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Calculation of Your Taxable Income

A. Gross Total Income V 9,51,296

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Income Chargeable under the head ’Salaries’ V 7,97,528

Income Chargeable under the head ’House Property’ V0

Income Chargeable under the head ’Other Sources’ V 1,53,768

Gross Total Income V 9,51,296

B. Total Deductions V 1,51,828

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80C - Life insurance premia, deferred annuity, contributions to provident fund, V 1,50,000
subscription to certain equity shares or debentures, etc under section 80C

80G - Donations to Certain Funds V 1,828

Total Deductions ( - ) V 1,51,828

C. Total Taxable Income (A-B) V 7,99,470

Calculation of Tax Payable

D. Total Tax, Fee and Interest V 78,236

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Tax Payable on Total Income V 72,394

Rebate u/s 87A V0

Tax payable after rebate V 72,394

Health and Education Cess at 4% V 2,896

Total Tax & Cess V 75,290

Relief u/s 89 V0

Balance Tax After Relief V 75,290

Interest u/s 234A V0

Interest u/s 234B V 1,890

Interest u/s 234C V 1,056

Fees u/s 234F V0

Total Interest and Fee Payable V 2,946

Total Tax, Fee and Interest V 78,236

E. Total Tax Paid V 54,245

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Tax Deducted at Source (TDS1) on Salary Income V 43,306

Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) from Income Other than Salary V 10,939

Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) as furnished by Payer(s) V0

Tax Collected at Source (TCS) V0

Advance Tax V0

Self Assessment Tax V0

Total Tax Paid V 54,245

Amount Payable V 23,990

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Total Tax Liability V 78,236

Total Tax Paid V 54,245

Total Amount Payable V 23,990

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