpact) ^M kiet-sok, siap-

14ng chhi6. tidp (comfortable) Jr M cbbeng-

Sneerer, ^ ^° ^° Mng chbi6 e. s6ng.

Sneeze, tT°Ift°(«° phah ka chbiii". So, iD° Jfb° an-ni", Jf jlb°kku tsiab,

Sniff, sngh. j)fe° tsiab, (very) ^ tsin, (in the

Sniffle, chhngh pbi". same manner) |1 fi° iD° jH:° chbin-

Snip, ^ tsi^n. cbbiu" kn-ni", (therefore) Br &.

Snipe, ^° Ji, khau hong. s6--i, is it— ^ 1ia°it°%^^ si an-

Snivel, m°^. 7jC° l^u phi" tsiii. ni" in si, — large, MiJ° :k° tsiab toa,

Snob, m m" m° M,° m'^° A° lam —good, 3\°WViii- kau tsiab bo,
koe than hong pe k, l^ng, (a jour- do it— m° iD°lHJ^<i ti6b kn-ni"
neyman shoemaker) '^ M ^ ^ ts6e, —forth, in jlfc in ft ju cbliii

tsoe 6e sai hu. ju chhii so—, |^° i§° bong ke, |^^

Snore, b6a". i b6ng khi, — and — S A° ,


Snort pfin phi", chhngh kliiii, lane.

i!ft jft

chhngh chhngh hilu. Soak,

Snout, :ft phi", !^ cbhui
Snow, S° —capped, seh, ^@ toa
seh,to— -^"S^ldhseh. ,

Snow-ball, W° W: seb kiu.

so A SOD
Soap, IL *^ sap-btin, — bubbles, 51 b&ng hiin, —water, SS i # M 5^°

ff°M kiii & phiii. H6-lan tsiii. ki^m 6

Soapstone, ?1 ^° vsidh-tsioh. Sodawater, IS m° 7jC° h6-lan. mM
Soapy ^n°iQ.° §' ^ cbhin chhiu" sap se klam tsiii.
bun. Sodden, f$ kun, f^ sab.
Soar, ^
tliSng. Soddy, ^° ^° kau chhdu pid". #
Sob, -a chhoeh, —bitterly, li^ 4:3° Sodomite, ke-kan ^. H #
Oi^^ chham cbhoeh thi. Sodomy, ke-kan, ^ fi Mm- H^
Sober, (not drunk) if bo tsiii sek. ^ ^
tsui, (grave) ^
fl: b5' tiong, "^M. Sofa, li >^ sifen-chhng,

tai-toan, (self possessed) ^

^£ Soft, f^° nng, very
nng k6 — , k6,
hai-tsai. nig kiuh kiuh,—to the touch, 5B°
Sobriety, Jjp I5J ffi f@ tsiin-tsat eng ff- nng lun.

|Je° ^° khaL nng.

tsiii, (gravity) JJ ;£ b6--ti5ng, 'Jz Softer,

Fl tili (in driiiking) Ip §5° Soften, f^°

toan, fc° ri ho- ^ i nfig-lun,
t^"^ tsun tsat lim. —his heart, m° P° Z iS M° 0°
Sobriquet, (assumed name) glj ^ ho- i 6 sim khah h^, M" ^ Wi °»6
piet ho, (nickname) fl ^ the ho, h5- i niig sim.
IE ^ chhiok h5. Softest, ±° f^° siang nng, ^ — Dt°
Sociable ) ^, _^ , i , , te it nng.
Sociably ^l'^'^^*^"^^^"-
I Softly, speak—, 11° |f ° j^^ m° kdng
Social, (sociable) JL S kh6ng kau, oe khin sia", ^M°m° E° kbm
— relations, A ^ jin-lun. sia° s6e seh, walk — @°, ff fj khin-
Society, (people) S^l peh-si", (an & kia", sing—, 88° ^° P^ s6e sia"
# hoe, public— ^
association) , glm.
# kong-boe, — of actors, 0,^ hi- Softness, %.° nfig.
pan. Triad — , >J> Jf #• si6-to-h5e. Soil, ee° th6-,
(land) toe, (man- M
Sock, |^° b^h, —for children, 6J° ff ure) J)E°^°p1ii piin, (dirt) {§°
1;^ pau-d-beh. ^° ^° bak-
a° Id-sam, (to foul)
Socket, E3 khu, ?5g oA", ^ Mn, —of ti6h, m° n° m° bak M-s4m.
eye, S° S^ ^° bdk tsiu od", g° Sojourn, ft° toa

B^ dfL°
—of candle,
Bi a° Sojourner, flf © ^^ ^° tsiam si

tsek kng, ®° ^°
j^° ^f" khia ^, m m fi° ^° tsiam si tea g.
tsek chhang. Solace, ^ 1: an iii.
Sod, :^° ff chhau-pia".
Solanum, ^° ki6.
Soda, 1^ JX so--td°, (mineral alkali) Solar,
—terms, ® ^ tsoeh-khui,
muriate of— ff
ki", ^ chhi"- —light, H 5e°jlt-kng.
i^m, sulphate of—,
%m W goan Sold, T.° T boe-lidu.

Solder, m° M° hoa^-idh. M thd.
Solderingiron, >^° ^° he-koe. Solicitor, !^° M tsng-su.
Soldier, -^ peng, Chinese — M, ^ Solicitous 1 (anxious) khoa- MM
Mn-peng, Manchoo — ^ ^ bodn-
Solicitously S
la, BS M
peng, trained — , i§° H H ke lien Solicitude, M M. khoa-lu, ^ *6 khoa-
peng, —jacket, ^ ^ h5-i, expel a sim, '^ ^° peh-pak.
— , 1 m- khai niii°, lead -, m° ^ Solid Iteng-tauh, ^° ^° ts4t-pak,
nia°-peng, — on ambush, iji & Solidly [ -—as essay, ^° i& u kut- #
h6k-peng, cavalry — , J^° ^ h6-
— ground, ^ i|° sit-toe.

peng, artillery — '^ ^ ph^u-peng,

Solidity, (firmness) ^ HI kien-k6-, .

(density) ^°
engineer — , !^ X ^ kun kong
Soliloquy, lg° £,°

^ ka-ki liam.
— ^^°ko--^°toa°,6^
Solitarily 1° e.°
Soldierly, (brave) ^M ho-" i6ng,


° ka ki
m° 5E° kd" si.
tsit e ti teh.
Sole, m° Jt«°
m° kha chhioh t6e, W Solitary, M W.° ko--toa", ff° W

^ kha-t6e,— of shoe, m° E° 6e
chhi^-chhin,— place,
PJ{ ^hd jin ien e s6--tsai.
M" 'M

t6e, (fish) E° i'i'" thoah-se, (sin-

Solitude, (place) W° \W i.°
gle) Mm ko--toa°, 1° E° -° ^°
chhi"-chhin t sO'-tsai.
ka ki L
Solecism, (in

grammer) 0' ^°
Solstice, winter — ^°IS°tang-tsoeh,

"^ ^ k6ng oe b6 b<in boat.

fS° ^° M tang tsi, summer- — , S° ^
Solely, M ^ t6k-t6k, K W tsi-u.
Solstitial, H M ^° jit tsi g.
Solemn (grave) :^ M tai-toan,
Soluble, tl° l§° oe-iii".
Solemnly (face) S iu.
Solubility, |g° ft l§° oe siau IU".
Solemnity, f§ ^ toan gi4m, t^ ^
toan tsong, f^ @ k^ng kin.
Solution, m" ili°,— of alum, p i^C
hoan-tsiii, —of a difficulty, ^,° ^J
Solemnization, ff°MWi kid," 1^ so-
^ siu" chhut p5-, — of copper, H
Solemnize, (as ceremonies) fT° MM. P 7K td«i ho4n tsiii, —of sulphate
kiS," M-s6", (make serious) ho* i of zinc, ^^ 7lC tseng tsip tsiii.

tiam ti, (by hearing bad news) Solvable, (explainable) # M' M°

^^^ -i: ho- i iu lu, (from ex- ^^ oe koe-tbiah tit.
cessive frivolity) n°A°^.''m°Wj Solve, (explain) ff g£ k6e-seh, Jff°
'^° ho- Mng boe tsoe thicmg sia. q^ thidh-beng.
Solicit, ^ —an employ-
kili, f-f th6, Solvency, T>° 1^° 0» M *° b5e kbit
ment, f^ M° % tho thau — l5-, i t6 kbi.
favour, ^ 'If kiu tsSng. Solvent, (as a firm) X.°m°^ fil

Solicitation, ^ kifi, M^ khiin kiu, boe kbit i t6 kbi, (able to melt)

6e lu . ai khiin i6h.

Sombre, (gloomy) ,ft ^ o- im, Ph Somnolence 1 -

r k\ khun.
'i^ km-tam, (sad) ®M
iu-chhiu. Somnolent j
Some, ^^ u 6, persons, 7ig° A Son, -7-° ta-po-- ki4", ^° J-° hau-si",

u lang, (a little) >J« pT sid kh6a, 11° 1-° kid", an only—, St" ^° ko--

(about) <^ ^ iok-lidk, — come kic4°, son's—,. ft°^ lai sun, eldest

go, W fi ^ W * u e IM u eif®
— , :g ^ t5a kid" daughter's—-, %
khi. M goa sun, your— polite phrase,
Somebody, ^° A° u-iang. ^» 6^ 'S' Sa li 6 leng 16ng, my—
Somehow, I must do it —or the polite phrase, f? &5 >J» ^ goa ^ siau
other, }5ft @^ b£ ?*
g6a ti6h Iffi fr
u siet-hoat lai kia°, I must pay Son-in-law, ^° Ji° kia"-sai, -—of the
the money —
1^ M"^ M^IS'M ,
Emperor, PfJ
hu-ma. H
goa tioh u siet-hoat 14i hfeng. ife koa, ft khek, —book, ft
Somerest, chhia pha lin taii, make i® khek ph5-, -tune, ffi°li.khek- —
a^, chhia pha lin-tau. tiau.

Something, /§ 3ll u mih, there is Songster, (a bird) |g i^ g^ oe gim e.

in the box, ® ft Jg' ^ siu° lai u Songstress, ^^
ko-lu, :^ |^ lii-gdk.
mih, there is —the matter, % JS Sonnet, koa. ^
W S S^ tek-khak u sim-mih tai- Sonneteer, f^°|^°ff° tsoe koa d.
tsi, there is still— of doubt about Sonorous, (giving sound when
it, 1^'^^M i^u u gi chhii, I have struck) khiang fg q| oe tdn, (loud
—to say to you, flj IJI' g6a sounding) g ©^
ong, p^ b6 ki. M ^
u beh ka li k6ng. Sonship, m° m° ts6e-kid".
Sometime, ^°flt u-sl, ^°^°fl# u- Soochow, 11 ^1 So--tsiu.
ta^-si. Sooloo MBM So--16k kok.
Somewhat (slightly) M ff li-4, §. Soon, (in a short time) ^^ li4m

M- ff li6h li6h m M ff &, ph6 ph6 pi", 5P A b6 kii, ^^ kin kin,

a, >J> pT si6 khod he — odd, ^ is as — as he comes, go, 'ftfc 5§S ^^ i

^H ff "& 'li SI li-si k6--ko4i, it is lai tsiah khi, (early) ^° —

—cold to-day, ^ H W jl ff S enough, S if ^ tii-ho kin.
kin-d jit u li-a koa". Sooner, (earlier) $jc -^ khah-tsd, I

Somewhere, ^^ ^° U"" E° u ti tah- came — than you, ^Mc^ff>^ g^a

]6h. khah tsd li lai would die— than
Somnambulate, IS ham-bin. ^ go, n^ pTJE IP ^ g6a leng- *
Somnambulism, -^ B^ h^m bin. kho- si to- iu khi, — or later J|.°

Somnambulist, -^ BS ^° ham-bin-^. m° tsd oa".

Somniferous, (medicine), fi} M M Soonest, J: ^ siang tsd.
soo SOR
Soot, ien-thun. chhi.
Sooth, 9i M tsin sit. Sorner, i|° ^° $ fsl° ^° siu" beh
SoQtlie,^ ^ an-iii. hong chhi e.
Soother, ^ ^^ ^° an ui L Sorrel, ^ chhiah, (a plant) M- ^°
Soothesayer, M°^°^ kh6a° mia"- ;^° ki^m sng chhdu.
h ib
sien, ^° pok-k6a-e. Sorrily, — dressed, W. lam
Ift° liii,

Soothsay, b pok. (pitiably') pT W° ^ thang kho lin.

Sooty, ien-thuQ-g, (dusky) .% M o' Sorrow, M I'l M

ho^in-16,. fn^ iu-bun,
phii. ffi ^ pi-ai, deep—, ^ ?i° kho -

Sop, a, -^ &^ tsim ^, (steep) ^ tslm. thang.

Sophism Mf a *!l° K ts^ng-li b6 Sorrowful, ;g fg ai-siong, ?J fl pi-
Sophistry j sit. siong, —
aifair, p^ iU kh6- ^^ ^
Sophist, If SB ^ « m° ts6ng li bo siong 6 tai-tsi, pf '^ ^° kho-lin
sit 6. tai.

Sophistical, If a fiS 1R ts6ng li b6 Sorry, (grieved for) fij" A° r^l ®

sit. th6e 14ng iu-bun, ft Mf§ thoe A
Soporiferous, ft" A° ^ 11° «° ho- lang hoan-16, (regret) i^, ^ siu°
lang ai khiin e. chho, Wi ^M%
beh tsai b6h-tit,
Soporific, #° A° ^° ^ ho- Mng 4i I am —
I cannot go with you, pf
khiin. '®° fg° ;P° =^° Pr° 11° 51 A-° kh6
Sorcerer, M° ^° t^ng tsi. sioh g6a boe tit thang kap li khi, I
Sorceress, ;S S^ ing-i.
^° L

am you cannot come to-day, pf
Sorcerous, iJ15 Ji si^ stit ttPiI°^ff°H ^°^°Rr°^kh6
Sorcery, ^^ sifi,-sut. sioh li kin-d-jit boe tit thang l^i.

Sordid, (base) T i^ ha-tsien, (co- Sort, ^ ho, ^ khoaii, it ^ teng-

vetous) M »& tham-sim, (mer- ho, P° ^° pan-th&u, —of goods,
cenary) m,°MmW oe mAi° tsiok g° e, hfe-sek, to—, ^ If SI pun
tit, £° m° 9E° lii" tsi" si. kui liii.

Sordidly, M *& tham sim. Sortable, fg ^ If ® ^ oe hun kui

Sore, a—, ^° 0° si°-thik",—throat, lui tit.

Pi° (!^° 0° n&°-ali thia", (a boil) Sot, m% tsiu-t6-, :^° il 1$ tsiah

ff li^p-a, (painful) M thia". tsiii sien.

Sorely, —
grieved, :^° ig ^nl toa-iu- Sottish, f@ I? 6^ chhin cbhiu" tsiii

bun, —pressed, for money, ts!" t6- 6, (stupid) li S gii gong.

tsin an,—wounded, ^ fi S siong Sottishness, ,# ffl gii gong, % (tf

^-. siong-tiong. km.


Soreness, ^° thi4°. Souchong, >I> @ Si6-tsi6i)g.

Sorn, m° M° ^ 13° siu" beh h5ng Soul, M ^ leng-hfin, jpiii ^ sin-hun.

sou SOU
Soulless, i^°
^ ^ b6 l&ng blin. Souse, M° W— 7K° tsAg loh tsiii.

Sound, sia", cracked—, chhe- South, ^ l&m, 'pole, ^"-gg lam-k^k,

sia", (a strait) ^ ^^ lidi-io, —as — east, ^^ tang l&m,— westj H
argument, ^° M '[f u tslng-li, ^ sai lam, — Cape, Formosa, ^
(not diseased) f^ fif h6-h6, (firm) lll° L4m soa"".

SM kien-k6", (vigorous) i6ng, Southeast, "M" tang ^ ^ Mm.

make a i^ ^° —ts^e sia°, utter Southerly, 1b]°^ khdh
, Iftm.
a — , [15 ^ chhut sia, —abroad, ^ Southern, ]§ ::^° lam si, (toward the
fflr p6-i6ng, s^ % long-i6ng,— south) |fl}° ng lS,m. ^
loudly, P.|° tan,— the ixg Ikm.
sea, #T° ?K° Southing, fy° ^
tt pliah tsui-t6,— asleep, 1:° HK° Southward, (towards the south) ^°
tang-bin, (a person) Jl° chhim, IrJ fig l&,m.

(whole) ^U 16ng-h6, (unhurt) Southron, ^ °

A° l^m si Mng.

|^° § b6 hai, (to cause to make Southwest, H° ft' sai Mm.

a noise) jgij -^ ^ l?L chhong ho- Souvenir, M IB 6i Id.
i hiu. Sovereign, ^ ^ h6ng-t6, A M jin-
Sounding, — lead, jjC" }£ tsui-to. kun, H 2 kok-6ng, g J: s^ng-
Soundings, take—, #7° *° iS^ phah siong, 5c ^ thien ® M kok tsii,

tsui-t6, U m m° thkm chhim kun, (of gold) ^ ^ ff ° kim poit

khin. d.
Soundly, (stoutly) teng tauh (just Sovereignty, '§ ^° kodn
ly) &
Ji kong to, (profoundly) Sow, a—, #° ti-bii, to—, ^° m ia,
M chhim, ft 6 biau. #—seeds, #°a°^° ia-ts6ng tsi.
Soundness, (cntireness) % ^° tsiau Sower^ m° m° ^° ^° ia ts^ng tsi I.
tsfig, (health) M «i i6ng kia°, Soy, JB.°ftE| tau-i<i.
(solidity) Ig @ kien k6-. Space, ^°
pbang, -© ui aerial—,
Soup, ^° thng, beef—, ^^ ^° ^° ^ 4* khong-tiong, an open— of
gii-bah thng, —spoon, ^ j|t ground, ^M
khang t5ej I have
no—to. write
more, fg° ^° fit '^°
Sour, ^° sng, very—, sng kiuh-

S-° S
g6a b6 iii thang koh si£
kiuh, —looking, |J° ^° -go
Spacious, %°m° khui khok",^°J4°
chhau-th§,u chhau-bin.
;%° u-toe-tiu".
Sourabaya, g^ Sii-li-boah. Spade, ^^° ^ soaidh.
Source, 5!?, m go^n-thau, (origin) Spain,
:kUM^m?im tai su jit
*a IS kun golo, ^i kun i6, (a pa^lT k kok. W|fi[:g= Se-pan-g&,
spring) J^° tsda".
:k Bi ^ toa-lu s6ng.
Sourish, m° U° sng khui. Span, a, tsit lidh, (spread of an arch)
Sourly, |^° ^° sng sng.
ffl° if° lt° un-ku'ki6, (measure

with the hand) ^ lidh, to —with M % khah khiam, (parsimonious)
a bridge, j^ ;^° tso ki6. #° ^ giu khiam, khi6-khiam, #°
Spangle, bright kim-tidm, — ^^ , ^ i|^ g&u lidm-s^ng.
dress was covered with — ,
^'^ ^° Sparingly, # ^ gi,u khiam, if*" ^
^ sa° tio kirn, # Wi° ^ sa" khun khiu khiam, ^ ^B lidm s^ng.
kim. Spark, ^X° M° he-chhi'', iK° t^ he-
Spaniard i: »f ) E^ ffi ® 6^ Tai hoe.
Spanish jit su pa
li a kok
g ^ 6^ Toa
6, W SS Sparkish, (lively) ^° W odh tang,-
Se-pan-ga ^, :fc (gay) JS »C> chheng sim, % ^ tek
lu song e, — flies, JK % pan-bS,, kdi, *& ?£° Pl^ sim hoe khui.
—stripe, VM. ni°. Sparkle 1 (emit sparks) chhut-he
Spank, IM sien, ^ koat. Sparkling [ chhi", ffl ^X° ^° chhut
Spanker, y°^M e kah ko. h^ hoe, (glisten) pg° nk", :^ 13*°
Spar, (fight as a pugilist) Jt°^^ H*° kim na nk.
pi kun p6-, (a beam) —° ;Sfe° # Sparrow, %.° ^° -ff chhek-tsidu-A,
tsit ki sam, (combat with the Java — , li & M° koan-kong b&i,
fists) jfc^pipo-, i!t,m°m°mpi Sparse, ^ tj: sok^-sok".
Mn th&u bu, (wrangle) M° ^° Sparsely, m°m° soe soe, ^°^° sok"
poa"-chhia, 0°m° poa" tiah, m° sok°.
#° chhia-poa^ Spasm, ^ Ji? ^° kidu M thia", iJ°
Spare, (scanty) 4*° ff b6 kku, H'' ^° M° tsoe tsiin thia".

^ khah khiam, (parsimonious) Spasmodic, 'I^° chhoah, (in fits and

#° ^ g^u khiam, khifi khiam, start) nah teh nah teh.

(superfluous) :^° {^° u chhun, Spathe, ?£° iK° hoe i.

(thin) M° W san soe, M WS

san Spatter, ii° M° phun-tidh.
thiu, (give up) tM° niu, (forbear Spatula, M° 7} ioh-to.
to inflict harm) ^°^
b6 hai, jiau, Spawn, E° ^n° hi nng, to—, chhoah
. (forgive) sia, anchor, g|[ IS
iS: —
nng, th6a° niig.

hii tik°, —life, i^° tt"-^" ji^u si'' Spawner, M hi M,
mia°, no— time, ^°I^°X° b6 eng Speak, ^° Bi&° k6ng oe,—boldly, it°

kang, can you —me some rice, W Bi° gg° tit tit kong, sarcastically,

mmm^ W^ ^° S° li oe tam- leng-ge, — with on6 aside, '^MM

p6h bi niu° goa boe ? not one's — pi°-d k6ng, —louder, M ^ khah :/»;

t5a sta°, don't — to him, ^

r^^ bo than eng, did not
self, 4ffi
ft "pJ" j^
—his own son, m" M S°E°±° ftS, sS in thang kap i k6ng, he

,. ^° b6 sioh ka-ki fe ki^". very plainly, Bf # m° M" m° i

Sparerib, ## p^i kut. kong oe tsin pi°.

Sparing, (scanty) ^° ff b6 kku, Speakable, m° 11° oe k6ng, m°mm°
oe k6ng tit, thang kdng.
vi° 13° chhiang.
Speaker, Bi° ^° k6ng e, (in parlia- Speck, ii5 tidm.
ment) II "i" i kok hoe tsii su. Speckle, ^° Ii5 hoe tidm.
S})ear, |t° chhiu", to—, fij° ^jk° ts^n Speckled, :^° hoe pan, gj
JiE pan M
cbhiu". pan, J& j^ pan-tiam.
Special, ^fe*^ hui si6ng, (on pur- Spectacle, itF pai kau © SS S
pose) #" X°tiau-kang. tsln h6 khok", ^° M° p^i ^g*
Special (extraordinary)
) hui kku tsin #^
chhia hoS,.
Specially") si6ng, 2p ^ ^
b6 peng Spectacles, @ ° ^° bak kik", eye of
si6ng, (for a particular purpose) , U° M° iZ bak kia" jin, wear
'J^°X tiaii kang, !{# # i^ ti4u i-k6- —,mB°m° koa bak kik", maker

Speciality, (that for which a person of—, n°mm°^Uk kia" sai hu

is distinguished) Bf M^
^^ s6- Spectator, fT^ M° Z A° teh kh^a"
ti6ng Id e, pJi :S d^ s6- kien£ ^ l^ng.

ti6ng e. Spectral, 'Tf ft 6^_° koki siong e.

Specially, !f#° X° thiau-kang. Spectres, %% kiii koai.

Specie, (copper) M° tsi", (silver) M Spectrum, -t; g, H chhit sek t6'.

gun. Speculate, W 'M^ phong ts5 hoi,

Species, ^ ho, (as of man) ^^ (in trade) chhiu" hfe, chhiu" tsng.
tseng lui. Speculation, (in trade) ^T° h°phah
>JC ii tsiii poh, i5j si -ff; ph6ng tso hoa, (in
Specifically jkoan, (precise) ^ ^° grain) chhiu" g6"-kok, (in' rice)
tsiin tsun, (a
hng, mm
m° 6ng hau
H J5f° tan ±° W chhiu" tiah.
±.° g i6h. Speculative, (in business) ^ #T° h°
Specification, W(.°M ff ° Bi° siku tikn phah poh. ai
A kdng. Speculum, ^° kik", M°l^° tsi6 kia".
Specify, ^M M° stii hang k6ng, Speech, %° k6ng 6e, (a dialect). %°
—particulars, ^f 11^ gf sui ti^u -
M hiang-tkm, (an address 13 Bi
k6ng, ^
:5 li slii hang k6ng, ^ khai kAng.
W.i^M siau ti4u-4 k6ng, speak of Speechless, ^° |^-° bo 5e, . (dumb)
minutely) M W M k6ng si6ng-se. IS° .0° k kdu.
Specimen, if pan,#°iu° if M pan- Speed, ^ kin, (make haste) SJ It
th^u. kod" kin, (succeed) JiR° tsi4", J^
Specious (manifest)
) UJ^ beng. scng, —
go full as a steamer, ]K°
Speciously! (plausible) |£ ^ tsng :f;° $° pang toa chhia.
sek,— talk, ^° 11° ^° |t° h6 thia" Speedily M M kin kin, ma siong.
^ oe, j5° sj-° ki./i
5e^ ^ 3it ;^° f^" Speedy,
M kin, t^ khoki.
ien bun 6 6c, (showy) ^ Ji° p^i Spell, (a turn) U khau, (a short

spp: SPI
time) ® Jjt tsiam si, ^° ^ ^ U Spigot, |i° g° tbaag that.
joa ku, ^M A (a charm) i|ij 31 Spike, (large nail) -JzH t5a tenjj;,
hu tsiu, —word, ["^ i^° tau ji, -1:3 (ear of corn) H sui, wooden — ^
^ clihiet im, — bound, M tiau. ^ ff° cbha tsiaui 4, iron — , i^

Speller, ^ ^ m° chhiet im e. -ff tbih tsiam-ti, to — , ffl ife ff- ff
Spend, ^ khai, |^ 1 khai bui, -^ flj ^^ eng tbih tsiam a lai teng,
(squander) illf |^ lam-sam kbai, set with—, S is ff- khia tbib
SI i
la loan tsTi kbai, lam MM tsiam.
eng, —one's strength, ^ 16 Uk.
j[; Spikenard, @° fgi biu"-i(i.
Spendthrift, (one who spends pro- Spill, a—, |S° Jl tsoa-lien, (as wa-
fusely) #° m° m gau-eng-tsi", 1 ter) "
tsoab, —over, ^ ffl ^ ek
^ g&,u kbai, "(a prodigal) s^^ J- chbut lai, tsoab chbut 19,i.

long tong kid". Spin, (whirl) |g g6, f| ti'ig, (as

Spent, all ^TT kbai
, liau lidu. thread) tS pbang, —a top, $] =p
Sperm, ift tseng, — of fishes, .®° ^° H 16k, fj =f ^ pbab kan
teng kan
hi niig. M thoa kan 16k.
16k, f^ =f
Spermaceti, M. M :t° r&l° keng hi Spinage, ^ M heng-chbai.
tb^u & iA. Spinal, ft is "t &5° leng tsun kut e,
Spermatic, ^ 6^° tseng e. (marrow) iriS^'t^° Mng tsim
Spermatorrhoea, ^ jS bong-siet, ^ kut cbb6.
^ bong-ui. Spindle, §!° if- se-tsiam.
Spew, P± tb6-. Spine, (backbone) f-|° j|g° # I6ng
Sphenoid, (bone) JiSi K# 6--tidp tsun kut, (thorn) ^jj ff cbbi-d.
kut, Spinner, ilS" i;° ^° A° phdng se fe

Sphenoidal, (like a wedge) ^° flJl lang.

m ^° cbhin-cbbiu" cbha tsi°. Spinning, —wheel, # ]p° cbbiu-
Sphere, (globe) ^ kiu, (rank) ^ chbia, |S° Jp° phdng-chbia.

H t^ng-te, (a circle) H khoan,. Spinous, ^° M kau cbbi.

Spherical, MM kiu-h^ng. Spinosity, ^°
$1)0^ u cbbi e.
Spherically, M J^ kili heng. Spinster, (one who spins) ^jj" j^°
Spherics, ^ ^ kiti-hak 6^° pbang se &, (single woman)
Spheroid | ^
|fe kiu khoan, ^^ *° ffi m° ^° be cbbut-ke-e, i£ ^
Spheroidal I kiu heng. :^ tsai-sek-lii, H 2&: kui-lu, '^ g
Spicery,^ ;fi|- biu" liau. :^ cbhim kui lu.
Spicy, ^ W ^i|- kau hiu"-liau (racy) Spiny, ^ $ij fi^ kau cbbi e.

^ ^u
, ffi cbbii bi. Spiracle, Mm, ^° kbij) klii kbang.
Spider, m^ ti-tu, large— ,, $jfi.°
: m-gia, —web, WM U ti-tu-si.
le seb.

Spire, ^ tsiam, (a shoot) ^° gfe, Spirituality, (controlled and inspir-

(to shoot) boat g&, {1{° *° m W

ed the by Holy Spirit) f^°ilfi|i 1
puh gfe, (a winding line like the ho- Seng Sin k4m tong. %
threads of a screw) m°%m° kng Spirituous, (consisting of spirit) "Jg
Ig seh. 65° tsiii ^.
Spirit, a double distilled — , II ^ Spirt W ffi ts6a° chhut, —from the
siang liau, to animate, %, iP9 bidn mouth, eft ffi p<in chhut, ^ ffi hu
]e, mU
k6- hii, (breath) itkhiii, chhut.
it khi, (soul) S$ sin, S'? ^ sin Spit, gi°n6a°, to—, 11° ^° phtti-noa",
hun, ffl ^ l^ng hlin, (a ghost) ']? (iron prong) %, thih chhe, sand
'1^ koai-but, 51 '^ kiii-koki, (a — W , -^lll soa soa", lll° ^ soa lun,
fairy) lilj sien, a spirit of envy, to—with a—, if m' %° chhidm
?li ^^ li^ good
oan-to- ^ sim, in thih chhe, (pierce) chhdk. H
— , tfl '& chheng sim, (courage) Spite, (hatred) ?S \% oan-hun, %
BS ta°, (vivacity) Jg Wi oah-tang % thong-hun, ^° *& phdi" -sim,
Holy —M , i'^ Seng sin, evil —^ , $t *& chhau sim, (thwart) phoa
jjiili sia sin, in low—, ^ ig sit tsi, tsim, out of — ^^
tsidh khi.
(animate with vigour) •^ S ^p Spiteful, m° ^° »& khAg phdi" sim,
ho- i ^ fg fj ho-
tseng sin, -S i ii°:i:°i6Jif° khng chhau sim koa^
o4h-tang, (kidnap) tS M kodi kiin, Spittle, W noa°.
I did not so much value what he Spittoon, ^ lil th4m-.kokn.
gave me, as the —which promp- Splash, -^i" phiin, #T° ?JC° ?E° phah
ted him to give, f?°;?;°:ifif^^ tsiii hoe., ^^with water, \^ -jjiC"

64° {^ "^ ^ # S ^ 6§ it .© g6a 5i si phiin tsiii.

tiii-tidng i e mih, si tui-ti5ng i e i- Splashy, (wet and muddy) t^m

su. lok lok.
Spirited, W Wf odh-tang, )^ jp^ tseng Splayfooted, ^ 11° 65° oat kha L
sin, (plucky) |i° 1^ ^° tarn su- Spleen, M pi, (anger) ^ khi,.]^ ^
i^'', — low , ^ iS sit-tsi, siih gien, siu-khi.
mean — , »J> A W si^u jin p6e, Spleenful, ^^^ ki siu khi, kau-
high— ^°5£^u tsi-khi. kh6e.
Spiritless, sien-siih, %jpf si-sin, noa- Splenetic, (fretful) kau kh6e.
noa, W 'K Ji b6-sfeng-te, JtE W Splendent, ^ %° m M ^ng kng
si-bdi, ^ Sf ^ b6 sin chhAi, boe chhan Ian.
chhio ti6. Splendid, (shining) ^ Jl chhan^
Spiritual, (divine) S$ 65° sin-fe, (in- Ian, (showy) Jff 12. h^ng-ng«S-, ^
corporeal) W% bii hfeng, (men- ^ chhia-h6a, ^ fl pM-chhi&ng,
tal) >& 6^° sim ^. (illustrious) [fj ^ chhut mi^°,

Splendor, (brightness) ^M chlian Spongy, (porous) M M° 6^° khi
Ian, (show) iK 31 pai-chhi^ng, tg,
chhng g, of—texture, 15 ^ ?i?J :|&

f^ iam-id", W. M ianvle, ^ $ IS [?i nih oe siau, pkng oe phong,

chhia-b6a. —land, M
ji° tarn tsui t5e.

Splice, ^ tsiap, (a rope) ^ soa, Sponsal, ffl^itf e^ hun in 6, ;^° m°

of an oar, M° !^° p6h chhui. 6^° ke chhoa ^.

Splinter, (very small one) :^° chhoa", Sponsor, ^ m° ^° p6 ke ^, fl |!&

--of bamboo, m° ^ ff° bih ki a, fi5° tam p6 g, » fg fi^° tam jiii e.

— of a tree, chhiu lifi,u-a. Spontaneous 7 @ £. ^ ka ki beh,

Splints, chha kah. — g ^
Spontaneously ) growth, E,

Split,(a crack) |^° phang, to — ^ ka-ki boat, — combustion, @ B


phok, (rend) ^ —in two, ^ ^ ka-ki

lih, t6h.
Spool, II J^° sok" chhia, — of thread,
^ phok p^ng, (as a tree by light-
ning) ^° ffi ^° ho- Itii peh, up — ^ ff ^ chhia-d soa".

into parties, ^° ^° sok" soa°, Spoon, gfc si tea—, ^ itt^- st, :/: ^
table—, :/c°w5 toa si, dessert—,
the difference, M° 4* 11° li^h
tiong nofi,", t^ ® — ^ khek khui 5P^^ put leng si, earthen—, 51
tsit pok".
gE hui si.

Splutter, thih thih kio, (as a candle) Spoonful, a— —°^ tsit- si.

pha pha ki6. Sporran ?L° B*° t6-- koa".

Spoil, (prey) |£ tsng, (plunder) J| Sport, in—, m m° kiin chhi6, ^° 5c°
chhiii", (to vitiate)^ ^ phah thit-th6, (mock) ^ P hi-lang, ^IL

khiap, ^. )M phah-phdi", — child, f ij ki chhi.

^ ^° —
seng kid", by sitting on, Sportful,
1° ^ g^u ki:in, 1^ gau

H^ teh phdi°,^the eyes, as by hoa.

reading, ^, B^ s% gdn,—a case, Sporting, thit-th6, W hoa — dog,3i°

'K !V go- su.
Spoiled, ^° I'du, 3?° khiap, Idu tsau, Sportive, U° ^ ai hoa ffe ^ thiau
(as child) seng heng.

fg g£iu kiin.
Spoiler, m° M #° chhii'i" kiap 6. Sportiveness,
Sportsman, *r° Ji° ^° phah Idh 6.
Spoke, |g° T k<^ng li^u, (i^ ^ wheel)
$° fl° chhia ki°, ^ :^ tS° chhia Spot, (a speck) ti^m, (a blot ofM
liinki^ ^°$ chhia idp. ink) ~'°
W M.° tsit jiah
Spokesman, K°s° M° tUe k6ng L (blemish) M° 'M
^^ s6--tsai, (to stain) ^°
Spoliation, J|° U chhiii" kiap. place)
^°bak-tioh, (tarnish reputation)
Sponge,W M hdi ji6ng, wash with ^o ^o ^o ^0 ^JqJj mia"-sia".
a— :^ ^ St eng hai ji6ng s6e.

Spongecake, ^° ^11° li koe nng ko. (to mark) f^° fB SI tsoe ki h5, (to

disgrace) -^ sia. Spree, ^ M^ khi hong tong.
S])ot]ess, (blameless) 1^° M Sffi ^6 Sprig, ^ {J- ki-d.

h^ chhu. Spriggy, ^^ {f kau ki-a.

Spotted, iffi ffi pan-tidm, ^° ^M Sprightliness 1 (animation) fg Jfj oali

hoe- l<5k 16k :l^° ^, hoe tiara, ?E°5^i Sprightly [ tang, ^

ip$ tseng sin,

hoe pan. (gay) ^ fP tek kai.

Spousal, MM 6^° hun in e. Sprightly, B Wi odh tang, || M
Spouse, (wife) M° b6', (husband) phiau-phiet, M. ^ phiau-ek.
^^ tiong-hu, ^° ang. Spring, M chhun, # 5c chhuu thi°,

Spout, (a pipe) ?JiC° fl" tsiii leng, — of a watch, ^ ^ boat ti^u, —

(as of a pitcher) i]^ chhiii, — of a of water, H: ^ tsiii tsoa", a warm
tea pot, ^^ !!^ te koan sui, (as --, ?§ :^ thng tsod", —winds, g
a whale) PR bu. m, chhun hong, rains, ^ — ^
Sprain, M M tsodh ti6h, m° m° odi chhun hd-, up, as a —
plant, H >>;

tioh, koai tidh, ^ ^ ut-tioh. pub i", (leap) i'k ti6, —out of

Sprawl ll ^ ) ga kha chhid :Si

^ 2?^ S til ^ chhi^-tsin chbAg
Sprawling pang khui, ^ ^ S ^ chhut —back, as a
l^i, bow^, -^ hdp,

kha chhiii b6 thidp-sit, (as writ- j|J {^ pang oa, as a per-

ing) M ^^ ^'^ sid khui khui. son, M -i kin-kin to-th^, — out,

Spray, 7jC ^ tsiii chhiu, 7jC ^ tsiii as out of ambush, W. ts6ng ^ M

hoe, (a twig) ^ ff ki-A, «fe ff It —
chhut lai, on, as a tiger, ta, ^
ff ki-d li4m-d, (a bunch of twigs) —a leak ^% tiam lau,— back,
— Ji ;t ^ ff tsit tui ki-d, (small fe as a gun, to toa"".

shoot) M° W ^ s6e chhiu ki. Spring tide, :^ m° iK° toa Idu tsiii,
Spread, — abroad, # p6-i6ng, ^ J|i
(spring time) M 5c° chhuii thi".

Ji long i6ng, M M. thoan-po,

— Spring time, M
5c° HI chhun thi" si
out, phi, — —
out, level, Si pho', Springy, (abounding in springs) ^
over, ^ ^ kham,
ta, If kah, —as ^C ^ kau tsiii tso&°, (elastic) nig
weeds, thoa", — the wings, M S lam, t^° g° nng s&, —land M%
thi —as thoa",
sit, —
ink, ilk t5", ^ tdm tsiii toe.
as a plague, ?^ ^ M ^ un ek liti Sprinkle, ?i° hiii, (with sand) W ia.

heng, 2i
to', (as butter)
^ pg ^ fin-ek koe

W boah, —a table,
si Sprinkling,— of
rain, W 1° phiin

^;f:f paitoh, —a table cloth, chhu, Sprit, M

It th^u chhip,— sail, Ji H
(as a tent) 'ji tiu", ^ tab, ni°, JS thau chhip ph^ng.
(as sail) chhia, ji|E khi, (as fra- Sprite, 'g %
koki but, j| 'g kiii-
grance) ia", chheng, (as manure) koai.
ffl eng, (as a tree) ^^
soan. Sprout, i", m° iu", W ge, to— Hf

puh g6, 11° m° puh i", M m° lioat tong tseng, (see)^ ^ khoa"-ki",
iu", peas — , ^^ tau ge. (explore) U M tham khok".
§P™'Vh^ ^tiau-tat.
Spyglass, iF- S ii° chhien kik". li

Sprucely ^ )
Squabble, ^ ^° oan ke, Vp°M chhia
Spue, P± tho-, Pi aii. lau, (wrangle) H^ poa"-chhia,
Spume, ^° phdh. (scuffle) khiii lak.
Spumescence, j|B ktii pbcli. S Squab, |^ M° bii thun.
Spumous, ^° a
plieh e. Squabbish, '^M°W!,M bd thun bii
Spunge, m
M, hAi ji6ng, to—, M° thiln.
WM ^° eng hai ji6ng sod, on — Squad, (a) — ° [^ tsit tui.
a person, m° ^° tn° siu" beh M Squadron, — ° 15 It |g° tsit pang

—° P$—0j ^ tsit tin be

hong chill. tsien tsun, flying ^ ^ tsun, ,

Spunk, (tinder) ifi" ^° he-hia°, —of horse,

(spu'it) W '14 ilk u seng-te. peng.
Spun yarn, ij> se, foreign — # , H? Squalid, (filthy) f^ ^ u-be, &#
iu" se. un-thun, ^^ ok-chhok.
Spur, (for a horse) ^ M° lien tsl", Squalidness, J5 ^
^ oe.
cock's — , II M koe ku, — of a hill, Squall. M
^° hong tsun, JH flf hong
H# il koe bii su, (impel) j& pek, si (cry out) ki ki hdu.

^ —
koA°, on the^ of the moment, Squally, M° f^° kau hoiig-tsun, M
n° B° M" s° b6 siu" b6 niu°, ^° ^ M Bt kau hong si.

^ ^ b6 chhai chhii. Squalor, }§ ^ ti-6e, ^ # un-thun.

Spurious, U° 65° ke e, —issue, + Squander, J^ If M° lam sAm eng, ^
M tsAp tseng. ff 1^ lam sam khai, WiWc ph6a pai.
] ^o Squandered, ^M iJ: ph6a pai.
Spuriousness Squanderer, M. Wi M°#° g^u khai
Spurn, (kick) ^
that, (treat with tsi"-e, long tong tsii. mB^
contempt) in chhiii phdh, in chhiu Square, 0° :^ si kak, :^ sii hong,
chhAi. carpenter's R° khut chhioh, —M ,

Spurt, m ffi tsoa" chhut, W Hi tSuh (as accounts) jft chheng, form
chh«t. into a—, |lj :j^ chhong su hong,
Sputter, li
£i^ ?i^ ^ ^° tut tiit (spar) ^ i^ pi-po-, (suit) >Q- hdh,
k6ng kau lau noa". a hollow—, lig ^ S S^ si kak ui

Sputterer, k6ng kau 14 u noa,

tiit tut teh.

gg° §i\°B°M°U k6ng kau lau noa Squash, M koe, E3 Wi si koe, (crush)

e. tjf chhih.

Spy, M° ff;° soe tsoh, act as a—, U Squat, —

down, khu.
-7 ,^° tham tsu be, MB^ thara Squeak, kih kih hau, kiuh kiiih hau.

Squeal, p^P^l^L ki ki hdu, (as STvine) koai".
i" i" bdu, Slag, ^ {1 16k-kAng, —sinews, M M
Squeamish T (fastidious) ^ % 16k-kun, —horns, f^ ^ 16k-kak,
Squeamishly >|fe ;^ oh tit kah i,
Squeamishness j il°#° ig° oh tit M ^M 16kji6ng.
Stage, (scaffold) ^ ft tah thiau,
t^ng i.

—between (for plays) 2|S pj"^ —on the road,

Squeeze, chhun,
i^° ngo^h, (as an orange) jih,
m @° lo--tsam, J& ^ lo--thgng, —

for couriers, P ^° idh-tsam.

the hand,
two bodies) i^ kho^h,
nfh, likm, (between
(as water
§° *° tahkheh
through a cloth) chhun, tsun,
(hug) J§ lam, soh, ^through a
— &4 poa" hi-e MM
crowd, iM '& ^
soeh k^ khi, —
Staggar, i® tien, phin, phln Mi phiti
khi, khong-khong-tien, (hesitate)
money, m° M° oai" tsl°, Wl W. l^k-
sek, (in buying) f^° 1,1. thau than,
tiu"-t<i. mB
(by charging exorbitantly) tok.
Stagnancy, boe Mu, ^ ^ ft° ^M
boe tin tang, (of trade) ^ ^ 51
Squib, (a cracker) jlg phau, (sar-
W° phdi" seng 11 bin.
castic speech) '^° ^^ fS chhin- Stagnant, (business) ^° ^° ^° iii
chhi6 6 5e.
ka idh, — water,
5E° i)JC° si-tsui.
Squint, 1:° E° thoah thang, M B Stagnate, jp .g b6 l&u, (not active)
thoah bdk.
Squirrel, tX° M. h6 chhii.
^ jS ii h6 li4m-tsiap, (as busi-

Squirm, }M° tsun.

ness, /P ^^ iii ka iah.

Squirt, a, tsui tsuh^ — out, tsuh chhut

Stagnation, (in business) M #J S
rt he-mih b6 siau.
Stab, ^ ts^n, M chhAk. Staid, -15° tiara,. ^° ;ffi° tiam-ti, 18°
Stable, a "^° Wt° b^-tiiu, (firmly esta-
:^ tiam-tsai.
blished)MM kien-k6-, (steady
Stain, (shame) 1, ^ kien-silu,
purpose) ^ '14 teng seng, 3: .^
(tarnish) gS° ^^ bak-ti6h, (dye)
lip-tsi, (lasting) fg A^ 6e kii
. ^ ni°.
tflg,fg:l:^6eti6ng.kiu, (strong)
% b&n-kh6ng.
Stainless, ^°. ^ ijfb b6 ha chhA, U°

Stabling, ,^° 'm° b6 ti^u.

^°m^'^m. U bak ti6h "m s4m.
Stairs, ff;^ t6-thui, (steps) fl°
Stably, g m kien kb-. ®° ^° to-thui tsi, go up—, S ti
Stack, m tui, —of wheat, ^ i^ beh tsiu"-iauj a flight of—, — §| fl°
tui (funnel) 'M W ien t&ng, —of ® tsit tiu" t6 thui, up—, ;g]I Mu
cut rice, ]^ tiu-khiin. teng, below—, m M Mu kha.
Staff, ti f? kodi"-d, flag—, j^ |^ kl Staircase, m° U° t6-thui.

Stake, a, m kbit, fisbing— , M& /P° -a" tsi boe ti^u.

bang kbit,- —nets, ^ M kbia bang, Stand, a—, m° kfe,to—, m° khiix,

(a pledge ke-ia" ^ tsi", (to wager) a book — ,
#° ^ chbeb ke, flower
fia l! sa" su, ke ia". — ?2
, K
ff lioe tai-d, (an erection
Stalactites, ^^ S°tsi6b tsengleng. for spectators) pi", to^ erect, —
Stalagmite, ^° J^° tsiob cbbfig. S jE° kbia tsia", —in a row, ^^
Stale,^ ^ b6 kbi, i| :^ b6 lAt, (as kbia ts6e, (halt) W tbSng, (en-
bread) ^ ku, ^ ^ ku kbi, (as dure, as a thing) tti, ^^ oe kii- ^

news) cbbau si6b. tfig, Hg ^^oe ti6ng kiu, |g ^ j|B

Stalk, ^ ki, ff k6, a — of straw, ^ 5e khia-khl, (endure, as a person)

^ cbbAu ki,— of flower, :jfg ^ hoe fg, if tbun-lun, first, —khia A#
ki, a — of rice, ^ fl tiii k6, (to th&,u, — first in an examination, ^
as game) un-a bi kbi, (walk pom- ^"t « kb6 ti6b tbftu mi^", —up-
(side with) ui,
pously) ^ M° BI° kek khiii kia". right, thdn kbia,

Stall, (forborses) .^° ^° be-no^", —out, as a ship, |jt° 19° sai kbui,

— ^° 5^° g(i-ti4u, veget- —on a m M TI kbia toh

kbia tsai, —
for cattle,
able—, ^^ teng, —firmly, M
ff chbki k^-d. i9£

Stallion, ,^° 5^° b^-kang. security for, ^ p6 jin, M pE p,W

Stalwart, (bold) M )JIb6-ta'',( strong) tam-jin, — on tiptoe, ±. ni", — up,

H i<^ng- MM ^ kbi-lAi kbia.
Standard, jK ki, (criterion) i| pan.
Stamen, M hoe-cbbiu.
Standing, in society :^° ^° jL° fi
Stamina, X M goan-kbi.
Stammer, fi ^ teng ku, fi:°
^-° tse kbia.

teng tsib.
Standisb, m 11° ^° pit bak ke.
Stammerer, S:° 'p] ^° teng kii e. Stanza, — ° W° If tsit tsat si.

Stamp, PP ff in-d, fD in,— witb a Staple, ^l°tl @° katsuibak, (prin-

seal, ^° fD tfig in,— a sbop mark, cipal productions of a country)

S —
^° ^° tig ji ho, as dollar, m^Bi^ M :t° %° kok s6- cbhut

M tsim, —the foot, m M t^g kba, i^u-kin 6 mib, —trade ^ g ;t ° :^

witb a mark, ^ i? ^ tfig bo. ji ^ chhiet iau-e seng-li, —food,

Stampede, Sc° M° it cbbi" kia" ts4u, $JC° M° 1^° kbah u tsidb.

