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Name: Christian Dave B.


1. Does having a login type of security is effective in mobile applications?
2. How do you think does this type of security secures data?
3. Do you prefer this type of security? If not, what can you suggest?
4. Does this viewing and editing of items effective to be able to modify the item
5. Does viewing and editing of the item’s interface user-friendly to you? If not, can you
illustrate some problems?
6. Does the data shown in the viewing and editing item enough?
7. Does it necessary to have this interface/function?
Person #1:
1. Yes, though it is a common type of security, it is still the most effective security of a
mobile application.
2. Well in my observation, the data is stored in a database that only the admin and the
programmer can modify. No one else could modify it and in this way, we could think that
the data is secured.
3. Yes, the base from what I say in question #1.
4. This function for me is important because it allows us to view and update the items. It is
an essential function of this type of mobile app because it is about products.
5. Yes, it’s good but it is much interesting if it will be designed more.
6. Yes, because it shows the description of the item which is important in products.
7. Yes, because it is essential in this mobile app.
Person #2:
1. Yes, because it secures data well, and securing data is important.
2. It simply secures the data that is safe and away from hackers.
3. Yes, it is a simple type of security but it is one of the most effective ones.
4. Yes, this function is necessary especially on this kind of mobile app.
5. Yes, it is simple but informative.
6. Yes, I what I say, it is informative even though it is simple.
7. Yes, because it enables the creation and modifies the products.
Person #3:
1. Yes, because it secures the data inside the database.
2. For me, they put it in a database that only authorize persons can access.
3. Sadly, I would prefer something new because as I observe, it is a common type of
security but it is still good and effective.
4. Yes, one of the most important parts of this mobile app.
5. Yes, the colors are just simply what makes it a user-friendly system.
6. I think yes because it shows the description of the product.
7. Yes, because the app will not be good if this interface isn’t present.
Person #4:
1. Of course, because data must be secured.
2. It is stored somewhere where it is safe.
3. Yes, because it is simple but effective.
4. Yes, generally speaking about this kind of mobile app.
5. Simplicity is beauty so I must say it is good and user-friendly.
6. Yes, because it shows the details about the product.
7. Yes, because this interface is essential.
Person #5:
1. Yes, because the data is secured.
2. It is hidden and only does authorized persons can access it.
3. Not really because we must explore new things because technology evolves.
4. Yes, every system must have these functions.
5. Information about the product is important so for me it is good and user-friendly.
6. Yes, because the information is a must.
7. Yes, because it allows us to know the products.

I ask 10 people but the answers are the same as what is stated above so I only stated 5
responses. Out of 10 people, 2 people have said they didn’t refer to this type of security for the
reason that it is common but they say that it is still effective.
Based on the findings, I concluded that the functionalities and the mobile app itself are effective
and convenient. Though some of them say that they didn’t refer to the type of security used, they
still say that it is still convenient. They just want to have evolvement and upgrade but most of the
people say that it is enough and effective. Speaking about the viewing and editing function, all of
them says that it is necessary and convenient to have those interface. Simple yet informative, this
makes a good explanation about the mobile app.

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