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Optimal electric vehicle charging station placing

with integration of renewable energy

Lida Yazdia, Ramin Ahadia, Babak Rezaeea
aIndustrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,
PO Box: 91775-1111, Mashhad, Iran
* Corresponding author: Babak Rezaee (
Abstract_In light of the large-scale electric vehicle (EV) development which outnumber the public charging stations, it is imperative
to design and locate electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) in order to deliver lower costs for both charging infrastructure owners
and distribution grids. In this paper, we investigated the location problem of EVCSs on city-scale in a synergy between photovoltaic
(PV) panels and the grid where budget constraint and cooperative covering of charging spots are considered. Based on the assignment
rules of energy management for each charging station, a mixed integer linear model is developed to formulate the problem. This
paper aims to combine modelling of the power consumption and production associated with both grid and renewable energies and
maximization of EVCS profits, on the owner of charging station side. Applying the model to five charging station candidates in
Mashhad, the results show that using this model and the simultaneous presence of EVs and renewable energy sources in the network,
make a reduction in costs while an increase in profits.

Keywords: Electric Vehicle; Charging Station; Renewable Energy; Location Problem .

loss are regarded as objectives. Using geographic

1. Introduction information, construction cost and running cost, an objective
By enforcing Paris Agreement in 2016, nations have to function is built to broadly address the problem of locating
undertake concerted efforts to address climate change [1]. and sizing of EVCSs in [8]. In [9] a multi-objective model is
The transportation sector contributes greatly to CO2 formulated to obtain the location and capacity of renewable
emissions, leading to a knock-on effect on the temperature energy resource and EVCSs taking into account both the
increase. Investing in electric vehicle charging station which economic and technical constraints. Inasmuch as renewable
are sourced through a combination of the main energy grid energy sources can be installed within a short distance of
and green energies, such as solar energy, is regarded as both demand points, they have received attention; doing so, losses
economically and environmentally sustainable. and voltage fluctuations [10], and investment costs [11]
would decrease. However, widespread integration of these
Current trends demonstrate that there has been lately a resources to the grid can create challenges due to the
sheer volume of electric vehicles (EVs) integrated into the randomness and uncertainty of energy production. Authors
network. This changes drastically the transportation industry shows a smart grid with a synergy of renewable energy
and, more generally, business, decision making, and society. resources and EVCS, where emission issues and many
Cost-effectiveness and environmental issues are the main technical and economic challenges can be addressed
compelling factors to enhancement in EV development and efficiently [12]. In [13] an optimal energy management has
deployment [2]. In Iran, electric mobility is of intrinsic value been proposed for an intelligent parking lot which includes
and has been lately supported by both legislative and both renewable energy sources (wind turbine and
executive authorities. Moreover, a considerable amount of photovoltaic system) and nonrenewable energy source as
power generation in the country would remain unused in local micro turbines, local load and hydrogen storage system
winters, which can be effectively used to charge electric as well as demand response program as virtual generation
vehicles, in particular, at off-peak times. According to units. Authors in [14] have developed a model to determine
government’s plan, the number of electric vehicles needs to the siting and sizing of EVCSs. They considered the vehicle
meet the target of 70% of the total available vehicles by 2050 to grid connection; other types of energy sources are not
[3]. Synergies with variable renewables make EVs even more considered though. In [15] a model to obtain the size of an
applicable. If demand-side management has been properly EVCS with renewable energy is developed, however the
performed by charging schedules, EVs could allow a larger vehicle to grid connection is not considered. The author in
penetration of these energy resources in the power generation [16] studied the electronic design of an EVCS supplied by
mix [4]. solar and wind generators, converters and control algorithm,
in particular, are studied. Several studies discussed the
integration of EVs with RES in the context of system
In [5], to determine the optimal level of EV penetration,
operations. However, the majority of researches investigate
the location, size, and year of establishment of renewable
the impact of EV as a dynamic load on the grid or the optimal
distribution generation units, a multi-objective model is
design of EVCS, while a few consider the facility location
presented which minimizes both emissions and system costs
problem of EVCSs integrated with renewable energy
over the life project. The arrival time and state of charge of
electric vehicles are used in the model of the charging process
that considers to optimize the installation and operation of the
EVCS showing that a collaboration of renewable energies This paper proposes a new approach for optimal placing
and storage systems attains the best cost efficient solution [6]. of EVCSs. We consider a discrete cooperative covering
Authors [7] used a mixed integer non-linear optimization problems where a fraction of demand point could be covered
approach to place EVCSs in Tehran; the development and by charging stations of different districts. These fractions vary
electrification costs as well as EV energy loss and electric grid between 0 to 1 according to distance between demand points


