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According to a recent survey which is conducted to know more about the habit of

using plastic products among Vietnamese , although everyone is aware of the plastic
waste issue that Vietnam has to face, most of them still increase the single-use plastics
in their daily life.

The pie chart shows how often people use plastic. While the proportion of people
using plastic products on their daily basis is largest, at 48,8%, the figure for people
who rarely use plastic to serve their life is significantly lower, at 8,9%. Moreover, the
percentage of people who usually use plastic also takes up the second largest
percentage in the pie chart, accounting for 42,2%.

The bar graph illustrates the awareness of Vietnamese about the damages coming
from the plastic waste problem in Vietnam. It is clear that the preponderance of
people (95,6%) knows about this problem via the Internet. The remaining groups of
people who realize it through social media, acquaintance, and other ways are 78,3 %,
37,8%, and 22,2%, respectively.

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