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Park Road branch has been one of the prestigious branches in the region and has been doing well
on all business fronts, be it achieving advances budget, deposits budget, crosslink target. Recently,
Thapur branch manager of corporate branch was facilitated in a P-review meeting by CMC members
for the excellent performance in all business parameters.
Karan recently reported as service manager of Park Road branch. Karan is an enthusiastic officer
with the focus on customer orientation. Just before, reporting at the branch, Ratan, chief manager
(CS) at RBO briefed Karan about the branch. Ratan told that in recent times lot many complaints
have been received from the customers of the branch. An analysis of the complaints shows
lacklustre approach from the dealing officials at the branch that led to the increasing number of
complaints. Ratan asked Karan to have a proper control on this vital area and expressed confidence
that Karan would be able to turn complaints into compliments.
Karan took stock of the situation. He had gone through the complaints register. He segregated the
complaints into different segments based on the nature of complaint. He observed that 50% of the
complaints related to transfer for accounts. Karan held a meeting with single window operators
dealing with these kinds of requests from the customers. Karan understood that there were
knowledge gaps in dealing officials. He wanted to educate them and make the branch complaint
free branch.
Based on the above, please answer the following questions.

1.Dilip said that he received a transfer request where the account was with a branch at a different
centre. Which among the following is not a correct step in the process flow?
a. Verification of the contents of application with information available in CBS
b. Account holder’s current address at the

c. Hard copy of the account transfer request to be sent by transferee branch to

the transferrer branch by registered post
d. in case of the transfer of accounts where KYC non-compliant accounts the customer should be
asked to make it KYC compliant before transfer as CBS does not permit transfer of non-KYC

2. Sankar needs guidance as regards the process flow if transfer request for account transfer is
submitted at the transfer branch which among the following is not a correct step in the process flow?
a. branches should obtain address for communication at transferee place from the customer by way
of Self-declaration.
b. branch will immediately check that sufficient balance is available in account for recovery of service
c. mode of operation and signature has to be verified carefully to ensure that the request is in order

d. at least one of the account holders has to sign the account transfer request
in case of jointly held accounts
3. Dilip, SWO mentioned that a transfer request for an account had been pending with him. As the
account was in inoperative state he was apprehended and needed guidance which among the
following is the right approach in this regard?
a. Inoperative accounts should be made operative before it's the transfer to the transferee branch

b. inoperative accounts should be made operative immediately on it's a transfer

to the transaction
c. inoperative accounts cannot be transferred, and they need to be closed customers may be
requested to open a fresh account at the new place
d. Inoperative accounts can be transferred with the prior approval of controllers.

4.Sankar, SWO mentioned that Radha, one of the longstanding customers of the branch applied for
transfer of her account to Gandhi Nagar Branch, Kakinada, where she would like to stay for the rest
of her life. Sankar was confused as regards KYC verification of Radha on account of the transfer
request. Karan said that branch need not insist on KYC verification at the time of receipt of account
transfer request subject to fulfillment of certain conditions. Which among the following is incorrect in
this regard?
A. Full KYC verification has already been done for the account concerned.
b. KYC is not due for periodic updations
c. OVD given for address is not undergoing a change

d. It is mandatory to obtain fresh KYC in this case as Radha is moving to a

different place permanently

5.Which among the following is incorrect as regards the receipt of application for transfer of accounts
from one branch to another branch?
a. Application has to be obtained in standard format
b. An acknowledgement has to be provided by the branch while receiving the request for transfer of
an account
c. A customer can submit request for transfer of account at the transferor or transferee branch

d. A customer can submit request for transfer of accounts at the transferor

branch only.

Ashoknagar Branch is in posh residential locality of Vijayawada. Personal segment business forms
the major chunk. Mr. Damodar reported at the branch as service manager. Mr. Damodar joined the
bank as an assistant for years back and promoted recently. He is devoted and service oriented. The
customers are witnessing improvement in the customer service. Mr. Bharat, branch manager is
happy with Mr. Damodar
Mr. Bharat called Mr. Damodar one evening and handed over a lace file containing some
applications received from the legal heirs of the diseased constituents. Mr. Bharat informed that
these were pending with him for the last few days and asked Mr. Damodar to process these files at
the earliest. He also advised the service manager to seek guidance from him from time to time and
not to hesitate. Mr. Damodar opened the lace file and found the following three applications.
1. Mr. Ritesh, son of Mr. Rupesh applied for settlement of a balance lying in the Savings Bank
account of Mr. Rupesh. Mr. Rupesh expired recently and nominated Mr. Ritesh as his sole
nominee. The balance in the account is Rs.6 lakhs. Mr. Ritesh is a practicing advocate.
2. Mr. Venkatesh and Mrs. Padmavati were maintaining a fixed deposit in joint names with E or
S clause. Both expired due to Covid-19. Mr. Rajesh applied for settlement of the account.
The TDR was for Rs.3 lakhs and the notional interest works out to be Rs.1 lakh. The
certificate issued by the revenue authorities mentions Mr. Rajesh and Mr. Somesh as the
legal heirs. Mr. Somesh works in Indian army and presently posted in J&K and he executed
letter of disclaimer.
3. Mrs. Rupali, daughter of Mr. Rajasekhar, applied for the settlement of balances lying in the
Savings Bank account of Mr. Rajasekhar. Mr. Rajasekhar worked as chief engineer in the
state irrigation department and had a daughter and a son. Rajasekhar’s son and wife
predeceased him. Mr. Kiran, the grandson son (son’s son) of Rajasekhar is working as a
software engineer at Bangalore.
Mr. Damodar is struck with some knowledge gaps. Assume the role of Mr. Bharat and please
guide Mr. Damodar in processing these applications

1.From the bank records it is found that Mrs. Rupali is the nominee of Mr. Rajasekhar’s account. Mr.
Damodar received a legal notice from Mr. Kiran to stop the payment to Mrs. Rupali. Guide Mr.
Damodar in processing this application.
Mr. Damodar can ignore the legal notice and can go ahead with the payment to Mrs. Rupali
Mr. Damodar cannot pay the amount to Mrs. Rupali and has to stop the payment.
Mr. Damodar can pay the amount to Mrs. Rupali only after obtaining a
stamped letter of indemnity.
Mr. Damodar can pay the amount to Mrs. Rupali only after obtaining a stamped letter of
indemnity and an affidavit before Judicial magistrate or notary public.

2.Advise Mr. Damodar, who among the following cannot sign the declaration in the Revised Claim
Format regarding the legal heirs of Mr. Venkatesh and Mrs. Padmavathi.

Mr. Ram, the maternal uncle of Mr. Rajesh.

Mr. Hanuma, a family friend
Mr. Iqbal, account holder of the branch and colleague of Mrs. Padmavathi
Mr. Samson, Income tax officer whose accounts are with the branch

3.Mr. Damodar is processing the request of Mr. Ritesh (that is settlement of Mr. Rupesh’s savings
bank account). One of the following statements is wrong. Pickup that statement and help Mr.
The application must be in the prescribed form.
The nomination must be registered in the name of Mr. Ritesh in the bank records.
Ritesh must submit KYC documents.
Witness/es to be obtained on the prescribed format.
4.Mr. Damodar, is now perplexed as to who are eligible legal heirs for settlement of Mr. Rajasekhar’s
account? Help Mr. Damodar by picking the correct choice of legal heirs who qualify for receiving the
amount lying in the account of Mr. Rajasekhar.
Only Mrs. Rupali as she is the only surviving daughter of Mr. Rajasekhar
Mrs. Rupali and Mr. Kiran both are eligible, as they are legal heirs of Mr.
Only Mr. Kiran is eligible as he is the son of Rajasekhar’s predeceased son
75% of the settled amount goes to Mrs. Rupali (first line of descendants) and 25% of the
settled amount goes to Mr. Kiran (second line of descendants)

5.Mr. Damodar is perusing the documents submitted by the legal heirs of Mr. Venkatesh for
settlement of TDR. Which of the following documents is not in proper and need not be obtained?
Death certificate issued by local sarpanch which was duly countersigned by the Block
development officer/Tahsildar.
KYC of the Rajesh and Somesh
Revised claim format signed by Mr. Rajesh and Mr. Somesh and the
declaration in this form by Mr. Ganga ram, an account holder of the branch
who knows Mr. Rajesh
Stamped letter of indemnity signed by Mr. Rajesh

One fine morning, after taking stock of Branch situation and streamlining the crowd, which was a
daily affair in Rushpur branch, Shailendra, The BM sat in the chamber and was drinking water, when
he heard a knock and a request “May I come in Sir”?
“Yes, please’, said Shailendra and became alert.
“Good morning. My name is Gautam, and I am a change leader at LHO. Your branch is identified
for QMS under project CEEP”, said the stranger. Shailendra asked Gautam to sit down and asked
the peon outside to serve water and tea.
Gautam advised that along with two other Branches, Rushpur is identified for installation of
QMS(Token System) and he 9Gautam) has been asked to do a survey of all the three branches to
draw an implementation schedule. He further advised that he had already surveyed remaining two
branches yesterday. Since only two QMS system can be installed now as per schedule, hence
wanted to finalize the name of two branches which require such a system immediately.
Shailendra was very happy as he used to face uncontrollable crowds specially during pension
payment days, as the branch was having almost 4000 pensioner’s account. Many a time, he found
very difficult to have a separate counter for them, despite frequent requests received for the same
He started narrating the situation of the branch, type of services available in the branch, staff
strength and counter allocation to Gautam, which he jotted down.
Shailendra although have heard about project CEEP but was not aware about the functioning of
QMS for crowd management. At the end of deliberations, he had many queries like, who will provide
token to customer? Where customers will go after getting token? How can we distinguish between
HNI and normal customer? Can we make waiting time shorter for pensioners? Etc. Gautam
answered each question patiently and advised him to convene a meeting to make all staff members
aware about the system.
1.What is the new name of Grahak Mitra?

Customer support Executive

Single window support
Crowd Manager
Customer Assistant

2.Is there any method assisted by QMS to re allocate/re assign staff duty on counters?
No such facility available, it all depends upon service manager / manager(operations) /
Branch manager’s prudence
Yes, by taking out daily footfall report from Que management system one
can decide on number of counters to be deployed
By restricting number of tokens to be issued, we can restrict crowd and then no need of more
A centralized report can be requested to ITS, LHO for number of withdrawals per day to
decide on number of counters

3.How can QMS distinguish between pensioners and normal customer to be served differently?

Yes, if a senior citizen token is provided to a pensioner customer, the

waiting time can be reduced for them, as this token has precedence over
normal token
System has capability to allocate a special dedicated counter for such token holders
System has precedence of withdrawal token over deposit / other token and mostly pensioners
come for withdrawal, hence the waiting time is reduced
Such senior Citizen token is generated in first week of the month, hence it has precedence
over other tokens

4.How many broad categories of services are there in QMS under Project CEEP, now?

5.What token can be given to an HNI customer?

Red coloured token
Priority token
HNI token
Token numbers having prefix as ‘A’
Harish was working in a reputed company in Kashipur. He had his salary account as well as all other
deposits with the Ratan Nagar branch of SBI, for more than 5 years. Ahe also started taking his
pension from the same branch after retirement. He was very satisfied with the services provided by
the Ratan Nagar branch.
One day Mr. Harish visited the branch and contacted Mr. Satish, the service manager to break his
fixed deposits as he was in the need of urgent money for the operation of his wife who was
hospitalized due to a heart attack. Mr. Satish advised him to take a loan against the deposits in place
of premature withdrawal. But harish was in a hurry and refused the offer suggested by the branch.
Mr. Satish was aware that Mr. Harish is maintaining his pension account with the branch and his
PPO is with the bank. Hence, he checked whether he is eligible for the pre-approved pension loan
(PAPNL) through YONO.
The BM of the branch had already downloaded the list of YONO PAPNL eligible customers of the
branch from the analytics dashboard and handed it over to Mr. Satish. Mr. Satish after checking the
list informed Mr. Harish that he is eligible for a pre-approved pension loan (PAPNL) of Rs.2.00 lakhs
which can be applied online after downloading YONO app and the amount will be credited instantly
to his account. Mr. Harish was very happy, and he immediately followed the steps and got the
amount credited in his pension account.

1.Maximum loan amount under PAPNL is how many times of the Net Monthly Pension(NMP)?
24 times of NMP
18 times of NMP
12 times of NMP
36 times of NMP

2.What is the maximum loan that can be sanctioned under PAPNL through YONO?
5.00 lakhs
3.00 lakhs
2.50 lakhs
2.00 lakhs

3.What is the maximum age of the pensioner by which the loan under PAPNL must be repaid?

70 years
76 years
72 years
74 years

4.What is the minimum loan that can be sanctioned under PAPNL through YONO?
5.What is the validity period of the offer for PAPNL through YONO?
The valid period is end of the month in which customers are offered the loan
The offer is valid till the end of calendar quarter in which customers are
offered the loan
The offer is valid till end of the financial year in which customers are offered the loan
The offer is valid till the customer avails the loan

Rakesh Seth, a customer of High court branch, Prayagraj was extremely annoyed as his multiple
attempts to transfer Rs.10000/- to his sister’s account in Lucknow did not yield any result as the
transaction was being blocked by a hold of Rs.5000/- which was put on his account without his
knowledge. He also wanted to know about his previous request made to the branch for change of
nomination in his account which was yet to be done even after a lapse of 2 weeks. However, due to
lock down in the city, it was not possible for him to go to the branch to get his issues resolved. He
called the BM of the branch who requested him to contact the service manager as he was not well.
He called the service manager on the number provided by the BM but was not able to connect as
his number was constantly busy.
Shri Seth then recalled that every bank has a customer grievances redressal policy according to
which the grievances of the customers are addressed. He started looking for the same on SBI’s
website and soon found it in the documents section of the website. He took a printout of the policy
and read it thoroughly to know more about how SBI redresses its customer grievances. After going
through the policy document, shri Seth found that there was nothing to panic, and he could make
use of several channels available as per SBI’s customer grievance redressal policy to resolve his
issue. He was now ready to lodge his complaint using the fastest available channel.
On the basis of the above information, please answer the following questions:

1.If Shri Seth is not all satisfied with the resolution of his grievances, he may contact
▪ GM (NW) at LHO
▪ Customer Service Department at LHO
▪ Customer Service Department at Corporate Centre
▪ Any one of the above

2.In case of technology related grievances, shri Seth should contact the bank on toll free
helpline number

▪ 1800-425-3800
▪ 1800-112-222
▪ 080-26599990
▪ Any one of the above
3.If shri Seth’s grievances are not resolved by the appropriate authority at the branch, he
▪ Escalate the matter to the LHO concerned
▪ Demand the complaint book and lodge a written complaint
▪ Escalate the matter to the RBO concerned
▪ Any one of the above

4.As per the customer grievances redressal policy of the bank, in case of grievances related
to branch transactions, the customers may approach
▪ The service manager
▪ The branch manager
▪ Customer relations executive
▪ Any one of the above

5.Under what category the grievances of shri Seth can be placed?

▪ Branch related only

▪ Technology related only
▪ Both branch and technology related
▪ None of the above

Ankit one of the HNI customers approached Anil, BM of Anand branch, where he maintained his
deposit accounts. Ankit does all his transactions through alternate channels, occasionally visits
branch for a routine meeting with Anil. Ankit helps the branch in introducing his friends / HNI
customers to the branch, who would be supporting the branch in the form of placing their deposits
with the branch.
One day Ankit informed Anil that a some of his friends whom he had introduced to the branch were
complaining about the branch. Anil wanted to know the issues by calling for a customer relations
programme. Most of the complaints related to non-receipt of SMS alerts. Anil assure them of quick
resolution of the complaints. He discussed the issues with Ankali, service manager and wanted to
have a feedback from all staff members so that the issue can be resolved, and image of the branch
Based on the above, please answer the following questions.

1.At present, transaction related SMS alerts are being sent to customers for certain category of
transactions. Which among the following is an incorrect option?
▪ CBS trasnctions (As per transaction threshold limits)
▪ All ATM transactions
▪ OTP for all ‘card not present’ (CNP) transactions done online using Debit card
▪ All CBS transactions irrespective of threshold limit
2.If customer having NRE/NRO account is not receiving OTP for online debit card transactions, or
SMS alerts for CBS transactions, on his international mobile number, which among is the resolution
in this regard?

▪ Branch should check the mobile number and country code in CBS. If
country code or mobile number is incorrect or not available, then it needs
to be rectified in CBS
▪ Branch should check the mobile number, if mobile number is incorrect or not available, thenit
needs to be rectified in CBS
▪ Branch should check the country code in CBS, if country code is incorrect or not available,
then it needs to be rectified in CBS
▪ Branch should take up with Global NRI center (GNC) for a resolution. If GNC could not help,
branch needs to take up GMU, Kolkata.

3.Mobile Number available in CBS (CIF level) will be helpful for sending SMS alerts for certain type
of transactions. Which among the following is incorrect as regards sending SMS alerts?
▪ CBS transactions
▪ ATM transactions
▪ OTP for CNP transactions
▪ For INB transactions, Mobile number in CBS is taken which can’t be
modified subsequently

4.For sending SMS alerts for INB transactions or OTP for INB transactions, which among the
following statements is correct?

▪ Mobile number for INB transaction alerts can be different from mobile
number available in CBS
▪ Mobile number for INB transaction alerts will be the mobile number available in CBS always
▪ Mobile number available as in Aadhar card
▪ Mobile number available in CBS (account level)

5.There are some root causes of non-receipt of SMS alerts, which among the following is not among
▪ Non-registration of mobile number in CBS
▪ Wrong SMS settings in CBS and incorrect threshold values
▪ Non-delivery of SMS alerts due to network and other technical issues despite generation
▪ Non-delivery of SMS alerts due to branch CBS issues
Vijaynagar branch received a complaint of fraudulent transaction from Rakesh. Rakesh alleged that
his account was debited twice through ATM withdrawals, but he has not withdrawn money from
ATM. Service manager verified the transactions and told Rakesh that onsite ATM of branch was
used for the transaction. Rakesh stressed that on date of withdrawal, he gone to Hyderabad for
attending one marriage. After listening to Rakesh, service manager immediately sent a message to
Nodal Officer at LHO through email to help with CCTV/DVSS footage. Service manager
acknowledged Rakesh’s complaint and explained that the reversal process may take up to 30 days.
The bank will have to check CCTV/DVSS footage to ensure that the transaction is a fraudulent one.
Meanwhile, service manager suggested Rakesh to immediately block the card and apply for a fresh
card which Rakesh consented.

1.The competent authority for approving the restoration of amount based on SOP committee
decision would be not below the rank of
▪ Regional manager
▪ Deputy General Manager
▪ General Manager (Network)
▪ Chief General Manager

2.Who would be members of SOP committee to determine whether the transaction can be classified
as fraud?
▪ AGM (Fraud Monitoring Cell)
▪ AGM (ATM Operations)
▪ AGM (Customer Service)
▪ All of the above officials

3.As per Consumer Protection – Limited Liability of customers in unauthorized electronic banking
transaction, Bank has to resolve complaint and establish liability of customer within ____ from date
of receipt of complaint
▪ 15 days
▪ 30 days
▪ 60 days
▪ 90 days

4.Once complaint is settled as per SOP nd amount is paid to the customer, a claim should be made
to ____ for the loss amount.
▪ Reserve bank of India
▪ Banking Ombudsman
▪ Internal Ombudsman
▪ Insurance company
5.The cases where the Bank rejects customer’s claim either fully or partly needs to be referred to
▪ Chief General Manager
▪ Consumer Forum
▪ Internal Ombudsman
▪ Banking Ombudsman

Mrs. Shanti handed over to the staff, a fixed deposit receipt for Rs.5 lakhs for credit in her SB account
and said, “Please see the same is credit without delay. I am looking for a house and I may need
funds anytime”. The service manager said, Sure madam, I will credit the proceeds in your account.
So have you finalized the house?” Mrs Shanti replied, “Well its almost final. I am planning to buy a
duplex in Sage City and talks are at final stage. "Madam in case you need any financial assistance,
we have our home loan product for you Service manager told Mrs Shanti. However, the service
manager forgot to credit proceeds of fixed deposit in Mrs Shanti's account and consequently the
cheque was returned for the reason "insufficient funds. Infuriated, Mrs Shanti proceeded against the
Bank tor deficiency of service. The District Commission ordered a monetary penalty on the Bank.
Dissatisfied with the amount of penalty, she intended to prefer appeal against the order of the District

1.Under Consumer Protection Act, 2019, we can lodge complaint before District Commission
a. where the value of the goods or services paid as consideration does not exceed one lakh
b. where the value of the goods or services paid as consideration does not exceed ten lakh rupees
c. where the value of the goods or services paid as consideration does not exceed fifty lakhs
d. where the value of the goods or services paid as consideration does not
exceed one crore rupees

2.Mrs Shanti intended to prefer appeal against the order of the District Commission. Mrs. Shanti
needs to approach __________________ for filing appeal.
a. Honourable District Court
b. Honourable Hight Court
c. State Commission
d. Honourable Supreme Court

3.Under Consumer Protection Act, the limitation period for filing a complaint is__________ from
the date of cause of action
a. one month
b. six months
c. one year
d. two years
4.Under Consumer Protection Act, 2019, consumers have been given certain rights. Which of the
following is not one of the rights mentioned in the Act?
a. The right to be protected against the marketing of goods, products or services which are
hazardous to life and property
b. The right to be heard and to be assured that consumer's interests will receive due consideration
at appropriate fora
c. The right to compensation in commercial transactions
d. The right to consumer awareness

5.Any person aggrieved by an order made by the District Commission may prefer an appeal against
such order on the grounds of facts or law within a period of _____ from the date of the order
a. Fifteen days
b. Thirty days
c. Forty-five days
d. Ninety days

Harendra a scale III officer is the Branch Manager of Gherabari branch situated in a semi-urban
area. In the core area of deposits and advances, branch has consistently been displaying a
reasonable growth. Harendra, however, was not familiar with the new digital initiatives and
depended on his tech-stars for promoting the same. His tech-star team was dedicated and actively
promoted facilities like RINB, CINB, YONO, YONO Lite, UPI based APPs to its customers and had
decent figures to show. In the area of Merchant Acquiring Business, branch was a little laggard,
although the area had a lot of shops and small businesses and products like POS machines, BHIM
Aadhaar Pay, Bharat QR could be marketed. The targets given to the branch for these products
were also reasonable, but the Branch was not able to make any head way primarily because of lack
of knowledge and confidence about these products. In a limited manner Harendra tried to market
Bank's products to merchants who visited the branch but was put off with remarks like.