^° M ^° cbbi" tsin tsau. Star, M° chbi", north, 41;° g pak

Stanch, mi^°^it at b5- i tsi, — k^.

blood, Jh jfiL° tsi huib, (strong) M Starboard, W '^° pl'^ng bin.
to—, •&°m'^
i6ng, a— friend, ^ ^ i. M /^ tsi Starch t m° hiin tsiu",
kau 6 p^ng ill.
ke tsiu", —clothes, t° ^i° tsiu^
Stanchion, tf W^li-
Stancbless, iS :7 fi at boe tiau, Jh Starched, j§ 1 ke tsiu".
^° ^° tsiu" e (like starch)
Starchy, Stated, %°m° tia" ti6h, at—time,
^°m°m^ chhin chhiu" tsiu". ;£°*°#tia"ti6h8i.
Stare, ^ ^ 48 kim kim siing, Jfc JS: Stately, (dignity) J^ ^ ui-h^ng, ^
48^ tu tu si6ng. if^ ui hong.
Starer, ^^^ M° kim kim si6ng §. Stateliness «# er u

Stark, (stiff) {J ngi, (mere) fS jf|

chheng chheng, — naked, ^ 36 56 Statemenf, (act of reciting) ^g
th6g kng kng. kdng khi, (on paper) % jg e,\k khi,
Starless, M° M° bo chhi". — in defence, ^ |lp bun s6' ^#
Starlight, M° i° 56° chhi" 6 kng. bun he.
Starry, ^°M°kauchhi", (like stars) Statesman, ^m^^t°iiS si^k
Mi^M: chhin-chhiu" chhi°. sdk tsfeng su § tai-sin, ||° iS° tf
Start, '1^ hiah°, ^ H tab hiah", i,° XS g^u pan tseng su ^ tai

(wince) kiu, (set out) ® ^ khi sin.

sin, —work, Wf X tang kang, — Statesmanship, good — ,
^"^ X M°
after, jg tui, jip, —a subject, fd tseng su Idu piin, WWW^ g^u
^ tong tseng, fa sudden motion) pan kok ts^ng.
ill —T hiah" tsit e. Station, (rank) ^g ^ bfeng-hun, (of-
Startle, ft ^° m° phah chhi" kia". fice) Id tsit, police—, m m° tui-
Startled, mm° tali hiah", m^° thau, military—, @° :jg° ia-'-poa",
gong ngidh", ^° m° chhi" kia". (occupation) S K H lo', H i^ th^u
Starvation —of)
|g° ^
cold., ko4''si. 15-, (appoint) ^ siet, —a sentinel,
Starve —of hunger, M^ gosi.
Wt:^^W poab peng tl-h6ng.
(kill with hunger) ho* go — i si, Stationary, Kt° "g" tia-tia", chhaiteh
a garrison, ® pj° |ff^°
^ a° khim Stationer, %°^mm° 1t° A" boe
kau b6 bi nid".
Starved, i^ 3^° go si.
ts6a pit bdk S Mng, S 3ft: M1
boe biin p6ng mih 6,
Starving, (for want of food) g9°g|°
teh go, i^^ i? iau g5.
Stationery, :3t bAn pdng M ^
sii p6.
State, (condition) ^^
khodn sit, Statistics, (of persons) A°
W^ lang
(a country) m
kok, 13 pang ^
gidh, (of money) f|° ^SC tsi" gidb
kok, m M kok-to-. United— of Statuary, (carving)
i.° X° ^M
America, ^^mhk^
t8i6ng kok, tiau khek 6 kang, (statue)
i| t°
-kmm Tai Bi kok, officers of— khek 6 sidng. M
W° t" pah koa", to—, m k6ng, Statue, ft siong,— stone,
:S° ^ tsi^h
^ ^ k6ng-khi, —to a person, ^° siono-.
A° M ka ling k6ng,- to — clearly, Stature, A° # l^ng sin, large—, :k°
lg^*'BJk6ngkhib6ng. II toa ban, small—, >J.° iH soe
— a

hkn. clothes, thau-hiah", — as cows, ffiii°

Statute, ^ ^J liit-le, f^ fi lut boat, ^ thau-khan,—as idol, 1i° 11°

of the Ts'ing dynasty, :f^mi^M thau-chhik", —as child, 1° ^°
Tai chheng liit-le. thau-pho, —away secretly, liu,

Statutory, fli S^^ kit boat s6- —as chair, ft°^ thau-gii, —
teng. glance, fif ^ thau-khoa°.
Staunch, fif ® ^ f« at ho- i tsi, Stealth, Bf ^° km-tsi", fi thau.
blood, Jh lfiL° (strong) Stealthily
tsi-huih, ) Bf P km-tsi", fa° thau.
H i6ng, ^ Qm hkn khdng.
Stealthy j H ^ ^ b6 hi^n ji^n.
Stave,—of tub, m° M thdng chhi6°, Steam, (vapour) M khi, ik. 'M hd
(as a cask) JT° W phah khui.
ien, ')@ ien, to
rice by — !^
— , !l|Jf° chhe, cook
chhe-piig, get
Stay, (remain) f#° t6a, tiam, , ||«

(wait for) ^ tan, —at a place, J$

up — , t@f 'jt@ kek ien.

II tau hiob, (obstruct) M'^ ts6--

Steamboat, ifC JS°M° h^-hun-tsfin.
t6ng, li, l*° ts6--tsi, (to tack) M. Steamengine, iAt!® §I^R h^-hun

J8S khau tsAn, (sojourn) khia. khu. ^

Stays, (a corset) hi io tok.
:^ ®^
Steamer, iX° h^-hun tsun.
Stead, in — of, f^ th6e.
Steel, m° kAg, made of—, m° m°
Steadfast i^ kien-k6-,
) @
5L bin- ^ e§° kfig ts6e fe.

Steadfastly kh6ng, (resolute)

) Steelyard, (in Am common use) "8"°

S ft teng sfeng.
@° %° pah si t6 chhin, large—,
Steadiness, (resolution) A iS lip- fl° niu", (for weighing money) J^°
tsi, ^
tt teng seng, (unchange- ii° kh6- t6, T @° SS ha t6 t^ng,

ableness) 7^^
boe i-6k. Cantonese — , "S" 7^ ^ pah Mk t6.

Steadfast )|g kien-ko-, (reso- Steep, |It° kia,

H chhik, (soak) ^ ^
Steadfastlyjlute) teng s^ng. tsim, in liquor, }@ tsim tsiu. — ^
Steadily, (without wavering) ^° Steeple, ffl° m° tseng liu. %
W> b6 1 ^k. Steer, S° ^° hoa" toa, —a ship, m°
young ox) g<i kdng
Steady, (firm) ^ ^3£ tsai-tsai, (cons- j|S° sdi tsun, (a

tant in purpose) M° #° mi" tsi", th<in.

Steerage, (steering) boa" toa, (a-
(not fickle) S It teng sfeng, (re-
gular) $g ^ s^n si6k,— in cha- partment in a ship) S5 11° a- ^
®° — with the pan chhng, Bl°m«B° tbiu ts^ng
n :^° thiu-ji 14k, —
racter, ffi thidp-sit,

hand, W m %° hoa" khi tia", chhng, 1°

passengers, H 3S §° ji pun kheh.
(uniform) %^ ^ ia° llb° ^ng si an-

Steersman, %t I~tai kong.
S° n° chhi° (full of stars)
Steak, beef—, ^ ^ 't& g^ bah pha. Stellar e,

Steal, m° M° thau-th^h, — as 5°M° l«ui chhi".

Stellate, ^° fia° M° chbin chhiu" Stepping stone, M° B° ^° W^ kha
chhi". .
tsidh, use something as a f§° — ,

Stelliform, M° ^ 6^ chbi° kho4n 6, liS° tsioh kid k^.

M° M ^f chhi" h^ng 6. Stepsister, |i fiS° M° ke tsi-be. .

Stem, (of tree) ®°

J|'-chhiu sin, (of Stepson, fi k6 tsii. ^
a flower) :^°M.° hoe ts&ng, woody Stereotype, il° ngi p^i- M
— , TfC :$; b6k piiri TpC K b6k tsit, Sterile ]#° sdn, (woman) thun
fibi'ous —^ ,
Tpv chh6 piin, (branch Sterility j
bil, ^° 8&° tsi6h thai.
of a family) i^ M° pang th^u, Sterling, (genuine) W sit, ^°fg°b6-
—of a ship, |S° BI° tsun th^u, k^.

(oppose) |!E jh ts6'-tsl, —the cur- Sternum, |f ° heng kut. #

rent, as a boat, ^1^ tt° M
tu 6e tsin. Stern, giam, (of ship) M g^ tsun
Stench %° B^ chhau bi. b^.

Stenography, M^
±°fi kiam pit ^ Sterner, |jc ^^ khah gi^m.
boat. Sternest, M — M te it giam.
Stentorian, M i<° M kek toa sia", Sternly, jl gi&m.
fS° ^
bS^ oe toa sia" kong.
::^° Sternmost, @
y§° kek be.
Step, (a pace) j^ p5' (in rank) Sternness, j^ gi^m. ^
M phin kip, (for ascending or de- Sternpost, M° ^" khla ti.
scending) |!|f° kia, a stone ^° Stertorous, hofi-".
— — ,

|llS° tsi6h kia, (degree) °\l°-° Stethescope, F^ ;!g° "^ bun ts^ng
^° tsit tsan tsit tskn, (progres- t^ng.
sion) Ji /J/ tsin po-, foot —
Hl° Stew, (boil) ng^u, (a brothel)
^° PhI" phai" kid" keng.

®F^khajiah, (round of a ladder)
koai", to— fT° kia°, aside, jg° ^° Steward, ^ ^ ko4n sii, a ship's—,
the pi", — OA^er, hoAh ke khi, H° 1)1 boe pan. — 1'^

forth, tU ^ chhut Mi, (gait) 1$ Stewardess, W^ ^W lii ko4n sii. i

/i the thai, —by—, H ,^ sHi p5-, Stick, a.—W° ff" ko&i"-A, drum-^,
—a mast ^° ^
khia ui, keep in ^ ;g| k6- thAi, to—, ^^ Mm, ii
— , fn B° h6 kha, one-^, ° — i^ k6", — up a flag, f^ ^ chhah kV
tsit p6". (a staff") |g° ff ° kodi"-A, ffor fuel)
Stepbrother fi 51° M° kfe hia"-ti. ^° chh4, (anything shaped like
Stepchild, ff°A°^° ts&ng Mng ki4". a stick) ^° ki, a —of sealing wax,
Step daughter, |g kfe lii. ^ -^°^ iK° m°tsit ki h^ chhat,(stab)
Step father, ^° ^° au-pe, ^° ii° au tsfi,n, — in, as a pin, M° chhdk, (fix
tsek. in) ^° chhah, fcause to adhere
Step ladder, m° m° lau-thui. li!^ liam, m k6-, (affix) 1,5° tab, the
Stepmother, ^° #° ail bii. i
carriage — -in the mud, :^° ji^ ^°
^° ^° chhia tiau tl tho- be, he- waves, ^°'M° 2p° ho' eng pi'\

at no evil, H* ^^ f^ bu ok put Stillborn, *° ^° ffi *M ?(E° be si"

tsok, —as mud on one's clothes, ^^ chhut lai tsiu si.

^° li^m
^i° — ti6h sa", togethei' Stillness, p tseng.
with a pin, }^ MMM eng piu tsiam Stilts, fil° khiau, walk on—, m° ft°
pin. tdh khiau.
Stickiness, |i& liam. Stimulant, a, W^ %'^ po' tseng-sin.
Stickle, #° m M° gau kek sAg. Stimulate, (animate to action) M
Stickler, m° m M° ^° gau kek JPi bi^n-le.
sng e. Stimulative, tg" E 1 fi§° oe bien
Sticky, ffi 1,^ liam-liam, m 'M k&--k6-, \e-L
khiu, fiS gf liam-lo, (as paste) •)# Stimulous, M IB 65° bi^n le e.

kh6. Sting, a, ^ tdk, (of a bee) ^#

Stiff ]M° ngi, ngi-liau, ngi-tsia°, pliang tak, to —as a bee, teng,—
Stifly)(not graceful) chhai chhai^ as a serpent, chhioh, — as a nettle,
(as a breeze) ^° than, (as a ship) ^° chhak.
%° St° b6 chhe. Stingily, khiu liu, |g :^ kien lin.
Stiffen, flj i$ ^ W° chhong ho-
ngi Stinginess, khiu liu, i
^ ^ kien lin.

Stiffnecked, ]g° 1S° am-kiin chhai- Stingless, (as a bee) ^ # bo tdk,

chhai, (person) M fl k6--tsip, ^ (as a serpent) ^ # bo t6k.
— tsip-it. Stingy, khiu, H ^ kien-lin, W '&
Stiffness, ^'^ ngi, (in manner) ft"" kiam-siap.
^° chhai chhai. Stink, M° % chhau-bi.
Stifle, (to suppress) ^ Jfc at tsi, Stinking, ^ chhau, —breath, W ^°
(choke) Wi kek, M tip: u khiii.

Stigma, (a brand) M° chhiah. Stinkpot, iK° M° 5S li6 i6h koan.

Stigmatize, (mark with a brand) Stint, (limit) ^M kai-han, —one's
%f chhiah, (a person) ^ sik. self for others, :S E f#A khek-ki
Stile, lit ff ° kia-d. thai-jin, (in food) m°P^°Z°&°
Still, (quiet) tseng tsauh, (notmov- h5- i tsiah b6 kku.
- ing) ^° E° tia^-tia", ti P
sim- Stipend, M # sok kim, ^^ sin-16,

sim, (yet) 1^'° SL° idu-kii,— re- (of an official) 1$ iji hong 16k.

main, h°M° i&vL-u, —more, W." Stipendiary, M° If fi ^° nia hong

*II° khah-ke, —better, ||° ic° M 16k 6, M^^ M° nia sok kim e.
koh khah ]?6, (to this time) M^ Stipulate ") (agreement) ^ iok, if

kku ta", a — , for distillation, M 'M Stipulation 5

khi^n,— paste,
li g6 tsiii thang, (to silencej ffi Stir, (into la,

i^WW lio- i tseng tseng, — the khi^n-k6-, —up zeal,- ^M bien-le,

(move) MM tin-tang. — , Z° «° 1^° boe tiau pak, ap.
Stirabout, ^° f^ beh kak. petite, ^ :^° ai tsiah (to brook
Stirrup, k° ^° U b6 t4h th^ng, or endure) # iS° thun liin.

Stitch, a, •— ^ tsit tsiam, to-^, i]* Stomachic, ^ ^ ;2:° li° p6- ui ^ i6h.
. — tfeng, on loosely, ^ M :ti6-tiau, Stomachless, ^ H b6 ui.
the —are not even, thi° lidu b6 pi" Stone, 5 tsioh, ^ BM tsi6h-th4u, (a
Stock, (a stem) ^ sin, (a pillar) ti gem) ^ :?F p6 fsi6h, grave-, g
thiau, (a post) -fe khit (lineage) S? bong pfi,i, (a testicle) sien tsi,

ffi '^ se he, (money invested) Sf (a calculus) ^ jft tsi6h lim, —

M &^ s6- l^h piin, shares) SS fe ballast, ^ 3; tsi6h tang, bench, 5
^ k6- W k6- hixn, anchor
sia", JiS i? tsi6h li^u, —roller, :S||° tsioh
— it tia° sin, —in trade, M *
, Jfr liin,, —
tablets, '^ tsioh pi WM
he piin, — of a gun, M chheng j#^° p4i (pelt) M° tim, —as raisins,
chhfig, (for the feet) M kha k&, ill ^iif£-?^^*335 phTi-t6 koa°
(lay up as merchandise) MM '^ tsi, khi khi lai.

fi^ pan he tsun teh, a farm, — ^ Stonecutter, ^T° S° ^° 11° phah

^ H hak ke-si, a shop, }§— ^M tsi6h sai hu.
M. tiam lai ts^ng he. Stonefruit, W°^°±°m°^° u hiit

Stockade, H tse. e k^ tsi.

Stockfish, ^ .f , chha hi. Stone mason, ^° 7JC ^I th6- tsiii sai,
Stockings 11° b^h, leg of—,
beh thdng.
W m° ^ a? IS th6--tsui chhiu".
Stoneware, :S° 51° tsi6h khi.
Stockbroker m° g$ ^ a 6^ -(»• ts6e Stony, JS ^ kau tsi6h.
Stockjobber ] k<5' htin seng 11 6. Stook, °
— m tsit khtin.
Stockjobbing, M^'^^M ts6e ko- Stool, ^ f-f
° i d,
fl gl° i thiu, go to
hiin seng li — , ffi S chhut kiong.
Stockstill, ^° S° ^° tia" tia" tia". Stoop, a", chhih, khii.
Stocky, I^H bii thiin, ^°'^° o^ tAg. Stooping, —gait, j^ Jg° so--io. ,

Stoical, @ ii tsu jii. Stop, (to close) g° that, ^* that ^

tslln nih

put tho" thoa"

# « iJ 1 ^i A h^ hun
e l^ng.
bdt, (as
a road) Wh W
# t6ng, H f ts6--t6ng,

Stolen, (goods W,° tsng.

(cease to go forward) If th4ng
Stolid, ii tun, (foolish) ^ gong, jl (a mark of punctuation) Ifi '&] 6^
M. gu-chhiin. tidm ku ^.
Stolidity, ^ tun. Stoppage, khe teh, —on the road,


# khang sin,
E° pak to- —empty, W tsah, —in %
the throat M It^"-

—ache, ^° Jii^ ti6h, —of business, through fail-
?i° t6- thia", wont remain on ure, ^] t6, (impediment) M^ ts6--
gai -in the blood, ^f§° tsek teh, tsan.
— of urine, *J^ fH ^ jl, sidu pien Story teller, IS 1& 6^ k6ng k6- e, a
put thong. made up — , Jit ^ fi^° to- tsoan 6.

Stopper, (for a bottle) {f M kan Stout, JB^II h6 hkn, jCSi bu thiin, BE

that. II pui-thiin, (brave) iff BH h6 td°.

Stopple, M° that ?f M° kan that. Stoutly, he— denied it, ^Mij°M°

Storage, (act of storing) Tg tun, f ^° i tsin Mt the khui.
he, (price charged for storing Stove, iHC il b^ 16-, earthen—, mm
goods) ^M W° ® tsan ping
cooking ts4u.
tso". hojig-16", —^,

Store, —goods, ±° M° chhiu" hh, Stow, (as cargo) g£°tsng, ^he, (in
(a shop) ?i ®
tsiii 16ng, (a great a box ) IE i® tsng 16h siu". ^
quantity) M
%° tsin tsoe (deposit Stowage, |£° tsng.
in a store) Ig tiin, —away, ^° Strabismus, U M thoah thang, ^ U
khfig, US: ^? siu khAg. chhoah-bdk.
Storehouse, t^ ;^° tsi^n pang, ^M Straddle, ^B^ khui kha chhng.
tsan ping, 1^ F^° tskn keng. M ^ Wlr b6 kui tin ki^°,
Storekeeper, (one who keeps a —
^ ^ ^ b6 tsit ts6e i| M kiS,",

store) MM M ffi khui tsiii 16ng ^ ^fxhd ts6e tui kii", (ramble)
Stores, (articles of food) ::^° i,°if° ti^ sik6eiA.
^ tsiah I tsdp but, (provisions Straggler, ^ ^ fr sok" soa° ldk% m
an army) ft
for ni^i" chhau, ^
15: ff 69 soa"-sok° kii" 6, (a vaga-

(arms for an army) M.^ kun-kh^ bond) }« 65 si k6e d. ^ M

Storied, (having stories) ^° M fi^° Straight, it" tit, (as a wall) IE si
u tsfi,n 6. tsik", (upright) fg J5f toan hong,
Stork, H h6h. out of the—, khi tsit m—W
Storm, (of wind) tR p6 th^u ph6e. ®®
hong,— a city, |fcMkongsia°, (to Straighten, #° ii° chhun-tit, fij ]t°
rage) :;^ 1? @ toa sia" ji6ng. chh6ng-tit.
^° khoeh (poor) i^
Stormy, ^# SI IL u p6 thiu hong, Straightened,
^ ?te M ft k6ng hong, ^t liet M
kn-sb, f|£ :S b6 thiau leng. ^
hong, ^. H gi^t hong. Straightness (narowness) M° M°
Story, (a tale) "^ k6, (a tale of an- o^h khoeh.
cient times) iSf —^
tsit toa° k6; Straight forward, ,S St tiong tit, ®°
(of a man's life) Jt /IK jg JJA Ii° ngi-tit, H ngi-khi, not—, WM
14ng ^ ts^ng th^u khi li, (fictiti- kan-kui, iS kau koai. ^^ ^
soat, Straightway, 1^ B# sui-si, 3: IP li^m-
ous narrative) >J^ W> siau
(a falsehood) P? pi'^ hau-Mk, tlM pi", iL M
lip khek.

peh chhdt, -^of a house, —M tsit Strain, (draw with force) H M°

tlio.i an, =^ M° puih an, (put e tai tsi.

forth strength, \iim.'fj cliliu thul- Stranger. ^ M° A si"-hun Eng,. (a:

klat, (sprain) tsoah kun, (filter) guest) A § Ifi-ng kheh, (for-

'M Ifi, (extreme tension)

te, eigner) !i{ ^S ^
chhut goa \kng, A
^J kek lat, on a beam,— ffig Jli gij 1 5: A pAt kok 6 Mng.
tsai tang lat, ^
:ic° ,S:° tsai siu" Strangle, Ji
%° chhui-si, ^^°tiku-
tang, —
on a rope, by pulling, j^ si, ka si.

ikM^ piiih siu" tang lat, on Stranguary, >J' —

^ sl siau pien put M
the muscles, kiii kun, ( a prolonged thong.
musical note, ) ^M ^ khan sia° Strangulation, ^ 5E° chhui si.

h6, — in looking, tsin. Strap, ^ t6a, leather— ,

^° phg-
Strainable, tt M ^ 6e lu tit. toa, bind with a leather—, $| ^
Strainer, (a cloth for straining) M ^ pak phe toa.
4* lu kun, te-4, rice — ^H ,
tsoa°- Strapping, (large) . :;^° toa, (lusty)
li, png-l5e. f^° i6ng kia'^. H
Strait [(narrow) W
oeh, (strict) Strata, (of the earth) ^tp toe* M^
Straitly jl gi^m (difficnlty) Sg
) tiong tsan lui. ^
kan kh6", distress) i^ ']§ chhi Stratagem, ft kfe-ti, itp6--s6-, ^ ^
chhdm, (Geog) f# M° Mi io, in ke-chliek.
a — , ji SS M 11 tsin th6e Hong Strategist, H ^ ^ 6i bo- su kun sii.

Ian. Strategy, fS f. tho li6k, i£ f. b6-


Straiten, #° p ®«° ho- i oeh. lidk.

•Straitness, J^° o(^h. Stratification, — ^°— °l-°
° tsit tsan
Straits, (the) f '}\\ MP E-tsiu-hii. tsit tsan.
Stramonium, M 1llJ life tsui-sien-th6. Stratified, ^° 1° ^° tsan L ii

Strand, (sea shore) ?§ ;^ hdi Id", (to Stratify, JSR° M° tsi^" ts^n.

ground) ±° 01° khok-tsiu" soa", Stratum,

H — ^ tsit ts&n.
M M khoa-ta, —of a rope, m° B Straw, MM° ta-chh4u, — hat, S"
thotV-k6'. ^ chhau-lo^h, shoes, if °® chhdu-
Strange \
( foreign) gij H (t^ pdt kok 6e, —of wheat, ^° || beh-k6, -
Strangely je, ^P ft^ goa kok e, coloured, fig gam, not worth a—,
(uncommon) ^P koh iu", ^^ ^ ^ fi — ^ ^^g in tat tsit tsf
^^ ill SI pengsiSng, (wonderful) ph4i" tsi" phi.
gp 'li ki"-koai, (not familiar) ^ Strawberry, h6--in.
-^ si"-hun, 1^ H chhi"-so-, (ec- Straw-colour, m°1^°^ tsi hoe sek.
centric) -^ ig k6--koai. Stray, ^ ^ b&-lo-, ^ ^i& ^ sit b^-
Strangeness, ^ 'P ^°^°e° Id koki lo- t6-, (rove) ti il si k6e ift.
e tait,s],#^;t°»'= ?° hui siong Streaked, Jj£ ^g pan-hftn.
— a

Streaks, |BEM pan-hvin. than, — as a tendon, tsodh kun,
Streaky, M ^ pan bun. (exaggerate) hkva. k6ng, — one's
Stream, ( a current) -JJK lau, of mel- self, # II chhun un, — out, pi",
ted lead, MMi'k kui ti^u i6n, — — . tight, ^ keng.
of ligbt, ~^ yt tsit tsoa kng, a Stretcher, (a litter) ^° |§ chhiig f.

mountain—, -^ khoe, — of water, Strew, (as seed) ^ ia, as flowers,

as after Bf ^ kui
rain, kau, — go (as sand) M pai, si.

with the — M sun , — down,

lll^ thap kui
l^u, Striated, tsoa.
as W W^
tears, the Stricken, (old) ^ 51
si Iftm s<ii, 16 mai, ^ ;t
vessel lying in the — j|S°^°jS
is ^ he ,
ni lau.
j!# »& ^ tsun u pha kdng sim nib, Strict, [ ^ gi£im, giam hAt, j^ ^:
Streamer, (a flag) Wt ki. Strictly, j
giam kin.

Streamlet, ^° ff ° khoe a. Strictness, ^ giam.

Street, @ koe, ^ ^ koe-lo', — Stricture, ^ 5^ pi° oeh, — of eso-
singer, ^ p^ tsau chhiang. phagus, Pig°^ keh sit.

Strength, Mt, require, — M

';j]° 'ff.
Stride, hoah, ^ :/5 khai p5-.

ti6h-ldt, exert— ^° chhut-lat,, ffi

Strife, m° ^° sa" tsi".
united— '^ hidp-lek.
, 'jj
Strike, biit, ^° phah, M kong, Jn°

Strengthen, (invigorate) -ft ^M M kha, — against ^° ^^ tseng ti6h,

®° ^° tak tioh, m. M^ khap tioh,
ho* i khah idng, (encourage) M — one's breast
% bien-le. —on a bank, M loe,

StreDgthening, ft # oe p6", eat

tng heng, jjf ^
tah heng, (in

food, M. ^ tsidh p6-.

measuring grain) kai, as a M —
Strengthless, 4ft° -);;° b6 lat, ^° m° root, ISife teng kun, — , as a tent,

bo khiii lat.
^° thiah, — , as a flag, M lui, — ,-


Strenuous (urgent) j&

) ^ pek- as a bargain, ^^ teng kui, —
Strenuously chhiet, -HJ) ^ chhiet- light, tf iK phah he, —out, erase,

iau, (zealous) ffc jg" ji<^t sim, (va- }i^ chhat khi, —up the drums,.

liant) UM h6 td". JX Wi phah k6-, —out, as sparks,

Stress, (urgency) 5& ^ pek- chhiet, phah u he chhi", —of students
^ ^ chhiet-iku. (importance) against examination, ^ M pa kho,
^ II iau-kin, — as of voice, |£ £ of the shopkeepers, H ti pa chhi.
^ khah tang sia". Striker, iJ i, A
phah e lang
Striking, (forcible) n soah phah, u
Stretch, # chbun, # :g chhun tng,
as cloth, t£° #° oe chhun, fi ^c >J» tau —as a
sau, M ^ likeness,

liong tai siau, —as wings, B° thi, tsinseng, representation, J^ ^

—the hand, f$ ^ chhun chliiu, heng iong, — ki fact, I", (aft'ecting

(make tense) |i£ M '''H; a'^ with emotion) Wi »& tong sim, a
resemblance, ^ k^k siong
-te JEl S;° tang, — as tea, 0. kau, very,

sLi, M JSS k^k sing, J^ J^ JSS sing ^° !S ^° chhi" k6ng kia", (power-
seng seng. ful) SS kiong, (as wind) ^X Wit,
String, ^° ff° soh-d, (for cash) m° i^ thau.
R° tsi" ki\g, bow,— ^ J^ keng- Stronger, (in health)^ ° ^ khah-
bien, (for guitar) J^ ,^5° bien soa", i6ng, ("in powerj |^-° ^° :i!;° khab
navel—, ^l ^° ui toa,, a— of u Idt.
casb, K°
kng, (a series) i^ ^ 6^ Strongest, (in health) Jb ^ siang
s6ng tsiap e, to R" kAg. — ,
i6ng, (in power) ± :^° if siang
Stringent, an ^ gi&,m. u lat.
Stringy, (viscid) 15 liam, ^° ^ f^f Stronghold, J^ phau tti. J
kban si li^m, (fibrous) S koa, Strongly, —
^^made, tifim teng, teng
Strip, a, —^ tsit li^u,- off, fij pak, tauh.
li, lut, (as clothes) pak, ^° th£ig, Strop, razor— if BF J] ^° thih
—naked, m° %° -yt° tling
kng kng thau to phe, to — , hoah.
Stripe, (as of colour) i^^ tsit Structure, Elf ^° fi{l° s6- khi (cons-
ts5a, a— of red, — ° ||° ^ tsit ts5a truction) M j^° khoAn-sit,
|ij &
kng, (a strip) — ^ tsit ti&u, (a chh6ng boat.
stroke) ^ phah. Struggle, kiin liin tsun.
Striped, W u hoe tsoa.
?fc" j|^ Strumous, m°m° ^° li Idt I.
Stripling, ^° ^° S gin d 6ng, ^° Strumpet, ^ ^ chbiong ki, Si piau.
^° ^° gin a than, gin d thun. Strut, kh6, m^ i6-pdi, 'U Mi$ sam-
Strive, (contend) m° W° sa° tsi", pan i6.
(make efforts)
tii ::^ chhut lat, Strychnine, fif :^ tek liln, ,I|M^
m m° chhut khiii Mt.
:f]° md tsiln peng.
Strix, (bubo) M° W° 'M niau th^u Stub, ^° 51° chhiu tku, to—
ig° ,

eng. iJ° SI° iah chhiu thau.

Stroke, —of letters, W° uih, to— jf Stubble, ^(of rice) f^^ M tiu-k6
tab,— smooth, (a blow) ^7° loAh, tbfi,u.
phah, a — a Chinese character,
, in Stubborn ft fM tsip-phiah, @ ii

M liih, (rub) M so, —as a cat's Stubbornly )k6--tsip,^ ^ tsip-

back, i^i^ so-lodh. . ,
Stroll )— about, B°
Strolling) s6h s6h a—
An An, Stubbornness,
^ tsip seng.
^^ tsip-phiah, #
m it hdk. Stucco, (plaster for walls) Jc° he.
Stroller, thit th6 sien. Stud,— of horses, —^
.^ tsit kdn
Strong, :ii|°i6ngkia", ^° :J]° u\&t, b^, (a button) m ff°liii d, (a nail)
—in flavour, J^° kau, —as words] irteng, to— ^°:rrifl siu"hoeliu.
, — ) .

Studding # ^ chbah hoe.
teail, Stun ',1^ Bf 1^ o--am-bin, make sense-
Student, ^ ^ hdk-seng, fellow^- less, % 'M K"^ put Seng jin su.
]^ ^ tong-chhong, —^interpreter, — the ears, gfe ]5 chbo-bi, kiang
1^ ^ ^ ^ hoan-ek hak-seng, (a bi-khang kui, as with loud noise,
man devoted to books) M # A P9 5° tso hi. #° chho hi. B
tbdk cbbeh lang. Stunt, as plant. JJg tiau. ut.

Studied, ^ M
^ u kang-kiii, (well Stunted, WW khiit-khut B fe^
versed) gg ^
cbbim-hdk, (pre- kbiit-chbeiig.

meditated; 'S^^M tiau ko- i Stupefy. @# ffi bo- i gong, •gj ^

Studio, m°^°M° fii e p^ng. ^ ho- i tsiii.

Studious, mm
kbiin-tbak. Stupendous M ^^ | , .

kbiin bak-sip, tbun kang- Stupendously

M M%
^ gong, ^
;5gr cbhi-gai,

— #M —— Stupidly J ^ jffi cbbi-tsoat, .§ tS £'=-

Study, a . tsu-paug. to
tsoat, ^^ -S" tai-tai. — ^looking.
0^ bak-sip, m% kdng-kiu,
— tbiih-tbiih.
liard, a8^ kbun kang-kiii,
under a teacher, #^^ pai sien cJ*^'- -' "^

^ '—
jS ijut-tLons:,
• ._!'-_
^ ff. av'Hii-.

Stupified, by a blow, :f § A ^ put
Stuff, material, ^ liau, cotton— ^ , seng jin sii, by drink, 1? tsiii.

p6-, cloth, — ^ ,
medicine, M
ni°. Sturdy, strong, ^ ^t i6ng-ts6ng —
i6b. to — A , jip, ^ tsi", press, youth. ^ ^ ^ hau-si° ke, obsti-
jip khi tsat, as birds, 16e t^ \x>-
nate, ^ ^ tsip pbiab, hardy, ^''
eng ioh jip. 11° K° oe bo4 thoah.
Stuffed, tsAt, iiose — phi^-tsat,

|| ^° sim liong hi. ^
fowl, m, ^
ji6og koe. Stutter. 1:° §° teng-tsih, 6° air
Stuffing, as in cakes a°, as in cu- tbih-tbib kio, tih-tib ban.
shion, ^Ki.°^ s<i" jip e mih, of Stutterer, tbih-thih kio e.
cotton wool, A. ^
jip mi°- Stv. pig ; ^° ti-tiau, in the eye. M
Stultifj', make a fool of a person, WL @° t& bak ham.
A siet M,ng, oneself, g E ^M
Stygian, (infernal) 65 im kau ^^
ka-kl bjui-tun. e, (dark) am, ( black) o". ^ ^
Stum. tt° ^ tS siang liau tsiii. [St3-le, (title) %^ chbengbo-, (pin
Stumble, M M tah-tien, M -S tiob of dial; S jEI if j't kui tsiam,
tak, ^ ^ tak- tiob, tAh-thut.

("filament of a pistil J ^° MM'
Stumbling, — block, %7^ gai tioli. hoe pan chhiu, (to name J ^° ^^
Stump, of §J ^ cbhiu-thau,
tree, I
kio mia, fto denominate) ^^
chhiu-thng, — of beard, ^%M chheng ho", f manner^ J^ khoau,
chhui-chhiu thau. —ofcompcsition. ^ bun ;X boat, ^
, ' — ,

fi pit boat, ^ U pit-khi,— of dress koh pun, — of a town, i^ k^n B"
— is i? ta° pan, good —of compo- Subdue, m° ia°.

sition, WX^h6 b6n hoat, j^ 'p] Subject, ("people^ peb si", good —
II h6 kii-tau, bad literary — ,
%° %^ liong-bin, ("subduej H flg

M° 'p]° 11° in tsi4° kii-tau, ancient ap-hok, M" ia" (a. text; ^° @° toe
— ,
•& 15: i;° jSC ^ ko- ti g bun sii, bak, ("liable; ^ ai, (a matter in
bombastic— ^m°Z°%m chhi discussion; ^ ^ ^ §5° so* siong
tiu- & bdn six, dry—, fe ^ ;2:° It gl fe, ("to make liable; W&^
i^ ko" s6' S bfin su, elegant — , -^ ho" i ai, ("to cause to; f^- ^ ho' i.

^ ^° iS: p ka bi e btin su, florid Subjection, |^ M bang h6k, Ji flg

— %m^°%m boa bdn
, \^h 6 sun h6k.

flowing—, MM if^'K^ sun

bun harsh — W ^
Subjective, »6 P^° sim lai W 6.
^ su, , i.° Subjects, "0° ^4° peh-si".
% ngi sut e bun
1^ — su, lofty Subjoin, *D° m° ke-thi°.
1^^Mi.°-^^ chhiau mai e bun Subjugate,
^ If tseng-tho, flE fi^
Ht, lucid— m^°t.°-%m bi^n tseng-hoat, ffi M ap h6k.
liang e bun sfi, official — ^ , Sublet, II -fft tsodn-se.
^ ^°'X U kong su 6 bun su, Sub-lieutenant,
^ i^ chhien-ts6ng.
-,MW^°'X^ kin tseng
bun su, sacred—, M'^Z°'XB
Sublimate, —of mercury, # ^°hun
sng, ^ :^ jg- seng ^ng tan.
seng keng e bun su, terse

^ Sublime ("higb; ^"^ ko^i", ("emi- , )

It :t°^m kAn siau g bun sli, Sublimely nent; ffi ^° chhut mia", j

verbose—, if 1 i:° 3!C P tsoe lui ("majestic) J^ JH ui-hong,

e bun su. thought, :^° iS toa i six. M
Styptic, ± huih i6h. tsi Sublimity, ("nobleness of nature)
Stytics, ('stop bleeding^ Jh it° tsi ±° m fUe toa kh6ng khai.
huih, ("astringent; J^: g; ^°|isiu Sublunary, W 6^° t5e-g.
liam 6 ioh.
Stylish, ^ m ^ hdp si
khoAn, Submerge, tbiam.
65° bAi-nib-e. m W
f showy j pai chhiang. Submerged, ^ tim.
Suasion, |§° khng. Submission, M sun flg bok, ^ M
Suavity, }g ^ un-ho, ^ ft un-sun. hang-b6k.
Sub, T° e.
Subaquous, 7^° S° fi^° tsi'ii nih e. Submessively

M sdn-bok.
Sub- committee, gjl i »: #° hii tsii Submissiveness, M m sun bok, Ji
su e, SlJ a^ ^° hii tdng su sun than.
e. M°
Subdivide | m° ^ ^° koh-tsai pun, Submit, rf flg hang-hok, M flS kui-
Subdivision i
^° T ^° ^° pun Mu hok.
— —
Subordinate, to be —
Kh6k, (to be Subsidy, (aid)
^° pang-tsan, ^
of less importance) ®° ^° gM
in money, Ui iS ts6--gun, |5 l!j°
khah b& iau-kin, not—, ;2:° ^^ pang p6- 6 tsr, (paid by
SSput-^. ^
Subordinates, .^ f
hat-ha, 4-° T° one nation to another) ^^ ^
in j^ tli(5ng-si6k. thiap giin.
Subordination, (submission) jig M Subsist, (to be) ^ si, (live on) tsidh.
sun h6k, j|p° sun th^n. ^ Subsistence, means of-—, ^ 5^ lo-
Suborn, n° A° mm 5E #° h5- l^ng lai.

lam sdm tsiii tsoa. Subsoil, |^° ^° keh-th6-, —of a

Suborner, ^ m A° M If" 5E tf «° field, m° W chh^n keh.
Mng lam sdm tsiii
kiau so tsoa e.
Substance, J^ hSng-th^,H tsit, K
Subpoena, ^ ^° tiau phi6. (essential import) -j^ tai khai, ^
(material of which a thing
Sub-prefect, |^ t6ng-ti. ^ is

— ^ made of) % mih, ^ liau, (pro-

Ji ^
Wt toe-i^n,

one's name, -^^
perty) ^° ^ ke-he.
Substantial, (real) % sit, (strong)
^° 16h mia", ^ ^° chhiam mia".
% JL ban kh(5ng, H i6ng, (mo-
Subscriber, S ^° ^ koan toe g, M° derately wealthy) ^° ij° WC iiih
i^ fi^° t6e ien 6.
Subscription, ^ i^n ^ i^ i6n-tsi°,
Substantially, b^n kh6ng,

book, % W- i&n-pha-, — of name, built, %^Wo

?Lo khi khi ban

^ >g° 16h mi^", ^ #° chhiam kh6ng, — the same -^ ilE I^^ tai
mia khai siang.
Subsequent, (in time) ^° ji&n- Substantiate a charge, ^°
^ i^° M°

Subsequently, au, ^°
sui-au, ^thuh phoa u.
(in order of place) g& ^1° l6--b^. Substantive, (noun) ^° i?° si-ji.
Subserve, MW
pang-tsan, gjj hii Substitute ^
a, i^ th66, (exchange I )
- tSG". Substitution (
^° ^° thoe 5a°.
Subservient, (helping) ^ if 81° oe Substitution, f^ th6e, —for the pu-
pang tsan, — ^% to, siap se. nishment of another, fC W thoe-
Subside, (settle as lees) M tse, tsoe.
(give in) mo-K-loh-khi, (as water) Substratum, (substance) K tsit, ^
\'^ siau, (as passion) 0° hfe, (as khi, (subsoil) Pi '-S^ keh thiV.

soil)K'-^°*°sihl6hkhi. Subterranean, Jift° "f


Subsidence, «^ m° ±° sih 16 khi, ^° Subtile, )

(thin) ^' p6h, (delicate)
•^° *° tse loh khi. Subtly, f
;^ (shrewd) ffi
ill, pa- #
Subsidiary, tl 1?° Sl^ oe pang-tsan, chhi, ffl jl Mng-thong, JG ^^ pa-

tku pang--tsan. peng, (sly) if J^ kan-tsa, $f 1^

Subsidize, E ^ IS tliiap i gun. kau-koe, W It ktiu-koai.
SUB sue
.Subtilty, (thinness) ^° p6b, (re- Succession, (sequence) -^ j^' Hen

finement) i^ ^ iu-siu, (slyness) soa, m°M^° sa" lign s6a, g g^

m^ m° un-koki. sa° tsiap 66a, (lineage) ift ^ se-

Subtle, $p f^ kan-tsa, ^ Jt kdu-koe, he, (as in rank) ^H sfe sip.

(shrewd) ^^ pd-p^ng. Successive (years) M ^° I6k-ni.

Subterfilge, m° tbe, ^ ^ the-si, 3fi° Successively, 3^ sp. lifen-liSn.

f£ the-tbok. Successor, !^° ^ 95 soa tsiap S, —

Subtract, ia kbau, ^ t<i, ^^ kidm. in officfe, ^ ft gj" tsiap jim e.

Subtraction, JS ki^m, ruie of Succinct,

(a ) ^ kdn, ^^ kan H6k,

arithmetic) S ?g{ kidm boat, Succinctly j M° t^.

compound — s^WUH
, tsii teng Succinctness, @ kan. ^ ^ kautsiet.
kiam boat. Succour, ^
kill (help) ^ M° pang
Subtrahend, K° ^° toa siau. tsan.

Suburb, U° 5h° sia°-goa. Succulent, ^ ^ kau tsiap.

Suburban, M° 5«h° ^° sia" goa e. Succumb, ^ hang-h6k.

^ Such, (of that kind) g^ ^

Subvert, §i t6-hoai, ^^ pai- hit li6,

boai, (destroy) Ijf pai. (like) ^° fia^chlrin chhiu", ^B^ftf

Subversion, f!| iS to hoai, gt pai. in'' ^° chbin chhiii" an-ni", (cer-
Subversive, tbM^ fi^° oe to hoai $. tain) ^ bo- —a man, ^ A° bo-

Subverter, 0° #J chhia t6 e, (of lang.

authority) 1^ A° ;5:° « t° sit
Suck, S4 suh, —by proboscis, If
Mng g -kodn e. tsam.
Succeed, ig° J^ soa-tsiap, ^ jf Sucker, a, 5^° fi^° suh e.
s&ng-tsiap,— in office, m ft tsiap- Suckle, |a° ?L° chhi leng.
jim, (accomplish what is intended) Suckling,
|L° ^° M° tsiah leng e.
^° tsia", Jj s^ng. Suction, B^° suh.
Success, (act of succeeding) JsR° Sudden ) ^^
hut ji^n, IS gS ag<i'-
tsi^", Suddenlyj ji4n, p5 pin, Jg gg tij^g
J^ seng, (in business)
heng, (in making a request) ^^° tut, very^ o- ain peh pong.
kid ti6b, (in fishing) ^° ^° ,^^° Suddenness, ^
f^ hut jien ;^°^°
th6 tiob hi^ (in making a fortune) chhau khdm, po pin, ^° flff Mm
:^^ 1^ M
toa than gun. si.
Successful, (accomplishing what Sudorific,
was proposed) J6S° tsi^", (pros- Suds,
ff 6^° boat ban L ^
7K° sap b6n tsiii. #X
perous) m
heng, mE
heng ong, Sue, k6, 1t° ^° phah koa" si. ^ m
(fortunate) it m ^
tso h6a si, Suet, (beef) ^° gh id (pork) ^" m
5f T° bo e, —
in an examination, bah id. m
kh6-ti<'li. Suffer, —misery, S @siu kh6-, (al-
kiw) fCv lin tsun, —me, !g :fi:, fg° Suggest, ^» tiam-tuh, ^ US tsl-tiAm,
iong un giSa. (intimate) &§ kong.
SufFerable, (tolerable) t° ^° #° Suggestion, ^ Ifi tsi-tidm.

tong 6e ti4u, (allowable) l^" ?i Suggestive, '^ ia SiS oe tsl-tiam (as

65 oe tsxin tit. a discourse) fg |^ ;2l *6 oe kbai A
SufFeranCe, <K° fi b6 t6ng, S«|°*g b6 Iteg e sim.
kim, (misery) ffi =g kan kh6-. Suicidal 1 ^ 65° tsii tsin fe.

Sufferer, g ^' 65° siu kli6- e. Suicide, commit — , 9 ^ tsu-tsin,

Suffering, |g ^ kan'Mn, ^ =g kan- (thinlc of committing) ,g S 85 siu"

kh6-, i ^ siu kL6-. te-l6-

Suffice, JE^ m° kku-gidh. Suit, (of clothes) ~-^U tsit tho

Sufficiency. J£° U° kku giah. sa°, (in Law) ^ kn (a retintie) SS

Sufficient, J£° S' kau giih (quali- Bi i: A kun t^ e Mng, IS 'iH #
fied) ^° 15^ tsai ia°. kun sfti e, (a retiuue of an official)

Sufficiently, J£° @ kku gidb. gB^ kun pan, (please) S^teng

Suffix,diminutive—, ff a, as. ff ff° i, -&•
S bdh i (correspond) ^ tiii,

teng k, a small nail. not— each other. %° ^° m boe

Suffocate ^^ bip si, (by rope) ^ tau ki, boe sa" tsidb a", — the
5E° chhui si, (by water)
35° ^ fancy, JS # tek i, —as clothes,

kek si. 4a -& # sa" hah su.

Suffocation, Si° 3€° kek-si >t ^° tip

Suffuse [ —
witb blushes, % J&I
Suitableness, ^S hdp gi -& ^
Suffusion boat hong, eyes
\ —with hdp sit.

bdk kh6- Suite, (official) SI ^E kun-pan,

tears, g BB «Sl° H ii° tsiii

bAk sai, —witb light, M tsi6. (non-official)^^^ svd kun e.

Sugar, 11° thAg, white—, 6° 11° peh Suitor, (a petitioner) ^ 5: A kifi e

thAg, —mill, W ^of

^° tsia-chhia, Mng, ^ A pin g ISng.

W li thfig-ph5-, lead, i&° Sulk, tiu°.

111° =g l0° iu tbau kh6-
6°S° ifen p4h sng, black—, Sulkiness, #
W chhiab soa. bin, tiu°,

Sugar-candy, WW tb^g-sng, Jjc Sulky, looking — , au-au, :^ ® :^ W

W peng-thng. chhau-thau cbbau bin,
tai iu-iong, kn tu-tu.
Sugar-cane, (for eating) "H* M kam
Sullen, ^° %" m'' pbdi" bin chhiu",
tsik, for making sugar, ft "^ tek-
tsia. ku-au, tiih tub.
Sugary, M ti", fond of sugar, % %l Sully, WW bak-tloh,
^ tiam jiok
(a reputa-
tham ti". tion) Jfi Ji iS
Sunburnt, PJ° H phdk jit, WM'" Q
jiAm tioh, Uk° ^° ^° bak M-s^m, phdk ti6h jit,— bricks, ^° {^°
m° ^° m° bak mia" sia°. th6- kat.
Sulphate, — of soda, ^\> ^
phok- Sunday, ji| H ^ le pki jit.

siau, — of iron, fit ^ tdm-hoan. Sunder, if° tng, fij° ff koah trig,

Sulphur, ^ ^M ji6-Dg, iodide of— —by force, ^° ^° chhoah tng,

ointment, {A ^^^ ti^n h6ng (as 'friendship) ^ ^ tsodt kau,
i6h ko. m° g& tng 16-.

Sulphuric,—acid, ^ ?S jjc" h6ng Sundial, H M jit kui, gnomen of a

ki6ng tsiii. — > BM fi" jit kui tsiam, ifff- tiong
Sulphurous, M m° fi^° jift ug e. tsiam.
Sultriness, ^ f5° ut joah. Sundries, if n° tsdp h^, ^° M° Ian
Sultry, ^ ife ut-jodh. san, ff° ^ tsap chhui.
Sum, (total) ft S k^-kiong,— up, Sundry, ^° jS^" kiii na.
^S # kiet-siau, || $§ ts6ng-kiet. Sunflower, H ^ hiong
|bJ kdi. jit
Sumach, ig jn tsujd. Sunk, U° m *° tiam 16h khi,— in
HH ^ «S So--biin- vice, m W ^° ham 16h phdi".
Sunken,— eyes, [U] @° thap-bdk, U
Summarily, ^ kan, (without delay) @° chhim bak.
koa°-kin. Sunlike, ^'^fia" H chhin chhiu"jit.
Summary, ±M tai-i, A HE tai-khai, Sunny, ^° H u jit.
fgg kdn-iau. Sunrise, H ffi jit chhut.
Summer, X 3? he-thi",— house, J^ ? Sunset, B ^°jitl6h.
liang t^ng, ^ m° Mng pi°.
Sunshine ) ^° jit kng, jit tsio,—
Summerset, chhia pha lin taii. Sunshiny f weather, M° 3i° fl# hd
Summit, m
t^ng, teng-bin. MM thi° si.
Summon, S tiau, —an assembly, Sunstroke, ^^ siong sii.

M chhid". Sup, (sip) chheh, (eat evening meal)

Summons, ^ phio, S PJ ^ tiku %° m° n° m° tsidh S-hng tng,
to phi6.
(a small mouthful) —° i^ ff° tsit
Sumptuous, S^5ehhia-h6a, hia-pai",
S^ cbhia-chhi.
Superable, tg° m° %° oe \k" tit, 1°
Sumptuously, g i^ chhia chhi, ^ %° %° ia" tit U.
^ chhia hoa, hia pai".
Superabound, ] g li5ng seng,
Sun, H jit, H fli jit-thau, ± ^ thki-
Superabondance \m° S° M° ^°
iong,— dog, phok-phang, to—, i^° Superabundant j kau giah kau u
H° phak jit. chhun, -k" m°m° toa bi\ si kok W
Sunbeam, :t 5K jit e kug. Superadd. f^° ke-thi". W

Superannuated, =g ^ 16-m5-, ^ ^ WL° U M° khah h6 td".

