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Rarefaction effects on gas viscosity in the Knudsen transition regime

Article  in  Microfluidics and Nanofluidics · October 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s10404-010-0606-3


58 1,082

4 authors, including:

Vasileios Michalis Alexandros N. Kalarakis

National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos University of Peloponnese


Eugene D Skouras
University of Peloponnese


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Microfluid Nanofluid
DOI 10.1007/s10404-010-0606-3


Rarefaction effects on gas viscosity in the Knudsen transition

Vasilis K. Michalis • Alexandros N. Kalarakis •

Eugene D. Skouras • Vasilis N. Burganos

Received: 18 December 2009 / Accepted: 18 March 2010

Ó Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract The effects of rarefaction on gas viscosity are 1 Introduction

investigated through the simulation of isothermal, low
speed flow in a long straight channel using the Direct The recent development of techniques capable of con-
Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. Following structing micro-electro-mechanical devices (MEMS; Evans
convergence to the flow field inside the channel, the et al. 2009) has led to an impressive increase of interest in
effective viscosity is calculated directly from its definition studying gas micro-flows (Karniadakis et al. 2005). The
using shear stress calculations in each individual cell characteristic length of these devices is usually of the same
assuming that the gas flow is close to a local equilibrium order of magnitude as the mean free path of molecules at
state. Averaging over the cross-sectional area at different typical operating conditions. This fact limits the applica-
positions down the pressure gradient allows the determi- bility of the typical phenomenological equations to
nation of the gas viscosity as a function of the local describe flow, as the continuum assumption upon which
Knudsen number (Kn) along the channel. Following an these equations are based, is not valid.
extensive investigation of this dependence over a wide The degree of rarefaction is customarily quantified by the
range of Kn values, it was conveniently found that a Bo- Knudsen number Kn, which is defined as the ratio of the
sanquet-type of approximation describes very satisfactorily mean free path k of the molecules to some characteristic
the Knudsen number dependence of the viscosity over the length of the system. A well-accepted classification of gas
entire transition regime, i.e., from the slip-flow to the free- flow under rarefied conditions recognizes four flow regimes,
molecular flow limit. Such a simple functional dependence based on the Knudsen number (Barber and Emerson 2006).
is expected to facilitate significantly phenomenological For Jn \ 10-3, the continuum assumption holds and the
descriptions and numerical computations of rarefied flows Navier–Stokes equation, complemented by the no-slip
that rely on the notion of an effective viscosity in the boundary condition, at the walls is the appropriate tool to
transition regime. describe flow. For 10-3 \ Jn \ 10-1, which is commonly
referred to as the slip-flow regime, the applicability of the
Keywords Rarefied flow  Effective viscosity  continuum equations can be extended using slip-velocity and
DSMC  Straight channel temperature-jump boundary conditions (Agrawal and Pra-
bhu 2008a, b; Dongari et al. 2009). The transition regime
10-1 \ Jn \ 101 is the most difficult to treat, and is the
V. K. Michalis  A. N. Kalarakis  E. D. Skouras  subject of the present study. For Jn [ 101, the intermolec-
V. N. Burganos (&)
ular collisions become negligible and the so-called free-
Institute of Chemical Engineering and High Temperature
Chemical Processes, Foundation for Research and Technology, molecular flow regime is customarily described by the
Patras, Greece kinetic theory. Nevertheless, this classification is largely
e-mail: empirical and the aforementioned bounds of the various
regimes should not be considered as exact values.
V. K. Michalis
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method (DSMC;
Patras 26500, Greece Bird 1994; Alexander and Garcia 1997) is a stochastic

