SY14 Multimedia Database

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Pprfgfevppesented by

Group 14
05 - Tanish Modase
06 - Rahul More
GUIDED BY  09 - Tushar Muley
26 - Tanay Patel
Mr. Dipak Badgujar
 Introduction

 Evolution of Multimedia Database

 Types of Multimedia Database

 Domain types of Multimedia data

 Contents of Multimedia Database

• Comparison of Multimedia Datatypes

 Requirements of Multimedia Databases

 Multimedia Database Architecture

 Issues and Challenges

 Application Areas

 References
A Multimedia database (MMDB) is a collection of related
for multimedia data. The multimedia data include one or
more primary media data types such as text, images, graphic
objects (including drawings, sketches and illustrations)
animation sequences, audio and video.
A Multimedia Database Management System (MMDBMS)
is a framework that manages different types of data
potentially represented in a wide diversity of formats on a
wide array of media sources. It provides support for
multimedia data types, and facilitate for

• creation
• storage
• access
• query
• control of a multimedia database
Since relational and object oriented databases comprise the basic
requirements of any database, but to store multimedia data -
MMDB’s were evolved, that includes:

• long bit and byte strings

• Binary Large Objects (BLOBs)
• paths of images where the actual image is stored
• content retrieval capabilities
There are numerous different types of multimedia databases, including:

• The Authentication Multimedia Database also known as a Verification

Multimedia Database (i.e. retina scanning)

• The Identification Multimedia Database, is a data comparison of one-to-many

(i.e. passwords and personal identification numbers

• The Biometrics Multimedia Database, which specializes in automatic human

verification based on the algorithms of their behavioral or physiological profile.
DBMS typically provide three different kinds of domain for multimedia data :

1. Large Object are a set of data types that are designed to hold large amounts
of data.
 Binary Large Object (BLOB) - It is a collection of binary data stored as a single entity
in a DMS
 Character large Objects (CLOB) - are unstructured sequence of characters

2. File references – instead of holding the data, a file reference contains a link to the data

3. Genuine Multimedia data types

A Multimedia Database (MMDB) hosts one or more multimedia data types
(i.e. text, images, graphic objects, audio, video, animation sequences).

These data types are broadly categorized into three classes:

• Static media (time-independent: image and graphic object)

• Dynamic media (time-dependent: audio, video and animation)
• Dimensional media (3D game and computer aided drafting programs)
Medium Elements Time-dependence
Graphic Vectors, regions No
Image Pixels No
Audio Sound, Volume Yes
Video Raster images, graphics Yes
Additionally, a Multimedia Database (MMDB) needs to manage additional
information :

• Media data : the actual data representing an object.

• Media format data : information about the format of the media data after it goes through the
acquisition, processing, and encoding phases.

• Media keyword data : the keyword descriptions, usually relating to the generation of the media

• Media feature data : content dependent data such as contain information about the distribution
of colours, the kinds of textures and the different shapes present in an image.
• Integration
Data items do not need to be duplicated for different programs invocations

• Data independence
Separate the database and the management from the application programs

• Concurrency control
Allows concurrent transactions

• Persistence
Data objects can be saved and re-used by different transactions and
program invocations
• Privacy
Access and authorization control

• Integrity control
Ensures database consistency between transactions

• Recovery
Failures of transactions should not affect the persistent data storage

• Query support
Allows easy querying of multimedia data
 In addition, an MM-DBMS should:

 have the ability to uniformly query data (media data, textual data) represented in different
 have the ability to simultaneously query different media sources and conduct classical
database operations across them.
 query support
 have the ability to retrieve media objects from a local storage device in a smooth jitter-free
(i.e. continuous) manner.
 storage support
 have the ability to take the answer generated by a query and develop a presentation of that
answer in terms of audio-visual media.
 have the ability to deliver this presentation in a way that satisfies various Quality of Service
 presentation and delivery support
The requirements are divided into the following broad categories:

 Traditional DBMS capabilities

 Huge capacity storage management

 Information retrieval capabilities

 Media integration, composition, and presentation

 Multimedia query support

 Multimedia interface and interactivity

 Performance
Based on Principle of Autonomy

• Each media type is organized in a media-specific

manner suitable for that media type

• Need to compute joins across different data


• Relatively fast query processing due to

specialized structures

• The only choice for legacy data banks

Based on Principle of Uniformity –

• A single abstract structure to index all media


• Abstract out the common part of different

media types (difficult!) - metadata

• One structure - easy implementation

• Annotations for different media types

• Multimedia data consists of a variety of media formats or file representations
including BMP, PPT, JPEG, MPEG, AVI, WAV, DOC, GIF, PNG, etc. Because
of restrictions on the conversion from one format to the other, the use of the data
in a specific format has been limited as well.

• Also, the data size of multimedia is large such as video; therefore, multimedia
data often require a large storage.

• Multimedia database consume a lot of processing time, as well as bandwidth.

• Different multimedia data types such as video, audio, and animation
sequences have temporal requirements that have implications on their storage,
manipulation and presentation.

• Multimedia data structures takes much time in retrieval than standard database

• Multimedia data structures do not easily lend themselves to content-based

• Digital Libraries

• News-on-Demand

• Video-on-Demand

• Music database

• Geographic Information Systems

• Telemedicine

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