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Abstract. Impact of Electricity we can understand in such a way that the devel-
opment of the world in unthinkable without it. But almost seventy year com-
pleted for our freedom, but still so many rural areas haven’t electrification in
India. Such rural areas are very far from development of basic requirements of
the peoples, so how they can support in the development of the nation. They re-
quired affordable and reliable electricity, to start and achieve proper develop-
ment. But some areas are situated in hilly areas or very far from power generat-
ing plants, difficult to develop the power transmission line. In such areas re-
newable powers plants can be developed on the demand site and fulfill the re-
quirement of the peoples for electrification as well as for industrial and profes-
sional. Such kinds of plant not only fulfill the load demands, but also environ-
mentally friendly. This article focuses on design of michro grid system using
solar array with grid connected system. M PPT controlling technology used for
capturing most of the sun irradiation. Power management system also used for
handling and distributing the generated solar power and grid power. The pro-
posed micro grid system is design using M ATLAB/SIM ULINK for connected
various types of load. The simulink model shows that the proposed micro grid
system effectively, efficiently fulfills the load demand. It is a reliable system for
fulfill of on-load demand at rural areas.

Keywords: Renewable energy, rural development, electrification, microgrid system, Solar

generation system.

1 Introduction

In electrical power system so many changes applied and day by day some of them
applied for better and efficient operation. If we are taking abou t generation side, most
of the power is generated from thermal power plant. About 55 percent power generat-
ed from thermal power plant in India [1]. The efficiency of such plant are also very
less, it is about 34-35 percent and same time pollute the environment. So now time
has come to move on the other energy sources available in the nature used for produc-
tion of electrical power. It is required to consider the renewable energy sources for the
production of electrical power which are easily available in free of cost. It is already
started but the contribution of renewable energy sector is very less around 3-5 per-
senct only [6].
In the developing countries like India most of the power is supplying to the urban
areas only. Rural areas are getting electricity only for few hours. Some of the rural
areas haven’t any electrical supply system till now as 70 year completed for freedom
of our country[10].

As per, one of the survey till 2016, about 15.6 percent Indian peoples living in ru-
ral areas are not getting electrification [9]. Its means about two hundred four Indian
peoples are living without Electricity. And if talk about renewable energy sources
electrification most of the state has very less plants. There are so many reasons like

 Theft of Electricity
 Poor policies for electrifications
 Political leaders focused only vote bank
 Lack of resources
Villages situated in forest and hilly area which are not suitable for transmission

Which are the factors affecting the electrification in India. Table 1 shows the state
wise rural areas where electrification not used till 2016.

Table 1. Percentage of households haven’t Electrification

Sta tes Hous eholds Without El ectricity
Rura l (%)
Bi har 94.4
Utter Pra desh 89
As s am 87.6
Ori s sa 82.6
Bes t Bengal 82.3
Ra ja sthan 77.6
Ma dhya Pra desh 65.5
Ka rna taka 58.3
Kerl a 58.1
Ta mi l Nadu 55.5
Gujra t 43.6
Ma ha rastra 41.6
Ha rya na 36.8
Hi ma chal Pra desh 23

As can be seen for the Table 1 about 57% of total households in the country are
not yet electrified [9]. Of these, 66% of the rural households do not have access to
electricity. Most of the electrified households face a severe problem of clean power
during peak hours i.e. from evening 6PM to 9 PM. and also face severe voltage fluc-
tuations during the peak hours[11]. Hence it is virtually equivalent to no electricity as
during this period the villager performs his household activities. The situation calls
for alternative options for supplying grid quality power and renewable energy sources
based power production is of worth consideration for such situations [3].

Table 1 data shows that some of the state are working in this area and trying to
provide electrification for the rural peoples so that they can also give contribution in
building of Nation. Government of India also formed The Rural Electrification Cor-

poration Limited which can identify the rural areas where electrification not reached
and try to connect such areas as soon as possible[2].
Electrical power system has very waste Transmission network connecting all gen-
erating plants in parallel called national grid. So many medium and long transmission
lines are using to transmit the power from generating plant to load centers. When
using such long transmission line faced so many technical problems, investing large
amount of cost and most of the power is dissipated in term of line loss [7]. Means if
using classical generation and transmission system, facing technical issue all time,
paying more cost and pollute the environment. So it’s better to installed small gener-
ating unit of renewable energy system near to load center. In this way we are able to
provide the electricity in the rural areas where unable to plant transmission line due to
geographical issues. Such system not required transmission line and there is no trans-
mission loss so its efficiency is better than the classical methods [14].
So many articles suggested about the different types of isolated as well as grid
connected microgrid system used for electrification. Article [1], present the study of
microgrid system for transient and steady state operation. They used two photovoltaic
generation system for design of microgrid. Concept of multi bus microgrid system
with distributed generation system proposed in article [2], used double controlled loop
(Current & Voltage). For avoiding the disturbances generating units and loads are
isolated to each other with the help of UPS system [3]. Authors of [4], suggested mul-
tiple DG system which are interfaced electronically for the management of active and
reactive power of the load centre. Authors of [5], suggested AC-DC hybrid mi-
crogrid system, which are connected with grid and share the power automatically as
per situations. Means if load is less then it transfer power to grid and if load is high it
provide supply to load.