Microfluid Nanofluid

particle-based technique, which has proven quite valuable proportional to k. An equally simple kinetic theory result,
method for the simulation of gas flow under rarefied con- proposed by Maxwell, for the bulk viscosity is (Pollard and
ditions (Bird 1998; LeBeau and Lumpkin 2001). In the Present 1948)
DSMC technique, the description of the system is given 1
through the definition of the positions and velocities of the l0 ¼ qck: ð4Þ
gas molecules through a sample of representative particles.
The system is evolving in discrete time increments during Alexander et al. (1998) and Hadjiconstantinou (2000)
which the particle translation step and the inter-particle examined the effects of the discretization error in DSMC
collision step are decoupled. The employment of only a calculations of the viscosity using the Green–Kubo theory.
small set of representative particles in the simulation and The resulting expressions are
the stochastic treatment of collisions are the key features of rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi !
5 mkT 16 L2y
the method and offer computational efficiency in compar- l¼ 1þ ð5Þ
ison to the more detailed molecular dynamics technique. It 16d2 p 45p k2
has been shown that the limiting behavior of DSMC, when
following a correction from Lilley and Sader (2009), and
the number of particles tends to infinity and the time step
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi" #
and cell size become vanishingly small, coincides with the 5 mkT 32 ðcm DtÞ2
solution of the Boltzmann equation (Wagner 1992). l¼ 1þ ; ð6Þ
16d2 p 150p k2
The objective of the current study is to investigate the
dependence of the dynamic viscosity of a gas in the tran- where d is the collision diameter, Ly is the width of the cell in
sition regime on the Knudsen number using DSMC cal- the direction normal to the flow direction, Dt is the time step
culations and provide an analytical expression for such and cm is the most probable speed of the gas molecules.
dependence. This expression would be extremely useful in Lilley and Sader (2009) investigated gas flow in the
phenomenological descriptions and numerical computa- Knudsen layer for small Kn values and suggested a power-
tions of rarefied flows in narrow channels or pores. Care law dependence of viscosity on the dimensionless distance
must be taken to avoid confusion between flow systems from the solid surface ye; which has the form
that involve dilute gases and systems involving gases
within tight passages. In the former case, the molecule l0 ye1d
le ðe
yÞ ¼ ð7Þ
collisions are rare in the absence of walls whereas in the Cd
latter, the molecule–molecule collision frequency is where l0 is the bulk dynamic viscosity, and d and C are
reduced in the presence of walls. Although numerous parameters that are obtained by linear regression of the
efforts have been made to provide expressions for the gas results of the linearized Boltzmann equation for Kramer’s
viscosity as a function of density, the same is not true for problem and verified by the authors with DSMC for
the dependence of the viscosity on the channel dimensions Kn = 0.06.
and, eventually, on the Knudsen number. Beskok and Karniadakis (1999) suggested that a Bo-
The Chapman–Enskog theory of dilute gases (Chapman sanquet-type of expression for the viscosity in the transi-
and Cowling 1970) provides for the hard sphere model the tion regime and conducted numerical computations of flow
following expression for the bulk viscosity in cylinders and channels using the Navier–Stokes formu-
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi lation complemented with a slip boundary condition. They
5 2pkT
l0 ¼ qk; ð1Þ found good agreement of their model with DSMC results
16 m
and with the linearized Boltzmann solution. Supportive
where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute arguments on the validity of an expression for the effective
temperature, m is the molecular mass, and q is the mass viscosity l0 in the form
density. Considering that the mean thermal speed is given by 1
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi le ¼ l0 ð8Þ
8kT 1 þ aKn
c¼ ð2Þ
pm were presented in that study, where l0 is the bulk viscosity.
Eq. 1 can also be written as They suggested a Knudsen dependence of the rarefaction
5p parameter a and provided an analytical expression for this
l0 ¼ qck dependence based on the free molecular limit using two
32 ð3Þ
free parameters.
ffi 0:49qck
Guo et al. (2007, 2008) proposed a model in the Navier–
This, for a specific gas and fixed temperature, implies a Stokes formulation also, but with a ‘‘geometry’’-dependent
constant value for the viscosity given that q is inversely viscosity. In addition, they extended this concept into the

