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English Competition

Dialogue :
A : Hi, how are you guys doing today?
Ba: I'm doing fine, what's your name?
A: You can call me Ashton, and yours?
Ba: My name is Audrian, and this is my friend Bryan. He is also competing in the English
competition later today.
Bd: Hi, nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you too. By the way, this is my friend Bona. We are also joining the english
Bo: Hello it's nice to meet you.
Bd: We still have some time before the competition, let’s have a short talk
Ba: Sure, what do you want to talk about?
Ba :Do you have any brother or sisters Ashton
A :Yes I have 2 younger brothers, How about you Audrian?
Ba : I have one older brother, we are four years apart, how about you bona?
Bo: I have 2 sisters, both are older than me. How about you Bryan?
Bd : I also have 2 sisters, but one is older and the other is younger. What did you guys do
during the lockdown?
Ba : There are not many things about my daily activities during the lockdown, first thing I do in
the morning of course Online School, and then I have a little workout after my online school. I
spent a little time playing video games or doing my homework. That's it
Bo: I don’t do much, I do online school, do my school tasks and study I usually listen to music in
my free time.
Bd: Everyday before school I do my daily morning stretches and take a shower to get ready for
school. After school, I assist my younger sister with her school work and check if she answered
any of the homework problems wrong. After that, I go for a short walk with my family for a few
miles and eat lunch in a small restaurant that I always go to, it's basically tradition. After walking
back home I would do my homework for 1 to 2 hours, and then at night I get to have my free
time. On Friday nights me and my family gather around for movie night. And on weekends it's
basically just free time for the entire day, How about you Ashton?
A: My day is always so full, everyday I wake up early for school, on some days after school I
have my maths course, after that I either go for a bike ride around my neighborhood or help my
mom with her work. After that I take a bath and study for the next day by revising everything I
learnt on that day. After doing all my tasks I have the rest of my day off, and I spend it by either
playing video games or watching movies, wow we have similar lives bryan. By the way, have
you guys gotten vaccinated yet?
Bo: I have gotten the first dose
Ba:I have been vaccinated for the second dose and i got sleepy after being vaccinated
Bd: I am also vaccinated for the second dose, I got no side effects.
A: I also have been vaccinated for the second dose. Which vaccine did you guys take?
Ba: I took the Sinovac
Bo: Me too I also took sinovac because
Bd: I think we all took the sinovac vaccine
A: Yes, I think It’s the only suitable vaccine for us
Bo: What school are you guys from?
Bd: I’m from Mawar Sharon Christian School
A : I'm from Surabaya Cambridge School
Ba: I’m from St. Agnes Catholic Junior high school. How about you Bona?
Bo: I’m from Petra 3 Junior High School, thank you for asking.
A: Is this your first competition Bryan?
Bd: I have participated in 3 competitions and won 2 of them. I hope I can win again today
A: Wow, that's great. By the way, do you guys take English lessons?
Bo: Yes, I take English lessons three times a week, So I think I should be able to compete in
this competition.
Ba: Yes, I also take English Lessons 3 times a week with my friend Bryan.
Bd: Yes, that’s right. How about you Ashton?
A: Yes, of course.
Bo: Ok, it’s almost time for the competition, we should get going.
A: Yeah, see you guys after the competition.
Bd : see you later

-- After the competition --

Bd: That was a tough one! How did you guys do?
A: I think i did quite good
Bo: It was kind of hard, but I think I did ok.
Ba: It wasn’t that hard, I think it was pretty easy.
A: What did you guys answer for number 4, that one was kinda hard.
Ba: Ah I answered D for number four, i think it's the right answer..
Bd: You answered D? I answered B.
Bo: I answered A for that one.
A: Wow, we all have different answers, I answered C.
Ba: Goodluck to whoever answered it right.
Bd: Guys, The winners are being announced.
Bo: Wow look, Audrian won the competition, congratulations!
A: Congratulations on winning the competition, you did such an amazing job.
Bd: Congrats man, I knew you would do well. You studied very hard for this.
Ba: Thank you guys! Let's have lunch together sometimes, it's my treat.
A: You guys are very cool, we should hang out soon or maybe play video games together.
-- The end --

Ashton/07 (X MIPA 8)
Bona/08 (X MIPA 8)
Bryan Audrian/09 (X MIPA 8)
Bryan Deidrick/10 (X MIPA 8)

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