16-ji6k, (pensioned because of old Superiority, i^° Ji° khah ia^

age or infirmity) ^^ ^^ siu Superlative ) @ k6k, ^ tsin, ^
i6iig 16 gftn. Superlatively j
tsi, ^°flkau k6k,^

Superanuate, (give a pension on good, 11 Sf kek h6.

account of old age) §5° ^^ SR Supernal, (heavenly) 5c° 64° tlii" e.

ho" i6ng 16 gun. Supernatural, kl"-!", ^ ^ ^ M°

Superb I (magnificent) '^ M. hia- koh iu°, a-— appearance, #° P
Superblyjpai", ti° pai-chhiang, ^ ^° ^ ff^ koh iu" e heng siong,
(stately) J^ M ui hong. ^ \% i° siong.

Supercargo, til ?@ chhut hAi. Supernaturally, Ifi: Fal Fif ^° 64° se

Supercilious, :fz° @° JL° toa bak kan SO" b& 6, :
1^1" siong, jjiti
kbdng, @° B^ ag° ±° m° hik tsiu sin ki.

kho* toa 6. Supernumerary, ^ $h° gi^h goa.

Supereminent, jl° Si° thi"-thau, ® Superscribe, (letter) % it j^° sia-

chhiau kun. phoe phfe.

Supererogation, M° X.° ke kang. Superscription, (on a letter) % M°

Supererogatory, Jn° X° 65° ke kang & ^° sia phoe phe.
Super excellence ^^ ., Xi.\.--
Supersede, ^° A° ^° Hi tsi" lAng &

Superexcellent } '^
tsodt biau.

^ ,

tsit, (suspend) ^ |i th^ng-tsit.

Superficial 7 Jfe « phg hu, li" X° Superstition, khien-sng.
Superficially S ^ bo kang hu. Superstitious, kau-khifen sfig.
Superfine, J: HJ: siong t6ng sidng. Superstructure, S° thdh.
Superfluous W° ©° u chhun, (need-
j Supervene, —
as fever, |i boat %
Superfluity [less) M° X° ke kang.
ji^t, (happen unexpectedly M- f^
Superhuman, A° 0? 7° 64° lang s6-
W° hut ji&n u.
b5e 6, (divine) jjii^ 6? sin e.
Surpervise, ^ tok.
bupermtendence [^ tok, ^^ kodn. Supervision, tok,

Supervisor, mm^° tok li e, 1= S

Superintendent, (of trade) 'MM ^ #°kodnlig.
E thong siong tai sin, (an over- Supine
Klying on back) 5c |!ij

. seer) ^ if A° tok e lang,— of Supinenessjhiong thien, (thought-

police, %, % M° sun po- thia". less) hong hong, (careless) ^°

Superior, (in age) ^ :^ si toa, (one J.° clihin-chhAi, Bl ® sui-pien.

who surpasses) |jc W ^° khah Supper, ^°W e-hng-tAg, Lord's—,
ia° 6, —rank Wt° W ^ ^f khah B^ ^ bodn-chhan.
koai° kip ^, — in merit, WM° ^ Supplant, (a person) chhoan.
^ khah u kong-16, ^
—in bravery^ Supplanter, S A i: 11 chhoan lang e.
Supplement, -^ ^ thiam-p6-, # ^ IS siet-sii ^-6e.
p6--khoat, J^ ^ tseng p6-. Suppositious (counterfeit) ig° ke
Supplemental, ^ 69 p6' &, —child, #° i.° iF° thiii ^ kia".

Supplementary, ^A 6^ p6' jip Suppress, M. fO ap-ts^, (keep in) tin


fl A # thi" jip ^, ;f([f # liam-hu. khng, (subdue) B° i^°, (quell a

Supple nng lam, |^° S° n^g se.
disturbance) p& Jfc ju tsi, —a sigh,

Suppleness [ nngsimsiim, sim, (fawn W k° liin khM., (conceal) ^'

ing) ^°f6° ph6--thA°, (compliant) ^° lin-khng, (stifle) ng teh, (re-

JM A# sun jin i. strain) $5 y^ iok-sok.

Suppliant, B ^ g° khiin kiu d. Suppression, jS Jh at tsi ffi ^° lin

Supplicate, ^ ^ ^ khiin-kill,
kila, khAg, —
of urine, ji5-tsi6
Wi m ki-t6. Suppressive, ^ M M ^i ap-tsfe, (con-

Supplication, If ^ ki-kiii, J^ ki- SJf cealing) ^ i° ai

|ai° Tin khng.
t6. Suppressor, (one who subdues) M°
Supplies, (for public use) ||°ifi nid" #° ik" ^, one who conceals) PL°

ji° # lin khng I.

Supply, (give) 1^° bo-; — a, defici- Suppurate, ^ Si° un-iang, ^° SI°
ency,M thiep, ^ p6-, —with food si^-lang.
&c., ^ ^ kiong-kip. Suppuration, 5II SI iin lang, ^ SS
Support, (sustain) ® ts^i (endure) si° ling.
^° tng, (encourage) Jg® bi^n-le Supremacy, (as of king) ^# tsi

(as a family) M" chhi, ^ fg iu°- tsuUj 3g ^^ tsi koi,i° acknowledge

chhi, ^ # hii-chhi, ^jgj hti-tso-, iis — 11 # M ^°
— iiiii" i te it, —of
0t ^ kiong-kip, (countenance) flf° intellect, M — te it glu, th^u
iii. The tree — the branches, chhiu it kh5ng.
sin tsai oai". Supreme ) ^M tsi-tsun, ^ i|f° tsi
Supporter, (one who helps ?5° |&° Supremely ( kofi^i", M :k tsi-toa, (ut-
^° pang-tsan 6, (an adherent) most) fi k^k, m tsi, iij° M kku
A° .^° 14ng b^, —of a faction, '^ kdk.
|g —^
tong lui tsit ^. Supreme Being, J: Si6ng-t6. ^
Supposable, ^°n°M°'^° oe phah Sure, g^ tek-khak, J^ if koat- B
sAg tit. tokn, (certain) iC § un-tkng
Suppose, B.° siu", fS° M-° phah-sAg, (enduring) fg" ^ ^ oe kiii

n W-° tA"-srig, —that, ^U phi- ti6ng, (indisputable) JP° ^° boe

lauj g^ siet-su.
-(^ tsi° tit, ^>°M& m° b5e pien pok
Supposing, # it phi-ju, |g ^ siet- tit.

sii. Sure-footed, HT ^^ kia° lidu tsai

Supposition, (hypothesis) WL ^^ tsai.
Surely, ^ ii tek-khak, Jfe M koat- gong ngidh, (cause wonder) #°
tokn. A° -SF S h5- King ki-koki.
Sureness,' 6^ Jt tek khak. Surprisal, (something unexpected)
Suretiship, ® f;^ tarn p6, ^M tam ^i° m° ^° b& pbki pbe, ^° :t 4*
jin. tiong, iS hut ji&n. b6 i ^
Surety, a, f^ ^
p6-ke, Ji tam- ^
Surrender, ^° 1^° tau h^ng, P|° ^g
tai, ^° B t^h ^ig) (certainty) Jg bang b6k.
® khak-sit, a—, H 1^ tam jin, ^ Surreptitious m ^° km-tsi", fii°
^ tam p6. Surreptitiously j thau.
Surf, 6ng nia", iS° ji° phah ^ng. Surround, H ui, g g tii-kbun.
Surface, '^^ bin, M° -t° bin tsiu°. Surtout, Jih° m goa th6, :g° ^"
Surfeit, ^° m° ^^ tsiah kau iii t£g biu.
chhui. Survey, ^khok", (examine) Sgiam'
Surge, M° phoah. (as land) 4° niu", (of hatches)
Surgeon, 5ih° m° « ^ goa khe i B M° ^° giam tsun ji.

seng. Surveyor, M.° ii° #° niu" toe e,

Surgery, $b° fF i° 1 ?± goa khe (an official) R° 1° iT^ niii" toe

e i- boat, (a dispensary) ^° ^° koa".
i6h ping. Survive, ^^ fg° iau odh, 1^° ;ffi° fi^
Surgical, fiV° n° ±° «a er goa idu ti-teh.
kbe e i-hoat fe. Survivor, 1^° fS° ;ffi°
^° iau oab ti

Surliness )^° i^° koai phiah, ^°

teh, (one who outlives another)
Surly [ m° )r° phdi" phiah phi°. 1S° M^ 6^° i^u Iau teh.
Surmise, Jj° ^° pbah-siig, ioh, Susceptible 1 — of colour, tg° ;^°
(suspect) ^^ gi^u-gi. Susceptibility )
^° ^ 6e tsidh ti6h
Surmount, m° i^", li° i^° i^" ke. sek,— of good, m° ^ m m° oe
Surmountable, (as a difficulty) ^° —
kku tit, of taking cold, .^°

^° ii° ia" tit kh, tg° JS ft° oe boat ig M khoki kdm bong, —to the
tit. weather, ^P° 5c° tsai thi" # si, -^B

Surname, f^° si". 5c iSC ti tbien b6n.

Surpass, B° i§° i^^-ke, $Jc° B° khah Suspect, ^ ^ gi^«-gi, ^ if° gi-
ia°. ngdi", (surmise) ^^ gi-go'.

Surpassing, (in excellence) J: fi-vi" Suspend, ^ tiau, fB kiii, ^ koa,

siong 6, — j^° it ho, — beanty, (delay) ^° cbbi^n, —from office,

— U° it sui. a°^iluttsit, (intermit) fi 31 ff

Surplus, :^° @° ii chhun, W° if tsiam si theng.
ii sin. Suspenders, WW kh6- toa.
Surprise, M° A° M^ bo- lang Suspense, (indecision) ^^ ti(i-tu,,

sus SWA
(cessation) ff theng, keep one in Swamp, ^ idtji t4m tsiii toe, m° Hi"
— , IS A SH If ho- Mng. tin tL EB noa° tsiii chh&n, (overset) peng,
Suspension, (a hanging) ^ ^ teh (sink) IS S h5- tim,iJC i (fill, as a
tiku, S^ St teh ktii, (a cessation) boat-) il ® ^ ii° phoah h5- i ti".

^ th&ng, — of payment of a firm, Swampy, ^ M. 7K M^ tarn tsiii toe.

ff f!l hang-t6, (delay) MM i^n Swan, 5c° 8,1° thien g&, =^ ^% h6ng
chhien. g6k.
Suspicion, ^ ^ gi^u-gi, M M ti gi, Swap, mm tiii oa''.

ground — pj ^ kh6-gi,
for, har- Sward, :^° if chhdu po-.
bour— ^° M t5a gi. Swarm, (of bees) kui ha°, kui ai,

Suspicious, (inclined to suspect) ^ (of people) •— 5 A tsit kun Mng,

to-gi, (liable to suspicion) pj"
^ to — , as bees, tau kui ai, (as peo-
kh6 (jealous) |g :^khun liun.
gi, ple) oe oe tin tin.
Sustain, (as a foundation the super- Swarthy, o' tsiii lo, Mi M^M o'

structure) ffi ts^i, (as a beast a khi c khi.

load) •^ pe, (as a rope a weight) eng p6- pau, (bind*
Swathe, M "1^ 'sL

® tsai, (nourish) 1^ ^
chhi, with a bandage) Ul tsat.

ig # p6e i6ng, (aid) i? |!j pang- Sway, (rule) ti-li, ^#tsidng ^@

tsan, ^m hA ts5-, (suffer) ^ kodn, (wave) i6 pdi, (in- ^H
tng, ^^ tarn tng. fluence for good) 51° :1:° ^° #°
Sustenance, ^ ^° iu"-chhi, (food) in-chhoa kia" h6, (influence for
-f^ :t he sit, H :fr jit sit. evil) 51 ^ fT° #§ in-iii ki^" iii

Sutler, ^° if" b6e pan- ti6h.

Suture, (Surgical) ^°
kap chhiii. Swear, 5E
!^ # tsiii-tsoa, %. # boat se,
Swab, ^W p6- chheng, to—, ffl ^" .3:tt lip se, — at, tsiu ts6- lo^
W eng p6'-chh6ng s6e.
J5E° me, 5E Si tsiii chhkm.
Swaddle, M° eng p6- ^Q
Swagger, g 1^ tsti ko, (bluster)
Swearer, 31 ^° tsiii-tsoa 6, pro-
fane— 3t m° ^° tsiii-chham t. ^
II hdng th&u, bully, fj ^ 7K sdi Sweat, ff k5a°, cold—, ?& ff chhin
sek tsiii. koa°, to—, m fF Mu koa", W ff
Swaggerer, g ^ 6^ tsu ko e. boat koa°.
Swain, (a rustic) [Ij Jft A soa" tiu° Sweaty, (moist with sweat) -Ji" ff
lElng, ^ -f A hiu° e Mug. j1° Mu koa" tarn, (laborious) M
Swallow, (a bird) M° ^° Y-i, (the ij ti6h lat.
gullet) m°m na at, to—, # thun, Swede, ^ Ji a ^ A Sui-tien kok e
^°Pei° 16h au,—water, m
as fish, 14ng.
7K° gap tsiii. Sweden, ^MM Sui-ti^n kok.
Swallowed, M ''01 k^ ^u. Swedish, Q M E ^^ Sui-tien kok ^.

Sweep, i§ sau, —
off, as by a wave, Swerve, (deviate) #,° chhoah.

m&^ koah khi Mi, —

ofF, with Swift 1 kin, iM° "K kin tsiap M M
the hand, ^° Ji° chhiii sau, a new Swiftly Vkhoai, (nimble) f^i m°


broom sweeps
° Swiftness J li&m-tsidp, to hear, #°
clean, if ^1° ^f
sin sim-pCi s6e tsku hidh.
^° g^u thia°.

Sweeping, ^^ .teh sau,^ —

the Swifter, m° M° khah kin.
Swiftest, ±° siang kin. M
ground with the dress, |^° ^° M
sui th6" kha.
Swill phun, to J8 koan, — , W.MM
Sweepings, M^ ptin-s6.
tit tit

Sweet, Ifl ti", (fragrant) 1=° phang,

Swim, M siia, head— m° m K° th&u
khak hin, (float) ^^° ph<i.
(as sounds) ^ It ± h6-hai 6 ^
Swimmer, }0 siu 6.
sia", (not salt) M
tsi^°, (gentle)

a It un-sftn, very—, fi'^ ^ ti°

Swimming, M" ^S teh siu, of the —
but but.
head, BI" K° th^u khak hin. %
Sweet-bread, ih.^ Swimmingly, M sun siin, ^ M ho M
Sweet-briar, M ft^^ gokt kui hoe.
sun, M
VS sun liu.

W m° soah ti°, W ?t° l^h
lut i^ k6ai, Iku.
kong kun, J^ ^ koai
kun, lut-d.
Sweeter, |£ M khah ti^
Sweetest, ± M siang- ti°, :iP - Sti te Swine, Jt ti.
Swineherd, 11 ?t m° k6- ti 6.

W chhiu" p6-. Swing, hi'"' chhien chhiu, M lo' ni

Sweet-flag, If
Sweetish,m M° khui. ti"
hit, m^°m°^ M i6 i6 khi, —
Sweetmeats, M U th:ag liau.
the arms, hi'' chhiu, ship —with
Sweetness, fft ti"".
the m° m° B° m° tstin te l^u

#° tng, M° ^° SS° tsftn Mu the.

Sweetpotatoe, ff han tsA.
Swinger, (one who swings) ^T^II
Sweetscented # ^ phang bi. ^° phah chhiu chhien 6.
Sweets, 11° ff^thfig-d.
Swinish, m° ^1° ?t chhin-chhiu" ti,
Sweet-william, M° M tso^n ji6ng.
Swell, (as tumour) M° ts^ng, M
(gross) II fS chho--si6k.

hang (on the sea) B° W a—, eng nia°. Switch, to— bdt, W° sut
— pi".
a—, 11°

Swelling, (protuberance)
'M tsit liii, (as on leg) m° ts^ng, Switzerland, ^±S Sui su kok.

(as sails with wind) :ft° & tsiih Swivel, m M li^n tsoan.
hong, (as anything soaked) i5I°
Swollen, m° tseng, M li^™-
tiu", (as a river) tiong, m
(dilate) Swoon, ^* sit khi, ft * hun khi.

Swoop, bokh, ba.

m i" till" toa.
Sword, |i] kikm, 7i to, blade of a—,
Swelter, m bip-
swo SYM
Jf ^ to bah, edge of— ^
Symptomatic, of weakness, |i° ;t.°,
7J to —
chhiii, back of a JJ to p6e, — ,

lAm ^ khodn. ^
— exercise, M
7] bii to, put to the Synagogue, ^° hoe-tng. #
— m°7JM°m eng to thai bi^t, Synchronism, fg°fl# ;t°*'' iSF°siang
draw the — , i^° J] piiih to. si 6 tai-tsi.

Sword-belt, M t6a. ^° kikm Synchronize, |^° flf t§,ng si.

Swordfish, M ^ kiarri'Soa. Synchronous, |^° tang si. ^

Sycamore, ^° # ^° sng ts4i chhiu Syncope, (fainting) i° hiin-khi. ^
Sycee, ^ ^ oan-p6. Synod, iz #
tai hoe.
Sycophancy 11 ph&- sdng, f|
) Synonym, (g°
Sycophant [ph6--tha", #}C gfi,u po Synonymous,
i.° ^ M ?° si&ng e i jl

m°MM t^ng i-gi, |g°

Syllabic, ^ ^ hun im e. W;^ jg tang i-su.
Syllable, "g im. Synonymously, ^° M si4ng i.

Syllabus, :k ^ tai-li6k, ^M tai-i. Synopsis, :A: ^'g tai i.

Syllogism, ^ Wi chhui lun. Synoptical, M tai

:fz 6'&° i e.
Sylph, lilj sien. Syphilis, ^ ^ chhng-tok, ^ S
Symbol, SE ^ ki ko, # if; phi-ju, chhng-hong.
(a creed) ^M sin keng. Syphon, ItB thiu.
Symbolical, # Ij phi-ju. Syria, Sif ^J 35 Su-li-a.
Symbolize, have a resemblance, Syringe, 5!^° |f tsiii-tsuh. ^
la W sa" chhin chhiu", (make Syrup, ii° 7K° thSg tsdi.
representative of something) ^^ System, hoat,^of government, ^
•it phi-ju. g IK ^° kok ts^ng hoat,-^of
Symmetrical ^, @E tsiaii-phofe,
m geomancy, Ji 31 fi te-li boat,
Symmetrically |fi sii-phoe.
Symmetrize, "dg

12 ho-.i tsiku
(method) chhu-su, g| u ^^ ^^
phoe, ho- i kab chhah.
Systematic, u he 16h, ^° Tfi ^ u
Symmetry, ffi sii phoe, u kah chhii su, (logical) M°^^ sa^-Mm.
chhah. •

Sympathetic, 1 tf ffi g^u the thidp,

M If goan-tseng.
Sympathize, i$ Bfi the-thiap, ^g i^ '[f

sa"-goan ts^ng. Tabernacle, $1° ;g° tiii"-pang.

Sympathy, J^ '^ go&n-ts^iig. Table, ^° toh, —cloth, ^° rfl toh
Symphonious,. fn If ho kun, round—,
^^ 1° toh, dining
Symptom, # sfe, -g ||° s^-bln,— of — ^°M°i$ tsidh png toh,
, —boy,-
disease, ^^ pF se, (indication) ^°W m° p4i toh e, m b6e, f ^fg
*H tsi. #° tsoe b6e e.
Table-eloth, ;fj| rtJ toh kun. Tailor, ^H chhai-h6ng.
Tablet, M° p&i, covered—, ^&° htm. Tailorbird, ^°^° ff" bang tang A.

p^h, (small table) ^ ^° toh-d, Taint, (infect) oe to* ti6h, putrid

ancestral —
/t! i° b6k-tsii, M i
substances— the air, M:° %° i|°^°
sin commemorative — M
tsii, ,
p^i, JH° chh^u mih chhfeng ti6h hong,
— over the door, B P^i pi^n. ){$ (stain) ^° ^° bak ti6h (pollute)
Tabret, |$ ff° k6- A.
%° a"" u ti^u u t6a°. Tainted,
W ^° i^° il° bak ti6h m-sam.
Tabulated, :^° m ^sit ^ hi, ^° %. tsodh bl,
Tabor, >I^ M
si6 k6-, (as meat) Hf ^ tsiet bi, (as air)
Tabular, (laminated) jft° If >i=° tsi^" :ft° f^ chhau bi.

kui phi", —statistics, ili S° tiau Taintless, (as air) '^ chheng, (as
toa'^, 1^ @ ti^u bdk. meat) SJ°»°h6h6-.
Tacit [ (silent) WW tseng tseng. Take, j^° th^h, —up with pincerSj
Tacitly ) — consent, M ^'fCi i-sii lin. ng6eh, care, — M° W soe ji, -ff M
Taciturn )
^° S ^ b& gi^n sA, iJ/° — off, as hat, —
liii, off as clothes,
Taciturnity jW ^ tsi6 gi&n su. 1:° thng, —up, W kidh, —off as
Tack, (nail) ft fJ-" teng-a, (of ship) things, J^° thng, the responsi- —
ig° K=° odt phi", to— as a ship, bility, ^°^°
tse tlu, —leave of
khau ts<in, (a dress) ti6. ^ 1^ S'J li-pi^t, — in, J|S: siu, —break-
Tackle, (rigging and apparatus of a fast, ^°^-°% tsidh ts4 —
ship) # §g° ^ tsAp soh lo-, =f )f away, ^ tu, —soundings, ^ •)Y-°

(machine for raising weights) M° thkm tsiii, —as city, i'S° j^^ phah
chhien kun chhin, (seize) ^.°li4h. sia", ^° ^, hoat-ji^t, —a
Tackling, (of a ship) il i^ tsdp ^ cold, ^ M kdm ti6h hong, —

soh lo-, (harness) ^° ,^°pe b^. too easy ;tfe % h6ng h6ng, —place
Tact, m°U°^°Wl° thiu bdk tsai of il #° t^ng th6e, together, —
tang. -fi- ^ hdp-kiong, —
an inventory,
Tactician, ^°m^^° gau tho li6k ifi
;^° tiam he, —off discount, ||f

^, S° it BS ^° g^u b6- li6k ^. tsiet, —back, ^" th6h t6

SI ffi°

Tactics, (military) bd" UW tsifen, tfig, — away as things on a table,

g Il!§ b6- li6k, -^ M :^ f* un eng JKC siu, —the ink, ^° m° ^° tsiah
peng boat. ti6h bdk, care of one's health, |^

Tadpole, % ff ° m° kiii 4 hi. ^ tiau i6ng.

Tael,^M° niii".
Taking, (as a person) A"^" tek #
l^ng (in appearance) ^°
Taffeta, m kin. thia",

u l^ng
Tag, m ff ° khieti d. A° i^ i6n.

^ ^°
Taiwan, :^° fe° T5a ta". Taker, m° «° th^h ^, thief-,

Tail, M° be.
p6- idb, ,t|
i^ U khoai.
Talc, m ^°^°
hAn bii tsi6h. Tally, tia,— man, M #° koan » ^
Tale, (that which is told) ^ gi° fi5° ti<i d, to—, Wi tui.

s6- kong 6, (a romance) »h si4u Talon, Sjidu^ M

soat, (ancient stories) "6' k6-, to Tamable, |g° 13° ^° 6e chhi koai ^
relate ancient —
|g° -^ k6ng k6-, , tit.

(a story) S'kd-, if K sin-bun. Tamarind, a-sam.

Talebearer, m° m° m° 6h 6e 6, Tambour, |^ ff ° k6'-d, ( a frame for^
E°-^°6S° kisi-koek6ng. working embroidery on ) j^ ^
Talent, JR ^ pun-su, M :i' tsfi-i-tiau. sill kui.
Talented, ^^ ;$ ^ u piin-su, W :f 13 Tambourine, M° ^ tsi°-k6-, play
u tsai-tiau. the—, m° m° Wt lang tsl^-kd".
Talisman, ^ ht. Tame, (mild) JS M un slin, (accus-
Talismanic, ^ 6^° hA e, ^ -^15 ^° tomed to man) chhi koai, (spi-
khu sia g. ritless) ^°jl$,° si bdi (to reclaim
Talk, f%° kong oe,
fS*^ —incessantly, from wildness) M° U° & ^ chhi
ngduh-ngduh liam, MmM tsap- ho- i koai, (to subdne) ^ ka
tsdp k6ng, M ;§: tsdp-liam,— koai.
proudly, M° Jz° Wi° k6ng toa 6e, Tameness, afe koai.
— scandal, keng-th6e, § ^° pbi- Tamper, (bribe) he-soeh.
siii-,— at random, ig ^ 18° h6--t6- Tamsuy, i^ :^ tam-tsiii.
k6ng, — ironically, k6ng-siet, — in Tan, i SL° hoan-ph^, (colour) ^°
sleep, -^ SS ^° ham-bin k6ng,— ^ tsang sek, (by esposure to
idly, #T° ^ m Pbah chhW k6-, sun) H m° jit phdk.
full^° g-" ts6e-6e.
of—, Tangible, (thing) tt° m° 64° 5e
Talkative, ^° W° tspe-oe, ^° [^ :^° bong tit, ( idea ^° 6e ti6h.
kau chhiii-hoe, ^° ^° to-chhiii. Tangle, in jA, f* m°M°jn chhidng-
Talker, .good—, :t° W |g ti gi^n-sH, chhidng.
a great— , ^°=°i:°A° tsoe 6e Tank, g? ^ tsiii-kui.
6 lang.
Tall, (as person) ^°
Tanner, m &° rI° .^ ho^n ph6 sai
16, (as thing) hii.
ko&i". Tannery, B &° m° hoan ph6 kek.
Taller, (person) khah \b, (thing) Tan pit, ^ &i0i tsim phg khut.
m° W khah ko^i". Tansy, (wild) ^ # si4 bii.
Tallest, (person) siang 16, (thing) Tantalize, phah sit heng, (tease)
±° ^° siang-koai". siet Idng.
Tallow, fiff ill,— candle, rgf ^ iH-tsek, Tantalizing ^
^ phah sit b^ng.'®
. candler, il° ?ft j^° j^^ ^° khui iii Tantamount, (equal to) 3^° pi".
tsek tiam ^.
Tantrums, ^
'^ boat sene.

Tan.vat, ?t &° M ts\m-ph& ti. sit kim thiu.
Tan yard, @ &•" ^° ho^n ph^ k^k. Taro, 3^ 6-.

Tao-kuang, JH 315 To kong.

Tarpaulin, fS^'it^ td"-mA" \A p6*.
Tap, fa pipe with a cock) MM
tsiii Tarry, ft= tiam, ^° hioh, (delay) M
lau, (to broach) §^° khui, (knock i3° ien clihien.
at ta° kha, —for dropsy, M° 3?° Tart, m° sng, (as words) m°M° A°
pkng tsiii. 6e chhak l&og, (a pie) tat.
Tape, ^° tok, silk—, B ^° si toa. Tartan, (cloth) #, Jgg^P$° ki po^" ni".

Taper, m° ff ° tsek A, to—, l|S:° 1° Tartar, (Manchu) MW A° BoAn-

liu b^. , tsiu lang, (Mongol) ^ tSi A° Bong
Tapering, gradually — , J^ sok, i^ k6- l&ng, crystals of-—, M ^ J©
^ sok tsiam. tsiii tsi6h ikva.

Tapestry, M tsi° tiiu.

Tartarean, M tlji° 65° te-g^k g.

Tapeworm, pi| i.° bun thang, ^° &. Tartaric acid,

^° pbii t6 tsu, W^
bin tb&rig. Tartary, Ji j'll Bo4n-tsiu.
Tapioca, •pJfMM chhd i bi. Tartish, th° ^^ si6 kh6a sng,W
Tapir, &° |5 peh pa. ^°^°M^ lioh-a sng.
Tartness, sng.
Tapster, MM pI° -^ kek tsiii sai hu.

Tar, 1 il tdm & iu.

"^ Task, a — , X° ^ kang tia", (work)
Tarantula, 3^^ ^° la gi^. XM kongkh6, X°M° kang-khe,

Taraxacnm, M &^ p6" kong eng. (toil) ^" ^° ti6h-b6a.

Tardily) (slow) it ban, s6, (late) Taskmaster, # X° ^° tok kang e.

Tardy j ^° oa°, (dilatory) 1° li° Tassel, ^° chhiu, la -of cap,

gfi.u chhien, g§,u s6. a: i|^^ bo-ia".


Tardiness, (slowness) W ban, si6 Tastable, tt° ^° ;^° oe tsiah

si6, (dilatoriness) #°
3S° g^u khoa" tit.

chhien, g^u s6, tt It ban ban, Taste, M m bi, j^° \^ tsu-bi, P^ ti bl-

s6-, bad— ^° % phAi" bi, ^° 8^

5i° i^n chhien.
Tare, &° m° pb& tang. bdi-bi,fine—, 3^ 5^ khA-bi, —with
Tares, m° phoe. finger, tam, tam-khok", (try by

Target, |£° p6, —for gun, S«°|B° eating) ^°M^ tsi^b khoa", have

chheng p(i, for arrow ^° |B° tsi° the— of, W°* u bi, this has the

—of garlic, itUM^^ tsi* e u

Tariff, fj ^J tsek le. sokn-A bi, a man of—, of discern-

m° t^m toe. ment, ^°mm^ beng— li, ;t^ ii #

Tarn, J^

m°^° bak ti6h, —one's


u thong thiet, (a bit) ° W tsit tfe,

rj° sio kh<5a, let him have a

reputation, m°m^^°^° bak ti_6h

mia° sia", (make dim) ^# 5^° —of this bread, M" H— -°^°
# :fr ^° tse mi" pau tsit te bo- i

tsi^h khoa°. ?aunting}si^*'l-S-g^"'g^^^-«i^^

Tasteful ) # ^' # u kbi^u biaii, 1^° Tau-tai, jf ^ to-t^i.

Tastefully ^
If u kbiku sin, sbe Tautological,
£ ^ ti6ng bok.
dresses very—, ^° ^° Jh St ° ^° Tautologist, 1:
^ ^ ±° A° ti6ng bok
i cbbeng cbhab put-tsi kab-cbbab. ^ 14ng.
Tasteless, §1 tsid", W^Wi, b6 bl- Tautolgy, M° ^° f^° kau ji-sdi, 1
s6-. ^ tiong bok.
Taster, 'Bf g° #° tsi4b kbo^" L Tautopbonic verses, ^° un ji ^ ^
Tasty, (good) ji° kah cbbui, si. ^ m
Ks6ng-kbd,u, (elegant dress) ±° Tavern, IS tsiii tiaiij, bill of M —
|£° tsiu"-tsng. fare, ||° cbbai toa", keeper, H —
Tatter, Wi° ii.° phoa-sng, torn into ^° kbui tsiii tiam fe. ^°mm
— E!l° ^ phoa cbbui, — de-ma- ?::dSy}?2°i»°t-t-t.

lion, l&m-Mi.
Tawny, o" bo4° ^ng.
Tattered, Efe° JIf pbok hoa, ^ il° Tax,
land—, m° W tsf-niTi", cus-
tom's—, Wi hibag, bouse—, JSIE
Tattle, ^° m° ff° m° k6ng ^ng-d 6e.
Tattler, ^° ^ ^° 6b 6e g, U^ bo"-
te-tso-, collect land — ,
JJft ^ ^%° siu
su, ;?;° i?° %° boe kbAg oe.
tsl^-niu" pay land—, ^ i|° *|^°

oan tst"-niti'', receipt for land—,

Tattoo, ^]° cbbiab. ^° il° # tsi^-niCi" hu.
Tauism, jE Ife to kau. Taxable, (as land) §g° fffl U° "^ oe
Tauist, — priest, Jt ± to-su, 51° ±° tbiu s^ tit, (as goods) tg° |}7° f|^
sai-kong, — cbarm, jE° ±° ^ sai #° oe pbab bi6ng tit.
kong bla. Taxation, }ffl 1^° tbiu se, $fi bi6ng.

Tea,^° te,—leaf, ^° ^° tS bi6b, ^° JJJ tS sim.
Ankoi tea, ^ -E° ^° An-kboe te.
Bobea „ ^° Bii i t^. MM
Fycbow „ m W ^° Teng-tsiu tg.
Green „ |i° 35° Mk t&.
Gunpowder tea, >J>° JJ sio tsu, '^ ^ tsi tsu.
Hyson, old „ EB gi° bi-pb6.
Hyson, young tea, W M u. tsi^n.
Hyson skin „ ^° :^° phg t^.

Oolong „ j^ II o--li6ng.
Pekoe „ ^°m p^b b6.
Pekoe, plaii) orange, |3 S si^ng hiong.
Pekoe, scented, ^|i # lioa hiong.
Congo, X^ kang-hu.
Congo, caper, ^M
^l° seng chhun koe.
Congo, scented caper, tsu Mn.^W
Congo, Taysaam, :^ \li tai san.
Pouchong, H@
Souchong, >J^ ®
si6 tsiong.
Souchong caper, ^ ^ si6ng-tse.
Inspect tea, g° ^° khoa" t^.

Fire „ >):p ^ chhd te, i^ ^° pe t^.

Flower used in scenting tea, i^ Yl° kui hoe.

Pack tea, E ^° tsng tfe.

Gather tea leaves, ^° chhai t^.

Mat tea boxes, H W° &° pau chhi6h phe.
Chest of tea, — W
^° tsit siu° te.
Half chest of tea, fY S fl ^° jih go- siu" te.

Make tea, M. ^ tsoa° t&.

Late season tea, }f ^S

ah tang te.
Bring some tea, 15° :^° 2R th^h te lai.
Canister of tea, :^° <iJ» t^ sim koku.M
Small chest of tea, m° ^° si6
>J.° siu" te.

Hand about tea, $ ^° hong te.

Tea boy, ^ ft tS lau.
„ caddy, ^° 11° t& dh.

grounds, ^° *& t6 sim ^ffi" phoh.
„ siftings, ^° ^° te boah.

„ dust, ^° 5j5° t^ boah.

„ kettle,^ iJ te k(5-.

„ poy, /I W ff° ki toh a.

„ cup, :^° M te au.

,, saucer, '^ ^ t^ poe.
„ tray, 3i?° li° te po^".
„ man, ^° §° te kheb.
„ muster, ^° M t6 pan.
„ harvest, ^^ %° t6 tang.
The tea season this year is very early, ^° #:"'
^ §° ^ ?-° kin ni te

tang tsin tsd.


The Packing hongs in Amoy, M° fT %" 8£° ^° A° E-mfig te tsng
6 lang.
The Packing hongs in Tamsuy, M JifC^^
^° i3t^ ^1° A° Tana-tsui te
tsng 6 l&ng.
What is the name of this chop, life f@ ^' S ^° ^° ^ tsit I t^ sim-
mih ji ho.
I think this price will stand, n° n° ^° ^° M° M° tg° #^ g^a phah
sng tsit e kh oe tiall.

Show me the tea musters, ^' i? ®° 2|£ 1° t^ pan th^h Mi khoa°.

Ask the tea boy, f^ W Wyou mng tS lau.
If you mix spurious tea, will spoil the sale, in the future,
m iu° mm b
^° fr ^°m :t° ^m^i na thaii soa" lo-, pdt jit
li oe phah phdi" li e seng II.

How many chests are in the market? :g M° 11° S° ®° iff BS u kiii

siu" t6 ti koe chhi nih?
How many half chests are still in the market? ^ W° ^ M° +t S°
11° 3?' ^£° ffi° iff V)i idu u tstn kiii jih go- siu° te ti koe-chhl nih
Is thereany spurious tea mixed with this, iHj° 1P° ^° '^° M ]ll° M
^° tsit 6 tS u thaii soa" l6- b6 ?
How many half chests did the Hailoong bring over in the last trip
from Tamsui? M M M" m mM
i^/* m 11°^°+^ 35.°^° t^ng
t6 tslin Hdi-li&ng tui Tam-tsiii tsai joa tsoe jih go* siu".
The Amov Chamber of commerce for bids more than 10 per cent of
broken leaf, M° fT iS «t -° "B" ff # ^
i§ +° .Jf :t° S£° E ^ U
mrig Siong hoe-koAn kim, tsit pah kun b6 kh tsdp kun & chho"
Broken leaf, IB. ^° chho' phoa.
Slack packed teas, ^° ^° 7 ^° ^° t^ tsng liAu b6 tsdt.
The teas are very dusty, ^°
jJuW t^ put tsi sap.

The teas are very good this year, '^°^°^° ^ ih iS^ kin ni te put tsi h6.
Teas mixed with spurious tea, ^^ llj° p t^ chham soa" Id-.
The teas this year are of inferior quality, -^ ^° ^° |jj° ^ kin nl t&
khah su.
The first teas have arrived, if ^^ §if sin te kau.
When did the first tea arrive if ^° H° f||° PJ° sin tS ti si kku.
There be great loss on tea this year,
ni te oe toa sih piin.
^ ^°^° fg iz° %° ;^ kin

Teas will sell well this year, ^ ^°^ tg° !^° fg kin ni te oe u siau.
The market is very brisk now, jlfc fl#°.^^ Zit^^m tsit tidp tS put
tsi u siau. ^ ^
Teach, ife° ka, m° ffi kk-si, —a sod", ^° i^° t^ng-sok".
school,m° m° ka-6h. Telescope, ^ g ^° chhien-li kik".
Teachahle, m° Wi° ^° oe kk tit, pJ" Tell, Br k6ng, —lies, 11° &° WT
M" thang^kk. k6ng-peh-chh4t, 'M vSt h6--soat,
Teacher, school —% ,
^° sien si". — fortunes, ^'B inr° siong-mia", —
Teal, th^ m '?J>C° 11 s6e 6 tsui ah. tales, J|L°
|S° 6h-6e.
Team, — W ° tsit tin. Teller, ^°^°k6ng^, fortune— *°
Teamster, M° ^ chhia hu. ^° % ^° khoa" mia" sien-si",—
Teapoy, jri ^ ki-toh. of stories, W "& k6ng k(V.

Tear, "g" j¥° bdk-sdi, to—, fjf thiah, Temerity, W. 85° gong-ta".
^ li, —to pieces, tff^ m° thiah- Temper, '{4 Ji s^ng-te, )& ft sim-
phoL s^ng, ^° phiah, bad—, ^ ft Ife

Tease, |ij f^ chh6ng-ti, M^ kai- phai" seng-te, fiery—, >lt" 'K h^-
chhdi, t6-tidp. seng, mix in due proportions, f3
Teat, |L° m° leng-th^u, %° m° Hn- ^ tiau h6.
thlLu orifice of — ?L^° lengchhng. Temperament, -^ s^ng, ^ ft phin
Technical, words, g !^ ;t° -g ep7 kok sfeng, he is of a hasty—, # ^ ^°
hak tsi giSn sfi, medical — phrases, •^ i si kin seng.
Wf^t°^ W i hoat g kii-tau. Temperance, W 15° tsun-tsat, in
Technicality, # i¥ i: "i" ^ kok hdk drinking, if 15° t^° tsiin tsat lim.
tsi gi&n-sli, (of medicine) HS
Temperate, fS ffi tsiet-iong, Wi M°
:2:° fS° i hoat ^ oe, (of astronomy) khiam-eng, Ji Wi° tsiin-tsat.
^tC^BS° thien biln e oe, Temperature, %% # ban sii sut, S ^
i.mW thien b(in § gidn sti. of the body, ji^t, what is the %
Tedious, %° tak-tt", (slow) thoa- —of his body, ^t.°mm°^'^^
thih, |?|° T Jl h6 lidu-tsi^t, (talk) ji^t kui bun, what is the of —
^° ^° thoa-soa. Amoy today, ^^°^m^^M
Teem, M° ^ u-si«, &° si", (abound) ^ kin-d-jit E-m^g ha.n su tsiam
^ ^° tsin-tsoe, :fe°
0° E° toa kiii bun.
si k6e. Tempest, M M hong-thai.
Teeth, i^ tf" chhui-khi. back—, W Tempestuons [^ ii S tsin tluiii

^° %° au-tsan khf, grow—, W !! Tempestuonsly hong, (

JE m Wm
®° hoat chhui-khi. hong ha hu hdu, Ji, M hong liet.

Teetotum, H {J° li^n-d. Temple, ^° keng, M tien, ^° m°

Tegument, &° phS. keng-bi5, (of head) i| j§° pin-

Teil-tree, ^ Ji ©° ph6- th& chhiu. pi", ancestral — MM , ts6"-bi6, ii!

Telegram, m° W
Sfc° t^ng-sok" phoe.
Jf ts6--chhii, —of Confucius, "X
Telegraph, %
^l tien-p5, ||° tien- ^ M' bftn-bio.

Temporal, (affairs) si6k-su.^^ (easily broken) i^°ai° khah chhe,
Temporarily, flf g
tsiam-si. Tenderly, (love) ^^ thia°-th^ng,
Temporary, ®
flf tsiam-sl. ij M l^k-ai, (gently) M' m° ff
Temporize, H fl# fij gin si ts6-gi. khin-khin-d.
Temporizer, M MBM° sM Id ^ Tendon, ^ kun.
eng pien ^. Tendrils, S° cbbiu.
Tempt, (try) U° cblii, U'' 'M chlii- Tenebrotis, (dark) Bf am, (gloomy)
lien, (to evil) ^\W^W, in-iii be Pf Bt am am, ,^ ^ 6- am.
Tenements, /f ^ chhii-th^h.
Temptation, ^ ^l^ chhi lien, — to Tenets, JE 31 to-li.
evil, 51° m ff° ^° in id kia° phdi°, Tenfold, +° ^
mm he hek. Tennis, ^J° M
Tempter, U ^ ^° chlil lien g, to

evil, 51 If A° fT° ^°#° ii iii Mng Tenon, sdn.

ki4" phdi° e,ii ii A fT° ^° ^° bg Tenor, :;lt ig tai-i, (purport) M M>
b^k Mng kia" pbdi" g. 1 su.
Ten, +° tsAp + sip. Tense, (not lax) 4n.
Tenable, tg° ^ ^° 6e siii tit. Tent, :^ m p6--pi".
Tenacious, #° |tf° g^u kbi", —of Tentacle, A°M°;t°tt° th^ng th5a
one's rights, #° it ^° g^u kek fe chhiu.
sig, a —memory, H % ^ h6 ki Tenth, H +° te-tsAp, nine—, -f* §\
tl, (sticky) ?^ $^ liam-liam. JL tsap 6 kdu,
Tenant, ^ /f ^° se chhh-g, —of a Tenthly, H +° te tsdp.
shop, ^ jS ^° se tiam —of a 6, Tenuity, m° p6h.
farm, fH ^ tien-ho- Tenters hooks, tXWi^ bdrig-ta kau.
Tenantable, W fl 1^° oe tso- tit. Tepid,
f° m° '^ poa" sio l^ng, la-
Tenasserim, ^. Tiin^ siin. lun-sio.
Tench, :t ,fi. cbhau hi. Tepo, n.° ^° p6-tiii^ —stamp, j&°
Tend, jg ^° p6e-iu°, #5$ jg tsai-p6e, W" M p6-tiii"-chh6k.
—cows, ng m ^° ^° M ^°
gu, k6- Tergiversation, s° M° M°
tseng-si". k6ngtiiipatui khi, t4°tiii pdt hapg,
Tendency, ^ ki ftf Term, (boundary)
ho-", —to g-et kai, (limited ^
sick, ^-^ ai-pi°, feverish ifi° time) —
fl# ban
si. (word; J? ji. U
M he-kbi, —to swelling, of the (call) \^° ki6, P? chheng ho", m
throat, m>A:° tham he. the— of life — IS A tsit si Mng,
Tender tsi", |Jt° nng,
) affec- —
a— of the year, B° tsoeh, (a con-
Tendernessftion, MM tsii-pi, (nau- dition) 'If ^ tseng h&ug.
tical) MMM rxn-niu''-tsun, (for Termagent, #°^^ chhiah-tsa-b6v
contract) keh (as skin) ^° p6h, M Jf phoat-hu.

Terminable, ^° m%° oe ban tit, ^ Testament, (will) ^° ^ ui-tsiok,

M thang ban. old—, S^ kii-iok, new—, ^ $5

Terminal, 1° 6^° be L sin iok.
Terminate, ,W soab, % ^ o^n-ki6k. Testate, •g" it * Iau <ii su.

Termination, ^§ ^° kiet-b^, (act of Testator, ®° Jt # i:° A° l^u ui-su

concluding) ^^ soab, (ending, as ^ lang.
of a word) J%° hi. Testatrix, -g" 5I « i:° Jf A A° laH
Terminus, (a boundary) i^. §?. keng iii su ^ bu jin l^ng.
kai, iK° mM°nm m° ^°m^ Testicles, ^h° # goa-sin, P M° lan-
b6 bun cbbia lo* tsin tb&,u. S s6"-
biit, m° ^° sien-tsi.
Testify, =f- fJE kan-tseng.
Termites, ]& ^ peh-bia.
Termless, (boundless) *| M bli ban. rr, ,
^ ^ kau kb6e.
Testy j

Terrace, m pi°, ?£° * boe-tai, Testimonial,

^^ ji, wben tbe teacber
wooden — ,
;fE iI9-pan-pi". left, be asked me to give him a —
Terraqueous, 7K ± 6^° tsiii tb6" e.
w.° m° ^° ^° *° p ^° ^° tt -°
Terrestrial, J&° 19° toe ^, —globe, 51° ^° hit e sien si'' kbi i ka g6a
% M te-kiu. th6 tsit tiu" ji.
Terrible, W" M° thang-kia°, 11° m" Testimony, ^F if kan-ts^ng, give —
kia" bia", m^^ hi6ng kki kai.
M° ^
SE ts6e kan ts^ng, bear a
Terribly, mM.m hidng kai kai, m° — , M° 5: ^ ts^e kan tseng.
m° kia°-bia". Tetanus, m '^ V^ M° M cbbui kbi
Terrific, #° A° W° 5^° bo- mng ka fi,n ^n.
thang kia".
Tete,—a tete, M M tui tarn, !• It°
Terrify, 11° A° kiaMang. tui k6ng.
Territory, M° :#° t5e-bng. Tether, ^° pak.
Terror, JS°

kia° bia°.
A° 11° '^° bo- lang
Tetragon, 0° ^ ^ kak b^ng.

kia° bia,".
Tetrahedron, n° '^ M si kak t6-.
Terse ffl ) H k4n-tsiet, M S kdn- Tetrarch, ^ ^ i° g ^ bun hong ^
Tersely iau,) ^ cbbiet-iau.

Tertian, H° H -° ?JC° sa"^ jit tsit

Tetrasyllable, 0^ ^° si im ji.

pai,-ague, H° H "° ^° ;^° S° Tetter, M sien.

koa° ji^t pi° Text,

1° t6e, 1° 01° t6e-thau.
li ?^° sa" jit tsit pdi ^,
Tertiary, M
H° te sa°. Texthand, :k° '?° # « toa ji khai su
Test, (a person) cbbiiii, (try) | Textile, li Sf tsit g.

7^° cbbi-kboa°,^a steelyard, ii Textual, 1° @° 69° tog bdk e.

^g° kab cbbin. Texture, Jfr sin, 1^° bah, (of cloth)

Testaceous, W° 65° u kbak e. ^ ^#p6--sin.

Than, it pi, better— tins, J* jlf;° W Them, f&°in.
^° pi tse

khah h6, more — one, Theme, m° tde, M° @° t6e-bdk, 1°
^° {a° ° /||j° mna tsit^, more FI° t6e-thau.
—a year, m° *d°-°^° khah ke Themselves, -ftli" i° E° in ka-ki.

tsitnt". Then, ^° M° hit-tidp, fife°fl# hit g},

Thank, ^ g|j' kam-sia, g|J to-sia, kidu, (afterwards) ^ ^° ji^ri-au, ^° 3^

K $$ hui-sin, you, ^ Wl W° to-sia auMi.
li, kiau-li. Thence, i S^° tiii hia.

Thankful ]i 1. kam-un, §}
Thenceforth, Si° flt° £t ^° hit tidp
Thankfulness [ sia-un. i au, a ^° I-au.
Thankless, i* M 1, b6 kam-un,. ¥ Theodolite, 5c° >R° thi" chhioh.
,1. ko--un, ,§, b6ng-un. Theology,
,i, jji$
Ji sin to.
Thanklessness, ."g ,f. ^ H bdng un Theorem, Wt M siet sti, 1 ffit i:° ^°
poe gl, •a ,i. hu un, ^ ^ sU b6 phi lun S oe.
kam sia. Theory, (speculation) ijji jg° sim
ThankofFering, m M< i° ^ sia un siu", (exposition of general prin-
ciples) m M li-khi,— of music,
Thanks, ^^
kam sia, ^ H} to-sia. i^ ^° gak g li-khi. ®^
Thanksgiving, l£m kd,m-sia, ig 1. Therapeutic, ^"^ i hoat L ^^
kdm-un. There, ^£°^°ti-hia, hit-nih, hit-tah,
is not, tk M°p^ng-h6.
Thankworthy, |g° ;! @° ri H} oe
kham tit kd,m sia. Thereabout, $5 iok-li6k, ^ M^ ^
That, ^= chha-put-to, (in that plaice) K°
Sj° hit-6,—place, M° 0f
^£ hit s6--tsai, S° ^ hit-ui. Thereafter, iU ^° i au.
Thatch, m° ^° li^h-chhdu, m M Thereat, if in° jtb° tiii kn ni.
Thaw, m° ift", f& siau.
Thereby, ^ ^n° )H:° tiii kn ni.
Therefore, 0f iy s6--i.
The, m° ^° hit-g.
Therein, ^+
kl-tiong, ;S ^°tsai-lai.
Theatre, a :%° hi-tiH". Thereof, tSi° ^° hit S.
Theatricals, rf U^ poa"-hi, —dress,
Thereon, «£ tsiu.
mm hi h6k.
Thereupon, (on account of that) @
Thee, i^° li,

^ Sn°llt° in-ui an ni, (at once) 1°
fi°5x° thau th^h, (things fl#° liam pi".
stolen) |)£° tsng. Therewith, ^°^° Mrnpi", m tsiii.
^° er in-g.
Theism, ft W° ± ® u Siong t^.
Thermal, m" W
sio §, ^° fi^° ji^t^.
sin Thermometer, ^ ^J+ han-sii-tsiara.
Theist, i8^°±^ #° sin u Siong Thermometrical,
^^ ff- ft^° hin su
tsiam e. ,j
— ,°

These, |Hi° tse, Jtb° IH" tsit fe (in front flowers, ill san.
of us) m° 0" tsiah-g. Thine, IS° 6^ li ^.

