Ayurvedic Herbology: Dravya Guna Shastra

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Ayurvedic Herbology

Dravya Guna Shastra

Principles of energetic

Dravya is substance having qualities and action. Dravya acts through its qualities.
Guna is attributes or qualities that it inherits and Karma is action. Dravya can be
classified by various ways -

1.They are subdivided according to five groups of Mahabhuta or Primordial

pentads. As follows-
1. Earth -Parthiva - Sweet, astringent- Heavy, hard, rough, slow Growth,weight,
stable, gross. Responsible for stability and strength. 
2. Water -Apya - Sweet, astringent. Cold, flowing, soft, Moist, pleasing, sour,
salty- slow, oily. Responsible for binding and solution action.
3. Fire -Tejasa - Pungent, sour, salty- Hot, penetrating, light subtle, light.
Responsible for digestion and burning action.
4.Air -Vayaviya-Astringent, bitter. Subtle, dry, rough. Responsible for the action
of movement, lightness, roughening.
5. Ether -Akashiya- -Subtle, clear, porous ness, lightness, softness. 
Responsible for non-obstruction.

3. Source-
Inanimate-inorganic, minerals, and Animate- organic.
Animate are again classified in various types -Animals- mammals, insects, worms
and Plants. They are again classified as-trees with flowers, small plants and
herbs. It can be used as food, medicines
2. Action on Doshas-
This is again classified in three types -
Shamana  - pacify, Vata pacifying, Pitta pacifying etc.
Shodhana- purify - groups according to five purificatory procedures.
Kopana -aggravate - Vata aggravating etc. Swasthahita- maintaining.

Dravyagunavijnan deals with attributes [gunas], actions [karmas] and uses

[upayogas] of medicinally useful herbs and some products of animal origin. 
Thus, it is a science which deals with dravya, guna, rasa, veerya, vipaka,
prabhava, and karma. Guna and karma are associated with dravya. Hence,
dravya is more important than the remaining two which are sub-ordinate to
dravya. Attributes include physical and pharmacological properties. 

Guna – Attributes

Definition- is located in dravya inherently, is the causative

agent and devoid of property and action. This means that
Guna itself has no action but it qualifies Dravya for action.
1.Specific - 5 Sound, touch,vision, taste
and smell
2. Psychological- 6 Buddhi -intellect, Ichha -
desire, Dwesa - aversion, Sukha - pleasure, Dukkha –
pain, Prayatna - volition.
3.Paradi - Para ( preferable), Apara ( Not preferable), Yukti
( Rational), Sankhya ( Enumeration), Samyoga (
Conjunction or combination), Vibhaga ( Division),
Pruthaktwa ( Seperatness), Parimana ( Weights and
measures), Samskara ( Processing ), Abhyasa ( Regular

Twenty Attributes –
Out of all qualities these are the most important. As they are
present in all Dravyas-  Omni substances, Primordial pentads, Bio humors, tissues
and substances who influence these - foods,
herbs, minerals and metals.


1. Heavy - Guru
2. Cold - Hima - Sheeta
3. Oily - Snigdha
4. Dull - Manda - Slow
5. Slimy- Shlakshna 
6. Dense - Sandra
7. Hard - Kathina
8. Stable - Sthira
9. Gross -Sthoola
10. Sticky- Picchila


1. Light - Laghu
2. Hot - Ushna
3. Dry - Ruksha
4. Sharp-Penetrating- Teekshna
5. Rough - Khara
6. Liquid - Drava
7. Soft - Mrudu
8. Mobile - Chala
9. Subtle - Sookshma
10. Clear – Vishada

Twenty Attributes-

They are also called as ' Sharira or Gurvadi Gunas,' They are found in

body tissues, biological humors and waste products and also in substances
like all foods and herbs which influence the body. They are physical as
well as pharmacological in action.

Heavy - All substances having this quality are heavy and hard for
digestion. It creates heaviness, lethargy and fullness. It helps to increase
bulk nutrition, and helps to build body tissues (brimhana). All substances
having sweet, astringent and salty tastes e.g. foods like meat, sweets, most
dairy and herbs included in the group - jeevaniya,
brimhaniya and vajikarana, have this quality. (Guru, K+ VP- )

Light - It is light for digestion. It creates lightness, alertness and

ungrounded ness. It helps to reduce body tissues (langhana). Substances
having bitter, pungent and sour taste have this action. From such
substances minimum tissue material is available to the body like corn
flakes and spices. (Laghu, K- VP, Agni +)

Dull - It creates dullness, sluggishness, relaxation and leads to slow action.