Who will bear the cost of transaction i.e. MDR?

Each transaction takes a lot of time.
Credit is received late.
How will be reconcile the credits in the accounts and the transactions.
Whom to contact if there is any issue with the machines / reconciliation etc.

Fortunately for Harendra, a new Service Manager Shambhu, reported to the branch. He had come
to the town on Inter Circle Transfer and was a desk officer for digital products in his earlier posting.
During the preliminary discussions with Shambhu, Harendra laid down his action plan for acquiring
Merchants. shambhu was happy to part of the plan. Together they called a group of merchants tor
a meeting on Wednesday, the day shops in that area had their weekly holiday. To avoid, burdening
the merchants with too many products, Shambhu explained to them the basis of POS machines and
Bharat QR code. He began with the advantages:
No fear of forged notes, no cash shortages, no cash exchange losses. More business to the shop.
He explained the steps involved in installing the systems, the transaction process, the process tor
credit to the account and also for redressal of complaints. As he finished the presentation and
opened the floor for questions, he was flooded with questions like We have seen POS machines,
but what is Bharat s make payment? When will the amount be credited to our account and what if
there are any issues? How
different is Bharat QR from POS? Where will we get report of the transactions As Shambhu patiently
answered each one of the merchant's questions, slowly, some of the merchants saw merit in the
proposal. 45 merchants immediately signed up. Harendra felt
relieved and resolved to push the digital initiatives on a regular basis:

1. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about accepting payments through BHARAT QR code?
a. Merchants can accept payments directly to their accounts - No need to spend time to deposit
cash into their account.
b. No physical charge-slip is generated and hence merchant can avoid the
cumbersome work of keeping record of charge slips
c. Merchant registers with NPCI for installation of BHARAT QR and thus is linked to the more than
150 banks under its umbrella
d. Escape from hassles of receiving payments in cash No risk of forged notes

2. Merchant gets the status of each transaction and also the reports of transactions undertaken
through Bharat QR through.…..
a. After completion of transaction, all transactions will reflect in the
"Transaction History Section of the APP. It will also be visible in the Bank
account statement and can be reconciled
b. Merchants can login to the NPCI site with their credentials and access their transaction
statement for the period sought for by them.
c. The dedicated BHARAT QR site on displays merchant wise details of transaction
undertaken daily. This statement is available upto a week and can be accessed by the merchant
d. Card companies such as VISA, Mastercard, Rupay and AMEX send a daily report of
transactions made on their cards through the BHARAT QR platform. This is sent merchant wise to
the respective merchants

3. In respect of Bharat QR, customer makes payment by….

a. Merchant sends the details of payment through the Bharat QR portal to the customer's mobile
number Customer accepts the request and authenticates with a 5 digit Bharat QR pin. Both
receive confirmation of success of transaction
b. Customer opens Bharat QR app in his mobile using credentials and scans
the QR code displayed at the billing counter or key in the numeric merchant
ID. Customer enters the amount and makes payment. Both customer and the
merchant get notifications on their APPs
c. Merchant scans the customer's NFC card on the Bharat QR visual placed on a TAB. Merchant
enters the amount of transaction.
Customer authenticates with his card pin
d. Merchant sends a pull transaction with his QR code and amount to the customer's mobile.
Customer authenticates with his UPI Pin. Both get notifications on their mobiles
4. Is there any difference in the process of credit of transaction amount to the merchant's account
in respect of transactions undertaken on a POS machine and transactions undertaken through
a. There is no difference in the manner of credit of transactions to the merchant's account. In both
POS and BHARAT QR, merchant has to settle the transactions at the end of the day. Credit is
received 2 days after the settlement
b. Merchant logs on to the NPcl portal and attaches the report of Bharat QR transactions on the
portal. NPCi does the clearing and settlement of transactions the next day and net credit is sent to
banks. Banks credit the individual accounts of customers at the end of the day.
c. In case of transactions on a POS machine, merchant needs to settle the
transaction on the POS terminal to get credit on the date next of settlement.
However, in BHARAT QR, settlement is not required and Merchant gets credit
on T+1 basis
d. In respect of BHARAT QR transactions, the report on days transaction is emailed to HITACHI,
our service provider for credit of amount to the merchant's account. In respect of POS machines,
email is sent to MAB department at LHO who consolidate and send ft to MAB Corporate Centre for
credit of individual amounts.

New Delhi: Apex consumer commission NCDRC has directed SBI to pay Rs.5 lakh as compensation
to a customer for failing to return him the title deeds of his property which was deposited with the
bank against a loan. A Kolkata resident Amitesh Mazumder had taken a loan of Rs.13.5 lakh from
SBI against the title deed of the property which was not returned to him even after repaying the loan
amount in full. Mr. Amol Mazumder, a farmer has approached our Guntupalle branch in west Bengal
State for establishing a dairy unit. The branch manager and the field officer had insisted for a
SARFAESI complaint collateral security for sanction of the loan for Rs.15 lakhs. Accordingly, Mr.
Amol Mazumder has offered his residential house property worth Rs.50 lacs as collateral security
and availed Dairy loan in the year 2013. The borrower has promptly repaid the loan amount of Rs.15
lakhs in 60 monthly instalments even under adverse agro climatic conditions. The loan was
completely liquidated by March 2018 and the borrower has requested for release of the original title
deeds. The FO, in-charge of advance section after searching for the documents said that the title
deeds were not traceable and advised him to meet the BM for his intervention. In between 2013 to
2018, two FO’s were changed and the BM(s) were changed thrice. The present BM and FO said
that the earlier people have not handed over the original title deeds and as such we cannot arrange
for the same. As the borrower is planning to sell the house property mortgaged with the bank, he
repeatedly requested the Branch officials to trace out the original title deeds in May 2018. The bank
authorities on 15.06.2018, finally confirmed that the original title deeds were along with the loan
documents are not traceable and they gave a letter to that extent advising the borrower to obtain
certified copies of the lost documents from the SRO. In the letter issued to the borrower, the bank
admitted that the loan had been completely paid, but the title deeds were not traceable. The
borrower has approached the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) and
the commission observed that without the title deed, the customer would not get the true market
value of the property nor will any bank give him a loan in the future. Further, the commission stated
that “no one in the market will agree to purchase an immovable property on payment of its prevailing
market value if he knows that the original title deed of the property will not be delivered to him by
the seller. “If the complainant decides to take a loan against the property, he will not be able to get
a ready lender in the market unless the title deeds of the property are deposited. In fact, even a
bank may be unwilling to give a loan against an immovable property unless the title deeds of the
property are deposited with it. The commission upheld the order of the West Bengal State consumer
commission which had directed our bank to pay Rs.5 lakh compensation and litigation cost of
Rs.30000 to Mr. Muzumder.

1.The bank has adopted the principles of “Lenders’ liability”. In terms of guidelines for “lenders’
liability’ and the “code of Bank’s commitment to customers” adopted by the Bank, the Bank would
return to the borrowers all the securities / documents / title deeds of the mortgaged property within
___ of repayment of all dues agreed to or contracted, subject to any other right/lien/claim by the
bank till the relevant claim is settled / paid.
a. On the same day

b. 15 days
c. 30 days
d. 7 days

2.the District Commission, the State Commission or the National Commission shall not admit a
complaint unless it is filed within ____ from the date on which the cause of action has arisen.
a. One year

b. Two years
c. 30 days
d. 7 days

3.Please choose the correct answer from the following options. (i) Any person aggrieved by an order
made by the District commission may prefer an appeal against such order to the State commission
on the grounds of facts or law within a period of forty-five days from the date of the order, in such
form and manner, as may be prescribed, (ii) The State commission may entertain an appeal after
the expiry of the said period of forty-five days, if it is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for not
filing it within that period, (iii) No appeal by a person, who is required to pay any amount in terms of
an order of the District commission, shall be entertained by the State commission unless the
appellant has deposited fifty percent of that amount in the manner as may be prescribed, (iv) No
appeal shall lie from any order passed by the District commission pursuant to a settlement by

a. i, ii & iii are true

b. i, iii & iv are true
c. i, ii, iii & iv are true
d. i & ii are true
4.Notwithstanding anything contained in the code of criminal procedure, 1973, the District
commission, the State commission, or the national commission, as the case may be, shall have the
power of ___ for the trial of offences.

a. Judicial Magistrate of first class

b. Judicial Magistrate of second class
c. Judge of a supreme court
d. the chief justice of India

5.Please choose the incorrect from the following:

a. As per the “lenders’ liability” and the “code of Bank’s commitment to customers” adopted by the
Bank, if any right to set off is to be exercised for any other claim, Bank shall give due notice with full
particulars about the other claims and retain the securities / documents / title to mortgaged property
till the relevant claim is settled / paid.
b. In the event of loss of title deeds to mortgaged property at the hands of the Banks, the
compensation will cover out of pocket expenses for obtaining duplicate documents on actual basis
to a ceiling of Rs.5000/- plus a lump sum amount, as decided by the Bank.
c. “The bank would pay the compensation for delay in return of securities / documents / title deeds
of the mortgaged property beyond 15 days of repayment of all dues agreed to or contracted, subject
to above conditions, @Rs.100/- per day (maximum Rs.5000/-) to the borrower”.

d. none of the above.

Singur branch was one of the prestigious branches in the region. It had a staff compliment of 25
employees. Many of the senior employees, who belonged to Singur did not opt for promotions and
remained as SWOs. Singur was a performing branch with a lot of personal segment business with
high profile customers contributing to the business of the branch substantially. Of late, the branch
had been catching the attention of circle authorities, as there were a number of complaints against
staff members on account of misbehaviour with customers.
Abhiram, BM was discussing the issue with Abraham, service manager and both of them wanted to
convene a customer relationship programme(CRP), wherein they thought they could get an idea as
to the grievances of the customers so that corrective actions could be initiated.
Abhiram convened a customer service committee (CSC) meeting immediately after the CRP.
Abhiram discussed the various issues that came up for a discussion during the CRP and cautioned
that bank was zero tolerant when it came to the issue of misbehaviour with customers and impressed
upon all, the important of courteous behaviour with customers and earn their goodwill.
Abhiram and Abraham were going through the complaint register and discussed the immediate
steps to be taken by them as regards dealing with the complaints on hand.
Based on the above, please answer the following questions.
1.Within how many days Investigating Official is supposed to visit the Branch for investigation of the
complaint of misbehaviour?
a. Within 2 days of the incident of misbehaviour

b. Within 2 days of getting the instruction from controlling office

c. Within 3 days of the incident of misbehaviour
d. Within 7 days of getting the instruction from controlling office

2.Which among the following statements is correct as regards ordering of investigation by controlling
authority, when a complaint of staff misbehaviour is reported?

a. Controlling office will arrange for investigation by an officer not below the
rank of Chief manager within 2 working days
b. Controlling office will arrange for investigation by an officer not below the rank of Chief Manager
within 3 working days
c. Controlling office will arrange for investigation by an officer not below the rank of Assistant general
manager within 2 working days
d. Controlling office will arrange for investigation by an officer not below the rank of Chief manager
within 5 working days

3.Who will finally take a decision on closure of complaint in a complaint of staff misbehaviour?
a. Regional Manager
b. DGM(B&O)

c. General Manager(NW)
AGM customer service (LHO)

4.Which among the following statements is incorrect as regards the role of Investigating Official(IO)
in preparation / submission of Investigation report?
a. First of all, Investigating Official will observe the CCTV footage minutely. He will watch each and
every action /reaction of all concerned

b. IO will try to pacify the complainant and assure him / her of redressal in the
c. IO will meet some customers present at the time of occurrence of the incident as per the records
of the Books/Registers/System generated reports
d. The IO will meet all the staff members and BM separately and individually
5.Which among the following actions need to be taken immediately on receipt of the complaint at
the branch? Find the odd one.
a. the BM should keep the copy of complaint in his custody
b. The CCTV Footage of all the cameras for the captioned period to be preserved and kept properly
c. The BM will report the matter to controlling office requesting them for Investigation of the complaint

d. The BM will report the matter to local police requesting them for Investigation
of the complaint

Ms. Juhi was on her way to celebrate Diwali and started to clean off her house and tables. One day
she engaged in sorting out all her old documents/papers/bills that she used to carry in her cupboard
for a long period of time. She was determined that today she shall spend all day to get rid of old and
irrelevant stuff in the cupboard. While perusing through the whole lots of documents she noticed an
old, fixed deposit issued by Modern bank, informing her late father about some maturing deposit.
Juhi’s father expired years ago. She did not have any clue whether her father received any payment
or not. She decided to approach the bank to know about it. She sent out a few mails but received
no response from them. She visited the issuing branch of the bank and the counter staff asked her
to visit some other day. After a couple of visits, she understood she would not get any response like
this and decided to take the help of RTI Act to know the status of her father’s deposit. She wrote an
application with requisite fee to the CPIO of the bank. After 10 days she got a call from the branch
asking her to visit. When she visited service manager told her that the bank changed its software
twice during the last 5years and therefore it was difficult for them to trace it, but they would somehow
trace it and inform her. She came back and waited for their response. However, she did not receive
any response from them, so she decided to appeal. She appealed for first Appellate authority of the
bank and this time she got a reply within 7 days stating the record pertaining to the fixed deposit has
been destroyed by the bank as per its record retention policy. The bank attached a proof of such
destruction which showed a date of 7 days ago. Juhi decided to move to CIC with second appeal.

1.What is the timeline available to Ms.Juhi to make her first appeal?

a. Ms. Juhi had 35 days of time to approach first appellate authority from the expiry of 30days
timeline available to CPIO
b. Ms. Juhi had 45 days of time to approach first appellate authority from the expiry of 30days
timeline available to CPIO
c. Ms. Juhi had 30 days of time to approach first appellate authority from the
expiry of 30days timeline available to CPIO
d. Ms. Juhi had 60 days of time to approach first appellate authority from the expiry of 30days time
available to CPIO

2.What was the timeline within which Ms. Juhi should have received a response to her RTI query?
a. 35 days
b. 30 days
c. 45 days
d. 40 days

3.What is the minimum record retention term for a Public Authority under RTI Act?
a. 5 years
b. 10 years
c. Public authority to have its own policy
d. No such term specified in RTI Act.
4.In modern bank right in claiming the records have been destroyed as per Bank Policy
A. If the records are destroyed as per the record retention policy, the bank is
absolved of its responsibility of providing information related to those
b. No, as minimum record retention time is 10 years, the bank is not correct
c. No, as records related to deposit or loan, banks need to maintain record forever
d. Even if the records are destroyed, CPIO cannot deny information on existence of a deposit

5.The branch cited technical difficulty to retrieve the document details and wanted more time. In
that scenario, what should have been done by them?
a. An interim reply should have been sent to the information seeker within the prescribed time limit
b. The name, designation, address, official telephone number and e mail id of the first appellate
authority and the timeline of first appeal should have been mentioned
c. The customer should have been persuaded to withdraw the request
d. Both option 1 and 2

Customer Associate Shruti was discussing process of ATM reconciliation with Service Manager.
Service Manager told Shruti that joint custodians will take Admin Card and ATM Safe Keys to ATM
room to gain access to ATM machine. Service Manager told that before loading cash in ATM, we
need to tally admin balance with physical balance. If there is shortfall or excess cash instance, we
need to make proper entry in system. If we receive excess cash during reconciliation, excess amount
needs to be deposited in branch, the amount would be refunded to customer after following proper
procedure. Service Manager reiterated instructions that during replenishment/evacuation of
ATMs/ADWMs, if excess cash is found by the operating units, the same is credited to BGL A/C
3199844 (ATM EXCESS Cash A/C) or BGL A/C 4599271 (ADWM / Cash Point Excess Cash Held
A/C). Further there are proper guidelines for unclaimed entries. OTMS alerts functionality was
introduced from 14/08/2020 to caution the Branch Manager and Controllers against reversal of
unreconciled credit balances in BGL A/c Nos 3199844 (ATM) and 4599271 (ADWM) outstanding
for more than 6 months to internal office accounts.

1. Entries in ATM Excess Cash Found Account will remain maximum up to _

a) 1year
b) 5years
c) 10 years
d) 20 years

2.The OTMS alert periodicity for transferring outstanding in ATM Excess Cash Found is now _
a) daily
b) weekly
c) fortnightly
d) monthly
3. To prevent shoulder surfing and to protect interest of Bank as well as customers, which of the
following notice is to be displayed at the door of ATM room.
a) We accept all Bank cards
b) Only one person at a time.
c) Only VISA cards
d) Do not withdraw cash more than Rs. 10,000/-.