Thesis, M @° t6e-bak. Thing, J^ mih, !i° #° mih-kia",

Thessalonians, epistle to the — , Bfi pawned — ,
^° M° tfig-thau, all —
MBBMik,°^° thiap-sat-16-ni- m W ban-mih, (affair) ^°ijf° tai-
ka 6 phoe. tsi.

They, lifc" in. Think, % siu", fi"" %° phah-sng, —

Thibet, If M Se-ts6ng. of, iS ;§! siku-liam, — deeply, ^
Thick j^ kau, (as people) tsdt,
) »& 16-sim, ^ i!i° chhim siu", —
Thickly [ —
as liquor, kh6, 16, ^ well of, ^° ±° @° khoa" tsiu" b4k,

woven, tsat, very Jl^° M° kau- — , (remember) tg°E°fi° oe ki tit,

lau, —
headed, il u-thii, (inti- M (meditate) H iS skm su.
mate) M° ia° s^k-sai. Thinner, (as person) $jc" ^ khah
Thicken, MA ^PM
chh6ng ho- i sdn, (as paper) W^ khah-p6h.
kau, (as paste) khi^n khah kh6. Thinnest, ±3(1^ si5ng-p6h, M— Si°
Thicker, M ^ khah-kau. te-it p6h.
Thickest, ±° Jit° siang-kau, ^— Third, % H°te-sa^ one— H°'t^—
^° te it kau. sa° hun it.

Thicket, -§1° ^° am-nr. Thirdly, ^ H° JR te sa"-hang.:

Thickness, Jlp° kau. Thirst, ^W chbiii-ta.

Thickskulled, W tun.

Thief, m° chhdt, ^^ ff° lau-d,— 's ihirsty''M^°^°'^^'""*"-

Thirteen, +° H° ts4p-sa".
h slang,m° ff &° chhdt-d-p6h.
Thieve, ^' m° thau-th^h.
Thirteenth, ^ +° H° te tsdp-sa^
Thirtieth, '^ H° +° te sa"-tsAp.
Thievery, f^° ®° thau th^h.
Thirty, H° +° sa^-tsap.
Thievish, ^ fi° ®° ai thau th^h.
^° 4-° —place, -^°
Thigh, :k° B toa-thiii,—joint, Mm This,
tsit-^,. jlfe°

%° 11 f koe-kak chhL
Thills, ir kng, (of sedan) m°W Thistle,
Thither, %.° hia, ;^°

W hit-nih, fii£°
^° tsiam-tsdi", ^° ^° hit-te.
Thimble, fl- Jt°
Thole, (of a boat) ^° {iff tsiii" tiam..

Thin >
(as paste) ka, (as person) ^"""S' «
K° W
""^ phS-tok.
F"- —
^ ^ heng-kham kut..

Thinly } ^ san, (as paper) %° p6h. Thorax, m°

M M ^°
(as hair) ^°soe, very
— (as per- Thorn, chhi, —bush, chhi-

son) ^°ififfl sAn thiu-thiu, very

—(as paper) ^° p6h H si, MU
Thorny, ^° $il kau chhi, (like a

beat—, m°M° tCii p<5h, to—, as thorn) n \% fl chliin cbliiu" chhi..

Thorough JjI thkn, (passing phai° peh-pidk.
Th or oughlj^j through) jiii°:*° Thrash, the rice, fSl — ^° siak-tiu.
th4u-ke khi, (complete) ^° ^° Thrashing, (floor) if ^° m.° i»°
tsi^u-tsng, a. — reformation, i[ ^ phah go* kak tili°.

i° m:°m° lip sit S k6e pi°, he does Thread, 4^° soa", cotton—, i?".^°
his work— P m° ^ ^"^ X° T> ]k se-sok", linen—, ^ ff B° toe-d-
^ J5 i ts6e i § kang put-tsi tseng- sok°, to — ,
'0° ff- chhng-tsiam.
kong. Threadbare, 11° tsau.
Thoroughfare, J§ ® l6--tng, a great Threat, M°71° pkng tiau. Pit hdng.
— , :k° ^ M° toa lo--tng, no— ^° Threaten, |fe° ::^ pang-tiau, ^ hdng.
l^ bo 16-. Threatening, m° M° <l° teh-p4ng-
Thoroughly, (completely) j1 J[g° tiau, (sky) 5c ^ j|E JH M thi" beh
thau-toe, ^spoiled, i§y!g°2?°thku khi hong-h5'.
t6e phdi". Three, H° sa°, H sam.
Thou, W ]i- Threefold, H° IS sa"-pe.
Though, Si I^ sui-bong, Si ^ sui- Threescore, :^° +° Idk-tsdp.
ji^n. Thresh, (as wheat) *r°^°pbah-beh.
Thought, ,g %° su siii", 15 ^ sim- Threshing, tf ^
teh phah-b6h, flail
su, ^, ^° liam-thiu, heaven knows M li&n-ki''.
my rising—, ft ;g 5c ^ ku Threshold, P^° m° h5-.teng.
liam thien the heart dare not Thrice,
2^ sa°-pai. H
cherish irregular *& St ^C —
, ^ ^
:§ khiam-sdng, IB Dt tsiet- ^
sim put k^m loan su. khiam (prosperity) heng. ®
Thoughtful, ^°jiMl u sim su, ^°
M° g^u-vsiu", (as a sermon) ||°W° ThriftUy '* k6--pun, S siii-ki. j
® ^
# l^ khah u kut-l6-. Thrill, m° chhoah.
Thoughtless 1§i 1§L hoAg hoig ^° Thrive,
) (prosper) RE heng-ong, ^
Thoughtlessly). 5 |f° b6-sim-koa'', as one's business, heng, — ^ —
>& J5T° ^
sim-koa" hong. as a tree, R£ 5ng.
Thoughtlessness, SH hong-hong, Thriving, (business) ^ M. beng-
is >J» )& b6 sio sim. ong.
Thousand, ^
chheng, ten —
Ig Throat, m° m° na-aii, seized by the,

chh6, ;^ ban about ten

tsia" chh6.
1^° i^ —
m° s6-au, lower part of—, Pi°
ii° ig° n^-ad tod, sing till the
Thousandth, |g —
=F° te it chheng. is quite hoarse, V^° —
ff ii£°P^°
Thraldom, (slavery) fifj" jjx ts6e chhiii" kau ^ tit au.
]o--p6k, he is in — to his vices, # Throb,.§i°toa^ ^fl thiu.-
^n& i\^ SI ho- 1 e Throe, -° m" m° tsit tsun thik^
a —
Throne, J^ &. tso-ui, royal—, &. ^ white necked — ,.
,^ iM o- ien, (a
. 6ng-ui, Imperial—, 3^° •© tbi"-ui, disease) & M p^h ko-
fl-SI tan pe, come to the, ^-fit Thrust, (with hand) M chhia, sak,
teng ui, ^© tsiap ui, sit on the — in, sak jip, — off, push away,
.^° -IS tse-ui, usurp the, S fi ^° *° chhia khi, —out, ^° koi",
chho^n ui, abdicate the — , ii fi S° ffi koa" chhut, (pierce) E°
the ui. chhdk, M° ts&n, through with —
Throng, a, ^ ^° A°
|$ i:° kui tin a sword, M° ff •i" eng kiam

6 tseng lang, to—, ^° 11° oe tsan khi.

khoeh. Thumb, ±° j^ m toa-p5--b^, i|° M
Throttle, (with a rope)
am, sAg-am, (with the hand) }4°
^fl° chhui- }f tsAg-thau-bu,— ring, m° W
pan tsdi".
M Bf° iiili ^"^ kui. Thunder, llAi,— peals, "1° lui W
Through, M
thau, i§° k^, (within) tan,— and lightning, ".1° fM ^^ W
^° lai, ^° g" lai bin, (by means llii tan sih-na, claps, chhe-liii, —
of) 'M "6* till i, (over the whole storm, mW ^m°
kbi.lui loh bo-
surface) M ^thau thau, he Thunderbolt, ^° liii tsiob. W
walked-^the whole kingdom, 'fi* Thunderclap, lui- W
il S KM^ i thong kok seh Thunderstone, ^° phek-lek- MS
thau thau, from beginning to end, tsi6h.

M° PJ >S th^u kau be, see— Thunderstorm, ft ^° m° khi lui m

thing, M° M^
khoa" thku thau, loh ho-.
I see—his plots, ^
65° tt ISc fis Thunderstruck, W° gong-ngiah. ^
*° MM i & ke bo- g6a khoa" th4u Thursday, m° pai-si. ^
thku, he came^the rain, -fi* S° Thus, ia° jlb° kn-ni, m° m° «a^ Ifb^
^° JJJ- i thau h5- lai. chhin chhiu" an-ni°.
Throughout, MM pi^n-pi^n. Thwack, fj phah.
Throw, m
hiet,mB hiet-kdk, tim, Thwart, ^° fjl phoa chlmi tsam, ^
pia°, —away, M. M° p^Qg Hhiet- fl-° ii phah-pai.
kak, ts6h hiet-kak, —
downwards, Thy, ^°fi5°li-^.
lui, (as dice) poah, —
in, as in a Thyme, A° #° :^° hoan lang #
. purchase, kah, (as in wrestling, phang chhAu.
M M i^n —away, to, reject, /f^. S° Thyself, ^° 1 a° li ka-ki.

m —up
tih, 1^" resign, si, away, Tiara, ft j!^ bi^n-liCi.

-one's time, ^•°Jp.°5BI^ phah-s£ig Tibet, Se-ts6ng. WM

kong-im. Tibia, >h° si6 thiii-kut. m#
Thrum, fi^ to&°. Tic, (twitching) }i' chhoah.

Thrush, IE Wt. hoe-bi, rock, o'-khit. Tick, (a) SJ,° sat, dog's—, J6| E kt'iu-

sat, to — , tih-taiih, on — ,
}^° sia. Tightness, ^n.
Ticket, 11° ii° toa''-d, liawn— ,
^° Tigress, jt #° li6- bii.

^° tilg-phio. Tike, ± It i:° A° th6- s6ng g ling,

Tickle, ngiau,-— ^tlie nostrils, ^° jft.° (a dog) |6j° kdu.
?L° li^n phi" khang. Tile, %° hia, semicylindrical — %'

Ticklish, ui-ngiau", (difficult) il°oh a° hia t^ng, to—, %° ni'' hia,

Tidal, m *° 65° lau tsiii d; m.° %° kham hia.
Tide, -JS" \ku, M° lau-tsiii, —neap— Tiling, %° hia, m°%° chhu hia.

>]>° m° 7K° si6 mu-tsiii, flood— Till,(a drawer) m.° thoah, (until)
:^C° -Ji" ?K° toa Mil tsiii, very low if kau, to—, Sf° 0° tsoh-chhan,
— , ?K° ^ ^° tsiii tsin ta, spring ^° ^° tsoh-sit.

— :k°B.°7K' toa l^u tsiii,

, go with Tillable, tl° m" 6^° oe tsoh. tit.
the—, as a ship, U° U m° 7K° Tillage, tsoh-chhan.
te \\6 lau tsiii, go with the —as Tiller, X°^°
t5a-gg, —rope, :^° t|°
a person, 1^° 'X° ^° 6a toa toa-l^ng, (of boat) •k°. Z° #S° toa
Tideless, ^° m° b6-iau. ^ pi", (farmer) W m° ^° K" tsoh-
Tidewaiter, fi^I If i:° ;^° ^ hiong chh^n 6 14ng,
koan t toa ik, f|^ M ^° i^ M hi^ng Tilt, (to incline) ®° ;2:° gfe ho- i-khi,
koan e tsiang ik. (a military exercise) fH i^n bii. ^
Tidily, J^ #J l^ng-li. Timber, 45 '^ sam-liau, i^ chhl- ^
Tidings, ?)Sf ,i,° siau-sit. liau, —beams, ^ niA", — mer-
Tidy, f^ #J l^ng-li, tiau-tah, jft^^B chant, W 45 H° ^° khui sam
chheng khi siu", (a place) 1^ ^ h^ng e.

ts^ng-tun. timbrel, ^° iJ° lin-long-k6-..

Tie, m p^k, ^° kat, —loosely, hk- Time fl# si, B# il° sl-tsun, another
o&, — firm, ^° ^° kat-ti^u, (a — ^° ^ au pang, i|° ^° au-ke,

knot) m° m° kat-thau. from— to— — ;p 35° fl# sam put


Tier, ^ tsUn. go--si, —of tide, 53fc° flf tsiii si, —

Tifi", (altercation) n° P° tak-khdu. of menses, gSgkeng-ki, (present
Tiflfin, t^° ^° Z° §. »& jit tku g tidm life) fl# ®° si° tsSng, to— H ]^°
sim. :^° han j5a kii, plenty of—, ^1°
Tiger, ^ hd", —trap, J^ ^ h6--l6. liau leng, what— is M°
it, Jft ^Ij ;!?>

Tight (compact) ^° tsdt, (firm)

) tsit tidp kiii tidm, no—, ^° ^^° b&
Tightly jS,n, (fitting close to the a—, ^ fl$ teng si, when, fix
body) 33^° o^h sin, m° #pAk # the— comes, I shall start, if fl|
siu" s6h.
too—, siu" ^.n, :fc° W siu" pdk,
m°^°i& ^ kku si g6a beh khi
sin, a long—, :Jt°kii, there is still
Tighten piiih ^n.
— ,
'^'° :^° i§° fli idu be k^ si, any
—will do, ^ W" 3t tl° M m° Ghhin- Tine, —•° ®° (a prong) tsit khi.
cbhdi si 6e tsoe tit, at that — W ,
Tinfoil @^ siah-poh, ^E siah-

fl# hit si. m6-h°.

Time keeper, «$ ®^ si tseng, 1^ m° Tinge, m° ^ kki" sek, (dye) ^° ni"
si pio. Tingle, Ji, JS, B^P hong-hong ki6.
Timely, Afl# kip-sl, {g fl# tsiau-sl, Tinker, m m° ^° ^ M° p6- tang
^^ bdh si. te-k6' e.
Time piece, B# M° si tseng, B# iS° Tinkle \ m° m° l%° khiang-khiang
si pio. Tinkling hdu, j prf" lT° Pt° "t" khing-
Times, ?Jc° pai, three —three, H° ^ khing khiang khiang, lT°
prf" Pt°

H sa° e-sa°, —are good, I* flt jgF Pf tin-tin tiang tiang.

5B J: tsit tidp h6 kong keng, ten Tinman, #T° ^° fi° -S- phah siah
— better, + -^ Sf tsdp pe ho, in sai-hu.

all five—, 3^5G.°25C° Hong g5- pai, Tinner, #T° ^° b1° -f. phah siah sai-

how many —must I tell you, M° hu.

M W° M° M° 3J<:° tioh ka li kong Tinpla^;e, W 0° i6° b^-khdu thih.

kiii pdi, he failed because the times

Tinsel;, p6h, flowers, ^!g° ^ — ^
are bad, iH: il# ^
36 i'l §1 )£ tsit tidp kim-hoe, brass %° W^ tang — ,

phai" kong keng tsiah t6 tikm. p6h, silver, |W° gAn p6h, gold ®
Timeserver, MMBtH^° kidh sun — ^ ®° kirn p6h.

hong kl e.
Tint, ^ ji4m-sek, ^"^ttki" sek.

Tiny, ^ ^° s6e, (as child)

Timeserving, ^°'k°^° 6a toa pSng,
Timid i|° m° kia" kia°,
) •§ iii- ia g ill.

Timidlyfiii, *J.°||E° si6-td", X-° Wi° Tip, M° U, —of the nose, # li°
fn-kd", ^S^ hi,n-soan kheh. phr-thau. t

Timidity, m°m kia" kia°, SS iii- Tippet, m M° Ii° am-kiin moa".

iii, "H ^ lun-lun.
Tipple, M° M° ^° 'M taiih taiih lim
Timorous )m° kia" M kia», BB tsiii.

Timorously tdm-tdm. ) Tippler, JS J^ tsiii-kiii, M 1lll tsiii-

Timothy, epistle to — H# , ;*: -t Ja sien.

Th^ m6- thai ^ phoe, Tipstafi; M° M° chhe-idh.

Timur, m:^% thiet-b6k-jl. Tipsy, W tsui.
Tin, ^° siah, —foil, ^° W siah- Tiptoe, f^ i^ liam-liam,

walk on—,
p6h, —plate, ,^° P m b^-khdu ffi ffi liam-liam kia°.

thih. Tiptop, ± if siang h6, —^ it h6.

Tincture, M M i6h-tsiu. Tirade, (of censure) it ii ^ tit tit

Tinder, *X° 3£° hd-hia", —case, iK hi^m.

^° ^ h^-hia°-dh. Tire, (row) 1° ts^n, (of a wheel)

m° M thih kho-, (to weary) #° Toaster, bread— ,^ ^ ^° to-si-k^.
A°)i°h6- mngia. Toast-rack, ;1^ ^ Q ^ hang mi°-pau
Tired, m sien, 1° M" ia-ldi, 1° ^° k^.
ia-sien. Tobacco, m° hun, —leaf, ii° 1°
Tiresome, lo-so, ^ ^biii-khi, ai-^h. hun-hi6h, prepared^, 'M.° ^, hun-
Tissue, M li kai" tsit, —paper, ^° si, — oil, ;@" fill hun iii, pack—,
«iEc° p6h ts6a. IS° ll^° tsiig-hun, smoke—, :fr°!l@°
Tit bit, ig° m kah chhiii e. tsiah-hun.
Tithable, # l! -° 6e
m° +° fj- Tobacconist, 1° n° IS M°
khui hun
tsdp hun thiu tsit hiin. tiam e, (maker of tobacco) Wi M°
Tithe, +°f^ jt" — # ts4p tun 6 ° 'n|°4L tsoe hun sai hii.
tsithun, (to take) +° # li° — Tobaccopipe, il° efe° hun-chhe.
# tsdp hun thiu hun. tsit To-day, ^° H kin-d-jit.
Title,—page, B| chheh-g^n, (of Toddle,
flff g ^° so^-po-.
rank) ^
h^m, (a name) ^ mia°, Toe, S° lat Bl° ff kha tsng-th^u-d,
(appellation) ^ |i^ chheng ho-, big— JE° k° ^ #° kha t5a p6--bu.
confer a- —by emperor, ^ ^ thek Together, ?fa° |!^° sa° kap, %"" kap, '

hong. walk—, m° n° n° sa" kap kia",

Titledeed, M" khoe. assemble, — ^ # tsu hoe, plot—,
Titmouse, ^ H Ji° that lu tsidu. MH t6ng b6-, multiply—, f^ ^
Titter, m ^ ^° ti-W chhi6. sa" s&ng.
Tittilate, ngiau". / Toil, ^° ^° thoa-b6a, ^ ^°
Tittle, -°ifi tsit tidm, — °a? tsit
liih. b6a.
Tittle-tattle, rii° IS° feng-oe, ^° ffS° Toilet, (table) ^MW soe-thau-toh,
tsoe-6e, Bi° S° -1^° W° ^° ^° 6^ —cover, m° M W rll soe thftu toh
kong hiah-e u-^ b6-^. kun.
Titular, (nominal) g|° ^° khang Toilette, |S° |g tsng-tha".
mia", :§ «^ ^ iu b^ng M sit. Toilsome, ^16-kh6-, H-^^gidp-mia",
Titus, epitstle to—, m^t.°M°th^- (as work) m 1j° ti6h lat, (as
to § phoe.
journey) :fc^ fi° tsidh lat.
To, —a place, §!j° kau. Token, fl ho, gfi If ki-ho.
Toad, ^""m.' tsiu"-tsu, dried—, m Tolerable (pretty well) ^7^°bo6g-

m ha-b6-. Tolerablyjeng, mZ ^
Toadstool, ^ ^° chha-ko-, ^° ;^° to, ^M iAu-ho, (endurable) 'i
^° gu-sai ko-.
tUM It° tong oe ti4u tit, tg°^°||°
Toast, 'mW^ hang mP pau, to—, oe tng tit, ^°|§°#° tng tit ti^u.
};M pek, |iai° hang, a slice of—, — Tolerance 1% khoan, %^ khoan-
>r° ^ift^ Q tsit phi" hang ml" pau. Toloration) i6ng
— —
Tolerate, @ [ffi iong-un. tsoe,— dry, :Jk° S^° siu"-ta, m.° j^°
Toll, m ®° khau-tseng. ta-pe, — easy, pang lang sangj
Tomato, ^ soa°-klii.
[1]° cautious, tim.
Tomb, "M bong, M hong-sui wor-
>!K Tool, ^° §^° ke-koe, §§ :i:° khi-khil
ship at the — ^° ^ hau bong, feast
Tooth, m W chh(ii-khi, first set of
of-^, ^°m° chhi" mi&°. — , fL°
'®° leng-khi, second set
Tomboy, ^ |^ ^ ^ put lam put lu. of— IE° -if" tsiii^-kbi, (of a saw)
Tombstone, M
51° bong-psli. ii ff° m° kii-a khi, to get— m
Tomcat, ^g &° niau-kang. U boat khi, pull out a—, M° ^
Tome, (a volume) ;S flff tsit — piin ^ bdn chhui khi.
chheh. Toothache, m M°m° chhiii-khi thid"
Tomfoolery, MW hi lang, m° W Toothbrush, m° Rl] khi-bin.
pi°-lang. Toothless, fi° m lf° b6 chhiii-khi..
To-morrow, BJ° ^-° bin-d-tsai, m° B Tootbpick, n khi-thok.

bin-d-jit, day after H aii- — W ,
Toothpowder, W # khi-hiin.
jit, second day after—, ^^°H loh Toothsome, ^° TS° % ukM bi.
au jit. Top, (a) =F m kan-16k, on—, S M°
Ton, IS tun. teng-bin, spin a— $i ^ M t^ng ,

Tonal, m W
im d. —mark, ^° m°
kan-16k,— of a H soa°
t^ng,— of a house, jg° H chhii
hill, lll°

Tone, ^ im, M° ^ sia"-im. t6ng.

Toneless, ^° ^ b6 im.Topaz, ig M° m° tam-^g gdk.

Tongs, 9i t&° h^-khi", ltt° ff° khf-a. Toper, f@ 1ilJ tsiu-sien.
Tongue, $° tsih,—tied, ut-au", put Topheavy, 11 ®° ic° 1:°. teng-bin
out the—, q± S° th6- tsih. khah tang.

Tongue-tied, ut-au°, ^° 5° ^ te- Topic, (of a discourse) M° U° toe

tsih kun, tiii tsih kun. bdk, —

of conversation, M t& ^ ^
tonic, m M p6--pi, M % p6--ui. t^m lun 6 su.

Tonight, ^° %° e-hng, ^ g° kim- Topical, ^;f i£ 6r s6--tsai 6.

mi". Topographer, M M ^ ^° P^ok

Tonnage,— dues, P -fsj kh4u-le, te u e.

dues memo, IS^ # S 1^° tstin Topographical, (work) Ji:^°lS te-

chha giam toa°,— dues receipt, ip, hng tsi.

Topography, i^ P{ IS te tsi.
# ?I JK: tun chha ho siu.

Tonquin, m° :S° Tang-kia^ Topple, g° hien, m° M lo--hien, k6.

Toppleover, M M'' *° t<^ l<^b khi.
Tonsil,M° hdt.
Tonsure, if li° ^° thih thau-m^ig. Topsy-turvy, tl tl m^ hoai"- W
Too, ±° siu",— much, i:° ^° siu"- lioai"-keh-kch.
) '

Torch, 9C ffi° h^-p^—light, ^X° ffi° Totally, IJ 16ng-ts6ng, —
Z° iK° he p6 g h6. it-tsin.

Torment, gM l^ng-ti, "B ^ kh6-- Totter, ngiduh-ngiiiuh-tsun, ngiduh-

chh6". . ngiauh-chhoah.
Tormentor, "B % ^° A° kh6- chh6- Touch, tM boQg, the heart, fj — ^°
e lang. *& tong ti6h sim, and go, — ^^
Tornado, M -^ hong-thai. hiam-ljidm, his heart was — , i g
Torpedo, i/jc" W tsiii-lui. sim gai gi6h, —
with the tip of
Torpid )SS°ft°'fy°^ tia" tia" the tongue, *i S° P^ ^° tarn
Torpidity chhin chhiu"
j si, (numb) tsih nih kho4°.
m pi, &° M,, (inactive) 5E° m° si Touch-hole, JH P^° hong-mng.
bai, 4a° ^° f,° b6 oah tang. Touching, t^° Wl i& oe tong sim.
Torpor, ^° S° ffi° jfl" 5E° tia" tia" Touchwood,
^\iKi,minUt chha.
chhin-chhiu".si, (numbness) ^ pi, Touchy ^° -K chhau d sfeng,
B M, (inactivity) 5E° tt° si bai, Touchiness W° 0° chhi" bin.
1 W

^° Jg° li° b6 odh-tang.

Tqrrent, (a violent stream of water) Toufhlyl^j^^
:k°m° 7jC° toa lau tsiii, (of words) Toughen, #° ^ Jg ho- i jun.
ffi°M ii #° oe tit tit pia". Tougher, $^ f^ khah jun.
Torrid, ^ ji^t, m ^ jiet-tki. Toughest, J:° Jg siang jun.
Tortive, kiin liin tsun. Toughness, JPI jun.
Tortoise, %,° ku. Tour, fxo M
kill"-iu, kia°-nia-nift,
Tortoiseshell, ^ Jft tai-poe, —ware, 5c m thit-th6-i6, m m m i^-m-
Si! 31 ^^ tai-poe khak khi. M, so-16-16.
Tortuous, oan-oat. Tourist, m° ffm° ki&° iH ^.
Torture, ( agony ) ^ fij
^ 3€ * Tourniquet, ±° ^° ^ ^ tsi huih ^
thia" kau beh si khi, ( to rack khi-khu.
MMM^mm eng h^ng-khu Tow, M° ^° mo&" se, (drag) W
l&i h^ng-hoat. toa, tioh.
Toss, hi^-kiii, —about, mmm^ Towage, (act of towing) |S° ||g° toa
pbiau-lAi phiau khi,
^° —
—the- hand, tsiin, price paid for — , of a ship,
Wl- h6--chhiTi, up the rice, Wa°M i.U t5a tstin g &k
ia°-bi, —about in bed, m^m^° Toward, Ha hiong, |pJ° £ig, M ®°
hoan-mi-hoan-khi, —the head, U° ttii-bin. . .

m° f|° m° Mu th&u tsim tau. Towboat, '^m° i° Ji)B° toa tsW ^ ts6n.
Total, ft ^ k^-kiong, Ji ^ thong- Towel, IS ril bln-kun.
kiong. Towardness, (docility) |j( siu kku, ^
Totality, ^ ^ ts6ng kiong, ^ kiong. ^° IS° thia" oe.

Towel, rtl kun, MAi bin kun.
Tower, m° l4u, 1^° m° koai"-14u,
(rise over other objects) #°^° Traction, ^°khan.
thdh ko^i". Trade,^ M seng-li, H°M°b6e-b5e,
Towering, (very high) % '^° kdk to— M°^M ts6e seng-li, —with,.

ko&.i", (extreme) tl kek. ^ ^ kau-koan, — abroad, M #

Towline, 16° IS° :t° m° toa ts^n-^ hokn-hoan, Board of— ^ ©° , igi

sob. P^° siong-tsfeng gfe-m^g, (of an

Town, walled, M° sia", market — artisan) X° ^ kang-hu, — of a
^° 1& koe chhi. carpenter, 7fc° X° bdk kang, what

Townsman, U°n^° ^'° sia" nib ^ —is this man, jJfc°A°a°li° 1.°^
mng, fellow-, 3fc^«°;t° A° si^ng tsit Mng sim-mih kang-hu, — re-

sia° t Ikng.
gulations 5i ^ (#, Ife thong siong
Toxicology, m ^ tok bAk. tii,u khodn, — guilds, ® — t6*, is

Toyman, K° m° 5C° !^° i° A° boe very bad just now ii>°^°^°&m

thit-th6 mih l&ng. fe
g° tsit tidp phdi" seng li bin, this
is a losing— it°^°^^^.^m
Toys, &5ck6--godn, a°5C°t°thit-
tsit ^ SI sih pun seng li.
tb6 mih.
Toyshop, WW ^ iS A° seng-li
JS put a tiam.
Trader, Iftng.

Trace, IF jiah, ^ K ^ Tradesman, ^ M A° seng-li

hing-tsek, lang-

® tsong-tsek, to —as writing, bi6, (mechanic) ^1° ^ sai hu.

to-, (as. a drawing) bi6, (follow Trading, (port) if m° po'-thiu^

by some mark) m°PZ°mm te i

(place) ^ m M° seng-li tiu".

fe tsong-tsek.
Tradition, ff M liti-thoan, MM ul-

Traceable, W° ii^ W" S° u tsong-
Traditional, jt M ^° ui-thoan e, jg
tsek thang chhe.
Trachea, || M
^° ts6ng khi kfig. ^ &:f thoan-sut L

Track, m° jiat, (foot print) JE° 1°

Traduce, gi $^ hui-pong, M ®° bii-


jiah, (road) 1^ lo-, to — ,
11° loa.
Traducer, M W i.° A° hui-pong e
111° te kha jiab, —of a ship; Mu
Trackless, ^° i|l° f| b6 kha-jiah. Traffic, (trade) ^ M seng-li, ^°W°
Tract, BB^ im-tsek-b<in, Budhist, b6e-b5e, (intercourse) f± JjS

mS khoan se bun, (of coun-

^° poa" kh6-^
te-hng, religious — 9\'° Tragedian, 'iM'B iH
try) ji ij° ,

W goa chheh.

^ kh6--chhut, (a fatal
Tractable [^M siu kku, M M leng- ffl

Tractability ) kku m° m° thia"-oe. event) =g ffl Z°^ kh6--chhute su.

^ )

Tragical, ^ ffi 6^ kb6- chhut L the country is — , ^ Use ^ kok
Trail, (track followed by a hunter) thki p^ng.

J£° SI); kha-jiah, ^° M°

(as of a Tranquilize, the mind, i^" (C> ^ —
comet) thoa b^, of smoke, !l^° — ho' sim an, a country, #° g — :;(i;

^° ^° ien thau tsoa, ( draw a long 3; ho- kok th^-pfeng, ( soothe

the ground) m
M° M^ sM tli6--kha, an-iii. ^M
( drag along the ground) S° ^° M° Tranquillity, ff an-tseng. ^
thoa th&' kha, (as a creeper) soan. Transact, ik° tsoe, fr" ki^", (ma-
Trailing, —
shoots, soan-tin. nage) i|° pan, business, 1$ — p
Train, (followers) mH fl^° kun sAi pan-su.
^, (official) S5 JSE kun pan, (as of Transaction, (management of an
gun powder) hd lengh^ h6, (cars) affair) if pan, M. liau-li, (an m
>X° m° ^° hd hun chhhia, (teach) aflFair) su, m° tai-tsi.

^ W
|fc° kk, —up, jg ^ p6e i6ng, Transcend, (rise aboV^) ^° 1U° khah
well in military exercises, fif IS koM", (surpass) ®° Ji° khah i^".
^ h6 bu goe, (as trees) M tiau, Transcribe, |j? chhau.
ut, (as a gun) HB,° tsio, —of a Transcriber, |f'° #° chhau g.
dress, ^^°±°-B° m° sa" 6 tflg thoa. Transcript, ^'° ^° chhau g.
Train-bands, ^ i6ng.
Trained, well —as a child, ^ iij |J;° Transcription}^'"^ «^^^" «^^-

jS tsin h6 ka-si, as a workman, Transfer, ^ poS,", —an account, #

^° ^° i^ X 6h kau tseng-kong. ifc poa"-siku, i3;° il:° chhau siau,
Trait, Sl°* phi-khi, m° phiah. (convey from one place to mother)
Traitor, E kan-sin.
^"p -JI ^ un khi, ^° *° ki^ kbi,
Traitorous, $F E kan sin, ^ # poan (sell) K
boe, (give) f^° ho-, (as
kut. a picture) S|° s6a, j^ 1, (as a sol-
Trammel, (shackle) MM "^ Hen dier) ^° JSE oa° pan.
khi m, (hinder) m° ^° ti"-poa". Transferable, (as a bill) ^°m^°^W
Tramp, on the—, ^ Jg phun-pho, oe tui toa" tit, (as a ticket) ^° %"
^° M tsau-thau,
Trample, thun-tah,
to—, ri° Uh.
—to death,
m° %°
W A° 11° toa" 6e k6 ho-
Jg° tit.

9E° lap-si. Transfiguration, %_ ffc pi^n ho^.

Trance, ft" i° hun-khi. Transfigure, .^ -ft pi^n-hoa.
Tranquil H
Ji lin-siin,
^p an- Transfix, %° fi i^" chhdk-th^u-ke.
Tranquilly tseng, (quiet)
) ^ tseng, Transform,
%_ ffc pien-hok.
(as the s^a) P° W° S M^ tiam Transformation, %_ -ftj pien-ho^, (as
hong tsr nng, f§ 7p° zp" 2p° hi[- pi" in insects) i| pi".
pi" pi", (peaceful) zp th^i pdng,± Transfuse, (as liquour) %° ^° ^°
tbln-kfe-klii, (as blood from one Transmigration, lun-h6e. HM
animal to another) Jln.°'M f^ M Transmit (from one generation )

A° huih un hd* pat 14ng. Tran.siuission [ to another) fj thoin,
Transfusion, ^° m° *° thin ke khi. M @ liu-thoan, 1^ @ thoan-toe,

Transgress, 3E° M hoan-tioh, (to

(send) ^ kia, (suffer to pass

sin) 3B SP hoan-ti6h ts5e. through) tl° W i§° 5e th4u ke.

Transgression, W'M° tse koa, 311 m Transmission, MH liA tho4n., ^''

hoan-tsoe, j§° ^ k^-sit.

kik, a i^° than ke.
^° Transmittable, ^° @ #° oe tho^n
Transgressor, (of law) 3B ^^
^° hoan ti6h lut boat e, (a sin-
tit,t&° ^^ =i° 6e kia tit, tg° ^
^_° :^° oe thau ke tit.
ner) 311 m° m i.° A° hoan ti6h
tsoe e Mng. Transmutable, tb° ^ fH oe pien boa

Transsently b6
m j
tsiam-sl, ^° :X°
ii° &r %° bok
^ ffc, pien hoa,
tsoe pdt mih.

Transit— of Venus, :& M° S° H la Transmute, -ffc pien boa, fli f^" ^

J||J° !i° hok tsoe p4t
kim chhi° kfe jit bin,— duty memo, mib.
Transom, M,° M M" be chheng niu"
16° ^° —
koh tin jip loe te ^ khdu giam toa°, Transparencies, shows of ,

—pass, m.°mA?i mt.°mw- ;^ tsoa-id." hi.

koh un jip loe te ^ se-toa". Transparency, B^ ^ beng liang, %

Transition, (passage from one place kng-liang. ^
^° %°
to another) ^° *° gf & kii" khi Transparent, B^ beng-liang,

p^t ui, (change) M. ^° pien oa",

^° kng-liang, (as water) ^ j||

the country is in a— stage from teng-chbeng.

diserder to peace, MM ^° M dlz
Transpire, (become public) #M
fg kok t5- teh pifen thai p^ng. lau-hong, # j;^ lau-siet, tU ^^
l=Se.^°B. «*'*-« I Transplant, ^°iS poa"-tsai, (as rice)
Tra-nslatable, U U oe hoan ek. ifi°35M°binl4ip6-
Translate, ^ M hoan-ek, M' Wt° Transplantation, 5^ ^ i tsai, li fS^

k6e-seh,— by interpreter, 0° fS° poi° tsai

h&-oe. Transport (goods) W.° un be, M
Translation, ^ If hoan-ek. (banish) j^ g
cbbiong-kun, fj^
Translator, MW ^ lio^" ^^ ^ liu, SI t6" — of joy, boa° hi kau siau
Translucent, %° ^° kng-liang, Bfl ^ kbi, m m ff k * boa"- hi kau
bfeng-liang. gdng kbi.

Transmarine, # W^° hdi hit peng. Transportable, — offence, 'jt% ^°

Transmigrate, j§° # ke hoan. IP chhiong kun ^ tsoe.
Transportation, (of goods) ^K°un pai-po", (in law) #" /p ^ he-put
h^, (banishmment) "^ ^ chhiong- si.

kun, ff ^ —to the river,

lili, t6-, Tray, W poi" ti° #° thdng-poa",
0'-li6ng kang,
ft ^ ^ || ^C boat khi flat—, W^ pok-ki, bamboo, 5iS

m° ka-lidh, 16a.
Transpose, (change order of) #g,° Treacherous [ i^ >i* poan-kut, —
tiii p^ng. Treachpry )
scheme, ^ fj- kan-k^.
Transposition, ^° 5|° oa" p^ng. Treacle, m° 7K° tb^g-tsiii.
Trans-ship, Ji° |g° poa" tsiin. Tread, ^ tdh, thiin-tdh, —in one's
Transverse, g |^° thAn-hoAi". footsteps, MA°:t°mM° than
Transversely, M M° thdn hoii". Mng fe b6- iu°.
Trap, ki-tauh-d. H m khoan-th6, Treadlej Hl° — ir|° kha-tdh.

door, $g pg° idm-milg, to~, tauh, Treason, m m gek-tsi, Sfe ^ khi-

to fall into his own 4»° g,° —kun.
, i°
2° ti- tiong ka-ki e kfe, ^ g° a° Treasonable, ^ ,S. put-tiong.
z°mm i6h ka-ki 6 khoan-th^), Treasure, tsai-p6, M^ ^ 3g g<in-
rat—, ^° a Wi° niau chhii tng. hang, imperial — , g^ kok kh6-.
Trap-door, (in the roof) Ji° ^° thi" Treasurer, ^ M W' kodn gdri ^,
tsi°. provincial—, ^ iK S°p6--ts^ng-si.
Trappings, (ornaments) # fij; chhiii Treasuretrove, th°%° Wi khioh ti6h
sek, (dress) ^ ^°(exter-i-tsiti", gftn.
nal decorations) |S tl";2:°ii°
tsng- Treasury, ^ "gl ^° t5--si-i°, j? M°
tha" ^ mih. kh6--pang, ^ ^ glin-kh6-, pro-
Trash, (that which is worthless) ^° vincial—, W ^ phoa"-kh6-, (first
!^)B°J5:°#J°b6l5-eng^mih. Lord of the) ^ K° # chhu- ;fi jIB
Trashy, m°mmiL #J b6 l6- eng 6 bit r sill si6ng.
mih. Treat, ^
f# khodn-thai, —ill, ^^
Travail, (parturition)
^^hun-bi6n, kh6--chh6-, 5^ phai"-khodn- ^#
(labour) ^° ^° ti6h-b6a. thai, —medically, ^g td°-tiap,
Ti-avey|T kia", —for one's health, —scornfully, m.°m ^° bak-te b6,
W fr° ki^" s6a, —for pleasure, —with respect, H |^ l^-maii°, —
fr M°kia"iti°. unjustly, 3S oan-6ng, ^° & 1
Traveller, fj° g§ A° Mng.
ki4°-lo- un-khut, —rudely, Jf |i dp-siet,
Travelling, ff ° ^ kia^-iA,
—doctor, —with rudeness, J§ g ji6k-b6k.
a^ 6ng-16k, —expenses, Treatise, ti^
^^ lun.
lo- hiii.
Traverse, (travel) fi°
Treatment, ^ # khodn-thai, (of
i^° kia"-k6. disease) ^ ^° ;t° f^ jg ti-pi" S-
(thwart) «(J" S
phok-tsam, i|° ^ hoat-to".
. —
Treaty,^ iok, (of peace) %i $5 h6 Tress, tsit chhok khili mOg-.
iok, make a —
$5 lip-iok, ne ,
:»jr Tresspass, 3E H hoan-ts5e, (on
gotiate a — , ^ $5 gi-iok, sign a— another's land) 3E*°A°i°Jt°
^ ^° chhiam mi4", seal a , (by hoan ti6h ling fe toe.
minister) ^° ffl khkm-in, (by Tresspasser, (on an other's land) 3E
sovereign) W 19 fP kham kok in, *° A^ i° %°M° hoan ti6h ling g
ratify ^ ?i
a—, $f| lin tsiin iok, toe e, (a wrong doer) 3E ^ li ^°
abrogate — ^ f^ ,
ho^-iok, repu- hoan ti6h tsoe g.

diate a — ^ $5 ,
khi iok, ^ $5 Triable, tg° |S ^° oe chhi khoa°, (be-
tsodt iok, —between two coun- fore a magistrate for an offence)
tries, K° g BJ $5 nng kok beng iok. tg° m W 6e Sim tit.

Treble )-o /^ „ -
- 1^ ^^ "P^-
Triad, — Society, >J^ 7J # si6-to-h5e,
Trebly } H "^ W sam hdp hoe.
Treddle, W m° 65° kha tab ^. Trial, (act of testing) ^ %° chhi-
Tree, !^° chbiu, (trunk of) i^° # khoa", (that which tries) gS M
chhiu sin, heart of — ,
®°»& chhiu- chhi lien, (by a magistrate) @ sim.
sim. Triangle, H° % ^ sa°-kak heng.
Treebug, ®°|^ chhiu-gui. Triangular, =.° %% W" sa° kak
Treenail, ;^ iT chh^ teng. h^ng 6.

Trellis, M° S° ^° moa phang chboab, Tribe, ;^ ts6k, ^ 0R tsi-phai.

ornamental — tiles, ?g° M-° IR hoe- Tribulation, if^ fi@° tsai-e, 3E H
thang-tsi. hoan -Ian.
Tremble, tio, chhoah, kb^h-kheb tio, Tribunal, ^ ^ kong an, 5^^° kong
ngiauh-ngiauh-chboah tng, SB ^° po- f # ^° sim tfig.

H S 65° tsin —


Tremendous, (large) :^ toa, hai, Tributary, fe,

M m° ^° hi6ng kki kai,

(terrible) nations, JH ^ i° S tsin kong e kok,
—noise, H :^° M° tsin toa sia", the —nations are Cochin China,
-shower, m° m° M to- i<.° l<^li Burmah, Corea, Siam, Loochoo &
tsin toa. Thibet, %%z°mm^^'^w^%
Tremor, chhoah. %m% mm m° n°'mm tsin k6ng
. Tremulous, (trembling) tio, (as the e kokAn-14m, Bien-tien,
tsui si

hand) tsun, (as a leaf) io. ^ Ko-le, Siam-16, Liu-khiu, kap Se-
Trench, m
kau, to—, Wi^ m° kbui tsong, (as a stream) M° MKM
kau. 65° lau jip ts6ng khoe g.

Trencherman, :k° :ft° ±°A° tda tsiab Tribute, kong, pay% ji tsin — , M
g Mng. k6ng, prepare if pan k6ng. — , M
Trepidation, tio, ngiaiih ngiaiih tsiin. Trice, m°M° A° i:° "f* P^ tidp 4 ku
(fear) m° 1^° kia"-hia". g tiong kan.
Trick, (an artifice) pf^ k^-ti, a jug- Trimmingis, (of a dress) M fS

gler's M°^°^° pi"'k4ulang, mis- kiin.
cliievous — , f^ ^ tsok gi^t, (im- Trinal, H° f^° sa" pe, —star, H° ^
posture) H phien, play —
on one, M° sa" hap chhi".
M f& chh6ng-ti. Trinity, (Christian) H-fit — H sam
Trickery, (strategem) ff^ ke-ti. ui it (Confucian) sam tsii,
Trickish, ^ M° ^ ai ts6e chhiii. (Buddhist) Hfi sam p6, (Tauist)
Trickle down, 1$.° It" m° M° *° tit H in sam chheng.
tit tih 16h khi. Trinket, "M" IS siu sek.
Trickster, m^M°^° g^u ts6e chhiii. Trinomial, H S sam hang sek.

Tricoloured, H° ^ sa" sek. Trip, to— m M k^h t6, )i°^ tak

Trident, B°®°X° sa" khi chhe. ti6h, m°m° that ti6h, (excursion)
Triennial, H° ^° — ° ^° m° sa" ni thitth6 16, ^S°^° s6 16 16,1
tsit pdi 6.
m° M° it M M, (skip) ^° ti6.
Trier, U S°#° chhi khok" e, (judge) Tripartite, ^° #° ~° ^ pun ts6e
||^°simfe. sa" hijn.
Trifle, th°Pi° i°ii° si6 khod ^ mih, Tripe, ^° E gA-to-.
(act with levity) 0f fT°|l*)E s6- Tripedal, H°^ )i° m sa" ki kha 6.
kia" kheng-thiau. Triple, H ^° sa° pe. ;

Trifler, @ IB ^-° kheng thiAu ^. Triplicate, H° '^° sa" pe, ratio, =

Trifling, »h° ^1° si6 khoa. ^ JK M sam chhii pi le.
Trigger, iK° m° h6 koe, pull the— H° m° m° sa" kha tid".
fS°i;^°irkhauhekoe. U° ti6, m 65° tsiauh teh.
Trigonometry, H :^ j^ sam kak Trisection, E° ^ sa" teng hun. #
Trihedron, H° W
¥° 4^° :^° i.° fl Triteness}^^^°«i<^h«i<^h.
sa°pi" pl° pi° toa e th^.
Trilateral, H° m° 6^ sa" pi"^ 6,
Triturate, Ji lAi,
—>]$ Mi boah. ^
Trituration, fg Mi, ff 5|s° Mi boah.
figure, H°ii°^ sa" pi" hSng. Triumph, tek seng, i4°. ^^ U
Trill, i$.° ^ khan si, (trickle) ii° tih. Triumphant, (as an army) ^ |g tek
Trillion, Hh° SH tsap tiau.
—song, fL -^ khdi ko,
sfeng, (tri-
Trim 1 ?^ #J l^ng-li, to—, ^^ umphing) M° B° khah ik\
Trimness ts^ng ttin, |ij |f chh6ng
Triune, ?|g° ^° ~° sa" hdp ts6e ^
long, (close fitting) ^i^± sok-kiet,
^S >ll kiet sok, —the ballast, B:° M° Trivial, ij,°
>J,° si6-si6, >J,° pf" si6-
^m n° #
t6 tang an-tiin h6 s^, kh6a.
(as a tree) ij M
san tsi^n. Trocar, ^ ^ ff th6 kng-tsiam.
Trimmer, ft°t Ml^kiahsun hongki. Trollop,
11° j||° ^-^ Um noa" 6.

Troop, (a multitude) If ^
^° A° Trowel, Jc ^5 he-si.
kui kuQ tseng lang, (of soldiers) Trowsers,
— U
kho', coat and ^° ^ — ,

° i^ M° ^tsit tui peng, Ji° ^

sa" kho, ^^ ff ^f sa"-d kh6,
P:3K b6-tui, (in the plural) peng, ^women's short sek kh6-, — ^W
^ :£ kun peng, fresh—, ^° •)j°
^iS^ kho- toe, outer —

^ chhi° Mt peng, withdraw J|i —
seat of

^ siu peng. 11° li Idug kho-.

Trooper, ,11° ^be peng. Truant, play—, m° m° the-6h.

Trophy, %mm%m°t.° m° tek Truce, IS theng tsien, || Wpa- ^
seng s6" tit tioh fe mih.peng, flag of—, &° W peh-ki.

Tropic, #. ^
ji^t-tai, of Cancer,—Truck, (trade) M° W. ts6e seng- &
4b°^ pak tki, of Capricorn, li,
m6--ek, (a carriage for M^
lam tki. goods) :g° ¥° h6 chhia.
Tropical, —year, ± ^ ^° thki Truckle to a person, #° M M #°
i6ng ni. i" %° M tdk hang sun i 16ng bo
Trot, E ptdu. hiam.

Troth, (faith) ft° sin. Truculence [(fierce) bi6ng, (of

Truculent ferocious aspect) 'M°
Trouble, (put in confusion) fi° it )

^° %°
^ bin hiong kki^ kai,
phah loan, (disturb) kiau S°
jiau, (annoy) fij ^
chh6ng-ti, (cruel) M. tsan-jim. M
(molest) kang, (calamity) 1^ M° Trudge, fg
^° p6- ki^".

tsai-e, (anxiety) S" Si khoa-lu,

True, M° ^° ii-ia", 1t « sin-sit, W
(misery) Wi. "^ kan-kho-, (to 5( khak-sit, :^ ji tsin-sit, Wi iE°
bother) Pf P£ ts6-tsak, Pf^ P£ tsak- tsin-tsia°, ^ ffi sit-tsai.

tso, make — ^ ^ to
you are Truly, m ^ k6-jign, M,
tsin-tiu", W
taking a great deal of—, R Sf If sit-tsai, JE tsin-tsia". ;ffi M
you, % Trump, (a good fellow) b6 ta" kin
hiii sin, I am going to — lang, (fabricate) E ^i to- tsoan
m° W° khi tang li, mWiM° 16- fe

tong li. ^ft % liii liap-

Troubled, il Pf tsdp-ts6, (anxious) Trumpery,

(worthless) il° bo- ^
^° K° peh-pak, gai-gi6h, If Pf ti6k, ii° i^ jfl° t.° m° b6 lo- eng
tsi^u tso. g mih.

