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Group Members:

1. Kadek Andre Karisma Dewantara /1812021115

2. I Wayan Bayu Adiguna /1812021100

I. Identity
School : SMAN 1 Gerokgak
Grade : XI/I
Subject : English
Topic : Factual Report text
Time allotment : 1x10 Minute

II. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify main idea of factual report text.
2. Students are able to explain the purpose of factual report text that has been read.
3. Students are able to explain description of object on factual report text.

III. Teaching Method

The method that we apply to learning is discussion method. Students can be more active
in the learning process. Students can analyze the text given then they will share tell what
they find. Besides that, students can argue about their friends' opinions. This method can
also train students' critical thinking.

IV. Teaching Scenario

1. Opening (2 minutes)
 Greeting. “Good morning students. How are you?”
 Activates background knowledge. “Before we start the lesson I want you to share
what you know about Komodo? Almost all of you already give factual
information about Komodo.”
 Introduce Material. “It is so related with our topic today, because today we are
going to learn about factual report text. Factual report text is a text that explain
elaborate some factual information relate to particular object, or things which are
based on empirical, real and scientific fact or information ”
2. Main Activities (5 minutes)
 Explain material using PPT “Okay now I would like to explain about definition,
purpose, and generic structure of factual report text.
 Give example of factual report text “So if you already understand with material, I
will show you an example of factual report text please read carefully. I will ask
some question about the text later.
 Asking and reinforcing students opinion “What is the main idea of the text?” “Can
you explain what the purpose of this text is?” “Can you identify which one is the
general classification and description?” “Who want to try share many fact about
Komodo from the text?”
3. Closing (1 Minute)
 Summarize todays lesson “ okay today’s lesson very interactive because a lot of
you have sharing your idea and answer my questions”
 Let student ask question. “Do you have any question about the material?”
 Close the class. “Okay that all for today. See you next week.”
V. Assessments:
1. Assess students’ participation during learning process.

VI. Reference
 British Course. 2017. Report text: Definition, Purposes, Generic structures, Language
language-features.php Retrieved: 28 of Februari 2021
 Luthfan. 2017. Contoh Report Text Tema Hewan serta Arti dan Analisis Struktur
Umumnya. Retrieved : 28 Februari 2021

Bertanya dasar. Bertanya lanjut?


Close question. = membuka pertemuan di tentukan jawabanya

Open question =

Tebak”an duluu. Berkaki empat. Atau kasi gambarnya. Tunjukan video, atau foto dulu.

Bertanya From basic to high.

Lebih highlight bertanya tingkat lanjutnyaa

Main activitiesnya. Tanya tujuanya apa sih

Saya mau menjelaskan pake PPT. Takutnya jadi memberikan penjelasan.

Lebih lead ke bertanya

Biar ga monoton. Bagi kasusnya. BAnyak teksnya
Reinforcement = positife and negatife (Harus divariasikan sesuai tingkatan)

Negatif: MEnghilangkan positif

Menutup : Post test
Diskusi Kelompok kecil :

- Group work diskusi

Mengelola kelas;

- Buat kesalahan, jangan bermain, suruh k depan jika tdak mengerti.

Kelompok kecil / perorangan:

- Sebut namanya, pair work

Giving variation:

- Activitynya d bedakan (wath, reading)

- Skillnya dibedakan

Example of factual report text

“Komodo Dragon”

Do you know what the largest lizard is? This lizard is called komodo. It lives in the scrub and
woodland of a few Indonesian islands.

Komodo dragon is the world’s heaviest lizard, weighing 150 pounds or more. The largest
Komodo ever measured was more than 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg)
but the average size of komodo in the wild is about 8 feet (2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91
kg) Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail. They use
their keen sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains from several miles away. They also
hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic.

The Komodo dragon’s teeth are almost completely covered by its gums. When it feeds, the gums
bleed, creating an ideal culture for virulent bacteria. The bacteria that live in the Komodo
dragon’s saliva causes septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon will bite its prey,
then follow it until the animal is too weak to carry on. This lizard species is threatened by
hunting, loss of prey species and habitat loss.

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