4. Details of Admin card must be entered in

a) Fixed Assets Register
b) Sundry Documents Register
c) Branch Documents Register
d) Cash-in-transit Register

5. Unclaimed entries in ATM Excess Cash Found Account is to be transferred to

a) Charges account
b) Commission Account
c) Banker's Cheque account
d) Depositors Education and Awareness Fund

Sangeeta, a newly posted service manager at Bandra branch had been looking at complaints
register to have an analysis of complaints. Rajiv, AGM(CS) at LHO called Sangeeta and told her
that a lot of complaints relating to pension payments had been coming from the branch. Rajiv asked
Sangeeta to convene a meeting of all pensioners having pension accounts at the branch to have
feedback from the senior citizens.
Sangeeta, before going for a pensioners' meet discussed the issue with Prasad, branch manager
and wanted to convene a staff meeting to have a firsthand feedback from the staff members, so that
the pensioners' meet could be held with a meaningful data on hand.
The branch was having three single window operators Radhika, Radha, Sushma along with
Surekha, a senior special assistant. Surekha had been taking care of back office work like HRMS
and Pension related works, etc. During the course of deliberations on issues relating to pensioners,
Radhika wanted to have clarity about the obtention of declaration of non-earning of livelihood from
family pensioners as 30% of the pension accounts are of family pensioners. Sushma wanted a clarity
on obtention of disability certificate from family pensioners (disabled child). Radha told that many of
the pensioners were not submitting life certificates, despite knowing well that they needed to submit
them. Surekha was in confusion, whether pensioner would like to be present, during disbursement
of first pension. She was also not sure as to on which date pensions would be disbursed. Both
Prasad and Sangeeta patiently heard all and suggested them what was needed to be done and the
instructions in this regard. Based on the above, please answer the following.
1. Symonds, spouse of a deceased pensioner did not submit declaration of non-earning of her
livelihood so far. Radhika was in dilemma about it. What are the guidelines in this regard?
a) Symonds being spouse, need not submit a declaration of non- earning her

b) As per rule 54(6) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, family pension is allowed to a spouse, son,
daughter, disabled sibling or parents of a deceased pensioner or a deceased Government servant
until he / she starts earning his/ her livelihood. They need to submit a declaration of non-earning
livelihood every year in the month of November
c) Symonds has to submit a declaration of non- earning his/ her livelihood every year in the month
of November.
d) There is no such rule to submit a declaration of non- earning of livelihood every year by family

2. Surekha was also not sure as to on which date pensions would be disbursed as many of the
pensioners raised this question. What are the instructions in this regard?
a) The pension paying banks will credit the pension amount in the accounts of the pensioners
based on the instructions given by their respective controllers
b) The pension paying banks will credit the pension amount in the accounts of the pensioners
based on the instructions given by the respective state governments
c) The pension paying banks will credit the pension amount in the accounts of
the pensioners based on the instructions given by respective Pension Paying
d) The pension paying banks will credit the pension amount in the accounts of the pensioners
based on the instructions given by central government

3. Surekha was in confusion, whether pensioner would like to be present, during disbursement of
first pension. What are the extant instructions in this regard?
a) The pensioner is not required to visit the bank for credit of his first pension
b) The pensioner is required to be visit the bank during credit of first pension
c) The pensioner is required to visit the bank during first and second disbursements of pension
d) Pensioner and family pensioner( as per PPO) need to visit for credit of first pension

4. Radha told that many of the pensioners were not submitting life certificates, despite knowing
well that they needed to submit them. Are there any initiatives suggested in this regard? Which
among the following is the odd one in this regard?
a) The Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare Department (DoPPW) has issued
directions to all the pension disbursing banks to send SMS / emails to all their pensioners on 24th
October, 1st November, 15th November, and 25th November every year reminding them to submit
their annual life certificates by 30th November.

b) The Do PPW directed all pension disbursing banks to make an exception list as on 1st
December every year of those pensioners who fail to submit their life certificate and issue another
SMS / email to them for submitting them for life certificate.
c) The Bank in addition will also ask such pensioners through SMS / email as to whether they are
interested in submission of life certificate through a chargeable doorsteps service on a normal
charge not exceeding Rs.60/-

d) The Bank in addition will also ask such pensioners through SMS / email as
to whether they are interested in submission of life certificate through a non-
chargeable doorsteps service

5. Sushma wanted a clarity on obtention of disability certificate from family pensioners (disabled
child). What are the instructions in this regard?

a) If family pension has been sanctioned to a disabled child and the disability is temporary, the
guardian of such disabled child shall produce disability certificate once in every 5 years to the
effect that he / she continues to suffer from such disorder / disability in order to continue family

b) Fresh certificate of disability would be required to self - certify every year that he / she has not
started earning his / her livelihood

c) No fresh certificate of disability would be required to self -certify every year that he / she has not
started earning his / her livelihood

d) Both a and c are correct

Mr. Ranjan, AGM of Sultanpur RBO, was perplexed by the complaint placed before him. The
complainant is a legal heir of a deceased constituent of Ratnapur Branch complaining inordinate
delay and running from pillar to post in settlement of a STDR of Rs.9.00 Lakhs standing in the name
of the deceased. It was mentioned in the complaint that the delay is for more than 3 months. The
most perplexing aspect of the complaint is that she already lodged the complaint in complaint book
at the Branch, but nothing has happened so far. Mr. Ranjan asked his officials at RBO how they
were not aware of the complaint already lodged in the complaint book at the Branch. When he asked
about the complaint book process, officials at RBO gave him information in tits and bits. One official
could brief him on the whole process of dealing with complaints lodged in complaint book. Mr.
Ranjan visited the Branch immediately as it is a nearby Branch. After regular interaction related to
Branch affairs and business etc, Mr. Ranjan asked for the complaint book. Branch Manager
searched his cabinet but could not trace it. he called the Service Manager, but the book was not
available in his cabinet either. Mr. Ranjan insisted on the book and ultimately the book was found in
an almirah full of old records. Mr. Ranjan was astonished to see the complaint of the legal heir of
the deceased constituent in the complaint book. In the above backdrop, please answer the following

1. If customer lodges complaint in the complaint book, then Branch should

a) Share a copy of the complaint with the customer.
b) Share copy of the complaint with RBO.
c) Share copy of the complaint with the customer along with an
acknowledgment of receipt of the same.
d) Share copy of the complaint with RBO and acknowledgment of receipt of the same with the

2. In the extant case, RBO is unaware of the complaint lodged in the complaint book because
a) RBO was not specifically advised of the complaint.
b) The complaint was not lodged in the CMS by the Branch.
c) The complaint was not lodged in CMS by customer.
d) Both 1& 2

3. Complaint Book should be normally available with

a) Branch Manager
b) Branch Manager/ Service Manager
c) any official at the Branch
d) Openly placed in Branch for customer availability as per RBI guidelines

4. Out of the total time available for redressal of the complaint of _ weeks, the time available to the
Branch is_ days.
a) 4 weeks and 21 days
b) 4 weeks and 15 days
c) 3weeks and 15 days.
d) 3 weeks and 10 days.

5. The immediate action of the Branch once the complaint is lodged in the complaint book is
a) Start working for the redressal of the issue.

b) Send a letter to the customer assuring him of all possible redressal.

c) Lodge the complaint in CMS and ensure that customer receives the
complaint number either through SMS or registered e mail through CMS

d) advise circle complaint resolution center

In the recent transfers Mr. Jaipal has been posted as Branch Manager of Madhapur Branch. The
branch is established in a posh residential locality. The branch is having a separate NRI division
catering to the needs of NRI clientele. Mr. Ramesh, Relationship Manager serves the customers
with empathy and gives comfort to them with quick resolutions to the issues. The duo Mr. Jaipal and
Mr. Ramesh are capturing the market.
Mr. Abhiraj an NRI living in Dubai expired recently in a road mishap at Dubai. His only son Mr.
Kaviraj established a garment manufacturing unit in Hyderabad and is enjoying credit facilities at
SME Balanagar Branch. His spouse, Mrs. Madhuri is working in Telangana State Secretariat. Mr.
Abhiraj was maintaining one Savings Bank Account (NRO) to receive the rentals from his properties
in India. He was also having another fixed deposit (NRE) of Rs. 45 lakhs. Mr. Kaviraj approached
Mr. Ramesh to claim the balances. Mr. Ramesh on perusal of the Bank records finds that, Mr. Abhiraj
nominated Mr. Kaviraj as his nominee to the SB Account and no nomination is registered for the
fixed deposit account. Mrs. Madhuri executed Letter of Disclaimer for the fixed deposit account Mr.
Kamaraj brother of Mr. Abhiraj agreed to be the surety for the claims regarding the settlement of the

1. The branch settled the claims for the balances in the accounts of Mr. Abhiraj asper Hindu
Succession Act. Mr. Abhiraj died in Dubai; how will this affect the settlement?
a) It does not have any adverse effect, as the depositor Mr. Abhiraj was a
b) As Mr. Abhiraj expired in Dubai, the law of land, (Dubai) are to be applied.
c) The branch must refer such cases to the local courts and act as per the court orders.
d) The branch must settle such cases only on the production of legal representation.

2. Which of the following documents are not required to be submitted by Mr. Kaviraj for claiming
the balance in SB account?
a) Death Certificate of Mr. Abhiraj

b) An application in the prescribed format along with his KYC documents.

c) A declaration to be sworn as an Affidavit before the Judicial Magistrate or

Notary Public.

d) No need of providing witness/es on the prescribed format of claim

3. Mr. Ramesh advised Mr. Kaviraj to submit the following documents for settlement of the fixed
deposit accounts excepting:
a) Claim Format signed by Mr. Kaviraj

b) Stamped Letter of Indemnity signed by Mr. Kaviraj and Mr. Kamaraj.

c) Stamped Letter of Indemnity by Mr. Kamaraj alone.

d) Death Certificate of Mr. Abhiraj.

4. Mr. Ramesh wants to establish the veracity of the death certificate of Mr.Abhiraj submitted by
Mr. Kaviraj. Who among the following cannot attest/certify the death certificate?
a) Notary Public in Dubai.
b) Consulate General of India - Dubai
c) SBI's Dubai Offices.
d) Registrar of Births and Deaths.
5. Mr. Ramesh can accept the death certificate of Mr. Abhiraj accompanied by any of the following
document as a corroboratory evidence, confirming incidence of death, excepting which one:
a) Evidence of settlement of an insurance claim of Mr. Abhiraj by LIC of India,
Hyderabad Branch.
b) Evidence of settlement of an insurance claim at Dubai branch by LIC of India
c) Evidence of settlement of proceeds by Bank of Baroda Branch, Dubai Branch
d) Evidence of death as provided by Dubai Police

I wonder if I will get any reply from your bank’’ Raj was frustrated with branch manager of AZN bank.
I have complained to you some 2 months back about unauthorized debit in my account and you told
it would be reversed in due course. I have to leave office after taking permission just to check the
status. can you please tell me what is going on?
branch manager Vinod smiled politely, ‘’ Sir please listen. I got the clarification mail about the debit
entry yesterday. the debit was on the account of renewal of personal accident insurance policy which
you have taken at the time of opening of account’’. ‘’ Personal accidental insurance policy but that
was a onetime affair for one year I have taken it because I was told it was mandatory to take it for
opening an account here I have not asked for renewal’’. Raj was agitated. ‘’ Sir this is what mail
says’’. Vinod shrugged his shoulders. ‘’ okay fine can you show me the authorization wherein I have
asked for renewal? Raj inquired. ‘’I am afraid Sir our internal documents cannot be shared’’ Vinod
replied. ‘’and if you will please excuse me I have other priorities to attend to’’. ‘’ go ahead Mr Vinod
let banking woman’s men also become one of your priority because I am going to complain to
banking women's man for this unauthorized debit’’ Raj retorted and left the cabin.

1. In the present case, Raj had an unauthorised debit in his account. In which of the below
mentioned cases, we cannot file complaint with banking ombudsman.
i. Non payment or inordinate delay in the payment or collection of cheques
ii. A matter in which any proceedings before any court, tribunal or rrb
traitor or any other forum is pending
iii. Non acceptance without sufficient cause of small denomination notes
iv. Nonadherence to prescribed working hours

2. Maximum compensation which can be granted under banking ombudsman is Rs. ________
i. ₹5 lacs
ii. ₹20 lacs
iii. ₹25 lacs
iv. No such ceiling

3. If the Raj is not satisfied with the banking ombudsman order, he needs to file appeal
against the order issued by the ombudsman should be made to appellate authority within
i. 7 days
ii. 15 days
iii. 30 days
iv. Anytime within one year

4. If Raj is not satisfied with the order given by banking ombudsman he can file appeal with
i. Honorable High Court of the state
ii. Honorable Supreme Court
iii. Internal ombudsman
iv. Deputy governor of Reserve Bank of India

Personal Banking Branch(PBB), Saint Ann’s Road has been one of the prestigious branches in the
city of Calicut and has a lot of pension accounts. Because of the personal care towards pensioners
and excellent service rendered by the staff, most of the pensioners have been maintaining their
accounts with the branch. Much of the personal augment business of the branch was contributed
by pensioners either in the form of deposits, housing, pension loans and other miscellaneous
business. Still, there were some issues related to pension payments, unresolved.
Srinivas has been posted recently as Chief Manager PBB, Saint Ann’s Road branch on his
promotion. Earlier, he worked in CPPC, Thiruvanathapuram. The branch has been doing well in all
business parameters. Srinivas during the initial days of joining understood that the some of the
pensioners at the branchhave some grievances against the branch.
Srinivas convened a pensioner’s meet soon to know about their issues and expectationsfrom the
branch. Some of the senior citizens expressed their concerns and grievances. Sekhar, senior
assistant, who also attended the meeting noted down all matters raised in the meeting.
Srinivas conducted a staff meeting and discussed the issues raised in the meeting. All the staff
members decided to resolve the issues and make the branch a pensioner’s paradise in the coming
Based on the above, please resolve answer the following questions.

1.Several complaints related to misplacement of life certificates submitted by pensioners at branch

end. Some steps were initiated by the bank in this direction to alleviate the hardship. Find the odd
a. Branches were instructed to mandatorily issue duly signed acknowledgements
b. Branches were advised to consider entering the receipt of life certificates in pension application
available in CBS platform and issue a system generated acknowledgement
c. Entering in CBS would serve the dual purpose of acknowledgement as well as real time
updations of records
d. Branches were instructed to enter the life certificates in kutcha register
maintained for the purpose

2.During discussions, Sekhar, senior assistant said that some of the pensioners are not submitted
re-employment declaration. Sekhar would like to know, when the declaration needs to be taken.
a. There is no requirement of submitting re-employment certificate
b. A pensioner is required to furnish a re-employment declaration once in lifetime, at the time of
first month pension payment
c. A pensioner is required to furnish a re-employment declaration once in a
year i.e. in the month of November every year
d. A pensioner is required to furnish a re-employment declaration once in a year i.e. in the month
of January every year

3.Sankar, a pensioner completed the age of 80 years in the month of April, 2021, he will be paid
additional pension from ___ . Which of the following is correct option in this regard?
a.1st day of the month of April 2021
b. 31st day of the month of April 2021
c. 1st day of the month of May 2021
d. 1st day of the month of April 2021 after obtaining a request from the pensioner

4.Which among the following statements is true regarding submission of declaration of marriage?
a. A family pensioner, other than spouse, has to submit a declaration of non-
marriage / non re-marriage every six months
b. A family pensioner, other than spouse, has to submit a declaration of non-marriage / non re-
marriage once in a year
c. There is no requirement of submission of declaration of marriage
d. A family pensioner, including spouse, has to submit a declaration of non-marriage / non re-
marriage once in a year

5.Sekhar needed clarity as regards the timeline for acknowledgement receipt of complaints. As per
Ministry of Personnel, public grievances & pensions, what is the time norm for acknowledging
receipt of a complaint
a. Acknowledgement a receipt of the complaint may be done within a period of three days of the
receipt of grievances in case of dak physically and two days in case if it is an online application
b. Acknowledgement a receipt of the complaint may be done within a period of
three days of the receipt of grievances in case of dak physically and same day
in case if it is an online application
c. Acknowledgement a receipt of the complaint may be done within a period of seven days of the
receipt of grievances in case of dak physically and same day in case if it is an online application
d. Acknowledgement a receipt of the complaint may be done within a period of two days of the

Anshuman is working as a lecturer in a Government college. He was having Gold variants of salary
account with your branch. He was using internet banking facility for all his banking needs. When our
drive for YONO registration had started, he was also registered for YONO app. Now, he is
performing almost all banking as well as financial transactions through YONO app. For some official
duty, he was instructed to go to some other town for a few days. On departure day, his wife told him
to withdraw some cash from nearby SBI ATM and give her for some urgent household expense like
salary to maid, cost of milk to milkman, for purchasing vegetables etc. He decided to quickly
withdraw the amount and for that he went to a nearby SBI ATM, but that ATM was shut down to
maintenance work. Then he went to another ATM which was a little far away. But, when he reached
to another ATM, he realized that his wallet is left at the home. He did not have debit card with him,
but he was carrying the mobile phone which was mapped with the account. Now, he was in a fix.
He had to leave for the airport immediately to catch the flight and at the same time the cash was
also urgently required by his wife.
Based on above situation, please answer the following questions.
1.There are 4 simple clicks for loan process and disbursement under pre-approved Xpress credit
loan. Which of the following step is incorrectly mentioned?
a. Selection of loan amount and tenure
b. Selection of SI/ECS data for repayment of loan
c. Acceptance of terms and conditions

d. OTP confirmation and the amount is credited in the linked account

2.Anshuman’s wife has requested for cash of Rs.15000/-. Is it possible to withdraw using the facility?
a. No, only single transaction up to Rs.10000/- per account per day can be done.
b. No, maximum 2 transactions up to Rs.5000/- each per account per day can be done.

c. Yes, maximum 2 transactions up to Rs.10000/- each per account per day can
be done
d. Yes, only single transaction up to Rs.20000/- per account per day can be done

3.Through which of the following facility of YONO app, Anshuman will be able to withdraw the
amount from ATM?
a. YONO Instant Cash

b. YONO cash
c. YONO quick cash
d. Not possible without ATM card

4.If Anshuman is using the facility for taking cash at POS, the maximum cash withdraw by him in a
day will be ____
a. Rs.1000/- only

b. Rs.2000/- only
c. Rs.3000/- only
d. Rs.4000/- only

Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is mainly used for withdrawing of cash and therefore very effective
means for decongesting our branch premises. The main advantage of ATM is that it is available for
24*7 and is very user friendly. Over period of time, customers have started preferring to use ATM
over the branch cash counter. But, with increasing use of ATM cash withdrawal many related
problems have also increased. Among other problems, the problem of fraud has increased many
more time. The bank has always reviewing the policy and functionality to check the incidents of fraud
in ATM transactions.
On the basis of above information, and the extant instructions issued by our bank, you are requested
to answer the following questions.
1.As one os the steps towards preventing frauds in ATM, which of the following statement is
a. Bank sends SMS for wrong entry of PIN
b. Bank sends SMS for balance enquiry
c. Bank sends SMS for Mini statements

d. bank sends SMS for confirmation of transaction amount

2.Please fill in the blank. ATM switch is considered as _______ of the ATM Network.

a. Heart
b. Nervous System
c. Eyes
d. Ears

3.As one of the steps towards preventing frauds in ATM, OTP based facility has been started for
withdrawing of Rs. _____ and above for 24*7 on SBI ATM.
a. Rs.5000/-

b. Rs.10000/-
c. Rs.15000/-
d. Rs.20000/-
4.As one of the steps towards preventing frauds in ATM, Bank has stopped (i) C2C facility and (ii)
C2A facility on ATM.
a. Only (i) is correct
b. Only (ii) is correct

c. Both (i) & (ii) are correct

d. Either (i) or (ii) is correct

5. As one of the steps towards preventing frauds in ATM, Bank has capped the “Daily Withdrawal
Limit” of classic & Maestro card to _____
a. Rs.10000/-

b. Rs.20000/-
c. Rs.30000/-
d. Rs.40000/-
Shri Raghav Singh is maintaining a pension account with your Branch. During his visit to the branch
in November, he had submitted his life certificate and the required documents for his revision of
pension. It was conveyed to him that in the next month, i.e. December, he will receive his regular
pension as well as the arrears of pension. When he visited the Branch in January, he found that,
neither his pension nor the arrears of pension were credited to his account.
His enquiry and the subsequent retort by staff led to an argument. The concerned staff then shared
the contact details of CPPC and advised him to talk to them directly. Meeting the service manager
and the BM did not help. So, he decided to lodge a complaint and claimed interest at fixed deposit
rates for the delayed period. When he asked for the complaint book of the branch, it was not
available. The contact details of banking Ombudsman and the controlling office was available on
the branch notice board, but the numbers mentioned were quite old and not in operation.
On the basis of above details, please answer the following questions.

1.What are the instructions regarding payment of compensation, if the revised pension or arrears of
pension is credited after prescribed time norms?
a. Compensation @6% (fixed rate) on the revised pension / arrears is payable

b. Compensation @8% (fixed rate) on the revised pension / arrears is payable

c. Compensation @2% above SB interest rate on the revised pension / arrears is payable
d. Compensation @ current 6 months FDR rate on the revised pension / arrears is payable

2.Which one of the following is NOT a channel where pensioners can lodge their grievance /
a. SMS “UNHAPPY” to 8008202020
b. Call a dedicated pension helpline – 1800110009

c. mail to
d. Online grievance on

3.As per RBI instructions, when is the normal monthly pension of the Central / State Government
credited the account?
a. On any of the last five working days of a month except for March pension.

b. On any of the last four working days of a month except for March pension.
c. On any of the last three working days of a month except for March pension.
d. On any of the last two working days of a month except for March pension.
4.Which of the following is NOT correct with respect of maintenance of the Complaint Book in the
a. Complaint book must contain perforated copies of each set so that instant acknowledgement can
be provided.

b. Complaint book should be kept in the joint custody of BM and Chief

associates of the branch
c. The written complaint of “Complaint Book” need to be invariably entered in CMS by the branch
d. A notice of availability of “Complaint book” in the branch on pin-up board should be prominently
put up

1.As per Business Continuity Management (BCM), what is the nomenclature given for the FIRST
type of Site?

a. Hot site
b. Cold site
c. Warm site
d. On site

2. As per Business Continuity Management (BCM), what is the nomenclature given for the SECOND
type of Site?
a. Hot site

b. Cold site
c. Warm site
d. On site

3. As per Business Continuity Management (BCM), what is the nomenclature given for the THIRD
type of Site?
a. Hot site
b. Cold site

c. Warm site
d. On site

4.Which of the following factor should be ascertained before invoking or activation of BCP at any
branch / office? Find odd one.
a. the impact of the disaster
b. The time likely to be taken for its restoration
c. The impact on customer service or front end services

d. the impact on the staffs of branch / office

5.Normally, BCP should be invoked after taking the consent of _____

a. Regional Manager (RM)
b. DGM (B&O)
c. GM (Network)

d. The controller

Mr. Subodh Narayan is very old and loyal customer of your branch. He is maintaining his SB account
and many Fixed deposit accounts with your branch. Everything was going well. He was taking TDS
certificate from the branch and on that basis, he was filing his income tax return. One day, he
received a notice from income tax department for short payment of income tax for the five years
back F/Y. After receiving the IT notice, he was nervous. He started searching his old file, where he
found that, as per TDS certificate issued by the branch in that F/Y, his income tax calculation was
correct. But as per income tax notice, the tax deposited was less and hence, the notice of short
income tax was issued.
He got furious and very next day, that was 25 th July 2020, he went to the branch and talked to the
branch manager. The branch manager tried to convince him about the manual days of filing of TDS
return by the Banks and error happening in those days. The BM further assured him that the error
in filing the TDS return will be rectified within 7 days. But when Mr. Subodh Narayan did not get any
solution till 30th July, he once again visited the branch on 01/08/2020 and submitted a written
complaint to the branch manager for providing the details and received an acknowledgement also.
The complaint was lodged in the system on the same day and Mr. Subodh Narayan received a
Ticket No too.
On the basis of above information and as per time norms of customer complaint escalation matrix
of our customer grievance redressal policy, please answer the following questions.