Troublesome, lui-tui, I^^ 16-so, Trumpet, f^ ®° h5-thau, Pf

^ sau- %
a° kau-ti°, ^° # chh6-chhul, kak.

Trumpeter, l^° m° kho--tui g. W
Trough, Pits6. Truncheon, (a club) ^° ;g| chhA,
thAi (a baton) M° jR° tsau pin.
Trousseau, U
ffi ke-tsng.

Trout, E ff ^° tsi-d-hl. Trunk, (of a tree) @:° chhiu sin, #

Trow, |g° ff° phah-sAg. chhiu thng, (body) # sin, # |i
sin-klui, elephant — , Mk° M- chbiu" Tubercle M ?J *D * to--pi-ka-l^k.
phi", leather, ^° ^° phe siu". Tuberose, M ^^ go^t Mbiong.
Trunnions, 'M 5° phau hi. Tuck, a—, -° ^° f&° 1°
tsit tsan,

Truss, (a bundle of straw) —"MW khioh tsan, —up, soeh.

tsit khiin chhdu, (for hernia) ;^° Tucker, m° B° ^m sL
^° kng t6a, (a M
chhiam. Tuesday,
fowl) ::l pki jT. #
Trust, ^. kh^, -f^" ^
oA kh6, upon, Tuft, of hair, chhok, of grass, — —
1b M
sin kho, —
to sell on — ^
tsit chhok chhdu, tie in a'
, pak — ,

sia, (to one's care) kau tai. ^^

ts6e tsit chhok.
Trustee, ^
SK ;S:° A° thok ko- ^ l^ng^ Tug, thoa. W
(for property) % M ^° thok Tuition, M° k&.
gi^p 6. Tumble, down, as person, M° — M
Trustworthy, ^ IS tiong ^ JJ
podh t6,
sin, as thing, Hjp ^° ka laiih,—
tiong ho-, (reliable) W M ^ %' —
over and over, k5 16h khi.
5e pin-sin tit, /g° ^ J5 u sin pin. Tumbler po le poe, (a mm°U
Trusty, Jg. ^
tiong sin, ,"£, ji° tiong mountebank) pi° k^u lang.
tit, ,§, J!J tiong ho'. Tumefy, #° ®° ho- i tseng. #
Truth, Ksit, ^°^ Idusit. Tumid, (swollen) ts^ng, ham M
Truthful, ^° S Mu sit. (bombastic) H P° khoa-khau.
Truthless, f&° ^° % b6 Idu sit. Tumour, 'M liu, fatty — ^ , Sm tsi Mr
Try, SC J° chhi khoa", (as metals)encysted g° te liu. — , ^
iS li tho&n lien, subject to severe Tumult, Jg fl jidu-loan.
trial, Si)^ chhi lien, —to Tumultuous
sleep,fl p, loan loan, ) jtt

U m° #° chhi khiin khok°, the Tumultuously cbhiang chhidng. )

taste, :^° M° tsiAh khxja'', (as lard) Tunable, (as a piano) tg° ^° 6e ^
ts6a°, —the eyes, t^° n° ^° @° th6 tit, (as a fiddle) m°M°U° 6e
6e phah-phAi" bdk. kA tit.
Trying, in act of—, m° U M° teb Tune, M tiau, (harmony) ft h6, —
chhi kboa°, (arduous) :^° ::^° as a fiddle, if^° ka (as a piano) ^
tsiAh lat, (exhausting) ^° ^° ti6h th6.
lAt, (difficult to bear) il°^°^° Tuneful, li |t h6 hii.
oh. tit tng. Tung-King, m° ^.° Tang kia".
Tub, tr thAng, Sp^ kha thdng, Tungusic tribes, fi Biet chhiam, #
bathing 'm ffi —
11° ek
, tl thdng. 25: it Lii-tit, »-^° Sien-pi, li It J3^
Tube, ^° k6ng, ^° kfig, a leaden Siok-sin-si.
— , I& t-° ien k6ng. Tunic, M° te t^ sa".
Tuber, ^§ Ei^ i:°iR kiet kui po^" Tunnel, (a funnel) ii°ff-°lau-A, (for
cun. drains) WW ka.u-am, (for rail-

way carriages)i°^° tli6" khang, ?t kh6, — of tide, to flow, -M i™,
to—, M° ±°^° chlidk th6- khang. by — , li -B liin liu it is my-^, ^
Turban, 5M° yfS tMu-p6-, fS° ;5:° Kl° ^° si g6a & khau giah,
Turbid )^,. —sour, ^° M° pi° chhku, the
^ hand, palm upwards, ix,° # p<^ng
Turbot, ^ S° h& tsih, m°^° niau chhio, — the hand, the back up-
tsih. wards, JS, # peng phak, —inside
Turbulent, M°m^ki chhi6ng-su. out, pdng Iin tng, (as the wind)
Tureen, (soup) ^°S thng-6- H Mi° tfig hong, Ah hong.
Turf, :t°fj° chhdu-pid". Turncoat, ^ "i" poe kut.
Turfy, ^°:m° tt° tau chhdu-pid°. Turner, M° ;t° ^° J|.° chhia 6 sai-hu.
Turgescence, M
tseng, hkm. Turning, ^lathe, ^° chhia kui. M
Turgid, (swollen) M
ts^ng, ham, Turnip, f^ Bl° chhai-th^u, salted —
(as language) f| P khoa-khdu. 3I chhai-p6-. W
Turkestan, (Chinese or Eastern) Turnkey, 11° M
6^ k6--ka" &, *S^° g
^ H6e-Kiong. kim tsi.

Turkey, 9i°^° h^ koe. Kingdom of Turnstile, ^1° tsdh.

±M^ Th6--ji''-ki. Turpentine, ^^°fi& si6ng-chhiu iu.
Turmeric, K° ^
kiu°-fig, Ag- g°M
Turret, ^° m° *i° chheng th^u Mu.
kiu". Turtle, ^° pih.
Turmoil, M. ^ ji^u loan. Turtle dove, ^.1° ;!'I° ka tsui.

Turn, take — H B lAn-liu, —round,

Tush, chhi.
M° oat, —up, kiau-kbi-iai, — back, Tusk, ^° gg.

R° f!l H odt t6 t6g, —up side Tutelar, deity of a district, the

down, fU ^ t6-tiau, hoan-lin-tng, Penates, ±MS tho- ti kong.
—up sleeves, W ^°W pih chhiii Tutenag,
hoan-lin-tfig, p^ng-lin
|&°|&p4hi&n, (Chinese
^° soa° ting.
Ag, —over, spelter) ilj°

thg, —a leaf, ^°M i^t cbheh, —a Tutor, (one who guards) MM 6^°

hand mill, ®° oe, the stomach, — tsiku k6- ^, (a teacher) ^ ^°

RJK°hodnpak, by lathe, ¥ chhia, sien si°, a private — W^ , se pin,
take a round— with a rope, ^o odn,
-, to — , M ka.
— asin bed ^° hoan #
sin, (cause Twaddle,
gong gong k6ng.
to revolve) ^° P M ho' i g^ ^^o- Twain, HI' nng e.

i s^h, (metamorphose) -ftJ boa, — Twang, (sound of a bow) piang,

tail, ^°tsdu, —
the edge of a knife, when he pulled the bow it — , i

. . gi6 chhhi,— away a servant, ^° si, pien keng u piang tsit e.

—ra corner, M —from the main
odt, Tweak, — the nose, tioh phi".

road, chboah, — of to ebb, tide, Tweedle, (coax) m° ^° k&--tsia".

(allure) si4". Two, Zl° nag, Zl jj,
^° li<5ng, —or
Tweeds, fi^° ni". three, M° H° ^° nng sa" 6.
Tweezers' |tf° ff" khi"-a. Twoedged, ^° "B" siang bin.
Twelfth, ^ +° r te tsdp jl. Twofold, M° fcf t^ng-pe, Zl ^ nng-
Twelve, +° Zl tsdp ji. pe, M i& siang-pe.
Twentieh, M—
+° te jib tsdp. Tympanum, S° m° hi-kia", ®° JL"
Twenty, ZL° +° jih tsdp. ^ bi-kbang-kiii.
Twice, 11° \k° nng pii. Tympanitis, tOi JH pborig-hong.
Twigs, ^° ^
chbiu ki. Type, (stamp) PP in, (for printing)
Twilight, 'M #
h6ng hun, Bf B|i° ^m ^° iK odh pdn, (for printing in
thau. wood) ^M
cbb^ pdd, (emblem)
Twilled, — cotton, §4 ^jt ^ cbJiia ®g h5, (symbol) ^ M° koan-tffl6i
biin p6". copperplate M° — tkng pdn,
, M
Twills, m^^ chhia bun p6-. .
"cut —
on blocks, M
WL khek pdn.
Twine, M°^° soh-a, to—, ifM°tl°, in, Typefounder, M ^ %
M- tsu ji
Canton hemp—, m° ^° ^° Kfig sai-bu.
tang sob, Soocbow bemp

JH Typical, ^ , M koan-tsid.
So" tsiu soh. Typify, H ^. koan-tsi6.
Twinge, —of pain, — ° f$° m° tsit Typhoid,—fever, ^ f^ t6k-ji4t.
tsun tbia". Typhoon, M S5 hong-thai.
Twinkle m° nib, m° 6^ sit tab, Typhus, m M t6k ji^t.
Twinkling) in the— of an eye, U°W Tyrannical, M A° ap Idng, gg H
A° bdk nib kii. ki6ng-p9.
Twinling, m°^'':t°^°^° siang Tyrannize, ffi A° ap l^ng, ^ ft p6-
si- 6 ir-ii. gidk, SS JI5 kidng bdn.
Twins, m° ^° fi§° siang si" ^, one of Tyrannous, M M po giik.
— m° ^° ±° -° >h° siang si" g Tyranny, ^ S p5 gi6k.
tsit 6. Tyrant, M M ^° A° p5 gi6k k Idng.
Twirl, ^ lien, 11° il°||° i" i" tng, i" Tyre, mB Cbhui-16.
i° s^h, (as a top) ^ go, —on Tyro,^°#° chhi''-chhiii. ;

one leg, ka-ki kbia teb sdh. Typographer, PU flff ^ In chheh, 6.

Twist, tsoai, ^ tsoan, tsun. Typography, pp 6^° X° in ^ kang.
Twit, p6-.
Twitch, (snatch away) gl° :^° tioh
kbi, ^ ^° kbiu-kbi.
Twitching, cbboab.
Twitter, tsiiib tsiiib bdu, kib-kib
Ubiquity, m° & ^£° 6^° tdk ui ti teh.
kiuh-kiub, kiub-kiuh-liAu.
Udder, ?L leng a° ^ leng pan.
Ugliness, m°m° khiep-si.-

Ugly, m° m° khiep si, ^° m° ptd? % bo khah kdn.
khok", very — , liiong pa li kiau. Unaccented, !^° -f khin im 1° W
Uigurs, Isl ||. H6e hek. kliiii sia".

Ukase, I8 tsiau, issue a — jij 18 chhut Unacceptable, (disagreeable) /p°'&'°

tsi^u. .
bd hdb 1. S
Ulcer, ^°m° si" thik", —of Unaccomodating, leg, -%°
JS 3^° ko" tdk.

M° chb^u kha^ Unaccompanied, ^° A° ^° fM° #° #

Ulcerate, ^° «° si" thik". b6 lang kap i ts6e phoa".
Ulcerous, ^°?i°Jt^'' si° thik" 6. Unaccountable, ^,° %° ffi siu" boe
Ulterior, (beyond) t&°%° hit p^ng, chhut, %° #° boe hidu tit. H
. (more distant) |jc° )t° khah hng. Unaccustomed, ^° it° #° in koai"
Ultimate, (furthest) ^51° k^khng. si.

(final) E& 1° lo--b^. Unacquainted, ^° M. chhi"-so-, si"

Ultimately, m° ^° kku b4. hun, (with a person) m° T>° ^^ ^
Ultimatum, (final proposition) ^° li° kap i iin sa" bat, Z>° li° 6* in
^ hi ki6k. bat i.

Ultimo, uit., m n° t^Dg g6h ir ^" Unadorned, (plain) #| M phoh sit.

ts&ng g^h. Unadulterated, Jj| chheng, ^ sftn,

Ultra, (extreme) ^ k6k. J^ tsoan.

Ultramarine, ® ^°^ p6 t8i6h l^m, Unadvisable, ^ /Ig put pien.
(beyond the sea) m W.° 5t° hAi Unadvised, ^° >J>° »& b6 si6 sim, '|t

hiii" p&ng. . igi chhong pong.

Umbilical, —cord, Jl° ^° ui t6a. Unadvisedly, 'It ^ chhong-pong.
Umbles, ^ Ii° 16k tAg. .
Unaffected, (natural) ^ JSK seng-
Umbra, (shade) ^°ii°, (in eclipses) s^ng, (as the heart, for good) ^°
]^ ^ dm hu. S i^ fti ho siu kdm-hok, —by the
Umibrage, (aflTence) ^ 3E kan-hoan climate, m° ^° T>° ^° 7K° ± b6
take — , '\k° St ^-sin. tsidh in ti6h tsiii th6-, by the heat,
Umbrageous, (shady) M 15° im-fig. M° WL° M W M° b6 h5- jodh ut ti6h,
Umbrella, pf ° ^° ho; soil", state — by his mother's death, ^° #° 5E°
|fe° ^° nift" soa", —maker, M° ii|f°
^ fi9° i& BT ^ i3E lau bu si i ^ sim-
^° rJ°^ ts6e ho- soa" sai-hu. koa" tsai tsai.
Umpirage, ^M^i^ kong chhin Unaided, ^° A° ^" 81° b6 ling tku.
SO" tsii i. tsan.
Umpire, 5^ ^ A° kong to mng, ^ 24°©° b6e k6e
Unallerable, 7>° tit.

H kong-chhin. Unalloyed, ^° m° b6 thku, Ji

Unable, T>° boe, Z° t6° boe 6e.
.Unabridged, '^ ?i b6 kidm, 11° iJ° Unambitious, 1
^° :/i:° »6 fF° b6 t5a
sim koa", ^^ siii siii. b5ekong-kektit, (as an argument^
Unamiable, ^° #° A° ^° b6 tek jln H^ ^g # #J boe pok ho- i t6.
thia". Unassisted, ^° A° ^° W
b6 lang
Unanimated, ?E°^^ si-b4i, sien-suh, tau tsan.
%°ffi si sng, S°^°^°5E° beh si Unassorted, :^ ^ If ^ be pun
beh si, 1?S JiS the the, chhai chhai, kui lui.
^°B°Wi°ht oah tang. Unassuming, ^ ^ khiam-sun.
Unanimity, |iJl° >& si^ng sim,
— ° »& Unattainable, il°#°#° boe tit tidh

— ^ tsit sim tsit Unattempted, ^iSS becbhi-kho&°


Unanimous p=, y a
*& tang

® sira.
Unattended, M' A° ^°
b6 l^ng #*
Unanimously) ra
,T • 1 ^
kap i khi, (a§ a mandarin) ^ SK
Unanswerable, (as an argument) 1^ «° bo kun sfii g.
W° ^MU boe
pok t6 tit. Unauthentic, (g° k6.
Unanticipated, ^f, 8$° bo phai Unauthorized, g ]# tsu tsoan, ^ A
phe, M° fj^ b6 liau, |S| *r° ^° b6 ^° b6 ling kah.
phah sng. Unavailable, %° l^ ig" b6 15- eng,
Unapparent; ii ^
bo hi^n-ji^n, ^ 11° i$ X° b& chhdi kang.
^ ffi ?3 b6 hien b^ng. Unavailing, ^°^X°b6 chhdi kang
Unappreciated, ^ ^^
P' fi b5e. Unavoidable Jff ko* put-tsiong, ) ^^
hidu tit tiii-tiong. Unavoidably) :!;°^ #° boe bi^n'tit
Unapprehensive, j^° .»& pang sim, Unaware, :^>' fj° %° b6 phah sAg,
^° ^1b6 khoa lu. M° b6 liau, ;j; in tsai. ^ ^
Unapprised, IH ^° jl ^
bo seng Unbar, n° fT %° pkng mfJg 16ng,
thong-ti. n° thiah khi mAg long.W* M
Unapproachable, ||° 5£ ^
boe Unbearable, # %° #° t6ng boe tiau. ^
tsiii kun tit. Unbecoming, ^° ^ ^° b&-hd.p-sit,
Unappropriated, *° #" M° fi'j° be M^'^tl b6 hdp-1^, ^°#.phdi"sfe
bat eng e. Unbefitting, ^ >& ^ b6 hdp sit.

Unapt, ^° -a- b6 hdp, (stupid) M° Unbelief, %° ^ iii-sin.

tun, ^^ chhi-tsoat. Unbeliever, %° iE i.° K° m sin e
Unarmed, ^° ^° ^ ^° b6 kidh kfe si. Mng,
Unasked, (as a guest) ^° A° b6 Unbelieving, ^° W in sin. ^
Mng chhid",—to come, M° A° 51° Unbend, (as wire) fij ^° flt" ^
^23£ b6 lang kah i Mi,— to help in chh6ng ho- i tit, thit tit, as a —
any thing, f& ^° m° m° b6 A ^
person, iJ° khah sM-pien, H@
Mng kah i t^u tsan. m° ^"m'^ khah b6 khu siii, |Jc°
Unaspiring, b6 h6-° ko. ^° ^ ^ khah b6 khu khien.
Unassailable, (as a fort) M^M^° Unbending, m° lt° ngi-tit, W M
ngi-khi. thing.
Unbiased, ^° -fz >h j& b6 toa sofe- Unceremonious, fi° jfil b& le s6-, ^
sim, 2g° jE° >& pi^-tsia^-sim. ^,mmmW:h6 eng kau M so-, H
Unbind, M° thdu. siii-pien, chhin-chhdi. @ ^
Unblamable, M° 81 ^
boe hi^ra tit, Uncertain |tt° »g° ^° b6 tia''-ti6h )

pT ^ ^
b6 thang hi&m. Uncertainly) Jl b6 tek-khak, ^#
Unbleached, /JC fe piin-sek, il ^b6- (mysterious) ii^bl-bidu, ?f IE#
b6ng b&ng bidu bidu, weather, ^
Unblemished, JH 3£ b& h^ chh6, ^ Z° ^° 3c° m tsia'' thi", (in mind)
^° W ^
b6 mau peng.
Unblushing, :^° '®° iff t5a bin sin,
il 95 if
teng sfeng.
b& koat toan, i|° S -^ b8

Unchain, ®|° thd,u.

m° M° &° kau bin ph§.
Unboiled, *° W° be sdh. Unchangeable, |i° ^° boe ^ i tit,

Unbolt,W &° fS khui-chhoa°. yt^°Mm°%

boe pien oa° tit, ^
Unborn, W be si". boe \-6k tit.
Unchanged, (as situation of things)
Unbosom, Pi tB W^ th6--chhut
tsin tslng. m M tsiku go^n, W° ^" ^ Sd°jH:°
Unbounded ^ W- PI ^6 kai ban. iii-go^n si an-ni"'.

Unboundedly) M RB ft ^6 ban liong. Unchanging, ^M^ b6 pien oa",

Unbridled, ^° ^ m b6 khu sok, M ^ % *D° ^ng si kn jH:° ni".

f& y^ b6 iok sok. Uncharitable, (not benevolent) ^°

Unbroken, ^ WL° bo phok, (as a b6 jln K\, (censorious) ^°^°
family) U°M M toan-toan-i°,
m° ^° g^u k6ng kha-chhng
^"^ §S°

(as a horse) ^° ^ be hodt, (as a au oe, !i° Sfc ^

g^u phoe-ph^Mg,
. succession) «° ^° 15° b6 tsih M'M.°M'^° hi&m tang hi^m sai.
tsat, (as friendship) ^° iS b6 Unchaste, Jft° ^ 15 b6 tseng-tsiet,

tsdat. fT°^°*:°tia°phdi"tai.
Unbuckle, M° thau. Unchristian, ^° Mg flft° ;2:° m° 5^
Unburden, ft ^ thoat khi, one's b6 tsiku seng chheh ^ kk-si, ^° HIJ
mind, (i±M »& 'fil
th6--l6- sim-ts^ng, iH ±.° W b6 thkn R-so-


PI lij J& *: th6- chhut sim su, Uncivil ) il° li ifc° il 3ft:

Unburied, ^° ffi°be t^i, ^°S# be Uncivilly) a b6bAnli.

b&,i ts6ng. Uncivilized, ^°%M°MVCi be siu
kau boa.
Unbusiness like, 1S^^° nod"-chhod°.
Unbutton, »° °
ff thdu liii-d.
Unclasp, M° thdu, the arms %° ^
^°# pkng chhiii.
Uncandid, !i° b6 ti^u tit.
(father's eldest brother) fg°
Unceasing M° b6 soah, %° Uncle,

UncBasingly #° b6 hioh, M°'»° l^d
peh, (father's younger brother)
^° tsek, (mother's eldest brother); sa" liam ti tok, (no connection;
:fi J|° toa ku, (mother's younger with) W^^=f^ kap
i b6 kan-

brother) ih° M° soe ku. sidp, (by relationship) 7^°^°^

Unclean ) M
A° kia^-Mng, i^ ^° bo kap i chhin.H
Uncleanly )m-s4m, p§ U
ti-6e, ^f Bt Unconquerable, 7[>.°m°W boe id" tit.
am- tsam, fe-6- (sinful) ^°^° u Unconscionable ^^ ad-b^n. ^
tsoe. Unconstitutional, ^°-^P^ bo hdp
Unclose, |3° khui. kok boat, 7r>°mmm b6 tsiau 1^-
Unclothe, m.° ti° thfig sa".
gi, 3B ^ hoan boat.
Unclouded, ^ R b6 htin, jt ^ Unconstrained, (in manner) ^ j^
Uncoil, ^ ^ It° khan i tit, it° *° # ffi hai t^i hai
b6 h6- hiah", tsai,

(unforced) il°,^5S bo bi^n kidng.

tit khi.
Unconcious _o e^o — ) . •

Uncomely, Z°UM° m h6 khoa", Unconciouslyf^ ^ ™ *«^^-

il°S°khiep-si. Uncontaminated, M°^°^°b6 bak

Uncomfortable ^° K° )
m° b6 khok" ti6h.
Uncomfortably) odh, gai-gi6h, '^ Uncontrollable,
^ J^ :^ 65°

ut-tsut, kilu ^h, chhiah-idh,
sok tit.
b5e iok

feeling in the stomach, Jg fth ff

Uncontrolled, il° $& :^ b6 iok sok.
Unconverted, ;^° 3° m° ^° be tSng
Uncommon, W^% b6 p^ng si6ng, thau si°, ^S^ -KJ be siu Urn-
7 i^ put si6k. hoa.
Uncommunicative, tim, tiam- Uncooked, ^°
'Ig°'KJ° chh?,
be tsii. ^°E
Uncomplaining, % f^°
Uncork, Wi W
^° khui kan-that.
jim teh, $ Uncorrupted, (as a mandarin) jf 1
^° thun Mn.
Unconcern, ^° ^ 1: bo khoa-lu, Uncourteous,
^ ji ij; b6-l^s6'.
ffclfc hok-hok, %°n°mm. pkng Uncouth (clumsy) IC ^ bong-

b6 iau-kin. Uneouthness f tsong, ( odd ) •& #

Unconcerned \U° Wt M bo kbok- k6--koki.
Unconcernedlyjlu -ft; ^ hoa-hoa. Uncover, M *° 2^5 hien khi Mi, iW
13 hien khui.
Unconditional, ^° n'p M° b6 phin. Uncreated, |ij ^ ^ be chh6ng tso.
Uncongenial, ^° ^° ^ b6 hdh i. Unction, (anointing) ^ rgj boah-iilt,
Unconnected, (alone) ^°^°
tiab, M,^° ko--toa^ —logically
toa"- (that which excites emotion) W
Wf If 6e tong tseng..
^°^°^°^° b6 sa" tsidh chheng, Unctuous,
%°'M bo
(greasy) m 65° ia §.
lifen, ^°^°?fi^^°b6 Uncultivated, ^ f# ia-sidk, flj W
gkn-id, (as land) U° W b6 tsoh, heng, il°^Bt^° thau l^i am
(rude) ffl % cliho--16-. khi.

Undated, it°# H b6-ahjit. Underlet, ^ IS tsodn-se.

Undaunted, ^° ^ m° b& sit td°, Z Underlie, (lie under) f ° ®° ^° e

m ffi-kia", j^ BB h6-td°. bin u.

Undeceive, W" ®° # ^° k6ng h5- Underling, (in yamuns) ^ 2j£ le-

i tsai, |bJ° # W° BJ ka i k6ng-b&ng.

tsut, ;^° s° g^-idh, mm goan-
Undecided \M "^ M ^ iii-ii put chhe.
Undecidedly koat, 1^ j P tiA-tii. Undermine, M° M° 11° kiit si^" kha,
Undefiled, il° #r° i^° #° b& phah —a wall with water, M° ^° M°
Ik sam, /j; ^ ^ |§ S b6 bak- koah chhiti" kha, (a person's char-

ti6h-lS, sam. acter) \f^Wc^°m° am pai miH" sia°.

Undefined, (as time) ^° RB b6 ban, Undermonstrative, 'IS° ^ tiam tsM,
(as a boundary) ^° ^ p^ b6 kki f^° m
b6 chh^ng.
ban. Underneath, T° M° e bin, T° J©"
Undeniable g| ) ^
boe pok tit, @ e-tde.
Undeniably (obvious) Mng. ^
Underprop, m.° thi", f6° thuh.
Under, e, f

i£° e-t6e, —
^heaven, Underrate, fl kheng-kM, (as ^
3c° T° thi°.e, (Less) ic khah goods) ^
ffi :fe°
^° m° k& siu" b6
lidm. k^, (as a person's abilities, ^°

Under-age, JsR ^ A
be tsi^" 14ng, M° ^° &° M° li^b ts6e b6 kau
^ T
be sfeng teng.
JSS gidh.
Under-agent, gljfe 3g ^"bii taili L Undersell, *B° M° sa^-t^ng, ?te° m°
Underbid, JiJ i{° <J?? chhut khah sio-t^ngj R° @° tku pan a gi,

tsio, M° M° 16b ke Mi teng,

W ^ «°
UnderbEHsh, Wi° ff° chhim &. thdh.
^ ^° chhiam-mia, ^°
Underclerk, ff° h^ ki. B Undersign
Undercoat, M° #° t^ sa°. >S° 16h mia.
Undiercurr^nt, S£ &° l^ti ph^. Understand, BJ 6 b^ng-p^k, B W
Underdone, ^° ^° be-s^k. hidu-tit, m "^ hidu-ngo'.
Understanding, (ability) it 1^ tsai-
Uttdergird, m°y°m'' p^k e t6e.

Undergo, m ^° tam-tng, U ii° tiau. ^ If tsai ts^tig, (harmony)

keng-k^, ^ ^ siu-ti(5h. ^ h6.

Uhder-graduate, M. ^ t6ng-seng. Undertake, m° E° tam-tng.

Underground, 4° T° toe-ei Undertaker, (of an affair) '^° i° W
Undergrowth, °
ff tsdp-chha-d. A° tam-tng S l^ng.
(affair) ^° if° tai-tsi.
Underhand 7 Bf S»° am-tsi», il° »& Undertaking,
Underhanded 3 1® thau sim km Undertow, m° &° l^u-phe.
Undervalue, |i° fi" ft° b& hiah Undivided, ^° g be pun, (whole) #
tui-tiong, (goods) iSS" *i;° kd' ^°^° ka-nfig, attention, jjj — ^
siunsi6, (ability) g°M°|l°khoa" 15; ,^ tsoan sim ti-i.

siu° khin, ^° m° ^° kheng khi i. Undo, (annul) B M' h6e b6j.. (a

Underwood, # ^ ff ° tsdp-chh^-d. knot) ®P° thdu, (ruin) J£°#|g3I
Underwork, :g:° t^ng. ho" i li6ng poe. .

Underwrite, ffi ^ ^° 11° chhut p6 Undone, Wc ^° pai-lah, (as a string);

ke toa°. ^°*laukhi.
Underwriter, ^ M° ± p6-ke tsu. Undoubted, %° W° m IR° b6 thang
Undeserved, /P° li ^ m eng-kai. pien-pok, ^° vi° ^ b6 thang gl.
Undeserving, Z° m° %° b5e kham Undoubting, M° M b6-gi.
tit. Undress, m¥^^
thAg sa°-d, kh6-.
Undesigned- 1 ^S put i, M° ^ iK Undulate (as ground)
iU° ^° ||f
Undesignedly ) M b6 ti^u k6- i, M° Undulating [ koii° ke kham, (as sea)
.t|-iEb6kfe b6-. ,
m° Jgs m° ^ng mi ^ng khi.*
Undesigning, ^ ]i° ti^u-tit, M° S° Undue ) (not right); ;F°^° iii ti6h,
^ tf:b6 gftu siet k^. Unduly};^ -& put Mp, (excessive)
Undesirable, Hf ^ m h6 7fi° se, ?J;° M° li k^-thlu.
j^ in h6. Undutfequs, 7F, put hku. ^ .

Undetermined, (in mind) |h|° Undutiful, /^ ^^

put hau. ^
b6 koat-toan, ^^
tift-tu, (as an Unearth, 51 ffl tui toe nih MM ^
affair) m° ^°^° be tia"-ti6h. pek chhut Hi, (disclose) #° ^
Undeviating, (regular) ^ j^ stin W MM ho- tai-tsi lo*-hien.
si6k, (not erring) %° m §^ b6 Unearthly, A F^ J5f il° W jin kan
chha-chhok, (not wandering) i| s6-b6 S.
^Ji&b6bSlo-. Uneasify K(in mind) ^ ^ ^ b& p^ng
Undigested, 3?°f& fU be siau-hok. Uneasy an, >&
^° it sim put an,
gai gi6h.
Undignified, ;j;° j^° # iH tsi^" tsii,
^° Uneasiness, »J3> /P :g sim put an.
b6 tsiku te p5-.
S?. Jl& ie
Undiscernable, (by sight) S° ^° ttl Unembarrassed, ffi ^S hai tsai M ^
kho4° boe chhut. hai tsai, :^ jgE :^ tai khki tai khai, ^
Undiscerning ^°WB & b^ b^ng-pdk, (free from perplexing connection)

il° i^° li b6 thau-thiet.

fit b6 tsek gai. ^ ^
Undisciplined, (as soldiers, 7p,° '&° Uneducated, ^° jp ^ b6 hdk bun,
M° M° 3!fC° b6 bdk tsiii.
m°. b6 k^ chhau, ii b6 k^ ^
Unendurable, ^ 7[>°^° tng boe ^
ti^u, boe khat tit.
Undisguised, M^
hi^n ji^n. Unenlightened, ^° |fe flj be siu ^
Undismayed, |i|° ||° b6 kia". kku hoa.

Unenergetic, m° M° noa"-noa°, 5E° Unfashionable, /^° M. b6 si tse, fllf

J* 5E° ** si Mi si bdi. 7^°I^fT°iii8ikia".

Unengaged, ^° M° u ^ng, (no em- Unfasten, M thdu.
ployment) feBFi& b6 tMu lo Unfathomable, (as an afiair) ^ M
it°A°ir b6llj»gchhia". M b5e chhek t6k tit (as the W
Unemployed, 3i PI ^ b& th^u 16-, H sea) T>° n *° m° %° b5e phah
B& b6 li-l5-. tsui t& tit.

Unequal ) n° m° b6 pi", ^ m° ^ Unfavourable, (not propitious) ^

Unequally \ b6 pi" t^ng, — divided, § put kiet, (as wind) % g6k, (as
M" m° » b6 pi" pun. a reply to a request for some-
Unequalled,^ bli .ft pi, ^ Ijc bfi thing) T>° 11° ®° b6 thia" thau,
t^k ^ H — kai te it. (as weather) 3c° J|# ^° » thi" si
Unequivocal 1 (plain) blng, b6 h6.^
Unequivocally j ( n o t ambiguous ) Unfeeling, IT tl put jin, @| JPJ khok
||°'g'|^b6ham-h6-. h^ng.
Unerrag, Z° m° b5e chL6. T^° m° Unfeigned, f^° M° b6 U, * sit, =»
^ boe chh6-g6-. )E tsin sit.
Uneven ) f^° f^" b6 pi", (as a road Unfelt, 7*° *H° fii tsai.
Unevenly ©" m° kham-khidt.
j Unfilial, ^P put-hku. ^
Unexpected )b6pb^i phe, ^°tf° Unfinished, ^" 0° be.h6, ^5° %
Unexpectedly j3f° b6 phah 8%, ^°
,^,'M b6 gi-g5-, ^° b6 liau. m
Unfit, ^° ^° b6-hdh, ^° 'S- b6-hdp,
chhi°-so-, ^°
Uppxperienced, Ss.° (for an ofiice)
chhfeng ^°mMm
^°m b6 Idu lien, ^°^ B° tsai tsit.

Unexterminated, M M be tsiu-
Unfix, (unhinge) W thfig, (un-
settle) ^° fi* n° J£° ^° bo- i b&
bi^t. tia"-ti6h, (the rudder) nB p^i
Une?;ceptionable, T^°M%° boe hi^m toa.
tit, ^° £1 %° boe pok tit, » b6,
Unfold, Wl M hien-khui, M ^ thdu-
his conduct is— ffi grp'^ ^» i ^
pbin-beng h6. Unforced, |S5° 5S b6 bi^n-ki6ng. ®
Unfading, (as a flower) ii b5e 7°
Unforeseen, put-liau, ^° iiK ^ !fi|-

sia, (as a colour) /P°ii°'B b5e M° b6 phii-phe.

thfe sek. Unforetold. 1^° ;ffi°:5fc° i|° b6 tai seng
Unfair. i;r:''^3t b6 kong-to, M" k6ng.
Unfairly j ^^° JE° b6 pi" tsik". Unforgiving, #° |&° '1ft g^u khioh
Unfaithful, Z- .S P^t tiong, ^°&g* hiin.

b6 jln tsin. Unformed, |!i|° ^ "ft b6 h^ng-siong.

Unfortunate ) ^° !^° ^ bo ji-un, Ungrammatical, ^° •^° ^ fi iS bah
Unfortunately J
^° 5t -Hj phai°-tso- b(in boat. •

hok, it ^° :^ tso hoa

'ffc in si, ;r> Ungrateful, M° A 'If b6 jin-ts6ng,
^ put-heng, how very — ,
^° 3J k° m b6-gi, B 1. A° ^ b^)ong un
b6-chhdi, J| *t° ^ tsin b6-clihAi. poe gi, .i![•
M ^ ko* un hu gi,
Unfounded, ^° m° 1: b6 t6e-ti, ^° i^ Bl biau-hoan.
B° JSr b6

^ ^° hdn-tit.
Ungrounded, M° ¥° W b6 id" tsiah

^"ii"!: b6t6e.ti.
Unfrequented, {g ^f° phien-phiah. Unguarded, ^° ^n l!5 b6 ti-h6ng, ||°
Unfriendly, i: ®° ko--tak, ^ |t° ko- 5l° l!§° b6 tiu°-ti, M B 'II ba- kin-
sng, 1° CL° I7i" A° ka-kl ts5e lang. sin, 4a° ^ ,5 bo liu sim.
Unfruitful, (as a tree) ^° ^ M° ^° Unguent,
b6 kiet k^-tsi, (as a woman) ^° Unhallowed, (impure)
lui tui, (un-
^° M b6 seng-sAn. boly) b6 s^ng, (wicked) ^°m ^
Unfulfilled, 11° ^.
b6 eng-giara, ok-t6k.
,11 #
^° ^^bo hau-giam, ^° H
S!t Unhandy, (not dexterous) ^°
bo eng-hau. b6 khoki ehhiii, (not convenient)
Unfurl, m^ m° thc4u-khui, M° M° Tfi fi put pien, ^° jfij ^ b6 li-piga.
Unhappy ) ^° 'K ^ in khoa"-oAh,
Ungainly, ^^ 6hli4-chM.
Unhappily) :^° :g boe chh^ng i, ^
Ungarnisbed, ^° -^ phak-s6-, (as ^° 2p -3c b6 pfeng an, sim koa" b6
talk) %° $i° m oa° 16h ^ ^ put an, *& Jff
b6 tsng ts6e, W.° PAfBili" ^
m° m° tit tit k6ng. sim koa" kok sih na°, (miserable)
Ungenerous, ^° bo-liong. ^ *& "^ sim kan kh6-, (unlucky) M
Ungenteel, ^° ^m
h6 bUn-li. KI hiong, ;7 put kiet. §
Ungentlemanly, it° fijf ^
b6 su-blin, Unharness, ^° thig.
^".:^ S
bo blin b6k. Unhealthly, (person) i^°^ b6-i6ng,
Ungird, m^ ^° thdu-toa. WM ^ 1dm sin-mia ^O '

'; i* :i^
Unglazed, be kh thng. s1i lo-, (place) ^ ° ± phdi"
tJ: tsiii-
Ungodliness, ^° f^ j^ bo keng- th6-.
Unhesitating ) (prompt) ^° Bl°
Ungodly, ^°
fi ^, b6 keng-khi^n. Unhesitatingly ( li^m pi°, |§| B# sui-sl,
Ungovernable, ;p° boe koan ^^°
(without doubt) b6 tiA- ^°mB
tit, ^° t^°
|?| m
bde iok-sok tit. tA.
Ungraceful, M° {^ ^
b& kiau-kidh, Unhinge, (by accident) JK°iilB^l"t
A#ir fi jin.tsal phi-iii. ho' tidp, (purposely) flj^ft^pak
Ungracious, |S-°iii& b6 ts^ sim, (as ho"-tidp.
manners) |§. ^ chho'-sidk. Unholv, M° m b6-s4ng, (wicked)

^# ok-tok. Unison, ft ho,

%M h6-hM.
TTuhook,m° thng, m° m° thig kho-. Unit, (one) ° tsit, (Math.) ||° toa".
Unhorse, m° m° ^° poAh loh b^. Unite, 'g' hap, (join) ffi^ii sa°-li^n,
Unhulled, TJt" E° »° be lut-khng, (by glue &c.) M° |fi ho- i liam, P
*°E°^be peh-khak. (by treaty) ^^^
kiet h6-i<5k.
Unhurt, ^° fS S bo siong-hai. United, ^
hdp, (harmonious) '^ H
Unhurtful, U° S h5e hai. ft il it thoEln h& khi.
Unidiomatic, M" W, 15° M ho tsiau United states, of America, -fzM M
•6e gu, ^"M^"":^ boe tsiau oe Tai-bi kok, :l^ M Hoe-ki kok, M
khoan. i'C ^ MM Tai-hap-tsiong kok.
Uniform, —"/1° tsit-iu", [^°^tang- Unity, (concord) ft h6, (conjunc-
khoan, (of a soldier) |f ^ ho i. tion) If — kui it.

Uniformity, ft°|fe si^ng-khoan. Univalve, 41° #° Ve-A.

Unimpeachable, (blameless) ^°^° Universal, j® fj thong-heng, 51 ffi°

m b6 mau-peng, li° W" it b6 thong-eng.

thang hi&.m. Universe, 5c° Jfi°thi°-toe,;?'S u-tiu.
Unimportant, th pT si6-kh6a, ^° ^ University, #
^° tsu-i°. Imperial —
M bo iau-kin, ^ig^ b6k-su-iu. m# U° ban lim P..
Unimposing, (as person) ^° Unjust ^M m°^5l b6kong-t6, 4a°
bo ui heng, (as thing) >J»° .g siau
Unjustly if j a bo tsSng M°m, M li,

^^ W° b6-t6li.
ki6k, si6h si6h.
Uninhabitable, Z° B° #° =?i° boe Unjustifiable ) H *^° jf ^ 16ng b6
Unjustifiably \ ts6ng-li.
khia-khi tit.

Uninhabited, ^° A° >g° fi° bo lang Unkind \%° m.° ^ b6 thia° sioh,

Unkindly m° ^° \
b6 thi^°, ^° M *&
khia-khi, %° A'M'ho jin-ien. b6 tsu sim, ^°^ # phdi-^ khodn-
Uninstructed, -*t° ^ M b6-hdk-bun,
%°JtWcith6 siu kku-hoa.
Unknown, f^° A° Sa° b6 \kng tsai.
Unintelligent **° 51 b6-thong, ^ ii
Unlace, m° thau.
put- thong, — eye. f§° @° gam-bdk. Unlade, )|g:S°khi-hfe, ffi S°chhuth6.
Uniutelligible j(language) ^° ^ Unladylike, ^
^f A A° 1$ IS b6 hu
Unintelligibly )thia° bo, speak — -,
jin lang tlie th6ng.
M°^,^^ li^"g bo bSng.
^° #° iK # b& ti^u Unlamented, ^° A°^°ipm m b6
Unintentional (
lang ka i hoan
Unintentionally) k6- i, IS ^ + b6 *°

khui khi.
Unlatch, i^"
i tiong.
Uninteresting, i^° »& 'Sr b& sim sek, Unlawful ^° -^ f* b6 hdp boat,

M°M^ bS chhii^bl, 4i|° ^ |i| b6 Unlawfully 3E boan boat. j S

khiau sin.
Unlearned, ^° f^ b6 hak bun, m
M° yi<° ^^ Mk tsiii. Unmeaning, ^ M S b6 i-su.
Unleavened, U^ m° b6 k^"- Unmercifiil, ^ S' ts^n jim, g° pT l#
Unless, ^° U° na b6, ^° K-° ^ na b6 kh6-lin, ^ ^ @ b6 tsA-pi.
m si. Unmerited, /p° MWi i^ eng-kai.
Unlettered, ^E ^ 7^° bo bdk tsui. Unmindful, (ungrateful) jg. ko- ^
Unlike, ^° j^ ^° b6 chhin-chhiu", un, ;F H put ^,
^° m° b6 tang, #° S° koh-ius. Unmingled, ^° # ff b6 chham-
Unlikely, (improbable) St° ^° k4"- chhap, ^° if ^ b6 chhap-tsdp.
boe, it is —
that he will pass his Unmolest, %°
examination for B. A. ^° ^° j8 ^°
S b^ kidu-jidu, W
M° bo-kang.
m" k4° boe tsin 6h. Unmoor, ^ ^ khi tia".
Unlink, 1;° thAg, ka i l^u. Unnatural, (contrary to natural
Unlimited ^ Rg 1; bti han-liong, f$° feelings) ^ Jli A -^ put sun jln-
^ US bu-kai-han. ts^ng, Ji 'tt g^k seng, (not' na-
Unload, (as ship) m M°khi.h6, fSBM tural) :5S :i ^ jS 64° m si seng
sia^sai, tf{ M° chhut h^. seng e.
^^^ khui-s6, W m° khui- Unnavigable, 7[.° ii° j^'f^" boe sai
tsAn tit.

Unlocked, —for ^° ^° g° b6 Ag- Unueighbourly, JK H k^o'-khiit, HJ

bang, ^° n° m? b6 phah sAg, %° ^° ko- sng, 11° 1° ^ A° b& gau
m W b6 phai-pbe. ts6e Mng.
Unlovely, (not amiable) H
\^° khiit Unnerve, m° A°
m° ho- Mng ^°M
chhSng, ;p°tf ° A° Wt boe tit Mng kha chhiii liau.
thia°. Unnecessary, ^° -gg" in-sdi, bi^n, %
Unloose, M^ thau. (needless) in° X° ke-kang.
Unlucky, (person) ^°%
b6 fin, ^° Unnoticed, ( unpereeived ) %° W
^ M° phdi" chhAi-th^u, ^° %° E)6i°S°b6tiu''-tikhoa".
phai'^-mia, (day) ^° H phai' jit, Unnumbered, ^°4|:°# boe sflg tit,
(asan affair) ^ ^
SS b6 kai-tski. ^° %° T° sng boe tsin.
Unmanageable, (as person) /J»° % Unobjectionable, |i^° Rr°^°b6thang
% boe iok-sok, (as affair hi&m. ^°S^
b6 boat tit. Unobservable, ':^° ^° ^° boe khoa"

Unmanly, >Jx A sidu-jia, ^ siau- ij, kl",m° ^° £° khoa" boe ki".

ki6k, 1° ;Ji:
i * 4:° « iE b6 tai- Unobserved, ^° A°^°b6 Ikng tsai,
. tionghu 6 khi-khai. ^° A° m° M° b6 lang khoa" ki°.
Unmannerly ^ ji bfi 1^. Unobserving, it @° tit-bdk.
Unmarried, (as woman) ^° ^° be Unobtainable, ^° #° ^° boe tit-ti6h
kfe, (as man) ^° g° be chboa. Unobtrusive, 1g ^ thiam-tseng.
Unoccupied, m° Sng, ^° ^ 1° b6^ Unpopular, W% IS »& b6 tek bin
gi-niu. , sim, (as a doctor) |i||°
fit fr° b6
Unofficious, ^° g° ft * b6 gku si kia°.

cliliap su, l!^ ^ t^ A° M g^u Unpractical, %° ^ f#° boe kia°. tit.

chhap ling su. Unprecedented, tS ^ ^° tsiong-

Unorhamented, ^ ^ sh'-sb-. m ^° -1° W° be bat u.
Unostentatious, S° ^ thidp sit, b6 Unprejudiced, ^° ±° ih° »5 b6 toa
kek hia-pai. s6e sim, (fair) ^ Ji; kong-to.
Unpack, M° H" thdu-khui. Unpremeditated, i^° Ji#°ri&° b6 tiAu-ti
Unpaid, (as an account) ^° 5I'' Wf Unprepared, ^° f§ i?° b6 pi-pan.
be h^ng siau, (as a workman) X° Unpresuming, *ft° g ^ b6 tsu tsban
m° 1^°m° M° A° kang tsi" d-be Unpretendmg, jf ^ sit-tse, ^ M
ho- Mng. khiam-siin.
Unpalatable, ^°^° m bo Mh cbhtii, Unprincipled, 3tt° Ji ^ b6 to-li, M'
^° 1{° !^° iii kah cbbui. m°ht> li, tF ^° hoai^'-k^h.

Unparalelled,^° m^ M° be-bat u. Unproductive, (as ^° M field) /|;°

Uupardonable, %° #° boe sik- m^ boe si^-sdn, (as business) ^° if§°

bi^n tit. it° b5e-thkn-tsl^ (useless) ^° M
Unperceivable, T-° 1° B° boe khok" S b6 li efc.

"ki". Unprofitable, ^° ff° phai''-th&, i|°

Unperceived, ^°m° E° b6 kho&,° ki°. %° oh-than, (useless) %°mm^o

Unperishable, %°%° * boe bo-khi, liek.

;F°^°*b6ephAi"kM. Unpromising, (as a boy) bft MM
tfnpicturesque, ^° ffl iff bo khiok- bong, ^ jl ift :^ put si6k sh su,

(as a business) T^° ^° #° ;t° ^
Unpin, W ^^° 1^ ^ pin tsiam S boe khi si ^ sengJi.

Unpropitious, ^
ip put-si6ng, ^
Unpitying, li. ^° cbho'-chhin.
hiong, ^^
put kiet.
UnproSperous, soe, it° Pf b6 M @
Unpleasant, (as weather) ^° Blf ^° heng-ong.
U° thi?-si in hi5, (as a person)
Unpi-oteeted, ^° A ho p6-ho-, ^^
:;:p° M° lang khodn in h6, (as ^° IH bo tsiku-k6-. M
an affair) ^ g° kau-tl°, lo-so. Unpublished, ^° Pi] be in.

Un^dlished, (as person) ISfS chho. Unquenchable, ;f;° ^° boe hoa, %°

si6k, %°%m^^
bUn li. jfe boe sit.

Unpolite, tl°JiiIi<: b6 M-s^-, to be—, Unquestionable, b6 thang %° rJ°^

^Jisit-1^. gi,
il° Rr° gl° b6 thang ^
M^W 1i° W ^^-bak Unquiet, (restless) M°
tia°, (as sea)
%° b6 tek
W ^°
Unravel, —thread, thiu so^° tit, — Unrig, (as a ship) |lf ^° ^ thiah
a matter, §*^ '[f M chha ts^ng-li. soh 16"
Unready, (slow) si6 si6, (clumsy) Unrighteous ) -r ^ j. -

S tK b6ng-tsong. Unrighteousness! ^ *^ P"* ^i-

Unreal, ^° ff b6-sit, M° JH b6-tsin. Unripe,

fj° b6 sdk. M°
Unreasonable, ^° 'If 31 b6 tsSng-li, Unrivalled ;i;°Jfc#° b5e pi-tit, ^
# hoan ti-tu.
iiill !!* flj bH-pi.

Unrecompensed, M'M.Mhb p6-feng. Unrobe, JiK° ^° thfig phku.