It also helpd to pacify body elements (Shamana). The substances like milk,
ghee has this cooling pacifying action. These are mild and maintaining
substances. (Manda, K+ VP-)

Sharp- It creates ulcer, due to its penetrating quality and also helps
digestion. Substances having this quality have immediate action on the
body like purification (Shodhana). Most hot spices like ginger, cayenne
have this quality. (Teekshna, K- VP+)

Cold - It creates cold, numbness, contraction, fear and insensitivity. The

action is stopping flow by cooling (Stambhana). Those substances having
astringent taste and cool potency have this type of action like pearl,
sandalwood. This quality within comfortable limit encourages health
(Visarga Kala) by keeping all tissues to last longer. (Shita, KV+ P-)

Hot - It increases agni and digestion, promotes heat, expansion, anger and

inflammation. It causes perspiration (Swedana). Excessive heat is not
useful to health (Adana Kala). Substances like horseradish, red chilly has
this quality. (Ushna, KV- P and agni +)

Oily - It creates lubrication, smoothness, and moisture (Kledana) and on

the mental aspect helps to increase love and compassion. All fatty
substances like ghee, butter has this quality. (Snigdha, KP + V-)

Dry -It increases dryness, absorption (Shoshana), constipation and

nervousness. All big beans, barley, toast have this quality (Ruksha, KP - V
Stable - It creates support, firmness and faith. The action is that of
stabilizing (Dharana). All substances that are enduring, strengthening to
the different body tissues like bones and muscles and substances like
calcium and triphala have this quality. (Sthira, K+ VP agni -)

Mobile - It promotes movement, restlessness. The action is that of

stimulating (Prerana). Many oily substances have this quality. (Chala, K -
VP +)

Smooth - It creates Smoothness, moisture and lubrication. The action is

mainly healing (Ropana). Substances like aloe gel have capasity to hold
fast which helps to heal. (Shlakshna, KP + V-)

Rough - Roughness can be understood by touch while dryness can be seen.

It causes dryness, cracks and fissures in the skin and also removes excess
tissues from the body. (Lekhana). Guggulu, Shilajatu have this quality
(Khara, KP - V +)

Dense - It promotes stability, strength and cohesiveness, The main action

is solidifying (Prasadana). Milk with lot of sugar makes it dense. (Sandra,
K+ VP -)

Liquid - It dissolves and promotes compassion. The action is liquefying

(Vilodana). All liquids have this refreshing quality. (Drava, KP + V-).

Soft - It creates softness, delicacy, relaxation, tenderness, love and care.

The action is loosening (Shlathana). Substances having pulpy quality try to
remove hardness and make body tissues loose. e.g. esame oil and ghee.
These substances are easily assimilated. (Mrudu, KP + V-)

Hard - It increases strength, rigidity and selfishness. The action is

hardening (Dridhikarana). All natural calcium substances make body
stable and hard. (Kathina, KV + P-).

Gross - It causes obesity and obstruction. Action is covering (Samvarana).

It decreases agni (Sthoola, K+ VP -).

Subtle -It can go through small channels like capillaries, increases

emotions and feelings. The action is pervading (Vivarana). Alcohol has
this action, (Sookshma).

Sticky - It causes and lack of perception. The action is adhering (Lepana).

Gum from herbs and honey has this quality. (Pichilla, K+ VP -).

Clear - It creates isolation, diversification. The action is cleansing

(Kshalana). Many herbs have this action like sapindus trifoliatus.
(Vishada, K- VP+).

Karma – Action
Definition - It is that which causes union and division irrespective of any
other factor and is located in Dravya. This is based on 
Types- This can be localized or general.
Shodhana - purificatory- PK
Shamana - pacifying-Oleation, drying etc.
Nervous system - Medhya - intellect promoting,
Narcotic resuscitative, sleep inducing and analgesic.
Sense organs- Vision promoting, Complexion promoting, depilatory.
Respiratory- anti-tussive 
Various herbs and other substances have been classified by different
authors according to various actions -
Charaka has divided these in 91 groups, while Sushruta has classified them
in- 81 groups and Vagbhata in - 31 groups.

Energetic principles of Food and Herbs -

Rasa - Taste
Definition - The taste of the substance, which can be perceived by the
tongue is known as 'rasa.' while the taste which is perceived after
sometime is called as 'anu-rasa'(after taste ).

Tastes and their relation to the pentads

Formation - There are 6 tastes and each is formed by the

combination of 2 elements ( mahabhuta).
Elements Rasa Example
Earth + Water Madhura-sweet Sugar
Fire + Earth Amla -sour Sour fruits
Water + Fire Lavana -salty Salt
Ether +Air Tikta -bitter Bitter gourd, salads
Fire + Air Katu - pungent Chilly
Earth +Air Kashaya -astringent Turmeric, coffee

Sweet – Heavy, wet and cooling. Mother's milk is sweet, hence this taste is
tolerated by all. Promotes growth of all tissues, Ojas, hairs, skin and is
good for voice. It gives strength, is nourishing, demulcent and mildly
In excess – it causes all Kapha diseases, cough, cold and obesity (old
wheat, rice and honey).
Sour –Light, hot and wet. Stimulant and carminative, nourishing and thirst
relieving. Improves taste and increases agni.
In excess – liquefies Kapha, aggravates Pitta, creates edema and
Exceptions- Amalaki and pomegranate.
Salty- Heavy, wet and Hot. Promotes digestion, salivation and increases
agni. It is softening, laxative and needed in small amounts for maintaining
mineral balance.
In excess- It creates Pitta diseases like burning, hyperacidity and wasting
of muscles. Aggravates inflammations and decreases virility.
Exception -rock salt.
Bitter- Light, dry and cool. Although it does not tastes good itself, it
restores the taste quickly. It is alterative, cleansing, germicidal,
antibacterial and is detoxifying. Relieves inflammations, itch, helps
digestion, increases Agni and removes toxins.
In excess- Causes dryness, wasting of tissues, emaciation and Vata
Exception -Guduchi.