1.The complaint will invariably have to be redressed within a maximum period of ___ days by the
a. 10 days
b. 15 days

c. 21 days
d. 30 days
2.In event of non-resolution of the grievance of the customer at LHO circle level and if the complaint
is escalated to the Corporate Centre, what is the maximum time available at this level to resolve the
grievance of the customer?
a. 5 days

b. 6 days
c. 10 days
d. 21 days

3.If the grievance of Mr. Subodh Narayan is not resolved by the branch / circle complaint resolution
centre (CCRC) with in time frame, and escalated to the next authority, they have (i) ____ days for
resolution of complaint otherwise will be further escalated to (ii) ____
a. (i) 10 days (ii) Corporate centre
b. (i) 5 days (ii) Corporate centre
c. 9i) 5 days (ii) Corporate centre

d. (i) 5 days (ii) CGM of the circle

4.If the grievance of Mr. Subodh Narayan is not resolved at the branch / CCRC by (i) _____, the
complaint will be escalated to (ii) _____
a. (i) 10/08/2020 (ii) LHO
b. (i) 11/08/2020 (ii) RBO
c. (i) 10/08/2020 (ii) RBO

d. (i) 11/08/2020 (ii) LHO

5.After receiving complaint from Mr. Subodh Narayan, the branch has to enter the complaint in (i)
_____ application within (ii) _____
a. (i) Customer Management System (CMS) (ii) same day
b. (i) Customer Management System (CMS) (ii) next day

c. (i) Customer Management System (CMS) (ii) next working day

d. (i) Customer Management System (CMS) (ii) next two days

Ramesh a middle-aged person is having a small business. He had to drop out of school when he
was in class nine, due to family condition. He is not very comfortable with technology, add to that
there are frequent news of banking frauds and cheating of customers. This has further scared him.
He has therefore been avoiding digital transactions. He does transaction the old way, i.e. at the
branch and through cheques. He also frequently gets his passbook updated and verifies the entries.
Ramesh has now come to Bazar branch for some transactions and updations of passbook. The
counter clerk performs the transaction but mentions that passbook printing can be done from
Swayam (passbook printing Kiosk) situated outside the branch. Ramesh however was hesitant to
go outside. He said he does not know how to do it. What if something goes wrong, who will guide
him. He has so many questions. In response to which the counter clerk shows a barcode sticker on
the reverse of the passbook and tells that the machine will automatically print the passbook. Pl
answer the questions that follow.

1.What is the bank’s passbook printing kiosk named?

a. Swayam
b. passbook printer
c. E-corner
d. there is no specific name

2.What are the language options available to the customer at Swayam for instructions?
a. English only
b. English and Hindi

c. English, Hindi and some regional languages like Gujarati, Punjabi, etc.
d. English, Hindi and Urdu

3.How is the passbook printer in the kiosk able to identify the customer’s passbook?
a. the printer reads the account number mentioned in the passbook

b. the printer reads the bar code affixed on the back of the passbook
c. The printer has provision for feeding customer account number before printing
d. the customer feeds his ATM credentials at the machine for identification

4.Which of the following is incorrect regarding bar code sticker?

a. branch has to procure barcode from the circle stationary department
b. Barcode procurement request may be lodged through i-STAMS by the branch
c. The barcodes have to be affixed on the reverse of the customer’s passbook and details are to be
fed in CBS

d. The barcodes may be issued to the customers as per their requirement and
the customer can affix it on the passbooks

5.What should be done to assist a customer who is new to Swayam

a. the branch staff should go got to the kiosk and do the passbook printing
b. the security guard posted at the kiosk should be help the customers do passbook printing

c. Two posters containing instructions with image have been provided for
pasting near the machine
d. the customer should opt for statement over email instead of passbook printing

The systems and procedures in the bank have been designed to make customer feel safe about
carrying out Electronic Banking Transactions. On receipt of report of an unauthorized transaction
from the customer, bank to take immediate steps to prevent further unauthorized transactions in the
account. Customers will mandatorily register for SMS alerts and wherever available register for e-
mail alerts, for electronic banking transactions. The SMS alerts shall mandatorily be sent to the
customers, while email alerts may be sent, wherever registered. The customers will be advised to
notify the Bank of any unauthorized electronic banking transaction at the earliest after the
occurrence of such transaction, and informed that the longer the time taken to notify the bank, the
higher will be the risk of loss to the bank / customer. To facilitate this, the bank will provide customers
with 24*7 access through multiple channels (at a minimum, via website, phone banking, SMS, e-
mail, IVR, a dedicated toll-free helpline, reporting to home branch, etc.) for reporting unauthorized
transactions that have taken place and / or loss or theft of payment instrument such as card, etc.
The bank will also enable customers to instantly respond by “Reply” to the SMS and e-mail alerts
and the customers will not be required to search for a web page or an e-mail address to notify the
objection, if any. The communication systems used by the bank to send alerts and receive their
responses thereto will record the time and date of the message sent and receipt of customer’s
response, if any, to the bank. This shall be important in determining the extent of a customer’s

1.In case of unauthorized transactions where the loss is due to negligence by customer, ___ will
bear the loss.

a. the customer
b. the bank
c. Reserve Bank of India
d. National payment corporation of India

2.In cases where the responsibility for the unauthorized transaction lies neither with the bank nor
with the customer and when there is a delay of 7 working days after receiving the communication
from the Bank on the part of the customer in notifying the Bank, the per transaction liability of the
customer shall be

a. the transaction value

b. Rs.10000/- in SB accounts
c. Rs.25000/- in SB accounts
d. the transaction value or Rs.10000/- whichever is lower
3.Any loss occurring after the reporting of transaction shall be born by ____
a. the customer

b. the bank
c. RBI

4.A customer’s entitlement to zero liability shall arise where the unauthorized transaction occurs in
the following events. Select the incorrect statement
a. Contributory part on the part of Bank and customer has reported the transaction
b. Contributory part on the part of Bank and customer has not reported the transaction
c. Negligence on the part of Bank and customer has reported the transaction

d. Where the customer notifies the bank within 7 working days of receiving the
communication from the Bank and the deficiency lies neither with the bank nor
with the customer

5.If the delay in reporting the unauthorized transactions is beyond seven working days, the customer
liability shall be
a. zero liability
b. the transaction value or specified as per Bank’s instruction, whichever is lower

c. full liability
d. determined by banking ombudsman

Case Study – 26
Mr. Rajeev Kumar Singh has been maintaining his savings bank account with Anand Vihar Branch
for a long time. He has also hired a locker in the branch. The annual rent of the locker is Rs.1800/-
plus tax. For the last so many months, he was doing all his work online and not visiting the branch.
Suddenly, on 2nd April, he received a SMS of deduction of Rs.2200/- plus tax as locker rent. He was
disappointed on the action of the bank as there was no prior intimation of increase of locker rent
through SMS or other means to him. He decided to meet the branch to take up the matter and to
close the locker to shift it to another bank. Next day, when he reached the branch address, he was
astonished to know that the branch is already shifted to a new location. Mr. Singh had no information
through any means about relocation of the branch. He became furious and decided to lodge the
1.As per customers’ right policy of our bank, with advance notice of how many days, Mr. Rajeev
should have been informed about relocation of branch?
a. 7days b. 15days
c. 30days d. 45days
2.In pursuance of which of the following right of our bank’s customer’s right policy, can Mr. Rajeev
Singh lodge a complaint?
a. Right to fair treatment
b. Right to Transparency, Fair and honest dealing
c. Right to suitability
d. Right to privacy

3.In pursuance of Right to Transparency, Fair and Honest Dealing, bank will have to ensure…….
Which is odd one among the following?
a. that there is complete transparency so that the customer can have a better understanding of what
he or she can reasonably/fairly expect from the bank
b. that the product or service sold or offered is appropriate to the need of the customer
c. that the bank’s dealing with the customers rest on the ethical principles of equity, integrity and
d. that all terms and conditions are fair and set out the respective rights, liabilities and obligations
clearly and as far as possible in plain and simple vernacular language.

4.As per customers’ right policy of our bank, with advance notice of how many days, Mr. Rajeev
should have been informed about the change in locker rent?
a. 7days c. 30days
b. 15days d. 45days
5.The advance notice for shifting of branch premise should have been communicated to Mr. Rajeev
and all other customers of the branch by the following means except…..
a. By sending a notice on registered e mail id.
By sending a SMS on registered mobile no.
c. By displaying notice on notice board at branch
d. By meeting customer personally

Case Study – 27
In the Rahari Region of the Bank, Mr. Alam was working as Chief Manager (Customer Service) who
had 41 branches under his direct control. He was very particular about Branch upkeep and scoring
based on Project Darpan.
He had 29 Branches under platinum category and 6 under Gold, rest all branches were Silver
category Branches.
One day, Mr. Sharma, AGM (RFIA) arrived at one of his big-city branches for internal audit. The
branch was headed by Amit as new scale IV officer, Amit was quite hard working and most of time
he used to remain busy for garnering new business. The Deputy Branch Manager Kundan was
virtually in charge of Branch for day-to-day affairs. Most of the time Kundan used to fill up and submit
online the Branch Darpan questionnaires on behalf of Amit.
Mr. Sharma, the Auditor was very particular about customer service and Customer amenities. He
took a round of the Branch before entering Amit's chamber, and found that the branch was very
shabby, and the toilets were dirty. The floor and the tiles looked very dirty. There were many hanging
wires in the branch. The lights in the branch were not adequate.
Amit on his arrival to his chamber welcomed and said, ' Good morning sir, welcome to the branch,
would you like to have some tea or coffee '.
Mr. Sharma looked quite upset with the poor infrastructure maintenance of the branch. He said 'Very
good morning we can have tea later, but tell me, Amit, how do you rate your branch under Project
Darpan. Amit said, 'Sir, we are platinum branch '. Mr. Sharma was surprised and asked Amit'' do
you know about the parameters under Project Darpan on which score is calculated.
Amit was not aware of this as Kundan used to fill up the data in consultation with Mr. Alam (CM-CS)

1. Mr. Sharma, RFIA auditor, took a serious note of the various irregularities of the branch vis-a-vis
project Darpan. Is it a part of ORM (Operational Risk Management)?

a) Yes, various parameters are also part of ORM policy of Bank.

b) Branch Darpan has nothing to do with ORM.

c) It is part of CRM

d) Not covered under RFIA

2. For a branch to be categorised as Gold, what is the minimum score is needed?

a) 90
b) 80
c) 75
d) 70
3. In Darpan, the role of CM (CMCS) is to......

a) Give marks under the various parameters and categorise the branches
b) He has nothing to do with Darpan
c) To ensure that the branches comply with the various parameters as laid down in Project
d) To consolidate the score under Darpan and send it to LHO customer service department

4. What is the score is given for Platinum Branches for calculation of Circle Ranking?

a) 10 b) 8
c) 4 d) 2

5. When data of Branch Darpan can be submitted to controller?

a) By 5th of every month

b) By 15th of every month

c) By 15th of succeeding month of quarter end

d) By 15th of succeeding month of half year end

Case Study – 28
Serving approximately 1500 customers a day, the Anand nagar branch of customer First Bank is
one of the busiest branches in New Delhi. Due to presence of corporate offices the branch operates
salary accounts for top corporate in the area and the branch realizes the service expectations of
walk-in customers and the employees make sure to delight each and every customer that walks into
the branch. The branch ensures personalizes service which includes efficiently trained frontline
executives who promptly take care of customer concerns proactively. At the end of each customer
interaction, each customer is requested to give feedback on the services. Most of the time the
feedback is “Excellent”.
The credit for the enhanced service quality of the branch goes to the service teams of customer.
First bank for incorporating customer centric mindset in all their branches. They operate this
customer centric mindset through understanding the customer need, empowering frontline
executives, driving continuous improvement through customer feedback and displaying customer
focused leadership.

1. What is the impact of customer feedback on the customer engagement process in a branch?
Choose the least appropriate reason.
a. Customer feedback helps improve products and services
b. Customer feedback helps you measure customer satisfaction
c. Collecting Customer feedback shows you value their opinions
d. Customer feedback is a unreliable source of information

2.How does this mindset help the branch officials at customer First bank?
a. Owning each customer’s experience
b. Caring about expressed and un- expressed need for the customer
c. Decide what is right & appropriate for the customer
d. All of the above

3.A(n)…….. creates a feeling within customers that they are the center of the experience.
a. customer-centric experience
b. an effort to know your customer
c. evaluating customer feedback
d. customer-centric staff

4.What is customer centricity? choose the appropriate option:

a. It refers to putting your customer at the center of the organization before,during,after a
b. It is the concept of creating sales around the target customer
c. It refers to the desire to provide top-notch customer service only during the banking hours
d. It refers to copying competitor products and selling them to customers

5.During the busiest time of the day, the BM is ready to take care of customer concerns
proactively. What does this signify?
a. Understanding the customer need
b. Empowering frontline executives
c. Diving continuous improvement through customer feedback
d. Customer focused leadership
Case Study – 29
“Ping Ping” Nitin’s mobile gave alert for SMS. It was a pleasant morning and Nitin was enjoying his
masala tea with newspaper. Nitin checked his mobile for message and it displayed “Dear SBI
customer, RS.9000 withdraw at SBI ATM SING000847059 from A/CX3124 on 11 Apr 21.
Transaction Number 7885. Available balance Rs.45000. If not withdrawn by you, forward this SMS
to 9223008333/18001111109/9449112211 to block card”. Nitin was surprised and immediately
rushed to pick his purse to check his ATM cum debit card. To his relief his ATM card was available
in his purse. “Ping Ping” another SMS alert came. This time message was “Dear SBI customer,
RS.9500 withdraw at SBI ATM SINB001349027 from A/CX3124 on 11 Apr 21. Transaction Number
2506. Available balance Rs.35500. If not withdrawn by you, forward this SMS to
9223008333/18001111109/9449112211 to block card”. Nitin was puzzled and alerted that someone
is using his card details for performing transactions. Nitin immediately sent message to given
numbers to block card and got confirmation for blocking of card. Nitin took his laptop and typed an
application to his branch stating the transaction and the fact that ATM card was in his possession
and he has not done any of these transactions. Nitin also attached screenshot of 2 debit messages
and the confirmation message of card blockage. At 10 am, when branch opened, Nitin was among
the first customer to enter branch.
1.In this case where the customer was having ATM card and fraudulent transaction took place, the
bank shall credit (shadow reversal) the amount involved in the unauthorized transaction to the
customer’s account within
a. 2 working days
b. 5 working days
c. 10 working days
d. 15 working days

2.Select the correct statements:

i.In case the customer has lost ATM card at the time of lodging the complaint about fraudulent
transaction, Bank shall be liable for any fraudulent transactions taking place after receipt of
customers request for blocking of card.
ii. In case the customer has lost ATM card at the time of lodging the complaint about fraudulent
transaction, customer shall be liable for any misuse of ATM card till the customer sends request
for blocking of card.
a. only statement (i) is correct
b. only statement (ii) is correct
c. Both the statement (i) and (ii) are correct
d. None of the statements are correct

3.This DVSS/CCTV footage of the transaction along with of ATM should be obtained in this case
a. 3 preceding
b. 3 succeeding
c. 3 preceding and 3 succeeding
d. 3 preceding and 1 succeeding

4.Select the correct statement regarding this case

i.Police intimation for loss less than or equal to Rs.50,000 is required
ii.FIR/Online complaint to police/cyber cell for loss more than Rs.50,000 per card is required
a. only statement (i) is correct
b. only statement (ii) is correct
c. Both the statement (i) and (ii) are correct
d. None of the statements are correct
5.Once Bank decides that the transaction can be classified as "Fraud" and customer account
needs to be restored with disputed amount, the branch will restore the amount by debit to
a. BGL 4691109(ATM Domestic Unauthorised Transactions Compensation paid Account)
b. BGL 98533
c. BGL 98534
d. BGL 98581

Case Study – 30
Srihari branch manager of Khushi Vihar branch was a little worried. Officials from the accounts
department of the Local Engineering College met with him requesting the branch readiness to deal
with the admission season beginning in a fortnight from now. The branch was near the college
compound and all students/parents Visiting the college Visit the branch for their banking
requirements. New admissions were completed in January- February of each year and regular
admissions for higher classes in the months of April -May after declaration of results. Once
admissions were confirmed, students were required to fill in a form and attach a draft for the fee
amount for the first term. Second term fees were collected in September – October. Receipts were
issued by the accounts department of the college and the drafts were deposited in the branch for
realisation and credit of the proceeds to their current account. College used to insist on a daily
statement of account to enable them to reconcile the credits. The accounts department requested
for the following:

i)Separate counter for issuing traps to the students of the college

ii)Daily clearing of their deposited drafts and their credit
iii)Statement of account as at the end of the day
iv)Cheque books to enable them to refund fees in case of cancellation of admission
V)Students to be given priority over the other customers in view of the long-standing relationship
of the bank

Although Srihari was positive in his response to the college’s request, inwardly he was contemplating
how he could fulfil them, before requesting his Regional Manager for support, he decided to talk to
Krishna, who looked after digital products in the region if there is any digital solution. Krishna was
very excited at the prospect and requested for an immediate appointment with the college. Not
wanting to delay matters, Srihari scheduled a meeting the same day. Krishna made a detailed
presentation on “State Bank Collect” to the college authorities. The accounts department of the
college was impressed with the features advised by Krishna but voiced certain reservations:

i. College does not have a site of its own. How can online payment be enabled?
ii. How can they reconcile almost 10,000 transactions of students belonging to various disciplines?
iii. How do students get a receipt for payment and what if the receipt is lost?
iv. Parents of students might have accounts with the different banks all of them might not have
internet banking facility how do you enable them to make payments?

With a smile, Krishna answered all the above doubts. To enable college authority is to have a feel
of how a transaction happens, he opened the site, donated to a charitable organisation and showed
them the receipt. Impressed with what was shown and promised, they requested Shambhu to send
them a formal proposal so that they can obtain approval from the trustees and management and
initiate the process for setting up the digital fee collection system.
1.How will students/parents access the State bank collect page of the college for making payment
of fees?
a. Students will have to visit any branch of State bank of India and provide a corporate ID of the
college and be permitted to make payment of fees
b. Every student will be provided with a log ID and password for accessing State bank collect the
link will be provided separately, and students/parents will login with the ID and password to
proceed further
c. Students/parents will login to retail internet banking with their SBI internet banking credentials.
Options for payment of fees through state bank collectors available in the money transfer option.
d. Students/parents will login to and Select State bank collect
option then they will select the state, type of institution and the name of institution.

2.For enabling fee payments by students/parents not having any account with state bank of India
through statement collect, which among the following is the most appropriate option?
a. Since it is mandatory to have an account with SBI for making the payment, parents/students
may be advised to open an account with the branch
b. State bank collect works on multi option payment system. Students/parents have an
option of making payments through INB, debit card, credit cards of SBI or most of the other
banks. Other payment options are also available. Additionally, they can also pay cash at
any branch of SBI
c. Internet banking facility of any PSU bank is mandatory for making payments students/parents
will be requested to avail internet banking from any of the PSU banks.
d. Students/parents not having account with state bank of India will be advised to make payment
of fees can make payment through MobiKwik or Paytm

3.How will students get acknowledgement of payment and what if the same is lost or misplaced?
a. Students will have to mention their email ID and a confirmation of payment is sent to the email
ID. Since Mail is sent for each transaction, the question of its loss or misplacement does not arise.
b. Students get a receipt immediately after the transaction is successful. That has a unique
reference ID. In case of loss of receipt, student can download a duplicate receipt up to
certain months after the transaction by quoting details
c. All the receipts for the transactions are mailed to the college authorities on a daily basis. Students
can collect it from the college. In case of loss of receipt, student apply to the college
d. Students need to go to the State bank collect site after 3 days. Payment receipt is generated
after the successful transactions are credited to the college account. This process generally takes
3 to 5 days.