2. Proposed Micro Grid System

Now days Microgrid systems are using for fulfill the load demand on side. Micro
grid system is the collection of different generating system like solar and wind which
connected with the load. Before design and installed of generating plant required to
know the load demand, types of load will be connected, what is the peak load demand
and base load demand, expansion of plant for future load demand fulfillment[8]. What
is the duration of peak load demand and base load demand in 24 hour? So using load
duration chart identified all required information and then design microgrid system.
The basic structure of the microgrid s ystem is shown in figure1

Fig.1. Structure of microgrid (Hybrid) System

In this work used PV array as the power plant which is further connected with
boost DC-DC converter for enhancing the generated power level as shown in figure 2.
The Boost converter[13], connected with 3 phase inverter system which helps to con-
vert DC power to AC power. Inverter system connected with battery system as well as
power management system. Power management system which is also connected with
grid play very important role here to identify the load and accordingly provide supply.
When load demand is very less or load not connected at that time surplus generated
power supply back to the grid. For most suitable use of solar array MPPT controlling
system used[12,15].

Fig.2. Solar connected microgrid system

In this work used different types of load used in the house hold, shown in table 2.

Table 2 Connected load with their capacity

Load Name of load Capacity of load
1 Fan (single phase) 90W
2 AC 1000W
3 Water Pump(single 800W
4 Heater 900W
5 Fridge 100W

The operation of the microgrid system in different mode for provides supply to
different type of load and switching sequences shown in table 3.

Table 3 Operation of micro-grid in different switching mode

S. Mode of S olar S witching Power S upply
No. Operation Irradiation of Load
1 M ode 1 1000 1,3 PV power=Power given to
load + Battery Charging
2 M ode 2 700 1,3,5 PV power=Power given to
3 M ode 3 300 1,2,3 PV power=0
Battery Power= Power
Given load
4 M ode 4 1000 1,3 PV power=Power given to
load + Battery Charging

3. Simulation model using Matlab

Design simulink model of microgridom Matlab is shown in figure 3.

Fig.3. Simulink model of microgrid system


Design of PV array with boost converter control simulink model in matlab is shown in
figure 4.

Fig.4. Simulink model of PV array

Simulation model of Inverter and battery system is shown in figure 5 and figure 6

Fig.5. Simulink model of Inverter system


Fig.6. Simulink model of battery system

4. Results and Analysis

The simulation model of micro-grid system using solar system is run in matlab, the
output of PV array is shown in figure 7. Initially got over current for 0.02sec, but after
that received almost constant current which helps to operate the load smoothly.

Fig.7. PV Array Diode Output


Inverter output voltage shown in figure8, initially got some ripple but after 0.2 sec
received pure sinusoidal output voltage. So there is no ripple in inverter output volt-
age which shows the improved power quality of the inverter system.

Fig.8. Inverter output voltage

Similarly output voltage and current of the 3 phase inverter is shown in figure 9
and figure 10. It’s also has some ripple at starting because of switching but very soon,
almost at 0.2 sec for Voltage and current gives smooth values. Such smooth values we
got when it is handling various loads so we can say that the proposed system is very
effective and able to operate the connected load efficiently.

Fig.9. Inverter voltages in 3 Phase output system


Fig.10. Inverter Current in 3 Phase system

5. Conclusions

Michrogrid system is the best possible solution for electrification of the rural area
as well as the areas located in far from the urban areas, hospitals, educational system,
communication system and many more. Its cast of installation is also not much as
classical generating system required much money and space. Also running cost of
microgrid system is almost negligible and most important thing environment friendly.
So in the modern system michro grid plying important role to connect the rural people
with the development of nation. In this work considered different types of load and
fulfill it without any problem. So it is reliable system and it can easily handle it and
short out any problems if arises. Only have to change the batteries in time to time that
is the addition cost required in this system.

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