978-1-7281-1775-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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and the charging stations, considering the variation in electric − It has been assumed that a day is divided into four
vehicle mobility. The study focusses on the integration of time slots;
renewable energy resources into the grid to make a reduction
in cost and the ability of selling the surplus energy back to the − EVCS candidates are located on demand points;
grid from the economic perspective.
− Interest rate as an economic factor is considered and
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The
assumed to be known and stable;
mathematical modelling, i.e. the objective function and
constraints are explained in detail in Section 2. Then,
numerical results are shown in Section 3. Finally, Section 4 − The demand profile is assumed to vary according to
includes the summarized concluding remarks. the location of candidates, seasons and time slots;

2. Problem Definition − Demand profile is assumed to follow a normal

The EVCS considered in this work comprises of a single
charger to serve the needs of the EVs’ batteries as well as a
single 20 m2 photovoltaic panel as renewable generator and − In the electricity market, the price is assumed to be
storage unit to enable the possibility of selling surplus power determined by time slots and seasons, in which the energy is
to requirements to the grid in order to improve the purchased;
profitability and also soften the EV’s impact on the electrical
grid. As we are not considering Vehicle to grid (V2G) − At the beginning of each month, the available budget
connection, utilization of a storage unit in the EVCS is is known. The budget surplus would not be transferred to the
favorable to save energy in off-peak periods and use the nest month.
produced energy in peak periods to minimize the costs of
EVCS. To model the problem, the following notations are
EV charging stations are integrated in the electricity
system and, as such, are subject to power sector regulation. Indices:
However, in many regions and countries, e.g. in Iran, the price
of electricity is controlled by the government, which is
typically the same for all stations in the region. In addition, it i: EVCS candidates i=1,…, n;
is assumed that EVCSs are able to buy as much energy as they
need to supply the EVs and there is a bilateral contract that m: Planning horizon (month) m=1,…,12;
make selling energy back to the grid possible. By addition of
generation costs, operation charges and taxes to the purchased d: Planning horizon (day) d=1,…,30;
price, EVCS would select to sell energy back to the grid.
h: Planning horizon (hourly time slot) h=1,…,4.
Turning to purchasing energy from the grid, the network
would already consider costs of technical constraints and Parameters:
system operator management, the costs of losses of power
transmission through the network and all other additional EV demand of candidate i, month m, day d and
D :
costs[6]. The monthly revenue of the EVCS is the total profit time slot h, kWh;
of purchasing the power from grid as provider and selling to Energy purchasing price at EVCS candidate i,
P :
electric vehicles as clients and the revenue obtained from month m, day d and time slot h, $/kWh;
selling of surplus energy back to the grid over a month. The Coefficient representing the profit of serving
monthly cost of EVCS is the cost associated with basic the EVs;
equipment and facilities used to establish a charging station Fixed cost of establishing an EVCS and the
together with land cost and the total amount required to install C :
land cost, $;
and develop the solar PV panel equipment; and the total Fixed cost of installing solar PV panel
purchased energy price which needs to be paid to the grid on C :
equipment, $;
aggregate. The purpose of this model is to maximize the total
net present of monthly profit, i.e., the difference between r: Annual interest rate;
monthly income and monthly cost. Applying this model, one Solar energy production power of EVCS
would address the questions such as where and when (month) S : candidate i, at month m, day d and time slot h,
the chargers and solar panels should be optimally installed. kWh;
Moreover, the amount of purchased and sold energy as well Demand coverage fractions based on distances
as the stored energy in storage unit could be achieved. a :
between the demand points and EVCSs;

Some assumptions are considered for the mathematical B : Available monthly budget at month m, $;
model as follows:
R : Monthly revenue, $;
− The planning horizon is assumed to be one year, i.e.
12 months;


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Fraction of covered demand of point i in month
f : f = y ×a ∀ k, m (9)