4.Select the most appropriate option for how college authorities can reconcile the transactions?
a. College can get real-time reports on individual transaction undertaken through State
bank collect all the transactions which have been credited to the college account. The
report can be accessed by the 'Admin' of CINB variant and download in Excel to facilitate
b. College gets an email report daily from State bank collect team advising the transactions which
have been undertaken on the portal. College to reconcile with the statement of account.
c. College to download statement of account in the excel form and physically verify it with the
copies of results submitted by the students.
d. College should send a request to the of the portal for
statement of transactions for a specific period. The Statements so received can be used for
5.What are the internet banking variants which will enable the college to avail State Bank collect?
In view of the apprehensions of the college recording payment rights through INB, which variant
will you suggest?
a. Statement collect can be enabled through any of the CINB variants KHATA, SARAL, KHATA
plus, Vyapar & Vistaar. We will suggest, college to obtain KHATA, as it is an enquiry product.
b. State bank can be enabled through CINB variants Saral, Vyapar and VISTAAR.To limit the risk,
we would suggest, college to obtain “Saral “ As it has a lower transaction limit.
c. State bank collect can be enabled through CINV variants KHATA plus, Vyapar and
Vistaar. To limit the risk, we would suggest college while KHATA plus which is an enquiry
d. Statement collect can be enabled through KHATA or Saral as the necessary mapping will be
required to be done in CBS. We would suggest ‘KHATA’ to the college as it is an enquiry product.

Case Study – 31
Mr. Sashibhushan is maintaining his SB account with your branch. Since last one year he was with
his son in another city and therefore has not visited the branch but the balance in SB account was
regularly increasing due to quarterly interest credit of a Fixed deposit of Rs.5.00lakhs. He lost his
mobile phone and had taken a new mobile phone with new number. He could not change his mobile
number in the customer identification function (CIF) and therefore was not getting SMS for any
Besides above fixed deposit of rs.5.00lakhs, he was also having another fixed deposit of Rs.50000/-
. The first FD was for 5 years @ of 6.5% and the quarterly interest was getting credited in his SB
account. The second FD was for 6 months with auto renewal instructions, currently fetching interest
@ of 5.5%. He has also availed a home loan of Rs.20.00lakhs for 25years for purchase of an under-
construction flat. The current applicable rate of interest in home loan account is 7.50%. The loan is
not fully disbursed and Rs.5.00lakhs is yet to be disbursed. The disbursement is stopped due to
delay in construction of flat.
After returning to the city, he visited the branch to change the registered mobile number in the
account details and he also to verify all his accounts. He was shocked to see that there were
unauthorized debits of Rs.10000/- each on two occasions in his SB account. Then he checked his
FDs also. It was noticed that an OD of Rs.40000/- was created against the FD of Rs.50000/- and
total amount was withdrawn from that OD account. The applicable rate of interest in OD against FD
was 6.5%. He got further doubt and insisted for the home loan account statement. In home loan
account also, there was a debit of Rs.100000/- a few months back, but as the construction was
delayed no mandate for payment of instalment to the builder was given by him from his home loan
After lodging of complaint by Mr. Yogesh, the bank has initiated an internal enquiry and found that
there was involvement of a staff of the branch in all incidents. All transactions were fraudulent
transactions. The staff was suspended and after getting administrative permission, a FIR was also
filed with local police against the staff.
On the basis of above information, you are requested to answer the following questions.

1.In above case what is the first step to be taken by the bank?
a. All amounts will be restored without delay/demur once the fraud is established, and case is filed
with the police.
b. All amounts will be restored without delay/demur once the fraud is established, after
c. All amounts will be restored without delay/demur once the complaint is lodged by the customer
d. All amounts will be restored without delay/demur once the fraud by a staff is suspected.

2.Which of the following account of MR. Yogesh will not qualify for compensation?
a. SB account
b. FDR account of Rs.50000/-
c. OD account for Rs.40000/- against FDR
d. Home loan account

3.While calculating the compensation amount for the fraudulent transactions in FD account, which
of the following rate of interest will be applied?
a. 5.5%
b. 6.5%
c. 7.5%
d. 8.5%
4.Mr. Yogesh had lodged the complaint after a few months of all incidents happened. In view of
limited liability policy, what is the liability of Mr. Yogesh in all above incidents?
a. Total amount
b. NIL amount
c. Rs.20000/-
d. Rs.60000/-

5. While calculating the compensation amount for the fraudulent transactions in home loan account,
which of the following rate of interest will be applied?
a. 3.5%
b. 6.5%
c. 7.5%
d. 8.5%

Case Study – 32
Complaints should be treated as an opportunity to serve our customers well. It is the grievance of
customer which when resolved to the satisfaction will result in customer affinity towards
organization. A customer, complaints because the person feels organization will take necessary
steps for redressal. In this era of fierce competition, we should take complaints on serious note and
resolve the same. Resolving customer complaints increases trust of customer and at the same time
prevent our resources from handling the same in external forum like consumer forum or banking
ombudsman, Our Bank’s policy on customer grievances redressal covers all the branches and
offices of SBI in India and is based on the following principle: “The customer is the focus of the
Bank’s products, services and people.” The customer grievance redressal policy also provides
Escalation matrix for customer complaints. Observation of customer relationship programme and
customers day are steps towards getting connected with customers and finding out ways for better
service delivery. No doubt if any organization have to survive today, customer service would be the
1.If the complaint is lodged at the branch, what is the number of days available to branch for
redressal before it gets escalated to next level?
a. 5 days
b. 7 days
c. 10 days
d. 14 days

2.If the complaint redressal is not done by the branch within prescribed days, the next level of
escalation will be to:
a. Regional Business Office b. Administrative Office
c. Local Head Office d. Corporate Centre
3.The maximum period of redressal of complaint is has been decided at…..
a. one week
b. two weeks
c. three weeks
d. four weeks

4.Customers’ Day shall be observed on

a. the 5th and 15th of every month
b. the 10th and 20th of every month
c. the 10th and 30th of every month
d. the 15th and 30th of every month

5.Customer relationship programme is arranged by the branch every…..

a. Quarter
b. Month
c. Year
d. Wek
Case Study – 33
Varun Kumar, the Service Manager at Oakwood Branch was sitting at his desk, dealing with
complaints received at the branch. He had entered all the complaints in the complaint Management
System(CMS) and was now looking into the details of each and every complaint. The very first
complaint was about alleged excessive delay in issuing Demand Draft to a customer due to which
the customer had claimed compensation of Rs.50000/- as he could not book his consignment in
time and suffered huge losses. Varun saw the date of complaint and recalled that due to problems
in connectivity that day, the branch server was not working properly, and a number of services were
affected at the branch. As such, the branch could not be held responsible for the loss customer had
suffered. He immediately took the complaint to Alok Singh, the Branch manager and informed him
about the same, requesting him to advise the complainant that his claim for compensation was not
tenable in this case.
Alok Singh glanced through the complaint and told Varun that they cannot advise the customer like
that without consulting the office of Internal Ombudsman of the Bank. Varun was surprised as he
thought it was an open and shut case where it was clear that the bank was not at fault. He failed to
understand why it was required to escalate such a trivial matter to the office of Internal Ombudsman.
Alok Singh then explained the entire process to Varun Kumar.
On the basis of the above information, please answer the following questions:

1.If required, the above complaint should be escalated to the office of Internal Ombudsman within
a. 2 weeks of receipt of complaint, before conveying the final decision to the complainant
within a period of 30days, from the receipt of complaint
b. 3 weeks of receipt of complaint, before conveying the final decision to the complainant within a
period of 30days, from the receipt of complaint
c. 2 weeks of receipt of complaint, before conveying the final decision to the complainant within a
period of 45days, from the receipt of complaint
d. 3 weeks of receipt of complaint, before conveying the final decision to the complainant within a
period of 45days, from the receipt of complaint

2.Internal Ombudsman in the Bank cannot

a. receive complaint directly from the customers
b. represent the bank in any legal case
c. be re-appointed after completing his/her tenure
d. all the above are correct

3.What kind of complaints are looked into by the Internal Ombudsman of the Bank?
a. Complaints received from the office of Banking Ombudsman
b. Complaints where the customer’s claim is being wholly or partially rejected by the Bank
c. Complaints related to staff misbehavior
d. Complaints related to deficiency in services.
4.What is the correct course of action for the above complaint received at Oakwood branch?
a. The claim submitted by the customer was not tenable, hence the complaint should have been
rejected by the branch itself, citing valid reasons.
b. the complaint is required to be submitted to the Circle Complaint Resolution Centre
c. The complaint is required to be submitted to the Internal Ombudsman with recommendations for
rejection of the same
d. Either (a) or (b) is correct

5.Who is an Internal Ombudsman in the bank?

a. An official in the Customer Service Department of the bank at Corporate centre, Mumbai
b. An official of the bank posted at LHO
c. An official. Who has sufficient experience in Banking and customer service and is recruited from
outside the Bank.
d. A retired official of some other public sector bank who has sufficient experience in
Banking and customer service

Case Study – 34
Mr. Rajsekhar reported as Branch Manager of Vidyanagar Branch, Hyderabad. This branch is
located in a residential area. The clientele of this branch is self-employed, professional, employees
and retirees. During first week of the month the branch is packed by pensioners, employees to draw
pension / salaries. This branch frequently makes a place in the complaint prone branches of the
circle. Mr. Rajsekhar decided to uplift the branch and to come out this list permanently. He wanted
to draw a road map by involving the staff at the branch. In the next Branch service committee
meeting, Nr. Rajasekhar discussed ways and means to improve customer service at the branch. He
discussed many schemes and products of the bank, one among these being Doorstep Banking
Services. He briefed the staff about the various facets of the schemes.
Based on this product, answer the following questions.
1.Whcih of the following is not a channel for providing Doorstep banking Services?
a. Through branch staff
b. Through Doorstep Banking agents
c. PSB-Alliance
d. Through SHG members

2.Which of the following services is not offered under DBS through PSB Alliance:
a. Pick up IT/Government/GST Challan with cheque
b. Delivery of TDS & Form 16 Certificates
c. Pick up cash deposit with maximum of Rs.10000/-
d. Delivery cash payment with a maximum of Rs.5000/-
3.Which of the following service is not offered under DBS through Branch staff channel?
a. Cheque pick up
b. Life certificate pickup
c. Form 15 H pickup
d. Cash deliver (withdrawal) restricted to Rs.25000/- per transaction.

4.Whcih among the following service is not offered under DBS through Doorstep banking agents.
DSA through Business Correspondents (BC)
a. Pickup cheque/Instruments for clearing/collection for own accounts
b. Pickup of cash deposit to own accounts
c. Delivery/cash payment through withdrawal from own account
d. Life certificate pickup
5.Who among the following are offered Banking Facilities are not offered under DBS through Branch
Staff channel:
a. Senior citizens of more than 70 years of age
b. Customers who are differently abled or infirm
c. Customers who are visually impaired
d. Senior citizens of more than 60 years of age

Case Study – 35
Chandrapur is one of the oldest branches in the region and associated in a semi urban centre. Rajiv
is that chief manager of the branch. Rajeev and supported by four offices, including Mishra your
service manager. Mishra Ghata scale to promotion recently and has been posted to this branch.
Mishra is better known for its customer centric approach. The branch is having six single window
operators, two of them Mangesh and Suresh, hail from Chandrapur. Mangesh and Suresh are very
senior and completed most of their service at Chandrapur and surrounding areas. They did not opt
for promotions as they had properties in family-owned businesses to take care of. Raju had to
depend on Mangesh and Suresh for business shoring and meeting targets under Crossley. Mahesh
had been very egoistic and argumentative. One day, Upadhyaya, retired schoolteacher, who is
having his pension account at the branch approached Mangesh for enquiring about the debit in his
account. Mangesh was busy on his mobile talking to one of his friends regarding his business deals.
Upadhyaya waited patiently for half an hour and asked Mangesh about how long he would take to
attend a small request of verifying and entry in his account. Mangeshkar serious on hearing this and
shouted in loud voice at Upadhyay. Many of the customers who knew Bardia gathered in front of
the single window operator counter of Mangesh and demanded an apology from him. Sundar
developed into here for verbal feud and the banking always full of noise. Banking transactions could
not happen. Upadhyaya along with some of the customers who were present during the time,
approached Rajeev and complained against unruly behaviour of Mangesh. Mishra tried his best to
control Mangesh but could not succeed. Mangesh threatened Mishra that if any complaint is
registered, he would ask some of his friends who had bulk deposits with the branch to migrate to
other banks based on the above come out please discuss the following:
1.Following are some of the actions need to be taken at branch level on receipt of a complaint.
Which among the following is an incorrect one?
a. The Branch Manager should keep the copy of complaint in his custody
b. The CCTV footage of all the cameras for the captioned period to be preserved and kept
c. The Branch Manager will report the matter to Controlling office requesting them for
closure of the complaint.
d. The Branch Manager will report the matter to Controlling office requesting them for Investigation
of the Complaint.

2.AGM Customer service will obtain copy of the approval note and send to _____
a. Customer Service Department, Corporate Centre.
b. Banking Ombudsman
c. Reserve Bank of India
d. DGM(Vigilance), LHO

3.Which among the following statements is incorrect as regards submission of report by

Investigating Official?
a. Investigating Official prepares his investigation report and submits to the Controller and a copy of
report to AGM Customer Service at LHO
b. A certificate by Investigating Official that he has verified the CCTV footage of the relevant period
to be incorporated in the report.
c. Investigating Official prepares his investigation report and submits to the controller and
a copy of repot to DGM(Vigilance)LHO.
d. The Investigating Official will visit the branch for investigation of the complaint of misbehaviour
within 2 days of getting the instruction from Controlling office.

4.Which among the following is not an action to be taken by an Investigating Official as part of
investigation process?
a. First of all, the Investigating Official will observe the CCTV footage minutely.
b. Investigating Official will meet some customers present at the time of occurrence of the
incident as per the selection of customers by Branch Manager.
c. Investigating Official will meet all the staff members and Branch Manager separately and
d. Investigating Official will meet some customers present at the time of occurrence of the incident
as per the records of the Books/Registers/System generated reports.

5.Which among the following actions is not among the actions that can be taken by controller on
receipt of report from Investigating Official?
a. Controller will take a view regarding action to be taken or otherwise against any employee
b. Controller will also take a decision whether the concerned employee should be retained at the
same Branch or transferred to some other Branch.
c. Action taken report will be sent by the Controller to GM through DGM(B&O) with their
d. Controller will finally take a decision on closure of complaint and record his views on the
Case Study – 36
Companies across industries are adjusting their value proposition to appeal to the millennial
generation, projected to become the largest in the world. Millennials are comfortable with online
services and mobile apps. They use digital technology to order food and transportation, buy
groceries, watch TV and listen to music.
The banking industry is no exception, but banks face challenges when facing millennial customers.
They have trust on financial institutions, more likely to consider alternatives to traditional banks and
more demanding when it comes to digital technology. Banks are placing a major emphasis on their
mobile apps. Banks are trying to re-evaluate what they know about their customers and to better
understand who their customers are, what interest them, what is the value, and what drives them to
be loyal. Banks are focusing on the digital experience. Many bank transactions cannot be completed
from your browser or app including depositing cheques, transferring funds, paying bills and even
applying for loans or refinancing.

1.For the case above, select the appropriate value proposition statement from the below options:
a. The mobile app helps customers with simplified digital banking operations that enhances the
mobile banking experience.
b. The mobile app helps millennials wanting to enjoy anytime banking with simplified
digital banking operations that enhances the mobile banking experience.
c. The banking services help millennials to enjoy banking that enhances the mobile banking
d. The mobile app helps anytime banking with simplified digital banking operations that enhances
the mobile banking experience.

2.Millennials adapt to digital technology for quick and seamless financial transaction. The activity
represents which component of the customer profile?
a. Gains
b. Customer Jobs
c. Customer Pain
d. Gain Creator

3.For the banking industry, it is necessary to re-evaluate what the customer's value, since:
a. Banks can re-define and promise enhanced value to customers
b. Can enforce customers to pay a premium for the services offered
c. Cannot gain a clear competitive advantage over the competitors
d. With loyal customers, banks can tend to compromise on services

4.Banks are focusing on fast and secure digital experiences that delight millennial customers. The
statement represents which component of the Value Map?
a. Product or Services
b. Gain Creator
c. Customer Jobs
d. Pain Relievers

5.For Banks, __________ is a statement that explains why a customer should buy their financial
product or use the customised service.
a. Customer Loyalty Proposition
b. Customer Value Prediction
c. Customer Value Proposition
d. Customer Loyalty Prediction
Case Study – 37
An ATM helps us in branch decongestion by providing many routine banking transactions like
withdrawal of cash, deposit of cash/cheques, balance enquiry, obtention of mini statement,
Validation of IT return, Yono cash, etc.). The main advantage is that it provides any time services
and is extremely user-friendly. Raj joined as Customer Associate and was interested in functioning
of ATM. Raj had a conversation with Service Manager of Branch and was told that ATM helps
decongest branch for routine transactions and branch people are able to give better service to walk
in customers. Raj asked about instances of increasing frauds through ATMs and Service Manager
replied that apart from increasing awareness among customers, Bank has taken various steps to
prevent the frauds. Service Manager added that Bank has got different service providers for different
purposes which help Bank for smooth functioning of ATM.
1. ---------------Route transactions from ATMs to Bank's databases and to any external service
provider after authentication.

a) ATM Switch Centre

b) Core Banking Solutions

c) POS Machines

d) Green Channel Counter

2. Select the correct pair of service providers with their functions:

a) ATM Vendors -To keep the ATMs available
b) Managed Service Providers - For purchase of ATMs
c) Card Issue Service Providers -To print personalized cards
d) Connectivity Service Providers -To attend to cash outs.

3. In order to prevent the frauds on ATMs various steps has been taken by Bank. Which one of the
following is not correct?
a) Daily cash withdrawal limit for Classic and Maestro cards have been reduced.
b) C2C and C2A facility on ATMs have been stopped.
c) No SMS for wrong entry of PIN
d) OTP based facility is applicable for withdrawal amount of Rs 10,000/- and above

4. Which of the following is not a part of ATM?

a. Video display monitor
b. Close circuit television
c. cash dispenser slot
d. card reader slot

5.ATM cards can be blocked by_______

a. Through Internet banking user ID / password
b. by sending SMS through registered mobile number
c. Approaching any SBI branch
d. Any of the above options
Case Study – 38
Lala Roshanlal, a trader, decided to visit Rihand Branch after facing lot of issue in newly installed
POS machine. Last week, Raunak, the officer from Rihand Branch visited his shop and installed
POS machine saying it will boost your business. As Amber, Branch Manager of Rihand Branch was
thinking on how to boost the MAB business, Lala Roshanlal entered his cabin "Sir", I installed a POS
machine in my shop. As you said, there is a sharp increase in business But what is the use when
the amount of sales swiped on the POS machine has not been credited to the account since its
installation 4 days back All transactions were confirmed", grumbled Lala Roshanlal. "But, I got the
credits to my a/c on the next day without doing anything additional", immediately said Girdhari,
another merchant who was operating on Bharat QR code platform and was present in the chamber
discussing with Amber. Amber, who had a fair knowledge of POS machines, guessed the problem
with Lala Roshanlal and assured to send FOSS, the 'Feet on Street' to sort out the issue. Lala
Roshanlal although left the chamber but was grumbling. Amber was just leaning back into his chair
when Ankita, his tech star entered. "Sir, I have been asking FOSS for the last one month to dispose
of the machines returned to us by merchants in the past few months, Although, I don't think it affects
us anyway, but it is clogging the cupboard" said she "You should have told this to me earlier It
causes loss to the Bank", said Amber and he explained to Ankita the procedure to be followed in
such cases. Nodding in affirmation, Ankita went back to her seat where she got a call on her intercom
from her Service Manager, "I need you to look into these two matters by the end of the day" "Firstly,
there was a phone call from MAB department LHO, saying that the Merchant Category Codes (MCC)
fed in the MAB workflow were not correct The wrong code impacts the charges payable to card
issuing bank and can be a cause of dispute between banks "Secondly, there is mail stating that
MAB department is holding release of credit to a POS merchant. The mail says that the transaction
limit exceeded and amount of transaction not in tune with the activity displayed by the Merchant
Category Code. Please correct and ensure that this is not repeated". Ankita sat down and noted all
the issues including the one with Lala Roshanlal and rectified them by the day-end Two days later,
Lala Roshanlal cameto thank Ankita and Amber for their help But, some charges have been
deducted. "See if you can reverse it" requested Lalla Roshanlal and left.