Microfluid Nanofluid

multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann technique using with significantly less statistical error, the inclusion of
arguments from Stops (1970) and his formula for the phenomenological models for the collision information
effective mean free path length in a channel in the transi- limits its capability of predicting the correct viscosity
tion regime. Using as argument the analogy between the coefficient value in the 0.1 \ Kn \ 0.5 region, and, thus, is
mean free path and the dynamic viscosity, an expression not expected to be suitable for the even wider range of
for the effective viscosity as a function of the distance from Knudsen numbers studied in the present study.
the wall was proposed in Guo et al. (2007), which in the Literature shows that DSMC is capable of reproducing
case of flow between two parallel plates at distance H is rarefaction effects by comparison to the solution of the
given by the equation linearized Boltzmann equation (Bird 1994). In this study,
1  y Hy DSMC is used with the goal of investigating the Knudsen
le ðyÞ ¼ l0 w þw : ð9Þ number effect on gas viscosity without resorting to any
2 k k
adjustment process or phenomenological description of
In Eq. 9, y is the distance from the wall and the function flow. In fact, the effective viscosity is obtained directly
w is given by from the flow field calculations and its shear stress-based
wðxÞ ¼ 1 þ ðx  1Þex  x2 Ei ðxÞ ð10Þ definition. This is an intriguing goal on its own given the
dearth of similar attempts despite the obvious usefulness of
with Ei(x) defined as the relationship between viscosity and Knudsen number not
Z1 only in vacuum applications and MEMS but also in porous
Ei ðxÞ ¼ t1 ext dt: ð11Þ media science and technology. Once such an effective
viscosity is available, it can be used in phenomenological
models of flow under rarefaction conditions without having
The Information Preservation (IP) scheme (Fan and to resort to tedious simulations at the microscopic scale.
Shen 1999, 2001) was specifically developed as a
mesoscopic technique to overcome the statistical noise of
direct methods, such as the DSMC, and was applied by 2 Effective viscosity using DSMC
Roohi and Darbandi (2001) to the extension of the Navier–
Stokes slip-flow description into the early transition The case of pressure driven flow of nitrogen in a narrow slit
regime. Through the use of the IP results, a modified is considered in the present study under isothermal, low
viscosity coefficient expression was suggested and speed conditions. The hard sphere model is used as it is
introduced in the macroscopic NS description to predict adequate for the isothermal case examined here. The
both the mass flow rate and the velocity profile in 2D molecular diameter is 4.17 9 10-10 m, whereas the
micro- and nanochannel flow processes. However, the molecular mass is 4.65 9 10-26 kg. In most of the calcu-
determining factor for the accuracy of shear stress lations shown here, the inlet-to-outlet pressure ratio is
calculations in the IP scheme is the collision model that Pr = 2 and the length-to-width ratio L/H is varied between
is employed. The IP collision model of Fan and coworkers 15 and 30. Larger L/H ratios could also be investigated but
(1999, 2001) assumes that the preserved information of they would require very large computational times. The
particles is the same after collision. However, the distance H between the two plates is considered to be the
numerical tests have shown that this basic model cannot characteristic length in the definition of the Knudsen
correctly simulate the viscosity and thermal conductivity number, which was varied by varying the applied pressure
of gas flows. Sun and Boyd (2002) suggested a and, hence, the mean free path. Fully diffusive thermal
phenomenological model for the distribution of the walls were assumed. Care was taken, so that the usual
information after collision based on the collision approximations involved in the DSMC method were sat-
deflection angle. Results (Roohi and Darbandi 2001) isfied. Namely, in all cases, the mean free path to cell size
have shown that the slip velocity is overestimated, ratio was k/Dxcell [ 3, the time step was kept smaller than
whereas the maximum velocity is underestimated, for the mean collision time, and sufficient number of mole-
both of the current IP collision models when Kn [ 0.5, cules per cell ([20) were used. Calculations reported here
following comparison with the DSMC predictions. This were performed on a 200 9 12 grid, with 2 9 2 subcells in
has also been shown by Cai et al. (2000) for the velocity each cell, on a sample 10-5 m long (x) and 6 9 10-7 m
prediction of the collision IP model suggested in Fan and wide (y). Finer grids (200 9 32 and 400 9 22) have been
Shen (1999, 2001), while Roohi and Darbandi (2001) also used to ensure convergence, however without practical
demonstrate this discrepancy for the collision model of difference (\5% change in the mean value of Kn at
Sun and Boyd (2002). Although the IP solution predicts Kn = 0.1). Calculations were terminated and results were
mass flow rate and shear stress close to that of DSMC collected when the mean Knudsen number of all cells was

Microfluid Nanofluid

constant within 5 significant digits. The inlet–outlet 0,000020

boundary conditions are similar to those used in Wu and 0,000018 Symbols: DSMC calc.
-void: Poiseuille type of flow
Tseng (2001). It should be noted that under these condi- 0,000016 -filled:Couette flow, uwall=1 m/s

Effective viscosity (Pa s)

tions, the deviation from the Chapman–Enskog expression 0,000014
Sutherland with a=2
Chapman with a=1.5
for the viscosity, originating from the space and time dis- 0,000012
Roohi and Darbandi [19]

cretization contributions in Eqs. 5 and 6, respectively, is

By definition, the shear stress exerted in the x-direction
on a fluid surface of constant y is given by
syx ¼ n mcx cy  mc0x c0y ð12Þ

