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Activity 5.3 Illustrate how will you show respect for the freedom of others.

25 pts
THREE DETERMINANTS OF MORALITY (if one of these determinants failed, it is automatically immoral)
1. Act itself
• To consider the act in itself is to regard its nature.
• It answers the question “what”.
• Actions are bad if they dehumanize the acting person.
2. Object Chosen
• It refers to the purpose which the doer wishes to achieve by such action.
• It answers the question “why”. E
• Bad motives grow from selfishness because it provokes actions detrimental to others
3. Circumstances
• These are external elements which contribute to the nature and accountability of such act.
• It answers the question where, when, who, and how.
Utilitarian Ethics
• An action is good if it something with inherent value or with instrumental value
Immanuel Kant’s Duty Ethics
• A deontological theory
• from Greek “deon” (duty)
• moral standards exist independently of utilitarian ends
(1) action is wrong not because of consequences but because the action type
expresses a moral violation
(2) consequences are irrelevant to moral evaluation

Activity 5.4 Identify the following if the an action is moral or immoral using the three
Activity 5.1 Summarize your ideas on freedom by completing the table. 1pt each determinants of morality. Write Moral if the action is good. Write which determinant has failed
if the action is immoral. 3pts each
I am free because… As a free person, I must…
_____________1. Julia’s family is well-known for being wealthy and influential. However, her
family faced hard times during this time of pandemic. Her father’s business closed and they
were forced to sell most of their possessions and live a much simpler life. Julia however, wishes
to maintain her image among her friends. She has resorted to borrowing money from relatives
Activity 5.2 Essay: Answer the following questions.
in order to keep up with her well-off barkada.
1. What do you mean by “there is no absolute freedom”?
_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________2. Mang Tony’s meat shop has not been very profitable these days. However,
_________________________________________________________________________________ he mixed some stale meat from fresh meat in order to get his business going.
2. Based on the three determinants of morality, how will you apply it on your personal life? Give a _____________3. Carl, a senior high school student, wants to play basketball on Monday at 8
specific scenario. (20pts) in the morning. Unfortunately, he has online classes that time. Carl still did play and left his
_________________________________________________________________________________ cellphone while on Zoom.
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Activity 5.5 Give solution on the following dilemmas 15pts each.
Situation #1
Tom is part of a group of ecologists who live in a remote stretch of jungle. The entire group, which Division of Nueva Ecija
includes eight children, has been taken hostage by a group of paramilitary terrorists. One of the
terrorists takes a liking to Tom. He informs Tom that his leader intends to kill him and the rest of the Quezon Dist., Cabanatuan City
hostages the following morning.
He is willing to help Tom and the children escape, but as an act of good faith he wants Tom to torture
and kill one of his fellow hostages whom he does not like. If Tom refuses his offer, all the hostages
including the children and Tom will die. If he accepts his offer, then the others will die in the morning
but Tom and the eight children will escape.
Should Tom torture and kill one of his fellow hostages in order to escape from the terrorists and save
the lives of the eight children? Why or why not? Grade and Section:______________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name and Signature:______________________
_________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher_______________________________________________
Situation #2
Mark is a crewperson on a marine-research submarine traveling underneath a large iceberg. An
onboard explosion has damaged the ship, killed and injured several crewmembers. Additionally, it Week # 5 Inclusive Dates: ______________ Quarter:_Quarter II Score: _______
has collapsed the only access corridor between the upper and lower parts of the ship. The upper Competencies: 1. Evaluate and exercise prudence in choices
section, where Mark and most of the others are located, does not have enough oxygen remaining 2. Realize that:
for all of them to survive until Mark has reached the surface. Only one remaining crewmember is a. Choices have consequences.
located in the lower section, where there is enough oxygen. b. Some things are given up while others are
There is an emergency access hatch between the upper and lower sections of the ship. If released by obtained in making choices
an emergency switch, it will fall to the deck and allow oxygen to reach the area where Mark and the 3. Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the
others are. However, the hatch will crush the crewmember below, since he was knocked unconscious consequences of their choices
and is lying beneath it. Mark and the rest of the crew are almost out of air though, and they will all
die if Mark does not do this.
Should Mark release the hatch and crush the crewmember below to save himself and the other crew
members? Why or why not?
Freedom is an intrinsic and essential property of the person.
_________________________________________________________________________________ There is no such thing as an absolute freedom. Even if you want to fly up in the sky, you cannot
because man has his own limitations.
Man as FREE AGENTS (Libertarians):
- >Human beings are free agents capable of making choices on his own
- > Human beings are capable of making decisions based on their desires and interests
- > In the absence of particular insurmountable impediments, they can freely act on the
basis of their choices.

Prepared by: The Difference Between Act of Man and Human Act
• Human Acts – actions which man performs knowingly, freely, and voluntarily.
• Act of Man – actions which are instinctive and are not within control of the will.
Source: Lesson 1: What is Philosophy. (2016). In 959341999 746676455 R. D. Abella (Ed.), Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person (pp. 1-17). Quezon City: C&E Publishing.
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