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ITE222A – Advance Networking

Student LED Learning

● Packet Forwarding

1. Based on the materials, kindly discuss how packet forwarding works (please
include how individual components performs during packet forwarding).

Answer: Packet forwarding is the basic method for sharing information across
systems on a network. Packets are transferred between a source interface and a
destination interface, usually on two different systems. A packet is forwarded is
based on a comparison of the packet’s destination address with the routing
table stored in the router. Each act of forwarding performed by a router is called
a hop across the internetwork.

2. How Router Boot Process works? Give a summary.

Answer: The router boot process has its components that are utilized where each
component has its own function and duties in the boot process. Like all boot
process, it starts on powering or switching ON (The router) then
process/configuration until it will run successfully.

3. What is a path determination, explain how it works?

Answer: It is a process of how the router determines which path to use when
forwarding a packet. It enables a router to evaluate the available paths to a destination and
to establish the preferred handling of a packet. Path determinations have 3 paths:

 Directly connected network

 Remote network
 No route determined

Summarize what you learned: Week 1 Coverage

Write a summary of what you have learned; these are the possible student prompts:
What did you know? What worked well? What was the most challenging aspect of this
topic? What will you do differently next time?
 To sum up my learning, first of all is about the topic ”Packet forwarding” which is a
goes to a process to run. This topic makes me widen my knowledge and enable me
to have ideas on the router boot process. Hopefully, I could do the process also
physically so that I can apply what have I learned in this topic.

Francis Rebo P. Alegre, MIT | CCS-SCC

ITE222A – Advance Networking

Francis Rebo P. Alegre, MIT | CCS-SCC

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