Minhazul Islam 2011985630 - Final Assignment - Set 4

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Final Assignment

Final Assignment
Course : MIS 107 Topic
Section : 2, 3 Database
Set : 4 Bus/Across
4 points x 5 questions = 20 Dev Bus/Sol

● Answer all five questions
● Consider at least five dimensions when you answer each question.
● Do not discuss this assignment with any person.
● Answer within the context of the textbooks.
● Use your own word- do not copy even from the textbook. Use a plagiarism checker before
you make your submission.

Name Minhazul Islam

NSU 2011985630

Emai minhazul.islam04@northsouth.edu

MIS107-SET4 Page 1 of 6 2020 SPR | Adeyl Khan

Final Assignment
1. Explain a data warehouse with a diagram considering the systems approach.

● A data warehouse is a mutual database hosted on a cloud or an enterprise mainframe

server. A data warehouse collects data from a lot of sources for the primary purpose of
supporting the analysis and decision-making process of management of any business. A data
warehouse stores a lot of data in a single place. is a system and it is used for storing and
reporting on data.

Source USERS
System house SING S

Operational RAWDAT
System AREA A

System of A Data Warehouse

⁃ Data Sources: It is the first step of the approaching system to the data warehouse. The data
warehouse collects its raw data from the operational systems and the flat files.
⁃ Staging Area: It is in the middle of data sources and data warehouses. It is used for data
processing during many processes to data warehouses.
⁃ Data Warehouse: Finally, the data comes into the warehouse, and the warehouse stores a lot of
data. There are three types of data, and they are Metadata, which is used to represent Raw data
and Summary data.
⁃ Data Marts: From data warehouse data goes to the users, and in between them, there is a space
called data marts. It is a place where data goes to specific lines like sales, Purchasing, and
⁃ Users: Users use the data for analysis, reporting, and mining. They use different types of data
from the data warehouses for their different kinds of purposes.

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Final Assignment

2. What is the significance of an EDI within the context of an organization (e.g. Daraz)?

● Electronic data interchange (EDI) can help many organizations like Daraz because it is
a process of sending data to another company by electronics. It is a better way. It is a
fully computer-based and manual process.

● Improvement in speed: Daraz can save a lot of time by using EDI because EDI is a
better and easy way to send information rather than paper. If any organization uses paper
for sending information, they need a lot of things too, and it is also not that simple. On
the other hand, EDI is simple and easy, and it saves a lot of time.

● Cost savings: EDI is also a system of low cost. IF Daraz uses an EDI system, they do
not need extra costs like paper, reproduction system, storage, printing, etc.

● Data quality: EDI also improves the organization's data quality.

● Reduction in data entry errors: EDI also has a faster rate in reducing errors because
computers are a better option for data entry, and while using a computer, chances of data
entry errors are much less.

● Easy to transfer: In an electronic format, it is very easy to transfer data. By using

EDI, it is easy and it also a time-saver thing for the organizations like Daraz

Daraz is an online marketplace. It connects thousands of sellers to millions of

customers. They need to send and receive data regularly for their business. They need a good
process for sending data to their partner organizations, and by using EDI, they can have
some good benefits. Daraz needs to deliver products to their customers, and it is very
important to make their customers happy. EDI is a better way for them because it saves a lot
of time than fax or other ways. EDI is also a time saver and a lower-cost system. Daraz can
also have good profit by using EDI in less time. It can be a boost to them. EDI is very
significant for organizations like Daraz.

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Final Assignment

3. Draw and explain a prototyping process.


Identify basic Develop and Use the

requirements working prototype prototype


User satisfied?

NOEnhance the
Operational Prototype
Prototyping process

● Prototype is actually a model version of any kind of product. Prototypes are usable
for both small and large applications. There are five steps in the prototyping process.

● Step 1 - identify basic requirements: Identify is important for anything and for
developing the prototype, it is very important to identify the prototype of the basic
requirements, define the problems, and do the solution of the problems is the first thing to
do. It is the first step in the process to know the requirements.
● Step 2 - Develop and working prototype: feature selection, design, etc. developing
tools and their work are in this step of the process.
● Step 3 - Use the prototype: after developing, we can use or share the prototype for
feedback. We can change things or features if the feedback goes wrong. It is one of the
important parts of the process.
● Step 4 - User Satisfaction: Users are using, and we can see the ratings on the
application stores. It is very important to satisfy the user.
● Step 5: It is the last and final step. If users like the application. The Operational
prototype is the option, and it is very important to maintain the quality. And if users do
not like the prototype, we should fill the lackings by user feedback and make it better.

