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Literature Review


a) The problem is students are being offered multiple choices of classes for learning. I
am focusing on online classes versus in-classroom classes. Which one offers the
best learning experience?
b) It’s important because every student has different ways they learn or possibly they
may not physically be able to attend an in-classroom style class.
c) Solving it would result in being able to show students which version is better for their
education or training.

Literature Review 

a) Previous research in this area has shown that both versions of learning are equal for
certifications and education levels.
b) Ideas that keep coming up in articles and other sources are the ability for students to
take course not offered in their location. Other items are limited economic areas can
have educators perform online courses. Virtual education or training can show that
students may not need to perform in-class procedures to gain experience.
c) Pros and cons of my quest are showing that some of the information is student
based. Ease of attending online courses is far better for some people that have jobs
or busy schedules. In-class is better for those that are less regimented in following a
curriculum that is more self-paced. Almost every business is training their employees
virtually in some or most required trainings, including safety training.
d) Solutions explored so far include are based on the ability to effectively train people
on a subject. With recent impacts from Corona Virus, almost all schools and
businesses are reliant on virtual training through on-line learning.
e) Summary of literature review findings are that online courses are as effective as in-
class courses at teaching the subject.
f) Research shows educators are trying to increase the amount of online opportunities
for students. This will help students and learning institutions achieve more learning
opportunities by offering a wider variety of courses or more of the same course to
students when classes are full.

Research Question 

a) What would happen if we were only offered online or virtual classes? How would we
ensure that students are educated equally to in-class courses?
Theoretical Framework 

a) The dependent variable is in-class only education has its limits and does not offer
everyone a great solution.
b) The independent variable is offering more classes around the world could result in
better opportunities to attend classes.

Hypotheses (what testable speculations arise from the identified independent


1. Students who gain the needed education from an online course will
more than likely sign up for future classes online.
2. Students who value more class options will appreciate online
classes more than in-class education.

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