FS1 - Jessie

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Republic of the Philippines


Alaminos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
A.Y. 2021-2022

FS 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School

Name of the FS Student: Jessie F. Peralta Jr.
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science
Resource Teacher: Ms. Christy Leal Miremilla Signature__________ Date___________

My Target
At the end of the activity, I will be competent in determining a school that provides social,
psychological, and physical environment supportive to learning.
Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the
column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are Available on the
last column.
Facilities Available Not Description
Office of the The Principal Office are small in space but
Principal things are well organized.

Library Ver-well ventilated, has a great space and

learning materials and resources

Counseling Room The Guidance/Counseling area looks

comfortable to stay and discuss matters.

Canteen/Cafeteria The area is spacious, there are many tables

and the foods are affordable.
Medical Clinic This area is small in space but complete in
resources just like medical kit.

Audio Visual Spacious, there are available equipment’s and

it can use it any time.

Reading Center The space is great and well ventilated.

Speech Laboratory Wide in space, equipment’s are good.

Science Laboratory Verry useful to examine experiment because

apparatus is available.

Gymnasium The gym is wide in space but lack of


Auditorium Well ventilated but small in space.

Home Economics Well, arrange and clean.


Industrial Workshop

PTA Office Very clean and good/wide for space.

Comfort Room This area is clean and good to use and smells
(Boys/Girls) are fresh. Good maintenance.

Others(pls.specify): Very nice, well ventilated and good for doing

Computer Laboratory Microsoft project.

I. Describe the school campus

Name of School Observed: Colegio San Jose De Alaminos
School Address: Poblacion, Alaminos City, Pangasinan
The school is located at the center of the town. It is surrounded with
establishments, churches, auditorium, and in front of Plaza of the City. The
neighborhood is noisy because of the vehicles plying along the streets but the
outside environment of the school is clean and not polluted.
The school campus is extensive and it has 3-storey buildings. Some of them are
quite old but well maintained and some are newly built. I can see different colors
inside the school but most of the buildings are painted in cream. The classrooms
and offices are painted in cool colors.

II. Pass by the offices, what impression do you have these offices?
Whenever I passed by the offices, my impression is good because I noticed
that even the staff are busy, they always smile and have a good attitude. The
offices are well ventilated and organized.
III. Walk through the school halls, look around, what other facilities that the school has?
When I visit the school campus, I see their facility like computer laboratory,
study shed, registrar and finance office, student lodge, and etc. Well, it’s clean
and very organized that the student can clearly see.

An observation guide to classroom visit

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted?

2. Examine the furniture, how it is arranged?
3. What learning materials are present?
4. Observe the students/pupils.
5. Is the room well lighted and ventilated?


Classroom Facilities Description (Location, number, arrangement, condition)
1. Wall Found at the back corner of the room, 1 bulletin
boards, List of Class Officers, and A Picture of saints.
2. Teacher’s 1 computer, visual aids for online class, and other
equipment’s for learning.
3. Learners’ There are Books, modules, and ballpen in the
learner’s deck. The learner’s deck is well-furnished.
4. Blackboard 2 greenboard and there is the list of the attendance of
the students.
5. Learning Chalks, boards, PowerPoint presentation, projector
and video presentation.

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why?

Yes, I would like to teach in the school that I have observed in the
sense that the environment of the school is good. The building is situated
in a good place which provides proper ventilation and better environment.
And since this is my beloved school, I would really love to teach here.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

In my own views and opinion, a certain school can be considered

conducive to learning if it has complete facilities such as standard size
classrooms, shops and laboratories and library. The surroundings are
clean, well-maintained and free from any pollutions.

3. Write your additional insights here.

This subject helps me to learn everything necessary for the students

to become future educators. The ability to observer classroom conditions
will help me to become aware about how to achieve good and effective
school environment and how to provide the learners a classroom that is
conducive to learning.


