Imogen Edwards-Jones, The Woman Behind Hotel Babylon, Is Training Her Sights On The Unlikeliest of Targets: The NHS

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The Herald Magazine

7 May 2011


Words Susan Swarbrick
Photographs Jamie Simpson

‘It has glamour,

tragedy and excess.
A&E is our lives
in extreme’
Imogen Edwards-Jones, the woman behind Hotel Babylon,
is training her sights on the unlikeliest of targets: the NHS

mogen Edwards-Jones is talking woman with a hip fracture, forgotten and ogy of some events altered, but
hospitals. More specifically the left alone in a corridor to perish. Drunks Edwards-Jones insists all are real-life
things that happen in the dead of who leer in the faces of doctors trying to experiences as told to her by A&E doctors
night in accident and emergency treat them, nurses with plastic aprons and nurses, credited simply as her co-
departments. Those murky grave- covered in blood and vomit on their shoes, author Anonymous.
yard hours between 3am and 6am when and the patients who present with a “It was done to avoid repercussions or
the rest of the world is asleep but a legion colourful assortment of objects lodged in people being easily identified,” she says.
of doctors and nurses is poised on a knife places they really shouldn’t be. “There’s the story about the man who
edge, waiting for the relative calm to shat- Edwards-Jones, author of Hospital loses his penis after taking too much
ter into chaos in the blink of an eye. Babylon, spent 18 months shadowing the Viagra – and that is exactly as it happened.
The squeamish might wish to stop read- staff of some of the busiest A&E units in His girlfriend had gone away for a week
ing here. We’re not talking about bumps Britain, her findings a jarring account of and he ordered in some extra-curricular
on the head or grazed knees. Rather, car the realities faced by those trying to save fun, took too much Viagra and she came
crash casualties so badly burned their the lives of the critically ill and injured. home to find him without a penis.
clothes hang in smouldering tatters from “Hospitals today are about gunshot “His erection didn’t go down after the
charred bodies, heartrending suicide wounds and knife crime; about drug deal- weekend but he waited days before going
attempts and a machete attack so vicious ers on the wards and the drunk who’d to A&E. By then it had turned black. It
the victim’s brain fell clean out on to a rather put his fist in a nurse’s face than was effectively dead. Every man I tell that
hospital trolley. be told to wait,” she says. “What I found story to winces. Then there’s a beat and
There are the violent gang fights which the most shocking was not shortages or they ask: ‘How much did he take?’”
see armed police with flak jackets and waiting times, but the lack of respect Imogen Edwards-Jones
machine guns swarm A&E, the parents many patients have for staff.” We’resittingamidtheopulenceofupmarket has not spared herself from
who shamelessly use their offspring to The names of the hospitals and protag- London hotel The Goring, the place where exposure, having written a
get their hands on drugs, and the elderly onists have been changed, the chronol- the newly wed Duchess of Cambridge newspaper column about
the ups and downs of
her IVF treatment