Unreconciled, ®° :^° ^ idu-be h6. Unroll, m° m° thfig-khui, WC ^°
Unrecoverable, —debt, ^° ^° W° hien-khui.
its: ^° ii b5e tit-thang siu
e Isi^u. Unroof, m° m° thiah chhti-kok. m
Unredeemable, (as sin) Unroot,X>°^MW
i^ piiih-kun. ^
boe sidk h6e tit, (as k pledge) ^° Unruffled, (as face) jf| chheng- ^
m° %° boe chhiii" tit. chhdi.
Unreformed, %° BJ:° ^° be k6e-pi". Unruly, ^ ^ thiau bin, ^° ^° ngi-
Unregenerated, W £° !i° ^° be II thiku-hkn, tsih-tsuh.
phi", SjB

ting-thau si", ^° S -g fli be siu Unsaddle, 1®° ,B|°^° thAg b^-oa".

kdm-ho^. Unsafe, ^° ^ ^° b6 un-tkng, |i°S
Unrelenting, (cruel) ^ ,^, ts^n jim, m° b6 th6-t6ng.
ffl ^° chho'-chhan. Unsaleable, :7°S° ©° b5e boe tit,

Unreliable, /F°ffajt^° boe siong- ^° ft m° b6 siau thiu.

sin tit. Unsalted, ^° m° Wi be 16h \km.
Unremitting, j^° ;^° ml-tsi°, Sl|° Ji° Unsanctified, ^°jsS°il b6.t8ia''seng.
mi-noa, If »5 koan-sim. Unsatisfactory, (unreliable) ^°ft1t
Unrepentant, *t° ^ .[g b6 hodn h6e. ©° boe siong sin tit, (as conduct)
Unrepining, y Mu-jiSn,^ ^°'B^° ^°W.WhbG chhii tit, 7C^°^m
b6-kh6--chhoeh. h6,;(as a business) M°S°#^ bd
Unrequited, (as kindness) ^° ^ '|f
sid" tek li.

b6 ti tseng. Unsatisfied, ^ ^n JE put-ti-tsiok.

Unreserved, (frank) ^° ^
b6 Unsatisfying, (as food) '^° % ^°
kh£ig-po-. tsidh boe pa,
Unresigned T,° -t H
iR kam-goan, Unsavoury, ||°g°J5° khah b6 khd.
M° T^ b6 lidu-ji^n. Unsay, hTdn-chhiii, tt K^ K^
Unrestrained, ^° «§ :^ b& iok-sok. 6e hodn kok.
Unrevealed il Jt jji b6 tsi-si, M°
tH b6 b^k-sl.
Unscrew, f ^° ^
pak Id'-si, m° fl U W
thAg 16--si. m
Unrewarded, %° ^
g° b6 p6-siu", Unscriptural,
put hdp Z ^ M U
^^^ b6 p6-tap. seng-keng.
Unseal, J|f° ^ thiah hong. Unsoiled, ^° ^° m° be bak-ti6h.
Unsearchable, :^° m° W boe chhe Unsold, Jg°

*° 'S° iau-be boe.
tit,(unfathomable) :^° Ji ^ Unsolicited, ^°m°A° ^ b6 ka Idng
boe chhek-t6k tit. kill, ^° m° A° If b6 ka Ikng th6.
Unseasonable, ^° :§ fl# in si si, (ill- Unsophisticated, iS" M k6--i, ,"& fit

timed) ^° g° HI ^° b6 khb^" si- tiong-tit.

. tsun. Unsorted, ^ If be pun kui lui ^ ^
Unseemly, ^ >&• :^° put-hdp
Unsound, JjfJ phd°, (doctrine)
sit. siL ^
Unseen, ^° S° E° b6 khok^-ki". Unsoundly, (to sleep) Z^° ^° iK° boe
Unselfish, |i° M
{g" EL° b6 k6- ka- tsia" bin, Z>° boe khiin tit. M°W
ki, ^° (i ?Z b& phien-su. Unspeakable, Z>° M° W° boe k6ng-
Unserviceable, 7f>° JS°%° boe eng tit. tit, (cannot utter) Ii°^°3^,k6ng

Unsettle, —
in purpose, M Ji° boe Idi. S
li6ng kau kh^°, —
in mind, jJJ ff° Unspent, ^° ^ be khai.
ji &5° sim-koa" hien teh. Unspotted, W M^hb hd-chhii.
Unsettled, (as time) ^° S° ^° b6 Unstable, ^° ^ '& hb' teng seng,
tia''-ti6h, (as matter in dispute) H° »5 —° M sa° sim niig i.

^° M tt l^e tiS,u-tit, (as weather) Unstaidi |[S^ ^ ^ b6 hai tsai, M^

^° JS^° 5c° B# m tsia" thi"-si. kheng-thiau.
Unshaken, M" ^° Wi° b6 i6-tang, ^° Unsteady, ^°^^ b6 hai-tsai, M"
^° }a(°b6i6-tsoah, (firm) kien-k6-. ;£° ^° b6 tia"-ti6h.

Uijshapen, ^
J^ 1$ put Unstinted,
(person) M° #° tsin pik° ho- ^
s&ng th^ ^° J^° ^° iS tsia" th^, Unstop, (a bottle) M° khui that W
(thing) ^° J^° ;^ in tsift" khodn. Unstring,
thdu. M
Unshaven, m° ^° M° ^^^-^^ tbi. Unsubdued, '^M° be-id°.
Unsheath, (a sword) 7J puih W to. Unsubmissive, ^° ^ BK m hdng-h6k
Unsubstantial, (as food) ^° ^° M°
Unship, m° thfig.
^° ^° tsidh boe pd e mih, (as
Unshod, W M° chhiah kha.
foundation) ^ ^ phd^-phd", %°
Unsightly, Z° m° £° ^° boe khok"-
kl" L Z° m° fi^° b5e khok" tit. M b6 sit.

UnskUled, &°m.° chhi"-so-, &° ^° Unsuccessful, (in business) ^° ^

chhi°-chhiTi, Z^° ^° ^° m tsai id". g "g" bo seng-li bin, (in a search)

Unskillful ^° ^° chhi"-chhiu, M° M f&" 'M° chhe b6 ti6h, (in an


f iS° b6
s6k, Z° ^° i^ examination) MM b6 tsin.

in Idu-lien, ^ 'If ^ b6 khoai Unsuitable, (unbecoming)

^ fS put-
chhiii, Z° ^°:B° m tsai id". pien, y° pbdi" se, ^° m ^ I^" iii

hdp-sit, (not adapted) ^° -&° b6

Unsociable, W M ko'-khiit, ffi m°
ko--tdk, as: m° *a ko--tdk sionR. hdh, ^ 'g- put hap.

Unsullied, ^°#°^° b6 bak-ti6h. Untimely, ?P° & Ht m bdh si.

Unsupported, (as a wall) b6 tbi", b6 Untiring, ^°m° mi-tsi", M° m° mi-

thuh, (as a statement) fl b6 ^ S noa.
pin ku, (by friends) M" A° ik^ Unto, iil kdu.
bo Ikng hA-ts5-. Untoward, (person) t? ^° koai-
Unsurpassable, '^° ^° b6e-i&°. phiabj (perverse) J^ ft aii-bari,
Unsurpassed, ^°||°B° boe khah-i^". ji hlng-g^k, (troublesome) lo-so.
Unsuspected, ^°^>!^ b6 gi-go-. Untractable, <J ^ thiau-ban.
Unsuspicious, ^°^ b6 gi, ^°iJ°|^ Untradesmsftilike, ii°ff°n6a-chh6a"'
bo gii,u gi. Untrammelled, f^° #J I^ng-li, ^°1°
Unswathe, #° thdu, -M M. i^° bo ti-poa°. .

Unsympathizing, ^°MW b6 go^n Untried, ^° §J° ^°be chhi-khok"..

tsSng. Untrue, i|° ^° b6-ia", hau-ldk, ^°
Unsystematic, M° ?JC ^ b6 chhti su, M° pdh chhdt.
^°T^°b6hel6h. Untrustworthy, ^° >fB # ;g° boe
Untainted, %°m°m° b6 bak-ti6b. siong.-sin tit,T.° m It %° boe pin-
Untalented, M°:tM b6 tsM-tiau. sin tit (dishonest) ^° ^ J^ b6
Untameable, (as persons) 7r>°^y^ tiong-ho'.
% boe iok-sok tit, (as animals) Untruthful,
^°^°K bSldu-sit. .

chhi boe koai. Untwine-, liti

Untasted, ^° ^° ^° be tsidh khoa^ Untwist, m° m W tsoan to-th^.
Untaught, ^°« ^ b6 hdk-bun. Unused m° m° m° idu-be eng, m"
Unteachable, ;f;° 1;;°^° boe k^ tit. #° M° be-bat eng.
Unthankful, BE h6ng uu, B JB ^ Unusual, ^°35^ b6 p6ng-sjdng,J^
m b6ng un poe ^, n° g, ,1 b6 ^hui-sifing, ^#°;i-° (asaword)
kdm un. fi phien.
Unthinkingly, ^° j@i° b6 siu", i^ ^ m° Z>° ^ k6ng boe Hi,
hong-.hong. ^° M° W b5e k6ng tit.
Unthought, (of) M°Jil° b6 siu", ^ Unvail, liii phe.
Unvanquished, *° ^° be-ii».

Unthrifty, m°m:^U k6--piin. Unvarnished, (not varnished) ^°
Untidy, Bi jl ldm-n5a, m° be ill, ^°if^° beiii chhat,
i^ ft #J b6
Idng-H, ai|°/t^°g b6 sidp-tidp, ^° tsidu sit
?^° Mu-si6ng, (as a house)
m° (as a story) ^,
jA jt. kong,Ji£°|S)^°0°^° b6 tsng ts6e
Untie, »° thdu, —a knot, h6 thia".
Untied, come—,
Unvarying, 4^° b6 1-^k, ^° 88:° ^^
Iku khi. m° b& k6e-oa°, 7K :gin°jH3° ^ng
Until, m° kau.
si kn-ni°.
Unwarlike, ^° ^ 1^ h6 hi" tsihn. Unwrap, M' §9° thdu-khui.

Unwarrantable, >r>° M^ m ti6h, 5P° Unwritten, (as tradition) khd*

S°^°fi° 'boe Id" tpfeng tit, (ill- thoan §.

egal) 3E S hoan boat, (unjust) Unwrought, (iron) ^"0° chhi°-

f!£ 5^
-^ bd kong to, (improper) thih.

: ^°'&°5^b6 bdp sit. Unyielding, %^Mi&° pwt-ti tsiu

Unwashed, *° B6° be-s<ie. th6e, ^7° M° iii-niu, S kiang, (in

Unwary, |S°*K»i3» bO si6 sim, ||° argument) ^^ kiang-cbhui, ngi

g *6 b6 liA-sinii phi".

Unwearied, W ^° b6 siea, fi° -10° Unyoke, ^° thig.

Up, TH,IS° t^ng-bin, —in the sky,
Unwelcome, (as a. guest) ^°S° ^
^° %° poa"-thi", rto, |!l° kku, —
Ife i° A°
§° b6 sid" hi6ng bo- ^ get—, * 215 kbi-Mi.
mng kheh, (as news) ^W
1' pli^i" Upbraid, hiam, ft f§ tsek-pu M
siau sit.
Upheave, chh^ng-khi.
Unwell, ^°^°.u,pi", ;r ^°fg° m Uphill, m° kia.
Mng, #°

-khok" odh, /P° M 5^ m chheng-; Uphold, (defend) ii ui

A° in ij° th6e lang chhut lat, ^
Unwholesome, (as food), 15: fit Bi° # h<i-chhi, (elevate) M°fl&° kidh
li° pai to- tSg g mih.
S^ jg kidh-khi.
Uttwieldy, t* pun, H "f* chbun-pan, Uplift,
Unwilling, ;?;°-t m kh^ng, Z°tm Upon, ,^ ti, nJS nih, M tdng,—the

m kam-goan. table, I9t° *^° H tl toh-nih, |#° K

toh t^ng.
^° M m tsfeng-
Upper, IR teng, (of a shoe) W M°
^oan, 7» -t in kbeng, M ® bi^n- ofe-bin.

Upperhand, m° B° khah i^".

Unwind, liti. Uppermost, MMM kek-tdng-bin.

Unwise, fSk°^ Hi b6 ti-s^k. Upright, ;S it tiong tit, Ea°iE°

Unwittingly, Z° ^° W° m tsai-thau. tsia", m iEsii-tsfeng,M°Iit°ngi-tit,

Unwomanly, (person) M° ^° ^^ JE it tseng-tit, JE M tseng-khV

(perpendicular) ffl M° thdn-khia.
.; b6h61utek.
Unwonted, 5P°m° #° ^ koai^-si, Uproar, Vp ^ chhau-lau, Pi If soan-

(uncommon) ^° 2g ^ ho p^ng- hoa.

si6ng. Uproot, M° khau.

;€Bworthy, Z° ^ ^° boe kham tit, Upset, fiii chhia-t6,—by leverage,

(person) /p ^ put-kham. kiau-t6.

M t64i.
Unwounded, |i!l°^°^ b& ti6h siong. Upshot, mm kiet-ki6k, il
m° M° kau-W, iSi* l°.kiet-b6. pass — , involuntarily, chhoa jio,

Upside,—down, Bt B° }H° p^ng "excess of—^, ^ ij» bjiC tsoe sid,u siii,

kha chhng, ^ SH t6-p6ng. gravel in— ^, S?° jj^ soa 11m, reten-
Upstairs, ;ffi M l&n-t^rig. tion of — , tjt M ^ 51 sidu pien pat
Upstart, ^'M^A° hoat tdt ^ Ikng, thong.
&M i.° A° chhut sin 6 Mng. Urn, — for dead men's bones, ^^
Upturn, (by the plough) chhfeng h6ng kim.
chhut. Ursa major, ^° ^° pak-tdu.
Upward, |pj° H
1B° Ag teng-bln. Ursa minor, *J»° ^l-" si6 tdu.
Upwards, ia ±° i-tsiu", —
of ic° 19° Urumutsi, Ji 5tC o--16--b6k-ts^. # ^
khah-ke, ^- JE khah tsiok. Us, (not including those addressed)
Uranus, 5c i
thien ong. §t godn, (including those spoken
Uranography, Ji ffl thien to-. to) pg Mn,
Urban, M°a° 6^ sia-'-nih §. Usable, tl°m° %° 6e eng tit.
Urbane, >|t° H^
fi-le-mau, j; Usage, (customs) bong-si6k, M^
bun-ngd. (treatment) Ht khodn-thai. ^
Urbanity, :^° m^
n U-sb; $ Use, m
m° lo--eng, no^,, M°^M°
btin-li, W° if IS u le-mau. b6-l5--eng, — ^magic, ® ^ sdi hoat,
Urethra, ^ ^ ji5-kng, stricture of —sparingly, !M s^ng, —lavishly,
— M° ^° m° m° jio kng pi" o^h, as money, ff lam sam
iS gg khai,
rupture of—, 16° 1=° ^° jio kfig to— M°
, eng, —harshly, MM
lib, calculus—, m°U°^°m jio hhek-p6k.
kng tsi6h lim. Useful, :^° ^° m° u 16- eng.
Urge, Sa pek, ^ 5t chhui pek, fS g Useless im°^M° b6 l6- eng, —
chhui-kod", — on quickly, 51 ^ Uselessly [person, :?: 4» ffl put ti^ng
pek-kin, —continnally, g° ^° (g jong, ^±M put si5ng soan ^ *
tauh taiih pek. ii put ts6ng tsin, (needless) 'M°K
Urgent, 51. P) pek-ehhiet, M i: kin- ke kang, ^°?6X° b6 chhdi kang.
kip, -fi) K) chhiet-chhiet. Usher, (to an official) it «r |f°thoan
Urgently, pek-chhiet. beng
Jg, -SI d, (an under teacher) ^° ^
Urinal, S^ g jio-o", Sf ^ jio-kha°. '

i.°%° ^° pang chhiii 6 sien si".

Urinary, M° 6S° jio-e, jJ, M 6^ sidu- Usual \^% pSng-si6ng, ip S
pien e. Usually p^ng so-.

Urinate, >J> i[|g siau-pien, 1^° M.° Usurer, %° ff' m°W pang tang lai e.
pang-jio. Usurp, S
chhokn, fft pk-t8iain,|^
Urine, M° jio, th 7K sidu-sui, ^J, ^ 5S ki6ng tsiam, authority mW
siau-pien, —bucket, ^° ti° ji5 chhiam koan.
thang, .pass—, ^'^ Wc pang-jio, Usurper, ^ il I . chhau-pk^ong, i
usu VAC
I pa-6hg. Vacillate \W.M hodn-hok, ^ S
Usurpation, © chhiam, S chho^n, Vacillation j ^^ hodn-hok bA si6ng,
H° ~° 3i sa" sim nng
Usurious, jK° M°m° ir° p^ng tang »6 i.

lai g. Vacillating, H° >& n° S sa''-sim

Usury, 1:° m° tang-lai. nng i.

Utensil, ^ ;fft khi-khu. Vaccinate *-o .r*-o ^ \

) i.

Uterine, (belonging to the womb) Vaccination

Vaccine, 51° il tsu-tsiu", ;!i°II° tsu-
fl§ 65° ttai e, (born of the same
mother) m° #° # ^° slang bil koh
pe, |^°flS t^ng pau, —brothers, Vacuity, ^^° khang.
15° SI 51° l&° ting pau hia°-ti.
Vacuous, m° khang L
Utilise, f^° S& ^ tsoe 16- eng. Vacuum, ^ khang.
m M° lo--eng, M S li-ek.
Vagabond, HH hiii lui, ]^ ^ h6ng-
Utmost, ^ BS° kek-thiu, ^ 11° tsin-
tong, W. 15 liu- bin.

thiu. — end, be liu.

Vagary, (whim) >lf li"^ koki phiah.
Vagina, 1^ ^ im-h5-, |^ P5 im-bun,
Utopian, fl° S° M .© chhi-
S bong
si6ng. ^ pg sdn-bun, il° W tsi-bai.
su; -g
Utter (entirely)
) it tsin,—^ ^ Vaginal, |^ P^
W im. btin e, li P
Utterly) ^
tsoinjien, (extreme) ^ 6^° h5* fe.

k^k, ^tsin, (speak) ^° k6ng,

Vagrancy, E3 ,^° -Jlc si kofe lil!».
-—despair, ^° tsoat bang,
^ —
Vagrant, m° ^° B si-ko^-liu, W. I£
false, i|° a
^° ^° b6 hiin b6 id", ff liu btn-4, go about as a
0° — ,

— ruined, hiii theh-theh.

1^° Jg si koe ku,— scholars, M^
Utterance, =i° k6ng, M° Hi t<^ng
Vague, ^ 113 ham-ho", JSi ?li ?t£ fifi

hun-hun tun-tiln, 0^ §3° bA

Uttermost, ^ Hl° kek th^u, M fT IS''

b&ng-lang, v2 v2 hoan-hoan, S| jg,

h6" bun.
Uvula, 11° m° '^ ff na°-aA tih-d
Uxorious, M^M° l^k ai b6-.
Vail, W phe, put on a — ,
^.° It
Vain, ^° ^° khang
khang, m m° b6 l5- eng,

(fruitless) ^° ^ X° b6 chhAi

^° kheh, kdng, (conceited) hang hdh, ^"

Vacancy, (a post unfilled)
(chasm) Ph1° phang. i^° 6^° ^^ pok" thAng teh tsoah,
(showy) kek hia pai".
Vacant, ^° khang.
Vacate, }i S° poa"-khang. Vainglorious, &§ P khoa kh4u, M""

Vacation, lK° ft pkngrkfe.

^^ hang-hah.

Vainglory, W U° khoa khdu. teh tsoah, (ostentation) M°M°
Valance, J^° 1^ chhllg Ai. hang-h:^.
Vale, \h° soa°-kok. ^ Vanquish, ]^° i&°.

Valedictory, *B° #° sa" P si g. Vanquishable ^° li°6e ia°, ^° B°

Valet, J^ -gg ^ chhe eng L thang i^".
Valetudenarian, m ^° :t° A° ioAg- Vanquisher, ^MM°
teh i^" g.
pi^-g l^ng. Vapid, (flat as beer) i§° -1:° sih
Valetudinary, ||^ ^ ^° lam-siti- 16h khi, (spiritless) W°W si bai..
mia". Vapour, (fog) ^ bi|, (from the
Valiant, Sf JIB h6 tA°, ^ 3i i(Sng-b^ng. earth) ^° ^ t5e khi, (smoke) ^
Valid, ) (argument) ^^ il u-li, ien, (rising from -water) ,?]C° iC°
Validity, j
(sound) ®
sit, (as a deed) tsiii khi.
&g°M=l§°Geengtit. Vapouring, (brag) f| P°khoa-kh4u,
Valise, &°m^ ph^-te-d. M^ |^° chhiau chh^k,
Valley, \h ^ soa*^-kok. Vapourous, ^° m, kau khi %° JH
Valour, ^° m° ho ta", A° m° kau ien.

Valourous, f toa-td".
Vapoury, i[° 3^ jES kau tsui ien, M-°
Valuable, K
g p6-p6e, ft kiii-kM, kau M i^^ M tsui khi.
fi li tat-tsi", (important) ^^ Variable | Wi° ffl° pi6n, M ^^
Variableness I pien chhien, (fickle)
Valuation, ^ j;t° ffl° k6- g k^. Variably j f^ %
']§_ b6 teng s^ag

Value, (price) jK°^° ke tsl", — ^RM ai hodn hok, (as weather) •..

goods, fe M° k6- k^, (worth) ^° T>° J5&° ?c° iS tsi4" thi".

tdt, (esteem) tiii-tiong. ^g Variance, fch§ phun, be at—, ^°%U
Valueless, ^° ii° ^° in tat tsl", f^° b6 h6 h6, 11° A°^° kap langphdi",
U& M° b6 16- eng. *rS°khgkhang.
Valve, ri° mfig, —of the heart, {& Variation, tseng chha, slight— ^^

sim mfg. ^ ^ ff ^ ^ ° hun kim k tseng
Vampire, M
SI pi^n hok. chha, (in, sound) ^° -^ tsdu iiw,
Van, (of an army) ^° -^ ts^ng kun, (in pronunciation) ^° 3§° tsau
f[° lif tsfeng tui. khiu°.
Vane, M<^M hong sin ki, JSM"!!" Vari-coloured,
ng6- sek, ^ £,
hong bin tsiam.
Vanguard, "t ^°
chhdi sek, ff ^
tsdp sek.

Vanish, C° :*° b6 khi.

tseng ik". Varicose, —
veinp, M° Wi W° kha
kun phii.
Vanity, (emptiness) ^ khang, i^^ Varied, !i°^°^ kiii na ho, W ^°
huhoa, (pride) ^ kiau, (conceit- ^° kiii na iii°.
edness) ^° m° ^^ m° pea" thfing Variegate,. f^°^ k^i" set,
^ S ji^m

sek. cbho.
Variegated, £^ •^ ng6- cbhiii sek, Vegetate, (sprout)

W pub-i".

hoe li-lo, ^f£o H^

boe 16k 16k, Vegetation, (vegetable life) ^° 7^°

cotton, ^°^ hoe p6*, ^-marble, ]^° hoe bak chbdu-cbbki. M

?E° :B° boe tsi6h. Vehemence ^ (as a wind) li^t, M
Variety, T>° fa°

na tsit. ° iS Vehement \W^° l4 le-le bdu,
^^°lt°le-le ki6, (?s
Various \m°^^u kiii na li5, M° Vehemently j
Variously) ^° f®° kiii na g. a fire) K° |^° toa t6h, (as a pas-

Varlet, 3lS *S kong kiin, mM ktin sion) >6 IK° W. sim h6 t6b.

A sidu jtn. Vehicle, (a carriage) J?.° cbbi^,, (a

t6-, >J>

chhat, to— n° ^° sai jinricksha) :^° «hbia, sedan chair,

Varnish, m° ,

]^° kio.
Vary, ®° ^ #° ^1° bo- i kob iu", veu, m°it° pbfe-A, mmB ta-bm-
16, (a disguise) tsng, (to cover)
(alter) 65:° k6e, (be different from) ffi

#° ti^ kob iu", ^ ^° tseng-ebha, 5l jia, ^° khkm, (to bide) bib.

Vein, lfii° 13 huih-kw», (in wood) m°
(in opinion) ^° |1° S b6 t^ng i.
Vascular, ^ 65° kng ^ B5!° t° 6^ H cbba-ltin.

m^h kfigfe, jiiL°«°6^^ buib kig 6. Velocity, M kin.

Vase, ?g°?f boe kan.
Velvet, 311 ji6ng, flowered—, ;^° M
Vassal, (slave) & « 16--p6k.
1 :ft:° toa,
Vbers m^°
tsi" tso©.
W — num- Venal
Venality )tg°T° US oe he-lo',
) tg° H° 51 6e mdi tsiok,

VastnessJ ji-giap gidp si, --superi- m° %° ki° tsl" si, 'i& U t6-. m
or, 0° M° t6 tsoe.
Vend, t°b6e.
toe 16, fe° ^° toe kbkng, Vender, R°
±b5e tsii.
Vault, li° M ^°
iR:° ^° h^ tsi", to—, m JS thiau Vendible, 'gg «° 6e-b6e-tit.

khf, --of heaven, ?C ^ thien Veneer, ^° siu".

Venerable,/^ t^ kb6-keng, ^ Jft
l6-s6ng, — ^teacher, ^ ^ ^ 16-
Vaunt, phiQ pb6ng, H 0* kboa-
Vauntingly, If P khoa khaii.
Venerate Si ) ^
keng-iii, SS M.
Veneration kiong-keng.

Veal, ^° -ff I*]° gft-d-bab.

Veneration, ^^^° tsun kfeng 6.

Veer, (as wind) ah, ||° tng. Venereal, ^ sek-iok, —ulcers,

M W cbbai-
Vegetable, M cbhai,
^° cbhng, have-sores, ^° ^°
soe, (kingdom) M ^ chb6-b6k.
Vegetarian, W W chM-tsai, ^ @

tsidb-tsai, ^°M fi^° tsidb-cbhai-^, Tenery, %i ^ sek-i6k.

a—, ^° M° kbui- Veppsection, Ife iL pang buih.

give up being

Venetian, M »' hau-peh-chheh. thki p^k chhi".
Vengeance, f$ sin oan, take-—, Veracious[^o^i.^,.
% p6-oan.
Wi Veracity j
^ * ^^" ^'*-

Vengeful, ^ 'H ti-hun. Veranda, ^° .i° m° tsdu b^ l^u.

Venial, |g° ifc fS ^° 6e-sia-bi^n-tit. Verb, m° ^° odh ji.
Venison,^ |^° 16k bah. Verbal ig ig° 65° chhM k6ng S,

Venom, % t6k. Verbally )—message, i^ Pfif 65° ©

Venomous, % t6k. chhiii hoan hii ^,—promise, ^ f]p°

Venous, ]Sl°®°fir huih-kfig-fe, jin.° er chhiii Tin L

{^ n° huih 16- 6. Verbatim, ^° tsiaii ji, SR fif ^° M
Vent, (a hole) ^° khang, (touch |g° tsiku i ^ oe.

hole) M
.0 hong khdu, give to Verbena, i!9 —
jfl :^° sii tsiu hoe,

one's anger, WiV^° hoat ndu, W lemon—, JE° #° ^° tsik" phang

%. hoat seng, (pour forth) M° hi6h.
k6ng-chhut, (to be made public) Verbiage, Jf fg° M° kau 6e sdi.
M JH lau-hong. Verbose ^° |S° tsoe 6e, ^° !!§
) ^°
Venthole, Jt ^ chheng khang. Verbosity kau cbhtii
) hoe.,

Ventilate, m° IS 18° 5i° M ho- i oe

Verdant, ff chhi", W° ^ chhi"
thong hong, this house is well — Verdict, ff if phoa° toan, ^° M
mWWm*MM. tsit keng chhti
phoe an.
tsin thong hong.
Ventilator Ji, ^ hong tang, WM<:lt
Verdigris, ^ tling h6ng, M M"

IJ kdi" hong ^ hong k6-.
^ khi ta,ng h6ng, M MW. chheng
Ventral, )K° St° 65l° pak t6- g.
t^ng hong.

Ventricles, —of the heart, »6 ^ sim

Verdure, tl° ^ chhi° chhiii. ,

VergOj (border) i^ ki".
Verify, (prove to be true) ^1 5^°tsi
Venture, (a risk) jt gtii hidm,^ ^ u, mm W° pidu-b^ng u, =F t° S
hong hidm, (chance) ii fij tso
hoa, hazard one's self, Bf° ^° phe
kan-tsfeng u, M fl Ji ^ BJ ^° eng
pln-ku piau-beng ii.
si, (in trade) ft Ji -Hi ph6ng tso
h6a, J7 h phah poh, (dare) Se°
Verily, M^ sit tsai, ^ ^ sit sit.

Verisimilitude, ite° 'ja° J^ chhin
chhiii" tsin.
Venturesome, kd" phah
15:° Jx

kd" phah siak,


m°m°B° kd°
Veritable, ;R ^ tsin sit, |f :ffi

si odh. tsai.

Venturous, ^°,iJ» fj° toa sim hentr,

Verity, M M tsin sit.
^° :& M° si sin phe. Verjuice, ^° H ?t sng k6 tsiap.'
Venus, ^ M° kim chhi", ±^^° Vermicelli, m° U" mi s6a", ?l^ f
bi hiin. Vertical, H IS t^ng tiam, — axis, IE
Vermicular, M ft° A° chhin chbiu" tS tsfeng keng, — circle, ^ siii

tMng, M fi° ±° ^\° chhi 1 cbhiu" kboan, — plain, IS£ 'g cbbi6ng
th&- lin, bien, — sun, *f» jlif tiong kia.
Vermiculate ) ( inlay ) M"" siu", Vertigo, BI° S Pl° tb^u-kbak bin.
Vermiculation j ( worm sbape) M^ Vervain, U° M° W b^-pi" cbbdu.
M° ± M° chhin-cbbiu" tlio- un. Very, ^ tsin, /P Jh put-tsi, tsdm-
Vermillion,A ^ gdn tsu. + ^ tsdp bun, + n ^ tsdp ji

Vermin, (flies) $ ^ bo--sln, (lice) bun, be very bad, ^ ^ +° n


JJ,# sat-bu, (rats) ^" M niau ^ M° tsApi bun pbAi".

si ji

chbii. Vesicate [ i^° m° kbi pba, i£«,°


Vermifuge, f& ^° ;t° m° ti th^ng Vesication pb6ng pba. )

&i6b. Vesicle, jl pba.

Vermiparous, gfe° ||° 6^° si" tb^ng Vesiculous, it° 6^° pba 6.

^, ^° M fi^° si° chbu L Vessel, (instrument) |g ^R kbi-khu,

Vermivorous, ^° A° ^° tsidb (sbip) IS tslin.
tbing; g. Vest, If ^° kali-d, T° lU Jfe ba-san
Vernacular, ±^ tb6- im, 6° IS' h6-.

p^b oe, '^ Jfe° fS'^ pun t5e oe. Vested^ ^estate, ^ 31 sit-gidp.
Vernal, » %° 6^ cbbun-tbi°-g, — Vestibule, (lobby) jl ^ thong-
sbowers, M W cbbun-b5-, — equi- bang, — to the palace, ^ # tan
nox, M ^ cbbun-bun ti, 3E 5? gi(^k ti.

Versatile, Ml W P^ng-pi", ® S Vestige,

^ ^°
'^%° jiah, Jg |^ hun-tsek,

pi^n-thong, MW boan-tsodn, /g° bun-id".

1^ ^ li-ki-pifen, ^^ tsoiin-pien. Vestments, 35c M. i-b6k, ^ ^ i-tsiu".

Verse, ii° tsat, (poetry) W si. Vestry, (of a church) mm^°i.°
Versed, —in, li s^k, M^ s^k- Fb1° (f M pai tag 6 keng-d.

cbbiii, *n° W tsai-id".

Vesture, ^^ i tsid".

Vetch, S° ff° tau-d.

Versification, M° If ts6e si.

Versifier, mW M° ts6e si ^.
Veteran, ^ |& lau-peng, (experien-
ced) ^° jJI lau-lien, M h lien-tat.
Versify, f^° |# t86e-si. Veterinary, ^ 'M" tt° ^° f* i tseng-
Version, M li hoan-^k. si" 6 boat.
Vertebra, ^° ^' #
ka-tsiab-k ut, Veto, '^ t6ng.

tr M° # l^ng-tsftn kut. Vex, |ij chhong-ti, kang, #E m H

Vertebral, =t° ^° ^° ka-tsiab 6, thiau-ldn, |ij :i: cbhong-kdng.
(column) i" # a ka-tsiab tut. Vexation, (annoyance) ut-tsut, ^
Vertex, TIliS t(5ng tiam.. ^ ut-khi, (sorrow) 'M Pi9 iu-bun,
Vexations 7 (teasing) fij f^ chh6ng Vicinage, JE F^ kun hu, f^ % chhii
Vexatiously 5ti, M ^ kdi-chfedi, pi".
(disturbing the mind) #° A ti i£ lin kun, IfJE hu bun
'ft Vicinity, U
ho* 14ng tsi&u tso, (as an affair) Vicious (having defects) >if° ^' )
ft M htii-khi, P ^ khau-khi, Viciously ]u mau peng, (depraved)
lo-so. 5f|S siH, fif° ^° kia° phdi- ^ # ok
Vexed, 1 ^° ut-tsut, ^^ ut-ek, t6k, (refractory) ^g thiau.-bS,n,

m'o m aii-ndu", 'IS° iP* gin-sin, H Vicissitude, %, 'M pien chhien.

tf tsiau-ts6. Victim, (in sacrifice) ^ ^J° tsfemih,
Viaduct, ^ ki6. (a dupe) ho" Mng lut khi &.
Vial,{f ff kan-d. Victimize, lut khi, ^° ^ Idu khi.
Viands, ^° jit sit, ^ :^° h^ sit. Victor, ^ij M° thai ia° s, ^ li er
Vibrate M° tsoah,
|jg ^^ «g sib- tek seng ^.
Vibration sih-tsun.
Victorious, U° ii".
Vicarious, f€ thofe, J^ko^n. Victory, .^J m° thai i^", nm tek
Vice, (a defect) |g° mau-peng, ^
s^ng, |ft,ts6- khdi, ^
(fault) M° ^ ke sit, (crime) ^ Victualer, i| f^° g°^° A° pan h^
tsoe, (iniquity) M° phdi°, MHfr sit ^ Mng.
lam sdmkifi,", —Consul, glj M^ Victualler, ft |#° #: A W pi pan h^
hii l^ng su, (in the place of) ^°
sit g.
th6e, (a second to) glj hix, —pre-
Victuals, -j^" ^° h6 sit, H ^° jit sit.
sident of a Board, glJW# hiisiu"-
su, (a smith's
Videlicet, Wt ^ tsiu si.
instrument for hold-
Vie, n° m° tku s^, n° tku, m° *°
ing work) ?^° •a Iff hau pau khi".
sa" 8&.
Vice Admiral, H^ jjc" Bi ^1 #^ View, a — , :3C :^ kong k^ng, ill %
t4ng su thi-tok kun bun
P5 ji
Vice Consul, Mi

M^ hu l^ng su,
san sui, to — ^ , ii$° ^ tsii-sin-

kbQ^^ (behold) S° khoa", in fi^l

n li V ji.l^ng si|.
— ,
«° S° S ^ khpr kl° hien
Vicegerent, i^ M M
official) «°
li g, (an hien, (opinion) # ^ ki^n. i
PP Viewer S° ^° khoa" ^° ^ «° ^,
Viceregal, ,^ if 6^° ts6ng tok g.
(inspector) cbbS, kh6 6.
Viceroy, 3^ '^ ts6ng tok, mW%Uit Viewless, 5P° 1° £° boe kh6a" ki°.
S gu kdn tsiet t5- tai sin, — of Vigil, (act of keeping awake) M"
India, fD Jg 1 :t 2 In to- kok & ^° b6 khiin,' (sleeplessness) m°
Vice-royalty, # ^ ts6ng tok
||. j2:°
W BE° khun boe 16h
51° jJJJ" tiu°
I tsit. ti, J| 5$ th^
Vice- versa, fif K tiii-hoAn, ^ S t6- h6ng.
peng. Vigilant, a ft kin sir.

Vignette, <J»° >]> fi si6 siaii ^ng. Vindictive, g: ^ ti-bun, S° m kbiob

Vigorous H ig" \6ng kia°, ^°
) bun, U
Vigorously fi° chbi k&rig kia°, St Vindictively,
) .
fji ^ p6 siu, ffi % p6
^ ts6ng kien. oan.
Vigour, m° :^° khui lat. Vindictiveness, ^^^ i,° <& tsdn
Vile Igi^t, M §H ok chhok, p6 siu ^ sim;
VilenessJ (mean) T IS Ua tsien, A^ine, 11° tin, (grape) €°^iJ° phu
(wickedy ^, # ok t6k.
t6 ebb in.
Yilifier, Wi B ^° ^^^ ^^ui P^ng lang Vinegar, ||^ cbh6% motber of-^, i§
g, to gg A° «° ka bii lang I.
# cbb6--bii, m"^ cbh6--ia.
Vilify, si II hiii p6ng, ® ii bl l5a, Vineyard, ffi° ^ il° pb1i-t6 bftg.
*n m ka bA. Vinous, ^°.|§° ^ u pbli t6
Pji bi.
Village, fDP° It hiu-'-sia, Wm tiu"- Vintage, ^° IS siu-koab pbli-
li, W# hiu"-cbbng, one's native t6.
lift ffi]^

— ^ ^^ ) piin biu", —beadman, Vintner, M° ^° B Z° A-° b5e pbd-

m° ^° ke-tiii", iH: :^°sia tiu°. t6 tsiii e lang.
Villager. m° S A° biu"-li Mng, M Viol, (with six string) •:^° il^Ai lak
T° i° A° biu" e g ling. tiftu bien.
Villain, 5E1^ kong-kiin, :k°^° J^° Violable, "^1° 3E thang hoan.
toa pbai" Mng, (wicked) ^° ^° Violate, (infringe) pj M° boan ti6h,
toa pbai°. (a woman) ^ $F ki6ng kan.
Villainous, 56 Ig 6^° kong kun ^, A° Violation, 5S S ki6ng-to, (infringe-
»2> cbbku-sim. ment) ^^^ boan ti6h.
Villainy, ^°pbdi", 515 sift, ffM sip ok. Violator, m m i.° A° boan boat e
Villanage, m°M:^^° biu"' sia e, m Iftng, =p m !i5° kan boan S, ?E a^°

M 65° biu-^ li gj^-pirfi^" biu" boan tioh, (ravisher) 5S ^ ^°

ebbng e. kiong-kan 6.

Vincible, m° M.° 6e-ift", tg° B ^° 5e Violence 5S ^ ki6ng-t5, ?S ^S ki6ng

ia"tit. ki6ng.
Vindicable, tg°* HJJ 65° oe pidu beng Violent R'Vpfi, ©I ) m#
ki^i'g- #
tit, tg° m° M MW oe s6e sin li tit Violentlyjpd, 5S JS ki6ng-kiong, 31

Vindicate, m° A° m ^Ji tboe lang Jl chbiong kong, (rough) fS: W

pidu beng, #° A° :?> lIp tb6e lang ^^ kbi tang cbhiu, (as wind) ^
bun so-, — one's-self, W MM soe- than, (as temper) ^A

seize on liet, ms: ki6ng liab, Jfl® jr eng


Vindication, ^ )& pid,u p^k.

ki&ng liab.

Vindicator, ^^A°Sfc°#ll^° ka Violet, H % 'w° sara kong-chbi", (a

lang soe siij li ;^. flower) ^° ,t° :r€'° kheh tsiAu hoe,
Violin, Zli^^" JT-hien, %i ^ hign-khim. sa° tui bin.
Viper, m «e t6k-ts6a, W: gt 11"° png- Viscera, J^° gt tflg to-, tbe five—,
sl chheng. 3& 1^ ng6- tsong.
Viperous, # JS° 6^° t6k ts6a g. Visceral, if/ fit 6^ tAg to- i.
Virago, #,°^°a;°chl)iah-tsa-b6-, iff Viscid ) khiu-kbiu, (adhesive) fiSi

W gS li-bai tsa-b6-. Viscidity ( liAm.

Virgin, ffi ^ ^ tsai sek lu, mMi: Viscount, ip 'fi: tsu tsiok.
. chbiai kui Ivi, W^-k kui lii. Viscountess, ^ H ;2:°:^ A tsii tsiok
Virginity, i£ ^ ife tsai-sek lii. ^ bu jin.
Viridity, i^ lek, W° cbbi". Viscous, khiu kbiu.
Virile, 15° =f'° 6r ta-po--^. Visibility, m° M° a° oe khoi" kl»,

Virility, (manbood) j^T sengteng, (apparent) f^ hidn-jien. M

loss of—, f!l H t6-i6ng, power of Visible |g° m" a° oe khoa" ) ki",
generation) ]^ ^
If 5e seng i6k. j
(apparent) hi^n-blng.
Virtu, Vision, ^°n°i.J^Mi kob iu" g
-jSr 3£ k6- t6ng.

Virtual )
,, ^ ^^ beng si5ng, fH i" siong. ^
^ ^^

Virtually [
^i*' «^t t^ai. Visionary, ,gl ^g cbhi su bong ^ g
Virtue, {i tek beng, ^ fi to tek,
—is tbe law of beaven, 1^ WL
M siting,

m j©° iau siu", m W ii°
^ siau sifi".

'X a tek tsiu si tbien li, great—, Visit, ^ thkm, m° bai, f? M° pai
^ {# seng tek, a vow to return bau, (official) #^ pai-hoe, —
to—, I* mWn^M boat se beb sick, Pt° 1H° bai pi", return a—,
kia" b6, the five constant—, S^ 0° m b6 pai.
ngd- si6ng, (chastity) JE iS tseng Visitation, (inspection) jg sftn tsa g
keng, ii tseng-tsiet. Visiting card, j^° ||° phi«n toa", m
Virtuoso, t® &a
-t° A° pbok ko- pai thiep. W
t6ng 6 Mng. Visitor, A° §° Ung kheb, see a—to
Virtuous «° fS ff u tek beng,
) the door, 211° m^ A° §° sang Mng
Vu-tuouslyi/|f°m ^ u to tek, jf kheb, receive a — at tbe door, t&°
fg ($ h6 tsek tek, (chastity) jE i^° ngifi,"-tsib.
M tseng khi, JE g tsfeng keng. Vital ^° -Sr" 65 si"-mia° ^,
) a—
Virulence,^ ^ ok tok. Vitally [place, ^° ^° m M ^ ti
Virulent, ^ # tsin t6k, m —im-
m ok niia° & s6--tsai, fj fi p6--ui,
t6k. portant, M"^ M tsin iau-kin.
Virus, ^ t6k. Vitality, fg^ odh, (animation). ^°
Visable, tg° ^° £° oe kb6a"-ld°. Wi° oab tang.
Visage, M" bin. Vitals, i: ^° ffij° -e" ti mia° po-..ui.
Vis-a-vis, fJM tiu'bin, ^° m m° Vitiate, (spoil) n° ^° pbah-phdi"
phah khiap. su-giap, i^ $e keng-ki.
Vitiate ) (spoil) ^ H siong hai, Vogue, much in—, flt° ^7° si-kia".
Vitiation jl ) §
siin hai. Voice, ;B' sia", a good—, if s^ ^
Vitreous, |g m° M^
H'" po le ts6e e, h6 sia" tiau, a bad—, ^°MM
— humour, BS 19 ^ 7K g^n tseng phai" sia" tiau, sonorous Jg^ 3E — ,

'l5e siii. sia" ong, lose one's — ^^

, sit im.
Vitrifaction, S 9? 3^° pi°-po-le. Voiceless, ^°^°b6 sia", ^-© sitim
Vitrifiahle, |&° |i° 35S? ^° 5e pi" Vociferate, m° P^° au-kio, Pa° Pj
po-le. hoah-hiam, ;^° ^"^ |g toa-sia" k6ng
Vitrified, ^ 5J %° pi° po Ig. Vociferation, Pg|° ^° afi-kio, Pj p^-"
Vitrify, S° gg ^° pi" po 1^. hikm ki6.
Vitriol, blue, 8i ^ tarn ho§.n. Vociferous, gf ff soan hoa &
Vituperate, tB !^ po chhiii, ^° ^0° Void, (empty) ^°^° khang-khang,
tak khau. (inoperative) f* ^° lioe-kbi, M°
Vituperation, ^ ^ p6 chhiii, f^° P° tr° bo kia", (useless) ^° S§ M^ ba
tak khaii. lo" eng,. (as excrements %° pang.
Vituperative, ^° ^ 6^° p6 chhiii fe, Voidable, ^°n'"W 6e pang tit.

H°P°65°takkh{iue. Volatile, M>° it koe hoa, ^° tJi° koe

Vivacious, ^° ||6° odh tang, m S° soa", (lively) W, "n phiau phiet,
kiau kiah. (fickle) te° S tt bo teng seng.
Vivaciously, ^° SJ° oah tang. Volcanic, 'X° lU° 6^° h^-soa"^.
Viva-voce, ^ ||° 64° chhiii kong L Volcano, ifC° llj° he-soa".
Vivid ) (true to life) ^° J* seng Volition, ^ £.° i S ka-ki tsii-i.

Vividly s^ng, (spirited)

I fg'^ K° oah Volley, (a flight of shot) Ii5i''— ^^°
tang, ^ ^ phiau iet. ]^° tsoe tsit ts6e pkng.
Vividness, ^° M"
odh tang, ;^ 5^ Voltaic pile ^ tien tui.

tseng eng, /g° S$ ?B u sin chhdi Voltaism, 5 ^ i° ^ tien khi e hak.

Vivify, 1^^ ^° ho- odh. i Volubility, g|^ ijf° |i° k6ng oe tsiap,

Viviparous, M ^° thai si". ^ K chhiii-kin, ^° !l ?E kau

Vixen, ^, So ^ chhiah tsa h&. chhiii hoe.
Viz, «t ;§: tsiu si. Voluble 1® S° TfiJ chhiii tsih lai, ^°

Vocable, (a word) ^° 6e (a name) Volubly !!i° :f't:° kau chhiii hoe,


•g to-gien.
iS mir.
toa (of a book)
Vocabulary, !?° M ji-lui, (words Volume, (bulk) :/c°

used) gi!i° oe. ^ koan, /K j)iin.

Vocal, S° er sia"-e, —music, !!i^° Voluminous, ^° :$: tsoe-jmii.

^^ chhui ^ gak im. Voluntarily, '|t li tseng-goan, ^^

Vocation, \^ ki6, (occupation) ^M kam-goan, S°G°iJ'' ka^T beh.
Voluntary, iJ" ^
kam goan, 'Q° E,° boat goan, pay a- K.^ sia

ii^ ka-ki ki, man is a agent, A° goan.—

m° i° e.° @ i Mng 6e ka-ki tsu- Vowel, ^ "h ^ tsii im ji.

tsu. Voyage, — ° ||°

^IS" tsit tsoa tsftn,

Volunteer, (a soldier) ^ 15 round

gi-bin, — —°
fij jlS tsit to tslin.

%^ gi-i(Sng, ^^ lien-i6ng. Voyager, ii°W» i° A° ke lidi g Mng,

Voluptuary, ^^^ ^ ko-li6ng tsu iij if
i^ A° chhut iu" S lahg.
te, (a sensualist) JE ^ -7° long Vulgar, (rustic) If s6ng, j: i| th6-
tong kia°. song, ir soai°, # ^I cbbng bJin,
Voluptuous (sensual) hong-tong
1 (mean) f F^ ha-tsien, (coarse)
Voluptuously )( luxurious) ^^ ifi. ^ chbo--si6k, — fractions, ^
cbhia hoa. i5:bun-s5-, — dialect, ± |g°th6- 6e
Volute, 1 J s^h khoan. Vulgarism, ^1 fg |S° chbo- siok 6e.
Vomit, Pi tho-, Pi Pi au-th6-, S J[° Vulgarity, {^ cbho--siok.
hojin-pak, — blood, PM jfii° aii- Vulnerable,

f^ m° fft ^° oe ti6h
siong tit.
Vomitory, (emetic) ||°#° A° PI oe Vulnerary,
ho' lang tlio',
W B° iS S^° oe i siong ^.
Vulpine, M. ffl 6{l° b6--li L
Voracious, Wt 3S° 5?° iau-hng, ^ J3 Vulture, ^ ,^° tsien tsidu.
%° b6-kbau ham.
Voracity, ^ :^° tham-tsidh, :ft |Jg
Vortex, HC r#° !!il° tsiii k6g M.
Votary, T° M
H^ be goan g, (one
addicted to any thing,
&,— of study, SJ
4° M° Z° A°
ti'f bo-"-

le b^.
Wabble, (as a top) ^^ W 1° toe

ho-" thdk chbeh e mng,— of plea- #°

Wad, (for a gun) ^k° 65° sng
sure, ji|° m"" 7° thit tb6 kia". teh &.
Vote,— for, m° k^ng. Wadding, §S fg° pbo- mi".
Voter, ^° Ur k^ng ^.
Waddle, ^°m°^^i6 i6 pdi pdi.
Votive, ^JiWMf^° s6' boat goan 6. Wade, i^ li4u.
Vouch, (testify)
(asseverate) it°
=p gE
kan-tsfeng, Wafer,
g|° tit tit
tK° W >r° b6 chbat phi"..
Waft, (as a balloon) Pi:° :^° cbhe
Voucher, ji pln-ku.^ Wag, (a humourist) 1° i£ "I g
Vouchsafe, (condescend) jg
ke, iF 16 hii tsiti, ® -f
khut ha.
chbih g^u soat cbbi^ng ^, (shake)
i6, —the tail, ^= ^° 16 b6.
Vow, M goan, T° l§ he goan, % Wage, (bet) ^° m sa° su, (hire)

X° fi° kang tsi". (in cloth) 1^ %° khi nia".
Wager, (a stake) m° Wl i.° ¥a° sa" Walk, It° kia^ —together, ^° ||°
su I mib, (bet) 40° ^ sa" su. fT° sa" kap kia°, m° W fr° sa"
Wages, #^ sin-16, ^# sok-kim, phoa" kia", —backwards, fij 5l°fT°
X° M° kang tsi". t6-tb6-kia", —on foot, ^ ^ po'-

Waggish, 1" r^ ^^ g^u kiin chlii6, lien, —softly, g,^ US ff ° fr° liam-
#° M 'i g^u soat chhiong. liam-d kia", — about, ^ lin, fr'^^fj"

Waggle, m° }i i6 pdi. kia^-nia", —in sleep, -^ m° ^°

Waggon, ;^° chhia. ham-bin kia", —on stilts, Jf
Waggoner, '!$.° ^ chhia hu. tab khiau, —slowly, ^° {f° fj"
Wail, 5^'' khau, lt° 5S thi-khau. lin-d-kia°.