where n is the number density, c is the molecular velocity 0,000000

0,1 1 10
and c0 is the stream velocity. Average values in this
Knudsen number
calculation are taken over the molecules within each cell.
Following the definition of the effective viscosity le, the Fig. 1 Dependence of gas viscosity (cross-section averaged) on
shear stress is proportional to the strain rate according to Knudsen number in the transition regime. Open symbols: present
study (DSMC) for Poiseuille flow. Filled symbols: present study
the equation (DSMC) for Couette flow. Each set represents separate simulation
dc0x dc0y results in the channel with different end pressure values. Solid line:
syx ¼ le þ : ð13Þ Bosanquet approximation with a = 2 and Sutherland’s expression for
dy dx the bulk viscosity. Dashed line: Bosanquet approximation with
a = 1.5 and Chapman’s expression for the bulk viscosity. Dotted line:
For constant molecular mass m, which holds for single
expression suggested by Roohi and Darbandi (2001) limited to the Kn
component flow, the viscosity can be calculated as follows range 0.1–0.5
cx cy  c0x c0y
le ¼ q dc dc0y
: ð14Þ
that the viscosity predictions display a quite satisfactory
dy þ dx

continuity between successive simulations (corresponding

The quantity cx cy can be readily calculated in each cell to different symbols), which implies that end-effects are,
and be sampled along with the other macroscopic practically, eliminated. The results show that the viscosity
quantities of interest. Given the stochastic nature of the is not constant with Kn and changes by a factor of 25
collision step in the DSMC method, some statistical noise within the transition regime. Specifically, it takes values
is expected, the magnitude of which is a function of the ranging from le = 1.5 9 10-5 Pa s for Kn = 0.1 to
simulation parameters (population per cell, time step). To le = 6 9 10-7 Pa s for Kn = 15.
remedy this, average values of the viscosity over a cross The consequences of this finding are apparent. Any
section of the channel are calculated, so that the variation computational technique that employs the viscosity coef-
of the viscosity with the position along the channel can be ficient as a parameter must account for a Knudsen number
delineated. This variation can be transformed into a dependence of this quantity (e.g., vacuum applications,
relationship between the viscosity and the Knudsen MEMS, and mesoporous media). Given that the tube or
number within the same channel through the calculation pore size usually varies with position within the system or
of the cross-sectional average value of the gas density. the porous medium, so does Kn and, consequently, a local
Repetition of the simulation for different pressure values at value of the viscosity must be employed in the
the two ends of the channel will eventually offer the computations.
dependence of the gas viscosity on the Knudsen number Figure 1 also provides a comparison of the DSMC vis-
over a wide range of Kn values. cosity predictions with other formulas or numerical cal-
culations. Sutherland’s formula (Chapman and Cowling
1970) predicts l0 = 1.778 9 10-5 Pa s for N2 at 300 K,
3 Results and discussion which is the temperature of the simulations, whereas Eq. 1
gives l0 = 1.41 9 10-5 Pa s. Both of these formulas refer
The effect of rarefaction is evident in the results that are to bulk values of the viscosity, i.e., to Kn ? 0, which is not
presented in Fig. 1, which displays the variation of the the case here as the flow lies clearly in the transition
viscosity of N2 with the Knudsen number at T = 300 K. regime. The expression for the viscosity coefficient that
Each color represents cross-section-averaged viscosity was suggested by Roohi and Darbandi (2001; Eq. 15) using
estimates along the channel for fixed Kn value at the output IP calculations in the Knudsen range 0.1–0.5, is also
and inlet-to-outlet pressure ratio Pr = 2. It is noteworthy depicted in Fig. 1, with l0 = 1.778 9 10-5 Pa s. The IP

Microfluid Nanofluid

results are similar to the DSMC ones for low Kn (*0.1), 4

but gradually underestimate the viscosity coefficient for DSMC results

higher Kn values. Although the IP method offers reduced L/H=20
statistical errors and computational costs, its limited per- 3