COVER STORY column detailing her IVF experiences.
Suffering from an overactive immune system
spent her last night as a single woman. which – in her own words – means she
Although rather incongruous with today’s possesses “natural killer cells which attack
subject matter, it’s perhaps �tting that I sperm”, she and her husband were unable
should meet Edwards-Jones here. After to conceive naturally.“I was the only barren
all, it was Hotel Babylon, her exposé of �ve- girl at the party – that’s what it felt like,” she
star hotels which later became a TV series, recalls. Having undergone several rounds
that kicked off her foray into some of the of IVF unsuccessfully, her daughter Allegra
world’s most secretive luxury industries. was conceived during “non-baby sex”, two
Since then she’s penned a whole series – and half years of science pipped at the post
Air, Fashion, Pop, Beach and Wedding – by a night of passion on the couple’s �fth
with Hospital Babylon bringing the tally to wedding anniversary.
seven. While her warts-and-all account of “I had given up. She was a total surprise,”
the NHS may appear to mark a downturn says Edwards-Jones. “Then I had a lot of
in the glamour stakes, not so says Edwards- problems keeping her. The doctors thought
Jones. “The NHS is the fourth largest she had skeletal dysplasia, a form of dwarf-
employer in the world after Indian Railways, ism, and I was offered two terminations. I
the Red Army and Walmart,” she says. had over a thousand injections while preg-
“What I �nd extraordinary is that it encom- nant with Allegra. I was on steroids and
passes all of life. It’s got the best stories and had a total change of white blood cells.
you can’t even imagine how much money “The day she was diagnosed with dwarf-
they waste. It has a bit of glamour, admit- ism we drove the 45 minutes home in silence.
tedly not in a Michael Jackson, Evian bath- As we pulled into our road, I turned to my
type of way, but it does conform to the husband and said: ‘Well, there’s always
Babylon idea in that it has the tragedy and panto.’” Edwards-Jones laughs. “That’s
excess, the abuse of money and power.A&E when we knew everything was going to be
is our lives in extremes – all in one place.” OK. And Allegra was �ne, she didn’t have
Writing Hospital Babylon, though, skeletal dysplasia after all – she was just
surprised her in ways she never imagined. little. She is going to be Kylie sized.”
“I thought the book was going to be funnier, Was Raphael conceived through IVF?
in a weird way,” she muses.“I have so many “No, vodka,” she says, laughing again. “He
stories of penises falling off and people with was a joyous surprise.” Both children have
things up their bottoms, and I thought there celebrity godparents: Allegra’s is her moth-
would be more like that.” er’s good friend, Candace Bushnell, the
Asking if she is beyond shockable now author of Sex And The City, while Raphael’s
prompts a thunderous laugh from Edwards- is the actor James Purefoy.
Jones. “You do need a strong stomach, Edwards-Jones grew up in the country-
side outside Birmingham. “We lived in the
middle of nowhere so it was quite boring,”
although it’s the odd things that upset me,”
she says, her tone growing sombre again. ‘There was every night shift, it was just a way of passing
the time between 3am and 4.30am.’”
was such a closed shop, it took a lot of
champagne to get in there.”).
Clockwise from
above: the next
she says. “As children we relied on our
imagination and it was a little Lord Of The
“There is an awful line where one of the
characters talks about a woman slowly dying one plastic Edwards-Jones became au fait with
medical lingo, not least the use of quirky
Edwards-Jones retains a soft spot too for
the outlandish event planners in Wedding
project for Edwards-
Jones is writing a
Flies in that I spent most of my time without
shoes on, my siblings and I working out
and says: ‘Every day she talked a little less
– and I talked a little more,’ meaning he surgeon abbreviations which range from DSH
(deliberate self harm) to SIMON (single
Babylon. “They were camp and funny with
a good sense of humour. Every day is like a
Gothic novel; with
daughter Allegra, now
new ways of killing each other.”
She professes to being something of a
talked to �ll the void as she got sicker. It’s
that kind of slow death that gets to me.” who was immature male obsessive neurotic) and
VTMK (voice to melt knickers).
comedy for those guys: they see people at
their most mad – vulnerable, emotionally
five; Max Beesley,
Tamzin Outhwaite
wild child, rebelling against the strict all-
girls boarding-school environment of her
Being embedded in such a speci�c, insu-
lar world does have its drawbacks, admits in love with “I loved all of those. My favourites were
the O sign, which refers to the round and
traumatised and spending huge amounts
of money,” she says.
and Dexter Fletcher in
the BBC adaptation
teens. “I had this screaming energy inside
me that was desperate to get out,” she says.

