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Guidance Modular Substation Functional

Classification: Public Uncontrolled if printed Rev: 1.0

4.7 Switchgear Modules

An outline switchgear modules datasheet is contained within Appendix G.

4.7.1 An overview of the contents of a typical switchgear module is shared in 2.3.1 and 2.3.3.

4.7.2 The actual breaker(s) associated with the switchgear modules may or may not be housed
in the enclosure. However, it should arrive on site assembled and tested as far as
practically possible.

4.7.3 The type of insulation medium used in the actual breaker(s) associated with the switchgear
modules is at the Owner’s discretion. There are pros and cons to each type of insulation
medium. As there is a general trend to reduce the size of the breaker, the insulation
medium requires a higher electrical arcing resistance, which has a knock on effect on

4.7.4 SF6 has been a commonly used insulation medium, but there is a move away from its use
as it is an environmental hazard and very harmful to personnel. Alternative replacements
for SF6 are under investigation and trial. If SF6 is selected as the preferred insulation
medium, it will also be necessary to install detection systems and have robust process and
management policies in place.

4.7.5 There are breaker options at 132kV or high voltages that combine the earth switches &
disconnectors within the same insulation chamber i.e. an electrically compact solution. It
will be at the Owner’s discretion as to whether or not they are used. If selected it will be
necessary to define the associated maintenance policies and agree a safe system of
working on the breaker.

4.7.6 There are options for 33kV and below switchgear modules that have the necessary
protection and control panels included in the breaker units. If selected there should be a
workable solution for on-site remote testing; to prevent personnel standing in front of the
breaker under test.

4.7.7 The 33kV switchgear module may include an auxiliary transformer. This will be dependant
on the design and preferences of the Owner regarding the LVAC supplies.

4.7.8 Where more then one switchgear module is procured for a site, there may be an
opportunity to combine necessary elements, such as the batteries for example.
Rationalisation and sharing of switchgear elements should be assessed at the desk-top
design phase and be mindful of present and potential ownership boundaries.

4.7.9 Within the enclosed switchgear modules there may be partitioned rooms. All partitioned
rooms must have separate external doors.

4.7.10 Based on ownership boundaries there will be a need to accommodate fiscal metering
somewhere within or beside the switchgear modules. The fiscal metering will require data
from electrical measurement instrumentation, power and communication services. The
fiscal metering will be read by an independent party. This should be taken into
consideration when identifying a suitable location.

4.7.11 The equipment within the switchgear modules is to be labelled clearly, consistently and in
line with the Owner’s preference.

4.8 Transformer Module

An outline transformer datasheet is contained within Appendix H.

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