C : Monthly cost of EVCS, $;

f ≤1 ∀ k, m (10)
Stored energy of storage unit at EVCS
BS : candidate i, month m, day d and time slot h, BS ≤ 100 ∀i, m, d, h (11)
Decision Variables: z ≤1 ∀i, m, d, h (12)
The amount of energy sold to the grid at EVCS
x :
candidate i, month m, day d and time slot h, x ≤ 20 × y ∀i, m, d, h (13)
The amount of purchased energy from the grid at
v : EVCS candidate i, month m, day d and time slot v ≤M× y ∀i, m, d, h (14)
h, kWh;
Boolean decision variable representing whether As mentioned above, the objective function is the
y :
an EVCS is located in candidate i and month m; maximization of the total net present value of monthly profit.
Boolean decision variable representing whether Regarding constraints, the monthly revenue R of the EVCS
z : solar panel equipment is located in candidate i is the total profit of purchasing the power from grid as
and month m. provider and selling to electric vehicles as clients and the
The objective of maximization of the total net present revenue obtained from selling of surplus energy back to the
value of monthly profit is given as follows: grid over a month in (2). Constraint (3) confirms that the
monthly cost of EVCS consists of the cost associated with
basic equipment and facilities used to establish a charging
Z = ∑ ∀ m (1) station and land cost for one year and the total cost required
to install and develop the solar PV panel equipment, and
Subject to finally the total purchased energy price which needs to be paid
to the grid aggregator. The initial and the each time slot status
R = f ×D ×α of storage unit and the mathematical model is expressed in
constraint (4)-(6). Constraint (7)-(8) represent that the EVCS
∀m (2) expenditure must be equal or less than the monthly available
×P +x
×P budget plus the previous income. The equations (9) and (10)
C demonstrate the percentage of covered EV demand by the
installed EVCSs. A limit on the capacity of storage unit is
= y ×C +z ×C formulated by constraint (11). Constraint (12) and (13)
∀m (3) avouch that for each demand point, there should be at most
+ v ×P one charging station and one solar PV panel respectively. The
amount of exchanged energy between the station and the grid
BS = v −x −f has a threshold. This has been technically considered by
×D +S constraint (13)-(14) to ensure the energy is exchanged only
∀ m, i (4) after the installation of an EVCS.
× z
3. Numerical Results
BS = BS −f ×D
+ The proposed method has been applied to five locations
∀ m, i, d (5) in Mashhad zone which are named demand point 1 to demand
v −x +S × z point 5. Table 1 presents the coordination of these locations.
The demand profile is assumed to vary according to the
BS = BS demand points, seasons and time slots. In our case, the
− f ×D variation in the purchase price and sale price of energy to the
+v −x grid, as a result of the terms indicated above, has been
+S ∀ m, i, d (6) calculated averagely at 0.1125 and 0.09 $/kWh, respectively.

× z The clear-sky solar radiation profiles of these candidates

are considered, which are obtained from the NASA Surface
y ×C +z ×C Meteorology and Solar Energy website [17] over a one- year
∀ m period (2017). The values of parameters considered to solve
(7) the problem are shown in Table 2.
≤ B + R = 2, … , 12
Optimization has been performed by CPLEX Studio
y ×C +z ×C ≤B (8) v12.6.0.0. It has been observed that two EVCSs are


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established in EVCS candidate 1 and 2 in the first and third
month respectively. Moreover, the solar panels are installed
in the same locations but in the beginning of fifth and fourth

By cost estimation of 2000$ (C ) and 500$ (C ),

approximately 3000$ profit for the charging station owner
would be guaranteed. The optimal locations of EVCS are
illustrated in Figure 1.

Table 1. Demand points (candidates) coordinates (degree)

Candidate Longitude Latitude

1 59.997 36.2319 Figure 2. Monthly Revenues (blue), and Monthly Costs (red)
2 59.598542 36.299119
3 59.533482 36.345245
4 59.490138 36.33121
5 59.52447 36.293032

Table 2. Parameters values and the objective function

Parameter Value Figure 3. The average amount of exchanged energy between

C 2000$ theofEVCS
a) The average amount energy and the grid
purchased from the grid in station
Cost parameters C 1(blue) and station 2(red)
Profit coefficient α 1.2
Annual interest r
Monthly budget B ,B ,…,B 2000$ 4. Conclusion
Objective function Z 2993.721$ This paper has proposed an approach for optimal placing
of EVCSs. The presented approach considers the integration
of solar energy and storage system into the grid in a
cooperative covering problems to find optimal location of the
charging stations in order to maximize the profit of the EVCS
owner while covering the EV demands. Moreover, the
incomes and costs are considered, the variable would
determine when and where the EVCS could be economically
established as well as the amount of purchased and sold
energy. Then, the model has been applied on different
charging station candidates and the results have shown that
this approach would guarantee the profitability of the owner.

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