1. Incorrect Merchant Category Code (MCC) can cause disputes amongst banks because........
a) Merchant Discount Rate (MDR), the charges recovered from Merchant is dependent on the
Merchant Category Code and wrong input of MCC may cause less or excess recovery of MDR

b) Scheme fee payable to card companies are dependent on the Merchant Category Code and
wrong code may cause deficient or excess payment to the card companies

c) NPCI, the apex body regulating transactions in POS machines and Bharat QR pays a monthly
incentive to Merchants & Banks and the amount of incentive is dependent on the Merchant
Category Code

d) Interchange, the amount paid to the card issuing bank is dependent on the type of
merchant which again is identified through the Merchant Category Code

2. The charges debited to Lala Roshanlal' s account (which he requested Ashima to reverse) will
be on account of .......
a) NPCI charges for reconciliation of the transactions and credit to the merchant's account

b) The Merchant Discount Rate which is recovered by debit to the Merchant's account
c) Charges for delayed settlement. Settlement done beyond 3 days (transaction + 3) attract

d) Debit by the branch for charges involved in following the matter with the appropriate authority
and crediting proceeds to merchant account.

3. Incorrect Merchant Category Code (MCC) can cause disputes amongst banks because.......
a) Merchant Discount Rate (MDR), the charges recovered from Merchant is dependent on the
Merchant Category Code and wrong input of MCC may cause less or excess recovery of MDR

b) Scheme fee payable to card companies are dependent on the Merchant Category Code and
wrong code may cause deficient or excess payment to the card companies

c) NPCI, the apex body regulating transactions in POS machines and Bharat QR pays a monthly
incentive to Merchants & Banks and the amount of incentive is dependent on the Merchant
Category Code

d) Interchange, the amount paid to the card issuing bank is dependent on the type of
merchant which again is identified through the Merchant Category Code

4. POS machines returned by the Merchants to the branch......

a) Should be handed over to the Feet on Street (FOS) personnel for dealing with it
b) Should be deinstalled in the MAB workflow and returned to the service providers immediately

c) Should be immediately given by the branch to any other merchant who needs it.

d) Should be kept along with the scrap and disposed as per instructions for dealing with scrap

5. "Limit exceeded - Day's transaction amount not in tune with the merchant activity displayed by
the MCC. What action should the branch take when credit is held back to the merchant with this
a) RBI displays annually a list of merchants whose transactions are inconsistent with their

They are to be black-listed and the POS machines withdrawn from them
b) This should be server related issue and should be taken up with the Service Provider for
rectification immediately.

c) Branch should collect copies of all charge slips for the day from the merchant. Verify the
genuineness of every transaction and send a return mail to MAB department confirming the

d) Branch should verify and confirm the genuineness of transactions. Verify and correct the MCC
and daily limits specified. MAB Risk department puts a hold when the amount of transactions is
Case Study – 39
Manish was baffled. He had tried to withdraw money twice from Agra cant. ATM at 8pm. The ATM
machine failed to dispense amount, but Manish got debit messages promptly on his mobile.
Irritated, Manish went to another ATM around 2 kilometers from his home. This time Manish got
money from ATM without any glitch. While coming home, Manish’s mind was wondering about
debit entries in his account. Next day, Manish prepared an application addressing to his home
branch giving details of the failed transactions. Manish was welcomed by Service manager of
branch. Service manager patiently listened to Manish’s encounter with ATM. After hearing the
details, service manager immediately verified transactions in Manish account and BGL account for
reversal credit I n his system. Service manager acknowledged Manish’s complaint, lodged the
same in system and assured Manish not to worry. Just to explain Manish, service manager said,
“if the system has debited the amount and not given you cash, that means system should be
having excess cash”.
1.What is the timeline prescribed to upload No excess cash certificate and cash balance report for
disputed transactions?
a. 1st working day
b. 2nd working day
c. 3rd working day
d. 5th working day

2.If the branch fails to upload No excess cash certificate and cash balance report for disputed
transactions, CMS/CRM will debit the branch account ______ for the disputed amount.
a. 98582 b. 98533
c. 98534 d. 98581

3.In cases where EJ are missing, CMD/CRM will debit _____ for recovering the amount from the
vendor’s monthly bills.
a. Branch BGL account
b. Regional Office BGL account
c. Administrative Office BGL account
d. Local Head Office BGL account

4.All ATM disputes will be resolved at ______ by taking up the matter with ATM branches through
b. RBI
5.In this case, the branch has to upload certain documents in CMS/CRM portal. Which of the
following is not one of these documents?
a. No Excess Cash Certificate
b. ATM availability report
c. Cash balance report
d. Switch log

Case Study – 40
Mr.Mathur was working as a senior engineer in a reputed company in Kanpur. He
held his salary account under salary package as well as a home loan with nearby
the Palam branch of SBI, for more than 10 years. He was very happy with the
service provided by Mr.Santosh, the Field Officer of the Palam branch for quick
sanction of the loan.
One day Mr.Mathur received an SMS from SBI, which said that he was eligible for a
Pre-approved loan. Mr. Mehra ignored the SMS as a fraudulent one. That evening,
he logged into his internet banking to make some bill payments and saw a banner
congratulating him for being eligible for a pre-approved personal loan. As per the
information, he was supposed to log in to a new Banking application YONO to avail
of the loan. This was a pleasant surprise; however, he was still hesitating about
downloading or registering on any new banking application.
Ms. Anita, the branch manager of the Palam branch downloaded the list of YONO
PAPL eligible customers of her branch from the analytics dashboard and handed it
over to the FO, Santosh. She asked him to contact all eligible customers and guide
them with the process. Santosh called Mr. Mathur also and informed him that he is
eligible for a pre-approved loan of Rs.5 lac which can be applied online and will be
credited instantly to his account. Santosh also responded to all other queries raised
by Mr. Mathur about the Rate of Interest, EMI, and Documents, etc.
1. What is the validity period of the offer for Pre-Approved Loan through YONO?

a) The validity period is end of the month in which customers are offered the

b) The offer is valid till the end of calendar quarter in which customers are offered the

c) The offer is valid till the end of financial year in which customers are offered the

d) The offer is valid till the customer avails the loan

2. What is the maximum loan that can be sanctioned under Pre-approved
Xpress Credit (PAXC) through YONO?

a) Rs. 5.00 Lakh b) Rs. 3.00 Lakh

c) Rs. 8.00 Lakh d) Rs. 2.00 Lakh

3.What is the age limit for loan under Pre-approved Xpress Credit {PAXC)
through YONO?

a) Between 18-60 years

b) Between 18-56 years

c) Between 18-50 years

d) Between 18-58 years

4.What is the maximum repayment period under Pre-approved Xpress Credit

(PAXC} through YONO?

a) 72 months

b) 60 months

c) 36 months
d) 48months

5.What is the minimum loan that can be sanctioned under Pre-approved Xpress
Credit (PAXC) through YONO?

a) Rs. 1,00,000/-

b) Rs.10,000/-

c) Rs. 50,000/-

d) Rs. 25,000/-

Case Study – 41
Mr. Santosh Kumar is a businessman in your locality and maintaining his Current
Account in the name of his proprietorship firm M/s Santosh Medicines with your
branch. Along with his own SB account, he is maintaining SB account with his wife,
and his son operated singly by them. The transactions in CA were very good and
generally 4 to 5 cheques were coming for payment either over the counter or
through clearing. His SB account was also very active. But for the last few months,
the transactions in CA as well as SB account has declined. On a single day, three
incidents have happened in his various accounts. In first incident, a person was
holding a signed but without amount filled in the cheque of M/s Santosh Medicine.
He said the SWO that Mr. Santosh has borrowed 1lakh from him and given a blank
cheque. He showed an agreement also in support of his claim. He asked the
available balance in the CA, so that he can fill and withdraw entire amount
maximum up to Rs. 1.00 Lakh. In second incident, one unknown person wanted to
have the account statement of M/s. Santosh Medicine for the last 6 months. He said
that he has given a cheque of Rs. 2.00 Lakh to Mr. Santosh 3 months back which
was credited in his CA with your branch. He wanted the statement only for evidence
In third incident, the branch manager received a notice from Income Tax department
advising about tax evasion by Mr. Santosh. As per the notice instruction, the branch
head was required to mark hold in all accounts of Mr. Santosh which were available
in the branch and to stop locker operation, if allotted to Mr. Santosh. The notice further
asked for account statement of his all accounts, including CA for the last one year,
On next day, wife of Mr. Santosh Kumar came into the branch for withdrawing some
amount from her own SB account but there was hold on entire amount in her SB

On the basis of above information, you are requested to answer the following

1.When the balance of M/s Santosh Medicine is asked by a genuine lender,

what should be the action of SWO?
a) He should share the balance freely.
b) He should share the balance after verifying the signature and
genuineness of the cheque
c) He should not share the balance at all.

d) He should refer the matter to the Branch Manager and then share the balance.

2.Whether branch action of marking hold on entire amount in the account of

Mr. Santosh's wife is correct?

a) Yes, but Branch should have informed her immediately.

b) No.
c) Yes, but the administrative approval was required

d) Yes, as it was a notice of IT for tax evasion by Mr. Santosh.

3.What would have been the action of SWO for the demand for account
statement of M/s Santosh Medicine?
a) Should have given freely.
b) Should have given after approval from BM
c) Should not have given at all.

d) Should have given after taking ID proof and statement charges from the

4.For furnishing the information sought by the Income Tax department, the
Branch Manager is

a) Required to obtain consent from Mr. Santosh.

b) Not required to obtain any consent from Mr. Santosh.

c) Not required to obtain consent but is required to inform to him in writing

after furnishing such details.
d) Required to obtain consent from all joint account holders, if any account is held

5.The case is mainly discussing about which of the following Right of a


a) Right to suitability.
b) Right to Transparency
c) Right to Privacy

d) Right to grievance redressal & compensation

Case Study – 42
Internal Ombudsman (IO) Scheme was introduced with the object of enabling and
ensuring a proper and speedy resolution of complaints of bank customers at the
bank level by an independent apex level authority within the bank The IO
mechanism is set up with a view to strengthen the internal grievance redressal
system of banks and to ensure that the complaints of the customers are redressed
at the level of the bank itself by an authority placed at the highest level of bank's
grievance redressal mechanism so as to minimize the need for the customers to
approach other fora for redressal. Banks shall appoint Internal Ombudsman after
satisfying themselves that the following prerequisites are fulfilled for the
appointment of Internal Ombudsman. Banks shall depute such number of its
officers or other staff to the office of IO as is considered necessary for the smooth
functioning of the offices of the Internal Ombudsman. The Customer Service
Committee of bank's board shall fix the emoluments / facilities / benefits of the
Internal Ombudsman, keeping in view the stature and the need to attract
experienced persons considering that the position of the internal Ombudsman is at
the apex of the grievance redressal mechanism of bank. The Internal Ombudsman
shall analyse the pattern of complaints such as product / category wise, consumer
groups Wise, based on geographical location etc. and suggest means for taking
actions to address the root cause of complaints of different nature.

1.Internal Ombudsman scheme is applicable to

a) Only private sector banks
b) Only public sector banks
c) all Scheduled Commercial Banks [including Regional Rural Banks) with 10 or more
banking outlets
d) all Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks) with
10 or more banking outlets

2.Select the correct statement regarding Internal Ombudsman scheme.

a) Internal Ombudsman shall handle complaints received directly from the

customers or members of public.

b) Internal Ombudsman shall not examine all customer grievances including deficiency in
service on the part of the bank
c) Internal Ombudsman will deal only with the complaints that have already
been examined by the bank's internal grievance redressal mechanism and
have remained partly or wholly un-redressed
d) There can be only one Internal Ombudsman in a Bank.

3.Who can be appointed as Internal Ombudsman?

a) A retired or serving officer, not below the rank of Deputy General
Manager or equivalent and not over the age of 70 years
b) A retired or serving officer, not below the rank of General Manager or equivalent of
same bank and not over the age of 70 years
c) A retired or serving officer, not below the rank of Deputy General Manager or
equivalent and not over the age of 50 years
d) A retired or serving officer, not below the rank of General Manager or equivalent
of same bank and not over the age of 50 years

4.Which of the following statements about Internal Ombudsman is incorrect.

a) The Internal Ombudsman can be removed by the Bank at any point of time.
b) The IO cannot be removed before the completion of his/ her term without the explicit
approval of the Reserve Bank.
c) The tenure of Internal Ombudsman (IO) shall be a fixed term of not less than
three years but not exceeding five years
d) The IO shall not be eligible for reappointment or for extension of term in the
same bank

5.The Internal Ombudsman shall report to

a) Reserve Bank of India, Department of Banking Supervision
b) Chairman of the Bank
c) The Banking Ombudsman
d) The Managing Director / Executive Director of the bank handling customer

Case Study – 43
Pawan Kumar, Branch Manager of Varanasi City Branch was surprised to receive a
complaint from the office of Banking Ombudsman. The complaint pertained to an
issue raised by one of his customers, Shri Kashi Lal, wherein the customer had
alleged that he was sold an SBI credit card by one of his field officers and without
his knowledge, annual charges were levied in his credit card account. Shri Kashi
Lal, while lodging the complaint against SBI card, had also made his branch a
party. Pawan was surprised as he himself met the customer a week before and
assured him that he would talk to SBI cards regarding resolution of Shri Lal's
grievances, but Shri Lal didn't wait and filed a complaint with the office of Banking
Ombudsman. He thought if at all Shri Lal was to file a complaint, he should have
done that against SBI credit card alone. His branch was just facilitating the sale of
credit card to the customers through its promises. Moreover, before filing this
complaint, Shri Lal should have brought the matter to his notice in writing before
approaching the office of Banking Ombudsman.
Pawan Kumar immediately rang up his field officer on the intercom and asked him to
find out whether he received any complaint from Shri Lal regarding his credit card
dues. The field officer informed him that he did received a complaint from Shri Lal,
who himself visited the branch yesterday to submit the same. Pawan was now
perplexed as he didn't know how a complaint which was not directly related to the
bank could be resolved.
On the basis of above information, please answer the following questions:

1.Was Shri Kashi Lal correct in lodging a complaint with the office of Banking
Ombudsman without waiting for response from the branch?
a) Yes, an aggrieved customer can simultaneously lodge a complaint with the office
of Banking Ombudsman.
b) Yes, to expedite redressal of grievances, customers can approach the office of
Banking Ombudsman.
c) No, Shri Kashi Lal should have waited for 30 days for resolution of his
grievances before approaching the office of Banking Ombudsman
d) No, Shri Kashi Lal should have waited for 30 days for resolution of his grievances
before approaching the office of Banking Ombudsman.

2.Was it correct on the part of the office of Banking Ombudsman to make

Bank a party to the complaint as it pertained to grievances related to credit

a ) Yes, since the services were provided through the branch channel to its
customer, bank is liable to be made party in this case.

b) No, Bank cannot be held responsible for the services rendered by a third party.
c) Yes, as SBI Card is a subsidiary of SBI, it is liable to be made a party in this case.
d) No, Bank being a public sector undertaking cannot be made liable for the
deficiencies in services rendered by a private company.

3.What is the best option available to the Banking Ombudsman in this case
for settling the matter?

a) Arriving at a mutually acceptable resolution

b) Ordering an inquiry

c) Passing an Award
d) Referring the case to local police for initiating action under section 420 of IPC

4.What is the maximum compensation the Banking Ombudsman can approve

in this case for mental harassment, if proved by the Complainant?

a) The amount of annual fee charged

b) Rs. 10000/-

c) Rs.50000/-

d) Rs. 100000/-

5.The Banking Ombudsman can reject the complaint in this case if it is found that

a) It is not on the grounds of complaint referred to in clause 8 of the scheme.

b) If it is without any sufficient cause

c) If in the opinion of Banking Ombudsman there is no loss or damage or

inconvenience caused to the complainant.

d) All the above

Case Study – 44
It was month of June and Kundan joined at RBO, Mewad as CM(CS) after getting
promoted to Chief Manager this year. He was very happy and enthusiastic too after
getting and good posting. He always believed that there is lot of scope for
improvement in customer’s service area
On third day of his joining his Regional Manager handed him two proposals of
Branch renovation, one proposal of Branch Shifting and one proposal of
establishing e-lobby. Kundan wanted to visit all the branches of the region but
keeping in mind the priority of Branch renovation, shifting and e-lobby, he decided
to visit these branches first
Next day, with Bank's Civil engineer, Kundan reached the dilapidated Branch
Rambagh, which was situated in the old locality of the town. The branch premises
were dirty and banking hall was cluttered Being a crowded Branch, CEEP
implementation was also envisaged along with renovation. Kundan noticed a few
very important points keeping in mind the uniform layout policy of the bank viz.
mood board, greeting area, customer waiting area etc. The Branch was having
two floors hence additional care was required while laying out the banking hall and
His next visit was for New Market Branch, which was to be shifted to another premises
because of notice by landlord to vacate the building. The new premises were finalised
but Kundan was not sure if formalities related to shifting were completed. He asked
the desk officer concerned about the required notices etc.
However, Kundan was not satisfied with the answers of desk officer. Now Kundan was
worried about opening of e-lobby and wanted guidelines about it also. He was not
sure whether any permission from RBI is required for opening e-lobby as he had
heard that opening of new branch required permission of RBI.
Kundan directed the vendor selected for Branch renovation to apply sky blue colour
for mood board highlights like that of Bank's logo. The Branch manager's chamber
was on first floor and ground floor was managed by service Manager. To save cost
Kundan left this arrangement untouched. The banking hall was on ground floor and
other sections like Government business, clearing house, Advances section was
on first floor. For customer's convenience, Kundan advised to create one desk for
'Grahak Mitra'. As the Branch was identified for CEEP (QMS) implementation, the
Service Manager's place of sitting is important for faster transaction.

Kundan decided to take care of all issues related to shifting and e-lobby, personally for
hassle free implementation.

1.Was Kundan's selection of colour for mood board highlights as per bank's

a) No. Yellow highlights to be used in Mood Board.

b) Yes, it is Bank's approved colour for highlights.
c) No, it should be turquoise blue

d) Inky blue can be used as mood Board highlights

2.The desk officer did not advise Regional office of RBI even after one month
Branch Shifting. Was he/she right?
a) No, Regional Office of RBI must be advised within two weeks of shifting.
b) Yes, RBI has dispensed with such advice as shifting of Branch is totally internal matter

c) Regional Office of RBI can be advised after one month also, but outer timeline is
two months

d) RBI must be advised before shifting and upon getting approval only shifting
should take place.
3.How Kundan could have advised internet banking user about Branch Shifting?

a) No need to advise INB users as they seldom come to Branch

b) Emails regarding proposed shifting can be sent to INB users, however notice is sufficient
for other customers.

c) A pop up can be displayed on home page of Internet banking for Branch

users advising them proposed shifting of the branch.

d) Notice can be pasted at the entrance of Branch which is being shifted to advise
INB users

4.As per CEEP guidelines, Service Manager's seating arrangements must


a) On the first floor form monitoring Govt. Transactions

b) In the middle of SWO counters for facilitating faster transactions.

c) Along with Cash officer for faster delivery of cash
d) Exactly opposite of SWO counters so that counters are free from customers who
only require to talk to service Manager.

5.Was Kundan right in his decision on position of branch Manager's cabin as

many important sections were on first floor?

a) Yes, Service Manager is sufficient to supervise banking hall.

b) No. ideally Branch Manager should sit on the ground floor for better control.

c) Branch Manager's cabin on first floor will aid to advances business by reducing
TAT, hence Kundan's decision was correct

d) Banking hall could have been split to ground floor as well as first floor for crowd

Case Study – 45
Mrs. Wadkar, wife of an officer in Modem bank, Patna ZO, went to the nearest ATM
with her son, a student aged 19 yrs., to withdraw Rs.10,000/- on 20.03.19.
Subsequently, both visited Patna Br. and got the passbook updated. On 21.03.19,
realizing about leaving her mobile phone in the passbook counter in the Bank, she
decided to collect her mobile phone only after intervening Bank holidays during Holi
and thereafter. On 25.03.19, after recovering her mobile phone, she observed two
messages of cash transactions of Rs.20,000/- each, from her account on 22nd and
23rd Mar"19. On examining her ATM card & mobile phone messages, the Service
Manager blocked her ATM Card and assured her quick redressal after filling up the
SOP format wherein she was asked to write, if she had shared her ATM PIN with
anyone which she declined. She was also advised to file an FIR with the police. During
her visit to the Branch on 29.03.19 on their request, she was shown the CCTV footage
of the last transaction before the Fraudulent ones and told that since she was found
making ATM withdrawals in presence of her son, she was not eligible for any
compensation from the Bank for the subsequent fraudulent transactions from a POS
machine, due to her breaking the secrecy of her ATM PIN. She was offered a copy of
CCTV footage as a proof, and for further investigations related to her FIR with the local
Police. She decided to avoid handing the CCTV footage to police, to save her son from
any trouble. Since Bank declined to compensate her for the loss, she decided to
approach the Banking Ombudsman for intervening in the matter

1.What could be the compensation, if intimation to Bank is given after 7 days

of fraudulent transaction.

a) Nil, due to 100% liability of the customer due to intimation beyond 7 days

b) 100% of transaction amount

c) Rs.10,000/-

d) 50% of transaction amount

2.If the CCTV footage proving her ATM withdrawal with her son was not
available, how much compensation she was entitled to, if Bank was intimated
after 5th working day after the fraudulent transaction?
a) Nil
b) Rs. 10,000/-(Limited Liability)
c) Full, Rs.40,000/-, since no fault of customer was found.
d) Rs. 40,000/- less limited liability of Rs.10,000/-for customers of SB A/C for late
intimation up to 7 days. Net Rs.30,000/-to be compensated

3.What could be the compensation, if intimation to Bank is given within 3days

of fraudulent transaction, and previous withdrawal were made from an ATM of
same Bank in Lucknow.

a) Nil, and customer shall be advised to claim compensation from Bank Branch in
Lucknow which was maintaining the ATM used for the previous transactions.
b) 50% of transaction amount

c) 75 % of transaction amount

d) 100% by Home Branch, only if CCTV footage so obtained from Lucknow Br.
for previous transaction, does not show any clear Sharing/leakage of PIN. In
case of non-obtention of CCTV Footage from Lucknow, home Br will pay
(claim reimbursement from Lucknow in due course for failure in providing
CCTV Footage)

4.If the CCTV footage proving the exposing of ATM PIN during withdrawal with
her son was not available, how much compensation she was entitled to?

a) Nil, as compensation is only given for ATM related frauds and not for Frauds over POS
b) No Compensation is payable after blocking of ATM card beyond 24 hrs.

c) No compensation was payable, till police completed its investigations.

d) 100% (Rs.40,000/·) compensation was payable, since card was blocked within
3 days.