Wailful, (mournfiil) :^ pi^ai. Walker, fT°:t° kia°-g, a good— ij

^ ,

Wain, :m° chhia .^^ :f° b^-chhia, ji m^ h6 b6, «° fT°#° gki kia° L
K$°, un he chhia, Charles'—, ilt° Walking, stick, IS ff° koai"-a.

^° pak-tdu. Wall, :^°chhi<i°, M°piah, city—

Wainscot, gfi ^'' thiep pang. M° ;^° sia"-chhili'', great— of
Waiscoat, If ff kah-a. "^ China, M .1 g° M' ban-li-tiig-

Waist, ]g° io, —band, M'^ ^^ io-tok. sia", build a—, if^^" tsoh-chhiu",
Waistband, i|°^° io-toa, !$ ^° partition—, |^° ^° keh piah.

kh6--toa. t^ pau-hok. Wallet, S

Wait, ^ ^° theng-hau, |I° #° tng- Wall-ferns, M, 1°^-° hongb^ chhdu.
tdn, — upon, ^
f|° su-hau, —
a lit- Wallop, }i° ii° ig chhiong chhiang
tle, B ^i^ theng-hau, ^ ffi° ff ° :X
kun, (waddle) JS° m' ii H i6 id
hau tiap d kii, — at table ^° ikM'^ pai pdi. •

teh kun tsiah. Wallow, is un, —in mud, ^ ±°^°

Waiting maid, f# ko-th6--be.
si pi, f# :^ si

Walnut, hut-th6, —kernels,

chhiap, ^ ff° p6-d.
Waiter. -^ f|° ^° A° su hau g Mng, m°m^ hiit-tho-jin.

^^M° hdng seng 6, (at table) K E° hodn pak.

51:^°^'^ kun tsiah e. Wan m° ^° chhi"-peh, W m°
Waive, (not insist upon) ® niu°.

Wake, (awake) n° S° ki6-chhi°, Wanchow, JS ^ Un-tsiu.

Jj"° ®° phah-chhi", — of a vessel, Wand, ^ ff° koai"-a.

'7K° ^ tsiii hdn, Mu oa. Wander, (rove) 0° m^ ^° si ko6

®° kia", (in mind) gt ^L hoan-hoan.
Wakeful, SS° chhi" bin, 7»° ffi°
%° boe khiin tit. —about, without a house, 0° ^°
Waken, fl-° il° phah chhi^ m° si-koe-s&, m m nt-uk, m° m"
Wale, (mark of a whip) ^ leng. ^ si-koe ku, astray, J^ i& b^-lo'.

Wanderer, -^ -^ ^ ^'° I6k 16k g6 k Warfare, 1^° ^ij sa" th^i, ^ 'M kau-
Wane, (as moon) $S^ sih, i^° kbih, tsi^n, ^- :^ tong kan-ko.
(as life) iJ^ g° nd soe. Warily ) l]^° i^ si6 sim, ^ l;! kin-
Want, ^ ai, ^ beb, beli tih, in—, ^ Waiiness ) sin.
^° khikm kheh, (lack) ^ khiam, Warlike, (military) 5C^=bu6, (gi-

^ JH^ (need) khiam eng. ven to war) if He h6-° tsien, im- —

Wanting, to be—, Wk° kheh, ^ ^° plements ::55 kan ko. ^
khiam kheh. Warm )j^°vsio (as day)
Warmly — P^h, W
Wanton ) (frolicsome) 1° §f ghu j in friendship |% ^, clihiti
Wantonly ) h 5a, ((unrestrained, as ji^t to — , ')^ hang, ^at tlie fire,

tongue) ^ fg Bi° siii pien k6ng, M° ^^ up again, thfig, to

tsi6 sio,
(luxuriant) 3^° am, (lustful) *f — water, ^ j^° un sio, hearted, —
?t ho-" im, (licentious) 'i^ im- ^ f^, *5 ji^fc sim, (lukewarm) la-lun

iok, %^ h6ng su.

sia im, sio.
War, 4a° M
sio thai, go to—, ffi || Warmed, (as food) thng sio, (as
chhut kun, —junk, ff° th^ng M
water) hi4" sio, (as hands) !lS^°
&, tda kdn tsan, —
tax, M & li kim, hang sio.
begin a—, M ^' :^ tang kan ko, Warn, Jt SU tsi tidm, M" tidm ^
learn to—, !^ ^ © hak bd ge, chhi", ^° tiam tub. m
naval—, Is tsiii tsi^n.
i;JiC° Warning, (admonition) Jg jj; tsi-si.
Warble, (trill) ^°|$^°|g khan si Warp, of a web, WL° i^° tit se, B ki",
piiih tiau. (deviate) chhoah, (a ship) ^ 14°
War-crj, «° ^-ij ^° pa° JJ
sa" thai 6 fi liu s6a ui, (as wood by fire) U
hoah hiam. ut.
Ward, (of a city) p6, ^ —
ofF, Rg° g^^ Warped, 1i M° hiau hioh, 1iii°hiau
keh khui, fe° ^° p^ khui,
M tsdh, than.
of a lock, M° sia", —off evil, in- Warrant, (in law) ^° phi6
M 1°
fluences, fj ts^, (in a hospital) p^i phi6, (authority) ^ ko^n,
m° F^" p^ng keng, (guard) gS «i3F (guaranty) i^ g|° ^° p6-nia» ji,

hfing siii, (watch) ^ «5t khkn siii.

Wardrobe, (a close) JU tfi, ;^J°
to —
"S rB pau- nid°, to issue a

fj° ffi M° cl.hut phi6.
®° sa" a til, (apparel) ti ^°Warrantable
i- ) (justifiable) tg°iEl
tsiu". Warrantably J
^° oe ki" tseng tit,

Ware, (ware) m°W ti h6ng (goods) ^tioh, WW il u ts§ng li, ii ^

kai ji&n.
Warehouse, ^,t J3 pl,^. ho-, ^° Warranted ^° S
;f^ SB u pau-nia^
tsi^n-p4ng, :K°
f he chhns. Warrant ofiScer, ff ^ tsien hong.
Wares, Khfe.
Warrior, JC lf° bd tsi6ng, female—
— ,

k W M tsi6ng. ^ M° ^° Ian san tsoa.
Wart, M ff° tseh d. Wastfiilness, prodigal — ^ ^ chhia

Warty, %° U W kau tseh e. chhi, E |# |j9 Icim sam khai.

Wary, >J»° <& si6 sim, @ "^ kin sin, Watch, a — ®°, ff^ pio-a, (guard)
tiam tsat. «3= sill,
S^ gr kb6a"-thau, ffi° «5P

Was, ^ u a^ bat. pe-siii, — earnestly, 9P M° liau-

Wash, Sfe° soe, —the mouth, a° n° bang, —for a man, |K° tng, —
. soe khdu, — not clean, SE° ^M — over. 7^~ khoa", M. ko*, works of a
^ soe b6 chheng-khi, (a cosme- m.Z°^ , i^ pio e khi-khu, hands
tic) pbang-tsui, —with silver, jg of a —
^^ §i si pio tsiam,

Wi siu° giin. key, Bl {£^ ^

si pio tsoan, minute

Washer, 8fe^±° A° s6e k lang. (iron hand of a—, fl# m° ±° i? if si

ring) idm tsi". pio e bidu tsiain, regulator of a —
Washerman, ft" U° M° s6e sa" e. HI ^^ i° g @ fi- si pio 6 kin ban
Washei-woman, ^°%^°M s<5e sa° p6. tsiam wind ^ ^° ff ° tsoan
Washing, ft^ s6e my — this week is pio-a, — spring, S ^ boat tiau,
veiy small, jft;° J^ # «° g ^°^° glass, IS ff° ^° |fi° pio a kia" bin,
^W Sb° tsit li-pJii b6 sim mih —of the night, M° ki" 1st—, from
ts5e nia° thang s6e. 7 to 9 P. M., S M'' teng ki": 2nd
Wash-stand, ft" M° soe bin toh. ^ — from 9 to 11 P. M., ZT M° ji

Washy, (damp) j^ tarn, (as tea) Ji° ki". 3rd—, from 11 to 1 A. M. 3°

p6h. %° saJ" ki-, 4th—, from 1 to 3 A.

Wasp, ^ W kak phang. M. Eg° J|° si ki°, 5th—, from 3 to
Waspish [(irascible) 9^ ^ he 5 A. M.,-2LM°go-ki".
Waspishlyjseng, ^° A° M phai° Watcher, (on the sick) ^°^'^A° M
thS,ng chhi, (peevish) kau kh6e. ^^ sfi hau pi° lang e.
Waste, WC sng, |t° S° phah-sng, Watchful m ^ gau kin sin, 1°
/ ^
^^ 3£ phoa-hui, tsau-tbat, — away Watchfully f jJJ gau tl-hong.
as flesh, ^^ M° 16h-bah, time, — Watchhouse, ||° ki" lau.W
^ Watchmaker, fl# SS" ^^4^ si pio
m JS° tam-koh,—wealth, Wi
phoa-ts^i, laid—, HE ^ hong-hoe, sai hu.

—an inheritance, f^T M hiii-giap, Watchman, !gF°M° g^tsiu-ki°-e. ||°

. cotton—, fg°^'''mi°-se, (a wilder- ^ ki^-hu, —rattle, M^ ki" kh6k.

ness) ^^ khong-id, (lay deso- Watch-tower, J|' «^ ki° mu.
late) M° ir° pha hng. Watchword, Hg ^ aui-h5, 0°5JC khdu
Wasteful, m m° gau s%, JlfS 13 sui.

lam sam khai, (by evaporation) Water, bK° tsiii, (as flowers) ^ ak,
ft sian, ftlS° siau-sih,—paper, as milk. #° ;^° thau tsiii, — pipe.
, . ,

um WAt
khio, large—jug, U° tsiii-kng, Waterspout, M. ^° chhii-b^,.— from

toake— M°Mi° pang-jio, draw—,

, the sky, ir ®° 7^" ISng. k6a" tsiii,
iS^ 7K° chhiu°-tsui,— bucket, 7j(C° 11° i?5° 7rieng-kd tsiii.
li° tsiii-th^ng, —jug, 1° $g l§ng- Watertight, ^° ii boelau.
koan, —carrier, Ji° :i^° :f
° ta"- Waterwheel, 7jC° B° tsiii bo.
tsui-6, 7}c° M tsui-kioh, back—, Watery, like water, 'te°'(a°7jC°chbin-
to pun l^u, -ffi 4g lau chliiau, slack chhiu'"'tsui, (a bounding with wa-
— (flood) tsui tiam (ebb) ?t ti^, tpr) ^° 7|C° kau tsiii, (tasteless)
S° ^° kh6 Iku be, stagnant
— ft tsia", (as paste) S ka, (as tea)
JE^TftC" si tsii],.go by— f5°7riE« p6h.
kil" tsiii lo-,- rat, ;!it° M tsiii chhii, Wattle, of a cock) ^° s^, (a twig)
—gate, iK ?4 tsiii tsdh. ki-d.

Watercaltrops, ft :^ Mng kak. Waul, iau" iau" haii.

Watercloset, S f^^ hak-keng. Wave, ?1 6ng jS 5^ pho long, to—,
Watercolours, Hf ° 7]*:° #, m ka tsiii ^i^t.
sek liau. Wave ofFering, JS° ^ i^ ts^.
Watercourse, m gS kang-l5-, jtTc" ^° Wayer, m W t\h tu, @'
^ gl h^.
tsiii-kau. Wavering, © ^ ^ Jfe iH u putkoat,
Watercress, 7!^° ^ tsui-cbhai. ^ e tiA ta.
Waterfall, ^ # klii°-khkm. Wavy, m°^W^ ^ng Mi ^ng khi,
Watering pot, ?g •$ boe-ph{in. — figures, hAn-hok.
Waterisb, 7jC°7jC° tsiii tsiii, (as rice) Wax, ^° Idh, —of the ear, M'^W
W Stt tsin tsin, |6 hi hi, ft ftf dm hi sealing— >;ic° ^° he chhat,
dm. —candles, !ii^° j^° Mh tsek, it-
Waterishness, -^ 5Ji:° tsiii tsiii, fflf i| hot, as the weather, j^° |^^nd jodK.
tsin tsin, # |& hi hi.
Waterlily, jg ^!g li^n-hoe,—roat,
WW 65° Mb ts6e L
8| work, m°m ^r Uh slSng §.
ngau-biin. Way, m lo-, give— as wall, cbh^h,
Waterlogged, m°m° ti4m-Iau. give^to li° niu°, chhfin, get out
Waterman, M° ?JC° #° ta"-tsdi-^. of the — , ^ sidm, I am going this
Watermark, 7jtC° =Ji tsiii-hfin, 7jC°
if — , |^°if|° jg itL° ^°^ g(5a beh an
tsiii pan.
Watermelon, 15° M.° si koe.
tsit tab khi, a great—, m ^jt"
WatermiU, 7^ ®° tsiii bo.
15- tsin hng, (scheme) ff U k^-
b6-, direction, J5r° |r]° hng hiii°,
Waterproof, '7K" TC^^ m ii° tsiii-boe half—, ^° g& pok" lo-, in the fa-
thau-kfe. mily—, W° # u sin (out of the
Waterpump, 5jc° Jfi tsiii-thiu.
iap-siap, under— as a ship, ft°
Watersnake, i}i° |g° tsiii ts6a. kia", the ship makes no heaqi—
W B° T ^° M° tsAn sii lidu b6 Weakly, ^° E° Mm t6e,m° $S ^'^
tsAn, this is — Wt^ia^ tsiu
the ,lam sin mia, (sickly) %° ^ S&
si an-ni", what— shall I do, this
kau su lo".
ffl° :S S° ^ m 3S |iJ eng sim-mih Weakness, BS Mm, (as of tea) "^
hoat to" 14i chhong, which is the p6h.
—to Changchow, 5fe?t iW ^^
fST" Weal, 11 it hok khi, (a wale) ^leng.

M° — B^ khi Tsiang-tsiu ti6h Wealth, ^° Ht tsi-" ts^i, 3^ ^'J tsii ll,

tiii t6h 16h tsit ti&.u lo-, no— , W i^° ^ «: h6 ka su.

^ b6 lo-. Wealthy, ^ #1° h6 giah, ^ :»:
Way bill, m° §° ¥° tab kheb toa". h6 ka su, ^° -^^ ke h6 pd WW
Wayfaring, —man, M^§ k^ lo- —man, 3t ^ tsai
ti°, tsu.

kheh. Wean, m° m° tHg-leng.

Wayfarer, ig g& A ke lo- Ikng. Weapon, ^ ;feil
khi-hai, ^° ^° ke-
Waylay, g" A° tng lang, W, M tsiet k6e, — of war, H §| kun-khi.

t6-. Wear, (as clothes) ^° chheng, (as

Waylayer, ©° A° m° tng l^ng &, 1 hat) M° t'l) (as chain) koa (as. ^
i #° tsiet t6- d. a ship) K° M 11° tsi(^n lin tng.

Wayward Wearable, W.° ^° #° 6e chheng tit.

> ^ ^ thiau b^n gll
Waywardly S Wearer, ^° #° chheng S.
,f^^ ^°
Waywardness > Wearied, Ji° ^° ia-sien, m°
Wayworn, fT°g& ^° kiS," lo- sien. id-Mi.
We, .(including those spoken to) n^ Weariness, ^° id sien.
Idn (not including those address- Wearing, li.° sng sin, M° iJ°
ed K godn. ti6h Idt, fever is very on a per- —
Weak, m° l^m, ft H lo4n-ji6kj ^ son, Hfe :S fl° A° jiet tsin sAg Idng.
jidk, (as tea) ti° P<^b, (as to- Wearisome ] (fatiguing) M° if
bacco) W (wanting in force, Wearisomeness [
ti6h Idt, M°fi° tsidh

as a discourse) ^° *r° b6 soah W

Idt, (vexations) ^°

lo-so, R
hui khi, (as waiting ^
phah, (feeble, as prayers) f^° M°
m° b6 thau thiet, (no vigor) ^° for a person) ft ^ hiii khi, (as a

^^ hb lat. journey) ^^
16-siong, (to hear

Weaken, as strength, m° P ic° ^° repeated iteration) lo.

h5- i khah lam, (as tea) #° m° Weary, ^ sien, )i° id. P
3i= ho: i khah p6h.
Weasel, #° chhiah-chhii. M
Weaker, |jc° 11° khah 1dm, m° W
Weather, 5c° fl# thi''-si, 5c° ^ thi°-
khi, (cold) S° 5c°kod"-thi", (hot)
khah p(5h.
^° je
Weakest, B - ir te it Um, ±° #° i|fc° 5c° jodh-thi°, (bad)

siang p6h. phdi"-thi°, (fair) n h6-thi",
(settled) m IS 5c° kiii-sin thi"; (mourning apparel) ^ JJ^ song
—beaten, ^ M ^ siu bong song. h6k.
Weatherbound, y°BM.m° fi^ pbdi° Weeder, fS° :^° «° khau chhdu g.

hong chhiA" plia teh. Weedy, ^° :^^ kau-chhdu.

Weathercock, JK, '®° ff- hong-hin- Week, -° m tsit-le-pM. #
tsiani, M 11" ]K hong-sin-ki, ^
JH Weekday, m n ^° :t° B U pai lai

§y teng Long tsiam. ijk.

Weathergage, ;£ H
$t teng hong Weekly, ^° IS # tdk U p4i.
tsiam. Ween, ®,° siu".
Weatherglass, JH M ff hong li tsiam. Weep, m° B°W° l^u bdk sal, m ^°
Weatherwise, # IS 5c g^u koan ^ gdn lui.
thien blin, # iB 5c Jl# g^u siong Weeper, m° B°-m° «° lau bdk sAi g
thi'' si. Weeping, willow, ji sui idng — H ^
Weave, m" ki", H
tsit —cotton, liii.

5fr^ki"-p6-. Weevil, Pl° ^° tsiu ku.

Weaver, j|^ ;(S i:° A° tsit-p6- ^ lang. Weft, hui. m
Weazen, —face, M" W° sAn jiau.
— ^°
Weigh, ^° chhln, moiiey or me- —
Web, —of cloth, ° tsit kui, dicine with steel-yards, Wi t6ag,
spider's—, "^ $* |$ ti-tu-si, (a
membrane) Wi° m6-h, how many
•^^money with balances, p^ng, ^
yards are there in this ? jlfe° — ^ ff° ph§ng, —
heavy weights with
m° ^° tsit kui kui ba. large steelyards, ft° niu, with a
Webfooted, ^° ^^ ah-tsiu°. weighing machine, pong, an ^ —
Wed, U il kiet-chhin, ^° g° kfe-
chor, m° *t° khi tik", (deliberatj
chhoa, (join in marriage) #^ H Jgl sam su, to — ,
^° chhin, g
hdp-hun. niu°, i^ peng. I

Wedded, ^ if 7 ©an-hun Weighed, m°

liau, ke ph^ng, ii° ^
jS^ m
MT sSng-chhin li4u. ke p5ng, i§° m° k^ chhln, ii° *i°
Wedding, -^ ^
hap-hun, *g j@ hun- k^ niu, m°.U kfe t^ng.
in,-^chair, i^" |f ° ang-kio.
Wedge, ^° tsi", to—, ^° tsi°,
Weigher, *f ^° ph^ng ^,
t° ^
open by— ^° 1^° tsi° khui, (as a
pong ^., m° ^° chhin g,. ^° niu ^
&, KU #° t^ng g.
crowd) m° S° fr° K' khoeh kau
tsAt tsdt.
Weighing, machine, — ^ pong.
Wedge-shaped, ^°^ tsi° khodn.
Weight, fi:° tang, a man of— , £1
;^° A° kien tidng e Mng, his words
Wedlock, Jf!§ U kiet-chhin, ;^° i

had great—, i? ^° m°
kfe-ehhoa. Z It M°
i ^"6e put tsi tang.
Wednesday, f? H° pai-sa".
Wee, m° s6e, >Jv° si6.
Weights, m° t6, (of a steelyard)
#1 m° chhin t6, (of scales) ||°
Weed, :^° chhdu, to- khau, J-° t6 tsi, (of a clock) tui. ^
Chinese "Weights and Measures.
Troy Weight.
Used in ;^eighiiig gold, thread, medicines, &c. The scruple is equal
to twenty grains, the pint to twenty ounces, and the gallon to
one hundred and sixty ounces. These measures are unknown
to the Chinese.

10 ^ hut, (atom) make V,% si.

10 e si, (thread) „ 1 ^ h6.

I0gh6, (hair) „ IMli.
10 M 11, (grain) „ 1 ^ hun.
10 ^ hun, (candareen) ......... „ 1 |^° tsi°.

10 ^° tsf* (mace, dram) „ 1 W niu" (ounce, tael)

Avoirdupoise Weight.
The catty a third more than the English pound. In buying and

selling,two kinds of steelyards -are used viz the W j^®" pah Mk

t6, and the "g" Eg°i^° pah si t6. The former makes the catty
two ounces heavier than the latter, and is used in Amoy when
purchasing taro, oysters, and all kinds of Vegetables. In the
. weighing of other articles, the pah si t& steelyard is generally
used. Outside of Amoy the country people prefer to use the
W° 5^° 11° pah Mk t6 steelyard.

10 ^ hun, (candareen) make 1 ^° tsi".

10 ^ (mace)
tsi", „ 1 fg niii".
16 ^ niu", (ounce) ,, 1 Jy 'kxm.
100 Jfkun (catty) „ 1 S° ta" (pecul)

Long Measure.
The ^ i@ yz.° L(S*-pan ehhioh or the foot rule formerly invented by
L6'-pan is used by carpenters, masons, &c., throughout the
empire. It is equal to 11| English inches. Another measure
invented by him and called the ^&
X° Bun kong ehhioh is also
used by the above classes of workmen. It is equal to about a foot
and a half Chinese measure. There is a good deal of superstition
connected with its use. The tailor's foot measure contains 12|
English inches. -It varies in length in different parts of China.
]0 ^ hun, (line) ^....make 1 "^ chhiin.
10 tJ- chhiin, (inch) ,,1/2° chhioh.
5 R° chhioh (foot) „ 1 ^ p6-.
2 i^ p6-, (pace) „ 1 ^° tng (10 feet)
180 ^tng, „ 1 Mil, (mile)
10 g li, „ 1 fit ph6-, (league)
200 Sli, „ 1 S t5-, (degree)

The Chinese year nominally consists of three hundred and sixty days.
As the Chinese months sometimes have thirty and sometimes
only twenty nine days it has really not so many. To make up
for the loss of time, two years in every five have intercallary
months inserted in them.

60 ^ bidu, (second) make 1 ^ hun.

60 ^ hun, (minute) „ tidm tseag.
1 15 ii°
15^ hun, „ l^ljkhek.
4 tj khek, (quarter) „ 1 ifi @ tiam tseng.
2 Sft ^° tiam tseng, , 1 1^ si.

24 Ifi M° tidm tseng, „ 1 B jit.

12 J|# si, (2 hours) 1 jit.
360 B jit, (day) 1 i^° ni° (year)
12 .g° g^h, (month) 1 ^ ni^
60^°ni", 1 ^^°kahtsi, (cycle)

Measure of Capacity.
The Chinese rice sellers have two tsin measures, one contains 1 5 oz-
arid the other 14 oz.If the customer is a shrewd business
man, they will use the former in measuring out his rice, and
if not, the latter. The fact is, in nearly all the business tranS''
actions of the Chinese, whatever
may be the standard weight or
measure, they will almost invariably succeed in giving less
weight or measure, unless the person buying
is on his guard
against being cheated. =•

1 f ^^^'
10^° I
*^*''^^^ "lake 1 ^° tsin.
, ^^ l=t°tdu.
10 pj-° tdu, "
„ ^
1 S
-zro X •

Square Measure.
There are about 6^ Chinese acres in an English acre.
100 "^ chhun, (inch) .make 1 R° chhioh.
25 R° chhioh (foot) 1 :f5 p5-.
24 ^ po', (pace) .... 1 ^ hun.
10 ^ hun, 1 B^ b6* (acre)
100 ffl&b6-, 1 tg kh^ng.

Divisians of the Circle.

60 j^ bidu, (second) make 1 ^ hun.
60 ^
hun, (minute) „ 1 ^ t5-.

30^ to-, (degree) 1^ kiong.

12 ^ kiong, (sign) 1 ^ ^ tsiu thien.
360 M to", ,, make 1 j^ 5^ tsiu thien (circle)

10 M 11, make 1 ^ hun.
10 ^ hun, (candareen) „ 1 M tsi^
10 ^ (mace)
tsi", „ 1 M° niu' (tael)
1 |5 tsiam, (cent) 1 ^ sien.
10 5fc sien, (cent) 1 ^ kak.
10 i5 tsiam, 1 M kak.
100 iS tsiam, 1 kho- $ (one dollar)
7.2 kho- 16, make 1 kho- $
7.6hat6, „ 1 kho--gTin.
1,100 cash „ 1 kho--g<in.

Weighty, S° tang, tim-tdu, (as Well, (water) ^tai^ (better) j^h6,

words) W M gi^n tiong, i° ji° —done, (as meat) ^° s^k, (not
tsidh lat, % ij tek Idk. sick) U° U° hd h6, (not amiss)
Weir, ^ pi. b6 chho,— dressed, $f °^°ff °IE° h6
Weird, (caused by magical influ- sa"-d ke, — finished, as essay, ii^°

ence) tu m w
si& sut ^, mm ^°% kfe ml kak, —behaved, thidp-
&i° iau Slit ^, figure, — il koai^ sit, 5g°#. W u he ^°1°
16h,— formed, U
but, —
appearance, MM
tsin koai ;^ # h6 ki kut, ^ h6 si" tso6,

Welcome, ®;° ^ ^ ^ hoa" hi tsiap — ^acquainted, 49 ^° siong h6,

l^p. proportioned, sii thin, —watered,
Weld, —iron, ^^ tsiap thih. fg U lun t4k,—aired, 'M M
Welfare, 31 ^ pSng an, Is ^ hok hong, — off", M° # Sng sin,— sung,
khi. U WM h6 sia" tiau, —written,
My m W. s\A Jiau su ph6e,— Wharf, 1S& 51° l5--thau.
managed, ^ ^ # hoat loh h6 s^, Wharfage, 51° ^° l6--th4u-s^.
^ lH fS S an-tun tek gt, —rope,
a Whai-finger, E§ 51° i lo* thftu tsii.

U° 7K° ^° chhiu" tsiiisoh, he What, S ^° sim-mih, siA", —a pity,

does not know, when he — is off, fj ft" kh6-sioh, pf iU kh6-siong,
^ /P° 11° ^ i in bat p6. — place, tah-16h ui, —man, S M°
Wellbeing, (happiness) hok-khi. A° sim-mih-l^ng, —you like, ft°
Wellborn, ^ M t.° A° s^ ka I Mng pf
^ ku 11 ai.

Wellbred, ^ ^ lie h6 ka kku. Whatever, ^ t^ ^ Jg° put-lua sioi-

Wellnigh, M. ^ ^ chha put to. mih, /I H)? hoa,n s6-, — is done, iJU

Welt, kui leng, (a small cord cover- fH WC ho^n s6- tsoe.

ed with cloth) pai-pin, (to sew a Whatnot, ?£° ^° hoe kfe.
welt on) pau pai-pin.

Wheat, b^h,— flour, g|° mi». W #
Welter, noa lai nok" khi. hiin, —bran, |^° beh-pho", buck H
Wen, M M. — ^° ki6-b^h.
Wench, m°o S «°
W tsa-b6- gin-nd Wheaten, ^° f&° 6^° bdh ts6e h.
Wencher, ff 41 phiau kheh. Wheedle, ^
?^° ko--tsia°.
Wend, ^° khi. Wheel, a, |S l<in, of a carriage, —
Were, ^° u. ;©° H chhia-Mn, spinning — , Hr"
West, W° sai. $° phang chhia, — of a rudder, |S°
Westering, |bJ W° ng sai. ;^° $° t5a 6 chhia, to-r-, as a
Westerly, |b]° ®° fig sai. weel barrow, lu chhia-d, (rotate)
Western, li° sai,— ocean, ®° #' f^ fi* j1 ho i g6, ho i s^h.
sai-iu''. Wheelbarrow, $° ff° chhia-d.
Westward, |p]° W° £ig sai. Wheelwright, §l° M° fl^ % tso^
Wet, iii t&m, JSa chhi, M sip, very—, chhia sai-hu.
t&rh-lok-lok, t4mtsiuh-tsiuh,
Wheeze, hili hili ki6. —
nurse, ?L° #° leng-bu, —the bed,
Whelk, (a wale) B leng, (Zool.)
^ Wc chhoa jio, —through, !g°l^. ^
&° ^thau t6e t^m. Whelm, I^ im, (immerse deeply)
Wether, ^° iam-iti".
m tim \€k.
Wetness, MM
sip-khl. Whelp, Jfij° q-° kau L
Whale, Is- n° keng-hl, m ^° hdi- When, ^qr° flf ti-si, i° fli d si,-
will be return, fiJ fSj" flt i'J ^ i ti
Whalebone, Ik E° keng-hl-kut, j^ si t6-]M, — I arrived he was sleep-
M° '^ hai-ang-kut. ing, fS° PJ° fi» fi^ 11° g6a kku i
Whampee, ^° &° Sg-phg, teh khtin.
Whampoa, if ?f H6ng-ph6-. Whence, U° ^° t6h-16h, ^° ^° ^°
till tab-16h. tab-16b tsit g.

Whencesover, /fi Wt fpi° M° put-liin WhifF, (a sudden expulsion of air

tah-loh, ;j; la A° 1pI° m° put lun from the mouth) Pft°i^° pAn M, (a
till tail 16h. fish) ?j?° li soa lu, to emit a — of
Whenever, 7P ^ S S° Bt put koan tobacco, ^ —° ^ hi tsit e bun.
sim mih S li flt put liin While im° m ^ —he wrote,si, fi^°

sim mih si, M.° S° ki°na,

/P 1ft

kien, ^ Whilst) S teb sia e

-2:° fl#
— si,

Whensoever, ^° <g°fl| chhin chhaisi

away the time as whilst waiting

Where, ^£ fpf
^° G tab loh, •(pI°
-° for a person, 5^° M ke li^u, M W
^ t6 tsit ,^ t6h 16h.
iii, •fpj
kdi ut, tsoe gi niu".

Whereas, ^ ^ na si.
Whim, % M koai i.

Whereat, ^° fa" lit° tu\ kn ni.

Whimper, sng sng hdu.
Whereabout, ffi° M° ^° ti tab 16h. Whimsey, g koki i, M ^ m° koai
Whereby, ^° W tsdi"-iu".
Wherefore, 0f £i s6- i, (why). W* Whimsical,
Whimsically, % ^
m° 65° koai phidh e.
koki khoAn, W.

Wherein, (in .what) JpI° ^° tsai''-iu° S° koai phiab.

Whereof, 0? s6-, (of what) @° ^°

Whine, ?f° P^^ n° ng ng ki6,
eng sim-mib.
Whinny, bm bih bdu.
Wheresoever, ^ Ift ^^ 0f ffi put Whip,
S pi", to— mi sut, !K°W biit.

Ian sim mih so- ^° #° 0? Whiplash, m

^n pi" sut.

chhin chbdi s6* tsai.

tsai, ffi
Whipping, m^ W
*r^ eng pi" phab.
Whipstock, f»° *S° pi" pi".
m:reLo}^°^°^°^^-*^^i^^ Whir, bill khi.'

Whereupon, 6° iD° jHi" tiii kn ni, ^ Whirl, m go, s^h, tng seb, lin lin g6,
^° ji^n au, —about, m" m° n° i" i" t6g.
IP" tsiah, ®£.tsiu.
Wherewith 0r s6-, (with what)
Whirligig, g ff° lien-4.
kfig M.
Wherewithal ffl'Si^" eng sim mih. Whirlpool, 7jC° ii° *i° tsiii

Wherret, Ig It bong b6ng, (to tease) Whirlwind, m° M° B

kng le hong,

cbboAg-ti, M ^ kai cbbdi. S ff

° H kiii a bong.

M °^° tsUn d. Whisk, m° poa°, —the tail, W 1°

Whet, m° b6a, —appetite, 13° B| poa" b^, (the white of an egg into
a froth) m° P^ab koemm nng
khui pi.
Whetstone, JJ :S° to-tsiob. chheng.
Whey, ^°%°m° gu leng tbng. Whisker, fjgM°h6-cbhiu.

Which, ;S 0"^ sim mih, tab 16b tsit ^, Whisky, ;^ K #f° ui sit-kit.
Whisper, tsi-bii-tsi-tsu, tsi-tsi tsu-
^ ^° tekiii.
(in order)
Whicbeyer, Z- m H°-'°m° put-lun
will WHO
Whisperer, tsi-bu tsi tsu L (the entire number) §i° — f

Whispering, tsi-bii tsi tsu, tsi4si- ts6e tsit e, whole of them died,
tsu-tsu. «° Wi° —° T° 5E° in ts6e tsit e si,

Whistle, Ift ^l ff
° p6n pi-d. (amount) ^ kiong, how much does
Whistler, IS ^ (f
M° ptin pi.d-g. the— come to, ^ ^°3^° ^° kiong
Whit, —° 1^1 tsit-tidm. u joa tsoe? the-rfamily, |f ^ kui
Whiteness [
) |&°p4h, very
sut, &° rA°'rA°
— ,
peh-sut- ke, ^ ^° tsoan ke, the —piece of
p^k-siak- cloth, ^°j£.^ tsia- phit p6-, the
siak, —of an egg, i|° W° ^ koe —troop, JSK° W tsia° tin, —world,
niig chheng, — of the eye, U°M° ai 5c°ll°T° thong thi" kha e.
i° |&° •£: bdk-tsiu ^ peh jtn. Wholesale, sell —,^° |gJlboe-kui-
^ng kong k6ng.
m°m°U°M% sio kau bang, (buy) WMM b6e-kui-
Whitelead,l& # iln-hiin. Wholesome, (as food) fg ^ ip ^°
Whiten, n° # &° chh6ng-ho-
|ij i-
i,° '^ 5e i6ng sin mia" i mih, (as
p^h, (bleach) ^° ^ phi6-p^h.
Whites, 6 m p4k-tki.
air) Jfl
6^° ^
chheng ^ khi (as
advice) :tS;2:°g|a^iu ek ^ kh6--
Whitewash, ft ^"^ chbdng-be.
Whitewasher, %M°'^° chhdnghe
khAg, (as laws) U ^W-^Ut
d. Idt boat.
Whither, i° a°
f^° tixi-tah 16h.
Wholesomeness, p6-j tg°S 6e p6-. ^
Whithersoever, ^ li jrI" ;g° put lun Wholly, -* it-tsin, ^ tsoah- ^^
tsoan, —% it-bi.
Whiting &°a?° m° p^h soa M. ^°
Whom, :^° tsi tsui.
Whitish, &° S pdh-phd. Whomsoever, 7^° ^° A° chhin
Whitlow, 15° ^ tsat-tsu chbdi ling,
Whittle, Jlj°siaE.
Whoop, PS° hoah, 5^ hikm.
Whiz, su-su h^u.
Whoopingcougb, B# ^ BR" si khl sau
Who, ^°m° :g^° A°
tsi-tsui, Sim- Whore, ^ pidu, ^ j^ chbiong ki,

^o ^o ^' tsa bd- sun.

Whoever, ^ |fj ^° 81° put lun tsi Whoredom, if phiau, f^ ^ im heng,
tsui, ^° ^° A° chhin chhdi ling ?|S fa sii Im
Whole, (all) 5i thong, U° l^°
the— nation,
16ng Whoremaster, .1^ ^ o- kui.
% M
thong Whoremonger,
Ji ^° phiiu kheh.
kok, (entire) If kui, ^ ^
ka- Whoreson, Si 0° pidu kid", +° ®°
n% ^, ^
tsoin, the —orange. If ^° tsAp ts^ng kid", ir° ^° fif
W kui lidp kam, the —body,
li° thau si" ^, 51° ^° 6r kheh hia? ^
Sr° #° li ka n£g seng-khu,
si" ^.
(sound) ^ i6ng, |i|° !i° b6 pi°. Whorish, $1 ^ g4° chbiong ki ^, M'

j^ 15 bo tseng tsiet. Wife, if A A° hu-jin l^ng, m° ^°
Whose, M° n° ^°tm. tsni g. ke- au, M° ^° chhii-lai, g° b6-,
Whosoever, :^ sk A° putlun ^W (vulgar) ^ t|-° h^-ki, when a
sim mih l^ng. husband speaks to bis wife he
Why, jqr° M sia° su, fH in h6. never calls her by her own name.
Wick , ^ »& se sim, of candle, ®° When he speaks of her to another
j& tsek sim. he her my, Jf
calls A° hu jia A
Wicked } 5?° phdi", —customs, ^° Idng, or my M° ^° U
goan chhu-
Wickedly ) Ji. ^ phAi° hong si6k. lai, or if they have a son of the

Wickedness, ^ phdi". name of M sQn, he will speak of

Wicker, mB Wi ^° Hii ti^u tsit 6, her, as Mi^°'&lli° sun-d in neh, or,
il ii M° 65° liii ti^u ts^e 6. )iff°'^°Jisiin-4intsim. When
Wicker, —basket, ^° g° bih na, a stranger speaks to a husband of
—work goods, m° M° bih he, — his wife, if he is literary man he
fifsiiiie, felng S6g. will call her, ^ ^° Sg° sien-si'^
Wickerwork, M^ S bih khi. nid", if a merchant, he will call
Wicket, (gate) th° R° sio mng, her, m° m° m°thku ke nir. If
rrff'miJgd. an apprentice speaks to a master
Wide }^ khoah, m° kh6a° ^; Ji°
of his wife he calls her, 11° J^ S&°
Widely fkhui khoah, -^awake per- —
of the Emperor, g
son, :^°!^m i.° u tseng sin K sai-hu niu",
^h6ng ho-, —of a fendal sover-
& Mng, — kriofwn, 0°fi°*B° si
eign, g^ A
kunhujin, the legal
k6e tsai.
— ,M' S° toa b6', husband and —
WiiJen, |ij M° W ehh6ng khah
MM° ang b6-, second—, ^°g°au
b6-, marrya— ^°*° chhoa h6\ ,

Wideness, Ji khoah, §§ 51° khui

your—, polite phrase, >^ IE leng
tseng, my — ,
polite phrase, ^lij ^
W&ler, ic° }a° khah khoah. Ice—, brother, A°
Widespread, %WW
pi^n si k6e,
^° toa ka, —younger brother,,

M. %. pi^n pien.
M° f|-° ku d, —elder sister, :k° Wl
Widest, ±° W
siang khoah. toa i, —younger sister, ^ ff
° 1 a.

Widow, ^° m tsiii k6a", ^ *f k6a" Wig, ^°|iimftg-k<l.


hu, E IS ko- gan. Wild ) ^ia, lli° soa°, beast, # ft

Widower, ^ ^° * sit chhe e. Wildly j id siti, —bird and beasts, ^
Widowhood, ^° m tsiii k6a".
gi khlm siii, —flowers, iTM° hoe
Width, W khoah. chhdu, —goose, 5c thien g6, ® —
Wield, (as sword) m° ffl kidh duck, '7K° ^ tsiii ah, —cat, llj°?r

kidm. - soa" niau, —raspberry, )^ hd-- M


m, -^and staring eyes, @°B^^Ss bling, 2|s° phi", —one's heart, ^
bdk tsiu chhk chh&, (uncivilized) ^^& h5- i tek sira, ^the peo-
^° § chhi- Loan, ^°^m^he ple's heart, ^ A »5 tek jin sim.
siu kau hok, (violent) 5S lu6ng, Wince, liin.

this flower grows—, i^°W ^ ^° Winch *° chhia.

ff°?£° tsit g si chh^u A hoe, talk Wind, hong, a strong-*, M ^g
— , SL ^ ®° loan loan k6ng. thau.hong, a strong North East
Wilderness, ^ 1^ kh6ng-ia. -

li° 1,° p6 thau hong, no—,

Wildfire, 51 iK° i.° he g mih. !f||° in W H tiam hong, —and rain, JK, ^°
Wile, tf ^
k^-ti, ft k^-chhek. ^ hong-ho-, run before the — , M°iJfi°
Wilful )^ |g° tsip-phiah, Uii
Wilfully )k6--tsip, (by design) #°
lHu tsiin, pl° bin li^u, — abeain,
^°E>§°11 pak-t6- pi" hong, —on
MM tiau k6* i.
the quarter, b^ au, keep
tsiii" si
Wiliness, ^
Jt° kau koJii. a ship up in the—, M°®°ife khah
Will, i* iC tsi-khl, i- ,-f; tsi-i, (de-
th&u khi, chopping }f 3JS afe°
— •, ^
sire) ^° beh, (power of choosing)
hong ah Mi ah khi, a head — ,
iS tsi, g* 1; tsi-i,

(desire) Sl ki,
M tui thftu hong, the — whistles, JH
(shall) beh, H. I. M'.s— ^ Wtm% hong hu hu hdu, a gust
M tsi-i, g^ seng-tsi, (a testa- of—, — ° ^° B tsit tsun hong,
ment) it 51 iii-tsiok, this man has
a strong—, jlfc° A° :^° ft° m
direction of the — , Ji,®° hong bin,

Mng u tsip du ^ s^ng, (determin-

tsit sail by — , |fe° ® sdi hong, go
against the — Jg M tu hong, —
ation) i^ tsii-i, —you go, ^° subsided,

^° M, tsi" hong, fair—

W *° *|1° ^>° li beh khi d m, this sun hong, (as thread)
Jli Ji, in, M
—do, lH:°f@°tg°t°m°tsitg
oe (as a road) ^il oan-oat, khAn, P
(round anything) @° ti", (as a
William, sweet — H gj tsoan-ji6ng.
, watch) ^ tsoan, — up, as an af-
Willing, -H" kam
goan, "t kh^ng,
,^ fair, j^ siu-tiA°, wind and tide
•H' i& kam-sim, <^ tsgng goan, ^ are both against us, mM,WtB°
Willingly ^ tM
kam-goan, ^ ,& tu hong tu Mu, raise the wind', ^
Wilhngness3kam-sim, If^ tsgng- M° sa tsl".
Windbound, ^° m M. JF fi^° phdi°
Will-o-the-wisp, ^i}»X° kdi-a-h^. hong chhid" pha teh, iS:Ji® 0f PI
Willow, m liii, ^° il iii°-liii.
^ ho- g4k hong s6- ts6- t6ng.
Wily, iff ^ kan-kiii, ^ p kiii-koki. Windfall, (as friiit) M, |J° ^° i,° 1
Wimble, li° tsfig.
^ hong phah I6h I k^ tsi, (unex-
Win,^M°ia°, —money, ^°^° pected gain) M^° i,m° 1 goa ^ tsf
tsi", —back money lost in gam- Windiness,
:h toa hong, (flatu- E

ph6ng hong.
lence) ft JH hong kui, (fan) M° ^ p6a-ki.
Winding, #
$L oan-oat, (many) -t Winnowed, iS° gfe° fir k^ thai e.
1^ A S chhit oan poeh oat. Winsome, %° A° ^° tit lS,ng thik".
Winding shirt, # ^ siti i. Winter, ^° %° tang thi",— solstice,
Windlass, *£° :^° tia" chhia. S S tang tsi.

WindmiU, M M° tong bo. Winterquarter, ^ m° ^° :t° ^M

Window, W^° thang-d, —frame, peng ke tang e i&.° tse.

m" ^°M thang-d-kheng, —shut-

Wintery, ^° 5c° ^° tang thi" e,
* ter, J»°'ff°M° thang-d-si°, circu- (stormy) ^° JH tsin thau hong. ^
lar—, M° W
g^h-thang, make a Winy, ;g° fi Sii u tsiii hi.

tr° ffiS" phah-thang.
Wipe, ^^ chhit.
Windowglass, |g;% )¥° po le phi°. Wire, (iron) ^°||°thihs6a", (brass)
Windpipe, M
m° khi-kng, Pi°P8l° m°m° tang s6a°, m° tkng si.W Wiredraw, B
nSi-aii-kng. ifl ®° ^ thiu t^ng soa",

Windward, B 11° hong-th^u, M ±° (as an argument) khan thi.

^° hong-tsiu°-si. Wiredrawer, ifl m°B° «°

thiu tang

Windy, (windward) «° K° ti M soa" e, (in an argument) khan thi S.

hong th&u, (tempestuous) ^°St Wiry,^°a° 65° tang s6a°g, (sinewy)
thau hong, (as food) Sd ;2l° ^° Wr'§§° R° oe boa-thoah, (as arm)
. phong hong mih, (empty) ^° fe '^f%° M chhiil mng ^n.
^° khang khang. Wisdom, ^ ^ ti sek, ^ ti hui. M
Wine, m tsiu, port—, ^° iS phA Wise ^° ^° US u ti sek, 1° g^u,
^ )

t6 tsiii, sherry, ig chhe lih, Wisely H

:^ 7^ u piin su. ) ^
Xclaret) $£. fi S,ng tsiii. Wiseacre, Ji° m° &° ^° A° thi" toe

Winebibber, Jg 51 tsiii kiii. phi I lang.

Wing, M° sit, bird's—, J^° a° tsidu Wish, §t ai, W beh, —for, §tW ai
tit, —
much, ih ^ i ai, meet one's
Winged, :if°M° u sit. —,'^°M hdh i.
Wingless, ^° S° b6 ^
sit. Wishful, ai.

Wink, m°B° nih bdk, (at any thing) Wishing, S m° ai M^ tit, i ai.

m° M" m° M.° b6 khoa" ki^ ig° Wisp,

ti" (of straw) M ® chhdu in,

:^° @° t5a so 6 bdk.

i&i° ti°
— ]g tsit p^ chhau. ffi

Winner, m° ^° Ja" (in battle) % Wist, ^

e, tsai.

B S° tek-seng Wistful
fe. (eagerly attentive) ^*&
Winning, (amiable) tsoan sim, (looking in
#° A° §1° tit WistftiUy )

Mng thia". eager expectation for some one)

Winnow, IS° thai, S^° poa, m°^M m m° Mu-bang.
, iet hong ko', machine, — 1^ ffi Wit, mM i.° SS° chhiau tarn e 6e,

(sense) ^ M ki-koan, ^ fi ki^n- m sdi i kap g6a khi, —
-a, cash, ^°
sek, (humor) ^° m° ^° gtvL- m° b6 tsi°, better—, m°m°i^ b6
k6ng-chhio, scared out of his —khah b6.
!i°Sl°^°*° kia" kku g& kH, Withstand |g°^ ti-tng, igii; ti-tek,
at his— end, n° m° M° K&° siu" ^^°ft°tong-6e^tiatt.
kku b6 Id-. Withy, m°M° liu ts6e g,^ flexible,
Witch, m° ^ ang-i. 11° ft°g5° oe khiau g.
Witchcraft, T^ m ^° f* ^6 ang i ^ Witless, ,^ gong-gong.^
hoat Slit, 5i5 M sii-siit. Witness, rf |E ka;n-tseng'<, to — ,
Witchery, ^° ^ f^ sai boat, m°hfi T IJE ts6e kan-tsfeng.
^ m eng htL hoat, m° ^ MS eng Witted, #°^ ^ u tsidt tsli.
iau Slit. Witticism, m°^°:t°m° kdng chlii6
With, ^° kap, —the whole heart, ^ g| j^° fS° chhiku tam d oe:
^ oe,
M *& tsoan sim, feel —the hand, Wittingly, ^° ^ tidu k6-
tJi: I.

M° ^ ^ eng chhiii bong. Witty, p^HB gin soat chhi6iig,'

Withdraw, i& PJ W° siu-t6-t6g, a m°m° m° g^u k6iig chW6.

complaint, 5S° M° the-ti^°,- -from Wive, ^^ chhoa

an affair, ^
:^ sia su, (as guests) Wizard, 3il° •±° sai-kong.
A° §° ^° Mng kheh sok°. Woad, m^°m° mm chhi" chhifi.
Withdrawal, flft 3] W siu t6 tAg, Woe, (grief) jg f ^ ho&n-16, (cala-
B chhii h6e. mity) il^Sa°tsai-e, (a curse) ffiH
Withe, ff° ^;fe° liii-d ki. tsiti ebham.
Wither; i} sia, (as cut flowers) p6-. Woebegone,
Withered, fe- ^° ^° ko- t^-khi.
3^ toa iu bun. g^
Woful, iu-buii, chhi". gm ^©
Withers, Ji° M° t
b4 nia" kut. chhdm.
Withhold, (restrain) ^
kim, M Jh Wolf, iC chhai-16ng. ^
ts6-tsi, consent, ^° ^ in lin. (re- Wolfish,
*B°fa°^S chhin chhiu"
tain) ^° l^u. chhai 16ng, —heart, K*& Idng sim.
Withinside, ^°W° —and Woman,lai bin,
A A° hujinlang, g* m
month, —
^° 5ih°
goa, —a
°^° ^° tsit g^h jit
A° tsa b6- Mng, lewd-—, M S m
Im hu, an old—, ^° |g Iau pfi.
lai, —an ace,
Wt M hidm hidm. Womanhood, A A° i° Jt 3 hu ^
Without, J(h°-B° goa bin, (unless)
jin lang g ta li, (women) jf A A°
H td hui, m° ^° na b6, —be- hu jin Mng.
ginning and—end, ^° JE Sl°^° Womanish,
}§: jJK lii liA (as a man)
i.°Ji° bo khi-th4u bo s6ah.b^,
^S —
tsa b6- hkn. ^Mi
a house, ^° ;i° b6 chhii, I shall go Womankind,
2&: lii jin A
—him, m°T>°^°mn°n°^°g6a Womanly,
m W JI tsin hu t5.

