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Time: 90 minutes Maximum marks: 40
General Instructions:
1. The question paper contains three parts A, B and C
2. Section A consists of 24 questions of 1 mark each. Any 20 questions are to
be attempted.
3. Section B consists of 24 questions of 1 mark each. Any 20 questions are to
be attempted.
4. Section C consists of 12 questions based on Case Studies. Attempt any 10
5. There is no negative marking.
Section - A
Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d). Darken the correct option in your
OMR sheet:
1. Raman covers a distance of 80 Km in 4 hrs. His speed is
a) 20 km/h b) 32 Km/h c) 40 Km/h d) insufficient data.
2. 1 Km/h = ______________ m/s
a) 3/50 b) 50/3 c) 5/18 d) 18/5
3. The distance moved and the magnitude of displacement are equal in
a) The earth is revolving around the sun
b) Object moving in circular path
c) A pendulum moving to and fro.
d) Object moving on a straight road.
4. A toy car accelerates from 3 m/s to 5 m/s in 5 sec. what is its
a) 0.2 m/s2 b) 0.3 m/s2 c) 0.4 m/s2 d) 0.5 m/s2.
5. The inertia of an object tends to cause the object to
a) Increase its speed
b) Decrease its speed
c) To resist any change in the state of rest or of motion
d) To decelerate due to friction.
6. If the force acting on the body is zero, its momentum is
a) Zero b) constant c) infinite d) none of these.
7. Change in momentum when a car weighing 900 Kg changes its speed
from 100 m/s to 200 m/s is
a) 90000 Kgm/s b) 180000 Kgm/s c) 9000 kgm/s d) none of these.
8. Area under vel-time graph represents a physical quantity which has the
a) m b)m2 c)m3 d)m/s.

9. The element ‘X’ having atomic number 16 is:

(a) A metal (b) A metalloid (C) A non-metal (d) none of these
10.Which of the following element is a ‘Non-metal’?
(A) Fe (B) Na (c) cu (D) Cl
11.In which of the following, the ‘Constituents are present in any ratio’?
(A) Compound (B) Mixture (c) Colloid (D) Solution
12.Which of the following is ‘not TRUE’ regarding ‘Properties of a solution’?
(A) It is a homogeneous mixture
(B) The solute particles do not settle down when left undisturbed
(c) The particles of a solution are smaller than 1 nm in diameter
(D) The solute particles can be separated from the mixture by the process
of filtration

13.Which of the following is an example of SOLUTION?

(A) Soda water (B) unfiltered tea (C) Sand& water (D) Milk
14.During burning of candle, both physical and chemical changes take place
(A) True (B) False (C) can’t say (D) partially true/false

15.Which of the following are ‘PHYSICAL CHANGES’?

(I) Melting of Iron metal
(II) Rusting of Iron
(III) Bending of an iron rod
(IV) Drawing a wire of iron metal
(A) I, II & III (b) I, II & IV (C) I, III & IV (D) II, III & IV
16.Which of the following materials are classified as ‘PURE SUBSTANCES’?
(A) CaO, CO2 and NaCl (B) wood, mercury & water
(C) Iron, ice and milk (D) iron, milk and blood
17.Rapid elongation of a bamboo stem is due to
a) Lateral meristem b) intercalary meristem c) apical meristem d)
18.Bone matrix is rich in
a) Fluoride and calcium b) calcium and phosphorous
b) Calcium and potassium d) phosphorous and potassium.
19.Contractile proteins are found in
a) Bones b) blood c) muscle d) cartilage.
20.Which of the following helps in repair of tissue and fills up the space
inside the organ?
a) Tendon b) cartilage c) adipose d) areolar.
21.The undefined nuclear region of prokaryotes is also known as
a) Nucleoid b) nucleolus c) nucleus d) nucleic acid.
22.Amoeba acquires its food through a process, termed
a) Exocytosis b) endocytosis c) plasmolysis d) none of these.
23.Cell wall of which one of these is not made up of cellulose?
a) Bacteria b) hydrilla c) mango d) cactus.
24.Kitchen of the cell is
a) Ribosome b) golgi body c) chromosome d) chloroplast.
25.When a balanced force acts on a body, the body
a) Must remain in its state of rest
b) Must continue moving with uniform velocity if already in motion
c) Must experience some acceleration
d) Both (a) and (b).
26.Two equal masses ‘m’, each moving in the opposite direction with the
same speed ‘v’ collide and stick to each other. The velocity of the
combined mass is
a) V b) 2V c) V/2 d) zero.
27.A bullet of mass 10 g moving with a velocity of 400 m/s gets embedded
in a freely suspended wooden block of mass 900 g. What is the velocity
acquired by the block?
a) 4.2 m/s b) 4.4 m/s c) 4.6 m/s d) 4.8 m/s.
28.A body is thrown vertically upward with velocity u. the greatest height h
to which it will rise is
a) u/g b) u2/2g c) u2/g d) u/2g.
29.On a 120 Km track, a train travels the first 30 Km at a uniform speed of
30 Km/h. How fast must the train travel the next 90 Km so as to average
60 Km/h for the entire trip?
a) 60 Km/h b) 70 Km/h c) 80 Km/h d) 90 Km/h.
30.In high jump competition the athlete is made to fall on a cushioned bed
a) Decrease his momentum fast
b) Make him stop quickly
c) Increase the time to stop
d) Make him rest comfortably.
31.Identify the correct statement about ‘MIXTURE’
(A) The substances are present in definite ratio
(B) The mixture cannot be separated by physical methods
(C) The constituents lose their properties
(D) Chemical reaction does not take place during formation