An effective school environment is one that provides to students the opportunity
to achieve high standards that they can use in their future. A school where student feel
safe and happy; An environment that will promote those values of integrity of creation,
love, peace, hope and God fear are helps the pupils to become good and responsible
citizens, enable them to become involved in their community and become a good family
Each one of us is facing the difficulties in our life nowadays and agonies over studies
but why we are still conscious in choosing our school to study with even in our primary,
secondary and tertiary which is the college level. Even me, I do the same act. Simply
because, we want to achieve the quality education that we are looking for. Quality
education that someday will help us to produce and economically free citizens.
Students today are very lucky unlike of the past generations. They do not even have
their proper education nor have the well-ventilated classroom. I tried to ask myself on
how lucky I am, because today everything is equipped with modern technology.
FS 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School
Name of the FS Student: Jessie F. Peralta Jr.
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science
Resource Teacher: Ms. Christy Leal Miremilla Signature__________ Date___________

My Target
At the end of this activity, I will gain competence in managing time space and resources
to provide environment which is appropriate to the learners and conducive to learning.
Read the following statements carefully. Write your observation report on the space
1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages.
2. How many boys are there? Girls?
3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?
4. Can the learners already work independently?
5. Describe their span of attention.
6. Look into their listening skills and ability to concentrate.

Write your observation report here:

Name of the School: Colegio San Jose De Alaminos

Class Online Observed: Grade 8- HOSEA, ISAIAH, DANIEL
Location of the School: Poblacion, Alaminos, Pangasinan
As I observed the online class, I can see that the learners are hard to get’s
what the topic is, because their connection is poor or maybe the students are not
focus in their study because they play games or scrolling in Facebook/Tiktok.
Sometimes they need additional motivation to keep the attention focused and
avoid doing something in their sets or their computer. Their ages ranges from 14-
16. There are 22 Male and 20 Female in Grade 8- Hosea, 20 Male and 18
Female in Grade 8- Isaiah, 24 Male and 18 Female in Grade 8- Daniel. While in
Grade 9-Corinthians are have 17 Male and 21 Female, and in Grade 9-Galatians
are have 12 Male and 26 Female. In all total, there are 122 learners in Grade 8
and 76 learners in Grade 9. Most of the students are hard to ask questions
because they are not focus in their discussions. But if the teacher warns them,
they can manage their own behaviors in quizzes, I can see some students who
can’t work independently but I know that they’re trying to answer and
understand the quiz. The span of attention is so that you need to make way to
keep the students focused in the class. They can’t concentrate very well because
of some online destruction like noise in the surrounding and the internet problem,
but they’re trying to listen and learn.

My Analysis:
1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s behavior?
-The classroom organization and routines affect the learner behavior
in a sense that it serves as a guide for the students on how to manage
their task and it also serve as a guide for them to change their attitude
because they know that their teacher is monitoring their behavior.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization
and routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?
-The teacher should bare in his mind when he designs the
classroom organization and routine, the effects of those to the learners,
what would be the outcome of those things if it is effective or not. I guess
the theory of John Dewey which is the experimental learning or the
learning by doing. By this theory we can help our students to work or
learn independently, because not all times we have a companion to do our
task, they should learn to face the world independently without depending
to others.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In
motivating? Why were they effective?
-I guess the effective strategy in managing the behavior of the
students is the recitation or the student-centered strategy so that the
students will be attentive to the discussion and will focus their attention to
the lesson, so that if the teacher will ask a question, they will not be afraid
to answer.
My Portfolio
Include here pictures of the classroom you observed. Write descriptions about
what you observed in each photo.
Sometimes we
FS 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School
Name of the FS Student: Jessie F. Peralta Jr.
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science
Resource Teacher: Ms. Christy Leal Miremilla Signature__________ Date___________

My Target
At the end of the activity, I will gain competence in determining, understanding and
accepting the learner’s diverse backgrounds.
An Observation Guide for the Learner’s Characteristics.
Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report on
the space provided next page.
1. Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, racial groups, religious and
ethnic backgrounds.

