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ODD SEMESTER 2021/2022


Subject : Essay Writing Name : Yeni Kustina Adiningsih

Skill : Writing Student Number : 20200520195
Total Score : 15 Department : IP B4

Task I. Cause and Effect Essay’s Outline (weigh 20)

Write an outline of cause and effect essay.

a. Introduction
1). Hook
Corruption has a very negative impact on the lives of the surrounding community.

2). Background Information

In many literatures it is stated that corruption causes a decrease in national competitiveness,
disrupts economic growth, creates large social costs, and ultimately increases poverty levels.
This corruption also has impacts that can harm the state in all existing fields, including the

3). Thesis Statement

In this essay, the writer would to explain the effect of corruption for poor people.

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b. Body Paragraph 1
1). Topic Sentence

The problem of poverty is a problem that is often encountered in everyday life.

2). Supporting detail

Poverty is a condition in which a person is unable to meet the needs of his life properly and is

3). Supporting detail

Low standard of living, low education, low health services, high unemployment are
characteristics of the problem of poverty.

4). Supporting detail

The Indonesian government has made various efforts in alleviating the problem of poverty in
this country, for example by issuing various development schemes and people's welfare
through many ways, for example the provision of Healthy Indonesia Cards, Smart Indonesia
Cards, free school scholarships for underprivileged children.

c. Body Paragraph 2
1). Topic Sentence
The impact of corruption on the birth of poverty can be felt directly and in the long term, the
impact is mass to community groups not individuals.

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2). Supporting detail

Another example of corrupt activities is the distribution of natural wealth that is cut off,
reduced, or unbalanced in the economic cycle, there are rights of the less fortunate groups that
are not conveyed so that these rights do not reach them in their entirety.

3). Supporting detail

This is where corruption becomes a problem in the body of this country, without realizing this
corrupt behavior has fostered poverty in the long term and this corrupt practice shows an
attitude of indifference to the fate of underprivileged Indonesian citizens who still live below
the poverty line.

4). Supporting detail

there are several bad impacts that will be received by the poor due to corruption, among them,
making them poor people (the poor) tend to receive fewer social services and receive less
attention. or the high price of public services and services, low quality of service, limited
access such as health due to misappropriation of funds into the pockets of the corrupt

c. Conclusion
1). Summary
In addition to the factors and the many actors involved who support corrupt activities, another
factor that can trigger the occurrence of corrupt criminal behavior is opportunity. In this case,
the opportunity is open because there are large nominal funds in the public service sector. The
corruption that spreads to various sectors is increasingly making the condition of the
Indonesian economy increasingly weak.

2). Comment
When the condition of the Indonesian economy is getting weaker due to corruption, the
existing poverty problem will be increasingly difficult to overcome. Eradication of corruption,
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which is currently being carried out by the government on a large scale, really needs to be
done as an effort to prevent the impact of corruption in the field of poverty from becoming
more widespread in Indonesia.

Task II. Argumentative Essay’s Outline (weigh 20)

Write an outline of argumentative essay.

a. Introduction
1). Hook

Covid-19 has had a major impact on all people's lives, including in the world of education,
which requires all students to receive online education from home.

2). Background Information

Currently, the implementation of online learning has entered the third semester period, since
March 2020. Lecturers and students are familiar with the use of gadgets and learning
applications. Such as Google Classroom, Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, Microsoft Team,
Teacher Room, Study House and others.

3). Thesis Statement

In this essay the writer would like to explained how effective is learning from home.

b. Body Paragraph 1 (reason 1)

1). Topic Sentence
The positive impact that is felt is the increasingly skilled lecturers and students in using

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2). Supporting details

Research on online learning for students was carried out and the results showed that students
considered the use of online learning to be quite effective.

c. Body Paragraph 2 (reason 2)

1). Topic Sentence

Online networks that utilize providers are sometimes difficult to obtain for students in
unreached areas.

2). Supporting details

In addition, the use of the internet in the learning process. In one lesson, how much internet
credit must students spend? However, the government through the Minister of Education and
Culture has provided a stimulus in the form of internet data packages for lecturers and

d. Body Paragraph 3 (reason 3)

1). Topic Sentence

Students continue to be motivated in learning activities.

2). Supporting details

Students today are looking forward to face-to-face learning. This is because learning materials
delivered face-to-face are still needed. This is because the explanation from the lecturer
directly in the class is easier to understand. Direct interaction can increase student focus in

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e. Conclusion
1). Restatement

However, it is possible that in the future the learning process activities will be carried out
online and face-to-face (blended learning). Assessment of the effectiveness of online learning
methods is not only viewed in terms of the level of student learning achievement, but must
also be reviewed in terms of processes and supporting facilities.

2). Prediction, warning, or issue in broader context

Research on learning from home should be studied more deeply, consider from all aspects so
that learning from home can run effectively without any obstacles in all circles. Therefore,
synergy is needed from all components in universities and support from parents and the
government of course.


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