5.How much compensation would have been possible if the ATM withdrawal
(20th Mar) were made from an ATM of other Bank?

a) Nil, as compensation is to be claimed by her from the other Bank whose ATM was
used for the previous transactions.

b) The Home branch would forward their request to the other Bank Headquarters and ask
the customer to pursue with them.
c) 100% from Home Br., since leakage of ATM PIN, could not be detected from other Bank
d) 100% by Home branch if other Bank provides CCTV footage (and no proof of
customer PIN sharing of her PIN is detected), or else other Banking
Ombudsman to issue an advisory to other Bank to compensate the home
Branch for paying the customer

Case Study – 46
Ms. Sonam was the Branch Manager of a semi urban branch. Her team was
consistently performing in sanctioning of Gold Loans. The Branch was achieving the
target of Gold Loan every month. Ms. Chhaya, Cash Officer was handling gold loan
enquiries and proposals. Most of the enquiries were of Gold loan regarding eligibility
criteria, loan amount, loan variants, repayment period etc.
Branch Manager Ms. Sonam wanted to achieve good business in recently started
Mega Gold Loan Campaign "'GOLD24Kcr".Since there was huge demand due to
impacted cash flows of customers on account of Covid-19 pandemic. But there was
a stiff competition with NBFCs operating nearby the branch. Ms. Sonam accorded
the topmost priority to address customer's queries effectively and efficiently. The
same time she called staff meeting and address the concern she also advised how
to market our Gold Loan products and improve our TAT, so that we may finance
more Gold Loan during the campaign. She explained the various features of the
campaign and the special focus on loan through digital platform 'YONO'. In order to
campaign. She also explained the process flow for gold loan through YONO platform.
Please respond the following questions:

1.What is the minimum age criteria for gold loan application through YONO?

a) 21 years

b) 20 years

c) No minimum age limits

d) 18years

2.After applying Gold loan through YONO, Customer is required to visit the selected
branch with which of the following documents?
a) Gold ornaments and application reference number
b) Application form downloaded through the app
- ....

c) Reference number only

d) Documents submitted online through YONO

3.Application reference number generated while applying Gold loan through

YONO is valid for how many days?

a) 7 days

b) 15 days

c) 30days

d) 10 days
4.YONO personal Gold loan is processed through which platform?

a) LOS



d) CBS

5.Customer may avail Gold loan while applying through YONO from which of the
following branch?

a) Specified YONO gold loan point Branch only

b) Only from home branch of the customer

c) Customer may select any nearest YONO gold loan point Branch or any nearest

d) No need to visit any branch

Case Study – 47
Shri. Ritesh held a normal Savings Bank account with your Branch. The "Risk Grade"
of the account was "Low". One fateful day, he met with a major accident and was
disabled as, he was recovering, the corona pandemic set in and he was left with no
source of earnings. There was no transaction in the account for a very long time.
Slowly, Ritesh recovered and managed to get a job. After 3- 4 months, Ritesh went
to the Bank to enquire about the status of the account and also to deposit the cheque
he had received. The Single Window Operator (SWO) has advised him that the
account has become Inoperative, and he will have to submit the latest KYC
documents and he advised him to meet the service manager to know about fee for
conversion of the inoperative account to an operative account.
Please answer the following questions related to the above case.

1.Is Ritesh entitled to immediate credit of cheque in an inoperative account?

a) Yes.

b) Yes, but after approval from the Branch Head.

c) Yes, but amount will be released only after compliance of KYC.

d) No
2.Fresh KYC documents for activation of an inoperative account is required in
respect of accounts of customers in

a) Medium Risk category only

b) High Risk category only.

c) All categories (Low, Medium & High Risk).

d) If Address remains the same, NO KYC documents are required.

3.Which of the following periodic credits would have saved the Savings Bank
account of Ritesh in converting to an Inoperative Account? (i) Periodic SB Account
Interest. (ii) Periodic bank charges, if any. (iii) Periodic Fixed Deposit Interest in SB
Account. (iv)Periodic credit of dividend/ shares in SB account

a) (i) & (ii) only

b) (i),(ii)&(iii)

c) (iii)& (iv) only

d) (ii)&(iii)&(iv) only

4.The status of Savings Bank account is changed to inoperative account if

there are no transaction in the account for a period of……….year(s)

a) 1Year.
b) 2 years.

c) 3 years.
d) 4years

5.What are the charges levied for activating an Inoperative Account?

a) Rs. 50 Plus GST
b) Rs. 100 Plus GST
c) Rs. 200 plus GST
d) NIL
Case Study – 48
Mr.Arun was really perturbed to notice that his account was withdrawn by
Rs.10,000/- at 10.12 AM on 13.11.2021 despite reporting loss of ATM Card through
dedicated toll-free help line for hot listing the card. He has taken up the unauthorized
debit through bank's website and also received acknowledgment of the same
through SMS. After few days, Bank came hack reporting the transaction as genuine
withdrawal through ATM channel duly authorized by the customer and as such
cannot be made good. Mr. Arun became very angry and decided to lodge the
complaint with the Bank. He suitably drafted a complaint seeking refund of
Rs.10,000/- along with suitable compensation and lodged the complaint with the
Branch. The Branch could not do anything and escalated the same to LHO with
proper recommendations suggesting for rejection of the complaint and
compensation sought by the customer. The ATM transaction which took place at
4.05 PM on 12.11.2021well before the customer hot listing request at 10.12 AM on
13.11.2021 constituted the ground for such rejection of the complaint. However LHO
before rejecting the complaint referred the issue to Internal Ombudsman (IO) on the
20th day. IO decided for partial rejection i.e. for making good Rs.10,000/-and rejection
on the compensation sought by the customer. In the above backdrop, please answer
the following questions.

1.Which of the following statement is correct regarding IO?

a) IO is an independent structure which do not report to Bank's Board

b) IO cannot sought all Bank's documents for deciding on customer complaints.

c) IO can look into patterns of complaints and suggests means for addressing
root cause.

d) IO represents Bank in legal cases arising out of complaints.

2.In the extant case. The rejection was referred to IO on the 20th day. The
customer complaint resolution TAT is 21 days. What is the option available?

a) An intermittent reply can be provided to customer.

b) The rejection of the complaint by CCRC can be conveyed to customer.

c) along with referring to I0, additional time may be sought from IO and the same
may be informed to customer

d) There is no need to worry since the time available for resolving the complaint is
30 days failing which the customer can approach Banking Ombudsman.
3.In the extant situation, which department at LHO should have referred the
rejection to Internal Ombudsman (IO)?

a) Circle Complaint Resolution Center (CCRC)

c) DGM PBBU&CS through CCRC

d) CCRC through DGM PBBU&CS

4.If Mr. Arun's grievance is rejected, then what will be the recourse to
approach Banking Ombudsman?

a) IO’s decision is equivalent to Banking Ombudsman and hence there is no


b) Arun can approach Banking Ombudsman.

c) Arun can approach Banking Ombudsman by appeal through IO only.

d) Arun can approach Banking Ombudsman and the same need to be advised to
Arun by Bank

5.In the given situation, if CCRC is in disagreement with the decision of the IO.
Then what is the alterative?

a) No, IO’s decision is final.

b) Approval of the circle CGM can be taken for rejection of the complaint and customer can
be advised mentioning that the rejection is approved by CGM

c) Approval of the MD in charge of customer service can be taken for rejection

of the complaint and customer can be advised mentioning that the rejection
is approved by MD

d) Approval of the DMD in charge of customer service can be taken for rejection of
the complaint and customer can be advised mentioning that the rejection is
approved by DMD.
Case Study – 49
Ms. Reena, the customer of Hazipur Branch, is shocked after looking at the balance
in her SB account through Yono. The previous balance as per her remembrance is
Rs.127,000/-. Currently it appears to be Rs.106,980/- and an unauthorized
transaction of Rs.20,020/- is appearing to have been conducted in the account some
2 days back. She has reacted quiet instantaneously and informed of the same to the
Bank both through Bank's website link and through dedicated toll-free helpline. She
also received SMS confirming the receipt of the same. She hardly remembers having
compromised anything related to her YONO credentials in the last 2 days. She could only
remember of browsing through the product list of a e-commerce plat from hosted on
YONO and tried to purchase few items. At that time she received a link by SMS
suggesting her to explore few more items on the seller's link. She does not remember
having clicked on the same. She also refrained from purchasing at that time as she
was entrusted with a domestic task by her mother. 6 hours after the above incident,
she once again checked her balances which was found to be intact. She is also in
the frequent habit of checking her balances time and again. However, for the first
time she could not do so for the last 2 days due to office and domestic errands.
When she checked her phone after noticing the unauthorized transaction, there
were two messages from the Bank regarding the debit She received one more OTP
and debit confirmation for another debit of Rs.6,720/- after 47 minutes of receiving
the SMS acknowledgement of the complaint related to the previous debit. She
jumped on the toll-free helpline to lodge another complaint She lodged another
complaint in bank's website. This time she called the Branch Manager and
narrated the series of events in a panicky manner. The Branch Manager confirmed
that no further transactions will take place in her account and assured her of
redressal of the issue. In the above backdrop, please answer the following

1.In case of 2nd unauthorized transaction of Rs.6,720/·,Ms. Reena is

a) Zero liability customer

b) Limited liability customer

c) Depends on the nature of first transaction.

d) Depends on her role in the second transaction.

2.In the extant case, Bank should resolve the case within _ days after
determining customer's liability within _ days.
a) 60 days and 30 days

b) 90 days and 60 days

c) 60 days and 60 days
d) 90 days and 90 days

3.In the extant case, after first incident has been reported, Bank will take

a) redressal measures by tracing the transaction.

b) compensate the customer in terms of Bank's compensation policy.

c) block the particular channel through which the transaction was carried out.

d) try to identify customer's role in the transaction.

4.In case of unauthorized debits like in the extant case, the incidents should
be notified to the Bank
a) within 5 days
b) within 7 days
c) within 21 days

d) at the earliest

5.In the extant case, zero liability of Ms. Reena can arise on account of

a) negligency on the part of the Bank.

b) third party breach in the system.

c) since Ms. Reena has notified the Bank within 3 days of transaction.
d) third party breach in the system as well as Ms. Reena notifying the Bank
within 3 days of transaction.

Case Study – 50
Narayanan specially took leave that day to finish all Bank related work, so that he,
along with his family can go to Coimbatore from Madurai, on account of his ransfer.
He reached his bank Branch which was near to his office.
On reaching the Branch, Narayana approached the account opening cell and
requested the assistant sitting at there to transfer, all his account to Coimbatore,
where he was transferred. He also handed over a small application to the counter
in charge.
Rubi, who was new to the branch, just after her confirmation, asked Narayanan to
provide any proof of transfer to Coimbatore as a reason for account transfer and
for new communication address, which Narayanan could not produce. His
transfer letter was not with him at that moment.
"'Can't I transfer my account to any place", retorted Narayanan.
"'Yes, Sir, you can but there must be some reason for account transfer and
connection with the new place, isn't it? Also, we need your new address of
communication to be entered in the system", though Ruhi replied politely, but
Narayanan got irritated a little bit.
"'Sir, moreover, this application form must be signed by your wife also, as she is one
of the account holders of this joint account", advised Ruhi.
"Why? If I can withdraw funds by way of only my signature, why can't I transfer this
account? I am her husband, don't you see?", the voice of Narayanan was louder
than normal.
"'You people just make excuses for avoiding any extra work If you have such issues,
then leave it, as my wife has gone to her native place, and will join me in Coimbatore
after my reporting and renting a house there. Can I submit my application at
Coimbatore Branch of your Bank? Can they get my account transferred there?
"Narayanan was frustrated now.
"'Yes Sir, you can very well submit your application there. As your account is KYC
compliant and has sufficient Balance too, I do not see any problem regarding transfer
of account. But I see an old inoperative account, in your single name, and one home
loan account in your name too. In such case, we may have some issues in
transferring all your accounts. As you are here, it is better to take actions to avoid
problems in future", Ruhi replied very calmly and politely.

Ruhi was patiently handling all the queries of Narayanan, but Narayanan insisted on
transfer of all his accounts immediately.

1.Rubi also asked for proof for communication address at new place. How
Narayanan could have provided the address?

a) By self-declaration
b) Letter provided by employer containing office address at new place.

c) Transfer letter

d) Email from office at new place, confirming the transfer.

2.Rubi advised about an inoperative account to Narayanan. In this case, what
may be possible course of action?
a) It must be made operative transfer of account by customer.
b) The transferee Branch can change the home branch, even in case of inoperative account
for the account of salary holders.

c) The transferor Branch can make account operative by debiting and crediting Rs.
100 to make account operative and transfer.

d) It can be transferred as it is but will remain inoperative at transferee

Branch also.

3.Was Rubi right in asking proof of transfer from Narayanan?

a) Yes, Bank has right to know the reason of account transfer as well connection of
account holder to the place of account transfer.

b) Yes, as per AML-CFT measures it is now mandatory.

c) No, bank cannot insist upon proof of transfer as a reason for account

d) Yes, to avoid possibility of account transfer to wrong place, inadvertently, bank

should take any such proof

4.Was Rubi right in insisting for signature of wife of applicant in case of joint
account with mode of operation as "E" or "S"?

a) No, in such account either of the account holder can apply for account transfer.

b) No, the person who has been transferred can apply only.

c) Yes, consent of all account holders is must in case of account transfer,

irrespective of mode of operation.

d) No, in case of husband and wife, bank cannot insist, in other cases, signatures
of all account holders are required

5.Narayanan wanted home loan account to be transferred to Coimbatore

Branch. In such case what problems/actions Rubi was talking about?
a) Nothing, it was ignorance of Rubi.
b) Home loan account cannot be transferred
c) The charges of transferring home loan are high, and customer must provide
consent for debiting his account for charges.

d) In case of one or more account retained at original Branch, CIF cannot be

transferred, and customer has to acknowledge this by way of signature.

Case Study – 51
On 1st January, Mr. Sri Prakash received a SMS stating a debit of Rs. 200/- only from his SB account,
which is maintained at your branch. But, being very small amount, he ignored it. On 5th January, he
again received a SMS stating a debit of Rs. 500/- only. This time also, he could not make out about the
debit and did not take any step. On 7th January, Mr. Sri Prakash received a call from someone stating
that his ATM card is going to be de-activated and therefore to keep his ATM card active, he must share
the OTP sent on his registered mobile and he shared the OTP. The moment OTP is shared he
immediately received the SMS stating debit of Rs.6,000/- and by the time he could do anything, another
SMS stating debit of Rs. 6,000/- was received. Now, he immediately rushed to you branch and lodged
the complaint about all above unauthorised transactions. The ATM card was immediately hot listed by
your branch officials.
On the basis of above information, please answer the following.

1. After lodging the complaint and hot listing of ATM card of Mr. Prakash on 7th January, once again a
debit of Rs.5000/- happened in his account on 8th January. Now, for this Rs.5,000/- what will be his
a) NIL
b) Rs. 5,000/-
c) Rs. 2,500/-
d) Rs. 1,000/-

2.On 7thJanuary, When Mr. Prakash reached the branch and lodged his complaint about all three
transactions, what is his liability for debit of Rs.12,000/-? (Rs.6,000/- + Rs.6,000/-)
a) NIL
b) Rs. 6,000/-
c) Rs.12,000/-
d) Rs. 10,000/-

3.If Mr. Prakash would have reported about the debit of Rs. 200/- on 2nd January, what would have
been his liability?
a) Rs.100/-

b) Rs. 200/-

c) Rs. NIL

d) Rs. 50/-
4. On 7th, When Mr. Prakash has lodged the complaint with the branch about all three transactions
and his card is hot listed, what is his liability for unauthorised debit of Rs.500/- happened on 5th
a) Rs.5,00/-

b) Rs.7,00/-

c) Rs. NIL

d) Rs. 2,00/-

5. If Mr. Prakash would have reported on 5th January, if there is no holiday in between, about his
unauthorised debit of Rs. 200/- happened on 1st January, what would have been his liability?
a) Rs.1,00/-

b) Rs. 200/-

c) Rs. NIL

d) Rs.50/-

Case Study – 52
Rajiv Kumar, Chief Manager of City Centre Branch in Kanpur was going through the Branch mail when
he saw a registered post cover with the legend "Information under RTI Act, 2005".He immediately
opened the cover and found a handwritten application on a plain piece of paper from one Shri R K
Sharma, who had sought certain information related to a particular loan account at the Branch. Rajiv
took a date stamp himself and put the date of receiving as 21.04.2021 as he was aware of the time lines
for replying to such requests. The application was also accompanied by a demand draft of Rs.10/-
towards the fee for seeking the information under the RTI Act, 2005. One-by-one, he scanned through
all the queries mentioned in the application and found that while some of the queries could not be
responded to because of confidentiality clause, others were too generic in nature. Shri Sharma had
sought information about the loan account of his cousin, Shri Rajesh Mishra, in which Shri Sharma was
shown as guarantor as per a recent notice received by him from City Centre Branch of the Bank. Shri
Sharma, while informing that he did not remember providing any guarantee to his cousin Shri Rajesh
Mishra, asked the bank to respond to his following queries:
i) Date of sanction of loan to Shri Sharma and the amount sanctioned.
ii) Name and address of the guarantor(s) and their PAN/ Aadhaar details
iii) Purpose for which the Joan was sanctioned.
iv) Current outstanding and overdue amount.
v) Dates of inspection of residences/ workplaces of borrowers/guarantors done with remarks of the
inspecting officials.

Rajiv was perplexed as to how a person, who happens to be a guarantor in a loan account, seek such
kind of an information which is supposed to be with him already. However, as the matter pertained to
an RTI query, he didn't want to waste any time and called his field officer to draft a reply to Shri R K
Sharma at the earliest.
On the basis of above information, please answer the following questions:
1. The RTI application was received on a plain piece of paper and was hand-written too. Was it in order
to be considered for reply?
a) No, the application should as per the format prescribed in the RTI Act and it should be typed in an
official language.
b) Yes, the application can be handwritten but should be as per the format prescribed in RTI Act.
c) Yes, the application can be handwritten on a plain piece of paper as no format is prescribed
under the RTI Act.
d) No, only typed notarized applications on the prescribed format should be accepted.

2. As a provider of information, what is the designation of Shri Rajiv Kumar in terms of RTI Act, 2005?
a) Central Assistant Public Information Officer (CAPIO)

b) Central Public Information Officer (CPIO)

c) Shri Rajiv Kumar has no role to play in providing the information in this case.

d) Appellate authority

3. Which of the following information cannot be provided to Shri Sharma as per provisions of the RTI
Act, 2005?
a) Name & addresses of guarantors

b) Purpose of loan

c) Dates of inspection of residences/ workplaces of borrowers/guarantors done with remarks of the

inspecting officials

d) All the above information can be provided

4. What is the next course of action required to be followed by Shri Rajiv Kumar in order to facilitate
response to the queries sought by Shri Sharma under the Right to Information Act, 2005?
a) Submit the reply to Shri Sharma within 30 days of receipt of application.

b) Process the application and forward the same to his controllers within 5 days of receipt of
application, for furnishing a suitable reply.

c) Process the application and forward the same to his controllers within 10 days of receipt of
application, for furnishing a suitable reply.

d) Shri Rajiv Kumar has no role to play as the responses to the queries are to be provided by the Field
Officer of the branch.