Bosanquet parameter, a
formance in the lower part of the transition regime is not
encouraging for higher Kn values.
In order to simplify further the utilization of this result 2
in phenomenological approaches and computations in
MEMS or porous media, it is tempting to investigate
whether a Bosanquet-type of approximation, which is 1
known to hold with good accuracy (Pollard and Present
1948) for the diffusion coefficient in the transition regime,
reproduces satisfactorily the viscosity dependence on the 0
1 10
Knudsen number. Following the brief review of bulk vis-
Knudsen number
cosity expressions that was made in Sect. 1, the viscosity in
the absence of walls (Kn ? 0) can, in general, be Fig. 2 Variation of factor a with the Knudsen number as results from
expressed as DSMC calculations in a channel. Each set represents separate
simulation results in the channel with different end pressure values
l0 ¼ a0 qck ð15Þ
where a0 is a numerical constant, whereas at the free
A similar value (a = 2.2) was suggested by Beskok and
molecular flow limit (Kn ? ?)
Karniadakis (1999) in their effort to match their numerical
l1 ¼ a1 qcH ð16Þ results for the mass flow rate in a channel with the corre-
sponding DSMC results. It must be stressed though that the
with a? a numerical constant for infinitely large k. By
factor a is not an adjustable parameter in the present study.
analogy to the diffusion case, the Bosanquet-type of
Its value was determined from a post-process calculation
approximation would read
following DSMC simulation of flow in a channel and using
1 1 1 directly the definition of the viscosity. It also noteworthy
¼ þ : ð17Þ
le l0 l1 that the calculated viscosity approaches its bulk value for
Substituting expressions (15) and (16) in Eq. 17, one Kn \ 10-3, as expected, whereas for Kn [ 10, it takes a
gets value that is very close to the prediction of Eq. 16 with
a? = 1/3. It is, also, useful to note that the same value of a
le ¼ l0 ð18Þ was obtained for all length-to-width ratios examined in the
1 þ aKn present study (L/H = 15–30). Smaller L/H values would
which was also suggested in Beskok and Karniadakis lead to strong end effects whereas larger values would
(1999). Note that the factor a = a0/a? is employed in this require very large computational times.
expression to absorb the unknown numerical constants a0 Figure 3 shows the effective viscosity, non-dimension-
and a? into a single quantity. Using l0 = 1.778 9 10-5 alized with its bulk value, as a function of the dimen-
Pa s and the values of le that were calculated in the sim- sionless distance from the wall, y/H. Comparison is made
ulations of Fig. 1, one can calculate the value of a from between the DSMC results using l0 = 1.778 9 10-5 and
Eq. 18 for each Kn value. Figure 2 shows that the value of the predictions of Eq. 9 for Kn = 0.128. Although the
a is not constant but depends on the Kn value, as also noted presence of statistical noise is apparent in the DSMC
in Beskok and Karniadakis (1999). However, this depen- results, a relatively good agreement is noted with the
dence is rather weak over the majority of the transition effective viscosity values that were proposed by Guo et al.
regime, suggesting an ‘‘effective’’ value close to 2. In fact, (2007). Taking into account that the two approaches are
if one uses this value in the Bosanquet expression (18), the entirely different from each other, this agreement is quite
Kn-dependence of the viscosity follows the solid line of encouraging as it contributes significantly to the quantifi-
Fig. 1, which is seen to reproduce quite satisfactorily the cation of the viscosity variation within the Knudsen layer.
DSMC results. Using Eq. 5 results in l0 = 1.41 9 10-5 An investigation of the effect of the molecule-wall
Pa s, which, in turn, leads to a value of a = 1.5. This collision law on the validity of the Bosanquet approxima-
option provides also good approximations to the calculated tion to the effective viscosity dependence on the Knudsen
viscosity except for the lower range of Kn values, as shown number is discussed next. Specifically, the simulation of
in Fig. 1. rarefied flow in the tube was repeated using different values

Microfluid Nanofluid

1,3 found that a Bosanquet-type of approximation describes

Dimensionless effective viscosity, µ/µ0

1,2 DSMC results quite satisfactorily the Kn-dependence of the viscosity over
Eq. (9) the entire range of Kn values investigated here (0.1–10),
covering, practically, the entire transition regime. The Bo-
sanquet parameter was calculated to equal 2, which is quite
similar to the value suggested independently in a previous
0,8 study (Beskok and Karniadakis 1999) that treated it as an
0,7 adjustable parameter with the goal to optimize matching
0,6 between the predictions of independent flow calculations
and those of DSMC calculations.
The simplified description of the dependence of gas
viscosity on the Knudsen number through a Bosanquet-
0,3 type of approximation with a specific parameter value
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3
lends itself to a broad utilization in rarefied flow calcula-
Dimensionless distance from the wall, y/H
tions in MEMS and in porous media. Further study is
Fig. 3 Dependence of effective viscosity, rendered dimensionless needed though to estimate potential effects of the channel
using the bulk value as reference, on the distance from the wall. aspect ratio on the value of the Bosanquet parameter for a
Comparison between the predictions of Eq. 9 and DSMC results using more complete quantification of the Kn-dependence of the
l0 = 1.778 9 10-5 Pa s for Kn = 0.128
gas viscosity in the transition regime.

of the energy and momentum accommodation coefficients,

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