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Max. Marks: 40
Class: XII-A Mathematics-(041)
Time: 90 minutes
Date 23.10.2021 Term-1, SET -2

General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains three sections - A, B and C. Each section is compulsory.
2. Section - A has 20 MCQs, attempt any 16 out of 20.
3. Section- B has 20 MCQs, attempt any 16 out of 20.
4. Section - C has 10 MCQs, attempt any 8 out of 10.
5. There is no negative marking.
6. All questions carry equal marlks.

SI. No
Let Abe a finite set. Let f:A -> A be an onto function. Thenfis
(aone-one (b) many one (c) into (d) None of the these

of equivalence relations on A {1, 2,3}

2. The number
(b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
(a) 2

3. The domain of cos"-4) is

(b) [3, 5]
-V5,-V3] U[V3,V5] (d) none of these

. 4 +2| a
If is symmetric matrix, then X=
A2x -3 x+
(a) 3 (b) 4 (d) 6

5. The value of tan3-cot(3

eX+1 x-1|. 3Then xis

6. "x-3 x+2
(b) 2 (c)-2

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If A is a matrix such that A 6A-9A + I = 0, then A is
1. (a) A -6A2 - 9A (b) 9A +6A2 - A
(c) A2 -6A -9 (d) 6A - A +9I

3. If A is a 2 x 2 matrix such that

.-17 0
A (adj A) =

| .then
0-17 |A|
then A|=

(a) 17 (b) 172 (c)-17 (d) none

Lf A20 and A= h adj A, then is equal to

(b) 6 (c)-
6 6

If A [a b], B--b -a, C , then

(a) A-B (b) AC-CB (c) CA CB =

(d) None of these

If y =e" - e*, then i s
(a) y (b) - (c) (d) y

12. S)=|x, then '(0) is

(a) 3 (b) 2 (d) does not exist

13. 5 5a a
If A =0 a 3a and A=25, then lal =
0 0 5]

(a) 1 (b) (c)5 (d) None of these

Which of the following staterments is correct?

14. (a) Every LPP has atleast one optimal solution.
(b) Every LPP has a unique optimal solution.
(c) If an LPP has 2 optimal solutions, then it has infinitely many solutions.
(d) None of these

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|The slope of the normal to x = a sin' 0 and y=bcos' 0 at 0=is

(a) (b (d)

16. y=e is
(a) strictly increasing on R
(b) strictly decreasing on R
(C) strictly increasing Vx>0
(d) neither increasing nor decreasing

17. The derivative of log,( logx) w.r.t logx is

(b) 2 (c) 0 (d) None of these
(a) 2

A point on y= 2x -x+1 at which the tangent is parallel to y-3x-9 = 0 is

(b) (1,2) (c) (-1,4) (d) None of these

f)=4x+ , x*0 is strictly increasing on

(a)-o,2) (b)

(d) none of these

20. If y=xx, then is

(a) (1+logx) (b) -y(1+ logx)

(c) y(1-log x) (d) None of these


21. The value of tancos is

(a) 2+5 (6)5-2 (c) 5+2 (d) None of these

Page 3 of8
Theprincipal value of cos ossin sinis

(b) : (c)

f:R-{1} >R x+1
is defined by fx) =X-1 then f is

(a) one one

(b) onto
(c) one-one and onto
(d) None of these

24. R is an
equivalence relation on a finite set A havingn
The number of ordered elements
pairs in R is
(a)>n (b) 2n
(c)<n (d) None of these

25. The relation R on a set of real numbers defined by xRy if x-y + N2 is

irational is
(a) reflexive (b) symmetric (c) transitive (d) All of these

If A, then A1S

(a) 20 A (b) 298 A (c) 29 A (d) 2 A

27. If 7 then the values of x and y such that A* -

xl =
yA are
(a)8,-8 (b)-8, 8
(c)-8,-8 (d) 8, 8

28. IfA is symmetric and B is skew symmetric matrices of the same

AB-BA is order, then
(a) Symmetric (b) Skew symmetric
(c) neither symmetric nor skew
symmetric (d) ldentity matrix

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ne corner points of a feasible region deteTmined by the constraints of a L.PP are

(0.), (5.0), (3,4) and (0,5). If zpx qy where p, then the condition on
29. P and q so that maximum of Z occurs at both (3,4) and (0.5) is

(a) p q (b)p 2q (c)P3q (d)q 3pp

30. Which of the following sets 1s convex

(a) t . ) y e
(b).):2x+3y so
(c)(a.y):4sx +y' s 9
(d) None ofthese

31. The point on the curve y=-r +3x* +9x-27 at which the slope ofthe tangent
1 maximum is

(a)2-16) (b) (2,16) (c)(1-16) )(,12)

32. The function f(x) =- (x-1) + 10 has

(a) maximum value 10 and minimum value 0

b) No maximum value and minimum value 10
(c) no maximum or minimum value

(d) maximum value is 10 and no minimum value

33. The angle between y' =x and x' = y at (1, 1) is

(6) (c) tan 4

(d) tan 43

34. fx) =
tan"(sin x + cosx) x>0 is strictly increasing on

(6) 2 ()0

35. dx
If x =a (26-sin 20) and y = a(1- cos 20), then at =is

(b) v3 (c) (d) None


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36. The function
f)= |3-x+ 3+x is
)continuous and differentiable at
(b) continuous but not differentiable x =3
at x=3
(c) differentiable but not continuous at
x =3
(d) neither continuous nor
differentiable at x=3

The value of K for which 2-2 X

is continuous at
K =0
x=0 is
(a) 0 (6) log 2 (c) 2 log 2 (d) 2e

If y=-5 -2
10 4 65
thenx+y-:} is
(a) 1 (b)-1 (c) 32 (d) 0

39. sin
If A =sin sine and 0e 0, 27
1 -sin
then A is
(a) 0 (b) e (2,co (c) e (0,4) (d) e 2.4]

and B= and A =XB, then the matrix Xis

2 2

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41. It P is a
non-singular matrix and A is any square matrix then PAP 1S equal to
(a) 1
(b)P (c)4 (d) P

42. Let f be differentiable function vx>0 and f(x*) 4x"

a =
, x>0.
Then f' (8) is

) (C) 1ov2
(d) None of these

43. The absolute max and absolute min values of f(x) = sin r+cos r on (0,7] are respectively.
(a) 2,-2 (b) 2,1 (c)2-1 (d) None of these

44. Consider the LPP:

Minimize z = 6x + 10y

Subject to S6, ys2, 2x+ y2 10, x.y 20

The redundant constraints are
(a) x20, y20 (b) xS6, ys2
(c) 2x+ y 2 10 (d) None of these

45. The pointat which the maximum value of z=x+y occurssubject to,
x+2y s 70, 2x + y s 95, x,y20 is
(a) (30, 25) (b) (20, 35) (c) 35, 20) (d) (40, 15)

A tank with rectangular base and rectangular sides, open at the top, is to be constructedsothat
its depth is 2 m and volume is 9 m'. Building the tank costs 70 per square metre for the base
and 45 per square metre for sides.

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46) The cost of constructing the sides is

(a) 180 (x+y) (b) 90(x+y) (c) 45(x+y) (d) None of these

47) The total cost function T(x) is given by

(a) 180r+20
(6) 315+180r+ 810
(c) 280+ (d) None

48) T(x) is minimum when x

(6) (c) 2 (d) None of these

49) The minimum total cost in Rs is

(a) 100 (b) 500 (c) 1000 (d) None

50) The values of x, y for the least expensive tank are

5 (b
3 3 9
(d) None of these

*** Good Luck ****

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