his hands.
Edwards-Jones, describing it as becoming open mouth of someone on their last legs; “I once asked one of them, ‘If I really of Hotel Babylon; and “When I went to read Russian at Bristol
almost being like Stockholm syndrome the Q sign, where the mouth is open and the wanted to spend money at a wedding, what the author with her University I was immature and couldn’t
after a while.“I get obsessed with detail and
They were
tongue hanging out to one side; and the T could I do?’ and he replied, ‘Do you want to husband, TV producer believe I �nally had freedom. I would turn
develop a weird type of OCD with exactly sign, which is the number of cold cups of burn it or melt it? Burn it: �reworks, £4000 Kenton Allen up to lectures in my pyjamas – I was a bit of
how much it costs per bed, per sheet, per tea next to a corpse before anyone realises a minute. Melt it: ice chandeliers, that way a twat. I still have my wild moments now.”
pillow case,” she says. “I like all that stuff,
but that’s where my editor comes in with a
soft and they are dead.”
Did Edwards-Jones encounter the well-
you can literally see your money disappear
in front of your eyes drip by drip …’”
YOUNG/REX FEATURES Such as? Edwards-Jones gets a mischie-
vous glint in her eye.“I went to The Box last
red pen saying: ‘No. Boring, boring, boring.’
“For example, the names of all the drugs,
manicured’ known doctor’s God complex up close?
“Lots,” she says. “There was one plastic
There are no plans for further Babylon
books, with Edwards-Jones concentrating
week,” she says, referring to the exclusive
London club garnering a reputation for its
I had to take a lot of them out because they surgeon I interviewed who was slightly in her efforts on writing a Gothic novel. “I hedonistic celebrity clientele. “It’s great. I
became quite dull. Nobody can read a word love with his own hands. They were soft have no idea whether I can do it or if it’s any was so drunk, though, I could only really see
that has 16 syllables, is Latin and sounds and manicured. I imagine he went to bed good but I’m going to give it a go,” she says. with one eye. A man with silicon implants
like a toxic plant.” each night wearing surgical gloves with “Watch me fall �at on my face …” – not pec implants, properVictoria Beckham-

Interestingly Edwards-Jones discovered some sort of royal jelly inside.” style boobs – showed us his willy. I was
some odd nuances in the world of emergency After she publishes a book, is there a ressed casually, her blonde hair slack-jawed.”
medical workers. “It is fascinating how witch hunt to unmask her anonymous pulled back in a messy ponytail On a slightly more sedate theme,
their work impacts on their social life,” she sources? “I signed con�dentiality agree- (“Shall I take it out so I don’t Edwards-Jones proudly reveals she is an
says.“One doctor I spoke to said he no longer ments so that, no matter how much vodka look such a dweeb in the photo- honorary Cossack.“My �rst book was about
found naked women sexy because they you give me, I won’t tell you who they are,” graphs?” she asks later), the the collapse of communism in Russia,” she
looked like patients to him. As doctors they she says. “When I did Hotel Babylon there author,42,is the epitome of yummy mummy. says. “I travelled from Moscow to Sakhalin,
desexualise the body so much that, when was a brilliant ‘I’m Spartacus’ moment She is married to TV producer Kenton Allen, crossing 11 time zones. I met some Cossacks
it’s naked, it doesn’t look attractive. This when the GMs of various London hotels with whom she lives in Ladbroke Grove, west in Rostov, got very drunk with them and
chap liked girls in underwear. They had to started saying they were Anonymous.” Did London, alongside their daughter Allegra, they gave me a Cossack passport. It’s
be semi-clad for him to get excited. He the real manager ever confess? “No. He is �ve, and one-year-old son, Raphael. genuine and stamped meaning I’m an
found modestly showing a bit of ankle or a very low pro�le.” The whip-smart and bitingly candid honorary Cossack and my son Raph can
lone shoulder sexier than naked.” Air Babylon, meanwhile, was her biggest Edwards-Jones’s clipped middle-class tones carry a sabre in Russia.” Cossack Babylon?
Sex is a theme that looms large. Were the project to date (“It was fascinating. One of add a delicious edge to her wicked sense of It has a nice ring to it … n
doctors and nurses she interviewed really at the guys who works X-ray machines told humour. A dab hand with one-liners, she is
it that often? “More,” shrieks Edwards- me how to get a bomb on a plane. Obviously unafraid to say what most people may Hospital Babylon by Imogen Edwards-
Jones.“I had to take quite a lot of the sex out. I can’t say how to do it …”) while Fashion think, but wouldn’t dare utter out loud. Jones and Anonymous, is published by
One doctor told me: ‘We would all have sex, Babylon remains one of the trickiest (“It In 2004 she wrote a frank newspaper Bantam Press, priced £12.99.


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