5. Can information sought by Shri Sharma be provided to him under the RTI Act, 2005?
a) No, the information sought by him is not related to him.
b) Yes, as he has been sent a notice in the capacity of a guarantor in a loan account, he is
entitled to receive the information.
c) No, his RTI application should be rejected, and he should be asked to visit the bank to check the
details instead.

d) Yes, but only after he proves conclusively that he had not provided any guarantee in the said loan

Case Study – 53
Mr. Raman, the service Manager of Ramnagar Branch recently reported at the branch. He is supported
by two SWOs and one staff at Customer Service Desk for handling back-office work. Mr. Raman is a
dedicated officer. He is trying his best to update the knowledge and hone up the skills required to excel
in the assignment.
One day, Mr. Anand, who is working as a Manager in a Public Sector Undertaking visited him. He
informed Mr. Raman that his father, Mr. Subba Rao expired last month due to Covid-19 complications.
Mr. Subba Rao was well known to the staff. Mr. Subba Rao used to visit the branch during second week
of every month to draw his monthly pension and used to greet each staff. During festive season he used
to bring home made savouries.
Mr. Anand requested Mr. Raman to check for the nomination details in the account and to disclose the
balance lying in the accounts. Mr. Raman asked for the death certificate of Mr. Subba Rao and Mr.
Anand pulled out a death certificate which was purported to be issued online. Mr. Raman is handling a
death certificate, which has been issued online for the first time. He is uncertain over many related
issues. Mr. Raman on perusal in CBS, found that Mr. Anand is the nominee for the savings bank account.
Mr. Subba Rao is also having a fixed deposit of Rs. 3.00 lakhs in the joint names of himself and his
spouse with E or S clause and Mr. Anand is the nominee for this fixed deposit account also. Mrs. Subba
Rao is bedridden. Mr. Subba Rao availed locker facility and Mr. Anand is the nominee

1. Which of the following actions need not be initiated by Mr. Raman as soon as he received/heard
about the demise of Mr. Subba Rao ?
a) Proper flagging and message should be made in CBS after due verification of the Mr. Subba Rao's
b) Proper amendments must be carried out at Customer Management Level.
c) Mr. Raman must condole the sad demise of Mr. Subba Rao.
d) Insist for original death certificate.

2. Help Mr. Raman in understanding the rules of nominations in the deposits in Joint Names with
Survivorship clause. Suggest him which of the following is not correct.
a) There can be more than one nominee in respect of a joint deposit account.

b) There cannot be more than one nominee in respect of a joint deposit account.

c) It is allowed for variation/cancellation of a subsisting nomination by all the surviving depositor(s)

acting together.

d) In case of a joint account, the nominee's right arises only after the death of all the depositors.

3. Mr. Raman, the Service Manager received the Death Certificate from Mr. Anand and now Mr.
Raman, is supposed to verify the veracity of this. Which of the following is not correct?
a) Death certificates issued online are fraught with risk and are not supposed to be accepted.
b) Death certificates issued online may also be accepted.
c) Online death certificate must be verified through the portal of certificate issuing authority like,
Registrar of Births and Deaths.

d) Death Certificate must be verified for under which Rule it has been issued. As death certificate
issued under certain rules will have limited period validity.

4. Mr. Raman found from the Bank records that Mr. Anand is the nominee of Mr. Subba Rao. Which of
the following statement is not correct?
a) Mr. Anand can apply on a prescribed form to the Bank for the monies lying in the account of his late
father, Mr. Subba Rao.
b) Mr. Anand is supposed to submit his KYC documents.
c) There is no need of obtaining the witness/ es on the prescribed format on which Mr. Anand is
applying for the settlement for the balances in Mr. Subba Rao's savings bank account
d) There is no need of obtaining the witness/ es on the prescribed format on which Mr. Anand
is applying for the settlement of locker account of Mr. Subba Rao.

5. Mr. Anand is demanding for the settlement of fixed deposit amount as he is the nominee. Mr.
Raman is supposed to:
a) Explain Mr. Anand that in case of joint account his right arises only after the death of all the
b) After obtaining the Letter of Indemnity Mr. Anand can be paid the proceeds of the fixed deposit.
c) After obtaining the Letter of Disclaimer from Mrs. Subba Rao, Mr. Raman can affect the payment of
the proceeds of the fixed deposit to Mr. Anand.
d) Must pay the balances in the term deposit account to Mr. Anand, as he is the nominee and it
represents a valid discharge of the bank's liability.

Case Study – 54
Raghuram is working as branch manager of Kendrapara branch. The branch clientele comprises
salaried class, businessmen, professionals and self-employed, NRIs, HNIs and petty traders. The
branch has been in news recently because of large number of customer complaints. Most of the
complaints related to transfer of accounts, non-receipt of SMS alerts, etc. CMC members were quite
unhappy with the branch. Rajesh, regional manager sent a team of officials from RBO to have a
first-hand feedback in the matter and to suggest/ educate the staff in case of any knowledge gaps
in handling the situations. Raghuram convened a staff meeting after closure of business hours to
discuss various issues, especially matters relating to complaint prone areas.
Chandni, one of the SWOs mentioned that there are several requests pending relating to transfer of
accounts. She mentioned that some of the accounts were in inoperative category, expressed the
doubt whether those requests for transfer of accounts be considered and wanted to know the
guidelines in this regard. Chandni also has a doubt regarding transfer of CIF in case the customer
is having multiple accounts and customer asks for transfer of one or two accounts only.
Manasa, another SWO, who joined the bank recently wanted to know how a savings account is
classified as inoperative. She also mentioned that in some of the accounts where transfer requests
are pending, was due to KYC updations issues and wanted to know Bank’s instructions in this
Based on the above, please answer the following questions.

1.Which among the following statements is incorrect about transfer of accounts from one branch to
another branch?
a. Customers are allowed to transfer their accounts from one branch to another branch without
insistence on fresh proof of address.
b. KYC verification once done by one branch shall be valid for transfer of the account to any other
branch, provided full KYC verification has already been done for the concerned account and the
same is not due for periodic updations.
c. A customer can submit request for transfer of accounts at the transferor or transferee branch.
d. A customer can submit request for transfer of accounts at the transferor branch only.

2.Whcih among the following statements is incorrect regarding transfer of accounts?

a. If the customer is having only one account, then at the time of transfer of account the CIF
should also be transferred.
b. If the customer has more than one account at the transferor branch, and he selects to transfer
only one or some of the accounts (but not all), the customer will decide where he wants the CIF to
be kept.
c. If the customer has more than one account at the transferor branch, and he selects to
transfer only one or some of the accounts (but not all), bank will decide where the CIF to be
d. KYC complaint accounts can be transferred “Online” only for single holders.

3.Which among the following statements is incorrect about transfer of accounts from one branch to
another branch, where KYC is incomplete?
a. Customer should submit the KYC documents at the transferor branch, before seeking transfer
of account.
b. Customer can submit the KYC documents at the transferee branch.
c. KYC incomplete accounts can be transferred after obtaining fresh KYC documents and
on obtaining controllers permission.
d. In case of the transfer of accounts where KYC is incomplete, the customer should be allowed to
submit the necessary KYC documents at the transferor/transferee branch as per convenience.

4.Which among the following statements is correct about transfer of inoperative accounts?
a. Inoperative accounts should be transferred in the same way as any other account as the
inoperative status continues to be reflected in CBS at the transferee branch even after
b. Inoperative accounts should be made operative by the branch before transfer to the transferee
c. Inoperative accounts should be made operative by customer before transfer to the transferee
d. Inoperative accounts should be closed, and customer be asked to open fresh account at the
new branch.

5.Savings Bank Accounts are treated as inoperative if there are no transactions in the account for
over a period of two years. Which among the following cannot be considered for the purpose of
classifying the account as inoperative?
a. Debit as well as credit transactions, induced at the instance of customers.
b. Debit as well as credit transactions, induced at the instance of third parties.
c. Service charges levied by the bank.
d. Crediting the interest on fixed deposit as per the mandate of the customer.

Case Study – 55
Ratan, the Regional Manager of Rampur was worried as Met Department has forecasted heavy
rains next week. Rampur was in a low-lying area, and a few branches were recently opened, before
he took over as RM of the region. Upon visit to these branches Ratan clearly got an idea that a few
parameters of BCP/DR were overlooked while site selection and specially was worried about IT
related aspects like Generator/Power back up kept in basement etc. He ahs recently gone through
the BCP/DR policy of the Bank understood a lot about the policy. He also did not find a copy of
approved BCP/DR policy for the newly opened branches, after hearing the forecast. He also
understands the gravity of business disruption as bank has to ensure Business continuity in any
He was also worried about all other branches/CPC/offices whose BC plan recently reviewed and
approved as he was not sure about the disruption on account of flooding were taken care well in the
policy. The Bank’s BCP/DR policy was flashing on his screen which says: It is advised that banks
may put in a place a BCP including a robust information, risk management system, if not already
implemented, within a fixed time frame. They may implement such BCP and thoroughly test it to
verify its full capability against the changing scenario and assumptions at frequent intervals, as per
the policy. The plan may also be subjected to review periodically. BCP in our bank is periodically
reviewed our risk management department. The bank is required to be prepared for threat of
business disruptions arising from internal or external events. The BCP currently in vogue has
brought out clearly the following three approaches. The first one is Comprehensive framework which
consisting of objective, approach, key terms and concepts. The second approach is reporting
structure with incident command structure & communication planned. The third approach is roles
and responsibilities of different stakeholders.
1.The BC Plan for existing branches/CPCs/Offices is required to be reviewed and approved as on?
a. 31st March every year
b. 30th June every year
c. 30th September every year
d. 31st December every year
2.What is the periodicity to review BCP?
a. Quarterly
b. Half Yearly
c. Nine months
d. Annually

3.The periodicity for BCP in case of newly opened Branch/CPC/Office should be drawn and
approved within ____ from the date of opening.
a. 10days
b. 15days
c. 30days
d. 45days

4.As per whose advice SBI has to ensure BCP?

a. IBA
b. RBI

5.BCP is reviewed by which of the following departments?

a. Risk Management department – ORM
b. Risk Management department – CRM
d. Both 1&2

Case Study – 56
Recently Krityam has realised the importance of saving and decided to begin by opening a Public
Provident Fund account. He approached the nearest branch of SBI for this purpose. It was after a
long time he was entering a Branch as almost all his needs of banking were met by INB and ATM,
however many a times he found some difficulty in withdrawing funds, when he had forgotten the
card. Many a time, if he was shopping and when he required cash, ATM not to be seen nearby. The
moment he entered the branch premises, he was overawed by the ambience and aesthetics of the
branch. The branch was compartmentalised with clear signs as to the nature of services. It said. “
YONO Branch”. “I had heard and seen a lot of promotion on YONO but did not find out what it is.
This is the time to do it”. Thought Krityam. As he was pondering on how to proceed, a smart bank
executive approached him and enquired about the nature of his work. “ I want to open a PPF a/c”
said Krityam and, the executive dutifully began to explain the process involved. During their
conversation, Sapan, the branch Manager who was reviewing the early morning counter
arrangements, strolled in. Seeing Krityam, Sapan wished him and introduced himself.
Complimenting Sapan on the branch ambience, krityam informed him that he had come to open a
PPF a/c. ‘And I would like to know about YONO. Lot of people are praising its features”, said Krityam.
“Yes”, It is the App of the future”, said Sapan and briefed him on what YONO was about. “Why don’t
you open a savings account with us and experience YONO”, asked Sapan. But I do not have a
photograph. Further, I need to leave in a while and do not have the time to fill in the form and
complete the account opening process, said Krityam. “If you have your Aadhaar and PAN card, we
can open your account in a Jiffy”, said Sapan and explained to him the process of opening SB
account using e-KYC in self-assist mode. Krityam’s consented, and with Sapan’s guidance
downloaded YONO and initiated the process of opening a SB account. The account was duly
opened and PPF account followed. Happy with the process, Krityam expressed his desire to buy a
house and start some investments. “First, I need to apply for a credit card and a debit card”, said
he. “Yes Sir, we can do that. But for smaller withdrawals and merchant purchases you don’t need a
card. YONO can do that for you”, responded Sapan and proceeded to explain how. “All the
requirements you have specified can easily be availed on your mobile or on your desktop. The need
for a branch visit will be the bare minimum”, Saying so, Sapan opened explained YONO’s Financial
Superstore, Online Market place. Krityam was simply amazed. “Why did I not look into this earlier.
Why did I not visit SBI earlier? I could have had better offers for my purchases, and better start to
my investments and house in place”, thought he. Better a little late rather than never, he consoled

1.Krityma’s account was opened through the YONO app by the process of using e-KYC in self-
assist mode. Which of the following set of options currently describes the customers eligible for such
a. i. Existing and new customers
ii. Can be resident or non-resident but should consent to using Aadhaar number for authentication
iii. Aadhaar bears the current address
iv. While e-mail if is optional, both mobile and PAN number are mandatory
b. i. Customer who is new to the Bank
ii. Can be resident or non-resident but should consent to using Aadhaar number for authentication
iii. Aadhaar bears the current address
iv. Email and mobile number are mandatory, but PAN is optional
c. i. Existing and new customers
ii. Resident Indian & Literate
iii. Customer consent to using Aadhaar number for authentication
iv. Aadhaar bears the current address
v. PAN, mobile number and Email are mandatory
d. i. Customer who is new to the Bank, Resident Indian & Literate
ii. Customer consent to using Aadhaar number for authentication
iii. Aadhaar bears the current address
iv. While e-mail id is optional, both mobile number and PAN number are mandatory.

2.Now I have a virtual Bank, Mutual Fund, Insurance company and a Shop on my mobile and that
too in a single App, thought Krityam. However, which of the following facilities / requirements cannot
be met through YONO?
a. Opening of a SB and Demat account. Applying for a debit and credit card.
b. Applying for a Car, home or personal loan, Overdraft against ‘term deposit Receipt’
c. Purchasing a life insurance policy, personal accident insurance and investment in MFs. Purchase
of flight, train tickets, E-commerce purchases with special offers for YONO holders.
d. Investment in Government Securities, RBI Bonds and Call money market.

3.To leverage the branch image of YONO and as a part of structural changes in the Bank, it is
proposed to convert some of the existing branches into a YONO branch. Which of the following is
NOT a feature of the proposed YONO branch?
a. the branch will have a self-service zone and a customer service area
b. It will have cash counters. Some of these branches may have an event zone inside the branch
c. Complaint resolution for the region will be centralized at these branches
d. It will have a sales and advisory zone and customer service executives.

4.Krityam can withdraw cash from identified SBI ATMs without his debit card using the YONO cash
facility. But how can he shop for similar amount at merchant establishments without a debit card?
Choose the correct option.
a. Identified merchants can create a transaction ID through their POS machines and send a
notification to Krityam on his YONO app. Once Krityam authenticates it, the transaction is through.
b. YONO kiosks are installed at prominent merchant establishments in most major cities. These
kiosks allow customers like Krityam to shop at the merchant establishments through the screen and
make payment using YONO credentials.
c. Krityam can use the ‘YONOShop@POS’ facility at SBI merchant POS terminals. This will
be within the overall cumulative limit for all types of YONO cash and shopping transactions.
d. Krityam can generate a virtual card and virtual pin, valid for multiple transactions within a certain
limit and for a period of one day. This can be used at all merchant establishments.

5.You can now save for a specific purpose like Education of child, Home, Retirement, Child’s
wedding, Family vacation, Vehicle through YONO. It allows you to specify the tenure and amount
and save for the purpose. As of noe e-RD product si linked to it. We can access the same by
selecting the _____
a. “Assist Me” option available in MY investments on the YONO home page
b. “Create Dream” option available in My Deposits on the YONO home Page
c. “Create Folio” option available in My investments on the YONO home page.
d. “Make a Wish” option available on the YONO home page.

Case Study – 57
Ram and Shyam are long term customers of your branch having normal SB account and were issued
with ATM cards. One morning, both Ram & Shyam received a call asking them to share their card
details including the PIN number and OTP. Caller advised them that the information was required
to credit the amount of subsidy which was due to them.
Ram shared all the details unhesitatingly but Shyam suspected some fishy and he did not share any
details. The moment Ram had shared the details with the caller, he received a SMS message stating
that his account is debited by Rs.12000/-. Ram immediately informs your branch and with the help
of your branch his ATM card was hot listed.
After a few days, suddenly Shyam received one SMS informing him about a debit transaction of
Rs.2000/- in his account. He was very busy those days, he tried to call the branch but could not
forgot the debit transactions. But to his surprise, five days later, he again got another message of a
fresh debit transaction of Rs.2500/-. After the second debit, Shyam immediately visited the branch
and lodged a complaint. He stated that he has not shared any details from anyone. On his complaint,
branch immediately blocked the ATM card of Shyam. On the basis of above situation, please answer
the following questions.

1.Given the facts of the case which of the three transactions will have zero liability to the customer.
I) Ram’s Rs.12000/- debit, ii) Shyam’s Rs.2000/- debit, iii) Shyam’s Rs.2500/- debit
a. Shyam’s Rs.2000/-
b. Shyam’s Rs.2500/-
c. Shyam’s both debit of Rs.2000/- & Rs.2500/-
d. Ram’s Rs.12000/- and Shyam’s both debit of Rs.2000/- & Rs.2500/-

2.What would be the maximum liability of Shyam in the unauthorized transaction of Rs.2000/-that
has been committed in his account?
a. Zero
b. Rs.2000/-
c. Rs.1000/-
d. Rs.500/-

3.Within how many days can a person expect to get refunds of his money in case where there is
zero liability on the customer?
a. Within 15 days from the date of notification by the customer
b. Within 10 days from the date of notification by the customer
c. Within 12 days from the date of notification by the customer
d. Within 7 days from the date of notification by the customer
4.In case Ram had not shared his credentials with the fraudsters and had informed the Bank about
the unauthorized transaction after 4 working days, what would have been his liability? (Presuming
no other proof of PIN leakage is detected by the Bank)
a. Rs.12000/-
b. Rs.10000/-
c. Rs.8000/-
d. Zero Liability

5.What would be the maximum liability of Ram in the unauthorized transaction of Rs.12000/- that
has been committed in his account?
a. Rs.12000/-
b. Rs.10000/-
c. Rs.8000/-
d. NIL

Case Study – 58
Saahil ran a detective agency and people used his services for investigation. Based on request for
a family seeking alliance to check income details of prospective groom. Saahil submitted an
application under RTI act in Ameerpet branch. While scrutinizing application, Ratnesh, branch
manager pointed out that the application does not contain required fee. Saahil enquired about the
ways in which the fees may be paid. The information sought was the salary slip of Mr.Sudesh who
was working as Division Manager at Ameerpet branch. Ratnesh laughed at the application which
was written in local language and teased Sudesh, “seems you are going to be in permanent
lockdown phase.” Ratnesh forwarded the application to his controllers stating that the information
sought can not be shared as the salary details comes under perso0nal details and are exempted
under the Act. Secondly, the application is in local language whereas it should either in Hindi or
English language. After perusing the letter from Ratnesh, Regional manager called him and
explained more about the Right to Information Act.

1.Select the incorrect statement in respect to application under RTI act.

a. The application should be signed by applicant and complete contact details should be mentioned.
b. The application should be accompanied by the requisite fee
c. no fees should be charged by people below poverty line provided they have submitted a copy of
the certificate issued by the appropriate authority in this regard.
d. the language of the application should be in Hindi only

2.If Saahil intend to deposit cash towards RTI fees at the branch, then
a. It cannot be accepted
b. We should ask applicant to pay fees by demand draft only
c. We should ask applicant to pay fees by Indian postal order only
d. We should accept the same and credit it to P&T account using special voucher

3.Which of the following information is NOT EXEMPT from disclosure under 8(1) of the Right to
Information Act?
a. Information, disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity of India
b. Information which has been expressly forbidden to be published by any court of law or tribunal
c. Information which relates to personal information the disclosure of which has no relationship to
any public activity or interested, or which would cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of the
d. Information available with the Bank but not with the Central Public information Officer.

4.A request is received for access to information which is exempted from disclosure but a part of
which is not exempted. The option available to the CPIO in such a case is _____
a. Decline to give the application on the grounds that it is exempted
b. If such part can be severed in such a way that the severed part does not contain exempted
information, then access to that part of the information / record may be provided to the
c. Write to the applicant asking to resubmit the application and request only for the information which
is not exempted
d. Refer the application to the appellate authority for suitable directions in the matter.

5.If the information asked in RTI application falls under exemption categories, while rejecting the
application the COIP should communicate to applicant: Select the incorrect statement.
a. the reasons for rejection, quoting the relevant section
b. the period within which an appeal against such rejection may be preferred
c. the fact that CPIO is the ultimate authority for giving information and no appeals are
permitted under the RTI act.
d. the particulars of appellate authority


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