During Class
1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students interact
with one another and with the teacher. Are there groups that interact more with the
teacher than others?
2. Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do they behave
and interact differently?
3. Describe the relationships among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or
compete with others?
4. Which student participate actively? Which student ask for most help?
5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the classmate
try to help him? Or do they raise their hands so that the teacher will call them instead?
Outside Class
1. How do the students group themselves outside the class? Homogeneously, by age? By
gender? By racial or ethnic? Or are the students in mixed social groupings? If so, describe
the groupings.
2. Describe how the learners interact with each other. What do they talk about?
Name of the School Observe: Colegio San Jose De Alaminos
School Address: Poblacion, Alaminos, Pangasinan
Date of Online Observe: November 26, 2021
As I observed the Grade 8 students handled by Ms. Miremilla by the time I
visited, I noticed the different approaches of interaction by the students to
everyone in the classroom. The students interact respectively and politely, they
use “po” and “opo” when they are talking and asking something to their teacher.
All of them participate in the Online Class. Each of them is called to answer the
questions or do the activity work exercises especially in Science Subject. As I
observed this practice, I found out that there is a boundary to the teacher and
student in a very nice way, because the students knew that they should use
polite words when interacting to their teacher for the main reason that their
attainment in life are far enough. On the other hand, the students interact with
their classmates in a very comfortable manner, very ease and with no
hesitations. There are students or group of students who interact mostly with
their teacher.
While observing the learners who seated at the front and the back, I noticed that
they behave almost the same. They interact actively, during class discussion all
of the learners from the front or back participate, they raise their hands to
answer the teacher’s question and when they want to share their ideas and
insights during the subject matter. This only shows the unity and oneness of
class their uniformity in participating in the class.
The relationship among the learners is very light and jolly. They accept one’s
ideas and thoughts; they do not quarrel on their different point of views and
beliefs but rather accept and understand one another. Students cooperate with
one another especially during group works, each member participate and shares
his or her insights. If there are instances that they compete with one another it is
in a form of a friendly competition. This kind of competition will boost the
student’s eagerness to be competitive with one another and will help in their
learning and developmental process.
Those students who participate actively are those that stand as class leaders,
they are the ones who usually excel in the class and for those who seek the most
for help are those who are at side or corner of the class maybe because they are
far from the board that’s why they ask for more help.

When a student is called and can’t answer the teacher’s question, some of his
classmates try to help him by whispering the correct or right answer and there
are also students who will just raise their hands so that they will the one to be
called. This also shows the unity of the class and their concern to their
classmates which is good because they care for one another.
The students group themselves usually by gender, this is just normal because
the students will choose a group that has their same interests. For example,
there are groups that is all girls because they have the same likes like playing
girly things; there are also group that is all boys because they share same
interests like war craft and action games; and there are also mixed social
groupings, even that they are different gender they still have the same ideals for
example a group who loves to play indoor or outdoor games belong to the same
group, because they share common likes.
Learners interact with each other freely and with no rules to follow they just talk
about what they want without any restrictions. Almost all groups talk about
today’s tending topics like: the latest television sitcoms; computer games; hottest
celebrities and icons; newly upgraded gadgets; and different games they want to

My Analysis
1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the
classroom. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the leader,
mascot, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?

-The main persons who play key roles in the classroom is the
teacher himself or herself and of course the learners. The teacher plays the
role of a facilitator he or she guides and facilitates the learner when doing
their perspective works. There are students who plays to be a class
leader, she is the one whom facilitates and control the noise level and
regulates her classmates when the teacher is not around; there are a lot of
jokers in the class they usually balance the class and make a light
atmosphere when the class gets too boring, they usually crack jokes to
make the class happy; there is also an attention seeker in the class, he
will surely get the attention of the teacher by doing different acts and
some of this acts is not good but still he will do it just to get attention; there
are also little teachers in the class, they teach their other classmates when
some of them didn’t understand the lesson, these students are very caring
and have the heart to help others; there are also doubters or pessimist in
the class who easily gets disappointed and stop working on a certain
activity when they find it very difficult or hard.

2. Are students coming from the minority group accepted or rejected by others? How is this
-Yes. This is shown by making them feel that they belong to the
group even though they belong to a different minority group. Their other
classmates make them join to their group to let them feel that they are

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual
differences of the students?

-The teacher influence greatly in the individual differences of the

students by not having biases. The teacher should treat his or her
students equally so that the students will feel that they are all the same in
the eyes if the teacher.

4. What factors influence the grouping of the learners outside the classroom?

-I think the factors that influence the grouping of learners outside the
classroom is their common interests. Because as an individual you will go
with the group that you’ll feel the sense of belongingness and where you
can share your likes and dislikes because as you join a certain group this
will reflect who you are. And if that’s the case you will be going to the
group that will surely suit your personality and attitude.


1. How did you feel being in the classroom?

-When I’m in the classroom, I already feel that I’m already a

teacher. I also feel the sense of oneness and unity among the learners
because I can see their eagerness to strive hard so that they can learn a
certain topic. And also, the unity among the teacher and the learners
because unity implies uniformity and harmony and the class, I visited
portray this characteristic.

2. In the future, how would you like your learners in the classroom to interact?

In the future, I want my students to interact in a way that they will feel no
tension at all. I want them to express freely what they feel but in a manner
that they will not offend their other classmates. I will make this happen by
briefing them and by letting they know the essence of harmony in the
classroom and making them realize that we will all benefit if we practice
this type of interaction.

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