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Culture is shared in Philippine setting like in respecting elders using the "Honoring-gesture" or what
Filipino call "Pagmamano". Filipino do pagmamano o mano when they saw or meet elders and all other
Filipino knows that if they saw other Filipino who's performing this gesture to an elder then they would
think that the person is showing respect to the elder.

Culture is dynamic. In Philippine culture and other countries culture, we could see that clothing changes
through time. In Philippines, Filipino wears traditional clothing such as Filipiniana for women and Barong
for men but now it changes because of the influences of other countries clothing such as crop tops,
pencil and etc. for women and Polo shirts and denim jeans and etc. for men as new styles of clothing.
We can observe that our traditional clothing is slowly forgotten and results to a huge changes nowadays.

Culture is symbolic. In the Philippines, one of the most practices belief that commonly done in the
provinces is putting chicken blood in the forehead with a cross style during a birthday celebration. The
anointing of chicken blood in the forehead symbolizes blessings to the birthday celebrant and ward off
any bad luck in his/her life.

Culture is integrated. A traditional culture in the Philippines especially in livelihood is made by bare hand
or manpower, the use of animals and other traditional tools in farming, fishing, sewing and etc. In
farming, a carabao is used to plow the land which nowadays changed because of the influential of other
countries culture on livelihood that uses machines and other technology to perform their livelihood.
Filipino then adapt their culture and begun to use technology like in farming, instead of using carabao to
plow, they now use machines because it is easier and faster for them to finish their task. Because of this
change, other parts of Filipino culture changed such as the economics, financial for family and

Culture is adaptive. Example 1: In the Philippines, there is a place where it is on cold climate. It is in
Baguio City where culture gives a way to the people in that place to make clothing such as jackets, coats,
sweaters and other winter clothes. Also to build fires, create shelters and planting fruits and vegetables
that can survive cold climate. Those things is use to adapt humans to the living in the cold climate.
Example 2: The introduction of guns, tools and other weapons from other countries culture for hunting
made huge changes to the hunters in the Philippines. From traditional weapons like wooden spears,
wooden arrows and knives made out of stones, it slowly changes to new weapons such as air guns, rifle
with hunting knife, binoculars, hunting knife and arrows made out of metal, and etc. which enables
hunters to make easier hunting that is also means the hunters can hunt and eat better. It then affects
their health and also financial situation because they could sell animals that they hunted.

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