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The name Pharaoh is commonly referred to as the Kings of Egypt.

Jesus, according to the scriptures spent many years in Egypt
while he was targeted by the Jews for annihilation.

In the scriptures Egypt is synonymous with the word America, as

Sodom and Egypt (Israel and America).

The name of America in Ancient Egyptian parlance stands for “I

AM ERIC” plus the Egyptian “Ka” which is mostly associated with
the letters “Ca”, therefore “Am-Eric-Ka”.

The Powell family, enriched through the persons of Adam Clayton

Powell and Colin Powell plus many others, such as John Powell
who settled the State of Virginia 13 years before the Mayflower in

The European Jews took over the world proper in 30 BC after the
reign of Cleopatra VII who ruled from 51 BC to 30 BC. (315).

Total world Reparations or Restitution since that date are

encoded in the reign of her Dynasty as being 315 Trillion dollars.

The so-called European Jews since that date have embezzled 315
trillion dollars from the proper owners of the world, the Gods, in
the person of Amen Hotep who represents the Amen of the
scriptures as well as the “Architect of the Worlds” being
“IMHOTEP” better known as “I AM” HOTEP” of the scriptures.

The European Jews knew that the Pharaoh would be back and
therefore made monster movies concerning his reappearance in
the last days.

The name “Pharaoh” contains much unknown information as to

the individual who will appear in the last days.

The first letter “P” is an alphanumeric ‘16’ as A = 1 and B = 2,

The name of the individual who arrives in the last days must
equal a Seven, as God’s name must equal a Seven.

The next two letters signifying ‘A.H.’ stand for the name of
“Amen” as well as the last name of “Hotep”.

The next two letters signify the name of Amen-Ra (A.R.) also
spelled as (“Amen-Re`”). the next two letters stand for the God
Horus as “HO”.

The entire name of Pharaoh totals an 8.6.11 and an 8.6.2 which is

embedded in the name of one Eric Robert Powell, born
12.26.1956 at 5AM (GMT) and 9AM (EST).

We also have embedded here the number ‘421’ which is Eric

Robert Powell’s full name as four letters in the first name, six
letters in the middle name and six letters in the last name. He
also lived at 421 Columbus Ave., Mount Vernon, New York.

Embedded in the name “Columbus” is the City of Busiris, Egypt

as well as the word “Column” which represents statute columns
found in Egypt for thousands of years. The name Columbus is the
alphanumeric table on the birth of the Savior as 12.26.1956 as
well as an 8.6.2 and an 8.6.11. We also find the basic stages of
World Reparations as being started with the sum of “105” trillion,
then “168” trillion and then “315” trillion.

The Wages of “SYN” is Death

The word “sin” is properly spelled “S-Y-N” as it is the Jews which

have made everyone go astray and therefore “s-y-n” and not “s-i-
n” which is a name of God which totals an alphanumeric “42” just
as there are 42 Commandments of Amen-Ra, which the Jews
have possessed for 1,000’s of years.

The word “WAGES” totals an alphanumeric “55”, the word “SYN”

totals a “58” while the word “Death” totals an alphanumeric
“38”. These three numbers total a “142” for the 142
Abominations of God kept intact within the King James Version of
the Bible.
The numbers ‘142’ and ‘315’ total a ‘457’ which is reduced to a
‘97’ and therefore the alphanumeric table for the name of “Amen
Hotep” as God.

Embedded within the word “wages” one will find the sum of ‘315’
three times as regards the length of the Dynasty of Cleopatra VII
as well as the total World Restitution of “315 Trillion. The number
‘315’ times three totals a ‘945’ which is also reduced to a ‘315’ as
well as a ‘144’ which exemplifies the “marriage of the lamb” in
the Book of Revelations as the dimensions of the Solar Ship which
will secure the faithful and leave everyone else behind.
One will also find the birth year of 12.26.1956.

So here we have the numbers ‘457’ plus ‘105’ plus ‘96’ which are
also embedded. These three groups of numbers total a ‘658’
which is reduced to a “613” which is the exact number of
Commandments recorded with the “Torah”. The numbers
recorded in our table being 96/105 also signify the years “1956”
as well as the doctrine of life known and recorded as a “69”
which is reduced to a “1(0)5” and therefore our 105 trillion as the
Great Pyramid of Egypt was also built in 10.500 BC. As of the
year 2010 which is 401 years past the initial date of slavery here
in America (1609), when we add the number ‘105 to ‘210’ (2010)
we arrive at the figure “315”.

There are also 105 trillion blood cells within the human body and
105 trillion stars within the known 88 Constellations, these two
sets of numbers also total a ‘67’, the alphanumeric total of the
name Ishmael who was promised to become a “Great Nation”
after the 400 years of servitude had expired.

The phrase “GREAT NATION” is an alphanumeric “51” for the

word “Great” and when adding the word “Nation” arrives at the
Number of total abominations which total “142”, as well as our
birth year as 12.26.1956 as well as a 9/5 time of birth ratio as
well as the number “86”, which in letters totals a “315” as well as
Mr. Powell’s full name as an 8.6.11 reduced to an 8.6.2.

Here we also find the collapse of the number ‘666’ which was the
circumference of the Caucasus Mountains where the European
Jews were imprisoned. The word “imprisoned” also totals an “86”
which remains as our 315 trillion dollars which is a guaranteed

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