Pungent – Light, dry and hot. Increases digestive fire, promotes digestion,
breaks open obstruction, is carminative and germicidal.
In excess- reduces virility and causes fainting and dizziness. Increases
hyperacidity, pains and aches in the body and ulcers in G.I.Tract.
Exceptions -Pippali, dry ginger and garlic.
Astringent – Heavy, dry and cool. Stops all fluids going out of the body
hence useful in diarrhea and bleeding disorders. Promotes healing of
In excess- Causes dry skin, constipation, weakness, and premature ageing
and Vata disorders. 
Exception – Triphala.

Tastes and their relation to doshas

Vata is increased by the tastes, which contain the element of air–that is:
bitter, pungent, and astringent. Vata is decreased by those tastes, which
contain no element of air or ether–that is: salty, sour, and sweet.

Pitta is increased by the tastes, which contain the element of fire–that is:
sour, pungent, and salty. Pitta is decreased by those tastes, which contain
no element of fire–that is: bitter, astringent, and sweet.

Kapha is increased by the tastes which contain the element of earth–that is:
sweet, salty, and sour. Kapha is decreased by those tastes, which contain
no element of air–that is: pungent, bitter and astringent.

Veerya -Potency
Definition- It is the potency or the active principle by which the medicine
acts. Gunas potent enough to produce action are termed as Veerya. Any
principle which is responsible for action is Veerya. It is Veerya is the
potency which is located in a particular fraction of the drug.
Types- Light, Heavy; Cold, Hot, Oily, Dry and Soft, Penetrating. Only Hot
and Cold are considered as Veerya.
Cold- Pacifies Pitta, aggravates Kapha and Vata. Life promoting, cooling,
moistening, tonic, increases Shukra dhatu or reproductive tissue.
Ushna (Hot) Veerya - These substances are pacifiers of Kapha and Vata.
They aggravate Pitta. Digestive, diaphoretic, emesis, purgation, thirst,
causes vertigo, decreases shukra.
Veerya of a substance is a more potent property than Rasa and Vipak of a
substance. So if the attributes of the substance according to rasa and vipaka
and those according to Veerya are contradictory then action of that
substance takes place according to Veerya. Hence it is said that - Veerya
defeats rasa and vipaka. Ex. - Sugarcane juice is sweet in taste and its
Vipak is also sweet so it should pacify he Vata dosha but as its Veerya is
cold (sheet) it aggravates the Vata.

Vipaka –Post Digestive Effect

The post digestive effect is the final outcome of the digestion and
absorption. It assists in tissue nutrition and its action is on various waste
products and organs are seen in the field of Apana Vata- Mainly in pelvic
region. When any food or herb is taken in, it is acted upon by the digestive
fire and during this process the six tastes are resynthesized into three
Vipaka. Even though the post digestive effect is explained in the terms of
tastes sweet vipaka, sour vipaka and pungent vipaka –they cannot be
identified with tongue or sense organs.

Action of Vipaka
Sweet Vipaka – This is produced by foods and herbs having sweet and
salty tastes. It nourishes all tissues, K+ V-, and facilitates the elimination
of waste products.
Sour Vipaka – Foods and herbs having sour taste produces Sour Vipaka.
It is not useful for building body tissues, reduces shukra but helps
elimination of wastes. KP+ V-
Pungent Vipaka –Foods and herbs having pungent, bitter and astringent
taste, produces Pungent vipaka. It is not useful for building body tissues
neither for elimination of wastes. V+K-

Prabhava – Special potency

Definition- When two drugs though having similar rasa, vipaka and Virya
differ in action it is due to specific potency or Prabhava.
Action of Virya can be explained (chintya), while that of Prabhava cannot
be explained (achintya).
Nature - This difference is due to either 1. Specific elemental combination
or 2. Specificity of chemical composition or 3. Specificity of the site of the
action e.g. cardio- tonic action of arjuna.
Examples – Chitraka and Danti. Both are pungent, pungent and hot. But
only Danti has purgative action.
Action - These are of various types- 1.Pharmacological – Emetics,
purgatives. 2. Toxicological – opium, Antidotes – winter melon –
Kushmand -Hg 3. Anti parasitic- Vidang 4. Spiritual –Mantras, gems etc.


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