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Reg. No.


Question Paper Code : X 20070

B.E./B.Tech. Degree Examinations, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020
Sixth Semester
Aeronautical Engineering
AE 6603 – Composite materials and structures
(Regulations 2013)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer all questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)
1. What is the difference between isotropic and anisotropic materials ?
2. What are the properties of matrices ?
3. Mention a few drawbacks and limitations on the use of composite materials.
4. What is the number of independent elastic constants required to characterize the
following class of materials : orthotropic, transversely isotropic, isotropic ?
5. What are hygrothermal stresses ?
6. What are balanced laminates ?
7. Distinguish between creep and creel.
8. What are the desired properties of the matrix material ?
9. List down the materials used for sandwich construction.
10. What are the different failure modes of sandwich construction ?

Part – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) i) Derive and obtain an expression for the transverse modulus of a unidirectional
composite lamina using the mechanics of materials approach. State the
assumption used. (5)
ii) Dimensions of a graphite-epoxy composite test specimen weighing 2.98 g
are 2.54 cm × 2.54 cm × 0.3 cm. After resin-digestion in an acid solution, the
remaining fibers weigh 1.863 g. From independent tests, densities of graphite
and epoxy are 1.9 g/cm3 and 1.2 g/cm3 respectively. Some of the mechanical
properties of constituent materials graphite and epoxy are as follows :
Ef1 = 220 GPa, Ef2 = 13.79 GPa, Em = 3.45 GPa. Determine the volume
fractions of the constituent materials and the longitudinal and transverse
moduli of the given composite. Are the elastic constants E1, G12 and V12 of a
unidirectional composite lamina fiber dominated or matrix dominated ? (8)
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b) i) Classify composite materials according to reinforcement type and write

short notes in each category. (5)
ii) Compare the mechanical properties of glass fibers, carbon fibers and epoxy
resin with conventional metals. Write down the density of each material. (8)

12. a) i) Calculate the ply tensile strength of a composite comprising of graphite

fibres embedded in a IMHS epoxy resin with 60% fibre volume percentage.
Use Table 1 for properties of the fibre and resin. (4)
ii) Consider the transverse elastic modulus of a composite material. Is it
matrix or fibre dominated ? Explain with suitable curves to support your
statement. (4)
iii) State the generalised Hooke’s law for a transversely isotropic material. (5)
Table1 – Typical properties of fibre and resin
S. No. Property Units Graphite Epoxy
1 Axial modulus GPa 230 3.4
2 Transverse modulus GPa 22 3.4
3 Axial Poisson’s ratio – 0.3 0.3
4 Transverse Poisson’s ratio – 0.35 0.3
5 Shear modulus GPa 22 1.308
6 Coefficient of thermal expansion µm/m/ºC –1.3 63
7 Axial tensile strength MPa 2067 72
8 Axial compressive strength MPa 1999 102
9 Transverse tensile strength MPa 77 72
10 Transverse compressive MPa 42 102
11 Shear strength MPa 36 34
12 Specific gravity – 1.8 1.2
b) Discuss the following theories applicable for composite materials :
i) Maximum stress theory.   (4)
ii) Azzi-Tsai-Hill theory. (5)
iii) Tsai-Wu theory. (4)

13. a) Compute [A] matrix for a [0/ ± 45] laminate with the following laminate
properties, E1 = 145 GPa, E2 = 10.5 GPa, V12 = 0.28 and G12 = 7.5 GPa.
Thickness of each lamina is 0.25 mm.
b) Derive the governing differential equation for a laminated unidirectional
anisotropic plate.
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14. a) Explain the various methods of glass fiber manufacturing processes with neat
b) Enumerate in detail about the typical production autoclave with a schematic
diagram. What is the principle of autoclave curing process ?

15. a) Obtain an expression for the flexural modulus of a :

i) Sandwich plate with different face thickness. (6)
ii) Sandwich plate with same face thickness and different material. (7)
b) Explain different failure modes of sandwich panels.

Part – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) An orthotropic lamina has the following properties : Longitudinal modulus = 138 GPa,
transverse modulus = 9 GPa, shear modulus G12 = 6.9 GPa, major Poisson ratio
v12 = 0.3. Fiber orientation angle θ = 30º. How much of uniaxial compressive
stress σx can the lamina withstand (i) to avoid transverse failure using the
maximum strain failure criterion and (ii) using the maximum work failure
criterion ? Longitudinal tensile and compressive strengths are 1448 MPa and
1172 MPa respectively while transverse tensile and compressive strengths are
48.3 MPa and 248 MPa respectively. Lamina shear strength = 62.1 MPa.
b) How are the strain-stress relations for a generally orthotropic lamina written
in terms of cross-coefficients mx and my ? Derive an expression for the cross-
coefficient my and sketch its variation with fiber orientation angle θ.


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