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Final Assignment
4. Explain the advantages of a data warehouse within the context of an organization (e.g.

● Rokomari is an online bookstore in Bangladesh. Every business company has its primary
goal to make their business better, and a data warehouse has a lot of advantages to securing
business better. Rokomari can use data warehouses into their business plans because it can
benefit their company. A data warehouse can also help Rokomari in its marketing, accounting,
management, and financial sectors. There are plenty of advantages to using a data warehouse
for an organization like Rokomari.

⁃ Speed is a crucial point that can set Rokomari above its competitors. They can quickly access
data from many sources by using a data warehouse, and because of that, their precious time won’t be
wasted on retrieving data from various sources. They will be able to work very fast with the help
of a data warehouse. This is one of the reasons to make them quicker than their competitors, and
they can make accurate decisions.

⁃ Rokomari can secure a large amount of data by using a data warehouse. Many data are very
important in business. Rokomari can use them anytime because they are very secure in a data
warehouse. Security is a major advantage.

⁃ Rokomari can have a lot of data by using a data warehouse. They will have plenty of data, and it
can help them a lot to grow their business. They can make data into information. They can use the
information which they can find from data, and it can help them to make crucial decisions.

⁃ Rokomari can improve its sales rate by using the data of customers from the data house. It can
help them in marketing. The things the customers searched on the internet, they can show those
things to their customers by advertisement. The customers buy the item they are interested in, and
by showing their type of things, they can do some good business. It can be a boost to their company
a lot. The data warehouse can also be used in marketing.

⁃ Rokomari can make some good decisions by maintaining decisions between the old and the new data.
It can help them to make some good decisions. They can compare those two types of data they can
make fill their lackings.

⁃ Rokomari also can use those massive amounts of data from the data warehouse for its products.
There are a lot of customers, but many customers could not find the book they search on the
Rokomari website. They can make or change plans by their user's demand, and it can be a boost to
their business. By using a data warehouse, Rokomari can use their data for their business sales.

A data warehouse has a lot of advantages for a business like Rokomari that can make the
Business better.

5. Explain the systems approach within the context of implementing an SCM system..

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Final Assignment
● SCM is a management process of transforming a product from raw material to the final
product. SCM - Supply Chain Management. SCM is one of the top business strategic objects. By
using SCM, a company gets its right product from the right place.
Everything has a system, and by using the proper SCM system in a business, the
business can gain a lot of benefits.

⁃ First of all, the company needs a business plan what they want to bring in to the market.
⁃ The first process of SCM is to buy raw material for the business product from the other
⁃ Then, for turning the raw material into the product, the company needs to manufacture its
product from that raw material.
⁃ After manufacturing, the company needs to transport their product to their warehouse or
distribution centers.
⁃ From the distribution center, they finally deliver their product to their customers.

It is the process of how a company implements the bring of its product to the market by
using Supply Chain Management.

● The company needs some material costs for the raw material of the product.
● It is a long process of manufacturing. The company needs a proper method for it, and also
the cost is a big thing in this process. Manufacturing costs are very important.
● Transportation cost is an important thing. When the company moves its raw product from
supplier to the product manufacturing factory, they need transportation costs. When the
company moves its product from a manufacturing factory to the warehouse, the company needs
to bear a transportation cost. When the company distributes the product into the market,
they need a transportation cost.
● The company also needs inventory costs in their warehouse. In a warehouse, the final works
of the product happen in a warehouse. From packing to distributing systems, everything
happens in a warehouse, and they need some inventory costs for it.
● Distribution is a very important process in the system. It is the final process, and the
customer gets their product in this process. Customers buy the product from the market or
get it by the delivery service.

From the first process to last, all are the parts of supply chain management(SCM). SCM
software is also very popular in the business world. By using SCM, a company can gain a lot because
it has some excellent benefits like time-saving, reduce costs, raise business profits, etc. From
raw material to a customer's house, SCM got a lot of essential things to do for a business.

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