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Adaptations to aerial mode of life

1. Shape:
- Body streamlined/ spindle shaped to offer minimum resistance to wind
2. Compact body:
- Compact body with light organs (lung) on dorsal side and heavy
organs (muscles, sternum and digestive system) on ventral side
maintain balance in air
3. Body covering of feathers:
- Feathers smooth, closely fitted and backwardly directed to make body streamlined
- Feathers also hold air to add to buoyancy and insulate the body to prevent heat loss
4. Forelimb modified into wings:
- Forelimb acts as instrument of propulsion through air
- Flight feathers (remiges) forms broad surface for supporting bird in air
- Wing surface convex on upper side and concave on lower side and this causes air
pressure reduction above and increase below. Helps in forward and upward movement
5. Short tail:
- Short muscular tail bear long and strong caudal feathers (rectrices) which are arranged
in fan shape and acts as rudder for steering
6. Beak:
- Conversion of forelimb into wing is compensated by beak which acts like forceps for
food capturing, nest building and fight
7. Mobile neck and head:
- Neck long and flexible and help in feeding, preening, nest building and offence/defence
8. Bipedal locomotion:
- Hind limb (leg) spring anteriorly to support entire weight of body
and helps in bipedal locomotion
9. Large muscles for flight:
- Muscles of back reduced
- Muscles of breast greatly developed and constitute 1/6 of body weight
10. Perching:
- Hind limb adapted for arboreal life and muscles of modified for perching
- As bird settle on tree twig, bending of leg exert a pull on flexor muscles
and toes automatically flex to grip the twig (perching)
11. Endoskeleton:
- Most bones pneumatic (filled with air space in place of bone marrow)
- Skull bones light and most of them fused
- Fusion of vertebrae (fused thoracic and synsacrum) provide fulcrum for action of wings
- Heterocoelous vertebrae of neck helps in rotation of neck at 180º and helps in preening
- Shortening of caudal vertebrae (pygostyle) assist stability in air
- Fusion of pelvic with synsacrum provide support to hind wing
- Absence of mid ventral symphysis of pubes and ischia allow shifting of most of viscera
between legs to shift centre of gravity
- Sternum with keel provide surface area for attachment of muscles
12. Digestive system:
- Rate of metabolism high
- Digestion rapid and minimum indigestible waste
- Digestive system compact and effective (rectum short for less storage of feacal matter)
13. Air sacs and respiration:
- Lungs inelastic with remarkable system of air sacs
- Helps in double circulation of air for maximum absorption of O2
- Movement of wings help in compression and dilation of air sacs
and helps in breathing
14. Warm bloodedness:
- Perfect aeration of blood and high body temperature (40º-46ºC)
15. Circulatory system:
- Rapid metabolism and warm bloodedness require efficient circulatory system
- Heart large, 4 chamber and high proportion of haemoglobin
16. Uricotelic excretion:
- No urinary bladder
- Water reabsorbed and semisolid excreta (uric acid)
17. Brain and sense organ:
- Cerebellum well developed and convoluted to maintain flight during flight and for
better muscle coordination
- Eye large and optic lobes enlarged for good vision
18. Single ovary:
- Single left functional ovary (right ovary atrophied) for reduction of weight

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