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Me Abdlutlals 1B-ME- 063, Section “3” Engg. Economics Assigensant OR (cast coneaph el Dartgn Exontms). QD. me satel mileep — dsizan would hve be specffek mn addon to vrishe cot of feel Pr it Se got) Ao, fied ash toolh ye, Blocks dol neI ty he, ad : 2 Sion of feoditinak —— engra od vonpotle, angie. wot! oto ned bo be epeafiect Oe papal fon ope mes a (a AF cowt 2 1,000 p00 wiles) oon = 193 cows 366 doyy «6 mi . Fo © St cAnied cork = (1,000,000 males ($5) Se bo milen = § 83,333 pr po wo Gerolie cw ovenngng = miles po pie Cast of, Gayo «7 Sp gel: Reva cose oe Gorol me = (ooe,000 ) ¢3 pov gator) Be miles por allow =F tese0e por yea’ Scanned with CamScanner Se wold cost 16, 604 7 mow pte eferas fot Be flesh off cont with gerole @&- e Aug hauling distonee a So ° au = fe a $ Soo $ to0,000 ° Hooding cosk g.50. $50 gente, geile af ee, te $roopo0+ $(3)(15) © Tote = wt . ¢ Soo + $ (4)(-S0XB0q,200) $185,000 (oe2j006) 2 $1,000,000 Fos 0D unleash ne dacolacl @D- eed mileage > Toe wiles Cow's value 2 $ 8500 Pricer fp» pny > Setting offer —> $2000 Dokl ha sell ov not 227 Stan's arking rite fugs2 ts foo hit Geren” We naw Fronanrission adds QHle vole to cs woth, Tus Jon shouted et thn fly tacoue he bos of Sas a soak Coes. $1500 Scanned with CamScanner &D- Diseovend wok, (original ranfochnig cot) = $100,000 Option ED. Ze Rowachina absolle, pos oD verotl> Option e =F Sng tam Hawt a seen Dero! moet, Recommendohion 1 polos of vemtching eeikor — than opin @ shoulel be chown — » Bub if mronogerand i bighby vise, adveya then Seeand fo proxaaol Coment —aeaning + Gboje00 per yee She beliwes she co, moke = $ aov00 Steabop pews = $ Idep00 Reninnae —> $d00,00- Flagem= $80,000 Sf the beeps hoy fob velnning fen esky Y2o,050 gn Ths opponhoily ost of $0,000 ballon caok a fry of "tae $6900 unui ebeale, youn friend is ws aveme enh loomot wrk =o as indopeel eat conwillnk te rnake an ail —-Fdo,m0 voxt ¢~ tts @: Totod chunk = $8000 ©) Poy new cw purchor > You ote Ne aw. vis dof, y vluw 7m i. a dof, pe vs toler alee ad é7- (©) Ry inverting in high becky comp» opporbosty eh ek th ee Scanned with CamScanner Pramune coudt 40 incworee fos offiony D> @eso-P) o-lo What is clemand (D) for max vevenue? Pe 610 © rde00 TR = pxD TR = 0-100" +9000 D ATR, ~ 0.300 42000 <0 db Ds lo,oo0uait monty Pom wax profik, we asad Ce pew month eel sachs pa — Cash adjpstew: @): Price = 1$0 -OloD Ce =} S00 » Ge S40 Max profit =7 Mex demard=s Gov unite laa pad GP 22 T) Profit = SoD -P-le D° = So000- 4oD APs 150 - 0-300 -40 20 db Ds Ho > Q 0°20 AL dened. 5500 wait — , prof s Sasasoe pee me 50 - of (ss 2 FI yp, — Scanned with CamScanner ca) (oe) Ces $800,009 per monty Cy fF ISS poy tharnel coed fof « p= fov0-(0.5)D per touted Grell feat A= 2 boo = ISEE = HHS omits Oe 2(0-5) Profit ot tin optimal vol incremes das per evshomer pervert New BE = 9 4!Se0,cvo = orto pa month. 9 49.95- $25. (2) for 63e00 whsuibers, Proftt = 63,000 ( $44-954- asco) — $ (520,000 $711,850 per month: = $2;092,000 pr yor me ‘opty =. 100,000 Apphinee pew feos ey = $Ho por mit Selling pce» $90 p% sal (2) Exonomite tprsaheven ches pes «= 3 8,009,000 = 40,000 units Pp, ae 4 - §4O)onit a Yeeposer 4 erence Beseojore Fuenene §a,oanere Scanned with CamScanner Profk(Low) = Toho Ravana — “Fololl cost - Gol cnpash)> Yo,000 (890) [ $5,cennee + 40,0006 $l] = 9,500,000 e~ ee Wot espe) = [ ae,000 ( $40)+ to,oodl $70)]~ [ $aeve9% + len.002 PY = Misamis J (S40) es Aibeojene per yaar? D> Ancraft weit abl, 30 por pee ih feel expime Take vadetion im vain » boo to pe oooh: Anmved covigt = (Seales) (coote) = $ 86000 80 eo con sped no more. tan — g Boo od sill ke | exoromitall + Olt —_factous include owe of moinkrena. [eteanng : $0, this prereset thal be sop cost fo vechon. A unit's $Uo ay ee Dakor = SHS cost of — mieporebow > $800 ~ $85 Fou mepaltig \ duo fue 2 $90 cack pe any Gig re eowosh i AC unt ne 10 lay iegue in aext lo yen» But if pa Grading orcomtn went th needs to ba vopcl a fe Ton ho shovl change is stelegy ovel