32.The concentration of a solution depends upon

(A) Nature of solute (B) Amount of solute (C) Pressure (D) All of these
33.Identify ‘HOMOGENOUS MIXTURE’ from the following:
(A) Soil (B) Vinegar (C) Unfiltered tea (D) polluted air
34.Two substances, A and B were made to react to form a third substance,
A2B according to following reaction: 2A+ B = A 2B
Which of the following statements concerning this reaction are
(I) the product A2B shows the properties of substances A and B.
(II) The product will always have a fixed composition
(III) The product so formed cannot be classified as a compound
(IV) The product so formed is an element
(A) I,II & III (B) II,III & IV (c) I,III & IV (D) None of these.
35.Which of the following statement is ‘CORRECT’?
(A) A mixture containing two compounds must be heterogeneous
(B) A heterogeneous mixture must contain at least three elements
(C) A homogeneous mixture must be uniform
(D) A pure substance must contain only one type of atom.

36.The particles of solution can be seen by naked eyes: The statement is

(A) True (B) False (C) can’t say (D) partially true/false.
37.Voluntary muscles are found in
a) Alimentary canal b) iris if the eye c) bronchi d) limbs.
38.Differention leads to the development of various types of
a) Parenchyma b) meristem c) permanent tissue d) none of these.
39.Stomata are enclosed by two kidney shaped cells called
a) Nerve cell b) guard cell c) liver cell d) ovum.
40.This epithelium is known as

a) squamous epithelium b) simple epithelium c) spongy epithelium d)

none of these.
41.Blood has a fluid matric called
a) Stroma b) cilia c) lignin d) plasma.
42.________________ smoothens the bone surfaces at joints.
a) RBC b) ligament c) cartilage d) tendon.

Assertion-Reason questions :
The following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and
Reason (R). Answer these
questions selecting the appropriate option given below :
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

43. ASSERTION: To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

REASON: Action and reaction always act on two different objects.
44. ASSERTION: Velocity of a body is a scalar quantity.
REASON: A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction.
45. ASSERTION: Pure substances in which molecules are made up of only one
kind of atoms are known as ELEMENTS.
REASON: Hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are elements.
46. ASSERTION: Air is a mixture of gases.
REASON: The composition of air includes gas like N2, O2, CO2 and water
47. ASSERTION: Parenchyma cells help in storage of food.
REASON: Parenchyma cells are the main seats of photosynthesis.
48. ASSERTION: The inner lining of intestine has tall epithelial cells.
REASON: Columnar epithelium facilitates absorption and secretion.



CASE 1: A body starts from rest and after sometime, it moves uniformly
along a circular path. The body then undergoes retardation before coming
to rest finally.
49.What is implied by the body starting from rest?
a) U=0 b) v=0 c) a=0 d) none of these.
50.What is constant uniform circular motion?
a) Velocity is constant b) speed is constant
b) Acceleration is constant d) none of these.

51.Body coming to rest finally, what is implied by these?

a) U=0 b) v=0 c) a=0 d) none of these.

52.Retardation is
a) Uniform acceleration b) non-uniform acceleration
b) Negative acceleration d) none of these.

CASE 2: A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more

substances. You come across various types of solutions in your daily
life. Lemonade,
Soda, Water, etc.., are all examples of solutions.
Usually, we think of a solution as a liquid that contains either a solid,
liquid or a gas dissolved in it. But we can also have solid solutions
(alloys) and gaseous solutions (air).
In a solution, there is homogeneity at the particle level. For example,
lemonade tastes the same throughout. This shows that particles of
sugar or salt are evenly distributed in the solution.
There are two main components of a solution that are solvent and
solute. The component (present in larger amount) of solution that
dissolves the other component in it is called solvent.
The component (present in lesser quantity) of solution that is dissolved
in the solvent is called the solute.

53. In lemonade, solvent is

(A) Sugar (B) salt (C) water (D) lemon juice

54. Which of the following is a solution?

(A) Carbon dioxide
(B) Alloys
(C) Blood
(D) Chalk powder in water

55. Which of the following is false about solution?

(A) Solution can be solid
(B) The constituents of solution are distributed uniformly
(C) The main components of solutions are in equal quantity
(D) None of the above

56. Sugar in water represents

(A) Sugar is solvent
(B) Water is solvent
(C) Sugar is in large amount
(D) The solution is heterogeneous

CASE 3: Sunil while playing football with his friends got injured
suddenly. His friends took him to the hospital and the doctor said that
he was suffering from a sprain and advised bed rest. Every afternoon,
his friends visited him to enquire about his health.

57. During a sprain, which type of tissue are stressed?

a) tendon b) ligament c) nerves d) connective.

58. Dislocation of the bone due to

a) damage of nervous tissue
b) breakage of ligaments
c) breakage of bones
d) none of these.

59. Bones are the part of

a) connective tissue
b) epithelial tissue
c) muscle tissue
d) nervous tissue.

60. For maintain good bone health, Sunil should take

a) Phosphorous rich food
b) vitamin rich food
c) calcium rich food
d) all of the above.

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