Womb, B^ thai, § s6- tsai.

Wometi, ii A A° bu jin l^ng. Wood-mercbant, f ^^ i?° khui

Won, m° i^". sam hfi,ng ^.
Wonder, ^^
ki kbai. Woody, (abounding witb wood) ^
Wonderful [^ m° i", M tfj ^ cbbut :^° kau fchhiu, (ligneous) ;fc :$?

Woudrotis )kl. b6k pun.

WonderfuUy, ki ^ © koki, ffi ^ Woof, ig hui.
cbbut ki. Wool, ^° ^° in- m^g, jf|°
^° ^°
Wonderstruek, ^ W gong ngidb. mi ii3t° m&g.
Wondrously, ^ @ kl koki. Woollen, W ni, (blankets) SW
-Wongpoo, ^ ?f H6ng pbd". tban d, (broadcloth) 1^ ^° W to

Wont [ (aecustottied) ti ^° koai" 16 ni, (long ells) 1^° H pek ki,

Wonted) si,ti 1^ koka si<5k, (cus- (camblets) M M B°

^° u se,

tomary) ^ ^ p^ng si6ng. d toan, (cassimeres) th°W si6 ni,

Won't, ^° Hi, /B° W'' b6 tbang^ be— # M boan jiong, (lastings) ^ ^

go, II ;S° *° i m kbi, be—let u (bunting) IJ #
lin, p6- (lus* li

you go, # Si" Rr° m°m^° i b6 tres) M ^° 4" ji6ng-nii p6-, (in-
tbang bo" li kbi. ferior Spanish stripe) f ^ Mhsi
Wood, m° cbM, (forest) ^° W t^ng ji6ng, (inferior Yairn) M W
cbbiu nl, lU° #° soa° na", camagDn ji6ng s6a", T ^ i? ba-t^ag-ji6ng.
—,^W »»&• kbi, ebony—, Jft /fi° Word, ^° 6e, The Word, M To,
o- b^, garroTv?^, iJE #° t4m biu^ send to inform,^ ^ p^, li ^

fragrant—, #° ^° biu» Gbb4, thong- ti, (a Sentence) '61 kii (the

iir^jee— ®° Pi Zl ^° gia Ian ji
Scriptures) H # s^ng chheb, (a
cbb^, laka— ^ #° kk^ Wu", ,
message) ^° fS° kia 6e, (news)
fed—, m.° ^° aug cbba. ft M° siau sit, (give one's— pro- ,

Woodasbes, ^ ^° cbba hu. mise) :fc Tin, M ^ eng lin, express

Woodcut, mm
i.° t&° ff° ktek p4n in—, ^ ^° chhtii k6ng.
6 ang d, M° ^"^ ang d. Wordiness, ^° fg ts5e oe.
Wooded, TM° W^° u cbbiu. Wording, (speech) W f§ gi^n-gil,

Wooden, ^31° f^° cbb^ g, —wedge, (writing ^ m° ku-tau, ]!C^° bftn-

^° *i° cbba sng, —clogs, *° W
cbba kidb, —bridge, m° m° cbba Wordy, ^° fg" tsoe-6e, !SI ?E° chhiii

ki6, —pin, kbit, Wrailing, 7}:° — hoe.

Work, X°kang, X° m° khang-kb^,
ffll bdk sa,—
drum, :^ M, b6k gA.
Woodbouse, l^° ^° F^° t6e cbba X°^ kang-tia", —the field, f^°B°
keng. tsob-cbh^n, —up into a lump,

Woodland, W° ®° ;2:° 0f ffi u cbbiu ji6k ts6etslt-b6-, good at—, MW


^° h6 kioh siaii, —in brass, ij° the — , ift ±.° s^-tsiu°, invisible^",

M° teng-t^ng, of — a watch M° iL M ik° T° kiii go^n toe-e, this

ff ° i,° ^ M° pio ^ 6 khi khu, ask -,^16 kim sh, nexfr— , ^ IS au

for—, m^th6 hun, Bl° th6U %
s6, ignorant of the ^° M° IS — ,

th^u 15-, to do—, 1iK°X°ts6ekang m bat se su. ^

— mortar, chhiau th6", (toil) 7^° Worldling, ^° iS 65° than s^- ^
^° t\6h bo^, ferment) boat, # si6k g. —
by the day, m°X° t^kang, m° H Worldly, ift se-si6k. ^
ff °X° tsoe jit d kang, —one's pas- Worldliness, # i: iS ^ khoa In se

sage, Bk H 16ng pang, —a scull, kan.

Ifi m io 16; (perform) iff kil", Worm, Athdng, earth—, ±°jg|°th6--

(asdough) nod''. Tin, ± m t6;-un, book—, M a°

Workable, (as a plan) M°m°^° 6e tsi^n-thdng, —

eng-tit, 11° W% oe
^° B° M
sdi-tit. eaten as a boat, sau-sau, breed—
^° 11° si"-thdng, —put a thing, Wt^
Workbag, tsiam-s6a'' te.
Workbbx, X°U°M khang-khe-dh, s6e, (in the intestines) ®[S° bun
X°m°^°^^arig.khh-nL th^ng.
Workeid, ^° ~f ts6e lidu, thorough- Wormeaten, Pl.° tsiu, (as boat) sau.
ly —as dough, IS ?g hodt, lien he Wormlike m° ^}° &° chhin chhiu"
is very hard — © :g Mi° ^° i si th&ng.
M W in-tln.

thoa boi. Wormwood,

Worker, m° M° ts6e k m° X° ^° Worn, (out) ^° |i° laii-tsau. .

tsbe kang 6, X° ^ A° kang hu Worried, (harassed) ^ fl tsdp ts6.

ling, hard-, Hf *tJ» $1 ^° h6 sim Worry, (torment) kang, M fk
sm e. chh6ng-ti, khign, |i° khiAu, (ha-
Workman, X^ A° kang-hu Mng, rass withcare) MM° A°tsdp ts6
^°1i°sai-hu. lang, (as a dog) J^ ka.
Workmanlike, M° X° M°. ^° ts6e Worse, 11° ^° khah-phdi", (inferi-

kang s^k chhiii. or) 11° ^ khah-su,, he growsb—

Workmanship,-^°g^ chhiii toa", X° and — , man, i^°^°j^°^
as a sick
* kang-hu, (good) MT ^X S; nd kii nd siong-tiong.
ts6e lidu tseng-kdng. Worship, pki, m M
fF kfeng-pki^ Wl
Workshop, m° X° m° tsoe kang ^° h6k-sai, ^ ^ keng-h5ng.
chhiii". Worst, m'-^° te-it-phdi", ±°^°
Workwoman, m° ± X° ^° tsoe lii siang-phdi".
kang L Worsted, thread «¥ Wi° ni soa," (de-
World, n m se-kan, 'A F^ ho^n kan, feated) l! su,— stockings, ll$°i^°
all the—, # %° -f° ph6- thi" e, in nr soa bdh.
Worth, m° tdt, m° m m° oe kham Wreathe, (with flowers) i|° :^ ui
tit, not—, Z° M" m tdt. hoe.
Worthless, ^° m b6 ti6k, (bad) f Wreck, (ruin) Uj pai, (as ship) g[°
ft /P '^ ha M put siau, (useless) phoa.
khiok kdk,—goods, ffi° m° M° Wrecked, —ship, J8S°}l°5S° tsun
t6e h6,—fellow, )J> A sidu jin, k6ng phoa.
(as person) ^ 4« M put ti6ng Wrench, tsoai, k5ai.
iong, (as things) ^° g& m° :t° !f^° Wrest, fll khiii, (pervert) # hoan, S
b6 16" eng ^ mih. hodn, he—my meaning, ^ K^
Worthlessness, ^° g& ^° b6 lo- eng, i.°M ^-^ i hodn g6a ^ i su.
^° M° m° m tat tsi-. Wrestle, :g ^ kun ^ tsii Mm, m°
Worthy, (meriting) ^ ^° kham Ji sa° i^n.
tit, (estimate) 11° fi; ^° oe tiong Wrestler, S ^ it ^°
kun tsu 1dm
tit. 6, fl°Jg#°saM^nd.
Would, SI ai, ^ beh. Wretch, (a miserable person) SK IS
Wound, m
siong, to—, ^° ti<4h A° kan-kh6- mng, m i.° A° mm
siong, incised, ff £1 koah siong. chhi" chhdm e l&ng, (one sunk in
Wounded, ^° ^ ti6h siong, severely vice) *°2?° ^ toa phdi" kid°, you
— S ^ tang siong.
old — ^° ^ lau put
/^ siu.

Wrangle, %^
oan ke, Jd° |S ke Wretched, M'B kan kh6-, m° ^
oe, !(I°M sa" me, ^° i^ p6 chhtii, chhi" chhdm, ^° gidp mia^ M
m° m° sa° tsi", P° t6- khau. H
Wretchedness, |g kan kh6-, 'Bl gB ^
Wrangler, of Han lim,— jt
chhi" chhdm.
tsidng go^n, (angry disputant) # Wriggle, gg m^ ^° kiin liin tsun.

^ m° p6 chhtii L Wright, (artificer) %° J^ sai-hu.

Wrangling, S5° P° tak khdu, — Wrirg, ^° tsun, ® chhun.
Wrinkle, m° ji^u,
altercation, R M t6- khi. khioh-k6ng.
Jf"" kiu, lek-stn,

Wrap, "S pau.

Wrapper, &° ff
° phe d Q^ pau Wrinkled, i^° 'M ji^u-hAn.

Wrist, chhiil-khu, ^°m° chhiii-od",
—joint, ^° H chhiii-ian.
Wrath, IS it siu khi.
Wristband, ^° P° chhiii-khdu.
WrathfuUv :^°3S°*
Writ, holy i^ sfeng-keng, — ^ , H
Wreak, (avenge) ^ p6 oan, ?g° flft° s^ngchheh, of accusation, M°
^° tid^-tsng.
M hoe ta.
Wreakfully, ^^^#° ^i p6 siu e, Write, M M ^°
sid, sid-jl, (an es-

SI ^ % ai P^ oan fe.
say) f^° % M tsoe b6n tsiu", (a
book) ^° M° chheh.
Wreath, ?g° H hoe fti.
Writer, (clerk) S^°#° sid ji ^, Yam, ^ 5-.

mandarin's — ^ |§° , su-pan, ^ Yamuh, ;®° fT ge m'^K-

:f5;° li iah, —of petitions ^°m Yang, ^ i^ng, the ying and the---,

tsng su. I^ ^ im i6ng.

Writhe, M
M° kun-tsun. Yang-tsz River, Ji •? I^ng-tsu ^ "
Writing, 0f M
fi^° s6- sid ^, (a book) kang.
chheh, (a deed) M° kh6e, Yard, (cQiurt) ^° th^h, (measure)

style of — ,
^° ji, practise — , U ^° —° P,i° tsit ba, ship's ^M^k ko.
lien-jT, hand — ^° S^ chhiii pit, Yard-arm, ^ ^ ka ko.
M ^°W° sid ji toh, —

—desk Yai'kaiid, ^ 11 ^ |!ii° lap ni khiong

materials, % W ^ ^ ^^^ P^ig sia°.

sti p6. Yarn, cottau' — ', W^° se, worsted-",

Wrong, (injure) § hai (not right) m. m° nt° sok\
T>°»° m ti6h, —side iJ B° t6-bin, Yawn, PI hah ^ hi.

alway— W° m° , T>° *° toa^-toa" Ye, m° lin.

m ti<5h,j to —by false accusation, Yea, 3^ Si.

% M Tin-khut, M S oan 6ng. Year, #° ni,- —before last, ts6n til",

ff° ^ ^° M" kia" Hi (of age) M° tfe,

following—, Bj*
e. ^"m^-nij T"^ e ni",— is up,
Wrongful (unjust) ^°M a JIb6
if ^° k&u-ni°.
Wrongfully tsiau kong-tp,
Yearling, -° ^° ^° ^^ m° ^° tsit ni"
oan- 6ng, (injurious) ^ hai. ^ tseng si".
Wrongheaded, ^° 3i° phdi° phiab.
Yearly, m° ^° t&k ni, ^° ;^° ni" ni"
Wroth, ±
^° m.° toa Mu khi.
Yearn, ^ ^ l^k ki, (eager for) sah"
Wrought —iron, ^° ^° s6k-thih.
sim ai.
Wry, ^ oai, Oai ehhodb, necked, H
ji(°oai-am,-^, mouthed, H Bg oai- Yeast, m° k&".

chhui. Yeddo, it ^ Kang bo-.

Wryneck, ^ ;S° oai-am, ®°^°fk Yelk,— of an egg, fr ^° fc koe

am-kun-khi, niig jin.
Wuchang, gC g Bu-chhiong, Yellow, 'M° fig, —river, ^° M H6ng
Wusung, 1^ ^f ° Ko-ki6, —bar, M h6.
/lt° ^'Ko-ki6 soa. Yellowish, MK tarn ng, £g h6a",
^° m Ag khhi.
Yelp, P^° piii.

Yes, W° u, SI, tioh, — in ans-

wer to a call, oS.
Yacht, ^T° 1° M° phah tsidu tsdn. Yesterday, Bfe tsa jit, Bfe^ tsa
Yak, #° ^° sai gil. bo- jit.
Yesternight, Bfe U° tsa-ml". ^ *jf ^ khah siau li&n, — sister,

Yet, 1t° R° i&vL-ku, n SL° siong kii, *J.° M° si6-be, —brother, *J.° W
not — ,
15° ^° iau be, —after all, si6-ti.

^ IE kun-til. Youngest, — ^ siau *J? it liln, (of an

Yew, (tree) ^^ffi°pP-peh, ^Mm° animal) — ja°ittsi°.

ti6ng-chliun chhiu, ^ ^ ^ ban Youngish, t^" *j? ^ idu siau liSn,

lifen chheng. (as animal) ^° ^° idu tsi°.

Yield, m° niu", (give in to) 1° M Youngster, gin-d-thiin.

^° M & chhek kha 14i tsiu i, Your, (polite phrases) (sing.) ^°fi9°
(produce) m kiet, fflchhut ^° li e, (pl.) m 65° lin ^ —excel-
si", (to surrender) P| M h^ng lency, :§: iij kiiihii, — native place,

h6k. :^: ^ — surname, M ^

kiii te, kiii

Yielding, Ji AS sun jin i, ^^ seng, ^M ko s^ng, M tsun d|:

hdi-hdi, bin ban. sfeng, —age, M M kui keng,

Yin, m im. wife, ^ IE leng tseng, — father,

Yoke, ^° m°-g^-tar, ^°U°m° gt- ^ i leng tsun, ^ ^ 16 ong, ^

pin-ta", M^ ^° ka-chhia, to an — $C tsun-hu, — mothar, <^ ^ leng

ox, m ^° koa-gu, (a pair) M° t6ng, —son, ^ ^ leng 16ng, -^ »J>

(bondage) Wl° ^^ :g leng sidu kun, ^ & leng kong,

—grandson, ^ M leng sun, —
siang, tiii,

ts6e 16- ts4i.

Yokohama, M ® H^ng-pin. country, |g° i° fi S li ^ kiii kok,

Yolk, m° W t.° koe-niig-jln.

—shop, M fr kiii h&ng.
Yours, (sing.) M° 6^° li-6, (pl-) ^
Yonder, WL° hia, ffi° S° tl hia.
fi^° lin-g.
Yore, -^ M k6--tsd. ^ 1° a° H M
You, (sing.) m° li, ^(pl.)— lin,
^ li piin sin.
ka-ki, Tjc

madam, ik i^ thai-thai, ^ A hu- #

^° 116° siu"-kang-ni<i", — Youth, ip ^ siau liln, *|? A°
jin, 4a°
siau liSn lang.
sir, !JB° ^° siii°-kang, £T tsiok-
^ siau-lign, —sports.
ha, ;fc A tai'jin.

^° 7° i ^° ^° gin-^ e thit tho,

Young, (as child) Sfl iu, m° \M soe-

han, jl tsi", »P ^ siau-li&n,—gen- —appearance, 'i? ^ M° si^ii lien

tleman, ^ A sia-jin,—lady,
Youthfulness, *i? siau lien.
^ bin.
S6° ko--niu", with—,
koa-kui, (as
tsi", (oflPspring) kid"
Yule, mm:t°^° B° la-so- e si° jit
animal) m°
Younger, lgc° *V ^° khah tsi6 hfe, Yunnan, 9^ Hun-lam.
Zero, W^^ k^k leng tiAm, M^^
to* s6- kun, (a cypher) |S kh6ng.
Zest, '1^ '^ h^ng h^ng.
Zigzag, ^ ^|L ft oan oan oat oat*

Zang, 5 thiu. fl^ ^

oan oan khiau khiau,
ffi° ffi^

Zinc, ^° i& p^h i^n, sulphate of—,

Zax, H:?r' il -^ §1 r^ kii tsi6h pdn
;^ ®
Pi° ti tseng ki & san.
g khl khu.
Zeal il*& jiet sim, li 1= jiet
Zincky, 6 §& 65° p^h i^n e.
Zealous kodn.

Zodiac, Ji h6ng to tai.K ^


Zealot, ^ i& fi^° ji^t sim ^. Zodiacal, 6^ ^

h6ng to ^, H Ji
^, S^ Ji 65° chhek to L
Zealous, ^
*& ji^t sim, hiin ^^g5° jit t5

tsi. Zone, tai, (torrid)— ^ Si jiet to, ^

Zebra, ?E° JJE .1|° hoe pan b6. temperate — , ?S.jE un t5, frigid

Zebu, m
^° bai gu. ^ sE h&n
^, t5.

Zechariah, (book of) MMM'S^ i.° Zoographer, ^ ^ ;2: If ± oah mih

^° Sat ka li a e chheh. 6 phok su.
Zenith, 5^° H thi" t^ng, 1%° % IS Zoography, W W iL°mm odh mih
th4u khak t^ng, sun at — H+, ^ ts6ng lun.
|I||f° jit tiong kia, — of prosperity, Zoological,^ # t& seng but lua.
@ U i:°flt k^k h6 e si. Zoologist ^ tS seng biit phok
ii/ dfc
Zephaniah, (book of) W#S±°1^° su.
Se-hoan-nga ^ chheh. Zoology, ^ '^ ^1 li odh mih ts6ng
Zephyr, WH
sai hong, ^ i^ ff M ° lun.
bl bi a hong. Zoonomy, ^° i^°;t° U odh mih & li.


A number of questions &c., on various diseases for

the use of medical men.

Oeneral Questions. ,

Have you come before ? ^° W° 5^ S H bat lai mab.

Wbat is your name ? ^°W^
M° li ki6 sim mih.
Where do you live ? •^° ^°^° m° H kbia tab-16h.
What is your occupation? '^ 6^° M° M B° M° B li teb ts^e sim mih
thau 16-.

Are you married ? '/k° S° M° ^° li chboa b6- be.

How many children have you ? >^°M° M°W^° 3i Hu kiii ^ kia° ji.

What is your age ? '/kMWL° li kiii h^

What is the matter with you ? i^ ^ @J^ 5S° #1° H u sim mih ph6a-pi".
How long have you beenill ? S^° i£° m° M° ^°
li ph^a pi" joa-kii.

Let me your pulse ?

feel fS° }P1° 15°Who- g6a bong m^h.
Put out your tongue? Pi t§-° tho- tsih.
Are your bowels regular? rfe i! ^M^
S° tai pien \i tsiau si6ng b6.
Is your water right? M
'Si ^ S' jio sek h6 mah.

Have you pain anywhere? ^° ^

m° M° 'M° 5° li t6 16h u thla" b6.
Is the pain constant? Jfc° J5:° M° S° tiu tiu thia" b6.
Have you ever suffered like this before? '^° If" W m°jltl°il WL^^
li tseng u bat tsit ho phoa pi° b6.
Do you sleep well ? W m° W S° oe khiin tit bo
Is you appetite good? :fe ;Si ^ S ai tsiah be bo.
Is your strength less than it was? 'y^° M° W.°W S° li u kbah lam b6.

To what do you your illness? ?fe° g,° ^° i° ig°
attribute g[ ^° li #
siu" SI tiii tsai° iu° ph6a pi".
Have you taken anykind of medicine for this? ilt° W\° M° ^° #° ^°
^° §° tsit 6 pr 11 bat tsiah i6h b6.
Do you smoke opium? yM° ^° M° H }r S° li u tsiah a-phien bo.
Do you swallow opium ? ^ # S ^ ^° ^° u thun a-phien pha b6.
The matter inside should be let out by cutting, ^° flj° 31° #° ^ -jf

Hi 35 ti6h koah ling ho- i liu chhut Mi.

How long since the bone was thus put out? ^° ^° 3^° ^° thiit
liin joa kii.

It will require at least six weeks treatment, to set right this broken leg,
w ira° m° ±mm°i%mmi\it^'Miia tsit g kha siang kin ndh
lAk 14 pai tsiah oe tsu jii.

If this wound is not stitched, it will be very slow and troublesome in

healing and there will be an ugly scar left, j)fc°
^° fj ^ g° ^° ^°
ig° m 11° m° f&° '^^°m^m ii° m m m° m ^° m° tsit ^ siong-
hlin nk b6 thi°, oe tsin oh td,"-tidp idh au Mi hit g siong hiin oe
tsin phdi" khok".
Come again on the tenth day of the month, and bring this paper, m° +°
B°M°^M°^°m^°m chhoe tsdp kok s6a t6a i6h toa" Mi; m
What do your father and mother die of? vk° i° ^° 5g° :^° ?tE° 11 6 #
pe bii ts4i" iu'' si.
Are all your brothers and sisters living? ^° jt,° 5t° |g i$°M° ^° ^/ W
^° 11 6 hia°-ti tsi-be idu ,ti teh b6.
Did they die young? #,° :! if? ^ JE° S^ in si siau li^n si mah.
From what causes ? fi° M° ^° ^hhi tsdi" iu° si.


What time of day do you get the ague fit? •^° @° B" fllf 111° 0° ij M°
li sim mih si tsun k6a° ji^t kku.
Do you have much ^° fi°-^° k6a" tang mah.
chill or shaking?
How long does the cold stage last? m° ^° m° X° kea*^ u joa kii.
Have you much headache at the time? ^° % ;t°fl# WWiW §°
•k° M° -

k6a'' ji^t e sithiu khak 5e toa thia" boe.

Is the fever intense? #6 1; S° ji^t tang mah.
How long does the hot stage last? ife ;^° ||° ^° ji^t u j5a kii.
Do you sweat much? fF° m° ^° m° koa° Mu tsoe mah.
For how long? ^° M° X° Mu joa kii.
How long does the fit last ? S° 11° M ^° M° ^° kOa" kap ji4t u joa kii.
When does it recur? fRJ° fl# ^° i|° g ti si koh kku jit.
Every second day or every third or fourth ? ~° — ° ?JC° W -^ B°
-° ?^° ^° m° W
~°7}z° nng jit tsit pai d si sa" jit tsit pdi 4
si si jit tsit pAi.

I want to examine your abdomen? ^° ^° g° )^° :t° M° &° god beh

khia" li g pak-t6-.
Do you prespire freely? ?^W°ift°it°ffi°?F°^° li u tit tit lau koa" mah.
Is your spleen enlarged? ^° ^° M." li u t^ng pi b6. P^
Take a dose of the medicine one hour before the attack, M° ^° M° M
^° — ° IiS° m° M° :^° M° ko^" jidt be kau, tsd tsit ti4m tseng ti6h
tsidh i6h.

Intestinal Worms.
Have you ever passed any worms ? %° ^° ;&° W(. 11° §° li l^at pang
biin thS,ng mah.
How many ? M° 31° >i° pang kiii hL
Were they long and riband like or short and round? % ^° ^o 31° M°
fP :i @ ilo 31° 11° si tfig tu koh pi", d si t^ tun kok 1".
Have you pain, or uneasiness in your abdomen ? |S° Si:° :^ :^° i9C Wi° W^
MMM ^'M pak t6- u toa Hm thia" a si iu iu d thia".
Whereabouts? i^rf a° M° t6h-16h thia°.
Does the food agree with you? :ft° ^° 5fe :fr SI 5|^° ft ^ f§° tsidh 16h
khi seng khu u pe peng b6.
Does the child pick its nose often? m°m° W ?° W° ^ ^ ^° ^ 60° *
^° S° hit 6 gin k u si6ng si6ng khang i g phi" khang b6.
Is it ever griped? ii bat ts6e tsun thi^" b6.
Does it ever vomit? #°
S° bat th6- mah.PI
What do you eat? >4t 'k° M M° li tsidh sim mih.
Any kind of greens, M° <fe° '^° ^ tsidh chhdu MW chhki mah.
What sort of water do you drink? '^ % Wf ^ iS°7j<° H si lim sim
mih tSTii.
Are there pains in the abdomen? U° fit tg° M° ^° pak-t6- 6e thia" boe.
Does the abdomen swell? U
flt°^° iGt° S° pak-t6- ii ph6ng b6.
Are the bowels irregular? m°BM° M ^
S° I6h hak ii tsi&u si6ng bo.
Does he grind the teeth at night? Bt W° n@ !l ® ^° ml" st u ka
chhiii khi b6.
Is the appetite impaired? ^° if Z° ^ :& S° u khah iii M tsidh b6.
Is the appetite voracious? ^° ^° li S° u chhi" iau mah.
Have you ever seen worms in the stools? 1^° T \k° M° S B° f^ ^ S°
pang lidu \i u kho^" ki" bun thang b6.
Observe if any worms are passed, M° W° li° ^^ ^° S° khoa" ii pkng
bun th4ng b6.
Take a powder at bedtime for three nights running, ®° ^ ^° jS 51
H° m° m° ^° m° # beh khi khtin, li^n lien sa° mi° ti6h tsiah i6h
Take a dose of castor oil on the fourth morning, m B° ^° Mt ^° '^° '1M

W te si tsA khi ti6h tsidh sia iti.


Have you pain at the pit of the stomach after eating? ^° |R° T »& IF
W° 'M° ^° tsidh png khut u thik" b6.
lidu sim-koa"
Is your appetite bad? ^° ^=g|° ^°^° u m ai tsidh b6.
Do you suffer from wind? W° i£h° M
^° vl ph6ng hong b6.
Do you suffer from vomiting? W° P± ^° n tho- bo.
Are the bowels irregular? -^ /g' "^ ® ^ S
16k hdk u tsiku si6ng b6.
Have you headache? ^^ -^° m° H ^
m° S° u th^u khak thia" b6.
Have you any heartburn ? W° g|° *& fF §° u sio sim-koa" b6. '

Have you waterbrash ? J;ir° :g° pj. ^° ^jjjo g° li a th6- sng tsiii b6.
Have you pain in the stomach before or after food, V^° &° {& M |c° ^
:fr° i«°m°_m" ^:k°m'"r m° u ^ sim khi si be tsidh prig twk", &-
s! tsidh png lidu thia".
How long before or after? ^° ^° |g° ^° :J^° :^^
It" J ^° %° be tsidh
png joa kii? tsidh png lidu j5a kii.
Any nausea retching or vomiting? ^§c.°BW M W ^ W° Pi si chhi"
gl beh du a u tho*. SI
What do you vomit? ^° tt Jf' si th6- sim raih.
Have you any vertigo?
5^°;f °lliJ°B^°-g^ li u th^u-khak bin b6.
Do you pass foul wind? 'jk°^°
n° ^° m° §° li u pkng chhau phM b6.
Have you a bad taste in you mouth?
m ^° il& S° chlmi u siap b6.
Have you any pain between the shoulder blades?
\k°^°M''^^^ W°
M° 5° li e png si kut tiong u thik" b6.
Any pain about the heart? ±°
{# ,& flf° 0f « «° « g^ od sim koa» ^
s6--t8ai u thik" b6.
Do you drink much tea? '^ ^° ^° ^° ^° li tf. tsidh tsoe mah.
Intestinal obstruction.

How long since your bowels were moved? '4i.° M^ %° ^° ;^°il ^° li joa
kii b6 tai pien lah.
Have you any rupture? Jfe° W° *J» ^ M S° li u sidu ti6ng tui b&.
Do you pass much urine? M° '^^° ^°S° jio toa pak mah.

How often in the day? '-° W M° -^° tsit jit laii kiii pAi.

At night too ? 1^° flf i^° \^° S° mi si sua lau b6.

Are motions solid or fluid? ®:° T ii %W ^%° %° P^ng li^u si teng
a si tsiii tsiii.

What colour ? g 0° ^ sim mih sek.

Painless or passed with cutting and bearing down pains "i %° 1 %° 'M°
w *0° fa° er w w^mm
t" gi'*B° m° J m° sb -^^ * pang
lidu boe thia", d-si chhin-chhiu" teh koah, a-si kiii e e-tiig chhin-
chhiu" beh sia 16h khi.
Is there much griping? %%Wi°^°M°^° si6ng si6ng tsoe tsun thia"'

Have you eaten too much or any thing especially rich lately ? ^^ xfe°

^ ^° ±° %° W ^ W° M° ft ^ S° kun lai li u tsidh siu" tsoe i si

ii tsidh sit but mah.
Had you constipation previously ? •4ctt9c°^° fM ^^ S° li tai sang ii pi
kiet b6.


Do you pass any blood? -^° /^° M'' JfiL° S° li u pang huih b6.
How many times a day do you go to stool? -*° ^° § M° ^° tsit jit

16h hak kiii pdi?

Do you strain much ? ti6h tit tit ti" mah.
Are the stools mixed with mucus? M° T ^°MfM^° pang Mu u phi
phi mah.
Are the stools of an offensive odour? M°7^^^^° P^ng ^i^^ ^i tsin

chhku mah.
When did the disease begin? ^° W M°i^° At t^ tsit ^ pi" ti si khi.

Chest Disease Lo-siong.

Do you spit up blood, mucus or what? 7k° ^° 11° f&.° ^ W ^ S° M°

li si phui huih, thdra, 4 si sim mih.
Have you lost weight lately? }k° ii ^^ IJc° M° S° H kun l^i u khah
sdn b6.
Do you sweat at night ? yj^° ^° flf :^° m° ff ° §° H mi si u Iftu koa" U.
Have your family ever had consumption ? 1i> S"° ^° A° ?^ ^ Jt° 5^
S° lin bat u lang 16 siong 6 tseng mah.
Is your breath short on any exertion ? ^
ffi° :^° lb° P^° P?° 1^ S° li

chhut Idt 6e hi" hi" chhodn boe.

Uncover your chest front and back that I may see ? M M°
t^ng tug thAg ho- go4 kh6a°.
^ ^° W

Take a deep breath, ^° Pg :k° M° 6^° H chhodn toa khiii teh.
Are the monthly periods regular? M°M^°^M^° g^h keng u
s'lin-si6k b6 ?
Count one, two, three slowly, ii° fi° ff 1
— 11° 3° ta d k6ng
° lin tsit,

nng, sa".

Does it hurt you to count? ^°Tfu°^ ^§° k6ng lidu oe kan khd- b5e.
Cross you arms in the front and stoop forward a little, ^°%°M°^°th°
iF° 6^° chhiii pho heng s6a si6 a° teh.

Circulator^/ Diseases.

Ever had palpitation, RJ fF° #" J§° J§° ^° g° sim koa" bat ph6k ph6k
chh^ng b6.
Can you not breathe lying down? M fl^°^mt^°m'^ ^° t6 teh chhodu
kan kh6- boe.
khiii oe
Do your feet swell toward the end of the days-work? #° M°X°W
'r}k°±°m°W,°m°^° tak jit ts6e kang beh Mu li g kha oe ham boe-
Ever troubled with sudden faintness or dizziness ? ^^° ^°
fS, ^°i #p° ^
^ m° Wt lt° S li bat hut ji^n sit khi A si th^u khak hin b6.
Can you walk up hill without discomfort ? ^° ^° i^° ^° §°
|i =g li

peh kia oe kan kh6- boe ?

Hold your breath a momentf •A° M° m° f^ m° U°
W X° H b6h tit
khiii tidp d kii.
Had you ever rheumatism ? '^^ ^° % ^" s-° K bat hong thik" mah.
Liver Diseases.
Have you any pain in the right shoulder f J^° jE° ^° ^° ^° ]g° ^° g^
^° S° li tsik" chhiii p^ng & keng th^u bat thia" hb.
Had you ever jaundice ?' ^° e° t° M H bat Ag ts^ng mah.
Do you sweat much ? ff° m° ^' §° koa" lau tsoe mah.
Are you stools clay coloured ? 'WT ^ ^° %° %i S° p^ng H^u s! peh
hod," sek mah f
Had you ever dysentery ? >^° U° M° "M S° H bat ts6e li b6 ?
Had you ever lived where many had fever and ague? »^°'^°'fi°^° ^°
A° n° m° i* i:° 0f « S° li bat khia ti6h tsoe l^ng teh k6a" jidt k
s6' tsai

Have you been in the habit of drinking spirits ? ^° '^° W ^ ^'M ^°

li u si6ng'si6ng tsidh tsiii b6.

Nervous Diseases.

How often has the boy these epileptic fits?

—° ^° tsit ^ gin d u joa ku hin tsit pdi iii°
W W ^"^ 1'° M° M° A° ^°
Do his limbs work much? ^ W" M° ^ ±°7%l^° i ^ kba chhiii u toa
tsim b6.
Ishe conscious at the time? W.° flt #
531° A°S^ hit si i tsai Mng h6.

Does he cry out before seized by the attack? 'M°WC¥'^°^M°^°^°

^° l^° S° teh beh iu"-hin i u tai seng au ki6 b6.
Does his know when they are coming on? m° WC ^° B° *B S° teh #
beh iu°-hin i tsai mah.
Have you ever used excess of venery or had syphilis ? 5;fe° •§"° S »^° &
M° ^°# &° S° ^° li bat sek i6k kh to- d si si" chhng b6.

Veneria Syphilis.

Have you any running from the passage ? Wi° ^° ^° 'M° S K" S°
jio sui u lau sim mih bo.
Shew me the penis, H# 1^° f5° W i6ng biit ho- god khoa".
When did you last go in the way of getting this % m° f@° m° ^"1° Bt Wl.

Jj£ tsit ^ pi° ti si ti lai f

Have you had any sores on the glans penis lately? ^ 9M ^°M° i&^
^° ^° M° S° i6ng but 6 th^u kun Mi u si° thia" b6.
How soon after the connection had you syphilis.? '^° W° fr° ^° M° A'
j^° 7^° ^° ^° li u Ida." phai° joa kii tsiah u si" chhng.
Have you ever had a sore on penis? f*° i° H il #° ^° «° ^ li ^

i6ng but bat si° thik" b6.

Have you had swollen glands in groin? :^°ii^°^°^°M°^° toa thiii

u khan hdt b6.

Have you bad a bubo ? ^° W° ^ M° (f° S° li u si" soai" b6.

Have you spots on the body? M°mM^B^ seng khu u tsi^" tidm b6.
Have vou sore throat? 11° tg° M° S° n^ a<i oe thia" boe.

Have you a sore mouth and tongue? CS^^S tb°S°S° chhiii kap tsih
6e thik"^ boe. .

Did your hair ever fall out? ^" i° 11° ^° %° m° S° li ^ th^u miig bat
lak b6.
Have you ever had inflamed eyes? '^ "i" ^ @°S° K bat ji^^t bdk mah.
Have yau ever pains in the bones? # 11° tg°^°§° kut than 6e thia" boe.
Have you had any children ? ^° ^° ^° g° g° li bat si" kia'' boe.
Have you ever had miscarriage? }^°^°M°M°M^° H bat ka Mh
sin b6.
HaTe you ever had still born children? y^° -i"" ^° ^|£° |g° Jft" ^° i^° ft
^° *° S° li bat si-' ti pak t6- lai kbit i phdi" khi b&.
Have you ever had sore nipples? ^° ±° |L° m° M M° ^° li ^ leng thSa
bat thik" mah.
Have your children suffered from snuflaes? ^° ^° JM° ?° ^° ^°M^°
li fe gin & bat tsdt phr b6.
Have your children sore mouth and lips? ^° ^° ^° ^ M° ^ B M° M°
S° li ^ kia" chhui kap
tun oe thia° boe. chhiii
Have your children suffered from sores or cracks? }±°^°^°^°'^^°M°
*ll ^ W
m° S° li ^ gin d bat si" thia° A-si pit hi\n b6.
About buttocks flexures of joints and nastriles? j^°i&°^° •?
^°jai°;iI°#°tiJ°$ll°^^.^°^°gP li Igia d bat pit Mn ti kha
chhng kut tsat a si phi" khang pi" bo.
Have any of your children died from wasting or weakness.?
^ i° ih°

m° m w.° w.° m m°m° ^mm.°p 5E° * w n ^ she kia- bat
tiu tit tit siau sdn & si Mm kbit i si khi b6.

Genito Urinal system.

Any difiiculty in passing
kho- b6.
water.? jK° a° W°li ^ W p^ng jio u kaa
Any deposit in the water?
mih b6.
W ^° m° -S m° m° S° jio lai u sim mih

Do you pass it too frequently? ^° W° S° M° ^ :t° M° S° M ii taiih

pang jio b6.
taiih ai
Have you to get up at night to void it.?
PI ^W%'^mi^%°^°
Smi si ti si6ng-si6ng khi Mi pang jio b6.
Does the Aow^of urine ever stop suddenly whilst
passing it? *° 65°
W Wi° W° M> B W W
li teh pkng jio, jio bat hut ji&n
tb^ng b6.
Can you pass urine in a full stream? }^° ^° •^° ^° t^° ?1 S° K m
pang jio 6e kui kdng b5e.
Is the urine ever mixed with blood? M° W°iS°jfiL°S° jio ii khk" huih b6.
Is the blood intimately mixed with the urine or does it appear in strings
or clots ? ^^m^°sc°^ m° m° w^^°m°m^ ^° m° huih ti

hit ^ jio si 16 16 d si tsifi," tsoa d si tsiH" th.

Have you any pain in region of bladder? ^° ^° E° IB° ^° S° od ti S

phau I6ng oe thia" boe.
Have you any pain in penis or testicles? ii IS||°HS^°II°^°"^^ i^ng
but kap sien tsi 6e thik° boe.
Have you any pain down the thighs? M T°lb°?i°g° thiii e 5e thik"
Are the pains increased by walking? ft°^°||°'^°S° ki&° oe khah
thik° b5e.
Are the pains increased by violent exertion? tU !3!f° S° Wi°'M°^°^ W
tsin chhut lat oe koh khah thia° boe.
Are the pains increased by jolting in chair? ^°^°JjR°||°||°ic°^°-§°
tse ki5 chhek oe koh khah thia" boe.
Do the pains come on after passing ui-ine.? M° Ei° 7 f^° ^° ^° P^i^g
ji5 lidu 5e thia" boe.
Is the desire to pass urine more frequent ? y^J&^M^ ^°M°-^° ^ pi
^ng si khah kau jio b6.
Had you ever any sharp pain about the loins ? ?fe° ii° :h° M ]H ^ Ifl

M°^° li e toa thiii teng bat thiu thia" mah.

Have you spermatorrhoea ? ^^ <^° ii st ^° li u b5ng ti b6.


Have you any ^° m° ^ ^° S° u kta kun phA U.

varicose veins?
Was it ever larger than now? If ^° ic° :k° S° tseng u khah toa mak
You must keep your leg in a horizontal position, iJf° ;t° M° M° & ^
^° etl° li ^ kha ti6h tia" tia" kiah teh.
You must diet yourself well, \k° M° ^ Wl'^i ti6h tsidh p6-.

How did it begin? ^ 1B° m° ^° si, tsdi"-iu'' si".

Has itgrown more quickly lately? }£ ^ «° ic° ^° ;^° S S° kun l&i

u khah khoai t5a liap b6.
Did it ever discharge ? «° t° SK° 81° S° u bat l^u l&ng b^. ^ ^
Will you have it cut? jife° ^° fij" S° If beh koah in.
That is the only remedy, taking medicine can do it no good, M M ^°
fO° ^° m° il° i& m° tsiu si ti6h koah, tsidh i6h b6 lo'-eng.
If not removed it vrill quickly cause your death, ^° te° ^ ^° fj)"

^° fg° na bo kin kin koah li boe o4h.

Its removal will probably prolong your life and save you from a pain-
ful, death, m° ff
na koah kidm chhdi 6e
w #° m° #° m^ ^° a° m
5*° is^ n° m^^ ^°
h5" li t^g h^-siu, idh bi^n tit li

kan-kh6" si.

Ei/e Diseases.

Open your eyelids well f U° m"" M "^ hik m tsiu nia" khi Mi.
Look up, 1° ±° 19° kho4" tsiu" koai".
Look down, M M f khoa" 16h ke.
Look outside, M° ^° M" khok" goa bin.
Look inside, M° ^° M° kho^" lai bin.
Can you tell light from darkness ? y^° fg^ ^° 3K° I© ^° U 6e tsai kng
am boe.
Did one eye become dim before the other ? ^° ° S° 5^° Uf S° ^—
li si tsit bdk seng hii mah.

Is there any pain in the eye ball? B° BM t |g° «° -g" bdk

tsiu iln 6e
thik" boe.
Can you see equally well with both eyes? 11° @° ^° ^° ^°
31° S
M,° S° nng bak u pl° pi° 6e khoa" ki" boe.
Does the light hurt them? m° 'Jt° tl" ^ ^ ^° khoa" kng 6e kan-kh6-.
Do you use spectacles for
X° \k° S° m B° m°
reading or close work?
W khok" chheh
M° M° W ^ M° ^
d-si ts6e iii kang If u kok
bdk kia" bo.
Can you see better towards evening? @ ^° Pf ^° T i?° #° ^° £° S°
jit beh km khok" liau khah u khoa° ki" b6.
What kind of discharge comes from the eyes? @°
bdk tsiu u lau sim-mih.
BM W° •B.° S JS°
Are the lids stuck together when you wake?
m° khiin chhi" bdk tsiu peh 6e khui boe.
^° W@ W W B^ 11°

Do the tears run down your cheeks constantly? @° ^ 7g° ij|° ]t° SK S°
m° m'W M m° bdk iri li tit tit Mu tiii chhui ph<5e 16h M b6.
How long have you been quite blind? ^° gg fst «° 1° 5^° %°
u j5a kii.
tsSg X
ji^n b6 khoa° ki"
There is a cataract, but it is not yet ripe for operation, 81 3^ S" 31° H
il° BS ^° W° f>f tseng tsu pifen tsit, idu be kku si, be thang koah.

Internal piles.

Do they bleed §very time the bowels act? m° ^° W B W° m° 6l° S°

l43[ p4i 16h hak u lfi.u huih b6.
J)0 t^ey protrude after the bowels act? ^° ®T
81° m° «° «fc° ffi S° *
16h hdk liau thg th^u u Mu chhut b6. M
How ipuch blood do you lose ? ^° %° %° J0l° lS.u joa fcsde huih.
Have you much pain about the rectum? ^
Jg° M°^%°^° tit tAg u
tsin thia" b6
Do you strain at stool? ^° ^° ^° Hr 16h hdk ti6h ti° mah.
taiih taiih beh p^ng jio
Is your bladder irritable? S°S°ll°®t°M°S°
Fistula in Ano.

Did you formerly have an abscess near the anus? ^W U°WM°

^° M° ^° kill V^^ "^^vl tsd u si" thik" b6.
Does matter discharge from the opening? ^° m W m° m W° m° 0°
5° chhng g khang chhui u lau l^ng b6.

Do foeces discharge from the opening.? M" ^° m ^ ^° Z° m.° m ffl

J^ §° sAi ti thi ti-chhng

khang chhtii chhut
fe M b6.

l^ave you spasm of the sphincter ani? M 0° 15 ^° fii° M°

any painful
^° g° piin khdu kun u ts6e tsun thia" b6.
It will be necessary to cut open the
fistula? Jlfc° ^° 2l° *° §0° tsit 6 m
chhng ti6h koah.

must come into the hospital and remain for several days. if° JjS
S fl ffi° M° H ti6h lai i-kodn t6a kiii jit.


When did the disease begin? ^° ^° HI i& tsit 6 pi" tl si khi.


Where did it first commence? 1HI° -° 0? « 5fe ii° t6h-16h tsit s6--tsai
seng khi.
Where did it break out next? mW W ^° Wi iS tsiah koh
tin toh.l6h
i m

Are the spots benumbed ? 0):° Sg° « W jiab oe hk b5e.
Are the spots entirely without sensation? ^° '^'^ ^ f^ ?F°^°'ffi°^ jiah
u tsokn jiSn iii tsai thia° mah.
When did the ulcers first bi-eak out? S YrJ" M fl^ kau ti si hoat pauh.

Do they increase rapidly? ^^WW ^ kin kin hoat panh mah.

Do they sometimes heal? W° fl# ^° fif ^^ u si u h6 mah.
Are they painful? tg° m° ^° oe thik" boe.
Is any member of your family similarly oflfected? M° ^° i,° A° -i§°

A° M M 'A° ke lai" ^ lang, u l^ug b^ hong bo.

Any friend in the same place similarly effected? ^°^°|^°^ |£ :t°
MS '^° M M S° kap li si^ng s6'-tsai e p^ng-iii u b4-hong bo.
Do you good health otherwise?
feel in ^hM WL M ^^° fif MW
tu khi ba-hong seng khu u h6 h6 b&.

Directions Jbr faking Medicine

Take one ounce every four hours, 0°;^, A° l^e —° ||° si tidm ku tsi&
tsit niii".
Take the medicine when the cough is troublesome, :f;° '^ ^° fl^
M° toa s^u 6 SI ti6h tsiah ioh.
Take one powder these times a day, —'° Q :$;'~° ^° i. W'B tsit jit tsiah
sa" p4i e i6h hiin.
Take a pill just after each meal, M° H :^° 11° ^ — ° B W% tak tng
tsidhpd thun tsit lidp ioh oan.
Rub the ointment in well over the whole body before a fire, ')^ ^X° 19°

MV ^\k° ^° ^
Wi hang h^ eng i6h ko Iti li thong seng khu.
Rub the liniment in as directed,
ka li kdng
M ^°
i6h tsui ti6h khi chh^e.
'/ii° W W ft^° iK° M° •*° if tsiau

Take this draught at bedtime, jf|° ^° m°W^° ^°M°7\<° beh khi khiin
ti6h seng tsiah i6h tsiii.
This is purgative medicine, i^° ^MW
tse si sia ioh.
Take early
tsa tsa
in the morning on a fasting stomach, .^° ^.°
khang sim ti6h tsidh.
^ »C>° ^°

Apply a hot poultice every night and morning, 3^° .^° ^ ^° f^° ^° ^
^° M tdk tsd-khi &-hng ti6h ha b^h pho .

To be inhaled as directed, m^°WW&^°m°^° tsiau ka li k6ng e

tioh phr.
Stupe the part, M^ W i° ^° ^ E eng sio ^ mih Idi tah.
Inject the medicine every hour, m° M M°M°M°W\ tdk tidm tseng
i6h ti6h tsuh jip.
You must keep the opposing rubbing surfaces apart, /p° pr°#°^'fa°$l5°
in thang ho* i sa" kho^h.
After heating it apply the plaster, to the small of the back, l)S 1^° ^W
M° ^ liang sio leti k6- io kut.
Keep the part constantly wet with this lotion, ffi° ^° ?JC° '^ ^ ^° gf -Jf
eng i6h tsui.siSng si6ng ho' i tfi,m.
Take the medicine immediately before food, ff tH" :t° gR° ^° :$b° S
^° tii 4 beh tsiah png ti6h seng tsidh i6h.
Take the medicine between meals, ^° Bi ^° Il#
ti6h tsiah i6h.
:^° M° pok" po' & si W
Take the medicine after meals, '^° Wi° 1 M° ^° M° tsidh png liau ti6h
tsiAh i6h.
Take the powder at bedtime, 31° ^° W ^° 5fc° %° 0" W beh khl khiin
ti6h seng tsiAh i6h hiin.
Take the exact dose, M° ^° M° M° ^M ^° ti6h tsidh tii tii s6- phai L
The medicine will cause a blister, M° W^ 7 tl° i£h "S^ ioh bo^h li4u oe
phong pha.
Wash the sore thrice daily, ^°^°m°M° H ^°H° ^° tsit e thia"^ tak jit
s6e sa° pAi.
It is very important to wash it clean, "^ M° M ^° #° 15* ill ^ iau-kin
ti6h s6e ho- i chheng-khi.
The tooth must be extracted, ^°M^°U°M^ chhtii khi tioh bAn khi
An operation will be necessary to cure your complaint, ^° W ED° tt°
i %" tioh koah tsiah oe i tit.

This medicine will aflFect (for good) the heart, ]it° •I"" M° tt° fB *5 tsit
S i6h oe tl sim.
This medicine will affect (for evil) the brain, jlfc" ^° 0" t^° ffl « Sl° i^
|^° tsit & i6h oe siong hai th^u khak chhe.
This medicine affects the kidneys, so that more urine is passed, jlt° ^°
M° il° f^° M° fr U° Bi i^ >J> '7K |Jc° ^° tse i6h oe ho- io ki^" khi, s6-

i sidu siii khah tsoe.

Dull weather affects the spirits, ,% m %° #° A° m^B° ^^ o- im thi"

ho- l&ng khah b6 tseng-eng.

Electricity affects people differently, H ^ Jt° S& ffl fi^° ffi° A ^ 5? I^

tien khi 6 koug iong kii," ti lang si put t6ng.


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