contol, th. satord) pin, face, ia Scanned with CamScanner Bo, Moco miles Gonolte cor wil consume Aico ppllons of fal. Flex - Fueled! con will xe 3000 gpllons of E85 ,s0 (Be0e goiter) (x) + § lo00 = (a700 gallon) $3: Pfau.) \x 2 $3.7 pa gue Shs 2 BS% toe expmie Hew guollte - G2D~, = $dc0,000 per fee Cy = OFbX Anta vevewe, Anne rovewe «Res & 302,000 Me a oveve toO(S sere) a [ $20. &G = 90,000 (Bex) Tobh unt= $8800" He nent a8 miles por gallon He imprened with > 22 miles per aplen Tt mE 2 100,000 ~ile> Cymoline. cate = 94 pr gator For ZRmiloy; ~ gp Rdemily ge — 100,000 wiles x 3 gens geen Scanned with CamScanner Cot of Tien codknig conprnad) ew ase $0,000 miles . = 90-004 por mile Co of Ties files sat, nilegn = 290 = $0 00382 pey mile 6,Stomies On te fous, Tk sg ged cent + Bot recall thot ak tL to toe thing moy ba jr to gine fhe odhoatage » Bias-cepper Mey cashing weigin © a4 Ose Ploahe. . weighe eats Penalty on carlo onlay pownd $6 tay Planbies Molelng Conking price (as&)(§ 238) ota $ 240) $44B00 2883-5 ° Machinieg pace {600 ¢ ovo aig pall Co =) (36) Joo “el “gas ¢ 148-00 Bronco alloy tho be relekad’- Scanned with CamScanner CP ina, A (a) Non-elefechive. vi ag 2 (ist) (Trl) (1-098 I le0-08) = $04 vnisfeay Z months «(3 woke Non -clafechive write oatbs = (13 weak ( § cos) (60° oi (ley) * 33,086 unit > oso: thchias Mon clefeckve. wit dau = (20 ent fir) ( 6) (roasit-ore) = 306 nit (ow Non -clfechin. 274 monty = (8 weeks) Soleg. | )( 528 ontfeloy) = 34,190 units- Bac, mochine with predine, ropa 20,600 pe sect cline tot inienizas corks i i ono minions re rion deficive. onits sina vores, © fy 80,000 mits oey 3 mot is rob affecleck By ehoica of machine, . oodne. f ws Tebeh wort fay = (00 vib) (7 doy )(t-oas)( 46/ont) + Gar t $5lre) (Tsox) 5g 3290 /dloy. Cosh oon defection ($ 2eldag) ( 5A nr. defectte i (a) « 86-46 fant Modhine, 6 = total, wxitldoy = (\Bovnib |b) (6 husldeg) (1-0 95) ( $e fanit) + (S'S + $5/nd(6 brsldoy) = $ 3630/doy: Cottfron.cefeckie = ($8639/day) (426 non-defective onit¥ clo) = $6-40/onits - Machine Ais solectao Scanned with CamScanner Select “Ue, a which minimizes toto cost & § 125200 orth yams @) Derg Av “Tota cort [195,000 units = (1ahi§/ooe omits) ( $1: Go/tN (i050) + (5 bbs fjoo0 onits)(_§ 16-40 faa) (42se0s) = S, SBntes ee #40. 3011/unit - penta iw, cost [195,000 units = CT his/tao unit’)( Stoop) 126,008) + (Thi flags omits )($ 16 4qhyy\(la5s008) = $o-26s4/ontt- Select Dartgn B ©) Savings of Darin 6 oy Design A me; = § 28,43 - $ 33778 u ‘ovo sit) Arnvel souingp (tase ) LO a08- Drago ays tomy - Sy: + (Boduehon vl) (Puckin)( $22fpad) (1+ Ct rejectecl + tested] — (Cercbeligg ) Comdaction tina)($Mfpat)— Gradackon )(4o/hv) Bessy 3+ Profit per dea = (25 pas) (wma) $ 30) —( at) $e/o) a $ a6tol cay, Pood mare pe dag = (Seebg) (Thales )( 4 32,) (-00a)— cs PNG) 34 (pert) — (Tad 4ofnr) Scanned with CamScanner i ) 2§ BSS ey Proos @ shall te choowr to veutmine profit por Sou» ae Me Tomph , Youn aay gals o:6(30-pq) = 94 mpg and ak bo mph, pls 06 ( 30 apg) = IBY Fe etl cot of fel at Gompe tos (G0 bp “0 wile/1opq) ( $ to pon ole) = $200. Fa redid tna fo moka to “ip ot Bomph okout 4S mnindias - 2D nig tho all #0 motak that is cored ig sol: $0, Method 4+ Racoved or = (0:69) Clo0,c00 tons)= 63,000 tors Removal cask = (62020 bont)( 493/fon)= $1 ,4AGrcC00 + = (62,000 fon) $ Yoften) = $3,4%0,00 Proanig eort R $e. ( Boo liy’ )( Gaeam tons) 18 ,6c0p00 Uos- Reserves = — (18, 600,000 Obs) 40-8/0b) = $ 147,280,000 Profit = Revewwts - cost = 914,880.00 — ($14 26,000 + $F BHBo.000 ) = $10,974,000 Mate 2 Recovmed o = (0-S)(100,000 fons) = Sd,000 ou, Renoul cat= (50,000 tons) (#!5/jon) =F T5qe00- Procaming unk = ( $0,000 tons)( # 42/ fon) ~ $3,000,000 Recowiad ovata = (200 0bt/toy)( 50,000) = 15,002,020 Us Scanned with CamScanner ® Rowaes = (15,000,000 tbs) $o.8/ty)= $19,000,020 Profit = Revewes~ cok $ '2,000,000 ~ ( 4 750,02 + $ 2,020,000) $ 9 ASopo0+ Steck Methode 4 (62% recowedl) fo wns fetal peoft fom ta mines OO Scanned with CamScanner

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